12 letter words that starts with q

12 letter words that start with Q

12 letter Q word


Word With Friends


quacksalvers 36 34 QUACKSALVER, (archai...
quacksalving 37 37 (obsolete) like a qu...
quadrangular 30 28 like a quadrangle [a...
quadraphonic 35 32 of, relating to, or...
quadraplegia 32 29 paralysis of both ar...
quadraplegic 36 32 one suffering from q...
quadrasonics 31 27 a system of sound re...
quadratrices 32 26 QUADRATRIX, a curve...
quadratrixes 35 30 QUADRATRIX, a curve...
quadrennials 28 26 QUADRENNIAL, an even...
quadrenniums 29 29 QUADRENNIUM, (Latin)...
quadricepses 34 29 QUADRICEPS, the grea...
quadriennial 28 26 taking place every f...
quadriennium 29 29 (Latin) a period of...
quadrillions 31 26 QUADRILLION, a thous...
quadrinomial 30 28 an expression of fou...
quadriphonic 36 32 of, relating to, or...
quadriplegia 33 29 paralysis of both ar...
quadriplegic 37 32 relating to quadripl...
quadrisected 32 27 QUADRISECT, to divid...
quadrivalent 31 29 a quadrivalent chrom...
quadrophonic 35 32 of, relating to, or...
quadrumanous 29 29 of apes, etc., with...
quadruplexed 38 36 QUADRUPLEX, to make...
quadruplexes 38 35 QUADRUPLEX, to make...
quaestionary 33 25 (Scott) a religious...
quaestorship 33 27 the office of quaest...
quaestuaries 28 23 QUAESTUARY [n]
quagginesses 30 27 QUAGGINESS, the stat...
quaintnesses 27 24 QUAINTNESS, the stat...
qualificator 35 29 one who prepares ecc...
qualmishness 33 29 the state of being q...
quantifiable 33 30 capable of being qua...
quantisation 27 24 the act of quantisin...
quantitating 29 26 QUANTITATE, to make...
quantitation 27 24 the act of quantitat...
quantitative 30 27 estimable according...
quantitively 38 30 QUANTITIVE, estimabl...
quantivalent 30 29 relating to quantiva...
quantization 30 33 the act of quantizin...
quantometers 28 26 QUANTOMETER, (traden...
quaquaversal 39 37 sloping downward fro...
quarantining 28 27 QUARANTINE, to detai...
quarrellings 32 27 QUARRELLING, the act...
quarringtons 29 26 QUARRINGTON, a kind...
quarrymaster 36 27 one in charge of a q...
quarterbacks 35 32 QUARTERBACK, to dire...
quarterdecks 33 30 QUARTERDECK, part of...
quarterfinal 31 27 the round before the...
quarterlight 34 27 a small triangular v...
quartersawed 31 26 QUARTERSAW, to saw (...
quarterstaff 33 28 a long wooden pole w...
quasicrystal 40 28 a body of solid mate...
quaternaries 27 23 QUATERNARY, a set of...
quaternities 28 23 QUATERNITY, fourness...
quattrocento 30 26 (Italian) the fiftee...
queasinesses 27 23 QUEASINESS, the stat...
quelquechose 42 38 (French) something [...
quenchlessly 42 32 QUENCHLESS, incapabl...
querimonious 29 27 complaining, querulo...
questionable 30 27 open to question [ad...
questionably 37 29 QUESTIONABLE, open t...
questionings 29 26 QUESTIONING, the act...
questionists 29 23 QUESTIONIST, a quest...
questionless 29 24 unquestioning; beyon...
questorships 34 27 QUESTORSHIP, the off...
quicksilvers 38 34 QUICKSILVER, an old...
quicksilvery 44 36 like quicksilver [ad...
quickstepped 38 36 QUICKSTEP [v]
quidditative 32 28 of the nature of a q...
quiescencies 34 29 QUIESCENCY, the stat...
quindecagons 31 30 QUINDECAGON, a geome...
quindecaplet 34 31 a group of fifteen [...
quinquenniad 35 36 a period of five yea...
quinquennial 36 36 lasting five years;...
quinquennium 37 39 a period of five yea...
quinqueremes 37 36 QUINQUEREME, an anci...
quintessence 30 27 the pure, concentrat...
quintillions 31 26 QUINTILLION, a thous...
quirkinesses 30 27 QUIRKINESS, the stat...
quislingisms 34 29 QUISLINGISM, being a...
quitclaiming 36 32 QUITCLAIM, to draw u...
quixotically 47 36 QUIXOTICAL, extravag...
quizzicality 47 46 the state of being q...
quizzinesses 35 41 QUIZZINESS, oddness...
quotableness 30 27 the state of being q...