10 letter words that end with E

10 letter words that end with E

10 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abbreviate 22 20 to make briefer [v A...
abdicative 24 21 relating to abdicati...
aberdevine 19 19 a bird-fancier's nam...
abhorrence 22 19 the act of abhorring...
abirritate 19 13 to soothe or make le...
ablutomane 19 19 one obsessed with wa...
abominable 21 21 hateful, detestable,...
aborticide 22 17 the killing of a fet...
abreactive 23 20 relating to abreacti...
abridgable 23 20 that can abridged, a...
abrogative 21 19 relating to annulmen...
absolutise 20 15 to make absolute [v...
absolutive 22 19 a grammatical case [...
absolutize 23 24 to make absolute [v...
absolvable 24 22 capable of being abs...
absorbable 23 20 that can be absorbed...
absorbance 22 20 the ability of a sub...
absorptive 23 20 capable of absorbing...
abstersive 21 17 serving to cleanse o...
abstinence 20 18 voluntary forbearanc...
accelerate 22 17 to bring about at an...
accentuate 21 18 to emphasize [v ACCE...
acceptable 27 23 that can be accepted...
acceptance 26 23 the act of accepting...
accessible 26 20 able to be accessed...
accomplice 30 26 one associated with...
accordable 25 21 agreeing [adj]
accordance 24 21 agreement, also ACCO...
accostable 25 20 approachable; affabl...
accumulate 25 22 to gather or pile up...
accusative 25 21 accusing [adj ACCUSA...
achievable 26 23 that can be achieved...
achondrite 21 17 a stony meteorite wi...
acidophile 25 20 a substance, tissue...
acoelomate 19 17 an animal that lacks...
acquirable 31 27 able to be acquired...
acrylamide 28 20 an amide used in the...
actinolite 20 15 a bright green varie...
actinomere 19 17 one of any opposite...
actionable 21 18 that can be actioned...
adamantine 15 16 of adamant; hard as...
adaptative 20 18 adaptive [adj]
adderstone 15 13 a prehistoric spindl...
adduceable 22 20 that can be adduced...
adequative 26 25 tending to be or mak...
adjudicate 22 25 to settle judicially...
adjunctive 24 29 joining; forming an...
adjustable 22 25 that can be adjusted...
admirative 20 18 (archaic) relating t...
admiraunce 20 19 (Spenser) admiration...
admissible 22 18 that can be admitted...
admittable 21 18 that can be admitted...
admittance 20 18 the act of admitting...
admonitive 19 19 of or like an admoni...
adrenaline 15 14 a hormone secreted b...
adsorbable 21 18 that can be adsorbed...
adsorptive 21 18 relating to adsorpti...
adulterate 17 13 to make impure by th...
adulterine 17 14 an offspring of adul...
adulterise 18 13 (archaic) to commit...
adulterize 21 22 (archaic) to commit...
advertence 20 19 the act of adverting...
advisorate 18 15 the body of advisors...
advocative 23 22 relating to the func...
aeciospore 20 16 a spore produced in...
aerobicise 21 16 to make aerobic, als...
aerobicize 24 25 to make aerobic, als...
aerogramme 18 18 an airmail letter, a...
aerosolise 16 11 to turn into an aero...
aerosolize 19 20 to turn into an aero...
aerosphere 19 15 the entire atmospher...
affectable 26 23 that can be affected...
affiliable 25 21 capable of being aff...
affinitive 23 21 closely connected, a...
affirmable 25 23 that can be affirmed...
affirmance 24 23 confirmation; ratifi...
afflictive 28 24 causing distress [ad...
affordable 23 21 that can be afforded...
affrontive 22 21 tending to affront o...
afterimage 20 18 a usually visual sen...
afterpiece 23 19 a minor piece after...
aftershave 22 19 a usually scented lo...
aftertaste 18 13 persistence of a sen...
aggrandise 18 16 to increase the powe...
aggrandize 21 25 to increase the powe...
aggressive 21 18 tending toward or ex...
agoraphobe 22 20 one with a morbid fe...
alabandine 17 17 a deep red garnet co...
alabandite 18 16 a cubic mineral, mag...
albescence 24 21 the act of becoming...
albumenise 20 19 to cover or impregna...
albumenize 23 28 to cover or impregna...
albuminate 20 19 a substance produced...
albuminise 21 19 to cover or impregna...
albuminize 24 28 to cover or impregna...
alcoholise 23 17 to convert into or s...
alcoholize 26 26 to convert into or s...
aldohexose 24 21 a class of sugars, i...
alkalinise 19 17 to make alkaline [v...
alkalinize 22 26 to make alkaline [v...
allegeance 20 18 alleviation [n -S]
allegiance 21 18 the obligation of a...
allegorise 19 14 to make an allegory...
allegorize 22 23 to make an allegory...
alliterate 18 12 to form an alliterat...
alongshore 19 16 along the shore or c...
alpestrine 19 15 of plants, growing a...
altarpiece 22 17 a work of art that d...
alterative 19 15 a medicine or treatm...
alternance 18 16 alternation, change...
amalgamate 19 19 to unite in or as if...
amantadine 15 16 a drug used to preve...
amarantine 15 15 like amaranth, of a...
ameliorate 17 14 to make better, also...
amerceable 22 20 liable to be amerced...
amerciable 23 20 liable to be amerced...
amianthine 18 17 of or like amianthus...
amoebocyte 27 21 a cell, like a leuko...
amphiphile 28 24 a type of molecule t...
ampliative 23 21 amplificatory (now c...
amygdalate 25 19 related to the almon...
amygdaline 25 20 relating to tonsils...
anabaptise 19 17 to rebaptise [v ANAB...
anabaptize 22 26 to rebaptize [v ANAB...
anadyomene 20 18 coming up or emergin...
analysable 25 18 capable of being ana...
analyzable 28 27 capable of being ana...
anandamide 15 17 a brain receptor tha...
anastomose 15 14 to inosculate; to in...
anastrophe 19 16 an inversion of the...
anchorette 20 16 a young inexperience...
andalusite 17 14 a silicate of alumin...
andropause 17 16 the male menopause [...
androphore 19 17 a support or column...
anecdotage 18 17 anecdotes collective...
anemochore 20 19 a plant in which the...
anemoscope 20 20 any device that show...
anglophile 23 20 one who loves the En...
anglophobe 23 22 one who hates the En...
anglophone 20 20 an English-speaking...
animalcule 22 20 a small animal, as a...
animallike 20 20 like an animal [adj]
annihilate 18 15 to destroy completel...
annotative 16 16 characterized by ann...
annullable 20 19 that can be annulled...
annunciate 17 17 to announce, proclai...
annuntiate 14 14 (obsolete) to procla...
anopheline 19 18 a mosquito of the an...
answerable 21 18 that can be answered...
antagonise 15 14 to arouse opposition...
antagonize 18 23 to arouse opposition...
anthemwise 22 19 in the manner of an...
anthophore 21 18 the stipe when devel...
anthracene 19 17 a tricyclic aromatic...
anthracite 21 16 a kind of hard coal...
antichoice 24 19 opposed to abortion...
anticipate 21 17 to expect, look forw...
antidazzle 23 31 designed to prevent...
antifemale 19 18 opposed to the femal...
antifreeze 20 23 a substance added to...
antilopine 18 16 of antelopes [adj]
antimasque 25 24 a secondary mask, or...
antimonate 15 15 a salt of any antimo...
antimonide 16 16 a binary compound wi...
antimonite 16 15 a compound of antimo...
antinature 15 13 against nature [adj]
antiplague 20 18 designed to prevent...
antiplaque 27 25 designed to prevent...
antipolice 22 18 opposed to the polic...
antipyrine 24 17 an artificial alkalo...
antistrike 18 15 opposed to a strike...
antivenene 15 17 an antitoxin counter...
aphidicide 25 20 something that kills...
apiculture 24 19 beekeeping [n -S]
apocalypse 30 22 any book purporting...
apophysate 28 20 relating to an apoph...
apostatise 18 13 to change one's reli...
apostatize 21 22 to change one's reli...
apostolate 18 14 the office of an apo...
apostolise 19 14 to preach, also APOS...
apostolize 22 23 to preach, also APOS...
apostrophe 22 18 the addressing of a...
appealable 23 21 capable of being app...
appearance 21 20 external show [n -S]
appeasable 22 20 capable of being app...
appendicle 24 22 a small appendage [n...
apperceive 25 23 to perceive an inner...
appetitive 23 20 having or giving an...
applausive 24 22 expressing applause...
applesauce 24 21 a relish or dessert...
applicable 28 24 that can be applied,...
appointive 22 21 subject to appointme...
appositive 23 20 relating to appositi...
appraisive 23 20 having an appraising...
appreciate 23 19 to grasp the nature,...
apprentice 23 20 to set someone to wo...
approvable 25 24 worthy of being appr...
approvance 24 24 (archaic) approval [...
aquamanale 24 25 a ewer in the form o...
aquamanile 25 25 a ewer in the form o...
aquamarine 24 24 a transparent blue,...
araeostyle 22 13 a building or colonn...
arbitrable 22 17 capable of being dec...
arborvitae 20 17 any of a number of N...
archespore 23 18 the cell or group of...
architrave 24 19 the collective name...
archontate 20 16 an archon's term of...
arctophile 25 19 a lover or collector...
argyrodite 24 15 a mineral composed o...
arpeggiate 20 17 to perform or write...
arpeggione 19 18 (Italian) an early 1...
arragonite 16 13 an orthorhombic mine...
arrestable 19 14 that can be arrested...
arrogative 19 16 relating to arrogati...
arthrodiae 18 13 ARTHRODIA, in zoolog...
arthromere 19 15 an arthropod body se...
articulate 21 15 speaking clearly [ad...
arvicoline 22 19 relating to the wate...
ascendable 21 19 capable of being asc...
ascendance 20 19 the state of being a...
ascendence 20 19 the state of being a...
ascendible 22 19 capable of being asc...
ascomycete 29 21 one of the main divi...
ascribable 25 20 capable of being asc...
ascriptive 25 20 relating to ascripti...
asepticise 22 16 to make aseptic; to...
asepticize 25 25 to make aseptic; to...
asparagine 18 16 an amino acid found...
aspectable 24 20 (archaic) visible; w...
asphaltite 22 16 a native asphalt occ...
asphyxiate 33 24 to cause asphyxia in...
assailable 20 15 that can be assailed...
assaultive 20 16 relating to assault...
assemblage 21 19 (French) the collect...
assertable 19 14 that can be asserted...
assertible 20 14 that can be asserted...
assessable 19 14 liable to be assesse...
asseverate 17 14 to state positively,...
assibilate 20 14 to pronounce with a...
assignable 20 17 that can be assigned...
assimilate 19 14 to make or be like [...
assistance 19 14 the act of assisting...
associable 22 17 capable of being ass...
assumptive 23 21 assumed, or capable...
astrictive 23 17 binding; astringent...
astrobleme 20 17 the wound left by a...
asynartete 21 13 not connected, consi...
atmosphere 21 18 the body of air and...
attachable 24 19 that can be attached...
attackable 23 21 capable of being att...
attainable 18 15 that can be attained...
attainture 16 12 process of attaint [...
attendance 17 16 the act of attending...
attestable 19 14 that can be attested...
attractive 22 17 having or relating t...
aubergiste 20 16 (French) an innkeepe...
audiophile 22 18 a person who is enth...
auriculate 21 16 having ears or ear-s...
auscultate 21 16 to listen to the sou...
australite 18 12 a tektite found in t...
autoimmune 18 19 of, relating to, or...
autojumble 23 28 a jumble sale involv...
autolysate 23 14 a product of autolys...
autolyzate 26 23 a product of autolys...
automatise 17 14 to make automatic, a...
automatize 20 23 to make automatic, a...
automobile 20 18 a usually four-wheel...
automotive 19 18 self-propelling; rel...
autorotate 15 11 to self-turn [v AUTO...
autostrade 16 12 AUTOSTRADA, (Italian...
autotomise 17 14 to effect an autotom...
autotomize 20 23 to effect an autotom...
auxochrome 28 26 a group of atoms tha...
avanturine 17 17 a glass containing g...
aventurine 17 17 a glass containing g...
aviculture 24 20 the rearing of birds...
avouchable 26 24 (archaic) capable of...
avunculate 22 21 the custom in some s...
avvogadore 20 21 (Italian) an officia...
axiomatise 23 20 to make axiomatic, a...
axiomatize 26 29 to reduce to a syste...
azobenzene 21 33 a dye containing an...
azygospore 28 26 a thick-walled spore...
babblative 26 24 given to babbling, l...
babelesque 29 27 full of confused sou...
backstroke 24 24 to swim on the back...
balconette 21 18 a miniature balcony,...
ballistite 22 15 a kind of smokeless...
balustrade 20 16 a row of columns sup...
bannerette 16 15 a small banner [n -S...
barbellate 22 18 having short, stiff...
barcarolle 23 18 (French) a gondolier...
barkantine 18 19 a three-masted vesse...
barkentine 18 19 a three-masted vesse...
baronetage 17 16 the title of baronet...
barycentre 27 19 a centre of mass, es...
barysphere 29 20 the area of earth un...
basaltware 22 17 a hard fine-grained...
basketlike 22 22 like a basket [adj]
bastardise 19 14 to make a bastard of...
bastardize 22 23 to make or prove to...
bastnasite 18 14 (Swedish) a reddish-...
bathyscape 32 23 a submersible observ...
battledore 19 15 a light bat for stri...
bawdyhouse 30 22 a brothel [n -S]
beforetime 21 19 (archaic) formerly [...
believable 24 22 that can be believed...
bellamoure 21 19 (Spenser) a beloved,...
bellarmine 21 19 a large jug with rou...
beltcourse 23 18 an ornamental projec...
benedicite 21 18 (Latin) a blessing,...
benzocaine 22 27 a drug used as a loc...
benzpyrene 28 29 a cancer-inducing hy...
bescribble 28 23 (archaic) to scribbl...
besprinkle 23 22 to sprinkle over; to...
bestialise 20 14 to make bestial, als...
bestialize 23 23 to make bestial, als...
bestraddle 20 16 to bestride [v BESTR...
biannulate 18 17 having two bands, es...
bibliomane 22 21 one with a mania for...
bibliopole 25 21 (archaic) a booksell...
bichloride 26 20 a compound in which...
bichromate 25 21 a salt of dichromic...
bicornuate 21 18 having two horns or...
bidonville 23 21 (French) a shanty to...
bienseance 19 18 proper, correct or f...
bijouterie 21 23 (French) jewellery,...
biloculate 24 19 divided into two cha...
binucleate 22 19 having two nuclei; a...
biocellate 23 18 of animals and plant...
biodegrade 19 17 to break down by bio...
biodiverse 21 18 of an environment, h...
biographee 23 20 a person about whom...
bioscience 24 20 any one of the biolo...
bipolarise 22 17 to make bipolar, als...
bipolarize 25 26 to make bipolar, als...
biquadrate 27 24 the fourth power [n...
biquintile 29 25 the aspect of planet...
birostrate 19 13 double-beaked [adj]
birthplace 28 22 a place of birth or...
birthstone 21 16 a gemstone associate...
bissextile 27 21 the extra day in the...
bisulphate 25 20 a salt containing do...
bisulphide 26 21 a sulphide having tw...
bisulphite 26 20 a salt or ester of s...
bitartrate 19 13 a salt of tartaric a...
bituminate 20 18 to treat or impregna...
bituminise 21 18 to treat with bitume...
bituminize 24 27 to treat with bitume...
bizarrerie 22 22 (French) something b...
blacksnake 24 26 a snake of a black c...
blancmange 23 24 (French) an opaque j...
blanquette 27 25 (French) a stew base...
blastomere 20 17 one of the segments...
blastopore 21 17 the opening of the a...
bleachable 27 23 able to be bleached...
blithesome 23 19 gay, merry [adj BLIT...
blockhouse 26 24 a wooden or concrete...
bloodstone 18 16 a green chalcedony s...
blottesque 28 24 characterized by blo...
bluebottle 23 19 a large fly with met...
bluetongue 20 19 an Australian lizard...
bolshevise 24 20 to make a bolshevik,...
bolshevize 27 29 to make a bolshevik,...
bonnilasse 18 16 (Spenser) a bonny la...
bookmobile 23 24 (US) a truck that se...
boondoggle 20 20 an unnecessary activ...
borderline 19 16 an intermediate posi...
bothersome 21 18 causing bother [adj]
bottlenose 18 15 a kind of whale or d...
bouillotte 21 16 (French) a card game...
bourgeoise 19 16 (French) a female bo...
bowdlerise 23 18 to expurgate a book...
bowdlerize 26 27 to purge literature...
brachydome 31 24 a dome parallel to t...
bragadisme 21 19 (Shakespeare) bragga...
branchiate 23 19 furnished with branc...
branchlike 26 24 like a branch [adj]
branchline 24 21 a secondary line, us...
breadknife 21 22 a knife for cutting...
breakdance 21 22 to do a breakdance,...
breastbone 19 17 the large bone of th...
breathable 23 19 suitable for breathi...
bridgeable 23 20 that can be bridged,...
bridlewise 24 18 of a horse, obedient...
brigandage 20 19 the practice of brig...
brigandine 19 18 leather armour with...
brigantine 19 17 a two-masted ship [n...
brightsome 24 20 bright; clear; brill...
brilliance 24 19 the state of being b...
brilliante 21 16 (French) with spirit...
broadpiece 23 20 an old English gold...
broadscale 22 18 broad in extent, ran...
brocatelle 23 18 (French) a stiff, or...
bronchiole 24 20 a minute bronchial t...
brontobyte 26 19 a very large unit of...
brownstone 20 18 a dark variety of sa...
bruschette 25 19 BRUSCHETTA, (Italian...
brusquerie 28 24 (French) a demonstra...
bubonocele 23 22 an inguinal hernia;...
bufotenine 19 19 a poisonous paralyti...
bullwaddie 25 21 an Australian tree,...
bunglesome 21 21 clumsy, awkward [adj...
burdensome 19 19 imposing or constitu...
burglarise 22 17 to commit burglary,...
burglarize 25 26 to commit burglary,...
burnettise 19 15 to subject (wood, fa...
burnettize 22 24 to subject (wood, fa...
buttonhole 21 18 the slit through whi...
cacciatore 25 19 (Italian) of meat, c...
cachinnate 23 20 to laugh loudly or i...
cacomistle 25 20 (Nahuatl) a North Am...
cadaverine 20 19 a deadly ptomaine [n...
caespitose 21 16 growing in clusters...
calaverite 22 18 a metallic pale yell...
calceolate 23 18 slipper-shaped [adj]
calcinable 26 22 that may be calcined...
calculable 28 23 that can be calculat...
calescence 25 21 an increase in heat...
calliature 22 16 an old term for a tr...
calumniate 21 19 to slander; misrepre...
calyculate 31 21 having a calyculus,...
calyptrate 29 19 capped or hooded [ad...
camouflage 24 23 to conceal or disgui...
camphorate 24 21 to impregnate or tre...
camsteerie 20 16 (Scots) perverse, un...
cancelable 25 22 that can be cancelle...
cancellate 23 19 consisting of a netw...
canescence 23 21 greyness, hoariness...
canonicate 20 18 the rank or office o...
cantaloupe 21 19 (Italian) a small mu...
cantatrice 22 17 (Italian) a female s...
cantillate 21 16 to chant or intone,...
canvaslike 23 23 like canvas [adj]
canzonette 20 24 CANZONETTA, (Italian...
capacitate 24 19 to make or render ca...
capacitive 27 23 relating to capacita...
capillaire 24 18 (French) a syrup, an...
capitalise 23 17 to write or print wi...
capitalize 26 26 to write or print wi...
capitative 24 20 relating to capitati...
capitoline 22 18 of or pertaining to...
capitulate 23 18 to yield, accept ter...
capreolate 21 17 having or resembling...
capsizable 28 29 that can be capsized...
captivance 26 24 (Spenser) captivity,...
caramelise 21 17 to turn into caramel...
caramelize 24 26 to turn into caramel...
carbonette 20 17 a ball of compressed...
carbonnade 19 19 (Spanish) flesh, fow...
cardcastle 24 18 a tower built with p...
caricature 23 17 to make or draw a ca...
carmagnole 21 20 (French) a popular s...
carnallite 21 16 a hydrous chloride o...
carpellate 23 18 a flower containing...
carpophore 25 21 a slender prolongati...
carpospore 23 19 a kind of spore form...
carthamine 22 19 a dye obtained from...
cartonnage 18 17 (French) papyrus or...
cartophile 25 19 a lover of maps [n -...
cassolette 20 14 (French) a perfume-b...
catabolise 22 17 to subject to catabo...
catabolite 22 17 a product of catabol...
catabolize 25 26 to subject to catabo...
catafalque 30 27 (French) a temporary...
catalogise 21 16 to put in a catalogu...
catalogize 24 25 to put in a catalogu...
catananche 22 20 any plant of the Sou...
catarrhine 21 16 a member one of the...
categorise 20 15 to put into a catego...
categorize 23 24 to put into a catego...
catenulate 19 16 of certain spores, f...
cellarette 21 15 a case or drawer for...
cellobiose 23 18 a disaccharide obtai...
cellophane 24 21 (tradename) a tough...
censorable 21 18 able to be censored...
censurable 22 19 worthy of censure [a...
centerline 19 16 an often imaginary l...
centigrade 20 17 a temperature scale...
centilitre 21 15 the hundredth part o...
centimetre 20 17 one hundredth of a m...
centipoise 21 17 one hundredth of a p...
centralise 20 15 to move to, draw to,...
centralize 23 24 to move to, draw to,...
centreline 19 16 an often imaginary l...
centrifuge 23 20 to subject to centri...
centromere 19 17 the portion of DNA t...
centrosome 19 17 a minute, self-dupli...
chainbrake 24 23 a cutoff safety devi...
chainplate 24 20 a metal plate on the...
chairborne 23 19 carried in a chair [...
chalcocite 29 22 a greyish-black mine...
chalkstone 23 21 a mass of chalk; a t...
chalybeate 30 21 impregnated with sal...
chambranle 25 23 (French) decoration...
changeable 24 22 given to change [adj...
channelise 21 18 to create or provide...
channelize 24 27 to create or provide...
chaptalise 25 19 to add extra sugar t...
chaptalize 28 28 to add extra sugar t...
chargeable 25 21 that can be charged...
charitable 25 19 inclined to charity...
charthouse 24 18 a room in a ship whe...
chartreuse 22 16 (French) a light, ye...
chatelaine 21 17 the governess of a c...
chatoyance 29 21 the quality of being...
chauffeuse 26 23 (French) a female ch...
cheapskate 24 22 a miserly or stingy...
cheekpiece 27 25 the part of a helmet...
cheesecake 24 22 a kind of cake havin...
cheesemite 22 18 a very small arachni...
cheesewire 24 18 a thin wire used for...
chelatable 25 20 that can be chelated...
chelicerae 25 19 CHELICERA, the first...
chemisette 23 18 (French) an undergar...
cherrylike 31 22 like a cherry [adj]
chersonese 20 16 a peninsula [n -S]
cherublike 27 24 like a cherub [adj]
chesspiece 27 21 a piece used in play...
chessylite 30 18 a basic carbonate of...
chevesaile 24 20 an ornamental collar...
chevisance 26 23 (obsolete) resource;...
chiffonade 25 23 (French) green plant...
chifforobe 28 24 a combination of war...
chimpanzee 27 31 an anthropoid ape of...
chitarrone 21 16 (Italian) a large lu...
chlamydate 30 22 of molluscs, having...
chlamydiae 30 22 CHLAMYDIA, any micro...
chloralose 23 17 a hypnotic drug used...
chloramine 23 20 any of various compo...
chloridate 23 17 to treat or prepare...
chloridise 24 17 to convert into a ch...
chloridize 27 26 to convert into a ch...
chlorinate 22 17 to treat or combine...
chlorinise 23 17 to chlorinate, also...
chlorinize 26 26 to chlorinate, also...
chlorodyne 28 20 a patent anodyne med...
choanocyte 29 21 a cell in which the...
chockstone 25 23 in mountaineering, a...
cholagogue 24 21 an agent which incre...
chomophyte 33 25 a plant growing on r...
choucroute 25 20 (French) pickled cab...
chromatype 31 23 a colored photograph...
chromomere 23 21 one of the character...
chromosome 23 21 a threadlike body co...
chromotype 31 23 a sheet printed in c...
chrysolite 30 18 a yellow variety of...
chrysotile 30 18 an asbestiform varie...
cibachrome 28 24 a type of colour pri...
cicatricle 28 20 a white spot, the ge...
cimetidine 21 18 a drug that reduces...
cinchonine 23 21 an alkaloid obtained...
cinchonise 24 20 to treat with cincho...
cinchonize 27 29 to treat with cincho...
cincinnate 21 19 relating to a cincin...
cinematise 20 17 to produce for the c...
cinematize 23 26 to produce for the c...
circulable 28 22 capable of being cir...
circumcise 29 23 to cut off the fores...
circumduce 29 25 (Scots) to declare e...
circumfuse 28 24 to pour around or ab...
circummure 27 24 (Shakespeare) to wal...
circumpose 27 23 to place around [v C...
cirrhipede 25 19 an erroneous form of...
cirrigrade 22 16 moving or moved by c...
cismontane 19 18 on this or the near...
cispontine 21 18 on this side of the...
citizenise 23 23 to make a citizen of...
citizenize 26 32 to make a citizen of...
citrulline 23 17 an amino acid formed...
claircolle 26 19 a priming coat consi...
classicise 25 17 to make classical, a...
classicize 28 26 to make classical, a...
claviculae 27 23 CLAVICULA, (Latin) t...
cleansable 22 19 capable of being cle...
clementine 20 19 (French) a hybrid of...
clepsydrae 29 20 CLEPSYDRA, (Latin) a...
clergiable 25 20 entitled to, or admi...
clergyable 31 22 entitled to, or admi...
clingstone 21 18 having the flesh att...
clinkstone 21 20 a fine-grained inter...
cloacaline 23 19 relating to the cloa...
clofibrate 25 20 a lipid-lowering dru...
clomiphene 25 23 a synthetic drug use...
cloudscape 26 22 a view or pictorial...
coacervate 23 20 to heap; to cause to...
coagulable 24 21 capable of being coa...
cockamamie 25 26 ridiculous, incredib...
cockatrice 27 23 a fabulous serpent w...
codifiable 25 21 capable of being cod...
cofavorite 23 20 a joint favourite [n...
cogitative 23 19 having the power of...
cognisable 23 20 that can be cognised...
cognisance 22 20 knowledge or notice,...
cognizable 26 29 that can be cognized...
cognizance 25 29 knowledge or notice,...
cohibitive 27 22 restraining [adj]
colatitude 21 16 the complement of th...
colchicine 29 23 a toxic yellow alkal...
colemanite 20 18 a hydrous borate of...
coleoptile 23 18 the first leaf in gr...
collarbone 22 19 the clavicle [n -S]
collarette 21 15 (French) a small col...
collatable 24 19 capable of being col...
collective 27 22 of the nature of a c...
collegiate 22 17 relating to a colleg...
colliquate 30 25 (obsolete) to melt,...
colloquise 30 25 to converse, also CO...
colloquize 33 34 to converse, also CO...
colorature 20 15 a highly ornamented,...
colourable 23 19 that can be coloured...
colportage 23 19 (French) the distrib...
colposcope 27 23 an instrument for vi...
columellae 23 20 COLUMELLA, the uvula...
combatable 25 23 able to be combated...
combinable 25 24 able to be combined...
combustive 26 24 capable of catching...
comedienne 18 19 a women who plays in...
comestible 24 20 edible [adj] / somet...
comitative 23 20 of a grammatical cas...
commeasure 21 20 to be commensurate w...
commentate 20 20 to give a commentary...
commissure 23 20 a joint, a joining s...
commixture 29 27 the act of mixing [n...
commonable 23 24 held in common, mutu...
communique 30 31 (French) an official...
commutable 25 24 able to be commuted...
compacture 26 23 (Spenser) close unio...
comparable 25 23 that can be compared...
compatible 26 23 consistent with [adj...
compensate 21 20 to be equivalent to...
competence 24 23 the quality of being...
complanate 22 21 flattened [adj]
completive 26 24 making complete, als...
complexone 28 28 any chelating agent,...
compliable 27 24 capable of bending o...
compliance 26 24 the act of complying...
complicate 27 23 to combine esp. in a...
composture 23 20 manure; compost [n -...
compradore 22 20 (Portuguese) a nativ...
compromise 24 22 to adjust or settle...
compulsive 27 25 driven by an ungover...
computable 26 24 capable of being com...
conceptive 26 24 capable of conceivin...
concertise 22 17 to perform professio...
concertize 25 26 to perform professio...
concessive 24 21 implying concession;...
conchiglie 27 22 (Italian) shell-shap...
conciliate 23 18 to gain (as goodwill...
conclusive 26 23 relating to a conclu...
concoctive 27 24 having the power of...
concretise 22 17 to render concrete,...
concretive 24 21 promoting concretion...
concretize 25 26 to render concrete,...
concussive 25 22 having the power of...
condensate 17 16 to condense [v CONDE...
condolence 21 20 sympathy with anothe...
condonable 20 20 that can be condoned...
conducible 26 23 conducive; tending;...
conductive 25 23 having the power of...
conference 22 21 the act of conferrin...
confidante 20 19 (French) a (female)...
confidence 23 22 a feeling or conscio...
confinable 23 22 capable of being con...
confiscate 24 20 to seize as forfeite...
confiserie 21 17 (French) a confectio...
confluence 24 23 a coming or flowing...
confusable 24 22 liable to be confuse...
confusible 25 22 something liable to...
confutable 24 22 that may be confuted...
congestive 22 20 indicating congestio...
conglobate 22 20 to gather in a globe...
congregate 20 18 to collect into a gr...
congruence 22 21 the state of being c...
conjecture 24 27 to arrive at or dedu...
conjugable 25 30 that can be conjugat...
connective 23 22 serving to connect,...
connivance 22 23 the act of conniving...
connivence 22 23 the state of being c...
conoscente 20 18 (Italian) a person w...
conscience 24 21 the sense of moral c...
consecrate 21 17 to induct (a person)...
consociate 21 17 to ally or associate...
consolable 22 19 capable of receiving...
consonance 19 19 a state of accord or...
constative 21 18 that can be true or...
constipate 21 17 to cause constipatio...
constitute 20 15 to form [v CONSTITUT...
constringe 20 17 to draw together; to...
consuetude 19 17 custom; familiarity...
consultive 23 20 relating to consulta...
consumable 23 22 that can be consumed...
consummate 21 21 finished, complete [...
contexture 25 22 the process or manne...
continence 20 19 self-restraint, also...
continuate 18 16 (obsolete) closely u...
contortive 21 18 expressing contortio...
contravene 19 19 to act counter to [v...
contribute 22 18 to give or supply in...
convalesce 24 22 to recover health an...
convective 26 25 relating to convecti...
convenable 22 23 capable of being con...
convenance 21 23 (French) that which...
convertite 21 18 (archaic) a convert;...
convertive 23 22 relating to conversi...
conveyable 29 24 capable of being con...
conveyance 28 24 an instrument by whi...
convictive 27 25 convincing [adj CONV...
convulsive 25 24 constituting or prod...
cooptative 23 20 relating to cooptati...
coordinate 18 15 of the same order or...
copresence 23 20 presence together [n...
copulative 25 22 uniting [adj COPULAT...
coquimbite 32 29 a yellowish hydrous...
coradicate 22 17 of the same root [ad...
corbiculae 26 21 CORBICULA, (Latin) t...
cordialise 21 15 to become cordial, f...
cordialize 24 24 to become cordial, f...
cordierite 20 14 the mineral iolite o...
coregonine 18 17 of or like the genus...
corelative 22 18 mutually linked [adj...
cormophyte 31 23 a plant differentiat...
corncockle 27 25 a wild flower former...
cornerwise 22 17 with the corner in f...
corpulence 25 22 the state of being c...
corpuscule 27 22 a cell or other minu...
corrective 25 20 serving to correct [...
corrigible 25 19 capable of being cor...
corroboree 20 16 (Native Australian)...
corrodible 23 18 able to be corroded,...
corrosible 23 17 able to be corroded,...
corruptive 25 21 tending to corrupt [...
corselette 20 14 a cuirass, a protect...
corsetiere 19 13 (French) a (female)...
corydaline 26 18 an alkaloid obtained...
cosmodrome 21 20 a launching-site for...
counsellee 20 17 one who is counselle...
countersue 19 16 to sue someone who i...
courseware 22 17 computer softwarel a...
courthouse 22 17 a building in which...
couturiere 20 15 (French) a (female)...
covariance 23 21 the property of vary...
covenantee 18 19 the person in whose...
craigfluke 26 24 a type of flat fish,...
crapulence 25 22 the sickness occasio...
craquelure 29 25 (French) fine cracki...
crassitude 21 15 the state of being c...
craterlike 22 18 like a crater [adj]
creatinine 18 15 dehydrated creatin f...
creditable 23 18 trustworthy [adj CRE...
creepmouse 22 20 an informal tickling...
crenellate 20 16 to provide with batt...
crepuscule 27 22 twilight, the fading...
crinolette 20 15 (French) a small cri...
crispature 23 17 a curling [n -S]
crocoisite 23 16 a bright red mineral...
crosspiece 25 19 a piece of material...
crownpiece 27 23 the strap of a bridl...
crunchable 28 24 that can be crunched...
cryoconite 28 19 dust found on the su...
crystalise 28 16 to form a crystal, a...
crystalize 31 25 to form a crystal, a...
ctenophore 22 19 a member of the Cten...
cuckoldise 26 23 to make a cuckold of...
cuckoldize 29 32 to make a cuckold of...
cuddlesome 22 20 cuddly [adj]
cultivable 27 23 that can be cultivat...
culturable 25 20 that can be cultured...
culvertage 24 21 (historical) the deg...
cumbersome 24 23 burdensome [adj CUMB...
cumulative 25 23 increasing by succes...
cunctative 25 22 causing delay, also...
curselarie 21 15 (Shakespeare) cursor...
customable 24 21 (archaic) customary,...
cuttlebone 22 19 the internal shell o...
cyanophyte 35 23 a blue-green alga [n...
cybercrime 33 24 computer-related cri...
cyberspace 33 24 the virtual world of...
cyclodiene 29 21 a kind of organic in...
cyclostome 31 22 the lamprey [n -S]
cyclostyle 38 22 to make copies using...
cyclothyme 40 26 a person with a cycl...
cylindrite 28 18 a mineral of cylindr...
cysteamine 26 19 a cysteine derivativ...
cystoscope 31 21 an instrument for ex...
cytochrome 32 23 any of a group of su...
daggerlike 21 20 like a dagger [adj]
damageable 20 20 capable of being dam...
damasceene 18 18 to decorate or engra...
daminozide 20 25 a kind of pesticide...
damoiselle 19 16 a young girl or unma...
dampcourse 23 21 a horizontal layer o...
deactivate 21 18 to make inactive or...
deadstroke 17 16 without recoil [adj]
deaspirate 18 14 to remove the aspira...
debateable 20 18 that can be debated,...
debilitate 20 15 to make weak [v DEBI...
debonnaire 16 16 (French) of good app...
debouchure 24 21 (French) the mouth o...
decagramme 22 22 a weight of the metr...
decapitate 21 17 to cut off the head...
decathlete 22 17 an athlete who compe...
deceivable 24 22 fitted to deceive; d...
decelerate 19 15 to reduce the speed...
deceptible 25 21 capable of being dec...
decigramme 23 22 a tenth of a gram, a...
decimalise 22 18 to convert to a deci...
decimalize 25 27 to convert to a deci...
decivilise 24 19 to reduce from civil...
decivilize 27 28 to reduce from civil...
declarable 23 19 that can be declared...
declinable 23 20 capable of being dec...
decoctible 26 21 capable of being boi...
decolonise 19 16 to release from bein...
decolonize 22 25 to release from bein...
decolorate 19 15 to deprive of color...
decolorise 20 15 to remove the colour...
decolorize 23 24 to remove the colour...
decorative 21 18 serving to decorate...
decreeable 21 18 capable of being dec...
decumbence 25 25 the act or posture o...
dedicative 22 19 of or like a dedicat...
deductible 24 20 a clause in an insur...
deepfreeze 22 26 (tradename) a type o...
defaceable 23 21 that can be defaced...
defeasance 19 18 a condition which, i...
defeasible 21 18 that may be annulled...
defectible 25 21 liable to defect; im...
defeminise 19 18 to remove feminine c...
defeminize 22 27 to remove feminine c...
defendable 20 20 capable of being def...
defensible 21 19 that can be defended...
deferrable 21 18 that can be deferred...
deficience 24 21 a lack, shortage, al...
definitise 19 15 to make definite, al...
definitive 21 19 serving to define [a...
definitize 22 24 to make definite, al...
definitude 19 17 definiteness [n -S]
deflagrate 20 17 to burn suddenly, ge...
deflective 25 22 causing deflection [...
deformable 22 21 able to be deformed...
defrayable 27 20 that can be defrayed...
defunctive 24 23 relating to the dead...
degenerate 15 14 base, immoral [adj D...
degradable 20 18 capable of being che...
degressive 20 17 showing degression,...
dehiscence 24 20 the act of gaping [n...
dehumanise 19 18 to remove the humani...
dehumanize 22 27 to deprive of human...
deinothere 17 14 an extinct elephanti...
delaminate 17 16 to split into layers...
delectable 23 19 very tasty [adj DELE...
deleverage 19 18 (of an organization)...
deliberate 19 15 intentional [adj DEL...
delimitate 19 15 to delimit [v DELIMI...
delineable 19 17 capable of being del...
deliquesce 29 25 to melt away; to dis...
delocalise 21 16 to free from the lim...
delocalize 24 25 to free from the lim...
demandable 19 20 that may be demanded...
demeasnure 16 16 (Spenser) demeanor,...
demivierge 21 20 a woman who engages...
demobilise 21 18 to disband e.g. sold...
demobilize 24 27 to disband e.g. sold...
demodulate 18 17 to remove the modula...
demoiselle 19 16 (archaic) a young gi...
demonetise 16 15 to deprive of moneta...
demonetize 19 24 to deprive of curren...
demoralise 18 15 to corrupt the moral...
demoralize 21 24 to corrupt the moral...
demotivate 19 18 to remove motivation...
demurrable 21 19 that may be demurred...
denaturise 16 13 to remove the nature...
denaturize 19 22 to remove the nature...
denominate 15 16 to give a name to [v...
denotative 17 16 having power to deno...
dentifrice 22 18 a powder or other su...
denunciate 18 17 to denounce; to cond...
deoppilate 21 18 to free from obstruc...
dependable 20 20 that can be depended...
dependance 19 20 the state of being a...
dependence 19 20 the state of being d...
depletable 22 19 that can be depleted...
deplorable 22 19 to be deplored [adj...
deployable 28 21 able to be deployed...
depolarise 19 15 to remove the polari...
depolarize 22 24 to remove the polari...
depopulate 21 19 to reduce greatly th...
deportable 21 18 that can be deported...
depositive 21 18 relating to depositi...
deprecable 24 21 that may or should b...
depreciate 21 17 to lower in estimati...
depressive 21 18 tending to depress [...
deprivable 24 22 capable of being dep...
depurative 21 19 a purifying agent, a...
deracinate 18 15 to uproot [v DERACIN...
deregulate 18 15 to free from regulat...
derivatise 19 15 to make derivative,...
derivative 21 19 formed by derivation...
derivatize 22 24 to make derivative,...
derogative 19 17 derogatory [adj DERO...
desalinate 16 13 to remove the salt f...
desalinise 17 13 to remove the salt f...
desalinize 20 22 to remove the salt f...
descramble 24 21 to unscramble [v DES...
deshabille 23 18 (French) an undress;...
desiderate 16 12 to desire; to feel t...
designable 20 18 capable of being des...
desipience 21 18 foolishness, triflin...
desistance 19 15 the act or state of...
desistence 19 15 the act or state of...
desoriente 15 12 (French) having lost...
despicable 25 21 worthy of being desp...
despisable 22 18 despicable; contempt...
desquamate 25 24 to scale or flake of...
dessiatine 16 12 (Russian) a measure...
dessyatine 22 14 (Russian) a measure...
detachable 24 20 that can be detached...
detainable 18 16 that can be detained...
detectable 22 18 that can be detected...
detectible 23 18 that can be detected...
detergence 19 17 a cleansing quality,...
deterrable 19 15 that can be deterred...
deterrence 18 15 the act of deterring...
detestable 19 15 hateful [adj DETESTA...
dethronise 18 14 to remove from a thr...
dethronize 21 23 to dethrone, also DE...
detonative 17 16 of or like a detonat...
detoxicate 25 21 to rid of a poison o...
detractive 22 18 tending to detract,...
detruncate 19 16 to cut short, lop, m...
devalorise 19 16 to devalue, also DEV...
devalorize 22 25 to devalue, also DEV...
devitalise 20 16 to deprive of vitali...
devitalize 23 25 to deprive of life o...
devocalise 22 19 to make voiceless, a...
devocalize 25 28 to make toneless; to...
dexterwise 26 21 on the right-hand si...
dextranase 21 19 a hydrolase that pre...
dextrogyre 30 22 causing to turn to t...
dialysable 27 18 able to be dialysed...
dialyzable 30 27 that can be dialyzed...
diamantine 16 16 adamantine, like dia...
diaphorase 20 16 a flavoprotein enzym...
dichloride 24 18 a compound in which...
dichromate 23 19 a salt of chromic ac...
dictyosome 27 19 any of the membranou...
didelphine 22 19 of or relating to th...
diethylene 25 17 as in diethlene glyc...
difference 23 21 to make or perceive...
diffidence 24 22 the state of being d...
diffusible 26 22 capable of being dif...
digestible 22 17 that can be digested...
digitalise 20 14 to make digital, als...
digitalize 23 23 to make digital, als...
digladiate 19 15 (obsolete) to fight...
digressive 21 17 characterized by dig...
dijudicate 23 25 to judge, to decide...
dilacerate 20 15 to rend or tear asun...
dilapidate 20 16 to bring into a cond...
dilettante 17 13 (Italian) a dabbler...
dilucidate 22 17 (obsolete) to elucid...
dimethoate 19 16 a kind of insecticid...
diminutive 21 20 small [adj DIMINUTIV...
dinanderie 15 14 (French) domestic de...
dinnertime 17 16 the time at which di...
dinnerware 18 16 plates etc. used for...
diophysite 28 18 a believer in the ex...
diothelete 19 14 a believer in dithel...
diothelite 20 14 a believer in the do...
diphosgene 21 19 a liquid compound us...
diplophase 24 20 a diploid phase in a...
directrice 24 17 (French) a female di...
disadvance 21 20 (Spenser) to draw ba...
disanimate 17 15 to deprive of life [...
disapprove 23 21 to pass unfavorable...
disarrange 17 14 to disturb the arran...
disavaunce 21 20 (Spenser) to retard;...
disbelieve 22 19 to hold not worthy o...
discarnate 19 15 disembodied; separat...
dischargee 23 18 one who is discharge...
discipline 24 19 to punish or penaliz...
disclosure 22 16 the act or an instan...
discommode 22 21 to put to inconvenie...
discompose 23 20 to disarrange; to di...
discophile 26 20 one who loves record...
discourage 21 17 to dishearten; to de...
discretive 23 18 marking distinction...
disculpate 24 19 to free from blame [...
discursive 24 19 moving from topic to...
discussive 24 19 a medicine able or t...
disembogue 21 20 (Spanish) to dischar...
disenclose 20 16 to free from being i...
disennoble 18 17 to deprive of that w...
disenslave 19 17 to free from bondage...
disentitle 18 13 to deprive of title...
disentwine 19 16 to free from being e...
disespouse 19 15 (Milton) to release...
disfeature 19 15 to deprive of featur...
disgruntle 20 16 to make ill-humoured...
dishabille 24 18 (French) an undress;...
disimagine 19 17 to banish from the i...
disimprove 23 21 to make worse [v DIS...
disincline 21 17 to make unwilling [v...
disinclose 21 16 to free from being i...
disinvolve 22 21 to unfold; to disent...
dislikable 23 20 capable of being dis...
dismissive 22 18 disrespectful, incon...
dispersive 22 18 tending to disperse...
disposable 22 18 able to be disposed...
disprovide 22 19 (archaic) to fail to...
disputable 23 19 that can be disputed...
disruptive 23 19 causing disruption [...
dissective 23 18 relating to dissecti...
dissertate 17 11 to discourse [v DISS...
disservice 23 18 ill service [n -S]
dissheathe 21 15 to become unsheathed...
dissidence 20 16 disagreement; dissen...
dissipable 23 18 capable of being sca...
dissociate 20 14 to separate from ass...
dissoluble 22 17 capable of being dis...
dissonance 18 16 lack of agreement [n...
dissuasive 20 16 tending to dissuade...
distensile 18 13 that may be stretche...
distensive 19 16 distending, or capab...
distillate 20 13 the product of disti...
distinguee 18 15 (French) (of a femal...
distortive 20 15 causing distortion [...
distrainee 16 12 a person whose prope...
distribute 21 15 to divide among seve...
distrouble 21 16 (obsolete) to troubl...
disulphate 23 18 a pyrosulphate [n -S...
disulphide 24 19 a sulphide containin...
disyllable 29 19 a word with two syll...
dithionate 18 14 a salt of dithionic...
dithionite 19 14 any salt of dithiono...
divaricate 22 18 forking [adj DIVARIC...
divergence 22 21 a drawing apart (as...
divertible 23 19 capable of being div...
divestible 23 19 capable of being div...
divulgence 24 23 the act of divulging...
dolcelatte 21 16 (tradename) a soft b...
dolcemente 20 19 (Italian) softly; sw...
dolomitise 19 15 to convert into dolo...
dolomitize 22 24 to convert into dolo...
domestique 26 24 a cyclist whose job...
dominative 19 19 governing; ruling; i...
dopplerite 22 18 a black elastic subs...
dorsigrade 18 14 walking on the back...
doubletree 19 16 the bar, or crosspie...
downstroke 20 19 a stroke made with a...
dragonlike 19 19 like a dragon [adj]
dragonnade 15 16 (French) a persecuti...
dragoonage 16 16 the act of dragoonin...
dragsville 23 19 (US) boredom [n -S]
drakestone 16 16 a flat stone so thro...
dramaturge 19 17 a dramatist; specifi...
drawbridge 24 20 a bridge that can be...
dreamwhile 24 20 the duration of a dr...
drearisome 17 14 very dreary [adj]
dubitative 22 19 relating to doubt or...
dullsville 25 20 a boring place where...
dumbledore 21 20 a large flying beetl...
dunderpate 18 17 a dunce; a numskull;...
duplicable 27 23 that can be duplicat...
duumvirate 21 20 government or contro...
dyophysite 34 20 a believer in the ex...
dyothelete 25 16 a believer in dithel...
dyothelite 26 16 a believer in dithel...
dyscrasite 27 16 a mineral consisting...
eaglestone 16 14 a hollow oval nodule...
earlierise 17 11 to do at a date earl...
earlierize 20 20 to do at a date earl...
earthquake 27 26 a quaking or shaking...
earthshine 20 15 the faint light visi...
easselgate 17 13 (Scots) eastwards, a...
ebracteate 20 16 without bracts [adj]
ebullience 23 20 the quality of livel...
ecardinate 18 15 without hinges [adj]
ecoclimate 24 20 a local climate rega...
ecotecture 22 17 a type of architectu...
ectoenzyme 28 28 an exoenzyme, an enz...
edentulate 16 14 without teeth, also...
educatable 22 19 that can be educated...
edulcorate 20 16 to make pleasant, sw...
effaceable 25 23 that can be effaced...
effectible 27 23 capable of being don...
effectuate 23 20 to effect [v EFFECTU...
effeminate 20 20 womanish [adj EFFEMI...
effeminise 21 20 (archaic) to make ef...
effeminize 24 29 (archaic) to make ef...
effervesce 25 23 to bubble, hiss, and...
efficience 26 23 (archaic) efficiency...
effigurate 22 19 having a definite sh...
effleurage 22 20 (French) a stroking...
effloresce 24 20 to flower; burgeon;...
effulgence 25 24 radiant splendor [n...
egurgitate 19 15 to vomit, to cast fo...
eigenvalue 19 19 a mathematical term...
eightpence 24 21 a coin worth eight p...
eightscore 23 17 eight times twenty [...
elaeoptene 16 15 the liquid part of a...
elasticate 20 14 to make elastic [v E...
elasticise 21 14 to make elastic, als...
elasticize 24 23 to make elastic, als...
elecampane 21 21 a composite plant fo...
electorate 19 14 the territory, juris...
elicitable 24 18 that can be elicited...
eliminable 21 19 that can be eliminat...
elucubrate 23 19 to work out or expre...
emancipate 21 20 to free from restrai...
emarginate 17 16 without a margin [ad...
emasculate 21 18 to deprive of streng...
embossable 22 20 that can be embossed...
embouchure 25 23 (French) the positio...
embryonate 24 19 (obsolete) of minera...
emollience 21 19 the state of being e...
emparadise 19 17 (Milton) to put in a...
employable 29 23 that cna be employed...
enamelware 19 18 craft goods made fro...
encashable 23 20 that can be encashed...
encincture 22 19 a cincture [n -S] /...
enclosable 22 19 that can be enclosed...
encoignure 19 18 a piece of furniture...
endamoebae 16 18 ENDAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
endoenzyme 24 27 an enzyme that funct...
endopodite 17 16 the internal or prin...
endorsable 18 16 that can be endorsed...
enervative 19 19 having power, or a t...
enfleurage 19 18 the exposure of oils...
engendrure 16 16 (archaic) the act of...
enigmatise 18 16 to express enigmatic...
enigmatize 21 25 to express enigmatic...
enneastyle 21 15 having nine columns...
ensanguine 15 16 to cover with blood...
enschedule 22 19 (Shakespeare) to ins...
entamoebae 16 17 ENTAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
enterdeale 15 13 (Spenser) to interde...
enterocele 18 15 a hernial tumor whos...
enterprise 18 14 to undertake [v ENTE...
enthronise 17 14 to enthrone e.g. a b...
enthronize 20 23 to enthrone e.g. a b...
enticeable 21 18 capable of being ent...
entitative 18 15 regarded as a distin...
entreasure 15 12 (archaic) to store i...
entreative 17 15 (obsolete) used in e...
entremesse 16 14 (French) edible past...
enumerable 19 19 that can be counted...
enunciable 21 20 capable of being enu...
epicondyle 28 21 a projection on the...
epicuticle 27 21 the outermost layer...
epidiorite 19 14 a dioritic or gabbro...
epiloguise 21 17 to speak or write an...
epiloguize 24 26 to speak or write an...
episcopate 23 19 a bishopric; the off...
episcopise 24 19 to make a bishop of...
episcopize 27 28 to make a bishop of...
epistolise 20 14 to write a letter, a...
epistolize 23 23 to write a letter, a...
epistrophe 23 18 the ending of succes...
epithelise 22 16 to convert to epithe...
epithelize 25 25 to convert to epithe...
eprouvette 20 18 (French) an apparatu...
equiparate 26 23 (obsolete) to regard...
equivocate 29 27 to use equivocal or...
eradicable 22 18 that can be eradicat...
ergatogyne 23 17 a worker-like wingle...
ergonovine 17 18 an alkaloid derived...
ergotamine 17 16 a vasoconstrictor us...
erubescite 22 17 a reddish mineral, a...
eructative 22 18 tending to produce e...
escadrille 22 16 (French) a squadron...
escamotage 20 18 (French) juggling [n...
escheatage 21 17 the right of succeed...
escritoire 20 13 (French) a writing-d...
espadrille 21 16 (French) a sandal wi...
estimative 20 17 inclined, or able, t...
estipulate 20 15 without stipules, al...
eternalise 16 12 to make eternal, als...
eternalize 19 21 to make eternal, als...
ethylamine 26 19 a colorless, mobile,...
etourderie 16 12 (French) heedlessnes...
euchlorine 22 18 a highly explosive g...
euhemerise 19 16 to give a historical...
euhemerize 22 25 to give a historical...
eupatridae 18 15 EUPATRID, (Greek) a...
eurocheque 29 26 a cheque drawn on a...
euryhaline 25 17 of marine animals, t...
evacuative 23 22 a purgative [n -S]
evaluative 21 20 relating to the proc...
evangelise 19 18 to preach the gospel...
evangelize 22 27 to preach the gospel...
evaporable 22 21 capable of being con...
everyplace 30 23 everywhere [adv]
everywhere 29 21 in every place or pa...
eviscerate 21 17 to deprive of the vi...
exacerbate 26 23 to make more violent...
exactitude 26 22 the quality of being...
exaggerate 23 21 to enlarge beyond bo...
examinable 25 25 that can be examined...
exasperate 23 20 to excite the anger...
exceedable 27 25 that can be exceeded...
excellence 29 26 the quality of being...
excitative 28 24 having power to exci...
excludable 30 27 that can be excluded...
excludible 31 27 that can be excluded...
excogitate 26 22 to discover by think...
excruciate 29 24 to inflict intense p...
exculpable 32 29 capable of being exc...
execrative 27 24 cursing; vilifying [...
executable 28 25 that can be executed...
exenterate 20 18 (obsolete) to disemb...
exfiltrate 26 21 to remove or withdra...
exhaustive 27 24 testing all possibil...
exheredate 23 20 to disinherit [v EXH...
exhibitive 30 26 serving for exhibiti...
exhilarate 25 20 to make cheerful and...
exocuticle 30 25 the middle layer of...
exorbitate 24 20 (obsolete) to stray...
expandable 26 26 that can be expanded...
expansible 27 25 capable of being exp...
expatriate 24 20 to banish, exile [v...
expectable 30 27 that may be expected...
expectance 29 27 the state of expecti...
expedience 26 25 the state of being e...
expeditate 24 21 to deprive of the ba...
expeditive 27 25 performing with spee...
expellable 29 26 that can be expelled...
expendable 26 26 able to be expended...
experience 26 24 to have practical ac...
explicable 32 28 that can be explicat...
exploitage 26 23 the act of exploitin...
exploitive 28 25 serving to exploit,...
explosible 29 25 liable to explode [a...
exportable 27 24 that can be exported...
expositive 27 24 serving to explain [...
expressage 25 22 the charge for carry...
expressive 27 24 full of expression [...
expressure 25 21 the act of expressin...
exprobrate 26 23 (archaic) to upbraid...
expugnable 28 28 capable of being exp...
exsanguine 22 22 without blood, anaem...
exsufflate 28 25 to blow away; to exo...
extendable 24 23 that can be extended...
extendible 25 23 that can be extended...
extensible 25 22 that can be extended...
extinctive 28 25 tending to extinguis...
extincture 26 22 (Shakespeare) extinc...
extirpable 28 24 capable of being ext...
extractive 28 24 capable of being ext...
extricable 29 24 capable of being ext...
extrudable 26 23 that can be extruded...
extrusible 27 22 that can be extruded...
exuberance 26 25 the state of being e...
exulcerate 26 22 to ulcerate [v EXULC...
exurbanite 24 22 a resident of an exu...
facilitate 23 17 to make easier [v FA...
factorable 24 20 that can be factored...
fanaticise 21 17 to make fanatical, a...
fanaticize 24 26 to make fanatical, a...
farmerette 19 16 a woman who is a far...
farrandine 17 16 (obsolete) a silk an...
fastigiate 20 15 pointed; conical, al...
fatherlike 23 20 like a father [adj]
fathomable 24 22 that can be fathomed...
fatiguable 23 20 easily tired, also F...
fatiscence 24 20 the state of being f...
fattenable 20 18 capable of being fat...
favourable 23 22 conducive to, also F...
featurette 18 14 a brief feature, esp...
federalese 18 15 the language of bure...
federalise 19 15 to unite in a federa...
federalize 22 24 to unite in a federa...
federative 20 18 uniting in a confede...
felicitate 23 17 to congratulate [v F...
fenestrate 17 14 having windows or th...
fermentive 21 21 relating to fermenta...
ferniticle 23 18 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferntickle 24 22 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fernyticle 29 20 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferrandine 17 16 (obsolete) a silk an...
ferroniere 17 14 (French) a jewel hel...
fescennine 19 19 obscene or scurrilou...
fettuccine 25 21 (Italian) a pasta ma...
fiberscope 26 22 a medical instrument...
fibrescope 26 22 a medical instrument...
fibrillate 24 18 to undergo fibrillat...
fibrillose 24 18 having, or covered w...
fictionise 22 17 to make fictional, a...
fictionize 25 26 to make fictional, a...
fieldmouse 21 19 a mouse which lives...
fieldpiece 25 21 a cannon or piece of...
fieldstone 19 16 (US) stone for build...
figurative 23 20 representing by a fi...
filterable 23 18 capable of being fil...
fingerhole 22 19 a hole in a wind ins...
fingerlike 22 21 like a finger [adj]
fioraturae 18 14 FIORATURA, (Italian)...
flabellate 23 19 fan-shaped [adj]
flagellate 22 18 to whip; to scourge...
flanconade 20 20 (French) a thrust in...
flapdoodle 22 20 gross flattery; nons...
flatulence 23 20 distension of the st...
flavorsome 22 21 full of flavor, also...
floatplane 21 19 a seaplane [n -S]
flocculate 27 22 to collect or mass t...
floordrobe 21 18 a pile of clothes le...
florentine 18 16 a kind of biscuit pa...
flowerette 22 17 a small flower; a fl...
flowerlike 25 22 like a flower [adj]
fluoridate 20 16 to add fluoride to d...
fluoridise 21 16 to add fluoride to d...
fluoridize 24 25 to add fluoride to d...
fluorinate 19 16 to introduce fluorin...
fluorotype 28 20 (obsolete) photograp...
fluoxetine 25 23 an antidepressant dr...
fluviatile 24 20 belonging to or form...
followable 26 22 that can be followed...
fontanelle 18 17 a membrane-covered g...
footbridge 22 19 a bridge for pedestr...
forecaddie 21 18 a caddie posted up a...
forecastle 22 17 a short raised deck...
forecourse 21 17 a foresail [n -S]
forfeiture 21 17 the act of forfeitin...
forgivable 25 23 that can be forgiven...
formidable 23 21 causing fear [adj FO...
forsterite 19 13 a white, yellow, or...
fourchette 24 19 (French) a forked re...
fourragere 19 16 a braided cord worn...
foursquare 27 24 forthright, marked b...
franchisee 23 19 one who receives a f...
frangipane 20 20 a perfume of jasmine...
fraternise 18 14 to associate with, a...
fraternize 21 23 to associate or ming...
fratricide 23 17 the killing of a bro...
fraughtage 23 20 (Shakespeare) loadin...
freightage 23 19 money paid for freig...
friezelike 24 27 like a frieze [adj]
frightsome 24 20 frightful [adj]
frolicsome 24 20 given to pranks; spo...
funiculate 23 20 forming a narrow rid...
furanoside 18 16 a glycoside containi...
furosemide 20 18 a synthetic diuretic...
fustanelle 20 17 a white kilt worn by...
fustianise 19 15 to write bombastical...
fustianize 22 24 to write bombastical...
gabionnade 17 18 a traverse made with...
gadolinite 18 15 a mineral of a nearl...
gainstrive 20 17 (obsolete) to strive...
gainstrove 19 17 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
galleryite 26 16 a person who frequen...
gametocyte 27 20 a cell that divides...
gaminesque 26 26 playful; impish; boy...
garlandage 18 17 (Tennyson) a decorat...
garmenture 18 17 clothing, dress [n -...
garnierite 17 13 a hydrous silicate o...
gasifiable 23 19 that can be gasified...
gastronome 17 16 a connoisseur of goo...
gastrulate 19 14 relating to a gastru...
gatherable 22 18 that can be gathered...
gearchange 22 20 a change of gears [n...
gelatinate 17 14 to convert into gela...
gelatinise 18 14 to make into gelatin...
gelatinize 21 23 to convert into gela...
generalate 16 14 the office of a gene...
generalise 17 14 to make a general st...
generalize 20 23 to give a general fo...
generative 18 17 having the power or...
genevrette 18 17 a wine made from wil...
geniculate 21 18 jointed [adj GENICUL...
genteelise 17 14 to make genteel or f...
genteelize 20 23 to make genteel or f...
gentilesse 18 14 (obsolete) gentlenes...
geocoronae 17 16 GEOCORONA, an outer...
geometrise 18 15 to work geometricall...
geometrize 21 24 to work geometricall...
geoscience 22 19 a science, such as g...
geotextile 24 20 any strong synthetic...
germinable 21 20 capable of being ger...
ghostwrite 24 17 to write on behalf o...
ghostwrote 23 17 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
gigglesome 22 20 inclined to giggle,...
gillravage 23 20 (Scots) to behave ri...
girdlecake 23 21 a kind of scone, aka...
glamourise 20 17 to make glamorous, a...
glamourize 23 26 to make glamorous, a...
glasshouse 21 16 a military detention...
glauberite 21 17 a greyish-white mine...
glauconite 21 18 a mineral now formin...
glucophore 26 22 a chemical group res...
gluttonise 19 15 to eat to excess, al...
gluttonize 22 24 to eat to excess, al...
glycophyte 39 25 any plant that will...
glyoxaline 31 24 any of a group of he...
gnetophyte 27 20 a type of plant incl...
gnotobiote 18 16 a germfree animal [n...
goliathise 21 15 to play Goliath, exa...
goliathize 24 24 to play Goliath, exa...
gonioscope 21 19 an instrument used f...
gormandise 18 17 to indulge a taste f...
gormandize 21 26 to indulge a taste f...
gospellise 22 17 to evangelize; to sq...
gospellize 25 26 to evangelize; to sq...
governable 21 21 that can be governed...
governance 20 21 exercise of authorit...
governante 17 18 a female governor or...
gramophone 21 21 (tradename) an instr...
grandniece 19 18 the granddaughter of...
granduncle 21 20 a father's or mother...
grangerise 18 15 to illustrate a book...
grangerize 21 24 to illustrate a book...
granophyre 27 20 a kind of quartz-por...
grapelouse 20 17 an insect of the gen...
grapestone 18 16 a seed of the grape...
graphitise 23 17 to convert wholly or...
graphitize 26 26 to convert wholly or...
graptolite 21 16 a characteristic Sil...
gravestone 18 17 a burial monument [n...
grecianise 20 16 to conform to the Gr...
grecianize 23 25 to conform to the Gr...
greenhouse 18 16 a structure enclosed...
greenstone 15 14 a vague name for any...
greisenise 17 13 to convert granite t...
greisenize 20 22 to convert granite t...
grindhouse 20 17 a type of cinema tha...
grindstone 17 15 a millstone [n -S]
groovelike 21 21 like a groove [adj]
grouselike 20 18 like a grouse [adj]
guachamole 24 22 a kind of dip, also...
guardhouse 20 17 a building for the a...
guesthouse 20 16 a private home or bo...
guestimate 19 16 to make an intuitive...
guidwillie 25 19 (Scots) cordial, che...
guillotine 20 16 (French) an instrume...
habilitate 22 16 to endow with abilit...
habitaunce 23 20 (Spenser) dwelling-p...
haemagogue 20 20 a drug that promotes...
haemophile 24 21 a person with haemop...
hagioscope 24 20 an opening cut in th...
halloysite 27 16 a claylike mineral,...
halogenate 18 16 to combine with a ha...
hamshackle 27 25 to fetter; to restra...
handleable 21 19 capable of being han...
handstroke 19 18 the downward movemen...
hansardise 18 14 to confront someone...
hansardize 21 23 to confront someone...
harborside 21 16 (US) located next to...
harbourage 21 18 shelter, harbour, al...
harquebuse 29 26 an early type of por...
hazardable 24 26 liable to hazard or...
headcheese 22 18 (US) brawn [n -S]
headsquare 26 23 a square of material...
healthcare 24 18 the provision of hea...
healthsome 22 18 wholesome, salubriou...
heartbroke 21 19 HEARTBREAK, to cause...
heartsease 17 12 a wild pansy [n -S]
heathenise 19 15 to make heathen, als...
heathenize 22 24 to render heathen or...
heatstroke 19 16 a condition marked e...
hebetative 22 19 making blunt or dull...
hectolitre 23 16 a measure of liquids...
hectometre 22 18 a measure of length,...
hectostere 21 15 a measure of solidit...
heliopause 21 17 the upper limit of t...
heliophyte 30 20 a plant flourishing...
helioscope 24 19 an instrument for ob...
heliotrope 21 16 any of a genus of he...
helmetlike 23 21 like a helmet [adj]
hemachrome 25 23 a blood pigment, suc...
hematocele 22 19 a cavity containing...
hemisphere 24 20 half of a sphere [n...
hemochrome 25 23 a blood pigment, suc...
hemorrhage 22 19 any discharge of blo...
hepatocyte 29 20 an epithelial parenc...
hereticate 21 15 to denounce as heret...
heretofore 19 15 the past [n -S]
heriotable 21 16 subject to the payme...
hesitative 21 16 showing, or characte...
heterodyne 23 16 to change the freque...
heulandite 19 16 a mineral of the zeo...
hexadecane 25 24 the systematic name...
hexokinase 24 24 an enzyme [n -S]
hibernacle 24 20 that which serves fo...
hinderance 20 18 an act of hindering;...
hippodrome 24 22 a place set apart fo...
hippophile 29 24 a lover of horses [n...
hippophobe 29 26 a hater of horses [n...
histiocyte 29 17 a macrophage [n -S]
hitherside 22 15 the nearest side [n...
hobbyhorse 31 22 a strong, active hor...
hodgepodge 22 21 a confused mass of i...
hollowware 26 20 hollow articles of c...
holoenzyme 28 28 an enzyme which has...
holophrase 23 18 a single word expres...
homogenate 18 18 a substance produced...
homogenise 19 18 to make homogeneous,...
homogenize 22 27 to make homogeneous,...
homologate 20 18 to sanction, allow e...
homologise 21 18 to determine the hom...
homologize 24 27 to determine the hom...
homolosine 19 17 as in homolosine pro...
homozygote 29 28 an organism or cell...
honeyguide 25 19 an African bird that...
honourable 20 18 worthy of honour, al...
hootnannie 15 15 (US) a party with fo...
hornblende 20 19 the common black, or...
hospitable 24 19 kind to strangers [a...
housebroke 21 20 HOUSEBREAK, to train...
hucklebone 25 25 the ankle bone, or t...
humoresque 28 26 a musical caprice, a...
humoursome 21 20 capricious, petulant...
husbandage 21 20 the commission or co...
hyalophane 28 21 a species of the fel...
hydragogue 27 20 causing discharge of...
hydrastine 25 16 a white poisonous al...
hydrochore 30 20 a plant disseminated...
hydrophane 28 21 a semitranslucent va...
hydrophile 31 21 a plant loving moist...
hydrophone 28 21 an apparatus for lis...
hydrophyte 36 22 an aquatic plant; an...
hydroplane 27 20 to travel by hydropl...
hydroscope 30 21 an instrument for vi...
hydrospace 30 21 the regions beneath...
hygrophile 32 22 a plant loving moist...
hygrophobe 32 24 a plant growing best...
hygrophyte 37 23 a plant adapted to a...
hygroscope 31 22 an instrument for di...
hyperacute 30 21 excessively acute [a...
hyperaware 29 20 excessively aware [a...
hyperbolae 29 21 HYPERBOLA, a type of...
hypernovae 27 22 HYPERNOVA, an explod...
hyperplane 29 22 a figure in hyperspa...
hyperspace 32 23 an imagined space ha...
hypertense 26 18 excessively tense [a...
hypnoidise 27 19 to put in the hypnoi...
hypnoidize 30 28 to put in the hypnoi...
hypocentre 29 21 the point on the ear...
hypotenuse 26 19 the longest side of...
hypothecae 31 22 HYPOTHECA, the inner...
hypsophobe 33 25 a person suffering f...
iconoscope 23 20 an early form of ele...
ideologise 18 14 to render ideologica...
ideologize 21 23 to render ideologica...
idolatrise 18 12 to worship as an ido...
idolatrize 21 21 to worship idols; to...
ignimbrite 22 19 a hard rock formed b...
illaqueate 26 22 to ensnare [v ILLAQU...
illaudable 22 18 not praiseworthy [ad...
illegalise 21 15 to make or delcare i...
illegalize 24 24 to make or declare i...
illiterate 19 12 having little or no...
illuminate 20 17 to enlighten spiritu...
illustrate 20 13 to elucidate and amp...
imaginable 21 20 that can be imagined...
imipramine 21 20 an antidepressant dr...
immaculate 23 21 having no stain or b...
immergence 22 22 immersion [n -S]
immersible 23 20 capable of being imm...
immiscible 27 23 not capable of being...
immiserise 20 16 to subject to immise...
immiserize 23 25 to subject to progre...
immittance 22 20 the act of immitting...
immobilise 23 20 to render immobile,...
immobilize 26 29 to make immovable, a...
immoderate 18 17 exceeding just, usua...
immortelle 21 18 (French) a plant wit...
immoveable 23 24 no capable of being...
impairable 23 20 that can be impaired...
impalpable 26 24 not perceivable by t...
imparadise 20 17 to put in a state li...
imparlance 23 21 parleying, conferenc...
impartable 23 20 that can be imparted...
impartible 24 20 of a field, that can...
impassable 23 20 that cannot be passe...
impassible 24 20 not subject to suffe...
impatience 22 20 the state of being i...
impeccable 29 26 faultless, flawless...
impeditive 23 21 causing hindrance; i...
impendence 21 22 (obsolete) the state...
imperative 22 20 expressive of comman...
implacable 27 24 incapable of being p...
importable 23 20 capable of being imp...
importance 22 20 the state of being i...
impossible 24 20 not possible [adj IM...
imposthume 24 22 (archaic) an abscess...
impoundage 20 21 the act of impoundin...
impregnate 20 19 to fill, imbue; to m...
impressive 23 20 making or tending to...
impressure 21 17 (archaic) an impress...
improbable 25 23 not probable [adj IM...
improvable 25 24 capable of being imp...
imprudence 23 22 the state of being i...
impugnable 24 24 capable of being imp...
imputative 23 21 transferred by imput...
inaccurate 22 18 not accurate [adj IN...
inactivate 21 18 to make inactive [v...
inadaptive 20 19 not adaptive [adj]
inadequate 23 22 not adequate [adj IN...
inapposite 20 17 not apposite [adj IN...
inaptitude 19 16 want of aptitude [n...
inarguable 20 18 that cannot be dispu...
inaugurate 17 15 to invest with offic...
incandesce 21 19 to be or become inca...
incatenate 17 15 to chain together [v...
inchoative 23 20 expressing or pertai...
incinerate 18 15 to cause to burn to...
incipience 24 21 a beginning; an inci...
incitative 22 18 an agent that incite...
inclinable 23 20 leaning; tending [ad...
inclosable 23 19 capable of being inc...
includable 24 21 that can be included...
includible 25 21 that can be included...
incohesive 23 20 lacking in unity; no...
incomplete 23 21 lacking a part [adj...
incoronate 17 15 crowned, also INCORO...
incrassate 19 14 (obsolete) to thicke...
incredible 23 19 unbelievable, also U...
incubative 24 22 of or pertaining to...
inculpable 26 23 blameless [adj INCUL...
incurrable 23 19 that can be incurred...
incurrence 22 19 the act of incurring...
indagative 19 18 investigative, also...
indapamide 19 19 a synthetic thiazide...
indecisive 22 19 not decisive [adj IN...
indefinite 18 16 of unlimited, or app...
indelicate 20 16 not delicate [adj IN...
indicative 22 19 serving to indicate...
indicolite 21 16 a variety of tourmal...
indictable 23 19 that can be indicted...
indigenise 17 15 to render indigenous...
indigenize 20 24 to render indigenous...
indignance 19 19 (archaic) indignatio...
indigolite 19 15 a variety of tourmal...
indiscrete 20 15 not discrete [adj IN...
indorsable 19 16 capable of being ind...
inductance 22 20 the property of indu...
indulgence 21 20 favourable treatment...
indurative 19 17 relating to indurati...
ineducable 22 20 incapable of being e...
inelegance 19 18 lack of elegance, al...
ineligible 22 18 not eligible [adj IN...
ineludible 21 18 incapable of being e...
ineptitude 19 16 the state of being i...
inerasable 18 15 that cannot be erase...
inerasible 19 15 that cannot be erase...
inevitable 21 19 that cannot be avoid...
inexorable 24 22 not to be moved by e...
inexpiable 27 25 that cannot be expia...
infallible 24 20 not capable of failu...
infamonise 18 18 to defame, to brand...
infamonize 21 27 to defame, to brand...
infeasible 21 18 not feasible, also U...
inferrable 21 18 that can be inferred...
inferrible 22 18 that can be inferred...
infibulate 22 19 to fasten with a cla...
infiltrate 20 15 to cause to filter i...
infinitate 18 15 to make infinite [v...
infinitive 21 19 expressing the verba...
infinitude 19 17 the state of being i...
inflamable 23 22 (obsolete) inflammab...
inflatable 22 19 capable of being inf...
inflective 25 22 capable of, or perta...
inflexible 29 26 not flexible [adj IN...
inflictive 26 22 causing infliction;...
informable 22 21 that can be informed...
infosphere 22 19 the business of coll...
ingeminate 17 17 to reiterate; to red...
ingenerate 15 14 to generate or produ...
ingestible 21 17 that can be ingested...
ingratiate 17 13 to commend (usually...
ingressive 20 17 pronounced with inha...
inhibitive 24 20 tending to inhibit,...
inimitable 21 18 that cannot be imita...
initialise 18 12 to set (as a compute...
initialize 21 21 to set (as a compute...
initiative 19 15 serving to initiate...
injectable 24 27 capable of being adm...
injunctive 24 29 relating to an injun...
inmarriage 18 16 endogamy [n -S]
innominate 15 16 having no name [adj]
innovative 19 20 characterized by inn...
innumerate 16 16 marked by an ignoran...
inoculable 23 20 capable of being ino...
inoperable 20 18 that cannot be opera...
inordinate 15 13 exceeding reasonable...
inosculate 20 16 to join or unite [v...
inquietude 25 23 a disturbed state [n...
insalivate 19 16 to mix with saliva [...
insatiable 19 15 that cannot be satia...
inselberge 20 17 INSELBERG, (German)...
inseminate 16 15 to sow; to impregnat...
insensible 19 16 imperceptible [adj I...
inseparate 17 14 (archaic) not separa...
insertable 19 15 capable of being ins...
insipience 21 18 (archaic) a lack of...
insistence 19 15 the state of being i...
insociable 22 18 unsociable [adj INSO...
insolvable 22 20 not solvable [adj IN...
inspective 24 21 engaged in inspectio...
inspirable 22 18 capable of being ins...
inspissate 19 14 to make thick [v INS...
insufflate 22 19 to blow on or into [...
insulinase 17 14 an enzyme, present i...
insultable 21 17 capable of being ins...
insurgence 20 18 the state of being i...
intangible 20 18 that cannot be touch...
integrable 20 17 capable of being int...
intemerate 16 14 pure, unspoiled [adj...
intendance 17 17 the office or employ...
intenerate 14 12 to make tender; to s...
intercaste 19 14 between castes e.g....
interclude 21 17 to block; to cut off...
interfibre 21 17 occurring or situate...
interfluve 22 20 an area between two...
intergrade 17 14 an intermediate grad...
interleave 18 16 to arrange in or as...
interphase 20 16 the interval between...
interphone 19 17 an intercom [n -S]
interrogee 16 13 one who is interroga...
interspace 21 17 an intervening space...
interstage 17 13 between stages [adj]
interstate 16 11 any of a system of e...
interstice 20 14 a gap or break in so...
intertwine 19 15 to unite by twining...
intervolve 21 20 to roll up or entwin...
interweave 20 18 to weave together [v...
intimidate 18 15 to make timid or fea...
intoxicate 25 21 to make drunk [v INT...
intraplate 19 15 relating to or occur...
intrastate 16 11 existing or occurrin...
intrigante 17 14 (French) a female in...
intuitable 20 16 that can be intuited...
invaginate 18 18 to ensheath [v INVAG...
invalidate 19 17 to make invalid [v I...
invaluable 22 21 beyond value [adj IN...
invariable 21 19 not varying, also UN...
invariance 20 19 the state of being i...
invendible 21 21 not vendible or sala...
inventable 20 20 that can be invented...
inventible 21 20 that can be invented...
invertible 22 19 capable of being inv...
investable 21 19 capable of being inv...
investible 22 19 capable of being inv...
inveterate 17 15 firmly established b...
invigilate 21 18 to keep watch; esp....
invigorate 19 17 to give life and ene...
invincible 25 23 unconquerable [adj I...
inviolable 22 20 secure from violatio...
invocative 23 22 serving to invoke [a...
ionosphere 19 16 a region of the uppe...
iridosmine 18 15 a very hard corrosio...
irradiance 19 15 the act of irradiati...
irradicate 20 14 to fix firmly [v IRR...
irrelative 20 15 not relative; irrele...
irremeable 20 17 which cannot be retu...
irresolute 18 12 uncertain how to act...
irrigative 21 16 relating to irrigati...
irritative 20 14 serving to irritate...
isabelline 20 16 a dingy yellowish-gr...
isoaminile 18 15 an antitussive drug...
isocyanate 24 16 an ester of isomeric...
isocyanide 25 17 a salt or ester of i...
isoflavone 20 19 a plant oestrogen, f...
isolatable 20 15 that can be isolated...
isoleucine 20 16 an essential amino a...
isoniazide 19 21 a pyridine derivativ...
isonitrile 18 12 a type of organic co...
isopachyte 30 20 a line connecting po...
italianate 16 12 to render Italian, o...
italianise 17 12 to make Italian, als...
italianize 20 21 to make Italian, als...
jardiniere 18 21 (French) an ornament...
jargonelle 20 24 (French) an early va...
jasperware 23 25 goods made of jasper...
jeopardise 20 23 to expose to loss or...
jeopardize 23 32 to expose to loss or...
johnnycake 29 32 a kind of bread made...
journalese 18 22 the jargon of bad jo...
journalise 19 22 to write for or in a...
journalize 22 31 to enter or record i...
jouysaunce 27 27 (Spenser) joyousness...
jovysaunce 29 30 (Spenser) joyousness...
judicative 25 28 having power to judg...
judicature 23 25 the power of dispens...
junglelike 23 29 like a jungle [adj]
kenspeckle 24 26 (Scots) obvious, con...
keratinise 17 15 to make keratinous,...
keratinize 20 24 to make keratinous,...
kersantite 17 15 a dyke-rock of black...
kerseymere 24 19 a twilled cloth of t...
khediviate 22 21 the office of khediv...
kidneylike 26 23 shaped like a kidney...
kilogramme 22 23 a unit of mass and w...
kimberlite 23 21 a mica-peridotite, a...
kinetosome 17 18 a basal body [n -S]
klangfarbe 23 24 (German) tone-colour...
knobkerrie 20 22 a short South Africa...
kryptonite 26 20 something that rende...
labellable 24 20 that can be labelled...
laboursome 20 18 (Shakespeare) labori...
lacerative 22 18 having the power to...
lachrymose 30 21 shedding tears [adj...
lacklustre 24 20 lacking lustre, unin...
lactoscope 25 20 an instrument for me...
lacustrine 21 16 relating to lakes [a...
ladderlike 20 18 like a ladder [adj]
lagerphone 21 19 a percussion instrum...
lamentable 20 19 deserving or express...
laminarise 18 15 to make laminar, als...
laminarize 21 24 to make laminar, als...
lanceolate 19 16 shaped like a lance-...
lanthanide 18 16 a rare-earth element...
lanuginose 17 16 downy; covered with...
lateralise 18 12 to make lateral, als...
lateralize 21 21 to make lateral, als...
latescence 22 18 a slight withdrawal...
launcegaye 26 20 (obsolete) a kind of...
laundrette 17 14 a self-service laund...
laurdalite 19 14 a coarse nepheline s...
laurustine 18 14 a winter-flowering s...
laurvikite 22 20 a mineral, a soda sy...
lavalliere 21 17 a loosely-tied bow;...
lawyerlike 29 21 like a lawyer [adj]
leaderette 16 12 a brief newspaper le...
legitimate 20 16 lawful, born in wedl...
legitimise 21 16 to make legitimate,...
legitimize 24 25 to make legitimate,...
leisurable 21 16 leisurely [adj LEISU...
lemniscate 21 18 an oval shape with t...
lengthwise 24 19 in the direction of...
lentamente 16 16 (Italian) slowly; in...
lepidolite 21 16 a species of mica, o...
leproserie 19 14 (French) a hospital...
leptospire 22 17 any of a genus of sl...
lethargise 21 15 to make lethargic, a...
lethargize 24 24 to make lethargic, a...
leucomaine 20 19 any of a group of to...
lexicalise 28 22 to put into a lexico...
lexicalize 31 31 to put into a lexico...
lherzolite 24 23 an igneous rock cons...
liberalise 21 15 to make liberal or m...
liberalize 24 24 to make liberal or m...
licensable 23 19 that can be licensed...
licentiate 20 15 one who has a licens...
lighterage 22 17 a fee for carrying c...
lighthouse 24 18 a structure (as a to...
lightplane 24 20 a small and comparat...
lignocaine 20 18 a local anaesthetic...
limburgite 24 20 a volcanic rock comp...
limicoline 23 19 belonging to the Cha...
limitative 22 18 tending to limit [ad...
limitrophe 24 19 near the frontier or...
lipochrome 26 22 a pigment of butter...
listenable 20 16 pleasant to listen t...
literalise 19 12 to make literal, als...
literalize 22 21 to make literal, als...
literature 18 12 the production of li...
lithomarge 22 18 a clay of a fine smo...
lithophane 23 19 porcelain with pictu...
lithophyse 31 20 a bladderlike spheru...
lithophyte 31 20 a plant that grows o...
lithotrite 21 13 a device that crushe...
littermate 19 14 one who shares the s...
lobotomise 20 17 to carry out a lobot...
lobotomize 23 26 to carry out a lobot...
locateable 22 18 that can be located,...
locomobile 24 21 an early automobile...
locomotive 23 21 moving from place to...
lophophore 25 21 a ring of ciliated t...
luciferase 23 18 an oxidising enzyme...
lumbersome 22 21 lumbering [adj]
lusterware 21 15 pottery with a metal...
lustrative 21 16 tending to lustrate...
lustreware 21 15 pottery with a metal...
luxuriance 27 24 the state of being l...
lymphocyte 39 26 a small white blood...
lymphokine 30 26 any of various subst...
lyophilise 30 19 to dry by freezing,...
lyophilize 33 28 to dry by freezing,...
lysogenise 24 16 to subject to the ac...
lysogenize 27 25 to subject to the ac...
macadamise 21 20 to cover a road with...
macadamize 24 29 to cover a road with...
macerative 22 20 tending to macerate...
machinable 25 23 that can be machined...
maconochie 24 22 army tinned stew [n...
macrobiote 22 19 a long-lived organis...
macrocycle 34 25 a macrocyclic organi...
macrophage 25 23 any of the large pha...
macrophyte 31 23 a macroscopic plant...
macroscale 24 20 a large often macros...
macrospore 22 19 a spore giving rise...
maculature 22 19 blotting paper [n -S...
magistrate 19 15 an official entruste...
maidenlike 19 20 like a maiden; modes...
maisonette 16 14 (French) a part of a...
malignance 21 21 the state of being m...
mammillate 22 21 with nipple-like pro...
manageable 19 20 that can be managed...
manducable 23 23 edible or soft enoug...
mangemange 18 22 a climbing fern of t...
manipulate 20 19 to work with the han...
mansuetude 17 17 the state of being g...
manteltree 17 15 the lintel of a fire...
mantletree 17 15 a beam made of stone...
maquillage 29 27 (French) makeup [n -...
margravate 20 19 the jurisdiction or...
margravine 20 20 a margrave's wife or...
marguerite 19 16 the oxeye daisy or o...
marionette 16 14 (French) a puppet mo...
marketable 21 21 that can be marketed...
marprelate 20 17 to inveigh after the...
marquisate 26 23 the rank of a marqui...
marrowbone 21 20 a bone containing ma...
martensite 17 14 the chief constituen...
martingale 19 17 a strap from the rei...
mascarpone 21 20 (Italian) an Italian...
maskalonge 19 21 a North American fre...
maskanonge 17 21 a North American fre...
maskinonge 18 21 a North American fre...
masquerade 25 24 an assembly of peopl...
masticable 24 20 capable of being mas...
masturbate 20 17 to practice masturba...
matellasse 19 15 (French) having a ra...
maturative 20 18 conducing to ripenes...
maxillulae 27 24 MAXILLULA, in crusta...
mayonnaise 21 17 (French) a thick sau...
mazarinade 19 24 (historical) a satir...
measurable 20 18 that can be measured...
meddlesome 19 19 given to meddling [a...
medicalise 22 18 to consider or treat...
medicalize 25 27 to consider or treat...
medicative 23 21 medicinal; acting li...
meditative 20 18 marked by or conduci...
mefloquine 28 28 an antimalarial drug...
megafaunae 18 20 MEGAFAUNA, the large...
megaflorae 20 19 MEGAFLORA, large pla...
megagamete 19 20 the larger and usual...
meiofaunae 17 18 MEIOFAUNA, animals l...
melaconite 20 18 an earthy black oxid...
melanocyte 26 20 an epidermal cell th...
melanosome 17 18 a melanin-producing...
meliorable 21 18 capable of improveme...
mellophone 22 21 a brass wind instrum...
memorabile 21 20 something memorable...
memorative 20 20 (obsolete) commemora...
menstruate 17 15 to undergo menstruat...
mensurable 20 19 capable of being mea...
meperidine 19 18 a pain-relieving dru...
mercantile 21 18 of or relating to me...
mercaptide 23 20 a compound of mercap...
mesenchyme 29 24 the embryonic tissue...
mesitylene 24 17 a colourless liquid...
mesoscaphe 24 21 a submersible bathin...
mesosphere 21 18 a zone in the Earth...
metabolise 20 17 to change by a metab...
metabolite 20 17 a product of metabol...
metabolize 23 26 to change by a metab...
metabolome 20 20 the quantitative com...
metacentre 19 17 a term in physics re...
metafemale 20 20 a sterile female org...
metaphrase 21 18 the turning of prose...
metastable 20 17 chemically stable [a...
methedrine 19 17 (tradename) a former...
methionine 18 17 an essential sulphur...
metrostyle 25 16 a device for regulat...
mettlesome 19 17 full of mettle [adj]
microbiome 24 22 the microscopic orga...
microcline 25 21 a mineral of the fel...
microcurie 25 20 a unit of radiation,...
microdrive 24 21 a very small hard di...
microdrone 20 18 a small remote-contr...
microfibre 26 22 a cloth of tightly w...
microfiche 29 24 a sheet of microfilm...
microimage 23 21 a very small image [...
microlitre 23 17 a millionth of a lit...
micrometre 22 19 a millionth of a met...
microphage 26 23 a small phagocyte [n...
microphone 24 22 an instrument whereb...
microphyte 32 23 a very minute plant,...
microprobe 25 22 a device that produc...
microquake 30 30 a very small earthqu...
microscale 25 20 an extremely small s...
microscope 26 22 an optical instrumen...
microspore 23 19 a spore giving rise...
microstate 21 16 a tiny country [n -S...
middleware 22 19 computer software th...
mignonette 17 17 (French) a plant hav...
militarise 20 14 to make military, al...
militarize 23 23 to make military, al...
millicurie 25 19 a thousandth of a cu...
millilitre 23 16 a thousandth part of...
millimetre 22 18 a thousandth part of...
milliprobe 25 21 an instrument for an...
minauderie 17 16 (French) coquetry [n...
minaudiere 17 16 (French) an affected...
mineralise 18 15 to transform into a...
mineralize 21 24 to transform into a...
minestrone 16 15 (Italian) a thick ve...
minicourse 21 18 a short course [n -S...
ministroke 19 18 a small stroke [n -S...
mirrorlike 21 18 like a mirror [adj]
mirrorwise 22 16 in the fashion of a...
misarrange 18 16 to arrange wrongly [...
misbalance 23 21 to balance mistakenl...
misbelieve 23 21 to hold a false or u...
miscompute 25 23 to compute erroneous...
miscreance 23 20 (Spenser) false reli...
miseducate 21 18 to educate in a wron...
misfeature 20 17 a bad or distorted f...
misfortune 20 18 an event or conjunct...
mishguggle 26 23 (Scots) to bungle, m...
misimprove 24 23 to make worse by wou...
mismeasure 19 17 to measure or estima...
misobserve 22 20 to observe inaccurat...
mispackage 25 25 to package incorrect...
missionise 18 14 to do missionary wor...
missionize 21 23 to do missionary wor...
mistakable 22 21 liable to be mistake...
misventure 20 19 a misadventure, also...
mithridate 21 16 an antidote against...
mitigative 22 19 tending to mitigate...
modifiable 23 21 that can be modified...
modulative 21 20 relating to modulati...
moisturise 19 14 to add moisture to,...
moisturize 22 23 to add moisture to,...
monarchise 22 19 to play the sovereig...
monarchize 25 28 to play the sovereig...
mongrelise 19 17 to make mongrel, als...
mongrelize 22 26 to make mongrel, als...
monochrome 22 22 of one colour only [...
monologise 18 17 to engage in a monol...
monologize 21 26 to engage in a monol...
monopolise 19 18 to get a monopoly of...
monopolize 22 27 to get a monopoly of...
monostable 19 18 of an electronic cir...
monotonise 15 15 to make into a monot...
monotonize 18 24 to make into a monot...
monstrance 19 18 an ecclesiastical ve...
moonstrike 18 18 the act of landing a...
morigerate 18 15 to conform [v MORIGE...
morpholine 22 20 a colourless liquid,...
mortadelle 19 16 MORTADELLA, Italian...
mosaiclike 23 21 like a mosaic [adj]
motivative 22 21 motivating [adj]
motorcycle 31 22 to ride by motorcycl...
mousepiece 22 20 (dialect) part of a...
mousseline 18 16 (French) a French dr...
mouthpiece 25 22 something placed at...
mouvemente 19 22 (French) full of mov...
multicurie 24 19 having many curies,...
multicycle 34 24 (obsolete) a velocip...
multigrade 21 18 a brand of black and...
multiparae 21 18 MULTIPARA, a mother...
multiphase 24 20 having many phases [...
multipiece 25 21 having many pieces [...
multiplane 22 20 an aeroplane with mo...
multirange 20 18 having many ranges [...
multisense 19 16 having many senses [...
multistage 21 17 having many stages [...
multistate 20 15 extending over, rela...
multiverse 22 19 the sum of all unive...
munifience 22 22 (Spenser) defence, f...
muscadelle 23 20 a rich spicy wine de...
muscardine 21 19 (French) a disease w...
musicalise 23 18 to make musical, als...
musicalize 26 27 to make musical, als...
mutagenise 18 17 to treat with mutage...
mutagenize 21 26 to treat with mutage...
mutilative 22 19 causing mutilation [...
mycoflorae 29 22 MYCOFLORA, the fungi...
mycorhizae 32 29 MYCORHIZA, a fungus...
mylonitise 25 17 to turn into mylonit...
mylonitize 28 26 to turn into mylonit...
myrioscope 29 21 a form of kaleidosco...
mystagogue 26 20 one who teaches myst...
myxamoebae 31 28 MYXAMOEBA, a cell pr...
myxomycete 40 30 slime mould [n -S]
nalbuphine 23 22 a synthetic narcotic...
nalorphine 20 18 a derivative of morp...
naltrexone 21 20 a narcotic antagonis...
nandrolone 14 15 an androgenic anabol...
nanogramme 17 20 a billionth of a gra...
narratable 18 15 that can be narrated...
nathelesse 18 14 (archaic) neverthele...
nationwide 18 16 extending throughout...
naturalise 17 13 to confer the rights...
naturalize 20 22 to confer the rights...
naumachiae 21 20 NAUMACHIA, (Latin) a...
nauseative 17 16 (obsolete) causing n...
naviculare 22 20 a boat-shaped bone o...
necessaire 18 14 (French) a dressing-...
necrophile 24 20 someone who is morbi...
necrophobe 24 22 an organism that eat...
needlelike 18 18 like a needle [adj]
neglective 23 21 neglectful [adj]
negligence 21 20 the state of being n...
negligible 23 20 that may neglected o...
negotiable 19 17 capable of being neg...
negrophile 22 19 a person who has sym...
negrophobe 22 21 one with an irration...
nematicide 20 18 a substance used to...
nematocide 19 18 a substance used to...
nephoscope 24 22 an instrument for ob...
nesselrode 16 13 a rich frozen puddin...
nethermore 18 16 the weaker or inferi...
netiquette 24 21 etiquette appropriat...
nettlelike 19 17 like a nettle [adj]
nettlesome 17 15 causing vexation [ad...
neurocoele 18 16 a cavity in the brai...
neutralise 17 13 to render neutral, a...
neutralize 20 22 to render neutral, a...
newspeople 23 21 people who report th...
nidificate 22 18 to construct a nest...
nifedipine 20 19 a coronary vasodilat...
niggardise 19 16 (archaic) niggardlin...
niggardize 22 25 (archaic) niggardlin...
nightpiece 25 21 a work of art descri...
nightscope 25 21 a device fitted to a...
nightshade 22 18 a name given to vari...
nobilitate 19 15 to ennoble [v NOBILI...
noctilucae 23 19 NOCTILUCA, (Latin) a...
nominalise 17 16 to form a noun from,...
nominalize 20 25 to form a noun from,...
nominative 18 19 naming the subject [...
nonathlete 17 15 one who is not an at...
noncollege 20 19 not associated with...
nondefence 18 20 not related to defen...
nondefense 15 17 not related to defen...
nondurable 18 18 goods that are not d...
nonhistone 16 15 denoting a substance...
nonhostile 18 15 not hostile [adj]
nonobscene 18 19 not obscene [adj]
nonpassive 19 19 not passive [adj]
nonroutine 14 14 not routine [adj]
nonsalable 18 17 not salable, also NO...
nonscience 20 19 something that is no...
nonseptate 16 15 not having a septum...
nonstative 17 16 a verb describing an...
nontaxable 23 23 not taxable [adj]
nonvintage 17 19 not vintage [adj]
noticeable 21 18 that can be noticed...
notifiable 21 18 of a diseased, requi...
nourriture 17 13 nourishment, nurture...
novaculite 22 20 a variety of siliceo...
nuclearise 20 16 to make nuclear; to...
nuclearize 23 25 to make nuclear; to...
nucleolate 20 17 having a nucleus or...
nucleoside 20 17 a deoxyribose or rib...
nucleosome 20 19 a repeating unit of...
nucleotide 20 17 a nucleoside with a...
nulliparae 20 17 NULLIPARA, (Latin) a...
numberable 22 22 that can be numbered...
numerative 19 19 relating to numerati...
nunciature 19 17 the office of a nunc...
nurturable 20 17 that can be nurtured...
nurturance 19 17 nurture [n -S]
obligative 23 20 causing obligation [...
obliterate 19 14 to erase or blot out...
obnubilate 21 19 (obsolete) to darken...
observable 23 21 that can be observed...
observance 22 21 the keeping of a cus...
obtainable 20 18 that can be obtained...
obtruncate 21 18 to cut or lop off th...
obvolutive 24 23 of a leaf etc., havi...
occupative 27 24 held by tenure based...
occurrence 25 21 something that occur...
odontocete 17 15 a subdivision of Cet...
odontolite 16 13 a fossil bone or too...
odoriphore 20 16 the group of atoms i...
oedematose 15 14 pertaining to, or of...
offsetable 23 20 that can be offset [...
olfactible 26 21 able to be smelled [...
oligoclase 22 17 a triclinic soda-lim...
ombrophile 25 22 a plant flourishing...
ombrophobe 25 24 a plant thriving onl...
operculate 22 18 relating to the oper...
ophicleide 25 20 a bass bugle-like ke...
oppilative 24 21 obstructive [adj]
oppositive 23 20 capable of being put...
oppressive 23 20 unreasonably burdens...
optimalise 21 17 to bring to the most...
optimalize 24 26 to bring to the most...
orbiculate 23 18 having the shape of...
orchidlike 25 21 like an orchid [adj]
ordainable 18 16 capable of being ord...
ordonnance 16 17 coordination, esp. t...
orthocaine 20 16 a white crystalline...
orthoclase 22 16 common or potash fel...
orthograde 19 15 walking with the bod...
orthophyre 29 19 a fine-grained syeni...
orthoscope 23 18 a 19th-century instr...
ostensible 19 15 intended for display...
osteophyte 26 17 an abnormal bony out...
otherwhere 23 17 (archaic) elsewhere...
otherwhile 25 18 (archaic) at other t...
ouananiche 19 18 a landlocked variety...
outachieve 23 20 to surpass in achiev...
outbalance 21 19 to outweight; to exc...
outbreathe 20 16 to breathe forth [v...
outcompete 22 20 to surpass in compet...
outmeasure 17 15 to exceed in measure...
outproduce 22 19 to surpass in produc...
outpromise 20 17 to surpass in promis...
outsparkle 21 19 to exceed in sparkli...
outspeckle 24 22 (Scots) a laughing s...
outwrestle 21 15 to surpass in wrestl...
overactive 23 21 excessively or abnor...
overblouse 21 19 a garment worn over...
overbridge 22 20 to span with a bridg...
overbrowse 23 20 to browse to excess...
overcharge 24 21 to charge too much [...
overdosage 18 17 an overdose [n -S]
overexcite 27 24 to excite too much [...
overexpose 25 24 to expose excessivel...
overfacile 24 21 too facile [adj]
overglance 22 21 to glance over [v OV...
overhandle 20 19 to handle, or use, t...
overinsure 18 16 to insure to excess...
overmanage 18 20 to manage to excess...
overmature 19 18 excessively mature [...
overoffice 25 23 to domineer over by...
overpeople 22 21 to people too densel...
overpraise 20 17 to praise excessivel...
overrefine 19 18 to refine excessivel...
oversimple 23 21 too simple [adj OVER...
oversleeve 20 19 a sleeve that goes o...
overstride 19 15 to stride over, acro...
overstrike 20 18 to strike beyond [v...
overstrode 18 15 OVERSTRIDE, to strid...
oversubtle 22 19 too subtle [adj]
oxidisable 26 22 that can be oxidised...
oxidizable 29 31 that can be oxidized...
pacifiable 27 23 capable of being pac...
pacificate 27 22 to give peace to [v...
packsaddle 24 23 a saddle designed to...
paedagogue 19 19 one who teaches; by...
paedophile 23 20 one with a perverted...
paedotribe 20 17 in ancient Greece, a...
palaeotype 26 19 a 19C phonetic adapt...
palaestrae 18 14 PALAESTRA, (historic...
palagonite 19 17 an altered vitreous...
palatalise 20 15 to make (a sound) pa...
palatalize 23 24 to make (a sound) pa...
palatinate 18 15 the province or seig...
palindrome 20 19 a word or statement...
palliative 23 19 serving to palliate...
palpebrate 23 20 to wink or blink rep...
palustrine 20 16 of marshes, inhabiti...
pandermite 19 18 a hydrogen calcium b...
panegyrise 25 18 to deliver a panegyr...
panegyrize 28 27 to deliver a panegyr...
paniculate 22 19 having or arranged i...
pantherine 19 17 like a panther, esp....
pantoscope 22 20 a panoramic camera [...
papaverine 21 21 an alkaloid derived...
paperknife 23 24 a knife for cutting...
parabolise 21 17 to set forth by para...
parabolize 24 26 to set forth by para...
paradiddle 20 17 a kind of drum roll...
paradoxure 24 22 a civetlike animal o...
paragonite 18 16 a kind of mica relat...
paralogise 20 16 to reason falsely, a...
paralogize 23 25 to reason falsely, a...
paraphrase 22 18 to restate in differ...
paraselene 17 15 a mock moon; bright...
parasitise 19 13 to infest or live on...
parasitize 22 22 to infest or live on...
parcelwise 26 20 by parcels, piecemea...
pardonable 20 19 that can be pardoned...
parischane 23 19 (Scots) a parish, al...
parmacitie 23 19 (Shakespeare) sperma...
paroxetine 23 21 a kind of antidepres...
paroxytone 29 23 a word having an acu...
partialise 20 14 (Shakespeare) to bia...
partialize 23 23 (Shakespeare) to bia...
participle 26 20 a word having the ch...
pasquinade 26 25 (French) a lampoon p...
passionate 17 14 full of passion [adj...
pasteurise 19 14 to treat milk so as...
pasteurize 22 23 to treat milk so as...
pasturable 22 18 fit for pasture [adj...
patchcocke 31 28 (Spenser) perhaps a...
patentable 20 18 suitable to be paten...
patisserie 19 13 (French) a shop whic...
patrialise 20 14 to make patrial, one...
patrialize 23 23 to make patrial, one...
patriciate 22 16 the patrician class;...
pectisable 25 20 that can be pectised...
pectizable 28 29 that can be pectized...
pediculate 23 19 stalked, also PEDICU...
pejorative 22 26 implying or imputing...
pendentive 19 20 one of four spherica...
penelopise 20 18 to undo what you hav...
penelopize 23 27 to undo what you hav...
penetrable 20 18 that can be penetrat...
penetrance 19 18 the degree or freque...
pennatulae 17 17 PENNATULA, a sea-pen...
penoncelle 21 20 (French) a small fla...
pentastyle 25 17 a building or portic...
pepperidge 24 22 a North American tre...
peppertree 22 19 an evergreen tree na...
peptisable 24 20 that can be peptised...
peptizable 27 29 that can be peptized...
percentage 21 19 a part of a whole ex...
percentile 22 18 the value below whic...
perceptive 26 23 responsive to sensor...
percolable 25 21 that can be percolat...
percussive 25 21 of or relating to pe...
perdurable 22 19 extremely durable, p...
perdurance 21 19 lastingness, enduran...
perfective 26 23 tending to make perf...
perfoliate 21 17 of a leaf or bract,...
perforable 23 20 that can be perforat...
pericentre 21 17 the point in the pat...
peridotite 19 14 an ultramafic igneou...
periphrase 23 18 to use more words th...
perishable 24 19 liable to perish [ad...
periwinkle 24 22 a creeping plant wit...
permanence 20 21 the state of being p...
permeative 21 20 that permeates [adj]
permillage 23 20 reckoning by the tho...
permissive 23 20 permitting; granting...
permutable 23 21 that can be permuted...
pernoctate 20 17 to pass the night in...
perovskite 22 21 a mineral form of ca...
peroxidase 24 21 an enzyme found in m...
peroxidise 25 21 to oxidize to the ut...
peroxidize 28 30 to oxidize to the ut...
peroxisome 25 23 an organelle contain...
perpetrate 20 16 to bring about or ca...
perpetuate 20 17 to make perpetual or...
perquisite 28 23 a privilege, gain, o...
persecutee 21 17 one who is persecute...
persiflage 23 19 (French) frivolous,...
persistive 22 17 (Shakespeare) persis...
personable 20 18 attractive in person...
perspirate 21 16 to sweat [v PERSPIRA...
perstringe 20 16 (obsolete) to constr...
persuasive 21 18 tending to persuade...
persulfate 22 18 a sulphuric acid sal...
pertinence 20 18 the state of being p...
perturbate 21 17 to perturb [v PERTUR...
perversive 23 21 tending to pervert [...
pestilence 22 18 a fatal epidemic or...
petrissage 20 15 (French) massage by...
petrodrome 19 17 an African elephant...
petroleuse 19 15 (French) a female pe...
petrostate 18 13 a small oil-rich cou...
phaenotype 27 21 to categorise by pha...
phantasime 21 19 (Shakespeare) a fant...
phascogale 25 21 a small insectivorou...
phenacaine 21 20 a crystalline base o...
philippine 27 23 a present or gift wh...
philistine 23 17 materialistic in out...
philologue 24 20 a person who studies...
philosophe 26 21 (French) a philosoph...
phlebolite 25 20 a calcareous concret...
phlogopite 25 21 a brown mica contain...
phlyctenae 30 22 PHLYCTENA, (Greek) a...
phonophore 23 21 a sound-conducting a...
phonoscope 24 22 a device that render...
phosgenite 21 18 a rare fluorescent s...
photodiode 20 17 a two-electrode semi...
photophase 24 20 the light period of...
photophobe 26 23 a plant that shuns o...
photophone 23 21 an apparatus for the...
photophore 24 20 a luminiferous organ...
phototrope 22 18 a substance exhibiti...
pianoforte 19 17 (Italian) a large ke...
picaresque 30 26 (French) pertaining...
piemontite 19 17 a dark-red mineral,...
pierceable 24 20 that may be pierced,...
pigeonhole 21 19 a compartment for st...
pilferable 25 21 that can be pilfered...
pilgrimage 24 21 a journey to a shrin...
pilgrimise 24 19 to go on pilgrimage,...
pilgrimize 27 28 to go on pilgrimage,...
pillowcase 27 21 a removable covering...
pilothouse 22 17 a shelter for steeri...
pimpmobile 27 26 a car used by a pimp...
pincerlike 24 22 like a pincer [adj]
pinguitude 21 19 fatness [n -S]
piperazine 23 26 a crystalline nitrog...
piperidine 21 18 an oily liquid alkal...
pistillate 22 15 having a pistil or p...
pistillode 22 16 an abortive pistil [...
pitchstone 24 19 an igneous rock of s...
placentate 21 18 having a placenta [a...
plagiarise 21 16 to steal ideas or wr...
plagiarize 24 25 to steal ideas or wr...
plaguesome 21 20 (colloquial) trouble...
planchette 24 20 a board mounted on t...
planetlike 21 20 like a planet [adj]
planetwide 22 19 extending throughout...
plasmagene 20 20 a self-reproducing s...
plasmolyse 28 20 to undergo plasmolys...
plasmolyze 31 29 to undergo plasmolys...
plasmosome 21 20 a nucleolus, also PL...
plasticene 22 18 (tradename) a kind o...
plasticine 23 18 (tradename) a kind o...
plasticise 24 17 to make plastic, als...
plasticize 27 26 to make plastic, als...
plastidule 22 17 one of the small par...
plebiscite 26 20 a direct vote of the...
pledgeable 23 21 that can be pledged...
plentitude 20 17 plenitude [n -S]
ploughable 26 23 capable of being plo...
ploughgate 24 21 (Scots) plowland [n...
ploughwise 27 22 as in ploughing, als...
plunderage 20 19 the embezzlement of...
pluriparae 22 18 PLURIPARA, (Latin) a...
pocketable 25 24 that can be pocketed...
pocketbike 26 27 a type of small bicy...
pockmantie 23 24 (Scots) a corrupt fo...
podosphere 22 19 the collective podca...
poisonable 20 18 capable of poisoning...
polemicise 24 20 to argue or write po...
polemicize 27 29 to argue or write po...
polishable 25 20 capable of being pol...
politicise 24 17 to give a political...
politicize 27 26 to give a political...
polyactine 28 20 the spicule of a pol...
polybasite 28 19 a grey to black mine...
polychaete 30 21 a type of aquatic wo...
polychrome 32 24 many-coloured, also...
polyethene 26 19 the systematic name...
polygamise 28 21 to practise polygamy...
polygamize 31 30 to practise polygamy...
polyhalite 29 19 a triclinic hydrated...
polylysine 33 20 a protein whose poly...
polymerase 26 19 an enzyme present in...
polymeride 27 20 a polymer [n -S]
polymerise 27 19 to make into a polym...
polymerize 30 28 to make into a polym...
ponderable 20 19 capable of being wei...
ponderance 19 19 weight, gravity, als...
poplinette 21 18 an imitation poplin...
popularise 22 18 to cater to popular...
popularize 25 27 to cater to popular...
porpentine 19 18 (Shakespeare) a porc...
porphyrite 30 20 a rock with a porphy...
portmantle 20 18 (obsolete) a portman...
possessive 21 17 related to possessio...
postdebate 20 17 after a debate [adj]
postfreeze 23 25 after a freeze [adj]
postillate 21 15 to explain by margin...
poststrike 21 17 after a strike [adj]
potentiate 17 14 to use drugs in comb...
poultroone 18 16 (Shakespeare) a polt...
powderlike 24 22 like powder [adj]
powerhouse 23 19 one having great dri...
praemunire 19 18 the offense of intro...
pragmatise 21 18 to interpret; to rep...
pragmatize 24 27 to interpret; to rep...
pratincole 22 18 a bird related to th...
preachable 26 22 that can be preached...
preadamite 19 17 a person who believe...
preapprove 24 23 to approve in advanc...
prearrange 18 16 to arrange in advanc...
precedence 23 21 the fact of precedin...
preceptive 26 23 concerning rules of...
preclusive 26 22 tending to preclude...
precognise 22 19 to know beforehand,...
precognize 25 28 to know beforehand,...
precollege 24 20 taking place before...
precompose 24 22 to compose beforehan...
precompute 25 23 to compute in advanc...
preconsume 22 21 to consume in advanc...
precursive 25 21 preceding; introduct...
predecease 20 17 to die sooner than [...
predentate 17 15 having teeth in the...
predestine 18 15 to decree beforehand...
predicable 25 21 capable of being pre...
predictive 25 21 relating to predicti...
predispose 21 17 to dispose in advanc...
prednisone 17 16 a drug similar to co...
preemptive 24 23 of or pertaining to...
prefecture 24 20 the office, position...
preferable 23 20 to be preferred, als...
preference 22 20 the act of preferrin...
prefinance 22 21 to finance in advanc...
prefixture 28 24 the act of prefixing...
prehensile 21 17 adapted to seize or...
prehensive 22 20 prehensile, related...
premeasure 19 17 to measure in advanc...
prepackage 25 25 to package in advanc...
prepayable 29 22 that can be prepaid...
prepensive 22 21 premeditated [adj]
prepotence 22 20 the state of being p...
prerelease 18 14 to release in advanc...
prerequire 27 23 to require beforehan...
prescience 24 20 knowledge of events...
presentive 20 18 a word that presents...
preservice 24 20 before service [adj]
pressurise 20 14 to place under press...
pressurize 23 23 to place under press...
prestorage 19 15 occurring before sto...
presumable 23 21 to be presumed [adj...
presuppose 23 20 to suppose beforehan...
presurmise 21 17 (Shakespeare) a surm...
pretensive 20 18 pretentious [adj]
pretheatre 20 15 occurring before a v...
prevalence 23 22 the state of being p...
preventive 22 22 serving to prevent,...
priestlike 22 18 like a priest [adj]
primaquine 28 27 an antimalarial drug...
primiparae 22 19 PRIMIPARA, (Latin) a...
princelike 24 22 princely [adj]
principate 24 20 principality; suprem...
prioritise 20 13 to assign a priority...
prioritize 23 22 to assign a priority...
procaryote 27 18 a bacterium or blue-...
procidence 24 21 prolapse [n -S]
proctorage 22 18 management by a proc...
proctorise 22 16 to exercise the powe...
proctorize 25 25 to exercise the powe...
procurable 25 21 capable of being pro...
procurance 24 21 the act of procuring...
producible 26 22 capable of being pro...
productile 24 19 capable of being ext...
productive 25 22 having the power of...
profitable 24 20 yielding profit [adj...
profitwise 25 19 by way of profit [ad...
profligate 23 19 debauched; rashly ex...
profluence 24 22 (Milton) the quality...
projectile 25 26 a body projected by...
projective 26 29 projecting; of proje...
projecture 24 26 a jutting out beyond...
prokaryote 25 19 a bacterium or blue-...
prologuise 21 17 to speak a prologue,...
prologuize 24 26 to speak a prologue,...
prolongate 19 17 to prolong [v PROLON...
prominence 21 21 something prominent,...
promissive 23 20 making a promise [ad...
promotable 22 20 that can be promoted...
promulgate 22 20 to make known, disse...
propagable 24 22 capable of being pro...
propensive 22 21 (obsolete) inclined...
propionate 19 17 a salt of propionic...
propitiate 21 16 to render favourable...
proposable 23 20 that can be proposed...
propositae 20 16 PROPOSITA, a woman f...
propulsive 25 22 tending or having po...
proratable 21 17 capable of being pro...
proseuchae 23 19 PROSEUCHA, (Latin) a...
prostitute 20 14 a person (usu a woma...
protective 24 20 serving to protect [...
proteinase 17 14 any enzyme that spli...
protensive 20 18 extensive in time or...
proteolyse 25 16 to split proteins by...
protophyte 29 20 any unicellular plan...
protostele 19 14 a stele in which the...
protostome 19 16 a major group of bil...
protrusile 21 15 that can be protrude...
protrusive 22 18 thrusting or impelli...
provenance 21 22 an origin, source, a...
providable 24 22 that can be provided...
providence 23 22 divine guidance or c...
provocable 26 24 that can be provoked...
provokable 24 25 that can be provoked...
psalmodise 21 18 to practise psalmody...
psalmodize 24 27 to practice psalmody...
pseudocide 22 19 faking one's own dea...
pseudocode 21 19 instructions written...
psilophyte 31 21 any of an order of e...
psittacine 22 17 a member of the parr...
pubescence 26 24 the state of being p...
puissaunce 22 19 power, potency, also...
pulsatance 22 19 the angular frequenc...
pulverable 25 23 that can be reduced...
punctulate 23 20 to mark with small d...
punishable 24 21 worthy of punishment...
puppetlike 26 25 like a puppet [adj]
puritanise 19 15 to make a Puritan of...
puritanize 22 24 to make a Puritan of...
purtenance 20 19 (obsolete) something...
purveyance 29 24 the act of purveying...
putrescine 22 18 a substance formed d...
pycnospore 29 22 a conidium produced...
pycnostyle 35 22 with close-set colum...
pyranoside 24 17 a glycoside containi...
pyridoxine 31 24 a pyridine derivativ...
pyrimidine 27 20 a compound found in...
pyrolusite 27 17 native manganese dio...
pyrolysate 32 18 a product of pyrolys...
pyrolyzate 35 27 a product of pyrolys...
pyromeride 26 19 a nodular rhyolite [...
pyroxenite 30 23 a rock consisting es...
pyroxyline 38 26 any of the nitrocell...
pyrrhotine 27 18 magnetic pyrites, an...
pyrrhotite 28 17 magnetic pyrites, an...
quadrangle 26 25 a plane figure with...
quadrature 25 22 the finding of a squ...
quadricone 27 25 a quadric cone, or c...
quadripole 28 25 a network with two i...
quadrireme 26 24 an ancient ship with...
quadrumane 25 26 a former name for pr...
quadrupole 28 26 a system composed of...
quantitate 24 21 to make quantitative...
quantitive 27 25 estimable according...
quarantine 23 22 a time of compulsory...
quarriable 28 24 that can be quarried...
quarterage 25 22 a quarterly allowanc...
quaternate 23 21 in sets of four [adj...
quenchable 32 30 capable of being que...
quernstone 23 22 a quern, a stone mil...
questionee 23 21 one who is questione...
quiescence 30 27 the state of being q...
quinacrine 27 25 another name for mep...
racecourse 22 17 a course for racing...
raconteuse 18 15 (French) a female ra...
radarscope 21 17 an instrument for de...
radicalise 21 15 to make or become ra...
radicalize 24 24 to make or become ra...
radiculose 21 16 producing numerous r...
radiopaque 26 24 not allowing passage...
radiophone 19 17 an instrument for pr...
radioscope 21 17 an instrument for vi...
radiosonde 15 13 a radio transmitter,...
ramshackle 25 23 appearing ready to c...
randomwise 20 18 in a random fashion...
ranshackle 23 21 (Scott) to search, r...
ransomable 19 18 such as can be ranso...
ransomware 19 17 illegal computer sof...
rapierlike 21 18 like a rapier [adj]
rapportage 21 18 (French) the descrip...
rarefiable 21 17 capable of being rar...
ratifiable 22 17 that can be ratified...
rawinsonde 18 16 an apparatus for tak...
reactivate 21 17 to activate again [v...
realisable 20 15 that can be realised...
realizable 23 24 that can be realized...
reallocate 20 15 to allocate again [v...
reappraise 20 16 to appraise again [v...
reasonable 17 15 related to reason [a...
reassemble 20 17 to assemble again [v...
rebateable 20 17 that can be rebated,...
rebuttable 22 18 capable of being reb...
recallable 24 19 capable of being rec...
recanalise 19 15 to canalize again, a...
recanalize 22 24 to canalize again, a...
recappable 26 23 that can be recapped...
receivable 24 21 capable of being rec...
receptacle 25 20 that in which anythi...
receptible 25 20 such as may be recei...
recipience 24 20 the state of being r...
recitative 22 17 a style of musical d...
reclinable 23 19 of a chair, that can...
reclosable 23 18 capable of being clo...
recognisee 19 16 one who is recognise...
recognizee 22 25 one who is recognise...
recolonise 19 15 to colonise again, a...
recolonize 22 24 to colonize again, a...
recommence 23 23 to commence again [v...
recompence 24 23 (obsolete) a reward,...
recompense 21 20 to give something to...
reconceive 23 21 to conceive again [v...
recondense 17 16 to condense again [v...
recontinue 18 16 to continue anew [v...
reconvince 23 22 to convince again [v...
recordable 22 18 that can be recorded...
recoupable 24 21 that can be recouped...
recreative 21 17 tending to recreate...
recrudesce 23 18 of a disease, sore,...
recumbence 25 24 the state of being r...
recuperate 21 17 to get back, recover...
recurrence 22 18 the act of recurring...
recyclable 33 23 that can be recycled...
redecorate 18 14 to decorate again [v...
rededicate 19 15 to dedicate again [v...
redeemable 19 18 that can be redeemed...
redemptive 22 21 serving to redeem [a...
redescribe 22 17 to describe again [v...
redisburse 20 15 (Spenser) to refund...
redissolve 20 16 to dissolve again [v...
redressive 19 15 tending to redress [...
redruthite 20 14 copper-glance, a min...
redundance 18 18 the state of being r...
reeligible 22 17 eligible again, as,...
reenergise 16 13 to give new energy t...
reenergize 19 22 to give new energy t...
reenthrone 16 14 to enthrone again [v...
reentrance 17 15 reentry [n -S]
reescalate 19 14 to escalate again [v...
reestimate 17 13 to estimate again [v...
reevaluate 18 16 to evaluate again [v...
reexposure 24 21 a new exposure [n -S...
referrable 21 17 capable of being ref...
referrible 22 17 capable of being ref...
refillable 24 19 that can be refilled...
reflective 25 21 capable of reflectin...
reflexible 29 25 capable of being ref...
reformable 22 20 capable of being ref...
refractile 23 17 refractive, capable...
refractive 24 20 serving to refract [...
refracture 22 17 to fracture again [v...
refuelable 22 19 capable of being ref...
refulgence 23 21 the quality of being...
refundable 21 20 that can be refunded...
regainable 19 17 that can be regained...
regardable 20 17 worthy of regard or...
regenerate 15 13 renewed [adj REGENER...
regressive 20 16 tending to regress [...
regularise 19 14 to make regular, als...
regularize 22 23 to make regular, als...
regulative 21 18 tending to regulate...
rehumanise 19 17 to make human again,...
rehumanize 22 26 to make human again,...
reillumine 20 17 to illumine again [v...
reincrease 18 14 to increase again [v...
reinitiate 16 11 to initiate again [v...
reioyndure 22 15 (Shakespeare) a rejo...
reissuable 20 15 capable of being rei...
reiterance 18 14 the act of reiterati...
rejectable 24 26 capable of being rej...
rejectible 25 26 capable of being rej...
rejoindure 18 22 the act of joining a...
rejuvenate 19 25 to make young again...
rejuvenise 20 25 to rejuvenate, also...
rejuvenize 23 34 to rejuvenate, also...
relativise 20 15 to make relative, al...
relativize 23 24 to treat or describe...
relaxative 25 22 a medication or acti...
releasable 19 15 that may be released...
relievable 22 19 capable of being rel...
religieuse 19 14 (French) a (female)...
reliquaire 26 21 (French) a receptacl...
relishable 23 17 capable of being rel...
reluctance 23 19 the state of being r...
remarkable 21 21 worhty of note [adj...
remarriage 18 15 the act of marrying...
remediable 20 18 that can be remedied...
remissible 22 17 capable of being rem...
remittable 21 17 that can be remitted...
remittance 20 17 a sum of money remit...
remittence 20 17 a period of diminish...
remobilise 21 17 to mobilise again, a...
remobilize 24 26 to mobilise again, a...
remonetise 16 14 to reestablish as le...
remonetize 19 23 to reestablish as le...
remontoire 16 14 any of various devic...
remoralise 18 14 to restore morality...
remoralize 21 23 to restore morality...
remortgage 19 17 to mortgage again [v...
remotivate 19 17 to motivate again [v...
removeable 21 21 capable of being rem...
remunerate 16 15 to pay an equivalent...
renascence 20 18 rebirth, also RENAIS...
renderable 18 16 capable of being ren...
renominate 15 15 to nominate again es...
renovative 19 19 serving to renovate...
renunciate 18 16 a religious devotee...
reorganise 16 13 to organize again, a...
reorganize 19 22 to organize again, a...
repaginate 18 16 to paginate again [v...
repairable 21 17 that can be repaired...
reparative 20 17 repairing, or tendin...
repatriate 18 13 to restore to one's...
repealable 21 18 capable of being rep...
repeatable 20 17 that can be repeated...
repellance 22 19 the act of repelling...
repellence 22 19 the principle of rep...
repentance 19 18 the act of repenting...
repertoire 18 13 (French) a stock of...
repetitive 21 17 showing repetition [...
replicable 26 21 capable of replicati...
repolarise 19 14 to polarise again, a...
repolarize 22 23 to polarize again, a...
repopulate 21 18 to populate again [v...
reportable 21 17 worth reporting [adj...
repoussage 19 16 the art of doing rep...
repressive 21 17 serving to repress [...
reprobance 22 20 (Shakespeare) reprob...
reprovable 23 21 that can be reproved...
repudiable 22 19 admitting of repudia...
repugnance 21 21 strong dislike, anti...
repurchase 24 19 to buy back or again...
reputative 21 18 reputed, putative [a...
requirable 28 24 capable of being req...
requitable 28 24 that may be requited...
reregulate 18 14 to regulate again [v...
resaleable 19 15 that can be resold [...
reschedule 23 18 to schedule again ac...
resealable 19 15 that can be resealed...
resectable 22 17 that can be resected...
resentence 17 15 to sentence again [v...
reservable 21 18 that can be reserved...
resettable 19 14 that can be reset [a...
resilience 20 15 the quality of being...
resistance 19 14 the act or power of...
resistible 21 14 that can be resisted...
resolutive 20 16 serving to dissolve...
resolvable 22 19 that can be resolved...
resorbence 20 17 reabsorption [n -S]
resorptive 21 17 relating to resorpti...
respective 24 20 particular, separate...
respirable 22 17 fit for breathing [a...
responsive 20 18 giving response [adj...
restorable 19 14 fit for restoring or...
resumptive 23 21 taking back; resumin...
resupinate 18 15 turned through 180 d...
resurgence 20 17 a rising again into...
retainable 18 15 capable of being ret...
reticulate 21 15 like a network [adj...
retinalite 17 12 a translucent variet...
retractile 21 14 capable of retractio...
retractive 22 17 serving to retract [...
retrograde 17 13 going backwards [adj...
retroverse 18 14 turned backwards [ad...
returnable 19 16 that can be returned...
reunitable 19 16 that can be reunited...
revalidate 19 16 to validate again [v...
revalorise 19 15 to give a new value...
revalorize 22 24 to give a new value...
revealable 21 19 capable of being rev...
revegetate 18 16 to vegetate anew [v...
revelative 21 19 relating to revelati...
reversible 22 18 capable of being rev...
revertible 22 18 capable of being rev...
reviewable 24 21 that can be reviewed...
revitalise 20 15 to give new life or...
revitalize 23 24 to give new life or...
revolvable 24 23 that may be revolved...
rewardable 22 18 that can be rewarded...
rewritable 23 17 (of a CD, flash driv...
rhabdomere 21 19 one of the several p...
rhapsodise 21 16 to utter as a rhapso...
rhapsodize 24 25 to utter as a rhapso...
rheumatise 20 16 (dialect) rheumatism...
rheumatize 23 25 (dialect) rheumatism...
rhinestone 17 14 an imitation diamond...
rhinoscope 23 19 an instrument for ex...
rhizophore 26 26 a specialised leafle...
rhizoplane 24 26 the surface of a roo...
rhodophane 21 19 the red pigment cont...
ribbonlike 23 22 like a ribbon [adj]
riebeckite 23 20 a monoclinic amphibo...
rigamarole 19 16 a succession of inco...
ripidolite 21 15 a translucent minera...
ritornelle 18 13 (French) a short ins...
riverscape 24 20 a view of a river [n...
romanicite 20 17 another name for the...
rontgenise 16 14 to treat by rontgen...
rontgenize 19 23 to treat by rontgen...
roquelaure 25 22 a cloak reaching abo...
rosaniline 16 13 a base derived from...
rostellate 18 12 having a rostellum,...
rotisserie 17 10 (French) a cooking a...
roughhouse 22 18 a brawl [n -S] / to...
roundhouse 18 16 a constable's prison...
roundtable 19 17 a meeting or confere...
rubberlike 24 22 like rubber [adj]
rubescence 24 21 reddening, blushing...
rubiginose 20 17 rust-coloured, also...
rufescence 24 21 the state of being r...
ruminative 20 19 tending to ruminate...
rupicoline 23 19 living among or grow...
rupturable 23 19 that can be ruptured...
sabretache 23 18 (French) a satchel s...
sacahuiste 22 16 (Nahuatl) a bear gra...
saccharase 24 18 an enzyme that inver...
saccharate 24 18 a salt of saccharic...
saccharide 25 19 a carbohydrate, a co...
saccharine 24 19 sickly sweet [adj SA...
saccharise 25 18 to convert into, or...
saccharize 28 27 to convert into, or...
saccharose 24 18 any carbohydrate, es...
saddletree 17 13 the frame of a saddl...
sailorlike 20 16 like a sailor [adj]
salicylate 28 17 a salt of salicylic...
salifiable 23 18 capable of neutraliz...
saltigrade 19 14 a kind of jumping sp...
samarskite 19 17 a black mineral cont...
sanctitude 20 16 holiness, sanctity [...
sandcastle 20 16 a castle made of san...
sandgrouse 17 15 any bird of genus Pt...
sapphirine 23 19 a blue mineral, alum...
saprophyte 29 20 a fungus or bacteriu...
sarmentose 16 14 producing long, flex...
satyresque 31 22 like a satyr [adj]
saucerlike 22 19 like a saucer [adj]
saussurite 18 12 a dull opaque mass o...
saxicoline 26 22 inhabiting or growin...
scaffolage 25 22 (Shakespeare) scaffo...
scaloppine 24 21 (Italian) thin slice...
scandalise 20 16 to offend the moral...
scandalize 23 25 to offend the moral...
scapegrace 25 21 an incorrigible rasc...
schematise 23 18 to make a scheme of,...
schematize 26 27 to make a scheme of,...
schemozzle 30 37 (Yiddish) to make of...
schipperke 28 25 (Dutch) a small blac...
schoolmate 23 19 a companion at schoo...
schooltide 23 17 schooldays [n -S]
schooltime 24 19 the time at which a...
scintillae 22 16 SCINTILLA, (Latin) a...
sclerotise 21 14 to harden or darken,...
sclerotize 24 23 to harden or darken,...
screenable 21 18 that can be screened...
screenlike 21 19 like a screen [adj]
scrobicule 27 21 a small pit or depre...
scrollable 25 19 that can be scrolled...
scrollwise 26 18 in the fashion of a...
scrubbable 28 24 that can be scrubbed...
scrutinise 21 15 to examine closely a...
scrutinize 24 24 to examine closely a...
scutellate 22 16 shaped like a platte...
scythelike 31 22 like a scythe [adj]
seamanlike 18 19 characteristic of or...
seannachie 19 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
searchable 24 19 that can be searched...
seasonable 17 15 appropriate to the p...
secretaire 19 13 (French) a writing d...
sectionise 19 14 to section; to cut s...
sectionize 22 23 to section; to cut s...
secularise 21 15 to convert from regu...
secularize 24 24 to convert from regu...
securitise 21 14 to make debts into s...
securitize 24 23 to make debts into s...
seduceable 22 19 capable of being sed...
seecatchie 24 18 SEECATCH, an adult m...
seemelesse 17 14 (Spenser) unseemly,...
segmentate 17 16 in segments [adj]
segregable 21 18 that can be segregat...
seigneurie 17 14 a domain, also SEIGN...
seignorage 17 15 a government revenue...
selectable 23 18 that can be selected...
selegiline 19 15 a drug used in the t...
seltzogene 20 23 a gazogene, an appar...
semblative 23 21 (obsolete) resemblin...
semicircle 26 20 the half of a circle...
semicirque 30 26 a semicircular hollo...
semidivine 20 19 half divine [adj]
semilunate 18 16 shaped like a half-m...
semiopaque 27 26 half opaque [adj]
semiterete 17 13 half-cylindrical [ad...
senescence 20 18 the state of growing...
sensualise 17 13 to make sensual, als...
sensualize 20 22 to make sensual, als...
sententiae 14 12 SENTENTIA, (Latin) a...
separative 20 17 causing separation [...
septennate 16 15 a period of seven ye...
sermonette 16 14 a short sermon, also...
serpentine 17 15 winding [adj SERPENT...
serpentise 18 14 to wind; to cause to...
serpentize 21 23 to wind; to cause to...
settleable 20 15 capable of being set...
sevenpence 21 22 a coin worth seven p...
sexpartite 25 20 in six parts [adj]
shabracque 32 28 (historical) a troop...
shadowlike 24 21 like a shadow [adj]
shaggymane 27 22 an edible fungus [n...
shankpiece 24 23 an arch support [n -...
shelldrake 22 19 a male shelduck, als...
sherardise 19 13 to coat with zinc by...
sherardize 22 22 to coat with zinc by...
shieldlike 23 19 like a shield [adj]
shieldrake 21 18 a male shelduck, als...
shlemozzle 28 35 (Yiddish) to make of...
shovelnose 20 18 a freshwater sturgeo...
shrewmouse 23 19 a shrew [n SHREWMICE...
shrimplike 26 23 like a shrimp [adj]
shrinelike 21 18 like a shrine [adj]
shrinkable 23 21 that can be shrunken...
sialagogue 19 16 anything which promo...
sialogogue 19 16 anything that stimul...
sicilienne 20 16 (French) a kind of r...
siderolite 18 12 a meteorite made up...
sidesaddle 18 14 a saddle for women i...
sidestroke 18 15 a swimming stroke wh...
silhouette 20 14 (French) a portrait...
siliculose 23 16 pertaining to, or re...
silverside 21 16 a cut of beef taken...
silverware 23 18 items, esp. tablewar...
similative 22 18 indicating likeness...
similitude 21 16 the state of being s...
simulative 22 19 relating to simulati...
singletree 18 14 the crosspiece of a...
sisterlike 20 15 like a sister [adj]
sketchable 26 23 that can be sketched...
slavophile 25 21 a person who admires...
sleekstone 17 16 a polishing stone, a...
sleevelike 21 20 like a sleeve [adj]
slenderise 17 13 to make or become sl...
slenderize 20 22 to make or become sl...
slickstone 22 19 a polishing stone, a...
slingstone 18 15 a stone for use in a...
slovenlike 21 21 like a sloven [adj]
sluicegate 22 17 the gate of a sluice...
sluicelike 24 20 like a sluice [adj]
smaragdine 18 17 emerald green [adj]
smaragdite 19 16 a green foliated kin...
smartphone 21 19 a portable device co...
smifligate 23 19 Charles Dickens's no...
smokehouse 20 20 a building where mea...
smoothable 22 19 that can be smoothed...
smoothbore 21 18 having a bore of per...
smoothpate 21 18 (archaic) a bald per...
snakestone 15 16 a kind of hone slate...
snaphaunce 22 21 (obsolete) a freeboo...
snowmobile 23 21 to travel by any of...
solderable 20 16 that can be soldered...
solicitude 22 16 the state of being c...
solubilise 22 16 to render soluble, a...
solubilize 25 25 to render soluble, a...
somatotype 25 18 a type consisting of...
sombrerite 20 16 rock-guano [n -S]
somewhence 24 22 from some place or o...
somnambule 21 22 a sleepwalker, also...
somniative 19 18 pertaining to sleep...
somnolence 19 19 sleepiness, also SOM...
sordamente 16 15 (Italian) gently, so...
sororicide 20 14 the killing of one's...
soundalike 18 18 one that sounds like...
soundscape 21 19 in pop music, a mixt...
soundstage 17 15 the soundproof area...
sourdeline 17 14 (French) a kind of s...
sousaphone 19 17 a musical instrument...
spaceborne 22 20 carried in space e.g...
spaceplane 23 21 an aircraft that can...
spaniolate 18 15 to hispanicize, make...
spaniolise 19 15 to hispanicize, also...
spaniolize 22 24 to hispanicize, also...
spathulate 22 17 spoon-shaped [adj]
speakerine 18 18 a female announcer o...
specialise 23 17 to make special or s...
specialize 26 26 to make special or s...
speciocide 25 20 the destruction of a...
spermicide 24 20 a substance that kil...
spermogone 19 19 a flask-shaped struc...
sperrylite 27 16 an arsenide of plati...
sphacelate 24 19 to cause or affect w...
sphalerite 22 16 zinc sulphide, the c...
spherelike 23 20 like a sphere [adj]
spherocyte 30 20 an abnormal red-bloo...
spherulite 23 17 a radiating spherica...
sphinxlike 30 28 like a sphinx [adj]
spiderlike 22 19 like a spider [adj]
spiflicate 26 20 to overcome or dispo...
spinigrade 20 17 a type of spiny echi...
spinnerule 19 17 one of the numerous...
spirochete 24 18 a spirally coiled ba...
spirophore 23 18 an apparatus for ind...
spirulinae 20 16 SPIRULINA, any filam...
spissitude 21 15 density [n -S]
splenative 21 19 (obsolete) hot-tempe...
splintlike 23 20 like a splint [adj]
spokeshave 23 23 a plane or knife use...
spoliative 22 18 tending to spoil, al...
spongeable 21 20 that can be sponged...
spongelike 21 21 like a sponge [adj]
spongeware 21 19 pottery on which pat...
sporophore 22 18 a spore-bearing stal...
sporophyte 29 20 a spore-producing ph...
sporozoite 21 22 a minute, mobile, pr...
spreadable 21 18 that can be spread [...
springhase 22 18 SPRINGHAAS, (Afrikaa...
springlike 23 21 like spring [adj]
springtide 21 17 springtime [n -S]
springtime 22 19 the time during whic...
spuleblade 23 20 (Scots) the shoulder...
squamulose 27 25 covered with very sm...
squarewise 28 23 in squares [adv]
squashable 30 26 that can be squashed...
squeezable 30 33 that can be squeezed...
squeteague 25 23 (Native American) an...
squirelike 28 25 like a squire [adj]
stablemate 20 17 a horse from the sam...
stalactite 21 14 a roughly conical or...
stalagmite 20 16 a roughly conical sh...
stanchable 24 20 that can be stanched...
stannotype 23 17 a photograph taken u...
staphyline 28 19 like a bunch of grap...
starchlike 25 20 like starch [adj]
statehouse 18 13 the building in whic...
statoscope 21 16 an instrument for me...
statuesque 25 21 tall and well-propor...
statutable 20 15 made or introduced b...
staurolite 18 12 a silicate of alumin...
stavesacre 21 17 a tall larkspur whos...
steakhouse 19 17 a restaurant special...
stearsmate 17 13 one who steers, also...
steatocele 19 14 a fatty tumour in th...
steepdowne 20 18 (Shakespeare) precip...
steersmate 17 13 one who steers, also...
stellulate 20 14 minutely stellate [a...
stephanite 20 16 a brittle silver ore...
stercorate 19 13 to defecate [v STERC...
stereobate 17 13 a substructure found...
stereotype 24 15 a fixed conventional...
sternebrae 17 14 STERNEBRA, one of th...
stigmatise 20 15 to mark with a stigm...
stigmatize 23 24 to mark with a stigm...
stigmatose 19 15 stigmatic [adj]
stillhouse 22 15 (US) a distillery [n...
stillicide 24 16 a succession of drop...
stimulable 23 19 that can be stimulat...
stinkstone 17 16 a limestone that giv...
stipellate 21 15 having stipels [adj]
stipulable 24 19 that can be stipulat...
stockhorse 23 19 (Australian) a horse...
stockroute 21 18 in Australia and New...
stolenwise 20 15 (archaic) by stealth...
stonehorse 17 13 a stallion [n -S]
storehouse 18 13 a place where food a...
stoutherie 19 13 (Scots) theft, stole...
strandline 17 14 the shoreline [n -S]
strategise 18 12 to devise a strategy...
strategize 21 21 to devise a strategy...
streaklike 20 19 like a streak [adj]
streamlike 20 18 like a stream [adj]
streamline 18 15 to design or constru...
streamside 18 14 the side of a stream...
streetwise 20 13 possessing the skill...
stridulate 19 13 to make a chirping o...
stringlike 21 18 lIke a string [adj]
strippable 25 20 that can be stripped...
striptease 19 13 a burlesque act in w...
strobilate 20 14 to undergo strobilat...
strobiline 20 15 of or pertaining to...
strophiole 22 16 a caruncle [n -S]
strychnine 28 19 to poison with stryc...
stylophone 27 19 a type of battery-po...
subacetate 21 17 an acetate in smalle...
subarcuate 22 18 somewhat arched; wit...
subarticle 24 18 a subordinate articl...
subaudible 23 20 hardly audible [adj]
subaverage 21 20 below average [adj]
subcalibre 26 21 of ammunition, havin...
subchelate 25 20 in smaller proportio...
subcollege 25 21 an institution of hi...
subcordate 22 18 somewhat cordate; so...
subculture 25 20 a social, ethnic or...
subfertile 23 18 not very fertile [ad...
subglobose 23 20 not quite globose [a...
subjective 27 30 relating to the subj...
subjugable 26 30 that can be subjugat...
sublicense 23 19 to license part of o...
sublimable 25 22 capable of being sub...
submissive 24 21 tending to submit [a...
submontane 18 19 situated on or chara...
submucosae 23 21 SUBMUCOSA, the conne...
suboctuple 26 22 containing one part...
subprimate 23 20 one ranked below a p...
subreptive 24 21 surreptitious [adj]
subroutine 19 16 a subordinate routin...
subscience 25 21 a branch of a scienc...
subseizure 23 24 a subsidiary seizure...
subsessile 21 15 almost sessile [adj]
subsidence 22 19 the act of subsiding...
substitute 21 15 to put or use in the...
subsultive 24 20 moving by sudden lea...
subsumable 24 22 capable of being sub...
subsurface 25 21 earth material (as r...
subterfuge 23 20 deception by artific...
subterrane 18 15 an underground chamb...
subterrene 18 15 an underground chamb...
subversive 24 22 tending to subvert [...
subvisible 26 22 below the threshold...
successive 26 21 following in order [...
succorable 26 21 that can be succored...
succulence 27 23 the state of being s...
succursale 25 19 subsidiary [adj] / a...
succussive 27 22 characterized by a s...
sucralfate 23 18 a drug used in the t...
sufferable 24 21 that can be suffered...
sufferance 23 21 passive tolerance, b...
suffigance 25 23 (Shakespeare) Dogber...
suffisance 24 21 (obsolete) sufficien...
sugarallie 20 15 (Scots) liquorice, a...
sugarhouse 20 16 a factory etc. where...
suggestive 22 19 giving a suggestion...
sulphatase 22 17 any of various ester...
sulphonate 21 18 a salt of sulphonic...
sulphoxide 29 25 any compound contain...
sulphurate 23 18 to combine with sulp...
sulphurise 24 18 to combine or impreg...
sulphurize 27 27 to combine or impreg...
summerlike 22 22 like summer e.g. of...
summertide 20 18 summer time [n -S]
summertime 21 20 the time during whic...
summonable 21 22 that can be summoned...
sunderable 19 17 that can be sundered...
sunderance 18 17 (archaic) separation...
superacute 22 18 exceptionally acute...
superdense 18 16 very dense [adj]
superelite 20 15 very elite [adj]
superlarge 21 17 exceptionally large...
supernovae 19 19 SUPERNOVA, (Latin) a...
supernurse 19 16 a highly experienced...
superoxide 25 22 a peroxide, an oxide...
superphone 22 20 a telephone with a h...
superplane 21 19 a very large plane [...
superscale 23 18 on a very large scal...
superstate 19 14 a state or organizat...
superstore 19 14 a very large store o...
supertitle 21 15 a surtitle, a printe...
supervisee 21 18 one who is supervise...
suppertime 23 20 the time at which su...
suppletive 25 22 supplementary, also...
suppliable 26 22 that can be supplied...
suppliance 25 22 (Shakespeare) supply...
supplicate 26 21 to entreat for [v SU...
supportive 24 21 tending to support [...
supporture 22 18 support [n -S]
supposable 24 21 capable of being sup...
surjective 25 27 relating to surjecti...
surmisable 22 18 capable of being sur...
surplusage 22 18 surplus [n -S]
surveyable 28 21 that can be surveyed...
surveyance 27 21 survey; inspection [...
survivable 25 23 resulting in or perm...
survivance 24 23 survival; the succes...
susceptive 25 21 susceptible [adj]
suspensive 21 19 tending to suspend,...
sustenance 18 16 nourishment [n -S]
sustentate 16 12 to sustain [v SUSTEN...
sustentive 19 16 relating to sustenti...
swatheable 24 19 that can be swathed,...
sweepstake 22 20 a method of gambling...
swinestone 18 15 a limestone that giv...
switchable 29 22 that can be switched...
switchlike 29 23 like a switch [adj]
swoopstake 22 20 (archaic) in an indi...
sylphidine 29 20 like a sylphid, a li...
symmetrise 26 18 to make symmetrical,...
symmetrize 29 27 to make symmetrical,...
sympathise 29 20 to be in keeping, ac...
sympathize 32 29 to be in keeping, ac...
syncretise 26 16 to become or cause t...
syncretize 29 25 to become or cause t...
synecdoche 30 22 a figure of speech b...
synonymise 29 19 to make synonymous,...
synonymize 32 28 to make synonymous,...
synthesise 25 15 to combine or produc...
synthesize 28 24 to combine or produc...
synthetase 24 15 a kind of enzyme [n...
synthetise 25 15 to put together in a...
synthetize 28 24 to put together in a...
tabernacle 21 18 the tent carried by...
tabescence 23 20 a wasting, a shrivel...
tablanette 18 15 (French) a variant o...
tabularise 20 15 to tabulate, also TA...
tabularize 23 24 to tabulate, also TA...
taeniacide 18 15 the killing of tapew...
taeniafuge 18 17 a substance, e.g. a...
tailormade 18 15 TAILORMAKE, to make...
tailormake 19 18 to make esp. to suit...
tambourine 19 18 a shallow single-hea...
tandemwise 20 18 in tandem [adv]
tanglesome 18 17 causing entanglement...
taradiddle 18 14 a fib; a piece of pr...
tarantulae 16 13 TARANTULA, any one o...
tardigrade 18 14 an arthropod with ei...
targetable 20 16 that can be targeted...
tartrazine 19 20 a yellow dye used in...
tattletale 18 12 to tell tales [v TAT...
technicise 25 19 to render technical...
technicize 28 28 to render technical...
technopole 23 20 a place where high-t...
tediousome 17 15 (Scots) tedious, als...
teethridge 20 15 the inner surface of...
teinoscope 20 17 (obsolete) a prism t...
telebridge 21 17 a television broadca...
telecourse 20 15 a course of study co...
teleostome 17 14 a fish with membrane...
televerite 19 15 the televising of sc...
teliospore 19 14 the thick-walled res...
telomerase 17 14 an enzyme, found in...
telpherage 22 18 the conveyance of ve...
temperable 22 20 capable of being tem...
temperance 21 20 moderation in action...
tempestive 22 20 timely; seasonable [...
tenantable 17 16 fit to be rented; in...
tenderable 18 16 that can be tendered...
tennantite 14 13 a blackish lead-gray...
terminable 20 18 capable of being ter...
terneplate 18 15 thin iron sheets coa...
terracette 19 13 a small terrace on a...
teschenite 21 16 a coarse-grained bas...
tessellate 18 12 to cover with small...
tetracaine 18 14 a crystalline basic...
tetractine 19 14 having four rays, al...
tetraptote 18 13 a noun that has four...
tetraspore 18 13 a nonsexual spore, o...
tetrastyle 24 13 a building with four...
thaumasite 20 16 a mineral, hydrated...
thenardite 18 14 a whitish vitreous m...
theodolite 19 14 a surveying instrume...
theologate 19 15 a seminary for RC pr...
theologise 20 15 to make theological,...
theologize 23 24 to make theological,...
thermalise 21 16 to reduce the kineti...
thermalize 24 25 to reduce the kineti...
thermopile 23 19 an instrument measur...
therophyte 29 19 a plant that overwin...
thiaminase 19 16 an enzyme that catal...
thinkpiece 25 23 a journalistic piece...
thixotrope 27 22 a thixotropic substa...
thorianite 18 13 a strongly radioacti...
thornhedge 21 18 a hedge of hawthorn...
threadbare 20 16 having the nap worn...
threadlike 21 18 like thread [adj]
threepence 22 19 a coin worth three p...
threescore 21 15 three times twenty [...
thruppence 26 23 threepence, also THR...
thumbpiece 28 25 a piece that is pres...
thwartwise 26 18 crosswise; from side...
tiemannite 16 15 a kind of mineral, m...
timberline 21 18 the upper limit of t...
titratable 20 14 that can be titrated...
toilinette 17 12 a kind of woollen cl...
tolerative 19 15 relating to tolerati...
tollbridge 23 18 a bridge where tolls...
tonalitive 19 16 relating to tonality...
tonguelike 19 19 like a tongue [adj]
toothpaste 20 15 a paste for cleaning...
topazolite 22 23 a topaz-yellow varie...
torbernite 18 14 a bright-green radio...
touchstone 21 17 a highly siliceous (...
tourmaline 18 16 (French) a brittle b...
trabeculae 22 18 TRABECULA, (Latin) a...
trachelate 22 16 having a neck [adj]
traducible 24 19 capable of being der...
traductive 23 19 transmitted [adj]
trailerite 18 11 a person living in a...
trajectile 23 23 relating to trajecto...
tramontane 15 15 (Italian) a cold nor...
trampoline 20 18 (tradename) a spring...
trancelike 21 19 lIke a trance [adj]
transcribe 22 17 to make a written co...
transferee 17 14 the person to whom a...
transience 18 15 the state of being t...
transitive 19 15 taking a direct obje...
transshape 20 16 to change into anoth...
transudate 16 13 a substance that tra...
transvalue 19 17 to reestimate the va...
transverse 18 15 crossways [adj TRANS...
traumatise 18 14 to inflict a trauma...
traumatize 21 23 to inflict a trauma...
travelogue 20 18 a film, talk etc. on...
travertine 18 15 (Italian) a pale lim...
traymobile 27 19 (Australian) a small...
triacetate 19 13 a kind of textile fi...
triathlete 20 13 an athlete who compe...
trichinise 23 16 to infest with trich...
trichinize 26 25 to infest with trich...
trichinose 22 16 to infest with trich...
trichogyne 29 20 the slender, hairlik...
tricolette 21 14 a silk or rayon knit...
tricostate 20 13 three-ribbed; having...
tricoteuse 20 14 (French) in the Fren...
tridentate 16 12 having three prongs,...
trifoliate 20 14 having three leaves...
trifurcate 23 17 divided into three f...
trihydrate 26 15 a substance that con...
trilineate 17 12 marked with three li...
triniscope 22 17 a cathode-ray tube f...
trinitrate 17 11 a nitrate with three...
tripartite 20 13 in three parts; betw...
triphylite 30 18 a bluish-grey rare m...
tripinnate 18 15 three times pinnate...
triplicate 24 17 to make triple or th...
tripudiate 20 15 to dance for joy; to...
triquetrae 25 20 TRIQUETRA, a symmetr...
triradiate 17 11 three-rayed, also TR...
trisulcate 22 15 having three ridges...
trisulfide 22 16 a sulphide with thre...
triternate 16 11 thrice ternate, i.e....
triturable 21 15 capable of being tri...
trivalence 22 19 the state of being t...
trivialise 21 15 to make trivial, als...
trivialize 24 24 to make trivial, als...
troctolite 21 14 a coarse-grained bas...
troglodyte 25 16 a member of any of v...
tropopause 20 17 the level of the atm...
tropophyte 29 20 a plant adapted to a...
troughlike 23 20 like a trough [adj]
troutstone 16 12 a coarse-grained bas...
trouvaille 21 17 (French) a fortunate...
truculence 24 20 the state of being t...
tryptamine 26 19 a crystalline amine...
tubulature 21 17 tubes collectively [...
tumblehome 24 23 the inward curvature...
tumescence 23 21 swelling [n -S]
tumultuate 20 17 (archaic) to make a...
tunnellike 19 19 like a tunnel [adj]
turbulence 23 20 the state of being t...
turnbuckle 25 24 a coupling with scre...
turpentine 18 16 to treat or smear wi...
turtledove 20 17 a bird of the dove f...
tweedledee 19 16 (Scots) to tweedle o...
typhlosole 29 19 a fold of the wall w...
typothetae 26 17 printers collectivel...
tyrocidine 26 17 a basic polypeptide...
tyrosinase 22 13 an enzyme found in p...
ubiquinone 26 26 a quinine used invol...
uintathere 18 14 any animal of the ge...
ulcerative 23 19 related to ulcers [a...
ulsterette 18 12 a light ulster [n -S...
ultradense 17 14 very very dense [adj...
ultrafiche 26 20 a sheet of microfilm...
ultralarge 20 15 very very large [adj...
umbilicate 25 21 having an umbilicus,...
unamenable 18 20 not amenable [adj]
unamusable 20 20 not able to be amuse...
unarguable 20 19 that cannot be dispu...
unatonable 17 17 not capable of being...
unbailable 22 20 that cannot be baile...
unbearable 20 19 that cannot be borne...
unbeatable 20 19 that cannot be beate...
unbendable 20 21 not capable of bendi...
unblamable 23 23 that cannot be blame...
unbribable 24 22 not bribable [adj]
unburnable 21 21 that cannot be burne...
uncanonise 17 17 to deprive of canoni...
uncanonize 20 26 to deprive of canoni...
unchewable 27 24 not chewable [adj]
unclubable 26 24 unsociable, not suit...
uncoalesce 22 19 to disintegrate, com...
uncoercive 24 22 not coercive [adj UN...
uncreative 21 19 not creative [adj]
uncredible 23 20 (obsolete) incredibl...
uncurbable 25 23 not capable of being...
undecimole 21 20 a group of eleven no...
undecisive 22 20 indecisive [adj]
undeniable 18 18 that cannot be denie...
underborne 17 17 UNDERBEAR, (obsolete...
underdrive 19 18 a gear which transmi...
underglaze 21 25 in pottery, a glaze...
undergrove 19 19 a grove of shrubs or...
underlease 16 14 to sublease [v UNDER...
underminde 17 18 (Spenser) to undermi...
underntime 17 17 (obsolete) the time...
underprice 22 19 to price below the r...
underprise 19 16 (obsolete) to value...
underprize 22 25 to value too little...
underquote 24 23 to offer at a price...
underscore 19 16 to draw a line under...
undersense 15 14 a deeper sense; a su...
understate 16 13 to represent as less...
undervalue 19 19 to value below the r...
undervoice 21 20 a subdued voice [n -...
underwrite 20 16 to write under or at...
underwrote 19 16 UNDERWRITE, to write...
uneducable 22 21 not educable [adj]
unenviable 20 21 not enviable [adj UN...
unerasable 18 16 that cannot be erase...
unfallible 24 21 (Shakespeare) infall...
unfavorite 20 19 not favourite [adj]
unfeasible 21 19 not feasible, also I...
unfeminine 18 20 not feminine [adj]
unfillable 24 21 not fillable [adj]
unfindable 21 21 that cannot be found...
unforcible 25 22 that cannot be force...
unfordable 21 20 that cannot be forde...
unhandsome 18 19 not handsome [adj UN...
unhealable 21 19 not healable [adj]
unhelpable 24 22 not helpable [adj]
unhomelike 21 22 not homelike [adj]
unhumanise 19 19 to render inhuman or...
unhumanize 22 28 to render inhuman or...
unicostate 19 15 of a leaf, having a...
unifoliate 19 16 with one leaf only [...
unilabiate 19 16 having one lip only;...
uninitiate 16 13 one who is not an in...
unipartite 19 15 having one part [adj...
uniseptate 18 15 having only one part...
uniseriate 16 12 having one line or s...
unisonance 17 17 accordance of sounds...
univalence 21 21 the state of being u...
univariate 18 16 of a distribution, h...
univoltine 19 18 having one brood a y...
unkinglike 21 24 not like a king [adj...
unknowable 22 24 that cannot be known...
unladylike 26 21 not ladylike [adj]
unlettable 20 17 that cannot be let [...
unlifelike 22 21 not lifelike [adj]
unlikeable 21 21 not capable of being...
unliveable 22 21 not capable of being...
unlockable 24 24 not lockable [adj]
unloveable 21 21 not capable of being...
unmailable 21 20 that cannot be sent...
unmissable 21 19 that cannot be misse...
unmoveable 21 23 that cannot be moved...
unnameable 18 20 not capable of being...
unopenable 19 20 not openable [adj]
unovercome 21 22 not overcome [adj]
unparadise 18 16 to deprive of happin...
unpassable 21 19 impassable [adj]
unpeerable 20 19 incapable of having...
unpickable 26 26 that cannot be picke...
unplausive 22 21 not approving; disap...
unplayable 28 22 not playable [adj]
unpossible 22 19 impossible [adj]
unprisable 22 19 that cannot be prise...
unprizable 25 28 (Shakespeare) worthl...
unprovable 23 23 not provable [adj]
unpurvaide 21 21 (Spenser) not purvey...
unquotable 27 26 not quotable [adj]
unreactive 21 19 not reactive [adj]
unreadable 18 17 that cannot be read...
unrelative 19 17 not relative [adj]
unreliable 20 17 not reliable [adj UN...
unrideable 19 17 that cannot be ridde...
unruffable 24 23 (Dickens) imperturba...
unsaleable 19 17 not saleable, also U...
unsatiable 19 16 insatiable [adj]
unsaturate 16 13 an unsaturated chemi...
unscalable 23 20 not scalable [adj]
unscramble 24 22 to separate (as a co...
unsealable 19 17 that cannot be seale...
unseisable 19 16 that cannot be posse...
unseizable 22 25 not able to be seize...
unsellable 21 18 not sellable [adj]
unsensible 19 17 insensible [adj UNSE...
unshakable 22 22 that cannot be shake...
unsinkable 20 21 not sinkable [adj]
unsizeable 22 25 (obsolete) extraordi...
unslakable 21 21 that cannot be slake...
unsmokable 21 23 not capable of being...
unsociable 22 19 not sociable [adj UN...
unsolvable 22 21 not solvable [adj]
unsuitable 20 17 not suitable [adj UN...
unswayable 28 21 (Shakespeare) not ca...
untameable 19 19 that cannot be tamed...
untangible 20 19 not tangible, also I...
untearable 18 16 not tearable [adj]
untellable 21 18 not tellable [adj]
untestable 19 16 not testable [adj]
untillable 22 18 that cannot be tille...
untreasure 16 13 to despoil [v UNTREA...
untuneable 18 18 that cannot be tuned...
unturnable 19 18 that cannot be turne...
untyreable 25 18 (Shakespeare) untira...
unvaluable 22 22 not valuable [adj]
unvariable 21 20 that cannot be varie...
unvendible 21 22 that cannot be sold...
unwearable 21 19 not wearable [adj]
unwedgable 23 22 (Shakespeare) that c...
unwifelike 24 23 not like a wife [adj...
unwindable 22 21 that can be unwound...
unwinnable 21 21 not winnable [adj]
unworkable 23 23 not workable [adj]
upbuoyance 29 24 the act of buoying u...
updateable 21 19 that can be updated...
upgradable 23 21 that can be upgraded...
upsettable 22 18 that can be upset [a...
upsideowne 21 19 (Spenser) upside dow...
upsurgence 23 21 the state of surging...
uredospore 18 15 the thin-walled summ...
urostegite 18 13 a snake's ventral ta...
usurpative 22 19 relating to usurpati...
usurpature 20 16 usurpation [n -S]
utilisable 22 16 that can be utilised...
utilizable 25 25 that can be utilized...
utopianise 18 15 to make Utopian, als...
utopianize 21 24 to make Utopian, als...
utriculate 22 16 like or having a utr...
valleculae 24 21 VALLECULA, (Latin) a...
vanadinite 17 17 a mineral consisting...
vapourable 23 22 that can be vaporize...
vapourware 23 21 a computer-related p...
varicocele 25 21 a varicose enlargeme...
vasoactive 23 21 affecting blood vess...
vaticinate 21 18 to prophesy, predict...
vaudeville 23 22 theatrical entertain...
vegetative 21 20 growing, as plants;...
velocipede 24 22 an early form of bic...
velvetlike 24 24 like velvet [adj]
venerative 19 19 of or relating to ve...
ventilable 22 20 that can be ventilat...
ventricose 21 18 distended or swollen...
ventricule 23 20 a ventricle, also VE...
verifiable 24 21 that can be verified...
verkrampte 23 24 (Afrikaans) one who...
vernissage 19 17 (French) a private s...
vertebrate 20 17 a backboned animal,...
vesiculate 23 19 to become vesicular...
vesiculose 23 19 in the form of a ves...
vespertine 20 18 of or pertaining to...
vibraphone 24 23 an instrument having...
vicariance 24 21 fragmentation of the...
vicomtesse 23 20 (French) a female vi...
victualage 24 21 provisions, also VIC...
videophile 24 21 a lover of videos [n...
videophone 21 21 a telephone equipped...
villainage 21 19 the state of being a...
villanelle 22 19 (French) a poem cons...
villeinage 21 19 the state of being a...
vindemiate 19 19 (archaic) to gather...
vindicable 25 23 capable of being vin...
vindictive 25 23 disposed to seek rev...
vinylidene 25 20 a bivalent radical,...
virescence 24 21 the act or state of...
virtualise 21 16 to make virtual, als...
virtualize 24 25 to make virtual, als...
visiophone 22 20 a videophone [n -S]
visitative 22 18 relating to visitati...
vitaminise 20 18 to add vitamins to e...
vitaminize 23 27 to add vitamins to e...
vitellicle 26 20 a yolk-sac [n -S]
vitriolate 20 15 to convert into, or...
vitriolise 21 15 to treat with vitrio...
vitriolize 24 24 to treat with vitrio...
vituperate 21 18 to abuse or censure...
vivandiere 20 20 (French) a (female)...
vociferate 23 20 to cry out with a lo...
volatilise 21 16 to make volatile, al...
volatilize 24 25 to make volatile, al...
voyageable 27 22 that may be sailed o...
vulnerable 22 21 that can be hurt [ad...
waggonette 20 18 a carriage with one...
wanchancie 26 23 (Scots) unlucky, dan...
warrandice 22 18 a guarantee; a claus...
warrantise 19 14 (archaic) to guarant...
warrantize 22 23 to guarantee the sec...
waterborne 20 17 supported, carried,...
waterdrive 22 18 the use of water pre...
waterquake 28 27 a seismic disturbanc...
waterscape 24 19 a sea view [n -S]
weatherise 21 15 to make (a fabric) w...
weatherize 24 24 to make (a fabric) w...
weeldlesse 21 16 (Spenser) unmanageab...
westernise 19 14 to make western, als...
westernize 22 23 to make western, als...
wheelhorse 24 18 one of the horses ne...
wheelhouse 24 19 a shelter where a sh...
whewellite 27 20 a mineral, calcium o...
whiggamore 25 22 (Scots) a Whig; a ca...
whorehouse 23 18 a building in which...
willowlike 28 23 like a willow [adj]
willowware 28 21 goods e.g. baskets m...
winceyette 28 19 a kind of material u...
windowpane 23 22 the glass in a windo...
wintertide 20 15 (archaic) the time w...
wintertime 21 17 the time during whic...
wolframite 24 20 a tungstate of iron...
woodenware 20 18 ware made of wood [n...
woodgrouse 20 17 a kind of bird, the...
woodshrike 23 20 a species of shrike,...
workpeople 25 24 people who work [n]
worldscale 25 19 the scale of freight...
worthwhile 29 21 being worth the time...
wraithlike 25 20 like a wraith [adj]
wreathlike 24 20 like a wreath [adj]
xerodermae 22 21 XERODERMA, morbid dr...
xylochrome 36 28 a mixture of substan...
yaffingale 28 22 the yaffle or green...
yellowcake 31 24 uranium oxide [n -S]
yellowware 30 20 pottery made from bu...
youthquake 34 29 a shift in cultural...
zabaglione 22 26 (Italian) a rich Ita...
zidovudine 22 27 the manufacturer's n...
zinckenite 23 28 a steel-gray metalli...
zombielike 25 30 like a zombie [adj]
zooculture 24 25 domestication of ani...
zygomycete 37 31 one of a group of fu...
zygosphene 30 29 a median process on...