5 letter words that start with P

5 letter words that start with P

5 letter P word


Words With Friends®


paals 11 9 PAAL, in the Caribbe...
paans 9 9 PAAN, betel leaf [n]
pacas 13 11 PACA, a South Americ...
paced 13 12 PACE, to walk with m...
pacer 13 11 a horse whose gait i...
paces 13 11 PACE, to walk with m...
pacey 19 13 fast, lively, smart,...
pacha 15 13 a former Turkish hig...
packs 15 15 PACK, to enclose for...
pacos 13 11 PACO, an alpaca [n]
pacta 13 11 PACTUM, (Latin) a pa...
pacts 14 11 PACT, an agreement [...
paddy 17 12 a rice field, also P...
padis 11 9 PADI, a rice field,...
padle 11 10 (Scots) a fish, aka...
padma 11 12 (Sanskrit) the sacre...
padre 10 9 (Italian) father; a...
padri 11 9 PADRE, (Italian) fat...
paean 8 9 a song of thanksgivi...
paedo 9 9 (short for) a paedop...
paeon 8 9 a foot of four sylla...
pagan 10 11 an irreligious perso...
paged 11 11 PAGE, to summon by c...
pager 11 10 an electronic device...
pages 11 10 PAGE, to summon by c...
pagle 12 11 the cowslip, also PA...
pagod 11 11 an Eastern temple, e...
pagri 12 10 (Hindi) a turban, a...
paiks 12 12 PAIK, (Scots) to thu...
pails 12 9 PAIL, a watertight c...
pains 10 9 PAIN, to cause suffe...
paint 10 9 to apply colour with...
paire 10 8 (obsolete) an apheti...
pairs 11 8 PAIR, to arrange in...
paisa 10 8 (Hindi) an Indian co...
paise 10 8 PAISA, (Hindi) an In...
pakka 12 16 (Hindi) genuine; fir...
palas 11 9 (Hindi) a leguminous...
palay 17 11 the ivory tree, a sm...
palea 10 9 the membranous inner...
paled 11 10 PALE, to lose colour...
paler 11 9 PALE, lacking colour...
pales 11 9 PALE, to lose colour...
palet 11 9 the membranous inner...
palis 12 9 PALI, (Hawaiian) a c...
palki 13 13 (Hindi) a palanquin,...
palla 12 10 an oblong rectangula...
palls 13 10 PALL, to grow wearis...
pally 19 12 marked by close frie...
palms 13 12 PALM, to touch with...
palmy 19 14 a stroke on the palm...
palpi 14 12 PALPUS, (Latin) a se...
palps 14 12 PALP, to sense by to...
palsa 11 9 (Finnish) a landform...
palsy 18 11 pally, being pals [a...
pampa 13 14 a treeless plain, al...
panax 15 16 (Greek) a tree of th...
pance 12 12 (obsolete) the pansy...
panda 9 10 a bear-like carnivor...
pands 10 10 PAND, (Scots) the va...
pandy 16 12 to punish by strikin...
paned 9 10 PANE, to insert pane...
panel 10 10 to decorate with thi...
panes 9 9 PANE, to insert pane...
panga 10 11 (Swahili) an African...
pangs 11 11 PANG, to inflict a v...
panic 13 12 to experience great...
panim 11 12 a heathen, also PAYN...
panko 10 13 a variety of breadcr...
panne 8 10 a heavy lustrous sil...
pansy 16 11 a name for various s...
panto 9 9 (short for) pantomim...
pants 10 9 PANT, to breathe qui...
panty 16 11 a woman's or child's...
paoli 11 9 PAOLO, an obsolete p...
paolo 10 9 an obsolete papal co...
papal 13 12 of or relating to th...
papas 12 11 PAPA, a father [n]
papaw 15 14 a tree of the custar...
paper 12 11 to cover with a thin...
papes 12 11 PAPE, (Scots) a pope...
pappi 15 14 PAPPUS, a ring of do...
pappy 21 16 a father [n PAPPIES]...
parae 9 8 PARA, a small Turkis...
paras 10 8 PARA, a small Turkis...
parch 16 13 to make very dry [v...
pardi 11 9 (Shakespeare) assure...
pards 11 9 PARD, a leopard, als...
pardy 17 11 (Shakespeare) assure...
pared 10 9 PARE, to shave or cu...
paren 9 9 (short for) parenthe...
pareo 9 8 a Polynesian wraparo...
parer 10 8 an instrument for pa...
pares 10 8 PARE, to shave or cu...
pareu 10 9 a Polynesian wraparo...
parev 12 12 (Yiddish) of food, c...
parge 11 10 to cover with plaste...
pargo 11 10 (Spanish) a kind of...
paris 11 8 a plant, herb Paris,...
parka 11 12 a fur shirt or coat...
parki 12 12 a fur shirt or coat...
parks 12 12 PARK, to leave a veh...
parky 18 14 (colloquial) chilly...
parle 11 9 to discuss terms wit...
parly 18 11 (Scots) a gingerbrea...
parol 11 9 given by word of mou...
parps 13 11 PARP, to sound a car...
parra 10 8 (Australian slang) a...
parrs 11 8 PARR, a young salmon...
parry 17 10 to ward off a blow [...
parse 10 8 to describe and anal...
parti 11 8 (French) a group of...
parts 11 8 PART, to divide, sep...
party 17 10 to attend a social g...
parve 12 12 (Yiddish) of food, c...
parvo 12 12 (short for) a parvov...
paseo 9 8 (Spanish) a walk; a...
pases 10 8 PASE, (Spanish) a mo...
pasha 12 10 a former Turkish hig...
pashm 14 13 the fine underfleece...
paska 11 12 (Russian) a Russian...
paspy 19 13 (French) a Breton da...
passe 10 8 (French) out of date...
pasta 10 8 a food made of dough...
paste 10 8 to fasten with a sti...
pasts 11 8 PAST, time gone by [...
pasty 17 10 pale and unhealthy i...
patch 16 13 to mend or cover a h...
pated 10 9 having a pate [adj]
paten 9 9 a plate; a metal dis...
pater 10 8 a father [n -S]
pates 10 8 PATE, the top of the...
paths 13 10 PATH, (Shakespeare)...
patin 10 9 (obsolete) a plate;...
patio 10 8 an outdoor paved are...
patka 11 12 a scarf worn as a he...
patly 18 11 PAT, hitting the mar...
patsy 17 10 a person who is easi...
patte 10 8 a narrow band keepin...
patty 17 10 a small, flat cake o...
patus 11 9 PATU, (Maori) a shor...
pauas 10 9 PAUA, (Maori) the ab...
pauls 12 10 PAUL, an obsolete pa...
pause 10 9 to stop temporarily...
pavan 11 13 a slow, stately danc...
paved 12 13 PAVE, to cover with...
paven 11 13 a stately English Re...
paver 12 12 a person who lays pa...
paves 12 12 PAVE, to cover with...
pavid 13 13 afraid; timid [adj]
pavin 12 13 a stately English Re...
pavis 13 12 a large medieval shi...
pawas 13 11 PAWA, (Maori) the ab...
pawaw 16 14 (Native American) a...
pawed 13 12 PAW, to draw the for...
pawer 13 11 one who paws [n -S]
pawks 15 15 PAWK, a trick [n]
pawky 21 17 (Scots) drily or sli...
pawls 15 12 PAWL, a lever which...
pawns 13 12 PAWN, to deposit as...
paxes 16 15 PAX, (Latin) peace,...
payed 16 11 PAY, to give money i...
payee 15 10 one to whom money is...
payer 16 10 one who pays, also P...
payor 16 10 one who pays, also P...
paysd 17 11 (Spenser) poised [v]
peace 12 11 a state of quiet [n...
peach 15 13 to inform against so...
peage 10 10 a form of currency o...
peags 11 10 PEAG, a form of curr...
peaks 11 12 PEAK, to reach a max...
peaky 17 14 off-colour, unwell [...
peals 11 9 PEAL, to ring out [v...
peans 9 9 PEAN, to beat with a...
peare 9 8 (Spenser) a peer, an...
pearl 11 9 to adorn with a milk...
pears 10 8 PEAR, a fleshy fruit...
peart 10 8 active, lively, bris...
pease 9 8 (obsolete) to balanc...
peats 10 8 PEAT, a substance co...
peaty 16 10 of or like peat [adj...
peavy 18 14 a lever used to move...
peaze 12 17 to weigh, also PEISE...
pebas 12 11 PEBA, a large armadi...
pecan 12 12 a nut-bearing tree [...
pechs 16 13 PECH, (Scots) to pan...
pecke 14 15 (Shakespeare) to pit...
pecks 15 15 PECK, to strike with...
pecky 21 17 marked by decay caus...
pedal 11 10 to operate by means...
pedes 10 9 PES, a foot or footl...
pedro 10 9 a card game [n -S]
peece 12 11 (obsolete) a piece [...
peeks 11 12 PEEK, to sneak a sly...
peels 11 9 PEEL, to remove the...
peens 9 9 PEEN, to beat with a...
peeoy 15 10 (Scots) a homemade f...
peepe 11 11 (Shakespeare) a pip...
peeps 12 11 PEEP, to cheep like...
peers 10 8 PEER, to look narrow...
peery 16 10 a wooden spinning to...
peeve 11 12 to irritate [v PEEVE...
peggy 19 14 resembling a peg [ad...
peghs 14 12 PEGH, (Scots) to pan...
peins 10 9 PEIN, to beat with a...
peise 10 8 to weigh, also PEASE...
peize 13 17 to weigh, also PEISE...
pekan 10 13 a large North Americ...
pekes 11 12 PEKE, a small, long-...
pekin 11 13 a fine soft silk fab...
pekoe 10 12 (Chinese) a kind of...
pelas 11 9 PELA, a type of whit...
pelau 11 10 a dish made with mea...
peles 11 9 PELE, (historical) a...
pelfs 14 12 PELF, wealth or rich...
pells 13 10 PELL [n]
pelma 12 12 an impression showin...
pelon 10 10 a hairless person or...
pelta 11 9 an ancient small shi...
pelts 12 9 PELT, to shower blow...
penal 10 10 pertaining to punish...
pence 12 12 in the United Kingdo...
pends 10 10 PEND, to remain unse...
pendu 10 11 (Hinglish) culturall...
pened 9 10 PENE, to beat with a...
penes 9 9 PENE, to beat with a...
pengo 10 11 a former monetary un...
penie 9 9 (Spenser) a penny, a...
penis 10 9 the male organ used...
penks 11 13 PENK, a minnow, a sm...
penna 8 10 any of the feathers...
penne 8 10 (Spenser) a pen, a p...
penni 9 10 a Finnish coin [n PE...
penny 15 12 a coin of the United...
pents 10 9 PENT, a penthouse [n...
peons 9 9 PEON, (Spanish) a da...
peony 15 11 a showy flower, also...
pepla 13 12 PEPLUM, a flounce at...
pepos 12 11 PEPO, a fruit having...
peppy 21 16 full of energy [adj...
pepsi 13 11 (offensive) a French...
perai 10 8 a ferocious, carnivo...
perce 13 11 (Spenser) to pierce,...
perch 16 13 to sit in an elevate...
percs 14 11 PERC, (short for) pe...
perdu 11 10 (Shakespeare) a sold...
perdy 17 11 (Shakespeare) assure...
perea 9 8 PEREON, a crustacean...
peres 10 8 PERE, (French) fathe...
peril 12 9 to put in danger, al...
peris 11 8 PERI, a supernatural...
perks 12 12 PERK, to carry onese...
perky 18 14 cheerful, lively [ad...
perms 12 11 PERM, to permanent w...
perns 10 9 PERN [n]
perog 11 10 (Russian) a large Ru...
perps 13 11 PERP, (colloquial) s...
perry 17 10 a beverage of pear j...
perse 10 8 a dark blue colour [...
perst 11 8 PERSE, (Spenser) to...
perts 11 8 PERT, an impudent pe...
perve 12 12 (short for) a perver...
pervo 12 12 a pervert, also PERV...
pervs 13 12 PERV, to behave as a...
pervy 19 14 perverted [adj PERVI...
pesky 18 14 annoying [adj PESKIE...
pesos 10 8 PESO, a monetary uni...
pesto 10 8 an Italian sauce of...
pests 11 8 PEST, an annoying pe...
pesty 17 10 annoying [adj PESTIE...
petal 11 9 a leaflike part of a...
petar 10 8 an explosive device,...
peter 10 8 to diminish graduall...
petit 11 8 (French) small, esp....
petre 10 8 (colloquial) saltpet...
petri 11 8 as in petri dish, a...
petti 11 8 PETTO, (Latin) breas...
petto 10 8 (Latin) breast, as i...
petty 17 10 insignificant [adj P...
pewee 12 11 a small, olive-brown...
pewit 14 11 a bird, the lapwing...
peyse 16 10 to weigh, also PEISE...
phage 13 12 (short for) a bacter...
phang 13 13 (Shakespeare) to sei...
phare 12 10 a lighthouse or beac...
pharm 14 13 to redirect computer...
phase 12 10 to carry out in dist...
pheer 12 10 a companion, also FE...
phene 11 11 an old name for the...
pheon 11 11 the barbed head of a...
phese 12 10 to unsettle, also FA...
phial 14 11 to keep in a small b...
phish 16 12 to engage in phishin...
phizz 20 28 (colloquial) physiog...
phlox 20 18 any plant of the Nor...
phoca 15 13 a genus of seals tha...
phone 11 11 to telephone [v PHON...
phono 11 11 (colloquial) a recor...
phons 12 11 PHON, a unit of loud...
phony 18 13 not genuine or real,...
photo 12 10 (colloquial) to phot...
phots 13 10 PHOT, a unit of the...
phpht 18 15 used as an expressio...
phuts 14 11 PHUT, to make a soun...
phyla 20 13 PHYLUM, a main taxon...
phyle 20 13 (Greek) in ancient G...
piani 10 9 PIANO, a pianoforte...
piano 9 9 a pianoforte [n PIAN...
pians 10 9 PIAN, a tropical dis...
pibal 14 12 a small balloon for...
pical 15 12 relating to pica, a...
picas 14 11 PICA, an old type si...
piccy 24 16 (slang) a picture [n...
picks 16 15 PICK, to choose [v]
picky 22 17 choosy, fastidious [...
picot 14 11 to edge with ornamen...
picra 14 11 a purgative made fro...
picul 16 13 a Chinese weight, al...
piece 13 11 to join into a whole...
piend 10 10 an outward pointing...
piers 11 8 PIER, a structure ex...
piert 11 8 a small plant with s...
pieta 10 8 (Italian) a represen...
piets 11 8 PIET, a magpie, also...
piety 17 10 the state of being p...
piezo 13 17 (short for) piezoele...
piggy 20 14 piggish [adj PIGGIER...
pight 15 12 to pitch (e.g. a ten...
pigmy 20 15 a small person, also...
piing 12 11 PI, to mix type indi...
pikas 12 12 PIKA, any of various...
pikau 12 13 (Maori) a rucksack [...
piked 12 13 PIKE, to pierce with...
piker 12 12 a stingy person, a c...
pikes 12 12 PIKE, to pierce with...
pikey 18 14 a derogatory word fo...
pikis 13 12 PIKI, thin blue corn...
pikul 14 14 a Chinese weight, al...
pilae 11 9 PILA, an anatomical...
pilaf 14 12 a dish made from sea...
pilao 11 9 a dish made from sea...
pilar 12 9 pertaining to hair [...
pilau 12 10 -(Persian) a dish of...
pilaw 15 12 a dish made from sea...
pilch 18 14 (archaic) a gown or...
pilea 11 9 the gunpowder plant...
piled 12 10 PILE, to lay one upo...
pilei 12 9 PILEUS, the umbrella...
piler 12 9 one who places thing...
piles 12 9 PILE, to lay one upo...
pilis 13 9 PILI, the nut of tre...
pills 14 10 PILL, to administer...
pilot 12 9 to control the cours...
pilow 15 12 a dish made from sea...
pilum 14 13 a heavy Roman javeli...
pilus 13 10 (Latin) a hair or ha...
pimas 12 11 PIMA, a strong, high...
pimps 15 14 PIMP, to solicit cli...
pinas 10 9 PINA, a fine cloth w...
pinch 16 14 to squeeze between t...
pined 10 10 PINE, to languish wi...
pines 10 9 PINE, to languish wi...
piney 16 11 covered with pine tr...
pingo 11 11 (Inuit) a cone-shape...
pings 12 11 PING, to produce a b...
pinko 11 13 a person who is some...
pinks 12 13 PINK, to cut a saw-t...
pinky 18 15 somewhat pink [adj P...
pinna 9 10 a leaflet, wing or f...
pinny 16 12 (short for) pinafore...
pinon 9 10 (Spanish) an edible...
pinot 10 9 (French) a variety o...
pinta 10 9 a skin disease wides...
pinto 10 9 (Spanish) a spotted...
pints 11 9 PINT, a measure of c...
pinup 13 13 a picture that may b...
pions 10 9 PION, an elementary...
piony 16 11 (obsolete) a peony,...
pious 11 9 marked by religious...
pioye 16 10 (Scots) a homemade f...
pioys 17 10 PIOY, (Scots) a home...
pipal 14 12 (Hindi) the bo tree,...
pipas 13 11 PIPA, the Surinam to...
piped 13 12 PIPE, to convey by m...
piper 13 11 one who plays the pi...
pipes 13 11 PIPE, to convey by m...
pipet 13 11 a tube for transferr...
pipis 14 11 PIPI, (Maori) an edi...
pipit 14 11 one of several lark-...
pippy 22 16 having pips [adj PIP...
pipul 15 13 a fig tree from Indi...
pique 19 18 to arouse anger or r...
pirai 11 8 a ferocious, carnivo...
pirls 13 9 PIRL, a ripple [n]
pirns 11 9 PIRN, (Scots) a reel...
pirog 12 10 (Russian) a large Ru...
pisco 14 11 a Peruvian brandy [n...
pises 11 8 PISE, rammed earth o...
pisky 19 14 a small fairy, also...
pisos 11 8 PISO, the Phillipine...
pissy 18 10 soiled with urine; i...
piste 11 8 (French) a ski-trail...
pitas 11 8 PITA, (Quechua) the...
pitch 17 13 to throw [v PITCHED,...
piths 14 10 PITH, to sever the c...
pithy 20 12 full of pith, to the...
piton 10 9 a metal spike used i...
pitot 11 8 a tube used to measu...
pitta 11 8 a type of slightly l...
piums 13 12 PIUM, a Brazilian bi...
pivot 13 12 to turn on a shaft o...
pixel 18 16 a basic unit of a vi...
pixes 17 15 PIX, a container for...
pixie 17 15 a small fairy, also...
pized 14 18 PIZE, (dialect) to s...
pizes 14 17 PIZE, (dialect) to s...
pizza 17 26 (Italian) a flat usu...
plaas 11 9 (Afrikaans) a farm [...
place 14 12 to assign to a posit...
plack 16 16 (Scots) a small copp...
plage 12 11 a bright region on t...
plaid 12 10 a long piece of twil...
plain 11 10 unadorned [adj PLAIN...
plait 12 9 to braid [v -ED, -IN...
plane 10 10 to make smooth and e...
plank 12 14 to cover with long,...
plans 11 10 PLAN, to formulate a...
plant 11 10 to place in the grou...
plaps 14 12 PLAP, to make a soun...
plash 14 11 to weave together [v...
plasm 13 12 the liquid part of t...
plast 12 9 PLACE, to assign to...
plate 11 9 to cover with a thin...
plats 12 9 PLAT, to braid [v]
platt 12 9 in Scots adjectival...
platy 18 11 split into thin, fla...
playa 17 11 (Spanish) a basin wh...
plays 18 11 PLAY, to engage in r...
plaza 14 18 (Spanish) a public s...
plead 11 10 to beg for earnestly...
pleas 11 9 PLEA, to dispute in...
pleat 11 9 to fold in an even m...
plebe 13 12 a freshman at a mili...
plebs 14 12 PLEB, (short for) a...
plena 10 10 PLENUM, space consid...
pleon 10 10 (Greek) the abdomen...
plesh 14 11 (Spenser) a pool; a...
plews 15 12 PLEW, a beaver skin,...
plica 15 12 (Latin) a fold; also...
plied 12 10 PLY, to bend or fold...
plier 12 9 one who plies, also...
plies 12 9 PLIE, (French) a mov...
plims 14 12 PLIM, to swell, as g...
pling 13 12 to beg [v -ED, -ING,...
plink 13 14 to shoot at a tin ca...
ploat 11 9 (Scots) to dip in ve...
plods 12 10 PLOD, to walk heavil...
plong 12 12 (Spenser) to plunge,...
plonk 12 14 to fall or drop heav...
plook 12 13 (Scots) a pimple, al...
plops 14 12 PLOP, to fall or dro...
plots 12 9 PLOT, to plan secret...
plotz 15 18 (Yiddish) to explode...
plouk 13 14 (Scots) a pimple, al...
plows 15 12 PLOW, to turn soil w...
ploye 17 11 a buckwheat pancake...
ploys 18 11 PLOY, to move from a...
pluck 17 17 to pull out or off [...
plues 12 10 PLUE, a beaver skin,...
pluff 17 16 to throw out, as smo...
plugs 14 12 PLUG, to fill a hole...
plumb 16 16 to determine the dep...
plume 13 13 to cover with feathe...
plump 16 16 to make well rounded...
plums 14 13 PLUM, a fleshy fruit...
plumy 20 15 covered with feather...
plunk 13 15 to twang; to pluck t...
pluot 12 10 a hybrid fruit of pl...
plush 15 12 luxurious [adj PLUSH...
plyer 18 11 one who plies, also...
poach 15 13 to trespass to hunt...
poaka 10 12 (Maori) a New Zealan...
poake 10 12 (Shakespeare) a poke...
poboy 18 13 a New Orleans sandwi...
pocks 15 15 POCK, to pit the ski...
pocky 21 17 covered with pock ma...
podal 11 10 of the feet, also PO...
poddy 17 12 a young calf [n PODD...
podex 16 16 the rump [n -ES]
podge 11 11 a short, thickset pe...
podgy 18 13 short and fat, also...
podia 10 9 PODIUM, (Latin) a lo...
poems 11 11 POEM, a composition...
poeps 12 11 POEP [n]
poesy 16 10 to utter poetry [v P...
poets 10 8 POET, one who writes...
pogey 17 12 in Canada, any form...
pogge 12 12 the armed bullhead,...
pogos 11 10 POGO, (tradename) to...
pohed 12 11 POH, to reject conte...
poilu 12 10 (French slang) an in...
poind 10 10 (Scots) to distrain,...
point 10 9 to indicate directio...
poise 10 8 to hold in a state o...
pokal 12 13 (German) a tall drin...
poked 11 13 POKE, to prod [v]
poker 11 12 one that pokes [n -S...
pokes 11 12 POKE, to prod [v]
pokey 17 14 confined, also POKY...
pokie 11 12 a poker machine [n -...
polar 11 9 a straight line rela...
poled 11 10 POLE, to propel with...
poler 11 9 (Australian) one of...
poles 11 9 POLE, to propel with...
poley 17 11 (Australian slang) a...
polio 11 9 an infectious virus...
polis 12 9 (Greek) an ancient G...
polje 13 18 (Serbo-Croat) a larg...
polka 12 13 a Bohemian dance or...
polks 13 13 POLK, to dance a pol...
polls 13 10 POLL, to assess publ...
polly 19 12 a type of mineral wa...
polos 11 9 POLO, a game played...
polts 12 9 POLT, to strike, thu...
polyp 20 14 an octopus or cuttle...
polys 18 11 POLY, (short for) a...
pombe 13 14 (Swahili) an African...
pomes 11 11 POME, any fruit of t...
pommy 19 16 an immigrant from th...
pomos 11 11 POMO, (colloquial) p...
pomps 14 14 POMP, stately or spl...
ponce 12 12 a man who lives on t...
poncy 19 14 effeminate, also PON...
ponds 10 10 POND, to collect wat...
pones 9 9 PONE, a kind of corn...
poney 15 11 a small horse, also...
ponga 10 11 (Maori) a tall tree-...
pongo 10 11 any large ape; esp....
pongs 11 11 PONG, to stink, also...
pongy 17 13 (colloquial) smelly...
ponks 11 13 PONK, to smell bad,...
ponts 10 9 PONT, in South Afric...
ponty 16 11 an iron rod used in...
ponzu 13 19 (Japanese) a type of...
pooch 15 13 to bulge [v -ED, -IN...
poods 10 9 POOD, a Russian unit...
pooed 9 9 POO, (slang) to defe...
poofs 12 11 POOF, (colloquial) a...
poofy 18 13 effeminate, also POO...
poohs 12 10 POOH, to express con...
pooja 11 17 a Hindu worship prac...
pooka 10 12 (Irish) in Irish fol...
pooks 11 12 POOK, (Scots) to plu...
pools 11 9 POOL, to contribute...
poons 9 9 POON, an East Indian...
poops 12 11 POOP, to tire out [v...
poopy 18 13 stupid or ineffectua...
poori 10 8 (Hindi) in India, a...
poort 10 8 (Afrikaans) a mounta...
poots 10 8 POOT, (Scots) to sho...
poove 11 12 (colloquial) an effe...
poovy 18 14 effeminate, also POO...
popes 12 11 POPE, a small freshw...
poppa 14 14 (colloquial) papa [n...
poppy 21 16 a brightly coloured...
popsy 19 13 a girlfriend, also P...
porae 9 8 (Maori) a large edib...
poral 11 9 pertaining to pores...
porch 16 13 a low structure proj...
pored 10 9 PORE, to examine clo...
porer 10 8 one who pores [n -S]
pores 10 8 PORE, to examine clo...
porge 11 10 in Jewish ritual, to...
porgy 18 12 a species of saltwat...
porin 10 9 any of a class of pr...
porks 12 12 PORK, to eat ravenou...
porky 18 14 plump like a pig [ad...
porno 9 9 pornography, also PO...
porns 10 9 PORN, pornography, a...
porny 16 11 (colloquial) pornogr...
porta 10 8 a gatelike anatomica...
ports 11 8 PORT, to carry, conv...
porty 17 10 of the taste of port...
posed 10 9 POSE, to assume a fi...
poser 10 8 one that poses [n -S...
poses 10 8 POSE, to assume a fi...
posey 16 10 adopting poses for e...
posho 12 10 (Swahili) corn meal...
posit 11 8 to place [v -ED, -IN...
posse 10 8 a body of men summon...
posts 11 8 POST, to display in...
potae 9 8 (Maori) a hat [n -S]
potch 16 13 to push violently, t...
poted 10 9 POTE, to poke, thrus...
potes 10 8 POTE, to poke, thrus...
potin 10 9 (French) an old allo...
potoo 9 8 a kind of bird, a la...
potsy 17 10 a children's game, a...
potto 10 8 a nocturnal mammal o...
potts 11 8 POTT, a size of pape...
potty 17 10 crazy [adj POTTIER,...
pouch 16 14 a pocket, purse [n -...
pouff 15 15 to give a puffed sha...
poufs 13 12 POUF, to give a puff...
pouke 11 13 a mischievous sprite...
pouks 12 13 POUK, (Scots) to plu...
poule 11 10 (French) a hen, esp....
poulp 14 13 the octopus, also PO...
poult 12 10 a young domestic fow...
pound 10 11 to strike heavily an...
poupe 12 12 (obsolete) to befool...
poupt 13 12 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
pours 11 9 POUR, to cause to fl...
pouts 11 9 POUT, to protrude th...
pouty 17 11 tending to pout [adj...
powan 12 12 a species of whitefi...
power 13 11 to equip with mechan...
powin 13 12 (Scots) a peacock, a...
pownd 13 13 (Spenser) to pound,...
powns 13 12 POWN, (Scots) a peac...
powny 19 14 (dialect) a pony, al...
powre 13 11 (Spenser) to pour [v...
poxed 16 16 POX, to infect with...
poxes 16 15 POX, to infect with...
poynt 16 11 (obsolete) to point...
poyou 16 11 an armadillo [n -S]
poyse 16 10 (obsolete) to poise,...
pozzy 23 28 (Australian slang) a...
praam 11 11 a flat-bottomed boat...
prads 11 9 PRAD, (slang) a hors...
prahu 13 11 a swift Malaysian sa...
prams 12 11 PRAM, a flat-bottome...
prana 9 9 (Sanskrit) in yoga,...
prang 11 11 to cause to crash [v...
prank 11 13 to dress gaudily [v...
praos 10 8 PRAO, a swift Malays...
prase 10 8 a leek-green quartz...
prate 10 8 to talk foolishly or...
prats 11 8 PRAT, (colloquial) a...
pratt 11 8 (Shakespeare) to bea...
praty 17 10 (Irish colloquial) a...
praus 11 9 PRAU, a swift Malays...
prawn 13 12 to fish for edible s...
prays 17 10 PRAY, to intercede o...
predy 17 11 (obsolete) to make r...
preed 10 9 PREE, (Scots) to mak...
preen 9 9 to clean and arrange...
prees 10 8 PREE, (Scots) to mak...
preif 13 11 (obsolete) proof, al...
prems 12 11 PREM, a premature ba...
premy 18 13 (US slang) a prematu...
prent 10 9 (Scots) to print [v...
preon 9 9 a hypothetical parti...
preop 12 11 a patient prepared f...
preps 13 11 PREP, (short for) to...
presa 10 8 (Italian) a musical...
prese 10 8 PRESA, (Italian) a m...
press 11 8 to compress or squee...
prest 11 8 (obsolete) to lend [...
preve 12 12 to prove, also PREEV...
prexy 23 17 (US slang) the presi...
preys 17 10 PREY, to exploit or...
prial 12 9 a pair-royal, a thro...
price 14 11 to set a value on [v...
prick 16 15 to puncture slightly...
pricy 21 13 expensive, also PRIC...
pride 11 9 to feel self-esteem...
pried 11 9 PRY, to inquire impe...
prief 13 11 (Scots) proof, also...
prier 11 8 one who pries, also...
pries 11 8 PRY, to inquire impe...
prigs 13 10 PRIG, to filch [v]
prill 14 10 to turn into pellet...
prima 12 11 (Italian) the first...
prime 12 11 in best condition [a...
primi 13 11 PRIMO, (Italian) the...
primo 12 11 (Italian) the first...
primp 15 14 to dress or adorn ca...
prims 13 11 PRIM, to give a prim...
primy 19 13 (Shakespeare) in one...
prink 12 13 to dress or adorn in...
print 11 9 to produce by presse...
prion 10 9 any petrel of a genu...
prior 11 8 previous [adj PRIORL...
prise 11 8 to raise or force wi...
prism 13 11 a solid figure of wh...
priss 12 8 to act in a prissy m...
privy 20 14 private [adj PRIVIER...
prize 14 17 to value highly [v P...
proas 10 8 PROA, a swift Malays...
probe 12 11 to examine thoroughl...
probs 13 11 PROB, (colloquial) a...
prods 11 9 PROD, to jab [v]
proem 11 11 an introduction, a p...
profs 13 11 PROF, (short for) pr...
progs 12 10 PROG, to forage for...
proin 10 9 (obsolete) to preen,...
proke 11 12 (dialect) to poke [v...
prole 11 9 to prowl, also PROLL...
proll 13 10 (obsolete) to prowl,...
promo 11 11 (short for) a promot...
proms 12 11 PROM, a school or co...
prone 9 9 lying face down [adj...
prong 11 11 to pierce with a poi...
pronk 11 13 (Afrikaans) of a spr...
proof 12 11 to examine for error...
props 13 11 PROP, to hold up [v]
prore 10 8 a prow; a ship [n -S...
prose 10 8 to write without met...
proso 10 8 (Russian) a variety...
pross 11 8 (colloquial) a prost...
prost 11 8 used in a drinking t...
prosy 17 10 prosaic, tedious [ad...
proto 10 8 (tradename) as in pr...
proud 11 10 having or displaying...
proul 12 10 to prowl, also PROLE...
prove 12 12 to establish as cert...
prowl 15 12 to move about stealt...
prows 14 11 PROW, the front part...
proxy 23 17 a person authorised...
proyn 16 11 to prune, also PROIG...
prude 11 10 a prudish person [n...
prune 10 10 to trim and shape by...
prunt 11 10 a moulded glass orna...
pruta 11 9 a monetary unit of I...
pryer 17 10 one who pries, also...
pryse 17 10 (Spenser) to pay for...
psalm 13 12 a hymn or religious...
pseud 11 10 a person pretending...
pshaw 16 13 to utter an expressi...
psion 10 9 a particle formed by...
psoae 9 8 PSOAS, a muscle of t...
psoai 10 8 PSOAS, a muscle of t...
psoas 10 8 a muscle of the pelv...
psora 10 8 (obsolete) a cutaneo...
psych 23 15 to stimulate to a pr...
psyop 19 13 (short for) psycholo...
pubco 16 15 a company that opera...
pubes 13 12 the lower part of th...
pubic 17 15 pertaining to the pu...
pubis 14 12 a bone of the pelvis...
pucan 13 13 (Irish) a traditiona...
pucer 14 12 PUCE, dark red [adj]
puces 14 12 PUCE, a dark red col...
pucka 15 16 durable, also PUKKA,...
pucks 16 16 PUCK, a thick rubber...
puddy 18 13 (colloquial) a paw,...
pudge 12 12 a short, thickset pe...
pudgy 19 14 short and fat, also...
pudic 15 13 pertaining to the pu...
pudor 11 10 (obsolete) a sense o...
pudsy 18 12 podgy, also PUDSEY [...
pudus 12 11 PUDU, a very small d...
puers 11 9 PUER, to tan leather...
puffa 15 15 as in puffa jacket,...
puffs 16 15 PUFF, to blow in sho...
puffy 22 17 swollen [adj PUFFIER...
puggy 20 15 like a monkey or pug...
pugil 14 12 (obsolete) a boxer [...
puhas 13 11 PUHA, (Maori) sow th...
pujah 15 20 (Sanskrit) a Hindu a...
pujas 13 18 PUJA, a Hindu worshi...
pukas 12 13 PUKA, (Maori) a larg...
puked 12 14 PUKE, to vomit [v]
puker 12 13 (archaic) an emetic...
pukes 12 13 PUKE, to vomit [v]
pukey 18 15 reminiscent of or re...
pukka 13 17 (Hindi) genuine; fir...
pukus 13 14 PUKU, an antelope of...
pulao 11 10 a dish made from sea...
pulas 12 10 PULA, a monetary uni...
puled 12 11 PULE, to pipe; to wh...
puler 12 10 one who pules [n -S]
pules 12 10 PULE, to pipe; to wh...
pulik 14 14 PULI, (Hungarian) a...
pulis 13 10 PULI, (Hungarian) a...
pulka 13 14 a Laplander's boat-s...
pulks 14 14 PULK, a Laplander's...
pulli 14 11 PULLUS, a chick or y...
pulls 14 11 PULL, to draw or dra...
pully 20 13 (colloquial) a pullo...
pulmo 13 13 (Latin) a lung [n PU...
pulps 15 13 PULP, to reduce to a...
pulpy 21 15 resembling pulp [adj...
pulse 12 10 to expand and contra...
pulus 13 11 PULU, a silky fibre...
pumas 12 12 PUMA, a large reddis...
pumie 12 12 (Spenser) a pebble,...
pumps 15 15 PUMP, to propel liqu...
punas 10 10 PUNA, a high bleak p...
punce 13 13 (dialect) to prod or...
punch 16 15 to perforate with a...
punga 11 12 (Maori) a tall tree-...
pungs 12 12 PUNG, (Native Americ...
punji 13 19 a sharpened bamboo s...
punka 11 14 a ceiling fan used i...
punks 12 14 PUNK, dry, decayed w...
punky 18 16 like a punk [adj PUN...
punny 16 13 involving a pun [adj...
punto 10 10 (Italian) a hit or t...
punts 11 10 PUNT, to propel thro...
punty 17 12 an iron supporting r...
pupae 12 12 PUPA, an insect in t...
pupal 14 13 pertaining to a pupa...
pupas 13 12 PUPA, an insect in t...
pupil 15 13 a student under the...
puppy 22 17 to give birth to a p...
pupus 14 13 PUPU, (Hawaiian) a d...
purda 11 10 a curtain used in In...
pured 11 10 PUR, to utter a low,...
puree 10 9 to reduce to a thick...
purer 11 9 PURE, free from stai...
pures 11 9 PURE, to cleanse or...
purge 12 11 to purify [v PURGED,...
purin 11 10 a white crystalline...
puris 12 9 PURI, (Hindi) in Ind...
purls 13 10 PURL, to knit with a...
purpy 20 14 (Scots) purslane, or...
purrs 12 9 PURR, to utter a low...
purse 11 9 to pucker, esp. the...
pursy 18 11 short of breath [adj...
purty 18 11 (US dialect) pretty...
puses 11 9 PUS, a viscous fluid...
pushy 20 13 offensively aggressi...
pusle 12 10 to puzzle [v PUSLED,...
pussy 18 11 a cat, also POUSSIE...
putid 12 10 decayed; fetid [adj]
puton 10 10 a hoax or deception...
putti 12 9 PUTTO, (Italian) an...
putto 11 9 (Italian) an artisti...
putts 12 9 PUTT, to hit with a...
putty 18 11 to fill with a type...
puzel 15 19 (obsolete) a maid, a...
pwned 13 13 PWN, (slang) to domi...
pyats 17 10 PYAT, a magpie, also...
pyets 17 10 PYET, (Scots) a magp...
pygal 19 13 the posterior median...
pygmy 26 17 a small person, also...
pyins 17 11 PYIN, a protein comp...
pylon 17 12 a structure for supp...
pyned 16 12 PYNE, to yearn inten...
pynes 16 11 PYNE, to yearn inten...
pyoid 17 11 purulent [adj]
pyots 17 10 PYOT, (Scots) a magp...
pyral 18 11 of or pertaining to...
pyran 16 11 a chemical compound...
pyres 17 10 PYRE, a pile of comb...
pyrex 23 17 (tradename) a heat-r...
pyric 21 13 pertaining to burnin...
pyros 17 10 PYRO, (short for) py...
pyxed 23 18 PYX, to test newly m...
pyxes 23 17 PYX, to test newly m...
pyxie 23 17 a creeping evergreen...
pyxis 24 17 a little box for jew...
pzazz 20 35 flamboyance, also BA...