8 letter words that start with P

8 letter words that start with P

8 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pabouche 22 20 an Oriental heelless...
pabulous 19 17 of or relating to no...
pabulums 21 20 PABULUM, food, esp....
pacation 17 15 appeasement [n -S]
paceways 27 19 PACEWAY, (Australian...
pachadom 21 20 the rank of a pasha,...
pachalic 25 20 the territory of a p...
pachinko 21 21 a Japanese pinball g...
pachisis 22 16 PACHISI, an Indian b...
pachouli 22 18 an Asiatic tree with...
pachucos 24 20 PACHUCO, (Spanish) a...
pacified 21 18 PACIFY, to make peac...
pacifier 21 17 something that pacif...
pacifies 21 17 PACIFY, to make peac...
pacifism 23 20 opposition to war or...
pacifist 22 17 an advocate of pacif...
packable 22 22 able to be packed [a...
packaged 20 21 PACKAGE, to put into...
packager 20 20 one who packages [n...
packages 20 20 PACKAGE, to put into...
packeted 19 19 PACKET, to make into...
packfong 22 24 a Chinese alloy of n...
packings 21 21 PACKING, material us...
packmule 22 23 a mule used for carr...
packness 19 19 intimacy [n -ES]
packsack 24 25 a carrying bag worn...
packways 29 23 PACKWAY, a narrow pa...
pactions 18 15 PACTION, to agree, m...
paddings 17 16 PADDING, material wi...
paddlers 17 14 PADDLER, one who pad...
paddling 18 17 the act of propellin...
paddocks 20 20 PADDOCK, to confine...
padellas 17 14 PADELLA, a candle ma...
paderero 14 12 a type of old gun, a...
padishah 20 16 (Persian) a chief ru...
padlocks 21 20 PADLOCK, to lock sec...
padronas 14 13 PADRONA, (Italian) a...
padrones 14 13 PADRONE, (Italian) a...
padshahs 20 16 PADSHAH, (Persian) a...
paduasoy 21 15 (French) corded silk...
paeanism 15 15 the chanting of a pa...
paenulae 14 14 PAENULA, a Roman tra...
paenulas 15 14 PAENULA, a Roman tra...
paeonics 17 15 PAEONIC, a foot of f...
paeonies 13 12 PAEONY, a showy flow...
paesanos 13 12 PAESANO, (Spanish) a...
pagandom 16 18 the realm of pagans...
paganise 15 14 to make irreligious,...
paganish 18 16 of or pertaining to...
paganism 17 17 an irreligious attit...
paganist 16 14 a student of pagans...
paganize 18 23 to make irreligious,...
pageants 15 14 PAGEANT, an elaborat...
pageboys 24 18 PAGEBOY, a boy atten...
pagefuls 20 18 PAGEFUL, as much as...
pagehood 17 16 the condition of a p...
pageview 21 20 an electronic displa...
paginate 15 14 to mark with consecu...
pagodite 16 14 a soft, greenish, gr...
pagurian 16 15 a hermit crab, also...
pagurids 18 15 PAGURID, a hermit cr...
pahautea 16 14 a small pyramid-shap...
pahlavis 21 18 PAHLAVI, a former co...
pahoehoe 17 15 (Hawaiian) a hardene...
pailfuls 21 17 PAILFUL, as much as...
paillard 18 14 a slice of meat poun...
paillons 17 14 PAILLON, a decorativ...
pailsful 21 17 PAILFUL, as much as...
painches 20 17 PAINCH, (Scots) the...
painless 16 13 without pain [adj PA...
paintbox 23 22 a box containing pai...
painters 15 12 PAINTER, one who pai...
paintier 15 12 PAINTY, covered with...
painting 16 15 a painted picture [n...
paintpot 17 15 a pot for holding pa...
painture 15 13 the art of painting...
paiockes 19 18 PAIOCKE, (Shakespear...
pairials 17 12 PAIRIAL, a pair-roya...
pairings 17 14 PAIRING, a matching...
pairwise 19 14 in pairs [adv]
paisanas 14 12 PAISANA, (Spanish) a...
paisanos 14 12 PAISANO, (Spanish) a...
paisleys 23 14 PAISLEY, a woollen o...
paitrick 21 18 (Scots) a partridge...
pajamaed 17 24 wearing pajamas [adj...
pajockes 21 27 PAJOCKE, (Shakespear...
pakapoos 17 18 PAKAPOO, a Chinese v...
pakfongs 19 21 PAKFONG, a Chinese a...
pakthong 19 20 a Chinese alloy of n...
paktongs 17 18 PAKTONG, a Chinese a...
palabras 18 15 PALABRA, (Spanish) a...
paladins 16 14 PALADIN, a knightly...
palamate 16 15 webbed like a water-...
palamino 16 16 a horse with a silve...
palatals 17 13 PALATAL, a sound mad...
palatial 17 13 of or like a palace...
palatine 15 13 a high officer havin...
palating 17 15 PALATE, (Shakespeare...
palavers 18 16 PALAVER, to talk pro...
palazzos 22 30 PALAZZO, an Italian...
palebuck 23 23 a kind of antelope,...
paleface 20 18 a white person [n -S...
paleness 15 13 the quality of being...
paleocon 17 16 an extremely right-w...
paleosol 16 13 a buried soil horizo...
palestra 16 12 a school for athleti...
paletots 16 12 PALETOT, a loose ove...
palettes 16 12 PALETTE, a board on...
paleways 25 17 in heraldry, vertica...
palewise 19 15 in heraldry, vertica...
palfreys 25 17 PALFREY, a saddle ho...
paliform 20 18 resembling a stake [...
palikars 18 16 PALIKAR, a Greek sol...
palimony 23 18 alimony paid after s...
palinkas 17 17 PALINKA, a type of a...
palinode 15 14 a poem which retract...
palinody 22 16 a poem which retract...
palisade 16 13 to fortify with a fe...
palisado 16 13 to fortify with a fe...
palladia 17 14 PALLADIUM, a metalli...
palladic 21 17 of or containing pal...
palleted 17 14 PALLET, to load onto...
pallette 17 13 a piece of armour pr...
palliard 18 14 (obsolete) a profess...
palliate 17 13 to cloak or disguise...
pallider 18 14 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
pallidly 26 17 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
palliest 18 13 PALLY, marked by clo...
palliums 20 17 PALLIUM, a cloak wor...
pallones 16 14 PALLONE, an Italian...
pallying 25 18 PALLY, as in to pall...
palmated 17 16 resembling an open h...
palmball 22 20 a baseball pitched f...
palmette 17 15 an ornament (in scul...
palmetto 17 15 any of various usual...
palmfuls 22 20 PALMFUL, as much as...
palmiers 18 15 PALMIER, a pastry sh...
palmiest 18 15 PALMY, marked by pro...
palmiets 18 15 PALMIET, a South Afr...
palmiped 20 19 a webfooted bird, al...
palmists 19 15 PALMIST, a person wh...
palmitic 22 18 as in palmitic acid,...
palmitin 18 16 a glyceride of palmi...
palmlike 20 20 resembling a palm tr...
palmtops 20 18 PALMTOP, a small han...
palmyras 24 17 PALMYRA, a species o...
palomino 16 16 a horse with a silve...
palookas 16 16 PALOOKA, a clumsy, i...
palpable 21 19 capable of being fel...
palpably 28 21 PALPABLE, capable of...
palpated 18 16 PALPATE, to examine...
palpates 18 15 PALPATE, to examine...
palpator 18 15 one who palpates [n...
palpebra 20 18 the eyelid [n PALPEB...
palpuses 19 16 PALPUS, (Latin) a se...
palships 22 17 PALSHIP, the relatio...
palsiest 17 12 PALSY, pally, being...
palstaff 21 18 a peculiar bronze ad...
palstave 18 16 a peculiar bronze ad...
palsying 24 17 PALSY, to affect wit...
paltered 16 13 PALTER, to talk or a...
palterer 16 12 one who palters, tal...
paltrier 17 12 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
paltrily 25 15 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
paludine 16 15 of marshes, also PAL...
paludism 19 17 marsh fever; malaria...
paludose 16 14 marshy; living in ma...
paludous 17 15 marshy; living in ma...
pampases 18 17 PAMPAS, a treeless p...
pampeans 17 18 PAMPEAN, a native of...
pampered 18 18 PAMPER, to treat wit...
pamperer 18 17 one who pampers [n -...
pamperos 18 17 PAMPERO, (Spanish) a...
pamphlet 22 20 to circulate a small...
pamphrey 27 21 (Irish) a cabbage [n...
pampoens 17 18 PAMPOEN, (South Afri...
panacean 15 16 having the propertie...
panaceas 16 15 PANACEA, (Greek) a r...
panaches 19 17 PANACHE, dash or fla...
panaries 14 12 PANARY, a bread stor...
panatela 14 13 (Spanish) a long thi...
panbroil 18 16 to fry in a pan with...
pancaked 18 20 PANCAKE, to land an...
pancakes 18 19 PANCAKE, to land an...
pancetta 17 15 unsmoked Italian bac...
pancheon 18 18 a wide-brimmed, shal...
panchion 19 18 a wide-brimmed, shal...
pancreas 17 15 a large gland discha...
pandanis 14 14 PANDANI, PANDANUS, (...
pandanus 14 15 (Malay) a palm of SE...
pandared 14 14 PANDAR, to act as a...
pandects 18 16 PANDECT, a treatise...
pandemia 15 16 a widespread epidemi...
pandemic 19 19 a widespread disease...
pandered 14 14 PANDER, to act as a...
panderer 14 13 one who panders, pro...
panderly 22 16 acting as a procurer...
pandoors 14 13 PANDOOR, one of a cl...
pandoras 14 13 PANDORA, ancient mus...
pandores 14 13 PANDORE, ancient mus...
pandours 15 14 PANDOUR, one of a cl...
pandowdy 24 19 a deep pie or puddin...
pandrops 17 16 PANDROP, (Scots) a h...
panduras 15 14 PANDURA, ancient mus...
pandying 22 18 PANDY, to punish by...
panegyry 28 18 a great assembly [n...
paneless 15 13 without a pane [adj]
paneling 16 16 material with which...
panelist 16 13 one who serves on a...
panelled 16 15 PANEL, to decorate w...
panetela 14 13 (Spanish) a long thi...
panforte 16 15 (Italian) a hard spi...
panfried 17 16 PANFRY, to fry in a...
panfries 17 15 PANFRY, to fry in a...
pangamic 20 20 characterised by ran...
pangenes 14 15 PANGENE, a hypotheti...
pangless 17 15 without a pang; pain...
pangolin 16 16 the scaly anteater [...
pangrams 17 17 PANGRAM, a sentence...
panhuman 17 19 pertaining to all hu...
panicked 19 20 PANIC, to experience...
panicled 19 17 having a panicle [ad...
panicles 19 16 PANICLE, a loosely b...
panicums 20 19 PANICUM, any grass o...
panislam 17 16 all of Islam or the...
panmixes 22 22 PANMIXIS, random mat...
panmixia 22 22 random mating within...
panmixis 23 22 random mating within...
pannages 14 15 PANNAGE, the right t...
pannicks 19 20 PANNICK, any grass o...
pannicle 18 17 a thin, sheetlike ga...
panniers 14 13 PANNIER, a large bas...
pannikel 16 18 (obsolete) a thin, s...
pannikin 15 18 a small metal cup [n...
pannings 15 16 PANNING, harsh criti...
pannists 15 13 PANNIST, a person wh...
pannuses 14 14 PANNUS, a pathologic...
panochas 19 17 PANOCHA, (Spanish) a...
panoches 19 17 PANOCHE, (Spanish) a...
panoptic 20 18 all-embracing; viewi...
panorama 14 15 a wide or complete v...
panpipes 19 18 PANPIPE, a musical i...
pansophy 25 19 universal knowledge...
panstick 20 19 foundation make-up l...
pantable 17 16 a slipper, an oversh...
pantalet 15 13 long underpants trim...
pantalon 14 14 a movement in a quad...
pantheon 15 15 a temple dedicated t...
panthers 17 14 PANTHER, a leopard,...
pantiled 16 14 roofed with pantiles...
pantiles 16 13 PANTILE, an overlapp...
pantines 14 13 PANTINE, (obsolete)...
pantings 16 15 PANTING, the act of...
pantlegs 17 15 PANTLEG, the leg par...
pantlers 16 13 PANTLER, (Shakespear...
pantofle 17 16 a slipper, an oversh...
pantoums 16 16 PANTOUM, a Malayan v...
pantries 15 12 PANTRY, a small room...
pantsuit 16 13 a woman's suit with...
papacies 20 17 PAPACY, the office o...
papadams 18 18 PAPADAM, (Tamil) a t...
papadoms 18 18 PAPADOM, (Tamil) a t...
papadums 19 19 PAPADUM, (Tamil) a t...
papalise 18 15 to render papal, als...
papalism 20 18 the papal system [n...
papalist 19 15 a supporter of the p...
papalize 21 24 to render papal, als...
papaumas 18 18 PAPAUMA, (Maori) a l...
papavers 19 18 PAPAVER, a genus of...
paperboy 25 19 a newsboy [n -S]
paperers 17 14 PAPERER, one who pap...
paperier 17 14 PAPERY, resembling p...
papering 18 17 the act of covering...
paphians 19 17 PAPHIAN, a prostitut...
papilios 19 15 PAPILIO, a type of b...
papillae 19 16 PAPILLA, a nipple-li...
papillar 20 16 like, of the nature...
papillon 19 17 (French) a breed of...
papisher 20 16 a supporter of the p...
papishes 20 16 PAPISH, a supporter...
papistic 22 17 relating to popery,...
papistry 25 16 roman Catholicism [n...
papooses 16 14 PAPOOSE, an American...
pappadam 20 21 (Tamil) a thin circl...
pappadom 20 21 (Tamil) a thin circl...
pappadum 21 22 (Tamil) a thin circl...
pappiest 20 17 PAPPY, resembling pa...
pappoose 18 17 an American Indian b...
pappuses 20 18 PAPPUS, a ring of do...
papricas 21 17 PAPRICA, a seasoning...
paprikas 19 18 PAPRIKA, a seasoning...
papulose 18 16 having pimples, also...
papulous 19 17 having pimples, also...
papyrian 23 17 like papyrus, a parc...
papyrine 23 17 like papyrus, a parc...
parabema 17 17 (Greek) in Byzantine...
parabens 16 15 PARABEN, any of a gr...
parabled 18 16 PARABLE, to represen...
parables 18 15 PARABLE, to represen...
parabola 17 15 (Greek) a type of cu...
parabole 17 15 a rhetorical compari...
parachor 20 16 a mathematical const...
paracmes 19 17 PARACME, a stage of...
paraders 15 12 PARADER, one who par...
paradigm 18 17 an example that serv...
parading 16 15 PARADE, to march in...
paradise 15 12 a place of extreme b...
paradors 15 12 PARADOR, a building...
paradoxy 27 21 the quality of being...
paradrop 17 15 to deliver by parach...
paraffin 19 18 any saturated hydroc...
paraffle 20 18 (Scots) a pretentiou...
parafles 18 15 PARAFLE, (Scots) a p...
parafoil 18 15 a type of steerable...
paraform 18 17 a substance used as...
paragoge 16 15 the addition of a so...
paragons 15 14 PARAGON, (archaic) t...
paragram 17 16 a play on words cons...
parakeet 15 15 a small long-tailed...
parakite 16 15 a kite used for hold...
parallax 23 20 an apparent optical...
parallel 18 14 of lines etc., exten...
paralogy 23 16 false reasoning [n P...
paralyse 22 14 to render incapable...
paralyze 25 23 to render incapable...
parament 15 15 (obsolete) a rich de...
paramese 15 14 in Greek music, the...
paramour 16 15 a lover of either se...
paranete 13 12 a tone in Greek musi...
paranoea 12 12 a mental disorder, a...
paranoia 13 12 a mental disorder, a...
paranoic 17 15 suffering from paran...
paranoid 14 13 suffering from paran...
paranyms 22 17 PARANYM, a euphemism...
parapara 16 14 a small New Zealand...
parapets 17 14 PARAPET, a protectiv...
paraphed 19 17 PARAPH, to append a...
paraquat 23 21 (tradename) a herbic...
paraquet 23 21 a small long-tailed...
parasail 16 12 to soar while harnes...
parasang 15 14 an old Persian unit...
parashah 19 15 (Hebrew) a passage i...
parashot 17 13 PARASHAH, (Hebrew) a...
parasite 15 11 an organism that liv...
parasols 16 12 PARASOL, a small, li...
parathas 17 13 PARATHA, (Hindi) a f...
paravail 18 16 below others in rank...
paravane 15 16 an underwater device...
paravant 16 16 (Spenser) before, in...
parawing 19 17 a winglike parachute...
paraxial 22 19 parallel to the axis...
parazoan 16 21 any of a major divis...
parazoon 16 21 any member of the Pa...
parbaked 18 19 PARBAKE, to bake par...
parbakes 18 18 PARBAKE, to bake par...
parboils 19 15 PARBOIL, to cook par...
parbreak 18 18 (archaic) to vomit [...
parceled 19 16 PARCEL, to divide in...
parcener 17 15 a coheir, or one of...
parchesi 21 16 (Hindi) a game, some...
parching 22 19 PARCH, to make very...
parchisi 22 16 (Hindi) a game, some...
parclose 19 15 a railing in a churc...
pardales 16 13 PARDALE, a leopard,...
pardalis 17 13 a leopard, also PARD...
pardners 15 13 PARDNER, (colloquial...
pardoned 14 14 PARDON, to release f...
pardoner 14 13 one who raises money...
parecism 20 17 the state of being p...
pareiras 15 11 PAREIRA, a medicinal...
parellas 17 13 PARELLA, a lichen wh...
parelles 17 13 PARELLE, a lichen wh...
parental 15 13 pertaining to a pare...
parented 14 13 PARENT, to act as fa...
parergon 15 14 (Greek) a piece of w...
paretics 19 14 PARETIC, one affecte...
parfaits 18 14 PARFAIT, (French) a...
parflesh 21 17 a rawhide soaked in...
parfocal 21 18 having lenses with c...
parganas 15 14 PARGANA, (Hindi) a d...
pargeted 16 14 PARGET, to cover wit...
pargeter 16 13 one who pargets, pla...
pargings 18 16 PARGING, a thin coat...
parhelia 18 14 PARHELION, a halolik...
parhelic 22 17 of or pertaining to...
parietal 16 12 a bone of the skull...
parietes 15 11 PARIES, the wall of...
parishad 18 14 (Hindi) an Indian as...
parishen 17 14 (Scots) a parish, al...
parishes 18 13 PARISH, a subdivisio...
parisons 15 12 PARISON, (French) a...
parities 16 11 PARITY, equality of...
paritors 16 11 PARITOR, (Shakespear...
parkades 16 16 PARKADE, a multileve...
parkette 16 15 a small public park...
parkiest 17 15 PARKY, (colloquial)...
parkings 18 18 PARKING, an area in...
parkland 17 18 a cared-for area wit...
parklike 19 20 like a park [adj]
parkours 17 16 PARKOUR, a recreatio...
parkward 20 19 towards a park, also...
parkways 26 20 PARKWAY, a broad roa...
parlance 18 16 a manner of speaking...
parlando 15 14 sung in a manner sug...
parlante 15 13 sung in a manner sug...
parlayed 22 15 PARLAY, to wager ori...
parleyed 22 15 PARLEY, to discuss t...
parleyer 22 14 one who parleys [n -...
parlours 17 13 PARLOUR, a room for...
parmesan 15 15 a hard, dry Italian...
parochin 20 17 (Scots) a parish, al...
parodied 15 13 PARODY, to imitate i...
parodies 15 12 PARODY, to imitate i...
parodist 16 12 one who composes par...
paroemia 15 14 (Greek) a proverb, a...
parolees 15 12 PAROLEE, one who is...
paroling 17 15 PAROLE, to give a co...
paronyms 22 17 PARONYM, a word havi...
paronymy 28 19 a relationship of tw...
paroquet 23 21 a small long-tailed...
parosmia 16 14 a distortion of the...
parotids 16 12 PAROTID, a gland sit...
parotoid 15 12 any of various gland...
parousia 15 12 (Greek) a coming, es...
paroxysm 29 23 a sudden fit or atta...
parpanes 16 15 PARPANE, a stone pas...
parpends 17 16 PARPEND, a stone pas...
parpents 17 15 PARPENT, a stone pas...
parpoint 17 15 a stone passing thro...
parquets 24 21 PARQUET, to cover a...
parridge 17 14 a soft meal of oatme...
parriers 16 11 PARRIER, one who par...
parritch 22 16 a soft meal of oatme...
parrocks 20 18 PARROCK, to confine...
parroket 16 15 a small long-tailed...
parroted 15 12 PARROT, to repeat wi...
parroter 15 11 one who simply repea...
parrotry 22 13 unintelligent imitat...
parrying 23 16 PARRY, to ward off a...
parsable 18 15 able to be parsed [a...
parsings 17 14 PARSING, the syntact...
parsleys 23 14 PARSLEY, a cultivate...
parslied 17 13 adorned with parsley...
parsneps 17 15 PARSNEP, (obsolete)...
parsnips 18 15 PARSNIP, an umbellif...
parsonic 18 15 of or pertaining to...
partaken 15 16 PARTAKE, to particip...
partaker 16 15 one who partakes [n...
partakes 16 15 PARTAKE, to particip...
parterre 15 11 a section of a theat...
partials 17 12 PARTIAL, as in parti...
partible 19 15 divisible [adj]
particle 20 15 a very small piece o...
partiers 16 11 PARTIER, one who par...
partings 17 14 PARTING, a division...
partisan 15 12 biased [adj PARTISAN...
partitas 16 11 PARTITA, (Italian) a...
partizan 18 21 an adherent of a per...
partlets 17 12 PARTLET, (obsolete)...
partners 15 12 PARTNER, to join wit...
partures 16 12 PARTURE, (Spenser) a...
partwork 20 18 one of a magazine se...
partyers 22 13 PARTYER, one who par...
partying 23 16 PARTY, to attend a s...
partyism 24 16 devotion to a politi...
parvenue 16 17 (French) a female pa...
parvenus 17 17 PARVENU, (French) on...
parvises 18 15 PARVISE, an enclosed...
parvolin 18 17 a ptomaine formed in...
paschals 22 17 PASCHAL, a candle us...
pascuals 20 16 PASCUAL, a plant tha...
paseared 14 12 PASEAR, to take a wa...
pashadom 18 17 the rank of a pasha,...
pashalic 22 17 the territory of a p...
pashalik 20 18 the territory of a p...
pashmina 18 17 a shawl made from pa...
paspalum 20 19 any plant of the tro...
pasquils 26 22 PASQUIL, to satirise...
passable 18 15 fairly good or accep...
passably 25 17 PASSABLE, fairly goo...
passades 15 12 PASSADE, a turn of a...
passados 15 12 PASSADO, a forward t...
passaged 16 14 PASSAGE, to make a v...
passager 16 13 as in passager hawk...
passages 16 13 PASSAGE, to make a v...
passatas 15 11 PASSATA, an Italian...
passband 17 16 a frequency band tha...
passbook 18 18 a bankbook [n -S]
passerby 24 16 one who passes by [n...
passible 19 15 capable of feeling [...
passibly 26 17 PASSIBLE, capable of...
passings 17 14 PASSING, the act of...
passions 15 12 PASSION, to exhibit...
passives 18 15 PASSIVE, the passive...
passkeys 23 17 PASSKEY, a key that...
passless 17 12 unable to be negotia...
passment 16 15 (French) a decorativ...
passouts 16 12 PASSOUT, a ticket en...
passover 17 15 an annual feast of t...
passport 18 14 a document allowing...
passuses 16 12 PASSUS, (Latin) a se...
password 19 15 a secret word that m...
pastance 17 15 (archaic) a pastime...
pasterns 15 12 PASTERN, the part of...
pasteups 18 15 PASTEUP, a finished...
pasticci 23 17 PASTICCIO, (Italian)...
pastiche 21 16 an artistic work mad...
pastiest 16 11 PASTY, pale and unhe...
pastille 18 13 a small, often medic...
pastimes 17 14 PASTIME, a recreatio...
pastinas 15 12 PASTINA, (Italian) t...
pastings 17 14 PASTING, a beating,...
pastises 16 11 PASTIS, (French) a F...
pastitso 16 11 (Modern Greek) a dis...
pastless 17 12 having no past [adj]
pastness 15 12 the state or being p...
pastoral 16 12 of literature, music...
pastored 15 12 PASTOR, to serve as...
pastorly 23 14 appropriate to a pas...
pastrami 17 14 a highly seasoned sm...
pastries 16 11 PASTRY, articles mad...
pastromi 17 14 a highly seasoned sm...
pastural 17 13 pertaining to a past...
pastured 16 13 PASTURE, to put out...
pasturer 16 12 one who pastures liv...
pastures 16 12 PASTURE, to put out...
patagial 17 14 of or like a patagiu...
patagium 18 17 a wing membrane of a...
patamars 16 14 PATAMAR, a vessel re...
patballs 20 16 PATBALL, a gentle ba...
patchers 21 16 PATCHER, one who pat...
patchery 27 18 (Shakespeare) knaver...
patchier 21 16 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
patchily 29 19 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
patching 22 19 the act of patching...
patellae 16 13 PATELLA, the knee-ca...
patellar 17 13 pertaining to the pa...
patellas 17 13 PATELLA, the knee-ca...
patented 14 13 PATENT, to obtain a...
patentee 13 12 one who holds a pate...
patently 22 15 PATENT, obvious [adv...
patentor 14 12 one who grants a pat...
paterero 14 11 a type of old gun, a...
paternal 15 13 pertaining to a fath...
pathetic 21 16 arousing pity, also...
pathless 19 14 having no path [adj]
pathname 17 17 the name of a file o...
pathogen 17 16 a disease-producing...
pathoses 17 13 PATHOS, a quality th...
pathways 27 18 PATHWAY, a path [n]
patience 17 15 the quality of endur...
patients 15 12 PATIENT, (Shakespear...
patinaed 14 13 having a patina [adj...
patinate 14 12 to give a patina to,...
patining 16 15 PATINE, to cover wit...
patinise 15 12 to give a patina to,...
patinize 18 21 to give a patina to,...
patootie 14 11 (colloquial) the but...
patrials 17 12 PATRIAL, one who is...
patriate 15 11 to transfer constitu...
patricks 21 18 PATRICK, (Irish) a 1...
patricos 19 14 PATRICO, (slang) a h...
patriots 16 11 PATRIOT, one who lov...
patronal 15 13 of or like a patron...
patronly 22 15 in the manner of a p...
patronne 13 13 (French) a (female)...
patroons 14 12 PATROON, a landowner...
pattamar 16 14 a vessel resembling...
pattened 14 13 PATTEN, (obsolete) t...
pattered 15 12 PATTER, to talk rapi...
patterer 15 11 one who patters [n -...
patterns 15 12 PATTERN, to copy a d...
pattress 16 11 a container for the...
pattypan 23 17 a pan in which patti...
patulent 16 14 spreading, open, als...
patulins 17 14 PATULIN, a drug deri...
patulous 17 14 spreading, open, als...
patutuki 18 17 (New Zealand) the bl...
pauldron 16 15 a shoulder plate for...
paunched 20 19 PAUNCH, to disembowe...
paunches 20 18 PAUNCH, to disembowe...
paupered 17 16 PAUPER, to reduce to...
pauraque 23 22 a long-tailed noctur...
pauropod 17 16 a minute myriapod, a...
pauseful 19 17 full of pauses [adj...
pausings 17 15 PAUSING, the act of...
pavement 17 19 a paved surface [n -...
pavilion 18 17 to cover with a larg...
pavillon 19 18 the bell of a wind i...
paviours 18 16 PAVIOUR, a person wh...
pavisers 18 15 PAVISER, a soldier c...
pavisses 18 15 PAVIS, a large medie...
pavlovas 20 20 PAVLOVA, a type of d...
pavonian 15 17 of or relating to pe...
pavonine 15 17 of or relating to pe...
pawawing 22 20 PAWAW, to hold such...
pawkiest 20 18 PAWKY, (Scots) drily...
pawnable 20 19 able to be pawned [a...
pawnages 18 17 PAWNAGE, an act of p...
pawnshop 22 20 a shop where thing a...
paxiubas 24 22 PAXIUBA, a Brazilian...
paxwaxes 30 28 PAXWAX, the strong t...
payables 24 17 PAYABLE, what is due...
paybacks 28 23 PAYBACK, a return on...
paycheck 31 25 a check in payment o...
paydowns 24 18 PAYDOWN, the reducti...
payfones 22 17 PAYFONE, a coin-oper...
paygrade 22 16 the grade of militar...
paylists 24 14 PAYLIST, a list of p...
payloads 22 15 PAYLOAD, the part of...
payments 22 17 PAYMENT, something t...
paynimry 29 19 heathendom [n PAYNIM...
payphone 24 19 a coin-operated publ...
payrolls 24 15 PAYROLL, a list of e...
paysages 22 15 PAYSAGE, (French) a...
payslips 26 17 PAYSLIP, a note indi...
paywalls 27 18 PAYWALL, an arrangem...
pazazzes 24 38 PAZAZZ, flamboyance,...
peaberry 23 16 a type of coffee see...
peabrain 16 15 a stupid person [n -...
peaceful 21 19 undisturbed, calm [a...
peacenik 18 19 one who demonstrates...
peachers 20 16 PEACHER, one who pea...
peachick 25 23 a young peafowl [n -...
peachier 20 16 PEACHY, coloured or...
peachily 28 19 PEACHY, coloured or...
peaching 21 19 PEACH, to inform aga...
peacoats 17 14 PEACOAT, a heavy woo...
peacocks 22 21 PEACOCK, to strut va...
peacocky 28 23 vain, strutting [adj...
peafowls 21 18 PEAFOWL, a large phe...
peakiest 16 15 PEAKY, off-colour, u...
peakings 17 18 PEAKING, the act of...
peakless 17 16 having no pointed to...
peaklike 18 20 resembling a peak [a...
peanutty 21 15 having the taste of...
pearcing 19 17 PEARCE, (Spenser) to...
pearlash 18 14 an alkaline compound...
pearlers 16 12 PEARLER, one who div...
pearlier 16 12 PEARLY, like a pearl...
pearlies 16 12 PEARLY, a costermong...
pearling 17 15 (Scots) a lace of si...
pearlins 16 13 PEARLIN, (Scots) a l...
pearlite 16 12 ferrite and cementit...
pearmain 15 15 a variety of apple [...
peartest 15 11 PEART, active, livel...
pearwood 17 15 the wood of the pear...
peasants 14 12 PEASANT, a person of...
peasanty 20 14 in the style of a pe...
peascods 18 15 PEASCOD, a pea pod,...
peasecod 17 15 the pod of the pea,...
peatiest 15 11 PEATY, of or like pe...
peatland 15 14 an area of land cons...
peatship 20 16 the state of being a...
pebblier 21 18 PEBBLY, resembling p...
pebbling 22 21 a covering of pebble...
pebrines 17 15 PEBRINE, a disease o...
peccable 24 21 liable to sin [adj]
peccancy 30 23 sinfulness; transgre...
peccavis 24 21 PECCAVI, a confessio...
peckiest 20 18 PECKY, marked by dec...
peckings 21 21 PECKING, the act of...
pecorini 18 15 PECORINO, a hard che...
pecorino 17 15 a hard cheese made f...
pectases 18 14 PECTASE, an enzyme [...
pectates 18 14 PECTATE, a salt of p...
pectinal 19 16 a fish with bones or...
pectines 18 15 PECTEN, a comblike a...
pectised 19 15 PECTISE, to congeal...
pectises 19 14 PECTISE, to congeal...
pectized 22 24 PECTIZE, to congeal...
pectizes 22 23 PECTIZE, to congeal...
pectoral 19 15 related to the chest...
pectoses 18 14 PECTOSE, a pectin-yi...
peculate 19 16 to embezzle [v PECUL...
peculiar 20 16 strange [adj PECULIA...
peculium 22 20 private property [n...
pedagogs 17 16 PEDAGOG, one who tea...
pedagogy 23 18 the work of a teache...
pedalcar 19 16 a fourwheeled vehicl...
pedalers 16 13 PEDALER, someone who...
pedalfer 18 16 a type of soil, typi...
pedalier 16 13 the pedal keyboard o...
pedaling 17 16 PEDAL, to operate by...
pedalled 17 15 PEDAL, to operate by...
pedaller 17 14 someone who uses ped...
pedaloes 15 13 PEDALO, a type of pl...
pedantic 18 16 in the manner of a p...
pedantry 21 15 ostentatious display...
pedately 22 15 PEDATE, footed, foot...
peddlers 17 14 PEDDLER, a person wh...
peddlery 23 16 the trade of a peddl...
peddling 18 17 the act of peddling...
pederast 15 12 a man who engages in...
pederero 14 12 a type of old gun, a...
pedestal 16 13 to provide with an a...
pedicabs 21 18 PEDICAB, a light veh...
pedicels 20 16 PEDICEL, a slender b...
pedicled 20 17 having a pedicle [ad...
pedicles 20 16 PEDICLE, a slender b...
pediculi 21 17 PEDICULUS, (Latin) a...
pedicure 19 16 to apply foot-treatm...
pediform 19 18 shaped like a foot [...
pedigree 16 14 a line of ancestors...
pediment 16 16 a triangular structu...
pedipalp 21 19 one of the second pa...
pedocals 19 16 PEDOCAL, a type of s...
pedology 23 17 the study of the gro...
pedrails 17 13 PEDRAIL, a tractor w...
pedreros 15 12 PEDRERO, a type of o...
peduncle 19 18 the stalk of an infl...
peebeens 15 15 PEEBEEN, a large, ha...
peekaboo 16 18 a peeping game playe...
peekabos 17 18 PEEKABO, a peeping g...
peekapoo 16 18 a dog that is a cros...
peelable 18 16 able to be peeled [a...
peelings 17 15 PEELING, a piece or...
peenging 16 17 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
peenings 15 15 PEENING, the act of...
peephole 19 17 a small opening thro...
peepshow 22 19 a small display of p...
peerages 15 13 PEERAGE, the rank of...
peeriest 15 11 PEERIE, small [adj]
peerless 16 12 having no equal [adj...
peesweep 19 17 (Scots) the peewit [...
peetweet 17 14 a wading bird [n -S]
pegboard 18 17 a board with holes f...
pegboxes 24 23 PEGBOX, a part of a...
peggiest 18 15 PEGGY, resembling a...
peggings 19 18 PEGGING, the act of...
peignoir 16 14 a woman's dresing-go...
peincted 18 16 PEINCT, (obsolete) t...
peishwah 23 18 a chief minister of...
peishwas 21 16 PEISHWA, a chief min...
pejorate 16 20 to make worse [v PEJ...
pekepoos 17 18 PEKEPOO, a dog that...
pelagial 18 15 of or pertaining to...
pelagian 16 15 of or pertaining to...
pelagics 21 17 PELAGIC, a creature...
pelerine 15 13 (French) a woman's c...
pelicans 19 16 PELICAN, a large, we...
pelisses 17 12 PELISSE, (French) a...
pellachs 23 18 PELLACH, a porpoise,...
pellacks 22 20 PELLACK, a porpoise,...
pellagra 18 15 a niacin-deficiency...
pelletal 18 14 resembling a pellet...
pelleted 17 14 PELLET, to hit with...
pellicle 22 17 a thin skin or film...
pellmell 21 18 a jumbled mass [n -S...
pellocks 22 20 PELLOCK, (Scots) a p...
pellucid 22 18 transparent [adj PEL...
pelmatic 21 18 pertaining to the so...
pelology 24 17 study of mud and its...
pelorian 15 13 showing peloria, an...
pelorias 16 12 PELORIA, abnormal sy...
pelories 16 12 PELORY, abnormal sym...
pelorism 18 15 abnormal symmetry of...
pelotons 15 13 PELOTON, the main bo...
peltasts 17 12 PELTAST, an ancient...
peltered 16 13 PELTER, to shower bl...
peltings 18 15 PELTING, the act of...
peltless 18 13 lacking a pelt [adj]
peltries 17 12 PELTRY, the skins of...
pelvises 19 16 PELVIS, a part of th...
pembinas 18 18 PEMBINA, a variety o...
pembroke 19 21 a small four-legged...
pemicans 19 18 PEMICAN, a food prep...
pemmican 20 21 a food prepared by N...
pemoline 16 16 a white crystalline...
pemphigi 23 21 PEMPHIGUS, (Greek) a...
penalise 15 13 to subject to penalt...
penality 22 15 liability to punishm...
penalize 18 22 to subject to penalt...
penanced 16 17 PENANCE, to impose a...
penances 16 16 PENANCE, to impose a...
penchant 19 18 a strong liking for...
penciled 19 17 PENCIL, to write or...
penciler 19 16 one who pencils, als...
pencraft 20 18 penmanship [n -S]
pendants 14 14 PENDANT, anything ha...
pendency 23 19 a pending state [n P...
pendents 14 14 PENDENT, anything ha...
pendicle 19 17 (Scots) a piece of l...
pendular 16 15 of or relating to a...
pendules 16 15 PENDULE, a manoeuvre...
pendulum 18 19 a type of free swing...
penfolds 18 17 PENFOLD, a place in...
penguins 16 16 PENGUIN, a flightles...
penicils 20 16 PENICIL, a tent or p...
penitent 14 13 repentant [adj PENIT...
penknife 17 20 a small pocketknife...
penlight 20 17 a small torch, also...
penlites 16 13 PENLITE, a small tor...
pennames 14 16 PENNAME, a name used...
pennants 13 14 PENNANT, a long narr...
pennated 13 14 having wings or feat...
penneech 18 18 an old card game, al...
penneeck 17 20 an old card game, al...
pennines 13 14 PENNINE, a mineral o...
pennoned 12 15 flying a pennon [adj...
pennyboy 28 20 an employee whose du...
pennyfee 21 18 (Scots) a small wage...
penoches 19 17 PENOCHE, (Spanish) a...
penology 22 17 the science of the p...
penoncel 17 17 a small flag like a...
penpoint 16 16 the point of a pen [...
pensione 13 13 (Italian) a boarding...
pensioni 14 13 PENSIONE, (Italian)...
pensions 14 13 PENSION, to grant a...
pensters 15 12 PENSTER, a writer [n...
penstock 19 19 a valve-controlled w...
pentacle 18 16 a five-pointed star,...
pentacts 18 15 PENTACT, a five-raye...
pentadic 18 16 within the scope of...
pentagon 14 15 a five-sided polygon...
pentanes 13 13 PENTANE, any of thre...
pentanol 14 14 one of the simple al...
pentarch 20 17 a member of a pentar...
pentenes 13 13 PENTENE, an unsatura...
penthias 17 14 PENTHIA, (Spenser) a...
penticed 18 16 PENTICE, to provide...
pentices 18 15 PENTICE, to provide...
pentised 15 13 PENTISE, to provide...
pentises 15 12 PENTISE, to provide...
pentodes 14 13 PENTODE, a type of e...
pentomic 19 18 of an army division,...
pentosan 13 13 a complex carbohydra...
pentoses 14 12 PENTOSE, a sugar wit...
pentroof 16 15 a roof that slopes o...
penuches 20 18 PENUCHE, a fudge-lik...
penuchis 21 18 PENUCHI, a fudge-lik...
penuchle 21 19 a card game, also PI...
penuckle 20 21 a card game, also PI...
penumbra 18 19 a partial shadow [n...
penuries 15 13 PENURY, extreme pove...
penwiper 20 18 a piece of equipment...
penwoman 17 19 a female person skil...
penwomen 17 19 PENWOMAN, a female p...
peonages 14 14 PEONAGE, the conditi...
peonisms 16 15 PEONISM, the conditi...
peoplers 18 15 PEOPLER, a settler;...
peopling 19 18 PEOPLE, to stock wit...
peperino 16 15 a type of volcanic r...
peperoni 16 15 a highly seasoned sa...
peploses 18 15 PEPLOS, a garment wo...
peplumed 20 20 having a peplum [adj...
pepluses 19 16 PEPLUS, a garment wo...
peponida 16 16 a fruit having a fle...
peponium 18 19 a fruit having a fle...
peppered 19 18 PEPPER, to season wi...
pepperer 19 17 a dealer in pepper a...
peppiest 20 17 PEPPY, full of energ...
pepsines 17 15 PEPSINE, a digestive...
peptalks 20 19 PEPTALK, to inspire...
peptides 18 15 PEPTIDE, a combinati...
peptidic 22 18 relating to a peptid...
peptised 18 15 PEPTISE, to form a c...
peptiser 18 14 one that peptises, a...
peptises 18 14 PEPTISE, to form a c...
peptized 21 24 PEPTIZE, to form a c...
peptizer 21 23 one that peptizes, a...
peptizes 21 23 PEPTIZE, to form a c...
peptones 16 15 PEPTONE, a substance...
peptonic 20 18 relating to peptone,...
pequiste 24 21 in Canada, a support...
peracids 19 15 PERACID, a type of a...
peracute 18 15 violent [adj]
peraeons 13 12 PERAEON, a crustacea...
percales 19 15 PERCALE, a closely w...
perceant 17 15 piercing, also PERSA...
perceive 20 18 to become aware of t...
percents 18 15 PERCENT, one part in...
percepts 21 17 PERCEPT, something t...
perchers 21 16 PERCHER, one who per...
perchery 27 18 a barn where hens ar...
perching 22 19 a method of softenin...
percines 18 15 PERCINE, a perch-lik...
percocts 22 17 PERCOCT, to cook tho...
percoids 19 15 PERCOID, a member of...
percolin 19 16 a small bird, a cros...
perdendo 14 14 (Italian) slowing an...
perdured 16 14 PERDURE, to continue...
perdures 16 13 PERDURE, to continue...
peregals 17 14 PEREGAL, (obsolete)...
peregrin 16 14 a swift falcon much...
pereions 14 12 PEREION, a crustacea...
pereiras 15 11 PEREIRA, a Brazilian...
perentie 14 12 a large Australian m...
pereopod 16 15 an appendage of the...
perfecta 20 17 a system of betting...
perfecti 21 17 a Catharist sect in...
perfecto 20 17 a medium-sized cigar...
perfects 21 17 PERFECT, to make fau...
perfings 19 17 PERFING, (New Zealan...
perforce 20 17 of necessity [adv]
performs 19 17 PERFORM, to begin an...
perfumed 19 19 PERFUME, to fill wit...
perfumer 19 18 one who prepares per...
perfumes 19 18 PERFUME, to fill wit...
perfused 18 16 PERFUSE, to diffuse...
perfuses 18 15 PERFUSE, to diffuse...
pergolas 17 14 PERGOLA, an arbor fo...
periagua 16 14 a type of dugout can...
perianth 17 14 an outer covering of...
periapts 18 14 PERIAPT, (Shakespear...
periblem 20 18 a region of plant ti...
periboli 19 15 PERIBOLUS, a precinc...
pericarp 21 17 the wall of a ripene...
pericope 20 17 a section from a boo...
periderm 17 15 an outer layer of pl...
peridial 17 13 relating to a peridi...
peridium 18 16 the outer coating of...
peridote 15 12 a gemstone, a pale g...
peridots 16 12 PERIDOT, a gemstone,...
perigeal 17 14 relating to a perige...
perigean 15 14 relating to a perige...
perigees 16 13 PERIGEE, the point a...
perigone 15 14 any organ inclosing...
perigons 16 14 PERIGON, an angle eq...
perigyny 29 18 a receptacle develop...
periling 18 15 PERIL, to put in dan...
perillas 18 13 PERILLA, a genus of...
perilled 18 14 PERIL, to put in dan...
perilous 17 13 dangerous, also PARL...
perilune 16 14 the point at which a...
perineal 15 13 relating to a perine...
perineum 16 16 the lower part of th...
perioded 15 13 PERIOD, (Shakespeare...
periodic 19 15 happening at set int...
periodid 16 13 a compound of iodine...
periosts 16 11 PERIOST, a tough fib...
periotic 19 14 a bone of the middle...
peripety 24 16 a sudden change in a...
periplus 20 16 a voyage or trip aro...
peripter 18 14 a structure with a r...
periques 24 21 PERIQUE, a strong, b...
perisarc 19 14 a protective coverin...
perished 18 14 PERISH, to die [v]
perisher 18 13 (colloquial) an anno...
perishes 18 13 PERISH, to die [v]
periwigs 21 16 PERIWIG, (historical...
perjured 18 22 PERJURE, to make a p...
perjurer 18 21 one guilty of perjur...
perjures 18 21 PERJURE, to make a p...
perkiest 17 15 PERKY, cheerful, liv...
perlites 17 12 PERLITE, a kind of v...
perlitic 21 15 having a texture lik...
permatan 15 15 a permanent tan [n -...
permeant 15 15 passing through, per...
permease 15 14 an enzyme which assi...
permeate 15 14 to spread through [v...
permuted 17 16 PERMUTE, to alter th...
permutes 17 15 PERMUTE, to alter th...
pernancy 23 18 receiving, in legal...
perogies 16 13 PEROGI, (Polish) a t...
peroneal 14 13 pertaining to the fi...
peroneus 14 13 one of the muscles o...
perorate 14 11 to make a lengthy sp...
peroxide 21 19 a bleaching agent, a...
peroxids 22 19 PEROXID, a bleaching...
perpends 17 16 PERPEND, to weigh in...
perpents 17 15 PERPENT, a stone pas...
perradii 16 12 PERRADIUS, the prima...
perriers 16 11 PERRIER, (obsolete)...
perruque 24 22 a kind of wig, also...
persalts 17 12 PERSALT, a term form...
persaunt 15 13 (Spenser) piercing,...
perseity 22 13 an independent exist...
persicos 19 14 PERSICO, a cordial m...
persicot 19 14 a cordial made of th...
persists 17 11 PERSIST, to continue...
personae 13 12 PERSONA, a character...
personal 15 13 related to oneself [...
personas 14 12 PERSONA, a character...
perspire 18 14 to exude sweat throu...
perspiry 25 16 perspiring, sweaty [...
persuade 15 13 to induce by reasoni...
persuing 17 15 PERSUE, to follow, i...
perswade 18 15 to induce by reasoni...
pertains 15 12 PERTAIN, to have ref...
pertaken 15 16 PERTAKE, to particip...
pertakes 16 15 PERTAKE, to particip...
perthite 18 13 a variety of alkali...
pertness 15 12 the quality of being...
perturbs 19 15 PERTURB, to disturb...
pertused 16 13 punched or pierced,...
perusals 17 13 PERUSAL, the act of...
perusers 16 12 PERUSER, one who per...
perusing 17 15 PERUSE, to read [v]
pervaded 17 17 PERVADE, to permeate...
pervader 17 16 one who pervades [n...
pervades 17 16 PERVADE, to permeate...
perverse 17 15 wilfully deviating f...
perverts 18 15 PERVERT, to turn awa...
perviate 17 15 to make a way throug...
perviest 18 15 PERVY, perverted [ad...
pervious 18 16 capable of being pen...
pesaunts 15 13 PESAUNT, (obsolete)...
peskiest 17 15 PESKY, annoying [adj...
pessimal 18 15 worst, the opposite...
pessimum 19 18 a worst state, the o...
pestered 15 12 PESTER, to bother [v...
pesterer 15 11 one who pesters [n -...
pesthole 18 14 a place liable to ep...
pestiest 16 11 PESTY, annoying [adj...
pestling 18 15 PESTLE, to crush wit...
petabyte 23 16 one quadrillion byte...
petaflop 20 18 a unit of processing...
petaline 15 13 of or like a petal,...
petalism 18 15 a type of ostracism...
petalled 17 14 having petals, also...
petalody 22 15 transformation of st...
petaloid 16 13 of or like a petal,...
petalous 16 13 having petals [adj]
petanque 22 22 (French) a game of b...
petaries 15 11 PETARY, a region cov...
petchary 27 18 the grey king-bird [...
petcocks 23 21 PETCOCK, a valve for...
petechia 20 16 a small hemorrhagic...
petering 16 14 PETER, to diminish g...
peterman 15 15 a safe-blower [n PET...
petermen 15 15 PETERMAN, a safe-blo...
petiolar 16 12 of or like a petiole...
petioled 16 13 having a petiole [ad...
petioles 16 12 PETIOLE, the stalk o...
petition 15 12 to make a formal req...
petitory 22 13 petitioning [adj]
petnaper 16 15 one who steals a pet...
petrales 16 12 PETRALE, a food fish...
petrific 22 17 petrifying [adj]
petrolic 20 15 derived from petrole...
petronel 15 13 a sort of hand canno...
petrosal 16 12 the stony part of th...
pettable 18 15 able to be petted [a...
pettedly 23 15 peevishly [adv]
pettiest 16 11 PETTY, insignificant...
pettifog 19 16 to quibble [v PETTIF...
pettings 17 14 PETTING, amorous car...
pettling 18 15 PETTLE, to indulge,...
petulant 16 14 peevish [adj]
petunias 15 13 PETUNIA, a South Ame...
petuntse 15 13 (Chinese) a feldspat...
petuntze 18 22 (Chinese) a feldspat...
pewterer 18 14 one who makes articl...
peyotism 23 16 the ceremonial drink...
peyotist 22 13 one who practises pe...
peytrals 23 14 PEYTRAL, a piece of...
peytrels 23 14 PEYTREL, a piece of...
pezizoid 22 30 resembling fungi of...
pfennige 17 18 PFENNIG, a German co...
pfennigs 18 18 PFENNIG, a German co...
pfenning 17 19 (German) a German co...
phablets 21 17 PHABLET, a handheld...
phacelia 21 17 any of various chief...
phaeisms 19 16 PHAEISM, duskiness,...
phaetons 16 14 PHAETON, a light two...
phalange 18 17 any bone of a finger...
phallins 20 16 PHALLIN, a type of f...
phallism 22 18 worship of the phall...
phallist 21 15 an adherent of phall...
phalloid 20 16 phallus shaped [adj]
phanging 19 19 PHANG, (Shakespeare)...
phantasm 18 17 an airy or insubstan...
phantast 17 14 an impractical perso...
phantasy 23 16 to imagine, also FAN...
phantoms 18 17 PHANTOM, an immateri...
phantomy 24 19 relating to a phanto...
pharaohs 19 15 PHARAOH, a ruler of...
pharisee 17 13 a hypocritically sel...
pharmacy 28 21 a drugstore or chemi...
pharmers 19 16 PHARMER, one who par...
pharming 20 19 the production of ph...
pharoses 17 13 PHAROS, (Greek) a li...
phaseout 17 14 a gradual stopping o...
phasings 19 16 PHASING, a type of e...
phasmids 20 17 PHASMID, any orthopt...
phattest 18 13 PHAT, susceptible of...
pheasant 16 14 a large, long-tailed...
pheazars 20 22 PHEAZAR, (Shakespear...
pheesing 18 16 PHEESE, to unsettle,...
pheezing 21 25 PHEEZE, to unsettle,...
phellems 21 18 PHELLEM, a layer of...
phelloid 20 16 resembling cork, but...
phelonia 17 15 PHELONION, a liturgi...
phenates 16 14 PHENATE, a compound...
phenazin 19 24 a chemical compound,...
phenetic 20 17 pertaining to a type...
phenetol 17 15 the ethyl ether of p...
phengite 18 16 a transparent stone...
phenixes 23 21 PHENIX, a bird fable...
phenogam 18 19 any plant of the cla...
phenolic 21 18 a synthetic resin [n...
phenomes 17 17 PHENOME, the complet...
phenylic 28 20 pertaining to, deriv...
phereses 17 13 PHERESIS, a speciali...
pheresis 18 13 a specialised form o...
phialled 20 16 PHIAL, to keep in a...
philabeg 22 19 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
philamot 20 17 a dull brown colour,...
philibeg 23 19 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
philomel 21 18 a songbird, also PHI...
philomot 20 17 a dull brown colour,...
philters 20 14 PHILTER, to put unde...
philtred 20 15 PHILTRE, to put unde...
philtres 20 14 PHILTRE, to put unde...
philtrum 22 18 the indentation betw...
phimoses 19 16 PHIMOSIS, the abnorm...
phimosis 20 16 the abnormal constri...
phimotic 23 19 relating to phimosis...
phinnock 21 22 (Gaelic) a young sea...
phishers 21 15 PHISHER, one that ph...
phishing 22 18 the act of sending e...
phisnomy 25 19 (obsolete) physiogno...
phlegmon 20 20 an inflammation with...
phobisms 22 19 PHOBISM, an obsessiv...
phobists 21 16 PHOBIST, someone wit...
pholades 18 15 PHOLAS, a mollusc of...
phonated 16 15 PHONATE, to produce...
phonates 16 14 PHONATE, to produce...
phonecam 20 20 a digital camera wit...
phonemes 17 17 PHONEME, the smalles...
phonemic 21 20 relating to a phonem...
phonetic 20 17 pertaining to the so...
phoneyed 22 17 PHONEY, to fake, cou...
phoniest 17 14 PHONY, not genuine o...
phonying 24 19 PHONY, to alter, so...
phorates 17 13 PHORATE, an insectic...
phoretic 21 16 relating to phoresy,...
phorminx 25 24 an old stringed inst...
phormium 21 20 a tall New Zealand e...
phoronid 17 15 a wormlike marine an...
phosgene 17 16 a colorless poison g...
phosphid 23 19 a binary compound of...
phosphin 22 19 a colorless gas anal...
phosphor 22 18 phosphorus; a phosph...
photinia 17 14 any of a genus of ev...
photinos 17 14 PHOTINO, a hypotheti...
photisms 20 16 PHOTISM, a hallucina...
photofit 20 16 (tradename) a method...
photogen 17 16 a light-producing or...
photoing 18 16 PHOTO, (colloquial)...
photomap 20 19 to map by means of a...
photonic 20 17 relating to a photon...
photopia 19 16 vision in illuminati...
photopic 23 19 relating to photopia...
photopsy 26 18 the appearance of li...
photoset 17 13 to prepare for print...
phrasers 18 13 PHRASER, a repeater...
phrasier 18 13 PHRASY, inclined to...
phrasing 19 16 a style of verbal ex...
phratral 19 14 relating to a phratr...
phratric 22 16 relating to a phratr...
phreaked 18 18 PHREAK, to hack into...
phreaker 18 17 one who uses equipme...
phreatic 21 16 pertaining to underg...
phrenics 21 17 PHRENIC, the diaphra...
phrenism 19 17 a purported mind-for...
phrygana 24 18 an uncultivated open...
phthalic 25 19 pertaining to, or de...
phthalin 21 17 a colourless crystal...
phthises 21 15 PHTHISIS, a disease...
phthisic 25 18 a disease of the lun...
phthisis 22 15 a disease of the lun...
phutting 20 17 PHUT, to make a soun...
phylarch 31 21 an ancient Greek com...
phylaxis 32 23 an inhibiting of inf...
phyleses 25 16 PHYLESIS, the course...
phylesis 26 16 the course of evolut...
phyletic 29 19 relating to a phylum...
phyllary 33 19 a bract of certain p...
phyllids 28 18 PHYLLID, the leaf of...
phyllite 27 17 a foliated rock, a k...
phyllode 26 18 a flattened petiole...
phyllody 33 20 a flower transformat...
phylloid 27 18 a leaflike assimilat...
phyllome 27 20 a leaf of a plant [n...
physalia 25 16 a genus of large oce...
physalis 26 16 a type of gooseberry...
physeter 24 15 a whale which spouts...
physical 29 19 related to the body...
physicky 36 24 like medicine [adj]
physique 33 25 the form or structur...
phytanes 23 16 PHYTANE, a hydrocarb...
phytonic 27 19 relating to a phyton...
phytoses 24 15 PHYTOSIS, a disease...
phytosis 25 15 a disease caused by...
piacular 20 16 atoning, expiatory [...
piaffers 20 17 PIAFFER, a movement...
piaffing 21 20 PIAFFE, to perform a...
pianette 14 12 a small upright pian...
pianinos 14 13 PIANINO, a small pia...
pianisms 17 15 PIANISM, performance...
pianiste 15 12 someone who plays th...
pianists 16 12 PIANIST, someone who...
pianolas 15 13 PIANOLA, (trade) a t...
piarists 17 11 PIARIST, a member of...
piasabas 17 14 PIASABA, a coarse, s...
piasavas 17 15 PIASAVA, a coarse, s...
piassaba 17 14 a coarse, stiff fibr...
piassava 17 15 a coarse, stiff fibr...
piasters 16 11 PIASTER, a monetary...
piastres 16 11 PIASTRE, a monetary...
piazzian 21 30 relating to a piazza...
pibrochs 24 19 PIBROCH, (Gaelic) a...
picachos 24 19 PICACHO, (Spanish) a...
picadors 19 15 PICADOR, (Spanish) a...
picamars 20 17 PICAMAR, a liquid ob...
picarian 18 15 a woodpecker or simi...
picaroon 17 15 (Spanish) a pirate s...
picayune 24 18 a former Spanish-Ame...
piccanin 21 19 a little child, esp....
piccatas 22 17 PICCATA, (Italian) a...
piccolos 23 18 PICCOLO, a small, sh...
pichurim 24 20 a South American tre...
piciform 23 20 pertaining to an ord...
pickable 23 22 able to be picked [a...
pickadil 22 20 (obsolete) a cut or...
pickaxed 26 26 PICKAX, to use a too...
pickaxes 26 25 PICKAX, to use a too...
pickback 27 28 a carry on one's bac...
pickeers 20 18 PICKEER, to forage,...
pickerel 21 19 a young pike; a smal...
picketed 20 19 PICKET, to act as a...
picketer 20 18 one who pickets [n -...
pickiest 21 18 PICKY, choosy, fasti...
pickings 22 21 PICKING, the act of...
picklers 22 19 PICKLER, one who pic...
pickling 23 22 PICKLE, to preserve...
picklock 26 26 an instrument for pi...
pickmaws 25 24 PICKMAW, the black-h...
pickneys 26 21 PICKNEY, in Jamaican...
pickoffs 25 24 PICKOFF, a play in b...
pickwick 29 28 a device for raising...
picloram 21 18 a herbicide [n -S]
picnicky 30 24 pertaining to a picn...
picogram 21 19 a millionth of a mil...
picoline 19 16 a compound related t...
picolins 20 16 PICOLIN, a compound...
picomole 20 18 one trillionth of a...
picotees 18 14 PICOTEE, (French) a...
picoting 20 17 PICOT, to edge with...
picotite 19 14 a dark spinel contai...
picowave 23 21 to irradiate (food)...
picquets 28 24 PICQUET, to act as a...
picrated 19 15 containing picrate [...
picrates 19 14 PICRATE, a chemical...
picrites 20 14 PICRITE, a dark gree...
picritic 24 17 relating to picrite,...
pictural 21 16 (Spenser) a picture...
pictured 20 16 PICTURE, to form a l...
pictures 20 15 PICTURE, to form a l...
piculets 21 16 PICULET, a small tro...
piddlers 18 14 PIDDLER, one who pid...
piddlier 18 14 PIDDLY, insignifican...
piddling 19 17 PIDDLE, to deal in t...
piddocks 21 20 PIDDOCK, a rough-she...
pidgeons 16 15 PIDGEON, a simplifie...
piebalds 19 16 PIEBALD, a horse wit...
piecened 17 16 PIECEN, to join the...
piecener 17 15 a worker who joins b...
piecings 20 17 PIECING, material to...
piecrust 20 15 the crust of a pie [...
piedfort 18 15 an unusually thick c...
piedmont 16 16 an area lying at the...
piedness 15 13 the state of being p...
pieforts 18 14 PIEFORT, an unusuall...
pieholes 18 14 PIEHOLE, (slang) a p...
pieplant 18 16 (US) rhubarb [n -S]
pierages 16 13 PIERAGE, a fee paid...
piercers 19 14 PIERCER, something o...
piercing 20 17 penetrating, very ac...
pierhead 17 14 the seaward end of a...
pierises 16 11 PIERIS, an American...
pierrots 16 11 PIERROT, (French) a...
pietisms 18 14 PIETISM, unquestioni...
pietists 17 11 PIETIST, a person ch...
pifferos 20 17 PIFFERO, (Italian) a...
pifflers 22 18 PIFFLER, one who tal...
piffling 23 21 PIFFLE, to talk in a...
pigboats 19 16 PIGBOAT, a submarine...
pigeoned 15 15 PIGEON, to gull or h...
pigeonry 22 16 a place for keeping...
pigfaces 22 19 PIGFACE, a creeping...
pigfeeds 19 17 PIGFEED, food for pi...
piggiest 19 15 PIGGY, piggish [adj]
piggings 20 18 PIGGING, operating a...
pighting 21 18 PIGHT, to pitch (e.g...
pightles 21 16 PIGHTLE, a croft or...
piglings 20 17 PIGLING, a little pi...
pigmaean 16 17 pygmy-like, also PIG...
pigmeats 18 16 PIGMEAT, the meat of...
pigments 18 17 PIGMENT, to add a co...
pigmoids 19 17 PIGMOID, a pigmy [n]
pignolia 17 15 the edible seed of n...
pignolis 18 15 PIGNOLI, the edible...
pigskins 19 18 PIGSKIN, the skin of...
pigsneys 23 16 PIGSNEY, (archaic) a...
pigsnies 17 14 PIGSNIE, (archaic) a...
pigstick 23 20 to hunt for wild boa...
pigsties 18 13 PIGSTY, a place wher...
pigstuck 23 21 PIGSTICK, to hunt fo...
pigswill 24 18 waste fed to pigs, a...
pigtails 19 14 PIGTAIL, a single pl...
pigweeds 20 17 PIGWEED, a weedy pla...
pihoihoi 20 15 (Maori) a variety of...
pikelets 18 16 PIKELET, a kind of t...
pilaster 17 12 a square column part...
pilchard 23 18 a small marine fish...
pilchers 23 17 PILCHER, (Shakespear...
pilcorns 20 16 PILCORN, the naked o...
pilcrows 24 18 PILCROW, a paragraph...
pileated 16 13 of a mushroom, havin...
pileless 18 13 without a raised sur...
pilework 21 19 foundations made of...
pilewort 20 15 a wild plant, used t...
pilfered 19 16 PILFER, to steal [v]
pilferer 19 15 one who pilfers [n -...
pilgrims 21 17 PILGRIM, someone who...
piliform 21 18 resembling a hair [a...
pilinuts 18 14 PILINUT, the nut of...
pillaged 19 16 PILLAGE, to plunder...
pillager 19 15 one who pillages [n...
pillages 19 15 PILLAGE, to plunder...
pillared 18 14 PILLAR, to supply wi...
pillbugs 23 19 PILLBUG, a wood lous...
pillhead 20 16 a regular, usually a...
pillings 20 16 PILLING, formation o...
pillions 18 14 PILLION, to sit on a...
pillocks 23 20 PILLOCK, a stupid pe...
pillowed 21 17 PILLOW, to rest on a...
pillworm 23 19 a type of millipede...
pillwort 22 16 a water-fern [n -S]
pilosity 24 14 the state of being p...
pilotage 17 14 the act of piloting...
piloting 18 15 a branch of navigati...
pilotman 17 16 a railway employee a...
pilotmen 17 16 PILOTMAN, a railway...
pilsener 16 13 (German) a light-col...
pilsners 17 13 PILSNER, (German) a...
pimenton 15 16 smoked chilli powder...
pimentos 16 15 PIMENTO, (Spanish) a...
pimiento 16 15 (Spanish) the sweet...
pimpings 21 20 PIMPING, the busines...
pimplier 21 18 PIMPLY, covered with...
pinacoid 18 16 a type of crystal fa...
pinafore 16 15 a loose protective g...
pinakoid 16 17 a type of crystal fa...
pinaster 15 12 a species of pine gr...
pinballs 20 17 PINBALL, to bounce a...
pinboard 17 16 a board for pinning...
pinbones 16 16 PINBONE, the hipbone...
pincases 18 15 PINCASE, a case for...
pincered 18 16 PINCER, to grip in p...
pinchbug 25 23 a large beetle [n -S...
pincheck 25 24 a fabric design [n -...
pinchers 21 17 PINCHER, one who pin...
pinchgut 23 20 a niggard [n -S]
pinching 22 20 nipping [adj PINCHIN...
pincurls 21 17 PINCURL, a curl held...
pindaree 14 13 an Indian mercenary,...
pindaris 16 13 PINDARI, an Indian m...
pindling 18 17 puny or sickly [adj]
pindowns 18 17 PINDOWN, a technique...
pinecone 16 16 a cone-shaped fruit...
pineland 15 15 land forested with p...
pinelike 17 17 resembling pine [adj...
pineries 15 12 PINERY, an area wher...
pinesaps 17 15 PINESAP, a reddish f...
pinewood 17 16 the wood of a pine t...
pinfalls 20 17 PINFALL, a wrestling...
pinfolds 19 17 PINFOLD, to impound,...
pinglers 18 15 PINGLER, one who nib...
pingling 19 18 PINGLE, (Scots) to s...
pingpong 19 20 (colloquial) as in a...
pingrass 17 14 a European weed [n -...
pinguefy 25 20 to become or make fa...
pinguins 17 16 PINGUIN, a flightles...
pinheads 17 15 PINHEAD, the head of...
pinholes 18 15 PINHOLE, a small hol...
pinioned 14 14 PINION, to remove th...
pinitols 17 13 PINITOL, an alcohol...
pinkened 15 18 PINKEN, to become pi...
pinkeyes 22 18 PINKEYE, an inflamma...
pinkiest 17 16 PINKY, somewhat pink...
pinkings 18 19 PINKING, a method of...
pinkness 16 17 the state of being p...
pinkroot 16 16 a medicinal plant ro...
pinnaces 17 16 PINNACE, a small ves...
pinnacle 18 17 a slender turret or...
pinnated 14 14 resembling a feather...
pinnings 16 16 PINNING, a fastening...
pinniped 17 17 a member of the Pinn...
pinnocks 19 20 PINNOCK, the hedge-s...
pinnulae 15 15 PINNULA, a pinnate p...
pinnular 16 15 relating to a pinnul...
pinnulas 16 15 PINNULA, a pinnate p...
pinnules 16 15 PINNULE, one of the...
pinochle 21 18 a card game, also PE...
pinocles 19 16 PINOCLE, a card game...
pinotage 15 14 a variety of grape g...
pinpoint 17 16 to locate precisely...
pinprick 23 22 to puncture with a p...
pinscher 21 17 (German) a breed of...
pinspots 18 15 PINSPOT, to illumina...
pinswell 21 17 (dialect) a small bo...
pintable 18 16 a pinball machine [n...
pintadas 15 13 PINTADA, a kind of p...
pintados 15 13 PINTADO, a kind of p...
pintails 17 13 PINTAIL, a river duc...
pintanos 14 13 PINTANO, a dark-band...
pintsize 19 21 very small, also PIN...
pintucks 21 20 PINTUCK, to tuck wit...
pinwales 19 16 PINWALE, a type of f...
pinweeds 18 16 PINWEED, any plant o...
pinwheel 21 18 to rotate like a chi...
pinworks 20 19 PINWORK, a type of e...
pinworms 20 18 PINWORM, a small nem...
pioneers 14 12 PIONEER, to take par...
pionings 16 15 PIONING, (archaic) p...
pipeages 18 16 PIPEAGE, transportat...
pipeclay 28 20 a fine white clay fo...
pipefish 23 19 any of numerous fish...
pipefuls 22 19 PIPEFUL, as much as...
pipeless 19 15 without a pipe [adj]
pipelike 20 19 like a pipe [adj]
pipeline 18 16 to convey by a line...
piperine 17 15 an alkaloid found in...
pipestem 19 17 the stem of a tobacc...
pipetted 18 15 PIPET [v]
pipettes 18 14 PIPETTE, to transfer...
pipework 22 21 piping or pipes coll...
pipewort 21 17 an aquatic or marsh...
pipiness 18 15 the quality of being...
pipingly 27 20 shrilly [adv]
pippiest 21 17 PIPPY, having pips [...
piquance 26 25 the quality of being...
piquancy 33 27 the quality of being...
piqueted 24 22 PIQUET, to act as a...
piquillo 27 23 (Spanish) a variety...
piracies 19 14 PIRACY, robbery on t...
piraguas 17 14 PIRAGUA, (Carib) a d...
piranhas 17 14 PIRANHA, a ferocious...
pirarucu 20 16 a large South Americ...
pirating 17 14 acting as a pirate [...
piriform 20 17 pear-shaped, also PY...
pirlicue 21 16 to summarize in conc...
pirogies 17 13 PIROGI, (Russian) a...
pirogues 17 14 PIROGUE, (Carib) a d...
piroques 24 21 PIROQUE, (Carib) a d...
piroshki 20 17 PIROZHOK, a small, R...
pirozhki 23 26 PIROZHOK, a small, R...
pirozhok 22 26 a small, Russian pas...
piscator 19 14 a fisherman [n -S]
piscinae 18 15 PISCINA, a basin use...
piscinal 20 16 belonging to a fishp...
piscinas 19 15 PISCINA, a basin use...
piscines 19 15 PISCINE, a pool, a p...
pisheogs 19 15 PISHEOG, (Irish) sor...
pishoges 19 15 PISHOGE, (Irish) sor...
pishogue 19 16 (Irish) sorcery, als...
pisiform 20 17 a small bone of the...
pismires 18 14 PISMIRE, an ant [n]
pisolite 17 12 a limestone with pea...
pisolith 20 14 a limestone with pea...
pissants 16 12 PISSANT, the wood an...
pisshead 18 14 (slang) a heavy drin...
pisshole 19 14 a hole made in solub...
pissiest 17 11 PISSY, soiled with u...
pissoirs 17 11 PISSOIR, a public ur...
pistache 21 16 a shade of green [n...
pistoled 17 13 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pistoles 17 12 PISTOLE, (historical...
pistolet 17 12 (historical) a small...
pitahaya 23 15 a cactus of southwes...
pitapats 18 14 PITAPAT, to make a r...
pitarahs 18 13 PITARAH, a type of c...
pitchers 22 16 PITCHER, a container...
pitchier 22 16 PITCHY, like pitch [...
pitchily 30 19 PITCHY, like pitch [...
pitching 23 19 a stone road surface...
pitchman 22 20 a salesman of small...
pitchmen 22 20 PITCHMAN, a salesman...
pitchout 22 17 a type of pitch in b...
pitfalls 21 16 PITFALL, a hidden da...
pithball 23 18 a pellet of pith [n...
pitheads 18 14 PITHEAD, the top of...
pithiest 19 13 PITHY, full of pith,...
pithless 20 14 lacking force [adj]
pithlike 21 18 resembling pith [adj...
pitiable 19 15 arousing pity [adj P...
pitiably 26 17 PITIABLE, arousing p...
pitikins 18 16 diminutive of pity,...
pitiless 18 12 without pity [adj PI...
pitprops 21 17 PITPROP, a timber su...
pittance 18 15 a small allowance of...
pittered 16 12 PITTER, to sound lik...
pittings 18 14 PITTING, an arrangem...
pittites 17 11 PITTITE, (obsolete)...
pituitas 17 12 PITUITA, (archaic) p...
pituites 17 12 PITUITE, (archaic) p...
pityroid 23 14 bran-like [adj]
pivoters 18 15 PIVOTER, someone who...
pivoting 19 18 the section of a mac...
pivotman 18 19 a centre on a basket...
pivotmen 18 19 PIVOTMAN, a centre o...
pixelate 22 19 to divide an image i...
pixieish 25 20 like a pixie [adj]
pixilate 23 19 to divide an image i...
pixiness 22 19 the state of being p...
pizazzes 25 38 PIZAZZ, flamboyance,...
pizzazes 25 38 PIZZAZ, flamboyance,...
pizzelle 24 31 a thin, crisp Italia...
pizzeria 22 29 a place where pizzas...
placable 22 19 capable of being pla...
placably 29 21 PLACABLE, capable of...
placards 20 16 PLACARD, to publicis...
placated 19 16 PLACATE, to concilia...
placater 19 15 one who placates [n...
placates 19 15 PLACATE, to concilia...
placcate 22 18 (obsolete) a leather...
placcats 23 18 PLACCAT, (Shakespear...
placebos 21 18 PLACEBO, a medicine...
placeman 19 19 a political appointe...
placemat 20 18 a table mat on which...
placemen 19 19 PLACEMAN, a politica...
placenta 18 16 a round flat spongy...
placider 20 16 PLACID, calm in natu...
placidly 28 19 PLACID, calm in natu...
placings 21 18 PLACING, a position...
placitum 22 19 a court ruling, also...
plackets 21 19 PLACKET, a leather d...
placoids 20 16 PLACOID, a fish havi...
plafonds 18 17 PLAFOND, (French) a...
plagiary 24 16 the act of passing o...
plagiums 20 18 PLAGIUM, the crime o...
plaguers 18 15 PLAGUER, one who pla...
plaguier 18 15 PLAGUEY, vexatious,...
plaguily 26 18 PLAGUY, vexatious, a...
plaguing 19 18 PLAGUE, to pester or...
plaiding 18 16 a strong woollen fab...
plaidman 17 17 a Highlander [n PLAI...
plaidmen 17 17 PLAIDMAN, a Highland...
plainant 15 14 one who makes compla...
plainest 16 13 PLAIN, unadorned [ad...
plainful 20 18 complaining, also PL...
plaining 17 16 complaint [n -S]
plainish 19 15 somewhat plain [adj]
plaister 17 12 (Scots) to plaster [...
plaiters 17 12 PLAITER, one who pla...
plaiting 18 15 plaited braid, also...
planaria 15 13 a kind of aquatic fl...
planched 21 19 PLANCH, to floor, bo...
planches 21 18 PLANCH, to floor, bo...
planchet 21 18 a blank metal disc t...
planetic 19 16 of or pertaining to...
planform 19 19 the contour of an ob...
plangent 16 16 having an expressive...
planking 18 20 a covering made of p...
plankter 17 17 an organism that is...
planktic 21 20 relating to plankton...
plankton 16 18 the minute animal an...
planless 17 14 without a plan [adj...
planners 15 14 PLANNER, one who pla...
planning 16 17 the establishment of...
planosol 16 14 a type of soil [n -S...
plantage 16 15 (Shakespeare) plants...
plantain 15 14 any of various low-g...
planters 16 13 PLANTER, one who pla...
planting 17 16 a plantation [n -S]
plantlet 17 14 a small plant, also...
plantule 17 15 a plant embryo [n -S...
planulae 16 15 PLANULA, the free-sw...
planular 17 15 of or like a planula...
planuria 16 14 the discharge of uri...
plapping 22 21 PLAP, to make a soun...
plashers 19 14 PLASHER, one who pla...
plashets 19 14 PLASHET, a small pon...
plashier 19 14 PLASHY, like a plash...
plashing 20 17 a process of hedge m...
plasmids 19 16 PLASMID, a hereditar...
plasmins 18 16 PLASMIN, a proteolyt...
plasmoid 18 16 a type of high energ...
plasmons 17 16 PLASMON, the total o...
plasters 17 12 PLASTER, to cover wi...
plastery 23 14 resembling plaster [...
plastics 21 15 PLASTIC, any of a gr...
plastids 18 13 PLASTID, a structure...
plastral 18 13 relating to a plastr...
plastron 16 13 a fencer's padded br...
plastrum 19 16 a fencer's padded br...
platanes 15 13 PLATANE, a large tre...
platanna 14 14 (Afrikaans) the Afri...
platband 18 17 a border of flowers...
plateasm 17 15 a pronunciation with...
plateaus 16 13 PLATEAU, to reach a...
plateaux 22 20 PLATEAU, a level str...
plateful 20 17 the quantity a plate...
platelet 17 13 a minute particle in...
plateman 16 16 someone who is in ch...
platemen 16 16 PLATEMAN, someone wh...
platform 20 18 a raised floor for s...
platiest 17 12 PLATY, split into th...
platinas 16 13 PLATINA, (Spanish) p...
platings 18 15 PLATING, a thin laye...
platinic 20 16 of or containing pla...
platinum 18 17 a metallic element,...
platonic 19 16 not erotic [adj PLAT...
platoons 15 13 PLATOON, in American...
platters 17 12 PLATTER, a large, sh...
platting 18 15 plaited braid, also...
platypus 26 18 an aquatic mammal [n...
platysma 24 17 a broad sheet of mus...
plaudite 17 14 an appeal for applau...
plaudits 18 14 PLAUDIT, an expressi...
plausive 19 17 expressing praise [a...
playable 25 18 able to be played [a...
playacts 26 17 PLAYACT, to take par...
playback 29 24 the act of replaying...
playbill 28 19 the programme for a...
playbook 25 21 a printed book of pl...
playboys 31 19 PLAYBOY, a man devot...
playdate 22 15 the scheduled date f...
playdays 29 17 PLAYDAY, a holiday [...
playdown 25 19 a playoff [n -S]
playgirl 26 17 a women devoted to p...
playgoer 23 16 one who attends play...
playings 24 17 PLAYING, an act of p...
playland 23 17 a recreational area...
playless 24 15 lacking playfulness...
playlets 24 15 PLAYLET, a short the...
playlike 25 19 resembling a theatri...
playlist 25 15 a list of recordings...
playmate 23 17 a companion in play...
playoffs 27 20 PLAYOFF, a game to d...
playpens 24 18 PLAYPEN, a safety de...
playroom 23 17 a recreation room [n...
playsets 23 14 PLAYSET, an outdoor...
playslip 27 18 a form on which a pa...
playsome 23 17 playful, sportive [a...
playsuit 24 15 a sports outfit for...
playtime 24 17 a time for play [n -...
playwear 25 17 any clothing worn fo...
pleached 21 18 PLEACH, to weave tog...
pleaches 21 17 PLEACH, to weave tog...
pleaders 16 13 PLEADER, one who ple...
pleading 17 16 the act of conductin...
pleasant 15 13 pleasing [adj PLEASA...
pleasers 16 12 PLEASER, one who ple...
pleaseth 18 14 (Shakespeare) 3rd pe...
pleasing 17 15 gratifying [adj PLEA...
pleasure 16 13 to give enjoyment or...
pleaters 16 12 PLEATER, one who ple...
pleather 18 14 a plastic fabric mad...
pleating 17 15 a set of pleats [n -...
plebbier 21 18 PLEBBY, (colloquial)...
plebeian 17 16 relating to the comm...
plectres 20 15 PLECTRE, a small poi...
plectron 19 16 a small pointed obje...
plectrum 22 19 a small pointed obje...
pledgees 17 15 PLEDGEE, one to whom...
pledgeor 17 15 one who pledges some...
pledgers 18 15 PLEDGER, one who ple...
pledgets 18 15 PLEDGET, a pad of ab...
pledging 19 18 PLEDGE, to bind by s...
pledgors 18 15 PLEDGOR, one who ple...
pleiades 16 13 PLEIAD, a group of s...
plenarty 22 15 the state of an occu...
plenches 21 18 PLENCH, a tool servi...
plenipos 18 16 PLENIPO, (archaic) a...
plenisms 18 16 PLENISM, the doctrin...
plenists 17 13 PLENIST, one who hol...
plenties 16 13 PLENTY, an abundant...
pleonasm 16 16 the use of needless...
pleonast 15 13 someone who is prone...
pleopods 18 16 PLEOPOD, an appendag...
plerions 16 13 PLERION, a supernova...
pleromas 17 15 PLEROMA, (Greek) ful...
pleromes 17 15 PLEROME, part of a p...
plessors 17 12 PLESSOR, a small, ha...
plethora 18 14 an excess, a superfl...
pleuched 22 19 PLEUCH, (Scots) to p...
pleughed 20 18 PLEUGH, (Scots) to p...
pleurisy 24 15 inflammation of the...
pleuston 16 14 organisms living in...
plexures 23 20 PLEXURE, an interwea...
plexuses 23 20 PLEXUS, an interlaci...
pliantly 24 16 PLIANT, easily bent...
plicated 20 16 PLICATE, to pleat, f...
plicates 20 15 PLICATE, to pleat, f...
plighted 21 17 PLIGHT, to make a so...
plighter 21 16 one who, or that whi...
plimming 21 21 PLIM, to swell, as g...
plimsole 19 16 a rubber-soled cloth...
plimsoll 21 17 a rubber-soled cloth...
plimsols 20 16 PLIMSOL, a rubber-so...
plinging 19 18 PLING, to beg [v]
plinkers 18 17 PLINKER, one who pli...
plinkier 18 17 PLINKY, of a high pi...
plinking 19 20 shooting at a tin ca...
pliocene 18 16 relating to the epoc...
pliofilm 22 19 a transparent sheet...
pliosaur 17 13 a type of fossil mar...
pliotron 16 13 a type of vacuum tub...
pliskier 19 16 PLISKIE, (Scots) tri...
pliskies 19 16 PLISKIE, a practical...
ploating 17 15 PLOAT, (Scots) to di...
plodders 17 14 PLODDER, one who plo...
plodding 18 17 slow in thought or m...
plodging 19 18 PLODGE, (dialect) to...
ploidies 17 13 PLOIDY, the number o...
plonging 18 18 PLONGE, to plunge, a...
plonkers 17 17 PLONKER, a large mar...
plonkier 17 17 PLONKY, pompously se...
plonking 18 20 the practice of maki...
plookier 17 16 PLOOKY, pimply, also...
plopping 22 21 PLOP, to fall or dro...
plosions 16 13 PLOSION, a release o...
plosives 19 16 PLOSIVE, an explosiv...
plotless 18 13 without a plot [adj]
plotline 17 14 the story-line of a...
plottage 17 14 the size or value of...
plotters 17 12 PLOTTER, (Scots) to...
plottier 17 12 PLOTTY, full of intr...
plotties 17 12 PLOTTIE, a spiced ho...
plotting 18 15 conspiratorial [adj...
plotzing 21 24 PLOTZ, (Yiddish) to...
ploughed 20 18 PLOUGH, to turn soil...
plougher 20 17 one who ploughs, als...
ploukier 18 17 PLOUKIE, pimply, als...
plouters 17 13 PLOUTER, (Scots) to...
plowable 22 19 able to be plowed [a...
plowback 26 25 a reinvestment of pr...
plowboys 28 20 PLOWBOY, a boy who d...
plowhead 21 18 the clevis of a plou...
plowings 21 18 PLOWING, the act of...
plowland 20 18 land under the ploug...
plowtail 21 16 the end of a plough...
plowters 20 15 PLOWTER, (Scots) to...
plowwise 23 18 back and forth in al...
pluckers 22 20 PLUCKER, one who plu...
pluckier 22 20 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
pluckily 30 23 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
plucking 23 23 PLUCK, to pull out o...
pluffier 22 19 PLUFFY, puffed up, p...
pluffing 23 22 PLUFF, to throw out,...
pluggers 20 17 PLUGGER, something f...
plugging 21 20 stuff which forms a...
plughole 21 18 a drainhole in a sin...
plugless 20 16 without a plug [adj]
plugolas 19 16 PLUGOLA, a free inci...
plugugly 28 21 a very ugly person [...
plumaged 19 19 having plumage [adj]
plumages 19 18 PLUMAGE, the feather...
plumbago 21 21 graphite [n -S]
plumbate 20 19 a salt of plumbic ac...
plumbers 21 19 PLUMBER, one who ins...
plumbery 27 21 the work of a plumbe...
plumbing 22 22 the pipe system of a...
plumbism 23 22 lead poisoning [n -S...
plumbite 21 19 a salt of plumbic ac...
plumbous 21 20 containing lead [adj...
plumbums 23 23 PLUMBUM, (obsolete)...
plumcake 22 23 a cake with raisins...
plumcots 22 19 PLUMCOT, a hybrid of...
plumelet 19 17 a small feather [n -...
plumeria 18 16 a flowering shrub, a...
plumiest 19 16 PLUMY, covered with...
plumiped 21 20 a bird with feathere...
plumists 20 16 PLUMIST, a feather-d...
plumlike 21 21 like a plum [adj]
plummest 20 19 PLUM, plum coloured;...
plummets 20 19 PLUMMET, to drop str...
plummier 20 19 PLUMMY, full of plum...
plumpens 20 20 PLUMPEN, to plump, t...
plumpers 21 19 PLUMPER, a pad kept...
plumpest 21 19 PLUMP, somewhat fat...
plumpier 21 19 PLUMPY, (Shakespeare...
plumping 22 22 PLUMP, to make well...
plumpish 24 21 somewhat plump [adj]
plumulae 19 18 PLUMULA, the embryo...
plumular 20 18 relating to a plumul...
plumules 20 18 PLUMULE, the embryo...
plunders 17 15 PLUNDER, to rob by f...
plungers 18 16 PLUNGER, an instrume...
plunging 19 19 the act of plunging...
plunkers 18 18 PLUNKER, a large mar...
plunkier 18 18 PLUNKY, marked by a...
plunking 19 21 PLUNK, to twang; to...
plurally 26 17 PLURAL, more than on...
plurisie 18 13 (Shakespeare) supera...
plusages 18 15 PLUSAGE, an extra am...
plushest 20 15 PLUSH, luxurious [ad...
plushier 20 15 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
plushily 28 18 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
plussage 18 15 an extra amount, als...
plussing 19 16 PLUS, to increase in...
plutoids 18 14 PLUTOID, any dwarf p...
plutonic 20 17 pertaining to or inv...
pluvials 21 18 PLUVIAL, a floor-len...
pluvians 19 18 PLUVIAN, a crocodile...
pluviose 19 17 pertaining to rain,...
pluvious 20 18 rainy, also PLUVIAL,...
plyingly 32 20 PLYING [adv]
plywoods 26 18 PLYWOOD, a building...
poaceous 17 15 pertaining to plants...
poachers 20 16 POACHER, one who poa...
poachier 20 16 POACHY, spongy and s...
poaching 21 19 encroachment on some...
poblanos 17 16 POBLANO, a kind of l...
pochards 21 17 POCHARD, a kind of E...
pochayed 26 19 POCHAY, to transport...
pochette 20 16 (French) a pocket no...
pochoirs 21 16 POCHOIR, (French) a...
pockards 20 19 POCKARD, a kind of E...
pocketed 19 19 POCKET, to place in...
pocketer 19 18 one who pockets [n -...
pockiest 20 18 POCKY, covered with...
pockmark 22 25 to mark with scars c...
pockpits 23 21 POCKPIT, the scar le...
pocosens 17 15 POCOSEN, (Native Ame...
pocosins 18 15 POCOSIN, (Native Ame...
pocosons 17 15 POCOSON, (Native Ame...
podagral 17 15 relating to podagra,...
podagras 16 14 PODAGRA, gout in the...
podagric 20 17 relating to podagra,...
podargus 17 15 a bird of the frogmo...
podcasts 19 15 PODCAST, to make a r...
poddiest 16 13 PODDY, corpulent [ad...
poddling 18 17 PODDLE, to amble at...
podestas 15 12 PODESTA, (Italian) o...
podgiest 17 14 PODGY, short and fat...
podiatry 22 14 the study and treatm...
podiumed 17 17 PODIUM, to win a pla...
podocarp 20 18 a stem, or footstalk...
podology 23 17 the study of the fee...
podomere 15 15 a limb segment of an...
podsolic 20 16 relating to podsol,...
podzolic 23 25 relating to podzol [...
poechore 19 16 a semiarid region [n...
poematic 19 17 in the style of a po...
poesying 22 16 POESY, to utter poet...
poetical 19 15 related to poetry [a...
poetised 15 12 POETISE, to write po...
poetiser 15 11 one who poetises, al...
poetises 15 11 POETISE, to write po...
poetized 18 21 POETIZE, to write po...
poetizer 18 20 one who poetises, al...
poetizes 18 20 POETIZE, to write po...
poetless 16 12 lacking a poet [adj]
poetlike 17 16 like a poet [adj]
poetries 15 11 POETRY, a literary w...
poetship 20 16 the state or persona...
pogonias 15 14 POGONIA, a small orc...
pogonips 18 17 POGONIP, (Native Ame...
pogromed 17 17 POGROM, to massacre...
poignado 15 15 (obsolete) a small d...
poignant 15 15 emotionally distress...
poinders 15 13 POINDER, (Scots) one...
poinding 16 16 impoundment [n -S]
pointels 16 13 POINTEL, a sharp ins...
pointers 15 12 POINTER, a breed of...
pointier 15 12 POINTY, coming to a...
pointing 16 15 the mortar between j...
pointman 15 16 the soldier at the h...
pointmen 15 16 POINTMAN, the soldie...
poisoned 14 13 POISON, to administe...
poisoner 14 12 one who poisons [n -...
poissons 15 12 POISSON, (French) a...
poitrels 17 12 POITREL, a piece of...
poitrine 15 12 (French) a woman's b...
pokefuls 20 20 POKEFUL, as much as...
pokerish 19 17 (US colloquial) myst...
pokeroot 15 15 an aromatic perennia...
pokeweed 18 19 an aromatic perennia...
pokiness 16 16 the state of being p...
polaccas 22 18 POLACCA, a vessel wi...
polacres 19 15 POLACRE, a vessel wi...
polarise 16 12 to give polarity to,...
polarity 23 14 the possession of tw...
polarize 19 21 to give polarity to,...
polarons 15 13 POLARON, a free elec...
poldered 16 14 POLDER, to reclaim l...
poleaxed 21 20 POLEAX, to strike wi...
poleaxes 21 19 POLEAX, to strike wi...
polecats 19 15 POLECAT, a dark-brow...
poleless 17 13 without a pole [adj]
polemics 21 18 POLEMIC, a controver...
polemise 17 15 to argue or write po...
polemist 18 15 one who engages in p...
polemize 20 24 to argue or write po...
polentas 15 13 POLENTA, a thick mus...
polestar 16 12 a guiding principle...
poleward 19 16 in the direction of...
policers 20 15 POLICER, a computer...
policier 20 15 a film featuring pol...
policies 20 15 POLICY, an action or...
policing 21 18 the act of policing...
polished 19 15 POLISH, to make lust...
polisher 19 14 one who polishes [n...
polishes 19 14 POLISH, to make lust...
politely 24 15 POLITE, showing cons...
politest 17 12 POLITE, showing cons...
politick 22 19 to engage in politic...
politico 20 15 a politician; a pers...
politics 21 15 the science of gover...
polities 17 12 POLITY, political or...
polkaing 18 19 POLKA, to dance this...
pollacks 22 20 POLLACK, a marine fo...
pollards 18 14 POLLARD, to cut the...
pollaxed 23 21 POLLAXE, to strike w...
pollaxes 23 20 POLLAXE, to strike w...
pollened 16 15 POLLEN, to cover or...
pollical 22 17 relating to a pollex...
pollices 21 16 POLLEX, (Latin) the...
pollicie 21 16 (Spenser) policy, al...
pollings 19 16 POLLING, the act of...
pollinia 17 14 POLLINIUM, a coheren...
pollinic 21 17 pertaining to pollen...
pollists 19 13 POLLIST, one that po...
polliwig 23 18 a tadpole, also POLL...
polliwog 22 18 a tadpole, also POLL...
pollocks 22 20 POLLOCK, a marine ga...
pollster 18 13 one that polls, also...
polluted 18 15 POLLUTE, to make unc...
polluter 18 14 one who pollutes [n...
pollutes 18 14 POLLUTE, to make unc...
pollywig 29 20 a tadpole, also POLL...
pollywog 28 20 a tadpole, also POLL...
poloidal 17 14 of a magnetic field,...
poloists 17 12 POLOIST, a polo play...
polonies 15 13 POLONY, a kind of sa...
polonise 15 13 to make Polish, also...
polonism 17 16 a Polish idiom [n -S...
polonium 17 17 a rare highly radioa...
polonize 18 22 to make Polish, also...
poltfeet 18 15 POLTFOOT, a clubfoot...
poltfoot 18 15 a clubfoot [n POLTFE...
poltroon 15 13 a despicable coward,...
polyacid 26 18 a compound made up o...
polyadic 26 18 of a mathematical fu...
polyarch 28 19 having many xylem st...
polyaxon 27 22 a nerve cell with mu...
polybags 26 19 POLYBAG, to put into...
polybrid 26 18 a type of hybrid pla...
polycots 26 17 POLYCOT, (short for)...
polydrug 25 18 pertaining to using...
polyenes 21 15 POLYENE, a hydrocarb...
polyenic 25 18 relating to a polyen...
polygala 24 17 any plant of the mil...
polygams 25 19 POLYGAM, a plant wit...
polygamy 31 21 the condition of hav...
polygene 22 17 a set of cooperating...
polygeny 29 19 generation from mult...
polyglot 25 17 one who speaks many...
polygons 23 17 POLYGON, a plane fig...
polygony 29 19 (Spenser) the plant...
polygyne 29 19 having more than one...
polygyny 36 21 the condition of hav...
polymath 26 19 a person of great an...
polymers 24 17 POLYMER, a complex c...
polymery 30 19 in botany, the condi...
polynias 22 15 POLYNIA, (Russian) o...
polynyas 28 17 POLYNYA, (Russian) o...
polyomas 23 17 POLYOMA, a small DNA...
polyonym 29 20 a name consisting of...
polypary 31 19 the common supportin...
polypeds 25 18 POLYPED, something h...
polyphon 26 20 a character or vocal...
polypide 25 18 a polyp of a colonia...
polypill 28 19 a proposed pill whic...
polypine 24 18 of or like a (coloni...
polypite 25 17 a polyp of a colonia...
polypnea 23 18 rapid breathing [n -...
polypods 25 18 POLYPOD, something h...
polypody 31 20 a fern with creeping...
polypoid 25 18 like a (medical) pol...
polypore 24 17 a fungus with pores...
polypous 25 18 of the nature of a p...
polyseme 23 17 a word with more tha...
polysemy 30 19 in linguistics, the...
polysome 23 17 a cluster of protein...
polysomy 30 19 a condition in which...
polytene 21 15 having chromosomes o...
polyteny 28 17 in abnormally large...
polytype 31 19 to produce by use of...
polyuria 23 15 excessive urination...
polyuric 27 18 relating to polyuria...
polyzoan 24 24 a bryozoan, a moss o...
polyzoic 29 26 composed of many zoo...
polyzoon 24 24 one of the individua...
pomading 17 18 POMADE, to apply a p...
pomander 15 16 a mixture of aromati...
pomatoes 15 14 POMATO, a tomato gra...
pomatums 18 18 POMATUM, ointment fo...
pomeroys 22 16 POMEROY, an old vari...
pomfrets 19 17 POMFRET, a marine fi...
pommeled 18 19 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pommetty 24 19 in heraldry, having...
pomology 24 19 the study of fruits...
pompanos 17 18 POMPANO, (Spanish) a...
pompelos 19 18 POMPELO, (Dutch) the...
pompeyed 24 20 POMPEY, (Dickens) to...
pompiers 19 17 POMPIER, (French) a...
pompilid 21 19 a spider-hunting was...
pompions 18 18 POMPION, (obsolete)...
pompoons 17 18 POMPOON, (obsolete)...
pomwater 19 17 (Shakespeare) a swee...
ponceaus 17 16 PONCEAU, (French) a...
ponceaux 23 23 PONCEAU, (French) a...
ponchoed 19 18 wearing a poncho [ad...
ponciest 18 15 PONCY, effeminate, a...
pondages 15 15 PONDAGE, the capacit...
ponderal 15 14 pertaining to weight...
pondered 14 14 PONDER, to consider...
ponderer 14 13 one who ponders [n -...
pondweed 17 17 an aquatic plant [n...
pongiest 16 14 PONGY, (colloquial)...
poniards 15 13 PONIARD, to stab wit...
pontages 15 14 PONTAGE, a toll paid...
pontifex 23 22 (Latin) a chief prie...
pontiffs 20 18 PONTIFF, (Latin) a c...
pontific 21 18 relating to, or cons...
pontiles 16 13 PONTILE, an iron rod...
pontoons 13 13 PONTOON, to cross wi...
ponyskin 22 19 the skin of a foal u...
ponytail 22 15 a hairstyle in which...
pooching 21 19 POOCH, to bulge [v]
poofiest 17 14 POOFY, effeminate, a...
pooftahs 19 16 POOFTAH, (Australian...
poofters 17 14 POOFTER, (Australian...
poolhall 20 16 an establishment for...
poolroom 16 15 an establishment for...
poolside 16 13 a area surrounding a...
pooncing 18 18 POONCE, to behave ef...
poontang 14 15 sexual intercourse [...
poopiest 17 14 POOPY, stupid or ine...
poorlier 16 12 POORLY, unwell [adj]
poorness 14 12 the state of being p...
poortith 18 13 (Scots) poverty, als...
poorwill 21 16 an American nightjar...
pootling 17 15 POOTLE, to travel in...
pooviest 17 15 POOVY, effeminate, a...
popadums 19 19 POPADUM, a thin circ...
popcorns 20 18 POPCORN, maize or In...
popedoms 18 18 POPEDOM, the office...
popehood 18 17 the condition of bei...
popeless 18 15 without a pope [adj]
popelike 19 19 like a pope [adj]
popeling 19 18 a petty or deputy po...
poperies 17 14 POPERY, a hostile te...
poperins 17 15 POPERIN, (obsolete)...
popeseye 22 16 denoting a cut of st...
popeship 22 19 the condition of bei...
popettes 17 14 POPETTE, a young fem...
popinack 21 22 a thorny shrub or sm...
popinacs 20 18 POPINAC, a thorny sh...
popinjay 25 26 a figure of a bird s...
popishly 28 19 POPISH, pertaining t...
popjoyed 25 26 POPJOY, to amuse one...
poplitei 19 15 POPLITEUS, a muscle...
poplitic 23 18 pertaining to the pa...
popovers 19 18 POPOVER, a very ligh...
poppadom 20 21 a thin circle of dou...
poppadum 21 22 a thin circle of dou...
poppiest 20 17 POPPY, like pop musi...
popplier 21 18 POPPLY, like a rippl...
poppling 22 21 POPPLE, to move in a...
popsicle 22 18 flavored and colored...
popsocks 22 21 POPSOCK, a woman's n...
popsters 18 14 POPSTER, a pop music...
popstrel 19 15 a young, attractive...
populace 21 19 the common people [n...
populars 19 16 POPULAR, something p...
populate 18 16 to inhabit [v POPULA...
populism 21 19 the political princi...
populist 20 16 someone who believes...
populous 19 17 containing many inha...
porcinis 19 15 PORCINI, an edible m...
porifers 18 14 PORIFER, a member of...
poriness 15 12 a state of having po...
poristic 20 14 relating to a porism...
porkiest 17 15 PORKY, plump like a...
porkling 19 19 a young pig [n -S]
porkpies 19 18 PORKPIE, a type of m...
porkwood 19 19 the coarse-grained b...
porlocks 21 19 PORLOCK, to hinder b...
porniest 15 12 PORNY, (colloquial)...
pornomag 16 17 a pornographic magaz...
porogamy 23 18 the entry of the pol...
porosity 22 13 the state of being p...
porously 23 15 POROUS, having minut...
porpesse 17 14 a porpoise, also POR...
porphyry 33 20 a very hard, variega...
porpoise 17 14 a short-snouted genu...
porrects 19 14 PORRECT, to stretch...
porridge 17 14 a soft meal of oatme...
porridgy 24 16 like porridge [adj]
porrigos 17 13 PORRIGO, a kind of s...
portable 18 15 able to be carried [...
portably 25 17 so as to be capable...
portaged 16 14 PORTAGE, to transpor...
portages 16 13 PORTAGE, to transpor...
portague 16 14 a former Portuguese...
portaled 16 13 having a portal [adj...
portance 17 15 (Spenser) carriage,...
portapak 18 18 a small portable com...
portases 15 11 PORTAS, (historical)...
portends 15 13 PORTEND, to serve as...
portents 15 12 PORTENT, an omen [n]
porteous 15 12 (historical) a porta...
portered 15 12 PORTER, to carry lug...
porterly 23 14 like a porter [adv]
portesse 15 11 (historical) a porta...
portfire 18 14 a slow fuse, allowin...
porthole 18 14 a small window in a...
porthors 18 13 (historical) a porta...
porticos 19 14 PORTICO, (Italian) a...
portiere 15 11 (French) a curtain h...
portiest 16 11 PORTY, of the taste...
portigue 17 14 a former Portuguese...
portions 15 12 PORTION, to divide i...
portland 16 14 a kind of cement, ha...
portlast 17 12 (obsolete) the gunwa...
portless 17 12 having no place for...
portlier 17 12 PORTLY, corpulent, s...
portoise 15 11 the gunwale of a shi...
portolan 15 13 (Italian) in the Mid...
portrait 16 11 a painting, photogra...
portrays 22 13 PORTRAY, to paint or...
portress 16 11 a female porter, als...
portside 16 12 on the port side [ad...
portulan 16 14 in the Middle Ages,...
posaunes 14 13 POSAUNE, (German) th...
poseable 17 15 able to be posed, al...
poserish 18 13 affected, insincere...
poseuses 15 12 POSEUSE, (French) a...
poshness 17 14 the quality of being...
poshteen 16 14 an Afghan sheepskin...
posingly 24 17 POSING, assuming a p...
positifs 19 14 POSITIF, a feature o...
positing 17 14 POSIT, to place [v]
position 15 12 to put in a particul...
positive 18 15 assertive, affirmati...
positons 15 12 POSITON, an electron...
positron 15 12 an electron but with...
posology 23 16 a branch of medicine...
posseted 15 12 POSSET, to curdle [v...
possible 19 15 that can be done [ad...
possibly 26 17 capable of happening...
possumed 17 16 POSSUM, to feign ign...
postages 16 13 POSTAGE, the charge...
postally 24 15 POSTAL, relating to...
postanal 15 13 situated behind the...
postbags 19 16 POSTBAG, a bag for h...
postbase 17 14 a morpheme used as a...
postboys 24 16 POSTBOY, a boy who c...
postburn 18 16 following a burn [ad...
postcard 19 15 a card for writing m...
postcava 20 18 a vein in higher ver...
postcode 18 15 a code, often a comb...
postcoup 21 18 following a coup [ad...
postdate 15 12 to date after the re...
postdive 18 16 following a dive [ad...
postdocs 19 15 POSTDOC, one engaged...
postdrug 18 15 following the taking...
posteens 14 12 POSTEEN, an Afghan s...
postered 15 12 POSTER, to stick bil...
posterns 15 12 POSTERN, a rear door...
postface 20 17 a brief note placed...
postfire 18 14 following a fire [ad...
postform 19 17 to shape subsequentl...
postgame 17 16 following a game [ad...
postgrad 17 14 a student continuing...
postheat 17 13 to heat a material (...
posthole 18 14 a hole dug to hold a...
postical 20 15 of the position of p...
postiche 21 16 (French) a wig, fals...
postiled 17 13 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
postings 17 14 POSTING, the act of...
postique 24 21 an imitation, also P...
postlude 17 14 a closing piece of m...
postmark 18 18 to stamp mail with a...
postnati 15 12 those born after a s...
postoral 16 12 situated behind the...
postpaid 18 15 with the postage pre...
postpone 16 15 to put off to a futu...
postpose 17 14 to place after in a...
postpunk 19 20 a follower or musici...
postrace 18 14 following a race [ad...
postriot 16 11 following a riot [ad...
postshow 21 16 following a show [ad...
postsync 25 17 (short for) postsync...
postteen 14 12 occurring after one'...
posttest 16 11 a test given after a...
postural 17 13 pertaining to the po...
postured 16 13 POSTURE, to assume a...
posturer 16 12 one who postures, al...
postures 16 12 POSTURE, to assume a...
potables 18 15 POTABLE, a liquid su...
potagers 16 13 POTAGER, a decorativ...
potashed 17 14 POTASH, to treat wit...
potashes 17 13 POTASH, to treat wit...
potassas 15 11 POTASSA, a powerful...
potasses 15 11 POTASS, a powerful a...
potassic 19 14 relating to potassiu...
potation 14 12 the act of drinking...
potatoes 14 11 POTATO, the edible t...
potatory 21 13 pertaining to (exces...
potbelly 26 18 a protruding abdomen...
potboils 19 15 POTBOIL, to produce...
potbound 17 17 of a plant, having r...
potchers 21 16 POTCHER, a machine t...
potching 22 19 POTCHE, to push viol...
potences 17 15 POTENCE, the quality...
potently 22 15 POTENT, powerful [ad...
potheads 17 14 POTHEAD, one who smo...
potheens 16 14 POTHEEN, (Irish) ill...
potherbs 20 16 POTHERB, any herb us...
pothered 17 14 POTHER, to make a co...
potholed 18 15 POTHOLE, to explore...
potholer 18 14 someone who explores...
potholes 18 14 POTHOLE, to explore...
pothooks 18 17 POTHOOK, a hook on w...
pothouse 17 14 an alehouse [n -S]
poticary 25 16 an apothecary, a dru...
potiches 21 16 POTICHE, (French) a...
potlache 21 17 (Native American) a...
potlatch 22 17 (Native American) a...
potlines 16 13 POTLINE, a row of el...
potlucks 22 20 POTLUCK, whatever ma...
potoroos 14 11 POTOROO, (Native Aus...
potshard 18 14 a fragment of broken...
potshare 17 13 a fragment of broken...
potsherd 18 14 a fragment of broken...
potshops 20 16 POTSHOP, a small pub...
potshots 18 13 POTSHOT, to shoot ra...
potstone 14 12 a variety of steatit...
pottable 18 15 capable of being pot...
pottages 16 13 POTTAGE, a thick sou...
potteens 14 12 POTTEEN, (Irish) ill...
pottered 15 12 POTTER, to occupy on...
potterer 15 11 one who potters [n -...
pottiest 16 11 POTTY, crazy [adj]
pouchful 25 22 as much as a pouch c...
pouchier 21 17 POUCHY, resembling a...
pouching 22 20 POUCH, to put in a p...
pouffier 20 18 POUFFY, like a pouf,...
pouffing 21 21 POUFFE, to give a pu...
pouftahs 20 17 POUFTAH, (offensive)...
poufters 18 15 POUFTER, (offensive)...
poulaine 15 14 a pointy toed shoe a...
poularde 16 14 a spayed hen, also P...
poulards 17 14 POULARD, a spayed he...
poulders 17 14 POULDER, (obsolete)...
pouldres 17 14 POULDRE, (obsolete)...
pouldron 16 15 a shoulder-plate of...
poulters 17 13 POULTER, (archaic) a...
poultice 20 16 to apply a hot, heal...
pouncers 18 16 POUNCER, one that po...
pouncets 18 16 POUNCET, (Shakespear...
pouncing 19 19 POUNCE, to swoop upo...
poundage 15 16 a charge for keeping...
poundals 16 15 POUNDAL, a unit of f...
pounders 15 14 POUNDER, a specimen...
pounding 16 17 the act of striking...
pourable 18 16 able to be poured [a...
pourings 17 15 POURING, the act of...
poursews 19 15 POURSEW, (Spenser) t...
poursued 16 14 POURSUE, (Spenser) t...
poursues 16 13 POURSUE, (Spenser) t...
poursuit 17 13 (Spenser) pursuit [n...
pourtray 22 14 (Spenser) to portray...
pousadas 15 13 POUSADA, a tradition...
poussies 16 12 POUSSIE, a familiar...
poussins 16 13 POUSSIN, (French) a...
pouthers 18 14 POUTHER, to powder [...
poutiest 16 12 POUTY, tending to po...
poutines 15 13 POUTINE, a Canadian...
poutings 17 15 POUTING, a fish of t...
powdered 18 16 POWDER, to reduce to...
powderer 18 15 one who powders [n -...
powerful 22 19 full of power [adj P...
powering 19 17 POWER, to equip with...
powhiris 22 16 POWHIRI, a Maori cer...
pownding 19 19 POWND, (Spenser) to...
powsowdy 28 20 (Scots) any mixture...
powtered 18 15 POWTER, (Scots) to p...
powwowed 24 21 POWWOW, to hold such...
poxvirus 25 23 any one of a group o...
poynting 22 17 POYNT, (obsolete) to...
poysoned 20 15 POYSON, (obsolete) t...
pozzolan 21 31 (Italian) volcanic a...
prabbles 21 18 PRABBLE, (Shakespear...
practice 22 17 to train or drill in...
practick 24 21 (archaic) practice,...
practics 23 17 PRACTIC [n]
practise 19 14 to train or drill in...
practive 21 18 (obsolete) practical...
praecipe 20 17 (Latin) a writ comma...
praedial 16 13 a rural slave, also...
praefect 20 17 an ancient Roman off...
praelect 19 15 to lecture, also PRE...
praetors 15 11 PRAETOR, an ancient...
prairied 16 12 having prairie land...
prairies 16 11 PRAIRIE, a grass-cov...
praisers 16 11 PRAISER, one who pra...
praising 17 14 laudatory [adj PRAIS...
pralines 16 13 PRALINE, an almond c...
prancers 18 15 PRANCER, a horse tha...
prancing 19 18 moving like a horse...
prancked 19 20 PRANCKE, (obsolete)...
pranckes 19 19 PRANCKE, (obsolete)...
prandial 16 14 of or relating to a...
pranging 17 17 PRANG, to cause to c...
prankful 20 21 full of pranks [adj]
prankier 16 16 PRANKY, of the natur...
pranking 17 19 colourful adornment...
prankish 19 18 mischievous [adj PRA...
prankled 17 18 PRANKLE, to prance l...
prankles 17 17 PRANKLE, to prance l...
pratfall 20 16 to fall on the butto...
pratfell 20 16 PRATFALL, to fall on...
pratings 17 14 PRATING, foolish tal...
pratique 24 21 permission granted t...
pratting 17 14 PRATT, (Shakespeare)...
prattled 17 13 PRATTLE, to talk at...
prattler 17 12 one who prattles [n...
prattles 17 12 PRATTLE, to talk at...
praunced 18 17 PRAUNCE, (Spenser) t...
praunces 18 16 PRAUNCE, (Spenser) t...
prawlins 20 16 PRAWLIN, an almond c...
prawners 18 15 PRAWNER, one who fis...
prawning 19 18 PRAWN, to fish for e...
praxises 22 18 PRAXIS, practical us...
prayings 23 16 PRAYING, the act of...
preached 20 17 PREACH, to deliver a...
preacher 20 16 one that preaches [n...
preaches 20 16 PREACH, to deliver a...
preacing 19 17 PREACE, to press, al...
preacted 18 15 PREACT, to act befor...
preadapt 17 15 to adapt beforehand...
preadmit 17 15 to admit beforehand...
preadopt 17 15 to adopt beforehand...
preadult 17 14 preceding adulthood...
preallot 17 13 to allot beforehand...
prealter 16 12 to alter beforehand...
preamble 19 18 to give an explanato...
preapply 27 20 to apply beforehand...
prearmed 16 15 PREARM, to arm befor...
preasing 16 14 PREASE, to press, al...
preassed 15 12 PREASSE, to press, a...
preasses 15 11 PREASSE, to press, a...
preaudit 16 13 an audit made prior...
preavers 17 15 PREAVER, to aver bef...
preaxial 22 19 situated in front of...
prebaked 18 19 PREBAKE, to bake bef...
prebakes 18 18 PREBAKE, to bake bef...
prebasal 18 15 situated in front of...
prebends 17 16 PREBEND, a clergyman...
prebills 21 16 PREBILL, to bill bef...
prebinds 18 16 PREBIND, to bind in...
prebirth 21 16 the period preceding...
prebless 19 15 to bless beforehand...
preboard 17 15 to board before the...
preboils 19 15 PREBOIL, to boil bef...
prebooks 18 18 PREBOOK, to book bef...
prebound 17 17 PREBIND, to bind in...
prebuild 20 17 to build beforehand...
prebuilt 20 16 PREBUILD, to build b...
precasts 19 14 PRECAST, to cast bef...
precavae 19 18 PRECAVA, a major vei...
precaval 21 19 relating to the prec...
preceded 18 16 PRECEDE, to go befor...
precedes 18 15 PRECEDE, to go befor...
preceese 17 14 (Scots) precise [adj...
precents 18 15 PRECENT, to lead a c...
precepit 21 17 (Shakespeare) a prec...
precepts 21 17 PRECEPT, a rule of c...
precheck 25 23 to check beforehand...
prechill 24 18 to chill beforehand...
prechose 20 16 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precieux 25 22 excessively refined...
precinct 22 18 a space, esp. an enc...
precious 19 15 valuable [adj PRECIO...
precipes 21 17 PRECIPE, (Latin) a w...
precised 19 15 PRECIS, to make a co...
preciser 19 14 PRECISE, sharply and...
precises 19 14 PRECIS, to make a co...
precited 19 15 previously cited [ad...
preclean 18 16 to clean beforehand...
preclear 19 15 to clear beforehand...
preclude 20 17 to rule out or elimi...
precoded 18 16 PRECODE, to code bef...
precodes 18 15 PRECODE, to code bef...
precooks 19 18 PRECOOK, to cook bef...
precools 19 15 PRECOOL, to cool bef...
precrash 21 16 preceding a crash [a...
precured 19 16 PRECURE, to cure bef...
precures 19 15 PRECURE, to cure bef...
precurse 19 15 to foreshadow or be...
precycle 29 20 (of a consumer) to a...
predated 15 13 PREDATE, to date bef...
predates 15 12 PREDATE, to date bef...
predator 15 12 an animal that preys...
predawns 18 16 PREDAWN, the time ju...
predeath 17 14 the period preceding...
predella 17 14 a board behind an al...
predelle 17 14 PREDELLA, a board be...
predials 17 13 PREDIAL, a rural sla...
predicts 20 15 PREDICT, to tell of...
predooms 16 15 PREDOOM, to sentence...
predraft 18 15 a preliminary draft...
predried 16 13 PREDRY, to dry befor...
predries 16 12 PREDRY, to dry befor...
predrill 19 14 to drill beforehand...
predusks 18 17 PREDUSK, the time ju...
predying 23 17 PREDY, (obsolete) to...
preedits 16 12 PREEDIT, to edit bef...
preelect 19 15 to elect beforehand...
preemies 16 14 PREEMIE, a premature...
preempts 19 17 PREEMPT, to acquire...
preenact 17 15 to enact beforehand...
preeners 14 12 PREENER, one who pre...
preening 15 15 PREEN, to clean and...
preerect 18 14 to erect beforehand...
preeving 18 18 PREEVE, to prove, al...
preexist 22 18 to exist before [v -...
prefaced 20 18 PREFACE, to introduc...
prefacer 20 17 one that prefaces [n...
prefaces 20 17 PREFACE, to introduc...
prefaded 17 16 PREFADE, to fade bef...
prefades 17 15 PREFADE, to fade bef...
prefects 21 17 PREFECT, an ancient...
prefight 22 18 preceding a fight [a...
prefiled 19 16 PREFILE, to file bef...
prefiles 19 15 PREFILE, to file bef...
prefired 18 15 PREFIRE, to fire bef...
prefires 18 14 PREFIRE, to fire bef...
prefixal 25 22 pertaining to a pref...
prefixed 24 22 PREFIX, to add to th...
prefixes 24 21 PREFIX, to add to th...
preflame 19 18 preceding a flame [a...
prefocus 21 18 to focus beforehand...
preforms 19 17 PREFORM, to form bef...
prefrank 18 19 to frank beforehand...
prefroze 20 23 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
prefunds 18 17 PREFUND, to fund bef...
pregames 17 16 PREGAME, a period pr...
preggers 18 15 (slang) pregnant, al...
preggier 18 15 PREGGY, (colloquial)...
pregnant 15 15 carrying a developin...
preguide 17 15 to guide beforehand...
preheats 17 13 PREHEAT, to heat bef...
prehends 17 15 PREHEND, to lay hold...
prehnite 17 14 an orthorhombic basi...
prehuman 18 18 a prototype of man [...
prejudge 19 24 to judge beforehand...
prelates 16 12 PRELATE, a high rank...
prelatic 20 15 relating to a prelat...
prelects 20 15 PRELECT, to lecture,...
prelegal 18 15 occurring before the...
prelimit 19 15 to limit beforehand...
prelives 19 16 PRELIFE, a life conc...
preloads 16 13 PRELOAD, to load bef...
preloved 18 17 a euphemism for used...
preluded 17 15 PRELUDE, to play a m...
preluder 17 14 a person who plays o...
preludes 17 14 PRELUDE, to play a m...
preludio 17 14 (Italian) a prelude...
prelunch 22 19 before lunch [adj]
premedic 20 18 a student preparing...
premiere 16 14 to present publicly...
premiers 17 14 PREMIER, a chief in...
premised 17 15 PREMISE, to state in...
premises 17 14 PREMISE, to state in...
premiums 19 18 PREMIUM, a sum regul...
premixed 23 22 PREMIX, to mix befor...
premixes 23 21 PREMIX, to mix befor...
premolar 17 15 situated in front of...
premolds 18 16 PREMOLD, to mold bef...
premoral 17 15 preceding the develo...
premorse 16 14 ending abruptly, as...
premotor 16 14 pertaining to a part...
premould 18 17 to mould in advance,...
premoult 18 16 preceding moult, als...
premoved 18 19 PREMOVE, to incite o...
premoves 18 18 PREMOVE, to incite o...
prenames 15 15 PRENAME, a forename...
prenasal 15 13 situated in front of...
prenatal 15 13 prior to birth [adj...
prenomen 14 16 the first name of an...
prentice 18 15 to place with an emp...
prenting 16 15 PRENT, (Scots) to pr...
preorder 15 12 to order beforehand...
preowned 17 16 previously owned by...
prepacks 22 21 PREPACK, to package...
prepared 17 15 PREPARE, to get read...
preparer 17 14 one who prepares [n...
prepares 17 14 PREPARE, to get read...
prepaste 17 14 to paste beforehand...
prepaved 19 19 PREPAVE, to pave bef...
prepaves 19 18 PREPAVE, to pave bef...
prepense 16 15 premeditated; intent...
preplace 21 18 to place beforehand...
preplans 18 16 PREPLAN, to plan in...
preplant 18 16 occurring before pla...
preponed 16 16 PREPONE, to bring fo...
prepones 16 15 PREPONE, to bring fo...
preposed 17 15 PREPOSE, to place a...
preposes 17 14 PREPOSE, to place a...
preppier 20 17 PREPPY, denoting the...
preppies 20 17 PREPPIE, one who att...
preppily 28 20 PREPPY, denoting the...
prepping 21 20 PREP, (short for) to...
prepregs 19 16 PREPREG, reinforcing...
prepress 18 14 the preparation of a...
preprice 21 17 to price beforehand...
preprint 18 15 to print in advance...
prepubes 20 18 PREPUBIS, a bone sit...
prepubis 21 18 a bone situated in f...
prepuces 21 18 PREPUCE, a fold of s...
prepunch 23 21 to punch in advance...
prepupae 19 18 PREPUPA, a stage pre...
prepupal 21 19 preceding the pupal...
prepupas 20 18 PREPUPA, a stage pre...
prequels 25 22 PREQUEL, a book, fil...
preradio 15 12 before the invention...
prerenal 15 13 situated in front of...
prerinse 15 12 to rinse beforehand...
presaged 16 14 PRESAGE, to foretell...
presager 16 13 one who, or that whi...
presages 16 13 PRESAGE, to foretell...
presales 16 12 PRESALE, arranging a...
presbyte 24 16 an elder in the earl...
prescind 19 16 to consider separate...
prescore 18 14 to record the sound...
prescuta 19 15 PRESCUTUM, in insect...
presells 18 13 PRESELL, to promote...
presence 17 15 close proximity [n -...
presents 15 12 PRESENT, to bring in...
preserve 17 15 to keep safe from ha...
preshape 19 16 to shape beforehand...
preships 21 16 PRESHIP, to ship bef...
preshown 20 17 PRESHOW, to show bef...
preshows 21 16 PRESHOW, to show bef...
presided 16 13 PRESIDE, to occupy t...
presider 16 12 one who presides [n...
presides 16 12 PRESIDE, to occupy t...
presidia 16 12 PRESIDIUM, a standin...
presidio 16 12 a Spanish fort [n -S...
presifts 19 14 PRESIFT, to sift bef...
presleep 18 15 before sleep [adj]
preslice 20 15 to slice beforehand...
presoaks 16 15 PRESOAK, to soak bef...
presolve 18 16 to solve beforehand...
presorts 16 11 PRESORT, to sort bef...
presplit 20 15 before a split [adj]
pressers 16 11 PRESSER, one who pre...
pressfat 18 14 a vat for collecting...
pressful 20 16 the contents of a pr...
pressies 16 11 PRESSIE, (colloquial...
pressing 17 14 an article made from...
pression 15 12 pressure [n -S]
pressman 16 15 a printing press ope...
pressmen 16 15 PRESSMAN, a printing...
pressors 16 11 PRESSOR, a substance...
pressrun 16 13 a continuous operati...
pressure 16 12 to apply force to [v...
prestamp 19 17 to stamp beforehand...
presters 16 11 PRESTER, (Latin) a p...
prestige 17 13 charm, magic or glam...
presting 17 14 PREST, (obsolete) to...
prestore 15 11 to store beforehand...
presumed 17 16 PRESUME, to take for...
presumer 17 15 one who presumes [n...
presumes 17 15 PRESUME, to take for...
pretaped 17 15 PRETAPE, to tape bef...
pretapes 17 14 PRETAPE, to tape bef...
pretaste 15 11 to taste beforehand...
preteens 14 12 PRETEEN, a child und...
pretells 18 13 PRETELL, to tell bef...
pretence 17 15 the act of pretendin...
pretends 15 13 PRETEND, to make bel...
pretense 14 12 the act of pretendin...
preterit 16 11 the grammatical tens...
preterms 17 14 PRETERM, a premature...
pretests 16 11 PRETEST, to give a p...
pretexts 22 18 PRETEXT, to allege a...
pretonic 18 15 denoting the syllabl...
pretrain 15 12 to train beforehand...
pretreat 15 11 to treat beforehand...
pretrial 17 12 a proceeding that pr...
pretrims 18 14 PRETRIM, to trim bef...
prettied 16 12 PRETTY, to make attr...
prettier 16 11 PRETTY, pleasing to...
pretties 16 11 PRETTY, to make attr...
prettify 25 16 to make attractive [...
prettily 24 14 PRETTY, pleasing to...
pretyped 24 17 PRETYPE, to type bef...
pretypes 24 16 PRETYPE, to type bef...
pretzels 20 21 PRETZEL, to twist, b...
preunion 14 14 a union beforehand [...
preunite 15 13 to unite beforehand...
prevails 19 16 PREVAIL, to triumph...
prevalue 18 17 to value beforehand...
prevened 16 17 PREVENE, to precede,...
prevenes 16 16 PREVENE, to precede,...
prevents 17 16 PREVENT, to keep fro...
preverbs 20 18 PREVERB, a particle...
previews 21 18 PREVIEW, to view or...
previous 18 16 coming or occurring...
prevised 18 16 PREVISE, to foresee...
previses 18 15 PREVISE, to foresee...
previsit 19 15 to visit beforehand...
previsor 18 15 one that previses, f...
prevuing 19 19 PREVUE, (US) to prev...
prewarms 20 17 PREWARM, to warm bef...
prewarns 18 15 PREWARN, to warn in...
preweigh 22 18 to weigh beforehand...
prewired 19 15 PREWIRE, to wire bef...
prewires 19 14 PREWIRE, to wire bef...
preworks 20 18 PREWORK, to work bef...
prewraps 21 17 PREWRAP, to wrap bef...
prezzies 22 29 PREZZIE, (colloquial...
priapean 16 15 phallic, also PRIAPI...
priapism 20 17 a persistent erectio...
pribbles 22 18 PRIBBLE, a clamorous...
priciest 20 14 PRICY, expensive, al...
pricings 21 17 PRICING, an act of p...
prickers 21 18 PRICKER, a light hor...
prickets 21 18 PRICKET, a spike for...
prickier 21 18 PRICKY, having many...
pricking 22 21 a prickly feeling [n...
prickled 22 20 PRICKLE, to puncture...
prickles 22 19 PRICKLE, to puncture...
prideful 20 17 full of pride [adj P...
priedieu 16 13 (French) a low desk...
priested 16 12 PRIEST, to ordain as...
priestly 24 14 characteristic of a...
prieving 19 18 PRIEVE, to prove, al...
priggers 19 15 PRIGGER, one who pri...
priggery 25 17 prim adherence to co...
prigging 20 18 thievery [n -S]
priggish 22 17 marked by priggism [...
priggism 21 18 prim adherence to co...
prilling 20 16 PRILL, to turn into...
primages 18 16 PRIMAGE, an amount p...
primally 26 18 PRIMAL, being at the...
primatal 18 15 any of an advanced o...
primates 17 14 PRIMATE, any of an a...
primatic 21 17 of or pertaining to...
primeros 17 14 PRIMERO, (Spanish) a...
primeurs 18 15 PRIMEUR, (French) a...
primeval 20 19 belonging to the ear...
primines 17 15 PRIMINE, the outer c...
primings 19 17 PRIMING, the act of...
primmers 19 17 PRIMMER, a book that...
primmest 19 17 PRIM, rigidly proper...
primming 20 20 PRIM, to give a prim...
primness 17 15 the state of being p...
primping 21 20 PRIMP, to dress or a...
primrose 17 14 a yellow flower [n -...
primrosy 24 16 coloured like a prim...
primsier 18 14 PRIMSIE, (Scots) pri...
primulas 19 16 PRIMULA, any of nume...
primuses 18 15 PRIMUS, the head bis...
princely 26 18 befitting a prince [...
princess 19 15 a non-reigning femal...
princing 20 18 PRINCE, to play the...
principe 21 18 (Italian) a prince [...
principi 22 18 PRINCIPE, (Italian)...
princock 23 22 (Shakespeare) an arr...
prinkers 17 16 PRINKER, one who pri...
prinking 18 19 PRINK, to dress or a...
printers 16 12 PRINTER, one that pr...
printery 22 14 a place where printi...
printing 17 15 the art of the print...
printout 16 13 the printed output o...
priorate 15 11 the state or office...
prioress 16 11 a female superior of...
priories 16 11 PRIORY, a religious...
priority 23 13 precedence establish...
prisages 17 13 PRISAGE, the former...
priseres 16 11 PRISERE, the success...
prismoid 18 15 a body that approach...
prisoned 15 13 PRISON, to imprison...
prisoner 15 12 one that is imprison...
prissier 17 11 PRISSY, affectedly p...
prissies 17 11 PRISSY, one who is a...
prissily 25 14 PRISSY, affectedly p...
prissing 18 14 PRISS, to act in a p...
pristane 15 12 a saturated hydrocar...
pristine 16 12 original, pure, unsp...
privados 18 16 PRIVADO, (obsolete)...
privater 18 15 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
privates 18 15 PRIVATE, a soldier o...
priviest 19 15 PRIVY, private [adj]
prizable 22 24 valuable [adj]
prizeman 19 24 a winner of a prize...
prizemen 19 24 PRIZEMAN, a winner o...
probable 20 18 likely to occur or p...
probably 27 20 PROBABLE, likely to...
probands 17 16 PROBAND, a person wi...
probangs 18 17 PROBANG, a long flex...
probated 17 15 PROBATE, to establis...
probates 17 14 PROBATE, to establis...
probings 19 17 PROBING, the act of...
problems 20 18 PROBLEM, a difficult...
procaine 17 15 a compound used as a...
procarps 21 17 PROCARP, a female se...
proceeds 18 15 PROCEED, to go onwar...
prochain 20 17 nearest in time, rel...
prochein 20 17 nearest in time, rel...
procinct 22 18 (Milton) preparednes...
proclaim 21 18 to make known [v -ED...
proclive 22 19 (archaic) having a t...
proctors 19 14 PROCTOR, to officiat...
procural 20 16 the act or procuring...
procured 19 16 PROCURE, to obtain b...
procurer 19 15 someone who procures...
procures 19 15 PROCURE, to obtain b...
prodders 16 13 PRODDER, one who pro...
prodding 17 16 the act of poking [n...
prodigal 18 15 lavish [adj PRODIGAL...
proditor 16 12 a traitor [n -S]
prodnose 14 13 an inquisitive perso...
prodroma 16 15 (Latin) any symptom...
prodrome 16 15 a prefatory work; an...
prodromi 17 15 PRODROMUS, a prefato...
prodrugs 18 15 PRODRUG, an inactive...
produced 19 17 PRODUCE, to bring in...
producer 19 16 one that produces [n...
produces 19 16 PRODUCE, to bring in...
products 20 16 PRODUCT, something p...
proemial 17 15 relating to a proem...
proettes 15 11 PROETTE, a female pr...
profaned 16 16 PROFANE, to treat wi...
profaner 16 15 one who profanes [n...
profanes 16 15 PROFANE, to treat wi...
proffers 20 17 PROFFER, to present...
profiled 19 16 PROFILE, to draw an...
profiler 19 15 one who profiles, al...
profiles 19 15 PROFILE, to draw an...
profited 18 15 PROFIT, to gain an a...
profiter 18 14 one who profits [n -...
proforma 18 17 carried out in a per...
profound 17 17 very deep [adj PROFO...
profuser 18 15 a prodigal or spendt...
progeria 16 13 a syndrome of childr...
proggers 18 15 PROGGER, one who pro...
progging 19 18 PROG, to forage for...
proggins 18 16 (slang) a college pr...
prognose 15 14 to forecast the prob...
prograde 16 14 to accumulate sedime...
programs 18 16 PROGRAM, to arrange...
progress 17 13 to move forward [v -...
prohibit 21 16 to forbid with autho...
proigned 16 15 PROIGN, (obsolete) t...
proining 16 15 PROINE, (obsolete) t...
projects 21 23 PROJECT, to extend o...
prolabor 18 15 favouring organized...
prolamin 17 16 one of a group of pr...
prolapse 18 15 to slip or fall out...
prolated 16 13 PROLATE, to lengthen...
prolates 16 12 PROLATE, to lengthen...
prolific 23 18 producing abundantly...
prolines 16 13 PROLINE, an amino ac...
prolixly 31 22 PROLIX, tediously lo...
prollers 18 13 PROLLER, (obsolete)...
prolling 19 16 PROLL, (obsolete) to...
prologed 17 15 PROLOG, to preface,...
prologue 17 15 to preface, also PRO...
prolonge 16 15 a rope used for pull...
prolongs 17 15 PROLONG, to lengthen...
prometal 17 15 a kind of cast-iron...
promines 16 15 PROMINE, a substance...
promised 17 15 PROMISE, to make a d...
promisee 16 14 one who is promised...
promiser 17 14 one who promises, al...
promises 17 14 PROMISE, to make a d...
promisor 17 14 one who promises, al...
prommers 18 17 PROMMER, an attender...
promoing 17 17 PROMO, to give a pro...
promoted 16 15 PROMOTE, to help for...
promoter 16 14 one who promotes [n...
promotes 16 14 PROMOTE, to help for...
promotor 16 14 a person who present...
prompted 19 18 PROMPT, to move to a...
prompter 19 17 one that prompts [n...
promptly 27 20 PROMPT, done without...
promulge 19 18 (archaic) to proclai...
pronated 14 13 PRONATE, to turn the...
pronates 14 12 PRONATE, to turn the...
pronator 14 12 a forearm or forelim...
proneurs 15 13 PRONEUR, (French) a...
pronging 17 17 PRONG, to pierce wit...
pronking 17 19 a springbok's leapin...
pronotal 15 13 pertaining to the pr...
pronotum 16 16 a hard outer plate o...
pronouns 14 14 PRONOUN, a word that...
proofers 17 14 PROOFER, one who pro...
proofing 18 17 material used to mak...
prootics 19 14 PROOTIC, a bone in f...
propaged 18 17 PROPAGE, to propagat...
propages 18 16 PROPAGE, to propagat...
propaled 18 16 PROPALE, (Scots) to...
propales 18 15 PROPALE, (Scots) to...
propanes 16 15 PROPANE, a flammable...
propanol 17 16 propyl alcohol [n -S...
propenal 17 16 another name for acr...
propends 17 16 PROPEND, to have a t...
propenes 16 15 PROPENE, a flammable...
propenol 17 16 a flammable gas [n -...
propense 16 15 (obsolete) inclined...
propenyl 24 18 a hydrocarbon radica...
properer 17 14 PROPER, fitting [adj...
properly 25 17 PROPER, fitting [adv...
property 24 16 something owned [n P...
prophage 20 18 a form of virus [n -...
prophase 19 16 the first stage in c...
prophecy 29 21 a prediction [n PROP...
prophesy 26 18 to predict [v PROPHE...
prophets 20 16 PROPHET, one who pre...
prophyll 29 20 a small leaf on the...
propined 17 16 PROPINE, (archaic) t...
propines 17 15 PROPINE, (archaic) t...
propjets 20 23 PROPJET, a jet aerop...
propolis 19 15 a resinous substance...
proponed 16 16 PROPONE, to propose,...
propones 16 15 PROPONE, to propose,...
proposal 18 15 something that is pr...
proposed 17 15 PROPOSE, to put forw...
proposer 17 14 one that proposes [n...
proposes 17 14 PROPOSE, to put forw...
propound 17 17 to propose [v -ED, -...
proppant 19 18 a material, e.g. san...
propping 21 20 PROP, to hold up [v]
proprium 20 18 an attribute belongi...
propylic 29 20 pertaining to, deriv...
propylon 24 18 an entrance to a tem...
propynes 23 17 PROPYNE, a gaseous m...
prorated 15 12 PRORATE, to divide p...
prorates 15 11 PRORATE, to divide p...
prorogue 16 14 to end a session (of...
prosaism 17 14 a prosaic style [n -...
prosaist 16 11 a writer of prose, a...
prosecco 21 17 (Italian) an Italian...
prosects 19 14 PROSECT, to dissect...
proseman 15 15 a writer of prose [n...
prosemen 15 15 PROSEMAN, a writer o...
prosiest 16 11 PROSY, prosaic, tedi...
prosings 17 14 PROSING, writing in...
prosodic 19 15 of or pertaining to...
prosomal 17 15 relating to a prosom...
prosomas 16 14 PROSOMA, the front r...
prosopon 16 15 the embodiment of an...
prospect 21 17 to search for minera...
prospers 18 14 PROSPER, to be succe...
prossies 16 11 PROSSIE, (colloquial...
prostate 15 11 a gland in males at...
prosties 16 11 PROSTIE, (colloquial...
prostyle 23 14 in Greek architectur...
prosumer 17 15 a consumer who uses...
protamin 16 15 any of a class of si...
protases 15 11 PROTASIS, the introd...
protasis 16 11 the introductory par...
protatic 19 14 of or pertaining to...
proteans 14 12 PROTEAN, a theatrica...
protease 14 11 any enzyme that spli...
protects 19 14 PROTECT, to shield f...
protegee 15 13 (French) one (female...
proteges 16 13 PROTEGE, one whose c...
proteide 15 12 a nitrogenous organi...
proteids 16 12 PROTEID, a nitrogeno...
proteins 15 12 PROTEIN, a nitrogeno...
protends 15 13 PROTEND, (archaic) t...
protense 14 12 (Spenser) an extensi...
proteome 15 14 the complement of pr...
proteose 14 11 a substance derived...
protests 16 11 PROTEST, to express...
prothyls 26 16 PROTHYL, a hypotheti...
protists 17 11 PROTIST, one of the...
protiums 18 15 PROTIUM, ordinary hy...
protocol 19 15 the original copy of...
protonic 18 15 relating to a proton...
protopod 17 15 a part of a crustace...
protores 15 11 PROTORE, an earlier...
protoxid 22 19 that one of a series...
protozoa 17 20 the lowest and simpl...
protract 19 14 to prolong [v -ED, -...
protrade 15 12 in favour of trade [...
protrude 16 13 to stick out [v PROT...
proturan 15 13 any of an order of w...
protyles 23 14 PROTYLE, a hypotheti...
proudest 16 13 PROUD, having or dis...
proudful 20 18 full of pride [adj]
proudish 19 15 somewhat proud [adj]
proulers 17 13 PROULER, (obsolete)...
prouling 18 16 PROUL, to prowl, als...
prounion 14 14 favouring labour uni...
provable 20 19 that can be proved,...
provably 27 21 PROVABLE, that can b...
provands 17 17 PROVAND, an allowanc...
provants 17 16 PROVANT, (obsolete)...
provedor 17 16 a purveyor, also PRO...
provends 17 17 PROVEND, an allowanc...
provenly 24 19 without doubt [adv]
proverbs 20 18 PROVERB, to speak of...
proviant 17 16 an allowance of food...
provided 18 17 PROVIDE, to supply [...
provider 18 16 one that provides [n...
provides 18 16 PROVIDE, to supply [...
providor 18 16 a purveyor, also PRO...
province 20 19 an administrative di...
provined 17 17 PROVINE, to propagat...
provines 17 16 PROVINE, to propagat...
provings 19 18 PROVING, the act of...
proviral 19 16 relating to a provir...
provirus 19 16 the form of a virus...
provisor 18 15 (historical) one who...
provisos 18 15 PROVISO, a clause in...
provoked 18 20 PROVOKE, to arouse t...
provoker 18 19 something or someone...
provokes 18 19 PROVOKE, to arouse t...
provosts 18 15 PROVOST, a high-rank...
prowlers 20 15 PROWLER, one that pr...
prowling 21 18 stealthy [adj PROWLI...
proxemic 26 24 pertaining to a bran...
proximal 24 22 located near the poi...
proyning 22 17 PROYN, to prune, als...
prudence 18 17 the quality of being...
pruinose 15 13 having a powdery cov...
prunable 18 17 able to be pruned [a...
prunella 17 15 a strong silk or woo...
prunelle 17 15 (French) a strong si...
prunello 17 15 (Italian) a fine kin...
pruniest 16 13 PRUNEY, resembling a...
prunings 17 16 PRUNING, the act of...
prunuses 16 14 PRUNUS, a genus of t...
prurient 16 13 having lustful thoug...
prurigos 18 14 PRURIGO, a chronic s...
pruritic 21 15 of or like pruritus,...
pruritus 18 13 intense itching [n -...
prusiked 18 17 PRUSIK, to climb usi...
prussian 16 13 as in prussian blue,...
pryingly 31 19 PRYING, inquisitive...
prytanea 20 14 PRYTANEUM, an ancien...
psalming 19 18 PSALM, to sing psalm...
psalmist 19 15 a writer of psalms [...
psalmody 24 18 the use of psalms in...
psalters 17 12 PSALTER, a book of p...
psaltery 23 14 an ancient stringed...
psammite 18 17 a fine-grained rock...
psammons 17 18 PSAMMON, a group of...
pschents 21 17 PSCHENT, a crown wor...
psellism 20 16 a defect in articula...
psephism 22 19 (historical) a decre...
psephite 20 16 a rock composed of s...
pseudery 22 15 falseness [n PSEUDER...
pseudish 19 15 somewhat pseud [adj]
pshawing 22 19 PSHAW, to utter an e...
psilocin 20 16 a hallucinogenic dru...
psiloses 17 12 PSILOSIS, (Greek) lo...
psilosis 18 12 (Greek) loss of hair...
psilotic 21 15 relating to psilosis...
psionics 19 15 psychic abilities as...
psoralea 15 12 a plant of the bean...
psoralen 15 13 a drug used to treat...
psychics 32 21 PSYCHIC, one sensiti...
psyching 29 21 PSYCH, to stimulate...
psychism 30 21 the doctrine of a un...
psychist 29 18 someone interested i...
psychoid 28 19 the hypothetical reg...
psyllids 26 16 PSYLLID, any of vari...
psyllium 27 19 the seed of the flea...
ptarmics 21 17 PTARMIC, a substance...
pteropod 17 15 a small swimming mol...
pterygia 23 15 PTERYGIUM, a growth...
pterylae 22 14 PTERYLA, the feather...
ptiloses 17 12 PTILOSIS, plumage or...
ptilosis 18 12 plumage or mode of f...
ptomaine 15 15 a compound produced...
ptomains 16 15 PTOMAIN, a compound...
ptyalins 23 15 PTYALIN, a salivary...
ptyalise 23 14 to induce ptyalism i...
ptyalism 25 17 an excessive flow of...
ptyalize 26 23 to induce ptyalism i...
ptyxises 29 20 PTYXIS, a type of le...
pubbings 22 21 PUBBING, the practic...
pubertal 19 16 of or pertaining to...
publican 22 20 one who owns or mana...
publicly 31 22 PUBLIC, open to gene...
puccoons 21 19 PUCCOON, (Native Ame...
pucelage 20 18 virginity [n -S]
pucelles 21 17 PUCELLE, (obsolete)...
puckered 20 20 PUCKER, to gather in...
puckerer 20 19 one who, or that whi...
puckfist 24 22 a puffball fungus [n...
puckouts 21 20 PUCKOUT, in ice hock...
puckster 21 19 a hockey player [n -...
puddered 16 15 PUDDER, to make a tu...
puddiest 17 14 PUDDY, short and pud...
puddings 18 17 PUDDING, a thick, so...
puddingy 24 19 having the consisten...
puddlers 18 15 PUDDLER, one who con...
puddlier 18 15 PUDDLY, full of pudd...
puddling 19 18 the process of conve...
puddocks 21 21 PUDDOCK, a toad or f...
pudendal 16 16 pertaining to the pu...
pudendum 17 19 the external genital...
pudgiest 18 15 PUDGY, short and fat...
pudibund 19 19 shamefaced; prudish...
pudicity 27 18 modesty; chastity [n...
pudsiest 17 13 PUDSY, podgy, also P...
puerpera 17 15 (Latin) a woman who...
puffback 27 28 a small African bird...
puffball 25 23 any of various globu...
puffbird 24 22 any bird of a Centra...
puffiest 21 18 PUFFY, swollen [adj]
puffings 22 21 PUFFING, the action...
pugarees 16 14 PUGAREE, (Hindi) a t...
puggaree 17 16 (Hindi) a turban, a...
puggiest 19 16 PUGGY, like a monkey...
puggings 20 19 PUGGING, the working...
puggling 21 20 PUGGLE, to cause to...
puggrees 18 16 PUGGREE, (Hindi) a t...
puggries 19 16 PUGGRY, (Hindi) a tu...
pugilism 21 18 the art of fighting...
pugilist 20 15 one who fights with...
pugmarks 20 21 PUGMARK, the track o...
puirtith 20 14 (Scots) poverty, als...
puissant 16 13 (archaic) powerful,...
pukateas 16 16 PUKATEA, (Maori) an...
puldrons 17 15 PULDRON, (obsolete)...
pulicene 19 17 pertaining to, or ab...
pulicide 21 17 an agent used for de...
pulingly 26 19 PULING, whimpering [...
pullback 25 24 a restraint or drawb...
pulleyed 24 17 PULLEY, to hoist wit...
pullmans 19 18 PULLMAN, a railroad...
pullorum 20 18 as in pullorum disea...
pullouts 19 15 PULLOUT, a withdrawa...
pullover 20 18 a garment that is pu...
pulmones 17 17 PULMO, (Latin) a lun...
pulmonic 21 20 of or relating to th...
pulmotor 18 16 a respiratory device...
pulpally 28 20 PULPAL, pertaining t...
pulpiest 20 16 PULPY, resembling pu...
pulpings 21 19 PULPING, the act of...
pulpital 21 17 relating to a pulpit...
pulpited 20 17 provided with a pulp...
pulpiter 20 16 someone who speaks f...
pulpitry 27 18 sermonizing [n PULPI...
pulpitum 22 20 a gigantic stone scr...
pulpless 21 17 having no pulp [adj]
pulpmill 24 21 a machine for pulpin...
pulpwood 22 20 soft wood used in ma...
pulsated 17 14 PULSATE, to expand a...
pulsates 17 13 PULSATE, to expand a...
pulsator 17 13 something that pulsa...
pulsejet 19 22 in jet propulsion, a...
pulsidge 19 16 the throb of a pulse...
pulsific 24 19 producing a single p...
pulsions 17 14 PULSION, the act of...
pulsojet 19 22 in jet propulsion, a...
pultoons 16 14 PULTOON, an Indian r...
pultrude 18 15 to carry out pultrus...
pultures 18 14 PULTURE, a right to...
pulvered 19 18 PULVER, to reduce to...
pulvilio 21 18 (historical) perfume...
pulville 22 19 (historical) perfume...
pulvilli 23 19 PULVILLUS, a little...
pulvinar 19 18 a knob on the brain...
pulvinus 20 19 a swelling at the ba...
pumicate 20 18 to make smooth with...
pumicers 21 18 PUMICER, one that pu...
pumicing 22 21 PUMICE, to polish wi...
pumicite 21 18 a porous volcanic ro...
pummeled 19 20 PUMMEL, to strike wi...
pummelos 19 19 PUMMELO, (Dutch) the...
pumpable 22 22 capable of being pum...
pumphood 21 21 the head of a pump [...
pumpings 21 21 PUMPING, as in optic...
pumpions 19 19 PUMPION, (obsolete)...
pumpjack 26 34 a pumping apparatus...
pumpking 22 25 a person involved in...
pumpkins 21 23 PUMPKIN, a plant of...
pumpless 21 19 without a pump [adj]
pumplike 22 23 like a pump [adj]
punaluan 15 16 pertaining to punalu...
punaluas 16 15 PUNALUA, (Hawaiian)...
punchbag 24 23 a punching bag, used...
puncheon 19 19 a cask; a liquid mea...
punchers 21 18 PUNCHER, one who pun...
punchier 21 18 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
punchily 29 21 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
punching 22 21 PUNCH, to perforate...
punchout 21 19 a fist fight [n -S]
punctate 18 16 marked with points o...
punctual 20 18 being on time [adj P...
punctule 20 18 a minute dot [n -S]
puncture 19 17 to pierce with a poi...
punditic 20 17 like a pundit [adj]
punditry 23 16 the learning of pund...
pundonor 14 15 (Spanish) a point of...
pungence 18 19 the state of being p...
pungency 25 21 the state of being p...
pungling 19 19 PUNGLE, (US) to cont...
puniness 15 14 the state of being p...
punished 18 16 PUNISH, to impose a...
punisher 18 15 one that punishes [n...
punishes 18 15 PUNISH, to impose a...
punition 15 14 punishment [n -S]
punitive 18 17 relating to punishme...
punitory 22 15 relating to punishme...
punjiing 19 25 PUNJI, to fortify wi...
punkette 16 17 a female follower of...
punkiest 17 17 PUNKY, like a punk [...
punniest 15 14 PUNNY, involving a p...
punnings 16 17 PUNNING, the act of...
punsters 16 13 PUNSTER, one who mak...
puntsman 16 17 someone who uses a p...
puntsmen 16 17 PUNTSMAN, someone wh...
puparial 19 16 relating to a pupari...
puparium 20 19 a pupal shell [n PUP...
pupating 19 18 PUPATE, to pass thro...
pupation 17 16 the act of becoming...
pupilage 20 18 the state of being a...
pupilary 26 18 relating to a pupil...
pupillar 21 17 relating to a pupil...
puppetry 27 20 the art of making or...
puppodum 22 23 a thin circle of dou...
puppydom 28 24 the world of puppies...
puppying 28 23 PUPPY, to give birth...
puppyish 30 22 pertaining to a pupp...
puppyism 29 23 conceit in men [n -S...
pupunhas 20 19 PUPUNHA, the peach-p...
purblind 20 18 partially blind [adj...
purchase 21 17 to buy [v PURCHASED,...
purdahed 18 16 of a woman, secluded...
purebred 18 16 an animal of unmixed...
pureeing 16 15 PUREE, to reduce to...
pureness 15 13 the quality of being...
purflers 20 16 PURFLER, something o...
purfling 21 19 ornamentation on the...
purgings 19 17 PURGING, the act of...
purified 19 16 PURIFY, to cleanse f...
purifier 19 15 one that purifies [n...
purifies 19 15 PURIFY, to cleanse f...
puristic 21 15 of or pertaining to...
puritans 16 13 PURITAN, a person wh...
purities 17 12 PURITY, the quality...
purlicue 21 17 to summarise in conc...
purlieus 18 14 PURLIEU, (French) a...
purlieux 24 21 PURLIEU, (French) a...
purlines 17 14 PURLINE, a horizonta...
purlings 19 16 PURLING, the swirlin...
purloins 17 14 PURLOIN, to steal; t...
purplest 20 16 PURPLE, of a colour...
purplier 20 16 PURPLY, purplish [ad...
purpling 21 19 PURPLE, to make the...
purplish 23 18 somewhat purple [adj...
purports 19 15 PURPORT, to profess...
purposed 18 16 PURPOSE, to intend t...
purposes 18 15 PURPOSE, to intend t...
purpuras 19 16 PURPURA, a disease c...
purpures 19 16 PURPURE, the heraldi...
purpuric 23 19 of or pertaining to...
purpurin 19 17 a reddish dye [n -S]
purrings 18 15 PURRING, the act of...
purseful 20 17 enough to fill a pur...
pursewed 19 16 PURSEW, (Spenser) to...
pursiest 17 12 PURSY, short of brea...
purslain 17 14 a pot herb and salad...
purslane 16 14 a pot herb and salad...
pursuals 18 14 PURSUAL, the act of...
pursuant 16 14 acting in consequenc...
pursuers 17 13 PURSUER, one that pu...
pursuing 18 16 following [adj PURSU...
pursuits 18 13 PURSUIT, the act of...
purtiest 17 12 PURTY, (US dialect)...
purtraid 17 13 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
purtrayd 23 15 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
purulent 17 15 secreting pus [adj P...
purveyed 24 19 PURVEY, to supply [v...
purveyor 24 18 one that purveys, su...
purviews 22 19 PURVIEW, a field of...
pushback 25 24 a negative or unfavo...
pushball 23 19 a game in which an e...
pushbike 22 21 a bicycle driven by...
pushcart 22 17 a light cart pushed...
pushdown 21 19 a store of computer...
pushiest 19 14 PUSHY, offensively a...
pushover 20 18 an easily defeated p...
pushpins 21 18 PUSHPIN, a large-hea...
pushpits 22 17 PUSHPIT, a safety ra...
pushrods 19 15 PUSHROD, a rod for o...
pussiest 17 12 PUSSY, full of pus [...
pussleys 24 15 PUSSLEY, purslane, a...
pusslies 18 13 PUSSLY, purslane, a...
pusslike 19 17 like a puss [adj]
pussycat 26 17 a very amenable pers...
pustular 18 14 of or pertaining to...
pustuled 18 15 having a pustule [ad...
pustules 18 14 PUSTULE, a pimple co...
putamens 16 16 PUTAMEN, (Latin) a f...
putamina 16 16 PUTAMEN, (Latin) a f...
putative 18 16 supposed or reputed...
putcheon 20 18 a wire trap for catc...
putchers 22 17 PUTCHER, a wire trap...
putchock 26 24 an aromatic root res...
putchuks 24 22 PUTCHUK, an aromatic...
putdowns 19 17 PUTDOWN, a disparagi...
putlocks 22 20 PUTLOCK, a cross-bea...
putrider 17 13 PUTRID, rotten [adj]
putridly 25 16 PUTRID, rotten [adv]
putsches 22 17 PUTSCH, (German) a s...
puttered 16 13 PUTTER, to occupy on...
putterer 16 12 one who putters [n -...
puttiers 17 12 PUTTIER, one who put...
puttings 18 15 PUTTING, a sport whe...
puttocks 21 19 PUTTOCK, a kite or b...
puttying 24 17 PUTTY, to fill with...
puzzlers 24 31 PUZZLER, something t...
puzzling 25 34 PUZZLE, to cause unc...
pyaemias 22 16 PYAEMIA, the presenc...
pycnidia 25 18 PYCNIDIUM, a spore-b...
pycnites 25 17 PYCNITE, a variety o...
pycnoses 24 17 PYCNOSIS, a shrinkin...
pycnosis 25 17 a shrinking and thic...
pycnotic 28 20 exhibiting pyknosis,...
pyebalds 25 18 PYEBALD, a horse wit...
pyelitic 27 17 relating to pyelitis...
pyelitis 24 14 inflammation of the...
pyengadu 22 18 a Burmese ironwood,...
pygargus 25 18 (obsolete) any of se...
pygidial 25 17 of or like a pygidiu...
pygidium 26 20 in trilobites, the p...
pygmaean 22 19 pygmy-like, also PIG...
pygmoids 25 19 PYGMOID, a pygmy, al...
pygmyish 34 22 like a pygmy [adj]
pygmyism 33 23 a stunted or dwarfis...
pyinkado 22 19 the ironwood tree, a...
pyjamaed 24 26 wearing pyjamas [adj...
pyknoses 22 18 PYKNOSIS, a shrinkin...
pyknosis 23 18 a shrinking and thic...
pyknotic 26 21 exhibiting pyknosis,...
pyoderma 22 17 a pus-causing skin d...
pyogenic 25 19 producing pus [adj]
pyonings 22 17 (Spenser) pioning, p...
pyorrhea 23 15 pus in the sockets o...
pyralids 24 15 PYRALID, a long-legg...
pyramids 24 17 PYRAMID, to increase...
pyranoid 21 15 of or like the chemi...
pyranose 20 14 a sugar present in p...
pyrazole 25 23 a chemical related t...
pyrenoid 21 15 a protein body of ce...
pyrexial 29 21 showing symptoms of...
pyrexias 28 20 PYREXIA, a fever [n]
pyridine 22 15 a nitrogenous base u...
pyriform 26 19 pear-shaped, also PI...
pyritise 23 13 to convert into pyri...
pyritize 26 22 to convert into pyri...
pyritous 23 14 consisting of, or re...
pyrogens 22 16 PYROGEN, a substance...
pyrogies 23 15 PYROGY, (Russian) a...
pyrohies 24 15 PYROHY, (Russian) a...
pyrolise 23 14 to decompose by heat...
pyrolize 26 23 to decompose by heat...
pyrology 30 18 the scientific exami...
pyrolyse 29 16 to decompose by heat...
pyrolyze 32 25 to decompose by heat...
pyronine 20 15 (tradeame) any of se...
pyronins 21 15 PYRONIN, either of t...
pyrosome 22 16 a type of thermostat...
pyrostat 22 13 an automatic fire-al...
pyroxene 26 21 any of a group of mi...
pyroxyle 35 23 a nitrocellulose [n...
pyrrhics 29 18 PYRRHIC, an ancient...
pyrrhous 25 16 reddish; ruddy [adj]
pyrroles 23 14 PYRROLE, a colourles...
pyrrolic 27 17 of or like pyrrole,...
pyruvate 24 18 a salt or ester of p...
pythiums 27 19 PYTHIUM, a fungus of...
pythonic 27 19 like an oracle or a...
pyxidium 31 25 a capsule that opens...