10 letter words that start with P

10 letter words that start with P

10 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pacemakers 23 23 PACEMAKER, a person...
pacemaking 24 26 performing the funct...
pacesetter 21 16 one who sets the pac...
pachyderms 32 24 PACHYDERM, a thick-s...
pachymeter 31 23 an instrument for me...
pachytenes 29 21 PACHYTENE, the stage...
pacifiable 27 23 capable of being pac...
pacificate 27 22 to give peace to [v...
pacificism 30 25 opposition to war or...
pacificist 29 22 one who adheres to t...
pacifistic 29 22 relating to the beli...
packagings 25 25 PACKAGING, anything...
packboards 25 24 PACKBOARD, a canvas-...
packcloths 30 26 PACKCLOTH, a cloth i...
packframes 26 26 PACKFRAME, a light m...
packhorses 25 22 PACKHORSE, a horse u...
packnesses 22 21 PACKNESS, intimacy [...
packsaddle 24 23 a saddle designed to...
packsheets 25 22 PACKSHEET, a list of...
packstaffs 28 26 PACKSTAFF, a staff f...
packthread 25 23 a strong two- or thr...
paclitaxel 30 25 a drug used to treat...
pactioning 22 20 PACTION, to agree, m...
paddleball 24 21 a game like handball...
paddleboat 21 19 a paddle-steamer [n...
paddlefish 25 21 a member of the stur...
paddocking 24 25 PADDOCK, to confine...
paddymelon 26 22 (Native Australian)...
paddywacks 33 27 PADDYWACK, to spank...
paddywhack 35 29 a slap or smack, als...
pademelons 19 19 PADEMELON, (Native A...
padereroes 17 14 PADERERO, a type of...
padlocking 25 25 PADLOCK, to lock sec...
padronisms 20 18 PADRONISM, a system...
padymelons 26 21 PADYMELON, (Native A...
paedagogic 23 21 like a paedagogue, a...
paedagogue 19 19 one who teaches; by...
paederasts 18 14 PAEDERAST, one who h...
paederasty 24 16 anal intercourse bet...
paedeutics 22 18 PAEDEUTIC [n]
paediatric 22 17 relating to the care...
paedogenic 21 20 of an animal, reprod...
paedophile 23 20 one with a perverted...
paedotribe 20 17 in ancient Greece, a...
paganisers 19 16 PAGANISER, one who c...
paganising 20 19 PAGANISE, to make ir...
paganistic 23 19 relating to paganism...
paganizers 22 25 PAGANIZER, one who c...
paganizing 23 28 PAGANIZE, to make ir...
paginating 20 19 PAGINATE, to mark wi...
pagination 18 17 the action of paging...
paideutics 23 18 educational method o...
paillasses 21 15 PAILLASSE, (French)...
paillettes 21 15 PAILLETTE, (French)...
painfuller 23 20 PAINFUL, causing pai...
painkiller 22 20 something (as a drug...
painlessly 27 18 PAINLESS, without pa...
painstaker 19 18 one who takes pains...
paintballs 23 19 PAINTBALL, a type of...
paintboxes 26 24 PAINTBOX, a box cont...
paintbrush 24 20 a brush for applying...
paintiness 18 15 the state of being p...
paintworks 23 21 PAINTWORK, painted f...
pakirikiri 23 21 (Maori) the blue cod...
palaeogaea 17 16 the Old World as a b...
palaeolith 22 17 a Stone Age artefact...
palaeology 26 19 the study of prehist...
palaeosols 19 15 PALAEOSOL, an ancien...
palaeotype 26 19 a 19C phonetic adapt...
palaestrae 18 14 PALAESTRA, (historic...
palaestral 20 15 related to a palaest...
palaestras 19 14 PALAESTRA, (historic...
palaestric 23 17 relating to a palaes...
palafittes 22 17 PALAFITTE, a prehist...
palagonite 19 17 an altered vitreous...
palampores 22 20 PALAMPORE, a flowere...
palankeens 18 20 PALANKEEN, (Malay) a...
palanquins 27 26 PALANQUIN, (Malay) a...
palatalise 20 15 to make (a sound) pa...
palatalize 23 24 to make (a sound) pa...
palatially 28 18 PALATIAL, of or like...
palatinate 18 15 the province or seig...
palaverers 21 18 PALAVERER, one who p...
palavering 22 21 PALAVER, to talk pro...
paleaceous 21 18 chaffy; like or rese...
palempores 22 20 PALEMPORE, a flowere...
palenesses 18 15 PALENESS, the qualit...
paleoliths 23 17 PALEOLITH, a Stone A...
palfrenier 21 18 a groom [n -S]
palilalias 22 16 PALILALIA, a speech...
palimonies 20 18 PALIMONY, alimony pa...
palimpsest 24 20 writing material (as...
palindrome 20 19 a word or statement...
palinodies 19 16 PALINODY, a poem whi...
palinopias 21 18 PALINOPIA, a visual...
palinopsia 21 18 a visual disorder in...
palisading 21 18 PALISADE, to fortify...
palisadoed 19 16 PALISADO, to fortify...
palisadoes 19 15 PALISADO, to fortify...
palisander 19 16 (French) a jacaranda...
palladious 21 17 containing palladium...
palladiums 23 20 PALLADIUM, a metalli...
pallbearer 22 18 a person who helps t...
pallescent 23 19 turning pale [adj]
palletised 21 16 PALLETISE, to use pa...
palletiser 21 15 one who palletises,...
palletises 21 15 PALLETISE, to use pa...
palletized 24 25 PALLETIZE, to use pa...
palletizer 24 24 one who palletizes,...
palletizes 24 24 PALLETIZE, to use pa...
palliament 21 19 (Shakespeare) a Roma...
palliasses 21 15 PALLIASSE, (French)...
palliating 22 18 PALLIATE, to cloak o...
palliation 20 16 the act of palliatin...
palliative 23 19 serving to palliate...
palliators 21 15 PALLIATOR, one who p...
palliatory 27 17 palliative; extenuat...
pallidness 21 17 the state of being p...
palmaceous 23 21 of or pertaining to...
palmatifid 24 21 shaped like the hand...
palmations 20 18 PALMATION, all or pa...
palmcorder 24 21 a small camcorder wh...
palmerworm 25 23 (Biblical) any destr...
palmettoes 20 17 PALMETTO, any of var...
palmhouses 23 20 PALMHOUSE, a glassho...
palmipedes 23 21 PALMIPEDE, a webfoot...
palmisters 22 17 PALMISTER, a person...
palmitates 21 17 PALMITATE, a salt of...
paloverdes 21 19 PALOVERDE, (Spanish)...
palpations 21 18 PALPATION, the act o...
palpebrate 23 20 to wink or blink rep...
palpitated 22 18 PALPITATE, to throb,...
palpitates 22 17 PALPITATE, to throb,...
palsgraves 23 20 PALSGRAVE, (Dutch) a...
paltriness 20 15 the state of being p...
paludament 20 20 a Roman general's or...
paludinous 20 18 of marshes, also PAL...
palustrian 20 16 of marshes, inhabiti...
palustrine 20 16 of marshes, inhabiti...
palynology 33 22 the scientific study...
pamphleted 25 23 PAMPHLET, to circula...
pampooties 21 19 PAMPOOTIE, a rawhide...
panachaeas 21 19 PANACHAEA, (Spenser)...
panaritium 20 18 a whitlow [n -S]
panatellas 19 16 PANATELLA, (Spanish)...
panbroiled 21 19 PANBROIL, to fry in...
panchayats 29 21 PANCHAYAT, (Hindi) f...
pancosmism 24 23 the theory that the...
pancratian 20 18 pancratic; athletic...
pancratist 22 17 an athlete; a gymnas...
pancratium 23 21 an athletic contest...
pancreases 20 17 PANCREAS, a large gl...
pancreatic 24 20 of or pertaining to...
pancreatin 20 18 the pancreatic juice...
pandanuses 17 17 PANDANUS, (Malay) a...
pandations 17 16 PANDATION, (archaic)...
pandectist 22 18 one who writes a pan...
pandemonic 21 22 pertaining to pandem...
panderisms 20 18 PANDERISM, the emplo...
pandermite 19 18 a hydrogen calcium b...
pandowdies 21 19 PANDOWDY, a deep pie...
pandurated 18 17 fiddle-shaped, e.g....
panegoisms 20 19 PANEGOISM, solipsism...
panegyrica 28 21 PANEGYRICON, a colle...
panegyrics 29 21 PANEGYRIC, an eulogi...
panegyries 25 18 PANEGYRY, a great as...
panegyrise 25 18 to deliver a panegyr...
panegyrist 26 18 one who delivers a p...
panegyrize 28 27 to deliver a panegyr...
panellings 21 19 PANELLING, material...
panellised 20 17 made in sections for...
panellists 21 16 PANELLIST, one who s...
panellized 23 26 made in sections for...
panetellas 19 16 PANETELLA, (Spanish)...
panettones 16 15 PANETTONE, (Italian)...
panfishing 24 22 PANFISH, to fish for...
pangeneses 17 17 PANGENESIS, darwin's...
pangenesis 18 17 darwin's theory that...
pangenetic 21 20 of or pertaining to...
panhandled 20 20 PANHANDLE, to beg fr...
panhandler 20 19 (US) someone who beg...
panhandles 20 19 PANHANDLE, a strip o...
panickiest 23 21 PANICKY, tending to...
paniculate 22 19 having or arranged i...
panjandrum 21 29 a powerful personage...
panlogisms 22 20 PANLOGISM, the theor...
panmixises 26 24 PANMIXIS, random mat...
panniculus 23 21 a thin, sheetlike ga...
pannikells 21 21 PANNIKELL, (Spenser)...
panophobia 23 22 the morbid fear of e...
panoptical 24 21 all-embracing; viewi...
panopticon 22 21 a prison in which al...
pansexuals 25 23 PANSEXUAL, an adhere...
pansophies 22 19 PANSOPHY, universal...
pansophism 24 22 the claim to know ev...
pansophist 23 19 one who claims to kn...
panspermia 21 20 (Greek) the theory t...
panspermic 25 23 of or pertaining to...
pantagraph 23 21 a jointed framework...
pantaleons 17 16 PANTALEON, a kind of...
pantalones 17 16 PANTALONE, (French)...
pantaloons 17 16 PANTALOON, (Shakespe...
pantheisms 22 19 PANTHEISM, the belie...
pantheists 21 16 PANTHEIST, one who h...
panthenols 20 18 PANTHENOL, a vitamin...
pantheress 20 16 a female panther [n...
pantherine 19 17 like a panther, esp....
pantherish 23 18 like a panther [adj]
pantihoses 20 16 PANTIHOSE, tights wo...
pantilings 21 18 PANTILING, pantiles...
pantoffles 23 21 PANTOFFLE, a slipper...
pantograph 23 21 a jointed framework...
pantomimed 20 21 PANTOMIME, to portra...
pantomimes 20 20 PANTOMIME, to portra...
pantomimic 24 23 like a pantomime, al...
pantophagy 29 23 omnivorousness [n PA...
pantoscope 22 20 a panoramic camera [...
pantoufles 21 19 PANTOUFLE, a slipper...
pantrymaid 26 20 a maid in charge of...
pantsuited 19 16 wearing a pantsuit [...
pantyhoses 26 18 PANTYHOSE, tights wo...
pantywaist 28 19 an effeminate or cow...
panzerotto 20 23 a baked turnover wit...
panzootics 24 26 PANZOOTIC, a panzoot...
papalising 23 20 PAPALISE, to render...
papalizing 26 29 PAPALIZE, to render...
papaverine 21 21 an alkaloid derived...
papaverous 22 21 of or relating to po...
paperbacks 27 26 PAPERBACK, to bring...
paperbarks 24 23 PAPERBARK, an Austra...
paperboard 22 20 a type of strong thi...
paperbound 22 22 a book bound in pape...
paperclips 28 23 PAPERCLIP, a bent wi...
papergirls 24 19 PAPERGIRL, a female...
paperiness 20 17 the state of being p...
paperknife 23 24 a knife for cutting...
papermaker 22 23 one that makes paper...
paperwares 23 19 PAPERWARE, articles...
paperworks 25 23 PAPERWORK, clerical...
papeteries 20 16 PAPETERIE, (French)...
papillated 23 19 having papillae, nip...
papillitis 25 18 inflammation of the...
papillomas 24 21 PAPILLOMA, a tumour...
papillotes 23 18 PAPILLOTE, (French)...
papillules 25 20 PAPILLULE, a small p...
papistical 26 20 relating to popery,...
papistries 22 16 PAPISTRY, roman Cath...
papulation 21 19 the development of p...
papyrology 35 23 the study of paper [...
parabemata 20 19 PARABEMA, (Greek) in...
parabioses 20 16 PARABIOSIS, the fusi...
parabiosis 21 16 the fusion of two or...
parabiotic 24 19 relating to parabios...
parablasts 22 17 PARABLAST, the yolk...
parablepsy 30 22 false vision; oversi...
parabolise 21 17 to set forth by para...
parabolist 22 17 a teller of parables...
parabolize 24 26 to set forth by para...
paraboloid 21 18 a surface or solid g...
parabrakes 21 20 PARABRAKE, a parachu...
paracasein 20 17 another name for cas...
parachuted 24 20 PARACHUTE, to descen...
parachutes 24 19 PARACHUTE, to descen...
parachutic 28 22 relating to a parach...
paracletes 22 17 PARACLETE, (Greek) a...
paradiddle 20 17 a kind of drum roll...
paradisaic 22 17 of or like paradise,...
paradisean 17 15 of or like paradise,...
paradisiac 22 17 of or like paradise,...
paradisial 20 15 of or like paradise,...
paradisian 18 15 of or like paradise,...
paradoctor 21 17 a doctor who parachu...
paradoxers 24 21 PARADOXER, one who e...
paradoxies 24 21 PARADOXY, the qualit...
paradoxist 25 21 one who proposes a p...
paradoxure 24 22 a civetlike animal o...
paraeneses 16 14 PARAENESIS, an exhor...
paraenesis 17 14 an exhortation, also...
paraenetic 20 17 exhortatory, also PA...
paraffined 22 21 PARAFFIN, to treat w...
paraffines 22 20 PARAFFINE, any satur...
paraffinic 26 23 of or like paraffin,...
paraglided 21 18 PARAGLIDE, to glide...
paraglider 21 17 a glider with inflat...
paraglides 21 17 PARAGLIDE, to glide...
paraglossa 20 16 one of a pair of sma...
paragnoses 18 16 PARAGNOSIS, knowledg...
paragnosis 19 16 knowledge of matters...
paragogues 20 18 PARAGOGUE, the addit...
paragoning 19 19 PARAGON, (archaic) t...
paragonite 18 16 a kind of mica relat...
paragraphs 24 20 PARAGRAPH, to split...
parakeelya 25 20 (Native Australian)...
parakelias 20 18 PARAKELIA, (Native A...
parakiting 21 20 the sport of soaring...
paralalias 20 15 PARALALIA, abnormali...
paralegals 21 17 PARALEGAL, a person...
paralexias 25 21 PARALEXIA, transposi...
paralipses 22 17 PARALIPSIS, a rhetor...
paralipsis 23 17 a rhetorical figure...
parallaxes 26 22 PARALLAX, an apparen...
paralleled 21 17 PARALLEL, to be exte...
parallelly 29 19 PARALLEL, of lines e...
paralogias 20 16 PARALOGIA, the impai...
paralogies 20 16 PARALOGY, false reas...
paralogise 20 16 to reason falsely, a...
paralogism 22 19 false reasoning, als...
paralogist 21 16 a practitioner of pa...
paralogize 23 25 to reason falsely, a...
paralogues 20 17 PARALOGUE, either of...
paralympic 33 25 relating to the para...
paralysers 26 16 PARALYSER, a paralys...
paralysing 27 19 PARALYSE, to render...
paralytics 30 19 PARALYTIC, one suffe...
paralyzers 29 25 PARALYZER, a paralys...
paralyzing 30 28 PARALYZE, to render...
paramaecia 21 19 PARAMAECIUM, a micro...
paramagnet 19 19 an ordinary magnet a...
paramattas 19 16 PARAMATTA, (Malay) a...
paramecium 24 23 a genus of tiny anim...
paramedico 22 20 a paradoctor, a doct...
paramedics 23 20 PARAMEDIC, a paramed...
parameters 19 16 PARAMETER, a boundar...
parametral 20 17 relating to paramete...
parametric 23 19 relating to paramete...
paramnesia 18 17 abnormality of memor...
paramoecia 21 19 PARAMOECIUM, any fre...
paramorphs 24 21 PARAMORPH, a pseudom...
paramouncy 28 23 the state of being p...
paramounts 19 18 PARAMOUNT, an overlo...
paramylums 29 23 PARAMYLUM, a substan...
paranoeics 20 17 PARANOEIC, someone s...
paranoiacs 20 17 PARANOIAC, someone s...
paranoidal 18 16 suffering from paran...
paranormal 19 18 not scientifically e...
paranymphs 30 24 PARANYMPH, (historic...
parapentes 19 17 PARAPENTE, the sport...
paraphasia 22 18 a disorder in which...
paraphasic 26 21 of or like paraphasi...
paraphilia 24 19 abnormal sexual prac...
paraphonia 21 19 alteration of the vo...
paraphonic 25 22 relating to paraphon...
paraphrase 22 18 to restate in differ...
paraphrast 23 18 a paraphraser [n -S]
paraphyses 29 20 PARAPHYSIS, a steril...
paraphysis 30 20 a sterile filament o...
parapineal 20 18 beside the pineal gl...
paraplegia 22 19 paralysis of lower h...
paraplegic 26 22 paralysed in the low...
parapodial 21 18 relating to a parapo...
parapodium 22 21 a jointless muscular...
parapraxes 26 23 PARAPRAXIS, a slip o...
parapraxis 27 23 a slip of the tongue...
paraquitos 27 23 PARAQUITO, a small l...
pararhymes 28 20 PARARHYME, a form of...
pararthria 21 15 disordered articulat...
parasailed 19 15 PARASAIL, to soar wh...
parascenia 20 17 PARASCENIUM, in the...
parasceves 23 20 PARASCEVE, among the...
paraselene 17 15 a mock moon; bright...
parasexual 25 22 relating to reproduc...
parashioth 23 17 PARASHAH, (Hebrew) a...
parasitise 19 13 to infest or live on...
parasitism 21 16 the behavior of a pa...
parasitize 22 22 to infest or live on...
parasitoid 19 14 an insect parasitic...
paraskiing 21 20 the sport of jumping...
parasomnia 18 17 any of several sleep...
parastatal 19 14 indirectly controlle...
parastichy 31 20 a secondary helix jo...
paratactic 25 19 of pertaining to, or...
paratheses 20 15 PARATHESIS, appositi...
parathesis 21 15 apposition; the comp...
parathions 20 16 PARATHION, an extrem...
paratroops 20 16 troops carried by ai...
parawalker 23 21 a metal structure li...
parboiling 23 20 PARBOIL, to cook par...
parbreaked 21 21 PARBREAK, (archaic)...
parbuckled 27 26 PARBUCKLE, to raise...
parbuckles 27 25 PARBUCKLE, to raise...
parcelling 25 21 PARCEL, to divide in...
parcelwise 26 20 by parcels, piecemea...
parcheesis 24 18 PARCHEESI, (Hindi) a...
parchments 25 22 PARCHMENT, the skin...
parchmenty 31 24 like parchment [adj]
pardalises 20 15 PARDALIS, a leopard,...
pardalotes 19 15 PARDALOTE, a small A...
pardonable 20 19 that can be pardoned...
pardonably 27 21 PARDONABLE, that can...
pardonings 19 18 PARDONING, the act o...
pardonless 19 16 without a pardon [ad...
paregorics 23 18 PAREGORIC, a medicin...
pareidolia 19 15 a psychological phen...
parenchyma 30 24 the ordinary soft th...
parentages 18 16 PARENTAGE, descent f...
parentally 26 18 PARENTAL, pertaining...
parenteral 18 15 entering the body by...
parenthood 19 17 the state of being a...
parentings 19 17 PARENTING [n]
parentless 19 15 without parents [adj...
parfleches 27 22 PARFLECHE, (French)...
parfleshes 24 19 PARFLESH, a rawhide...
pargasites 20 15 PARGASITE, a dark gr...
pargetings 21 18 PARGETING, ornamenta...
pargetters 20 15 PARGETTER, one who p...
pargetting 21 18 ornamental plasterwo...
pargylines 27 19 PARGYLINE, a monoami...
parhypates 29 20 PARHYPATE, (Greek) i...
parischane 23 19 (Scots) a parish, al...
parischans 24 19 PARISCHAN, (Scots) a...
parkleaves 22 22 a European species o...
parlements 20 18 PARLEMENT, parliamen...
parleyvoos 27 20 PARLEYVOO, (slang) t...
parliament 20 18 a formal conference...
parmacitie 23 19 (Shakespeare) sperma...
parmigiana 20 19 (Italian) made or co...
parmigiano 20 19 (Italian) made or co...
parochines 23 19 PAROCHINE, (Scots) a...
parodistic 23 17 relating to parody [...
paroecious 21 17 of certain mosses, h...
paroecisms 23 19 PAROECISM, the state...
paroemiacs 22 19 PAROEMIAC, the anapa...
paronomasy 24 19 (obsolete) paronomas...
paronychia 29 21 a whitlow, or felon...
paronymies 25 19 PARONYMY, a relation...
paronymous 25 20 having the nature of...
paroxetine 23 21 a kind of antidepres...
paroxysmal 33 26 of the nature of a p...
paroxysmic 36 28 relating to paroxysm...
paroxytone 29 23 a word having an acu...
parqueting 28 26 PARQUET, to cover a...
parquetted 27 24 PARQUET, to cover a...
parrakeets 19 17 PARRAKEET, a small l...
parramatta 19 16 (Malay) a cotton or...
parrhesias 21 15 PARRHESIA, freedom o...
parricidal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
parricides 23 17 PARRICIDE, the killi...
parritches 25 18 PARRITCH, a soft mea...
parrocking 24 23 PARROCK, to confine...
parroquets 27 23 PARROQUET, a small l...
parrotfish 24 18 a brightly coloured...
parrotries 19 13 PARROTRY, unintellig...
parsonages 18 16 PARSONAGE, the home...
parsonical 22 18 of or pertaining to...
partakings 21 20 PARTAKING, the act o...
partialise 20 14 (Shakespeare) to bia...
partialism 22 17 partiality; specific...
partialist 21 14 someone who is biase...
partiality 27 16 the state of being p...
partialize 23 23 (Shakespeare) to bia...
partialled 21 16 PARTIAL, as in parti...
participle 26 20 a word having the ch...
particular 24 18 especial [adj PARTIC...
partisanly 26 17 PARTISAN, biased [ad...
partitions 19 14 PARTITION, to divide...
partitives 22 17 PARTITIVE, a word in...
partituras 20 14 PARTITURA, (Italian)...
partnering 19 17 PARTNER, to join wit...
partridges 21 16 PARTRIDGE, any membe...
parturient 19 15 about to bring forth...
partygoers 26 17 PARTYGOER, one who a...
parvolines 21 19 PARVOLINE, a liquid...
parvovirus 24 22 a DNA-containing ani...
pasigraphy 31 22 a system of universa...
pasodobles 21 18 PASODOBLE, (Spanish)...
pasquilant 28 25 a lampooner [n -S]
pasquilers 29 24 PASQUILER, a writer...
pasquilled 30 26 PASQUIL, to satirise...
pasquinade 26 25 (French) a lampoon p...
passageway 28 20 a way that allows pa...
passalongs 20 17 PASSALONG, an easily...
passaments 19 17 PASSAMENT, (French)...
passamezzo 25 34 an old dance, a pava...
passements 19 17 PASSEMENT, (French)...
passengers 19 16 PASSENGER, someone w...
passepieds 21 17 PASSEPIED, (French)...
passerines 18 14 PASSERINE, a perchin...
passiflora 22 17 a genus of plants, i...
passimeter 20 16 a machine for issuin...
passionals 19 15 PASSIONAL, a book co...
passionary 24 16 a book in which are...
passionate 17 14 full of passion [adj...
passioning 19 17 PASSION, to exhibit...
passivated 21 18 PASSIVATE, to coat m...
passivates 21 17 PASSIVATE, to coat m...
passivisms 24 20 PASSIVISM, the doctr...
passivists 23 17 PASSIVIST, one who b...
passmented 19 18 PASSMENT, to trim wi...
pasteboard 20 17 a stiff thick kind o...
pastedowns 21 18 PASTEDOWN, the outer...
pastelists 21 14 PASTELIST, an artist...
pastellist 22 15 an artist who works...
pasteurise 19 14 to treat milk so as...
pasteurism 21 17 a method of treatmen...
pasteurize 22 23 to treat milk so as...
pasticcios 26 19 PASTICCIO, (Italian)...
pasticheur 25 19 (French) one who doe...
pastitsios 20 13 PASTITSIO, (Modern G...
pastnesses 18 14 PASTNESS, the state...
pastorales 19 14 PASTORALE, (Italian)...
pastorally 27 17 PASTORAL, of literat...
pastorates 18 13 PASTORATE, the offic...
pastoriums 21 17 PASTORIUM, the resid...
pastorship 24 18 the office of pastor...
pastrycook 29 22 a maker or seller of...
pasturable 22 18 fit for pasture [adj...
pasturages 20 16 PASTURAGE, the busin...
patchboard 26 22 a panel with multipl...
patchcocke 31 28 (Spenser) perhaps a...
patcheries 24 18 PATCHERY, (Shakespea...
patchiness 24 19 the state of being p...
patchockes 28 25 PATCHOCKE, (Spenser)...
patchoulis 26 20 PATCHOULI, (Tamil) a...
patchworks 29 25 PATCHWORK [n]
patentable 20 18 suitable to be paten...
patercoves 23 20 PATERCOVE, (slang) a...
patereroes 17 13 PATERERO, a type of...
paternally 26 18 PATERNAL, pertaining...
pathetical 25 19 arousing pity, also...
pathfinder 23 20 one that discovers a...
pathogenes 20 18 PATHOGENE, a disease...
pathogenic 24 21 producing disease, a...
pathognomy 28 23 the science of the s...
pathologic 26 21 relating to patholog...
patibulary 29 20 of or pertaining to...
patientest 18 14 PATIENT, calm and un...
patienting 19 17 PATIENT, (Shakespear...
patinating 19 17 PATINATE, to give a...
patination 17 15 the formation of a f...
patinising 20 17 PATINISE, to give a...
patinizing 23 26 PATINIZE, to give a...
patisserie 19 13 (French) a shop whic...
patissiers 20 13 PATISSIER, (French)...
patrialise 20 14 to make patrial, one...
patrialism 22 17 the state of being a...
patriality 27 16 the condition of bei...
patrialize 23 23 to make patrial, one...
patriarchs 25 18 PATRIARCH, a man who...
patriarchy 31 20 the jurisdiction of...
patriating 20 16 PATRIATE, to transfe...
patriation 18 14 the transference of...
patricians 22 17 PATRICIAN, a member...
patriciate 22 16 the patrician class;...
patricidal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
patricides 23 17 PATRICIDE, the killi...
patrifocal 25 20 centred on the fathe...
patrilocal 24 18 designating a form o...
patriotism 21 16 love for or devotion...
patristics 24 16 the study of the Chu...
patrocliny 29 20 the inheritance of t...
patrollers 21 15 PATROLLER, one who p...
patrolling 22 18 PATROL, to guard by...
patronaged 18 17 PATRONAGE, (Shakespe...
patronages 18 16 PATRONAGE, (Shakespe...
patronised 18 15 PATRONISE, to assume...
patroniser 18 14 one who patronises,...
patronises 18 14 PATRONISE, to assume...
patronized 21 24 PATRONIZE, to assume...
patronizer 21 23 one who patronizes,...
patronizes 21 23 PATRONIZE, to assume...
patronless 19 15 destitute of a patro...
patronymic 29 22 derived from the nam...
patterning 19 17 the act of patternin...
pattresses 19 13 PATTRESS, a containe...
patulously 28 19 PATULOUS, spreading,...
paughtiest 23 18 PAUGHTY, (Scots) hau...
paulownias 22 19 PAULOWNIA, any tree...
paunchiest 24 20 PAUNCHY, having a pr...
pauperdoms 22 21 PAUPERDOM, the state...
pauperised 21 18 PAUPERISE, to reduce...
pauperises 21 17 PAUPERISE, to reduce...
pauperisms 23 20 PAUPERISM, the state...
pauperized 24 27 PAUPERIZE, to reduce...
pauperizes 24 26 PAUPERIZE, to reduce...
paupiettes 21 17 PAUPIETTE, (French)...
pausefully 30 22 PAUSEFUL, full of pa...
pavemented 20 22 PAVEMENT, to provide...
pavilioned 21 20 PAVILION, to cover w...
pavonazzos 25 36 PAVONAZZO, (Italian)...
pawnbroker 24 24 one who lends money...
pawnticket 26 24 a ticket issued by a...
paycheques 38 30 PAYCHEQUE, a payment...
paymasters 26 18 PAYMASTER, the offic...
paynimries 26 19 PAYNIMRY, heathendom...
paysagists 27 17 PAYSAGIST, a painter...
peaberries 20 16 PEABERRY, a type of...
peacefully 32 24 PEACEFUL, undisturbe...
peacemaker 22 23 one who makes peace...
peacetimes 22 19 PEACETIME, a period...
peachblows 30 25 PEACHBLOW, a delicat...
peacherino 22 19 (US slang) a girl [n...
peachiness 23 19 the state of being p...
peacockery 31 25 vain ostentation [n...
peacockier 25 23 PEACOCKY, vain, stru...
peacocking 26 26 PEACOCK, to strut va...
peacockish 28 25 like a peacock [adj]
peakedness 18 19 the state of being p...
pearlashes 21 16 PEARLASH, an alkalin...
pearliness 19 15 the state of being p...
pearlworts 23 17 PEARLWORT, a name gi...
pearmonger 19 19 a seller of pears [n...
peashooter 19 15 a toy blowgun that u...
peasoupers 20 17 PEASOUPER, a thick f...
pebbledash 26 23 to treat with pebble...
peccadillo 27 22 (Spanish) a slight o...
peccancies 27 23 PECCANCY, sinfulness...
peckerwood 25 24 a southern term for...
pectinated 21 18 toothed like a comb,...
pectisable 25 20 that can be pectised...
pectizable 28 29 that can be pectized...
pectolites 23 17 PECTOLITE, a hydrous...
pectorally 30 20 PECTORAL, related to...
peculating 24 21 PECULATE, to embezzl...
peculation 22 19 embezzlement [n -S]
peculators 23 18 PECULATOR, one who p...
peculiarly 31 21 PECULIAR, strange [a...
pedagogics 24 21 the science and prin...
pedagogies 20 18 PEDAGOGY, the work o...
pedagogism 22 21 the spirit or system...
pedagogued 20 20 PEDAGOGUE, to teach...
pedagogues 20 19 PEDAGOGUE, one who t...
pedalboats 21 18 PEDALBOAT, a boat th...
pedallings 22 19 PEDALLING, the act o...
pedantical 22 19 in the manner of a p...
pedantised 18 16 PEDANTISE, to play t...
pedantises 18 15 PEDANTISE, to play t...
pedantisms 20 18 PEDANTISM, pedantry,...
pedantized 21 25 PEDANTIZE, to play t...
pedantizes 21 24 PEDANTIZE, to play t...
pedantries 18 15 PEDANTRY, ostentatio...
peddleries 20 16 PEDDLERY, the trade...
pederastic 22 17 of or pertaining to...
pedereroes 17 14 PEDERERO, a type of...
pedestaled 19 16 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pedestrian 18 15 a person going on fo...
pediatrics 23 17 the care of children...
pediatrist 20 14 a specialist in chil...
pediculate 23 19 stalked, also PEDICU...
pediculous 24 20 infested with lice,...
pedicuring 24 21 PEDICURE, to apply f...
pedicurist 24 18 one who cares for th...
pedimental 20 19 of or pertaining to...
pedimented 19 19 having a pediment [a...
pedipalpus 25 22 one of the second pa...
pedologies 20 17 PEDOLOGY, the study...
pedologist 21 17 one who studies the...
pedometers 19 17 PEDOMETER, an instru...
pedophiles 24 20 PEDOPHILE, one with...
pedophilia 24 20 sexual desire for ch...
pedophilic 28 23 a pedophile, also PA...
peduncular 23 21 of or pertaining to...
peelgarlic 25 20 a bald person; a per...
peerlessly 27 17 PEERLESS, having no...
pegmatites 21 18 PEGMATITE, a coarsel...
pegmatitic 25 21 having the texture o...
pejorating 21 25 PEJORATE, to make wo...
pejoration 19 23 the degeneration of...
pejorative 22 26 implying or imputing...
pelargonic 23 20 as in pelargonic aci...
pelecypods 31 23 PELECYPOD, a pelecyp...
pellagrins 22 18 PELLAGRIN, one who i...
pellagrous 22 18 like or afflicted wi...
pelletised 21 16 PELLETISE, to make i...
pelletiser 21 15 a device for making...
pelletises 21 15 PELLETISE, to make i...
pelletized 24 25 PELLETIZE, to make i...
pelletizer 24 24 a device for making...
pelletizes 24 24 PELLETIZE, to make i...
pellicular 26 20 of or pertaining to...
pellucidly 33 23 PELLUCID, transparen...
pelmanisms 22 21 PELMANISM, a card ga...
pelologies 21 17 PELOLOGY, study of m...
peltations 19 15 PELTATION, the state...
peltmonger 21 20 a dealer in skins [n...
pelvimeter 23 21 an instrument for me...
pelvimetry 30 23 measurement of the p...
pelycosaur 29 20 a kind of dinosaur [...
pemphigoid 26 24 relating to pemphigu...
pemphigous 26 24 relating to pemphigu...
penalising 20 18 PENALISE, to subject...
penalities 19 15 PENALITY, liability...
penalizing 23 27 PENALIZE, to subject...
penannular 17 18 in the form of an al...
pencilings 24 21 PENCILING, the art o...
pencillers 24 19 PENCILLER, one who p...
pencilling 25 22 the art or act of pa...
pendencies 20 19 PENDENCY, a pending...
pendentive 19 20 one of four spherica...
pendiclers 23 19 PENDICLER, the tenan...
pendragons 18 18 PENDRAGON, (Welsh) a...
pendulated 19 18 PENDULATE, to swing...
pendulates 19 17 PENDULATE, to swing...
penelopise 20 18 to undo what you hav...
penelopize 23 27 to undo what you hav...
peneplains 20 19 PENEPLAIN, a low gen...
peneplanes 19 19 PENEPLANE, a low gen...
penetrable 20 18 that can be penetrat...
penetrably 27 20 PENETRABLE, that can...
penetralia 18 15 the innermost or mos...
penetrance 19 18 the degree or freque...
penetrancy 26 20 the state of being p...
penetrants 17 15 PENETRANT, a substan...
penetrated 17 15 PENETRATE, to thrust...
penetrates 17 14 PENETRATE, to thrust...
penetrator 17 14 something or someone...
penguinery 25 20 a breeding place, or...
penholders 21 18 PENHOLDER, a holder...
penicillia 24 19 PENICILLIUM, any of...
penicillin 24 20 any of a group of su...
penicillus 25 20 a small pad for woun...
peninsular 19 17 relating to a penins...
peninsulas 19 17 PENINSULA, a strip o...
penistones 17 15 PENISTONE, a cloth,...
penitences 20 18 PENITENCE, the state...
penitently 25 18 PENITENT, repentant...
penmanship 23 23 the art or practice...
pennaceous 19 19 featherlike [adj]
pennalisms 20 19 PENNALISM, a system...
pennatulae 17 17 PENNATULA, a sea-pen...
pennatulas 18 17 PENNATULA, a sea-pen...
pennillion 19 18 PENNILL, (Welsh) a v...
penninites 17 16 PENNINITE, a mineral...
pennoncels 20 20 PENNONCEL, a small f...
pennycress 27 20 a cruciferous plant...
pennylands 24 20 PENNYLAND, (historic...
pennyroyal 30 20 an aromatic herb of...
pennyworth 29 22 a penny's worth [n -...
pennyworts 27 20 PENNYWORT, a perenni...
penologies 19 17 PENOLOGY, the scienc...
penologist 20 17 one versed in, or a...
penoncelle 21 20 (French) a small fla...
penpushers 23 20 PENPUSHER, a person...
penpushing 24 23 boring paperwork inv...
penserosos 17 14 PENSEROSO, a pensive...
pensieroso 17 14 (Italian) melancholy...
pensionary 23 17 receiving a pension...
pensioneer 16 15 as in pensioneer tru...
pensioners 17 15 PENSIONER, one recei...
pensioning 18 18 PENSION, to grant a...
pensionnat 16 16 (French) a boarding-...
penstemons 18 18 PENSTEMON, a genus o...
pentachord 23 20 an ancient musical i...
pentagonal 18 18 having five corners...
pentagrams 20 19 PENTAGRAM, a five-po...
pentagraph 23 21 an erroneous form of...
pentahedra 19 17 PENTAHEDRON, a five-...
pentalphas 23 20 PENTALPHA, a five-po...
pentameter 18 17 a line of verse cons...
pentangles 19 18 PENTANGLE, a five-po...
pentaploid 21 19 a cell, organism, or...
pentapodic 23 21 relating to pentapod...
pentapolis 21 18 an alliance of five...
pentaprism 22 20 a five-sided prism u...
pentaquark 27 28 a hypothetical subat...
pentastich 24 19 a composition consis...
pentastyle 25 17 a building or portic...
pentathlon 20 18 an athletic contest...
pentathlum 23 21 a pentathlon [n PENT...
pentatomic 22 20 having five atoms in...
pentatonic 20 18 consisting of five t...
penteteric 21 17 occurring every four...
penthoused 20 18 PENTHOUSE, to cover...
penthouses 20 17 PENTHOUSE, to cover...
pentimenti 19 18 PENTIMENTO, (Italian...
pentimento 18 18 (Italian) a painting...
pentosanes 16 15 PENTOSANE, a complex...
pentosides 18 15 PENTOSIDE, a compoun...
pentoxides 24 22 PENTOXIDE, an oxide...
pentstemon 18 18 a genus of showy flo...
pentylenes 24 18 PENTYLENE, an unsatu...
penultimas 21 19 PENULTIMA, (Latin) t...
penumbrous 22 22 relating to penumbra...
peoplehood 22 20 the state of constit...
peopleless 22 18 destitute of people...
peperomias 21 19 PEPEROMIA, a genus o...
peppercorn 25 23 the dried berry of t...
pepperidge 24 22 a North American tre...
pepperiest 23 19 PEPPERY, resembling...
pepperings 24 22 PEPPERING, a seasoni...
peppermill 27 24 a small handmill in...
peppermint 24 23 a pungent and aromat...
pepperonis 22 20 PEPPERONI, (Italian)...
peppertree 22 19 an evergreen tree na...
pepperwort 26 22 a wild plant, aka pe...
pepsinated 20 18 PEPSINATE, to treat...
pepsinates 20 17 PEPSINATE, to treat...
pepsinogen 20 20 a substance in the m...
peptalking 24 24 PEPTALK, to inspire...
peptidases 21 17 PEPTIDASE, an enzyme...
peptisable 24 20 that can be peptised...
peptizable 27 29 that can be peptized...
peptonised 20 18 PEPTONISE, to make (...
peptoniser 20 17 an agent that pepton...
peptonises 20 17 PEPTONISE, to make (...
peptonized 23 27 PEPTONIZE, to make (...
peptonizer 23 26 an agent that pepton...
peptonizes 23 26 PEPTONIZE, to make (...
peracidity 29 19 the state of being p...
peraeopods 19 17 PERAEOPOD, each of t...
perborates 20 16 PERBORATE, a salt th...
percalines 22 18 PERCALINE, (French)...
perceivers 24 20 PERCEIVER, one who p...
perceiving 25 23 the act of perceivin...
percentage 21 19 a part of a whole ex...
percentile 22 18 the value below whic...
perception 23 20 a result of perceivi...
perceptive 26 23 responsive to sensor...
perceptual 25 21 of, relating to, or...
percheries 24 18 PERCHERY, a barn whe...
percherons 23 19 PERCHERON, (French)...
perchloric 29 22 containing more oxyg...
perciforms 26 22 PERCIFORM, a perch-l...
percipient 24 20 perceiving; percepti...
percocting 26 22 PERCOCT, to cook tho...
percoidean 20 18 like a perch, also P...
percolable 25 21 that can be percolat...
percolated 22 18 PERCOLATE, to pass t...
percolates 22 17 PERCOLATE, to pass t...
percolator 22 17 one that percolates...
percurrent 22 18 extending the whole...
percursory 29 19 cursory [adj]
percussant 22 18 bent round and strik...
percussing 24 20 PERCUSS, to strike w...
percussion 22 18 the act of striking;...
percussive 25 21 of or relating to pe...
percussors 23 17 PERCUSSOR, a percuss...
percutient 22 18 something that strik...
perdendosi 18 16 (Italian) slowing an...
perditions 19 15 PERDITION, everlasti...
perdurable 22 19 extremely durable, p...
perdurably 29 21 PERDURABLE, extremel...
perdurance 21 19 lastingness, enduran...
peregrines 19 16 PEREGRINE, a swift f...
pereiopods 20 17 PEREIOPOD, each of t...
peremptory 28 21 putting an end to or...
perennated 16 16 PERENNATE, to last o...
perennates 16 15 PERENNATE, to last o...
perennials 18 16 PERENNIAL, a plant t...
perfecters 24 19 PERFECTER, a person...
perfectest 24 19 PERFECT, lacking in...
perfecting 25 22 PERFECT, to make fau...
perfection 23 20 freedom from fault o...
perfective 26 23 tending to make perf...
perfectors 24 19 PERFECTOR, a machine...
perfervors 23 20 PERFERVOR, a state o...
perfervour 23 21 great fervour, ardou...
perficient 24 20 someone who or somet...
perfidious 22 18 characterized by fai...
perfoliate 21 17 of a leaf or bract,...
perforable 23 20 that can be perforat...
perforated 20 17 PERFORATE, to bore t...
perforates 20 16 PERFORATE, to bore t...
perforator 20 16 a machine for perfor...
perforatus 21 17 the short flexor of...
performers 22 19 PERFORMER, one who p...
performing 23 22 the act of doing som...
perfumiers 23 20 PERFUMIER, one who p...
perfusates 21 17 PERFUSATE, that whic...
perfusions 21 18 PERFUSION, the act o...
pergunnahs 21 20 PERGUNNAH, (Hindi) a...
periastron 18 14 that point, in the r...
periblasts 23 17 PERIBLAST, in merobl...
pericardia 22 17 PERICARDIUM, a membr...
pericarpic 28 22 relating to the peri...
pericenter 21 17 the point in the pat...
pericentre 21 17 the point in the pat...
periclases 23 17 PERICLASE, a natural...
periclinal 24 19 sloping downwards in...
periclines 23 18 PERICLINE, a variety...
pericrania 21 17 PERICRANIUM, a membr...
periculous 24 19 (obsolete) dangerous...
pericycles 33 22 PERICYCLE, the outer...
pericyclic 37 25 relating to the peri...
peridermal 21 18 relating to the peri...
peridermic 24 20 relating to the peri...
peridesmia 20 17 PERIDESMIUM, the are...
peridinian 18 16 a dinoflagellate, a...
peridinium 21 19 a dinoflagellate, a...
peridotite 19 14 an ultramafic igneou...
peridromes 20 17 PERIDROME, a gallery...
periegeses 19 15 PERIEGESIS, a descri...
periegesis 20 15 a description in the...
perigonial 20 17 of or like a perigon...
perigonium 21 20 any organ inclosing...
perigynies 26 18 PERIGYNY, a receptac...
perigynous 26 19 of a flower, having...
perihelial 23 17 relating to the peri...
perihelion 21 17 the point of the orb...
perikaryal 27 20 relating to the peri...
perikaryon 25 20 the cell body of a n...
perilously 28 18 PERILOUS, dangerous,...
perilymphs 33 24 PERILYMPH, the fluid...
perimeters 20 16 PERIMETER, the circu...
perimetral 21 17 relating to a perime...
perimetric 24 19 relating to a perime...
perimorphs 25 21 PERIMORPH, a crystal...
perimysium 29 22 the connective tissu...
perinaeums 19 18 PERINAEUM, the lower...
perineural 19 16 relating to the peri...
perineuria 18 15 PERINEURIUM, the con...
periodates 18 14 PERIODATE, a salt of...
periodical 23 18 periodic [adj PERIOD...
periodides 19 15 PERIODIDE, an iodid,...
periodised 19 15 PERIODISE, to divide...
periodises 19 14 PERIODISE, to divide...
periodized 22 24 PERIODIZE, to divide...
periodizes 22 23 PERIODIZE, to divide...
periosteal 19 14 situated around bone...
periosteum 20 17 a tough fibrous memb...
peripeteia 20 16 (Greek) a sudden and...
peripetian 20 17 of or like a peripet...
peripetias 21 16 PERIPETIA, (Greek) a...
peripeties 21 16 PERIPETY, a sudden c...
peripheral 24 19 at the edge [adj PER...
peripheric 27 21 (archaic) relating t...
periphonic 26 22 relating to a sound...
periphrase 23 18 to use more words th...
periphytic 34 23 relating to a periph...
periphyton 29 21 aquatic organisms wh...
periplasms 24 20 PERIPLASM, the regio...
periplasts 23 17 PERIPLAST, an interc...
peripluses 23 18 PERIPLUS, a voyage o...
periprocts 25 19 PERIPROCT, the regio...
peripteral 22 17 having a row of colu...
perisarcal 23 17 relating to the peri...
periscians 22 17 PERISCIAN, a person...
periscopes 24 19 PERISCOPE, a device...
periscopic 28 22 viewing all around,...
perishable 24 19 liable to perish [ad...
perishably 31 21 PERISHABLE, liable t...
perisperms 23 19 PERISPERM, the album...
peristomal 21 17 relating to the peri...
peristomes 20 16 PERISTOME, the area,...
peristylar 27 16 relating to a perist...
peristyles 27 16 PERISTYLE, a range o...
peritectic 26 19 a temperature at whi...
perithecia 24 18 PERITHECIUM, a small...
peritonaea 16 14 PERITONAEUM, a serou...
peritoneal 18 15 relating to the peri...
peritoneum 19 18 the smooth serous me...
peritracks 24 20 PERITRACK, at an air...
peritricha 25 18 PERITRICH, a bacteri...
peritrichs 26 18 PERITRICH, a bacteri...
periwigged 25 21 PERIWIG, to put on a...
periwinkle 24 22 a creeping plant wit...
perjinkety 28 29 (Scots) prim, finica...
perjinkity 29 29 (Scots) a nicety [n...
perjurious 22 24 guilty of perjury, a...
perlemoens 19 18 PERLEMOEN, (Afrikaan...
permabears 21 19 PERMABEAR, an invest...
permabulls 25 22 PERMABULL, an invest...
permafrost 22 19 permanently frozen s...
permalinks 22 22 PERMALINK, an intern...
permalloys 28 20 PERMALLOY, an alloy...
permanence 20 21 the state of being p...
permanency 27 23 the state of being p...
permanents 18 18 PERMANENT, a permane...
permeances 21 20 PERMEANCE, the prope...
permeating 20 19 PERMEATE, to spread...
permeation 18 17 the act of permeatin...
permeative 21 20 that permeates [adj]
permeators 19 16 PERMEATOR, something...
permethrin 22 19 a garden pesticide [...
permillage 23 20 reckoning by the tho...
permission 20 17 the act of permittin...
permissive 23 20 permitting; granting...
permittees 20 16 PERMITTEE, one to wh...
permitters 21 16 PERMITTER, one who p...
permitting 22 19 PERMIT, to allow [v]
permutable 23 21 that can be permuted...
permutably 30 23 PERMUTABLE, that can...
permutated 20 18 PERMUTATE, to alter...
permutates 20 17 PERMUTATE, to alter...
pernancies 20 18 PERNANCY, receiving,...
pernicious 22 18 destructive; ruinous...
pernickety 29 23 fussy about small de...
pernoctate 20 17 to pass the night in...
peroneuses 17 15 PERONEUS, one of the...
perorating 19 16 PERORATE, to make a...
peroration 17 14 the concluding part...
perorators 18 13 PERORATOR, one who p...
perovskias 22 21 PEROVSKIA, a genus o...
perovskite 22 21 a mineral form of ca...
peroxidase 24 21 an enzyme found in m...
peroxiding 26 24 PEROXIDE, to bleach...
peroxidise 25 21 to oxidize to the ut...
peroxidize 28 30 to oxidize to the ut...
peroxisome 25 23 an organelle contain...
perpending 21 21 PERPEND, to weigh in...
perpetrate 20 16 to bring about or ca...
perpetuals 22 18 PERPETUAL, a type of...
perpetuate 20 17 to make perpetual or...
perpetuity 28 19 the state of being p...
perplexers 28 24 PERPLEXER, one who p...
perplexing 29 27 PERPLEX, to puzzle [...
perplexity 35 26 the state of being p...
perquisite 28 23 a privilege, gain, o...
perruquier 28 24 (French) a wigmaker...
persecuted 22 18 PERSECUTE, to harass...
persecutee 21 17 one who is persecute...
persecutes 22 17 PERSECUTE, to harass...
persecutor 22 17 one who persecutes [...
perseities 19 13 PERSEITY, an indepen...
perselines 19 15 PERSELINE, (Spenser)...
persevered 20 18 PERSEVERE, to contin...
perseveres 20 17 PERSEVERE, to contin...
persicaria 22 16 a species of knotgra...
persiennes 17 15 PERSIENNE, (French)...
persiflage 23 19 (French) frivolous,...
persifleur 23 18 (French) one who ind...
persimmons 21 20 PERSIMMON, a kind of...
persistent 19 14 persisting, lasting...
persisters 20 13 PERSISTER, one who p...
persisting 21 16 PERSIST, to continue...
persistive 22 17 (Shakespeare) persis...
personable 20 18 attractive in person...
personably 27 20 PERSONABLE, attracti...
personages 18 16 PERSONAGE, a person,...
personalia 18 15 personal details, po...
personally 26 18 PERSONAL, related to...
personalty 25 17 personal belongings...
personated 17 15 PERSONATE, to assume...
personates 17 14 PERSONATE, to assume...
personator 17 14 one who personates [...
personhood 19 17 being a person [n -S...
personised 18 15 PERSONISE, to person...
personises 18 14 PERSONISE, to person...
personized 21 24 PERSONIZE, to person...
personizes 21 23 PERSONIZE, to person...
personnels 18 16 PERSONNEL, the perso...
perspirate 21 16 to sweat [v PERSPIRA...
perspiring 23 19 PERSPIRE, to exude s...
perstringe 20 16 (obsolete) to constr...
persuaders 19 15 PERSUADER, one who p...
persuading 20 18 PERSUADE, to induce...
persuasion 18 15 the act of persuadin...
persuasive 21 18 tending to persuade...
persuasory 25 16 persuasive [adj]
persulfate 22 18 a sulphuric acid sal...
perswading 23 20 PERSWADE, to induce...
pertaining 19 17 PERTAIN, to have ref...
pertinence 20 18 the state of being p...
pertinency 27 20 the state of being p...
pertinents 18 15 PERTINENT, a minor p...
pertnesses 18 14 PERTNESS, the qualit...
perturbant 21 18 anything that pertur...
perturbate 21 17 to perturb [v PERTUR...
perturbers 22 17 PERTURBER, one who,...
perturbing 23 20 PERTURB, to disturb...
pertusions 19 15 PERTUSION, the act o...
pervasions 20 18 PERVASION, the act o...
perversely 28 20 PERVERSE, wilfully d...
perversest 21 17 PERVERSE, wilfully d...
perversion 20 18 the action of perver...
perversity 28 19 the quality of being...
perversive 23 21 tending to pervert [...
perverters 21 17 PERVERTER, one who p...
perverting 22 20 PERVERT, to turn awa...
perviating 22 20 PERVIATE, to make a...
perviously 29 21 PERVIOUS, capable of...
pessimisms 23 19 PESSIMISM, a tendenc...
pessimists 22 16 PESSIMIST, one who t...
pesterment 19 17 the act of pestering...
pesthouses 21 16 PESTHOUSE, (historic...
pesticidal 24 18 of or like a pestici...
pesticides 23 17 PESTICIDE, a substan...
pestilence 22 18 a fatal epidemic or...
petalodies 19 15 PETALODY, transforma...
petaurines 18 15 PETAURINE, the flyin...
petaurists 20 14 PETAURIST, a flying...
petcharies 24 18 PETCHARY, the grey k...
petershams 22 18 PETERSHAM, a rough,...
pethidines 21 17 PETHIDINE, a pain-re...
petiolated 19 15 having a petiole, a...
petiolules 21 16 PETIOLULE, a small p...
petiteness 18 14 the state of being p...
petitioned 18 15 PETITION, to make a...
petitioner 18 14 one who presents a p...
petnapings 21 20 PETNAPING, the kidna...
petnappers 22 20 PETNAPPER, one who k...
petnapping 23 23 the kidnap of a pet...
petrichors 25 18 PETRICHOR, a sweet s...
petrifiers 22 16 PETRIFIER, an agent...
petrifying 29 21 PETRIFY, to convert...
petrissage 20 15 (French) massage by...
petrodrome 19 17 an African elephant...
petroglyph 32 23 an ancient rock-carv...
petrograms 21 18 PETROGRAM, a picture...
petrolages 20 16 PETROLAGE, treatment...
petrolatum 21 18 petroleum jelly [n -...
petroleous 19 15 containing or rich i...
petroleums 21 18 PETROLEUM, a general...
petroleurs 20 15 PETROLEUR, (French)...
petroleuse 19 15 (French) a female pe...
petrolhead 21 17 a motor vehicle enth...
petrolling 22 18 PETROL, to supply wi...
petrologic 24 19 relating to petrolog...
petromoney 24 19 money from oil reven...
petronella 19 16 a Scottish country d...
petrostate 18 13 a small oil-rich cou...
pettedness 18 15 the state of being p...
pettichaps 27 21 (dialect) the garden...
petticoats 22 16 PETTICOAT, a skirt,...
petulances 22 19 PETULANCE, peevish i...
petulantly 27 19 PETULANT, peevish [a...
pewholders 25 20 PEWHOLDER, one who h...
phacolites 25 19 PHACOLITE, a colorle...
phacoliths 28 21 PHACOLITH, an intrus...
phaelonion 19 18 an Eastern vestment...
phaenogams 21 21 PHAENOGAM, (Greek) a...
phaenology 27 21 the study of organis...
phaenomena 18 20 PHAENOMENON, anythin...
phaenotype 27 21 to categorise by pha...
phagedaena 19 19 hospital gangrene, a...
phagedenas 20 19 PHAGEDENA, hospital...
phagedenic 24 22 relating to phageden...
phagocytes 31 22 PHAGOCYTE, a white b...
phagocytic 35 25 of or like a phagocy...
phagomania 21 21 a compulsive desire...
phagosomes 22 20 PHAGOSOME, part of a...
phalangeal 22 20 pertaining to a phal...
phalangers 22 19 PHALANGER, any of se...
phalangids 23 20 PHALANGID, one of th...
phalangist 23 19 any arboreal marsupi...
phalaropes 23 19 PHALAROPE, a small s...
phallicism 29 23 worship of the phall...
phallicist 28 20 one who practises ph...
phallocrat 26 20 one who assumes the...
phalloidin 23 19 one of the poisons o...
phanerogam 21 21 a seed-plant or sper...
phansigars 22 18 PHANSIGAR, (Hindi) f...
phantasied 20 17 PHANTASY, to imagine...
phantasies 20 16 PHANTASY, to imagine...
phantasime 21 19 (Shakespeare) a fant...
phantasims 22 19 PHANTASIM, (Shakespe...
phantasmal 22 20 of the nature of a p...
phantasmic 25 22 of the nature of a p...
phantastic 24 19 a dandy, a fop [n -S...
phantastry 27 18 dandyism, also FANTA...
phantomish 24 21 (archaic) relating t...
phantosmes 21 19 PHANTOSME, (Spenser)...
pharisaism 23 18 the notions, doctrin...
pharmacies 25 21 PHARMACY, a drugstor...
pharmacist 26 21 a person licensed to...
pharyngals 29 21 PHARYNGAL, a sound p...
pharyngeal 28 21 pertaining to the ph...
phascogale 25 21 a small insectivorou...
phasedowns 23 20 PHASEDOWN, a gradual...
phaseolins 21 17 PHASEOLIN, a protein...
phatically 33 22 PHATIC, relating to...
pheasantry 26 18 a place for keeping...
phelloderm 24 21 a layer of green par...
phellogens 23 20 PHELLOGEN, the tissu...
phelonions 20 18 PHELONION, a liturgi...
phenacaine 21 20 a crystalline base o...
phenacetin 22 20 an antipyretic drug...
phenacites 23 19 PHENACITE, a mineral...
phenakisms 23 23 PHENAKISM, deceit [n...
phenakites 21 20 PHENAKITE, a mineral...
phenazines 22 26 PHENAZINE, a chemica...
phenetoles 20 17 PHENETOLE, the ethyl...
phenformin 23 23 a biguanide administ...
phenocryst 30 21 a larger crystal in...
phenolated 20 18 PHENOLATE, to subjec...
phenolates 20 17 PHENOLATE, a compoun...
phenomenal 20 21 relating to or being...
phenomenas 19 20 PHENOMENA, PHENOMENO...
phenomenon 18 21 anything directly ap...
phenotyped 28 22 PHENOTYPE, to catego...
phenotypes 28 21 PHENOTYPE, to catego...
phenotypic 32 24 relating to a phenot...
phenoxides 26 24 PHENOXIDE, a salt of...
phenylenes 26 20 PHENYLENE, a compoun...
phenytoins 26 19 PHENYTOIN, a crystal...
pheromonal 21 20 relating to a pherom...
pheromones 20 19 PHEROMONE, a chemica...
phialiform 26 22 saucer-shaped [adj]
philanders 22 18 PHILANDER, to engage...
philatelic 27 20 of or pertaining to...
philhorses 25 18 PHILHORSE, (Shakespe...
philippics 32 25 PHILIPPIC, a bitter...
philippina 27 23 a present or gift wh...
philippine 27 23 a present or gift wh...
philistias 24 16 PHILISTIA, the class...
philistine 23 17 materialistic in out...
phillabegs 27 22 PHILLABEG, (Gaelic)...
phillibegs 28 22 PHILLIBEG, (Gaelic)...
phillumeny 31 24 the hobby of collect...
philologer 24 19 a person who studies...
philologic 28 22 of or pertaining to...
philologue 24 20 a person who studies...
philomaths 26 21 PHILOMATH, a lover o...
philomathy 32 23 the love of learning...
philomelas 24 20 PHILOMELA, a songbir...
philopenas 23 20 PHILOPENA, a present...
philopoena 22 20 a present or gift wh...
philosophe 26 21 (French) a philosoph...
philosophy 33 23 all learning exclusi...
philoxenia 27 24 hospitality [n -S]
philtering 24 19 PHILTER, to put unde...
phisnomies 22 19 PHISNOMY, (obsolete)...
phlebogram 26 24 a tracing (with the...
phlebolite 25 20 a calcareous concret...
phlebology 32 24 a branch of anatomy...
phlebotomy 31 24 the surgical opening...
phlegmasia 24 21 an inflammation of t...
phlegmatic 28 24 of a calm, unexcitab...
phlegmiest 25 21 PHLEGMY, full of phl...
phlegmonic 27 25 of or like a phlegmo...
phlogistic 28 21 of or pertaining to...
phlogiston 23 19 (Greek) the hypothet...
phlogopite 25 21 a brown mica contain...
phlorizins 26 26 PHLORIZIN, a chemica...
phlyctaena 30 22 (Greek) a small blis...
phlyctenae 30 22 PHLYCTENA, (Greek) a...
phocomelia 25 22 a type of congenital...
phocomelic 29 25 showing phocomely, a...
phoenixism 28 26 the practice of form...
pholidoses 22 17 PHOLIDOSIS, the arra...
pholidosis 23 17 the arrangement of s...
phonathons 21 19 PHONATHON, a telepho...
phonations 19 17 PHONATION, the produ...
phonecards 23 20 PHONECARD, a card us...
phonematic 24 22 relating to a phonem...
phonetical 24 20 of, concerning, acco...
phonetised 20 17 PHONETISE, to repres...
phonetises 20 16 PHONETISE, to repres...
phonetisms 22 19 PHONETISM, the scien...
phonetists 21 16 PHONETIST, one verse...
phonetized 23 26 PHONETIZE, to repres...
phonetizes 23 25 PHONETIZE, to repres...
phoneyness 25 19 the state of being p...
phonically 32 23 PHONIC, pertaining t...
phonmeters 21 19 PHONMETER, an instru...
phonograms 22 21 PHONOGRAM, a letter,...
phonograph 25 23 a character or symbo...
phonolites 21 17 PHONOLITE, a fine-gr...
phonolitic 25 20 of or like phonolite...
phonologic 25 22 relating to phonolog...
phonometer 20 19 an instrument for me...
phonophore 23 21 a sound-conducting a...
phonopores 21 19 PHONOPORE, a kind of...
phonoscope 24 22 a device that render...
phonotyped 28 22 PHONOTYPE, to print...
phonotyper 28 21 one who phonotypes,...
phonotypes 28 21 PHONOTYPE, to print...
phonotypic 32 24 of or like a phonoty...
phorminges 23 21 PHORMINX, an old str...
phosgenite 21 18 a rare fluorescent s...
phosphated 25 21 PHOSPHATE, to treat...
phosphates 25 20 PHOSPHATE, to treat...
phosphatic 29 23 containing phosphate...
phosphenes 24 21 PHOSPHENE, a visual...
phosphides 26 21 PHOSPHIDE, a binary...
phosphines 25 21 PHOSPHINE, a colorle...
phosphites 26 20 PHOSPHITE, a salt of...
phosphonic 28 24 as in phosphonic aci...
phosphores 25 20 PHOSPHORE, phosphoru...
phosphoret 25 20 (obsolete) a phosphi...
phosphoric 29 23 of or like phosphoru...
phosphorus 26 21 a chemical element [...
phosphoryl 33 23 the radical PO, rega...
phosphuret 26 21 (obsolete) a phosphi...
photically 33 22 PHOTIC, pertaining t...
photoblogs 25 21 PHOTOBLOG, to keep a...
photobombs 26 24 PHOTOBOMB, to place...
photocalls 26 20 PHOTOCALL, an occasi...
photocards 24 19 PHOTOCARD, an identi...
photocells 26 20 PHOTOCELL, a photoel...
photodiode 20 17 a two-electrode semi...
photodisks 23 20 PHOTODISK, a disk fo...
photoflash 26 21 a photographic flash...
photoflood 23 20 an incandescent tung...
photogenes 20 18 PHOTOGENE, an afteri...
photogenic 24 21 of or pertaining to...
photoglyph 34 25 photographic engravi...
photograms 23 20 PHOTOGRAM, a photogr...
photograph 26 22 to take a photograph...
photolitho 24 18 (short for) a photol...
photolysed 28 19 PHOTOLYSE, to cause...
photolyses 28 18 PHOTOLYSE, to cause...
photolysis 29 18 decomposition or dis...
photolytic 32 21 relating to photolys...
photolyzed 31 28 PHOTOLYZE, to cause...
photolyzes 31 27 PHOTOLYZE, to cause...
photomasks 23 22 PHOTOMASK, a mask us...
photometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
photometry 28 20 that branch of scien...
photomural 23 20 an enlarged photogra...
photonasty 26 18 the adoption of a ce...
photonovel 22 21 a novel in the form...
photophase 24 20 the light period of...
photophils 27 21 PHOTOPHIL, an organi...
photophily 33 23 the state of being p...
photophobe 26 23 a plant that shuns o...
photophone 23 21 an apparatus for the...
photophony 30 23 the art or practice...
photophore 24 20 a luminiferous organ...
photoplays 30 21 PHOTOPLAY, a motion...
photopsias 23 18 PHOTOPSIA, the appea...
photopsies 23 18 PHOTOPSY, the appear...
photoscans 23 19 PHOTOSCAN, to scan p...
photoshoot 22 17 a session in which a...
photoshops 25 20 PHOTOSHOP, to manipu...
photostats 21 15 PHOTOSTAT, (tradenam...
phototaxes 26 22 PHOTOTAXIS, growth o...
phototaxis 27 22 growth or movement d...
phototonic 23 19 relating to phototon...
phototonus 20 17 the sensitivity of a...
phototoxic 30 25 rendering the skin s...
phototrope 22 18 a substance exhibiti...
phototroph 25 20 a plant which uses l...
phototropy 29 20 change of colour due...
phototubes 23 19 PHOTOTUBE, an electr...
phototyped 29 21 PHOTOTYPE, to print...
phototypes 29 20 PHOTOTYPE, to print...
phototypic 33 23 of or pertaining to...
phraseless 22 16 indescribable [adj]
phreakings 23 22 PHREAKING, making il...
phrenesiac 23 19 (Scott) hypochondria...
phrenetics 24 19 PHRENETIC, a frenzie...
phrenology 28 21 the study of bumps o...
phrensical 25 20 (obsolete) frantic,...
phrensying 28 21 PHRENSY, to make fra...
phthalates 24 18 PHTHALATE, a salt of...
phthaleins 24 19 PHTHALEIN, any one o...
phthisical 29 21 of or pertaining to...
phthisicky 36 26 having phthisis, or...
phycobilin 34 25 any of a class of re...
phycobiont 32 24 the algal constituen...
phycocyans 39 26 PHYCOCYAN, a blue pi...
phylactery 38 23 a small leather box...
phylaxises 35 25 PHYLAXIS, an inhibit...
phylesises 29 18 PHYLESIS, the course...
phyllaries 30 19 PHYLLARY, a bract of...
phylloclad 34 24 another name for a c...
phyllodial 31 21 relating to a phyllo...
phyllodies 30 20 PHYLLODY, a flower t...
phyllodium 32 24 a petiole dilated in...
phyllopods 32 23 PHYLLOPOD, one of an...
phyllotaxy 42 28 the arrangement of l...
phylloxera 35 26 a kind of beetle, a...
phylogenic 32 24 relating to phylogen...
physalises 29 18 PHYSALIS, a type of...
physiatric 32 20 relating to physiatr...
physically 40 24 PHYSICAL, related to...
physicians 31 21 PHYSICIAN, a doctor;...
physicisms 34 23 PHYSICISM, belief in...
physicists 33 20 PHYSICIST, an expert...
physicking 34 27 PHYSIC, to treat wit...
physiocrat 31 20 one of the followers...
physiology 36 22 a branch of biology...
phytogenic 31 23 derived from plants...
phytoliths 32 20 PHYTOLITH, a microsc...
phytophagy 39 26 of insects, feeding...
phytotoxic 37 27 harmful to plants [a...
phytotoxin 33 25 a poison produced by...
phytotrons 27 18 PHYTOTRON, an appara...
pianissimi 21 17 PIANISSIMO, (Italian...
pianissimo 20 17 (Italian) a directio...
pianoforte 19 17 (Italian) a large ke...
pianolists 20 15 PIANOLIST, one who p...
picadillos 25 19 PICADILLO, (Spanish)...
picaresque 30 26 (French) pertaining...
picarooned 20 18 PICAROON, to act as...
picayunish 31 22 petty, paltry [adj P...
piccadillo 28 22 (Spanish) a traditio...
piccadills 29 22 PICCADILL, (obsolete...
piccadilly 35 24 a high, stiff collar...
piccalilli 30 22 a mixed-vegetable pi...
piccaninny 30 24 a little child, esp....
piccoloist 27 20 one who plays the pi...
pichiciago 29 23 (Spanish) a fairy ar...
pichiciego 29 23 (Spanish) a fairy ar...
picholines 25 20 PICHOLINE, a variety...
pickabacks 30 30 PICKABACK, to carry...
pickadillo 26 23 (Spanish) a traditio...
pickadills 27 23 PICKADILL, (obsolete...
pickadilly 33 25 a cut or vandyked ed...
pickaninny 28 25 a small child; esp....
pickapacks 30 30 PICKAPACK, to carry...
pickaroons 22 21 PICKAROON, (Spanish)...
pickbacked 30 31 PICKBACK, to carry s...
pickedness 23 22 the state of being s...
pickeerers 23 20 PICKEERER, one who p...
pickeering 24 23 PICKEER, to forage,...
picketboat 25 23 a craft used (as by...
picketings 25 23 PICKETING, standing...
pickpocket 30 30 a thief who picks po...
pickthanks 27 27 PICKTHANK, someone w...
picnickers 27 24 PICNICKER, one who p...
picnicking 28 27 PICNIC, to go on an...
picocuries 26 20 PICOCURIE, a million...
picofarads 24 20 PICOFARAD, a million...
picometers 23 19 PICOMETER, a trillio...
picometres 23 19 PICOMETRE, a trillio...
picosecond 24 21 a trillionth of a se...
picowaving 28 26 PICOWAVE, to irradia...
picqueting 32 29 PICQUET, to act as a...
picrotoxin 28 24 a bitter toxin obtai...
pictarnies 22 17 PICTARNIE, (Scott) a...
pictograms 25 21 PICTOGRAM, a pictogr...
pictograph 28 23 a picture used as a...
pictorials 24 17 PICTORIAL, a pictori...
pictorical 27 20 pictorial [adj PICTO...
picturised 24 18 PICTURISE, to pictur...
picturises 24 17 PICTURISE, to pictur...
picturized 27 27 PICTURIZE, to pictur...
picturizes 27 26 PICTURIZE, to pictur...
piddlingly 30 22 PIDDLING [adv]
pidginised 21 18 PIDGINISE, to make i...
pidginises 21 17 PIDGINISE, to make i...
pidginized 24 27 PIDGINIZE, to make i...
pidginizes 24 26 PIDGINIZE, to make i...
piecemeals 23 20 PIECEMEAL, to divide...
pieceworks 26 23 PIECEWORK, work paid...
piednesses 18 15 PIEDNESS, the state...
piemontite 19 17 a dark-red mineral,...
piepowders 24 20 PIEPOWDER, (obsolete...
pierceable 24 20 that may be pierced,...
piercingly 31 22 PIERCING, penetratin...
pierrettes 19 13 PIERRETTE, (French)...
piezometer 22 25 an instrument for me...
piezometry 29 27 measurement by use o...
pifferaros 23 19 PIFFERARO, (Italian)...
pigeonhole 21 19 a compartment for st...
pigeonites 19 16 PIGEONITE, a monocli...
pigeonries 19 16 PIGEONRY, a place fo...
pigeonwing 23 22 a caper or leap in d...
piggybacks 35 29 PIGGYBACK, to carry...
pigmentary 27 21 of or pertaining to...
pigmenting 22 22 PIGMENT, to add a co...
pigmentosa 20 19 as in retinite pigme...
pignerated 19 17 PIGNERATE, (archaic)...
pignerates 19 16 PIGNERATE, (archaic)...
pignorated 19 17 PIGNORATE, (archaic)...
pignorates 19 16 PIGNORATE, (archaic)...
pigsconces 26 22 PIGSCONCE, a blockhe...
pigsticked 26 23 PIGSTICK, to hunt fo...
pigsticker 26 22 one who sticks pigs...
pikestaffs 25 23 PIKESTAFF, the staff...
pikestaves 22 21 PIKESTAFF, the staff...
pilastered 20 15 furnished with pilas...
pileorhiza 25 25 a cap of cells which...
pilferable 25 21 that can be pilfered...
pilferages 23 19 PILFERAGE, the act o...
pilferings 24 20 PILFERING, petty the...
pilgarlick 28 24 a bald person; a per...
pilgarlics 27 20 PILGARLIC, a bald pe...
pilgrimage 24 21 a journey to a shrin...
pilgrimers 24 19 PILGRIMER, someone w...
pilgriming 25 22 PILGRIM, to travel t...
pilgrimise 24 19 to go on pilgrimage,...
pilgrimize 27 28 to go on pilgrimage,...
piliferous 23 18 bearing or growing h...
pillagings 24 20 PILLAGING, the act o...
pillarists 23 15 PILLARIST, an asceti...
pillarless 23 16 without pillars [adj...
pillicocks 30 25 PILLICOCK, the penis...
pillioning 22 19 PILLION, to sit on a...
pillionist 22 16 one who rides pillio...
pilliwinks 27 23 an instrument of tor...
pillorised 22 16 PILLORISE, to pillor...
pillorises 22 15 PILLORISE, to pillor...
pillorized 25 25 PILLORIZE, to pillor...
pillorizes 25 24 PILLORIZE, to pillor...
pillorying 29 20 PILLORY, to hold up...
pillowcase 27 21 a removable covering...
pillowslip 29 22 a cover for a pillow...
pilocarpin 25 21 an alkaloid obtained...
pilosities 21 14 PILOSITY, the state...
pilothouse 22 17 a shelter for steeri...
pimpernels 23 21 PIMPERNEL, a small r...
pimpliness 24 21 the state of being p...
pimpmobile 27 26 a car used by a pimp...
pinacoidal 22 19 denoting a type of c...
pinakoidal 20 20 dentoing a type of c...
pinakothek 22 24 (German) a picture g...
pinballing 24 22 PINBALL, to bounce a...
pincerlike 24 22 like a pincer [adj]
pinchbecks 31 29 PINCHBECK, a gold-li...
pinchcocks 32 29 PINCHCOCK, a clamp o...
pinchfists 28 22 PINCHFIST, a closefi...
pinchingly 33 25 PINCHING, nipping [a...
pinchpenny 31 26 a miserly person [n...
pinchpoint 26 23 a constricted or awk...
pincushion 24 21 a small cushion in w...
pineapples 23 21 PINEAPPLE, a large S...
pinfeather 22 19 a feather not fully...
pinfolding 23 22 PINFOLD, to impound,...
pingrasses 20 16 PINGRASS, a European...
pinguefied 22 21 PINGUEFY, to become...
pinguefies 22 20 PINGUEFY, to become...
pinguidity 28 20 the quality of being...
pinguitude 21 19 fatness [n -S]
pinhookers 21 20 PINHOOKER, (slang) a...
pinkertons 19 19 PINKERTON, a private...
pinknesses 19 19 PINKNESS, the state...
pinnacling 23 22 PINNACLE, to equip w...
pinnatifid 21 19 of leaves, pinnately...
pinnations 17 16 PINNATION, the state...
pinnatiped 20 19 having the toes bord...
pinnipedes 20 19 PINNIPEDE, a member...
pinnulated 19 18 having each pinna su...
pinpointed 20 19 PINPOINT, to locate...
pinpricked 26 25 PINPRICK, to punctur...
pinsetters 19 14 PINSETTER, an employ...
pinspotted 21 18 PINSPOT, to illumina...
pinspotter 21 17 an employee on a mec...
pinstriped 22 18 having a pinstripe,...
pinstripes 22 17 PINSTRIPE, a very na...
pintaderas 18 15 PINTADERA, (Spanish)...
pintucking 25 25 PINTUCK, to tuck wit...
pinwheeled 24 21 PINWHEEL, to rotate...
pioneering 18 17 PIONEER, to take par...
pipeclayed 31 23 PIPECLAY, to whiten...
pipefishes 26 21 PIPEFISH, any of num...
pipefitter 24 19 one whose job is to...
pipelining 23 21 the act of conveying...
piperazine 23 26 a crystalline nitrog...
piperidine 21 18 an oily liquid alkal...
piperonals 21 18 PIPERONAL, a phenoli...
pipestones 20 17 PIPESTONE, a kind of...
pipinesses 21 17 PIPINESS, the qualit...
pipistrels 24 17 PIPISTREL, a small r...
pipsissewa 25 19 a Native American me...
pipsqueaks 31 30 PIPSQUEAK, something...
piquancies 30 27 PIQUANCY, the qualit...
piracetams 23 19 PIRACETAM, a drug us...
pirlicuing 26 21 PIRLICUE, to summari...
piroplasma 23 20 a parasite causing c...
piroplasms 24 20 PIROPLASM, a parasit...
pirouetted 19 15 PIROUETTE, to make a...
pirouetter 19 14 one who pirouettes [...
pirouettes 19 14 PIROUETTE, to make a...
piscifauna 24 21 the fish life of an...
piscivores 25 20 PISCIVORE, an eater...
pistachios 25 18 PISTACHIO, a kind of...
pistareens 18 14 PISTAREEN, (Spanish)...
pistillary 29 17 of a flower, having...
pistillate 22 15 having a pistil or p...
pistillode 22 16 an abortive pistil [...
pistoleers 20 14 PISTOLEER, (obsolete...
pistoleros 20 14 PISTOLERO, one who u...
pistoliers 21 14 PISTOLIER, one who u...
pistolling 23 18 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pitapatted 21 17 PITAPAT, to make a r...
pitchbends 27 23 PITCHBEND, a device...
pitcherful 29 23 the quantity a pitch...
pitchforks 29 25 PITCHFORK, to toss w...
pitchiness 25 19 blackness, as of pit...
pitchpines 27 22 PITCHPINE, a kind of...
pitchpipes 30 24 PITCHPIPE, a small p...
pitchpoled 28 23 PITCHPOLE, to turn e...
pitchpoles 28 22 PITCHPOLE, to turn e...
pitchstone 24 19 an igneous rock of s...
pitchwoman 28 25 a (female) street or...
pitchwomen 28 25 PITCHWOMAN, a (femal...
pithecoids 25 19 PITHECOID, an ape, e...
pitifuller 25 19 PITIFUL, arousing pi...
pitilessly 29 17 PITILESS, without pi...
pituitrins 21 15 PITUITRIN, a hormone...
pityriases 26 15 PITYRIASIS, a superf...
pityriasis 27 15 a superficial affect...
piwakawaka 26 27 a New Zealand bird,...
pixelating 27 24 PIXELATE, to divide...
pixelation 25 22 a video technique in...
pixellated 27 23 made up of pixels; d...
pixellates 27 22 PIXELLATE, to divide...
pixilating 28 24 PIXILATE, to divide...
pixilation 26 22 a technique for maki...
pixillated 28 23 slightly unbalanced...
pixillates 28 22 PIXILLATE, to divide...
pixinesses 25 21 PIXINESS, the state...
pizzicatos 29 34 PIZZICATO, a tone so...
placarding 24 21 PLACARD, to publicis...
placations 22 18 PLACATION, the act o...
placekicks 29 28 PLACEKICK, in footba...
placements 23 21 PLACEMENT, the act o...
placentals 23 19 PLACENTAL, a placent...
placentate 21 18 having a placenta [a...
placidness 23 19 the state of being p...
placoderms 24 21 PLACODERM, a fish co...
plagiaries 21 16 PLAGIARY, the act of...
plagiarise 21 16 to steal ideas or wr...
plagiarism 23 19 an act or instance o...
plagiarist 22 16 one who commits plag...
plagiarize 24 25 to steal ideas or wr...
plaguesome 21 20 (colloquial) trouble...
plainchant 24 21 plainsong [n -S]
plainsongs 20 18 PLAINSONG, unmeasure...
plaintexts 26 22 PLAINTEXT, text that...
plaintiffs 25 21 PLAINTIFF, a person...
plaintless 21 16 without complaint; u...
plainworks 24 22 PLAINWORK, plain nee...
plaistered 20 15 PLAISTER, (Scots) to...
planarians 18 16 PLANARIAN, a kind of...
planations 18 16 PLANATION, lateral e...
planchette 24 20 a board mounted on t...
planeloads 19 17 PLANELOAD, as much a...
planesides 19 16 PLANESIDE, the area...
planetaria 18 15 PLANETARIUM, a model...
planetical 23 19 of or pertaining to...
planetlike 21 20 like a planet [adj]
planetoids 19 16 PLANETOID, a body re...
planetwide 22 19 extending throughout...
plangently 27 21 PLANGENT, having an...
planigrams 22 20 PLANIGRAM, an x-ray...
planigraph 25 22 an instrument for co...
planimeter 20 18 an instrument for me...
planimetry 27 20 the mensuration of p...
planishers 22 17 PLANISHER, a person...
planishing 23 20 PLANISH, to toughen...
planktonic 23 23 relating to plankton...
planlessly 28 19 PLANLESS, without a...
planoblast 22 19 any free-swimming go...
planograms 21 20 PLANOGRAM, a schemat...
planometer 19 18 an instrument for ga...
planometry 26 20 measurement by means...
plantation 18 16 a usually large grou...
plantlings 22 19 PLANTLING, a small p...
plaquettes 28 24 PLAQUETTE, (French)...
plasmagels 23 20 PLASMAGEL, cytoplasm...
plasmagene 20 20 a self-reproducing s...
plasmasols 22 18 PLASMASOL, cytoplasm...
plasmodesm 22 21 a strand of living c...
plasmodial 22 19 of or pertaining to,...
plasmodium 23 22 a naked mass of prot...
plasmogamy 29 24 a process of fusion...
plasmolyse 28 20 to undergo plasmolys...
plasmolyze 31 29 to undergo plasmolys...
plasmosoma 21 20 a nucleolus, also PL...
plasmosome 21 20 a nucleolus, also PL...
plasterers 20 14 PLASTERER, one whose...
plastering 21 17 the act of covering...
plasticene 22 18 (tradename) a kind o...
plasticine 23 18 (tradename) a kind o...
plasticise 24 17 to make plastic, als...
plasticity 31 19 the state of being p...
plasticize 27 26 to make plastic, als...
plastidial 22 16 relating to a plasti...
plastidule 22 17 one of the small par...
plastilina 21 16 a mixture of clay wi...
plastiques 29 24 PLASTIQUE, (French)...
plastisols 22 15 PLASTISOL, a suspens...
plastogamy 28 21 a process of fusion...
plateauing 20 18 PLATEAU, to reach a...
plateglass 22 17 designating a kind o...
platelayer 26 17 a workman who lays a...
platemaker 21 21 one who makes plates...
platemarks 22 21 PLATEMARK, a hallmar...
platformed 23 21 PLATFORM, to equip w...
platinised 20 16 PLATINISE, to coat w...
platinises 20 15 PLATINISE, to coat w...
platinized 23 25 PLATINIZE, to coat w...
platinizes 23 24 PLATINIZE, to coat w...
platinoids 20 16 PLATINOID, an alloy...
platitudes 21 16 PLATITUDE, a commonp...
platonisms 21 18 PLATONISM, the philo...
platooning 19 18 PLATOON, in American...
platteland 20 17 (Afrikaans) rural di...
platterful 24 19 the contents of a pl...
platypuses 29 20 PLATYPUS, an aquatic...
plauditory 27 18 issuing enthusiastic...
playacting 30 22 pretence [n -S]
playactors 29 19 PLAYACTOR, one who p...
playbusses 29 20 PLAYBUS, a mobile pl...
playdoughs 30 22 PLAYDOUGH, a soft re...
playfellow 33 24 a companion in amuse...
playfields 30 21 PLAYFIELD, a playing...
playgoings 28 21 PLAYGOING, the pract...
playground 27 21 a piece of land used...
playgroups 30 22 PLAYGROUP, an inform...
playhouses 28 19 PLAYHOUSE, a child's...
playleader 26 18 one who organises pl...
playlisted 28 18 PLAYLIST, to put ont...
playmakers 28 23 PLAYMAKER, a playwri...
playmaking 29 26 the process of makin...
playschool 32 22 a nursery school or...
playthings 30 21 PLAYTHING, something...
playwright 34 23 a person who writes...
pleadingly 28 21 PLEADING [adv]
pleasances 21 18 PLEASANCE, (archaic)...
pleasanter 18 15 PLEASANT, pleasing [...
pleasantly 26 18 PLEASANT, pleasing [...
pleasantry 25 17 a humorous act or re...
pleasingly 28 20 PLEASING, gratifying...
pleasurers 20 15 PLEASURER, a pleasur...
pleasuring 21 18 PLEASURE, to give en...
plebeianly 28 21 PLEBEIAN, relating t...
plebifying 32 25 PLEBIFY, to lower to...
plebiscite 26 20 a direct vote of the...
pledgeable 23 21 that can be pledged...
pleiotropy 28 19 the property of havi...
plenarties 19 15 PLENARTY, the state...
plenilunar 20 18 of or relating to th...
plenilunes 20 18 PLENILUNE, the time...
plenishers 22 17 PLENISHER, one who p...
plenishing 23 20 (Scots) furniture [n...
plenitudes 20 17 PLENITUDE, fullness,...
plentitude 20 17 plenitude [n -S]
pleochroic 28 22 displaying different...
pleomorphy 31 24 the state of being p...
pleonastes 18 15 PLEONASTE, a dark-gr...
pleonastic 22 18 relating to pleonasm...
pleonectic 25 21 greedy; covetous [ad...
pleonexias 24 22 PLEONEXIA, excessive...
pleromatic 24 20 of or like a pleroma...
plerophory 30 21 full conviction, als...
plesiosaur 20 15 any of a group of ex...
pleurisies 21 15 PLEURISY, inflammati...
pleuritics 25 18 PLEURITIC, someone w...
pleurodont 19 17 with teeth attached...
pleuronias 19 16 PLEURONIA, the combi...
pleurotomy 27 20 incision into the pl...
pleustonic 23 19 relating to pleuston...
plexiglass 29 24 acrylic plastic shee...
pleximeter 27 24 a small plate to rec...
pleximetry 34 26 the use of a plexime...
pliability 31 20 the state of being p...
pliantness 19 16 the state of being p...
plications 23 18 PLICATION, the act o...
plicatures 24 18 PLICATURE, the act o...
ploddingly 29 22 PLODDING, slow in th...
plottering 21 17 PLOTTER, (Scots) to...
plottingly 29 20 PLOTTING, conspirato...
ploughable 26 23 capable of being plo...
ploughback 30 29 the reinvestment of...
ploughboys 32 24 PLOUGHBOY, a boy who...
ploughgate 24 21 (Scots) plowland [n...
ploughhead 25 22 the draught iron of...
ploughings 25 22 PLOUGHING, the act o...
ploughland 24 22 land under the ploug...
ploughtail 25 20 the end of a plough...
ploughwise 27 22 as in ploughing, als...
ploutering 21 18 PLOUTER, (Scots) to...
plowshares 25 19 PLOWSHARE, the cutti...
plowstaffs 28 23 PLOWSTAFF, one of th...
plowtering 24 20 PLOWTER, (Scots) to...
plowwright 31 24 one who makes plough...
pluckiness 25 23 the state of being p...
plugboards 24 21 PLUGBOARD, a device...
pluguglies 25 21 PLUGUGLY, a very ugl...
plumassier 22 18 (French) a worker in...
plumberies 24 21 PLUMBERY, the work o...
plummeting 24 24 PLUMMET, to drop str...
plumpening 24 25 PLUMPEN, to plump, t...
plunderage 20 19 the embezzlement of...
plunderers 20 17 PLUNDERER, one who p...
plundering 21 20 PLUNDER, to rob by f...
plunderous 20 18 of or like plunder [...
pluperfect 28 24 a tense denoting com...
pluralised 22 17 PLURALISE, to make p...
pluraliser 22 16 one who pluralises,...
pluralises 22 16 PLURALISE, to make p...
pluralisms 24 19 PLURALISM, a theory...
pluralists 23 16 PLURALIST, an adhere...
pluralized 25 26 PLURALIZE, to make p...
pluralizer 25 25 one who pluralizes,...
pluralizes 25 25 PLURALIZE, to make p...
pluriparae 22 18 PLURIPARA, (Latin) a...
pluriparas 23 18 PLURIPARA, (Latin) a...
plushiness 23 18 the state of being p...
plutocracy 33 23 rulership by the wea...
plutocrats 24 18 PLUTOCRAT, a member...
plutolatry 28 18 excessive devotion t...
plutonisms 22 19 PLUTONISM, the theor...
plutoniums 22 20 PLUTONIUM, a natural...
plyometric 31 22 relating to plyometr...
pneumatics 23 21 the study of the mec...
pneumogram 21 23 an X-ray photograph...
pneumonias 18 19 PNEUMONIA, a disease...
pneumonics 22 22 PNEUMONIC, a medicin...
poachiness 23 19 the state of being p...
pocketable 25 24 that can be pocketed...
pocketbike 26 27 a type of small bicy...
pocketbook 25 27 a wallet for papers...
pocketfuls 27 25 POCKETFUL, the conte...
pocketless 24 21 without pockets [adj...
pocketsful 27 25 POCKETFUL, the conte...
pockmantie 23 24 (Scots) a corrupt fo...
pockmarked 25 28 POCKMARK, to mark wi...
pockpitted 26 24 pitted by pock marks...
poculiform 27 24 cup-shaped [adj]
podagrical 24 20 relating to podagra,...
podarguses 20 17 PODARGUS, a bird of...
podcasters 22 17 PODCASTER, one who c...
podcasting 23 20 a radio broadcast ma...
podiatries 19 14 PODIATRY, the study...
podiatrist 20 14 one who practises po...
podologies 20 17 PODOLOGY, the study...
podologist 21 17 one who practises po...
podophylin 30 23 a cathartic resin ob...
podophylli 32 23 PODOPHYLLUM, the dri...
podosphere 22 19 the collective podca...
podsolised 20 16 PODSOLISE, to turn i...
podsolises 20 15 PODSOLISE, to turn i...
podsolized 23 25 PODSOLIZE, to turn i...
podsolizes 23 24 PODSOLIZE, to turn i...
podzolised 23 25 PODZOLISE, to make i...
podzolises 23 24 PODZOLISE, to make i...
podzolized 26 34 PODZOLIZE, to make i...
podzolizes 26 33 PODZOLIZE, to make i...
poetasters 18 13 POETASTER, an inferi...
poetastery 24 15 the writing of infer...
poetically 30 20 POETICAL, related to...
poeticised 22 17 POETICISE, to write,...
poeticises 22 16 POETICISE, to write,...
poeticisms 24 19 POETICISM, a word or...
poeticized 25 26 POETICIZE, to write,...
poeticizes 25 25 POETICIZE, to write,...
poeticules 23 18 POETICULE, a poetast...
poetresses 18 13 POETRESSE, (Spenser)...
pogonotomy 25 21 shaving [n POGONOTOM...
pogromists 22 18 POGROMIST, one who e...
pohutukawa 25 24 (Maori) a New Zealan...
poignadoes 18 17 POIGNADO, (obsolete)...
poignances 21 20 POIGNANCE, the state...
poignantly 26 20 POIGNANT, emotionall...
poikilitic 26 21 mottled; having smal...
poincianas 20 18 POINCIANA, a tree of...
poinsettia 18 14 a Mexican shrub with...
pointelles 20 16 POINTELLE, (French)...
pointilles 21 16 POINTILLE, a fine po...
poisonable 20 18 capable of poisoning...
poisonings 19 17 POISONING, the act o...
poisonwood 20 18 a poisonous tree of...
pokelogans 20 21 POKELOGAN, (Native A...
pokerishly 30 22 POKERISH, (US colloq...
pokerworks 24 24 POKERWORK, the art o...
pokinesses 19 18 POKINESS, the state...
polarisers 20 14 POLARISER, a device...
polarising 21 17 POLARISE, to give po...
polarities 20 14 POLARITY, the posses...
polarizers 23 23 POLARIZER, a device...
polarizing 24 26 POLARIZE, to give po...
polarogram 21 19 a picture taken by p...
polemarchs 26 22 POLEMARCH, a title o...
polemicise 24 20 to argue or write po...
polemicist 25 20 one who engages in p...
polemicize 27 29 to argue or write po...
polemising 22 20 POLEMISE, to argue o...
polemizing 25 29 POLEMIZE, to argue o...
polemonium 21 22 a genus of gamopetal...
polianites 19 15 POLIANITE, manganese...
poliovirus 23 19 a virus causing poli...
polishable 25 20 capable of being pol...
polishings 24 19 POLISHING, the act o...
polishment 23 20 the act of polishing...
politburos 23 18 POLITBURO, (Russian)...
politeness 19 15 the state of being p...
politesses 20 14 POLITESSE, (French)...
politician 23 18 a person experienced...
politicise 24 17 to give a political...
politicize 27 26 to give a political...
politicked 25 22 POLITICK, to engage...
politicker 25 21 one who engages in p...
politicoes 23 17 POLITICO, a politici...
politiques 29 24 POLITIQUE, (French)...
pollarding 22 19 POLLARD, to cut the...
pollenated 19 17 POLLENATE, to fertil...
pollenates 19 16 POLLENATE, to fertil...
polleniser 20 16 an agent that pollen...
pollenizer 23 25 an agent that pollen...
pollenoses 19 16 POLLENOSIS, allergic...
pollenosis 20 16 allergic reaction to...
pollinated 20 17 POLLINATE, to fertil...
pollinates 20 16 POLLINATE, to fertil...
pollinator 20 16 an agent that pollin...
pollinised 21 17 POLLINISE, to pollin...
polliniser 21 16 an agent that pollin...
pollinises 21 16 POLLINISE, to pollin...
pollinized 24 26 POLLINIZE, to pollin...
pollinizer 24 25 an agent that pollen...
pollinizes 24 25 POLLINIZE, to pollin...
pollinoses 20 16 POLLINOSIS, an aller...
pollinosis 21 16 an allergic reaction...
polltakers 22 19 POLLTAKER, a person...
pollucites 25 19 POLLUCITE, a colourl...
pollusions 21 17 POLLUSION, (Shakespe...
pollutants 21 17 POLLUTANT, a substan...
pollutedly 29 20 POLLUTED [adv]
pollutions 21 17 POLLUTION, making di...
pollyannas 25 19 POLLYANNA, one who i...
polonaises 18 15 POLONAISE, (French)...
polonising 20 18 POLONISE, to make Po...
polonizing 23 27 POLONIZE, to make Po...
polverines 21 19 POLVERINE, (obsolete...
polyactine 28 20 the spicule of a pol...
polyamides 27 20 POLYAMIDE, a compoun...
polyamines 26 20 POLYAMINE, a compoun...
polyanthas 27 19 POLYANTHA, any of la...
polyanthus 28 20 the oxlip, so called...
polyatomic 30 22 having many atoms, m...
polyaxials 33 24 POLYAXIAL, a shape h...
polyaxonic 34 27 having many axes or...
polybagged 30 24 POLYBAG, to put into...
polybasite 28 19 a grey to black mine...
polycarpic 35 25 fruiting many times,...
polychaete 30 21 a type of aquatic wo...
polychasia 31 21 POLYCHASIUM, a cymos...
polychetes 31 21 POLYCHETE, a type of...
polychrest 32 21 a thing or medicine...
polychroic 35 24 displaying different...
polychrome 32 24 many-coloured, also...
polychromy 39 26 the art or practice...
polyclinic 34 24 a clinic in which di...
polyclonal 30 22 a type of antibody [...
polycotton 28 20 a synthetic fabric [...
polycrotic 33 22 of or pertaining to...
polycyclic 44 28 having many circles,...
polycystic 40 24 having or involving...
polydactyl 37 23 having too many fing...
polydipsia 29 20 abnormal thirst [n -...
polydipsic 33 23 relating to polydips...
polyesters 26 16 POLYESTER, any of a...
polyethene 26 19 the systematic name...
polygamies 28 21 POLYGAMY, the condit...
polygamise 28 21 to practise polygamy...
polygamist 29 21 one who practises po...
polygamize 31 30 to practise polygamy...
polygamous 28 22 of or pertaining to...
polygenies 26 19 POLYGENY, generation...
polygenism 28 22 the doctrine that an...
polygenist 27 19 one who maintains th...
polygenous 26 20 of multiple origin o...
polyglotts 29 19 POLYGLOTT, one who s...
polygonies 26 19 POLYGONY, (Spenser)...
polygonums 28 23 POLYGONUM, any plant...
polygraphs 32 23 POLYGRAPH, an instru...
polygraphy 38 25 the use of a polygra...
polygynian 32 22 having many styles;...
polygynies 33 21 POLYGYNY, the condit...
polygynist 34 21 one who practises po...
polygynous 33 22 having many styles;...
polyhalite 29 19 a triclinic hydrated...
polyhedral 29 20 having many faces or...
polyhedric 32 22 having many faces or...
polyhedron 27 20 a body or solid cont...
polyhistor 29 18 a person of great an...
polyhybrid 38 24 a plant hybridised f...
polyhydric 39 24 having several hydro...
polyimides 28 20 POLYIMIDE, a polymer...
polylemmas 29 23 POLYLEMMA, an argume...
polylysine 33 20 a protein whose poly...
polymastia 27 19 the presence of supe...
polymastic 31 22 a person having more...
polymathic 33 24 pertaining to polyma...
polymerase 26 19 an enzyme present in...
polymeride 27 20 a polymer [n -S]
polymeries 27 19 POLYMERY, in botany,...
polymerise 27 19 to make into a polym...
polymerism 29 22 the state, quality,...
polymerize 30 28 to make into a polym...
polymerous 27 20 consisting of many p...
polymorphs 32 24 POLYMORPH, a substan...
polymyxins 40 29 POLYMYXIN, one of a...
polynomial 27 21 an expression compos...
polyolefin 28 21 a polymer of an alke...
polyominos 26 20 POLYOMINO, a flat, m...
polyonymic 36 25 of a name, consistin...
polyparies 28 19 POLYPARY, the common...
polyparium 30 23 the framework and ba...
polyphagia 31 23 the eating of excess...
polyphasic 34 24 going through severa...
polyphenol 30 23 a polyhydroxyl pheno...
polyphones 29 22 POLYPHONE, a charact...
polyphonic 33 25 having a multiplicit...
polypidoms 30 23 POLYPIDOM, a coral,...
polyploids 30 21 POLYPLOID, having mo...
polyploidy 36 23 the condition of bei...
polypodies 28 20 POLYPODY, a fern wit...
polypodous 28 21 having many legs or...
polyptychs 41 26 POLYPTYCH, a decorat...
polyrhythm 39 25 the simultaneous com...
polysemant 26 20 a word with many mea...
polysemies 27 19 POLYSEMY, in linguis...
polysemous 27 20 having multiple mean...
polysomics 31 22 POLYSOMIC, a basical...
polysomies 27 19 POLYSOMY, a conditio...
polystylar 34 19 having many columns,...
polystyles 34 19 POLYSTYLE, a buildin...
polytenies 25 17 POLYTENY, in abnorma...
polytheism 30 21 belief in multiple d...
polytheist 29 18 an adherent of polyt...
polythenes 27 19 POLYTHENE, a generic...
polytocous 29 20 producing many or se...
polytunnel 26 20 plastic sheeting str...
polytyping 36 24 POLYTYPE, to produce...
polyvalent 28 22 having multiple vale...
polyvinyls 36 24 POLYVINYL, a vinyl p...
polywaters 29 19 POLYWATER, a suppose...
polyzoaria 28 25 POLYZOARIUM, a bryoz...
pomiferous 22 20 bearing apples [adj]
pommelling 24 24 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pomoeriums 21 20 POMOERIUM, (Latin) a...
pomologies 21 19 POMOLOGY, the study...
pomologist 22 19 one versed in pomolo...
pomosexual 26 25 someone who rejects...
pompadours 22 21 POMPADOUR, a hairsty...
pompelmous 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
ponderable 20 19 capable of being wei...
ponderably 27 21 PONDERABLE, capable...
ponderance 19 19 weight, gravity, als...
ponderancy 26 21 weight, gravity, als...
ponderated 17 16 PONDERATE, to consid...
ponderates 17 15 PONDERATE, to consid...
ponderment 18 19 the act of pondering...
ponderosas 17 15 PONDEROSA, (Spanish)...
pondokkies 20 23 PONDOKKIE, (Hottento...
ponerology 25 19 the theological doct...
poniarding 19 18 PONIARD, to stab wit...
pontianacs 20 18 PONTIANAC, (Malay) a...
pontianaks 18 19 PONTIANAK, (Malay) a...
ponticello 23 19 (Italian) the bridge...
pontifical 25 21 of or like a pontiff...
pontifices 24 20 PONTIFEX, (Latin) a...
pontifying 28 22 PONTIFY, to play the...
pontoneers 16 15 PONTONEER, a builder...
pontoniers 17 15 PONTONIER, a builder...
pontonnier 16 16 a builder of pontoon...
pontooners 16 15 PONTOONER, a builder...
pontooning 17 18 PONTOON, to cross wi...
ponytailed 25 18 having a ponytail [a...
poorhouses 20 16 POORHOUSE, (historic...
poormouths 22 19 POORMOUTH, to compla...
poornesses 17 14 POORNESS, the state...
poplinette 21 18 an imitation poplin...
popperings 24 22 POPPERING, a variety...
poppycocks 37 31 POPPYCOCK, (Dutch) n...
poppyheads 31 24 POPPYHEAD, a raised...
popularise 22 18 to cater to popular...
popularist 23 18 designed for the gen...
popularity 29 20 the state of being p...
popularize 25 27 to cater to popular...
populating 23 21 POPULATE, to inhabit...
population 21 19 the whole number of...
populistic 27 21 relating to populism...
populously 30 22 POPULOUS, containing...
porbeagles 22 19 PORBEAGLE, a species...
porcelains 22 18 PORCELAIN, a fine ea...
porchettas 24 18 PORCHETTA, seasoned...
porcupines 24 21 PORCUPINE, a large s...
poriferans 20 17 PORIFERAN, a member...
poriferous 21 17 having pores [adj]
porinesses 18 14 PORINESS, a state of...
porismatic 24 19 relating to a porism...
poristical 24 17 relating to a porism...
porlocking 25 24 PORLOCK, to hinder b...
pornocracy 30 22 government by harlot...
pornotopia 19 17 a perfect setting fo...
porogamies 20 18 POROGAMY, the entry...
poromerics 23 19 POROMERIC, a poromer...
poroscopes 23 19 POROSCOPE, an instru...
poroscopic 27 22 relating to a porosc...
porosities 19 13 POROSITY, the state...
porousness 18 15 the quality of being...
porpentine 19 18 (Shakespeare) a porc...
porphyrias 30 20 PORPHYRIA, any of va...
porphyries 30 20 PORPHYRY, a very har...
porphyrins 30 21 PORPHYRIN, any of a...
porphyrios 30 20 PORPHYRIO, any bird...
porphyrite 30 20 a rock with a porphy...
porphyroid 30 21 a metamorphic rock h...
porphyrous 30 21 purple [adj]
porpoising 22 19 PORPOISE, to move li...
porraceous 21 17 leek-green [adj]
porrecting 23 19 PORRECT, to stretch...
porrection 21 17 the act of stretchin...
porrengers 19 16 PORRENGER, a small d...
porringers 20 16 PORRINGER, a small d...
portabella 22 18 a variety of button...
portabello 22 18 a variety of button...
portamenti 19 17 PORTAMENTO, (Italian...
portamento 18 17 (Italian) in singing...
portapacks 25 23 PORTAPACK, a small p...
portatives 21 17 PORTATIVE, a portabl...
portcullis 26 19 a grating of iron or...
portending 19 18 PORTEND, to serve as...
portentous 18 15 of, relating to, or...
porteouses 18 14 PORTEOUS, (historica...
porterages 19 15 PORTERAGE, the work...
portfolios 22 17 PORTFOLIO, a case or...
porthorses 21 15 PORTHORS, (historica...
porthouses 21 16 PORTHOUSE, (historic...
portioners 18 14 PORTIONER, the propr...
portioning 19 17 PORTION, to divide i...
portionist 19 14 a postmaster of Mert...
portliness 20 15 the state of being p...
portmantle 20 18 (obsolete) a portman...
portmantua 19 18 (obsolete) a portman...
portobello 22 18 a variety of button...
portolanos 18 15 PORTOLANO, (Italian)...
portraited 19 14 PORTRAIT, to make a...
portrayals 26 16 PORTRAYAL, the act o...
portrayers 25 15 PORTRAYER, one who p...
portraying 26 18 PORTRAY, to paint or...
portreeves 20 17 PORTREEVE, a mayor o...
portresses 19 13 PORTRESS, a female p...
portulacas 23 18 PORTULACA, any plant...
porwiggles 26 21 PORWIGGLE, a tadpole...
poshnesses 20 16 POSHNESS, the qualit...
positional 19 15 of, relating to, or...
positioned 18 15 POSITION, to put in...
positively 29 20 POSITIVE, assertive,...
positivest 22 17 POSITIVE, assertive,...
positivism 24 20 the doctrine that th...
positivist 23 17 a believer in positi...
positivity 29 19 positiveness [n POSI...
posologies 20 16 POSOLOGY, a branch o...
possessing 20 16 POSSESS, to have as...
possession 18 14 the act of having or...
possessive 21 17 related to possessio...
possessors 19 13 POSSESSOR, one who p...
possessory 25 15 of or pertaining to...
possiblest 23 17 POSSIBLE, that can b...
postarrest 19 13 taking place after a...
postatomic 23 19 taking place after t...
postattack 23 20 following an attack...
postbellum 25 22 (Latin) after a war...
postbusses 22 17 POSTBUS, a small bus...
postcarded 22 18 POSTCARD, to send a...
postcoding 23 20 POSTCODE, to give a...
postcoital 23 17 after sexual interco...
postcrisis 24 16 taking place after a...
postdating 20 17 POSTDATE, to date af...
postdebate 20 17 after a debate [adj]
posteriors 19 13 POSTERIOR, the butto...
posterised 19 14 POSTERISE, (US and C...
posterises 19 13 POSTERISE, (US and C...
posterized 22 23 POSTERIZE, (US and C...
posterizes 22 22 POSTERIZE, (US and C...
postexilic 30 24 existing or occurrin...
postfixing 29 26 POSTFIX, to affix at...
postflight 27 21 after a flight [adj]
postformed 22 20 POSTFORM, to shape s...
postfreeze 23 25 after a freeze [adj]
posthastes 21 15 POSTHASTE, great has...
postheated 20 16 POSTHEAT, to heat a...
postholder 22 17 one who holds a post...
posthorses 21 15 POSTHORSE, a horse u...
posthouses 21 16 POSTHOUSE, an inn, o...
posthumous 23 20 taking place after d...
postilions 20 15 POSTILION, (historic...
postillate 21 15 to explain by margin...
postillers 22 15 POSTILLER, one who p...
postilling 23 18 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
postillion 21 16 (historical) a perso...
postimpact 26 22 after an impact [adj...
postlaunch 25 21 following a launch [...
postliminy 28 20 the right by which p...
postmarked 21 21 POSTMARK, to stamp m...
postmaster 20 16 one who has charge o...
postmating 21 19 that takes place aft...
postmodern 19 18 of, relating to, or...
postmortem 21 19 a postmortem examina...
postocular 23 18 a scale situated beh...
postpartum 23 20 (Latin) relating to...
postperson 20 17 a postman or postwom...
postponers 20 17 POSTPONER, one who p...
postponing 21 20 POSTPONE, to put off...
postposing 22 19 POSTPOSE, to place a...
postprison 21 17 after release from p...
postriders 20 14 POSTRIDER, one who r...
postscript 26 19 a note or series of...
postseason 17 14 the time after the e...
poststrike 21 17 after a strike [adj]
postsynced 28 20 POSTSYNC, (short for...
postulancy 29 21 the state or period...
postulants 20 16 POSTULANT, a candida...
postulated 20 16 POSTULATE, to assume...
postulates 20 15 POSTULATE, to assume...
postulator 20 15 an official who pres...
postulatum 22 19 (Latin) a postulate...
posturings 21 17 POSTURING, the act o...
posturised 20 15 POSTURISE, to postur...
posturises 20 14 POSTURISE, to postur...
posturists 21 14 POSTURIST, one who p...
posturized 23 24 POSTURIZE, to postur...
posturizes 23 23 POSTURIZE, to postur...
potability 29 19 the state of being p...
potamology 27 21 the study of rivers...
potassiums 21 17 POTASSIUM, a silvery...
potatobugs 22 19 POTATOBUG, the Color...
potbellied 23 19 having a potbelly [a...
potbellies 23 18 POTBELLY, a protrudi...
potboilers 22 17 POTBOILER, a work in...
potboiling 23 20 the act of producing...
potentates 17 14 POTENTATE, a powerfu...
potentials 19 15 POTENTIAL, powers or...
potentiary 24 16 a person invested wi...
potentiate 17 14 to use drugs in comb...
potentilla 20 16 any of various chief...
potentised 18 15 POTENTISE, to render...
potentises 18 14 POTENTISE, to render...
potentized 21 24 POTENTIZE, to render...
potentizes 21 23 POTENTIZE, to render...
potentness 17 15 the state of being p...
potholders 22 17 POTHOLDER, a piece o...
potholings 23 19 POTHOLING, the sport...
pothunters 21 17 POTHUNTER, someone w...
pothunting 22 20 going round to athle...
poticaries 22 16 POTICARY, an apothec...
potlatched 25 20 POTLATCH, to exchang...
potlatches 25 19 POTLATCH, to exchang...
potometers 19 16 POTOMETER, an instru...
potpourris 22 17 POTPOURRI, (French)...
potterings 20 16 POTTERING, the act o...
pottingars 20 16 POTTINGAR, (Scots) a...
pottingers 20 16 POTTINGER, a small d...
pottymouth 29 21 one given to habitua...
potwallers 24 18 POTWALLER, a man ent...
poulterers 20 15 POULTERER, a dealer...
poulticing 25 21 POULTICE, to apply a...
poultroone 18 16 (Shakespeare) a polt...
poultryman 27 21 one who keeps poultr...
poultrymen 27 21 POULTRYMAN, one who...
poundcakes 22 23 POUNDCAKE, a sweet r...
pourboires 21 17 POURBOIRE, (French)...
pourparler 22 18 (French) a discussio...
pourpoints 21 18 POURPOINT, (French)...
poursewing 23 20 POURSEW, (Spenser) t...
pourtrahed 21 17 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
pourtraict 23 17 (obsolete) a portrai...
pourtrayed 25 17 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
pousowdies 22 18 POUSOWDIE, (Scots) a...
poussetted 19 15 POUSSETTE, to make s...
poussettes 19 14 POUSSETTE, (French)...
poutassous 19 15 POUTASSOU, a gadoid...
pouthering 22 19 POUTHER, to powder [...
powderiest 22 17 POWDERY, like powder...
powderings 23 20 POWDERING, the act o...
powderless 23 18 without powder [adj]
powderlike 24 22 like powder [adj]
powellised 24 19 POWELLISE, to season...
powellises 24 18 POWELLISE, to season...
powellites 24 18 POWELLITE, calcium m...
powellized 27 28 POWELLIZE, to season...
powellizes 27 27 POWELLIZE, to season...
powerboats 23 19 POWERBOAT, a boat pr...
powerfully 33 24 POWERFUL, full of po...
powerhouse 23 19 one having great dri...
powerplays 31 22 POWERPLAY, strong, a...
powertrain 21 17 the drive-transmitti...
powsowdies 25 20 POWSOWDY, (Scots) an...
poxviruses 28 25 POXVIRUS, any one of...
pozzolanas 24 33 POZZOLANA, (Italian)...
pozzolanic 28 36 of or like pozzolana...
pozzuolana 24 34 (Italian) volcanic a...
pracharaks 25 22 PRACHARAK, (Hindi) i...
practicals 27 20 PRACTICAL, a practic...
practicers 26 19 PRACTICER, one who p...
practician 25 20 a practiser or pract...
practicing 27 22 PRACTICE, to train o...
practicked 27 24 PRACTIC, (archaic) t...
practicums 28 23 PRACTICUM, (Latin) a...
practiques 31 26 PRACTIQUE, (archaic)...
practisant 22 17 (obsolete) a fellow...
practisers 23 16 PRACTISER, one who p...
practising 24 19 PRACTISE, to train o...
practolols 24 18 PRACTOLOL, a drug fo...
praeambles 22 20 PRAEAMBLE, (Milton)...
praecocial 25 20 of or relating to bi...
praelected 22 18 PRAELECT, to lecture...
praeludium 22 20 (Latin) a prelude [n...
praemunire 19 18 the offense of intro...
praenomens 17 18 PRAENOMEN, (Latin) t...
praenomina 17 18 PRAENOMEN, (Latin) t...
praepostor 20 16 (Latin) the name use...
praesidium 21 18 (Latin) a standing c...
praetorial 19 14 relating to a praeto...
praetorian 17 14 a former praetor or...
praetorium 20 17 the court or palace...
pragmatics 25 21 the study of inheren...
pragmatise 21 18 to interpret; to rep...
pragmatism 23 21 a doctrine emphasizi...
pragmatist 22 18 one who is pragmatic...
pragmatize 24 27 to interpret; to rep...
praiseachs 24 18 PRAISEACH, (Irish) a...
praiseless 20 14 without praise or ap...
praisingly 28 19 PRAISING, laudatory...
pranayamas 24 19 PRANAYAMA, (Sanskrit...
prancingly 30 23 PRANCING, moving lik...
prandially 27 19 PRANDIAL, of or rela...
prankingly 28 24 PRANKING [adv]
prankishly 30 23 PRANKISH, mischievou...
pranksters 20 18 PRANKSTER, one who p...
pratfallen 22 19 PRATFALL, to fall on...
pratincole 22 18 a bird related to th...
prattlebox 28 24 a prattler, a chatte...
praxeology 32 25 the study of human a...
prayerless 26 16 not using prayer; ha...
preabsorbs 23 19 PREABSORB, to absorb...
preaccused 25 21 PREACCUSE, to accuse...
preaccuses 25 20 PREACCUSE, to accuse...
preachable 26 22 that can be preached...
preachiest 24 18 PREACHY, tending to...
preachings 25 21 PREACHING, the act o...
preachment 24 22 a religious harangue...
preadamite 19 17 a person who believe...
preadapted 20 18 PREADAPT, to adapt b...
preadjusts 22 24 PREADJUST, to adjust...
preadopted 20 18 PREADOPT, to adopt b...
prealtered 19 15 PREALTER, to alter b...
preambling 24 23 PREAMBLE, to give an...
preapplied 24 21 PREAPPLY, to apply b...
preapplies 24 20 PREAPPLY, to apply b...
preappoint 22 20 to appoint previousl...
preapprove 24 23 to approve in advanc...
prearrange 18 16 to arrange in advanc...
preassigns 20 16 PREASSIGN, to assign...
preassured 19 15 PREASSURE, to assure...
preassures 19 14 PREASSURE, to assure...
preattuned 18 16 PREATTUNE, to attune...
preattunes 18 15 PREATTUNE, to attune...
preaverred 20 18 PREAVER, to aver bef...
preaxially 33 24 PREAXIAL, situated i...
prebendary 26 20 a clergyman attached...
prebidding 23 21 the act of bidding i...
prebilling 25 21 PREBILL, to bill bef...
prebinding 22 21 PREBIND, to bind in...
prebiotics 25 19 PREBIOTIC, a natural...
preblessed 22 18 PREBLESS, to bless b...
preblesses 22 17 PREBLESS, to bless b...
preboarded 20 18 PREBOARD, to board b...
preboiling 23 20 PREBOIL, to boil bef...
prebooking 22 23 PREBOOK, to book bef...
prebudgets 23 20 PREBUDGET [v]
prebuttals 23 18 PREBUTTAL, a prepare...
precalculi 28 22 PRECALCULUS, a mathe...
precancels 25 21 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precancers 24 20 PRECANCER, a conditi...
precarious 22 17 insecure, uncertain...
precasting 23 19 PRECAST, to cast bef...
precaution 21 18 care taken in advanc...
precedence 23 21 the fact of precedin...
precedency 30 23 the fact of precedin...
precedents 21 18 PRECEDENT, something...
precensors 21 17 PRECENSOR, to censor...
precenting 22 20 PRECENT, to lead a c...
precentors 21 17 PRECENTOR, a leader...
precentrix 28 24 a female precentor [...
preceptial 25 20 (Shakespeare) consis...
preceptive 26 23 concerning rules of...
preceptors 24 19 PRECEPTOR, a teacher...
preceptory 30 21 a community of Knigh...
precessing 23 19 PRECESS, of a spinni...
precession 21 17 the act of going bef...
precharged 25 21 PRECHARGE, to charge...
precharges 25 20 PRECHARGE, to charge...
prechecked 28 26 PRECHECK, to check b...
prechilled 27 21 PRECHILL, to chill b...
prechooses 23 18 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precieuses 22 17 PRECIEUSE, (French)...
preciosity 29 18 preciousness [n PREC...
preciouses 22 17 PRECIOUS, a sweethea...
preciously 30 20 PRECIOUS, valuable [...
precipiced 28 23 having precipices [a...
precipices 28 22 PRECIPICE, a high ve...
precipitin 25 20 antibody that reacts...
precisians 22 17 PRECISIAN, a person...
precisions 22 17 PRECISION, the state...
precleaned 21 19 PRECLEAN, to clean b...
precleared 22 18 PRECLEAR, to clear b...
precluding 25 22 PRECLUDE, to rule ou...
preclusion 23 19 the act of precludin...
preclusive 26 22 tending to preclude...
precocials 26 20 PRECOCIAL, a bird ha...
precocious 25 20 exceptionally early...
precognise 22 19 to know beforehand,...
precognize 25 28 to know beforehand,...
precollege 24 20 taking place before...
precompose 24 22 to compose beforehan...
precompute 25 23 to compute in advanc...
preconceit 24 20 (obsolete) to precon...
preconcert 24 20 to settle beforehand...
precondemn 21 22 to condemn beforehan...
preconised 21 18 PRECONISE, to procla...
preconises 21 17 PRECONISE, to procla...
preconized 24 27 PRECONIZE, to procla...
preconizes 24 26 PRECONIZE, to procla...
preconsume 22 21 to consume in advanc...
precontact 24 20 prior contact [n -S]
precookers 22 20 PRECOOKER, a device...
precooking 23 23 PRECOOK, to cook bef...
precooling 23 20 PRECOOL, to cool bef...
precordial 23 18 in front of the hear...
precreased 21 17 PRECREASE, to crease...
precreases 21 16 PRECREASE, to crease...
precurrers 23 17 PRECURRER, (Shakespe...
precursing 24 20 PRECURSE, to foresha...
precursive 25 21 preceding; introduct...
precursors 23 17 PRECURSOR, something...
precursory 29 19 preceding as a precu...
precutting 24 20 PRECUT, to cut befor...
precycling 34 25 PRECYCLE, (of a cons...
predaceous 21 18 living by prey; pred...
predacious 22 18 living by prey; pred...
predations 18 15 PREDATION, the killi...
predatisms 21 17 PREDATISM, the state...
predecease 20 17 to die sooner than [...
prededucts 23 19 PREDEDUCT, to deduct...
predefined 20 19 PREDEFINE, to define...
predefines 20 18 PREDEFINE, to define...
predentate 17 15 having teeth in the...
predeposit 21 17 to deposit in advanc...
predesigns 20 17 PREDESIGN, to design...
predestine 18 15 to decree beforehand...
predestiny 25 17 predestination [n PR...
predevelop 23 22 to develop in advanc...
predevoted 20 19 PREDEVOTE, to devote...
predevotes 20 18 PREDEVOTE, to devote...
prediality 27 17 the quality of being...
predicable 25 21 capable of being pre...
predicants 22 18 PREDICANT, a preache...
predicated 22 18 PREDICATE, to affirm...
predicates 22 17 PREDICATE, to affirm...
predicator 22 17 in systemic grammar,...
predicters 23 17 PREDICTER, one who p...
predicting 24 20 PREDICT, to tell of...
prediction 22 18 an act of predicting...
predictive 25 21 relating to predicti...
predictors 23 17 PREDICTOR, one who p...
predigests 21 16 PREDIGEST, to digest...
predikants 20 19 PREDIKANT, (Dutch) a...
predinners 18 16 PREDINNER, a meal ta...
predispose 21 17 to dispose in advanc...
prednisone 17 16 a drug similar to co...
predooming 20 20 PREDOOM, to sentence...
predrilled 22 17 PREDRILL, to drill b...
preediting 20 17 PREEDIT, to edit bef...
preelected 22 18 PREELECT, to elect b...
preembargo 22 21 before an embargo [a...
preeminent 18 18 having paramount ran...
preempting 23 22 PREEMPT, to acquire...
preemption 21 20 the act or right of...
preemptive 24 23 of or pertaining to...
preemptors 22 19 PREEMPTOR, one who p...
preenacted 20 18 PREENACT, to enact b...
preerected 21 17 PREERECT, to erect b...
preethical 25 19 relating to a state...
preexcited 28 24 PREEXCITE, to stimul...
preexcites 28 23 PREEXCITE, to stimul...
preexempts 28 26 PREEXEMPT, to exempt...
preexisted 25 21 PREEXIST, to exist b...
preexposed 26 24 PREEXPOSE, to expose...
preexposes 26 23 PREEXPOSE, to expose...
prefabbing 26 25 PREFAB, (short for)...
prefascist 25 19 belonging to the per...
prefecture 24 20 the office, position...
preferable 23 20 to be preferred, als...
preferably 30 22 PREFERABLE, to be pr...
preference 22 20 the act of preferrin...
preferment 21 20 promotion [n -S]
preferrers 21 16 PREFERRER, one who p...
preferring 22 19 PREFER, to like bett...
prefigured 23 20 PREFIGURE, to imagin...
prefigures 23 19 PREFIGURE, to imagin...
prefinance 22 21 to finance in advanc...
prefixally 36 27 PREFIXAL, pertaining...
prefixions 27 24 PREFIXION, the act o...
prefixture 28 24 the act of prefixing...
preflights 27 21 PREFLIGHT, to inspec...
prefocused 24 21 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prefocuses 24 20 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
preformats 22 19 PREFORMAT, to format...
preforming 23 22 PREFORM, to form bef...
prefranked 21 22 PREFRANK, to frank b...
prefreezes 23 25 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
prefrontal 21 18 in front of, or in t...
prefulgent 23 21 extremely bright [ad...
prefunding 22 22 PREFUND, to fund bef...
pregenital 20 17 situated in front of...
preglacial 25 20 formed or occurring...
pregnances 21 20 PREGNANCE, (obsolete...
pregnantly 26 20 PREGNANT, carrying a...
pregrowths 26 20 PREGROWTH, the perio...
preguiding 22 20 PREGUIDE, to guide b...
prehandled 21 19 PREHANDLE, to handle...
prehandles 21 18 PREHANDLE, to handle...
prehardens 20 17 PREHARDEN, to harden...
preharvest 23 19 the period before ha...
preheaters 20 15 PREHEATER, something...
preheating 21 18 PREHEAT, to heat bef...
prehending 21 20 PREHEND, to lay hold...
prehensile 21 17 adapted to seize or...
prehension 19 17 the act of taking ho...
prehensive 22 20 prehensile, related...
prehensors 20 16 PREHENSOR, something...
prehensory 26 18 adapted to seize or...
prehistory 28 17 the time before hist...
preholiday 28 19 taking place before...
prehominid 22 20 preceding the evolut...
preimposed 22 20 PREIMPOSE, to impose...
preimposes 22 19 PREIMPOSE, to impose...
preinforms 22 20 PREINFORM, to inform...
preinserts 19 14 PREINSERT, to insert...
preinvited 21 19 PREINVITE, to invite...
preinvites 21 18 PREINVITE, to invite...
prejudgers 23 26 PREJUDGER, one who p...
prejudging 24 29 PREJUDGE, to judge b...
prejudiced 25 28 PREJUDICE, to prepos...
prejudices 25 27 PREJUDICE, to prepos...
prejudizes 25 33 PREJUDIZE, (Spenser)...
prelatical 24 18 relating to a prelat...
prelations 19 15 PRELATION, prefermen...
prelatised 20 15 PRELATISE, to bring...
prelatises 20 14 PRELATISE, to bring...
prelatisms 22 17 PRELATISM, dominatio...
prelatists 21 14 PRELATIST, a support...
prelatized 23 24 PRELATIZE, to bring...
prelatizes 23 23 PRELATIZE, to bring...
prelatures 20 15 PRELATURE, the offic...
prelecting 24 20 PRELECT, to lecture,...
prelection 22 18 a lecture or discour...
prelectors 23 17 PRELECTOR, a reader...
prelexical 30 25 denoting a stage in...
prelimited 22 18 PRELIMIT, to limit b...
prelingual 22 19 before the use of la...
preloading 20 18 PRELOAD, to load bef...
prelocated 22 18 PRELOCATE, to locate...
prelocates 22 17 PRELOCATE, to locate...
prelogical 25 20 before the developme...
preludious 21 17 of or pertaining to...
prelusions 20 16 PRELUSION, a prelude...
premarital 21 17 taking place before...
premarkets 21 20 PREMARKET, to market...
prematures 20 17 PREMATURE, a prematu...
premaxilla 28 25 (Latin) a bone in fr...
premeasure 19 17 to measure in advanc...
premedical 24 21 of or relating to a...
premeiotic 23 19 taking place before...
premiering 21 19 PREMIERE, to present...
premissing 22 19 PREMISS, to state or...
premoisten 19 17 to moisten beforehan...
premolding 22 21 PREMOLD, to mold bef...
premonitor 19 17 one who, or that whi...
premotions 19 17 PREMOTION, a motion...
premoulded 21 20 PREMOULD, to mould i...
premycotic 33 24 taking place before...
prenatally 26 18 PRENATAL, prior to b...
prenominal 19 19 placed before a noun...
prenotions 17 15 PRENOTION, a notion...
prenticing 23 20 PRENTICE, to place w...
prenumbers 22 21 PRENUMBER, to number...
prenuptial 22 19 made or occurring be...
preobtains 20 17 PREOBTAIN, to obtain...
preoculars 23 18 PREOCULAR, a scale i...
preopening 20 20 taking place before...
preoptions 20 17 PREOPTION, the right...
preordains 18 15 PREORDAIN, to ordain...
preordered 18 15 PREORDER, to order b...
prepackage 25 25 to package in advanc...
prepacking 26 26 PREPACK, to package...
preparator 20 16 one who prepares bef...
preparedly 28 20 PREPARED [adv]
prepasting 22 19 PREPASTE, to paste b...
prepayable 29 22 that can be prepaid...
prepayment 27 22 payment in advance [...
prepensely 27 20 PREPENSE, premeditat...
prepensing 21 20 PREPENSE, (Spenser)...
prepensive 22 21 premeditated [adj]
preplacing 26 23 PREPLACE, to place b...
preplanned 20 20 PREPLAN, to plan in...
prepollent 22 19 having superior infl...
preportion 20 17 to portion in advanc...
prepositor 21 16 (Latin) the name use...
prepossess 21 16 to bias or prejudice...
prepostors 21 16 PREPOSTOR, (Latin) t...
prepotence 22 20 the state of being p...
prepotency 29 22 the state of being p...
preppiness 23 20 being like a preppie...
prepresses 21 16 PREPRESS, the prepar...
prepricing 26 22 PREPRICE, to price b...
preprimary 29 21 an election occurrin...
preprinted 21 18 PREPRINT, to print i...
preprocess 24 19 to process beforehan...
preprogram 23 21 to program beforehan...
prepuberal 24 21 occurring in prepube...
prepuberty 30 22 the time before pube...
prepunched 26 24 PREPUNCH, to punch i...
prepunches 26 23 PREPUNCH, to punch i...
prequalify 37 29 to qualify beforehan...
prereading 19 17 referring to the tim...
prerecords 22 17 PRERECORD, to record...
prerelease 18 14 to release in advanc...
prerequire 27 23 to require beforehan...
prerinsing 20 17 PRERINSE, to rinse b...
presageful 23 20 full of presages; om...
presbyopes 29 21 PRESBYOPE, one who h...
presbyopia 29 21 long-sightedness in...
presbyopic 33 24 affected by presbyop...
presbyters 28 18 PRESBYTER, an elder...
presbytery 34 20 part of church reser...
presbytism 30 21 presbyopia [n -S]
preschools 25 19 PRESCHOOL, a kinderg...
prescience 24 20 knowledge of events...
prescinded 22 19 PRESCIND, to conside...
prescoring 23 19 PRESCORE, to record...
prescreens 21 17 PRESCREEN, to screen...
prescribed 25 20 PRESCRIBE, to lay do...
prescriber 25 19 one who prescribes [...
prescribes 25 19 PRESCRIBE, to lay do...
prescripts 26 19 PRESCRIPT, (archaic)...
preseasons 17 14 PRESEASON, the time...
preselects 23 17 PRESELECT, to select...
preselling 22 18 PRESELL, to promote...
presension 17 15 previous perception...
presentees 17 14 PRESENTEE, one prese...
presenters 18 14 PRESENTER, one who p...
presential 19 15 relating to or havin...
presenting 19 17 PRESENT, to bring in...
presentism 20 17 the practice of eval...
presentist 19 14 one with a bias towa...
presentive 20 18 a word that presents...
preservers 21 17 PRESERVER, one who p...
preservice 24 20 before service [adj]
preserving 22 20 PRESERVE, to keep sa...
presetting 20 16 PRESET, to set befor...
presettled 20 15 PRESETTLE, to settle...
presettles 20 14 PRESETTLE, to settle...
preshaping 24 21 PRESHAPE, to shape b...
preshipped 26 22 PRESHIP, to ship bef...
preshowing 25 21 PRESHOW, to show bef...
preshrinks 23 20 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presidency 28 20 the office of presid...
presidents 19 15 PRESIDENT, the head...
presidiary 26 16 of or pertaining to...
presidiums 22 18 PRESIDIUM, a standin...
presifting 23 19 PRESIFT, to sift bef...
presignals 21 17 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
presignify 29 21 to intimate or signi...
preslicing 25 20 PRESLICE, to slice b...
presoaking 20 20 PRESOAK, to soak bef...
presolving 23 21 PRESOLVE, to solve b...
presorting 20 16 PRESORT, to sort bef...
prespecify 33 24 to specify in advanc...
pressboard 21 17 an ironing board esp...
pressgangs 21 18 PRESSGANG, a squad o...
pressingly 28 19 PRESSING [adv]
pressmarks 22 20 PRESSMARK, a mark on...
pressrooms 20 16 PRESSROOM, a room fo...
pressuring 21 17 PRESSURE, to apply f...
pressurise 20 14 to place under press...
pressurize 23 23 to place under press...
presswoman 22 20 a female reporter [n...
presswomen 22 20 PRESSWOMAN, a female...
pressworks 24 20 PRESSWORK, the opera...
prestamped 22 20 PRESTAMP, to stamp b...
prestation 18 14 a payment of money;...
presternum 20 18 the anterior segment...
prestorage 19 15 occurring before sto...
prestoring 20 16 PRESTORE, to store b...
presumable 23 21 to be presumed [adj...
presumably 30 23 PRESUMABLE, to be pr...
presumedly 28 21 PRESUMED [adv]
presummits 23 20 PRESUMMIT, a meeting...
presuppose 23 20 to suppose beforehan...
presurgery 27 18 before surgery [adj]
presurmise 21 17 (Shakespeare) a surm...
presurveys 28 20 PRESURVEY, to survey...
presweeten 20 17 to sweeten in advanc...
pretasting 20 16 PRETASTE, to taste b...
pretelling 22 18 PRETELL, to tell bef...
pretendant 17 16 a pretender; a claim...
pretendent 17 16 a pretender; a claim...
pretenders 18 15 PRETENDER, one who l...
pretending 19 18 PRETEND, to make bel...
pretension 17 15 foolish vanity or pr...
pretensive 20 18 pretentious [adj]
preterists 20 13 PRETERIST, a person...
preterites 19 13 PRETERITE, the gramm...
pretermits 21 16 PRETERMIT, to omit,...
pretesting 20 16 PRETEST, to give a p...
pretexting 26 23 the act of alleging...
pretheater 20 15 occurring before the...
pretheatre 20 15 occurring before a v...
pretorians 18 14 PRETORIAN, a former...
pretorship 24 18 the office of pretor...
pretrained 18 15 PRETRAIN, to train b...
pretreated 18 14 PRETREAT, to treat b...
pretrimmed 22 20 PRETRIM, to trim bef...
prettified 22 17 PRETTIFY, to make at...
prettifier 22 16 one who prettifies [...
prettifies 22 16 PRETTIFY, to make at...
prettiness 19 14 the state of being p...
prettyisms 28 18 PRETTYISM, affectati...
pretzelled 24 25 PRETZEL, to twist, b...
preuniting 20 18 PREUNITE, to unite b...
prevailers 22 18 PREVAILER, one who p...
prevailing 23 21 PREVAIL, to triumph...
prevalence 23 22 the state of being p...
prevalency 30 24 the state of being p...
prevalents 21 19 PREVALENT, something...
prevaluing 23 22 PREVALUE, to value b...
prevenancy 28 24 courteous anticipati...
prevenient 19 19 antecedent, anticipa...
preventers 20 18 PREVENTER, one who p...
preventing 21 21 PREVENT, to keep fro...
prevention 19 19 the act of preventin...
preventive 22 22 serving to prevent,...
previewers 24 20 PREVIEWER, one who p...
previewing 25 23 PREVIEW, to view or...
previously 29 21 PREVIOUS, coming or...
previsions 21 18 PREVISION, to forese...
previsited 22 18 PREVISIT, to visit b...
prevocalic 28 24 before a vowel [adj...
prewarming 24 22 PREWARM, to warm bef...
prewarning 22 20 PREWARN, to warn in...
prewashing 25 21 PREWASH, to wash bef...
preweaning 21 20 taking place before...
preweighed 25 21 PREWEIGH, to weigh b...
preworking 24 23 PREWORK, to work bef...
prewrapped 26 23 PREWRAP, to wrap bef...
prewriting 24 19 a preliminary writin...
prickliest 26 21 PRICKLY, having many...
pricklings 27 24 PRICKLING, the act o...
prickwoods 27 24 PRICKWOOD, the spind...
pridefully 31 22 PRIDEFUL, full of pr...
priesthood 21 16 the office, dignity,...
priestlier 21 14 PRIESTLY, characteri...
priestlike 22 18 like a priest [adj]
priestling 22 17 a priest of low rank...
priestship 25 18 the office of priest...
priggeries 22 17 PRIGGERY, prim adher...
priggishly 33 22 PRIGGISH, marked by...
primaquine 28 27 an antimalarial drug...
primatials 22 17 PRIMATIAL, a primate...
primatical 25 20 of or pertaining to...
primaveras 22 20 PRIMAVERA, (Italian)...
primevally 31 24 PRIMEVAL, belonging...
primiparae 22 19 PRIMIPARA, (Latin) a...
primiparas 23 19 PRIMIPARA, (Latin) a...
primitives 24 20 PRIMITIVE, an uncivi...
primnesses 20 17 PRIMNESS, the state...
primogenit 21 19 (obsolete) a firstbo...
primordial 22 18 original, rudimentar...
primordium 23 21 (Latin) the first di...
primrosing 22 19 PRIMROSE, to gather...
primulines 22 19 PRIMULINE, a yellow...
princedoms 23 21 PRINCEDOM, the realm...
princehood 23 20 princeliness [n -S]
princekins 23 22 PRINCEKIN, a petty p...
princelets 23 18 PRINCELET, a petty p...
princelier 23 18 PRINCELY, befitting...
princelike 24 22 princely [adj]
princeling 24 21 a petty prince; a yo...
princeship 27 22 the office of prince...
princesses 22 17 PRINCESS, a non-reig...
princessly 30 20 like a princess [adj...
princified 25 21 imitative of a princ...
principals 26 21 PRINCIPAL, the head...
principate 24 20 principality; suprem...
principial 26 21 elementary [adj]
principium 27 24 (Latin) a first prin...
principled 26 22 PRINCIPLE, to ground...
principles 26 21 PRINCIPLE, to ground...
printeries 19 14 PRINTERY, a place wh...
printheads 21 17 PRINTHEAD, the part...
printmaker 21 21 an artist who makes...
printwheel 25 20 another name for dai...
printworks 24 21 a place where printi...
prioresses 19 13 PRIORESS, a female s...
priorities 20 13 PRIORITY, precedence...
prioritise 20 13 to assign a priority...
prioritize 23 22 to assign a priority...
priorships 25 18 PRIORSHIP, the state...
prismatoid 21 17 a body that approach...
prismoidal 22 18 having the form of a...
prisonment 19 18 (Shakespeare) impris...
prissiness 20 14 the state of being p...
pristinely 27 17 PRISTINE, original,...
privateers 21 17 PRIVATEER, to operat...
privations 21 18 PRIVATION, the act o...
privatised 22 18 PRIVATISE, to transf...
privatiser 22 17 one who transfers to...
privatises 22 17 PRIVATISE, to transf...
privatisms 24 20 PRIVATISM, a tendenc...
privatists 23 17 PRIVATIST, one who b...
privatives 24 21 PRIVATIVE, a privati...
privatized 25 27 PRIVATIZE, to transf...
privatizer 25 26 one who transfers to...
privatizes 25 26 PRIVATIZE, to transf...
privileged 24 21 PRIVILEGE, to grant...
privileges 24 20 PRIVILEGE, to grant...
prizefight 29 29 a professional boxin...
prizewoman 25 29 a woman winning a pr...
prizewomen 25 29 PRIZEWOMAN, a woman...
proactions 21 17 PROACTION, action th...
proaireses 18 13 PROAIRESIS, the act...
proairesis 19 13 the act of choosing...
probations 20 17 PROBATION, the act o...
probenecid 23 21 a drug that acts on...
probiotics 25 19 PROBIOTIC [n]
problemist 24 20 one who sets problem...
procacious 25 20 bold; impertinent [a...
procambial 26 23 relating to procambi...
procambium 27 26 the young tissue of...
procaryons 27 19 PROCARYON, the nucle...
procaryote 27 18 a bacterium or blue-...
procedural 23 19 relating to procedur...
procedures 22 18 PROCEDURE, a way of...
proceeders 21 17 PROCEEDER, one who p...
proceeding 22 20 the act of proceedin...
procercoid 25 20 the solid first para...
procerebra 23 19 PROCEREBRUM, the for...
processers 22 16 PROCESSER, something...
processing 23 19 the act of processin...
procession 21 17 to go in procession...
processors 22 16 PROCESSOR, something...
processual 23 18 governed by or relat...
procidence 24 21 prolapse [n -S]
proclaimed 24 21 PROCLAIM, to make kn...
proclaimer 24 20 one who proclaims [n...
proclitics 28 20 PROCLITIC, a proclit...
proclivity 33 23 an inclination or pr...
procoelous 22 18 cupped in front [adj...
proconsuls 23 19 PROCONSUL, an office...
procreants 21 17 PROCREANT, a person...
procreated 21 17 PROCREATE, to engend...
procreates 21 16 PROCREATE, to engend...
procreator 21 16 one who procreates [...
procrypses 31 21 PROCRYPSIS, protecti...
procrypsis 32 21 protective coloratio...
procryptic 35 24 pertaining to or hav...
proctalgia 24 19 neuralgic pain in th...
proctodaea 20 17 PROCTODAEUM, the pos...
proctodeal 22 18 relating to the proc...
proctodeum 23 21 the posterior portio...
proctology 30 21 the study of the rec...
proctorage 22 18 management by a proc...
proctorial 23 17 of or pertaining to...
proctoring 23 19 PROCTOR, to officiat...
proctorise 22 16 to exercise the powe...
proctorize 25 25 to exercise the powe...
procumbent 25 24 lying face down, pro...
procurable 25 21 capable of being pro...
procurance 24 21 the act of procuring...
procurator 22 17 a person who is empl...
procureurs 23 18 PROCUREUR, (French)...
procurings 24 20 PROCURING, the act o...
procyonids 28 20 PROCYONID, a member...
prodigally 29 20 PRODIGAL, lavish [ad...
prodigious 21 17 resembling or befitt...
prodnosing 19 18 PRODNOSE, to pry, ma...
prodromata 19 17 PRODROME, a prefator...
producible 26 22 capable of being pro...
productile 24 19 capable of being ext...
production 22 19 something produced [...
productive 25 22 having the power of...
proembryos 28 21 PROEMBRYO, a group o...
proenzymes 28 28 PROENZYME, an enzyme...
profascist 25 19 supporting fascism [...
professing 22 19 PROFESS, to affirm o...
profession 20 17 a calling [n -S]
professors 21 16 PROFESSOR, a univers...
profferers 23 19 PROFFERER, one who p...
proffering 24 22 PROFFER, to present...
proficient 24 20 well advanced in an...
profilings 24 20 PROFILING, the proce...
profilists 24 17 PROFILIST, one who d...
profitable 24 20 yielding profit [adj...
profitably 31 22 PROFITABLE, yielding...
profiteers 21 16 PROFITEER, to act as...
profitings 23 19 PROFITING, the act o...
profitless 23 17 without profit [adj...
profitwise 25 19 by way of profit [ad...
profligacy 33 24 the state of being p...
profligate 23 19 debauched; rashly ex...
profluence 24 22 (Milton) the quality...
profounder 20 19 PROFOUND, very deep...
profoundly 28 22 PROFOUND, very deep...
profulgent 23 21 shining out; radiant...
profundity 28 21 intellectual depth [...
profusions 21 18 PROFUSION, the state...
progenitor 19 16 an ancestor in the d...
progestins 20 16 PROGESTIN, a hormone...
progginses 21 18 PROGGINS, (slang) a...
proglottic 25 19 relating to the prog...
proglottid 22 17 a segment of a tapew...
proglottis 22 16 a segment of a tapew...
prognathic 25 21 having a jaw that pr...
prognosing 20 19 PROGNOSE, to forecas...
prognostic 23 19 indicating what is t...
prograding 21 19 PROGRADE, to accumul...
programers 21 18 PROGRAMER, (US) one...
programing 22 21 the act of writing a...
programmed 22 22 PROGRAM, to arrange...
programmer 22 21 one who writes progr...
programmes 22 21 PROGRAMME, to prepar...
progressed 20 16 PROGRESS, to move fo...
progresses 20 15 PROGRESS, to move fo...
prohibited 24 19 PROHIBIT, to forbid...
prohibiter 24 18 one who prohibits, a...
prohibitor 24 18 one who prohibits, a...
proinsulin 20 17 a single-chain polyp...
projectile 25 26 a body projected by...
projecting 25 28 the act of extending...
projection 23 26 something which is p...
projective 26 29 projecting; of proje...
projectors 24 25 PROJECTOR, an appara...
projecture 24 26 a jutting out beyond...
prokaryons 25 20 PROKARYON, the nucle...
prokaryote 25 19 a bacterium or blue-...
prokaryots 26 19 PROKARYOT, a bacteri...
prolactins 23 18 PROLACTIN, a hormone...
prolamines 20 18 PROLAMINE, one of a...
prolapsing 23 20 PROLAPSE, to slip or...
prolations 19 15 PROLATION, an uttera...
prolicidal 25 19 relating to prolicid...
prolicides 24 18 PROLICIDE, killing o...
prolifical 27 21 producing young or f...
prolixious 27 22 (Shakespeare) dilato...
prolixness 26 22 the state of being p...
prolocutor 23 18 a presiding officer;...
prologised 21 17 PROLOGISE, to speak...
prologises 21 16 PROLOGISE, to speak...
prologists 22 16 PROLOGIST, a writer...
prologized 24 26 PROLOGIZE, to speak...
prologizes 24 25 PROLOGIZE, to speak...
prologuing 22 20 PROLOGUE, to preface...
prologuise 21 17 to speak a prologue,...
prologuize 24 26 to speak a prologue,...
prolongate 19 17 to prolong [v PROLON...
prolongers 20 17 PROLONGER, one who,...
prolonging 21 20 PROLONG, to lengthen...
prolusions 20 16 PROLUSION, prelimina...
promenaded 18 19 PROMENADE, to take a...
promenader 18 18 one who promenades [...
promenades 18 18 PROMENADE, to take a...
prometheum 23 22 the former name of p...
promethium 24 22 a radioactive rare-e...
prominence 21 21 something prominent,...
prominency 28 23 the state of being p...
promiseful 24 21 full of promise [adj...
promissive 23 20 making a promise [ad...
promissors 21 16 PROMISSOR, one who m...
promissory 27 18 containing a promise...
promontory 25 19 a high point of land...
promotable 22 20 that can be promoted...
promotions 19 17 PROMOTION, the act o...
promptbook 25 26 a copy of a play for...
promptings 24 22 PROMPTING, the act o...
promptness 22 20 the state of being p...
promptuary 29 22 a repository; a refe...
promptures 23 20 PROMPTURE, (Shakespe...
promulgate 22 20 to make known, disse...
promulging 24 23 PROMULGE, (archaic)...
promycelia 30 22 PROMYCELIUM, a short...
pronations 17 15 PRONATION, turning t...
pronatores 17 14 PRONATOR, a forearm...
pronephric 26 22 of or pertaining to...
pronephroi 22 19 PRONEPHROS, a primit...
pronephros 22 19 a primitive kidney t...
prongbucks 27 27 PRONGBUCK, the sprin...
pronghorns 21 19 PRONGHORN, a North A...
pronominal 19 19 of or like a pronoun...
pronounced 20 20 strongly marked; une...
pronouncer 20 19 one who pronounces [...
pronounces 20 19 PRONOUNCE, to articu...
pronuclear 22 19 relating to a pronuc...
pronucleus 23 20 the nucleus of a ger...
pronuncios 21 19 PRONUNCIO, a papal a...
prooemions 18 17 PROOEMION, a preface...
prooemiums 21 20 PROOEMIUM, a preface...
proofreads 20 17 PROOFREAD, to read c...
proofrooms 21 19 PROOFROOM, a room wh...
propagable 24 22 capable of being pro...
propaganda 20 20 a congregation of th...
propagated 21 19 PROPAGATE, to increa...
propagates 21 18 PROPAGATE, to increa...
propagator 21 18 one who propagates [...
propagules 23 20 PROPAGULE, a body wi...
propagulum 25 24 a body with the capa...
propanones 18 18 PROPANONE, a systema...
propellant 22 19 something that prope...
propellent 22 19 something that prope...
propellers 23 18 PROPELLER, someone w...
propelling 24 21 the act of causing a...
propellors 23 18 PROPELLOR, someone w...
propelment 22 21 propulsion; a propel...
propendent 19 19 (obsolete) inclining...
propending 21 21 PROPEND, to have a t...
propensely 27 20 PROPENSE, (obsolete)...
propension 19 18 (Shakespeare) inclin...
propensity 27 19 an often intense nat...
propensive 22 21 (obsolete) inclined...
properdins 21 18 PROPERDIN, a natural...
properness 20 17 the state of being p...
propertied 21 17 PROPERTY, to make on...
properties 21 16 PROPERTY, to make on...
prophecies 26 21 PROPHECY, a predicti...
prophesied 23 19 PROPHESY, to predict...
prophesier 23 18 one who prophesies [...
prophesies 23 18 PROPHESY, to predict...
prophetess 23 18 a woman who is a pro...
prophetism 25 21 the actions of a pro...
propionate 19 17 a salt of propionic...
propitiate 21 16 to render favourable...
propitious 22 17 favorably disposed,...
proplastid 23 18 a precursor of a cel...
propodeons 19 18 PROPODEON, in some H...
propodeums 22 21 PROPODEUM, in some H...
propolises 22 17 PROPOLIS, a resinous...
proponents 19 18 PROPONENT, one who i...
proportion 20 17 to adjust (a part or...
proposable 23 20 that can be proposed...
propositae 20 16 PROPOSITA, a woman f...
propositus 22 17 (Latin) an individua...
propounded 20 20 PROPOUND, to propose...
propounder 20 19 one who propounds [n...
propraetor 20 16 a magistrate of anci...
propretors 21 16 PROPRETOR, a magistr...
proprietor 21 16 an owner [n -S]
proproctor 24 19 an assistant proctor...
propulsion 22 19 the act of propellin...
propulsive 25 22 tending or having po...
propulsors 23 18 PROPULSOR, something...
propulsory 29 20 propulsive [adj]
propylaeum 29 23 any court or vestibu...
propylenes 27 20 PROPYLENE, a colorle...
propylites 29 19 PROPYLITE, an andesi...
proratable 21 17 capable of being pro...
prorations 18 14 PRORATION, the act o...
prorectors 22 16 PRORECTOR, an office...
prorogated 19 16 PROROGATE, to end a...
prorogates 19 15 PROROGATE, to end a...
proroguing 21 19 PROROGUE, to end a s...
prosaicism 24 19 the quality of being...
prosateurs 19 14 PROSATEUR, (French)...
proscenium 23 21 the part of the stag...
prosciutti 24 17 PROSCIUTTO, (Italian...
prosciutto 23 17 (Italian) aged, dry-...
proscribed 25 20 PROSCRIBE, to forbid...
proscriber 25 19 one who proscribes [...
proscribes 25 19 PROSCRIBE, to forbid...
proscripts 26 19 PROSCRIPT, a person...
prosecting 23 19 PROSECT, to dissect...
prosectors 22 16 PROSECTOR, one who d...
prosecuted 22 18 PROSECUTE, to pursue...
prosecutes 22 17 PROSECUTE, to pursue...
prosecutor 22 17 a person who institu...
proselyted 26 17 PROSELYTE, to become...
proselytes 26 16 PROSELYTE, to become...
proselytic 30 19 of or like a prosely...
proseminar 19 17 a course of study li...
proseuchae 23 19 PROSEUCHA, (Latin) a...
prosifying 29 21 PROSIFY, to write pr...
prosilient 20 15 outstanding [adj]
prosimians 20 17 PROSIMIAN, a primate...
proslavery 28 20 in favour of slavery...
prosodians 18 15 PROSODIAN, one skill...
prosodical 23 18 of or pertaining to...
prosodists 20 14 PROSODIST, one skill...
prospected 24 20 PROSPECT, to search...
prospector 24 19 one who prospects [n...
prospectus 25 20 the outline of any p...
prospering 22 19 PROSPER, to be succe...
prosperity 28 18 the condition of bei...
prosperous 21 17 thriving, affluent [...
prostatism 21 16 an illness or disord...
prosternum 20 18 the sternum of the p...
prostheses 21 15 PROSTHESIS, the addi...
prosthesis 22 15 the addition to the...
prosthetic 25 18 relating to prosthes...
prostitute 20 14 a person (usu a woma...
prostomial 21 17 relating to the pros...
prostomium 22 20 that portion of the...
prostrated 19 14 PROSTRATE, to throw...
prostrates 19 13 PROSTRATE, to throw...
protamines 19 17 PROTAMINE, any of a...
protanopes 19 17 PROTANOPE, a suffere...
protanopia 19 17 colour-blindness wit...
protanopic 23 20 colour-blind to red...
protectant 21 17 a protecting agent [...
protecters 22 16 PROTECTER, one who p...
protecting 23 19 PROTECT, to shield f...
protection 21 17 the act of protectin...
protective 24 20 serving to protect [...
protectors 22 16 PROTECTOR, one who p...
protectory 28 18 an institution for d...
protectrix 29 23 a female protector,...
proteiform 22 19 changeable in form [...
proteinase 17 14 any enzyme that spli...
proteinous 18 15 of or related to pro...
protending 19 18 PROTEND, (archaic) t...
protension 17 15 duration [n -S]
protensity 25 16 (archaic) duration,...
protensive 20 18 extensive in time or...
proteolyse 25 16 to split proteins by...
proteomics 23 19 PROTEOMIC [n]
protervity 28 19 peevishness [n PROTE...
protestant 18 14 one who protests [n...
protesters 19 13 PROTESTER, one who p...
protesting 20 16 PROTEST, to express...
protestors 19 13 PROTESTOR, one who p...
prothallia 23 17 PROTHALLIUM, the fre...
prothallic 27 20 relating to a protha...
prothallus 24 18 the free-living game...
protistans 19 14 PROTISTAN, one of th...
protocoled 22 18 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
protocolic 26 20 of or like protocol...
protoctist 23 16 any unicellular or s...
protoderms 20 17 PROTODERM, the derma...
protogenic 22 19 of a compound, able...
protogines 19 16 PROTOGINE, a kind of...
protohuman 21 20 a prehistoric primat...
protonated 17 15 PROTONATE, to acquir...
protonates 17 14 PROTONATE, to acquir...
protonemal 19 18 of or like a protone...
protopathy 29 20 first or direct expe...
protophyte 29 20 any unicellular plan...
protoplasm 23 20 the complex transluc...
protoplast 22 17 living material with...
protostars 19 13 PROTOSTAR, a condens...
protostele 19 14 a stele in which the...
protostome 19 16 a major group of bil...
prototroph 23 18 a bacterium feeding...
prototypal 28 19 relating to a protot...
prototyped 27 19 PROTOTYPE, to make a...
prototypes 27 18 PROTOTYPE, to make a...
prototypic 31 21 relating to a protot...
protoxides 25 21 PROTOXIDE, that one...
protoxylem 33 26 the first part of th...
protozoans 20 23 PROTOZOAN, any membe...
protozoons 20 23 PROTOZOON, any membe...
protracted 22 17 PROTRACT, to prolong...
protractor 22 16 one who, or that whi...
protreptic 25 19 exhorting or encoura...
protrudent 19 16 protruding [adj]
protruding 21 18 PROTRUDE, to stick o...
protrusile 21 15 that can be protrude...
protrusion 19 15 the act of protrudin...
protrusive 22 18 thrusting or impelli...
proustites 20 14 PROUSTITE, a red sil...
provanting 21 21 PROVANT, (obsolete)...
provection 23 21 the carrying forward...
proveditor 21 18 a purveyor, also PRO...
provedores 20 18 PROVEDORE, a purveyo...
provenance 21 22 an origin, source, a...
provenders 20 19 PROVENDER, to supply...
proverbial 24 21 of or like a proverb...
proverbing 24 23 PROVERB, to speak of...
providable 24 22 that can be provided...
providence 23 22 divine guidance or c...
provincial 25 22 relating to the prov...
proviruses 22 18 PROVIRUS, the form o...
provisions 21 18 PROVISION, the act o...
provitamin 22 21 a pre-vitamin [n -S]
provocable 26 24 that can be provoked...
provocants 23 21 PROVOCANT, one who p...
provocator 23 20 one who provokes [n...
provokable 24 25 that can be provoked...
provolones 20 19 PROVOLONE, (Italian)...
prowlingly 32 23 PROWLING, stealthy [...
proximally 35 27 PROXIMAL, located ne...
prozymites 30 27 PROZYMITE, a person...
prudential 20 17 of or relating to pr...
pruriences 22 18 PRURIENCE, the state...
pruriently 27 18 PRURIENT, having lus...
prurituses 21 15 PRURITUS, intense it...
prussiates 20 14 PRUSSIATE, a salt of...
psalmbooks 24 24 PSALMBOOK, a book of...
psalmodies 21 18 PSALMODY, the use of...
psalmodise 21 18 to practise psalmody...
psalmodist 22 18 a singer of psalms [...
psalmodize 24 27 to practice psalmody...
psalterian 19 15 relating to a psalte...
psalteries 20 14 PSALTERY, an ancient...
psalterium 22 18 (Latin) the third st...
psammophil 27 25 a sand-loving plant,...
psellismus 24 19 a defect in articula...
psephology 31 23 the study of politic...
pseuderies 19 15 PSEUDERY, falseness...
pseudimago 21 20 a stage in the devel...
pseudoacid 22 19 a compound which is...
pseudobulb 25 23 a swollen stem inter...
pseudocarp 24 21 that portion of an a...
pseudocide 22 19 faking one's own dea...
pseudocode 21 19 instructions written...
pseudocoel 22 19 a body cavity not fo...
pseudology 27 20 the art or science o...
pseudonyms 26 21 PSEUDONYM, a fictiti...
pseudopods 21 19 PSEUDOPOD, a process...
psilocybin 32 23 a hallucinogenic dru...
psilophyte 31 21 any of an order of e...
psittacine 22 17 a member of the parr...
psoriatics 23 16 PSORIATIC, a person...
psychiater 31 20 (archaic) a psychiat...
psychiatry 38 22 a branch of medicine...
psychicism 37 26 psychical research [...
psychicist 36 23 a psychical research...
psychogony 37 25 development of the m...
psychogram 33 25 writing supposedly p...
psychology 39 25 the science of mind...
psychopath 35 25 a mentally ill or un...
psychopomp 36 29 a guide of souls, on...
psychotics 35 23 PSYCHOTIC, one suffe...
ptarmigans 21 19 PTARMIGAN, (Gaelic)...
pteranodon 16 16 a toothless flying r...
pteridines 19 15 PTERIDINE, any membe...
pterosaurs 19 14 PTEROSAUR, a pteroda...
pterygials 28 18 PTERYGIAL, a bone in...
pterygiums 29 21 PTERYGIUM, a growth...
pterygoids 27 18 PTERYGOID, a paired...
pteryloses 26 16 PTERYLOSIS, the arra...
pterylosis 27 16 the arrangement of f...
ptyalising 28 19 PTYALISE, to induce...
ptyalizing 31 28 PTYALIZE, to induce...
pubcrawler 29 24 one who engages in p...
puberulent 22 20 feebly or minutely p...
puberulous 23 20 feebly or minutely p...
pubescence 26 24 the state of being p...
publically 35 25 PUBLIC, open to gene...
publicised 27 22 PUBLICISE, to make p...
publicises 27 21 PUBLICISE, to make p...
publicists 28 21 PUBLICIST, someone w...
publicized 30 31 PUBLICIZE, to make p...
publicizes 30 30 PUBLICIZE, to make p...
publicness 26 22 the state of being p...
publishers 26 20 PUBLISHER, one who p...
publishing 27 23 the business of prin...
puckeriest 24 21 PUCKERY, astringent;...
puckerooed 22 22 (slang) exhausted, a...
puddenings 20 20 PUDDENING, a pad of...
pudicities 24 18 PUDICITY, modesty; c...
puerilisms 23 18 PUERILISM, childishn...
puerperium 23 21 (Latin) the conditio...
puftaloons 21 19 PUFTALOON, (Australi...
pugilistic 27 20 related to pugilism,...
pugnacious 23 21 having a quarrelsome...
puissances 22 18 PUISSANCE, (archaic)...
puissantly 27 18 PUISSANT, (archaic)...
puissaunce 22 19 power, potency, also...
pullulated 23 19 PULLULATE, to swarm,...
pullulates 23 18 PULLULATE, to swarm,...
pulmonates 20 19 PULMONATE, a member...
pulpboards 25 22 PULPBOARD, a coarse...
pulpifying 33 26 PULPIFY, to reduce t...
pulpiteers 23 18 PULPITEER, someone w...
pulpitries 24 18 PULPITRY, sermonizin...
pulpstones 22 19 PULPSTONE, a grindst...
pulsatance 22 19 the angular frequenc...
pulsatilla 23 17 another name for pas...
pulsations 20 16 PULSATION, a beating...
pulsebeats 22 18 PULSEBEAT, the pulse...
pulsimeter 22 18 an instrument for me...
pulsometer 21 18 a pump that draws in...
pultaceous 23 19 macerated and soften...
pultruding 23 20 PULTRUDE, to carry o...
pultrusion 21 17 a process for produc...
pulverable 25 23 that can be reduced...
pulverines 22 20 PULVERINE, barilla a...
pulverised 23 20 PULVERISE, to reduce...
pulveriser 23 19 one who pulverises,...
pulverises 23 19 PULVERISE, to reduce...
pulverized 26 29 PULVERIZE, to reduce...
pulverizer 26 28 one who pulverizes,...
pulverizes 26 28 PULVERIZE, to reduce...
pulvilised 25 21 in the form of pulvi...
pulvilized 28 30 in the form of pulvi...
pulvilling 27 24 PULVIL, to scent wit...
pulvillios 26 21 PULVILLIO, (historic...
pulvinated 22 21 cushion-like; bulgin...
pulvinules 24 22 PULVINULE, the pulvi...
pumicating 25 23 PUMICATE, to make sm...
pummelling 25 25 a beating with the f...
punchballs 29 25 PUNCHBALL, a suspend...
punchboard 26 24 a practice board use...
punchbowls 31 27 PUNCHBOWL, a bowl fo...
punchiness 24 21 the quality of being...
punchlines 25 22 PUNCHLINE, the last...
punctation 21 19 dotting, pitting [n...
punctators 22 18 PUNCTATOR, someone w...
punctilios 24 19 PUNCTILIO, (Italian)...
punctually 31 23 PUNCTUAL, being on t...
punctuated 22 20 PUNCTUATE, to mark w...
punctuates 22 19 PUNCTUATE, to mark w...
punctuator 22 19 one who punctuates,...
punctulate 23 20 to mark with small d...
puncturers 23 19 PUNCTURER, one who p...
puncturing 24 22 PUNCTURE, to pierce...
pundigrion 20 19 (obsolete) a play on...
punditries 20 16 PUNDITRY, the learni...
pundonores 17 17 PUNDONOR, (Spanish)...
pungencies 22 21 PUNGENCY, the state...
puninesses 18 16 PUNINESS, the state...
punishable 24 21 worthy of punishment...
punishment 22 21 the act of punishing...
punitively 29 22 PUNITIVE, relating t...
pupigerous 23 20 bearing a puparium [...
pupilarity 30 20 the state of being a...
pupillages 25 21 PUPILLAGE, the state...
pupillated 24 20 PUPILLATE, to cry in...
pupillates 24 19 PUPILLATE, to cry in...
pupilships 29 23 PUPILSHIP, the state...
pupiparous 24 21 bearing, or containi...
puppeteers 23 20 PUPPETEER, one who o...
puppetlike 26 25 like a puppet [adj]
puppetries 24 20 PUPPETRY, the art of...
puppyhoods 32 25 PUPPYHOOD, the time...
purblindly 31 23 PURBLIND, partially...
purchasers 25 19 PURCHASER, one who p...
purchasing 26 22 the act of buying [n...
purdoniums 21 20 PURDONIUM, a kind of...
purebloods 22 19 PUREBLOOD, a horse e...
purenesses 18 15 PURENESS, the qualit...
purgations 20 17 PURGATION, the act o...
purgatives 23 20 PURGATIVE, a medicin...
puristical 25 18 of or pertaining to...
puritanise 19 15 to make a Puritan of...
puritanism 21 18 the beliefs and prac...
puritanize 22 24 to make a Puritan of...
purlicuing 26 22 PURLICUE, to summari...
purloiners 20 16 PURLOINER, one who p...
purloining 21 19 PURLOIN, to steal; t...
puromycins 30 23 PUROMYCIN, a type of...
purpleness 22 19 the state of being p...
purporting 23 20 PURPORT, to profess...
purposeful 25 22 showing purpose [adj...
pursership 25 19 the office of purser...
pursuances 22 19 PURSUANCE, the act o...
pursuantly 27 19 PURSUANT, acting in...
pursuingly 29 21 PURSUING, following...
pursuivant 22 20 an officer ranking b...
purtenance 20 19 (obsolete) something...
purulences 23 20 PURULENCE, the state...
purulently 28 20 PURULENT, secreting...
purveyance 29 24 the act of purveying...
puschkinia 26 24 (Russian) a genus of...
pushchairs 28 21 PUSHCHAIR, a chair o...
pussyfoots 28 19 PUSSYFOOT, to tread...
pustulants 21 17 PUSTULANT, an agent...
pustulated 21 17 PUSTULATE, to form i...
pustulates 21 16 PUSTULATE, to form i...
putatively 29 21 PUTATIVE, supposed o...
putonghuas 22 20 PUTONGHUA, the offic...
putrefiers 22 17 PUTREFIER, an agent...
putrefying 29 22 PUTREFY, to make or...
putrescent 22 18 becoming putrid or r...
putrescine 22 18 a substance formed d...
putridness 20 16 the state of being p...
putschists 27 19 PUTSCHIST, one who e...
puttyroots 26 16 PUTTYROOT, an Americ...
puzzledoms 28 37 PUZZLEDOM, the domai...
puzzlement 27 37 the state of being p...
puzzlingly 36 39 PUZZLING [adv]
puzzolanas 25 34 PUZZOLANA, (Italian)...
pycnogonid 28 23 one of the Pycnogoni...
pycnometer 28 22 an instrument for me...
pycnosomes 28 22 PYCNOSOME, a body ty...
pycnospore 29 22 a conidium produced...
pycnostyle 35 22 with close-set colum...
pyelitises 27 16 PYELITIS, inflammati...
pyelograms 28 21 PYELOGRAM, an X-ray...
pygarguses 28 20 PYGARGUS, (obsolete)...
pygostyles 34 20 PYGOSTYLE, the bone...
pyknometer 26 23 an instrument for me...
pyknosomes 26 23 PYKNOSOME, the short...
pyogeneses 24 18 PYOGENESIS, the form...
pyogenesis 25 18 the formation of pus...
pyorrhoeal 27 18 relating to pyorrhoe...
pyorrhoeas 26 17 PYORRHOEA, suppurati...
pyorrhoeic 30 20 relating to pyorrhoe...
pyracantha 29 21 the evergreen thorn,...
pyracanths 30 21 PYRACANTH, the everg...
pyralidids 28 18 PYRALIDID, a kind of...
pyramiding 28 22 PYRAMID, to increase...
pyramidion 26 20 the small pyramidal...
pyramidist 28 19 someone who studies...
pyramidons 26 20 PYRAMIDON, an organ-...
pyranoside 24 17 a glycoside containi...
pyreneites 24 16 PYRENEITE, a black g...
pyrenocarp 29 22 a perithecium, a sma...
pyrethrins 28 18 PYRETHRIN, either of...
pyrethroid 28 18 any of various synth...
pyrethrums 30 21 PYRETHRUM, a name st...
pyretology 33 20 medical study of fev...
pyridoxals 33 24 PYRIDOXAL, a crystal...
pyridoxine 31 24 a pyridine derivativ...
pyridoxins 32 24 PYRIDOXIN, a pyridin...
pyrimidine 27 20 a compound found in...
pyritising 28 18 PYRITISE, to convert...
pyritizing 31 27 PYRITIZE, to convert...
pyrocerams 29 21 PYROCERAM, a transpa...
pyroclasts 30 19 PYROCLAST, ash and o...
pyrogallic 32 22 relating to pyrogall...
pyrogallol 29 20 pyrogallic acid [n -...
pyrogenous 25 19 produced by, or prod...
pyrography 37 24 the tracing of desig...
pyrolaters 26 16 PYROLATER, a fire-wo...
pyrolignic 31 22 produced by the acti...
pyrolising 28 19 PYROLISE, to decompo...
pyrolizing 31 28 PYROLIZE, to decompo...
pyrologies 27 18 PYROLOGY, the scient...
pyrolusite 27 17 native manganese dio...
pyrolysate 32 18 a product of pyrolys...
pyrolysers 33 18 PYROLYSER, a device...
pyrolysing 34 21 PYROLYSE, to decompo...
pyrolyzate 35 27 a product of pyrolys...
pyrolyzers 36 27 PYROLYZER, an agent...
pyrolyzing 37 30 PYROLYZE, to decompo...
pyromancer 28 22 one who engages in p...
pyromaniac 28 22 a sufferer from pyro...
pyromanias 25 19 PYROMANIA, an obsess...
pyromantic 29 22 of or pertaining to...
pyromeride 26 19 a nodular rhyolite [...
pyrometers 26 18 PYROMETER, an instru...
pyrometric 30 21 relating to pyrometr...
pyrophobia 31 23 fear of fire [n -S]
pyrophobic 35 26 one having an irrati...
pyrophones 28 21 PYROPHONE, an organ...
pyrophoric 33 23 spontaneously igniti...
pyrophorus 30 21 any substance capabl...
pyroscopes 30 21 PYROSCOPE, an instru...
pyrostatic 29 18 relating to a pyrost...
pyrotechny 36 23 the use and applicat...
pyroxenite 30 23 a rock consisting es...
pyroxenoid 30 24 a mineral like pyrox...
pyroxyline 38 26 any of the nitrocell...
pyroxylins 39 26 PYROXYLIN, any of th...
pyrrhicist 33 20 (historical) one who...
pyrrhotine 27 18 magnetic pyrites, an...
pyrrhotite 28 17 magnetic pyrites, an...
pythogenic 31 23 produced by filth; c...