11 letter words that start with P

11 letter words that start with P

11 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pacemakings 26 27 PACEMAKING, performi...
pacesetters 23 17 PACESETTER, one who...
pacesetting 24 20 the act of setting a...
pachydactyl 43 28 having thick digits,...
pachydermal 34 26 of or like a pachyde...
pachydermia 33 25 elephantiasis [n -S]
pachydermic 37 28 like a pachyderm [ad...
pachymeters 33 24 PACHYMETER, an instr...
pachysandra 31 23 (Japanese) a Japanes...
pacifically 38 27 PACIFICAL, pacific,...
pacificated 29 24 PACIFICATE, to give...
pacificates 29 23 PACIFICATE, to give...
pacificator 29 23 a peacemaker [n -S]
pacificisms 32 26 PACIFICISM, oppositi...
pacificists 31 23 PACIFICIST, one who...
packability 35 27 the ability to be pa...
packsaddles 26 24 PACKSADDLE, a saddle...
packthreads 27 24 PACKTHREAD, a strong...
paclitaxels 32 26 PACLITAXEL, a drug u...
paddleballs 26 22 PADDLEBALL, a game l...
paddleboard 23 21 a long narrow buoyan...
paddleboats 23 20 PADDLEBOAT, a paddle...
paddymelons 28 23 PADDYMELON, (Native...
paddywacked 34 29 PADDYWACK, to spank...
paddywhacks 37 30 PADDYWHACK, a slap o...
paedagogues 21 20 PAEDAGOGUE, one who...
paederastic 23 18 of or pertaining to...
paediatrics 24 18 PAEDIATRIC [n]
paediatries 20 15 PAEDIATRY, the care...
paediatrist 21 15 a specialist in chil...
paedodontic 22 20 relating to the bran...
paedologies 21 18 PAEDOLOGY, the study...
paedologist 22 18 one who studies the...
paedophiles 25 21 PAEDOPHILE, one with...
paedophilia 25 21 the sexual love of c...
paedophilic 29 24 relating to paedophi...
paedotribes 22 18 PAEDOTRIBE, in ancie...
paedotrophy 30 22 the art of rearing c...
pageantries 20 17 PAGEANTRY, splendid...
paginations 20 18 PAGINATION, the acti...
painfullest 25 21 PAINFUL, causing pai...
painfulness 23 21 the state of being p...
painkillers 24 21 PAINKILLER, somethin...
painkilling 25 24 of drugs, killing pa...
painstakers 21 19 PAINSTAKER, one who...
painstaking 22 22 taking pains [adj PA...
paintresses 20 15 PAINTRESS, a female...
pakirikiris 25 22 PAKIRIKIRI, (Maori)...
palaeogaeas 19 17 PALAEOGAEA, the Old...
palaeoliths 24 18 PALAEOLITH, a Stone...
palaeotypes 28 20 PALAEOTYPE, a 19C ph...
palaeotypic 32 23 of or like a palaeot...
palagonites 21 18 PALAGONITE, an alter...
palatalised 22 17 PALATALISE, to make...
palatalises 22 16 PALATALISE, to make...
palatalized 25 26 PALATALIZE, to make...
palatalizes 25 25 PALATALIZE, to make...
palatinates 20 16 PALATINATE, the prov...
paleobotany 27 21 the study of fossil...
paleography 32 24 the study of ancient...
paleolithic 28 21 of or relating to th...
paleologies 22 18 PALEOLOGY, the study...
palfreniers 23 19 PALFRENIER, a groom...
palillogies 25 19 PALILLOGY, the repet...
palimpsests 26 21 PALIMPSEST, writing...
palindromes 22 20 PALINDROME, a word o...
palindromic 26 23 of or like a palindr...
palingenesy 27 21 the remelting of roc...
palinopsias 23 19 PALINOPSIA, a visual...
palisadoing 22 19 PALISADO, to fortify...
palisanders 21 17 PALISANDER, (French)...
pallbearers 24 19 PALLBEARER, a person...
pallescence 27 23 a becoming pale [n -...
palletisers 23 16 PALLETISER, one who...
palletising 24 19 PALLETISE, to use pa...
palletizers 26 25 PALLETIZER, one who...
palletizing 27 28 PALLETIZE, to use pa...
palliaments 23 20 PALLIAMENT, (Shakesp...
palliations 22 17 PALLIATION, the act...
palliatives 25 20 PALLIATIVE, somethin...
pallidities 24 17 PALLIDITY, pallidnes...
palmatisect 26 21 deeply cut in a palm...
palmcorders 26 22 PALMCORDER, a small...
palmerworms 27 24 PALMERWORM, (Biblica...
palmistries 24 18 PALMISTRY, foretelli...
palpability 34 24 the quality of being...
palpebrated 25 22 PALPEBRATE, to wink...
palpebrates 25 21 PALPEBRATE, to wink...
palpitating 25 21 PALPITATE, to throb,...
palpitation 23 19 a nervous throbbing...
palsgravine 24 22 the domain of a pals...
paludamenta 21 21 PALUDAMENTUM, a Roma...
paludaments 22 21 PALUDAMENT, a Roman...
palynologic 32 24 relating to palynolo...
pampelmoose 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pampelmouse 25 25 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pamphleteer 26 23 to write and/or dist...
pamphleting 28 26 PAMPHLET, to circula...
panaritiums 22 19 PANARITIUM, a whitlo...
panbroiling 24 22 PANBROIL, to fry in...
pancosmisms 26 24 PANCOSMISM, the theo...
pancratiast 23 18 a competitor or vict...
pancratists 24 18 PANCRATIST, an athle...
pancratiums 25 22 PANCRATIUM, an athle...
pancreatins 22 19 PANCREATIN, the panc...
pandectists 24 19 PANDECTIST, one who...
pandemoniac 22 23 pertaining to pandem...
pandemonian 18 21 a noisy and disorder...
pandemonium 21 24 riotous uproar, also...
panderesses 19 16 PANDERESS, a female...
pandermites 21 19 PANDERMITE, a hydrog...
panduriform 24 23 fiddle-shaped, e.g....
panegyrical 31 23 of or like a panegyr...
panegyricon 29 23 a collection of serm...
panegyrised 27 20 PANEGYRISE, to deliv...
panegyrises 27 19 PANEGYRISE, to deliv...
panegyrists 28 19 PANEGYRIST, one who...
panegyrized 30 29 PANEGYRIZE, to deliv...
panegyrizes 30 28 PANEGYRIZE, to deliv...
panentheism 22 21 the belief that worl...
panentheist 21 18 a believer in panent...
panesthesia 21 17 totality of percepti...
panhandlers 22 20 PANHANDLER, (US) som...
panhandling 23 23 PANHANDLE, to beg fr...
panhellenic 26 23 relating to all Gree...
panicmonger 24 24 one who spreads pani...
paniculated 24 21 having or arranged i...
panislamist 23 19 of or relating to th...
panjandarum 22 30 a powerful personage...
panjandrums 23 30 PANJANDRUM, a powerf...
panomphaean 22 24 all-oracular [adj]
panophobias 25 23 PANOPHOBIA, the morb...
panopticons 24 22 PANOPTICON, a prison...
panpsychism 36 28 the theory that all...
panpsychist 35 25 a believer in panpsy...
pansophical 28 24 relating to pansophy...
pansophisms 26 23 PANSOPHISM, the clai...
pansophists 25 20 PANSOPHIST, one who...
panspermias 23 21 PANSPERMIA, (Greek)...
panspermies 23 21 PANSPERMY, the theor...
panspermism 25 24 the theory that life...
panspermist 24 21 a believer in panspe...
pantagamies 21 20 PANTAGAMY, marriage...
pantagraphs 25 22 PANTAGRAPH, a jointe...
pantaletted 20 17 wearing pantalettes,...
pantalettes 20 16 long drawers, usuall...
pantalooned 18 18 PANTALOON [v]
pantdresses 20 16 PANTDRESS, a dress h...
pantheistic 26 20 relating to pantheis...
pantheology 29 22 a synthesis of all r...
pantisocrat 23 18 a member of a pantis...
pantographs 25 22 PANTOGRAPH, a jointe...
pantography 31 24 copying by the use o...
pantomiming 23 24 PANTOMIME, to portra...
pantomimist 23 21 an actor or dancer i...
pantophobia 25 23 the morbid fear of e...
pantoscopes 24 21 PANTOSCOPE, a panora...
pantoscopic 28 24 of or like a pantosc...
pantothenic 24 21 denoting an acid whi...
pantropical 26 22 occurring or distrib...
pantrymaids 28 21 PANTRYMAID, a maid i...
pantywaists 30 20 PANTYWAIST, an effem...
panzerottos 22 24 PANZEROTTO, a baked...
papaverines 23 22 PAPAVERINE, an alkal...
paperbacked 28 28 PAPERBACK, to bring...
paperbacker 28 27 one who publishes in...
paperboards 24 21 PAPERBOARD, a type o...
paperbounds 24 23 PAPERBOUND, a book b...
paperhanger 24 22 one that applies wal...
paperknives 25 26 PAPERKNIFE, a knife...
papermakers 24 24 PAPERMAKER, one that...
papermaking 25 27 the business of maki...
paperweight 29 24 a usually small heav...
papilliform 29 25 nipple-shaped [adj]
papillomata 25 22 PAPILLOMA, a tumour...
papillulate 26 21 finely papillose [ad...
papovavirus 27 26 any of a group of DN...
pappardelle 26 23 a type of pasta in t...
papulations 23 20 PAPULATION, the deve...
papyraceous 31 23 like paper; papery [...
parabaptism 26 23 uncanonical baptism...
parabematic 26 23 of or like a parabem...
parablastic 27 21 like a parablast [ad...
parablepses 25 21 PARABLEPSIS, false v...
parablepsis 26 21 false vision; oversi...
parableptic 29 24 relating to parablep...
parabolanus 22 20 in the early eastern...
parabolical 27 22 of or like a parabol...
parabolised 23 19 PARABOLISE, to set f...
parabolises 23 18 PARABOLISE, to set f...
parabolists 24 18 PARABOLIST, a teller...
parabolized 26 28 PARABOLIZE, to set f...
parabolizes 26 27 PARABOLIZE, to set f...
paraboloids 23 19 PARABOLOID, a surfac...
paracaseins 22 18 PARACASEIN, another...
paracetamol 24 21 a mild analgesic and...
parachuting 27 23 the act of descendin...
parachutist 27 20 one that parachutes...
paracrostic 27 20 a poem whose initial...
paradiddles 22 18 PARADIDDLE, a kind o...
paradisical 25 19 of or like paradise,...
paradoctors 23 18 PARADOCTOR, a doctor...
paradoxical 30 26 of the nature of a p...
paradoxists 27 22 PARADOXIST, one who...
paradoxures 26 23 PARADOXURE, a civetl...
paradropped 24 22 PARADROP, to deliver...
paraffining 25 24 PARAFFIN, to treat w...
paraffinoid 24 22 of or like paraffin,...
parageneses 19 17 PARAGENESIS, the ord...
paragenesia 19 17 the order in which m...
paragenesis 20 17 the order in which m...
paragenetic 23 20 relating to paragene...
paragliders 23 18 PARAGLIDER, a glider...
paragliding 24 21 the sport of driftin...
paraglossae 21 17 PARAGLOSSA, one of a...
paraglossal 23 18 relating to the para...
paragogical 26 22 relating to a parago...
paragonites 20 17 PARAGONITE, a kind o...
paragraphed 25 22 PARAGRAPH, to split...
paragrapher 25 21 one who paragraphs [...
paragraphia 25 21 writing of different...
paragraphic 29 24 relating to paragrap...
parakeelyas 27 21 PARAKEELYA, (Native...
parakitings 23 21 PARAKITING, the spor...
paraldehyde 29 21 a sleep-inducing dru...
paraleipses 23 18 PARALEIPSIS, a rheto...
paraleipsis 24 18 a rhetorical figure...
paralimnion 21 20 the region of a lake...
parallactic 29 22 relating to parallax...
paralleling 24 20 a commercial practic...
parallelise 23 17 to provide a paralle...
parallelism 25 20 the belief that matt...
parallelist 24 17 a person who draws a...
parallelize 26 26 to provide a paralle...
parallelled 24 19 PARALLEL, to be exte...
paralogised 22 18 PARALOGISE, to reaso...
paralogises 22 17 PARALOGISE, to reaso...
paralogisms 24 20 PARALOGISM, false re...
paralogists 23 17 PARALOGIST, a practi...
paralogized 25 27 PARALOGIZE, to reaso...
paralogizes 25 26 PARALOGIZE, to reaso...
paralympics 35 26 PARALYMPIC [n]
paramaecium 25 24 a microscopic unicel...
paramagnets 21 20 PARAMAGNET, an ordin...
paramastoid 21 18 situated near the ma...
parameciums 26 24 PARAMECIUM, a genus...
paramedical 25 22 helping doctors or s...
paramedicos 24 21 PARAMEDICO, a parado...
parametrise 21 17 to express in terms...
parametrize 24 26 to express in terms...
paramnesias 20 18 PARAMNESIA, abnormal...
paramoecium 25 24 any freshwater proto...
paramorphic 29 25 relating to a paramo...
paramountcy 30 24 the state of being p...
paramountly 28 22 PARAMOUNT, supreme [...
paranephric 27 23 near the kidney; sup...
paranephros 23 20 the suprarenal gland...
paranormals 21 19 PARANORMAL, somethin...
paranthelia 22 18 PARANTHELION, a diff...
parapareses 21 17 PARAPARESIS, paralys...
paraparesis 22 17 paralysis of the low...
paraparetic 25 20 relating to parapare...
parapenting 22 21 a cross between hang...
paraphasias 24 19 PARAPHASIA, a disord...
paraphiliac 29 23 a person who indulge...
paraphilias 26 20 PARAPHILIA, abnormal...
paraphonias 23 20 PARAPHONIA, alterati...
paraphrased 24 20 PARAPHRASE, to resta...
paraphraser 24 19 one who paraphrases...
paraphrases 24 19 PARAPHRASE [n]
paraphrasts 25 19 PARAPHRAST, a paraph...
paraphraxes 30 26 PARAPHRAXIS, the ina...
paraphraxia 30 26 the inability to per...
paraphraxis 31 26 the inability to per...
paraphrenia 23 20 any mental disorder...
paraphysate 30 21 relating to paraphys...
paraplanner 21 20 a person who assists...
paraplegias 24 20 PARAPLEGIA, paralysi...
paraplegics 28 23 PARAPLEGIC, someone...
parapsychic 38 27 related to parapsych...
pararthrias 23 16 PARARTHRIA, disorder...
parasailing 22 18 the recreational spo...
parascender 22 19 a person who takes p...
parascenium 24 22 in the Greek theatre...
parascience 25 21 the study of phenome...
paraselenae 18 16 PARASELENE, a mock m...
paraselenic 23 19 relating to the para...
parasitical 25 18 of or like a parasit...
parasitised 21 15 PARASITISE, to infes...
parasitises 21 14 PARASITISE, to infes...
parasitisms 23 17 PARASITISM, the beha...
parasitized 24 24 PARASITIZE, to infes...
parasitizes 24 23 PARASITIZE, to infes...
parasitoids 21 15 PARASITOID, an insec...
parasitoses 20 14 PARASITOSIS, a disea...
parasitosis 21 14 a disease resulting...
paraskiings 23 21 PARASKIING, the spor...
parasomnias 20 18 PARASOMNIA, any of s...
parastatals 21 15 PARASTATAL, a parast...
parasuicide 24 19 a harmful act appear...
parataniwha 24 20 (Maori) a New Zealan...
parathyroid 29 19 near the thyroid gla...
paratrooper 21 17 PARATROOP [v]
paratyphoid 31 22 a disease resembling...
parawalkers 25 22 PARAWALKER, a metal...
parbreaking 24 24 PARBREAK, (archaic)...
parbuckling 30 29 PARBUCKLE, to raise...
parcenaries 22 18 PARCENARY, the state...
parchedness 25 21 the state of being p...
parcimonies 24 21 PARCIMONY, (archaic)...
pareidolias 21 16 PAREIDOLIA, a psycho...
parenchymal 33 26 of or like a parench...
parenchymas 32 25 PARENCHYMA, the ordi...
parentheses 21 17 PARENTHESIS, an ampl...
parenthesis 22 17 an amplifying or exp...
parenthetic 25 20 relating to parenthe...
parenthoods 21 18 PARENTHOOD, the stat...
paresthesia 22 16 a tingling sensation...
paresthetic 26 19 relating to paresthe...
parfocalise 26 21 to make parfocal, al...
parfocality 33 23 the state of being p...
parfocalize 29 30 to make parfocal, al...
pargettings 23 19 PARGETTING, ornament...
parheliacal 27 21 of or pertaining to...
paripinnate 21 19 pinnate without a te...
parischanes 25 20 PARISCHANE, (Scots)...
parishioner 22 17 a member or inhabita...
parleyvooed 28 22 PARLEYVOO, (slang) t...
parliaments 22 19 PARLIAMENT, a formal...
parlourmaid 23 20 a female servant in...
parlousness 21 17 the state of being p...
parmacities 25 20 PARMACITIE, (Shakesp...
parochially 34 23 PAROCHIAL, local; co...
paronomasia 19 18 a play on words, a p...
paronychial 32 23 relating to a parony...
paronychias 31 22 PARONYCHIA, a whitlo...
parotiditic 25 18 relating to parotidi...
parotiditis 22 15 inflammation of the...
parotitides 21 15 PAROTITIS, inflammat...
parotitises 21 14 PAROTITIS, inflammat...
paroxetines 25 22 PAROXETINE, a kind o...
paroxytones 31 24 PAROXYTONE, a word h...
paroxytonic 35 27 like a paroxytone [a...
parquetries 29 24 PARQUETRY, the art o...
parquetting 30 27 PARQUET, to cover a...
parramattas 21 17 PARRAMATTA, (Malay)...
parsimonies 21 18 PARSIMONY, sparingne...
partialised 22 16 PARTIALISE, (Shakesp...
partialises 22 15 PARTIALISE, (Shakesp...
partialisms 24 18 PARTIALISM, partiali...
partialists 23 15 PARTIALIST, someone...
partialized 25 25 PARTIALIZE, (Shakesp...
partializes 25 24 PARTIALIZE, (Shakesp...
partialling 24 19 PARTIAL, as in parti...
partialness 21 16 the state of being p...
partibility 32 20 the state of being p...
participant 26 21 taking part [adj PAR...
participate 26 20 to take part in [v P...
participial 28 21 relating to a partic...
participles 28 21 PARTICIPLE, a word h...
particulars 26 19 PARTICULAR, an indiv...
particulate 25 19 having the form of p...
partitioned 20 16 PARTITION, to divide...
partitioner 20 15 one who partitions [...
partitively 31 21 PARTITIVE, parting,...
partnerless 21 16 without a partner [a...
partnership 25 20 the state of being a...
parturiency 30 21 the condition of bei...
parturients 21 16 PARTURIENT, one who...
parturition 21 16 the act of giving bi...
parvanimity 30 24 pettiness, meanness...
pasigraphic 30 24 relating to pasigrap...
pasquilants 30 26 PASQUILANT, a lampoo...
pasquilling 33 29 PASQUIL, to satirise...
pasquinaded 28 27 PASQUINADE, to compo...
pasquinader 28 26 one who composes pas...
pasquinades 28 26 PASQUINADE, (French)...
passacaglia 25 20 (Italian) an old slo...
passageways 30 21 PASSAGEWAY, a way th...
passagework 25 23 music that allows a...
passamented 20 19 PASSAMENT, to trim w...
passamezzos 27 35 PASSAMEZZO, an old d...
passemented 20 19 PASSEMENT, to trim w...
passibility 32 20 the state of being p...
passifloras 24 18 PASSIFLORA, a genus...
passimeters 22 17 PASSIMETER, a machin...
passionated 19 16 PASSIONATE, to expre...
passionates 19 15 PASSIONATE, to expre...
passionless 21 16 without passion [adj...
passivating 24 21 PASSIVATE, to coat m...
passivation 22 19 the act of passivati...
passiveness 22 19 the state of being p...
passivities 24 18 PASSIVITY, the state...
passmenting 22 21 PASSMENT, to trim wi...
pasteboards 22 18 PASTEBOARD, a stiff...
pastellists 24 16 PASTELLIST, an artis...
pasteurella 22 17 a small rodlike bact...
pasteurised 21 16 PASTEURISE, to treat...
pasteuriser 21 15 an apparatus for pas...
pasteurises 21 15 PASTEURISE, to treat...
pasteurisms 23 18 PASTEURISM, a method...
pasteurized 24 25 PASTEURIZE, to treat...
pasteurizer 24 24 an apparatus for pas...
pasteurizes 24 24 PASTEURIZE, to treat...
pasticheurs 27 20 PASTICHEUR, (French)...
pastinesses 20 15 PASTINESS, the state...
pastoralism 23 18 pastoral character,...
pastoralist 22 15 a proponent of pasto...
pastorships 26 19 PASTORSHIP, the offi...
pastourelle 22 17 (French) a medieval...
pastrycooks 31 23 PASTRYCOOK, a maker...
pastureland 21 18 land used for pastur...
pastureless 22 16 without pasture [adj...
pataphysics 35 24 'The science of imag...
patchboards 28 23 PATCHBOARD, a panel...
patchcockes 33 29 PATCHCOCKE, (Spenser...
patchoulies 27 21 PATCHOULY, (Tamil) a...
patchworked 30 27 PATCHWORK, in needle...
patelliform 26 22 shaped like a saucer...
paternalism 22 19 a system or tendency...
paternalist 21 16 a believer in patern...
paternities 20 15 PATERNITY, fatherhoo...
paternoster 19 15 the Lord's Prayer, o...
pathfinders 25 21 PATHFINDER, one that...
pathfinding 26 24 the act of marking t...
pathogenies 22 19 PATHOGENY, the produ...
pathogenous 22 20 producing disease, a...
pathography 34 25 a description of or...
pathologies 24 19 PATHOLOGY, the study...
pathologise 24 19 to make pathological...
pathologist 25 19 a specialist in path...
pathologize 27 28 to make pathological...
pathophobia 28 24 fear of disease [n -...
patinations 19 16 PATINATION, the form...
patisseries 21 14 PATISSERIE, (French)...
patrialised 22 16 PATRIALISE, to make...
patrialises 22 15 PATRIALISE, to make...
patrialisms 24 18 PATRIALISM, the stat...
patrialized 25 25 PATRIALIZE, to make...
patrializes 25 24 PATRIALIZE, to make...
patriarchal 27 20 of, relating to, or...
patriations 20 15 PATRIATION, the tran...
patricianly 31 21 PATRICIAN, aristocra...
patriciates 24 17 PATRICIATE, the patr...
patriclinic 29 22 of animals and plant...
patrilineal 22 17 traced through the f...
patrilinear 21 16 traced through the f...
patrilinies 22 16 PATRILINY, descent r...
patrimonial 22 19 relating to patrimon...
patrimonies 21 18 PATRIMONY, an inheri...
patriotisms 23 17 PATRIOTISM, love for...
patristical 26 18 pertaining to the Fa...
patroclinal 25 20 of animals and plant...
patroclinic 28 22 of animals and plant...
patrologies 22 17 PATROLOGY, the study...
patrologist 23 17 one who practises pa...
patrolwoman 24 22 a female police offi...
patrolwomen 24 22 PATROLWOMAN, a femal...
patronaging 21 20 PATRONAGE, (Shakespe...
patronesses 19 15 PATRONESS, a female...
patronisers 20 15 PATRONISER, one who...
patronising 21 18 condescending [adj P...
patronizers 23 24 PATRONIZER, one who...
patronizing 24 27 PATRONIZE, to assume...
patronymics 31 23 PATRONYMIC, a name s...
patroonship 24 20 the office of patroo...
patternings 21 18 PATTERNING, the act...
patternless 21 16 without a pattern [a...
paunchiness 25 22 the state of being p...
pauperesses 22 18 PAUPERESS, a female...
pauperising 24 21 PAUPERISE, to reduce...
pauperizing 27 30 PAUPERIZE, to reduce...
pauselessly 29 19 PAUSELESS, without a...
pavementing 23 25 PAVEMENT, to provide...
pavilioning 24 23 PAVILION, to cover w...
pawkinesses 24 22 PAWKINESS, being paw...
pawnbrokers 26 25 PAWNBROKER, one who...
pawnbroking 27 28 the activity of a pa...
pawntickets 28 25 PAWNTICKET, a ticket...
peacefuller 27 23 PEACEFUL, undisturbe...
peacekeeper 24 24 one who keeps the pe...
peacemakers 24 24 PEACEMAKER, one who...
peacemaking 25 27 activities relating...
peacherinos 24 20 PEACHERINO, (US slan...
peacockiest 27 24 PEACOCKY, vain, stru...
pearlescent 23 19 having a pearly shee...
pearmongers 21 20 PEARMONGER, a seller...
peartnesses 19 15 PEARTNESS, the state...
peasantries 19 15 PEASANTRY, peasants...
peashooters 21 16 PEASHOOTER, a toy bl...
pebbleweave 29 28 an irregularly textu...
peccability 37 26 the state of being p...
peccadillos 29 23 PECCADILLO, (Spanish...
peckerwoods 27 25 PECKERWOOD, a southe...
peckishness 27 24 the state of being p...
pectinately 30 21 PECTINATE, toothed l...
pectination 22 19 a comblike structure...
pectisation 23 18 the act of pectising...
pectization 26 27 the act of pectizing...
peculations 24 20 PECULATION, embezzle...
peculiarise 25 19 to set apart, also P...
peculiarity 32 21 the state of being p...
peculiarize 28 28 to set apart, also P...
pecuniarily 31 22 PECUNIARY, pertainin...
pedagogical 26 23 of, relating to, or...
pedagogisms 24 22 PEDAGOGISM, the spir...
pedagoguery 28 22 schoolmastering, tea...
pedagoguing 23 23 PEDAGOGUE, to teach...
pedagoguish 25 22 in the manner of a p...
pedagoguism 24 23 the state of being a...
pedanticise 23 19 to be pedantic, also...
pedanticism 25 22 pedantry, also PEDAN...
pedanticize 26 28 to be pedantic, also...
pedantising 21 19 PEDANTISE, to play t...
pedantizing 24 28 PEDANTIZE, to play t...
pedantocrat 22 19 a member of the peda...
pederasties 20 15 PEDERASTY, anal inte...
pedestaling 22 19 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pedestalled 22 18 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pedestrians 20 16 PEDESTRIAN, a person...
pedetentous 19 17 proceeding slowly [a...
pediatrists 22 15 PEDIATRIST, a specia...
pedicellate 25 20 having a pedicel, a...
pediculated 25 21 stalked, also PEDICU...
pediculates 25 20 PEDICULATE, any of t...
pediculoses 25 20 PEDICULOSIS, infesta...
pediculosis 26 20 infestation with lic...
pedicurists 26 19 PEDICURIST, one who...
pedogeneses 19 18 PEDOGENESIS, the pro...
pedogenesis 20 18 the process of soil...
pedogenetic 23 21 relating to pedogene...
pedological 26 22 of or relating to so...
pedologists 23 18 PEDOLOGIST, one who...
pedophiliac 29 24 one who suffers from...
pedophilias 26 21 PEDOPHILIA, sexual d...
pedophilics 30 24 PEDOPHILIC, a pedoph...
pedunculate 24 22 having a peduncle or...
peelgarlics 27 21 PEELGARLIC, a bald p...
peevishness 24 21 the state of being p...
pejorations 21 24 PEJORATION, the dege...
pejoratives 24 27 PEJORATIVE, an expre...
pelargonium 23 22 a kind of geranium [...
pelletified 25 20 PELLETIFY, to make i...
pelletifies 25 19 PELLETIFY, to make i...
pelletisers 23 16 PELLETISER, a device...
pelletising 24 19 PELLETISE, to make i...
pelletizers 26 25 PELLETIZER, a device...
pelletizing 27 28 PELLETIZE, to make i...
pellitories 23 16 PELLITORY, a low, ha...
pellucidity 34 23 the state of being p...
pelotherapy 31 22 medical treatment by...
peltmongers 23 21 PELTMONGER, a dealer...
pelvimeters 25 22 PELVIMETER, an instr...
pelycosaurs 31 21 PELYCOSAUR, a kind o...
pemphigoids 28 25 PEMPHIGOID, any of a...
pemphiguses 28 25 PEMPHIGUS, (Greek) a...
pencillings 27 23 PENCILLING, the art...
pendentives 21 21 PENDENTIVE, one of f...
pendulating 22 21 PENDULATE, to swing...
pendulosity 28 20 the state of being p...
pendulously 29 22 PENDULOUS, hanging l...
penelopised 22 20 PENELOPISE, to undo...
penelopises 22 19 PENELOPISE, to undo...
penelopized 25 29 PENELOPIZE, to undo...
penelopizes 25 28 PENELOPIZE, to undo...
penetralian 19 17 relating to penetral...
penetrances 21 19 PENETRANCE, the degr...
penetrating 20 18 PENETRATE, to thrust...
penetration 18 16 the act of penetrati...
penetrative 21 19 tending to penetrate...
penetrators 19 15 PENETRATOR, somethin...
penguinries 21 19 PENGUINRY, a breedin...
penicillate 25 20 like a tuft of hairs...
penicillins 26 21 PENICILLIN, any of a...
penicillium 28 24 any of a genus of fu...
peninsulate 20 18 to form into a penin...
penitencies 22 19 PENITENCY, the state...
penitential 20 17 relating to penitenc...
penmanships 25 24 PENMANSHIP, the art...
pennilessly 28 20 PENNILESS, without a...
pennoncelle 22 22 (French) a small fla...
pennyroyals 32 21 PENNYROYAL, an aroma...
pennyweight 32 25 an old unit of weigh...
pennywinkle 30 27 a kind of marine sna...
pennyworths 31 23 PENNYWORTH, a penny'...
penological 25 22 relating to penology...
penologists 22 18 PENOLOGIST, one vers...
penoncelles 23 21 PENONCELLE, (French)...
penpushings 26 24 PENPUSHING, boring p...
pensileness 20 17 the state of being p...
pensilities 22 16 PENSILITY, being pen...
pensionable 21 20 of, relating to, qua...
pensionless 20 17 without a pension [a...
pensionnats 18 17 PENSIONNAT, (French)...
pensiveness 21 20 the state of being p...
pentachords 25 21 PENTACHORD, an ancie...
pentactinal 23 20 relating to a pentac...
pentacyclic 37 27 having five whorls [...
pentadactyl 30 22 having five fingers...
pentagonals 20 19 PENTAGONAL, a pentag...
pentagraphs 25 22 PENTAGRAPH, an erron...
pentagynian 25 21 relating to the Pent...
pentagynous 26 21 relating to the Pent...
pentahedral 22 19 of or like a pentahe...
pentahedron 20 19 a five-sided solid f...
pentalogies 21 18 PENTALOGY, the state...
pentameries 20 18 PENTAMERY, the condi...
pentamerism 22 21 the condition of bei...
pentamerous 20 19 having five parts or...
pentameters 20 18 PENTAMETER, a line o...
pentamidine 20 20 a drug used esp. to...
pentandrian 18 18 relating to the Pent...
pentandrous 19 18 relating to the Pent...
pentangular 21 20 having the shape of...
pentaploids 23 20 PENTAPLOID, a cell,...
pentaploidy 29 22 the state of being p...
pentapodies 21 19 PENTAPODY, a measure...
pentaprisms 24 21 PENTAPRISM, a five-s...
pentaquarks 29 29 PENTAQUARK, a hypoth...
pentarchies 25 20 PENTARCHY, governmen...
pentastichs 26 20 PENTASTICH, a compos...
pentastyles 27 18 PENTASTYLE, a buildi...
pentathlete 22 18 an athlete participa...
pentathlons 22 19 PENTATHLON, an athle...
pentathlums 25 22 PENTATHLUM, a pentat...
pentavalent 21 21 having a valence of...
pentazocine 24 28 a synthetic analgesi...
penteconter 21 19 a commander of a tro...
penthemimer 24 23 a metrical group of...
penthousing 23 21 PENTHOUSE, to cover...
pentlandite 20 18 a principal ore of n...
pentstemons 20 19 PENTSTEMON, a genus...
penultimate 22 20 next to the last [ad...
penuriously 28 20 PENURIOUS, poor; mea...
peoplehoods 24 21 PEOPLEHOOD, the stat...
pepperboxes 32 30 PEPPERBOX, a pepper-...
peppercorns 27 24 PEPPERCORN, the drie...
peppercorny 33 26 containing or tastin...
peppergrass 26 22 a wild plant, aka pe...
pepperidges 26 23 PEPPERIDGE, a North...
pepperiness 24 21 the state of being p...
peppermills 29 25 PEPPERMILL, a small...
peppermints 26 24 PEPPERMINT, a pungen...
pepperminty 32 26 tasting of peppermin...
peppertrees 24 20 PEPPERTREE, an everg...
pepperworts 28 23 PEPPERWORT, a wild p...
peppinesses 24 21 PEPPINESS, being pep...
pepsinating 23 21 PEPSINATE, to treat...
pepsinogens 22 21 PEPSINOGEN, a substa...
pepticities 27 20 PEPTICITY, being pep...
peptisation 22 18 the act of peptising...
peptization 25 27 the act of peptizing...
peptonisers 22 18 PEPTONISER, an agent...
peptonising 23 21 PEPTONISE, to make (...
peptonizers 25 27 PEPTONIZER, an agent...
peptonizing 26 30 PEPTONIZE, to make (...
perambulate 24 22 to walk through, to...
perceivable 28 25 able to be perceived...
perceivably 35 27 PERCEIVABLE, able to...
perceivings 27 24 PERCEIVING, the act...
percentages 23 20 PERCENTAGE, a part o...
percentiles 24 19 PERCENTILE, the valu...
perceptible 29 24 able to be perceived...
perceptibly 36 26 PERCEPTIBLE, able to...
perceptions 25 21 PERCEPTION, a result...
perchlorate 26 20 a salt or ester of p...
perchloride 27 21 a chloride that cont...
percipience 28 24 the state of being p...
percipiency 35 26 the state of being p...
percipients 26 21 PERCIPIENT, one who...
percoideans 22 19 PERCOIDEAN [n]
percolating 25 21 PERCOLATE, to pass t...
percolation 23 19 the act of percolati...
percolative 26 22 relating to percolat...
percolators 24 18 PERCOLATOR, one that...
percussions 24 19 PERCUSSION, the act...
percutients 24 19 PERCUTIENT, somethin...
perduellion 22 19 (archaic) treason [n...
perdurances 23 20 PERDURANCE, lastingn...
perduration 20 17 lastingness, enduran...
peregrinate 20 17 to wander through [v...
peregrinity 28 19 foreignness, outland...
perennating 19 19 PERENNATE, to last o...
perennation 17 17 the act of perennati...
perennially 27 20 PERENNIAL, lasting f...
perennities 19 16 PERENNITY, the quali...
perestroika 21 18 (Russian) the period...
perfectible 29 24 capable of improveme...
perfections 25 21 PERFECTION, freedom...
perfectives 28 24 PERFECTIVE, a verb a...
perfectness 25 21 the state of being p...
perfervidly 33 25 PERFERVID, extremely...
perfervours 25 22 PERFERVOUR, great fe...
perficients 26 21 PERFICIENT, someone...
perforanses 21 18 PERFORANS, the long...
perforating 23 20 PERFORATE, to bore t...
perforation 21 18 the act of perforati...
perforative 24 21 causing perforation,...
perforators 22 17 PERFORATOR, a machin...
perforatory 28 19 causing perforation,...
performable 26 24 that can be performe...
performance 25 24 the execution of an...
performings 25 23 PERFORMING, the act...
perfumeless 25 22 without perfume [adj...
perfumeries 24 21 PERFUMERY, a place w...
perfunctory 32 24 characterized by rou...
periastrons 20 15 PERIASTRON, that poi...
pericardiac 27 21 relating to the peri...
pericardial 25 19 relating to the peri...
pericardian 23 19 relating to the peri...
pericardium 26 22 a membranous sac con...
pericarpial 27 21 relating to the peri...
pericenters 23 18 PERICENTER, the poin...
pericentral 24 19 surrounding a centre...
pericentres 23 18 PERICENTRE, the poin...
pericentric 27 21 surrounding a centre...
perichaetia 25 19 PERICHAETIUM, a shea...
perichylous 34 23 of a plant, having w...
periclastic 29 21 like a periclase, a...
periclitate 25 18 (archaic) to endange...
pericranial 24 19 relating to the peri...
pericranium 25 22 a membrane covering...
pericynthia 32 22 PERICYNTHION, the po...
peridesmium 24 22 the areolar tissue a...
peridinians 20 17 PERIDINIAN, a dinofl...
peridiniums 23 20 PERIDINIUM, a dinofl...
peridotites 21 15 PERIDOTITE, an ultra...
peridotitic 25 18 of or like peridotit...
perigastric 26 19 surrounding the alim...
perigeneses 20 17 PERIGENESIS, reprodu...
perigenesis 21 17 reproduction (accord...
periglacial 27 21 bordering a glacier...
perihepatic 28 22 surrounding the live...
perimetries 22 17 PERIMETRY, measureme...
perimorphic 30 25 like a perimorph, al...
perimysiums 31 23 PERIMYSIUM, the conn...
perinatally 28 19 PERINATAL, relating...
perinephria 24 20 PERINEPHRIUM, the fa...
perinephric 28 23 relating to the peri...
perineurial 21 17 related to the perin...
perineurium 22 20 the connective tissu...
periodicals 25 19 PERIODICAL, a period...
periodicity 31 20 the state of being r...
periodising 22 18 PERIODISE, to divide...
periodizing 25 27 PERIODIZE, to divide...
periodontal 20 17 investing or surroun...
periodontia 19 16 the branch of dentis...
periodontic 23 19 relating to periodon...
perionychia 31 22 PERIONYCHIUM, tissue...
periostitic 25 17 relating to periosti...
periostitis 22 14 inflammation of the...
peripatetic 26 20 walking about from p...
peripatuses 23 18 PERIPATUS, a member...
peripeteian 21 18 of or like a peripet...
peripeteias 22 17 PERIPETEIA, (Greek)...
peripherals 26 20 PERIPHERAL, a device...
peripheries 25 19 PERIPHERY, a line or...
periphrased 25 20 PERIPHRASE, to use m...
periphrases 25 19 PERIPHRASE [n]
periphrasis 26 19 the use of longer ph...
periphytons 31 22 PERIPHYTON, aquatic...
peripteries 23 17 PERIPTERY, a peripte...
perisarcous 24 18 relating to the peri...
periselenia 20 16 PERISELENIUM, in an...
perishables 26 20 PERISHABLE, somethin...
perishingly 32 22 PERISHING [adv]
perispermal 25 21 of or like a perispe...
perispermic 28 23 of or like a perispe...
perissology 29 19 superfluity of words...
peristalith 25 17 a prehistoric stone...
peristalses 22 15 PERISTALSIS, the mov...
peristalsis 23 15 the movement of the...
peristaltic 26 18 relating to peristal...
peristerite 21 14 an albite feldspar w...
peristomial 23 18 relating to the peri...
peritectics 28 20 PERITECTIC, a temper...
perithecial 27 20 related to a perithe...
perithecium 28 23 a small fruiting bod...
peritonaeal 19 16 relating to the peri...
peritonaeum 20 19 a serous membrane en...
peritoneums 21 19 PERITONEUM, the smoo...
peritonitic 24 18 of or suffering from...
peritonitis 21 15 inflammation of the...
periwigging 28 24 PERIWIG, to put on a...
periwinkles 26 23 PERIWINKLE, a creepi...
perkinesses 21 19 PERKINESS, the state...
perlocution 24 20 the effect produced...
perlustrate 22 16 (archaic) to travers...
permafrosts 24 20 PERMAFROST, permanen...
permanences 22 22 PERMANENCE, the stat...
permanently 27 22 PERMANENT, remaining...
permanganic 24 24 applied to an acid a...
permeameter 21 20 instrument for measu...
permeations 20 18 PERMEATION, the act...
permethrins 24 20 PERMETHRIN, a garden...
permillages 25 21 PERMILLAGE, reckonin...
permissible 26 21 that can be permitte...
permissibly 33 23 PERMISSIBLE, that ca...
permissions 22 18 PERMISSION, the act...
permittance 24 21 permission [n -S]
permutating 23 21 PERMUTATE, to alter...
permutation 21 19 the arrangement of a...
pernoctated 22 19 PERNOCTATE, to pass...
pernoctates 22 18 PERNOCTATE, to pass...
perorations 19 15 PERORATION, the conc...
perovskites 24 22 PEROVSKITE, a minera...
peroxidases 26 22 PEROXIDASE, an enzym...
peroxidised 27 23 PEROXIDISE, to oxidi...
peroxidises 27 22 PEROXIDISE, to oxidi...
peroxidized 30 32 PEROXIDIZE, to oxidi...
peroxidizes 30 31 PEROXIDIZE, to oxidi...
peroxisomal 28 25 of like a peroxisome...
peroxisomes 27 24 PEROXISOME, an organ...
perpetrable 25 21 that can be perpetra...
perpetrated 22 18 PERPETRATE, to bring...
perpetrates 22 17 PERPETRATE, to bring...
perpetrator 22 17 one who perpetrates...
perpetuable 25 22 that can be perpetua...
perpetually 31 22 PERPETUAL, lasting f...
perpetuance 24 22 perpetuation [n -S]
perpetuated 22 19 PERPETUATE, to make...
perpetuates 22 18 PERPETUATE, to make...
perpetuator 22 18 one who perpetuates...
perplexedly 37 29 PERPLEXED [adv]
perquisites 30 24 PERQUISITE, a privil...
perquisitor 30 24 the first purchaser...
perruquiers 30 25 PERRUQUIER, (French)...
persecutees 23 18 PERSECUTEE, one who...
persecuting 25 21 PERSECUTE, to harass...
persecution 23 19 the act of persecuti...
persecutive 26 22 having the nature of...
persecutors 24 18 PERSECUTOR, one who...
persecutory 30 20 having the nature of...
perseverant 21 19 steadfast [adj]
perseverate 21 18 to repeat an action...
persevering 23 21 continuing steadfast...
persicarias 24 17 PERSICARIA, a specie...
persiflages 25 20 PERSIFLAGE, (French)...
persifleurs 25 19 PERSIFLEUR, (French)...
persistence 23 18 the action or fact o...
persistency 30 20 the action or fact o...
persistents 21 15 PERSISTENT, somethin...
persnickety 31 24 fussy about small de...
personalise 20 16 to make personal, al...
personalism 22 19 the doctrine that hu...
personalist 21 16 someone who writes p...
personality 27 18 the state of being a...
personalize 23 25 to make personal, al...
personating 20 18 assume the identity...
personation 18 16 the act of personati...
personative 21 19 dramatic; presenting...
personators 19 15 PERSONATOR, one who...
personhoods 21 18 PERSONHOOD, being a...
personified 22 19 PERSONIFY, to be the...
personifier 22 18 one who personifies...
personifies 22 18 PERSONIFY, to be the...
personising 21 18 PERSONISE, to person...
personizing 24 27 PERSONIZE, to person...
personpower 24 21 manpower, applying t...
perspective 28 24 a point of view [n -...
perspicuity 34 23 the state of being p...
perspicuous 27 22 easily understood; c...
perspirable 26 21 capable of being per...
perspirated 23 18 PERSPIRATE, to sweat...
perspirates 23 17 PERSPIRATE, to sweat...
perstringed 22 18 PERSTRINGE, (obsolet...
perstringes 22 17 PERSTRINGE, (obsolet...
persuadable 23 20 capable of being per...
persuasible 24 19 capable of being per...
persuasions 20 16 PERSUASION, the act...
persuasives 23 19 PERSUASIVE, that whi...
persulfates 24 19 PERSULFATE, a sulphu...
persulfuric 29 23 denoting a type of a...
persulphate 26 21 that sulphate of a m...
pertinacity 30 20 the quality of holdi...
pertinences 22 19 PERTINENCE, the stat...
pertinently 27 19 PERTINENT, belonging...
perturbable 26 22 able to be perturbed...
perturbably 33 24 PERTURBABLE, able to...
perturbance 25 22 perturbation [n -S]
perturbants 23 19 PERTURBANT, anything...
perturbated 23 19 PERTURBATE, to pertu...
perturbates 23 18 PERTURBATE, to pertu...
perturbator 23 18 one who perturbates...
perturbedly 31 22 PERTURBED [adv]
pertussises 22 15 PERTUSSIS, (Latin) w...
pervasively 32 25 PERVASIVE, tending t...
perversions 22 19 PERVERSION, the acti...
pervertedly 30 22 PERVERTED [adv]
pervertible 26 22 that can be perverte...
pervicacies 29 24 PERVICACY, (obsolete...
pervicacity 36 26 the state of being p...
pescatarian 22 18 one whose diet inclu...
pescetarian 22 18 one whose diet inclu...
peskinesses 21 19 PESKINESS, the state...
pessimistic 27 20 inclined to pessimis...
pesteringly 29 20 PESTERING [adv]
pesterments 21 18 PESTERMENT, the act...
pestiferous 23 18 bringing plague or p...
pestilences 24 19 PESTILENCE, a fatal...
pestilently 29 19 PESTILENT, deadly, p...
pestologies 22 17 PESTOLOGY, the scien...
pestologist 23 17 one who studies pest...
petahertzes 25 25 PETAHERTZ, a very la...
petalomania 20 19 an abnormal increase...
petitionary 26 17 like a petition [adj...
petitioners 20 15 PETITIONER, one who...
petitioning 21 18 PETITION, to make a...
petitionist 21 15 one who serves a pet...
petnappings 25 24 PETNAPPING, the kidn...
petrissages 22 16 PETRISSAGE, (French)...
petrodollar 22 17 a dollar's worth of...
petrodromes 21 18 PETRODROME, an Afric...
petrogenies 20 17 PETROGENY, the study...
petroglyphs 34 24 PETROGLYPH, an ancie...
petroglyphy 40 26 the art of carving o...
petrography 32 23 the description and...
petrolatums 23 19 PETROLATUM, petroleu...
petroleuses 21 16 PETROLEUSE, (French)...
petrolheads 23 18 PETROLHEAD, a motor...
petrologies 22 17 PETROLOGY, the geolo...
petrologist 23 17 a student of petrolo...
petromoneys 26 20 PETROMONEY, money fr...
petromonies 20 18 PETROMONEY, money fr...
petronellas 21 17 PETRONELLA, a Scotti...
petropounds 22 20 money from oil reven...
petrostates 20 14 PETROSTATE, a small...
petticoated 23 18 PETTICOAT [v]
pettifogged 25 22 PETTIFOG, to quibble...
pettifogger 25 21 a petty, quibbling,...
pettinesses 20 15 PETTINESS, the state...
pettishness 23 17 the state of being p...
petulancies 24 20 PETULANCY, peevish i...
phaelonions 21 19 PHAELONION, an Easte...
phaenogamic 26 25 of or like a phaenog...
phaenomenon 19 22 anything directly ap...
phaenotyped 29 23 PHAENOTYPE, to categ...
phaenotypes 29 22 PHAENOTYPE [n]
phagedaenas 21 20 PHAGEDAENA, hospital...
phagedaenic 25 23 relating to phagedae...
phagocytise 33 23 to consume by phagoc...
phagocytism 35 26 the nature or functi...
phagocytize 36 32 to consume by phagoc...
phagocytose 32 23 to subject to phagoc...
phagomaniac 26 25 one who suffers from...
phagomanias 23 22 PHAGOMANIA, a compul...
phagophobia 29 26 fear of eating [n -S...
phalangists 25 20 PHALANGIST, any arbo...
phalanstery 29 20 a Fourierist coopera...
phallically 37 25 PHALLIC, pertaining...
phallicisms 31 24 PHALLICISM, worship...
phallicists 30 21 PHALLICIST, one who...
phallocrats 28 21 PHALLOCRAT, one who...
phalloidins 25 20 PHALLOIDIN, one of t...
phanerogams 23 22 PHANEROGAM, a seed-p...
phantasiast 22 17 one of those Docetae...
phantasimes 23 20 PHANTASIME, (Shakesp...
phantasmata 22 20 PHANTASMA, a phantas...
phantastics 26 20 PHANTASTIC, a dandy,...
phantasying 29 22 PHANTASY, to imagine...
phantomatic 26 23 (archaic) relating t...
phantomlike 25 25 like a phantom [adj]
pharisaical 27 20 characterized by hyp...
pharisaisms 25 19 PHARISAISM, the noti...
phariseeism 24 19 the state of being a...
pharmacists 28 22 PHARMACIST, a person...
pharyngeals 30 22 PHARYNGEAL, a pharyn...
pharyngitic 34 24 relating to pharyngi...
pharyngitis 31 21 inflammation of the...
phascogales 27 22 PHASCOGALE, a small...
phelloderms 26 22 PHELLODERM, a layer...
phellogenic 28 24 of or like phellogen...
phenacaines 23 21 PHENACAINE, a crysta...
phenacetins 24 21 PHENACETIN, an antip...
pheneticist 26 20 a practitioner of ph...
phenetidine 21 19 a liquid amine used...
phenformins 25 24 PHENFORMIN, a biguan...
phenocopies 26 23 PHENOCOPY, a copy of...
phenocrysts 32 22 PHENOCRYST, a larger...
phenolating 23 21 PHENOLATE, to subjec...
phenologies 23 20 PHENOLOGY, the study...
phenologist 24 20 a student of phenolo...
phenomenise 21 21 to bring into the wo...
phenomenism 23 24 the doctrine that kn...
phenomenist 22 21 a believer in phenom...
phenomenize 24 30 to bring into the wo...
phenomenons 20 22 PHENOMENON, anything...
phenotyping 31 25 PHENOTYPE, to catego...
phenylamine 29 24 another name for ani...
philandered 23 20 PHILANDER, to engage...
philanderer 23 19 one who philanders [...
philatelies 25 18 PHILATELY, the study...
philatelist 26 18 a stamp collector [n...
philaveries 26 21 PHILAVERY, an idiosy...
philhellene 27 22 one who loves Greece...
philippinas 29 24 PHILIPPINA, a presen...
philippines 29 24 PHILIPPINE, a presen...
philistines 25 18 PHILISTINE, one who...
phillipsite 29 21 a hydrated silicate...
philodendra 23 20 PHILODENDRON, any of...
philogynies 31 22 PHILOGYNY, the love...
philogynist 32 22 a lover or friend of...
philogynous 31 23 loving women [adj]
philologers 26 20 PHILOLOGER, a person...
philologian 25 21 a person who studies...
philologies 26 20 PHILOLOGY, the scien...
philologist 27 20 a person who studies...
philologues 26 21 PHILOLOGUE, a person...
philomathic 31 25 loving learning, als...
philopoenas 24 21 PHILOPOENA, a presen...
philosopher 28 22 a person who seeks w...
philosophes 28 22 PHILOSOPHE, (French)...
philosophic 32 25 relating to philosop...
philoxenias 29 25 PHILOXENIA, hospital...
phlebectomy 36 28 the surgical excisio...
phlebitides 27 21 PHLEBITIS, inflammat...
phlebitises 27 20 PHLEBITIS, inflammat...
phlebograms 28 25 PHLEBOGRAM, a tracin...
phlebolites 27 21 PHLEBOLITE, a calcar...
phlebotomic 30 26 relating to phleboto...
phlegmasias 26 22 PHLEGMASIA, an infla...
phlegmonoid 25 24 of or like a phlegmo...
phlegmonous 25 24 of or like a phlegmo...
phlogistons 25 20 PHLOGISTON, (Greek)...
phlogopites 27 22 PHLOGOPITE, a brown...
phlyctaenae 31 23 PHLYCTAENA, (Greek)...
phocomelias 27 23 PHOCOMELIA, a type o...
phocomelies 27 23 PHOCOMELY, a type of...
phoenixisms 30 27 PHOENIXISM, the prac...
phoenixlike 30 29 like a phoenix [adj]
phonemicise 26 23 to analyse into phon...
phonemicist 27 23 a student of phonemi...
phonemicize 29 32 to analyse into phon...
phonetician 24 21 a student of phoneti...
phoneticise 25 20 to represent phoneti...
phoneticism 27 23 phonetic character o...
phoneticist 26 20 a student of phoneti...
phoneticize 28 29 to represent phoneti...
phonetising 23 20 PHONETISE, to repres...
phonetizing 26 29 PHONETIZE, to repres...
phoninesses 21 18 PHONINESS, the state...
phonofiddle 25 23 a one-stringed music...
phonogramic 27 25 like a phonogram, a...
phonographs 27 24 PHONOGRAPH, a charac...
phonography 33 26 a system of spelling...
phonologies 23 20 PHONOLOGY, the branc...
phonologist 24 20 a student of phonolo...
phonometers 22 20 PHONOMETER, an instr...
phonometric 26 23 relating to use of t...
phonophobia 27 25 fear of noise or of...
phonophores 25 22 PHONOPHORE, a sound-...
phonoscopes 26 23 PHONOSCOPE, a device...
phonotactic 28 23 relating to phonotac...
phonotypers 30 22 PHONOTYPER, one who...
phonotypies 30 22 PHONOTYPY, the trans...
phonotyping 31 25 PHONOTYPE, to print...
phonotypist 31 22 one who practises ph...
phosgenites 23 19 PHOSGENITE, a rare f...
phosphatase 26 21 an enzyme that catal...
phosphatide 27 22 a phospholipid [n -S...
phosphating 28 24 PHOSPHATE, to treat...
phosphatise 27 21 to phosphate, also P...
phosphatize 30 30 to phosphate, also P...
phosphonium 28 26 the radical PH4, ana...
phosphorate 26 21 to combine or impreg...
phosphorets 27 21 PHOSPHORET, (obsolet...
phosphorise 27 21 to combine or impreg...
phosphorism 29 24 (obsolete) chronic p...
phosphorite 27 21 fibrous apatite [n -...
phosphorize 30 30 to combine or impreg...
phosphorous 27 22 containing phosphoru...
phosphoryls 35 24 PHOSPHORYL, the radi...
phosphurets 28 22 PHOSPHURET, (obsolet...
photoactive 27 23 affected physically...
photobathic 30 24 designating the zone...
photobombed 27 26 PHOTOBOMB, to place...
photochromy 35 26 a former process of...
photocopied 27 23 PHOTOCOPY, to make a...
photocopier 27 22 a machine for copyin...
photocopies 27 22 PHOTOCOPY, to make a...
photodiodes 22 18 PHOTODIODE, a two-el...
photofloods 25 21 PHOTOFLOOD, an incan...
photogenies 22 19 PHOTOGENY, (obsolete...
photoglyphs 36 26 PHOTOGLYPH, photogra...
photoglyphy 42 28 photography by photo...
photographs 28 23 PHOTOGRAPH, to take...
photography 34 25 the process of produ...
photoionise 21 17 to ionize by electro...
photoionize 24 26 to ionize by electro...
photolithos 26 19 PHOTOLITHO, (short f...
photolysing 31 22 PHOTOLYSE, to cause...
photolyzing 34 31 PHOTOLYZE, to cause...
photomapped 27 26 PHOTOMAP, to map by...
photometers 23 19 PHOTOMETER, an instr...
photometric 27 22 of or relating to ph...
photomosaic 26 22 an image composed of...
photomurals 25 21 PHOTOMURAL, an enlar...
photonastic 25 20 related to photonast...
photonovels 24 22 PHOTONOVEL, a novel...
photoperiod 24 20 the period during ev...
photophases 26 21 PHOTOPHASE, the ligh...
photophilic 32 25 light-loving, turnin...
photophobes 28 24 PHOTOPHOBE, a plant...
photophobia 28 24 the morbid fear of l...
photophobic 32 27 having a fear of the...
photophones 25 22 PHOTOPHONE, an appar...
photophonic 29 25 relating to photopho...
photophores 26 21 PHOTOPHORE, a lumini...
photoreduce 25 21 to photocopy with re...
photoresist 23 16 an organic material...
photosensor 21 17 a detector that is s...
photosetter 22 16 an apparatus for pho...
photoshoots 24 18 PHOTOSHOOT, a sessio...
photosphere 26 21 the sun's luminous e...
photostated 22 17 PHOTOSTAT, to make f...
photostatic 26 19 of, made by, or usin...
photosystem 30 21 either of two photoc...
phototactic 29 22 exhibiting phototaxi...
phototaxies 28 23 PHOTOTAXY, the movem...
phototropes 24 19 PHOTOTROPE, a substa...
phototrophs 27 21 PHOTOTROPH, a plant...
phototropic 28 22 relating to phototro...
phototypies 31 21 PHOTOTYPY, the art o...
phototyping 32 24 PHOTOTYPE, to print...
phrasemaker 24 23 a maker of wordy or...
phraseogram 24 21 a single sign, writt...
phraseology 30 21 the manner or style...
phrenetical 26 21 frenzied, frenetic,...
phrenitides 23 18 PHRENITIS, inflammat...
phrenitises 23 17 PHRENITIS, inflammat...
phrenologic 27 23 relating to phrenolo...
phthiriases 26 18 PHTHIRIASIS, infesta...
phthiriasis 27 18 infestation with lic...
phycobilins 36 26 PHYCOBILIN, any of a...
phycobionts 34 25 PHYCOBIONT, the alga...
phycocyanin 40 28 any of various bluis...
phycologies 34 24 PHYCOLOGY, the study...
phycologist 35 24 a student of phycolo...
phycomycete 42 29 a fungus resembling...
phycophaein 35 27 a brown pigment foun...
phylacteric 37 25 of or like a phylact...
phylarchies 36 24 PHYLARCHY, the offic...
phylloclade 35 25 another name for a c...
phylloclads 36 25 PHYLLOCLAD, another...
phyllomania 31 24 abnormal leaf-produc...
phylloplane 33 25 the surface of a lea...
phyllotaxes 37 27 PHYLLOTAXIS, the arr...
phyllotaxis 38 27 the arrangement of l...
phylloxerae 36 27 PHYLLOXERA, a kind o...
phylloxeras 37 27 PHYLLOXERA, a kind o...
phylogenies 30 22 PHYLOGENY, the evolu...
physiatrics 34 21 the treatment of inj...
physiatries 30 18 PHYSIATRY, the treat...
physiatrist 31 18 a physician who spec...
physicalism 36 25 the belief that all...
physicalist 35 22 a believer in physic...
physicality 41 24 the state of being p...
physiciancy 42 27 the post or office o...
physicianer 32 22 PHYSICIAN [v]
physiocracy 42 26 government that does...
physiocrats 33 21 PHYSIOCRAT, one of t...
physiognomy 37 26 the general appearan...
physiolater 30 19 a nature-worshipper...
physiolatry 37 21 nature-worship [n PH...
physiologic 35 24 relating to physiolo...
physiologus 32 22 a work containing de...
physitheism 34 23 the ascription of ph...
phytoalexin 35 27 any substance produc...
phytochrome 35 26 a plant pigment whic...
phytogenies 29 21 PHYTOGENY, the doctr...
phytography 41 27 descriptive botany [...
phytologies 31 21 PHYTOLOGY, the study...
phytologist 32 21 a botanist [n -S]
phytophagic 38 28 feeding on plants, a...
phytosterol 30 19 any of various stero...
phytotomies 30 21 PHYTOTOMY, the disse...
phytotomist 31 21 a student of phytoto...
phytotoxins 35 26 PHYTOTOXIN, a poison...
piacularity 32 21 the state of being p...
pianissimos 22 18 PIANISSIMO, (Italian...
pianofortes 21 18 PIANOFORTE, (Italian...
picaninnies 22 20 PICANINNY, a little...
picaresques 32 27 PICARESQUE, a story...
picarooning 23 21 PICAROON, to act as...
piccalillis 32 23 PICCALILLI, a mixed-...
piccoloists 29 21 PICCOLOIST, one who...
pichiciagos 31 24 PICHICIAGO, (Spanish...
pichiciegos 31 24 PICHICIEGO, (Spanish...
pickabacked 31 32 PICKABACK, to carry...
pickapacked 31 32 PICKAPACK, to carry...
pickbacking 33 34 PICKBACK, to carry s...
pickelhaube 30 28 (German) the spiked...
picketboats 27 24 PICKETBOAT, a craft...
pickinesses 25 22 PICKINESS, the state...
pickpockets 32 31 PICKPOCKET, a thief...
picoseconds 26 22 PICOSECOND, a trilli...
picrotoxins 30 25 PICROTOXIN, a bitter...
pictographs 30 24 PICTOGRAPH, a pictur...
pictography 36 26 the use of pictograp...
pictorially 33 21 PICTORIAL, relating...
picturegoer 25 20 one who goes to the...
picturesque 33 28 resembling a picture...
picturising 27 21 PICTURISE, to pictur...
picturizing 30 30 PICTURIZE, to pictur...
pidginising 24 21 PIDGINISE, to make i...
pidginizing 27 30 PIDGINIZE, to make i...
piecemealed 24 22 PIECEMEAL, to divide...
pieceworker 27 24 one who does piecewo...
piedmontite 21 19 a dark-red mineral,...
piemontites 21 18 PIEMONTITE, a dark-r...
pietistical 26 18 relating to pietism,...
piezometers 24 26 PIEZOMETER, an instr...
piezometric 28 29 relating measurement...
pigeonholed 23 21 PIGEONHOLE, to place...
pigeonholer 23 20 one who pigeonholes...
pigeonholes 23 20 PIGEONHOLE, to place...
pigeonwings 25 23 PIGEONWING, a caper...
pigginesses 23 19 PIGGINESS, the state...
piggishness 26 21 the state of being p...
piggybacked 36 31 PIGGYBACK, to carry...
pigheadedly 31 23 PIGHEADED, obstinate...
pigmentosas 22 20 PIGMENTOSA, as in re...
pignerating 22 20 PIGNERATE, (archaic)...
pigneration 20 18 the act or process o...
pignorating 22 20 PIGNORATE, (archaic)...
pignoration 20 18 the act of pignorati...
pigstickers 28 23 PIGSTICKER, one who...
pigsticking 29 26 the act of hunting f...
pikeperches 29 26 PIKEPERCH, a pike-li...
pileorhizas 27 26 PILEORHIZA, a cap of...
pilferingly 33 24 PILFERING [adv]
pilferproof 28 24 secure against pilfe...
pilgarlicks 30 25 PILGARLICK, a bald p...
pilgarlicky 36 27 like a pilgarlick, a...
pilgrimaged 26 23 PILGRIMAGE, to go on...
pilgrimager 26 22 one who goes on a pi...
pilgrimages 26 22 PILGRIMAGE, to go on...
pilgrimised 26 21 PILGRIMISE, to go on...
pilgrimises 26 20 PILGRIMISE, to go on...
pilgrimized 29 30 PILGRIMIZE, to go on...
pilgrimizes 29 29 PILGRIMIZE, to go on...
pillionists 24 17 PILLIONIST, one who...
pillorising 25 19 PILLORISE, to pillor...
pillorizing 28 28 PILLORIZE, to pillor...
pillowcases 29 22 PILLOWCASE, a remova...
pillowslips 31 23 PILLOWSLIP, a cover...
pilniewinks 26 24 an instrument of tor...
pilocarpine 26 22 an alkaloid obtained...
pilocarpins 27 22 PILOCARPIN, an alkal...
pilotfishes 27 20 PILOTFISH, a tropica...
pilothouses 24 18 PILOTHOUSE, a shelte...
pimpmobiles 29 27 PIMPMOBILE, a car us...
pinacotheca 27 23 a picture-gallery [n...
pinakotheks 24 25 PINAKOTHEK, (German)...
pinchpoints 28 24 PINCHPOINT, a constr...
pincushions 26 22 PINCUSHION, a small...
pinfeathers 24 20 PINFEATHER, a feathe...
pinguefying 31 26 PINGUEFY, to become...
pinguitudes 23 20 PINGUITUDE, fatness...
pinkinesses 21 20 PINKINESS, the state...
pinkishness 24 22 the state of being p...
pinnatisect 23 19 pinnately lobed almo...
pinnipedian 21 21 a pinniped [n -S]
pinnywinkle 31 27 an instrument of tor...
pinocytoses 29 20 PINOCYTOSIS, a proce...
pinocytosis 30 20 a process by which d...
pinocytotic 33 23 relating to pinocyto...
pinpointing 23 22 PINPOINT, to locate...
pinpricking 29 28 PINPRICK, to punctur...
pinspotters 23 18 PINSPOTTER, an emplo...
pinspotting 24 21 PINSPOT, to illumina...
pinwheeling 27 24 PINWHEEL, to rotate...
pinwrenches 28 24 PINWRENCH, a wrench...
piousnesses 20 16 PIOUSNESS, piety [n]
pipeclaying 34 26 PIPECLAY, to whiten...
pipefitters 26 20 PIPEFITTER, one whos...
pipefitting 27 23 the occupation of fi...
pipelinings 25 22 PIPELINING, the act...
piperaceous 25 21 pertaining to or lik...
piperazines 25 27 PIPERAZINE, a crysta...
piperidines 23 19 PIPERIDINE, an oily...
pipistrelle 26 19 a small reddish-brow...
pipsissewas 27 20 PIPSISSEWA, a Native...
piquantness 28 26 the state of being p...
piratically 33 21 PIRATICAL, of or per...
pirouetters 21 15 PIROUETTER, one who...
pirouetting 22 18 PIROUETTE, to make a...
piscatorial 25 18 of or relating to fi...
piscatrixes 31 24 PISCATRIX, a (female...
piscicolous 29 22 parasitic in or on f...
piscifaunae 25 22 PISCIFAUNA, the fish...
piscifaunas 26 22 PISCIFAUNA, the fish...
piscivorous 27 22 fish-eating [adj]
pissasphalt 27 20 a semiliquid bitumen...
pistillodes 24 17 PISTILLODE, an abort...
pitapatting 24 20 PITAPAT, to make a r...
pitchblende 29 25 a mineral, containin...
pitcherfuls 31 24 PITCHERFUL, the quan...
pitchersful 31 24 PITCHERFUL, the quan...
pitchforked 30 27 PITCHFORK, to toss w...
pitchometer 27 22 an instrument embody...
pitchperson 28 23 a street or market t...
pitchpoling 31 26 PITCHPOLE, to turn e...
pitchstones 26 20 PITCHSTONE, an igneo...
piteousness 20 16 the state of being p...
pithinesses 23 17 PITHINESS, the state...
pitifullest 27 20 PITIFUL, arousing pi...
pitifulness 25 20 the state of being p...
pittosporum 25 21 any of numerous chie...
pituitaries 22 15 PITUITARY, the pitui...
piwakawakas 28 28 PIWAKAWAKA, a New Ze...
pixelations 27 23 PIXELATION, a video...
pixellating 30 26 PIXELLATE, to divide...
pixellation 28 24 the act of dividing...
pixilations 28 23 PIXILATION, a techni...
pixillating 31 26 PIXILLATE, to divide...
pixillation 29 24 a technique for maki...
placability 35 24 the state of being p...
placatingly 33 24 PLACATING [adv]
placeholder 27 22 a symbol in a mathem...
placekicked 30 30 PLACEKICK, to make a...
placekicker 30 29 one who does placeki...
placelessly 33 22 PLACELESS, having no...
placidities 26 19 PLACIDITY, the state...
plagiarised 23 18 PLAGIARISE, to steal...
plagiariser 23 17 one who plagiarises,...
plagiarises 23 17 PLAGIARISE, to steal...
plagiarisms 25 20 PLAGIARISM, an act o...
plagiarists 24 17 PLAGIARIST, one who...
plagiarized 26 27 PLAGIARIZE, to steal...
plagiarizer 26 26 one who plagiarizes,...
plagiarizes 26 26 PLAGIARIZE, to steal...
plagioclase 26 21 a fine-grained volca...
plagiostome 23 20 any fish families of...
plainchants 26 22 PLAINCHANT, plainson...
plainnesses 20 17 PLAINNESS, the state...
plainspoken 23 24 candid, frank [adj]
plainstanes 20 17 (Scots) flagstones,...
plainstones 20 17 (Scots) flagstones,...
plaintively 31 23 PLAINTIVE, mournful,...
plaistering 23 18 PLAISTER, (Scots) to...
planarities 21 16 PLANARITY, the prope...
planchettes 26 21 PLANCHETTE, a board...
planenesses 19 17 PLANENESS, the state...
planetaries 20 16 PLANETARY, a train o...
planetarium 22 20 a model or represent...
planetoidal 21 18 like a planetoid [ad...
planetology 28 21 the study of planets...
plangencies 24 22 PLANGENCY, resonance...
planigraphs 27 23 PLANIGRAPH, an instr...
planigraphy 33 25 x-ray photography in...
planimeters 22 19 PLANIMETER, an instr...
planimetric 26 22 relating to planimet...
planisphere 25 21 a sphere projected o...
planoblasts 24 20 PLANOBLAST, any free...
planogamete 21 21 a motile gamete [n -...
planography 32 25 cartography [n PLANO...
planometers 21 19 PLANOMETER, an instr...
planometric 25 22 denoting a type of p...
plantations 20 17 PLANTATION, a usuall...
plantigrade 22 19 walking on the soles...
plantocracy 33 24 government by planta...
plantswoman 24 23 a female person who...
plantswomen 24 23 PLANTSWOMAN, a femal...
planuliform 26 24 having the form of a...
plasmagenes 22 21 PLASMAGENE, a self-r...
plasmagenic 26 24 of or like a plasmag...
plasmalemma 25 25 a plasma membrane [n...
plasmatical 27 22 of or like a plasma,...
plasminogen 22 22 the precursor of pla...
plasmodesma 23 22 a strand of living c...
plasmodesms 24 22 PLASMODESM, a strand...
plasmolysed 30 22 PLASMOLYSE, to under...
plasmolyses 30 21 PLASMOLYSE [n]
plasmolysis 31 21 the removal of water...
plasmolytic 34 24 relating to plasmoly...
plasmolyzed 33 31 PLASMOLYZE, to under...
plasmolyzes 33 30 PLASMOLYZE, to under...
plasmosomes 23 21 PLASMOSOME, a nucleo...
plasterings 23 18 PLASTERING, the act...
plasterwork 26 22 plastering, often or...
plastically 34 22 PLASTIC, easily moul...
plasticated 25 19 covered with a layer...
plasticenes 24 19 PLASTICENE, (tradena...
plasticines 25 19 PLASTICINE, (tradena...
plasticised 26 19 PLASTICISE, to make...
plasticiser 26 18 a substance that ind...
plasticises 26 18 PLASTICISE, to make...
plasticized 29 28 PLASTICIZE, to make...
plasticizer 29 27 a substance that ind...
plasticizes 29 27 PLASTICIZE, to make...
plastidules 24 18 PLASTIDULE, one of t...
plastilinas 23 17 PLASTILINA, a mixtur...
plastometer 22 18 an instrument for me...
plastometry 29 20 measurement by plast...
platelayers 28 18 PLATELAYER, a workma...
platemakers 23 22 PLATEMAKER, one who...
platemaking 24 25 the act of making pr...
platemarked 23 23 PLATEMARK, to mark w...
plateresque 29 25 of, relating to, or...
platforming 26 24 a process for reform...
platinising 23 19 PLATINISE, to coat w...
platinizing 26 28 PLATINIZE, to coat w...
platinotype 29 21 an obsolete method o...
plattelands 22 18 PLATTELAND, (Afrikaa...
platterfuls 26 20 PLATTERFUL, the cont...
plattersful 26 20 PLATTERFUL, the cont...
platyfishes 33 22 PLATYFISH, a small t...
platykurtic 34 25 in statistics, refer...
platyrrhine 30 20 having a broad, flat...
playability 38 23 the ability to be pl...
playactings 32 23 PLAYACTING, pretence...
playfellows 35 25 PLAYFELLOW, a compan...
playfulness 31 23 the state of being p...
playgrounds 29 22 PLAYGROUND, a piece...
playleaders 28 19 PLAYLEADER, one who...
playlisting 31 21 PLAYLIST, to put ont...
playmakings 31 27 PLAYMAKING, the proc...
playschools 34 23 PLAYSCHOOL, a nurser...
playwrights 36 24 PLAYWRIGHT, a person...
playwriting 33 23 the writing of plays...
pleasantest 20 16 PLEASANT, pleasing [...
pleasurable 24 20 giving pleasure [adj...
pleasurably 31 22 PLEASURABLE, giving...
pleasureful 25 21 full of pleasure [ad...
plebeianise 22 19 to make plebeian, al...
plebeianism 24 22 the state of being p...
plebeianize 25 28 to make plebeian, al...
plebiscites 28 21 PLEBISCITE, a direct...
plecopteran 25 22 a member of the Plec...
plectognath 27 23 any spiny-finned mar...
pleinairism 23 19 painting in the open...
pleinairist 22 16 one who practises pl...
pleiochasia 26 20 PLEIOCHASIUM, a cymo...
pleiomeries 22 18 PLEIOMERY, the state...
pleiomerous 22 19 of a floral whorl, h...
pleiotaxies 27 22 PLEIOTAXY, an increa...
pleiotropic 27 21 of a gene, having an...
plenipotent 22 20 having absolute powe...
plenishings 25 21 PLENISHING, (Scots)...
plenishment 24 22 the act of plenishin...
plenteously 28 20 PLENTEOUS, plentiful...
plentifully 33 24 PLENTIFUL, abundant...
plentitudes 22 18 PLENTITUDE, plenitud...
pleochroism 28 23 the property of diff...
pleomorphic 30 26 occurring in several...
plerophoria 25 20 full conviction, als...
plesiosaurs 22 16 PLESIOSAUR, any of a...
plessimeter 23 18 a small plate to rec...
plessimetry 30 20 the use of a plessim...
plethorical 28 21 having a full habit...
pleuritical 27 20 affected with pleuri...
pleuritises 23 16 PLEURITIS, inflammat...
pleurodonts 21 18 PLEURODONT, a pleuro...
pleurodynia 27 20 pain in the muscles...
pleximeters 29 25 PLEXIMETER, a small...
pleximetric 33 28 relating to a plexim...
pliableness 24 20 the quality of being...
plicateness 24 19 the state of being p...
ploughbacks 32 30 PLOUGHBACK, the rein...
ploughgates 26 22 PLOUGHGATE, (Scots)...
ploughheads 27 23 PLOUGHHEAD, the drau...
ploughlands 26 23 PLOUGHLAND, land und...
ploughshare 27 22 the cutting blade of...
ploughstaff 30 26 one of the handles o...
ploughtails 27 21 PLOUGHTAIL, the end...
plowmanship 30 27 the craft of the plo...
plowwrights 33 25 PLOWWRIGHT, one who...
plumassiers 24 19 PLUMASSIER, (French)...
plumbnesses 25 23 PLUMBNESS, the state...
plumdamases 24 23 PLUMDAMAS, (Scots) a...
plumigerous 25 22 plumaged [adj]
plumosities 24 19 PLUMOSITY, the state...
plumpnesses 25 23 PLUMPNESS, the state...
plumularian 24 22 a member of the Plum...
plunderable 24 22 that can be plundere...
plunderages 22 20 PLUNDERAGE, the embe...
pluperfects 30 25 PLUPERFECT, a tense...
pluralisers 24 17 PLURALISER, one who...
pluralising 25 20 PLURALISE, to make p...
pluralistic 28 20 relating to pluralis...
pluralities 24 17 PLURALITY, the state...
pluralizers 27 26 PLURALIZER, one who...
pluralizing 28 29 PLURALIZE, to make p...
pluripotent 24 20 not fixed as to deve...
pluriserial 24 17 in several rows, als...
plushnesses 24 19 PLUSHNESS, the state...
plutocratic 29 22 relating to the plut...
plutologies 24 19 PLUTOLOGY, political...
plutologist 25 19 a student of plutolo...
plutonomies 22 20 PLUTONOMY, economics...
plutonomist 23 20 a student of plutono...
pluviometer 25 23 a device for recordi...
pluviometry 32 25 the measurement of r...
plyometrics 33 23 exercise involving r...
pneumathode 22 22 a band or pore or ae...
pneumatical 25 23 relating to air or g...
pneumectomy 31 27 surgical removal of...
pneumococci 30 28 PNEUMOCOCCUS, a bact...
pneumograms 23 24 PNEUMOGRAM, an X-ray...
pneumograph 26 26 an instrument for me...
pneumonitis 21 20 inflammation of the...
pocketbikes 28 28 POCKETBIKE, a type o...
pocketbooks 27 28 POCKETBOOK, a wallet...
pocketknife 27 29 a knife for carrying...
pocketphone 27 27 a mobile phone [n -S...
pockmankies 26 29 POCKMANKY, (Scots) a...
pockmanties 25 25 POCKMANTIE, (Scots)...
pockmarking 28 31 POCKMARK, to mark wi...
pococurante 25 22 (Italian) different,...
podcastings 25 21 PODCASTING, a radio...
podginesses 21 18 PODGINESS, the state...
podiatrists 22 15 PODIATRIST, one who...
podologists 23 18 PODOLOGIST, one who...
podophylins 32 24 PODOPHYLIN, a cathar...
podophyllin 33 25 a cathartic resin ob...
podophyllum 35 28 the dried rootlet an...
podospheres 24 20 PODOSPHERE, the coll...
podsolising 23 19 PODSOLISE, to turn i...
podsolizing 26 28 PODSOLIZE, to turn i...
podzolising 26 28 PODZOLISE, to make i...
podzolizing 29 37 PODZOLIZE, to make i...
poenologies 20 18 POENOLOGY, the study...
poetastries 20 14 POETASTRY, the writi...
poeticising 25 20 POETICISE, to write,...
poeticizing 28 29 POETICISE, to write,...
pohutukawas 27 25 POHUTUKAWA, (Maori)...
poignancies 23 21 POIGNANCY, the state...
poikilocyte 32 24 an irregular red blo...
poinsettias 20 15 POINSETTIA, a Mexica...
pointedness 19 17 the state of being p...
pointillism 25 20 a painting technique...
pointillist 24 17 one who practises po...
pointlessly 29 19 POINTLESS, with no p...
poisonously 27 19 POISONOUS, having th...
poisonwoods 22 19 POISONWOOD, a poison...
pokeberries 23 21 POKEBERRY, an Americ...
polarimeter 22 18 an instrument for me...
polarimetry 29 20 measurement by polar...
polarisable 24 19 that can be polarise...
polariscope 26 21 an instrument for de...
polarizable 27 28 that can be polarize...
polarograms 23 20 POLAROGRAM, a pictur...
polarograph 26 22 an apparatus for aut...
polemically 34 25 POLEMICAL, related t...
polemicised 26 22 POLEMICISE, to argue...
polemicises 26 21 POLEMICISE, to argue...
polemicists 27 21 POLEMICIST, one who...
polemicized 29 31 POLEMICIZE, to argue...
polemicizes 29 30 POLEMICIZE, to argue...
polemoniums 23 23 POLEMONIUM, a genus...
policewoman 27 25 a woman who is a mem...
policewomen 27 25 POLICEWOMAN, a woman...
policymaker 33 27 one who makes policy...
poliorcetic 28 21 relating to poliorce...
polishments 25 21 POLISHMENT, the act...
politically 34 22 POLITICAL, related t...
politicians 25 19 POLITICIAN, a person...
politicised 26 19 POLITICISE, to give...
politicises 26 18 POLITICISE, to give...
politicized 29 28 POLITICIZE, to give...
politicizes 29 27 POLITICIZE, to give...
politickers 27 22 POLITICKER, one who...
politicking 28 25 engaging in politics...
pollenating 22 20 POLLENATE, to fertil...
pollenisers 22 17 POLLENISER, an agent...
pollenizers 25 26 POLLENIZER, an agent...
pollinating 23 20 POLLINATE, to fertil...
pollination 21 18 the process of trans...
pollinators 22 17 POLLINATOR, an agent...
pollinisers 23 17 POLLINISER, an agent...
pollinising 24 20 POLLINISE, to pollin...
pollinizers 26 26 POLLINIZER, an agent...
pollinizing 27 29 POLLINIZE, to pollin...
pollyannish 30 22 tediously optimistic...
poltergeist 23 17 (German) a spirit be...
poltroonery 26 18 mean pusillanimity,...
polyactinal 31 22 of a marine animal,...
polyactines 30 21 POLYACTINE, the spic...
polyalcohol 34 24 an alcohol that cont...
polyamories 28 20 POLYAMORY, the pract...
polyamorous 28 21 related to polyamory...
polyandries 27 19 POLYANDRY, marriage...
polyandrous 27 20 relating to polyandr...
polyarchies 33 22 POLYARCHY, governmen...
polybagging 33 27 POLYBAG, to put into...
polybasites 30 20 POLYBASITE, a grey t...
polycarpies 33 23 POLYCARPY, the condi...
polycarpous 33 24 fruiting many times,...
polycentric 34 24 having more than one...
polychaetes 32 22 POLYCHAETE, a type o...
polychasium 35 26 a cymose inflorescen...
polychetous 33 23 of, relating to, or...
polychotomy 40 27 division into many p...
polychrests 34 22 POLYCHREST, a thing...
polychroism 35 25 the state of being p...
polychromed 34 26 POLYCHROME, to colou...
polychromes 34 25 POLYCHROME [n]
polychromic 38 28 many-coloured, also...
polyclinics 36 25 POLYCLINIC, a clinic...
polyclonals 32 23 POLYCLONAL, a type o...
polycottons 30 21 POLYCOTTON, a synthe...
polycrotism 33 23 the state of having...
polycrystal 39 23 an object composed o...
polyculture 33 23 the simultaneous pro...
polycyclics 46 29 POLYCYCLIC, somethin...
polydactyls 39 24 POLYDACTYL, someone...
polydactyly 45 26 the state of being p...
polydipsias 31 21 POLYDIPSIA, abnormal...
polyestrous 28 18 having more than one...
polyethenes 28 20 POLYETHENE, the syst...
polygamised 30 23 POLYGAMISE, to pract...
polygamises 30 22 POLYGAMISE, to pract...
polygamists 31 22 POLYGAMIST, one who...
polygamized 33 32 POLYGAMIZE, to pract...
polygamizes 33 31 POLYGAMIZE, to pract...
polygeneses 27 20 POLYGENES, POLYGENE,...
polygenesis 28 20 the theory that huma...
polygenetic 31 23 of polygenesis; spri...
polygenisms 30 23 POLYGENISM, the doct...
polygenists 29 20 POLYGENIST, one who...
polyglotism 32 23 the use of many lang...
polyglottal 31 21 like a polyglot, als...
polyglottic 34 23 like a polyglot, als...
polygonally 36 24 POLYGONAL, like a po...
polygonatum 29 24 the Solomon's seal g...
polygraphed 33 25 POLYGRAPH, to copy b...
polygrapher 33 24 one who operates a p...
polygraphic 37 27 relating to a polygr...
polygynists 36 22 POLYGYNIST, one who...
polyhalites 31 20 POLYHALITE, a tricli...
polyhedrons 29 21 POLYHEDRON, a body o...
polyhistors 31 19 POLYHISTOR, a person...
polyhistory 37 21 great and varied lea...
polyhybrids 40 25 POLYHYBRID, a plant...
polyhydroxy 49 31 containing more than...
polylysines 35 21 POLYLYSINE, a protei...
polymastias 29 20 POLYMASTIA, the pres...
polymastics 33 23 POLYMASTIC, a person...
polymasties 29 20 POLYMASTY, the prese...
polymastism 31 23 the presence of supe...
polymathies 31 22 POLYMATHY, the knowl...
polymerases 28 20 POLYMERASE, an enzym...
polymerides 29 21 POLYMERIDE, a polyme...
polymerised 29 21 POLYMERISE, to make...
polymerises 29 20 POLYMERISE, to make...
polymerisms 31 23 POLYMERISM, the stat...
polymerized 32 30 POLYMERIZE, to make...
polymerizes 32 29 POLYMERIZE, to make...
polymorphic 37 28 occurring in several...
polynomials 29 22 POLYNOMIAL, an expre...
polynuclear 31 23 chemically polycycli...
polyolefins 30 22 POLYOLEFIN, a polyme...
polyonymies 34 23 POLYONYMY, a multipl...
polyonymous 34 24 (Greek) of e.g. gods...
polypeptide 32 24 a compound containin...
polyphagias 33 24 POLYPHAGIA, the eati...
polyphagies 33 24 POLYPHAGY, the pract...
polyphagous 33 25 eating many types of...
polyphenols 32 24 POLYPHENOL, a polyhy...
polyphonies 31 23 POLYPHONY, compositi...
polyphonist 32 23 a contrapuntist, one...
polyphonous 31 24 relating to polyphon...
polyploidal 32 23 having more than two...
polyploidic 35 25 having more than two...
polypropene 30 24 any of various therm...
polyrhythms 41 26 POLYRHYTHM, the simu...
polysemants 28 21 POLYSEMANT, a word w...
polysorbate 29 20 an emulsifier [n -S]
polystyrene 33 20 a polymer of styrene...
polysulfide 32 23 a sulfide containing...
polytechnic 36 26 a school teaching ma...
polytheisms 32 22 POLYTHEISM, belief i...
polytheists 31 19 POLYTHEIST, an adher...
polytonally 35 22 POLYTONAL, of music,...
polytrophic 36 25 esp. of bacteria, ob...
polytunnels 28 21 POLYTUNNEL, plastic...
polytypical 41 26 of a taxon containin...
polyurethan 29 21 any of various polym...
polyvalence 32 26 the state of being p...
polyvalency 39 28 the state of being p...
polyzoarial 31 27 relating to a polyzo...
polyzoaries 30 26 POLYZOARY, the compo...
polyzoarium 32 30 a bryozoan colony or...
pomegranate 20 20 an Oriental fruit wi...
pomiculture 27 23 the growing of fruit...
pomological 27 24 relating to pomology...
pomologists 24 20 POMOLOGIST, one vers...
pomosexuals 28 26 POMOSEXUAL, someone...
pompadoured 23 23 of hair, in the pomp...
pompelmoose 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pompelmouse 25 25 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pompholyxes 39 32 POMPHOLYX, (Greek) a...
pomposities 24 20 POMPOSITY, the state...
pompousness 23 22 the state of being p...
ponderables 22 20 PONDERABLE, somethin...
ponderances 21 20 PONDERANCE, weight,...
ponderating 20 19 PONDERATE, to consid...
ponderation 18 17 weighing or weighing...
ponderingly 28 22 PONDERING [adv]
ponderments 20 20 PONDERMENT, the act...
ponderosity 26 18 the state of being p...
ponderously 27 20 PONDEROUS, heavy and...
ponticellos 25 20 PONTICELLO, (Italian...
pontificals 27 22 PONTIFICAL, an offic...
pontificate 25 21 to speak in a pompou...
pontlevises 23 20 PONTLEVIS, a drawbri...
pontonniers 18 17 PONTONNIER, a builde...
poormouthed 23 21 POORMOUTH, to compla...
poplinettes 23 19 POPLINETTE, an imita...
popmobility 34 26 a form of exercise t...
popularised 24 20 POPULARISE, to cater...
populariser 24 19 one who popularises,...
popularises 24 19 POPULARISE, to cater...
popularized 27 29 POPULARIZE, to cater...
popularizer 27 28 one who popularizes,...
popularizes 27 28 POPULARIZE, to cater...
populations 23 20 POPULATION, the whol...
porcupinish 29 24 like a porcupine [ad...
porkinesses 21 19 PORKINESS, the state...
pornography 31 24 the depiction of ero...
pornotopian 20 19 relating to a pornot...
pornotopias 21 18 PORNOTOPIA, a perfec...
poroscopies 25 20 POROSCOPY, the use o...
porpentines 21 19 PORPENTINE, (Shakesp...
porphyrites 32 21 PORPHYRITE, a rock w...
porphyritic 36 24 designating an igneo...
porphyroids 32 22 PORPHYROID, a metamo...
porrections 23 18 PORRECTION, the act...
porriginous 22 18 suffering from porri...
portabellas 24 19 PORTABELLA, a variet...
portabellos 24 19 PORTABELLO, a variet...
portability 31 20 the state of being p...
porteresses 20 14 PORTERESS, a female...
porterhouse 22 17 a house where malt l...
portionists 21 15 PORTIONIST, a postma...
portionless 21 16 without a portion [a...
portmanteau 20 19 (French) a case open...
portmantles 22 19 PORTMANTLE, (obsolet...
portmantuas 21 19 PORTMANTUA, (obsolet...
portobellos 24 19 PORTOBELLO, a variet...
portraiting 22 17 PORTRAIT, to make a...
portraitist 22 14 a maker of portraits...
portraiture 21 15 the making of portra...
portrayable 29 20 that can be portraye...
positioning 21 18 the act of putting i...
positivisms 26 21 POSITIVISM, the doct...
positivists 25 18 POSITIVIST, a believ...
positronium 22 19 a positron and and a...
posological 26 21 related to posology,...
possessable 23 18 that can be possesse...
possessedly 28 18 POSSESSED [adv]
possessions 20 15 POSSESSION, the act...
possessives 23 18 POSSESSIVE, a posses...
possibilism 27 21 the policy of confin...
possibilist 26 18 an adherent of possi...
possibility 32 20 the condition or fac...
postcarding 25 21 POSTCARD, to send a...
postclassic 29 21 of or relating to a...
postcollege 26 21 taking place after c...
postconcert 26 21 taking place after a...
postcranial 24 19 of or relating to th...
postdivorce 26 22 following a divorce...
postediting 22 18 the act of editing a...
posteriorly 28 17 POSTERIOR, coming af...
posterising 22 17 POSTERISE, (US and C...
posterities 21 14 POSTERITY, those com...
posterizing 25 26 POSTERIZE, (US and C...
postexilian 27 23 existing or occurrin...
postforming 25 23 POSTFORM, to shape s...
postglacial 27 21 following a period o...
postharvest 25 20 following a harvest...
postheating 23 19 POSTHEAT, to heat a...
postholders 24 18 POSTHOLDER, one who...
postholiday 30 20 taking place after a...
postillated 23 17 POSTILLATE, to expla...
postillates 23 16 POSTILLATE, to expla...
postillator 23 16 one who postillates,...
postillions 23 17 POSTILLION, (histori...
postlanding 22 20 that takes place aft...
postliminia 23 19 POSTLIMINIUM, the ri...
postmarital 23 18 taking place after m...
postmarking 24 24 POSTMARK, to stamp m...
postmasters 22 17 POSTMASTER, one who...
postmortems 23 20 POSTMORTEM, a postmo...
postnatally 28 19 POSTNATAL, following...
postnuptial 24 20 made or occurring af...
postoculars 25 19 POSTOCULAR, a scale...
postorbital 24 18 situated behind the...
postpersons 22 18 POSTPERSON, a postma...
postponable 24 22 that can be postpone...
postponence 23 22 the act of postponin...
postprimary 31 22 taking place after p...
postpuberty 32 23 the period after pub...
postscenium 25 22 the part of the stag...
postscripts 28 20 POSTSCRIPT, a note o...
postseasons 19 15 POSTSEASON, the time...
postsyncing 31 23 POSTSYNC, (short for...
posttension 19 16 to apply tension to...
postulating 23 19 POSTULATE, to assume...
postulation 21 17 the act of postulati...
postulators 22 16 POSTULATOR, an offic...
postulatory 28 18 assuming or assumed...
posturising 23 18 POSTURISE, to postur...
posturizing 26 27 POSTURIZE, to postur...
postvocalic 30 25 after a vowel [adj]
postweaning 23 21 that takes place aft...
potableness 22 19 the state of being p...
potamogeton 20 20 a plant of the pondw...
potboilings 25 21 POTBOILING, the act...
potentially 28 19 POTENTIAL, latent, p...
potentiated 19 16 POTENTIATE, to use d...
potentiates 19 15 POTENTIATE, to use d...
potentiator 19 15 one who potentiates...
potentillas 22 17 POTENTILLA, any of v...
potentising 21 18 POTENTISE, to render...
potentizing 24 27 POTENTIZE, to render...
pothecaries 25 19 POTHECARY, an apothe...
pothuntings 24 21 POTHUNTING, going ro...
potlatching 28 23 POTLATCH, to exchang...
potshotting 24 19 the act of taking a...
potteringly 29 20 POTTERING, busying o...
pottinesses 20 15 POTTINESS, daftness...
pottymouths 31 22 POTTYMOUTH, one give...
poultroones 20 17 POULTROONE, (Shakesp...
pourparlers 24 19 POURPARLER, (French)...
pourtraicts 25 18 POURTRAICT, (obsolet...
pourtraying 28 20 POURTRAY, (Spenser)...
poussetting 22 18 POUSSETTE, to make s...
powellising 27 22 POWELLISE, to season...
powellizing 30 31 POWELLIZE, to season...
powerhouses 25 20 POWERHOUSE, one havi...
powerlessly 32 21 POWERLESS, without p...
powerlifter 27 21 one who practises po...
powertrains 23 18 POWERTRAIN, the driv...
pozzuolanas 26 35 POZZUOLANA, (Italian...
practicable 30 24 that can be effected...
practicably 37 26 PRACTICABLE, that ca...
practically 36 24 PRACTICAL, relating...
practicians 27 21 PRACTICIAN, a practi...
practicking 30 27 PRACTIC, (archaic) t...
practisants 24 18 PRACTISANT, (obsolet...
praecordial 24 19 in front of the hear...
praediality 28 18 the state of being p...
praelecting 25 21 PRAELECT, to lecture...
praemunires 21 19 PRAEMUNIRE, the offe...
praenominal 20 20 of or relating to a...
praepostors 22 17 PRAEPOSTOR, (Latin)...
praesidiums 23 19 PRAESIDIUM, (Latin)...
praetorians 19 15 PRAETORIAN, a former...
praetoriums 22 18 PRAETORIUM, the cour...
praetorship 25 19 the office of praeto...
pragmatical 27 23 dealing with facts a...
pragmatised 23 20 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
pragmatiser 23 19 one who pragmatises,...
pragmatises 23 19 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
pragmatisms 25 22 PRAGMATISM, a doctri...
pragmatists 24 19 PRAGMATIST, one who...
pragmatized 26 29 PRAGMATIZE, to inter...
pragmatizer 26 28 one who pragmatizes,...
pragmatizes 26 28 PRAGMATIZE, to inter...
pratfalling 26 22 PRATFALL, to fall on...
pratincoles 24 19 PRATINCOLE, a bird r...
prattlement 22 19 prattle [n -S]
prattlingly 31 21 PRATTLING [adv]
prayerfully 38 24 PRAYERFUL, given to...
preabsorbed 24 21 PREABSORB, to absorb...
preaccusing 28 24 PREACCUSE, to accuse...
preachified 28 23 PREACHIFY, to discou...
preachifies 28 22 PREACHIFY, to discou...
preachiness 25 20 the quality of being...
preachingly 34 25 PREACHING, advocatin...
preachments 26 23 PREACHMENT, a religi...
preacquaint 31 28 to acquaint beforeha...
preadamites 21 18 PREADAMITE, a person...
preadapting 23 21 PREADAPT, to adapt b...
preadaptive 24 22 of, relating to, or...
preadjusted 23 26 PREADJUST, to adjust...
preadmitted 22 19 PREADMIT, to admit b...
preadmonish 23 21 to admonish in advan...
preadopting 23 21 PREADOPT, to adopt b...
preallotted 22 17 PREALLOT, to allot b...
prealtering 22 18 PREALTER, to alter b...
preambulary 31 24 of or like a preambl...
preambulate 24 22 to make a preamble [...
preannounce 20 21 to announce beforeha...
preapplying 33 26 PREAPPLY, to apply b...
preappoints 24 21 PREAPPOINT, to appoi...
preapproved 26 25 PREAPPROVE, to appro...
preapproves 26 24 PREAPPROVE, to appro...
prearranged 20 18 PREARRANGE, to arran...
prearranges 20 17 PREARRANGE, to arran...
preassigned 21 18 PREASSIGN, to assign...
preassuring 22 18 PREASSURE, to assure...
preattuning 21 19 PREATTUNE, to attune...
preaudience 22 20 the right to be hear...
preaverring 23 21 PREAVER, to aver bef...
prebiblical 31 25 belonging to the per...
prebiddings 25 22 PREBIDDING, the act...
prebiologic 28 23 before life, also PR...
preblessing 25 21 PREBLESS, to bless b...
preboarding 23 21 PREBOARD, to board b...
prebuilding 26 23 PREBUILD, to build b...
precalculus 30 24 a mathematical prere...
precanceled 26 23 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precautions 23 19 PRECAUTION, to forew...
precautious 24 19 of the nature of pre...
precedences 25 22 PRECEDENCE, the fact...
precedented 22 20 having a precedent,...
precedently 30 22 PRECEDENT, preceding...
precensored 22 19 PRECENSOR, to censor...
precentress 23 18 a female precentor [...
preceptoral 26 21 like a preceptor [ad...
preceptress 26 20 a female preceptor [...
precessions 23 18 PRECESSION, the act...
precharging 28 24 PRECHARGE, to charge...
prechecking 31 29 PRECHECK, to check b...
prechilling 30 24 PRECHILL, to chill b...
prechoosing 26 22 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precipitant 26 21 serving to precipita...
precipitate 26 20 sudden [adj PRECIPIT...
precipitins 27 21 PRECIPITIN, antibody...
precipitous 27 21 steep, sudden [adj P...
preciseness 23 18 the state of being p...
precleaning 24 22 PRECLEAN, to clean b...
preclearing 25 21 PRECLEAR, to clear b...
preclinical 29 23 relating to the peri...
precludable 28 24 that can be preclude...
preclusions 25 20 PRECLUSION, the act...
precocities 27 20 PRECOCITY, the state...
precognised 24 21 PRECOGNISE, to know...
precognises 24 20 PRECOGNISE, to know...
precognized 27 30 PRECOGNIZE, to know...
precognizes 27 29 PRECOGNIZE, to know...
precognosce 26 23 to take a precogniti...
precolonial 24 20 taking place before...
precomposed 26 24 PRECOMPOSE, to compo...
precomposes 26 23 PRECOMPOSE, to compo...
precomputed 27 25 PRECOMPUTE, to compu...
precomputer 27 24 belonging to the era...
precomputes 27 24 PRECOMPUTE, to compu...
preconceits 26 21 PRECONCEIT [n]
preconceive 27 25 to form (as an opini...
preconcerts 26 21 PRECONCERT, to settl...
precondemns 23 23 PRECONDEMN, to conde...
preconising 24 21 PRECONISE, to procla...
preconizing 27 30 PRECONIZE, to procla...
preconquest 31 28 taking place before...
preconsumed 24 23 PRECONSUME, to consu...
preconsumes 24 22 PRECONSUME, to consu...
precontacts 26 21 PRECONTACT, prior co...
precontract 26 21 to contract in advan...
precreasing 24 20 PRECREASE, to crease...
precritical 29 21 prior to the develop...
predacities 24 18 PREDACITY, being pre...
predatorily 28 18 PREDATORY, preying o...
predeceased 22 19 PREDECEASE, to die s...
predeceases 22 18 PREDECEASE, to die s...
predecessor 23 18 one that precedes [n...
prededucted 24 21 PREDEDUCT, to deduct...
predefining 23 22 PREDEFINE, to define...
predelivery 30 22 the act of deliverin...
predeposits 23 18 PREDEPOSIT, to depos...
predesigned 21 19 PREDESIGN, to design...
predestined 20 17 PREDESTINE, to decre...
predestines 20 16 PREDESTINE, to decre...
predevelops 25 23 PREDEVELOP, to devel...
predevoting 23 22 PREDEVOTE, to devote...
prediabetes 22 18 an asymptomatic abno...
prediabetic 26 21 one suffering from p...
predicables 27 22 PREDICABLE, anything...
predicament 24 22 the character, statu...
predicating 25 21 PREDICATE, to affirm...
predication 23 19 an act or instance o...
predicative 26 22 indicating the predi...
predicators 24 18 PREDICATOR, in syste...
predicatory 30 20 pertaining to preach...
predictable 27 22 that can be predicte...
predictably 34 24 PREDICTABLE, that ca...
predictions 24 19 PREDICTION, an act o...
predigested 22 18 PREDIGEST, to digest...
predilected 25 20 chosen in preference...
predisposal 24 19 disposal in advance...
predisposed 23 19 PREDISPOSE, to dispo...
predisposes 23 18 PREDISPOSE, to dispo...
prednisones 19 17 PREDNISONE, a drug s...
predoctoral 24 19 of, relating to, or...
predominant 20 20 having superior stre...
predominate 20 19 dominating in quanti...
predrilling 25 20 PREDRILL, to drill b...
predynastic 30 21 belonging to the per...
preelecting 25 21 PREELECT, to elect b...
preelection 23 19 taking place before...
preelectric 28 21 dating from before e...
preemergent 21 20 used or occurring be...
preeminence 22 22 the state of being p...
preemptions 23 21 PREEMPTION, the act...
preenacting 23 21 PREENACT, to enact b...
preerecting 24 20 PREERECT, to erect b...
preexciting 31 27 PREEXCITE, to stimul...
preexempted 29 28 PREEXEMPT, to exempt...
preexistent 26 22 existing beforehand...
preexisting 28 24 PREEXIST, to exist b...
preexposing 29 27 PREEXPOSE, to expose...
prefatorial 23 18 serving as preface o...
prefatorily 30 20 PREFATORY, acting as...
prefectship 31 25 the office of prefec...
prefectural 27 22 relating to a prefec...
prefectures 26 21 PREFECTURE, the offi...
preferences 24 21 PREFERENCE, the act...
preferments 23 21 PREFERMENT, promotio...
preferrable 25 21 (obsolete) preferabl...
prefigurate 24 20 to prefigure [v PREF...
prefiguring 26 23 PREFIGURE, to imagin...
prefinanced 24 23 financed in advance...
prefinances 24 22 PREFINANCE, to finan...
prefixtures 30 25 PREFIXTURE, the act...
preflighted 28 23 PREFLIGHT, to inspec...
prefocusing 27 24 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prefocussed 26 22 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prefocusses 26 21 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prefranking 24 25 PREFRANK, to frank b...
prefreezing 26 29 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
prefreshman 25 23 taking place before...
prefrontals 23 19 PREFRONTAL, a fronta...
pregnancies 23 21 PREGNANCY, the state...
prehalluces 28 22 PREHALLUX, an extra...
prehandling 24 22 PREHANDLE, to handle...
prehardened 21 19 PREHARDEN, to harden...
preharvests 25 20 PREHARVEST, the peri...
preheadache 26 22 occurring before a h...
prehensible 25 21 capable of being gra...
prehensions 21 18 PREHENSION, the act...
prehistoric 27 19 relating to the time...
prehominids 24 21 PREHOMINID, a ancest...
preignition 21 18 ignition in an inter...
preimposing 25 23 PREIMPOSE, to impose...
preinformed 23 22 PREINFORM, to inform...
preinserted 20 16 PREINSERT, to insert...
preinvasion 21 20 preceding an invasio...
preinviting 24 22 PREINVITE, to invite...
prejudgment 25 31 the act of prejudgin...
prejudicant 26 29 prejudging [adj]
prejudicate 26 28 (obsolete) to spoil,...
prejudicial 28 29 tending to injure or...
prejudicing 28 31 PREJUDICE, to prepos...
prelateship 26 20 the office of prelat...
prelatesses 21 15 PRELATESS, a female...
prelatising 23 18 PRELATISE, to bring...
prelatizing 26 27 PRELATIZE, to bring...
prelaunched 26 23 PRELAUNCH, to launch...
prelaunches 26 22 PRELAUNCH, to launch...
prelections 24 19 PRELECTION, a lectur...
prelibation 23 19 a foretaste; an offe...
preliminary 29 21 preceding [adj PRELI...
prelimiting 25 21 PRELIMIT, to limit b...
preliteracy 31 20 the state of being p...
preliterary 28 17 before the written w...
preliterate 21 15 not yet employing wr...
prelocating 25 21 PRELOCATE, to locate...
preluncheon 25 23 a light meal before...
prelusively 32 23 PRELUSIVE, introduct...
prelusorily 30 19 PRELUSORY, introduct...
premarketed 22 22 PREMARKET, to market...
premarriage 22 19 relating to the time...
prematurely 29 21 PREMATURE, ahead of...
prematurity 29 20 the state of being p...
premaxillae 29 26 PREMAXILLA, (Latin)...
premaxillas 30 26 PREMAXILLA, (Latin)...
premeasured 21 19 PREMEASURE, to measu...
premeasures 21 18 PREMEASURE, to measu...
premedicate 24 21 to administer premed...
premedieval 24 23 taking place before...
premeditate 21 18 to think about and r...
premiership 27 22 the office of premie...
premodified 24 22 PREMODIFY, to modify...
premodifies 24 21 PREMODIFY, to modify...
premoistens 21 18 PREMOISTEN, to moist...
premonished 23 21 PREMONISH, to warn b...
premonishes 23 20 PREMONISH, to warn b...
premonition 20 19 previous notice or w...
premonitive 23 22 conveying a warning,...
premonitors 21 18 PREMONITOR [v]
premonitory 27 20 conveying a warning,...
premoulding 24 23 PREMOULD, to mould i...
premovement 23 25 the act of premoving...
premunition 21 20 the provision of rel...
prenominate 19 19 forenamed [adj] / to...
prenotified 22 19 PRENOTIFY, to notify...
prenotifies 22 18 PRENOTIFY, to notify...
prenumbered 23 23 PRENUMBER, to number...
preobtained 21 19 PREOBTAIN, to obtain...
preoccupant 28 25 a prior occupant [n...
preoccupate 28 24 (obsolete) to preocc...
preoccupied 29 25 PREOCCUPY, to engros...
preoccupies 29 24 PREOCCUPY, to engros...
preordained 19 17 PREORDAIN, to ordain...
preordering 21 18 PREORDER, to order b...
prepackaged 27 27 PREPACKAGE, to packa...
prepackages 27 26 PREPACKAGE, to packa...
preparation 21 18 the act of preparing...
preparative 24 21 serving to prepare [...
preparators 22 17 PREPARATOR, one who...
preparatory 28 19 by way of preparatio...
prepatellar 24 19 as in prepatellar bu...
prepayments 29 23 PREPAYMENT, payment...
preplanning 23 23 PREPLAN, to plan in...
preplanting 24 22 taking place before...
prepollence 26 23 predominance, also P...
prepollency 33 25 predominance, also P...
prepollices 28 22 PREPOLLEX, (Latin) i...
preportions 22 18 PREPORTION, to porti...
preposition 22 18 a function word that...
prepositive 25 21 placed before [adj P...
prepositors 23 17 PREPOSITOR, (Latin)...
prepotences 24 21 PREPOTENCE, the stat...
prepotently 29 21 PREPOTENT, potent in...
preprandial 23 20 taking place before...
preprepared 24 21 prepared in advance...
preprinting 24 21 PREPRINT, to print i...
preprograms 25 22 PREPROGRAM, to progr...
prepubertal 26 22 occurring in prepube...
prepunching 29 27 PREPUNCH, to punch i...
prepunctual 27 24 more than punctual;...
prepurchase 28 23 to purchase in advan...
prerecorded 23 19 PRERECORD, to record...
preregister 22 16 to register in advan...
prereleased 20 16 PRERELEASE, to relea...
prereleases 20 15 PRERELEASE, to relea...
prerequired 29 25 PREREQUIRE, to requi...
prerequires 29 24 PREREQUIRE, to requi...
prerogative 23 20 an exclusive or spec...
preromantic 24 21 a poet, composer, et...
presagement 21 20 (obsolete) a presage...
presanctify 32 23 to sanctify in advan...
presbycuses 33 23 PRESBYCUSIS, progres...
presbycusis 34 23 progressive loss of...
presbyopias 31 22 PRESBYOPIA, long-sig...
presbyopics 35 25 PRESBYOPIC, someone...
presbyopies 31 22 PRESBYOPY, long-sigh...
presbyteral 30 20 of or like a presbyt...
presbytisms 32 22 PRESBYTISM, presbyop...
preschedule 27 22 to schedule in advan...
preschooler 26 20 a child not yet old...
presciences 26 21 PRESCIENCE, knowledg...
presciently 31 21 PRESCIENT, having fo...
prescindent 23 20 serving to prescind...
prescinding 25 22 PRESCIND, to conside...
prescission 24 18 the act of prescindi...
prescreened 22 19 PRESCREEN, to screen...
prescribers 27 20 PRESCRIBER, one who...
prescribing 28 23 the act of prescribi...
preselected 24 19 PRESELECT, to select...
preselector 24 18 a component of a rad...
presensions 19 16 PRESENSION, previous...
presentable 22 19 worthy of presentati...
presentably 29 21 PRESENTABLE, worthy...
presentence 21 19 to sentence in advan...
presentient 19 16 prescient; having a...
presentisms 22 18 PRESENTISM, the prac...
presentists 21 15 PRESENTIST, one with...
presentives 22 19 PRESENTIVE, a word t...
presentment 20 19 a jury's statement t...
presentness 19 16 the state of being p...
preservable 25 22 that can be preserve...
preservably 32 24 PRESERVABLE, that ca...
presettling 23 18 PRESETTLE, to settle...
preshipping 29 25 PRESHIP, to ship bef...
preshrunken 23 23 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presignaled 22 19 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
pressboards 23 18 PRESSBOARD, an ironi...
pressurised 22 16 PRESSURISE, to place...
pressuriser 22 15 an apparatus for pre...
pressurises 22 15 PRESSURISE, to place...
pressurized 25 25 PRESSURIZE, to place...
pressurizer 25 24 an apparatus for pre...
pressurizes 25 24 PRESSURIZE, to place...
prestamping 25 23 PRESTAMP, to stamp b...
prestations 20 15 PRESTATION, a paymen...
presternums 22 19 PRESTERNUM, the ante...
prestigeful 26 21 full of prestige [ad...
prestigious 23 17 having prestige [adj...
prestissimo 23 17 (Italian) as quickly...
prestressed 21 15 PRESTRESS, to stress...
prestresses 21 14 PRESTRESS, to stress...
presumingly 31 24 PRESUMING [adv]
presumption 24 22 the act of presuming...
presumptive 27 25 based on probability...
presupposed 25 22 PRESUPPOSE, to suppo...
presupposes 25 21 PRESUPPOSE, to suppo...
presurmises 23 18 PRESURMISE [v]
presurveyed 29 22 PRESURVEY, to survey...
presweetens 22 18 PRESWEETEN, to sweet...
presynaptic 32 23 relating to a neuron...
pretendants 19 17 PRETENDANT, a preten...
pretendedly 27 20 PRETENDED [adv]
pretendents 19 17 PRETENDENT, a preten...
pretensions 19 16 PRETENSION, to tensi...
pretentious 20 16 making usually unjus...
preterhuman 23 21 more than human [adj...
preterition 20 15 the omission by a te...
preteritive 23 18 used only in the pre...
preterminal 22 19 occurring or being i...
pretextings 28 24 PRETEXTING, the act...
pretorships 26 19 PRETORSHIP, the offi...
pretraining 21 18 PRETRAIN, to train b...
pretreating 21 17 PRETREAT, to treat b...
pretrimming 25 23 PRETRIM, to trim bef...
prettifiers 24 17 PRETTIFIER, one who...
prettifying 31 22 PRETTIFY, to make at...
pretzelling 27 28 PRETZEL, to twist, b...
prevailment 24 23 (Shakespeare) the po...
prevalences 25 23 PREVALENCE, the stat...
prevalently 30 23 PREVALENT, prevailin...
prevaricate 25 21 to avoid telling the...
prevenience 23 23 the state of preveni...
preventable 24 23 that can be prevente...
preventably 31 25 PREVENTABLE, that ca...
preventible 25 23 that can be prevente...
preventibly 32 25 PREVENTIBLE, that ca...
preventions 21 20 PREVENTION, the act...
preventives 24 23 PREVENTIVE, somethin...
previsional 23 20 showing prevision, f...
previsioned 22 20 PREVISION, to forese...
previsiting 25 21 PREVISIT, to visit b...
preweighing 28 24 PREWEIGH, to weigh b...
prewrapping 29 26 PREWRAP, to wrap bef...
prewritings 26 20 PREWRITING, a prelim...
pricelessly 33 21 PRICELESS, beyond pr...
pricinesses 24 18 PRICINESS, the state...
prickliness 27 23 the state of being p...
priestcraft 27 20 priestly policy dire...
priestesses 21 14 PRIESTESS, a female...
priesthoods 23 17 PRIESTHOOD, the offi...
priestliest 23 15 PRIESTLY, characteri...
priestlings 24 18 PRIESTLING, a priest...
priestships 27 19 PRIESTSHIP, the offi...
primaevally 32 25 PRIMAEVAL, belonging...
primalities 24 18 PRIMALITY, the state...
primaquines 30 28 PRIMAQUINE, an antim...
primariness 22 18 the state of being p...
primateship 27 22 the office of primat...
primatology 30 22 the study of primate...
primenesses 21 18 PRIMENESS, the state...
primigenial 24 21 first or earliest fo...
primiparity 32 22 the bearing of one's...
primiparous 25 21 having borne only on...
primitively 33 24 PRIMITIVE, belonging...
primitivism 28 24 the doctrine that a...
primitivist 27 21 one who practises pr...
primitivity 33 23 the state of being p...
primogenial 23 21 first to be formed;...
primogenits 23 20 PRIMOGENIT, (obsolet...
primordials 24 19 PRIMORDIAL, somethin...
princehoods 25 21 PRINCEHOOD, princeli...
princeliest 25 19 PRINCELY, befitting...
princelings 26 22 PRINCELING, a petty...
princeships 29 23 PRINCESHIP, the offi...
principally 35 25 PRINCIPAL, chief [ad...
principates 26 21 PRINCIPATE, principa...
principling 29 25 PRINCIPLE, to ground...
printmakers 23 22 PRINTMAKER, an artis...
printmaking 24 25 the act of making pr...
printwheels 27 21 PRINTWHEEL, another...
prioritised 22 15 PRIORITISE, to assig...
prioritises 22 14 PRIORITISE, to assig...
prioritized 25 24 PRIORITIZE, to assig...
prioritizes 25 23 PRIORITIZE, to assig...
prismatical 27 21 of, resembling or pr...
prismatoids 23 18 PRISMATOID, a body t...
prisonments 21 19 PRISONMENT, (Shakesp...
privateered 22 19 PRIVATEER, to operat...
privateness 22 19 the state of being p...
privatisers 24 18 PRIVATISER, one who...
privatising 25 21 PRIVATISE, to transf...
privatively 33 25 PRIVATIVE, indicatin...
privatizers 27 27 PRIVATIZER, one who...
privatizing 28 30 PRIVATIZE, to transf...
privileging 27 24 PRIVILEGE, to grant...
prizefights 31 30 PRIZEFIGHT, a profes...
prizewinner 26 28 a winner of a prize...
proabortion 21 18 favoring the legaliz...
probabilism 28 24 the belief that know...
probabilist 27 21 an advocate of proba...
probability 33 23 the state of being p...
probational 22 19 relating to, serving...
probationer 21 18 a person (as a newly...
probatively 32 24 PROBATIVE, testing,...
probenecids 25 22 PROBENECID, a drug t...
problematic 28 24 causing problems [ad...
problemists 26 21 PROBLEMIST, one who...
proboscides 26 21 PROBOSCIS, an elonga...
proboscises 26 20 PROBOSCIS, an elonga...
probusiness 23 19 in favour of busines...
procacities 27 20 PROCACITY, forwardne...
procambiums 29 27 PROCAMBIUM, the youn...
procaryotes 29 19 PROCARYOTE, a bacter...
procaryotic 33 22 like a procaryote [a...
procedurals 25 20 PROCEDURAL, a realis...
proceedings 24 21 PROCEEDING, the act...
procephalic 32 26 pertaining to the fr...
procercoids 27 21 PROCERCOID, the soli...
procerebral 26 21 relating to the proc...
procerebrum 27 24 the forebrain, the p...
procerities 24 17 PROCERITY, tallness,...
processable 26 21 that can be processe...
processible 27 21 that can be processe...
processings 25 20 PROCESSING, the act...
processions 23 18 PROCESSION, to go in...
prochronism 27 23 assigning a date to...
procidences 26 22 PROCIDENCE, prolapse...
proclaimant 25 22 one who proclaims [n...
proclaimers 26 21 PROCLAIMER, one who...
proclaiming 27 24 PROCLAIM, to make kn...
proconsular 24 20 relating to a procon...
procreating 24 20 PROCREATE, to engend...
procreation 22 18 the act of procreati...
procreative 25 21 relating to procreat...
procreators 23 17 PROCREATOR, one who...
procrustean 23 19 marked by arbitrary...
proctalgias 26 20 PROCTALGIA, neuralgi...
proctitides 25 18 PROCTITIS, inflammat...
proctitises 25 17 PROCTITIS, inflammat...
proctodaeal 23 19 relating to the proc...
proctodaeum 24 22 the posterior portio...
proctodeums 25 22 PROCTODEUM, the post...
proctologic 29 23 relating to proctolo...
proctorages 24 19 PROCTORAGE, manageme...
proctorised 24 18 PROCTORISE, to exerc...
proctorises 24 17 PROCTORISE, to exerc...
proctorized 27 27 PROCTORIZE, to exerc...
proctorizes 27 26 PROCTORIZE, to exerc...
proctorship 29 22 the office of procto...
proctoscope 28 23 an instrument for ex...
proctoscopy 35 25 examination by use o...
procuracies 27 21 PROCURACY, the offic...
procurances 26 22 PROCURANCE, the act...
procuration 23 19 the management of an...
procurators 24 18 PROCURATOR, a person...
procuratory 30 20 authorization to act...
procurement 24 22 the act of procuring...
procuresses 24 18 PROCURESS, a female...
prodigalise 23 18 to spend lavishly, t...
prodigality 30 20 the state of being p...
prodigalize 26 27 to spend lavishly, t...
producement 24 23 (Milton) product [n...
productions 24 20 PRODUCTION, somethin...
proestruses 21 15 PROESTRUS, in mammal...
profanation 20 19 the act or an instan...
profanatory 27 20 tending to profane [...
profaneness 20 19 the state of being p...
profanities 22 18 PROFANITY, the state...
profeminist 24 21 in favour of feminis...
professedly 30 21 PROFESSED [adv]
professions 22 18 PROFESSION, a callin...
proficience 28 24 the state of being p...
proficiency 35 26 the state of being p...
proficients 26 21 PROFICIENT, one who...
profiteered 22 18 PROFITEER, to act as...
profiterole 23 18 (French) a small puf...
profligates 25 20 PROFLIGATE, one who...
profluences 26 23 PROFLUENCE, (Milton)...
profoundest 22 20 PROFOUND, very deep...
profuseness 22 19 the state of being p...
progenitive 23 21 capable of bearing o...
progenitors 21 17 PROGENITOR, an ances...
progenitrix 28 24 a female parent or a...
progeniture 21 18 an act or instance o...
progestogen 21 19 any of a range of ho...
proglottids 24 18 PROGLOTTID, a segmen...
prognathism 25 22 the state of having...
prognathous 23 20 having a jaw that pr...
prognostics 25 20 PROGNOSTIC, a sympto...
programable 25 23 that can be programm...
programings 24 22 PROGRAMING, the act...
programmers 24 22 PROGRAMMER, one who...
programming 25 25 the act of making a...
progressing 23 19 PROGRESS, to move fo...
progression 21 17 motion onward [n -S]
progressism 24 19 sympathy with or adv...
progressist 23 16 one who believes in...
progressive 24 20 showing progress [ad...
progymnasia 28 22 PROGYMNASIUM, in Ger...
prohibiters 26 19 PROHIBITER, one who...
prohibiting 27 22 PROHIBIT, to forbid...
prohibition 25 20 the act of prohibiti...
prohibitive 28 23 tending to prohibit...
prohibitors 26 19 PROHIBITOR, one who...
prohibitory 32 21 serving to prohibit...
proinsulins 22 18 PROINSULIN, a single...
projectable 28 30 that can be projecte...
projectiles 27 27 PROJECTILE, a body p...
projectings 27 29 PROJECTING, the act...
projections 25 27 PROJECTION, somethin...
projectment 26 30 a design or plan [n...
projectures 26 27 PROJECTURE, a juttin...
prokaryotes 27 20 PROKARYOTE, a bacter...
prokaryotic 31 23 of or like a prokary...
prolapsuses 24 19 PROLAPSUS, (Latin) a...
prolateness 20 16 the state of being p...
prolegomena 21 21 PROLEGOMENON, prefat...
proleptical 28 22 relating to prolepsi...
proletarian 20 16 a member of the prol...
proletariat 21 15 the laboring class,...
proletaries 21 15 PROLETARY, a proleta...
proliferate 23 18 to grow or increase...
proliferous 24 19 producing buds and/o...
prolificacy 37 26 the state of being p...
prolificity 35 23 the state of being p...
prolixities 29 22 PROLIXITY, long-wind...
prolocution 24 20 an introductory spee...
prolocutors 25 19 PROLOCUTOR, a presid...
prolocutrix 32 26 a spokesman, a chair...
prologising 24 20 PROLOGISE, to speak...
prologizing 27 29 PROLOGIZE, to speak...
prologuised 23 19 PROLOGUISE, to speak...
prologuises 23 18 PROLOGUISE, to speak...
prologuized 26 28 PROLOGUIZE, to speak...
prologuizes 26 27 PROLOGUIZE, to speak...
prolongable 24 22 that can be prolonge...
prolongated 21 19 PROLONGATE, to prolo...
prolongates 21 18 PROLONGATE, to prolo...
prolongment 22 22 the act of prolongin...
promachoses 26 22 PROMACHOS, (Greek) a...
promenaders 20 19 PROMENADER, one who...
promenading 21 22 PROMENADE, to take a...
prometheums 25 23 PROMETHEUM, the form...
promethiums 26 23 PROMETHIUM, a radioa...
promilitary 30 20 in favour of the mil...
prominences 23 22 PROMINENCE, somethin...
prominently 28 22 PROMINENT, standing...
promiscuity 33 23 miscellaneous mingli...
promiscuous 26 22 composed of all sort...
promiseless 23 18 without a promise [a...
promisingly 31 23 PROMISING [adv]
promotional 21 19 serving to promote [...
promptbooks 27 27 PROMPTBOOK, a copy o...
promptitude 25 22 the quality or habit...
promulgated 24 22 PROMULGATE, to make...
promulgates 24 21 PROMULGATE, to make...
promulgator 24 21 one who promulgates...
promuscides 26 22 PROMUSCIS, a probosc...
promycelial 33 24 like a promycelium,...
promycelium 34 27 a short germ-tube pu...
pronenesses 18 16 PRONENESS, the state...
pronouncers 22 20 PRONOUNCER, one who...
pronouncing 23 23 the act of pronuncia...
proofreader 21 18 a person who proofre...
propagandas 22 21 PROPAGANDA, a congre...
propagating 24 22 PROPAGATE, to increa...
propagation 22 20 the act of propagati...
propagative 25 23 serving to propagate...
propagators 23 19 PROPAGATOR, one who...
propellants 24 20 PROPELLANT, somethin...
propellents 24 20 PROPELLENT, somethin...
propellings 26 22 PROPELLING, the act...
propelments 24 22 PROPELMENT, propulsi...
propensions 21 19 PROPENSION, (Shakesp...
propertying 30 22 PROPERTY, to make on...
prophesiers 25 19 PROPHESIER, one who...
prophesying 32 24 the act of prophesyi...
prophethood 26 22 the state of being a...
prophetical 29 23 related to prophesy,...
prophetisms 27 22 PROPHETISM, the acti...
prophetship 30 24 the office of prophe...
prophylaxes 38 29 PROPHYLAXIS, prevent...
prophylaxis 39 29 preventive treatment...
propinquity 38 30 nearness in space, t...
propionates 21 18 PROPIONATE, a salt o...
propitiable 26 21 that can be propitia...
propitiated 23 18 PROPITIATE, to rende...
propitiates 23 17 PROPITIATE, to rende...
propitiator 23 17 one who propitiates...
proplastids 25 19 PROPLASTID, a precur...
proportions 22 18 PROPORTION, to adjus...
proposition 22 18 to make a proposal t...
propounders 22 20 PROPOUNDER, one who...
propounding 23 23 PROPOUND, to propose...
propraetors 22 17 PROPRAETOR, a magist...
propranolol 23 20 a beta-blocker drug...
proprietary 29 19 of the nature of pro...
proprieties 23 17 PROPRIETY, propernes...
proprietors 23 17 PROPRIETOR, an owner...
proprietrix 30 24 a female proprietor,...
proproctors 26 20 PROPROCTOR, an assis...
propulsions 24 20 PROPULSION, the act...
propylamine 30 24 an amine of propyl [...
propylitise 31 20 to become or turn in...
propylitize 34 29 to become or turn in...
prorogating 22 19 PROROGATE, to end a...
prorogation 20 17 the act of prorogati...
prosaically 32 21 PROSAICAL, relating...
prosaicisms 26 20 PROSAICISM, the qual...
prosaicness 23 18 the state of being p...
prosauropod 22 19 a reptile-like dinos...
prosceniums 25 22 PROSCENIUM, the part...
prosciuttos 25 18 PROSCIUTTO, (Italian...
proscribers 27 20 PROSCRIBER, one who...
proscribing 28 23 PROSCRIBE, to forbid...
prosecuting 25 21 PROSECUTE, to pursue...
prosecution 23 19 the act of prosecuti...
prosecutors 24 18 PROSECUTOR, a person...
prosecutrix 31 25 a female prosecutor...
proselyting 29 20 PROSELYTE, to become...
proselytise 28 17 to recruit or conver...
proselytism 30 20 conversion [n -S]
proselytize 31 26 to recruit or conver...
proseminars 21 18 PROSEMINAR, a course...
prosenchyma 32 25 supporting plant tis...
prosiliency 31 21 the state of being p...
prosinesses 20 15 PROSINESS, the state...
prosobranch 27 23 any of a subclass of...
prosopopeia 23 20 a figure of speech i...
prospecting 27 23 exploring for minera...
prospection 25 21 looking to the futur...
prospective 28 24 relating to or effec...
prospectors 26 20 PROSPECTOR, one who...
prostatisms 23 17 PROSTATISM, an illne...
prostatitis 22 14 inflammation of the...
prosternums 22 19 PROSTERNUM, the ster...
prosthetics 27 19 PROSTHETIC, an artif...
prosthetist 24 16 one who makes prosth...
prostituted 22 16 PROSTITUTE, to offer...
prostitutes 22 15 PROSTITUTE, to offer...
prostitutor 22 15 one who prostitutes...
prostomiums 24 21 PROSTOMIUM, that por...
prostrating 22 17 PROSTRATE, to throw...
prostration 20 15 the act of assuming...
protagonism 22 20 the state of being a...
protagonist 21 17 the principal charac...
protandries 20 16 PROTANDRY, the devel...
protandrous 20 17 showing protandry, t...
protanomaly 27 21 a form of colour bli...
protanopias 21 18 PROTANOPIA, colour-b...
proteaceous 22 18 belonging to the pro...
protectants 23 18 PROTECTANT, a protec...
protections 23 18 PROTECTION, the act...
protectives 26 21 PROTECTIVE, somethin...
protectoral 24 18 of or relating to a...
protectress 24 17 a female protector,...
proteinases 19 15 PROTEINASE, any enzy...
proteinuria 20 16 the presence of abno...
protensions 19 16 PROTENSION, duration...
proteolysed 27 18 PROTEOLYSE, to split...
proteolyses 27 17 PROTEOLYSE, to split...
proteolysis 28 17 the disintegration o...
proteolytic 31 20 relating to proteoly...
proterandry 26 18 in a hermaphrodite o...
proterogyny 33 21 the development of f...
protestants 20 15 PROTESTANT, one who...
prothalamia 24 20 PROTHALAMIUM, (Spens...
prothallial 26 19 of or like the proth...
prothallium 27 22 the free-living game...
prothalloid 25 19 relating to the prot...
prothoraces 25 19 PROTHORAX, the first...
prothoracic 29 22 of or relating to th...
prothoraxes 28 23 PROTHORAX, the first...
prothrombin 26 23 a proteinlike substa...
protoavises 22 18 PROTOAVIS, a member...
protococcal 30 24 relating to the Prot...
protocoling 25 21 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
protocolise 24 18 to make a protocol o...
protocolist 25 18 a registrar or clerk...
protocolize 27 27 to make a protocol o...
protocolled 25 20 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
protoctists 25 17 PROTOCTIST, any unic...
protogalaxy 34 26 a galaxy in its init...
protogynies 27 19 PROTOGYNY, the devel...
protogynous 27 20 exhibiting protogyny...
protohumans 23 21 PROTOHUMAN, a prehis...
protolithic 28 20 pertaining to earlie...
protomartyr 28 19 the first martyr in...
protonating 20 18 PROTONATE, to acquir...
protonation 18 16 the acquisition of a...
protonemata 19 18 PROTONEMA, a branche...
protonotary 25 17 a court clerk; a chi...
protopathic 28 22 pertaining to recept...
protophilic 30 23 having or involving...
protophloem 26 23 the first-formed phl...
protophytes 31 21 PROTOPHYTE, any unic...
protophytic 35 24 relating to a protop...
protoplanet 22 19 a planet in its init...
protoplasms 25 21 PROTOPLASM, the comp...
protoplasts 24 18 PROTOPLAST, living m...
protosteles 21 15 PROTOSTELE, a stele...
protostelic 25 18 of or like a protost...
protostomes 21 17 PROTOSTOME, a major...
prototrophs 25 19 PROTOTROPH, a bacter...
prototrophy 31 21 the state of being p...
prototyping 30 22 PROTOTYPE, to make a...
protoxylems 35 27 PROTOXYLEM, the firs...
protractile 25 18 able to be thrust ou...
protracting 25 20 PROTRACT, to prolong...
protraction 23 18 the act of protracti...
protractive 26 21 serving to protract...
protractors 24 17 PROTRACTOR, one who,...
protreptics 27 20 PROTREPTIC, an exhor...
protrudable 24 20 that can be protrude...
protrusible 25 19 that can be protrude...
protrusions 21 16 PROTRUSION, the act...
protuberant 22 19 thrusting out from a...
protuberate 22 18 to bulge out [v PROT...
proudnesses 20 17 PROUDNESS, the quali...
provability 33 24 the state of being p...
provascular 27 23 of, relating to, or...
provections 25 22 PROVECTION, the carr...
proveditore 22 19 a purveyor, also PRO...
proveditors 23 19 PROVEDITOR, a purvey...
provenances 23 23 PROVENANCE, an origi...
provendered 21 21 PROVENDER, to supply...
provenience 23 23 an origin, source, a...
providences 25 23 PROVIDENCE, divine g...
providently 30 23 PROVIDENT, seeing be...
provincials 27 23 PROVINCIAL, one who...
provisional 23 20 temporary [adj PROVI...
provisioned 22 20 PROVISION, to provid...
provisioner 22 19 a furnisher of provi...
provisorily 31 21 PROVISORY, of the na...
provitamins 24 22 PROVITAMIN, a pre-vi...
provocateur 25 22 (French) one who pro...
provocation 24 22 the act of provoking...
provocative 27 25 serving to provoke [...
provocators 25 21 PROVOCATOR, one who...
provocatory 31 23 provocative [adj]
provokement 23 26 (Spenser) provocatio...
provokingly 32 28 PROVOKING [adv]
provostries 23 18 PROVOSTRY, the offic...
provostship 28 23 the office of provos...
proximately 35 27 PROXIMATE, nearest o...
proximation 27 25 immediate nearness i...
proximities 29 24 PROXIMITY, immediate...
prudentials 22 18 PRUDENTIAL, a pruden...
prudishness 24 19 the state of being p...
pruriencies 24 19 PRURIENCY, the state...
pruriginous 23 19 relating to prurigo...
prussianise 21 16 to make Prussian in...
prussianize 24 25 to make Prussian in...
psaligraphy 34 24 the art of paper-cut...
psalmodical 27 23 relating to a psalmo...
psalmodised 23 20 PSALMODISE, to pract...
psalmodises 23 19 PSALMODISE, to pract...
psalmodists 24 19 PSALMODIST, a singer...
psalmodized 26 29 PSALMODIZE, to pract...
psalmodizes 26 28 PSALMODIZE, to pract...
psaltresses 22 15 PSALTRESS, a woman w...
psammophile 28 26 a sand-loving plant,...
psammophils 29 26 PSAMMOPHIL, a sand-l...
psammophyte 33 27 a plant adapted to g...
pseudimagos 23 21 PSEUDIMAGO, a stage...
pseudoacids 24 20 PSEUDOACID, a compou...
pseudobulbs 27 24 PSEUDOBULB, a swolle...
pseudocarps 26 22 PSEUDOCARP, that por...
pseudocides 24 20 PSEUDOCIDE, faking o...
pseudocodes 23 20 PSEUDOCODE, instruct...
pseudocoels 24 20 PSEUDOCOEL, a body c...
pseudograph 26 23 spurious writing; fo...
pseudologia 22 19 lying in speech or w...
pseudologue 22 20 a pathological liar...
pseudomonad 20 21 a virgate plant and...
pseudomonas 20 20 any of a genus of ro...
pseudomorph 26 24 a false or abnormal...
pseudopodal 23 21 of or like a pseudop...
pseudopodia 22 20 PSEUDOPODIUM, a proc...
pseudoscope 25 22 an instrument produc...
psilocybins 34 24 PSILOCYBIN, a halluc...
psilomelane 22 20 an oxide of manganes...
psilophytes 33 22 PSILOPHYTE, any of a...
psilophytic 37 25 of or like a psiloph...
psittacines 24 18 PSITTACINE, a member...
psittacoses 24 17 PSITTACOSIS, contagi...
psittacosis 25 17 contagious parrot di...
psittacotic 28 20 relating to psittaco...
psychagogue 34 26 a conductor of souls...
psychedelia 33 23 the production of, o...
psychedelic 37 26 relating to a state...
psychiaters 33 21 PSYCHIATER, (archaic...
psychiatric 37 24 relating to psychiat...
psychically 45 28 PSYCHICAL, relating...
psychicisms 39 27 PSYCHICISM, psychica...
psychicists 38 24 PSYCHICIST, a psychi...
psychobilly 44 28 a genre of popular m...
psychodelia 33 23 the production of, o...
psychodelic 37 26 relating to a state...
psychodrama 33 25 therapeutic drama [n...
psychogases 33 23 PSYCHOGAS, a gas whi...
psychogenic 36 27 derived from the min...
psychograms 35 26 PSYCHOGRAM, writing...
psychograph 38 28 a photographic image...
psychologic 38 27 of or relating to ps...
psychomachy 45 31 conflict of the soul...
psychometer 33 24 an instrument measur...
psychometry 40 26 the measurement of m...
psychomotor 33 24 pertaining to physic...
psychonomic 36 28 relating to psychono...
psychopaths 37 26 PSYCHOPATH, a mental...
psychopathy 43 28 the state of being a...
psychophily 45 29 pollination by butte...
psychopomps 38 30 PSYCHOPOMP, a guide...
psychotoxic 42 31 damaging to the mind...
pteranodons 18 17 PTERANODON, a toothl...
pteridology 29 20 the study of ferns [...
pterodactyl 31 21 any of various ptero...
ptochocracy 38 27 government by the po...
ptyalagogic 33 24 acting as a ptyalago...
ptyalagogue 29 22 a substance promotin...
pubcrawlers 31 25 PUBCRAWLER, one who...
pubescences 28 25 PUBESCENCE, the stat...
publication 27 23 the act of publishin...
publicising 30 25 PUBLICISE, to make p...
publicities 29 22 PUBLICITY, the proce...
publicizing 33 34 PUBLICIZE, to make p...
publishable 30 25 that can be publishe...
publishings 29 24 PUBLISHING, the busi...
publishment 28 25 publication [n -S]
puckishness 28 25 the state of being p...
pudginesses 22 19 PUDGINESS, the state...
pudibundity 31 24 the state of being p...
puerilities 23 16 PUERILITY, the state...
puerperally 31 22 PUERPERAL, of or rel...
puerperiums 25 22 PUERPERIUM, (Latin)...
puffinesses 25 22 PUFFINESS, the state...
pugginesses 23 20 PUGGINESS, the state...
pugnacities 25 21 PUGNACITY, the state...
puissaunces 24 20 PUISSAUNCE, power, p...
pulchritude 29 23 beauty [n -S]
pullulating 26 22 PULLULATE, to swarm,...
pullulation 24 20 the act of pullulati...
pulmobranch 30 28 a lung-book [n -S]
pulmonology 30 25 the branch of medici...
pulpinesses 24 20 PULPINESS, the state...
pulpiteered 24 20 PULPITEER, to preach...
pulsatances 24 20 PULSATANCE, the angu...
pulsatility 31 19 the state of being p...
pulsatillas 25 18 PULSATILLA, another...
pulsatively 32 23 PULSATIVE, of musica...
pulsimeters 24 19 PULSIMETER, an instr...
pulsometers 23 19 PULSOMETER, a pump t...
pultrusions 23 18 PULTRUSION, a proces...
pulveration 23 21 pulverization [n -S]
pulverisers 25 20 PULVERISER, one who...
pulverising 26 23 PULVERISE, to reduce...
pulverizers 28 29 PULVERIZER, one who...
pulverizing 29 32 PULVERIZE, to reduce...
pulverulent 25 23 dusty-looking; readi...
pummellings 27 26 PUMMELLING, a beatin...
pumpkinseed 25 27 the seed of the pump...
punchboards 28 25 PUNCHBOARD, a practi...
punchinello 27 24 (Italian) a fat shor...
punctations 23 20 PUNCTATION, dotting,...
punctilious 26 21 extremely attentive...
punctualist 26 21 (obsolete) an author...
punctuality 32 23 the state of being p...
punctuating 25 23 PUNCTUATE, to mark w...
punctuation 23 21 the act of punctuati...
punctuative 26 24 relating to punctuat...
punctuators 24 20 PUNCTUATOR, one who...
punctulated 25 22 PUNCTULATE, to mark...
punctulates 25 21 PUNCTULATE, to mark...
puncturable 27 24 that can be puncture...
pundigrions 22 20 PUNDIGRION, (obsolet...
punicaceous 26 23 relating to Punicace...
punishingly 32 24 PUNISHING [adv]
punishments 24 22 PUNISHMENT, the act...
punkinesses 21 21 PUNKINESS, being a p...
pupillarity 33 22 the state of being a...
pupillating 27 23 PUPILLATE, to cry in...
puppeteered 24 22 PUPPETEER, to operat...
purchasable 29 24 that can be purchase...
purchasings 28 23 PURCHASING, the act...
purgatively 32 24 PURGATIVE, serving t...
purgatorial 23 18 relating to purgator...
purgatorian 21 18 a person who believe...
purgatories 22 17 PURGATORY, a place o...
purificator 27 21 a cloth used to wipe...
puritanical 25 20 of or like a puritan...
puritanised 21 17 PURITANISE, to make...
puritanises 21 16 PURITANISE, to make...
puritanisms 23 19 PURITANISM, the beli...
puritanized 24 26 PURITANIZE, to make...
puritanizes 24 25 PURITANIZE, to make...
purpleheart 26 21 a kind of wood, purp...
purportedly 31 22 PURPORTED [adv]
purportless 25 19 without purport [adj...
purposeless 24 19 having no purpose [a...
purposively 33 25 PURPOSIVE, directed...
purpresture 24 19 encroachment on publ...
purserships 27 20 PURSERSHIP, the offi...
pursinesses 21 16 PURSINESS, the state...
pursuivants 24 21 PURSUIVANT, an offic...
purtenances 22 20 PURTENANCE, (obsolet...
purulencies 25 21 PURULENCY, the state...
purveyances 31 25 PURVEYANCE, the act...
puschkinias 28 25 PUSCHKINIA, (Russian...
pushfulness 27 23 the state of being p...
pushinesses 23 18 PUSHINESS, the state...
pushingness 24 21 the state of being p...
pussyfooted 29 21 PUSSYFOOT, to tread...
pussyfooter 29 20 one who pussyfoots [...
pustulating 24 20 PUSTULATE, to form i...
pustulation 22 18 the state of having...
putrefiable 26 22 capable of putrefyin...
putrescence 26 22 the state of being p...
putrescible 28 22 something capable of...
putrescines 24 19 PUTRESCINE, a substa...
putridities 23 16 PUTRIDITY, the state...
puzzlements 29 38 PUZZLEMENT, the stat...
pycnogonids 30 24 PYCNOGONID, one of t...
pycnogonoid 29 24 of or like a pycnogo...
pycnometers 30 23 PYCNOMETER, an instr...
pycnometric 34 26 relating to a pycnom...
pycnospores 31 23 PYCNOSPORE, a conidi...
pycnostyles 37 23 PYCNOSTYLE, an ancie...
pyelography 39 26 the use of pyelogram...
pyknometers 28 24 PYKNOMETER, an instr...
pylorectomy 38 25 the surgical removal...
pyracanthas 31 22 PYRACANTHA, the ever...
pyramidally 37 24 PYRAMIDAL, shaped li...
pyramidical 33 24 of or like a pyramid...
pyramidions 28 21 PYRAMIDION, the smal...
pyramidists 30 20 PYRAMIDIST, someone...
pyranometer 26 20 another name for a s...
pyranosides 26 18 PYRANOSIDE, a glycos...
pyrargyrite 35 20 a deep-red to black...
pyrenocarps 31 23 PYRENOCARP, a perith...
pyrethroids 30 19 PYRETHROID, any of v...
pyrgeometer 28 21 an instrument for me...
pyridoxines 33 25 PYRIDOXINE, a pyridi...
pyrimidines 29 21 PYRIMIDINE, a compou...
pyritohedra 29 19 PYRITOHEDRON, a pent...
pyroballogy 38 25 the study of artille...
pyroclastic 35 23 of rocks, formed of...
pyrogallate 29 20 any salt or ester of...
pyrogallols 31 21 PYROGALLOL, pyrogall...
pyrogenetic 30 22 produced by, or prod...
pyrognostic 31 22 relating to the test...
pyrographer 32 23 one who practises py...
pyrographic 36 26 relating to pyrograp...
pyrogravure 30 23 design traced by pyr...
pyrokineses 27 21 PYROKINESIS, the abi...
pyrokinesis 28 21 the ability to start...
pyrolatries 28 17 PYROLATRY, fire-wors...
pyrolusites 29 18 PYROLUSITE, native m...
pyrolysable 37 23 that can be pyrolyse...
pyrolysates 34 19 PYROLYSATE, a produc...
pyrolyzable 40 32 that can be pyrolyse...
pyrolyzates 37 28 PYROLYZATE, a produc...
pyromancers 30 23 PYROMANCER, one who...
pyromancies 30 23 PYROMANCY, divinatio...
pyromaniacs 30 23 PYROMANIAC, a suffer...
pyromerides 28 20 PYROMERIDE, a nodula...
pyrometries 28 19 PYROMETRY, the art o...
pyrophobias 33 24 PYROPHOBIA, fear of...
pyrophobics 37 27 PYROPHOBIC, one havi...
pyrophorous 31 22 spontaneously igniti...
pyrosulfite 31 21 as in sodium pyrosul...
pyrotechnic 35 25 relating to pyrotech...
pyrovanadic 31 25 pertaining to, or de...
pyroxenites 32 24 PYROXENITE, a rock c...
pyroxenitic 36 27 of or like pyroxene...
pyroxenoids 32 25 PYROXENOID, a minera...
pyroxylines 40 27 PYROXYLINE, any of t...
pyrrhicists 35 21 PYRRHICIST, (histori...
pyrrhotines 29 19 PYRRHOTINE, magnetic...
pyrrhotites 30 18 PYRRHOTITE, magnetic...
pyrrhuloxia 37 27 a grey-and-pink cres...
pyrrolidine 28 19 a colourless strongl...
pythonesses 28 19 PYTHONESS, a witch (...