12 letter words that starts with a

12 letter words that start with A

12 letter A word


Word With Friends


abandonments 20 22 ABANDONMENT, the sta...
abandonwares 22 21 ABANDONWARE, compute...
abbreviating 27 25 ABBREVIATE, to make...
abbreviation 25 23 the act or result of...
abbreviators 26 22 ABBREVIATOR, one who...
abbreviatory 32 24 serving to abbreviat...
abbreviature 26 23 (French) an abridgem...
abecedarians 23 20 ABECEDARIAN, one lea...
aberrational 21 17 given to aberration,...
abhorrencies 26 21 ABHORRENCY, (obsolet...
abiotrophies 26 20 ABIOTROPHY, bodily o...
abirritating 24 18 ABIRRITATE, to sooth...
abjectnesses 26 28 ABJECTNESS, the stat...
ablactations 25 20 ABLACTATION, the wea...
abnormalisms 25 23 ABNORMALISM, the sta...
abolishments 26 22 ABOLISHMENT, the act...
abolitionary 28 19 relating to abolitio...
abolitionism 24 20 principles or measur...
abolitionist 23 17 a supporter of aboli...
abominations 21 20 ABOMINATION, somethi...
aboriginally 31 22 ABORIGINAL, indigeno...
abortionists 22 16 ABORTIONIST, one who...
abortiveness 23 20 the state of being a...
abracadabras 26 22 ABRACADABRA, a magic...
abrasiveness 23 20 the quality of being...
abridgements 24 22 ABRIDGEMENT, the act...
abruptnesses 24 20 ABRUPTNESS, the qual...
abscondences 26 24 ABSCONDENCE, the act...
absenteeisms 22 19 ABSENTEEISM, prolong...
absentminded 22 22 lost in thought and...
absinthiated 24 19 impregnated with abs...
absoluteness 22 18 the state of being a...
absolutising 25 20 ABSOLUTISE, to make...
absolutistic 28 20 relating to absoluti...
absolutizing 28 29 ABSOLUTIZE, to make...
absorbancies 26 22 ABSORBANCY, the stat...
absorbencies 26 22 ABSORBENCY, the stat...
absorptances 26 22 ABSORPTANCE, the rat...
absorptivity 34 24 the property of a bo...
absquatulate 31 27 to decamp [v ABSQUAT...
abstemiously 31 22 ABSTEMIOUS, sparing,...
abstinencies 24 20 ABSTINENCY, voluntar...
abstractable 28 22 capable of being abs...
abstractedly 33 22 ABSTRACTED [adv]
abstractions 25 19 ABSTRACTION, the act...
abstractives 28 22 ABSTRACTIVE, anythin...
abstractness 25 19 the quality of being...
abstrictions 26 19 ABSTRICTION, the act...
abstruseness 22 17 the state of being a...
abstrusities 24 16 ABSTRUSITY, the stat...
absurdnesses 22 18 ABSURDNESS, the stat...
academically 35 26 ACADEMICAL, related...
academicians 26 23 ACADEMICIAN, a membe...
academicisms 29 25 ACADEMICISM, the doc...
acanthaceous 26 22 prickly; of the Acan...
acaridomatia 23 19 ACARIDOMATIUM, a hab...
acarodomatia 22 19 ACARODOMATIUM, a hab...
acarologists 25 18 ACAROLOGIST, a pract...
acarophilies 28 21 ACAROPHILY, the symb...
acatalectics 30 22 ACATALECTIC, a poeti...
acatalepsies 25 19 ACATALEPSY, the scep...
acataleptics 29 22 ACATALEPTIC, a perso...
accelerandos 25 21 ACCELERANDO, a music...
accelerating 27 22 ACCELERATE, to bring...
acceleration 25 20 the rate at which ve...
accelerative 28 23 tending to cause acc...
accelerators 26 19 ACCELERATOR, somethi...
acceleratory 32 21 tending to cause acc...
accentuality 33 23 the quality of havin...
accentuating 26 23 ACCENTUATE, to empha...
accentuation 24 21 an instance of accen...
acceptancies 30 25 ACCEPTANCY, the act...
acceptations 27 22 ACCEPTATION, a kind...
accessioning 26 22 ACCESSION, to record...
accessorised 26 19 ACCESSORISE, to furn...
accessorises 26 18 ACCESSORISE, to furn...
accessorized 29 28 ACCESSORIZE, to furn...
accessorizes 29 27 ACCESSORIZE, to furn...
acciaccatura 32 25 (Italian) a grace-no...
acciaccature 32 25 ACCIACCATURA, (Itali...
accidentally 34 24 ACCIDENTAL, by accid...
accipitrines 29 22 ACCIPITRINE, a membe...
acclamations 27 23 ACCLAMATION, a shout...
acclimatable 31 26 that can be acclimat...
acclimations 28 23 ACCLIMATION, the act...
acclimatised 29 23 ACCLIMATISE, to accu...
acclimatiser 29 22 one who acclimatises...
acclimatises 29 22 ACCLIMATISE, to accu...
acclimatized 32 32 ACCLIMATIZE, to accu...
acclimatizer 32 31 one who acclimatizes...
acclimatizes 32 31 ACCLIMATIZE, to accu...
accommodable 30 29 that can be accommod...
accommodated 27 26 ACCOMMODATE, to make...
accommodates 27 25 ACCOMMODATE, to make...
accommodator 27 25 one who accommodates...
accompaniers 28 25 ACCOMPANIER, one who...
accompanists 29 25 ACCOMPANIST, one who...
accompanying 35 30 ACCOMPANY, to escort...
accompanyist 35 27 one who accompanies...
accomplished 33 28 ACCOMPLISH, to bring...
accomplisher 33 27 one who accomplishes...
accomplishes 33 27 ACCOMPLISH, to bring...
accordancies 28 23 ACCORDANCY, accordan...
accordionist 26 20 one who plays the ac...
accouchement 31 28 (French) childbirth;...
accoucheuses 31 25 ACCOUCHEUSE, (French...
accouplement 29 27 a timber joist or be...
accouterment 26 23 an accoutrement, als...
accoutrement 26 23 (French) an accessor...
accreditable 29 23 capable of being acc...
accrescences 31 25 ACCRESCENCE, growing...
accretionary 31 21 relating to accretio...
acculturated 28 22 ACCULTURATE, to unde...
acculturates 28 21 ACCULTURATE, to unde...
accumbencies 32 29 ACCUMBENCY, the stat...
accumulating 30 27 ACCUMULATE, to gathe...
accumulation 28 25 something that has a...
accumulative 31 28 tending or given to...
accumulators 29 24 ACCUMULATOR, a thing...
accurateness 25 20 accuracy [n -ES]
accursedness 26 21 the state of being a...
accusatively 36 26 ACCUSATIVE, accusing...
accusatorial 27 20 denoting a judicial...
accustrement 27 23 (obsolete) accoutrem...
acetaldehyde 31 22 a chemical compound...
acetanilides 23 18 ACETANILIDE, a white...
acetonaemias 21 19 ACETONAEMIA, an abno...
acetonitrile 23 17 a chemical compound...
acetylations 29 19 ACETYLATION, the act...
achaenocarps 28 24 ACHAENOCARP, any dry...
achievements 27 25 ACHIEVEMENT, the act...
achlamydeous 33 25 without a perianth [...
achlorhydria 35 23 absence of hydrochlo...
achlorhydric 39 26 relating to achlorhy...
achromatised 26 21 ACHROMATISE, to make...
achromatises 26 20 ACHROMATISE, to make...
achromatisms 28 23 ACHROMATISM, the sta...
achromatized 29 30 ACHROMATIZE, to make...
achromatizes 29 29 ACHROMATIZE, to make...
acidantheras 24 19 ACIDANTHERA, a plant...
acidimetries 25 19 ACIDIMETRY, the meas...
acidophilous 29 23 staining readily wit...
acidulations 24 19 ACIDULATION, the pro...
acknowledged 28 28 ACKNOWLEDGE, to reco...
acknowledger 28 27 one who acknowledges...
acknowledges 28 27 ACKNOWLEDGE, to reco...
acolouthites 26 19 ACOLOUTHITE, (obsole...
acolouthoses 25 19 ACOLOUTHOS, (histori...
acoustically 35 23 ACOUSTICAL, relating...
acousticians 26 20 ACOUSTICIAN, one ver...
acquaintance 32 30 the state of being a...
acquiescence 36 32 the act of acquiesci...
acquiescents 34 29 ACQUIESCENT, a perso...
acquirements 32 29 ACQUIREMENT, a skill...
acquisitions 32 26 ACQUISITION, the act...
acquittanced 34 30 ACQUITTANCE, (Shakes...
acquittances 34 29 ACQUITTANCE, (Shakes...
acriflavines 28 24 ACRIFLAVINE, an anti...
acroamatical 27 22 abstruse, esoteric,...
acrocentrics 29 22 ACROCENTRIC, a rod-s...
acrocyanoses 30 21 ACROCYANOSIS, persis...
acrocyanosis 31 21 persistent cyanosis...
acrogenously 30 22 ACROGENOUS, like or...
acromegalics 29 24 ACROMEGALIC, one suf...
acromegalies 25 21 ACROMEGALY, a glandu...
acronychally 42 27 ACRONYCHAL, occurrin...
acronymanias 28 22 ACRONYMANIA, a craze...
acrophonetic 29 24 relating to acrophon...
acrostically 35 22 ACROSTICAL, pertaini...
actabilities 27 19 ACTABILITY, the abil...
actinometers 23 19 ACTINOMETER, an inst...
actinometric 27 22 relating to actinome...
actinomorphy 34 26 the quality of being...
actinomycete 32 24 a filamentous microo...
actinomycins 33 25 ACTINOMYCIN, any of...
activenesses 24 20 ACTIVENESS, the qual...
acuminations 23 21 ACUMINATION, the sta...
acupressures 26 20 ACUPRESSURE, the app...
acupunctural 30 26 relating to acupunct...
acupunctures 29 25 ACUPUNCTURE, the com...
adaptability 32 22 the quality of being...
adaptational 21 18 relating to adaptati...
adaptiveness 23 21 the quality of being...
adaptivities 25 20 ADAPTIVITY, the qual...
addictedness 23 19 the state of being a...
additionally 28 19 ADDITIONAL, existing...
additivities 24 18 ADDITIVITY, the qual...
adenectomies 22 20 ADENECTOMY, the surg...
adenopathies 22 19 ADENOPATHY, enlargem...
adenoviruses 21 19 ADENOVIRUS, any of a...
adequateness 26 24 the quality of being...
adhesiveness 23 20 the quality of being...
adiaphorisms 26 21 ADIAPHORISM, toleran...
adiaphorists 25 18 ADIAPHORIST, an adhe...
adjectivally 36 33 ADJECTIVAL, using ma...
adjournments 22 28 ADJOURNMENT, the act...
adjudgements 24 30 ADJUDGEMENT, the act...
adjudicating 27 30 ADJUDICATE, to settl...
adjudication 25 28 the act of adjudicat...
adjudicative 28 31 relating to adjudica...
adjudicators 26 27 ADJUDICATOR, one who...
adjudicatory 32 29 relating to adjudica...
adjunctively 35 34 ADJUNCTIVE, joining;...
adjustmental 24 28 relating to adjustme...
adminiculate 25 22 to support by corrob...
administered 21 18 ADMINISTER, to manag...
administrant 21 18 an administrator [n...
administrate 21 17 to administer [v ADM...
admirability 32 22 the quality of being...
admiralships 28 22 ADMIRALSHIP, the off...
admonishment 23 23 a firm rebuke [n -S]
admonitorily 28 20 ADMONITORY, warning,...
adolescences 25 21 ADOLESCENCE, the sta...
adolescently 30 21 ADOLESCENT, in the s...
adoptability 32 22 the quality of being...
adoptianisms 23 20 ADOPTIANISM, the doc...
adoptianists 22 17 ADOPTIANIST, a belie...
adoptionisms 23 20 ADOPTIONISM, the doc...
adoptionists 22 17 ADOPTIONIST, a belie...
adorableness 21 18 the state of being a...
adrenochrome 24 22 a mixture of quinone...
adroitnesses 19 14 ADROITNESS, the qual...
adscititious 25 17 added or assumed, al...
adscriptions 26 20 ADSCRIPTION, the sta...
adularescent 23 19 of minerals such as...
adulterating 22 18 ADULTERATE, to make...
adulteration 20 16 the process of adult...
adulterators 21 15 ADULTERATOR, one who...
adulteresses 21 15 ADULTERESS, a female...
adulterising 23 18 ADULTERISE, (archaic...
adulterizing 26 27 ADULTERIZE, (archaic...
adulterously 29 19 ADULTEROUS, relating...
adultescents 24 19 ADULTESCENT, an adul...
adumbrations 23 21 ADUMBRATION, a sketc...
advancements 24 25 ADVANCEMENT, promoti...
advantageous 21 21 giving an advantage...
adventitious 22 19 coming from another...
adventureful 25 24 daring [adj]
adventurings 23 22 ADVENTURING, the act...
adventurisms 24 22 ADVENTURISM, improvi...
adventurists 23 19 ADVENTURIST, a pract...
adverbialise 25 21 to give the characte...
adverbialize 28 30 to give the characte...
advergamings 25 25 ADVERGAMING, a metho...
adversatives 24 21 ADVERSATIVE, a word...
advertencies 24 21 ADVERTENCY, the act...
advertisings 24 20 ADVERTISING [n]
advertizings 27 29 ADVERTIZING, the bus...
advertorials 23 18 ADVERTORIAL, an adve...
advisability 33 23 the quality of being...
adviserships 28 22 ADVISERSHIP, the off...
aecidiospore 24 19 a spore produced in...
aecidospores 24 19 AECIDOSPORE, a spore...
aeolotropies 21 16 AEOLOTROPY, variatio...
aerification 24 19 the process of chang...
aerobicising 26 21 AEROBICISE, to make...
aerobicizing 29 30 AEROBICIZE, to make...
aerobrakings 23 22 AEROBRAKING, using a...
aerodonetics 21 17 the study of soaring...
aerodynamics 29 22 the study of forces...
aeroembolism 24 22 sickness caused by e...
aerographies 24 19 AEROGRAPHY, a descri...
aeromagnetic 23 21 relating to study of...
aeromechanic 27 24 an aircraft mechanic...
aeromedicine 22 20 a branch of medicine...
aeronautical 22 18 relating to aeronaut...
aeroneuroses 17 14 AERONEUROSIS, flight...
aeroneurosis 18 14 flight fatigue, a ne...
aeroplankton 21 22 minute organisms car...
aerosiderite 19 13 an iron meteorite [n...
aerosolising 21 16 AEROSOLISE, to turn...
aerosolizing 24 25 AEROSOLIZE, to turn...
aerostatical 23 16 relating to aerostat...
aerostations 18 13 AEROSTATION, balloon...
aerotropisms 23 18 AEROTROPISM, curvatu...
aesthesiogen 21 17 something producing...
aesthetician 24 18 a specialist in aest...
aestheticise 25 17 to make beautiful, a...
aestheticism 27 20 the doctrine that be...
aestheticist 26 17 an adherent of aesth...
aestheticize 28 26 to make beautiful, a...
aestivations 21 17 AESTIVATION, the act...
aethereality 28 17 the state of being a...
aethrioscope 26 20 an instrument for me...
aetiological 25 19 relating to aetiolog...
aetiologists 22 15 AETIOLOGIST, a stude...
affabilities 28 22 AFFABILITY, the qual...
affectations 26 22 AFFECTATION, the act...
affectedness 26 23 the quality of being...
affectionate 25 22 having affection or...
affectioning 27 25 AFFECTION, to love [...
afficionados 26 23 AFFICIONADO, (Spanis...
affiliations 25 20 AFFILIATION, the res...
affirmations 25 22 AFFIRMATION, the act...
affirmatives 28 25 AFFIRMATIVE, an expr...
afflictively 39 29 AFFLICTIVE, causing...
affluentials 26 22 AFFLUENTIAL, an affl...
affluentness 24 22 the state of being a...
afforcements 27 25 AFFORCEMENT, the act...
afforestable 26 22 that can be afforest...
affranchised 29 25 AFFRANCHISE, to free...
affranchises 29 24 AFFRANCHISE, to free...
affrications 27 22 AFFRICATION, the act...
affricatives 30 25 AFFRICATIVE, a sound...
affrightedly 36 26 AFFRIGHTED [adv]
affrightened 27 24 AFFRIGHTEN, to frigh...
affrightment 29 26 sudden fear [n -S]
affrontingly 32 25 AFFRONTING, causing...
aforethought 27 22 a premeditation [n -...
afterburners 24 20 AFTERBURNER, a devic...
afterburning 25 23 reheat, the use of a...
aftereffects 29 24 AFTEREFFECT, an effe...
aftergrasses 23 17 AFTERGRASS, the gras...
aftergrowths 29 22 AFTERGROWTH, a later...
aftermarkets 24 22 AFTERMARKET, the ser...
afterparties 24 18 AFTERPARTY, a small...
aftersuppers 27 22 AFTERSUPPER, the tim...
afterthought 28 22 an idea occurring la...
agalmatolite 23 19 a soapstone or other...
agamogeneses 20 20 AGAMOGENESIS, reprod...
agamogenesis 21 20 reproduction by nons...
agamogenetic 24 23 reproducing by agamo...
agapanthuses 24 21 AGAPANTHUS, a genus...
agaricaceous 26 21 belonging to the aga...
agathodaimon 22 21 (Greek) one's good g...
agentivities 23 19 AGENTIVITY, the stat...
agglomerated 23 21 AGGLOMERATE, to coll...
agglomerates 23 20 AGGLOMERATE, to coll...
agglutinable 26 23 able to be agglutina...
agglutinants 23 20 AGGLUTINANT, an aggl...
agglutinated 23 20 AGGLUTINATE, to glue...
agglutinates 23 19 AGGLUTINATE, to glue...
agglutinogen 23 22 a substance causing...
aggradations 21 18 AGGRADATION, the act...
aggrandisers 22 18 AGGRANDISER, one who...
aggrandising 23 21 AGGRANDISE, to incre...
aggrandizers 25 27 AGGRANDIZER, one who...
aggrandizing 26 30 AGGRANDIZE, to incre...
aggravations 23 21 AGGRAVATION, an act...
aggregations 22 19 AGGREGATION, a group...
aggressively 32 23 AGGRESSIVE, tending...
aggressivity 32 22 aggressiveness [n AG...
aggrievement 24 24 the state of being a...
agnoiologies 21 18 AGNOIOLOGY, the scie...
agnosticisms 26 21 AGNOSTICISM, the doc...
agoraphobias 26 22 AGORAPHOBIA, a morbi...
agoraphobics 30 25 AGORAPHOBIC, one wit...
agrammatical 27 24 not grammatical [adj...
agranulocyte 30 22 a blood disorder in...
agrarianisms 22 18 AGRARIANISM, a socia...
agreeability 30 20 the quality of being...
agribusiness 24 19 an industry engaged...
agrichemical 32 26 a chemical intended...
agricultural 28 21 of, relating to, use...
agricultures 27 20 AGRICULTURE, the sci...
agriproducts 28 22 AGRIPRODUCT, a commo...
agritourisms 24 18 AGRITOURISM, the bus...
agritourists 23 15 AGRITOURIST, one who...
agrobusiness 23 19 the business of agri...
agrochemical 31 26 a chemical intended...
agroforester 22 17 one who practices ag...
agroforestry 29 19 land management invo...
agroindustry 28 19 the agricultural ind...
agrostemmata 22 20 AGROSTEMMA, a Europe...
agrostologic 26 20 relating to agrostol...
agrotourisms 23 18 AGROTOURISM, the bus...
agrotourists 22 15 AGROTOURIST, one who...
aguardientes 20 17 AGUARDIENTE, (Spanis...
aichmophobia 32 28 an irrational fear o...
aiguillettes 24 17 AIGUILLETTE, (French...
ailourophile 26 20 a cat-lover, also AI...
ailourophobe 26 22 one with a morbid fe...
ailurophiles 27 20 AILUROPHILE, a cat-l...
ailurophilia 27 20 the love of cats, al...
ailurophilic 31 23 loving cats, also AI...
ailurophobes 27 22 AILUROPHOBE, a perso...
ailurophobia 27 22 fear of cats [n -S]
ailurophobic 31 25 having a morbid fear...
airboardings 23 19 AIRBOARDING, the spo...
aircraftsman 26 22 a member of the lowe...
aircraftsmen 26 22 AIRCRAFTSMAN, a memb...
airfreighted 26 20 AIRFREIGHT, to trans...
airtightness 24 17 the quality of being...
airworthiest 26 17 AIRWORTHY, suitable...
akolouthoses 23 20 AKOLOUTHOS, (histori...
albumblatter 28 24 ALBUMBLATT [v]
albumenising 25 24 ALBUMENISE, to cover...
albumenizing 28 33 ALBUMENIZE, to cover...
albuminising 26 24 ALBUMINISE, to cover...
albuminizing 29 33 ALBUMINIZE, to cover...
albuminurias 25 22 ALBUMINURIA, the pre...
alchemically 39 28 ALCHEMICAL, relating...
alcoholicity 37 24 the strength of an a...
alcoholising 28 22 ALCOHOLISE, to conve...
alcoholizing 31 31 ALCOHOLIZE, to conve...
alcyonarians 28 20 ALCYONARIAN, a membe...
aldermanlike 23 23 like an alderman [ad...
aldermanries 21 18 ALDERMANRY, the dist...
aldermanship 26 23 the office of alderm...
aldolisation 21 16 the formation of ald...
aldolization 24 25 the formation of ald...
aldopentoses 21 18 ALDOPENTOSE, a type...
aldosterones 19 15 ALDOSTERONE, a stero...
aleggeaunces 24 22 ALEGGEAUNCE, (Spense...
alembication 26 23 processing with an a...
alexanderses 25 22 ALEXANDERS, ALEXANDE...
alexandrines 25 23 ALEXANDRINE, (French...
alexandrites 26 22 ALEXANDRITE, a gem v...
alexipharmic 36 31 acting as an antidot...
alexithymias 37 27 ALEXITHYMIA, an inab...
algolagniacs 26 22 ALGOLAGNIAC, one who...
algolagnists 24 19 ALGOLAGNIST, one who...
alienability 30 20 the ability to be al...
alimentation 20 18 the act of feeding o...
alimentative 23 21 nourishing [adj]
alkalescence 27 25 the state of being a...
alkalescency 34 27 the state of being a...
alkalimeters 24 21 ALKALIMETER, an inst...
alkalimetric 28 24 relating to alkalime...
alkalinising 24 22 ALKALINISE, to make...
alkalinities 23 19 ALKALINITY, the stat...
alkalinizing 27 31 ALKALINIZE, to make...
allegorisers 23 16 ALLEGORISER, one who...
allegorising 24 19 ALLEGORISE, to make...
allegorizers 26 25 ALLEGORIZER, one who...
allegorizing 27 28 ALLEGORIZE, to make...
allelomorphs 28 23 ALLELOMORPH, any one...
allelopathic 30 23 relating to allelopa...
alleviations 23 19 ALLEVIATION, the pro...
allineations 20 16 ALLINEATION, alignme...
alliterating 23 17 ALLITERATE, to form...
alliteration 21 15 the repetition of th...
alliterative 24 18 of, relating to, or...
alloantibody 29 21 an antibody [n ALLOA...
alloantigens 21 18 ALLOANTIGEN, an anti...
allocheirias 27 19 ALLOCHEIRIA, attribu...
allografting 26 22 ALLOGRAFT, to make a...
allomorphism 29 25 the state of being a...
allopathists 27 19 ALLOPATHIST, one who...
allopurinols 25 20 ALLOPURINOL, a drug...
allosauruses 22 16 ALLOSAURUS, a kind o...
allotropisms 26 20 ALLOTROPISM, the sta...
allowability 35 23 the state of being a...
allusiveness 24 20 a quality characteri...
allychollies 36 23 ALLYCHOLLY, (Shakesp...
almightiness 26 21 the state of being a...
alphabetical 31 25 arranged in the orde...
alphabetised 27 22 ALPHABETISE, to put...
alphabetiser 27 21 one who alphabetises...
alphabetises 27 21 ALPHABETISE, to put...
alphabetized 30 31 ALPHABETIZE, to put...
alphabetizer 30 30 something that alpha...
alphabetizes 30 30 ALPHABETIZE, to put...
alphamerical 30 25 consisting of, or (o...
alphanumeric 29 26 of data, consisting...
alphasorting 26 21 ALPHASORT, to sort i...
alphatesting 26 21 ALPHATEST, to carry...
alstroemeria 21 16 a plant of the South...
altaltissimo 24 17 (Italian) very very...
alterability 31 19 the state of being a...
altercations 23 17 ALTERCATION, a disag...
alternations 19 15 ALTERNATION, the act...
alternatives 22 18 ALTERNATIVE, a choic...
altimetrical 27 20 relating to measurem...
altitudinous 22 17 high [adj]
alveolations 22 19 ALVEOLATION, the sta...
alveolitises 24 18 ALVEOLITIS, inflamma...
alycompaines 32 25 ALYCOMPAINE, an old...
amalgamating 24 24 AMALGAMATE, to unite...
amalgamation 22 22 the act of amalgamat...
amalgamative 25 25 tending to amalgamat...
amalgamators 23 21 AMALGAMATOR, one who...
amateurishly 31 21 AMATEURISH, like an...
amateurships 26 21 AMATEURSHIP, the sta...
amazednesses 22 26 AMAZEDNESS, the stat...
amazonstones 21 26 AMAZONSTONE, a green...
ambassadress 23 19 a woman who is an am...
ambidextrous 30 27 able to use either h...
ambiophonies 26 24 AMBIOPHONY, the repr...
ambitionless 24 20 without ambition [ad...
ambivalences 28 27 AMBIVALENCE, simulta...
ambivalently 33 27 AMBIVALENT, having c...
ambiversions 25 23 AMBIVERSION, the sta...
amblygonites 31 24 AMBLYGONITE, lithium...
ambulanceman 26 28 one who operates an...
ambulancemen 26 28 AMBULANCEMAN, one wh...
ambulatories 24 20 AMBULATORY, an aisle...
ambulatorily 32 23 AMBULATORY, walking...
ameliorating 22 19 AMELIORATE, to make...
amelioration 20 17 the act of ameliorat...
ameliorative 23 20 tending to ameliorat...
ameliorators 21 16 AMELIORATOR, one who...
amelioratory 27 18 serving to ameliorat...
amelogeneses 20 19 AMELOGENESIS, the pr...
amelogenesis 21 19 the production of en...
amenableness 21 21 the state of being a...
amenorrhoeas 20 18 AMENORRHOEA, abnorma...
amentiferous 22 20 bearing catkins [adj...
amerciaments 24 22 AMERCIAMENT, the inf...
ametabolisms 25 22 AMETABOLISM, the lac...
amiabilities 25 19 AMIABILITY, the stat...
amianthoidal 23 20 of or like amianthus...
amicableness 26 23 the state of being a...
aminobenzoic 27 32 as in aminobenzoic a...
aminobutenes 21 21 AMINOBUTENE, a synth...
aminophenols 24 23 AMINOPHENOL, any of...
aminopterins 22 20 AMINOPTERIN, a roden...
aminopyrines 28 22 AMINOPYRINE, a drug...
amissibility 33 21 the state of being a...
amitotically 33 22 AMITOTIC, relating t...
ammoniations 20 20 AMMONIATION, impregn...
ammunitioned 21 22 AMMUNITION, to suppl...
amobarbitals 26 22 AMOBARBITAL, a white...
amontillados 22 19 AMONTILLADO, a kind...
amortisation 20 16 the act of amortisin...
amortisement 21 19 the act of amortisin...
amortization 23 25 the act of amortisin...
amortizement 24 28 the act of amortizin...
amoxicillins 33 28 AMOXICILLIN, an anti...
amoxycillins 39 30 AMOXYCILLIN, an anti...
ampelography 35 28 the study of grapevi...
amperometric 27 24 relating to a chemic...
amphetamines 25 24 AMPHETAMINE, a synth...
amphibiously 36 27 AMPHIBIOUS, adapted...
amphiblastic 33 27 of animal ova, showi...
amphibolites 29 24 AMPHIBOLITE, rock co...
amphibrachic 37 31 of or like an amphib...
amphicoelous 29 25 of the vertebrae of...
amphictyonic 38 29 applied to the ancie...
amphidentate 24 22 of a ligand, able to...
amphidiploid 30 26 a hybrid having a co...
amphigastria 27 22 AMPHIGASTRIUM, a sca...
amphisbaenae 25 24 AMPHISBAENA, a worm-...
amphisbaenas 26 24 AMPHISBAENA, a worm-...
amphisbaenic 30 27 of or like an amphis...
amphistomous 27 24 having a sucker at e...
amphistylars 34 23 AMPHISTYLAR, a templ...
amphitheater 27 22 an oval or circular...
amphitheatre 27 22 an oval or circular...
amphithecium 33 29 the outer layer of c...
amphitropous 28 24 of an ovule, with it...
ampullaceous 28 25 of or like an ampull...
amygdaloidal 30 23 having amygdules [ad...
amylopectins 33 25 AMYLOPECTIN, the maj...
amyotrophies 31 22 AMYOTROPHY, atrophy...
anabaptising 24 22 ANABAPTISE, to rebap...
anabaptistic 27 22 relating to anabapti...
anabaptizing 27 31 ANABAPTIZE, to rebap...
anacatharses 23 18 ANACATHARSIS, vomiti...
anacatharsis 24 18 vomiting [n ANACATHA...
anacathartic 27 21 a drug causing vomit...
anachronical 27 23 out of (chronologica...
anachronisms 25 22 ANACHRONISM, the err...
anacoluthias 25 20 ANACOLUTHIA, a nonse...
anacoluthons 24 21 ANACOLUTHON, a sente...
anacreontics 24 20 ANACREONTIC, a drink...
anaerobionts 19 17 ANAEROBIONT, an orga...
anaerobioses 19 16 ANAEROBIOSIS, life i...
anaerobiosis 20 16 life in the absence...
anaerobiotic 23 19 living in the absenc...
anaesthesias 20 15 ANAESTHESIA, lack of...
anaesthetics 24 18 ANAESTHETIC, a drug...
anaesthetise 20 15 to subject to anaest...
anaesthetist 21 15 one who delivers ana...
anaesthetize 23 24 to subject to anaest...
anaglyphical 36 27 of or like an anagly...
anaglyptical 34 25 of or like an anagly...
anagogically 32 24 ANAGOGICAL, relating...
anagrammatic 25 24 like an anagram, als...
analogically 32 23 ANALOGICAL, of or be...
analphabetes 25 22 ANALPHABETE, an illi...
analphabetic 29 25 one who is unable to...
analysations 25 17 ANALYSATION, analysi...
analytically 38 23 ANALYTICAL, pertaini...
analyzations 28 26 ANALYZATION, analysi...
anamorphisms 26 24 ANAMORPHISM, metamor...
anamorphoses 23 21 ANAMORPHOSIS, a dist...
anamorphosis 24 21 a distorted projecti...
anapaestical 24 20 in the form of an an...
anaphrodisia 23 19 lessening of sexual...
anaphylactic 37 27 of, relating to, aff...
anaphylaxies 36 28 ANAPHYLAXY, an incre...
anaplasmoses 22 20 ANAPLASMOSIS, a tick...
anaplasmosis 23 20 a tick-borne disease...
anaptyctical 35 25 relating to anaptyxi...
anarchically 36 25 ANARCHICAL, relating...
anarthrously 29 19 ANARTHROUS, without...
anastigmatic 25 21 free from astigmatis...
anastomosing 20 19 ANASTOMOSE, to inosc...
anastrozoles 22 23 ANASTROZOLE, a drug...
anathematise 21 18 to subject to anathe...
anathematize 24 27 to subject to anathe...
anatomically 31 23 ANATOMICAL, relating...
ancestresses 22 16 ANCESTRESS, a female...
anchoretical 28 22 of or like an anchor...
anchoritical 29 22 of or like an anchor...
anchorpeople 28 25 ANCHORPERSON, an anc...
anchorperson 25 22 an anchorman or anch...
andouillette 21 17 (French) a kind of p...
androcentric 25 21 revolving around men...
androclinium 25 23 another name for the...
androgeneses 18 17 ANDROGENESIS, the de...
androgenesis 19 17 the development of a...
androgenetic 22 20 relating to androgen...
andrologists 22 17 ANDROLOGIST, a stude...
androsterone 17 15 an androgenic steroi...
anecdotalism 24 21 the relating of anec...
anecdotalist 23 18 a person who is give...
anelasticity 30 19 the quality of being...
anemochorous 24 22 of or like an anemoc...
anemographic 28 26 relating to an anemo...
anemometries 20 19 ANEMOMETRY, the proc...
anemophilies 25 22 ANEMOPHILY, pollinat...
anemophilous 25 23 pollinated by wind [...
anemophobias 25 24 ANEMOPHOBIA, the fea...
anencephalia 25 23 congenital absence o...
anencephalic 29 26 lacking a brain [adj...
anesthetised 21 16 ANESTHETISE, to subj...
anesthetises 21 15 ANESTHETISE, to subj...
anesthetists 22 15 ANESTHETIST, one who...
anesthetized 24 25 ANESTHETIZE, to subj...
anesthetizes 24 24 ANESTHETIZE, to subj...
aneuploidies 22 19 ANEUPLOIDY, the cond...
aneurismally 29 21 ANEURISMAL, of or pe...
aneurismatic 24 20 of or like an aneuri...
aneurysmally 35 23 ANEURYSMAL, of or pe...
aneurysmatic 30 22 of or like an aneury...
angelologies 22 19 ANGELOLOGY, the stud...
angelologist 23 19 one who studies ange...
angiocarpous 25 22 having the fruit (or...
angiogeneses 19 18 ANGIOGENESIS, the de...
angiogenesis 20 18 the development of b...
angiographic 29 25 relating to angiogra...
angiosarcoma 23 21 a malignant tumour o...
angiospermal 24 22 like an angiosperm,...
angiostomous 21 19 narrow-mouthed; with...
angiotensins 19 17 ANGIOTENSIN, a prote...
angleberries 23 19 ANGLEBERRY, a soft f...
anglerfishes 26 21 ANGLERFISH, a wide-m...
anglomaniacs 24 23 ANGLOMANIAC, one suf...
anglophilias 27 22 ANGLOPHILIA, love of...
anglophobiac 30 27 one who suffers from...
anglophobias 27 24 ANGLOPHOBIA, fear of...
anguilliform 27 24 shaped like an eel [...
angularities 22 17 ANGULARITY, the qual...
anilinctuses 24 19 ANILINCTUS, oral sti...
animadverted 22 22 ANIMADVERT, to comme...
animadverter 22 21 one who animadverts,...
animalculism 28 25 the former biologica...
animalculist 27 22 a believer in animal...
animatronics 23 20 a technique of const...
aniseikonias 19 18 ANISEIKONIA, a visua...
anisodactyls 30 20 ANISODACTYL, a bird...
anisomorphic 28 24 differing in the sem...
anisotropies 21 16 ANISOTROPY, the char...
anisotropism 23 19 the state of being a...
ankylosaurus 28 22 a kind of dinosaur w...
annabergites 21 19 ANNABERGITE, an appl...
annexational 23 23 relating to annexati...
annihilating 23 20 ANNIHILATE, to destr...
annihilation 21 18 the process or resul...
annihilative 24 21 tending to annihilat...
annihilators 22 17 ANNIHILATOR, one who...
annihilatory 28 19 tending to annihilat...
announcement 20 23 the act of announcin...
annularities 20 16 ANNULARITY, the stat...
annunciating 22 22 ANNUNCIATE, to annou...
annunciation 20 20 a proclamation [n -S...
annunciative 23 23 relating to annuncia...
annunciators 21 19 ANNUNCIATOR, one who...
annunciatory 27 21 relating to annuncia...
annuntiating 19 19 ANNUNTIATE, (obsolet...
anodisations 18 15 ANODISATION, the pro...
anodizations 21 24 ANODIZATION, the pro...
anorexigenic 28 26 promoting or causing...
anorthosites 21 15 ANORTHOSITE, an igne...
anorthositic 25 18 of or like anorthosi...
anotherguess 22 18 (archaic) in another...
anovulations 21 20 ANOVULATION, a failu...
answerphones 25 22 ANSWERPHONE, a devic...
antagonising 20 19 ANTAGONISE, to arous...
antagonistic 23 19 marked by or resulti...
antagonizing 23 28 ANTAGONIZE, to arous...
antalkalines 21 20 ANTALKALINE, a subst...
antarthritic 26 18 used against arthrit...
antasthmatic 26 21 an agent that counte...
antecedences 23 21 ANTECEDENCE, the sta...
antecedently 28 21 ANTECEDENT, foregoin...
antechambers 27 24 ANTECHAMBER, a chamb...
antediluvial 24 21 pertaining to the pe...
antediluvian 22 21 pertaining to the pe...
antemeridian 19 18 occurring before mid...
antenuptials 22 19 ANTENUPTIAL, a contr...
antependiums 22 22 ANTEPENDIUM, a cloth...
anteposition 20 17 the position opposit...
anteprandial 21 19 before dinner [adj]
anteversions 20 18 ANTEVERSION, the abn...
anthelmintic 27 23 destroying or expell...
antherozoids 24 25 ANTHEROZOID, a motil...
antherozooid 23 25 a motile male gamete...
anthocarpous 26 22 of or like an anthoc...
anthochlores 27 21 ANTHOCHLORE, a yello...
anthocyanins 29 22 ANTHOCYANIN, a gluco...
anthological 27 22 of or like an anthol...
anthologised 23 19 ANTHOLOGISE, to make...
anthologiser 23 18 one who makes an ant...
anthologises 23 18 ANTHOLOGISE, to make...
anthologists 24 18 ANTHOLOGIST, a compi...
anthologized 26 28 ANTHOLOGIZE, to make...
anthologizer 26 27 one who makes an ant...
anthologizes 26 27 ANTHOLOGIZE, to make...
anthomaniacs 24 22 ANTHOMANIAC, one suf...
anthophilous 27 22 feeding upon or livi...
anthoxanthin 28 26 a yellow pigment in...
anthracnoses 23 19 ANTHRACNOSE, any of...
anthranilate 21 17 a salt or ester of a...
anthropogeny 29 23 the study of human g...
anthropogony 29 23 the study of the ori...
anthropoidal 24 20 like an anthropoid [...
anthropology 31 23 the science of human...
anthropotomy 30 23 human anatomy [n ANT...
antiabortion 20 17 opposed to abortion...
antiacademic 26 23 opposed to things ac...
antiaditises 20 14 ANTIADITIS, tonsilli...
antiaircraft 25 19 antiaircraft guns or...
antibacchius 31 25 (Latin) a foot of tw...
antibacklash 29 26 arising in oppositio...
antibarbarus 24 20 a list of words and...
antiblackism 29 27 prejudice against bl...
antiburglary 31 22 designed to prevent...
antibusiness 22 18 opposed to business...
anticatalyst 30 19 a substance that des...
anticathodes 24 19 ANTICATHODE, the tar...
anticatholic 29 22 opposed to the Catho...
antichoicers 28 21 ANTICHOICER, one opp...
antichthones 26 21 the antipodeans [n]
anticipating 26 22 ANTICIPATE, to expec...
anticipation 24 20 a prior action that...
anticipative 27 23 of anticipation [adj...
anticipators 25 19 ANTICIPATOR, one who...
anticipatory 31 21 in anticipation [adj...
anticlerical 28 21 one opposed to cleri...
anticlimaxes 31 27 ANTICLIMAX, the usua...
anticlinoria 23 18 ANTICLINORIUM, an ar...
anticlotting 25 20 serving to prevent c...
anticolonial 23 19 opposed to the colon...
anticonsumer 23 21 opposed to the consu...
anticreative 24 20 stultifying creativi...
anticultural 26 20 opposed to culture [...
anticyclones 32 23 ANTICYCLONE, a syste...
anticyclonic 36 26 relating to an antic...
antidandruff 24 23 designed to cure dan...
antidiabetic 25 20 a drug which acts ag...
antidilution 21 17 opposed to dilution...
antidiuretic 24 18 a drug inhibiting th...
antidogmatic 25 22 opposed to dogma [ad...
antidumpings 25 24 ANTIDUMPING, a metho...
antieconomic 25 23 opposed to the econo...
antielectron 22 18 the antimatter equiv...
antielitisms 23 17 ANTIELITISM, opposit...
antielitists 22 14 ANTIELITIST, one who...
antientropic 24 20 working to counter t...
antiepilepsy 31 22 designed to combat e...
antiestrogen 19 16 a drug designed to c...
antifascisms 27 22 ANTIFASCISM, opposit...
antifascists 26 19 ANTIFASCIST, one who...
antifashions 23 19 ANTIFASHION, a delib...
antifebriles 25 20 ANTIFEBRILE, a drug...
antifeminine 21 21 opposed to women [ad...
antifeminism 24 23 opposition to femini...
antifeminist 23 20 a supporter of antif...
antifoulings 24 21 ANTIFOULING, an anti...
antifriction 25 20 designed to counter...
antigambling 26 25 opposed to gambling...
antigenicity 30 21 the quality of being...
antiglobulin 25 22 an antibody that com...
antigropelos 23 19 waterproof leggings,...
antihalation 21 17 the prevention of ha...
antiheroines 20 16 ANTIHEROINE, a femal...
antihumanism 24 23 opposition to humani...
antihydrogen 28 21 an antimatter form o...
antihysteric 32 20 a remedy for hysteri...
antijacobins 26 29 ANTIJACOBIN, one opp...
antijammings 25 31 ANTIJAMMING, measure...
antikickback 32 34 opposed to kickbacks...
antilegomena 20 20 books of the New Tes...
antileukemic 26 25 counteracting the ef...
antiliberals 24 18 ANTILIBERAL, one who...
antiliterate 20 14 opposed to literacy...
antilynching 33 25 opposed to lynching...
antimacassar 23 19 a cover to protect t...
antimagnetic 24 22 having a balance uni...
antimalarial 22 18 effective against ma...
antimetabole 22 20 repetition of words...
antimilitary 29 19 opposed to things mi...
antimissiles 23 17 ANTIMISSILE, a missi...
antimitotics 25 19 ANTIMITOTIC, an agen...
antimnemonic 23 24 tending to weaken th...
antimoniates 19 17 ANTIMONIATE, a salt...
antimonopoly 28 23 opposed to monopoly...
antimosquito 29 26 designed to repel mo...
antimutagens 21 20 ANTIMUTAGEN, a compo...
antinational 18 16 opposed to nationali...
antinepotism 22 20 opposed to nepotism...
antineutrino 18 16 the antiparticle of...
antineutrons 18 16 ANTINEUTRON, the ant...
antinovelist 22 19 one who writes antin...
antinucleons 22 20 ANTINUCLEON, the ant...
antioxidants 25 22 ANTIOXIDANT, a subst...
antiozonants 20 24 ANTIOZONANT, a subst...
antiparallel 24 19 making with a transv...
antiparticle 26 20 the 'pair' of an ele...
antipathetic 27 21 related to antipathy...
antipathists 25 18 ANTIPATHIST, a perso...
antiperiodic 25 20 destroying the perio...
antipetalous 22 18 opposite a petal [ad...
antiphonally 31 23 ANTIPHONAL, sung or...
antiphonical 27 23 (obsolete) mutually...
antiphrastic 28 21 involving antiphrasi...
antipleasure 22 18 opposed to pleasure...
antipoaching 27 24 opposed to poaching...
antipolitics 27 20 opposed to politics...
antipredator 21 17 designed to deter pr...
antipruritic 27 20 alleviating itching...
antipyretics 32 21 ANTIPYRETIC, an agen...
antiquarians 27 24 ANTIQUARIAN, one who...
antiquations 27 24 ANTIQUATION, the act...
antirachitic 29 21 preventive of ricket...
antirational 19 15 opposed to the ratio...
antirealisms 22 17 ANTIREALISM, opposit...
antirealists 21 14 ANTIREALIST, one who...
antireligion 21 17 opposition to religi...
antiromantic 23 20 one who opposes roma...
antiroyalist 27 16 one opposed to royal...
antirrhinums 24 20 ANTIRRHINUM, a garde...
antisciences 25 20 ANTISCIENCE, a disci...
antisepalous 22 18 opposite a sepal [ad...
antisocially 31 20 ANTISOCIAL, averse t...
antispastics 26 19 ANTISPASTIC, a subst...
antispending 22 21 opposed to spending...
antistrophes 24 18 ANTISTROPHE, the rep...
antistrophic 28 21 relating to antistro...
antistrophon 23 19 an argument retorted...
antisyzygies 37 28 ANTISYZYGY, a union...
antitakeover 21 21 against a takeover [...
antitheistic 26 18 opposed to theism [a...
antithetical 26 19 relating to antithes...
antithrombin 25 22 a substance in blood...
antitrusters 21 14 ANTITRUSTER, one who...
antitumoural 22 19 preventing or acting...
antitussives 23 18 ANTITUSSIVE, an agen...
antiviolence 24 22 opposed to violence...
antivitamins 23 21 ANTIVITAMIN, a subst...
antoninianus 17 17 a Roman coin equal t...
antonomasias 18 17 ANTONOMASIA, the sub...
antonomastic 22 20 relating to antonoma...
aoristically 32 19 AORISTIC, pertaining...
aortographic 28 22 relating to an aorto...
apagogically 35 26 APAGOGICAL, proving...
aperiodicity 32 21 the state of being a...
apfelstrudel 27 22 (German) apple strud...
aphrodisiacs 28 21 APHRODISIAC, an agen...
apiculturist 29 21 a beekeeper [n -S]
apitherapies 26 20 APITHERAPY, the ther...
aplanogamete 22 22 a nonmotile gamete [...
aplanospores 23 20 APLANOSPORE, a nonmo...
apocalyptism 36 27 the doctrine of the...
apocalyptist 35 24 the writer of an apo...
apochromatic 31 26 free from chromatic...
apocopations 25 22 APOCOPATION, the cut...
apocryphally 44 29 APOCRYPHAL, of doubt...
apocynaceous 32 25 belonging to the per...
apocynthions 32 24 APOCYNTHION, the poi...
apodeictical 29 23 (archaic) necessaril...
apodyteriums 30 22 APODYTERIUM, an undr...
apogeotropic 27 23 bending up or away f...
apolitically 35 23 APOLITICAL, not poli...
apoliticisms 29 22 APOLITICISM, being u...
apollonicons 25 22 APOLLONICON, a gigan...
apologetical 27 22 expressing apology,...
apomorphines 26 24 APOMORPHINE, an alka...
apophyllites 35 24 APOPHYLLITE, a miner...
apoplectical 32 26 (archaic) apoplectic...
apostatising 23 18 APOSTATISE, to chang...
apostatizing 26 27 APOSTATIZE, to chang...
apostleships 28 21 APOSTLESHIP, the sta...
apostolicism 28 22 the quality of being...
apostolicity 33 21 the quality of being...
apostolising 24 19 APOSTOLISE, to preac...
apostolizing 27 28 APOSTOLIZE, to preac...
apostrophise 26 20 to address an inamin...
apostrophize 29 29 to address by or in...
apothecaries 26 20 APOTHECARY, one who...
apothegmatic 29 25 of or like an apothe...
apotheosised 23 18 APOTHEOSISE, to brin...
apotheosises 23 17 APOTHEOSISE, to brin...
apotheosized 26 27 APOTHEOSIZE, to brin...
apotheosizes 26 26 APOTHEOSIZE, to brin...
apotropaisms 25 21 APOTROPAISM, a magic...
apparatchiki 31 27 APPARATCHIK, (Russia...
apparatchiks 31 27 APPARATCHIK, (Russia...
apparelments 25 23 APPARELMENT, apparel...
apparentness 22 20 the state of being a...
apparitional 24 20 of or like an appari...
appartements 24 22 APPARTEMENT, (French...
appassionato 22 19 to be performed in a...
appeachments 29 27 APPEACHMENT, (Shakes...
appeasements 23 22 APPEASEMENT, the act...
appellations 25 21 APPELLATION, a name...
appellatives 28 24 APPELLATIVE, a commo...
appendectomy 33 28 the surgical removal...
appendicitis 28 23 inflammation of the...
appendicular 28 25 of or relating to an...
apperceiving 30 28 APPERCEIVE, to perce...
apperception 28 25 the mind's perceptio...
apperceptive 31 28 relating to appercep...
appercipient 29 25 relating to appercep...
appertaining 24 22 APPERTAIN, to relate...
appertinents 23 20 APPERTINENT, (Shakes...
appetisement 24 22 the state of being a...
appetisingly 33 24 APPETISING [adv]
appetizingly 36 33 APPETIZING [adv]
applaudingly 34 27 APPLAUDING [adv]
applausively 35 27 APPLAUSIVE, expressi...
appleringies 26 22 APPLERINGIE, (Scots)...
applications 28 23 APPLICATION, an act...
appoggiatura 26 23 (Italian) a short no...
appoggiature 26 23 APPOGGIATURA, (Itali...
appointments 24 23 APPOINTMENT, an act...
apportioners 23 19 APPORTIONER, one who...
apportioning 24 22 APPORTION, to portio...
appositeness 23 19 the state of being a...
appositional 24 20 relating to appositi...
appositively 34 25 APPOSITIVE, relating...
appraisement 24 22 the act of appraisin...
appraisingly 33 24 APPRAISING [adv]
appraisively 34 25 APPRAISIVE, having a...
appreciating 28 24 APPRECIATE, to grasp...
appreciation 26 22 judgment, evaluation...
appreciative 29 25 having or showing ap...
appreciators 27 21 APPRECIATOR, one who...
appreciatory 33 23 showing appreciation...
apprehending 26 25 APPREHEND, to unders...
apprehension 24 22 the act or power of...
apprehensive 27 25 fearful [adj APPREHE...
apprenticing 28 25 APPRENTICE, to set s...
appressorium 26 22 the flattened thicke...
approachable 31 27 capable of being app...
approbations 25 22 APPROBATION, approva...
appropinqued 34 33 APPROPINQUE, (archai...
appropinques 34 32 APPROPINQUE, (archai...
appropriable 29 25 capable of being app...
appropriated 26 22 APPROPRIATE, to take...
appropriates 26 21 APPROPRIATE, to take...
appropriator 26 21 one who appropriates...
approximated 31 29 APPROXIMATE, to come...
approximates 31 28 APPROXIMATE, to come...
appurtenance 25 24 a subordinate or adj...
appurtenants 23 21 APPURTENANT, a right...
aquaceutical 35 30 a method of deliveri...
aquacultural 34 29 relating to aquacult...
aquacultures 33 28 AQUACULTURE, the pra...
aquafarmings 32 31 AQUAFARMING, marine...
aquafortises 30 25 AQUAFORTIS, concentr...
aquafortists 31 25 AQUAFORTIST, an etch...
aqualeathers 30 25 AQUALEATHER, leather...
aquaplanings 31 30 AQUAPLANING, the spo...
aquarellists 31 24 AQUARELLIST, an arti...
aquatintists 29 23 AQUATINTIST, one who...
aquicultural 35 29 relating to aquicult...
aquicultures 34 28 AQUICULTURE, the pra...
aquilinities 30 24 AQUILINITY, the stat...
arabinosides 21 17 ARABINOSIDE, a glyco...
arabisations 21 16 ARABISATION, the pro...
arabizations 24 25 ARABIZATION, the pro...
arachnophobe 29 26 one with a morbid fe...
araeometries 19 15 ARAEOMETRY, the meas...
araeosystyle 32 17 a building or colonn...
arbitrageurs 24 18 ARBITRAGEUR, one who...
arbitraments 23 19 ARBITRAMENT, the dec...
arbitrations 22 16 ARBITRATION, the act...
arbitrements 23 19 ARBITREMENT, the dec...
arborescence 26 22 shape or growth like...
arborisation 21 16 an arborescence, als...
arborization 24 25 an arborescence, als...
arcanenesses 20 17 ARCANENESS, being ar...
archaeometry 31 22 the use of scientifi...
archdeaconry 33 24 the district or resi...
archdiocesan 27 22 relating to archdioc...
archdioceses 28 21 ARCHDIOCESE, the dio...
archdukedoms 28 27 ARCHDUKEDOM, the dom...
archegoniate 24 20 having archegonia [a...
archenterons 23 19 ARCHENTERON, in the...
archeobotany 31 23 the analysis and int...
archeologies 26 20 ARCHEOLOGY, the stud...
archeologist 27 20 one who does archeol...
archerfishes 30 22 ARCHERFISH, a kind o...
archesporial 28 21 of or like an arches...
archesporium 29 24 a primitive cell or...
archetypally 42 26 ARCHETYPAL, of or li...
archetypical 38 26 of or like an archet...
archipelagic 33 26 of, relating to, or...
archipelagos 29 23 ARCHIPELAGO, a chain...
archiphoneme 29 26 an abstract linguist...
archiplasmic 34 27 relating to archipla...
architecting 30 23 ARCHITECT, to constr...
architecture 29 21 the art or science o...
archoplasmic 33 27 relating to archopla...
archosaurian 24 19 relating to archosau...
arctophilias 29 21 ARCTOPHILIA, the lov...
arctophilies 29 21 ARCTOPHILY, the stud...
arctophilist 30 21 a collector of teddy...
areographies 24 19 AREOGRAPHY, the desc...
areosystiles 27 15 AREOSYSTILE, a build...
arfvedsonite 23 21 (Swedish) an iron-ri...
argillaceous 26 20 containing clay; cla...
argutenesses 20 16 ARGUTENESS, acutenes...
aristocratic 27 18 belonging to an aris...
aristolochia 26 18 any plant of the bir...
aristologies 22 15 ARISTOLOGY, the scie...
arithmetical 28 21 relating to arithmet...
arithmomania 23 21 an obsession with nu...
arithmometer 24 20 (obsolete) an early...
armamentaria 20 19 ARMAMENTARIUM, the c...
armipotences 25 22 ARMIPOTENCE, power i...
aromatherapy 30 22 a therapy involving...
aromatically 32 22 AROMATIC, sweet-smel...
arpeggiating 25 22 ARPEGGIATE, to perfo...
arpeggiation 23 20 the act of arpeggiat...
arquebusades 30 27 ARQUEBUSADE, (French...
arquebusiers 31 26 ARQUEBUSIER, a soldi...
arraignments 21 19 ARRAIGNMENT, the act...
arrangements 20 19 ARRANGEMENT, a preli...
arrestations 19 13 ARRESTATION, the act...
arrowgrasses 24 17 ARROWGRASS, a grass...
arsenopyrite 27 18 arsenical iron pyrit...
arsphenamine 23 22 another name for sal...
artemisinins 21 17 ARTEMISININ, a cryst...
arterialised 21 14 ARTERIALISE, to make...
arterialises 21 13 ARTERIALISE, to make...
arterialized 24 23 ARTERIALIZE, to make...
arterializes 24 22 ARTERIALIZE, to make...
arteriograms 22 17 ARTERIOGRAM, a radio...
artfulnesses 23 18 ARTFULNESS, the stat...
arthrography 34 23 the X-ray examinatio...
arthroplasty 32 20 surgical reconstruct...
arthropodous 24 19 of or like an arthro...
arthroscopes 27 20 ARTHROSCOPE, an inst...
arthroscopic 31 23 relating to arthrosc...
arthrospores 24 17 ARTHROSPORE, another...
arthrosporic 28 20 of or like an arthro...
articulacies 28 20 ARTICULACY, the stat...
articulately 32 20 ARTICULATE, speaking...
articulating 26 20 ARTICULATE, to give...
articulation 24 18 a joint or juncture...
articulative 27 21 relating to articula...
articulators 25 17 ARTICULATOR, one who...
articulatory 31 19 of or relating to ar...
artificially 35 22 ARTIFICIAL, humanly...
artillerists 24 14 ARTILLERIST, one who...
artilleryman 29 20 a soldier in the art...
artillerymen 29 20 ARTILLERYMAN, a sold...
artiodactyls 31 19 ARTIODACTYL, an anim...
artisanships 25 18 ARTISANSHIP, the sta...
artistically 33 19 ARTISTICAL, characte...
artocarpuses 25 19 ARTOCARPUS, a plant...
ascendancies 24 21 ASCENDANCY, the stat...
ascendencies 24 21 ASCENDENCY, the stat...
ascensionist 22 17 a person who has com...
ascertaining 23 19 ASCERTAIN, to make s...
ascomycetous 33 24 relating to ascomyce...
asepticising 27 21 ASEPTICISE, to make...
asepticizing 30 30 ASEPTICIZE, to make...
asexualities 27 21 ASEXUALITY, the stat...
asparaginase 21 18 an enzyme that cause...
aspergations 22 18 ASPERGATION, the act...
aspergillums 28 23 ASPERGILLUM, a holy...
aspersoriums 24 19 ASPERSORIUM, a basin...
aspheterised 24 18 ASPHETERISE, to deny...
aspheterises 24 17 ASPHETERISE, to deny...
aspheterisms 26 20 ASPHETERISM, the bel...
aspheterized 27 27 ASPHETERIZE, to deny...
aspheterizes 27 26 ASPHETERIZE, to deny...
asphyxiating 38 29 ASPHYXIATE, to cause...
asphyxiation 36 27 the act of asphyxiat...
asphyxiators 37 26 ASPHYXIATOR, one of...
aspirational 22 17 relating to aspirati...
aspiringness 23 19 the state of being a...
asportations 21 16 ASPORTATION, the act...
assafoetidas 21 16 ASSAFOETIDA, an acri...
assassinated 19 14 ASSASSINATE, to murd...
assassinates 19 13 ASSASSINATE, to murd...
assassinator 19 13 one who assassinates...
assaultively 31 21 ASSAULTIVE, relating...
assemblagist 26 21 an artist who specia...
assemblances 26 23 ASSEMBLANCE, (Spense...
assemblaunce 26 24 (Spenser) an assembl...
assentaneous 17 15 acquiescent [adj]
assentations 18 14 ASSENTATION, obsequi...
assessorship 25 17 the office of assess...
asseverating 22 19 ASSEVERATE, to state...
asseveration 20 17 an earnest affirmati...
asseverative 23 20 relating to assevera...
assibilating 25 19 ASSIBILATE, to prono...
assibilation 23 17 speaking with a sibi...
assignations 20 16 ASSIGNATION, the act...
assimilating 24 19 ASSIMILATE, to make...
assimilation 22 17 the act of assimilat...
assimilative 25 20 of, relating to, or...
assimilators 23 16 ASSIMILATOR, one who...
assimilatory 29 18 tending to assimilat...
associations 22 16 ASSOCIATION, the act...
assoilzieing 25 25 ASSOILZIE, to absolv...
assortedness 19 14 the state of being a...
assuagements 21 19 ASSUAGEMENT, the act...
assubjugated 26 29 ASSUBJUGATE, (Shakes...
assubjugates 26 28 ASSUBJUGATE, (Shakes...
assuefaction 24 20 (obsolete) habituati...
assumability 32 22 the capacity to be a...
assumptively 34 26 ASSUMPTIVE, assumed,...
assurgencies 24 19 ASSURGENCY, upward c...
astacologies 24 18 ASTACOLOGY, the scie...
astacologist 25 18 a specialist in asta...
asteriskless 23 17 without an asterisk...
asteroideans 18 14 ASTEROIDEAN, an echi...
astigmatisms 25 20 ASTIGMATISM, a defec...
astonishment 22 19 the state of being a...
astoundingly 28 21 ASTOUNDING [adv]
astoundments 20 19 ASTOUNDMENT, (archai...
astraphobias 26 20 ASTRAPHOBIA, a morbi...
astrictively 34 22 ASTRICTIVE, binding;...
astringences 23 19 ASTRINGENCE, being a...
astringently 28 19 ASTRINGENT, contract...
astrobiology 30 20 exobiology [n ASTROB...
astrocompass 26 21 a navigational instr...
astrocytomas 30 20 ASTROCYTOMA, a tumou...
astrogeology 28 19 the study of extrate...
astrohatches 27 19 ASTROHATCH, a domed...
astrolatries 21 13 ASTROLATRY, worship...
astrological 26 19 relating to astrolog...
astrologists 23 15 ASTROLOGIST, one who...
astrometries 21 15 ASTROMETRY, the art...
astronautics 23 17 the science of the c...
astronomical 24 20 related to astronomy...
astronomised 20 17 ASTRONOMISE, to stud...
astronomises 20 16 ASTRONOMISE, to stud...
astronomized 23 26 ASTRONOMIZE, to stud...
astronomizes 23 25 ASTRONOMIZE, to stud...
astrophobias 26 20 ASTROPHOBIA, a morbi...
astrophysics 35 22 a branch of astronom...
astrospheres 24 17 ASTROSPHERE, another...
astrotourism 22 16 tourism in space [n...
astrotourist 21 13 one who pays to visi...
astroturfers 23 16 ASTROTURFER, one who...
astroturfing 24 19 political, advertisi...
astutenesses 19 14 ASTUTENESS, the qual...
asymmetrical 33 24 not symmetrical, als...
asymptomatic 34 26 having, displaying o...
asymptotical 34 24 of a line, approachi...
asynchronies 30 21 ASYNCHRONY, lack of...
asynchronism 32 24 the state of being a...
asynchronous 30 22 not synchronous [adj...
atheological 27 21 related to atheology...
atheoretical 25 18 not based on or conc...
athermancies 25 21 ATHERMANCY, impervio...
atheromatous 22 18 relating to atheroma...
athletically 35 22 ATHLETIC, relating t...
athleticisms 29 21 ATHLETICISM, the qua...
athrocytoses 31 19 ATHROCYTOSIS, of a c...
athrocytosis 32 19 of a cell, having th...
athwartships 31 22 transverse to a ship...
atmospherics 29 23 audible disturbances...
atomisations 20 16 ATOMISATION, the red...
atomizations 23 25 ATOMIZATION, the red...
attaintments 20 17 ATTAINTMENT, the sta...
attemperment 23 22 the act of attemperi...
attendancies 21 18 ATTENDANCY, the qual...
attendements 19 18 ATTENDEMENT, (Spense...
attenuations 18 15 ATTENUATION, the act...
attestations 19 13 ATTESTATION, the act...
attitudinise 21 15 to assume affected a...
attitudinize 24 24 to assume an affecte...
attorneydoms 26 19 ATTORNEYDOM, the off...
attorneyisms 27 18 ATTORNEYISM, the sta...
attorneyship 30 20 the office of attorn...
attractances 25 19 ATTRACTANCE, the sta...
attractingly 32 21 ATTRACTING [adv]
attractively 33 22 ATTRACTIVE, having o...
attributable 26 20 capable of being att...
attributions 23 17 ATTRIBUTION, the act...
attributives 26 20 ATTRIBUTIVE, a word...
auctioneered 21 18 AUCTIONEER, to sell...
audibilities 25 18 AUDIBILITY, the stat...
audiological 26 21 relating to the stud...
audiologists 23 17 AUDIOLOGIST, one who...
audiometries 21 17 AUDIOMETRY, the meas...
audiometrist 22 17 one who measures dif...
audiotypings 30 22 AUDIOTYPING, typing...
audiotypists 30 19 AUDIOTYPIST, one who...
audiovisuals 24 20 AUDIOVISUAL, a devic...
auditorships 26 19 AUDITORSHIP, the off...
augmentation 20 20 the act of augmentin...
augmentative 23 23 serving to augment [...
augustnesses 21 17 AUGUSTNESS, the stat...
auriculately 32 21 AURICULATE, having e...
auscultating 26 21 AUSCULTATE, to liste...
auscultation 24 19 the act of listening...
auscultative 27 22 related to auscultat...
auscultators 25 18 AUSCULTATOR, a perso...
auscultatory 31 20 relating to ausculta...
auspiciously 34 23 AUSPICIOUS, affordin...
autecologies 24 19 AUTECOLOGY, the stud...
authenticate 24 19 to prove or serve to...
authenticity 32 21 the state of being a...
authorcrafts 28 21 AUTHORCRAFT, the cra...
authorisable 25 19 capable of being aut...
authorizable 28 28 capable of being aut...
autistically 33 20 AUTISTIC, relating t...
autoallogamy 29 22 the ability of some...
autoantibody 27 20 an antibody produced...
autocatalyse 29 19 to effect autocataly...
autocatalyze 32 28 to subject to autoca...
autocephalic 31 25 of a bishop, indepen...
autochangers 25 21 AUTOCHANGER, a devic...
autochthonal 27 22 indigenous, aborigin...
autochthones 26 21 AUTOCHTHON, one spru...
autochthonic 30 24 indigenous, aborigin...
autocratical 27 20 of, relating to, or...
autocritique 32 26 (French) self-critic...
autodestruct 24 18 to self-destruct [v...
autodialling 23 19 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autodidactic 27 21 self-taught [adj]
autoeciously 30 20 AUTOECIOUS, of fungu...
autoerotisms 21 16 AUTOEROTISM, self-lo...
autoexposure 27 24 a system for automat...
autogenously 27 20 AUTOGENOUS, self-gen...
autografting 24 21 AUTOGRAFT, to make s...
autographies 25 20 AUTOGRAPHY, the act...
autographing 26 23 AUTOGRAPH, to sign w...
autogravures 23 20 AUTOGRAVURE, a proce...
autohypnoses 29 21 AUTOHYPNOSIS, self-i...
autohypnosis 30 21 self-induced and usu...
autohypnotic 33 24 relating to autohypn...
autoimmunity 29 23 the production by a...
automaticity 31 21 the state of being a...
automatising 22 19 AUTOMATISE, to make...
automatizing 25 28 AUTOMATIZE, to make...
automobiling 25 23 AUTOMOBILE, to trave...
automobilism 26 23 an interest in cars...
automobilist 25 20 one with an interest...
automobility 31 22 the use of automobil...
automorphism 27 24 ascription to others...
autonomously 27 21 AUTONOMOUS, of, rela...
autoplasties 23 17 AUTOPLASTY, grafting...
autoptically 34 23 AUTOPTICAL, based on...
autoreverses 21 17 AUTOREVERSE, a syste...
autorickshaw 30 25 a light, three-wheel...
autorotating 20 16 AUTOROTATE, to self-...
autorotation 18 14 the act of self-turn...
autosuggests 23 18 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
autotomising 22 19 AUTOTOMISE, to effec...
autotomizing 25 28 AUTOTOMIZE, to effec...
autotoxaemia 25 23 self-poisoning cause...
autotoxemias 26 23 AUTOTOXEMIA, self-po...
autotrophies 24 18 AUTOTROPHY, the stat...
autoxidation 25 22 oxidation by direct...
auxanometers 25 24 AUXANOMETER, an inst...
auxotrophies 30 25 AUXOTROPHY, the stat...
availability 33 23 the state of being a...
avariciously 33 23 AVARICIOUS, greedy o...
avascularity 33 23 the state of being a...
avengeresses 21 19 AVENGERESS, a female...
averruncated 24 22 AVERRUNCATE, (archai...
averruncates 24 21 AVERRUNCATE, (archai...
averruncator 24 21 an instrument (on a...
aversenesses 20 17 AVERSENESS, the stat...
aversiveness 23 21 the state of being a...
aviculturist 29 22 one who practises av...
avitaminoses 22 20 AVITAMINOSIS, a dise...
avitaminosis 23 20 a disease (such as p...
avitaminotic 26 23 relating to avitamin...
avowableness 26 24 the state of being a...
avuncularity 33 25 the state of being a...
axerophthols 33 27 AXEROPHTHOL, vitamin...
axinomancies 28 27 AXINOMANCY, divinati...
axiomatising 28 25 AXIOMATISE, to make...
axiomatizing 31 34 AXIOMATIZE, to reduc...
axisymmetric 39 30 symmetrical in respe...
axonometries 25 23 AXONOMETRY, the bran...
ayuntamiento 25 20 (Spanish) a municipa...
azathioprine 26 27 a synthetic drug use...
azoospermias 25 27 AZOOSPERMIA, absence...
azotobacters 27 27 AZOTOBACTER, a nitro...