15 letter words that start with P

15 letter words that start with P

15 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pachymeningitis 41 32 a form of meningitis...
painstakingness 28 27 PAINSTAKING, taking...
painterlinesses 27 21 PAINTERLINESS, the s...
palaebiologists 32 25 PALAEBIOLOGIST, a st...
palaeoanthropic 33 28 of or relating to th...
palaeobiologies 30 25 PALAEOBIOLOGY, the s...
palaeobiologist 31 25 a student of palaeob...
palaeobotanical 31 27 relating to palaeobo...
palaeobotanists 28 23 PALAEOBOTANIST, one...
palaeoecologies 30 25 PALAEOECOLOGY, the s...
palaeoecologist 31 25 a specialist in pala...
palaeoethnology 35 27 the science of early...
palaeogeography 38 30 the study of the geo...
palaeographical 36 30 related to palaeogra...
palaeographists 33 26 PALAEOGRAPHIST, a st...
palaeolimnology 36 29 the study of ancient...
palaeomagnetism 29 28 a study of the magne...
palaeomagnetist 28 25 a student of or expe...
palaeontography 37 29 descriptive palaeont...
palaeontologies 27 23 PALAEONTOLOGY, the s...
palaeontologist 28 23 a student of palaeon...
palaeopathology 38 29 the pathological stu...
palaeophytology 45 31 the study of fossil...
palaeozoologies 30 31 PALAEOZOOLOGY, the s...
palaeozoologist 31 31 a student of palaeoz...
palatablenesses 29 24 PALATABLENESS, the s...
palatalisations 28 21 PALATALISATION, the...
palatalizations 31 30 PALATALIZATION, the...
paleobiological 35 29 relating to paleobio...
paleobiologists 32 25 PALEOBIOLOGIST, one...
paleoecological 35 29 relating to paleoeco...
paleoecologists 32 25 PALEOECOLOGIST, one...
paleogeographic 36 31 relating to paleogeo...
paleomagnetisms 30 28 PALEOMAGNETISM, the...
paleomagnetists 29 25 PALEOMAGNETIST, a st...
paleontological 32 27 relating to paleonto...
paleontologists 29 23 PALEONTOLOGIST, one...
paleozoological 35 35 relating to paleozoo...
paleozoologists 32 31 PALEOZOOLOGIST, one...
palynologically 47 32 PALYNOLOGICAL, relat...
pamphleteerings 34 30 PAMPHLETEERING [n]
panophthalmitis 36 30 inflammation of the...
pantheistically 41 28 PANTHEISTICAL, relat...
pantisocratical 34 26 relating to pantisoc...
pantisocratists 31 22 PANTISOCRATIST, an u...
pantopragmatics 34 30 PANTOPRAGMATIC [n]
parabolisations 29 23 PARABOLISATION, the...
parabolizations 32 32 PARABOLIZATION, the...
paradoxicalness 36 31 PARADOXICAL, of the...
paragenetically 38 28 PARAGENETIC, relatin...
paragrammatists 31 26 PARAGRAMMATIST, a pu...
paragraphically 44 32 PARAGRAPHICAL, relat...
paraheliotropic 35 27 turning edgewise to...
parajournalisms 31 33 PARAJOURNALISM, jour...
paralinguistics 34 26 PARALINGUISTIC [n]
parallactically 44 30 PARALLACTICAL, relat...
parallelepipeda 33 28 solid figures bounde...
parallelepipeds 34 28 PARALLELEPIPED, a so...
parallelopipeda 33 28 PARALLELOPIPEDON [n]
parallelopipeds 34 28 PARALLELOPIPED, a so...
parametrisation 27 22 the act of parametri...
parametrization 30 31 the act of parameter...
paramyxoviruses 43 35 PARAMYXOVIRUS, any o...
paranormalities 28 23 PARANORMALITY, the s...
pararosanilines 26 21 PARAROSANILINE, a wh...
parasexualities 34 27 PARASEXUALITY, the s...
parasiticalness 31 23 PARASITICAL, of or l...
parasitisations 27 19 PARASITISATION, the...
parasitizations 30 28 PARASITIZATION, the...
parasitological 33 25 relating to parasito...
parasitologists 30 21 PARASITOLOGIST, one...
parasympathetic 42 31 designating part of...
parenthetically 40 28 PARENTHETICAL, relat...
parliamentarian 27 24 an adherent of the p...
parliamentarily 36 26 PARLIAMENTARY, of or...
parliamentarism 30 26 belief in the parlia...
paroemiographer 32 28 a writer of proverbs...
parthenocarpies 33 27 PARTHENOCARPY, fruit...
parthenocarpous 33 28 relating to partheno...
parthenogeneses 27 24 PARTHENOGENESIS, rep...
parthenogenesis 28 24 reproduction by a vi...
parthenogenetic 31 27 reproducing by parth...
participational 33 26 relating to particip...
particularisers 33 23 PARTICULARISER, one...
particularising 34 26 PARTICULARISE, to st...
particularistic 37 26 relating to particul...
particularities 33 23 PARTICULARITY, a min...
particularizers 36 32 PARTICULARIZER, one...
particularizing 37 35 PARTICULARIZE, to st...
parturifacients 33 26 PARTURIFACIENT, an o...
passifloraceous 33 26 belonging to the pas...
passionlessness 27 21 PASSIONLESS, without...
pasteurisations 27 20 PASTEURISATION, ster...
pasteurizations 30 29 PASTEURIZATION, ster...
patentabilities 30 23 PATENTABILITY, the s...
paterfamiliases 31 25 PATERFAMILIAS, (Lati...
pathogenicities 33 26 PATHOGENICITY, the s...
pathophysiology 48 32 the physiology of ab...
patrialisations 28 20 PATRIALISATION, the...
patrializations 31 29 PATRIALIZATION, the...
patriarchalisms 36 27 PATRIARCHALISM, a pa...
patrifocalities 34 25 PATRIFOCALITY, the s...
peaceablenesses 30 26 PEACEABLENESS, PEACE...
peacelessnesses 29 23 PEACELESSNESS, the s...
pectinesterases 29 22 PECTINESTERASE, an e...
pedagoguishness 31 27 PEDAGOGUISH, in the...
pedestrianising 28 23 PEDESTRIANISE, to ma...
pedestrianizing 31 32 PEDESTRIANIZE, to ma...
pendulousnesses 27 24 PENDULOUSNESS, the s...
penetrabilities 30 23 PENETRABILITY, the s...
penetrativeness 27 24 the state of being p...
peninsularities 28 22 PENINSULARITY, the s...
pennilessnesses 26 22 PENNILESSNESS, PENNI...
pentadactylisms 39 29 PENTADACTYLISM, the...
pentobarbitones 29 26 PENTOBARBITONE, a ba...
penuriousnesses 26 22 PENURIOUSNESS, PENUR...
perchloroethene 33 27 a chlorocarbon widel...
perdurabilities 32 24 PERDURABILITY, the s...
perfectibilians 36 29 PERFECTIBILIAN, a be...
perfectibilisms 39 31 PERFECTIBILISM, the...
perfectibilists 38 28 PERFECTIBILIST, a be...
perfectionating 32 28 PERFECTIONATE, to br...
perfectionistic 36 28 relating to perfecti...
perfervidnesses 31 27 PERFERVIDNESS, the s...
perfluorocarbon 34 30 an organic compound...
perfunctoriness 32 27 the state of being p...
pergamentaceous 30 28 parchment-like, also...
perigastritises 30 20 PERIGASTRITIS, infla...
perihepatitises 32 23 PERIHEPATITIS, infla...
perinephritises 32 24 PERINEPHRITIS, infla...
periodontically 38 27 PERIODONTIC, relatin...
periodontitises 27 20 PERIODONTITIS, infla...
peripatetically 41 28 PERIPATETICAL, walki...
peripateticisms 35 27 PERIPATETICISM, the...
peripheralities 33 24 PERIPHERALITY, the s...
perishabilities 34 24 PERISHABILITY, the s...
perissodactyles 38 25 PERISSODACTYLE, an a...
perissodactylic 42 28 of or like a perisso...
perissosyllabic 42 28 having an additional...
peristaltically 41 26 PERISTALTIC, relatin...
perityphlitises 41 26 PERITYPHLITIS, infla...
permanentnesses 25 24 PERMANENTNESS, the s...
permeablenesses 29 26 PERMEABLENESS, the s...
permissibleness 32 26 PERMISSIBLE, that ca...
permutabilities 33 26 PERMUTABILITY, the q...
peroxysulphuric 50 38 as in peroxysulphuri...
perpendicularly 41 31 PERPENDICULAR, at ri...
perplexednesses 35 31 PERPLEXEDNESS, the s...
persnicketiness 31 27 the state of being p...
personalisation 26 21 the act of personali...
personalization 29 30 the act of personali...
personification 31 26 the attribution of p...
perspicaciously 44 31 PERSPICACIOUS, clear...
perspicuousness 33 27 the state of being p...
pervasivenesses 30 27 PERVASIVENESS, PERVA...
pervertednesses 28 24 PERVERTEDNESS, PERVE...
pessimistically 42 28 PESSIMISTICAL, incli...
pestiferousness 29 23 PESTIFEROUS, bringin...
petrochemically 45 33 PETROCHEMICAL, of or...
petrocurrencies 33 26 PETROCURRENCY, curre...
petrophysicists 43 28 PETROPHYSICIST, a st...
phallocentrisms 36 29 PHALLOCENTRISM, the...
phantasmagorial 31 27 of or like a phantas...
phantasmagorias 30 26 PHANTASMAGORIA, a fa...
phantasmagories 30 26 PHANTASMAGORY, a fan...
phantasmalities 31 25 PHANTASMALITY, the s...
pharisaicalness 33 25 PHARISAICAL, charact...
pharmaceuticals 38 31 PHARMACEUTICAL, a me...
pharmacodynamic 43 36 pertaining to action...
pharmacogenomic 37 35 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacognosies 33 29 PHARMACOGNOSY, the s...
pharmacognosist 34 29 a practitioner of ph...
pharmacognostic 37 32 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacokinetic 37 34 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacological 39 33 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacologists 36 29 PHARMACOLOGIST, one...
pharmacopoeians 33 30 PHARMACOPOEIAN, an i...
pharmacopoeists 35 29 PHARMACOPOEIST, one...
pharmacopolists 37 30 PHARMACOPOLIST, drug...
pharmacotherapy 43 33 the treatment of dis...
pharyngological 42 32 relating to pharyngo...
pharyngologists 39 28 PHARYNGOLOGIST, a sp...
pharyngoscopies 41 31 PHARYNGOSCOPY, exami...
phenakistoscope 34 31 an early form of cin...
phenobarbitones 31 28 PHENOBARBITONE, a se...
phenolphthalein 36 31 a crystalline compou...
phenomenalising 30 29 PHENOMENALISE, to re...
phenomenalistic 33 29 relating to phenomen...
phenomenalities 29 26 PHENOMENALITY, the s...
phenomenalizing 33 38 PHENOMENALIZE, to re...
phenomenologies 29 28 PHENOMENOLOGY, the s...
phenomenologist 30 28 one who studies phen...
phenylbutazones 40 38 PHENYLBUTAZONE, a dr...
phenylketonuria 36 30 an inherited metabol...
phenylketonuric 40 33 suffering from pheny...
phenylthioureas 38 27 PHENYLTHIOUREA, a cr...
philanthropical 39 31 of, relating to, or...
philanthropists 36 27 PHILANTHROPIST, one...
philanthropoids 35 28 PHILANTHROPOID, a pe...
philosophasters 35 26 PHILOSOPHASTER, an a...
philosophically 47 33 PHILOSOPHICAL, relat...
philosophisings 37 29 PHILOSOPHISING, the...
philosophizings 40 38 PHILOSOPHIZING [n]
phleboscleroses 36 28 PHLEBOSCLEROSIS, har...
phlebosclerosis 37 28 hardening and loss o...
phlogisticating 37 29 PHLOGISTICATE, to co...
phonautographic 37 32 relating to a phonau...
phonemicisation 32 28 the process of phone...
phonemicization 35 37 the process of phone...
phoneticisation 31 25 the process of phone...
phoneticization 34 34 the process of phone...
phonocardiogram 33 30 a record of heart so...
phonogramically 42 33 PHONOGRAMIC, like a...
phosphatisation 33 26 the act of phosphati...
phosphatization 36 35 the act of phosphati...
phosphocreatine 35 29 a compound of creati...
phosphocreatins 36 29 PHOSPHOCREATIN, a co...
phosphoproteins 35 29 PHOSPHOPROTEIN, any...
phosphorescence 38 32 luminescence that co...
phosphoroscopes 38 31 PHOSPHOROSCOPE, an i...
phosphorylating 42 31 PHOSPHORYLATE, to ca...
phosphorylation 40 29 the process of phosp...
phosphorylative 43 32 of or like phosphory...
photoautotrophs 33 26 PHOTOAUTOTROPH, an o...
photobiological 37 30 relating to photobio...
photobiologists 34 26 PHOTOBIOLOGIST, one...
photochemically 47 35 PHOTOCHEMICAL, of, r...
photoconducting 36 32 relating to, or show...
photoconduction 34 30 conduction of electr...
photoconductive 37 33 having, involving, o...
photoconductors 35 29 PHOTOCONDUCTOR, a ph...
photodegradable 32 28 chemically degradabl...
photodissociate 32 24 to effect photodisso...
photoduplicated 36 30 PHOTODUPLICATE, to d...
photoduplicates 36 29 PHOTODUPLICATE, to d...
photoelasticity 40 26 the state of being p...
photoelectrical 37 28 relating to photoele...
photoelectrodes 32 25 PHOTOELECTRODE, an e...
photoelectronic 35 28 relating to photoele...
photoengravings 32 30 PHOTOENGRAVING, any...
photoexcitation 37 31 the process of excit...
photofinishings 35 29 PHOTOFINISHING, the...
photofluorogram 34 30 a photograph of a fl...
photogeological 35 29 relating to photogeo...
photogeologists 32 25 PHOTOGEOLOGIST, one...
photogrammetric 36 31 relating to measurem...
photoinductions 32 27 PHOTOINDUCTION, indu...
photoionisation 27 22 ionization (as in th...
photoionization 30 31 ionization (as in th...
photojournalism 33 35 journalism in which...
photojournalist 32 32 a practitioner of ph...
photolithograph 38 30 a plate produced by...
photoluminesced 34 30 PHOTOLUMINESCE, to p...
photoluminesces 34 29 PHOTOLUMINESCE, to p...
photomacrograph 38 33 a photograph of an o...
photomechanical 38 33 relating to or invol...
photometrically 42 30 PHOTOMETRIC, of or r...
photomicrograph 39 33 a photograph of a mi...
photomultiplier 36 29 a photocell with a s...
photooxidations 34 29 PHOTOOXIDATION, oxid...
photoperiodisms 33 27 PHOTOPERIODISM, a pl...
photoproduction 34 29 the production of on...
photoreceptions 33 27 PHOTORECEPTION, the...
photoreductions 32 26 PHOTOREDUCTION, chem...
photorefractive 36 30 designating or relat...
photosensitised 29 22 PHOTOSENSITISE, to m...
photosensitiser 29 21 an agent that photos...
photosensitises 29 21 PHOTOSENSITISE, to m...
photosensitized 32 31 PHOTOSENSITIZE, to m...
photosensitizer 32 30 an agent that photos...
photosensitizes 32 30 PHOTOSENSITIZE, to m...
photosynthesise 37 25 to carry out photosy...
photosynthesize 40 34 to carry out photosy...
phototactically 44 30 PHOTOTACTIC, exhibit...
phototelegraphs 35 28 PHOTOTELEGRAPH, an i...
phototelegraphy 41 30 the transmission of...
phototopography 42 32 the preparation of t...
phototoxicities 39 30 PHOTOTOXICITY, the s...
phototransistor 29 21 a junction transisto...
phototropically 43 30 PHOTOTROPIC, relatin...
phototypesetter 37 25 one who does phototy...
phototypography 49 34 any printing process...
photoxylography 54 39 wood engraving after...
photozincograph 40 40 a picture produced b...
phrasemongering 31 29 the making of fine p...
phraseographies 34 27 PHRASEOGRAPHY, the m...
phreneticnesses 31 25 PHRENETICNESS, PHREN...
phrenologically 42 31 PHRENOLOGICAL, relat...
phthalocyanines 40 30 PHTHALOCYANINE, any...
phyllosilicates 43 28 PHYLLOSILICATE, any...
physicochemical 50 37 being physical and c...
physiographical 46 33 relating to physiogr...
physiologically 50 32 PHYSIOLOGICAL, relat...
physiopathology 48 32 a branch of biology...
physiotherapies 40 27 PHYSIOTHERAPY, physi...
physiotherapist 41 27 one who practises ph...
phytochemically 54 37 PHYTOCHEMICAL, relat...
phytoflagellate 41 30 any of various organ...
phytogeographer 41 31 a student of phytoge...
phytogeographic 45 34 relating to phytogeo...
phytopathogenic 43 33 of or like a phytopa...
phytoplanktonic 42 35 relating to phytopla...
phytotoxicities 46 32 PHYTOTOXICITY, the s...
pictorialnesses 31 23 PICTORIALNESS, PICTO...
picturesqueness 39 33 PICTURESQUE, resembl...
piezomagnetisms 33 36 PIEZOMAGNETISM, magn...
piezometrically 43 37 PIEZOMETRIC, relatin...
pigheadednesses 29 25 PIGHEADEDNESS, PIGHE...
pinealectomised 31 27 PINEALECTOMISE, to r...
pinealectomises 31 26 PINEALECTOMISE, to r...
pinealectomized 34 36 PINEALECTOMIZE, to r...
pinealectomizes 34 35 PINEALECTOMIZE, to r...
pinheadednesses 27 24 PINHEADEDNESS, PINHE...
pinocytotically 48 31 PINOCYTOTIC, relatin...
pisciculturally 46 31 PISCICULTURAL, relat...
pisciculturists 39 27 PISCICULTURIST, one...
pithecanthropus 37 30 any of several primi...
plagiocephalies 37 30 PLAGIOCEPHALY, a twi...
plagiostomatous 30 25 of or like a plagios...
plainclothesman 34 30 a plainclothes polic...
plainclothesmen 34 30 PLAINCLOTHESMAN, a p...
plainspokenness 29 29 PLAINSPOKEN, candid,...
plaintivenesses 29 25 PLAINTIVENESS, PLAIN...
planimetrically 41 30 PLANIMETRICAL, relat...
planometrically 40 30 PLANOMETRIC, denotin...
plantaginaceous 30 27 belonging to the pla...
plasmolytically 49 32 PLASMOLYTIC, relatin...
plasticisations 32 23 PLASTICISATION, the...
plasticizations 35 32 PLASTICIZATION, the...
platinocyanides 36 27 PLATINOCYANIDE, a fl...
platitudinarian 28 23 one who utters plati...
platitudinisers 30 22 PLATITUDINISER, one...
platitudinising 31 25 PLATITUDINISE, to ut...
platitudinizers 33 31 PLATITUDINIZER, one...
platitudinizing 34 34 PLATITUDINIZE, to ut...
platitudinously 37 26 PLATITUDINOUS, chara...
platyhelminthic 45 33 of or like a platyhe...
plausiblenesses 31 25 PLAUSIBLENESS, the s...
pleasurableness 30 25 PLEASURABLE, giving...
plenipotentiary 35 26 of e.g. an envoy, ha...
plenteousnesses 26 22 PLENTEOUSNESS, the s...
plentifulnesses 31 26 PLENTIFULNESS, the s...
plethysmographs 44 33 PLETHYSMOGRAPH, an i...
plethysmography 50 35 measurement by use o...
pleuropneumonia 29 29 pneumonia aggravated...
plumbaginaceous 35 33 belonging to the Plu...
pluralistically 43 28 PLURALISTIC, relatin...
plutocratically 44 30 PLUTOCRATICAL, relat...
pneumatological 33 30 related to pneumatol...
pneumatologists 30 26 PNEUMATOLOGIST, a sp...
pneumatometries 28 26 PNEUMATOMETRY, the m...
pneumoconiotics 33 30 PNEUMOCONIOTIC, a pe...
pneumonectomies 30 30 PNEUMONECTOMY, the s...
pneumonologists 29 27 PNEUMONOLOGIST, one...
pococuranteisms 34 29 POCOCURANTEISM, indi...
poikilothermies 33 28 POIKILOTHERMY, cold-...
poikilothermism 35 31 cold-bloodedness, al...
pointlessnesses 27 21 POINTLESSNESS, POINT...
poisonousnesses 25 21 POISONOUSNESS, POISO...
poliomyelitides 37 26 POLIOMYELITIS, a vir...
poliomyelitises 37 25 POLIOMYELITIS, a vir...
politicisations 32 23 POLITICISATION, the...
politicizations 35 32 POLITICIZATION, the...
polyacrylamides 46 31 POLYACRYLAMIDE, a po...
polyarthritides 38 24 POLYARTHRITIS, arthr...
polyarthritises 38 23 POLYARTHRITIS, arthr...
polycarboxylate 52 37 a salt or ester of a...
polychlorinated 40 29 as in polychlorinate...
polychloroprene 41 31 neoprene [n]
polychromatisms 43 32 POLYCHROMATISM, bein...
polycrystalline 46 29 consisting of crysta...
polyelectrolyte 45 28 a jellylike plastic...
polygenetically 46 31 POLYGENETIC, of poly...
polygraphically 52 35 POLYGRAPHIC, relatin...
polymerisations 35 25 POLYMERISATION, a ch...
polymerizations 38 34 POLYMERIZATION, a ch...
polymorphically 52 36 POLYMORPHIC, occurri...
polynucleotides 38 28 POLYNUCLEOTIDE, a po...
polyphloesboean 39 31 loud-roaring, also P...
polysaccharides 43 30 POLYSACCHARIDE, a gl...
polysaccharoses 42 29 POLYSACCHAROSE, any...
polysyllabicism 51 34 the state of being p...
polysynthesisms 45 29 POLYSYNTHESISM, the...
polysynthetical 47 30 made up of many sepa...
polysynthetisms 45 29 POLYSYNTHETISM, the...
polyunsaturated 34 25 having many double o...
polyunsaturates 34 24 POLYUNSATURATE, a fa...
polyvinylidenes 43 31 POLYVINYLIDENE, any...
ponderabilities 30 24 PONDERABILITY, the q...
ponderousnesses 25 22 PONDEROUSNESS, the s...
pontificalities 34 26 PONTIFICALITY, the s...
popularisations 30 24 POPULARISATION, the...
popularizations 33 33 POPULARIZATION, the...
porphyrogenites 38 28 PORPHYROGENITE, a By...
postadolescents 30 24 POSTADOLESCENT, some...
postapocalyptic 45 33 taking place after a...
postconsonantal 28 25 following a consonan...
postdevaluation 29 26 taking place after d...
postdivestiture 31 24 taking place after d...
postgraduations 28 23 POSTGRADUATION, the...
posthemorrhagic 37 30 taking place after a...
postinoculation 30 25 taking place after i...
postirradiation 27 20 taking place after i...
postmasterships 34 26 POSTMASTERSHIP, the...
postmillenarian 29 25 a believer in post-m...
postoperatively 38 28 POSTOPERATIVE, follo...
postpollination 30 25 taking place after p...
postproductions 33 27 POSTPRODUCTION, the...
poststimulation 30 24 taking place after s...
poststimulatory 37 25 following stimulatio...
postsynchronise 38 27 to add sound, such a...
postsynchronize 41 36 to add sound, such a...
posttransfusion 29 24 caused by transfused...
postulationally 36 25 POSTULATIONAL, of or...
postvaccination 34 30 taking place after v...
potentiometries 27 22 POTENTIOMETRY, the m...
powerlessnesses 30 23 POWERLESSNESS, POWER...
practicableness 36 29 PRACTICABLE, that ca...
practicalnesses 34 26 PRACTICALNESS, the s...
pragmaticalness 33 28 the state of being p...
pragmatisations 29 24 PRAGMATISATION, the...
pragmatizations 32 33 PRAGMATIZATION, the...
prayerfulnesses 36 26 PRAYERFULNESS, PRAYE...
preacquaintance 39 36 acquaintance made in...
preadolescences 32 27 PREADOLESCENCE, the...
preagricultural 35 27 belonging to the per...
preanaesthetics 31 24 PREANAESTHETIC, a dr...
prearrangements 27 25 PREARRANGEMENT, a pr...
precancellation 33 28 preceding a cancella...
precipitability 44 30 the quality of being...
precipitantness 32 26 the state of being p...
precipitateness 32 25 PRECIPITATE, sudden...
precipitinogens 33 28 PRECIPITINOGEN, an a...
precipitousness 33 26 the state of being p...
preconditioning 30 27 PRECONDITION, to put...
preconstructing 35 29 PRECONSTRUCT, to con...
preconstruction 33 27 construction in adva...
predatorinesses 26 20 PREDATORINESS, the s...
predesignations 27 23 PREDESIGNATION, the...
predestinarians 26 21 PREDESTINARIAN, one...
predestinations 26 21 PREDESTINATION, the...
predeterminable 30 27 able to be predeterm...
predeterminisms 30 26 PREDETERMINISM, dete...
predevelopments 32 31 PREDEVELOPMENT, a pr...
predicabilities 35 26 PREDICABILITY, the q...
predictableness 33 27 the state of being p...
predispositions 30 23 PREDISPOSITION, an i...
preestablishing 34 27 PREESTABLISH, to est...
prefabrications 34 28 PREFABRICATION, the...
preferabilities 33 25 PREFERABILITY, the s...
preferentialism 31 26 favouring a preferen...
preferentialist 30 23 a supporter of prefe...
preferentiality 36 25 the state of being p...
prefiguratively 41 31 PREFIGURATIVE, relat...
preformationism 31 28 the now exploded the...
preformationist 30 25 relating to preforma...
prehistorically 42 27 PREHISTORICAL, relat...
preimplantation 30 27 of, involving, or be...
preinterviewing 33 29 PREINTERVIEW, to int...
prejudicialness 34 34 PREJUDICIAL, tending...
prekindergarten 28 27 a nursey school [n]
premanufactured 33 31 PREMANUFACTURE, to m...
premanufactures 33 30 PREMANUFACTURE, to m...
prematurenesses 27 23 PREMATURENESS, the s...
premillenarians 29 25 PREMILLENARIAN, a be...
premillennially 38 29 PREMILLENNIAL, comin...
premodification 33 29 preceding a modifica...
prenegotiations 26 22 PRENEGOTIATION, nego...
prenotification 31 26 preceding a notifica...
preponderancies 30 27 PREPONDERANCY, a sup...
preponderations 27 24 PREPONDERATION, the...
prepositionally 37 26 PREPOSITIONAL, relat...
prepossessingly 38 27 PREPOSSESSING, creat...
prepresidential 30 24 preceding a presiden...
preprofessional 31 26 of or relating to th...
preprogrammings 34 32 PREPROGRAMMING, the...
prepublications 36 30 PREPUBLICATION, an a...
preregistration 28 21 a special registrati...
presbyterianise 35 24 to make presbyterian...
presbyterianism 37 27 the form of church g...
presbyterianize 38 33 to make presbyterian...
prescriptivisms 39 31 PRESCRIPTIVISM, the...
prescriptivists 38 28 PRESCRIPTIVIST, an a...
presentableness 28 24 PRESENTABLE, worthy...
presentationism 27 23 the doctrine of imme...
presentationist 26 20 an adherent of prese...
presentialities 28 20 PRESENTIALITY, the s...
preservationist 29 23 one who advocates pr...
pressurisations 28 20 PRESSURISATION, the...
pressurizations 31 29 PRESSURIZATION, the...
prestidigitator 30 21 a conjurer, also PRE...
prestigiousness 29 22 the state of being p...
presumptiveness 33 30 the state of being p...
presuppositions 32 26 PRESUPPOSITION, a pr...
presynaptically 47 31 PRESYNAPTIC, relatin...
pretentiousness 26 21 PRETENTIOUS, making...
preteritenesses 26 19 PRETERITENESS, the s...
preterminations 27 23 PRETERMINATION, a pr...
preternaturally 35 24 PRETERNATURAL, exist...
prettifications 33 25 PRETTIFICATION, the...
prevalentnesses 28 25 PREVALENTNESS, PREVA...
pricelessnesses 31 23 PRICELESSNESS, PRICE...
primitivenesses 31 26 PRIMITIVENESS, the s...
primogenitrices 33 27 PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem...
primogenitrixes 36 31 PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem...
primordialities 31 23 PRIMORDIALITY, the s...
principalnesses 33 27 PRINCIPALNESS, the s...
printablenesses 29 24 PRINTABLENESS, PRINT...
prioritisations 28 19 PRIORITISATION, the...
prioritizations 31 28 PRIORITIZATION, the...
probabiliorisms 35 28 PROBABILIORISM, the...
probabiliorists 34 25 PROBABILIORIST, a be...
probationership 33 27 the state of being a...
problematically 43 32 PROBLEMATICAL, causi...
proceleusmatics 36 29 PROCELEUSMATIC, a me...
processionalist 31 23 one who takes part i...
processionaries 29 22 PROCESSIONARY, a kin...
procrastinating 31 25 PROCRASTINATE, to pu...
procrastination 29 23 the act of procrasti...
procrastinative 32 26 tending to procrasti...
procrastinators 30 22 PROCRASTINATOR, one...
procrastinatory 36 24 tending to procrasti...
procreativeness 31 26 the state of being p...
procuratorships 36 27 PROCURATORSHIP, the...
producibilities 36 27 PRODUCIBILITY, the c...
professionalise 29 23 to give a profession...
professionalism 31 26 the conduct, aims, o...
professionalist 30 23 characterised by pro...
professionalize 32 32 to give a profession...
profitabilities 34 25 PROFITABILITY, the s...
progenitiveness 29 26 the state of being p...
progenitorships 33 26 PROGENITORSHIP, the...
prognosticating 32 27 PROGNOSTICATE, to fo...
prognostication 30 25 an indication in adv...
prognosticative 33 28 of the nature of pro...
prognosticators 31 24 PROGNOSTICATOR, one...
programmability 41 32 the state of being p...
progressionally 36 25 PROGRESSIONAL, relat...
progressionisms 30 24 PROGRESSIONISM, symp...
progressionists 29 21 PROGRESSIONIST, a su...
progressiveness 30 25 PROGRESSIVE, showing...
progressivistic 36 27 relating to progress...
progressivities 32 24 PROGRESSIVITY, the s...
prohibitionisms 34 27 PROHIBITIONISM, supp...
prohibitionists 33 24 PROHIBITIONIST, one...
prohibitiveness 34 28 the state of being p...
projectisations 32 31 PROJECTISATION, the...
projectizations 35 40 PROJECTIZATION, the...
proletarianised 27 21 PROLETARIANISE, to m...
proletarianises 27 20 PROLETARIANISE, to m...
proletarianisms 29 23 PROLETARIANISM, beli...
proletarianized 30 30 PROLETARIANIZE, to r...
proletarianizes 30 29 PROLETARIANIZE, to r...
proletarianness 26 21 the state of being p...
prolocutorships 37 28 PROLOCUTORSHIP, the...
prominentnesses 26 24 PROMINENTNESS, the s...
promiscuousness 32 27 the state of being p...
promotabilities 32 25 PROMOTABILITY, the s...
promotivenesses 29 26 PROMOTIVENESS, the s...
pronominalising 29 27 PRONOMINALISE, to ma...
pronominalizing 32 36 PRONOMINALIZE, to ma...
pronunciamentos 29 28 PRONUNCIAMENTO, an o...
pronunciational 29 26 relating to pronunci...
propagabilities 34 27 PROPAGABILITY, the q...
properispomenon 30 29 a word with the circ...
proportionality 36 25 the state of being p...
proportionately 35 25 PROPORTIONATE, in pr...
proportionating 29 25 PROPORTIONATE, to ma...
proportionments 29 26 PROPORTIONMENT, the...
propositionally 37 26 PROPOSITIONAL, of th...
proprietorially 38 25 PROPRIETORIAL, relat...
proprietorships 35 26 PROPRIETORSHIP, the...
proprioceptions 34 28 PROPRIOCEPTION, the...
propylitisation 37 25 the process of propy...
propylitization 40 34 the process of propy...
prosaicalnesses 30 23 PROSAICALNESS, PROSA...
proselytisation 34 22 the act of proselyti...
proselytization 37 31 the act of proselyti...
prosenchymatous 39 30 relating to prosench...
proslambanomene 29 30 PROSLAMBANOMENOS [n]
prosopographers 34 28 PROSOPOGRAPHER, a wr...
prosopographies 34 28 PROSOPOGRAPHY, a bio...
prospectiveness 34 29 the state of being p...
prostatectomies 31 24 PROSTATECTOMY, the s...
prosthodontists 30 22 PROSTHODONTIST, a sp...
proteolytically 46 28 PROTEOLYTIC, relatin...
prothonotariats 28 21 PROTHONOTARIAT, the...
protistologists 31 21 PROTISTOLOGIST, a sp...
protohistorians 29 21 PROTOHISTORIAN, one...
protoporphyrins 40 29 PROTOPORPHYRIN, meta...
protospathaires 31 23 PROTOSPATHAIRE, (his...
protospatharius 32 24 (historical) the cap...
protozoological 35 34 related to protozool...
protozoologists 32 30 PROTOZOOLOGIST, one...
proverbialising 34 29 PROVERBIALISE, to ma...
proverbializing 37 38 PROVERBIALIZE, to ma...
provincialising 35 30 PROVINCIALISE, to ma...
provincialities 34 27 PROVINCIALITY, the s...
provincializing 38 39 PROVINCIALIZE, to ma...
provocativeness 33 30 the state of being p...
proximatenesses 33 29 PROXIMATENESS, the s...
prudentialities 29 22 PRUDENTIALITY, the s...
prussianisation 27 21 the act of prussiani...
prussianization 30 30 the act of prussiani...
psephologically 45 33 PSEPHOLOGICAL, relat...
pseudaesthesias 29 22 PSEUDAESTHESIA, imag...
pseudepigraphic 39 33 relating to pseudepi...
pseudepigraphon 34 31 a book ascribed to O...
pseudoarthroses 29 22 PSEUDOARTHROSIS, a j...
pseudoarthrosis 30 22 a joint formed by fi...
pseudocoelomate 30 27 an invertebrate (as...
pseudoephedrine 30 27 a naturally occurrin...
pseudomembranes 30 30 PSEUDOMEMBRANE, a fa...
pseudomorphisms 35 31 PSEUDOMORPHISM, the...
pseudomutuality 37 28 a relationship betwe...
pseudopregnancy 38 32 false pregnancy [n]
pseudoscientist 31 24 one who practises ps...
pseudoscorpions 32 27 PSEUDOSCORPION, any...
pseudosolutions 28 23 PSEUDOSOLUTION, a fa...
psilanthropisms 35 28 PSILANTHROPISM, the...
psilanthropists 34 25 PSILANTHROPIST, one...
psychedelically 52 34 PSYCHEDELIC, relatin...
psychiatrically 52 32 PSYCHIATRICAL, relat...
psychoacoustics 46 32 PSYCHOACOUSTIC [n]
psychoanalysers 45 29 PSYCHOANALYSER, one...
psychoanalysing 46 32 PSYCHOANALYSE, to su...
psychoanalyzers 48 38 PSYCHOANALYZER, one...
psychoanalyzing 49 41 PSYCHOANALYZE, to su...
psychobiography 53 37 a biography written...
psychobiologies 43 31 PSYCHOBIOLOGY, the s...
psychobiologist 44 31 one who studies psyc...
psychochemicals 50 37 PSYCHOCHEMICAL, a ps...
psychochemistry 53 35 the treatment of men...
psychodelically 52 34 PSYCHODELIC, relatin...
psychogenetical 43 32 relating to psychoge...
psychogenically 51 35 PSYCHOGENIC, derived...
psychogeriatric 44 30 relating to the stud...
psychographical 49 36 relating to psychogr...
psychohistorian 41 28 a student of psychoh...
psychohistories 42 27 PSYCHOHISTORY [n]
psycholinguists 43 30 PSYCHOLINGUIST, a st...
psychologically 53 35 PSYCHOLOGICAL, of or...
psychometrician 43 32 a person (as a clini...
psychoneurotics 42 30 PSYCHONEUROTIC, one...
psychopathology 51 35 the study of mental...
psychophysicist 55 35 a student of psychop...
psychosexuality 53 36 the psychic factors...
psychosociology 50 33 the study of how psy...
psychosomimetic 45 34 of drugs such as LSD...
psychosurgeries 41 28 PSYCHOSURGERY, cereb...
psychosyntheses 47 30 PSYCHOSYNTHESIS, a f...
psychosynthesis 48 30 a form of psychother...
psychotherapies 43 30 PSYCHOTHERAPY, treat...
psychotherapist 44 30 a practitioner of ps...
psychotomimetic 45 34 of drugs such as LSD...
psychrometrical 45 32 relating to measurem...
pteridophilists 35 25 PTERIDOPHILIST, a fe...
pterylographies 40 28 PTERYLOGRAPHY, a des...
pulchritudinous 36 29 beautiful, comely [a...
pulmobranchiate 36 32 relating to a pulmob...
pulselessnesses 29 22 PULSELESSNESS, the s...
punctiliousness 32 26 PUNCTILIOUS, extreme...
punctuationists 31 25 PUNCTUATIONIST, a be...
punishabilities 34 26 PUNISHABILITY, the s...
puritanicalness 31 25 PURITANICAL, of or l...
purposelessness 30 24 PURPOSELESS, having...
purposivenesses 31 27 PURPOSIVENESS, PURPO...
pusillanimities 32 25 PUSILLANIMITY, cowar...
pusillanimously 39 29 PUSILLANIMOUS, lacki...
pycnodysostoses 42 27 PYCNODYSOSTOSIS, a r...
pycnodysostosis 43 27 a rare inherited bon...
pyknodysostoses 40 28 PYKNODYSOSTOSIS, a r...
pyknodysostosis 41 28 a rare inherited bon...
pyramidologists 38 27 PYRAMIDOLOGIST, a sp...
pyretotherapies 37 25 PYRETOTHERAPY, medic...
pyroelectricity 48 29 electric charge prod...
pyrophotographs 43 32 PYROPHOTOGRAPH, a bu...
pyrophotography 49 34 the production of py...
pyrophotometers 38 28 PYROPHOTOMETER, a ty...
pyrotechnically 50 33 PYROTECHNICAL, relat...
pyrotechnicians 41 30 PYROTECHNICIAN, one...