12 letter words that starts with c

12 letter words that start with C

12 letter C word


Word With Friends


cabalistical 31 23 relating to the cabb...
cabbagetowns 30 27 CABBAGETOWN, from Ca...
cabbageworms 32 29 CABBAGEWORM, the lar...
cabinetmaker 26 26 a skilled woodworker...
cabinetworks 29 26 CABINETWORK, finishe...
cablecasting 30 25 CABLECAST, to broadc...
cablevisions 28 24 CABLEVISION, televis...
cachinnating 28 25 CACHINNATE, to laugh...
cachinnation 26 23 loud or hysterical l...
cachinnatory 33 24 like loud laughter [...
cackermander 27 27 (dialect) a friend [...
cacographers 31 25 CACOGRAPHER, a bad w...
cacographies 31 25 CACOGRAPHY, bad hand...
cacophonical 33 28 of or like a cacopho...
cacophonious 29 25 relating to a cacoph...
cacotrophies 30 23 CACOTROPHY, bad or i...
cactoblastes 29 22 CACTOBLASTIS, a moth...
cactoblastis 30 22 a moth introduced in...
cadaverously 32 24 CADAVEROUS, resembli...
caenogeneses 20 19 CAENOGENESIS, the st...
caenogenesis 21 19 the state where adap...
caenogenetic 24 22 relating to caenogen...
caesalpinoid 25 21 belonging to the Cae...
caespitosely 32 21 CAESPITOSE, growing...
cainogeneses 21 19 CAINOGENESIS, the st...
cainogenesis 22 19 the state where adap...
cainogenetic 25 22 relating to cainogen...
calamitously 33 23 CALAMITOUS, disastro...
calcareously 34 23 CALCAREOUS, chalky;...
calceamentum 28 27 (Latin) a red silk e...
calceolarias 27 20 CALCEOLARIA, any pla...
calcinations 26 21 CALCINATION, the act...
calculatedly 36 25 CALCULATED [adv]
calculations 28 22 CALCULATION, the pro...
calefacients 28 23 CALEFACIENT, a subst...
calefactions 28 23 CALEFACTION, the act...
calendarised 23 19 CALENDARISE, in acco...
calendarises 23 18 CALENDARISE, in acco...
calendarists 24 18 CALENDARIST, one who...
calendarized 26 28 CALENDARIZE, in acco...
calendarizes 26 27 CALENDARIZE, in acco...
calenderings 24 21 CALENDERING [n]
calibrations 26 20 CALIBRATION, the act...
californiums 28 24 CALIFORNIUM, a synth...
caliginosity 32 21 darkness, sootiness...
calisthenics 30 22 exercises designed t...
calligrammes 29 25 CALLIGRAMME, a desig...
calligrapher 31 24 a professional copyi...
calligraphic 35 27 relating to calligra...
callistemons 26 21 CALLISTEMON, an Aust...
callisthenic 31 23 relating to callisth...
callownesses 27 21 CALLOWNESS, the stat...
calorescence 28 23 the transmutation of...
caloricities 28 19 CALORICITY, a facult...
calorimeters 25 19 CALORIMETER, an inst...
calorimetric 29 22 relating to calorime...
calumniating 26 24 CALUMNIATE, to sland...
calumniation 24 22 slander [n -S]
calumniators 25 21 CALUMNIATOR, a sland...
calumniatory 31 23 of the nature of cal...
calumniously 33 25 CALUMNIOUS, containi...
calycanthemy 42 29 the condition of hav...
calycoideous 33 23 calyx-shaped, also C...
calypsonians 31 23 CALYPSONIAN, a write...
calyptrogens 33 24 CALYPTROGEN, the lay...
camaraderies 23 19 CAMARADERIE, (French...
cameleopards 26 23 CAMELEOPARD, (obsole...
cameraperson 24 22 a male or female cam...
cameraphones 26 24 CAMERAPHONE, a combi...
camiknickers 30 30 a woman's undergarme...
camouflaging 29 28 CAMOUFLAGE, to conce...
campanologer 26 25 a bell-ringer [n -S]
camphorating 29 26 CAMPHORATE, to impre...
campimetries 28 24 CAMPIMETRY, a techni...
campodeiform 29 28 of or resembling the...
canaliculate 27 22 grooved or channelle...
canalisation 22 18 the construction of...
canalization 25 27 the construction of...
cancelations 25 21 CANCELATION, the act...
canceleering 26 23 CANCELEER, to make s...
canceliering 27 23 CANCELIER, to make s...
cancellarial 28 22 of or relating to a...
cancellarian 26 22 of or relating to a...
cancellation 26 22 the act or an instan...
cancerations 24 20 CANCERATION, the act...
cancerphobia 31 27 fear of cancer, also...
candelabrums 27 25 CANDELABRUM, a candl...
candescences 27 24 CANDESCENCE, a cande...
candescently 32 24 CANDESCENT, glowing,...
candidatures 23 19 CANDIDATURE, the sta...
candidnesses 22 19 CANDIDNESS, the stat...
candlefishes 28 23 CANDLEFISH, a marine...
candleholder 26 22 a holder with a sock...
candlelights 29 23 CANDLELIGHT, the lig...
candlepowers 28 24 CANDLEPOWER, an old...
candlesticks 29 25 CANDLESTICK, a holde...
candyflosses 32 23 CANDYFLOSS, a fluffy...
canephoruses 26 22 CANEPHORUS, (Greek)...
canisterised 23 17 CANISTERISE, to put...
canisterises 23 16 CANISTERISE, to put...
canisterized 26 26 CANISTERIZE, to put...
canisterizes 26 25 CANISTERIZE, to put...
cankeredness 22 22 the state of being c...
cannabinoids 23 22 CANNABINOID, any of...
cannibalised 25 22 CANNIBALISE, to take...
cannibalises 25 21 CANNIBALISE, to take...
cannibalisms 27 24 CANNIBALISM, the usu...
cannibalized 28 31 CANNIBALIZE, to take...
cannibalizes 28 30 CANNIBALIZE, to take...
cannonballed 24 24 CANNONBALL, to go li...
cannulations 22 20 CANNULATION, the pro...
canonicities 25 20 CANONICITY, the stat...
canonisation 20 18 the act of canonisin...
canonization 23 27 the act of canonizin...
canophilists 29 22 CANOPHILIST, a lover...
canorousness 21 18 the state of being c...
cantankerous 22 22 difficult or irritat...
canterburies 25 20 CANTERBURY, a stand...
cantharidian 24 20 of or like a canthar...
cantharidins 25 20 CANTHARIDIN, a bitte...
cantilevered 25 22 CANTILEVER, to proje...
cantillating 26 21 CANTILLATE, to chant...
cantillation 24 19 chanting [n -S]
cantillatory 31 20 relating to cantilla...
capabilities 29 22 CAPABILITY, the stat...
capacitances 30 25 CAPACITANCE, in elec...
capacitating 29 24 CAPACITATE, to make...
capacitation 27 22 the change undergone...
capacitively 38 28 CAPACITIVE, relating...
caparisoning 25 22 CAPARISON, to adorn...
capercaillie 30 23 (Gaelic) a large Sco...
capercailzie 32 31 (Gaelic) a large Sco...
capernoities 24 19 CAPERNOITIE, (Scots)...
capillaceous 30 24 hairlike [adj]
capillitiums 31 24 CAPILLITIUM, a mass...
capitalising 28 22 CAPITALISE, to write...
capitalistic 31 22 relating to capitali...
capitalizing 31 31 CAPITALIZE, to write...
capitularies 27 20 CAPITULARY, a collec...
capitulating 28 23 CAPITULATE, to yield...
capitulation 26 21 a set of terms or ar...
capitulators 27 20 CAPITULATOR, one who...
capitulatory 33 22 of the nature of cap...
capnomancies 27 26 CAPNOMANCY, divinati...
capriciously 37 25 CAPRICIOUS, subject...
caprolactams 30 25 CAPROLACTAM, a white...
capsulations 26 21 CAPSULATION, the pro...
captainships 30 24 CAPTAINSHIP, the off...
captiousness 25 20 the state of being c...
captivations 27 23 CAPTIVATION, the act...
captivaunces 30 27 CAPTIVAUNCE, (Spense...
caramelising 26 22 CARAMELISE, to turn...
caramelizing 29 31 CARAMELIZE, to turn...
caravanettes 23 20 CARAVANETTE, a small...
caravannings 24 24 CARAVANNING [n]
caravansarai 23 20 a kind of unfurnishe...
caravanserai 23 20 a kind of unfurnishe...
carbamidines 26 23 CARBAMIDINE, another...
carbimazoles 30 31 CARBIMAZOLE, a drug...
carbohydrase 33 23 any of a group of en...
carbohydrate 33 23 a compound of carbon...
carbonaceous 26 23 coaly; containing mu...
carbonadoing 24 23 CARBONADO, (Spanish)...
carbonations 23 20 CARBONATION, impregn...
carbonatites 24 19 CARBONATITE, any ign...
carbonylated 31 23 CARBONYLATE, to intr...
carbonylates 31 22 CARBONYLATE, to intr...
carboxylases 38 28 CARBOXYLASE, an enzy...
carboxylated 38 29 CARBOXYLATE, to intr...
carboxylates 38 28 CARBOXYLATE, to intr...
carburations 25 20 CARBURATION, combina...
carburetions 25 20 CARBURETION, the pro...
carburetters 26 19 CARBURETTER, an appa...
carburetting 27 22 CARBURET, to combine...
carburettors 26 19 CARBURETTOR, an appa...
carbylamines 33 25 CARBYLAMINE, another...
carcinogenic 29 25 causing or tending t...
cardinalates 23 18 CARDINALATE, the off...
cardinalship 29 23 the office of cardin...
cardiographs 29 23 CARDIOGRAPH, an inst...
cardiography 35 25 the making of cardio...
cardiologies 25 19 CARDIOLOGY, the stud...
cardiologist 26 19 a practitioner of ca...
cardiomegaly 32 24 another name for meg...
cardioplegia 27 22 deliberate arrest of...
cardiotonics 26 20 CARDIOTONIC, a subst...
cardsharpers 28 21 CARDSHARPER, one who...
cardsharping 29 24 cheating by a profes...
carefreeness 23 19 the state of being c...
carelessness 23 17 the state of being c...
caricaturing 28 22 CARICATURE, to make...
caricaturist 28 19 one who draws carica...
carillonists 26 18 CARILLONIST, one who...
carillonneur 24 20 (French) one who pla...
carillonning 25 22 CARILLON, to play a...
carminatives 26 23 CARMINATIVE, a drug...
carpentarias 24 19 CARPENTARIA, an ever...
carpentering 25 22 CARPENTER, to constr...
carpetbagged 29 26 CARPETBAG, to engage...
carpetbagger 29 25 a Northerner in the...
carpetmonger 26 24 (Shakespeare) an eff...
carphologies 29 23 CARPHOLOGY, fitful p...
carpological 31 25 related to carpology...
carpologists 28 21 CARPOLOGIST, a stude...
carpophagous 30 26 fruit-eating [adj]
carrageenans 21 19 CARRAGEENAN, a collo...
carrageenins 22 19 CARRAGEENIN, a collo...
carragheenan 23 21 a colloid prepared f...
carragheenin 24 21 a colloid prepared f...
carriageable 26 21 that can be conveyed...
carriageways 33 22 CARRIAGEWAY, the par...
carriwitchet 33 23 (Scots) a teasing qu...
carrottopped 27 22 having red hair [adj...
carryforward 35 24 a subtotal carried f...
cartographer 28 22 one who makes maps,...
cartographic 32 25 relating to cartogra...
cartological 29 22 related to cartology...
cartomancies 26 22 CARTOMANCY, divinati...
cartoonishly 32 21 CARTOONISH, like a c...
cartophilies 29 21 CARTOPHILY, the hobb...
cartophilist 30 21 one who collects cig...
cartwheelers 29 21 CARTWHEELER, one who...
cartwheeling 30 24 CARTWHEEL, to turn a...
carunculated 27 23 having a caruncle, a...
cashierments 26 21 CASHIERMENT, the act...
cashmobbings 32 29 CASHMOBBING, coordin...
cassiopeiums 27 22 CASSIOPEIUM, a forme...
cassiterites 24 15 CASSITERITE, native...
castellation 24 18 the state of being c...
castigations 24 18 CASTIGATION, the act...
casualnesses 23 18 CASUALNESS, the stat...
catabolising 27 22 CATABOLISE, to subje...
catabolizing 30 31 CATABOLIZE, to subje...
catacaustics 30 22 CATACAUSTIC, a catac...
catachrestic 32 23 relating to catachre...
catacoustics 30 22 the science of echoe...
catadioptric 29 22 relating to or emplo...
catallactics 32 23 political economy [n...
catalogising 26 21 CATALOGISE, to put i...
catalogizing 29 30 CATALOGIZE, to put i...
cataloguised 25 20 CATALOGUISE, to put...
cataloguises 25 19 CATALOGUISE, to put...
cataloguists 26 19 CATALOGUIST, one who...
cataloguized 28 29 CATALOGUIZE, to put...
cataloguizes 28 28 CATALOGUIZE, to put...
catamountain 22 21 any of various large...
cataphoreses 26 20 CATAPHORESIS, the mo...
cataphoresis 27 20 the movement, due to...
cataphoretic 30 23 relating to cataphor...
cataphractic 34 26 of or like a cataphr...
cataphyllary 42 26 of or like a cataphy...
cataphysical 38 26 unnatural [adj]
catapultiers 27 20 CATAPULTIER, one who...
catastrophes 27 20 CATASTROPHE, the fin...
catastrophic 31 23 of the nature of a c...
catchinesses 28 21 CATCHINESS, the stat...
catchpennies 29 25 CATCHPENNY, a worthl...
catchphrases 33 25 CATCHPHRASE, a word...
catechetical 32 24 relating to catechis...
catechisings 30 23 CATECHISING, the act...
catechizings 33 32 CATECHIZING, the act...
catechumenal 29 26 of or like a catechu...
categorially 32 21 CATEGORIAL, of or re...
categorising 25 20 CATEGORISE, to put i...
categorizing 28 29 CATEGORIZE, to put i...
caterpillars 28 20 CATERPILLAR, the elo...
caterwaulers 27 20 CATERWAULER [n]
caterwauling 28 23 making a harsh cry [...
catheterised 25 18 CATHETERISE, to trea...
catheterises 25 17 CATHETERISE, to trea...
catheterisms 27 20 CATHETERISM, use of...
catheterized 28 27 CATHETERIZE, to fit...
catheterizes 28 26 CATHETERIZE, to fit...
cathetometer 25 20 an instrument for me...
cathiodermie 26 21 a beauty treatment f...
cathodically 37 25 CATHODICAL, relating...
cathodograph 30 25 a photograph created...
catholically 38 25 CATHOLIC, universal,...
catholicates 29 21 CATHOLICATE, the jur...
catholicised 30 22 CATHOLICISE, to make...
catholicises 30 21 CATHOLICISE, to make...
catholicisms 32 24 CATHOLICISM, the sta...
catholicized 33 31 CATHOLICIZE, to make...
catholicizes 33 30 CATHOLICIZE, to make...
catholicoses 29 21 CATHOLICOS, (Greek)...
cationically 34 23 CATIONIC, relating t...
caudillismos 28 22 CAUDILLISMO, the doc...
cauliculuses 30 23 CAULICULUS, one of t...
cauliflories 28 21 CAULIFLORY, the prod...
cauliflorous 28 22 relating to cauliflo...
cauliflowers 31 24 CAULIFLOWER, a varie...
causationism 24 20 the principle of uni...
causationist 23 17 a believer in causat...
causticities 28 19 CAUSTICITY, the stat...
cautiousness 23 18 the state of being c...
cavalierisms 28 23 CAVALIERISM, the sta...
cavillations 27 22 CAVILLATION, cavilli...
cecutiencies 29 23 CECUTIENCY, a tenden...
cedrelaceous 26 21 belonging to the Ced...
celebrations 25 20 CELEBRATION, the act...
celebreality 33 22 a television genre t...
celebutantes 25 21 CELEBUTANTE, a young...
celibatarian 25 20 a person who lives i...
cellulitises 28 19 CELLULITIS, an infla...
cellulolytic 38 25 hydrolyzing or havin...
cementations 22 20 CEMENTATION, the act...
cementitious 24 20 having the quality o...
cenesthesias 24 18 CENESTHESIA, general...
censoriously 30 20 CENSORIOUS, given to...
centenarians 20 18 CENTENARIAN, a perso...
centennially 29 22 CENTENNIAL, recurrin...
centerboards 24 20 CENTERBOARD, a retra...
centeredness 21 18 the state of being c...
centerpieces 27 22 CENTERPIECE, the cen...
centesimally 32 23 CENTESIMAL, counting...
centigrammes 26 24 CENTIGRAMME, 1/100th...
centillionth 27 21 the ordinal of centi...
centimorgans 24 22 CENTIMORGAN, one hun...
centralisers 24 17 CENTRALISER, one who...
centralising 25 20 CENTRALISE, to move...
centralistic 28 20 relating to centrali...
centralities 24 17 CENTRALITY, the stat...
centralizers 27 26 CENTRALIZER, one who...
centralizing 28 29 CENTRALIZE, to move...
centreboards 24 20 CENTREBOARD, a retra...
centrepieces 27 22 CENTREPIECE, a centr...
centricities 27 19 CENTRICITY, the stat...
centrifugals 28 23 CENTRIFUGAL, a centr...
centrifuging 28 25 CENTRIFUGE, to subje...
centroclinal 27 22 dipping towards a ce...
centrosphere 26 21 the central part of...
centumvirate 26 24 a body of a hundred...
centuplicate 29 24 to centuple [v CENTU...
centuriation 22 18 division into hundre...
centuriators 23 17 CENTURIATOR, one of...
cephalalgias 30 24 CEPHALALGIA, head pa...
cephalalgics 34 27 CEPHALALGIC, a heada...
cephalically 40 28 CEPHALIC, pertaining...
cephalitises 29 21 CEPHALITIS, inflamma...
cephaloceles 31 25 CEPHALOCELE, the pro...
cephalometer 28 24 an instrument for po...
cephalometry 35 26 the science of measu...
cephalopodan 28 26 any marine mollusc o...
cephalopodic 33 28 of or like a cephalo...
cephalothins 30 24 CEPHALOTHIN, a semis...
ceramography 35 27 the historical descr...
cerargyrites 31 19 CERARGYRITE, a miner...
ceratopsians 24 19 CERATOPSIAN, a bird-...
ceraunograph 27 24 an instrument for re...
cerebralisms 28 22 CEREBRALISM, the the...
cerebralists 27 19 CEREBRALIST, an adhe...
cerebrations 24 19 CEREBRATION, the unc...
cerebritises 26 18 CEREBRITIS, inflamma...
cerebrosides 25 19 CEREBROSIDE, any of...
cerebrotonia 23 19 the temperament asso...
cerebrotonic 27 22 someone with a perso...
ceremonially 31 23 CEREMONIAL, of or li...
cerographies 28 22 CEROGRAPHY, writing...
cerographist 29 22 a practitioner of ce...
ceroplastics 30 22 the craft of wax mod...
certificated 29 22 CERTIFICATE, to test...
certificates 29 21 CERTIFICATE, to test...
cervicitises 30 22 CERVICITIS, inflamma...
cesareviches 30 24 CESAREVICH, the elde...
cesarewiches 31 23 CESAREWICH, the elde...
cessionaries 22 16 CESSIONARY, someone...
chaetiferous 27 21 bearing bristles; br...
chaetognaths 27 22 CHAETOGNATH, a kind...
chairmanning 26 25 CHAIRMAN, to act as...
chairmanship 31 26 the role of chairman...
chairpersons 27 21 CHAIRPERSON, a chair...
chairwarmers 30 23 CHAIRWARMER, an offi...
chalazogamic 34 35 relating to chalazog...
chalcanthite 31 24 native hydrated copp...
chalcedonies 28 23 CHALCEDONY, a crysta...
chalcogenide 29 25 a binary compound of...
chalcography 41 30 the art of engraving...
chalcolithic 37 27 of or relating to a...
chalcopyrite 38 26 copper pyrites, a ye...
chalicothere 31 23 an extinct three-toe...
chalkinesses 27 23 CHALKINESS, the stat...
chalkstripes 31 25 CHALKSTRIPE, clothin...
chamaephytes 36 27 CHAMAEPHYTE, a winte...
chamberhands 30 27 CHAMBERHAND, (New Ze...
chamberlains 29 25 CHAMBERLAIN, an offi...
chambermaids 30 27 CHAMBERMAID, a maid...
championship 33 29 the position of hono...
chancinesses 27 22 CHANCINESS, the stat...
chandeliered 25 21 having a chandelier...
chandlerings 27 23 CHANDLERING, the pro...
changearound 24 23 the act of changing...
changelessly 34 24 CHANGELESS, never ch...
changerounds 25 23 CHANGEROUND, a chang...
channelising 26 23 CHANNELISE, to creat...
channelizing 29 32 CHANNELIZE, to creat...
chansonettes 23 19 CHANSONETTE, (French...
chansonniers 23 20 CHANSONNIER, a cabar...
chantarelles 26 20 CHANTARELLE, (French...
chanterelles 26 20 CHANTERELLE, (French...
chanticleers 29 22 CHANTICLEER, a roost...
chaperonages 26 23 CHAPERONAGE, the act...
chaplaincies 31 25 CHAPLAINCY, the offi...
chaplainries 28 22 CHAPLAINRY, the offi...
chaplainship 33 27 the office of chapla...
chapmanships 33 29 CHAPMANSHIP, the pro...
chaptalising 30 24 CHAPTALISE, to add e...
chaptalizing 33 33 CHAPTALIZE, to add e...
chapterhouse 29 23 the building attache...
characterful 32 25 full of character [a...
characteries 28 20 CHARACTERY, writing;...
charactering 29 23 CHARACTER, (archaic]...
characterise 28 20 to give a character...
characterism 30 23 a characteristic [n...
characterize 31 29 to describe the char...
charbroilers 29 21 CHARBROILER, an appa...
charbroiling 30 24 CHARBROIL, to broil...
charcuteries 29 21 CHARCUTERIE, (French...
chargesheets 28 21 CHARGESHEET, a polic...
chargrilling 31 24 CHARGRILL, to grill...
charioteered 24 18 CHARIOTEER, to drive...
charismatics 31 23 CHARISMATIC, a membe...
charivariing 29 24 CHARIVARI, to perfor...
charlatanism 27 22 the state of being a...
charlestoned 25 20 CHARLESTON, to dance...
charterparty 34 22 the common written f...
chartography 37 26 the drawing of maps,...
chartularies 27 19 CHARTULARY, a collec...
chasmogamies 28 25 CHASMOGAMY, the open...
chasmogamous 28 26 relating to chasmoga...
chastenesses 24 18 CHASTENESS, the stat...
chasteningly 33 24 CHASTENING [adv]
chastenments 25 22 CHASTENMENT, the sta...
chastisement 26 21 the act of chastisin...
chatoyancies 33 23 CHATOYANCY, the qual...
chatterboxes 33 27 CHATTERBOX, a talkat...
chattinesses 25 18 CHATTINESS, the stat...
chauffeuring 31 28 CHAUFFEUR, to drive...
chauffeusing 31 28 CHAUFFEUSE, to act a...
chaulmoogras 28 24 CHAULMOOGRA, a kind...
chauntresses 25 19 CHAUNTRESS, a female...
chauvinistic 32 26 relating to chauvini...
checkerberry 38 29 the fruit of various...
checkerbloom 33 31 a Californian malvac...
checkerboard 31 28 a board used in vari...
checklisting 33 28 CHECKLIST, to make l...
checkmarking 33 34 CHECKMARK, to mark i...
checkweigher 36 31 a colliery worker wh...
cheechalkoes 31 27 CHEECHALKO, (Native...
cheekinesses 25 22 CHEEKINESS, the stat...
cheekpouches 33 30 CHEEKPOUCH, a dilata...
cheerfullest 30 23 CHEERFUL, in good sp...
cheerfulness 28 23 the state of being c...
cheerinesses 24 18 CHEERINESS, the stat...
cheerishness 27 20 (obsolete) cheerfuln...
cheerleaders 25 19 CHEERLEADER [n]
cheerleading 26 22 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
cheeseboards 26 21 CHEESEBOARD, a board...
cheeseburger 28 23 a hamburger topped w...
cheesecloths 31 23 CHEESECLOTH, a very...
cheesecutter 28 21 a movable keel that...
cheesehopper 30 25 a small fly whose la...
cheesemonger 25 23 one who sells cheese...
cheeseparers 26 20 CHEESEPARER, a mean...
cheeseparing 27 23 stingy [adj] / the a...
cheesesteaks 25 21 CHEESESTEAK, a sandw...
cheesetaster 24 17 a long hollow tool f...
cheesewrings 29 23 CHEESEWRING, a chees...
cheesinesses 24 18 CHEESINESS, the qual...
cheiromancer 28 24 one who claims to di...
chelicerates 29 21 CHELICERATE, an arth...
cheluviation 28 24 the leaching of iron...
chemiosmoses 27 23 CHEMIOSMOSIS, the me...
chemiosmosis 28 23 the mechanism by whi...
chemiosmotic 31 26 relating to a hypoth...
chemisorbing 30 26 CHEMISORB, to adsorb...
chemoautroph 30 26 any organism, e.g. b...
chemoceptors 31 26 CHEMOCEPTOR, a senso...
chemokineses 26 25 CHEMOKINESIS, the ra...
chemokinesis 27 25 the random movement...
chemonasties 25 21 CHEMONASTY, plant mo...
chemosorbing 29 26 CHEMOSORB, to adsorb...
chemospheres 30 25 CHEMOSPHERE, the the...
chemospheric 34 28 relating to the chem...
chemosurgery 34 25 the chemical removal...
chemotherapy 36 27 therapy involving th...
chemotropism 30 26 plant growth in the...
chequerboard 35 31 a board for playing...
chequerworks 38 34 CHEQUERWORK, any pat...
cherishingly 37 25 CHERISHING [adv]
cherishments 29 23 CHERISHMENT, the act...
cherrystones 31 20 CHERRYSTONE, a mediu...
cherubically 40 28 CHERUBICAL, like a c...
chessboxings 35 30 CHESSBOXING, a hybri...
chessplayers 35 23 CHESSPLAYER, one who...
chesterfield 29 22 a sofa [n -S]
chestinesses 25 18 CHESTINESS, the stat...
chiaroscuros 29 21 CHIAROSCURO, (Italia...
chiastolites 27 18 CHIASTOLITE, a form...
chickenpoxes 37 35 CHICKENPOX, a contag...
chickenshits 33 27 CHICKENSHIT, the pet...
chieftainess 27 21 a female chieftain [...
chiffonniers 29 25 CHIFFONNIER, (French...
childbearing 30 25 the process of conce...
childcrowing 35 28 a nervous affection...
childermases 28 22 CHILDERMAS, a church...
childishness 30 22 the state of being c...
childminders 29 24 CHILDMINDER, one who...
childminding 30 27 the activity or prof...
chiliahedron 28 22 (Greek) a one-thousa...
chiliarchies 33 23 CHILIARCHY, a body c...
chillinesses 28 20 CHILLINESS, the qual...
chimerically 39 27 CHIMERICAL, of the n...
chimichangas 33 28 CHIMICHANGA, (Spanis...
chimneyboard 34 27 a board blocking up...
chimneypiece 37 29 an ornamental constr...
chinaberries 27 21 CHINABERRY, a small...
chinoiseries 25 18 CHINOISERIE, (French...
chippinesses 30 24 CHIPPINESS, the stat...
chiquichiqui 50 42 (Tupi) a piassava pa...
chirognomies 27 23 CHIROGNOMY, palmistr...
chirognomist 28 23 someone who studies...
chirographer 31 24 (obsolete) an offici...
chirographic 35 27 relating to handwrit...
chirologists 29 20 CHIROLOGIST, one who...
chiromancers 29 24 CHIROMANCER, a palm-...
chiromancies 29 24 CHIROMANCY, divinati...
chiropodists 29 21 CHIROPODIST, one who...
chiropractic 35 26 the diagnosis and ma...
chiropractor 31 23 a person who practis...
chiropterans 27 21 CHIROPTERAN, a membe...
chiropterous 28 21 relating to the Chir...
chirpinesses 28 21 CHIRPINESS, the stat...
chirurgeonly 34 24 (obsolete) in the ma...
chirurgeries 28 20 CHIRURGERY, surgery...
chitchatting 33 25 CHITCHAT, to indulge...
chitterlings 29 21 CHITTERLING, part of...
chivalresque 37 32 relating to or conne...
chivalrously 37 26 CHIVALROUS, gentlema...
chloanthites 28 21 CHLOANTHITE, a nicke...
chlorambucil 35 29 an oral drug used to...
chlorenchyma 38 29 plant stem tissue co...
chloridating 28 22 CHLORIDATE, to treat...
chloridising 29 22 CHLORIDISE, to conve...
chloridizing 32 31 CHLORIDIZE, to conve...
chlorimeters 28 21 CHLORIMETER, an appa...
chlorimetric 32 24 relating to chlorime...
chlorinating 27 22 CHLORINATE, to treat...
chlorination 25 20 the act of chlorinat...
chlorinators 26 19 CHLORINATOR, a machi...
chlorinising 28 22 CHLORINISE, to chlor...
chlorinities 27 19 CHLORINITY, in seawa...
chlorinizing 31 31 CHLORINIZE, to chlor...
chloroacetic 32 24 an acid made by chlo...
chloroformed 29 25 CHLOROFORM, to treat...
chloroformer 29 24 CHLOROFORM, to treat...
chlorohydrin 35 24 any of various organ...
chlorometers 27 21 CHLOROMETER, instrum...
chlorometric 31 24 relating to chlorome...
chlorophylls 40 27 CHLOROPHYLL, the gre...
chlorophytum 39 29 any plant of the gen...
chloropicrin 32 25 a colorless liquid t...
chloroplasts 30 22 CHLOROPLAST, a plast...
chloroprenes 27 22 CHLOROPRENE, a color...
chloroquines 34 29 CHLOROQUINE, a drug...
chlorpicrins 33 25 CHLORPICRIN, a color...
chocolatiers 29 21 CHOCOLATIER, one who...
chocolatiest 29 21 CHOCOLATY, of or lik...
choicenesses 27 21 CHOICENESS, the qual...
choirmasters 27 20 CHOIRMASTER, the lea...
choirscreens 28 21 CHOIRSCREEN, a scree...
chokeberries 28 24 CHOKEBERRY, a small...
cholerically 38 25 CHOLERIC, bad-temper...
cholesterins 26 19 CHOLESTERIN, a forme...
cholesterols 27 19 CHOLESTEROL, a stero...
chondrifying 35 27 CHONDRIFY, to conver...
chondriosome 25 22 an old name for a mi...
chondritises 26 19 CHONDRITIS, an infla...
chondroblast 28 23 a cell that forms ca...
chondroitins 25 20 CHONDROITIN, any of...
chondrophore 28 24 a medusoid hydrozoan...
chondrostian 24 20 a member of the Chon...
choppinesses 29 24 CHOPPINESS, the stat...
chordophones 28 24 CHORDOPHONE, any ins...
chordophonic 32 27 of or like a chordop...
chordotomies 26 21 CHORDOTOMY, the surg...
choregraphed 30 25 CHOREGRAPH, to arran...
choregrapher 30 24 one who choregraphs,...
choregraphic 34 27 relating to choregra...
choreodramas 25 21 CHOREODRAMA, dance d...
choreographs 30 24 CHOREOGRAPH, to comp...
choreography 36 26 the art of symbolica...
choreologies 26 20 CHOREOLOGY, the stud...
choreologist 27 20 a student of choreol...
choriambuses 29 24 CHORIAMBUS, a metric...
chorisations 25 18 CHORISATION, the mul...
chorizations 28 27 CHORIZATION, the mul...
chorizontist 29 27 a person who dispute...
chorographer 30 24 one who maps or desc...
chorographic 34 27 relating to chorogra...
chorological 31 24 related to chorology...
chorologists 28 20 CHOROLOGIST, a stude...
chorusmaster 27 21 the conductor of a c...
chowderheads 30 24 CHOWDERHEAD, a fooli...
chrematistic 31 23 pertaining to busine...
chrestomathy 35 24 a selection of passa...
chrismations 27 21 CHRISMATION, the sac...
christenings 27 21 CHRISTENING, a bapti...
christianias 26 18 CHRISTIANIA, a kind...
christophany 36 25 an appearance of Chr...
chromaticism 32 26 the state of being c...
chromaticity 37 25 the quality of color...
chromatogram 28 25 a visible record of...
chromatology 34 25 the science of colou...
chromatopsia 28 23 coloured vision [n -...
chrominances 28 25 CHROMINANCE, the dif...
chromocenter 28 24 a densely staining a...
chromocentre 28 24 a densely staining a...
chromonemata 25 24 CHROMONEMA, the coil...
chromophilic 36 29 staining heavily in...
chromophobes 32 28 CHROMOPHOBE, a cell...
chromophores 30 25 CHROMOPHORE, the gro...
chromophoric 34 28 of or like a chromop...
chromoplasts 30 24 CHROMOPLAST, a color...
chromoscopes 31 26 CHROMOSCOPE, an appa...
chromosphere 30 25 the region of the at...
chronicities 29 21 CHRONICITY, the qual...
chronographs 30 25 CHRONOGRAPH, an inst...
chronography 36 27 chronology [n CHRONO...
chronologers 26 21 CHRONOLOGER, an expe...
chronologies 26 21 CHRONOLOGY, the scie...
chronologise 26 21 to arrange in chrono...
chronologist 27 21 an expert in chronol...
chronologize 29 30 to arrange in chrono...
chronometers 25 21 CHRONOMETER, an inst...
chronometric 29 24 relating to chronome...
chronoscopes 29 24 CHRONOSCOPE, an inst...
chronoscopic 33 27 of or like a chronos...
chrysarobins 34 23 CHRYSAROBIN, goa pow...
chrysoberyls 42 25 CHRYSOBERYL, a miner...
chrysocollas 37 24 CHRYSOCOLLA, a hydra...
chrysomelids 35 24 CHRYSOMELID, a membe...
chrysophytes 43 26 CHRYSOPHYTE, a type...
chrysoprases 34 22 CHRYSOPRASE, a green...
chubbinesses 30 25 CHUBBINESS, the stat...
chuckawallas 35 30 CHUCKAWALLA, (Spanis...
chuckleheads 33 29 CHUCKLEHEAD, a fooli...
chuffinesses 30 25 CHUFFINESS, the qual...
chugalugging 32 29 CHUGALUG, to drink w...
chumminesses 28 25 CHUMMINESS, the stat...
chunkinesses 26 24 CHUNKINESS, the stat...
churchgoings 34 28 CHURCHGOING, attendi...
churchianity 38 26 a usually excessive...
churchliness 33 25 the state of being c...
churchpeople 36 30 people who attend ch...
churchwarden 34 28 one of two lay paris...
churlishness 30 22 the state of being c...
chylomicrons 37 27 CHYLOMICRON, a tiny...
chymotrypsin 42 28 rennin [n -S]
chymotryptic 46 30 relating to chymotry...
cicatrichule 34 25 a white spot, the ge...
cicatriculas 32 23 CICATRICULA, a white...
cichoraceous 31 24 of or belonging to t...
ciclosporins 30 23 CICLOSPORIN, an immu...
cinchonidine 27 24 an alkaloid that is...
cinchonising 29 25 CINCHONISE, to treat...
cinchonizing 32 34 CINCHONIZE, to treat...
cinematheque 33 31 a small movie theate...
cinematising 25 22 CINEMATISE, to produ...
cinematizing 28 31 CINEMATIZE, to produ...
cinnarizines 25 27 CINNARIZINE, a gener...
cinquecentos 33 30 CINQUECENTO, (Italia...
circassienne 25 20 a kind of light cash...
circuiteered 27 20 CIRCUITEER, of a jud...
circuitously 36 23 CIRCUITOUS, having a...
circularised 29 21 CIRCULARISE, to incl...
circulariser 29 20 one who circularises...
circularises 29 20 CIRCULARISE, to incl...
circularized 32 30 CIRCULARIZE, to send...
circularizer 32 29 one who circularizes...
circularizes 32 29 CIRCULARIZE, to send...
circularness 28 21 the state of being c...
circulatable 31 24 capable of being cir...
circulatings 30 23 CIRCULATING, the act...
circulations 28 21 CIRCULATION, the mov...
circumcenter 31 26 the point at which t...
circumcentre 31 26 the point at which t...
circumcircle 37 29 a circle which passe...
circumcisers 33 25 CIRCUMCISER, one who...
circumcising 34 28 CIRCUMCISE, to cut o...
circumcision 32 26 the act of circumcis...
circumducing 34 30 CIRCUMDUCE, (Scots)...
circumducted 33 28 CIRCUMDUCT, to cause...
circumflects 36 29 CIRCUMFLECT, to bend...
circumflexes 38 33 CIRCUMFLEX, a mark u...
circumfluent 32 28 flowing round, also...
circumfluous 33 28 flowing around, also...
circumfusile 33 27 molten; poured aroun...
circumfusing 33 29 CIRCUMFUSE, to pour...
circumfusion 31 27 the act of circumfus...
circumgyrate 36 26 to whirl or roll rou...
circumjacent 33 35 bordering on every s...
circumlocute 33 27 to use circumlocutio...
circummuring 32 29 CIRCUMMURE, (Shakesp...
circumnutate 28 24 to proceed with a sp...
circumposing 32 28 CIRCUMPOSE, to place...
circumscribe 35 28 to draw a line aroun...
circumstance 31 26 a condition, fact, o...
circumvented 30 28 CIRCUMVENT, to go ro...
circumventer 30 27 one who circumvents,...
circumventor 30 27 one who circumvents,...
circumvolved 34 32 CIRCUMVOLVE, to roll...
circumvolves 34 31 CIRCUMVOLVE, to roll...
cirrocumulus 31 25 (Latin) a type of cl...
cirrostratus 25 16 (Latin) a type of cl...
citification 29 22 the act of citifying...
citizenesses 26 25 CITIZENESS, a female...
citizenising 28 28 CITIZENISE, to make...
citizenizing 31 37 CITIZENIZE, to make...
citizenships 32 30 CITIZENSHIP, the sta...
citriculture 30 21 the cultivation of c...
citronellals 26 19 CITRONELLAL, a colou...
citronellols 26 19 CITRONELLOL, an unsa...
cityfication 35 24 the act of cityfying...
civilianised 27 22 CIVILIANISE, to conv...
civilianises 27 21 CIVILIANISE, to conv...
civilianized 30 31 CIVILIANIZE, to conv...
civilianizes 30 30 CIVILIANIZE, to conv...
civilisation 27 21 the state of being c...
civilization 30 30 the state of being c...
cladogeneses 23 20 CLADOGENESIS, the ev...
cladogenesis 24 20 the evolutionary cha...
cladogenetic 27 23 relating to cladogen...
cladosporium 28 24 a type of fungus [n...
clairaudient 24 19 able to hear sounds...
clairschachs 36 26 CLAIRSCHACH, (Gaelic...
clairvoyance 34 26 the power of seeing...
clairvoyancy 41 28 the power of seeing...
clairvoyants 32 23 CLAIRVOYANT, one who...
clamjamfries 31 34 CLAMJAMFRY, (Scots)...
clamjamphrie 33 36 (Scots) rubbish, non...
clamminesses 26 23 CLAMMINESS, the stat...
clangorously 32 23 CLANGOROUS, full of...
clanjamfrays 35 34 CLANJAMFRAY, (Scots)...
clannishness 25 21 the state of being c...
clapboarding 29 26 CLAPBOARD, to cover...
clapperboard 30 26 a hinged board (or a...
clapperclaws 36 29 CLAPPERCLAW, (archai...
claptrappery 37 27 nonsense, claptrap [...
clarinetists 25 17 CLARINETIST, one who...
clarinettist 25 17 one who plays the cl...
classicalism 31 23 in literature, music...
classicalist 30 20 an adherent of class...
classicality 36 22 the state of being c...
classicising 30 22 CLASSICISE, to make...
classicistic 33 22 relating to classici...
classicizing 33 31 CLASSICIZE, to make...
classifiable 30 23 capable of being cla...
classinesses 24 17 CLASSINESS, the stat...
clatteringly 33 22 CLATTERING [adv]
claudication 27 22 the state of being l...
claustration 24 18 the act of shutting...
clavecinists 30 24 CLAVECINIST, one who...
clavicembalo 33 30 (Italian) a harpsich...
clavieristic 31 23 relating to a clavie...
cleanability 33 23 the quality of being...
clearcutting 29 23 the act of felling t...
clearstoried 24 17 having a clearstory...
clearstories 24 16 CLEARSTORY, the uppe...
cleavability 36 26 the quality of being...
cleistogamic 30 24 relating to cleistog...
clenbuterols 27 22 CLENBUTEROL, a drug...
cleptomaniac 29 26 a person having an o...
cleptomanias 26 23 CLEPTOMANIA, an obse...
clerestoried 24 17 having a clerestory...
clerestories 24 16 CLERESTORY, the uppe...
clericalisms 31 23 CLERICALISM, a polic...
clericalists 30 20 CLERICALIST, one who...
cleromancies 27 23 CLEROMANCY, divinati...
clevernesses 25 21 CLEVERNESS, the qual...
clickjacking 37 42 the practice of usin...
clickstreams 31 26 CLICKSTREAM, a path...
clicktivisms 35 30 CLICKTIVISM, a polic...
cliffhangers 32 27 CLIFFHANGER, a narra...
cliffhanging 33 30 the act of keeping a...
climacterics 33 25 CLIMACTERIC, a suppo...
climatically 38 26 CLIMATICAL, relating...
climatologic 31 25 relating to climatol...
clindamycins 35 27 CLINDAMYCIN, an anti...
clinginesses 25 20 CLINGINESS, the stat...
clingingness 26 23 emotional dependency...
clinicalness 28 22 the state of being c...
clinochlores 30 23 CLINOCHLORE, a hexag...
clinometries 25 20 CLINOMETRY, the art...
cliometrical 30 23 relating to cliometr...
cliquinesses 33 27 CLIQUINESS, the stat...
cliquishness 36 29 the state of being c...
clistogamies 27 21 CLISTOGAMY, the prod...
clitorectomy 35 24 the surgical removal...
cloddishness 27 21 the state of being c...
clogginesses 26 21 CLOGGINESS, the stat...
cloisonnages 23 20 CLOISONNAGE, cloison...
cloistresses 25 16 CLOISTRESS, (Shakesp...
closemouthed 27 23 cautious in speaking...
clostridiums 28 21 CLOSTRIDIUM, any of...
clotheshorse 28 20 a frame on which to...
clotheslined 27 21 CLOTHESLINE, to knoc...
clotheslines 27 20 CLOTHESLINE, to knoc...
clothespress 29 21 a receptacle for clo...
clottinesses 24 17 CLOTTINESS, the stat...
cloudberries 27 21 CLOUDBERRY, a low pl...
cloudinesses 24 19 CLOUDINESS, the stat...
cloverleaves 28 25 CLOVERLEAF, the patt...
clownishness 29 23 the state of being c...
cloxacillins 36 29 CLOXACILLIN, a penic...
clubbability 40 29 sociablity, also CLU...
clubbinesses 29 24 CLUBBINESS, the stat...
clubmanships 33 29 CLUBMANSHIP, the sta...
clumpinesses 28 24 CLUMPINESS, the stat...
clumsinesses 26 21 CLUMSINESS, the qual...
clusteringly 34 23 CLUSTERING [adv]
coacervating 28 25 COACERVATE, to heap;...
coacervation 26 23 an aggregation of pa...
coachbuilder 32 26 a craftsman who buil...
coactivities 29 22 COACTIVITY, unity of...
coadaptation 23 20 the state of being m...
coadjutrices 29 29 COADJUTRIX, a female...
coadjutrixes 32 33 COADJUTRIX, a female...
coadunations 21 19 COADUNATION, the act...
coagulations 24 20 COAGULATION, the act...
coalescences 28 23 COALESCENCE, the act...
coalitioners 23 17 COALITIONER, a suppo...
coalitionism 25 20 the forming of a coa...
coalitionist 24 17 a supporter of coali...
coarctations 25 19 COARCTATION, the act...
coarsenesses 21 16 COARSENESS, the stat...
coasteerings 23 18 COASTEERING, an adve...
coauthorship 30 23 the role of coauthor...
cobblestoned 27 24 COBBLESTONE, to pave...
cobblestones 27 23 COBBLESTONE, to pave...
cobwebberies 32 27 COBWEBBERY, cobwebs...
cocaptaining 28 25 COCAPTAIN, to captai...
cocarcinogen 28 25 an agent that aggrav...
coccidiostat 30 22 an agent which build...
cochairwoman 31 27 a female cochairman...
cochairwomen 31 27 COCHAIRWOMAN, a fema...
cockabullies 32 28 COCKABULLY, any of v...
cockaleekies 28 27 COCKALEEKIE, (Scots)...
cockcrowings 35 31 COCKCROWING, the cro...
cockernonies 25 24 COCKERNONY, (Scots)...
cockeyedness 32 26 the state of being c...
cockfighting 35 32 the sport of fightin...
cockieleekie 28 27 (Scots) soup made fr...
cockleshells 33 27 COCKLESHELL, a small...
cockneyfying 42 33 COCKNEYFY, to make (...
cocksinesses 27 23 COCKSINESS, the stat...
cocksureness 27 24 the state of being c...
cockswaining 31 29 COCKSWAIN, to take c...
cockthrowing 34 30 the old sport of thr...
cockyleekies 35 29 COCKYLEEKY, (Scots)...
cocounseling 27 24 COCOUNSEL, to counse...
cocounselled 27 23 COCOUNSEL, to counse...
cocultivated 30 25 COCULTIVATE, to cult...
cocultivates 30 24 COCULTIVATE, to cult...
cocurricular 32 24 being outside of but...
codefendants 23 22 CODEFENDANT, a joint...
codependence 25 25 joint dependence of...
codependency 32 27 joint dependence of...
codependents 23 22 CODEPENDENT, one par...
codevelopers 27 24 CODEVELOPER, one who...
codeveloping 28 27 CODEVELOP, to develo...
codicologies 28 22 CODICOLOGY, the stud...
codification 28 23 the act of codifying...
codirections 26 20 CODIRECTION, the act...
codiscovered 28 24 CODISCOVER, to disco...
codiscoverer 28 23 CODISCOVER, to disco...
codominances 25 24 CODOMINANCE, the sta...
coeducations 25 21 COEDUCATION, the edu...
coefficients 30 25 COEFFICIENT, any of...
coelacanthic 31 25 (jocular) old but wo...
coelenterate 21 17 a classification of...
coelurosaurs 24 18 COELUROSAUR, a biped...
coenamouring 23 23 COENAMOUR, to enamou...
coenenchymas 33 27 COENENCHYMA, gelatin...
coenenchymes 33 27 COENENCHYME, the gel...
coenestheses 23 18 COENESTHESIS, genera...
coenesthesia 23 18 general awareness of...
coenesthesis 24 18 general awareness of...
coenesthetic 27 21 relating to coenesth...
coenobitical 28 23 of or like a coenobi...
coenobitisms 26 22 COENOBITISM, the sta...
coenospecies 26 22 a species that can i...
coequalities 32 26 COEQUALITY, the stat...
coercimeters 27 21 COERCIMETER, an inst...
coercionists 26 19 COERCIONIST, one who...
coerciveness 27 23 the state of being c...
coercivities 29 22 COERCIVITY, the qual...
coetaneously 28 20 COETANEOUS, having t...
coeternities 22 16 COETERNITY, existenc...
coevolutions 25 22 COEVOLUTION, the par...
coexistences 31 26 COEXISTENCE, existen...
coextensions 27 24 COEXTENSION, the act...
coffeehouses 28 24 COFFEEHOUSE, an esta...
coffeemakers 28 28 COFFEEMAKER, a utens...
cogeneration 21 19 the production of el...
cogenerators 22 18 COGENERATOR, a devic...
cogitatingly 33 23 COGITATING [adv]
cogitatively 34 24 COGITATIVE, having t...
cognitivisms 29 25 COGNITIVISM, the met...
cognominally 32 26 COGNOMINAL, of or pe...
cognominated 23 23 COGNOMINATE, to name...
cognominates 23 22 COGNOMINATE, to name...
cohabitation 26 21 the act of cohabitin...
cohesibility 36 23 the quality of being...
cohesionless 25 19 without cohesion [ad...
cohesiveness 26 22 the state of being c...
cohomologies 27 23 COHOMOLOGY, a theory...
cohortatives 27 21 COHORTATIVE, in Hebr...
cohostessing 26 20 COHOSTESS, to act as...
coincidences 28 24 COINCIDENCE, the act...
coincidental 26 22 resulting from a coi...
coincidently 33 24 COINCIDENT, of simil...
coinherences 26 22 COINHERENCE, the act...
coinheritors 25 18 COINHERITOR, a joint...
coinsurances 25 21 COINSURANCE, joint a...
coleopterans 24 20 COLEOPTERAN, a large...
coleopterist 26 19 one who studies beet...
coleopterons 24 20 COLEOPTERON, a large...
coleopterous 25 20 pertaining to beetle...
coleorrhizae 28 27 COLEORRHIZA, a sheat...
coleorrhizas 29 27 COLEORRHIZA, a sheat...
collaborated 26 21 COLLABORATE, to work...
collaborates 26 20 COLLABORATE, to work...
collaborator 26 20 one who collaborates...
collagenases 24 20 COLLAGENASE, any of...
collaterally 33 21 COLLATERAL, side by...
collectables 31 24 COLLECTABLE, somethi...
collectibles 32 24 COLLECTIBLE, somethi...
collectively 38 27 COLLECTIVE, of the n...
collectivise 31 24 to give a collectivi...
collectivism 33 27 the doctrine of comm...
collectivist 32 24 a supporter of colle...
collectivity 38 26 the state of being c...
collectivize 34 33 to give a collectivi...
collectorate 27 20 the office of collec...
collegialism 29 23 the theory that the...
collegiality 34 22 the process of makin...
collegianers 25 20 COLLEGIANER, a membe...
collegiately 33 22 COLLEGIATE, relating...
collembolans 28 25 COLLEMBOLAN, a sprin...
collembolous 29 25 of or like a collemb...
collenchymas 37 28 COLLENCHYMA, the sup...
colligations 26 20 COLLIGATION, a bring...
collimations 26 21 COLLIMATION, the act...
collinearity 31 20 the quality of being...
colliquating 35 30 COLLIQUATE, (obsolet...
colliquation 33 28 the process of melti...
colliquative 36 31 profuse in flow; was...
collocations 27 21 COLLOCATION, the pla...
colloidality 33 21 the state of being a...
colloquially 42 31 COLLOQUIAL [adv]
colloquising 35 30 COLLOQUISE, to conve...
colloquizing 38 39 COLLOQUIZE, to conve...
colluctation 28 22 (archaic) strife, co...
collywobbles 40 29 bellyache [n]
cologarithms 29 23 COLOGARITHM, the log...
colonellings 26 22 COLONELLING, (archai...
colonelships 29 23 COLONELSHIP, the off...
colonialised 24 19 COLONIALISE, to make...
colonialises 24 18 COLONIALISE, to make...
colonialisms 26 21 COLONIALISM, the sys...
colonialists 25 18 COLONIALIST, an adhe...
colonialized 27 28 COLONIALIZE, to make...
colonializes 27 27 COLONIALIZE, to make...
colonialness 23 19 the state of being c...
colonisation 22 18 the act of colonisin...
colonization 25 27 the act of colonizin...
colonoscopes 27 23 COLONOSCOPE, a flexi...
coloquintida 32 28 (Greek) a cucurbitac...
colorability 34 22 the quality of being...
colorcasting 28 22 COLORCAST, to broadc...
colorfulness 27 22 the state of being c...
colorimeters 25 19 COLORIMETER, an inst...
colorimetric 29 22 relating to colorime...
colorisation 23 17 the act of colorisin...
colorization 26 26 the act of colorizin...
colorwashing 30 24 COLORWASH, to paint...
colourations 23 18 COLOURATION, the act...
colourbreeds 26 21 COLOURBREED, to bree...
colourcasted 27 21 COLOURCAST, to broad...
colourlessly 33 21 COLOURLESS, without...
colourpoints 26 21 COLOURPOINT, a breed...
colourwashed 29 23 COLOURWASH, to paint...
colourwashes 29 22 COLOURWASH, to paint...
colposcopies 31 25 COLPOSCOPY, an exami...
columniation 24 22 the use or arrangeme...
comanagement 23 25 joint management [n...
combinations 25 23 COMBINATION, the act...
comburgesses 28 24 COMBURGESS, a fellow...
combustibles 31 26 COMBUSTIBLE, somethi...
comelinesses 24 20 COMELINESS, the stat...
cometography 35 27 the description of c...
cometologies 25 21 COMETOLOGY, the stud...
comeuppances 30 29 COMEUPPANCE, a deser...
comfortingly 35 27 COMFORTING [adv]
comicalities 29 22 COMICALITY, the qual...
commandeered 23 24 COMMANDEER, to compe...
commanderies 24 23 COMMANDERY, the offi...
commandingly 33 29 COMMANDING [adv]
commandments 25 27 COMMANDMENT, the act...
commeasuring 26 25 COMMEASURE, to be co...
commemorable 28 28 able to be commemora...
commemorated 25 25 COMMEMORATE, to call...
commemorates 25 24 COMMEMORATE, to call...
commemorator 25 24 one who commemorates...
commencement 27 29 an act, instance, or...
commendation 23 24 an act of commending...
commendators 24 23 COMMENDATOR, a perso...
commendatory 30 25 serving to commend [...
commensalism 27 26 a relation between t...
commensality 32 25 dining as a group [n...
commensurate 24 23 corresponding in siz...
commentarial 25 23 of or like a comment...
commentariat 24 22 the group of people...
commentaries 24 22 COMMENTARY, an expla...
commentating 25 25 COMMENTATE, to give...
commentation 23 23 annotation [n -S]
commentators 24 22 COMMENTATOR, one who...
commercially 37 28 COMMERCIAL, related...
comminations 24 23 COMMINATION, the thr...
comminutions 25 24 COMMINUTION, the act...
commiserable 28 25 able to be commisera...
commiserated 25 22 COMMISERATE, to feel...
commiserates 25 21 COMMISERATE, to feel...
commiserator 25 21 one who commiserates...
commissaires 26 21 COMMISSAIRE, in prof...
commissarial 27 22 of or like a commiss...
commissariat 26 21 a department, esp. m...
commissaries 26 21 COMMISSARY, one to w...
commissional 26 23 of or like a commiss...
commissioned 25 23 COMMISSION, to empow...
commissioner 25 22 a person who holds a...
committeeman 25 25 a member of a commit...
committeemen 25 25 COMMITTEEMAN, a memb...
commodifying 35 30 COMMODIFY, to make a...
commodiously 33 26 COMMODIOUS, roomy, c...
commoditised 26 23 COMMODITISE, to make...
commoditises 26 22 COMMODITISE, to make...
commoditized 29 32 COMMODITIZE, to make...
commoditizes 29 31 COMMODITIZE, to make...
commonalties 25 23 COMMONALTY, common p...
commonnesses 23 23 COMMONNESS, the stat...
commonplaced 30 30 COMMONPLACE, to put...
commonplaces 30 29 COMMONPLACE, to put...
commonwealth 30 28 the public or whole...
commorientes 24 22 persons who die toge...
communalised 26 25 COMMUNALISE, to make...
communaliser 26 24 one who communalises...
communalises 26 24 COMMUNALISE, to make...
communalisms 28 27 COMMUNALISM, social...
communalists 27 24 COMMUNALIST, an adhe...
communalized 29 34 COMMUNALIZE, to make...
communalizer 29 33 one who communalizes...
communalizes 29 33 COMMUNALIZE, to make...
communicable 31 30 capable of being com...
communicably 38 32 COMMUNICABLE, capabl...
communicants 28 27 COMMUNICANT, one tak...
communicated 28 27 COMMUNICATE, to exch...
communicatee 27 26 one who is communica...
communicates 28 26 COMMUNICATE, to exch...
communicator 28 26 one who communicates...
communitaire 25 23 one with a spirit or...
commutations 25 23 COMMUTATION, the exc...
compactified 32 28 COMPACTIFY, to rende...
compactifies 32 27 COMPACTIFY, to rende...
compaginated 26 25 COMPAGINATE, to join...
compaginates 26 24 COMPAGINATE, to join...
companionate 23 23 relating to or havin...
companioning 25 26 COMPANION, to keep s...
companionway 33 28 the stairs from uppe...
comparatists 27 21 COMPARATIST, one tha...
comparatives 28 25 COMPARATIVE, one tha...
compartments 27 25 COMPARTMENT, to put...
compassioned 25 23 COMPASSION, (archaic...
compatriotic 30 24 of or like a compatr...
compearances 27 25 COMPEARANCE, the sta...
compellation 27 24 the act of addressin...
compellative 30 27 compellation [n -S]
compellingly 37 29 COMPELLING [adv]
compensating 26 25 COMPENSATE, to be eq...
compensation 24 23 the act of compensat...
compensative 27 26 relating to compensa...
compensators 25 22 COMPENSATOR, one who...
compensatory 31 24 relating to compensa...
competencies 28 25 COMPETENCY, the qual...
competitions 26 22 COMPETITION, the act...
compilations 27 23 COMPILATION, the act...
compilements 28 26 COMPILEMENT, the act...
complacences 32 29 COMPLACENCE, self-sa...
complacently 37 29 COMPLACENT, marked b...
complainants 26 24 COMPLAINANT, one who...
complainings 28 26 COMPLAINING, the act...
complaisance 29 26 wishing to please or...
complanation 25 24 the state of being f...
complemental 28 27 relating to or being...
complemented 27 27 COMPLEMENT, to be co...
completeness 26 23 the state of being c...
completories 27 22 COMPLETORY, in the C...
complexation 32 30 a complex [n -S]
complexified 36 33 COMPLEXIFY, to rende...
complexifies 36 32 COMPLEXIFY, to rende...
complexional 33 31 relating to complexi...
complexioned 32 31 having a particular...
complexities 34 29 COMPLEXITY, the stat...
compliancies 30 26 COMPLIANCY, the stat...
complicacies 34 28 COMPLICACY, a state...
complicating 32 28 COMPLICATE, to combi...
complication 30 26 complexity, intricac...
complicative 33 29 tending to complicat...
complicities 32 25 COMPLICITY, associat...
complicitous 32 26 having or showing co...
complimental 29 27 expressing or implyi...
complimented 28 27 COMPLIMENT, to expre...
complimenter 28 26 one who pays complim...
componencies 27 26 COMPONENCY, the stat...
componential 25 24 relating to a compon...
comportances 28 25 COMPORTANCE, (Spense...
comportments 27 25 COMPORTMENT, behavio...
composedness 25 23 the state of being c...
compositions 26 22 COMPOSITION, a piece...
composturing 28 25 COMPOSTURE, to treat...
compotations 25 22 COMPOTATION, an act...
compoundable 28 28 that can be compound...
compoundings 27 27 COMPOUNDING, the act...
comprehended 27 26 COMPREHEND, to grasp...
compressedly 34 25 COMPRESSED [adv]
compressible 30 25 capable of being com...
compressibly 37 27 COMPRESSIBLE, capabl...
compressions 26 22 COMPRESSION, the act...
compressures 27 22 COMPRESSURE, the act...
comprimarios 28 24 COMPRIMARIO, in oper...
compromisers 28 24 COMPROMISER, one who...
compromising 29 27 expsoing to the risk...
comptrollers 29 23 COMPTROLLER [n]
comptrolling 30 26 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
compulsative 30 27 (Shakespeare) compul...
compulsatory 34 25 (Shakespeare) compul...
compulsitors 29 23 COMPULSITOR, in Scot...
compulsively 38 30 COMPULSIVE, driven b...
compulsivity 38 29 the quality of being...
compulsories 28 23 COMPULSORY, an exerc...
compulsorily 36 26 COMPULSORY, obligato...
compunctions 29 27 COMPUNCTION, regret,...
compunctious 30 27 arising from remorse...
compurgation 27 25 the exoneration of a...
compurgators 28 24 COMPURGATOR, one who...
compurgatory 34 26 relating to compurga...
computations 26 23 COMPUTATION, the act...
computerdoms 28 26 COMPUTERDOM, the wor...
computereses 26 22 COMPUTERESE, the jar...
computerised 27 23 COMPUTERISE, to rend...
computerises 27 22 COMPUTERISE, to rend...
computerists 28 22 COMPUTERIST, a perso...
computerized 30 32 COMPUTERIZE, to carr...
computerizes 30 31 COMPUTERIZE, to carr...
computerless 28 23 without a computer [...
computerlike 29 27 like a computer [adj...
computerniks 28 27 COMPUTERNIK, a compu...
comradeships 29 24 COMRADESHIP, the sta...
comstockisms 31 28 COMSTOCKISM, overzea...
concanavalin 26 26 a protein that occur...
concatenated 23 21 CONCATENATE, to link...
concatenates 23 20 CONCATENATE, to link...
concealingly 34 26 CONCEALING [adv]
concealments 26 24 CONCEALMENT, the act...
concelebrant 27 24 one that concelebrat...
concelebrate 27 23 to jointly recite th...
concentering 25 23 CONCENTER, (US) to h...
concentrated 24 21 CONCENTRATE, to brin...
concentrates 24 20 CONCENTRATE, to brin...
concentrator 24 20 an apparatus for con...
concentrical 29 24 having a common cent...
conceptacles 31 26 CONCEPTACLE, (obsole...
conceptional 27 24 capable of conceivin...
conceptually 36 27 CONCEPTUAL, relating...
concernments 25 24 CONCERNMENT, somethi...
concertantes 24 20 CONCERTANTE, a compo...
concertgoers 26 21 CONCERTGOER, one who...
concertgoing 27 24 the act of attending...
concertinaed 24 21 CONCERTINA, to fold...
concertinist 26 20 one who plays the co...
concertising 27 22 CONCERTISE, to perfo...
concertizing 30 31 CONCERTIZE, to perfo...
concertstuck 31 27 a composition in con...
concessional 25 21 in the nature of a c...
concessioner 24 20 CONCESSION [v]
concessively 35 26 CONCESSIVE, implying...
conchiferous 30 25 bearing a shell [adj...
conchoidally 36 26 CONCHOIDAL, shell-li...
conchologies 29 24 CONCHOLOGY, the stud...
conchologist 30 24 a collector or stude...
conciliating 28 23 CONCILIATE, to gain...
conciliation 26 21 the act of conciliat...
conciliative 29 24 serving to conciliat...
conciliators 27 20 CONCILIATOR, one who...
conciliatory 33 22 tending to win over...
concinnities 25 21 CONCINNITY, harmony...
conclamation 26 24 a shout of many voic...
conclusively 37 28 CONCLUSIVE, relating...
concomitance 28 26 accompaniment [n -S]
concomitancy 35 28 the state of being c...
concomitants 26 23 CONCOMITANT, somethi...
concordances 27 24 CONCORDANCE, an alph...
concordantly 32 24 CONCORDANT, harmonio...
concorporate 26 22 (archaic) to unite i...
concremation 25 23 complete burning [n...
concrescence 30 26 a growing together [...
concreteness 24 20 the state of being c...
concretising 27 22 CONCRETISE, to rende...
concretively 35 26 CONCRETIVE, promotin...
concretizing 30 31 CONCRETIZE, to rende...
concubinages 28 26 CONCUBINAGE, the coh...
concubitancy 37 29 a custom by which ma...
concubitants 28 24 CONCUBITANT, someone...
concupiscent 31 27 having strong sexual...
concurrences 28 24 CONCURRENCE, the sta...
concurrently 33 24 CONCURRENT, operatin...
concurringly 35 26 CONCURRING [adv]
condemnation 21 22 the act of condemnin...
condemnatory 28 23 serving to condemn [...
condemningly 31 27 CONDEMNING [adv]
condensating 22 21 CONDENSATE, to conde...
condensation 20 19 the act of condensin...
condenseries 21 18 CONDENSERY, a conden...
condescended 24 23 CONDESCEND, to desce...
condimenting 24 24 CONDIMENT, to season...
condisciples 30 24 CONDISCIPLE, a fello...
conditionals 23 19 CONDITIONAL, a condi...
conditionate 21 18 (obsolete) to act as...
conditioners 22 18 CONDITIONER, somethi...
conditioning 23 21 the act of condition...
condolements 23 22 CONDOLEMENT, (Shakes...
condominiums 25 25 CONDOMINIUM, (US) a...
condonations 20 19 CONDONATION, implied...
conducements 26 25 CONDUCEMENT, (Milton...
conductances 28 25 CONDUCTANCE, a condu...
conductional 26 23 relating to conducti...
conductively 36 28 CONDUCTIVE, having t...
conductivity 36 27 the power of conduct...
conductorial 27 22 of or like a conduct...
conduplicate 29 25 folded lengthwise wi...
confabulated 27 25 CONFABULATE, to chat...
confabulates 27 24 CONFABULATE, to chat...
confabulator 27 24 one who confabulates...
confectioner 26 23 a manufacturer of or...
confederated 23 21 CONFEDERATE, to unit...
confederates 23 20 CONFEDERATE, to unit...
conferencier 26 23 (French) a lecturer...
conferencing 27 26 the practice of hold...
conferential 24 21 of or like a confere...
conferrences 26 23 CONFERRENCE, the act...
confessional 24 21 relating to confessi...
confessoress 24 19 a female confessor [...
confidencies 27 24 CONFIDENCY, a feelin...
confidential 25 22 marked by intimacy o...
configurated 26 23 CONFIGURATE, to shap...
configurates 26 22 CONFIGURATE, to shap...
configurator 26 22 an item of software...
confinedness 23 22 the state of being c...
confinements 24 24 CONFINEMENT, an act...
confirmation 25 23 the act of confirmin...
confirmative 28 26 tending to confirm [...
confirmators 26 22 CONFIRMATOR, one who...
confirmatory 32 24 serving to confirm [...
confiscating 29 25 CONFISCATE, to seize...
confiscation 27 23 the act of confiscat...
confiscators 28 22 CONFISCATOR, one who...
confiscatory 34 24 serving to confiscat...
conflagrated 26 23 CONFLAGRATE, to burn...
conflagrates 26 22 CONFLAGRATE, to burn...
conflictions 29 24 CONFLICTION, conflic...
conformances 27 26 CONFORMANCE, the act...
conformation 24 23 the manner in which...
conformingly 34 28 CONFORMING [adv]
conformities 26 22 CONFORMITY, correspo...
confoundable 26 26 capable of being con...
confoundedly 31 26 CONFOUNDED [adv]
confraternal 24 21 like a confraternity...
confrontment 24 24 (archaic) confrontat...
confusedness 24 22 the state of being c...
confutations 24 21 CONFUTATION, the act...
confutements 25 24 CONFUTEMENT, the act...
congealments 24 23 CONGEALMENT, the sta...
congelations 23 20 CONGELATION, the act...
congenerical 26 23 of the same genus, o...
congeniality 30 22 the quality of being...
congenitally 31 23 CONGENITAL, existing...
conglobating 27 25 CONGLOBATE, to gathe...
conglobation 25 23 the act of conglobat...
conglobulate 27 24 to form into a ball...
conglomerate 24 22 to gather into a bal...
conglutinant 24 22 joining by means of...
conglutinate 24 21 to glue or join toge...
congratulant 24 21 a congratulator [n -...
congratulate 24 20 to express pleasure...
congregating 25 23 CONGREGATE, to colle...
congregation 23 21 an organized body of...
congregative 26 24 collecting together...
congregators 24 20 CONGREGATOR, one who...
congruencies 26 23 CONGRUENCY, the stat...
conidiophore 26 22 a hypha that produce...
conidiospore 24 20 a conidium [n -S]
conjecturers 28 29 CONJECTURER, one who...
conjecturing 29 32 CONJECTURE, to arriv...
conjugatings 27 31 CONJUGATING, the act...
conjugations 25 29 CONJUGATION, a schem...
conjunctions 27 31 CONJUNCTION, the act...
conjunctivae 29 34 CONJUNCTIVA, (Latin)...
conjunctival 31 35 relating to the conj...
conjunctivas 30 34 CONJUNCTIVA, (Latin)...
conjunctives 30 34 CONJUNCTIVE, somethi...
conjunctural 29 32 relating to conjunct...
conjunctures 28 31 CONJUNCTURE, a junct...
conjurations 24 27 CONJURATION, the act...
conjurements 25 30 CONJUREMENT, the act...
connascences 26 24 CONNASCENCE, the sta...
connaturally 30 22 CONNATURAL, connecte...
connectional 24 22 relating to connecti...
connectively 34 27 CONNECTIVE, serving...
connectivity 34 26 the quality of being...
connivancies 26 25 CONNIVANCY, the act...
connivencies 26 25 CONNIVENCY, the stat...
connoisseurs 22 18 CONNOISSEUR, (French...
connotations 20 18 CONNOTATION, the act...
connubialism 27 25 the state of being c...
connubiality 32 24 the state of being c...
connumerated 22 22 CONNUMERATE, to coun...
connumerates 22 21 CONNUMERATE, to coun...
conqueresses 30 26 CONQUERESS, a woman...
conqueringly 39 32 CONQUERING [adv]
conquistador 31 27 a conqueror; specifi...
conscientise 25 20 to make (someone) aw...
conscientize 28 29 to make (someone) aw...
conscionable 27 24 (obsolete) governed...
conscionably 34 26 CONSCIONABLE, (obsol...
conscripting 30 25 CONSCRIPT, to enlist...
conscription 28 23 compulsory enrollmen...
consecrating 26 22 CONSECRATE, to induc...
consecration 24 20 the act or ceremony...
consecrative 27 23 serving to consecrat...
consecrators 25 19 CONSECRATOR, one who...
consecratory 31 21 serving to consecrat...
consectaries 25 19 CONSECTARY, (archaic...
consecutions 25 21 CONSECUTION, the log...
consensually 30 22 CONSENSUAL, relating...
consentience 23 21 agreement [n -S]
consentingly 30 23 CONSENTING [adv]
consequenced 32 31 CONSEQUENCE, (archai...
consequences 32 30 CONSEQUENCE, (archai...
consequently 37 30 CONSEQUENT, followin...
conservation 23 21 a careful preservati...
conservatise 24 20 to grow conservative...
conservatism 26 23 the principles and p...
conservative 26 24 tending to conserve...
conservatize 27 29 to grow conservative...
conservators 24 20 CONSERVATOR, one tha...
conservatory 30 22 a greenhouse for gro...
conservatrix 31 27 a female conservator...
considerable 25 21 to a high degree [ad...
considerably 32 23 CONSIDERABLE, to a h...
considerance 24 21 (archaic) considerat...
consiglieres 25 19 CONSIGLIERE, in Ital...
consignation 22 20 the act of consignin...
consignatory 29 21 a cosignatory, also...
consignified 26 23 CONSIGNIFY, to signi...
consignifies 26 22 CONSIGNIFY, to signi...
consignments 24 23 CONSIGNMENT, the act...
consiliences 26 21 CONSILIENCE, concurr...
consistences 25 20 CONSISTENCE, firmnes...
consistently 30 20 CONSISTENT, marked b...
consistorial 24 17 relating to a consis...
consistorian 22 17 relating to a consis...
consistories 23 16 CONSISTORY, a solemn...
consociating 26 22 CONSOCIATE, to ally...
consociation 24 20 association in fello...
consolations 22 18 CONSOLATION, the act...
consolements 23 21 CONSOLEMENT, the act...
consolidated 23 19 CONSOLIDATE, to join...
consolidates 23 18 CONSOLIDATE, to join...
consolidator 23 18 one who consolidates...
consonancies 23 21 CONSONANCY, a state...
conspecifics 34 28 CONSPECIFIC, a plant...
conspectuity 35 25 (Shakespeare) sight...
conspectuses 28 23 CONSPECTUS, a genera...
conspiracies 28 22 CONSPIRACY, the act...
conspiration 24 20 the act or action of...
conspirators 25 19 CONSPIRATOR, one who...
conspiratory 31 21 relating to conspira...
conspiringly 34 25 CONSPIRING [adv]
constabulary 32 23 the organized body o...
constatation 21 17 a statement, asserti...
constellated 24 19 CONSTELLATE, to clus...
constellates 24 18 CONSTELLATE, to clus...
consternated 21 18 CONSTERNATE, to fill...
consternates 21 17 CONSTERNATE, to fill...
constipating 26 22 CONSTIPATE, to cause...
constipation 24 20 abnormally delayed o...
constituency 32 23 a body of citizens e...
constituents 23 18 CONSTITUENT, an inha...
constituters 24 17 CONSTITUTER, one who...
constituting 25 20 CONSTITUTE, to form...
constitution 23 18 an established law o...
constitutive 26 21 having the power to...
constitutors 24 17 CONSTITUTOR, someone...
constrainers 22 17 CONSTRAINER, somethi...
constraining 23 20 CONSTRAIN, to force,...
constricting 28 22 CONSTRICT, to draw t...
constriction 26 20 an act or product of...
constrictive 29 23 serving to constrict...
constrictors 27 19 CONSTRICTOR, a muscl...
constringent 23 20 tending to constring...
constringing 25 22 CONSTRINGE, to draw...
constructers 27 20 CONSTRUCTER, one who...
constructing 28 23 CONSTRUCT, to build...
construction 26 21 the act of construct...
constructive 29 24 serving to construct...
constructors 27 20 CONSTRUCTOR, one who...
constructure 27 21 a construction [n -S...
constuprated 25 21 CONSTUPRATE, (obsole...
constuprates 25 20 CONSTUPRATE, (obsole...
consubsisted 26 21 CONSUBSIST, to subsi...
consultation 23 19 the act of consultin...
consultative 26 22 relating to consulta...
consultatory 30 20 of the nature of con...
consumerisms 26 23 CONSUMERISM, the pro...
consumerists 25 20 CONSUMERIST, an adhe...
consumership 29 25 the state of being a...
consummately 32 26 CONSUMMATE, finished...
consummating 26 26 CONSUMMATE, to finis...
consummation 24 24 the act of consummat...
consummative 27 27 serving to consummat...
consummators 25 23 CONSUMMATOR, one who...
consummatory 31 25 of or relating to co...
consumptions 26 24 CONSUMPTION, a progr...
consumptives 29 27 CONSUMPTIVE, a perso...
contabescent 26 23 wasting away; atroph...
contactually 34 24 CONTACTUAL, relating...
contagionist 23 19 (obsolete) a person...
contagiously 31 22 CONTAGIOUS, communic...
containerise 21 17 to ship by container...
containerize 24 26 to ship by container...
containments 22 21 CONTAINMENT, the act...
contaminable 25 24 able to be contamina...
contaminants 22 21 CONTAMINANT, somethi...
contaminated 22 21 CONTAMINATE, to poll...
contaminates 22 20 CONTAMINATE, to poll...
contaminator 22 20 one who contaminates...
contempering 26 25 CONTEMPER, to blend...
contemplable 29 27 able to be contempla...
contemplants 26 24 CONTEMPLANT, one who...
contemplated 26 24 CONTEMPLATE, to view...
contemplates 26 23 CONTEMPLATE, to view...
contemplator 26 23 one who contemplates...
contemporary 31 24 belonging ot the pre...
contemporise 25 22 to make contemporary...
contemporize 28 31 to make contemporary...
contemptible 29 26 worthy of contempt [...
contemptibly 36 28 CONTEMPTIBLE, worthy...
contemptuous 26 24 manifesting contempt...
contendingly 30 24 CONTENDING, striving...
contenements 21 21 CONTENEMENT, (obsole...
contentation 20 18 (obsolete) being con...
contentments 22 21 CONTENTMENT, the sta...
conterminant 22 21 adjacent, end to end...
conterminate 22 20 adjacent, end to end...
conterminous 23 21 sharing the same end...
contestation 21 17 controversy, debate...
contestingly 31 22 CONTESTING [adv]
contextually 37 28 CONTEXTUAL, relating...
contignation 22 20 (archaic) joining to...
contiguities 25 19 CONTIGUITY, the stat...
contiguously 32 23 CONTIGUOUS, being in...
continencies 24 21 CONTINENCY, self-res...
continentals 22 19 CONTINENTAL, an Amer...
contingences 25 23 CONTINGENCE, an even...
contingently 30 23 CONTINGENT, touching...
continuality 30 21 the quality of being...
continuances 24 22 CONTINUANCE, the sta...
continuation 21 19 the act of continuin...
continuative 24 22 continuing [adj CONT...
continuators 22 18 CONTINUATOR, one tha...
continuingly 31 24 CONTINUING [adv]
continuities 23 18 CONTINUITY, a script...
continuously 30 22 CONTINUOUS, marked b...
contorniates 21 17 CONTORNIATE, a coin...
contortional 22 18 relating to contorti...
contortioned 21 18 CONTORTION [v]
contrabasses 24 19 CONTRABASS, the doub...
contrabassos 24 19 CONTRABASSO, (Italia...
contrabbassi 27 22 CONTRABBASSO, (Itali...
contrabbasso 26 22 (Italian) the double...
contractable 28 23 that can be contract...
contractably 35 25 CONTRACTABLE [adv]
contractedly 33 23 CONTRACTED [adv]
contractible 29 23 that can be contract...
contractibly 36 25 CONTRACTIBLE, that c...
contractions 25 20 CONTRACTION, the act...
contractural 27 21 relating to contract...
contractures 26 20 CONTRACTURE, a perma...
contradances 24 21 CONTRADANCE, a count...
contradicted 26 21 CONTRADICT, to asser...
contradicter 26 20 one who contradicts,...
contradictor 26 20 one who contradicts,...
contranatant 20 18 swimming upstream [a...
contraoctave 26 23 the musical octave t...
contrapposto 26 22 a pose of the human...
contraptions 24 20 CONTRAPTION, a devic...
contrapuntal 25 22 pertaining to counte...
contrariness 22 17 the state of being c...
contrariwise 26 19 on the contrary [adj...
contrasexual 29 25 one who represses th...
contrastable 25 20 able to be contraste...
contrastably 32 22 CONTRASTABLE, able t...
contraveners 23 21 CONTRAVENER, one who...
contravening 24 24 CONTRAVENE, to act c...
contrayervas 30 22 CONTRAYERVA, a tropi...
contredances 24 21 CONTREDANCE, a count...
contredanses 21 18 CONTREDANSE, (French...
contributary 32 22 (obsolete) a person...
contributing 27 23 CONTRIBUTE, to give...
contribution 25 21 the act of contribut...
contributive 28 24 relating to contribu...
contributors 26 20 CONTRIBUTOR, one who...
contributory 32 22 (obsolete) a person...
contriteness 22 17 the state of being c...
contriturate 23 17 to pulverize [v CONT...
contrivances 27 24 CONTRIVANCE, a thing...
contrivement 25 24 the act of contrivin...
controllable 27 22 able to be controlle...
controllably 34 24 CONTROLLABLE, able t...
controlments 24 21 CONTROLMENT, the act...
controverses 24 20 CONTROVERSE, (archai...
controverted 24 21 CONTROVERT, to oppos...
controverter 24 20 one who controverts...
contubernyal 31 24 (archaic) living or...
contumacious 27 24 stubbornly disobedie...
contumelious 25 22 haughtily insolent [...
conurbations 24 21 CONURBATION, an aggr...
convalescent 27 25 recovering [adj CONV...
convalescing 29 27 CONVALESCE, to recov...
convectional 27 25 relating to convecti...
convenership 28 26 the office of conven...
conveniences 25 25 CONVENIENCE, fitness...
conveniently 30 25 CONVENIENT, suited t...
convenorship 28 26 the office of conven...
conventicled 28 26 CONVENTICLE, to hold...
conventicler 28 25 a member of a conven...
conventicles 28 25 CONVENTICLE, an asse...
conventional 23 23 formed by agreement...
conventioner 22 22 a person who attends...
conventually 32 26 CONVENTUAL, of or pe...
convergences 27 26 CONVERGENCE, the sta...
conversances 26 24 CONVERSANCE, the sta...
conversantly 31 24 CONVERSANT, having k...
conversation 23 21 communication by tal...
conversative 26 24 ready to talk [adj]
conversional 24 22 relating to conversi...
convertibles 28 24 CONVERTIBLE, a car w...
convexnesses 29 28 CONVEXNESS, the stat...
conveyancers 32 26 CONVEYANCER, one who...
conveyancing 33 29 the act or business...
conveyorised 30 23 CONVEYORISE, to equi...
conveyorises 30 22 CONVEYORISE, to equi...
conveyorized 33 32 CONVEYORIZE, to equi...
conveyorizes 33 31 CONVEYORIZE, to equi...
convictional 28 25 relating to convicti...
convictively 38 30 CONVICTIVE, convinci...
convincement 27 28 (obsolete) convictio...
convincingly 36 30 CONVINCING [adv]
convivialist 29 25 one who likes to be...
conviviality 35 27 the state of being c...
convocations 26 24 CONVOCATION, an asse...
convolutedly 33 26 CONVOLUTED [adv]
convolutions 25 23 CONVOLUTION, a form...
convulsional 26 24 of or like convulsio...
convulsively 36 29 CONVULSIVE, constitu...
cooperations 23 19 COOPERATION, the act...
cooperatives 26 22 COOPERATIVE, an ente...
coordinances 24 21 COORDINANCE, a joint...
coordinately 29 20 COORDINATE, of the s...
coordinating 23 20 COORDINATE, to organ...
coordination 21 18 the act of coordinat...
coordinative 24 21 serving to coordinat...
coordinators 22 17 COORDINATOR, one who...
copartneries 24 19 COPARTNERY, the stat...
copartnering 25 22 COPARTNER, to act as...
coperniciums 30 26 COPERNICIUM, a short...
copingstones 25 22 COPINGSTONE, a stone...
copolymerise 33 24 to make into a copol...
copolymerize 36 33 to make into a copol...
copperplates 30 25 COPPERPLATE, an engr...
coppersmiths 32 26 COPPERSMITH, a worke...
copresenting 25 22 COPRESENT, to presen...
copresidents 25 20 COPRESIDENT, a joint...
coprincipals 32 26 COPRINCIPAL, a joint...
coprocessing 29 24 the act of processin...
coprocessors 28 21 COPROCESSOR, a micro...
coproduction 28 24 a joint production [...
coprophagans 29 26 COPROPHAGAN, a beetl...
coprophagies 30 25 COPROPHAGY, feeding...
coprophagist 31 25 an eater of dung [n...
coprophagous 30 26 eating dung, also CO...
coprophiliac 34 27 one suffering from c...
coprophilias 31 24 COPROPHILIA, an abno...
coprophilous 31 25 growing or living on...
coproprietor 27 21 a joint proprietor [...
coprosperity 34 23 shared prosperity [n...
coprosterols 26 19 COPROSTEROL, a compo...
copublishers 32 25 COPUBLISHER, a joint...
copublishing 33 28 COPUBLISH, to publis...
copulatively 36 27 COPULATIVE, uniting...
copyreadings 32 24 COPYREADING, the act...
copyrighters 36 24 COPYRIGHTER, one who...
copyrighting 37 27 COPYRIGHT, to secure...
copywritings 37 26 COPYWRITING, writing...
coquettishly 42 30 COQUETTISH, practici...
coralberries 26 19 CORALBERRY, an Ameri...
corallaceous 27 21 like, or having the...
cordectomies 27 22 CORDECTOMY, the surg...
cordialising 26 20 CORDIALISE, to becom...
cordialities 25 17 CORDIALITY, sincere...
cordializing 29 29 CORDIALIZE, to becom...
corecipients 28 22 CORECIPIENT, a joint...
corepressors 25 18 COREPRESSOR, a small...
corequisites 32 25 COREQUISITE, a forma...
coresearcher 27 20 a joint researcher [...
corespondent 23 21 a person named as gu...
corivalships 32 25 CORIVALSHIP, rivalry...
corkscrewing 32 28 CORKSCREW, to twist...
cornbraiding 26 23 CORNBRAID, to braid...
cornbrandies 24 21 CORNBRANDY, spirits...
cornerstones 21 17 CORNERSTONE, a stone...
cornhuskings 28 26 CORNHUSKING, the rem...
cornstarches 28 21 CORNSTARCH, starch m...
corollaceous 27 21 bearing a corolla [a...
coronagraphs 27 23 CORONAGRAPH, an inst...
coronerships 27 21 CORONERSHIP, the off...
coronographs 27 23 CORONOGRAPH, a speci...
corporalship 31 24 the office of corpor...
corporations 24 19 CORPORATION, a body...
corporatised 25 19 CORPORATISE, to make...
corporatises 25 18 CORPORATISE, to make...
corporatisms 27 21 CORPORATISM, the pol...
corporatists 26 18 CORPORATIST, a belie...
corporatized 28 28 CORPORATIZE, to make...
corporatizes 28 27 CORPORATIZE, to make...
corporealise 25 19 to make corporeal, a...
corporealism 27 22 materialism [n -S]
corporealist 26 19 a believer in corpor...
corporeality 32 21 the quality of being...
corporealize 28 28 to make corporeal, a...
corporeities 25 18 CORPOREITY, the stat...
corporifying 35 26 CORPORIFY, to embody...
corpulencies 29 24 CORPULENCY, the stat...
correctional 26 20 relating to correcti...
correctioner 25 19 (Shakespeare) a pers...
correctitude 27 20 correctness or propr...
correctively 36 25 CORRECTIVE, serving...
correlatable 26 20 capable of being cor...
correlations 23 17 CORRELATION, corresp...
correlatives 26 20 CORRELATIVE, a perso...
corresponded 24 21 CORRESPOND, to be in...
corrivalling 29 24 CORRIVAL, to rival,...
corrivalries 27 20 CORRIVALRY, the stat...
corrivalship 32 25 the state of being a...
corroborable 27 22 able to be corrobora...
corroborated 24 19 CORROBORATE, to supp...
corroborates 24 18 CORROBORATE, to supp...
corroborator 24 18 one who corroborates...
corrugations 24 19 CORRUGATION, the act...
corruptively 36 26 CORRUPTIVE, tending...
cortications 26 19 CORTICATION, the sta...
coruscations 26 20 CORUSCATION, glitter...
corybantisms 33 24 CORYBANTISM, the rit...
coscinomancy 35 28 divination using a s...
cosmetically 36 25 COSMETICAL, impartin...
cosmeticians 27 22 COSMETICIAN, a perso...
cosmeticised 28 22 COSMETICISE, to make...
cosmeticises 28 21 COSMETICISE, to make...
cosmeticisms 30 24 COSMETICISM, the use...
cosmeticized 31 31 COSMETICIZE, to make...
cosmeticizes 31 30 COSMETICIZE, to make...
cosmochemist 31 26 one who practises co...
cosmogonical 28 25 relating to cosmogon...
cosmogonists 25 21 COSMOGONIST, a stude...
cosmographer 29 25 a student of cosmogr...
cosmographic 33 28 relating to cosmogra...
cosmolatries 25 19 COSMOLATRY, worship...
cosmological 30 25 relating to cosmolog...
cosmologists 27 21 COSMOLOGIST, one who...
cosmonautics 27 23 Russian astronautics...
cosmoplastic 31 25 moulding or shaping...
cosmopolises 27 22 COSMOPOLIS, a large...
cosmopolitan 26 23 a citizen of the wor...
cosmopolites 27 22 COSMOPOLITE, a cosmo...
cosmopolitic 31 25 relating to cosmopol...
cosmospheres 28 23 COSMOSPHERE, an appa...
cosmotheisms 28 23 COSMOTHEISM, the bel...
cosponsoring 25 22 COSPONSOR, to sponso...
costermonger 24 21 a hawker of fruits,...
costlinesses 24 17 COSTLINESS, the stat...
cosurfactant 28 23 something that works...
cotangential 23 20 of or like a cotange...
cotoneasters 21 16 COTONEASTER, any shr...
cotransduced 26 22 COTRANSDUCE, to tran...
cotransduces 26 21 COTRANSDUCE, to tran...
cotransports 25 19 COTRANSPORT, to tran...
cottonmouths 26 22 COTTONMOUTH, a venom...
cottonocracy 34 24 rule by cotton produ...
cotyledonary 35 22 relating to or havin...
cotyledonoid 29 21 in the form of a cot...
cotyledonous 29 21 relating to or havin...
couchsurfing 33 28 the practice of slee...
coulombmeter 28 26 an instrument for me...
coulometries 25 20 COULOMETRY, (chemica...
councilmanic 31 28 relating to a counci...
councilwoman 30 28 a woman who is a mem...
councilwomen 30 28 COUNCILWOMAN, a woma...
counsellable 27 23 able to be counselle...
counsellings 26 22 COUNSELLING [n]
countability 33 23 the quality of being...
countenanced 23 23 COUNTENANCE, to appr...
countenancer 23 22 one who countenances...
countenances 23 22 COUNTENANCE, to appr...
counteracted 25 21 COUNTERACT, to act c...
counteragent 22 20 anything which count...
counterargue 23 20 to argue against [v...
counterbases 24 20 COUNTERBASE, (Italia...
counterblast 26 21 a defiant pronouncem...
counterblows 29 24 COUNTERBLOW, a blow...
counterbluff 31 28 actions or words int...
counterbonds 24 22 COUNTERBOND, a bond...
counterbored 24 21 COUNTERBORE, to form...
counterbores 24 20 COUNTERBORE, to form...
counterbrace 27 23 to brace or fasten (...
counterbuffs 30 27 COUNTERBUFF, to rebu...
countercharm 29 25 to destroy or dissol...
countercheck 32 29 to check by opposing...
counterclaim 28 24 to enter or plead a...
countercoups 28 24 COUNTERCOUP, a coup...
countercries 26 20 COUNTERCRY, a cry se...
counterdrawn 25 22 COUNTERDRAW, to trac...
counterdraws 26 21 COUNTERDRAW, to trac...
counterfeits 25 20 COUNTERFEIT, to imit...
counterfires 25 20 COUNTERFIRE, return...
counterflows 29 24 COUNTERFLOW, the flo...
counterfoils 26 21 COUNTERFOIL, part of...
counterforce 27 23 an opposing force [n...
counterforts 25 20 COUNTERFORT, a buttr...
counterglows 28 23 COUNTERGLOW, another...
counterimage 24 22 a corresponding imag...
counterlight 28 22 a light opposite to...
countermands 23 22 COUNTERMAND, to revo...
countermarch 29 25 to march or cause to...
countermarks 25 24 COUNTERMARK, an addi...
countermemos 24 23 COUNTERMEMO, a memo...
countermined 23 22 COUNTERMINE, to make...
countermines 23 21 COUNTERMINE [n]
countermoved 25 25 COUNTERMOVE, to make...
countermoves 25 24 COUNTERMOVE, to make...
countermured 24 22 COUNTERMURE, to defe...
countermures 24 21 COUNTERMURE, to defe...
countermyths 33 24 COUNTERMYTH, an oppo...
counteroffer 26 23 a return offer made...
counterorder 22 18 to issue an order co...
counterpaces 27 23 COUNTERPACE, a step...
counterpanes 23 21 COUNTERPANE, a bed c...
counterparts 25 20 COUNTERPART, one of...
counterparty 31 22 a party set up in op...
counterpeise 24 20 (obsolete) to counte...
counterplans 25 22 COUNTERPLAN [n]
counterplays 32 23 COUNTERPLAY [n]
counterplead 25 22 to plead the contrar...
counterpleas 25 21 COUNTERPLEA, a repli...
counterplots 26 21 COUNTERPLOT, to intr...
counterploys 32 23 COUNTERPLOY, a ploy...
counterpoint 24 21 a melody added to an...
counterpoise 24 20 to poise, balance or...
counterposed 24 21 COUNTERPOSE, to plac...
counterposes 24 20 COUNTERPOSE, to plac...
counterpower 27 23 a power opposed to a...
counterproof 26 23 an inverted impressi...
counterpunch 30 27 to return a punch or...
counterraids 23 18 COUNTERRAID [n]
counterrally 31 21 to rally in oppositi...
counterscarp 28 23 a narrow earth band...
counterseals 23 18 COUNTERSEAL, (Shakes...
countershaft 27 22 an intermediate shaf...
countershots 25 19 COUNTERSHOT, a shot...
countersigns 24 20 COUNTERSIGN [n]
countersinks 24 22 COUNTERSINK, to make...
counterspell 27 22 a spell intended to...
counterspies 25 20 COUNTERSPY, a spy wh...
counterstain 22 18 to apply additional...
counterstate 22 17 to state in oppositi...
countersteps 25 20 COUNTERSTEP, a step...
counterstyle 30 20 an opposing style [n...
countersuing 24 21 COUNTERSUE, to sue s...
countersuits 24 18 COUNTERSUIT, a suit...
countertenor 21 18 the highest alto mal...
countertrade 22 18 to trade by barter [...
countertrend 22 19 an opposing trend [n...
countertypes 31 22 COUNTERTYPE, an oppo...
countervails 26 22 COUNTERVAIL, to coun...
counterviews 28 24 COUNTERVIEW, an oppo...
counterweigh 29 24 to weigh against, co...
counterwords 26 21 COUNTERWORD, a word...
counterworks 27 24 COUNTERWORK [n]
counterworld 27 22 a world imagined in...
countrolling 26 22 COUNTROL, to control...
countryseats 29 19 COUNTRYSEAT, a house...
countrysides 30 20 COUNTRYSIDE, a rural...
countrywoman 32 26 a woman who is a com...
countrywomen 32 26 COUNTRYWOMAN, a woma...
courageously 31 22 COURAGEOUS, having o...
courtierisms 26 19 COURTIERISM, the beh...
courtierlike 26 21 like a courtier [adj...
covariations 24 20 COVARIATION, the cor...
covenantally 31 25 COVENANTAL, relating...
covermounted 25 25 COVERMOUNT, to attac...
covertnesses 24 20 COVERTNESS, the stat...
covetiveness 26 24 (obsolete) acquisiti...
covetousness 24 21 the state of being c...
cowardliness 27 21 the state of being c...
coyishnesses 31 20 COYISHNESS, the stat...
crabbinesses 27 22 CRABBINESS, the stat...
crackberries 30 25 CRACKBERRY, a BlackB...
crackbrained 29 27 of or like a crackbr...
crackerjacks 34 38 CRACKERJACK, a perso...
cracklewares 31 26 CRACKLEWARE, pottery...
cracoviennes 26 24 CRACOVIENNE, (Polish...
craftinesses 25 19 CRAFTINESS, the qual...
craftmanship 31 27 the attributes of a...
craftspeople 30 25 workers who practice...
craftsperson 27 22 a craftsman or craft...
cragginesses 25 20 CRAGGINESS, the qual...
crakeberries 26 22 CRAKEBERRY, another...
cramboclinks 32 30 CRAMBOCLINK, (Scots)...
cramponnings 26 26 CRAMPONNING, climbin...
craniofacial 28 23 of, relating to, or...
craniologies 24 19 CRANIOLOGY, the stud...
craniologist 25 19 a practitioner of cr...
craniometers 23 19 CRANIOMETER, an inst...
craniometric 27 22 relating to craniome...
craniosacral 26 20 as in craniosacral t...
craniotomies 23 19 CRANIOTOMY, the oper...
crankhandles 26 25 CRANKHANDLE, a handl...
crankinesses 23 21 CRANKINESS, the stat...
crapehangers 27 23 CRAPEHANGER, a moros...
crapehanging 28 26 pessimism, also CREP...
crapshooters 27 20 CRAPSHOOTER, one who...
crassamentum 25 23 (Latin) a clot of bl...
crassulacean 26 21 as in crassulacean a...
craunchiness 28 23 the state of being c...
cravennesses 23 21 CRAVENNESS, the stat...
creakinesses 23 20 CREAKINESS, the stat...
creaminesses 23 19 CREAMINESS, the stat...
creatianisms 24 19 CREATIANISM, a funda...
creationisms 24 19 CREATIONISM, a funda...
creationists 23 16 CREATIONIST, a belie...
creativeness 24 20 the state of being c...
creativities 26 19 CREATIVITY, the qual...
creatorships 28 20 CREATORSHIP, the off...
creaturehood 24 19 the state of being a...
creatureship 28 21 the state of being a...
credentialed 23 19 CREDENTIAL, to give...
credibleness 26 21 the state of being c...
creditworthy 36 23 financially sound en...
creepinesses 24 19 CREEPINESS, the stat...
cremailleres 26 20 CREMAILLERE, (French...
cremationism 25 22 the policy of burnin...
cremationist 24 19 a believer in cremat...
crematoriums 26 22 CREMATORIUM, a place...
crenelations 22 18 CRENELATION, a battl...
crenellating 25 21 CRENELLATE, to provi...
crenellation 23 19 a battlement, also C...
crenulations 23 19 CRENULATION, the sta...
creolisation 23 17 the development of a...
creolization 26 26 the development of a...
crepehangers 27 23 CREPEHANGER, a pessi...
crepehanging 28 26 pessimism, also CRAP...
crepitations 25 19 CREPITATION, a soft...
crepusculous 31 25 relating to twilight...
crescendoing 26 23 CRESCENDO, to come t...
crescentades 25 20 CRESCENTADE, a relig...
crescographs 32 25 CRESCOGRAPH, an inst...
cretaceouses 25 19 CRETACEOUS, the Cret...
cretaceously 33 22 CRETACEOUS, of or re...
crewelleries 28 20 CREWELLERY, crewelwo...
criminaleses 25 20 CRIMINALESE, crimina...
criminalised 26 21 CRIMINALISE, to make...
criminalises 26 20 CRIMINALISE, to make...
criminalists 27 20 CRIMINALIST, a perso...
criminalized 29 30 CRIMINALIZE, to make...
criminalizes 29 29 CRIMINALIZE, to make...
criminations 24 20 CRIMINATION, the act...
criminogenic 28 25 causing crime [adj]
criminologic 30 25 relating to criminol...
cringeworthy 36 25 causing extreme emba...
crinkleroots 25 21 CRINKLEROOT, any of...
cripplewares 32 25 CRIPPLEWARE, softwar...
crispinesses 26 19 CRISPINESS, the stat...
crisscrossed 28 19 CRISSCROSS, to mark...
crisscrosses 28 18 CRISSCROSS, to mark...
cristobalite 27 19 a variety of silica...
criticalness 28 20 the state of being c...
criticasters 28 18 CRITICASTER, an infe...
criticisable 31 22 able to be criticise...
criticizable 34 31 able to be criticize...
croakinesses 23 20 CROAKINESS, the stat...
crocidolites 28 20 CROCIDOLITE, a fibro...
crocodilians 27 21 CROCODILIAN, any of...
cropdustings 28 23 CROPDUSTING, the spr...
croquignoles 33 29 CROQUIGNOLE, a metho...
crossability 34 21 the ability of diffe...
crossbanding 26 23 a veneer border, as...
crossbarring 27 21 the act of fitting w...
crossbearers 25 18 CROSSBEARER, a perso...
crossbencher 30 24 CROSSBENCH [v]
crossbenches 30 24 CROSSBENCH, a bench...
crosschecked 33 28 CROSSCHECK, to test...
crosscurrent 27 20 a current running co...
crosscutting 29 22 CROSSCUT, to cut acr...
crosshatched 31 23 CROSSHATCH, to shade...
crosshatches 31 22 CROSSHATCH, to shade...
crosspatches 31 23 CROSSPATCH, a bad-te...
crossruffing 30 25 CROSSRUFF, in whist...
crotcheteers 28 20 CROTCHETEER, a crotc...
crotchetiest 29 20 CROTCHETY, bad-tempe...
croupinesses 25 20 CROUPINESS, the stat...
crowdfunding 30 28 the practice of soli...
crowdsourced 30 24 CROWDSOURCE, to outs...
crowdsources 30 23 CROWDSOURCE, to outs...
crucifixions 36 30 CRUCIFIXION, executi...
crumminesses 26 23 CRUMMINESS, the stat...
crushability 37 24 the quality of being...
crustinesses 24 17 CRUSTINESS, the stat...
crymotherapy 41 27 medical treatment us...
cryoglobulin 35 26 an immunoglobulin fo...
cryohydrates 38 22 CRYOHYDRATE, a cryst...
cryophoruses 34 23 CRYOPHORUS, an instr...
cryoplankton 32 27 minute organisms, es...
cryopreserve 33 24 to preserve by freez...
cryosurgeons 30 21 CRYOSURGEON, a surge...
cryosurgical 36 24 relating to cryosurg...
cryptanalyst 39 24 one who deciphers co...
cryptarithms 37 25 CRYPTARITHM, an arit...
cryptobionts 34 24 CRYPTOBIONT, any org...
cryptobioses 34 23 CRYPTOBIOSIS, a temp...
cryptobiosis 35 23 a temporary state in...
cryptococcal 42 30 of or like a cryptoc...
cryptococcus 42 30 any of a genus of bu...
cryptogamian 33 26 of or like a cryptog...
cryptogamies 34 25 CRYPTOGAMY, the stat...
cryptogamist 35 25 one who studies cryp...
cryptogamous 34 26 of or like a cryptog...
cryptographs 38 27 CRYPTOGRAPH, anythin...
cryptography 44 29 secret writing [n CR...
cryptologies 34 23 CRYPTOLOGY, the scie...
cryptologist 35 23 a student of cryptol...
cryptomerias 33 23 CRYPTOMERIA, a kind...
cryptometers 33 23 CRYPTOMETER, a instr...
cryptomnesia 32 24 latent or subconscio...
cryptomnesic 36 27 relating ot cryptomn...
cryptonymous 39 27 like a cryptonym, a...
cryptophytes 43 27 CRYPTOPHYTE, any per...
cryptophytic 47 30 like a cryptophyte,...
cryptorchids 39 26 CRYPTORCHID, a male...
cryptorchism 40 28 a medical condition...
cryptozoites 35 29 CRYPTOZOITE, a malar...
crystalisers 32 18 CRYSTALISER, somethi...
crystalising 33 21 CRYSTALISE, to form...
crystalizers 35 27 CRYSTALIZER, somethi...
crystalizing 36 30 CRYSTALIZE, to form...
crystallines 32 20 CRYSTALLINE, a cryst...
crystallised 33 20 CRYSTALLISE, to form...
crystalliser 33 19 an agent that causes...
crystallises 33 19 CRYSTALLISE, to form...
crystallites 33 19 CRYSTALLITE, any of...
crystallitic 37 22 of or like crystalli...
crystallitis 34 19 inflammation of the...
crystallized 36 29 CRYSTALLIZE, to form...
crystallizer 36 28 an agent that causes...
crystallizes 36 28 CRYSTALLIZE, to form...
crystalloids 33 20 CRYSTALLOID, a water...
ctenophorans 25 22 CTENOPHORAN, a membe...
cubistically 39 26 CUBISTIC, relating t...
cuckoldising 31 28 CUCKOLDISE, to make...
cuckoldizing 34 37 CUCKOLDIZE, to make...
cuckooflower 33 30 a plant commonly fou...
culminations 25 22 CULMINATION, the act...
culpableness 29 25 the state of being c...
cultivatable 30 25 that can be cultivat...
cultivations 27 22 CULTIVATION, the art...
culverineers 26 22 CULVERINEER, one who...
culvertailed 28 23 having a tail like a...
cumbersomely 35 28 CUMBERSOME, burdenso...
cumbrousness 27 24 the state of being c...
cumulatively 36 28 CUMULATIVE, increasi...
cumulocirrus 31 25 a type of cloud [n C...
cumulonimbus 30 29 a type of cloud [n C...
cumulostrati 27 21 CUMULOSTRATUS, a typ...
cunnilinctus 28 24 oral stimulation of...
cupellations 27 22 CUPELLATION, assayin...
cuprammonium 29 30 a solution of cupric...
cupronickels 31 28 CUPRONICKEL, an allo...
cupuliferous 30 25 bearing cupules [adj...
curabilities 28 20 CURABILITY, the abil...
curarisation 23 17 the process of curar...
curarization 26 26 the process of curar...
curativeness 25 21 the property of bein...
curatorships 29 21 CURATORSHIP, the off...
curettements 24 20 CURETTEMENT, the act...
curietherapy 34 23 a former name for th...
curliewurlie 30 22 (Scots) a twisted or...
curmudgeonly 33 27 like a curmudgeon [a...
currycombing 38 30 CURRYCOMB, to comb w...
cursednesses 23 18 CURSEDNESS, the qual...
curtailments 26 21 CURTAILMENT, the act...
curvaceously 36 27 CURVACEOUS, pleasing...
curvaciously 37 27 CURVACIOUS [adv]
curveballing 31 28 CURVEBALL, to throw...
curvednesses 25 22 CURVEDNESS, the stat...
curvicaudate 29 25 having a curvy tail...
curvicostate 29 23 having curved ribs [...
curvifoliate 29 24 having curved leaves...
curvirostral 28 21 having a curved bill...
cuspidations 26 21 CUSPIDATION, decorat...
cussednesses 23 18 CUSSEDNESS, the qual...
customhouses 27 22 CUSTOMHOUSE, an offi...
customshouse 27 22 an office or residen...
cutabilities 28 20 CUTABILITY, the prop...
cutinisation 23 18 the formation of cut...
cutinization 26 27 the formation of cut...
cuttlefishes 30 22 CUTTLEFISH, any ceph...
cyanidations 28 20 CYANIDATION, the act...
cyanogeneses 27 21 CYANOGENESIS, the pr...
cyanogenesis 28 21 the production of cy...
cyanogenetic 31 24 capable of producing...
cyanohydrins 37 24 CYANOHYDRIN, any of...
cyberathlete 34 23 a professional playe...
cyberattacks 36 27 CYBERATTACK, an atte...
cyberbullies 37 26 CYBERBULLY, one who...
cybernations 30 22 CYBERNATION, the aut...
cybernetical 35 25 relating to cybernet...
cyberphobias 38 28 CYBERPHOBIA, fear of...
cyberstalker 34 25 one who uses electro...
cycadophytes 43 28 CYCADOPHYTE, any of...
cyclandelate 33 24 a drug whose effect...
cyclazocines 39 34 CYCLAZOCINE, a synth...
cyclisations 34 22 CYCLISATION, the for...
cyclizations 37 31 CYCLIZATION, the for...
cycloalkanes 34 27 CYCLOALKANE, an alic...
cyclodextrin 40 30 any of several water...
cyclogeneses 33 24 CYCLOGENESIS, the de...
cyclogenesis 34 24 the development or i...
cyclographic 43 31 relating to a cyclog...
cyclohexanes 40 31 CYCLOHEXANE, a punge...
cyclometries 35 24 CYCLOMETRY, measurem...
cyclonically 45 29 CYCLONICAL, of or li...
cycloolefins 36 26 CYCLOOLEFIN, a hydro...
cyclopaedias 35 25 CYCLOPAEDIA, an ency...
cyclopaedist 36 25 one who writes encyc...
cyclopedists 37 25 CYCLOPEDIST, one who...
cyclopentane 33 26 a colourless insolub...
cycloplegias 38 27 CYCLOPLEGIA, loss of...
cyclopropane 36 28 a flammable gaseous...
cycloserines 33 22 CYCLOSERINE, a broad...
cyclosporine 35 25 an immunosuppressive...
cyclosporins 36 25 CYCLOSPORIN, an immu...
cyclostomate 34 24 of or like a cyclost...
cyclostomous 35 25 of or like a cyclost...
cyclostyling 43 27 CYCLOSTYLE, to make...
cyclothymiac 47 31 one suffering from c...
cyclothymias 44 28 CYCLOTHYMIA, a menta...
cyclothymics 48 31 CYCLOTHYMIC, one suf...
cylindricity 42 25 the state of being c...
cylindriform 35 26 shaped like a cylind...
cymotrichies 37 25 CYMOTRICHY, the stat...
cymotrichous 37 26 having wavy hair [ad...
cynomolguses 32 25 CYNOMOLGUS, a type o...
cynophilists 36 24 CYNOPHILIST, a lover...
cyprinodonts 31 23 CYPRINODONT, any sma...
cypripediums 37 28 CYPRIPEDIUM, a kind...
cyproterones 30 21 CYPROTERONE, a synth...
cystectomies 34 23 CYSTECTOMY, the surg...
cysticercoid 37 24 a tapeworm larva hav...
cystoscopies 35 23 CYSTOSCOPY, an exami...
cystostomies 31 20 CYSTOSTOMY, the surg...
cytochalasin 35 24 any of a group of me...
cytochemical 40 29 relating to cytochem...
cytogenetics 33 23 CYTOGENETIC [n]
cytomembrane 32 27 one of the cellular...
cytoskeletal 32 23 of or like a cytoske...
cytoskeleton 30 23 the network of prote...
cytotaxonomy 41 30 the classification o...
cytotoxicity 46 29 the quality of being...
czarevitches 34 33 CZAREVITCH, the son...