11 letter words that end with E

11 letter words that end with E

11 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abandonware 20 20 computer software th...
abhominable 25 24 hateful, detestable,...
abolishable 26 21 able to be abolished...
abranchiate 24 20 lacking gills, also...
abridgeable 24 21 that can abridged, a...
abscondence 24 23 the act of abscondin...
absorptance 24 21 the ratio of the rad...
abstractive 26 21 able or tending to a...
accelerable 27 22 that can be accelera...
accessorise 24 17 to furnish with acce...
accessorize 27 26 to furnish with acce...
accipitrine 27 21 relating to the bird...
acclimatise 27 21 to accustom to a cli...
acclimatize 30 30 to accustom to a cli...
accommodate 25 24 to make fit, suitabl...
accomptable 30 27 accountable, also AC...
accoucheuse 29 24 (French) a female mi...
accountable 26 23 that can be held to...
accrescence 29 24 growing together [n...
acculturate 26 20 to undergo accultura...
accumulable 30 27 that can be accumula...
acetanilide 21 17 a white crystalline...
acetylative 30 21 acting as an acetyla...
achromatise 24 19 to make achromatic [...
achromatize 27 28 to make achromatic [...
acidifiable 27 22 capable of being aci...
acknowledge 26 26 to recognize the rig...
acolouthite 24 18 (obsolete) an acolyt...
acquisitive 33 28 strongly desirous of...
acquittance 32 28 payment of, or relea...
acriflavine 26 23 an antiseptic, also...
acupressure 24 19 the application of p...
acupuncture 27 24 the complementary th...
addressable 21 17 able to be addressed...
adolescence 23 20 the state or process...
adumbrative 24 23 with the character o...
adversative 22 20 expressing oppositio...
aecidospore 22 18 a spore produced in...
affirmative 26 24 affirming [adj AFFIR...
affranchise 27 23 to free from slavery...
affricative 28 24 a sound like an affr...
agglomerate 21 19 to collect, esp. int...
agglutinate 21 18 to glue together; in...
aggregative 23 21 of or relating to an...
agriculture 25 19 the science or pract...
aguardiente 18 16 (Spanish) a kind of...
aiguillette 22 16 (French) the tag cov...
ailurophile 25 19 a cat-lover, also AI...
ailurophobe 25 21 a person with a morb...
alabastrine 20 16 of or like alabaster...
aldopentose 19 17 a type of sugar [n -...
aldosterone 17 14 a steroid hormone [n...
aleggeaunce 22 21 (Spenser) alleviatio...
alexandrine 23 22 (French) a French ve...
alexandrite 24 21 a gem variety of chr...
alkalisable 24 21 that can be alkalise...
alkalizable 27 30 that can be alkalize...
alleviative 24 21 tending to alleviate...
allocatable 25 20 that can be allocate...
alphabetise 25 20 to put into alphabet...
alphabetize 28 29 to put into alphabet...
altercative 24 19 relating to altercat...
alternative 20 17 possible as a choice...
alycompaine 30 24 an old name for the...
amaranthine 19 18 like amaranth, of a...
amazonstone 19 25 a green microcline,...
ambidentate 20 19 of a ligand, able to...
ambivalence 26 26 simultaneous and con...
amblygonite 29 23 lithium ore [n -S]
ameliorable 22 19 that can be ameliora...
amethystine 27 19 of or like amethyst...
aminobutene 19 20 a synthetic pain-rel...
aminopyrine 26 21 a drug formerly used...
amortisable 22 18 that can be amortise...
amortizable 25 27 that can be amortize...
amphetamine 23 23 a synthetic, potenti...
amphibolite 27 23 rock composed of amp...
amplifiable 28 25 that can be amplifie...
analphabete 23 21 an illiterate; one w...
anastrozole 20 22 a drug used for the...
anesthetise 19 14 to subject to anesth...
anesthetize 22 23 to subject to anesth...
anguifaunae 19 20 ANGUIFAUNA, the snak...
annabergite 19 18 an apple-green miner...
annihilable 23 20 that can be annihila...
annotatable 18 17 that can be annotate...
anorthosite 19 14 an igneous rock that...
answerphone 23 21 a device that automa...
antalkaline 19 19 a substance that neu...
antecedence 21 20 the state of being a...
antemundane 16 19 (archaic) before the...
anterograde 17 15 as in anterograde am...
anthochlore 25 20 a yellow pigment in...
anthologise 21 17 to make an anthology...
anthologize 24 26 to make an anthology...
anthracnose 21 18 any of several plant...
anticathode 22 18 the target of an X-r...
anticyclone 30 22 a system of winds th...
antifatigue 21 18 preventative of fati...
antifebrile 23 19 designed to cure a f...
antiheroine 18 15 a female antihero [n...
antimissile 21 16 a missile for use ag...
antimoniate 17 16 a salt of any antimo...
antiscience 23 19 opposed to science [...
antiseizure 21 22 of drugs, designed t...
antistrophe 22 17 the repetition of wo...
antisuicide 22 17 opposed to suicide [...
antitussive 21 17 an agent which relie...
antiwelfare 23 19 opposed to welfare [...
antiwrinkle 23 21 intended to prevent...
aplanospore 21 19 a nonmotile spore [n...
apomorphine 24 23 an alkaloid prepared...
apophyllite 33 23 a mineral, hydrated...
apotheosise 21 16 to bring to perfecti...
apotheosize 24 25 to bring to perfecti...
appellative 26 23 relating to naming [...
applaudable 26 24 worthy of applause [...
appleringie 24 21 (Scots) an aromatic...
applicative 29 25 that can be applied...
appraisable 25 21 capable of being app...
appreciable 28 24 capable of being per...
approbative 26 24 (archaic) expressing...
appropinque 32 31 (archaic) to approac...
appropriate 24 20 suitable [adj APPROP...
approximate 29 27 close together [adj...
aquaculture 31 27 the practice of usin...
aquiculture 32 27 the practice of usin...
arabinoside 19 16 a glycoside that yie...
arbitrative 23 18 relating to arbitrat...
archdiocese 26 20 the diocese of an ar...
areosystile 25 14 a building or colonn...
argumentive 22 22 given to argument, a...
armipotence 23 21 power in arms [n -S]
arquebusade 28 26 (French) a lotion fo...
arrangeable 20 18 that can be arranged...
arterialise 19 12 to make arterial, al...
arterialize 22 21 to make arterial, al...
arthroscope 25 19 an instrument for ex...
arthrospore 22 16 another name for an...
articulable 26 20 that can be articula...
aspheterise 22 16 to deny the right of...
aspheterize 25 25 to deny the right of...
assassinate 17 12 to murder by secret...
assemblance 24 22 (Spenser) an assembl...
assimilable 24 19 that can be assimila...
associative 23 18 of or relating to as...
assortative 20 15 denoting a nonrandom...
assubjugate 24 27 (Shakespeare) to red...
astringence 21 18 being astringent, al...
astronomise 18 15 to study astronomy,...
astronomize 21 24 to study astronomy,...
astrosphere 22 16 another name for a c...
attemptable 24 21 that can be attempte...
attestative 20 15 relating to attestat...
attractable 24 18 capable of being att...
attractance 23 18 the state of being a...
attributive 24 19 expressing an attrib...
augmentable 22 22 that can be augmente...
autogravure 21 19 a process of photo-e...
automatable 21 19 capabe of being auto...
autoreverse 19 16 a system in a tape p...
averruncate 22 20 (archaic) to ward of...
bacillicide 30 23 something which dest...
bactericide 27 21 an agent that kills...
baddeleyite 27 19 zirconium dioxide, o...
balanceable 25 23 that can be balanced...
balletomane 21 20 a devotee of ballet...
bandeirante 18 17 (Portuguese) a pione...
barbaresque 30 27 relating to Barbary,...
barbastelle 24 19 (French) a long-eare...
barbiturate 23 18 a sleeping drug [n -...
barquantine 27 26 a three-masted vesse...
barquentine 27 26 a three-masted vesse...
barrelhouse 23 18 a cheap saloon [n -S...
basketweave 25 25 a form of weaving us...
bastnaesite 19 15 (Swedish) a reddish-...
bathochrome 28 24 a shift to a longer...
bathyscaphe 36 26 a submersible observ...
bathysphere 33 23 a submersible observ...
battlepiece 26 21 a painting, relief,...
battleplane 23 20 a plane used in war...
battlespace 26 21 the area of air, sea...
beardtongue 20 19 a name for the flowe...
beaumontage 20 21 a composition for hi...
benedictive 25 23 giving benediction [...
beneficence 26 25 the state of being b...
beneficiate 24 21 to treat ores to rem...
benevolence 23 24 a disposition to do...
benthoscope 26 23 a submersible sphere...
benzylidine 30 29 a radical whose oxid...
bersagliere 22 17 (Italian) a rifleman...
bestridable 24 19 that can be bestridd...
betweentime 23 21 at intervals, also B...
bibliophile 30 24 a lover of books, al...
bicarbonate 24 21 an acid carbonate [n...
bicorporate 25 20 double-bodied, as th...
bicuspidate 27 22 having two cusps [ad...
bifoliolate 24 19 having two leaflets...
billionaire 22 17 one possessing a bil...
biographise 26 21 to make the subject...
biographize 29 30 to make the subject...
biomedicine 24 22 medicine based on th...
biomolecule 26 23 an organic molecule...
bisociative 26 21 relating to bisociat...
bladderlike 24 22 like a bladder in fo...
bladdernose 20 18 the hooded seal [n -...
blanketlike 24 25 like a blanket [adj]
blastochyle 34 23 the fluid in a blast...
blastocoele 24 19 the cavity inside a...
blastospore 23 18 the orifice of a gas...
bleacherite 26 20 one who sits in the...
blogosphere 26 22 the part of the Worl...
bloodmobile 25 23 a vehicle used to ca...
boilerplate 24 19 syndicated material...
bokmakierie 23 25 (South African) a la...
bonbonniere 19 20 (French) a fancy box...
borohydride 29 20 a compound of boron...
bouquetiere 28 25 (French) a flower-gi...
bourgeoisie 21 17 (French) the middle...
boutonniere 18 17 (French) a flower fo...
bracteolate 23 18 having bracteoles [a...
brankursine 21 21 acanthus, or bear's-...
breadthwise 26 20 in terms of breadth,...
breastplate 23 18 a usually metal plat...
breathalyse 29 19 to use a device whic...
breathalyze 32 28 to use a device whic...
breunnerite 19 17 an iron-containing t...
bristlecone 24 19 a western American p...
bristlelike 25 20 like a bristle [adj]
brotherlike 25 21 like a brother [adj]
brushstroke 25 21 a stroke with a brus...
bupivacaine 27 26 a local anaesthetic...
burnishable 26 22 that can be burnishe...
bursiculate 26 20 shaped like small po...
burthensome 23 21 heavy, oppressive, a...
calculative 29 24 relating to calculat...
calefactive 29 25 communicating heat [...
calendarise 21 17 in accounting, to di...
calendarize 24 26 in accounting, to di...
calligramme 27 24 a design using the l...
calumniable 26 24 worthy of being calu...
camaraderie 21 18 (French) friendship...
cameraphone 24 23 a combined camera an...
campanulate 24 23 shaped like a bell [...
cancellable 28 24 that can be cancelle...
candescence 25 23 a candescent state [...
candidature 21 18 the state of being a...
canisterise 21 15 to put into a canist...
canisterize 24 24 to put into a canist...
cannibalise 23 20 to take salvageable...
cannibalize 26 29 to take salvageable...
capacitance 28 24 in electricity, the...
capernoitie 22 18 (Scots) the head, no...
captivaunce 28 26 (Spenser) captivity,...
carabiniere 22 18 (Italian) an Italian...
caravanette 21 19 a small caravan [n -...
carbamidine 24 22 another name for gua...
carbimazole 28 30 a drug that inhibits...
carbonatite 22 18 any igneous rock com...
carbonylate 29 21 to introduce the car...
carboxylase 36 27 an enzyme that catal...
carboxylate 36 27 to introduce carboxy...
carbylamine 31 24 another name for iso...
cardinalate 21 17 the office or dignit...
carminative 24 22 able to relieve flat...
cartoonlike 22 20 like a cartoon [adj]
carunculate 25 21 having a caruncle, a...
cassiterite 22 14 native tin dioxide,...
cataloguise 23 18 to put in a catalogu...
cataloguize 26 27 to put in a catalogu...
catastrophe 25 19 the final event of t...
catchphrase 31 24 a word or expression...
catheterise 23 16 to treat with a cath...
catheterize 26 25 to fit with a cathet...
catholicate 27 20 the jurisdiction of...
catholicise 28 20 to make catholic, al...
catholicize 31 29 to make catholic, al...
cauliculate 27 21 having a caulicle [a...
celebrative 26 22 relating to celebrat...
celebutante 23 20 a young woman from a...
centerpiece 25 21 the central feature...
centigramme 24 23 1/100th of a gramme,...
centrepiece 25 21 a central piece in a...
cephalocele 29 24 the protrusion of th...
cerargyrite 29 18 a mineral consisting...
cerebroside 23 18 any of various glyco...
certifiable 27 21 capable of being cer...
certificate 27 20 to testify to or aut...
chalkstripe 29 24 clothing with a patt...
chamaephyte 34 26 a winter-flowering p...
chansonette 21 18 (French) a little so...
chantarelle 24 19 (French) a kind of f...
chanterelle 24 19 (French) a kind of f...
chaperonage 24 22 the act of chaperoni...
charcuterie 27 20 (French) cold meats...
chastisable 27 20 capable of being cha...
chelicerate 27 20 an arthropod of the...
chemosphere 28 24 the thermosphere, th...
chequerwise 35 29 in chequered fashion...
cherishable 29 22 that can be cherishe...
cherrystone 29 19 a medium-sized quaho...
chiastolite 25 17 a form of andalusite...
chimneylike 33 27 like a chimney [adj]
chinoiserie 23 17 (French) decoration,...
chloanthite 26 20 a nickel-rich variet...
chloroprene 25 21 a colorless liquid u...
chloroquine 32 28 a drug used to suppr...
chordophone 26 23 any instrument in wh...
chrominance 26 24 the difference betwe...
chromophobe 30 27 a cell that does not...
chromophore 28 24 the group of atoms i...
chromoscope 29 25 an apparatus for com...
chronoscope 27 23 an instrument for me...
chrysophyte 41 25 a type of golden-bro...
chrysoprase 32 21 a green variety of c...
chucklesome 30 28 full of chuckles [ad...
cicatricose 28 20 like a cicatrix [adj...
cinnabarine 21 20 of or like cinnabar,...
cinnarizine 23 26 a generic antihistam...
circularise 27 19 to include on the li...
circularize 30 28 to send circulars to...
circulative 29 23 circulating, also CI...
circumvolve 32 30 to roll round [v CIR...
civilianise 25 20 to convert from mili...
civilianize 28 29 to convert from mili...
civilisable 29 23 capable of being civ...
civilizable 32 32 capable of being civ...
clandestine 21 18 marked by, held in,...
claviculate 29 24 shaped like a clavic...
clinochlore 28 22 a hexagonal variety...
cloisonnage 21 19 cloisonn� work or pr...
clothesline 25 19 to knock (a person)...
coadunative 22 21 serving to coadunate...
coagulative 25 22 serving to coagulate...
coalescence 26 22 the act of coalescin...
cobblestone 25 22 a large paving stone...
cockaleekie 26 26 (Scots) soup made fr...
cocultivate 28 23 to cultivate togethe...
codominance 23 23 the state of having...
coenenchyme 31 26 the gelatinous frame...
coexistence 29 25 existence together [...
coextensive 28 26 having the same spat...
coffeehouse 26 23 an establishment tha...
cognominate 21 21 to name [v COGNOMINA...
cognoscente 23 21 a person who has exp...
cognoscible 28 24 cognizable, knowable...
cohortative 25 20 in Hebrew grammar, a...
coincidence 26 23 the act or condition...
coinherence 24 21 the act of coinherin...
coinsurance 23 20 joint assumption of...
coleorhizae 26 26 COLEORHIZA, a sheath...
collaborate 24 19 to work jointly with...
collagenase 22 19 any of a group of pr...
collapsable 28 23 that can be collapse...
collapsible 29 23 that can be collapse...
collectable 29 23 capable of being col...
collectible 30 23 capable of being col...
colligative 27 22 depending on the num...
colliquable 35 30 (obsolete) melting,...
colonialise 22 17 to make colonial, al...
colonialize 25 26 to make colonial, al...
colonisable 24 20 able to be colonised...
colonizable 27 29 able to be colonised...
colonoscope 25 22 a flexible viewing i...
combinative 26 25 tending or able to c...
combustible 29 25 able to be burned [a...
comeuppance 28 28 a deserved rebuke or...
comfortable 27 24 affording comfort [a...
commandable 25 26 able to be commanded...
commemorate 23 23 to call to remembran...
commendable 25 26 that can be commende...
comminative 25 25 threatening punishme...
commiserate 23 20 to feel or express s...
commissaire 24 20 in professional cycl...
committable 27 24 that can be committe...
commoditise 24 21 to make into a commo...
commoditize 27 30 to make into a commo...
commonplace 28 28 ordinary [adj] / a t...
commonsense 21 22 relating to practica...
communalise 24 23 to make communal, al...
communalize 27 32 to make communal, al...
communicate 26 25 to exchange informat...
commutative 26 25 of, relating to, or...
compactible 31 27 that can be compacte...
compaginate 24 23 to join; to connect...
companiable 26 25 sociable, also COMPA...
comparative 26 24 of the nature of com...
compassable 27 24 that can be compasse...
compearance 25 24 the state of being a...
compellable 29 26 that can be compelle...
compensable 26 25 that is to be or can...
competitive 27 24 relating to competit...
complacence 30 28 self-satisfaction es...
completable 28 25 that can be complete...
comportance 26 24 (Spenser) comportmen...
compositive 27 24 relating to a compos...
compossible 28 24 compatible; possible...
compostable 27 24 that can be composte...
compressive 27 24 of or relating to co...
compressure 25 21 the act of compressi...
comprisable 28 24 that can be comprise...
computative 27 25 of or relating to co...
computerate 24 21 computer literate [a...
computerese 24 21 the jargon used by p...
computerise 25 21 to render suitable f...
computerize 28 30 to carry out, contro...
concatenate 21 19 to link together in...
concealable 26 23 that can be conceale...
conceivable 28 26 that can be conceive...
concentrate 22 19 to bring or direct t...
conceptacle 29 25 (obsolete) a recepta...
concertante 22 19 (Italian) exhibiting...
concessible 27 22 that can be conceded...
conciliable 28 23 (obsolete) that can...
concolorate 23 19 of uniform color, al...
concordance 25 23 an alphabetical inde...
concubinage 26 25 the cohabitation of...
concurrence 26 23 the state of being c...
condemnable 23 24 able to be condemned...
condensable 22 21 capable of being con...
condensible 23 21 capable of being con...
condisciple 28 23 a fellow disciple [n...
condottiere 20 16 (Italian) a hired so...
conductance 26 24 a conductor's power...
conductible 28 24 that can be conducte...
confabulate 25 23 to chat; to invent p...
confarreate 21 18 relating to confarre...
confederate 21 19 an ally, an accompli...
conferrable 25 22 that can be conferre...
conferrence 24 22 the act of conferrin...
confessable 25 22 that can be confesse...
configurate 24 21 to shape, arrange [v...
confineable 24 23 capable of being con...
confirmable 27 25 that can be confirme...
confiscable 29 25 capable of being con...
conflagrate 24 21 to burn [v CONFLAGRA...
conflictive 30 26 tending to conflict...
conformable 26 25 compliant [adj CONFO...
conformance 25 25 the act of conformin...
confutative 25 23 tending to confute [...
congealable 24 22 that can be congeale...
congestible 25 21 able to be congested...
conjugative 26 31 conjugate [adj]
conjunctive 28 33 joining [adj CONJUNC...
conjuncture 26 30 a juncture [n -S]
connascence 24 23 the state of being c...
connectable 25 23 that can be connecte...
connectible 26 23 that can be connecte...
connotative 21 20 signifying or sugges...
connumerate 20 20 to count together [v...
conquerable 31 29 that can be conquere...
consanguine 20 20 of the same blood or...
consecutive 26 23 following one after...
consequence 30 29 a conclusion derived...
conservable 25 23 that can be conserve...
considerate 20 16 marked by or given t...
consigliere 23 18 in Italy, a member o...
consignable 24 22 that can be consigne...
consilience 24 20 concurrence, coincid...
consistence 23 19 firmness of constitu...
consolidate 21 17 to join together int...
consortable 23 19 able to be consorted...
constellate 22 17 to cluster; to compe...
consternate 19 16 to fill with conster...
construable 24 20 that can be construe...
constuprate 23 19 (obsolete) to ravish...
consultable 25 21 that can be consulte...
consumptive 27 26 tending to consume [...
contactable 26 22 that can be contacte...
containable 22 20 that can be containe...
contaminate 20 19 to pollute by contac...
contemnible 24 23 worthy of being cont...
contemplate 24 22 to view or consider...
contestable 23 19 able to be contested...
contingence 23 22 an event (as an emer...
continuable 23 21 that can be continue...
continuance 22 21 the state of continu...
contorniate 19 16 a coin or medal with...
contractile 25 19 having the power or...
contractive 26 22 tending to contract...
contracture 24 19 a permanent shorteni...
contradance 22 20 a country dance, esp...
contrastive 23 19 forming or consistin...
contredance 22 20 a country dance, esp...
contredanse 19 17 (French) a folk danc...
contrivable 26 23 that can be contrive...
contrivance 25 23 a thing contrived [n...
controverse 22 19 (archaic) a dispute...
convenience 23 24 fitness for performi...
conventicle 26 24 an assembly for reli...
convergence 25 25 the state of being c...
conversable 25 23 able to be converese...
conversance 24 23 the state of being c...
convertible 26 23 that can be converte...
conveyorise 28 21 to equip with a conv...
conveyorize 31 30 to equip with a conv...
convictable 29 26 that can be convicte...
convictible 30 26 that can be convicte...
convincible 29 27 that can be convince...
convocative 27 26 relating to convocat...
convulsible 28 25 subject to convulsio...
cooperative 24 21 working together [ad...
coordinance 22 20 a joint ordinance [n...
copingstone 23 21 a stone that tops or...
copperplate 28 24 an engraved or etche...
corbiculate 28 22 like a small basket...
corequisite 30 24 a formal course of s...
cornerstone 19 16 a stone forming a pa...
corniculate 25 20 horn-shaped; horned...
corporatise 23 17 to make corporate, a...
corporative 25 21 of or relating to a...
corporatize 26 26 to make corporate, a...
correctable 27 21 that can be correcte...
correctible 28 21 that can be correcte...
correlative 24 19 mutually linked, als...
corroborate 22 17 to support with evid...
corruptible 28 22 that can be corrupte...
cosmeticise 26 20 to make (something u...
cosmeticize 29 29 to make (something u...
cosmopolite 25 21 a cosmopolitan perso...
cosmosphere 26 22 an apparatus for sho...
cotransduce 24 20 to transduce jointly...
counselable 24 21 able to be counseled...
countenance 21 21 to approve of, condo...
counterbase 22 19 (Italian) the double...
counterbore 22 19 a straight-sided wid...
counterfire 23 19 return fire [n -S]
countermine 21 20 to make an excavatio...
countermove 23 23 to make a move in re...
countermure 22 20 a wall raised by bes...
counterpace 25 22 a step in opposition...
counterpane 21 20 a bed coverlet [n -S...
counterpose 22 19 to place in oppositi...
countertype 29 21 an opposite type [n...
countryside 28 19 a rural area [n -S]
countrywide 31 22 extending throughout...
crackleware 29 25 pottery with a crack...
cracovienne 24 23 (Polish) a lively Po...
crankhandle 24 24 a handle for startin...
craunchable 29 25 that can be craunche...
cremaillere 24 19 (French) a zigzag li...
crepitative 26 21 crackling [adj]
crescentade 23 19 a religious war for...
criminalese 23 19 criminals' slang [n...
criminalise 24 19 to make illegal, als...
criminalize 27 28 to make illegal, als...
criminative 25 22 involving criminatio...
crippleware 30 24 software that has be...
crocidolite 26 19 a fibrous mineral co...
croquignole 31 28 a method used in wav...
crowdsource 28 22 to outsource work to...
cryohydrate 36 21 a crystalline substa...
cryptophyte 41 26 any perennial plant...
cryptozoite 33 28 a malarial parasite...
crystalline 30 19 strikingly clear or...
crystallise 31 18 to form a crystal, a...
crystallite 31 18 any of the minute ru...
crystallize 34 27 to form a crystal, a...
customhouse 25 21 an office or residen...
cycadophyte 41 27 any of a division of...
cyclazocine 37 33 a synthetic drug pro...
cycloalkane 32 26 an alicyclic hydroca...
cyclohexane 38 30 a pungent saturated...
cycloserine 31 21 a broadspectrum anti...
cyproterone 28 20 a synthetic steroid...
deattribute 21 16 to withdraw the attr...
decapsulate 24 20 to remove a capsule...
decarbonate 21 19 to remove carbon dio...
decarbonise 22 19 to remove carbon or...
decarbonize 25 28 to remove carbon fro...
decarburise 24 19 to remove carbon or...
decarburize 27 28 to remove carbon or...
decartelise 22 16 to break up (a carte...
decartelize 25 25 to break up (a carte...
decasualise 22 17 (US) to replace the...
decasualize 25 26 (US) to replace the...
decemvirate 24 22 the office of decemv...
decerebrate 22 18 to eliminate cerebra...
decerebrise 23 18 to deprive of the ce...
decerebrize 26 27 to deprive of the ce...
declarative 24 20 making a declaration...
declinature 22 18 an act of declining...
decoherence 24 21 the act of becoming...
decolletage 23 19 (French) the low-cut...
decolourise 22 17 to remove the colour...
decolourize 25 26 to remove the colour...
decommunise 23 23 to remove communist...
decommunize 26 32 to remove communist...
decomposite 24 21 a composite element...
decorticate 24 18 to remove the bark,...
decrepitate 23 18 to crackle; to roast...
decrepitude 24 20 the state of being d...
decrescence 26 22 the state of being d...
decumbiture 26 23 the time spent by an...
decurionate 20 17 the office of decuri...
dedramatise 19 16 to play down the imp...
dedramatize 22 25 to play down the imp...
deduplicate 25 21 to remove (duplicate...
defensative 21 20 a protection [n -S]
defeudalise 21 18 to deprive of feudal...
defeudalize 24 27 to deprive of feudal...
defibrinate 22 19 to remove fibrin fro...
defibrinise 23 19 to deprive of fibrin...
defibrinize 26 28 to deprive of fibrin...
deflagrable 25 22 which deflagrates; d...
deflectable 27 23 able to be deflected...
deformalise 22 19 to make less formal,...
deformalize 25 28 to make less formal,...
deformative 23 22 tending to deform [a...
deglamorise 21 18 to remove the glamou...
deglamorize 24 27 to remove the glamou...
deglutinate 20 17 to unglue or unstick...
deglutitive 24 20 relating to deglutit...
degradative 21 19 of the nature of deg...
dehortative 22 18 dissuasive, also DEH...
dehypnotise 28 20 to free from hypnosi...
dehypnotize 31 29 to free from hypnosi...
delightsome 24 20 (archaic) delightful...
delineative 20 18 relating to delineat...
deliverable 24 21 an item named in a c...
deliverance 23 21 the act of deliverin...
demagnetise 19 18 to remove the magnet...
demagnetize 22 27 to deprive of magnet...
democratise 22 18 to make democratic,...
democratize 25 27 to make democratic,...
demonstrate 18 16 to show clearly [v D...
demountable 21 21 that can be demounte...
demutualise 21 18 of a mutual institut...
demutualize 24 27 of a company, esp. a...
demyelinate 25 19 to destroy the myeli...
dendrachate 22 19 moss agate [n -S]
denigrative 21 19 serving to denigrate...
denominable 20 21 capable of being den...
denticulate 22 18 finely dentate or se...
denumerable 21 21 that can be denumera...
deoxygenate 29 24 to remove esp. molec...
deoxygenise 30 24 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxygenize 33 33 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxyribose 32 24 a pentose sugar obta...
depauperate 21 19 to impoverish [v DEP...
depauperise 22 19 to free from pauperd...
depauperize 25 28 to free from pauperd...
dephlegmate 25 23 to distill something...
deprecative 25 22 serving to deprecate...
depreciable 26 22 that can be deprecia...
depressible 24 19 able to be depressed...
deprivative 25 23 serving to deprive [...
deprogramme 23 23 to prevail on a pers...
deracialise 22 16 to divest of racial...
deracialize 25 25 to divest of racial...
derecognise 21 18 to withdraw recognit...
derecognize 24 27 to withdraw recognit...
desacralise 22 16 to deprive or remove...
desacralize 25 25 to divest of superna...
descendable 23 21 that can be descende...
descendible 24 21 that can be descende...
describable 27 22 that can be describe...
descriptive 27 22 serving to describe...
desegregate 19 16 to eliminate segrega...
desensitise 18 13 to make insensitive,...
desensitize 21 22 to make insensitive,...
deserpidine 20 17 a synthetic sedative...
desexualise 25 21 to deprive of sexual...
desexualize 28 30 to deprive of sexual...
desiccative 27 22 a drying agent [n -S...
designative 21 19 serving to designate...
desilverise 22 17 to remove the silver...
desilverize 25 26 to remove the silver...
desipramine 21 19 a tricyclic antidepr...
despondence 21 21 the state of being d...
destabilise 22 16 to make unstable, al...
destabilize 25 25 to make unstable, al...
destroyable 27 18 that can be destroye...
destructive 25 20 causing destruction...
desulfurate 22 18 to remove the sulphu...
desulfurise 23 18 to remove the sulfur...
desulfurize 26 27 to remove the sulphu...
deteriorate 17 12 to make inferior in...
determinate 18 16 of definite or limit...
detonatable 19 17 able to be detonated...
detribalise 22 16 to cause to lose tri...
detribalize 25 25 to cause to lose tri...
detritovore 20 16 an organism that fee...
deuteranope 18 17 an individual affect...
devastative 22 20 serving to devastate...
developable 25 24 that can be develope...
deverbative 24 23 a noun derived from...
diagnosable 21 19 capable of being dia...
diagonalise 19 16 to put (a matrix) in...
diagonalize 22 25 to put (a matrix) in...
diamorphine 23 21 a strong painkilling...
diapositive 23 19 a transparent photog...
dichotomise 25 20 to render dichotomou...
dichotomize 28 29 to render dichotomou...
dichroscope 29 23 an instrument for ex...
dictyostele 29 18 a complex stele with...
diffractive 29 25 causing diffraction...
digitigrade 22 17 an animal that walks...
diglyceride 31 21 an ester formed from...
dipeptidase 23 19 any of various enzym...
diphenylene 28 22 as in diphenylene di...
diphosphate 27 22 a phosphate containi...
diplomatese 22 19 the language of dipl...
diplomatise 23 19 to practise, or brin...
diplomatize 26 28 to practise, or brin...
directorate 21 15 the office of direct...
disassemble 23 19 to take apart [v DIS...
disaventure 20 18 (Spenser) a mishap,...
disavowable 26 23 that can be disavowe...
disbursable 25 20 that can be disburse...
discalceate 25 19 unshod [adj] / one w...
discardable 25 20 that can be discarde...
discernable 24 20 that can be discerne...
discernible 25 20 that can be discerne...
discerpible 28 22 (obsolete) that can...
discerptive 27 22 tending to discerp [...
discomycete 32 23 one of a group of fu...
discontinue 21 18 to break the continu...
discordance 24 20 the state or an inst...
discotheque 32 27 a place or event at...
discoursive 25 20 (obsolete) relating...
discrepance 26 22 the state of being d...
discussable 26 20 that can be discusse...
discussible 27 20 that can be discusse...
disentangle 19 17 to free from entangl...
disenthrone 19 16 (Milton) to dethrone...
disentrance 20 17 to awaken from a tra...
disentrayle 25 16 (Spenser) to disembo...
disguisable 24 19 that can be disguise...
disillusive 25 19 tending to disillusi...
disjoinable 23 26 that can be disjoine...
disjunctive 27 30 separating [adj DISJ...
disjuncture 25 27 the act of disjoinin...
dislikeable 24 21 capable of being dis...
dismissible 25 19 capable of being dis...
disordinate 18 14 not in order [adj DI...
disorganise 19 15 to remove organisati...
disorganize 22 24 to remove organisati...
dispensable 23 20 that can be dispense...
dispersible 25 19 that can be disperse...
displayable 31 22 that can be displaye...
displeasure 22 17 (archaic) to displea...
dispositive 24 19 relating to or bring...
disprovable 26 23 that can be disprove...
disputative 24 20 inclined to dispute...
disquietive 30 26 causing disquiet [ad...
disquietude 28 24 anxiety, agitation [...
dissectible 26 19 capable of being dis...
disseminate 19 16 to spread abroad as...
disseminule 21 18 a reproductive plant...
dissilience 23 17 springing apart [n -...
dissimilate 22 16 to undergo dissimila...
dissimulate 22 17 to pretend, feign [v...
dissipative 24 19 relating to dissipat...
dissociable 25 19 that can be dissocia...
dissolutive 23 18 causing dissolution...
dissolvable 25 21 that can be dissolve...
dissuadable 22 18 that can be dissuade...
dissyllable 31 20 a word with two syll...
distensible 22 17 that may be stretche...
disthronise 21 15 (Spenser) to dethron...
disthronize 24 24 (Spenser) to dethron...
distillable 25 18 that can be distille...
distinctive 25 20 serving to distingui...
distincture 23 17 distinctness [n -S]
distractive 25 19 serving to distract...
distributee 22 16 one who receives a d...
disturbance 24 20 the act of disturbin...
divellicate 26 21 to pull in pieces; t...
divestiture 22 17 the act of divesting...
divorceable 26 23 that can be divorced...
doctrinaire 21 16 (French) a person wh...
dodecastyle 28 19 having twelve column...
domesticate 22 18 to bring into domest...
domesticise 23 18 to make domestic, al...
domesticize 26 27 to make domestic, al...
domiciliate 24 19 to establish in a pe...
doxycycline 44 31 a broadspectrum tetr...
drosophilae 23 18 DROSOPHILA, a kind o...
drunkalogue 21 22 an account of a pers...
duplicative 28 24 serving to duplicate...
duplicature 26 21 a doubling, anything...
earthenware 21 17 ceramic ware made of...
eglandulose 20 18 having no glands, al...
ejaculative 26 29 relating to ejaculat...
elaborative 22 19 serving to elaborate...
electrocute 25 19 to execute (a crimin...
electrocyte 31 20 a specialized muscle...
electrolyse 29 18 to subject to electr...
electrolyte 29 18 a nonmetallic electr...
electrolyze 32 27 to subject to electr...
electrotype 30 20 to make a copy of so...
elephantine 21 19 having enormous size...
eliminative 22 20 serving to eliminate...
elucidative 25 21 serving to elucidate...
emblematise 23 21 to represent by or a...
emblematize 26 30 to represent by or a...
embraceable 26 24 capable of being emb...
embryophyte 38 26 any green photosynth...
emmenagogue 20 23 a drug aiding menstr...
emotionable 20 19 capable of rousing e...
emparlaunce 24 23 (Spenser) parleying,...
emulsionise 20 17 to make an emulsion...
emulsionize 23 26 to make an emulsion...
encapsulate 23 20 to enclose in or as...
encarnalise 20 17 to make carnal or se...
encarnalize 23 26 to make carnal or se...
encephaline 24 22 a chemical found in...
enculturate 22 18 to culture [v ENCULT...
encumbrance 26 26 something that encum...
endocuticle 25 21 the inner layer of t...
enforceable 24 22 that can be enforced...
enfranchise 24 21 to admit to the priv...
enkephaline 22 23 a chemical found in...
enlargeable 21 19 that can be enlarged...
ensepulchre 26 22 to place in a sepulc...
entablature 20 17 (French) that part o...
enterocoele 19 16 a coelom originating...
entreatable 19 16 (obsolete) that can...
enumerative 20 20 serving to enumerate...
enunciative 22 21 containing enunciati...
eosinophile 22 18 a type of white bloo...
ephebophile 29 25 one who is sexually...
epidendrone 18 18 a genus of tropical...
epidiascope 25 21 an instrument for pr...
epinephrine 23 21 adrenalin, also EPIN...
epistilbite 25 18 a zeolite closely re...
equibalance 31 29 equipoise [n -S] / t...
equilibrate 30 25 to bring into or kee...
equivalence 31 30 the state or propert...
eradicative 23 19 serving to eradicate...
erubescence 25 22 a blush, also ERUBES...
erythorbate 28 18 a salt of erythorbic...
erythrocyte 36 20 a red blood corpuscl...
erythrosine 26 16 a red substance form...
escarmouche 27 23 (obsolete) a skirmis...
escheatable 25 20 capable of being esc...
espieglerie 22 17 (French) the quality...
estramazone 20 24 (obsolete) a downwar...
etherealise 20 14 to make ethereal, al...
etherealize 23 23 to make ethereal [v...
ethionamide 20 18 a compound used agai...
etymologise 27 19 to trace or suggest...
etymologize 30 28 to discover, formula...
eucalyptole 31 22 a volatile, terpenel...
euthanatise 19 15 to perform euthanasi...
euthanatize 22 24 to perform euthanasi...
evanescence 23 23 the process or fact...
evaporative 23 22 serving to evaporate...
eventualise 20 18 to happen, come into...
eventualize 23 27 to happen, come into...
everywhence 33 26 from all directions...
excerptible 33 28 that can be excerpte...
exclamative 31 29 a word or sentence t...
excogitable 31 27 that can be excogita...
excorticate 30 24 to strip the bark of...
excrescence 32 28 an outgrowth from th...
exercisable 30 25 that can be exercise...
exfoliative 29 26 serving to exfoliate...
exhaustible 30 25 capable of being exh...
exhortative 28 24 serving to exhort [a...
exonerative 24 23 serving to exonerate...
exonuclease 26 24 an enzyme that break...
exoparasite 25 21 a parasite, such as...
exorbitance 28 25 an exorbitant action...
expatiative 28 25 expansive, also EXPA...
expectative 31 28 giving rise to expec...
expectorate 28 24 to eject from the th...
expenditure 26 24 the act of expending...
explainable 29 27 that can be explaine...
explanative 28 27 serving to explain,...
explicative 33 29 serving to explicate...
exploitable 30 26 that can be exploite...
explorative 29 26 serving to explore [...
expostulate 27 23 to remonstrate; to d...
expressible 30 25 that can be expresse...
expropriate 28 24 to deprive of posses...
exsiccative 33 28 serving to dry up [a...
exstipulate 28 23 without stipules, al...
extemporise 27 24 to perform without p...
extemporize 30 33 to perform without p...
extenuative 25 24 a medicine which cau...
exteriorise 24 18 to make exterior, al...
exteriorize 27 27 to make exterior, al...
exterminate 24 22 to get rid of comple...
externalise 24 20 to make external, al...
externalize 27 29 to make external, al...
extirpative 29 25 serving to extirpate...
extractable 30 25 that can be extracte...
extractible 31 25 that can be extracte...
extrapolate 26 22 to infer (values of...
extravagate 26 24 (archaic) to wander;...
extravasate 25 22 in pathology, to exu...
fabricative 28 24 relating to fabricat...
factorylike 32 24 like a factory [adj]
facultative 27 23 optional; incidental...
faineantise 18 16 (French) do-nothing-...
fairniticle 25 19 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fairnyticle 31 21 (Scots) a freckle, a...
falsifiable 27 22 that can be falsifie...
familiarise 23 18 to make familiar, al...
familiarize 26 27 to make familiar, al...
fanfaronade 19 20 (French) empty boast...
farthermore 23 19 in addition, also FU...
farthingale 24 20 a skirt spreader [n...
fasciculate 28 22 in bundles, also FAS...
fascinative 25 22 related to fascinati...
fashionable 24 21 according to fashion...
featheredge 22 19 an edge of a board o...
felspathose 25 20 of or like felspar,...
fenestellae 20 17 FENESTELLA, a recess...
fermentable 23 22 that can be fermente...
fernitickle 26 23 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fernytickle 32 25 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferrochrome 26 22 an alloy of iron wit...
ferronniere 18 16 (French) a jewel hel...
fiddlededee 21 19 an exclamation of im...
filtratable 25 19 that can be filtrate...
fimbrillate 27 22 having a fringed mar...
fingerplate 24 21 a plate to protect a...
fissionable 23 19 that can undergo fis...
flamboyance 32 27 the state of being f...
flamboyante 29 24 a tropical tree with...
flannelette 20 18 a cotton imitation o...
flatterable 24 19 that can be flattere...
flavoursome 24 23 full of flavour, als...
flexecutive 33 30 a professional whose...
flittermice 27 21 FLITTERMOUSE, (diale...
flocculence 31 27 the state of being f...
florescence 26 22 the process of flowe...
fluorophore 25 21 a chemical group res...
fluoroscope 26 22 an instrument using...
fluvoxamine 30 31 an antidepressant pr...
folliculate 27 21 having follicles, al...
folliculose 27 21 like a follicle, als...
foolhardise 23 18 (Spenser) foolhardin...
foolhardize 26 27 (Spenser) foolhardin...
footballene 22 20 buckminsterfullerene...
forbearance 23 21 tolerance [n -S]
forbiddance 25 23 (obsolete) the act o...
forcepslike 28 25 like a forceps [adj]
foreclosure 24 19 an act or instance o...
foreseeable 21 18 being such as may be...
forevermore 22 21 forever [adj]
forfeitable 25 21 that can be forefeit...
forficulate 27 22 like scissors [adj]
forgettable 24 20 fit or likely to be...
formularise 23 19 to state in or reduc...
formularize 26 28 to state in or reduc...
fortifiable 26 21 capable of being for...
fractionate 22 18 to separate a mixtur...
fractionise 23 18 to break up into fra...
fractionize 26 27 to break up into fra...
fracturable 27 22 that can be fracture...
fragmentate 21 20 to reduce to fragmen...
fragmentise 22 20 to reduce to fragmen...
fragmentize 25 29 to reduce to fragmen...
francophile 28 24 a lover of France an...
francophobe 28 26 a hater of things Fr...
francophone 25 24 a French speaker [n...
franklinite 22 21 a zinc-manganese min...
frankpledge 25 26 a system of sureties...
fraudulence 24 22 the state of being f...
fremescence 26 24 growling or mutterin...
fringilline 24 20 relating to the finc...
friponnerie 21 19 (French) knavery [n...
frutescence 26 22 the appearance or ha...
funambulate 24 24 to walk the tightrop...
functionate 22 20 to perform a functio...
furaldehyde 30 22 either of two aldehy...
furtherance 25 21 the act of furtherin...
furthermore 24 20 in addition, also FA...
furthersome 24 20 helpful; advantageou...
gaberlunzie 25 28 (Scots) a wandering...
galactoside 23 18 a glycoside that yie...
galantamine 19 19 a compound, orig der...
galliardise 22 16 (archaic) gaiety [n...
gametophore 23 21 the part of a plant...
gametophyte 30 23 the haploid stage in...
ganglioside 21 18 any of a group of gl...
gastroscope 24 19 an instrument for ex...
geanticline 22 19 a large upward fold...
gelliflowre 28 22 (Spenser) gillyflowe...
gelseminine 20 19 an alkaloid yielded...
gendarmerie 19 18 (French) the French...
genealogise 19 17 to investigate or di...
genealogize 22 26 to investigate or di...
genocidaire 21 18 a person who is guil...
genouillere 20 17 (French) a jointed k...
gentilhomme 24 23 (French) a nobleman,...
gentlenesse 18 16 (archaic) gentleness...
geomedicine 22 21 the study of disease...
geosyncline 28 21 a downwarping of the...
germinative 22 21 serving to germinate...
gesticulate 24 18 to make gestures esp...
gigantesque 28 26 of enormous or grote...
giganticide 24 20 the killing of a gia...
girdlescone 23 19 a kind of scone, aka...
glochidiate 26 20 like a glochidium, t...
glomerulate 22 19 of a glomerule, a cl...
glorifiable 26 21 that can be glorifie...
glucokinase 24 23 a hexokinase found e...
glucosamine 24 22 an amino derivative...
glucosidase 24 19 an enzyme, such as m...
glucuronide 24 21 any of various deriv...
glutaminase 21 19 an enzyme that hydro...
glutathione 22 18 an antioxidant, foun...
glycerinate 29 20 to treat with or pre...
glycosidase 30 20 an enzyme that catal...
glycosylate 37 22 to attach sugar to p...
gnathostome 21 19 any vertebrate of th...
gourmandise 20 19 to indulge a taste f...
gourmandize 23 28 to indulge a taste f...
gouvernante 19 20 (archaic) a governes...
governorate 19 18 the office of govern...
grammalogue 23 23 a word represented b...
granitelike 21 19 like granite [adj]
graniteware 21 17 goods made from gran...
granulative 22 20 related to granulati...
granulocyte 29 21 a kind of white bloo...
gravitative 24 21 relating to gravitat...
greenbottle 21 18 a metallic-green fly...
greenockite 22 21 a rare mineral, cadm...
griddlecake 25 23 a cake made on a gri...
grossierete 19 13 (French) coarseness...
groundshare 21 18 to share a sports st...
groupuscule 27 23 a small clique or fa...
guesstimate 21 17 to estimate without...
guttersnipe 22 18 a member of the lowe...
gutturalise 22 16 to make guttural, al...
gutturalize 25 25 to make guttural, al...
haemachrome 26 24 a blood pigment, suc...
haematocele 23 20 a cavity containing...
haemochrome 26 24 a blood pigment, suc...
haemorrhage 23 20 a discharge of blood...
halfendeale 22 20 (Spenser) half [n -S...
hallucinate 25 20 to affect with visio...
halterbroke 24 21 HALTERBREAK, to brea...
hammerstone 21 20 a stone used as a ha...
harbourside 23 18 the land that is sit...
haruspicate 26 20 to foretell by inspe...
harvestable 25 21 that can be harveste...
harvesttime 24 20 the time during whic...
hatchettite 26 18 naturally occurring...
haustellate 22 16 having a haustellum,...
hearthstone 21 16 a stone forming a he...
heathenesse 20 16 (archaic) heathenism...
heckelphone 28 27 an instrument of the...
hectogramme 26 24 a measure of weight,...
heliochrome 27 22 (tradename) a photog...
heliosphere 25 19 the region in space...
helleborine 23 19 a kind of orchid [n...
hellgramite 25 20 the large brown aqua...
hemihydrate 30 21 a hydrate, such as p...
hemiterpene 22 20 any of a class of si...
heptathlete 25 19 an athlete who takes...
hereditable 23 18 capable of being inh...
hereinabove 22 21 at a prior point in...
herringbone 22 20 twilled fabric woven...
heteroclite 24 17 deviating from the o...
heterocycle 33 22 a ring composed of a...
heterophile 25 19 a polymorphonuclear...
hexahydrate 34 25 a chemical compound...
hexametrise 27 23 to put into hexamete...
hexametrize 30 32 to put into hexamete...
hibernicise 26 20 to render Irish, als...
hibernicize 29 29 to render Irish, als...
hierarchise 26 18 to make hierarchical...
hierarchize 29 27 to make hierarchical...
hispanicise 26 20 to render Hispanic,...
hispanicize 29 29 to render Hispanic,...
histaminase 21 17 a digestive enzyme t...
historicise 25 16 to make or represent...
historicize 28 25 to make or represent...
historiette 21 13 a short history or s...
hollandaise 21 17 (French) a sauce mad...
honeysuckle 31 25 any of a genus of sh...
hootanannie 16 16 (US) a party with fo...
hootenannie 16 16 (US) a party with fo...
hormonelike 22 22 like a hormone [adj]
hornswoggle 26 22 (slang) to cheat or...
horripilate 24 17 to produce the erect...
hospitalise 24 17 to put into hospital...
hospitalize 27 26 to place in a hospit...
hucksterage 26 23 the state of being a...
humbuggable 30 29 capable of being hum...
humiliative 26 22 serving to humiliate...
husbandlike 25 24 like a husband [adj]
hyacinthine 31 22 of a blue or purple...
hyalomelane 27 21 a vitreous form of b...
hydralazine 30 27 a vasodilator used i...
hydrocodone 28 21 a semi-synthetic opi...
hydrogenase 26 19 an enzyme that catal...
hydrogenate 26 19 to combine or treat...
hydrogenise 27 19 to hydrogenate, also...
hydrogenize 30 28 to hydrogenate, also...
hydrolysate 34 19 a product of hydroly...
hydrolyzate 37 28 a product of hydroly...
hydrosphere 31 21 the water of the ear...
hydrothecae 31 21 HYDROTHECA, the horn...
hydroxylase 40 26 any of a group of en...
hydroxylate 40 26 to introduce hydroxy...
hydroxyzine 42 35 a compound used as a...
hymenophore 30 24 the fruiting body of...
hyoscyamine 36 24 a drug obtained from...
hyperactive 34 25 affected with or exh...
hyperbolise 32 22 to indulge in hyperb...
hyperbolize 35 31 to indulge in hyperb...
hypercharge 35 25 to charge excessivel...
hyperimmune 31 26 having a very high d...
hypersaline 29 20 excessively saline [...
hypersthene 30 21 a rock-forming ortho...
hyponitrite 29 19 a salt or ester of h...
hypostasise 29 18 to treat as hypostas...
hypostasize 32 27 to treat as hypostas...
hypostatise 29 18 to treat as hypostas...
hypostatize 32 27 to treat as hypostas...
hypostrophe 33 23 a return to the prim...
hypotensive 30 23 a person with hypote...
hypothecate 33 23 to pledge as securit...
hypothenuse 30 22 the longest side of...
hypothesise 31 20 to form a hypothesis...
hypothesize 34 29 to make a hypothesis...
hypothetise 31 20 to form a hypothesis...
hypothetize 34 29 to form a hypothesis...
hypsochrome 35 26 a shift to a shorter...
ichthyolite 34 21 a fossil fish [n -S]
idoxuridine 25 22 a drug containing io...
illaqueable 31 27 capable of being ens...
illimitable 26 20 limitless, infinite...
illuminable 25 22 capable of being ill...
illuminance 24 22 the act of illuminat...
imaginative 22 21 characterized by ima...
immarginate 21 20 without a distinct m...
immedicable 27 25 that cannot be medic...
immitigable 26 23 that cannot be mitig...
immortalise 22 18 to render immortal,...
immortalize 25 27 to make immortal, al...
impeachable 29 26 that can be impeache...
impenetrate 20 18 to penetrate thoroug...
impenitence 23 22 the state of being i...
imperceable 27 24 (Spenser) not pierce...
imperforate 23 20 not perforated into...
imperialise 23 18 to make imperial, al...
imperialize 26 27 to make imperial [v...
impermeable 25 24 that cannot be perme...
impersonate 20 18 to assume or act the...
imperviable 27 25 not able to be penet...
impetrative 24 21 relating to impetrat...
impignorate 22 20 to pledge, pawn or m...
implantable 25 23 capable of being imp...
implausible 27 23 not plausible, also...
impleadable 25 23 that can be impleade...
implicative 29 25 tending to implicate...
implicature 27 22 the act of implying...
importunate 21 19 stubbornly or unreas...
impostumate 23 21 to form or inflict a...
impoundable 24 24 that can be impounde...
impregnable 25 24 that cannot be taken...
impressible 26 21 that can be impresse...
impropriate 24 20 to transfer ecclesia...
improvisate 24 21 (obsolete) to improv...
impuissance 25 22 lack of strength or...
inadaptable 22 20 that cannot be adapt...
inadvisable 23 21 not advisable [adj I...
inalienable 20 18 incapable of being w...
inalterable 21 17 that cannot be alter...
inappetence 23 22 lack of desire or ap...
inattentive 19 17 not attentive [adj I...
incapsulate 24 20 to enclose in or as...
incarcerate 23 18 to put in prison [v...
incardinate 20 17 to make cardinal; to...
incarnadine 19 18 flesh-colored; red,...
incentivise 23 20 to give an incentive...
incentivize 26 29 to give an incentive...
incertitude 22 17 (archaic) uncertaint...
incoercible 27 22 that cannot be coerc...
incogitable 25 21 unthinkable [adj]
incoherence 24 21 the state of being i...
incomposite 24 21 not composite [adj]
incorporate 22 18 to form into a body...
increasable 23 19 capable of being inc...
incriminate 22 19 to charge with a cri...
inculcative 28 24 serving to inculcate...
inculpative 27 24 serving to inculpate...
incumbrance 27 26 something that encum...
incurvature 24 21 the state of being i...
indeciduate 21 18 not deciduate [adj]
indefinable 22 21 that cannot be defin...
indesignate 18 16 without any indicati...
indicatable 24 20 that can be indicate...
indigestive 22 19 dyspeptic [adj]
individable 24 22 (archaic) indivisibl...
individuate 21 19 to give individualit...
indivisible 25 21 that cannot be divid...
indomitable 22 20 not to be overcome,...
indubitable 24 21 that cannot be doubt...
induplicate 25 21 folded inwards, also...
ineffective 27 25 not producing an int...
inelaborate 19 16 not elaborate [adj I...
ineloquence 28 27 lack of eloquence [n...
ineluctable 25 21 inevitable; irresist...
inenarrable 19 17 incapable of being n...
inequitable 29 26 not equitable, also...
inequivalve 31 31 having the valves of...
inescapable 25 22 that cannot be escap...
inestimable 22 19 that cannot be estim...
inexcitable 30 26 not excitable [adj]
inexcusable 30 27 that cannot be excus...
inexecrable 29 26 (Shakespeare) perhap...
inexistence 26 23 (archaic) nonexisten...
inexpensive 27 27 not expensive, also...
infanticide 23 20 the killing of a sma...
infantilise 21 17 to render infantile,...
infantilize 24 26 to render infantile,...
inflammable 26 26 easily able to catch...
inflectable 27 23 capable of being inf...
inflictable 28 23 that can be inflicte...
informatise 21 18 to convert (somethin...
informative 23 22 imparting knowledge...
informatize 24 27 to convert (somethin...
infrangible 24 22 not able to be broke...
infrequence 30 29 rarity of occurrence...
ingratitude 20 16 lack of gratitude [n...
ingurgitate 21 17 to swallow greedily...
inhabitable 25 21 capable of being inh...
inhabitance 24 21 the act of inhabitin...
inheritable 23 18 capable of being inh...
inheritance 22 18 the act of inheritin...
inhibitable 26 21 that can be inhibite...
innavigable 23 23 that cannot be navig...
innominable 20 21 that cannot be named...
innumerable 21 21 that cannot be count...
inobedience 21 20 disobedience [n -S]
inobtrusive 23 20 not obtrusive, also...
inoculative 24 21 serving to inoculate...
inoffensive 23 23 causing no harm or i...
inoperative 21 19 not operative [adj]
inopportune 21 20 inconvenient, unseas...
inquisitive 30 26 given to examination...
inscribable 27 22 that can be inscribe...
inscriptive 27 22 relating to or const...
inscrutable 25 20 that cannot be scrut...
insculpture 26 21 (archaic) an inscrip...
insecticide 25 19 an agent that destro...
insectifuge 25 21 insect repellent [n...
insectivore 23 19 an animal that eats...
insensitive 20 17 not responsive or su...
insentience 19 17 the state of being i...
inseparable 22 19 that cannot be separ...
inseverable 22 20 that cannot be sever...
insinuative 20 18 serving to insinuate...
insouciance 23 20 lighthearted unconce...
inspectable 26 22 that can be inspecte...
inspirative 23 19 giving inspiration [...
instantiate 17 13 to represent (an abs...
instigative 22 18 serving to instigate...
instinctive 24 20 relating to instinct...
institutive 22 17 able or tending to e...
instructive 25 20 indicating means whe...
insuperable 23 20 that cannot be overc...
integrative 21 18 serving to integrate...
intemperate 20 18 not temperate [adj I...
intensative 19 17 giving force or emph...
intensitive 20 17 giving force or emph...
interactive 23 19 mutually or reciproc...
intercalate 21 16 to insert (as a day)...
interchange 23 20 to put each of (two...
intercouple 24 20 between couples [adj...
intercourse 21 16 connection or dealin...
interiorise 18 12 to make interior [v...
interiorize 21 21 to make interior, al...
intermeddle 20 18 to meddle, to interf...
intermingle 21 19 to intermix [v INTER...
internalise 18 14 to make internal, al...
internalize 21 23 to make internal, al...
internecine 19 17 deadly, murderous, a...
internecive 22 20 deadly, murderous, a...
interoffice 25 21 between offices [adj...
interpolate 20 16 to insert a word or...
interrelate 18 13 to bring into mutual...
interrogate 18 14 to question formally...
interscribe 24 18 (obsolete) to write...
intersperse 20 15 to place something a...
intertangle 19 16 to tangle together [...
interviewee 22 19 one who is interview...
intolerable 21 17 that cannot be toler...
intolerance 20 17 the state of being i...
intoxicable 30 26 able to be intoxicat...
intractable 24 19 unmanageable, also U...
intriguante 19 16 (French) a female in...
inturbidate 21 17 to render turbid [v...
inutterable 21 17 that cannot be utter...
invaginable 23 23 that can be invagina...
investigate 21 18 to observe or study...
investitive 23 20 serving to invest [a...
investiture 21 17 the act of establish...
involucrate 24 21 having an involucre...
iridescence 24 19 exhibition of multic...
irradiative 21 16 performing irradiati...
irradicable 25 19 that cannot be eradi...
irreceptive 26 21 not receptive [adj]
irrecusable 25 19 that cannot be rejec...
irreducible 26 20 that cannot be reduc...
irreflexive 30 26 not reflecting [adj]
irrefutable 24 19 that cannot be refut...
irrelevance 23 20 the state of being i...
irremissive 23 18 unremitting [adj]
irremovable 24 22 incapable of being r...
irreparable 23 18 that cannot be repai...
irresoluble 23 17 that cannot be resol...
irretentive 20 16 incapable of retenti...
irreverence 22 19 lack of reverence [n...
irrevocable 26 22 that cannot be revok...
isobutylene 27 19 an isomer of butylen...
isochronise 23 17 to make isochronous,...
isochronize 26 26 to make isochronous,...
isodiaphere 22 17 one of two or more n...
isoxsuprine 27 23 a drug which dilates...
itacolumite 24 19 a kind of sandstone,...
josephinite 24 26 a mineral found only...
justiciable 28 28 liable to trial [adj...
justifiable 27 28 that can be justifie...
keratophyre 29 22 a fine-grained soda...
kilocalorie 24 20 one thousand calorie...
kinetochore 23 21 a structure forming...
kinetoscope 23 22 an instrument for pr...
kitchenette 24 21 a small kitchen or a...
kitchenware 27 24 utensils and applian...
kleinhuisie 23 20 (South African) an o...
knucklebone 25 29 the bone of the knuc...
labradoodle 21 18 a breed of dog [n -S...
labradorite 21 16 a triclinic silicate...
lacquerware 33 28 craft goods made fro...
lactescence 27 22 milkiness [n -S]
laevogyrate 27 20 of, having or causin...
lamprophyre 33 25 a compact intrusive...
landaulette 19 16 a small landau, a ho...
landgravate 21 20 the jurisdiction or...
landgravine 21 21 a member of the Germ...
langbeinite 21 19 a double sulfate of...
langoustine 19 17 the spiny lobster, a...
laparoscope 25 21 an instrument for vi...
laterigrade 20 15 running or moving si...
latiseptate 21 15 having a broad parti...
launderette 18 15 a self-service laund...
leatherette 20 14 (tradename) imitatio...
leatherlike 23 19 like leather [adj]
lecithinase 24 18 an enzyme which cata...
legionellae 20 17 LEGIONELLA, a bacter...
legionnaire 18 16 (French) a member of...
legislative 24 19 relating to legislat...
legislature 22 16 a body of persons ha...
leishmaniae 21 18 LEISHMANIA, any prot...
lemminglike 25 26 like a lemming [adj]
lentiginose 19 16 freckled, minutely d...
leptorrhine 23 18 having a long narrow...
leukotriene 19 18 any of a group of ei...
liberticide 26 19 destruction of liber...
libertinage 22 18 debauchery [n -S]
lickspittle 29 23 a fawning subordinat...
liquefiable 33 29 that can be liquefie...
liquescence 33 29 melting, also LIQUES...
liquifiable 34 29 capable of being liq...
lithophysae 32 21 LITHOPHYSA, a bladde...
lithosphere 26 19 the solid outer port...
lobsterlike 24 20 like a lobster [adj]
localisable 26 20 able to be localised...
localizable 29 29 able to be localized...
locorestive 24 19 (Lamb) staying in on...
loosestrife 21 15 a wild flower of the...
lubricative 28 23 serving to lubricate...
luxulianite 27 23 a tourmaline granite...
luxulyanite 33 25 a tourmaline granite...
lycanthrope 32 23 a werewolf; a person...
lychnoscope 35 26 a low side window [n...
machicolate 28 23 to furnish with mach...
machineable 26 24 that can be machined...
machinelike 26 25 resembling or sugges...
macrofaunae 22 22 MACROFAUNA, animals...
macroflorae 24 21 MACROFLORA, plants v...
macrogamete 23 22 the larger and usual...
madonnawise 20 20 in the manner of a m...
madreporite 21 18 in echinoderms, a pe...
magnesstone 18 18 (Spenser) a lodeston...
magnifiable 25 24 that can be magnifie...
maintenance 19 20 the act of maintaini...
maisonnette 17 16 (French) a part of a...
maisterdome 20 18 (obsolete) mastery [...
majoritaire 21 23 (French) a member of...
maladaptive 24 23 marked by poor or in...
malakatoone 18 20 (obsolete) a kind of...
maledictive 26 23 of the nature of a m...
maleficence 27 25 the act of committin...
malevolence 24 24 the state of being m...
malfeasance 23 22 evildoing; illegal a...
malpractice 29 24 an evil or improper...
mandarinate 17 17 the rank or office o...
mandibulate 22 21 shaped like a mandib...
manipulable 25 24 that can be manipula...
mantelpiece 24 22 a mantel with its si...
manufacture 24 23 to make into a produ...
marcescence 27 24 the state of being m...
marcescible 29 24 tending to wither or...
marginalise 21 18 to make marginal, al...
marginalize 24 27 to make marginal, al...
margraviate 22 20 the jurisdiction or...
mariculture 25 20 the cultivation of a...
marivaudage 22 22 preciosity in litera...
marketplace 26 25 an open square or pl...
marlinspike 24 23 a tool used to separ...
marquessate 27 24 the rank of marquess...
marqueterie 27 24 (French) furniture i...
marquisette 28 24 a sheer fabric of co...
masculinise 24 20 to make masculine, a...
masculinize 27 29 to make masculine, a...
maskallonge 22 23 a North American fre...
masterpiece 24 20 a work done with ext...
materialise 20 15 to appear, become ma...
materialize 23 24 to make material, al...
mathematise 22 19 to make mathematical...
mathematize 25 28 to make mathematical...
matriculate 24 19 to enroll [v MATRICU...
maxillipede 30 27 one of the mouth app...
maysterdome 26 20 (Spenser) mastery [n...
medicinable 25 23 that can be treated...
megatonnage 18 20 the total explosive...
melanophore 22 21 a chromatophore cont...
melanterite 19 16 native copperas [n -...
meliorative 22 19 tending to effect im...
memorialise 21 18 to celebrate with a...
memorialize 24 27 to address or petiti...
memorisable 23 21 able to be memorised...
memorizable 26 30 able to be memorised...
menaquinone 24 27 a form of vitamin K...
meningocele 22 22 protrusion of the me...
mensurative 21 20 relating to mensurat...
mentionable 20 20 that can be mentione...
mentonniere 16 17 (French) a piece of...
meprobamate 23 23 a drug used, esp. fo...
merchandise 24 21 goods for sale [n -S...
merchandize 27 30 goods for sale [n -S...
mesalliance 23 20 (French) a marriage...
mesocyclone 31 24 a rapidly rotating a...
mesquinerie 27 25 (French) the quality...
metaldehyde 28 21 a polymer of acetald...
metallocene 22 20 any one of a class o...
metastasise 19 14 to spread or grow by...
metastasize 22 23 to spread or grow by...
metathesise 21 16 to transpose by meta...
metathesize 24 25 to transpose by meta...
meteorolite 19 15 a meteoric stone [n...
methanamide 21 21 an amide derived fro...
methenamine 20 21 hexamethylenetetrami...
methylamine 29 23 an inflammable gas,...
metrifonate 20 18 an organophosphorus...
microampere 25 23 a millionth of an am...
microfaunae 23 22 MICROFAUNA, very sma...
microflorae 25 21 MICROFLORA, very sma...
microgamete 24 22 the smaller, general...
microgroove 25 23 the fine groove of l...
micromanage 23 23 to manage at a detai...
microneedle 22 20 a very fine needle u...
microsphere 27 22 a small sphere [n -S...
microtubule 27 23 any of the relativel...
midlatitude 22 18 a latitude in the te...
midshipmate 26 23 a midshipman [n -S]
milliampere 25 22 a thousandth of an a...
millidegree 23 19 a thousandth of a de...
milligramme 26 24 a thousandth of a gr...
millionaire 21 17 a person whose wealt...
miniaturise 20 16 to design or constru...
miniaturize 23 25 to design or constru...
minoritaire 19 15 (French) a member of...
misalliance 24 20 an improper alliance...
misallocate 24 19 to allocate wrongly...
misanthrope 23 20 one who hates or dis...
misassemble 24 21 to assemble wrongly...
miscarriage 24 19 the act of giving bi...
miscegenate 22 20 to practise miscegen...
misconceive 27 25 to conceive wrongly...
misconstrue 23 19 to construe wrongly,...
miscreative 25 21 that creates imperfe...
miscreaunce 25 22 (Spenser) false reli...
misdescribe 26 21 to describe wrongly...
misdiagnose 20 18 to diagnose wrongly...
misericorde 23 18 a bracket on a turn-...
misestimate 21 17 to estimate wrongly...
misevaluate 22 20 to evaluate wrongly...
misfeasance 23 21 the doing of a lawfu...
misguidance 24 22 wrong guidance [n -S...
mismarriage 22 19 an unsuitable marria...
misperceive 27 24 to perceive wrongly...
mispersuade 22 19 to persuade wrongly...
mistakeable 23 22 liable to be mistake...
mobilisable 26 22 that can be mobilise...
mobilizable 29 31 that can be mobilize...
mollifiable 27 23 that can be mollifie...
mollycoddle 32 24 an effeminate man [n...
molybdenite 28 22 a sulphide of molybd...
monchiquite 33 30 a fine-grained rock...
monkeyshine 27 24 a monkeyish trick [n...
monoculture 23 21 growing of one agric...
monohydrate 26 20 a hydrate containing...
monologuise 20 19 to engage in a monol...
monologuize 23 28 to engage in a monol...
monophysite 29 22 one believing that C...
monostrophe 22 20 a poem in which all...
monoterpene 18 19 any of a class of te...
monothelete 20 18 a believer in Monoth...
monothelite 21 18 a believer in monoth...
monovalence 22 24 the state of being m...
monticulate 23 20 having small project...
motherhouse 23 19 the convent in which...
mountenance 19 21 (Spenser) amount; di...
mucopeptide 27 25 another name for pep...
multicentre 24 20 comprising or involv...
multicourse 25 20 having many courses...
multiengine 21 20 having many engines,...
multienzyme 31 31 composed of or invol...
multijugate 25 28 consisting of many p...
multilobate 24 20 having many lobes [a...
multisource 25 20 having many sources...
multistrike 24 20 an ink ribbon for us...
multivolume 26 25 comprising more than...
munificence 27 26 magnificent liberali...
musculature 25 21 the muscles of all o...
muskellunge 24 25 a North American fre...
mycorrhizae 34 30 MYCORRHIZA, a fungus...
mythologise 30 21 to make mythical, al...
mythologize 33 30 to make mythical, al...
naphthalene 23 21 a crystalline aromat...
naphthaline 24 21 a white crystalline...
naphthalise 25 20 to treat with naphth...
naphthalize 28 29 to treat with naphth...
napoleonite 18 17 an orbicular diorite...
nationalise 17 14 to put an industry u...
nationalize 20 23 to put an industry u...
necessitate 20 15 to make necessary [v...
neglectable 25 22 that can be neglecte...
negligeable 23 21 that may neglected o...
nematophore 21 20 a mouthless type of...
neonaticide 19 17 the killing of the n...
neopaganise 18 18 to make neopagan, al...
neopaganize 21 27 to make neopagan, al...
neostigmine 19 18 a synthetic compound...
nephelinite 22 19 a basalt-like rock c...
nephroscope 26 23 a tubular medical in...
nephrostome 22 20 the funnel-shaped co...
neuroactive 22 20 stimulating neural t...
neutrophile 23 19 a leukophyte that is...
niacinamide 21 20 a compound of the vi...
nightingale 23 20 a small bird of the...
nigrescence 24 21 blackness; dark colo...
nikethamide 22 22 a drug used as a hea...
nitraniline 18 15 any nitro-derivative...
nitrifiable 24 19 that can be nitrifie...
nitrogenase 17 15 an enzyme complex th...
nitrogenise 18 15 to combine or supply...
nitrogenize 21 24 to combine or supply...
nitrosamine 18 16 a liquid obtained fr...
nociceptive 28 25 sensitive to pain; c...
nonabrasive 20 20 not abrasive [adj]
nonadaptive 20 21 not adaptive [adj]
nonadditive 19 19 not having a numeric...
nonadhesive 20 20 not adhesive [adj]
nonburnable 21 22 that cannot be burnt...
noncallable 24 22 that cannot be calle...
nonchalance 24 23 the state of being n...
noncoercive 24 23 not coercive [adj]
noncoverage 21 22 lack of coverage [n...
noncreative 21 20 not creative [adj]
nondelegate 17 17 one who is not a del...
nonelective 22 21 not elective [adj]
nonemployee 25 22 one who is not an em...
nonevidence 20 22 something that is no...
nonfeasance 19 20 failure to perform a...
nongraduate 17 17 one who is not a gra...
noninitiate 16 14 one who is not an in...
noninvasive 20 22 not tending to sprea...
nonlanguage 18 20 something that is no...
nonliterate 17 14 one who is not liter...
nonnegative 18 20 not negative [adj]
nonpunitive 21 22 not punitive [adj]
nonreactive 21 20 not reactive [adj]
nonrecourse 19 17 being or based on an...
nonrelative 19 18 one who is not a rel...
nonresponse 17 17 something that is no...
nonreusable 19 18 that cannot be reuse...
nonsaleable 19 18 not capable of being...
nonsentence 17 18 something that is no...
nonsinkable 20 22 that cannot be sunk...
nonviolence 21 22 abstention from viol...
nonvolatile 20 19 not volatile [adj]
northernise 19 15 to make northern, al...
northernize 22 24 to make northern, al...
notungulate 19 18 any one of an extinc...
nourishable 23 19 that can be nourishe...
nucleophile 27 23 a substance that don...
nudicaudate 21 19 with hairless tail [...
numberplate 24 23 an identifying plate...
nuncupative 25 25 of a will or testame...
objectivate 27 30 to render objective...
objectivise 28 30 to make objective, a...
objectivize 31 39 to make objective, a...
objurgative 26 30 chiding, scolding, a...
observative 24 22 observant, observati...
obstructive 27 22 serving to obstruct...
obtemperate 22 20 to obey (a judgment...
octahedrite 23 17 a variety of anatase...
octapeptide 25 21 a protein fragment o...
octuplicate 28 22 one of eight corresp...
odontophore 20 18 the rasping apparatu...
officialese 26 21 the characteristic l...
oligochaete 24 19 any worm of the Olig...
oligochrome 26 22 a work of art using...
ommatophore 23 22 an eyestalk, as in s...
omnificence 26 25 the state of being o...
omnipotence 22 22 the state of being o...
omniscience 24 22 the state of being o...
opalescence 25 22 a milky iridescence...
opeidoscope 24 21 an instrument for il...
ophicalcite 30 23 a kind of marble, co...
oppignerate 22 20 (obsolete) to pawn,...
oppignorate 22 20 (obsolete) to pawn,...
orchestrate 23 16 to compose or arrang...
orecchiette 26 19 pasta in the form of...
organisable 21 18 that can be organise...
organizable 24 27 that can be organize...
orientalise 18 13 to make oriental, al...
orientalize 21 22 to make oriental, al...
originative 21 18 having power to orig...
orthoborate 21 16 a salt of orthoboric...
orthocentre 22 17 the point of interse...
oscillative 26 20 having a tendency to...
ostreophage 22 18 an oyster-eater [n -...
ostrichlike 27 21 like an ostrich [adj...
outdistance 21 17 to go far ahead of,...
outercourse 21 16 sexual activity with...
outintrigue 20 16 to surpass in intrig...
outmarriage 20 17 marriage outside the...
outorganise 18 15 to surpass at organi...
outorganize 21 24 to surpass in organi...
outpopulate 23 20 to surpass in popula...
overachieve 26 24 to achieve to excess...
overanalyse 25 19 to analyse excessive...
overanalyze 28 28 to analyze excessive...
overarrange 19 18 to arrange to excess...
overbalance 24 23 to topple over [v OV...
overconsume 23 23 to consume to excess...
overdeviate 21 20 to deviate excessive...
overeducate 22 20 to educate to excess...
overfatigue 23 21 a state of excessive...
overindulge 22 21 to indulge to excess...
overinflate 22 20 to inflate excessive...
overintense 18 17 excessively intense...
overmeasure 20 19 to measure excessive...
overoperate 20 18 to operate to excess...
overpackage 26 27 to package excessive...
overpicture 26 22 to picture to excess...
overprecise 25 21 too precise [adj]
overprepare 23 21 to prepare excessive...
overproduce 25 23 to produce to excess...
overpromise 23 21 to promise too much...
overpromote 22 21 to promote excessive...
overservice 25 22 to service to excess...
overstrooke 20 19 OVERSTRIKE, to strik...
overutilise 22 17 to utilise excessive...
overutilize 25 26 to utilize excessive...
overvoltage 23 22 the excess potential...
overwrestle 24 19 (Spenser) to overcom...
oxalacetate 26 22 a salt or ester of o...
oxysulphide 37 28 a compound containin...
ozonosphere 23 26 the ozone layer [n -...
pallescence 27 23 a becoming pale [n -...
palsgravine 24 22 the domain of a pals...
pampelmoose 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pampelmouse 25 25 (Dutch) the shaddock...
papillulate 26 21 finely papillose [ad...
pappardelle 26 23 a type of pasta in t...
paraglossae 21 17 PARAGLOSSA, one of a...
paraldehyde 29 21 a sleep-inducing dru...
parallelise 23 17 to provide a paralle...
parallelize 26 26 to provide a paralle...
parametrise 21 17 to express in terms...
parametrize 24 26 to express in terms...
paraphysate 30 21 relating to paraphys...
parascience 25 21 the study of phenome...
paraselenae 18 16 PARASELENE, a mock m...
parasuicide 24 19 a harmful act appear...
parfocalise 26 21 to make parfocal, al...
parfocalize 29 30 to make parfocal, al...
paripinnate 21 19 pinnate without a te...
participate 26 20 to take part in [v P...
particulate 25 19 having the form of p...
pastourelle 22 17 (French) a medieval...
pathologise 24 19 to make pathological...
pathologize 27 28 to make pathological...
pebbleweave 29 28 an irregularly textu...
peculiarise 25 19 to set apart, also P...
peculiarize 28 28 to set apart, also P...
pedanticise 23 19 to be pedantic, also...
pedanticize 26 28 to be pedantic, also...
pedicellate 25 20 having a pedicel, a...
pedunculate 24 22 having a peduncle or...
penetrative 21 19 tending to penetrate...
penicillate 25 20 like a tuft of hairs...
peninsulate 20 18 to form into a penin...
pennoncelle 22 22 (French) a small fla...
pennywinkle 30 27 a kind of marine sna...
pensionable 21 20 of, relating to, qua...
pentamidine 20 20 a drug used esp. to...
pentathlete 22 18 an athlete participa...
pentazocine 24 28 a synthetic analgesi...
pentlandite 20 18 a principal ore of n...
penultimate 22 20 next to the last [ad...
perambulate 24 22 to walk through, to...
perceivable 28 25 able to be perceived...
perceptible 29 24 able to be perceived...
perchlorate 26 20 a salt or ester of p...
perchloride 27 21 a chloride that cont...
percipience 28 24 the state of being p...
percolative 26 22 relating to percolat...
peregrinate 20 17 to wander through [v...
perfectible 29 24 capable of improveme...
perforative 24 21 causing perforation,...
performable 26 24 that can be performe...
performance 25 24 the execution of an...
periclitate 25 18 (archaic) to endange...
peristerite 21 14 an albite feldspar w...
perlustrate 22 16 (archaic) to travers...
permissible 26 21 that can be permitte...
permittance 24 21 permission [n -S]
perpetrable 25 21 that can be perpetra...
perpetuable 25 22 that can be perpetua...
perpetuance 24 22 perpetuation [n -S]
persecutive 26 22 having the nature of...
perseverate 21 18 to repeat an action...
persistence 23 18 the action or fact o...
personalise 20 16 to make personal, al...
personalize 23 25 to make personal, al...
personative 21 19 dramatic; presenting...
perspective 28 24 a point of view [n -...
perspirable 26 21 capable of being per...
persuadable 23 20 capable of being per...
persuasible 24 19 capable of being per...
persulphate 26 21 that sulphate of a m...
perturbable 26 22 able to be perturbed...
perturbance 25 22 perturbation [n -S]
pervertible 26 22 that can be perverte...
phagocytise 33 23 to consume by phagoc...
phagocytize 36 32 to consume by phagoc...
phagocytose 32 23 to subject to phagoc...
phantomlike 25 25 like a phantom [adj]
phenetidine 21 19 a liquid amine used...
phenomenise 21 21 to bring into the wo...
phenomenize 24 30 to bring into the wo...
phenylamine 29 24 another name for ani...
philhellene 27 22 one who loves Greece...
phillipsite 29 21 a hydrated silicate...
phlyctaenae 31 23 PHLYCTAENA, (Greek)...
phoenixlike 30 29 like a phoenix [adj]
phonemicise 26 23 to analyse into phon...
phonemicize 29 32 to analyse into phon...
phoneticise 25 20 to represent phoneti...
phoneticize 28 29 to represent phoneti...
phonofiddle 25 23 a one-stringed music...
phosphatase 26 21 an enzyme that catal...
phosphatide 27 22 a phospholipid [n -S...
phosphatise 27 21 to phosphate, also P...
phosphatize 30 30 to phosphate, also P...
phosphorate 26 21 to combine or impreg...
phosphorise 27 21 to combine or impreg...
phosphorite 27 21 fibrous apatite [n -...
phosphorize 30 30 to combine or impreg...
photoactive 27 23 affected physically...
photoionise 21 17 to ionize by electro...
photoionize 24 26 to ionize by electro...
photoreduce 25 21 to photocopy with re...
photosphere 26 21 the sun's luminous e...
phycomycete 42 29 a fungus resembling...
phylloclade 35 25 another name for a c...
phylloplane 33 25 the surface of a lea...
phylloxerae 36 27 PHYLLOXERA, a kind o...
phytochrome 35 26 a plant pigment whic...
pickelhaube 30 28 (German) the spiked...
picturesque 33 28 resembling a picture...
piedmontite 21 19 a dark-red mineral,...
pilocarpine 26 22 an alkaloid obtained...
pinnywinkle 31 27 an instrument of tor...
pipistrelle 26 19 a small reddish-brow...
piscifaunae 25 22 PISCIFAUNA, the fish...
pitchblende 29 25 a mineral, containin...
plagioclase 26 21 a fine-grained volca...
plagiostome 23 20 any fish families of...
planisphere 25 21 a sphere projected o...
planogamete 21 21 a motile gamete [n -...
plantigrade 22 19 walking on the soles...
plateresque 29 25 of, relating to, or...
platinotype 29 21 an obsolete method o...
platyrrhine 30 20 having a broad, flat...
pleasurable 24 20 giving pleasure [adj...
plebeianise 22 19 to make plebeian, al...
plebeianize 25 28 to make plebeian, al...
ploughshare 27 22 the cutting blade of...
plunderable 24 22 that can be plundere...
pneumathode 22 22 a band or pore or ae...
pocketknife 27 29 a knife for carrying...
pocketphone 27 27 a mobile phone [n -S...
pococurante 25 22 (Italian) different,...
poikilocyte 32 24 an irregular red blo...
polarisable 24 19 that can be polarise...
polariscope 26 21 an instrument for de...
polarizable 27 28 that can be polarize...
polyculture 33 23 the simultaneous pro...
polypeptide 32 24 a compound containin...
polypropene 30 24 any of various therm...
polysorbate 29 20 an emulsifier [n -S]
polystyrene 33 20 a polymer of styrene...
polysulfide 32 23 a sulfide containing...
polyvalence 32 26 the state of being p...
pomegranate 20 20 an Oriental fruit wi...
pomiculture 27 23 the growing of fruit...
pompelmoose 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pompelmouse 25 25 (Dutch) the shaddock...
pontificate 25 21 to speak in a pompou...
porterhouse 22 17 a house where malt l...
portraiture 21 15 the making of portra...
portrayable 29 20 that can be portraye...
possessable 23 18 that can be possesse...
postcollege 26 21 taking place after c...
postdivorce 26 22 following a divorce...
postponable 24 22 that can be postpone...
postponence 23 22 the act of postponin...
practicable 30 24 that can be effected...
preadaptive 24 22 of, relating to, or...
preambulate 24 22 to make a preamble [...
preannounce 20 21 to announce beforeha...
preaudience 22 20 the right to be hear...
precipitate 26 20 sudden [adj PRECIPIT...
precludable 28 24 that can be preclude...
precognosce 26 23 to take a precogniti...
preconceive 27 25 to form (as an opini...
predicative 26 22 indicating the predi...
predictable 27 22 that can be predicte...
predominate 20 19 dominating in quanti...
preeminence 22 22 the state of being p...
preferrable 25 21 (obsolete) preferabl...
prefigurate 24 20 to prefigure [v PREF...
preheadache 26 22 occurring before a h...
prehensible 25 21 capable of being gra...
prejudicate 26 28 (obsolete) to spoil,...
preliterate 21 15 not yet employing wr...
premarriage 22 19 relating to the time...
premaxillae 29 26 PREMAXILLA, (Latin)...
premedicate 24 21 to administer premed...
premeditate 21 18 to think about and r...
premonitive 23 22 conveying a warning,...
prenominate 19 19 forenamed [adj] / to...
preoccupate 28 24 (obsolete) to preocc...
preparative 24 21 serving to prepare [...
prepollence 26 23 predominance, also P...
prepositive 25 21 placed before [adj P...
prepurchase 28 23 to purchase in advan...
prerogative 23 20 an exclusive or spec...
preschedule 27 22 to schedule in advan...
presentable 22 19 worthy of presentati...
presentence 21 19 to sentence in advan...
preservable 25 22 that can be preserve...
presumptive 27 25 based on probability...
preteritive 23 18 used only in the pre...
prevaricate 25 21 to avoid telling the...
prevenience 23 23 the state of preveni...
preventable 24 23 that can be prevente...
preventible 25 23 that can be prevente...
processable 26 21 that can be processe...
processible 27 21 that can be processe...
procreative 25 21 relating to procreat...
proctoscope 28 23 an instrument for ex...
prodigalise 23 18 to spend lavishly, t...
prodigalize 26 27 to spend lavishly, t...
proficience 28 24 the state of being p...
profiterole 23 18 (French) a small puf...
progenitive 23 21 capable of bearing o...
progeniture 21 18 an act or instance o...
programable 25 23 that can be programm...
progressive 24 20 showing progress [ad...
prohibitive 28 23 tending to prohibit...
projectable 28 30 that can be projecte...
proliferate 23 18 to grow or increase...
prolongable 24 22 that can be prolonge...
promptitude 25 22 the quality or habit...
propagative 25 23 serving to propagate...
propitiable 26 21 that can be propitia...
propylamine 30 24 an amine of propyl [...
propylitise 31 20 to become or turn in...
propylitize 34 29 to become or turn in...
proselytise 28 17 to recruit or conver...
proselytize 31 26 to recruit or conver...
prospective 28 24 relating to or effec...
protocolise 24 18 to make a protocol o...
protocolize 27 27 to make a protocol o...
protractile 25 18 able to be thrust ou...
protractive 26 21 serving to protract...
protrudable 24 20 that can be protrude...
protrusible 25 19 that can be protrude...
protuberate 22 18 to bulge out [v PROT...
proveditore 22 19 a purveyor, also PRO...
provenience 23 23 an origin, source, a...
provocative 27 25 serving to provoke [...
prussianise 21 16 to make Prussian in...
prussianize 24 25 to make Prussian in...
psammophile 28 26 a sand-loving plant,...
psammophyte 33 27 a plant adapted to g...
pseudologue 22 20 a pathological liar...
pseudoscope 25 22 an instrument produc...
psilomelane 22 20 an oxide of manganes...
psychagogue 34 26 a conductor of souls...
ptyalagogue 29 22 a substance promotin...
publishable 30 25 that can be publishe...
pulchritude 29 23 beauty [n -S]
punctuative 26 24 relating to punctuat...
puncturable 27 24 that can be puncture...
purchasable 29 24 that can be purchase...
purpresture 24 19 encroachment on publ...
putrefiable 26 22 capable of putrefyin...
putrescence 26 22 the state of being p...
putrescible 28 22 something capable of...
pyrargyrite 35 20 a deep-red to black...
pyrogallate 29 20 any salt or ester of...
pyrogravure 30 23 design traced by pyr...
pyrolysable 37 23 that can be pyrolyse...
pyrolyzable 40 32 that can be pyrolyse...
pyrosulfite 31 21 as in sodium pyrosul...
pyrrolidine 28 19 a colourless strongl...
qualifiable 33 29 that can be qualifie...
qualitative 30 26 of, relating to, or...
quarrelsome 28 25 apt or disposed to q...
quarterlife 30 25 designating the peri...
quinquereme 35 35 an ancient ship with...
radicellose 23 17 like a radicel, a ro...
radioactive 23 19 of, caused by, or ex...
radioiodine 17 14 a radioisotope of io...
rainbowlike 25 23 like a rainbow [adj]
rarefactive 25 21 causing rarefaction...
ratatouille 20 14 (French) a vegetable...
ratiocinate 20 15 to reason or argue l...
rationalise 18 13 to make rational, al...
rationalize 21 22 to bring into accord...
rattlesnake 19 17 any of several Ameri...
readvertise 20 16 to advertise again,...
readvertize 23 25 to advertize again,...
reaggregate 20 17 to aggregate again [...
reassurance 20 16 the action of reassu...
reattribute 21 15 to attribute again [...
reauthorise 20 14 to authorise again,...
reauthorize 23 23 to authorize again,...
rebarbative 24 21 irritating; repellen...
recalculate 26 20 to calculate again [...
recalibrate 24 18 to calibrate again [...
recatalogue 22 18 to catalogue again,...
rechallenge 25 21 to challenge again [...
reciprocate 26 20 to give and take mut...
recirculate 26 19 to circulate again [...
reclaimable 26 22 that can be reclaime...
recognitive 24 21 relating to recognit...
reconfigure 24 21 to configure again [...
reconnoitre 19 16 to make a reconnaiss...
recoverable 25 22 that can be recovere...
recriminate 22 18 to charge one's accu...
recruitable 25 19 that can be recruite...
rectifiable 27 21 having finite length...
recultivate 25 20 to cultivate again [...
recuperable 26 22 that can be recupera...
recycleable 34 24 something that can b...
redemptible 25 22 that can be redeemed...
redetermine 18 16 to determine again [...
redoubtable 23 20 causing fear or alar...
redressable 21 16 that can be redresse...
redressible 22 16 that can be redresse...
reduplicate 25 20 to make or perform a...
reeducative 23 20 serving to reeducate...
reemergence 21 20 the act of reemergin...
reemphasise 23 19 to emphasise again,...
reemphasize 26 28 to emphasise again,...
reflectance 26 22 the ratio of reflect...
refocillate 25 19 (obsolete) to refres...
reformative 23 21 intended or tending...
reformulate 22 19 to formulate again [...
refractable 26 21 that can be refracte...
refrangible 24 21 that may be refracte...
refrigerate 21 16 to make or keep cold...
refringence 23 21 refractivity, also R...
refuellable 25 21 capable of being ref...
regenerable 20 18 able to be regenerat...
regionalise 19 15 to divide into regio...
regionalize 22 24 to divide into regio...
registrable 23 17 capable of being reg...
regredience 21 18 the act of regreding...
regrettable 22 17 to be regretted [adj...
regurgitate 21 16 to bring back into t...
rehypnotise 28 19 to hypnotise again,...
rehypnotize 31 28 to hypnotize again,...
reincarnate 19 16 to incarnate again [...
reinnervate 18 17 to innervate again [...
reinoculate 21 17 to inoculate again [...
reinstitute 19 13 to institute again [...
reinsurance 20 17 insurance by another...
reintegrate 18 14 to integrate again i...
reintroduce 21 17 to introduce again [...
reiterative 20 15 repeating [adj REITE...
rejuvenesce 24 29 to make young again...
relandscape 23 20 to landscape again [...
relegatable 22 18 that can be relegate...
relicensure 22 17 a renewal of a licen...
religionise 20 15 to imbue with religi...
religionize 23 24 to imbue with religi...
relocatable 24 19 that can be relocate...
relubricate 25 19 to lubricate again [...
remembrance 24 24 the state of bearing...
remonstrate 18 15 to protest, to expos...
remunerable 21 20 that can be remunera...
renaissance 19 16 rebirth, also RENASC...
renegotiate 17 14 to negotiate again (...
renormalise 19 16 to subject to or cal...
renormalize 22 25 to subject to or cal...
reorientate 16 12 to orientate again [...
repetiteuse 20 15 a female repetiteur,...
replaceable 26 22 that can be replaced...
repleviable 26 23 subject to replevin,...
replicative 27 22 of, relating to, inv...
representee 18 15 a person to whom a r...
repressible 24 18 that can be represse...
reprievable 25 22 that can be reprieve...
reprivatise 23 18 to privatize again,...
reprivatize 26 27 to privatize again,...
reprobative 24 21 condemnatory, also R...
reprogramme 23 22 to programme again,...
repudiative 23 20 serving to repudiate...
rescindable 24 20 that can be rescinde...
rescissible 26 18 able to be rescinded...
resegregate 19 15 to segregate again [...
resemblance 24 22 the state of resembl...
resensitise 18 12 to sensitise again,...
resensitize 21 21 to sensitize again [...
resocialise 22 15 to socialise again,...
resocialize 25 24 to socialize again,...
respectable 26 21 worthy of respect [a...
respondence 21 20 correspondence, agre...
responsible 23 19 liable to be called...
restabilise 22 15 to stabilise again,...
restabilize 25 24 to stabilize again,...
restartable 21 15 capable of being res...
restimulate 21 16 to stimulate again [...
restitutive 22 16 relating to restitut...
restorative 20 15 serving to restore t...
restrictive 25 18 of or relating to re...
restructure 23 16 to change the makeup...
resultative 22 17 (in grammar) a phras...
resuscitate 22 15 to revive from appar...
retaliative 21 16 relating to retaliat...
retardative 20 16 serving to retard [a...
retinoscope 22 18 an instrument for me...
retouchable 26 21 that can be retouche...
retraceable 23 18 that can be retraced...
retractable 24 18 that can be retracte...
retractible 25 18 that can be retracte...
retrainable 20 16 that can be restrain...
retranslate 18 13 to translate (a tran...
retributive 24 19 relating to retribut...
retrievable 23 19 that can be retrieve...
retroactive 23 18 taking effect as fro...
retroengine 17 15 a small rocket on a...
retroussage 19 14 (French) in etching,...
revaccinate 25 22 to vaccinate again [...
revendicate 22 20 to make formal claim...
reverberate 21 18 to continue in or as...
revindicate 23 20 to vindicate again [...
rewriteable 24 18 (of a CD, flash driv...
rhabdocoele 25 21 a turbellarian worm...
rheumateese 20 17 (dialect) rheumatism...
rhinocerote 22 17 (obsolete) a rhinoce...
rhinothecae 24 19 RHINOTHECA, the shea...
rhizosphere 28 27 a region of increase...
rhododaphne 23 21 (Spenser) oleander [...
riboflavine 25 23 a member of the vita...
rickettsiae 23 18 RICKETTSIA, a genus...
ritournelle 20 15 (French) a short ins...
rodenticide 21 17 the killing of roden...
rodomontade 17 17 (French) a bragging...
roentgenise 17 15 to bombard with X-ra...
roentgenize 20 24 to bombard with X-ra...
rollerblade 23 18 (tradename) a type o...
rollerdrome 21 17 (US) a venue for rol...
romanticise 22 18 to make romantic, al...
romanticize 25 27 to make romantic, al...
rotogravure 21 18 an intaglio printing...
rottenstone 16 13 friable, decomposed,...
salespeople 23 19 persons employed to...
salmonellae 20 18 SALMONELLA, a genus...
saltirewise 23 15 in the fashion of a...
salvageable 24 22 that can be salvaged...
sanctuarise 21 16 to afford sanctuary...
sanctuarize 24 25 to afford sanctuary...
sansculotte 22 17 (French) an extreme...
sapropelite 23 18 coal formed of sapro...
sarcenchyme 33 25 a soft tissue of spo...
satellitise 21 13 to bring satellite(s...
satellitize 24 22 to bring satellite(s...
satirisable 22 15 capable of being sat...
satirizable 25 24 capable of being sat...
satisfiable 24 18 capable of being sat...
scaffoldage 27 24 the gallery of a the...
scammoniate 22 21 of or like scammony,...
scaramouche 27 23 a bragging cowardly...
scatterable 24 18 that can be scattere...
schillerise 27 18 to give a bronze lus...
schillerize 30 27 to give a bronze lus...
schismatise 26 19 to practise schism;...
schismatize 29 28 to practise schism;...
schistosome 25 19 a disease-causing bl...
schizophyte 38 32 a plant of the Schiz...
schoolhouse 26 20 a building used as a...
schorlomite 26 20 a black variety of g...
schottische 30 21 (German) an old polk...
scintillate 24 17 to sparkle [v SCINTI...
scissorwise 26 17 in the fashion of sc...
scopolamine 24 22 a sleep-inducing dru...
scripophile 30 23 one who has the hobb...
segregative 22 19 serving to segregate...
seigniorage 19 16 a government revenue...
seismoscope 24 20 an instrument for de...
selectorate 21 15 as in selectorate th...
semipalmate 23 21 partly webfooted, al...
semiprivate 24 21 partly private [adj]
senectitude 21 17 old age [n -S]
sepiostaire 20 14 (French) cuttlebone,...
sequestrate 26 21 to confiscate; to se...
sericulture 24 17 the breeding of silk...
serpentlike 22 20 like a serpent [adj]
serratulate 19 13 minutely serrate [ad...
serviceable 26 22 able or willing to s...
sesquioxide 33 29 an oxide with three...
shacklebone 26 25 (Scots) the wrist [n...
shergottite 22 15 a type of meterorite...
shirtsleeve 24 18 the sleeve of a shir...
shortchange 26 21 to give less than th...
shuddersome 22 19 causing one to shudd...
shuttlewise 26 18 backwards and forwar...
siderophile 24 18 an element with an a...
signifiable 25 21 capable of being sig...
significate 25 20 a thing signified [n...
sillimanite 22 17 a silicate of alumin...
singularise 21 16 to make singular, al...
singularize 24 25 to make singular, al...
sinistrorse 19 12 rising spirally and...
skeletonise 19 17 to reduce to a skele...
skeletonize 22 26 to reduce to a skele...
skillcentre 25 21 formerly in Britain,...
skilligalee 24 20 a thin gruel, also S...
skilligolee 24 20 a thin gruel, also S...
slickenside 24 21 a polished and smoot...
sluggardise 23 18 (Shakespeare) to mak...
sluggardize 26 27 (Shakespeare) to mak...
slumbersome 24 22 sleepy [adj]
smithsonite 22 17 natural zinc carbona...
snickersnee 21 20 (obsolete) a large k...
sniperscope 25 21 an optical device fo...
soapolallie 22 17 a drink made by crus...
sociologese 22 17 sociological jargon...
soldatesque 27 23 soldierlike [adj]
soldierlike 22 18 like a soldier [adj]
soliloquise 29 23 to talk reflectively...
soliloquize 32 32 to talk reflectively...
southernise 20 15 to make southern, al...
southernize 23 24 to make southern, al...
sparrowlike 26 22 like a sparrow [adj]
specialogue 25 21 a mail order catalog...
specifiable 29 24 that can be specifie...
specificate 29 23 to specify [v SPECIF...
speculative 27 23 involving, based on,...
spermaphyte 32 24 any member of the Sp...
spermophile 27 23 a member of family o...
spermophyte 32 24 any member of the Sp...
spessartine 20 15 a dark orange-red ga...
spessartite 21 14 a dark orange-red ga...
spheroidise 23 17 to develop spherulit...
spheroidize 26 26 to develop spherulit...
sphingosine 23 20 an unsaturated amino...
spifflicate 30 24 to overcome or dispo...
spinachlike 28 25 like spinach [adj]
spinescence 25 22 the quality of being...
spinnerette 19 16 the silk-spinning or...
spiraculate 25 19 having air-holes [ad...
spirituelle 24 17 (French) showing ref...
spirochaete 25 19 a slender, twisted,...
spleenstone 19 17 (obsolete) jade [n -...
sporangiole 21 18 a sporangium contain...
sporulative 24 20 relating to sporulat...
springhouse 24 20 a storehouse built o...
spumescence 27 25 foaminess, frothines...
squarsonage 26 24 the dwelling of a sq...
standardise 18 14 to make standard, al...
standardize 21 23 to make standard, al...
staunchable 26 22 that can be staunche...
stauroscope 23 18 an instrument for st...
stearoptene 18 15 the part of an essen...
steepedowne 21 19 (Shakespeare) precip...
stellionate 19 14 fraud committed in m...
stenochrome 23 20 a print by stenochro...
stenohaline 19 16 of an aquatic organi...
stereoscope 22 17 an instrument for vi...
sternotribe 20 15 pollinated by touchi...
stethoscope 25 19 an instrument with w...
stickhandle 26 23 to manoeuvre (the pu...
stimulative 24 20 serving to stimulate...
stipendiate 20 16 to provide with a sa...
stockinette 22 19 an elastic knitted f...
stomachache 29 24 pain in or in the re...
strangulate 20 16 to strangle, constri...
stratopause 20 15 the transitional lay...
streetscape 23 17 the appearance or vi...
stretchable 27 20 that can be stretche...
stridulance 23 18 stridulation [n -S]
stringpiece 25 20 the heavy squared ti...
stroboscope 25 20 an instrument for st...
suballiance 25 21 a subordinate allian...
subassemble 25 22 to assemble a part o...
subchloride 28 22 a sub-compound of ch...
subcurative 27 23 less than wholly cur...
subdivisive 27 24 relating to a subdiv...
subindicate 24 20 (obsolete) to hint [...
subirrigate 23 17 to irrigate by under...
subjectable 29 31 capable of being sub...
subjunctive 29 33 of a verb, in a mood...
sublanguage 23 22 a subdivision of a l...
subliterate 22 16 not fully literate [...
submergence 25 24 the act of submergin...
submergible 27 24 a vessel used for un...
submersible 26 22 a vessel used for un...
submissible 27 22 submissive [adj]
submittable 26 22 capable of being sub...
submolecule 27 24 a part of a molecule...
submultiple 28 24 a quantity that divi...
suboptimise 25 21 to optimize to an in...
suboptimize 28 30 to optimize to an in...
subordinate 20 17 subservient [adj SUB...
subornative 22 20 serving to suborn [a...
subsensible 24 20 below the range of s...
subsentence 22 20 part of a sentence [...
subsequence 31 29 the state of being s...
subsistence 24 19 the minimum (as of f...
substantive 23 20 relating to substanc...
substrative 24 19 relating to a substr...
subsumptive 28 26 tending to subsume [...
subtractive 27 22 tending to subtract...
subungulate 23 21 belonging to the Sub...
suburbanise 23 20 to make suburban, al...
suburbanite 23 20 one who lives in the...
suburbanize 26 29 to make suburban, al...
subvocalise 27 23 to say below the bre...
subvocalize 30 32 to say below the bre...
succeedable 27 23 capable of being suc...
succourable 28 23 that can be succored...
sufficience 29 25 (archaic) a sufficie...
suffocative 28 25 serving to suffocate...
suffragette 24 20 (historical) a membe...
suffumigate 26 24 to fumigate from bel...
suggestible 25 20 easily influenced by...
sulfadoxine 27 25 a drug used to preve...
sulfonamide 22 21 any of various amide...
summerhouse 23 21 an outdoor structure...
superactive 26 22 extremely active [ad...
supercharge 27 22 to charge greatly or...
supercherie 26 20 (French) deception,...
superdeluxe 28 25 extra luxurious [adj...
superfemale 24 22 a very remarkable fe...
superfetate 22 18 to conceive when a f...
superimpose 24 21 to place or lay over...
superinduce 24 21 to bring as addition...
superlative 24 20 excelling [adj SUPER...
supernature 20 17 the realm of the sup...
superoctave 25 22 an organ coupler giv...
superpolite 24 19 extremely polite [ad...
superpraise 23 18 to give very high pr...
superrefine 22 19 to refine to a very...
superscribe 27 21 to write at the top...
supersedere 20 16 (Scots) a private ag...
supersedure 21 17 the act of supersedi...
superstrike 23 19 an exceptional strik...
supersubtle 25 20 overly subtle, also...
supervirile 25 20 excessively virile [...
supervolute 24 21 convolute [adj]
supportable 26 22 that can be supporte...
supportance 25 22 (Shakespeare) suppor...
suppositive 26 22 suppositional [adj S...
suppressive 26 22 serving to suppress...
suppurative 26 23 causing suppuration...
surpassable 24 19 capable of being sur...
surrenderee 17 14 one who is surrender...
susceptance 26 22 the imaginary part o...
susceptible 28 22 open to the influenc...
suspectable 27 22 that can be suspecte...
suspendible 24 21 that can be suspende...
suspensible 24 20 that can be suspende...
sustainable 21 17 capable of being sus...
swallowable 29 23 that can swallowed [...
swashbuckle 32 28 to act the part of a...
sweetiewife 26 20 (Scots) a woman who...
swingletree 23 18 the crosspiece of a...
switchblade 31 24 a pocketknife having...
syllabicate 32 21 to syllabify [v SYLL...
sympathique 39 31 (French) attractive...
synaptosome 26 20 a nerve ending that...
synchronise 29 20 to cause to happen a...
synchronize 32 29 to cause to happen a...
syncopative 31 24 relating to syncopat...
systematise 26 16 to reduce to a syste...
systematize 29 25 to reduce to a syste...
tagliatelle 22 16 (Italian) pasta made...
tarnishable 23 18 that can be tarnishe...
tarradiddle 20 15 a fib; a piece of pr...
tautochrone 22 18 a curve such that a...
tautologise 20 15 to use tautology, al...
tautologize 23 24 to use tautology, al...
taxidermise 26 22 to practise taxiderm...
taxidermize 29 31 to practise taxiderm...
technophile 28 23 an enthusiast of tec...
technophobe 28 25 one with a fear of t...
telecommute 24 22 to work at home by t...
telecottage 22 17 a building or room i...
teleferique 29 25 (French) a cableway,...
telepathise 23 17 to communicate by te...
telepathize 26 26 to communicate by te...
telescience 24 19 the performing of sc...
telpherline 24 19 a line bearing a tel...
temperative 23 21 having a moderating...
temperature 21 18 the degree of hotnes...
tempolabile 25 22 in chemistry, tendin...
temporalise 22 18 to make temporal, al...
temporalize 25 27 to make temporal, al...
tentaculate 21 17 like a tentacle [adj...
tentaculite 22 17 a ringed conical Sil...
terminative 21 19 expressive of comple...
terremotive 21 18 seismic [adj]
testiculate 23 16 like a testicle, esp...
testificate 24 17 in Scots law, a sole...
tetradymite 26 17 bismuth ore [n -S]
tetrarchate 23 16 the fourth part of a...
thalidomide 23 19 a non-barbiturate se...
thallophyte 33 22 any organism belongi...
thaumatrope 23 20 an optical toy in wh...
thaumaturge 23 20 a performer of mirac...
theatricise 24 16 to play a part, also...
theatricize 27 25 to play a part, also...
theobromine 22 20 an alkaloid obtained...
theosophise 24 18 to practise theosoph...
theosophize 27 27 to practise theosoph...
therebeside 22 17 beside that [adv]
theretofore 21 16 up to that time [adv...
thermocline 25 21 in lakes, a region o...
thermophile 27 22 requiring, or thrivi...
thermoscope 26 22 an instrument indica...
thesmothete 23 18 a lawgiver [n -S]
thiocyanate 28 19 a salt of thiocyanic...
thiopentone 20 18 an intravenous anaes...
thiosulfate 24 18 any salt of thiosulp...
thrombocyte 33 24 a platelet [n -S]
thromboxane 28 27 any of several compo...
throughfare 26 21 (Shakespeare) a thor...
tichorrhine 26 19 a fossil woolly rhin...
ticktacktoe 27 25 the game of noughts...
tiggywinkle 33 26 (dialect) a hedgehog...
titanothere 19 14 any of various very...
titillative 24 17 serving to titillate...
tolbutamide 23 20 a sulfonylurea used...
torpescence 25 21 becoming numb or tor...
torturesome 19 15 torturous [adj]
totipalmate 22 18 having webbing betwe...
townspeople 25 22 the inhabitants of a...
toxophilite 30 24 one fond of or exper...
trabeculate 24 19 having trabeculae, t...
tracasserie 21 14 (French) a state of...
trafficable 29 24 that can be traffick...
tragedienne 17 16 (French) a female tr...
trailerable 22 16 that can be trailere...
tranquilise 28 23 to make tranquil, al...
tranquilize 31 32 to make tranquil or...
transalpine 20 17 an inhabitant of the...
transandine 16 15 beyond, or crossing,...
transeptate 19 15 divided by transvers...
transferase 19 15 an enzyme that promo...
transfigure 22 18 to give a new and ty...
transfinite 20 16 going beyond or surp...
transfusive 23 20 tending or having po...
transitable 21 16 capable of being tra...
translative 21 17 a tense or case indi...
translocate 21 16 to change location [...
transmanche 23 21 (French) relating to...
transmarine 18 16 across or beyond the...
transpadane 18 17 on the other (i.e. t...
transpierce 23 18 to pierce through [v...
traversable 23 19 that can be traverse...
treasonable 19 16 of the nature of tre...
treasurable 21 16 worthy of being trea...
trestletree 19 12 either of a pair of...
triangulate 20 16 trinagular [adj TRIA...
trichloride 26 18 any compound that co...
trisulphide 26 19 a sulphide with thre...
trisyllable 31 19 a word with three sy...
trithionate 20 14 a salt of trithionic...
triumvirate 23 19 a body of triumvirs...
trochophore 27 21 a free-swimming pela...
trophozoite 25 25 in Protozoa, the tro...
tropicalise 25 18 to make tropical, al...
tropicalize 28 27 to make tropical, al...
troposphere 24 19 a region of the atmo...
troublefree 23 19 free of trouble [adj...
troublesome 22 19 causing trouble [adj...
trumpetlike 25 23 resembling a trumpet...
trunksleeve 22 22 (Shakespeare) a puff...
trypanocide 29 21 a drug that kills tr...
trypanosome 26 20 a parasite causing s...
tryptophane 30 22 an essential amino a...
tuberculate 25 20 bearing tubercles, k...
tuberculise 26 20 to infect with tuber...
tuberculize 29 29 to infect with tuber...
tuberculose 25 20 tuberculous, also TU...
turgescence 25 21 the act or process o...
turriculate 24 17 turreted; formed in...
tyrannicide 27 19 the killing or kille...
ultramarine 20 17 a greenish-blue colo...
ultrasimple 25 20 extremely simple [ad...
ultravirile 24 18 very very virile [ad...
umbellulate 25 22 shaped like an umbel...
umbraculate 26 23 overshadowed by an u...
unaccusable 27 24 that cannot be accus...
unadaptable 22 21 not adaptable [adj]
unadoptable 22 21 not adoptable [adj]
unadvisable 23 22 not advisable [adj U...
unagreeable 20 19 not agreeable [adj]
unalienable 20 19 not alienable [adj U...
unallowable 25 22 not allowable [adj]
unalterable 21 18 that cannot be alter...
unamendable 20 22 not amendable [adj]
unassertive 20 17 not assertive [adj U...
unattentive 19 18 not attentive [adj]
unavailable 23 22 not available [adj U...
unavertable 22 21 that cannot be avert...
unavertible 23 21 that cannot be avert...
unavoidable 22 22 that cannot be avoid...
unbarricade 23 20 to remove a barricad...
unblameable 24 24 that cannot be blame...
unbreakable 23 24 not breakable [adj]
unbudgeable 24 24 that cannot be budge...
unbuildable 25 23 that cannot be built...
uncatchable 29 25 not catchable [adj]
uncheckable 30 29 that cannot be check...
unchildlike 28 25 not like a child [ad...
unclimbable 29 27 not able to be climb...
unclubbable 30 28 unsociable, not suit...
uncomatable 24 23 inaccessible; out of...
uncombative 26 26 not combative [adj]
uncountable 23 22 not countable [adj]
uncrossable 24 20 that cannot be cross...
uncrushable 27 23 not crushable [adj]
undanceable 22 22 that cannot be dance...
undauntable 20 20 that cannot be daunt...
undebatable 22 21 that cannot be debat...
undecidable 24 22 not decidable [adj]
undefinable 22 22 not definable, also...
underactive 23 21 characterized by an...
underbridge 22 20 a bridge carrying a...
undercharge 24 21 to charge too little...
underclothe 24 20 to clothe insufficie...
underexpose 25 24 to expose insufficie...
underinsure 18 16 to insure insufficie...
underpraise 20 17 to praise insufficie...
undersleeve 20 19 a sleeve underneath...
undesirable 21 18 not desirable [adj U...
undividable 24 23 that cannot be divid...
undoubtable 23 22 that cannot be doubt...
undrainable 20 19 that cannot be drain...
undrinkable 22 23 unsuitable or unplea...
undriveable 23 22 that cannot be drive...
unelaborate 19 17 not elaborate [adj]
unelectable 24 21 not electable [adj]
unendurable 20 20 that cannot be endur...
unenjoyable 27 29 not enjoyable [adj]
unequitable 29 27 not equitable, also...
unescapable 25 23 not escapable [adj]
unexcitable 30 27 not excitable [adj]
unexclusive 31 29 not exclusive [adj U...
unexpensive 27 28 not expensive, also...
unfavorable 24 24 not favorable [adj U...
unfavourite 22 21 not favourite or fav...
unfeudalise 21 19 to deprive of a feud...
unfeudalize 24 28 to deprive of a feud...
unfiltrable 25 21 that cannot be filte...
unflappable 28 27 imperturbable [adj U...
unfortunate 19 18 not fortunate [adj U...
ungetatable 21 19 not getatable [adj]
ungraspable 24 22 not capable of being...
unguessable 22 20 not capable of being...
unguiculate 24 21 having claws or nail...
unguligrade 22 20 walking on hoofs [ad...
unhabitable 25 22 not habitable [adj]
unicolorate 21 17 of one uniform colou...
unigeniture 19 17 the state or fact of...
unignorable 21 20 not capable of being...
uninsurable 21 19 not capable of being...
uninucleate 21 19 having a single nucl...
uninventive 21 23 not inventive [adj]
unlearnable 20 19 not learnable [adj]
unlightsome 24 21 (Milton) without lig...
unloverlike 23 23 not like a lover [ad...
unmalleable 23 22 not malleable [adj]
unmarriable 22 20 (obsolete) unmarriag...
unmasculine 23 22 not masculine [adj]
unmatchable 27 25 not matchable [adj]
unmechanise 23 22 (Sterne) to disorgan...
unmechanize 26 31 (Sterne) to disorgan...
unmemorable 22 23 not memorable [adj U...
unmeritable 22 20 (Shakespeare) undese...
unmitigable 24 22 that cannot be mitig...
unnavigable 23 24 not navigable [adj]
unobtrusive 23 21 not obtrusive, also...
unoffensive 23 24 not offensive, also...
unoperative 21 20 not operative [adj]
unoriginate 18 16 not originated [adj]
unpaintable 22 21 not capable of being...
unpalatable 23 21 not palatable [adj U...
unpeaceable 24 23 not peaceable [adj]
unplausible 25 22 not plausible, also...
unprintable 23 21 that cannot be print...
unqueenlike 27 29 not like a queen [ad...
unreachable 25 22 that cannot be reach...
unreceptive 25 23 not receptive [adj]
unreducible 25 22 not reducible [adj]
unremovable 23 24 that cannot be remov...
unrequisite 27 23 not requisite [adj]
unretentive 19 18 not retentive [adj]
unselective 24 21 not marked by select...
unsensitive 20 18 not sensitive, also...
unseparable 22 20 (Shakespeare) insepa...
unshakeable 23 23 that cannot be shake...
unshockable 27 26 not capable of being...
unshunnable 22 22 (Shakespeare) unavoi...
unsoundable 20 20 not soundable [adj]
unspeakable 23 24 that cannot be spoke...
unstainable 20 18 that cannot be stain...
unstoppable 25 23 that cannot be stopp...
unsubduable 24 23 that cannot be subdu...
unsubscribe 27 23 to terminate one's s...
unteachable 25 22 not capable of being...
unthinkable 24 24 that cannot be thoug...
untouchable 26 23 not to be touched [a...
untraceable 23 20 not traceable [adj]
untractable 24 20 unmanageable, also I...
untreatable 20 17 that cannot be treat...
unutterable 21 18 that cannot be utter...
unvenerable 21 22 not venerable [adj]
unvisitable 24 21 that cannot be visit...
unvulgarise 23 21 to make not vulgar,...
unvulgarize 26 30 to make not vulgar,...
unwatchable 29 25 not suitable or fit...
unweariable 23 20 that cannot be weari...
unwedgeable 24 23 that cannot be split...
unwholesome 24 22 not wholesome [adj U...
unwoundable 23 23 not woundable [adj]
upgradeable 24 22 that can be upgraded...
urediospore 20 16 the thin-walled summ...
urochordate 23 18 a member of the Uroc...
usucaptible 28 23 relating to usucapti...
vagabondage 22 24 the state of being a...
vagabondise 22 22 to go about as a vag...
vagabondize 25 31 to go about as a vag...
valleculate 26 22 shaped like a vallec...
vaporisable 25 22 capable of being vap...
vaporizable 28 31 that can be vaporize...
varicellate 25 20 of certain shells, m...
varsovienne 20 21 (French) a polka-lik...
vascularise 25 20 to cause to become v...
vascularize 28 29 to cause to become v...
vasculature 25 21 the arrangement of b...
vasectomise 24 21 to perform a vasecto...
vasectomize 27 30 to perform a vasecto...
vectorscope 28 24 an instrument that d...
vellicative 28 24 relating to vellicat...
ventilative 23 21 relating to ventilat...
venturesome 20 20 involving risk [adj...
veratridine 20 17 a poisonous alkaloid...
verbigerate 23 20 to continually repea...
vermiculate 26 23 to decorate in a man...
vermiculite 27 23 an altered form of m...
vesuvianite 22 21 a silicate of calciu...
vichyssoise 33 22 (French) a soup made...
vicissitude 26 20 a change of circumst...
victuallage 27 23 provisions, also VIC...
videotheque 30 28 a cinema in which vi...
vinaigrette 21 18 (French) a salad dre...
vinblastine 23 21 a cytotoxic alkaloid...
vincristine 24 20 a cytotoxic alkaloid...
vindicative 26 24 tending to vindicate...
vinegarette 20 18 a bottle for aromati...
viniculture 26 22 vine-growing, also V...
viticulture 27 21 vine-growing, also V...
vitrescence 26 22 the state of being v...
vitrescible 28 22 having the quality o...
vitrifiable 27 22 that can be vitrifie...
vituperable 26 23 deserving vituperati...
vivisective 29 26 relating to vivisect...
vociferance 27 25 clamour [n -S]
voluntative 23 22 a verb form expressi...
vorticellae 25 20 VORTICELLA, a sessil...
vulcanisate 24 21 a vulcanized product...
vulcanizate 27 30 a vulcanized product...
waldgravine 25 23 (German) the wife of...
warrantable 23 19 that can be warrante...
watercourse 24 18 a natural or artific...
weatherable 25 20 that can be weathere...
weighbridge 29 24 a machine for weighi...
wensleydale 28 20 a kind of cheese [n...
whatsername 23 20 a girl or woman whos...
whatsisname 24 20 a man whose name is...
wheedlesome 24 21 coaxing [adj]
whiffletree 29 23 the crosspiece of a...
whippletree 29 23 the crosspiece of a...
whistleable 28 21 that can be whistled...
windlestrae 22 17 (Scots) anything lig...
witnessable 24 19 that can be witnesse...
workmanlike 25 27 characterized by the...
worshipable 29 23 capable of being wor...
wranglesome 23 21 quarrelsome [adj]
zillionaire 23 23 one who possesses zi...