8 letter words that end with E

8 letter words that end with E

8 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abampere 17 17 a unit of electric c...
abatable 17 15 able to be abated as...
abdicate 18 15 to renounce or surre...
abductee 18 16 one who is abducted...
aberrate 14 11 to go astray, deviat...
abessive 17 15 a grammatical case d...
abeyance 22 17 a state of suspensio...
abidance 17 16 the act of abiding [...
ablative 18 16 indicating direction...
ablegate 16 14 a papal envoy [n -S]
abnegate 14 14 to renounce or repud...
abortive 17 15 failing to succeed [...
abrasive 17 15 capable of grinding...
abrogate 15 13 to repeal (a law, cu...
abscisse 19 14 the distance of a po...
absentee 13 12 one who is not prese...
absinthe 17 14 (French) the wormwoo...
absolute 16 13 unconditional, funda...
absterge 16 13 to cleanse by wiping...
abstruse 16 12 difficult to underst...
abusable 18 16 able to be abused [a...
acalephe 20 17 any cnidarian (a jel...
acanthae 16 14 ACANTHA, a sharp spi...
acarbose 17 14 a drug for treating...
acaudate 15 13 tailless, also ACAUD...
acauline 16 14 having a very short...
acaulose 16 13 having a very short...
acceptee 20 17 one who is accepted...
accolade 19 16 an expression of pra...
accorage 19 16 (Spenser) to encoura...
accoutre 19 15 to dress or equip, e...
accurate 19 15 free from error [adj...
acerbate 17 14 to embitter, to irri...
acervate 17 15 heaped [adj ACERVATE...
aciculae 20 16 ACICULA, (Latin) a n...
acierage 16 13 the covering of a me...
acierate 15 11 to turn into steel [...
acknowne 18 20 (Shakespeare) aware,...
acquiree 24 21 one that is acquired...
acridine 16 13 a chemical compound...
acrosome 16 14 a thin sac at the he...
acrylate 23 14 a compound used in p...
actiniae 15 12 ACTINIA, a sea-anemo...
actinide 16 13 any element of a gro...
activate 18 15 to set in motion [v...
activise 19 15 to activate, also AC...
activize 22 24 to activate, also AC...
aculeate 16 13 prickly; pointed; st...
acutance 18 16 a measure of photogr...
adamance 15 16 unyielding hardness,...
adamsite 14 12 a lung-irritating ga...
adaptive 17 16 able to be adapted [...
additive 16 14 in addition [adj ADD...
adequate 20 19 sufficient [adj]
adessive 15 13 a grammatical case i...
adhesive 17 15 sticking [adj ADHESI...
adjutage 16 21 (French) a tube adde...
admittee 14 12 one that is admitted...
adoptive 17 16 due to adoption; hav...
adorable 15 13 worthy of being ador...
aduncate 15 14 hooked, also ADUNC [...
advocate 17 16 to plead in favour o...
aedicule 17 14 a door or window wit...
aegirine 13 11 a green mineral, a s...
aegirite 14 10 a green mineral, a s...
aeglogue 15 14 (archaic) a pastoral...
aerodyne 17 12 a heavier-than-air a...
aerolite 13 9 a meteorite [n -S]
aerotone 10 9 a deep bath with mas...
aesthete 14 10 a person who affects...
afebrile 18 15 having no fever [adj...
affiance 19 18 to betroth [v AFFIAN...
affronte 16 15 in heraldry, facing...
aftereye 20 13 (Shakespeare) to gaz...
agacante 15 14 (French) provoking,...
agacerie 16 13 (French) an allureme...
agentive 15 15 a grammatical case i...
aggrieve 17 16 to distress [v AGGRI...
agiotage 14 12 speculative manoeuvr...
agitable 17 14 able to be agitated...
aglycone 23 17 an organic compound,...
agminate 14 14 clustered together [...
aguacate 16 14 the avocado pear [n...
aguelike 16 16 like a fever [adj]
aigrette 14 10 a tuft of feathers w...
aiguille 17 13 a needlelike peak of...
airborne 14 12 carried by air [adj]
airdrome 14 12 an aerodrome [n -S]
airframe 16 14 the body of an aircr...
airplane 15 13 a winged aircraft pr...
airscape 18 14 a view of the earth...
airspace 18 14 the portion of atmos...
akaryote 19 14 a cell without a nuc...
albacore 18 15 a large tuna fish, a...
albicore 19 15 a large tuna fish, a...
albitise 17 12 to turn into albite,...
albitize 20 21 to turn into albite,...
albumose 17 16 a water-soluble prot...
alcidine 17 14 pertaining to a fami...
aldehyde 22 15 a volatile liquid ob...
aldolase 14 11 an enzyme [n -S]
aldoxime 21 20 an oxime formed by r...
alehouse 15 12 a tavern where ale i...
aleurone 12 11 a protein found in s...
algerine 14 12 a kind of woollen fa...
algicide 19 15 a substance used to...
alginate 14 12 a salt of alginic ac...
alienage 13 12 the state of being f...
alienate 12 10 to make indifferent...
alkaline 15 15 containing an alkali...
alkalise 16 14 to convert into an a...
alkalize 19 23 to convert into an a...
alkoxide 21 21 a basic salt derived...
alkylate 22 16 to combine with alky...
allanite 14 11 a silicate containin...
allative 17 14 a grammatical case d...
alliable 18 14 capable of being all...
alliance 17 14 an association forme...
alligate 16 12 to unite by some tie...
allocate 17 13 to set apart for a p...
allomone 14 14 a chemical substance...
allottee 14 10 one to whom somethin...
allotype 23 15 an allotypic variant...
allozyme 25 24 a different form of...
allspice 21 16 a widely used aromat...
allusive 18 15 alluding [adj]
altarage 14 11 offerings made upon...
altitude 15 11 height above sea lev...
amandine 12 14 (French) albumin in...
amarelle 15 13 a variety of sour ch...
amberite 16 14 a kind of smokeless...
ambiance 18 18 the mood or atmosphe...
ambience 18 18 the mood or atmosphe...
ambulate 17 16 to walk; to move abo...
ameerate 12 11 the rank of an ameer...
amenable 15 16 capable of being per...
amicable 20 18 friendly [adj AMICAB...
amitrole 15 12 a kind of herbicide...
ammocete 17 17 the larva of a lampr...
ammolite 16 15 the fossilised shell...
ammonate 13 15 a type of ammonia co...
ammonite 14 15 the coiled shell of...
amorance 15 15 the state of being i...
amortise 14 11 to liquidate gradual...
amortize 17 20 to liquidate gradual...
amperage 16 16 the strength of an e...
amphorae 17 16 AMPHORA, a two-handl...
ampullae 18 17 AMPULLA, a small two...
amputate 16 15 to cut off [v AMPUTA...
amusable 17 16 able to be amused [a...
amusette 14 12 (French) a light fie...
amygdale 22 17 a small gas bubble i...
amygdule 23 18 a small gas bubble i...
anaerobe 12 12 an organism that liv...
analcime 17 16 a white or flesh-red...
analcite 16 13 a white or flesh-red...
analogue 13 13 something that bears...
anaphase 15 14 the stage of meiosis...
ancillae 17 14 ANCILLA, (Latin) a h...
andesine 11 11 a kind of triclinic...
andesite 12 10 a volcanic rock foun...
andesyte 18 12 a volcanic rock, als...
anecdote 14 13 a brief story [n ANE...
anethole 14 12 an aromatic ether wh...
anginose 12 12 relating to angina [...
angulate 14 13 to form with angles...
angulose 14 13 having an angle [adj...
anisette 12 9 (French) a cordial o...
ankerite 13 13 a mineral closely re...
ankylose 20 16 to fuse as the bones...
annalise 12 11 to record, also ANNA...
annalize 15 20 to record, also ANNA...
annexure 17 18 something added, esp...
annotate 10 10 to append notes [v A...
announce 13 15 to make known public...
annulate 12 12 (obsolete) an anneli...
annulose 12 12 pertaining to a ring...
anserine 11 10 belonging to the goo...
antecede 14 13 to go before [v ANTE...
antedate 11 10 to date from before...
antelope 14 13 any one of a group o...
antennae 9 11 ANTENNA, a feeler in...
antetype 20 14 something which a ty...
antiacne 14 13 acting to clear up a...
anticise 16 12 to play antics, also...
anticize 19 21 to play antics, also...
antidote 12 10 something which coun...
antidune 12 12 a sandhill that form...
antigene 12 12 a substance that sti...
antilife 16 13 opposed to life [adj...
antimale 14 13 opposed to men [adj]
antimere 13 12 one of the two halve...
antimine 13 13 designed to countera...
antinode 11 11 a point of maximum d...
antinome 12 13 one that is opposite...
antinuke 13 15 opposed to the use o...
antipode 14 13 the point on the ear...
antipole 15 13 the opposite pole [n...
antipope 16 15 a pope who opposes t...
antirape 14 12 concerned with rape...
antitype 21 14 something which a ty...
antliate 13 10 pertaining to the an...
antrorse 12 9 turned forward or up...
anyplace 24 18 any where at all [ad...
anywhere 23 16 any place at all [n...
aperture 15 12 an opening [n -S]
aphanite 16 14 any rock of such clo...
aphetise 17 13 to lose the first vo...
aphetize 20 22 to lose the first vo...
aphicide 21 17 a substance that kil...
apholate 17 14 a chemical used to k...
aphorise 17 13 to make a concise st...
aphorize 20 22 to make a concise st...
aplustre 17 13 an ornamental append...
apocrine 17 15 denoting a gland who...
apologue 16 15 a story presenting a...
apophyge 26 20 the curve where a co...
apostate 14 11 one who commits apos...
apothece 19 16 the spore-producing...
appanage 16 17 a provision for main...
appellee 18 16 the defendant in a j...
appetise 17 14 to whet the appetite...
appetite 17 14 a desire for food or...
appetize 20 23 to whet the appetite...
applause 18 16 the sound made by pe...
applique 27 25 a work applied to, o...
apposite 17 14 appropriate [adj]
appraise 17 14 to set a value on [v...
apricate 18 14 to expose to sunligh...
aptitude 16 13 an ability [n -S]
aquacade 23 22 an exhibition of swi...
aquatone 19 19 a type of printing p...
aquiline 22 20 hooked like an eagle...
arborise 15 11 to form many branche...
arborize 18 20 to form many branche...
arbuscle 20 16 a dwarf or shrublike...
arcature 16 12 a small or blind arc...
archaise 18 13 to use idioms, also...
archaize 21 22 to use idioms, also...
archduke 20 19 (historical) a chief...
archlute 20 15 a large double-necke...
archwise 22 16 in the manner of an...
areolate 12 9 divided into areolae...
argemone 13 14 a plant of the prick...
arginase 13 11 a manganese-containi...
arginine 13 12 one of the essential...
arguable 17 15 capable of being dis...
argyrite 21 12 a silver ore [n -S]
arillate 15 10 having an aril, also...
arillode 15 11 a caruncle or false...
aristate 13 8 awned [adj]
armature 14 12 to furnish with armo...
armillae 16 13 ARMILLA, a bracelet,...
armozine 16 21 a thick plain silk,...
arrasene 11 9 an embroidery materi...
arrestee 12 8 one that is arrested...
arrogate 13 10 to claim unduly as o...
arsehole 15 11 an unpleasant and/or...
arsenate 11 9 a salt of arsenic ac...
arsenide 12 10 a compound of arseni...
arsenite 12 9 a salt formed by the...
arsonite 12 9 one who maliciously...
arthouse 15 11 a cinema that shows...
artifice 19 14 a clever stratagem [...
arvicole 19 16 a mouse of the genus...
aseptate 14 11 not partitioned by s...
asparkle 17 16 in a sparkling state...
asperate 14 11 to make rough or har...
aspirate 15 11 to pronounce breathi...
assemble 17 15 to collect together...
assignee 13 11 one to whom property...
assonate 11 9 to match in a vowel...
astatide 13 9 a compound of astati...
astatine 12 9 a radioactive elemen...
astringe 14 11 to draw together [v...
asystole 20 11 a heart malfunction...
atabrine 14 12 (tradename) a bitter...
atchieve 20 17 (obsolete) to achiev...
atherine 14 11 a fish resembling th...
athetise 15 10 to reject, also ATHE...
athetize 18 19 to reject, also ATHE...
atmolyse 21 14 to separate gases by...
atmolyze 24 23 to separate gases by...
atonable 14 13 able to be atoned fo...
atrazine 15 18 a kind of weedkiller...
atremble 17 15 (archaic) in a tremb...
atropine 14 12 a medicine derived f...
attendee 11 10 one who attends a fu...
atticise 17 11 to use atticisms, al...
atticize 20 20 to use atticisms, al...
attitude 14 10 a posture or positio...
audience 15 14 a group of listeners...
auditive 16 14 a group of listeners...
auntlike 15 15 like an aunt [adj]
aureolae 12 10 AUREOLA, a halo [n]
autocade 15 13 a procession of moto...
autodyne 18 13 a type of electrical...
autolyse 20 12 to break down tissue...
autolyze 23 21 to break down tissue...
automate 13 12 to convert to automa...
autosave 14 13 to save by a facilit...
autosome 13 12 a chromosome other t...
autotune 12 11 a software package t...
autotype 21 14 to reproduce by a ph...
autunite 13 11 a fluorescent minor...
auxocyte 28 21 a cell undergoing me...
avellane 15 15 of a cross, having f...
aventure 14 14 (obsolete) an advent...
aversive 17 16 relating to aversion...
avianise 14 13 to modify by repeate...
avianize 17 22 to modify by repeate...
avowable 20 19 able to be declared...
axletree 19 16 a bar used as a prim...
ayenbite 20 14 (obsolete) remorse [...
babouche 22 20 a kind of heelless s...
babylike 26 21 resembling a baby [a...
backache 24 23 pain in the back [n...
backbite 22 21 to speak ill of [v B...
backbone 20 22 the spine [n -S]
backdate 19 19 to date to an earlie...
backfile 23 22 the back numbers of...
backfire 22 21 to go wrong [v BACKF...
backline 20 20 in some team sports,...
backside 20 19 the buttocks [n -S]
baculine 19 17 pertaining to the st...
baculite 20 16 a fossil of the genu...
badinage 15 15 to banter [v BADINAG...
baghouse 18 16 a means of cleaning...
bagnette 15 14 (French) a long Fren...
baguette 16 14 (French) a long Fren...
bahookie 17 17 (colloquial) the but...
bailable 19 16 able to be bailed [a...
bakelite 17 16 (tradename) a thermo...
bakeware 18 18 heat-resistant dishe...
baladine 15 14 (French) a (female)...
balayage 22 16 to highlight hair by...
baldpate 18 16 a bald person [n -S]
balefire 18 15 a bonfire or beacon-...
balistae 16 12 BALISTA, a Roman mac...
balkline 18 18 a line drawn across...
ballgame 19 18 a game played with a...
ballonne 15 15 (French) a kind of b...
ballotee 16 13 a candidate in a bal...
balmlike 20 20 like balm [adj]
banalise 15 13 to make banal, also...
banalize 18 22 to make banal, also...
bandmate 15 16 a fellow member of a...
bankable 18 20 able to be banked [a...
banknote 14 17 a paper unit of curr...
bankside 16 17 the slope of a river...
banlieue 15 14 (French) a suburb [n...
bannable 16 17 able to be banned [a...
banoffee 17 18 banana and toffee as...
barbecue 20 18 to grill over an ope...
barbeque 25 24 to grill over an ope...
barbette 17 14 (French) an earthen...
barbotte 17 14 a kind of large catf...
barbwire 21 17 (US) barbed wire [n...
barchane 19 17 a crescent-shaped sa...
barebone 15 15 (Shakespeare) a very...
baregine 15 14 a gelatinous mass of...
bargeese 15 13 BARGOOSE, a kind of...
bargoose 15 13 a kind of wild goose...
baritone 14 12 a deep male voice, a...
barnacle 18 16 a kind of crustacean...
barnlike 17 17 like a barn [adj]
baronage 14 14 the rank of a baron...
barouche 20 17 a four-wheeled hoode...
barrable 18 15 able to be barred [a...
barrette 15 11 a bar-shaped hair-cl...
barrique 24 21 a wine barrel, also...
barytone 20 14 a deep male voice, a...
basanite 14 12 a black form of jasp...
baseline 15 13 a line at both ends...
basquine 23 22 an outer petticoat w...
bassline 16 13 the lowest line in a...
bastille 18 13 a tower or an elevat...
bathcube 23 20 a fragrant cube for...
bathorse 17 13 (archaic) a horse wh...
bathrobe 19 16 a robe worn for taki...
batterie 15 11 (French) a ballet ju...
bayadere 20 14 a fabric with horizo...
beadlike 17 17 like a bead [adj]
beaklike 18 20 like a beak [adj]
beamlike 18 19 like a beam [adj]
beanlike 16 17 like a bean [adj]
beanpole 16 16 a pole support for c...
bearable 17 15 able to be borne [ad...
bearbine 16 15 a bindweed [n -S]
bearlike 17 16 like a bear [adj]
beatable 17 15 able to be beaten [a...
beauxite 21 19 a claylike compound...
bechance 22 20 to happen by chance...
beclothe 21 17 to put clothes on [v...
bedabble 20 19 to make wet by dabbl...
bedaggle 18 17 to soil by dragging...
bedazzle 22 31 to dazzle or make di...
beddable 18 17 sexually attractive...
bedframe 18 18 the frame of a bed [...
bedimple 20 19 to make a small impr...
bedplate 18 16 a foundation framing...
beefcake 20 21 a picture of a male...
befringe 18 17 to adorn with fringe...
befuddle 19 18 to confuse [v BEFUDD...
begirdle 18 15 to surround as with...
begrudge 18 17 to concede reluctant...
bejumble 22 28 to mix confusedly [v...
belittle 18 13 to disparage [v BELI...
bellcote 20 16 an ornamental struct...
beltline 17 14 the waistline [n -S]
bemingle 18 18 to mix together [v B...
bemuddle 18 18 (archaic) to confuse...
bemuffle 22 22 to wrap or muffle [v...
bemuzzle 24 34 to put a gag on [v B...
bendable 17 17 able to be bent [adj...
bendwise 18 16 diagonally, also BEN...
benefice 19 18 an ecclesiastical of...
benzoate 16 21 a salt of benzoic ac...
bepimple 22 21 to cover with pimple...
bepraise 17 14 to lavish praise upo...
berceuse 18 15 (French) a lullaby [...
berdache 20 17 an American Indian t...
bernicle 19 16 a kind of wild goose...
berthage 18 15 a place for mooring...
beryline 22 15 of or like beryl, th...
besmudge 18 18 to cover with smudge...
besoothe 16 13 to soothe [v BESOOTH...
bespouse 17 15 to marry [v BESPOUSE...
bestadde 15 13 beset by, also BESTA...
bestride 16 12 to stride across, st...
bestrode 15 12 BESTRIDE, to stride...
beverage 17 17 any liquid for drink...
bheestie 17 13 an Indian water carr...
bichrome 22 19 two-colored [adj]
bidarkee 16 16 (Russian) an Alaskan...
biddable 19 17 obedient, docile [ad...
biennale 14 14 (Italian) an interna...
biforate 17 14 having two perforati...
bigarade 16 14 a bitter Seville ora...
bijugate 19 23 having two pairs of...
billable 21 17 that can be billed,...
billetee 17 13 one who is billeted...
bilobate 18 15 having two lobes, al...
bimbette 19 17 a very dumb female b...
bindable 18 17 able to be bound [ad...
binnacle 18 17 a casing for a ship'...
biocycle 29 20 the cycling of chemi...
biophore 19 16 a hypothetical unit...
bioscope 20 17 an early movie proje...
biowaste 18 14 waste composed chief...
biramose 16 14 divided into branche...
birdcage 20 17 a cage for birds [n...
birdlife 20 16 birds collectively [...
birdlike 19 17 like a bird [adj]
birdlime 19 16 a sticky substance p...
birdseye 22 14 a kind of primrose [...
bistable 19 15 having two stable st...
biteable 18 15 that can be bitten,...
bitesize 19 20 of food, small enoug...
bittacle 20 15 a casing for a ship'...
biunique 24 23 being a type of corr...
blamable 20 19 being at fault [adj]
bleuatre 16 13 (French) bluish [adj...
blindage 17 16 a temporary wooden s...
blockade 20 20 to block with troops...
blockage 21 21 the act of blocking...
blondine 15 15 to bleach hair blond...
bloviate 18 16 to speak pompously [...
blowhole 22 18 a hole for breathing...
blowpipe 24 21 a long straight tube...
blowtube 22 19 a long straight tube...
blueline 17 15 a line that divides...
bluenose 15 14 a nickname for a Nov...
boatable 17 15 able to be negotiate...
boatlike 17 16 resembling a boat [a...
bobskate 18 18 a child's skate havi...
bobwhite 23 19 a kind of quail [n -...
bodyline 22 16 in cricket, a style...
bodyside 22 15 the side of a body o...
boehmite 18 16 a mineral present in...
boertjie 17 20 (South Africa) frien...
boilable 19 16 able to be boiled [a...
boiserie 15 11 (French) wood panell...
boldface 21 19 to print in thick ty...
bolthole 19 15 a place or way of es...
boltlike 19 17 like a bolt [adj]
boltrope 18 15 a strong rope stitch...
bombable 21 21 able to be bombed [a...
bombarde 18 18 an alto wind instrum...
bombsite 19 17 an area that has bee...
bondable 17 17 that can be bonded [...
bongrace 18 17 a sunshade worn over...
bonhomie 17 17 (French) good nature...
boniface 19 18 (French) the proprie...
bookable 18 19 able to be booked [a...
bookcase 18 18 furniture for holdin...
booklice 20 19 BOOKLOUSE, an insect...
booklore 16 16 book learning [n -S]
boortree 14 11 (Scots) the elder-tr...
bootable 17 15 of a computer, capab...
boothose 16 13 (Shakespeare) a long...
bootlace 18 15 a lace for fastening...
boracite 18 14 a compound of magnes...
borecole 18 15 a variety of cabbage...
borehole 17 14 a hole made in the e...
boresome 15 14 tedious, boring [adj...
botanise 14 12 to collect plants fo...
botanize 17 21 to collect plants fo...
botonnee 12 13 having buds or knobs...
botryose 21 13 having the form of a...
bouderie 15 13 (French) a pouting,...
bountree 14 13 (Scots) the elder tr...
bourride 16 13 (French) a fish dish...
bourtree 15 12 (Scots) the elder tr...
boutique 24 22 a shop, or departmen...
boutonne 13 14 (French) reserved, r...
bowllike 22 20 concave [adj]
braccate 21 17 having feathered leg...
braciole 19 15 a thin slice of meat...
brakeage 16 17 the act of braking [...
brandade 14 14 (French) a Provencal...
brandise 15 13 a trivet [n -S]
brassage 16 13 (French) a mint-char...
brattice 19 14 a wooden tower used...
braunite 15 13 a native oxide of ma...
breakage 16 17 the act of breaking...
bregmate 17 16 relating to the breg...
breloque 24 22 a watch chain [n -S]
bretesse 15 11 a wooden tower used...
brettice 19 14 a wooden tower used...
breviate 17 15 a lawyer's brief [n...
bribable 21 18 able to be bribed [a...
brisance 18 15 (French) the shatter...
broadaxe 20 19 an ancient military...
brochure 21 17 a pamphlet, informat...
brockage 20 20 (Scots) fragments of...
bromance 18 18 a close but not roma...
bronzite 18 21 a variety of the min...
brookite 16 15 a mineral, titanium...
browbone 19 18 the bone of the brow...
bruilzie 21 22 (Scots) a broil, a n...
brunette 15 13 a (female) person wi...
bubaline 18 17 pertaining to the bu...
buckrake 21 23 a large agricultural...
buckshee 22 21 something in additio...
budgeree 16 15 (Native Australian)...
buffable 23 22 able to be buffed [a...
bughouse 19 17 (colloquial) an insa...
bulldike 20 19 an aggressive lesbia...
bulldoze 21 24 to override objectio...
bulldyke 26 21 an aggressive lesbia...
bullgine 19 17 (US slang) a steam l...
bullnose 17 15 swine snout disease...
bullseye 24 16 the center of a targ...
bummaree 17 18 a middleman in Billi...
buncombe 21 22 insincere or foolish...
bunghole 19 18 a hole in a barrel [...
bunkmate 17 20 one who shares sleep...
buntline 16 15 a rope attached to t...
buoyance 23 18 the tendency to floa...
burgrave 19 18 (historical) the com...
burnable 18 17 something that can b...
burnoose 14 13 a hooded cloak worn...
burnouse 15 14 a hooded cloak worn...
burnside 16 14 the ground beside a...
burstone 15 13 a cellular, flinty r...
bushfire 21 17 a fire in a wooded a...
bushlike 21 19 resembling a bush [a...
bustline 17 14 the width around a w...
butanone 13 14 a flammable ketone [...
butylate 23 15 to add a butyl to [v...
butylene 22 16 a gaseous hydrocarbo...
butyrate 22 14 a salt of butyric ac...
cabezone 19 24 (Spanish) a Californ...
caboodle 18 16 a crowd or collectio...
cabotage 18 16 shipping and sailing...
cabriole 19 15 (French) a curved fu...
cadastre 16 12 a public record of l...
caesurae 15 12 CAESURA, a pause in...
caffeine 19 18 a bitter alkaloid us...
cagelike 19 18 like a cage [adj]
cakehole 19 18 a person's mouth [n...
calamine 17 16 to apply a skin oint...
calamite 18 15 a reedlike plant of...
calanthe 18 15 (Greek) an orchid of...
calceate 19 15 to shoe [v CALCEATED...
calcrete 20 15 a composite rock of...
calflike 22 20 like a calf [adj]
califate 19 15 (Arabic) the office...
callable 21 17 able to be called [a...
calliope 20 16 a keyboard musical i...
callipee 20 16 a part of a turtle w...
calltime 20 16 time available for u...
calorise 17 12 to coat steel with a...
calorize 20 21 to coat steel with a...
calotype 25 17 an early type of pho...
calycate 26 17 pertaining to a caly...
calycine 26 18 of or pertaining to...
calycule 28 19 a cuplike structure...
camboose 18 17 a cabin built as liv...
cameline 17 16 a material made from...
camisade 17 15 an attack made at ni...
camisole 18 15 a loose underbodice...
camomile 19 18 a creeping aromatic...
campagne 19 20 CAMPAGNA, an open le...
campfire 22 20 a fire to sit round...
camphane 20 20 a type of hydrocarbo...
camphene 20 20 an explosive liquid,...
camphine 21 20 an explosive liquid,...
camphire 22 19 an old spelling of c...
camphone 20 20 a combined camera an...
camporee 18 17 a gathering of Boy S...
campsite 20 17 an area suitable for...
camstane 16 15 a type of white ston...
camstone 16 15 (Scots) a white argi...
camwhore 22 19 to perform sexual or...
canaigre 16 14 (Spanish) a large Te...
canaille 17 14 (French) riffraff; t...
canalise 16 13 to dig an artificial...
canalize 19 22 to dig an artificial...
cancrine 18 16 crabwise; (of verses...
caneware 17 15 articles made from c...
cannulae 15 15 CANNULA, a tube inse...
canonise 14 13 to declare to be a s...
canonize 17 22 to declare to be a s...
canoodle 15 14 to kiss and cuddle [...
canticle 20 16 a nonmetrical hymn,...
canulate 16 14 to insert a canula i...
capeline 18 16 a small iron skullca...
capitate 18 14 a bone of a primate'...
caponise 17 15 to castrate a rooste...
caponize 20 24 to castrate a rooste...
capriole 19 15 (French) a leap and...
caproate 17 14 a salt of caproic ac...
capstone 17 15 the horizontal stone...
carabine 17 15 a rifle with a relat...
caracole 19 15 to perform a half tu...
carapace 20 17 the shell of an anim...
carborne 17 15 travelling by car [a...
cardcase 19 15 a case or wallet for...
cardecue 19 16 an old French coin,...
carefree 17 14 without worry [adj]
careline 16 13 a telephone service...
caretake 16 15 to take care of some...
careware 18 14 computer software th...
cargeese 16 13 CARGOOSE, the creste...
cargoose 16 13 the crested grebe [n...
carinate 15 12 shaped like the keel...
carotene 14 12 any of a number of r...
carphone 19 17 a phone for use in a...
carriage 17 13 a wheeled horse-draw...
carriole 17 12 a small open carriag...
carshare 18 13 to share a car for t...
cartable 19 15 able to be carted [a...
carucage 20 17 a feudal tax levied...
carucate 19 15 (historical) as much...
caruncle 20 17 any fleshy growth on...
cascable 22 18 the rear part of a c...
casemate 16 14 a bombproof chamber...
cashable 21 17 able to be cashed [a...
cashmere 19 16 a soft twilled fabri...
casimere 17 14 a twilled cloth of t...
casimire 18 14 a twilled cloth of t...
cassette 16 11 a small case contain...
cassiope 18 14 an evergreen shrub [...
castable 19 15 able to be cast [adj...
castrate 16 11 to remove the testes...
catalase 16 12 an enzyme that reduc...
catalyse 23 14 to act as a catalyst...
catalyze 26 23 to act at a catalyst...
catamite 17 14 a boy used in sodomy...
catenane 13 13 a chemical compound...
catenate 14 12 to link together [v...
cathouse 18 14 a brothel [n -S]
catolyte 23 14 the electrolyte near...
caudicle 21 17 the stalk of the pol...
caulicle 22 17 a short caulis or st...
causable 19 16 able to be caused [a...
causerie 16 12 (French) a light and...
cavatine 17 16 CAVATINA, (Italian)...
cavelike 20 20 like an underground...
caviarie 18 15 (Shakespeare) caviar...
cavitate 18 15 to form cavities [v...
ceinture 16 13 a belt for the waist...
celibate 19 15 one who lives a life...
cellmate 19 16 the person or person...
cemitare 17 14 (Spenser) a scimitar...
cenobite 17 15 a monk who lives in...
centiare 15 12 a measure of land ar...
centrode 15 13 a type of mathematic...
centuple 19 17 to increase a hundre...
ceramide 17 15 any of a family of l...
cerclage 21 17 any of several proce...
ceresine 15 12 a kind of hard, whit...
cerotype 24 16 a process of engravi...
cerusite 17 12 native lead carbonat...
chaconne 19 18 (French) a Spanish b...
chalazae 21 23 CHALAZA, a band of t...
chantage 18 16 (French) blackmail t...
charette 18 13 a meeting for brains...
charidee 18 14 a jocular word for c...
chastise 19 13 to discipline by pun...
chasuble 22 18 a sleeveless ecclesi...
chatchke 25 22 a knicknack, also CH...
chatline 19 15 a television service...
chavette 20 17 a female chav [n -S]
cheddite 19 15 a mixture of castor...
chenille 20 16 (French) a velvety s...
cheshire 21 15 a hard English chees...
cheverye 26 19 (Spenser) an Irish c...
cheville 23 19 the peg of a stringe...
chewable 24 20 able to be chewed [a...
chinbone 19 18 the lower jaw [n -S]
chipotle 22 17 a smoked and dried j...
chivaree 20 17 to perform a mock se...
chlorate 19 14 a chlorine compound...
chloride 20 15 a compound of chlori...
chlorine 19 15 a yellowish-green ha...
chlorite 20 14 a chlorine compound...
chordate 18 14 an animal having a b...
chowtime 23 19 meal-time [n -S]
christie 20 13 a kind of turn in sk...
chromate 19 16 a compound of chromi...
chromene 18 17 a chemical compound...
chromide 20 17 a tropical freshwate...
chromise 20 16 to chrome, also CHRO...
chromite 20 16 a black submetallic...
chromize 23 25 to chrome, also CHRO...
chummage 22 22 a fee paid by a pris...
ciabatte 18 14 CIABATTA, (Italian)...
cicerone 18 15 (Italian) a guide es...
cicutine 20 16 a poisonous alkaloid...
ciminite 18 15 a rock containing ol...
cimolite 19 15 a type of clay, or h...
cincture 20 16 to gird or surround...
cineaste 15 12 a devotee of motion...
cipaille 21 16 (French) a pie with...
ciselure 18 13 (French) the art of...
citeable 19 15 suitable for citatio...
citrange 17 14 a hybrid between cit...
citywide 27 17 including all parts...
civilise 21 16 to instruct in refin...
civilize 24 25 to instruct in refin...
clambake 21 22 the baking or steami...
clamlike 21 20 like a clam [adj]
clarence 19 16 a kind of closed car...
clavicle 24 20 a shoulder bone [n -...
clawlike 23 20 like a claw [adj]
claylike 26 19 like clay [adj]
claymore 24 17 (Gaelic) a kind of l...
clayware 26 17 goods made of clay [...
clearage 17 14 a piece of land clea...
cleavage 19 18 a split; a tendency...
cleveite 19 16 a radioactive minera...
clinique 26 23 (French) a clinic [n...
clodpate 19 16 a stupid person, als...
clodpole 20 17 a stupid person, als...
closable 20 16 able to be closed, a...
cloudage 18 16 the amount of clouds...
cloysome 24 17 satiating [adj]
clubable 23 20 sociable [adj]
clubface 25 22 the striking surface...
clubmate 21 19 a fellow member of a...
clypeate 25 17 shaped like a buckle...
coactive 21 18 mutually active [adj...
coadmire 17 15 to admire together [...
coalesce 19 15 to blend [v COALESCE...
coalface 21 18 exposed coal in a mi...
coalhole 19 15 a compartment for st...
coalmine 17 16 a mine at which coal...
coassume 17 15 to assume together [...
cochleae 21 17 COCHLEA, a part of t...
cocklike 23 23 like a rooster [adj]
cocksure 21 19 perfectly confident...
cocreate 18 14 to create together [...
codename 15 16 a name used to conce...
coderive 18 16 to derive jointly [v...
codpiece 21 18 a cover for the crot...
coenacle 18 16 a dining room, also...
coendure 15 14 to endure together [...
coenzyme 25 26 a non-protein organi...
coequate 23 21 to equate with somet...
coercive 21 18 serving or intended...
coevolve 20 20 to evolve together [...
cogitate 17 13 to ponder [v COGITAT...
cognosce 19 17 in Scots law, to exa...
cohesive 20 17 having the power of...
cohobate 19 16 to distill again [v...
coiffure 21 18 to style the hair, a...
coinable 18 16 able to be coined [a...
coincide 19 16 to be identical [v C...
coinhere 17 14 to inhere jointly [v...
coinmate 16 15 a fellow inmate [n -...
coinsure 16 13 to insure with anoth...
cokelike 19 20 like coke [adj]
colessee 16 12 a joint lessee [n -S...
colicine 20 16 an antibacterial sub...
collapse 20 16 to crumble suddenly...
collogue 19 16 to converse confiden...
colloque 26 23 to hold a colloquy [...
colocate 19 15 to group housing uni...
colonise 16 13 to establish a colon...
colonize 19 22 to establish a colon...
colorise 17 12 to give color to bla...
colorize 20 21 to give color to bla...
comanage 16 17 to manage jointly [v...
comatose 16 14 relating to, or rese...
comblike 22 22 like a comb [adj]
combwise 23 20 in the way of a comb...
comeddle 18 17 (obsolete) to mix, t...
comingle 19 18 to blend thoroughly...
commence 20 21 to begin [v COMMENCE...
commerce 21 20 to engage in trade [...
commerge 19 19 to merge together [v...
compadre 19 18 a close friend [n -S...
compesce 22 20 (archaic) to restrai...
complete 20 18 to bring to an end [...
complice 24 21 (obsolete) an accomp...
compline 20 19 in the Christian lit...
comprise 20 17 to include or contai...
comprize 23 26 to include or contai...
compulse 21 19 (obsolete) to compel...
conative 17 16 inclined to conation...
concause 18 16 a cooperating cause...
conceive 20 19 to understand [v CON...
conchate 20 17 shaped like a shell...
conclave 21 20 the room in which ca...
conclude 20 18 to finish [v CONCLUD...
concrete 18 15 real, graspable [adj...
condense 14 14 to compress [v CONDE...
conenose 13 13 a bloodsucking insec...
conepate 16 15 a skunk, also CONEPA...
conferee 16 15 one on whom somethin...
conflate 18 16 to combine (as two r...
confrere 17 15 (French) a fellow me...
conglobe 19 18 to become a globule...
conicine 18 16 a liquid, highly poi...
conserve 17 16 to keep, preserve [v...
consomme 17 18 (French) a clear sou...
conspire 18 15 to plot together [v...
constate 15 12 to assert [v CONSTAT...
construe 16 13 to analyse the gramm...
continue 15 14 to go on with [v CON...
contline 16 14 the space between st...
contrate 15 12 of wheels [adj]
contrite 16 12 deeply sorry [adj CO...
contrive 18 16 to devise [v CONTRIV...
controle 16 13 (French) registered,...
converge 18 18 to come together [v...
converse 17 16 reversed, opposite [...
convince 20 20 to satisfy as to tru...
convolve 20 21 to roll together [v...
convulse 19 18 to shake violently [...
cookable 19 19 something that can b...
cookware 19 18 utensils used in coo...
copemate 18 17 (obsolete) a compani...
copiable 21 18 capable of being cop...
coprince 21 18 one of two princes r...
copulate 19 16 to have sexual inter...
copyable 27 20 that can be copied,...
coquette 24 21 to flirt, also COQUE...
coquille 27 23 (French) a scallop o...
coramine 16 15 a circulatory stimul...
cordelle 18 14 to use a tow rope to...
cordlike 19 17 like a cord [adj]
corelate 16 12 to place in mutual r...
corklike 20 20 like cork [adj]
corktree 17 15 the cork oak [n -S]
cormlike 20 19 like a corm, the swo...
cornacre 18 15 the letting by a ten...
corncake 19 19 a cake made of maize...
corniche 21 17 (French) a coastal r...
cornicle 20 16 a wax-secreting orga...
cornpipe 20 18 a musical instrument...
cornpone 16 16 a cornbread [n -S]
corocore 18 14 a Malayan boat, also...
coronate 14 12 to crown [v CORONATE...
corotate 15 11 to rotate together [...
corvette 18 15 a highly manoeuvrabl...
coryphee 26 18 (French) a leading d...
coteline 16 13 a medieval close-fit...
cotinine 15 13 an alkaloid produced...
coulisse 18 13 (French) a piece of...
courante 15 13 (French) an old danc...
coutille 19 14 a type of cotton fab...
coverage 18 17 the extent to which...
covetise 18 15 (obsolete) covetousn...
cowhouse 21 17 a building to house...
cozenage 18 23 the practice of coze...
crablike 21 19 like a crab [adj]
crabwise 22 17 in the manner of a c...
craniate 15 12 one that has a skull...
crannoge 15 15 (Gaelic) a lake dwel...
creasote 15 11 a pitch-like substan...
creatine 15 12 a chemical found wit...
creative 18 15 having the ability t...
creature 16 12 a living being [n -S...
credence 18 16 a small table for ho...
credible 20 16 believable [adj]
creepage 18 16 gradual movement [n...
cremorne 16 15 an ancient double-re...
crenelle 17 14 (French) a crenellat...
creolise 17 12 to cause a language...
creolize 20 21 to cause a language...
creosote 15 11 to treat with a wood...
crepance 20 18 a sore on a horse's...
creperie 18 14 a restaurant that sp...
crescive 22 18 increasing [adj CRES...
cretonne 14 13 (French) a heavy cot...
crevalle 20 17 a silvery food and g...
crevasse 18 15 to make a fissure in...
crevette 18 15 (French) a shrimp or...
crewmate 20 17 a fellow crewman [n...
cribbage 22 19 a card game [n -S]
cribrate 19 14 perforated like a si...
cribrose 19 14 perforated like a si...
crispate 19 14 having a wavy edge,...
cristate 17 11 having a projection...
critique 26 21 to judge as a critic...
croceate 18 14 (obsolete) saffron-c...
croceine 18 15 a red or orange azo...
crocoite 19 14 a bright red mineral...
cromorne 16 15 an ancient double-re...
crosstie 17 11 a supporting tie pla...
croupade 18 16 (French) in dressage...
cruciate 20 15 cross-shaped or Y-sh...
crucible 24 19 a heat-resistant ves...
crunchie 22 18 (offensive) an Afrik...
crustate 17 12 covered with a crust...
crustose 17 12 forming a thin britt...
cryolite 24 14 a mineral, also KRYO...
cubature 19 16 the process of findi...
cudgerie 18 15 (Australia) a large...
cuffable 24 22 of a sock, intended...
culicine 21 17 a mosquito of a grou...
culpable 23 20 blameworthy [adj CUL...
cultlike 21 18 like a cult [adj]
cultrate 18 13 shaped like a knife...
cumarone 16 16 a liquid derived fro...
cumulate 19 17 in a heap [adj CUMUL...
cumulose 19 17 pertaining to clouds...
cupulate 20 17 cup-shaped, also CUP...
curarine 16 13 an alkaloid derivati...
curarise 17 12 to poison with curar...
curarize 20 21 to poison with curar...
curative 19 16 tending to cure, als...
curbable 22 19 able to be curbed [a...
curbside 20 16 the side of a paveme...
curlicue 22 17 to decorate with fan...
curlycue 28 19 a fancy twist or cur...
curricle 22 16 a two-wheeled open c...
cutinise 17 13 to become coated wit...
cutinize 20 22 to become coated wit...
cutlette 18 13 a breaded patty of c...
cutpurse 20 16 (historical) a perso...
cutscene 19 16 a type of scene in c...
cuttable 20 16 able to be cut [adj]
cymogene 23 19 a volatile compound...
cynanche 26 20 any inflammatory dis...
cynosure 22 15 a centre of attracti...
cypselae 25 17 CYPSELA, the fruit o...
cysteine 22 14 an amino acid that o...
cytidine 23 15 a compound containin...
cytisine 23 14 an alkaloid found in...
cytokine 23 18 a protein chemical m...
cytosine 22 14 one of the nitrogen-...
cytosome 23 16 the part of a cell o...
damnable 16 17 hateful [adv]
dancette 15 13 of a heraldic line,...
danseuse 12 11 a professional femal...
darksome 15 16 dark, somber [adj]
darraine 12 10 to justify, to put i...
database 14 12 a collection of data...
dateable 15 13 that may be dated, a...
dateline 13 11 to provide a news st...
datolite 14 10 a rock formed from b...
daturine 13 11 a poison [n -S]
dauphine 17 16 (French) the title o...
dawnlike 18 18 suggestive of daybre...
deadline 13 12 a time limit [n -S]...
deaerate 11 9 to remove air or gas...
dealbate 15 13 whitened [adj]
debouche 20 18 an opening for the p...
debruise 16 13 in heraldry, to cros...
decentre 15 13 to put out of center...
deciduae 16 14 DECIDUA, a mucous me...
decimate 17 15 to kill every tenth...
decisive 19 16 conclusive [adj DECI...
declasse 17 13 (French) having lost...
decorate 15 12 to adorn [v DECORATE...
decouple 19 17 to disconnect [v DEC...
decrease 15 12 to diminish, also DE...
dedicate 16 13 to set apart for a s...
deerlike 15 14 like a deer [adj]
defecate 17 15 to void excrement, a...
defiance 17 16 a bold opposition [n...
defilade 16 14 (French) to plan a f...
definite 15 13 known for certain [a...
defreeze 17 21 to thaw out, defrost...
degrease 13 11 to remove the grease...
deionise 12 10 to remove ions from,...
deionize 15 19 to remove ions from,...
delegate 14 12 to appoint as one's...
deletive 16 14 serving to delete, a...
delibate 16 13 (obsolete) to sip [v...
delicate 17 13 gently pleasing to t...
delusive 17 15 tending to delude, a...
delustre 15 11 to remove the lustre...
demarche 19 17 (French) a course of...
demilune 15 15 (French) a half-moon...
demiurge 16 15 (Greek) an inferior...
demonise 13 13 to make a demon of,...
demonize 16 22 to make a demon of,...
denature 12 11 to deprive of natura...
dendrite 13 11 a branched part of a...
deniable 15 14 capable of being den...
denotate 11 10 (obsolete) to denote...
denotive 14 14 indicative [adj]
denounce 14 15 to condemn openly [v...
dentelle 14 12 (French) lace, lacew...
denticle 17 14 a small toothlike st...
denudate 12 12 to strip of all cove...
departee 14 12 one that departs [n...
depeople 17 16 to reduce the popula...
depilate 16 13 to remove hair [v DE...
deportee 14 12 one who is deported...
depurate 15 13 to free from impurit...
deputise 16 13 to act as a deputy,...
deputize 19 22 to act as a deputy,...
deracine 15 13 (French) a displaced...
derisive 16 13 expressing derision,...
derivate 15 13 to derive, especiall...
derogate 13 11 degenerate [adj DERO...
derriere 13 9 (French) the backsid...
describe 19 15 to recount the physi...
descrive 19 16 to recount the physi...
designee 13 12 one who is designate...
desknote 13 14 a notebook computer...
desolate 13 10 lonely, waste [adj D...
detainee 11 10 one who is detained...
detangle 14 13 to remove knots or t...
dethrone 14 12 to remove from a thr...
detonate 11 10 to cause to explode...
detraque 21 19 (French) a (male) pe...
develope 17 17 to bring to a more a...
deviance 17 17 the behaviour of a d...
dextrine 19 17 a substance used as...
dextrose 19 16 a form of glucose [n...
diactine 16 13 a sponge spicule hav...
diagnose 13 12 to identify a diseas...
diallage 16 13 a mineral, a brown,...
dialogue 15 13 to hold a conversati...
diamante 13 13 a sparkling decorati...
diapause 15 13 in insects and the e...
diapente 14 13 in Greek music, the...
diaphone 16 15 a low-pitched foghor...
diascope 18 15 an optical projector...
diaspore 15 12 a hydrate of alumina...
diastase 13 9 a soluble, nitrogeno...
diastole 14 10 the normal rhythmica...
diastyle 21 12 a colonnade with clo...
diatreme 14 12 a volcanic vent prod...
diatribe 16 12 an abusive, bitter h...
diggable 19 17 able to be dug [adj]
digitate 15 11 of a leaf, divided i...
digitise 16 11 to put into digital...
digitize 19 20 to put into digital...
digitule 17 13 any small fingerlike...
diketone 13 14 a compound used in d...
dilatate 14 10 dilated [adj]
dilative 17 14 tending to dilate [a...
dilutive 18 15 tending to dilute [a...
dimerise 15 12 to make into a dimer...
dimerize 18 21 to make into a dimer...
dimmable 19 19 able to be dimmed [a...
diopside 16 13 a mineral, a crystal...
dioptase 15 12 a mineral, a hydrous...
dippable 21 19 able to be dipped [a...
disabuse 16 13 to free from false i...
disagree 14 11 to differ in opinion...
disburse 17 13 to pay out [v DISBUR...
disciple 21 16 to cause to become a...
disclike 20 17 resembling a flat ci...
disclose 18 13 to reveal [v DISCLOS...
discoure 17 13 to find out, also DI...
discrete 17 12 separate, distinct [...
disgorge 16 13 to vomit [v DISGORGE...
disgrace 18 14 to bring shame upon...
disgrade 15 12 to strip of rank [v...
disguise 16 12 to conceal the ident...
dishable 19 15 to render incapable,...
dishlike 19 16 like a dish [adj]
dishorse 16 11 to make someone fall...
dishouse 16 12 to deprive of housin...
dishware 19 14 tableware used for s...
disinure 14 11 to render unfamiliar...
diskette 15 13 a small flexible pla...
disklike 18 18 resembling a flat ci...
disleave 16 14 to deprive of leaves...
dislodge 16 13 to remove from a fir...
dispeace 18 15 lack of peace [n -S]
dispence 18 16 (Spenser) to distrib...
dispense 15 13 to distribute, also...
disperse 16 12 to scatter [v DISPER...
displace 20 16 to put in the wrong...
displode 17 14 (Milton) to discharg...
displume 19 17 to deprive of feathe...
disponee 14 13 the person who recei...
disponge 16 15 to sprinkle, also DI...
disprize 20 21 to depreciate [v DIS...
disprove 18 16 to refute [v DISPROV...
dispunge 17 16 (Shakespeare) to spr...
dispurse 17 13 (Shakespeare) to dis...
disseise 14 9 to deprive of seisin...
disseize 17 18 to deprive of seisin...
disserve 16 13 to treat badly [v DI...
dissolve 17 14 to make into a solut...
dissuade 14 11 to persuade not to d...
distance 16 13 to move far from a p...
distaste 14 9 dislike [n -S] / (ar...
disthene 15 12 a mineral, aka cyani...
disunite 14 11 to separate [v DISUN...
disusage 15 12 gradual cessation of...
disvalue 17 15 to disparage [v DISV...
divagate 16 15 to wander or stray f...
divinise 16 14 to treat as divine,...
divinize 19 23 to treat as divine,...
divisive 19 17 causing disunity or...
divorcee 18 16 a divorced woman [n...
dockside 18 17 the area adjacent to...
doctrine 16 13 a belief taught or a...
doghouse 16 14 a shelter for a dog...
dolerite 14 10 a type of igneous ro...
dolesome 14 13 doleful, dismal [adj...
dolomite 15 13 a mineral, double ca...
domelike 16 17 resembling a dome [a...
domicile 19 16 to establish in a re...
dominate 13 13 to control [v DOMINA...
donative 14 14 a benefice presented...
doorcase 15 12 the frame of a door...
dopamine 15 16 a chemical found in...
dormouse 14 13 any member of a fami...
doublure 17 15 (French) an ornament...
dovecote 17 16 a roost for domestic...
dovelike 17 18 like a dove [adj]
downcome 19 19 a sudden fall; a dow...
downhole 18 16 pertaining to subter...
downlike 18 18 like down [adj]
downpipe 20 19 a drainpipe which ta...
downrate 15 13 to make lower in val...
downside 16 14 a negative aspect [n...
downsize 19 22 to produce in a smal...
downtime 17 16 the time when a mach...
downzone 17 23 to reduce or limit t...
drabette 15 12 a coarse linen fabri...
drachmae 19 17 DRACHMA, (Greek) a G...
dragline 15 13 an excavating machin...
dragonne 12 13 like a heraldic drag...
dragrope 16 14 a rope used for drag...
drainage 13 12 the act of draining...
draisene 12 10 (historical) a dandy...
draisine 13 10 (historical) a dandy...
drapable 18 16 that can be draped,...
drawable 19 16 able to be drawn [ad...
drawbore 18 15 a hole for joining a...
drawtube 19 16 a tube that slides w...
dressage 14 11 the training of a ho...
dricksie 19 16 of timber, having hi...
driftage 17 14 deviation from a shi...
drivable 19 17 that can be driven,...
dropwise 19 15 by drops [adv]
drumfire 18 16 massed artillery fir...
drumlike 18 18 resembling the head...
drystone 19 12 built from stones wi...
dubitate 16 13 to doubt [v DUBITATE...
duchesse 19 15 (French) a table-cov...
duckmole 20 21 a platypus, also DUC...
duelsome 15 14 given to duelling [a...
dumbcane 19 20 a poisonous tropical...
dumbsize 21 25 to reduce the size o...
dumpsite 18 16 a place for dumping...
dunelike 15 16 like a dune [adj]
dungaree 13 13 a coarse cotton fabr...
dungmere 15 16 a manure-pit [n -S]
duologue 15 14 a conversation betwe...
durative 16 14 a verb denoting cont...
dustlike 17 15 resembling dust [adj...
dutiable 17 14 subject to import ta...
duvetine 15 15 (tradename) a smooth...
duvetyne 21 17 (tradename) a smooth...
dynamise 20 15 to make dynamic, als...
dynamite 20 15 to blow up with a po...
dynamize 23 24 to make dynamic, als...
dysodile 21 13 an impure earthy or...
dysodyle 27 15 an impure earthy or...
earphone 15 14 a headphone [n -S]
earpiece 17 14 an earphone [n -S]
earstone 11 9 an otolith, a calciu...
ebeniste 14 12 (French) a cabinetma...
ebionise 14 12 to follow the sect o...
ebionize 17 21 to follow the sect o...
ecaudate 15 13 tailless, also ACAUD...
ecdysone 21 15 an insect hormone, a...
echidnae 17 15 ECHIDNA, the spiny a...
echinate 17 14 prickly like a hedge...
eclogite 18 14 a crystalline rock c...
ecolodge 17 15 a tourist accommodat...
ecostate 15 11 of a leaf, having no...
ectogene 15 14 a gene involved in t...
ectomere 16 14 a cell that develops...
edentate 11 10 a toothless mammal a...
edgebone 14 15 the bone of the rump...
edgewise 17 14 with edge foremost o...
editable 16 13 able to be edited [a...
educable 19 17 someone able to be e...
educible 20 17 able to be drawn out...
eductive 19 17 drawn out [adj]
effierce 20 17 (Spenser) to make fi...
effraide 17 15 (obsolete) afraid, a...
effusive 20 19 pouring forth [adj E...
egestive 16 14 able to be egested [...
eglatere 14 11 (archaic) sweetbriar...
eglomise 16 14 (French) the techniq...
ejective 20 24 relating to ejection...
eklogite 16 15 a crystalline rock c...
ektexine 19 20 an outer layer of th...
elaphine 17 15 pertaining to a genu...
elastane 12 10 a synthetic fibre th...
elastase 13 9 an enzyme found in t...
elective 19 16 concerning the power...
elegance 16 15 the state of being e...
elidible 18 14 able to be elided [a...
eligible 19 15 fit to be chosen [n...
elongate 13 12 to lengthen [v ELONG...
elsewise 17 12 otherwise [adv]
eludible 18 15 able to be eluded [a...
eluviate 16 14 to undergo a transfe...
elvanite 15 14 a granular rock, als...
emaciate 16 14 to make thin [v EMAC...
embattle 17 15 to fortify against a...
embezzle 23 33 to appropriate money...
embolise 17 15 to cause an embolism...
embolize 20 24 to cause an embolism...
embusque 25 25 (French) a slacker o...
emeerate 12 11 the office of emeer,...
emendate 12 13 to correct, also EME...
emeraude 13 13 (Spenser) emerald, a...
emeritae 13 11 EMERITA, a retired w...
emigrate 15 13 to leave one's birth...
eminence 15 16 a high station or ra...
emissile 16 12 able to be pushed ou...
emissive 17 15 emitting or sending...
emmarble 18 18 to adorn with marble...
empeople 18 18 to fill with people...
emperise 16 14 to play the emperor,...
emperize 19 23 to play the emperor,...
empierce 19 17 (Spenser) to pierce,...
emplonge 17 18 to plunge, also IMPL...
employee 22 17 a person employed, a...
empresse 16 14 (French) eager, enth...
empurple 20 19 to dye purple, also...
emulsive 18 17 relating to emulsion...
enactive 17 16 having the power to...
enacture 15 13 (Shakespeare) a perf...
enallage 14 13 the exchange of one...
enargite 13 11 a dark-grey crystall...
encastre 15 12 of a beam, fixed at...
enceinte 14 13 a boundary wall encl...
encharge 18 16 (archaic) to entrust...
encircle 20 16 to form a circle aro...
enclothe 18 15 to clothe [v ENCLOTH...
encolure 16 14 a mane of a horse [n...
encradle 16 14 to lay in a cradle [...
encrease 14 12 to become larger, al...
endamage 13 15 to damage [v ENDAMAG...
endexine 17 18 an inner layer of th...
endodyne 17 14 of an electrical cir...
endorsee 11 10 a person to whom a b...
endosome 12 13 a cellular particle...
endplate 15 14 a type of nerve term...
energise 13 11 to give energy to, a...
energize 16 20 to give energy to, a...
enervate 13 13 to weaken, to debili...
enfeeble 16 16 to make feeble [v EN...
enfierce 17 15 (Spenser) to make fi...
enfilade 15 14 to direct gunfire al...
enfreeze 16 21 to freeze; to congea...
engirdle 15 13 to secure with a bel...
engramme 15 17 a deep-seated psycho...
engrieve 15 15 (Spenser) to grieve...
engroove 14 15 to fit into a groove...
enhearse 13 11 to enclose in a hear...
enkindle 14 16 to set on fire [v EN...
enlistee 13 10 one who is enlisted...
enlumine 14 15 to throw light upon,...
enophile 17 15 a wine connoisseur,...
enraunge 12 13 (Spenser) to arrange...
enrollee 13 11 one who is enrolled...
ensample 16 16 to give an example o...
ensconce 17 16 to settle comfortabl...
ensemble 16 16 (French) a group of...
enshrine 14 12 to place in a shrine...
ensilage 14 12 to store in a silo,...
ensphere 16 14 to enclose in a sphe...
enswathe 17 14 to wrap around, also...
entangle 13 13 to twist together [v...
enterate 11 9 having an alimentary...
enthrone 13 12 to place on a throne...
entrance 14 13 to fill with delight...
enveigle 16 16 to cajole, also INVE...
envelope 16 17 a paper container [n...
enviable 17 17 causing envy [adj]
envisage 15 15 to visualize, also E...
eolienne 11 11 (French) a fine dres...
eolipile 17 13 the first steam engi...
eolopile 16 13 the first steam engi...
ephorate 16 13 the office of ephor,...
epiclike 21 19 like an epic [adj]
epicycle 29 20 a small circle that...
epilogue 17 15 to supply with a con...
epiphyte 26 18 a plant which grows...
episcope 20 17 an instrument for pr...
epispore 17 14 the outer layer of a...
epistome 16 14 a structure over the...
epistyle 23 14 a part of a classica...
epitrite 16 11 a metrical foot cons...
epizoite 18 20 an epizoic organism...
epsomite 16 14 a mineral, native su...
equalise 22 19 to make equal, also...
equalize 25 28 to make equal, also...
equative 23 22 in grammar, denoting...
equipage 24 23 (French) attendance,...
equivoke 24 26 an ambiguous term; a...
eradiate 12 9 to shoot out like a...
erasable 15 12 able to be erased [a...
erectile 17 12 capable of being rai...
erective 18 15 tending to erect [ad...
erewhile 19 14 some time ago [adv]
ergative 16 14 a certain grammatica...
ergotise 14 10 to affect with ergot...
ergotize 17 19 to affect with ergot...
erionite 12 9 a mineral which occu...
erodable 15 13 that can be eroded,...
erodible 16 13 that can be eroded,...
erosible 16 12 that can be eroded,...
eructate 16 12 to belch out, also E...
eruptive 18 16 breaking out or burs...
escalade 16 13 (French) to scale th...
escalate 16 12 to increase [v ESCAL...
escalope 18 15 to cut in a scallop...
escapade 17 15 a reckless adventure...
escarole 16 12 a wavy-leafed salad...
espiegle 17 14 (French) roguish, fr...
esquisse 22 18 (French) the first s...
essonite 12 9 cinnamon stone, a va...
estacade 15 12 (French) a dike of s...
esterase 12 8 any of a number of e...
estimate 14 11 to calculate [v ESTI...
estivate 15 12 to spend the summer...
estrange 13 11 to alienate [v ESTRA...
estridge 15 11 (obsolete) an ostric...
etatisme 14 11 extreme state contro...
etatiste 13 8 someone who advocate...
eternise 12 9 to make eternal, als...
eternize 15 18 to make eternal, als...
etherise 15 10 to administer ether...
etherize 18 19 to administer ether...
ethicise 19 13 to treat as an ethic...
ethicize 22 22 to treat as an ethic...
ethonone 12 12 a toxic gas [n -S]
ethoxide 21 18 a type of saltlike c...
ethylate 22 13 to introduce the eth...
ethylene 21 14 an oil-forming gas,...
etiolate 13 9 to make pale by prev...
etouffee 16 15 (French) a Cajun ste...
etourdie 13 10 (French) foolish, th...
eulogiae 14 12 EULOGIA, (Latin) a b...
eulogise 15 12 to extol, also EULOG...
eulogize 18 21 to extol, also EULOG...
euphuise 18 15 to write in an affec...
euphuize 21 24 to write in an affec...
euronote 11 10 negotiable bearer no...
eurozone 14 19 the area formed by t...
eutaxite 19 16 a volcanic rock with...
euxenite 18 17 a mineral, a niobate...
evacuate 17 16 to move from a place...
evadable 17 17 able to be evaded [a...
evadible 18 17 that may be evaded,...
evaluate 15 14 to estimate the valu...
evanesce 16 16 to fade away or vani...
evasible 18 16 capable of being eva...
eventide 14 14 evening [n -S]
eventive 16 17 denoting an event [a...
evermore 15 15 forever [adv]
everyone 19 15 every person [pron]
evidence 17 17 to make apparent or...
evincive 20 20 tending to evince [a...
evitable 18 16 avoidable [adj]
evocable 20 19 able to be evoked [a...
evulgate 17 16 to divulge; to publi...
examinee 18 19 one who is taking an...
exaptive 23 22 involving a function...
excavate 23 22 to dig out [v EXCAVA...
exchange 24 23 to give and receive...
excludee 23 21 someone who is exclu...
excusive 25 23 pertaining to an exc...
execrate 21 18 to declare to be evi...
exercise 22 18 to perform a set dri...
exertive 21 19 having power or a te...
exhedrae 20 18 EXHEDRA, (Latin) a s...
exhumate 22 21 to dig out from the...
exigence 22 21 urgency, also EXIGEN...
exigible 24 21 liable to be demande...
exilable 23 20 able to be exiled [a...
exitance 21 19 a measure of radiati...
exocrine 21 19 a gland that secrete...
exorable 21 19 persuadable [adj]
exorcise 22 18 to free of an evil s...
exorcize 25 27 to free of an evil s...
exosmose 19 18 osmosis outwards, i....
exospore 20 18 the outer covering o...
expedite 21 19 expeditious [adj EXP...
expellee 22 20 someone who has been...
expiable 24 22 capable of being exp...
exposome 21 21 a collection of envi...
exposure 21 19 the act of exposing...
extrorse 19 15 facing outwards [adj...
extubate 21 19 to remove a tube fro...
exuviate 21 20 to cast off or shed...
eyepiece 23 16 the lens nearest the...
eyeshade 20 13 a visor for shading...
eyeshine 20 13 a reflection from th...
eyestone 17 11 a small, lenticular,...
fabrique 26 24 a parish group that...
fabulate 18 16 to compose fables [v...
fabulise 19 16 to write fables, als...
fabulize 22 25 to write fables, als...
faceable 20 18 able to be faced [ad...
facetiae 17 14 witty sayings or wri...
facetime 19 17 to communicate with...
falculae 20 17 FALCULA, a claw bent...
fallible 21 17 capable of erring [a...
fanglike 18 19 like a fang [adj]
fantasie 14 12 a free-form musical...
fantigue 16 15 anxiety, also FANTEE...
faradise 15 12 to treat by faradism...
faradize 18 21 to treat by faradism...
farceuse 18 15 (French) a (female)...
farfalle 19 16 pasta in the shape o...
farinose 14 12 resembling or yieldi...
farmable 19 18 able to be farmed [a...
farmwife 22 20 the wife of a farmer...
farouche 20 17 shy or ill at ease [...
fasciate 18 14 exhibiting a flatten...
fascicle 23 18 a bundle; a division...
fasciole 19 15 a band of colour, al...
fatigate 16 13 to weary, also FATIG...
faunlike 17 18 like a faun [adj]
faunulae 15 15 FAUNULA, the fauna o...
fauvette 17 16 (French) a small sin...
favorite 17 15 (US) favourite, a pe...
fawnlike 20 20 like a young deer [a...
fayalite 22 14 a silicate of iron f...
fearsome 15 14 causing fear [adj FE...
feasance 16 15 the performance of a...
feasible 18 15 capable of being don...
feblesse 18 15 (Spenser) feebleness...
federate 14 12 to unite in an allia...
feedable 17 16 able to be fed [adj]
feedhole 17 15 one of a series of h...
feedpipe 19 18 a pipe through which...
fellable 20 17 capable of being fel...
felstone 15 13 (obsolete) felsite,...
feltlike 19 17 like a cloth made fr...
femicide 20 18 the killing of women...
feminine 15 16 female [adj FEMININE...
feminise 16 15 to make womanly, als...
feminize 19 24 to make womanly, als...
fencible 21 19 a soldier enlisted f...
fernlike 17 17 like a fern [adj]
ferriage 16 13 the fare paid for fe...
fesswise 19 14 in the manner of a f...
feticide 19 15 the killing of a fet...
fiberise 18 14 to break into fibers...
fiberize 21 23 to break into fibers...
fibranne 16 16 a fabric made of spu...
figuline 18 16 of or relating to ea...
figurate 17 14 having a definite sh...
figurine 17 15 a small modelled or...
filagree 17 14 to adorn with intric...
filariae 16 12 FILARIA, a parasitic...
filature 17 13 the reeling of silk...
fileable 19 16 able to be filed [ad...
filename 16 16 the name of a comput...
filicide 21 16 the killing of one's...
filigree 18 14 to adorn with intric...
filioque 25 22 a doctrine that the...
fillable 21 17 capable of being fil...
filmable 21 19 able to be filmed [a...
filmlike 21 20 like film [adj]
filtrate 17 12 to filter [v FILTRAT...
fimbriae 19 17 FIMBRIA, a fringing...
finalise 16 13 to completely finish...
finalize 19 22 to completely finish...
findable 18 17 able to be found [ad...
fineable 17 16 subject to the payme...
finitude 16 14 the state of being f...
fippence 22 21 (colloquial) fivepen...
fireable 18 15 able to be fired [ad...
firebase 17 14 a military base from...
firehose 17 13 a hose used by firef...
fireside 16 12 the area immediately...
firmware 20 17 computer programs pe...
fishable 21 17 suitable for fishing...
fishbone 19 17 a bone of a fish [n...
fishcake 22 20 a cake made of fish...
fishlike 21 18 like a fish [adj]
fishline 19 15 a line used in fishi...
fishpole 21 17 a fishing rod [n -S]
fishwife 24 19 a woman who sells fi...
fisnomie 16 15 (Shakespeare) physio...
fistmele 18 15 a measure of length...
fistnote 15 12 an index mark which...
fistulae 17 13 FISTULA, a duct form...
fittable 19 15 able to be fitted [a...
fixative 24 22 a substance for pres...
fixature 22 19 a hair fixing prepar...
flagpole 20 18 a pole on a which a...
flammule 20 20 a little flame [n -S...
flanerie 15 13 commendable idleness...
flatette 16 12 (Australian slang) a...
flatline 17 14 to register as havin...
flatmate 17 15 a person with whom o...
flatware 19 15 tableware that is fa...
flatwise 20 15 with the flat side i...
flaysome 23 17 (dialect) frightenin...
fleabane 16 16 a flowering plant su...
fleabite 18 15 the bite of a flea [...
fleasome 16 15 full of fleas [adj]
flexible 26 23 able to be bent [adj...
flextime 24 22 a system that allows...
flexuose 22 20 full of windings and...
flinkite 18 17 a brownish-green min...
flipside 20 16 the reverse of somet...
floatage 16 14 the act of floating,...
floccose 22 18 woolly [adj]
floccule 24 20 a small tuft, also F...
floorage 16 14 floor space [n -S]
florence 18 16 an ancient gold coin...
florulae 17 14 FLORULA, a fossil fl...
floscule 21 17 a small flower [n -S...
flowable 22 19 capable of flowing [...
fluidise 18 14 to make fluid, also...
fluidize 21 23 to make fluid, also...
fluorene 15 14 a colorless, crystal...
fluoride 17 14 a compound of fluori...
fluorine 16 14 a gaseous element, a...
fluorite 17 13 a mineral form of ca...
fluxgate 24 22 a device for measuri...
foamable 18 18 able to foam [adj]
foamlike 18 19 like foam [adj]
focalise 19 15 to focus, also FOCAL...
focalize 22 24 to focus, also FOCAL...
foedarie 14 12 (Shakespeare) a conf...
foilable 19 16 able to be foiled [a...
foldable 19 17 able to be folded [a...
folklife 21 20 the traditions, skil...
folklike 20 21 having the quality o...
folklore 18 17 the beliefs and trad...
folkmote 18 19 a general assembly o...
folktale 18 17 a tale from the oral...
follicle 22 17 any small sac-like s...
fontange 14 15 a kind of tall head-...
footlike 17 16 resembling a foot [a...
footnote 13 12 to supply with an ex...
footpace 19 17 (obsolete) a walking...
footpage 17 16 a page, an attendant...
footrace 17 14 a race run on foot [...
footrope 16 14 a rope used in saili...
footrule 16 13 a ruler which is a f...
footsore 14 11 having sore or tired...
forborne 16 15 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forcible 22 18 having force [adj FO...
fordable 18 16 able to be forded [a...
fordonne 13 14 in Spenserian phrase...
forebode 16 15 to indicate in advan...
foredate 14 12 to date before the t...
foredone 13 13 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foreface 19 17 the front part of th...
foregone 14 14 FOREGO, to go before...
forename 14 15 a first name [n -S]
foreside 15 12 the front side [n -S...
foretime 16 14 the past; the time b...
forhaile 18 14 (Spenser) to distrac...
forhooie 16 13 to desert or abandon...
forjudge 19 24 to judge before hear...
forklike 19 20 like a fork [adj]
formable 19 18 able to be formed [a...
formiate 16 14 a salt of formic aci...
formulae 17 16 FORMULA, a prescribe...
forspoke 18 18 FORSPEAK, to speak a...
forswore 18 14 FORSWEAR, to deny un...
forwaste 18 14 to waste completely...
fossette 15 11 (French) a small hol...
fossulae 16 13 FOSSULA, a small dep...
fougasse 16 14 a small mine, in the...
fourchee 20 17 a kind of heraldic c...
foursome 16 15 a group of four [n -...
foveolae 16 16 FOVEOLA, a small fov...
foxglove 25 25 a tall plant with dr...
fracture 19 15 to break [v FRACTURE...
frailtee 16 12 (Spenser) frailty [n...
framable 19 18 that can be framed,...
francise 18 15 to force to adopt Fr...
francize 21 24 to force to adopt Fr...
frapeage 17 16 the practice of alte...
frautage 16 14 (Shakespeare) loadin...
fredaine 14 13 (French) an escapade...
freebase 16 14 to refine cocaine by...
freeride 15 12 an extreme form of s...
freeware 17 14 a free computer prog...
frescade 18 15 (French) a cool walk...
fretsome 16 14 fretful [adj]
frisette 16 11 a frizzed fringe of...
frizette 19 20 a frizzed fringe of...
froglike 19 18 like a frog [adj]
frondage 15 15 fronds collectively...
frondose 14 13 having fronds, also...
frontage 15 14 the front of a build...
frottage 16 13 masturbation by rubb...
fructive 22 19 productive or fruitf...
fructose 19 15 a sugar found in var...
fruitage 17 14 the process of beari...
fruitive 19 16 coming to fruition [...
frustule 18 14 the siliceous two-va...
fuchsine 21 18 a red dye, also FUCH...
fuchsite 22 17 a brilliant green ch...
fuckface 25 25 a contemptibly stupi...
fugitive 20 18 fleeing [adj FUGITIV...
fulcrate 20 16 supported by fulcrum...
fullface 23 20 a portrait or photog...
fumarase 16 15 an enzyme that catal...
fumarate 16 15 a salt of fumaric ac...
fumarole 17 16 a hole which emits v...
fumelike 19 20 like fumes [adj]
fumerole 17 16 a hole in a volcanic...
fumigate 18 17 to subject to fumes...
fundable 18 18 able to be funded [a...
fungible 20 19 something that may b...
funhouse 17 16 an amusement park at...
funkhole 19 20 a place of retreat f...
furanose 14 13 a sugar having four...
furculae 20 17 FURCULA, the jointed...
furlable 20 17 able to be furled [a...
furpiece 21 18 an item of clothing...
furuncle 20 18 a painful swelling o...
fusarole 16 13 a semi-circular moul...
fuselage 17 15 the elongated body s...
fuselike 18 17 like a fuse [adj]
fuzztone 21 31 a device for distort...
gadarene 12 12 headlong; precipitat...
gageable 17 16 able to be gaged [ad...
gainable 16 15 able to be gained [a...
galenite 14 12 the principal ore of...
galopade 16 15 (French) a lively ba...
gamelike 17 18 similar to a game [a...
gamesome 15 16 playful, merry, spor...
gamodeme 15 17 a somewhat isolated...
gangrene 13 14 to suffer loss of ti...
gantline 14 13 a rope used in singl...
gantlope 16 15 an armoured glove, a...
ganymede 20 17 a catamite, a boy ke...
gargoyle 22 15 an ornamental figure...
garrigue 16 13 (French) an uncultiv...
garrotte 14 10 to execute by strang...
gashouse 16 13 a gasworks [n -S]
gasogene 13 13 an apparatus for car...
gasolene 13 12 a liquid fuel, also...
gasoline 14 12 a liquid fuel, also...
gatelike 16 15 resembling a gate [a...
gauntree 13 12 a stand for barrels,...
gazogene 16 22 an apparatus for car...
gearcase 16 13 a casing for gears [...
gefuffle 22 21 a commotion, also CA...
gefullte 19 16 as in gefulllte fish...
gelatine 14 12 a colourless, odourl...
geminate 14 14 twinned [adj GEMINAT...
gemstone 14 14 a precious or semipr...
gendarme 14 15 a French policeman [...
generale 13 12 (Latin) a general pr...
generate 12 11 to bring into existe...
genitive 16 15 indicating possessio...
geniture 14 12 birth [n -S]
genocide 16 15 the deliberate exter...
genotype 21 16 the genetic constitu...
gentrice 17 14 (archaic) gentle bir...
geocache 21 18 to search for hidden...
geophone 16 16 (trademark) an instr...
geophyte 24 17 a plant that survive...
geoprobe 17 16 a spacecraft which e...
gerbille 19 15 a desert rodent, als...
germaine 14 14 (Shakespeare) a germ...
germfree 17 16 free of germs [adj]
germlike 18 18 like a germ [adj]
gettable 17 14 able to be got [adj]
gibbsite 20 16 a mineral, a hydrate...
giftable 20 17 something appropriat...
giftware 20 16 wares suitable for g...
gigabyte 24 17 a unit of informatio...
gingivae 17 17 GINGIVA, the fleshy...
ginhouse 16 14 a place where cotton...
girasole 15 11 a variety of opal, a...
girtline 16 12 a gantline, a rope u...
giveable 19 18 able to be given, al...
glabrate 17 14 smooth, also GLABROU...
glaciate 18 14 to cover with glacie...
gladiate 15 12 shaped like a sword...
gladiole 16 13 a lilylike plant of...
gladsome 16 15 feeling pleasure [ad...
glandule 16 15 a small gland or sec...
glassine 15 12 a transparent, glaze...
gleesome 15 14 merry, also GLEEFUL...
glenlike 17 17 like a glen [adj]
gliadine 15 13 one of a group of pr...
glissade 16 12 to perform a gliding...
gloriole 16 12 a halo [n -S]
glosseme 16 14 the smallest linguis...
gluelike 18 17 resembling glue [adj...
gnathite 16 13 a jawlike appendage...
gnatlike 16 16 like a gnat [adj]
gnawable 19 18 able to be gnawed [a...
goadlike 16 16 resembling a goad [a...
goatlike 16 15 resembling a goat [a...
gobshite 19 15 (vulgar) a garrulous...
goethite 16 12 a hydrous oxide of i...
goldsize 19 21 an adhesive used to...
goldtone 14 13 a photographic image...
gonglike 17 18 resembling a gong [a...
gonocyte 22 16 a cell that produces...
gonopore 14 14 a genital pore [n -S...
gonosome 13 14 the group of individ...
goodsire 14 11 a grandfather, also...
goodtime 15 14 pleasure seeking [ad...
goodwife 19 17 the mistress of a ho...
gradable 17 15 things that are grad...
graduate 14 12 to receive an academ...
graecise 17 13 to provide with a Gr...
graecize 20 22 to provide with a Gr...
graftage 17 15 the process of graft...
grainage 14 13 duties on grain [n -...
gramarye 21 15 occult learning or m...
grammage 17 18 a weight of paper ex...
gramoche 20 18 a type of legging, a...
grandame 14 15 dam's or sires dam,...
grapheme 19 18 a unit of a writing...
graphene 17 16 a film of graphite w...
graphite 19 15 a soft variety of ca...
grapline 17 15 a type of anchor, al...
gratinee 13 11 (French) to cook or...
gravidae 16 15 GRAVIDA, a pregnant...
grazable 20 23 able to be grazed, a...
greegree 14 12 an African talisman...
greeneye 18 13 a small West Atlanti...
grenache 18 16 a kind of black grap...
grewsome 18 16 repugnant, also GRUE...
grillade 17 13 a dish of grilled me...
grillage 18 14 a framework of timbe...
grimoire 16 13 a book of magical lo...
griptape 19 16 a rough adhesive tap...
grisette 15 10 a young French worki...
groupage 17 16 collection of object...
growable 20 17 able to be grown [ad...
gruesome 15 14 repugnant, also GREW...
grumphie 21 19 (Scots) a pig, also...
guarache 19 16 (Spanish) a flat-hee...
guardage 15 14 the state of being u...
gudesire 15 12 a grandfather, also...
gudewife 20 18 the mistress of a ho...
guidable 18 16 able to be guided [a...
guidance 17 16 advice [n -S]
gulflike 21 20 resembling a deep ch...
gullable 20 17 easily deceived, als...
gullible 21 17 easily deceived, als...
gunhouse 16 15 a shelter for a gun...
gunkhole 18 19 a slimy bay or ancho...
gunstone 13 13 (Shakespeare) a ston...
gurgoyle 23 16 an ornamental figure...
gustable 18 15 something capable of...
gyrodyne 26 16 a craft which uses r...
gyrolite 22 13 a mineral, hydrated...
habitude 18 15 a usual course of ac...
hackable 22 21 that can be hacked e...
hackette 19 17 a woman journalist [...
hairlike 18 15 resembling a hair [a...
hairline 16 12 the edge of the hair...
halazone 17 21 a disinfectant for d...
halflife 22 18 the time taken for h...
halfpace 23 20 a dais; a small land...
halfpipe 23 20 a U-shaped course us...
halftime 20 17 an intermission at a...
halftone 17 15 a shade between ligh...
halicore 19 14 the dugong, a manate...
halidome 17 15 (archaic) holiness,...
halimote 17 14 an erroneous form of...
halolike 18 16 resembling a halo [a...
halosere 15 11 a plant community th...
hamulate 17 15 relating to a small...
hamulose 17 15 relating to a small...
handlike 17 17 resembling a hand [a...
handline 15 14 a fishing line worke...
handmade 15 16 made by hand [adj]
handsome 15 15 attractive [adj HAND...
hangable 18 17 able to be hung [adj...
hangfire 18 16 a delay in explosion...
harakeke 16 18 (Maori) flax [n -S]
harambee 17 16 a Swahili rallying c...
harangue 15 14 to deliver a tirade...
hardbake 18 18 a sweetmeat of boile...
hardcase 18 14 a person difficult t...
hardcore 18 14 unyielding [adj] / a...
hardedge 16 14 in art, the use of b...
hardface 20 17 a relentless and unc...
hardline 16 13 of an attitude or po...
hardnose 14 12 a tough, unsentiment...
hardware 18 14 metal goods [n -S]
hardwire 19 14 to permanently conne...
harelike 17 15 resembling a long-ea...
hateable 17 14 capable of being, or...
hawklike 22 22 resembling a bird of...
hawknose 18 18 a large curved nose...
headache 19 16 a pain inside the he...
headcase 17 14 (colloquial) a perso...
headgate 15 13 a gate to control th...
headlike 17 16 like a head [adj]
headline 15 13 to provide with a ti...
headnote 13 12 a note at the head o...
headrace 17 14 the channel leading...
headrope 16 14 that part of a boltr...
healable 18 15 able to be healed [a...
healsome 16 14 (Scots) wholesome, a...
hearable 17 14 able to be heard [ad...
heatable 17 14 able to be heated [a...
heatwave 19 17 a spell of unusually...
hebetate 16 13 to make dull or obtu...
hebetude 17 15 mental dullness [n -...
hebraise 17 13 to make Hebrew, also...
hebraize 20 22 to make Hebrew, also...
hegumene 16 17 the head of a nunner...
helicase 19 14 any of a group of en...
hellfire 20 15 the torment of hell...
hellhole 20 15 a horrible place [n...
hellkite 19 16 an extremely cruel p...
helotage 16 13 the state of helots...
helpable 21 18 able to be helped [a...
helpline 19 16 an often free teleph...
helpmate 19 17 a friend, companion,...
hematine 15 14 a compound of hemogl...
hematite 16 13 an ore of iron, also...
hemipode 18 17 the button quail, al...
hemocyte 25 18 a blood cell [n -S]
hemolyse 23 16 to break down red bl...
hemolyze 26 25 to break down red bl...
hemplike 21 21 like hemp [adj]
henhouse 16 14 a shelter for poultr...
hepatise 17 13 to convert into a li...
hepatite 17 13 a variety of barite...
hepatize 20 22 to convert into a li...
herblike 20 18 like a herb [adj]
herdlike 18 16 resembling a herd [a...
heritage 16 12 something that is in...
herniate 14 11 to protrude through...
herptile 19 14 relating to both rep...
hesitate 15 10 to hold back or dela...
hetaerae 13 10 HETAERA, a Greek cou...
hexamine 21 21 a chemical compound,...
hexylene 27 21 a colorless, liquid...
hiccatee 21 16 a West Indian freshw...
highlife 23 18 the lifestyle of fas...
highrise 20 14 a building with many...
hillside 19 13 the side of a hill [...
hireable 18 14 available for hire,...
hittable 19 14 able to be hitted [a...
hivelike 20 19 resembling a beehive...
holdable 19 16 able to be held [adj...
holesome 16 14 (Spenser) wholesome,...
holocene 17 15 relating to the seco...
holotype 24 16 the original type sp...
holydame 23 17 (Shakespeare) holine...
holytide 23 14 a time of religious...
homelike 18 18 like a home [adj]
homemade 16 17 made at home [adj]
homepage 18 18 the main page of a w...
homesite 16 13 one's own site on th...
homeware 18 16 the things that furn...
homicide 20 17 the killing of one p...
hominine 15 15 characteristic of ma...
hominise 16 14 to alter the environ...
hominize 19 23 to alter the environ...
homodyne 21 17 describing a boosted...
homotype 24 18 something with the s...
homuncle 20 19 a little man, a mani...
honeybee 21 16 any bee of the genus...
honouree 13 12 a person who is hono...
hoodlike 17 16 like a hood [adj]
hooflike 19 18 like a hoof [adj]
hooklike 18 19 like a hook [adj]
hooknose 14 15 a strongly curved no...
hooplike 19 18 like a hoop [adj]
hornlike 17 16 like horn [adj]
hornpipe 19 17 a lively British fol...
horologe 16 13 any instrument for t...
horrible 19 14 dreadful [adj HORRIB...
hoselike 17 15 like a hose [adj]
hosepipe 19 16 a flexible water pip...
hothouse 17 13 to rear intensively...
hotplate 18 14 an electrically heat...
huarache 20 16 (Spanish) a flat-hee...
huggable 21 19 cuddlesome [adj]
huisache 21 16 (Nahuatl) a thorny,...
humanise 16 15 to make human, also...
humanize 19 24 to make human, also...
humicole 21 18 any plant that thriv...
humiture 18 15 a combined measureme...
hummable 21 21 able to be hummed [a...
humplike 22 22 like a hump [adj]
huntable 18 16 able to be hunted [a...
hushabye 26 18 go to sleep, also HU...
husklike 20 20 like a husk [adj]
hylobate 24 16 any species of the g...
hymnlike 25 21 like a hymn [adj]
hyoscine 24 16 a sleep-inducing dru...
hyperope 25 18 a farsighted person...
hypnotee 22 16 a hypnotized person...
hypobole 26 19 the anticipation and...
hypogene 23 18 formed or occurring...
ianthine 14 12 violet-coloured [adj...
ibogaine 15 14 an alkaloid used as...
icehouse 18 14 an underground cella...
icescape 21 17 a landscape covered...
icestone 15 12 another name for cry...
icterine 16 12 marked yellow [adj]
idealise 14 10 to regard as perfect...
idealize 17 19 to regard as perfect...
ideative 15 13 relating to ideation...
idiotype 22 14 the unique part of a...
idocrase 16 12 another name for the...
illative 18 14 indicating movement...
illumine 17 15 to throw light upon,...
illusive 19 15 based on illusion, a...
ilmenite 15 13 a brownish-black tit...
imbecile 21 18 feebleminded [adj IM...
imitable 18 15 capable of being imi...
immantle 16 16 to cloak in a mantle...
immature 16 15 not mature [adj IMMA...
immingle 18 18 to mix [v IMMINGLED,...
imminute 16 16 (archaic) lessened,...
immobile 19 18 stationary [adj]
immolate 16 15 to kill as a sacrifi...
immotile 17 15 lacking mobility [ad...
immunise 16 16 to render immune fro...
immunize 19 25 to render immune fro...
impanate 15 15 eucharistically embo...
impledge 19 18 to pawn, put in pled...
implunge 19 19 to plunge, also EMPL...
impolite 18 15 having bad manners [...
impresse 17 14 an emblem with a mot...
impurple 21 19 to dye purple, also...
inactive 18 16 not active, also UNA...
inarable 15 13 arid or barren [adj]
inaurate 12 10 to cover with gold [...
incentre 15 13 the centre of an ins...
inchoate 17 14 beginning [adj INCHO...
inchtape 20 17 a measuring tape mar...
incisive 19 16 cutting, trenchant [...
incisure 17 13 a cut or incision [n...
inconnue 14 15 an unknown (female)...
incorpse 18 15 to incorporate [v IN...
increase 15 12 to become larger, al...
increate 15 12 (archaic) existing w...
incubate 18 16 to warm eggs for hat...
incudate 16 14 shaped like an incus...
indagate 13 12 to investigate [v IN...
indamine 13 14 any unstable organic...
indicate 16 13 to point out [v INDI...
indictee 16 13 one who is indicted...
indigene 13 13 one born in a countr...
indocile 17 14 not docile, also UND...
indorsee 12 10 a person to whom a b...
induciae 16 14 a Scottish legal tim...
inductee 16 14 one who is inducted...
induline 14 13 a blue dye, also IND...
indurate 13 11 to make hard, callou...
induviae 15 15 persistent withered...
inedible 16 14 not fit to be eaten,...
inertiae 12 9 INERTIA, the tendenc...
inessive 15 13 a case in Finnish no...
infamise 16 15 to proclaim as infam...
infamize 19 24 to proclaim as infam...
infaunae 13 14 INFAUNA, fauna livin...
inferiae 14 12 offerings to the spi...
inficete 18 15 not facetious [adj]
infinite 15 13 without limit [adj I...
infringe 16 15 to violate an oath o...
infusive 18 17 capable of infusing...
ingroove 15 15 to fit into a groove...
inhearse 14 11 (Shakespeare) to enc...
inhumane 15 16 not humane [adj INHU...
inhumate 16 15 to bury, also INHUME...
initiate 13 9 to begin or start [v...
inkstone 13 14 a type of stone used...
innative 14 14 native [adj]
innovate 13 14 to introduce somethi...
inornate 11 10 not ornate, also UNO...
inotrope 14 12 a drug for controlli...
insconce 18 16 to settle comfortabl...
inscribe 19 15 to write or engrave...
insecure 16 13 not safe; apprehensi...
inshrine 15 12 to place in a shrine...
insolate 13 10 to expose to the sun...
insource 16 13 to subcontract work...
insphere 17 14 to enclose in a sphe...
instable 16 13 not stable, also UNS...
instance 15 13 to cite as an exampl...
instroke 14 13 the upstroke of a pi...
insulate 14 11 to isolate from conn...
inswathe 18 14 to wrap around, also...
interage 13 11 including people of...
internee 11 10 one who has been int...
intertie 13 9 a short timber bindi...
inthrone 14 12 to place on a throne...
intimate 14 12 innermost [adj INTIM...
intitule 15 11 to give a right to,...
intonate 11 10 to modulate the voic...
intrigue 15 12 to arouse the curios...
intrince 16 13 intricate [adj]
introrse 13 9 turned or facing inw...
intubate 15 13 to insert a tube int...
inundate 12 12 to fill with overflo...
inurbane 14 14 not urbane [adj INUR...
invasive 17 17 aggressive [adj]
inveagle 16 16 to cajole, also INVE...
inveigle 17 16 to cajole, also ENVE...
inviable 18 17 not viable, also UNV...
invirile 17 14 not virile [adj]
invocate 17 16 to appeal to for hel...
involute 16 15 infolded [adj INVOLU...
iodinate 12 10 to treat with iodine...
iodyrite 20 11 native silver iodide...
iriscope 19 14 an instrument showin...
ironlike 15 14 like iron [adj]
ironside 13 10 a man of great stren...
ironware 15 12 articles made of iro...
irrigate 15 10 to water by canals o...
irritate 14 8 to excite to impatie...
isochime 20 16 a line connecting po...
isochore 18 13 a curve showing pres...
isocline 17 13 a cline with strata...
isocryme 24 16 a contour line of eq...
isolable 17 13 capable of being iso...
isologue 15 12 an organic compound...
isophone 16 14 a line delineating a...
isophote 17 13 a line connecting po...
isoprene 14 12 a hydrocarbon of the...
isothere 15 10 a line connecting po...
issuable 17 13 authorized for issui...
issuance 16 13 the act of giving ou...
iterance 15 12 repetition [n -S]
jacinthe 20 23 an orange colour [n...
jaculate 19 22 to throw or cast, as...
jadelike 17 23 like jade [adj]
jailable 19 22 able to be jailed [a...
jalousie 16 19 an outside shutter w...
jamboree 17 23 a noisy celebration...
jammable 20 27 able to be jammed [a...
jampanee 16 24 a bearer of a jampan...
japanise 16 21 to make Japanese, al...
japanize 19 30 to make Japanese, al...
jarosite 15 17 a sulphate of potass...
jarovise 17 21 to hasten the flower...
jarovize 20 30 to hasten the flower...
jaundice 18 23 to prejudice unfavou...
jazzlike 24 40 resembling a type of...
jealouse 15 19 (Scots) to suspect,...
jeanette 13 18 a light or coarse je...
jobshare 19 22 the practice of divi...
jockette 19 24 (facetious) a female...
joinable 17 22 able to be joined [a...
jointure 15 19 the settlement of a...
jokesome 16 24 amusing [adj]
joncanoe 15 22 a boisterous West In...
jubilate 19 22 to rejoice [v JUBILA...
judicare 19 22 government-paid lega...
jugulate 18 22 to cut the throat of...
julienne 15 21 a kind of soup conta...
jumboise 19 24 to enlarge a ship us...
jumboize 22 33 to enlarge a ship us...
jumpable 22 28 able to be jumped [a...
jumprope 21 27 a rope used in child...
juncture 19 23 the act of joining [...
jutelike 18 23 like jute [adj]
juvenile 18 24 young, not adult [ad...
kablooie 16 16 an interjection expr...
kaboodle 16 17 a crowd or collectio...
kafuffle 22 23 a fuss, a commotion,...
kalewife 20 19 a female vegetable v...
kalifate 17 16 the domain of a Musl...
kalinite 15 14 native potash alum [...
kalookie 15 17 a card game similar...
kalotype 23 18 an early type of pho...
kamacite 18 18 a variety of nickeli...
kamikaze 19 28 a suicide attack by...
kedgeree 14 15 a food in India [n -...
keelhale 17 16 to punish by draggin...
keepable 18 19 able to be kept [adj...
keepsake 16 19 a memento [n -S]
kefuffle 22 23 (Scots) a commotion...
keratose 13 12 of certain sponges,...
kerbside 17 16 the side of a paveme...
kermesse 15 15 (Dutch) a cycle race...
kerosene 12 13 a fuel oil, also KER...
kerosine 13 13 a fuel oil, also KER...
ketamine 14 16 an anaesthetic drug...
ketoxime 21 22 an oxime product of...
keybugle 25 21 a bugle with keys [n...
keyframe 23 20 the frozen image in...
keystone 19 15 to produce a distort...
kickable 22 23 able to be kicked [a...
kidglove 19 20 careful and diplomat...
kidnapee 15 17 one who is kidnapped...
killable 20 18 able to be killed [a...
killogie 18 16 (Scots) the space in...
kilobase 17 16 a length of a thousa...
kilobyte 24 18 one thousand bytes [...
kilomole 17 17 one thousand moles [...
kiltlike 19 18 like a kilt [adj]
kinglike 18 20 like a king [adj]
kingside 16 16 a part of a chessboa...
kiskadee 15 17 a kind of large flyc...
kissable 18 16 able to be kissed [a...
kitelike 17 17 like a light covered...
klondike 16 19 to export (fish, esp...
klondyke 22 21 to export herrings,...
kneehole 15 16 the space beneath a...
knitbone 15 17 the plant comfrey [n...
knoblike 18 21 like a knob [adj]
knothole 16 16 a hole in a plank [n...
knotlike 16 18 like a knot [adj]
knowable 19 20 able to be known [ad...
kohekohe 18 20 a New Zealand tree w...
kreasote 13 12 to treat with a wood...
kreatine 13 13 a chemical found wit...
kreosote 13 12 a pitch-like substan...
krumkake 18 24 (Swedish) a kind of...
kryolite 22 15 a mineral, also CRYO...
kunekune 14 20 (Maori) a feral pig...
kyrielle 23 16 (French) a string of...
laborite 16 12 one who supports wor...
lacelike 19 17 like a lace [adj]
lacerate 16 12 to tear roughly [v L...
laciniae 16 13 LACINIA, a long narr...
lacrosse 17 12 a type of ball game...
lacunate 16 14 relating to a lacuna...
lacunose 16 14 marked by shallow de...
ladylike 23 17 like a lady [adj]
ladylove 23 17 a sweetheart [n -S]
laetrile 15 10 (tradename) a drug d...
lagnappe 18 18 (Spanish) a small gi...
laitance 16 13 a milky deposit on t...
lakelike 17 18 like a lake [adj]
lakeside 15 14 the land on the edge...
lambaste 17 15 to beat severely, al...
lamblike 20 20 like a lamb [adj]
lamellae 16 14 LAMELLA, a thin plat...
laminate 14 13 to compress into a t...
laminose 14 13 composed of laminae,...
lampasse 17 15 inflammation of the...
lamphole 20 18 a shaft for lowering...
landline 14 13 a line of communicat...
landmine 14 15 to lay landmines [v...
landrace 16 14 a large white Danish...
landside 14 12 the flat side of a p...
langrage 15 14 a shot consisting of...
langsyne 20 15 (Scots) long since;...
language 15 15 to express in a body...
lanoline 13 12 a fatty substance ob...
lapidate 16 13 to hurl stones at [v...
lapsable 19 16 liable to lapse, als...
lapsible 20 16 liable to lapse, als...
lapstone 15 13 a stone for the lap,...
lardlike 17 15 like lard [adj]
largesse 15 11 generosity, also LAR...
larksome 16 16 given to larking, al...
laterise 14 9 to convert to lateri...
laterite 14 9 a highly weathered r...
laterize 17 18 to convert to lateri...
latewake 17 16 an erroneous form of...