9 letter words that start with P

9 letter words that start with P

9 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pabouches 24 21 PABOUCHE, an Orienta...
pacations 19 16 PACATION, appeasemen...
pacemaker 21 22 a person who sets th...
pachadoms 23 21 PACHADOM, the rank o...
pachalics 27 21 PACHALIC, the territ...
pachinkos 23 22 PACHINKO, a Japanese...
pachoulis 24 19 PACHOULI, an Asiatic...
pachyderm 30 23 a thick-skinned quad...
pachytene 27 20 the stage of the pro...
pacificae 25 21 letters recommending...
pacifical 27 22 pacific, esp. in Let...
pacifiers 23 18 PACIFIER, something...
pacifisms 25 21 PACIFISM, opposition...
pacifists 24 18 PACIFIST, an advocat...
pacifying 30 23 PACIFY, to make peac...
packagers 22 21 PACKAGER, one who pa...
packaging 23 24 anything used to pac...
packboard 23 23 a canvas-covered woo...
packcloth 28 25 a cloth in which goo...
packeting 22 22 PACKET, to make into...
packfongs 24 25 PACKFONG, a Chinese...
packframe 24 25 a light metal frame...
packhorse 23 21 a horse used for car...
packmules 24 24 PACKMULE, a mule use...
packsacks 26 26 PACKSACK, a carrying...
packsheet 23 21 a list of things for...
packstaff 26 25 a staff for supporti...
packwaxes 30 29 PACKWAX, the strong...
pactional 20 17 of the nature of, or...
pactioned 19 17 PACTION, to agree, m...
paddlings 20 18 PADDLING, the act of...
paddocked 21 22 PADDOCK, to confine...
paddywack 31 26 a slap or smack, als...
pademelon 17 18 (Native Australian)...
padereros 16 13 PADERERO, a type of...
padishahs 22 17 PADISHAH, (Persian)...
padlocked 22 22 PADLOCK, to lock sec...
padronism 18 17 a system of work con...
paduasoys 23 16 PADUASOY, (French) c...
padymelon 24 20 (Native Australian)...
paeanisms 17 16 PAEANISM, the chanti...
paederast 16 13 one who has anal sex...
paedeutic 20 17 relating to paideuti...
paediatry 23 15 the care of children...
paedology 24 18 the study of the gro...
pagandoms 18 19 PAGANDOM, the realm...
paganised 17 16 PAGANISE, to make ir...
paganiser 17 15 one who converts oth...
paganises 17 15 PAGANISE, to make ir...
paganisms 19 18 PAGANISM, an irrelig...
paganists 18 15 PAGANIST, a student...
paganized 20 25 PAGANIZE, to make ir...
paganizer 20 24 one who converts oth...
paganizes 20 24 PAGANIZE, to make ir...
pageantry 23 17 splendid display; po...
pagehoods 19 17 PAGEHOOD, the condit...
pageviews 23 21 PAGEVIEW, an electro...
paginated 17 16 PAGINATE, to mark wi...
paginates 17 15 PAGINATE, to mark wi...
pagodites 18 15 PAGODITE, a soft, gr...
pagurians 18 16 PAGURIAN, a hermit c...
pahauteas 18 15 PAHAUTEA, a small py...
pahoehoes 19 16 PAHOEHOE, (Hawaiian)...
paideutic 21 17 relating to paideuti...
paillards 20 15 PAILLARD, a slice of...
paillasse 19 14 (French) a hard stra...
paillette 19 14 (French) a piece of...
painfully 28 21 PAINFUL, causing pai...
paintable 19 17 able to be painted [...
paintball 21 18 a type of war game w...
painterly 24 16 having the qualities...
paintiest 17 13 PAINTY, covered with...
paintings 18 16 PAINTING, a painted...
paintpots 19 16 PAINTPOT, a pot for...
paintress 17 13 a female painter [n...
paintures 17 14 PAINTURE, the art of...
paintwork 21 20 painted fixtures in...
paitricks 23 19 PAITRICK, (Scots) a...
pakthongs 21 21 PAKTHONG, a Chinese...
palaeosol 17 14 an ancient soil hori...
palaestra 17 13 (historical) a wrest...
palafitte 20 16 a prehistoric hut or...
palaminos 18 17 PALAMINO, a horse wi...
palampore 20 19 a flowered chintz be...
palankeen 16 19 (Malay) a light litt...
palanquin 25 25 (Malay) a light litt...
palatable 20 17 pleasant to taste [a...
palatably 27 19 PALATABLE, pleasant...
palatally 26 17 PALATAL, of or perta...
palatines 17 14 PALATINE, a high off...
palavered 19 18 PALAVER, to talk pro...
palaverer 19 17 one who palavers [n...
palebucks 25 24 PALEBUCK, a kind of...
palefaces 22 19 PALEFACE, a white pe...
palempore 20 19 a flowered chintz be...
paleocene 18 17 belonging to a certa...
paleocons 19 17 PALEOCON, an extreme...
paleogene 16 16 belonging to a certa...
paleolith 21 16 a Stone Age artifact...
paleology 25 18 the study of prehist...
paleosols 18 14 PALEOSOL, a buried s...
paleozoic 23 25 belonging to a certa...
palestrae 17 13 PALESTRA, a school f...
palestral 19 14 relating to a palest...
palestras 18 13 PALESTRA, a school f...
palfreyed 26 19 riding on a palfrey,...
palilalia 20 15 a speech disorder ch...
palillogy 28 19 the repetition of a...
palinodes 17 15 PALINODE, a poem whi...
palinopia 19 17 a visual disorder in...
palisaded 18 15 PALISADE, to fortify...
palisades 18 14 PALISADE, to fortify...
palladium 21 19 a metallic element r...
palladous 19 16 containing palladium...
palleting 20 17 PALLET, to load onto...
palletise 19 14 to use pallets for m...
palletize 22 23 to use pallets for m...
pallettes 19 14 PALLETTE, a piece of...
palliards 20 15 PALLIARD, (obsolete)...
palliasse 19 14 (French) a hard stra...
palliated 19 15 PALLIATE, to cloak o...
palliates 19 14 PALLIATE, to cloak o...
palliator 19 14 one who palliates [n...
pallidest 20 15 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
pallidity 27 17 pallidness; paleness...
palmarian 18 17 worthy of the ceremo...
palmately 26 19 PALMATE, resembling...
palmation 18 17 all or part of a pal...
palmballs 24 21 PALMBALL, a baseball...
palmettes 19 16 PALMETTE, an ornamen...
palmettos 19 16 PALMETTO, any of var...
palmhouse 21 19 a glasshouse for pal...
palmipede 21 20 a webfooted bird, al...
palmipeds 22 20 PALMIPED, a webfoote...
palmister 20 16 a person who tells f...
palmistry 27 18 foretelling a person...
palmitate 19 16 a salt of palmitic a...
palmitins 20 17 PALMITIN, a glycerid...
palominos 18 17 PALOMINO, a horse wi...
paloverde 19 18 (Spanish) a desert s...
palpating 21 19 PALPATE, to examine...
palpation 19 17 the act of touching...
palpators 20 16 PALPATOR, one who pa...
palpatory 26 18 relating to palpatio...
palpebrae 21 19 PALPEBRA, the eyelid...
palpebral 23 20 of or relating to th...
palpebras 22 19 PALPEBRA, the eyelid...
palpitant 20 17 palpitating; throbbi...
palpitate 20 16 to throb, beat rapid...
palsgrave 21 19 (Dutch) a count pala...
palstaffs 23 19 PALSTAFF, a peculiar...
palstaves 20 17 PALSTAVE, a peculiar...
palsylike 27 20 like the palsy [adj]
palterers 18 13 PALTERER, one who pa...
paltering 19 16 PALTER, to talk or a...
paltriest 19 13 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
paludinal 19 17 of marshes, also PAL...
paludisms 21 18 PALUDISM, marsh feve...
palustral 20 15 of marshes, inhabiti...
pamperers 20 18 PAMPERER, one who pa...
pampering 21 21 PAMPER, to treat wit...
pamphlets 24 21 PAMPHLET [n]
pamphreys 29 22 PAMPHREY, (Irish) a...
pampootie 19 18 a rawhide slipper wo...
panachaea 19 18 (Spenser) a remedy f...
panatelas 16 14 PANATELA, (Spanish)...
panatella 17 15 (Spanish) a long thi...
panbroils 20 17 PANBROIL, to fry in...
pancaking 21 23 PANCAKE, to land an...
pancettas 19 16 PANCETTA, unsmoked I...
panchaxes 27 25 PANCHAX, any of seve...
panchayat 27 20 (Hindi) five elders,...
pancheons 20 19 PANCHEON, a wide-bri...
panchions 21 19 PANCHION, a wide-bri...
pancosmic 24 22 pertaining to pancos...
pancratia 19 16 PANCRATIUM, an athle...
pancratic 23 19 excelling all round...
pandaring 17 17 PANDAR, to act as a...
pandation 15 15 (archaic) warping [n...
pandemian 16 18 vulgar; sensual [adj...
pandemias 17 17 PANDEMIA, a widespre...
pandemics 21 20 PANDEMIC, a widespre...
panderers 16 14 PANDERER, one who pa...
panderess 16 14 a female pander [n -...
pandering 17 17 PANDER, to act as a...
panderism 18 17 the employment, arts...
panderous 16 15 of or relating to a...
pandurate 16 15 fiddle-shaped, e.g....
panegoism 18 18 solipsism [n -S]
panegyric 27 20 an eulogistic oratio...
paneities 16 13 PANEITY, the state o...
panelings 18 17 PANELING, material w...
panelised 17 15 made in sections for...
panelists 18 14 PANELIST, one who se...
panelized 20 24 made in sections for...
panelling 19 18 material with which...
panellist 19 15 one who serves on a...
panetelas 16 14 PANETELA, (Spanish)...
panetella 17 15 (Spanish) a long thi...
panettone 14 14 (Italian) a kind of...
panettoni 15 14 PANETTONE, (Italian)...
panfished 21 19 PANFISH, to fish for...
panfishes 21 18 PANFISH, any small f...
panfortes 18 16 PANFORTE, (Italian)...
panfrying 26 21 PANFRY, to fry in a...
pangamies 18 18 PANGAMY, random mati...
pangolins 18 17 PANGOLIN, the scaly...
panhandle 18 18 a strip of territory...
panically 28 20 PANIC [adv]
panickier 21 20 PANICKY, tending to...
panicking 22 23 PANIC, to experience...
panislams 19 17 PANISLAM, all of Isl...
panjandra 17 24 PANJANDRUM, a powerf...
panlogism 20 19 the theory that the...
panmictic 25 22 connected with or ex...
panmixias 24 23 PANMIXIA, random mat...
pannelled 17 17 (Shakespeare) conjec...
pannicles 20 18 PANNICLE, a thin, sh...
panniered 15 15 fitted with panniers...
pannikell 19 20 (Spenser) the skull...
pannikels 18 19 PANNIKEL, (obsolete)...
pannikins 17 19 PANNIKIN, a small me...
panoistic 20 16 of an ovary, produci...
panoplied 19 18 arrayed in full armo...
panoplies 19 17 PANOPLY, an impressi...
panoramas 16 16 PANORAMA, a wide or...
panoramic 20 19 relating to a panora...
pansexual 23 22 relating to pansexua...
pansophic 24 21 relating to pansophy...
panspermy 26 21 the theory that life...
pansticks 22 20 PANSTICK, foundation...
pantables 19 17 PANTABLE, a slipper,...
pantagamy 24 20 marriage in which al...
pantaleon 15 15 a kind of large dulc...
pantalets 17 14 PANTALET, long under...
pantalone 15 15 (French) a movement...
pantalons 16 15 PANTALON, a movement...
pantaloon 15 15 (Shakespeare) a feeb...
pantdress 17 14 a dress having a div...
pantheism 20 18 the belief that the...
pantheist 19 15 one who holds to pan...
panthenol 18 17 a vitamin of the B-c...
pantheons 17 16 PANTHEON, a temple d...
pantihose 18 15 tights worn by women...
pantiling 19 17 pantiles collectivel...
pantingly 25 19 PANTING, breathless...
pantoffle 21 20 a slipper, an oversh...
pantofles 19 17 PANTOFLE, a slipper,...
pantomime 18 19 a type of theatrical...
pantoufle 19 18 a slipper, an oversh...
pantropic 22 19 occurring or distrib...
pantryman 23 19 one who looks after...
pantrymen 23 19 PANTRYMAN, one who l...
pantsuits 18 14 PANTSUIT, a woman's...
pantyhose 24 17 tights worn by women...
panzootic 22 25 affecting all the an...
papalised 20 17 PAPALISE, to render...
papalises 20 16 PAPALISE, to render...
papalisms 22 19 PAPALISM, the papal...
papalists 21 16 PAPALIST, a supporte...
papalized 23 26 PAPALIZE, to render...
papalizes 23 25 PAPALIZE, to render...
paparazzi 25 33 PAPARAZZO, (Italian)...
paparazzo 24 33 (Italian) a photogra...
paperback 25 25 a book with a flexib...
paperbark 22 22 an Australian tree w...
paperboys 27 20 PAPERBOY, a newsboy...
paperclip 26 22 a bent wire clip for...
papergirl 22 18 a female paperboy [n...
paperiest 19 15 PAPERY, resembling p...
paperings 20 18 PAPERING, the act of...
paperless 20 16 using esp. electroni...
paperware 21 18 articles made of pap...
paperwork 23 22 clerical work; the k...
papeterie 18 15 (French) a stationer...
papillary 28 19 like, of the nature...
papillate 21 17 having papillae, nip...
papilloma 22 20 a tumour formed by h...
papillons 21 18 PAPILLON, (French) a...
papillose 21 17 covered with papules...
papillote 21 17 (French) a paper fri...
papillous 22 18 covered with papules...
papillule 23 19 a small papilla, a n...
papishers 22 17 PAPISHER, a supporte...
pappadams 22 22 PAPPADAM, (Tamil) a...
pappadoms 22 22 PAPPADOM, (Tamil) a...
pappadums 23 23 PAPPADUM, (Tamil) a...
pappooses 20 18 PAPPOOSE, an America...
papyruses 26 18 PAPYRUS, a parchment...
parabases 18 15 PARABASIS, (Greek) a...
parabasis 19 15 (Greek) a speech in...
parablast 20 16 the yolk of an egg,...
parabling 21 19 PARABLE, to represen...
parabolae 18 16 PARABOLA, (Greek) a...
parabolas 19 16 PARABOLA, (Greek) a...
paraboles 19 16 PARABOLE, a rhetoric...
parabolic 23 19 of or like a parabol...
parabrake 19 19 a parachute as used...
parachors 22 17 PARACHOR, a mathemat...
parachute 22 18 a large fabric umbre...
paraclete 20 16 (Greek) an advocate...
paracrine 19 16 of signalling betwee...
paracuses 20 16 PARACUSIS, disordere...
paracusis 21 16 disordered hearing [...
paradigms 20 18 PARADIGM, an example...
paradisal 18 14 relating to paradise...
paradises 17 13 PARADISE [v]
paradisic 21 16 relating to paradise...
paradores 16 13 PARADOR, a building...
paradoses 16 13 PARADOS, an earthwor...
paradoxal 23 21 of the nature of par...
paradoxer 22 20 one who engages in p...
paradoxes 22 20 PARADOX, something w...
paradrops 19 16 PARADROP, to deliver...
paraffine 20 19 any saturated hydroc...
paraffins 21 19 PARAFFIN, to treat w...
paraffiny 27 21 of or like paraffin...
paraffles 22 19 PARAFFLE, (Scots) a...
parafoils 20 16 PARAFOIL, a type of...
paraforms 20 18 PARAFORM, a substanc...
paraglide 19 16 to glide through the...
paragoges 18 16 PARAGOGE, the additi...
paragogic 22 19 relating to a parago...
paragogue 18 17 the addition of a so...
paragoned 16 16 PARAGON, (archaic) t...
paragrams 19 17 PARAGRAM, a play on...
paragraph 22 19 a distinct part of a...
parakeets 17 16 PARAKEET, a small lo...
parakelia 18 17 (Native Australian)...
parakites 18 16 PARAKITE, a kite use...
paralalia 18 14 abnormality of speec...
paralegal 19 16 assisting a professi...
paralexia 23 20 transposition of wor...
paralexic 27 23 relating to paralexi...
parallels 20 15 PARALLEL, to be exte...
paralogia 18 15 the impairment of re...
paralogue 18 16 either of a pair of...
paralysed 24 16 PARALYSE, to render...
paralyser 24 15 a paralysing agent,...
paralyses 24 15 PARALYSE, to render...
paralysis 25 15 the state of being u...
paralytic 28 18 suffering from paral...
paralyzed 27 25 PARALYZE, to render...
paralyzer 27 24 a paralysing agent,...
paralyzes 27 24 PARALYZE, to render...
paramatta 17 15 (Malay) a cotton or...
paramecia 20 18 PARAMECIUM, a genus...
paramedic 21 19 helping doctors or s...
paramenta 16 16 PARAMENT, (obsolete)...
paraments 17 16 PARAMENT, (obsolete)...
parameses 17 15 PARAMESE, in Greek m...
parameter 17 15 a boundary or limit...
paramorph 22 20 a pseudomorph formed...
paramount 17 17 supreme [adj PARAMOU...
paramours 18 16 PARAMOUR, a lover of...
paramylum 27 22 a substance resembli...
paranetes 15 13 PARANETE, a tone in...
paranoeas 14 13 PARANOEA, a mental d...
paranoeic 18 16 suffering from paran...
paranoiac 18 16 suffering from paran...
paranoias 15 13 PARANOIA, a mental d...
paranoics 19 16 PARANOIC, someone su...
paranoids 16 14 PARANOID, someone su...
paranymph 28 23 (historical) a best...
paraparas 18 15 PARAPARA, a small Ne...
parapente 17 16 the sport of jumping...
parapeted 18 16 having a parapet [ad...
paraphing 22 20 PARAPH, to append a...
parapodia 18 16 PARAPODIUM, a jointl...
paraquats 25 22 PARAQUAT, (tradename...
paraquets 25 22 PARAQUET, a small lo...
paraquito 25 22 a small long-tailed...
pararhyme 26 19 a form of rhyme in w...
parasails 18 13 PARASAIL, to soar wh...
parasangs 17 15 PARASANG, an old Per...
parasceve 21 19 among the Jews, the...
parashahs 21 16 PARASHAH, (Hebrew) a...
parashoth 21 16 PARASHAH, (Hebrew) a...
parasites 17 12 PARASITE, an organis...
parasitic 21 15 of or like a parasit...
parasoled 17 14 having a parasol [ad...
parataxes 22 19 PARATAXIS, the juxta...
parataxis 23 19 the juxtaposition of...
parathion 18 15 an extremely toxic i...
paratonic 19 16 resulting from exter...
paratroop 18 15 relating to paratroo...
paravanes 17 17 PARAVANE, an underwa...
paravants 18 17 PARAVANT, a preemine...
paravaunt 18 18 (Spenser) before, in...
parawings 21 18 PARAWING, a winglike...
parazoans 18 22 PARAZOAN, any of a m...
parbaking 21 22 PARBAKE, to bake par...
parboiled 20 17 PARBOIL, to cook par...
parbreaks 20 19 PARBREAK, (archaic)...
parbuckle 25 24 to raise or lower (a...
parceling 22 19 PARCEL, to divide in...
parcelled 22 18 PARCEL, to divide in...
parcenary 25 18 the state of being a...
parceners 19 16 PARCENER, a coheir,...
parchedly 30 21 PARCHED [adv]
parcheesi 22 17 (Hindi) a game, some...
parchesis 23 17 PARCHESI, (Hindi) a...
parchisis 24 17 PARCHISI, (Hindi) a...
parchment 23 21 the skin of a sheep,...
parcimony 27 21 (archaic) sparingnes...
parcloses 21 16 PARCLOSE, a railing...
pardalote 17 14 a small Australian s...
pardoners 16 14 PARDONER, one who ra...
pardoning 17 17 the act of pardoning...
parecious 20 16 of certain mosses, h...
parecisms 22 18 PARECISM, the state...
paregoric 21 17 soothing, lessening...
pareneses 15 13 PARENESIS, an exhort...
parenesis 16 13 an exhortation, also...
parentage 16 15 descent from parents...
parenting 17 16 PARENT, to act as fa...
parfleche 25 21 (French) rawhide soa...
pargasite 18 14 a dark green alumino...
pargeters 18 14 PARGETER, one who pa...
pargeting 19 17 ornamental plasterwo...
pargetted 18 15 PARGET, to cover wit...
pargetter 18 14 one who pargets, pla...
pargyline 25 18 a monoamine oxidase...
parhelion 19 16 a halolike light see...
parhypate 27 19 (Greek) in Greek mus...
parietals 18 13 PARIETAL, a bone of...
parischan 22 18 (Scots) a parish, al...
parishads 20 15 PARISHAD, (Hindi) an...
parishens 19 15 PARISHEN, (Scots) a...
parkettes 18 16 PARKETTE, a small pu...
parklands 19 19 PARKLAND, a cared-fo...
parkwards 22 20 towards a park, also...
parlances 20 17 PARLANCE, a manner o...
parlaying 25 18 PARLAY, to wager ori...
parlement 18 17 parliament [n -S]
parleyers 24 15 PARLEYER, one who pa...
parleying 25 18 PARLEY, to discuss t...
parleyvoo 25 19 (slang) to speak Fre...
parlously 26 17 PARLOUS, perilous, a...
parmesans 17 16 PARMESAN, a hard, dr...
parochial 23 18 local; confined to o...
parochine 21 18 (Scots) a parish, al...
parochins 22 18 PAROCHIN, (Scots) a...
parodical 21 17 having the character...
parodists 18 13 PARODIST, one who co...
parodying 24 18 PARODY, to imitate i...
paroecism 21 18 the state of having...
paroemiac 20 18 the anapaestic dimet...
paroemial 18 16 relating to paroemia...
paroemias 17 15 PAROEMIA, (Greek) a...
paroicous 20 16 of certain mosses, h...
parolable 20 17 that can be paroled...
paronymic 27 21 of or like a paronym...
paroquets 25 22 PAROQUET, a small lo...
parosmias 18 15 PAROSMIA, a distorti...
parotides 17 13 PAROTIS, (Greek) the...
parotises 17 12 PAROTIS, (Greek) the...
parotitic 21 15 of or like parotitis...
parotitis 18 12 inflammation of the...
parotoids 17 13 PAROTOID, any of var...
parousias 17 13 PAROUSIA, (Greek) a...
paroxysms 31 24 PAROXYSM, a sudden f...
parpoints 19 16 PARPOINT, a stone pa...
parqueted 25 23 PARQUET, to cover a...
parquetry 32 24 the art of making pa...
parrakeet 17 16 a small long-tailed...
parrhesia 19 14 freedom or boldness...
parricide 21 16 the killing of a par...
parridges 19 15 PARRIDGE, a soft mea...
parrocked 21 20 PARROCK, to confine...
parrokets 18 16 PARROKET, a small lo...
parroquet 25 22 a small long-tailed...
parroters 17 12 PARROTER, one who si...
parroting 18 15 PARROT, to repeat wi...
parsimony 24 18 sparingness or reluc...
parsleyed 24 16 adorned with parsley...
parsonage 16 15 the home of a parson...
parsonish 19 15 appropriate to, or l...
partakers 18 16 PARTAKER, one who pa...
partaking 19 19 the act of partaking...
parterres 17 12 PARTERRE, a section...
partially 26 16 PARTIAL, not whole [...
particles 22 16 PARTICLE, a very sma...
partisans 17 13 PARTISAN, an adheren...
partition 17 13 the act of dividing...
partitive 20 16 parting, distributin...
partitura 18 13 (Italian) a score in...
partizans 20 22 PARTIZAN, an adheren...
partnered 16 14 PARTNER, to join wit...
partridge 19 15 any member of a genu...
partworks 22 19 PARTWORK, one of a m...
partygoer 24 16 one who attends part...
partyings 25 17 PARTYING [n]
partyisms 26 17 PARTYISM, devotion t...
parulides 19 15 PARULIS, (Greek) a s...
parulises 19 14 PARULIS, (Greek) a s...
parureses 17 13 PARURESIS, a type of...
paruresis 18 13 a type of phobia in...
parvenues 18 18 PARVENUE, (French) a...
parvoline 19 18 a liquid derived fro...
parvolins 20 18 PARVOLIN, a ptomaine...
pasearing 17 15 PASEAR, to take a wa...
pashadoms 20 18 PASHADOM, the rank o...
pashalics 24 18 PASHALIC, the territ...
pashaliks 22 19 PASHALIK, the territ...
pashminas 20 18 PASHMINA, a shawl ma...
pasodoble 19 17 (Spanish) a fast mod...
paspalums 22 20 PASPALUM, any plant...
pasquiler 27 23 a writer of pasquils...
passadoes 16 13 PASSADO, a forward t...
passaging 19 17 PASSAGE, to make a v...
passalong 18 16 easily propagated an...
passament 17 16 (French) a decorativ...
passbands 19 17 PASSBAND, a frequenc...
passbooks 20 19 PASSBOOK, a bankbook...
passement 17 16 (French) a decorativ...
passenger 17 15 someone who travels...
passepied 19 16 (French) a Breton da...
passerine 16 13 a perching bird [n -...
passersby 26 17 PASSERBY, one who pa...
passingly 26 18 PASSING, incidental,...
passional 17 14 a book containing ac...
passioned 16 14 PASSION, to exhibit...
passivate 19 16 to coat metal with o...
passively 27 19 PASSIVE, not active...
passivism 22 19 the doctrine of bein...
passivist 21 16 one who believes in...
passivity 27 18 the state of being p...
passments 18 16 PASSMENT, to trim wi...
passovers 19 16 PASSOVER, an annual...
passports 20 15 PASSPORT, a document...
passwords 21 16 PASSWORD, a secret w...
pastalike 19 17 like pasta [adj]
pastances 19 16 PASTANCE, (archaic)...
pastedown 19 17 the outer leaf of an...
pastelist 19 13 an artist who works...
pasticcio 24 18 (Italian) a medley,...
pastiches 23 17 PASTICHE, an artisti...
pastilles 20 14 PASTILLE, a small, o...
pastiness 17 13 the state of being p...
pastitsio 18 12 (Modern Greek) a dis...
pastitsos 18 12 PASTITSO, (Modern Gr...
pastorale 17 13 (Italian) a composit...
pastorali 18 13 PASTORALE, (Italian)...
pastorals 18 13 PASTORAL, a pastoral...
pastorate 16 12 the office, state, o...
pastoring 18 15 PASTOR, to serve as...
pastorium 19 16 the residence of a p...
pastramis 19 15 PASTRAMI, a highly s...
pastromis 19 15 PASTROMI, a highly s...
pasturage 18 15 the business of feed...
pasturers 18 13 PASTURER, one who pa...
pasturing 19 16 PASTURE, to put out...
patchable 25 21 that can be patched...
patchiest 23 17 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
patchings 24 20 PATCHING, the act of...
patchocke 26 24 (Spenser) perhaps a...
patchouli 24 19 (Tamil) an Asiatic t...
patchouly 30 21 (Tamil) an Asiatic t...
patchwork 27 24 in needlework, to se...
patellate 18 14 relating to the pate...
patencies 19 16 PATENCY, the conditi...
patentees 15 13 PATENTEE, one who ho...
patenting 17 16 PATENT, to obtain a...
patentors 16 13 PATENTOR, one who gr...
patercove 21 19 (slang) a hedge-prie...
patereros 16 12 PATERERO, a type of...
paternity 23 15 fatherhood [n PATERN...
pathetics 23 17 the branch of knowle...
pathnames 19 18 PATHNAME, the name o...
pathogene 18 17 a disease-producing...
pathogens 19 17 PATHOGEN, a disease-...
pathogeny 25 19 the production and d...
pathology 27 19 the study of disease...
patiences 19 16 PATIENCE, the qualit...
patiented 16 14 PATIENT, (Shakespear...
patienter 16 13 PATIENT, calm and un...
patiently 24 16 PATIENT, calm and un...
patinated 16 14 PATINATE, to give a...
patinates 16 13 PATINATE, to give a...
patinised 17 14 PATINISE, to give a...
patinises 17 13 PATINISE, to give a...
patinized 20 23 PATINIZE, to give a...
patinizes 20 22 PATINIZE, to give a...
patissier 18 12 (French) a maker or...
patnesses 16 13 PATNESS, suitability...
patooties 16 12 PATOOTIE, (colloquia...
patriarch 23 17 a man who is the hea...
patriated 17 13 PATRIATE, to transfe...
patriates 17 12 PATRIATE, to transfe...
patrician 20 16 aristocratic [adj PA...
patricide 21 16 the killing of a fat...
patricoes 20 15 PATRICO, (slang) a h...
patriliny 25 16 descent reckoned thr...
patrimony 24 18 an inheritance from...
patriotic 21 15 devoted to one's cou...
patristic 22 15 pertaining to the Fa...
patrolled 19 15 PATROL, to guard by...
patroller 19 14 one who patrols [n -...
patrolman 18 17 a police officer on...
patrolmen 18 17 PATROLMAN, a police...
patrology 25 17 the study of early C...
patronage 16 15 (Shakespeare) to cou...
patroness 16 13 a female patron [n -...
patronise 16 13 to assume the condes...
patronize 19 22 to assume the condes...
patronnes 15 14 PATRONNE, (French) a...
pattamars 18 15 PATTAMAR, a vessel r...
pattening 17 16 PATTEN, (obsolete) t...
patterers 17 12 PATTERER, one who pa...
pattering 18 15 PATTER, to talk rapi...
patterned 16 14 PATTERN, to copy a d...
pattypans 25 18 PATTYPAN, a pan in w...
patutukis 20 18 PATUTUKI, (New Zeala...
paucities 21 16 PAUCITY, smallness o...
paughtier 21 17 PAUGHTY, (Scots) hau...
pauldrons 18 16 PAULDRON, a shoulder...
paulownia 20 18 any tree of the Chin...
paunchier 22 19 PAUNCHY, having a pr...
paunching 23 22 PAUNCH, to disembowe...
pauperdom 20 20 the state of being a...
pauperess 19 16 a female pauper [n -...
paupering 20 19 PAUPER, to reduce to...
pauperise 19 16 to reduce to pauperi...
pauperism 21 19 the state of being a...
pauperize 22 25 to reduce to pauperi...
paupiette 19 16 (French) a thinly sl...
pauraques 25 23 PAURAQUE, a long-tai...
pauropods 19 17 PAUROPOD, a minute m...
pauseless 18 14 without a pause [adj...
pausingly 26 19 PAUSING, hesitating...
pavements 19 20 PAVEMENT, to provide...
pavilions 20 18 PAVILION, to cover w...
pavillons 21 19 PAVILLON, the bell o...
pavonazzo 23 35 (Italian) a brightly...
pawkiness 21 20 being pawky, drily o...
pawnshops 24 21 PAWNSHOP, a shop whe...
paychecks 33 26 PAYCHECK, a check in...
paycheque 36 29 a payment for work d...
paygrades 24 17 PAYGRADE, the grade...
paymaster 24 17 the official in an o...
payphones 26 20 PAYPHONE, a coin-ope...
paysagist 25 16 a painter of landsca...
peabrains 18 16 PEABRAIN, a stupid p...
peaceable 21 19 inclined to peace [a...
peaceably 28 21 PEACEABLE, inclined...
peaceless 20 16 without peace; distu...
peaceniks 20 20 PEACENIK, one who de...
peacetime 20 18 a period of time bet...
peachblow 28 24 a delicate purplish-...
peachicks 27 24 PEACHICK, a young pe...
peachiest 22 17 PEACHY, coloured or...
peacocked 23 23 PEACOCK, to strut va...
pearliest 18 13 PEARLY, like a pearl...
pearlings 19 16 PEARLING, (Scots) a...
pearlised 18 14 treated so as to giv...
pearlites 18 13 PEARLITE, ferrite an...
pearlitic 22 16 relating to pearlite...
pearlized 21 23 treated so as to giv...
pearlwort 21 16 a name given to seve...
pearmains 17 16 PEARMAIN, a variety...
peartness 16 13 the state of being p...
pearwoods 19 16 PEARWOOD, the wood o...
peasantry 22 15 peasants as a class;...
peasecods 19 16 PEASECOD, the pod of...
peasouper 18 16 a thick fog [n -S]
peataries 16 12 PEATARY, a region co...
peateries 16 12 PEATERY, a region co...
peatlands 17 15 PEATLAND, an area of...
peatships 22 17 PEATSHIP, the state...
pebbliest 23 19 PEBBLY, resembling p...
pebblings 24 22 PEBBLING, a covering...
peccantly 30 22 PECCANT, sinning; gu...
peccaries 23 18 PECCARY, a hoofed ma...
peckishly 32 24 PECKISH, somewhat hu...
pecorinos 19 16 PECORINO, a hard che...
pectinals 21 17 PECTINAL, a fish wit...
pectinate 19 16 toothed like a comb,...
pectineal 20 17 of the pubic bone [a...
pectinous 20 17 of or like pectin [a...
pectising 22 18 PECTISE, to congeal...
pectizing 25 27 PECTIZE, to congeal...
pectolite 21 16 a hydrous silicate o...
pectorals 21 16 PECTORAL, a pectoral...
peculated 21 18 PECULATE, to embezzl...
peculates 21 17 PECULATE, to embezzl...
peculator 21 17 one who peculates [n...
peculiars 22 17 PECULIAR, a parish o...
pecuniary 26 19 pertaining to money...
pecunious 20 18 having a lot of mone...
pedagogic 22 20 like a pedagogue, al...
pedagogue 18 18 one who teaches; by...
pedalboat 19 17 a boat that is prope...
pedalcars 21 17 PEDALCAR, a fourwhee...
pedalfers 20 17 PEDALFER, a type of...
pedaliers 18 14 PEDALIER, the pedal...
pedallers 19 15 PEDALLER, someone wh...
pedalling 20 18 the act of pedalling...
pedantise 16 14 to play the pedant,...
pedantism 18 17 pedantry, also PEDAN...
pedantize 19 23 to play the pedantt,...
pedatifid 20 17 of a leaf, cleft in...
peddlings 20 18 PEDDLING, the act of...
pederasts 17 13 PEDERAST, a man who...
pederasty 23 15 anal intercourse bet...
pedereros 16 13 PEDERERO, a type of...
pedestals 18 14 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pediatric 21 16 relating to the care...
pedicular 22 18 of or pertaining to...
pediculus 23 19 (Latin) any member o...
pedicured 21 18 PEDICURE, to apply f...
pedicures 21 17 PEDICURE, to apply f...
pedigreed 18 16 having a pedigree [a...
pedigrees 18 15 PEDIGREE, a line of...
pediments 18 17 PEDIMENT, a triangul...
pedipalpi 23 20 PEDIPALPUS, one of t...
pedipalps 23 20 PEDIPALP, one of the...
pedlaries 18 14 PEDLARY, the trade o...
pedleries 18 14 PEDLERY, the trade o...
pedocalic 24 20 of or like pedocal,...
pedogenic 20 19 relating to pedogene...
pedologic 22 19 relating to pedology...
pedometer 17 16 an instrument for me...
pedophile 22 19 one with a perverted...
pedorthic 23 18 of footwear, designe...
pedreroes 16 13 PEDRERO, a type of o...
peduncled 21 20 having a peduncle [a...
peduncles 21 19 PEDUNCLE, the stalk...
peekaboos 18 19 PEEKABOO, a peeping...
peekapoos 18 19 PEEKAPOO, a dog that...
peengeing 17 18 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
peepholes 21 18 PEEPHOLE, a small op...
peepshows 24 20 PEEPSHOW, a small di...
peeresses 16 12 PEERESS, a noblewoma...
peesweeps 21 18 PEESWEEP, (Scots) th...
peetweets 19 15 PEETWEET, a wading b...
peevishly 29 21 PEEVISH, irritable [...
pegasuses 18 15 PEGASUS, a member of...
pegboards 20 18 PEGBOARD, a board wi...
peglegged 21 20 having a wooden leg...
pegmatite 19 17 a coarsely crystalli...
peignoirs 18 15 PEIGNOIR, a woman's...
peincting 21 19 PEINCT, (obsolete) t...
peirastic 21 15 experimental; tentat...
peishwahs 25 19 PEISHWAH, a chief mi...
pejorated 18 22 PEJORATE, to make wo...
pejorates 18 21 PEJORATE, to make wo...
pelagials 20 16 PELAGIAL, an open bo...
pelagians 18 16 PELAGIAN, an inhabit...
pelecypod 29 22 designating or perta...
pelerines 17 14 PELERINE, (French) a...
pellagras 20 16 PELLAGRA, a niacin-d...
pellagrin 20 17 one who is afficted...
pelletify 28 19 to make into a pelle...
pelleting 20 17 PELLET, to hit with...
pelletise 19 14 to make into a pelle...
pelletize 22 23 to make into a pelle...
pellicles 24 18 PELLICLE, a thin ski...
pellitory 26 16 a low, harmless weed...
pellmells 23 19 PELLMELL, a jumbled...
pelmanism 20 20 a card game in which...
pelorised 18 14 affected with pelori...
pelorisms 20 16 PELORISM, abnormal s...
pelorized 21 23 affected with pelori...
peloruses 18 14 PELORUS, a kind of c...
peltately 25 16 PELTATE, having the...
peltation 17 14 the state of being p...
peltering 19 16 PELTER, to shower bl...
peltingly 27 19 (Shakespeare) in a p...
pelviform 24 23 basin-shaped [adj]
pembrokes 21 22 PEMBROKE, a small fo...
pemmicans 22 22 PEMMICAN, a food pre...
pemolines 18 17 PEMOLINE, a white cr...
pemphigus 25 23 (Greek) a somewhat r...
pemphixes 29 27 PEMPHIX, a somewhat...
penalised 17 15 PENALISE, to subject...
penalises 17 14 PENALISE, to subject...
penalized 20 24 PENALIZE, to subject...
penalizes 20 23 PENALIZE, to subject...
penalties 17 14 PENALTY, punishment...
penancing 19 20 PENANCE, to impose a...
penchants 21 19 PENCHANT, a strong l...
pencilers 21 17 PENCILER, one who pe...
penciling 22 20 the art or act of pa...
pencilled 22 19 PENCIL, to write or...
penciller 22 18 one who pencils, als...
pencrafts 22 19 PENCRAFT, penmanship...
pendantly 23 18 PENDANT, hanging, al...
pendently 23 18 PENDENT, hanging; dr...
pendicler 21 18 the tenant of a pend...
pendicles 21 18 PENDICLE, (Scots) a...
pendragon 16 17 (Welsh) an ancient B...
pendulate 17 16 to swing as a pendul...
penduline 17 17 building a pendulous...
pendulous 18 17 hanging loosely; swi...
pendulums 20 20 PENDULUM, a type of...
peneplain 18 18 a low gently, rollin...
peneplane 17 18 a low gently, rollin...
penetrant 15 14 penetrating [adj] /...
penetrate 15 13 to thrust or force a...
penguinry 24 19 a breeding place, or...
penholder 19 17 a holder for pens [n...
penicilli 23 18 PENICILLUS, a small...
penillion 18 16 PENILL, (Welsh) a ve...
peninsula 17 16 a strip of land jutt...
penistone 15 14 a cloth, a coarse fr...
penitence 18 17 the state of being p...
penitency 25 19 the state of being p...
penitents 16 14 PENITENT, a person w...
penknives 19 22 PENKNIFE, a small po...
penlights 22 18 PENLIGHT, a small to...
pennalism 18 18 a system of fagging...
pennatula 16 16 a sea-pen [n PENNATU...
penneechs 20 19 PENNEECH, an old car...
penneecks 19 21 PENNEECK, an old car...
penniform 19 20 feather-shaped [adj]
penniless 17 15 without a penny, des...
penninite 15 15 a mineral of the chl...
pennoncel 18 19 a small flag like a...
pennyboys 30 21 PENNYBOY, an employe...
pennyfees 23 19 PENNYFEE, (Scots) a...
pennyland 22 19 (historical) land va...
pennywise 25 19 careful with small a...
pennywort 25 19 a perennial succulen...
penoncels 19 18 PENONCEL, a small fl...
penpoints 18 17 PENPOINT, the point...
penpusher 21 19 a person whose work...
penseroso 15 13 (Italian) brooding,...
pensility 25 16 being pensile, hangi...
pensioned 15 15 PENSION, to grant a...
pensioner 15 14 one receiving a pens...
pensiones 15 14 PENSIONE, (Italian)...
pensively 26 20 PENSIVE, engaged in...
penstemon 16 17 a genus of showy flo...
penstocks 21 20 PENSTOCK, a valve-co...
pentacles 20 17 PENTACLE, a five-poi...
pentagons 16 16 PENTAGON, a five-sid...
pentagram 18 18 a five-pointed star,...
pentalogy 24 18 the state of being i...
pentalpha 21 19 a five-pointed star,...
pentamery 23 18 the condition of bei...
pentangle 17 17 a five-pointed star,...
pentanoic 18 17 as in pentanoic acid...
pentanols 16 15 PENTANOL, one of the...
pentapody 24 19 a measure or series...
pentarchs 22 18 PENTARCH, a member o...
pentarchy 28 20 government by five i...
pentathla 19 16 PENTATHLUM, a pentat...
penthouse 18 16 a flat or maisonette...
penticing 21 19 PENTICE, to provide...
pentising 18 16 PENTISE, to provide...
pentosane 14 14 a complex carbohydra...
pentosans 15 14 PENTOSAN, a complex...
pentoside 16 14 a compound containin...
pentoxide 22 21 an oxide containing...
pentroofs 18 16 PENTROOF, a roof tha...
pentylene 22 17 an unsaturated hydro...
penuchles 23 20 PENUCHLE, a card gam...
penuckles 22 22 PENUCKLE, a card gam...
penultima 19 18 (Latin) the last but...
penumbrae 19 20 PENUMBRA, a partial...
penumbral 21 21 relating to the penu...
penumbras 20 20 PENUMBRA, a partial...
penurious 17 15 poor; mean [adj PENU...
penwipers 22 19 PENWIPER, a piece of...
peperinos 18 16 PEPERINO, a type of...
peperomia 19 18 a genus of subtropic...
peperonis 18 16 PEPERONI, a highly s...
peponidas 18 17 PEPONIDA, a fruit ha...
peponiums 20 20 PEPONIUM, a fruit ha...
pepperbox 29 28 a pepper-pot; an ear...
pepperers 21 18 PEPPERER, a dealer i...
pepperier 21 18 PEPPERY, resembling...
peppering 22 21 a seasoning with pep...
pepperoni 20 19 (Italian) a hard, sp...
peppiness 21 19 being peppy [n -ES]
pepsinate 18 16 to treat or mix with...
peptalked 21 21 PEPTALK, to inspire...
pepticity 30 20 being peptic [n PEPT...
peptidase 19 16 an enzyme which brea...
peptisers 20 15 PEPTISER, one that p...
peptising 21 18 PEPTISE, to form a c...
peptizers 23 24 PEPTIZER, one that p...
peptizing 24 27 PEPTIZE, to form a c...
peptonise 18 16 to make (a protein)...
peptonize 21 25 to make (a protein)...
pequistes 26 22 PEQUISTE, in Canada,...
peraeopod 17 16 each of the eight wa...
perborate 18 15 a salt that is a com...
percaline 20 17 (French) a glossy li...
perceable 22 19 (Spenser) able to be...
perceived 22 20 PERCEIVE, to become...
perceiver 22 19 one who perceives [n...
perceives 22 19 PERCEIVE, to become...
percental 20 17 relating to percenta...
perchance 24 21 by chance, as it may...
percheron 21 18 (French) a draught-h...
perchings 24 20 PERCHING, a method o...
perciform 24 21 a perch-like fish [n...
percocted 23 19 PERCOCT, to cook tho...
percolate 20 16 to pass through pore...
percolins 21 17 PERCOLIN, a small bi...
percussed 21 17 PERCUSS, to strike w...
percusses 21 16 PERCUSS, to strike w...
percussor 21 16 a percussion hammer...
perdition 17 14 everlasting misery a...
perduring 19 17 PERDURE, to continue...
peregrine 17 15 a swift falcon much...
peregrins 18 15 PEREGRIN, a swift fa...
pereiopod 18 16 each of the eight wa...
perennate 14 14 to last or live thro...
perennial 16 15 lasting for many yea...
perennity 22 16 the quality of being...
perenties 16 13 PERENTY, a large Aus...
pereopods 18 16 PEREOPOD, an appenda...
perfectas 22 18 PERFECTA, a system o...
perfected 22 19 PERFECT, to make fau...
perfecter 22 18 a person who or thin...
perfectly 30 21 PERFECT, lacking in...
perfector 22 18 a machine for perfec...
perfectos 22 18 PERFECTO, a medium-s...
perfervid 22 20 extremely or excessi...
perfervor 21 19 a state of great fer...
perfidies 20 16 PERFIDY, deliberate...
perforans 18 16 the long flexor musc...
perforant 18 16 perforating [adj]
perforate 18 15 to bore through or i...
performed 20 19 PERFORM, to begin an...
performer 20 18 one who performs [n...
perfumers 21 19 PERFUMER, one who pr...
perfumery 27 21 a place where perfum...
perfumier 21 19 one who prepares per...
perfuming 22 22 PERFUME, to fill wit...
perfusate 19 16 that which is perfus...
perfusing 21 19 PERFUSE, to diffuse...
perfusion 19 17 the act of perfusing...
perfusive 22 20 of a nature to flow...
pergunnah 19 19 (Hindi) a division o...
perhapses 21 17 PERHAPS, something o...
periaguas 18 15 PERIAGUA, a type of...
periaktoi 18 16 PERIAKTOS, (Greek) i...
periaktos 18 16 (Greek) in the ancie...
perianths 19 15 PERIANTH, an outer c...
periapses 19 15 PERIAPSIS, the close...
periapsis 20 15 the closest point to...
periblast 21 16 in meroblastic eggs,...
periblems 22 19 PERIBLEM, a region o...
periboloi 20 16 PERIBOLOS, (Greek) a...
peribolos 20 16 (Greek) a precinct;...
peribolus 21 17 a precinct; an enclo...
pericarps 23 18 PERICARP, the wall o...
periclase 21 16 a naturally occurrin...
pericline 21 17 a variety of albite...
pericones 19 16 PERICON, an Argentin...
pericopae 21 18 PERICOPE, a section...
pericopal 23 19 relating to a perico...
pericopes 22 18 PERICOPE, a section...
pericopic 26 21 relating to a perico...
pericycle 31 21 the outermost layer...
periderms 19 16 PERIDERM, an outer l...
peridinia 17 14 PERIDINIUM, a dinofl...
peridiums 20 17 PERIDIUM, the outer...
peridotes 17 13 PERIDOTE, a gemstone...
peridotic 21 16 relating to peridot...
peridrome 18 16 a gallery or balcony...
perigones 17 15 PERIGONE, any organ...
perigonia 17 15 PERIGONIUM, any orga...
perihelia 20 15 PERIHELION, the poin...
perikarya 24 18 PERIKARYON, the cell...
perilling 21 17 PERIL, to put in dan...
perilunes 18 15 PERILUNE, the point...
perilymph 31 23 the fluid surroundin...
perimeter 18 15 the circuit or bound...
perimetry 25 17 measurement of the f...
perimorph 23 20 a crystal of one spe...
perimysia 25 17 PERIMYSIUM, the conn...
perinaeum 17 17 the lower part of th...
perinatal 17 14 relating to the peri...
perineums 18 17 PERINEUM, the lower...
periodate 16 13 a salt of periodic a...
periodide 17 14 an iodid, a salt of...
periodids 18 14 PERIODID, a compound...
perioding 18 16 PERIOD, (Shakespeare...
periodise 17 13 to divide into perio...
periodize 20 22 to divide into perio...
periostea 16 12 PERIOSTEUM, a tough...
periotics 21 15 PERIOTIC, a bone of...
peripatus 20 16 a member of the genu...
peripetia 19 15 (Greek) a sudden and...
periphery 28 19 a line or surface ac...
periplasm 22 19 the region inside th...
periplast 21 16 an intercellular sub...
periproct 23 18 the region surroundi...
peripters 20 15 PERIPTER, a structur...
periptery 26 17 a peripteral buildin...
perisarcs 21 15 PERISARC, a protecti...
periscian 20 16 a person living insi...
periscope 22 18 a device (e.g. a tub...
perishers 20 14 PERISHER, (colloquia...
perishing 21 17 PERISH, to die [v]
perisperm 21 18 the albumen of a see...
peristome 18 15 the area, or a struc...
peristyle 25 15 a range of columns a...
peritonea 15 13 PERITONEUM, the smoo...
peritrack 22 19 at an airport, a spe...
peritrich 24 17 a bacterium bearing...
perjurers 20 22 PERJURER, one guilty...
perjuries 20 22 PERJURY, false swear...
perjuring 21 25 PERJURE, to make a p...
perjurous 20 23 (archaic) guilty of...
perkiness 18 17 the state of being p...
perlemoen 17 17 (Afrikaans) another...
permabear 19 18 an investor who cons...
permabull 23 21 an investor who cons...
permalink 20 21 an internet hyperlin...
permalloy 26 19 an alloy of nickel a...
permanent 16 17 remaining, or intend...
permatans 17 16 PERMATAN, a permanen...
permeable 20 19 allowing a gas or li...
permeably 27 21 PERMEABLE, allowing...
permeance 19 19 the property of allo...
permeants 17 16 PERMEANT, something...
permeases 17 15 PERMEASE, an enzyme...
permeated 17 16 PERMEATE, to spread...
permeates 17 15 PERMEATE, to spread...
permeator 17 15 something or someone...
permitted 19 16 PERMIT, to allow [v]
permittee 18 15 one to whom a permis...
permitter 19 15 one who permits [n -...
permutate 18 16 to alter the order,...
permuting 20 19 PERMUTE, to alter th...
perniones 15 14 PERNIO, a chilblain...
perorally 25 16 PERORAL, occurring t...
perorated 16 13 PERORATE, to make a...
perorates 16 12 PERORATE, to make a...
perorator 16 12 one who perorates [n...
perovskia 20 20 a genus of hardy dec...
peroxided 23 21 PEROXIDE, to bleach...
peroxides 23 20 PEROXIDE, to bleach...
peroxidic 27 23 relating to a peroxi...
perpended 18 18 PERPEND, to weigh in...
perpetual 20 17 lasting forever [adj...
perplexed 26 24 PERPLEX, to puzzle [...
perplexer 26 23 one who perplexes [n...
perplexes 26 23 PERPLEX, to puzzle [...
perradial 18 14 situated around the...
perradius 18 14 the primary radius o...
perruques 26 23 PERRUQUE, a kind of...
persecute 20 16 to harass, afflict,...
perseline 17 14 (Spenser) purslane,...
persevere 18 16 to continue steadfas...
persicots 21 15 PERSICOT, a cordial...
persienne 15 14 (French) an Eastern...
persimmon 19 19 a kind of plumlike f...
persisted 18 13 PERSIST, to continue...
persister 18 12 one who persists [n...
personage 16 15 a person, esp. an im...
personals 17 14 PERSONAL, an adverti...
personate 15 13 to assume the identi...
personify 25 18 to be the embodiment...
personise 16 13 to personify, also P...
personize 19 22 to personify, also P...
personned 15 15 manned [adj]
personnel 16 15 the persons employed...
perspexes 25 22 PERSPEX, an acrylic...
perspired 20 16 PERSPIRE, to exude s...
perspires 20 15 PERSPIRE, to exude s...
persuaded 17 15 PERSUADE, to induce...
persuader 17 14 one who persuades [n...
persuades 17 14 PERSUADE, to induce...
perswaded 20 17 PERSWADE, to induce...
perswades 20 16 PERSWADE, to induce...
pertained 16 14 PERTAIN, to have ref...
pertaking 19 19 PERTAKE, to particip...
perthites 20 14 PERTHITE, a variety...
perthitic 24 17 relating to perthite...
pertinent 16 14 belonging or related...
perturbed 20 17 PERTURB, to disturb...
perturber 20 16 one who, or that whi...
pertusate 17 13 pierced at the apex...
pertusion 17 14 the act of punching...
pertussal 19 14 relating to pertussi...
pertusses 18 13 PERTUSSIS, (Latin) w...
pertussis 19 13 (Latin) whooping cou...
perusable 20 17 that can be perused...
pervaders 19 17 PERVADER, one who pe...
pervading 20 20 PERVADE, to permeate...
pervasion 18 17 the act of pervading...
pervasive 21 20 tending to pervade [...
perverser 19 16 PERVERSE, wilfully d...
perverted 19 17 PERVERT, to turn awa...
perverter 19 16 one who perverts [n...
perviated 19 17 PERVIATE, to make a...
perviates 19 16 PERVIATE, to make a...
pervicacy 32 24 (obsolete) the state...
peskiness 18 17 the state of being p...
pessaries 17 12 PESSARY, a contracep...
pessimism 21 18 a tendency to look o...
pessimist 20 15 one who tends to loo...
pesterers 17 12 PESTERER, one who pe...
pestering 18 15 PESTER, to bother [v...
pesterous 17 13 inclined to pester [...
pestholes 20 15 PESTHOLE, a place li...
pesthouse 19 15 (historical) a house...
pesticide 21 16 a substance for kill...
pestilent 18 14 deadly, producing pe...
pestology 25 17 the science of pests...
petabytes 25 17 PETABYTE, one quadri...
petaflops 22 19 PETAFLOP, a unit of...
petahertz 22 23 a very large unit of...
petalisms 20 16 PETALISM, a type of...
petallike 20 18 like a petal [adj]
petalodic 21 17 relating to petalody...
petanques 24 23 PETANQUE, (French) a...
petasoses 16 12 PETASOS, a broad-bri...
petasuses 17 13 PETASUS, a broad-bri...
petaurine 16 14 the flying phalanger...
petaurist 18 13 a flying phalanger [...
petechiae 21 17 PETECHIA, a small he...
petechial 23 18 characterized by, or...
petersham 20 17 a rough, knotted woo...
pethidine 19 16 a pain-relieving dru...
petillant 19 15 (French) sparkling,...
petiolate 17 13 having a petiole, a...
petiolule 19 15 a small petiole, or...
petitions 17 13 PETITION, to make a...
petnapers 18 16 PETNAPER, one who st...
petnaping 19 19 the kidnap of a pet...
petnapped 20 20 PETNAP, to steal a p...
petnapper 20 19 one who kidnaps pets...
petraries 17 12 PETRARY, a contrivan...
petrichor 23 17 a sweet smell that i...
petrified 20 16 PETRIFY, to convert...
petrifier 20 15 an agent that petrif...
petrifies 20 15 PETRIFY, to convert...
petrogeny 23 17 the study of the ori...
petrogram 19 17 a picture on stone [...
petrolage 18 15 treatment with petro...
petroleum 19 17 a general term inclu...
petroleur 18 14 (French) a rioter wh...
petrolled 19 15 PETROL, to supply wi...
petrology 25 17 the geological study...
petronels 17 14 PETRONEL, a sort of...
petrosals 18 13 PETROSAL, the stony...
petticoat 20 15 a skirt, esp. an und...
pettifogs 21 17 PETTIFOG, to quibble...
pettiness 17 13 the state of being p...
pettishly 28 17 PETTISH, sulky, petu...
pettitoes 17 12 pigs' feet as food [...
petulance 20 18 peevish impatience,...
petulancy 27 20 peevish impatience,...
petuntses 17 14 PETUNTSE, (Chinese)...
petuntzes 20 23 PETUNTZE, (Chinese)...
pewholder 23 19 one who has his or h...
pewterers 20 15 PEWTERER, one who ma...
peyotisms 25 17 PEYOTISM, the ceremo...
peyotists 24 14 PEYOTIST, one who pr...
pfennings 19 20 PFENNING, (German) a...
phacelias 23 18 PHACELIA, any of var...
phacoidal 23 19 lens-shaped, lentil-...
phacolite 23 18 a colorless variety...
phacolith 26 20 an intrusive mass of...
phaenogam 19 20 (Greek) any plant of...
phagedena 18 18 hospital gangrene, a...
phagocyte 29 21 a white blood corpus...
phagosome 20 19 part of a biological...
phalangal 21 19 of or pertaining to...
phalanger 20 18 any of several kinds...
phalanges 20 18 PHALANGE, any bone o...
phalangid 21 19 one of the Phalangoi...
phalanxes 25 23 PHALANX, a formation...
phalarope 21 18 a small sandpiper-li...
phallisms 24 19 PHALLISM, worship of...
phallists 23 16 PHALLIST, an adheren...
phalluses 22 17 PHALLUS, (Latin) the...
phansigar 20 17 (Hindi) formerly in...
phantasim 20 18 (Shakespeare) a fant...
phantasma 19 18 a phantasm [n PHANTA...
phantasms 20 18 PHANTASM, an airy or...
phantasts 19 15 PHANTAST, an impract...
phantosme 19 18 (Spenser) a phantom...
pharaonic 21 18 of or pertaining to...
pharisaic 23 17 characterized by hyp...
pharisees 19 14 PHARISEE, a hypocrit...
pharmings 22 20 PHARMING, the produc...
pharyngal 27 20 pertaining to the ph...
pharynges 26 19 PHARYNX, a section o...
pharynxes 31 24 PHARYNX, a section o...
phasedown 21 19 a gradual reduction...
phaseless 20 15 without a phase, or...
phaseolin 19 16 a protein found in k...
phaseouts 19 15 PHASEOUT, a gradual...
pheasants 18 15 PHEASANT, a large, l...
phellogen 21 19 the tissue of young...
phelonion 18 17 a liturgical vestmen...
phenacite 21 18 a mineral, beryllium...
phenakism 21 22 deceit [n -S]
phenakite 19 19 a mineral, beryllium...
phenazine 20 25 a chemical compound,...
phenazins 21 25 PHENAZIN, a chemical...
phenetics 22 18 a system of classifi...
phenetole 18 16 the ethyl ether of p...
phenetols 19 16 PHENETOL, the ethyl...
phengites 20 17 PHENGITE, a transpar...
phenocopy 29 23 a copy of a genetic...
phenogams 20 20 PHENOGAM, any plant...
phenolate 18 16 a compound of phenol...
phenolics 23 19 PHENOLIC, a syntheti...
phenology 26 20 the study of organis...
phenomena 17 19 PHENOMENON, anything...
phenotype 26 20 the sum of the attri...
phenoxide 24 23 a salt of a phenol,...
phenylene 24 19 a compound derived f...
phenytoin 24 18 a crystalline antico...
pheromone 18 18 a chemical substance...
phialling 23 19 PHIAL, to keep in a...
philabegs 24 20 PHILABEG, (Gaelic) t...
philamots 22 18 PHILAMOT, a dull bro...
philander 20 17 to engage in frivolo...
philately 28 18 the study of postage...
philavery 29 21 an idiosyncratic col...
philhorse 23 17 (Shakespeare) a fill...
philibegs 25 20 PHILIBEG, (Gaelic) t...
philippic 30 24 a bitter condemnatio...
philistia 22 15 the class or world o...
phillabeg 25 21 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
phillibeg 26 21 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
philogyny 34 22 the love of women [n...
philology 29 20 the science of langu...
philomath 24 20 a lover of learning;...
philomela 22 19 a songbird, also PHI...
philomels 23 19 PHILOMEL, a songbird...
philomots 22 18 PHILOMOT, a dull bro...
philopena 21 19 a present or gift wh...
philtered 21 16 PHILTER, to put unde...
philtring 23 18 PHILTRE, to put unde...
phinnocks 23 23 PHINNOCK, (Gaelic) a...
phishings 24 19 PHISHING, the act of...
phlebitic 27 21 relating to phlebiti...
phlebitis 24 18 inflammation of a ve...
phlegmier 23 20 PHLEGMY, full of phl...
phlegmons 22 21 PHLEGMON, an inflamm...
phlomises 22 18 PHLOMIS, any plant o...
phlorizin 24 25 a chemical found in...
phlyctena 29 21 (Greek) a small blis...
phocomely 30 23 a type of congenital...
phoebuses 21 18 PHOEBUS, a sun god;...
phoenixes 24 22 PHOENIX, a bird fabl...
phonathon 19 18 a telephone-based fu...
phonating 19 18 PHONATE, to produce...
phonation 17 16 the production of vo...
phonatory 24 17 relating to phonatio...
phonecams 22 21 PHONECAM, a digital...
phonecard 21 19 a card used to make...
phonemics 23 21 the branch of lingui...
phonetics 22 18 the branch of lingui...
phonetise 18 15 to represent phoneti...
phonetism 20 18 the science which tr...
phonetist 19 15 one versed in phonet...
phonetize 21 24 to represent phoneti...
phoneying 25 20 PHONEY, to fake, cou...
phoniness 18 16 the state of being p...
phonmeter 19 18 an instrument for me...
phonogram 20 20 a letter, character,...
phonolite 19 16 a fine-grained inter...
phonology 26 20 the branch of lingui...
phonopore 19 18 a kind of sound-cond...
phonotype 26 20 printing type for a...
phonotypy 33 22 the transcription in...
phoresies 19 14 PHORESY, a symbiotic...
phormiums 23 21 PHORMIUM, a tall New...
phoronids 19 16 PHORONID, a wormlike...
phosgenes 19 17 PHOSGENE, a colorles...
phosphate 23 19 a salt, ester, or or...
phosphene 22 20 a visual sensation p...
phosphide 24 20 a binary compound of...
phosphids 25 20 PHOSPHID, a binary c...
phosphine 23 20 a colorless gas anal...
phosphins 24 20 PHOSPHIN, a colorles...
phosphite 24 19 a salt of phosphorou...
phosphore 23 19 phosphorus; a phosph...
phosphori 24 19 PHOSPHORUS, a chemic...
phosphors 24 19 PHOSPHOR, phosphorus...
photinias 19 15 PHOTINIA, any of a g...
photoblog 23 20 a blog in the form o...
photobomb 24 23 to place oneself in...
photocall 24 19 an occasion when peo...
photocard 22 18 an identity card con...
photocell 24 19 a photoelectric cell...
photocopy 30 22 a photographic repro...
photodisk 21 19 a disk for use in a...
photofits 22 17 PHOTOFIT, (tradename...
photogene 18 17 an afterimage [n -S]
photogens 19 17 PHOTOGEN, a light-pr...
photogeny 25 19 (obsolete) photograp...
photogram 21 19 a photograph [n -S]
photolyse 26 17 to cause photolysis...
photolyze 29 26 to cause photolysis...
photomaps 22 20 PHOTOMAP, to map by...
photomask 21 21 a mask used in photo...
photonics 22 18 the study of the app...
photophil 25 20 an organism that see...
photopias 21 17 PHOTOPIA, vision in...
photoplay 28 20 a motion picture [n...
photopsia 21 17 the appearance of li...
photoscan 21 18 to scan photographic...
photosets 19 14 PHOTOSET, to prepare...
photoshop 23 19 to manipulate a digi...
photostat 19 14 (tradename) a photog...
phototaxy 31 23 the movement of an e...
phototube 21 18 an electron tube wit...
phototype 27 19 a plate or block wit...
phototypy 34 21 the art or process o...
phrasally 28 18 PHRASAL, pertaining...
phraseman 19 18 a user or maker of f...
phrasemen 19 18 PHRASEMAN, a user or...
phrasiest 20 14 PHRASY, inclined to...
phrasings 21 17 PHRASING, a style of...
phratries 20 14 PHRATRY, a tribal un...
phreakers 20 18 PHREAKER, one who us...
phreaking 21 21 making illegal phone...
phreneses 18 15 PHRENESIS, delirium,...
phrenesis 19 15 delirium, frenzy [n...
phrenetic 22 18 frenzied, frenetic,...
phrenisms 21 18 PHRENISM, a purporte...
phrenitic 23 18 affected by phreniti...
phrenitis 20 15 inflammation of the...
phrensied 19 16 PHRENSY, to make fra...
phrensies 19 15 PHRENSY, to make fra...
phrentick 24 22 (obsolete) frenetic,...
phryganas 26 19 PHRYGANA, an unculti...
phthalate 22 17 a salt of phthalic a...
phthalein 22 18 any one of a very im...
phthalins 23 18 PHTHALIN, a colourle...
phthisics 27 19 PHTHISIC, a disease...
phycocyan 37 25 a blue pigment found...
phycology 37 24 the study of algae,...
phylactic 34 23 defending or protect...
phylarchs 33 22 PHYLARCH, an ancient...
phylarchy 39 24 the office of a phyl...
phyletics 31 20 the study of the evo...
phyllites 29 18 PHYLLITE, a foliated...
phyllitic 33 21 of or like phyllite,...
phyllodes 28 19 PHYLLODE, a flattene...
phyllodia 28 19 PHYLLODIUM, a petiol...
phylloids 29 19 PHYLLOID, a leaflike...
phyllomes 29 21 PHYLLOME, a leaf of...
phyllomic 33 24 of or like a phyllom...
phyllopod 30 22 one of an order of c...
phylogeny 33 22 the evolutionary dev...
physalias 27 17 PHYSALIA, a genus of...
physeters 26 16 PHYSETER, a whale wh...
physiatry 33 18 the treatment of inj...
physicals 31 20 PHYSICAL, a physical...
physician 29 20 a doctor; someone le...
physicism 32 22 belief in the materi...
physicist 31 19 an expert in or stud...
physicked 31 24 PHYSIC, to treat wit...
physiqued 35 27 having a particular...
physiques 35 26 PHYSIQUE, the form o...
phytogeny 32 21 the doctrine of the...
phytolith 30 19 a microscopic partic...
phytology 34 21 the study of plants...
phytotomy 33 21 the dissection of pl...
phytotron 25 17 an apparatus that pr...
piacevole 22 20 (Italian) pleasant,...
pianettes 16 13 PIANETTE, a small up...
pianistes 17 13 PIANISTE, someone wh...
pianistic 21 16 relating to or skill...
pianolist 18 14 one who plays the Pi...
piassabas 19 15 PIASSABA, a coarse,...
piassavas 19 16 PIASSAVA, a coarse,...
picadillo 23 18 (Spanish) a traditio...
picadores 20 16 PICADOR, (Spanish) a...
picaninny 25 20 a little child, esp....
picarians 20 16 PICARIAN, a woodpeck...
picaroons 19 16 PICAROON, to act as...
picayunes 26 19 PICAYUNE, a former S...
piccadill 27 21 (obsolete) a cut or...
piccanins 23 20 PICCANIN, a little c...
picholine 23 19 a variety of olive [...
pichurims 26 21 PICHURIM, a South Am...
pickaback 28 29 a carry on one's bac...
pickadill 25 22 (obsolete) a cut or...
pickadils 24 21 PICKADIL, (obsolete)...
pickapack 28 29 a carry on one's bac...
pickaroon 20 20 (Spanish) a pirate s...
pickaxing 29 29 PICKAX, to use a too...
pickbacks 29 29 PICKBACK, to carry s...
pickeered 21 20 PICKEER, to forage,...
pickeerer 21 19 one who pickeers, a...
pickerels 23 20 PICKEREL, a young pi...
pickeries 22 19 PICKERY, pilfering [...
picketers 22 19 PICKETER, one who pi...
picketing 23 22 standing outside som...
pickiness 22 20 the state of being p...
picklocks 28 27 PICKLOCK, an instrum...
pickproof 26 25 of a lock, proof aga...
pickthank 25 26 someone who seeks to...
pickwicks 31 29 PICKWICK, a device f...
piclorams 23 19 PICLORAM, a herbicid...
picnicked 25 24 PICNIC, to go on an...
picnicker 25 23 one who picnics [n -...
picocurie 24 19 a millionth of a mil...
picofarad 22 19 a millionth of a mil...
picograms 23 20 PICOGRAM, a milliont...
picolines 21 17 PICOLINE, a compound...
picolinic 25 20 of or like picoline,...
picometer 21 18 a trillionth of a me...
picometre 21 18 a trillionth of a me...
picomoles 22 19 PICOMOLE, one trilli...
picotites 21 15 PICOTITE, a dark spi...
picowaved 25 23 PICOWAVE, to irradia...
picowaves 25 22 PICOWAVE, to irradia...
picqueted 29 26 PICQUET, to act as a...
pictarnie 20 16 (Scott) a tern [n -S...
pictogram 23 20 a pictograph; a grap...
pictorial 22 16 relating to pictures...
picturals 23 17 PICTURAL, (Spenser)...
picturing 23 19 PICTURE, to form a l...
picturise 22 16 to picture, also PIC...
picturize 25 25 to picture, also PIC...
piddliest 20 15 PIDDLY, insignifican...
pidginise 19 16 to make into pidgin,...
pidginize 22 25 to make into pidgin,...
pieceless 21 16 not made of pieces;...
piecemeal 21 19 one part at a time [...
pieceners 19 16 PIECENER, a worker w...
piecening 20 19 PIECEN, to join the...
piecewise 23 18 piece by piece [adv]
piecework 24 22 work paid for by the...
piecrusts 22 16 PIECRUST, the crust...
piedforts 20 16 PIEDFORT, an unusual...
piedishes 20 15 PIEDISH, a deep dish...
piedmonts 18 17 PIEDMONT, an area ly...
pieplants 20 17 PIEPLANT, (US) rhuba...
piepowder 22 19 (obsolete) a wayfare...
piercings 22 18 PIERCING, a hole mad...
pierheads 19 15 PIERHEAD, the seawar...
pieridine 17 14 relating to the fami...
pierogies 18 14 PIEROGI, (Russian) a...
pierrette 17 12 (French) a female pe...
pietistic 22 15 relating to pietism,...
pifferari 22 18 PIFFERARO, (Italian)...
pifferaro 21 18 (Italian) a piffero...
pigeoning 18 18 PIGEON, to gull or h...
pigeonite 17 15 a monoclinic mineral...
pigfishes 24 19 PIGFISH, a large Wes...
piggeries 20 16 PIGGERY, a place whe...
pigginess 20 17 the state of being p...
piggishly 31 21 PIGGISH, greedy or d...
piggyback 33 28 a carry on one's bac...
pigheaded 20 18 obstinate [adj PIGHE...
pigmental 20 19 of or pertaining to...
pigmented 19 19 PIGMENT, to add a co...
pignerate 17 15 (archaic) to pledge...
pignolias 19 16 PIGNOLIA, the edible...
pignorate 17 15 (archaic) to pledge...
pigsconce 24 21 a blockhead [n -S]
pigsticks 25 21 PIGSTICK, to hunt fo...
pigswills 26 19 PIGSWILL, waste fed...
pigtailed 20 16 having a pigtail [ad...
pigwashes 24 19 PIGWASH, waste fed t...
pihoihois 22 16 PIHOIHOI, (Maori) a...
pikeperch 26 24 a pike-like freshwat...
pikestaff 23 22 the staff, or shaft,...
pilasters 19 13 PILASTER, a square c...
pilchards 25 19 PILCHARD, a small ma...
pileworks 23 20 PILEWORK, foundation...
pileworts 22 16 PILEWORT, a wild pla...
pilferage 21 18 the act of pilfering...
pilferers 21 16 PILFERER, one who pi...
pilferies 21 16 PILFERY, petty theft...
pilfering 22 19 petty theft [n -S]
pilgarlic 25 19 a bald person; a per...
pilgrimed 22 19 PILGRIM, to travel t...
pilgrimer 22 18 someone who goes on...
pillagers 21 16 PILLAGER, one who pi...
pillaging 22 19 the act of plunderin...
pillaring 21 17 PILLAR, to supply wi...
pillarist 21 14 an ascetic living on...
pillboxes 28 24 PILLBOX, a small box...
pillheads 22 17 PILLHEAD, a regular,...
pillicock 28 24 the penis [n -S]
pillioned 19 16 PILLION, to sit on a...
pilloried 20 15 PILLORY, to hold up...
pillories 20 14 PILLORY, to hold up...
pillorise 20 14 to pillory, also PIL...
pillorize 23 23 to pillory, also PIL...
pillowing 24 20 PILLOW, to rest on a...
pillworms 25 20 PILLWORM, a type of...
pillworts 24 17 PILLWORT, a water-fe...
pilomotor 19 16 causing movement of...
pilonidal 19 16 relating to the crea...
pilotages 19 15 PILOTAGE, the act of...
pilotfish 24 18 a tropical fish [n -...
pilotings 20 16 PILOTING, a branch o...
pilotless 20 14 without a pilot [adj...
pilseners 18 14 PILSENER, (German) a...
pimentons 17 17 PIMENTON, smoked chi...
pimientos 18 16 PIMIENTO, (Spanish)...
pimpernel 21 20 a small red flower o...
pimpliest 23 19 PIMPLY, covered with...
pinaceous 19 17 relating to the Pina...
pinacoids 20 17 PINACOID, a type of...
pinafored 18 17 wearing a pinafore [...
pinafores 18 16 PINAFORE, a loose pr...
pinakoids 18 18 PINAKOID, a type of...
pinasters 17 13 PINASTER, a species...
pinballed 21 19 PINBALL, to bounce a...
pinboards 19 17 PINBOARD, a board fo...
pincering 21 19 PINCER, to grip in p...
pinchbeck 29 28 spurious; trashy [ad...
pinchbugs 27 24 PINCHBUG, a large be...
pinchcock 30 28 a clamp on a flexibl...
pinchecks 27 25 PINCHECK, a fabric d...
pinchfist 26 21 a closefisted person...
pinchguts 25 21 PINCHGUT, a niggard...
pinchings 24 21 PINCHING, the act of...
pindarees 16 14 PINDAREE, an Indian...
pineapple 21 20 a large South Americ...
pinecones 18 17 PINECONE, a cone-sha...
pinedrops 19 17 a reddish herb of th...
pinelands 17 16 PINELAND, land fores...
pinewoods 19 17 PINEWOOD, the wood o...
pinfishes 22 18 PINFISH, a small mar...
pinfolded 20 19 PINFOLD, to impound,...
pingpongs 21 21 PINGPONG, (colloquia...
pinheaded 18 17 stupid [adj]
pinhooker 19 19 (slang) a speculator...
pinioning 17 17 PINION, to remove th...
pinkening 18 21 PINKEN, to become pi...
pinkerton 17 18 a private detective...
pinkiness 18 18 the state of being p...
pinkroots 18 17 PINKROOT, a medicina...
pinnacled 20 19 PINNACLE, to equip w...
pinnacles 20 18 PINNACLE, to equip w...
pinnately 23 17 PINNATE, resembling...
pinnation 15 15 the state of being p...
pinnipede 18 18 a member of the Pinn...
pinnipeds 19 18 PINNIPED, a member o...
pinnulate 17 16 having each pinna su...
pinochles 23 19 PINOCHLE, a card gam...
pinocytic 30 21 of or relating to pi...
pinotages 17 15 PINOTAGE, a variety...
pinpoints 19 17 PINPOINT, to locate...
pinpricks 25 23 PINPRICK, to punctur...
pinschers 23 18 PINSCHER, (German) a...
pinsetter 17 13 an employee on a mec...
pinstripe 20 16 a very narrow stripe...
pinswells 23 18 PINSWELL, (dialect)...
pintables 20 17 PINTABLE, a pinball...
pintadera 16 14 (Spanish) a decorati...
pintadoes 16 14 PINTADO, a kind of p...
pintailed 18 15 having a very long n...
pintsized 21 23 very small, also PIN...
pintucked 22 22 PINTUCK, to tuck wit...
pinwheels 23 19 PINWHEEL, to rotate...
pinwrench 25 22 a wrench with a proj...
pioneered 15 14 PIONEER, to take par...
piosities 18 12 PIOSITY, an excessiv...
piousness 17 14 piety [n -ES]
pipeclays 30 21 PIPECLAY, to whiten...
pipelined 20 18 PIPELINE, to convey...
pipelines 20 17 PIPELINE, to convey...
piperines 19 16 PIPERINE, an alkaloi...
piperonal 19 17 a phenolic aldehyde...
pipestems 21 18 PIPESTEM, the stem o...
pipestone 18 16 a kind of clay slate...
pipetting 21 18 PIPET [v]
pipeworks 24 22 PIPEWORK, piping or...
pipeworts 23 18 PIPEWORT, an aquatic...
pipistrel 22 16 a small reddish-brow...
pipsqueak 29 29 something or someone...
piquances 28 26 PIQUANCE, the qualit...
piquantly 33 26 PIQUANT, having an a...
piqueting 27 25 PIQUET, to act as a...
piquillos 29 24 PIQUILLO, (Spanish)...
piracetam 21 18 a drug used to treat...
pirarucus 22 17 PIRARUCU, a large So...
piratical 22 16 of or pertaining to...
piratings 19 15 PIRATING, acting as...
pirlicued 23 18 PIRLICUE, to summari...
pirlicues 23 17 PIRLICUE, to summari...
piroplasm 22 19 a parasite causing c...
pirouette 17 13 (French) a twirling...
piscaries 21 15 PISCARY, a place for...
piscators 21 15 PISCATOR, a fisherma...
piscatory 27 17 of or pertaining to...
piscatrix 28 22 a (female) angler [n...
pisciform 25 21 shaped like a fish [...
piscivore 23 19 an eater of fish [n...
pishogues 21 17 PISHOGUE, (Irish) so...
pisiforms 22 18 PISIFORM, a small bo...
pisolites 19 13 PISOLITE, a limeston...
pisoliths 22 15 PISOLITH, a limeston...
pisolitic 23 16 composed of, contain...
pissheads 20 15 PISSHEAD, (slang) a...
pissholes 21 15 PISSHOLE, a hole mad...
pistaches 23 17 PISTACHE, a shade of...
pistachio 23 17 a kind of tree, or i...
pistareen 16 13 (Spanish) an old Spa...
pistillar 21 14 belonging or relatin...
pistoleer 18 13 (obsolete) one who u...
pistolero 18 13 one who uses a pisto...
pistolets 19 13 PISTOLET, (historica...
pistolier 19 13 one who uses a pisto...
pistoling 20 16 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pistolled 20 15 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pitahayas 25 16 PITAHAYA, a cactus o...
pitchbend 25 22 a device that enable...
pitchfork 27 24 a fork for tossing h...
pitchiest 24 17 PITCHY, like pitch [...
pitchings 25 20 PITCHING, a stone ro...
pitchouts 24 18 PITCHOUT, a type of...
pitchpine 25 21 a kind of pine tree...
pitchpipe 28 23 a small pipe used to...
pitchpole 26 21 to turn end over end...
piteously 25 16 PITEOUS, arousing pi...
pithballs 25 19 PITHBALL, a pellet o...
pithecoid 23 18 an ape, esp. a highe...
pithiness 20 15 the state of being p...
pitifully 30 20 PITIFUL, arousing pi...
pittances 20 16 PITTANCE, a small al...
pittering 19 15 PITTER, to sound lik...
pituitary 25 15 of or relating to ph...
pituitrin 19 14 a hormone produced b...
pityingly 33 20 PITYING [adv]
pivotable 22 20 that can be pivoted...
pivotally 28 20 PIVOTAL, critically...
pivotings 21 19 PIVOTING, the sectio...
pixelated 24 21 PIXELATE, to divide...
pixelates 24 20 PIXELATE, to divide...
pixellate 25 21 to divide an image i...
pixilated 25 21 PIXILATE, to divide...
pixilates 25 20 PIXILATE, to divide...
pixillate 26 21 to divide an image i...
pizzaiola 24 31 (Italian) having a r...
pizzalike 26 35 like a pizza [adj]
pizzelles 26 32 PIZZELLE, a thin, cr...
pizzerias 24 30 PIZZERIA, a place wh...
pizzicati 28 33 PIZZICATO, a tone so...
pizzicato 27 33 (Italian) played by...
placarded 21 18 PLACARD, to publicis...
placaters 21 16 PLACATER, one who pl...
placating 22 19 PLACATE, to concilia...
placation 20 17 the act of placating...
placative 23 20 tending to placate,...
placatory 27 18 tending to placate,...
placcates 24 19 PLACCATE, (obsolete)...
placeable 23 20 that can be placed [...
placeboes 22 19 PLACEBO, a medicine...
placekick 27 27 in football, a kick...
placeless 22 17 having no place or o...
placemats 22 19 PLACEMAT, a table ma...
placement 21 20 the act of placing,...
placentae 19 17 PLACENTA, a round fl...
placental 21 18 relating to the plac...
placentas 20 17 PLACENTA, a round fl...
placidest 22 17 PLACID, calm in natu...
placidity 29 19 the state of being p...
placitory 28 18 of or pertaining to...
plackless 24 21 (Scots) destitute, n...
placoderm 22 20 covered with bony sc...
plaguiest 20 16 PLAGUEY, vexatious,...
plaidings 20 17 PLAIDING, a strong w...
plainants 17 15 PLAINANT, one who ma...
plainings 19 17 PLAINING, complaint...
plainness 17 15 the state of being p...
plainsman 18 18 a dweller in a plain...
plainsmen 18 18 PLAINSMAN, a dweller...
plainsong 18 17 unmeasured, unaccomp...
plaintext 24 21 text that is not enc...
plaintful 22 19 (archaic) complainin...
plaintiff 23 20 a person or body sui...
plaintive 20 18 mournful, querulous...
plainwork 22 21 plain needlework, as...
plaisters 19 13 PLAISTER, (Scots) to...
plaitings 20 16 PLAITING, plaited br...
planarian 16 15 a kind of aquatic fl...
planarias 17 14 PLANARIA, a kind of...
planarity 24 16 the property of bein...
planation 16 15 lateral erosion, as...
planchets 23 19 PLANCHET, a blank me...
planching 24 22 PLANCH, to floor, bo...
planeload 17 16 as much as may be ca...
planeness 16 15 the state of being p...
planeside 17 15 the area next to an...
planetary 23 16 of or pertaining to...
planetoid 17 15 a body resembling a...
planforms 21 20 PLANFORM, the contou...
plangency 27 22 resonance [n PLANGEN...
planigram 20 19 an x-ray photograph...
planished 20 17 PLANISH, to toughen...
planisher 20 16 a person who or tool...
planishes 20 16 PLANISH, to toughen...
plankings 20 21 PLANKING, a covering...
plankters 19 18 PLANKTER, an organis...
planktons 18 19 PLANKTON, the minute...
plannings 18 18 PLANNING, the establ...
planogram 19 19 a schematic drawing...
planosols 18 15 PLANOSOL, a type of...
plantable 20 18 capable of being pla...
plantages 18 16 PLANTAGE, (Shakespea...
plantains 17 15 PLANTAIN, any of var...
plantings 19 17 PLANTING, a plantati...
plantless 19 15 without plants; barr...
plantlets 19 15 PLANTLET, a small pl...
plantlike 20 19 like a plant [adj]
plantling 20 18 a small plant, also...
plantsman 18 18 a person who has gre...
plantsmen 18 18 PLANTSMAN, a person...
plantules 19 16 PLANTULE, a plant em...
planulate 18 16 flat [adj]
planuloid 19 17 of or like a planula...
planurias 18 15 PLANURIA, the discha...
planuries 18 15 PLANURY, the dischar...
planxties 24 21 PLANXTY, an Irish or...
plaquette 26 23 (French) a small pla...
plashiest 21 15 PLASHY, like a plash...
plashings 22 18 PLASHING, a process...
plasmagel 21 19 cytoplasm in the for...
plasmasol 20 17 cytoplasm in the for...
plasmatic 23 19 of or like a plasma,...
plasmodia 19 17 PLASMODIUM, a naked...
plasmoids 20 17 PLASMOID, a type of...
plastered 18 14 PLASTER, to cover wi...
plasterer 18 13 one whose job is to...
plasticky 30 22 of a plastic nature...
plasticly 30 19 PLASTIC, easily moul...
plastique 27 23 (French) graceful po...
plastisol 20 14 a suspension of powd...
plastrons 18 14 PLASTRON, a fencer's...
plastrums 21 17 PLASTRUM, a fencer's...
platannas 16 15 PLATANNA, (Afrikaans...
platbands 20 18 PLATBAND, a border o...
plateasms 19 16 PLATEASM, a pronunci...
plateaued 17 15 PLATEAU, to reach a...
platefuls 22 18 PLATEFUL, the quanti...
plateless 19 14 lacking a plate [adj...
platelets 19 14 PLATELET, a minute p...
platelike 20 18 like a plate [adj]
platemark 20 20 a hallmark on a plat...
platesful 22 18 PLATEFUL, the quanti...
platforms 22 19 PLATFORM, to equip w...
platinise 18 14 to coat with platinu...
platinize 21 23 to coat with platinu...
platinoid 18 15 an alloy of copper,...
platinous 18 15 of or containing pla...
platinums 20 18 PLATINUM, a metallic...
platitude 19 15 a commonplace or tri...
platonics 21 17 PLATONIC, a platonic...
platonism 19 17 the philosophy of Pl...
platooned 16 15 PLATOON, in American...
plattings 20 16 PLATTING, plaited br...
platyfish 30 20 a small tropical fis...
platysmas 26 18 PLATYSMA, a broad sh...
plausible 22 18 superficially pleasi...
plausibly 29 20 PLAUSIBLE, superfici...
plaustral 20 15 of or pertaining to...
playacted 27 19 PLAYACT, to take par...
playactor 27 18 one who playacts [n...
playbacks 31 25 PLAYBACK, the act of...
playbills 30 20 PLAYBILL, the progra...
playbooks 27 22 PLAYBOOK, a printed...
playbuses 27 19 PLAYBUS, a mobile pl...
playdates 24 16 PLAYDATE, the schedu...
playdough 28 21 a soft reusable mode...
playdowns 27 20 PLAYDOWN, a playoff...
playfield 28 20 a playing field [n -...
playfully 36 23 PLAYFUL, full of fun...
playgirls 28 18 PLAYGIRL, a women de...
playgoers 25 17 PLAYGOER, one who at...
playgoing 26 20 the practice of visi...
playgroup 28 21 an informal, sometim...
playhouse 26 18 a child's miniature...
playlands 25 18 PLAYLAND, a recreati...
playlists 27 16 PLAYLIST, to put ont...
playmaker 26 22 a playwright [n -S]
playmates 25 18 PLAYMATE, a companio...
playrooms 25 18 PLAYROOM, a recreati...
playslips 29 19 PLAYSLIP, a form on...
playsuits 26 16 PLAYSUIT, a sports o...
plaything 28 20 something to play wi...
playtimes 26 18 PLAYTIME, a time for...
playwears 27 18 PLAYWEAR, any clothi...
pleaching 24 21 PLEACH, to weave tog...
pleadable 20 18 capable of being ple...
pleadings 19 17 PLEADING, the act of...
pleasable 20 17 capable of being ple...
pleasance 19 17 (archaic) a pleasure...
pleasedly 25 17 PLEASED [adv]
pleaseman 17 17 (Shakespeare) an off...
pleasemen 17 17 PLEASEMAN, (Shakespe...
pleasings 19 16 PLEASING, the act of...
pleasured 18 15 PLEASURE, to give en...
pleasurer 18 14 a pleasure seeker [n...
pleasures 18 14 PLEASURE, to give en...
pleathers 20 15 PLEATHER, a plastic...
pleatings 19 16 PLEATING, a set of p...
pleatless 19 14 without pleats [adj]
plebbiest 23 19 PLEBBY, (colloquial)...
plebeians 19 17 PLEBEIAN, one of the...
plebified 23 20 PLEBIFY, to lower to...
plebifies 23 19 PLEBIFY, to lower to...
plectrons 21 17 PLECTRON, a small po...
plectrums 24 20 PLECTRUM, a small po...
pledgable 22 20 capable of being ple...
pledgeors 19 16 PLEDGEOR, one who pl...
pleiocene 19 17 of the Pliocene geol...
pleiomery 25 18 the state of being p...
pleiotaxy 30 22 an increase in the w...
plenaries 17 14 PLENARY, a book of g...
plenarily 25 17 PLENARY, attended by...
plenilune 18 17 the time of the full...
plenipoes 19 17 PLENIPO, (archaic) a...
plenished 20 17 PLENISH, to fill up...
plenisher 20 16 one who plenishes [n...
plenishes 20 16 PLENISH, to fill up...
plenitude 18 16 fullness, completene...
plenteous 17 15 plentiful [adj PLENT...
plentiful 22 19 abundant [adj PLENTI...
pleonasms 18 17 PLEONASM, the use of...
pleonaste 16 14 a dark-green to blac...
pleonasts 17 14 PLEONAST, someone wh...
pleonexia 22 21 excessive or insatia...
plethoras 20 15 PLETHORA, an excess,...
plethoric 24 18 having a full habit...
pleuching 25 22 PLEUCH, (Scots) to p...
pleughing 23 21 PLEUGH, (Scots) to p...
pleuritic 23 17 suffering from pleur...
pleuritis 20 14 inflammation of the...
pleuronia 17 15 the combined disorde...
pleustons 18 15 PLEUSTON, organisms...
plexiform 28 26 in the form of a net...
pliancies 21 17 PLIANCY, the quality...
plicately 29 19 PLICATE, folded like...
plicating 23 19 PLICATE, to pleat, f...
plication 21 17 the act of folding,...
plicature 22 17 the act of folding,...
plighters 23 17 PLIGHTER, one who, o...
plightful 27 22 grievous [adj]
plighting 24 20 PLIGHT, to make a so...
plimsoles 21 17 PLIMSOLE, a rubber-s...
plimsolls 23 18 PLIMSOLL, a rubber-s...
plinkiest 20 18 PLINKY, of a high pi...
plinkings 21 21 PLINKING, shooting a...
pliofilms 24 20 PLIOFILM, a transpar...
pliosaurs 19 14 PLIOSAUR, a type of...
pliotrons 18 14 PLIOTRON, a type of...
pliskiest 21 17 PLISKIE, (Scots) tri...
ploddings 20 18 PLODDING, the act of...
plonkiest 19 18 PLONKY, pompously se...
plonkings 20 21 PLONKING, the practi...
plookiest 19 17 PLOOKY, pimply, also...
plotlines 19 15 PLOTLINE, the story-...
plottages 19 15 PLOTTAGE, the size o...
plottered 18 14 PLOTTER, (Scots) to...
plottiest 19 13 PLOTTY, full of intr...
plottings 20 16 PLOTTING, the act of...
ploughboy 30 23 a boy who drives or...
ploughers 22 18 PLOUGHER, one who pl...
ploughing 23 21 the act of ploughing...
ploughman 22 22 a man who drives or...
ploughmen 22 22 PLOUGHMAN, a man who...
ploukiest 20 18 PLOUKIE, pimply, als...
ploutered 18 15 PLOUTER, (Scots) to...
plowbacks 28 26 PLOWBACK, a reinvest...
plowheads 23 19 PLOWHEAD, the clevis...
plowlands 22 19 PLOWLAND, land under...
plowshare 23 18 the cutting blade of...
plowstaff 26 22 one of the handles o...
plowtails 23 17 PLOWTAIL, the end of...
plowtered 21 17 PLOWTER, (Scots) to...
pluckiest 24 21 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
pluffiest 24 20 PLUFFY, puffed up, p...
plugboard 22 20 a device with a larg...
pluggings 23 21 PLUGGING, stuff whic...
plugholes 23 19 PLUGHOLE, a drainhol...
plumbable 25 24 that can be plumbed...
plumbagos 23 22 PLUMBAGO, graphite [...
plumbates 22 20 PLUMBATE, a salt of...
plumbeous 22 21 leaden; lead-coloure...
plumbings 24 23 PLUMBING, the pipe s...
plumbisms 25 23 PLUMBISM, lead poiso...
plumbites 23 20 PLUMBITE, a salt of...
plumbless 24 21 incapable of being s...
plumbness 22 21 the state of being p...
plumcakes 24 24 PLUMCAKE, a cake wit...
plumdamas 21 21 (Scots) a damson [n...
plumeless 21 18 without plumes [adj]
plumelets 21 18 PLUMELET, a small fe...
plumelike 22 22 like a plume [adj]
plumerias 20 17 PLUMERIA, a flowerin...
plumeries 20 17 PLUMERY, plumes coll...
plumipeds 23 21 PLUMIPED, a bird wit...
plummeted 21 21 PLUMMET, to drop str...
plummiest 22 20 PLUMMY, full of plum...
plumosely 27 20 PLUMOSE, having feat...
plumosity 27 19 the state of being p...
plumpened 21 22 PLUMPEN, to plump, t...
plumpiest 23 20 PLUMPY, (Shakespeare...
plumpness 22 21 the state of being p...
plumulate 21 19 downy [adj]
plumulose 21 19 having hairs branchi...
plundered 18 17 PLUNDER, to rob by f...
plunderer 18 16 one who plunders [n...
plungings 21 20 PLUNGING, the act of...
plunkiest 20 19 PLUNKY, marked by a...
pluralise 20 15 to make plural [v PL...
pluralism 22 18 a theory or system o...
pluralist 21 15 an adherent of plura...
plurality 27 17 the state of being p...
pluralize 23 24 to make plural, also...
pluripara 21 17 (Latin) a mother of...
plurisies 20 14 PLURISIE, (Shakespea...
plushiest 22 16 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
plushness 21 17 the state of being p...
plussages 20 16 PLUSSAGE, an extra a...
pluteuses 19 15 PLUTEUS, a type of s...
plutocrat 22 17 a member of the weal...
plutology 27 19 political economy; t...
plutonian 17 16 of, relating to, or...
plutonism 20 18 the theory that the...
plutonium 20 19 a naturally radioact...
plutonomy 25 20 economics [n PLUTONO...
pneumatic 21 20 relating to air or g...
pneumonia 16 18 a disease of the lun...
pneumonic 20 21 relating to the lung...
poachable 24 21 that can be poached...
poachiest 22 17 POACHY, spongy and s...
poachings 23 20 POACHING, encroachme...
pochaying 29 22 POCHAY, to transport...
pochettes 22 17 POCHETTE, (French) a...
pocketers 21 19 POCKETER, one who po...
pocketful 25 24 the contents of a po...
pocketing 22 22 POCKET, to place in...
pockmanky 29 29 (Scots) a corrupt fo...
pockmarks 24 26 POCKMARK, to mark wi...
podagrous 18 16 relating to podagra,...
podcasted 20 17 PODCAST, to make a r...
podcaster 20 16 one who creates podc...
podginess 18 16 the state of being p...
podiatric 21 16 relating to care of...
podiuming 20 20 PODIUM, to win a pla...
podocarps 22 19 PODOCARP, a stem, or...
podomeres 17 16 PODOMERE, a limb seg...
podsolise 18 14 to turn into podsol,...
podsolize 21 23 to turn into podsol,...
podzolise 21 23 to make into a podzo...
podzolize 24 32 to make into a podzo...
poechores 21 17 POECHORE, a semiarid...
poenology 23 18 the study of crime a...
poetaster 16 12 an inferior poet [n...
poetastry 23 14 the writing of infer...
poetesses 16 12 POETESS, a female po...
poeticals 21 16 POETICAL, a writer o...
poeticise 20 15 to write, speak, or...
poeticism 22 18 a word or phrase tha...
poeticize 23 24 to write, speak, or...
poeticule 21 17 a poetaster [n -S]
poetisers 17 12 POETISER, one who po...
poetising 18 15 POETISE, to write po...
poetizers 20 21 POETIZER, one who po...
poetizing 21 24 POETIZE, to write po...
poetresse 16 12 (Spenser) a poetess,...
poetships 22 17 POETSHIP, the state...
pogroming 20 20 POGROM, to massacre...
pogromist 20 17 one who engages in p...
poignance 19 19 the state of being p...
poignancy 26 21 the state of being p...
poinadoes 15 14 POINADO, (obsolete)...
poinciana 18 17 a tree of the tropic...
poindings 18 17 POINDING, impoundmen...
pointable 19 17 that can be pointed...
pointedly 24 17 POINTED [adv]
pointelle 18 15 (French) an openwork...
pointiest 17 13 POINTY, coming to a...
pointille 19 15 a fine point or subt...
pointings 18 16 POINTING, the mortar...
pointless 18 14 with no point, futil...
pointsman 17 17 a man who has charge...
pointsmen 17 17 POINTSMAN, a man who...
poisoners 16 13 POISONER, one who po...
poisoning 17 16 the act of administe...
poisonous 16 14 having the quality o...
poitrines 17 13 POITRINE, (French) a...
pokeberry 26 21 an American plant, a...
pokelogan 18 20 (Native American) a...
pokeroots 17 16 POKEROOT, an aromati...
pokerwork 22 23 the art of producing...
pokeweeds 20 20 POKEWEED, an aromati...
polarised 18 14 POLARISE, to give po...
polariser 18 13 a device for polaris...
polarises 18 13 POLARISE, to give po...
polarized 21 23 POLARIZE, to give po...
polarizer 21 22 a device for polaris...
polarizes 21 22 POLARIZE, to give po...
poldering 19 17 POLDER, to reclaim l...
poleaxing 24 23 POLEAX, to strike wi...
polemarch 24 21 a title of several o...
polemical 23 20 related to polemics,...
polemised 19 17 POLEMISE, to argue o...
polemises 19 16 POLEMISE, to argue o...
polemists 20 16 POLEMIST, one who en...
polemized 22 26 POLEMIZE, to argue o...
polemizes 22 25 POLEMIZE, to argue o...
polestars 18 13 POLESTAR, a guiding...
polianite 17 14 manganese dioxide, o...
policeman 21 20 a man who is a membe...
policemen 21 20 POLICEMAN, a man who...
policiers 22 16 POLICIER, a film fea...
policings 23 19 POLICING, the act of...
polishers 21 15 POLISHER, one who po...
polishing 22 18 the act of polishing...
politburo 21 17 (Russian) the policy...
politesse 18 13 (French) courteous f...
political 23 17 related to politics...
politicks 24 20 POLITICK, to engage...
politicly 30 19 POLITIC, shrewd [adv...
politicos 22 16 POLITICO, a politici...
politique 27 23 (French) in French h...
pollarded 19 16 POLLARD, to cut the...
pollaxing 26 24 POLLAXE, to strike w...
pollenate 17 15 to fertilise with po...
pollening 19 18 POLLEN, to cover or...
pollicies 23 17 POLLICY, (Spenser) p...
pollinate 18 15 to fertilise with po...
pollinise 19 15 to pollinate, also P...
pollinium 21 19 a coherent mass of p...
pollinize 22 24 to pollinate, also P...
polliwigs 25 19 POLLIWIG, a tadpole,...
polliwogs 24 19 POLLIWOG, a tadpole,...
pollsters 20 14 POLLSTER, one that p...
polltaker 20 18 a person conducting...
pollucite 23 18 a colourless rare mi...
pollusion 19 16 (Shakespeare) blunde...
pollutant 19 16 causing pollution [a...
polluters 20 15 POLLUTER, one who po...
polluting 21 18 POLLUTE, to make unc...
pollution 19 16 making dirty, defile...
pollutive 22 19 relating to pollutio...
pollyanna 23 18 one who is naively o...
pollywigs 31 21 POLLYWIG, a tadpole,...
pollywogs 30 21 POLLYWOG, a tadpole,...
polonaise 16 14 (French) a stately P...
polonised 17 15 POLONISE, to make Po...
polonises 17 14 POLONISE, to make Po...
polonisms 19 17 POLONISM, a Polish i...
poloniums 19 18 POLONIUM, a rare hig...
polonized 20 24 POLONIZE, to make Po...
polonizes 20 23 POLONIZE, to make Po...
poltroons 17 14 POLTROON, a despicab...
polverine 19 18 (obsolete) barilla a...
polyacids 28 19 POLYACID, a compound...
polyamide 25 19 a compound character...
polyamine 24 19 a compound character...
polyamory 31 20 the practice of havi...
polyandry 30 19 marriage to several...
polyantha 25 18 any of large number...
polyanthi 26 18 POLYANTHUS, the oxli...
polyarchy 36 22 government by many p...
polyaxial 31 23 a shape having many...
polyaxons 29 23 POLYAXON, a nerve ce...
polybasic 30 21 of an acid, having m...
polybrids 28 19 POLYBRID, a type of...
polycarpy 36 23 the condition of bei...
polychete 29 20 a type of aquatic wo...
polyconic 30 22 pertaining to, or ba...
polydemic 29 22 growing in or inhabi...
polyester 24 15 any of a range of po...
polygalas 26 18 POLYGALA, any plant...
polygamic 30 23 of or like a polygam...
polygenes 24 18 POLYGENE, a set of c...
polygenic 28 21 of or relating to po...
polyglots 27 18 POLYGLOT, one who sp...
polyglott 27 18 one who speaks many...
polygonal 25 19 like a polygon [adj...
polygonum 26 22 any plant of the kno...
polygraph 30 22 an instrument for mu...
polyhedra 26 18 POLYHEDRON, a body o...
polyimide 26 19 a polymer containing...
polylemma 27 22 an argument forcing...
polymasty 32 20 the presence of supe...
polymaths 28 20 POLYMATH, a person o...
polymathy 34 22 the knowledge of man...
polymeric 29 21 of, in a relation of...
polymorph 30 23 a substance capable...
polymyxin 38 28 one of a group of ma...
polyomino 24 19 a flat, many-sided s...
polyonyms 31 21 POLYONYM, a name con...
polyonymy 37 23 a multiplicity of na...
polyparia 26 18 POLYPARIUM, the fram...
polyphagy 36 24 the practice or facu...
polyphase 28 20 having several alter...
polyphone 27 21 a character or vocal...
polyphons 28 21 POLYPHON, a characte...
polyphony 34 23 composition in separ...
polypides 27 19 POLYPIDE, a polyp of...
polypidom 28 22 a coral, or corallum...
polypills 30 20 POLYPILL, a proposed...
polypites 27 18 POLYPITE, a polyp of...
polyploid 28 20 having more than two...
polypneas 25 19 POLYPNEA, rapid brea...
polypneic 29 22 relating to polypnea...
polypores 26 18 POLYPORE, a fungus w...
polyposes 26 18 POLYPOSIS, the prese...
polyposis 27 18 the presence or deve...
polyptych 39 25 a decorated altarpie...
polypuses 27 19 POLYPUS, a growth pr...
polysemes 25 18 POLYSEME, a word wit...
polysemic 29 21 relating to a polyse...
polysomes 25 18 POLYSOME, a cluster...
polysomic 29 21 a basically diploid...
polystyle 32 18 having many columns,...
polythene 25 18 a generic name for c...
polytonal 24 17 of music, having man...
polytyped 33 21 POLYTYPE, to produce...
polytypes 33 20 POLYTYPE [n]
polytypic 37 23 of a taxon containin...
polyurias 25 16 POLYURIA, excessive...
polyvinyl 34 23 a vinyl polymer [n -...
polywater 27 18 a supposed form of w...
polyzoans 26 25 POLYZOAN, a bryozoan...
polyzoary 33 26 the compound organis...
polyzonal 27 26 consisting of many z...
polyzooid 27 25 like or of the natur...
pomaceous 20 19 of or relating to ap...
pomanders 17 17 POMANDER, a mixture...
pommeling 21 22 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pommelled 21 21 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pomoerium 19 19 (Latin) an open spac...
pompadour 20 20 a hairstyle where th...
pompeying 27 23 POMPEY, (Dickens) to...
pompholyx 36 30 (Greek) a vesicular...
pompilids 23 20 POMPILID, a spider-h...
pomposity 27 20 the state of being p...
pompously 28 22 POMPOUS, infused wit...
pomwaters 21 18 POMWATER, (Shakespea...
ponderate 15 14 to consider; to pond...
ponderers 16 14 PONDERER, one who po...
pondering 17 17 PONDER, to consider...
ponderosa 15 14 (Spanish) a kind of...
ponderous 16 15 heavy and slow [adj...
pondokkie 18 22 (Hottentot) in South...
pondweeds 19 18 PONDWEED, an aquatic...
poniarded 16 15 PONIARD, to stab wit...
pontianac 18 17 (Malay) a naturally...
pontianak 16 18 (Malay) a naturally...
pontifice 22 19 (Milton) bridgework;...
pontified 19 17 PONTIFY, to play the...
pontifies 19 16 PONTIFY, to play the...
pontlevis 20 18 a drawbridge [n -ES]
pontoneer 14 14 a builder of pontoon...
pontonier 15 14 a builder of pontoon...
pontooned 14 15 PONTOON, to cross wi...
pontooner 14 14 a builder of pontoon...
ponyskins 24 20 PONYSKIN, the skin o...
ponytails 24 16 PONYTAIL, a hairstyl...
poolhalls 22 17 POOLHALL, an establi...
poolrooms 18 16 POOLROOM, an establi...
poolsides 18 14 POOLSIDE, a area sur...
poontangs 16 16 POONTANG, sexual int...
poorboxes 24 22 POORBOX, a box, esp....
poorhouse 18 15 (historical) a place...
poorliest 18 13 POORLY, unwell [adj]
poormouth 20 18 to complain about be...
poortiths 20 14 POORTITH, (Scots) po...
poorwills 23 17 POORWILL, an America...
pooveries 18 16 POOVERY, the state o...
popehoods 20 18 POPEHOOD, the condit...
popelings 21 19 POPELING, a petty or...
popeships 24 20 POPESHIP, the condit...
popinacks 23 23 POPINACK, a thorny s...
popinjays 27 27 POPINJAY, a figure o...
popjoying 28 29 POPJOY, to amuse one...
popliteal 21 17 of or relating to th...
popliteus 21 17 a muscle at the back...
poppadoms 22 22 POPPADOM, a thin cir...
poppadums 23 23 POPPADUM, a thin cir...
poppering 22 21 a variety of pear, a...
poppliest 23 19 POPPLY, like a rippl...
poppycock 35 30 (Dutch) nonsense [n...
poppyhead 29 23 a raised ornament on...
popsicles 24 19 POPSICLE, flavored a...
popstrels 21 16 POPSTREL, a young, a...
populaces 23 20 POPULACE, the common...
popularly 28 20 POPULAR, well-liked...
populated 20 18 POPULATE, to inhabit...
populates 20 17 POPULATE, to inhabit...
populisms 23 20 POPULISM, the politi...
populists 22 17 POPULIST, someone wh...
porbeagle 20 18 a species of shark,...
porcelain 20 17 a fine earthenware,...
porchetta 22 17 seasoned boneless ro...
porcupine 22 20 a large spiny rodent...
porcupiny 29 22 like a porcupine, a...
poriferal 20 16 relating to the Pori...
poriferan 18 16 relating to the Pori...
porkiness 18 17 the state of being p...
porklings 21 20 PORKLING, a young pi...
porkwoods 21 20 PORKWOOD, the coarse...
porlocked 22 21 PORLOCK, to hinder b...
pornomags 18 18 PORNOMAG, a pornogra...
porogamic 22 20 relating to porogamy...
poromeric 21 18 permeable to water v...
poroscope 21 18 an instrument for in...
poroscopy 28 20 the use of a porosco...
porpesses 19 15 PORPESS, a porpoise,...
porphyria 28 19 any of various disor...
porphyric 32 22 relating to porphyri...
porphyrin 28 20 any of a large group...
porphyrio 28 19 any bird of the purp...
porpoised 19 16 PORPOISE, to move li...
porpoises 19 15 PORPOISE, to move li...
porporate 18 15 (Browning) clad in p...
porrected 20 16 PORRECT, to stretch...
porrenger 17 15 a small dish for sou...
porridges 19 15 PORRIDGE, a soft mea...
porringer 18 15 a small dish for sou...
portables 20 16 PORTABLE, something...
portaging 19 17 PORTAGE, to transpor...
portagues 18 15 PORTAGUE, a former P...
portances 19 16 PORTANCE, (Spenser)...
portapack 23 22 a small portable com...
portapaks 20 19 PORTAPAK, a small po...
portatile 18 13 portable [adj]
portative 19 16 a portable organ [n...
portended 16 15 PORTEND, to serve as...
porterage 17 14 the work of a porter...
porteress 17 12 a female porter, als...
portering 18 15 PORTER, to carry lug...
portesses 17 12 PORTESS, (historical...
portfires 20 15 PORTFIRE, a slow fus...
portfolio 20 16 a case or pair of bo...
portholes 20 15 PORTHOLE, a small wi...
porthoses 19 14 PORTHOS, (historical...
porthouse 19 15 (historical) a porta...
porticoed 20 16 having a portico [ad...
porticoes 20 15 PORTICO, (Italian) a...
portiered 17 13 having a portiere [a...
portieres 17 12 PORTIERE, (French) a...
portigues 19 15 PORTIGUE, a former P...
portioned 16 14 PORTION, to divide i...
portioner 16 13 the proprietor of a...
portlands 18 15 PORTLAND, a kind of...
portlasts 19 13 PORTLAST, (obsolete)...
portliest 19 13 PORTLY, corpulent, s...
portoises 17 12 PORTOISE, the gunwal...
portolani 17 14 PORTOLANO, (Italian)...
portolano 16 14 (Italian) in the Mid...
portolans 17 14 PORTOLAN, (Italian)...
portouses 17 13 PORTOUS, (historical...
portraits 18 12 PORTRAIT, to make a...
portrayal 24 15 the act of portrayin...
portrayed 23 15 PORTRAY, to paint or...
portrayer 23 14 one who portrays [n...
portreeve 18 16 a mayor or principal...
portulaca 21 17 any plant of the pur...
portulans 18 15 PORTULAN, in the Mid...
porwiggle 24 20 a tadpole, also POLL...
poshteens 18 15 POSHTEEN, an Afghan...
posidrive 20 17 (trade) having a pat...
posigrade 18 15 having or producing...
positions 17 13 POSITION, to put in...
positiver 20 16 POSITIVE, assertive,...
positives 20 16 POSITIVE, something...
positrons 17 13 POSITRON, an electro...
posologic 22 18 relating to posology...
possessed 17 13 POSSESS, to have as...
possesses 17 12 POSSESS, to have as...
possessor 17 12 one who possesses [n...
posseting 18 15 POSSET, to curdle [v...
possibler 21 16 POSSIBLE, that can b...
possibles 21 16 POSSIBLE, something...
possuming 20 19 POSSUM, to feign ign...
postaxial 24 20 situated behind any...
postbases 19 15 POSTBASE, a morpheme...
postboxes 25 22 POSTBOX, a mailbox [...
postbuses 20 16 POSTBUS, a small bus...
postcards 21 16 POSTCARD, to send a...
postcavae 21 19 POSTCAVA, a vein in...
postcaval 23 20 relating to the post...
postcavas 22 19 POSTCAVA, a vein in...
postcoded 20 17 POSTCODE, to give a...
postcodes 20 16 POSTCODE, to give a...
postcrash 23 17 after a crash [adj]
postdated 17 14 POSTDATE, to date af...
postdates 17 13 POSTDATE, to date af...
postering 18 15 POSTER, to stick bil...
posterior 17 12 coming after [adj PO...
posterise 17 12 (US and Canadian sla...
posterity 24 14 those coming after;...
posterize 20 21 (US and Canadian sla...
postfaces 22 18 POSTFACE, a brief no...
postfault 21 17 taking place after a...
postfixal 27 23 added or appended to...
postfixed 26 23 POSTFIX, to affix at...
postfixes 26 22 POSTFIX, to affix at...
postforms 21 18 POSTFORM, to shape s...
postgrads 19 15 POSTGRAD, a student...
posthaste 19 14 great haste [n -S]
postheats 19 14 POSTHEAT [n]
postholes 20 15 POSTHOLE, a hole dug...
posthorse 19 14 a horse used to deli...
posthouse 19 15 an inn, orig where h...
postiches 23 17 POSTICHE, (French) a...
posticous 21 16 of the position of p...
postiling 20 16 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
postilion 18 14 (historical) a perso...
postilled 20 15 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
postiller 20 14 one who postils, pro...
postiques 26 22 POSTIQUE, an imitati...
postludes 19 15 POSTLUDE, a closing...
postmarks 20 19 POSTMARK, to stamp m...
postnasal 17 14 situated or occurrin...
postnatal 17 14 following childbirth...
postponed 18 17 POSTPONE, to put off...
postponer 18 16 one who postpones [n...
postpones 18 16 POSTPONE, to put off...
postposed 19 16 POSTPOSE, to place a...
postposes 19 15 POSTPOSE, to place a...
postpunks 21 21 POSTPUNK, a follower...
postrider 18 13 one who rides over a...
postsyncs 27 18 POSTSYNC, (short for...
postteens 16 13 POSTTEEN, a young ad...
posttests 18 12 POSTTEST, a test giv...
posttrial 19 13 taking place after a...
postulant 18 15 a candidate for a re...
postulata 18 14 POSTULATUM, (Latin)...
postulate 18 14 to assume or claim a...
posturers 18 13 POSTURER, one who po...
posturing 19 16 the act of striking...
posturise 18 13 to posture, also POS...
posturist 19 13 one who postures, al...
posturize 21 22 to posture, also POS...
postviral 21 17 as in postviral synd...
postwoman 20 19 a female postman [n...
postwomen 20 19 POSTWOMAN, a female...
potashing 20 17 POTASH, to treat wit...
potassium 19 16 a silvery alkaline m...
potations 16 13 POTATION, the act of...
potatobug 20 18 the Colorado beetle...
potboiled 20 17 POTBOIL, to produce...
potboiler 20 16 a work in art or lit...
potencies 19 16 POTENCY, the quality...
potentate 15 13 a powerful ruler; a...
potential 17 14 latent, possible or...
potentise 16 13 to render the latent...
potentize 19 22 to render the latent...
pothecary 28 19 an apothecary, also...
pothering 20 17 POTHER, to make a co...
potholder 20 16 a piece of material...
potholers 20 15 POTHOLER, someone wh...
potholing 21 18 the sport of explori...
pothouses 19 15 POTHOUSE, an alehous...
pothunter 19 16 someone who hunts fo...
potlaches 23 18 POTLACH, (Native Ame...
potometer 17 15 an instrument measur...
potpourri 20 16 (French) a mixture o...
potshards 20 15 POTSHARD, a fragment...
potshares 19 14 POTSHARE, a fragment...
potsherds 20 15 POTSHERD, a fragment...
potstones 16 13 POTSTONE, a variety...
potterers 17 12 POTTERER, one who po...
potteries 17 12 POTTERY, articles mo...
pottering 18 15 busying oneself with...
pottiness 17 13 daftness [n -ES]
pottingar 18 15 (Scots) an apothecar...
pottinger 18 15 a small dish for sou...
potwaller 22 17 a man entitled to th...
pouchfuls 27 23 POUCHFUL, as much as...
pouchiest 23 18 POUCHY, resembling a...
pouffiest 22 19 POUFFY, like a pouf,...
poulaines 17 15 POULAINE, a pointy t...
poulardes 18 15 POULARDE, a spayed h...
pouldrons 18 16 POULDRON, a shoulder...
poulterer 18 14 a dealer in dead fow...
poulticed 22 18 POULTICE, to apply a...
poultices 22 17 POULTICE, to apply a...
poultries 19 14 POULTRY, farmyard fo...
pounching 23 22 (Spenser) punching [...
poundages 17 17 POUNDAGE, a charge f...
poundcake 20 22 a sweet rich cake co...
poundings 18 18 POUNDING, the act of...
pourboire 19 16 (French) a tip, grat...
pouringly 26 19 POURING, of rain, ve...
pourpoint 19 17 (French) a mediaeval...
poursewed 20 17 POURSEW, (Spenser) t...
poursuing 19 17 POURSUE, (Spenser) t...
poursuits 19 14 POURSUIT, (Spenser)...
pourtrayd 24 16 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
pourtrays 24 15 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
pousowdie 20 17 (Scots) any mixture...
poussette 17 13 (French) a movement,...
poutassou 17 14 a gadoid fish, aka b...
pouthered 19 16 POUTHER, to powder [...
poutingly 26 19 POUTING [adv]
poverties 19 16 POVERTY, the state o...
powderers 20 16 POWDERER, one who po...
powderier 20 16 POWDERY, like powder...
powdering 21 19 the act of applying...
powellise 22 17 to season and preser...
powellite 22 17 calcium molybdate [n...
powellize 25 26 to season and preser...
powerboat 21 18 a boat propelled by...
powerless 21 16 without power [adj P...
powerplay 29 21 strong, attacking pl...
powfagged 24 23 (dialect) exhausted...
powtering 21 18 POWTER, (Scots) to p...
powwowing 27 24 POWWOW, to hold such...
poysoning 23 18 POYSON, (obsolete) t...
pozidrive 23 26 (trade) having a pat...
pozzolana 22 32 (Italian) volcanic a...
pozzolans 23 32 POZZOLAN, (Italian)...
pracharak 23 21 (Hindi) in India, a...
practical 25 19 relating to actual p...
practiced 24 19 PRACTICE, to train o...
practicer 24 18 one who practices, a...
practices 24 18 PRACTICE, to train o...
practicks 26 22 PRACTICK, (archaic)...
practicum 26 22 (Latin) a course of...
practique 29 25 (archaic) practice,...
practised 21 16 PRACTISE, to train o...
practiser 21 15 one who practises, a...
practises 21 15 PRACTISE, to train o...
practolol 22 17 a drug formerly used...
praeamble 20 19 (Milton) a preamble,...
praecipes 22 18 PRAECIPE, (Latin) a...
praecoces 22 18 (Latin) a division o...
praedials 18 14 PRAEDIAL, a rural sl...
praefects 22 18 PRAEFECT, an ancient...
praelects 21 16 PRAELECT, to lecture...
praeludia 18 15 PRAELUDIUM, (Latin)...
praenomen 15 17 (Latin) the first na...
praesidia 17 13 PRAESIDIUM, (Latin)...
pragmatic 23 20 dealing with facts a...
praiseach 22 17 (Irish) a kind of oa...
praiseful 21 17 praiseworthy [adj]
praisings 19 15 PRAISING, the act of...
pranayama 22 18 (Sanskrit) the disci...
prancings 21 19 PRANCING, the act of...
prancking 22 23 PRANCKE, (obsolete)...
prankiest 18 17 PRANKY, of the natur...
prankings 19 20 PRANKING, colourful...
prankling 20 21 PRANKLE, to prance l...
pranksome 18 20 full of pranks [adj]
prankster 18 17 one who plays pranks...
pratfalls 22 17 PRATFALL, to fall on...
pratingly 26 18 PRATING [adv]
pratiques 26 22 PRATIQUE, permission...
prattlers 19 13 PRATTLER, one who pr...
prattling 20 16 PRATTLE, to talk at...
prauncing 21 20 PRAUNCE, (Spenser) t...
pravities 20 16 PRAVITY, wickedness...
prayerful 27 19 given to prayer [adj...
prayingly 32 20 PRAYING, in prayer [...
preabsorb 21 18 to absorb beforehand...
preaccuse 23 19 to accuse in advance...
preachers 22 17 PREACHER, one that p...
preachier 22 17 PREACHY, tending to...
preachify 31 22 to discourse in the...
preachily 30 20 PREACHY, tending to...
preaching 23 20 advocating urgently...
preacting 21 18 PREACT, to act befor...
preadamic 21 19 relating to the beli...
preadapts 19 16 PREADAPT, to adapt b...
preadjust 20 23 to adjust in advance...
preadmits 19 16 PREADMIT, to admit b...
preadopts 19 16 PREADOPT, to adopt b...
preadults 19 15 PREADULT, a person o...
preallots 19 14 PREALLOT, to allot b...
prealters 18 13 PREALTER, to alter b...
preambled 21 20 PREAMBLE, to give an...
preambles 21 19 PREAMBLE, to give an...
prearming 19 18 PREARM, to arm befor...
preassign 18 15 to assign in advance...
preassing 18 15 PREASSE, to press, a...
preassure 17 13 to assure in advance...
preatomic 21 18 before the harnessin...
preattune 16 14 to attune in advance...
preaudits 18 14 PREAUDIT, an audit m...
prebaking 21 22 PREBAKE, to bake bef...
prebattle 20 16 before battle [adj]
prebendal 19 18 relating to prebends...
prebidden 19 18 PREBID, to bid befor...
prebilled 22 18 PREBILL, to bill bef...
prebiotic 23 18 a natural substances...
prebirths 23 17 PREBIRTH, the period...
preboards 19 16 PREBOARD, to board b...
preboiled 20 17 PREBOIL, to boil bef...
prebooked 19 20 PREBOOK, to book bef...
prebought 23 20 PREBUY, to buy befor...
prebudget 21 19 a preliminary budget...
prebuilds 22 18 PREBUILD, to build b...
prebuttal 21 17 a prepared response...
prebuying 27 21 PREBUY, to buy befor...
precancel 23 20 to cancel in advance...
precancer 22 19 preceding cancer [ad...
precative 22 19 supplicating; expres...
precatory 26 17 expressing a wish [a...
precaudal 21 18 in front of the caud...
precedent 19 17 preceding [adj PRECE...
preceding 21 19 PRECEDE, to go befor...
precensor 19 16 to censor a publicat...
precented 19 17 PRECENT, to lead a c...
precentor 19 16 a leader of the sing...
precepits 23 18 PRECEPIT, (Shakespea...
preceptor 22 18 a teacher [n -S]
precessed 20 16 PRECESS, of a spinni...
precesses 20 15 PRECESS, of a spinni...
precharge 23 19 to charge in advance...
prechecks 27 24 PRECHECK, to check b...
prechills 26 19 PRECHILL, to chill b...
prechoose 21 17 to choose beforehand...
prechosen 21 18 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precieuse 20 16 (French) a woman aff...
precincts 24 19 PRECINCT, a space, e...
precipice 26 21 a high vertical or n...
precisely 28 18 PRECISE, sharply and...
precisest 21 15 PRECISE, sharply and...
precisian 20 16 a person excessively...
precising 22 18 PRECIS, to make a co...
precision 20 16 the state of being p...
precisive 23 19 dividing off, separa...
precleans 20 17 PRECLEAN, to clean b...
preclears 21 16 PRECLEAR, to clear b...
precluded 22 19 PRECLUDE, to rule ou...
precludes 22 18 PRECLUDE, to rule ou...
precocial 24 19 of or relating to bi...
precocity 30 20 the state of being p...
precoding 21 19 PRECODE, to code bef...
precoital 21 16 taking place before...
preconise 19 16 to proclaim; to summ...
preconize 22 25 to proclaim; to summ...
precooked 20 20 PRECOOK, to cook bef...
precooker 20 19 a device for prepari...
precooled 20 17 PRECOOL, to cool bef...
precrease 19 15 to crease in advance...
precrisis 22 15 before a crisis [n]
precuring 22 19 PRECURE, to cure bef...
precurrer 21 16 (Shakespeare) a prec...
precursed 21 17 PRECURSE, to foresha...
precurses 21 16 PRECURSE [n]
precursor 21 16 something that goes...
precycled 31 22 PRECYCLE, (of a cons...
precycles 31 21 PRECYCLE, (of a cons...
predacity 27 18 being predacious, li...
predating 18 16 PREDATE, to date bef...
predation 16 14 the killing and cons...
predatism 19 16 the state of preying...
predative 19 17 relating to predatio...
predators 17 13 PREDATOR, an animal...
predatory 23 15 preying on other ani...
predeaths 19 15 PREDEATH, the period...
predebate 18 16 before a debate [adj...
prededuct 21 18 to deduct beforehand...
predefine 18 17 to define in advance...
predellas 19 15 PREDELLA, a board be...
predesign 18 16 to design in advance...
predevote 18 17 to devote or dedicat...
predicant 20 17 a preacher; specific...
predicate 20 16 that which is affirm...
predicted 21 17 PREDICT, to tell of...
predicter 21 16 one who predicts, al...
predictor 21 16 one who predicts, al...
predigest 19 15 to digest in advance...
predikant 18 18 (Dutch) a Dutch refo...
predilect 22 17 chosen in preference...
predinner 16 15 taking place before...
predoomed 17 17 PREDOOM, to sentence...
predrafts 20 16 PREDRAFT, a prelimin...
predrills 21 15 PREDRILL, to drill b...
predrying 25 18 PREDRY, to dry befor...
preedited 17 14 PREEDIT, to edit bef...
preelects 21 16 PREELECT, to elect b...
preempted 20 19 PREEMPT, to acquire...
preemptor 20 18 one who preempts [n...
preenacts 19 16 PREENACT, to enact b...
preerects 20 15 PREERECT, to erect b...
preexcite 26 22 to stimulate in prep...
preexempt 26 25 to exempt beforehand...
preexilic 28 23 before the exile, us...
preexists 24 19 PREEXIST, to exist b...
preexpose 24 22 to expose in advance...
prefabbed 23 22 PREFAB, (short for)...
prefacers 22 18 PREFACER, one that p...
prefacial 23 19 relating to a prefac...
prefacing 23 21 PREFACE, to introduc...
prefading 20 19 PREFADE, to fade bef...
prefatory 25 17 acting as a preface...
preferred 19 16 PREFER, to like bett...
preferrer 19 15 one who prefers [n -...
prefeudal 20 18 before feudalism [ad...
prefigure 21 18 to imagine beforehan...
prefiling 22 19 PREFILE, to file bef...
prefilled 22 18 filled in advance [a...
prefiring 21 18 PREFIRE, to fire bef...
prefixing 27 25 PREFIX, to add to th...
prefixion 25 23 the act of prefixing...
preflight 25 20 to inspect an aircra...
preformat 20 18 to format in advance...
preformed 20 19 PREFORM, to form bef...
prefranks 20 20 PREFRANK, to frank b...
prefreeze 21 24 to freeze beforehand...
prefrozen 21 25 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
prefunded 19 19 PREFUND, to fund bef...
preggiest 20 16 PREGGY, (colloquial)...
pregnable 20 19 capable of being tak...
pregnance 19 19 (obsolete) pregnancy...
pregnancy 26 21 the state of being p...
pregrowth 24 19 the period before so...
preguided 19 17 PREGUIDE, to guide b...
preguides 19 16 PREGUIDE, to guide b...
prehallux 28 24 an extra first toe,...
prehandle 19 17 to handle beforehand...
preharden 18 16 to harden in advance...
preheated 18 15 PREHEAT, to heat bef...
preheater 18 14 something or someone...
prehended 18 17 PREHEND, to lay hold...
prehensor 18 15 something that grasp...
prehiring 21 17 before hiring [adj]
prehnites 19 15 PREHNITE, an orthorh...
prehumans 20 19 PREHUMAN, a prototyp...
preimpose 20 18 to impose in advance...
preinform 20 19 to inform in advance...
preinsert 17 13 to insert beforehand...
preinvite 19 17 to invite beforehand...
prejudged 21 26 PREJUDGE, to judge b...
prejudger 21 25 one who prejudges [n...
prejudges 21 25 PREJUDGE, to judge b...
prejudice 23 26 a judgement or opini...
prejudize 23 32 (Spenser) prognostic...
prelacies 21 16 PRELACY, the office...
prelatess 18 13 a female prelate [n...
prelatial 19 14 relating to a prelat...
prelaties 18 13 PRELATY, the office...
prelation 17 14 preferment; promotio...
prelatise 18 13 to bring under the i...
prelatish 21 15 (Milton) like a prel...
prelatism 20 16 domination by prelat...
prelatist 19 13 a supporter or adher...
prelatize 21 22 to bring under the i...
prelature 18 14 the office of prelat...
prelaunch 23 20 preceding a launch [...
prelected 21 17 PRELECT, to lecture,...
prelector 21 16 a reader of lectures...
prelimits 21 16 PRELIMIT, to limit b...
preloaded 17 15 PRELOAD, to load bef...
prelocate 20 16 to locate in advance...
preluders 19 15 PRELUDER, a person w...
preludial 20 16 of or pertaining to...
preluding 20 18 PRELUDE, to play a m...
prelusion 18 15 a prelude, an introd...
prelusive 21 18 introductory, also P...
prelusory 25 16 introductory, also P...
premarket 19 19 before the developme...
premature 18 16 ahead of due time [a...
premedics 22 19 PREMEDIC, a student...
premerger 19 17 before a merger [adj...
premiered 18 16 PREMIERE, to present...
premieres 18 15 PREMIERE, to present...
premising 20 18 PREMISE, to state in...
premissed 19 16 PREMISS, to state or...
premisses 19 15 PREMISS, to state or...
premixing 26 25 PREMIX, to mix befor...
premodern 17 17 occurring before the...
premodify 27 21 to modify beforehand...
premolars 19 16 PREMOLAR, a premolar...
premolded 19 18 PREMOLD, to mold bef...
premonish 20 18 to warn beforehand [...
premosaic 21 18 relating to the time...
premotion 17 16 a motion or impulse...
premoulds 20 18 PREMOULD, to mould i...
premoving 21 22 PREMOVE, to incite o...
prenasals 17 14 PRENASAL, a prenasal...
prenatals 17 14 PRENATAL, a prenatal...
prenomens 16 17 PRENOMEN, the first...
prenomina 16 17 PRENOMEN, the first...
prenotify 25 18 to notify beforehand...
prenotion 15 14 a notion which prece...
prenticed 20 17 PRENTICE, to place w...
prentices 20 16 PRENTICE, to place w...
prenubile 20 18 before the state of...
prenumber 20 20 to number in advance...
preobtain 18 16 to obtain in advance...
preoccupy 32 24 to engross or fill t...
preocular 21 17 a scale in front of...
preoption 18 16 the right of first c...
preordain 16 14 to ordain in advance...
preorders 17 13 PREORDER, to order b...
prepacked 23 23 PREPACK, to package...
preparers 19 15 PREPARER, one who pr...
preparing 20 18 PREPARE, to get read...
prepasted 19 16 PREPASTE, to paste b...
prepastes 19 15 PREPASTE, to paste b...
prepaving 22 22 PREPAVE, to pave bef...
prepaying 26 20 PREPAY, to pay in ad...
prepensed 18 17 PREPENSE, (Spenser)...
prepenses 18 16 PREPENSE, (Spenser)...
preplaced 23 20 PREPLACE, to place b...
preplaces 23 19 PREPLACE, to place b...
prepollex 27 24 (Latin) in some anim...
preponing 19 19 PREPONE, to bring fo...
preposing 20 18 PREPOSE, to place a...
prepostor 19 15 (Latin) the name use...
prepotent 18 16 potent in a very hig...
preppiest 22 18 PREPPY, denoting the...
prepriced 23 19 PREPRICE, to price b...
preprices 23 18 PREPRICE, to price b...
preprints 20 16 PREPRINT, to print i...
prepueblo 22 20 belonging to the per...
preputial 21 17 of or relating to th...
prerecord 20 16 to record in advance...
prerectal 21 16 in front of the rect...
prereform 20 18 before reform [adj]
prereturn 17 14 preceding a return [...
prereview 22 19 taking place before...
prerinsed 17 14 PRERINSE, to rinse b...
prerinses 17 13 PRERINSE, to rinse b...
presagers 18 14 PRESAGER, one who, o...
presaging 19 17 PRESAGE, to foretell...
presbyope 27 20 one who has presbyop...
presbyopy 34 22 long-sightedness in...
presbyter 26 17 an elder in the earl...
presbytes 26 17 PRESBYTE, an elder i...
presbytic 30 20 relating to an old m...
preschool 23 18 a kindergarten or nu...
prescient 20 16 having foresight or...
prescinds 21 17 PRESCIND, to conside...
prescious 21 16 prescient, also PRES...
prescored 20 16 PRESCORE, to record...
prescores 20 15 PRESCORE, to record...
prescreen 19 16 to screen in advance...
prescribe 23 18 to lay down a rule o...
prescript 24 18 (archaic) a thing th...
prescutum 23 20 in insects, a plate...
preseason 15 13 before the advent of...
preselect 21 16 to select in advance...
presences 19 16 PRESENCE, close prox...
presenile 17 14 occurring before the...
presented 16 14 PRESENT, to bring in...
presentee 15 13 one presented to a b...
presenter 16 13 one who presents [n...
presently 24 16 shortly, soon [adv]
preserved 19 17 PRESERVE, to keep sa...
preserver 19 16 one who preserves [n...
preserves 19 16 PRESERVE, to keep sa...
presettle 18 13 to settle in advance...
preshaped 21 18 PRESHAPE, to shape b...
preshapes 21 17 PRESHAPE, to shape b...
preshowed 22 18 PRESHOW, to show bef...
preshrank 20 19 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
preshrink 21 19 to shrink in advance...
preshrunk 21 20 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
president 17 14 the head of a state,...
presiders 18 13 PRESIDER, one who pr...
presidial 19 14 of or pertaining to...
presiding 19 16 PRESIDE, to occupy t...
presidios 18 13 PRESIDIO, a Spanish...
presidium 20 17 a standing committee...
presifted 20 16 PRESIFT, to sift bef...
presignal 19 16 to signal in advance...
presliced 22 17 PRESLICE, to slice b...
preslices 22 16 PRESLICE, to slice b...
presoaked 17 17 PRESOAK, to soak bef...
presolved 20 18 PRESOLVE, to solve b...
presolves 20 17 PRESOLVE, to solve b...
presorted 17 13 PRESORT, to sort bef...
pressfats 20 15 PRESSFAT, a vat for...
pressfuls 22 17 PRESSFUL, the conten...
pressgang 19 17 a squad of sailors f...
pressings 19 15 PRESSING, an article...
pressions 17 13 PRESSION, pressure [...
pressmark 20 19 a mark on a book to...
pressroom 18 15 a room for reporters...
pressruns 18 14 PRESSRUN, a continuo...
pressured 18 14 PRESSURE, to apply f...
pressures 18 13 PRESSURE, to apply f...
presswork 22 19 the operation of a p...
prestamps 21 18 PRESTAMP, to stamp b...
presterna 16 13 PRESTERNUM, the ante...
prestiges 19 14 PRESTIGE, charm, mag...
prestored 17 13 PRESTORE, to store b...
prestores 17 12 PRESTORE, to store b...
prestress 18 12 to stress in advance...
prestrike 19 16 preceding a strike [...
presumers 19 16 PRESUMER, one who pr...
presuming 20 19 PRESUME, to take for...
presummit 21 19 preceding a (politic...
presurvey 26 19 to survey in advance...
pretaping 20 18 PRETAPE, to tape bef...
pretasted 17 13 PRETASTE, to taste b...
pretastes 17 12 PRETASTE, to taste b...
pretences 19 16 PRETENCE, the act of...
pretended 16 15 PRETEND, to make bel...
pretender 16 14 one who lays claim t...
pretenses 16 13 PRETENSE, the act of...
preterist 18 12 a person who holds t...
preterite 17 12 the grammatical tens...
preterits 18 12 PRETERIT, the gramma...
pretermit 19 15 to omit, neglect to...
pretested 17 13 PRETEST, to give a p...
pretexted 23 20 PRETEXT, to allege a...
pretorial 18 13 relating to a pretor...
pretorian 16 13 a former praetor or...
pretrains 17 13 PRETRAIN, to train b...
pretravel 20 17 before travel [adj]
pretreats 17 12 PRETREAT, to treat b...
pretrials 19 13 PRETRIAL, a proceedi...
prettiest 18 12 PRETTY, pleasing to...
prettying 25 17 PRETTY, to make attr...
prettyish 27 16 somewhat pretty [adj...
prettyism 26 17 affectation of a pre...
pretyping 27 20 PRETYPE, to type bef...
preunions 16 15 PREUNION, a union be...
preunited 17 15 PREUNITE, to unite b...
preunites 17 14 PREUNITE, to unite b...
prevailed 20 18 PREVAIL, to triumph...
prevailer 20 17 one who prevails [n...
prevalent 19 18 prevailing, widespre...
prevalued 20 19 PREVALUE, to value b...
prevalues 20 18 PREVALUE, to value b...
prevening 19 20 PREVENE, to precede,...
prevented 18 18 PREVENT, to keep fro...
preventer 18 17 one who prevents [n...
preverbal 22 20 relating to the peri...
previable 22 20 before the stage whe...
previewed 22 20 PREVIEW, to view or...
previewer 22 19 one who previews [n...
prevising 21 19 PREVISE, to foresee...
prevision 19 17 foresight [n -S] / t...
previsits 21 16 PREVISIT, to visit b...
previsors 20 16 PREVISOR, one that p...
prewarmed 21 19 PREWARM, to warm bef...
prewarned 19 17 PREWARN, to warn in...
prewashed 22 18 PREWASH, to wash bef...
prewashes 22 17 PREWASH, to wash bef...
preweighs 24 19 PREWEIGH, to weigh b...
prewiring 22 18 PREWIRE, to wire bef...
preworked 21 20 PREWORK, to work bef...
priapisms 22 18 PRIAPISM, a persiste...
priapuses 20 16 PRIAPUS, a represent...
priceable 23 19 that can be priced [...
priceless 22 16 beyond price [adj PR...
priciness 21 16 the state of being p...
prickiest 23 19 PRICKY, having many...
prickings 24 22 PRICKING, a prickly...
pricklier 24 20 PRICKLY, having many...
prickling 25 23 the act of prickling...
prickwood 25 23 the spindle tree [n...
prideless 19 14 without pride [adj]
priedieus 18 14 PRIEDIEU, (French) a...
priedieux 24 21 PRIEDIEU, (French) a...
priestess 18 12 a female priest [n -...
priesting 19 15 PRIEST, to ordain as...
priggings 22 19 PRIGGING, thievery [...
priggisms 23 19 PRIGGISM, prim adher...
primacies 22 18 PRIMACY, the state o...
primaeval 21 20 belonging to the ear...
primality 27 18 the state of being p...
primaries 19 15 PRIMARY, a prelimina...
primarily 27 18 PRIMARY, taking firs...
primatals 20 16 PRIMATAL, any of an...
primatial 20 16 of or pertaining to...
primavera 20 19 (Italian) a kind of...
primeness 18 16 the state of being f...
primetime 20 18 occurring during or...
primipara 21 18 (Latin) a woman who...
primitiae 19 15 (Latin) the first ye...
primitial 21 16 of or relating to pr...
primitias 20 15 (Spenser) the first...
primitive 22 19 belonging to earlies...
primordia 19 16 PRIMORDIUM, (Latin)...
primrosed 19 16 PRIMROSE, to gather...
primroses 19 15 PRIMROSE, to gather...
primsiest 20 15 PRIMSIE, (Scots) pri...
primuline 20 18 a yellow coal-tar dy...
princedom 21 20 the realm or authori...
princekin 21 21 a petty prince, also...
princelet 21 17 a petty prince, also...
princesse 20 16 a lady's long, close...
principal 24 20 chief [adj PRINCIPAL...
principia 23 19 PRINCIPIUM, (Latin)...
principle 24 20 a guiding rule [n -S...
princocks 25 23 PRINCOCK, (Shakespea...
princoxes 26 23 PRINCOX, a conceited...
printable 20 17 that can be printed...
printhead 19 16 the part of a printe...
printings 19 16 PRINTING, the art of...
printless 19 14 making no imprint [a...
printouts 18 14 PRINTOUT, the printe...
priorates 17 12 PRIORATE, the state...
priorship 23 17 the state or office...
prismatic 23 18 of, resembling or pr...
prismoids 20 16 PRISMOID, a body tha...
prisoners 17 13 PRISONER, one that i...
prisoning 18 16 PRISON, to imprison...
prisonous 17 14 (Dickens) of or like...
prissiest 19 12 PRISSY, affectedly p...
pristanes 17 13 PRISTANE, a saturate...
privacies 23 19 PRIVACY, the state o...
privadoes 19 17 PRIVADO, (obsolete)...
privateer 19 16 a licensed pirate [n...
privately 27 19 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
privatest 20 16 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
privation 19 17 the act of depriving...
privatise 20 16 to transfer from own...
privatism 22 19 a tendency to be con...
privatist 21 16 one who believes in...
privative 22 20 indicating absence,...
privatize 23 25 to transfer from own...
privilege 22 19 an advantage, right...
privities 21 16 PRIVITY, private kno...
proaction 19 16 action that initiate...
proactive 22 19 tending to make chan...
probables 22 19 PROBABLE, something...
probating 20 18 PROBATE, to establis...
probation 18 16 the act of proving;...
probative 21 19 testing, affording p...
probatory 25 17 testing, affording p...
probeable 21 19 that can be probed [...
probingly 28 21 PROBING [adv]
probiotic 23 18 relating to substanc...
probities 20 15 PROBITY, complete an...
proboscis 23 18 an elongated organ,...
procacity 30 20 forwardness, insolen...
procaines 19 16 PROCAINE, a compound...
procambia 23 21 PROCAMBIUM, the youn...
procaryon 25 18 the nucleus of a blu...
procedure 20 17 a way of doing somet...
proceeded 19 17 PROCEED, to go onwar...
proceeder 19 16 one who proceeds [n...
procerity 27 17 tallness, loftiness...
processed 20 16 PROCESS, to treat or...
processer 20 15 something that proce...
processes 20 15 PROCESS, to treat or...
processor 20 15 something that proce...
prochoice 25 20 in favour of women's...
prochurch 29 23 favourable to church...
procident 20 17 relating to prociden...
procincts 24 19 PROCINCT, (Milton) p...
proclaims 23 19 PROCLAIM, to make kn...
proclises 22 16 PROCLISIS, the pronu...
proclisis 23 16 the pronunciation of...
proclitic 26 19 of a word, transferr...
proconsul 21 18 an officer who disch...
procreant 19 16 generating; producin...
procreate 19 15 to engender, beget o...
proctitis 22 15 inflammation of the...
proctodea 19 16 PROCTODEUM, the post...
proctored 20 16 PROCTOR, to officiat...
procuracy 30 21 the office of a proc...
procurals 22 17 PROCURAL, the act or...
procurers 21 16 PROCURER, someone wh...
procuress 21 16 a female procurer, o...
procureur 21 17 (French) a procurato...
procuring 22 19 the act of obtaining...
procyonid 26 19 a member of the Proc...
proddings 19 17 PRODDING, the act of...
prodigals 20 16 PRODIGAL, a wastrel,...
prodigies 19 15 PRODIGY, a child wit...
proditors 18 13 PRODITOR, a traitor...
proditory 24 15 treacherous [adj]
prodnosed 16 15 PRODNOSE, to pry, ma...
prodnoses 16 14 PRODNOSE, to pry, ma...
prodromal 19 17 of or pertaining to...
prodromes 18 16 PRODROME, a prefator...
prodromic 22 19 of or pertaining to...
prodromus 19 17 a prefatory work; an...
producers 21 17 PRODUCER, one that p...
producing 22 20 PRODUCE, to bring in...
proembryo 26 20 a group of cells for...
proenzyme 26 27 an enzyme in an inac...
proestrus 18 13 in mammals, the comi...
profamily 28 21 supportive of the fa...
profanely 25 19 PROFANE [adv]
profaners 18 16 PROFANER, one who pr...
profaning 19 19 PROFANE, to treat wi...
profanity 25 18 the state of being p...
professed 19 16 PROFESS, to affirm o...
professes 19 15 PROFESS, to affirm o...
professor 19 15 a university or coll...
proffered 21 19 PROFFER, to present...
profferer 21 18 one who proffers [n...
profilers 21 16 PROFILER, one who pr...
profiling 22 19 the process of compi...
profilist 22 16 one who draws profil...
profiteer 19 15 a person who takes a...
profiters 20 15 PROFITER, one who pr...
profiting 21 18 the act of profiting...
profluent 20 18 (Milton) flowing out...
profounds 19 18 PROFOUND, something...
profusely 27 19 PROFUSE, pouring for...
profusers 20 16 PROFUSER, a prodigal...
profusion 19 17 the state of being p...
profusive 22 20 profuse, also PROFUS...
progenies 17 15 PROGENY, a descendan...
progerias 18 14 PROGERIA, a syndrome...
progestin 18 15 a hormone concerned...
prognosed 17 16 PROGNOSE, to forecas...
prognoses 17 15 PROGNOSE, to forecas...
prognosis 18 15 a forecasting or for...
prograded 18 16 PROGRADE, to accumul...
progrades 18 15 PROGRADE, to accumul...
programed 19 18 PROGRAM, to arrange...
programer 19 17 (US) one who writes...
programme 20 20 to prepare a program...
prohibits 23 17 PROHIBIT, to forbid...
proigning 19 18 PROIGN, (obsolete) t...
projected 22 25 PROJECT, to extend o...
projector 22 24 an apparatus for pro...
prokaryon 23 19 the nucleus of a blu...
prokaryot 24 18 a bacterium or blue-...
prolabour 20 17 favouring an organiz...
prolactin 21 17 a hormone produced b...
prolamine 18 17 one of a group of pr...
prolamins 19 17 PROLAMIN, one of a g...
prolapsed 20 17 PROLAPSE, to slip or...
prolapses 20 16 PROLAPSE, to slip or...
prolapsus 21 17 (Latin) a prolapse [...
prolately 25 16 PROLATE, having flat...
prolating 19 16 PROLATE, to lengthen...
prolation 17 14 an utterance; the ti...
prolative 20 17 esp. of an infinitiv...
prolepses 20 16 PROLEPSIS, (Greek) a...
prolepsis 21 16 (Greek) a rhetorical...
proleptic 24 19 relating to prolepsi...
proletary 24 15 a proletarian, also...
prolicide 22 17 killing of offspring...
prolixity 32 22 long-windedness in s...
prologing 20 18 PROLOG, to preface,...
prologise 19 15 to speak a prolog, a...
prologist 20 15 a writer of prologue...
prologize 22 24 to speak a prolog, a...
prologued 19 17 PROLOGUE, to preface...
prologues 19 16 PROLOGUE, to preface...
prolonged 18 17 PROLONG, to lengthen...
prolonger 18 16 one who, or that whi...
prolonges 18 16 PROLONGE, a rope use...
prolusion 18 15 preliminary performa...
prolusory 25 16 relating to prolusio...
promachos 23 20 (Greek) a champion o...
promenade 16 17 (French) a walk for...
prometals 19 16 PROMETAL, a kind of...
prometric 22 18 in favour of the met...
prominent 17 17 standing out, projec...
promisees 18 15 PROMISEE, one who is...
promisers 19 15 PROMISER, one who pr...
promising 20 18 PROMISE, to make a d...
promisors 19 15 PROMISOR, one who pr...
promissor 19 15 one who makes a (leg...
promodern 17 17 in favour of the mod...
promoters 18 15 PROMOTER, one who pr...
promoting 19 18 PROMOTE, to help for...
promotion 17 16 the act of promoting...
promotive 20 19 tending to advance,...
promotors 18 15 PROMOTOR, a person w...
prompters 21 18 PROMPTER, one that p...
promptest 21 18 PROMPT, done without...
prompting 22 21 the act of supplying...
prompture 21 19 (Shakespeare) a sugg...
promulged 21 20 PROMULGE, (archaic)...
promulges 21 19 PROMULGE, (archaic)...
promusces 22 19 PROMUSCIS, a probosc...
promuscis 23 19 a proboscis, esp. an...
pronating 17 16 PRONATE, to turn the...
pronation 15 14 turning the hand and...
pronators 16 13 PRONATOR, a forearm...
proneness 15 14 the state of being p...
pronephra 20 18 PRONEPHROS, a primit...
prongbuck 25 26 the springbuck [n -S...
pronghorn 19 18 a North American rum...
pronkings 19 20 PRONKING, a springbo...
pronounce 18 18 to articulate one's...
pronuclei 21 18 PRONUCLEUS, the nucl...
pronuncio 19 18 a papal ambassador o...
prooemion 16 16 a preface, also PROE...
prooemium 19 19 a preface, also PROE...
proofings 20 18 PROOFING, material u...
proofless 20 16 wanting sufficient e...
proofread 18 16 to read checking for...
proofroom 19 18 a room where proofs...
propagate 19 17 to increase by natur...
propaging 21 20 PROPAGE, to propagat...
propagula 21 19 PROPAGULUM, a body w...
propagule 21 19 a body with the capa...
propaling 21 19 PROPALE, (Scots) to...
propanoic 21 19 as in propanoic acid...
propanols 19 17 PROPANOL, propyl alc...
propanone 16 17 a systematic name of...
propelled 21 18 PROPEL, to drive for...
propeller 21 17 someone who, or some...
propellor 21 17 someone who, or some...
propenals 19 17 PROPENAL, another na...
propended 18 18 PROPEND, to have a t...
propenoic 21 19 as in propenoic acid...
propenols 19 17 PROPENOL, a flammabl...
propenyls 26 19 PROPENYL, a hydrocar...
properdin 19 17 a natural protein in...
properest 19 15 PROPER, fitting [adj...
prophages 22 19 PROPHAGE, a form of...
prophases 21 17 PROPHASE, the first...
prophasic 25 20 relating to prophase...
prophetic 25 20 related to prophesy,...
prophylls 31 21 PROPHYLL, a small le...
propining 20 19 PROPINE, (archaic) t...
propionic 22 19 as in propionic acid...
propodeon 17 17 in some Hymenoptera,...
propodeum 20 20 in some Hymenoptera,...
proponent 17 17 bringing forward, pr...
proponing 19 19 PROPONE, to propose,...
proposals 20 16 PROPOSAL, something...
proposers 19 15 PROPOSER, one that p...
proposing 20 18 PROPOSE, to put forw...
proposita 19 15 a woman from whom a...
propositi 20 15 PROPOSITUS, (Latin)...
propounds 19 18 PROPOUND, to propose...
proppants 21 19 PROPPANT, a material...
propretor 19 15 a magistrate of anci...
propriety 26 17 properness, correct...
proptoses 19 15 PROPTOSIS, the forwa...
proptosis 20 15 the forward displace...
propulsor 21 17 something which prop...
propylaea 25 18 PROPYLAEUM, any cour...
propylene 25 19 a colorless gaseous...
propylite 27 18 an andesite altered...
propylons 26 19 PROPYLON, an entranc...
prorating 18 15 PRORATE, to divide p...
proration 16 13 the act of prorating...
prorector 20 15 an officer who presi...
proreform 20 18 in favour of reform...
prorogate 17 14 to end a session (of...
prorogued 18 16 PROROGUE, to end a s...
prorogues 18 15 PROROGUE, to end a s...
prosaical 21 16 relating to prose; d...
prosaisms 19 15 PROSAISM, a prosaic...
prosaists 18 12 PROSAIST, a writer o...
prosateur 17 13 (French) one who wri...
proscenia 19 16 PROSCENIUM, the part...
proscribe 23 18 to forbid, esp. by l...
proscript 24 18 a person who is pros...
proseccos 23 18 PROSECCO, (Italian)...
prosected 20 16 PROSECT, to dissect...
prosector 20 15 one who dissects bod...
prosecute 20 16 to pursue by law [v...
proselike 19 17 like prose [adj]
proselyte 24 15 a convert, esp. to J...
proseucha 22 18 (Latin) a place of p...
proseuche 22 18 (Latin) a place of p...
prosified 20 16 PROSIFY, to write pr...
prosifies 20 15 PROSIFY, to write pr...
prosimian 18 16 a primate of the sub...
prosiness 17 13 the state of being p...
prosocial 21 16 in the interests of...
prosodial 18 14 prosodical [adj]
prosodian 16 14 one skilled in proso...
prosodies 17 13 PROSODY, the study o...
prosodist 18 13 one skilled in proso...
prosomata 17 15 PROSOMA, the front r...
prosopons 18 16 PROSOPON, the embodi...
prospects 23 18 PROSPECT, to search...
prospered 19 16 PROSPER, to be succe...
prostates 17 12 PROSTATE, a gland in...
prostatic 21 15 of or pertaining to...
prosterna 16 13 PROSTERNUM, the ster...
prostomia 18 15 PROSTOMIUM, that por...
prostrate 17 12 prone; lying or bent...
prostyles 25 15 PROSTYLE, in Greek a...
prosumers 19 16 PROSUMER, a consumer...
protamine 17 16 any of a class of si...
protamins 18 16 PROTAMIN, any of a c...
protandry 23 16 the development of m...
protanope 17 16 a sufferer from prot...
proteases 16 12 PROTEASE, any enzyme...
protected 20 16 PROTECT, to shield f...
protecter 20 15 one who protects, al...
protector 20 15 one who protects, al...
protegees 17 14 PROTEGEE, (French) o...
proteides 17 13 PROTEIDE, a nitrogen...
proteinic 20 16 relating to protein...
protended 16 15 PROTEND, (archaic) t...
protenses 16 13 PROTENSE, (Spenser)...
proteomes 17 15 PROTEOME, the comple...
proteomic 21 18 relating to a proteo...
proteoses 16 12 PROTEOSE, a substanc...
protested 17 13 PROTEST, to express...
protester 17 12 one who protests, al...
protestor 17 12 one who protests, al...
proteuses 17 13 PROTEUS, any of the...
prothalli 22 16 PROTHALLUS, the free...
protheses 19 14 PROTHESIS, the devel...
prothesis 20 14 the development of a...
prothetic 23 17 of or pertaining to...
prothorax 25 21 the first or anterio...
protistan 17 13 one of the Protista,...
protistic 22 15 of or like a protist...
protoavis 19 16 a member of the genu...
protocols 21 16 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
protoderm 18 16 the dermatogen, the...
protogine 17 15 a kind of granite or...
protogyny 30 19 the development of f...
protonate 15 13 to acquire an additi...
protonema 16 16 a branched filament...
protopods 19 16 PROTOPOD, a part of...
protostar 17 12 a condensing mass of...
prototype 25 17 the first or origina...
protoxide 23 20 that one of a series...
protoxids 24 20 PROTOXID, that one o...
protozoal 20 22 of or pertaining to...
protozoan 18 22 any member of the Pr...
protozoic 23 24 of or pertaining to...
protozoon 18 22 any member of the Pr...
protracts 21 15 PROTRACT, to prolong...
protruded 18 15 PROTRUDE, to stick o...
protrudes 18 14 PROTRUDE, to stick o...
proturans 17 14 PROTURAN, any of an...
proudness 17 15 the quality of being...
proustite 18 13 a red silver ore, su...
provanted 18 18 PROVANT, (obsolete)...
proveable 21 20 that can be proved,...
proveably 28 22 PROVEABLE, that can...
provedore 18 17 a purveyor, also PRO...
provedors 19 17 PROVEDOR, a purveyor...
provender 18 18 dry food for domesti...
proverbed 21 20 PROVERB, to speak of...
proviants 19 17 PROVIANT, an allowan...
provident 19 18 seeing beforehand, a...
providers 20 17 PROVIDER, one that p...
providing 21 20 PROVIDE, to supply [...
providors 20 17 PROVIDOR, a purveyor...
provinces 22 20 PROVINCE, an adminis...
provining 20 20 PROVINE, to propagat...
provision 19 17 the act of providing...
provisoes 19 16 PROVISO, a clause in...
provisors 20 16 PROVISOR, (historica...
provisory 26 18 of the nature of a p...
provocant 21 20 one who provokes [n...
provokers 20 20 PROVOKER, something...
provoking 21 23 PROVOKE, to arouse t...
provolone 18 18 (Italian) a firm pli...
provostry 26 18 the office of provos...
prowessed 20 16 having prowess [adj]
prowesses 20 15 PROWESS, exceptional...
prowlings 23 19 PROWLING, the act of...
proxemics 28 25 the study of the hum...
proximate 24 22 nearest or next [adj...
proximity 32 24 immediate nearness i...
prozymite 28 26 a person who uses le...
prudences 20 18 PRUDENCE, the qualit...
prudently 25 18 PRUDENT, cautious, w...
pruderies 18 14 PRUDERY, a person wi...
prudishly 29 19 PRUDISH, marked by p...
prunellas 19 16 PRUNELLA, a strong s...
prunelles 19 16 PRUNELLE, (French) a...
prunellos 19 16 PRUNELLO, (Italian)...
prurience 20 17 the state of being p...
pruriency 27 19 the state of being p...
prusiking 21 20 PRUSIK, to climb usi...
prussiate 18 13 a salt of prussic ac...
prytaneum 24 19 an ancient Greek tow...
psalmbook 22 23 a book of psalms [n...
psalmists 21 16 PSALMIST, a writer o...
psalmodic 23 20 relating to a psalmo...
psalteria 18 13 PSALTERIUM, (Latin)...
psaltress 19 13 a woman who plays th...
psaltries 19 13 PSALTRY, an ancient...
psammites 20 18 PSAMMITE, a fine-gra...
psammitic 24 21 of or like psammite,...
psellisms 22 17 PSELLISM, a defect i...
psephisms 24 20 PSEPHISM, (historica...
psephites 22 17 PSEPHITE, a rock com...
psephitic 26 20 of or relating to pe...
pseudaxes 23 21 PSEUDAXIS, a sympodi...
pseudaxis 24 21 a sympodium, an axis...
pseudonym 24 20 a fictitious name as...
pseudopod 19 18 a process protruding...
psilocins 22 17 PSILOCIN, a hallucin...
psoraleas 17 13 PSORALEA, a plant of...
psoralens 17 14 PSORALEN, a drug use...
psoriases 17 12 PSORIASIS, the state...
psoriasis 18 12 the state of being a...
psoriatic 21 15 suffering from psori...
psychical 34 23 relating to the psyc...
psychisms 32 22 PSYCHISM, the doctri...
psychists 31 19 PSYCHIST, someone in...
psychogas 30 21 a gas which makes a...
psychoids 30 20 PSYCHOID, the hypoth...
psychoses 29 19 PSYCHOSIS, a serious...
psychosis 30 19 a serious mental dis...
psychotic 33 22 suffering from a psy...
psylliums 29 20 PSYLLIUM, the seed o...
ptarmigan 19 18 (Gaelic) a game-bird...
pteridine 17 14 any member of a genu...
pteropods 19 16 PTEROPOD, a small sw...
pterosaur 17 13 a pterodactyl, also...
pterygial 26 17 of or relating to a...
pterygium 27 20 a growth over the co...
pterygoid 25 17 winglike [adj] / a p...
ptomaines 17 16 PTOMAINE, a compound...
ptomainic 21 19 of or like ptomaine,...
ptyalised 25 16 PTYALISE, to induce...
ptyalises 25 15 PTYALISE, to induce...
ptyalisms 27 18 PTYALISM, an excessi...
ptyalized 28 25 PTYALIZE, to induce...
ptyalizes 28 24 PTYALIZE, to induce...
puberties 20 16 PUBERTY, the beginni...
pubescent 22 20 arrived at puberty [...
publicans 24 21 PUBLICAN, one who ow...
publicise 25 20 to make public, also...
publicist 26 20 someone who publiciz...
publicity 32 22 the process of makin...
publicize 28 29 to make public, also...
published 24 20 PUBLISH, to print an...
publisher 24 19 one who publishes [n...
publishes 24 19 PUBLISH, to print an...
pucelages 22 19 PUCELAGE, virginity...
puckerers 22 20 PUCKERER, one who, o...
puckerier 22 20 PUCKERY, astringent;...
puckeries 22 20 PUCKERY, puckishness...
puckering 23 23 PUCKER, to gather in...
puckerood 21 21 (New Zealand slang)...
puckfists 26 23 PUCKFIST, a puffball...
puckishly 33 25 PUCKISH, like a puck...
pucksters 23 20 PUCKSTER, a hockey p...
puddening 18 19 a pad of rope used a...
puddering 19 18 PUDDER, to make a tu...
puddliest 20 16 PUDDLY, full of pudd...
puddlings 21 19 PUDDLING, the proces...
pudencies 20 18 PUDENCY, (Shakespear...
pudendous 17 17 (obsolete) shameful...
pudginess 19 17 the state of being p...
puerilely 26 17 PUERILE, juvenile; c...
puerilism 21 17 childishness [n -S]
puerility 26 16 the state of being p...
puerperae 18 16 PUERPERA, (Latin) a...
puerperal 20 17 of or relating to ch...
puerperia 19 16 PUERPERIUM, (Latin)...
puffbacks 29 29 PUFFBACK, a small Af...
puffballs 27 24 PUFFBALL, any of var...
puffbirds 26 23 PUFFBIRD, any bird o...
pufferies 22 19 PUFFERY, excessive p...
puffiness 22 20 the state of being p...
puffingly 31 25 PUFFING [adv]
puftaloon 19 18 (Australian) a type...
puggarees 19 17 PUGGAREE, (Hindi) a...
puggeries 20 17 PUGGERY, (Hindi) a t...
pugginess 20 18 the state of being p...
pugilisms 23 19 PUGILISM, the art of...
pugilists 22 16 PUGILIST, one who fi...
pugnacity 28 21 the state of being p...
puirtiths 22 15 PUIRTITH, (Scots) po...
puissance 20 17 (archaic) power, als...
puissaunt 18 15 (archaic) powerful,...
pulicides 23 18 PULICIDE, an agent u...
pullbacks 27 25 PULLBACK, a restrain...
pulleying 27 20 PULLEY, to hoist wit...
pullovers 22 19 PULLOVER, a garment...
pullulate 21 17 to swarm, to teem; t...
pulmonary 25 20 of or pertaining to...
pulmonate 18 18 a member of the Pulm...
pulmonics 23 21 PULMONIC, a medicine...
pulmotors 20 17 PULMOTOR, a respirat...
pulpboard 23 21 a coarse cardboard m...
pulpified 24 21 PULPIFY, to reduce t...
pulpifies 24 20 PULPIFY, to reduce t...
pulpiness 21 18 the state of being p...
pulpiteer 21 17 someone who speaks f...
pulpiters 22 17 PULPITER, someone wh...
pulpitums 24 21 PULPITUM, a gigantic...
pulpmills 26 22 PULPMILL, a machine...
pulpstone 20 18 a grindstone for pul...
pulpwoods 24 21 PULPWOOD, soft wood...
pulsatile 20 15 of musical instrumen...
pulsating 20 17 PULSATE, to expand a...
pulsation 18 15 a beating or throbbi...
pulsative 21 18 of musical instrumen...
pulsators 19 14 PULSATOR, something...
pulsatory 25 16 capable of pulsating...
pulsebeat 20 17 the pulse [n -S]
pulsejets 21 23 PULSEJET, in jet pro...
pulseless 20 15 without a pulse [adj...
pulsidges 21 17 PULSIDGE, the throb...
pulsojets 21 23 PULSOJET, in jet pro...
pultruded 20 17 PULTRUDE, to carry o...
pultrudes 20 16 PULTRUDE, to carry o...
pulverine 20 19 barilla ash, used in...
pulvering 22 21 PULVER, to reduce to...
pulverise 21 18 to reduce to powder,...
pulverize 24 27 to reduce to powder...
pulverous 21 19 dusty or powder [adj...
pulvilios 23 19 PULVILIO, (historica...
pulvillar 24 20 cushion-like [adj]
pulvilled 24 21 PULVIL, to scent wit...
pulvilles 24 20 PULVILLE, (historica...
pulvillio 24 20 (historical) perfume...
pulvillus 25 21 a little cushion or...
pulvinars 21 19 PULVINAR, a knob on...
pulvinate 20 19 cushion-like; bulgin...
pulvinule 22 21 the pulvinus of a le...
pumicated 22 20 PUMICATE, to make sm...
pumicates 22 19 PUMICATE, to make sm...
pumiceous 22 20 of or pertaining to...
pumicites 23 19 PUMICITE, a porous v...
pummeling 22 23 PUMMEL, to strike wi...
pummelled 22 22 PUMMEL, to strike wi...
pumphoods 23 22 PUMPHOOD, the head o...
pumpjacks 28 35 PUMPJACK, a pumping...
pumpkings 24 26 PUMPKING, a person i...
punchbags 26 24 PUNCHBAG, a punching...
punchball 27 24 a suspended ball use...
punchbowl 29 26 a bowl for holding p...
puncheons 21 20 PUNCHEON, a cask; a...
punchiest 23 19 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
punchless 24 20 without a punch [adj...
punchline 23 21 the last line or con...
punchouts 23 20 PUNCHOUT, a fist fig...
punctated 20 18 dotted, pitted, also...
punctator 20 17 someone who marks so...
punctilio 22 18 (Italian) a minute d...
punctuate 20 18 to mark with points;...
punctules 22 19 PUNCTULE, a minute d...
punctured 21 19 PUNCTURE, to pierce...
puncturer 21 18 one who punctures [n...
punctures 21 18 PUNCTURE, to pierce...
pungences 20 20 PUNGENCE, the state...
pungently 25 20 PUNGENT, sharply aff...
punishers 20 16 PUNISHER, one that p...
punishing 21 19 PUNISH, to impose a...
punitions 17 15 PUNITION, punishment...
punkettes 18 18 PUNKETTE, a female f...
punkiness 18 19 being a punk [n -ES]
punningly 25 21 PUNNING, playing on...
pupations 19 17 PUPATION, the act of...
pupfishes 25 21 PUPFISH, a small, fr...
pupilages 22 19 PUPILAGE, the state...
pupillage 23 20 the state of being a...
pupillary 29 20 relating to a pupil...
pupillate 22 18 to cry in the manner...
pupilship 27 22 the state of being a...
puppeteer 21 19 one who operates a p...
puppodums 24 24 PUPPODUM, a thin cir...
puppydoms 30 25 PUPPYDOM, the world...
puppyhood 30 24 the time or state of...
puppyisms 31 24 PUPPYISM, conceit in...
puppylike 31 26 like a puppy [adj]
purchased 23 19 PURCHASE, to buy [v]
purchaser 23 18 one who purchases [n...
purchases 23 18 PURCHASE, to buy [v]
purdonium 19 19 a kind of coal-scutt...
pureblood 20 18 a horse etc. of unmi...
purebreds 20 17 PUREBRED, an animal...
purflings 23 20 PURFLING, ornamentat...
purgation 18 16 the act of purging [...
purgative 21 19 serving to purge [ad...
purgatory 25 17 a place or state in...
purgeable 21 19 that can be purged [...
purifiers 21 16 PURIFIER, one that p...
purifying 28 21 PURIFY, to cleanse f...
puritanic 21 17 of or like a puritan...
purlicued 23 19 PURLICUE, to summari...
purlicues 23 18 PURLICUE, to summari...
purloined 18 16 PURLOIN, to steal; t...
purloiner 18 15 one who purloins [n...
puromycin 28 22 a type of antibiotic...
purpliest 22 17 PURPLY, purplish [ad...
purported 20 17 PURPORT, to profess...
purposely 27 19 deliberately [adv]
purposing 21 19 PURPOSE, to intend t...
purposive 22 20 directed towards an...
purpureal 21 18 purple, also PURPLE,...
purpurins 21 18 PURPURIN, a reddish...
purringly 27 19 PURRING, making a so...
pursefuls 22 18 PURSEFUL, enough to...
purselike 20 18 like a purse [adj]
pursewing 22 19 PURSEW, (Spenser) to...
pursiness 18 14 the state of being p...
purslains 19 15 PURSLAIN, a pot herb...
purslanes 18 15 PURSLANE, a pot herb...
pursuable 21 18 capable of being pur...
pursuance 20 18 the act of pursuing...
pursuings 20 17 PURSUING, the act of...
purulence 21 19 the state of being p...
purulency 28 21 the state of being p...
purveying 27 22 PURVEY, to supply [v...
purveyors 26 19 PURVEYOR, one that p...
pushbacks 27 25 PUSHBACK, a negative...
pushballs 25 20 PUSHBALL, a game in...
pushbikes 24 22 PUSHBIKE, a bicycle...
pushcarts 24 18 PUSHCART, a light ca...
pushchair 26 20 a chair on wheels fo...
pushdowns 23 20 PUSHDOWN, a store of...
pushfully 32 23 PUSHFUL, energetical...
pushiness 20 16 the state of being p...
pushingly 29 21 PUSHING [adv]
pushovers 22 19 PUSHOVER, an easily...
pussycats 28 18 PUSSYCAT, a very ame...
pussyfoot 26 18 a prohibitionist [n...
pussytoes 24 15 a genus of composite...
pustulant 19 16 producing pustules [...
pustulate 19 15 to form into pustule...
pustulous 20 16 of or pertaining to...
putcheons 22 19 PUTCHEON, a wire tra...
putchocks 28 25 PUTCHOCK, an aromati...
putonghua 20 19 the official spoken...
putrefied 20 17 PUTREFY, to make or...
putrefier 20 16 an agent that causes...
putrefies 20 16 PUTREFY, to make or...
putridest 19 14 PUTRID, rotten [adj]
putridity 26 16 the state of being p...
putschist 25 18 one who engages in a...
putterers 18 13 PUTTERER, one who pu...
puttering 19 16 PUTTER, to occupy on...
puttyless 26 16 without putty [adj]
puttylike 27 20 like putty [adj]
puttyroot 24 15 an American orchidac...
puzzledly 33 36 PUZZLED [adv]
puzzledom 26 36 the domain of puzzle...
puzzolana 23 33 (Italian) volcanic a...
pycnidial 28 20 relating to a pycnid...
pycnidium 29 23 a spore-bearing orga...
pycnosome 26 21 a body type characte...
pyelogram 26 20 an X-ray picture of...
pyengadus 24 19 PYENGADU, a Burmese...
pygidiums 28 21 PYGIDIUM, in trilobi...
pygmyisms 35 24 PYGMYISM, a stunted...
pygostyle 32 19 the bone of a bird's...
pyinkados 24 20 PYINKADO, the ironwo...
pyknosome 24 22 the short or stocky...
pyloruses 25 16 PYLORUS, the opening...
pyodermas 24 18 PYODERMA, a pus-caus...
pyodermic 28 21 of or like pyoderma,...
pyorrheal 26 17 relating to pyorrhea...
pyorrheas 25 16 PYORRHEA, pus in the...
pyorrheic 29 19 relating to pyorrhea...
pyorrhoea 24 16 suppuration in the s...
pyracanth 28 20 the evergreen thorn,...
pyralidid 26 17 a kind of moth, also...
pyralises 25 15 PYRALIS, a kind of m...
pyramidal 26 19 shaped like a pyrami...
pyramided 25 19 PYRAMID, to increase...
pyramides 25 18 PYRAMID, a solid fig...
pyramidia 25 18 PYRAMIDION, the smal...
pyramidic 29 21 of or like a pyramid...
pyramidon 24 19 an organ-stop with p...
pyramises 25 17 PYRAMIS, (Shakespear...
pyranoses 22 15 PYRANOSE, a sugar pr...
pyrazoles 27 24 PYRAZOLE, a chemical...
pyreneite 22 15 a black garnet [n -S...
pyrenoids 23 16 PYRENOID, a protein...
pyrethrin 26 17 either of two insect...
pyrethrum 28 20 a name still applied...
pyridines 24 16 PYRIDINE, a nitrogen...
pyridoxal 31 23 a crystalline aldehy...
pyridoxin 30 23 a pyridine derivativ...
pyritical 29 18 consisting of, or re...
pyritised 25 15 PYRITISE, to convert...
pyritises 25 14 PYRITISE, to convert...
pyritized 28 24 PYRITIZE, to convert...
pyritizes 28 23 PYRITIZE, to convert...
pyroceram 27 20 a transparent cerami...
pyroclast 28 18 ash and other debris...
pyrogenic 27 20 produced by, or prod...
pyrolater 24 15 a fire-worshipper [n...
pyrolatry 31 17 fire-worship [n PYRO...
pyrolised 25 16 PYROLISE, to decompo...
pyrolises 25 15 PYROLISE, to decompo...
pyrolized 28 25 PYROLIZE, to decompo...
pyrolizes 28 24 PYROLIZE, to decompo...
pyrolysed 31 18 PYROLYSE, to decompo...
pyrolyser 31 17 a device for pyrolys...
pyrolyses 31 17 PYROLYSE, to decompo...
pyrolysis 32 17 decomposition due to...
pyrolytic 35 20 relating to pyrolysi...
pyrolyzed 34 27 PYROLYZE, to decompo...
pyrolyzer 34 26 an agent that pyroly...
pyrolyzes 34 26 PYROLYZE, to decompo...
pyromancy 33 23 divination by the us...
pyromania 23 18 an obsessive urge to...
pyrometer 24 17 an instrument for me...
pyrometry 31 19 the art of measuring...
pyronines 22 16 PYRONINE, (tradeame)...
pyrophone 26 20 an organ producing i...
pyropuses 26 18 PYROPUS, a fiery red...
pyroscope 28 20 an instrument for me...
pyrosises 24 14 PYROSIS, heart-burn...
pyrosomes 24 17 PYROSOME, a type of...
pyrostats 24 14 PYROSTAT, an automat...
pyroxenes 28 22 PYROXENE, any of a g...
pyroxenic 32 25 containing pyroxene...
pyroxyles 37 24 PYROXYLE, a nitrocel...
pyroxylic 41 27 produced by the acti...
pyroxylin 37 25 any of the nitrocell...
pyruvates 26 19 PYRUVATE, a salt or...
pythoness 25 17 a witch (with cap, t...