12 letter words that starts with d

12 letter words that start with D

12 letter D word


Word With Friends


dactylically 43 26 DACTYLIC, consisting...
dactyliology 39 24 the study of finger-...
dactylograms 33 24 DACTYLOGRAM, a finge...
dactyloscopy 42 27 the comparison of fi...
daffodillies 27 22 DAFFODILLY, a yellow...
daggerboards 24 21 DAGGERBOARD, a light...
daintinesses 19 15 DAINTINESS, the qual...
damasceening 23 23 DAMASCEENE, to decor...
damascenings 24 23 DAMASCENING [n]
damaskeening 21 24 DAMASKEEN, to decora...
damasquining 30 30 DAMASQUIN, to decora...
damnableness 22 22 the state of being d...
damselfishes 27 22 DAMSELFISH, a small...
dappernesses 23 20 DAPPERNESS, the stat...
daredeviltry 30 21 the state of being d...
daringnesses 20 17 DARINGNESS, boldness...
darmstadtium 24 21 an artificially prod...
darraignment 21 20 the act of darraigni...
dasyphyllous 40 25 having crowded, thic...
daughterhood 25 21 the state of being a...
daughterless 25 19 without a daughter [...
daughterling 26 22 a small daughter [n...
daunorubicin 25 23 an antibiotic used i...
dauphinesses 24 20 DAUPHINESS, DAUPHINE...
daydreamings 28 22 DAYDREAMING, having...
daydreamlike 29 24 like a daydream [adj...
daylightings 33 23 DAYLIGHTING, illumin...
deacidifying 33 25 DEACIDIFY, to remove...
deactivating 26 23 DEACTIVATE, to make...
deactivation 24 21 the process of deact...
deactivators 25 20 DEACTIVATOR, somethi...
deadlinesses 20 16 DEADLINESS, the qual...
dealbreakers 23 21 DEALBREAKER, an issu...
deambulatory 30 23 a place for walking...
deaminations 19 18 DEAMINATION, the act...
dearticulate 24 18 to disjoint [v DEART...
deaspirating 23 19 DEASPIRATE, to remov...
deaspiration 21 17 the act of deaspirat...
deathwatches 30 23 DEATHWATCH, a vigil,...
deattributed 23 18 DEATTRIBUTE, to with...
deattributes 23 17 DEATTRIBUTE, to with...
debarcations 24 20 DEBARCATION, the act...
debarkations 22 21 DEBARKATION, the act...
debarrassing 23 19 DEBARRASS, (archaic)...
debaucheries 27 22 DEBAUCHERY, the act...
debauchments 28 26 DEBAUCHMENT, the act...
debilitating 25 20 DEBILITATE, to make...
debilitation 23 18 the act of debilitat...
debilitative 26 21 weakening [adj]
debonairness 20 18 the state of being d...
debouchments 28 26 DEBOUCHMENT, the act...
debridements 23 21 DEBRIDEMENT, (French...
decaffeinate 25 23 to remove caffeine f...
decalcifiers 30 23 DECALCIFIER, an agen...
decalcifying 37 28 DECALCIFY, to depriv...
decalcomania 26 24 the art of transferr...
decalescence 28 24 the point in heating...
decantations 21 18 DECANTATION, the act...
decapitalise 26 20 to remove capital fr...
decapitalize 29 29 to remove capital fr...
decapitating 26 22 DECAPITATE, to cut o...
decapitation 24 20 the act of decapitat...
decapitators 25 19 DECAPITATOR, one who...
decapsulated 26 22 DECAPSULATE, to remo...
decapsulates 26 21 DECAPSULATE, to remo...
decarbonated 23 21 DECARBONATE, to remo...
decarbonates 23 20 DECARBONATE, to remo...
decarbonator 23 20 an apparatus or remo...
decarbonised 24 21 DECARBONISE, to remo...
decarboniser 24 20 an apparatus or remo...
decarbonises 24 20 DECARBONISE, to remo...
decarbonized 27 30 DECARBONIZE, to remo...
decarbonizer 27 29 something that decar...
decarbonizes 27 29 DECARBONIZE, to remo...
decarburised 26 21 DECARBURISE, to remo...
decarburises 26 20 DECARBURISE, to remo...
decarburized 29 30 DECARBURIZE, to remo...
decarburizes 29 29 DECARBURIZE, to remo...
decartelised 24 18 DECARTELISE, to brea...
decartelises 24 17 DECARTELISE, to brea...
decartelized 27 27 DECARTELIZE, to brea...
decartelizes 27 26 DECARTELIZE, to brea...
decasualised 24 19 DECASUALISE, (US) to...
decasualises 24 18 DECASUALISE, (US) to...
decasualized 27 28 DECASUALIZE, (US) to...
decasualizes 27 27 DECASUALIZE, (US) to...
decasyllabic 37 26 consisting of 10 syl...
decasyllable 34 24 a line with ten syll...
decelerating 24 20 DECELERATE, to reduc...
deceleration 22 18 the act of decelerat...
decelerators 23 17 DECELERATOR, somethi...
decemvirates 26 23 DECEMVIRATE, the off...
decentnesses 21 18 DECENTNESS, the stat...
decentralise 23 18 to withdraw from the...
decentralist 24 18 one who believes in...
decentralize 26 27 to withdraw from the...
decerebrated 24 20 DECEREBRATE, to elim...
decerebrates 24 19 DECEREBRATE, to elim...
decerebrised 25 20 DECEREBRISE, to depr...
decerebrises 25 19 DECEREBRISE, to depr...
decerebrized 28 29 DECEREBRIZE, to depr...
decerebrizes 28 28 DECEREBRIZE, to depr...
decertifying 33 24 DECERTIFY, to withdr...
dechlorinate 25 20 to remove chlorine f...
decidability 34 23 the quality of being...
decillionths 28 21 DECILLIONTH, one par...
decimalising 27 23 DECIMALISE, to conve...
decimalizing 30 32 DECIMALIZE, to conve...
decipherable 30 25 capable of being dec...
decipherment 28 25 the act of decipheri...
decisiveness 25 21 the state of being d...
decitizenise 26 26 to deprive of citize...
decitizenize 29 35 to deprive of citize...
decivilising 29 24 DECIVILISE, to reduc...
decivilizing 32 33 DECIVILIZE, to reduc...
declamations 24 21 DECLAMATION, the act...
declarations 23 18 DECLARATION, the act...
declassified 27 21 DECLASSIFY, to remov...
declassifies 27 20 DECLASSIFY, to remov...
declensional 23 20 relating to declensi...
declinations 23 19 DECLINATION, the ang...
declinatures 24 19 DECLINATURE, an act...
declinometer 24 21 an instrument for me...
decluttering 26 21 DECLUTTER, to simpli...
decoherences 26 22 DECOHERENCE, the act...
decollations 24 19 DECOLLATION, the act...
decolletages 25 20 DECOLLETAGE, (French...
decolonising 24 21 DECOLONISE, to relea...
decolonizing 27 30 DECOLONIZE, to relea...
decolorating 24 20 DECOLORATE, to depri...
decoloration 22 18 removal or absence o...
decolorisers 24 17 DECOLORISER, an agen...
decolorising 25 20 DECOLORISE, to remov...
decolorizers 27 26 DECOLORIZER, an agen...
decolorizing 28 29 DECOLORIZE, to remov...
decolourised 24 19 DECOLOURISE, to remo...
decolourises 24 18 DECOLOURISE, to remo...
decolourized 27 28 DECOLOURIZE, to remo...
decolourizes 27 27 DECOLOURIZE, to remo...
decommission 25 23 to remove (as a ship...
decommitting 27 25 DECOMMIT, to withdra...
decommunised 25 25 DECOMMUNISE, to remo...
decommunises 25 24 DECOMMUNISE, to remo...
decommunized 28 34 DECOMMUNIZE, to remo...
decommunizes 28 33 DECOMMUNIZE, to remo...
decompensate 24 23 to fail to compensat...
decomposable 28 26 that can be decompos...
decomposites 26 22 DECOMPOSITE, a compo...
decompounded 25 26 DECOMPOUND, to decom...
decompressed 26 23 DECOMPRESS, to relea...
decompresses 26 22 DECOMPRESS, to relea...
decompressor 26 22 a device for decompr...
deconditions 22 19 DECONDITION, to caus...
decongestant 22 20 an agent that reliev...
decongesting 24 22 DECONGEST, to reliev...
decongestion 22 20 the process of relie...
decongestive 25 23 DECONGEST, to reliev...
deconsecrate 24 20 to remove the sacred...
deconstructs 27 21 DECONSTRUCT, to exam...
decontrolled 24 20 DECONTROL, to remove...
decoratively 32 23 DECORATIVE, serving...
decorousness 22 18 the state of being d...
decorticated 26 20 DECORTICATE, to remo...
decorticates 26 19 DECORTICATE, to remo...
decorticator 26 19 a device for removin...
decrassified 26 20 DECRASSIFY, to make...
decrassifies 26 19 DECRASSIFY, to make...
decreasingly 31 22 DECREASING, diminish...
decrementing 24 23 DECREMENT, to decrea...
decrepitated 25 20 DECREPITATE, to crac...
decrepitates 25 19 DECREPITATE, to crac...
decrepitness 25 20 the state of being d...
decrepitudes 26 21 DECREPITUDE, the sta...
decrescences 28 23 DECRESCENCE, the sta...
decrescendos 25 21 DECRESCENDO, a passa...
decretalists 25 17 DECRETALIST, one who...
decrustation 23 18 removal of a crust [...
decumbencies 29 27 DECUMBENCY, the act...
decumbitures 28 24 DECUMBITURE, the tim...
decumulation 25 23 a decrease in amount...
decurionates 22 18 DECURIONATE, the off...
decurrencies 26 21 DECURRENCY, the stat...
decurvations 25 22 DECURVATION, downwar...
decussations 23 18 DECUSSATION, the act...
dedicational 23 19 of the nature of a d...
dedicatorial 24 18 related to dedicatio...
dedramatised 21 18 DEDRAMATISE, to play...
dedramatises 21 17 DEDRAMATISE, to play...
dedramatized 24 27 DEDRAMATIZE, to play...
dedramatizes 24 26 DEDRAMATIZE, to play...
deducibility 35 24 the quality of being...
deduplicated 27 23 DEDUPLICATE, to remo...
deduplicates 27 22 DEDUPLICATE, to remo...
deemstership 26 21 the office of deemst...
deepfreezing 27 31 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
deepwaterman 24 23 a seagoing ship [n D...
deepwatermen 24 23 DEEPWATERMAN, a seag...
deerstalkers 22 18 DEERSTALKER, a kind...
deerstalking 23 21 the sport of stalkin...
defaecations 23 20 DEFAECATION, the exp...
defalcations 25 21 DEFALCATION, the act...
defamatorily 30 22 DEFAMATORY, serving...
defectionist 25 20 one who defects [n -...
defeminising 24 23 DEFEMINISE, to remov...
defeminizing 27 32 DEFEMINIZE, to remov...
defenestrate 20 17 to throw out of a wi...
defensatives 23 21 DEFENSATIVE, a prote...
defeudalised 23 20 DEFEUDALISE, to depr...
defeudalises 23 19 DEFEUDALISE, to depr...
defeudalized 26 29 DEFEUDALIZE, to depr...
defeudalizes 26 28 DEFEUDALIZE, to depr...
defibrillate 27 21 to apply a defibrill...
defibrinated 24 21 DEFIBRINATE, to remo...
defibrinates 24 20 DEFIBRINATE, to remo...
defibrinised 25 21 DEFIBRINISE, to depr...
defibrinises 25 20 DEFIBRINISE, to depr...
defibrinized 28 30 DEFIBRINIZE, to depr...
defibrinizes 28 29 DEFIBRINIZE, to depr...
deficiencies 28 23 DEFICIENCY, a lack,...
defiliations 23 18 DEFILIATION, deprivi...
definability 32 23 the quality of being...
definiteness 21 18 the state of being d...
definitional 22 19 relating to the act...
definitising 24 20 DEFINITISE, to make...
definitively 32 24 DEFINITIVE, serving...
definitizing 27 29 DEFINITIZE, to make...
deflagrating 25 22 DEFLAGRATE, to burn...
deflagration 23 20 the rapid burning aw...
deflagrators 24 19 DEFLAGRATOR, an appa...
deflationary 28 20 relating to deflatio...
deflationist 23 18 someone who favours...
deflectional 26 22 related to deflectio...
deflocculant 30 26 an agent that defloc...
deflocculate 30 25 to deprive of floccu...
deflorations 22 18 DEFLORATION, rupture...
defoliations 22 18 DEFOLIATION, the act...
deforcements 25 23 DEFORCEMENT, the act...
deforciation 24 20 (obsolete) a legal d...
deformalised 24 21 DEFORMALISE, to make...
deformalises 24 20 DEFORMALISE, to make...
deformalized 27 30 DEFORMALIZE, to make...
deformalizes 27 29 DEFORMALIZE, to make...
deformations 22 20 DEFORMATION, alterat...
deformedness 22 21 the state of being d...
defragmented 23 23 DEFRAGMENT, to run a...
defraudation 21 19 the act of defraudin...
defraudments 23 22 DEFRAUDMENT, the act...
degarnishing 24 21 DEGARNISH, to despoi...
degeneracies 22 19 DEGENERACY, the stat...
degenerately 26 19 DEGENERATE, base, im...
degenerating 20 19 DEGENERATE, to pass...
degeneration 18 17 the act of degenerat...
degenerative 21 20 of, relating to, inv...
deglaciation 24 20 the melting of ice d...
deglamorised 23 20 DEGLAMORISE, to remo...
deglamorises 23 19 DEGLAMORISE, to remo...
deglamorized 26 29 DEGLAMORIZE, to remo...
deglamorizes 26 28 DEGLAMORIZE, to remo...
deglutinated 22 19 DEGLUTINATE, to ungl...
deglutinates 22 18 DEGLUTINATE, to ungl...
deglutitions 23 18 DEGLUTITION, the pow...
degradations 20 17 DEGRADATION, the act...
degressively 31 22 DEGRESSIVE, showing...
degringolade 22 20 (French) to make a r...
degringolers 23 19 DEGRINGOLER, to desc...
degustations 21 17 DEGUSTATION, the act...
dehortations 21 16 DEHORTATION, advice...
dehumanising 24 23 DEHUMANISE, to remov...
dehumanizing 27 32 DEHUMANIZE, to depri...
dehumidified 27 24 DEHUMIDIFY, to remov...
dehumidifier 27 23 an apparatus for red...
dehumidifies 27 23 DEHUMIDIFY, to remov...
dehydrations 28 19 DEHYDRATION, loss or...
dehypnotised 30 22 DEHYPNOTISE, to free...
dehypnotises 30 21 DEHYPNOTISE, to free...
dehypnotized 33 31 DEHYPNOTIZE, to free...
dehypnotizes 33 30 DEHYPNOTIZE, to free...
deifications 25 20 DEIFICATION, the act...
deindexation 24 23 the state of being n...
deinotherium 23 20 an extinct elephanti...
deionisation 18 15 the process of deion...
deionization 21 24 the process of deion...
dejectedness 24 27 the state of being d...
delaminating 22 21 DELAMINATE, to split...
delamination 20 19 separation into cons...
delassements 21 18 DELASSEMENT, (French...
delectations 23 18 DELECTATION, delight...
delegitimise 24 19 to deprive of legiti...
delegitimize 27 28 to deprive of legiti...
deleveraging 24 23 DELEVERAGE, (of an o...
deliberately 30 20 DELIBERATE, intentio...
deliberating 24 20 DELIBERATE, to think...
deliberation 22 18 the act of deliberat...
deliberative 25 21 relating to delibera...
deliberators 23 17 DELIBERATOR, one who...
delicateness 23 18 the state of being d...
delicatessen 23 18 ready to eat food pr...
delightfully 37 26 DELIGHTFUL, full of...
delimitating 24 20 DELIMITATE, to delim...
delimitation 22 18 the act of delimitin...
delimitative 25 21 serving to delimit [...
delineations 19 16 DELINEATION, the act...
delinquently 36 29 DELINQUENT, failing...
deliquescent 32 28 tending to melt or d...
deliquescing 34 30 DELIQUESCE, to melt...
delitescence 26 21 latence [n -S]
deliverables 26 22 DELIVERABLE, an item...
deliverances 25 22 DELIVERANCE, the act...
delocalising 26 21 DELOCALISE, to free...
delocalizing 29 30 DELOCALIZE, to free...
deltiologies 23 17 DELTIOLOGY, the coll...
deltiologist 24 17 a collector of pictu...
delusionists 22 16 DELUSIONIST, one who...
delusiveness 23 20 the state of being d...
demagnetised 21 20 DEMAGNETISE, to remo...
demagnetiser 21 19 a device for demagne...
demagnetises 21 19 DEMAGNETISE, to remo...
demagnetized 24 29 DEMAGNETIZE, to depr...
demagnetizer 24 28 a device for demagne...
demagnetizes 24 28 DEMAGNETIZE, to depr...
demagoguisms 25 24 DEMAGOGUISM, being a...
demarcations 23 20 DEMARCATION, the act...
demarkations 21 21 DEMARKATION, the act...
dementedness 19 19 the state of being d...
demibastions 23 20 DEMIBASTION, half a...
demigrations 22 19 DEMIGRATION, change...
demilitarise 23 17 to deprive of a mili...
demilitarize 26 26 to deprive of a mili...
demimondaine 20 22 (French) a demirep,...
demineralise 21 18 to remove the minera...
demineralize 24 27 to remove the minera...
demobilising 26 23 DEMOBILISE, to disba...
demobilizing 29 32 DEMOBILIZE, to disba...
democratical 28 23 related to democracy...
democratised 24 20 DEMOCRATISE, to make...
democratiser 24 19 one who democratises...
democratises 24 19 DEMOCRATISE, to make...
democratists 25 19 DEMOCRATIST, a democ...
democratized 27 29 DEMOCRATIZE, to make...
democratizer 27 28 one who democratizes...
democratizes 27 28 DEMOCRATIZE, to make...
demodulating 23 22 DEMODULATE, to remov...
demodulation 21 20 the act of demodulat...
demodulators 22 19 DEMODULATOR, somethi...
demographers 26 23 DEMOGRAPHER, a stude...
demographics 30 26 DEMOGRAPHIC, an anal...
demographies 26 23 DEMOGRAPHY, the stud...
demographist 27 23 a demographer [n -S]
demolishment 25 23 the act of demolishi...
demonetarise 19 17 to abandon as a mone...
demonetarize 22 26 to abandon as a mone...
demonetising 21 20 DEMONETISE, to depri...
demonetizing 24 29 DEMONETIZE, to depri...
demoniacally 31 24 DEMONIACAL, like a d...
demoniacisms 25 23 DEMONIACISM, the sta...
demonianisms 21 21 DEMONIANISM, possess...
demonisation 19 18 the act of demonisin...
demonization 22 27 the act of demonisin...
demonolaters 20 18 DEMONOLATER, a worsh...
demonologies 21 20 DEMONOLOGY, the stud...
demonologist 22 20 a student of demonol...
demonomanias 19 21 DEMONOMANIA, an obse...
demonstrable 23 21 capable of being dem...
demonstrably 30 23 DEMONSTRABLE, capabl...
demonstrated 20 18 DEMONSTRATE, to show...
demonstrates 20 17 DEMONSTRATE, to show...
demonstrator 20 17 one that demonstrate...
demoralisers 22 17 DEMORALISER, somethi...
demoralising 23 20 disheartening [adj D...
demoralizers 25 26 DEMORALIZER, one who...
demoralizing 26 29 DEMORALIZE, to corru...
demotivating 24 23 DEMOTIVATE, to remov...
demotivation 22 21 the act of demotivat...
demulsifiers 26 21 DEMULSIFIER, an agen...
demulsifying 33 26 DEMULSIFY, to separa...
demurenesses 20 18 DEMURENESS, the stat...
demutualised 23 20 DEMUTUALISE, of a mu...
demutualises 23 19 DEMUTUALISE, of a mu...
demutualized 26 29 DEMUTUALIZE, of a co...
demutualizes 26 28 DEMUTUALIZE, of a co...
demyelinated 27 21 DEMYELINATE, to dest...
demyelinates 27 20 DEMYELINATE, to dest...
demystifying 38 26 DEMYSTIFY, to remove...
demythifying 40 28 DEMYTHIFY, to remove...
denaturalise 20 16 to make unnatural, a...
denaturalize 23 25 to make unnatural, a...
denaturation 18 16 the act of denaturin...
denaturising 21 18 DENATURISE, to remov...
denaturizing 24 27 DENATURIZE, to remov...
dendrachates 24 20 DENDRACHATE, moss ag...
dendroglyphs 33 25 DENDROGLYPH, an anci...
dendrologies 21 18 DENDROLOGY, the stud...
dendrologist 22 18 a student of dendrol...
dendrologous 21 19 related to dendrolog...
dendrometers 20 18 DENDROMETER, an inst...
dendrophises 24 20 DENDROPHIS, a snake...
denervations 20 19 DENERVATION, the act...
denigrations 20 17 DENIGRATION, the act...
denitrations 19 15 DENITRATION, the rem...
denitrifiers 23 17 DENITRIFIER, an agen...
denitrifying 30 22 DENITRIFY, to depriv...
denizenships 27 29 DENIZENSHIP, the sta...
denominating 20 21 DENOMINATE, to give...
denomination 18 19 an act of denominati...
denominative 21 22 giving a title [adj...
denominators 19 18 DENOMINATOR, the div...
denotatively 28 21 DENOTATIVE, having p...
denouncement 21 23 the act of denouncin...
densimetries 21 17 DENSIMETRY, the meas...
densitometer 20 17 an instrument for me...
densitometry 27 19 measurement by densi...
denticulated 24 20 finely dentate or se...
dentilingual 23 20 pronounced (as th) w...
dentirostral 21 15 with notched beak [a...
denuclearise 23 19 to make nonnuclear,...
denuclearize 26 28 to make nonnuclear,...
denunciating 23 22 DENUNCIATE, to denou...
denunciation 21 20 an act of denouncing...
denunciative 24 23 relating to denuncia...
denunciators 22 19 DENUNCIATOR, one who...
denunciatory 28 21 relating to denuncia...
deobstruents 22 18 DEOBSTRUENT, somethi...
deontologies 20 17 DEONTOLOGY, the theo...
deontologist 21 17 a student of deontol...
deoppilating 26 23 DEOPPILATE, to free...
deoppilation 24 21 the act of deoppilat...
deoppilative 27 24 any drug which remov...
deoxidations 25 22 DEOXIDATION, the act...
deoxycortone 33 26 a corticosteroid hor...
deoxygenated 31 26 DEOXYGENATE, to remo...
deoxygenates 31 25 DEOXYGENATE, to remo...
deoxygenised 32 26 DEOXYGENISE, to remo...
deoxygenises 32 25 DEOXYGENISE, to remo...
deoxygenized 35 35 DEOXYGENIZE, to remo...
deoxygenizes 35 34 DEOXYGENIZE, to remo...
deoxyriboses 34 25 DEOXYRIBOSE, a pento...
departements 22 20 DEPARTEMENT, (French...
departmental 23 21 relating to a depart...
depauperated 23 21 DEPAUPERATE, to impo...
depauperates 23 20 DEPAUPERATE, to impo...
depauperised 24 21 DEPAUPERISE, to free...
depauperises 24 20 DEPAUPERISE, to free...
depauperized 27 30 DEPAUPERIZE, to free...
depauperizes 27 29 DEPAUPERIZE, to free...
dependancies 23 22 DEPENDANCY, the stat...
dependencies 23 22 DEPENDENCY, the stat...
dephlegmated 27 25 DEPHLEGMATE, to dist...
dephlegmates 27 24 DEPHLEGMATE, to dist...
dephlegmator 27 24 an agent that dephle...
depigmenting 25 25 DEPIGMENT, to take a...
depilatories 23 17 DEPILATORY, a prepar...
deplenishing 26 23 DEPLENISH, to depriv...
deplorations 22 18 DEPLORATION, the act...
deplumations 24 22 DEPLUMATION, the rem...
depolarisers 23 17 DEPOLARISER, an agen...
depolarising 24 20 DEPOLARISE, to remov...
depolarizers 26 26 DEPOLARIZER, an agen...
depolarizing 27 29 DEPOLARIZE, to remov...
depoliticise 27 20 to remove the politi...
depoliticize 30 29 to remove the politi...
depolymerise 30 22 to break a large mol...
depolymerize 33 31 to break a large mol...
depopulating 26 24 DEPOPULATE, to reduc...
depopulation 24 22 the act of depopulat...
depopulators 25 21 DEPOPULATOR, one who...
deportations 21 17 DEPORTATION, an act...
depositaries 22 16 DEPOSITARY, a person...
depositation 21 17 in Scots law, a bail...
depositional 22 18 relating to depositi...
depositories 22 16 DEPOSITORY, a place...
depravations 23 21 DEPRAVATION, the act...
depravedness 23 22 the state of being d...
depravements 24 24 DEPRAVEMENT, (archai...
deprecations 24 20 DEPRECATION, the act...
depreciating 26 22 DEPRECIATE, to lower...
depreciation 24 20 tha act of depreciat...
depreciative 27 23 tending to depreciat...
depreciators 25 19 DEPRECIATOR, one who...
depreciatory 31 21 tending to depreciat...
depredations 21 18 DEPREDATION, the act...
deprehending 24 23 DEPREHEND, (obsolete...
depressingly 31 22 DEPRESSING [adv]
depressively 32 23 DEPRESSIVE, tending...
depressurise 23 17 to reduce the air pr...
depressurize 26 26 to reduce the air pr...
deprivations 24 21 DEPRIVATION, the sta...
deprivements 25 24 DEPRIVEMENT, the act...
deprograming 25 24 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
deprogrammed 25 25 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
deprogrammer 25 24 one who deprograms [...
deprogrammes 25 24 DEPROGRAMME, to prev...
deputisation 22 18 the act of deputisin...
deputization 25 27 the act of deputizin...
deracialised 24 18 DERACIALISE, to dive...
deracialises 24 17 DERACIALISE, to dive...
deracialized 27 27 DERACIALIZE, to dive...
deracializes 27 26 DERACIALIZE, to dive...
deracinating 23 20 DERACINATE, to uproo...
deracination 21 18 the act of deracinat...
deraignments 21 20 DERAIGNMENT, the act...
derangements 20 20 DERANGEMENT, the act...
derecognised 23 20 DERECOGNISE, to with...
derecognises 23 19 DERECOGNISE, to with...
derecognized 26 29 DERECOGNIZE, to with...
derecognizes 26 28 DERECOGNIZE, to with...
deregistered 21 16 DEREGISTER, to remov...
deregulating 23 20 DEREGULATE, to free...
deregulation 21 18 the act of removing...
deregulators 22 17 DEREGULATOR, one who...
deregulatory 28 19 relating to deregula...
derelictions 24 18 DERELICTION, an inte...
derepressing 23 19 DEREPRESS, to activa...
derepression 21 17 the act of derepress...
derestricted 24 17 DERESTRICT, to remov...
derisiveness 22 18 the state of being d...
derivational 22 19 relating to derivati...
derivatising 24 20 DERIVATISE, to make...
derivatively 32 24 DERIVATIVE, formed b...
derivatizing 27 29 DERIVATIZE, to make...
dermabrasion 22 20 surgical removal of...
dermaplaning 24 24 a cosmetic treatment...
dermapterans 22 20 DERMAPTERAN, any ins...
dermatitises 22 16 DERMATITIS, inflamma...
dermatologic 26 22 relating to dermatol...
dermatophyte 31 23 a fungus parasitic o...
derogatively 30 22 DEROGATIVE, derogato...
derogatorily 28 18 DEROGATORY, detracti...
desacralised 24 18 DESACRALISE, to depr...
desacralises 24 17 DESACRALISE, to depr...
desacralized 27 27 DESACRALIZE, to dive...
desacralizes 27 26 DESACRALIZE, to dive...
desagrements 21 19 DESAGREMENT, (French...
desalinating 21 18 DESALINATE, to remov...
desalination 19 16 the act of desalinat...
desalinators 20 15 DESALINATOR, an appa...
desalinising 22 18 DESALINISE, to remov...
desalinizing 25 27 DESALINIZE, to remov...
desaturation 19 15 the inverse of satur...
descensional 22 19 characterised by des...
deschoolings 27 22 DESCHOOLING, the fre...
descramblers 28 23 DESCRAMBLER, an elec...
descrambling 29 26 DESCRAMBLE, to unscr...
descriptions 26 20 DESCRIPTION, an act...
desecrations 22 17 DESECRATION, an act...
desegregated 21 18 DESEGREGATE, to elim...
desegregates 21 17 DESEGREGATE, to elim...
deselections 23 18 DESELECTION, the act...
desensitised 20 15 DESENSITISE, to make...
desensitiser 20 14 an agent that desens...
desensitises 20 14 DESENSITISE, to make...
desensitized 23 24 DESENSITIZE, to make...
desensitizer 23 23 an agent that desens...
desensitizes 23 23 DESENSITIZE, to make...
deserpidines 22 18 DESERPIDINE, a synth...
desertifying 30 21 DESERTIFY, to make i...
deservedness 21 19 the state of being d...
desexualised 27 23 DESEXUALISE, to depr...
desexualises 27 22 DESEXUALISE, to depr...
desexualized 30 32 DESEXUALIZE, to depr...
desexualizes 30 31 DESEXUALIZE, to depr...
desiccations 26 20 DESICCATION, the sta...
desiccatives 29 23 DESICCATIVE, a dryin...
desiderating 21 17 DESIDERATE, to desir...
desideration 19 15 the act of desiderat...
desiderative 22 18 implying desire [adj...
designations 20 17 DESIGNATION, the act...
desilverised 24 19 DESILVERISE, to remo...
desilverises 24 18 DESILVERISE, to remo...
desilverized 27 28 DESILVERIZE, to remo...
desilverizes 27 27 DESILVERIZE, to remo...
desipramines 23 20 DESIPRAMINE, a tricy...
desirability 31 19 the quality of being...
desirousness 20 15 the state of being d...
desolateness 19 15 the state of being d...
desolatingly 29 20 DESOLATING [adv]
desoxyribose 34 25 a pentose sugar obta...
despairingly 31 22 DESPAIRING [adv]
desperations 21 17 DESPERATION, loss of...
despisedness 22 18 (Milton) the state o...
despisements 23 20 DESPISEMENT, the act...
despitefully 34 24 DESPITEFUL, (archaic...
despiteously 30 20 DESPITEOUS, (obsolet...
despoilments 24 21 DESPOILMENT, the act...
despoliation 22 18 the act of despoilin...
despondences 23 22 DESPONDENCE, the sta...
despondently 28 22 DESPONDENT, feeling...
despondingly 30 24 DESPONDING, hopeless...
despotically 34 23 DESPOTICAL, having t...
despotocracy 34 24 rulership by despots...
despumations 23 21 DESPUMATION, the thr...
desquamating 30 29 DESQUAMATE, to scale...
desquamation 28 27 having one's skin fa...
desquamative 31 30 serving to desquamat...
desquamatory 35 28 an obsolete surgical...
dessertspoon 21 17 a spoon intermediate...
dessignments 22 20 DESSIGNMENT, (Spense...
destabilised 24 18 DESTABILISE, to make...
destabiliser 24 17 something that desta...
destabilises 24 17 DESTABILISE, to make...
destabilized 27 27 DESTABILIZE, to make...
destabilizer 27 26 something that desta...
destabilizes 27 26 DESTABILIZE, to make...
destempering 24 22 DESTEMPER, (obsolete...
destinations 19 15 DESTINATION, the pur...
destitutions 21 15 DESTITUTION, the sta...
destructible 28 21 capable of being des...
destructions 24 18 DESTRUCTION, the sta...
destructives 27 21 DESTRUCTIVE, somethi...
desulfurated 24 20 DESULFURATE, to remo...
desulfurates 24 19 DESULFURATE, to remo...
desulfurised 25 20 DESULFURISE, to remo...
desulfuriser 25 19 a device for removin...
desulfurises 25 19 DESULFURISE, to remo...
desulfurized 28 29 DESULFURIZE, to remo...
desulfurizer 28 28 something for removi...
desulfurizes 28 28 DESULFURIZE, to remo...
desulphurate 26 21 to remove sulphur fr...
desulphuring 28 24 DESULPHUR, to remove...
desulphurise 27 21 to remove the sulphu...
desulphurize 30 30 to remove the sulphu...
detachedness 24 20 the state of being d...
detailedness 20 16 the state of being d...
detasselling 23 18 DETASSEL, to remove...
detectivists 27 20 DETECTIVIST, a write...
detectophone 25 22 a secret telephone f...
detectorists 24 16 DETECTORIST, a perso...
detergencies 23 19 DETERGENCY, a cleans...
deteriorated 19 14 DETERIORATE, to make...
deteriorates 19 13 DETERIORATE, to make...
deteriorisms 22 16 DETERIORISM, the doc...
determinable 23 21 capable of being det...
determinably 30 23 DETERMINABLE, capabl...
determinants 20 18 DETERMINANT, that wh...
determinated 20 18 DETERMINATE, (Shakes...
determinates 20 17 DETERMINATE, (Shakes...
determinator 20 17 something that deter...
determinedly 28 21 DETERMINED [adv]
determinisms 23 20 DETERMINISM, the doc...
determinists 22 17 DETERMINIST, a belie...
detestations 19 14 DETESTATION, extreme...
dethronement 21 20 the act of dethronin...
dethronising 23 19 DETHRONISE, to remov...
dethronizing 26 28 DETHRONIZE, to dethr...
detonability 29 20 the state of being d...
detoxicating 30 26 DETOXICATE, to rid o...
detoxication 28 24 the act of detoxicat...
detractingly 32 22 DETRACTING [adv]
detractively 33 23 DETRACTIVE, tending...
detrainments 20 18 DETRAINMENT, the act...
detribalised 24 18 DETRIBALISE, to caus...
detribalises 24 17 DETRIBALISE, to caus...
detribalized 27 27 DETRIBALIZE, to caus...
detribalizes 27 26 DETRIBALIZE, to caus...
detrimentals 22 18 DETRIMENTAL, an unde...
detritovores 22 17 DETRITOVORE, an orga...
detruncating 24 21 DETRUNCATE, to cut s...
detruncation 22 19 the act of detruncat...
detumescence 26 24 diminution of swelli...
deuteranopes 20 18 DEUTERANOPE, an indi...
deuteranopia 20 18 red-green colour-bli...
deuteranopic 24 21 relating to deuteran...
deuterations 19 15 DEUTERATION, the act...
deuteroplasm 24 21 the food material, s...
deuteroscopy 31 22 second view or meani...
deuterostome 20 17 any of a major divis...
deutoplasmic 28 24 of or like deutoplas...
deutoplastic 27 21 of or like deutoplas...
devalorising 24 21 DEVALORISE, to deval...
devalorizing 27 30 DEVALORIZE, to deval...
devaluations 22 20 DEVALUATION, an offi...
devastations 21 18 DEVASTATION, ruin, d...
developments 25 25 DEVELOPMENT, the act...
deverbatives 26 24 DEVERBATIVE, a noun...
deviationism 23 21 the deviation of a d...
deviationist 22 18 one who deviates fro...
devilishness 26 21 the state of being d...
devitalising 25 21 DEVITALISE, to depri...
devitalizing 28 30 DEVITALIZE, to depri...
devitrifying 33 25 DEVITRIFY, to depriv...
devocalising 27 24 DEVOCALISE, to make...
devocalizing 30 33 DEVOCALIZE, to make...
devolvements 25 26 DEVOLVEMENT, the act...
devotionally 29 22 DEVOTIONAL, relating...
devotionists 22 18 DEVOTIONIST, one who...
devoutnesses 21 19 DEVOUTNESS, the stat...
dextralities 28 21 DEXTRALITY, right-ha...
dextrocardia 29 24 a condition in which...
dextrogyrate 33 24 causing to turn to t...
dextrorotary 32 22 turning to the right...
dextrousness 26 22 the state of being d...
diabetogenic 25 22 producing diabetes [...
diabolically 35 24 DIABOLICAL, of, rela...
diachronisms 27 22 DIACHRONISM, the stu...
diageotropic 26 21 tending to grow at r...
diagnoseable 22 20 capable of being dia...
diagnostical 25 20 relating to diagnosi...
diagonalised 21 18 DIAGONALISE, to put...
diagonalises 21 17 DIAGONALISE, to put...
diagonalized 24 27 DIAGONALIZE, to put...
diagonalizes 24 26 DIAGONALIZE, to put...
diagrammable 26 25 capable of being dia...
diagrammatic 27 24 of or like a diagram...
dialectician 27 21 one who is skilled i...
dialecticism 30 23 the study of dialect...
dialectology 32 22 the study of dialect...
dialogically 34 23 DIALOGICAL, relating...
dialysations 27 17 DIALYSATION, the act...
dialytically 40 23 DIALYTIC, having the...
dialyzations 30 26 DIALYZATION, the act...
diamagnetism 23 22 the form of magnetis...
diamondbacks 27 28 DIAMONDBACK, a kind...
diamorphines 25 22 DIAMORPHINE, a stron...
diaphanously 31 23 DIAPHANOUS, transpar...
diaphoretics 28 21 DIAPHORETIC, a drug...
diaphragming 28 26 DIAPHRAGM, to fit wi...
diapophysial 34 24 of or like a diapoph...
diapositives 25 20 DIAPOSITIVE, a trans...
diarthrodial 24 17 of or like a diarthr...
diascordiums 26 21 DIASCORDIUM, (obsole...
diastereomer 20 16 a stereoisomer that...
diastrophism 27 21 the process by which...
diatessarons 19 14 DIATESSARON, a medic...
diathermancy 32 24 permeability by or c...
diatomaceous 23 20 consisting of or abo...
diatonically 31 21 DIATONIC, using only...
diatonicisms 25 20 DIATONICISM, the sta...
diazomethane 24 28 a yellow odourless e...
dibasicities 27 19 DIBASICITY, the qual...
dibenzofuran 26 31 a highly toxic chemi...
dibranchiate 27 22 having two gills [ad...
dicarboxylic 43 32 containing two carbo...
dicarpellary 34 23 of or with two carpe...
dicephalisms 31 25 DICEPHALISM, the sta...
dichlorvoses 29 23 DICHLORVOS, a pestic...
dichotically 38 25 DICHOTIC, affecting...
dichotomised 27 22 DICHOTOMISE, to rend...
dichotomises 27 21 DICHOTOMISE, to rend...
dichotomists 28 21 DICHOTOMIST, one tha...
dichotomized 30 31 DICHOTOMIZE, to rend...
dichotomizes 30 30 DICHOTOMIZE, to rend...
dichroiscope 31 24 an instrument for in...
dichromatics 31 24 DICHROMATIC, a perso...
dichromatism 29 24 partial color blindn...
dichrooscope 30 24 an instrument for ex...
dichroscopes 31 24 DICHROSCOPE, an inst...
dichroscopic 35 27 relating to a dichro...
dicotyledons 30 21 DICOTYLEDON, a plant...
dictatorship 29 21 the office of dictat...
dictatresses 24 16 DICTATRESS, a female...
dictionaries 23 17 DICTIONARY, a book c...
dictyopteran 31 22 any insect of an ord...
dictyosteles 31 19 DICTYOSTELE, a compl...
didactically 36 24 DIDACTICAL, designed...
didacticisms 30 23 DIDACTICISM, being d...
didactylisms 34 23 DIDACTYLISM, having...
dieciousness 23 18 the state of being d...
diencephalic 31 26 relating to the dien...
diencephalon 26 24 the back of the fore...
dietetically 32 20 DIETETICAL, relating...
diethylamide 31 22 as in lysergic acid...
diethylamine 30 22 a liquid resembling...
differencied 27 24 DIFFERENCY, to make...
differencies 27 23 DIFFERENCY, to make...
differencing 28 26 DIFFERENCE, to make...
differentiae 23 20 DIFFERENTIA, a prope...
differential 25 21 relating to a differ...
difficulties 31 24 DIFFICULTY, the stat...
difformities 27 22 DIFFORMITY, irregula...
diffractions 28 23 DIFFRACTION, a modif...
diffrangible 29 26 capable of being dif...
diffusedness 25 22 the state of being d...
diffusionism 27 24 the theory that diff...
diffusionist 26 21 an anthropologist wh...
difunctional 26 23 a compound with two...
digitalising 25 19 DIGITALIS [v]
digitalizing 28 28 DIGITALIZE, to make...
digitigrades 24 18 DIGITIGRADE, an anim...
digitisation 22 16 the process of makin...
digitization 25 25 the process of makin...
digladiating 24 20 DIGLADIATE, (obsolet...
digladiation 22 18 a fight, a dispute [...
digladiators 23 17 DIGLADIATOR, one who...
diglycerides 33 22 DIGLYCERIDE, an este...
digoneutisms 23 20 DIGONEUTISM, the sta...
digressional 22 17 relating to digressi...
digressively 32 22 DIGRESSIVE, characte...
dihybridisms 35 24 DIHYBRIDISM, the sta...
dijudicating 28 30 DIJUDICATE, to judge...
dijudication 26 28 a judgment [n -S]
dilacerating 25 20 DILACERATE, to rend...
dilaceration 23 18 a rending asunder [n...
dilapidating 25 21 DILAPIDATE, to bring...
dilapidation 23 19 the state of being d...
dilapidators 24 18 DILAPIDATOR, an agen...
dilatability 32 20 the state of being d...
dilatational 21 16 relating to dilatati...
dilatometers 22 17 DILATOMETER, an inst...
dilatometric 26 20 relating to measurem...
dilatoriness 21 15 the state of being d...
dilettantish 24 17 somewhat like a dile...
dilettantism 23 18 the state of being a...
dillydallied 32 21 DILLYDALLY, to loite...
dillydallies 32 20 DILLYDALLY, to loite...
dilucidating 27 22 DILUCIDATE, (obsolet...
dilucidation 25 20 the act of dilucidat...
dilutenesses 21 16 DILUTENESS, the stat...
diluvialisms 28 23 DILUVIALISM, a belie...
diluvialists 27 20 DILUVIALIST, one who...
dimensioning 21 21 DIMENSION, to give t...
dimercaprols 28 23 DIMERCAPROL, a compo...
dimerisation 21 17 the creation of a di...
dimerization 24 26 the creation of a di...
dimidiations 22 18 DIMIDIATION, divisio...
diminishable 27 23 that can be diminish...
diminishings 26 22 DIMINISHING, the act...
diminishment 25 23 the act of diminishi...
diminuendoes 20 20 DIMINUENDO, a passag...
diminutively 32 25 DIMINUTIVE, small [a...
dinotheriums 24 20 DINOTHERIUM, an exti...
dinucleotide 24 20 a nucleotide consist...
dioicousness 23 18 the state of being d...
dioptometers 23 19 DIOPTOMETER, an inst...
dioptrically 35 23 DIOPTRICAL, transpar...
dipeptidases 25 20 DIPEPTIDASE, any of...
diphosphates 29 23 DIPHOSPHATE, a phosp...
diphtheritic 32 23 relating to diphther...
diphtheritis 29 20 diphtheria [n -ES]
diphtheroids 28 21 DIPHTHEROID, a bacte...
diphthonging 29 26 DIPHTHONG, to pronou...
diphthongise 28 23 to make into a dipht...
diphthongize 31 32 to make into a dipht...
diphysitisms 35 23 DIPHYSITISM, belief...
diplobiontic 29 24 of or like a diplobi...
diploblastic 31 24 having ectoderm and...
diplocardiac 30 24 of birds and mammals...
diplodocuses 27 22 DIPLODOCUS, a gigant...
diplogeneses 23 20 DIPLOGENESIS, the do...
diplogenesis 24 20 the doubling of ordi...
diplomateses 24 20 DIPLOMATESE, the lan...
diplomatical 29 24 relating to diplomac...
diplomatised 25 21 DIPLOMATISE, to prac...
diplomatises 25 20 DIPLOMATISE, to prac...
diplomatists 26 20 DIPLOMATIST, a diplo...
diplomatized 28 30 DIPLOMATIZE, to prac...
diplomatizes 28 29 DIPLOMATIZE, to prac...
diprionidian 22 19 of graptolites, serr...
dipropellant 26 22 a rocket propellant...
diprotodonts 22 18 DIPROTODONT, any mar...
dipsomaniacs 26 23 DIPSOMANIAC, one add...
dipterocarps 28 22 DIPTEROCARP, a kind...
directedness 23 18 the state of being d...
directnesses 23 17 DIRECTNESS, the qual...
directorates 23 16 DIRECTORATE, the off...
directorship 29 21 the office of direct...
directresses 24 16 DIRECTRESS, a female...
dirigibility 34 21 the state of being d...
disabilities 25 17 DISABILITY, the cond...
disablements 24 21 DISABLEMENT, the act...
disaccharide 29 22 any sugar that consi...
disaccharids 30 22 DISACCHARID, any of...
disaccordant 26 21 lacking in accord [a...
disaccording 28 23 DISACCORD, to refuse...
disaccredits 28 20 DISACCREDIT, to remo...
disaccustoms 29 23 DISACCUSTOM, to free...
disadvancing 26 25 DISADVANCE, (Spenser...
disadvantage 22 21 to place at a disadv...
disadventure 22 20 (Spenser) a mishap,...
disaffecting 29 25 DISAFFECT, to take a...
disaffection 27 23 the state of being d...
disaffiliate 26 20 to end an affiliatio...
disaffirming 28 25 DISAFFIRM, to assert...
disafforests 25 19 DISAFFOREST, to clea...
disaggregate 23 19 to separate into com...
disagreeable 23 19 causing discomfort [...
disagreeably 30 21 DISAGREEABLE, causin...
disagreement 21 19 the act of disagreei...
disallowable 28 22 that can be disallow...
disallowance 27 22 the act of disallowi...
disambiguate 25 22 to establish a singl...
disamenities 21 17 DISAMENITY, a lack o...
disanalogies 21 17 DISANALOGY, a non-co...
disanalogous 21 18 not analogous [adj]
disanchoring 26 22 DISANCHOR, to raise...
disanimating 22 20 DISANIMATE, to depri...
disannullers 22 18 DISANNULLER, one who...
disannulling 23 21 the act of disannull...
disannulment 21 21 the act of disannull...
disanointing 20 18 DISANOINT, to undo t...
disappearing 25 22 DISAPPEAR, to vanish...
disappointed 24 21 DISAPPOINT, to fail...
disapprovals 28 24 DISAPPROVAL, censure...
disapprovers 27 23 DISAPPROVER, one who...
disapproving 28 26 passing unfavorable...
disarmaments 22 20 DISARMAMENT, the act...
disarranging 22 19 DISARRANGE, to distu...
disassembled 25 21 DISASSEMBLE, to take...
disassembler 25 20 a program that trans...
disassembles 25 20 DISASSEMBLE, to take...
disassociate 23 16 to separate from ass...
disastrously 29 17 DISASTROUS, attended...
disauthorise 23 16 to deprive of author...
disauthorize 26 25 to deprive of author...
disavauncing 26 25 DISAVAUNCE, (Spenser...
disaventrous 22 19 (Spenser) unfortunat...
disaventures 22 19 DISAVENTURE, (Spense...
disavouching 29 26 DISAVOUCH, (obsolete...
disbandments 23 22 DISBANDMENT, the act...
disbelievers 26 21 DISBELIEVER, one who...
disbelieving 27 24 incredulous [adj DIS...
disbowelling 29 24 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbranching 29 25 DISBRANCH, to divest...
disburdening 24 22 DISBURDEN, to rid of...
disbursement 24 21 the act of disbursin...
disburthened 25 21 DISBURTHEN, to get r...
discalceates 27 20 DISCALCEATE, one who...
discandering 24 21 (Shakespeare) meltin...
discandyings 31 23 DISCANDYING [n]
discardments 25 21 DISCARDMENT, the act...
disceptation 25 20 (archaic) the act of...
disceptators 26 19 DISCEPTATOR, (obsole...
discerningly 32 23 DISCERNING [adv]
discernments 24 21 DISCERNMENT, the qua...
discerptible 30 23 able to be separated...
discerptions 26 20 DISCERPTION, the act...
dischurching 34 27 DISCHURCH, (obsolete...
discipleship 33 25 the office of discip...
disciplinant 27 22 a person who subject...
disciplinary 34 23 serving to disciplin...
discipliners 28 21 DISCIPLINER, one who...
disciplining 29 24 DISCIPLINE, to punis...
disclamation 25 21 the act of disclaimi...
discoboluses 27 21 DISCOBOLUS, (histori...
discographer 29 23 a person who compile...
discographic 33 26 relating to discogra...
discologists 27 19 DISCOLOGIST, one who...
discolorment 25 21 the act of discolori...
discolouring 26 21 DISCOLOUR, to alter...
discomedusan 24 22 a member of the Disc...
discomfiters 28 22 DISCOMFITER, one who...
discomfiting 29 25 DISCOMFIT, to discon...
discomfiture 28 23 the act of discomfit...
discomforted 27 23 DISCOMFORT, to make...
discommended 25 25 DISCOMMEND, to menti...
discommoding 27 26 DISCOMMODE, to put t...
discommodity 33 25 inconvenience [n DIS...
discommoning 26 26 DISCOMMON, to depriv...
discommunity 33 26 lack of community [n...
discomposing 28 25 DISCOMPOSE, to disar...
discomposure 27 23 lackof composure [n...
discomycetes 34 24 DISCOMYCETE, one of...
disconcerted 26 21 DISCONCERT, to throw...
disconfirmed 27 24 DISCONFIRM, to deny...
disconnected 25 22 DISCONNECT, to sever...
disconnecter 25 21 one who disconnects...
disconnexion 27 26 the act of disconnec...
disconsented 22 19 DISCONSENT, (obsolet...
disconsolate 23 18 cheerless [adj DISCO...
discontented 22 19 DISCONTENT, to make...
discontinued 23 20 DISCONTINUE, to brea...
discontinuer 23 19 one who discontinues...
discontinues 23 19 DISCONTINUE, to brea...
discophorans 27 22 DISCOPHORAN, a jelly...
discophorous 28 22 relating to the Disc...
discordances 26 21 DISCORDANCE, the sta...
discordantly 31 21 DISCORDANT, being at...
discorporate 25 19 to deprive (a corpor...
discotheques 34 28 DISCOTHEQUE, a place...
discountable 26 22 set apart for discou...
discouragers 25 19 DISCOURAGER, one who...
discouraging 26 22 disheartening [adj D...
discourteise 24 17 (Spenser) discourteo...
discourteous 24 18 lacking courtesy, al...
discoverable 28 24 that can be discover...
discoverture 26 21 the state of being d...
discrediting 26 20 DISCREDIT, to refuse...
discreetness 23 17 the state of being d...
discrepances 28 23 DISCREPANCE, the sta...
discrepantly 33 23 DISCREPANT, marked b...
discreteness 23 17 the state of being d...
discretional 24 18 relating to discreti...
discretively 34 23 DISCRETIVE, marking...
discriminant 25 21 a mathematical expre...
discriminate 25 20 discriminating [adj...
disculpating 29 24 DISCULPATE, to free...
discumbering 29 26 DISCUMBER, (archaic)...
discursively 35 24 DISCURSIVE, moving f...
discussional 25 19 relating to discussi...
disdainfully 32 23 DISDAINFUL, full of...
diseasedness 19 15 the state of being d...
diseconomies 23 20 DISECONOMY, lack of...
disembarking 26 26 DISEMBARK, to leave...
disembarrass 24 19 to free from somethi...
disembellish 29 23 to deprive of embell...
disembitters 25 19 DISEMBITTER, to free...
disembodying 31 25 DISEMBODY, to remove...
disemboguing 26 25 DISEMBOGUE, (Spanish...
disembosomed 24 23 DISEMBOSOM, to separ...
disemboweled 27 24 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembrangle 25 23 (obsolete) to free f...
disembroiled 25 21 DISEMBROIL, to disen...
disemburdens 24 22 DISEMBURDEN, to disb...
disemploying 32 25 DISEMPLOY, to throw...
disempowered 26 23 DISEMPOWER, to depri...
disenchained 24 21 DISENCHAIN, to free...
disenchanted 24 21 DISENCHANT, to free...
disenchanter 24 20 one who disenchants...
disenclosing 25 21 DISENCLOSE, to free...
disencumbers 27 24 DISENCUMBER, to free...
disendowment 23 22 the act of disendowi...
disennobling 23 22 DISENNOBLE, to depri...
disenrolling 23 19 the act of removing...
disenshrouds 23 18 DISENSHROUD, to dive...
disenslaving 24 22 DISENSLAVE, to free...
disentailing 22 18 DISENTAIL, to free f...
disentangled 21 19 DISENTANGLE, to free...
disentangles 21 18 DISENTANGLE, to free...
disenthralls 25 18 DISENTHRALL, to rele...
disenthroned 21 18 DISENTHRONE, (Milton...
disenthrones 21 17 DISENTHRONE, (Milton...
disentitling 23 18 DISENTITLE, to depri...
disentombing 24 23 DISENTOMB, to take o...
disentrailed 21 16 DISENTRAIL, (Spenser...
disentrained 19 16 DISENTRAIN, to set d...
disentranced 22 19 DISENTRANCE, to awak...
disentrances 22 18 DISENTRANCE, to awak...
disentrayled 27 18 DISENTRAYLE, (Spense...
disentrayles 27 17 DISENTRAYLE, (Spense...
disentwining 24 21 DISENTWINE, to free...
disenveloped 24 23 DISENVELOP, to free...
disenvironed 21 20 DISENVIRON, to depri...
disespousing 24 20 DISESPOUSE, (Milton)...
disestablish 27 19 to deprive of an est...
disesteeming 22 19 DISESTEEM, to hold o...
disfavourers 25 21 DISFAVOURER, one who...
disfavouring 26 24 DISFAVOUR, to disest...
disfeaturing 24 20 DISFEATURE, to depri...
disfluencies 27 22 DISFLUENCY, a lack o...
disforesting 24 19 DISFOREST, to clear...
disfranchise 28 22 to deprive of franch...
disfunctions 26 22 DISFUNCTION, impairm...
disfurnished 26 21 DISFURNISH, to strip...
disfurnishes 26 20 DISFURNISH, to strip...
disgarnished 24 19 DISGARNISH, to despo...
disgarnishes 24 18 DISGARNISH, to despo...
disgarrisons 22 16 DISGARRISON, to depr...
disgavelling 27 24 the act of releasing...
disglorified 26 20 DISGLORIFY, (Milton)...
disglorifies 26 19 DISGLORIFY, (Milton)...
disgorgement 23 21 the act of disgorgin...
disgradation 21 17 the act of disgradin...
disgregation 22 18 separation; scatteri...
disgruntling 25 21 DISGRUNTLE, to make...
disguiseless 24 17 without a disguise [...
disguisement 23 20 a disguise [n -S]
disgustfully 35 24 DISGUSTFUL, provokin...
disgustingly 32 22 DISGUSTING [adv]
dishallowing 29 23 DISHALLOW, to make u...
disharmonies 23 19 DISHARMONY, lack of...
disharmonise 23 19 to put out of harmon...
disharmonize 26 28 to put out of harmon...
disheartened 21 17 DISHEARTEN, to cause...
dishevelling 28 24 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishevelment 26 24 the state of being d...
dishonesties 22 16 DISHONESTY, lack of...
dishonorable 24 20 lacking honor, also...
dishonorably 31 22 DISHONORABLE, lackin...
dishonourers 22 17 DISHONOURER [n]
dishonouring 23 20 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishumouring 26 23 DISHUMOUR, (obsolete...
disillusions 24 17 DISILLUSION, to free...
disimagining 24 22 DISIMAGINE, to banis...
disimprisons 25 20 DISIMPRISON, to free...
disimproving 28 26 DISIMPROVE, to make...
disincentive 25 22 a deterrent [n -S]
disinclining 26 22 DISINCLINE, to make...
disinclosing 26 21 DISINCLOSE, to free...
disinfectant 25 21 an agent that frees...
disinfecting 27 23 DISINFECT, to rid of...
disinfection 25 21 the act of disinfect...
disinfectors 26 20 DISINFECTOR, an agen...
disinfestant 22 18 an agent that disinf...
disinfesting 24 20 DISINFEST, to remove...
disinflation 23 19 a reversal of inflat...
disinforming 25 23 DISINFORM, to inform...
disingenuity 28 20 the state of being d...
disingenuous 21 19 lacking in candor; g...
disinherison 22 17 the act of disinheri...
disinherited 23 17 DISINHERIT, to depri...
disinhibited 26 20 DISINHIBIT, to remov...
disintegrate 21 16 to break or decompos...
disinterests 21 14 DISINTEREST, to caus...
disinterment 21 18 the act of disinterr...
disinterring 22 17 DISINTER, to exhume...
disintricate 24 17 to free from intrica...
disinventing 23 22 DISINVENT, to undo t...
disinvesting 24 21 DISINVEST, to reduce...
disinvolving 27 26 DISINVOLVE, to unfol...
disjointedly 30 27 DISJOINTED [adv]
disjunctions 26 28 DISJUNCTION, the act...
disjunctives 29 31 DISJUNCTIVE, a disju...
disjunctures 27 28 DISJUNCTURE, the act...
dislocatedly 32 21 DISLOCATED [adv]
dislocations 24 18 DISLOCATION, the act...
dislodgement 23 21 the act of dislodgin...
dislodgments 24 21 DISLODGMENT, the act...
disloyalties 29 17 DISLOYALTY, lack of...
dismalnesses 22 18 DISMALNESS, the qual...
dismantlings 24 21 DISMANTLING, the act...
dismastments 23 20 DISMASTMENT, the act...
dismayedness 27 20 the state of being d...
dismemberers 25 22 DISMEMBERER, one who...
dismembering 26 25 DISMEMBER, to cut or...
dismissively 33 23 DISMISSIVE, disrespe...
dismountable 24 22 capable of being dis...
dismutations 22 18 DISMUTATION, simulta...
disobedience 24 21 refusal or neglect t...
disoperation 21 17 a mutually harmful r...
disorderedly 28 18 DISORDERED [adv]
disorderlies 22 15 DISORDERLY, a disord...
disorganised 21 17 DISORGANISE, to remo...
disorganiser 21 16 one who disorganises...
disorganises 21 16 DISORGANISE, to remo...
disorganized 24 26 DISORGANIZE, to remo...
disorganizer 24 25 one who disorganizes...
disorganizes 24 25 DISORGANIZE, to remo...
disorientate 19 14 to cause to lose a s...
disorienting 21 17 DISORIENT, to confus...
dispaupering 26 23 DISPAUPER, to depriv...
dispauperise 25 20 to free from pauperd...
dispauperize 28 29 to free from pauperd...
dispensaries 22 17 DISPENSARY, a place...
dispensation 21 18 a general state or o...
dispensative 24 21 granting dispensatio...
dispensators 22 17 DISPENSATOR, a dispe...
dispensatory 28 19 granting dispensatio...
dispersively 33 23 DISPERSIVE, tending...
dispiritedly 32 20 DISPIRITED [adv]
dispiritment 25 20 a state of being dis...
dispiteously 31 20 DISPITEOUS, (obsolet...
displaceable 29 24 capable of being dis...
displacement 27 24 the act of displacin...
displeasance 25 21 (Spenser) displeasur...
displeasants 23 18 DISPLEASANT, to rend...
displeasedly 31 21 DISPLEASED [adv]
displeasured 24 19 DISPLEASURE, (archai...
displeasures 24 18 DISPLEASURE, (archai...
displenished 26 21 DISPLENISH, to depri...
displenishes 26 20 DISPLENISH, to depri...
disportments 24 20 DISPORTMENT, the act...
dispositions 23 17 DISPOSITION, a perso...
dispossessed 23 17 DISPOSSESS, to put o...
dispossesses 23 16 DISPOSSESS, to put o...
dispossessor 23 16 one who dispossesses...
disprisoning 24 20 DISPRISON, to let lo...
disprivacied 29 24 deprived of privacy...
disprivilege 28 23 to deprive of a priv...
disprofessed 25 20 DISPROFESS, to renou...
disprofesses 25 19 DISPROFESS, to renou...
disprofiting 27 22 DISPROFIT, (archaic)...
dispropriate 25 19 (obsolete) to disapp...
disproviding 27 24 DISPROVIDE, (archaic...
dispurveying 33 26 DISPURVEY, (archaic)...
disputations 23 18 DISPUTATION, the act...
disputatious 24 18 inclined to dispute...
disqualified 33 28 DISQUALIFY, to debar...
disqualifier 33 27 one who disqualifies...
disqualifies 33 27 DISQUALIFY, to debar...
disquietedly 37 27 DISQUIETED [adv]
disquietened 28 25 DISQUIETEN, to make...
disquietness 29 24 the state of being d...
disquietudes 30 25 DISQUIETUDE, anxiety...
disquisition 30 24 a carefully argued e...
disquisitive 33 27 of or like a disquis...
disquisitory 37 25 of or like a disquis...
disregarders 22 16 DISREGARDER, one who...
disregardful 26 21 full of disregard [a...
disregarding 23 19 DISREGARD, to pay no...
disrelations 21 15 DISRELATION, lack of...
disrelishing 26 19 DISRELISH, to dislik...
disremembers 25 22 DISREMEMBER, to forg...
disreputable 26 21 not reputable [adj D...
disreputably 33 23 DISREPUTABLE, not re...
disrespected 26 20 DISRESPECT, to have...
disrobements 23 20 DISROBEMENT, the act...
disruptively 34 24 DISRUPTIVE, causing...
dissatisfied 24 17 DISSATISFY, to fail...
dissatisfies 24 16 DISSATISFY, to fail...
dissemblance 27 24 the act of dissembli...
dissemblings 27 23 DISSEMBLING [n]
disseminated 21 18 DISSEMINATE, to spre...
disseminates 21 17 DISSEMINATE, to spre...
disseminator 21 17 one who disseminates...
disseminules 23 19 DISSEMINULE, a repro...
dissenterish 23 16 like a (religious) d...
dissenterism 22 17 the beliefs of a dis...
dissentience 22 18 the state of being d...
dissentiency 29 20 the state of being d...
dissentients 20 15 DISSENTIENT, one who...
dissentingly 29 20 DISSENTING [adv]
dissepiments 24 20 DISSEPIMENT, a parti...
dissertating 22 16 DISSERTATE, to disco...
dissertation 20 14 an extended usually...
dissertative 23 17 relating to disserta...
dissertators 21 13 DISSERTATOR, one who...
disseverance 24 21 the act of disseveri...
disseverment 23 21 the act of disseveri...
dissheathing 26 20 DISSHEATHE, to becom...
disshivering 27 22 DISSHIVER, (Spenser)...
dissiliences 25 18 DISSILIENCE, springi...
dissimilarly 32 20 DISSIMILAR, unlike [...
dissimilated 24 18 DISSIMILATE, to unde...
dissimilates 24 17 DISSIMILATE, to unde...
dissimulated 24 19 DISSIMULATE, to pret...
dissimulates 24 18 DISSIMULATE, to pret...
dissimulator 24 18 one who dissinulates...
dissipatedly 31 20 DISSIPATED [adv]
dissipations 23 17 DISSIPATION, the act...
dissocialise 25 17 to make unsocial, al...
dissociality 32 19 the state of being d...
dissocialize 28 26 to make unsocial, al...
dissociating 25 19 DISSOCIATE, to separ...
dissociation 23 17 the act of dissociat...
dissociative 26 20 serving to dissociat...
dissolutions 22 16 DISSOLUTION, separat...
dissonancies 22 18 DISSONANCY, discord,...
dissuasively 31 21 DISSUASIVE, tending...
dissuasories 21 14 DISSUASORY, a dissua...
dissundering 22 19 DISSUNDER, (archaic)...
dissyllabify 41 25 to make disyllabic [...
dissyllabism 34 23 the fact of having t...
dissyllables 33 21 DISSYLLABLE, a word...
dissymmetric 34 24 relating to dissymme...
distanceless 24 18 without distance [ad...
distemperate 23 19 not temperate [adj]
distempering 25 22 DISTEMPER, to paint...
disthronised 23 17 DISTHRONISE, (Spense...
disthronises 23 16 DISTHRONISE, (Spense...
disthronized 26 26 DISTHRONIZE, (Spense...
disthronizes 26 25 DISTHRONIZE, (Spense...
distichously 35 22 DISTICHOUS, in or ha...
distillation 23 16 the process of purif...
distillatory 30 17 relating to distilla...
distilleries 24 15 DISTILLERY, the buil...
distinctions 24 18 DISTINCTION, separat...
distinctives 27 21 DISTINCTIVE, somethi...
distinctness 24 18 the state of being d...
distinctures 25 18 DISTINCTURE, distinc...
distortional 21 15 relating to distorti...
distractable 27 20 that can be distract...
distractedly 32 20 DISTRACTED [adv]
distractible 28 20 that can be distract...
distractions 24 17 DISTRACTION, the act...
distrainable 23 18 capable of being dis...
distrainment 21 18 the act of distraini...
distraughtly 33 21 DISTRAUGHT, agitated...
distressings 23 16 DISTRESSING, the act...
distribuends 24 19 DISTRIBUEND, that wh...
distributary 31 19 a branch of a river...
distributees 24 17 DISTRIBUTEE, one who...
distributers 25 17 DISTRIBUTER, one who...
distributing 26 20 DISTRIBUTE, to divid...
distribution 24 18 the act of distribut...
distributive 27 21 relating to distribu...
distributors 25 17 DISTRIBUTOR, one who...
distringases 22 16 DISTRINGAS, formerly...
distroubling 26 21 DISTROUBLE, (obsolet...
distrustless 24 15 without distrust [ad...
disturbances 26 21 DISTURBANCE, the act...
disturbative 26 21 serving to disturb [...
disturbingly 33 23 DISTURBING [adv]
disulphurets 28 21 DISULPHURET, (obsole...
disunionists 21 16 DISUNIONIST, someone...
disutilities 24 15 DISUTILITY, the stat...
disworshiped 29 22 DISWORSHIP, (Milton)...
disyllabisms 34 23 DISYLLABISM, the cha...
ditchdiggers 30 23 DITCHDIGGER, one tha...
ditheistical 28 19 relating to ditheism...
ditheletical 28 20 relating to dithelet...
ditheletisms 26 19 DITHELETISM, the doc...
dithelitisms 27 19 DITHELITISM, the doc...
dithyrambist 34 23 one who sings dithyr...
ditransitive 23 18 a verb able to take...
ditriglyphic 39 26 of or like a ditrigl...
dittographic 30 23 relating to dittogra...
diuretically 33 21 DIURETIC, increasing...
diuturnities 22 16 DIUTURNITY, long dur...
divaricately 33 23 DIVARICATE, forking...
divaricating 27 23 DIVARICATE, to fork,...
divarication 25 21 the act of divaricat...
divaricators 26 20 DIVARICATOR, one who...
divellicated 28 23 DIVELLICATE, to pull...
divellicates 28 22 DIVELLICATE, to pull...
divergements 24 23 DIVERGEMENT, the act...
divergencies 26 23 DIVERGENCY, a drawin...
diversifiers 26 20 DIVERSIFIER, one who...
diversifying 33 25 DIVERSIFY, to give v...
diversionary 28 20 tending to draw atte...
diversionist 23 18 one engaged in diver...
diverticular 28 22 relating to a divert...
diverticulum 30 26 a blind passage or t...
divertimenti 24 21 DIVERTIMENTO, (Itali...
divertimento 23 21 (Italian) a genre of...
divestitures 24 18 DIVESTITURE, the act...
dividendless 24 21 without a dividend [...
divinatorial 23 19 relating to divinati...
divinenesses 21 19 DIVINENESS, the qual...
divineresses 22 18 DIVINERESS, a woman...
divinisation 22 19 the process of divin...
divinization 25 28 the process of divin...
divisibility 35 23 the state of being d...
divisionally 31 22 DIVISIONAL, relating...
divisionisms 25 21 DIVISIONISM, pointil...
divisionists 24 18 DIVISIONIST, a pract...
divisiveness 25 22 the state of being d...
divorcements 26 24 DIVORCEMENT, the act...
divulgations 25 22 DIVULGATION, the act...
divulgements 26 25 DIVULGEMENT, the act...
docibilities 28 20 DOCIBILITY, docility...
docimologies 26 22 DOCIMOLOGY, the art...
dockisations 24 21 DOCKISATION, the act...
dockizations 27 30 DOCKIZATION, the act...
dockwalloper 31 28 an informal US name...
doctrinaires 23 17 DOCTRINAIRE, (French...
doctrinality 31 20 the state of being d...
doctrinarian 22 18 a doctrinaire, an im...
doctrinarism 25 20 being doctrinaire, a...
documentable 26 25 capable of being doc...
dodecagynian 28 23 having twelve styles...
dodecagynous 29 23 having twelve styles...
dodecahedral 25 21 relating to a dodeca...
dodecahedron 23 21 a twelve-sided solid...
dodecandrous 22 20 having twelve stamen...
dodecaphonic 29 26 of music, twelve-ton...
dodecastyles 30 20 DODECASTYLE, a porti...
dogberryisms 32 23 DOGBERRYISM, the sta...
dogfightings 29 25 DOGFIGHTING, engagin...
doggednesses 21 19 DOGGEDNESS, the qual...
dogmatically 34 25 DOGMATICAL, pertaini...
dolichuruses 28 21 DOLICHURUS, (Latin)...
dollarfishes 27 20 DOLLARFISH, any of v...
dollarocracy 34 23 rule by the dollar [...
dolomitising 24 20 DOLOMITISE, to conve...
dolomitizing 27 29 DOLOMITIZE, to conve...
doloriferous 23 18 bearing grief or pai...
dolorousness 20 16 the state of being d...
dolphinarium 27 24 a place where dolphi...
domesticable 27 23 capable of being dom...
domestically 33 23 DOMESTICAL, (archaic...
domesticated 24 20 DOMESTICATE, to brin...
domesticates 24 19 DOMESTICATE, to brin...
domesticator 24 19 one who domesticates...
domesticised 25 20 DOMESTICISE, to make...
domesticises 25 19 DOMESTICISE, to make...
domesticized 28 29 DOMESTICIZE, to make...
domesticizes 28 28 DOMESTICIZE, to make...
domiciliated 26 21 DOMICILIATE, to esta...
domiciliates 26 20 DOMICILIATE, to esta...
dominatingly 29 23 DOMINATING [adv]
dominatrices 24 20 DOMINATRIX, a prosti...
dominatrixes 27 24 DOMINATRIX, a prosti...
donatistical 24 18 pertaining to donati...
doomwatchers 29 24 DOOMWATCHER, one who...
doomwatching 30 27 the act of keeping a...
doorknockers 24 25 DOORKNOCKER, a knock...
doorknocking 25 28 DOORKNOCK, to go fro...
doorsteppers 24 19 DOORSTEPPER, a sales...
doorstepping 25 22 going from door to d...
dopaminergic 27 25 liberating, activate...
doppelganger 26 25 (German) a ghostly c...
dorsiflexing 31 27 DORSIFLEX, to bend t...
dorsiflexion 29 25 a bending backwards;...
dorsiventral 23 19 having differentiate...
dorsolateral 21 15 of, relating to, or...
dorsoventral 22 19 extending from a dor...
dosimetrists 23 16 DOSIMETRIST, one who...
doubleheader 24 21 two games, contests...
doublenesses 22 19 DOUBLENESS, the stat...
doublespeaks 26 25 DOUBLESPEAK, languag...
doublethinks 27 25 DOUBLETHINK, thought...
doubtfulness 26 23 the state of being d...
doughinesses 23 19 DOUGHINESS, the stat...
doughnutlike 26 25 like a doughnut [adj...
doughnutting 25 23 the act of surroundi...
doulocracies 27 21 DOULOCRACY, a govern...
douroucoulis 25 20 DOUROUCOULI, a small...
dovetailings 24 21 DOVETAILING, the act...
dovishnesses 24 20 DOVISHNESS, the stat...
downdraughts 27 23 DOWNDRAUGHT, a downw...
downlighters 28 22 DOWNLIGHTER, a downw...
downloadable 25 23 capable of being dow...
downloadings 24 22 DOWNLOADING, the act...
downshifters 28 22 DOWNSHIFTER, one who...
downshifting 29 25 the act of selecting...
downstairses 23 17 DOWNSTAIRS, a lower...
downtrending 23 22 DOWNTREND, to tend i...
downwardness 25 22 the state of being d...
doxographers 31 27 DOXOGRAPHER, a compi...
doxographies 31 27 DOXOGRAPHY, the comp...
doxorubicins 32 28 DOXORUBICIN, a bacte...
doxycyclines 46 32 DOXYCYCLINE, a broad...
drabbinesses 24 20 DRABBINESS, the stat...
draconianism 23 21 extreme harshness of...
draconically 34 24 DRACONIC, unusually...
dracontiases 22 17 DRACONTIASIS, guinea...
dracontiasis 23 17 guinea worm disease...
draftinesses 22 17 DRAFTINESS, the stat...
draftsperson 24 20 a draftsman or draft...
dragonnading 20 21 DRAGONNADE, to perse...
dramatically 33 23 DRAMATICAL, of or pe...
dramaticisms 27 22 DRAMATICISM, the qua...
dramatisable 24 20 capable of being dra...
dramatizable 27 29 capable of being dra...
dramaturgies 23 19 DRAMATURGY, the art...
dramaturgist 24 19 a dramatist; specifi...
drapeability 32 22 the state of being d...
draughtboard 26 22 a board for the play...
draughtiness 24 19 the state of being d...
draughtproof 28 24 to make proof agains...
drawlingness 25 21 the state of being d...
dreadfulness 23 20 the state of being d...
dreadnaughts 23 20 DREADNAUGHT, a large...
dreadnoughts 23 20 DREADNOUGHT, a large...
dreamfulness 24 22 the state of being d...
dreaminesses 20 17 DREAMINESS, the stat...
drearinesses 19 14 DREARINESS, the stat...
dregginesses 22 18 DREGGINESS, fullness...
dressinesses 20 14 DRESSINESS, the stat...
dressmakings 24 23 DRESSMAKING, the cra...
drillability 34 21 the state of being d...
drillmasters 25 18 DRILLMASTER, an inst...
drinkability 32 24 the state of being d...
driveability 33 23 the ability to be dr...
drivennesses 21 19 DRIVENNESS, the stat...
drivethrough 29 24 a shop or restaurant...
dromophobias 27 24 DROMOPHOBIA, a fear...
droopinesses 21 17 DROOPINESS, the stat...
droseraceous 22 17 belonging to the Dro...
drossinesses 20 14 DROSSINESS, the qual...
droughtiness 24 19 the state of being d...
drowsinesses 23 17 DROWSINESS, the stat...
drumbeatings 25 23 DRUMBEATING, the bea...
drumbledrane 24 23 (dialect) a bumble b...
drunkalogues 23 23 DRUNKALOGUE, an acco...
drunkometers 22 22 DRUNKOMETER, a devic...
drysalteries 28 16 DRYSALTERY, the arti...
dubitatively 33 24 DUBITATIVE, relating...
dulcetnesses 24 19 DULCETNESS, the stat...
dulciloquies 35 29 DULCILOQUY, a soft m...
dumbfounders 26 26 DUMBFOUNDER, to stri...
dumbfounding 27 29 DUMBFOUND, to strike...
dumbstricken 29 28 made silent by aston...
dumfoundered 23 24 DUMFOUNDER, to strik...
dumortierite 22 17 (French) an orthorho...
dunderheaded 21 20 of or like a dunderh...
duniewassals 24 19 DUNIEWASSAL, (Gaelic...
dunniewassal 23 20 (Gaelic) a Highland...
duodecennial 22 21 recurring twelve yea...
duodecillion 25 21 ten to the power of...
duodecimally 33 25 DUODECIMAL, of or re...
duodenectomy 29 24 the surgical removal...
duodenitises 20 16 DUODENITIS, inflamma...
dupabilities 27 21 DUPABILITY, the abil...
duplications 27 22 DUPLICATION, the act...
duplicatures 28 22 DUPLICATURE, a doubl...
durabilities 25 18 DURABILITY, the stat...
duraluminium 25 24 a strong, light, alu...
dwarfishness 28 22 the state of being d...
dwindlements 25 23 DWINDLEMENT, the sta...
dyeabilities 30 19 DYEABILITY, the abil...
dynamogenies 26 22 DYNAMOGENY, producti...
dynamographs 32 26 DYNAMOGRAPH, an inst...
dynamometers 27 22 DYNAMOMETER, instrum...
dynamometric 31 25 relating to a dynamo...
dynastically 38 23 DYNASTICAL, relating...
dynasticisms 32 22 DYNASTICISM, a syste...
dyotheletism 31 21 the doctrine that Ch...
dysaesthesia 28 17 loss of sensation [n...
dysaesthetic 32 20 relating to dysaesth...
dyscalculias 36 24 DYSCALCULIA, the ina...
dysfunctions 32 24 DYSFUNCTION, impaire...
dysmenorrhea 28 21 painful menstruation...
dyspareunias 28 20 DYSPAREUNIA, painful...
dysphemistic 37 26 relating to dysphemi...
dysrhythmias 40 24 DYSRHYTHMIA, an abno...
dysrhythmics 44 27 DYSRHYTHMIC, someone...
dyssynergias 34 20 DYSSYNERGIA, muscula...
dyssynergies 34 20 DYSSYNERGY, muscular...
dysteleology 35 21 the study of functio...