6 letter words that start with P

6 letter words that start with P

6 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pablum 17 17 food, esp. a suspens...
pacers 15 12 PACER, a horse whose...
pachak 18 18 an aromatic root res...
pachas 17 14 PACHA, a former Turk...
pacier 15 12 PACY, fast, also PAC...
pacify 24 17 to make peaceful [v...
pacing 16 15 the act of setting a...
packed 16 17 PACK, to enclose for...
packer 16 16 one who packs [n -S]
packet 16 16 to make into a small...
packly 24 19 intimately [adv]
pactum 17 16 (Latin) a pact [n PA...
paczki 20 25 (Polish) a round, fi...
padang 12 13 a Malayan field [n -...
padauk 13 15 a Burmese timber-tre...
padded 12 12 PAD, to stuff or fil...
padder 12 11 a highwayman who ste...
paddle 13 12 to propel with an oa...
padkos 13 14 (South African) snac...
padles 13 11 PADLE, (Scots) a fis...
padmas 13 13 PADMA, (Sanskrit) th...
padnag 12 13 a horse that moves a...
padouk 13 15 (Burmese) a Burmese...
padres 12 10 PADRE, (Italian) fat...
padsaw 15 13 a small saw-blade [n...
paeans 10 10 PAEAN, a song of tha...
paedos 11 10 PAEDO, (short for) a...
paella 13 11 (Spanish) a saffron-...
paeons 10 10 PAEON, a foot of fou...
paeony 16 12 a showy flower, also...
paesan 10 10 (Spanish) a fellow c...
pagans 12 12 PAGAN, an irreligiou...
pagers 13 11 PAGER, an electronic...
paging 14 14 a transfer of comput...
pagles 14 12 PAGLE, the cowslip,...
pagoda 12 12 an Eastern temple, e...
pagods 13 12 PAGOD, an Eastern te...
pagris 14 11 PAGRI, (Hindi) a tur...
paidle 13 11 (Scots) a fish, aka...
paigle 14 12 the cowslip, also PA...
paiked 13 14 PAIK, (Scots) to thu...
painch 17 15 (Scots) the paunch [...
pained 11 11 PAIN, to cause suffe...
painim 13 13 (obsolete) a pagan,...
paints 12 10 PAINT, to apply colo...
painty 18 12 covered with paint [...
paiock 16 16 (Shakespeare) an obs...
paired 12 10 PAIRE, (obsolete) an...
pairer 12 9 PAIR, (Scots) poor [...
paires 12 9 PAIRE, (obsolete) an...
paisan 11 10 (Spanish) a fellow c...
paisas 12 9 PAISA, (Hindi) an In...
pajama 14 21 a garment for sleepi...
pajock 18 25 (Shakespeare) an obs...
pakahi 15 15 (Maori) acid land un...
pakeha 14 15 (Maori) a white man;...
pakihi 16 15 (Maori) acid land un...
pakoko 13 17 (Maori) a small fish...
pakora 12 13 (Hindi) an Indian di...
palace 15 13 a royal residence [n...
palagi 14 12 (Samoan) a Samoan wo...
palais 13 10 (French) a palace [n...
palama 13 13 the webbing of a wat...
palapa 14 13 an open-sided dwelli...
palate 12 10 the roof of the mout...
palays 19 12 PALAY, the ivory tre...
paleae 11 10 PALEA, the membranou...
paleal 13 11 relating to the pale...
palely 20 13 PALE, lacking colour...
palest 13 10 PALE, lacking colour...
palets 13 10 PALET, the membranou...
palier 13 10 PALY, somewhat pale...
paling 14 13 a picket fence [n -S...
palish 16 12 somewhat pale [adj]
palkee 13 14 (Hindi) a palanquin,...
palkis 15 14 PALKI, (Hindi) a pal...
pallae 13 11 PALLA, an oblong rec...
pallah 16 13 a large South Africa...
palled 14 12 PALL, to grow wearis...
pallet 14 11 a bed or mattress or...
pallia 14 11 PALLIUM, a cloak wor...
pallid 15 12 pale, wan [adj PALLI...
pallor 14 11 paleness esp. of the...
palmar 14 13 pertaining to the pa...
palmed 14 14 PALM, to touch with...
palmer 14 13 one who bears a palm...
palmie 14 13 (Scots) a stroke of...
palolo 13 11 an edible sea-worm [...
palpal 16 14 relating to a palp,...
palped 15 14 PALP, to sense by to...
palpus 16 14 (Latin) a sense orga...
palsas 13 10 PALSA, (Finnish) a l...
palter 13 10 to talk or act insin...
paltry 20 12 meagre, mean [adj PA...
pampas 15 15 a treeless plain, al...
pamper 15 15 to treat with excess...
panada 10 11 (Spanish) a thick sa...
panama 11 13 a lightweight plaite...
panary 17 12 a bread store [n PAN...
pances 14 13 PANCE, (obsolete) th...
pandan 10 12 (Malay) a palm of SE...
pandar 11 11 to act as a procurer...
pandas 11 11 PANDA, a bear-like c...
pander 11 11 to act as a procurer...
pandit 12 11 (Sanskrit) a Hindu l...
paneer 10 10 a soft white cheese...
panels 12 11 PANEL, to decorate w...
panfry 20 15 to fry in a frying p...
panful 15 15 as much as a pan can...
pangas 12 12 PANGA, (Swahili) an...
panged 12 13 PANG, to inflict a v...
pangen 11 13 a hypothetical unit...
panick 16 17 any grass of the gen...
panics 15 13 PANIC, to experience...
panier 11 10 a large basket, also...
panims 13 13 PANIM, a heathen, al...
paning 12 13 PANE, to insert pane...
panini 11 11 grilled, Italian-sty...
panino 10 11 a sandwich made with...
panisc 15 13 an inferior god, att...
panisk 13 14 an inferior god, att...
pankos 12 14 PANKO, a variety of...
panned 10 12 PAN, to criticize ha...
panner 10 11 one who pans for gol...
pannes 10 11 PANNE, a heavy lustr...
pannus 11 12 a pathological overg...
panted 11 11 PANT, to breathe qui...
panter 11 10 (Shakespeare) the of...
pantie 11 10 a woman's or child's...
panton 10 11 (Scots) a slipper [n...
pantos 11 10 PANTO, (short for) p...
pantry 18 12 a small room or a cu...
pantun 11 12 (Malay) a Malayan ve...
panzer 14 19 (German) a German ta...
papacy 23 17 the office of the po...
papain 13 13 an enzyme that diges...
papaws 17 15 PAPAW, a tree of the...
papaya 19 14 (Spanish) a tree of...
papers 14 12 PAPER, to cover with...
papery 20 14 resembling paper [ad...
papish 17 14 a supporter of the P...
papism 16 15 adherence to the Pop...
papist 15 12 a supporter of the P...
papped 16 16 PAP, to feed with so...
pappus 17 16 a ring of downy hair...
papula 15 14 (Latin) a pimple, al...
papule 15 14 a pimple, also PAPUL...
papyri 21 14 PAPYRUS, a parchment...
parade 11 10 to march in a public...
parage 12 11 equality of birth or...
paramo 12 12 (Spanish) a bare win...
parang 12 12 (Malay) a large shea...
paraph 16 14 a flourish at the en...
parcel 16 13 to divide into parts...
pardah 14 12 the seclusion of wom...
pardal 13 11 a leopard, also PARD...
parded 12 11 spotted [adj]
pardee 11 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
pardie 12 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
pardon 11 11 to release from liab...
parens 11 10 PAREN, (short for) p...
parent 11 10 to act as father or...
pareos 11 9 PAREO, a Polynesian...
parera 11 9 (Maori) a New Zealan...
parers 12 9 PARER, an instrument...
pareus 12 10 PAREU, a Polynesian...
pareve 13 13 (Yiddish) of food, c...
parged 13 12 PARGE, to cover with...
parges 13 11 PARGE, to cover with...
parget 13 11 to cover with plaste...
pargos 13 11 PARGO, (Spanish) a k...
pariah 14 11 a person of low or n...
parial 13 10 a pair-royal, a thro...
parian 11 10 a hard white porcela...
paries 12 9 the wall of an organ...
paring 13 12 something pared off...
parish 15 11 a subdivision of a d...
parity 19 11 equality of status;...
parkas 13 13 PARKA, a fur shirt o...
parked 13 14 PARK, to leave a veh...
parkee 12 13 a wind-proof coat, a...
parker 13 13 a park-keeper [n -S]
parkie 13 13 (colloquial) a park-...
parkin 13 14 a north of England g...
parkis 14 13 PARKI, a fur shirt o...
parkly 21 16 like a park [adj]
parlay 19 12 to wager original wi...
parled 13 11 PARLE, to discuss te...
parles 13 10 PARLE, to discuss te...
parley 19 12 to discuss terms wit...
parlor 13 10 a room for the enter...
parody 18 12 to imitate in a sati...
parole 12 10 to give a conditiona...
parols 13 10 PAROL, a parole [n]
parore 11 9 (Maori) a type of fi...
parous 12 10 bearing or having bo...
parped 14 13 PARP, to sound a car...
parpen 13 13 a stone passing thro...
parral 13 10 a sliding loop of ro...
parras 12 9 PARRA, (Australian s...
parred 12 10 PAR, to score a cert...
parrel 13 10 a sliding loop of ro...
parrot 12 9 to repeat without th...
parsec 15 12 a unit of astronomic...
parsed 12 10 PARSE, to describe a...
parser 12 9 a program or routine...
parses 12 9 PARSE, to describe a...
parson 11 10 a clergyman [n -S]
partan 11 10 a kind of edible cra...
parted 12 10 PART, to divide, sep...
parter 12 9 one who, or which, p...
partim 14 12 in part [adv]
partis 13 9 PARTI, (French) a gr...
partly 20 12 in some degree [adv]
parton 11 10 a hypothetical parti...
parura 12 10 a set of matched jew...
parure 12 10 a set of matched jew...
parvis 15 13 an enclosed area in...
parvos 14 13 PARVO, (short for) a...
pascal 16 13 a unit of pressure,...
pasear 11 9 to take a walk [v -E...
pasela 12 10 a gratuity to a blac...
paseos 11 9 PASEO, (Spanish) a w...
pashas 14 11 PASHA, a former Turk...
pashed 14 12 PASH, to strike viol...
pashes 14 11 PASH, to strike viol...
pashim 16 14 the fine underfleece...
pashka 15 15 (Russian) a rich des...
pashms 16 14 PASHM, the fine unde...
paskas 13 13 PASKA, (Russian) a R...
paskha 15 15 (Russian) a Russian...
passed 12 10 PASS, to go by [v]
passee 11 9 (French) out of date...
passel 13 10 a large number [n -S...
passer 12 9 one that passes [n -...
passes 12 9 PASS, to go by [v]
passim 14 12 here and there [adv]
passus 13 10 (Latin) a section of...
pastas 12 9 PASTA, a food made o...
pasted 12 10 PASTE, to fasten wit...
pastel 13 10 a soft, delicate hue...
paster 12 9 one who pastes [n -S...
pastes 12 9 PASTE, to fasten wit...
pastie 12 9 a meat pie, also PAS...
pastil 14 10 a small, often medic...
pastis 13 9 (French) a French an...
pastor 12 9 a person who has car...
pastry 19 11 articles made of dou...
pataca 14 12 a monetary unit of M...
pataka 12 13 a Maori building on...
patchy 24 16 uneven in quality [a...
patens 11 10 PATEN, a plate; a me...
patent 11 10 obvious [adj PATENTL...
patera 11 9 a type of Roman shal...
paters 12 9 PATER, a father [n]
pathed 14 12 PATH, (Shakespeare)...
pathic 18 14 a passive subject [n...
pathos 14 11 a quality that arous...
patiki 14 13 (Maori) the New Zeal...
patina 11 10 a film or surface th...
patine 11 10 to cover with a pati...
patins 12 10 PATIN, (obsolete) a...
patios 12 9 PATIO, an outdoor pa...
patkas 13 13 PATKA, a scarf worn...
patois 12 9 (French) a spoken re...
patoot 11 9 the buttocks, also P...
patrol 13 10 to guard by moving a...
patron 11 10 a regular customer [...
patted 12 10 PAT, to stroke gentl...
pattee 11 9 of a heraldic cross,...
patten 11 10 a wooden shoe; a clo...
patter 12 9 to talk rapidly and...
pattes 12 9 PATTE, a narrow band...
pattie 12 9 a small, flat cake o...
pattle 13 10 (Scots) a small long...
patzer 15 18 (German) an inept ch...
paucal 16 14 a grammatical number...
paulin 13 12 a sheet of waterproo...
paunce 14 14 a pansy flower, also...
paunch 17 16 to disembowel [v -ED...
pauper 14 13 to reduce to poverty...
pausal 13 11 pertaining to a brea...
paused 12 11 PAUSE, to stop tempo...
pauser 12 10 one who pauses [n -S...
pauses 12 10 PAUSE, to stop tempo...
pavage 14 15 a charge for paving...
pavane 12 14 (French) a stately E...
pavans 13 14 PAVAN, a slow, state...
paveed 13 14 set close together t...
pavens 13 14 PAVEN, a stately Eng...
pavers 14 13 PAVER, a person who...
paving 15 16 a pavement [n -S]
pavins 14 14 PAVIN, a stately Eng...
pavior 14 13 a person who lays pa...
pavise 14 13 a large medieval shi...
pavone 12 14 (Spenser) a peacock...
pawaws 18 15 PAWAW, to hold such...
pawers 15 12 PAWER, one who paws...
pawing 16 15 PAW, to draw the for...
pawnce 17 16 (obsolete) a pansy f...
pawned 14 14 PAWN, to deposit as...
pawnee 13 13 one to whom somethin...
pawner 14 13 one who pawns someth...
pawnor 14 13 one who pawns someth...
pawpaw 20 18 a tree of the custar...
paxwax 27 26 the strong tendon in...
payday 24 14 the day on which wag...
payees 17 11 PAYEE, one to whom m...
payers 18 11 PAYER, one who pays,...
payess 18 11 (Yiddish) uncut side...
paying 19 14 the act of sealing w...
paynim 19 15 a heathen, also PAIN...
payoff 22 17 the act of distribut...
payola 18 12 a secret payment or...
payors 18 11 PAYOR, one who pays,...
payout 18 12 money that is paid o...
pazazz 21 36 flamboyance, also BA...
peaced 14 13 PEACE, (Shakespeare)...
peaces 14 12 PEACE, (Shakespeare)...
peachy 23 16 coloured or tasting...
peacod 14 13 the pod of the pea,...
peages 12 11 PEAGE, a form of cur...
peahen 12 12 a female peacock [n...
peaked 12 14 PEAK, to reach a max...
pealed 12 11 PEAL, to ring out [v...
peaned 10 11 PEAN, to beat with a...
peanut 11 11 the monkey-nut or gr...
peapod 13 13 the pod of the pea,...
pearce 14 12 (Spenser) to pierce,...
peares 11 9 PEARE, (Spenser) a p...
pearls 13 10 PEARL, to adorn with...
pearly 19 12 like a pearl [adj PE...
pearst 12 9 (Spenser) pierced, a...
peased 11 10 PEASE, (obsolete) to...
peasen 10 10 PEASE, (archaic) a p...
peases 11 9 PEASE, (obsolete) to...
peason 10 10 PEASE, (archaic) a p...
peavey 19 15 a lever used to move...
peazed 14 19 PEAZE, to weigh, als...
peazes 14 18 PEAZE, to weigh, als...
pebble 17 16 to cover with small,...
pebbly 24 18 resembling pebbles [...
pecans 14 13 PECAN, a nut-bearing...
pechan 16 15 (Scots) the stomach...
peched 17 15 PECH, (Scots) to pan...
pecked 16 17 PECKE, (Shakespeare)...
pecker 16 16 that which pecks; (s...
peckes 16 16 PECKE, (Shakespeare)...
pecten 14 13 a comblike anatomica...
pectic 19 15 of, relating to, or...
pectin 15 13 a mixture of carbohy...
pedalo 12 11 a type of pleasure b...
pedals 13 11 PEDAL, to operate by...
pedant 11 11 a person who parades...
pedate 11 10 footed, footlike [ad...
pedder 12 11 (Scots) a pedlar [n...
peddle 13 12 to sell or offer for...
pedlar 13 11 a person who goes ab...
pedler 13 11 a person who goes ab...
pedros 12 10 PEDRO, a card game [...
pedway 21 15 a walkway for pedest...
peeces 14 12 PEECE, (obsolete) a...
peeing 12 12 PEE, to urinate [v]
peeked 12 14 PEEK, to sneak a sly...
peeled 12 11 PEEL, to remove the...
peeler 12 10 (colloquial) a polic...
peened 10 11 PEEN, to beat with a...
peenge 11 12 (Scots) to whine lik...
peeoys 17 11 PEEOY, (Scots) a hom...
peepbo 15 15 the game of peekaboo...
peeped 13 13 PEEP, to cheep like...
peeper 13 12 a kind of tree-frog...
peepes 13 12 PEEPE, (Shakespeare)...
peepul 15 14 a fig tree from Indi...
peered 11 10 PEER, to look narrow...
peerie 11 9 small [adj PEERIER,...
peeved 13 14 PEEVE, to irritate [...
peever 13 13 (Scots) a tile, tin...
peeves 13 13 PEEVE, to irritate [...
peewee 13 12 a bird, the lapwing...
peewit 15 12 a bird, the lapwing...
pegbox 21 21 a part of a stringed...
pegged 14 14 PEG, to fasten with...
peghed 15 14 PEGH, (Scots) to pan...
pegtop 15 14 a spinning top havin...
peinct 15 13 (obsolete) to paint...
peined 11 11 PEIN, to beat with a...
peised 12 10 PEISE, to weigh, als...
peises 12 9 PEISE, to weigh, als...
peized 15 19 PEIZE, to weigh, als...
peizes 15 18 PEIZE, to weigh, als...
pekans 12 14 PEKAN, a large North...
pekins 13 14 PEKIN, a fine soft s...
pekoes 12 13 PEKOE, (Chinese) a k...
pelage 13 12 the coat or covering...
pelaus 13 11 PELAU, a dish made w...
pelham 16 15 a type of horse's bi...
pelite 13 10 any rock derived fro...
pelled 14 12 PELL, to strike or t...
pellet 14 11 to hit with small, r...
pellum 16 15 (dialect) dust [n -S...
pelmas 14 13 PELMA, an impression...
pelmet 14 13 a fringe or valance...
peloid 13 11 a mud or other natur...
pelons 12 11 PELON, a hairless pe...
pelory 19 12 abnormal symmetry of...
pelota 12 10 (Spanish) a Basque g...
peltae 12 10 PELTA, an ancient sm...
peltas 13 10 PELTA, an ancient sm...
pelted 13 11 PELT, to shower blow...
pelter 13 10 to shower blows or m...
peltry 20 12 the skins of animals...
pelves 15 14 PELVIS, a part of th...
pelvic 19 17 a bone of the pelvis...
pelvis 16 14 a part of the skelet...
penang 11 13 a cotton fabric [n -...
pencel 15 14 a small pennon, also...
pences 14 13 PENCE, in the United...
pencil 16 14 to write or draw wit...
pended 11 12 PEND, to remain unse...
penful 15 15 the amount of ink a...
pengos 12 12 PENGO, a former mone...
penial 12 11 relating to the peni...
penies 11 10 PENIE, (Spenser) a p...
penile 12 11 relating to the peni...
penill 14 12 (Welsh) a verse or s...
pening 12 13 PENE, to beat with a...
penman 11 14 an author [n PENMEN]
penmen 11 14 PENMAN, an author [n...
pennae 9 11 PENNA, any of the fe...
pennal 11 12 (German) a freshman...
penned 10 12 PEN, to write, or co...
penner 10 11 one who pens [n -S]
pennes 10 11 PENNE, (Spenser) a p...
pennia 10 11 PENNI, a Finnish coi...
pennis 11 11 PENNI, a Finnish coi...
pennon 9 12 a long, narrow flag,...
pensee 10 10 (French) a thought [...
pensel 12 11 a small pennon, also...
pensil 13 11 a small pennon, also...
pensum 13 14 (Latin) a task; a sc...
pentad 11 11 a group of five [n -...
pentyl 19 13 a radical derived fr...
penult 13 12 (Latin) the last but...
penury 18 13 extreme poverty [n P...
peones 10 10 PEON, (Spanish) a da...
people 14 13 to stock with inhabi...
pepful 18 17 full of vigour [adj]
pepino 13 13 a purple-striped pal...
pepita 14 12 (Spanish) the edible...
peplos 15 13 a garment worn by wo...
peplum 17 17 a flounce attached t...
peplus 16 14 a garment worn by wo...
pepped 16 16 PEP, to fill with en...
pepper 16 15 to season with a pun...
pepsin 14 13 a digestive enzyme o...
pepsis 15 12 PEPSI, (offensive) a...
peptic 18 15 a substance that pro...
peptid 15 13 a combination of ami...
peraea 10 9 PERAEON, a crustacea...
perais 12 9 PERAI, a ferocious,...
perced 15 13 PERCE, (Spenser) to...
percen 14 13 (Spenser) to pierce...
perces 15 12 PERCE, (Spenser) to...
percid 16 13 a freshwater fish of...
perdie 12 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
perdue 12 11 (Shakespeare) a sold...
perdus 13 11 PERDU, (Shakespeare)...
pereia 11 9 PEREION, a crustacea...
pereon 10 10 a crustacean's thora...
perfay 20 14 (archaic) by my fait...
perfet 14 12 (Milton) perfect [ad...
perfin 14 13 a postage stamp perf...
perils 14 10 PERIL, to put in dan...
period 12 10 one of the main divi...
perish 15 11 to die [v -ED, -ING,...
periti 13 9 PERITUS, a type of t...
perked 13 14 PERK, to carry onese...
perkin 13 14 an oatmeal biscuit,...
permed 13 13 PERM, to permanent w...
permie 13 12 a permanent worker,...
permit 14 12 to allow [v PERMITTE...
perned 11 11 PERN, to move with a...
pernio 11 10 a chilblain [n PERNI...
pernod 11 11 (tradename) an anise...
perogi 13 11 (Polish) a tradition...
perogs 13 11 PEROG, (Russian) a l...
perogy 19 13 (Russian) a small du...
perone 10 10 the fibula, a bone o...
peroxo 17 16 containing the bival...
peroxy 24 18 containing the bival...
perron 11 10 a raised platform or...
perses 12 9 PERSE, (Spenser) to...
person 11 10 a human being [n -S]
persue 12 10 to follow, in order...
perter 12 9 PERT, impudent, jaun...
pertly 20 12 PERT, impudent, jaun...
peruke 13 14 a kind of wig, also...
peruse 12 10 to read [v PERUSED,...
perved 14 14 PERVE [v]
perves 14 13 PERVE [v]
pervos 14 13 PERVO, a pervert, al...
pesade 11 10 a dressage manoeuvre...
pesant 11 10 (obsolete) a peasant...
peseta 11 9 a monetary unit of S...
pesewa 14 12 a monetary unit of G...
peshwa 17 14 a chief minister, al...
pester 12 9 to bother [v -ED, -I...
pestle 13 10 to crush with a club...
pestos 12 9 PESTO, an Italian sa...
petals 13 10 PETAL, a leaflike pa...
petara 11 9 (Hindi) in India, a...
petard 12 10 an explosive device,...
petars 12 9 PETAR, an explosive...
petary 18 11 a region covered wit...
peters 12 9 PETER, to diminish g...
pether 14 11 (Scots) a pedlar, al...
petite 12 9 a clothing size for...
petnap 13 13 to steal a pet for p...
petrel 13 10 a kind of seabird [n...
petres 12 9 PETRE, (colloquial)...
petrol 13 10 to supply with petro...
petsai 12 9 Chinese cabbage [n -...
petted 12 10 PET, to caress with...
petter 12 9 one who pets [n -S]
pettle 13 10 to indulge, pet [v P...
pewees 14 12 PEWEE, a small, oliv...
pewits 16 12 PEWIT, a bird, the l...
pewter 15 12 an alloy of tin, ant...
peyote 17 11 a hallucinogen deriv...
peyotl 19 12 a Mexican intoxicant...
peysed 18 12 PEYSE, to weigh, als...
peyses 18 11 PEYSE, to weigh, als...
pezant 14 19 a peasant, also PESA...
phaeic 17 14 dusky [adj]
phages 15 13 PHAGE, (short for) a...
phalli 17 13 PHALLUS, (Latin) the...
phangs 15 14 PHANG, (Shakespeare)...
phares 14 11 PHARE, a lighthouse...
pharma 15 14 pharmaceutical compa...
pharms 16 14 PHARM, to redirect c...
pharos 14 11 (Greek) a lighthouse...
phased 14 12 PHASE, to carry out...
phaser 14 11 a type of science-fi...
phases 14 11 PHASIS, a stage in g...
phasic 18 14 relating to a phase...
phasis 15 11 a stage in growth or...
phasor 14 11 a rotating vector wh...
phatic 18 14 relating to a commun...
pheere 13 11 a companion, also FE...
pheers 14 11 PHEER, a companion,...
pheese 13 11 to unsettle, also FA...
pheeze 16 20 to unsettle, also FA...
phenes 13 12 PHENE, an old name f...
phenic 17 15 relating to benzene...
phenix 20 19 a bird fabled to exi...
phenol 14 13 a caustic compound [...
phenom 14 15 a person of extraord...
phenyl 21 15 a cyclic radical der...
pheons 13 12 PHEON, the barbed he...
phesed 14 12 PHESE, to unsettle,...
pheses 14 11 PHESE, to unsettle,...
phials 16 12 PHIAL, to keep in a...
phizes 18 20 PHIZ, (colloquial) p...
phizog 19 22 (colloquial) physiog...
phlegm 18 17 a thick mucus secret...
phloem 16 15 the nutrient-conduct...
phobia 16 14 an obsessive or irra...
phobic 20 17 one affected with a...
phocae 16 14 PHOCA, a genus of se...
phocas 17 14 PHOCA, a genus of se...
phoebe 15 14 a small bird, the pe...
pholas 15 12 a mollusc of the pid...
phonal 14 13 pertaining to speech...
phoned 13 13 PHONE, to telephone...
phoner 13 12 one that telephones...
phones 13 12 PHONE, to telephone...
phoney 19 14 counterfeit, fake [a...
phonic 17 15 pertaining to the na...
phonon 12 13 a quantum of vibrati...
phonos 13 12 PHONO, (colloquial)...
phooey 19 13 an exclamation of co...
phossy 21 13 as in phossy jaw, an...
photic 18 14 pertaining to light...
photog 15 13 (colloquial) one who...
photon 13 12 a quantum of light o...
photos 14 11 PHOTO, (colloquial)...
phrase 14 11 to express in words...
phrasy 21 13 inclined to use word...
phreak 15 15 to hack into the pho...
phwoah 19 16 an expression of app...
phwoar 17 14 an expression of app...
phylae 21 14 PHYLE, (Greek) in an...
phylar 22 14 related to a phylum,...
phylic 26 17 related to a phylum,...
phyllo 23 15 a kind of very thin...
phylon 21 15 a main taxonomical d...
phylum 24 18 a main taxonomical d...
physed 21 14 (short for) physical...
physes 21 13 PHYSIS, the principl...
physic 25 16 to treat with medici...
physio 21 13 (short for) physioth...
physis 22 13 the principle of gro...
phytin 21 14 a substance from pla...
phytol 22 14 an alcohol used to s...
phyton 20 14 the smallest part of...
piaffe 16 15 to perform a movemen...
pianic 15 13 pertaining to the tr...
pianos 11 10 PIANO, a pianoforte...
piazza 18 27 a public square in a...
piazze 18 27 PIAZZA, a public squ...
pibals 16 13 PIBAL, a small ballo...
picara 15 12 (Spanish) a (female)...
picaro 15 12 (Spanish) a (male) r...
picene 14 13 a hydrocarbon [n -S]
picine 15 13 of the woodpecker fa...
pickax 23 23 to use a tool for br...
picked 17 17 PICK, to choose [v]
picker 17 16 one that picks [n -S...
picket 17 16 a person or group st...
pickin 17 17 (West Africa) a smal...
pickle 18 17 a liquid, esp. brine...
pickup 20 20 a small truck or van...
picnic 19 16 to go on an outdoor...
picong 16 15 (Caribbean) a teasin...
picote 15 12 embroidered with kno...
picots 16 12 PICOT, to edge with...
picras 16 12 PICRA, a purgative m...
picric 20 15 having a very bitter...
piculs 18 14 PICUL, a Chinese wei...
piddle 14 12 to deal in trifles [...
piddly 21 14 insignificant [adj P...
pidgin 14 13 a simplified speech...
pieced 15 13 PIECE, to join into...
piecen 14 13 to join the broken e...
piecer 15 12 a worker who joins b...
pieces 15 12 PIECE, to join into...
pieing 13 12 the act of assaultin...
pieman 12 13 someone who sells pi...
piemen 12 13 PIEMAN, someone who...
piends 12 11 PIEND, an outward po...
pierce 15 12 to thrust, or make a...
pierid 13 10 any butterfly belong...
pieris 13 9 an American or Asiat...
pierog 13 11 a large Russian pie,...
pierst 13 9 (Spenser) pierced, a...
pierts 13 9 PIERT, a small plant...
pietas 12 9 PIETA, (Italian) a r...
piffle 18 16 to talk in a feeble...
pigeon 12 12 to gull or hoax [v -...
pigged 15 14 PIG, to give birth t...
piggie 15 13 a small pig, also PI...
piggin 15 14 (Scots) a small pail...
pights 17 13 PIGHT, to pitch (e.g...
piglet 15 12 a little pig, also P...
pigman 14 15 a male pig farmer [n...
pigmen 14 15 PIGMAN, a male pig f...
pignus 14 13 property held as sec...
pignut 14 13 an umbelliferous pla...
pigout 14 12 (colloquial) an inst...
pigpen 15 15 a place where pigs a...
pigsny 20 14 (archaic) a term of...
pigsty 21 13 a place where pigs a...
pikake 14 17 (Hawaiian) a Hawaiia...
pikaus 14 14 PIKAU, (Maori) a ruc...
pikers 14 13 PIKER, a stingy pers...
pikeys 20 15 PIKEY, a derogatory...
piking 15 16 piercing with a pike...
pikuls 16 15 PIKUL, a Chinese wei...
pilaff 18 16 a dish of rice, also...
pilafs 16 13 PILAF, a dish made f...
pilaos 13 10 PILAO, a dish made f...
pilaus 14 11 PILAU, -(Persian) a...
pilaws 17 13 PILAW, a dish made f...
pileas 13 10 PILEA, the gunpowder...
pilers 14 10 PILER, one who place...
pileum 15 14 the top of a bird's...
pileup 16 14 a collision involvin...
pileus 14 11 the umbrella-shaped...
pilfer 16 13 to steal [v -ED, -IN...
piling 15 13 a structure of build...
pillar 15 11 to supply with verti...
pillau 15 12 a dish made from sea...
pilled 15 12 PILL, to administer...
pillie 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
pillow 18 14 to rest on a cushion...
pilose 13 10 having scattered sof...
pilots 14 10 PILOT, to control th...
pilous 14 11 having scattered sof...
pilows 17 13 PILOW, a dish made f...
pilula 15 12 a small pill, also P...
pilule 15 12 a small pill, also P...
piment 13 13 spiced, sweetened wi...
pimped 16 16 PIMP, to solicit cli...
pimple 17 16 an inflamed swelling...
pimply 24 18 covered with pimples...
pinang 12 13 a palm tree [n -S]
pinata 11 10 (Spanish) a hollow p...
pincer 15 13 one of the two pivot...
pindan 11 12 a desert region of W...
pinder 12 11 one who impounds cat...
pineal 12 11 a gland in the brain...
pinene 10 11 the main constituent...
pinery 18 12 an area where pineap...
pineta 11 10 PINETUM, a plantatio...
pinged 13 13 PING, to produce a b...
pinger 13 12 a device for produci...
pingle 14 13 (Scots) to strive, t...
pingos 13 12 PINGO, (Inuit) a con...
pinier 12 10 PINY, covered with p...
pinies 12 10 PINY, a showy flower...
pining 13 13 PINE, to languish wi...
pinion 11 11 to remove the wing f...
pinite 12 10 a greyish-green or b...
pinked 13 15 PINK, to cut a saw-t...
pinken 12 15 to become pink [v -E...
pinker 13 14 a person who cuts or...
pinkey 19 16 a small narrow-stern...
pinkie 13 14 the little finger, a...
pinkly 21 17 PINK, of a pale red...
pinkos 13 14 PINKO, a person who...
pinnae 10 11 PINNA, a leaflet, wi...
pinnal 12 12 pertaining to a pinn...
pinnas 11 11 PINNA, a leaflet, wi...
pinned 11 12 PIN, to fasten with...
pinner 11 11 one who impounds cat...
pinnet 11 11 a pinnacle [n -S]
pinnie 11 11 (short for) pinafore...
pinole 12 11 (Spanish) an America...
pinons 11 11 PINON, (Spanish) an...
pinots 12 10 PINOT, (French) a va...
pintas 12 10 PINTA, a skin diseas...
pintle 13 11 a pin on which somet...
pintos 12 10 PINTO, (Spanish) a s...
pinups 15 14 PINUP, a picture tha...
pinxit 19 17 (Latin) a word appen...
pinyin 18 13 (Chinese) a system f...
pinyon 17 13 (Spanish) an edible...
piolet 13 10 (French) a mountain-...
pioned 11 11 (Shakespeare) perhap...
pioner 11 10 (Shakespeare) a mili...
pioney 17 12 a showy flower, also...
pionic 15 13 relating to a pion,...
piopio 14 12 (Maori) a New Zealan...
pioted 12 10 (Scots) pied [adj]
pioyes 18 11 PIOYE, (Scots) a hom...
pipage 15 14 transportation, as o...
pipals 16 13 PIPAL, (Hindi) the b...
pipers 15 12 PIPER, one who plays...
pipets 15 12 PIPET, a tube for tr...
pipier 15 12 PIPY, like a pipe; h...
piping 16 15 shrill [adj PIPINGLY...
pipits 16 12 PIPIT, one of severa...
pipkin 16 17 a small earthenware...
pipped 17 16 PIP, to offend or di...
pippin 17 16 any of numerous fine...
pipuls 17 14 PIPUL, a fig tree fr...
piqued 21 20 PIQUE, to arouse ang...
piques 21 19 PIQUE, to arouse ang...
piquet 21 19 a person or group st...
piracy 22 14 robbery on the high...
pirais 13 9 PIRAI, a ferocious,...
pirana 11 10 a ferocious, carnivo...
pirate 12 9 a person who, withou...
piraya 18 11 a ferocious, carnivo...
pirnie 12 10 (Scots) a striped wo...
pirnit 13 10 (Scots) unevenly wro...
pirogi 14 11 (Russian) a dumpling...
piscos 16 12 PISCO, a Peruvian br...
pished 15 12 PISH, to express con...
pisher 15 11 (Yiddish) a small bo...
pishes 15 11 PISH, to express con...
pissed 13 10 PISS, to urinate [v]
pisser 13 9 something that pisse...
pisses 13 9 PISS, to urinate [v]
pisted 13 10 marked off into pist...
pistes 13 9 PISTE, (French) a sk...
pistil 15 10 the seed-bearing org...
pistol 14 10 to shoot with a smal...
piston 12 10 a part of an engine...
pistou 13 10 a French sauce made...
pitara 12 9 a type of clothes ba...
pitaya 18 11 a giant cactus of so...
pitchy 25 16 like pitch [adj PITC...
pithed 15 12 PITH, to sever the c...
pithoi 15 11 PITHOS, a type of Gr...
pithos 15 11 a type of Greek stor...
pitied 13 10 PITY, to feel sorrow...
pitier 13 9 one who pities [n -S...
pities 13 9 PITY, to feel sorrow...
pitman 13 13 a mine worker [n PIT...
pitmen 13 13 PITMAN, a mine worke...
pitons 12 10 PITON, a metal spike...
pitots 13 9 PITOT, a tube used t...
pitsaw 16 12 a large saw used for...
pittas 13 9 PITTA, a type of sli...
pitted 13 10 PIT, to mark with de...
pitten 12 10 PIT, to mark with de...
pitter 13 9 to sound like a gras...
pituri 14 10 a type of Australian...
piupiu 16 14 a Maori flax skirt [...
pivots 15 13 PIVOT, to turn on a...
pixels 20 17 PIXEL, a basic unit...
pixies 19 16 PIXIE, a small fairy...
pizazz 22 36 flamboyance, also BA...
pizing 17 21 PIZE, (dialect) to s...
pizzas 19 27 PIZZA, (Italian) a f...
pizzaz 22 36 flamboyance, also BA...
pizzle 20 28 a bull's penis used...
placed 16 14 PLACE, to assign to...
placer 16 13 a person who places,...
places 16 13 PLACE, to assign to...
placet 16 13 (Latin) a decision o...
placid 17 14 calm in nature [adj...
placit 17 13 a court ruling, also...
placks 18 17 PLACK, (Scots) a sma...
plagal 15 13 designating a mediev...
plages 14 12 PLAGE, a bright regi...
plague 14 13 to pester or annoy [...
plaguy 21 15 vexatious, also PLAG...
plaice 16 13 a European flatfish...
plaids 14 11 PLAID, a long piece...
plains 13 11 PLAIN, to complain [...
plaint 13 11 lamentation, complai...
plaits 14 10 PLAIT, to braid [v]
planar 12 11 relating to a plane,...
planch 18 16 a plank, a board, al...
planed 12 12 PLANE, to make smoot...
planer 12 11 a planing machine [n...
planes 12 11 PLANE, to make smoot...
planet 12 11 a celestial body [n...
planks 14 15 PLANK, to cover with...
planta 12 11 the sole of the foot...
plants 13 11 PLANT, to place in t...
plaque 21 20 an ornamental plate...
plashy 22 14 like a plash, a shal...
plasma 14 13 the liquid part of t...
plasms 15 13 PLASM, the liquid pa...
plaste 13 10 PLACE, to assign to...
platan 12 11 the plane tree, also...
plated 13 11 PLATE, to cover with...
platen 12 11 the part of a printi...
plater 13 10 one who plates [n -S...
plates 13 10 PLATE, to cover with...
platys 20 12 PLATY, a small tropi...
playas 19 12 PLAYA, (Spanish) a b...
played 19 13 PLAY, to engage in r...
player 19 12 one who plays [n -S]
plazas 16 19 PLAZA, (Spanish) a p...
pleach 18 15 to weave together [v...
pleads 13 11 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
pleaed 12 11 PLEA, to dispute in...
please 12 10 to give enjoyment or...
pleats 13 10 PLEAT, to fold in an...
plebby 24 18 (colloquial) vulgar,...
plebes 15 13 PLEBE, a freshman at...
pledge 14 13 to bind by solemn pr...
pleiad 13 11 a group of seven ill...
plench 18 16 a tool serving as pl...
plenty 19 13 an abundant amount [...
plenum 14 15 space considered as...
pleons 12 11 PLEON, (Greek) the a...
pleuch 19 16 (Scots) to plough, a...
pleugh 17 15 (Scots) to plough, a...
pleura 13 11 a membrane that cove...
plexal 20 18 pertaining to a plex...
plexed 19 18 PLEX, to make a plex...
plexes 19 17 PLEX [n]
plexor 19 17 a small, rubber-head...
plexus 20 18 an interlacing of pa...
pliant 13 11 easily bent [adj PLI...
plicae 16 13 PLICA, (Latin) a fol...
plical 18 14 relating to a plica...
plicas 17 13 PLICA, (Latin) a fol...
pliers 14 10 PLIER, one who plies...
plight 18 14 to make a solemn ple...
plings 15 13 PLING, to beg [v]
plinks 15 15 PLINK, to shoot at a...
plinky 21 17 of a high pitched so...
plinth 16 13 the rectangular base...
plisky 22 16 a practical joke, al...
plisse 14 10 (French) a puckered...
ploats 13 10 PLOAT, (Scots) to di...
plodge 14 13 (dialect) to wade in...
ploidy 20 13 the number of chromo...
plongd 14 14 PLONG, (Spenser) to...
plonge 13 13 to plunge, also PLON...
plongs 14 13 PLONG, (Spenser) to...
plonko 13 15 (Australian slang) a...
plonks 14 15 PLONK, to fall or dr...
plonky 20 17 pompously self-impor...
plooks 14 14 PLOOK, (Scots) a pim...
plooky 20 16 pimply, also PLOOKIE...
plotty 20 12 full of intrigue, as...
plough 17 15 to turn soil with a...
plouks 15 15 PLOUK, (Scots) a pim...
plouky 21 17 pimply, also PLOOKIE...
plover 15 14 a general name for b...
plowed 16 14 PLOW, to turn soil w...
plower 16 13 one who ploughs, als...
ployed 19 13 PLOY, to move from a...
ployes 19 12 PLOYE, a buckwheat p...
plucks 19 18 PLUCK, to pull out o...
plucky 25 20 brave and spirited [...
pluffs 19 17 PLUFF, to throw out,...
pluffy 25 19 puffed up, puffy [ad...
plumbs 18 17 PLUMB, to determine...
plumed 15 15 PLUME, to cover with...
plumes 15 14 PLUME, to cover with...
plummy 23 19 full of plums [adj P...
plumps 18 17 PLUMP, to make well...
plumpy 24 19 (Shakespeare) somewh...
plunge 14 14 to thrust into the m...
plunks 15 16 PLUNK, to twang; to...
plunky 21 18 marked by a quick, h...
pluots 14 11 PLUOT, a hybrid frui...
plural 15 12 more than one [adj P...
plurry 21 13 (colloquial) bloody...
plused 14 12 PLUS, to increase in...
pluses 14 11 PLUS, to increase in...
plushy 23 15 luxurious [adj PLUSH...
plutei 14 11 PLUTEUS, a type of s...
pluton 13 12 a mass of rock solid...
plyers 20 12 PLYER, one who plies...
plying 21 15 PLY, to bend or fold...
pneuma 12 14 (Greek) soul, spirit...
poachy 23 16 spongy and sodden [a...
poakas 12 13 POAKA, (Maori) a New...
poakes 12 13 POAKE, (Shakespeare)...
poboys 20 14 POBOY, a New Orleans...
pochay 23 16 to transport by post...
pocked 16 17 POCK, to pit the ski...
pocket 16 16 to place in a pouch...
podded 12 12 POD, to produce seed...
poddie 12 11 an iPod user [n -S]
poddle 13 12 to amble at leisure...
podges 13 12 PODGE, a short, thic...
podial 13 11 pertaining to the po...
podite 12 10 a walking leg of a c...
podium 14 14 (Latin) a low wall,...
podley 19 13 (Scots) a young coal...
podsol 13 11 (Russian) a leached...
podunk 13 16 a small unimportant...
podzol 16 20 an infertile soil, a...
poeped 13 13 POEP, (Afrikaans) to...
poepol 14 13 (South African) the...
poetic 15 12 pertaining to poetry...
poetry 18 11 a literary work in m...
poffle 17 16 (Scots) a pendicle,...
pogeys 19 13 POGEY, in Canada, an...
pogges 14 13 POGGE, the armed bul...
pogies 13 11 POGY, a marine fish...
pogoed 12 12 POGO, (tradename) to...
pogoer 12 11 someone who pogos [n...
pogoes 12 11 POGO, (tradename) to...
pogrom 14 14 to massacre systemat...
pohing 15 14 POH, to reject conte...
pohiri 15 11 (Maori) a ceremony o...
poilus 14 11 POILU, (French slang...
poinds 12 11 POIND, (Scots) to di...
pointe 11 10 (French) the extreme...
points 12 10 POINT, to indicate d...
pointy 18 12 coming to a sharp, t...
poised 12 10 POISE, to hold in a...
poiser 12 9 the balancer of dipt...
poises 12 9 POISE, to hold in a...
poisha 14 11 (Bengali) a Banglade...
poison 11 10 to administer a kill...
poitin 12 10 (Irish) Irish whiske...
pokals 14 14 POKAL, (German) a ta...
pokers 13 13 POKER, one that poke...
pokeys 19 15 POKEY, jail [n]
pokier 13 13 POKY, cramped, also...
pokies 13 13 POKY, jail [n]
pokily 21 16 POKY, cramped, also...
poking 14 16 POKE, to prod [v]
polack 17 17 a person of Polish b...
polars 13 10 POLAR, a straight li...
polder 13 11 to reclaim low-lying...
poleax 18 17 to strike with an ax...
poleis 13 10 POLIS, (Greek) an an...
polers 13 10 POLER, (Australian)...
poleyn 18 13 a piece of armour fo...
poleys 19 12 POLEY, (Australian s...
police 16 13 to make orderly [v P...
policy 23 15 an action or a proce...
polies 13 10 POLY, (short for) a...
poling 14 13 poles collectively [...
polios 13 10 POLIO, an infectious...
polish 16 12 to make lustrous by...
polite 13 10 showing consideratio...
polity 20 12 political organisati...
poljes 15 19 POLJE, (Serbo-Croat)...
polkas 14 14 POLKA, to dance this...
polked 14 15 POLK, to dance a pol...
pollan 13 12 a whitefish, plentif...
polled 14 12 POLL, to assess publ...
pollee 13 11 one who is polled [n...
pollen 13 12 the microspore of se...
poller 14 11 one that polls, also...
pollex 20 18 (Latin) the thumb, a...
polony 18 13 a kind of sausage ma...
polted 13 11 POLT, to strike, thu...
polyol 20 13 an alcohol containin...
polype 21 15 (obsolete) an octopu...
polypi 22 15 POLYPUS, a growth pr...
polyps 22 15 POLYP, an octopus or...
pomace 15 15 the pulpy residue of...
pomade 12 13 to apply a perfumed...
pomato 12 12 a tomato grafted on...
pombes 15 15 POMBE, (Swahili) an...
pomelo 13 13 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pommee 13 15 of a heraldic cross,...
pommel 15 16 to strike with the f...
pommie 14 15 an immigrant from th...
pompey 21 17 (Dickens) to pamper...
pompom 16 18 (French) any triflin...
pompon 14 16 (French) any triflin...
pomroy 19 14 an old variety of ap...
ponced 14 14 PONCE, to live on im...
ponces 14 13 PONCE, to live on im...
poncey 20 15 effeminate, also PON...
poncho 16 15 a type of cloak [n -...
ponded 11 12 POND, to collect wat...
ponder 11 11 to consider deeply [...
pondok 12 15 (Hottentot) in South...
ponent 10 11 (Milton) the west, w...
poneys 17 12 PONEY, a small horse...
pongal 13 13 a dish of cooked ric...
pongas 12 12 PONGA, (Maori) a tal...
ponged 12 13 PONG, to stink, also...
pongee 11 12 (Chinese) a thin, so...
pongid 13 13 any large ape esp. t...
pongos 12 12 PONGO, any large ape...
ponied 11 11 PONY, old slang for...
ponies 11 10 PONY, old slang for...
ponked 12 15 PONK, to smell bad,...
pontal 12 11 relating to the pons...
pontes 11 10 PONS, a bridge of ne...
pontic 15 13 relating to the pons...
pontie 11 10 an iron rod used in...
pontil 13 11 an iron rod used in...
ponton 10 11 a float, a bridge of...
ponzus 15 20 PONZU, (Japanese) a...
poobah 15 14 an influential perso...
poodle 12 11 a heavy-coated dog [...
poogye 18 13 an Indian nose-flute...
poohed 13 12 POOH, to express con...
pooing 12 12 POO, (slang) to defe...
poojah 15 20 a Hindu worship prac...
poojas 13 18 POOJA, a Hindu worsh...
pookas 12 13 POOKA, (Irish) in Ir...
pookit 13 13 POOK, (Scots) to plu...
pooled 12 11 POOL, to contribute...
pooler 12 10 a person taking part...
poonac 13 13 a kind of oil cake p...
poonce 13 13 an effeminate man [n...
pooped 13 13 POOP, to tire out [v...
pooper 13 12 as in party pooper,...
poorer 11 9 POOR, lacking the me...
pooris 12 9 POORI, (Hindi) in In...
poorly 19 12 unwell [adj POORLIER...
poorts 12 9 POORT, (Afrikaans) a...
pooted 11 10 POOT, (Scots) to sho...
pooter 11 9 a suction bottle for...
pootle 12 10 to travel in no part...
pooves 13 13 POOVE, (colloquial)...
popera 13 12 operatic music prese...
popery 20 14 a hostile term for R...
popgun 15 16 a tube for shooting...
popish 17 14 pertaining to the Ro...
popjoy 22 23 to amuse oneself [v...
poplar 15 13 a genus of rapidly g...
poplin 15 14 a corded fabric with...
popout 14 13 a type of out in bas...
poppas 16 15 POPPA, (colloquial)...
popped 16 16 POP, to make a sharp...
popper 16 15 one that pops [n -S]
poppet 16 15 a darling; a small o...
poppit 17 15 one of a number of l...
popple 17 16 to move in a bubblin...
popply 24 18 like a rippling soun...
poprin 14 13 (Shakespeare) design...
popsie 14 12 a term of endearment...
poraes 11 9 PORAE, (Maori) a lar...
porers 12 9 PORER, one who pores...
porged 13 12 PORGE, in Jewish rit...
porges 13 11 PORGE, in Jewish rit...
porgie 13 11 a species of saltwat...
porier 12 9 PORY, having pores [...
porina 11 10 (New Zealand) the la...
poring 13 12 PORE, to examine clo...
porins 12 10 PORIN, any of a clas...
porism 14 12 the geometric propos...
porked 13 14 PORK, to eat ravenou...
porker 13 13 a pig, esp. a young...
pornos 11 10 PORNO, pornography,...
porose 11 9 having minute openin...
porous 12 10 having minute openin...
portal 13 10 a door, gate or entr...
portas 12 9 (historical) a porta...
ported 12 10 PORT, to carry, conv...
porter 12 9 to carry luggage [v...
portly 20 12 corpulent, stout [ad...
posada 11 10 (Spanish) in Mexico,...
posers 12 9 POSER, one that pose...
poseur 12 10 an affected or insin...
poshed 14 12 POSH, to polish up [...
posher 14 11 POSH, smart, stylish...
poshes 14 11 POSH, to polish up [...
poshly 22 14 POSH, smart, stylish...
poshos 14 11 POSHO, (Swahili) cor...
posier 12 9 POSY, given to posin...
posies 12 9 POSY, a small bunch...
posing 13 12 assuming a pose, pre...
posits 13 9 POSIT, to place [v]
posnet 11 10 a small cooking pot...
posole 12 10 a thick soup made of...
possed 12 10 POSS, to wash clothe...
posser 12 9 (archaic) a wooden s...
posses 12 9 POSS, to wash clothe...
posset 12 9 a drink of milk curd...
possie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
possum 14 13 to feign ignorance (...
postal 13 10 relating to post [ad...
posted 12 10 POST, to display in...
poster 12 9 to stick bills on [v...
postie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
postil 14 10 to gloss [v POSTILLE...
postin 12 10 an Afghan sheepskin...
postop 14 12 a patient after unde...
potaes 11 9 POTAE, (Maori) a hat...
potage 12 11 (French) a thick sou...
potale 12 10 refuse from a grain...
potash 14 11 a powerful alkali, p...
potass 12 9 a powerful alkali, a...
potato 11 9 the edible tuber of...
potboy 20 14 one who collects up...
potche 17 14 to push violently, t...
poteen 10 10 Irish whiskey distil...
potent 11 10 powerful [adj POTENT...
potful 16 14 as much as a pot can...
potgun 13 13 a pot-shaped cannon;...
pother 14 11 to make a commotion...
pothos 14 11 a climbing plant [n...
poting 13 12 POTE, to poke, thrus...
potins 12 10 POTIN, (French) an o...
potion 11 10 a magical elixir or...
potjie 14 18 (Afrikaans) a three-...
potman 12 13 a man who serves cus...
potmen 12 13 POTMAN, a man who se...
potoos 11 9 POTOO, a kind of bir...
potpie 14 12 a meat pie which is...
potsie 12 9 a children's game, a...
potted 12 10 POT, to put into a r...
potter 12 9 to occupy oneself in...
pottle 13 10 a small conical frui...
pottos 12 9 POTTO, a nocturnal m...
potzer 15 18 (German) an inept ch...
pouchy 24 17 resembling a pouch [...
pouder 12 11 (obsolete) powder, a...
poudre 12 11 (obsolete) powder, a...
poufed 14 14 POUF, to give a puff...
pouffe 16 16 to give a puffed sha...
pouffs 17 16 POUFF, to give a puf...
pouffy 23 18 like a pouf, a loose...
poukes 13 14 POUKE, a mischievous...
poukit 14 14 POUK, (Scots) to plu...
poules 13 11 POULE, (French) a he...
poulpe 15 14 the octopus, also PO...
poulps 16 14 POULP, the octopus,...
poults 14 11 POULT, a young domes...
pounce 14 14 to swoop upon sudden...
pounds 12 12 POUND, to strike hea...
pouped 14 14 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
poupes 14 13 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
poured 12 11 POUR, to cause to fl...
pourer 12 10 one who pours [n -S]
pourie 12 10 (Scots) a container...
pousse 12 10 (Spenser) pease [n -...
pouted 12 11 POUT, to protrude th...
pouter 12 10 a variety of pigeon...
powans 14 13 POWAN, a species of...
powder 15 13 matter in a finely d...
powers 15 12 POWER, to equip with...
powins 15 13 POWIN, (Scots) a pea...
pownds 15 14 POWND, (Spenser) to...
powney 20 15 (dialect) a pony, al...
pownie 14 13 (dialect) a pony, al...
powred 15 13 POWRE, (Spenser) to...
powres 15 12 POWRE, (Spenser) to...
powter 15 12 (Scots) to poke, rum...
powwaw 21 18 (Shakespeare) an int...
powwow 21 18 (Native American) a...
poxier 18 16 POXY, afflicted by p...
poxing 19 19 POX, to infect with...
poynts 18 12 POYNT, (obsolete) to...
poyous 18 12 POYOU, an armadillo...
poysed 18 12 POYSE, (obsolete) to...
poyses 18 11 POYSE, (obsolete) to...
poyson 17 12 (obsolete) to poison...
pozole 15 19 a thick soup made of...
praams 13 12 PRAAM, a flat-bottom...
prahus 15 12 PRAHU, a swift Malay...
praise 12 9 to express admiratio...
prajna 13 19 (Sanskrit) wisdom or...
pranas 11 10 PRANA, (Sanskrit) in...
prance 14 13 to spring forward on...
pranck 16 17 (obsolete) to fold,...
prangs 13 12 PRANG, to cause to c...
pranks 13 14 PRANK, to dress gaud...
pranky 19 16 of the nature of a p...
prases 12 9 PRASE, a leek-green...
prated 12 10 PRATE, to talk fooli...
prater 12 9 one who prates [n -S...
prates 12 9 PRATE, to talk fooli...
pratie 12 9 (Irish colloquial) a...
pratts 13 9 PRATT, (Shakespeare)...
prawle 16 13 (Shakespeare) a Wels...
prawns 15 13 PRAWN, to fish for e...
praxes 18 16 PRAXIS, practical us...
praxis 19 16 practical use of a b...
prayed 18 12 PRAY, to intercede o...
prayer 18 11 a devout petition to...
preace 14 12 to press, also PREAS...
preach 17 14 to deliver a sermon...
preact 15 12 to act beforehand [v...
preamp 15 15 (short for) preampli...
prearm 13 12 to arm beforehand [v...
prease 11 9 to press, also PREAC...
prebid 15 13 to bid beforehand [v...
prebuy 21 15 to buy beforehand [v...
preces 15 12 prayers, esp. in pre...
precip 18 15 (short for) precipit...
precis 16 12 to make a concise su...
precut 16 13 to cut beforehand [v...
predry 19 12 to dry beforehand [v...
preens 11 10 PREEN, to clean and...
preeve 13 13 to prove, also PREVE...
prefab 16 15 (short for) prefabri...
prefer 14 12 to like better [v PR...
prefix 21 19 to add to the beginn...
preggy 21 15 (colloquial) pregnan...
prehab 16 14 any programme of tra...
preife 14 12 (obsolete) proof, al...
preifs 15 12 PREIF, (obsolete) pr...
prelaw 16 13 before taking up the...
prelim 15 13 a preliminary or ent...
preman 12 13 a hypothetical ances...
premed 13 13 a student preparing...
premen 12 13 PREMAN, a hypothetic...
premia 13 12 PREMIUM, a sum regul...
premie 13 12 (US slang) a prematu...
premix 20 19 to mix before use [v...
prents 12 10 PRENT, (Scots) to pr...
prenup 14 14 a prenuptial agreeme...
preons 11 10 PREON, a hypothetica...
preops 14 12 PREOP, a patient pre...
prepay 20 14 to pay in advance [v...
preppy 23 17 denoting the style a...
preses 12 9 (Scots) a president...
preset 12 9 to set beforehand [v...
pressy 19 11 (colloquial) a prese...
presto 12 9 a musical passage pl...
prests 13 9 PREST, (obsolete) to...
pretax 18 16 existing before prov...
pretor 12 9 an ancient Roman mag...
pretty 19 11 pleasing to the eye...
preved 14 14 PREVE, to prove, als...
preves 14 13 PREVE, to prove, als...
prevue 14 14 (US) to preview, als...
prewar 15 12 occurring before the...
prewyn 21 15 (Shakespeare) a prun...
prexes 18 16 PREX, (US slang) the...
prexie 18 16 (colloquial) a presi...
preyed 18 12 PREY, to exploit or...
preyer 18 11 one who, or that whi...
prezes 15 18 PREZ, (short for) pr...
prials 14 10 PRIAL, a pair-royal,...
priapi 15 12 PRIAPUS, a represent...
priced 16 13 PRICE, to set a valu...
pricer 16 12 one who sets a price...
prices 16 12 PRICE, to set a valu...
pricey 22 14 expensive, also PRIC...
pricks 18 16 PRICK, to puncture s...
pricky 24 18 having many sharp po...
prided 13 11 PRIDE, to feel self-...
prides 13 10 PRIDE, to feel self-...
priefe 14 12 (Scots) proof, also...
priefs 15 12 PRIEF, (Scots) proof...
priers 13 9 PRIER, one who pries...
priest 13 9 to ordain as one aut...
prieve 14 13 to prove, also PREEV...
prills 16 11 PRILL, to turn into...
primal 15 13 being at the beginni...
primas 14 12 PRIMA, (Italian) the...
primed 14 13 PRIME, to make ready...
primer 14 12 a book that covers t...
primes 14 12 PRIME, to make ready...
primly 22 15 PRIM, rigidly proper...
primos 14 12 PRIMO, (Italian) the...
primps 17 15 PRIMP, to dress or a...
primus 15 13 the head bishop of S...
prince 15 13 to play the prince [...
prinks 14 14 PRINK, to dress or a...
prints 13 10 PRINT, to produce by...
prions 12 10 PRION, any petrel of...
priors 13 9 PRIOR, one in charge...
priory 19 11 a religious house [n...
prised 13 10 PRISE, to raise or f...
priser 13 9 a contestant for a p...
prises 13 9 PRISE, to raise or f...
prisms 15 12 PRISM, a solid figur...
prismy 21 14 having colours as fr...
prison 12 10 a place for holding...
prissy 20 11 affectedly proper [a...
privet 15 13 a half-evergreen Eur...
prized 16 19 PRIZE, to value high...
prizer 16 18 a contestant for a p...
prizes 16 18 PRIZE, to value high...
probed 14 13 PROBE, to examine th...
prober 14 12 one who probes [n -S...
probes 14 12 PROBE, to examine th...
probit 15 12 a unit of statistica...
proems 13 12 PROEM, an introducti...
profit 15 12 to gain an advantage...
progun 13 13 in favour of guns [a...
proign 13 12 (obsolete) to preen,...
proine 11 10 (obsolete) to preen,...
proins 12 10 PROIN, (obsolete) to...
projet 14 18 (French) a draft of...
proked 13 14 PROKE, (dialect) to...
proker 13 13 a poker [n -S]
prokes 13 13 PROKE, (dialect) to...
prolan 12 11 a gonadotropic hormo...
proled 13 11 PROLE, to prowl, als...
proleg 14 12 an abdominal leg of...
proler 13 10 (obsolete) a prowler...
proles 13 10 PROLE, to prowl, als...
prolix 20 17 tediously long and w...
prolls 15 11 PROLL, (obsolete) to...
prolly 21 13 (colloquial) probabl...
prolog 14 12 to preface, also PRO...
promos 13 12 PROMO, to give a pro...
prompt 16 15 done without delay [...
proner 11 10 PRONE, lying face do...
prones 11 10 PRONE, (obsolete) a...
prongs 13 12 PRONG, to pierce wit...
pronks 13 14 PRONK, (Afrikaans) o...
pronto 11 10 (Italian) promptly,...
proofs 14 12 PROOF, to examine fo...
propel 15 13 to drive forward [v...
proper 14 12 fitting [adj PROPERE...
propyl 22 15 a univalent radical...
prores 12 9 PRORE, a prow; a shi...
prosed 12 10 PROSE, to write with...
proser 12 9 a writer of prose, a...
proses 12 9 PROSE, to write with...
prosit 13 9 used in a drinking t...
prosos 12 9 PROSO, (Russian) a v...
protea 11 9 a plant of a large S...
protei 12 9 PROTEUS, any of the...
proton 11 10 a subatomic particle...
protyl 20 12 a hypothetical sourc...
prouls 14 11 PROUL, to prowl, als...
proved 14 14 PROVE, to establish...
proven 13 14 PROVE, to establish...
prover 14 13 one who proves [n -S...
proves 14 13 PROVE, to establish...
prowar 15 12 favouring war [adj]
prower 15 12 PROW, (archaic) full...
prowls 17 13 PROWL, to move about...
proyne 17 12 to prune, also PROIG...
proyns 18 12 PROYN, to prune, als...
prudes 13 11 PRUDE, a prudish per...
pruina 12 11 a powdery bloom upon...
pruine 12 11 (Shakespeare) a prun...
pruned 12 12 PRUNE, to trim and s...
pruner 12 11 one that prunes [n -...
prunes 12 11 PRUNE, to trim and s...
pruney 18 13 resembling a prune [...
prunts 13 11 PRUNT, a moulded gla...
prunus 13 12 a genus of tree incl...
prusik 15 14 to climb using mount...
prutah 15 12 a monetary unit of I...
prutot 13 10 PRUTA, a monetary un...
pryers 19 11 PRYER, one who pries...
prying 20 14 inquisitive [adj PRY...
prysed 19 12 PRYSE, (Spenser) to...
pryses 19 11 PRYSE, (Spenser) to...
psalms 15 13 PSALM, to sing psalm...
pseudo 12 11 a person pretending...
pseuds 13 11 PSEUD, a person pret...
pshaws 18 14 PSHAW, to utter an e...
psions 12 10 PSION, a particle fo...
psocid 16 13 any member of the fa...
psoras 12 9 PSORA, (obsolete) a...
psoric 16 12 of or pertaining to...
psyche 24 16 the mental structure...
psycho 24 16 a mentally unstable...
psychs 25 16 PSYCH, to stimulate...
psylla 21 13 any of various plant...
psyops 21 14 PSYOP, (short for) p...
psywar 22 14 (short for) psycholo...
pteria 12 9 PTERION, a place whe...
pterin 12 10 (Greek) any of a gro...
ptisan 12 10 a wholesome or medic...
ptooey 17 11 an imitation of the...
ptoses 12 9 PTOSIS, a drooping o...
ptosis 13 9 a drooping of the up...
ptotic 16 12 relating to ptosis,...
ptyxes 25 18 PTYXIS, a type of le...
ptyxis 26 18 a type of leaf foldi...
pubbed 17 17 PUB, to go to a publ...
pubcos 18 16 PUBCO, a company tha...
public 20 17 open to general view...
pucans 15 14 PUCAN, (Irish) a tra...
pucest 16 13 PUCE, dark red [adj]
pucked 17 18 PUCK, to hit a puck...
pucker 17 17 to gather into small...
puckle 18 18 (Scots) a small quan...
pudden 12 13 a dull person [n -S]
pudder 13 12 to make a tumult or...
puddle 14 13 to make a small pool...
puddly 21 15 full of puddles [adj...
pudent 12 12 modest [adj]
pudeur 13 12 (French) a sense of...
pudges 14 13 PUDGE, a short, thic...
pudors 13 11 PUDOR, (obsolete) a...
pudsey 19 13 short and fat, also...
pueblo 15 14 a communal dwelling...
puered 12 11 PUER, to tan leather...
puffed 17 17 PUFF, to blow in sho...
puffer 17 16 a steam-engine; a ki...
puffin 17 17 a seabird of the auk...
pugged 15 15 PUG, to fill in with...
puggie 15 14 (Scots) a monkey, al...
puggle 16 15 to cause to become e...
puggry 22 16 (Hindi) a turban, a...
pugils 16 13 PUGIL, (obsolete) a...
pugree 13 12 (Hindi) a turban, a...
puirer 13 10 PUIR, (Scots) poor [...
puisne 12 11 puny; surviving as a...
puisny 19 13 (Shakespeare) puny,...
pujahs 17 21 PUJAH, (Sanskrit) a...
pujari 15 19 (Hindu) a priest [n...
pukeko 14 18 (Maori) a New Zealan...
pukers 14 14 PUKER, (archaic) an...
pukier 14 14 PUKY, reminiscent of...
puking 15 17 PUKE, to vomit [v]
pukkah 17 20 genuine, also PAKKA,...
pulaos 13 11 PULAO, a dish made f...
pulers 14 11 PULER, one who pules...
pulier 14 11 PULY, given to pulin...
puling 15 14 whimpering [adj PULI...
pulkas 15 15 PULKA, a Laplander's...
pulkha 17 17 a Laplander's boat-s...
pulled 15 13 PULL, to draw or dra...
puller 15 12 one that pulls [n -S...
pullet 15 12 a young hen [n -S]
pulley 21 14 to hoist with a pull...
pullup 18 16 the act of raising o...
pullus 16 13 a chick or young bir...
pulpal 17 15 pertaining to pulp [...
pulped 16 15 PULP, to reduce to a...
pulper 16 14 a machine for pulpin...
pulpit 17 14 a raised structure f...
pulque 22 21 a fermented Mexican...
pulsar 14 11 a celestial source o...
pulsed 14 12 PULSE, to expand and...
pulser 14 11 a device that causes...
pulses 14 11 PULSE, to expand and...
pultan 13 12 an Indian regiment,...
pulton 13 12 an Indian regiment,...
pultun 14 13 an Indian regiment,...
pulver 16 15 to reduce to powder...
pulvil 18 16 perfumed powder, als...
pulwar 17 14 (Hindi) a light keel...
pumelo 14 14 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pumice 17 16 to polish with a por...
pumies 14 13 PUMY, (Spenser) a pe...
pummel 16 17 to strike with the f...
pumped 16 17 PUMP, to propel liqu...
pumper 16 16 one who pumps [n -S]
punani 11 12 (slang) the female g...
punany 17 14 (slang) the female g...
punced 15 15 PUNCE, (dialect) to...
punces 15 14 PUNCE, (dialect) to...
punchy 24 18 forceful, having imp...
puncta 15 14 PUNCTUM, a point [n]
puncto 15 14 (obsolete) a nice po...
pundit 13 12 (Sanskrit) a learned...
pungas 13 13 PUNGA, (Maori) a tal...
pungle 14 14 (US) to contribute [...
punier 12 11 PUNY, of inferior si...
punily 20 14 PUNY, of inferior si...
punish 15 13 to impose a penalty...
punjis 15 20 PUNJI, a sharpened b...
punkah 15 17 a ceiling fan used i...
punkas 13 15 PUNKA, a ceiling fan...
punker 13 15 a punk rock musician...
punkey 19 17 a biting gnat, also...
punkie 13 15 a biting gnat, also...
punkin 13 16 a pumpkin, also POMP...
punned 11 13 PUN, to make a play...
punner 11 12 one who makes puns,...
punnet 11 12 a small shallow frui...
punted 12 12 PUNT, to propel thro...
puntee 11 11 an iron supporting r...
punter 12 11 one that punts [n -S...
puntos 12 11 PUNTO, (Italian) a h...
pupate 14 13 to pass through the...
pupils 17 14 PUPIL, a student und...
pupped 17 17 PUP, to give birth t...
puppet 17 16 a doll manipulated b...
purana 11 11 (Sanskrit) any one o...
purdah 15 13 a curtain used in In...
purdas 13 11 PURDA, a curtain use...
pureed 12 11 PUREE, to reduce to...
purees 12 10 PUREE, to reduce to...
purely 20 13 PURE, free from stai...
purest 13 10 PURE, free from stai...
purfle 16 14 to decorate the bord...
purfly 23 16 short of breath [adj...
purged 14 13 PURGE, to purify [v]
purger 14 12 one who purges [n -S...
purges 14 12 PURGE, to purify [v]
purify 22 15 to cleanse from impu...
purine 12 11 a white crystalline...
puring 14 13 PURE, to cleanse or...
purins 13 11 PURIN, a white cryst...
puriri 14 10 (Maori) a timber tre...
purism 15 13 strict adherence to...
purist 14 10 one who practises pu...
purity 20 12 the quality of being...
purled 14 12 PURL, to knit with a...
purler 14 11 a heavy fall [n -S]
purlin 14 12 a horizontal support...
purpie 15 13 (Scots) purslane, or...
purple 16 14 of a colour which is...
purply 23 16 purplish [adj PURPLI...
purred 13 11 PURR, to utter a low...
pursed 13 11 PURSE, to pucker, es...
purser 13 10 an officer in charge...
purses 13 10 PURSE, to pucker, es...
pursew 16 13 (Spenser) to pursue,...
pursue 13 11 to follow, in order...
purvey 21 16 to supply [v -ED, -I...
pushed 15 13 PUSH, to thrust or p...
pusher 15 12 one that pushes [n -...
pushes 15 12 PUSH, to thrust or p...
pushup 18 16 a type of gymnastic...
pusled 14 12 PUSLE, to puzzle [v]
pusles 14 11 PUSLE, to puzzle [v]
pusley 20 13 purslane, also PUSSL...
pussel 14 11 (Shakespeare) a slut...
pusser 13 10 in naval slang, a su...
pusses 13 10 PUSS, a familiar nam...
pussly 21 13 purslane, a herb use...
puteal 13 11 a wall around the to...
puteli 14 11 (Hindi) a flat-botto...
putlog 15 13 a cross-beam, also P...
putoff 17 16 an excuse or evasion...
putois 13 10 (French) a brush for...
putons 12 11 PUTON, a hoax or dec...
putout 13 11 an act of causing an...
putrid 14 11 rotten [adj PUTRIDER...
putsch 19 15 (German) a secretly...
putted 13 11 PUT, to place in pos...
puttee 12 10 a legging formed fro...
putten 12 11 PIT, to mark with de...
putter 13 10 to occupy oneself in...
puttie 13 10 a legging formed fro...
puture 13 11 (historical) a fores...
putzed 16 20 PUTZ, to waste time...
putzes 16 19 PUTZ, to waste time...
puzels 17 20 PUZEL, (obsolete) a...
puzzel 20 29 (obsolete) a maid, a...
puzzle 20 29 to cause uncertainty...
pwning 16 16 PWN, (slang) to domi...
pycnic 25 18 characterized by sho...
pycnon 20 16 a term in ancient Gr...
pyeing 19 14 PYE, to reduce to co...
pyemia 19 14 the presence of pus...
pyemic 23 17 relating to pyemia,...
pygals 21 14 PYGAL, the posterior...
pygarg 21 15 chiefly in biblical...
pyjama 21 23 a garment for sleepi...
pyknic 23 19 characterized by sho...
pylons 19 13 PYLON, a structure f...
pylori 20 12 PYLORUS, the opening...
pyning 19 15 PYNE, to yearn inten...
pyoner 17 12 (Shakespeare) a mili...
pyoses 18 11 PYOSIS, the formatio...
pyosis 19 11 the formation of pus...
pyrans 18 12 PYRAN, a chemical co...
pyrene 17 12 the hard covering of...
pyrite 19 11 a brassy yellow mine...
pyrogy 26 15 (Russian) a small du...
pyrohy 27 15 (Russian) a small du...
pyrola 19 12 (Latin) any plant of...
pyrone 17 12 a type of chemical c...
pyrope 20 14 a fiery red gemstone...
pyrrol 20 12 a colourless toxic l...
python 20 14 a large snake [n -S]
pyuria 19 12 the presence of pus...
pyxies 25 18 PYXIE, a creeping ev...
pyxing 26 21 PYX, to test newly m...