4 letter words that start with P

4 letter words that start with P

4 letter P word


Words With Friends®


paal 9 8 in the Caribbean, a...
paan 7 8 betel leaf [n -S]
paca 11 10 a South American rod...
pace 11 10 to walk with measure...
pack 13 14 to enclose for trans...
paco 11 10 an alpaca [n -S]
pacs 12 10 PAC, a shoe patterne...
pact 12 10 an agreement [n -S]
pacy 18 12 fast, also PACEY [ad...
padi 9 8 a rice field, also P...
pads 9 8 PAD, to stuff or fil...
page 9 9 to summon by calling...
pahs 11 9 PAH, (Maori) a hill...
paid 9 8 PAY, to give money i...
paik 10 11 (Scots) to thump, dr...
pail 10 8 a watertight cylindr...
pain 8 8 to cause suffering o...
pair 9 7 to arrange in sets o...
pais 9 7 (archaic) the people...
paks 10 11 PAK, (colloquial) a...
pale 9 8 lacking colour [adj...
pali 10 8 (Hawaiian) a cliff i...
pall 11 9 to grow wearisome [v...
palm 11 11 to touch with the in...
palp 12 11 to sense by touch [v...
pals 10 8 PAL, to associate as...
paly 16 10 somewhat pale [adj P...
pams 10 10 PAM, the jack of clu...
pand 8 9 (Scots) the valance...
pane 7 8 to insert panels in...
pang 9 10 to inflict a violent...
pans 8 8 PAN, to criticize ha...
pant 8 8 to breathe quickly a...
papa 10 10 a father [n -S]
pape 10 10 (Scots) a pope [n -S...
paps 11 10 PAP, to feed with so...
para 8 7 a small Turkish coin...
pard 9 8 a leopard, also PARD...
pare 8 7 to shave or cut off...
park 10 11 to leave a vehicle i...
parp 11 10 to sound a car horn;...
parr 9 7 a young salmon, duri...
pars 9 7 PAR, to score a cert...
part 9 7 to divide, separate...
pase 8 7 (Spanish) a movement...
pash 11 9 to strike violently...
pass 9 7 to go by [v -ED, -IN...
past 9 7 time gone by [n -S]
pate 8 7 the top of the head...
path 11 9 a way trodden out by...
pats 9 7 PAT, to stroke gentl...
patu 9 8 (Maori) a short club...
paty 15 9 of a heraldic cross,...
paua 8 8 (Maori) the abalone...
paul 10 9 an obsolete papal co...
pave 10 11 to cover with materi...
pavs 11 11 PAV, (short for) a p...
pawa 11 10 (Maori) the abalone...
pawk 13 14 a trick [n -S]
pawl 13 11 a lever which engage...
pawn 11 11 to deposit as securi...
paws 12 10 PAW, to draw the for...
pays 15 9 PAY, to give money i...
peag 9 9 a form of currency o...
peak 9 11 to reach a maximum [...
peal 9 8 to ring out [v -ED,...
pean 7 8 to beat with a round...
pear 8 7 a fleshy fruit [n -S...
peas 8 7 PEA, the edible seed...
peat 8 7 a substance composed...
peba 10 10 a large armadillo of...
pech 14 12 (Scots) to pant, als...
peck 13 14 to strike with a bea...
pecs 12 10 PEC, (colloquial) a...
peds 9 8 PED, a natural soil...
peed 8 8 PEE, to urinate [v]
peek 9 11 to sneak a sly look...
peel 9 8 to remove the outer...
peen 7 8 to beat with a round...
peep 10 10 to cheep like a chic...
peer 8 7 to look narrowly or...
pees 8 7 PEE, to urinate [v]
pegh 12 11 (Scots) to pant, als...
pegs 10 9 PEG, to fasten with...
pehs 11 9 PEH, a Hebrew letter...
pein 8 8 to beat with a round...
peke 9 11 a small, long-haired...
pela 9 8 a type of white wax...
pele 9 8 (historical) a palis...
pelf 12 11 wealth or riches, es...
pell 11 9 to strike or thump v...
pels 10 8 PEL, an earlier, now...
pelt 10 8 to shower blows or m...
pend 8 9 to remain unsettled...
pene 7 8 to beat with a round...
peni 8 8 a penny, also PENIE...
penk 9 12 a minnow, a small fi...
pens 8 8 PEN, to write, or co...
pent 8 8 a penthouse [n -S]
peon 7 8 (Spanish) a day-labo...
pepo 10 10 a fruit having a fle...
peps 11 10 PEP, to fill with en...
perc 12 10 (short for) perchlor...
pere 8 7 (French) father [n -...
peri 9 7 a supernatural being...
perk 10 11 to carry oneself jau...
perm 10 10 to permanent wave th...
pern 8 8 to move with a spira...
perp 11 10 (colloquial) short f...
pert 9 7 impudent, jaunty [ad...
perv 11 11 (short for) pervert,...
peso 8 7 a monetary unit of v...
pest 9 7 an annoying person o...
pets 9 7 PET, to caress with...
pews 12 10 PEW, a bench for sea...
pfft 14 13 used to express a su...
pfui 12 11 an exclamation of co...
phat 11 9 susceptible of easy...
phew 14 12 an exclamation of re...
phis 12 9 PHI, a Greek letter...
phiz 15 18 (colloquial) physiog...
phoh 13 11 an expression of dis...
phon 10 10 a unit of loudness o...
phos 11 9 PHO, a Vietnamese no...
phot 11 9 a unit of the produc...
phut 12 10 to make a sound like...
pial 10 8 pertaining to a pia,...
pian 8 8 a tropical disease [...
pias 9 7 PIA, a membrane of t...
pica 12 10 an old type size, ap...
pice 12 10 (Hindi) an Indian co...
pick 14 14 to choose [v -ED, -I...
pics 13 10 PIC, (colloquial) a...
pied 9 8 PIE, to jumble or di...
pier 9 7 a structure extendin...
pies 9 7 PIE, to jumble or di...
piet 9 7 a magpie, also PYAT,...
pigs 11 9 PIG, to give birth t...
pika 10 11 any of various small...
pike 10 11 to pierce with a lon...
piki 11 11 thin blue cornmeal b...
pila 10 8 an anatomical struct...
pile 10 8 to lay one upon the...
pili 11 8 the nut of trees of...
pill 12 9 to administer small,...
pily 17 10 divided into a numbe...
pima 10 10 a strong, high-grade...
pimp 13 13 one who controls a p...
pina 8 8 a fine cloth woven o...
pine 8 8 to languish with lon...
ping 10 10 to produce a brief,...
pink 10 12 of a pale red colour...
pins 9 8 PIN, to fasten with...
pint 9 8 a measure of capacit...
piny 15 10 covered with pine tr...
pion 8 8 an elementary partic...
pioy 15 9 (Scots) a homemade f...
pipa 11 10 the Surinam toad, no...
pipe 11 10 to convey by means o...
pipi 12 10 (Maori) an edible sh...
pips 12 10 PIP, to offend or di...
pipy 18 12 like a pipe; hollow-...
pirl 11 8 a ripple [n -S]
pirn 9 8 (Scots) a reel, a bo...
pirs 10 7 PIR, a Muslim title...
pise 9 7 rammed earth or clay...
pish 12 9 to express contempt...
piso 9 7 the Phillipine peso...
piss 10 7 (colloquial) urine [...
pita 9 7 (Quechua) the fibre...
pith 12 9 to sever the central...
pits 10 7 PIT, to mark with de...
pity 16 9 to feel sorrow at an...
pium 11 11 a Brazilian biting f...
pixy 22 16 a small fairy, also...
pize 12 16 (dialect) to strike...
plan 9 9 to formulate an idea...
plap 12 11 to make a sound like...
plat 10 8 to braid [v PLATTED,...
play 16 10 to engage in recreat...
plea 9 8 to dispute in a cour...
pleb 12 11 (short for) a plebei...
pled 10 9 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
plew 13 11 a beaver skin, as a...
plex 16 15 to make a plexus [v...
plie 10 8 (French) a movement...
plim 12 11 to swell, as grain o...
plod 10 9 to walk heavily [v P...
plop 12 11 to fall or drop heav...
plot 10 8 to plan secretly [v...
plow 13 11 to turn soil with a...
ploy 16 10 to move from a line...
plue 10 9 a beaver skin, as a...
plug 12 11 to fill a hole with...
plum 12 12 a fleshy fruit [n -S...
plus 11 9 to increase in value...
poas 8 7 POA, a meadow-grass...
pock 13 14 to pit the skin [v -...
poco 11 10 (Italian) as a music...
pods 9 8 POD, to produce seed...
poem 9 10 a composition in ver...
poep 10 10 (Afrikaans) to break...
poet 8 7 one who writes poems...
pogo 9 9 (tradename) to jump...
pogy 16 11 a marine fish [n POG...
pohs 11 9 POH, to reject conte...
pois 9 7 POI, a Hawaiian food...
poke 9 11 to prod [v POKED, PO...
poky 16 13 cramped, also POKEY...
pole 9 8 to propel with a lon...
polk 11 12 to dance a polka [v...
poll 11 9 to assess public opi...
polo 9 8 a game played on hor...
pols 10 8 POL, a politician [n...
polt 10 8 to strike, thump [v...
poly 16 10 (short for) a polyte...
pome 9 10 any fruit of the app...
pomo 9 10 (colloquial) postmod...
pomp 12 13 stately or splendid...
poms 10 10 POM, (colloquial) a...
pond 8 9 to collect water in...
pone 7 8 a kind of corn bread...
pong 9 10 to stink, also PONK...
ponk 9 12 to smell bad, also P...
pons 8 8 a bridge of nerve fi...
pont 8 8 in South Africa, a s...
pony 14 10 a small horse, also...
pood 8 8 a Russian unit of we...
poof 10 10 (colloquial) an effe...
pooh 10 9 to express contempt...
pook 9 11 (Scots) to pluck, pi...
pool 9 8 to contribute to a c...
poon 7 8 an East Indian tree...
poop 10 10 to tire out [v -ED,...
poor 8 7 lacking the means of...
poos 8 7 POO, (slang) to defe...
poot 8 7 (Scots) to shoot at...
pope 10 10 a small freshwater f...
pops 11 10 POP, to make a sharp...
pore 8 7 to examine closely [...
pork 10 11 the flesh of swine u...
porn 8 8 pornography, also PO...
port 9 7 to carry, convey [v...
pory 15 9 having pores [adj PO...
pose 8 7 to assume a fixed po...
posh 11 9 smart, stylish [adj...
poss 9 7 to wash clothes with...
post 9 7 to display in a publ...
posy 15 9 given to posing, als...
pote 8 7 to poke, thrust [v P...
pots 9 7 POT, to put into a r...
pott 9 7 a size of paper [n -...
pouf 11 11 to give a puffed sha...
pouk 10 12 (Scots) to pluck, pi...
pour 9 8 to cause to flow [v...
pout 9 8 to protrude the lips...
pown 11 11 (Scots) a peacock, a...
pows 12 10 POW, (Scots) the hea...
poxy 21 16 afflicted by pox [ad...
pozz 15 25 (colloquial) positiv...
prad 9 8 (slang) a horse [n -...
pram 10 10 a flat-bottomed boat...
prao 8 7 a swift Malaysian sa...
prat 9 7 (colloquial) an idio...
prau 9 8 a swift Malaysian sa...
pray 15 9 to intercede or ask...
pree 8 7 (Scots) to make a tr...
prem 10 10 a premature baby, al...
prep 11 10 (short for) to prepa...
prex 15 14 (US slang) the presi...
prey 15 9 to exploit or terror...
prez 12 16 (short for) presiden...
prig 11 9 to filch [v PRIGGED,...
prim 11 10 rigidly proper [adj...
proa 8 7 a swift Malaysian sa...
prob 11 10 (colloquial) a probl...
prod 9 8 to jab [v PRODDED, P...
prof 11 10 (short for) professo...
prog 10 9 to forage for food [...
prom 10 10 a school or college...
proo 8 7 (Scots) a call to a...
prop 11 10 to hold up [v PROPPE...
pros 9 7 PRO, (short for) a p...
prow 12 10 the front part of a...
pruh 12 10 (Scots) a call to a...
prys 16 9 (obsolete) to price...
psis 10 7 PSI, a Greek letter...
psst 10 7 an interjection used...
ptui 10 8 an imitation of the...
pube 11 11 a pubic hair [n -S]
pubs 12 11 PUB, a public bar [n...
puce 12 11 dark red [adj PUCER,...
puck 14 15 a thick rubber disc...
puds 10 9 PUD, (colloquial) pu...
pudu 10 10 a very small deer, n...
puer 9 8 to tan leather with...
puff 14 14 to blow in short gus...
pugh 13 12 (obsolete) an expres...
pugs 11 10 PUG, to fill in with...
puha 11 10 (Maori) sow thistle...
puir 10 8 (Scots) poor [adj PU...
puja 11 17 a Hindu worship prac...
puka 10 12 (Maori) a large ever...
puke 10 12 to vomit [v PUKED, P...
puku 11 13 an antelope of centr...
puky 17 14 reminiscent of or re...
pula 10 9 a monetary unit of B...
pule 10 9 to pipe; to whimper...
puli 11 9 (Hungarian) a long-h...
pulk 12 13 a Laplander's boat-s...
pull 12 10 to draw or drag [v -...
pulp 13 12 to reduce to a soft,...
puls 11 9 PUL, a coin of Afgha...
pulu 11 10 a silky fibre obtain...
puly 17 11 given to puling, whi...
puma 10 11 a large reddish-brow...
pump 13 14 to propel liquid by...
pumy 17 13 (Spenser) a pebble,...
puna 8 9 a high bleak plateau...
pung 10 11 (Native American) a...
punk 10 13 of inferior quality...
puns 9 9 PUN, to make a play...
punt 9 9 to propel through wa...
puny 15 11 of inferior size, st...
pupa 11 11 an insect in the sta...
pups 12 11 PUP, to give birth t...
pupu 12 12 (Hawaiian) a dish of...
pure 9 8 free from stain [adj...
puri 10 8 (Hindi) in India, a...
purl 11 9 to knit with a type...
purr 10 8 to utter a low, vibr...
purs 10 8 PUR, to utter a low,...
push 12 10 to thrust or press a...
puss 10 8 a familiar name for...
puts 10 8 PUT, to place in pos...
putt 10 8 to hit with a light...
putz 13 17 to waste time [v -ED...
puys 16 10 PUY, a small volcani...
pwns 12 11 PWN, (slang) to domi...
pyas 15 9 PYA, a copper coin o...
pyat 15 9 a magpie, also PYET,...
pyes 15 9 PYE, to reduce to co...
pyet 15 9 (Scots) a magpie, al...
pyic 19 12 pertaining to or dis...
pyin 15 10 a protein compound c...
pyne 14 10 to yearn intensely,...
pyot 15 9 (Scots) a magpie, al...
pyre 15 9 a pile of combustibl...
pyro 15 9 (short for) pyrogall...