6 letter words that end with E

6 letter words that end with E

6 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abduce 15 14 to draw or conduct a...
abjure 14 19 to renounce under oa...
ablate 12 10 to remove or decreas...
ablaze 15 19 on fire [adj]
aborne 10 10 ABEAR, to bear; to b...
abrade 11 10 to wear away by fric...
abrege 12 11 (French) an abridgem...
accede 15 13 to consent [v ACCEDE...
accite 16 12 to cite; to summon [...
accrue 16 13 to accumulate, also...
accuse 16 13 to bring a charge ag...
achage 15 13 (Tennyson) an ache,...
achene 13 12 a dry one-seeded fru...
acmite 14 12 a soda pyroxene whos...
acnode 11 11 an isolated point no...
active 15 13 expressing action [a...
acture 13 10 (Shakespeare) action...
acuate 12 10 to sharpen [v ACUATE...
adduce 13 12 to cite or quote [v...
adhere 11 9 to become or remain...
adjure 12 17 to command solemnly...
admire 11 10 to have a high opini...
adnate 8 8 closely attached; gr...
adrate 9 7 the price or tariff...
advene 10 12 to be added over and...
advice 15 14 counsel [n -S]
advise 12 11 to give advice to [v...
adware 12 10 software with embedd...
aedile 10 8 (Latin) in classical...
aedine 8 8 pertaining to an aed...
aemule 11 11 (Spenser) to emulate...
aerate 8 6 to put air into [v A...
aerobe 10 9 an organism that req...
affine 13 13 related by marriage...
affyde 20 15 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
aflame 13 13 in a flaming state [...
agapae 11 11 AGAPE, a love feast...
aglare 11 9 glaring [adj]
agname 10 12 a name extra to one'...
agnate 9 9 a relative on the fa...
agnise 10 9 to acknowledge, also...
agnize 13 18 to acknowledge, also...
agorae 9 8 AGORA, a market-plac...
agrafe 12 11 (French) a hooked cl...
agrege 11 10 (French) a French st...
agrise 11 8 to terrify, also AGR...
agrize 14 17 (obsolete) to terrif...
agryze 20 19 (obsolete) to terrif...
aguise 11 9 to adorn, also AGUIZ...
aguize 14 18 to adorn, also AGUIS...
ahorse 11 8 (archaic) on horseba...
akeake 10 14 a New Zealand tree w...
albite 13 10 a sodium-rich minera...
alcade 13 11 the mayor of a Spani...
alcove 15 14 a vaulted or arched...
aldose 10 8 a class of sugars, c...
alegge 12 11 (Spenser) to lighten...
alerce 13 10 the wood of the sand...
algate 11 9 (obsolete) always; w...
alible 14 11 nourishing [adj]
alkane 10 12 a group of hydrocarb...
alkene 10 12 an unsaturated hydro...
alkine 11 12 a group of hydrocarb...
alkyne 17 14 a group of hydrocarb...
allege 12 10 to assert without pr...
allele 12 9 any one of the two o...
allice 15 11 a fish of the shad f...
allude 12 10 to make an indirect...
allure 12 9 to attract with some...
almuce 15 14 a furred hood with l...
almude 12 12 a Spanish unit of ca...
alnage 10 10 cloth inspection, al...
alpine 12 11 related to mountains...
alsike 12 11 a kind of clover [n...
alulae 11 9 ALULA, one of three...
alvine 12 12 of the belly [adj]
ambage 13 14 (French) ambiguity [...
amebae 11 12 AMEBA, a one-celled...
amende 9 11 (French) a fine or r...
amerce 13 12 to fine or punish [v...
ammine 11 13 a type of ammonia co...
amoove 11 13 (Spenser) to stir up...
amorce 13 12 a percussion cap for...
ampere 12 12 a unit of electric c...
ampule 14 14 a small sealed glass...
ananke 8 12 (Greek) necessity, t...
ancile 13 11 (Latin) the sacred s...
ancome 12 13 a sudden inflammatio...
ancone 10 11 (Greek) the elbow, a...
anlace 12 11 (archaic) a short tw...
anlage 10 10 the first discernibl...
annexe 13 15 something joined or...
anomie 9 10 hopelessness caused...
ansate 8 7 having a handle, als...
anyone 13 10 anybody at all [n -S...
aortae 8 6 AORTA, the main bloo...
apache 16 14 (French) a member of...
apiece 14 12 for each one [adv]
aplite 13 10 a fine-grained, ligh...
apogee 11 11 the farthest point f...
appose 13 12 to place side by sid...
aptote 11 9 a noun that has no g...
arable 12 10 land suitable for cu...
araise 9 6 to raise, also ARAYS...
arayse 15 8 to raise, also ARAIS...
arbute 12 10 an evergreen tree, t...
arcade 12 10 a set of arches and...
arcane 11 10 mysterious [adj ARCA...
areole 9 7 a small space in a n...
argute 11 9 shrill, keen [adj]
argyle 18 11 a silver gravy dish,...
ariose 9 6 in the manner of an...
arkite 11 10 an inmate of Noah's...
arkose 10 10 a sedimentary rock f...
armure 11 10 a type of fabric wit...
arouse 9 7 to stimulate [v AROU...
arride 10 7 (archaic) to please,...
arrive 12 10 to reach a destinati...
arsine 9 7 a poisonous gas, ars...
artsie 10 6 a student on an arts...
ashake 12 12 (archaic) in a shaki...
ashame 12 11 (archaic) to shame [...
ashine 11 9 (archaic) shining [a...
ashore 11 8 toward or on the sho...
aslake 11 11 (archaic) to mitigat...
aslope 12 10 (archaic) on a slope...
aspine 11 10 (Spenser) aspen [n -...
aspire 12 9 to aim for higher th...
assize 13 15 a legislative sessio...
assume 11 10 to take for granted...
assure 10 7 to insure; to assert...
astare 9 6 (archaic) in a state...
astone 8 7 to amaze or shock, a...
astute 10 7 shrewd and perceptiv...
asylee 16 9 one who is granted a...
athame 12 11 a witch's ceremonial...
attire 10 6 to clothe [v ATTIRED...
attone 8 7 to atone [v ATTONED,...
attune 9 8 to put in tune [v AT...
aubade 11 11 (French) a song or p...
audile 11 9 one who thinks in te...
augite 11 9 one of the pyroxene...
auntie 9 8 a familiar name for...
aurate 9 7 a salt derived from...
availe 12 11 (Spenser) to descend...
avenge 11 13 to take retribution...
avenue 10 12 a wide street [n -S]
averse 11 10 opposed, reluctant [...
aviate 11 10 to fly an aircraft [...
avoure 11 11 (Spenser) avowal [n...
avulse 13 12 to tear away forcibl...
awhape 16 14 (Spenser) to confoun...
awhile 16 12 for a short time [ad...
awmrie 14 12 a cupboard for sacre...
awsome 13 12 impressive or inspir...
axlike 18 18 like an ax, also AXE...
azione 11 16 (Italian) a composit...
babble 17 16 to talk incessantly...
baccae 17 15 BACCA, a botanical n...
backie 16 16 (slang) a ride on th...
baddie 12 11 a bad person, also B...
baffle 17 16 to confuse, confound...
baggie 14 13 (colloquial) the sto...
bailee 12 10 a person to whom pro...
bailie 13 10 in Scotland, a magis...
bajree 13 18 (Hindi) in the India...
bakkie 14 17 (South Africa) a sma...
baldie 13 11 a bald-headed person...
balise 13 10 an electronic beacon...
bangle 13 13 a rigid ring as a br...
barbie 14 12 (Australian slang) a...
bardie 12 10 an Australian wood-b...
barege 12 11 a light silky dress...
bargee 12 11 a bargeman [n -S]
barite 12 9 a native sulphate of...
barmie 13 12 foamy; dotty, also B...
barque 20 19 a three-masted vesse...
barrie 12 9 (Edinburgh slang) te...
baryte 18 11 a native sulphate of...
basque 20 19 a kind of bodice [n...
bastle 13 10 a fortified house wi...
battle 13 10 to fight [v BATTLED,...
battue 12 10 (French) indiscrimin...
baubee 13 13 (Scots) a halfpenny,...
bauble 15 14 a cheap trinket, als...
bawbee 16 15 (Scots) a halfpenny,...
bawble 18 16 a cheap trinket, als...
bawtie 15 12 (Scots) a dog [n -S]
beadle 12 11 a minor parish offic...
beagle 13 12 to hunt with a breed...
beanie 10 10 a small close-fittin...
became 15 15 BECOME, to come to b...
become 15 15 to come to be [v BEC...
bedaze 14 19 to daze thoroughly [...
bedide 12 11 (Spenser) bedyed, al...
bedyde 18 13 BEDYE, to dye or sta...
beebee 12 12 a pellet e.g. for an...
beedie 11 10 a cheap thin Indian...
beetle 12 10 to jut out, overhang...
before 13 12 in front of [prep]
begaze 15 20 to look at fixedly [...
begone 11 12 be off [interj]
behave 15 15 to act properly [v B...
behote 13 11 to vow, promise [v B...
behove 15 15 to be fit, right or...
beigne 12 12 a fritter, a deep-fr...
bejade 13 19 to tire out [v BEJAD...
belace 15 13 to adorn with lace [...
belate 12 10 (archaic) to retard...
belike 14 14 (archaic) most likel...
belive 15 14 immediately, also BL...
belove 14 14 (obsolete) to love [...
bemete 12 12 (archaic) to measure...
bemire 13 12 (archaic) to make mu...
bemuse 13 13 to confuse [v BEMUSE...
bename 11 13 to name, mention [v...
bendee 10 11 divided into an even...
berake 12 13 to rake all over [v...
berate 11 9 to scold severely [v...
berime 13 12 to compose in rhyme,...
berthe 14 11 a woman's deep lace...
beside 12 10 next to [prep]
bestie 12 9 (slang) one's best f...
betake 12 13 to take oneself to [...
betide 12 10 to befall, happen to...
betime 13 12 (Shakespeare) to bet...
betise 12 9 (French) stupidity,...
beurre 12 10 a pear with the meat...
beware 14 12 to be on one's guard...
bezzie 18 27 a person's best frie...
bezzle 19 28 to drink hard [v BEZ...
bhagee 14 13 in Indian cookery, a...
bhajee 15 20 in Indian cookery, a...
bibble 18 16 (English dialect) a...
bickie 17 16 (colloquial) a biscu...
biface 17 15 a type of prehistori...
bigeye 19 13 a kind of marine fis...
biggie 15 13 a biggish thing, als...
bikkie 15 17 (slang) a biscuit, a...
billie 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
bimble 17 16 as in bimble box, a...
binate 11 10 growing in pairs [ad...
bindle 13 12 the bundle in which...
bingle 14 13 to style the hair a...
birdie 13 10 to score one under p...
bireme 13 12 an ancient galley wi...
birkie 14 13 (Scots) active, live...
birsle 14 10 to scorch, toast [v...
bisque 21 19 (French) a rich shel...
bistre 13 9 a pigment of warm br...
bittie 13 9 (Scots) a small piec...
bizone 14 19 a country formed of...
blague 14 13 (French) humbug [n -...
blaise 13 10 a kind of clay, livi...
blaize 16 19 a kind of clay, livi...
blende 12 12 (German) a zinc sulp...
blithe 16 12 merry [adj BLITHER,...
blonde 12 12 fair [adj BLONDER, B...
blooie 12 10 (slang) out of order...
blouse 13 11 to puff out loosely...
blowie 16 13 (Australian slang) a...
blowse 16 13 a ruddy, fat-faced w...
blowze 19 22 a ruddy, fat-faced w...
bludge 15 14 (Australian slang) t...
bludie 14 12 stained with blood,...
blunge 14 14 to mix clay with wat...
boatie 11 9 (slang) a rowing ent...
bobble 17 16 to bob rapidly [v BO...
bocage 15 14 (French) a decorativ...
boccie 18 15 an Italian bowling g...
boddle 13 12 a former Scottish co...
bodgie 13 12 fake [adj BODGIER, B...
bodice 15 13 a woman's stiffened...
boggle 15 14 to baffle, overwhelm...
bolete 12 10 any fungus of the fa...
bolide 13 11 a large meteor that...
boline 12 11 in wicca, a sickle-s...
bommie 14 15 (Australian slang) a...
bonnie 10 11 a sweetheart, also B...
bonxie 17 17 the great skua [n -S...
boobie 13 12 (slang) a breast [n...
boodie 11 10 a species of rat-kan...
boodle 12 11 to take bribes [v BO...
boogie 12 11 to dance to rock mus...
bookie 12 13 (short for) a bookma...
boorde 11 10 (Spenser) board, als...
bootee 10 9 a baby's sock, also...
bootie 11 9 a baby's sock, also...
borage 12 11 a rough-stemmed arom...
borane 10 10 any boron hydride, e...
borate 11 9 to mix with borax or...
boride 12 10 a boron compound [n...
bosche 17 14 offensive term for a...
bosque 20 19 a thicket, a plantat...
bothie 14 11 (Scots) a hut, cabin...
botone 10 10 having buds or knobs...
bottle 13 10 to enclose in a narr...
bouche 17 15 (French) the staff o...
boucle 16 14 (French) a kind of r...
bouffe 16 16 (French) a comic ope...
bougie 13 12 (French) a wax candl...
boulle 14 12 (French) a form of m...
bounce 14 14 to spring back [v BO...
bourne 11 11 a boundary, limit, a...
bourse 12 10 (French) a commercia...
bovate 13 13 (historical) an old...
bovine 13 14 relating to cattle [...
bowsie 15 12 (Irish) an inferior...
boykie 19 15 (colloquial) a chap...
braide 12 10 (Shakespeare) dissem...
braise 12 9 to cook slowly with...
braize 15 18 a marine fish, aka s...
branle 12 11 an old French dance,...
breare 11 9 (Spenser) brier, als...
bredie 12 10 (South Africa) a mea...
breese 11 9 (archaic) the gadfly...
breeze 14 18 to move briskly [v B...
brenne 10 11 (archaic) to burn, a...
bribee 14 12 one who receives a b...
bridge 14 12 to connect across a...
bridie 13 10 (Scots) a meat and o...
bridle 14 11 to check or restrain...
brigue 14 12 to intrigue [v BRIGU...
broche 17 14 a fabric similar to...
brogue 13 12 a strong and tough w...
bronze 14 19 to colour brown or t...
broose 11 9 (Scots) a race at a...
brouze 15 19 a wedding race, also...
browse 15 12 to look at casually...
bruise 13 10 to injure and discol...
bubale 15 14 a large antelope, al...
bubbie 17 16 (Yiddish) a Jewish g...
bubble 18 17 to form a globule of...
buckie 17 17 (Scots) a large spir...
buckle 18 18 to bend or warp [v B...
buddle 14 13 to wash for ore on s...
budgie 14 13 (colloquial) a budge...
buftie 15 13 (colloquial) a homos...
bugeye 19 14 a kind of small boat...
bullae 14 12 BULLA, a round seal...
bumble 17 17 to bungle, also BUMM...
bummle 16 17 to bungle, also BUMB...
bundle 13 13 to fasten together [...
bungee 12 13 a strong rubber rope...
bungie 13 13 a strong rubber rope...
bungle 14 14 to mismanage [v BUNG...
bunjee 13 20 a strong rubber rope...
bunjie 14 20 a strong rubber rope...
bunkie 13 15 a small separate bui...
buppie 17 16 a black urban profes...
burble 16 14 to speak quickly and...
burdie 13 11 (Scots) a (small) bi...
burgee 13 12 a small ship's flag...
burgle 15 13 to trespass to steal...
burnie 12 11 (Scots) a small broo...
burpee 14 13 a type of physical e...
bursae 12 10 BURSA, a pouch or sa...
bushie 15 12 one who lives in the...
bustee 12 10 (Hindi) in India, a...
bustle 14 11 to move noisily [v B...
butane 11 11 a hydrocarbon of an...
butene 11 11 any one of three met...
buttle 14 11 to act as a butler [...
bygone 18 14 something belonging...
bylane 18 13 a side lane [n -S]
byline 19 13 to write giving the...
bylive 22 16 (Spenser) immediatel...
byname 18 15 a secondary name, a...
byrnie 18 12 (historical) a coat...
cabbie 17 15 (colloquial) a cabdr...
cabrie 15 12 a pronghorn antelope...
cackle 18 17 to make the sound of...
caddie 13 11 to serve as a golfer...
caille 15 11 (French) in cooking,...
caique 21 19 (French) a light ski...
cajole 15 19 to persuade by flatt...
callee 14 11 a computer function...
calque 22 20 to process the traci...
camese 13 12 a loose shirt or tun...
camise 14 12 (Arabic) a loose shi...
cammie 15 15 a webcam award [n -S...
camote 13 12 a type of sweet pota...
cample 17 16 to wrangle [v CAMPLE...
canape 13 13 (French) a small sav...
candie 12 11 a South Indian weigh...
candle 13 12 to examine eggs in f...
cangle 14 13 (Scots) to wrangle [...
cangue 13 13 (Portuguese) a woode...
canine 11 11 a dogtooth [n -S]
cankle 14 15 (slang) an obese or...
cannae 10 11 (Scots) can not [v]
cannie 11 11 prudent, also CANNY...
cantle 13 11 to break a piece fro...
capote 14 12 (French) a long cloa...
carafe 14 12 (French) a glass bot...
carate 12 9 a tropical skin dise...
cardie 13 10 (Short for) cardigan...
careme 13 12 (French) lent [n -S]
caribe 15 12 (Spanish) a South Am...
carnie 12 10 a carnival [n -S]
casque 21 19 a helmet [n -S]
cassie 13 9 a thorny shrub or sm...
castle 14 10 to make a certain mo...
cattie 13 9 an Asian unit of wei...
cattle 14 10 domesticated bovines...
caudae 12 11 CAUDA, the area behi...
caudle 14 12 a drink of warm grue...
causae 12 10 CAUSA, (Latin) a (le...
cayuse 19 12 an Indian pony [n -S...
cellae 14 11 CELLA, the inner cha...
cendre 12 11 ash-blond [adj]
cenote 11 10 a deep natural hole...
centre 12 10 to make central, als...
cepage 15 14 the grape variety or...
cerate 12 9 a stiff ointment com...
cerise 13 9 a colour, deep to vi...
cerite 13 9 a hydrous silicate o...
certie 13 9 as in by my certie,...
cerule 14 11 sky-blue, also CAERU...
ceruse 13 10 white lead, used as...
cesure 13 10 (Spenser) a break, a...
cetane 11 10 a colourless liquid...
chaine 14 12 (French) in ballet,...
chaise 15 11 (French) a light ope...
chance 17 15 to risk [v CHANCED,...
change 15 14 to make or become di...
charge 16 13 to make an attack [v...
chasse 15 11 to perform a dance m...
chaste 15 11 sexually virtuous [a...
chaufe 17 15 (Spenser) to chafe [...
cheese 14 11 to stop it [v CHEESE...
chegoe 15 13 a small tropical fle...
chelae 15 12 CHELA, a pincerlike...
cheque 23 21 a written order dire...
chevre 17 15 a cheese made from g...
chewie 18 14 (Australian slang) c...
chicle 20 15 the coagulated latex...
chigoe 16 13 a small tropical fle...
chigre 17 13 a small tropical fle...
childe 17 13 a youth of gentle bi...
chinse 15 12 to fill in the seams...
chirre 16 11 to chirp like a cric...
choice 18 14 the thing chosen [n...
choose 14 11 to select by prefere...
choree 14 11 (Greek) a trochee, a...
chouse 15 12 to swindle, also CHO...
chowse 18 14 to swindle, also CHO...
chrome 16 14 to plate with chromi...
chylde 23 15 designating a youth...
chypre 24 16 (French) a mixture o...
cicale 17 13 CICALA, a winged ins...
cierge 14 11 a large wax candle u...
ciggie 16 13 (slang) cigarette, a...
cilice 18 13 a haircloth shirt wo...
cinque 21 20 the number five, als...
circle 18 13 to revolve around [v...
cirque 22 19 a bowl-shaped depres...
citole 14 10 a pear-shaped guitar...
clambe 17 16 CLIMB, to ascend [v]
claque 22 20 a group of hired app...
clause 14 11 a part of a document...
clavie 16 14 a tar barrel burnt f...
cleave 15 14 to split [v CLOVE, C...
cleche 19 15 in heraldry, voided...
cleeve 15 14 (dialect) a cliff, a...
cleome 14 13 an aromatic plant wi...
cliche 20 15 a stereotyped phrase...
clique 23 20 to form an exclusive...
cloche 19 15 (French) a lady's cl...
cloque 22 20 (French) a fabric wi...
clothe 16 12 to provide with clot...
cnidae 12 11 CNIDA, a nematocyst,...
coarse 12 9 rough, crude [adj CO...
coatee 11 9 a small coat [n -S]
cobble 18 16 to mend [v COBBLED,...
cockle 18 17 a shellfish [n -S] /...
coddle 14 12 to pamper [v CODDLED...
coerce 15 12 to compel by force o...
coffee 16 15 a powder made from t...
coffle 18 16 to chain slaves toge...
coggie 15 13 (Scots) a small wood...
coggle 16 14 to wobble [v COGGLED...
cohere 14 11 to stick together [v...
cohune 14 13 (Spanish) a kind of...
coiffe 17 15 to put the hair in a...
coigne 13 12 to secure with a typ...
coldie 14 11 (colloquial) a cold...
collie 15 11 any of several breed...
colone 12 11 (Spanish) a monetary...
colure 14 11 a celestial circle t...
comade 13 13 COMAKE, to serve as...
comake 14 16 to serve as a comake...
comate 13 12 (Shakespeare) a mate...
comble 17 16 (French) the acme [n...
comice 17 15 (French) a variety o...
commie 15 15 (colloquial) a commu...
comose 13 12 bearing a tuft of si...
conche 17 15 to knead and mix cho...
condie 12 11 a covered drain, als...
congee 12 12 water in which rice...
conine 11 11 a liquid, highly poi...
conjee 13 19 water in which rice...
connie 11 11 a tram or bus conduc...
conure 12 11 a tropical finch [n...
cookie 13 13 a small flat cake, a...
coolie 13 10 (historical) a (non-...
coombe 15 15 a short deep valley,...
coorie 12 9 (Scots) to nestle or...
cootie 12 9 (US slang) a body lo...
copple 18 16 (obsolete) a bird's...
corbie 15 12 a raven, a crow, als...
corpse 15 12 to forget one's line...
corrie 13 9 a deep basin on a mo...
corvee 14 13 (French) labor exact...
cosine 12 10 a trigonometrical fu...
cossie 13 9 (Australian slang) c...
costae 12 9 COSTA, a rib [n]
cotise 13 9 to give a heraldic b...
cottae 12 9 COTTA, (Latin) a sho...
cotyle 20 12 an ancient Greek cup...
cotype 21 14 a taxonomic type [n...
couche 18 15 (French) an evening...
coulee 13 11 (French) a lava-flow...
coupee 14 13 (French) a salute to...
couple 16 14 to unite in pairs [v...
courie 13 10 (Scots) to nestle or...
course 13 10 to chase and hunt [v...
covine 14 14 a conspiracy between...
covyne 20 16 a conspiracy between...
cowage 16 14 a leguminous climbin...
cowpie 18 15 a dropping of cow du...
cowrie 16 12 a glossy seashell, a...
coyote 18 11 a predatory canine m...
cozzie 19 27 (colloquial) a swimm...
cradle 14 11 to hold lovingly [v...
crambe 16 15 (Latin) warmed-over...
craple 16 13 (Spenser) a grapple...
crease 12 9 to make a wrinkle in...
create 12 9 to bring into being...
creche 18 14 a day nursery [n -S]
creese 12 9 to stab with a Malay...
creole 13 10 a type of mixed lang...
crible 17 13 (French) punctured l...
cringe 14 12 to shrink in fear [v...
croche 18 14 (French) a knob at t...
croove 14 13 a pen or sty, also C...
crosse 13 9 (French) the stick w...
croupe 15 13 the rump of certain...
crouse 13 10 lively [adj CROUSELY...
croute 13 10 (French) a slice of...
cruise 14 10 to progress smoothly...
cruive 16 14 (Scots) a pen or sty...
crusie 14 10 a type of iron lamp,...
cruzie 17 19 an open iron lamp wi...
cubage 16 15 the process of findi...
cubane 14 14 a hydrocarbon with C...
cuddie 14 12 (Gaelic) a young coa...
cuddle 15 13 to embrace [v CUDDLE...
cuffle 19 17 (obsolete) to scuffl...
cuisse 14 10 a piece of armour fo...
culpae 16 14 CULPA, negligence fo...
cupule 17 15 a cup-shaped anatomi...
curare 13 10 a paralysing poison...
curate 13 10 to act as a curator...
curdle 15 12 to congeal, also CRU...
curiae 13 10 CURIA, a court of ju...
curite 14 10 a radioactive minera...
currie 14 10 (obsolete) the quarr...
curule 15 12 of high authority, a...
cushie 16 12 the wood-pigeon or r...
cuttle 15 11 to fold cloth in a p...
cuttoe 13 10 a large knife, also...
cuzzie 20 28 (New Zealand) a clos...
cymene 19 15 a hydrocarbon, also...
cymose 20 14 resembling a cyme, a...
cytase 19 11 an enzyme that break...
cytode 19 12 a protoplasm body wi...
dabble 15 14 to dip or splash in...
dacite 13 10 a fine-grained volca...
daddle 11 10 (Scots) to waddle, s...
daftie 12 10 a simpleton [n -S]
daggle 13 12 to drag in mud [v DA...
daidle 11 9 (Scots) to waddle, s...
damage 11 12 to damage [v DAMAGED...
dandle 10 10 to dance (a child) o...
dangle 11 11 to hang loosely [v D...
daphne 13 13 a genus of diminutiv...
dapple 15 14 to mark with spots [...
dargle 12 10 (Scott) a dell [n -S...
darkie 11 11 (offensive) a colour...
darkle 12 12 to grow dark; to sho...
dartle 11 8 to dart repeatedly [...
dartre 10 7 (French) a herpes-li...
dassie 10 7 (Afrikaans) the hyra...
dative 12 11 expressing an indire...
dautie 10 8 (Scots) a pet, also...
dawdle 14 12 to waste time [v DAW...
dawtie 13 10 (Scots) a pet, also...
dazzle 17 26 to blind with a brig...
dearie 9 7 a term of endearment...
deawie 12 10 (Spenser) dewy, also...
debase 11 10 to lower or degrade...
debate 11 10 to deliberate [v DEB...
debile 13 11 (archaic) feeble [ad...
debone 10 11 to remove the bones...
debtee 11 10 one to whom a debt i...
decade 12 11 a period of ten year...
decane 11 11 a hydrocarbon of the...
decare 12 10 a measure equal to t...
deccie 16 13 (slang) interior dec...
decide 13 11 to make a choice [v...
decile 14 11 a statistical interv...
decime 14 13 (historical) a forme...
deckle 15 15 a frame used in maki...
decode 12 11 to convert a coded m...
decoke 13 14 to decarbonise (an i...
decree 12 10 to issue an edict [v...
deduce 13 12 to infer [v DEDUCED,...
deepie 11 10 (colloquial) a three...
deface 14 13 to spoil the appeara...
defame 12 13 to destroy the reput...
defile 13 11 to make dirty [v DEF...
define 11 11 to state the meaning...
defuse 12 11 to remove the fuse f...
defuze 15 20 to remove the fuse f...
degage 11 11 (French) unconstrain...
degame 11 12 a tropical tree, lem...
degree 10 9 a graduation on a sc...
dekare 10 11 ten ares, or 1000 sq...
delate 10 8 (archaic) to charge...
delete 10 8 to remove printed ma...
delice 14 11 (obsolete) a delight...
delime 12 11 to free from lime [v...
delope 12 11 to fire one's gun in...
delude 11 10 to mislead that what...
deluge 12 11 to flood [v DELUGED,...
deluxe 17 16 of special elegance...
demise 11 10 to give to a success...
demode 10 11 (French) old-fashion...
demote 10 10 to lower in rank [v...
demure 11 11 shy and modest [adj...
dengue 10 11 an acute tropical ep...
denote 8 8 to indicate [v DENOT...
denude 9 10 to strip of all cove...
depone 10 11 to testify under oat...
depose 11 10 to remove from offic...
depute 12 11 to delegate [v DEPUT...
derate 9 7 to relieve from some...
deride 10 8 to ridicule, mock [v...
derive 12 11 to trace to an origi...
desine 9 8 to plan in outline,...
desire 10 7 to wish for [v DESIR...
desyne 15 10 to plan in outline,...
detune 9 9 to reduce the power...
device 15 14 something constructe...
devise 12 11 to form in the mind...
devore 11 11 (of velvet or satin)...
devote 11 11 to give oneself whol...
diable 13 11 (French) an unglazed...
dibble 16 14 to fish by floating...
dickie 15 14 a false shirt front,...
diddle 12 10 to cheat, swindle [v...
diedre 10 8 (French) a rock angl...
dilate 11 8 to make wider or lar...
dildoe 11 9 an object used as a...
dilute 12 9 to make thinner [v D...
dimble 15 14 a deep narrow wooded...
dimple 15 14 to mark with indenta...
dindle 11 10 (Scots) to tingle, v...
dingle 12 11 a deep narrow wooded...
dinkie 11 12 an affluent married...
dinnae 8 9 (Scots) do not, also...
dinnle 10 10 (Scots) to tingle, v...
diploe 13 11 the soft, spongy, or...
dipole 13 11 a pair of equal and...
dirige 12 9 (obsolete) a dirge [...
disple 14 11 (Spenser) to discipl...
disuse 11 8 to stop using [v DIS...
ditone 9 8 in ancient Greek mus...
divide 13 12 to separate into dif...
divine 12 12 pertaining to or cha...
djembe 15 22 a West African drum...
doable 12 11 able to be done [adj...
dobbie 14 13 a loom attachment wh...
docile 14 11 compliant [adj DOCIL...
doddle 11 10 an easy task [n -S]
dogate 10 9 the office of a doge...
doggie 12 11 a small dog, also DO...
doline 10 9 a swallow-hole, also...
domine 10 11 a member of the cler...
donate 8 8 to contribute [v DON...
dongle 11 11 a security device on...
donnee 7 9 (French) a datum, so...
donsie 9 8 unlucky, also DONSY...
doobie 11 10 a marijuana cigarett...
doodle 10 9 to scribble aimlessl...
doolee 9 8 (Hindi) a litter or...
doolie 10 8 (Hindi) a litter or...
doozie 12 16 an extraordinary one...
doppie 14 13 a cartridge-case [n...
dorise 10 7 to become like the D...
dorize 13 16 to become like the D...
dormie 11 10 being ahead in golf...
dosage 10 9 the amount of medici...
dotage 10 9 the state of senilit...
dottle 11 8 a mass of partly bur...
douane 8 9 a customhouse [n -S]
double 13 12 to make twice as muc...
douche 15 13 to cleanse with a je...
dowlne 13 12 (Shakespeare) down,...
dragee 10 9 a sugarcoated candy...
drawee 12 10 the person on whom a...
dreare 9 7 (Spenser) dreariness...
dredge 11 10 to scoop mud with a...
drogue 11 10 a funnel-shaped sea...
droome 10 10 (Spenser) a drum [n...
drowse 13 10 to doze [v DROWSED,...
drudge 12 11 to do hard, tedious...
duckie 15 15 (US slang) excellent...
duddie 11 10 (Scots) ragged, also...
duende 9 10 (Spanish) the power...
duffle 16 15 a coarse woollen fab...
dugite 12 10 an Australian venomo...
dumose 11 11 abounding with bushe...
dumpee 13 14 the person in a rela...
dumple 15 15 to make dumpy; to fo...
dunite 10 9 an igneous rock comp...
durrie 11 8 an Indian cotton rug...
dyable 19 13 that can be dyed, al...
dynode 15 11 an intermediate elec...
eatage 9 8 the eatable growth o...
eatche 14 11 (Scott) an adze [n -...
ecarte 12 9 a card game [n -S]
ecbole 15 13 a rhetorical digress...
eclose 13 10 to emerge from a pup...
ectype 21 14 a reproduction or co...
ecurie 13 10 a team of motor raci...
edible 13 11 something fit to be...
efface 16 15 to erase [v EFFACED,...
effere 13 12 (obsolete) to appert...
effete 13 12 exhausted [adj EFFET...
effuse 14 13 to pour forth [v EFF...
egence 12 12 need, also EGENCY [n...
ekuele 11 12 a former monetary un...
elance 12 11 to throw as a lance...
elapse 12 10 to pass by [v ELAPSE...
elchee 15 12 an ambassador, also...
eliche 16 12 spiral-shaped pasta...
eluate 10 8 liquid obtained by e...
embace 15 15 to lower, also EMBAS...
embale 13 13 to form into a bale...
embase 12 12 to lower, also EMBAC...
embrue 13 13 to drench, also IMBR...
emerge 11 11 to come into view [v...
emerse 10 9 of leaves, rising ab...
emeute 10 10 (French) a popular r...
emigre 12 11 (French) one of the...
emmove 13 16 to affect emotionall...
empale 13 13 to pierce with somet...
empare 12 12 to become worse, als...
empire 13 12 a dominion of people...
empuse 13 13 a goblin in Greek my...
emulge 13 13 (archaic) to milk or...
emunge 11 13 (obsolete) to clean...
enable 11 11 to make possible [v...
encage 12 12 to put in a cage, al...
encase 11 10 to put in a case, al...
encave 13 14 to secrete, also INC...
encode 11 11 to put into code [v...
encore 11 10 to call for a repeti...
endite 9 8 to charge formally w...
endive 11 12 a salad plant of the...
endure 9 9 to last [v ENDURED,...
enerve 10 11 (obsolete) to weaken...
enface 13 13 to stamp or print on...
enfire 11 10 (Spenser) to set on...
enfree 10 10 to set free [v ENFRE...
engage 10 11 to employ [v ENGAGED...
engine 9 10 to equip with machin...
engobe 11 12 (French) a slip appl...
engore 9 9 to gore; to pierce [...
enisle 10 8 to put onto an islan...
enlace 12 11 to entwine or entang...
enleve 11 12 (French) carried awa...
enmove 11 14 to affect emotionall...
ennage 8 10 a measurement of pri...
ennuye 14 11 (French) affected wi...
enrace 11 10 (Spenser) to implant...
enrage 9 9 to make very angry [...
enrobe 10 10 to put on a robe [v...
ensate 8 7 sword-shaped, also E...
ensile 10 8 to store in a silo,...
ensure 9 8 to make sure [v ENSU...
entame 9 10 (Shakespeare) to tam...
entete 8 7 (French) obstinate (...
entice 12 10 to lead astray [v EN...
entire 9 7 whole, also INTIRE [...
entree 8 7 freedom of access [n...
enzone 10 17 to engirdle or surro...
enzyme 19 21 a complex protein th...
eocene 10 10 of rock formed in th...
eosine 8 7 a red dye, also EOSI...
epaule 12 11 (French) the shoulde...
ephebe 15 14 a young man of ancie...
epopee 12 12 an epic poem, also E...
eprise 12 9 (French) captivated...
epuise 12 10 (French) exhausted (...
equate 17 16 to be regarded as eq...
equine 17 17 relating to horses,...
equipe 20 19 (French) in motor-ra...
ergate 10 8 a worker ant, an und...
ermine 10 10 the stoat; a white f...
escape 14 12 to free oneself [v E...
essive 12 10 a grammatical case d...
estate 9 6 to bestow landed pro...
eterne 8 7 everlasting [adj]
ethane 10 9 a gaseous hydrocarbo...
ethene 10 9 a flammable gas, als...
ethyne 17 11 a colourless toxic i...
etoile 10 7 (French) in heradlry...
euchre 15 12 to prevent from winn...
euouae 8 8 a name for a Gregori...
evince 14 14 to show clearly [v E...
evolue 12 12 a primitive person i...
evolve 14 15 to develop [v EVOLVE...
evovae 12 14 a name for a Gregori...
evulse 13 12 to pluck out [v EVUL...
evzone 13 20 (Modern Greek) a sol...
excide 19 17 (archaic) to cut off...
excise 19 16 to cut off or out [v...
excite 19 16 to arouse the emotio...
excuse 19 17 to free from blame o...
exhale 18 16 to breathe out [v EX...
exhume 19 19 to dig out from the...
expire 18 16 to come to an end [v...
expose 17 16 to lay open to view...
extine 15 14 the outer layer of s...
facade 14 13 the front of a build...
facete 14 12 (archaic) facetious...
faciae 14 12 FACIA, an architectu...
facile 16 13 (French) easily said...
faddle 13 12 to trifle; to toy [v...
faerie 11 9 (archaic) the world...
faible 15 13 (French) the part of...
faille 14 11 (French) a shiny clo...
fainne 10 11 a ring-shaped badge...
falsie 13 10 a pad worn within a...
famine 12 13 extreme scarcity of...
fangle 13 13 to decorate fancily...
fankle 13 15 (Scots) to entangle...
farcie 15 12 (French) stuffed, as...
fastie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
faunae 10 11 FAUNA, the animal li...
favose 13 13 honeycombed [adj]
feague 12 12 (obsolete) to beat,...
feeble 14 13 very weak [adj FEEBL...
feerie 11 9 a theatrical extrava...
feirie 12 9 (Scots) nimble, fit...
feline 12 11 related to the cat f...
felloe 13 11 the rim of a wheel,...
female 13 13 the sex that can bea...
feriae 11 9 FERIA, a weekday whi...
ferine 11 10 of a species which b...
ferlie 13 10 (archaic) a wonder,...
ferule 13 11 to fit with a metal...
fescue 15 13 a kind of perennial...
fettle 13 10 to potter fussily ab...
feutre 12 10 to set a spear in a...
fiacre 15 12 (French) a small hac...
fiance 14 13 a man engaged to be...
fickle 18 17 not loyal [adj FICKL...
fiddle 14 12 to play a violin [v...
fierce 15 12 violently hostile or...
figure 14 12 to compute [v FIGURE...
filose 13 10 resembling a thread...
filtre 14 10 as in cafe filtre, a...
fimble 17 16 the male plant of he...
finale 12 11 a termination of som...
finite 12 10 limited [adj FINITEL...
fipple 18 16 a plug at the end of...
fissle 14 10 (Scots) to rustle [v...
fitche 18 14 in heraldry, coming...
fixate 18 16 to make stable [v FI...
fixive 21 20 acting to fix a phot...
fixure 19 17 (Shakespeare) stabil...
fizzle 20 28 to come to nothing [...
flambe 16 16 to douse (e.g. a pan...
flange 13 13 to provide with a pr...
flaune 12 12 (archaic) a sort of...
fleche 18 15 (French) a slender s...
fledge 14 13 to furnish with feat...
fleece 15 13 to remove the wool o...
flense 12 11 to strip the blubber...
flooie 12 10 awry, also FLOOEY [a...
florae 12 10 FLORA, the plant lif...
flouse 13 11 to splash, also FLOU...
fluate 13 11 (obsolete) a fluorid...
foefie 13 12 (South African) as i...
foible 15 13 a minor weakness or...
folate 12 10 a form of vitamin B...
folkie 14 14 a performer of folk...
fomite 13 12 a substance capable...
fondle 12 12 to caress [v FONDLED...
fondue 11 12 to cook a dish of me...
foodie 11 10 an enthusiast for fo...
footie 11 9 (slang) football [n...
footle 12 10 to potter about [v F...
foozle 15 19 to manage or play aw...
forage 12 11 to search about [v F...
forane 10 10 outlying or rural, a...
forbye 20 14 close by, also FORBY...
formee 12 12 a kind of heraldic c...
fossae 11 9 FOSSA, a anatomical...
foulie 13 11 (Australian slang) a...
foutre 12 10 (Scots) to mess arou...
foveae 12 13 FOVEA, a shallow ana...
fraise 12 9 to fortify with a ho...
frappe 16 15 an iced drink, also...
freeze 14 18 to turn into a solid...
frenne 10 11 (Spenser) a stranger...
fridge 14 12 to rub or fray [v FR...
frieze 15 18 to put a decorative...
fringe 13 12 to provide with an o...
frisee 12 9 (French) a variety o...
froise 12 9 a thick pancake, wit...
frorne 11 10 frozen, also FRORE,...
frowie 15 12 (Spenser) musty, ran...
fucose 15 13 a type of sugar [n -...
fuddle 14 13 to confuse, muddle [...
fumage 14 15 hearth-tax [n -S]
fumble 17 17 to handle clumsily [...
fundie 12 12 a member of the radi...
furane 11 11 a chemical used in t...
furcae 15 13 FURCA, any forklike...
furole 13 11 a liquid obtained by...
furore 12 10 (Italian) an outburs...
fusile 14 11 formed by melting [a...
futile 14 11 ineffective [adj FUT...
future 13 11 the time yet to come...
fuzzle 20 29 (dialect) to intoxic...
gabble 16 15 to chatter or talk i...
gadgie 12 11 a fellow, also GADJE...
gaggle 14 13 to cackle [v GAGGLED...
galage 12 11 (obsolete) an oversh...
galeae 10 9 GALEA, a helmet-shap...
galere 11 9 (French) a group of...
galore 11 9 an abundance [n -S]
gamble 15 15 to play a game of ch...
gamete 11 11 a mature reproductiv...
gamgee 12 13 as in gamgee tissue,...
gamine 11 12 (French) a homeless...
gamone 10 12 any chemical substan...
gangle 12 12 to move awkwardly [v...
gangue 11 12 the worthless rock i...
garage 11 10 to put in a garage (...
garble 14 12 to distort the meani...
gargle 13 11 to rinse the mouth o...
garote 10 8 to execute by strang...
garvie 13 12 a sprat, also GARVOC...
gauche 16 14 (French) awkward, cl...
gaucie 14 12 (Scots) portly, joll...
gaufre 13 12 a waffle, also GAUFE...
gavage 13 14 the introduction of...
gawsie 14 11 (Scots) portly, joll...
geggie 13 12 (Scots slang) the mo...
gelate 11 9 to form a gel [v GEL...
gemmae 12 14 GEMMA, a bud from wh...
gemote 11 11 a public meeting in...
genome 10 12 a haploid set of chr...
gentle 11 10 to tame [v GENTLED,...
ghesse 13 10 (Spenser) to guess,...
gidgee 12 11 a small Australian a...
gidjee 13 18 a small Australian a...
giftee 13 11 one that receives a...
giggle 15 13 to laugh in a silly...
gilgie 14 11 (Native Australian)...
gillie 14 10 a Highland chief's a...
gimmie 14 14 an easy golf putt co...
gingle 13 12 (obsolete) a jinglin...
girdle 13 10 to encircle with a b...
girlie 13 9 a girl, also GIRLY [...
girnie 11 9 ill-tempered [adj GI...
glaire 12 9 to coat with egg whi...
glaive 14 13 (obsolete) a broadsw...
glance 14 13 to look quickly [v G...
gleave 13 13 a broadsword, also G...
glebae 13 12 GLEBA, spore-bearing...
gledge 13 12 to squint the eyes [...
glisse 13 9 a kind of gliding da...
gloire 12 9 (French) glory [n -S...
glurge 14 12 supposedly factual s...
gnomae 10 12 GNOME, a fabled litt...
goalie 11 9 a player who defends...
goatee 9 8 a small pointed bear...
goatse 10 8 a deliberately shock...
gobble 16 15 to eat hastily [v GO...
goggle 14 13 to stare with wide e...
goitre 11 8 an enlargement of th...
goodie 10 9 a free gift [n -S]
google 12 11 to look for informat...
goolie 11 9 (Australian) a small...
goonie 9 9 an albatross, also G...
goorie 10 8 (New Zealand) a mong...
gourde 11 10 a monetary unit of H...
goutte 11 9 a drop [n -S]
graile 12 9 gravel [n -S]
graine 10 9 silkworm eggs [n -S]
grakle 13 13 a kind of American b...
gramme 13 14 a unit of mass in th...
grande 10 10 (French) grand, big...
grange 11 11 a farmhouse [n -S]
graple 14 12 (Spenser) a grapple,...
graste 11 8 GRACE, to give beaut...
grayle 18 11 (archaic) a dish, a...
grease 10 8 to smear with grease...
greave 12 12 to feel grief, also...
greece 13 11 a step, also GRECE,...
greese 10 8 a flight of steps, a...
greete 10 8 (Spenser) to weep [v...
greige 12 10 of a grey-beige colo...
griece 14 11 a flight of steps, a...
grieve 13 12 to feel grief, also...
griffe 16 14 a claw-shaped decora...
grille 14 10 a lattice, grating,...
grilse 13 9 a young salmon [n -S...
griple 15 12 (Spenser) grasping,...
grippe 16 14 an old term for infl...
groove 12 12 to form a groove (a...
grosze 14 17 GROSZ, a Polish mone...
grouse 11 9 to complain [v GROUS...
groyne 16 11 a breakwater, a stru...
grudge 13 12 to be unwilling to g...
grunge 12 12 dirt, grime [n -S]
grysie 18 10 (Spenser) grim, also...
guddle 13 12 to catch fish by han...
guffie 16 15 (Scots) a pig [n -S]
guggle 15 14 to gurgle [v GUGGLED...
guimpe 15 15 (French) a wide clot...
gunite 11 10 a fine grained mixtu...
gurgle 14 12 to flow unevenly [v...
gussie 12 9 to dress up in fine...
gustie 12 9 (Scots) savoury [adj...
guttae 11 9 GUTTA, latex, also G...
guttle 13 10 to eat rapidly [v GU...
guzzle 19 28 to drink rapidly [v...
gympie 21 16 (Native Australian)...
gyppie 22 16 a gypsy (offensive s...
gyrase 17 10 an enzyme catalyst w...
gyrate 17 10 to revolve or rotate...
gyrene 16 11 (archaic) a US marin...
gyrose 17 10 marked with wavy lin...
habile 15 12 (French) dexterous;...
hackee 15 15 the chipmunk [n -S]
hackie 16 15 a taxicab driver [n...
hackle 17 16 a comb for flax or h...
haddie 12 10 (Scots) a haddock [n...
hadjee 13 18 a person who has mad...
haggle 15 13 to bargain [v HAGGLE...
haique 20 18 an Arab head coverin...
halide 13 10 a compound of a halo...
halite 13 9 a native salt; sodiu...
hamate 12 11 the wrist bone [n -S...
hamble 16 15 to mutilate a dog by...
hamose 12 11 hooked, also HAMOUS...
handle 12 11 to touch with the ha...
hankie 12 13 a square piece of ma...
hantle 12 10 (Scots) a lot [n -S]
hassle 13 9 to harass [v HASSLED...
hauyne 17 12 a blue mineral, foun...
hawkie 16 15 a cow with a white-s...
healee 11 9 someone who is being...
hearie 11 8 (Spenser) hairy [adj...
hearse 11 8 to transport in a ve...
heaste 11 8 (Spenser) behest, co...
heaume 12 12 (archaic) a massive...
heckle 17 16 a comb for flax or h...
heddle 13 11 to draw thread throu...
heezie 14 17 (Scots) a lift [n -S...
heinie 11 9 the buttocks [n -S]
hempie 15 14 (Scots) a rogue, a r...
hermae 12 11 HERMA, a type of sta...
hettie 12 8 a heterosexual perso...
hexade 17 16 a group of six, also...
hexane 16 16 any one of five hydr...
hexene 16 16 a colorless, liquid...
hexone 16 16 a hydrocarbon solven...
hexose 17 15 a sugar with six car...
hickie 17 15 a gadget, also HICKE...
hidage 13 11 a tax formerly paid...
higgle 16 13 to hawk or peddle pr...
hinnie 11 10 a darling, sweethear...
hippie 17 14 a nonconformist, als...
hirage 13 10 the fee for hiring s...
hirple 16 12 (Scots) to walk lame...
hirsle 14 9 to slide along [v HI...
histie 13 8 (Scots) dry, barren,...
hoagie 12 10 a long sandwich, als...
hoarse 11 8 rough and husky in s...
hobble 17 15 to limp [v HOBBLED,...
hockle 17 16 (dialect) to spit [v...
hoddle 13 11 (Scots) to waddle [v...
hogtie 13 10 to tie the legs toge...
homage 13 13 to pay tribute to [v...
hombre 15 14 a fellow [n -S]
hondle 12 11 to haggle [v HONDLED...
honkie 12 13 (slang) a white man,...
hoodie 11 9 a hooded crow [n -S]
hoolie 12 9 (Scots) easy, slow [...
hoopoe 12 11 a short-legged perch...
hopple 17 15 to restrain by tying...
horsie 12 8 a child's name for a...
horste 12 8 (German) a mass of t...
hostie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
hottie 12 8 a hot-water bottle,...
howdie 15 12 to greet by saying '...
huckle 18 17 to force roughly, al...
huddle 14 12 to press closely tog...
humane 12 13 compassionate [adj H...
humate 13 12 a salt of humic acid...
humble 17 16 to abase [v HUMBLED,...
humite 14 12 a magnesium orthosil...
humlie 15 13 (Scots) a pollarded...
hummle 16 16 as in hummle bonnet,...
humvee 15 16 (tradename) a high m...
hunkie 13 14 (colloquial) a perso...
hurdle 14 11 to jump over [v HURD...
hurtle 14 10 to rush violently [v...
hustle 14 10 to hurry [v HUSTLED,...
hydrae 18 11 HYDRA, a kind of fre...
hydyne 24 14 a rocket-launching f...
hypate 20 13 in Greek music, the...
hyphae 22 15 HYPHA, a threadlike...
icicle 18 13 a hanging spike of i...
ideate 9 7 to form an idea or c...
ignite 11 9 to set on fire [v IG...
ignore 10 9 to intentionally dis...
illipe 15 11 the mahwa tree, also...
illite 13 8 a white or pale clay...
illude 13 10 to trick [v ILLUDED,...
illume 14 12 to light up [v ILLUM...
imbase 13 12 to lower, debase, al...
imbibe 16 15 to drink [v IMBIBED,...
imbrue 14 13 to drench, also EMBR...
immane 11 13 (archaic) huge; mons...
immune 12 14 exempt from; resista...
immure 13 13 to enclose behind wa...
impale 14 13 to pierce with a poi...
impave 15 16 to set in a pavement...
impede 13 13 to retard by obstruc...
imphee 15 14 any of several south...
impone 12 13 to impose; to wager...
impose 13 12 to set as a burden o...
impure 14 13 tainted, also UNPURE...
impute 14 13 to reckon or take in...
incage 13 12 to put in a cage, al...
incase 12 10 to put in a case, al...
incave 14 14 to secrete, also ENC...
incede 12 11 to advance majestica...
incise 13 10 to cut into [v INCIS...
incite 13 10 to arouse to action...
income 13 13 money earned regular...
incuse 13 11 to mark by stamping...
indene 8 9 a liquid hydrocarbon...
indite 10 8 to write or compose,...
indole 10 9 a chemical compound,...
induce 13 12 to influence into do...
infame 12 13 (archaic) to defame...
infare 11 10 a housewarming after...
infere 11 10 (obsolete) in fere,...
infuse 12 11 to permeate with som...
ingate 10 9 (Scots) a way in, an...
ingine 10 10 (obsolete) ability,...
inhale 12 10 to take into the lun...
inhere 11 9 to be an essential c...
inhume 13 13 to bury, also INHUMA...
inisle 11 8 to put onto an islan...
injure 12 17 to harm or do hurt t...
inlace 13 11 to entwine or entang...
inmate 10 10 one who is confined...
innage 9 10 the quantity of good...
innate 8 8 inborn [adj INNATELY...
insane 8 8 mentally unsound [ad...
inside 10 8 the part within [n -...
insole 10 8 the inner sole of a...
insure 10 8 to secure payment in...
intake 10 11 the act of taking in...
intime 11 10 intimate, cosy [adj]
intine 9 8 the inner membrane o...
intire 10 7 (obsolete) entire [a...
intone 8 8 to speak in a singin...
intuse 10 8 (Spenser) a bruise [...
invade 11 12 to enter by military...
invite 12 11 to request the prese...
invoke 12 15 to appeal to for hel...
inwove 14 14 INWEAVE, to weave in...
iodate 9 7 to treat with iodine...
iodide 10 8 a salt of hydriodic...
iodine 9 8 a nonmetallic elemen...
iodise 10 7 to treat with iodine...
iodize 13 16 to treat with iodine...
iolite 11 7 a transparent gem, v...
ionise 9 7 to convert into ions...
ionize 12 16 to convert into ions...
ionone 7 8 a chemical used in p...
jabble 17 22 (Scots) to splash, r...
jacare 14 18 the caiman [n -S]
jambee 14 21 a light cane, fashio...
jangle 13 19 to make a harsh meta...
jantee 10 16 (obsolete) jaunty, s...
jarvie 14 19 a driver of a horse-...
jaunce 14 20 to prance, also JAUN...
jaunse 11 17 to prance, also JAUN...
jaycee 20 20 a member of a Junior...
jaygee 18 19 a military officer [...
jayvee 19 21 a junior varsity pla...
jeelie 12 16 to make into a jelly...
jejune 13 26 lacking interest or...
jerque 20 25 to search a vessel f...
jessie 12 15 (Scots) an effeminat...
jestee 11 15 the object of a jest...
jiggle 16 20 to shake from side t...
jilgie 15 18 (Native Australian)...
jimmie 15 21 a short crowbar used...
jingle 14 19 to make a tinkling s...
jinnee 10 17 (Arabic) one of a cl...
jirble 16 19 to pour unsteadily [...
jobbie 16 21 (Scots) a lump of ex...
jocose 14 18 merry; characterized...
joggle 15 20 to shake slightly [v...
jostle 13 16 to run or strike aga...
jounce 14 20 to jolt, shake [v JO...
jubate 14 19 having or possessing...
jubile 16 20 a celebration, also...
jugate 13 18 having leaflets arra...
juggle 16 21 to manipulate object...
jujube 17 29 a fruit-flavored can...
jumbie 16 22 (West Indian) a ghos...
jumble 17 23 to mix in a disorder...
jungle 14 20 land covered with de...
junkie 13 21 a narcotics addict,...
justle 14 17 to run or strike aga...
kabele 13 14 a self-governing ass...
karate 10 10 a Japanese art of se...
karite 11 10 an African tree, aka...
keavie 12 14 (Scots) a hencoop or...
kebbie 15 16 (Scots) a shepherd's...
kebele 13 14 a self-governing ass...
keckle 16 18 to protect by bindin...
keelie 11 11 (Scots) the kestrel...
keksye 18 16 the hollow stalk of...
kelpie 14 14 (Scots) a water-hors...
keltie 12 11 (Scots) a bumper or...
kemple 15 17 (Scots) forty bundle...
ketene 9 11 a toxic gas, also ET...
ketone 9 11 a chemical compound...
ketose 10 10 any of a class of mo...
kettle 12 11 a device for boiling...
kewpie 16 16 (tradename) as in ke...
kibble 17 17 to grind coarsely [v...
kiddie 12 12 (colloquial) a child...
kiddle 13 13 a stake fence set in...
kidgie 13 13 (Scots) brisk, cheer...
kiekie 12 14 (Maori) a climbing b...
kierie 11 10 in South Africa, a s...
killie 14 12 a small freshwater f...
kiltie 13 11 one who wears a kilt...
kinase 10 11 a kind of enzyme [n...
kindie 11 12 (Australian slang) a...
kindle 12 13 to cause to burn [v...
kingle 13 14 (Scots) a very hard...
kinkle 13 16 a slight kink [n -S]
kinone 9 12 a golden-yellow crys...
kirtle 13 11 (historical) a man's...
kishke 15 16 (Yiddish) seasoned m...
kittle 13 11 (Scots) ticklish, de...
kludge 14 15 to contrive a clumsy...
koneke 10 15 in New Zealand, a fa...
kookie 11 14 with the qualities o...
koppie 15 16 in South Africa, a s...
kotare 10 10 a small greenish-blu...
kreese 10 10 a dagger or short sw...
kumite 13 14 freestyle martial ar...
labile 14 11 likely to change [ad...
lacune 13 12 an empty space or mi...
laddie 11 9 a lad [n -S]
laesie 10 7 (Spenser) lazy [adj]
lagune 11 11 a shallow body of wa...
laipse 13 10 (dialect) to defeat...
laisse 11 7 (French) a tirade or...
laldie 12 9 (Scots) a beating or...
lambie 14 13 a small lamb, also L...
lamiae 11 10 LAMIA, a mythical mo...
lammie 13 13 a thick quilted jump...
lanate 9 8 having or consisting...
langue 11 11 (French) a language...
lanose 9 8 covered with wool, a...
lappie 15 13 (Afrikaans) a rag or...
larine 10 8 of or pertaining to...
larvae 12 11 LARVA, an animal in...
lasque 19 17 a thin, flat diamond...
lassie 11 7 (Scots) a girl, also...
lathee 12 9 (Hindi) in India, a...
launce 13 12 (Spenser) to pierce...
laurae 10 8 LAURA, a group of hu...
lavage 13 13 the irrigation or wa...
lawine 13 11 (German) an avalanch...
league 11 10 to come together for...
lechwe 19 15 (Bantu) a kind of Af...
leetle 11 8 an old-fashioned aff...
leftie 13 10 someone who is polit...
legate 11 9 an emissary of the p...
leggie 13 11 in cricket, a leg-br...
legume 13 13 the fruit or edible...
lenite 10 8 to articulate a leni...
lessee 10 7 one to whom a lease...
lethee 12 9 (Shakespeare) lifebl...
lettre 11 7 (French) letter, as...
levite 13 11 (slang) a clergyman...
lexeme 17 17 the fundamental unit...
lezzie 17 25 (short for) a lesbia...
liable 14 11 subject to an obliga...
liaise 11 7 to form a link with...
libate 13 10 to pour in honour to...
librae 13 10 LIBRA, an ancient Ro...
lichee 16 12 a tropical fruit, al...
lienee 9 8 in law, a party agai...
lierne 10 8 (French) a cross-rib...
ligase 12 9 an enzyme which seal...
ligate 12 9 to tie with a ligatu...
ligule 14 11 a strap-shaped corol...
ligure 13 10 a precious stone [n...
linage 11 10 payment for written...
lingle 13 11 a shoemaker's waxed...
lintie 11 8 (Scots) a linnet, al...
lipase 13 10 an enzyme that break...
lipide 14 11 any of a class of fa...
lippie 16 13 (Scots) an old Scott...
listee 11 7 one who is on the li...
little 13 8 small [adj LITTLER,...
lizzie 18 25 as in tin lizzie, an...
loanee 8 8 a person who receive...
loathe 12 9 to detest greatly [v...
lobate 12 10 having lobes, also L...
lobose 12 10 having a lobe [adj]
lobule 14 12 a small lobe, also L...
locale 14 11 a place, position or...
locate 13 10 to find or pinpoint...
locule 15 12 a small, cell-like c...
loerie 10 7 a type of African bi...
loggie 13 11 LOGGIA, (Italian) an...
lookie 11 11 an interjection: loo...
loonie 9 8 crazy [adj LOONIER,...
loosie 10 7 (slang) a loose forw...
lorate 10 7 having the form of a...
louche 16 13 not reputable [adj L...
lounge 11 11 to recline in a rela...
lourie 11 8 a type of African bi...
louvre 13 12 a sloping slat place...
lovage 13 13 a perennial herb [n...
lowrie 14 10 a kind of small parr...
lucite 15 11 a type of transparen...
luckie 16 15 an elderly woman who...
luggie 14 12 (Scots) a hooped dis...
lumine 12 12 (obsolete) to illumi...
lunate 10 9 crescent-shaped, als...
lungee 11 11 a loincloth worn by...
lungie 12 11 (Scots) the guillemo...
lunule 12 11 a crescent-shaped ma...
lunyie 17 11 (Scots) the guillemo...
lupine 13 12 any papilionaceous p...
lustre 12 8 to make lustrous, al...
lutite 12 8 any rock derived fro...
luvvie 16 16 (colloquial) a membe...
luxate 17 15 to put out of joint...
lychee 22 14 (Chinese) a tropical...
lynage 17 12 (obsolete) lineage,...
lyrate 17 9 having the shape of...
lysate 17 9 a product of lysis,...
lysine 17 10 an essential amino a...
lyttae 17 9 LYTTA, a fibrous ban...
mackle 16 17 to blur in printing,...
macule 15 14 to blur in printing,...
madame 11 13 the French title of...
maggie 13 13 (dialect) a magpie [...
magpie 14 14 a black and white co...
maigre 12 11 a large Mediterranea...
malate 11 10 a salt of malic acid...
malgre 13 12 (archaic) to show sp...
malice 15 13 to have ill-will tow...
maline 11 11 a delicate net used...
mallee 12 11 (Native Australian)...
mammae 12 15 MAMMA, the milk glan...
mammee 12 15 a tropical plant hav...
mammie 13 15 a child's name for m...
manage 10 12 to control or direct...
manche 15 15 (French) a sleeve [n...
manege 10 12 to train horses [v M...
mangle 12 13 to hack, tear or cru...
manque 18 20 (French) the section...
mantle 11 11 to cover as with a c...
manure 10 11 animal excrement [n...
marble 14 13 to vein or print in...
marine 10 10 a soldier trained fo...
marque 19 19 (French) a make or b...
mascle 15 13 a diamond-shaped pla...
mashie 13 11 a kind of golf club...
masque 19 19 a dramatic entertain...
matoke 11 13 in Uganda, plantain...
mattie 11 9 (Scots) a young herr...
mature 11 10 to develop fully, al...
maugre 12 12 to show spite toward...
maxixe 23 23 a Brazilian ballroom...
meagre 11 11 a large Mediterranea...
mealie 11 10 an ear of maize, als...
meanie 9 10 a nasty person, also...
measle 11 10 (archaic) to catch o...
meathe 12 11 (obsolete) an alcoho...
meddle 12 12 to interfere, also M...
mediae 10 10 MEDIA, the middle la...
meemie 11 12 a hysterical person...
meikle 13 14 (Scots) great, much,...
meinie 10 10 a family, including...
menace 12 13 to threaten [v MENAC...
menage 10 12 to manage [v MENAGED...
mensae 9 10 MENSA, the grinding...
mentee 9 10 a person under the d...
menyie 16 12 a family, including...
mergee 11 11 a company acquired b...
merome 11 12 one of the serial se...
merrie 11 9 (archaic) merry [adj...
mestee 10 9 in the West Indies,...
metage 11 11 an official weighing...
metate 10 9 in Mexico etc., a st...
metope 12 12 a space between two...
mettle 12 10 spirit or courage [n...
micate 14 12 to furnish with mica...
mickle 17 17 a large amount [n -S...
middie 12 11 a medium sized beer...
middle 13 12 equally distant from...
midgie 13 12 (colloquial) a small...
mielie 12 10 an ear of corn, also...
miggle 15 14 a type of playing ma...
milage 13 12 the total distance e...
millie 14 11 (Irish) a young work...
mingle 13 13 to mix together [v M...
minnie 10 11 (Scots) mother [n -S...
minute 11 11 to take brief notes...
mirage 12 11 a type of optical il...
misate 11 9 MISEAT, to eat impro...
miscue 15 13 to make a faulty str...
misere 11 9 an undertaking in ca...
mislie 13 10 to lie in the wrong...
missae 11 9 MISSA, the Mass [n]
missee 11 9 to see wrongly [v MI...
mistle 13 10 to rain in small dro...
misuse 12 10 to use incorrectly [...
mizzle 19 28 to rain in fine drop...
mobbie 15 15 (Carib) a frothy bev...
mobble 16 16 (obsolete) to muffle...
mobile 14 13 a form of sculpture...
mochie 16 14 (Scots) mouldy, damp...
module 12 12 a standard of measur...
moffie 15 15 (South Africa) a hom...
moggie 13 13 (colloquial) a cat,...
moline 11 11 a cross with two out...
mollie 13 11 the carousing of sea...
moneme 10 13 a word or part of a...
mongoe 10 12 the waste produced i...
montre 10 10 the visible pipes of...
mopane 11 13 a small South Africa...
mopoke 13 16 an owl of Australia...
morale 11 10 the state of the spi...
morgue 12 12 a place where dead b...
morose 10 9 sad, gloomy [adj MOR...
mosque 19 19 a Muslim place of wo...
mossie 11 9 (Australian colloqui...
motile 12 10 a person whose image...
motive 13 13 to inspire to action...
mottle 12 10 to mark with spots o...
mousie 11 10 a young mouse [n -S]
mousle 12 11 to pull roughly [v M...
mousme 12 13 a Japanese girl, esp...
mousse 11 10 to apply a hair-styl...
mowdie 14 13 (Scots) a mole, also...
mozzie 17 27 (Australian slang) m...
mozzle 18 28 (Hebrew) to hamper o...
mucate 14 13 a salt of mucic acid...
muckle 17 18 (Scots) a great deal...
mucose 14 13 containing mucus, al...
muddle 13 13 to mix up [v MUDDLED...
mudeye 17 13 the larva of the dra...
mudpie 14 14 a small mass of mud...
muffle 17 17 to dull the sound of...
muggee 13 14 the victim of a mugg...
muggle 15 15 (in fantasy fiction)...
mumble 16 17 to speak indistinctl...
munite 11 11 to fortify, also MUN...
murage 12 12 (historical) a rate...
murine 11 11 any of the family of...
murree 11 10 (Native Australian)...
muscae 14 13 MUSCA, a genus of di...
muscle 16 14 to force one's way [...
musive 14 14 relating to mosaic [...
muskie 13 14 (short for) a muskel...
muskle 14 15 (obsolete) a mussel,...
mustee 11 10 in the West Indies,...
mutase 11 10 any of various enzym...
mutate 11 10 to undergo mutation...
mutine 11 11 to revolt against co...
mutule 13 12 an ornamental block...
muzzle 19 29 to cover the mouth o...
mycele 21 15 the white threads or...
mygale 19 14 an American bird-cat...
myrtle 19 12 any of various everg...
nanite 8 8 a microscopically sm...
nannie 7 9 a children's nurse;...
nanobe 9 11 a very small microbe...
nappie 13 13 an infant's diaper,...
narine 8 8 of or relating to th...
nasute 9 8 a type of white ant...
native 11 11 inborn [adj NATIVELY...
nature 9 8 the qualities of any...
neaffe 12 13 (Shakespeare) a fist...
nebule 12 12 in heraldry, a wavy...
needle 9 9 to sew with a slende...
negate 9 9 to nullify [v NEGATE...
nellie 11 9 an effeminate male,...
nerine 8 8 a type of South Amer...
nerite 9 7 a type of sea snail...
nestle 10 8 to lie snugly togeth...
nettie 9 7 an internet aficiona...
nettle 10 8 to annoy [v NETTLED,...
newbie 14 13 a new arrival such a...
newsie 12 10 (US) a newsboy, also...
nibble 15 14 to eat with small bi...
nickle 15 15 to plate with a meta...
nidate 9 8 to become implanted...
niente 8 8 (Italian) softly fad...
niggle 13 12 to worry over petty...
nimble 14 14 agile [adj NIMBLER,...
nipple 15 14 a small projection w...
nirlie 11 8 (Scots) knotty, stun...
nobble 14 14 to disable a racehor...
nocake 12 14 a meal made from par...
noddle 10 10 to nod frequently [v...
nodose 8 8 having nodes, also N...
nodule 10 10 a little rounded lum...
nomade 9 11 a member of a wander...
nonage 8 10 legal infancy, minor...
nonane 6 9 a hydrocarbon of the...
nonuse 8 9 failure to use [n -S...
noodge 9 10 (Yiddish) to nag, al...
noodle 9 9 to play idly on a mu...
noogie 9 9 the act of inflictin...
nookie 9 11 (colloquial) sexual...
norite 9 7 a type of rock, a ga...
nosode 8 8 a homeopathic remedy...
notate 8 7 to put into a system...
notice 12 10 to become aware of [...
noulde 10 10 NILL, to be unwillin...
nousle 10 9 to foster, also NOUR...
novate 10 11 to substitute a new...
novice 14 14 a person new to any...
nowise 12 10 in no manner or degr...
noyade 14 10 (French) drowning, e...
nozzle 16 26 a projecting spout [...
nuance 11 12 to give subtle shade...
nubble 15 15 to beat with the fis...
nubile 13 12 suitable for marriag...
nuchae 14 13 NUCHA, the nape of t...
nucule 14 13 the stone of a flesh...
nuncle 13 13 (Shakespeare) an unc...
nurdle 11 10 in cricket, to score...
nursle 11 9 to foster, also NOUR...
nutate 9 8 to nod, to droop [v...
nuzzle 17 27 to caress with the n...
nybble 21 16 a measure of compute...
oarage 9 8 a rowing movement [n...
obdure 12 11 to become hard-heart...
obeche 16 14 a large West African...
objure 14 19 to bind by oath; to...
oblate 12 10 flattened at the pol...
oblige 14 12 to bind by some favo...
obtuse 12 10 stupid [adj OBTUSER,...
ochone 13 12 (Irish) an interject...
ocreae 11 9 OCREA, (Latin) a she...
octane 11 10 any of a series of s...
octave 14 13 a set of eight music...
oeuvre 11 11 (French) the sum of...
office 17 15 a position of author...
ohmage 13 13 electrical resistanc...
oleate 9 7 a salt of oleic acid...
oleine 9 8 a glycerine ester of...
oncome 12 13 (Scots) a coming on,...
ondine 8 9 a female water spiri...
onesie 8 7 a soft, loose-fittin...
oneyre 14 9 (Shakespeare) a (gre...
online 9 9 carried out while co...
onside 9 8 a cricket term, one...
oocyte 18 11 an ovum before it ma...
oolite 10 7 a kind of limestone...
opaque 19 19 impervious to light...
opcode 14 13 a code containing op...
ophite 14 11 a name given to vari...
opiate 11 9 to treat with opium...
oppose 13 12 to conflict with [v...
optime 13 12 an honour student in...
orache 14 11 a plant of the goose...
oracle 13 10 to utter as an oracl...
orange 9 9 a citrus fruit [n -S...
orcine 12 10 a chemical compound...
ordure 10 8 manure [n -S]
oreide 9 7 an alloy used in imi...
orgone 9 9 according to Wilhelm...
oriole 10 7 any of various mainl...
ornate 8 7 decorated [adj ORNAT...
oroide 9 7 an alloy used in imi...
orpine 11 10 a kind of stonecrop,...
orrice 13 9 the Florentine or ot...
oscine 12 10 belonging to the sub...
oscule 14 11 a small mouthlike ap...
osmate 10 9 a salt of osmic acid...
osmole 11 10 a unit of osmotic pr...
osmose 10 9 to undergo osmosis [...
otiose 9 6 futile, idle [adj OT...
ouglie 12 10 to make ugly, also O...
outage 10 9 a failure in use [n...
outate 9 7 OUTEAT, to surpass i...
outbye 18 12 (Scots) out of doors...
outlie 11 8 to lie outside, be o...
outsee 9 7 to see beyond [v OUT...
outvie 12 11 to surpass in compet...
oxgate 16 15 as much land as one...
oxhide 18 16 leather from the hid...
oxlike 18 18 like an ox [adj]
paddle 13 12 to propel with an oa...
paidle 13 11 (Scots) a fish, aka...
paigle 14 12 the cowslip, also PA...
palace 15 13 a royal residence [n...
palate 12 10 the roof of the mout...
paleae 11 10 PALEA, the membranou...
palkee 13 14 (Hindi) a palanquin,...
pallae 13 11 PALLA, an oblong rec...
palmie 14 13 (Scots) a stroke of...
pantie 11 10 a woman's or child's...
papule 15 14 a pimple, also PAPUL...
parade 11 10 to march in a public...
parage 12 11 equality of birth or...
pardee 11 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
pardie 12 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
pareve 13 13 (Yiddish) of food, c...
parkee 12 13 a wind-proof coat, a...
parkie 13 13 (colloquial) a park-...
parole 12 10 to give a conditiona...
parore 11 9 (Maori) a type of fi...
parure 12 10 a set of matched jew...
passee 11 9 (French) out of date...
pastie 12 9 a meat pie, also PAS...
patine 11 10 to cover with a pati...
pattee 11 9 of a heraldic cross,...
pattie 12 9 a small, flat cake o...
pattle 13 10 (Scots) a small long...
paunce 14 14 a pansy flower, also...
pavage 14 15 a charge for paving...
pavane 12 14 (French) a stately E...
pavise 14 13 a large medieval shi...
pavone 12 14 (Spenser) a peacock...
pawnce 17 16 (obsolete) a pansy f...
pawnee 13 13 one to whom somethin...
pearce 14 12 (Spenser) to pierce,...
pebble 17 16 to cover with small,...
pedate 11 10 footed, footlike [ad...
peddle 13 12 to sell or offer for...
peenge 11 12 (Scots) to whine lik...
peerie 11 9 small [adj PEERIER,...
peewee 13 12 a bird, the lapwing...
pelage 13 12 the coat or covering...
pelite 13 10 any rock derived fro...
peltae 12 10 PELTA, an ancient sm...
penile 12 11 relating to the peni...
pennae 9 11 PENNA, any of the fe...
pensee 10 10 (French) a thought [...
people 14 13 to stock with inhabi...
perdie 12 10 (Shakespeare) assure...
perdue 12 11 (Shakespeare) a sold...
permie 13 12 a permanent worker,...
perone 10 10 the fibula, a bone o...
persue 12 10 to follow, in order...
peruke 13 14 a kind of wig, also...
peruse 12 10 to read [v PERUSED,...
pesade 11 10 a dressage manoeuvre...
pestle 13 10 to crush with a club...
petite 12 9 a clothing size for...
pettle 13 10 to indulge, pet [v P...
peyote 17 11 a hallucinogen deriv...
pheere 13 11 a companion, also FE...
pheese 13 11 to unsettle, also FA...
pheeze 16 20 to unsettle, also FA...
phocae 16 14 PHOCA, a genus of se...
phoebe 15 14 a small bird, the pe...
phrase 14 11 to express in words...
phylae 21 14 PHYLE, (Greek) in an...
piaffe 16 15 to perform a movemen...
piazze 18 27 PIAZZA, a public squ...
picene 14 13 a hydrocarbon [n -S]
picine 15 13 of the woodpecker fa...
pickle 18 17 a liquid, esp. brine...
picote 15 12 embroidered with kno...
piddle 14 12 to deal in trifles [...
pierce 15 12 to thrust, or make a...
piffle 18 16 to talk in a feeble...
piggie 15 13 a small pig, also PI...
pikake 14 17 (Hawaiian) a Hawaiia...
pillie 15 11 (Australian slang) a...
pilose 13 10 having scattered sof...
pilule 15 12 a small pill, also P...
pimple 17 16 an inflamed swelling...
pinene 10 11 the main constituent...
pingle 14 13 (Scots) to strive, t...
pinite 12 10 a greyish-green or b...
pinkie 13 14 the little finger, a...
pinnae 10 11 PINNA, a leaflet, wi...
pinnie 11 11 (short for) pinafore...
pinole 12 11 (Spanish) an America...
pintle 13 11 a pin on which somet...
pipage 15 14 transportation, as o...
pirate 12 9 a person who, withou...
pirnie 12 10 (Scots) a striped wo...
pizzle 20 28 a bull's penis used...
plague 14 13 to pester or annoy [...
plaice 16 13 a European flatfish...
plaque 21 20 an ornamental plate...
plaste 13 10 PLACE, to assign to...
please 12 10 to give enjoyment or...
pledge 14 13 to bind by solemn pr...
plicae 16 13 PLICA, (Latin) a fol...
plisse 14 10 (French) a puckered...
plodge 14 13 (dialect) to wade in...
plonge 13 13 to plunge, also PLON...
plunge 14 14 to thrust into the m...
poddie 12 11 an iPod user [n -S]
poddle 13 12 to amble at leisure...
podite 12 10 a walking leg of a c...
poffle 17 16 (Scots) a pendicle,...
pointe 11 10 (French) the extreme...
police 16 13 to make orderly [v P...
polite 13 10 showing consideratio...
pollee 13 11 one who is polled [n...
polype 21 15 (obsolete) an octopu...
pomace 15 15 the pulpy residue of...
pomade 12 13 to apply a perfumed...
pommee 13 15 of a heraldic cross,...
pommie 14 15 an immigrant from th...
pongee 11 12 (Chinese) a thin, so...
pontie 11 10 an iron rod used in...
poodle 12 11 a heavy-coated dog [...
poogye 18 13 an Indian nose-flute...
poonce 13 13 an effeminate man [n...
pootle 12 10 to travel in no part...
popple 17 16 to move in a bubblin...
popsie 14 12 a term of endearment...
porgie 13 11 a species of saltwat...
porose 11 9 having minute openin...
posole 12 10 a thick soup made of...
possie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
postie 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
potage 12 11 (French) a thick sou...
potale 12 10 refuse from a grain...
potche 17 14 to push violently, t...
potjie 14 18 (Afrikaans) a three-...
potpie 14 12 a meat pie which is...
potsie 12 9 a children's game, a...
pottle 13 10 a small conical frui...
poudre 12 11 (obsolete) powder, a...
pouffe 16 16 to give a puffed sha...
poulpe 15 14 the octopus, also PO...
pounce 14 14 to swoop upon sudden...
pourie 12 10 (Scots) a container...
pousse 12 10 (Spenser) pease [n -...
pownie 14 13 (dialect) a pony, al...
pozole 15 19 a thick soup made of...
praise 12 9 to express admiratio...
prance 14 13 to spring forward on...
pratie 12 9 (Irish colloquial) a...
prawle 16 13 (Shakespeare) a Wels...
preace 14 12 to press, also PREAS...
prease 11 9 to press, also PREAC...
preeve 13 13 to prove, also PREVE...
preife 14 12 (obsolete) proof, al...
premie 13 12 (US slang) a prematu...
prevue 14 14 (US) to preview, als...
prexie 18 16 (colloquial) a presi...
priefe 14 12 (Scots) proof, also...
prieve 14 13 to prove, also PREEV...
prince 15 13 to play the prince [...
proine 11 10 (obsolete) to preen,...
proyne 17 12 to prune, also PROIG...
pruine 12 11 (Shakespeare) a prun...
psyche 24 16 the mental structure...
puckle 18 18 (Scots) a small quan...
puddle 14 13 to make a small pool...
puggie 15 14 (Scots) a monkey, al...
puggle 16 15 to cause to become e...
pugree 13 12 (Hindi) a turban, a...
puisne 12 11 puny; surviving as a...
pulque 22 21 a fermented Mexican...
pumice 17 16 to polish with a por...
pungle 14 14 (US) to contribute [...
punkie 13 15 a biting gnat, also...
puntee 11 11 an iron supporting r...
pupate 14 13 to pass through the...
purfle 16 14 to decorate the bord...
purine 12 11 a white crystalline...
purpie 15 13 (Scots) purslane, or...
purple 16 14 of a colour which is...
pursue 13 11 to follow, in order...
puttee 12 10 a legging formed fro...
puttie 13 10 a legging formed fro...
puture 13 11 (historical) a fores...
puzzle 20 29 to cause uncertainty...
pyrene 17 12 the hard covering of...
pyrite 19 11 a brassy yellow mine...
pyrone 17 12 a type of chemical c...
pyrope 20 14 a fiery red gemstone...
quaere 17 16 to inquire or questi...
quarte 18 16 the fourth of eight...
quatre 18 16 (French) a card, die...
qubyte 27 21 a sequence of eight...
quethe 20 18 (obsolete) to quote...
quiche 24 21 (French) a flan of p...
quince 21 20 a fragrant, acid fru...
quinie 18 17 (Scots) a young woma...
quinte 18 17 an attacking fencing...
quinze 21 26 a card game [n -S]
quooke 18 20 QUAKE, to shake [v]
rabble 15 13 a device for stirrin...
raceme 13 12 an indefinite arrang...
rackle 15 14 a chain [n -S]
raddle 11 9 to redden with red o...
radome 10 10 a domelike device us...
rafale 12 10 (French) a burst of...
raffle 15 13 to dispose of by tic...
raggee 11 10 (Hindi) a kind of mi...
raggle 13 11 to cut a groove in m...
rallye 18 10 (US) a (car) rally [...
ramate 10 9 branched, as the ste...
ramble 14 13 to wander [v RAMBLED...
rammle 13 13 (English dialect) th...
ramose 10 9 branched, as the ste...
randie 9 8 a violent beggar, es...
ranine 8 8 pertaining to or lik...
rankle 11 12 to cause irritation...
raphae 13 11 RAPHE, a seamlike ri...
rapine 11 10 the taking of proper...
rappee 13 12 (French) a pungent k...
rashie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
rassle 11 7 (colloquial) to wres...
rasure 10 7 the act of scraping,...
ratine 9 7 (French) a rough dre...
ratite 10 6 a bird having a flat...
rattle 11 7 to make a quick succ...
raucle 14 11 (Scots) rough, vigor...
raunge 10 10 (obsolete) to range...
ravage 12 12 to destroy [v RAVAGE...
ravine 11 11 a narrow, steep-side...
razure 13 16 the act of scraping,...
razzle 17 25 a rowdy drinking spr...
readme 10 10 as in readme file, a...
rebase 11 9 to set a new foundat...
rebate 11 9 to give a discount f...
rebite 12 9 in engraving, to fre...
rebore 11 9 to bore out again [v...
rebuke 13 14 to reprove sternly [...
recane 11 10 to replace the cane...
recede 12 10 to move back [v RECE...
rechie 15 11 (Shakespeare) smoky,...
recipe 15 12 a set of instruction...
recite 13 9 to say from memory [...
recode 12 10 to code again [v REC...
recule 14 11 (Spenser) to recoil,...
recure 13 10 to cure again [v REC...
recuse 13 10 to disqualify or cha...
redate 9 7 to change the date [...
reddle 11 9 to colour with a red...
redeye 15 9 a railroad danger si...
rediae 9 7 REDIA, the larva or...
redone 8 8 REDO, to do again [v...
reduce 13 11 to diminish [v REDUC...
reekie 10 10 (Scots) smoky, reeki...
reface 14 12 to repair the outer...
refile 13 10 to file again [v REF...
refine 11 10 to free from impurit...
refire 12 9 to fire again [v REF...
refuge 13 12 to give or take shel...
refuse 12 10 to decline to take o...
refute 12 10 to prove to be false...
regale 11 9 to delight [v REGALE...
regave 12 12 REGIVE, to give agai...
reggae 11 10 a form of popular Ja...
regime 12 11 a system of governme...
regive 13 12 to give again [v REG...
reglue 12 10 to glue again [v REG...
rehire 12 8 to hire again [v REH...
rehome 12 11 to home again [v REH...
relace 13 10 to do up again [v RE...
relate 10 7 to give an account o...
releve 12 11 (French) a raising o...
relide 11 8 RELIE, (obsolete) to...
reline 10 8 to line again [v REL...
relive 13 11 to experience again...
rellie 12 8 (Australian slang) a...
relume 12 11 to light again, also...
remade 10 10 a thing e.g. a golf...
remake 11 13 to make over again [...
remate 10 9 to mate again [v REM...
remble 14 13 to remove [v REMBLED...
remede 10 10 (Scots) to remedy, a...
remise 11 9 to give up a claim t...
remote 10 9 far off [adj REMOTER...
remove 12 13 to transfer to anoth...
rename 9 10 to issue with a new...
renege 9 9 to refuse, deny, als...
repave 13 13 to pave again [v REP...
repine 11 10 to express disconten...
repone 10 10 to restore to office...
repose 11 9 to lie at rest [v RE...
repure 12 10 to purify again, als...
repute 12 10 to consider to be as...
rerise 10 6 to rise again [v RER...
rerose 9 6 RERISE, to rise agai...
resale 10 7 the act of selling a...
rescue 13 10 to free from danger...
reshoe 11 8 to shoe again [v RES...
reside 10 7 to live in a certain...
resile 11 7 to spring back [v RE...
resite 10 6 to move to a differe...
resize 13 15 to size again [v RES...
reskue 11 11 (Spenser) to rescue,...
resole 10 7 to put on new soles...
resume 11 10 to begin again [v RE...
retake 10 10 to take back [v RETO...
retape 11 9 to tape again [v RET...
retene 8 7 a hydrocarbon obtain...
retile 11 7 to tile again [v RET...
retime 11 9 to time again [v RET...
retine 9 7 a substance in cells...
retire 10 6 to withdraw or retre...
retore 9 6 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retree 9 6 in papermaking, dama...
retune 9 8 to tune again [v RET...
retuse 10 7 describing leaves wi...
retype 18 11 to type again [v RET...
reurge 11 9 to press strongly [v...
revere 11 10 to regard with great...
revile 13 11 to assail with bitte...
revise 12 10 to make a new or imp...
revive 14 14 to bring back to lif...
revoke 12 14 to annul by taking b...
revote 11 10 to vote again [v REV...
rewake 13 13 to wake again [v REW...
rewire 13 9 to install new wirin...
rewoke 13 13 REWAKE, to wake agai...
rewore 12 9 REWEAR, to wear agai...
rewove 14 13 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rexine 15 14 (tradename) a kind o...
rezone 11 16 to zone again [v REZ...
rhaphe 16 13 a seamlike ridge bet...
rhodie 12 9 (colloquial) a rhodo...
ribbie 15 12 in baseball, a run b...
ribeye 18 11 a choice cut of beef...
ribibe 15 12 (obsolete) a small t...
ribose 12 9 a pentose sugar [n -...
rickle 16 14 (Scots) a loose heap...
riddle 12 9 to pierce with many...
riffle 16 13 to ruffle, to shuffl...
rimaye 17 11 a bergschrund, a cre...
rimose 11 9 marked by cracks, al...
rimple 15 13 to wrinkle [v RIMPLE...
ripple 16 13 to form small waves...
risque 19 16 a hazard or danger [...
rivage 13 12 (French) a shore, ba...
roadie 9 7 a person who works f...
roarie 9 6 (Scots) noisy, garis...
rollie 12 8 a hand-rolled cigare...
romage 11 11 (Shakespeare) tumult...
ronnie 8 8 (slang) Dublin slang...
roofie 11 9 a tablet of a powerf...
rookie 10 10 a new recruit [n -S]
roomie 10 9 (colloquial) a roomm...
rootle 10 7 to grub [v ROOTLED,...
rosace 12 9 (French) a rosette;...
roscoe 12 9 (US slang) a gun [n...
rotate 9 6 to turn like a wheel...
rotche 15 11 the little auk, also...
rouble 13 11 a monetary unit of t...
rouche 15 12 (French) a frill of...
rounce 12 11 part of a hand print...
rubace 15 13 a kind of ruby-red q...
rubble 16 14 to reduce into piece...
rubine 12 11 (Spenser) a ruby, al...
ruckle 16 15 to wrinkle or crease...
ruddle 12 10 to colour with a red...
ruelle 12 9 the space between a...
ruffle 16 14 to disturb the smoot...
rugate 11 9 wrinkled; covered wi...
rugose 11 9 wrinkled; covered wi...
rumble 15 14 to make a deep, thun...
rumple 15 14 to wrinkle, crease [...
rundle 11 10 a round, a rung of a...
runkle 12 13 to wrinkle, crease [...
rushee 12 9 a college student se...
rusine 10 8 pertaining to a deer...
rustle 12 8 to steal cattle [v R...
rustre 11 7 a lozenge pierced wi...
rutile 12 8 a reddish-brown mine...
sabine 11 10 an evergreen shrub,...
sacque 21 19 a woman's loose-fitt...
saddie 10 8 a dull unsociable pe...
saddle 11 9 to put a leather sea...
sagene 9 9 a network [n -S]
saique 18 16 a Levantine vessel l...
saithe 12 8 the coalfish, also S...
salade 10 8 in medieval armour,...
saline 10 8 a salt solution [n -...
sallee 11 8 a species of acacia...
salpae 12 10 SALPA, a free-swimmi...
saltie 11 7 a deep-sea vessel sa...
salute 11 8 to greet with a sign...
samite 11 9 a rich and heavy sil...
sample 14 13 to test a specimen o...
sannie 8 8 (Scots) a sandshoe [...
sapele 12 10 a tropical timber re...
sapote 11 9 a tropical American...
sapple 15 13 (Scots) to wash clot...
sarape 11 9 (Spanish) a blanket...
sarmie 11 9 (South Africa) a san...
sarnie 9 7 (colloquial) a sandw...
sarode 9 7 (Hindi) an Indian in...
sasine 9 7 (Scots) infeftment,...
satire 10 6 the use of ridicule...
sative 12 10 (obsolete) cultivate...
satyre 16 8 in phrase sea satyre...
saulge 12 10 (Spenser) the plant...
saulie 11 8 (Scots) a hired mour...
savage 12 12 fierce, uncivilized...
savate 11 10 (French) a French fo...
savine 11 11 a species of juniper...
scalae 13 10 SCALA, a machine for...
scarce 16 12 in short supply [adj...
scarre 13 9 (Scots) to scare, al...
scathe 15 11 to injure, also SCAI...
scerne 12 10 (archaic) to discern...
scheme 16 14 to plan or plot [v S...
schmoe 16 14 (Yiddish) a stupid o...
sclate 14 10 (Scots) slate [n -S]...
sclave 16 14 (obsolete) a slave [...
sclere 14 10 a sponge spicule [n...
sconce 15 13 to entrench, to scre...
scopae 14 12 SCOPA, (Latin) a bru...
scorse 13 9 (obsolete) to exchan...
scouse 13 10 a type of meat stew...
scrape 15 12 to rub and make a gr...
scraye 19 11 the tern, also SCRAY...
scribe 16 12 to mark with a point...
scrike 15 13 to shriek, also SHRE...
scrine 13 10 (obsolete) a chest f...
scrive 16 13 to write, esp. with...
scrobe 15 12 a groove [n -S]
scrome 14 12 (dialect) to crawl o...
scrote 13 9 (slang) a worthless...
scruze 17 19 (obsolete) to squeez...
scryde 20 12 SCRY, to engage in c...
scryne 19 12 (Spenser) a chest fo...
sculle 16 12 (obsolete) a school,...
scunge 14 13 to slink about [v SC...
scythe 22 13 to cut with a single...
sdaine 9 8 (obsolete) to disdai...
seance 11 10 (French) a session o...
searce 12 9 (obsolete) to sift [...
sebate 11 9 a salt of sebacic ac...
secede 12 10 to withdraw formally...
seckle 15 14 a small reddish brow...
secure 13 10 free from danger [ad...
sedate 9 7 calm, self-possessed...
sedile 11 8 (Latin) a seat in a...
seduce 13 11 to lead astray [v SE...
seelie 10 7 good benevolent fair...
seethe 11 8 to surge or foam as...
seiche 15 11 (French) a rocking m...
selfie 13 10 (Australian) a photo...
selkie 12 11 (Scots) a seal, also...
sellae 11 8 SELLA, an area in th...
semble 14 13 to bring together, a...
sememe 11 12 the smallest unanaly...
semple 14 13 of humble birth [adj...
sempre 13 12 (Italian) in the sam...
senate 8 7 a governing body [n...
senile 10 8 deteriorated with ag...
serape 11 9 (Spanish) a blanket...
serene 8 7 calm, tranquil [adj...
serine 9 7 a polar amino acid f...
serrae 9 6 SERRA, (Latin) a saw...
sesame 10 9 (Arabic) a plant nat...
setose 9 6 thickly set with bri...
settee 9 6 a long seat with a h...
settle 11 7 to place in a desire...
setule 11 8 a small bristle [n -...
severe 11 10 strict, harsh [adj S...
sewage 13 11 the waste matter car...
shavie 14 12 (Scots) a trick [n -...
sheave 13 12 to gather into a bun...
sheeve 13 12 the wheel of a pulle...
shelve 15 13 to place on a shelf;...
shikse 14 12 (Yiddish) a non-Jewi...
shinne 11 10 (archaic) chin [n -S...
shoole 12 9 (dialect) to saunter...
shoppe 16 14 a small store [n -S]
shotte 12 8 a young pig, esp. on...
shouse 12 9 (Australian slang) a...
shrike 14 12 to shriek, also SCRI...
shrine 12 9 to place on an altar...
shrive 15 12 to hear a confession...
shrove 14 12 to celebrate Shrovet...
sickee 14 13 a day off work, also...
sickie 15 13 a day off work, also...
sickle 16 14 to harvest with a si...
siecle 14 10 (French) a century,...
siffle 16 13 to whistle, hiss [v...
signee 10 9 a signer of a docume...
silage 12 9 to harvest and store...
silane 10 8 a gas, silicon hydri...
silene 10 8 a flowering plant of...
silkie 13 11 (Scots) a seal, also...
silvae 13 11 SILVA, the forest tr...
simile 13 10 a figure of speech,...
simple 15 13 straightforward, als...
single 12 10 to select from a gro...
sipple 16 13 to sip at leisure [v...
sirree 10 6 (US) a mode of addre...
sithee 12 8 (dialect) see thee!,...
sizzle 18 25 to fry with a hissin...
skeane 9 11 a length of yarn wou...
skivie 14 14 (Scots) deranged, as...
sklate 12 11 (Scots) to cover wit...
skrike 13 14 (dialect) to shriek,...
sleave 12 11 to separate into fin...
sleaze 13 16 to behave in a sleaz...
sledge 12 10 to convey on a type...
sleeve 12 11 to supply with an ar...
slieve 13 11 (Irish) a mountain [...
sludge 13 11 to cover with a mudd...
sluice 15 11 to wash with a sudde...
slurve 14 12 a type of pitch in b...
smeuse 11 10 (dialect) a space th...
smidge 13 12 a very small amount,...
smoile 12 10 (obsolete) to smile,...
smokie 12 13 (Scots) a smoked had...
smooge 11 11 (Australian slang) t...
smouse 11 10 (Yiddish) to trade a...
smoyle 18 12 (obsolete) to smile,...
smudge 13 13 to smear or dirty [v...
snaste 9 7 (dialect) a wick; a...
snathe 11 9 the curved handle of...
snebbe 13 13 to reprimand, also S...
sneeze 11 16 to make a sudden exp...
snoose 8 7 chewing tobacco [n -...
snooze 11 16 to sleep lightly [v...
snubbe 14 14 (archaic) a snub [n...
snudge 11 11 to be snug and quiet...
soapie 11 9 a serial melodrama o...
sobole 12 10 a creeping undergrou...
socage 13 11 a form of feudal lan...
soddie 10 8 a house built of sod...
softie 12 9 a sentimental person...
soigne 10 9 carefully done, also...
soiree 9 6 (French) an evening...
solace 13 10 to console [v SOLACE...
solate 10 7 to convert or be con...
solive 13 11 a joist or beam of s...
solute 11 8 the minor component...
sombre 13 12 gloomy, dark [adj SO...
somite 11 9 a body segment of so...
sonsie 9 7 buxom, comely, also...
soogee 9 8 to clean a ship's de...
soogie 10 8 to clean a ship's de...
soothe 11 8 to calm, or comfort...
sopite 12 9 to put to sleep [v S...
sorage 10 8 a hawk in its first...
sortie 10 6 to attack suddenly f...
souple 13 11 to make supple [v SO...
source 13 10 to originate from [v...
sourse 10 7 (Spenser) a source [...
soutie 10 7 (South African) dero...
sowsse 13 9 (Spenser) to souse,...
sozine 12 16 a type of protein, a...
sozzle 17 25 to intoxicate [v SOZ...
spahee 13 11 (Turkish) formerly,...
spalle 14 11 (Spenser) the should...
sparge 13 11 to sprinkle (with mo...
sparke 13 13 (Spenser) a weapon o...
sparre 12 9 (archaic) a spar, a...
sparse 12 9 thinly distributed [...
spathe 14 11 a large sheath-like...
spavie 14 13 (Scots) spavin, a di...
specie 15 12 (Latin) coined money...
speise 12 9 (German) a metallic...
spence 14 13 a pantry, also SPENS...
spense 11 10 a pantry, also SPENC...
sperre 12 9 (Spenser) to bolt, b...
sperse 12 9 (archaic) to dispers...
sphene 13 12 the mineral titanite...
sphere 14 11 to form into a type...
spicae 15 12 SPICA, (Latin) a ban...
spinae 11 10 SPINA, (Latin) the s...
splake 14 14 a freshwater fish [n...
splice 17 13 to join at both ends...
spline 13 11 to provide with a ke...
splore 13 10 (Scots) a frolic, a...
sponge 12 12 to wipe with absorbe...
spouse 12 10 a wife or husband [n...
sprite 13 9 an elf or fairy [n -...
spruce 16 13 smart, dapper [adj S...
spulye 20 13 (Scots) to plunder,...
spunge 13 13 (obsolete) a sponge...
spurge 14 12 a plant of genus Eup...
spurne 12 11 (Spenser) to spur [v...
squame 19 19 a scale, also SQUAMA...
square 18 16 rigidly conventional...
squire 19 16 an English or Irish...
stable 13 10 well-founded [adj ST...
stacte 13 9 a sweet-smelling spi...
stance 12 10 a manner of standing...
stanze 12 16 (Shakespeare) a stan...
staple 13 10 to fasten with a U-s...
starve 12 10 to die from lack of...
statue 10 7 a three-dimensional...
stayne 15 9 (Spenser) to stain [...
stayre 16 8 (Spenser) a stair [n...
steale 10 7 (Scots) a handle, al...
steane 8 7 to line e.g. a well...
steare 9 6 (archaic) a steer, a...
stedde 10 8 (Spenser) to stead,...
steeve 11 10 (Scots) firm, also S...
stelae 10 7 STELA, an inscribed...
stemme 12 12 (Spenser) to encircl...
steppe 14 12 (Russian) one of the...
sterve 12 10 (Spenser) to starve,...
stieve 12 10 (Scots) stiff, firm,...
stifle 14 10 to smother [v STIFLE...
stigme 13 11 (Greek) a dot used a...
stimie 12 9 to thwart, stump, or...
stinge 11 9 a stingy person [n -...
stirre 11 6 (Shakespeare) probab...
stobie 12 9 as in stobie pole, a...
stodge 11 9 to stuff full of foo...
stogie 11 8 a long, slender ciga...
stonne 8 8 (obsolete) to stun,...
stooge 10 8 to act as a comedian...
stoope 11 9 (Shakespeare) a vess...
stooze 12 15 to borrow money at a...
storge 11 8 (Greek) natural or p...
stoure 10 7 (archaic) tumult, di...
stowre 13 9 (Scots) a battle ass...
strafe 12 9 (German) to attack w...
strake 11 10