12 letter words that starts with o

12 letter words that start with O

12 letter O word


Word With Friends


oafishnesses 23 18 OAFISHNESS, the stat...
oarsmanships 25 21 OARSMANSHIP, the cra...
obcompressed 28 25 flattened from front...
obdurateness 21 18 the state of being o...
obedientiary 27 19 someone subject to o...
obfuscations 27 23 OBFUSCATION, the act...
objectifying 37 35 OBJECTIFY, to make o...
objectivated 29 32 OBJECTIVATE, to rend...
objectivates 29 31 OBJECTIVATE, to rend...
objectivised 30 32 OBJECTIVISE, to make...
objectivises 30 31 OBJECTIVISE, to make...
objectivisms 32 34 OBJECTIVISM, the doc...
objectivists 31 31 OBJECTIVIST, a belie...
objectivized 33 41 OBJECTIVIZE, to make...
objectivizes 33 40 OBJECTIVIZE, to make...
objurgations 25 28 OBJURGATION, a rebuk...
oblanceolate 24 21 of e.g. a leaf, like...
oblatenesses 21 17 OBLATENESS, the stat...
obligational 24 20 relating to an oblig...
obligatorily 32 21 OBLIGATORY, binding...
obligingness 25 22 the state of being o...
obliquations 31 27 OBLIQUATION, (obsole...
obliterating 24 19 OBLITERATE, to erase...
obliteration 22 17 the act of obliterat...
obliterative 25 20 inducing or characte...
obliterators 23 16 OBLITERATOR, one who...
obliviscence 31 27 forgetfulness [n -S]
obmutescence 28 26 the act of becoming...
obnubilating 26 24 OBNUBILATE, (obsolet...
obnubilation 24 22 beclouding or obscur...
obreptitious 25 19 done or obtained by...
obscurantism 27 23 opposition to the sp...
obscurantist 26 20 one who employs deli...
obscurations 25 20 OBSCURATION, the act...
obscurements 26 23 OBSCUREMENT, the act...
obsecrations 24 19 OBSECRATION, an entr...
obsequiously 38 29 OBSEQUIOUS, servilel...
observancies 26 23 OBSERVANCY, the keep...
observations 23 20 OBSERVATION, an act...
obsessionist 22 16 someone who is obses...
obsignations 22 19 OBSIGNATION, the act...
obsolescence 27 23 the process of becom...
obsoleteness 21 17 the state of being o...
obstetrician 25 19 one who specialises...
obstipations 24 19 OBSTIPATION, a sever...
obstreperate 23 18 (Sterne) to make an...
obstreperous 24 19 noisy, unruly, also...
obstrictions 26 19 OBSTRICTION, (obsole...
obstropalous 25 20 (colloquial) noisy,...
obstropulous 26 21 (colloquial) noisy,...
obstructions 26 20 OBSTRUCTION, the sta...
obstructives 29 23 OBSTRUCTIVE, a hindr...
obtemperated 24 22 OBTEMPERATE, to obey...
obtemperates 24 21 OBTEMPERATE, to obey...
obtestations 21 16 OBTESTATION, the act...
obtruncating 26 23 OBTRUNCATE, to cut o...
obtusenesses 21 17 OBTUSENESS, the stat...
obumbrations 25 23 OBUMBRATION, the act...
occasionally 33 23 OCCASIONAL, of or re...
occidentally 34 24 OCCIDENTAL, western...
occultations 27 21 OCCULTATION, a conce...
occultnesses 27 21 OCCULTNESS, the stat...
occupational 28 24 related to occupatio...
oceanography 32 25 the study of the oce...
oceanologies 22 19 OCEANOLOGY, the scie...
oceanologist 23 19 a student of oceanol...
ochlocracies 32 24 OCHLOCRACY, governme...
ochlophobiac 35 29 one who suffers from...
ochlophobias 32 26 OCHLOPHOBIA, the fea...
ochlophobics 36 29 OCHLOPHOBIC, a perso...
ochroleucous 29 23 yellowish white [adj...
octahedrally 33 22 OCTAHEDRAL, having e...
octahedrites 25 18 OCTAHEDRITE, a varie...
octapeptides 27 22 OCTAPEPTIDE, a prote...
octaploidies 26 20 OCTAPLOIDY, the cond...
octastichons 28 21 OCTASTICHON, a poem...
octastichous 29 21 in eight rows, also...
octastrophic 31 23 consisting of eight...
octillionths 28 20 OCTILLIONTH, one of...
octogenarian 21 19 a person whose age i...
octogenaries 22 18 OCTOGENARY, someone...
octopetalous 25 20 having eight petals...
octosepalous 25 20 having eight sepals...
octostichous 29 21 in eight rows, also...
octosyllabic 37 25 consisting of eight...
octosyllable 34 23 a word or line of ei...
octuplicates 30 23 OCTUPLICATE [v]
odiousnesses 19 15 ODIOUSNESS, the stat...
odontoblasts 22 18 ODONTOBLAST, a tooth...
odontogenies 18 17 ODONTOGENY, the orig...
odontographs 24 21 ODONTOGRAPH, an inst...
odontography 30 23 a description or his...
odontologies 20 17 ODONTOLOGY, the stud...
odontologist 21 17 a student of odontol...
odontomatous 19 18 like an odontoma, a...
odontophobia 24 22 the fear of teeth [n...
odontophoral 23 20 of or like an odonto...
odontophoran 21 20 an odontophore, the...
odontophores 22 19 ODONTOPHORE, the ras...
odorimetries 21 16 ODORIMETRY, the meas...
oenophilists 25 19 OENOPHILIST, lover o...
oesophagitis 25 19 inflammation of the...
offendresses 23 20 OFFENDRESS, (Shakesp...
officeholder 30 25 one holding a public...
officialdoms 30 26 OFFICIALDOM, officia...
officialeses 28 22 OFFICIALESE, the cha...
officialisms 31 25 OFFICIALISM, excessi...
officialties 29 22 OFFICIALTY, the char...
officiations 27 22 OFFICIATION, the act...
offishnesses 26 21 OFFISHNESS, the stat...
offscourings 29 25 OFFSCOURING, someone...
oleaginously 28 20 OLEAGINOUS, resembli...
oleandomycin 29 24 an antibiotic produc...
oleographies 25 20 OLEOGRAPHY, the art...
oleomargarin 21 19 margarine, also OLEO...
oleoresinous 19 15 of or like an oleore...
olfactometer 26 22 an instrument measur...
olfactometry 33 24 the measurement of t...
olfactronics 29 23 the precise measurem...
oligarchical 32 24 of or like an oligar...
oligochaetes 26 20 OLIGOCHAETE, any wor...
oligochromes 28 23 OLIGOCHROME, a work...
oligopeptide 26 22 a peptide comprising...
oligophagies 27 22 OLIGOPHAGY, the stat...
oligophagous 27 23 eating only a few sp...
oligopsonies 23 19 OLIGOPSONY, a market...
oligospermia 25 21 the condition of hav...
oligotrophic 30 23 having a deficiency...
ombrophilous 29 25 capable of withstand...
ombrophobous 29 27 of or like an ombrop...
omissiveness 23 20 the state of being o...
ommatophores 25 23 OMMATOPHORE, an eyes...
omnificences 28 26 OMNIFICENCE, the sta...
omniparities 23 19 OMNIPARITY, general...
omnipotences 24 23 OMNIPOTENCE, the sta...
omnipotently 29 23 OMNIPOTENT, all-powe...
omnipresence 24 23 the state of being o...
omnisciences 26 23 OMNISCIENCE, the sta...
omnisciently 31 23 OMNISCIENT, knowing...
omnivorously 30 24 OMNIVOROUS, feeding...
omphalomancy 35 30 predicting the numbe...
oncogenicity 32 24 the state of being o...
oncornavirus 24 22 an oncogenic RNA vir...
oneirocritic 26 19 one who interprets d...
oneirodynias 24 17 ONEIRODYNIA, a night...
oneirologies 20 16 ONEIROLOGY, the stud...
oneiromancer 21 20 one who practises on...
onomasiology 27 21 the branch of semant...
onomastician 22 20 one who practises on...
onomasticons 22 20 ONOMASTICON, a dicti...
onomatopoeia 19 19 the naming of a thin...
onomatopoeic 23 22 relating to onomatop...
onychophoran 33 26 any of numerous velv...
oophorectomy 33 25 the operation of rem...
oophoritises 24 17 OOPHORITIS, inflamma...
opalescences 27 23 OPALESCENCE, a milky...
opalescently 32 23 OPALESCENT, reflecti...
opaquenesses 28 26 OPAQUENESS, the stat...
opeidoscopes 26 22 OPEIDOSCOPE, an inst...
openhandedly 29 24 OPENHANDED, generous...
operatically 33 22 OPERATIC, relating t...
operationism 22 19 the theory that defi...
operationist 21 16 an adherent of opera...
operatorless 22 16 without an operator...
ophicalcites 32 24 OPHICALCITE, a kind...
ophidiariums 27 22 OPHIDIARIUM, a snake...
ophiolatries 25 18 OPHIOLATRY, worship...
ophiolatrous 25 19 worshipping snakes [...
ophiological 30 24 relating to ophiolog...
ophiologists 27 20 OPHIOLOGIST, a stude...
ophiomorphic 33 28 snakelike, also OPHI...
ophiophagous 29 25 eating snakes [adj]
ophiophilist 31 23 a snake-lover [n -S]
ophthalmists 30 23 OPHTHALMIST, an opht...
ophthalmitis 30 23 ophthalmia [n -ES]
opinionately 27 20 (obsolete) in an opi...
opinionative 22 21 of, relating to, or...
opinionators 20 17 OPINIONATOR, one who...
opisthodomoi 25 21 OPISTHODOMOS, (Greek...
opisthodomos 25 21 (Greek) a portico or...
opisthograph 30 24 a manuscript or slab...
opisthotonic 27 21 of or like opisthoto...
opisthotonos 23 18 extreme arching back...
opotherapies 25 20 OPOTHERAPY, treatmen...
oppignerated 24 22 OPPIGNERATE, (obsole...
oppignerates 24 21 OPPIGNERATE, (obsole...
oppignorated 24 22 OPPIGNORATE, (obsole...
oppignorates 24 21 OPPIGNORATE, (obsole...
opportunisms 26 23 OPPORTUNISM, the pra...
opportunists 25 20 OPPORTUNIST, one tha...
opposability 34 24 the state of being o...
oppositeness 23 19 the state of being o...
oppositional 24 20 relating to oppositi...
oppressingly 33 24 OPPRESSING [adv]
oppressively 34 25 OPPRESSIVE, unreason...
oppugnancies 27 26 OPPUGNANCY, (Shakesp...
opsonisation 20 17 the process of opson...
opsonization 23 26 the process of opson...
optimalising 26 22 OPTIMALISE, to bring...
optimalities 25 19 OPTIMALITY, the stat...
optimalizing 29 31 OPTIMALIZE, to bring...
optimisation 23 19 the act of optimisin...
optimistical 29 22 optimistic, also OPT...
optimization 26 28 the act of optimizin...
optoacoustic 28 22 relating to or combi...
optometrical 27 22 relating to optometr...
optometrists 24 18 OPTOMETRIST, an opht...
oracularness 23 18 the state of being o...
oratorically 31 19 ORATORICAL, of or li...
orbicularity 34 22 the state of being o...
orchestrally 34 21 ORCHESTRAL, relating...
orchestrated 25 18 ORCHESTRATE, to comp...
orchestrater 25 17 one who orchestrates...
orchestrates 25 17 ORCHESTRATE, to comp...
orchestrator 25 17 one who orchestrates...
orchestrinas 25 18 ORCHESTRINA, a name...
orchestrions 25 18 ORCHESTRION, a name...
orchidaceous 28 22 relating to orchids,...
orchidectomy 36 26 excision of one or b...
orchidomania 25 22 an obsession with or...
ordinariness 19 15 the state of being o...
orecchiettes 28 20 ORECCHIETTE, pasta i...
oreographies 24 19 OREOGRAPHY, the scie...
orepearching 27 23 OREPEARCH, (Shakespe...
organicistic 28 21 related to organicis...
organicities 24 18 ORGANICITY, the stat...
organisation 19 16 the act of organisin...
organismally 30 22 ORGANISMAL, relating...
organistrums 23 19 ORGANISTRUM, an earl...
organization 22 25 the act of organizin...
organogenies 19 18 ORGANOGENY, the deve...
organography 31 24 a description of the...
organoleptic 26 22 involving use of the...
organologies 21 18 ORGANOLOGY, the scie...
organologist 22 18 a specialist in orga...
orgasmically 34 24 ORGASMIC, pertaining...
orgastically 33 21 ORGASTIC, pertaining...
orichalceous 29 22 of or like orichalc...
orientalised 20 15 ORIENTALISE, to make...
orientalises 20 14 ORIENTALISE, to make...
orientalisms 22 17 ORIENTALISM, a style...
orientalists 21 14 ORIENTALIST, a speci...
orientalized 23 24 ORIENTALIZE, to make...
orientalizes 23 23 ORIENTALIZE, to make...
orientations 18 14 ORIENTATION, the act...
orienteering 19 16 a crosscountry race...
originations 20 16 ORIGINATION, the act...
orismologies 23 18 ORISMOLOGY, the scie...
ornamentally 27 21 ORNAMENTAL, decorati...
ornamentists 20 17 ORNAMENTIST, one who...
ornatenesses 17 14 ORNATENESS, the stat...
ornerinesses 18 14 ORNERINESS, the stat...
ornithogalum 25 22 a plant of a large g...
ornithologic 27 21 relating to ornithol...
ornithomancy 31 24 divination by observ...
ornithomorph 27 23 a figure or design i...
ornithophily 34 23 pollination by birds...
ornithopters 24 18 ORNITHOPTER, a birdl...
ornithosaurs 22 16 ORNITHOSAUR, a ptero...
ornithoscopy 33 23 bird watching [n ORN...
orogenically 31 22 OROGENIC, relating t...
orographical 29 23 relating to orograph...
orologically 33 22 OROLOGICAL, of or pe...
oropharynges 30 22 OROPHARYNX, the part...
oropharynxes 35 27 OROPHARYNX, the part...
ororotundity 26 17 the orotund mode of...
orotundities 20 15 OROTUNDITY, the orot...
orthoborates 23 17 ORTHOBORATE, a salt...
orthocenters 24 18 ORTHOCENTER, the poi...
orthocentres 24 18 ORTHOCENTRE, the poi...
orthocephaly 36 25 the state of being o...
orthocousins 25 19 the children of two...
orthodontias 21 16 ORTHODONTIA, the rec...
orthodontics 25 19 the rectification of...
orthodontist 22 16 one who practises or...
orthodromics 27 21 the act or art of sa...
orthodromies 23 18 ORTHODROMY, the act...
orthogeneses 21 17 ORTHOGENESIS, the be...
orthogenesis 22 17 the belief that biol...
orthogenetic 25 20 pertaining to correc...
orthognathic 28 22 having a lower jaw t...
orthogonally 30 21 ORTHOGONAL, at right...
orthographer 27 21 a correct speller [n...
orthographic 31 24 relating to orthogra...
orthomorphic 31 25 of a map projection,...
orthopaedics 27 21 the art or process o...
orthopaedies 23 18 ORTHOPAEDY, the art...
orthopaedist 24 18 a specialist in orth...
orthopedical 28 22 related to orthopedi...
orthopedists 25 18 ORTHOPEDIST, a speci...
orthopraxies 30 24 ORTHOPRAXY, the trea...
orthopterans 23 18 ORTHOPTERAN, any mem...
orthopterist 25 17 a student of insects...
orthopteroid 24 18 a member of the Orth...
orthopterous 24 18 pertaining or belong...
orthorhombic 31 25 three mutually perpe...
orthotoneses 20 15 ORTHOTONESIS, accent...
orthotonesis 21 15 accentuation of a pr...
orthotropies 24 17 ORTHOTROPY, the stat...
orthotropism 26 20 vertical growth [n -...
orthotropous 24 18 growing straight, so...
orthovanadic 26 23 as in orthovanadic a...
oryctologies 31 20 ORYCTOLOGY, (obsolet...
oscillations 25 18 OSCILLATION, the act...
oscillograms 28 22 OSCILLOGRAM, a recor...
oscillograph 31 24 an instrument for re...
oscilloscope 30 23 an instrument for de...
osculatories 24 17 OSCULATORY, a carved...
osmolalities 23 17 OSMOLALITY, the qual...
osmolarities 22 16 OSMOLARITY, the qual...
ossification 25 19 the natural process...
osteichthyan 33 22 a bony fish [n -S]
ostentations 18 14 OSTENTATION, excessi...
ostentatious 19 14 marked by conspicuou...
osteoblastic 26 19 of or like an osteob...
osteoclastic 27 19 of or like an osteoc...
osteodermous 20 17 of or like an osteod...
osteogeneses 18 15 OSTEOGENESIS, the pr...
osteogenesis 19 15 the production or fo...
osteogenetic 22 18 relating to the form...
osteological 25 19 relating to osteolog...
osteologists 22 15 OSTEOLOGIST, one who...
osteomalacia 23 19 softening of the sku...
osteomalacic 27 22 relating to osteomal...
osteopathies 23 17 OSTEOPATHY, a system...
osteopathist 24 17 a practitioner of os...
osteoplastic 26 19 relating to osteopla...
osteoporoses 20 15 OSTEOPOROSIS, develo...
osteoporosis 21 15 development of a por...
osteoporotic 24 18 relating to osteopor...
osteosarcoma 22 18 a malignant tumour d...
ostracisable 26 19 worthy of being ostr...
ostracizable 29 28 worthy of being ostr...
ostracoderms 24 19 OSTRACODERM, any of...
ostreophages 24 19 OSTREOPHAGE, an oyst...
otherworldly 34 22 of, relating to, or...
otiosenesses 18 13 OTIOSENESS, the stat...
otoscleroses 23 16 OTOSCLEROSIS, growth...
otosclerosis 24 16 growth of new bone i...
outachieving 28 25 OUTACHIEVE, to surpa...
outbalancing 26 24 OUTBALANCE, to outwe...
outbargained 22 20 OUTBARGAIN, to surpa...
outblustered 24 19 OUTBLUSTER, to surpa...
outbrazening 25 29 OUTBRAZEN, to be mor...
outbreathing 25 21 OUTBREATHE, to breat...
outbreedings 23 20 OUTBREEDING, breedin...
outbuildings 26 22 OUTBUILDING, a build...
outcavilling 29 25 OUTCAVIL, to surpass...
outcompeting 27 25 OUTCOMPETE, to surpa...
outcraftying 33 24 OUTCRAFTY, (Shakespe...
outcroppings 29 25 OUTCROPPING, an outc...
outcrossings 25 19 OUTCROSSING, the act...
outdatedness 19 16 the state of being o...
outdelivered 23 20 OUTDELIVER, to surpa...
outdesigning 22 20 OUTDESIGN, to surpas...
outdistanced 23 19 OUTDISTANCE, to go f...
outdistances 23 18 OUTDISTANCE, to go f...
outercourses 23 17 OUTERCOURSE, sexual...
outfangthief 27 24 (historical) the rig...
outfightings 28 23 OUTFIGHTING, fightin...
outgalloping 26 23 OUTGALLOP, to surpas...
outgeneraled 20 18 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outglittered 23 17 OUTGLITTER, to surpa...
outgoingness 21 19 the state of being o...
outhumouring 25 23 OUTHUMOUR, to surpas...
outintrigued 22 18 OUTINTRIGUE, to surp...
outintrigues 22 17 OUTINTRIGUE, to surp...
outjockeying 33 34 OUTJOCKEY, to surpas...
outlandishly 31 21 OUTLANDISH, of or re...
outlaunching 27 24 OUTLAUNCH, to launch...
outmaneuvers 22 22 OUTMANEUVER, to surp...
outmanoeuvre 21 22 to surpass in manoeu...
outmarriages 22 18 OUTMARRIAGE, marriag...
outmastering 22 19 OUTMASTER, to surpas...
outmeasuring 22 20 OUTMEASURE, to excee...
outmodedness 20 19 the state of being o...
outnumbering 24 24 OUTNUMBER, to surpas...
outorganised 20 17 OUTORGANISE, to surp...
outorganises 20 16 OUTORGANISE, to surp...
outorganized 23 26 OUTORGANIZE, to surp...
outorganizes 23 25 OUTORGANIZE, to surp...
outpassioned 21 18 OUTPASSION, to excee...
outperformed 25 23 OUTPERFORM, to excee...
outplacement 26 24 the process of easin...
outpoliticks 29 24 OUTPOLITICK, to surp...
outpopulated 25 22 OUTPOPULATE, to surp...
outpopulates 25 21 OUTPOPULATE, to surp...
outpreaching 28 24 OUTPREACH, to surpas...
outproducing 27 24 OUTPRODUCE, to surpa...
outpromising 25 22 OUTPROMISE, to surpa...
outrageously 28 19 OUTRAGEOUS, exceedin...
outreasoning 19 17 OUTREASON, to surpas...
outrebounded 21 20 OUTREBOUND, to rebou...
outreckoning 24 24 OUTRECKON, to surpas...
outreddening 20 19 OUTREDDEN, to surpas...
outreproduce 25 21 to surpass in reprod...
outrivalling 26 22 OUTRIVAL, to outdo i...
outsavouring 23 21 OUTSAVOUR, to exceed...
outscreaming 25 22 OUTSCREAM, to surpas...
outsiderness 20 15 the state of being a...
outsourcings 25 20 OUTSOURCING, the act...
outsparkling 26 24 OUTSPARKLE, to excee...
outspreading 23 20 OUTSPREAD, to spread...
outspringing 25 22 OUTSPRING, to spring...
outsprinting 24 20 OUTSPRINT, to excel...
outstraining 21 17 OUTSTRAIN, to surpas...
outstretched 26 19 OUTSTRETCH, to stret...
outstretches 26 18 OUTSTRETCH, to stret...
outstripping 27 22 OUTSTRIP, to go fast...
outsweetened 21 18 OUTSWEETEN, to surpa...
outthrobbing 28 24 OUTTHROB, to surpass...
outthrusting 25 19 OUTTHRUST, to extend...
outtraveling 24 21 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outtravelled 24 20 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outvillained 24 21 OUTVILLAIN, (Shakesp...
outwrestling 26 20 OUTWRESTLE, to surpa...
ovariotomies 22 19 OVARIOTOMY, the oper...
ovariotomist 23 19 one who carries out...
overabounded 22 23 OVERABOUND, to be ex...
overabstract 27 22 excessively abstract...
overabundant 22 23 excessively abundant...
overachieved 28 26 OVERACHIEVE, to achi...
overachiever 28 25 one who achieves suc...
overachieves 28 25 OVERACHIEVE, to achi...
overactivity 34 25 excessive activity [...
overanalysed 27 21 OVERANALYSE, to anal...
overanalyses 27 20 OVERANALYSE, to anal...
overanalysis 28 20 excessive analysis [...
overanalyzed 30 30 OVERANALYZE, to anal...
overanalyzes 30 29 OVERANALYZE, to anal...
overarousals 22 18 OVERAROUSAL, excessi...
overarranged 21 20 OVERARRANGE, to arra...
overarranges 21 19 OVERARRANGE, to arra...
overasserted 21 17 OVERASSERT, to asser...
overbalanced 26 25 OVERBALANCE, to topp...
overbalances 26 24 OVERBALANCE, to topp...
overbettings 25 22 OVERBETTING, betting...
overbiddings 26 24 OVERBIDDING, the act...
overblankets 25 25 OVERBLANKET, a cover...
overbleached 29 26 OVERBLEACH, to bleac...
overbleaches 29 25 OVERBLEACH, to bleac...
overbookings 25 26 OVERBOOKING, the act...
overborrowed 26 23 OVERBORROW, to borro...
overbounding 24 25 OVERBOUND, to bound...
overbreeding 24 23 OVERBREED, to breed...
overbridging 27 25 OVERBRIDGE, to span...
overbriefing 27 25 OVERBRIEF, to brief...
overbrimming 28 28 OVERBRIM, to flow ov...
overbrowsing 28 25 OVERBROWS, OVERBROW,...
overbuilding 27 25 OVERBUILD, to build...
overburdened 23 23 OVERBURDEN, to overl...
overburthens 26 23 OVERBURTHEN, (archai...
overcanopied 25 24 OVERCANOPY, to cover...
overcanopies 25 23 OVERCANOPY, to cover...
overcapacity 36 27 excessive capacity f...
overcarrying 32 24 OVERCARRY, to carry...
overcastings 26 22 OVERCASTING, stitche...
overcatching 31 27 OVERCATCH, to overta...
overcautions 24 21 OVERCAUTION, excessi...
overcautious 25 21 excessively cautious...
overcharging 29 26 the making of an exc...
overchilling 31 26 OVERCHILL, to chill...
overclaiming 28 26 OVERCLAIM, to claim...
overclassify 35 25 to classify to exces...
overcleaning 25 24 OVERCLEAN, to clean...
overclearing 26 23 OVERCLEAR, to clear...
overclockers 30 27 OVERCLOCKER, one who...
overclocking 31 30 the act of running a...
overclouding 27 25 OVERCLOUD, to cover...
overclubbing 32 30 OVERCLUB, to hit a s...
overcoaching 30 27 OVERCOACH, to coach...
overcoatings 25 22 OVERCOATING, cloth f...
overcoloring 26 23 OVERCOLOR, to color...
overcoloured 25 22 OVERCOLOUR, to colou...
overcompress 28 25 to compress excessiv...
overconcerns 26 24 OVERCONCERN [n]
overconsumed 25 25 OVERCONSUME, to cons...
overconsumes 25 24 OVERCONSUME, to cons...
overcontrols 25 21 OVERCONTROL, to cont...
overcorrects 28 22 OVERCORRECT, to corr...
overcounting 25 24 OVERCOUNT, to rate t...
overcovering 27 26 OVERCOVER, to cover...
overcramming 28 28 the act of cramming...
overcritical 30 23 excessively critical...
overcropping 30 28 OVERCROP, to exhaust...
overcrowding 29 26 the act of crowding...
overcuttings 27 23 OVERCUTTING, excessi...
overdecorate 23 20 to decorate to exces...
overdesigned 22 21 OVERDESIGN, to desig...
overdevelops 26 25 OVERDEVELOP, to deve...
overdeviated 23 22 OVERDEVIATE, to devi...
overdeviates 23 21 OVERDEVIATE, to devi...
overdirected 25 21 OVERDIRECT, to direc...
overdiscount 25 22 to discount excessiv...
overdocument 25 25 to document to exces...
overdominant 21 22 excessively dominant...
overdramatic 26 23 excessively dramatic...
overdraughts 26 22 OVERDRAUGHT, a curre...
overdressing 23 20 OVERDRESS, to dress...
overdrinking 24 25 OVERDRINK, to drink...
overeducated 24 22 OVEREDUCATE, to educ...
overeducates 24 21 OVEREDUCATE, to educ...
overemphases 26 24 OVEREMPHASIS, excess...
overemphasis 27 24 excessive emphasis [...
overemphatic 30 27 excessively emphatic...
overenamored 20 21 excessively enamored...
overengineer 20 20 to engineer excessiv...
overenrolled 22 20 with too many enrolm...
overequipped 34 33 excessively equipped...
overestimate 22 19 to estimate too high...
overexciting 32 29 OVEREXCITE, to excit...
overexercise 30 26 to exercise to exces...
overexerting 28 26 OVEREXERT, to exert...
overexertion 26 24 excessive exertion [...
overexpanded 28 29 OVEREXPAND, to expan...
overexplains 30 28 OVEREXPLAIN, to expl...
overexplicit 35 30 excessively explicit...
overexploits 31 27 OVEREXPLOIT, to expl...
overexposing 30 29 OVEREXPOSE, to expos...
overexposure 29 27 excessive exposure [...
overextended 26 26 OVEREXTEND, to exten...
overfamiliar 26 23 excessively familiar...
overfatigued 25 23 excessively fatigued...
overfatigues 25 22 OVERFATIGUE, a state...
overfavoring 26 26 OVERFAVOR, to favor...
overfavoured 25 25 OVERFAVOUR, to favou...
overfeedings 24 23 OVERFEEDING, excessi...
overfineness 22 21 the state of being o...
overfinished 26 23 excessively finished...
overfishings 28 24 OVERFISHING, excessi...
overflooding 25 24 OVERFLOOD, to flood...
overflourish 28 23 to cover with blosso...
overflowings 29 26 OVERFLOWING, the act...
overfocusing 28 26 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfocussed 27 24 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfocusses 27 23 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overfondness 22 22 the state of being o...
overfreedoms 24 23 OVERFREEDOM, an exce...
overfreights 28 23 OVERFREIGHT, to over...
overfulfills 31 26 OVERFULFILL, to fulf...
overfullness 26 23 the state of being o...
overfundings 25 25 OVERFUNDING, the act...
overfussiest 25 20 OVERFUSSY, too fussy...
overgarments 23 22 OVERGARMENT, an oute...
overgenerous 21 20 excessively generous...
overglancing 27 26 OVERGLANCE, to glanc...
overglooming 25 25 OVERGLOOM, to cover...
overgoverned 23 24 OVERGOVERN, to gover...
overgrainers 22 19 OVERGRAINER, a brush...
overgraining 23 22 OVERGRAIN, in painti...
overgrassing 24 21 OVERGRASS, to grass...
overgrazings 27 30 OVERGRAZING, grazing...
overgreening 22 22 OVERGREEN, to cover...
overhandling 25 24 OVERHANDLE, to handl...
overharvests 26 22 OVERHARVEST, to harv...
overheatings 24 21 OVERHEATING, heating...
overhonoring 23 22 OVERHONOR, to honor...
overhonoured 22 21 OVERHONOUR, to honou...
overhuntings 25 23 OVERHUNTING, hunting...
overidealise 22 18 to idealise to exces...
overidealize 25 27 to idealize to exces...
overidentify 30 23 to identify to exces...
overinclined 25 23 inclined to excess [...
overindulged 24 23 OVERINDULGE, to indu...
overindulges 24 22 OVERINDULGE, to indu...
overinflated 24 22 OVERINFLATE, to infl...
overinflates 24 21 OVERINFLATE, to infl...
overinformed 24 24 OVERINFORM, to infor...
overinsuring 23 21 OVERINSURE, to insur...
overissuance 24 21 excessive issuance [...
overkindness 22 23 the state of being o...
overlaboring 25 23 OVERLABOR, to cause...
overlaboured 24 22 OVERLABOUR, (archaic...
overlaunched 27 25 OVERLAUNCH, in shipb...
overlaunches 27 24 OVERLAUNCH, in shipb...
overlearning 22 21 OVERLEARN, to contin...
overleathers 24 19 OVERLEATHER, (Shakes...
overleavened 22 23 OVERLEAVEN, to leave...
overlengthen 24 23 to lengthen excessiv...
overlighting 28 24 OVERLIGHT, to light...
overliterary 29 19 excessively literary...
overlockings 28 27 OVERLOCKING, oversew...
overlordship 28 23 the position of over...
overmanaging 23 25 OVERMANAGE, to manag...
overmannered 20 22 excessively mannered...
overmannings 22 24 OVERMANNING, excessi...
overmastered 22 20 OVERMASTER, to overp...
overmatching 29 27 OVERMATCH, to be mor...
overmaturity 30 22 excessive maturity [...
overmeasured 22 21 OVERMEASURE, to meas...
overmeasures 22 20 OVERMEASURE, to meas...
overmedicate 25 23 to medicate to exces...
overmodestly 30 23 OVERMODEST, modest t...
overmounting 23 24 OVERMOUNT, to rise a...
overmultiply 35 27 to become too numero...
overniceness 23 21 the state of being o...
overnighters 25 21 OVERNIGHTER, a perso...
overnighting 26 24 OVERNIGHT, to stay o...
overofficing 30 28 OVEROFFICE, to domin...
overoperated 22 20 OVEROPERATE, to oper...
overoperates 22 19 OVEROPERATE, to oper...
overoptimism 27 25 excessive optimism [...
overoptimist 26 22 one who is excessive...
overorganise 21 19 to organise to exces...
overorganize 24 28 to organize to exces...
overornament 20 21 to ornament excessiv...
overpackaged 28 29 OVERPACKAGE, to pack...
overpackages 28 28 OVERPACKAGE, to pack...
overpainting 24 23 OVERPAINT, to color...
overpayments 30 25 OVERPAYMENT, an exce...
overpedaling 25 24 OVERPEDAL, to make e...
overpedalled 25 23 OVERPEDAL, to make e...
overpeopling 27 26 OVERPEOPLE, to peopl...
overperching 30 27 OVERPERCH, to fly up...
overpersuade 23 21 to persuade to act c...
overpictured 28 24 OVERPICTURE, to pict...
overpictures 28 23 OVERPICTURE, to pict...
overpitching 31 27 OVERPITCH, in cricke...
overplanning 24 25 excessive planning [...
overplanting 25 24 OVERPLANT, to plant...
overplotting 26 23 excessive plotting [...
overpopulate 26 24 to populate too dens...
overpowering 27 25 OVERPOWER, to overco...
overpraising 25 22 OVERPRAISE, to prais...
overprepared 25 23 OVERPREPARE, to prep...
overprepares 25 22 OVERPREPARE, to prep...
overpressing 25 22 OVERPRESS, to oppres...
overpressure 24 20 pressure significant...
overprinting 25 23 OVERPRINT, to print...
overproduced 27 25 OVERPRODUCE, to prod...
overproduces 27 24 OVERPRODUCE, to prod...
overprograms 26 24 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overpromised 25 23 OVERPROMISE, to prom...
overpromises 25 22 OVERPROMISE, to prom...
overpromoted 24 23 OVERPROMOTE, to prom...
overpromotes 24 22 OVERPROMOTE, to prom...
overprotects 27 22 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overrashness 23 19 the state of being o...
overreachers 26 21 OVERREACHER, one who...
overreaching 27 24 OVERREACH, to reach...
overreacting 25 22 OVERREACT, to react...
overreaction 23 20 excessive reaction [...
overreckoned 24 25 OVERRECKON, to recko...
overrefining 24 23 OVERREFINE, to refin...
overregulate 23 20 to regulate to exces...
overreliance 24 21 an excessive relianc...
overreported 23 20 OVERREPORT, to repor...
overresponds 23 21 OVERRESPOND, to resp...
overripeness 23 20 the state of being o...
overripening 24 23 OVERRIPEN, to become...
overroasting 22 19 OVERROAST, to roast...
oversanguine 21 21 excessively sanguine...
oversaturate 21 17 to saturate to exces...
overschutcht 34 27 (Shakespeare) variou...
overscutched 31 26 (Shakespeare) variou...
overserviced 27 24 OVERSERVICE, to serv...
overservices 27 23 OVERSERVICE, to serv...
overshadowed 26 23 OVERSHADOW, to cast...
overshooting 24 21 OVERSHOOT, to shoot...
overshowered 26 22 OVERSHOWER, to showe...
oversimplify 36 28 to simplify to such...
overskipping 29 29 OVERSKIP, to skip ov...
overslaughed 26 23 OVERSLAUGH, to pass...
oversleeping 25 23 OVERSLEEP, to sleep...
overslipping 29 26 OVERSLIP, to leave o...
overspenders 23 21 OVERSPENDER, one who...
overspending 24 24 excessive spending [...
overspilling 28 24 OVERSPILL, to spill...
overstaffing 27 25 excessive staffing [...
overstaining 22 20 OVERSTAIN, to cover...
overstanding 22 21 OVERSTAND, (archaic)...
oversteering 22 19 OVERSTEER, to steer...
overstepping 27 25 OVERSTEP, to go beyo...
overstinking 24 24 OVERSTINK, to stink...
overstirring 24 19 OVERSTIR, to stir to...
overstocking 27 26 OVERSTOCK, to stock...
overstrained 21 18 OVERSTRAIN, to strai...
overstressed 22 17 OVERSTRESS, to stres...
overstresses 22 16 OVERSTRESS, to stres...
overstrewing 26 22 OVERSTREW, to strew...
overstridden 22 19 OVERSTRIDE, to strid...
overstriding 24 20 OVERSTRIDE, to strid...
overstriking 25 23 OVERSTRIKE, to strik...
overstudying 30 23 OVERSTUDY, to study...
overstuffing 28 26 OVERSTUFF, to stuff...
oversubtlety 32 23 an excess of subtlet...
oversupplied 28 25 OVERSUPPLY, to suppl...
oversupplies 28 24 OVERSUPPLY, to suppl...
overswearing 25 22 OVERSWEAR, to swear...
oversweetens 23 20 OVERSWEETEN, to swee...
overswelling 28 24 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overswimming 29 28 OVERSWIM, to swim ac...
overswinging 27 25 OVERSWING [v]
overtaxation 26 24 excessive taxation [...
overteaching 27 24 OVERTEACH, to teach...
overthinking 26 26 OVERTHINK, to think...
overthrowers 27 21 OVERTHROWER [n]
overthrowing 28 24 OVERTHROW [v]
overthwarted 27 22 OVERTHWART, to lie a...
overtightens 25 21 OVERTIGHTEN, to tigh...
overtoppings 27 25 OVERTOPPING, the act...
overtowering 25 22 OVERTOWER, to tower...
overtradings 23 20 OVERTRADING, trading...
overtraining 22 20 OVERTRAIN, to train...
overtreating 22 19 OVERTREAT, to treat...
overtrimming 26 25 OVERTRIM, to trim to...
overtripping 28 25 OVERTRIP, to trip ni...
overtrumping 27 26 OVERTRUMP, to trump...
overtrusting 24 20 OVERTRUST, to trust...
overutilised 24 19 OVERUTILISE, to util...
overutilises 24 18 OVERUTILISE, to util...
overutilized 27 28 OVERUTILIZE, to util...
overutilizes 27 27 OVERUTILIZE, to util...
overvoltages 25 23 OVERVOLTAGE, the exc...
overwatching 31 27 OVERWATCH, to watch...
overwatering 25 22 OVERWATER, to water...
overwearying 31 24 OVERWEARY, to weary...
overweathers 26 21 OVERWEATHER, (Shakes...
overweenings 24 23 OVERWEENING [n]
overweighing 29 26 OVERWEIGH, to exceed...
overweighted 28 24 OVERWEIGHT, to give...
overwhelming 30 28 crushing [adj OVERWH...
overwintered 24 21 OVERWINTER, to last...
overwithheld 31 25 OVERWITHHOLD, to wit...
overwithhold 31 25 to withhold excessiv...
overwrapping 30 28 OVERWRAP, to wrap ex...
overwresting 26 22 OVERWREST, to wrest...
overwrestled 26 21 OVERWRESTLE, (Spense...
overwrestles 26 20 OVERWRESTLE, (Spense...
ovipositions 24 20 OVIPOSITION, the act...
owlishnesses 26 19 OWLISHNESS, the qual...
oxalacetates 28 23 OXALACETATE, a salt...
oxaloacetate 27 23 a salt or ester of o...
oxidimetries 28 23 OXIDIMETRY, a branch...
oxidisations 26 21 OXIDISATION, the act...
oxidizations 29 30 OXIDIZATION, the act...
oxyacetylene 40 28 a mixture of oxygen...
oxycephalies 40 30 OXYCEPHALY, the cond...
oxycephalous 40 31 having a conical sku...
oxygenations 31 25 OXYGENATION, the act...
oxyhydrogens 41 29 OXYHYDROGEN, a mixtu...
oxysulphides 39 29 OXYSULPHIDE, a compo...
ozonisations 21 23 OZONISATION, the act...
ozonizations 24 32 OZONIZATION, the act...
ozonospheres 25 27 OZONOSPHERE, the ozo...