12 letter words that starts with w

12 letter words that start with W

12 letter W word


Word With Friends


wagelessness 24 19 the state of being w...
wagonwrights 31 25 WAGONWRIGHT, one who...
wainscotings 27 22 WAINSCOTING, oak pan...
wainscotting 27 22 oak panelling, also...
waistcoateer 25 18 (obsolete) a strumpe...
waistcoating 27 21 material for men's w...
waitressings 25 18 WAITRESSING, working...
wakeboarders 25 23 WAKEBOARDER, one who...
wakeboarding 26 26 a sport similar to w...
waldgravines 27 24 WALDGRAVINE, (German...
waldsterbens 26 21 WALDSTERBEN, (German...
walkingstick 32 30 a stick used for wal...
wallclimbers 34 27 WALLCLIMBER, a glass...
wallcovering 31 27 a covering for a wal...
wallpapering 30 26 WALLPAPER, to cover...
wallydraigle 34 23 (Scots) a feeble, im...
wamblinesses 27 23 WAMBLINESS, the stat...
wantonnesses 20 18 WANTONNESS, the stat...
wappenschaws 35 30 WAPPENSCHAW, (Scots)...
warchalkings 32 28 WARCHALKING, the act...
warehouseman 24 22 a person who manages...
warehousemen 24 22 WAREHOUSEMAN, a pers...
warehousings 26 21 WAREHOUSING, storage...
warmongering 25 24 the making of war [n...
warrantising 24 19 WARRANTISE, (archaic...
warrantizing 27 28 WARRANTIZE, to guara...
warrioresses 23 15 WARRIORESS, a female...
washingtonia 25 21 another name for the...
wastebaskets 26 22 WASTEBASKET, a baske...
wastefulness 26 21 the state of being w...
watchdogging 32 28 acting as a watchdog...
watchfulness 32 26 the state of being w...
watchglasses 31 23 WATCHGLASS, a small...
watchmakings 32 30 WATCHMAKING, the pro...
watchsprings 33 26 WATCHSPRING, the spr...
watercolours 27 20 WATERCOLOUR, a pigme...
watercoolers 26 19 WATERCOOLER, a devic...
watercourses 26 19 WATERCOURSE, a natur...
watercresses 26 18 WATERCRESS, any of s...
waterfinders 25 20 WATERFINDER, one who...
waterflooded 25 21 WATERFLOOD, to injec...
waterfowlers 29 22 WATERFOWLER, one who...
waterfowling 30 25 the sport of shootin...
waterglasses 25 18 WATERGLASS, a water...
waterinesses 22 16 WATERINESS, the stat...
waterishness 25 18 the state of being w...
waterlogging 27 23 saturation with wate...
watermanship 28 24 the business, skill,...
watermarking 26 25 WATERMARK, to mark w...
waterproofed 26 22 WATERPROOF, to make...
waterproofer 26 21 one who waterproofs...
waterskiings 26 22 WATERSKIING, the spo...
waveringness 25 23 the state of being w...
weaklinesses 24 21 WEAKLINESS, the stat...
weaponeering 23 22 the act of fitting o...
wearifulness 26 21 the state of being w...
weatherboard 26 21 a board shaped so as...
weathercasts 28 20 WEATHERCAST, a weath...
weathercloth 31 23 a protecting tarpaul...
weathercocks 32 27 WEATHERCOCK, a weath...
weathergirls 28 20 WEATHERGIRL, a girl...
weatherglass 27 20 a glass or instrumen...
weatherising 26 20 WEATHERISE, to make...
weatherizing 29 29 WEATHERIZE, to make...
weatherproof 28 23 proof against the we...
weatherwoman 27 24 a woman who delivers...
weatherwomen 27 24 WEATHERWOMAN, a woma...
webliography 38 28 a list of items publ...
weighbridges 31 25 WEIGHBRIDGE, a machi...
weightlessly 36 23 WEIGHTLESS, having l...
weightlifter 31 23 one who practises th...
weisenheimer 25 21 (US) a smart aleck,...
wellingtonia 25 21 a tree of the genus...
welterweight 31 23 a weight division in...
welwitschias 34 24 WELWITSCHIA, a plant...
wensleydales 30 21 WENSLEYDALE, a kind...
werewolfisms 31 25 WEREWOLFISM, the sta...
westerliness 24 17 the state of being w...
westernising 24 19 WESTERNISE, to make...
westernizing 27 28 WESTERNIZE, to make...
wharfmasters 29 23 WHARFMASTER, one who...
whataboutery 33 23 (of two communities...
whatsernames 25 21 WHATSERNAME, a girl...
whatshername 27 23 a designation for a...
whatshisname 28 23 a designation for a...
whatsisnames 26 21 WHATSISNAME, a man w...
whatsitsname 26 21 a designation for a...
wheatgrasses 26 19 WHEATGRASS, a young...
wheelbarrows 31 24 WHEELBARROW, a barro...
wheelwrights 34 25 WHEELWRIGHT, a maker...
wheezinesses 27 27 WHEEZINESS, the stat...
whencesoever 28 25 from whatsoever plac...
whereagainst 25 20 (archaic) against wh...
wherethrough 31 24 (archaic) through wh...
wherewithals 32 23 WHEREWITHAL, the mea...
whiffletrees 31 24 WHIFFLETREE, the cro...
whigmaleerie 28 23 (Scots) a trinket or...
whillywhaing 41 29 WHILLYWHA, (Scots) t...
whillywhawed 43 30 WHILLYWHAW, (Scots)...
whimperingly 38 29 WHIMPERING [adv]
whimsicality 39 26 the state of being w...
whimsinesses 27 21 WHIMSINESS, the stat...
whippinesses 30 24 WHIPPINESS, the stat...
whippletrees 31 24 WHIPPLETREE, the cro...
whippoorwill 36 28 a species of nightja...
whipstalling 32 25 WHIPSTALL, of an air...
whipstitched 35 26 WHIPSTITCH, to sew w...
whipstitches 35 25 WHIPSTITCH, a small...
whiskerandos 26 23 WHISKERANDO, a whisk...
whisperingly 37 26 WHISPERING, speaking...
whisperously 36 24 in a whisper [adv]
whiteboyisms 36 25 WHITEBOYISM, the pri...
whitelisting 29 21 WHITELIST, to place...
whitethroats 28 19 WHITETHROAT, any of...
whitewashers 31 22 WHITEWASHER, one who...
whitewashing 32 25 the act of coating w...
whitherwards 32 23 toward what or which...
whitleathers 29 20 WHITLEATHER, leather...
whodunitries 26 20 WHODUNITRY, the genr...
wholehearted 27 21 completely and since...
wholesalings 28 22 WHOLESALING, the act...
whoremasters 26 20 WHOREMASTER, (archai...
whoremastery 32 22 the keeping of whore...
whoremongers 26 23 WHOREMONGER, a man c...
whoremongery 32 25 the business of a wh...
whortleberry 35 23 a widely spread heat...
wickednesses 27 24 WICKEDNESS, the stat...
wicketkeeper 30 29 the fieldsman who st...
widowerhoods 28 22 WIDOWERHOOD, the fac...
wieldinesses 24 18 WIELDINESS, manageab...
wienerwursts 27 20 WIENERWURST, (German...
wifelinesses 26 20 WIFELINESS, the stat...
wildcattings 30 23 WILDCATTING, the pra...
wildernesses 24 18 WILDERNESS, a tract...
wildfowlings 33 27 WILDFOWLING, the spo...
wilfulnesses 28 22 WILFULNESS, the stat...
williewaught 33 25 (Scots) a deep draug...
windbreakers 26 24 WINDBREAKER, (traden...
windcheaters 28 22 WINDCHEATER, a windp...
windjammings 29 35 WINDJAMMING, sailing...
windlessness 24 19 the state of being w...
windlestraes 24 18 WINDLESTRAE, (Scots)...
windlestraws 28 21 WINDLESTRAW, anythin...
windproofing 28 26 WINDPROOF, to make a...
windsurfings 28 24 WINDSURFING, the spo...
winebibbings 31 28 WINEBIBBING, drinkin...
wineglassful 29 24 the contents of a wi...
winegrowings 28 24 WINEGROWING, the gro...
winglessness 25 20 the state of being w...
winterbourne 24 21 an intermittent spri...
wintergreens 23 19 WINTERGREEN, any of...
winterkilled 27 23 WINTERKILL, to kill...
winterliness 24 18 the state of being w...
winterweight 30 23 of clothes, suitable...
wintrinesses 23 17 WINTRINESS, the stat...
wiredrawings 28 22 WIREDRAWING, drawing...
wirepullings 30 24 WIREPULLING, the use...
wiretappings 29 24 WIRETAPPING, the act...
wireworkings 29 25 WIREWORKING, working...
wisecrackers 31 25 WISECRACKER, one who...
wisecracking 32 28 WISECRACK, to make a...
wisenheimers 26 21 WISENHEIMER, a smart...
witchgrasses 31 22 WITCHGRASS, a North...
witenagemote 23 21 an early English nat...
witenagemots 24 21 WITENAGEMOT, an earl...
withdrawable 32 25 capable of being wit...
withdrawment 30 25 the act of withdrawi...
witheredness 25 19 the state of being w...
withholdment 30 25 the act of withholdi...
withoutdoors 26 19 outdoors [adv]
withstanders 26 19 WITHSTANDER, one who...
withstanding 27 22 WITHSTAND, to resist...
witwantoning 26 23 WITWANTON, to engage...
wobblinesses 28 23 WOBBLINESS, the stat...
woefulnesses 25 21 WOEFULNESS, the stat...
wollastonite 24 18 a metasilicate of ca...
womanishness 25 22 the state of being w...
wondermonger 23 23 one who promises mir...
wonderstruck 28 25 struck with wonder [...
wondrousness 22 19 the state of being w...
wontednesses 21 18 WONTEDNESS, the stat...
woodburytype 40 27 a photomechanical pr...
woodcarvings 29 26 WOODCARVING, the art...
woodchoppers 32 27 WOODCHOPPER, one eng...
woodcuttings 28 23 WOODCUTTING, the act...
woodenheaded 22 21 WOODENHEAD [v]
woodennesses 20 18 WOODENNESS, the stat...
woodlessness 23 18 the state of being w...
woodshedding 26 23 spontaneous or impro...
woodswallows 31 24 WOODSWALLOW, any of...
woodthrushes 28 21 WOODTHRUSH, an Ameri...
woodworkings 28 26 WOODWORKING, the pro...
woolgatherer 26 20 one who woolgathers...
woolgrowings 29 24 WOOLGROWING, keeping...
woollinesses 24 18 WOOLLINESS, the stat...
wordlessness 24 18 the state of being w...
wordsearches 28 21 WORDSEARCH, a type o...
wordsmithery 34 23 the craft of the wor...
workableness 26 24 the state of being w...
workaholisms 29 25 WORKAHOLISM, excessi...
workingwoman 28 29 a workwoman [n WORKI...
workingwomen 28 29 WORKINGWOMAN, a work...
worklessness 25 21 the state of being w...
workmanships 30 28 WORKMANSHIP, the ski...
workmistress 27 22 an expert (female) w...
workshopping 32 30 WORKSHOP, to hold a...
workstations 24 20 WORKSTATION, an area...
workwatchers 33 27 WORKWATCHER, in hors...
worshipfully 40 28 WORSHIPFUL, entitled...
worthinesses 25 18 WORTHINESS, the stat...
wranglership 30 24 the office of wrangl...
wrathfulness 29 23 the state of being w...
wrathinesses 25 18 WRATHINESS, the stat...
wreckmasters 29 25 WRECKMASTER, a perso...
wretchedness 28 22 the state of being w...
wristwatches 33 23 WRISTWATCH, a small...
wrongfulness 27 24 the state of being w...
wunderkinder 24 24 WUNDERKIND [v]