12 letter words that end with E

12 letter words that end with E

12 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abbreviature 26 23 (French) an abridgem...
absquatulate 31 27 to decamp [v ABSQUAT...
abstractable 28 22 capable of being abs...
accelerative 28 23 tending to cause acc...
acciaccature 32 25 ACCIACCATURA, (Itali...
acclimatable 31 26 that can be acclimat...
accommodable 30 29 that can be accommod...
accreditable 29 23 capable of being acc...
accumulative 31 28 tending or given to...
acetaldehyde 31 22 a chemical compound...
acetonitrile 23 17 a chemical compound...
acquaintance 32 30 the state of being a...
acquiescence 36 32 the act of acquiesci...
actinomycete 32 24 a filamentous microo...
adjudicative 28 31 relating to adjudica...
adminiculate 25 22 to support by corrob...
administrate 21 17 to administer [v ADM...
adrenochrome 24 22 a mixture of quinone...
adverbialise 25 21 to give the characte...
adverbialize 28 30 to give the characte...
aecidiospore 24 19 a spore produced in...
aeromedicine 22 20 a branch of medicine...
aerosiderite 19 13 an iron meteorite [n...
aestheticise 25 17 to make beautiful, a...
aestheticize 28 26 to make beautiful, a...
aethrioscope 26 20 an instrument for me...
affectionate 25 22 having affection or...
afforestable 26 22 that can be afforest...
agalmatolite 23 19 a soapstone or other...
agglutinable 26 23 able to be agglutina...
agranulocyte 30 22 a blood disorder in...
ailourophile 26 20 a cat-lover, also AI...
ailourophobe 26 22 one with a morbid fe...
aldermanlike 23 23 like an alderman [ad...
alimentative 23 21 nourishing [adj]
alkalescence 27 25 the state of being a...
alliterative 24 18 of, relating to, or...
amalgamative 25 25 tending to amalgamat...
ameliorative 23 20 tending to ameliorat...
amphidentate 24 22 of a ligand, able to...
amphisbaenae 25 24 AMPHISBAENA, a worm-...
amphitheatre 27 22 an oval or circular...
anaesthetise 20 15 to subject to anaest...
anaesthetize 23 24 to subject to anaest...
anathematise 21 18 to subject to anathe...
anathematize 24 27 to subject to anathe...
anchorpeople 28 25 ANCHORPERSON, an anc...
andouillette 21 17 (French) a kind of p...
androsterone 17 15 an androgenic steroi...
annihilative 24 21 tending to annihilat...
annunciative 23 23 relating to annuncia...
anthranilate 21 17 a salt or ester of a...
anticipative 27 23 of anticipation [adj...
anticreative 24 20 stultifying creativi...
antifeminine 21 21 opposed to women [ad...
antiliterate 20 14 opposed to literacy...
antimetabole 22 20 repetition of words...
antiparticle 26 20 the 'pair' of an ele...
antipleasure 22 18 opposed to pleasure...
antiviolence 24 22 opposed to violence...
aplanogamete 22 22 a nonmotile gamete [...
apostrophise 26 20 to address an inamin...
apostrophize 29 29 to address by or in...
apperceptive 31 28 relating to appercep...
appoggiature 26 23 APPOGGIATURA, (Itali...
appreciative 29 25 having or showing ap...
apprehensive 27 25 fearful [adj APPREHE...
approachable 31 27 capable of being app...
appropriable 29 25 capable of being app...
appurtenance 25 24 a subordinate or adj...
arachnophobe 29 26 one with a morbid fe...
araeosystyle 32 17 a building or colonn...
arborescence 26 22 shape or growth like...
archegoniate 24 20 having archegonia [a...
archiphoneme 29 26 an abstract linguist...
architecture 29 21 the art or science o...
arfvedsonite 23 21 (Swedish) an iron-ri...
arsenopyrite 27 18 arsenical iron pyrit...
arsphenamine 23 22 another name for sal...
articulative 27 21 relating to articula...
asparaginase 21 18 an enzyme that cause...
assemblaunce 26 24 (Spenser) an assembl...
asseverative 23 20 relating to assevera...
assimilative 25 20 of, relating to, or...
attitudinise 21 15 to assume affected a...
attitudinize 24 24 to assume an affecte...
attributable 26 20 capable of being att...
augmentative 23 23 serving to augment [...
auscultative 27 22 related to auscultat...
authenticate 24 19 to prove or serve to...
authorisable 25 19 capable of being aut...
authorizable 28 28 capable of being aut...
autocatalyse 29 19 to effect autocataly...
autocatalyze 32 28 to subject to autoca...
autocritique 32 26 (French) self-critic...
autoexposure 27 24 a system for automat...
azathioprine 26 27 a synthetic drug use...
babingtonite 24 22 a triclinic basic si...
bachelorette 27 21 an unmarried woman [...
ballanwrasse 26 21 a species of wrasse,...
basidiospore 24 19 a spore produced by...
beaumontague 22 23 a composition for hi...
belligerence 27 23 an aggressive or tru...
benzaldehyde 33 32 oil of bitter almond...
benzoapyrene 30 31 a carcinogenetic hyd...
benzophenone 25 32 a colorless crystall...
benzoquinone 30 37 quinone [n -S]
bequeathable 34 31 capable of being beq...
bertillonage 24 20 (French) a system of...
betacarotene 22 19 a nutrient found in...
biauriculate 27 21 having two auricles...
bibliothecae 30 24 BIBLIOTHECA, a colle...
biflagellate 28 23 having two flagella...
billingsgate 27 22 coarsely abusive lan...
bioavailable 27 24 relating to bioavail...
biopesticide 28 22 a biological pestici...
biosatellite 24 17 an artificial satell...
bismuthinite 27 22 a grey mineral consi...
blastosphere 27 21 a blastula [n -S]
blatherskite 27 22 (Scots) a garrulous...
bletherskate 26 22 (Scots) a garrulous...
borosilicate 26 19 a salt of boric and...
breaststroke 23 19 a swimming-stroke pe...
brevipennate 24 24 having short wings [...
brilliantine 24 19 a perfumed hair oil...
bronchoscope 31 27 an instrument for ex...
businesslike 25 22 exhibiting qualities...
calorescence 28 23 the transmutation of...
canaliculate 27 22 grooved or channelle...
capercaillie 30 23 (Gaelic) a large Sco...
capercailzie 32 31 (Gaelic) a large Sco...
carbohydrase 33 23 any of a group of en...
carbohydrate 33 23 a compound of carbon...
carriageable 26 21 that can be conveyed...
cathiodermie 26 21 a beauty treatment f...
centrosphere 26 21 the central part of...
centumvirate 26 24 a body of a hundred...
centuplicate 29 24 to centuple [v CENTU...
chalcanthite 31 24 native hydrated copp...
chalcogenide 29 25 a binary compound of...
chalcopyrite 38 26 copper pyrites, a ye...
chalicothere 31 23 an extinct three-toe...
chapterhouse 29 23 the building attache...
characterise 28 20 to give a character...
characterize 31 29 to describe the char...
chimneypiece 37 29 an ornamental constr...
chivalresque 37 32 relating to or conne...
chondriosome 25 22 an old name for a mi...
chondrophore 28 24 a medusoid hydrozoan...
chromocentre 28 24 a densely staining a...
chromosphere 30 25 the region of the at...
chronologise 26 21 to arrange in chrono...
chronologize 29 30 to arrange in chrono...
churchpeople 36 30 people who attend ch...
cicatrichule 34 25 a white spot, the ge...
cinchonidine 27 24 an alkaloid that is...
cinematheque 33 31 a small movie theate...
circassienne 25 20 a kind of light cash...
circulatable 31 24 capable of being cir...
circumcentre 31 26 the point at which t...
circumcircle 37 29 a circle which passe...
circumfusile 33 27 molten; poured aroun...
circumgyrate 36 26 to whirl or roll rou...
circumlocute 33 27 to use circumlocutio...
circumnutate 28 24 to proceed with a sp...
circumscribe 35 28 to draw a line aroun...
circumstance 31 26 a condition, fact, o...
citriculture 30 21 the cultivation of c...
clairvoyance 34 26 the power of seeing...
clamjamphrie 33 36 (Scots) rubbish, non...
classifiable 30 23 capable of being cla...
clotheshorse 28 20 a frame on which to...
cockieleekie 28 27 (Scots) soup made fr...
codependence 25 25 joint dependence of...
coelenterate 21 17 a classification of...
coleorrhizae 28 27 COLEORRHIZA, a sheat...
collectivise 31 24 to give a collectivi...
collectivize 34 33 to give a collectivi...
collectorate 27 20 the office of collec...
colliquative 36 31 profuse in flow; was...
commemorable 28 28 able to be commemora...
commensurate 24 23 corresponding in siz...
commiserable 28 25 able to be commisera...
communicable 31 30 capable of being com...
communicatee 27 26 one who is communica...
communitaire 25 23 one with a spirit or...
companionate 23 23 relating to or havin...
compellative 30 27 compellation [n -S]
compensative 27 26 relating to compensa...
complaisance 29 26 wishing to please or...
complicative 33 29 tending to complicat...
compoundable 28 28 that can be compound...
compressible 30 25 capable of being com...
compulsative 30 27 (Shakespeare) compul...
computerlike 29 27 like a computer [adj...
concelebrate 27 23 to jointly recite th...
conciliative 29 24 serving to conciliat...
concomitance 28 26 accompaniment [n -S]
concorporate 26 22 (archaic) to unite i...
concrescence 30 26 a growing together [...
conditionate 21 18 (obsolete) to act as...
conduplicate 29 25 folded lengthwise wi...
confirmative 28 26 tending to confirm [...
confoundable 26 26 capable of being con...
conglobulate 27 24 to form into a ball...
conglomerate 24 22 to gather into a bal...
conglutinate 24 21 to glue or join toge...
congratulate 24 20 to express pleasure...
congregative 26 24 collecting together...
conidiophore 26 22 a hypha that produce...
conidiospore 24 20 a conidium [n -S]
conjunctivae 29 34 CONJUNCTIVA, (Latin)...
conscientise 25 20 to make (someone) aw...
conscientize 28 29 to make (someone) aw...
conscionable 27 24 (obsolete) governed...
consecrative 27 23 serving to consecrat...
consentience 23 21 agreement [n -S]
conservatise 24 20 to grow conservative...
conservative 26 24 tending to conserve...
conservatize 27 29 to grow conservative...
considerable 25 21 to a high degree [ad...
considerance 24 21 (archaic) considerat...
constitutive 26 21 having the power to...
constrictive 29 23 serving to constrict...
constructive 29 24 serving to construct...
constructure 27 21 a construction [n -S...
consultative 26 22 relating to consulta...
consummative 27 27 serving to consummat...
containerise 21 17 to ship by container...
containerize 24 26 to ship by container...
contaminable 25 24 able to be contamina...
contemplable 29 27 able to be contempla...
contemporise 25 22 to make contemporary...
contemporize 28 31 to make contemporary...
contemptible 29 26 worthy of contempt [...
conterminate 22 20 adjacent, end to end...
continuative 24 22 continuing [adj CONT...
contractable 28 23 that can be contract...
contractible 29 23 that can be contract...
contraoctave 26 23 the musical octave t...
contrariwise 26 19 on the contrary [adj...
contrastable 25 20 able to be contraste...
contributive 28 24 relating to contribu...
contriturate 23 17 to pulverize [v CONT...
controllable 27 22 able to be controlle...
conversative 26 24 ready to talk [adj]
coordinative 24 21 serving to coordinat...
copolymerise 33 24 to make into a copol...
copolymerize 36 33 to make into a copol...
corporealise 25 19 to make corporeal, a...
corporealize 28 28 to make corporeal, a...
correctitude 27 20 correctness or propr...
correlatable 26 20 capable of being cor...
corroborable 27 22 able to be corrobora...
counsellable 27 23 able to be counselle...
counterargue 23 20 to argue against [v...
counterbrace 27 23 to brace or fasten (...
counterforce 27 23 an opposing force [n...
counterimage 24 22 a corresponding imag...
counterpeise 24 20 (obsolete) to counte...
counterpoise 24 20 to poise, balance or...
counterstate 22 17 to state in oppositi...
counterstyle 30 20 an opposing style [n...
countertrade 22 18 to trade by barter [...
courtierlike 26 21 like a courtier [adj...
craftspeople 30 25 workers who practice...
cristobalite 27 19 a variety of silica...
criticisable 31 22 able to be criticise...
criticizable 34 31 able to be criticize...
cryopreserve 33 24 to preserve by freez...
cultivatable 30 25 that can be cultivat...
curliewurlie 30 22 (Scots) a twisted or...
curvicaudate 29 25 having a curvy tail...
curvicostate 29 23 having curved ribs [...
curvifoliate 29 24 having curved leaves...
customshouse 27 22 an office or residen...
cyberathlete 34 23 a professional playe...
cyclandelate 33 24 a drug whose effect...
cyclopentane 33 26 a colourless insolub...
cyclopropane 36 28 a flammable gaseous...
cyclosporine 35 25 an immunosuppressive...
cyclostomate 34 24 of or like a cyclost...
cytomembrane 32 27 one of the cellular...
daydreamlike 29 24 like a daydream [adj...
dearticulate 24 18 to disjoint [v DEART...
debilitative 26 21 weakening [adj]
decaffeinate 25 23 to remove caffeine f...
decalescence 28 24 the point in heating...
decapitalise 26 20 to remove capital fr...
decapitalize 29 29 to remove capital fr...
decasyllable 34 24 a line with ten syll...
decentralise 23 18 to withdraw from the...
decentralize 26 27 to withdraw from the...
dechlorinate 25 20 to remove chlorine f...
decipherable 30 25 capable of being dec...
decitizenise 26 26 to deprive of citize...
decitizenize 29 35 to deprive of citize...
decompensate 24 23 to fail to compensat...
decomposable 28 26 that can be decompos...
decongestive 25 23 DECONGEST, to reliev...
deconsecrate 24 20 to remove the sacred...
defenestrate 20 17 to throw out of a wi...
defibrillate 27 21 to apply a defibrill...
deflocculate 30 25 to deprive of floccu...
degenerative 21 20 of, relating to, inv...
degringolade 22 20 (French) to make a r...
delegitimise 24 19 to deprive of legiti...
delegitimize 27 28 to deprive of legiti...
deliberative 25 21 relating to delibera...
delimitative 25 21 serving to delimit [...
delitescence 26 21 latence [n -S]
demilitarise 23 17 to deprive of a mili...
demilitarize 26 26 to deprive of a mili...
demimondaine 20 22 (French) a demirep,...
demineralise 21 18 to remove the minera...
demineralize 24 27 to remove the minera...
demonetarise 19 17 to abandon as a mone...
demonetarize 22 26 to abandon as a mone...
demonstrable 23 21 capable of being dem...
denaturalise 20 16 to make unnatural, a...
denaturalize 23 25 to make unnatural, a...
denominative 21 22 giving a title [adj...
denuclearise 23 19 to make nonnuclear,...
denuclearize 26 28 to make nonnuclear,...
denunciative 24 23 relating to denuncia...
deoppilative 27 24 any drug which remov...
deoxycortone 33 26 a corticosteroid hor...
depoliticise 27 20 to remove the politi...
depoliticize 30 29 to remove the politi...
depolymerise 30 22 to break a large mol...
depolymerize 33 31 to break a large mol...
depreciative 27 23 tending to depreciat...
depressurise 23 17 to reduce the air pr...
depressurize 26 26 to reduce the air pr...
dermatophyte 31 23 a fungus parasitic o...
desiderative 22 18 implying desire [adj...
desoxyribose 34 25 a pentose sugar obta...
desquamative 31 30 serving to desquamat...
destructible 28 21 capable of being des...
desulphurate 26 21 to remove sulphur fr...
desulphurise 27 21 to remove the sulphu...
desulphurize 30 30 to remove the sulphu...
detectophone 25 22 a secret telephone f...
determinable 23 21 capable of being det...
detumescence 26 24 diminution of swelli...
deuterostome 20 17 any of a major divis...
dextrogyrate 33 24 causing to turn to t...
diagnoseable 22 20 capable of being dia...
diagrammable 26 25 capable of being dia...
diazomethane 24 28 a yellow odourless e...
dibranchiate 27 22 having two gills [ad...
dichroiscope 31 24 an instrument for in...
dichrooscope 30 24 an instrument for ex...
diethylamide 31 22 as in lysergic acid...
diethylamine 30 22 a liquid resembling...
differentiae 23 20 DIFFERENTIA, a prope...
diffrangible 29 26 capable of being dif...
diminishable 27 23 that can be diminish...
dinucleotide 24 20 a nucleotide consist...
diphthongise 28 23 to make into a dipht...
diphthongize 31 32 to make into a dipht...
disaccharide 29 22 any sugar that consi...
disadvantage 22 21 to place at a disadv...
disadventure 22 20 (Spenser) a mishap,...
disaffiliate 26 20 to end an affiliatio...
disaggregate 23 19 to separate into com...
disagreeable 23 19 causing discomfort [...
disallowable 28 22 that can be disallow...
disallowance 27 22 the act of disallowi...
disambiguate 25 22 to establish a singl...
disassociate 23 16 to separate from ass...
disauthorise 23 16 to deprive of author...
disauthorize 26 25 to deprive of author...
discerptible 30 23 able to be separated...
discomfiture 28 23 the act of discomfit...
discomposure 27 23 lackof composure [n...
disconsolate 23 18 cheerless [adj DISCO...
discorporate 25 19 to deprive (a corpor...
discountable 26 22 set apart for discou...
discourteise 24 17 (Spenser) discourteo...
discoverable 28 24 that can be discover...
discoverture 26 21 the state of being d...
discriminate 25 20 discriminating [adj...
disembrangle 25 23 (obsolete) to free f...
disfranchise 28 22 to deprive of franch...
disharmonise 23 19 to put out of harmon...
disharmonize 26 28 to put out of harmon...
dishonorable 24 20 lacking honor, also...
disincentive 25 22 a deterrent [n -S]
disintegrate 21 16 to break or decompos...
disintricate 24 17 to free from intrica...
dismountable 24 22 capable of being dis...
disobedience 24 21 refusal or neglect t...
disorientate 19 14 to cause to lose a s...
dispauperise 25 20 to free from pauperd...
dispauperize 28 29 to free from pauperd...
dispensative 24 21 granting dispensatio...
displaceable 29 24 capable of being dis...
displeasance 25 21 (Spenser) displeasur...
disprivilege 28 23 to deprive of a priv...
dispropriate 25 19 (obsolete) to disapp...
disquisitive 33 27 of or like a disquis...
disreputable 26 21 not reputable [adj D...
dissemblance 27 24 the act of dissembli...
dissentience 22 18 the state of being d...
dissertative 23 17 relating to disserta...
disseverance 24 21 the act of disseveri...
dissocialise 25 17 to make unsocial, al...
dissocialize 28 26 to make unsocial, al...
dissociative 26 20 serving to dissociat...
distemperate 23 19 not temperate [adj]
distractable 27 20 that can be distract...
distractible 28 20 that can be distract...
distrainable 23 18 capable of being dis...
distributive 27 21 relating to distribu...
disturbative 26 21 serving to disturb [...
ditransitive 23 18 a verb able to take...
documentable 26 25 capable of being doc...
domesticable 27 23 capable of being dom...
doughnutlike 26 25 like a doughnut [adj...
downloadable 25 23 capable of being dow...
dramatisable 24 20 capable of being dra...
dramatizable 27 29 capable of being dra...
drumbledrane 24 23 (dialect) a bumble b...
dumortierite 22 17 (French) an orthorho...
ebracteolate 24 19 without bracteoles [...
ebullioscope 29 24 an instrument for me...
ectoparasite 24 18 a parasite that live...
editorialise 21 14 to introduce persona...
editorialize 24 23 to introduce persona...
educationese 21 18 the jargon used esp....
edulcorative 26 22 serving to edulcorat...
electrophile 29 22 an electrophilic sub...
electrophone 26 22 any instrument whose...
electroplate 26 20 to plate with an adh...
electroscope 28 22 an instrument for de...
electrosonde 22 18 a sonde for measurin...
emancipative 27 26 serving to emancipat...
emasculative 27 24 tending to emasculat...
embourgeoise 23 21 to cause to become b...
emollescence 27 24 incipient fusion [n...
emotionalise 20 17 to make emotional, a...
emotionalize 23 26 to make emotional, a...
empassionate 21 19 (Spenser) impassione...
emulsifiable 28 24 capable of being emu...
endonuclease 21 20 an enzyme that cuts...
endoparasite 20 17 a parasite that live...
endoperoxide 26 25 any of various biosy...
enterchaunge 24 22 (obsolete) to interc...
enterokinase 18 18 an enzyme esp. of th...
entomofaunae 19 21 ENTOMOFAUNA, (Latin)...
entomologise 21 19 to practise entomolo...
entomologize 24 28 to practise entomolo...
equestrienne 26 24 a girl or woman who...
equidistance 31 27 equality of distance...
equimultiple 35 31 a number multiplied...
equipollence 34 31 the quality of being...
equiprobable 35 32 having the same degr...
espagnolette 22 19 (French) the fasteni...
essentialise 20 14 to express or formul...
essentialize 23 23 to express or formul...
ethanolamine 21 20 a colorless liquid a...
etheostomine 21 18 of or like the Etheo...
ethnoscience 26 22 the study of a cultu...
ethoxyethane 34 26 a type of ether, aka...
ethylbenzene 32 31 a liquid aromatic hy...
exaggerative 29 27 tending to exaggerat...
exasperative 29 26 causing exasperation...
exchangeable 33 31 capable of being exc...
excogitative 32 28 relating to excogita...
excursionise 29 24 to go on an excursio...
excursionize 32 33 to go on an excursio...
exhilarative 31 26 tending to exhilarat...
exopeptidase 29 26 any of a group of en...
exploitative 31 27 serving to exploit,...
exprobrative 32 29 expressing reproach,...
expropriable 33 29 that can be expropri...
exsanguinate 25 24 to drain blood from...
exsufflicate 35 30 (Shakespeare) puffed...
exterminable 29 27 that can be extermin...
extortionate 24 20 characterized by ext...
extraditable 29 24 subject or liable to...
extramundane 25 26 beyond the known uni...
extrasystole 33 22 a premature beat of...
extrauterine 25 21 situated or occurrin...
extravagance 30 29 an instance of exces...
extraversive 30 27 turning outwards [ad...
extremophile 32 28 an organism that liv...
extroversive 30 27 characterised by ext...
facilitative 29 23 serving to facilitat...
factionalise 25 20 to split into factio...
factionalize 28 29 to split into factio...
fairnitickle 28 24 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fairnytickle 34 26 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fantasticate 24 19 to fantasize over so...
feldspathose 27 22 of or like feldspar,...
fermentative 24 23 causing or consistin...
ferricyanide 31 22 a salt of hydroferri...
ferrocyanide 30 22 a salt of hydroferro...
fertilisable 27 20 capable of being fer...
fertilizable 30 29 capable of being fer...
fictionalise 26 20 to make fictional, a...
fictionalize 29 29 to make fictional, a...
fiddledeedee 22 20 an exclamation of im...
fissicostate 26 18 having divided ribs...
fissipalmate 27 22 of some birds' feet,...
flittermouse 25 20 (dialect) a bat [n F...
floriculture 29 22 the cultivation and...
fluorapatite 25 20 a mineral consisting...
fluoresceine 25 21 a fluorescent dyestu...
fluorescence 28 24 visible light emitte...
fluorochrome 29 25 any of various fluor...
fluphenazine 29 33 a tranquilizer used...
fluviomarine 26 25 of deposits, formed...
forecarriage 25 20 the front part of a...
forecastable 27 22 that can be forecast...
foreclosable 28 23 that can be foreclos...
foreknowable 27 27 that can be known in...
foretriangle 23 19 the triangular area...
formaldehyde 32 25 a formic aldehyde, f...
formalisable 27 23 capable of being for...
formalizable 30 32 capable of being for...
fortresslike 25 20 like a fortress [adj...
fossilisable 27 20 that can be fossilis...
fossilizable 30 29 that can be fossiliz...
frankincense 24 25 a sweet-smelling res...
frequentable 32 30 that can be frequent...
frondescence 26 24 the formation of lea...
frontispiece 27 22 an illustration at t...
furazolidone 25 28 an antimicrobial dru...
galactagogue 26 23 a medicine that prom...
galvanoscope 27 26 an instrument for de...
gerontophile 25 21 a person who experie...
gerontophobe 25 23 one with a morbid fe...
glaucescence 30 26 the state of being g...
globigerinae 24 21 GLOBIGERINA, a minut...
glutethimide 27 22 a sedative drug with...
glycopeptide 36 27 any of the compounds...
glyptothecae 35 25 GLYPTOTHECA, a place...
grammaticise 27 23 to make grammatical,...
grammaticize 30 32 to make grammatical,...
granodiorite 20 16 an igneous plutonic...
grossularite 23 16 a garnet containing...
grotesquerie 29 24 (French) grotesque o...
guanethidine 22 20 a drug used in the t...
happenchance 32 30 a circumstance esp....
happenstance 27 25 a circumstance esp....
hardscrabble 31 25 a great effort made...
harlequinade 30 27 (French) part of a p...
harmoniphone 25 24 a keyboard wind inst...
harmonisable 25 22 that can be harmonis...
harmonizable 28 31 capable of being har...
haussmannise 22 20 to open out, general...
haussmannize 25 29 to open out, general...
heliogravure 26 22 photogravure [n -S]
hellgrammite 28 24 the large brown aqua...
hemichordate 28 23 a kind of marine wor...
hemimorphite 29 25 an orthorhombic hydr...
hemiparasite 25 20 a parasitic plant ca...
hereinbefore 24 21 in the preceding par...
heterogamete 22 19 male and female sex...
heterozygote 31 27 a heterozygous indiv...
hexachloride 34 28 a chloride containin...
hexafluoride 31 27 a chemical compound...
hispaniolise 25 19 to make Spanish, als...
hispaniolize 28 28 to make Spanish, als...
homocysteine 31 23 a kind of amino acid...
horticulture 28 20 the science and art...
hybridisable 35 24 capable of being hyb...
hybridizable 38 33 capable of being hyb...
hydnocarpate 32 24 any salt or ester of...
hydrastinine 28 19 a colourless crystal...
hydrolysable 39 24 that can be hydrolys...
hydrolyzable 42 33 that can be hydrolyz...
hydromedusae 29 22 HYDROMEDUSA, a hydro...
hydrophilite 35 23 native calcium chlor...
hydroquinone 35 29 another name for qui...
hydrozincite 35 30 a monoclinic basic c...
hyperintense 29 21 excessively intense...
hypermutable 35 27 excessively mutable...
hypersurface 36 26 a figure that is the...
hypertensive 32 24 suffering from or ca...
hypnotisable 33 24 capable of being hyp...
hypnotizable 36 33 capable of being hyp...
hypochlorite 37 25 a salt of hypochloro...
hyposulphate 36 26 a dithionate [n -S]
hyposulphite 37 26 a salt of hyposulphu...
hypoxanthine 37 30 a purine base found...
identifiable 25 21 that can be identifi...
illegitimate 25 19 not recognized as la...
illiberalise 26 18 to render illiberal,...
illiberalize 29 27 to render illiberal,...
illuminative 26 23 of, relating to, or...
illustrative 26 19 serving to illustrat...
immeasurable 25 23 incapable of being m...
immensurable 25 24 immeasurable [adj]
impassionate 22 19 impassioned, also EM...
impenetrable 25 23 incapable of being p...
imperceptive 31 28 not perceptive [adj...
imperfective 31 28 expressing action as...
imperforable 28 25 not able to be perfo...
imperishable 29 24 not perishable or su...
impermanence 25 26 the state of being i...
impertinence 25 23 impudence; lack of p...
impierceable 29 25 (obsolete) not pierc...
imponderable 25 24 not ponderable [adj...
imposthumate 27 24 to form or inflict a...
imprisonable 26 23 capable of being imp...
improvidence 28 27 the state of being i...
inabstinence 23 21 lack of abstinence [...
inaccessible 29 23 not accessible [adj...
inadmissible 25 21 not admissible [adj...
inadvertence 23 22 negligence, oversigh...
inappeasable 25 23 not capable of being...
inappellable 28 25 incapable of being a...
inapplicable 31 27 not applicable [adj...
inarticulate 24 18 not articulate, also...
incalculable 31 26 not capable of being...
incalescence 28 24 the process or actio...
incapacitate 27 22 to make legally inca...
incharitable 28 22 lacking charity, als...
incoagulable 27 24 incapable of coagula...
incogitative 26 22 unthinking, thoughtl...
incognisable 26 23 that cannot be known...
incognisance 25 23 failure to recognise...
incognizable 29 32 that cannot be known...
incognizance 28 32 failure to recognise...
incommutable 28 27 that cannot be commu...
incomparable 28 26 eminent beyond compa...
incompatible 29 26 incapable of associa...
incompetence 27 26 the state or fact of...
incompliance 29 27 lack of compliance,...
incomputable 29 27 not computable [adj...
inconclusive 29 26 leading to no conclu...
incongruence 25 24 lack of congruence [...
inconsolable 25 22 incapable of being c...
inconsonance 22 22 lack of consonance o...
inconsumable 26 25 not capable of being...
incontinence 23 22 the state of being i...
incoordinate 21 18 not coordinate [adj]
incorporable 27 23 capable of being inc...
incorrigible 28 22 incapable of being c...
incorrodible 26 21 not corrodible, also...
incorrosible 26 20 not corrosible, also...
incorruptive 28 24 incapable of being c...
incrassative 25 20 a drug used to incra...
indeclinable 26 23 having no grammatica...
indefeasible 24 21 not capable of being...
indefectible 28 24 not subject to failu...
indefensible 24 22 incapable of being m...
indehiscence 27 23 the state of being i...
independence 22 23 the state of being i...
indetectable 25 21 that cannot be detec...
indetectible 26 21 that cannot be detec...
indifference 26 24 the state of being i...
indigestible 25 20 not digestible, also...
indiscipline 27 22 lack of discipline,...
indisputable 26 22 not disputable [adj...
indissoluble 25 20 not dissoluble [adj]
indivertible 26 22 that cannot be diver...
indoctrinate 22 18 to instruct esp. in...
industrywide 31 21 throughout industry...
ineffaceable 28 26 not effaceable [adj...
ineradicable 25 21 incapable of being e...
inexactitude 29 25 lack of exactitude [...
inexecutable 31 28 that cannot be execu...
inexhaustive 30 27 not exhaustive [adj]
inexpansible 30 28 not expansible [adj]
inexpedience 29 28 the state of being i...
inexperience 29 27 lack of practical ex...
inexplicable 35 31 incapable of being e...
inexpressive 30 27 lacking expression o...
inexpugnable 31 31 not able to be attac...
inexpungible 32 31 incapable of being o...
inextensible 28 25 not extensible [adj]
inextirpable 31 27 that cannot be extir...
inextricable 32 27 forming a maze or ta...
infiltrative 26 21 tending to infiltrat...
informidable 26 24 not formidable [adj]
inhospitable 27 22 not showing hospital...
inobservable 26 24 that cannot be obser...
inobservance 25 24 lack of attention [n...
inoperculate 25 21 something without an...
insolubilise 25 19 to make insoluble, a...
insolubilize 28 28 to make insoluble, a...
insomnolence 22 22 sleeplessness [n -S]
inspectorate 24 19 the office, position...
instructible 28 21 that can be instruct...
insufferable 27 24 not to be endured, a...
insusceptive 28 24 not susceptible, als...
intellective 27 22 relating to the inte...
intelligence 25 21 the ability to learn...
intelligible 27 21 apprehensible by the...
intemperance 24 23 lack of moderation [...
intempestive 25 23 unseasonable; untime...
interceptive 27 23 relating to intercep...
intercolline 24 19 lying between hills...
intercommune 24 24 to commune mutually...
intercompare 25 22 to make a comparison...
interculture 25 19 interaction between...
interdictive 26 21 serving to interdict...
interdiffuse 25 21 to diffuse between [...
interference 23 20 the act of interferi...
interfertile 23 17 capable of interbree...
interfluence 25 22 a flowing between [n...
interfoliate 22 17 to interleave [v INT...
interinvolve 24 23 to involve between [...
interlineate 19 15 to write between lin...
intermediate 20 17 placed between other...
interminable 23 21 having or seeming to...
intermissive 24 20 coming and going; in...
intermixture 28 24 a mass formed by mix...
intermontane 18 18 situated between mou...
intermundane 19 20 between worlds [adj]
interpellate 23 18 to question formally...
interpolable 25 21 that can be interpol...
interposable 24 20 that can be interpos...
interpretate 21 16 (archaic) to interpr...
interpretive 24 20 relating to interpre...
interrogable 23 19 that can be interrog...
interrogatee 19 15 one who is interroga...
interruptive 25 21 serving to interrupt...
interservice 25 20 existing between or...
intersterile 21 14 incapable of produci...
intertexture 26 21 an interwoven state...
intertillage 23 17 a tillage between ot...
intervillage 25 21 between villages [ad...
intervisible 26 21 able to be seen betw...
interwreathe 24 18 to twine in between...
intoxicative 31 27 serving to intoxicat...
intramundane 19 20 within the world [ad...
intransitive 22 18 not transitive [adj...
intrauterine 19 15 situated, used, or o...
intrinsicate 23 17 (Shakespeare) intric...
introducible 27 22 that can be introduc...
introductive 26 22 serving to introduce...
introjective 27 29 INTROJECT, to incorp...
intromissive 24 20 relating to intromis...
introversive 24 21 related to introvers...
introvertive 24 21 INTROVERT, to turn i...
intumescence 26 24 a swollen or enlarge...
invertebrate 23 20 an animal lacking a...
investigable 26 23 able to be investiga...
invigorative 25 23 serving to invigorat...
invulnerable 25 24 incapable of being w...
irrealisable 24 17 not capable of being...
irrealizable 27 26 not capable of being...
irrebuttable 26 20 not capable of being...
irredeemable 23 20 not redeemable [adj...
irreflective 29 23 not reflective [adj]
irreformable 26 22 incapable of being r...
irrefragable 26 21 impossible to refute...
irrelievable 26 21 that cannot be relie...
irremediable 24 20 not remediable [adj...
irremissible 26 19 unpardonable [adj IR...
irrepairable 25 19 (archaic) irreparabl...
irrepealable 25 20 not repealable [adj...
irreprovable 27 23 blameless [adj IRREP...
irresistance 23 16 lack of resistance [...
irresistible 25 16 impossible to resist...
irresolvable 26 21 incapable of being r...
irrespective 28 22 not having regard [a...
irrespirable 26 19 unfit for respiratio...
irresponsive 24 20 not responsive [adj...
irreversible 26 20 not reversible [adj...
isoprenaline 21 18 a drug used to stimu...
isoteniscope 24 19 an instrument used t...
jaloallofane 24 28 a crystalline minera...
japonaiserie 22 25 (French) art or craf...
jettisonable 24 26 capable of being jet...
jurisdictive 30 30 relating to jurisdic...
juvenescence 28 34 the state of growing...
kaleidophone 24 24 an instrument for de...
kaleidoscope 26 24 a variegated changin...
kiddiewinkie 26 26 (facetious) a child,...
knowledgable 28 28 possessing knowledge...
labyrinthine 31 22 like a labyrinth, al...
landgraviate 23 21 the jurisdiction or...
lapidescence 28 24 (archaic) becoming l...
laryngoscope 32 24 an instrument for ex...
latirostrate 21 13 having a broad beak,...
legitimatise 24 18 to make legitimate,...
legitimatize 27 27 to make legitimate,...
lenticellate 25 19 of or like a lentice...
lepidomelane 23 22 a black mica rich in...
liquefactive 37 33 serving to liquefy,...
liquifactive 38 33 serving to make liqu...
lithotritise 25 15 to perform a lithotr...
lithotritize 28 24 to perform a lithotr...
longicaudate 24 21 long-tailed [adj]
longipennate 21 21 having elongated win...
lophophorate 28 23 of or like a lophoph...
luminescence 27 25 the emission of ligh...
luncheonette 24 21 a small restaurant s...
luxullianite 30 25 a tourmaline granite...
macaberesque 33 31 somewhat macaber [ad...
macroclimate 29 25 large-scale climate...
mademoiselle 23 21 (French) a French ti...
magistrature 23 18 the office or rank o...
magnetisable 24 22 able to be magnetise...
magnetizable 27 31 capable of being mag...
magnetopause 22 22 the outer boundary o...
magnificence 29 28 the state of being m...
maintainable 22 21 capable of being mai...
majolicaware 29 31 goods made from majo...
maladjustive 27 31 not conducive to adj...
maneuverable 24 25 capable of being man...
manifestable 25 23 that can be manifest...
manifestible 26 23 that can be manifest...
manipulative 26 25 relating to manipula...
manoeuvrable 24 25 able to be manoeuvre...
marimbaphone 27 27 a marimba [n -S]
marlinespike 25 24 a tool used to separ...
marlingspike 27 26 a tool used to separ...
marriageable 24 21 fit for or capable o...
masterstroke 22 19 a masterly performan...
mastigophore 26 22 any protozoan having...
matriarchate 26 20 a matriarchy [n -S]
mecamylamine 32 28 a drug used orally a...
mechanisable 28 25 that can be mechanis...
mechanizable 31 34 capable of being mec...
meetinghouse 23 21 the place in which c...
melancholiae 26 23 MELANCHOLIA, a state...
mellifluence 29 26 a smooth sweet flow...
merchantable 28 25 of commercially acce...
merchantlike 28 26 (Shakespeare) like a...
mercurialise 26 20 to treat with mercur...
mercurialize 29 29 to treat with mercur...
merveilleuse 25 22 (French) a female me...
metalanguage 22 22 a language used to t...
metallophone 25 23 an instrument like a...
metamorphose 25 23 to change into a dif...
metasilicate 25 19 a salt of metasilici...
methacrylate 33 23 a salt or ester of m...
methaqualone 30 29 a type of sedative,...
methotrexate 28 24 a drug used in the t...
methysergide 31 22 a serotonin used in...
microbalance 29 26 a balance designed t...
microcapsule 31 26 a tiny capsule conta...
microclimate 30 25 the climate of a ver...
microculture 30 24 a microscopic cultur...
microgranite 25 21 a minutely crystalli...
micropipette 29 24 a very fine pipette,...
microwavable 32 29 capable of being mic...
mifepristone 25 22 a synthetic compound...
millefeuille 28 23 (French) a rich conf...
millionnaire 22 19 one who possesses a...
mineralogise 22 19 to collect or study...
mineralogize 25 28 to collect or study...
minicassette 24 19 a small tape cassett...
ministrative 24 20 serving to aid or as...
misadventure 23 22 a misfortune, also M...
misattribute 25 19 to attribute wrongly...
miscalculate 30 24 to calculate wrongly...
mischallenge 29 25 (Spenser) an unjust...
misemphasise 27 23 to emphasise wrongly...
misemphasize 30 32 to emphasize wrongly...
misknowledge 27 27 erroneous knowledge...
mispronounce 25 24 to pronounce incorre...
mispunctuate 27 24 to punctuate wrongly...
misreference 25 22 to reference inaccur...
missionarise 21 16 to do missionary wor...
missionarize 24 25 to do missionary wor...
mistranslate 22 17 to translate wrongly...
mithridatise 25 18 to acquire immunity...
mithridatize 28 27 to acquire immunity...
mitrailleuse 24 18 (French) a machinegu...
modificative 29 26 tending to modify, a...
molluscicide 31 25 the killing of mollu...
monochloride 26 23 a chloride containin...
monochromate 25 24 a person who sees al...
monodisperse 22 20 characterized by par...
mononucleate 22 22 having a single nucl...
monosyllable 31 24 a word of one syllab...
monticellite 26 21 a calcium magnesicum...
mortgageable 25 23 that can be mortgage...
mosbolletjie 27 29 (Afrikaans) in South...
motorbicycle 37 27 a bicycle driven by...
mountainside 20 19 the side of a mounta...
mountenaunce 21 23 (Spenser) amount; di...
mousquetaire 29 26 (French) a French mu...
multicauline 27 23 having many stems [a...
multicostate 26 20 having many ribs [ad...
multidentate 22 19 having many teeth [a...
multifoliate 26 21 having many leaves [...
multipartite 26 20 divided into several...
multipicture 30 24 featuring many pictu...
multipliable 30 25 that can be multipli...
multiplicate 30 24 the condiiton of bei...
multipurpose 28 24 having many purposes...
multiscience 29 24 knowledge of many th...
multiseptate 25 20 having many septa [a...
multiseriate 23 17 arranged in many row...
multiservice 29 24 involving or serving...
multisulcate 28 22 many-furrowed [adj]
multivalence 28 26 the state of being m...
multivariate 25 21 having or involving...
multivoltine 26 23 having several brood...
multungulate 25 23 having the hoof divi...
municipalise 28 24 to bring under munic...
municipalize 31 33 to bring under munic...
munitionette 20 18 (obsolete) a female...
myringoscope 33 26 an instrument for vi...
myrmecophile 37 29 an organism that sha...
nanoparticle 24 21 a particle with dime...
neurohormone 20 20 a hormone (as acetyl...
neuropeptide 23 21 a peptide that influ...
neuroscience 24 21 a branch (as neuroph...
neverthemore 23 22 none the more [adv]
newsmagazine 26 31 a usually weekly mag...
nicotinamide 23 21 a member of the vita...
nitrobenzene 22 27 a poisonous yellow o...
nitromethane 21 19 a liquid nitroparaff...
nitrotoluene 19 16 a nitro-derivative o...
noctilucence 29 25 the quality of being...
nomenclative 25 25 relating to nomencla...
nomenclature 23 22 the study of the app...
nonaddictive 24 23 NONADDICT [adj]
nonassertive 20 18 not assertive [adj]
nonbreakable 23 25 not breakable [adj]
noncandidate 20 20 a person who is not...
noncognitive 24 24 not cognitive [adj]
noncombative 26 27 not combative [adj]
noncorporate 22 20 not corporate [adj]
noncorrosive 23 21 not corrosive [adj]
noncrushable 27 24 not crushable [adj]
nondeceptive 25 25 not deceptive [adj]
nondeductive 24 24 not deductive [adj]
nondirective 24 22 of, relating to, or...
noneffective 27 27 a person who is not...
nonexclusive 31 30 not exclusive [adj]
nonexecutive 29 29 one who is not in an...
nonexistence 26 25 absence of existence...
nonexplosive 29 29 not explosive [adj]
nonflammable 26 28 not flammable [adj]
nonimitative 22 21 not imitative [adj]
noninductive 24 24 not inductive [adj]
noninfective 25 25 not infective [adj]
noninfluence 23 24 something that is no...
noninsurance 20 20 the condition or sta...
nonintrusive 21 20 not intrusive [adj]
nonintuitive 21 20 not intuitive [adj]
nonmalleable 23 23 not malleable [adj]
nonnarrative 19 19 not narrative [adj]
nonnormative 20 22 not normative [adj]
nonnutritive 21 20 not nutritive [adj]
nonobjective 27 33 not objective [adj]
nonoperative 21 21 not operative [adj]
nonpasserine 19 18 not passerine [adj]
nonphosphate 26 24 not phosphate [adj]
nonpurposive 25 25 not purposive [adj]
nonreflexive 29 29 not reflexive [adj]
nonrenewable 22 22 not renewable [adj]
nonrepayable 28 23 not repayable [adj]
nonresidence 20 19 the state or fact of...
nonselective 24 22 not selective [adj]
nonsensitive 20 19 not sensitive [adj]
normalisable 24 21 capable of being nor...
normalizable 27 30 capable of being nor...
normotensive 21 21 having normal blood...
notoungulate 20 19 any one of an extinc...
nucleotidase 23 19 a phosphatase that p...
oblanceolate 24 21 of e.g. a leaf, like...
obliterative 25 20 inducing or characte...
obliviscence 31 27 forgetfulness [n -S]
obmutescence 28 26 the act of becoming...
obsolescence 27 23 the process of becom...
obstreperate 23 18 (Sterne) to make an...
octosyllable 34 23 a word or line of ei...
oligopeptide 26 22 a peptide comprising...
omnipresence 24 23 the state of being o...
opinionative 22 21 of, relating to, or...
oscilloscope 30 23 an instrument for de...
ostracisable 26 19 worthy of being ostr...
ostracizable 29 28 worthy of being ostr...
outmanoeuvre 21 22 to surpass in manoeu...
outreproduce 25 21 to surpass in reprod...
overdecorate 23 20 to decorate to exces...
overestimate 22 19 to estimate too high...
overexercise 30 26 to exercise to exces...
overexposure 29 27 excessive exposure [...
overidealise 22 18 to idealise to exces...
overidealize 25 27 to idealize to exces...
overissuance 24 21 excessive issuance [...
overmedicate 25 23 to medicate to exces...
overorganise 21 19 to organise to exces...
overorganize 24 28 to organize to exces...
overpersuade 23 21 to persuade to act c...
overpopulate 26 24 to populate too dens...
overpressure 24 20 pressure significant...
overregulate 23 20 to regulate to exces...
overreliance 24 21 an excessive relianc...
oversanguine 21 21 excessively sanguine...
oversaturate 21 17 to saturate to exces...
oxaloacetate 27 23 a salt or ester of o...
oxyacetylene 40 28 a mixture of oxygen...
packinghouse 29 28 an establishment for...
pantothenate 21 19 a salt or ester of p...
paradoxurine 27 25 any of a number of p...
paraglossate 23 18 relating to the para...
paralanguage 23 22 nonverbal elements w...
parallelwise 28 21 in parallel fashion...
parameterise 22 18 to set parameters fo...
parameterize 25 27 to set parameters fo...
paramorphine 26 24 a poisonous white cr...
paraquadrate 29 26 a paired membrane bo...
parasiticide 26 19 the killing of paras...
parathormone 23 21 a parathyroid hormon...
parchmentise 28 24 to make like parchme...
parchmentize 31 33 to make like parchme...
parenthesise 23 18 to put in parenthese...
parenthesize 26 27 to put in parenthese...
parochialise 28 21 to make parochial, a...
parochialize 31 30 to make parochial, a...
participable 31 25 capable of being par...
parvifoliate 27 23 of plants, having sm...
passemeasure 22 19 an old dance, a pava...
pasteurellae 23 18 PASTEURELLA, a small...
patriarchate 27 20 the office of a patr...
patrilineage 23 19 descent through the...
pearlescence 27 23 the state of being p...
pennywhistle 34 25 a cheap toy whistle...
pentadactyle 31 23 having five fingers...
pentapeptide 25 23 a polypeptide that c...
pentavalence 25 25 the condition of hav...
peradventure 23 22 by chance [adj] / do...
performative 27 25 of a statement or ve...
permaculture 28 24 a system of self-sus...
permanganate 21 22 a salt of permangani...
perphenazine 27 31 a tranquillizer used...
perseverance 25 23 the act of perseveri...
perturbative 27 23 tending to perturb [...
petrifactive 30 25 petrifying, also PET...
phanerophyte 33 25 a perennial plant th...
phenanthrene 23 22 an aromatic hydrocar...
phenarsazine 25 28 an arsenic derivativ...
phentolamine 24 23 an adrenergic blocki...
philanthrope 29 24 someone who tries to...
philosophise 30 23 to reason in the man...
philosophize 33 32 to reason in the man...
phlebotomise 28 24 to perform phlebotom...
phlebotomize 31 33 to perform phlebotom...
phlegmagogue 29 28 a phlegm-expelling d...
phosphoresce 31 25 to exhibit phosphore...
photocathode 28 23 a cathode that emits...
photocompose 29 26 to set (as reading m...
photoengrave 25 24 to make a photoengra...
photogravure 27 24 printing from engrav...
photolysable 34 24 capable of being pho...
photolyzable 37 33 capable of being pho...
photomachine 29 26 a machine that print...
photomontage 24 23 montage using photog...
photooxidise 30 25 to undergo photooxid...
photooxidize 33 34 to undergo photooxid...
phreatophyte 34 24 a plant with a deep...
phrenologise 25 21 to examine phrenolog...
phrenologize 28 30 to examine phrenolog...
phyllosphere 37 26 the surface of a lea...
phytohormone 32 25 a plant hormone, reg...
phytonadione 28 22 phylloquinone, vitam...
picrocarmine 29 25 a stain for microsco...
pictorialise 27 19 to represent by a pi...
pictorialize 30 28 to represent by a pi...
picturephone 29 25 a device which allow...
pinacothecae 28 24 PINACOTHECA, a pictu...
pinniewinkle 26 26 an instrument of tor...
pisciculture 32 24 the rearing of fish...
plasterstone 22 17 gypsum [n -S]
plenipotence 26 24 absolute power, also...
pluriseriate 24 17 in several rows, als...
pointillisme 26 21 a painting technique...
pointilliste 25 18 one who practises po...
politicalise 28 20 to make political, a...
politicalize 31 29 to make political, a...
polydisperse 32 22 characterized by par...
polyethylene 37 24 a generic name for c...
polyisoprene 30 22 a rubberlike polymer...
polynucleate 32 24 having many nuclei [...
polyribosome 32 24 a cluster of ribosom...
polysiloxane 35 27 any of a number of p...
polysulphide 36 26 a sulfide containing...
polysyllable 41 26 a polysyllabic word...
polyurethane 30 22 any of various polym...
porcelainise 25 20 to bake into porcela...
porcelainize 28 29 to bake into porcela...
porcellanise 26 21 to bake into porcela...
porcellanite 26 21 a jasper-like shale...
porcellanize 29 30 to bake into porcela...
postcardlike 28 24 resembling a postcar...
postdeadline 22 19 following a deadline...
posteruptive 27 23 taking place after a...
postexercise 31 25 taking place after e...
postexposure 30 26 taking place after e...
postfracture 28 22 taking place after a...
postgraduate 23 19 a student continuing...
postliterate 23 16 relating to or occur...
postpositive 27 22 of an adjective, pla...
praxinoscope 32 29 an instrument with m...
preassurance 24 20 advance assurance [n...
preceptorate 26 21 the office of precep...
precipitable 31 25 capable of being pre...
precipitance 30 25 the quality of being...
preclearance 27 23 a preliminary cleara...
precognitive 28 25 relating to precogni...
predeparture 24 20 preceding a departur...
predesignate 22 19 to specify beforehan...
predestinate 21 17 to determine beforeh...
predetermine 22 20 to foreordain, prede...
predischarge 29 23 preceding a discharg...
prednisolone 21 19 a drug similar to co...
predominance 24 24 the state of being p...
preemergence 25 24 used or occurring be...
preexistence 30 26 existence in a forme...
prefabricate 29 24 to make standardized...
preformative 27 25 a prefixture in Semi...
preformulate 26 23 to formulate in adva...
pregnenolone 20 21 a steroid ketone for...
preheminence 26 25 (obsolete) preeminen...
prenegotiate 21 18 to negotiate in adva...
preoperative 25 22 occurring before a s...
preordinance 23 21 a rule previously es...
preponderate 22 20 surpassing [adj PREP...
prerequisite 31 25 something needed in...
presbyterate 30 20 the office of presby...
prescriptive 31 25 serving to prescribe...
presentative 23 20 known, knowing, or c...
preservative 26 23 serving to preserve...
presterilise 24 16 to sterilise in adva...
presterilize 27 25 to sterilize in adva...
prestructure 27 20 to structure in adva...
preventative 25 24 acting to prevent, a...
procarbazine 29 31 an antineoplastic dr...
proconsulate 25 21 the office of procon...
professorate 23 18 the office of a prof...
progesterone 21 18 a female sex hormone...
programmable 28 27 that can be programm...
proletariate 22 16 the poorest labourin...
promethazine 27 30 a bitter-tasting phe...
promuscidate 27 23 like or having a pro...
propagandise 24 22 to subject to propag...
propagandize 27 31 to subject to propag...
prophesiable 29 24 that can prophesied...
propitiative 27 22 serving to propitiat...
propoxyphene 39 33 a narcotic analgesic...
proscriptive 31 25 relating to proscrip...
prosecutable 28 23 capable of being pro...
protectorate 24 18 an area governed by...
protractible 29 22 able to be thrust ou...
protuberance 26 23 a swelling or bump o...
provincewide 30 27 extending throughout...
pseudoallele 24 20 a false allele [n -S...
psychoactive 39 29 affecting the mind o...
psychobabble 41 32 language laden with...
psychologise 36 25 to speculate in psyc...
psychologize 39 34 to speculate in psyc...
pteridophyte 33 23 the general name for...
pterodactyle 32 22 any of various ptero...
pulverisable 29 25 that can be pulveris...
pulverizable 32 34 capable of being pul...
pulverulence 29 27 the state of being p...
purificative 31 26 serving to purify, a...
putrefactive 30 26 relating to putrefac...
pyridoxamine 35 29 a crystalline amine...
pyrithiamine 32 23 an antivitamin causi...
pyromorphite 34 25 a green, brown, or y...
pyrophyllite 42 26 a silvery-white to p...
pyrosulphate 34 24 a salt of sulphur [n...
pyrotartrate 28 17 a salt of tartaric a...
quantifiable 33 30 capable of being qua...
quantitative 30 27 estimable according...
quelquechose 42 38 (French) something [...
questionable 30 27 open to question [ad...
quidditative 32 28 of the nature of a q...
quintessence 30 27 the pure, concentrat...
radioisotope 21 16 a radioactive isotop...
radionuclide 24 20 a radioactive nuclid...
reaccelerate 25 19 to accelerate again...
readjustable 25 27 that can be readjust...
readmittance 23 20 the act of readmitti...
reappearance 24 22 the act of reappeari...
rearticulate 24 17 to articulate again...
reassemblage 24 21 a reassembly [n -S]
recalcitrate 27 19 to show strong objec...
recalescence 28 23 the renewed glowing...
recapitalise 26 19 to supply with new c...
recapitalize 29 28 to change the capita...
recapitulate 26 20 to restate briefly,...
recentrifuge 26 22 to put through a cen...
rechargeable 28 23 capable of being rec...
recognisable 26 22 that can be recognis...
recognisance 25 22 a legal obligation e...
recognizable 29 31 that can be recogniz...
recognizance 28 31 a legal obligation e...
recollective 30 24 of the nature of rec...
recomforture 26 22 (Shakespeare) consol...
reconcilable 29 24 capable of being rec...
reconsecrate 24 19 to consecrate again...
reconstitute 23 17 to constitute again...
reconvalesce 27 24 to convalesce again...
reconveyance 31 26 the act of reconveyi...
recuperative 27 23 of or relating to re...
redintegrate 20 16 to make whole again;...
redistribute 24 17 to alter the distrib...
reexperience 29 26 to experience again...
reflectorise 26 19 to make reflecting,...
reflectorize 29 28 to make reflecting,...
regenerative 21 19 serving to regenerat...
registerable 24 18 capable of being reg...
rehabilitate 25 18 to restore to a form...
rehydratable 31 21 capable of being reh...
reimbursable 27 23 capable of being rei...
reinvigorate 22 19 to invigorate again...
rememberable 26 25 capable of being rem...
remilitarise 23 16 to militarise again,...
remilitarize 26 25 to militarize again,...
remineralise 21 17 to replace the deple...
remineralize 24 26 to replace the deple...
reminiscence 26 23 recollection; an acc...
remonstrance 22 20 an earnest presentat...
remunerative 22 21 serving to remunerat...
renegotiable 22 19 subject to renegotia...
renounceable 23 22 able to be renounced...
renunciative 24 22 relating to renuncia...
reoccurrence 28 23 a repeated occurrenc...
repercussive 28 23 having repercussions...
replevisable 28 24 subject to replevin,...
repopularise 25 20 to popularise again,...
repopularize 28 29 to popularize again,...
reprehensive 25 22 serving to reprehend...
repressurise 23 16 to pressurise again,...
repressurize 26 25 to pressurize again,...
repristinate 22 16 to revive, restore [...
reproachable 29 24 worthy of reproach [...
reproducible 29 24 that can be reproduc...
reproductive 28 24 capable of reproduci...
researchable 27 21 capable of being res...
resipiscence 28 22 recognition of error...
resplendence 24 22 the state of being r...
restrainable 22 17 capable of being res...
resurrective 26 20 relating to resurrec...
resuscitable 27 20 capable of being res...
resynthesise 28 17 to synthesise again,...
resynthesize 31 26 to synthesize again,...
reticulocyte 34 22 an immature red bloo...
retrenchable 27 22 able to be retrenche...
retrocedence 24 20 the act of retrocedi...
retrocessive 25 19 going backwards [adj...
retrodictive 26 20 relating to retrodic...
retropulsive 26 21 showing retropulsion...
revivescence 29 27 the act of reviving,...
reviviscence 30 27 the act of reviving,...
rhabdosphere 28 23 an aggregation of rh...
rhodomontade 21 20 (French) a bragging...
rhynchophore 37 27 a member of the Rhyn...
ribonuclease 25 21 an enzyme that catal...
salamandrine 20 19 like a salamander, a...
salicylamide 33 23 an analgesic drug ad...
sanctifiable 28 23 able to be sanctifie...
sanctionable 24 21 capable of being san...
saponifiable 26 23 capable of being con...
sarrusophone 23 19 a double-reeded musi...
schizomycete 39 34 any microscopic orga...
schizophrene 32 32 one affected with sc...
scratchplate 32 24 a plastic or metal p...
scrobiculate 30 23 marked with many sha...
scyphistomae 35 25 SCYPHISTOMA, the fix...
secretagogue 24 20 a substance inducing...
secretariate 22 15 the administrative d...
sectarianise 22 16 to make sectarian, a...
sectarianize 25 25 to make sectarian, a...
sectionalise 23 17 to divide into secti...
sectionalize 26 26 to divide into secti...
sedimentable 23 21 capable of being sed...
semicomatose 24 21 in a state of semico...
semiflexible 34 30 somewhat flexible [a...
semiliterate 22 16 able to read and wri...
semiparasite 23 18 a partial parasite,...
senarmontite 19 17 antimony trioxide in...
septemvirate 25 22 government by, or gr...
septuplicate 29 23 a group of seven thi...
sequestrable 31 26 that can be sequeste...
seraskierate 20 16 the office or author...
seronegative 21 19 having or being a ne...
seropositive 24 19 having or being a po...
serpentinise 21 17 to wind, also SERPEN...
serpentinite 21 17 a metamorphic rock t...
serpentinize 24 26 to wind, also SERPEN...
sextuplicate 33 27 to copy sixfold [v S...
significance 29 25 something that is co...
silviculture 30 23 the growing of trees...
simplifiable 31 26 capable of being sim...
sinisterwise 24 16 in left-handed fashi...
sinupalliate 24 19 of certain bivalve m...
siphonophore 27 23 a marine creature, c...
siphonostele 24 19 the cylinder of cond...
skutterudite 23 19 a cubic mineral, cob...
snooperscope 25 22 an instrument for vi...
socialisable 27 20 that can be socialis...
socializable 30 29 that can be socializ...
solidifiable 27 21 that can be solidifi...
somatopleure 23 20 a cellular sheet in...
somnambulate 24 24 to walk when asleep...
somniloquise 30 27 to talk in one's sle...
somniloquize 33 36 to talk in one's sle...
sophisticate 28 20 to make artificial o...
speakerphone 25 25 a combination microp...
spectroscope 30 24 an instrument for fo...
speculatrice 30 23 a female speculator,...
spermathecae 27 23 SPERMATHECA, a recep...
spermatocele 26 22 a cystic swelling of...
spermatocide 26 22 a substance that kil...
spermatocyte 32 23 a cell producing spe...
sphairistike 27 21 (Greek) a ball game...
sphygmophone 36 30 an instrument for he...
sphygmoscope 38 30 an instrument for ma...
spiritualise 25 17 to make spiritual, a...
spiritualize 28 26 to make spiritual, a...
spokespeople 27 26 people serving as sp...
sportspeople 27 22 people who take part...
sprechstimme 31 26 (German) music using...
staddlestone 20 16 a low mushroom-shape...
stakhanovite 24 23 a superlative worker...
steeplechase 27 21 a race over a course...
stereochrome 25 20 a mural painting fix...
sterilisable 25 17 that can be sterilis...
sterilizable 28 26 that can be steriliz...
sternutative 22 18 a substance which ca...
straightedge 25 19 a bar or piece of ma...
straticulate 25 17 composed of parallel...
stratosphere 24 17 a region of the atmo...
stringcourse 25 19 a horizontal band or...
stromatolite 22 16 a rounded, multi-lay...
strontianite 19 14 strontium ore [n -S]
strophiolate 25 18 having strophioles,...
stupefactive 30 26 causing stupefaction...
subaggregate 25 22 part of an aggregate...
subalternate 22 18 a particular proposi...
subcommittee 28 25 a subdivision of a c...
subdeaconate 23 21 the office of subdea...
subdebutante 24 22 a young girl who is...
subdiaconate 24 21 the office of subdea...
subdividable 29 26 that can be subdivid...
subdivisible 30 25 that can be subdivid...
subduplicate 30 25 expressed by a squar...
subinfeudate 24 22 to grant to another...
subintroduce 26 22 to bring in surrepti...
subjectivise 31 32 to make subjective,...
subjectivize 34 41 to make subjective,...
subminiature 24 21 smaller than miniatu...
subreference 26 23 an incomplete or sur...
subsatellite 25 18 an object carried in...
subscribable 32 26 capable of being sub...
subscriptive 32 26 relating to subscrip...
subservience 27 24 the state of being s...
subsidisable 27 21 capable of being sub...
subsidizable 30 30 capable of being sub...
substantiate 22 17 to give substance or...
substitutive 27 21 serving or suitable...
substructure 28 21 an underlying or sup...
subtemperate 25 22 of or occurring in t...
suffruticose 29 23 of a perennial plant...
sulfadiazine 26 28 a sulfa drug used es...
sulphadoxine 31 28 an antibiotic drug o...
sulphonamide 26 24 an organic amide of...
summarisable 26 23 capable of being sum...
summarizable 29 32 capable of being sum...
superannuate 20 19 to render antiquated...
superathlete 25 19 a very good athlete...
superelevate 24 21 to raise above a nor...
supererogate 22 18 (obsolete) to do mor...
superheroine 23 19 an exceptional heroi...
supermassive 26 23 extremely massive [a...
supermundane 22 23 above worldly things...
superovulate 25 22 to produce a larger...
superposable 27 23 capable of being sup...
supersedable 25 21 that can be supersed...
supersedence 24 21 the act of supersedi...
supersubtile 27 21 (obsolete) overly su...
suppressible 29 23 capable of being sup...
supramundane 22 23 above or beyond this...
surmountable 24 22 capable of being sur...
surveillance 27 23 (French) a watch kep...
sustentative 22 18 sustaining, enduring...
sycophantise 33 23 to be a sycophant, a...
sycophantize 36 32 to be a sycophant, a...
sylviculture 36 25 the growing of trees...
symptomatise 31 23 to be a symptom of,...
symptomatize 34 32 to be a symptom of,...
synadelphite 31 22 a manganese aluminiu...
synchroscope 36 26 an instrument for de...
syntagmatite 28 20 a kind of hornblende...
tapsalteerie 22 16 (Scots) confusion, a...
tapsieteerie 21 15 (Scots) confusion, a...
technicalise 29 22 to give a technical...
technicalize 32 31 to give a technical...
technobabble 31 28 technical jargon [n...
technojunkie 27 33 someone who is obses...
technologise 26 21 to affect or alter b...
technologize 29 30 to affect or alter b...
telegraphese 25 20 language characteriz...
telemedicine 24 21 medical treatment ef...
telepherique 33 28 (French) a cableway,...
telepresence 24 20 the use of virtual r...
telesoftware 25 19 software that is tra...
teleutospore 22 17 a thick-walled winte...
temperalitie 24 19 (Shakespeare) Mistre...
terebinthine 23 19 of or relating to th...
terebratulae 22 17 TEREBRATULA, a membe...
tergiversate 23 18 to turn one's back o...
testosterone 18 13 the chief male sex h...
tetracycline 33 22 a yellow crystalline...
tetrahedrite 22 15 native sulphide of a...
tetrapyrrole 29 18 a chemical group con...
tetravalence 24 21 the condition of hav...
theatrophone 24 20 (historical) a telep...
theophylline 34 24 an isomer of theobro...
thermocouple 29 25 a pair of different...
thermohaline 25 21 involving both tempe...
thermolabile 27 22 easily decomposed by...
thermosphere 27 22 the outermost layer...
thermostable 26 21 stable when heated [...
thioridazine 25 25 a phenothiazine tran...
thiosinamine 22 19 a white crystalline...
thiosulphate 28 21 any salt of thiosulp...
thoracoscope 29 23 an instrument for vi...
thoroughfare 27 22 a through road [n -S...
throttleable 26 19 capable of having th...
thunderstone 21 18 (Shakespeare) a thun...
thymectomise 34 25 to perform a thymect...
thymectomize 37 34 to perform a thymect...
tibiofibulae 28 23 TIBIOFIBULA, a bone...
timberdoodle 24 21 the North American w...
tracheophyte 35 24 any member of the cl...
tradespeople 24 20 people engaged in tr...
tragelaphine 25 21 relating to the trag...
tranquillise 31 25 to make tranquil, al...
tranquillize 34 34 to make tranquil, al...
transaminase 19 17 an enzyme promoting...
transferable 24 20 that can be transfer...
transference 23 20 an act, process, or...
transfusable 25 21 that can be transfus...
transfusible 26 21 that can be transfus...
transhumance 25 23 the movement of live...
transilience 23 18 the state of being t...
translatable 23 18 capable of being tra...
translucence 26 22 the state of being t...
transmigrate 22 18 to pass from one bod...
transmissive 24 20 relating to transmis...
transmontane 18 18 (Italian) a cold nor...
transmundane 19 20 not belonging to thi...
transmutable 24 21 capable of being tra...
transparence 23 20 the state of being t...
transpirable 25 20 capable of transpiri...
transpontine 20 18 situated on the far...
transportive 24 20 tending or having po...
transposable 24 20 capable of being tra...
transumptive 26 24 transferred; metapho...
transvaluate 22 19 to reestimate the va...
transvestite 22 17 one who dresses in t...
tribespeople 27 22 members of a tribe [...
trichinellae 27 20 TRICHINELLA, a kind...
trichotomise 27 20 to divide into three...
trichotomize 30 29 to divide into three...
tricorporate 25 18 having three bodies...
tricuspidate 27 20 having three cusps,...
triethiodide 23 16 as in gallamine trit...
trifoliolate 24 17 of a compound leaf w...
triglyceride 33 21 any of a group of co...
trillionaire 22 15 one whose wealth exc...
trimethylene 30 21 another name for cyc...
triphosphate 29 22 a salt or acid that...
trochosphere 29 22 a free-swimming pela...
trypaflavine 33 26 another name for acr...
tryparsamide 30 21 a synthetic crystall...
tubocurarine 25 21 a toxic alkaloid obt...
ultramontane 20 19 beyond (i.e. south o...
ultramundane 21 21 situated beyond the...
ultraprecise 27 20 extremely precise [a...
unacceptable 30 27 not acceptable [adj...
unacceptance 29 27 lack of acceptance [...
unachievable 29 27 that cannot be achie...
unadulterate 20 17 not adulterated, als...
unaffordable 26 25 not affordable [adj]
unaggressive 24 22 not aggressive [adj]
unanalysable 28 22 not analysable, also...
unanalyzable 31 31 not analyzable, also...
unanswerable 24 22 not capable of being...
unappealable 26 25 not appealable [adj...
unappeasable 25 24 not to be appeased,...
unapplausive 27 26 not applausive [adj]
unapplicable 31 28 not applicable [adj]
unarticulate 24 19 not articulate, also...
unartistlike 23 19 not like an artist [...
unascendable 24 23 not capable of being...
unascendible 25 23 not capable of being...
unassailable 23 19 not assailable [adj...
unassignable 23 21 not assignable [adj]
unattainable 21 19 not attainable [adj...
unattractive 25 21 not attractive [adj...
unbelievable 27 26 too improbable for b...
unbetterable 24 21 that cannot be bette...
unbreachable 29 26 that cannot be breac...
unbreathable 26 23 not fit for being br...
unbridgeable 26 24 that cannot be bridg...
uncapsizable 31 33 not capsizable [adj]
uncapturable 28 25 that cannot be captu...
unchangeable 27 26 not changing or to b...
uncharitable 28 23 lacking in charity [...
uncomeatable 25 24 inaccessible; out of...
uncomposable 28 27 that cannot be compo...
unconclusive 29 27 not conclusive [adj]
unconfinable 26 26 not confinable [adj]
unconsecrate 24 21 to undo the consecra...
uncreditable 26 22 (obsolete) discredit...
uncultivable 30 27 not cultivable [adj]
undeceivable 27 26 not deceivable [adj]
undelectable 26 23 not delectable [adj]
undeliberate 22 19 not deliberate [adj]
undependable 23 24 not dependable [adj]
underachieve 26 24 to achieve less than...
underproduce 25 23 to produce less than...
undersurface 25 22 an underside [n -S]
undertakable 23 23 that can be undertak...
underutilise 22 17 to utilize less than...
underutilize 25 26 to utilize less than...
undetectable 25 22 not detectable [adj]
undigestible 25 21 not digestible, also...
undiscipline 27 23 lack of discipline,...
undisputable 26 23 not disputable [adj]
unemployable 32 27 not acceptable for e...
unexpressive 30 28 not expressive [adj]
unexpugnable 31 32 not expugnable [adj]
unfathomable 27 26 not capable of being...
unfavourable 26 26 not favourable [adj...
unfilterable 26 22 not filterable [adj]
unforgivable 28 27 not forgivable [adj...
unformidable 26 25 not formidable [adj]
ungovernable 24 25 not capable of being...
unhospitable 27 23 not hospitable, also...
unifoliolate 23 19 of a compound leaf r...
unimaginable 24 24 not imaginable or co...
unimportance 25 24 lack of importance [...
unimpressive 26 24 not impressive [adj]
unimpugnable 27 28 not impugnable [adj]
universalise 23 19 to make universal, a...
universalize 26 28 to make universal, a...
unlistenable 23 20 not listenable [adj]
unmanageable 22 24 not capable of being...
unmarketable 24 25 not marketable [adj]
unmeasurable 23 22 not capable of being...
unmistakable 25 25 not capable of being...
unmodifiable 26 25 not modifiable [adj]
unnaturalise 20 17 to undo the naturali...
unnaturalize 23 26 to undo the naturali...
unnegotiable 22 21 not negotiable [adj]
unnoticeable 24 22 not capable of being...
unobservable 26 25 something that canno...
unobservance 25 25 lack of observance [...
unobtainable 23 22 not obtainable [adj]
unoppressive 26 24 not oppressive [adj]
unpardonable 23 23 not pardonable [adj...
unpassionate 20 18 not passionate [adj]
unpatentable 23 22 not patentable [adj]
unperceptive 29 27 not perceptive [adj]
unperishable 27 23 not perishable [adj]
unpersuasive 24 22 not persuasive [adj]
unpolishable 28 24 not polishable [adj]
unprocurable 28 25 not procurable [adj]
unproductive 28 26 not productive [adj...
unprofitable 27 24 not profitable [adj...
unpunishable 27 25 not able to be punis...
unquenchable 35 34 not able to be quenc...
unrealisable 23 19 not realisable, also...
unrealizable 26 28 not realizable, also...
unreasonable 20 19 not governed by or a...
unrecallable 27 23 not recallable [adj]
unreckonable 25 26 that cannot be recko...
unrecyclable 36 27 not recyclable [adj]
unredeemable 22 22 not redeemable [adj]
unreflective 28 25 not reflective [adj...
unreformable 25 24 not reformable [adj]
unregenerate 18 17 not regenerate [adj...
unrelievable 25 23 not relievable [adj]
unremarkable 24 25 not remarkable [adj...
unrepairable 24 21 not repairable [adj]
unrepealable 24 22 not repealable [adj]
unrepeatable 23 21 not repeatable [adj]
unrepentance 22 22 lack of repentance [...
unreportable 24 21 not reportable [adj]
unreprovable 26 25 not reprovable [adj]
unrepulsable 26 23 that cannot be repul...
unresistible 24 18 not resistible [adj]
unresolvable 25 23 not resolvable [adj]
unrespective 27 24 indiscriminate [adj]
unresponsive 23 22 not responsive [adj...
unreturnable 22 20 not returnable [adj]
unrevealable 24 23 not revealable [adj]
unreviewable 27 25 not reviewable [adj]
unriddleable 24 21 undecipherable [adj]
unsailorlike 23 20 not like or befittin...
unsearchable 27 23 not capable of being...
unseasonable 20 19 occurring at other t...
unsensualise 20 17 to free from the dom...
unsensualize 23 26 to free from the dom...
unshadowable 27 24 that cannot be shado...
unshrinkable 26 25 not shrinkable [adj]
unstanchable 27 24 not stanchable [adj]
unstatutable 23 19 contrary to statute...
unsubmissive 27 25 not submissive [adj]
unsuccessive 29 25 not successive [adj]
unsufferable 27 25 (obsolete) insuffera...
unsupposable 27 25 not supposable [adj]
untenantable 20 20 not tenantable [adj]
unverifiable 27 25 not verifiable [adj]
unvoyageable 30 26 not voyageable [adj]
unvulnerable 25 25 (Shakespeare) invuln...
urethroscope 27 21 an instrument for vi...
vaginicoline 26 24 living in a sheath,...
vanquishable 35 33 able to be vanquishe...
vaporescence 28 26 becoming vapour [n -...
venepuncture 26 26 the puncturing of a...
venipuncture 27 26 the puncturing of a...
verificative 30 26 serving to verify, a...
vermiculture 29 25 the farming of earth...
verslibriste 27 20 a writer of free ver...
verticillate 28 21 whorled, also VERTIC...
vibratiuncle 29 25 a small vibration [n...
vinegarrette 22 19 a small decorative b...
vinylcyanide 38 27 another name for acr...
viridescence 28 24 turning green [n -S]
virilescence 29 24 development of male...
vitilitigate 26 19 to be particularly q...
vitrifacture 29 23 glassblowing [n -S]
vituperative 27 24 uttering or given to...
vulcanisable 29 26 that can be vulcanis...
vulcanizable 32 35 that can be vulcaniz...
wallydraigle 34 23 (Scots) a feeble, im...
whatshername 27 23 a designation for a...
whatshisname 28 23 a designation for a...
whatsitsname 26 21 a designation for a...
whigmaleerie 28 23 (Scots) a trinket or...
winterbourne 24 21 an intermittent spri...
witenagemote 23 21 an early English nat...
withdrawable 32 25 capable of being wit...
wollastonite 24 18 a metasilicate of ca...
woodburytype 40 27 a photomechanical pr...