12 letter words that starts with g

12 letter words that start with G

12 letter G word


Word With Friends


gaberlunzies 27 29 GABERLUNZIE, (Scots)...
gadzookeries 24 28 GADZOOKERY, the use...
gainlessness 21 17 the state of being g...
gainlinesses 21 17 GAINLINESS, the stat...
gainsharings 24 20 GAINSHARING, a syste...
gainstriving 25 22 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
galactagogue 26 23 a medicine that prom...
galactometer 25 21 an instrument for me...
galactometry 32 23 the measurement of t...
galactorrhea 26 20 a too abundant flow...
galactosemia 25 21 the presence of gala...
galactosemic 29 24 relating to galactos...
galactosides 25 19 GALACTOSIDE, a glyco...
galantamines 21 20 GALANTAMINE, a compo...
galimatiases 23 18 GALIMATIAS, nonsensi...
gallbladders 27 22 GALLBLADDER, a membr...
gallerygoers 30 20 GALLERYGOER, one who...
galliardises 24 17 GALLIARDISE, (archai...
galligaskins 26 23 wide hose or breeche...
gallinaceans 24 21 GALLINACEAN, any gal...
gallinaceous 25 21 of or resembling phe...
gallinippers 28 23 GALLINIPPER, a large...
gallivanting 26 24 GALLIVANT, to roam a...
galloglasses 25 19 GALLOGLASS, (Irish)...
gallsickness 28 24 a tick-borne disease...
gallygaskins 32 25 wide hose or breeche...
galravitched 30 25 GALRAVITCH, (Scots)...
galravitches 30 24 GALRAVITCH, (Scots)...
galvanically 35 27 GALVANICAL, pertaini...
galvanometer 23 23 an instrument for me...
galvanometry 30 25 the measurement of e...
galvanoscope 27 26 an instrument for de...
galvanoscopy 34 28 the use of a galvano...
gamebreakers 24 24 GAMEBREAKER, a term...
gamekeepings 25 27 GAMEKEEPING, the job...
gamesmanship 27 26 the art or practice...
gamesomeness 21 21 the state of being g...
gametogenies 21 20 GAMETOGENY, the form...
gametogenous 21 21 relating to gametoge...
gametophores 25 22 GAMETOPHORE, the par...
gametophoric 29 25 of or like a gametop...
gametophytes 32 24 GAMETOPHYTE, the hap...
gametophytic 36 27 of or like a gametop...
gamification 27 24 the process of addin...
gammerstangs 24 23 GAMMERSTANG, (dialec...
gamopetalous 24 22 petals partially fus...
gamophyllous 35 27 with perianth leaves...
gamosepalous 24 22 with sepals partly u...
gamotropisms 26 23 GAMOTROPISM, the ten...
gangbustings 26 24 GANGBUSTING, breakin...
ganglionated 21 20 having a ganglion or...
gangliosides 23 19 GANGLIOSIDE, any of...
gangshagging 27 26 GANGSHAG, to carry o...
gangsterdoms 23 21 GANGSTERDOM, the wor...
gangsterisms 24 20 GANGSTERISM, the eth...
gangsterland 22 20 the world of gangste...
gaolbreaking 25 25 GAOLBREAK, to break...
garbologists 26 20 GARBOLOGIST, a perso...
garishnesses 23 17 GARISHNESS, the qual...
garnisheeing 23 20 GARNISHEE, to make s...
garnishments 24 21 GARNISHMENT, garnish...
gashlinesses 24 18 GASHLINESS, ghastlin...
gasification 26 21 conversion into gas...
gasometrical 26 21 relating to the meas...
gastightness 25 19 the state of being g...
gastrocnemii 25 21 GASTROCNEMIUS, the m...
gastrologers 23 17 GASTROLOGER, a conno...
gastrologies 23 17 GASTROLOGY, good eat...
gastrologist 24 17 a student of gastrol...
gastronomers 21 18 GASTRONOMER, a conno...
gastronomics 25 21 the style of cooking...
gastronomies 21 18 GASTRONOMY, the stud...
gastronomist 22 18 one versed in gastro...
gastropodans 22 19 GASTROPODAN, a gastr...
gastropodous 23 19 like a gastropod [ad...
gastroscopes 26 20 GASTROSCOPE, an inst...
gastroscopic 30 23 relating to the gast...
gastrosopher 25 19 GASTROSOPH [v]
gastrotomies 22 17 GASTROTOMY, a cuttin...
gastrotrichs 28 19 GASTROTRICH, any min...
gastrulating 24 19 GASTRULATE, to form...
gastrulation 22 17 the formation of a g...
gatecrashers 26 19 GATECRASHER [n]
gatecrashing 27 22 GATECRASH, to attend...
gatekeepings 24 24 GATEKEEPING, the pra...
gauchenesses 25 21 GAUCHENESS, the qual...
gazetteering 24 26 GAZETTEER, to mentio...
gazetteerish 26 25 appropriate to a gaz...
geanticlinal 25 21 of or like a geantic...
geanticlines 24 20 GEANTICLINE, a large...
gegenscheins 26 23 GEGENSCHEIN, (German...
gelatinating 22 19 GELATINATE, to conve...
gelatination 20 17 conversion into gela...
gelatinisers 22 16 GELATINISER, a gelat...
gelatinising 23 19 GELATINISE, to make...
gelatinizers 25 25 GELATINIZER, a gelat...
gelatinizing 26 28 GELATINIZE, to conve...
gelatinously 29 20 GELATINOUS, of a sli...
gelliflowres 30 23 GELLIFLOWRE, (Spense...
gelseminines 22 20 GELSEMININE, an alka...
gemeinschaft 29 26 (German) a spontaneo...
gemfibrozils 32 33 GEMFIBROZIL, a drug...
gemmological 29 27 related to gemmology...
gemmologists 26 23 GEMMOLOGIST, a stude...
gemmulations 24 23 GEMMULATION, formati...
gendarmeries 21 19 GENDARMERIE, (French...
genealogical 25 22 relating to genealog...
genealogised 21 19 GENEALOGISE, to inve...
genealogises 21 18 GENEALOGISE, to inve...
genealogists 22 18 GENEALOGIST, a perso...
genealogized 24 28 GENEALOGIZE, to inve...
genealogizes 24 27 GENEALOGIZE, to inve...
genecologies 24 21 GENECOLOGY, the stud...
generalisers 21 16 GENERALISER, one who...
generalising 22 19 GENERALISE, to make...
generalities 21 16 GENERALITY, the stat...
generalizers 24 25 GENERALIZER, one who...
generalizing 25 28 GENERALIZE, to give...
generalships 26 21 GENERALSHIP, the off...
generational 19 17 relating to generati...
generatrices 23 18 GENERATRIX, a line,...
generosities 20 15 GENEROSITY, the qual...
generousness 19 17 the state of being g...
genethliacal 27 22 (obsolete) pertainin...
genethliacon 25 22 a birthday ode [n -S...
genialnesses 20 17 GENIALNESS, the qual...
geniculately 32 23 GENICULATE, jointed...
geniculating 26 23 GENICULATE, to form...
geniculation 24 21 being jointed, like...
genocidaires 23 19 GENOCIDAIRE, a perso...
genotypicity 39 25 the state of being g...
genouilleres 22 18 GENOUILLERE, (French...
genteelising 22 19 GENTEELISE, to make...
genteelizing 25 28 GENTEELIZE, to make...
gentianellas 21 18 GENTIANELLA, a name...
gentilitious 23 17 relating to a gens,...
gentlenesses 20 17 GENTLENESSE, (archai...
gentleperson 22 20 a gentleman or lady...
genuflecting 28 26 GENUFLECT, to bend t...
genuflection 26 24 the act of bending t...
genuflectors 27 23 GENUFLECTOR, one who...
genuflexions 29 28 GENUFLEXION, the ben...
geobotanical 25 22 relating to geobotan...
geobotanists 22 18 GEOBOTANIST, a stude...
geocentrical 27 22 having the earth for...
geochemistry 34 24 the study of the che...
geodetically 32 22 GEODETICAL, of or pe...
geodynamical 31 25 related to geodynami...
geognostical 25 21 relating to geognosy...
geographical 30 25 of or relating to ge...
geohydrology 37 24 a science that deals...
geologically 34 24 GEOLOGICAL, relating...
geomagnetism 23 23 the state of being g...
geomagnetist 22 20 a student of geomagn...
geomechanics 29 26 the study and applic...
geomedicines 24 22 GEOMEDICINE, the stu...
geometrician 24 21 a geometer [n -S]
geometrising 23 20 GEOMETRISE, to work...
geometrizing 26 29 GEOMETRIZE, to work...
geophysicist 36 24 a student of geophys...
geopolitical 28 22 relating to geopolit...
geopressured 23 19 subjected to great p...
geoscientist 24 18 a student of geoscie...
geostrategic 25 19 related to geostrate...
geosynclinal 31 23 of or like a geosync...
geosynclines 30 22 GEOSYNCLINE, a downw...
geotechnical 29 24 relating to geotechn...
geotectonics 26 21 GEOTECTONIC [n]
geothermally 32 23 GEOTHERMAL, relating...
geraniaceous 22 19 belonging to the Ger...
geratologies 22 17 GERATOLOGY, the bran...
geratologist 23 17 a student of geratol...
geriatrician 24 18 a specialist in geri...
germinations 21 19 GERMINATION, the pro...
gerontocracy 32 23 government by the ag...
gerontocrats 23 18 GERONTOCRAT, a membe...
gerontologic 25 21 relating to gerontol...
gerontophile 25 21 a person who experie...
gerontophils 26 21 GERONTOPHIL, a perso...
gerontophobe 25 23 one with a morbid fe...
gerrymanders 28 21 GERRYMANDER, to rear...
gesellschaft 31 24 (German) a rationall...
gesticulated 26 20 GESTICULATE, to make...
gesticulates 26 19 GESTICULATE, to make...
gesticulator 26 19 one who gesticulates...
ghostwriters 28 19 GHOSTWRITER, one who...
ghostwriting 29 22 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
ghostwritten 27 20 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
ghoulishness 27 21 the state of being g...
gibberellins 28 23 GIBBERELLIN, any of...
giftednesses 23 19 GIFTEDNESS, the stat...
giftwrapping 33 29 GIFTWRAP, to wrap wi...
gigantically 34 24 GIGANTIC, huge, also...
giganticides 26 21 GIGANTICIDE, the kil...
giganticness 25 21 the state of being g...
gigantomachy 34 27 a war of giants esp....
gilliflowers 31 23 GILLIFLOWER, a carna...
gillravaging 28 25 GILLRAVAGE, (Scots)...
gillyflowers 37 25 GILLYFLOWER, a carna...
gilravitched 31 25 GILRAVITCH, (Scots)...
gilravitches 31 24 GILRAVITCH, (Scots)...
gingerbreads 24 21 GINGERBREAD, a cake...
gingerbready 30 23 like gingerbread [ad...
gingerliness 23 19 the state of being g...
gingivectomy 35 29 a surgical incision...
gingivitises 26 21 GINGIVITIS, inflamma...
girdlescones 25 20 GIRDLESCONE, a kind...
girdlesteads 23 17 GIRDLESTEAD, (obsole...
glabrousness 24 20 the state of being g...
glaciologies 27 21 GLACIOLOGY, the stud...
glaciologist 28 21 a person who studies...
gladiatorial 23 17 of or like a gladiat...
gladiatorian 21 17 (obsolete) of or lik...
gladsomeness 22 20 (archaic) the state...
gladwrapping 31 28 GLADWRAP, to cover w...
glairinesses 22 16 GLAIRINESS, the stat...
glamourising 25 22 GLAMOURISE, to make...
glamourizing 28 31 GLAMOURIZE, to make...
glamourously 31 23 GLAMOUROUS, having g...
glandiferous 24 21 bearing acorns or nu...
glandulously 31 23 GLANDULOUS, containi...
glassblowers 29 22 GLASSBLOWER, one who...
glassblowing 30 25 a process used in ma...
glasscutters 27 19 GLASSCUTTER, a small...
glassinesses 22 16 GLASSINESS, the stat...
glassmakings 26 25 GLASSMAKING, the act...
glasspapered 26 22 GLASSPAPER, to sand...
glassworkers 27 22 GLASSWORKER [n]
glassyheaded 30 21 (Tennyson) with a sh...
glaucescence 30 26 the state of being g...
glaucomatous 26 23 affected by glaucoma...
glaucousness 25 21 the state of being g...
glimmeringly 34 27 GLIMMERING, shining...
glioblastoma 26 22 a malignant tumour o...
glisteningly 31 22 GLISTENING [adv]
glisteringly 32 21 GLISTERING [adv]
glitteringly 32 21 GLITTERING [adv]
glitzinesses 26 25 GLITZINESS, the qual...
globeflowers 30 25 GLOBEFLOWER, a plant...
globetrotted 24 19 GLOBETROT, to travel...
globetrotter 24 18 one who travels the...
globigerinae 24 21 GLOBIGERINA, a minut...
globigerinas 25 21 GLOBIGERINA, a minut...
globularness 25 21 the state of being g...
glockenspiel 29 27 (German) a musical i...
glomerations 22 19 GLOMERATION, the act...
gloominesses 22 19 GLOOMINESS, the stat...
gloriousness 22 17 the state of being g...
glossarially 31 19 GLOSSARIAL, of or pe...
glossematics 27 21 the study of glossem...
glossinesses 22 16 GLOSSINESS, the stat...
glossodynias 28 19 GLOSSODYNIA, pain in...
glossography 34 24 the compilation of g...
glossolalias 24 17 GLOSSOLALIA, speakin...
glossolalist 25 17 one who studies glos...
glossologies 24 18 GLOSSOLOGY, (obsolet...
glossologist 25 18 a student of glossol...
glottologies 24 18 GLOTTOLOGY, the scie...
glucokinases 26 24 GLUCOKINASE, a hexok...
glucoprotein 27 23 any of the compounds...
glucosamines 26 23 GLUCOSAMINE, an amin...
glucosidases 26 20 GLUCOSIDASE, an enzy...
glucuronides 26 22 GLUCURONIDE, any of...
glutaminases 23 20 GLUTAMINASE, an enzy...
glutathiones 24 19 GLUTATHIONE, an anti...
glutethimide 27 22 a sedative drug with...
gluttonising 24 20 GLUTTONISE, to eat t...
gluttonizing 27 29 GLUTTONIZE, to eat t...
gluttonously 30 21 GLUTTONOUS, marked b...
glycerinated 31 22 GLYCERINATE, to trea...
glycerinates 31 21 GLYCERINATE, to trea...
glycogeneses 31 23 GLYCOGENESIS, the sy...
glycogenesis 32 23 the synthesis of gly...
glycogenetic 35 26 of or containing gly...
glycopeptide 36 27 any of the compounds...
glycoprotein 33 24 any of the compounds...
glycosidases 32 21 GLYCOSIDASE, an enzy...
glycosylated 39 24 GLYCOSYLATE, to atta...
glycosylates 39 23 GLYCOSYLATE, to atta...
glyphographs 39 29 GLYPHOGRAPH, a plate...
glyphography 45 31 a process of taking...
glyptography 43 29 the art of engraving...
glyptothecae 35 25 GLYPTOTHECA, a place...
gnatcatchers 29 23 GNATCATCHER, any of...
gnathostomes 23 20 GNATHOSTOME, any ver...
gnomonically 32 26 GNOMONICAL, of or pe...
gnoseologies 21 18 GNOSEOLOGY, the phil...
gnosiologies 22 18 GNOSIOLOGY, the phil...
gnotobiology 30 23 the study of life in...
gnotobiotics 26 21 GNOTOBIOTIC [n]
goalkeepings 25 25 GOALKEEPING, the act...
goalkickings 29 29 GOALKICKING, the kic...
goaltendings 22 20 GOALTENDING, the act...
gobbledegook 27 28 unintelligible offic...
gobbledygook 34 30 unintelligible offic...
goddamnedest 21 21 GODDAMNED [adj]
goddaughters 25 21 GODDAUGHTER, a femal...
goddesshoods 23 19 GODDESSHOOD, the sta...
godfathering 26 23 GODFATHER, to be a g...
godmothering 25 23 GODMOTHER, to act as...
goldbricking 31 29 GOLDBRICK, to shirk...
goldennesses 20 18 GOLDENNESS, the stat...
goldilockses 28 24 GOLDILOCKS, a specie...
goldsmithery 33 23 the craft of a golds...
goliarderies 22 16 GOLIARDERY, the sati...
goliathising 26 20 GOLIATHISE, to play...
goliathizing 29 29 GOLIATHIZE, to play...
gonadotropic 25 22 stimulating the gona...
gonadotropin 21 20 a gonadotropic hormo...
gonfaloniers 22 20 GONFALONIER, a perso...
goniatitoids 21 16 GONIATITOID, a fossi...
gonimoblasts 25 22 GONIMOBLAST, in the...
goniometries 21 18 GONIOMETRY, the art...
goodlinesses 21 17 GOODLINESS, beauty o...
googlewhacks 32 29 GOOGLEWHACK, an Inte...
googolplexes 31 28 GOOGOLPLEX, the figu...
gooseberries 22 17 GOOSEBERRY, the smal...
goosefleshes 25 20 GOOSEFLESH, a knobbl...
goosegrasses 21 16 GOOSEGRASS, a Eurasi...
gorgeousness 21 18 the state of being g...
gorillagrams 26 21 GORILLAGRAM, a greet...
gormandisers 22 19 GORMANDISER, one who...
gormandising 23 22 indulging in food to...
gormandizers 25 28 GORMANDIZER, one who...
gormandizing 26 31 indulging in food to...
gospellising 27 22 GOSPELLISE, to evang...
gospellizing 30 31 GOSPELLIZE, to evang...
gossipmonger 25 23 one who spreads goss...
gourdinesses 21 17 GOURDINESS, the stat...
gourmandised 22 21 GOURMANDISE, to indu...
gourmandises 22 20 GOURMANDISE, to indu...
gourmandisms 24 23 GOURMANDISM, the sta...
gourmandized 25 30 GOURMANDIZE, to indu...
gourmandizes 25 29 GOURMANDIZE, to indu...
gouvernantes 21 21 GOUVERNANTE, (archai...
governessing 23 22 GOVERNESS, to act as...
governmental 23 24 relating to governme...
governorates 21 19 GOVERNORATE, the off...
governorship 27 24 the office of govern...
gracefullest 29 23 GRACEFUL, having bea...
gracefulness 27 23 the state of being g...
graciosities 25 17 GRACIOSITY, gracious...
graciousness 24 19 the state of being g...
gradableness 23 20 the state of being g...
gradiometers 22 18 GRADIOMETER, an inst...
gradualistic 27 20 relating to graduali...
gradualities 23 17 GRADUALITY, the stat...
graduateship 26 21 the state of being a...
graininesses 20 16 GRAININESS, the stat...
grallatorial 24 17 relating to wading b...
graminaceous 24 22 grasslike; pertainin...
grammalogues 25 24 GRAMMALOGUE, a word...
grammaticise 27 23 to make grammatical,...
grammaticism 29 26 a point of grammar [...
grammaticize 30 32 to make grammatical,...
grammatology 31 25 the study of systems...
gramophonies 25 23 GRAMOPHONY, (obsolet...
gramophonist 26 23 one who plays a gram...
granddaddies 21 19 GRANDDADDY, a grandf...
grandeeships 25 21 GRANDEESHIP, the sta...
grandfathers 25 21 GRANDFATHER, the fat...
grandifloras 24 20 GRANDIFLORA, a large...
grandmasters 22 19 GRANDMASTER, a high-...
grandmothers 24 21 GRANDMOTHER, the mot...
grandnephews 27 25 GRANDNEPHEW, a grand...
grandparents 22 20 GRANDPARENT, a paren...
grandstanded 20 19 GRANDSTAND, to show...
grandstander 20 18 GRANDSTAND, to show...
grangerisers 22 17 GRANGERISER, one who...
grangerising 23 20 GRANGERISE, to illus...
grangerizers 25 26 GRANGERIZER, one who...
grangerizing 26 29 GRANGERIZE, to illus...
granitewares 23 18 GRANITEWARE, goods m...
granodiorite 20 16 an igneous plutonic...
granolithics 28 21 GRANOLITHIC, a stone...
granulations 21 18 GRANULATION, the act...
granulocytes 31 22 GRANULOCYTE, a kind...
granulocytic 35 25 of or like a granulo...
graphicacies 32 25 GRAPHICACY, accurate...
graphitising 28 22 GRAPHITISE, to conve...
graphitizing 31 31 GRAPHITIZE, to conve...
graphologies 27 22 GRAPHOLOGY, the stud...
graphologist 28 22 a specialist in grap...
graphomanias 25 23 GRAPHOMANIA, an obse...
graphophobia 31 27 fear of writing [n -...
graspingness 24 21 the state of being g...
grassfinches 29 23 GRASSFINCH, an Austr...
grasshoppers 28 22 GRASSHOPPER, a name...
grassinesses 21 15 GRASSINESS, the stat...
gratefullest 26 20 GRATEFUL, deeply tha...
gratefulness 24 20 the state of being g...
gratifyingly 39 25 GRATIFYING [adv]
gratillities 25 16 GRATILLITY, (Shakesp...
gratuitously 30 19 GRATUITOUS, done fre...
gratulations 22 17 GRATULATION, congrat...
gravediggers 26 23 GRAVEDIGGER, one who...
graverobbers 27 24 GRAVEROBBER, one who...
gravidnesses 23 20 GRAVIDNESS, the stat...
gravimetries 25 21 GRAVIMETRY, the meas...
gravitations 23 19 GRAVITATION, the for...
gravitometer 24 21 an instrument for me...
greasebushes 25 20 GREASEBUSH, a name f...
greasepaints 22 18 GREASEPAINT, a melte...
greaseproofs 24 20 GREASEPROOF, paper p...
greasinesses 20 15 GREASINESS, the stat...
greathearted 22 17 characterized by bra...
grecianising 25 21 GRECIANISE, to confo...
grecianizing 28 30 GRECIANIZE, to confo...
greedinesses 20 16 GREEDINESS, the stat...
greenbackers 26 25 GREENBACKER, a membe...
greenbackism 28 28 the advocation of a...
greenbottles 23 19 GREENBOTTLE, a metal...
greenfinches 27 24 GREENFINCH, a common...
greengrocers 24 20 GREENGROCER, a retai...
greengrocery 30 22 fresh fruit and vege...
greenishness 22 18 the state of being g...
greenkeepers 22 22 GREENKEEPER, a perso...
greenlighted 25 21 GREENLIGHT, to give...
greenmailers 22 19 GREENMAILER, one who...
greenmailing 23 22 GREENMAIL, to buy a...
greenockites 24 22 GREENOCKITE, a rare...
greenskeeper 22 22 a person responsible...
greenwashing 26 23 GREENWASH, to cover...
gregarianism 23 20 gregariousness [n -S...
gregariously 30 20 GREGARIOUS, tending...
greisenising 22 18 GREISENISE, to conve...
greisenizing 25 27 GREISENIZE, to conve...
griddlebread 25 21 bread made on a grid...
griddlecakes 27 24 GRIDDLECAKE, a cake...
grievousness 23 20 the state of being g...
griseofulvin 27 24 an oral antibiotic u...
grislinesses 23 16 GRISLINESS, the stat...
grittinesses 22 15 GRITTINESS, the stat...
groatsworths 27 19 GROATSWORTH, (obsole...
grogginesses 23 19 GROGGINESS, the stat...
groovinesses 22 19 GROOVINESS, the stat...
grossieretes 21 14 GROSSIERETE, (French...
grossularite 23 16 a garnet containing...
grotesquerie 29 24 (French) grotesque o...
grottinesses 21 15 GROTTINESS, the stat...
groundbaited 23 21 GROUNDBAIT, to bait...
groundbursts 25 21 GROUNDBURST, the det...
groundfishes 26 22 GROUNDFISH, a marine...
groundlessly 30 21 GROUNDLESS, having n...
groundmasses 22 20 GROUNDMASS, the fine...
groundproxes 29 27 GROUNDPROX, an altit...
groundshared 23 20 GROUNDSHARE, to shar...
groundshares 23 19 GROUNDSHARE, to shar...
groundsheets 23 19 GROUNDSHEET, a water...
groundspeeds 23 21 GROUNDSPEED, the spe...
groundswells 27 22 GROUNDSWELL, a broad...
groundwaters 24 20 GROUNDWATER, water w...
groupuscules 29 24 GROUPUSCULE, a small...
grovellingly 34 26 GROVELLING [adv]
growlinesses 25 19 GROWLINESS, the stat...
grubbinesses 26 22 GRUBBINESS, the stat...
gruesomeness 21 19 the state of being g...
grumpinesses 25 22 GRUMPINESS, the stat...
grumpishness 28 24 the state of being g...
guanethidine 22 20 a drug used in the t...
guaranteeing 20 19 GUARANTEE, to give a...
guardianship 26 22 the office of guardi...
gubernacular 27 24 relating to the gube...
gubernaculum 29 28 in mammals, the cord...
gubernations 22 20 GUBERNATION, control...
guerillaisms 26 20 GUERILLAISM, the act...
guerrillaism 26 20 the activities of gu...
guerrilleros 24 17 GUERRILLERO, a guerr...
guesstimated 23 19 GUESSTIMATE, to esti...
guesstimates 23 18 GUESSTIMATE, to esti...
guestimating 24 21 GUESTIMATE, to make...
guilefulness 26 22 the state of being g...
guillotiners 24 18 GUILLOTINER, one who...
guillotining 25 21 GUILLOTINE, to behea...
guiltinesses 23 17 GUILTINESS, the stat...
guitarfishes 27 20 GUITARFISH, a kind o...
gunfightings 29 26 GUNFIGHTING, the act...
gunslingings 25 23 GUNSLINGING, the act...
gunsmithings 27 24 GUNSMITHING, the wor...
gurgitations 23 18 GURGITATION, surging...
gutterbloods 25 20 GUTTERBLOOD, (Scots)...
guttersnipes 24 19 GUTTERSNIPE, a membe...
gutturalised 24 18 GUTTURALISE, to make...
gutturalises 24 17 GUTTURALISE, to make...
gutturalisms 26 20 GUTTURALISM, the qua...
gutturalized 27 27 GUTTURALIZE, to make...
gutturalizes 27 26 GUTTURALIZE, to make...
gutturalness 23 18 the state of being g...
gymnasiarchs 34 25 GYMNASIARCH, the hea...
gymnosophies 32 25 GYMNOSOPHY, deep con...
gymnosophist 33 25 one of a sect of nak...
gynaecocracy 41 28 government by women,...
gynaecologic 34 26 relating to gynaecol...
gynaecomasts 30 23 GYNAECOMAST, a man s...
gynaecomasty 36 25 the abnormal enlarge...
gynecocratic 36 26 relating to gynecocr...
gynecologies 31 23 GYNECOLOGY, the stud...
gynecologist 32 23 a specialist in gyne...
gynecomastia 30 23 excessive developmen...
gyniolatries 28 18 GYNIOLATRY, deep res...
gynodioecism 31 24 the state of being g...
gyromagnetic 32 25 denoting the magneti...