13 letter words that end with E

13 letter words that end with E

13 letter E word


Words With Friends®


accommodative 31 30 relating to accomoda...
acculturative 32 26 relating to accultur...
acetazolamide 28 30 a diuretic drug [n -...
acetylcholine 37 26 a substance secreted...
acrylonitrile 33 21 vinyl cyanide, used...
administrable 26 22 capable of being adm...
adularescence 27 23 the quality of being...
advantageable 25 25 profitable; convenie...
adventuresome 23 23 inclined to take ris...
aerodigestive 24 20 of or relating to th...
aerostructure 25 18 any separately manuf...
agglomerative 27 25 tending to agglomera...
agglutinative 27 24 applied to agglutina...
amakwerekwere 29 30 (South Africa) a ter...
aminophylline 34 27 a drug used to stimu...
amitriptyline 33 23 a antidepressant dru...
amitryptyline 39 25 a antidepressant dru...
amphiprostyle 37 27 with columns at each...
anagrammatise 23 22 to make into an anag...
anagrammatize 26 31 to make into an anag...
antagonisable 23 21 capable of being ant...
antagonizable 26 30 capable of being ant...
anthophyllite 36 25 an orthorhombic ferr...
anthraquinone 29 28 a chemical used in t...
anthropophyte 35 26 a plant introduced i...
anticellulite 28 21 designed to reduce c...
anticigarette 25 19 opposed to the use o...
anticipatable 29 24 capable of being ant...
anticlockwise 33 28 in the opposite dire...
anticorporate 25 20 opposed to the corpo...
anticorrosive 26 21 a substance designed...
antihistamine 24 20 any of a group of dr...
antinarrative 22 19 a literary form esch...
antipesticide 27 21 designating one oppo...
antisatellite 23 16 designed to counter...
antisepticise 27 20 to render antiseptic...
antisepticize 30 29 to render antiseptic...
antisubmarine 24 22 designed to counter...
apothegmatise 27 23 to speak in apothegm...
apothegmatize 30 32 to speak in apothegm...
appendiculate 29 26 having small appenda...
appertainance 26 24 (obsolete) an appurt...
apportionable 27 24 that can be apportio...
apprehensible 30 26 capable of being app...
appropinquate 35 33 (archaic) to approac...
appropriative 30 26 relating to appropri...
approximative 35 33 approaching closely...
arboriculture 29 22 the cultivation of t...
archimandrite 28 23 the head of a monast...
argumentative 25 24 given to argument, a...
artificialise 29 20 to make artificial,...
artificialize 32 29 to make artificial,...
ascertainable 26 21 capable of being asc...
asthenosphere 26 21 the upper layer of t...
audiocassette 24 18 an audiotape recordi...
authoritative 26 20 having or proceeding...
autoschediaze 29 29 to improvise [v AUTO...
baccalaureate 29 24 a set of examination...
bacteriophage 31 26 a bacterium that eat...
ballistospore 28 21 a spore, esp. a fung...
bancassurance 28 25 the provision of fin...
basidiomycete 34 25 any fungus of a subd...
benzimidazole 31 40 a crystalline base u...
bioaccumulate 32 28 to accumulate in a b...
biocompatible 33 29 compatible with and...
biodegradable 27 24 capable of being bro...
birefringence 29 26 the refraction of li...
blanchisseuse 30 24 (French) a laundress...
boardinghouse 26 23 a private house in w...
bouillabaisse 28 22 (French) a kind of f...
bourguignonne 24 25 (French) a meat dish...
bromocriptine 30 26 a polypeptide ergot...
buprenorphine 29 27 an opiate used medic...
bureaucratese 26 21 the language of bure...
bureaucratise 27 21 to make bureaucratic...
bureaucratize 30 30 to make bureaucratic...
butyraldehyde 40 26 either of two aldehy...
butyrophenone 32 26 any of a class of an...
cancellariate 28 22 the office of chance...
carbamazepine 31 35 an anticonvulsant dr...
carnivalesque 35 32 characteristic of or...
catecholamine 30 26 any of various amine...
catechumenate 29 26 the state of being a...
centrifugence 30 27 centrifugal tendency...
cephaloridine 29 24 a semisynthetic broa...
challengeable 31 27 capable of being cha...
chameleonlike 29 28 like a chameleon, a...
chinkerinchee 32 29 a kind of African fl...
chlamydospore 37 28 a thick-walled usual...
chlorargyrite 36 23 horn silver, also CH...
chlorhexidine 36 30 an antiseptic compou...
chlorobenzene 30 33 a colorless flammabl...
chlorobromide 31 26 a compound of chlori...
chlorocalcite 35 26 a white mineral cons...
chloromethane 29 25 an organic compound,...
chromatophore 31 26 a pigment-bearing ce...
chrysophilite 40 26 a lover of gold [n -...
circumference 34 30 the perimeter of a c...
circumfluence 36 32 a flowing round [n -...
circumvallate 34 29 to surround with a r...
circumventive 34 32 deceiving by artific...
cirrostrative 28 20 of or like cirrostra...
clairaudience 28 23 the ability to hear...
claustrophobe 32 26 one with a fear of c...
clearinghouse 28 23 an establishment mai...
clinopyroxene 38 31 a member of the pyro...
cocarboxylase 42 32 a coenzyme that is a...
coinheritance 28 23 a shared inheritance...
collaborative 30 25 of the nature of col...
collateralise 27 19 to make (a loan) sec...
collateralize 30 28 to make (a loan) sec...
collieshangie 29 23 (Scots) a squabble,...
commeasurable 29 27 able to be commeasur...
commemorative 29 29 intended as a commem...
commensurable 29 28 measurable by the sa...
commercialese 30 26 the jargon of commer...
commercialise 31 26 to make commercial,...
commercialize 34 35 to manage on a busin...
commiserative 29 26 showing commiseratio...
communautaire 26 25 a spirit or attitude...
communicative 32 31 tending to communica...
companionable 28 28 sociable, also COMPA...
compassionate 26 23 sympathetic [adj COM...
comprehensive 31 29 covering completely...
computerphobe 34 31 one with a fear of c...
concentrative 28 25 tending to concentra...
conceptualise 30 25 to form a concept of...
conceptualize 33 34 to form a concept of...
concupiscence 35 31 strong desire, appet...
concupiscible 37 31 lustful, desirous [a...
conditionable 26 23 capable of being con...
confederative 27 25 of or like a confede...
configurative 30 27 relating to configur...
confiscatable 32 27 capable of being con...
conflagrative 30 27 of or like a conflag...
congratulable 29 25 worthy of congratula...
conjecturable 32 34 susceptible to conje...
connaturalise 24 20 to make of the same...
connaturalize 27 29 to make of the same...
consenescence 27 25 a state of general d...
conservatoire 25 21 a public place of in...
considerative 26 22 thoughtful; prudent;...
consimilitude 28 23 likeness [n -S]
consolidative 27 23 serving to consolida...
constrainable 26 22 able to be constrain...
constringence 27 24 the inverse of the d...
constructable 31 25 capable of being con...
constructible 32 25 capable of being con...
contabescence 30 27 the state of being c...
contaminative 26 25 tending to contamina...
contemplative 30 28 related to contempla...
contextualise 31 26 to put into a contex...
contextualize 34 35 to place in a contex...
contortionate 22 18 relating to contorti...
contraceptive 31 27 something intended t...
contradictive 30 25 contradicting or ten...
contragestive 27 23 relating to contrage...
contraterrene 22 18 opposite in characte...
contributable 30 25 able to be contribut...
convalescence 31 29 recovery from illnes...
conversazione 27 31 (Italian) a meeting...
convertaplane 27 26 an aircraft that can...
convertiplane 28 26 an aircraft that can...
convertoplane 27 26 an aircraft that can...
copyrightable 40 29 that can be copyrigh...
corinthianise 26 20 (archaic) to be lice...
corinthianize 29 29 (archaic) to be lice...
corresponsive 28 24 mutually responsive...
corroborative 28 23 serving to corrobora...
counteractive 29 25 serving to counterac...
counterchange 29 26 to interchange, tran...
countercharge 30 25 to bring a charge fo...
counterstrike 26 22 to counter with an o...
counterstroke 25 22 a stroke in return [...
countinghouse 27 24 a building, room, or...
craftsmanlike 30 28 like a craftsman [ad...
crystalisable 36 23 able to be crystalis...
crystalizable 39 32 able to be crystalis...
cummingtonite 28 27 a mineral of the amp...
cyanoacrylate 39 25 any of several liqui...
cyanoethylate 38 24 to introduce a cyano...
cyanogenamide 30 26 the amide of cyanoge...
cyclohexanone 40 33 a liquid ketone used...
cycloheximide 45 35 an agricultural fung...
daguerreotype 30 22 to develop by daguer...
dataveillance 27 24 the monitoring of a...
decarboxylase 39 30 any of a group of en...
decarboxylate 39 30 to remove carbon dio...
decompressive 30 27 DECOMPRESS, to relea...
deconcentrate 25 22 to reduce or abolish...
decontaminate 23 22 to rid of contaminat...
decriminalise 27 22 to remove or reduce...
decriminalize 30 31 to remove or reduce...
defervescence 30 28 an abatement of heat...
dehydrogenase 29 22 an enzyme that accel...
dehydrogenate 29 22 to remove the hydrog...
dehydrogenise 30 22 to remove hydrogen f...
dehydrogenize 33 31 to remove the hydrog...
deliquescence 36 32 the state of being d...
dematerialise 23 18 to become, or cause...
dematerialize 26 27 to cause to become o...
demonstrative 24 22 serving to demonstra...
demythologise 33 24 to remove mythology...
demythologize 36 33 to divest of mytholo...
denationalise 20 17 to deprive of nation...
denationalize 23 26 to divest of nationa...
depersonalise 23 19 to take away the cha...
depersonalize 26 28 to deprive of the se...
dereligionise 23 18 to remove the relgio...
dereligionize 26 27 to remove the religi...
desobligeante 24 21 a carriage for one p...
detectivelike 29 26 like a detective [ad...
deteriorative 23 18 tending to deteriora...
determinative 24 22 having power or tend...
dexamethasone 28 27 a synthetic glucocor...
dextroglucose 33 28 a white soluble swee...
differentiate 25 21 to obtain the mathem...
dimethylamine 33 26 a gas derived from a...
diphenylamine 33 27 a crystalline compou...
dipleidoscope 30 25 an instrument for as...
disaffirmance 30 27 the act of disaffirm...
disappearance 27 24 the act of disappear...
disarticulate 27 19 to separate at a joi...
disassimilate 25 18 to subject to catabo...
discapacitate 30 23 to incapacitate [v D...
dischargeable 31 25 capable of being dis...
disciplinable 32 26 docile, teachable [a...
disconnective 29 26 DISCONNECT, to sever...
discreditable 29 22 injurious to reputat...
discriminable 30 25 capable of being dis...
dishabilitate 28 20 to disqualify; to at...
dishonourable 26 22 not honourable, also...
disilluminate 26 21 to destroy the light...
disintegrable 26 21 capable of being dis...
disintoxicate 31 25 to detoxify [v DISIN...
disinvigorate 25 21 to weaken [v DISINVI...
disnaturalise 23 17 to make alien or unn...
disnaturalize 26 26 to make alien or unn...
dispassionate 23 18 not influenced by st...
dispurveyance 35 28 (Spenser) depriving...
disseminative 25 22 serving to dissemina...
dissimilative 28 22 serving to dissimila...
dissimilitude 27 20 lack of resemblance...
dissimulative 28 23 related to dissimula...
distributable 29 22 capable of being dis...
diversifiable 30 25 capable of being div...
diverticulate 29 23 having diverticula,...
documentarise 25 22 to make into a docum...
documentarize 28 31 to make into a docum...
domesticative 28 24 relating to domestic...
dryopithecine 35 25 a gorilla, chimpanze...
effervescence 32 30 boiling or bubbling,...
effervescible 34 30 capable of effervesc...
efflorescence 31 27 the act of developin...
electrifiable 31 24 capable of being ele...
electroactive 30 24 as in electroactive...
electromotive 28 24 pertaining to electr...
embarrassable 27 23 capable of being emb...
empyreumatise 32 25 to render empyreumat...
empyreumatize 35 34 to render empyreumat...
encephalocele 31 27 a protrusion of a po...
enculturative 28 24 relating to encultur...
endopeptidase 24 22 any of a group of en...
enhypostatise 31 21 to subject to enhypo...
enhypostatize 34 30 to subject to enhypo...
entrepreneuse 21 19 (French) a female en...
epigrammatise 27 24 to make an epigram,...
epigrammatize 30 33 to make an epigram,...
epithelialise 28 20 to make epithelial,...
epithelialize 31 29 to make epithelial,...
equiponderate 30 28 to be equal in weigh...
esophagoscope 30 26 an implement for exa...
establishable 30 23 capable of being est...
ethnomedicine 26 24 a branch of ethnobot...
eugeosyncline 31 24 a narrow rapidly sub...
eusporangiate 23 20 of a group of ferns,...
exceptionable 34 31 being likely to caus...
excommunicate 35 34 to formally exclude...
exemplifiable 37 34 that can be exemplif...
expectorative 34 30 an expectorant medic...
expostulative 33 29 related to expostula...
exterminative 30 28 related to extermina...
exteroceptive 34 30 relating to, being,...
extrapolative 32 28 relating to extrapol...
ferroconcrete 28 23 reinforced concrete...
fluoroacetate 26 21 an organofluorine co...
fonctionnaire 24 22 (French) a civil ser...
foreknowledge 28 28 knowledge in advance...
fractionalise 27 21 to break up into par...
fractionalize 30 30 to break up into par...
frequentative 33 31 a tense of a verb de...
galactosamine 26 23 an amino derivative...
galactosidase 26 20 an enzyme (as lactas...
gazillionaire 27 27 a very rich person [...
generalisable 25 21 that can be generali...
generalizable 28 30 capable of being gen...
gentlemanlike 25 26 like a gentleman [ad...
gesticulative 30 24 relating to gesticul...
glucuronidase 27 23 an enzyme that hydro...
governmentese 23 24 jargon held to be ch...
graphitisable 31 24 capable of being gra...
graphitizable 34 33 capable of being gra...
hallucinative 31 26 tending to produce h...
hemicellulose 31 25 a type of polysaccha...
hermaphrodite 29 24 a human being, anima...
herpetofaunae 25 23 HERPETOFAUNA, (Latin...
hierogrammate 26 23 a writer of sacred r...
houghmagandie 28 27 fornication, also HO...
hyaluronidase 30 21 a mucolytic enzyme t...
hydrochloride 37 25 a chemical complex c...
hydroperoxide 38 29 a compound containin...
hydrosulphate 36 25 any quaternary acid...
hydrosulphide 37 26 a compound formed by...
hydrosulphite 37 25 a salt of hydrosulph...
hydroxylamine 44 32 a colorless odorless...
hyperimmunise 35 28 to induce a high lev...
hyperimmunize 38 37 to induce a high lev...
hyperparasite 34 23 a parasite that is p...
hyperpolarise 35 24 to increase the diff...
hyperpolarize 38 33 to produce an increa...
hyperreactive 37 27 excessively reactive...
hypersthenite 34 23 a pyroxenite compose...
hypophosphate 40 30 any salt or ester of...
hypophosphite 41 30 a salt of hypophosph...
hyposensitise 32 21 to cause (a person)...
hyposensitize 35 30 to lower the sensiti...
ichthyofaunae 36 27 ICHTHYOFAUNA, the fi...
illustratable 28 20 capable of being ill...
immarcescible 34 29 unfading; imperishab...
immaterialise 25 20 to make immaterial,...
immaterialize 28 29 to make immaterial,...
imparipinnate 26 24 pinnate with the rac...
imperceivable 33 30 imperceptible [adj]
imperceptible 34 29 not perceptible [adj...
impercipience 33 29 the state of being i...
imperfectible 34 29 not capable of being...
impermissible 31 26 not permissible [adj...
impersonalise 25 21 to make impersonal,...
impersonalize 28 30 to make impersonal,...
imperturbable 31 27 marked by extreme ca...
impracticable 35 29 not practicable [adj...
impredicative 31 27 of a definition, giv...
impregnatable 28 26 capable of being imp...
improvisatore 27 23 (Italian) an improvi...
inappreciable 31 27 too small to be perc...
inappropriate 27 23 not appropriate, als...
incandescence 28 26 the state of being i...
incombustible 32 28 not combustible [adj...
incommiscible 34 30 unable to be mixed o...
incompossible 31 27 incapable of coexist...
inconceivable 31 29 not conceivable, als...
incondensable 25 24 not able to be conde...
incondensible 26 24 not able to be conde...
inconsecutive 29 26 not consecutive [adj...
inconsequence 33 32 the state of being i...
inconsiderate 23 19 heedless, thoughtles...
inconsistence 26 22 the state of being i...
inconstruable 27 23 that cannot be const...
incontestable 26 22 not contestable [adj...
inconvenience 26 27 to subject to inconv...
inconversable 28 26 not capable of being...
inconvertible 29 26 not convertible [adj...
inconvincible 32 30 incapable of being c...
incorporative 28 24 serving to incorpora...
incorruptible 31 25 incapable of corrupt...
indefatigable 27 24 incapable of being f...
indescribable 30 25 that cannot be descr...
indeterminate 21 19 not determined [adj...
indiscernible 28 23 incapable of being d...
indispensable 26 23 that cannot be dispe...
indissociable 28 22 not dissociated [adj...
indissolvable 28 24 (archaic) indissolub...
indissuadable 25 21 not able to be dissu...
indistinctive 28 23 lacking distinctive...
individualise 26 22 to make individual,...
individualize 29 31 to make individual i...
industrialise 24 17 to make industrial,...
industrialize 27 26 to make industrial,...
inexhaustible 33 28 not exhaustible [adj...
inexplainable 32 30 not able to be expla...
inexpressible 33 28 that cannot be expre...
inflorescence 29 25 a cluster of flowers...
influenceable 29 27 capable of being inf...
infundibulate 27 25 funnel-shaped, also...
ingravescence 29 27 the state of being i...
insubordinate 23 20 disobedient to autho...
insufficience 32 28 the state of being i...
insupportable 29 25 not supportable [adj...
insusceptible 31 25 not susceptible, als...
intercalative 27 22 relating to intercal...
interclavicle 32 26 a membrane bone betw...
intercurrence 27 22 the state of being i...
interdigitate 23 17 to become interlocke...
interjaculate 27 28 to ejaculate in inte...
interlaminate 22 19 to insert between la...
intermarriage 23 19 marriage within one'...
intermaxillae 30 26 INTERMAXILLA, the bo...
intermembrane 24 24 between membranes [a...
intermittence 25 21 the state of being i...
interoceptive 28 24 responding to stimul...
interoperable 25 21 of hardware or softw...
interosculate 25 19 to connect by oscula...
interparticle 28 21 between particles [a...
interpermeate 23 20 to permeate between...
interpolative 26 22 relating to interpol...
interpretable 26 21 able to be interpret...
interquartile 31 25 between quartiles [a...
interrogative 24 20 related to the askin...
interruptible 28 22 capable of being int...
intransigence 24 21 the state of being i...
introgressive 25 20 relating to introgre...
intromissible 27 21 that can be intromit...
introspective 29 24 relating to introspe...
introversible 27 22 capable of being int...
inventoriable 25 23 subject to inventory...
investigative 27 24 relating to investig...
involucellate 29 25 having an involucel,...
irrationalise 22 15 to make irrational,...
irrationalize 25 24 to make irrational,...
irreclaimable 30 24 incapable of being r...
irrecoverable 29 24 not capable of being...
irrefrangible 28 23 that cannot or shoul...
irreplaceable 30 24 not replaceable [adj...
irrepleviable 30 25 unable to be replevi...
irrepressible 28 20 impossible to repres...
irresponsible 27 21 not responsible [adj...
irretrievable 27 21 not retrievable [adj...
isoalloxazine 31 32 a yellow solid that...
isochromosome 28 24 a chromosome produce...
jurisprudence 30 32 the science or philo...
justificative 33 33 serving to justify,...
kletterschuhe 32 26 KLETTERSCHUH, a ligh...
knowledgeable 29 29 possessing knowledge...
laryngectomee 32 25 a person who has und...
liposculpture 33 26 cosmetic surgery on...
macromolecule 31 28 a very large molecul...
madrigalesque 33 30 somewhat in the styl...
magnetomotive 25 26 producing a magnetic...
magnetosphere 26 24 a region of space su...
magniloquence 34 34 grandly high-flown,...
manifestative 26 24 serving to manifest...
manipulatable 28 26 capable of being man...
mathematicise 29 24 to make mathematical...
mathematicize 32 33 to make mathematical...
megaherbivore 29 27 a large plant-eater...
megakaryocyte 39 29 a large cell with a...
megastructure 28 23 a very large structu...
melodramatise 24 21 to make melodramatic...
melodramatize 27 30 to make melodramatic...
metabolisable 28 24 that can be metaboli...
metabolizable 31 33 capable of being met...
metacercariae 27 22 METACERCARIA, a para...
metagrabolise 26 22 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrabolize 29 31 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrobolise 26 22 to mystify, to puzzl...
metagrobolize 29 31 to mystify, to puzzl...
metanarrative 23 21 (In postmodernist li...
metaphosphate 30 26 a salt or ester of a...
metaphysicise 37 26 to make metaphysical...
metaphysicize 40 35 to make metaphysical...
metronidazole 25 28 a drug used esp. to...
microcassette 29 22 a small cassette of...
microfilariae 29 23 MICROFILARIA, the mi...
microfilmable 34 30 capable of being tra...
microparasite 28 22 a very small parasit...
microparticle 33 26 a very small particl...
micropuncture 32 28 an extremely small p...
microwaveable 33 30 capable of being mic...
mineralisable 26 22 that can be minerali...
mineralizable 29 31 that can be minerali...
misadvertence 27 25 inadvertence [n -S]
misappreciate 30 25 to fail to appreciat...
misarticulate 28 21 to articulate wrongl...
misconjecture 31 33 to make a wrong conj...
misgovernance 27 27 misgovernment, also...
misobservance 29 27 an incorrect observa...
mistranscribe 29 23 to transcribe wrongl...
monoglyceride 33 26 any of various ester...
monophosphate 29 27 an ester of phosphor...
monotelephone 24 24 a telephone that tra...
monumentalise 23 23 to record or memoria...
monumentalize 26 32 to record or memoria...
morphophoneme 30 30 either or any of two...
multicamerate 28 24 having many chambers...
multicapitate 30 24 many-headed [adj]
multidigitate 27 21 having many digits [...
multigravidae 28 25 MULTIGRAVIDA, a woma...
multilobulate 29 24 having many lobules,...
multiloculate 30 24 many-chambered, also...
multiloquence 36 33 much speaking [n -S]
multinucleate 28 24 having many nuclei,...
multiparticle 32 25 comprising many part...
multiplicable 35 29 that can be multipli...
multipresence 29 25 the power of being i...
multivariable 30 26 containing, involvin...
mundificative 31 29 a cleansing medicine...
naphthylamine 35 28 either of two isomer...
necessitative 26 21 relating to necessit...
nephrectomise 29 25 to perform a nephrec...
nephrectomize 32 34 to perform a nephrec...
neuraminidase 21 20 an enzyme found on t...
nitrogelatine 22 18 an explosive, consis...
nonabsorbable 26 25 not absorbable [adj]
nonabsorptive 26 25 not absorptive [adj]
nonacceptance 29 28 lack of acceptance [...
nonaggressive 24 23 not aggressive [adj]
nonappearance 24 25 lack of an appearanc...
nonattendance 20 21 the act of not atten...
nonautomotive 22 23 not automotive [adj]
noncancelable 28 27 not cancelable, also...
noncollegiate 25 22 not collegiate [adj]
noncomparable 28 28 not comparable [adj]
noncompatible 29 28 not compatible [adj]
noncompliance 29 29 lack of compliance [...
nonconductive 28 28 not conductive [adj]
nonconference 25 26 not related to a con...
nonconfidence 26 27 lack of confidence [...
noncorrodible 26 23 not corrodible [adj]
noncumulative 28 28 not cumulative [adj]
nondeductible 27 25 not deductible [adj]
nondeferrable 24 23 not deferrable [adj]
nondegenerate 18 19 not degenerate [adj]
nondegradable 23 23 not degradable [adj]
nondeliberate 22 20 not deliberate [adj]
nondepletable 25 24 not depletable [adj]
nonderivative 24 24 not derivative [adj]
nondetachable 27 25 not detachable [adj]
nondialysable 30 23 not dialysable, also...
nondialyzable 33 32 not dialyzable, also...
nondiffusible 29 27 not diffusible [adj]
nondisclosure 25 21 as in a nondisclosur...
nondiscursive 27 24 not discursive [adj]
nondispersive 25 23 not dispersive [adj]
nondisruptive 26 24 not disruptive [adj]
nonevaluative 24 25 not evaluative [adj]
nonexpendable 29 31 not expendable [adj]
nonexploitive 31 30 not exploitive, also...
nonfigurative 26 25 not figurative [adj]
nonfilterable 26 23 not filterable [adj]
nonforfeiture 24 22 something that is no...
nonmeasurable 23 23 not measurable [adj]
nonnegotiable 22 22 not negotiable [adj]...
nonobservance 25 26 a lack of observance...
nonoccurrence 28 26 something that is no...
nonperishable 27 24 not perishable [adj]...
nonpermissive 26 25 not permissive [adj]
nonproductive 28 27 not productive [adj]
nonrecyclable 36 28 not recyclable [adj]...
nonrefillable 27 24 not refillable [adj]
nonreflective 28 26 not reflective [adj]
nonrefundable 24 25 not subject to refun...
nonresistance 22 19 the principles or pr...
nonresponsive 23 23 not responsive [adj]
nonretractile 24 19 not retractile [adj]
nonreturnable 22 21 not returnable [adj]...
nonreversible 25 23 not reversible [adj]
nonshrinkable 26 26 not shrinkable [adj]
nonsubjective 30 35 not subjective [adj]
nontransitive 22 20 not transitive [adj]
noradrenaline 19 18 a neurotransmitter h...
norethindrone 21 19 a synthetic progesta...
nortriptyline 31 21 a tricyclic antidepr...
objectionable 30 33 undesirable, offensi...
occidentalise 28 22 to make occidental,...
occidentalize 31 31 to make occidental,...
oleomargarine 22 20 margarine, also OLEO...
ornithichnite 29 22 a fossil footprint o...
orthogonalise 24 19 to make orthogonal,...
orthogonalize 27 28 to make orthogonal,...
orthopyroxene 36 28 a member of the pyro...
orthosilicate 28 19 a salt of orthosilic...
ostreiculture 27 19 oyster-breeding [n -...
outmanipulate 25 23 to surpass in manipu...
outrecuidance 27 23 (Scott) presumption...
overabundance 26 27 an excessive abundan...
overadvertise 25 22 to advertise to exce...
overadvertize 28 31 to advertise to exce...
overassertive 25 21 OVERASSERT [adj]
overattentive 24 22 excessively attentiv...
overdominance 25 26 the situation where...
overdramatise 24 21 to dramatise to exce...
overdramatize 27 30 to dramatize to exce...
overelaborate 24 21 to elaborate excessi...
overemphasise 28 25 to emphasise to exce...
overemphasize 31 34 to emphasise to exce...
overencourage 25 24 to encourage to exce...
overexcitable 35 31 excessively excitabl...
overfertilise 27 21 to fertilise excessi...
overfertilize 30 30 to fertilise excessi...
overglamorise 26 23 to glamorize to exce...
overglamorize 29 32 to glamorize to exce...
overinsurance 25 23 excessive insurance...
overmultitude 27 24 (Milton) to outnumbe...
overprescribe 31 26 to prescribe excessi...
oversensitive 25 22 excessively sensitiv...
overspeculate 29 25 to speculate excessi...
overstimulate 26 22 to stimulate excessi...
oversubscribe 32 27 to subscribe for mor...
overtalkative 27 26 excessively talkativ...
palaeoclimate 28 24 the climate at any s...
paraphrasable 30 25 capable of being par...
parthenospore 26 22 a thick-walled spore...
participative 32 26 relating to or invol...
particularise 29 21 to state in detail,...
particularize 32 30 to state in detail,...
passementerie 23 20 (French) a decorativ...
pedestrianise 23 18 to make pedestrian,...
pedestrianize 26 27 to make pedestrian,...
pedicellariae 28 22 PEDICELLARIA, each o...
penicillamine 29 26 an amino acid obtain...
penicillinase 28 23 an enzyme, produced...
perditionable 26 22 worthy of perdition...
perfectionate 27 23 to bring to perfecti...
perimenopause 25 24 the period around th...
perivitelline 28 23 surrounding the yolk...
perseverative 27 24 relating to persever...
personifiable 28 24 that can be personif...
pharyngoscope 37 29 an instrument for in...
phencyclidine 39 30 a veterinary anesthe...
phenmetrazine 28 32 a stimulant used in...
phenomenalise 25 24 to represent as a ph...
phenomenalize 28 33 to represent as a ph...
phenothiazine 29 31 a crystalline compou...
phenylalanine 31 25 an essential amino-a...
phenylephrine 36 28 an agent used in the...
phlogisticate 32 24 to combine with phlo...
phonendoscope 28 27 a device which ampli...
phosphokinase 30 28 a kind of enzyme, ak...
phospholipase 33 27 any of several enzym...
phosphorylase 37 26 any of the enzymes t...
phosphorylate 37 26 to cause (an organic...
photocopiable 33 28 that can be photocop...
photoemissive 29 25 relating to photoemi...
photogelatine 26 22 another name for col...
photonegative 27 25 exhibiting negative...
photopositive 30 25 exhibiting positive...
photosynthate 33 23 a product of photosy...
phylloquinone 41 34 vitamin K1, one of t...
physostigmine 35 26 an alkaloid found in...
plastoquinone 31 29 a plant substance th...
platitudinise 26 20 to utter platitudes,...
platitudinize 29 29 to utter platitudes,...
pluripresence 30 25 presence in multiple...
pneumatophore 27 26 an upward-growing re...
polybutadiene 32 25 a synthetic rubber t...
polycarbonate 34 26 any of a range of st...
polypropylene 41 29 any of various therm...
porcelainlike 29 26 like porcelain [adj]
possessionate 22 17 holding or allowed t...
postdebutante 25 22 following the stage...
postdoctorate 26 20 after a doctorate [a...
postemergence 27 25 used or occurring in...
postoperative 27 23 following a surgical...
precipitative 32 26 serving to precipita...
precollegiate 29 23 preceding collegiate...
predestinable 26 22 capable of being pre...
prefigurative 30 26 relating to prefigur...
prejudicative 32 34 prejudging [adj]
premeditative 27 24 given to or characte...
preponderance 26 25 a superiority in wei...
prepubescence 33 30 prepuberty [n -S]
prescriptible 34 26 that can be prescrib...
primigravidae 29 26 PRIMIGRAVIDA, (Latin...
primogenitive 28 26 (Shakespeare) primog...
primogeniture 26 23 an exclusive right o...
procrastinate 26 20 to put off intention...
professoriate 25 19 the body of college...
prognosticate 27 22 to foretell from sig...
proliferative 29 24 tending to prolifera...
pronominalise 24 22 to make into or trea...
pronominalize 27 31 to make into or trea...
pronounceable 27 26 capable of being pro...
proparoxytone 36 29 in ancient Greek, a...
proportionate 24 20 in proportion [adj P...
protochordate 28 22 a member of the Prot...
protolanguage 25 23 an assumed or record...
protospataire 25 19 the captain of the g...
proverbialise 29 24 to make proverbial,...
proverbialize 32 33 to make proverbial,...
provincialise 30 25 to make provincial,...
provincialize 33 34 to make provincial,...
pseudoscience 29 25 a system of theories...
psychoanalyse 41 27 to subject to psycho...
psychoanalyze 44 36 to subject to psycho...
pycnidiospore 35 26 a conidium produced...
pyrimethamine 34 27 a drug used in the t...
pyrophosphate 38 28 a salt or ester of p...
quadrifoliate 33 28 having four leaves [...
quadripartite 33 27 pertaining to or for...
quadrivalence 35 33 the state of being q...
quadrumvirate 34 32 a group of four men...
quadruplicate 37 32 to make quadruple or...
qualificative 39 34 serving to qualify [...
quantivalence 34 33 valency [n -S]
quasiparticle 37 30 a composite entity (...
quatrefeuille 34 29 a four-petalled flow...
questionnaire 28 25 a set of questions f...
quintuplicate 37 32 to make quintuple or...
radioactivate 26 21 to activate by radio...
radioteletype 30 20 a teleprinter that r...
ramapithecine 29 25 an early Pliocene ge...
ratiocinative 26 21 relating to ratiocin...
reacclimatise 30 23 to acclimatise again...
reacclimatize 33 32 to acclimatize again...
reappropriate 27 22 to appropriate again...
recalcitrance 31 24 the state of being r...
reciprocative 32 26 relating to reciproc...
recommendable 28 28 worthy of recommenda...
recompensable 29 27 that can be recompen...
reconcentrate 25 21 to concentrate again...
reconsolidate 24 19 to consolidate again...
recontaminate 23 21 to contaminate again...
recriminative 28 24 relating to recrimin...
recrudescence 30 25 a new outbreak after...
recrystallise 34 20 to crystallise again...
recrystallize 37 29 to crystallize again...
redeliverance 26 23 the act of redeliver...
reduplicative 31 26 relating to reduplic...
refrigerative 27 22 serving to refrigera...
rehospitalise 27 19 to hospitalise again...
rehospitalize 30 28 to hospitalize again...
reincorporate 25 20 to incorporate again...
reinforceable 28 24 capable of being rei...
reintegrative 24 20 serving to reintegra...
reinterrogate 21 16 to interrogate again...
reinvestigate 24 20 to investigate again...
remanufacture 27 25 to manufacture into...
rematerialise 23 17 to materialise again...
rematerialize 26 26 to materialize again...
remonstrative 24 21 expressing remonstra...
remythologise 33 23 to mythologise again...
remythologize 36 32 to mythologize again...
renationalise 20 16 to nationalise again...
renationalize 23 25 to nationalize again...
rensselaerite 21 15 a kind of firm-textu...
reorchestrate 26 18 to orchestrate again...
replenishable 29 24 capable of being rep...
reprehendable 27 24 that can be reprehen...
reprehensible 28 23 worthy of or deservi...
representable 25 21 capable of being rep...
republicanise 30 25 to make republican,...
republicanize 33 34 to make republican,...
resuscitative 28 21 having the power of...
resynchronise 32 22 to synchronise again...
resynchronize 35 31 to synchronise again...
resystematise 29 18 to systematise again...
resystematize 32 27 to systematise again...
retrogressive 25 19 characterized by ret...
retrospective 29 23 looking back [adj RE...
reverberative 27 24 constituting reverbe...
revolutionise 24 20 to effect a revoluti...
revolutionize 27 29 to effect a revoluti...
rhadamanthine 25 23 strictly and inflexi...
rhamphothecae 33 28 RHAMPHOTHECA, the ho...
rhodochrosite 29 21 manganese ore [n -S]
rontgenopaque 30 30 opaque to X-rays [ad...
rontgenoscope 25 23 an apparatus for exa...
sacerdotalise 25 18 to render sacerdotal...
sacerdotalize 28 27 to render sacerdotal...
sacrificeable 33 26 that can be sacrific...
schadenfreude 28 25 (German) enjoyment g...
scholasticate 31 22 a preparatory colleg...
sclerodermite 27 21 the integument of a...
scolopendrine 26 23 like a centipede of...
sculpturesque 38 32 done in the manner o...
semicarbazide 31 32 a base reacting with...
semicarbazone 29 32 a compound formed by...
semipermeable 28 26 partially but not fr...
sericiculture 31 22 the cultivation of s...
sesquiplicate 37 30 of or as the square...
sesquiterpene 31 27 any of a group of te...
sigmoidoscope 29 25 an instrument for ex...
significative 31 26 significant, suggest...
slaughterable 29 23 that can be slaughte...
solidungulate 25 21 an animal with an un...
somatotropine 23 20 a growth hormone, al...
somnambulance 28 29 sleepwalking [n -S]
somniloquence 33 32 talking in one's sle...
spaghettilike 30 25 like spaghetti [adj]
specificative 35 29 serving to specify [...
spermatophore 28 24 a case enclosing the...
spermatophyte 35 26 a seed plant [n -S]
splanchnocele 32 28 a hernia of any of t...
splenectomise 28 24 to remove the spleen...
splenectomize 31 33 to remove the spleen...
sportsmanlike 27 25 like a sportsman [ad...
stadholderate 24 18 the office of stadho...
statesmanlike 24 22 like a statesman [ad...
stirpiculture 31 22 selective breeding [...
streptokinase 24 21 a proteolytic enzyme...
streptomycete 34 24 any of a family of a...
structuralise 28 19 to organize or incor...
structuralize 31 28 to organize or incor...
subappearance 29 27 a subsidiary or supp...
subcategorise 28 22 to classify into sub...
subcategorize 31 31 to classify into sub...
subcollegiate 30 24 relating to departme...
subdiscipline 32 26 a subdivision of a d...
subindicative 30 26 (obsolete) of the na...
sublanceolate 27 23 not quite lanceolate...
subliterature 26 19 popular writing (as...
submillimetre 30 25 a microscopic divisi...
subordinative 26 23 containing a subordi...
subprefecture 32 27 the office of subpre...
subspecialise 31 24 to practise a subspe...
subspecialize 34 33 to practise a subspe...
substantivise 27 22 to make substantive,...
substantivize 30 31 to make substantive,...
substitutable 29 22 capable of being sub...
subtriplicate 32 24 expressed by the cub...
suggestionise 24 19 to subject to sugges...
suggestionize 27 28 to subject to sugges...
sulfacetamide 29 25 a sulphonamide used...
sulfadimidine 27 24 a sulpha drug used i...
sulfanilamide 27 24 a crystalline sulfon...
sulfathiazole 31 30 a sulphonamide forme...
sulfonmethane 26 25 (US) a colourless cr...
sulphadiazine 30 31 a sulphonamide used,...
superannuable 25 24 that can be superann...
superdelegate 25 21 an unpledged delegat...
supereminence 26 25 exceptional eminence...
superhumanise 27 24 to make superhuman,...
superhumanize 30 33 to make superhuman,...
supermembrane 27 27 a type of membrane p...
superordinate 23 19 superior in rank, cl...
superparticle 31 24 a particle postulate...
supersaturate 24 18 to add to (a solutio...
supersensible 27 22 beyond physical perc...
supervenience 27 26 the act of superveni...
supramolecule 30 26 a cluster of molecul...
suprasensible 27 22 above the reach of t...
suspercollate 29 22 to hang by the neck...
tachistoscope 32 24 an instrument for ra...
telefacsimile 30 24 a facsimile [n -S]
terephthalate 28 21 a salt or ester of t...
tetrachloride 28 20 a chloride containin...
tetrafluoride 25 19 a fluoride containin...
tetrasyllable 33 21 a word with four syl...
theatricalise 28 19 to adapt to the thea...
theatricalize 31 28 to adapt to the thea...
thereinbefore 26 22 in the preceding par...
thermobalance 29 26 an analytical balanc...
thermotensile 25 20 of or relating to te...
thiabendazole 28 30 a drug used in the c...
thiocarbamide 30 25 another name for thi...
thoroughbrace 32 26 any of several leath...
thrombokinase 27 26 an enzyme active in...
thunderstrike 26 22 to strike dumb [v TH...
thunderstroke 25 22 a stroke of or as if...
topoisomerase 23 19 any of a class of en...
tradesmanlike 24 23 like a tradesman [ad...
transactinide 24 19 an element with atom...
transcendence 25 23 the state of being t...
transcribable 30 24 that can be transcri...
transcriptase 27 20 the enzyme that brin...
transcriptive 30 24 relating to transcri...
transcriptome 28 23 a collection of all...
transferrable 26 21 that can be transfer...
transferrible 27 21 that can be transfer...
transformable 27 24 capable of being tra...
transgressive 25 20 of the nature of a t...
transistorise 22 14 to fit with or conve...
transistorize 25 23 to fit with or conve...
transliterate 22 15 to represent or spel...
transmembrane 24 24 taking place or exis...
transmissible 27 21 capable of being tra...
transmittable 26 21 that can be transmit...
transmittance 25 21 the act of transmitt...
transmittible 27 21 that can be transmit...
transmutative 25 22 having power to tran...
transportable 26 21 capable of being tra...
transportance 25 21 (Shakespeare) convey...
transpositive 26 21 relating to transpos...
triamcinolone 25 22 a glucocorticoid dru...
trichothecene 31 24 any of several mycot...
triethylamine 32 22 an oily liquid corre...
trimethadione 24 20 a crystalline compou...
trinucleotide 26 20 a nucleotide consist...
trisaccharide 31 22 a sugar that yields...
turangawaewae 26 23 (Maori) the area tha...
ultradistance 26 20 of running events, o...
ultrafeminine 25 23 extremely feminine [...
ultrafiltrate 27 19 a substance that has...
ultrareliable 27 20 extremely reliable [...
ultraviolence 28 24 extreme violence [n...
unaccountable 29 27 not to be accounted...
unappropriate 27 24 to remove from priva...
unassimilable 27 23 not assimilable [adj...
unassuageable 24 22 not capable of being...
unbrotherlike 28 25 not like a brother [...
unchastisable 30 24 not able to be chast...
unchastizable 33 33 not able to be chast...
uncollectable 32 27 not collectable [adj...
uncollectible 33 27 not collectible [adj...
uncomfortable 30 28 causing discomfort o...
uncommendable 28 30 that cannot be comme...
uncompetitive 30 28 not competitive [adj...
unconcealable 29 27 not concealable [adj...
unconceivable 31 30 not conceivable, als...
unconformable 29 29 not conforming [adj...
unconjunctive 31 37 (Milton) impossible...
unconquerable 34 33 incapable of being c...
uncontainable 25 24 not containable [adj...
uncontestable 26 23 not contestable [adj...
unconversable 28 27 not conversable [adj...
unconvertible 29 27 not convertible [adj...
uncooperative 27 25 not cooperative [adj...
uncorrectable 30 25 not correctable [adj...
undeliverable 27 25 not deliverable [adj...
undercarriage 25 21 a supporting framewo...
underdrainage 21 20 insufficient drainag...
underestimate 22 19 to estimate as being...
underexposure 29 27 insufficient exposur...
undergraduate 22 20 a student at a colle...
undescendable 26 25 that cannot be desce...
undescendible 27 25 that cannot be desce...
undescribable 30 26 not describable [adj...
undeterminate 21 20 not determinate [adj...
undiagnosable 24 23 not diagnosable [adj...
undiscernible 28 24 incapable of being d...
undiscussable 29 24 that cannot be discu...
undiscussible 30 24 that cannot be discu...
undisguisable 27 23 not disguisable [adj...
undistinctive 28 24 not distinctive [adj...
undoctrinaire 24 20 a person who does no...
undomesticate 25 22 to make not domestic...
unenforceable 27 26 not enforceable [adj...
unequivocable 37 36 leaving no doubt, al...
unexplainable 32 31 not explainable [adj...
unexpressible 33 29 not expressible [adj...
unfalsifiable 30 26 not capable of being...
unfashionable 27 25 not in keeping with...
unforeseeable 24 22 not foreseeable [adj...
unforgettable 27 24 incapable of being f...
unfulfillable 33 29 not capable of being...
ungainsayable 30 24 that cannot be gains...
unimaginative 25 25 not imaginative [adj...
unimpeachable 32 30 not impeachable [adj...
unimpressible 29 25 not impressible [adj...
uninflammable 29 30 not inflammable [adj...
uninforceable 28 26 not capable of being...
uninformative 26 26 not informative [adj...
uninhabitable 28 25 not inhabitable [adj...
uninquisitive 33 30 not inquisitive [adj...
uninstructive 28 24 not instructive [adj...
unjustifiable 30 32 not justifiable [adj...
unmedicinable 28 27 not medicinable [adj...
unmentionable 23 24 that cannot be menti...
unmistakeable 26 26 that cannot be mista...
unobstructive 30 26 not obstructive [adj...
unperceivable 31 29 that cannot be perce...
unperformable 29 28 not performable [adj...
unpersuadable 26 24 not persuadable [adj...
unpicturesque 36 32 not picturesque [adj...
unpleasurable 27 24 not pleasurable [adj...
unpolarisable 27 23 not polarisable, als...
unpolarizable 30 32 not polarizable, als...
unpracticable 33 28 not practicable [adj...
unpredictable 30 26 that cannot be predi...
unpresentable 25 23 not presentable [adj...
unpreventable 27 27 not preventable [adj...
unprogressive 27 24 not progressive [adj...
unprovocative 30 29 not provocative [adj...
unpublishable 33 29 that cannot be publi...
unpurchasable 32 28 that cannot be purch...
unputdownable 29 28 of a book, that one...
unqualifiable 36 33 not qualifiable [adj...
unreclaimable 29 26 that cannot be recla...
unrecoverable 28 26 that cannot be recov...
unreplaceable 29 26 not replaceable [adj...
unreprievable 28 26 not reprievable [adj...
unrespectable 29 25 not respectable [adj...
unsalvageable 27 26 not salvageable [adj...
unsatisfiable 27 22 not satisfiable [adj...
unscholarlike 30 26 not like a scholar [...
unserviceable 29 26 not capable of being...
unsmotherable 27 24 that cannot be smoth...
unsoldierlike 25 22 not like a soldier [...
unspecifiable 32 28 not specifiable [adj...
unspeculative 30 27 not speculative [adj...
unstaunchable 29 26 not staunchable [adj...
unsupportable 29 26 not supportable [adj...
unsurpassable 27 23 that cannot be surpa...
unsusceptible 31 26 not susceptible [adj...
unsustainable 24 21 not sustainable [adj...
untraversable 26 23 not traversable [adj...
unvitrifiable 30 26 not vitrifiable [adj...
unwarrantable 26 23 not justifiable [adj...
unwhistleable 31 25 not whistleable [adj...
unworkmanlike 28 31 not workmanlike [adj...
urediniospore 23 19 the thin-walled summ...
ventriloquise 33 29 to project the voice...
ventriloquize 36 38 to use ventriloquism...
vernacularise 27 23 to make vernacular,...
vernacularize 30 32 to make vernacular,...
videocassette 26 21 a case containing vi...
vivisepulture 31 27 the practice of bury...
volatilisable 29 23 capable of being vol...
volatilizable 32 32 capable of being vol...
vraisemblance 30 28 verisimilitude [n -S...
xanthopterine 30 27 a yellow pigment obt...
zooxanthellae 32 34 ZOOXANTHELLA, a symb...