14 letter words that start with P

14 letter words that start with P

14 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pachydactylous 48 32 having thick digits,...
pachydermatous 38 29 thick-skinned, also...
pacifistically 44 30 PACIFISTIC, relating...
paediatricians 28 22 PAEDIATRICIAN, a spe...
paedomorphisms 32 29 PAEDOMORPHISM, reten...
paedomorphoses 29 26 PAEDOMORPHOSIS, rete...
paedomorphosis 30 26 retention in the adu...
paganistically 38 27 PAGANISTIC, relating...
painlessnesses 25 20 PAINLESSNESS, the st...
palaeanthropic 32 27 of or relating to th...
palaebiologies 29 24 PALAEBIOLOGY, the st...
palaebiologist 30 24 a student of palaebi...
palaeethnology 34 26 the study of prehist...
palaeobiologic 32 27 related to palaeobio...
palaeobotanies 25 22 PALAEOBOTANY, the st...
palaeobotanist 26 22 one who studies pala...
palaeoclimates 30 25 PALAEOCLIMATE, the c...
palaeoclimatic 34 28 of or relating to a...
palaeocurrents 28 23 PALAEOCURRENT, a cur...
palaeoecologic 32 27 relating to palaeoec...
palaeographers 30 25 PALAEOGRAPHER, a stu...
palaeographies 30 25 PALAEOGRAPHY, the st...
palaeographist 31 25 a student of palaeog...
palaeomagnetic 29 27 relating to palaeoma...
palaeopedology 34 27 the study of early s...
palatabilities 30 22 PALATABILITY, the st...
palatalisation 26 20 the process of palat...
palatalization 29 29 the process of palat...
palatialnesses 26 20 PALATIALNESS, the st...
paleobiologies 29 24 PALEOBIOLOGY, a bran...
paleobiologist 30 24 one who studies pale...
paleobotanical 30 26 relating to paleobot...
paleobotanists 27 22 PALEOBOTANIST, a stu...
paleoecologies 29 24 PALEOECOLOGY, a bran...
paleoecologist 30 24 one who studies pale...
paleogeography 37 29 the geography of anc...
paleographical 35 29 related to paleograp...
paleomagnetism 28 27 the study of the Ear...
paleomagnetist 27 24 a student of paleoma...
paleontologies 26 22 PALEONTOLOGY, the st...
paleontologist 27 22 one who studies pale...
paleopathology 37 28 a branch of patholog...
paleozoologies 29 30 PALEOZOOLOGY, the st...
paleozoologist 30 30 one who studies pale...
palingenesists 27 22 PALINGENESIST, a stu...
palingenetical 30 26 relating to palingen...
palletisations 27 20 PALLETISATION, the p...
palletizations 30 29 PALLETIZATION, the a...
palmatipartite 30 24 palmately divided ra...
palmifications 33 28 PALMIFICATION, the a...
palpablenesses 30 26 PALPABLENESS, the st...
pamperednesses 27 25 PAMPEREDNESS, the st...
pamphleteering 32 29 PAMPHLETEER, to writ...
panaesthetisms 28 23 PANAESTHETISM, total...
panarthritises 28 20 PANARTHRITIS, arthri...
panchromatisms 33 29 PANCHROMATISM, being...
pancreatectomy 37 29 surgical removal of...
pancreatitides 28 22 PANCREATITIS, inflam...
pancreatitises 28 21 PANCREATITIS, inflam...
pandiculations 29 25 PANDICULATION, a str...
pangenetically 36 28 PANGENETIC, of or pe...
pangrammatists 29 26 PANGRAMMATIST, a per...
panharmonicons 29 28 PANHARMONICON, a mec...
panidiomorphic 34 30 of igneous rocks, ha...
panleucopenias 29 27 PANLEUCOPENIA, a vir...
panleukopenias 27 28 PANLEUKOPENIA, a vir...
panophthalmias 33 29 PANOPHTHALMIA, infla...
panradiometers 25 22 PANRADIOMETER, an in...
pansexualities 32 27 PANSEXUALITY, the st...
panspermatisms 30 27 PANSPERMATISM, the t...
panspermatists 29 24 PANSPERMATIST, a bel...
pantalooneries 23 20 PANTALOONERY, buffoo...
pantheologists 29 23 PANTHEOLOGIST, a spe...
pantisocracies 31 24 PANTISOCRACY, govern...
pantisocratist 29 21 an upholder of panti...
pantographical 34 29 relating to pantogra...
pantomimically 39 31 PANTOMIMICAL, like a...
pantopragmatic 32 29 meddling in everybod...
papaprelatists 31 24 PAPAPRELATIST, (Scot...
papilionaceous 30 26 resembling the butte...
papillomatoses 30 25 PAPILLOMATOSIS, the...
papillomatosis 31 25 the condition of hav...
papillomavirus 34 30 any of a genus of do...
parabiotically 39 27 PARABIOTIC, relating...
parabolisation 27 22 the process of parab...
parabolization 30 31 the process of parab...
paradigmatical 32 27 in the form of a par...
paradisaically 37 25 PARADISAICAL, of or...
paradisiacally 37 25 PARADISIACAL, of or...
paradoxicality 42 31 the state of being p...
paradoxologies 32 28 PARADOXOLOGY, the ho...
paragrammatist 29 25 a punster [n -S]
parainfluenzas 30 33 PARAINFLUENZA, as in...
parajournalism 29 32 journalism that is h...
paraleipomenon 26 26 a thing added as a s...
paralinguistic 32 25 relating to paraling...
parallelepiped 32 27 a solid figure with...
parallelograms 30 25 PARALLELOGRAM, a qua...
parallelopiped 32 27 a solid figure bound...
paramagnetisms 28 26 PARAMAGNETISM, the s...
paramenstruums 28 26 PARAMENSTRUUM, the f...
parameterising 27 23 PARAMETERISE, to set...
parameterizing 30 32 PARAMETERIZE, to set...
parametrically 38 27 PARAMETRICAL, relati...
paramilitaries 28 21 PARAMILITARY, a forc...
paranthropuses 29 24 PARANTHROPUS, an Old...
paraphrastical 34 26 of the nature of a p...
parapsychology 47 32 the study of unexpla...
pararosaniline 24 20 a white crystalline...
parasitisation 25 18 the act of parasitis...
parasitization 28 27 the act of parasitiz...
parasitologies 27 20 PARASITOLOGY, a bran...
parasitologist 28 20 one who studies para...
paratactically 40 27 PARATACTICAL, of per...
parchmentising 33 29 PARCHMENTISE, to mak...
parchmentizing 36 38 PARCHMENTIZE, to mak...
pardonableness 26 24 the state of being p...
parenchymatous 37 29 relating to parenchy...
parenthesising 28 23 PARENTHESIS [v]
parenthesizing 31 32 PARENTHESIZE, to put...
parliamentings 28 25 PARLIAMENTING, actin...
parochialising 33 26 PAROCHIALISE, to mak...
parochialities 32 23 PAROCHIALITY, the st...
parochializing 36 35 PAROCHIALIZE, to mak...
paroemiography 37 29 the study of proverb...
paroemiologies 27 23 PAROEMIOLOGY, the st...
paronomastical 29 25 relating to paronoma...
parsimoniously 34 25 PARSIMONIOUS, excess...
parthenocarpic 35 29 relating to partheno...
parthenospores 28 23 PARTHENOSPORE, a thi...
participations 31 24 PARTICIPATION, the a...
particleboards 32 25 PARTICLEBOARD, a com...
particularised 31 23 PARTICULARISE, to st...
particulariser 31 22 one who particularis...
particularises 31 22 PARTICULARISE, to st...
particularisms 33 25 PARTICULARISM, exclu...
particularists 32 22 PARTICULARIST, an up...
particularized 34 32 PARTICULARIZE, to st...
particularizer 34 31 one who particulariz...
particularizes 34 31 PARTICULARIZE, to st...
particularness 30 23 PARTICULAR, especial...
partitionments 26 22 PARTITIONMENT, the a...
partridgeberry 36 25 a North American tra...
parturifacient 31 25 an oxytocic drug or...
passablenesses 27 22 PASSABLENESS, the st...
passementeries 25 21 PASSEMENTERIE, (Fren...
passiblenesses 28 22 PASSIBLENESS, the st...
passionateness 23 19 the state of being p...
passionflowers 31 25 PASSIONFLOWER, any f...
pasteurisation 25 19 sterilization of mil...
pasteurization 28 28 sterilization of mil...
pastoralnesses 25 19 PASTORALNESS, the st...
patellectomies 31 25 PATELLECTOMY, the su...
pathlessnesses 28 21 PATHLESSNESS, the st...
pathobiologies 31 25 PATHOBIOLOGY, the bi...
pathologically 41 29 PATHOLOGICAL, relati...
patresfamilias 30 24 PATERFAMILIAS, (Lati...
patrialisation 26 19 the process of patri...
patrialization 29 28 the process of patri...
patriarchalism 34 26 a patriarchical syst...
patronisations 24 19 PATRONISATION, the a...
patronizations 27 28 PATRONIZATION, the a...
patulousnesses 26 21 PATULOUSNESS, the st...
pauperisations 27 22 PAUPERISATION, the p...
pauperizations 30 31 PAUPERIZATION, the p...
peacefulnesses 30 26 PEACEFULNESS, the st...
pectinesterase 27 21 an enzyme that catal...
pectoriloquies 38 31 PECTORILOQUY, the so...
pedantocracies 30 25 PEDANTOCRACY, govern...
pedestrianised 25 20 PEDESTRIANISE, to ma...
pedestrianises 25 19 PEDESTRIANISE, to ma...
pedestrianisms 27 22 PEDESTRIANISM, the p...
pedestrianized 28 29 PEDESTRIANIZE, to ma...
pedestrianizes 28 28 PEDESTRIANIZE, to ma...
pedunculations 29 26 PEDUNCULATION, the s...
peerlessnesses 25 19 PEERLESSNESS, the st...
pelletisations 27 20 PELLETISATION, the a...
pelletizations 30 29 PELLETIZATION, the a...
pellucidnesses 31 25 PELLUCIDNESS, the st...
pendragonships 30 27 PENDRAGONSHIP, the o...
peneplanations 25 24 PENEPLANATION, the s...
penetrableness 26 23 PENETRABLE, that can...
penicillamines 31 27 PENICILLAMINE, an am...
penicillations 30 24 PENICILLATION, the s...
penicillinases 30 24 PENICILLINASE, an en...
penitentiaries 24 19 PENITENTIARY, in Nor...
pennatulaceous 27 25 of or like a pennatu...
pentabarbitals 30 25 PENTABARBITAL, a bar...
pentadactylies 35 25 PENTADACTYLY, the st...
pentadactylism 37 28 the state of being p...
pentadactylous 35 26 having five digits,...
pentavalencies 29 27 PENTAVALENCY, the co...
pentobarbitals 30 25 PENTOBARBITAL, a bar...
pentobarbitone 27 25 a barbiturate drug,...
peptidoglycans 39 30 PEPTIDOGLYCAN, a pol...
peptonisations 26 22 PEPTONISATION, the p...
peptonizations 29 31 PEPTONIZATION, the p...
perambulations 29 26 PERAMBULATION, the a...
perceivability 41 30 the quality of being...
perceptibility 42 29 the state of being p...
perceptiveness 32 28 PERCEPTIVE, responsi...
perceptivities 34 27 PERCEPTIVITY, the st...
percussionists 30 22 PERCUSSIONIST, one w...
percussiveness 31 26 the state of being p...
percutaneously 35 26 PERCUTANEOUS, done o...
peregrinations 25 21 PEREGRINATION, an ex...
peremptoriness 28 24 the state of being p...
perennialities 25 20 PERENNIALITY, the st...
perennibranchs 31 28 PERENNIBRANCH, a cre...
perfectibilian 34 28 a believer in the pe...
perfectibilism 37 30 the doctrine that hu...
perfectibilist 36 27 a believer in the pe...
perfectibility 42 29 the state of being p...
perfectionated 29 25 PERFECTIONATE, to br...
perfectionates 29 24 PERFECTIONATE, to br...
perfectionisms 32 27 PERFECTIONISM, the d...
perfectionists 31 24 PERFECTIONIST, one w...
perfectiveness 32 28 PERFECTIVE, tending...
perfectivities 34 27 PERFECTIVITY, the st...
perfervidities 31 25 PERFERVIDITY, the st...
perfidiousness 28 23 the state of being p...
performability 39 29 the state of being p...
performatively 38 30 PERFORMATIVE, of a s...
pericarditises 30 21 PERICARDITIS, inflam...
perilousnesses 26 20 PERILOUSNESS, the st...
perimenopausal 28 26 relating to the peri...
perimenopauses 27 25 PERIMENOPAUSE, the p...
perimetrically 39 27 PERIMETRICAL, relati...
perineuritises 26 19 PERINEURITIS, inflam...
periodicalists 31 22 PERIODICALIST, a per...
periodisations 25 19 PERIODISATION, divis...
periodizations 28 28 PERIODIZATION, divis...
periodontology 32 24 the branch of dentis...
peripateticism 33 26 the state of being p...
periphrastical 35 26 of or like periphras...
periscopically 43 30 PERISCOPIC, viewing...
perishableness 30 24 the state of being p...
perissodactyle 36 24 an animal of the Per...
perissodactyls 37 24 PERISSODACTYL, an an...
peritoneoscopy 35 26 the visual examinati...
peritrichously 40 26 PERITRICHOUS, having...
perlocutionary 35 25 relating to perlocut...
perlustrations 27 20 PERLUSTRATION, the a...
permeabilities 30 24 PERMEABILITY, the ca...
permissibility 39 26 the state of being p...
permissiveness 29 25 PERMISSIVE, permitti...
permittivities 31 24 PERMITTIVITY, the ra...
permutableness 29 26 PERMUTABLE, that can...
perniciousness 28 23 PERNICIOUS, destruct...
pernicketiness 29 26 the state of being p...
perpendiculars 32 27 PERPENDICULAR, a per...
perpetualities 29 22 PERPETUALITY, the st...
perscrutations 29 22 PERSCRUTATION, a tho...
perseverations 26 22 PERSEVERATION, conti...
personableness 26 23 PERSONABLE, attracti...
perspectivisms 36 30 PERSPECTIVISM, the t...
perspectivists 35 27 PERSPECTIVIST, a bel...
perspicacities 35 26 PERSPICACITY, the st...
persuadability 36 25 the quality of being...
persuasibility 37 24 the state of being p...
persuasiveness 27 23 PERSUASIVE, tending...
pertinaciously 36 25 PERTINACIOUS, stubbo...
perturbational 28 23 relating to perturba...
perturbatories 28 21 PERTURBATORY [n]
perversenesses 26 22 PERVERSENESS, the st...
perviousnesses 27 23 PERVIOUSNESS, the st...
pestilentially 35 23 PESTILENTIAL, causin...
petrifications 31 24 PETRIFICATION, turni...
petrochemicals 36 29 PETROCHEMICAL, a che...
petrochemistry 39 27 the branch of chemis...
petrographical 35 28 relating to petrogra...
petrologically 39 27 PETROLOGICAL, relati...
petrophysicist 41 27 a student of petroph...
pettifoggeries 30 24 PETTIFOGGERY, dealin...
phalansterians 27 22 PHALANSTERIAN, a per...
phalansterisms 30 24 PHALANSTERISM, suppo...
phalansterists 29 21 PHALANSTERIST, a sup...
phallocentrism 34 28 the state of being p...
phantasmagoria 28 25 a fantastic sequence...
phantasmagoric 32 28 of or like a phantas...
phantasmically 40 30 PHANTASMICAL, of the...
pharmaceutical 36 30 a medicinal drug, al...
pharmaceutists 33 26 PHARMACEUTIST, one w...
pharmacologies 33 28 PHARMACOLOGY, the st...
pharmacologist 34 28 one who studies phar...
pharmacopoeial 33 29 of or like a pharmac...
pharmacopoeian 31 29 of or like a pharmac...
pharmacopoeias 32 28 PHARMACOPOEIA, a boo...
pharmacopoeist 33 28 one who compiles a p...
pharmacopolist 35 29 drug-seller; pharmac...
pharyngologies 36 27 PHARYNGOLOGY, the st...
pharyngologist 37 27 a specialist in phar...
pharyngoscopes 39 30 PHARYNGOSCOPE, an in...
pharyngoscopic 43 33 relating to a pharyn...
pharyngotomies 35 27 PHARYNGOTOMY, the su...
phelloplastics 37 28 PHELLOPLASTIC, a mod...
phencyclidines 41 31 PHENCYCLIDINE, a vet...
phenmetrazines 30 33 PHENMETRAZINE, a sti...
phenobarbitals 32 27 PHENOBARBITAL, a cry...
phenobarbitone 29 27 a sedative and hypno...
phenologically 40 30 PHENOLOGICAL, relati...
phenomenalised 27 26 PHENOMENALISE, to re...
phenomenalises 27 25 PHENOMENALISE, to re...
phenomenalisms 29 28 PHENOMENALISM, the d...
phenomenalists 28 25 PHENOMENALIST, an ad...
phenomenalized 30 35 PHENOMENALIZE, to re...
phenomenalizes 30 34 PHENOMENALIZE, to re...
phenothiazines 31 32 PHENOTHIAZINE, a cry...
phenotypically 47 32 PHENOTYPICAL, relati...
phenylalanines 33 26 PHENYLALANINE, an es...
phenylbutazone 38 37 a drug formerly used...
phenylephrines 38 29 PHENYLEPHRINE, an ag...
phenylthiourea 36 26 a crystalline compou...
philadelphuses 35 28 PHILADELPHUS, a flow...
philanthropies 33 26 PHILANTHROPY, love o...
philanthropist 34 26 one who practices ph...
philanthropoid 33 27 a person who works f...
philatelically 42 28 PHILATELIC, of or pe...
philhellenisms 35 28 PHILHELLENISM, a lov...
philhellenists 34 25 PHILHELLENIST, one w...
philologically 43 30 PHILOLOGICAL, of or...
philosophaster 33 25 an amateur or superf...
philosopheress 33 25 a female philosopher...
philosophesses 33 25 PHILOSOPHESS, a fema...
philosophisers 34 25 PHILOSOPHISER, one w...
philosophising 35 28 the act of engaging...
philosophistic 38 28 relating to philosop...
philosophizers 37 34 PHILOSOPHIZER, one w...
philosophizing 38 37 PHILOSOPHIZE, to rea...
phlebographies 36 30 PHLEBOGRAPHY, radiog...
phlebotomising 33 29 PHLEBOTOMISE, to per...
phlebotomizing 36 38 PHLEBOTOMIZE, to per...
phlegmatically 43 32 PHLEGMATICAL, of a c...
phlegmaticness 34 29 the state of being p...
phlogisticated 34 26 PHLOGISTICATE, to co...
phlogisticates 34 25 PHLOGISTICATE, to co...
phonautographs 32 28 PHONAUTOGRAPH, an in...
phonematically 39 30 PHONEMATIC, relating...
phonendoscopes 30 28 PHONENDOSCOPE, a dev...
phonetisations 26 21 PHONETISATION, the p...
phonetizations 29 30 PHONETIZATION, the p...
phonochemistry 40 30 the branch of chemis...
phonographists 33 27 PHONOGRAPHIST, an ex...
phonologically 40 30 PHONOLOGICAL, relati...
phosphocreatin 34 28 a compound of phosph...
phosphokinases 32 29 PHOSPHOKINASE, a kin...
phospholipases 35 28 PHOSPHOLIPASE, any o...
phosphoprotein 33 28 any of various prote...
phosphorescent 34 28 exhibiting phosphore...
phosphorescing 36 30 PHOSPHORESCE, to exh...
phosphorolyses 39 27 PHOSPHOROLYSIS, a re...
phosphorolysis 40 27 a reaction analogous...
phosphorolytic 43 30 relating to phosphor...
phosphoroscope 36 30 an instrument for me...
phosphorylases 39 27 PHOSPHORYLASE, any o...
phosphorylated 39 28 PHOSPHORYLATE, to ca...
phosphorylates 39 27 PHOSPHORYLATE, to ca...
photoautotroph 31 25 an organism capable...
photobiologies 31 25 PHOTOBIOLOGY, the st...
photobiologist 32 25 one who studies phot...
photocatalyses 37 25 PHOTOCATALYSIS, the...
photocatalysis 38 25 the promotion, accel...
photocatalytic 41 28 relating to photocat...
photochemistry 41 29 science, processes a...
photochromisms 36 30 PHOTOCHROMISM, the p...
photocomposers 33 28 PHOTOCOMPOSER, one w...
photocomposing 34 31 PHOTOCOMPOSE, to set...
photoconductor 33 28 a photoconductive su...
photodetectors 30 23 PHOTODETECTOR, any o...
photoduplicate 34 28 to duplicate by phot...
photoelectrode 30 24 an electrode which c...
photoelectrons 30 24 PHOTOELECTRON, an el...
photoemissions 28 23 PHOTOEMISSION, the r...
photoengravers 29 26 PHOTOENGRAVER, one w...
photoengraving 30 29 any process of engra...
photofinishers 32 25 PHOTOFINISHER, one t...
photofinishing 33 28 the development and...
photogenically 39 29 PHOTOGENIC, of or pe...
photogeologies 29 24 PHOTOGEOLOGY, a bran...
photogeologist 30 24 one who studies phot...
photogrammetry 37 29 the science of makin...
photographical 37 30 relating to photogra...
photographists 34 26 PHOTOGRAPHIST, a pho...
photoinduction 30 26 induction by the eff...
photoinductive 33 29 relating to photoind...
photoluminesce 32 28 to produce photolumi...
photolytically 47 29 PHOTOLYTIC, relating...
photooxidation 32 28 oxidation under the...
photooxidative 35 31 relating to photooxi...
photooxidising 35 30 PHOTOOXIDISE, to und...
photooxidizing 38 39 PHOTOOXIDIZE, to und...
photoperiodism 31 26 a plant or animal's...
photoreactions 29 23 PHOTOREACTION, a pho...
photorealistic 32 23 relating to photorea...
photoreception 31 26 the perception of wa...
photoreceptive 34 29 relating to photorec...
photoreceptors 32 25 PHOTORECEPTOR, a rec...
photoreduction 30 25 chemical reduction u...
photosensitise 27 20 to make photosensiti...
photosensitive 29 24 sensitive or sensiti...
photosensitize 30 29 to make photosensiti...
photosynthates 35 24 PHOTOSYNTHATE, a pro...
photosyntheses 35 24 PHOTOSYNTHESIS, the...
photosynthesis 36 24 the biochemical proc...
photosynthetic 39 27 relating to photosyn...
phototelegrams 30 25 PHOTOTELEGRAM, a tel...
phototelegraph 33 27 an instrument for tr...
phototherapies 31 24 PHOTOTHERAPY, the tr...
photothermally 39 28 PHOTOTHERMAL, of or...
phototypically 48 31 PHOTOTYPIC, of or pe...
phraseographic 36 29 of or like a phraseo...
phraseological 33 26 expressed in formal...
phraseologists 30 22 PHRASEOLOGIST, one w...
phrenologising 30 26 PHRENOLOGISE, to exa...
phrenologizing 33 35 PHRENOLOGIZE, to exa...
phrontisteries 28 20 PHRONTISTERY, a plac...
phthalocyanine 38 29 any of a group of gr...
phthalocyanins 39 29 PHTHALOCYANIN, any o...
phycoerythrins 46 29 PHYCOERYTHRIN, any o...
phylloquinones 43 35 PHYLLOQUINONE, vitam...
phyllosilicate 41 27 any of a class of si...
phyllotactical 44 30 of or relating to ph...
physharmonicas 40 30 PHYSHARMONICA, an ea...
physicalnesses 38 26 PHYSICALNESS, the st...
physicianships 43 30 PHYSICIANSHIP, the o...
physiognomical 40 31 relating to physiogn...
physiognomists 37 27 PHYSIOGNOMIST, a stu...
physiographers 40 28 PHYSIOGRAPHER, one w...
physiographies 40 28 PHYSIOGRAPHY, physic...
physostigmines 37 27 PHYSOSTIGMINE, an al...
phytobenthoses 37 27 PHYTOBENTHOS, plants...
phytochemicals 45 33 PHYTOCHEMICAL, a che...
phytochemistry 48 31 the chemistry of pla...
phytoestrogens 34 24 PHYTOESTROGEN, a pla...
phytogenetical 38 28 relating to phytogen...
phytogeography 46 32 the geography of pla...
phytologically 48 31 PHYTOLOGICAL, relati...
phytopathogens 38 29 PHYTOPATHOGEN, an or...
phytopathology 46 31 plant pathology [n]
phytoplankters 38 30 PHYTOPLANKTER, a pla...
phytoplanktons 37 31 PHYTOPLANKTON, veget...
phytosociology 45 29 a branch of ecology...
phytotherapies 38 26 PHYTOTHERAPY, the tr...
picayunishness 37 27 PICAYUNISH, petty, p...
picornaviruses 31 26 PICORNAVIRUS, one of...
pictorialising 32 24 PICTORIALISE, to rep...
pictorializing 35 33 PICTORIALIZE, to rep...
picturisations 30 22 PICTURISATION, the a...
picturizations 33 31 PICTURIZATION, the a...
pidginisations 27 22 PIDGINISATION, the p...
pidginizations 30 31 PIDGINIZATION, the p...
piercingnesses 29 24 PIERCINGNESS, the st...
piezochemistry 42 36 the study of the che...
piezomagnetism 31 35 magnetism developed...
pinchcommonses 35 33 PINCHCOMMONS, a nigg...
pinealectomies 29 25 PINEALECTOMY, the su...
pinealectomise 29 25 to remove the pineal...
pinealectomize 32 34 to remove the pineal...
pinnatipartite 27 22 pinnately lobed half...
pipiwharauroas 33 26 PIPIWHARAUROA, (Maor...
pisciculturist 37 26 one engaged in pisci...
pithecanthropi 35 28 PITHECANTHROPUS, any...
pitiablenesses 28 22 PITIABLENESS, the st...
pitilessnesses 27 19 PITILESSNESS, the st...
placablenesses 31 26 PLACABLENESS, the st...
placentologies 30 25 PLACENTOLOGY, the sc...
plagioclimaxes 39 34 PLAGIOCLIMAX, the cl...
plagiotropisms 32 26 PLAGIOTROPISM, the t...
planetological 31 26 relating to planetol...
planetologists 28 22 PLANETOLOGIST, one w...
planlessnesses 26 21 PLANLESSNESS, the st...
plasmaphereses 31 26 PLASMAPHERESIS, the...
plasmapheresis 32 26 the process of separ...
plasterinesses 26 19 PLASTERINESS, the st...
plasticisation 30 22 the act of plasticis...
plasticization 33 31 the act of plasticiz...
plastoquinones 33 30 PLASTOQUINONE, a pla...
platiniridiums 30 24 PLATINIRIDIUM, an al...
platinisations 26 20 PLATINISATION, the p...
platinizations 29 29 PLATINIZATION, the p...
platinocyanide 34 26 a fluorescent comple...
platitudinised 28 22 PLATITUDINISE, to ut...
platitudiniser 28 21 one who utters plati...
platitudinises 28 21 PLATITUDINISE, to ut...
platitudinized 31 31 PLATITUDINIZE, to ut...
platitudinizer 31 30 one who utters plati...
platitudinizes 31 30 PLATITUDINIZE, to ut...
platycephalous 41 30 having the vault of...
platyhelminths 40 29 PLATYHELMINTH, a tap...
platyrrhinians 35 24 PLATYRRHINIAN, someo...
plausibilities 32 23 PLAUSIBILITY, the st...
playwrightings 42 30 PLAYWRIGHTING, the w...
pleasantnesses 24 20 PLEASANTNESS, the st...
pleasingnesses 26 22 PLEASINGNESS, the st...
pleasurability 37 25 the state of being p...
plebifications 34 28 PLEBIFICATION, makin...
plectognathous 32 27 belonging to an orde...
plenipotencies 30 26 PLENIPOTENCY, absolu...
plenipotential 28 24 having absolute powe...
pleonastically 37 26 PLEONASTICAL, relati...
plesiosaurians 26 20 PLESIOSAURIAN, a mem...
plethysmograms 39 30 PLETHYSMOGRAM, a tra...
plethysmograph 42 32 an instrument for me...
pleurapophyses 39 29 PLEURAPOPHYSIS, a la...
pleurapophysis 40 29 a lateral process of...
pleurocenteses 28 23 PLEUROCENTESIS, the...
pleurocentesis 29 23 the surgical punctur...
ploddingnesses 27 24 PLODDINGNESS, the st...
plotlessnesses 27 20 PLOTLESSNESS, the st...
ploughmanships 36 32 PLOUGHMANSHIP, the c...
plumbisolvency 43 36 the ability to disso...
plumbosolvency 42 36 the ability to disso...
pluralisations 28 21 PLURALISATION, the a...
pluralizations 31 30 PLURALIZATION, the a...
pluripresences 32 26 PLURIPRESENCE, prese...
pluviometrical 35 30 relating to pluviome...
pneumaticities 30 25 PNEUMATICITY, the st...
pneumatologies 27 25 PNEUMATOLOGY, the th...
pneumatologist 28 25 a specialist in pneu...
pneumatometers 26 25 PNEUMATOMETER, an in...
pneumatophores 29 27 PNEUMATOPHORE, an up...
pneumobacillus 34 31 a rod-shaped bacteri...
pneumoconioses 27 26 PNEUMOCONIOSIS, a di...
pneumoconiosis 28 26 a disease of the lun...
pneumoconiotic 31 29 a person suffering f...
pneumocystises 36 27 PNEUMOCYSTIS, any pr...
pneumodynamics 36 32 the science of the m...
pneumogastrics 31 27 PNEUMOGASTRIC, the v...
pneumokonioses 25 27 PNEUMOKONIOSIS, a di...
pneumokoniosis 26 27 a disease of the lun...
pneumonologies 26 26 PNEUMONOLOGY, the st...
pneumonologist 27 26 one who studies pneu...
pneumothoraces 30 27 PNEUMOTHORAX, accumu...
pneumothoraxes 33 31 PNEUMOTHORAX, accumu...
pococuranteism 32 28 indifference, also P...
pococurantisms 33 28 POCOCURANTISM, indif...
pococurantists 32 25 POCOCURANTIST, one w...
podophthalmous 34 30 having eyes on stalk...
podsolisations 26 20 PODSOLISATION, the p...
podsolizations 29 29 PODSOLIZATION, the p...
podzolisations 29 29 PODZOLISATION, the p...
podzolizations 32 38 PODZOLIZATION, the p...
poeticalnesses 28 22 POETICALNESS, the st...
poikilothermal 32 28 having a variable bl...
poikilothermic 35 30 having a variable bl...
polarisability 37 24 the ability to be po...
polarizability 40 33 the state of being p...
polarographies 31 25 POLAROGRAPHY, a tech...
polemoniaceous 28 26 belonging to the Pol...
politicalising 33 25 POLITICALISE, to mak...
politicalizing 36 34 POLITICALIZE, to mak...
politicisation 30 22 the act of politicis...
politicization 33 31 the act of politiciz...
pollicitations 31 23 POLLICITATION, a pro...
pollutednesses 27 22 POLLUTEDNESS, the st...
polyacrylamide 44 30 a polyamide of acryl...
polybutadienes 34 26 POLYBUTADIENE, a syn...
polycarbonates 36 27 POLYCARBONATE, any o...
polycarboxylic 55 39 of or like a polycar...
polycarpellary 46 30 of a plant gynoecium...
polychromatism 41 31 being multi-coloured...
polycotyledons 42 28 POLYCOTYLEDON, any o...
polycythaemias 45 30 POLYCYTHAEMIA, a con...
polydactylisms 46 30 POLYDACTYLISM, the s...
polydaemonisms 34 28 POLYDAEMONISM, the b...
polydispersity 43 26 the state of being p...
polyembryonate 40 29 forming more than on...
polyembryonies 41 29 POLYEMBRYONY, the co...
polyhistorians 35 23 POLYHISTORIAN, a per...
polymerisation 33 24 a chemical reaction...
polymerization 36 33 a chemical reaction...
polymorphously 46 32 POLYMORPHOUS, occurr...
polymyositises 41 25 POLYMYOSITIS, inflam...
polyneuritises 33 22 POLYNEURITIS, neurit...
polynomialisms 36 28 POLYNOMIALISM, the s...
polynucleotide 36 27 a polymeric chain of...
polypharmacies 41 31 POLYPHARMACY, treatm...
polyphonically 48 33 POLYPHONIC, having a...
polyphosphoric 45 33 as in polyphosphoric...
polypropylenes 43 30 POLYPROPYLENE, any o...
polyprotodonts 34 25 POLYPROTODONT, any m...
polysaccharide 41 29 a glycan, a carbohyd...
polysaccharose 40 28 any one of a class o...
polysyllabical 48 31 having more than one...
polysyllabisms 46 30 POLYSYLLABISM, the s...
polysyllogisms 45 29 POLYSYLLOGISM, a ser...
polysynthesism 43 28 the state of being p...
polysynthetism 43 28 the state of being p...
polytheistical 40 26 relating to polythei...
polytonalities 33 22 POLYTONALITY, two or...
polyunsaturate 32 23 a fat that is polyun...
polyvinylidene 41 30 any polymer derived...
pontifications 30 25 PONTIFICATION, the a...
popularisation 28 23 the act of popularis...
popularization 31 32 the act of populariz...
populousnesses 28 24 POPULOUSNESS, the st...
porcelainising 30 25 PORCELAINISE, to bak...
porcelainizing 33 34 PORCELAINIZE, to bak...
porcellanising 31 26 PORCELLANISE, to bak...
porcellanizing 34 35 PORCELLANIZE, to bak...
pornifications 30 25 PORNIFICATION, the i...
porphyrogenite 36 27 a Byzantine emperor'...
portentousness 24 20 PORTENTOUS, of, rela...
portulacaceous 32 26 belonging to the lee...
positivenesses 27 22 POSITIVENESS, the st...
possessionates 24 18 POSSESSIONATE, a pos...
possessionless 26 19 POSSESSION [n]
possessiveness 27 22 POSSESSIVE, related...
possessorships 31 22 POSSESSORSHIP, the o...
postadolescent 28 23 someone just out of...
postamputation 28 25 taking place after a...
postcapitalist 33 24 taking place after c...
postcollegiate 31 24 taking place after c...
postconception 32 28 taking place after c...
postconvention 28 27 taking place after a...
postcopulatory 38 27 taking place after c...
postdepression 27 22 after a depression [...
posteriorities 26 17 POSTERIORITY, the st...
posterisations 25 18 POSTERISATION, a vid...
posterizations 28 27 POSTERIZATION, a vid...
posterolateral 26 19 posterior and latera...
postexperience 35 31 taking place after a...
postganglionic 31 27 distal to a ganglion...
postgraduation 26 22 the period of time f...
posthumousness 29 25 the state of being p...
postindustrial 28 21 taking place after a...
postliberation 28 22 taking place after l...
postmastectomy 37 28 taking place after a...
postmastership 32 25 the office of postma...
postmenopausal 28 26 taking place after t...
postmillennial 29 25 coming after or rela...
postmistresses 28 20 POSTMISTRESS, a woma...
postmodernisms 28 25 POSTMODERNISM, a mov...
postmodernists 27 22 POSTMODERNIST, a fol...
postpositional 28 22 relating to postposi...
postpositively 38 27 POSTPOSITIVE, of an...
postproduction 31 26 the period following...
postretirement 26 21 following retirement...
posttensioning 25 22 POSTTENSION, to appl...
posttreatments 26 21 POSTTREATMENT, any t...
postulantships 32 25 POSTULANTSHIP, the o...
potentialities 26 19 POTENTIALITY, the ab...
potentiometers 25 21 POTENTIOMETER, an in...
potentiometric 29 24 relating to measurem...
powerfulnesses 31 26 POWERFULNESS, the st...
practicability 43 29 the state of being p...
practicalities 34 24 PRACTICALITY, the st...
pragmaticality 39 28 the state of being p...
pragmatisation 27 23 the process of pragm...
pragmatization 30 32 the process of pragm...
praiseworthily 39 25 PRAISEWORTHY, worthy...
prankishnesses 28 25 PRANKISHNESS, the st...
prayerlessness 32 21 the state of being p...
preacquainting 37 34 PREACQUAINT, to acqu...
preacquisition 37 31 taking place before...
preadaptations 26 22 PREADAPTATION, a cha...
preadmonishing 29 27 PREADMONISH, to admo...
preadmonitions 25 23 PREADMONITION, the a...
preadolescence 30 26 the period of human...
preadolescents 28 23 PREADOLESCENT, a chi...
preanaesthetic 29 23 a drug administered...
prearrangement 25 24 a preliminary arrang...
precariousness 28 22 the state of being p...
precedentially 36 26 PRECEDENTIAL, of the...
precentorships 33 26 PRECENTORSHIP, the o...
preceptorships 36 28 PRECEPTORSHIP, the o...
precessionally 36 25 PRECESSIONAL, relati...
preciousnesses 28 22 PRECIOUSNESS, the st...
precipitancies 34 27 PRECIPITANCY, the qu...
precipitations 31 24 PRECIPITATION, any f...
precipitinogen 31 27 an antigen that indu...
precociousness 31 25 PRECOCIOUS, exceptio...
precombustions 32 28 PRECOMBUSTION, a pre...
precommitments 32 30 PRECOMMITMENT, a pre...
precompetitive 34 30 denoting a period of...
preconceptions 32 28 PRECONCEPTION, a pre...
preconcertedly 38 28 PRECONCERTED [adv]
preconditioned 27 24 PRECONDITION, to put...
preconisations 27 22 PRECONISATION, the p...
preconizations 30 31 PRECONIZATION, the p...
preconsciouses 31 25 PRECONSCIOUS, the pr...
preconsciously 39 28 PRECONSCIOUS, of mem...
preconsonantal 26 24 preceding a consonan...
preconstructed 32 26 PRECONSTRUCT, to con...
precontracting 32 27 PRECONTRACT, to cont...
preconvictions 33 29 PRECONVICTION, a pre...
predaceousness 27 23 PREDACEOUS, living b...
predaciousness 28 23 PREDACIOUS, living b...
predefinitions 27 23 PREDEFINITION, the a...
predesignating 27 24 PREDESIGNATE, to spe...
predesignation 25 22 the act of predesign...
predesignatory 32 23 specifying beforehan...
predestinarian 24 20 one who believes in...
predestinating 26 22 PREDESTINATE, to det...
predestination 24 20 the act of predestin...
predestinative 27 23 tending to predestin...
predestinators 25 19 PREDESTINATOR, one t...
predeterminate 25 22 determined in advanc...
predeterminers 26 22 PREDETERMINER, a lim...
predetermining 27 25 PREDETERMINE, to for...
predeterminism 28 25 determinism [n -S]
predevaluation 27 25 preceding a devaluat...
predevelopment 30 30 a preliminary develo...
predicableness 31 26 PREDICABLE, capable...
predictability 40 27 the state of being p...
prediscoveries 31 25 PREDISCOVERY, a prel...
predisposition 28 22 an inclination [n -S...
predominancies 28 26 PREDOMINANCY, the st...
predominations 25 23 PREDOMINATION, the a...
preestablished 31 24 PREESTABLISH, to est...
preestablishes 31 23 PREESTABLISH, to est...
prefabricating 34 29 PREFABRICATE, to mak...
prefabrication 32 27 the act of prefabric...
prefabricators 33 26 PREFABRICATOR, one w...
preferableness 29 25 the state of being p...
preferentially 35 25 PREFERENTIAL, showin...
prefigurations 29 24 PREFIGURATION, the a...
prefigurements 30 27 PREFIGUREMENT, the a...
preformulating 31 28 PREFORMULATE, to for...
pregnabilities 30 24 PREGNABILITY, the st...
prehensilities 29 21 PREHENSILITY, the st...
preinterviewed 30 26 PREINTERVIEW, to int...
prejudications 31 32 PREJUDICATION, the a...
premandibulars 30 27 PREMANDIBULAR, a bon...
premanufacture 31 29 to manufacture in ad...
premaxillaries 35 29 PREMAXILLARY, the pr...
premedications 29 25 PREMEDICATION, drugs...
premeditatedly 34 25 PREMEDITATED [adv]
premeditations 26 22 PREMEDITATION, an ac...
premenstrually 35 26 PREMENSTRUAL, taking...
premillenarian 27 24 a believer in the pr...
premonishments 29 27 PREMONISHMENT, the a...
prenegotiating 26 23 PRENEGOTIATE, to neg...
prenegotiation 24 21 negotiation in advan...
prenominations 24 23 PRENOMINATION, the a...
preoccupancies 36 31 PREOCCUPANCY, an act...
preoccupations 33 28 PREOCCUPATION, an ac...
preoperational 26 22 preceding an operati...
preoperatively 36 27 PREOPERATIVE, occurr...
preordainments 25 23 PREORDAINMENT, a pre...
preordinations 24 20 PREORDINATION, the a...
preparednesses 26 22 PREPAREDNESS, the st...
preperformance 32 30 preceding a performa...
preponderances 28 26 PREPONDERANCE, a sup...
preponderantly 33 26 PREPONDERANT, having...
preponderately 33 25 PREPONDERATE, surpas...
preponderating 27 25 PREPONDERATE, to sur...
preponderation 25 23 the act of preponder...
prepossessions 27 21 PREPOSSESSION, a fix...
preposterously 35 24 PREPOSTEROUS, contra...
preproductions 31 26 PREPRODUCTION, a pre...
preprogramming 32 31 the act of programmi...
prepsychedelic 44 32 preceding a psychede...
prepubescences 35 31 PREPUBESCENCE, prepu...
prepublication 34 29 an advance publicati...
preregistering 28 22 PREREGISTER, to regi...
prerevisionist 28 22 preceding revisionis...
presanctifying 38 29 PRESANCTIFY, to sanc...
presbyterially 43 26 PRESBYTERIAL, relati...
presbyterships 40 27 PRESBYTERSHIP, the o...
prescriptively 42 30 PRESCRIPTIVE, servin...
prescriptivism 37 30 the belief that mora...
prescriptivist 36 27 an adherent of presc...
presentability 35 24 the state of being p...
presentational 24 20 relating to presenta...
presentimental 26 23 relating to presenti...
presentiveness 26 23 PRESENTIVE [n]
preservability 38 27 the state of being p...
preservatories 27 21 PRESERVATORY, someth...
presidentesses 25 19 PRESIDENTESS, a fema...
presidentially 34 23 PRESIDENTIAL, relati...
presidentships 31 24 PRESIDENTSHIP, the o...
pressingnesses 26 21 PRESSINGNESS, the st...
pressurisation 26 19 the act of pressuris...
pressurization 29 28 the act of pressuriz...
presterilising 29 21 PRESTERILISE, to ste...
presterilizing 32 30 PRESTERILIZE, to ste...
prestructuring 32 25 PRESTRUCTURE, to str...
presumptuously 38 29 PRESUMPTUOUS, overst...
presupposition 30 25 a preliminary suppos...
presymptomatic 40 31 preceding a symptom...
pretenderships 30 24 PRETENDERSHIP, the o...
pretensionless 25 20 PRETENSION [n]
pretermination 25 22 a preliminary termin...
pretermissions 27 21 PRETERMISSION, the a...
preterperfects 33 26 PRETERPERFECT, the p...
prettification 31 24 the act of prettifyi...
preunification 30 26 preceding a unificat...
prevarications 30 25 PREVARICATION, the a...
preventability 37 28 the state of being p...
preventibility 38 28 the state of being p...
preventiveness 28 27 PREVENTIVE, serving...
previousnesses 27 23 PREVIOUSNESS, the st...
prevocalically 43 32 PREVOCALIC, before a...
pridefulnesses 29 24 PRIDEFULNESS, the st...
priestlinesses 27 19 PRIESTLINESS, the st...
priggishnesses 31 24 PRIGGISHNESS, the st...
primatological 33 27 relating to primatol...
primatologists 30 23 PRIMATOLOGIST, one w...
primogenitives 30 27 PRIMOGENITIVE, (Shak...
primogenitures 28 24 PRIMOGENITURE, an ex...
primordialisms 31 25 PRIMORDIALISM, belie...
princelinesses 29 23 PRINCELINESS, the st...
principalities 33 25 PRINCIPALITY, the st...
principalships 38 30 PRINCIPALSHIP, the o...
printabilities 30 22 PRINTABILITY, the st...
prioritisation 26 18 the act of prioritis...
prioritization 29 27 the act of prioritiz...
privatisations 28 22 PRIVATISATION, the a...
privatizations 31 31 PRIVATIZATION, the a...
prizefightings 37 36 PRIZEFIGHTING, profe...
probabiliorism 33 27 the belief that when...
probabiliorist 32 24 a believer in probab...
probationaries 26 21 PROBATIONARY, one wh...
proceleusmatic 34 28 inciting; encouragin...
processability 39 26 the state of being p...
processibility 40 26 the state of being p...
processionally 36 25 PROCESSIONAL, of or...
processionings 29 24 PROCESSIONING, the a...
proconsulships 35 28 PROCONSULSHIP, the o...
procrastinated 28 22 PROCRASTINATE, to pu...
procrastinates 28 21 PROCRASTINATE, to pu...
procrastinator 28 21 one who procrastinat...
procryptically 50 32 PROCRYPTIC, pertaini...
procuratorship 34 26 the office of procur...
prodigiosities 28 20 PRODIGIOSITY, being...
prodigiousness 27 22 the state of being p...
productibility 41 28 the state of being p...
productiveness 31 27 PRODUCTIVE, having t...
productivities 33 26 PRODUCTIVITY, the st...
professionally 35 25 PROFESSIONAL, of, be...
professoresses 27 20 PROFESSORESS, a fema...
professorially 36 24 PROFESSORIAL, of or...
professoriates 27 20 PROFESSORIATE, the b...
professorships 33 25 PROFESSORSHIP, the o...
profitableness 30 25 PROFITABLE, yielding...
profoundnesses 26 24 PROFOUNDNESS, the st...
progenitorship 31 25 the state of being a...
progenitresses 26 20 PROGENITRESS, a fema...
progestational 26 21 preceding pregnancy...
prognosticated 29 24 PROGNOSTICATE, to fo...
prognosticates 29 23 PROGNOSTICATE, to fo...
prognosticator 29 23 one who prognosticat...
progressionary 32 22 showing progression...
progressionism 28 23 sympathy with or adv...
progressionist 27 20 a supporter of progr...
progressivisms 32 26 PROGRESSIVISM, sympa...
progressivists 31 23 PROGRESSIVIST, an up...
prohibitionary 36 25 serving to prohibit...
prohibitionism 32 26 support for prohibit...
prohibitionist 31 23 one who favors prohi...
projectionists 31 30 PROJECTIONIST, one t...
projectisation 30 30 the direction of aid...
projectivities 34 33 PROJECTIVITY, the st...
projectization 33 39 the direction of aid...
proletarianise 25 19 to make proletarian,...
proletarianism 27 22 belief in the prolet...
proletarianize 28 28 to reduce to a prole...
proliferations 28 22 PROLIFERATION, a rap...
prolifications 32 25 PROLIFICATION, the p...
prolificnesses 32 25 PROLIFICNESS, the st...
prolocutorship 35 27 the office of a prol...
pronominalised 26 24 PRONOMINALISE, to ma...
pronominalises 26 23 PRONOMINALISE, to ma...
pronominalized 29 33 PRONOMINALIZE, to ma...
pronominalizes 29 32 PRONOMINALIZE, to ma...
pronouncements 27 27 PRONOUNCEMENT, a sta...
pronuclearists 30 23 PRONUCLEARIST, one i...
pronunciamento 27 27 an official or autho...
pronunciations 27 24 PRONUNCIATION, the a...
propaedeutical 31 26 of or like a propaed...
propagableness 30 27 PROPAGABLE, capable...
propagandisers 28 24 PROPAGANDISER, one w...
propagandising 29 27 PROPAGANDISE, to sub...
propagandistic 32 27 related to propagand...
propagandizers 31 33 PROPAGANDIZER, one w...
propagandizing 32 36 PROPAGANDIZE, to sub...
proparoxytones 38 30 PROPAROXYTONE, in an...
propensenesses 25 22 PROPENSENESS, the st...
properispomena 29 27 PROPERISPOMENON, a w...
propitiatories 28 20 PROPITIATORY, the me...
propitiatorily 36 23 PROPITIATORY, servin...
propitiousness 28 22 the state of being p...
proportionable 29 25 proportional, propor...
proportionably 36 27 PROPORTIONABLE, prop...
proportionally 35 25 PROPORTIONAL, relati...
proportionated 26 22 PROPORTIONATE, to ma...
proportionates 26 21 PROPORTIONATE, to ma...
proportionings 28 24 PROPORTIONING, an ad...
proportionless 28 22 without proportion [...
proportionment 27 25 the act of proportio...
propositioning 28 24 PROPOSITION, to make...
proprietorship 33 25 the office of propri...
proprietresses 28 20 PROPRIETRESS, a woma...
proprioception 32 27 the sense of muscula...
proprioceptive 35 30 relating to proprioc...
proprioceptors 33 26 PROPRIOCEPTOR, a sen...
proscriptively 42 30 PROSCRIPTIVE, relati...
prosectorships 34 25 PROSECTORSHIP, the s...
prosencephalic 36 30 relating to the pros...
prosencephalon 31 28 the forebrain [n PRO...
prosopagnosias 27 23 PROSOPAGNOSIA, inabi...
prosopographer 32 27 a writer of prosopog...
prosperousness 27 22 PROSPEROUS, thriving...
prostaglandins 27 23 PROSTAGLANDIN, any o...
prosthetically 40 26 PROSTHETIC, relating...
prosthodontias 27 21 PROSTHODONTIA, the p...
prosthodontics 31 24 the provision of fal...
prosthodontist 28 21 a specialist in pros...
protectionisms 30 24 PROTECTIONISM, a sup...
protectionists 29 21 PROTECTIONIST, an ad...
protectiveness 30 25 the state of being p...
protectorships 34 25 PROTECTORSHIP, the o...
prothonotarial 27 21 of or like a prothon...
prothonotariat 26 20 the college constitu...
prothonotaries 26 20 PROTHONOTARY, a cour...
protistologies 28 20 PROTISTOLOGY, the st...
protistologist 29 20 a specialist in prot...
protoactiniums 30 25 PROTOACTINIUM, a rad...
protochordates 30 23 PROTOCHORDATE, a mem...
protohistorian 27 20 one who studies prot...
protohistories 28 19 PROTOHISTORY, the st...
protolanguages 27 24 PROTOLANGUAGE, an as...
protonotariats 24 18 PROTONOTARIAT, the c...
protoplanetary 33 24 of or like a protopl...
protoplasmatic 33 27 of or like protoplas...
protoporphyrin 38 28 metal-free porphyrin...
protospataires 27 20 PROTOSPATAIRE, the c...
protospathaire 29 22 (historical) the cap...
prototypically 46 29 PROTOTYPICAL, relati...
protozoologies 29 29 PROTOZOOLOGY, the st...
protozoologist 30 29 one who studies prot...
protractedness 28 22 PROTRACTED [n]
protrusiveness 28 23 PROTRUSIVE, thrustin...
protuberancies 30 25 PROTUBERANCY, a swel...
protuberations 27 22 PROTUBERATION, a swe...
provablenesses 29 26 PROVABLENESS, the st...
proveabilities 31 25 PROVEABILITY, the ca...
proventricular 32 27 relating to the prov...
proventriculus 33 28 the first part of a...
proverbialised 31 26 PROVERBIALISE, to ma...
proverbialises 31 25 PROVERBIALISE, to ma...
proverbialisms 33 28 PROVERBIALISM, a say...
proverbialists 32 25 PROVERBIALIST, one w...
proverbialized 34 35 PROVERBIALIZE, to ma...
proverbializes 34 34 PROVERBIALIZE, to ma...
providentially 36 27 PROVIDENTIAL, of, re...
provincialised 32 27 PROVINCIALISE, to ma...
provincialises 32 26 PROVINCIALISE, to ma...
provincialisms 34 29 PROVINCIALISM, a dia...
provincialists 33 26 PROVINCIALIST, a nat...
provincialized 35 36 PROVINCIALIZE, to ma...
provincializes 35 35 PROVINCIALIZE, to ma...
provisionaries 27 22 PROVISIONARY, someth...
prudentialisms 29 24 PRUDENTIALISM, a sys...
prudentialists 28 21 PRUDENTIALIST, one w...
psephoanalyses 35 26 PSEPHOANALYSIS, the...
psephoanalysis 36 26 the sociological and...
pseudaesthesia 27 21 imaginary feeling or...
pseudarthroses 28 21 PSEUDARTHROSIS, a jo...
pseudarthrosis 29 21 a joint formed by fi...
pseudepigrapha 33 29 spurious writings, e...
pseudepigraphs 34 29 PSEUDEPIGRAPH, a boo...
pseudepigraphy 40 31 the ascription of fa...
pseudoclassics 34 26 PSEUDOCLASSIC, an im...
pseudographies 31 26 PSEUDOGRAPHY, unsati...
pseudomembrane 28 29 a false membrane [n...
pseudomorphism 33 30 the state of being p...
pseudomorphous 31 28 of or like a pseudom...
pseudonymities 33 25 PSEUDONYMITY, the st...
pseudonymously 40 29 PSEUDONYMOUS, using...
pseudopregnant 27 26 relating to pseudopr...
pseudosciences 31 26 PSEUDOSCIENCE, a sys...
pseudoscorpion 30 26 any of various small...
pseudosolution 26 22 a false solution [n...
pseudosymmetry 41 29 a deceptively close...
psilanthropies 31 24 PSILANTHROPY, the be...
psilanthropism 33 27 the denial of Christ...
psilanthropist 32 24 one who denies Chris...
psychasthenias 39 27 PSYCHASTHENIA, an in...
psychasthenics 43 30 PSYCHASTHENIC, one s...
psychoacoustic 44 31 relating to psychoac...
psychoanalysed 43 29 PSYCHOANALYSE, to su...
psychoanalyser 43 28 one who psychoanalys...
psychoanalyses 43 28 PSYCHOANALYSE [n]
psychoanalysis 44 28 the treatment of neu...
psychoanalysts 44 28 PSYCHOANALYST, a pra...
psychoanalytic 47 31 of, relating to, or...
psychoanalyzed 46 38 PSYCHOANALYZE, to su...
psychoanalyzer 46 37 one who psychoanalyz...
psychoanalyzes 46 37 PSYCHOANALYZE, to su...
psychobabblers 45 34 PSYCHOBABBLER, one w...
psychobiologic 45 33 relating to psychobi...
psychochemical 48 36 a psychoactive chemi...
psychodramatic 42 31 relating to psychodr...
psychodynamics 48 34 PSYCHODYNAMIC [n]
psychogalvanic 44 35 as in psychogalvanic...
psychogenetics 41 30 the study of interna...
psychographics 47 34 the quantitive study...
psychographies 43 31 PSYCHOGRAPHY, the pr...
psycholinguist 41 29 a student of psychol...
psychologising 41 30 PSYCHOLOGISE, to spe...
psychologistic 44 30 relating to psycholo...
psychologizing 44 39 PSYCHOLOGIZE, to spe...
psychometrical 43 31 relating to psychome...
psychometrists 40 27 PSYCHOMETRIST, one w...
psychoneuroses 36 26 PSYCHONEUROSIS, neur...
psychoneurosis 37 26 neurosis [n PSYCHONE...
psychoneurotic 40 29 relating to psychone...
psychopathists 43 29 PSYCHOPATHIST, a stu...
psychophysical 53 35 of or relating to ps...
psychosexually 52 36 PSYCHOSEXUAL, of or...
psychosocially 49 31 PSYCHOSOCIAL, involv...
psychosomatics 42 30 the study of psychos...
psychosurgeons 38 28 PSYCHOSURGEON, a pra...
psychosurgical 44 31 relating to psychosu...
psychotechnics 46 33 the practical applic...
psychrometries 39 27 PSYCHROMETRY, measur...
pteridological 32 25 relating to pteridol...
pteridologists 29 21 PTERIDOLOGIST, one w...
pteridophilist 33 24 a fern-lover [n -S]
pteridophytous 37 26 of or like a pterido...
pterylographic 42 30 relating to pterylog...
pugilistically 42 28 PUGILISTICAL, relate...
pugnaciousness 29 26 PUGNACIOUS, having a...
pulmonologists 30 26 PULMONOLOGIST, a con...
pulverisations 29 24 PULVERISATION, the p...
pulverizations 32 33 PULVERIZATION, the a...
punctuationist 29 24 a believer in punctu...
punitivenesses 27 24 PUNITIVENESS, the st...
pupilabilities 34 26 PUPILABILITY, an int...
purblindnesses 29 25 PURBLINDNESS, the st...
purchasability 42 29 the quality of being...
purposefulness 31 27 PURPOSEFUL, showing...
putrescibility 41 27 the state of being p...
pycnidiospores 37 27 PYCNIDIOSPORE, a con...
pyelonephritic 40 29 relating to pyelonep...
pyelonephritis 37 26 inflammation of both...
pyramidologies 35 26 PYRAMIDOLOGY, the st...
pyramidologist 36 26 a specialist in pyra...
pyrenomycetous 41 29 belonging to the Pyr...
pyrheliometers 36 25 PYRHELIOMETER, an in...
pyrheliometric 40 28 relating to measurem...
pyrimethamines 36 28 PYRIMETHAMINE, a dru...
pyrochemically 50 34 PYROCHEMICAL, relati...
pyrogenicities 36 25 PYROGENICITY, the st...
pyrometallurgy 43 29 chemical metallurgy...
pyrometrically 45 29 PYROMETRICAL, relati...
pyroninophilic 40 30 having an affinity f...
pyrophosphates 40 29 PYROPHOSPHATE, a sal...
pyrophosphoric 44 32 as in pyrophosphoric...
pyrophotograph 41 31 a burnt-in photograp...
pyrophotometer 36 27 a type of pyrometer...
pyrophotometry 43 29 the measurement of t...
pyrotechnician 39 29 one who makes firewo...