Words with a letter C

Making words that contain C

Words beginning with C often form the start of common prefixes like "con-", "com-", or "co-". Exploiting these prefixes can help you create longer words.

The letter C often combines with other letters to form unique combinations like "ch", "cr", or "cl". These combinations can be valuable assets in forming words.

Place words with the letter C on double or triple letter score spaces to maximize your points. Even shorter words can become significant when played on premium squares.

Play strategic with the letter C

Look for opportunities to create words perpendicular to existing words on the board, allowing you to score points for both words simultaneously. Words with the letter C can often facilitate these parallel plays.

Think about how playing a word with the letter C can set you up for future plays or block your opponent's options. Placing your word strategically can give you a competitive edge.

If you're stuck, refer to Scrabble dictionaries or online word generators to find potential words with the letter C from your current tile rack.

Consider how playing a word with the letter C fits into your overall strategy for the game. Setting up future plays or denying your opponent key spots can be just as important as scoring points in the short term.

Get good with the letter C

Place your word with the letter C strategically on the board to maximize points by covering premium score tiles or setting up future plays.

Be cautious not to create openings for your opponent to exploit by playing a word with the letter C that inadvertently provides them with high-scoring opportunities.

Be open to rearranging your tiles or changing your strategy if a better opportunity presents itself during the game. Sometimes playing a seemingly low-scoring word with the letter C can set you up for a big play later.

Aim for a balanced mix of consonants and vowels in your words with the letter C to maintain flexibility for future plays and increase your chances of forming longer words in subsequent turns.

Win every game of Scrabble® & Words With Friends®.

5 letter words with C

5 letter C word


Words With Friends®


accas 14 11 ACCA, (Australian sl...
accoy 20 13 (Spenser) to subdue,...
acmic 16 14 relating to the high...
acock 15 15 in a cocked position...
bacca 16 14 a botanical name for...
bacco 16 14 (short for) tobacco,...
baccy 23 16 (colloquial) tobacco...
biccy 24 16 (slang) biscuit, als...
bocca 16 14 (Italian) a mouth [n...
bocce 16 14 an Italian bowling g...
bocci 17 14 an Italian bowling g...
caboc 16 14 (Scots) a double cre...
cacao 13 11 a small evergreen tr...
cacas 14 11 CACA, (slang) faeces...
cache 16 13 to store in a hiding...
cacks 16 15 CACK, faeces, rubbis...
cacky 22 17 of or like excrement...
cacti 15 11 CACTUS, a succulent...
caeca 13 11 CAECUM, a bodily cav...
casco 14 11 a Philippine cargo b...
catch 17 13 to capture after pur...
cecal 15 12 pertaining to a cecu...
cecum 16 15 a bodily cavity with...
cerci 15 11 CERCUS, a sensory ap...
ceric 15 11 containing cerium [a...
chace 16 13 (obsolete) to chase...
chack 18 17 to pinch or nip [v -...
chaco 16 13 (Hungarian) the hat...
check 18 17 to inspect [v -ED, -...
chica 17 13 an orange-red dyestu...
chich 20 15 the chickpea [n -ES]
chick 19 17 a young bird [n -S]
chico 17 13 an orange-red dyestu...
chics 18 13 CHIC, elegance [n]
chock 18 17 to secure with a blo...
choco 16 13 (Australian slang) i...
chocs 17 13 CHOC, (colloquial) a...
chuck 19 18 to chuck [v -ED, -IN...
cinch 17 14 to bind firmly with...
cinct 15 12 surrounded, encircle...
circa 15 11 (Latin) approximatel...
circs 16 11 (colloquial) circums...
cisco 15 11 a North American lak...
civic 18 15 pertaining to a city...
clach 18 14 to kill by stoning [...
clack 17 16 to make a noise of a...
cleck 17 16 (Scots) to hatch [v...
click 18 16 to make a short shar...
clock 17 16 to time with a stop-...
cluck 18 17 to make the sound of...
coach 16 13 to tutor or train [v...
coact 14 11 to act together [v -...
cocas 14 11 COCA, the dried leaf...
cocci 18 14 COCCUS, one of the s...
cocco 17 14 the taro or other ed...
cocks 16 15 COCK, to tilt to one...
cocky 22 17 an Australian farmer...
cocoa 13 11 the seed of the caca...
cocos 14 11 COCO, the taro or ot...
codec 14 12 a piece of software...
colic 16 12 severe abdominal pai...
comic 16 14 amusing, also COMICA...
conch 16 14 a marine mollusk [n...
conic 14 12 cone-shaped, conical...
cooch 16 13 a sinuous dance [n -...
cosec 14 11 a trigonometrical fu...
couch 17 14 to put into words [v...
crack 16 15 to break without div...
craic 15 11 (Irish) pleasant con...
crick 17 15 to cause a spasm in...
croci 15 11 CROCUS, an iridaceou...
crock 16 15 to break down, disab...
crocs 15 11 CROC, (short for) cr...
cruck 17 16 one of a pair of cur...
cubic 18 15 in the form of a cub...
culch 19 15 the flooring of an o...
cumec 16 15 a unit of liquid flo...
curch 18 14 (Scots) a covering f...
cusec 15 12 a unit of liquid flo...
cutch 18 14 a resin used in tann...
cwtch 21 16 (Welsh) to hide, to...
cycad 21 14 any member of an ord...
cycas 21 13 any member of an ord...
cycle 22 14 to ride a bicycle [v...
cyclo 22 14 a three wheeled moto...
cynic 21 14 someone who takes a...
ictic 16 11 relating to an ictus...
leccy 22 14 (colloquial) electri...
mecca 15 14 a place visited by m...
mucic 17 15 as in mucic acid, a...
occam 15 14 a computer programmi...
occur 15 12 to take place [v OCC...
piccy 24 16 (slang) a picture [n...
recce 14 11 to make a preliminar...
recco 14 11 (colloquial) a recon...
reccy 21 13 (colloquial) to reco...
secco 14 11 (Italian) painting o...
succi 16 12 SUCCUS, (Latin) juic...
ticca 15 11 (Hindi) hired [adj]
wicca 18 14 witchcraft [n -S]
yacca 20 13 (Australian slang) a...
yecch 23 15 something disgusting...
yucca 21 14 a Mexican plant of t...
yucch 24 16 an interjection expr...
zocco 17 20 (Italian) a plain fa...

6 letter words with C

6 letter C word


Words With Friends®


acacia 15 12 a genus of thorny le...
accede 15 13 to consent [v ACCEDE...
accend 15 14 (obsolete) to kindle...
accent 15 13 to pronounce with pr...
accept 18 15 to receive with favo...
access 16 12 approach, admittance...
accite 16 12 to cite; to summon [...
accloy 23 15 (Spenser) to injure...
accoil 17 13 a reception [n -S] /...
accord 16 13 to bring into agreem...
accost 16 12 to approach and spea...
accoys 22 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accrew 19 15 (Spenser) to accrue...
accrue 16 13 to accumulate, also...
accuse 16 13 to bring a charge ag...
acetic 16 12 pertaining to vinega...
acidic 17 13 sour, acid [adj ACID...
acinic 16 13 relating to a sackli...
alcaic 17 13 a type of verse form...
anicca 15 13 (Sanskrit) the belie...
arcsec 16 12 an angular measure,...
arctic 17 12 relating to the nort...
baccae 17 15 BACCA, a botanical n...
baccas 18 15 BACCA, a botanical n...
baccos 18 15 BACCO, (short for) t...
boccas 18 15 BOCCA, (Italian) a m...
bocces 18 15 BOCCE, an Italian bo...
boccia 18 15 an Italian bowling g...
boccie 18 15 an Italian bowling g...
boccis 19 15 BOCCI, an Italian bo...
buccal 20 17 pertaining to the ch...
cabocs 18 15 CABOC, (Scots) a dou...
cacaos 15 12 CACAO, a small everg...
cached 18 15 CACHE, to store in a...
caches 18 14 CACHE, to store in a...
cachet 18 14 to print a design on...
cachou 18 15 a resin used in tann...
cacked 17 17 CACK, to defecate [v...
cackle 18 17 to make the sound of...
cacoon 14 13 the large seed of a...
cactus 17 13 a succulent plant of...
cadmic 18 16 relating to cadmium...
caduac 16 14 (obsolete) an incide...
caecal 16 13 pertaining to the ca...
caecum 17 16 a bodily cavity with...
caimac 17 15 (Turkish) a Turkish...
calcar 17 13 (Latin) a spur-like...
calced 17 14 wearing shoes, esp....
calces 17 13 CALX, a mineral resi...
calcic 21 16 pertaining to lime o...
calico 17 13 a brightly printed c...
calpac 19 16 a triangular Turkish...
cancan 14 14 a high-kicking dance...
cancel 16 14 to cause not to happ...
cancer 15 13 a malignant growth [...
cancha 17 15 a court for playing...
cantic 16 13 slanted [adj]
capric 19 15 pertaining to a goat...
carack 17 16 a type of merchant s...
caract 16 12 (Shakespeare) a mark...
carcel 17 13 (French) a French me...
caroch 18 14 a stately carriage,...
cascos 16 12 CASCO, a Philippine...
caseic 16 12 of or pertaining to...
catcht 19 14 CATCH, to capture af...
catchy 25 16 pleasing and easily...
catcon 15 13 short for catalytic...
caucus 17 14 to hold a political...
cecils 18 13 fried meatballs [n]
cecity 23 14 blindness [n CECITIE...
celiac 17 13 one that has a chron...
cercal 17 13 pertaining to a tail...
cercis 17 12 any tree or shrub of...
cercus 17 13 a sensory appendage...
chaced 18 15 CHACE, (obsolete) to...
chaces 18 14 CHACE, (obsolete) to...
chacks 20 18 CHACK, to pinch or n...
chacma 19 17 (Hottentot) a large...
chacos 18 14 CHACO, (Hungarian) t...
chance 17 15 to risk [v CHANCED,...
chancy 24 17 risky, also CHANCEY...
chebec 20 17 a small bird, the le...
checks 20 18 CHECK, to inspect [v...
checky 26 20 chequered [adj CHECK...
chemic 20 17 relating to chemistr...
chiack 20 18 (Australian slang) t...
chicas 19 14 CHICA, an orange-red...
chicer 19 14 CHIC, smartly elegan...
chicha 21 16 an orange-red dyestu...
chichi 22 16 elaborate ornamentat...
chicks 21 18 CHICK, a young bird...
chicle 20 15 the coagulated latex...
chicly 27 17 CHIC, smartly elegan...
chicon 18 15 the shoot of the chi...
chicos 19 14 CHICO, an orange-red...
chicot 19 14 a handsome tree of c...
chinch 21 17 to fill in the seams...
choccy 28 19 chocolate [n CHOCCIE...
chocho 20 16 the fruit of a tropi...
chocko 19 18 (Australian slang) i...
chocks 20 18 CHOCK, to secure wit...
chocos 18 14 CHOCO, (Australian s...
choice 18 14 the thing chosen [n...
cholic 20 15 relating to bile, as...
choric 19 14 pertaining to the ch...
chucks 21 19 CHUCK, to chuck [v]
chucky 27 21 a chicken, also CHOO...
church 22 17 to bring to a buildi...
chyack 26 20 (Australian slang) t...
chymic 27 19 (obsolete) a chemist...
cicada 16 13 a winged insect, als...
cicala 17 13 a winged insect, als...
cicale 17 13 CICALA, a winged ins...
cicely 24 15 a fragrant herb [n C...
cicero 16 12 a printing measure [...
cicuta 17 13 (Latin) the hemlock...
cilice 18 13 a haircloth shirt wo...
circar 17 12 (Urdu) the state or...
circle 18 13 to revolve around [v...
circus 18 13 a public entertainme...
ciscos 17 12 CISCO, a North Ameri...
cistic 18 12 like a cist [adj]
citric 18 12 derived from citrus...
civics 20 16 the science of civic...
clachs 20 15 CLACH [n]
clacks 19 17 CLACK, to make a noi...
clatch 20 15 to dabble or work in...
cleche 19 15 in heraldry, voided...
clecks 19 17 CLECK, (Scots) to ha...
clecky 25 19 broody [adj CLECKIER...
clench 19 16 to grasp firmly [v -...
cleric 18 13 a member of the cler...
cleuch 20 16 (Scots) a ravine, a...
cliche 20 15 a stereotyped phrase...
clicks 20 17 CLICK, to make a sho...
clinch 20 16 to settle a matter d...
clinic 18 14 a medical facility [...
clitic 19 13 a word whose pronunc...
cloaca 16 13 (Latin) the terminal...
cloche 19 15 (French) a lady's cl...
clocks 19 17 CLOCK, to time with...
clonic 17 14 of or like a clonus,...
clucks 20 18 CLUCK, to make the s...
clucky 26 20 (Australian slang) o...
clunch 20 17 a tough clay [n -ES]
clutch 21 16 to grasp and hold ti...
coachy 24 16 a coachman [n COACHI...
coacts 16 12 COACT, to act togeth...
cobric 19 15 of a cobra [adj]
cocain 15 13 a narcotic, also COC...
coccal 20 16 pertaining to a cocc...
coccic 23 18 pertaining to a cocc...
coccid 20 16 a kind of insect, th...
coccos 19 15 COCCO, the taro or o...
coccus 20 16 one of the separable...
coccyx 32 24 a bone of the spine...
coches 18 14 COCH, (Spenser) a co...
cochin 18 15 a large variety of t...
cocked 17 17 COCK, to tilt to one...
cocker 17 16 to pamper; to indulg...
cocket 17 16 an official shipping...
cockle 18 17 a shellfish [n -S] /...
cocksy 24 18 self-important, also...
cockup 20 20 a turned-up part of...
cocoas 15 12 COCOA, the seed of t...
cocoon 14 13 to wrap tightly [v -...
codecs 16 13 CODEC, a piece of so...
coerce 15 12 to compel by force o...
cognac 16 15 (French) a kind of b...
colics 18 13 COLIC, severe abdomi...
comice 17 15 (French) a variety o...
comics 18 15 COMIC, a comedian [n...
concha 17 15 the outer ear cavity...
conche 17 15 to knead and mix cho...
concho 17 15 an ornamental disk (...
conchs 18 15 CONCH, a marine moll...
conchy 24 17 a conscientious obje...
concur 16 14 to concur [v CONCURR...
conics 16 13 CONIC, a conic secti...
coocoo 14 12 (colloquial) crazy [...
cootch 18 14 (Welsh) to hide, to...
copeck 19 19 a Russian monetary u...
corsac 16 12 an Asian fox [n -S]
cosech 18 14 a hyperbolic cosecan...
cosecs 16 12 COSEC, a trigonometr...
cosmic 18 15 pertaining to the co...
coucal 17 14 (French) a large, Ol...
couche 18 15 (French) an evening...
cracka 17 16 (US) a derogatory te...
cracks 18 16 CRACK, to break with...
cracky 24 18 full of cracks [adj...
craics 17 12 CRAIC, (Irish) pleas...
cranch 18 15 to chew with a crack...
cratch 19 14 a feed box for cattl...
creach 18 14 (Gaelic) a foray, bo...
creche 18 14 a day nursery [n -S]
cretic 17 12 a type of metrical f...
cricks 19 16 CRICK, to cause a sp...
cricky 25 18 a mild oath of surpr...
crisic 18 12 relating to a crisis...
critic 18 12 one who judges the m...
croche 18 14 (French) a knob at t...
crocks 18 16 CROCK, to break down...
crocus 17 13 an iridaceous plant...
crotch 19 14 the human genital ar...
crouch 19 15 to squat or lie clos...
cruces 17 13 CRUX, a basic or dec...
crucks 19 17 CRUCK, one of a pair...
crunch 19 16 to chew with a crack...
crutch 20 15 to support on a crut...
cubica 19 16 a fine worsted fabri...
cubics 20 16 CUBIC, a cubic equat...
cuckoo 17 17 to repeat monotonous...
cultch 21 16 the flooring of an o...
cultic 19 14 relating to a cult [...
cumecs 18 16 CUMEC, a unit of liq...
cupric 20 16 containing bivalent...
curacy 23 15 the office of a cura...
cuscus 18 14 an arboreal mammal o...
cusecs 17 13 CUSEC, a unit of liq...
cutcha 19 15 (Hindi) made of drie...
cyanic 22 15 of or belonging to c...
cycads 23 15 CYCAD, any member of...
cycled 24 16 CYCLE, to ride a bic...
cycler 24 15 (US) a cyclist [n -S...
cycles 24 15 CYCLE, to ride a bic...
cyclic 28 18 moving in complete c...
cyclin 24 16 any of a group of pr...
cyclos 24 15 CYCLO, a three wheel...
cyclus 25 16 a cycle of myths, po...
cynics 23 15 CYNIC, someone who t...
cystic 24 14 relating to a cyst,...
deccie 16 13 (slang) interior dec...
decoct 16 13 to extract the flavo...
ecesic 16 12 relating to ecesis,...
echoic 18 14 resembling an echo [...
erucic 17 13 as in erucic acid, a...
escroc 16 12 (French) a swindler...
flocci 20 16 FLOCCUS, the tuft of...
hectic 19 14 habitual, esp. in wa...
hiccup 22 18 to make a peculiar-s...
icecap 18 15 a covering of ice an...
icicle 18 13 a hanging spike of i...
iconic 16 13 pertaining to an ico...
ipecac 18 15 the dried root of va...
kaccha 19 18 short trousers worn...
kuccha 20 19 the short trousers t...
lactic 18 13 derived from milk [a...
macaco 16 15 (French) any one of...
meccas 17 15 MECCA, a place visit...
mocock 18 19 a North American bar...
mocuck 19 20 a North American bar...
mucluc 20 18 (Inuit) a type of se...
occams 17 15 OCCAM, a computer pr...
occamy 23 17 an alloy imitating g...
occies 16 12 OCCY, in the phrase...
occult 18 14 secret [adj OCCULTLY...
occupy 25 18 to reside in, also O...
occurs 17 13 OCCUR, to take place...
ocicat 16 12 a large short-haired...
pectic 19 15 of, relating to, or...
picnic 19 16 to go on an outdoor...
picric 20 15 having a very bitter...
pycnic 25 18 characterized by sho...
recced 16 13 RECCE, to make a pre...
recces 16 12 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccos 16 12 RECCO, (colloquial)...
recock 17 16 to cock again [v -ED...
ricrac 17 12 a braid used in trim...
rococo 15 12 (French) a style of...
saccoi 16 12 SACCOS, (Greek) a Bi...
saccos 16 12 (Greek) a Bishop's v...
scarce 16 12 in short supply [adj...
scatch 19 14 a stilt [n -ES]
scenic 16 13 of or pertaining to...
sciroc 17 12 (Italian) a hot, dry...
sconce 15 13 to entrench, to scre...
scooch 18 14 to compress one's bo...
scorch 19 14 to burn slightly [v...
scotch 19 14 to frustrate, put an...
sculch 21 16 rubbish, also SCULTC...
scutch 20 15 to beat out impuriti...
seccos 16 12 SECCO, (Italian) pai...
siccan 16 13 (Scots) such, what a...
siccar 17 12 (Scots) sure, certai...
sicced 17 13 SIC, to incite a dog...
soccer 16 12 a type of ball game...
speccy 25 17 wearing spectacles [...
stucco 17 13 to coat with a type...
succah 19 15 (Hebrew) a shelter w...
succes 17 13 (French) success [n...
succor 17 13 to go to the aid of,...
succos 17 13 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succot 17 13 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succus 18 14 (Latin) juice, any f...
tactic 17 12 a manoeuvre for gain...
tchick 21 18 to make a sound by c...
ticced 17 13 TIC, to twitch [v]
tictac 17 12 to use arm signals f...
tictoc 17 12 to make the sound of...
unchic 19 16 not chic [adj]
uncock 17 18 to remove from a coc...
wiccan 19 16 one who practices wi...
wiccas 20 15 WICCA, witchcraft [n...
yaccas 22 14 YACCA, (Australian s...
yecchs 25 16 YECCH, something dis...
yuccas 23 15 YUCCA, a Mexican pla...
zincic 20 22 pertaining to, conta...
zoccos 19 21 ZOCCO, (Italian) a p...

7 letter words with C

7 letter C word


Words With Friends®


acacias 17 13 ACACIA, a genus of t...
accable 20 17 (French) depressed,...
acceded 17 15 ACCEDE, to consent [...
acceder 17 14 one who accedes [n -...
accedes 17 14 ACCEDE, to consent [...
accends 17 15 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accents 17 14 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accepts 20 16 ACCEPT, to receive w...
accidia 18 14 (Latin) sloth; physi...
accidie 18 14 (Latin) sloth, physi...
accinge 18 16 to gird up one's loi...
accited 18 14 ACCITE, to cite; to...
accites 18 13 ACCITE, to cite; to...
acclaim 20 17 to shout approval of...
accloys 25 16 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
accoast 17 13 to lie or sail along...
accoied 17 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoils 19 14 ACCOIL, (Spenser) to...
accompt 21 19 to explain in detail...
accords 18 14 ACCORD, to bring int...
accosts 18 13 ACCOST, to approach...
account 17 15 to explain in detail...
accourt 18 14 to entertain [v -ED,...
accoyed 23 16 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoyld 25 17 ACCOIL, (Spenser) to...
accrete 17 13 to grow together [v...
accrews 21 16 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accrual 19 15 an accumulation [n -...
accrued 18 15 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accrues 18 14 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accurse 18 14 to make cursed [v AC...
accurst 19 14 doomed [adj]
accusal 19 15 an accusation [n -S]
accused 18 15 ACCUSE, to bring a c...
accuser 18 14 one who accuses [n -...
accuses 18 14 ACCUSE, to bring a c...
acerbic 20 16 bitter and sour, als...
acicula 19 15 (Latin) a needlelike...
aclinic 19 15 applied to a line pa...
acmatic 19 16 relating to the acme...
acouchi 20 16 a burrowing rodent,...
acouchy 26 18 a burrowing rodent,...
acratic 18 13 pertaining to acrasi...
acronic 17 14 occurring at nightfa...
acrotic 18 13 in medicine, relatin...
acrylic 26 16 a type of resin [n -...
actinic 18 14 of or pertaining to...
acyclic 29 19 not periodic [adj]
alcaics 19 14 ALCAIC, a type of ve...
alpacca 20 17 a type of nickel sil...
aniccas 17 14 ANICCA, (Sanskrit) t...
archaic 20 15 pertaining to an ear...
arcsecs 18 13 ARCSEC, an angular m...
arctics 19 13 ARCTIC, a waterproof...
ascetic 18 13 practising severe ab...
ascitic 19 13 relating to dropsy o...
asconce 16 14 (obsolete) askance,...
atactic 18 13 unable to co-ordinat...
baccala 20 17 (Spanish) salted cod...
baccara 19 16 a French card game,...
baccare 19 16 (Shakespeare) back!...
baccate 19 16 having berries; berr...
bacchic 26 21 relating to the wors...
bacchii 23 18 BACCHIUS, a metrical...
baccies 20 16 BACCY, (colloquial)...
baccoes 19 16 BACCO, (short for) t...
bachcha 24 20 (Hinglish) in India,...
barocco 19 16 a bold decorative st...
bawcock 24 23 (Shakespeare) a fine...
bibcock 24 23 a tap with a downtur...
biccies 21 16 BICCY, (slang) biscu...
bicycle 28 19 to ride a two-wheele...
boccias 20 16 BOCCIA, an Italian b...
boccies 20 16 BOCCIE, an Italian b...
boracic 20 16 of or relating to bo...
braccia 20 16 BRACCIO, an Italian...
braccio 20 16 an Italian measure o...
breccia 20 16 a geological formati...
buccina 20 18 a Roman curved trump...
bucolic 22 18 of or relating to sh...
bycatch 29 20 an immature fish, es...
cachaca 22 18 a white Brazilian ru...
cachets 20 15 CACHET, to print a d...
cachexy 32 24 general ill health,...
caching 21 18 CACHE, to store in a...
cachous 20 16 CACHOU, a resin used...
cacique 26 23 a West Indian or Ame...
cackier 19 17 CACKY, of or like ex...
cacking 20 20 CACK, to defecate [v...
cackled 20 19 CACKLE, to make the...
cackler 20 18 one who cackles [n -...
cackles 20 18 CACKLE, to make the...
cacodyl 25 17 a colourless, poison...
cacoepy 25 18 a wrong pronunciatio...
cacolet 18 14 (French) a military...
caconym 24 19 an erroneous name [n...
cacoons 16 14 CACOON, the large se...
cactoid 18 14 cactus-shaped [adj]
cacumen 18 18 (Latin) a top or poi...
caddice 18 15 a coarse woollen fab...
cadence 16 15 to make rhythmic [v...
cadency 23 17 the status of a youn...
caduacs 18 15 CADUAC, (obsolete) a...
caducei 18 15 CADUCEUS, (Latin) a...
caimacs 19 16 CAIMAC, (Turkish) a...
calcars 19 14 CALCAR, (Latin) a sp...
calcify 28 19 to convert into calc...
calcine 18 15 to reduce to a calx...
calcite 19 14 a mineral, limestone...
calcium 21 18 a metallic element [...
calculi 21 16 CALCULUS, a branch o...
caleche 20 16 (French) a light low...
calices 19 14 CALIX, (Latin) a cup...
caliche 21 16 (Spanish) gravel, sa...
calicle 20 15 a cup-shaped anatomi...
calicos 19 14 CALICO, a brightly p...
caloric 19 14 related to heat [adj...
calpack 22 21 a triangular Turkish...
calpacs 21 17 CALPAC, a triangular...
calyces 25 16 CALYX, the outer pro...
calycle 26 17 a row of small bract...
cambric 22 19 a fine linen [n -S]
camcord 19 17 to videotape with a...
cancans 16 15 CANCAN, a high-kicki...
cancels 18 15 CANCEL, to cause not...
cancers 17 14 CANCER, a malignant...
canchas 19 16 CANCHA, a court for...
candock 18 19 the yellow water lil...
cannach 18 17 (Scots) a cotton-gra...
canonic 16 15 included in the scri...
canopic 19 17 relating to an Egypt...
canthic 20 16 relating to the cant...
cantico 17 14 to dance as an act o...
capisce 20 16 used to ask if one u...
capouch 22 19 a cloak hood, also C...
caprice 20 16 a whim, an unpredict...
caprock 21 20 an overlying rock la...
caproic 20 16 applied to a type of...
captcha 22 18 a program to generat...
capuche 22 19 a cloak hood, also C...
caracal 18 14 the desert lynx of N...
caracks 19 17 CARACK, a type of me...
caracol 18 14 to perform a half tu...
caracts 18 13 CARACT, (Shakespeare...
caracul 19 15 (Russian) a sheep of...
carcake 18 17 (Scots) a small cake...
carcase 17 13 to put a carcase or...
carcass 18 13 to put a framework o...
carcels 19 14 CARCEL, (French) a F...
cardecu 18 15 an old French coin,...
cardiac 18 14 a person with a hear...
carices 18 13 CAREX, a genus of pl...
carioca 17 13 a South American dan...
carjack 21 26 to hijack a car [v -...
carlock 20 18 Russian isinglass, m...
caroach 19 15 a stately carriage,...
caroche 19 15 a stately carriage,...
carrack 19 17 (historical) a large...
carract 18 13 (historical) a large...
carrect 18 13 (historical) a large...
carrick 20 17 as in carrick bend,...
carroch 20 15 a stately carriage,...
carsick 20 17 nauseated from ridin...
cascade 17 14 to fall like a water...
cascara 17 13 a medicinal tree bar...
casevac 19 17 to evacuate a battle...
cassock 19 17 a close-fitting ankl...
castock 19 17 a cabbage stock, als...
catcall 20 15 to deride by making...
catched 20 16 CATCH, to capture af...
catchen 19 16 (Spenser) to catch (...
catcher 20 15 one that catches [n...
catches 20 15 CATCH, to capture af...
catchup 23 19 a spicy tomato sauce...
catclaw 22 17 a type of acacia [n...
catcons 17 14 CATCON, short for ca...
catechu 20 16 a resin used in tann...
catface 19 16 a deformity of fruit...
cathect 20 15 to invest with psych...
caustic 19 14 burning, also CAUSTI...
cecally 26 17 CECAL, pertaining to...
cecitis 19 13 a caecum inflammatio...
celiacs 19 14 CELIAC, one that has...
celomic 20 17 relating to a celom,...
cenacle 17 15 a dining room, also...
centric 18 14 situated at the cent...
ceramic 19 16 an item made of bake...
cerotic 18 13 pertaining to, or de...
ceviche 22 19 in Mexican cookery,...
chachka 23 21 (Yiddish) a knicknac...
chacing 21 18 CHACE, (obsolete) to...
chacked 21 20 CHACK, to pinch or n...
chacmas 21 18 CHACMA, (Hottentot)...
chacoes 19 15 CHACO, (Hungarian) t...
chalcid 22 17 any small parasitic...
chalice 21 16 a drinking cup [n -S...
champac 23 21 (Hindi) an East Indi...
chanced 19 17 CHANCE, to risk [v]
chancel 20 17 the part of a church...
chancer 19 16 an opportunist [n -S...
chances 19 16 CHANCE, to risk [v]
chancey 25 18 risky, also CHANCY [...
chancre 19 16 a hard nodular swell...
chaotic 20 15 confused [adj CHAOTI...
charact 20 15 (obsolete) a letter...
chasmic 22 18 of or like a chasm,...
chaunce 19 17 (obsolete) to chance...
chebecs 22 18 CHEBEC, a small bird...
chechia 22 17 (French) a cylindric...
checked 21 20 CHECK, to inspect [v...
checker 21 19 to divide into or ma...
checkup 24 23 an examination [n -S...
chemics 22 18 CHEMIC, to treat wit...
chiacks 22 19 CHIACK, (Australian...
chicana 19 16 (US, derogatory) a (...
chicane 19 16 to quibble [v CHICAN...
chicano 19 16 (Spanish) an America...
chicest 21 15 CHIC, smartly elegan...
chichas 23 17 CHICHA, an orange-re...
chiches 23 17 CHICH, the chickpea...
chichis 24 17 CHICHI, elaborate or...
chickee 21 19 a stilt house of the...
chicken 21 20 to loose one's nerve...
chicles 22 16 CHICLE, the coagulat...
chicons 20 16 CHICON, the shoot of...
chicory 27 17 succory, a blue-flow...
chicots 21 15 CHICOT, a handsome t...
chinchy 29 20 stingy [adj CHINCHIE...
chloric 22 16 of, containing or de...
chochos 22 17 CHOCHO, the fruit of...
chocked 21 20 CHOCK, to secure wit...
chocker 21 19 (slang) full up; fed...
chockos 21 19 CHOCKO, (Australian...
choctaw 23 18 a type of skating mo...
choicer 20 15 CHOICE, of fine qual...
choices 20 15 CHOICE, the thing ch...
choreic 20 15 relating to chorea [...
chromic 22 18 pertaining to, or ob...
chronic 20 16 long-lasting [adj CH...
chucked 22 21 CHUCK, to chuck [v]
chucker 22 20 a bowler whose arm a...
chuckie 22 20 a chicken, also CHOO...
chuckle 23 21 to laugh quietly [v...
churchy 30 20 associated with or r...
chyacks 28 21 CHYACK, (Australian...
chymics 29 20 CHYMIC, (obsolete) a...
cicadae 17 14 CICADA, a winged ins...
cicadas 18 14 CICADA, a winged ins...
cicalas 19 14 CICALA, a winged ins...
ciceros 18 13 CICERO, a printing m...
cichlid 23 17 any teleost fish of...
cicoree 17 13 a perennial herb [n...
cicutas 19 14 CICUTA, (Latin) the...
cilices 20 14 CILICE, a haircloth...
cimices 20 16 CIMEX, (Latin) a bed...
cinched 20 17 CINCH, to bind firml...
cinches 20 16 CINCH, to bind firml...
circars 19 13 CIRCAR, (Urdu) the s...
circled 20 15 CIRCLE, to revolve a...
circler 20 14 one who encircles [n...
circles 20 14 CIRCLE, to revolve a...
circlet 20 14 a ring-shaped object...
circlip 23 17 a spring washer in t...
circuit 20 14 to move around [v -E...
circusy 26 16 pertaining to a circ...
ciscoes 18 13 CISCO, a North Ameri...
clachan 20 17 (Gaelic) a small vil...
clached 21 17 CLACH, to kill by st...
claches 21 16 CLACH, to kill by st...
clacked 20 19 CLACK, to make a noi...
clacker 20 18 that which clacks; e...
classic 20 14 setting a standard [...
clastic 20 14 a rock composed of o...
claucht 22 17 (Scots) to snatch, a...
clecked 20 19 CLECK, (Scots) to ha...
clerics 20 14 CLERIC, a member of...
cleruch 22 17 a citizen of Athens...
cleuchs 22 17 CLEUCH, (Scots) a ra...
cliched 22 17 full of cliches, als...
cliches 22 16 CLICHE, a stereotype...
clicked 21 19 CLICK, to make a sho...
clicker 21 18 the compositor who d...
clicket 21 18 to make a clicking s...
clinics 20 15 CLINIC, a medical fa...
clitics 21 14 CLITIC, a word whose...
cloacae 17 14 CLOACA, (Latin) the...
cloacal 19 15 relating to a cloaca...
cloacas 18 14 CLOACA, (Latin) the...
cloches 21 16 CLOCHE, (French) a l...
clocked 20 19 CLOCK, to time with...
clocker 20 18 a 24-hour dealer in...
clucked 21 20 CLUCK, to make the s...
clucker 21 19 a chicken [n CLUCKER...
clutchy 29 19 tending to clutch [a...
coached 19 16 COACH, to tutor or t...
coachee 18 15 (colloquial) a coach...
coacher 19 15 a person who coaches...
coaches 19 15 COACH, to tutor or t...
coacted 17 14 COACT, to act togeth...
coactor 17 13 one who acts togethe...
cocaine 16 14 a narcotic, also COC...
cocains 17 14 COCAIN, a narcotic,...
coccids 22 17 COCCID, a kind of in...
coccoid 21 17 a spherical cell [n...
coccous 21 17 relating to a coccus...
cochair 20 15 to serve jointly as...
cochins 20 16 COCHIN, a large vari...
cochlea 20 16 a part of the ear [n...
cockade 18 18 a rosette worn on a...
cockers 19 17 COCKER, to pamper; t...
cockets 19 17 COCKET, an official...
cockeye 24 19 a squinting eye [n -...
cockier 19 17 COCKY, arrogantly se...
cockies 19 17 COCKY, an Australian...
cockily 27 20 COCKY, arrogantly se...
cocking 20 20 COCK, to tilt to one...
cockish 22 19 of or like a cock [a...
cockled 20 19 COCKLE, to wrinkle [...
cockler 20 18 someone who collects...
cockles 20 18 COCKLE, to wrinkle [...
cockney 24 20 a resident of London...
cockpit 22 20 the area for the pil...
cockshy 28 21 a target in a throwi...
cockups 22 21 COCKUP, a turned-up...
cocomat 18 16 matting made from co...
coconut 17 15 the large, hard-shel...
cocoons 16 14 COCOON, to wrap tigh...
cocopan 18 17 in South Africa, a w...
cocotte 17 13 (French) a prostitut...
cocoyam 24 18 a tropical tuber [n...
coctile 19 14 baked, hardened by f...
coction 17 14 the act of boiling [...
codices 18 14 CODEX, (Latin) a boo...
codicil 20 15 a supplement to a wi...
coeliac 18 14 a person suffering a...
coenact 16 14 to enact together [v...
coerced 17 14 COERCE, to compel by...
coercer 17 13 one who coerces [n -...
coerces 17 13 COERCE, to compel by...
coerect 17 13 to erect together [v...
cogence 17 16 the state of being c...
cogency 24 18 the state of being c...
cognacs 18 16 COGNAC, (French) a k...
colicin 19 15 an antibacterial sub...
colicky 27 20 pertaining to, or tr...
colitic 20 14 of or like colitis,...
collect 20 15 to bring together in...
colonic 18 15 irrigation of the co...
comatic 19 16 having blurred visio...
comedic 19 17 of or relating to co...
cometic 19 16 relating to a comet,...
comical 20 17 amusing, also COMIC...
comices 19 16 COMICE, (French) a v...
compact 21 19 to pack closely toge...
conacre 16 14 the letting by a ten...
concave 18 18 curved inward [adj C...
conceal 17 15 to hide [v -ED, -ING...
concede 16 15 to acknowledge as tr...
concedo 16 15 (Latin) in logic, I...
conceit 17 14 to form a conception...
concent 16 15 (archaic) a harmony...
concept 19 17 a general idea [n -S...
concern 16 15 to be of interest to...
concert 17 14 to construct or devi...
conchae 18 16 CONCHA, the outer ea...
conchal 20 17 pertaining to the co...
conchas 19 16 CONCHA, the outer ea...
conched 19 17 CONCHE, to knead and...
conches 19 16 CONCHE, to knead and...
conchie 19 16 a conscientious obje...
conchos 19 16 CONCHO, an ornamenta...
concise 17 14 succinct [adj CONCIS...
concoct 20 17 to fabricate [v -ED,...
concord 17 15 to be in or come int...
concrew 20 17 (archaic) to grow to...
concupy 26 20 (Shakespeare) a conc...
concurs 18 15 CONCUR, to concur [v...
concuss 18 15 to injure the brain...
conduce 17 16 to contribute to a r...
conduct 18 16 to lead or guide [v...
confect 19 17 to prepare by combin...
conical 18 15 shaped like a cone [...
conject 19 23 to conjecture [v -ED...
connect 16 15 to join together [v...
contact 17 14 to communicate with...
conteck 18 18 (archaic) strife, di...
convect 19 18 to transfer heat by...
convict 20 18 to prove guilty [v -...
cooches 19 15 COOCH, a sinuous dan...
cooncan 15 15 a card game, also CO...
copecks 21 20 COPECK, a Russian mo...
coppice 22 19 to grow in a dense t...
copycat 26 18 to imitate [v COPYCA...
coracle 18 14 a small boat made of...
corcass 18 13 in Ireland, a salt-m...
corncob 19 17 the cob or axis on w...
cornice 17 14 to decorate with a m...
correct 18 13 to make right [v -ED...
corsacs 18 13 CORSAC, an Asian fox...
cosechs 20 15 COSECH, a hyperbolic...
cossack 19 17 a Russian cavalryman...
coucals 19 15 COUCAL, (French) a l...
couched 20 17 COUCH, to put into w...
couchee 19 16 an evening reception...
coucher 20 16 one who couches [n -...
couches 20 16 COUCH, to put into w...
council 19 16 an assembly appointe...
cowitch 24 18 a leguminous climbin...
cowlick 24 21 a lock of unruly hai...
coxcomb 27 26 a foolishly vain or...
crackas 19 17 CRACKA, (US) a derog...
cracked 19 18 CRACK, to break with...
cracker 19 17 a thin, crisp biscui...
cracket 19 17 (English dialect) a...
crackie 19 17 a small dog of mixed...
crackle 20 18 to emit snapping sou...
crackly 27 20 making a crackling n...
crackup 22 21 a mental breakdown [...
cracowe 20 16 a long-toed boot fas...
craunch 20 17 to chew with a crack...
creachs 20 15 CREACH, (Gaelic) a f...
creance 16 14 the cord used in tra...
creatic 18 13 relating to flesh [a...
creches 20 15 CRECHE, a day nurser...
cretics 19 13 CRETIC, a type of me...
crevice 20 17 a cleft [n -S]
crewcut 22 17 a short haircut [n -...
cricked 20 18 CRICK, to cause a sp...
cricket 20 17 an outdoor game play...
crickey 26 19 a mild oath, also CR...
cricoid 19 14 a ring-shaped cartil...
critics 20 13 CRITIC, one who judg...
crocein 17 14 a red or orange azo...
croches 20 15 CROCHE, (French) a k...
crochet 20 15 to work wool or thre...
crocine 17 14 pertaining to the cr...
crocked 19 18 CROCK, to break down...
crocket 19 17 a curling leaf along...
cromack 20 20 a stick with a crook...
crombec 21 19 a kind of African wa...
crucial 20 15 very important [adj...
crucian 18 15 a colourful carp, al...
crucify 28 19 to put to death on a...
crunchy 27 19 given to crunching [...
cryonic 24 16 relating to cryonics...
cryptic 28 18 hidden, secret, also...
cubical 22 18 shaped like a cube [...
cubicas 21 17 CUBICA, a fine worst...
cubicle 22 18 a partially or total...
cubicly 29 20 CUBIC, in the form o...
cucking 21 21 (historical) as in c...
cuckold 21 20 a man with an unfait...
cuckoos 19 18 CUCKOO, to repeat mo...
culches 22 17 CULCH, the flooring...
culchie 22 17 (Irish) rustic, also...
culices 20 15 CULEX, (Latin) a gen...
culicid 21 16 a mosquito, also CUL...
cumaric 20 17 of coumarin, also CO...
cupcake 21 21 a small round cake b...
curacao 17 14 a type of liqueur, a...
curacoa 17 14 a type of liqueur, a...
curchef 23 19 a covering for the h...
curches 21 16 CURCH, (Scots) a cov...
curcuma 20 18 any plant of the gen...
currach 21 16 (Irish) a long-shape...
custock 20 18 (Scots) a cabbage st...
cutback 22 21 a reduction, also CU...
cutches 21 16 CUTCH, a resin used...
cuticle 20 15 any of various outer...
cwtched 24 19 CWTCH, (Welsh) to hi...
cwtches 24 18 CWTCH, (Welsh) to hi...
cycases 24 15 CYCAS, any member of...
cycasin 24 16 a derivative of suga...
cyclase 25 16 an enzyme that acts...
cyclers 26 16 CYCLER, (US) a cycli...
cyclery 32 18 a bicycle shop [n CY...
cycling 27 19 the act of riding a...
cyclins 26 17 CYCLIN, any of a gro...
cyclise 26 16 to form one or more...
cyclist 27 16 one who rides a bicy...
cyclize 29 25 to form one or more...
cycloid 26 17 a curve traced by a...
cyclone 24 17 a rotating system of...
cyclops 28 19 a genus of freshwate...
cylices 26 16 CYLIX, (Greek) a sha...
cynical 25 17 distrusting [adj CYN...
dawcock 22 21 (archaic) a cock jac...
deccies 18 14 DECCIE, (slang) inte...
decency 23 17 the state of being d...
decocts 18 14 DECOCT, to extract t...
deictic 19 14 relating to the time...
dicycly 33 19 the state of being d...
docetic 18 14 pertaining to the he...
ecbolic 21 17 a drug used to assis...
eccrine 17 14 of a gland, e.g. a s...
ecdemic 19 17 foreign, the opposit...
ecocide 17 14 the destruction of t...
ecorche 19 15 (French) a manikin,...
ectatic 18 13 relating to ectasis...
ectopic 20 16 relating to ectopia...
escrocs 18 13 ESCROC, (French) a s...
factice 20 16 vulcanized oil, used...
felucca 21 18 a small sailing vess...
flaccid 22 18 limp [adj FLACCIDER,...
flocced 21 18 FLOC, to aggregate i...
floccus 22 18 the tuft of hair ter...
gnocchi 21 18 (Italian) dumplings...
gorcock 20 19 the male red grouse...
gynecic 25 18 relating to a gyneci...
haycock 27 21 a conical pile of ha...
hectics 21 15 HECTIC, a hectic fev...
hiccups 24 19 HICCUP, to make a pe...
hiccupy 30 21 marked by hiccups [a...
icecaps 20 16 ICECAP, a covering o...
icepack 21 20 packed ice used to r...
ichthic 24 17 relating to fish [ad...
icicled 20 15 having an icicle [ad...
icicles 20 14 ICICLE, a hanging sp...
icteric 19 13 relating to or suffe...
ipecacs 20 16 IPECAC, the dried ro...
jacchus 23 25 a South American mar...
kacchas 21 19 KACCHA, short trouse...
kachcha 23 21 made of dried mud, m...
kucchas 22 20 KUCCHA, the short tr...
kuchcha 24 22 (Hindi) made of drie...
laconic 18 15 brief with words, al...
leccies 19 14 LECCY, (colloquial)...
licence 18 15 to issue or grant au...
lucence 18 16 the quality of being...
lucency 25 18 the quality of being...
macacos 18 16 MACACO, (French) any...
macchia 21 18 a dense growth of sm...
macchie 21 18 MACCHIA, a dense gro...
machaca 20 18 (Spanish) a Mexican...
malacca 19 17 the cane of an Asian...
meacock 19 20 (Shakespeare) a meek...
meconic 18 17 denoting an acid fro...
medacca 18 17 a small Japanese fis...
moccies 19 16 (Australian slang) m...
mococks 20 20 MOCOCK, a North Amer...
mocucks 21 21 MOCUCK, a North Amer...
morocco 18 16 a fine goatskin leat...
muclucs 22 19 MUCLUC, (Inuit) a ty...
mycotic 26 18 relating to mycosis,...
nucleic 19 16 as in nucleic acid,...
obconic 19 17 conical with the ape...
occiput 21 17 the back part of the...
occlude 19 16 to stop up [v OCCLUD...
occults 20 15 OCCULT, to hide or m...
oceanic 16 14 pertaining to the oc...
ocicats 18 13 OCICAT, a large shor...
octadic 18 14 relating to an octad...
orectic 18 13 pertaining to desire...
pachuco 22 19 (Spanish) a flashy M...
pacific 23 19 peacemaking, peacefu...
peacock 20 20 to strut vainly [v -...
peccant 19 17 sinning; guilty of t...
peccary 26 18 a hoofed mammal [n P...
peccavi 22 20 a confession of sin...
percoct 20 16 to cook thoroughly [...
petcock 21 20 a valve for draining...
picacho 22 18 (Spanish) an isolate...
piccata 20 16 (Italian) a dish of...
piccies 21 16 PICCY, (slang) a pic...
piccolo 21 17 a small, shrill flut...
picnics 21 17 PICNIC, to go on an...
placcat 21 17 (Shakespeare) a leat...
polacca 20 17 a vessel with two or...
practic 21 16 (archaic) to put (a...
psychic 30 20 relating to the psyc...
puccoon 19 18 (Native American) a...
raccoon 16 14 a small American ani...
racemic 19 16 applied to an acid o...
recatch 20 15 to catch again [v RE...
recceed 17 14 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccied 18 14 RECCY, (colloquial)...
reccies 18 13 RECCY, (colloquial)...
recency 23 16 the state of being r...
recheck 21 19 to check again [v -E...
recocks 19 17 RECOCK, to cock agai...
recycle 25 16 to process waste mat...
reoccur 18 14 to occur again [v RE...
ricracs 19 13 RICRAC, a braid used...
rococos 17 13 ROCOCO, (French) a s...
saccade 17 14 (French) a brief rap...
saccate 17 13 having the form of a...
saccule 19 15 a small sac, also SA...
sacculi 20 15 SACCULUS, a small sa...
scaldic 20 15 pertaining to an anc...
scandic 18 15 of or pertaining to...
scarcer 18 13 SCARCE, in short sup...
scenics 18 14 SCENIC, something sc...
sceptic 21 16 disbelieving, also S...
schlich 25 18 (German) the finer p...
schlock 23 20 inferior merchandise...
schmeck 23 22 (Yiddish) to taste g...
schmick 24 22 (Australian slang) s...
schmock 23 22 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
schmuck 24 23 (Yiddish) to hit or...
schtick 23 19 (Yiddish) a familiar...
schtuck 23 20 (Yiddish) trouble, b...
sciatic 19 13 of or relating to th...
science 17 14 knowledge obtained b...
scirocs 19 13 SCIROC, (Italian) a...
sconced 17 15 SCONCE, to entrench,...
sconces 17 14 SCONCE, to entrench,...
scootch 20 15 to compress one's bo...
scoriac 18 13 like slag, also SCOR...
scraich 21 15 (Scots) to screech,...
scranch 20 16 to crunch [v -ED, -I...
scratch 21 15 to make a thin, shal...
scrauch 21 16 to squawk, also SCRA...
screech 20 15 to utter a harsh, sh...
screich 21 15 to shriek, also SCRA...
scriech 21 15 (Scots) to screech,...
scritch 22 15 to utter a harsh shr...
scrooch 20 15 to crouch, also SCRO...
scrunch 21 17 to crush [v -ED, -IN...
scuchin 21 17 (Spenser) a shield b...
scultch 23 17 rubbish, also SCULCH...
seacock 18 17 a valve in a ship's...
sebacic 20 16 of or like sebum, as...
secrecy 24 15 the condition of bei...
siccing 20 16 SIC, to incite a dog...
siccity 26 15 dryness, aridity [n...
silicic 21 14 relating to or obtai...
sirocco 18 13 (Italian) a hot, dry...
smectic 20 16 pertaining to a stat...
soccage 18 15 a form of feudal lan...
soccers 18 13 SOCCER, a type of ba...
specced 20 17 SPEC, to write speci...
squacco 26 23 (Italian) a kind of...
stichic 22 15 relating to verse co...
stuccos 19 14 STUCCO, to coat with...
succade 18 15 a candied fruit, a s...
succahs 21 16 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succeed 18 15 to accomplish someth...
success 19 14 the attainment of so...
succise 19 14 ending abruptly belo...
succors 19 14 SUCCOR, to go to the...
succory 25 16 chicory [n SUCCORIES...
succose 18 14 of or like succus, j...
succoth 21 16 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succour 19 15 to go to the aid of,...
succous 19 15 of or like succus, j...
succuba 21 18 a female demon, also...
succubi 22 18 SUCCUBUS, a female d...
succumb 23 21 to yield to superior...
succuss 20 15 to shake violently [...
tactics 19 13 TACTIC, a manoeuvre...
tchicks 23 19 TCHICK, to make a so...
technic 20 16 a technique [n -S]
ticcing 20 16 TIC, to twitch [v]
tictacs 19 13 TICTAC, to use arm s...
tictocs 19 13 TICTOC, to make the...
tobacco 19 16 an annual herb culti...
toccata 17 13 (Italian) a quick, f...
toccate 17 13 TOCCATA, (Italian) a...
twoccer 21 16 a person who takes (...
uncheck 21 21 (Shakespeare) to fai...
uncocks 19 19 UNCOCK, to remove fr...
uncomic 19 18 not funny [adj]
upcatch 23 19 to catch up [v UPCAU...
upchuck 25 24 to vomit [v -ED, -IN...
upcycle 28 20 to recycle waste pro...
vacance 18 18 the state of being v...
vacancy 25 20 the state of being v...
vaccina 19 18 (Latin) cowpox, also...
vaccine 19 18 a preparation given...
vocalic 21 18 of or pertaining to...
wiccans 21 17 WICCAN, one who prac...
zecchin 23 25 (Italian) a former I...
zimocca 22 25 a type of bath-spong...
zoccolo 21 23 (Italian) a plain fa...

8 letter words with C

8 letter C word


Words With Friends®


abricock 23 21 (obsolete) an aprico...
abscisic 23 17 as in abscisic acid,...
academic 20 18 relating to learning...
acceders 19 15 ACCEDER, one who acc...
acceding 20 18 ACCEDE, to consent [...
accended 18 17 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accented 18 16 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accentor 18 15 a song bird [n -S]
accepted 21 18 ACCEPT, to receive w...
acceptee 20 17 one who is accepted...
accepter 21 17 a person who accepts...
acceptor 21 17 someone who accepts...
accessed 19 15 ACCESS, to have entr...
accesses 19 14 ACCESS, to have entr...
accident 19 16 a mishap [n -S]
accidias 20 15 ACCIDIA, (Latin) slo...
accidies 20 15 ACCIDIE, (Latin) slo...
accinged 20 18 ACCINGE, to gird up...
accinges 20 17 ACCINGE, to gird up...
acciting 21 17 ACCITE, to cite; to...
acclaims 22 18 ACCLAIM, to shout ap...
accloyed 26 18 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
accoasts 19 14 ACCOAST, to lie or s...
accolade 19 16 an expression of pra...
accompts 23 20 ACCOMPT, to explain...
accorage 19 16 (Spenser) to encoura...
accorded 19 16 ACCORD, to bring int...
accorder 19 15 one who accords [n -...
accosted 19 15 ACCOST, to approach...
accounts 19 16 ACCOUNT, to explain...
accourts 20 15 ACCOURT, to entertai...
accouter 19 15 (US) to dress or equ...
accoutre 19 15 to dress or equip, e...
accoying 26 19 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accredit 20 15 to accept as true [v...
accreted 19 15 ACCRETE, to grow tog...
accretes 19 14 ACCRETE, to grow tog...
accrewed 22 18 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accruals 21 16 ACCRUAL, an accumula...
accruing 21 18 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accuracy 29 20 exactness [n ACCURAC...
accurate 19 15 free from error [adj...
accursed 20 16 ACCURSE, to make cur...
accurses 20 15 ACCURSE, to make cur...
accusals 21 16 ACCUSAL, an accusati...
accusant 19 16 an accuser [n -S]
accusers 20 15 ACCUSER, one who acc...
accusing 21 18 expressing accusatio...
accustom 21 18 to make familiar [v...
acentric 19 15 without a centre [ad...
acescent 18 15 something that is sl...
acetonic 18 15 of or pertaining to...
acetylic 27 17 pertaining to the ra...
achromic 23 19 having no colour [ad...
aciculae 20 16 ACICULA, (Latin) a n...
acicular 21 16 needle-shaped [adj]
aciculas 21 16 ACICULA, (Latin) a n...
aciculum 23 20 a bristlelike part [...
acidotic 20 15 pertaining to an abn...
aconitic 19 15 of or pertaining to...
acouchis 22 17 ACOUCHI, a burrowing...
acoustic 20 15 a sense of hearing [...
acrolect 20 15 a variety of languag...
acrostic 20 14 a poem in acronym fo...
acrylics 28 17 ACRYLIC, a type of r...
acutance 18 16 a measure of photogr...
advocacy 27 21 the function of an a...
aircheck 23 20 a recording made fro...
aircoach 21 16 the cheaper accommod...
alchemic 24 20 relating to alchemy...
alcolock 22 20 a breath-alcohol saf...
alopecic 22 18 relating to baldness...
alpaccas 22 18 ALPACCA, a type of n...
anarchic 21 17 relating to anarchy,...
anechoic 20 17 free from echoes and...
aniconic 18 16 symbolising without...
apocopic 23 20 relating to apocope,...
apractic 22 17 unable to perform vo...
apricock 23 21 (obsolete) an aprico...
ascetics 20 14 ASCETIC, one who pra...
ascocarp 21 17 a spore-producing or...
ascorbic 22 17 antiscorbutic, relie...
atechnic 21 17 a person without tec...
baccalas 22 18 BACCALA, (Spanish) s...
baccaras 21 17 BACCARA, a French ca...
baccarat 21 17 a French card game,...
baccated 21 18 having berries; berr...
bacchant 23 20 a priest of Bacchus,...
bacchiac 27 22 relating to the bacc...
bacchian 23 20 relating to the bacc...
bacchius 25 20 a metrical foot comp...
bachchas 26 21 BACHCHA, (Hinglish)...
backache 24 23 pain in the back [n...
backcast 23 21 to make a backward c...
backchat 25 23 impertinence, repart...
backcomb 26 27 to comb back e.g. th...
backpack 26 28 to hike with a pack...
bacteric 22 17 of bacteria [adj]
ballcock 25 23 the stopcock in a ci...
baroccos 21 17 BAROCCO, a bold deco...
bawcocks 26 24 BAWCOCK, (Shakespear...
bechance 22 20 to happen by chance...
bescorch 24 19 to scorch thoroughly...
bibcocks 26 24 BIBCOCK, a tap with...
bicycled 30 21 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bicycler 30 20 one who rides a bicy...
bicycles 30 20 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bicyclic 34 23 having two cycles [a...
biocycle 29 20 the cycling of chemi...
biscacha 24 19 a South American rod...
bizcacha 27 28 a South American rod...
blackcap 26 25 a small European bir...
bocaccio 24 20 a rockfish [n -S]
boychick 32 25 (Yiddish) boy, a ter...
braccate 21 17 having feathered leg...
breccial 23 18 of or like breccia,...
breccias 22 17 BRECCIA, a geologica...
broccoli 23 18 a plant of the cabba...
buccally 31 22 BUCCAL, pertaining t...
buccinas 22 19 BUCCINA, a Roman cur...
bucolics 24 19 BUCOLIC, a pastoral...
caboceer 20 17 a West African headm...
caboched 23 20 in heraldry, full fa...
cabochon 22 20 (French) a precious...
cacafogo 21 19 (Spanish) a spitfire...
cachacas 24 19 CACHACA, a white Bra...
cachalot 22 17 a large whale, also...
cachepot 23 19 (French) an ornament...
cacheted 21 17 CACHET, to print a d...
cachexia 27 23 general ill health,...
cachexic 31 26 pertaining to ill he...
cacholot 22 17 a large whale, also...
cachucha 27 22 (Spanish) an Andalus...
caciques 28 24 CACIQUE, a West Indi...
cackiest 21 18 CACKY, of or like ex...
cacklers 22 19 CACKLER, one who cac...
cackling 23 22 CACKLE, to make the...
cacodoxy 31 24 incorrect doctrine,...
cacodyls 27 18 CACODYL, a colourles...
cacolets 20 15 CACOLET, (French) a...
cacology 27 19 a bad choice of word...
cacomixl 28 25 a North American car...
caconyms 26 20 CACONYM, an erroneou...
caconymy 32 22 the state of having...
cactuses 20 15 CACTUS, a succulent...
cacumens 20 19 CACUMEN, (Latin) a t...
cacumina 20 19 CACUMEN, (Latin) a t...
caddices 20 16 CADDICE, a coarse wo...
cadenced 18 17 CADENCE, to make rhy...
cadences 18 16 CADENCE, to make rhy...
caducean 18 17 of or belonging to M...
caduceus 20 17 (Latin) a Greek or R...
caducity 27 18 the quality of being...
caducous 20 17 of parts of a plant...
caecally 27 18 CAECAL, pertaining t...
caecitis 20 14 a caecum inflammatio...
caesuric 20 15 relating to a caesur...
caillach 24 18 (Gaelic) an old woma...
caimacam 21 20 (Turkish) a Turkish...
calcanea 18 16 CALCANEUM, (Latin) o...
calcanei 19 16 CALCANEUS, (Latin) o...
calcaria 20 15 CALCAR, (Latin) a sp...
calceate 19 15 to shoe [v CALCEATED...
calcific 27 21 containing salts of...
calcined 20 17 CALCINE, to reduce t...
calcines 20 16 CALCINE, to reduce t...
calcites 21 15 CALCITE, a mineral,...
calcitic 25 18 relating to a calcit...
calciums 23 19 CALCIUM, a metallic...
calcrete 20 15 a composite rock of...
calcspar 23 18 a mineral, calcite [...
calctufa 23 19 a rock made of fine...
calctuff 26 22 a general term for a...
calcular 22 17 relating to the math...
calculus 23 18 a branch of mathemat...
caleches 22 17 CALECHE, (French) a...
calflick 26 23 a cowlick (a lock of...
caliches 23 17 CALICHE, (Spanish) g...
calicles 22 16 CALICLE, a cup-shape...
calicoes 20 15 CALICO, a brightly p...
callback 25 23 a recall of a defect...
calorics 21 15 CALORIC, a hypotheti...
calpacks 24 22 CALPACK, a triangula...
calycate 26 17 pertaining to a caly...
calyceal 27 18 pertaining to a caly...
calycine 26 18 of or pertaining to...
calycled 28 19 having a calycle, a...
calycles 28 18 CALYCLE, a row of sm...
calycoid 27 18 like a calix [adj]
calycule 28 19 a cuplike structure...
calyculi 29 19 CALYCULUS, a small,...
cambrics 24 20 CAMBRIC, a fine line...
camcords 21 18 CAMCORD, to videotap...
camshoch 25 21 (Scots) crooked or d...
canceled 19 17 CANCEL, to cause not...
canceler 19 16 one who cancels, als...
cancelli 21 17 (Latin) the latticew...
cancered 18 16 affected with cancer...
cancrine 18 16 crabwise; (of verses...
cancroid 19 16 a type of slow-growi...
candocks 20 20 CANDOCK, the yellow...
cannabic 20 19 of or like cannabis...
cannachs 20 18 CANNACH, (Scots) a c...
canstick 21 19 (Shakespeare) a cand...
canticle 20 16 a nonmetrical hymn,...
canticos 19 15 CANTICO, to dance as...
canticoy 25 17 to dance as an act o...
canticum 21 19 a canticle, a part-s...
capacity 28 19 the ability to recei...
capricci 26 20 CAPRICCIO, a free fo...
caprices 22 17 CAPRICE, a whim, an...
caprocks 23 21 CAPROCK, an overlyin...
caprylic 30 20 applied to a type of...
capsicin 22 18 a liquid used as a f...
capsicum 24 21 a plant yielding (e....
captchas 24 19 CAPTCHA, a program t...
capuccio 25 21 (Spenser) a cloak ho...
capuched 24 21 having a capuche [ad...
capuches 24 20 CAPUCHE, a cloak hoo...
capuchin 24 21 a South American mon...
caracals 20 15 CARACAL, the desert...
caracara 18 14 (Spanish) any of sev...
caracole 19 15 to perform a half tu...
caracols 20 15 CARACOL, to perform...
caraculs 21 16 CARACUL, (Russian) a...
carapace 20 17 the shell of an anim...
carbamic 23 20 pertaining to a type...
carbolic 23 18 an acidic compound [...
carbonic 21 18 of or relating to ca...
carcajou 21 24 a musteline animal,...
carcakes 20 18 CARCAKE, (Scots) a s...
carcanet 18 15 (obsolete) an orname...
carcased 19 15 CARCASE, to put a ca...
carcases 19 14 CARCASE, to put a ca...
carceral 20 15 pertaining to prison...
cardcase 19 15 a case or wallet for...
cardecue 19 16 an old French coin,...
cardecus 20 16 CARDECU, an old Fren...
cardiacs 20 15 CARDIAC, a person wi...
carditic 21 15 relating to carditis...
cariacou 19 15 an American deer, ak...
cariocas 19 14 CARIOCA, a South Ame...
carjacks 23 27 CARJACK, to hijack a...
carjacou 21 24 an American deer, al...
carlocks 22 19 CARLOCK, Russian isi...
caroches 21 16 CAROCHE, a stately c...
carracks 21 18 CARRACK, (historical...
carracts 20 14 CARRACT, (historical...
carrects 20 14 CARRECT, (historical...
carritch 23 16 (Scots) a catechism...
carrycot 26 16 a cot for carrying a...
cartouch 22 17 (French) in Egyptian...
carucage 20 17 a feudal tax levied...
carucate 19 15 (historical) as much...
caruncle 20 17 any fleshy growth on...
caryatic 26 16 of or like a caryati...
cascabel 22 18 the rear part of a c...
cascable 22 18 the rear part of a c...
cascaded 19 16 CASCADE, to fall lik...
cascades 19 15 CASCADE, to fall lik...
cascaras 19 14 CASCARA, a medicinal...
caschrom 23 19 a spade with a bent...
casevacs 21 18 CASEVAC, to evacuate...
cashback 25 23 getting cash back on...
cassocks 21 18 CASSOCK, a close-fit...
castocks 21 18 CASTOCK, a cabbage s...
catacomb 22 20 an underground cemet...
cataract 19 14 a waterfall [n -S]
catcalls 22 16 CATCALL, to deride b...
catchall 24 18 something dealing wi...
catchcry 32 21 (Australia) a phrase...
catchers 22 16 CATCHER, one that ca...
catchfly 32 22 a name for a species...
catchier 22 16 CATCHY, pleasing and...
catchily 30 19 CATCHY [adv]
catching 23 19 the act of catching...
catchups 25 20 CATCHUP, a spicy tom...
catclaws 24 18 CATCLAW, a type of a...
catechin 21 17 one of the tannic ac...
catechol 22 17 a chemical used in p...
catechus 22 17 CATECHU, a resin use...
catfaces 21 17 CATFACE, a deformity...
cathects 22 16 CATHECT, to invest w...
cathodic 22 17 relating to a cathod...
catholic 23 17 universal, general [...
cationic 19 15 relating to a cation...
caucused 20 17 CAUCUS, to hold a po...
caucuses 20 16 CAUCUS, to hold a po...
caudices 20 16 CAUDEX, the woody ba...
caudicle 21 17 the stalk of the pol...
caulicle 22 17 a short caulis or st...
caustics 21 15 CAUSTIC, a caustic s...
cavicorn 21 19 hollow-horned [adj]...
cecities 20 14 CECITY, blindness [n...
cecropia 21 17 a fast-growing tropi...
cecropin 21 18 a peptide with antib...
celeriac 20 15 a vegetable, celery...
celibacy 29 20 abstention from sexu...
cenacles 19 16 CENACLE, a dining ro...
cenozoic 21 24 relating to the most...
cephalic 25 20 pertaining to the he...
ceramics 21 17 CERAMIC, an item mad...
cercaria 19 14 (Latin) the final la...
cercises 20 14 CERCIS, any tree or...
cerclage 21 17 any of several proce...
cercopid 22 18 any member of the fa...
cerebric 22 17 relating to the cere...
cervical 23 19 pertaining to the ce...
cervices 22 18 CERVIX, a necklike o...
cervicum 24 22 the flexible region...
cetacean 17 15 a type of aquatic ma...
ceterach 21 16 a kind of fern [n -S...
ceviches 24 20 CEVICHE, in Mexican...
chachkas 25 22 CHACHKA, (Yiddish) a...
chacking 24 23 CHACK, to pinch or n...
chaconne 19 18 (French) a Spanish b...
chalcids 24 18 CHALCID, any small p...
chaliced 23 18 of flowers, cuplike...
chalices 23 17 CHALICE, a drinking...
chalonic 22 18 relating to a chalon...
champaca 24 22 (Hindi) an East Indi...
champacs 25 22 CHAMPAC, (Hindi) an...
chancels 22 18 CHANCEL, the part of...
chancers 21 17 CHANCER, an opportun...
chancery 27 19 a court of public re...
chancier 21 17 CHANCY, risky, also...
chancily 29 20 CHANCY, risky, also...
chancing 22 20 CHANCE, to risk [v]
chancres 21 17 CHANCRE, a hard nodu...
chaordic 22 17 having both chaos an...
characid 22 17 any carnivorous fres...
characin 21 17 any carnivorous fres...
characts 22 16 CHARACT, (obsolete)...
charcoal 22 17 to draw or blacken w...
charlock 24 21 a weedy plant with y...
charneco 20 17 (Shakespeare) a kind...
chatchka 25 22 a knicknack, also CH...
chatchke 25 22 a knicknack, also CH...
chaunced 21 19 CHAUNCE, (obsolete)...
chaunces 21 18 CHAUNCE, (obsolete)...
chechako 24 22 (Native American) a...
chechias 24 18 CHECHIA, (French) a...
checkbox 31 30 a small box on a com...
checkers 23 20 CHECKER, to divide i...
checkier 23 20 CHECKY, chequered [a...
checking 24 23 the act of making a...
checkoff 27 26 a marking off on a l...
checkout 23 21 the cash desk at a s...
checkrow 26 23 to plant in rows tha...
checksum 25 24 a numerical summary...
checkups 26 24 CHECKUP, an examinat...
chemical 24 20 related to chemistry...
cherubic 25 20 like a cherub, also...
chiacked 23 21 CHIACK, (Australian...
chiasmic 24 19 relating to chiasmus...
chiastic 23 16 relating to chiasmus...
chicanas 21 17 CHICANA, (US, deroga...
chicaned 21 18 CHICANE, to quibble...
chicaner 21 17 a person who chicane...
chicanes 21 17 CHICANE, to quibble...
chicanos 21 17 CHICANO, (Spanish) a...
chiccory 32 21 succory, a blue-flow...
chichier 25 18 CHICHI, elaborately...
chickees 23 20 CHICKEE, a stilt hou...
chickens 23 21 CHICKEN, to loose on...
chickory 30 22 a perennial herb, al...
chickpea 25 23 a dwarf pea grown fo...
chicness 22 17 being chic [n -ES]
chimeric 24 19 of the nature of a c...
chinched 24 20 CHINCH, to fill in t...
chinches 24 19 CHINCH, to fill in t...
chipmuck 28 27 a small rodent, also...
chitchat 25 18 to indulge in small...
choccier 25 19 CHOCCY, having the t...
choccies 25 19 CHOCCY, chocolate [n...
chockful 27 25 full to the limit [a...
chocking 24 23 CHOCK, to secure wit...
choctaws 25 19 CHOCTAW, a type of s...
choicely 29 19 CHOICE, of fine qual...
choicest 22 16 CHOICE, of fine qual...
choleric 23 17 bad-tempered [adj CH...
choragic 23 18 relating to a chorag...
choregic 23 18 relating to a choreg...
chowchow 30 24 a relish of mixed pi...
chronics 22 17 CHRONIC, a chronic i...
chthonic 24 19 pertaining to the ea...
chubasco 24 20 a violent thundersto...
chuckers 24 21 CHUCKER, a bowler wh...
chuckies 24 21 CHUCKIE, a chicken,...
chucking 25 24 CHUCK, to chuck [v]
chuckled 25 23 CHUCKLE, to laugh qu...
chuckler 25 22 one who chuckles [n...
chuckles 25 22 CHUCKLE, to laugh qu...
churched 25 20 CHURCH, to bring to...
churches 25 19 CHURCH, to bring to...
churchly 33 22 pertaining to a chur...
chyacked 29 23 CHYACK, (Australian...
cicatrix 27 21 the scar of a healed...
cicelies 21 15 CICELY, a fragrant h...
cicerone 18 15 (Italian) a guide es...
ciceroni 19 15 CICERONE, (Italian)...
cichlids 25 18 CICHLID, any teleost...
cichloid 24 18 like a cichlid, any...
cicinnus 20 17 a way in which flowe...
cicisbei 23 17 CICISBEO, a lover of...
cicisbeo 22 17 a lover of a married...
ciclaton 20 16 (obsolete) a costly...
cicorees 19 14 CICOREE, a perennial...
cicutine 20 16 a poisonous alkaloid...
cinching 23 20 CINCH, to bind firml...
cinchona 20 18 (Quechua) a tree yie...
cincture 20 16 to gird or surround...
cinnamic 20 19 pertaining to, or ob...
circiter 21 14 (Latin) formerly use...
circlers 22 15 CIRCLER, one who enc...
circlets 22 15 CIRCLET, a ring-shap...
circling 23 18 the act of circling...
circlips 25 18 CIRCLIP, a spring wa...
circuits 22 15 CIRCUIT, to move aro...
circuity 28 17 a roundabout course...
circular 22 16 in the shape of a ci...
circuses 21 15 CIRCUS, a public ent...
circussy 28 17 pertaining to a circ...
civicism 25 21 a system of governme...
clachans 22 18 CLACHAN, (Gaelic) a...
claching 24 20 CLACH, to kill by st...
clackbox 30 29 a part of an engine...
clackers 22 19 CLACKER, that which...
clacking 23 22 CLACK, to make a noi...
clamancy 27 21 urgency [n CLAMANCIE...
clarence 19 16 a kind of closed car...
clarsach 23 17 (Gaelic) a Scottish...
classico 21 15 made from grapes gro...
classics 22 15 CLASSIC, a work of e...
clastics 22 15 CLASTIC, a rock comp...
clatched 23 18 CLATCH, to dabble or...
clatches 23 17 CLATCH, to dabble or...
clauchts 24 18 CLAUCHT, (Scots) to...
clavecin 22 20 a harpsichord [n -S]
clavicle 24 20 a shoulder bone [n -...
clawback 27 25 taking by taxation w...
clearcut 21 16 to cut a forest comp...
cleckier 22 19 CLECKY, broody [adj]
clecking 23 22 a brood [n -S]
cleidoic 21 16 of a bird's or insec...
clemency 27 21 mercy [n CLEMENCIES]
clenched 22 19 CLENCH, to grasp fir...
clencher 22 18 a tool for clenching...
clenches 22 18 CLENCH, to grasp fir...
clerical 22 16 like a cleric [adj C...
cleruchs 24 18 CLERUCH, a citizen o...
cleruchy 30 20 an allotment of land...
clicheed 23 18 full of cliches, als...
clickers 23 19 CLICKER, the composi...
clickets 23 19 CLICKET, to make a c...
clicking 24 22 a series of clicks [...
climatic 23 18 pertaining to climat...
clinched 23 19 CLINCH, to settle a...
clincher 23 18 a decisive remark [n...
clinches 23 18 CLINCH, to settle a...
clinical 22 17 relating to a clinic...
clitoric 22 15 pertaining to the cl...
clochard 23 18 (French) a beggar; a...
clockers 22 19 CLOCKER, a 24-hour d...
clocking 23 22 the illegal practice...
clubface 25 22 the striking surface...
cluckers 23 20 CLUCKER, a chicken [...
cluckier 23 20 CLUCKY, (Australian...
clucking 24 23 CLUCK, to make the s...
clunches 23 19 CLUNCH, a tough clay...
clutched 24 19 CLUTCH, to grasp and...
clutches 24 18 CLUTCH, to grasp and...
coachdog 22 19 a spotted dog, forme...
coachees 20 16 COACHEE, (colloquial...
coachers 21 16 COACHER, a person wh...
coachier 21 16 COACHY, relating to...
coachies 21 16 COACHY, a coachman [...
coaching 22 19 COACH, to tutor or t...
coachman 21 20 one who drives a coa...
coachmen 21 20 COACHMAN, one who dr...
coacting 20 17 COACT, to act togeth...
coaction 18 15 joint action [n -S]
coactive 21 18 mutually active [adj...
coactors 19 14 COACTOR, one who act...
coagency 25 19 a joint agency [n CO...
coalesce 19 15 to blend [v COALESCE...
coalface 21 18 exposed coal in a mi...
coalsack 21 19 a sack for carrying...
coanchor 20 17 to present televised...
coatrack 20 18 a rack for coats [n...
cobaltic 23 18 relating to a cobalt...
cocaines 18 15 COCAINE, a narcotic,...
coccidia 23 18 COCCIDIUM, a parasit...
coccoids 23 18 COCCOID, a spherical...
coccyges 30 21 COCCYX, a bone of th...
coccyxes 35 26 COCCYX, a bone of th...
cochairs 22 16 COCHAIR, to serve jo...
cochleae 21 17 COCHLEA, a part of t...
cochlear 22 17 a kind of spoon, als...
cochleas 22 17 COCHLEA, a part of t...
cocinera 18 15 a cook [n -S]
cockaded 20 20 having a cockade [ad...
cockades 20 19 COCKADE, a rosette w...
cockapoo 21 21 a cross between a sp...
cockatoo 19 18 a bird of the parrot...
cockbill 26 23 to raise the yardarm...
cockbird 24 22 a male bird [n -S]
cockboat 22 21 a small boat [n -S]
cockcrow 27 24 early dawn, the time...
cockered 20 19 COCKER, to pamper; t...
cockerel 21 19 a young rooster [n -...
cockeyed 26 21 having a cockeye [ad...
cockeyes 26 20 COCKEYE, a squinting...
cockiest 21 18 COCKY, arrogantly se...
cocklers 22 19 COCKLER, someone who...
cocklike 23 23 like a rooster [adj]
cockling 23 22 the act of gathering...
cockloft 24 22 a small room just un...
cockneys 26 21 COCKNEY, a resident...
cocknify 29 24 to make (an accent)...
cockpits 24 21 COCKPIT, the area fo...
cockshot 23 20 a target in a throwi...
cockshut 24 21 twilight, probably r...
cocksier 21 18 COCKSY, self-importa...
cocksman 21 22 a man reputed to be...
cocksmen 21 22 COCKSMAN, a man repu...
cockspur 24 22 a variety of hawthor...
cocksure 21 19 perfectly confident...
cocktail 22 19 to dock a horse's ta...
cocoanut 18 16 the large, hard-shel...
cocobola 21 18 a dark wood used in...
cocobolo 21 18 a tropical tree, als...
cocomats 20 17 COCOMAT, matting mad...
coconuts 19 16 COCONUT, the large,...
cocooned 17 16 COCOON, to wrap tigh...
cocooner 17 15 one who retreats to...
cocopans 20 18 COCOPAN, in South Af...
cocoplum 24 22 a West Indian rosace...
cocottes 19 14 COCOTTE, (French) a...
cocoyams 26 19 COCOYAM, a tropical...
cocreate 18 14 to create together [...
coctions 19 15 COCTION, the act of...
codicils 22 16 CODICIL, a supplemen...
codirect 20 15 to direct jointly [v...
codpiece 21 18 a cover for the crot...
coeffect 23 20 an accompanying effe...
coeliacs 20 15 COELIAC, a person su...
coelomic 21 18 relating to a coelom...
coenacle 18 16 a dining room, also...
coenacts 18 15 COENACT, to enact to...
coercers 19 14 COERCER, one who coe...
coercing 20 17 COERCE, to compel by...
coercion 18 15 the act of coercing...
coercive 21 18 serving or intended...
coerects 19 14 COERECT, to erect to...
cofactor 21 17 a molecule or ion wh...
cogences 19 17 COGENCE, the state o...
cognosce 19 17 in Scots law, to exa...
coincide 19 16 to be identical [v C...
coinfect 21 18 to infect at the sam...
colchica 26 20 COLCHICUM, a floweri...
coldcock 25 23 to knock unconscious...
colicine 20 16 an antibacterial sub...
colicins 21 16 COLICIN, an antibact...
collects 22 16 COLLECT, to bring to...
colocate 19 15 to group housing uni...
colonics 20 16 COLONIC, irrigation...
columbic 25 22 pertaining to, or co...
comeback 23 24 a return to former g...
commence 20 21 to begin [v COMMENCE...
commerce 21 20 to engage in trade [...
compacts 23 20 COMPACT, to pack clo...
compesce 22 20 (archaic) to restrai...
complect 24 21 to weave together [v...
complice 24 21 (obsolete) an accomp...
conacred 18 16 CONACRE, to let in t...
conacres 18 15 CONACRE, to let in t...
concause 18 16 a cooperating cause...
concaved 20 20 CONCAVE, to curve in...
concaves 20 19 CONCAVE, to curve in...
conceals 19 16 CONCEAL, to hide [v]
conceded 18 17 CONCEDE, to acknowle...
conceder 18 16 one who concedes [n...
concedes 18 16 CONCEDE, to acknowle...
conceits 19 15 CONCEIT, to form a c...
conceity 25 17 characterized by con...
conceive 20 19 to understand [v CON...
concents 18 16 CONCENT, (archaic) a...
concepti 21 18 CONCEPTUS, the produ...
concepts 21 18 CONCEPT, a general i...
concerns 18 16 CONCERN, to be of in...
concerti 19 15 CONCERTO, a musical...
concerto 18 15 a musical compositio...
concerts 19 15 CONCERT, to construc...
concetti 19 15 CONCETTO, (Italian)...
concetto 18 15 (Italian) an ingenio...
conchate 20 17 shaped like a shell...
conchies 21 17 CONCHY, a conscienti...
conching 22 20 CONCHE, to knead and...
conchoid 21 18 a type of geometric...
concised 19 16 CONCISE, (Milton) to...
conciser 19 15 CONCISE, succinct [a...
concises 19 15 CONCISE, (Milton) to...
conclave 21 20 the room in which ca...
conclude 20 18 to finish [v CONCLUD...
concocts 22 18 CONCOCT, to fabricat...
concolor 19 16 of uniform color, al...
concords 19 16 CONCORD, to be in or...
concours 19 16 (French) a competiti...
concrete 18 15 real, graspable [adj...
concrews 22 18 CONCREW, (archaic) t...
conduced 19 18 CONDUCE, to contribu...
conducer 19 17 one that conduces [n...
conduces 19 17 CONDUCE, to contribu...
conducti 20 17 CONDUCTUS, a style o...
conducts 20 17 CONDUCT, to lead or...
confects 21 18 CONFECT, to prepare...
conflict 23 19 to be in opposition...
confocal 21 19 of a type of microsc...
congenic 19 18 of animal cells, bre...
conicine 18 16 a liquid, highly poi...
conicity 26 17 the state of being c...
conjects 21 24 CONJECT, to conjectu...
conjunct 21 26 joined together, uni...
connects 18 16 CONNECT, to join tog...
conoidic 19 16 nearly, but not exac...
contacts 19 15 CONTACT, to communic...
contecks 20 19 CONTECK, (archaic) s...
contract 19 15 to decrease in size...
convects 21 19 CONVECT, to transfer...
convicts 22 19 CONVICT, to prove gu...
convince 20 20 to satisfy as to tru...
cooncans 17 16 COONCAN, a card game...
cootched 21 17 COOTCH, (Welsh) to h...
cootches 21 16 COOTCH, (Welsh) to h...
coppiced 24 21 COPPICE, to grow in...
coppices 24 20 COPPICE, to grow in...
copremic 23 20 relating to copremia...
coprince 21 18 one of two princes r...
copycats 28 19 COPYCAT, to imitate...
coracles 20 15 CORACLE, a small boa...
coracoid 19 15 a bone of the should...
coranach 20 17 (Gaelic) a lamentati...
cornacre 18 15 the letting by a ten...
corncake 19 19 a cake made of maize...
corncobs 21 18 CORNCOB, the cob or...
corncrib 22 18 a building in which...
cornetcy 25 17 a rank in the Britis...
corniced 19 16 CORNICE, to decorate...
cornices 19 15 CORNICE, to decorate...
corniche 21 17 (French) a coastal r...
cornicle 20 16 a wax-secreting orga...
cornific 22 18 producing horns [adj...
corocore 18 14 a Malayan boat, also...
corocoro 18 14 a Malayan boat, also...
coronach 20 17 a dirge, also CORANA...
corrects 20 14 CORRECT, to make rig...
cortical 21 15 pertaining to the co...
cortices 20 14 CORTEX, (Latin) the...
coscript 23 17 to collaborate in wr...
cosecant 18 15 a trigonometrical fu...
cosmetic 21 17 relating to beauty p...
cosmical 22 18 pertaining to the co...
cossacks 21 18 COSSACK, a Russian c...
couchant 21 18 in heraldry, lying o...
couchees 21 17 COUCHEE, an evening...
couchers 22 17 COUCHER, one who cou...
couching 23 20 embroidery in which...
coumaric 21 18 of coumarin, also CU...
councils 21 17 COUNCIL, an assembly...
couscous 20 16 the grain of the Afr...
cowlicks 26 22 COWLICK, a lock of u...
coxalgic 28 24 pertaining to pain i...
coxcombs 29 27 COXCOMB, a foolishly...
crachach 27 21 (Welsh) Welsh people...
crackers 21 18 CRACKER, a thin, cri...
crackets 21 18 CRACKET, (English di...
crackier 21 18 CRACKY, full of crac...
crackies 21 18 CRACKIE, a small dog...
cracking 22 21 a chemical process [...
crackjaw 26 30 a word which is hard...
crackled 22 20 CRACKLE, to emit sna...
crackles 22 19 CRACKLE, to emit sna...
cracknel 21 20 a hard, crisp biscui...
crackpot 23 21 an eccentric person...
crackups 24 22 CRACKUP, a mental br...
cracowes 22 17 CRACOWE, a long-toed...
cranched 21 18 CRANCH, to chew with...
cranches 21 17 CRANCH, to chew with...
cratches 22 16 CRATCH, a feed box f...
cratonic 19 15 relating to a craton...
craunchy 28 20 crunchy [adj CRAUNCH...
creances 18 15 CREANCE, the cord us...
credence 18 16 a small table for ho...
crepance 20 18 a sore on a horse's...
crescent 19 15 a curved shape like...
crescive 22 18 increasing [adj CRES...
cresylic 28 17 relating to cresol,...
creviced 22 19 having a crevice [ad...
crevices 22 18 CREVICE, a cleft [n]
crewcuts 24 18 CREWCUT, a short hai...
crewneck 23 22 a sweater with a rou...
cricetid 21 15 a member of the Cric...
crickets 22 18 CRICKET, to play a g...
cricking 23 21 CRICK, to cause a sp...
cricoids 21 15 CRICOID, a ring-shap...
critical 22 15 given to criticism [...
croceate 18 14 (obsolete) saffron-c...
croceine 18 15 a red or orange azo...
croceins 19 15 CROCEIN, a red or or...
croceous 19 15 saffron-coloured, al...
crochets 22 16 CROCHET, to work woo...
crockery 27 20 domestic pottery [n...
crockets 21 18 CROCKET, a curling l...
crocking 22 21 CROCK, to break down...
crockpot 23 21 (tradename) a brand...
crocoite 19 14 a bright red mineral...
crocuses 20 15 CROCUS, an iridaceou...
cromacks 22 21 CROMACK, a stick wit...
crombecs 23 20 CROMBEC, a kind of A...
cromlech 24 20 (Welsh) a prehistori...
cropsick 24 21 sick from overeating...
crosscut 21 15 to cut across [v CRO...
crotched 22 17 having a crotch [adj...
crotches 22 16 CROTCH, the human ge...
crotchet 22 16 a small hook [n -S]
crotonic 19 15 as in crotonic acid,...
crouched 22 18 CROUCH, to squat or...
crouches 22 17 CROUCH, to squat or...
crucians 20 16 CRUCIAN, a colourful...
cruciate 20 15 cross-shaped or Y-sh...
crucible 24 19 a heat-resistant ves...
crucifer 23 18 one who bears a cros...
crucifix 30 25 a cross bearing an i...
crummack 24 25 (Gaelic) a crook, a...
crummock 24 25 (Gaelic) a crook, a...
crunched 22 19 CRUNCH, to chew with...
cruncher 22 18 one that crunches [n...
crunches 22 18 CRUNCH, to chew with...
crunchie 22 18 (offensive) an Afrik...
crutched 23 18 CRUTCH, to support o...
crutches 23 17 CRUTCH, to support o...
cryonics 26 17 the freezing of the...
cubicity 30 20 the state of being c...
cubicles 24 19 CUBICLE, a partially...
cubicula 24 20 CUBICULUM, a burial...
cubistic 24 18 relating to cubism,...
cuckolds 23 21 CUCKOLD, a man with...
cuckooed 20 20 CUCKOO, to repeat mo...
cucumber 24 22 a garden vegetable,...
cucurbit 24 19 a chemical vessel us...
culchier 24 18 CULCHIE, (Irish) rus...
culchies 24 18 CULCHIE, a rustic, a...
culicids 23 17 CULICID, a mosquito,...
culicine 21 17 a mosquito of a grou...
cultches 24 18 CULTCH, the flooring...
cumacean 19 19 a small crustacean l...
cuneatic 19 16 wedge-shaped, also C...
cupcakes 23 22 CUPCAKE, a small rou...
curacaos 19 15 CURACAO, a type of l...
curacies 20 15 CURACY, the office o...
curacoas 19 15 CURACOA, a type of l...
curchefs 25 20 CURCHEF, a covering...
curculio 22 17 a kind of weevil [n...
curcumas 22 19 CURCUMA, any plant o...
curcumin 22 20 the saffron-yellow c...
curlicue 22 17 to decorate with fan...
curlycue 28 19 a fancy twist or cur...
currachs 23 17 CURRACH, (Irish) a l...
currency 26 18 a monetary medium of...
curricle 22 16 a two-wheeled open c...
cuscuses 21 16 CUSCUS, an arboreal...
custocks 22 19 CUSTOCK, (Scots) a c...
cutbacks 24 22 CUTBACK, a reduction...
cutblock 25 23 a limited area autho...
cutchery 29 19 a judicial office in...
cuticles 22 16 CUTICLE, any of vari...
cuticula 22 17 the outer hard cover...
cutscene 19 16 a type of scene in c...
cwtching 27 22 CWTCH, (Welsh) to hi...
cyanitic 26 17 of or like cyanite,...
cyanotic 25 17 relating to cyanosis...
cycasins 26 17 CYCASIN, a derivativ...
cyclamen 27 21 a primulaceous flowe...
cyclases 27 17 CYCLASE, an enzyme t...
cyclecar 30 20 a type of motor vehi...
cycleway 36 22 a path reserved for...
cyclical 32 21 relating to a cycle...
cyclicly 39 23 CYCLIC, moving in co...
cyclings 29 20 CYCLING, the act of...
cyclised 28 18 CYCLISE, to form one...
cyclises 28 17 CYCLISE, to form one...
cyclists 29 17 CYCLIST, one who rid...
cyclitol 29 18 an alicyclic compoun...
cyclized 31 27 CYCLIZE, to form one...
cyclizes 31 26 CYCLIZE, to form one...
cycloids 28 18 CYCLOID, a curve tra...
cyclonal 27 19 relating to a cyclon...
cyclones 26 18 CYCLONE, a rotating...
cyclonic 30 21 relating to a cyclon...
cyclopes 29 20 CYCLOPS, a genus of...
cyclopic 33 23 like a cyclops [adj]
cycloses 27 17 CYCLOSIS, the circul...
cyclosis 28 17 the circulation of c...
cycluses 28 18 CYCLUS, a cycle of m...
cymatics 28 19 the therapeutic use...
cynanche 26 20 any inflammatory dis...
cynicism 28 20 suspicion of human n...
dabchick 26 24 the little grebe, al...
dactylic 28 18 consisting chiefly o...
dancical 20 17 a type of dance show...
dawcocks 24 22 DAWCOCK, (archaic) a...
decanoic 18 16 as in decanoic acid,...
declutch 24 19 to release the clutc...
decocted 19 16 DECOCT, to extract t...
deictics 21 15 DEICTIC, a deictic w...
delicacy 27 18 a choice food [n DEL...
diacidic 21 16 of or like a diacid,...
diarchic 23 17 relating to a diarch...
dicacity 27 17 (archaic) raillery,...
dicastic 21 15 relating to the old...
dichotic 23 17 affecting the two ea...
dichroic 23 17 having two colours [...
dicrotic 21 15 having a double puls...
dicyclic 32 21 having two maxima of...
didactic 21 16 designed or intended...
dipchick 27 24 the little grebe, al...
discinct 21 16 ungirded [adj]
dobchick 26 24 the little grebe, al...
dochmiac 23 20 pertaining to, or co...
draconic 19 16 unusually harsh, als...
duncical 21 18 relating to a dunce...
dyarchic 29 19 relating to a dyarch...
ecbolics 23 18 ECBOLIC, a drug used...
ecclesia 20 15 (Latin) the public l...
eccrises 20 14 ECCRISIS, expulsion...
eccrisis 21 14 expulsion of waste [...
eccritic 24 17 a remedy which promo...
eclectic 24 18 selecting and employ...
ecliptic 24 18 the path of the sun'...
ecocidal 20 16 relating to ecocide,...
ecocides 19 15 ECOCIDE, the destruc...
ecologic 21 17 relating to ecology,...
economic 19 18 relating to finance...
ecorches 21 16 ECORCHE, (French) a...
ecotoxic 25 21 poisonous to flora a...
ecotypic 28 19 of or like an ecotyp...
ecstatic 20 14 one who is subject t...
ectosarc 19 14 the outermost layer...
ectozoic 22 23 externally parasitic...
ectropic 22 17 displaying the red i...
ecumenic 20 19 general; universal;...
efficacy 30 22 effectiveness [n EFF...
electric 21 15 relating to electric...
elenchic 22 18 relating to an elenc...
elenctic 20 16 relating to argument...
enchoric 21 17 belonging to or used...
encircle 20 16 to form a circle aro...
enclitic 21 16 without accent or st...
encrinic 19 16 containing fossils w...
encroach 20 17 to intrude on anothe...
encyclic 30 21 a letter sent by the...
ensconce 17 16 to settle comfortabl...
epicycle 29 20 a small circle that...
eucritic 21 15 of or like eucrite,...
eucyclic 31 21 having the same numb...
eutectic 20 15 a mixture with a low...
exocytic 32 23 outside biological c...
factices 22 17 FACTICE, vulcanized...
farcical 23 18 absurd [adj FARCICAL...
fascicle 23 18 a bundle; a division...
feluccas 23 19 FELUCCA, a small sai...
floccing 24 21 FLOC, to aggregate i...
floccose 22 18 woolly [adj]
floccule 24 20 a small tuft, also F...
flocculi 25 20 FLOCCULUS, a small f...
focaccia 24 20 a flat Italian bread...
fuckface 25 25 a contemptibly stupi...
galactic 22 17 relating to or obtai...
gamecock 22 23 a rooster trained fo...
geocache 21 18 to search for hidden...
gimcrack 24 23 cheap and showy [adj...
glucinic 23 19 pertaining to, deriv...
gluconic 22 19 as in gluconic acid,...
glucosic 23 18 relating to glucose...
glycemic 30 22 having glucose in th...
glyceric 29 19 pertaining to, or de...
glycolic 30 20 pertaining to, or de...
glyconic 28 20 a type of verse line...
gorcocks 22 20 GORCOCK, the male re...
halachic 25 19 pertaining to the ha...
hatcheck 25 22 the receiving of hat...
haycocks 29 22 HAYCOCK, a conical p...
hectical 23 17 hectic, flushed [adj...
hecticly 30 19 HECTIC, habitual, es...
hiccatee 21 16 a West Indian freshw...
hiccough 26 21 to make a peculiar-s...
hiccuped 25 21 HICCUP, to make a pe...
icepacks 23 21 ICEPACK, packed ice...
icescape 21 17 a landscape covered...
ichthyic 32 20 pertaining to fish [...
iconical 20 16 pertaining to an ico...
icterics 21 14 ICTERIC, a remedy fo...
insconce 18 16 to settle comfortabl...
ischemic 24 19 relating to ischemia...
isocracy 26 16 a form of government...
itaconic 19 15 as in isatonic acid,...
jimcrack 25 30 cheap and showy [adj...
kazachoc 25 29 (Russian) a Russian...
kickback 26 29 a payment (usually i...
lactific 24 18 producing milk [adj]
lactonic 20 16 of, pertaining to, o...
leucemic 22 19 of or like leucemia,...
leucitic 22 16 containing leucite,...
leucotic 21 16 relating to leucosis...
libeccio 23 18 (Italian) a strong w...
licenced 20 17 LICENCE, to issue or...
licencee 19 16 one who is licensed,...
licencer 20 16 one who licenses, al...
licences 20 16 LICENCE, to issue or...
licorice 21 15 a confectionery made...
lockpick 26 26 an instrument for pi...
locofoco 21 18 a match or cigar whi...
lucences 20 17 LUCENCE, the quality...
maccabaw 25 23 a type of snuff, als...
maccaboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
maccoboy 28 22 a type of snuff, als...
machacas 22 19 MACHACA, (Spanish) a...
malaccas 21 18 MALACCA, the cane of...
meacocks 21 21 MEACOCK, (Shakespear...
mechanic 22 20 a person who works w...
medaccas 20 18 MEDACCA, a small Jap...
mercuric 22 18 containing bivalent...
microbic 24 20 of or like a microbe...
microcap 23 20 of a company, having...
microcar 21 17 a compact small-engi...
moccasin 20 18 (Native American) a...
moorcock 21 21 the male moorfowl [n...
moroccos 20 17 MOROCCO, a fine goat...
muchacha 25 22 a young woman or fem...
muchacho 25 22 (Spanish) a boy, man...
muckluck 26 28 (Inuit) a type of se...
narcotic 19 15 dulling the senses [...
nascence 17 16 birth or origin, als...
nascency 24 18 birth or origin, als...
necklace 20 20 to punish with a bur...
necrotic 19 15 undergoing death of...
nickelic 22 20 pertaining to nickel...
nicknack 21 24 a small ornament, a...
nuclidic 22 18 of or like a nuclide...
numchuck 25 26 (Japanese) a martial...
occamies 20 17 OCCAMY, an alloy imi...
occasion 18 15 to cause [v -ED, -IN...
occident 19 16 the part of the worl...
occipita 22 17 OCCIPUT, the back pa...
occiputs 23 18 OCCIPUT, the back pa...
occluded 21 18 OCCLUDE, to stop up...
occluder 21 17 a medical closing de...
occludes 21 17 OCCLUDE, to stop up...
occlusal 22 17 pertaining to the bi...
occlusor 21 16 a muscle etc. which...
occulted 21 17 OCCULT, to hide or m...
occulter 21 16 something or someone...
occultly 29 19 OCCULT, secret [adv]
occupant 21 19 one who occupies [n...
occupate 21 18 to reside in, also O...
occupied 22 19 OCCUPY, to reside in...
occupier 22 18 one who occupies [n...
occupies 22 18 OCCUPY, to reside in...
occurred 20 16 OCCUR, to take place...
octarchy 28 18 a government by eigh...
oiticica 20 14 any of several tropi...
oncomice 19 18 ONCOMOUSE, (US) a mo...
orchitic 23 16 relating to orchitis...
orichalc 23 17 a gold-coloured allo...
outcatch 22 17 to surpass in catchi...
outcoach 21 17 to surpass in coachi...
oxytocic 32 23 a drug that hastens...
pachalic 25 20 the territory of a p...
pachucos 24 20 PACHUCO, (Spanish) a...
packsack 24 25 a carrying bag worn...
pasticci 23 17 PASTICCIO, (Italian)...
paycheck 31 25 a check in payment o...
peachick 25 23 a young peafowl [n -...
peacocks 22 21 PEACOCK, to strut va...
peacocky 28 23 vain, strutting [adj...
peccable 24 21 liable to sin [adj]
peccancy 30 23 sinfulness; transgre...
peccavis 24 21 PECCAVI, a confessio...
percocts 22 17 PERCOCT, to cook tho...
petcocks 23 21 PETCOCK, a valve for...
picachos 24 19 PICACHO, (Spanish) a...
piccanin 21 19 a little child, esp....
piccatas 22 17 PICCATA, (Italian) a...
piccolos 23 18 PICCOLO, a small, sh...
pickback 27 28 a carry on one's bac...
picklock 26 26 an instrument for pi...
pickwick 29 28 a device for raising...
picnicky 30 24 pertaining to a picn...
picritic 24 17 relating to picrite,...
pincheck 25 24 a fabric design [n -...
placcate 22 18 (obsolete) a leather...
placcats 23 18 PLACCAT, (Shakespear...
polaccas 22 18 POLACCA, a vessel wi...
practice 22 17 to train or drill in...
practick 24 21 (archaic) practice,...
practics 23 17 PRACTIC [n]
precheck 25 23 to check beforehand...
precinct 22 18 a space, esp. an enc...
precycle 29 20 (of a consumer) to a...
princock 23 22 (Shakespeare) an arr...
procinct 22 18 (Milton) preparednes...
prosecco 21 17 (Italian) an Italian...
psychics 32 21 PSYCHIC, one sensiti...
puccoons 21 19 PUCCOON, (Native Ame...
putchock 26 24 an aromatic root res...
pycnotic 28 20 exhibiting pyknosis,...
raccoons 18 15 RACCOON, a small Ame...
racecard 19 15 a programme for a ra...
rachitic 23 16 pertaining to or hav...
reaccede 18 15 to accede again [v R...
reaccent 18 15 to accent again [v -...
reaccept 21 17 to accept again [v -...
reaccuse 19 15 to accuse again [v R...
recceing 20 17 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccying 27 19 RECCY, (colloquial)...
rechecks 23 20 RECHECK, to check ag...
recircle 21 15 to circle again [v R...
recocked 20 19 RECOCK, to cock agai...
rectitic 21 14 of the rectum [adj]
recycled 27 18 RECYCLE, to process...
recycler 27 17 one who recycles, al...
recycles 27 17 RECYCLE, to process...
reoccupy 28 20 to occupy again [v R...
reoccurs 20 15 REOCCUR, to occur ag...
ricercar 20 14 any of various contr...
rickrack 23 22 a braid used in trim...
ricochet 22 16 to rebound from a su...
rucksack 23 23 a knapsack [n -S]
saccades 19 15 SACCADE, (French) a...
saccadic 23 18 jerky; twitching [ad...
saccoses 19 14 SACCOS, (Greek) a Bi...
saccular 21 16 saclike [adj]
saccules 21 16 SACCULE, a small sac...
sacculus 22 17 a small sac, also SA...
sachemic 23 19 relating to a sachem...
sarcodic 20 15 of or pertaining to...
scarcely 27 17 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarcest 20 14 SCARCE, in short sup...
scarcity 27 16 the quality of being...
scatback 23 21 a type of player in...
scatches 22 16 SCATCH, a stilt [n]
scenical 20 16 of or pertaining to...
sceptics 23 17 SCEPTIC, a person wh...
schlichs 27 19 SCHLICH, (German) th...
schlocks 25 21 SCHLOCK, inferior me...
schlocky 31 23 of inferior quality,...
schmecks 25 23 SCHMECK, (Yiddish) t...
schmocks 25 23 SCHMOCK, (Yiddish) a...
schmucks 26 24 SCHMUCK [n]
schmucky 32 26 acting like a schmuc...
schnecke 22 21 (German) a sweet bre...
schticks 25 20 SCHTICK, (Yiddish) a...
schtucks 25 21 SCHTUCK, (Yiddish) t...
sciatica 20 14 neuritis of the scia...
sciatics 21 14 SCIATIC, the sciatic...
scienced 19 16 versed [adj]
sciences 19 15 SCIENCE, knowledge o...
scilicet 22 15 (Latin) to wit; name...
scincoid 20 16 belonging to the ski...
scirocco 23 17 (Italian) a hot, dry...
scoleces 20 15 SCOLEX, the knoblike...
scolecid 21 16 a worm of the Scolec...
scolices 21 15 SCOLEX, the knoblike...
sconcing 20 18 SCONCE, to entrench,...
scooched 21 17 SCOOCH, to compress...
scooches 21 16 SCOOCH, to compress...
scorched 22 17 SCORCH, to burn slig...
scorcher 22 16 (colloquial) a very...
scorches 22 16 SCORCH, to burn slig...
scotched 22 17 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scotches 22 16 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scotopic 22 17 relating to scotopia...
scraichs 23 16 SCRAICH, (Scots) to...
scratchy 29 18 made by scratching [...
scrauchs 23 17 SCRAUCH, to squawk,...
screechy 28 18 screeching [adj SCRE...
screichs 23 16 SCREICH, to shriek,...
scriechs 23 16 SCRIECH, (Scots) to...
scrootch 22 16 to crouch, also SCRO...
scrunchy 29 20 able to be crushed [...
scuchins 23 18 SCUCHIN, (Spenser) a...
sculches 24 18 SCULCH, rubbish, als...
scutched 23 18 SCUTCH, to beat out...
scutcher 23 17 one who scutches, be...
scutches 23 17 SCUTCH, to beat out...
seacocks 20 18 SEACOCK, a valve in...
seecatch 21 16 an adult male fur se...
siroccos 20 14 SIROCCO, (Italian) a...
snocoach 20 17 a bus-like vehicle w...
soccages 20 16 SOCCAGE, a form of f...
speccier 22 17