12 letter words that starts with h

12 letter words that start with H

12 letter H word


Word With Friends


haberdashers 26 20 HABERDASHER, a deale...
haberdashery 32 22 a shop selling small...
habilitating 27 21 HABILITATE, to endow...
habilitation 25 19 the act of habilitat...
habilitators 26 18 HABILITATOR, one who...
habitability 35 23 the state of being h...
habitational 24 19 relating to habitati...
habitualness 25 20 the state of being h...
habituations 24 19 HABITUATION, the pro...
haemachromes 28 25 HAEMACHROME, a blood...
haemangiomas 23 23 HAEMANGIOMA, a usual...
haematemeses 22 20 HAEMATEMESIS, vomiti...
haematemesis 23 20 vomiting of blood fr...
haematoblast 25 21 a blood platelet, al...
haematoceles 25 21 HAEMATOCELE, a cavit...
haematocrits 26 20 HAEMATOCRIT, a gradu...
haematocryal 32 23 of all animals excep...
haematogenic 25 23 relating to haematog...
haematologic 27 23 relating to haematol...
haematolyses 29 20 HAEMATOLYSIS, breaki...
haematolysis 30 20 breaking up of red b...
haematoxylic 39 30 of or like haematoxy...
haematoxylin 35 28 a dye obtained from...
haematoxylon 34 28 any thorny leguminou...
haemochromes 28 25 HAEMOCHROME, a blood...
haemocyanins 30 24 HAEMOCYANIN, an oxyg...
haemodynamic 32 27 of or relating to bl...
haemoglobins 26 24 HAEMOGLOBIN, the iro...
haemophiliac 31 26 one suffering from h...
haemophilias 28 23 HAEMOPHILIA, a hered...
haemopoieses 23 20 HAEMOPOIESIS, the fo...
haemopoiesis 24 20 the formation of blo...
haemopoietic 27 23 relating to haemopoi...
haemoprotein 23 21 a conjugated protein...
haemorrhaged 25 22 HAEMORRHAGE, to lose...
haemorrhages 25 21 HAEMORRHAGE, to lose...
haemorrhagic 29 24 relating to haemorrh...
haemorrhoids 25 20 HAEMORRHOID, dilatat...
haemosiderin 22 19 a pigment that is fo...
haemostasias 22 17 HAEMOSTASIA, the sto...
haemostatics 26 20 HAEMOSTATIC, a stypt...
hagiocracies 29 22 HAGIOCRACY, governme...
hagiographer 28 23 a writer of hagiogra...
hagiographic 32 26 relating to hagiogra...
hagiolatries 24 17 HAGIOLATRY, worship...
hagiolatrous 24 18 relating to hagiolat...
hagiological 29 23 relating to hagiolog...
hagiologists 26 19 HAGIOLOGIST, one who...
hairbreadths 27 20 HAIRBREADTH, the bre...
haircuttings 28 21 HAIRCUTTING, the act...
hairdressers 23 15 HAIRDRESSER, a perso...
hairdressing 24 18 the act of washing,...
hairlessness 23 16 the state of being h...
hairsbreadth 27 20 the breadth of a hai...
hairsplitter 27 18 one that makes exces...
hairstylings 32 20 HAIRSTYLING, a styli...
hairstylists 32 17 HAIRSTYLIST, a haird...
hairweavings 28 24 HAIRWEAVING, the int...
halfendeales 24 21 HALFENDEALE, (Spense...
halfwittedly 37 25 HALFWITTED, feeblemi...
haliplankton 26 25 plankton living in s...
halleflintas 27 21 HALLEFLINTA, (Swedis...
hallowedness 26 21 the state of being h...
hallucinants 27 22 HALLUCINANT, a perso...
hallucinated 27 22 HALLUCINATE, to affe...
hallucinates 27 21 HALLUCINATE, to affe...
hallucinator 27 21 one who hallucinates...
hallucinogen 27 24 a substance that ind...
hallucinoses 27 21 HALLUCINOSIS, a path...
hallucinosis 28 21 a pathological menta...
halogenating 23 21 HALOGENATE, to combi...
halogenation 21 19 the act of halogenat...
haloperidols 26 20 HALOPERIDOL, a synth...
halophytisms 36 25 HALOPHYTISM, the sta...
halterbreaks 26 22 HALTERBREAK, to brea...
halterbroken 25 23 HALTERBREAK, to brea...
hamantaschen 26 24 HAMANTASCH, (Yiddish...
hamarthritis 27 19 gout in all the join...
hamartiology 31 22 a part of theology t...
hamfattering 26 23 HAMFATTER, to perfor...
hammercloths 31 26 HAMMERCLOTH, a cloth...
hammerheaded 25 24 HAMMERHEAD [v]
hammerstones 23 21 HAMMERSTONE, a stone...
hamperedness 24 22 the state of being h...
hamshackling 32 30 HAMSHACKLE, to fette...
hamstringing 26 23 HAMSTRING, to disabl...
handbaggings 27 26 HANDBAGGING, an atta...
handbreadths 26 22 HANDBREADTH, the bre...
handcrafting 28 25 HANDCRAFT, to fashio...
handednesses 20 18 HANDEDNESS, a tenden...
handfastings 25 22 HANDFASTING, a betro...
handicappers 29 25 HANDICAPPER, a perso...
handicapping 30 28 HANDICAP, to impose...
handicrafter 27 22 HANDICRAFT [v]
handkerchers 28 25 HANDKERCHER, a handk...
handkerchief 30 28 a small usually squa...
handsbreadth 26 22 the breadth of a han...
handshakings 26 25 HANDSHAKING, communi...
handsomeness 21 20 the state of being h...
handstamping 26 25 HANDSTAMP, to stamp...
handwringers 26 22 HANDWRINGER, one who...
handwritings 27 22 HANDWRITING, writing...
handypersons 29 22 HANDYPERSON, a perso...
hansardising 23 19 HANSARDISE, to confr...
hansardizing 26 28 HANSARDIZE, to confr...
hantaviruses 24 20 HANTAVIRUS, an often...
hapaxanthous 31 28 monocarpous, also HA...
haplobiontic 30 25 of or like a haplobi...
happenchance 32 30 a circumstance esp....
happenstance 27 25 a circumstance esp....
haptoglobins 28 24 HAPTOGLOBIN, a prote...
haptotropism 28 23 curving in response...
harbingering 26 23 HARBINGER, to foresh...
harbormaster 25 20 one in charge of a h...
harboursides 25 19 HARBOURSIDE, the lan...
hardheadedly 31 22 HARDHEADED, stubborn...
hardinggrass 25 20 a perennial forage g...
hardscrabble 31 25 a great effort made...
hardstanding 23 20 HARDSTAND [v]
hariolations 22 16 HARIOLATION, prophes...
harlequinade 30 27 (French) part of a p...
harlequining 32 29 HARLEQUIN, to play a...
harmlessness 24 19 the state of being h...
harmonically 34 25 HARMONICAL, concorda...
harmonichord 28 24 a keyboard instrumen...
harmonicists 27 21 HARMONICIST, one who...
harmoniously 30 22 HARMONIOUS, musicall...
harmoniphone 25 24 a keyboard wind inst...
harmoniphons 26 24 HARMONIPHON, a keybo...
harmonisable 25 22 that can be harmonis...
harmoniumist 25 22 one who plays the ha...
harmonizable 28 31 capable of being har...
harmonograms 24 23 HARMONOGRAM, a curve...
harmonograph 27 25 an instrument for dr...
harmonometer 22 21 an instrument for me...
harpsichords 31 23 HARPSICHORD, a keybo...
harquebusier 33 28 a soldier armed with...
harquebusses 33 28 HARQUEBUSS, HARQUEBU...
haruspicated 28 22 HARUSPICATE, to fore...
haruspicates 28 21 HARUSPICATE, to fore...
harvesttimes 26 21 HARVESTTIME, the tim...
hasenpfeffer 29 27 (German) a well seas...
hatchability 38 25 the capacity for bei...
hatchettites 28 19 HATCHETTITE, natural...
hatelessness 22 16 the state of being h...
haussmannise 22 20 to open out, general...
haussmannize 25 29 to open out, general...
headbangings 25 24 HEADBANGING, the act...
headboroughs 27 23 HEADBOROUGH, (histor...
headforemost 24 21 headfirst [adv]
headhuntings 25 22 HEADHUNTING, the pra...
headlessness 22 17 the state of being h...
headmasterly 30 21 HEADMASTER [adv]
headmistress 24 18 a woman heading the...
headquarters 30 25 HEADQUARTER, to make...
headreaching 27 23 HEADREACH, to make d...
headshrinker 25 22 (colloquial) a psych...
headstrongly 30 21 HEADSTRONG, impetuou...
heartbreaker 24 21 one that causes hear...
heartburning 25 22 intense or rancorous...
hearteningly 29 21 HEARTENING [adv]
hearthstones 23 17 HEARTHSTONE, a stone...
heartinesses 21 15 HEARTINESS, the stat...
heartrending 22 19 causing great grief...
heartstrings 24 17 HEARTSTRING, a nerve...
heartwarming 27 23 inspiring sympatheti...
heatednesses 20 16 HEATEDNESS, the stat...
heathberries 26 19 HEATHBERRY, any of v...
heathenesses 22 17 HEATHENESSE, (archai...
heathenishly 33 22 HEATHENISH, resembli...
heathenising 24 20 HEATHENISE, to make...
heathenizing 27 29 HEATHENIZE, to rende...
heavenliness 23 21 the state of being h...
heavyhearted 31 23 despondent, saddened...
heavyweights 37 27 HEAVYWEIGHT, a boxer...
hebdomadally 33 26 HEBDOMADAL, occurrin...
hebephreniac 30 26 one suffering from h...
hebephrenias 27 23 HEBEPHRENIA, a form...
hebephrenics 31 26 HEBEPHRENIC, one suf...
hebetudinous 24 21 dull or lethargic, e...
hebraisation 23 18 the act of hebraisin...
hebraization 26 27 the act of hebraizin...
heckelphones 30 28 HECKELPHONE, an inst...
hectocotylus 36 24 a tentacle in certai...
hectogrammes 28 25 HECTOGRAMME, a measu...
hectographed 30 25 HECTOGRAPH, to copy...
hectographic 34 27 relating to a hectog...
hedgehoppers 29 25 HEDGEHOPPER, a pilot...
hedgehopping 30 28 flying a plane at gr...
heedlessness 22 17 the state of being h...
heldentenors 21 18 HELDENTENOR, (German...
helianthemum 27 25 a garden flower with...
helianthuses 25 19 HELIANTHUS, any plan...
helichrysums 38 26 HELICHRYSUM, a genus...
helicographs 32 25 HELICOGRAPH, an inst...
helicoidally 35 23 HELICOIDAL, relating...
helicoptered 28 22 HELICOPTER, to trave...
heliocentric 29 22 referred to or measu...
heliochromes 29 23 HELIOCHROME, (traden...
heliochromic 33 26 like a heliochrome,...
heliographed 28 23 HELIOGRAPH, to signa...
heliographer 28 22 one who uses a helio...
heliographic 32 25 relating to heliogra...
heliogravure 26 22 photogravure [n -S]
heliolatries 24 16 HELIOLATRY, sun wors...
heliolatrous 24 17 relating to heliolat...
heliometries 24 18 HELIOMETRY, measurem...
heliophilous 29 22 attracted by sunligh...
heliospheres 27 20 HELIOSPHERE, the reg...
heliotherapy 33 22 medical treatment by...
heliotropies 25 18 HELIOTROPY, the tend...
heliotropins 25 19 HELIOTROPIN, a pheno...
heliotropism 27 21 the movement of plan...
hellaciously 35 23 HELLACIOUS, exceptio...
helleborines 25 20 HELLEBORINE, a kind...
hellgramites 27 21 HELLGRAMITE, the lar...
hellgrammite 28 24 the large brown aqua...
helmsmanship 30 27 the role or skill of...
helplessness 26 20 the state of being h...
hemangiomata 23 23 HEMANGIOMA, a usuall...
hematoblasts 26 21 HEMATOBLAST, a blood...
hematogenous 22 21 producing blood, als...
hematologies 24 20 HEMATOLOGY, the stud...
hematologist 25 20 a specialist in hema...
hematoxylins 36 28 HEMATOXYLIN, a dye o...
hemeralopias 25 21 HEMERALOPIA, the con...
hemerocallis 28 22 the daylily [n -ES]
hemerythrins 32 22 HEMERYTHRIN, an iron...
hemianopsias 24 21 HEMIANOPSIA, a defec...
hemichordate 28 23 a kind of marine wor...
hemihedrisms 28 23 HEMIHEDRISM, a prope...
hemihydrated 32 23 in the form of a hem...
hemihydrates 32 22 HEMIHYDRATE, a hydra...
hemimorphies 29 25 HEMIMORPHY, the stat...
hemimorphism 31 28 the state of being h...
hemimorphite 29 25 an orthorhombic hydr...
hemiparasite 25 20 a parasitic plant ca...
hemispheroid 28 23 the half of a sphero...
hemiterpenes 24 21 HEMITERPENE, any of...
hemitropisms 28 23 HEMITROPISM, the sta...
hemodialyses 30 21 HEMODIALYSIS, dialys...
hemodialysis 31 21 dialysis, also HAEMO...
hemodialyzer 33 30 an artificial kidney...
hemodilution 24 21 decreased concentrat...
hemodynamics 33 27 a branch of physiolo...
hemophiliacs 32 26 HEMOPHILIAC, one aff...
hemophilioid 29 24 relating to haemophi...
hemoproteins 24 21 HEMOPROTEIN, a conju...
hemorrhaging 27 24 HEMORRHAGE, to bleed...
hemorrhoidal 26 21 of or like a haemorr...
hemosiderins 23 19 HEMOSIDERIN, a pigme...
hemstitchers 30 22 HEMSTITCHER, one who...
hemstitching 31 25 HEMSTITCH, to stitch...
henceforward 29 25 from this time on, a...
henchpersons 28 24 HENCHPERSON, a hench...
hendecagonal 24 23 of or like a hendeca...
hendecahedra 25 22 HENDECAHEDRON, a sol...
henotheistic 27 20 relating to henothei...
henpeckeries 27 25 HENPECKERY, the prac...
heortologies 23 17 HEORTOLOGY, the stud...
heortologist 24 17 one who practises he...
hepaticology 35 25 the study of liverwo...
hepatisation 23 18 the act of hepatisin...
hepatization 26 27 the act of hepatizin...
hepatogenous 23 21 originating in the l...
hepatologies 25 20 HEPATOLOGY, the stud...
hepatologist 26 20 a specialist in live...
hepatomegaly 32 25 enlargement of the l...
hephthemimer 31 27 in Greek and Latin p...
heptahedrons 25 21 HEPTAHEDRON, a solid...
heptarchists 31 22 HEPTARCHIST, a ruler...
heptathletes 27 20 HEPTATHLETE, an athl...
heraldically 35 23 HERALDIC, pertaining...
herbaceously 34 24 HERBACEOUS, of, rela...
herbicidally 37 25 HERBICIDAL, having t...
hereditament 22 19 inheritance; heredit...
hereditarian 21 16 an adherent of hered...
hereditarily 30 18 HEREDITARY, genetica...
hereinbefore 24 21 in the preceding par...
heresthetics 28 19 HERESTHETIC, the art...
hereticating 26 20 HERETICATE, to denou...
heritability 33 20 the state of being h...
hermeneutics 26 22 the study of the met...
hermeneutist 23 19 an exponent of herme...
hermetically 35 24 HERMETICAL, of or re...
hermeticisms 29 23 HERMETICISM, a syste...
hermitically 36 24 HERMITICAL, of or li...
herniotomies 22 18 HERNIOTOMY, a cuttin...
heroicalness 25 19 the state of being h...
heroicnesses 24 18 HEROICNESS, heroism...
heroicomical 30 24 of a style that mixe...
herpetofauna 24 22 (Latin) snake life [...
herpetologic 29 23 relating to herpetol...
herringboned 24 22 HERRINGBONE, to make...
herringbones 24 21 HERRINGBONE, twilled...
hesitatingly 31 20 HESITATING [adv]
hesperidiums 27 22 HESPERIDIUM, a plant...
heterarchies 27 19 HETERARCHY, a formal...
heterauxeses 27 22 HETERAUXESIS, unsymm...
heterauxesis 28 22 unsymmetrical growth...
heteroauxins 27 23 HETEROAUXIN, a natur...
heteroblasty 31 20 the state of being h...
heterocercal 28 21 having the vertebral...
heterochrony 32 22 divergence from norm...
heteroclites 26 18 HETEROCLITE, an irre...
heteroclitic 30 21 irregularly inflecte...
heterocycles 35 23 HETEROCYCLE, a ring...
heterocyclic 39 26 a ring composed of a...
heterodactyl 32 21 a heterodactylous bi...
heterodoxies 27 22 HETERODOXY, a hetero...
heteroduplex 31 27 a nucleicacid molecu...
heterodyning 28 21 HETERODYNE, to chang...
heteroecious 24 18 parasitism upon seve...
heteroecisms 26 20 HETEROECISM, a form...
heterogamete 22 19 male and female sex...
heterogamety 29 21 the state of being h...
heterogamies 23 19 HETEROGAMY, the proc...
heterogamous 23 20 relating to heteroga...
heterogenies 21 17 HETEROGENY, spontane...
heterogenous 21 18 originating outside...
heterogonies 21 17 HETEROGONY, the cond...
heterogonous 21 18 reproducing both sex...
heterografts 25 19 HETEROGRAFT, a graft...
heterography 33 23 incorrect spelling [...
heterogynous 28 20 of ants, bees, etc.,...
heterokaryon 27 21 a cell, as in the my...
heterokontan 20 20 of or like a heterok...
heterologies 23 17 HETEROLOGY, the stud...
heterologous 23 18 differing; comprisin...
heteromerous 22 18 unequal or different...
heteromorphy 33 24 dissimilarity in sha...
heteronomies 21 18 HETERONOMY, subordin...
heteronomous 21 19 subject to different...
heteronymous 28 21 like a heteronym, a...
heteroousian 20 16 one who believes tha...
heterophiles 27 20 HETEROPHILE, a polym...
heterophylly 41 25 the state of being h...
heteroplasia 24 18 the development of a...
heteroplasty 31 20 grafting of foreign...
heteroploids 25 19 HETEROPLOID, an orga...
heteroploidy 31 21 the state of being h...
heteropteran 22 18 relating to the Hete...
heteroscians 24 18 HETEROSCIAN, a dwell...
heterosexism 29 24 the belief that homo...
heterosexist 28 21 one who believes tha...
heterosexual 28 23 attracted to the opp...
heterosocial 25 18 relating to social r...
heterostyled 29 18 having styles of dif...
heterotactic 28 20 abnormally arranged...
heterotaxias 27 21 HETEROTAXIA, the abn...
heterotaxies 27 21 HETEROTAXY, the abno...
heterothally 32 20 the state of being h...
heterotopias 23 17 HETEROTOPIA, displac...
heterotopies 23 17 HETEROTOPY, displace...
heterotopous 23 18 relating to heteroto...
heterotrophs 26 19 HETEROTROPH, a secon...
heterotrophy 32 21 the state of being a...
heterousians 21 16 HETEROUSIAN, one who...
heterozygote 31 27 a heterozygous indiv...
heterozygous 32 28 having the two allel...
hexachloride 34 28 a chloride containin...
hexacosanoic 32 28 as in hexacosanoic a...
hexadactylic 42 31 having six fingers,...
hexadecanoic 32 29 as in hexadecanoic a...
hexadecimals 33 29 HEXADECIMAL, a numbe...
hexafluoride 31 27 a chemical compound...
hexagrammoid 31 30 a hexagram shape [n...
hexahemerons 29 27 HEXAHEMERON, the (bi...
hexahydrated 36 27 like a hexahydrate,...
hexahydrates 36 26 HEXAHYDRATE, a chemi...
hexametrical 33 28 of verse, written in...
hexametrised 29 25 HEXAMETRISE, to put...
hexametrises 29 24 HEXAMETRISE, to put...
hexametrists 30 24 HEXAMETRIST, a write...
hexametrized 32 34 HEXAMETRIZE, to put...
hexametrizes 32 33 HEXAMETRIZE, to put...
hexaploidies 31 26 HEXAPLOIDY, the stat...
hexastichons 33 27 HEXASTICHON, a poem...
hexobarbital 33 28 a barbiturate used a...
hibernaculum 30 27 (Latin) a shelter oc...
hibernations 23 19 HIBERNATION, the act...
hibernicised 28 22 HIBERNICISE, to rend...
hibernicises 28 21 HIBERNICISE, to rend...
hibernicized 31 31 HIBERNICIZE, to rend...
hibernicizes 31 30 HIBERNICIZE, to rend...
hiddennesses 21 18 HIDDENNESS, the stat...
hierarchical 32 23 of, relating to, or...
hierarchised 28 20 HIERARCHISE, to make...
hierarchises 28 19 HIERARCHISE, to make...
hierarchisms 30 22 HIERARCHISM, a hiera...
hierarchized 31 29 HIERARCHIZE, to make...
hierarchizes 31 28 HIERARCHIZE, to make...
hieratically 34 21 HIERATICAL, pertaini...
hierocracies 28 20 HIEROCRACY, governme...
hieroglyphed 35 25 HIEROGLYPH, to repre...
hieroglyphic 39 27 relating to hierogly...
hierogrammat 25 22 a writer of sacred r...
hierographer 27 21 a sacred scribe [n -...
hierographic 31 24 related to sacred wr...
hierolatries 23 15 HIEROLATRY, worship...
hierological 28 21 relating to hierolog...
hierologists 25 17 HIEROLOGIST, a stude...
hieromancies 25 21 HIEROMANCY, divinati...
hierophantic 29 23 of or like a hieroph...
hierophobias 28 22 HIEROPHOBIA, a morbi...
hierophobics 32 25 HIEROPHOBIC, someone...
hieroscopies 27 20 HIEROSCOPY, divinati...
highbrowisms 34 27 HIGHBROWISM, the sta...
highfaluting 31 26 pretentious, affecte...
highfalutins 30 24 HIGHFALUTIN, bombast...
highjackings 34 37 HIGHJACKING, the sei...
highlighters 32 23 HIGHLIGHTER, a broad...
highlighting 33 26 HIGHLIGHT, to throw...
hillwalkings 32 27 HILLWALKING, the pas...
hindforemost 25 22 with the back part i...
hindquarters 31 26 HINDQUARTER, the bac...
hippeastrums 29 24 HIPPEASTRUM, any pla...
hippiatrists 29 20 HIPPIATRIST, a vet s...
hippienesses 26 21 HIPPIENESS, the stat...
hippocentaur 29 25 a mythical creature,...
hippocrepian 31 27 a type of bryozoan t...
hippodamists 29 24 HIPPODAMIST, a horse...
hippologists 30 23 HIPPOLOGIST, a stude...
hippophagies 32 27 HIPPOPHAGY, feeding...
hippophagist 33 27 one who eats horsefl...
hippophagous 32 28 eating horseflesh [a...
hippopotamic 33 29 like a hippopotamus,...
hippopotamus 30 27 a large African arti...
hispanicised 28 22 HISPANICISE, to rend...
hispanicises 28 21 HISPANICISE, to rend...
hispanicisms 30 24 HISPANICISM, a Spani...
hispanicized 31 31 HISPANICIZE, to rend...
hispanicizes 31 30 HISPANICIZE, to rend...
hispaniolise 25 19 to make Spanish, als...
hispaniolize 28 28 to make Spanish, als...
histaminases 23 18 HISTAMINASE, a diges...
histiologies 25 17 HISTIOLOGY, the stud...
histochemist 30 22 one who studies the...
histogeneses 22 17 HISTOGENESIS, the fo...
histogenesis 23 17 the formation or dif...
histogenetic 26 20 relating to histogen...
histological 29 21 relating to histolog...
histologists 26 17 HISTOLOGIST, one who...
historically 35 21 HISTORICAL, of, rela...
historicised 27 18 HISTORICISE, to make...
historicises 27 17 HISTORICISE, to make...
historicisms 29 20 HISTORICISM, the bel...
historicists 28 17 HISTORICIST, a belie...
historicized 30 27 HISTORICIZE, to make...
historicizes 30 26 HISTORICIZE, to make...
historiettes 23 14 HISTORIETTE, a short...
historifying 33 22 HISTORIFY, to record...
historiology 31 19 the study of history...
histrionical 27 19 relating to the stag...
histrionisms 25 18 HISTRIONISM, acting,...
hitchhikings 34 28 HITCHHIKING, the act...
hoarsenesses 20 15 HOARSENESS, the stat...
hobblebushes 32 27 HOBBLEBUSH, a low Am...
hobbledehoys 35 26 HOBBLEDEHOY, an awkw...
hobbyhorsing 36 27 HOBBYHORSE, of a ves...
hobgoblinism 30 27 the state of being a...
hojatoleslam 26 28 an Iranian cleric be...
hojatolislam 27 28 an Iranian cleric be...
holidaymaker 31 25 someone on holiday [...
holistically 36 22 HOLISTIC, considerin...
hollandaises 23 18 HOLLANDAISE, (French...
hollownesses 26 20 HOLLOWNESS, the stat...
holodiscuses 27 20 HOLODISCUS, a genus...
holographers 28 22 HOLOGRAPHER, one who...
holographies 28 22 HOLOGRAPHY, the tech...
holographing 29 25 HOLOGRAPH, to write...
holohedrisms 27 21 HOLOHEDRISM, the pro...
holophrastic 31 23 of or like a holophr...
holophytisms 36 25 HOLOPHYTISM, the pro...
holoplankton 25 25 organisms which rema...
holothurians 25 19 HOLOTHURIAN, any mem...
homelessness 23 19 the state of being h...
homelinesses 23 19 HOMELINESS, the stat...
homeomorphic 31 28 relating to homeomor...
homeopathies 26 22 HOMEOPATHY, the use...
homeopathist 27 22 one who practises ho...
homeothermal 26 23 keeping the same tem...
homeothermic 29 25 keeping the same tem...
homeotypical 35 26 denoting or relating...
homeschooled 28 24 HOMESCHOOL, to teach...
homeschooler 28 23 HOMESCHOOL, to teach...
homescreetch 31 25 the mistle thrush [n...
homeshorings 26 22 HOMESHORING, the tra...
homesickness 27 25 the state of being h...
homesourcing 27 24 the transfer of serv...
homesteaders 22 18 HOMESTEADER, one who...
homesteading 23 21 HOMESTEAD [v]
homeworkings 28 27 HOMEWORKING, working...
hominisation 22 19 the evolutionary dev...
hominization 25 28 the evolutionary dev...
homoblasties 26 21 HOMOBLASTY, the stat...
homochromies 29 25 HOMOCHROMY, protecti...
homochromous 29 26 monochromatic [adj]
homocysteine 31 23 a kind of amino acid...
homoeomeries 22 20 HOMOEOMERY, the stat...
homoeomerous 22 21 having all the somit...
homoeomorphs 27 25 HOMOEOMORPH, a thing...
homoeomorphy 33 27 the state of being h...
homoeopathic 29 25 related to homoeopat...
homoeostases 21 17 HOMOEOSTASIS, a tend...
homoeostasis 22 17 a tendency towards h...
homoeostatic 25 20 relating to homoeost...
homoeotherms 25 22 HOMOEOTHERM, an anim...
homoerotisms 24 20 HOMOEROTISM, homosex...
homogenisers 23 20 HOMOGENISER, an agen...
homogenising 24 23 HOMOGENISE, to make...
homogenizers 26 29 HOMOGENIZER, an agen...
homogenizing 27 32 HOMOGENIZE, to make...
homogonously 30 24 HOMOGONOUS, exhibiti...
homographies 28 24 HOMOGRAPHY, a type o...
homoiomerous 23 21 having all the somit...
homoiotherms 26 22 HOMOIOTHERM, a warm-...
homoiothermy 32 24 the maintenance of a...
homoiousians 22 19 HOMOIOUSIAN, one of...
homologating 25 23 HOMOLOGATE, to sanct...
homologation 23 21 confirmation, agreem...
homologisers 25 20 HOMOLOGISER, one who...
homologising 26 23 HOMOLOGISE, to deter...
homologizers 28 29 HOMOLOGIZER, one who...
homologizing 29 32 HOMOLOGIZE, to deter...
homologumena 24 25 the books of the New...
homomorphies 28 25 HOMOMORPHY, similari...
homomorphism 30 28 similarity of extern...
homomorphous 28 26 alike in form, esp....
homonymities 30 23 HOMONYMITY, the stat...
homonymously 37 27 HOMONYMOUS, of the n...
homoplasmies 27 24 HOMOPLASMY, the qual...
homoplasties 26 21 HOMOPLASTY, the qual...
homopolarity 32 23 the state of being h...
homopolymers 33 26 HOMOPOLYMER, a DNA o...
homosexually 37 29 HOMOSEXUAL, attracte...
homotaxially 37 28 HOMOTAXIAL, showing...
homothallies 27 21 HOMOTHALLY, the stat...
homothallism 29 24 the state of having...
homothermies 26 22 HOMOTHERMY, the main...
homothermous 26 23 keeping the same tem...
homozygosity 40 32 the state of being h...
homozygously 41 34 HOMOZYGOUS, inheriti...
honestnesses 20 16 HONESTNESS, the stat...
honeybunches 34 27 HONEYBUNCH, (colloqu...
honeycombing 34 29 HONEYCOMB, to make l...
honeycreeper 31 23 a kind of tropical b...
honeymonthed 29 24 HONEYMONTH, (obsolet...
honeymooners 26 21 HONEYMOONER, one who...
honeymooning 27 24 HONEYMOON, to go on...
honeysuckers 32 25 HONEYSUCKER, another...
honeysuckled 33 27 sweetened with honey...
honeysuckles 33 26 HONEYSUCKLE, any of...
honorability 31 21 being honorable, als...
hoodednesses 20 17 HOODEDNESS, the stat...
hookednesses 21 20 HOOKEDNESS, the stat...
hooliganisms 25 21 HOOLIGANISM, rowdy,...
hootanannies 18 17 HOOTANANNIE, (US) a...
hootenannies 18 17 HOOTENANNIE, (US) a...
hopelessness 24 19 the state of being h...
hoplologists 28 21 HOPLOLOGIST, a stude...
hopscotching 34 28 HOPSCOTCH, to play h...
horizontally 33 28 HORIZONTAL, parallel...
hornednesses 20 17 HORNEDNESS, the cond...
hornlessness 22 17 the state of being h...
hornswoggled 28 24 HORNSWOGGLE, (slang)...
hornswoggles 28 23 HORNSWOGGLE, (slang)...
horographers 27 21 HOROGRAPHER, one who...
horographies 27 21 HOROGRAPHY, the art...
horometrical 27 21 relating to horometr...
horoscopists 28 20 HOROSCOPIST, one who...
horrendously 29 20 HORRENDOUS, fearful;...
horribleness 25 19 the state of being h...
horridnesses 22 16 HORRIDNESS, the qual...
horrifically 37 24 HORRIFIC, causing ho...
horrifyingly 40 25 HORRIFYING [adv]
horripilated 26 19 HORRIPILATE, to prod...
horripilates 26 18 HORRIPILATE, to prod...
horsefleshes 27 20 HORSEFLESH, horses c...
horseleeches 27 20 HORSELEECH, a large...
horsemanship 27 23 the art of riding [n...
horseplayers 31 20 HORSEPLAYER [n]
horseshoeing 24 19 the act of shoeing a...
horsewhipped 32 26 HORSEWHIP, to beat w...
horsewhipper 32 25 one who uses a horse...
horticulture 28 20 the science and art...
hospitalised 26 19 HOSPITALISE, to put...
hospitalises 26 18 HOSPITALISE, to put...
hospitalists 27 18 HOSPITALIST, a physi...
hospitalized 29 28 HOSPITALIZE, to plac...
hospitalizes 29 27 HOSPITALIZE, to plac...
hospitallers 27 19 HOSPITALLER, a membe...
hotchpotches 35 27 HOTCHPOTCH, a confus...
houseboaters 23 18 HOUSEBOATER, one who...
housebreaker 24 22 a person who breaks...
housecleaned 24 21 HOUSECLEAN, to clean...
housedresses 22 16 HOUSEDRESS, a dress...
housefathers 26 20 HOUSEFATHER, a man i...
householders 25 19 HOUSEHOLDER, a perso...
househusband 26 23 a husband who does h...
housekeepers 24 22 HOUSEKEEPER, a woman...
housekeeping 25 25 the business of keep...
housemasters 23 18 HOUSEMASTER, a maste...
housemothers 25 20 HOUSEMOTHER, a woman...
housepainter 23 19 one whose business o...
houseparents 23 19 HOUSEPARENT, a man o...
housepersons 23 19 HOUSEPERSON, a perso...
housesitting 24 18 HOUSESIT, to look af...
housewarming 27 24 a party to celebrate...
houseworkers 26 22 HOUSEWORKER, one who...
hucksterages 28 24 HUCKSTERAGE, the sta...
hucksterisms 30 25 HUCKSTERISM, being a...
huckstresses 28 22 HUCKSTRESS, a female...
hullaballoos 28 22 HULLABALLOO, a confu...
humanenesses 21 20 HUMANENESS, the qual...
humanisation 22 20 the act of humanisin...
humanitarian 22 20 a person promoting h...
humanization 25 29 the act of humanizin...
humblenesses 26 23 HUMBLENESS, the qual...
humbuggeries 29 26 HUMBUGGERY, deceptio...
humectations 26 22 HUMECTATION, the act...
humgruffians 30 28 HUMGRUFFIAN, a terri...
humification 29 25 formation of or conv...
humiliations 25 20 HUMILIATION, the act...
hummingbirds 30 28 HUMMINGBIRD, any mem...
humorousness 23 20 the state of being h...
humourlessly 33 23 HUMOURLESS [adv]
hundredfolds 26 23 HUNDREDFOLD, a multi...
hungrinesses 23 19 HUNGRINESS, hunger [...
huntiegowked 27 26 HUNTIEGOWK, to go on...
huntsmanship 28 25 the craft of hunting...
hurtlessness 24 17 the state of being h...
husbandlands 25 23 HUSBANDLAND, a manor...
hyalomelanes 29 22 HYALOMELANE, a vitre...
hyaloplasmic 37 27 of or like hyaloplas...
hybridisable 35 24 capable of being hyb...
hybridizable 38 33 capable of being hyb...
hydatidiform 33 24 having the shape of...
hydnocarpate 32 24 any salt or ester of...
hydralazines 32 28 HYDRALAZINE, a vasod...
hydrargyrias 37 21 HYDRARGYRIA, mercury...
hydrargyrism 39 24 mercury poisoning, a...
hydrargyrums 39 25 HYDRARGYRUM, an obso...
hydrastinine 28 19 a colourless crystal...
hydraulicked 35 27 HYDRAULIC, to excava...
hydrobiology 39 25 the study of aquatic...
hydrocarbons 33 24 HYDROCARBON, a compo...
hydrocephaly 43 28 an accumulation of s...
hydrochloric 39 26 applied to an acid c...
hydrocodones 30 22 HYDROCODONE, a semi-...
hydrocolloid 34 23 a substance that yie...
hydrocracked 36 28 HYDROCRACK, to crack...
hydrocracker 36 27 one engaged in hydro...
hydrodynamic 39 27 of, relating to, or...
hydroelastic 33 21 as in hydroelastic s...
hydrofluoric 36 25 as in hydrofluoric a...
hydroforming 33 26 the catalytic reform...
hydrogenases 28 20 HYDROGENASE, an enzy...
hydrogenated 28 21 HYDROGENATE, to comb...
hydrogenates 28 20 HYDROGENATE, to comb...
hydrogenator 28 20 an agent that hydrog...
hydrogenised 29 21 HYDROGENISE, to hydr...
hydrogenises 29 20 HYDROGENISE, to hydr...
hydrogenized 32 30 HYDROGENIZE, to hydr...
hydrogenizes 32 29 HYDROGENIZE, to hydr...
hydrogeology 37 24 the study of the geo...
hydrographer 34 24 a student of hydrogr...
hydrographic 38 27 relating to hydrogra...
hydrokinetic 33 25 of or relating to th...
hydrological 35 24 relating to hydrolog...
hydrologists 32 20 HYDROLOGIST, an expe...
hydrolysable 39 24 that can be hydrolys...
hydrolysates 36 20 HYDROLYSATE, a produ...
hydrolyzable 42 33 that can be hydrolyz...
hydrolyzates 39 29 HYDROLYZATE, a produ...
hydromancers 32 24 HYDROMANCER, one who...
hydromancies 32 24 HYDROMANCY, divinati...
hydromedusae 29 22 HYDROMEDUSA, a hydro...
hydromedusan 29 23 a hydromedusa, also...
hydromedusas 30 22 HYDROMEDUSA, a hydro...
hydrometeors 29 20 HYDROMETEOR, a gener...
hydrometries 30 20 HYDROMETRY, the art...
hydromorphic 38 28 developed in the pre...
hydronically 40 25 HYDRONIC, pertaining...
hydropathics 37 25 HYDROPATHIC, a hotel...
hydropathies 33 22 HYDROPATHY, the stud...
hydropathist 34 22 one who treats with...
hydrophanous 32 24 becoming transparent...
hydrophilies 35 23 HYDROPHILY, an affin...
hydrophilite 35 23 native calcium chlor...
hydrophilous 35 24 water-loving; pollin...
hydrophobias 35 25 HYDROPHOBIA, the mor...
hydrophobous 35 26 (obsolete) water-rep...
hydrophytons 39 25 HYDROPHYTON, the coe...
hydrophytous 40 25 like a hydrophyte, a...
hydroplaning 32 25 HYDROPLANE, to trave...
hydroquinols 38 29 HYDROQUINOL, a white...
hydroquinone 35 29 another name for qui...
hydrospheres 33 22 HYDROSPHERE, the wat...
hydrospheric 37 25 relating to the hydr...
hydrostatics 33 20 a branch of physics...
hydrotherapy 39 24 therapy involving th...
hydrothermal 33 23 designating naturall...
hydrotropism 33 23 growth in the direct...
hydroxoniums 36 29 HYDROXONIUM, the obs...
hydroxylases 42 27 HYDROXYLASE, any of...
hydroxylated 42 28 HYDROXYLATE, to intr...
hydroxylates 42 27 HYDROXYLATE, to intr...
hydroxyureas 41 27 HYDROXYUREA, a drug...
hydroxyzines 44 36 HYDROXYZINE, a compo...
hydrozincite 35 30 a monoclinic basic c...
hyetographic 37 26 relating to the meas...
hygienically 41 26 HYGIENIC, relating t...
hygrochasies 35 23 HYGROCHASY, dehiscen...
hygrochastic 39 26 showing hygrochasy,...
hygrographic 39 28 relating to the meas...
hygrometries 31 21 HYGROMETRY, the scie...
hygrophilous 36 25 living in water or m...
hylomorphism 37 28 the belief that matt...
hylopathisms 36 25 HYLOPATHISM, belief...
hylopathists 35 22 HYLOPATHIST, a belie...
hymenophores 32 25 HYMENOPHORE, the fru...
hymenoplasty 38 26 surgical reconstruct...
hymenopteran 29 24 an order of insect h...
hymenopteron 29 24 an order of insect h...
hymnographer 34 27 one who writes hymns...
hymnological 35 27 related to hymnology...
hymnologists 32 23 HYMNOLOGIST, a stude...
hyoscyamines 38 25 HYOSCYAMINE, a drug...
hyoscyamuses 39 25 HYOSCYAMUS, any plan...
hypabyssally 48 28 HYPABYSSAL, in petro...
hypaesthesia 32 21 a reduced sensibilit...
hypaesthesic 36 24 suffering from hypae...
hyperacidity 41 25 the condition of con...
hyperactions 33 23 HYPERACTION, abnorma...
hyperactives 36 26 HYPERACTIVE, one who...
hyperalgesia 32 22 undue sensitiveness...
hyperalgesic 36 25 relating to hyperalg...
hyperarousal 31 21 a state of extreme a...
hyperbolical 38 27 relating to a kind o...
hyperbolised 34 24 HYPERBOLISE, to indu...
hyperbolises 34 23 HYPERBOLISE, to indu...
hyperbolisms 36 26 HYPERBOLISM, use of...
hyperbolists 35 23 HYPERBOLIST, one who...
hyperbolized 37 33 HYPERBOLIZE, to indu...
hyperbolizes 37 32 HYPERBOLIZE, to indu...
hyperboloids 34 24 HYPERBOLOID, a solid...
hyperboreans 31 23 HYPERBOREAN, an inha...
hypercapnias 35 26 HYPERCAPNIA, the pre...
hypercarbias 36 25 HYPERCARBIA, hyperca...
hypercharged 37 27 HYPERCHARGE, to char...
hypercharges 37 26 HYPERCHARGE, to char...
hypercolours 35 24 HYPERCOLOUR, a dye t...
hypercomplex 44 36 excessively complex...
hypercorrect 37 25 refers to a linguist...
hypercritics 39 25 HYPERCRITIC, one who...
hyperdactyly 48 28 the state of having...
hyperdulical 37 26 of or like hyperduli...
hyperendemic 34 27 extremely endemic [a...
hyperexcited 40 30 excessively excited...
hyperextends 36 28 HYPEREXTEND, to exte...
hyperidroses 31 20 HYPERIDROSIS, excess...
hyperidrosis 32 20 excessive sweating,...
hyperintense 29 21 excessively intense...
hyperkineses 31 24 HYPERKINESIS, muscle...
hyperkinesia 31 24 muscle spasm, a hype...
hyperkinesis 32 24 muscle spasm; a hype...
hyperkinetic 35 27 of, relating to, or...
hyperlinking 34 28 HYPERLINK, to connec...
hyperlipemia 35 26 an abnormally high l...
hyperlipemic 39 29 relating to hyperlip...
hypermarkets 33 26 HYPERMARKET, a very...
hypermetropy 40 27 an inability to see...
hypermilings 35 26 HYPERMILING, the pra...
hypermnesias 31 23 HYPERMNESIA, abnorma...
hypermutable 35 27 excessively mutable...
hyperorexias 36 26 HYPEROREXIA, compuls...
hyperostoses 30 19 HYPEROSTOSIS, abnorm...
hyperostosis 31 19 abnormal growth of b...
hyperostotic 34 22 relating to hyperost...
hyperphagias 36 26 HYPERPHAGIA, eating...
hyperplasias 34 23 HYPERPLASIA, an abno...
hyperplastic 38 26 relating to hyperpla...
hyperpyretic 43 27 suffering from hyper...
hyperpyrexia 45 31 an extremely high fe...
hyperreactor 33 22 one who reacts in th...
hyperrealism 33 23 realism in art chara...
hyperrealist 32 20 related to hyperreal...
hyperreality 38 22 the state of being h...
hypersarcoma 34 25 proud or fungous fle...
hypersensual 31 22 excessively sensual...
hypersomnias 31 23 HYPERSOMNIA, a patho...
hyperspatial 34 23 relating to hyperspa...
hypersthenes 32 22 HYPERSTHENE, a rock-...
hypersthenia 32 22 a morbid condition m...
hypersthenic 36 25 of or like hypersthe...
hypersurface 36 26 a figure that is the...
hypertension 29 21 abnormally or excess...
hypertensive 32 24 suffering from or ca...
hyperthermal 35 25 suffering from hyper...
hyperthermia 34 24 exceptionally high f...
hyperthermic 38 27 relating to hyperthe...
hyperthymias 41 26 HYPERTHYMIA, excessi...
hyperthyroid 40 24 one affected with hy...
hypertrophic 39 27 grown to an abnormal...
hypertypical 44 28 excessively typical...
hypesthesias 33 21 HYPESTHESIA, a reduc...
hyphenations 31 23 HYPHENATION, the act...
hypnogeneses 29 23 HYPNOGENESIS, produc...
hypnogenesis 30 23 production of the hy...
hypnogenetic 33 26 relating to the prod...
hypnoidising 32 24 HYPNOIDISE, to put i...
hypnoidizing 35 33 HYPNOIDIZE, to put i...
hypnological 36 27 relating to hypnolog...
hypnologists 33 23 HYPNOLOGIST, one who...
hypnopaedias 31 24 HYPNOPAEDIA, trainin...
hypnotherapy 40 27 therapy involving th...
hypnotically 42 27 HYPNOTIC, relating t...
hypnotisable 33 24 capable of being hyp...
hypnotizable 36 33 capable of being hyp...
hypocalcemia 38 29 a deficiency of calc...
hypocalcemic 42 32 relating to hypocalc...
hypochlorite 37 25 a salt of hypochloro...
hypochlorous 37 26 of or derived from h...
hypochondria 35 26 suffering from imagi...
hypocorismas 35 25 HYPOCORISMA, the use...
hypocoristic 38 25 of or like hypocoris...
hypocotylous 41 26 of or like a hypocot...
hypocritical 39 26 characterized by hyp...
hypocycloids 45 29 HYPOCYCLOID, a curve...
hypodermises 32 23 HYPODERMIS, the laye...
hypodiploidy 41 27 the state of being h...
hypoeutectic 37 26 of a compound, conta...
hypogastrium 34 25 (Latin) the lower mi...
hypoglossals 34 23 HYPOGLOSSAL, the hyp...
hypoglycemia 43 30 abnormal decrease of...
hypoglycemic 47 33 having low blood-sug...
hypognathism 35 27 the state of being h...
hypognathous 33 25 having the lower jaw...
hypokalemias 33 27 HYPOKALEMIA, a defic...
hypolimnions 32 25 HYPOLIMNION, a lower...
hyponitrites 31 20 HYPONITRITE, a salt...
hypophrygian 42 29 below the Phrygian m...
hypoplasties 34 23 HYPOPLASTY, incomple...
hypoplastron 33 24 the plate behind the...
hypoploidies 34 24 HYPOPLOIDY, the stat...
hypostasised 31 20 HYPOSTASIS [v]
hypostasises 31 19 HYPOSTASISE, to trea...
hypostasized 34 29 HYPOSTASIZE, to trea...
hypostasizes 34 28 HYPOSTASIZE, to trea...
hypostatical 35 23 relating to hypostas...
hypostatised 31 20 HYPOSTASISE, to trea...
hypostatises 31 19 HYPOSTATISE, to trea...
hypostatized 34 29 HYPOSTATIZE, to trea...
hypostatizes 34 28 HYPOSTATIZE, to trea...
hyposthenias 32 22 HYPOSTHENIA, lack of...
hypostresses 31 19 HYPOSTRESS, insuffic...
hypostrophes 35 24 HYPOSTROPHE, a retur...
hyposulphate 36 26 a dithionate [n -S]
hyposulphite 37 26 a salt of hyposulphu...
hypotensions 29 21 HYPOTENSION, abnorma...
hypotensives 32 24 HYPOTENSIVE, a perso...
hypothalamic 38 28 of or relating to th...
hypothalamus 35 26 a part of the brain...
hypothecated 35 25 HYPOTHECATE, to pled...
hypothecates 35 24 HYPOTHECATE, to pled...
hypothecator 35 24 one who hypothecates...
hypothenuses 32 23 HYPOTHENUSE, the lon...
hypothermias 34 24 HYPOTHERMIA, subnorm...
hypothesised 33 22 HYPOTHESIS [v]
hypothesiser 33 21 one who hypothesises...
hypothesises 33 21 HYPOTHESISE, to form...
hypothesists 34 21 HYPOTHESIST, one who...
hypothesized 36 31 HYPOTHESIZE, to make...
hypothesizer 36 30 one who hypothesizes...
hypothesizes 36 30 HYPOTHESIZE, to make...
hypothetical 37 25 being or involving a...
hypothetised 33 22 HYPOTHETISE, to form...
hypothetises 33 21 HYPOTHETISE, to form...
hypothetized 36 31 HYPOTHETIZE, to form...
hypothetizes 36 30 HYPOTHETIZE, to form...
hypothyroids 40 24 HYPOTHYROID, someone...
hypotonicity 40 25 the state of being h...
hypotrochoid 36 25 the curve traced by...
hypoxanthine 37 30 a purine base found...
hypsochromes 37 27 HYPSOCHROME, a shift...
hypsochromic 41 30 relating to a hypsoc...
hypsographic 40 29 relating to hypsogra...
hypsometries 32 22 HYPSOMETRY, the art...
hypsometrist 33 22 a practitioner of hy...
hypsophobias 37 27 HYPSOPHOBIA, a fear...
hyracoideans 30 21 HYRACOIDEAN, any mem...
hysterectomy 39 24 the surgical removal...
hysterically 41 23 HYSTERICAL, relating...
hysteritises 30 16 HYSTERITIS, inflamma...
hysterogenic 32 22 causing hysteria [ad...
hysteromania 28 20 hysterical mania, of...