7 letter words that start with P

7 letter words that start with P

7 letter P word


Words With Friends®


pablums 19 18 PABLUM, food, esp. a...
pabular 17 15 of or relating to no...
pabulum 19 19 food, esp. a suspens...
pacable 19 17 (archaic) able to be...
paceman 16 17 in cricket, a pace b...
pacemen 16 17 PACEMAN, in cricket,...
paceway 25 18 (Australian) a racec...
pachaks 20 19 PACHAK, an aromatic...
pachisi 20 15 an Indian board game...
pachuco 22 19 (Spanish) a flashy M...
paciest 17 13 PACY, fast, also PAC...
pacific 23 19 peacemaking, peacefu...
pacings 18 16 PACING, the act of s...
package 18 19 to put into a contai...
packers 18 17 PACKER, one who pack...
packets 18 17 PACKET, to make into...
packing 19 20 material used to pac...
packman 18 21 one who bears a pack...
packmen 18 21 PACKMAN, one who bea...
packwax 27 27 the strong tendon in...
packway 27 22 a narrow path for pa...
paction 16 14 to agree, make a pac...
paczkis 22 26 PACZKI, (Polish) a r...
padangs 14 14 PADANG, a Malayan fi...
padauks 15 16 PADAUK, a Burmese ti...
padders 14 12 PADDER, a highwayman...
paddies 14 12 PADDY, a rice field,...
padding 15 15 material with which...
paddled 15 14 PADDLE, to propel wi...
paddler 15 13 one who paddles [n -...
paddles 15 13 PADDLE, to propel wi...
paddock 18 19 to confine in a gras...
padella 15 13 a candle made from a...
padlock 19 19 to lock securely [v...
padnags 14 14 PADNAG, a horse that...
padouks 15 16 PADOUK, (Burmese) a...
padrona 12 12 (Italian) a female b...
padrone 12 12 (Italian) an innkeep...
padroni 13 12 PADRONE, (Italian) a...
padsaws 17 14 PADSAW, a small saw-...
padshah 18 15 (Persian) a chief ru...
paellas 15 12 PAELLA, (Spanish) a...
paenula 13 13 a Roman travelling c...
paeonic 15 14 a foot of four sylla...
paesani 12 11 PAESANO, (Spanish) a...
paesano 11 11 (Spanish) a fellow c...
paesans 12 11 PAESAN, (Spanish) a...
pageant 13 13 an elaborate public...
pageboy 22 17 a boy attendant [n -...
pageful 18 17 as much as a page ca...
paginal 15 14 pertaining to the pa...
pagings 16 15 PAGING, a transfer o...
pagodas 14 13 PAGODA, an Eastern t...
pagurid 16 14 a hermit crab, also...
pahlavi 19 17 a former coin of Ira...
paidles 15 12 PAIDLE, (Scots) a fi...
paigles 16 13 PAIGLE, the cowslip,...
paiking 16 17 PAIK, (Scots) to thu...
pailful 19 16 as much as a pail ca...
paillon 15 13 a decorative metalli...
painful 17 16 causing pain [adj PA...
painims 15 14 PAINIM, (obsolete) a...
paining 14 14 PAIN, to cause suffe...
painted 13 12 PAINT, to apply colo...
painter 13 11 one who paints [n -S...
paiocke 17 17 (Shakespeare) an obs...
paiocks 18 17 PAIOCK, (Shakespeare...
pairest 14 10 PAIR, (Scots) poor [...
pairial 15 11 a pair-royal, a thro...
pairing 15 13 a matching of two op...
paisana 12 11 (Spanish) a fellow c...
paisano 12 11 (Spanish) a fellow c...
paisans 13 11 PAISAN, (Spanish) a...
paisley 21 13 a woollen or other f...
pajamas 16 22 PAJAMA, a garment fo...
pajocke 19 26 (Shakespeare) an obs...
pajocks 20 26 PAJOCK, (Shakespeare...
pakahis 17 16 PAKAHI, (Maori) acid...
pakapoo 15 17 a Chinese version of...
pakehas 16 16 PAKEHA, (Maori) a wh...
pakfong 17 20 a Chinese alloy of n...
pakihis 18 16 PAKIHI, (Maori) acid...
pakokos 15 18 PAKOKO, (Maori) a sm...
pakoras 14 14 PAKORA, (Hindi) an I...
paktong 15 17 a Chinese alloy of n...
palabra 16 14 (Spanish) a word, ta...
palaced 17 15 residing in a palace...
palaces 17 14 PALACE, a royal resi...
paladin 14 13 a knightly champion...
palagis 16 13 PALAGI, (Samoan) a S...
palamae 14 14 PALAMA, the webbing...
palapas 16 14 PALAPA, an open-side...
palases 14 11 PALAS, (Hindi) a leg...
palatal 15 12 of or pertaining to...
palated 14 12 PALATE, (Shakespeare...
palates 14 11 PALATE, (Shakespeare...
palaver 16 15 to talk profusely or...
palazzi 21 29 PALAZZO, an Italian...
palazzo 20 29 an Italian palace, o...
paleate 13 11 like a palea [adj]
paletot 14 11 a loose overcoat [n...
palette 14 11 a board on which an...
palfrey 23 16 a saddle horse, esp....
paliest 15 11 PALY, somewhat pale...
palikar 16 15 a Greek soldier [n -...
palings 16 14 PALING, a picket fen...
palinka 15 16 a type of apricot br...
palkees 15 15 PALKEE, (Hindi) a pa...
pallahs 18 14 PALLAH, a large Sout...
pallets 16 12 PALLET, to load onto...
pallial 17 13 of or pertaining to...
pallied 16 13 PALLY, as in to pall...
pallier 16 12 PALLY, marked by clo...
pallies 16 12 PALLY, as in to pall...
palling 17 15 PALL, to grow wearis...
pallium 18 16 a cloak worn in anci...
pallone 14 13 an Italian ball game...
pallors 16 12 PALLOR, paleness esp...
palmary 22 16 worthy of the ceremo...
palmate 15 14 resembling an open h...
palmers 16 14 PALMER, one who bear...
palmful 20 19 as much as a palm ca...
palmier 16 14 a pastry shaped like...
palmies 16 14 PALMY, a stroke on t...
palmiet 16 14 a South African aloe...
palming 17 17 PALM, to touch with...
palmist 17 14 a person who tells f...
palmtop 18 17 a small handheld com...
palmyra 22 16 a species of palm ha...
palolos 15 12 PALOLO, an edible se...
palooka 14 15 a clumsy, inept, or...
palpate 16 14 to examine by touch...
palping 18 17 PALP, to sense by to...
palship 20 16 the relationship exi...
palsied 15 12 PALSY, to affect wit...
palsier 15 11 PALSY, pally, being...
palsies 15 11 PALSY, to affect wit...
palters 15 11 PALTER, to talk or a...
paludal 16 14 of marshes, also PAL...
paludic 19 16 of marshes, also PAL...
pampean 15 17 a native of the pamp...
pampero 16 16 (Spanish) a violent...
pampers 17 16 PAMPER, to treat wit...
pampoen 15 17 (South African) a pu...
panacea 14 14 (Greek) a remedy for...
panache 17 16 dash or flamboyance...
panadas 12 12 PANADA, (Spanish) a...
panamas 13 14 PANAMA, a lightweigh...
panaxes 18 18 PANAX, (Greek) a tre...
pancake 16 18 to land an aircraft...
panchax 24 23 any of several kinds...
pandani 12 13 PANDANUS, (Malay) a...
pandans 12 13 PANDAN, (Malay) a pa...
pandars 13 12 PANDAR, to act as a...
pandect 16 15 a treatise covering...
panders 13 12 PANDER, to act as a...
pandied 13 13 PANDY, to punish by...
pandies 13 12 PANDY, to punish by...
pandits 14 12 PANDIT, (Sanskrit) a...
pandoor 12 12 one of a class of Hu...
pandora 12 12 ancient musical inst...
pandore 12 12 ancient musical inst...
pandour 13 13 one of a class of Hu...
pandrop 15 15 (Scots) a hard mint-...
pandura 13 13 ancient musical inst...
paneers 12 11 PANEER, a soft white...
paneity 19 13 the state of being b...
paneled 13 13 PANEL, to decorate w...
panfish 18 16 any small fish that...
panfuls 17 16 PANFUL, as much as a...
pangamy 21 18 random mating [n PAN...
pangene 12 14 a hypothetical unit...
pangens 13 14 PANGEN, a hypothetic...
panging 15 16 PANG, to inflict a v...
pangram 15 16 a sentence containin...
panicks 18 18 PANICK, any grass of...
panicky 24 20 tending to panic [ad...
panicle 17 15 a loosely branched f...
panicum 18 18 any grass of the gen...
paniers 13 11 PANIER, a large bask...
paninis 13 12 PANINI, grilled, Ita...
paniscs 17 14 PANISC, an inferior...
panisks 15 15 PANISK, an inferior...
panlike 15 16 resembling a pan, a...
pannage 12 14 the right to pasture...
panners 12 12 PANNER, one who pans...
pannick 17 19 any grass of the gen...
pannier 12 12 a large basket, also...
panning 13 15 harsh criticism [n -...
pannist 13 12 a person who plays a...
pannose 11 12 like felt [adj]
panocha 17 16 (Spanish) a type of...
panoche 17 16 (Spanish) a type of...
panoply 22 17 an impressive, dazzl...
panpipe 17 17 a musical instrument...
pansied 13 12 bedecked with pansie...
pansies 13 11 PANSY, a name for va...
panters 13 11 PANTER, (Shakespeare...
panther 15 13 a leopard, esp. a bl...
panties 13 11 PANTIE, a woman's or...
pantile 14 12 an overlapping, S-sh...
pantine 12 12 (obsolete) a pastebo...
panting 14 14 breathless [adj PANT...
pantleg 15 14 the leg part of a pa...
pantler 14 12 (Shakespeare) the of...
pantons 12 12 PANTON, (Scots) a sl...
pantoum 14 15 a Malayan verse form...
pantuns 13 13 PANTUN, (Malay) a Ma...
panzers 16 20 PANZER, (German) a G...
papable 18 17 capable of being a p...
papadam 16 17 (Tamil) a thin circl...
papadom 16 17 (Tamil) a thin circl...
papadum 17 18 (Tamil) a thin circl...
papains 15 14 PAPAIN, an enzyme th...
papally 24 17 PAPAL, of or relatin...
papauma 16 17 (Maori) a large ever...
papaver 17 17 a genus of poppies i...
papayan 20 16 like a papaya [adj]
papayas 21 15 PAPAYA, (Spanish) a...
papered 15 14 PAPER, to cover with...
paperer 15 13 one who papers [n -S...
paphian 17 16 a prostitute [n -S]
papilio 17 14 a type of butterfly...
papilla 18 15 a nipple-like projec...
papisms 18 16 PAPISM, adherence to...
papists 17 13 PAPIST, a supporter...
papoose 14 13 an American Indian b...
pappier 18 16 PAPPY, resembling pa...
pappies 18 16 PAPPY, a father [n]
papping 19 19 PAP, to feed with so...
pappose 17 16 furnished with a pap...
pappous 18 17 furnished with a pap...
paprica 19 16 a seasoning made fro...
paprika 17 17 a seasoning made fro...
papulae 16 15 PAPULA, (Latin) a pi...
papular 17 15 pertaining to, chara...
papulas 17 15 PAPULA, (Latin) a pi...
papules 17 15 PAPULE, a pimple, al...
papyral 23 16 relating to a papyru...
papyrus 23 16 a parchment made fro...
paraben 14 14 any of a group of ch...
parable 16 14 to represent by a mo...
paracme 17 16 a stage of decline [...
paraded 13 12 PARADE, to march in...
parader 13 11 one who parades [n -...
parades 13 11 PARADE, to march in...
parador 13 11 a building such as a...
parados 13 11 an earthworks defend...
paradox 19 18 something which is c...
parafle 16 14 (Scots) a pretentiou...
parages 14 12 PARAGE, equality of...
paragon 13 13 a model of perfectio...
paramos 14 13 PARAMO, (Spanish) a...
parangs 14 13 PARANG, (Malay) a la...
paranym 20 16 a euphemism; a word...
parapet 15 13 a protective wall [n...
paraphs 18 15 PARAPH, to append a...
parasol 14 11 a small, light umbre...
paratha 15 12 (Hindi) a flat round...
parazoa 15 19 PARAZOON, any member...
parbake 16 17 to bake partially [v...
parboil 17 14 to cook partially by...
parcels 18 14 PARCEL, to divide in...
parched 19 16 PARCH, to make very...
parches 19 15 PARCH, to make very...
pardahs 16 13 PARDAH, the seclusio...
pardale 14 12 a leopard, also PARD...
pardals 15 12 PARDAL, a leopard, a...
pardine 13 12 pertaining to or lik...
pardner 13 12 (colloquial) partner...
pardons 13 12 PARDON, to release f...
pareira 13 10 a medicinal plant ro...
parella 15 12 a lichen which yield...
parelle 15 12 a lichen which yield...
parents 13 11 PARENT, to act as fa...
pareras 13 10 PARERA, (Maori) a Ne...
parerga 14 12 PARERGON, (Greek) a...
pareses 13 10 PARESIS, a partial f...
paresis 14 10 a partial form of pa...
paretic 17 13 one affected with pa...
parfait 16 13 (French) a dessert m...
pargana 13 13 (Hindi) a division o...
pargets 15 12 PARGET, to cover wit...
parging 16 15 a thin coat or morta...
pargoes 14 12 PARGO, (Spanish) a k...
pariahs 16 12 PARIAH, a person of...
parials 15 11 PARIAL, a pair-royal...
parians 13 11 PARIAN, a hard white...
parings 15 13 PARING, something pa...
parises 14 10 PARIS, a plant, herb...
parison 13 11 (French) a lump of g...
paritor 14 10 (Shakespeare) an off...
parkade 14 15 a multilevel structu...
parkees 14 14 PARKEE, a wind-proof...
parkers 15 14 PARKER, a park-keepe...
parkier 15 14 PARKY, (colloquial)...
parkies 15 14 PARKIE, (colloquial)...
parking 16 17 an area in which veh...
parkins 15 15 PARKIN, a north of E...
parkish 18 16 resembling a park [a...
parkour 15 15 a recreational pursu...
parkway 24 19 a broad road adorned...
parlays 21 13 PARLAY, to wager ori...
parleys 21 13 PARLEY, to discuss t...
parlies 15 11 PARLY, (Scots) a gin...
parling 16 14 PARLE, to discuss te...
parlors 15 11 PARLOR, a room for t...
parlour 15 12 a room for the enter...
parlous 15 12 perilous, also PERIC...
parodic 17 14 having the character...
parodoi 13 11 PARODOS, an ode sung...
parodos 13 11 an ode sung in ancie...
paroled 14 12 PAROLE, to give a co...
parolee 13 11 one who is paroled [...
paroles 14 11 PAROLE, to give a co...
paronym 20 16 a word having the sa...
parores 13 10 PARORE, (Maori) a ty...
parotic 17 13 situated near the ea...
parotid 14 11 near the ear, also P...
parotis 14 10 (Greek) the parotid...
parpane 14 14 a stone passing thro...
parpend 15 15 a stone passing thro...
parpens 15 14 PARPEN, a stone pass...
parpent 15 14 a stone passing thro...
parping 17 16 PARP, to sound a car...
parquet 22 20 to cover a floor wit...
parrals 15 11 PARRAL, a sliding lo...
parrels 15 11 PARREL, a sliding lo...
parried 14 11 PARRY, to ward off a...
parrier 14 10 one who parries [n -...
parries 14 10 PARRY, to ward off a...
parring 15 13 PAR, to score a cert...
parrock 18 17 (Scots) a croft, or...
parrots 14 10 PARROT, to repeat wi...
parroty 20 12 like a hook-billed t...
parsecs 17 13 PARSEC, a unit of as...
parsers 14 10 PARSER, a program or...
parsing 15 13 the syntactic analys...
parsley 21 13 a cultivated herb [n...
parsnep 15 14 (obsolete) an umbell...
parsnip 16 14 an umbelliferous pla...
parsons 13 11 PARSON, a clergyman...
partake 14 14 to participate, also...
partans 13 11 PARTAN, a kind of ed...
parters 14 10 PARTER, one who, or...
partial 15 11 not whole [adj PARTI...
partied 14 11 PARTY, to attend a s...
partier 14 10 one who parties, als...
parties 14 10 PARTY, to attend a s...
parting 15 13 a division or separa...
partita 14 10 (Italian) a suite; a...
partite 14 10 divided; (esp. of pl...
partlet 15 11 (obsolete) a coverin...
partner 13 11 to join with in a co...
partons 13 11 PARTON, a hypothetic...
partook 14 14 PARTAKE, to particip...
parture 14 11 (Spenser) a departur...
partway 23 15 to some extent [adv]
partyer 20 12 one who parties, als...
parulis 16 12 (Greek) a small supp...
paruras 14 11 PARURA, a set of mat...
parures 14 11 PARURE, a set of mat...
parvenu 15 16 (French) one that ha...
parvise 16 14 an enclosed area in...
pascals 18 14 PASCAL, a unit of pr...
paschal 20 16 a candle used in rel...
pascual 18 15 a plant that grows i...
pasears 13 10 PASEAR, to take a wa...
paselas 14 11 PASELA, a gratuity t...
pashims 18 15 PASHIM, the fine und...
pashing 17 15 PASH, to strike viol...
pashkas 17 16 PASHKA, (Russian) a...
paskhas 17 16 PASKHA, (Russian) a...
paspies 16 13 PASPY, (French) a Br...
pasquil 24 21 a satire or lampoon...
passade 13 11 a turn of a horse ba...
passado 13 11 a forward thrust in...
passage 14 12 to make a voyage [v...
passant 13 11 in heraldry, walking...
passata 13 10 an Italian sauce of...
passels 15 11 PASSEL, a large numb...
passers 14 10 PASSER, one that pas...
passing 15 13 incidental, casual [...
passion 13 11 to exhibit strong fe...
passive 16 14 not active [adj PASS...
passkey 21 16 a key that opens sev...
passman 14 14 someone who graduate...
passmen 14 14 PASSMAN, someone who...
passout 14 11 a ticket entitling o...
pastels 15 11 PASTEL, a soft, deli...
pastern 13 11 the part of horse's...
pasters 14 10 PASTER, one who past...
pasteup 16 14 a finished copy for...
pastier 14 10 PASTY, pale and unhe...
pasties 14 10 PASTIE, a meat pie,...
pastils 16 11 PASTIL, a small, oft...
pastily 22 13 PASTY, pale and unhe...
pastime 15 13 a recreational activ...
pastina 13 11 (Italian) tiny piece...
pasting 15 13 a beating, a defeat...
pastors 14 10 PASTOR, to serve as...
pasture 14 11 to put out to graze...
patacas 16 13 PATACA, a monetary u...
patagia 14 12 PATAGIUM, a wing mem...
patakas 14 14 PATAKA, a Maori buil...
patamar 14 13 a vessel resembling...
patball 18 15 a gentle ball game s...
patched 19 16 PATCH, to mend or co...
patcher 19 15 one who patches [n -...
patches 19 15 PATCH, to mend or co...
patella 15 12 the knee-cap [n PATE...
patency 22 16 the condition of bei...
patents 13 11 PATENT, to obtain a...
paterae 12 10 PATERA, a type of Ro...
pathics 20 15 PATHIC, a passive su...
pathing 17 15 PATH, (Shakespeare)...
pathway 25 17 a path [n -S]
patible 17 14 capable of suffering...
patient 13 11 calm and uncomplaini...
patikis 16 14 PATIKI, (Maori) the...
patinae 12 11 PATINA, a film or su...
patinas 13 11 PATINA, a film or su...
patined 13 12 PATINE, to cover wit...
patines 13 11 PATINE, to cover wit...
patness 13 11 suitability [n -ES]
patonce 15 14 of a heraldic cross,...
patoots 13 10 PATOOT, the buttocks...
patrial 15 11 one who is entitled...
patrick 19 17 (Irish) a 17C Irish...
patrico 17 13 (slang) a hedge-prie...
patriot 14 10 one who loves his co...
patrols 15 11 PATROL, to guard by...
patrons 13 11 PATRON, a regular cu...
patroon 12 11 a landowner granted...
patsies 14 10 PATSY, a person who...
pattens 13 11 PATTEN, (obsolete) t...
pattern 13 11 to copy a design [v...
patters 14 10 PATTER, to talk rapi...
pattest 14 10 PAT, hitting the mar...
patties 14 10 PATTY, a small, flat...
patting 15 13 PAT, to stroke gentl...
pattles 15 11 PATTLE, (Scots) a sm...
patulin 15 13 a drug derived from...
patzers 17 19 PATZER, (German) an...
paucals 18 15 PAUCAL, a grammatica...
paucity 24 16 smallness of number...
paughty 24 17 (Scots) haughty [adj...
paulins 15 13 PAULIN, a sheet of w...
paunces 16 15 PAUNCE, a pansy flow...
paunchy 25 19 having a protruding...
paupers 16 14 PAUPER, to reduce to...
pausers 14 11 PAUSER, one who paus...
pausing 15 14 hesitating [adj PAUS...
pavages 16 16 PAVAGE, a charge for...
pavanes 14 15 PAVANE, (French) a s...
pavings 17 17 PAVING, a pavement [...
paviors 16 14 PAVIOR, a person who...
paviour 16 15 a person who lays pa...
paviser 16 14 a soldier carrying a...
pavises 16 14 PAVISE, a large medi...
pavisse 16 14 a large medieval shi...
pavlova 18 19 a type of dessert co...
pavones 14 15 PAVONE, (Spenser) a...
pawawed 19 17 PAWAW, to hold such...
pawkier 18 17 PAWKY, (Scots) drily...
pawkily 26 20 PAWKY, (Scots) drily...
pawnage 16 16 an act of pawning [n...
pawnces 19 17 PAWNCE, (obsolete) a...
pawnees 15 14 PAWNEE, one to whom...
pawners 16 14 PAWNER, one who pawn...
pawning 17 17 PAWN, to deposit as...
pawnors 16 14 PAWNOR, one who pawn...
pawpaws 22 19 PAWPAW, a tree of th...
paxiuba 22 21 a Brazilian palm wit...
payable 22 16 able to be paid [adj...
payably 29 18 PAYABLE, able to be...
payback 26 22 a return on an inves...
paydays 26 15 PAYDAY, the day on w...
paydown 22 17 the reduction of deb...
payfone 20 16 a coin-operated publ...
payings 21 15 PAYING, the act of s...
paylist 22 13 a list of people ent...
payload 20 14 the part of a cargo...
payment 20 16 something that is pa...
paynims 21 16 PAYNIM, a heathen, a...
payoffs 24 18 PAYOFF, the act of d...
payolas 20 13 PAYOLA, a secret pay...
payouts 20 13 PAYOUT, money that i...
payroll 22 14 a list of employees...
paysage 20 14 (French) a rural sce...
payslip 24 16 a note indicating th...
paywall 25 17 an arrangement allow...
peached 18 16 PEACH, to inform aga...
peacher 18 15 one who peaches [n -...
peaches 18 15 PEACH, to inform aga...
peacing 17 16 PEACE, (Shakespeare)...
peacoat 15 13 a heavy woollen jack...
peacock 20 20 to strut vainly [v -...
peacods 16 14 PEACOD, the pod of t...
peafowl 19 17 a large pheasant [n...
peahens 14 13 PEAHEN, a female pea...
peakier 14 14 PEAKY, off-colour, u...
peaking 15 17 the act of coming to...
peakish 17 16 somewhat sickly [adj...
pealike 15 15 like a pea [adj]
pealing 15 14 PEAL, to ring out [v...
peaning 13 14 PEAN, to beat with a...
peanuts 13 12 PEANUT, the monkey-n...
peapods 15 14 PEAPOD, the pod of t...
pearced 16 14 PEARCE, (Spenser) to...
pearces 16 13 PEARCE, (Spenser) to...
pearled 14 12 PEARL, to adorn with...
pearler 14 11 one who dives for pe...
pearlin 14 12 (Scots) a lace of si...
pearter 13 10 PEART, active, livel...
peartly 21 13 PEART, active, livel...
peasant 12 11 a person of inferior...
peascod 16 14 a pea pod, also PEAS...
peasing 14 13 PEASE, (obsolete) to...
peatary 19 12 a region covered wit...
peatery 19 12 a region covered wit...
peatier 13 10 PEATY, of or like pe...
peatman 13 14 a peat seller [n PEA...
peatmen 13 14 PEATMAN, a peat sell...
peaveys 21 16 PEAVEY, a lever used...
peavies 15 14 PEAVY, a lever used...
peazing 17 22 PEAZE, to weigh, als...
pebbled 19 18 PEBBLE, to cover wit...
pebbles 19 17 PEBBLE, to cover wit...
pebrine 15 14 a disease of silkwor...
peccant 19 17 sinning; guilty of t...
peccary 26 18 a hoofed mammal [n P...
peccavi 22 20 a confession of sin...
pechans 18 16 PECHAN, (Scots) the...
peching 20 18 PECH, (Scots) to pan...
peckers 18 17 PECKER, that which p...
peckier 18 17 PECKY, marked by dec...
pecking 19 20 the act of pecking [...
peckish 21 19 somewhat hungry [adj...
pectase 16 13 an enzyme [n -S]
pectate 16 13 a salt of pectic aci...
pectens 16 14 PECTEN, a comblike a...
pectins 17 14 PECTIN, a mixture of...
pectise 17 13 to congeal to a jell...
pectize 20 22 to congeal to a jell...
pectose 16 13 a pectin-yielding su...
peculia 18 15 PECULIUM, private pr...
pedagog 15 15 one who teaches; by...
pedaled 14 13 PEDAL, to operate by...
pedaler 14 12 someone who uses ped...
pedalos 14 12 PEDALO, a type of pl...
pedants 13 12 PEDANT, a person who...
pedders 14 12 PEDDER, (Scots) a pe...
peddled 15 14 PEDDLE, to sell or o...
peddler 15 13 a person who goes ab...
peddles 15 13 PEDDLE, to sell or o...
pedeses 13 11 PEDESIS, a Brownian...
pedesis 14 11 a Brownian movement...
pedetic 17 14 relating to pedesis,...
pedicab 19 17 a light vehicle cons...
pedicel 18 15 a slender basal part...
pedicle 18 15 a slender basal part...
pedlars 15 12 PEDLAR, a person who...
pedlary 21 14 the trade of a peddl...
pedlers 15 12 PEDLER, a person who...
pedlery 21 14 the trade of a peddl...
pedocal 17 15 a type of soil typic...
pedrail 15 12 a tractor with footl...
pedrero 13 11 a type of old gun, a...
pedways 23 16 PEDWAY, a walkway fo...
peebeen 13 14 a large, hardwood, e...
peekabo 15 17 a peeping game playe...
peeking 15 17 PEEK, to sneak a sly...
peelers 14 11 PEELER, (colloquial)...
peeling 15 14 a piece or strip tha...
peenged 13 14 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
peenges 13 13 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
peening 13 14 the act of beating t...
peepbos 17 16 PEEPBO, the game of...
peepers 15 13 PEEPER, a kind of tr...
peeping 16 16 PEEP, to cheep like...
peeptoe 14 13 denoting a shoe or s...
peepuls 17 15 PEEPUL, a fig tree f...
peerage 13 12 the rank of a noblem...
peeress 13 10 a noblewoman [n -ES]
peerier 13 10 PEERIE, small [adj]
peeries 13 10 PEERY, a wooden spin...
peering 14 13 PEER, to look narrow...
peevers 15 14 PEEVER, (Scots) a ti...
peeving 16 17 PEEVE, to irritate [...
peevish 18 16 irritable [adj PEEVI...
peewees 15 13 PEEWEE, a bird, the...
peewits 17 13 PEEWIT, a bird, the...
pegasus 15 13 a member of a genus...
peggier 16 14 PEGGY, resembling a...
peggies 16 14 PEGGY, a small warbl...
pegging 17 17 the act of pegging [...
peghing 18 17 PEGH, (Scots) to pan...
pegless 16 13 lacking a peg [adj]
peglike 17 17 like a peg [adj]
pegtops 17 15 PEGTOP, a spinning t...
peincts 17 14 PEINCT, (obsolete) t...
peining 14 14 PEIN, to beat with a...
peishwa 19 15 a chief minister of...
peising 15 13 PEISE, to weigh, als...
peizing 18 22 PEIZE, to weigh, als...
pekepoo 15 17 a dog that is a cros...
pelages 15 13 PELAGE, the coat or...
pelagic 19 16 living in the open s...
pelhams 18 16 PELHAM, a type of ho...
pelican 17 15 a large, web-footed...
pelisse 15 11 (French) a fur-lined...
pelites 15 11 PELITE, any rock der...
pelitic 19 14 relating to pelite,...
pellach 21 17 a porpoise, also PEL...
pellack 20 19 a porpoise, also PEL...
pellets 16 12 PELLET, to hit with...
pelling 17 15 PELL, to strike or t...
pellock 20 19 (Scots) a porpoise,...
pellums 18 16 PELLUM, (dialect) du...
pelmets 16 14 PELMET, a fringe or...
peloids 15 12 PELOID, a mud or oth...
peloria 14 11 abnormal symmetry of...
peloric 18 14 showing peloria, an...
pelorus 15 12 a kind of compass fr...
pelotas 14 11 PELOTA, (Spanish) a...
peloton 13 12 the main body of rid...
peltast 15 11 an ancient Greek sol...
peltate 14 11 having the stalk att...
pelters 15 11 PELTER, to shower bl...
pelting 16 14 of rain, very heavy...
pelvics 21 18 PELVIC, a bone of th...
pembina 16 17 a variety of cranber...
pemican 17 17 a food prepared by N...
pemphix 26 25 a somewhat rare skin...
penally 21 15 PENAL, pertaining to...
penalty 20 14 punishment imposed f...
penance 14 15 to impose a type of...
penangs 13 14 PENANG, a cotton fab...
penates 12 11 the Roman gods of th...
pencels 17 15 PENCEL, a small penn...
pencils 18 15 PENCIL, to write or...
pendant 12 13 hanging, also PENDEN...
pendent 12 13 hanging; drooping, a...
pending 14 15 PEND, to remain unse...
pendule 14 14 a manoeuvre in climb...
penfold 16 16 a place in which str...
penfuls 17 16 PENFUL, the amount o...
penguin 14 15 a flightless, aquati...
penicil 18 15 a tent or pledget fo...
penises 13 11 PENIS, the male orga...
penlite 14 12 a small torch, also...
pennals 13 13 PENNAL, (German) a f...
penname 12 15 a name used by an au...
pennant 11 13 a long narrow flag;...
pennate 11 12 having wings or feat...
penners 12 12 PENNER, one who pens...
pennied 12 13 wealthy to the exten...
pennies 12 12 PENNY, a coin of the...
pennill 15 14 (Welsh) a verse or s...
pennine 11 13 a mineral of the chl...
penning 13 15 PEN, to write, or co...
pennons 11 13 PENNON, a long, narr...
penoche 17 16 (Spanish) a type of...
pensees 12 11 PENSEE, (French) a t...
pensels 14 12 PENSEL, a small penn...
pensile 14 12 hanging loosely [adj...
pensils 15 12 PENSIL, a small penn...
pension 12 12 to grant a retiremen...
pensive 15 15 engaged in deep thou...
penster 13 11 a writer [n -S]
pensums 15 15 PENSUM, (Latin) a ta...
pentact 16 14 a five-rayed structu...
pentads 13 12 PENTAD, a group of f...
pentane 11 12 any of three hydroca...
pentene 11 12 an unsaturated hydro...
penthia 15 13 (Spenser) another na...
pentice 16 14 to provide with a pe...
pentise 13 11 to provide with a pe...
pentiti 14 11 PENTITO, in Italy, a...
pentito 13 11 in Italy, a Mafia cr...
pentode 12 12 a type of electron t...
pentose 12 11 a sugar with five ca...
pentyls 21 14 PENTYL, a radical de...
penuche 18 17 a fudge-like candy,...
penuchi 19 17 a fudge-like candy,...
penults 15 13 PENULT, (Latin) the...
peonage 12 13 the condition of bei...
peonies 12 11 PEONY, a showy flowe...
peonism 14 14 the condition of bei...
peopled 16 15 PEOPLE, to stock wit...
peopler 16 14 a settler; an inhabi...
peoples 16 14 PEOPLE, to stock wit...
pepinos 15 14 PEPINO, a purple-str...
pepitas 16 13 PEPITA, (Spanish) th...
peplums 19 18 PEPLUM, a flounce at...
peppers 18 16 PEPPER, to season wi...
peppery 24 18 resembling pepper [a...
peppier 18 16 PEPPY, full of energ...
peppily 26 19 PEPPY, full of energ...
pepping 19 19 PEP, to fill with en...
pepsine 15 14 a digestive enzyme o...
pepsins 16 14 PEPSIN, a digestive...
peptalk 18 18 to inspire enthusias...
peptics 20 16 PEPTIC, a substance...
peptide 16 14 a combination of ami...
peptids 17 14 PEPTID, a combinatio...
peptise 16 13 to form a colloidal...
peptize 19 22 to form a colloidal...
peptone 14 14 a substance resultin...
peracid 17 14 a type of acid [n -S...
peraeon 11 11 a crustacean's thora...
percale 17 14 a closely woven Fren...
percase 16 13 (obsolete) perhaps;...
percent 16 14 one part in a hundre...
percept 19 16 something that is pe...
perched 19 16 PERCH, to sit in an...
percher 19 15 one who perches [n -...
perches 19 15 PERCH, to sit in an...
percids 18 14 PERCID, a freshwater...
percine 16 14 of or like a perch,...
percing 18 16 PERCE, (Spenser) to...
percoct 20 16 to cook thoroughly [...
percoid 17 14 of the perch family,...
percuss 18 14 to strike with force...
perdues 14 12 PERDUE, (Shakespeare...
perdure 14 12 to continue to exist...
peregal 15 13 (obsolete) an equal...
pereion 12 11 a crustacean's thora...
pereira 13 10 a Brazilian tree, th...
perenty 19 13 a large Australian m...
pereons 12 11 PEREON, a crustacean...
perfect 19 16 lacking in fault or...
perfidy 23 16 deliberate breach of...
perfing 17 16 (New Zealand) the pr...
perfins 16 14 PERFIN, a postage st...
perform 17 16 to begin and carry t...
perfume 17 17 to fill with a fragr...
perfumy 24 19 redolent of perfume...
perfuse 16 14 to diffuse through o...
pergola 15 13 an arbor formed of c...
perhaps 18 15 something open to do...
periapt 16 13 (Shakespeare) an amu...
pericon 16 14 an Argentinan folk-d...
peridia 14 11 PERIDIUM, the outer...
peridot 14 11 a gemstone, a pale g...
perigee 14 12 the point at which a...
perigon 14 13 an angle equal to 36...
periled 15 12 PERIL, to put in dan...
perilla 16 12 a genus of labiate h...
perinea 12 11 PERINEUM, the lower...
periods 14 11 PERIOD, (Shakespeare...
periost 14 10 a tough fibrous memb...
perique 22 20 a strong, black, Lou...
peritus 15 11 a type of theologica...
periwig 19 15 (historical) a wig o...
perjink 17 24 (Scots) prim, finica...
perjure 16 20 to make a perjurer o...
perjury 23 22 false swearing under...
perkier 15 14 PERKY, cheerful, liv...
perkily 23 17 PERKY, cheerful, liv...
perking 16 17 PERK, to carry onese...
perkins 15 15 PERKIN, an oatmeal b...
perkish 18 16 somewhat perky [adj]
perlite 15 11 a kind of volcanic g...
perlous 15 12 (Spenser) perilous,...
permian 14 14 relating to the last...
permies 15 13 PERMIE, a permanent...
perming 16 16 PERM, to permanent w...
permits 16 13 PERMIT, to allow [v]
permute 15 14 to alter the order,...
perning 14 14 PERN, to move with a...
pernods 13 12 PERNOD, (tradename)...
perogie 14 12 (Russian) a small du...
perogis 15 12 PEROGI, (Polish) a t...
perones 12 11 PERONE, the fibula,...
peroral 14 11 occurring through th...
peroxid 20 18 a bleaching agent, a...
perpend 15 15 to weigh in the mind...
perpent 15 14 a stone passing thro...
perplex 23 21 to puzzle [v -ED, -I...
perrier 14 10 (obsolete) a short m...
perries 14 10 PERRY, a beverage of...
perrons 13 11 PERRON, a raised pla...
persalt 15 11 a term formerly give...
persant 13 11 (Spenser) piercing,...
persico 17 13 a cordial made of th...
persing 15 13 PERSE, (Spenser) to...
persist 15 10 to continue resolute...
persona 12 11 a character in a lit...
persons 13 11 PERSON, a human bein...
perspex 22 20 an acrylic plastic c...
persued 14 12 PERSUE, to follow, i...
persues 14 11 PERSUE, to follow, i...
pertain 13 11 to have reference or...
pertake 14 14 to participate, also...
pertest 14 10 PERT, impudent, jaun...
pertook 14 14 PERTAKE, to particip...
perturb 17 14 to disturb greatly [...
pertuse 14 11 punched or pierced,...
peruked 15 16 adorned with a peruk...
perukes 15 15 PERUKE, a kind of wi...
perusal 15 12 the act of perusing...
perused 14 12 PERUSE, to read [v]
peruser 14 11 one who peruses [n -...
peruses 14 11 PERUSE, to read [v]
pervade 15 15 to permeate the whol...
pervert 16 14 to turn away from th...
pervier 16 14 PERVY, perverted [ad...
perving 17 17 PERVE [v]
pesades 13 11 PESADE, a dressage m...
pesante 12 11 heavy in musical ter...
pesants 13 11 PESANT, (obsolete) a...
pesaunt 13 12 (obsolete) a peasant...
pesetas 13 10 PESETA, a monetary u...
pesewas 16 13 PESEWA, a monetary u...
peshwas 19 15 PESHWA, a chief mini...
peskier 15 14 PESKY, annoying [adj...
peskily 23 17 PESKY, annoying [adv...
pessary 20 12 a contraceptive devi...
pessima 15 13 PESSIMUM, a worst st...
pesters 14 10 PESTER, to bother [v...
pestful 18 15 pestilential [adj]
pestier 14 10 PESTY, annoying [adj...
pestled 15 12 PESTLE, to crush wit...
pestles 15 11 PESTLE, to crush wit...
petaled 14 12 having petals, also...
petaras 13 10 PETARA, (Hindi) in I...
petards 14 11 PETARD, an explosive...
petasos 13 10 a broad-brimmed hat...
petasus 14 11 a broad-brimmed hat...
petcock 21 20 a valve for draining...
petered 13 11 PETER, to diminish g...
pethers 16 12 PETHER, (Scots) a pe...
petiole 14 11 the stalk of a leaf...
petites 14 10 PETITE, a clothing s...
petnaps 15 14 PETNAP, to steal a p...
petrale 14 11 a food fish, a kind...
petrary 20 12 a contrivance for hu...
petrels 15 11 PETREL, a kind of se...
petrify 23 15 to convert into a st...
petrols 15 11 PETROL, to supply wi...
petrous 14 11 resembling stone in...
petsais 14 10 PETSAI, Chinese cabb...
petters 14 10 PETTER, one who pets...
pettier 14 10 PETTY, insignificant...
petties 14 10 PETTY, a junior scho...
pettily 22 13 PETTY, insignificant...
petting 15 13 amorous caressing an...
pettish 17 12 sulky, petulant [adj...
pettled 15 12 PETTLE, to indulge,...
pettles 15 11 PETTLE, to indulge,...
petunia 13 12 a South American gen...
pewters 17 13 PEWTER, an alloy of...
pewtery 23 15 of or like pewter [a...
peyotes 19 12 PEYOTE, a hallucinog...
peyotls 21 13 PEYOTL, a Mexican in...
peysing 21 15 PEYSE, to weigh, als...
peytral 21 13 a piece of armour fo...
peytrel 21 13 a piece of armour fo...
pezants 16 20 PEZANT, a peasant, a...
pfennig 16 17 a German coin, also...
phablet 19 16 a handheld personal...
phacoid 19 16 lens-shaped, lentil-...
phaeism 17 15 duskiness, incomplet...
phaeton 14 13 a light two-horse fo...
phalanx 22 21 a formation of infan...
phallic 22 17 pertaining to the ph...
phallin 18 15 a type of fungal poi...
phallus 19 15 (Latin) the penis; a...
phanged 16 16 PHANG, (Shakespeare)...
phantom 16 16 an immaterial form,...
pharaoh 17 14 a ruler of ancient E...
pharmas 17 15 PHARMA, pharmaceutic...
pharmed 17 16 PHARM, to redirect c...
pharmer 17 15 one who participates...
pharynx 28 22 a section of the dig...
phaseal 16 13 pertaining to a phas...
phasers 16 12 PHASER, a type of sc...
phasing 17 15 a type of electronic...
phasmid 18 16 any orthopterous ins...
phasors 16 12 PHASOR, a rotating v...
phatter 16 12 PHAT, susceptible of...
pheazar 18 21 (Shakespeare) perhap...
pheeres 15 12 PHEERE, a companion,...
pheesed 15 13 PHEESE, to unsettle,...
pheeses 15 12 PHEESE, to unsettle,...
pheezed 18 22 PHEEZE, to unsettle,...
pheezes 18 21 PHEEZE, to unsettle,...
phellem 19 17 a layer of plant cel...
phenate 14 13 a compound of phenol...
phenols 16 14 PHENOL, a caustic co...
phenome 15 16 the complete set of...
phenoms 16 16 PHENOM, a person of...
phenoxy 27 22 containing a radical...
phenyls 23 16 PHENYL, a cyclic rad...
phesing 17 15 PHESE, to unsettle,...
philter 18 13 to put under the spe...
philtra 18 13 PHILTRUM, the indent...
philtre 18 13 to put under the spe...
phished 19 15 PHISH, to engage in...
phisher 19 14 one that phishes [n...
phishes 19 14 PHISH, to engage in...
phizogs 21 23 PHIZOG, (colloquial)...
phizzes 23 30 PHIZ, (colloquial) p...
phlegms 20 18 PHLEGM, a thick mucu...
phlegmy 26 20 full of phlegm [adj...
phloems 18 16 PHLOEM, the nutrient...
phlomis 19 16 any plant of the Phl...
phloxes 23 20 PHLOX, any plant of...
phobias 18 15 PHOBIA, an obsessive...
phobics 22 18 PHOBIC, one affected...
phobism 20 18 an obsessive or irra...
phobist 19 15 someone with a phobi...
phocine 18 16 pertaining to seals...
phoebes 17 15 PHOEBE, a small bird...
phoebus 18 16 a sun god; the sun [...
phoenix 21 20 a bird fabled to exi...
phonate 14 13 to produce speech so...
phoneme 15 16 the smallest signifi...
phoners 15 13 PHONER, one that tel...
phoneys 21 15 PHONEY, to fake, cou...
phonics 19 16 the science of sound...
phonied 15 14 PHONY, to alter, so...
phonier 15 13 PHONY, not genuine o...
phonies 15 13 PHONY, to alter, so...
phonily 23 16 PHONY, not genuine o...
phoning 16 16 PHONE, to telephone...
phonons 14 14 PHONON, a quantum of...
phorate 15 12 an insecticide [n -S...
phoresy 22 14 a symbiotic relation...
photics 20 15 the science of light...
photino 15 13 a hypothetical eleme...
photism 18 15 a hallucinatory sens...
photoed 15 13 PHOTO, (colloquial)...
photogs 17 14 PHOTOG, (colloquial)...
photons 15 13 PHOTON, a quantum of...
phrasal 17 13 pertaining to a grou...
phrased 16 13 PHRASE, to express i...
phraser 16 12 a repeater of empty...
phrases 16 12 PHRASE, to express i...
phratry 23 14 a tribal unit among...
phreaks 17 16 PHREAK, to hack into...
phrenic 19 16 the diaphragm [n -S]
phrensy 22 15 to make frantic, als...
phutted 17 14 PHUT, to make a soun...
phyllid 26 17 the leaf of a liverw...
phyllos 25 16 PHYLLO, a kind of ve...
physeds 23 15 PHYSED, (short for)...
physics 27 17 PHYSIC, to treat wit...
physios 23 14 PHYSIO, (short for)...
phytane 21 15 a hydrocarbon found...
phytins 23 15 PHYTIN, a substance...
phytoid 23 15 resembling a plant [...
phytols 24 15 PHYTOL, an alcohol u...
phytons 22 15 PHYTON, the smallest...
piaffed 18 17 PIAFFE, to perform a...
piaffer 18 16 a movement in horsem...
piaffes 18 16 PIAFFE, to perform a...
pianino 12 12 a small piano, a pia...
pianism 15 14 performance on the p...
pianist 14 11 someone who plays th...
pianola 13 12 (trade) a type of pl...
piarist 15 10 a member of a Christ...
piasaba 15 13 a coarse, stiff fibr...
piasava 15 14 a coarse, stiff fibr...
piaster 14 10 a monetary unit of s...
piastre 14 10 a monetary unit of s...
piazzas 20 28 PIAZZA, a public squ...
pibroch 22 18 (Gaelic) a dirge or...
picacho 22 18 (Spanish) an isolate...
picador 17 14 (Spanish) a matador'...
picamar 18 16 a liquid obtained fr...
picante 16 14 hot and spicy [adj]
picaras 17 13 PICARA, (Spanish) a...
picaros 17 13 PICARO, (Spanish) a...
piccata 20 16 (Italian) a dish of...
piccies 21 16 PICCY, (slang) a pic...
piccolo 21 17 a small, shrill flut...
picenes 16 14 PICENE, a hydrocarbo...
piceous 17 14 glossy-black in colo...
pickaxe 24 24 to use a tool for br...
pickeer 18 17 to forage, to skirmi...
pickers 19 17 PICKER, one that pic...
pickery 25 19 pilfering [n PICKERI...
pickets 19 17 PICKET, to act as a...
pickier 19 17 PICKY, choosy, fasti...
pickily 27 20 PICKY, choosy, fasti...
picking 20 20 the act of one who p...
pickins 19 18 PICKIN, (West Africa...
pickled 20 19 PICKLE, to preserve...
pickler 20 18 one who pickles [n -...
pickles 20 18 PICKLE, to preserve...
pickmaw 23 23 the black-headed gul...
pickney 24 20 in Jamaican patois,...
pickoff 23 23 a play in baseball [...
pickups 22 21 PICKUP, a small truc...
picnics 21 17 PICNIC, to go on an...
picolin 18 15 a compound related t...
picongs 18 16 PICONG, (Caribbean)...
picoted 17 14 PICOT, to edge with...
picotee 16 13 (French) a variety o...
picquet 26 23 a person or group st...
picrate 17 13 a chemical salt [n -...
picrite 18 13 a dark green igneous...
picture 18 14 to form a likeness o...
piculet 19 15 a small tropical Ame...
piddled 16 14 PIDDLE, to deal in t...
piddler 16 13 one who piddles, was...
piddles 16 13 PIDDLE, to deal in t...
piddock 19 19 a rough-shelled, bor...
pidgeon 14 14 a simplified speech...
pidgins 16 14 PIDGIN, a simplified...
piebald 17 15 a horse with patchy...
piecens 16 14 PIECEN, to join the...
piecers 17 13 PIECER, a worker who...
piecing 18 16 material to be sewn...
piedish 17 13 a deep dish for pie-...
piefort 16 13 an unusually thick c...
piehole 16 13 (slang) a person's m...
pieings 15 13 PIEING, the act of a...
pierage 14 12 a fee paid for the u...
pierced 17 14 PIERCE, to thrust, o...
piercer 17 13 something or someone...
pierces 17 13 PIERCE, to thrust, o...
pierids 15 11 PIERID, any butterfl...
pierogi 15 12 (Russian) a small du...
pierogs 15 12 PIEROG, a large Russ...
pierrot 14 10 (French) a comic cha...
pieties 14 10 PIETY, the state of...
pietism 16 13 unquestioning or dog...
pietist 15 10 a person characteriz...
piffero 18 16 (Italian) a fife; an...
piffled 20 18 PIFFLE, to talk in a...
piffler 20 17 one who talks nonsen...
piffles 20 17 PIFFLE, to talk in a...
pigboat 17 15 a submarine [n -S]
pigeons 14 13 PIGEON, to gull or h...
pigface 20 18 a creeping succulent...
pigfeed 17 16 food for pigs [n -S]
pigfish 21 17 a large West Indian...
piggery 23 16 a place where swine...
piggier 17 14 PIGGY, piggish [adj]
piggies 17 14 PIGGIE, a small pig,...
pigging 18 17 operating a pig or r...
piggins 17 15 PIGGIN, (Scots) a sm...
piggish 20 16 greedy or dirty [adj...
pighted 18 15 PIGHT, to pitch (e.g...
pightle 19 15 a croft or small enc...
piglets 17 13 PIGLET, a little pig...
piglike 18 17 resembling a pig [ad...
pigling 18 16 a little pig, also P...
pigmean 15 16 pygmy-like, also PIG...
pigmeat 16 15 the meat of the pig...
pigment 16 16 to add a colouring m...
pigmies 17 15 PIGMY, a small perso...
pigmoid 17 16 a pigmy [n -S]
pignoli 16 14 the edible seed of n...
pignora 14 13 PIGNUS, property hel...
pignuts 16 14 PIGNUT, an umbellife...
pigouts 16 13 PIGOUT, (colloquial)...
pigpens 17 16 PIGPEN, a place wher...
pigskin 17 17 the skin of a pig [n...
pigsney 21 15 (archaic) a term of...
pigsnie 15 13 (archaic) a term of...
pigtail 17 13 a single plait hangi...
pigwash 21 17 waste fed to pigs, a...
pigweed 18 16 a weedy plant [n -S]
pikakes 16 18 PIKAKE, (Hawaiian) a...
pikelet 16 15 a kind of thin crump...
pikeman 15 18 a soldier armed with...
pikemen 15 18 PIKEMAN, a soldier a...
pikings 17 17 PIKING, piercing wit...
pilaffs 20 17 PILAFF, a dish of ri...
pilcher 21 16 (Shakespeare) a scab...
pilches 21 16 PILCH, (archaic) a g...
pilcorn 18 15 the naked oat, a var...
pilcrow 22 17 a paragraph-mark [n...
pileate 14 11 of a mushroom, havin...
pileous 15 12 consisting of, or co...
pileups 18 15 PILEUP, a collision...
pilfers 18 14 PILFER, to steal [v]
pilfery 24 16 petty theft [n PILFE...
pilgrim 19 16 someone who goes on...
pilings 17 14 PILING, a structure...
pilinut 16 13 the nut of trees of...
pillage 17 14 to plunder [v PILLAG...
pillars 17 12 PILLAR, to supply wi...
pillaus 17 13 PILLAU, a dish made...
pillbox 25 22 a small box for pill...
pillbug 21 18 a wood louse that ca...
pillies 17 12 PILLIE, (Australian...
pilling 18 15 formation of little...
pillion 16 13 to sit on a pillion...
pillock 21 19 a stupid person [n -...
pillory 23 14 to hold up to public...
pillows 20 15 PILLOW, to rest on a...
pillowy 26 17 resembling a pillow...
piloted 15 12 PILOT, to control th...
pilotis 16 11 (French) a series of...
pilsner 15 12 (German) a light-col...
pilulae 16 13 PILULA, a small pill...
pilular 17 13 like a pilule, a sma...
pilulas 17 13 PILULA, a small pill...
pilules 17 13 PILULE, a small pill...
pimento 14 14 (Spanish) allspice o...
piments 15 14 PIMENT, spiced, swee...
pimping 19 19 the business of soli...
pimpled 19 18 having pimples [adj]
pimples 19 17 PIMPLE, an inflamed...
pinangs 14 14 PINANG, a palm tree...
pinatas 13 11 PINATA, (Spanish) a...
pinball 18 16 an electric game [n...
pinbone 14 15 the hipbone [n -S]
pincase 16 14 a case for pins [n -...
pincers 17 14 PINCER, to grip in p...
pinched 19 17 PINCH, to squeeze be...
pincher 19 16 one who pinches [n -...
pinches 19 16 PINCH, to squeeze be...
pincurl 19 16 a curl held in place...
pindans 13 13 PINDAN, a desert reg...
pindari 14 12 an Indian mercenary,...
pinders 14 12 PINDER, one who impo...
pindown 16 16 a technique for cont...
pineals 14 12 PINEAL, a gland in t...
pinenes 12 12 PINENE, the main con...
pinesap 15 14 a reddish fleshy her...
pinetum 15 15 a plantation of pine...
pinfall 18 16 a wrestling fall whi...
pinfish 19 16 a small marine fish...
pinfold 17 16 a place in which str...
pingers 15 13 PINGER, a device for...
pinging 16 16 PING, to produce a b...
pingled 16 15 PINGLE, (Scots) to s...
pingler 16 14 one who nibbles at f...
pingles 16 14 PINGLE, (Scots) to s...
pingoes 14 13 PINGO, (Inuit) a con...
pinguid 16 15 fat; greasy [adj]
pinguin 15 15 a flightless aquatic...
pinhead 15 14 the head of a pin [n...
pinhole 16 14 a small hole made by...
piniest 14 11 PINY, covered with p...
pinions 13 12 PINION, to remove th...
pinites 14 11 PINITE, a greyish-gr...
pinitol 15 12 an alcohol [n -S]
pinkens 14 16 PINKEN, to become pi...
pinkers 15 15 PINKER, a person who...
pinkest 15 15 PINK, of a pale red...
pinkeye 20 17 an inflammation of t...
pinkeys 21 17 PINKEY, a small narr...
pinkier 15 15 PINKY, somewhat pink...
pinkies 15 15 PINKY, the little fi...
pinking 16 18 a method of cutting...
pinkish 18 17 somewhat pink [adj]
pinkoes 14 15 PINKO, a person who...
pinless 15 12 lacking pins [adj]
pinnace 15 15 a small vessel with...
pinnate 12 12 resembling a feather...
pinners 13 12 PINNER, one who impo...
pinnets 13 12 PINNET, a pinnacle [...
pinnies 13 12 PINNY, (short for) p...
pinning 14 15 a fastening [n -S]
pinnock 17 19 the hedge-sparrow [n...
pinnoed 12 13 (Spenser) pinioned [...
pinnula 14 14 a pinnate part or or...
pinnule 14 14 one of the small div...
pinocle 17 15 a card game, also PI...
pinoles 14 12 PINOLE, (Spanish) an...
pinones 12 12 PINON, (Spanish) an...
pinspot 16 14 a small powerful spo...
pintada 13 12 a kind of petrel; th...
pintado 13 12 a kind of petrel; th...
pintail 15 12 a river duck [n -S]
pintano 12 12 a dark-banded tropic...
pintles 15 12 PINTLE, a pin on whi...
pintoes 13 11 PINTO, (Spanish) a s...
pintuck 19 19 a very narrow fold o...
pinwale 17 15 a type of fabric [n...
pinweed 16 15 any plant of a genus...
pinwork 18 18 a type of embroidery...
pinworm 18 17 a small nematoid wor...
pinyins 20 14 PINYIN, (Chinese) a...
pinyons 19 14 PINYON, (Spanish) an...
piolets 15 11 PIOLET, (French) a m...
pioneer 12 11 someone who is among...
pioners 13 11 PIONER, (Shakespeare...
pioneys 19 13 PIONEY, a showy flow...
pionies 13 11 PIONY, (obsolete) a...
pioning 14 14 (archaic) pioneer wo...
piopios 16 13 PIOPIO, (Maori) a Ne...
piosity 21 12 an excessive show of...
piously 22 14 PIOUS, marked by rel...
pipages 17 15 PIPAGE, transportati...
pipeage 16 15 transportation, as o...
pipeful 20 18 as much as a pipe ca...
piperic 20 16 applied to an acid o...
pipette 16 13 a tube for transferr...
pipiest 17 13 PIPY, like a pipe; h...
pipings 18 16 PIPING, a system of...
pipkins 18 18 PIPKIN, a small eart...
pipless 18 14 having no pips [adj]
pippier 19 16 PIPPY, having pips [...
pipping 20 19 PIP, to offend or di...
pippins 19 17 PIPPIN, any of numer...
piquant 22 21 having an agreeably...
piquets 23 20 PIQUET, to act as a...
piquing 24 23 PIQUE, to arouse ang...
piragua 15 13 (Carib) a dugout can...
piranas 13 11 PIRANA, a ferocious,...
piranha 15 13 a ferocious, carnivo...
pirated 14 11 PIRATE, to make ille...
pirates 14 10 PIRATE, to make ille...
piratic 18 13 of or pertaining to...
pirayas 20 12 PIRAYA, a ferocious,...
pirnies 14 11 PIRNIE, (Scots) a st...
pirogen 14 13 PIROG, (Russian) a l...
piroghi 18 14 PIROG, (Russian) a l...
pirogue 15 13 (Carib) a dugout can...
pirojki 18 23 PIROZHOK, a small, R...
piroque 22 20 (Carib) a dugout can...
piscary 24 15 a place for fishing...
piscina 17 14 a basin used in cert...
piscine 17 14 a pool, a pond, esp....
pisheog 17 14 (Irish) sorcery, als...
pishers 17 12 PISHER, (Yiddish) a...
pishing 18 15 PISH, to express con...
pishoge 17 14 (Irish) sorcery, als...
piskies 16 14 PISKY, a small fairy...
pismire 16 13 an ant [n -S]
pissant 14 11 the wood ant, a larg...
pissers 15 10 PISSER, something th...
pissier 15 10 PISSY, soiled with u...
pissing 16 13 PISS, to urinate [v]
pissoir 15 10 a public urinal [n -...
pistils 17 11 PISTIL, the seed-bea...
pistole 15 11 (historical) any of...
pistols 16 11 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pistons 14 11 PISTON, a part of an...
pistous 15 11 PISTOU, a French sau...
pitapat 16 13 to make a repeated t...
pitarah 16 12 a type of clothes ba...
pitaras 14 10 PITARA, a type of cl...
pitayas 20 12 PITAYA, a giant cact...
pitched 20 16 PITCH, to throw [v]
pitcher 20 15 a container for hold...
pitches 20 15 PITCH, to throw [v]
piteous 14 11 arousing pity, also...
pitfall 19 15 a hidden danger or d...
pithead 16 13 the top of a pit or...
pithful 21 17 full of pith [adj]
pithier 17 12 PITHY, full of pith,...
pithily 25 15 PITHY, full of pith,...
pithing 18 15 PITH, to sever the c...
pitiers 15 10 PITIER, one who piti...
pitieth 17 12 as in it pitieth me,...
pitiful 19 15 arousing pity, also...
pitmans 15 14 PITMAN, a mine worke...
pitprop 19 16 a timber support in...
pitsaws 18 13 PITSAW, a large saw...
pitters 15 10 PITTER, to sound lik...
pitting 16 13 an arrangement of ca...
pittite 15 10 (obsolete) someone w...
pituita 15 11 (archaic) phlegm, mu...
pituite 15 11 (archaic) phlegm, mu...
pituris 16 11 PITURI, a type of Au...
pitying 22 15 PITY, to feel sorrow...
piupius 18 15 PIUPIU, a Maori flax...
pivotal 17 15 critically important...
pivoted 16 15 PIVOT, to turn on a...
pivoter 16 14 someone who makes pi...
pixyish 30 21 like a pixy [adj]
pizazzy 30 39 flamboyant, also PIZ...
pizzles 22 29 PIZZLE, a bull's pen...
plaases 14 11 PLAAS, (Afrikaans) a...
placard 18 15 a written or printed...
placate 17 14 to conciliate [v PLA...
placcat 21 17 (Shakespeare) a leat...
placebo 19 17 a medicine given to...
placers 18 14 PLACER, a person who...
placets 18 14 PLACET, (Latin) a de...
placing 19 17 a position [n -S]
placita 18 14 PLACITUM, a court ru...
placits 19 14 PLACIT, a court ruli...
placket 19 18 a leather doublet wi...
placoid 18 15 a fish having platel...
plafond 16 16 (French) a decorated...
plagium 18 17 the crime of kidnapp...
plagued 16 15 PLAGUE, to pester or...
plaguer 16 14 one who plagues [n -...
plagues 16 14 PLAGUE, to pester or...
plaguey 22 16 vexatious, also PLAG...
plaices 18 14 PLAICE, a European f...
plaided 15 13 with a tartan design...
plained 14 13 PLAIN, to complain [...
plainer 14 12 PLAIN, unadorned [ad...
plainly 22 15 PLAIN, unadorned [ad...
plaints 15 12 PLAINT, lamentation,...
plaited 15 12 PLAIT, to braid [v]
plaiter 15 11 one who plaits [n -S...
planate 13 12 having a flat surfac...
planche 19 17 a plank, a board, al...
planers 14 12 PLANER, a planing ma...
planets 14 12 PLANET, a celestial...
planing 15 15 PLANE, to make smoot...
planish 17 14 to toughen and smoot...
planked 15 17 PLANK, to cover with...
planned 13 14 PLAN, to formulate a...
planner 13 13 one who plans [n -S]
plantae 13 12 PLANTA, the sole of...
plantar 14 12 of or relating to th...
plantas 14 12 PLANTA, the sole of...
planted 14 13 PLANT, to place in t...
planter 14 12 one who plants [n -S...
planula 15 14 the free-swimming la...
planury 21 15 the discharge of uri...
planxty 27 21 an Irish or Welsh me...
plapped 19 18 PLAP, to make a soun...
plaques 23 21 PLAQUE, an ornamenta...
plashed 17 14 PLASH, to weave toge...
plasher 17 13 one who plashes [n -...
plashes 17 13 PLASH, to weave toge...
plashet 17 13 a small pond or pool...
plasmas 16 14 PLASMA, the liquid p...
plasmic 20 17 of or like a plasma,...
plasmid 17 15 a hereditary structu...
plasmin 16 15 a proteolytic enzyme...
plasmon 15 15 the total of the gen...
plaster 15 11 to cover with a mixt...
plastic 19 14 easily moulded [adj...
plastid 16 12 a structure in plant...
platane 13 12 a large tree, also P...
platans 14 12 PLATAN, the plane tr...
plateau 14 12 a level stretch of e...
platens 14 12 PLATEN, the part of...
platers 15 11 PLATER, one who plat...
platier 15 11 PLATY, split into th...
platies 15 11 PLATY, a small tropi...
platina 14 12 (Spanish) platinum [...
plating 16 14 a thin layer of meta...
platoon 13 12 in American football...
platted 15 12 PLAT, to braid [v]
platter 15 11 a large, shallow dis...
platypi 24 16 PLATYPUS, an aquatic...
plaudit 16 13 an expression of pra...
playact 24 16 to take part in a th...
playboy 29 18 a man devoted to ple...
playbus 24 17 a mobile playground...
playday 27 16 a holiday [n -S]
players 21 13 PLAYER, one who play...
playful 25 18 full of fun [adj PLA...
playing 22 16 an act of play [n -S...
playlet 22 14 a short theatrical p...
playoff 25 19 a game to decide a t...
playpen 22 17 a safety device for...
playset 21 13 an outdoor apparatus...
pleaded 14 13 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
pleader 14 12 one who pleads; an a...
pleaing 15 14 PLEA, to dispute in...
pleased 14 12 PLEASE, to give enjo...
pleaser 14 11 one who pleases [n -...
pleases 14 11 PLEASE, to give enjo...
pleated 14 12 PLEAT, to fold in an...
pleater 14 11 one who pleats [n -S...
plebean 15 15 (Shakespeare) plebei...
plebify 26 19 to lower to vulgar s...
plectra 18 14 PLECTRON, a small po...
plectre 18 14 a small pointed obje...
pledged 16 15 PLEDGE, to bind by s...
pledgee 15 14 one to whom somethin...
pledger 16 14 one who pledges some...
pledges 16 14 PLEDGE, to bind by s...
pledget 16 14 a pad of absorbent c...
pledgor 16 14 one who pledges some...
pleiads 15 12 PLEIAD, a group of s...
plenary 20 14 attended by all memb...
plenipo 16 15 (archaic) a plenipot...
plenish 17 14 to fill up [v -ED, -...
plenism 16 15 the doctrine that sp...
plenist 15 12 one who holds that a...
plenums 16 16 PLENUM, space consid...
pleonal 14 13 relating to the pleo...
pleonic 17 15 relating to the pleo...
pleopod 16 15 an appendage of crus...
plerion 14 12 a supernova remnant...
pleroma 15 14 (Greek) fullness, ab...
plerome 15 14 part of a plant resp...
pleshes 17 13 PLESH, (Spenser) a p...
plessor 15 11 a small, hammer-like...
pleuchs 21 17 PLEUCH, (Scots) to p...
pleughs 19 16 PLEUGH, (Scots) to p...
pleurae 14 12 PLEURA, a membrane t...
pleural 16 13 of or pertaining to...
pleuras 15 12 PLEURA, a membrane t...
pleuron 14 13 a part of a thoracic...
plexing 22 21 PLEX, to make a plex...
plexors 21 18 PLEXOR, a small, rub...
plexure 21 19 an interweaving [n -...
pliable 18 15 easily bent [adj PLI...
pliably 25 17 PLIABLE, easily bent...
pliancy 24 17 the quality of being...
plicate 18 14 folded like a fan [a...
plights 20 15 PLIGHT, to make a so...
plimmed 18 18 PLIM, to swell, as g...
plimsol 18 15 a rubber-soled cloth...
plinged 16 15 PLING, to beg [v]
plinked 16 17 PLINK, to shoot at a...
plinker 16 16 one who plinks, shoo...
plinths 18 14 PLINTH, the rectangu...
pliskie 17 15 (Scots) tricky, misc...
plisses 16 11 PLISSE, (French) a p...
ploated 14 12 PLOAT, (Scots) to di...
plodded 15 14 PLOD, to walk heavil...
plodder 15 13 one who plods; a slo...
plodged 16 15 PLODGE, (dialect) to...
plodges 16 14 PLODGE, (dialect) to...
plonged 15 15 PLONGE, to plunge, a...
plonges 15 14 PLONGE, to plunge, a...
plonked 15 17 PLONK, to fall or dr...
plonker 15 16 a large marble, also...
plonkos 15 16 PLONKO, (Australian...
plookie 15 15 pimply, also PLOOKY,...
plopped 19 18 PLOP, to fall or dro...
plosion 14 12 a release of breath...
plosive 17 15 an explosive (sound)...
plotful 19 16 conspiratorial [adj]
plotted 15 12 PLOT, to plan secret...
plotter 15 11 (Scots) to dabble in...
plottie 15 11 a spiced hot drink,...
plotzed 18 21 PLOTZ, (Yiddish) to...
plotzes 18 20 PLOTZ, (Yiddish) to...
ploughs 19 16 PLOUGH, to turn soil...
ploukie 16 16 pimply, also PLOOKIE...
plouter 15 12 (Scots) to dabble in...
plovers 17 15 PLOVER, a general na...
plovery 23 17 abounding in plovers...
plowboy 26 19 a boy who drives or...
plowers 18 14 PLOWER, one who plou...
plowing 19 17 the act of ploughing...
plowman 18 18 a man who drives or...
plowmen 18 18 PLOWMAN, a man who d...
plowter 18 14 (Scots) to dabble in...
ploying 22 16 PLOY, to move from a...
plucked 20 20 PLUCK, to pull out o...
plucker 20 19 one who plucks [n -S...
pluffed 20 19 PLUFF, to throw out,...
plugged 18 17 PLUG, to fill a hole...
plugger 18 16 something for pluggi...
plugola 17 15 a free incidental ad...
plumage 17 17 the feathers of a bi...
plumate 16 15 having feathers or p...
plumbed 19 19 PLUMB, to determine...
plumber 19 18 one who installs or...
plumbic 23 21 containing lead [adj...
plumbum 21 22 (obsolete) lead [n -...
plumcot 20 18 a hybrid of a plum a...
plumery 23 17 plumes collectively...
plumier 17 15 PLUMY, covered with...
pluming 18 18 PLUME, to cover with...
plumist 18 15 a feather-dresser [n...
plummer 18 18 PLUM, plum coloured;...
plummet 18 18 to drop straight dow...
plumose 16 15 having feathers or p...
plumous 17 16 having feathers or p...
plumped 19 19 PLUMP, to make well...
plumpen 18 19 to plump, to make we...
plumper 19 18 a pad kept in the mo...
plumpie 19 18 somewhat fat, also P...
plumply 27 21 PLUMP, somewhat fat...
plumula 18 17 the embryo shoot in...
plumule 18 17 the embryo shoot in...
plunder 15 14 to rob by force [v -...
plunged 16 16 PLUNGE, to thrust in...
plunger 16 15 an instrument or par...
plunges 16 15 PLUNGE, to thrust in...
plunked 16 18 PLUNK, to twang; to...
plunker 16 17 a large marble, also...
plurals 17 13 PLURAL, a word that...
plusage 16 14 an extra amount, als...
plushed 18 15 showily luxurious [a...
plusher 18 14 PLUSH, luxurious [ad...
plushes 18 14 PLUSH, a fabric with...
plushly 26 17 PLUSH, luxurious [ad...
plusing 17 15 PLUS, to increase in...
plussed 16 13 PLUS, to increase in...
plusses 16 12 PLUS, to increase in...
pluteal 16 13 of or pertaining to...
pluteus 16 13 a type of sea-urchin...
plutoid 16 13 any dwarf planet bey...
plutons 15 13 PLUTON, a mass of ro...
pluvial 19 17 rainy, also PLUVIAN,...
pluvian 17 17 rainy, also PLUVIAL,...
pluvius 19 17 as in pluvius insura...
plywood 24 17 a building material...
pneumas 14 15 PNEUMA, (Greek) soul...
poached 18 16 POACH, to trespass t...
poacher 18 15 one who poaches [n -...
poaches 18 15 POACH, to trespass t...
poblano 15 15 a kind of long, wide...
pochard 19 16 a kind of European d...
pochays 25 17 POCHAY [n]
pochoir 19 15 (French) a manual co...
pockard 18 18 a kind of European d...
pockets 18 17 POCKET, to place in...
pockier 18 17 POCKY, covered with...
pockies 18 17 woollen mittens [n]
pockily 26 20 POCKY, covered with...
pocking 19 20 POCK, to pit the ski...
pockpit 21 20 the scar left by a p...
pocosen 15 14 (Native American) an...
pocosin 16 14 (Native American) an...
pocoson 15 14 (Native American) an...
podagra 14 13 gout in the foot [n...
podalic 18 15 of the feet, also PO...
podcast 17 14 to make a radio broa...
poddier 14 12 PODDY, corpulent [ad...
poddies 14 12 PODDY, a young calf...
podding 15 15 POD, to produce seed...
poddled 15 14 PODDLE, to amble at...
poddles 15 13 PODDLE, to amble at...
podesta 13 11 (Italian) one of the...
podexes 19 18 PODEX, the rump [n]
podgier 15 13 PODGY, short and fat...
podgily 23 16 PODGY, short and fat...
podites 14 11 PODITE, a walking le...
poditic 18 14 relating to a podite...
podiums 16 15 PODIUM, (Latin) a lo...
podleys 21 14 PODLEY, (Scots) a yo...
podlike 16 16 resembling a seed co...
podsols 15 12 PODSOL, (Russian) a...
podunks 15 17 PODUNK, a small unim...
podzols 18 21 PODZOL, an infertile...
poeping 16 16 POEP, (Afrikaans) to...
poepols 16 14 POEPOL, (South Afric...
poesied 13 11 POESY, to utter poet...
poesies 13 10 POESY, to utter poet...
poetess 13 10 a female poet, also...
poetics 17 13 poetic theory or pra...
poetise 13 10 to write poetry, als...
poetize 16 19 to write poetry, als...
poffles 19 17 POFFLE, (Scots) a pe...
pogoers 14 12 POGOER, someone who...
pogoing 15 15 POGO, (tradename) to...
pogonia 13 13 a small orchid [n -S...
pogonip 16 16 (Native American) a...
pogroms 16 15 POGROM, to massacre...
pohiris 17 12 POHIRI, (Maori) a ce...
poinado 12 12 (obsolete) a small d...
poinded 13 13 POIND, (Scots) to di...
poinder 13 12 (Scots) one who poin...
pointed 13 12 POINT, to indicate d...
pointel 14 12 a sharp instrument [...
pointer 13 11 a breed of dog used...
pointes 13 11 POINTE, (French) the...
poisers 14 10 POISER, the balancer...
poishas 16 12 POISHA, (Bengali) a...
poising 15 13 POISE, to hold in a...
poisons 13 11 POISON, to administe...
poisson 13 11 (French) a fish [n -...
poitins 14 11 POITIN, (Irish) Iris...
poitrel 15 11 a piece of armour fo...
pokable 17 18 able to be poked [ad...
pokeful 18 19 as much as a poke (b...
pokiest 15 14 POKY, cramped, also...
polacca 20 17 a vessel with two or...
polacks 19 18 POLACK, a person of...
polacre 17 14 a vessel with two or...
polaron 13 12 a free electron trap...
polders 15 12 POLDER, to reclaim l...
poleaxe 19 18 to strike with an ax...
polecat 17 14 a dark-brown carnivo...
polemic 19 17 relating to debate [...
polenta 13 12 a thick mush of corn...
poleyns 20 14 POLEYN, a piece of a...
policed 18 15 POLICE, to make orde...
policer 18 14 a computer device co...
polices 18 14 POLICE, to make orde...
polings 16 14 POLING, poles collec...
polises 15 11 POLIS, (Greek) an an...
politer 15 11 POLITE, showing cons...
politic 19 14 shrewd [adj POLITICL...
polkaed 15 16 POLKA, to dance this...
polking 17 18 POLK, to dance a pol...
pollack 20 19 a marine food fish,...
pollans 15 13 POLLAN, a whitefish,...
pollard 16 13 to cut the top branc...
pollaxe 21 19 an axe on a pole, al...
pollees 15 12 POLLEE, one who is p...
pollens 15 13 POLLEN, to cover or...
pollent 15 13 (Latin) strong, powe...
pollers 16 12 POLLER, one that pol...
pollicy 26 17 (Spenser) policy, al...
pollies 16 12 POLLY, a type of min...
polling 17 15 the act of polling [...
pollist 17 12 one that polls, also...
pollman 16 16 a graduate with a pa...
pollmen 16 16 POLLMAN, a graduate...
pollock 20 19 a marine gadoid fish...
pollute 16 13 to make unclean or i...
poloist 15 11 a polo player [n -S]
polonie 13 12 (Scots) a child's po...
polting 16 14 POLT, to strike, thu...
polyact 24 16 of a marine animal,...
polybag 24 18 to put into a polyth...
polycot 24 16 (short for) a polyco...
polyene 19 14 a hydrocarbon with m...
polygam 23 18 a plant with male, f...
polygon 21 16 a plane figure bound...
polymer 22 16 a complex chemical c...
polynia 20 14 (Russian) open water...
polynya 26 16 (Russian) open water...
polynyi 27 16 POLYNYA, (Russian) o...
polyols 22 14 POLYOL, an alcohol c...
polyoma 21 16 a small DNA virus th...
polyped 23 17 something having man...
polypes 23 16 POLYPE, (obsolete) a...
polypod 23 17 something having man...
polypus 24 17 a growth protruding...
polyzoa 23 22 POLYZOON, one of the...
pomaces 17 16 POMACE, the pulpy re...
pomaded 14 15 POMADE, to apply a p...
pomades 14 14 POMADE, to apply a p...
pomatum 16 17 ointment for the hai...
pomelos 15 14 POMELO, (Dutch) the...
pomeroy 20 15 an old variety of ap...
pomfret 17 16 a marine fish [n -S]
pommele 16 17 having a heraldic po...
pommels 17 17 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pommies 16 16 POMMY, an immigrant...
pompano 15 17 (Spanish) any one of...
pompelo 17 17 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pompeys 23 18 POMPEY, (Dickens) to...
pompier 17 16 (French) a conventio...
pompion 16 17 (obsolete) a pumpkin...
pompoms 18 19 POMPOM, (French) any...
pompons 16 17 POMPON, (French) any...
pompoon 15 17 (obsolete) any trifl...
pomposo 16 16 (of a piece of music...
pompous 17 17 infused with exagger...
pomroys 21 15 POMROY, an old varie...
ponceau 15 15 (French) a poppy-col...
ponchos 18 16 PONCHO, a type of cl...
poncier 16 14 PONCY, effeminate, a...
poncing 17 17 PONCE, to live on im...
pondage 13 14 the capacity of a po...
ponders 13 12 PONDER, to consider...
ponding 14 15 POND, to collect wat...
pondoks 14 16 PONDOK, (Hottentot)...
ponents 12 12 PONENT, (Milton) the...
pongals 15 14 PONGAL, a dish of co...
pongees 13 13 PONGEE, (Chinese) a...
pongids 15 14 PONGID, any large ap...
pongier 14 13 PONGY, (colloquial)...
ponging 15 16 PONG, to stink, also...
pongoes 13 13 PONGO, any large ape...
poniard 13 12 a small dagger, also...
ponking 15 18 PONK, to smell bad,...
pontage 13 13 a toll paid on bridg...
ponties 13 11 PONTY, an iron rod u...
pontiff 18 17 (Latin) a chief prie...
pontify 22 16 to play the pontiff...
pontile 14 12 an iron rod used in...
pontils 15 12 PONTIL, an iron rod...
pontine 12 12 pertaining to bridge...
pontons 12 12 PONTON, a float, a b...
pontoon 11 12 a flat-bottomed boat...
ponying 20 16 PONY, old slang for...
poobahs 17 15 POOBAH, an influenti...
pooched 18 16 POOCH, to bulge [v]
pooches 18 15 POOCH, to bulge [v]
poodles 14 12 POODLE, a heavy-coat...
poofier 15 13 POOFY, effeminate, a...
pooftah 17 15 (Australian slang) a...
poofter 15 13 (Australian slang) a...
poogyes 20 14 POOGYE, an Indian no...
poohing 16 15 POOH, to express con...
poojahs 17 21 POOJAH, a Hindu wors...
pooking 15 17 POOK, (Scots) to plu...
poolers 14 11 POOLER, a person tak...
pooling 15 14 POOL, to contribute...
poonacs 15 14 POONAC, a kind of oi...
poonced 15 15 POONCE, to behave ef...
poonces 15 14 POONCE, to behave ef...
poopers 15 13 POOPER, as in party...
poopier 15 13 POOPY, stupid or ine...
pooping 16 16 POOP, to tire out [v...
poorbox 21 20 a box, esp. one in a...
poorest 13 10 POOR, lacking the me...
poorish 16 12 somewhat poor [adj]
pooters 13 10 POOTER, a suction bo...
pooting 14 13 POOT, (Scots) to sho...
pootled 14 12 POOTLE, to travel in...
pootles 14 11 POOTLE, to travel in...
poovery 21 16 the state of being a...
poovier 15 14 POOVY, effeminate, a...
popadum 17 18 a thin circle of dou...
popcorn 18 17 maize or Indian corn...
popedom 16 17 the office of a pope...
poperas 15 13 POPERA, operatic mus...
poperin 15 14 (obsolete) a variety...
popette 15 13 a young female fan o...
popeyed 21 16 having bulging eyes...
popguns 17 17 POPGUN, a tube for s...
popinac 18 17 a thorny shrub or sm...
popjoys 24 24 POPJOY, to amuse one...
poplars 17 14 POPLAR, a genus of r...
poplins 17 15 POPLIN, a corded fab...
popouts 16 14 POPOUT, a type of ou...
popover 17 17 a very light egg muf...
poppers 18 16 POPPER, one that pop...
poppets 18 16 POPPET, a darling; a...
poppied 18 17 covered with poppies...
poppier 18 16 POPPY, like pop musi...
poppies 18 16 POPPY, a brightly co...
popping 19 19 POP, to make a sharp...
poppish 21 18 like pop music [adj]
poppits 19 16 POPPIT, one of a num...
poppled 19 18 POPPLE, to move in a...
popples 19 17 POPPLE, to move in a...
popsies 16 13 POPSIE, a term of en...
popsock 20 20 a woman's nylon stoc...
popster 16 13 a pop musician [n -S...
popular 17 15 well-liked [adj POPU...
porangi 14 13 (Maori) crazy [adj]
porched 19 16 having a porch [adj]
porches 19 15 PORCH, a low structu...
porcine 16 14 of or pertaining to...
porcini 17 14 an edible mushroom [...
porcino 16 14 an edible mushroom [...
porgies 15 12 PORGY, a species of...
porging 16 15 PORGE, in Jewish rit...
poriest 14 10 PORY, having pores [...
porifer 16 13 a member of the Pori...
porinas 13 11 PORINA, (New Zealand...
porisms 16 13 PORISM, the geometri...
porkers 15 14 PORKER, a pig, esp....
porkier 15 14 PORKY, plump like a...
porkies 15 14 PORKY, a lie [n]
porking 16 17 PORK, to eat ravenou...
porkpie 17 17 a type of man's hat...
porlock 19 18 to hinder by an irks...
pornier 13 11 PORNY, (colloquial)...
poroses 13 10 POROSIS, formation o...
porosis 14 10 formation of callus...
porpess 16 13 a porpoise, also POR...
porrect 17 13 to stretch forth [v...
porrigo 15 12 a kind of scalp dise...
portage 14 12 to transport from on...
portals 15 11 PORTAL, a door, gate...
portate 13 10 in heraldry, in a ca...
portend 13 12 to serve as an omen...
portent 13 11 an omen [n -S]
porters 14 10 PORTER, to carry lug...
portess 14 10 (historical) a porta...
porthos 16 12 (historical) a porta...
portico 17 13 (Italian) a formal e...
portier 14 10 PORTY, of the taste...
porting 15 13 PORT, to carry, conv...
portion 13 11 to divide into share...
portman 14 14 an inhabitant or bur...
portmen 14 14 PORTMAN, an inhabita...
portous 14 11 (historical) a porta...
portray 20 12 to paint or draw the...
posable 16 14 able to be posed, al...
posadas 13 11 POSADA, (Spanish) in...
posaune 12 12 (German) the trombon...
poseurs 14 11 POSEUR, an affected...
poseuse 13 11 (French) a female po...
poshest 16 12 POSH, smart, stylish...
poshing 17 15 POSH, to polish up [...
posiest 14 10 POSY, given to posin...
posings 15 13 POSING, the act of p...
posited 14 11 POSIT, to place [v]
positif 17 13 a feature on older o...
positon 13 11 an electron but with...
posnets 13 11 POSNET, a small cook...
posoles 14 11 POSOLE, a thick soup...
possers 14 10 POSSER, (archaic) a...
possess 14 10 to have as an owner...
possets 14 10 POSSET, to curdle [v...
possies 14 10 POSSIE, (Australian...
possing 15 13 POSS, to wash clothe...
possums 16 14 POSSUM, to feign ign...
postage 14 12 the charge for maili...
postals 15 11 POSTAL, a postcard i...
postbag 17 15 a bag for holding ma...
postbox 22 20 a mailbox [n -ES]
postboy 22 15 a boy who carries ma...
postbus 17 14 a small bus for mail...
postdoc 17 14 one engaged in postd...
posteen 12 11 an Afghan sheepskin...
postern 13 11 a rear door or gate...
posters 14 10 POSTER, to stick bil...
postfix 23 20 to affix at the end...
posties 14 10 POSTIE, (Australian...
postils 16 11 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
posting 15 13 the act of transferr...
postins 14 11 POSTIN, an Afghan sh...
postman 14 14 a mailman [n POSTMEN...
postmen 14 14 POSTMAN, a mailman [...
postops 16 13 POSTOP, a patient af...
posttax 20 17 occurring after taxa...
posture 14 11 to assume a particul...
postwar 17 13 occurring after the...
potable 16 14 a liquid suitable fo...
potager 14 12 a decorative vegetab...
potages 14 12 POTAGE, (French) a t...
potales 14 11 POTALE, refuse from...
potamic 18 16 of or relating to ri...
potassa 13 10 a powerful alkali [n...
potboil 17 14 to produce an artist...
potboys 22 15 POTBOY, one who coll...
potched 19 16 POTCH, to push viole...
potcher 19 15 a machine that break...
potches 19 15 POTCHE, to push viol...
poteens 12 11 POTEEN, Irish whiske...
potence 15 14 the quality of being...
potency 22 16 the quality of being...
potents 13 11 POTENT, (obsolete) a...
potfuls 18 15 POTFUL, as much as a...
potguns 15 14 POTGUN, a pot-shaped...
pothead 15 13 one who smokes marij...
potheen 14 13 (Irish) illicitly di...
potherb 18 15 any herb used as a s...
pothers 16 12 POTHER, to make a co...
pothery 22 14 in a turmoil [adj]
pothole 16 13 a hole or basin cut...
pothook 16 16 a hook on which to h...
potiche 19 15 (French) a round or...
potions 13 11 POTION, a magical el...
potjies 16 19 POTJIE, (Afrikaans)...
potlach 20 16 (Native American) a...
potlike 16 15 resembling a pot [ad...
potline 14 12 a row of electrolyti...
potluck 20 19 whatever may chance...
potoroo 12 10 (Native Australian)...
potpies 16 13 POTPIE, a meat pie w...
potshop 18 15 a small public house...
potshot 16 12 to shoot randomly at...
potsies 14 10 POTSY, a children's...
pottage 14 12 a thick soup or stew...
potteen 12 11 (Irish) illicitly di...
potters 14 10 POTTER, to occupy on...
pottery 20 12 articles moulded fro...
pottier 14 10 POTTY, crazy [adj]
potties 14 10 POTTY, a chamberpot,...
potting 15 13 POT, to put into a r...
pottles 15 11 POTTLE, a small coni...
potzers 17 19 POTZER, (German) an...
pouched 19 17 POUCH, to put in a p...
pouches 19 16 POUCH, to put in a p...
pouders 14 12 POUDER, (obsolete) p...
poudres 14 12 POUDRE, (obsolete) p...
pouffed 18 18 POUFFE, to give a pu...
pouffes 18 17 POUFFE, to give a pu...
poufing 17 17 POUF, to give a puff...
pouftah 18 16 (offensive) a male h...
poufter 16 14 (offensive) a male h...
pouking 16 18 POUK, (Scots) to plu...
poulard 15 13 a spayed hen, also P...
poulder 15 13 (obsolete) powder, a...
pouldre 15 13 (obsolete) powder, a...
poulpes 17 15 POULPE, the octopus,...
poulter 15 12 (archaic) a dealer i...
poultry 22 14 farmyard fowls colle...
pounced 16 16 POUNCE, to swoop upo...
pouncer 16 15 one that pounces [n...
pounces 16 15 POUNCE, to swoop upo...
pouncet 16 15 (Shakespeare) a box...
poundal 14 14 a unit of force, the...
pounded 13 14 POUND, to strike hea...
pounder 13 13 a specimen weighing...
pouping 17 17 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
pourers 14 11 POURER, one who pour...
pouries 14 11 POURIE, (Scots) a co...
pouring 15 14 of rain, very heavy...
poursew 17 14 (Spenser) to pursue,...
poursue 14 12 (Spenser) to pursue,...
pousada 13 12 a traditional hotel...
pousses 14 11 POUSSE, (Spenser) pe...
poussie 14 11 a familiar name for...
poussin 14 12 (French) a chicken r...
pouters 14 11 POUTER, a variety of...
poutful 18 16 pouty, sulky [adj]
pouther 16 13 (Scots) powder, also...
poutier 14 11 POUTY, tending to po...
poutine 13 12 a Canadian dish of c...
pouting 15 14 a fish of the cod fa...
poverty 22 16 the state of being p...
powders 17 14 POWDER, to reduce to...
powdery 23 16 like powder [adj POW...
powered 16 14 POWER, to equip with...
powhiri 20 15 a Maori ceremony of...
pownded 16 16 POWND, (Spenser) to...
powneys 22 16 POWNEY, (dialect) a...
pownies 16 14 POWNY, (dialect) a p...
powring 18 16 POWRE, (Spenser) to...
powters 17 13 POWTER, (Scots) to p...
powwows 23 19 POWWOW, to hold such...
poxiest 20 17 POXY, afflicted by p...
poynant 18 14 (Spenser) poignant [...
poynted 19 14 POYNT, (obsolete) to...
poysing 21 15 POYSE, (obsolete) to...
poysons 19 13 POYSON, (obsolete) t...
pozoles 17 20 POZOLE, a thick soup...
pozzies 20 28 POZZY, (Australian s...
prabble 19 17 (Shakespeare) a clam...
practic 21 16 (archaic) to put (a...
praeses 13 10 a chairman or presid...
praetor 13 10 an ancient Roman mag...
prairie 14 10 a grass-covered tree...
praised 14 11 PRAISE, to express a...
praiser 14 10 one who praises [n -...
praises 14 10 PRAISE, to express a...
prajnas 15 20 PRAJNA, (Sanskrit) w...
praline 14 12 an almond coated wit...
pranced 16 15 PRANCE, to spring fo...
prancer 16 14 a horse that prances...
prances 16 14 PRANCE, to spring fo...
prancke 17 18 (obsolete) to fold,...
prancks 18 18 PRANCK, (obsolete) t...
pranged 14 14 PRANG, to cause to c...
pranked 14 16 PRANK, to dress gaud...
prankle 15 16 to prance lightly [v...
praters 14 10 PRATER, one who prat...
praties 14 10 PRATIE, (Irish collo...
prating 15 13 foolish talk [n -S]
pratted 14 11 PRATT, (Shakespeare)...
prattle 15 11 to talk at length ab...
praunce 16 15 (Spenser) to prance...
pravity 23 16 wickedness [n PRAVIT...
prawles 18 14 PRAWLE, (Shakespeare...
prawlin 18 15 an almond coated wit...
prawned 16 15 PRAWN, to fish for e...
prawner 16 14 one who fishes for p...
prayers 20 12 PRAYER, a devout pet...
praying 21 15 in prayer [adj PRAYI...
preaced 16 14 PREACE, to press, al...
preaces 16 13 PREACE, to press, al...
preachy 25 17 tending to preach [a...
preacts 17 13 PREACT, to act befor...
preaged 14 13 previously aged [adj...
preamps 17 16 PREAMP, (short for)...
preanal 13 12 situated in front of...
prearms 15 13 PREARM, to arm befor...
preased 13 11 PREASE, to press, al...
preases 13 10 PREASE, to press, al...
preasse 13 10 to press, also PREAS...
preaver 15 14 to aver beforehand [...
prebade 15 14 PREBID, to bid befor...
prebake 16 17 to bake beforehand [...
prebend 15 15 a clergyman's stipen...
prebids 17 14 PREBID, to bid befor...
prebill 19 15 to bill beforehand [...
prebind 16 15 to bind in durable m...
preboil 17 14 to boil beforehand [...
prebook 16 17 to book beforehand [...
preboom 16 16 preceding a sudden e...
preborn 15 14 being carried in the...
prebuys 23 16 PREBUY, to buy befor...
precast 17 13 to cast before placi...
precava 18 17 a major vein [n PREC...
precede 16 14 to go before [v PREC...
precent 16 14 to lead a church cho...
precept 19 16 a rule of conduct [n...
precess 17 13 of a spinning globe,...
precipe 19 16 (Latin) a writ comma...
precips 20 16 PRECIP, (short for)...
precise 17 13 sharply and clearly...
precode 16 14 to code beforehand [...
precook 17 17 to cook beforehand [...
precool 17 14 to cool beforehand [...
precoup 19 17 preceding a coup [ad...
precure 17 14 to cure beforehand [...
precuts 18 14 PRECUT, to cut befor...
predate 13 11 to date before the t...
predawn 16 15 the time just before...
predial 15 12 a rural slave, also...
predict 18 14 to tell of or about...
predied 14 12 PREDY, (obsolete) to...
predies 14 11 PREDY, (obsolete) to...
predive 16 15 preceding a dive [ad...
predoom 14 14 to sentence in advan...
predusk 16 16 the time just before...
preedit 14 11 to edit beforehand [...
preeing 14 13 PREE, (Scots) to mak...
preemie 14 13 a premature baby, al...
preempt 17 16 to acquire by prior...
preened 12 12 PREEN, to clean and...
preener 12 11 one who preens [n -S...
preeved 15 15 PREEVE, to prove, al...
preeves 15 14 PREEVE, to prove, al...
prefabs 18 16 PREFAB, (short for)...
preface 18 16 to introduce [v PREF...
prefade 15 14 to fade beforehand [...
prefard 16 14 (Spenser) preferred...
prefect 19 16 an ancient Roman off...
prefers 16 13 PREFER, to like bett...
prefile 17 14 to file beforehand [...
prefire 16 13 to fire beforehand [...
preform 17 16 to form beforehand [...
prefund 16 16 to fund beforehand [...
pregame 15 15 preceding a game [ad...
prehabs 18 15 PREHAB, any programm...
preheat 15 12 to heat beforehand [...
prehend 15 14 to lay hold of; to s...
preifes 16 13 PREIFE, (obsolete) p...
prejink 17 24 (Scots) prim; finica...
prelacy 24 16 the office of a prel...
prelate 14 11 a high ranking clerg...
prelaty 21 13 the office of a prel...
prelect 18 14 to lecture, also PRA...
prelife 17 14 a life conceived of...
prelims 17 14 PRELIM, a preliminar...
preload 14 12 to load beforehand [...
prelude 15 13 something that goes...
preludi 16 13 PRELUDIO, (Italian)...
premade 14 14 made beforehand [adj...
premeal 15 14 before a meal [adj]
premeds 15 14 PREMED, a student pr...
premeet 14 13 taking place before...
premier 15 13 a chief in rank or o...
premies 15 13 PREMY, (US slang) a...
premise 15 13 to state in advance...
premiss 16 13 to state or assume [...
premium 17 17 a sum regularly paya...
premixt 22 20 PREMIX, to mix befor...
premold 16 15 to mold beforehand,...
premolt 16 14 preceding a molt, al...
premove 16 17 to incite or prompt...
premune 14 15 resistant to a disea...
prename 13 14 a forename [n -S]
preneed 12 12 arranged or made ava...
prenoon 11 12 before noon [adj]
prented 13 12 PRENT, (Scots) to pr...
prenups 16 15 PRENUP, a prenuptial...
prenzie 16 20 (Shakespeare) a word...
preoral 14 11 towards the front of...
prepack 20 20 to package before re...
prepaid 16 14 PREPAY, to pay in ad...
prepare 15 13 to get ready [v PREP...
prepave 17 17 to pave beforehand [...
prepays 22 15 PREPAY, to pay in ad...
prepill 19 15 preceding the develo...
preplan 16 15 to plan in advance [...
prepone 14 14 to bring forward [v...
prepose 15 13 to place a word befo...
prepped 18 17 PREP, (short for) to...
preppie 18 16 one who attends a pr...
prepreg 17 15 reinforcing material...
prepuce 19 17 a fold of skin cover...
prepupa 18 17 a stage preceding th...
prequel 23 21 a book, film, etc.,...
prerace 16 13 before a race [adj]
preriot 14 10 preceding a riot [ad...
prerock 18 17 preceding the develo...
prerupt 17 14 broken off; steep; a...
presage 14 12 to foretell [v PRESA...
presale 14 11 before a sale [adj]...
presell 16 12 to promote a product...
present 13 11 soon [adj PRESENTLY]...
presets 14 10 PRESET, to set befor...
preship 19 15 to ship beforehand [...
preshow 19 15 to show beforehand [...
preside 14 11 to occupy the positi...
presift 17 13 to sift beforehand [...
presoak 14 14 to soak beforehand [...
presold 15 12 PRESELL, to promote...
presong 14 13 before a song [adj]
presort 14 10 to sort beforehand [...
pressed 14 11 PRESS, to compress o...
presser 14 10 one who presses [n -...
presses 14 10 PRESS, to compress o...
pressie 14 10 (colloquial) a prese...
pressor 14 10 a substance that rai...
prested 14 11 PREST, (obsolete) to...
prester 14 10 (Latin) a priest [n...
prestos 14 10 PRESTO, a musical pa...
presume 15 14 to take for granted...
pretape 15 13 to tape beforehand [...
preteen 12 11 a child under the ag...
pretell 16 12 to tell beforehand [...
pretend 13 12 to make believe [v -...
preterm 15 13 born prematurely [ad...
pretest 14 10 to give a preliminar...
pretext 20 17 an ostensible motive...
pretold 15 12 PRETELL, to tell bef...
pretors 14 10 PRETOR, an ancient R...
pretrim 16 13 to trim beforehand [...
pretype 22 15 to type beforehand [...
pretzel 18 20 to twist, bend or co...
prevail 17 15 to triumph [v -ED, -...
prevene 14 15 to precede, anticipa...
prevent 15 15 to keep from happeni...
preverb 18 17 a particle or prefix...
preview 19 17 to view or exhibit i...
preving 17 17 PREVE, to prove, als...
previse 16 14 to foresee [v PREVIS...
prevued 16 16 PREVUE, (US) to prev...
prevues 16 15 PREVUE, (US) to prev...
prewarm 18 16 to warm beforehand [...
prewarn 16 14 to warn in advance [...
prewash 19 15 to wash beforehand [...
prewire 17 13 to wire beforehand [...
prework 18 17 to work beforehand [...
preworn 16 14 of clothing, worn be...
prewrap 19 16 to wrap beforehand [...
prewyns 23 16 PREWYN, (Shakespeare...
prexies 20 17 PREXY, (US slang) th...
preyers 20 12 PREYER, one who, or...
preyful 24 17 bent upon prey [adj]
preying 21 15 PREY, to exploit or...
prezzie 20 28 (colloquial) a prese...
priapic 20 16 phallic, also PRIAPE...
priapus 17 14 a representation of...
pribble 20 17 a clamorous contest,...
pricers 18 13 PRICER, one who sets...
pricier 18 13 PRICY, expensive, al...
pricily 26 16 PRICY, expensive, al...
pricing 19 16 an act of pricing [n...
pricked 19 18 PRICK, to puncture s...
pricker 19 17 a light horseman emp...
pricket 19 17 a spike for holding...
prickle 20 18 to puncture slightly...
prickly 27 20 having many sharp po...
pridian 14 12 of or pertaining to...
priding 16 14 PRIDE, to feel self-...
priefes 16 13 PRIEFE, (Scots) proo...
priests 15 10 PRIEST, to ordain as...
prieved 16 15 PRIEVE, to prove, al...
prieves 16 14 PRIEVE, to prove, al...
prigged 17 15 PRIG, to filch [v]
prigger 17 14 one who prigs, a thi...
prilled 17 13 PRILL, to turn into...
primacy 25 18 the state of being f...
primage 16 15 an amount paid as an...
primary 22 15 taking first place [...
primate 15 13 any of an advanced o...
primely 23 16 PRIME, in best condi...
primero 15 13 (Spanish) an old car...
primers 16 13 PRIMER, a book that...
primeur 16 14 (French) a new or ea...
primine 15 14 the outer covering o...
priming 17 16 the act of one who p...
primmed 17 17 PRIM, to give a prim...
primmer 17 16 a book that covers t...
primped 18 17 PRIMP, to dress or a...
primsie 16 13 (Scots) prim, demure...
primula 17 15 any of numerous usua...
princed 17 15 PRINCE, to play the...
princes 17 14 PRINCE, to play the...
princox 23 21 a conceited dandy, a...
prinked 15 16 PRINK, to dress or a...
prinker 15 15 one who prinks [n -S...
printed 14 12 PRINT, to produce by...
printer 14 11 one that prints [n -...
priorly 22 13 PRIOR, previous [adv...
prisage 15 12 the former right of...
prisere 14 10 the succession of ve...
prisers 15 10 PRISER, a contestant...
prising 16 13 PRISE, to raise or f...
prisons 14 11 PRISON, to imprison...
prissed 15 11 PRISS, to act in a p...
prisses 15 10 PRISS, to act in a p...
prithee 16 12 (archaic) an express...
privacy 26 19 the state of being p...
privado 16 15 (obsolete) a private...
private 16 14 secluded from the si...
privets 17 14 PRIVET, a half-everg...
privier 17 14 PRIVY, private [adj]
privies 17 14 PRIVY, an outhouse [...
privily 25 17 PRIVY, private [adv]
privity 24 16 private knowledge [n...
prizers 18 19 PRIZER, a contestant...
prizing 19 22 PRIZE, to value high...
proball 18 15 (Shakespeare) suppos...
proband 15 15 a person with some d...
probang 16 16 a long flexible rod...
probate 15 13 to establish the val...
probers 16 13 PROBER, one who prob...
probing 17 16 the act of performin...
probits 17 13 PROBIT, a unit of st...
probity 23 15 complete and confirm...
problem 18 17 a difficult question...
procarp 19 16 a female sexual orga...
proceed 16 14 to go onward [v -ED,...
process 17 13 to treat or prepare...
proctal 18 14 pertaining to the an...
proctor 17 13 a disciplinary offic...
procure 17 14 to obtain by effort...
prodded 14 13 PROD, to jab [v]
prodder 14 12 one who prods [n -S]
prodigy 22 15 a child with excepti...
prodrug 16 14 an inactive chemical...
produce 17 15 to bring into existe...
product 18 15 something produced b...
proette 13 10 a female professiona...
proface 18 16 (Shakespeare) may it...
profane 14 14 to treat with irreve...
profess 16 13 to affirm openly [v...
proffer 18 16 to present for accep...
profile 17 14 to draw an outline o...
profits 17 13 PROFIT, to gain an a...
profuse 16 14 pouring forth genero...
progeny 20 15 a descendant [n PROG...
progged 16 15 PROG, to forage for...
progger 16 14 one who progs, wande...
program 16 15 to arrange in a plan...
proigns 15 13 PROIGN, (obsolete) t...
proined 13 12 PROINE, (obsolete) t...
proines 13 11 PROINE, (obsolete) t...
project 19 22 to extend outward [v...
projets 16 19 PROJET, (French) a d...
prokers 15 14 PROKER, a poker [n]
proking 16 17 PROKE, (dialect) to...
prolans 14 12 PROLAN, a gonadotrop...
prolate 14 11 having flattened sid...
prolegs 16 13 PROLEG, an abdominal...
prolers 15 11 PROLER, (obsolete) a...
proline 14 12 an amino acid common...
proling 16 14 PROLE, to prowl, als...
prolled 16 13 PROLL, (obsolete) to...
proller 16 12 (obsolete) a prowler...
prologs 16 13 PROLOG, to preface,...
prolong 15 14 to lengthen in durat...
promine 14 14 a substance that pro...
promise 15 13 to make a declaratio...
prommer 16 16 an attender of prome...
promoed 14 14 PROMO, to give a pro...
promote 14 13 to help forward [v P...
prompts 18 16 PROMPT, to move to a...
pronaoi 12 11 PRONAOS, a vestibule...
pronaos 12 11 a vestibule in front...
pronate 12 11 to turn the palm dow...
pronely 20 14 PRONE, lying face do...
pronest 13 11 PRONE, lying face do...
proneur 13 12 (French) a flatterer...
pronged 14 14 PRONG, to pierce wit...
pronked 14 16 PRONK, (Afrikaans) o...
pronota 12 11 PRONOTUM, a hard out...
pronoun 12 13 a word that may be u...
proofed 15 14 PROOF, to examine fo...
proofer 15 13 one who proofs [n -S...
prootic 17 13 a bone in front of t...
propage 16 15 to propagate [v PROP...
propale 16 14 (Scots) to disclose...
propane 14 14 a flammable gas [n -...
propels 17 14 PROPEL, to drive for...
propend 15 15 to have a tendency t...
propene 14 14 a flammable gas [n -...
propers 16 13 PROPER, a service, p...
prophet 18 15 one who predicts [n...
propine 15 14 (archaic) to pledge...
propjet 18 22 a jet aeroplane havi...
propman 16 17 a man in charge of s...
propmen 16 17 PROPMAN, a man in ch...
propone 14 14 to propose, bring fo...
propose 15 13 to put forward for c...
propped 18 17 PROP, to hold up [v]
propria 16 13 PROPRIUM, an attribu...
propyla 23 16 PROPYLON, an entranc...
propyls 24 16 PROPYL, a univalent...
propyne 21 16 a gaseous methyl ace...
prorate 13 10 to divide proportion...
prosaic 17 13 pertaining to prose,...
prosect 17 13 to dissect [v -ED, -...
prosers 14 10 PROSER, a writer of...
prosier 14 10 PROSY, prosaic, tedi...
prosify 23 15 to write prose [v PR...
prosily 22 13 PROSY, prosaic, tedi...
prosing 15 13 writing in a prosy w...
prosody 20 13 the study of poetica...
prosoma 14 13 the front region of...
prosper 16 13 to be successful [v...
prosses 14 10 PROSS, (colloquial)...
prossie 14 10 (colloquial) a prost...
prostie 14 10 (colloquial) a prost...
protean 12 11 having a varied natu...
proteas 13 10 PROTEA, a plant of a...
protect 17 13 to shield from harm,...
protege 14 12 one whose career is...
proteid 14 11 a nitrogenous organi...
protein 13 11 a nitrogenous organi...
protend 13 12 (archaic) to stretch...
protest 14 10 to express strong ob...
proteus 14 11 any of the rodlike b...
prothyl 24 15 a hypothetical sourc...
protist 15 10 one of the Protista,...
protium 16 14 ordinary hydrogen of...
protons 13 11 PROTON, a subatomic...
protore 13 10 an earlier unenriche...
protyle 21 13 a hypothetical sourc...
protyls 22 13 PROTYL, a hypothetic...
prouder 14 12 PROUD, having or dis...
proudly 22 15 PROUD, having or dis...
prouled 15 13 PROUL, to prowl, als...
prouler 15 12 (obsolete) a prowler...
provand 15 16 an allowance of food...
provant 15 15 (obsolete) to supply...
provend 15 16 an allowance of food...
proverb 18 17 a short familiar say...
provers 16 14 PROVER, one who prov...
provide 16 15 to supply [v PROVIDE...
provine 15 15 to propagate by laye...
proving 17 17 the act of proving [...
proviso 16 14 a clause in a docume...
provoke 16 18 to arouse to anger o...
provost 16 14 a high-ranking unive...
prowess 17 13 exceptional ability...
prowest 17 13 PROW, (archaic) full...
prowled 18 15 PROWL, to move about...
prowler 18 14 one that prowls, als...
proxies 20 17 PROXY, a person auth...
proximo 21 20 of or occurring in t...
proyned 19 14 PROYN, to prune, als...
proynes 19 13 PROYNE, to prune, al...
prudent 14 13 cautious, wise and d...
prudery 21 14 a person with affect...
prudish 18 14 marked by prudery [a...
pruinas 14 12 PRUINA, a powdery bl...
pruines 14 12 PRUINE, (Shakespeare...
pruners 14 12 PRUNER, one that pru...
prunier 14 12 PRUNEY, resembling a...
pruning 15 15 the act of pruning [...
prunted 14 13 ornamented with a pr...
prurigo 16 13 a chronic skin condi...
prusiks 17 15 PRUSIK, to climb usi...
prussic 19 14 pertaining to a type...
prutoth 17 13 PRUTAH, a monetary u...
pryings 22 15 PRYING, the act of p...
prysing 22 15 PRYSE, (Spenser) to...
prythee 22 14 used to express a re...
psalmed 16 15 PSALM, to sing psalm...
psalmic 20 17 pertaining to a psal...
psalter 15 11 a book of psalms [n...
psaltry 22 13 an ancient stringed...
psammon 15 17 a group of micro-org...
pschent 19 16 a crown worn by anci...
pseudos 14 12 PSEUDO, a person pre...
pshawed 19 16 PSHAW, to utter an e...
psionic 17 14 relating to a psion,...
psoases 13 10 PSOAS, a muscle of t...
psoatic 17 13 relating to the psoa...
psocids 18 14 PSOCID, any member o...
psyched 26 18 PSYCH, to stimulate...
psyches 26 17 PSYCHE, the mental s...
psychic 30 20 relating to the psyc...
psychos 26 17 PSYCHO, a mentally u...
psyllas 23 14 PSYLLA, any of vario...
psyllid 24 15 any of various plant...
psywars 24 15 PSYWAR, (short for)...
ptarmic 19 16 a substance that cau...
pterins 14 11 PTERIN, (Greek) any...
pterion 13 11 a place where severa...
pteroic 17 13 as in pteroic acid,...
pteryla 21 13 the feathered area o...
ptisans 14 11 PTISAN, a wholesome...
ptomain 14 14 a compound produced...
ptyalin 21 14 a salivary enzyme [n...
pubbing 20 20 the practice of freq...
puberal 17 15 of or pertaining to...
puberty 23 16 the beginning of sex...
pubises 17 14 PUBIS, a bone of the...
publics 22 18 PUBLIC, the communit...
publish 21 17 to print and issue t...
puccoon 19 18 (Native American) a...
pucelle 19 16 (obsolete) a slut; a...
puckers 19 18 PUCKER, to gather in...
puckery 25 20 astringent; tending...
pucking 20 21 PUCK, to hit a puck...
puckish 22 20 like a puck, impish...
puckles 20 19 PUCKLE, (Scots) a sm...
puckout 19 19 in ice hockey, a fre...
puddens 14 14 PUDDEN, a dull perso...
pudders 15 13 PUDDER, to make a tu...
puddier 15 13 PUDDY, short and pud...
puddies 15 13 PUDDY, (colloquial)...
pudding 16 16 a thick, soft desser...
puddled 16 15 PUDDLE, to make a sm...
puddler 16 14 one who converts pig...
puddles 16 14 PUDDLE, to make a sm...
puddock 19 20 a toad or frog, also...
pudency 23 18 (Shakespeare) modest...
pudenda 13 14 PUDENDUM, the extern...
pudeurs 15 13 PUDEUR, (French) a s...
pudgier 16 14 PUDGY, short and fat...
pudgily 24 17 PUDGY, short and fat...
pudsier 15 12 PUDSY, podgy, also P...
pudsies 15 12 PUDSY, a plump perso...
pueblos 17 15 PUEBLO, a communal d...
puerile 15 12 juvenile; childish [...
puering 15 14 PUER, to tan leather...
puffers 19 17 PUFFER, a steam-engi...
puffery 25 19 excessive public pra...
puffier 19 17 PUFFY, swollen [adj]
puffily 27 20 PUFFY, swollen [adv]
puffing 20 20 the action of puffin...
puffins 19 18 PUFFIN, a seabird of...
pugaree 14 13 (Hindi) a turban, a...
puggery 23 17 (Hindi) a turban, a...
puggier 17 15 PUGGY, like a monkey...
puggies 17 15 PUGGIE, (Scots) a mo...
pugging 18 18 the working of clay...
puggish 20 17 like a monkey or pug...
puggled 18 17 PUGGLE, to cause to...
puggles 18 16 PUGGLE, to cause to...
puggree 16 15 (Hindi) a turban, a...
pugmark 18 20 the track of a big c...
pugrees 15 13 PUGREE, (Hindi) a tu...
puirest 15 11 PUIR, (Scots) poor [...
puisnes 14 12 PUISNE, a puisne jud...
pujaris 17 20 PUJARI, (Hindu) a pr...
pukatea 14 15 (Maori) an aromatic...
pukekos 16 19 PUKEKO, (Maori) a Ne...
pukiest 16 15 PUKY, reminiscent of...
puldron 15 14 (obsolete) a shoulde...
puliest 16 12 PULY, given to pulin...
pulings 17 15 PULING, a plaintive...
pulkhas 19 18 PULKHA, a Laplander'...
pullers 17 13 PULLER, one that pul...
pullets 17 13 PULLET, a young hen...
pulleys 23 15 PULLEY [n]
pullies 17 13 PULLY, (colloquial)...
pulling 18 16 PULL, to draw or dra...
pullman 17 17 a railroad sleeping...
pullout 17 14 a withdrawal [n -S]
pullups 20 17 PULLUP, the act of r...
pulpers 18 15 PULPER, a machine fo...
pulpier 18 15 PULPY, resembling pu...
pulpify 27 20 to reduce to pulp [v...
pulpily 26 18 PULPY, resembling pu...
pulping 19 18 the act of reducing...
pulpits 19 15 PULPIT, a raised str...
pulpous 18 16 containing pulp; pul...
pulques 24 22 PULQUE, a fermented...
pulsant 15 13 pulsating [adj]
pulsars 16 12 PULSAR, a celestial...
pulsate 15 12 to expand and contra...
pulsers 16 12 PULSER, a device tha...
pulsing 17 15 PULSE, to expand and...
pulsion 15 13 the act of driving f...
pultans 15 13 PULTAN, an Indian re...
pultons 15 13 PULTON, an Indian re...
pultoon 14 13 an Indian regiment,...
pultuns 16 14 PULTUN, an Indian re...
pulture 16 13 a right to food for...
pulvers 18 16 PULVER, to reduce to...
pulvils 20 17 PULVIL, perfumed pow...
pulvini 18 17 PULVINUS, a swelling...
pulwars 19 15 PULWAR, (Hindi) a li...
pumelos 16 15 PUMELO, (Dutch) the...
pumiced 19 18 PUMICE, to polish wi...
pumicer 19 17 one that pumices [n...
pumices 19 17 PUMICE, to polish wi...
pummelo 17 18 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pummels 18 18 PUMMEL, to strike wi...
pumpers 18 17 PUMPER, one who pump...
pumping 19 20 as in optical pumpin...
pumpion 17 18 (obsolete) a pumpkin...
pumpkin 19 22 a plant of the gourd...
punaani 12 13 (slang) the female g...
punaany 18 15 (slang) the female g...
punalua 14 14 (Hawaiian) the marri...
punched 19 18 PUNCH, to perforate...
puncher 19 17 one who punches; an...
punches 19 17 PUNCH, to perforate...
puncing 18 18 PUNCE, (dialect) to...
punctos 17 15 PUNCTO, (obsolete) a...
punctum 19 19 a point [n PUNCTA]
pundits 15 13 PUNDIT, (Sanskrit) a...
pungent 14 15 sharply affecting th...
pungled 16 16 PUNGLE, (US) to cont...
pungles 16 15 PUNGLE, (US) to cont...
puniest 14 12 PUNY, of inferior si...
punjied 16 22 PUNJI, to fortify wi...
punjies 16 21 PUNJI, to fortify wi...
punkahs 17 18 PUNKAH, a ceiling fa...
punkers 15 16 PUNKER, a punk rock...
punkest 15 16 PUNK, of inferior qu...
punkeys 21 18 PUNKEY, a biting gna...
punkier 15 16 PUNKY, like a punk [...
punkies 15 16 PUNKIE, a biting gna...
punkins 15 17 PUNKIN, a pumpkin, a...
punkish 18 18 pertaining to a styl...
punners 13 13 PUNNER, one who make...
punnets 13 13 PUNNET, a small shal...
punnier 13 13 PUNNY, involving a p...
punning 14 16 playing on words [ad...
punster 14 12 one who makes puns,...
puntees 13 12 PUNTEE, an iron supp...
punters 14 12 PUNTER, one that pun...
punties 14 12 PUNTY, an iron suppo...
punting 15 15 PUNT, to propel thro...
puparia 16 14 PUPARIUM, a pupal sh...
pupated 16 15 PUPATE, to pass thro...
pupates 16 14 PUPATE, to pass thro...
pupfish 22 19 a small, freshwater...
pupilar 18 15 relating to a pupil...
puppets 19 17 PUPPET, a doll manip...
puppied 19 18 PUPPY, to give birth...
puppies 19 17 PUPPY, to give birth...
pupping 20 20 PUP, to give birth t...
pupunha 18 18 the peach-palm [n -S...
puranas 13 12 PURANA, (Sanskrit) a...
puranic 17 15 (Sanskrit) pertainin...
purdahs 17 14 PURDAH, a curtain us...
purfled 18 16 PURFLE, to decorate...
purfler 18 15 something or someone...
purfles 18 15 PURFLE, to decorate...
purgers 16 13 PURGER, one who purg...
purging 17 16 the act of purifying...
purines 14 12 PURINE, a white crys...
puriris 16 11 PURIRI, (Maori) a ti...
purisms 17 14 PURISM, strict adher...
purists 16 11 PURIST, one who prac...
puritan 14 12 a person who is stri...
purlers 16 12 PURLER, a heavy fall...
purlieu 16 13 (French) a neighbour...
purline 15 13 a horizontal support...
purling 17 15 the swirling of a st...
purlins 16 13 PURLIN, a horizontal...
purloin 15 13 to steal; to filch [...
purpies 17 14 PURPY, (Scots) pursl...
purpled 18 16 PURPLE, to make the...
purpler 18 15 PURPLE, of a colour...
purples 18 15 PURPLE, to make the...
purport 17 14 to profess or procla...
purpose 16 14 to intend to accompl...
purpura 17 15 a disease characteri...
purpure 17 15 the heraldic colour...
purring 16 14 making a sound like...
pursers 15 11 PURSER, an officer i...
pursews 18 14 PURSEW, (Spenser) to...
pursier 15 11 PURSY, short of brea...
pursily 23 14 PURSY, short of brea...
pursing 16 14 PURSE, to pucker, es...
pursual 16 13 the act of pursuit [...
pursued 15 13 PURSUE, to follow, i...
pursuer 15 12 one that pursues [n...
pursues 15 12 PURSUE, to follow, i...
pursuit 16 12 the act of pursuing,...
purtier 15 11 PURTY, (US dialect)...
purveys 23 17 PURVEY, to supply [v...
purview 20 18 a field of activity...
pushers 17 13 PUSHER, one that pus...
pushful 21 18 energetically or agg...
pushier 17 13 PUSHY, offensively a...
pushily 25 16 PUSHY, offensively a...
pushing 18 16 PUSH, to thrust or p...
pushpin 19 17 a large-headed pin [...
pushpit 20 16 a safety railing at...
pushrod 17 14 a rod for operating...
pushups 20 17 PUSHUP, a type of gy...
pusleys 22 14 PUSLEY, purslane, al...
puslike 17 16 like pus [adj]
pusling 17 15 PUSLE, to puzzle [v]
pussels 16 12 PUSSEL, (Shakespeare...
pussers 15 11 PUSSER, in naval sla...
pussier 15 11 PUSSY, full of pus [...
pussies 15 11 PUSSY, a cat, also P...
pussley 22 14 purslane, also PUSLE...
pustule 16 13 a pimple containing...
putamen 14 15 (Latin) a fruit ston...
putcher 20 16 a wire trap for catc...
putchuk 22 21 an aromatic root res...
putdown 17 16 a disparaging or snu...
puteals 15 12 PUTEAL, a wall aroun...
putelis 16 12 PUTELI, (Hindi) a fl...
putlock 20 19 a cross-beam, also P...
putlogs 17 14 PUTLOG, a cross-beam...
putoffs 19 17 PUTOFF, an excuse or...
putouts 15 12 PUTOUT, an act of ca...
putrefy 23 16 to make or become pu...
puttees 14 11 PUTTEE, a legging fo...
putters 15 11 PUTTER, to occupy on...
puttied 15 12 PUTTY, to fill with...
puttier 15 11 one who putties; a g...
putties 15 11 PUTTY, to fill with...
putting 16 14 a sport where heavy...
puttock 19 18 a kite or buzzard [n...
putures 15 12 PUTURE, (historical)...
putzing 19 23 PUTZ, to waste time...
puzzels 22 30 PUZZEL, (obsolete) a...
puzzled 22 31 PUZZLE, to cause unc...
puzzler 22 30 something that puzzl...
puzzles 22 30 PUZZLE, to cause unc...
pyaemia 20 15 the presence of pus...
pyaemic 24 18 of or pertaining to...
pycnite 23 16 a variety of topaz [...
pycnons 22 17 PYCNON, a term in an...
pyebald 23 17 a horse with patchy...
pyemias 21 15 PYEMIA, the presence...
pygargs 23 16 PYGARG, chiefly in b...
pygidia 22 15 PYGIDIUM, in trilobi...
pygmean 21 18 pygmy-like, also PIG...
pygmies 23 17 PYGMY, a small perso...
pygmoid 23 18 a pygmy, also PIGMOI...
pyjamas 23 24 PYJAMA, a garment fo...
pyknics 25 20 PYKNIC, a person of...
pyloric 25 16 pertaining to the py...
pylorus 22 14 the opening between...
pyoners 19 13 PYONER, (Shakespeare...
pyralid 22 14 a long-legged moth,...
pyralis 22 13 a kind of moth, also...
pyramid 22 16 a solid figure with...
pyramis 22 15 (Shakespeare) a pyra...
pyrenes 19 13 PYRENE, the hard cov...
pyretic 24 15 pertaining to fever...
pyrexes 26 19 PYREX, (tradename) a...
pyrexia 26 19 a fever [n -S]
pyrexic 30 22 of or like pyrexia,...
pyridic 25 16 related to, or forme...
pyrites 21 12 PYRITE, a brassy yel...
pyritic 25 15 consisting of, or re...
pyrogen 20 15 a substance that pro...
pyrolas 21 13 PYROLA, (Latin) any...
pyrones 19 13 PYRONE, a type of ch...
pyronin 19 14 either of two synthe...
pyropes 22 15 PYROPE, a fiery red...
pyropus 23 16 a fiery red gemstone...
pyroses 20 12 PYROSIS, heart-burn...
pyrosis 21 12 heart-burn [n PYROSI...
pyrrhic 27 17 an ancient Greek war...
pyrrole 21 13 a colourless toxic l...
pyrrols 22 13 PYRROL, a colourless...
pyruvic 27 20 as in pyruvic acid [...
pysanka 20 17 (Russian) a hand-pai...
pysanky 27 19 PYSANKA, (Russian) a...
pythium 25 18 a fungus of the genu...
pythons 22 15 PYTHON, a large snak...
pyurias 21 13 PYURIA, the presence...
pyxides 27 20 PYXIS, a little box...
pyxidia 27 20 PYXIDIUM, a capsule...
pzazzes 23 37 PZAZZ, flamboyance,...