12 letter words that start with P

12 letter words that start with P

12 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pacesettings 26 21 PACESETTING, the act...
pachycarpous 39 29 having a thick peric...
pachydermias 35 26 PACHYDERMIA, elephan...
pachydermous 35 27 thick-skinned, also...
pachysandras 33 24 PACHYSANDRA, (Japane...
pacificating 32 27 PACIFICATE, to give...
pacification 30 25 the act of pacifying...
pacificators 31 24 PACIFICATOR, a peace...
pacificatory 37 26 tending to make peac...
packinghouse 29 28 an establishment for...
paddleboards 25 22 PADDLEBOARD, a long...
paddlefishes 28 23 PADDLEFISH, a member...
paddywacking 37 32 PADDYWACK, to spank...
paederasties 21 16 PAEDERASTY, anal int...
paediatrists 23 16 PAEDIATRIST, a speci...
paedobaptism 27 25 the doctrine of infa...
paedobaptist 26 22 a believer in paedob...
paedodontics 24 21 the branch of dentis...
paedogeneses 20 19 PAEDOGENESIS, reprod...
paedogenesis 21 19 reproduction by an i...
paedogenetic 24 22 relating to paedogen...
paedological 27 23 related to paedology...
paedologists 24 19 PAEDOLOGIST, one who...
paedomorphic 30 27 of, relating to, inv...
paedophiliac 30 25 relating to paedophi...
paedophilias 27 22 PAEDOPHILIA, the sex...
paedophilics 31 25 PAEDOPHILIC, a paedo...
paganisation 21 19 the act of paganisin...
paganization 24 28 the act of paganizin...
painlessness 22 18 the state of being p...
painstakings 24 23 PAINSTAKING, careful...
paintballing 27 24 a game in which team...
paintbrushes 27 22 PAINTBRUSH, a brush...
paintinesses 21 17 PAINTINESS, the stat...
palaebiology 32 24 the study of fossil...
palaeobotany 28 22 the study of fossil...
palaeography 33 25 the study of ancient...
palaeolithic 29 22 of the earlier Stone...
palaeologies 23 19 PALAEOLOGY, the stud...
palaestrical 27 20 relating to a palaes...
palatability 33 22 the state of being p...
palatalising 25 20 PALATALISE, to make...
palatalizing 28 29 PALATALIZE, to make...
palatialness 23 18 the state of being p...
paleobiology 32 24 a branch of paleonto...
paleobotanic 26 23 relating to paleobot...
paleoecology 32 24 a branch of ecology...
paleographer 27 23 a student of paleogr...
paleographic 31 26 relating to writings...
paleontology 29 22 the study of fossils...
paleozoology 32 30 the study of fossil...
palification 28 23 the act of strengthe...
palindromist 25 21 one who composes pal...
palingeneses 22 20 PALINGENESIS, the re...
palingenesia 22 20 the remelting of roc...
palingenesis 23 20 the remelting of roc...
palingenetic 26 23 relating to palingen...
pallescences 29 24 PALLESCENCE, a becom...
palliatively 34 24 PALLIATIVE, serving...
pallidnesses 24 19 PALLIDNESS, the stat...
palpableness 27 24 the state of being p...
palpebrating 28 25 PALPEBRATE, to wink...
palpitations 25 20 PALPITATION, a nervo...
palsgravines 26 23 PALSGRAVINE, the dom...
paltrinesses 23 17 PALTRINESS, the stat...
paludamentum 25 26 a Roman general's or...
paludicolous 28 23 growing in marshes;...
palynologies 30 22 PALYNOLOGY, the scie...
palynologist 31 22 a student of palynol...
pampelmooses 26 25 PAMPELMOOSE, (Dutch)...
pampelmouses 27 26 PAMPELMOUSE, (Dutch)...
pamperedness 24 23 the state of being p...
pamphleteers 28 24 PAMPHLETEER [n]
panaesthesia 22 18 totality of percepti...
panarthritis 25 18 arthritis of all joi...
panchromatic 31 27 of photographic film...
pancratiasts 25 19 PANCRATIAST, a compe...
pancreatitis 25 19 inflammation of the...
pancreozymin 34 34 a hormone that stimu...
pancytopenia 31 25 an abnormal reductio...
pandaemonium 22 25 riotous uproar, also...
pandanaceous 22 22 belonging to the Pan...
pandemonians 20 22 PANDEMONIAN, a noisy...
pandemoniums 23 25 PANDEMONIUM, riotous...
panegyrising 30 23 PANEGYRISE, to deliv...
panegyrizing 33 32 PANEGYRIZE, to deliv...
panentheisms 24 22 PANENTHEISM, the bel...
panentheists 23 19 PANENTHEIST, a belie...
panesthesias 23 18 PANESTHESIA, totalit...
panhellenion 23 22 a council representi...
panhellenium 26 25 a council representi...
panicmongers 26 25 PANICMONGER, one who...
paniculately 33 24 PANICULATE, having o...
panification 26 23 transformation into...
panjandarums 24 31 PANJANDARUM, a power...
panniculuses 26 23 PANNICULUS, a thin,...
panoptically 35 26 PANOPTICAL, all-embr...
panpharmacon 28 28 a universal remedy [...
panpsychisms 38 29 PANPSYCHISM, the the...
panpsychists 37 26 PANPSYCHIST, a belie...
pansexualism 30 28 the theory that all...
pansexualist 29 25 a believer in pansex...
pansexuality 35 27 the state of being p...
panspermatic 28 25 relating to pansperm...
panspermisms 27 25 PANSPERMISM, the the...
panspermists 26 22 PANSPERMIST, a belie...
pantaloonery 26 20 buffoonery [n PANTAL...
pantechnicon 28 26 a usually enclosed w...
pantheresses 23 18 PANTHERESS, a female...
pantisocracy 34 24 government by all eq...
pantisocrats 25 19 PANTISOCRAT, a membe...
pantographer 26 23 one who uses a panto...
pantographic 30 26 relating to pantogra...
pantomimical 28 26 like a pantomime, al...
pantomimists 25 22 PANTOMIMIST, an acto...
pantophagies 26 23 PANTOPHAGY, omnivoro...
pantophagist 27 23 an omnivore [n -S]
pantophagous 26 24 eating or requiring...
pantophobias 27 24 PANTOPHOBIA, the mor...
pantothenate 21 19 a salt or ester of p...
paperbackers 30 28 PAPERBACKER, one who...
paperbacking 31 31 PAPERBACK, to bring...
paperhangers 26 23 PAPERHANGER, one tha...
paperhanging 27 26 decorative paper use...
paperinesses 23 19 PAPERINESS, the stat...
papermakings 27 28 PAPERMAKING, the bus...
paperweights 31 25 PAPERWEIGHT, a usual...
papillitises 28 20 PAPILLITIS, inflamma...
papistically 37 25 PAPISTICAL, relating...
pappardelles 28 24 PAPPARDELLE, a type...
papuliferous 28 24 pimply [adj]
papyrologies 32 23 PAPYROLOGY, the stud...
papyrologist 33 23 a student of papyrol...
parabaptisms 28 24 PARABAPTISM, uncanon...
parablepsies 27 22 PARABLEPSY, false vi...
parabolising 26 22 PARABOLISE, to set f...
parabolizing 29 31 PARABOLIZE, to set f...
paraboloidal 25 21 of or like a parabol...
paracenteses 23 19 PARACENTESIS, the ta...
paracentesis 24 19 the tapping of body...
paracetamols 26 22 PARACETAMOL, a mild...
parachronism 28 24 the representation o...
parachutings 29 24 PARACHUTING, the act...
parachutists 29 21 PARACHUTIST, one tha...
paracrostics 29 21 PARACROSTIC, a poem...
paracyanogen 29 24 a polymer of cyanoge...
paradigmatic 28 24 in the form of a par...
paradisaical 26 20 of or like paradise,...
paradisiacal 26 20 of or like paradise,...
paradoxidian 27 25 belonging to the Par...
paradoxology 35 28 the holding or maint...
paradoxurine 27 25 any of a number of p...
paradropping 27 25 PARADROP, to deliver...
paraenetical 24 20 exhortatory, also PA...
paraesthesia 23 17 a tingling sensation...
paraesthetic 27 20 relating to paraesth...
paragenesias 21 18 PARAGENESIA, the ord...
paraglidings 26 22 PARAGLIDING, the spo...
paraglossate 23 18 relating to the para...
paragnathism 26 23 having equal mandibl...
paragnathous 24 21 having equal mandibl...
paragraphers 27 22 PARAGRAPHER, one who...
paragraphias 27 22 PARAGRAPHIA, writing...
paragraphing 28 25 PARAGRAPH, to split...
paragraphist 28 22 a person who writes...
parahydrogen 30 23 a spin isomer of hyd...
paralanguage 23 22 nonverbal elements w...
paraldehydes 31 22 PARALDEHYDE, a sleep...
paralimnions 23 21 PARALIMNION, the reg...
paralipomena 24 23 PARALIPOMENON, a thi...
parallelings 26 21 PARALLELING, a comme...
parallelised 25 19 PARALLELISE, to prov...
parallelises 25 18 PARALLELISE, to prov...
parallelisms 27 21 PARALLELISM, the bel...
parallelists 26 18 PARALLELIST, a perso...
parallelized 28 28 PARALLELIZE, to prov...
parallelizes 28 27 PARALLELIZE, to prov...
parallelling 27 22 PARALLEL, to be exte...
parallelwise 28 21 in parallel fashion...
paralogising 25 21 PARALOGISE, to reaso...
paralogistic 28 21 of or like paralogis...
paralogizing 28 30 PARALOGIZE, to reaso...
paralysation 28 19 the act of paralysin...
paralysingly 38 24 PARALYSING [adv]
paralyzation 31 28 the act of paralyzin...
paralyzingly 41 33 PARALYZING [adv]
paramagnetic 26 24 applied to any subst...
paramastoids 23 19 PARAMASTOID, a param...
paramedicals 27 23 PARAMEDICAL, a param...
paramenstrua 22 20 PARAMENSTRUUM, the f...
parameterise 22 18 to set parameters fo...
parameterize 25 27 to set parameters fo...
parametrical 27 22 relating to paramete...
parametrised 23 19 PARAMETRISE, to expr...
parametrises 23 18 PARAMETRISE, to expr...
parametrized 26 28 PARAMETRIZE, to expr...
parametrizes 26 27 PARAMETRIZE, to expr...
paramilitary 31 21 a force formed on a...
paramorphine 26 24 a poisonous white cr...
paramorphism 29 26 the state of being a...
paramorphous 27 24 of or like a paramor...
paramouncies 25 23 PARAMOUNCY, the stat...
paranoically 32 23 PARANOIC, suffering...
paranormally 30 23 PARANORMAL, not scie...
paranthelion 23 20 a diffuse whitish im...
paranthropus 26 22 an Olduvai anthropoi...
parapentings 24 22 PARAPENTING, a cross...
paraperiodic 27 22 as in paraperiodic a...
paraphiliacs 31 24 PARAPHILIAC, a perso...
paraphimoses 27 23 PARAPHIMOSIS, strang...
paraphimosis 28 23 strangulation of the...
paraphrasers 26 20 PARAPHRASER, one who...
paraphrasing 27 23 PARAPHRASE, to resta...
paraphrastic 30 23 of the nature of a p...
paraphraxias 32 27 PARAPHRAXIA, the ina...
paraphrenias 25 21 PARAPHRENIA, any men...
paraplanners 23 21 PARAPLANNER, a perso...
parapophyses 34 25 PARAPOPHYSIS, a vent...
parapophysis 35 25 a ventral transverse...
parapsychism 38 28 panpsychistic parall...
paraquadrate 29 26 a paired membrane bo...
parasailings 24 19 PARASAILING, the rec...
parascenders 24 20 PARASCENDER, a perso...
parascending 25 23 a sport similar to p...
parasciences 27 22 PARASCIENCE, the stu...
parasitaemia 22 18 the presence of para...
parasiticide 26 19 the killing of paras...
parasitising 24 18 PARASITISE, to infes...
parasitizing 27 27 PARASITIZE, to infes...
parasitology 30 20 a branch of biology...
parasphenoid 25 22 a bone of the skull,...
parastichies 28 20 PARASTICHY, a second...
parastichous 28 21 characterised by par...
parasuicides 26 20 PARASUICIDE, a harmf...
parasymbiont 31 24 a partner in parasym...
parasynapses 29 21 PARASYNAPSIS, the pa...
parasynapsis 30 21 the pairing of chrom...
parasynaptic 33 24 of or like a parasyn...
parasyntheta 29 20 PARASYNTHETON, a wor...
paratactical 29 22 of pertaining to, or...
parataniwhas 26 21 PARATANIWHA, (Maori)...
parathormone 23 21 a parathyroid hormon...
parathyroids 31 20 PARATHYROID, such a...
paratroopers 23 18 PARATROOPER [n]
paratungstic 27 22 as in paratungstic a...
paratyphoids 33 23 PARATYPHOID, a disea...
parchmentise 28 24 to make like parchme...
parchmentize 31 33 to make like parchme...
parencephala 28 25 PARENCEPHALON, a cer...
parenchymata 33 26 PARENCHYMA, the ordi...
parenterally 29 20 PARENTERAL, entering...
parenthesise 23 18 to put in parenthese...
parenthesize 26 27 to put in parenthese...
paresthesias 24 17 PARESTHESIA, a tingl...
parfocalised 28 23 PARFOCALISE, to make...
parfocalises 28 22 PARFOCALISE, to make...
parfocalized 31 32 PARFOCALIZE, to make...
parfocalizes 31 31 PARFOCALIZE, to make...
parishioners 24 18 PARISHIONER, a membe...
parisyllabic 37 25 having the same numb...
parkinsonian 21 22 one suffering from P...
parkinsonism 24 24 Parkinson's disease...
parleyvooing 31 25 PARLEYVOO, (slang) t...
parlourmaids 25 21 PARLOURMAID, a femal...
paroccipital 32 25 the area next to the...
parochialise 28 21 to make parochial, a...
parochialism 30 24 the state of being p...
parochiality 35 23 the state of being p...
parochialize 31 30 to make parochial, a...
paroemiology 30 23 the study of proverb...
paronomasias 21 19 PARONOMASIA, a play...
paronomasies 21 19 PARONOMASY, (obsolet...
paronomastic 25 22 relating to paronoma...
paronymously 36 25 PARONYMOUS, having t...
paroxysmally 44 31 PAROXYSMAL, of the n...
parrotfishes 27 20 PARROTFISH, a bright...
parsimonious 23 20 excessively sparing...
partialising 25 19 PARTIALISE, (Shakesp...
partialities 24 16 PARTIALITY, the stat...
partializing 28 28 PARTIALIZE, (Shakesp...
participable 31 25 capable of being par...
participants 28 22 PARTICIPANT, one tha...
participated 28 22 PARTICIPATE, to take...
participates 28 21 PARTICIPATE, to take...
participator 28 21 one who participates...
participials 30 22 PARTICIPIAL, a claus...
particularly 35 23 PARTICULAR, especial...
particulates 27 20 PARTICULATE, a parti...
partisanship 27 21 being a partisan, al...
partitioners 22 16 PARTITIONER, one who...
partitioning 23 19 PARTITION, to divide...
partitionist 23 16 an advocate of polit...
partizanship 30 30 being a partizan, al...
partnerships 27 21 PARTNERSHIP, the sta...
parturitions 23 17 PARTURITION, the act...
parvifoliate 27 23 of plants, having sm...
parvoviruses 27 24 PARVOVIRUS, a DNA-co...
pasigraphies 28 22 PASIGRAPHY, a system...
pasqueflower 36 32 a species of anemone...
pasquinaders 30 27 PASQUINADER, one who...
pasquinading 31 30 PASQUINADE, to compo...
passableness 24 20 the state of being p...
passacaglias 27 21 PASSACAGLIA, (Italia...
passageworks 27 24 PASSAGEWORK, music t...
passamenting 23 22 PASSAMENT, to trim w...
passemeasure 22 19 an old dance, a pava...
passementing 23 22 PASSEMENT, to trim w...
passibleness 25 20 the state of being p...
passionaries 21 16 PASSIONARY, a book i...
passionately 28 19 PASSIONATE, full of...
passionating 22 19 PASSIONATE, to expre...
passivations 24 20 PASSIVATION, the act...
pasteurellae 23 18 PASTEURELLA, a small...
pasteurellas 24 18 PASTEURELLA, a small...
pasteurisers 23 16 PASTEURISER, an appa...
pasteurising 24 19 PASTEURISE, to treat...
pasteurizers 26 25 PASTEURIZER, an appa...
pasteurizing 27 28 PASTEURIZE, to treat...
pastoralisms 25 19 PASTORALISM, pastora...
pastoralists 24 16 PASTORALIST, a propo...
pastoralness 22 17 the state of being p...
pastourelles 24 18 PASTOURELLE, (French...
pasturelands 23 19 PASTURELAND, land us...
patchinesses 27 21 PATCHINESS, the stat...
patchworking 33 30 PATCHWORK, in needle...
patellectomy 34 25 the surgical removal...
paternalisms 24 20 PATERNALISM, a syste...
paternalists 23 17 PATERNALIST, a belie...
paternosters 21 16 PATERNOSTER, the Lor...
pathbreaking 28 27 trailblazing [adj]
pathetically 36 24 PATHETICAL, arousing...
pathfindings 28 25 PATHFINDING, the act...
pathlessness 25 19 the state of being p...
pathobiology 34 25 the biology of disea...
pathogeneses 23 20 PATHOGENESIS, the pr...
pathogenesis 24 20 the production and d...
pathogenetic 27 23 producing disease, a...
pathognomies 25 23 PATHOGNOMY, the scie...
pathological 30 24 relating to patholog...
pathologised 26 21 PATHOLOGISE, to make...
pathologises 26 20 PATHOLOGISE, to make...
pathologists 27 20 PATHOLOGIST, a speci...
pathologized 29 30 PATHOLOGIZE, to make...
pathologizes 29 29 PATHOLOGIZE, to make...
pathophobias 30 25 PATHOPHOBIA, fear of...
patrialising 25 19 PATRIALISE, to make...
patrialities 24 16 PATRIALITY, the cond...
patrializing 28 28 PATRIALIZE, to make...
patriarchate 27 20 the office of a patr...
patriarchies 28 20 PATRIARCHY, the juri...
patriarchism 30 23 government by a patr...
patriclinous 27 21 descending in the pa...
patrilineage 23 19 descent through the...
patrilocally 35 23 PATRILOCAL, designat...
patristicism 29 21 the mode of thought,...
patroclinies 26 20 PATROCLINY, the inhe...
patroclinous 26 21 of animals and plant...
patrological 28 22 related to patrology...
patrologists 25 18 PATROLOGIST, one who...
patroonships 26 21 PATROONSHIP, the off...
patulousness 23 19 the state of being p...
pauciloquent 34 31 of few words; speaki...
pawnbrokings 29 29 PAWNBROKING, the act...
peacefullest 29 24 PEACEFUL, undisturbe...
peacefulness 27 24 the state of being p...
peacekeepers 26 25 PEACEKEEPER, one who...
peacekeeping 27 28 the preserving of pe...
peacemakings 27 28 PEACEMAKING, activit...
peachinesses 26 21 PEACHINESS, the stat...
peacockeries 28 25 PEACOCKERY, vain ost...
peakednesses 21 21 PEAKEDNESS, the stat...
pearlescence 27 23 the state of being p...
pearlinesses 22 17 PEARLINESS, the stat...
pebbledashed 29 26 PEBBLEDASH, to treat...
pebbledashes 29 25 PEBBLEDASH [n]
pebbleweaves 31 29 PEBBLEWEAVE, an irre...
peccadilloes 30 24 PECCADILLO, (Spanish...
pectinaceous 27 23 of, relating to, or...
pectinations 24 20 PECTINATION, a combl...
pectisations 25 19 PECTISATION, the act...
pectizations 28 28 PECTIZATION, the act...
pectoriloquy 41 31 the sound of a patie...
peculiarised 27 21 PECULIARISE, to set...
peculiarises 27 20 PECULIARISE, to set...
peculiarized 30 30 PECULIARIZE, to set...
peculiarizes 30 29 PECULIARIZE, to set...
pedagoguisms 26 24 PEDAGOGUISM, the sta...
pedantically 33 24 PEDANTICAL, in the m...
pedanticised 25 21 PEDANTICISE, to be p...
pedanticises 25 20 PEDANTICISE, to be p...
pedanticisms 27 23 PEDANTICISM, pedantr...
pedanticized 28 30 PEDANTICIZE, to be p...
pedanticizes 28 29 PEDANTICIZE, to be p...
pedantocracy 33 25 government by pedant...
pedantocrats 24 20 PEDANTOCRAT, a membe...
pedestalling 25 21 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pediatrician 25 20 a specialist in pedi...
pedicellaria 27 21 each of numerous org...
pediculation 26 22 lousiness [n -S]
pedophiliacs 31 25 PEDOPHILIAC, one who...
pedunculated 26 24 having a peduncle or...
peerlessness 22 17 the state of being p...
pejoratively 33 31 PEJORATIVE, implying...
pelargoniums 25 23 PELARGONIUM, a kind...
pelletifying 34 25 PELLETIFY, to make i...
pellucidness 28 23 the state of being p...
pelvimetries 27 23 PELVIMETRY, measurem...
penalisation 21 18 the act of penalisin...
penalization 24 27 the act of penalizin...
penelopising 25 23 PENELOPISE, to undo...
penelopizing 28 32 PENELOPIZE, to undo...
penetrancies 23 20 PENETRANCY, the stat...
penetrations 20 17 PENETRATION, the act...
penetrometer 21 19 an instrument for me...
penguineries 22 20 PENGUINERY, a breedi...
penicilliums 30 25 PENICILLIUM, any of...
peninsulated 22 20 PENINSULATE, to form...
peninsulates 22 19 PENINSULATE, to form...
penitentials 22 18 PENITENTIAL, a book...
penitentiary 27 19 in North America, a...
pennoncelles 24 23 PENNONCELLE, (French...
pennycresses 30 22 PENNYCRESS, a crucif...
pennyweights 34 26 PENNYWEIGHT, an old...
pennywhistle 34 25 a cheap toy whistle...
pennywinkles 32 28 PENNYWINKLE, a kind...
pensionaries 20 17 PENSIONARY, someone...
pentacrinoid 24 21 a young form of some...
pentadactyle 31 23 having five fingers...
pentadactyls 32 23 PENTADACTYL, a penta...
pentadactyly 38 25 the state of being p...
pentagonally 29 23 PENTAGONAL, having f...
pentahedrons 22 20 PENTAHEDRON, a five-...
pentamerisms 24 22 PENTAMERISM, the con...
pentamidines 22 21 PENTAMIDINE, a drug...
pentapeptide 25 23 a polypeptide that c...
pentapolises 24 20 PENTAPOLIS, an allia...
pentapolitan 23 21 relating to a pentap...
pentarchical 31 25 relating to a pentar...
pentateuchal 27 23 relating to the Pent...
pentathletes 24 19 PENTATHLETE, an athl...
pentavalence 25 25 the condition of hav...
pentavalency 32 27 the condition of hav...
pentazocines 26 29 PENTAZOCINE, a synth...
penteconters 23 20 PENTECONTER, a comma...
penthemimers 26 24 PENTHEMIMER, a metri...
pentlandites 22 19 PENTLANDITE, a princ...
penultimates 24 21 PENULTIMATE, the las...
peptisations 24 19 PEPTISATION, the act...
peptizations 27 28 PEPTIZATION, the act...
peracidities 26 19 PERACIDITY, the stat...
peradventure 23 22 by chance [adj] / do...
perambulated 26 24 PERAMBULATE, to walk...
perambulates 26 23 PERAMBULATE, to walk...
perambulator 26 23 a pram [n -S]
perceptional 27 23 relating to percepti...
perceptively 37 28 PERCEPTIVE, responsi...
perceptivity 37 27 the state of being p...
perceptually 36 26 PERCEPTUAL, of, rela...
perchlorates 28 21 PERCHLORATE, a salt...
perchlorides 29 22 PERCHLORIDE, a chlor...
percipiences 30 25 PERCIPIENCE, the sta...
percipiently 35 25 PERCIPIENT, perceivi...
percolations 25 20 PERCOLATION, the act...
percussional 26 21 relating to percussi...
percussively 36 26 PERCUSSIVE, of or re...
percutaneous 24 21 done or applied thro...
perduellions 24 20 PERDUELLION, (archai...
perdurations 22 18 PERDURATION, lasting...
peregrinated 22 19 PEREGRINATE, to wand...
peregrinates 22 18 PEREGRINATE, to wand...
peregrinator 22 18 someone who travels...
peremptorily 33 24 PEREMPTORY, putting...
perennations 19 18 PERENNATION, the act...
perenniality 28 20 the state of being p...
perestroikas 23 19 PERESTROIKA, (Russia...
perfectation 26 22 making perfect [n -S...
perfectively 37 28 PERFECTIVE, tending...
perfectivity 37 27 the state of being p...
perfervidity 34 25 the state of being p...
perfidiously 33 23 PERFIDIOUS, characte...
perfoliation 24 20 the state of being p...
perforations 23 19 PERFORATION, the act...
perforatuses 24 19 PERFORATUS, the shor...
performances 27 25 PERFORMANCE, the exe...
performative 27 25 of a statement or ve...
performatory 31 23 of a statement or ve...
perfusionist 25 20 the member of a surg...
pergameneous 22 22 parchment-like, also...
pericarditic 30 22 relating to pericard...
pericarditis 27 19 inflammation of the...
pericardiums 28 23 PERICARDIUM, a membr...
perichaetial 28 21 relating to the peri...
perichaetium 29 24 a sheath or cluster...
perichondral 28 23 of or like a pericho...
perichondria 27 22 PERICHONDRIUM, a fib...
perichoreses 27 20 PERICHORESIS, the re...
perichoresis 28 20 the reciprocity of e...
periclitated 27 20 PERICLITATE, (archai...
periclitates 27 19 PERICLITATE, (archai...
pericraniums 27 23 PERICRANIUM, a membr...
pericynthion 33 24 the point at which a...
perilousness 23 18 the state of being p...
perimetrical 28 22 relating to a perime...
perimorphism 30 26 the state of being a...
perimorphous 28 24 like a perimorph, al...
perinephrium 28 25 the fatty tissue sur...
perineuritic 26 20 relating to perineur...
perineuritis 23 17 inflammation of the...
periodically 34 23 PERIODICAL, periodic...
periodontias 21 17 PERIODONTIA, the bra...
periodontics 25 20 PERIODONTIC [n]
periodontist 22 17 a dentist specialisi...
perionychium 35 27 tissue surrounding a...
periostracum 27 22 the horny outer laye...
peripatetics 28 21 PERIPATETIC, an itin...
peripherally 35 24 PERIPHERAL, at the e...
peripherical 31 24 (archaic) relating t...
periphrasing 28 23 PERIPHRASE, to use m...
periphrastic 31 23 of or like periphras...
periselenium 24 21 in an elliptical orb...
perispomenon 23 23 having a circumflex...
peristaliths 27 18 PERISTALITH, a prehi...
peristerites 23 15 PERISTERITE, an albi...
peristeronic 25 19 of or relating to pi...
peristomatic 27 21 relating to the peri...
peristrephic 31 23 moving round; revolv...
peritonaeums 22 20 PERITONAEUM, a serou...
peritoneally 29 20 PERITONEAL, relating...
peritrichous 29 21 having flagella unif...
perjinkities 26 29 PERJINKITY, (Scots)...
perjuriously 33 29 PERJURIOUS, guilty o...
perlocutions 26 21 PERLOCUTION, the eff...
perlustrated 24 18 PERLUSTRATE, (archai...
perlustrates 24 17 PERLUSTRATE, (archai...
permaculture 28 24 a system of self-sus...
permanencies 24 23 PERMANENCY, the stat...
permanganate 21 22 a salt of permangani...
permeability 33 24 the capacity of mate...
permeameters 23 21 PERMEAMETER, instrum...
permissively 34 25 PERMISSIVE, permitti...
permittances 26 22 PERMITTANCE, permiss...
permittivity 34 24 the ratio of the ele...
permutations 23 20 PERMUTATION, the arr...
perniciously 33 23 PERNICIOUS, destruct...
pernoctating 25 22 PERNOCTATE, to pass...
pernoctation 23 20 the act of staying u...
perorational 21 17 of or like a perorat...
peroxidation 27 24 the creation of a pe...
peroxidising 30 26 PEROXIDISE, to oxidi...
peroxidizing 33 35 PEROXIDIZE, to oxidi...
perpetrating 25 21 PERPETRATE, to bring...
perpetration 23 19 the act of perpetrat...
perpetrators 24 18 PERPETRATOR, one who...
perpetualism 27 23 a belief in the perp...
perpetualist 26 20 a person who advocat...
perpetuality 32 22 the state of being p...
perpetuances 26 23 PERPETUANCE, perpetu...
perpetuating 25 22 PERPETUATE, to make...
perpetuation 23 20 continuation or pres...
perpetuators 24 19 PERPETUATOR, one who...
perpetuities 25 19 PERPETUITY, the stat...
perphenazine 27 31 a tranquillizer used...
perplexingly 40 32 PERPLEXING [adv]
perplexities 32 26 PERPLEXITY, the stat...
perquisition 31 26 a diligent inquiry [...
perquisitors 32 25 PERQUISITOR, the fir...
persecutions 25 20 PERSECUTION, the act...
perseverance 25 23 the act of perseveri...
perseverated 23 20 PERSEVERATE, to repe...
perseverates 23 19 PERSEVERATE, to repe...
perseverator 23 19 one who perseverates...
persistences 25 19 PERSISTENCE, the act...
persistently 30 19 PERSISTENT, persisti...
persistingly 32 21 PERSISTING [adv]
personalised 22 18 PERSONALISE, to make...
personalises 22 17 PERSONALISE, to make...
personalisms 24 20 PERSONALISM, the doc...
personalists 23 17 PERSONALIST, someone...
personalized 25 27 PERSONALIZE, to make...
personalizes 25 26 PERSONALIZE, to make...
personalties 22 17 PERSONALTY, personal...
personatings 22 19 PERSONATING, assume...
personations 20 17 PERSONATION, the act...
personifiers 24 19 PERSONIFIER, one who...
personifying 31 24 PERSONIFY, to be the...
personpowers 26 22 PERSONPOWER, manpowe...
perspectival 31 26 relating to perspect...
perspectives 30 25 PERSPECTIVE, a point...
perspicacity 38 26 the state of being p...
perspirating 26 21 PERSPIRATE, to sweat...
perspiration 24 19 the act of perspirin...
perspiratory 31 20 of, relating to, sec...
perspiringly 34 24 PERSPIRING [adv]
perstringing 25 21 PERSTRINGE, (obsolet...
persuasively 32 23 PERSUASIVE, tending...
persulphates 28 22 PERSULPHATE, that su...
persulphuric 33 26 denoting a type of a...
pertinacious 25 20 stubbornly unyieldin...
pertinencies 24 20 PERTINENCY, the stat...
perturbances 27 23 PERTURBANCE, perturb...
perturbating 26 22 PERTURBATE, to pertu...
perturbation 24 20 the action of pertur...
perturbative 27 23 tending to perturb [...
perturbators 25 19 PERTURBATOR, one who...
perturbatory 31 21 tending to perturb [...
perturbingly 34 25 PERTURBING [adv]
perverseness 23 20 the state of being p...
perversities 25 19 PERVERSITY, the qual...
pervicacious 31 26 very stubborn [adj]
perviousness 24 21 the state of being p...
pescatarians 24 19 PESCATARIAN, one who...
pescetarians 24 19 PESCETARIAN, one who...
pestilential 24 18 causing or tending t...
pestological 28 22 related to pestology...
pestologists 25 18 PESTOLOGIST, one who...
petaliferous 25 20 bearing petals [adj]
petalomanias 22 20 PETALOMANIA, an abno...
petitenesses 21 16 PETITENESS, the stat...
petitionings 23 19 PETITIONING [n]
petitionists 23 16 PETITIONIST, one who...
petrifaction 27 22 the process of petri...
petrifactive 30 25 petrifying, also PET...
petrochemist 29 23 someone who studies...
petrodollars 24 18 PETRODOLLAR, a dolla...
petrogeneses 21 18 PETROGENESIS, format...
petrogenesis 22 18 formation or develop...
petrogenetic 25 21 relating to petrogen...
petroglyphic 39 28 of or like a petrogl...
petrographer 27 22 a practitioner of pe...
petrographic 31 25 relating to petrogra...
petrological 28 22 relating to petrolog...
petrologists 25 18 PETROLOGIST, a stude...
petrophysics 37 25 that branch of physi...
pettednesses 21 17 PETTEDNESS, the stat...
pettichapses 30 23 PETTICHAPS, (dialect...
pettifoggers 27 22 PETTIFOGGER, a petty...
pettifoggery 33 24 dealing with trivial...
pettifogging 28 25 the act of pettifogg...
phaenogamous 24 24 of or like a phaenog...
phaenologies 24 21 PHAENOLOGY, the stud...
phaenotyping 32 26 PHAENOTYPE, to categ...
phaeomelanin 23 23 a reddish-brown pigm...
phagocytical 39 28 of or like a phagocy...
phagocytised 35 25 PHAGOCYTISE, to cons...
phagocytises 35 24 PHAGOCYTISE, to cons...
phagocytisms 37 27 PHAGOCYTISM, the nat...
phagocytized 38 34 PHAGOCYTIZE, to cons...
phagocytizes 38 33 PHAGOCYTIZE, to cons...
phagocytosed 34 25 PHAGOCYTOSE, to subj...
phagocytoses 34 24 PHAGOCYTOSE [n]
phagocytosis 35 24 the destruction of h...
phagocytotic 38 27 relating to phagocyt...
phagomaniacs 28 26 PHAGOMANIAC, one who...
phagophobias 31 27 PHAGOPHOBIA, fear of...
phallocratic 33 25 of or like a phalloc...
phanerogamic 28 26 like a phanerogam, a...
phanerophyte 33 25 a perennial plant th...
phantasiasts 24 18 PHANTASIAST, one of...
phantasmally 33 25 PHANTASMAL, of the n...
phantasmical 29 25 of the nature of a p...
phantastries 24 18 PHANTASTRY, dandyism...
phariseeisms 26 20 PHARISEEISM, the sta...
pharmaceutic 32 27 relating to the know...
pharmacology 36 28 the study of drugs [...
pharmacopeia 29 26 a book describing dr...
pharyngology 39 27 the study of the thr...
pharyngotomy 38 27 the surgical removal...
pheasantries 23 18 PHEASANTRY, a place...
phellodermal 28 24 relating to the phel...
phenanthrene 23 22 an aromatic hydrocar...
phenarsazine 25 28 an arsenic derivativ...
pheneticists 28 21 PHENETICIST, a pract...
phenetidines 23 20 PHENETIDINE, a liqui...
phengophobia 30 28 fear of daylight [n...
phenocrystic 37 26 of or like a phenocr...
phenological 29 25 relating to phenolog...
phenologists 26 21 PHENOLOGIST, a stude...
phenomenally 31 26 PHENOMENAL, relating...
phenomenised 23 23 PHENOMENISE, to brin...
phenomenises 23 22 PHENOMENISE, to brin...
phenomenisms 25 25 PHENOMENISM, the doc...
phenomenists 24 22 PHENOMENIST, a belie...
phenomenized 26 32 PHENOMENIZE, to brin...
phenomenizes 26 31 PHENOMENIZE, to brin...
phenotypical 36 27 relating to a phenot...
phentolamine 24 23 an adrenergic blocki...
phenylalanin 30 24 an essential amino a...
phenylamines 31 25 PHENYLAMINE, another...
phenylmethyl 42 29 an ester of benzene,...
philadelphus 32 26 a flowering shrub, a...
philanderers 25 20 PHILANDERER, one who...
philandering 26 23 engaging in a frivol...
philanthrope 29 24 someone who tries to...
philanthropy 36 26 love of mankind [n P...
philatelists 28 19 PHILATELIST, a stamp...
philharmonic 32 27 fond of music [adj]...
philhellenes 29 23 PHILHELLENE, one who...
philhellenic 33 26 loving Greece [adj]
philistinism 29 22 lack of culture, a m...
phillipsites 31 22 PHILLIPSITE, a hydra...
phillumenies 28 24 PHILLUMENY, the hobb...
phillumenist 29 24 a collector of match...
philodendron 24 22 any of various aroid...
philogynists 34 23 PHILOGYNIST, a lover...
philologians 27 22 PHILOLOGIAN, a perso...
philological 32 25 of or pertaining to...
philologists 29 21 PHILOLOGIST, a perso...
philomathies 29 23 PHILOMATHY, the love...
philosophers 30 23 PHILOSOPHER, a perso...
philosophess 30 23 a female philosopher...
philosophies 30 23 PHILOSOPHY, all lear...
philosophise 30 23 to reason in the man...
philosophism 32 26 would-be philosophy...
philosophist 31 23 a would-be philosoph...
philosophize 33 32 to reason in the man...
phlebography 39 30 radiography of a vei...
phlebologies 29 24 PHLEBOLOGY, a branch...
phlebotomies 28 24 PHLEBOTOMY, the surg...
phlebotomise 28 24 to perform phlebotom...
phlebotomist 29 24 one who carries out...
phlebotomize 31 33 to perform phlebotom...
phlegmagogic 33 30 a medication that is...
phlegmagogue 29 28 a phlegm-expelling d...
phlegmatical 32 27 of a calm, unexcitab...
phonasthenia 24 21 weakness of voice [n...
phonemically 36 28 PHONEMIC, relating t...
phonemicised 28 25 PHONEMICISE, to anal...
phonemicises 28 24 PHONEMICISE, to anal...
phonemicists 29 24 PHONEMICIST, a stude...
phonemicized 31 34 PHONEMICIZE, to anal...
phonemicizes 31 33 PHONEMICIZE, to anal...
phonetically 35 25 PHONETICAL, of, conc...
phoneticians 26 22 PHONETICIAN, a stude...
phoneticised 27 22 PHONETICISE, to repr...
phoneticises 27 21 PHONETICISE, to repr...
phoneticisms 29 24 PHONETICISM, phoneti...
phoneticists 28 21 PHONETICIST, a stude...
phoneticized 30 31 PHONETICIZE, to repr...
phoneticizes 30 30 PHONETICIZE, to repr...
phoneynesses 28 21 PHONEYNESS, the stat...
phonocamptic 33 30 reflecting sound, ec...
phonofiddles 27 24 PHONOFIDDLE, a one-s...
phonogrammic 30 29 like a phonogram, a...
phonographer 28 25 a specialist in phon...
phonographic 32 28 of or relating to ph...
phonological 29 25 relating to phonolog...
phonologists 26 21 PHONOLOGIST, a stude...
phonophobias 29 26 PHONOPHOBIA, fear of...
phonotactics 30 24 the area of phonolog...
phonotypical 36 27 of or like a phonoty...
phonotypists 33 23 PHONOTYPIST, one who...
phosphatases 28 22 PHOSPHATASE, an enzy...
phosphatides 29 23 PHOSPHATIDE, a phosp...
phosphatidic 33 26 in phosphatidic acid...
phosphatidyl 37 26 any of several monov...
phosphatised 29 23 PHOSPHATISE, to phos...
phosphatises 29 22 PHOSPHATISE, to phos...
phosphatized 32 32 PHOSPHATIZE, to phos...
phosphatizes 32 31 PHOSPHATIZE, to phos...
phosphaturia 29 23 the excessive discha...
phosphaturic 33 26 relating to phosphat...
phospholipid 33 27 a lipid which contai...
phosphoniums 30 27 PHOSPHONIUM, the rad...
phosphorated 28 23 PHOSPHORATE, to comb...
phosphorates 28 22 PHOSPHORATE, to comb...
phosphoresce 31 25 to exhibit phosphore...
phosphorised 29 23 PHOSPHORISE, to comb...
phosphorises 29 22 PHOSPHORISE, to comb...
phosphorisms 31 25 PHOSPHORISM, (obsole...
phosphorites 29 22 PHOSPHORITE, fibrous...
phosphoritic 33 25 of or like phosphori...
phosphorized 32 32 PHOSPHORIZE, to comb...
phosphorizes 32 31 PHOSPHORIZE, to comb...
phosphoruses 29 23 PHOSPHORUS, a chemic...
photoactinic 30 24 emitting actinic rad...
photobiology 34 25 the study of the eff...
photoblogged 29 26 PHOTOBLOG, to keep a...
photobombing 30 29 PHOTOBOMB, to place...
photocathode 28 23 a cathode that emits...
photochemist 31 25 a practitioner of ph...
photochromic 34 28 changing colour, and...
photocompose 29 26 to set (as reading m...
photocopiers 29 23 PHOTOCOPIER, a machi...
photocopying 36 28 the act of making a...
photocurrent 27 22 a stream of electron...
photodynamic 34 27 of, relating to, or...
photoelastic 28 21 relating to or exhib...
photoengrave 25 24 to make a photoengra...
photoexcited 33 28 relating to photoexc...
photofission 26 21 nuclear fission indu...
photoflashes 29 23 PHOTOFLASH, a photog...
photogelatin 25 21 as in photogelatin p...
photogeology 32 24 a branch of geology...
photoglyphic 41 30 of or like a photogl...
photographed 29 25 PHOTOGRAPH, to take...
photographer 29 24 one who practices ph...
photographic 33 27 relating to photogra...
photogravure 27 24 printing from engrav...
photoinduced 27 24 induced by the actio...
photoionised 23 19 PHOTOIONISE, to ioni...
photoionises 23 18 PHOTOIONISE, to ioni...
photoionized 26 28 PHOTOIONIZE, to ioni...
photoionizes 26 27 PHOTOIONIZE, to ioni...
photokineses 24 22 PHOTOKINESIS, motion...
photokinesis 25 22 motion or activity i...
photokinetic 28 25 relating to photokin...
photolysable 34 24 capable of being pho...
photolyzable 37 33 capable of being pho...
photomachine 29 26 a machine that print...
photomapping 30 29 PHOTOMAP, to map by...
photometries 25 20 PHOTOMETRY, that bra...
photometrist 26 20 one who practises ph...
photomontage 24 23 montage using photog...
photomosaics 28 23 PHOTOMOSAIC, an imag...
photonasties 23 18 PHOTONASTY, the adop...
photoneutron 22 20 a neutron emitted fr...
photonuclear 27 23 relating to or cause...
photooxidise 30 25 to undergo photooxid...
photooxidize 33 34 to undergo photooxid...
photoperiods 26 21 PHOTOPERIOD, the per...
photophilies 30 23 PHOTOPHILY, the stat...
photophilous 30 24 light-loving, turnin...
photophobias 30 25 PHOTOPHOBIA, the mor...
photophonies 27 23 PHOTOPHONY, the art...
photopolymer 34 26 a photosensitive pla...
photoproduct 30 25 a product of a photo...
photorealism 26 21 an esp. detailed, pr...
photorealist 25 18 an exponent of photo...
photoreduced 27 23 PHOTOREDUCE, to phot...
photoreduces 27 22 PHOTOREDUCE, to phot...
photoresists 25 17 PHOTORESIST, an orga...
photoscanned 25 23 PHOTOSCAN, to scan p...
photosensors 23 18 PHOTOSENSOR, a detec...
photosetters 24 17 PHOTOSETTER, an appa...
photosetting 25 20 composing (matter) b...
photoshopped 30 26 PHOTOSHOP, to manipu...
photospheres 28 22 PHOTOSPHERE, the sun...
photospheric 32 25 relating to the phot...
photostating 25 20 PHOTOSTAT, to make f...
photostatted 24 18 PHOTOSTAT, to make f...
photosystems 32 22 PHOTOSYSTEM, either...
phototherapy 34 24 the treatment of dis...
photothermal 28 23 of or concerned with...
photothermic 31 25 of or concerned with...
phototonuses 23 19 PHOTOTONUS, the sens...
phototrophic 32 25 relating to phototro...
phototropies 26 20 PHOTOTROPY, change o...
phototropism 28 23 movement directed by...
phototypeset 32 22 to set (type matter)...
photovoltaic 30 25 of, relating to, or...
phragmoplast 30 26 the enlarged barrel-...
phrasemakers 26 24 PHRASEMAKER, a maker...
phrasemaking 27 27 the act of making ph...
phrasemonger 25 23 a maker of wordy or...
phraseograms 26 22 PHRASEOGRAM, a singl...
phraseograph 29 24 a phrase for which t...
phraseologic 29 23 expressed in formal...
phreatophyte 34 24 a plant with a deep...
phrenologies 25 21 PHRENOLOGY, the stud...
phrenologise 25 21 to examine phrenolog...
phrenologist 26 21 a practitioner of ph...
phrenologize 28 30 to examine phrenolog...
phrontistery 31 20 a place for study an...
phycocyanins 42 29 PHYCOCYANIN, any of...
phycological 40 29 relating to phycolog...
phycologists 37 25 PHYCOLOGIST, a stude...
phycomycetes 44 30 PHYCOMYCETE, a fungu...
phycophaeins 37 28 PHYCOPHAEIN, a brown...
phycoxanthin 41 33 a yellow pigment fou...
phylacteries 35 23 PHYLACTERY, a small...
phyletically 44 27 PHYLETIC, relating t...
phylloclades 37 26 PHYLLOCLADE, another...
phyllomanias 33 25 PHYLLOMANIA, abnorma...
phylloplanes 35 26 PHYLLOPLANE, the sur...
phyllosphere 37 26 the surface of a lea...
phyllotactic 40 27 of or relating to ph...
phyllotaxies 39 28 PHYLLOTAXY, the arra...
phylogeneses 31 23 PHYLOGENESIS, the ev...
phylogenesis 32 23 the evolutionary dev...
phylogenetic 35 26 relating to phylogen...
physiatrical 36 23 relating to physiatr...
physiatrists 33 19 PHYSIATRIST, a physi...
physicalisms 38 26 PHYSICALISM, the bel...
physicalists 37 23 PHYSICALIST, a belie...
physicalness 35 24 the state of being p...
physicianers 34 23 PHYSICIANER [n]
physiocratic 38 25 of or like a physioc...
physiognomic 36 28 relating to physiogn...
physiography 43 28 physical geography [...
physiolaters 32 20 PHYSIOLATER, a natur...
physiologies 33 22 PHYSIOLOGY, a branch...
physiologist 34 22 a student of physiol...
physitheisms 36 24 PHYSITHEISM, the asc...
physostigmin 34 25 an alkaloid found in...
physostomous 32 23 of fishes, having a...
phytoalexins 37 28 PHYTOALEXIN, any sub...
phytobenthos 34 25 plants living at the...
phytochemist 38 27 a chemist specialisi...
phytochromes 37 27 PHYTOCHROME, a plant...
phytogeneses 30 22 PHYTOGENESIS, the or...
phytogenesis 31 22 the origin and devel...
phytogenetic 34 25 relating to phytogen...
phytographer 36 26 a descriptive botani...
phytographic 40 29 relating to phytogeo...
phytohormone 32 25 a plant hormone, reg...
phytological 37 26 relating to phytolog...
phytologists 34 22 PHYTOLOGIST, a botan...
phytonadione 28 22 phylloquinone, vitam...
phytophagies 36 26 PHYTOPHAGY, of insec...
phytophagous 36 27 feeding on plants, a...
phytosterols 32 20 PHYTOSTEROL, any of...
phytotherapy 41 26 the treatment of the...
phytotomists 33 22 PHYTOTOMIST, a stude...
picayunishly 42 27 PICAYUNISH, petty, p...
piccadillies 32 24 PICCADILLY, a high,...
piccadilloes 31 24 PICCADILLO, (Spanish...
piccaninnies 27 24 PICCANINNY, a little...
pickabacking 34 35 PICKABACK, to carry...
pickadillies 30 25 PICKADILLY, a cut or...
pickadilloes 29 25 PICKADILLO, (Spanish...
pickaninnies 25 25 PICKANINNY, a small...
pickapacking 34 35 PICKAPACK, to carry...
pickednesses 26 24 PICKEDNESS, the stat...
pickelhaubes 32 29 PICKELHAUBE, (German...
pickerelweed 30 27 a shallow-water pere...
picornavirus 28 24 one of a group of ve...
picrocarmine 29 25 a stain for microsco...
pictographic 35 28 relating to pictogra...
pictorialise 27 19 to represent by a pi...
pictorialism 29 22 the use or creation...
pictorialist 28 19 a proponent of picto...
pictorialize 30 28 to represent by a pi...
pictorically 38 25 PICTORICAL, pictoria...
picturegoers 27 21 PICTUREGOER, one who...
picturephone 29 25 a device which allow...
piecemealing 27 25 PIECEMEAL, to divide...
pieceworkers 29 25 PIECEWORKER, one who...
piedmontites 23 20 PIEDMONTITE, a dark-...
piercingness 26 22 the state of being p...
piezometries 26 27 PIEZOMETRY, measurem...
pigeonholers 25 21 PIGEONHOLER, one who...
pigeonholing 26 24 PIGEONHOLE, to place...
piggybacking 39 34 PIGGYBACK, to carry...
pigmentation 23 22 coloration with or d...
pignerations 22 19 PIGNERATION, the act...
pignorations 22 19 PIGNORATION, the act...
pigstickings 31 27 PIGSTICKING, the act...
pilgrimagers 28 23 PILGRIMAGER, one who...
pilgrimaging 29 26 PILGRIMAGE, to go on...
pilgrimising 29 24 PILGRIMISE, to go on...
pilgrimizing 32 33 PILGRIMIZE, to go on...
pilocarpines 28 23 PILOCARPINE, an alka...
pimplinesses 27 23 PIMPLINESS, the stat...
pinacothecae 28 24 PINACOTHECA, a pictu...
pinchcommons 32 31 a niggard with food...
pinchpennies 28 26 PINCHPENNY, a miserl...
pinealectomy 32 25 the surgical removal...
pinguidities 25 20 PINGUIDITY, the qual...
pinnatifidly 32 24 PINNATIFID, of leave...
pinniewinkle 26 26 an instrument of tor...
pinnipedians 23 22 PINNIPEDIAN, a pinni...
pinnywinkles 33 28 PINNYWINKLE, an inst...
pipefittings 29 24 PIPEFITTING, the occ...
pipistrelles 28 20 PIPISTRELLE, a small...
piroplasmata 26 22 PIROPLASMA, a parasi...
pisciculture 32 24 the rearing of fish...
pissasphalts 29 21 PISSASPHALT, a semil...
pitchblendes 31 26 PITCHBLENDE, a miner...
pitchforking 33 30 PITCHFORK, to toss w...
pitchinesses 28 21 PITCHINESS, blacknes...
pitchometers 29 23 PITCHOMETER, an inst...
pitchpersons 30 24 PITCHPERSON, a stree...
pitiableness 25 20 the state of being p...
pitilessness 24 17 the state of being p...
pittosporums 27 22 PITTOSPORUM, any of...
pityrosporum 33 24 a yeastlike fungus w...
pixellations 30 25 PIXELLATION, the act...
pixillations 31 25 PIXILLATION, a techn...
placableness 28 24 the state of being p...
placeholders 29 23 PLACEHOLDER, a symbo...
placekickers 32 30 PLACEKICKER, one who...
placekicking 33 33 PLACEKICK, to make a...
placentation 24 21 the arrangement of p...
placentiform 29 26 cake-shaped [adj]
placentology 33 25 the scientific study...
placidnesses 26 21 PLACIDNESS, the stat...
plagiarisers 25 18 PLAGIARISER, one who...
plagiarising 26 21 PLAGIARISE, to steal...
plagiaristic 29 21 relating to plagiari...
plagiarizers 28 27 PLAGIARIZER, one who...
plagiarizing 29 30 PLAGIARIZE, to steal...
plagioclases 28 22 PLAGIOCLASE, a fine-...
plagioclimax 36 32 the climax stage of...
plagiostomes 25 21 PLAGIOSTOME, any fis...
plagiotropic 30 24 of a plant, growing...
plainclothes 29 23 clothes worn rather...
planetariums 24 21 PLANETARIUM, a model...
planetesimal 24 21 an asteroid or simil...
planimetries 24 20 PLANIMETRY, the mens...
planispheres 27 22 PLANISPHERE, a spher...
planispheric 31 25 relating to the plan...
planlessness 23 19 the state of being p...
planogametes 23 22 PLANOGAMETE, a motil...
planographic 31 27 relating to planogra...
planometries 23 20 PLANOMETRY, measurem...
plantigrades 24 20 PLANTIGRADE, a plant...
plasmalemmas 27 26 PLASMALEMMA, a plasm...
plasminogens 24 23 PLASMINOGEN, the pre...
plasmodesmas 25 23 PLASMODESMA, a stran...
plasmogamies 26 24 PLASMOGAMY, a proces...
plasmolysing 33 25 PLASMOLYSE, to under...
plasmolyzing 36 34 PLASMOLYZE, to under...
plasmosomata 24 22 PLASMOSOMA, a nucleo...
plasterboard 25 20 a thin rigid board,...
plasteriness 23 17 the state of being p...
plasterstone 22 17 gypsum [n -S]
plasterworks 28 23 PLASTERWORK, plaster...
plasticisers 28 19 PLASTICISER, a subst...
plasticising 29 22 PLASTICISE, to make...
plasticities 28 19 PLASTICITY, the stat...
plasticizers 31 28 PLASTICIZER, a subst...
plasticizing 32 31 PLASTICIZE, to make...
plastination 22 18 a technique for the...
plastocyanin 31 23 a copper-containing...
plastogamies 25 21 PLASTOGAMY, a proces...
plastometers 24 19 PLASTOMETER, an inst...
plastometric 28 22 relating to plastome...
platanaceous 24 21 belonging to the fam...
platemakings 26 26 PLATEMAKING, the act...
platemarking 26 26 PLATEMARK, to mark w...
platformings 28 25 PLATFORMING, a proce...
platinotypes 31 22 PLATINOTYPE, an obso...
platitudinal 25 20 of or like platitude...
platonically 34 24 PLATONIC, not erotic...
platyrrhines 32 21 PLATYRRHINE, a New W...
plausibility 35 23 the state of being p...
playwritings 35 24 PLAYWRITING, the wri...
pleasantness 21 18 the state of being p...
pleasantries 22 17 PLEASANTRY, a humoro...
pleasingness 23 20 the state of being p...
pleasureless 24 18 giving no pleasure [...
plebeianised 24 21 PLEBEIANISE, to make...
plebeianises 24 20 PLEBEIANISE, to make...
plebeianisms 26 23 PLEBEIANISM, the sta...
plebeianized 27 30 PLEBEIANIZE, to make...
plebeianizes 27 29 PLEBEIANIZE, to make...
plebiscitary 36 24 relating to a plebis...
plecopterans 27 23 PLECOPTERAN, a membe...
plecopterous 28 23 of or like the Pleco...
plectognaths 29 24 PLECTOGNATH, any spi...
pleinairisms 25 20 PLEINAIRISM, paintin...
pleinairists 24 17 PLEINAIRIST, one who...
pleiochasium 30 25 a cymose inflorescen...
pleiotropies 25 19 PLEIOTROPY, the prop...
pleiotropism 27 22 the state of being p...
plenipotence 26 24 absolute power, also...
plenipotency 33 26 absolute power, also...
plenishments 26 23 PLENISHMENT, the act...
pleochroisms 30 24 PLEOCHROISM, the pro...
pleomorphies 28 24 PLEOMORPHY, the stat...
pleomorphism 30 27 polymorphism; the oc...
pleomorphous 28 25 occurring in several...
pleonastical 26 21 relating to pleonasm...
plerocercoid 29 23 the infective larva...
plerophorias 27 21 PLEROPHORIA, full co...
plerophories 27 21 PLEROPHORY, full con...
plessimeters 25 19 PLESSIMETER, a small...
plessimetric 29 22 relating to a plessi...
pleurodynias 29 21 PLEURODYNIA, pain in...
pleurotomies 24 20 PLEUROTOMY, incision...
plexiglasses 32 26 PLEXIGLASS, acrylic...
pleximetries 31 26 PLEXIMETRY, the use...
pliabilities 28 20 PLIABILITY, the stat...
pliantnesses 22 18 PLIANTNESS, the stat...
ploddingness 24 22 the state of being p...
plotlessness 24 18 the state of being p...
ploughshares 29 23 PLOUGHSHARE, the cut...
ploughstaffs 32 27 PLOUGHSTAFF, one of...
ploughwright 35 28 one who makes plough...
plowmanships 32 28 PLOWMANSHIP, the cra...
pluckinesses 28 25 PLUCKINESS, the stat...
plumbaginous 28 27 of or like plumbago,...
plumbiferous 30 27 bearing or yielding...
plumulaceous 29 26 of or like plumulae,...
plumularians 26 23 PLUMULARIAN, a membe...
pluriliteral 27 19 of more than three l...
plurilocular 30 23 multilocular [adj]
pluriseriate 24 17 in several rows, als...
plushinesses 26 20 PLUSHINESS, the stat...
plutocracies 30 23 PLUTOCRACY, rulershi...
plutolatries 25 18 PLUTOLATRY, excessiv...
plutologists 27 20 PLUTOLOGIST, a stude...
plutonomists 25 21 PLUTONOMIST, a stude...
pluviometers 27 24 PLUVIOMETER, a devic...
pluviometric 31 27 relating to pluviome...
pneumathodes 24 23 PNEUMATHODE, a band...
pneumaticity 33 25 the state of being p...
pneumatology 30 25 the theory of the ex...
pneumococcal 32 30 of or like a pneumoc...
pneumococcus 32 30 a bacterium that cau...
pneumocystis 33 25 any protozoan of the...
pneumographs 28 27 PNEUMOGRAPH, an inst...
pneumonology 29 26 the study of the res...
pneumothorax 30 29 accumulation of air...
poachinesses 26 21 POACHINESS, the stat...
pocketknives 29 31 POCKETKNIFE, a knife...
pocketphones 29 28 POCKETPHONE, a mobil...
pococurantes 27 23 POCOCURANTE, one who...
podoconioses 23 20 PODOCONIOSIS, endemi...
podoconiosis 24 20 endemic elephantiasi...
podophyllins 35 26 PODOPHYLLIN, a catha...
podophyllums 37 29 PODOPHYLLUM, the dri...
poetasteries 21 15 POETASTERY, the writ...
poetastering 22 18 POETASTER [v]
poeticalness 25 20 the state of being p...
pogonophoran 24 24 any of a phylum Pogo...
pogonotomies 22 21 POGONOTOMY, shaving...
poikilocytes 34 25 POIKILOCYTE, an irre...
poikilotherm 28 25 an organism that tak...
pointillisme 26 21 a painting technique...
pointillisms 27 21 POINTILLISM, a paint...
pointilliste 25 18 one who practises po...
pointillists 26 18 POINTILLIST, one who...
polarimeters 24 19 POLARIMETER, an inst...
polarimetric 28 22 relating to measurem...
polarisation 22 17 the act of affecting...
polariscopes 28 22 POLARISCOPE, an inst...
polariscopic 32 25 relating to use of t...
polarization 25 26 the act of affecting...
polarographs 28 23 POLAROGRAPH, an appa...
polarography 34 25 a technique for dete...
polemicising 29 25 POLEMICISE, to argue...
polemicizing 32 34 POLEMICIZE, to argue...
policyholder 36 25 the owner of an insu...
policymakers 35 28 POLICYMAKER, one who...
poliorcetics 30 22 the science of siege...
polioviruses 26 21 POLIOVIRUS, a virus...
politenesses 22 17 POLITENESS, the stat...
politicalise 28 20 to make political, a...
politicalize 31 29 to make political, a...
politicaster 27 19 (Milton) a petty pol...
politicising 29 22 POLITICISE, to give...
politicizing 32 31 POLITICIZE, to give...
politickings 30 26 POLITICKING, engagin...
pollinations 23 19 POLLINATION, the pro...
pollutedness 24 20 the state of being p...
pollyannaish 31 23 tediously optimistic...
pollyannaism 30 24 a pollyannaish obser...
poltergeists 25 18 POLTERGEIST, (German...
polyalcohols 36 25 POLYALCOHOL, an alco...
polyanthuses 31 22 POLYANTHUS, the oxli...
polycentrics 36 25 POLYCENTRIC [n]
polycentrism 34 25 the existence of man...
polychaetous 34 24 of or like a polycha...
polychroisms 37 26 POLYCHROISM, the sta...
polychromies 36 26 POLYCHROMY, the art...
polychroming 37 29 POLYCHROME, to colou...
polychromous 36 27 many-coloured, also...
polycrotisms 35 24 POLYCROTISM, the sta...
polycrystals 41 24 POLYCRYSTAL, an obje...
polycultures 35 24 POLYCULTURE, the sim...
polycythemia 42 28 a condition marked b...
polycythemic 46 31 relating to polycyth...
polydemonism 31 26 the belief in and wo...
polydisperse 32 22 characterized by par...
polyembryony 44 29 the condition of hav...
polyethylene 37 24 a generic name for c...
polygamising 33 26 POLYGAMISE, to pract...
polygamizing 36 35 POLYGAMIZE, to pract...
polygamously 39 27 POLYGAMOUS, of or pe...
polyglotisms 34 24 POLYGLOTISM, the use...
polyglottism 34 24 the state of being p...
polyglottous 32 22 like a polyglot, als...
polygonatums 31 25 POLYGONATUM, the Sol...
polygraphers 35 25 POLYGRAPHER, one who...
polygraphies 35 25 POLYGRAPHY, the use...
polygraphing 36 28 POLYGRAPH, to copy b...
polygraphist 36 25 one who operates a p...
polyhedroses 31 21 POLYHEDROSIS, an oft...
polyhedrosis 32 21 an often fatal disea...
polyhistoric 36 23 relating to polyhist...
polyisoprene 30 22 a rubberlike polymer...
polymastisms 33 24 POLYMASTISM, the pre...
polymerising 32 24 POLYMERISE, to make...
polymerizing 35 33 POLYMERIZE, to make...
polymorphism 37 29 the circumstance in...
polymorphous 35 27 occurring in several...
polymyositis 38 23 inflammation of seve...
polyneuritis 30 20 neuritis of many ner...
polynucleate 32 24 having many nuclei [...
polypeptides 34 25 POLYPEPTIDE, a compo...
polypeptidic 38 28 of or like a polypep...
polypetalous 32 23 separate petals [adj...
polypharmacy 44 31 treatment with many...
polyphenolic 37 28 of or like polypheno...
polyphonists 34 24 POLYPHONIST, a contr...
polyphyletic 45 29 descending from more...
polyphyllous 43 28 having the perianth...
polyphyodont 39 27 having more than two...
polyploidies 33 23 POLYPLOIDY, the cond...
polypropenes 32 25 POLYPROPENE, any of...
polyrhythmic 46 30 relating to polyrhyt...
polyribosome 32 24 a cluster of ribosom...
polysepalous 32 23 having separate sepa...
polysiloxane 35 27 any of a number of p...
polysorbates 31 21 POLYSORBATE, an emul...
polystichous 36 24 arranged in many row...
polystyrenes 35 21 POLYSTYRENE, a polym...
polysulfides 34 24 POLYSULFIDE, a sulfi...
polysulphide 36 26 a sulfide containing...
polysyllabic 44 28 having more than one...
polysyllable 41 26 a polysyllabic word...
polysynaptic 41 27 involving two or mor...
polysyndeton 34 23 the rhetorical devic...
polytechnics 38 27 POLYTECHNIC, a schoo...
polytheistic 36 23 relating to polythei...
polytonalism 31 23 the state of being p...
polytonalist 30 20 one who writes polyt...
polytonality 36 22 two or more tonaliti...
polyurethane 30 22 any of various polym...
polyurethans 31 22 POLYURETHAN, any of...
polyvalences 34 27 POLYVALENCE, the sta...
pomegranates 22 21 POMEGRANATE, an Orie...
pomicultures 29 24 POMICULTURE, the gro...
pompelmooses 26 25 POMPELMOOSE, (Dutch)...
pompelmouses 27 26 POMPELMOUSE, (Dutch)...
pompholygous 36 29 of or like a pomphol...
ponderancies 23 21 PONDERANCY, weight,...
ponderations 20 18 PONDERATION, weighin...
ponerologies 22 19 PONEROLOGY, the theo...
pontifically 36 26 PONTIFICAL, of or li...
pontificated 27 23 PONTIFICATE, to spea...
pontificates 27 22 PONTIFICATE, to spea...
pontificator 27 22 one who pontificates...
poormouthing 26 24 POORMOUTH, to compla...
popularisers 26 20 POPULARISER, one who...
popularising 27 23 POPULARISE, to cater...
popularities 26 20 POPULARITY, the stat...
popularizers 29 29 POPULARIZER, one who...
popularizing 30 32 POPULARIZE, to cater...
populational 25 22 relating to populati...
populousness 25 22 the state of being p...
porcelainise 25 20 to bake into porcela...
porcelainize 28 29 to bake into porcela...
porcelainous 25 21 like porcelain, also...
porcelaneous 24 21 like porcelain, also...
porcellanise 26 21 to bake into porcela...
porcellanite 26 21 a jasper-like shale...
porcellanize 29 30 to bake into porcela...
porcellanous 26 22 like porcelain, also...
porismatical 28 22 relating to a porism...
pornocracies 27 22 PORNOCRACY, governme...
pornographer 26 23 one who produces por...
pornographic 30 26 relating to pornogra...
porousnesses 21 17 POROUSNESS, the qual...
porphyropsin 35 26 a purple pigment in...
portcullised 29 22 PORTCULLIS, to obstr...
portcullises 29 21 PORTCULLIS, a gratin...
portentously 29 20 PORTENTOUS, of, rela...
porterhouses 24 18 PORTERHOUSE, a house...
portlinesses 23 17 PORTLINESS, the stat...
portmanteaus 22 20 PORTMANTEAU, (French...
portmanteaux 28 27 PORTMANTEAU, (French...
portraitists 24 15 PORTRAITIST, a maker...
portraitures 23 16 PORTRAITURE, the mak...
positionally 30 20 POSITIONAL, of, rela...
positionings 23 19 POSITIONING, the act...
positiveness 24 20 the state of being p...
positivistic 30 22 relating to positivi...
positivities 26 19 POSITIVITY, positive...
positroniums 24 20 POSITRONIUM, a posit...
possessional 22 17 relating to possessi...
possessioned 21 17 POSSESSION [v]
possessively 32 22 POSSESSIVE, related...
possibilisms 29 22 POSSIBILISM, the pol...
possibilists 28 19 POSSIBILIST, an adhe...
postabortion 23 19 taking place after a...
postaccident 28 23 taking place after a...
postbiblical 33 26 belonging to the per...
postcardlike 28 24 resembling a postcar...
postcolonial 26 21 taking place after t...
postconquest 33 29 taking place after c...
postcoronary 30 21 taking place after a...
postdeadline 22 19 following a deadline...
postdelivery 32 23 following a delivery...
postdiluvial 28 23 after the Flood [adj...
postdiluvian 26 23 pertaining to the pe...
postdoctoral 26 20 being beyond the doc...
posteditings 24 19 POSTEDITING, the act...
postelection 25 20 following an electio...
posteriority 29 17 the state of being l...
posteruptive 27 23 taking place after a...
postexercise 31 25 taking place after e...
postexposure 30 26 taking place after e...
postfeminism 27 25 a movement that rega...
postfeminist 26 22 a supporter of postf...
postfracture 28 22 taking place after a...
postgraduate 23 19 a student continuing...
posthospital 28 21 taking place after a...
posthumously 34 25 POSTHUMOUS, taking p...
posthypnotic 36 26 taking place after h...
postillating 26 20 POSTILLATE, to expla...
postillation 24 18 the act of postillat...
postillators 25 17 POSTILLATOR, one who...
postimperial 27 22 taking place after i...
postischemic 33 26 following ischemia,...
postliminary 31 22 subsequent [adj]
postliminies 25 20 POSTLIMINY, the righ...
postliminium 27 24 the right by which p...
postliminous 25 21 being by way of a su...
postliterate 23 16 relating to or occur...
postmedieval 26 24 taking place after t...
postmeridian 23 20 taking place after n...
postmidnight 28 24 taking place after m...
postmistress 25 18 a woman who is a pos...
postneonatal 20 18 following a new birt...
postorgasmic 28 23 taking place after o...
postponement 23 23 the act of postponin...
postponences 25 23 POSTPONENCE, the act...
postposition 24 19 the placing of a gra...
postpositive 27 22 of an adjective, pla...
postprandial 25 21 taking place after d...
postromantic 26 22 a follower of the cu...
postsceniums 27 23 POSTSCENIUM, the par...
poststimulus 27 21 following on a stimu...
postsurgical 29 22 taking place after s...
postsynaptic 34 24 occurring after syna...
posttensions 21 17 POSTTENSION, to appl...
postulancies 26 21 POSTULANCY, the stat...
postulations 23 18 POSTULATION, the act...
postvaccinal 31 27 taking place after v...
postvagotomy 32 26 following a vagotomy...
postworkshop 31 27 taking place after a...
potabilities 26 19 POTABILITY, the stat...
potamogetons 22 21 POTAMOGETON, a plant...
potamologies 24 21 POTAMOLOGY, the stud...
potamologist 25 21 one who studies rive...
potentiality 29 19 the ability to devel...
potentiaries 21 16 POTENTIARY, a person...
potentiating 22 19 POTENTIATE, to use d...
potentiation 20 17 the act of potentiat...
potentiators 21 16 POTENTIATOR, one who...
potentnesses 20 17 POTENTNESS, the stat...
potichomania 27 24 a craze for imitatin...
potshottings 26 20 POTSHOTTING, the act...
powerboating 27 24 the sport of driving...
powerfulness 28 24 the state of being p...
powerlifters 29 22 POWERLIFTER, one who...
powerlifting 30 25 the sport of weightl...
practicalism 32 25 devotion to what is...
practicalist 31 22 one who is devoted t...
practicality 37 24 the state of being p...
practitioner 25 19 one who practices [n...
praetorships 27 20 PRAETORSHIP, the off...
pragmaticism 30 26 the philosophic doct...
pragmaticist 29 23 an adherent of pragm...
pragmatisers 25 20 PRAGMATISER, one who...
pragmatising 26 23 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
pragmatistic 29 23 relating to pragmati...
pragmatizers 28 29 PRAGMATIZER [v]
pragmatizing 29 32 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
praiseworthy 34 22 worthy of praise [ad...
pralltriller 28 19 a musical ornament c...
prankishness 25 23 the state of being p...
praseodymium 31 25 a chemical element,...
prattleboxes 31 26 PRATTLEBOX, a prattl...
prattlements 24 20 PRATTLEMENT, prattle...
praxeologies 29 25 PRAXEOLOGY, the stud...
praxinoscope 32 29 an instrument with m...
prayerlessly 37 21 PRAYERLESS, not usin...
preabsorbing 27 24 PREABSORB, to absorb...
preachership 32 25 the office of preach...
preachifying 37 28 the act of preachify...
preacquaints 33 29 PREACQUAINT, to acqu...
preadjusting 26 29 PREADJUST, to adjust...
preadmission 23 20 the act of preadmitt...
preadmitting 25 22 PREADMIT, to admit b...
preallotting 25 20 PREALLOT, to allot b...
preambulated 26 24 PREAMBULATE, to make...
preambulates 26 23 PREAMBULATE, to make...
preamplifier 29 25 an amplifier designe...
preannounced 22 23 PREANNOUNCE, to anno...
preannounces 22 22 PREANNOUNCE, to anno...
preappointed 25 23 PREAPPOINT, to appoi...
preapproving 29 28 PREAPPROVE, to appro...
prearranging 23 21 PREARRANGE, to arran...
preassembled 26 23 assembled in advance...
preassigning 24 21 PREASSIGN, to assign...
preassurance 24 20 advance assurance [n...
preaudiences 24 21 PREAUDIENCE, the rig...
prebendaries 23 20 PREBENDARY, a clergy...
prebreakfast 27 25 taking place before...
precanceling 29 26 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precancelled 29 25 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precancerous 27 23 tending to become ca...
precariously 33 22 PRECARIOUS, insecure...
precautional 25 21 of the nature of a p...
precautioned 24 21 PRECAUTION, to forew...
precedencies 27 23 PRECEDENCY, the fact...
precedential 25 21 of the nature of a p...
precensoring 25 22 PRECENSOR, to censor...
precentorial 25 20 of or like a precent...
precentrices 28 22 PRECENTRIX, a female...
precentrixes 31 26 PRECENTRIX, a female...
preceptively 37 28 PRECEPTIVE, concerni...
preceptorate 26 21 the office of precep...
preceptorial 28 22 a college course tha...
preceptories 27 21 PRECEPTORY, a commun...
precessional 25 20 relating to precessi...
prechristian 28 21 belonging to the tim...
preciosities 26 18 PRECIOSITY, precious...
preciousness 25 20 the state of being p...
precipitable 31 25 capable of being pre...
precipitance 30 25 the quality of being...
precipitancy 37 27 the quality of being...
precipitants 28 22 PRECIPITANT, a preci...
precipitated 28 22 PRECIPITATE, to thro...
precipitates 28 21 PRECIPITATE, to thro...
precipitator 28 21 one who precipitates...
precisianism 27 22 over-preciseness, fo...
precisianist 26 19 a person excessively...
precisionism 27 22 over-preciseness, fo...
precisionist 26 19 someone who insists...
preclassical 31 23 before the classical...
preclearance 27 23 a preliminary cleara...
preclusively 37 27 PRECLUSIVE, tending...
precociously 36 25 PRECOCIOUS, exceptio...
precognisant 25 22 having foreknowledge...
precognising 27 24 PRECOGNISE, to know...
precognition 25 22 clairvoyance relatin...
precognitive 28 25 relating to precogni...
precognizant 28 31 having foreknowledge...
precognizing 30 33 PRECOGNIZE, to know...
precognosced 28 25 PRECOGNOSCE, to take...
precognosces 28 24 PRECOGNOSCE, to take...
precomposing 29 27 PRECOMPOSE, to compo...
precomputing 30 28 PRECOMPUTE, to compu...
preconceited 27 23 PRECONCEIT, (obsolet...
preconceived 29 27 PRECONCEIVE, to form...
preconceives 29 26 PRECONCEIVE [n]
preconcerted 27 23 PRECONCERT, to settl...
preconciliar 29 23 preceding a council...
precondemned 24 25 PRECONDEMN, to conde...
precondition 24 21 to put in a proper o...
preconscious 28 23 of memories, ideas,...
preconstruct 29 23 to construct in adva...
preconsuming 27 26 PRECONSUME, to consu...
precontracts 28 22 PRECONTRACT, to cont...
predeceasing 25 22 PREDECEASE, to die s...
predecessors 25 19 PREDECESSOR, one tha...
prededucting 27 24 PREDEDUCT, to deduct...
predeparture 24 20 preceding a departur...
predeposited 24 20 PREDEPOSIT, to depos...
predesignate 22 19 to specify beforehan...
predesigning 24 22 PREDESIGN, to design...
predestinate 21 17 to determine beforeh...
predestinies 22 17 PREDESTINY, predesti...
predestining 23 20 PREDESTINE, to decre...
predetermine 22 20 to foreordain, prede...
predeveloped 26 25 PREDEVELOP, to devel...
prediabetics 28 22 PREDIABETIC, one suf...
predialities 24 17 PREDIALITY, the qual...
predicaments 26 23 PREDICAMENT, the cha...
predications 25 20 PREDICATION, an act...
predictively 36 26 PREDICTIVE, relating...
predigesting 25 21 PREDIGEST, to digest...
predigestion 23 19 artificial or natura...
predilection 26 21 an established prefe...
predischarge 29 23 preceding a discharg...
prediscovery 34 25 a preliminary discov...
predisposals 26 20 PREDISPOSAL, disposa...
predisposing 26 22 PREDISPOSE, to dispo...
prednisolone 21 19 a drug similar to co...
predominance 24 24 the state of being p...
predominancy 31 26 the state of being p...
predominated 22 21 PREDOMINATE, to hold...
predominates 22 20 PREDOMINATE, to hold...
predominator 22 20 one who predominates...
preeclampsia 29 25 a toxic condition oc...
preeclamptic 33 28 relating to preeclam...
preemergence 25 24 used or occurring be...
preeminences 24 23 PREEMINENCE, the sta...
preeminently 29 23 PREEMINENT, having p...
preemptively 35 28 PREEMPTIVE, of or pe...
preestablish 28 21 to establish in adva...
preexempting 32 31 PREEXEMPT, to exempt...
preexistence 30 26 existence in a forme...
prefabricate 29 24 to make standardized...
prefectorial 28 22 relating to office o...
prefectships 33 26 PREFECTSHIP, the off...
preferential 24 20 showing preference [...
prefigurated 26 22 PREFIGURATE, to pref...
prefigurates 26 21 PREFIGURATE, to pref...
prefinancing 27 26 financing arragned i...
preflighting 31 26 PREFLIGHT, to inspec...
prefloration 24 20 the manner in which...
prefocussing 29 25 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prefoliation 24 20 the manner in which...
preformation 24 22 previous formation [...
preformative 27 25 a prefixture in Semi...
preformatted 25 22 PREFORMAT, to format...
preformulate 26 23 to formulate in adva...
pregnability 33 24 the state of being p...
pregnenolone 20 21 a steroid ketone for...
pregustation 23 19 a foretaste [n -S]
prehardening 24 22 PREHARDEN, to harden...
preheminence 26 25 (obsolete) preeminen...
prehensility 32 21 the state of being p...
prehensorial 24 19 prehensile, related...
prehistorian 24 18 an archaeologist who...
prehistories 25 17 PREHISTORY, the time...
preignitions 23 19 PREIGNITION, ignitio...
preinaugural 24 21 preceding an inaugur...
preinduction 25 22 preceding an inducti...
preinforming 26 25 PREINFORM, to inform...
preinserting 23 19 PREINSERT, to insert...
preinterview 27 23 to interview in adva...
prejudgement 26 32 the act of prejudgin...
prejudgments 27 32 PREJUDGMENT, the act...
prejudicated 28 30 PREJUDICATE, (obsole...
prejudicates 28 29 PREJUDICATE, (obsole...
prelapsarian 24 20 relating to any inno...
prelateships 28 21 PRELATESHIP, the off...
prelatically 35 23 PRELATICAL, relating...
prelaunching 29 26 PRELAUNCH, to launch...
prelibations 25 20 PRELIBATION, a foret...
prelingually 33 24 PRELINGUAL, before t...
preliterates 23 16 PRELITERATE, one not...
preluncheons 27 24 PRELUNCHEON, a light...
premalignant 24 23 precancerous [adj]
premaritally 32 22 PREMARITAL, taking p...
premarketing 25 25 PREMARKET, to market...
premaxillary 38 29 the premaxilla, a bo...
premeasuring 24 22 PREMEASURE, to measu...
premedically 35 26 PREMEDICAL, of or re...
premedicated 26 23 PREMEDICATE, to admi...
premedicates 26 22 PREMEDICATE, to admi...
premeditated 23 20 PREMEDITATE, to thin...
premeditates 23 19 PREMEDITATE, to thin...
premeditator 23 19 one who premeditates...
premenstrual 24 21 taking place before...
premierships 29 23 PREMIERSHIP, the off...
premigration 24 21 preceding migration...
premodifying 33 27 PREMODIFY, to modify...
premoistened 22 20 PREMOISTEN, to moist...
premonishing 26 24 PREMONISH, to warn b...
premonitions 22 20 PREMONITION, previou...
premovements 25 26 PREMOVEMENT, the act...
premunitions 23 21 PREMUNITION, the pro...
prenegotiate 21 18 to negotiate in adva...
prenominally 30 24 PRENOMINAL [adv]
prenominated 21 21 PRENOMINATE, to name...
prenominates 21 20 PRENOMINATE, to name...
prenotifying 31 24 PRENOTIFY, to notify...
prenticeship 30 24 the office of prenti...
prenumbering 26 26 PRENUMBER, to number...
preobtaining 24 22 PREOBTAIN, to obtain...
preoccupancy 39 31 an act or the right...
preoccupants 30 26 PREOCCUPANT, a prior...
preoccupated 30 26 PREOCCUPATE, (obsole...
preoccupates 30 25 PREOCCUPATE, (obsole...
preoccupying 38 30 PREOCCUPY, to engros...
preoperative 25 22 occurring before a s...
preordaining 22 20 PREORDAIN, to ordain...
preordinance 23 21 a rule previously es...
preovulatory 31 23 occurring or existin...
prepackaging 30 30 PREPACKAGE, to packa...
preparations 23 19 PREPARATION, the act...
preparatives 26 22 PREPARATIVE, somethi...
preparedness 23 20 the state of being p...
prepollences 28 24 PREPOLLENCE, predomi...
preponderant 22 21 having superior weig...
preponderate 22 20 surpassing [adj PREP...
preportioned 23 20 PREPORTION, to porti...
prepositions 24 19 PREPOSITION, a funct...
prepositives 27 22 PREPOSITIVE, somethi...
prepossessed 24 19 PREPOSSESS, to bias...
prepossesses 24 18 PREPOSSESS, to bias...
preposterous 24 19 contrary to nature,...
prepotencies 26 22 PREPOTENCY, the stat...
preppinesses 26 22 PREPPINESS, being li...
preprimaries 26 21 PREPRIMARY, an elect...
preprocessed 27 22 PREPROCESS, to proce...
preprocesses 27 21 PREPROCESS, to proce...
preprocessor 27 21 something that prepr...
preprogramed 26 24 PREPROGRAM, to progr...
prepuberties 27 22 PREPUBERTY, the time...
prepubescent 29 26 one who is prepubert...
prepurchased 30 25 PREPURCHASE, to purc...
prepurchases 30 24 PREPURCHASE, to purc...
prequalified 34 30 PREQUALIFY, to quali...
prequalifies 34 29 PREQUALIFY, to quali...
prerecession 24 19 taking place before...
prerecording 26 22 PRERECORD, to record...
preregisters 24 17 PREREGISTER, to regi...
prerehearsal 24 18 taking place before...
prereleasing 23 19 PRERELEASE, to relea...
prerequiring 32 28 PREREQUIRE, to requi...
prerequisite 31 25 something needed in...
prerogatived 25 22 (Shakespeare) posses...
prerogatives 25 21 PREROGATIVE, an excl...
preromantics 26 22 PREROMANTIC, a poet,...
presagefully 34 25 PRESAGEFUL, full of...
presagements 23 21 PRESAGEMENT, (obsole...
presbyacuses 34 24 PRESBYACUSIS, progre...
presbyacusis 35 24 progressive loss of...
presbycouses 34 24 PRESBYCOUSIS, progre...
presbycousis 35 24 progressive loss of...
presbyterate 30 20 the office of presby...
presbyterial 32 21 relating to a presby...
presbyterian 30 21 a member of a Presby...
presbyteries 31 20 PRESBYTERY, part of...
prescheduled 29 24 PRESCHEDULE, to sche...
preschedules 29 23 PRESCHEDULE, to sche...
preschoolers 28 21 PRESCHOOLER, a child...
prescissions 26 19 PRESCISSION, the act...
prescreening 25 22 PRESCREEN, to screen...
prescribings 30 24 PRESCRIBING, the act...
prescription 28 22 the act of prescribi...
prescriptive 31 25 serving to prescribe...
preselecting 27 22 PRESELECT, to select...
preselection 25 20 the act of preselect...
preselectors 26 19 PRESELECTOR, a compo...
presentation 20 17 the act of presentin...
presentative 23 20 known, knowing, or c...
presenteeism 22 19 ostentatious attenda...
presentenced 23 21 PRESENTENCE, to sent...
presentences 23 20 PRESENTENCE, to sent...
presentially 30 20 PRESENTIAL, relating...
presentiment 22 20 a feeling that somet...
presentments 22 20 PRESENTMENT, a jury'...
preservation 23 20 the act of preservin...
preservative 26 23 serving to preserve...
preservatory 30 21 serving to preserve...
preshrinking 27 25 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presidencies 25 20 PRESIDENCY, the offi...
presidentess 22 17 a female president [...
presidential 23 18 relating to a presid...
presignaling 25 22 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
presignalled 25 21 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
presignified 26 22 PRESIGNIFY, to intim...
presignifies 26 21 PRESIGNIFY, to intim...
preslaughter 27 21 preceding a slaughte...
prespecified 30 25 PRESPECIFY, to speci...
prespecifies 30 24 PRESPECIFY, to speci...
pressingness 23 19 the state of being p...
pressureless 24 17 without pressure [ad...
pressurisers 24 16 PRESSURISER, an appa...
pressurising 25 19 PRESSURISE, to place...
pressurizers 27 25 PRESSURIZER, an appa...
pressurizing 28 28 PRESSURIZE, to place...
presterilise 24 16 to sterilise in adva...
presterilize 27 25 to sterilize in adva...
prestigiator 24 17 a conjurer, also PRE...
prestissimos 25 18 PRESTISSIMO, a music...
prestressing 24 18 PRESTRESS, to stress...
prestriction 26 19 (obsolete) blindness...
prestructure 27 20 to structure in adva...
presumptions 26 23 PRESUMPTION, the act...
presumptuous 27 24 overstepping due bou...
presupposing 28 25 PRESUPPOSE, to suppo...
presurveying 32 25 PRESURVEY, to survey...
presweetened 23 20 PRESWEETEN, to sweet...
pretenceless 25 20 without pretence [ad...
pretendingly 30 23 PRETENDING [adv]
pretensioned 20 18 PRETENSION, to tensi...
preteritions 22 16 PRETERITION, the omi...
pretermitted 24 19 PRETERMIT, to omit,...
pretermitter 24 18 one who pretermits [...
pretreatment 22 19 treatment in advance...
prettinesses 22 16 PRETTINESS, the stat...
prevailingly 34 26 PREVAILING [adv]
prevailments 26 24 PREVAILMENT, (Shakes...
prevalencies 27 24 PREVALENCY, the stat...
prevaricated 27 23 PREVARICATE, to avoi...
prevaricates 27 22 PREVARICATE, to avoi...
prevaricator 27 22 one who prevaricates...
prevenancies 25 24 PREVENANCY, courteou...
preveniences 25 24 PREVENIENCE, the sta...
preveniently 30 24 PREVENIENT, antecede...
preventative 25 24 acting to prevent, a...
preventively 33 27 PREVENTIVE, serving...
previousness 24 21 the state of being p...
previsionary 30 22 relating to previsio...
previsioning 25 23 PREVISION, to forese...
pridefulness 26 22 the state of being p...
priestcrafts 29 21 PRIESTCRAFT, priestl...
priestliness 24 17 the state of being p...
priggishness 28 22 the state of being p...
primateships 29 23 PRIMATESHIP, the off...
primigravida 28 25 (Latin) a firstborn...
primitivisms 30 25 PRIMITIVISM, the doc...
primitivists 29 22 PRIMITIVIST, one who...
primogenital 25 22 firstborn, also PRIM...
primogenitor 24 21 the earliest ancesto...
primordially 33 23 PRIMORDIAL, original...
primulaceous 28 24 belonging to the Pri...
princeliness 26 21 the state of being p...
principality 36 25 the state, office, o...
printability 33 22 the state of being p...
printmakings 26 26 PRINTMAKING, the act...
prioritising 25 18 PRIORITISE, to assig...
prioritizing 28 27 PRIORITIZE, to assig...
prismatoidal 25 20 having the form of a...
prissinesses 23 16 PRISSINESS, the stat...
privatdocent 27 24 in German universiti...
privatdozent 27 30 in German universiti...
privateering 25 22 operating as a pirat...
prizefighter 32 31 one who takes part i...
prizewinners 28 29 PRIZEWINNER, a winne...
prizewinning 29 32 having won or of a q...
probabilisms 30 25 PROBABILISM, the bel...
probabilists 29 22 PROBABILIST, an advo...
probationary 29 21 one who is on probat...
probationers 23 19 PROBATIONER, a perso...
problematics 30 25 PROBLEMATIC, somethi...
proboscidean 26 23 any of an order of l...
proboscidian 27 23 any of an order of l...
probouleutic 29 24 for preliminary deli...
procarbazine 29 31 an antineoplastic dr...
procathedral 28 22 a parish church serv...
procedurally 34 24 PROCEDURAL, relating...
procellarian 26 21 a bird species from...
procerebrums 29 25 PROCEREBRUM, the for...
processional 25 20 of or like a process...
processioned 24 20 PROCESSION, to go in...
processioner 24 19 (US) a county office...
prochronisms 29 24 PROCHRONISM, assigni...
proclaimants 27 23 PROCLAIMANT, one who...
proclamation 26 23 the action of procla...
proclamatory 33 24 of the nature of a p...
proclivities 30 23 PROCLIVITY, an incli...
proconsulate 25 21 the office of procon...
procreations 24 19 PROCREATION, the act...
proctodaeums 26 23 PROCTODAEUM, the pos...
proctologies 27 21 PROCTOLOGY, the stud...
proctologist 28 21 a specialist in proc...
proctorially 34 22 PROCTORIAL, of or pe...
proctorising 27 21 PROCTORISE, to exerc...
proctorizing 30 30 PROCTORIZE, to exerc...
proctorships 31 23 PROCTORSHIP, the off...
proctoscopes 30 24 PROCTOSCOPE, an inst...
proctoscopic 34 27 relating to proctosc...
procurations 25 20 PROCURATION, the man...
procurements 26 23 PROCUREMENT, the act...
prodigalised 25 20 PRODIGALISE, to spen...
prodigalises 25 19 PRODIGALISE, to spen...
prodigalized 28 29 PRODIGALIZE, to spen...
prodigalizes 28 28 PRODIGALIZE, to spen...
prodigiosity 31 20 being prodigious [n...
prodigiously 32 22 PRODIGIOUS, resembli...
proditorious 23 17 traitorous; prone to...
producements 26 24 PRODUCEMENT, (Milton...
productional 26 22 relating to producti...
productively 36 27 PRODUCTIVE, having t...
productivity 36 26 the state of being p...
profanations 22 20 PROFANATION, the act...
professional 24 20 of, belonging to or...
professorate 23 18 the office of a prof...
professoress 24 18 a female professor [...
professorial 25 19 of or like a profess...
professoriat 24 18 the body of college...
proficiences 30 25 PROFICIENCE, the sta...
proficiently 35 25 PROFICIENT, well adv...
profiteering 25 21 acting as a profitee...
profiteroles 25 19 PROFITEROLE, (French...
profitlessly 34 22 PROFITLESS, without...
profligacies 30 24 PROFLIGACY, the stat...
profligately 34 24 PROFLIGATE, debauche...
profoundness 23 22 the state of being p...
profundities 25 21 PROFUNDITY, intellec...
progenitress 23 18 a female parent or a...
progenitures 23 19 PROGENITURE, an act...
progesterone 21 18 a female sex hormone...
progestogens 23 20 PROGESTOGEN, any of...
proglottides 25 19 PROGLOTTID, a segmen...
prognathisms 27 23 PROGNATHISM, the sta...
progradation 22 19 the act of progradin...
programmable 28 27 that can be programm...
programmatic 29 26 relating to program...
programmings 27 26 PROGRAMMING, the act...
progressions 23 18 PROGRESSION, motion...
progressisms 26 20 PROGRESSISM, sympath...
progressists 25 17 PROGRESSIST, one who...
progressives 26 21 PROGRESSIVE, one who...
progymnasium 32 27 in Germany, a gymnas...
prohibitions 27 21 PROHIBITION, the act...
projectional 27 29 relating to projecti...
projectively 37 34 PROJECTIVE, projecti...
projectivity 37 33 the state of being p...
projectments 28 31 PROJECTMENT, a desig...
prolegomenal 24 23 of the nature of a p...
prolegomenon 22 23 prefatory remarks; s...
proletarians 22 17 PROLETARIAN, a membe...
proletariate 22 16 the poorest labourin...
proletariats 23 16 PROLETARIAT, the lab...
proliferated 25 20 PROLIFERATE, to grow...
proliferates 25 19 PROLIFERATE, to grow...
prolifically 38 26 PROLIFICAL, producin...
prolificness 29 23 the state of being p...
prolixnesses 29 24 PROLIXNESS, the stat...
prolocutions 26 21 PROLOCUTION, an intr...
prologuising 26 22 PROLOGUISE, to speak...
prologuizing 29 31 PROLOGUIZE, to speak...
prolongating 24 22 PROLONGATE, to prolo...
prolongation 22 20 the act of prolongin...
prolongments 24 23 PROLONGMENT, the act...
promethazine 27 30 a bitter-tasting phe...
prominencies 25 23 PROMINENCY, the stat...
promissorily 32 21 PROMISSORY, containi...
promontories 22 19 PROMONTORY, a high p...
promptitudes 27 23 PROMPTITUDE, the qua...
promptnesses 25 22 PROMPTNESS, the stat...
promptuaries 26 22 PROMPTUARY, a reposi...
promulgating 27 25 PROMULGATE, to make...
promulgation 25 23 the act of promulgat...
promulgators 26 22 PROMULGATOR, one who...
promuscidate 27 23 like or having a pro...
pronephroses 25 21 PRONEPHROS, a primit...
pronominally 30 24 PRONOMINAL, of or li...
pronouncedly 31 25 PRONOUNCED, strongly...
pronouncings 25 24 PRONOUNCING, the act...
pronucleuses 26 22 PRONUCLEUS, the nucl...
proofreaders 23 19 PROOFREADER, a perso...
proofreading 24 22 the process of readi...
propaedeutic 27 23 a preliminary study...
propagandise 24 22 to subject to propag...
propagandism 26 25 the practice of prop...
propagandist 25 22 one who engages in p...
propagandize 27 31 to subject to propag...
propagations 24 21 PROPAGATION, the act...
propanedioic 26 23 as in propanedioic a...
propenseness 22 20 the state of being p...
propensities 24 19 PROPENSITY, an often...
propernesses 23 19 PROPERNESS, the stat...
propertyless 32 21 without property [ad...
prophesiable 29 24 that can prophesied...
prophesyings 34 25 PROPHESYING, the act...
prophetesses 26 20 PROPHETESS, a woman...
prophethoods 28 23 PROPHETHOOD, the sta...
propheticism 32 26 being prophetic [n -...
prophetships 32 25 PROPHETSHIP, the off...
prophylactic 41 29 guarding against dis...
propitiating 26 21 PROPITIATE, to rende...
propitiation 24 19 the act of propitiat...
propitiative 27 22 serving to propitiat...
propitiators 25 18 PROPITIATOR, one who...
propitiatory 31 20 serving to propitiat...
propitiously 33 22 PROPITIOUS, favorabl...
proportional 24 20 relating to proporti...
proportioned 23 20 PROPORTION, to adjus...
propositions 24 19 PROPOSITION, to make...
propoxyphene 39 33 a narcotic analgesic...
propranolols 25 21 PROPRANOLOL, a beta-...
proprietress 25 18 a woman who is a pro...
propugnation 24 23 (Shakespeare) defenc...
propylamines 32 25 PROPYLAMINE, an amin...
propylitised 33 22 PROPYLITISE, to beco...
propylitises 33 21 PROPYLITISE, to beco...
propylitized 36 31 PROPYLITIZE, to beco...
propylitizes 36 30 PROPYLITIZE, to beco...
prorogations 22 18 PROROGATION, the act...
prosauropods 24 20 PROSAUROPOD, a repti...
proscription 28 22 the act of proscribi...
proscriptive 31 25 relating to proscrip...
prosectorial 26 19 of or like a prosect...
prosecutable 28 23 capable of being pro...
prosecutions 25 20 PROSECUTION, the act...
proselytised 30 19 PROSELYTISE, to recr...
proselytiser 30 18 one who proselytises...
proselytises 30 18 PROSELYTISE, to recr...
proselytisms 32 21 PROSELYTISM, convers...
proselytized 33 28 PROSELYTIZE, to recr...
proselytizer 33 27 one who proselytizes...
proselytizes 33 27 PROSELYTIZE, to recr...
prosenchymas 34 26 PROSENCHYMA, support...
prosobranchs 29 24 PROSOBRANCH, any of...
prosodically 34 23 PROSODICAL, of or pe...
prosopopeial 26 22 relating to prosopop...
prosopopeias 25 21 PROSOPOPEIA, a figur...
prosopopoeia 24 21 a figure of speech i...
prospectings 29 24 PROSPECTING, explori...
prospections 27 22 PROSPECTION, looking...
prospectives 30 25 PROSPECTIVE, a prosp...
prospectless 29 22 without a prospect [...
prospectuses 28 22 PROSPECTUS, the outl...
prosperities 25 18 PROSPERITY, the cond...
prosperously 32 22 PROSPEROUS, thriving...
prostacyclin 36 25 a prostaglandin whic...
prostanthera 23 18 an Australian bush,...
prosthetists 26 17 PROSTHETIST, one who...
prostituting 25 19 PROSTITUTE, to offer...
prostitution 23 17 the act or practice...
prostitutors 24 16 PROSTITUTOR, one who...
prostrations 22 16 PROSTRATION, the act...
prosyllogism 34 24 a syllogism whose co...
protactinium 27 23 a radioactive metall...
protagonisms 24 21 PROTAGONISM, the sta...
protagonists 23 18 PROTAGONIST, the pri...
protectingly 34 24 PROTECTING [adv]
protectively 35 25 PROTECTIVE, serving...
protectorate 24 18 an area governed by...
protectorial 26 19 of or like a protect...
protectories 25 18 PROTECTORY, an insti...
protectrices 29 21 PROTECTRIX, a female...
protectrixes 32 25 PROTECTRIX, a female...
proteinurias 22 17 PROTEINURIA, the pre...
protensities 22 16 PROTENSITY, (archaic...
protensively 31 23 PROTENSIVE, extensiv...
proteoglycan 32 24 any of a class of gl...
proteolysing 30 21 PROTEOLYSE, to split...
protervities 25 19 PROTERVITY, peevishn...
protestation 21 16 an avowal or solemn...
protestingly 31 21 PROTESTING [adv]
prothalamion 25 22 (Spenser) a song in...
prothalamium 28 25 (Spenser) a song in...
prothalluses 27 20 PROTHALLUS, the free...
prothonotary 29 20 a court clerk; a chi...
prothrombins 28 24 PROTHROMBIN, a prote...
protistology 31 20 the study of protist...
protocolised 26 20 PROTOCOLISE, to make...
protocolises 26 19 PROTOCOLISE, to make...
protocolists 27 19 PROTOCOLIST, a regis...
protocolized 29 29 PROTOCOLIZE, to make...
protocolizes 29 28 PROTOCOLIZE, to make...
protocolling 28 23 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
protohistory 31 19 the study of human b...
protomartyrs 30 20 PROTOMARTYR, the fir...
protomorphic 31 26 primordial; primitiv...
protonations 20 17 PROTONATION, the acq...
protonematal 22 20 of or like a protone...
protopathies 26 20 PROTOPATHY, first or...
protophloems 28 24 PROTOPHLOEM, the fir...
protoplanets 24 20 PROTOPLANET, a plane...
protoplasmal 27 23 of or like protoplas...
protoplasmic 30 25 of or like protoplas...
protoplastic 29 22 of or like protoplas...
prototherian 23 18 pertaining to a memb...
prototrophic 30 23 of bacteria, feeding...
prototypical 35 24 relating to a protot...
protozoology 32 29 the study of protozo...
protractedly 33 22 PROTRACTED [adv]
protractible 29 22 able to be thrust ou...
protractions 25 19 PROTRACTION, the act...
protreptical 29 22 exhorting or encoura...
protrusively 33 23 PROTRUSIVE, thrustin...
protuberance 26 23 a swelling or bump o...
protuberancy 33 25 a swelling or bump o...
protuberated 24 20 PROTUBERATE, to bulg...
protuberates 24 19 PROTUBERATE, to bulg...
proudhearted 24 20 proud in spirit [adj...
provableness 26 24 the state of being p...
proveability 34 25 the capacity for bei...
proveditores 24 20 PROVEDITORE, a purve...
provendering 24 24 PROVENDER, to supply...
proveniences 25 24 PROVENIENCE, an orig...
proverbially 35 26 PROVERBIAL, of or li...
providential 25 22 of, relating to, or...
provincewide 30 27 extending throughout...
provincially 36 27 PROVINCIAL, relating...
provisionals 25 21 PROVISIONAL, a posta...
provisionary 30 22 provisional [adj] /...
provisioners 24 20 PROVISIONER, a furni...
provisioning 25 23 PROVISION, to provid...
provocateurs 27 23 PROVOCATEUR, (French...
provocations 26 23 PROVOCATION, the act...
provocatives 29 26 PROVOCATIVE, somethi...
provokements 25 27 PROVOKEMENT, (Spense...
provostships 30 24 PROVOSTSHIP, the off...
proximations 29 26 PROXIMATION, immedia...
prudentially 31 22 PRUDENTIAL, of or re...
prussianised 23 18 PRUSSIANISE, to make...
prussianises 23 17 PRUSSIANISE, to make...
prussianized 26 27 PRUSSIANIZE, to make...
prussianizes 26 26 PRUSSIANIZE, to make...
psalmodising 26 23 PSALMODISE, to pract...
psalmodizing 29 32 PSALMODIZE, to pract...
psammophiles 30 27 PSAMMOPHILE, a sand-...
psammophytes 35 28 PSAMMOPHYTE, a plant...
psammophytic 39 31 like a psammophyte,...
psellismuses 27 21 PSELLISMUS, a defect...
psephologies 28 23 PSEPHOLOGY, the stud...
psephologist 29 23 one who studies elec...
pseudoallele 24 20 a false allele [n -S...
pseudocyeses 31 22 PSEUDOCYESIS, false...
pseudocyesis 32 22 false pregnancy [n P...
pseudographs 28 24 PSEUDOGRAPH, spuriou...
pseudography 34 26 unsatisfactory spell...
pseudologias 24 20 PSEUDOLOGIA, lying i...
pseudologies 24 20 PSEUDOLOGY, the art...
pseudologues 24 21 PSEUDOLOGUE, a patho...
pseudomartyr 30 22 a false martyr [n -S...
pseudomonads 22 22 PSEUDOMONAD, a virga...
pseudomorphs 28 25 PSEUDOMORPH, a false...
pseudonymity 36 25 the state of being p...
pseudonymous 29 24 using a pseudonym [a...
pseudopodial 25 22 of or like a pseudop...
pseudopodium 26 25 a process protruding...
pseudorandom 22 22 being or involving e...
pseudoscalar 26 21 a variable quantity...
pseudoscopes 27 23 PSEUDOSCOPE, an inst...
pseudovector 27 24 a variable quantity,...
psilanthropy 34 24 the belief that Chri...
psilomelanes 24 21 PSILOMELANE, an oxid...
psychagogues 36 27 PSYCHAGOGUE, a condu...
psychedelias 35 24 PSYCHEDELIA, the pro...
psychedelics 39 27 PSYCHEDELIC, a psych...
psychiatries 35 22 PSYCHIATRY, a branch...
psychiatrist 36 22 one who practises ps...
psychoactive 39 29 affecting the mind o...
psychobabble 41 32 language laden with...
psychodelias 35 24 PSYCHODELIA, the pro...
psychodramas 35 26 PSYCHODRAMA, therape...
psychognoses 34 25 PSYCHOGNOSIS, the us...
psychognosis 35 25 the use of hypnosis...
psychogonies 34 25 PSYCHOGONY, developm...
psychographs 40 29 PSYCHOGRAPH, a photo...
psychography 46 31 the production of im...
psychologies 36 25 PSYCHOLOGY, the scie...
psychologise 36 25 to speculate in psyc...
psychologism 38 28 a theory that applie...
psychologist 37 25 one who practises ps...
psychologize 39 34 to speculate in psyc...
psychomachia 40 30 conflict of the soul...
psychometers 35 25 PSYCHOMETER, an inst...
psychometric 39 28 relating to psychome...
psychonomics 38 29 the study of the ind...
psychopathic 42 30 relating to psychopa...
psychosexual 41 31 of or relating to th...
psychosocial 38 26 involving both psych...
psychoticism 40 28 the state of being p...
psychotropic 40 28 acting on the mind [...
psychrometer 35 25 an instrument for me...
psychrometry 42 27 measurement by psych...
pteridomania 22 20 a passion for ferns...
pteridophyte 33 23 the general name for...
pteridosperm 26 22 an extinct group of...
pterodactyle 32 22 any of various ptero...
pterodactyls 33 22 PTERODACTYL, any of...
pterosaurian 21 17 a pterodactyl, also...
ptyalagogues 31 23 PTYALAGOGUE, a subst...
publications 29 24 PUBLICATION, the act...
publicnesses 29 24 PUBLICNESS, the stat...
publishments 30 26 PUBLISHMENT, publica...
pufftaloonas 26 24 (Australian) a type...
puftaloonies 24 21 (Australian) a type...
pugilistical 31 23 related to pugilism,...
pugnaciously 34 26 PUGNACIOUS, having a...
pulchritudes 31 24 PULCHRITUDE, beauty...
pullulations 26 21 PULLULATION, the act...
pulmobranchs 32 29 PULMOBRANCH, a lung-...
pulpiteering 27 23 PULPITEER, to preach...
pulverations 25 22 PULVERATION, pulveri...
pulverisable 29 25 that can be pulveris...
pulverizable 32 34 capable of being pul...
pulverulence 29 27 the state of being p...
pulvilliform 33 29 shaped like a cushio...
pumpernickel 31 31 (German) a kind of c...
pumpkinseeds 27 28 PUMPKINSEED, the see...
punchinellos 29 25 PUNCHINELLO, (Italia...
punchinesses 27 23 PUNCHINESS, the qual...
punctualists 28 22 PUNCTUALIST, (obsole...
punctuations 25 22 PUNCTUATION, the act...
punctulating 28 25 PUNCTULATE, to mark...
punctulation 26 23 the state of having...
puncturation 25 22 being marked with pu...
punitiveness 24 22 the state of being p...
pupilability 37 26 an intentionally uni...
pupilarities 27 20 PUPILARITY, the stat...
puppeteering 27 25 PUPPETEER, to operat...
purblindness 26 23 the state of being p...
purgatorians 23 19 PURGATORIAN, a perso...
purification 28 23 the act or an instan...
purificative 31 26 serving to purify, a...
purificators 29 22 PURIFICATOR, a cloth...
purificatory 35 24 serving to purify, a...
puristically 36 23 PURISTICAL, of or pe...
puritanising 24 20 PURITANISE, to make...
puritanizing 27 29 PURITANIZE, to make...
purplehearts 28 22 PURPLEHEART, a kind...
purplenesses 25 21 PURPLENESS, the stat...
purposefully 36 27 PURPOSEFUL, showing...
purprestures 26 20 PURPRESTURE, encroac...
pussyfooters 31 21 PUSSYFOOTER, one who...
pussyfooting 32 24 the act of approachi...
pustulations 24 19 PUSTULATION, the sta...
putangitangi 24 22 (Maori) a New Zealan...
putrefacient 27 23 causing putrefaction...
putrefaction 27 23 rotting [n -S]
putrefactive 30 26 relating to putrefac...
putrescences 28 23 PUTRESCENCE, the sta...
putrescibles 30 23 PUTRESCIBLE, somethi...
putridnesses 23 18 PUTRIDNESS, the stat...
puzzleheaded 31 39 having or based on c...
pycnoconidia 33 26 PYCNOCONIDIUM, an as...
pyelographic 38 28 relating to pyelogra...
pyramidology 38 26 the study of the Egy...
pyranometers 28 21 PYRANOMETER, another...
pyrargyrites 37 21 PYRARGYRITE, a deep-...
pyretologies 30 20 PYRETOLOGY, medical...
pyrgeometers 30 22 PYRGEOMETER, an inst...
pyridoxamine 35 29 a crystalline amine...
pyrithiamine 32 23 an antivitamin causi...
pyritiferous 32 21 bearing pyrite [adj]
pyritohedral 32 21 of or like a pyritoh...
pyritohedron 30 21 a pentagonal dodecah...
pyrocatechin 36 26 another name for cat...
pyrocatechol 37 26 another name for cat...
pyrochemical 39 29 relating to chemical...
pyroclastics 37 24 PYROCLASTIC, a rock...
pyroelectric 36 24 of, concerned with,...
pyrogallates 31 21 PYROGALLATE, any sal...
pyrogenicity 39 25 the state of being p...
pyrognostics 33 23 the characteristics...
pyrographers 34 24 PYROGRAPHER, one who...
pyrographies 34 24 PYROGRAPHY, the trac...
pyrogravures 32 24 PYROGRAVURE, design...
pyroligneous 30 22 produced by the acti...
pyromagnetic 33 26 of or concerned with...
pyromaniacal 32 25 relating to pyromani...
pyrometrical 34 24 relating to pyrometr...
pyromorphite 34 25 a green, brown, or y...
pyrophoruses 33 23 PYROPHORUS, any subs...
pyrophyllite 42 26 a silvery-white to p...
pyrosulfites 33 22 PYROSULFITE, as in s...
pyrosulphate 34 24 a salt of sulphur [n...
pyrotartrate 28 17 a salt of tartaric a...
pyrotechnics 37 26 the art of making fi...
pyrotechnies 33 23 PYROTECHNY, the use...
pyrotechnist 34 23 a firework maker [n...
pyrrhuloxias 39 28 PYRRHULOXIA, a grey-...
pyrrolidines 30 20 PYRROLIDINE, a colou...
pythonomorph 35 28 a large marine repti...