9 letter words that end with E

9 letter words that end with E

9 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abandonee 13 15 one to whom anything...
abdicable 23 20 capable of being abd...
aberrance 18 16 the state of being a...
abominate 16 16 to loathe [v ABOMINA...
abondance 17 18 a call in whist to m...
aborigine 17 15 a member of the orig...
abradable 19 17 capable of being abr...
abrogable 20 18 that can be abrogate...
abscissae 20 15 ABSCISSA, the distan...
absorbate 18 15 an absorbed substanc...
abundance 18 19 the state of being a...
acalephae 21 18 all cnidarians (jell...
acanthine 18 16 of, pertaining to, o...
acaricide 21 16 a substance that kil...
accedence 22 20 the act of acceding...
acceptive 25 22 ready to receive [ad...
accidence 23 20 the science of infle...
acclimate 23 19 (US) to habituate to...
accourage 21 18 (Spenser) to encoura...
accretive 23 19 relating to accretio...
accruable 24 20 capable of being acc...
accusable 24 20 liable to be accused...
acescence 22 19 the act of turning s...
acetamide 18 16 a white crystalline...
acetylate 24 15 to introduce the ace...
acetylene 23 16 a colourless toxic i...
acetylide 25 16 any of a class of ca...
aciculate 22 17 marked as if with ne...
acidulate 19 15 to make acidulous [v...
aconitine 16 14 a poisonous alkaloid...
acquiesce 29 25 to agree, accept [v...
acrodrome 18 16 of the veins in a le...
acrophobe 23 20 someone with an abno...
acrospire 20 15 the first real shoot...
actualise 19 14 to make actual, real...
actualite 19 14 (French) the real st...
actualize 22 23 to make actual, real...
acuminate 18 17 to sharpen [v ACUMIN...
adaptable 19 17 that can be adapted...
addictive 21 18 causing addiction [a...
addressee 14 11 one who is addressed...
adducible 22 19 capable of being add...
adductive 21 19 adducing, bringing t...
adenosine 12 12 a nucleotide made up...
adherable 19 16 capable of adhering...
adherence 18 16 the state of adherin...
adipocere 19 16 (Latin) a fatty subs...
adipocyte 26 18 a fat cell [n -S]
adjacence 21 26 the state of being a...
adjective 22 26 added, dependent [ad...
adjustive 20 24 tending to adjust [a...
admeasure 15 14 to measure [v ADMEAS...
adminicle 20 18 that which supports...
admirable 19 17 worthy of being admi...
admirance 18 17 (Spenser) admiration...
admissive 19 17 relating to admissio...
admixture 23 21 the action of mixing...
adobelike 18 18 like adobe [adj]
adoptable 19 17 capable of being ado...
adorkable 18 18 (slang) socially ine...
adsorbate 16 13 a substance or molec...
adultlike 19 17 like an adult [adj]
adumbrate 18 17 to foreshadow vaguel...
advantage 16 17 to confer an advanta...
advective 22 21 relating to advectio...
adventive 18 19 a thing or person co...
adventure 16 16 to risk, to dare, al...
advertise 17 14 to draw attention to...
advertize 20 23 to draw attention to...
advisable 20 18 sensible, to be reco...
aeolipile 18 14 the first steam engi...
aeolipyle 24 16 the first steam engi...
aerobrake 16 16 to use a planet's at...
aerodrome 14 13 a place for aircraft...
aeropause 15 13 the region of the ea...
aerophobe 19 17 a person with a fear...
aerophone 16 15 any wind instrument...
aerophore 17 14 a device for playing...
aerophyte 24 16 a plant obtaining al...
aeroplane 15 14 a flying machine [n...
aeropulse 17 14 a type of jet engine...
aeroscope 18 15 a device for observi...
aerospace 18 15 the Earth's atmosphe...
aerospike 17 16 a rocket engine with...
aestivate 16 13 to pass the summer i...
affective 24 22 of, arising from or...
affiliate 20 16 to adopt or attach a...
affixable 28 26 able to be affixed [...
affixture 26 23 something affixed, a...
affluence 22 21 the state of being a...
affricate 22 18 a consonant that beg...
affrontee 17 16 (French) face to fac...
aforetime 17 15 in time past; former...
aftercare 19 15 care subsequent to a...
aftergame 18 17 a rematch; a means e...
afterlife 20 16 life after death [n...
aftertime 18 15 the time after the p...
agateware 17 14 a form of ceramic ma...
aggravate 18 17 to make worse [v AGG...
aggregate 17 15 formed of parts that...
agitative 18 15 tending to agitate [...
aglossate 16 12 relating to aglossia...
agreeable 17 15 pleasant [adj]
agrodolce 19 16 an Italian sweet-and...
airmobile 19 16 relating to a milita...
airstrike 17 13 an attack by militar...
aitchbone 21 18 the rump bone of cat...
alabamine 17 17 an alternative name...
alarmable 19 17 that can be alarmed...
albertite 18 13 a bituminous mineral...
albespine 19 17 (archaic) hawthorn,...
albespyne 25 19 (archaic) hawthorn,...
alchemise 22 18 to change by alchemy...
alchemize 25 27 to change by alchemy...
algaecide 19 16 a substance for kill...
alienable 17 15 capable of being ali...
aliterate 15 10 not literate [adj] /...
alizarine 18 20 a coloring principle...
allemande 16 16 (French) a courtly b...
alleviate 18 15 to lighten, relieve...
allocable 22 18 that can be allocate...
allophane 19 17 a translucent, colou...
allophone 19 17 any of several speec...
allotrope 18 14 an allotropic form o...
allowable 22 18 that can be allowed...
allowance 21 18 something allowed, e...
almandine 15 16 (French) a deep red...
almandite 16 15 a deep red garnet co...
almondite 16 15 a deep violet-red ga...
almshouse 19 16 a privately supporte...
alongside 16 14 beside, side by side...
altarwise 19 13 in the proper positi...
alterable 18 14 that can be altered...
altercate 18 13 to dispute, argue [v...
alternate 14 11 in turns [adj ALTERN...
aluminate 16 15 a salt whose acid is...
aluminise 17 15 to treat metal so as...
aluminize 20 24 to treat metal so as...
alumstone 16 15 a hydrous sulphate o...
alveolate 17 15 of or like a honeyco...
amassable 18 16 capable of being ama...
amazonite 17 22 amazon-stone, a gree...
ambassage 18 17 an embassy, also EMB...
ambrotype 26 20 a picture taken on a...
ambulance 21 21 a vehicle for convey...
ambulette 19 17 a motor vehicle for...
ambuscade 21 20 (French) to lay an a...
amebocyte 26 20 a cell, like a leuko...
amenaunce 16 18 (Spenser) bearing, c...
amendable 17 18 that can be amended...
amissible 20 16 liable to be lost [a...
ammocoete 18 18 the larva of a lampr...
ammoniate 15 16 a type of ammonia co...
amourette 15 13 (French) a brief or...
amphibole 23 21 any mineral of a gro...
ampholyte 27 20 an amphotelic electr...
amplidyne 25 20 a type of direct-cur...
amplitude 20 18 largeness, abundance...
amplosome 19 19 the short or stocky...
amuseable 18 17 capable of being amu...
amygdalae 23 18 AMYGDALA, any almond...
anabolite 16 14 a product of anaboli...
analogise 15 13 to make an analogy [...
analogize 18 22 to make an analogy,...
anamniote 13 14 any vertebrate anima...
anarchise 19 15 to reduce to anarchy...
anarchize 22 24 to reduce to anarchy...
anatomise 14 13 to dissect, examine...
anatomize 17 22 to dissect, examine...
anchorage 19 17 a place where a ship...
anchorite 19 15 one who lives in sec...
anchylose 26 18 of bones, to fuse or...
andouille 16 14 (French) a kind of s...
andradite 14 12 a green-to-black gar...
androgyne 20 16 a hermaphrodite; an...
angashore 16 14 (Irish) a miserable...
anglesite 16 13 a native sulphate of...
anglewise 19 16 in an angular manner...
anglicise 20 16 to make English [v A...
anglicize 23 25 to make English, als...
anguipede 17 17 a mythical giant hav...
anhydrase 22 15 an enzyme that catal...
anhydride 23 16 a compound derived f...
anhydrite 23 15 an anhydrous sulphat...
animalise 16 14 to endow with the pr...
animalize 19 23 to endow with the pr...
anklebone 16 19 the bone of the ankl...
annexable 21 22 that can be annexed...
annoyance 20 17 something that annoy...
annualise 14 13 to convert to a year...
annualize 17 22 to convert to a year...
anonymise 20 16 to make anonymous, a...
anonymize 23 25 to make anonymous, a...
anorthite 16 12 a plagioclase feldsp...
ansaphone 16 16 another name for a t...
antefixae 21 20 ANTEFIXA, (Latin) an...
antennule 13 14 one of a first or sm...
antiabuse 16 14 designed to prevent...
anticline 18 15 a fold that is conve...
anticrime 19 16 opposed to crime [ad...
antielite 15 11 opposed to an elite...
antiglare 16 13 designed to countera...
antinoise 13 11 a sound generated to...
antiquate 22 20 to make antique [v A...
antisense 13 11 of a drug, etc., des...
antishake 17 16 denoting a technolog...
antismoke 16 17 opposed to smoking [...
antistate 14 10 opposed to the state...
antistyle 22 13 a style that rejects...
antitrade 14 11 a contrary wind blow...
antiwhite 20 15 opposed to white peo...
antwackie 21 20 old-fashioned [adj]
anucleate 17 15 without a nucleus, a...
aperitive 19 16 a laxative (medicine...
aphrodite 19 15 a kind of butterfly...
apiculate 21 17 of leaves, having a...
apocopate 20 18 to cut off the end o...
apoenzyme 25 27 a protein component...
apologiae 17 15 APOLOGIA, a written...
apologise 18 15 to express regret, a...
apologize 21 24 to express regret, a...
apostille 19 14 a marginal note, als...
appellate 20 17 relating to appeals;...
appendage 18 19 something appended [...
appetence 20 19 strong craving or po...
appetible 22 19 desirable [adj]
appliable 23 20 that can be applied,...
appliance 22 20 an instrument or too...
applicate 23 19 applied or put to so...
appointee 17 16 one who is appointed...
apposable 21 19 that can be apposed...
appraisee 18 15 one who is appraised...
approbate 20 18 to approve expressly...
appulsive 23 21 relating to an appul...
apronlike 18 18 like an apron [adj]
apsidiole 18 14 a subsidiary apse, a...
aquadrome 23 23 a centre with facili...
aquaphobe 28 27 one with a morbid fe...
aquaplane 24 24 to skim across water...
aquarelle 24 21 (French) a method of...
aquascape 27 25 a scenic view of a b...
arabesque 24 22 a movement in dancin...
arabicise 20 15 to make Arabic, also...
arabicize 23 24 to make Arabic [v AR...
arabinose 15 13 a pentose sugar whic...
aragonite 14 12 an orthorhombic mine...
arbitrage 18 14 the exploitation of...
arbitrate 17 12 to judge as arbiter...
arccosine 20 16 a mathematical funct...
archetype 28 19 the original pattern...
archilowe 24 18 (Scots) a treat give...
archimage 22 19 a great magician [n...
architype 29 19 the original pattern...
archstone 19 15 a stone in an arch,...
arcminute 19 17 a unit of angular me...
arecoline 17 14 a toxic alkaloid use...
areostyle 21 12 having columns four...
argentine 14 13 of or like silver [a...
argentite 15 12 a native sulphide of...
argillite 19 13 an indurated clay ro...
aristotle 16 10 (slang) a bottle [n...
armistice 20 15 a suspension of host...
aromatase 14 12 an enzyme involved i...
aromatise 15 12 to render aromatic,...
aromatize 18 21 to render aromatic,...
arousable 17 14 that can be aroused...
arrearage 14 11 that which remains u...
arrestive 17 13 tending to arrest [a...
arrivance 19 17 (Shakespeare) compan...
arrivisme 19 16 (French) the state o...
arriviste 18 13 (French) one that is...
arrogance 17 15 the quality of being...
arrowlike 20 17 like an arrow [adj]
arseniate 13 10 a salt of arsenic ac...
arteriole 15 10 a small artery [n -S...
artichoke 21 18 a thistle-like peren...
asbestine 16 13 of or like asbestos,...
ascensive 19 17 rising; curving up f...
ascidiate 18 13 like an ascidium [ad...
ascorbate 19 15 a salt of ascorbic a...
ascospore 19 15 one of the spores co...
ashramite 18 14 a person living in a...
aspartame 17 15 an artificial sweete...
aspartate 16 12 a salt of aspartic a...
aspersive 19 16 tending to asperse,...
aspiratae 16 12 ASPIRATA, a breathed...
assayable 23 15 that may be assayed...
assentive 16 14 giving assent [adj]
assertive 17 13 given to assertion [...
assistive 18 13 providing a means of...
associate 17 12 to join, connect [v...
assoilzie 19 19 to absolve, to clear...
assonance 15 14 vowel-rhyme, coincid...
assortive 17 13 tending to assort [a...
assuasive 17 14 mitigating, soothing...
assuetude 15 12 accustomedness; habi...
assumable 19 17 that may be assumed...
assurable 18 14 capable of being ass...
assurance 17 14 confidence, a feelin...
astraddle 16 12 in a straddling posi...
astrocyte 24 14 a much-branched, sta...
astrodome 15 13 a stadium with a dom...
astrolabe 17 13 a compact instrument...
asymptote 24 17 a line (usually stra...
atacamite 18 15 an oxychloride of co...
athrocyte 26 16 a cell having the ab...
atoneable 15 14 capable of being ato...
attentive 16 14 full of attention [a...
attenuate 13 11 to make thin; to red...
attribute 18 13 to ascribe [v ATTRIB...
attritive 18 13 tending to attrite,...
attuitive 18 14 relating to attuitio...
aubergine 17 16 (French) an eggplant...
audiotape 16 14 magnetic tape for re...
audiphone 18 17 an instrument which,...
auditable 18 15 that can be audited...
auriculae 19 15 AURICULA, a species...
auriscope 20 16 an instrument for ex...
auspicate 20 16 to prognosticate, pr...
austenite 14 11 a solid solution of...
authorise 17 12 to give authority to...
authorize 20 21 to give authority to...
autoclave 20 18 (French) a kind of F...
autocrime 19 16 crime related to car...
autocrine 17 14 relating to self-sti...
autocutie 18 14 a young and attracti...
autocycle 28 19 a motorcycle [n -S]
autodrome 15 14 a track or circuit f...
autoflare 17 14 an aircraft automati...
autoguide 16 14 a system whereby inf...
autophyte 25 17 an autotrophic plant...
autoroute 14 11 a Continental motorw...
autospore 16 13 a nonmotile algal sp...
auxospore 22 20 a diatom cell before...
available 20 18 at hand [adj AVAILAB...
avalanche 21 20 a generic term for a...
aventaile 16 15 (historical) the mov...
averrable 19 17 that can be averred...
avertable 19 17 capable of being ave...
avertible 20 17 capable of being ave...
aviatrice 20 16 a female aviator, al...
avifaunae 17 18 AVIFAUNA, the bird l...
avoidable 19 18 capable of being avo...
avoidance 18 18 the act of avoiding...
awardable 20 17 that can be awarded...
awestrike 19 16 to inspire great awe...
azeotrope 18 21 a chemical term for...
babacoote 20 18 (Malagasy) a large l...
bacchante 24 21 a priestess of Bacch...
backhouse 23 22 a building behind th...
backpiece 26 25 a piece or plate of...
backplate 24 23 a piece of armour fo...
backshore 23 21 an area of beach [n...
backslide 23 21 to fall back [v BACK...
backspace 26 25 to move the cursor o...
backstage 22 21 behind the scenes, u...
bacterise 20 15 to treat with bacter...
bacterize 23 24 to treat with bacter...
badinerie 16 14 (French) a name give...
bagatelle 19 16 (French) a trifle, a...
baignoire 17 15 (French) a theatre b...
bailliage 20 16 (French) the jurisdi...
bairnlike 19 18 (Scots) childlike [a...
bakeapple 22 23 (Canadian) the fruit...
bakehouse 19 19 a place where bread...
bakestone 16 17 a flat stone or iron...
balkanise 18 18 to divide (a region...
balkanize 21 27 to divide (a region...
ballabile 22 18 (Italian) a part of...
balladine 18 16 (French) a (female)...
ballerine 18 15 BALLERINA, (Italian)...
ballistae 19 14 BALLISTA, a Roman ma...
balzarine 20 23 (French) a light cot...
bamboozle 23 28 to deceive by underh...
bandalore 16 15 (obsolete) an eighte...
bandbrake 19 21 a brake or clutch in...
banderole 16 15 (French) a small ban...
bandoline 16 16 (French) a glutinous...
bangalore 17 16 as in bangalore torp...
banjolele 19 24 a four-stringed musi...
banjulele 20 25 a small banjo with g...
banquette 24 23 (French) a raised wa...
barbarise 19 15 to reduce to a state...
barbarize 22 24 to reduce to a state...
barbitone 18 16 a sleep-inducing dru...
barbotine 18 16 (French) a paste of...
barcarole 20 16 (French) a gondolier...
bargepole 20 18 a pole for propellin...
barophile 22 18 a bacterium able to...
baroscope 21 18 a weatherglass [n -S...
barquette 25 22 (French) a small bar...
barrelage 18 15 barrels taken collec...
barricade 20 16 (French) to block wi...
basaltine 17 14 a black or brown-gre...
baseplate 19 16 the foundation plate...
basilicae 21 16 BASILICA, an ancient...
basinlike 19 18 like a basin [adj]
basophile 22 18 of white blood cells...
bastinade 16 14 (French) to beat wit...
bathhouse 21 17 a public bathing est...
batholite 20 15 a mass of igneous ro...
bathylite 27 17 a mass of igneous ro...
battleaxe 23 20 a kind of axe once u...
baudricke 22 21 (Spenser) the zodiac...
baulkline 20 20 a straight line acro...
bavardage 19 19 (French) small talk...
beachside 22 18 situated at the side...
beadhouse 18 16 a chapel, also BEDEH...
bearnaise 15 13 (French) a rich whit...
beastlike 19 17 like a beast [adj]
beatitude 17 14 a state of blessedne...
bebeerine 17 16 an alkaloid yielded...
bedehouse 18 16 a chapel, also BEADH...
bedlamite 19 17 an inhabitant of a m...
bedraggle 20 18 to soil by dragging...
befortune 18 17 (Shakespeare) to bef...
beguinage 18 18 an establishment for...
belamoure 18 17 (Spenser) a beloved,...
belemnite 18 17 a fossil pointed lik...
bellibone 20 18 (Spenser) a woman ex...
bellicose 22 17 warlike [adj BELLICO...
bellyache 30 21 a pain in the stomac...
bellylike 28 21 shaped like a belly...
belvedere 19 18 (Italian) a structur...
bengaline 17 17 a crosswise ribbed f...
bentonite 15 14 a kind of clay, used...
benzidine 19 24 a base used in prepa...
benzoline 19 24 impure benzene [n -S...
berberine 18 16 an alkaloid obtained...
berrylike 26 19 like a berry [adj]
bespangle 20 19 to adorn with spangl...
bespeckle 24 23 to mark with speckle...
biathlete 20 15 one who takes part i...
biconcave 24 23 concave on both side...
bicornate 19 16 having two horns or...
bidentate 16 14 having two teeth or...
bifoliate 20 16 having two leaves or...
bifurcate 23 19 to fork [v BIFURCATE...
biguanide 18 17 one of a group of dr...
bijective 25 28 having the propertie...
bilabiate 20 16 having two lips, as...
bilestone 17 14 a gallstone [n -S]
binervate 18 17 of leaves, having tw...
bioactive 22 19 having an effect on...
biocenose 18 16 living together in m...
biopirate 19 15 one who practises bi...
biosphere 21 17 the plant and animal...
biostable 20 16 not affected by the...
biostrome 18 15 a rock layer consist...
bipartite 20 15 being in two parts e...
bipinnate 18 17 of a compound leaf,...
birdhouse 20 16 a nesting-box; an av...
birthdate 20 15 the date on which a...
birthname 20 18 the name given one a...
birthrate 20 14 the proportion of li...
biseriate 17 12 of petals etc. arran...
biserrate 17 12 doubly serrated [adj...
bisontine 16 14 of or relating to bi...
bisulcate 22 17 cloven-footed [adj]
bisulfate 21 17 an acid sulphate, al...
bisulfide 22 18 a sulphide having tw...
bisulfite 22 17 an acid sulfite, als...
biteplate 20 16 a device used by den...
bivalence 22 21 the state of being b...
bivalvate 22 21 of molluscs, having...
bivariate 19 16 involving or dependi...
blackface 27 26 a breed of sheep [n...
blackgame 24 25 black grouse [n -S]
bladelike 20 19 like a blade [adj]
blameable 21 20 deserving of blame,...
blaspheme 23 21 to speak impiously o...
blastulae 19 15 BLASTULA, a hollow s...
blindside 19 16 to hit unexpectedly;...
bloatware 20 16 excessively large so...
blockable 25 24 that can be blocked...
blockhole 25 23 the place where a ba...
bloggable 23 21 forming a suitable s...
bloodlike 20 19 like blood [adj]
bloodline 18 16 all the individuals...
bloquiste 27 23 a supporter of auton...
bluestone 17 15 hydrated copper sulp...
bluffable 26 24 able to be bluffed [...
boardable 19 17 that can be boarded...
boardlike 19 18 like a board [adj]
boathouse 18 15 a place for keeping...
bolletrie 19 14 a West Indian sapona...
bolognese 17 16 a meat and tomato sa...
bombasine 19 19 (French) a twilled s...
bombazine 22 28 (French) a twilled s...
bombilate 21 19 to buzz, drone, also...
bombinate 19 19 to buzz, drone, also...
bondstone 15 15 a stone running thro...
bonhommie 20 21 (French) good nature...
bonilasse 17 14 (Spenser) a bonny la...
booboisie 18 15 boobs as a class; th...
booklouse 18 18 an insect that eats...
bookplate 20 20 a label usually past...
bookstore 17 16 a bookshop [n -S]
borescope 21 18 an optical device, e...
boundable 19 19 that can be bound [a...
bourasque 25 23 (French) a tempest [...
boutonnee 14 15 (French) reserved, r...
boxercise 26 22 exercise via boxing...
brachiate 22 17 to progress by swing...
bracteate 19 15 thin beaten plate of...
bracteole 20 16 a small or secondary...
braincase 19 16 the cranium [n -S]
brainwave 21 20 a sudden good idea [...
branchiae 21 18 BRANCHIA, a gill [n]
brasserie 17 12 (French) a restauran...
brassiere 17 12 (French) a woman's u...
brassware 20 15 goods made of brass...
breadline 17 15 the threshold of pov...
breakable 20 20 that can be broken [...
breakbone 18 20 as in breakbone feve...
breaktime 19 19 in schools etc., a r...
brecciate 23 18 of a rock, composed...
bretasche 22 17 a wooden tower used...
brewhouse 22 18 a brewery [n -S]
bribeable 22 19 capable of being bri...
bricklike 25 24 like a brick [adj]
bricolage 22 18 (French) a construct...
bridecake 21 20 rich or highly ornam...
bridgable 22 19 that can be bridged,...
briefcase 22 18 a small case for car...
brimstone 18 16 sulphur; esp. (other...
briolette 18 13 (French) a pear-shap...
briquette 26 22 (French) a brick-sha...
broadline 17 15 a company dealing in...
broadside 17 14 all the guns on one...
broadwise 20 16 breadthwise [adv]
brochette 22 17 (French) a skewer fo...
brokerage 18 18 the business or empl...
brominate 17 16 to treat with bromin...
broodmare 17 16 a mare for breeding...
brookable 20 20 that can be brooked,...
brooklike 20 21 like a brook [adj]
brooklime 20 20 a wild flower with s...
broomrape 19 18 a parasitic plant [n...
brownnose 18 17 to act sycophantical...
browridge 22 18 a prominence of the...
browsable 23 19 that can be browsed...
brucellae 22 18 BRUCELLA, any of a g...
brushfire 23 18 a border war, involv...
brushlike 23 20 like a brush [adj]
brutalise 19 14 to make brutal, also...
brutalize 22 23 to make brutal, also...
brutelike 20 18 like a brute [adj]
bryophyte 34 21 a member of the Bryo...
buckytube 31 26 a tube of carbon ato...
buhrstone 19 16 a cellular, flinty r...
buildable 22 19 that can be built [a...
bulletrie 20 15 a West Indian sapona...
bullsnake 20 20 an American burrowin...
bullycide 30 21 the act or an instan...
bulwaddee 21 19 (Native Australian)...
bumblebee 23 23 a large bee of the g...
bumfuzzle 29 39 to confuse [v BUMFUZ...
bunkhouse 20 21 a place where cowboy...
burlesque 27 24 (French) a ludicrous...
burleycue 28 20 a ludicrous imitatio...
burrstone 17 14 a cellular, flinty r...
busticate 21 16 (colloquial) to brea...
butadiene 16 15 a hydrocarbon used i...
buteonine 15 15 like a buzzard [adj]...
butlerage 19 16 the department of a...
butterine 17 14 a substance prepared...
bytownite 26 18 a plagioclase interm...
byzantine 25 25 intricately involved...
cabalette 20 16 CABALETTA, (Italian)...
caballine 21 18 pertaining to or sui...
cabinmate 20 19 one who shares a cab...
cacomixle 29 26 a North American car...
cafetiere 19 15 (French) a type of c...
calaboose 19 16 (Spanish) a prison,...
calabrese 20 16 (Italian) a variety...
calavance 22 21 a kind of pulse, als...
calcarate 21 16 relating to a calcar...
calcarine 21 17 pertaining to, or si...
calcicole 26 20 a plant thriving on...
calcifuge 26 22 a plant that will no...
calcimine 23 20 (tradename) a kind o...
calculate 23 18 to count or reckon [...
calculose 23 18 of or pertaining to...
calenture 18 15 (historical) sunstro...
calibrate 21 16 to determine true va...
caliphate 23 18 (Arabic) the office...
calmative 22 20 having a calming eff...
calmstane 19 17 a white argillaceous...
calmstone 19 17 (Scots) a white argi...
camellike 22 21 like a camel [adj]
campanile 21 20 (Italian) a freestan...
cancerate 19 16 to grow into a cance...
candidate 17 15 a person who seeks o...
canebrake 19 20 a thicket of canes [...
canephore 20 18 (Greek) a sculpted f...
cannelure 17 16 (French) a groove or...
cannonade 14 16 an attack with heavy...
cannulate 17 16 to insert a cannula...
canoeable 18 17 navigable by canoe [...
cantabile 20 17 (Italian) in a melod...
cantonise 16 14 to divide (a town et...
cantonize 19 23 to divide (a town et...
capelline 21 18 a small iron skullca...
caponiere 18 16 (French) a work made...
caprifole 23 19 honeysuckle, also CA...
caprylate 27 18 a salt of caprylic a...
capsomere 20 18 any of the protein u...
capsulate 21 17 contained in or made...
capsulise 22 17 to condense, to encl...
capsulize 25 26 to condense, to encl...
captivate 22 19 to charm, fascinate...
carambole 21 19 (French) to make a c...
caravance 21 20 a kind of pulse, als...
caravelle 21 18 a small light fast s...
carbamate 20 18 a salt or ester of c...
carbamide 21 19 the technical name f...
carbazole 23 25 a chemical compound...
carbolise 21 16 to treat or disinfec...
carbolize 24 25 to treat or disinfec...
carbonade 18 17 (Spanish) flesh, fow...
carbonate 18 16 a salt of carbonic a...
carbonise 19 16 to turn into carbon,...
carbonize 22 25 to turn into carbon,...
carbuncle 24 21 a fiery-red precious...
carburate 20 16 to combine with carb...
carburise 21 16 to combine with carb...
carburize 24 25 to combine with carb...
cardamine 18 17 (Greek) a genus of c...
cardphone 21 19 a public telephone f...
careenage 16 15 a place where ships...
caressive 20 16 of or like a caress...
carfuffle 26 23 (Scots) a commotion...
carmelite 20 16 a fine woollen fabri...
carnalise 18 14 to sensualise, also...
carnalize 21 23 to sensualise, also...
carnitine 17 14 a betaine in meat [n...
carnivore 19 17 an animal or plant t...
carnotite 17 13 a yellow uranium ore...
carronade 16 14 (historical) a short...
carrytale 25 15 (Shakespeare) a tale...
cartelise 19 13 to make into a carte...
cartelize 22 22 to make into a carte...
carthorse 20 14 a horse used to draw...
cartilage 20 15 gristle, a firm pear...
cartonage 17 15 (French) papyrus or...
cartouche 23 18 (French) in Egyptian...
cartridge 20 15 a case containing th...
caseinate 16 13 a compound of casein...
casserole 18 13 a stewpan; a covered...
cassimere 19 15 a twilled cloth of t...
cassingle 20 16 a prerecorded casset...
cassonade 16 14 (French) unrefined c...
castigate 19 14 to scold, reprimand...
casualise 19 14 to turn (regular wor...
casualize 22 23 to turn (regular wor...
catalogue 19 16 to make a systematic...
catarhine 19 15 a member of one of t...
catchable 26 21 capable of being cau...
catchline 24 19 a slogan, esp. in ad...
catchpole 26 21 (historical) a sheri...
catechise 23 17 to instruct in the c...
catechize 26 26 to instruct in the c...
catharise 20 14 to render absolutely...
catharize 23 23 to render absolutely...
cathedrae 19 15 CATHEDRA, a bishop's...
cathinone 18 16 an alkaloid stimulan...
catholyte 27 17 the part of the elec...
catkinate 18 17 like catkin [adj]
cauldrife 22 18 (Scots) apt to feel...
caumstane 18 17 a white argillaceous...
caumstone 18 17 (Scots) a white argi...
causative 20 17 relating to causatio...
cauterise 18 13 to burn or sear with...
cauterize 21 22 to burn or sear with...
cavalcade 23 21 a procession of peop...
ceasefire 19 15 a cessation of firin...
celandine 17 16 either of two plants...
celebrate 20 16 to mark by solemn ce...
celestine 18 14 native strontium sul...
celestite 19 13 native strontium sul...
cellarage 20 16 the space or storero...
cellphone 23 20 a portable telephone...
cellulase 21 16 an enzyme that can s...
cellulite 22 16 fatty tissue below t...
cellulose 21 16 a carbohydrate formi...
celsitude 20 15 loftiness [n -S]
cementite 18 16 a compound of iron a...
centipede 19 17 any myriapod of the...
centonate 15 14 a Gregorian chant co...
centriole 18 14 a rodlike body (usu...
cephalate 22 18 having a head [adj]
cercariae 20 15 CERCARIA, (Latin) th...
cerebrate 19 15 to engage in intelle...
certitude 19 14 the state of being c...
cerussite 19 13 native lead carbonat...
cespitose 20 15 growing in clusters...
cetrimide 20 16 an ammonium compound...
ceylanite 24 16 a mineral, pleonaste...
ceylonite 24 16 a mineral, pleonaste...
chabazite 25 26 a colourless, pink,...
chaconine 21 19 a toxic alkaloid fou...
chalkface 27 25 as in the phrase at...
chalklike 25 24 like chalk [adj]
challenge 22 19 an invitation to a c...
chalybite 30 20 native iron carbonat...
chamomile 23 21 a creeping aromatic...
champagne 23 23 a posh sort of wine...
champleve 26 25 (French) a type of e...
chandelle 21 18 (French) an abrupt,...
chantable 22 19 that can be chanted...
chanteuse 19 16 (French) a female ni...
chaperone 20 18 (French) a person wh...
charlotte 21 15 (French) a kind of p...
charmeuse 21 18 (French) a soft sati...
chartable 23 18 that can be charted...
chaseable 22 18 that can be chased [...
chaussure 21 16 (French) a foot cove...
cheatable 22 18 that can be cheated...
checkable 27 25 capable of being che...
checkmate 25 24 in chess, to put (a...
cheekbone 21 22 the bone of the chee...
chemitype 30 22 any chemical process...
chemokine 21 22 a type of protein [n...
cheralite 21 15 a radioactive minera...
chevelure 23 20 a head of hair or ar...
chevrette 22 18 (French) a kind of t...
chiarezze 26 32 CHIAREZZA, (Italian)...
chibouque 31 28 a long straight-stem...
chicalote 24 18 (Nahuatl) a prickly...
chickadee 24 22 a North American bir...
chickaree 24 21 the American red squ...
childcare 25 19 care of children, es...
childlike 25 21 like a child [adj]
chinaware 22 18 goods made from chin...
chippable 28 24 capable of being chi...
chloracne 23 19 a type of disfigurin...
chlordane 20 17 a highly poisonous l...
chocolate 23 18 a paste made of the...
choirlike 23 19 like a choir [adj]
chokeable 23 22 that can be choked [...
chokebore 22 21 a gun that narrows t...
chondrite 20 16 a meteoric stone cha...
chondrule 21 18 a spheroidal mineral...
chophouse 24 20 in China, a customs...
chordwise 24 18 in the direction of...
chronaxie 25 22 a time constant in t...
chronicle 24 19 a record of events [...
chuckhole 28 25 (US) a hole or rut i...
cicatrice 25 18 the scar of a healed...
cicatrise 22 15 to form a scar, also...
cicatrize 25 24 to form a scar, also...
cichlidae 25 19 the cichlid family o...
cigarette 19 14 finely-cut tobacco r...
cigarlike 22 19 like a cigar [adj]
ciliolate 20 14 fringed with very sh...
cinephile 23 19 a lover of the cinem...
cingulate 20 17 having a girdle, als...
circinate 21 16 rolled up with its a...
circulate 23 17 to go round [v CIRCU...
cirripede 21 16 a barnacle or other...
cisalpine 21 17 on the hither side o...
cispadane 19 17 on the hither side o...
cisternae 17 13 CISTERNA, a fluid-co...
citigrade 20 15 moving quickly, appl...
cityscape 30 20 a view of a city [n...
civetlike 23 21 like a civet [adj]
claimable 23 20 capable of being cla...
classable 22 17 capable of being put...
classible 23 17 capable of being put...
classmate 20 16 one in the same clas...
clathrate 21 15 shaped like a net or...
clausulae 20 16 CLAUSULA, a short cl...
clavulate 22 19 club-shaped, also CL...
claystone 24 16 a compact very fine-...
cleanable 20 18 able to be cleaned [...
clearable 21 17 that can be cleared...
clearance 20 17 the act of clearing...
clearcole 22 17 a priming coat consi...
cleavable 23 21 capable of cleaving...
clericate 22 16 the position of a cl...
clerklike 23 22 like a clerk [adj]
clickable 27 24 that can be clicked,...
clientage 19 16 clients collectively...
clientele 19 15 (French) a body of c...
clifflike 27 24 like a cliff [adj]
cliffside 25 20 the side of a cliff...
climatise 21 16 to acclimatise, also...
climatize 24 25 to acclimatize, also...
climature 21 17 (Shakespeare) a regi...
climbable 26 23 that can be climbed...
clippable 27 23 that can be clipped...
cliticise 24 16 to pronounce as part...
cliticize 27 25 to pronounce as part...
clocklike 26 25 like a clock or like...
clockwise 27 23 moving in the direct...
clogdance 22 20 a dance performed wi...
cloisonne 17 15 (French) decorative...
clonidine 18 16 an antihypertensive...
closeable 21 17 that can be closed,...
clothlike 24 20 like a cloth [adj]
cloudlike 22 20 like a cloud [adj]
clozapine 23 26 a neuroleptic drug u...
clubbable 27 24 sociable, also CLUBA...
clubhouse 24 20 the premises of a sp...
clumplike 26 25 like a clump [adj]
coachable 25 21 that can be coached...
coachline 23 19 a decorative line al...
coadunate 16 15 to unite, to combine...
coagulase 19 16 any of several enzym...
coagulate 19 16 to curdle, clot, or...
coalhouse 20 16 a place where coal i...
coarctate 20 15 to press together; t...
coastline 18 14 the line or boundary...
coastwise 21 15 along the coast [adv...
cobaltine 20 17 a mineral of a nearl...
cobaltite 21 16 a mineral of a nearl...
cocainise 20 16 to anaesthetise with...
cocainize 23 25 to anaesthetise with...
coccolite 25 19 a small rounded body...
cochleare 23 18 a kind of spoon, als...
cochleate 23 18 having the form of a...
cockhorse 24 21 a child's rocking-ho...
cocozelle 25 26 a variety of squash...
coculture 23 18 to grow (two or more...
coelomate 18 16 having a coelom [adj...
coenobite 18 16 a monk who lives in...
coenocyte 25 18 a multinucleate unic...
coercible 24 19 capable of being coe...
cofeature 19 16 to feature jointly [...
coffinite 22 19 a uranium-yielding o...
cofinance 21 20 to finance in collab...
cogitable 22 18 capable of being tho...
cognitive 21 19 capable of, or perta...
cohabitee 21 17 one who is cohabited...
coherence 21 18 a tendency to cohere...
cohesible 23 18 capable of cohesion...
coiffeuse 22 19 (French) a (female)...
coldhouse 21 17 a plant frame or gre...
coliphage 24 20 any bacteriophage ac...
collative 22 18 having the power of...
colleague 20 17 a fellow-worker [n -...
colligate 21 16 to tie or bind toget...
collimate 21 17 to make parallel; to...
collocate 22 17 to place together [v...
collotype 28 19 a method of printing...
collusive 23 19 characterized by col...
colonnade 16 16 a row of evenly spac...
colorable 21 17 that can be coloured...
colourise 19 14 to add colour to (a...
colourize 22 23 to add colour to (a...
colubrine 21 18 like a snake; cunnin...
columbate 22 20 a salt of columbic a...
columbine 22 21 a flower, aka aquile...
columbite 23 20 a mineral, niobate a...
comatulae 19 17 COMATULA, a type of...
combative 23 22 inclined to combat [...
combinate 20 19 combined; betrothed...
comfiture 22 19 (obsolete) conserve,...
comminate 19 19 to threaten; to deno...
commingle 22 22 to mix together, als...
comminute 20 20 to crush, pulverize...
committee 20 18 a group selected fro...
commodore 19 19 an officer of a rank...
commonage 19 21 the right of pasturi...
communise 20 20 to make common prope...
communize 23 29 to make common prope...
commutate 20 19 to change a sentence...
composite 21 18 made of distinct thi...
composure 21 19 calmness, self-posse...
comptable 24 22 (obsolete) countable...
comptible 25 22 (obsolete) countable...
concentre 19 17 to have a common cen...
concierge 21 18 (French) one who kee...
concourse 20 17 an assembly of peopl...
concreate 19 16 (archaic) to create...
concubine 22 21 a woman who cohabits...
condiddle 19 17 (Scott) to steal [v...
conducive 23 22 favourable to or hel...
conferree 18 16 one who takes part i...
confervae 20 20 CONFERVA, a freshwat...
configure 21 19 to set up (a compute...
confirmee 20 19 one to whom anything...
confiture 20 17 (obsolete) conserve,...
confrerie 19 16 (French) a brotherho...
confronte 18 17 in heraldry, face to...
conjugate 20 25 joined, connected [a...
connature 16 15 participation in a c...
connexive 24 25 (obsolete) connectiv...
connotate 15 14 to connote; to sugge...
connotive 18 18 signifying or sugges...
conominee 16 17 one nominated in con...
conscribe 23 19 to enroll; to enlist...
consignee 17 16 the person to whom c...
consolate 17 14 (Shakespeare) to con...
consolute 18 15 completely miscible...
constable 20 17 a policeman or polic...
consulage 19 17 (historical) a duty...
consulate 18 15 the post or establis...
consultee 18 15 one who is consulted...
contactee 19 16 a person contacted b...
contadine 16 15 CONTADINA, (Italian)...
contusive 20 18 tending to bruise [a...
convocate 21 20 to convoke; to call...
convolute 20 19 rolled together, coi...
cookhouse 20 19 a place where cookin...
cookstove 20 20 a stove used for coo...
coolhouse 20 16 a greenhouse kept at...
cooperage 19 17 work done by a coope...
cooperate 18 15 to work together [v...
copataine 18 16 of a hat, high-crown...
copestone 18 16 a stone that tops or...
coproduce 23 20 to produce in consor...
coprolite 21 16 fossilized excrement...
coralline 19 15 a marine animal, esp...
corallite 20 14 a mineral substance...
corbeille 22 17 (French) a basket of...
cordyline 25 17 a tropical or subtro...
corfhouse 22 18 (Scots) a salmon-cur...
corncrake 21 20 a type of rail, with...
cornemuse 18 17 (French) a French mo...
cornflake 21 21 a crazy or silly per...
cornstone 16 14 a silicious limeston...
corollate 19 14 having a corolla, th...
corolline 19 15 of or pertaining to...
corporale 20 16 a white cloth on whi...
corporate 19 15 legally united into...
corpuscle 25 20 a cell or other minu...
corrasive 20 16 serving to wear away...
correlate 18 13 to be related one to...
corrosive 20 16 having the power to...
corrugate 19 15 to wrinkle or draw i...
corticate 21 15 having a special out...
corticose 21 15 consisting of or lik...
cortisone 17 13 a steroid hormone pr...
coruscate 21 16 to sparkle; to throw...
corymbose 27 20 consisting of corymb...
coryphene 27 20 a fish of the genus...
cosmoline 19 17 to smear with a kind...
cotelette 18 13 (French) a cutlet, a...
cotrustee 18 13 a joint trustee [n -...
cottonade 16 14 a somewhat stout and...
couchette 23 18 (French) a sleeping-...
coumarone 17 17 a liquid derived fro...
counselee 17 15 one who is counselle...
countable 20 18 that can be counted,...
countline 18 16 a confectionery bar...
courbette 20 16 (French) a curvet [n...
courgette 19 15 (French) a small var...
courtlike 21 18 courtly, polite [adj...
courtside 19 14 the area at the edge...
cousinage 18 16 relationship; kinshi...
covalence 22 21 the union of a pair...
covariate 19 16 a statistical variab...
covelline 21 19 a native sulphide of...
covellite 22 18 a native sulphide of...
coverable 22 20 that can be covered...
coversine 19 17 a function in trigon...
coverture 20 17 covering; shelter [n...
covetable 22 20 that may be coveted...
cowardice 24 19 lack of courage, als...
crabapple 25 22 a small sour wild ap...
crammable 23 22 that can be crammed...
cramoisie 19 15 (archaic) crimson, a...
crankcase 21 20 the case or covering...
crapelike 22 20 like crape [adj]
creamlike 21 20 like cream [adj]
creamware 21 18 a type of earthenwar...
creamwove 23 22 of woven paper, crea...
creatable 20 16 that may be created...
creekside 19 17 the area at the side...
creepmice 24 21 CREEPMOUSE, an infor...
crenature 17 14 the state of being n...
crenelate 17 14 (US) to provide with...
crenulate 18 15 minutely crenate, al...
crepitate 20 15 to crackle; to snap...
crepoline 20 17 a light crapelike dr...
crepuscle 25 20 twilight, the fading...
cretinise 18 13 to make into a creti...
cretinize 21 22 to make into a creti...
crimewave 24 22 a period of increase...
criminate 19 16 to accuse [v CRIMINA...
crinoline 18 15 (French) a stiff fab...
criticise 23 15 to censure, also CRI...
criticize 26 24 to censure, also CRI...
crocodile 22 17 a large long-tailed...
crokinole 19 18 (French) a board gam...
croquante 25 23 (French) a crisp pie...
croquette 26 22 (French) a ball or c...
crossable 21 16 that can be crossed...
crossbite 21 15 to swindle [v CROSSB...
crossette 18 12 (French) a small pro...
crossfire 21 15 the crossing of line...
crosstree 18 12 one of the two upper...
crosswire 22 15 either of the two fi...
crosswise 22 15 in the fashion of a...
crotaline 18 14 of or pertaining to...
croustade 18 14 (French) a cake of f...
crushable 24 19 that can be crushed...
cryocable 30 21 a highly conducting...
cryophyte 35 21 an organism esp. an...
cryoprobe 28 20 a blunt chilled prob...
cryoscope 29 20 an instrument for de...
cubanelle 21 19 a variety of pepper...
cubbyhole 32 24 a small enclosed spa...
cucullate 24 19 hooded; hood-shaped,...
cuffuffle 29 27 a commotion, also CA...
culminate 20 18 to climax [v CULMINA...
cultivate 22 18 to till or produce b...
cumbrance 24 23 an encumbrance [n -S...
curbstone 20 17 a stone lining a cur...
curcumine 23 21 the saffron-yellow c...
curettage 19 15 (French) the act of...
curfuffle 27 24 (Scots) a commotion...
curtalaxe 25 21 (archaic) a short br...
curtilage 21 16 an area of land enco...
curvative 23 21 relating to curvatio...
curvature 21 18 a curving or bending...
curvesome 21 20 curvy [adj]
cuspidate 21 17 shaped like a cuspid...
cuspidore 21 17 a spittoon, also CUS...
customise 20 16 to adapt for a custo...
customize 23 25 to adapt for a custo...
cuticulae 23 18 CUTICULA, the outer...
cyanamide 24 19 the amide of cyanoge...
cyanotype 31 20 a blueprint [n -S]
cyanurate 23 16 a chemical derived f...
cybercafe 31 23 a cafe where compute...
cybernate 25 18 to control by means...
cyclamate 29 21 any of a number of v...
cyclizine 32 28 an antihistamine dru...
cyclonite 28 19 a type of explosive,...
cymophane 28 23 cat's-eye, a variety...
cystocele 28 18 a hernia of the blad...
dacoitage 18 15 (Hindi) robbery by d...
dacquoise 26 23 a layered dessert of...
dalliance 19 16 flirtation [n -S]
damascene 17 17 to decorate or engra...
danceable 19 18 capable of being dan...
dancettee 16 14 of a heraldic line,...
darraigne 15 13 (obsolete) to vindic...
dataglove 18 17 an electrically wire...
dawsonite 17 14 a hydrous carbonate...
daycentre 23 16 a building used for...
deadhouse 16 14 a mortuary [n -S]
deaminase 14 14 an enzyme that hydro...
deaminate 14 14 to remove the amino...
deaminise 15 14 to remove the amino...
deaminize 18 23 to remove the amino...
deathcare 19 15 of, relating to, or...
deathlike 19 17 like death [adj]
debatable 19 17 that can be debated,...
debauchee 21 19 one who is debauched...
debenture 16 15 an official certific...
debonaire 15 14 of good appearance,...
debutante 16 15 someone (female) mak...
decadence 19 18 a falling away; deca...
decalitre 19 14 a cubic volume of te...
decalogue 19 17 the Ten Commandments...
decametre 18 16 ten meters, also DEC...
decantate 16 14 (obsolete) to chant...
decastere 17 13 a measure of capacit...
decastyle 25 16 a portico with ten c...
decaudate 17 15 to cut off the tail...
decayable 26 19 capable of decaying...
deceptive 22 20 tending to deceive,...
decheance 21 19 (French) forfeiture...
decidable 21 18 that can be decided...
deciduate 18 15 possessed of, or cha...
decilitre 20 14 one tenth of a liter...
decimetre 19 16 one tenth of a metre...
decistere 18 13 one tenth of a stere...
deckhouse 21 20 a room erected on th...
declassee 18 14 of a female person,...
declinate 18 15 curving downwards [a...
decoctive 23 20 relating to decoctio...
decocture 21 17 a decoction [n -S]
decollate 19 15 to behead [v DECOLLA...
decollete 19 15 (French) a low cut a...
decompose 20 19 to fall to pieces [v...
decoupage 20 19 (French) the applica...
decretive 20 17 relating to or havin...
decursive 21 18 running down; decurr...
decussate 18 14 arranged in crossing...
dedicatee 17 14 one to whom somethin...
deducible 22 19 capable of being ded...
deductive 21 19 of thought or reason...
deepfroze 21 25 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
defaecate 18 16 to void excrement, a...
defalcate 20 17 to embezzle money he...
defeature 16 14 (archaic) to disfigu...
defective 22 20 deficient [adj DEFEC...
defensive 18 18 tending to defend [a...
deferable 19 17 that can be deferred...
deference 18 17 a deferring or yield...
definable 19 18 that can be defined...
deflexure 24 22 a deflection [n -S]
deflorate 17 14 past flowering [adj]...
defoliate 17 14 to remove the leaves...
degustate 16 13 to taste, relish, al...
dehydrate 23 15 to dry out, remove t...
dekalitre 17 15 a cubic volume of te...
dekametre 16 17 ten meters, also DEC...
delayable 24 17 that can be delayed...
delectate 18 14 to delight [v DELECT...
delegable 19 17 that can be delegate...
delegatee 15 13 one to whom somethin...
deletable 18 15 that can be deleted,...
delftware 21 17 a type of earthenwar...
delineate 14 12 to mark out with, or...
deludable 19 17 capable of being del...
demagogue 17 18 a person who appeals...
demarcate 18 16 to mark the boundary...
dementate 14 14 (archaic) to deprive...
demimonde 16 18 (French) a class of...
demipique 27 26 an 18th century war-...
demisable 19 17 capable of being tra...
demissive 19 17 (obsolete) humble, a...
demitasse 16 13 (French) a half-cup...
demivolte 19 18 a half-turn of a hor...
demoscene 17 17 a computer art subcu...
demurrage 17 16 undue delay or deten...
denervate 15 15 to deprive of nerve...
denigrate 15 13 to blacken, defame [...
denitrate 14 11 to free from nitric...
denotable 16 15 capable of being den...
deodorise 14 11 to take the (usu unp...
deodorize 17 20 to take the (usu unp...
deoxidate 20 18 to deoxidize [v DEOX...
deoxidise 21 18 to remove oxygen fro...
deoxidize 24 27 to remove oxygen fro...
departure 17 14 the act of departing...
depasture 17 14 to graze [v DEPASTUR...
depictive 23 20 relating to depictio...
depicture 21 17 (archaic) to depict...
depletive 20 18 serving to deplete,...
deposable 19 17 capable of being dep...
deprecate 19 16 to regret deeply; to...
depredate 16 14 to plunder or prey u...
deputable 20 18 that can be deputed...
derisible 19 14 worthy of derision [...
derivable 20 18 that can be derived...
dermatome 16 16 the lateral wall of...
desecrate 17 13 to make no longer co...
desiccate 21 16 to remove the moistu...
designate 15 13 to mark out so as to...
desinence 16 15 an ending [n -S]
desirable 18 14 to be desired [adj D...
desmosome 16 16 a small thickened pa...
desoeuvre 16 15 (French) unoccupied,...
desperate 16 13 in a state of despai...
despotate 16 13 a territory governed...
despumate 18 17 to throw off impurit...
destinate 14 11 (obsolete) to ordain...
destitute 16 11 forsaken, very poor...
desuetude 15 13 disuse, discontinuan...
detective 20 17 a policeman, usually...
determine 15 14 to put terms or boun...
detersive 17 14 cleansing [adj] / a...
detonable 16 15 able to be detonated...
detraquee 22 20 (French) a (female)...
deuterate 14 11 to add deuterium to;...
deuteride 15 12 a hydrogen compound...
devaluate 17 16 to devalue, to reduc...
devastate 16 14 to lay waste [v DEVA...
developpe 21 21 (French) a ballet po...
deviative 19 18 tending to deviate [...
devisable 20 18 capable of being dev...
dextrorse 21 17 rising spirally and...
diablerie 18 14 (French) black magic...
diabolise 18 14 to convert into a de...
diabolize 21 23 to convert into a de...
diaconate 16 14 the office of a deac...
dialogise 17 13 to discourse in dial...
dialogite 17 13 a native carbonate o...
dialogize 20 22 to discourse in dial...
dialysate 22 13 the material subject...
dialyzate 25 22 the material subject...
diatomite 16 13 a siliceous sediment...
diazotise 18 19 to convert a compoun...
diazotize 21 28 to convert a compoun...
dibromide 19 17 a compound containin...
dichroite 21 15 a strongly dichroic...
dictature 19 14 the office of a dict...
dieselise 16 11 to equip e.g. a trai...
dieselize 19 20 to equip e.g. a trai...
difficile 25 20 (French) difficult [...
diffusive 23 21 having the quality o...
digestive 19 16 related to digestion...
dilatable 19 15 capable of being dil...
diligence 20 17 a French or continen...
dilutable 20 16 that can be diluted...
dimidiate 17 14 to divide (a heraldi...
dinothere 16 13 an extinct elephanti...
dioptrate 17 13 of insects, having t...
dipeptide 20 17 a peptide formed by...
diphysite 27 17 a believer in the ex...
diplomate 19 17 someone who holds a...
diplotene 17 15 the fourth stage of...
directive 21 17 a general instructio...
dirgelike 19 17 in the manner of a d...
dirigible 21 16 that can be directed...
dirigisme 19 15 (French) state contr...
dirigiste 18 12 (French) relating to...
disattire 16 10 (Spenser) to unrobe;...
disattune 15 12 to put out of harmon...
discandie 18 15 (Shakespeare) to dis...
discharge 22 17 to free from or reli...
discourse 19 14 to talk or converse...
disenable 17 15 to disable; to disqu...
disengage 16 15 to separate or free...
disfigure 20 16 to spoil the appeara...
disillude 19 14 to free from illusio...
disimmure 19 17 to liberate; to rele...
disinhume 19 17 to disinter [v DISIN...
disinvite 18 15 to withdraw an invit...
dislocate 19 14 to put out of joint...
dislustre 18 12 (archaic) to deprive...
dismantle 17 15 to take to pieces [v...
disnature 15 12 to cause to be in an...
disoblige 20 16 to slight, inconveni...
disparage 18 15 to belittle; to matc...
disparate 17 13 unequal, essentially...
dispeople 20 17 to depopulate [v DIS...
displease 18 14 to offend, to annoy...
dispondee 16 15 a double spondee; a...
disposure 18 14 disposal, dispositio...
dispraise 18 13 to censure [v DISPRA...
disproove 19 17 (Spenser) to disappr...
disrepute 18 14 bad repute, discredi...
disseisee 15 10 one who is disseised...
disseizee 18 19 one who is disseized...
dissemble 20 17 to hide true feeling...
dissimile 19 14 a comparison or illu...
dissipate 18 13 to scatter or disper...
dissolute 17 12 of loose morals; deb...
disthrone 17 13 to remove from a thr...
distingue 17 14 (French) (of a male)...
distraite 16 10 distracted in mind;...
disulfate 19 15 a compound containin...
disulfide 20 16 a sulphide containin...
dithelete 18 13 a believer in dithel...
ditrochee 20 15 a double trochee; a...
divalence 20 19 the state of being d...
divertive 20 18 tending to divert [a...
divesture 18 15 the act of divesting...
dividable 21 19 that can be divided,...
divinable 20 19 that can be divined...
divisible 22 18 that can be divided,...
divorcive 23 21 having power to divo...
divulgate 20 18 (archaic) to publish...
divulsive 22 20 tending to pull asun...
doctorate 17 13 the academic degree...
dogmatise 17 15 to assert positively...
dogmatize 20 24 to assert positively...
dolabrate 17 14 shaped like the head...
dollarise 17 12 to replace a country...
dollarize 20 21 to replace a country...
dollhouse 19 15 a house for dolls [n...
dolostone 14 12 a rock composed of d...
dominance 17 18 the state of being d...
dominique 24 24 (French) one of an A...
doorframe 17 16 the frame of a door...
doorplate 17 14 a plate on a door wi...
doorstone 13 11 the stone forming a...
dorbeetle 17 14 a dung-beetle [n -S]
dormitive 19 17 a soporific, such as...
dosshouse 17 13 a very cheap lodging...
doubtable 20 18 capable of being dou...
doucepere 19 17 (Spenser) one of the...
doughface 23 21 a contemptuous nickn...
doughlike 21 20 like dough [adj]
downforce 22 20 an aerodynamically c...
downgrade 18 17 to relegate to an in...
downrange 17 17 in a direction down...
downscale 21 18 to scale down [v DOW...
downslide 19 16 a downward movement...
downslope 20 18 a downward slope [n...
downstage 18 16 the front of a stage...
downstate 17 14 the region of a Stat...
draftable 20 17 that can be drafted...
dragonise 15 13 to turn into a drago...
dragonize 18 22 to turn into a drago...
drainable 17 15 capable of being dra...
drainpipe 19 17 a pipe used for carr...
dramatise 16 13 to adapt to dramatic...
dramatize 19 22 to adapt to dramatic...
drapeable 19 17 that can be draped,...
drawknife 21 21 a carpentry tool, al...
drawplate 21 17 a hardened steel pla...
drawshave 22 19 a carpentry tool, al...
drayhorse 23 14 a horse used to pull...
dreamhole 18 16 a hole in the wall o...
dreamlike 18 18 like a dream [adj]
dreamtime 17 16 in the mythology of...
dressmade 16 14 DRESSMAKE, to make d...
dressmake 17 17 to make dresses [v D...
drillable 21 16 that can be drilled...
drillhole 21 15 a hole bored in the...
drinkable 19 19 capable of being dru...
dripstone 17 14 mineral matter depos...
driveable 20 18 that can be driven,...
driveline 18 16 the part that connec...
dromedare 15 14 (Spenser) a dromedar...
dropforge 20 18 to forge metal betwe...
droppable 22 20 that can be dropped...
dropsonde 16 15 a radiosonde dropped...
dropstone 16 14 a stone embedded in...
drugstore 17 13 (US) a chemist's sho...
duathlete 18 14 someone who takes pa...
dubitable 21 18 liable to be doubted...
duckshove 24 24 (Australian colloqui...
dulcimore 21 18 a musical instrument...
dulcitude 21 17 sweetness [n -S]
duncelike 20 20 like a dunce [adj]
duplicate 22 18 double, twofold [adj...
dwarflike 23 21 like a dwarf [adj]
eachwhere 24 19 (obsolete) everywher...
earthlike 19 16 like the planet eart...
earthrise 17 11 the rising of the ea...
ebrillade 19 15 (French) a bridle ch...
ecarinate 16 13 without a keel [adj]
ecclesiae 21 16 ECCLESIA, (Latin) th...
echidnine 19 17 snake-poison [n -S]
ecommerce 22 21 business conducted o...
economise 17 16 to make economies, a...
economize 20 25 to make economies, a...
ecosphere 21 17 the biosphere [n -S]
ecossaise 17 12 (French) a dancing t...
ecritoire 18 12 (French) a writing-d...
ecstasise 18 12 to be ecstatic, also...
ecstasize 21 21 to be ecstatic, also...
ectocrine 20 16 any metabolite that...
ectophyte 28 19 a vegetable ectopara...
edematose 14 13 pertaining to, or of...
educative 20 18 relating to educatio...
effective 24 22 that works [adj EFFE...
efference 20 19 the act of conveying...
effluence 22 21 flowing out, emanati...
eglantine 15 14 sweetbriar, also EGL...
egressive 18 15 (of speech sounds) p...
eigenmode 15 16 (German) a normal mo...
eigentone 13 13 (German) a tone char...
eightsome 19 16 a group of eight [n...
ejaculate 20 23 to exclaim, to eject...
ejectable 22 25 able to be ejected [...
elaborate 16 13 highly detailed [adj...
elaeolite 15 11 a variety of nepheli...
elaiosome 15 13 an oil-rich body on...
elastance 17 14 the reciprocal of th...
elaterite 15 10 elastic bitumen, a r...
eldercare 18 14 care of the elderly...
electable 21 17 capable of being ele...
electrise 19 13 to make electric, al...
electrize 22 22 to make electric, al...
electrode 18 14 a conductor by which...
eleoptene 15 14 the liquid part of a...
eliminate 16 14 to remove, get rid o...
eloquence 25 24 the power, art or pr...
elsewhere 20 15 in another place [ad...
elucidate 19 15 to make clear [v ELU...
elutriate 16 11 to separate by washi...
emanative 16 17 issuing forth; efflu...
embassade 17 16 (Shakespeare) the mi...
embassage 18 17 an embassy, also AMB...
emblemise 20 19 to represent by or a...
emblemize 23 28 to represent by or a...
embracive 23 22 disposed to embrace...
embrangle 19 19 (archaic) to embroil...
embrasure 18 16 (French) a loophole...
embrazure 21 25 (French) a loophole...
embreathe 19 17 (archaic) to breathe...
embrittle 20 16 (archaic) to make or...
embrocate 20 18 to moisten and rub w...
emendable 17 18 that can be emended...
emergence 18 18 the act of emerging...
emittance 18 16 the energy radiated...
emmetrope 18 18 a person showing emm...
emolliate 17 14 to soften; to render...
empathise 20 17 to enter imaginative...
empathize 23 26 to enter imaginative...
empennage 16 19 (French) the tail as...
emphasise 20 17 to add emphasis to,...
emphasize 23 26 to add emphasis to,...
emptiable 21 19 that can be emptied...
emulative 19 18 inclined to emulatio...
emulgence 20 20 (archaic) the proces...
emulsible 21 18 that can be emulsifi...
enactable 19 17 that can be enacted...
encapsule 20 18 to encapsulate [v EN...
enclosure 18 15 the act of enclosing...
encodable 19 18 that can be encoded...
encourage 17 16 to hearten, also ACC...
encrinite 17 14 a fossil crinoid, es...
endamebae 15 17 ENDAMEBA, a parasiti...
endocrine 16 15 secreting internally...
endophyte 24 18 an endoparasitic pla...
endorsive 16 15 tending to endorse [...
endoscope 18 17 an instrument for vi...
endosmose 14 14 the transmission of...
endospore 15 14 the thin inner coat...
endostyle 21 14 a fold of the endode...
endurable 17 16 that can be endured...
endurance 16 16 the capacity for end...
engendure 14 15 (archaic) the act of...
engrenage 14 15 (French) the process...
engyscope 26 20 (obsolete) a kind of...
enhancive 20 20 having the effect of...
enhydrite 23 15 a mineral with fluid...
enjoyable 24 25 that can be enjoyed...
enokidake 15 19 (Japanese) chinese h...
enokitake 15 18 (Japanese) a type of...
enranckle 18 19 (Spenser) to enrage...
enrapture 16 14 to delight [v ENRAPT...
ensheathe 17 14 to enclose as in a s...
enshrinee 15 13 one who is enshrined...
enstatite 14 10 a mineral of the pyr...
entamebae 15 16 ENTAMEBA, an amoeba...
enterable 16 14 that can be entered...
entertake 14 14 (Spenser) to receive...
enthymeme 24 20 an argument of proba...
entophyte 24 17 a vegetable parasite...
entourage 14 13 (French) a group of...
entrecote 16 13 (French) a steak cut...
enucleate 17 15 to bring or peel out...
enumerate 14 14 to count, also NUMER...
enunciate 16 15 to pronounce [v ENUN...
enwreathe 18 15 to surround or encom...
eparchate 21 17 the province or dioc...
epaulette 17 14 (French) a shoulder...
ephedrine 18 16 an alkaloid obtained...
ephemerae 18 17 EPHEMERA, an insect...
epicentre 19 16 the point on the Ear...
epicurise 21 16 (archaic) to act as...
epicurize 24 25 (archaic) to act as...
epidosite 17 13 a rock composed of e...
epifaunae 17 17 EPIFAUNA, fauna livi...
epilogise 19 15 to speak or write an...
epilogize 22 24 to speak or write an...
epimerase 17 15 an enzyme which cata...
epimerise 18 15 to make into an epim...
epimerize 21 24 to make an epimer of...
epithecae 21 17 EPITHECA, the outer...
epitomise 18 15 to make an epitome o...
epitomize 21 24 to make an epitome o...
epoxidise 23 20 to convert into an e...
epoxidize 26 29 to convert into an e...
equatable 25 23 that can be equated...
equipoise 25 22 to provide with a co...
equitable 26 23 fair, just [adj EQUI...
equivalve 28 28 having valves of sim...
equivoque 33 33 an ambiguous term; a...
eradicate 17 13 to root out [v ERADI...
erectable 20 16 capable of being ere...
erostrate 14 9 without a beak [adj]
eroticise 18 12 to render erotic, al...
eroticize 21 21 to render erotic, al...
erstwhile 22 15 former; in the past...
eruptible 21 17 capable of undergoin...
erythrite 24 13 a reddish hydrous ar...
escabeche 24 20 pickled vegetables s...
escapable 22 19 avoidable [adj]
esclandre 18 15 (French) unpleasant...
escopette 19 15 (French) a kind of f...
escortage 18 14 (US) escort [n -S]
espagnole 17 16 (French) a brown sau...
esperance 18 16 (Shakespeare) hope,...
espionage 16 15 the practice of spyi...
esplanade 16 15 (French) a level ope...
essayette 20 11 a short essay [n -S]
estafette 16 12 (French) a mounted c...
estimable 19 16 worthy of regard [ad...
estoppage 19 17 the condition of bei...
estrapade 16 13 (French) a horse's a...
estuarine 14 11 relating to estuarie...
esurience 17 14 greed, gluttony, als...
ethanoate 14 12 an ester of acetic a...
ethionine 15 13 an amino acid [n -S]
ethnocide 19 16 the extermination of...
etiquette 23 19 (French) the convent...
etrangere 14 12 (French) a (female)...
eucaryote 23 15 an organism whose ce...
eudialyte 22 14 a silicate of zircon...
eukaryote 21 16 an organism whose ce...
eunuchise 20 17 to make a eunuch of,...
eunuchize 23 26 to make a eunuch of,...
euphemise 20 18 to speak or write (o...
euphemize 23 27 to speak or write (o...
euphonise 18 16 to make euphonic, pl...
euphonize 21 25 to make euphonic, pl...
europhile 20 16 one who admires Euro...
euthanase 15 13 to subject to euthan...
euthanaze 18 22 to subject to euthan...
euthanise 16 13 to subject to euthan...
euthanize 19 22 to subject to euthan...
evaginate 16 16 to turn inside out [...
evaluable 20 19 that can be evaluate...
evaporate 17 16 to change into vapou...
evaporite 18 16 a sedimentary rock f...
eventrate 15 14 to open the belly [v...
eventuate 15 15 to turn out [v EVENT...
everglade 18 17 a swampy grassland,...
eversible 20 17 that can be everted...
everwhere 21 18 to or in all parts a...
evincible 23 21 capable of being evi...
evocative 21 20 calling forth; servi...
evolutive 20 19 promoting evolution...
evolvable 22 22 that can be evolved...
exactable 26 23 that can be exacted...
examinate 20 20 a person subjected t...
exanimate 20 20 lifeless; spiritless...
exarchate 25 21 the office or the pr...
excarnate 22 20 to deprive or strip...
excaudate 23 21 tailless [adj]
exceptive 28 26 including, making or...
excessive 26 23 beyond what is usual...
excisable 27 23 liable or subject to...
excitable 27 23 able to be excited [...
exclosure 25 21 an area shut off fro...
exclusive 28 25 able or tending to e...
excoriate 23 19 to abrade; to heap a...
excretive 26 23 having the power of...
exculpate 27 24 to free from blame [...
excursive 27 24 constituting a digre...
excusable 27 24 that can be excused...
execrable 26 23 detestable, wretched...
executive 26 24 concerned with perfo...
exemptive 26 26 tending to exempt [a...
exercycle 34 25 an exercise bike [n...
exfoliate 23 20 to separate and come...
exhalable 26 23 capable of being exh...
exigeante 20 19 (French) (of a femal...
existence 23 20 the fact of existing...
exocytose 29 21 to secrete a substan...
exoenzyme 29 31 an enzyme that funct...
exonerate 18 17 to clear of blame [v...
exopodite 22 20 the outer branch of...
exosphere 24 21 the outermost layer...
exoticise 24 19 to regard or present...
exoticize 27 28 to regard or present...
expansile 23 21 expansible [adj]
expansive 24 24 widely extended [adj...
expatiate 22 19 to speak or write ab...
expensive 24 24 costing a lot of mon...
expertise 23 19 expert knowledge [n...
expertize 26 28 to give an expert op...
expirable 26 23 that may expire or c...
expiscate 26 22 to learn through lab...
expletive 26 24 filling out [adj EXP...
explicate 27 23 to explain [v EXPLIC...
explosive 26 24 tending to explode [...
exponible 25 24 capable of being exp...
exposable 25 23 that can be exposed...
exposture 23 20 (Shakespeare) exposu...
expulsive 27 25 serving to expel [ad...
expurgate 24 22 to purify or revise;...
exquisite 30 26 delicate and intrica...
exsertile 22 17 capable of being thr...
exsiccate 27 22 to dry up [v EXSICCA...
extempore 23 22 (Latin) an impromptu...
extensile 21 18 that can be extended...
extensive 22 21 large, widespread, a...
extenuate 19 18 to lessen; to weaken...
extermine 21 20 (Shakespeare) to ext...
extirpate 23 19 to pull out by the r...
extorsive 23 20 relating to or pract...
extortive 23 20 relating to or pract...
extradite 21 17 to deliver up by one...
extrapose 22 19 to move an item norm...
extricate 24 19 to free from entangl...
extrusile 23 18 capable of being ext...
extrusive 24 21 forced out [adj]
exuberate 22 20 to be exuberant [v E...
exudative 23 22 relating to exudatio...
exultance 24 22 exultation, also EXU...
fabricate 22 18 to manufacture; to p...
faceplate 22 19 a flat transparent p...
facsimile 23 19 an exact copy [n -S]...
factitive 23 19 causative; (of a ver...
factorage 20 17 the fees or commissi...
factorise 20 15 to reduce a number t...
factorize 23 24 to reduce a number t...
faineance 17 17 (French) doing nothi...
fairylike 26 19 like a fairy [adj]
fairytale 24 15 pertaining to a stor...
faithcure 23 18 a cure or healing th...
falconine 19 18 like a falcon or haw...
falculate 22 18 curved and sharp-poi...
falseface 22 19 a mask [n -S]
fanciable 22 20 attractive [adj]
fandangle 17 18 an elaborate ornamen...
fanfarade 17 17 (French) a fanfare [...
fantasise 16 13 to visualize in fant...
fantasize 19 22 to visualize in fant...
fantasque 24 23 (obsolete) a fancy,...
farandine 15 15 (obsolete) a silk an...
farandole 16 15 (French) a lively Pr...
farmhouse 20 18 the farmer's house a...
fascicule 25 20 a bundle; a division...
fascinate 19 16 to interest exceedin...
fatigable 21 18 easily tired, also F...
faultline 19 16 a surface along whic...
fauxmance 26 27 (colloquial) a fake...
faveolate 18 17 honeycombed [adj]
favorable 21 20 (US) favourable, als...
favourite 19 17 a person or thing re...
febricule 24 20 a slight short fever...
febrifuge 23 21 something which redu...
feculence 23 21 the state of being f...
fecundate 19 18 to make fruitful or...
federarie 16 13 (Shakespeare) a conf...
fencelike 21 21 like a fence [adj]
fenestrae 15 13 FENESTRA, a perforat...
fernticle 21 17 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferrocene 18 16 an orange crystallin...
ferrotype 25 17 an old form of photo...
fertigate 18 14 to fertilize and irr...
fertilise 19 13 to make fertile, als...
fertilize 22 22 to make fertile, als...
festinate 16 13 quick [adj FESTINATE...
fetichise 23 17 to make a fetish of,...
fetichize 26 26 to make a fetish of,...
fetishise 20 14 to make a fetish of,...
fetishize 23 23 to make a fetish of,...
fetoscope 21 18 an instrument used f...
fettucine 20 17 (Italian) a pasta ma...
feudalise 18 15 to reduce to a feuda...
feudalize 21 24 to reduce to a feuda...
feuillete 19 15 (French) a puff past...
fiberlike 22 20 like a fiber, also F...
fibrelike 22 20 like a fibre, also F...
fibrillae 22 17 FIBRILLA, a small fi...
fibrocyte 29 20 a normally inactive...
fibroline 20 17 a yarn of flax, jute...
fibrolite 21 16 a silicate of alumin...
fieldfare 20 17 a species of thrush,...
fieldmice 23 20 FIELDMOUSE, a mouse...
fieldvole 21 19 a mouse which lives...
fiendlike 19 19 like a fiend [adj]
fightable 24 20 able to be fought [a...
figurable 22 19 capable of being bro...
figurante 18 16 (Italian) a ballet-d...
filigrane 19 16 (French) a kind of o...
fillagree 20 16 a kind of ornamental...
filoplume 23 21 a slender hairlike f...
filoselle 20 15 (French) floss silk,...
filtrable 22 17 capable of being fil...
fimbriate 21 18 to border with a nar...
fioriture 18 13 FIORITURA, (Italian)...
firedrake 18 17 (archaic) a fire-bre...
firehouse 19 15 (obsolete) a fire st...
fireplace 23 19 an open recess in a...
firescape 22 18 to arrange the featu...
firestone 16 13 a rock, esp. sandsto...
fishplate 23 18 an iron plate used t...
fissipede 20 16 with digits separate...
fistulate 19 14 hollow and cylindric...
fistulose 19 14 hollow and cylindric...
fivepence 23 23 a coin worth five pe...
flagitate 19 15 to entreat or import...
flagrance 21 19 a burning; notoriety...
flagstone 18 16 a large paving stone...
flamelike 21 21 like a flame [adj]
flammable 23 23 easily able to catch...
flappable 25 23 not unflappable, eas...
flashcube 26 22 a plastic cube conta...
flashtube 23 19 a gas discharge tube...
flatshare 20 15 an arrangement where...
flavanone 17 19 a colourless crystal...
flechette 23 18 (French) a steel dar...
fleurette 18 14 (French) an ornament...
flexitime 26 23 a system that allows...
flickable 26 24 that can be flicked...
flintlike 21 19 like flint [adj]
floatable 20 17 that may be floated...
floggable 23 21 of an offence, punis...
floodable 20 18 that can be flooded...
floodgate 18 16 a gate for allowing...
floodtide 18 15 the flowing in of th...
flophouse 22 19 (US) a cheap hotel,...
floricane 20 17 the fruiting stem of...
flowerage 21 18 the process or resul...
flowstone 20 17 a general term for d...
fluctuate 22 18 to vary this way and...
fluidlike 22 20 like a fluid [adj]
fluoresce 21 17 to demonstrate fluor...
flushable 24 20 that can be flushed...
flustrate 19 14 (obsolete) to fluste...
flutelike 21 19 like a flute [adj]
flybridge 29 21 an open deck on a ca...
flystrike 27 19 the infestation of w...
focusable 23 20 able to be focused [...
foeticide 20 16 the killing of a foe...
fogramite 19 17 an antiquated person...
foilborne 19 17 of a craft, travelli...
foliature 18 14 a cluster of foliage...
foliolate 18 14 composed of or relat...
foliolose 18 14 composed of or relat...
footbrake 19 19 a brake operated by...
footloose 16 13 free or unhampered b...
footplate 19 16 a platform for a foo...
footstone 15 13 a stone at the foot...
forceable 22 19 that can be forced [...
forcipate 22 18 formed and opening l...
foreclose 20 16 to bar (a right of r...
forejudge 20 25 to deprive of a righ...
foreshore 18 14 that part of the sho...
forespake 19 19 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespoke 19 19 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forestage 17 14 a duty or tribute pa...
forestine 16 13 of or like a forest,...
foreswore 19 15 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foretaste 16 12 to taste in advance...
forficate 22 18 deeply forked, esp....
forgeable 20 18 that can be forged [...
forgetive 20 18 (Shakespeare) creati...
formaline 18 17 a 40 per cent soluti...
formalise 19 16 to make formal, also...
formalize 22 25 to make formal, also...
formamide 19 19 a colourless hygrosc...
formative 20 19 tending to form [adj...
formicate 21 18 resembling an ant [n...
formulate 19 17 to state or express...
formulise 20 17 to express in a form...
formulize 23 26 to express in a form...
fornicate 19 16 to have illicit sexu...
fortalice 21 16 (historical) a fortr...
forthcame 23 20 FORTHCOME, (obsolete...
forthcome 23 20 (obsolete) to come f...
fortilage 19 15 (Spenser) fortress,...
fortitude 18 14 strength of mind tha...
fortunate 16 14 happening by good fo...
fortunise 17 14 to make happy or for...
fortunize 20 23 (Spenser) to make fo...
fossilise 19 13 to turn into a fossi...
fossilize 22 22 to turn into a fossi...
fossulate 18 14 grooved; pitted [adj...
fosterage 17 14 the care of a foster...
fourpence 21 20 four pre-decimal pen...
fourscore 20 16 (archaic) four twent...
foveolate 18 17 like a foveola, a sm...
fragrance 20 18 pleasantness of smel...
framboise 20 18 (French) a brandy di...
frameable 20 19 that can be framed,...
franchise 22 18 liberty; the right t...
frangible 21 19 readily broken; brea...
frankable 20 21 that can be franked...
freecycle 30 21 to recycle used good...
freelance 19 17 one who works for hi...
freephone 19 18 a telephone service...
freestone 15 13 a type of building s...
freestyle 24 15 to perform freestyle...
freewrite 20 15 to write freely with...
freewrote 19 15 FREEWRITE, to write...
freezable 22 25 capable of being fro...
frequence 27 26 commonness of recurr...
fricassee 20 15 (French) a dish made...
fricative 23 19 a sound produced by...
friedcake 21 20 (US) a doughnut, a c...
frizzante 23 31 (Italian) of wine, s...
frontline 17 15 of or relating to th...
frontpage 19 18 to put on the front...
frontwise 20 16 towards the front, a...
frostbite 20 15 inflammation, someti...
frostlike 20 17 like frost [adj]
frostline 18 14 the depth to which t...
fructuate 21 17 to come to fruit, to...
frugivore 21 19 an animal which prim...
fruitcake 22 20 (colloquial) a sligh...
fruitlike 21 18 like a fruit [adj]
frusemide 19 17 a synthetic diuretic...
frustrate 18 13 to thwart [v FRUSTRA...
fruticose 21 16 shrubby [adj]
fuguelike 21 21 like a fugue [adj]
fulgurate 20 17 to flash like lightn...
fulgurite 21 17 a vitrified sand tub...
fullerene 18 16 a ball-shaped molecu...
fulleride 20 16 a compound of a full...
fullerite 20 15 a crystalline form o...
fulminate 19 18 to send forth censur...
fundraise 17 15 to raise funds [v FU...
fungicide 22 20 an agent that kills...
furfurole 21 18 a liquid obtained by...
furniture 18 15 movables, either for...
fusillade 20 16 a simultaneous or su...
fustigate 19 15 (obsolete) to beat w...
gabardine 17 16 a closely woven twil...
gaberdine 17 16 a closely woven twil...
gabionade 16 16 (French) a traverse...
gabionage 17 17 the part of a fortif...
gablelike 21 20 like a gable [adj]
gaelicise 20 15 to render into Gaeli...
gaelicize 23 24 to render into Gaeli...
gaillarde 18 14 (obsolete) brisk, li...
galactose 19 15 a sugar obtained by...
galantine 15 14 a preparation of jel...
galengale 17 16 the aromatic rootsto...
galingale 18 16 the aromatic rootsto...
galiongee 16 15 (Turkish) a Turkish...
gallamine 18 17 an ammonium salt use...
gallicise 22 16 to make French, also...
gallicize 25 25 to make French, also...
gallinule 19 16 any of various aquat...
gallisise 19 13 in wine-making, to b...
gallisize 22 22 in wine-making, to b...
gallonage 17 16 an amount in gallons...
gallopade 19 17 (French) a lively ba...
gallstone 17 14 a concretion, or cal...
galravage 19 18 (Scots) to behave ri...
galvanise 18 17 to subject to the ac...
galvanize 21 26 to subject to the ac...
gamahuche 24 22 to practise cunnilin...
gamaruche 22 20 to practise cunnilin...
gaminerie 16 15 (French) impishness,...
gangliate 17 15 having a ganglion or...
gantelope 17 16 an armoured glove, a...
gaolbroke 19 19 GAOLBREAK, to break...
garagiste 17 13 a garage proprietor...
garderobe 17 15 (historical) a chamb...
gargarise 17 13 (obsolete) to gargle...
gargarize 20 22 (obsolete) to gargle...
garnishee 17 14 a person warned not...
garniture 16 13 (French) embellishme...
gasconade 17 16 (French) boasting, b...
gastnesse 15 12 (Shakespeare) dread,...
gastrulae 17 13 GASTRULA, a metazoan...
gatehouse 17 14 a building over or a...
gaucherie 21 17 (French) an awkward...
gaugeable 19 18 capable of being gau...
gauzelike 21 26 like gauze [adj]
gehlenite 18 15 a mineral, calcium a...
gelignite 18 15 a powerful explosive...
gelsemine 17 16 an alkaloid obtained...
gemmative 20 21 relating to gemmatio...
genderise 15 13 to make distinctions...
genderize 18 22 to make distinctions...
generable 17 16 that may be generate...
genialise 16 13 to impart geniality...
genialize 19 22 to impart geniality...
gentilise 17 13 (archaic) to raise t...
gentilize 20 22 (archaic) to raise t...
geologise 17 14 to engage in geology...
geologize 20 23 to engage in geology...
georgette 16 13 (French) a kind of t...
geosphere 19 16 the solid part of th...
germanise 16 15 to make German, also...
germanite 16 15 a complex mineral, b...
germanize 19 24 to make German, also...
germicide 21 18 a substance that kil...
germinate 16 15 to sprout, to cause...
gerundive 18 18 relating to a gerund...
gessamine 16 15 (Milton) jasmine, al...
gestative 18 15 relating to gestatio...
getatable 18 15 (slang) accessible [...
geyserite 22 13 a deposit from hot s...
ghettoise 18 13 to confine to a ghet...
ghettoize 21 22 to confine to a ghet...
ghostlike 21 18 like a ghost [adj]
giantlike 18 17 like a giant [adj]
gigacycle 31 22 one billion hertz [n...
gilravage 20 18 (Scots) to behave ri...
gilsonite 17 13 (tradename) a propri...
gingerade 16 15 a carbonated soft dr...
giraffine 20 18 of or like a giraffe...
girandole 16 14 (French) a branched...
girthline 20 15 a gantline, a rope u...
gittarone 15 12 (Italian) an acousti...
glabellae 20 17 GLABELLA, the smooth...
gladelike 19 18 like a glade [adj]
gladstone 16 14 a four-wheeled pleas...
glamorise 18 15 to make glamorous, a...
glamorize 21 24 to make glamorous, a...
glandlike 19 19 like a gland [adj]
glasslike 20 17 like glass [adj]
glassware 20 15 ware, or articles co...
gleanable 18 17 that can be gleaned...
globalise 20 16 to make global, also...
globalize 23 25 to make global, also...
globelike 21 20 like a globe [adj]
globulite 21 17 a rudimentary form o...
glomerate 17 15 to gather into a bal...
glomerule 19 17 a cluster of short-s...
gluconate 19 17 a salt or ester of g...
glucoside 21 17 a glycoside in which...
gluggable 23 21 of wine, easy and pl...
glumelike 21 21 like a glume, an out...
glutamate 18 16 a salt of glutamic a...
glutamine 18 17 a neutral amino acid...
glyceride 27 18 an ester of glycerol...
glycerine 26 18 a non-technical name...
glycoside 27 18 any of a group of co...
gmelinite 18 16 a rhombohedral zeoli...
gneissose 15 12 having the structure...
gnomelike 18 20 like a gnome [adj]
gobbeline 20 19 (Spenser) a goblin [...
goldeneye 21 16 a kind of duck [n -S...
goldstone 16 14 a mineral, aventurin...
goniatite 15 12 one of an extinct ge...
gonophore 18 17 in certain flowers,...
gorgeable 19 17 that can be gorged [...
gorgonise 16 14 to have a paralyzing...
gorgonize 19 23 to have a paralyzing...
gorilline 18 14 of or like a gorilla...
goslarite 17 12 a rare mineral, hydr...
gospelise 19 15 to evangelize; to sq...
gospelize 22 24 to evangelize; to sq...
gossypine 24 17 cottony [adj]
gothicise 22 16 to make Gothic, also...
gothicize 25 25 to make Gothic, also...
gourdlike 19 18 like a gourd, a larg...
grabbable 23 21 that can be grabbed...
grandiose 15 13 imposing; bombastic...
grandsire 16 13 a grandfather, also...
granitise 16 12 to make like granite...
granitite 16 12 biotite granite [n -...
granitize 19 21 to make like granite...
granivore 17 16 an eater of grain [n...
grantable 18 16 capable of being gra...
granulate 16 14 to form or break int...
granulite 17 14 a whitish, granular...
granulose 16 14 consisting of or lik...
grapelice 22 18 GRAPELOUSE, an insec...
grapelike 20 19 like a grape [adj]
grapetree 17 14 a tropical American...
grapevine 19 19 a grape-bearing vine...
graspable 21 18 capable of being gra...
grasslike 19 16 like grass [adj]
graticule 21 16 a design or draught...
gratinate 15 12 to cook with a toppi...
gratitude 17 13 the state of being g...
gratulate 17 13 (archaic) to congrat...
gravelike 20 20 like a grave [adj]
graveside 18 16 the area around a gr...
gravesite 18 15 the site of a grave...
gravitate 18 15 to move under the in...
grayscale 26 17 in shades of grey, a...
graystone 21 14 a grey igneous rock...
graywacke 29 23 any coarse-grained,...
grazeable 21 24 that can be grazed,...
greedsome 16 15 greedy [adj]
greenbone 15 16 a garfish; a vivipar...
greengage 16 16 a green and very swe...
greensome 15 15 a type of golf match...
gregarine 16 14 a member of the Greg...
grenadine 14 14 a pomegranate syrup,...
greyscale 26 17 a scale consisting o...
greystone 21 14 a grey volcanic rock...
greywacke 29 23 any coarse-grained,...
grievance 20 19 a cause or source of...
grisaille 19 13 (French) a painting...
gritstone 16 12 a type of coarse san...
grotesque 24 21 extravagantly formed...
groundage 16 16 a charge on a ship i...
groupable 21 19 that can be grouped...
groupware 21 18 software that suppor...
grubstake 20 19 to provide with fund...
guacamole 20 19 a kind of dip, also...
guanidine 15 15 a strongly basic com...
guanosine 14 14 a nucleoside compose...
guarantee 14 13 to give a formal pro...
guardable 19 17 capable of being gua...
guardlike 19 18 like a guard [adj]
guessable 19 16 that can be guessed...
guestwise 20 15 (obsolete) in the ma...
guideline 17 15 a line drawn, or a r...
guilloche 24 19 to decorate with int...
gustative 19 16 relating to gustatio...
gynophobe 27 22 a person who hates o...
gynophore 25 19 the pedicel raising...
gyroplane 24 18 an airplane balanced...
gyroscope 27 19 a wheel or disc moun...
gyrovague 25 20 a monk who travels f...
haberdine 18 16 a cod salted and dri...
habilable 23 19 (Carlyle) capable of...
habitable 22 18 that can be inhabite...
habituate 19 15 to accustom to [v HA...
hackamore 21 21 (Spanish) a halter c...
haematite 17 14 an ore of iron, also...
haemocyte 26 19 a blood cell, esp. a...
haemolyse 24 17 to break down red bl...
haemolyze 27 26 to break down red bl...
hailstone 17 13 a ball of hail [n -S...
hairpiece 22 17 an artificial extens...
hairstyle 25 14 a particular way of...
halfpence 24 22 HALFPENNY, a coin wo...
halocline 21 17 a vertical gradient...
halophile 23 18 a plant that is adap...
halophobe 23 20 a plant that cannot...
halophyte 28 19 a plant found growin...
halothane 18 15 an inhalation anaest...
hammertoe 18 17 a deformity of the t...
handbrake 19 20 a brake applied by a...
handphone 19 19 in SE Asia, a mobile...
handshake 19 19 a shaking of hands i...
handspike 20 20 a bar used as a leve...
handwrite 20 16 to write by hand [v...
handwrote 19 16 HANDWRITE, to write...
haplotype 28 20 a single species con...
harborage 19 16 (US) shelter, harbou...
hardscape 22 18 in the practice of l...
hariolate 17 12 to prophesy, soothsa...
harmaline 18 16 an alkaloid derived...
harmonise 17 15 to bring into harmon...
harmonize 20 24 to bring into harmon...
harmotome 18 17 a zeolite, a hydrate...
harpylike 28 21 like a harpy [adj]
hartlesse 18 12 (Spenser) heartless...
hatchable 25 20 that can be hatched...
haversine 18 16 half the versed sine...
hawsehole 22 17 a hole for a ship's...
hawsepipe 24 20 a tubular casting, f...
hazardize 23 30 (Spenser) a hazardou...
headframe 19 18 the structure over a...
headlease 16 13 a main or original l...
headpeace 20 18 (archaic) a helmet,...
headphone 19 18 an audio receiver wo...
headpiece 21 18 any covering for the...
headshake 19 18 a shake of the head...
headspace 21 18 room for one's head...
headstone 15 13 the principal stone...
heartache 21 16 sorrow, anguish [n -...
heartfree 18 14 not in love [adj]
heartsome 17 14 exhilarating; merry...
heartsore 16 11 the cause of pain in...
heathlike 21 18 like a heath [adj]
hedyphane 26 20 a white variety of g...
heelpiece 22 18 a piece of armor to...
heelplate 20 16 a reinforcing piece...
heliborne 19 16 carried by helicopte...
helicline 22 17 a spiral-shaped ramp...
helictite 22 15 a distorted form of...
helidrome 19 16 an airport for helic...
heliotype 26 17 a picture obtained b...
hellebore 20 16 any of various early...
hellenise 18 14 to use the Greek lan...
hellenize 21 23 to use the Greek lan...
helophyte 28 19 any perennial marsh...
hemagogue 19 19 a drug that promotes...
hemicycle 32 23 a half circle; a sem...
hemispace 23 20 the area to one side...
hemitrope 20 17 of a crystal, twinne...
hemophile 23 20 a person with hemoph...
hepaticae 21 17 HEPATICA, a flower,...
herbicide 23 18 a weedkiller [n -S]
herbivore 21 18 an organism that eat...
herborise 19 14 to search for plants...
herborize 22 23 to search for plants...
hercynite 26 17 black spinel, an alu...
heritable 20 15 capable of being inh...
hermitage 19 16 a hermit's abode [n...
heroicise 20 14 to make heroic, also...
heroicize 23 23 to make heroic, also...
hesitance 19 15 wavering, doubt, als...
hessonite 16 12 cinnamon stone, a va...
hetmanate 16 15 the office of hetman...
hexastyle 30 21 having six columns i...
hibernate 18 15 to pass the winter i...
hibernise 19 15 to render Irish, als...
hibernize 22 24 to render Irish, als...
hiddenite 17 14 an emerald-green var...
hierodule 18 14 a temple slave in th...
hillslope 23 17 the slope of a hill...
hindrance 19 17 an act of hindering;...
hingelike 20 19 like a hinge [adj]
hippodame 22 21 (Spenser) a fabulous...
hippurite 23 18 a Cretaceous fossil...
hirundine 17 15 of or pertaining to...
histamine 18 15 a base used in medic...
histidine 18 13 an amino acid found...
hitchhike 27 22 to hike with the hel...
hodoscope 21 18 an instrument for tr...
holloware 21 16 hollow articles of c...
holocrine 20 16 applied to a gland w...
holophote 21 17 an apparatus by whic...
holophyte 28 19 a plant maintained e...
holystone 23 15 a sandstone material...
homeplace 23 21 a person's home [n -...
homologue 19 18 a thing exactly or r...
homophile 23 20 a homosexual [n -S]
homophobe 23 22 one who dislikes hom...
homophone 20 20 a word that sounds t...
homuncule 22 21 a little man; a mani...
honorable 18 16 (US) honourable, als...
hornstone 15 13 an alternative name...
horoscope 21 17 a map of the heavens...
horsehide 19 14 the hide of a horse;...
horselike 19 16 like a horse [adj]
horserace 19 14 a race for horses [n...
horseshoe 18 13 a shoe for a horse [...
hortative 19 15 giving exhortation;...
hospitage 20 16 (Spenser) hospitalit...
hospitale 20 15 (Spenser) lodging [n...
hostlesse 18 12 (Spenser) inhospitab...
hourplate 20 16 a timepiece dial [n...
houseline 17 14 tarred marline, a li...
housemate 17 15 one who dwells in th...
housewife 22 18 a married woman who...
howtowdie 23 18 (Scots) a dish of bo...
humanlike 20 21 like a human being [...
humblebee 23 22 a bumblebee [n -S]
humblesse 22 19 (Spenser) humility [...
humectate 21 18 to moisten; to wet,...
humective 24 22 something tending to...
humiliate 20 16 to humble, to mortif...
humorsome 19 18 full of humor, also...
hurricane 20 16 a violent tropical s...
hyalinise 24 15 of tissue, to change...
hyalinize 27 24 of tissue, to change...
hybridise 27 17 to create a hybrid,...
hybridize 30 26 to create a hybrid,...
hydathode 25 17 an epidermal water-e...
hydrazide 27 24 any of a class of co...
hydrazine 26 24 a colourless basic l...
hydrocele 27 18 an abnormal collecti...
hydrolase 24 15 a hydrolytic enzyme...
hydrolyse 31 17 to subject to hydrol...
hydrolyte 31 17 a body subjected to...
hydrolyze 34 26 to subject to hydrol...
hydrosere 23 14 an ecological sere o...
hydrosome 24 17 all the zooids of a...
hydrovane 24 19 a hydrofoil [n -S]
hydroxide 30 22 any compound contain...
hylophyte 35 21 a woodland plant [n...
hypallage 28 20 a rhetorical figure...
hyperbole 28 20 (Greek) impression b...
hypercube 31 23 a figure in a space...
hyperfine 27 20 excessively fine [ad...
hyperpure 28 20 excessively pure [ad...
hyphenate 26 19 to insert a hyphen i...
hyphenise 27 19 to put a hyphen in,...
hyphenize 30 28 to put a hyphen in,...
hypnotise 25 17 to put in a state of...
hypnotize 28 26 to put in a state of...
hypocrite 29 19 one who pretends to...
hypophyge 37 25 the curve where a co...
hypostome 26 19 any of several struc...
hypostyle 33 19 having a roof suppor...
ichnolite 21 16 a fossil footprint,...
idealogue 16 14 a doctrinaire adhere...
ideologue 16 14 a doctrinaire adhere...
ideophone 17 16 a word that is spoke...
idiophone 18 16 a percussion instrum...
ignitable 19 16 that can be ignited,...
ignitible 20 16 that can be ignited,...
ignorable 18 16 that can be ignored...
ignorance 17 16 lack of knowledge [n...
illegible 22 17 not legible [adj ILL...
illuviate 20 16 to deposit illuvium,...
imageable 19 18 that may be imaged [...
imbalance 21 20 lack of balance [n -...
imbrangle 20 19 (archaic) to confuse...
imbricate 22 18 overlapping [adj IMB...
imidazole 20 23 a white crystalline...
iminazole 19 23 a white crystalline...
imitative 19 16 inclined to imitate;...
immanacle 20 20 (Milton) to put in m...
immanence 18 20 the state of being i...
immediate 17 16 done or happening wi...
immersive 20 19 providing stimulatio...
immigrate 19 17 to migrate into a co...
imminence 19 20 the quality of being...
immixture 25 23 freedom from mixture...
immovable 22 23 that cannot be moved...
immutable 21 20 that cannot be chang...
impacable 24 22 not able to be quiet...
impactite 22 18 a rock, typically gl...
impactive 24 22 relating to impact [...
impassive 21 19 not showing feeling...
impedance 20 20 the measurement, in...
impennate 16 17 featherless; wingles...
impetrate 18 15 to obtain by entreat...
implicate 23 19 to involve, to entan...
implosive 22 20 of or relating to im...
importune 18 17 importunate [adj IMP...
imposable 21 19 capable of being imp...
impostume 20 19 (archaic) an abscess...
imposture 19 16 a fraud, the act of...
impotence 20 19 lack of power, also...
imprecate 21 18 to call down by pray...
imprecise 22 18 not precise, also UN...
improvise 21 19 to compose and recit...
impsonite 18 16 an organic compound...
impudence 21 21 shameless boldness,...
impulsive 23 21 given to acting on i...
imputable 22 20 that can be imputed...
inaidable 17 15 (Shakespeare) that c...
inanimate 14 14 not alive [adj INANI...
inaudible 18 16 that cannot be heard...
inbreathe 18 15 to infuse by breathi...
incapable 22 20 not capable [adj INC...
incarnate 16 14 to embody in flesh,...
incentive 19 18 inciting to action [...
inceptive 22 20 marking the beginnin...
incidence 20 18 the frequency of an...
incitable 21 17 capable of being inc...
inclosure 19 15 the act of inclosing...
inclusive 22 19 comprehensive; inclu...
incommode 19 20 to put to inconvenie...
incondite 17 15 not well put togethe...
incremate 18 16 (obsolete) to cremat...
inculcate 22 18 to teach and impress...
inculpate 21 18 to blame; to incrimi...
incunable 20 19 a book printed from...
incurable 21 18 that cannot be cured...
incursive 21 18 making an incursion,...
incurvate 20 18 curved inward [adj]...
indelible 19 16 that cannot be erase...
indenture 14 13 to bind by indenture...
indexable 23 22 that can be indexed...
indigence 18 17 poverty; the state o...
indispose 17 14 to render indisposed...
indocible 21 18 incapable of being t...
indolence 17 16 laziness, also INDOL...
inducible 22 19 capable of being ind...
inductile 20 16 not ductile [adj]
inductive 21 19 relating to inductio...
indusiate 15 12 having an indusium,...
induviate 17 16 covered with induvia...
inebriate 16 13 to make drunk [v INE...
ineffable 21 20 unspeakable, indescr...
inequable 25 24 not equable, also UN...
inerrable 17 14 incapable of erring;...
inerudite 15 12 not erudite [adj]
infantile 17 15 like an infant, chil...
infantine 15 15 like an infant, chil...
infatuate 16 14 to inspire with fool...
infective 22 20 infectious [adj INFE...
inferable 19 17 that can be inferred...
inference 18 17 the act of inferring...
inferible 20 17 that can be inferred...
infertile 18 14 not fertile, also UN...
inflative 20 18 causing inflation, t...
inflexure 24 22 an inflection; a ben...
influence 20 19 to have or exert an...
infortune 16 15 misfortune [n -S]
infuriate 17 14 enraged [adj INFURIA...
infuscate 20 17 clouded or tinged wi...
infusible 21 18 unable to be fused o...
ingestive 18 16 relating to ingestio...
inhalable 20 17 that can be inhaled...
inherence 18 16 the state of inherin...
injective 22 26 being a one to one m...
injurable 20 24 that can be injured...
injustice 21 23 the fact or act of b...
innersole 14 12 an insole [n -S]
innervate 15 15 to supply with nerve...
innocence 18 18 the quality of being...
inoculate 18 15 to introduce (e.g. b...
inopinate 15 14 (obsolete) not thoug...
inquiline 24 22 living with another...
inquinate 22 21 to corrupt or defile...
inquorate 22 20 of the attendance at...
insatiate 14 10 insatiable; as, insa...
inscience 20 17 want of knowledge; i...
insectile 19 14 pertaining to, or ha...
insensate 13 11 without sensation, i...
insheathe 18 14 to insert as in a sh...
insincere 17 14 not sincere [adj INS...
insinuate 14 12 to hint or indirectl...
insolence 17 15 rudeness, impudence...
insoluble 19 16 that cannot be solve...
instigate 16 12 to initiate, bring a...
institute 16 11 to set up, establish...
insurable 18 15 that can be insured...
insurance 17 15 the act, practice or...
integrate 15 12 to make entire [v IN...
intenable 16 15 (obsolete) not tenab...
intenible 17 15 not capable of holdi...
intensate 13 11 to intensify [v INTE...
intensive 16 15 making intense [adj...
intentive 16 15 (archaic) attentive...
intercede 17 14 to act as peacemaker...
interdine 14 12 to eat together [v I...
interesse 14 10 (obsolete) an intere...
interface 19 16 to interact or opera...
interfere 16 13 to intervene, come i...
interfile 18 14 to arrange in or add...
interfuse 17 14 to pour or spread be...
interlace 18 14 to lace, weave toget...
interline 15 12 to write or insert b...
interlope 17 14 to intrude; to traff...
interlude 16 13 an interval between...
intermale 16 14 between males [adj]
intermure 16 14 (obsolete) to wall i...
internode 13 12 the space between tw...
interpage 17 15 to print or insert o...
interpone 15 14 to interpose; to ins...
interpose 16 13 to place between [v...
interrace 17 13 between races [adj]
intervale 17 15 a low level tract of...
intervene 15 15 to come or be betwee...
interwove 19 17 INTERWEAVE, to weave...
interzone 16 20 a zone between zones...
intestate 14 10 not having made a wi...
intestine 14 11 a part of the digest...
intimiste 17 13 (French) a painter o...
intricate 18 13 involved, complex, a...
introduce 18 15 to bring in, establi...
intrusive 18 15 tending to intrude [...
intuitive 18 15 possessing intuition...
intumesce 19 17 to swell up [v INTUM...
inumbrate 18 17 to cast a shadow upo...
inusitate 15 11 (obsolete) unaccusto...
invadable 19 19 that can be invaded...
invective 22 21 abusive [adj INVECTI...
inventive 18 19 given to invention [...
inversive 19 18 tending to invert [a...
invertase 16 14 an enzyme that inver...
inviolate 17 15 not violated; uninju...
invisible 21 18 that cannot be seen...
invocable 22 21 that can be invoked...
involucre 21 19 a whorl or set of br...
inwreathe 19 15 to surround or encom...
iodophile 20 16 esp. of bacteria con...
ionisable 17 14 that can be ionised,...
ionizable 20 23 that can be ionized,...
ionopause 15 14 the region of the ea...
ionophore 17 15 a chemical compound...
ionosonde 12 12 an instrument for me...
iprindole 18 15 an antidepressant dr...
irascible 22 16 easily angered, irri...
iridocyte 25 15 a cell in the skin o...
ironstone 13 11 a hard, earthy ore o...
irradiate 15 10 to shed light or oth...
irrigable 20 15 that can be irrigate...
irritable 19 13 easily provoked [adj...
irruptive 21 17 rushing in or upon [...
isobutane 16 14 a gaseous branched-c...
isobutene 16 14 an isomer of butene...
isochrone 19 15 a line connecting po...
isoenzyme 24 24 one of several varia...
isogamete 16 14 a gamete indistingui...
isolative 18 14 tending towards isol...
isomerase 15 12 an enzyme which spee...
isomerise 16 12 to change into an is...
isomerize 19 21 to change into an is...
isooctane 16 13 a fuel of the same o...
italicise 20 13 to print in italic c...
italicize 23 22 to print in italic c...
iterative 17 13 repeating, iterating...
itinerate 14 10 to wander without a...
ivorylike 26 20 like ivory [adj]
jackknife 24 33 a large clasp knife...
jackplane 23 30 a large woodworking...
jacksnipe 23 29 a kind of snipe [n -...
jackstone 20 26 a piece used in the...
jacquerie 28 31 (French) a peasant's...
jailbroke 21 26 JAILBREAK, to free f...
jailhouse 20 22 a prison [n -S]
jargonise 17 21 to express in jargon...
jargonize 20 30 to express in jargon...
jasmonate 16 22 any of several organ...
jasperise 19 21 to turn into, or cau...
jasperize 22 30 to turn into, or cau...
jaspilite 21 22 a rock like jasper [...
jellylike 28 27 like a jelly [adj]
jessamine 17 22 a genus of oleaceous...
jewellike 23 27 like a jewel [adj]
jigamaree 18 23 a whatsit [n -S]
jobcentre 21 25 a centre for employm...
jonnycake 25 29 a kind of bread made...
jouisance 19 23 (Spenser) joyousness...
jubilance 23 27 jubilation, also JUB...
judgeable 21 26 able to be judged [a...
judgelike 21 27 like a judge [adj]
judicable 24 27 capable of being jud...
juniorate 16 20 a course of high sch...
juxtapose 25 29 to place side by sid...
kairomone 15 17 a semiochemical, emi...
kalanchoe 20 20 a succulent plant wh...
kaliphate 21 19 the office of a kali...
kallitype 27 20 a former photographi...
kalsomine 17 18 (tradename) a kind o...
kaolinise 16 15 to turn into kaolin,...
kaolinite 16 15 a hydrated aluminum...
kaolinize 19 24 to turn into kaolin,...
karyosome 22 18 a spherical aggregat...
karyotype 30 20 the appearance, numb...
keelivine 18 19 (Scots) a lead penci...
keelyvine 24 21 (Scots) a lead penci...
kentledge 17 18 pig-iron used as bal...
kerbstone 17 17 a stone placed edgew...
kerfuffle 24 24 (Scots) a commotion...
kermesite 17 16 a cherry-red mineral...
keystroke 23 19 a single operation o...
khakilike 22 24 like khaki [adj]
khalifate 21 19 (Arabic) the office...
khedivate 20 20 the office of khediv...
kidnappee 19 21 one who is kidnapped...
kieserite 16 13 a hydrous sulphate o...
kilocurie 21 18 one thousand curies...
kilocycle 31 23 a unit of frequency:...
kilojoule 20 25 a unit of energy, 10...
kilolitre 19 15 one thousand litres,...
kilometre 18 17 a thousand metres, a...
kilotonne 15 16 a measure of explosi...
kinescope 20 20 (tradename) a cathod...
kingsnake 17 21 a North American sna...
kintledge 18 18 pig-iron used as bal...
kittiwake 21 20 a kind of gull, whit...
kneadable 17 19 that may be kneaded...
kneepiece 19 20 a knee-shaped piece...
knifelike 20 22 like a knife [adj]
knightage 20 20 the body of knights,...
knittable 19 18 that can be knitted...
knowledge 20 21 what is known [n -S]...
koniscope 20 20 an instrument for me...
kurfuffle 25 25 a commotion [n -S] /...
labelable 21 18 that can be labeled,...
labellate 19 15 of or like a labellu...
labelmate 19 17 a singer or musician...
labialise 19 14 to pronounce with ro...
labialize 22 23 to pronounce with ro...
laborsome 18 16 requiring hard work,...
labourite 18 14 a member or supporte...
laccolite 23 17 a mass of igneous ro...
lacerable 21 17 that can be lacerate...
lacertine 18 14 lizard-like, also LA...
laciniate 18 14 cut into narrow lobe...
laevigate 18 16 to smooth, polish, a...
laevulose 18 16 the laevorotatory (a...
lagniappe 20 19 (Spanish) a small gi...
lakeshore 18 16 the shore of a lake...
lambitive 22 20 (obsolete) a medicin...
lamellate 18 15 composed of, or furn...
lamellose 18 15 composed of, or havi...
laminable 19 18 capable of being spl...
lampshade 21 19 a decorative or prot...
lancinate 17 15 to pierce or tear [v...
landdamne 15 17 (Shakespeare) to abu...
landforce 20 18 a military force ser...
landgrave 18 18 (historical) a Germa...
landscape 20 18 the appearance of th...
landslide 17 14 to win an election b...
langouste 16 14 (French) the spiny l...
langridge 18 16 a shot consisting of...
languette 16 14 (French) a tonguelik...
lapstrake 19 17 a clinker-built boat...
lardalite 17 12 a coarse nepheline s...
larvicide 22 18 an agent that kills...
larvikite 20 18 a mineral, a soda sy...
lassitude 17 12 the state of being t...
laticlave 22 18 (historical) a broad...
laudative 18 16 expressing praise [a...
laughable 22 19 ridiculous [adj LAUG...
laughline 20 17 a funny line in a di...
laughsome 20 18 (archaic) exciting l...
lavaliere 18 15 a loosely-tied bow;...
laymanise 22 16 to simplify (technic...
laymanize 25 25 to simplify (technic...
laypeople 26 19 LAYPERSON, a member...
lazarette 18 19 (Italian) a hospital...
lazzarone 20 29 (Italian) a homeless...
leachable 23 19 that can be leached...
leaderene 13 12 a female leader, esp...
learnable 17 15 such as can be learn...
leastwise 19 13 at least; at all eve...
lectorate 18 13 the office of lector...
lectotype 27 18 a specimen or simila...
leechlike 23 20 like a leech [adj]
legendise 16 14 to make into a legen...
legendize 19 23 to make into a legen...
legislate 18 13 to make laws; to pas...
lehrjahre 22 23 (German) an apprenti...
lemmatise 18 16 to organise (words i...
lemmatize 21 25 to organise (words i...
lemonlike 18 19 like a lemon [adj]
lemurlike 20 19 like a lemur [adj]
lenticule 20 16 any of the small cor...
leporidae 17 14 animals of the rabbi...
leptosome 18 16 a person with a slig...
leptotene 16 14 the first stage of m...
letrozole 19 20 an anti-oestrogen dr...
leucocyte 28 19 a colourless corpusc...
leucotome 19 17 a needle used to car...
leukocyte 26 20 a colorless corpuscl...
leukotome 17 18 a needle used in leu...
levantine 16 16 a closely-woven twil...
levigable 22 20 capable of being lev...
libertine 18 14 a person who leads a...
librairie 19 13 (French) a bookshop...
licensure 19 15 the act of licensing...
lichenose 20 16 of, pertaining to, o...
lidocaine 18 15 the US name for lign...
lifestyle 26 16 a way in which one l...
lightface 25 20 a typeface having co...
lightsome 21 17 having light; not da...
lightwave 25 21 relating to a wave o...
lignicole 21 17 growing or living in...
limerence 19 17 a state of mind resu...
limescale 21 17 a flaky deposit left...
limestone 16 14 a sedimentary rock c...
limitable 21 17 that can be limited...
limousine 17 15 any large and luxuri...
linearise 15 11 to make linear, also...
linearize 18 20 to make linear, also...
lineolate 15 12 marked with fine lin...
lingulate 18 15 shaped like the tong...
linoleate 15 12 a salt of linoleic a...
lintwhite 22 16 (Scots) a linnet, al...
lioncelle 20 16 a small lion used as...
lippitude 22 18 (archaic) soreness o...
liquidate 25 21 to clear up or off (...
liquidise 26 21 to make esp. food li...
liquidize 29 30 to make esp. food li...
liquorice 28 23 a confectionery made...
lithesome 19 15 easily flexed, lithe...
lithopone 19 16 a white pigment used...
lithotome 19 15 a stone so formed by...
litigable 21 16 such as can be litig...
lixiviate 25 21 to separate by washi...
loadspace 20 17 the space available...
loadstone 14 12 magnetite that is na...
loathsome 18 15 abhorrent, also LOTH...
lobscouse 21 17 a sailor's dish prep...
locatable 21 17 that can be located,...
locellate 20 15 divided into small c...
lockhouse 22 20 a lockkeeper's house...
locuplete 22 18 well-stored, rich [a...
lodestone 14 12 magnetite that is na...
lodgeable 19 17 that can be lodged [...
lodgepole 19 17 a pole used in the c...
lodiculae 20 16 LODICULA, a small sc...
logophile 22 18 a person who loves w...
logothete 18 14 (historical) a chanc...
longhouse 18 16 a long communal hous...
longitude 17 15 the angular distance...
longshore 18 15 found or employed al...
lookalike 18 19 a person who is the...
lorgnette 16 13 (French) a pair of s...
lowerable 21 17 that can be lowered...
lowercase 21 16 in printing, small a...
loxodrome 22 21 a line on the globe...
lubricate 22 17 to make smooth or sl...
lucrative 22 18 yielding lucre; prof...
lucubrate 22 18 to study by lampligh...
luminaire 17 15 (French) the British...
luminance 19 19 the measure of the b...
luminesce 20 18 to show luminescence...
lunchtime 23 20 the time at which lu...
luteinise 16 12 to convert into lute...
luteinize 19 21 to convert into lute...
luxuriate 23 19 to be luxuriant, gro...
lyonnaise 20 14 (French) applied to...
lysergide 24 15 the drug LSD [n -S]
macedoine 17 17 (French) mixed diced...
machinate 20 18 to plan; to contrive...
macrocode 21 19 a macro instruction...
macrocyte 28 20 an abnormally large...
macrodome 19 19 a dome parallel to t...
macrolide 20 17 any of a class of an...
macromere 19 18 a large blastomere,...
macromole 20 19 in chemistry, a larg...
madeleine 15 15 (French) a small, ri...
madrepore 17 16 a coral of the commo...
madrilene 16 15 (French) a tomato-fl...
magalogue 18 18 a large mail-order c...
magdalene 16 17 a reformed prostitut...
magnesite 16 15 native magnesium car...
magnetise 16 15 to make magnetic, al...
magnetite 16 15 magnetic iron ore, c...
magnetize 19 24 to make magnetic, al...
magnitude 17 17 size, extent [n -S]
maharanee 15 15 (Sanskrit) the wife...
mailmerge 19 18 a merge of a file of...
mainbrace 20 19 the brace attached t...
mainframe 18 19 a large computer ser...
mainprise 18 16 (historical) to allo...
majorette 17 21 a member of a group...
majuscule 23 27 a capital or other l...
malachite 22 18 native hydrous carbo...
malengine 16 17 (Spenser) evil machi...
malleable 20 18 able to be beaten, r...
malmstone 17 17 calcareous loam; ear...
malvoisie 19 17 (French) a strong sw...
mamillate 19 17 with nipple-like pro...
mammillae 20 20 MAMMILLA, the nipple...
mammonite 17 19 one devoted to the a...
mancipate 20 19 to enslave [v MANCIP...
mandarine 14 15 a small orange of Ch...
mandoline 15 16 a musical instrument...
manducate 18 18 to chew or eat [v MA...
manganate 14 16 a salt of manganic a...
manganese 14 16 a hard grey brittle...
manganite 15 16 an oxide of manganes...
mangouste 16 16 (French) a mongoose...
mangulate 17 17 (Australian slang) t...
manhandle 17 18 to move by manpower;...
manoeuvre 16 18 a contrived, complic...
manticore 18 16 a mythical monster w...
mantyhose 23 17 a one-piece clinging...
manurance 17 18 (archaic) cultivatio...
maplelike 21 21 like a maple [adj]
marbelise 19 16 to stain or grain in...
marbelize 22 25 to stain or grain in...
marbleise 19 16 to stain or grain in...
marbleize 22 25 to stain or grain in...
marcasite 19 15 sulphide of iron in...
marchlike 24 22 like a (musical) mar...
marchpane 22 21 (Italian) an old nam...
margarine 16 15 a butterlike substan...
margarite 17 14 a pearl [n -S]
marginate 16 15 to provide with a ma...
marialite 17 13 a mineral, a variety...
mariniere 15 13 (French) esp. of mus...
marketise 17 16 to adopt a market ec...
marketize 20 25 to adopt a market ec...
marlstone 16 14 a sandy calcareous s...
marmalade 17 17 a jam or preserve ma...
marmalise 18 16 (slang) to beat soun...
marmalize 21 25 (slang) to beat soun...
marmarise 17 15 to convert limestone...
marmarize 20 24 to convert limestone...
marmelise 18 16 (slang) to thrash, d...
marmelize 21 25 (slang) to thrash, d...
marseille 18 14 (French) a strong co...
marshlike 21 19 like a marsh [adj]
marsquake 25 26 a violent tremor on...
martyrise 23 14 to cause to suffer m...
martyrize 26 23 to offer as a sacrif...
masculine 20 18 male [adj MASCULINEL...
massymore 23 17 (Scott) a subterrane...
masterate 15 12 the status or dignit...
masthouse 18 15 a building in which...
masticate 19 15 to chew; to knead me...
matchable 24 21 capable of being mat...
matchmade 22 21 MATCHMAKE, to bring...
matchmake 23 24 to bring suitable pe...
matelasse 16 13 (French) having a ra...
matelotte 16 13 (French) a kind of r...
matricide 20 16 the killing of a mot...
matronage 15 15 the state of a matro...
matronise 15 13 to make a matron of;...
matronize 18 22 to make a matron of;...
matsutake 17 17 (Japanese) a Japanes...
mattamore 16 15 a subterranean chamb...
maturable 19 17 that can be matured...
meanwhile 21 19 a period of time whi...
meatspace 20 18 real physical space,...
mechanise 20 18 to make mechanical,...
mechanize 23 27 to make mechanical,...
meclizine 23 26 a drug used to treat...
mediatise 16 13 to cause to act thro...
mediative 18 17 pertaining to mediat...
mediatize 19 22 to cause to act thro...
medicable 22 20 capable of being med...
medullate 18 16 having medulla, also...
megacurie 20 18 a unit of radiation,...
megacycle 30 23 a million cycles; a...
megajoule 19 25 a million joules [n...
megalitre 18 15 one million litres [...
megaphone 19 20 a device to magnify...
megaquake 25 28 a very large earthqu...
megascope 21 20 an instrument for pr...
megaspore 18 17 the larger of the tw...
megastore 16 14 a large supermarket...
megathere 18 16 any of various gigan...
meiospore 17 15 a haploid spore [n -...
melampode 19 20 (Spenser) the black...
melaphyre 27 20 any one of several d...
melastome 17 16 a tropical flowering...
meliorate 16 13 to make better, also...
melodrame 17 17 a kind of romantic a...
melongene 15 17 an aubergine [n -S]
memorable 19 19 worth remembering [a...
menadione 13 15 vitamin K3 [n -S]
menagerie 15 15 (French) a collectio...
meniscate 18 16 like a meniscus [adj...
menominee 14 17 a small whitefish fo...
menopause 16 17 the period during wh...
mentalese 15 14 the picturing of con...
menticide 19 17 the systematic under...
mepacrine 20 19 a bitter yellow powd...
mercerise 19 15 to treat cotton fabr...
mercerize 22 24 to treat cotton fabr...
merciable 22 19 (Spenser) merciful,...
mercifide 22 19 MERCIFY, (Spenser) t...
mercurate 19 16 to mercurialize or t...
mercurise 20 16 to treat with mercur...
mercurize 23 25 to treat with mercur...
merestone 14 13 a stone designating...
merocrine 18 16 designating a gland...
merozoite 18 21 a young trophozoite...
merpeople 20 19 mermaids and mermen...
mescaline 19 17 the principal alkalo...
mesmerise 17 15 to hypnotize, spellb...
mesmerize 20 24 to hypnotize, spellb...
mesopause 17 16 the upper limit of t...
mesophile 21 18 the ideal growth tem...
mesophyte 26 19 a land plant growing...
mesoscale 19 16 looking at or invest...
messaline 16 14 a soft lightweight s...
metallike 19 18 like metal [adj]
metalline 17 15 of, like, consisting...
metallise 18 14 to make or treat wit...
metallize 21 23 to make or treat wit...
metalware 19 16 goods made of metal...
metaphase 19 17 the stage of mitotic...
metaverse 17 16 a 3D virtual world,...
meteorite 15 12 a meteor that has fa...
methadone 16 16 a synthetic drug sim...
methodise 18 15 to reduce to method;...
methodize 21 24 to reduce to method;...
methoxide 24 22 a saltlike compound...
methylase 25 17 an enzyme that catal...
methylate 25 17 to introduce one or...
methylene 24 18 the radical CH2, whi...
metricate 19 15 to measure [v METRIC...
metricise 20 15 to convert to metric...
metricize 23 24 to convert to metric...
metronome 15 16 a mechanical device...
mezcaline 22 26 the principal alkalo...
mezzanine 20 32 a low storey between...
microcode 22 19 a micro-instruction...
microcyte 29 20 an unusually small r...
microlite 21 16 a rare mineral of re...
micromere 20 18 a small cell formed...
micromole 21 19 a millionth of a mol...
micronise 19 16 to reduce to a few m...
micronize 22 25 to reduce to a few m...
micropore 21 18 a very small pore [n...
micropyle 29 21 a micropore in ovum...
microsite 20 15 a website that is in...
microsome 20 18 a minute granule or...
microtome 20 18 an instrument used t...
microtone 18 16 an interval less tha...
microwave 24 22 in radio communicati...
microwire 23 18 a very strong, very...
micturate 20 16 to urinate [v MICTUR...
midcourse 20 17 in mid course [adj]
midinette 16 14 (French) a French, e...
migmatite 19 17 a type of rock conta...
milestone 16 14 a post or stone mark...
militance 20 17 the condition or fac...
milkshake 22 23 a drink of frothy mi...
millepede 20 18 a myriapod with many...
millepore 20 17 any of a group or or...
millerite 19 14 nickel sulfide [n -S...
millhouse 21 17 a house attached to...
millimole 21 18 a thousandth of a mo...
millipede 21 18 a myriapod with many...
millscale 23 18 scale formed on iron...
millstone 18 15 one of a pair of hea...
mindshare 18 16 the level of awarene...
minestone 14 14 ore, esp. ironstone...
miniature 16 14 a small or reduced c...
miniscule 21 18 small, insignificant...
ministate 16 13 a small state [n -S]
minuscule 21 19 small, insignificant...
minutiose 16 14 of or like a minutia...
mirabelle 20 17 (French) a European...
mirandise 16 14 in USA, to inform an...
mirandize 19 23 in USA, to inform an...
misadvice 22 20 wrong advice [n -S]
misadvise 19 17 to advise wrongly [v...
misallege 19 16 (obsolete) to state...
misbecame 22 21 MISBECOME, (archaic)...
misbecome 22 21 (archaic) to be unbe...
misbehave 22 21 to behave wrongly [v...
miscegene 19 18 a person of mixed ra...
miscegine 20 18 a person of mixed ra...
mischance 24 21 bad luck [n -S] / to...
mischarge 23 19 to charge erroneousl...
mischoice 25 20 a wrong choice [n -S...
mischoose 21 17 to choose badly [v M...
miscreate 19 15 to create wrongly [v...
misdefine 18 17 to define wrongly [v...
misdivide 20 18 to divide wrongly [v...
miserable 19 16 wretched [adj MISERA...
misguggle 22 20 (Scots) to bungle, m...
mishandle 19 17 to handle wrongly [v...
mislocate 20 16 to locate in the wro...
mismanage 17 18 to manage wrongly [v...
misoclere 20 16 hating the clergy [a...
misphrase 21 17 to phrase wrongly [v...
misplease 19 16 (obsolete) to disple...
mispraise 19 15 to praise amiss [v M...
misrelate 17 13 to relate inaccurate...
misstrike 19 16 to strike wrongly [v...
mistletoe 17 13 a Eurasian evergreen...
mitigable 21 18 that may be mitigate...
mitraille 19 14 (French) shot or bit...
mizzonite 22 31 a scapolite richer i...
modernise 15 14 to make modern, also...
modernize 18 23 to make modern, also...
moldavite 19 18 a green tektite foun...
molochise 22 18 to sacrifice (as to...
molochize 25 27 to sacrifice (as to...
molybdate 25 19 a salt of molybdic a...
monactine 17 17 the spicule of a spo...
monoamine 14 17 an amine containing...
monocline 18 18 a simple fold, descr...
monocoque 25 26 (French) an aircraft...
monocycle 28 22 a cycle with only on...
monologue 16 17 a dramatic piece for...
monophase 18 18 a type of matter or...
monoplane 16 18 an aeroplane or glid...
monoptote 16 16 a noun that has one...
monopulse 18 18 a type of radar syst...
monorhine 16 16 having one nostril,...
monorhyme 24 20 a series of lines al...
monostele 15 14 a single stele, also...
monostome 15 16 having only one mout...
monostyle 22 16 consisting of a sing...
monotreme 15 16 a primitive Australi...
montadale 15 15 any of an American b...
monticule 20 18 (French) a secondary...
monzonite 17 23 a coarse-grained int...
moonphase 18 18 a phase of the moon...
moonquake 23 27 a seismic disturbanc...
moonscape 19 19 a view of the moon's...
moonshine 16 16 (US) illegally disti...
moonstone 13 14 a nearly pellucid va...
morganite 16 15 a rosy pink semiprec...
mortalise 17 13 to make mortal, also...
mortalize 20 22 to make mortal, also...
mortgagee 17 16 one who has a mortga...
motherese 17 14 a simplified and rep...
motorable 18 16 of roads, able to be...
motorbike 19 19 a bicycle driven by...
motorcade 18 16 a procession of moto...
motorhome 18 17 a large motor vehicl...
mouldable 20 19 capable of being mol...
mountable 18 18 such as can be mount...
mouselike 18 18 like a mouse [adj]
moustache 21 18 the unshaved hair on...
mouthable 21 19 lending itself to re...
mouthlike 21 20 like a mouth [adj]
moutonnee 13 15 (French) of a rock,...
mucronate 18 17 terminating in a sha...
muffettee 20 19 (obsolete) a muffler...
mugearite 17 15 a dark, finely cryst...
multicide 22 18 mass murder [n -S]
multilane 18 16 having several lanes...
multiline 19 16 a variety of crop wi...
multilobe 21 18 having more than one...
multimode 19 18 having many modes [a...
multipage 21 19 having many pages [a...
multipede 20 18 an insect having man...
multipole 21 18 having many poles [a...
multirole 19 15 having a number of r...
multisite 19 14 having many sites [a...
multisize 22 23 coming in many sizes...
multitone 17 15 having many tones [a...
multitude 19 16 a great number of pe...
mumchance 25 25 a silent game with c...
munchable 24 23 that can be munched...
muscadine 19 18 (archaic) a musk-sce...
muscarine 19 17 a poisonous alkaloid...
muscovite 22 20 a type of mica, used...
mussitate 17 13 (obsolete) to mutter...
musteline 17 15 a weasel or similar...
mutoscope 21 19 an early form of cin...
mutualise 18 15 to organize (a compa...
mutualize 21 24 to organize (a compa...
mycophile 31 23 one who loves fungi...
myelocyte 32 20 a nerve-cell of the...
mysticete 26 17 a species of whale [...
mythicise 29 19 to make mythical, al...
mythicize 32 28 to make mythical, al...
mythomane 24 20 someone who is prone...
myxamebae 30 27 MYXAMEBA, a cell pro...
naissance 16 14 (French) birth [n -S...
nameplate 17 17 an attached plate be...
nanometre 13 14 a billionth of a met...
nanoscale 16 15 on a very small scal...
naphthene 19 18 a peculiar hydrocarb...
narcotine 16 14 an alkaloid found in...
narcotise 17 13 to subject to the in...
narcotize 20 22 to subject to the in...
narrative 16 14 relating to story [a...
nathemore 16 15 (Spenser) nevermore,...
natrolite 15 11 a common fibrous zeo...
naugahyde 23 18 a type of vinyl-coat...
navigable 20 20 that can be navigate...
nearshore 15 12 (in business) to sou...
neckpiece 23 23 a piece of cloth for...
neckverse 20 21 the test of ability...
necrotise 17 13 to affect with or un...
necrotize 20 22 to affect with or un...
nectarine 16 14 a fruit resembling a...
negotiate 14 12 to confer for the pu...
negritude 16 14 (French) the essenti...
nemertine 14 14 any of a phylum of w...
neologise 15 13 to introduce or use...
neologize 18 22 to introduce or use...
neoterise 13 10 to innovate; to coin...
neoterize 16 19 to innovate; to coin...
nepheline 18 17 a rock-forming miner...
nephelite 19 16 a rock-forming miner...
nervature 16 15 the arrangement of n...
nescience 19 17 lack of knowledge or...
nevermore 16 17 never again, also NA...
newfangle 20 20 an excessively or os...
newstrade 17 14 the business of news...
niaiserie 14 10 (French) simplicity;...
nialamide 16 15 a synthetic antidepr...
niccolite 22 17 an arsenide of nicke...
nickeline 19 19 (obsolete) an alloy...
nickelise 20 18 to plate with nickel...
nickelize 23 27 to plate with nickel...
nictitate 18 13 to wink or blink [v...
nightfire 21 17 a fire burning at ni...
nightlife 22 18 life that goes on at...
nightlike 21 19 like the night [adj]
nightmare 19 17 a bad dream [n -S]
nightside 19 15 the dark, mysterious...
nighttide 19 15 the time during whic...
nighttime 20 17 the time during whic...
nigritude 17 14 the essential qualit...
nigrosine 15 13 a blackish coal-tar...
nimblesse 19 17 (Spenser) quickness...
ninepence 17 18 nine pennies [n -S]
ninescore 16 14 nine times twenty [n...
nipcheese 21 18 (slang) a ship's pur...
nitramine 15 14 a yellow crystalline...
nitratine 14 11 a mineral occurring...
nobilesse 17 14 (Spenser) nobility,...
nominable 17 18 that can be nominate...
nomothete 16 15 a lawgiver [n -S]
nonactive 18 18 not active [adj]
nonarable 15 15 not arable [adj]
nondegree 13 14 of a course of study...
nonedible 16 16 not edible [adj] / s...
nonfinite 15 15 not finite [adj]
nonimmune 15 19 not immune [adj]
nonleague 14 15 of a sporting club,...
nonlegume 16 18 a plant that is not...
nonliable 17 16 not liable [adj]
nonmature 14 15 not mature [adj]
nonmobile 17 18 not mobile [adj]
nonmotile 15 15 not motile [adj]
nonnative 14 16 one who is not a nat...
nonpolice 19 18 not police [adj]
nonsaline 13 13 not saline [adj]
nonsecure 16 15 not secure [adj]
nonstaple 16 15 not staple [adj] / a...
nonunique 21 23 not unique [adj]
nonusable 16 16 not usable [adj]
nonviable 18 19 not viable [adj]
nonvirile 17 16 not virile [adj]
noosphere 17 15 the sum of human kno...
normalise 16 14 to make normal; to b...
normalize 19 23 to make normal; to b...
normative 17 17 of or relating to a...
nosepiece 18 16 a nozzle; the end of...
nougatine 14 14 nougat covered with...
nouriture 15 12 nourishment, nurture...
novelette 16 15 a short novel [n -S]
noviciate 19 17 the state of being a...
novitiate 16 14 the state of being a...
novocaine 17 18 (tradename) a propri...
nubeculae 20 19 NUBECULA, a cloudy f...
nullipore 19 16 (Latin) any of vario...
numerable 18 18 that can be numbered...
numeraire 15 14 (French) a standard...
nummuline 18 20 esp. of limestone, c...
nummulite 19 19 a fossil of the genu...
nuncupate 19 19 to utter as a vow [v...
nurselike 17 16 like a nurse [adj]
nutritive 18 15 relating to nutritio...
nyctalope 26 19 a person or animal a...
nymphette 26 20 a sexually desirable...
nymphlike 29 25 like a nymph [adj]
oasthouse 16 12 a house where hops a...
obcordate 19 16 of e.g. a leaf, inve...
obedience 18 17 the act or practice...
obeisance 18 16 a bow or curtsey, a...
obfuscate 22 19 to darken, make obsc...
objective 24 28 relating to or const...
objurgate 20 24 to scold or rebuke s...
obligable 22 19 that can be obligate...
obsecrate 19 15 to beseech, supplica...
obsessive 19 16 subject to obsession...
obsignate 17 15 to seal or confirm,...
obsolesce 20 16 to grow obsolescent...
obstinate 16 13 stubborn [adj OBSTIN...
obtrusive 20 17 thrusting forward [a...
obumbrate 20 19 to overshadow [v OBU...
occlusive 25 21 a consonantal sound...
occupance 25 23 the act or fact of o...
octastyle 25 15 having eight columns...
octostyle 25 15 a building with eigh...
odalisque 24 21 (French) a female sl...
oenophile 18 16 a wine connoisseur,...
offensive 20 20 causing offence [adj...
offerable 21 19 capable of being off...
officiate 22 18 to perform the dutie...
offsaddle 20 18 to unsaddle [v OFFSA...
olfactive 23 20 related to the sense...
oligocene 18 16 belonging to a certa...
oligogene 16 15 a type of gene [n -S...
olivenite 17 15 an olive-green hydro...
omissible 20 16 that can be omitted...
omittance 18 16 (Shakespeare) omissi...
omnirange 15 16 a system of radio na...
omphacite 23 20 a grass-green pyroxe...
oncomouse 17 17 (US) a mouse bred fo...
operatise 16 12 to turn a play etc....
operative 18 16 having the power of...
operatize 19 21 to turn a play etc....
ophiolite 20 15 a slice of oceanic r...
opportune 18 17 happening at the rig...
opposable 21 19 that can be opposed...
optophone 19 18 a device transformin...
orangeade 13 13 a soft drink made fr...
orangerie 14 12 (French) a building...
orderable 17 14 that can be ordered...
ordinaire 14 11 (French) vin ordinai...
ordinance 16 15 that which is ordain...
organelle 16 14 a specialized part o...
organzine 17 22 a silk yarn of two o...
oricalche 24 18 (Spenser) a gold-col...
orientate 13 10 to determine the pos...
oriflamme 20 19 an inspiring standar...
originate 15 12 to have an origin [v...
ornithine 16 13 a bird [n -S]
orphanage 18 17 a place where orphan...
ortanique 22 20 (French) a cross bet...
orthotone 15 12 taking an accent in...
oscillate 20 14 to swing to and fro...
oscitance 20 16 yawning, sleepiness,...
osmundine 15 16 a type of compost ma...
ossifrage 18 14 (Biblical) a large b...
ostensive 16 14 showing, exhibiting...
osteocyte 23 14 a cell that is chara...
osteotome 14 12 strong nippers or a...
ostiolate 15 10 having an opening [a...
ostracise 18 12 to exclude from a gr...
ostracize 21 21 to exclude from a gr...
ostracode 17 13 a minute freshwater...
otherwise 20 14 differently, alterna...
ottrelite 16 10 a mineral like chlor...
oubliette 18 14 (French) a dungeon w...
outcharge 21 17 to surpass in chargi...
outdazzle 22 30 to surpass in dazzli...
outdebate 16 14 to surpass in debati...
outfigure 19 16 to surpass in figuri...
outfumble 22 21 to surpass in fumbli...
outgamble 20 19 to surpass at gambli...
outhandle 17 15 to handle better tha...
outhustle 19 14 to surpass in hustli...
outjuggle 21 25 to surpass at juggli...
outlaunce 18 16 (Spenser) to launch...
outlustre 17 12 (Shakespeare) to out...
outmantle 16 15 (archaic) to exceed...
outmuscle 21 18 to surpass in muscle...
outoffice 22 19 an outbuilding [n -S...
outpeople 19 17 to rid a country of...
outpursue 18 15 to pursue further th...
outscheme 21 18 to surpass in schemi...
outsource 18 14 to source a contract...
outstride 16 11 to surpass in stridi...
outstrike 17 14 to outdo in striking...
outstrive 18 14 to surpass in strivi...
outstrode 15 11 OUTSTRIDE, to surpas...
outstroke 16 14 an outward stroke [n...
outstrove 17 14 OUTSTRIVE, to surpas...
outthieve 19 16 to surpass at thievi...
outtongue 15 14 (Shakespeare) to spe...
overacute 19 17 too acute [adj]
overborne 17 17 OVERBEAR, to bring d...
overbrake 19 20 to brake too much [v...
overclose 20 17 too close [adj]
overdrive 19 18 to drive to excess [...
overdrove 18 18 OVERDRIVE, to drive...
overemote 16 16 to emote excessively...
overglaze 21 25 to cover with a glaz...
overgorge 18 17 (Shakespeare) to gor...
overgrade 17 16 to grade too highly...
overgraze 20 24 to graze to excess [...
overhaile 19 16 (Spenser) to overtak...
overhaste 18 15 too great haste [n -...
overissue 17 14 to issue in excess (...
overlarge 18 16 excessively large [a...
overpoise 18 16 to burden with weigh...
overprice 22 19 to set an excessive...
overprize 22 25 to prize excessively...
oversauce 19 17 to sauce excessively...
overscale 20 17 oversize, also OVERS...
overscore 19 16 to score or draw lin...
overshade 18 16 to cover with shade...
overshine 18 16 (Shakespeare) to shi...
overshone 17 16 OVERSHINE, (Shakespe...
oversmoke 18 20 to smoke excessively...
overspice 22 19 to spice excessively...
overstare 16 13 to outstare [v OVERS...
overstate 16 13 to state in too stro...
overswore 19 16 OVERSWEAR, to swear...
overtrade 16 14 to trade beyond one'...
overvalue 19 19 to value too highly...
overwrite 20 16 to write in a labour...
overwrote 19 16 OVERWRITE, to write...
ovibovine 20 21 of or relating to th...
oxidative 23 21 relating to oxidatio...
oxycodone 28 23 an opiate drug used...
oxygenase 26 21 an enzyme [n -S]
oxygenate 26 21 to impregnate or tre...
oxygenise 27 21 to oxygenate, also O...
oxygenize 30 30 to oxygenate, also O...
ozocerite 20 21 a waxy natural paraf...
ozokerite 18 22 a waxy natural paraf...
pachytene 27 20 the stage of the pro...
pacificae 25 21 letters recommending...
packframe 24 25 a light metal frame...
packhorse 23 21 a horse used for car...
paillasse 19 14 (French) a hard stra...
paillette 19 14 (French) a piece of...
paintable 19 17 able to be painted [...
palafitte 20 16 a prehistoric hut or...
palampore 20 19 a flowered chintz be...
palatable 20 17 pleasant to taste [a...
palempore 20 19 a flowered chintz be...
paleocene 18 17 belonging to a certa...
paleogene 16 16 belonging to a certa...
palestrae 17 13 PALESTRA, a school f...
palletise 19 14 to use pallets for m...
palletize 22 23 to use pallets for m...
palliasse 19 14 (French) a hard stra...
palmhouse 21 19 a glasshouse for pal...
palmipede 21 20 a webfooted bird, al...
palmitate 19 16 a salt of palmitic a...
paloverde 19 18 (Spanish) a desert s...
palpebrae 21 19 PALPEBRA, the eyelid...
palpitate 20 16 to throb, beat rapid...
palsgrave 21 19 (Dutch) a count pala...
palsylike 27 20 like the palsy [adj]
pampootie 19 18 a rawhide slipper wo...
pandurate 16 15 fiddle-shaped, e.g....
panettone 14 14 (Italian) a kind of...
panhandle 18 18 a strip of territory...
pantalone 15 15 (French) a movement...
pantihose 18 15 tights worn by women...
pantoffle 21 20 a slipper, an oversh...
pantomime 18 19 a type of theatrical...
pantoufle 19 18 a slipper, an oversh...
pantyhose 24 17 tights worn by women...
paperware 21 18 articles made of pap...
papeterie 18 15 (French) a stationer...
papillate 21 17 having papillae, nip...
papillose 21 17 covered with papules...
papillote 21 17 (French) a paper fri...
papillule 23 19 a small papilla, a n...
parabolae 18 16 PARABOLA, (Greek) a...
parabrake 19 19 a parachute as used...
parachute 22 18 a large fabric umbre...
paraclete 20 16 (Greek) an advocate...
paracrine 19 16 of signalling betwee...
paraffine 20 19 any saturated hydroc...
paraglide 19 16 to glide through the...
paragogue 18 17 the addition of a so...
paralogue 18 16 either of a pair of...
parapente 17 16 the sport of jumping...
pararhyme 26 19 a form of rhyme in w...
parasceve 21 19 among the Jews, the...
parbuckle 25 24 to raise or lower (a...
pardalote 17 14 a small Australian s...
parentage 16 15 descent from parents...
parfleche 25 21 (French) rawhide soa...
pargasite 18 14 a dark green alumino...
pargyline 25 18 a monoamine oxidase...
parhypate 27 19 (Greek) in Greek mus...
parochine 21 18 (Scots) a parish, al...
parolable 20 17 that can be paroled...
parricide 21 16 the killing of a par...
parsonage 16 15 the home of a parson...
partitive 20 16 parting, distributin...
partridge 19 15 any member of a genu...
parvoline 19 18 a liquid derived fro...
pasodoble 19 17 (Spanish) a fast mod...
passerine 16 13 a perching bird [n -...
passivate 19 16 to coat metal with o...
pastalike 19 17 like pasta [adj]
pastorale 17 13 (Italian) a composit...
pastorate 16 12 the office, state, o...
pasturage 18 15 the business of feed...
patchable 25 21 that can be patched...
patchocke 26 24 (Spenser) perhaps a...
patellate 18 14 relating to the pate...
patercove 21 19 (slang) a hedge-prie...
pathogene 18 17 a disease-producing...
patricide 21 16 the killing of a fat...
patronage 16 15 (Shakespeare) to cou...
patronise 16 13 to assume the condes...
patronize 19 22 to assume the condes...
pauperise 19 16 to reduce to pauperi...
pauperize 22 25 to reduce to pauperi...
paupiette 19 16 (French) a thinly sl...
paycheque 36 29 a payment for work d...
peaceable 21 19 inclined to peace [a...
peacetime 20 18 a period of time bet...
pectinate 19 16 toothed like a comb,...
pectolite 21 16 a hydrous silicate o...
pedagogue 18 18 one who teaches; by...
pedantise 16 14 to play the pedant,...
pedantize 19 23 to play the pedantt,...
pedophile 22 19 one with a perverted...
pegmatite 19 17 a coarsely crystalli...
pelletise 19 14 to make into a pelle...
pelletize 22 23 to make into a pelle...
pendulate 17 16 to swing as a pendul...
penduline 17 17 building a pendulous...
peneplane 17 18 a low gently, rollin...
penetrate 15 13 to thrust or force a...
penistone 15 14 a cloth, a coarse fr...
penitence 18 17 the state of being p...
penninite 15 15 a mineral of the chl...
pennywise 25 19 careful with small a...
pentangle 17 17 a five-pointed star,...
penthouse 18 16 a flat or maisonette...
pentosane 14 14 a complex carbohydra...
pentoside 16 14 a compound containin...
pentoxide 22 21 an oxide containing...
pentylene 22 17 an unsaturated hydro...
penumbrae 19 20 PENUMBRA, a partial...
pepsinate 18 16 to treat or mix with...
peptidase 19 16 an enzyme which brea...
peptonise 18 16 to make (a protein)...
peptonize 21 25 to make (a protein)...
perborate 18 15 a salt that is a com...
percaline 20 17 (French) a glossy li...
perceable 22 19 (Spenser) able to be...
perchance 24 21 by chance, as it may...
percolate 20 16 to pass through pore...
peregrine 17 15 a swift falcon much...
perennate 14 14 to last or live thro...
perforate 18 15 to bore through or i...
perfusate 19 16 that which is perfus...
perfusive 22 20 of a nature to flow...
periclase 21 16 a naturally occurrin...
pericline 21 17 a variety of albite...
pericopae 21 18 PERICOPE, a section...
pericycle 31 21 the outermost layer...
peridrome 18 16 a gallery or balcony...
periodate 16 13 a salt of periodic a...
periodide 17 14 an iodid, a salt of...
periodise 17 13 to divide into perio...
periodize 20 22 to divide into perio...
periscope 22 18 a device (e.g. a tub...
peristome 18 15 the area, or a struc...
peristyle 25 15 a range of columns a...
permeable 20 19 allowing a gas or li...
permeance 19 19 the property of allo...
permittee 18 15 one to whom a permis...
permutate 18 16 to alter the order,...
persecute 20 16 to harass, afflict,...
perseline 17 14 (Spenser) purslane,...
persevere 18 16 to continue steadfas...
persienne 15 14 (French) an Eastern...
personage 16 15 a person, esp. an im...
personate 15 13 to assume the identi...
personise 16 13 to personify, also P...
personize 19 22 to personify, also P...
pertusate 17 13 pierced at the apex...
perusable 20 17 that can be perused...
pervasive 21 20 tending to pervade [...
pesthouse 19 15 (historical) a house...
pesticide 21 16 a substance for kill...
petallike 20 18 like a petal [adj]
petaurine 16 14 the flying phalanger...
petechiae 21 17 PETECHIA, a small he...
pethidine 19 16 a pain-relieving dru...
petiolate 17 13 having a petiole, a...
petiolule 19 15 a small petiole, or...
petrolage 18 15 treatment with petro...
petulance 20 18 peevish impatience,...
phacolite 23 18 a colorless variety...
phagocyte 29 21 a white blood corpus...
phagosome 20 19 part of a biological...
phalarope 21 18 a small sandpiper-li...
phantosme 19 18 (Spenser) a phantom...
phenacite 21 18 a mineral, beryllium...
phenakite 19 19 a mineral, beryllium...
phenazine 20 25 a chemical compound,...
phenetole 18 16 the ethyl ether of p...
phenolate 18 16 a compound of phenol...
phenotype 26 20 the sum of the attri...
phenoxide 24 23 a salt of a phenol,...
phenylene 24 19 a compound derived f...
pheromone 18 18 a chemical substance...
philhorse 23 17 (Shakespeare) a fill...
phonetise 18 15 to represent phoneti...
phonetize 21 24 to represent phoneti...
phonolite 19 16 a fine-grained inter...
phonopore 19 18 a kind of sound-cond...
phonotype 26 20 printing type for a...
phosphate 23 19 a salt, ester, or or...
phosphene 22 20 a visual sensation p...
phosphide 24 20 a binary compound of...
phosphine 23 20 a colorless gas anal...
phosphite 24 19 a salt of phosphorou...
phosphore 23 19 phosphorus; a phosph...
photogene 18 17 an afterimage [n -S]
photolyse 26 17 to cause photolysis...
photolyze 29 26 to cause photolysis...
phototube 21 18 an electron tube wit...
phototype 27 19 a plate or block wit...
phthalate 22 17 a salt of phthalic a...
piacevole 22 20 (Italian) pleasant,...
picholine 23 19 a variety of olive [...
picocurie 24 19 a millionth of a mil...
picometre 21 18 a trillionth of a me...
pictarnie 20 16 (Scott) a tern [n -S...
picturise 22 16 to picture, also PIC...
picturize 25 25 to picture, also PIC...
pidginise 19 16 to make into pidgin,...
pidginize 22 25 to make into pidgin,...
piecewise 23 18 piece by piece [adv]
pieridine 17 14 relating to the fami...
pierrette 17 12 (French) a female pe...
pigeonite 17 15 a monoclinic mineral...
pignerate 17 15 (archaic) to pledge...
pignorate 17 15 (archaic) to pledge...
pigsconce 24 21 a blockhead [n -S]
pilferage 21 18 the act of pilfering...
pillorise 20 14 to pillory, also PIL...
pillorize 23 23 to pillory, also PIL...
pineapple 21 20 a large South Americ...
pinnipede 18 18 a member of the Pinn...
pinnulate 17 16 having each pinna su...
pinstripe 20 16 a very narrow stripe...
pipestone 18 16 a kind of clay slate...
pirouette 17 13 (French) a twirling...
piscivore 23 19 an eater of fish [n...
pitchpine 25 21 a kind of pine tree...
pitchpipe 28 23 a small pipe used to...
pitchpole 26 21 to turn end over end...
pivotable 22 20 that can be pivoted...
pixellate 25 21 to divide an image i...
pixillate 26 21 to divide an image i...
pizzalike 26 35 like a pizza [adj]
placative 23 20 tending to placate,...
placeable 23 20 that can be placed [...
placentae 19 17 PLACENTA, a round fl...
plaintive 20 18 mournful, querulous...
planeside 17 15 the area next to an...
plantable 20 18 capable of being pla...
plantlike 20 19 like a plant [adj]
planulate 18 16 flat [adj]
plaquette 26 23 (French) a small pla...
plastique 27 23 (French) graceful po...
platelike 20 18 like a plate [adj]
platinise 18 14 to coat with platinu...
platinize 21 23 to coat with platinu...
platitude 19 15 a commonplace or tri...
plausible 22 18 superficially pleasi...
playhouse 26 18 a child's miniature...
pleadable 20 18 capable of being ple...
pleasable 20 17 capable of being ple...
pleasance 19 17 (archaic) a pleasure...
pledgable 22 20 capable of being ple...
pleiocene 19 17 of the Pliocene geol...
plenilune 18 17 the time of the full...
plenitude 18 16 fullness, completene...
pleonaste 16 14 a dark-green to blac...
plicature 22 17 the act of folding,...
plowshare 23 18 the cutting blade of...
plumbable 25 24 that can be plumbed...
plumelike 22 22 like a plume [adj]
plumulate 21 19 downy [adj]
plumulose 21 19 having hairs branchi...
pluralise 20 15 to make plural [v PL...
pluralize 23 24 to make plural, also...
poachable 24 21 that can be poached...
podsolise 18 14 to turn into podsol,...
podsolize 21 23 to turn into podsol,...
podzolise 21 23 to make into a podzo...
podzolize 24 32 to make into a podzo...
poeticise 20 15 to write, speak, or...
poeticize 23 24 to write, speak, or...
poeticule 21 17 a poetaster [n -S]
poetresse 16 12 (Spenser) a poetess,...
poignance 19 19 the state of being p...
pointable 19 17 that can be pointed...
pointelle 18 15 (French) an openwork...
pointille 19 15 a fine point or subt...
polianite 17 14 manganese dioxide, o...
politesse 18 13 (French) courteous f...
politique 27 23 (French) in French h...
pollenate 17 15 to fertilise with po...
pollinate 18 15 to fertilise with po...
pollinise 19 15 to pollinate, also P...
pollinize 22 24 to pollinate, also P...
pollucite 23 18 a colourless rare mi...
pollutive 22 19 relating to pollutio...
polonaise 16 14 (French) a stately P...
polverine 19 18 (obsolete) barilla a...
polyamide 25 19 a compound character...
polyamine 24 19 a compound character...
polychete 29 20 a type of aquatic wo...
polyimide 26 19 a polymer containing...
polyphase 28 20 having several alter...
polyphone 27 21 a character or vocal...
polystyle 32 18 having many columns,...
polythene 25 18 a generic name for c...
ponderate 15 14 to consider; to pond...
pondokkie 18 22 (Hottentot) in South...
pontifice 22 19 (Milton) bridgework;...
poorhouse 18 15 (historical) a place...
porbeagle 20 18 a species of shark,...
porcupine 22 20 a large spiny rodent...
poroscope 21 18 an instrument for in...
porporate 18 15 (Browning) clad in p...
portatile 18 13 portable [adj]
portative 19 16 a portable organ [n...
porterage 17 14 the work of a porter...
porthouse 19 15 (historical) a porta...
portreeve 18 16 a mayor or principal...
porwiggle 24 20 a tadpole, also POLL...
posidrive 20 17 (trade) having a pat...
posigrade 18 15 having or producing...
postcavae 21 19 POSTCAVA, a vein in...
posterise 17 12 (US and Canadian sla...
posterize 20 21 (US and Canadian sla...
posthaste 19 14 great haste [n -S]
posthorse 19 14 a horse used to deli...
posthouse 19 15 an inn, orig where h...
postulate 18 14 to assume or claim a...
posturise 18 13 to posture, also POS...
posturize 21 22 to posture, also POS...
potentate 15 13 a powerful ruler; a...
potentise 16 13 to render the latent...
potentize 19 22 to render the latent...
poundcake 20 22 a sweet rich cake co...
pourboire 19 16 (French) a tip, grat...
pousowdie 20 17 (Scots) any mixture...
poussette 17 13 (French) a movement,...
powellise 22 17 to season and preser...
powellite 22 17 calcium molybdate [n...
powellize 25 26 to season and preser...
pozidrive 23 26 (trade) having a pat...
practique 29 25 (archaic) practice,...
praeamble 20 19 (Milton) a preamble,...
pranksome 18 20 full of pranks [adj]
preaccuse 23 19 to accuse in advance...
preassure 17 13 to assure in advance...
preattune 16 14 to attune in advance...
prebattle 20 16 before battle [adj]
precative 22 19 supplicating; expres...
precharge 23 19 to charge in advance...
prechoose 21 17 to choose beforehand...
precieuse 20 16 (French) a woman aff...
precipice 26 21 a high vertical or n...
precisive 23 19 dividing off, separa...
preconise 19 16 to proclaim; to summ...
preconize 22 25 to proclaim; to summ...
precrease 19 15 to crease in advance...
predative 19 17 relating to predatio...
predebate 18 16 before a debate [adj...
predefine 18 17 to define in advance...
predevote 18 17 to devote or dedicat...
predicate 20 16 that which is affirm...
preexcite 26 22 to stimulate in prep...
preexpose 24 22 to expose in advance...
prefigure 21 18 to imagine beforehan...
prefreeze 21 24 to freeze beforehand...
pregnable 20 19 capable of being tak...
pregnance 19 19 (obsolete) pregnancy...
prehandle 19 17 to handle beforehand...
preimpose 20 18 to impose in advance...
preinvite 19 17 to invite beforehand...
prejudice 23 26 a judgement or opini...
prejudize 23 32 (Spenser) prognostic...
prelatise 18 13 to bring under the i...
prelatize 21 22 to bring under the i...
prelature 18 14 the office of prelat...
prelocate 20 16 to locate in advance...
prelusive 21 18 introductory, also P...
premature 18 16 ahead of due time [a...
prenubile 20 18 before the state of...
presbyope 27 20 one who has presbyop...
prescribe 23 18 to lay down a rule o...
presenile 17 14 occurring before the...
presentee 15 13 one presented to a b...
presettle 18 13 to settle in advance...
prestrike 19 16 preceding a strike [...
preterite 17 12 the grammatical tens...
previable 22 20 before the stage whe...
priceable 23 19 that can be priced [...
primetime 20 18 occurring during or...
primitiae 19 15 (Latin) the first ye...
primitive 22 19 belonging to earlies...
primuline 20 18 a yellow coal-tar dy...
princesse 20 16 a lady's long, close...
principle 24 20 a guiding rule [n -S...
printable 20 17 that can be printed...
privatise 20 16 to transfer from own...
privative 22 20 indicating absence,...
privatize 23 25 to transfer from own...
privilege 22 19 an advantage, right...
proactive 22 19 tending to make chan...
probative 21 19 testing, affording p...
probeable 21 19 that can be probed [...
procedure 20 17 a way of doing somet...
prochoice 25 20 in favour of women's...
procreate 19 15 to engender, beget o...
proenzyme 26 27 an enzyme in an inac...
profusive 22 20 profuse, also PROFUS...
programme 20 20 to prepare a program...
prolamine 18 17 one of a group of pr...
prolative 20 17 esp. of an infinitiv...
prolicide 22 17 killing of offspring...
prologise 19 15 to speak a prolog, a...
prologize 22 24 to speak a prolog, a...
promenade 16 17 (French) a walk for...
promotive 20 19 tending to advance,...
prompture 21 19 (Shakespeare) a sugg...
pronounce 18 18 to articulate one's...
propagate 19 17 to increase by natur...
propagule 21 19 a body with the capa...
propanone 16 17 a systematic name of...
propylene 25 19 a colorless gaseous...
propylite 27 18 an andesite altered...
prorogate 17 14 to end a session (of...
proscribe 23 18 to forbid, esp. by l...
prosecute 20 16 to pursue by law [v...
proselike 19 17 like prose [adj]
proselyte 24 15 a convert, esp. to J...
proseuche 22 18 (Latin) a place of p...
prostrate 17 12 prone; lying or bent...
protamine 17 16 any of a class of si...
protanope 17 16 a sufferer from prot...
protogine 17 15 a kind of granite or...
protonate 15 13 to acquire an additi...
prototype 25 17 the first or origina...
protoxide 23 20 that one of a series...
proustite 18 13 a red silver ore, su...
proveable 21 20 that can be proved,...
provedore 18 17 a purveyor, also PRO...
provolone 18 18 (Italian) a firm pli...
proximate 24 22 nearest or next [adj...
prozymite 28 26 a person who uses le...
prurience 20 17 the state of being p...
prussiate 18 13 a salt of prussic ac...
pteridine 17 14 any member of a genu...
publicise 25 20 to make public, also...
publicize 28 29 to make public, also...
puerperae 18 16 PUERPERA, (Latin) a...
puissance 20 17 (archaic) power, als...
pullulate 21 17 to swarm, to teem; t...
pulmonate 18 18 a member of the Pulm...
pulpstone 20 18 a grindstone for pul...
pulsatile 20 15 of musical instrumen...
pulsative 21 18 of musical instrumen...
pulverine 20 19 barilla ash, used in...
pulverise 21 18 to reduce to powder,...
pulverize 24 27 to reduce to powder...
pulvinate 20 19 cushion-like; bulgin...
pulvinule 22 21 the pulvinus of a le...
punchline 23 21 the last line or con...
punctuate 20 18 to mark with points;...
pupillage 23 20 the state of being a...
pupillate 22 18 to cry in the manner...
puppylike 31 26 like a puppy [adj]
purgative 21 19 serving to purge [ad...
purgeable 21 19 that can be purged [...
purposive 22 20 directed towards an...
purselike 20 18 like a purse [adj]
pursuable 21 18 capable of being pur...
pursuance 20 18 the act of pursuing...
purulence 21 19 the state of being p...
pustulate 19 15 to form into pustule...
puttylike 27 20 like putty [adj]
pycnosome 26 21 a body type characte...
pygostyle 32 19 the bone of a bird's...
pyknosome 24 22 the short or stocky...
pyreneite 22 15 a black garnet [n -S...
pyrophone 26 20 an organ producing i...
pyroscope 28 20 an instrument for me...
quadrigae 24 22 QUADRIGA, a four-hor...
quadrille 26 22 (French) a square da...
quadruple 27 25 to increase fourfold...
quaffable 30 29 that can be quaffed...
quartette 23 19 a set of four; a com...
quartzite 27 28 a metamorphosed sand...
quartzose 26 28 of or containing qua...
queencake 25 27 a small light cake c...
queenside 22 21 in chess, the side o...
queercore 25 22 a type of gay-orient...
quellable 28 25 that can be quelled...
quickfire 31 29 rapid, as question a...
quicklime 31 30 unslaked lime, calci...
quietsome 24 22 (Spenser) undisturbe...
quinidine 23 22 a cinchona alkaloid,...
quinoline 23 22 a pungent, colourles...
quinolone 22 22 any of a group of an...
quintette 23 20 a composition for fi...
quintuple 27 25 fivefold [adj QUINTU...
quittance 26 23 a release from debt...
quotative 25 23 a function word used...
rabbinate 18 16 the office of a rabb...
rabbinite 19 16 a person who adheres...
racehorse 19 14 a horse bred to race...
rachillae 22 16 RACHILLA, the centra...
racialise 19 13 to make racial, also...
racialize 22 22 to make racial, also...
radialise 16 11 to arrange radially,...
radialize 19 20 to arrange radially,...
radiative 17 14 capable of radiating...
raffinate 18 16 the refined fraction...
raffinose 18 16 a colorless crystall...
raiseable 17 13 capable of being rai...
rakeshame 18 18 a vile, dissolute wr...
rancherie 19 15 a Canadian Indian vi...
ranchlike 22 20 like a ranch [adj]
randomise 15 14 to make random, also...
randomize 18 23 to make random, also...
ranshakle 18 17 (Scott) to search, r...
rantipole 17 14 (archaic) a wild, re...
rapturise 18 13 to put, or be put, i...
rapturize 21 22 to put, or be put, i...
rascaille 20 14 (archaic) an archaic...
rasterise 15 9 to convert an image...
rasterize 18 18 to convert an image...
ratheripe 19 14 a fruit that ripens...
rationale 14 11 a reasoned expositio...
ravenlike 18 19 like a raven [adj]
ravigotte 18 15 (French) vinegar sau...
razorable 20 22 (Shakespeare) fit to...
reachable 22 18 being within reach [...
reacquire 26 22 to acquire again [v...
reactance 19 16 the component of imp...
reactuate 17 13 to actuate again [v...
readvance 18 18 to advance again [v...
readymade 21 16 made before sale, no...
reaedifye 22 15 (Spenser) to rebuild...
reanalyse 20 13 to analyse again, al...
reanalyze 23 22 to analyze again, al...
reanimate 14 13 to bring back to lif...
reapprove 20 19 to approve again [v...
rearhorse 16 11 a praying mantis [n...
rearmouse 15 13 a bat, also REREMOUS...
rearrange 14 12 to arrange in a diff...
rebalance 19 17 to balance again [v...
rebaptise 19 15 to baptize again or...
rebaptize 22 24 to baptize again or...
rebatable 19 16 that can be rebated,...
rebukable 21 21 worthy of rebuke [ad...
recalesce 21 16 to liberate heat sud...
recapture 20 16 to capture again [v...
receptive 22 19 ready to receive [ad...
recessive 20 16 tending to receive [...
rechauffe 24 21 (French) a reheated...
recherche 25 19 (French) exquisite,...
rechlesse 21 15 (Spenser) reckless,...
recitable 21 16 that can be recited...
reclinate 18 14 bent down or back [a...
reclusive 22 18 solitary by nature [...
recognise 18 15 to identify as known...
recognize 21 24 to identify as known...
recoinage 17 15 the act of coining a...
recombine 20 19 to combine again [v...
recompile 22 19 to compile again [v...
recompose 20 18 to compose again [v...
recompute 21 19 to compute again [v...
reconcile 21 17 to restore or bring...
recondite 17 14 concealed; deep; hav...
reconfine 18 17 to confine again [v...
reconsole 17 14 to console again [v...
reconvene 17 18 to convene again [v...
recoveree 18 16 the person against w...
recreance 19 16 mean-spiritedness; a...
rectangle 19 16 a four-sided plane f...
rectitude 19 14 rightness, integrity...
rectocele 21 16 the herniation of th...
rectorate 17 12 the office of rector...
recursive 21 17 involving or designa...
recurvate 20 17 bent back [adj]
recusance 20 17 the state of being r...
recyclate 28 18 material that has be...
redictate 18 13 to dictate again [v...
redingote 15 13 (French) a long plai...
redispose 17 13 to dispose anew or a...
redivorce 20 17 to divorce again [v...
redolence 17 15 fragrance, the state...
reducible 22 18 capable of being red...
reductase 18 14 an enzyme which brin...
reductive 21 18 tending to reduce [a...
reeducate 17 14 to educate again [v...
reelevate 16 14 to elevate again [v...
reembrace 20 18 to embrace again [v...
reenforce 18 16 to strengthen with n...
reengrave 16 16 to engrave anew [v R...
reenlarge 15 13 to enlarge again [v...
reenslave 16 15 to enslave again [v...
reexamine 20 20 to examine again [v...
reexecute 23 20 to execute again [v...
reexplore 23 20 to explore again [v...
refective 22 19 relating to refectio...
referable 19 16 capable of being ref...
reference 18 16 to refer to [v REFER...
refinable 19 17 that can be refined...
refinance 18 17 to finance again [v...
reflexive 26 24 indicating that the...
refluence 20 18 a flowing back, ebb,...
reformade 17 16 (Spanish) a monk of...
reformate 17 15 a product of hydroca...
refusable 20 17 capable of being ref...
refutable 20 17 that can be refuted...
regulable 20 17 that can be regulate...
rehydrate 23 14 to add water to (a d...
reimagine 16 15 to imagine again [v...
reimburse 19 16 to repay [v REIMBURS...
reimmerse 17 15 to immerse again [v...
reinflame 18 17 to inflame again [v...
reinflate 17 14 to inflate again [v...
reinforce 19 16 to strengthen with n...
reinspire 17 13 to inspire anew [v R...
reinstate 14 10 to instate again [v...
reinvolve 19 19 to involve anew [v R...
reiterate 14 9 to repeat [v REITERA...
rejective 22 25 rejecting, or tendin...
relatable 18 14 that can be related...
relaxable 24 21 that can be relaxed...
relegable 19 16 that can be relegate...
relevance 19 18 the state of being r...
relicense 18 14 to license again [v...
religiose 17 12 morbidly or sentimen...
reliquiae 24 20 (Latin) remains, esp...
relivable 21 18 that can be relived...
relocatee 17 13 one who is relocated...
reluctate 19 14 to be reluctant, als...
remanence 16 17 the property of stay...
remeasure 15 13 to measure again; to...
remediate 15 13 (Shakespeare) to rem...
remigrate 17 14 to migrate again or...
reminisce 19 16 to engage in remembe...
remissive 19 16 remitting; forgiving...
remixture 23 20 the act of remixing...
remoulade 16 15 (French) a piquant s...
removable 20 20 capable of being rem...
rencontre 16 14 to encounter or meet...
renewable 19 17 capable of being ren...
renitence 16 14 the state of being r...
reobserve 18 16 to observe again [v...
reoperate 15 12 to operate again [v...
reoxidise 21 17 to oxidise again, al...
reoxidize 24 26 to oxidize again, al...
repackage 21 21 to package again [v...
reparable 19 16 that can be repaired...
repassage 17 14 the act of repassing...
repasture 17 13 (Shakespeare) food [...
repayable 25 18 capable of being rep...
repechage 22 19 (French) a supplemen...
replicase 21 16 a polymerase involve...
replicate 21 16 to make a replica of...
reportage 17 14 reporting [n -S]
reprobate 18 15 a reprehensible or i...
reproduce 20 17 to produce a copy of...
repudiate 17 14 to cast off, disown...
repulsive 21 18 that repels [adj REP...
repurpose 19 16 to purpose anew [v R...
reputable 20 17 of good repute [adj...
requisite 24 19 required [adj REQUIS...
reradiate 14 10 to radiate again [v...
rerebrace 19 15 armour for the arm f...
reredosse 14 10 a screen or panellin...
rerelease 14 10 to release again [v...
reremouse 15 13 a bat, also REARMOUS...
resalable 18 14 that can be resold [...
rescuable 21 17 that may be rescued...
reseizure 18 19 the act of reseizing...
resentive 16 14 feeling resentment,...
reserpine 16 13 a sedative drug [n -...
reservice 20 16 to service again [v...
reshingle 19 15 to shingle again [v...
reshuffle 23 19 to shuffle again [v...
residence 17 14 a place where one li...
resinlike 17 15 like resin [adj]
resistive 18 13 serving to resist [a...
resituate 15 10 to situate again [v...
resoluble 19 15 able to be dissolved...
resonance 15 14 resounding, sonority...
restitute 16 10 (archaic) to restore...
restringe 16 12 to restrict [v RESTR...
resumable 19 17 capable of, or admit...
resurface 20 16 to surface again [v...
retaliate 15 10 to repay in kind [v...
retardate 14 10 a person who is ment...
retentive 16 14 tending to retain [a...
retexture 21 17 to treat (material,...
reticence 20 16 the quality of being...
retinulae 15 12 RETINULA, a neural r...
retortive 17 13 of the nature of a r...
retrainee 13 10 one who is retrained...
retribute 18 13 to give in return [v...
retrocede 17 13 to cede back (a terr...
retrofire 17 12 to cause a retro-roc...
retrousse 15 10 (French) of the nose...
reutilise 17 11 to utilise again, al...
reutilize 20 20 to utilize again, al...
revaluate 17 15 to evaluate again [v...
revengive 19 20 (Shakespeare) reveng...
reverable 19 17 worthy of reverence...
reverence 18 17 veneration [n -S] /...
revertive 19 17 reverting, or tendin...
revibrate 19 16 to vibrate again [v...
reviolate 17 14 to violate again [v...
revisable 20 17 that may be revised...
revivable 22 21 that can be revived...
revocable 22 20 that can be revoked,...
revokable 20 21 that can be revoked,...
revulsive 21 19 causing, or tending...
rewirable 21 16 that can be rewired...
rheophile 22 17 living in flowing wa...
rheotrope 18 14 an instrument for re...
rhetorise 17 11 (obsolete) to use rh...
rhetorize 20 20 (obsolete) to use rh...
rhigolene 18 15 a volatile liquid ob...
rhipidate 20 15 fan-shaped [adj]
rhodamine 17 16 a synthetic dyestuff...
rhodanate 15 13 in dyeing, a thiocya...
rhodanise 16 13 to electroplate with...
rhodanize 19 22 to electroplate with...
rhodolite 18 13 a rose-red or pink g...
rhodonite 16 13 a rose-red anorthic...
rhoeadine 15 13 an alkaloid found in...
rhotacise 20 14 to change to an r- s...
rhotacize 23 23 to change to an r- s...
rhythmise 28 18 to subject to rhythm...
rhythmize 31 27 to subject to rhythm...
rhytidome 25 17 the bark external to...
ricercare 21 15 any of various contr...
ridgelike 19 17 like a ridge [adj]
ridgeline 17 14 a line marking or fo...
ridgepole 19 16 the timber forming t...
ridgetree 16 12 the timber forming t...
rightable 22 17 that can be righted...
rightsize 23 22 to adapt an organisa...
rigmarole 18 15 a succession of inco...
rigwiddie 21 16 (Scots) a carthorse'...
rigwoodie 19 15 (Scots) a carthorse'...
rinseable 17 14 that can be rinsed,...
ritualise 17 11 to make into a ritua...
ritualize 20 20 to make into a ritua...
riverlike 20 18 like a river [adj]
riverside 18 14 the area at the side...
roadhouse 16 13 a roadside public ho...
rocambole 21 19 (French) a plant clo...
rockslide 21 18 a fall of rocks down...
romeldale 17 15 an American breed of...
roofscape 21 18 a view of roofs [n -...
rosmarine 15 13 (Spenser) a mythical...
rotachute 20 15 a parachute-like dev...
rotaplane 16 14 a rotor plane [n -S]
rotatable 17 13 that can be rotated...
rotoscope 19 15 to create the outlin...
rotundate 14 12 rounded off; orbicul...
roussette 15 10 (French) a kind of f...
routinise 15 11 to make routine, als...
routinize 18 20 to make routine, als...
rubberise 20 16 to coat with rubber,...
rubberize 23 25 to coat with rubber,...
rubellite 20 15 a variety of tourmal...
rubicelle 23 18 an orange-coloured s...
rubricate 21 16 to write, print, or...
ruggedise 18 15 to make rugged, also...
ruggedize 21 24 to make rugged, also...
runcinate 17 15 pinnately cut with t...
rusticate 19 13 to send into the cou...
rusticise 20 13 to make rustic, also...
rusticize 23 22 to make rustic, also...
rybaudrye 30 18 (Spenser) ribaldry,...
sabbatine 18 16 relating to Saturday...
sabbatise 19 15 to observe as a Sabb...
sabbatize 22 24 to observe as a Sabb...
saberlike 19 17 like a saber, also S...
sabrelike 19 17 like a sabre, also S...
sacculate 22 17 formed in a series o...
sacralise 19 13 to make sacred, also...
sacralize 22 22 to make sacred, also...
sacrifice 24 18 the slaughter of an...
sacrifide 21 16 SACRIFY, to sacrific...
sacrilege 20 15 profanation or disre...
safranine 15 14 the yellow colouring...
sagittate 16 11 shaped like an arrow...
sailplane 18 15 a glider that can ri...
saintlike 17 15 like a saint [adj]
salangane 14 14 (Tagalog) a swiftlet...
saliaunce 18 15 (Spenser) an assault...
saltpetre 18 13 potassium nitrate, t...
sandstone 13 12 a clastic sedimentar...
saprolite 18 13 a soft, partially de...
sarabande 15 14 (Spanish) a stately...
sarbacane 18 16 (French) a blowpipe...
sarcomere 18 15 a unit of myofibril,...
sarcosome 18 15 a mitochondrion of a...
sassolite 16 10 a native boric acid,...
satellite 17 11 a body revolving aro...
satinette 14 10 a thin satin, also S...
satisfice 21 15 to aim for or achiev...
saturable 18 14 capable of being sat...
saturnine 14 12 cold and steady in m...
satyrlike 24 16 like a satyr [adj]
saxifrage 24 21 a kind of rock plant...
saxophone 23 22 a jazz and dance ban...
scaleable 21 17 that can be scaled,...
scalelike 21 18 like a scale [adj]
scannable 19 18 that can be scanned...
scapolite 21 16 any of a group of ra...
scareware 20 15 a program that is pr...
scarfwise 24 18 arranged like a scar...
scelerate 18 13 (obsolete) a villain...
scenarise 17 13 to make a scenario o...
scenarize 20 22 to make a scenario o...
scheelite 21 15 calcium tungstate, a...
schiavone 21 19 (Italian) a basket-h...
schistose 21 14 of or pertaining to...
schnozzle 27 34 (Yiddish) nose, also...
schvartze 26 27 (Yiddish) a black pe...
schwartze 27 26 (Yiddish) a black pe...
scientise 18 13 to treat in a scient...
scientize 21 22 to treat in a scient...
sciophyte 29 19 any plant that grows...
sclereide 19 14 a thick-walled plant...
scoldable 22 18 able to be scolded [...
scolecite 22 16 a hydrous silicate o...
scoopable 22 19 that can be scooped...
scopoline 20 17 a liquid extract of...
scopulate 21 17 like a scopula, a li...
scoreline 18 14 the result in a game...
scorodite 18 13 an orthorhombic hydr...
scrapable 23 19 that can be scraped...
scrappage 23 20 allowance for scrap...
scratchie 24 17 (Australian slang) a...
screwable 24 19 that can be screwed...
screwlike 24 20 like a screw [adj]
scribable 24 19 capable of being wri...
scrimmage 22 20 a noisy dispute or t...
scrippage 24 20 the contents of a sc...
scripture 22 16 a biblical writing [...
scrummage 22 21 a noisy dispute or t...
scrunchie 24 19 a piece of elastic,...
scrutable 22 17 discoverable by scru...
scrutoire 19 13 (French) an escritoi...
sculpture 23 18 to carve in stone [v...
scungille 22 18 (Italian) the meat o...
seabottle 17 13 a translucent inflat...
seclusive 22 18 tending to seclude [...
secretage 18 14 treatment of furs wi...
secretive 20 16 inclined to or fond...
sectorise 18 12 to divide into secto...
sectorize 21 21 to divide into secto...
secundine 17 16 the second of the tw...
securable 21 17 that may be secured...
securance 20 17 the act of securing...
seducible 22 18 capable of being sed...
seductive 21 18 tending to seduce, a...
segholate 18 14 in Hebrew, a disylla...
segregate 16 13 to keep apart from [...
selective 21 17 liking to choose [ad...
sellotape 18 14 (tradename) a kind o...
semanteme 15 16 an irreducible lingu...
semantide 15 14 a molecule carrying...
semaphore 19 17 a method of signalli...
semblable 22 20 (obsolete) similar [...
semblance 21 20 an outward appearanc...
semiangle 17 16 the half of a given,...
semibreve 20 19 the longest generall...
semiglobe 20 18 a half globe, a hemi...
semimatte 17 15 having a slight lust...
semiplume 21 20 a feather with an or...
semunciae 18 17 SEMUNCIA, (Latin) a...
sennachie 18 16 (Gaelic) a Highland...
sensillae 16 12 SENSILLA, (Latin) in...
sensitise 15 10 to make sensitive, a...
sensitive 17 14 having the power of...
sensitize 18 19 to make sensitive, a...
sentience 16 14 the state of being s...
separable 19 16 that can be separate...
sepiolite 18 13 hydrated magnesium s...
septimole 19 16 a group of seven not...
sepulchre 24 19 a receptacle in an a...
sepulture 19 15 the act of depositin...
sequelise 24 20 to create a sequel t...
sequelize 27 29 to create a sequel t...
seraphine 18 15 a kind of small reed...
serialise 16 10 to convert into seri...
serialize 19 19 to convert into seri...
serinette 14 10 (French) a small bar...
sermonise 15 13 to deliver or compos...
sermonize 18 22 to deliver or compos...
serpulite 19 14 a fossil serpula she...
serrature 15 10 a notching, like tha...
serrefile 18 13 (French) a file of o...
serrulate 16 11 finely serrate; havi...
serveable 19 17 capable of being ser...
serviette 17 13 (French) a table-nap...
servitude 18 15 the state of being a...
severable 19 17 that can be severed...
severance 18 17 the act of severing...
sewerlike 20 17 like a sewer [adj]
sexercise 24 19 sexual activity rega...
sexualise 22 18 to render sexual, al...
sexualize 25 27 to render sexual, al...
shaggable 22 19 worthy of a shag, i....
shakeable 20 19 that can be shaken,...
shalelike 20 17 like shale [adj]
shameable 20 18 capable of being sha...
shanachie 21 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
shankbone 18 20 the bone of the shan...
shapeable 21 18 that can be shaped,...
shareable 19 15 that can be shared,...
shareware 19 14 a computer program a...
sharklike 21 20 like a shark [adj]
shaveable 21 19 capable of being sha...
sheaflike 21 19 like a sheaf [adj]
sheddable 20 17 capable of being cas...
sheepcote 21 17 a small inclosure fo...
sheeplike 21 19 like a sheep [adj]
sheetlike 19 16 like a sheet [adj]
sheldrake 19 17 a male shelduck, als...
shelflike 23 20 like a shelf [adj]
shellfire 22 16 the firing of shells...
shemozzle 25 33 (Yiddish) a mess, a...
shiftable 23 18 capable of being shi...
shigellae 20 15 SHIGELLA, a rod-shap...
shimozzle 26 33 (Yiddish) a mess, a...
shipborne 21 18 carried by ship [adj...
shippable 25 21 that can be shipped...
shipshape 24 19 in a seamanlike cond...
shirralee 18 12 (Australian slang) a...
shithouse 20 14 (colloquial) a lavat...
shoalwise 21 15 in shoals [adv]
shockable 24 22 able to be shocked [...
shoeshine 18 14 the act of polishing...
shogunate 17 15 the office or dignit...
shootable 19 15 that can be shot [ad...
shoreline 17 13 the line separating...
shoreside 17 12 the area near the sh...
shortarse 17 11 (colloquial) a short...
shortcake 21 18 a brittle crumbling...
shortwave 22 18 a radio wave with a...
shoutline 18 14 a short line of text...
showmance 23 21 a romance between tw...
showpiece 25 20 something considered...
showplace 26 21 a place visited or s...
shrewlike 23 19 like a shrew [adj]
shrewmice 25 20 SHREWMOUSE, a shrew...
shrinkage 19 18 the amount by which...
shroffage 22 19 the examination of c...
shrublike 23 20 resembling a shrub [...
shunnable 19 18 that can be shunned...
sibilance 21 17 pronunciation with a...
sibylline 26 17 of or like a sibyl,...
siccative 24 19 a drying agent [n -S...
siciliane 19 14 SICILIANA, (Italian)...
sicknurse 20 18 to act in the manner...
sidepiece 20 16 the jamb, or cheek,...
sideswipe 21 16 a blow dealt from th...
sidetable 18 14 a small table at the...
sievelike 19 18 like a sieve [adj]
siffleuse 21 17 (French) a (female)...
sightable 22 17 that can be sighted,...
sightline 20 15 a line of sight [n -...
sigillate 19 13 sealed; with seallik...
signalise 17 13 to make signal or em...
signalize 20 22 to make signal or em...
signature 16 13 a signing, a signed...
signeurie 16 13 (Shakespeare) senior...
signorine 15 13 SIGNORINA, (Italian)...
siliculae 21 15 SILICULA, (Latin) a...
siliquose 25 20 relating to a siliqu...
silkalene 17 16 a soft light cotton...
silkaline 18 16 a soft light cotton...
silkoline 18 16 a soft light cotton...
siltstone 16 11 a rock formed of har...
silvereye 24 16 a greenish-coloured...
silverise 19 14 to cover with silver...
silverize 22 23 to cover with silver...
simplesse 20 16 (Spenser) simplicity...
simpliste 21 16 (French) someone who...
simulacre 21 17 a likeness, a sembla...
sinologue 16 14 one versed in Chines...
sinuslike 18 16 resembling a sinus [...
siphonage 19 17 the action of a siph...
siphonate 18 15 having a siphon or s...
siphuncle 24 20 the tube which runs...
skedaddle 17 17 to run off hurriedly...
skiascope 21 19 a medical instrument...
skimobile 21 20 a motorized vehicle...
skippable 24 23 that can be skipped...
skirtlike 20 18 like a skirt [adj]
skrimmage 20 21 a noisy dispute or t...
skybridge 27 21 a covered elevated b...
slabstone 17 14 flagstone [n -S]
slakeable 19 18 that can be slaked,...
slamdance 19 18 to dance aggressivel...
slanguage 17 16 a slang language [n...
slantwise 19 14 in a slanting direct...
slatelike 18 15 like slate [adj]
sleeplike 20 18 like sleep [adj]
sliceable 22 17 that can be sliced [...
slipnoose 17 14 a noose made with a...
sloganise 16 13 to utter or repeat s...
sloganize 19 22 to utter or repeat s...
slopewise 21 16 obliquely [adv]
slughorne 19 16 (Browning) an old fo...
smalltime 20 17 unimportant [adj]
smartarse 16 12 (colloquial) a showi...
smashable 21 18 that can be smashed...
smearcase 18 15 (German) cottage che...
smellable 21 18 that can be smelled...
smiercase 19 15 (German) cottage che...
smocklike 23 24 like a smock [adj]
smokeable 19 20 that can be smoked,...
smokelike 19 21 like smoke [adj]
snackette 18 17 a snack bar [n -S]
snaillike 18 16 like a snail [adj]
snakebite 17 17 the bite of a snake...
snakelike 17 19 like a snake [adj]
snakewise 18 17 in the manner of a s...
snaphance 20 19 (obsolete) a freeboo...
snappable 21 20 that can be snapped...
sniffable 22 20 that can be sniffed...
snipelike 19 18 like a snipe [adj]
snoutlike 17 16 like a snout [adj]
snowclone 20 18 a kind of cliche in...
snowflake 21 21 a flake of snow [n -...
snowglobe 21 19 a transparent sphere...
snowscape 22 19 a landscape under sn...
snowslide 19 15 a slide of snow, an...
snuggerie 17 15 a snug cozy place; e...
soapstone 15 13 a soft soapy rock [n...
socialise 19 13 to make social, also...
socialite 19 13 a person having a pl...
socialize 22 22 to make social, also...
sociative 20 16 expressing associati...
softscape 22 18 vegetation (as shrub...
soilborne 17 14 carried by the soil...
solemnise 16 14 to make solemn, also...
solemnize 19 23 to make solemn, also...
solenette 14 11 a small European spe...
soleplate 18 14 a bedplate; as, the...
solitaire 16 10 a game played by one...
somascope 20 18 an instrument detect...
someplace 21 19 somewhere [n -S]
somewhere 20 17 in or to some place...
somewhile 22 18 at or in some former...
sonnetise 13 11 to compose sonnets,...
sonnetize 16 20 to compose sonnets,...
soopstake 17 16 (Shakespeare) with a...
sootflake 18 17 a smut of soot [n -S...
sophomore 19 17 a second year studen...
sorbitise 18 12 to turn (a metal) in...
sorbitize 21 21 to turn (a metal) in...
sorediate 14 10 bearing soredia, sma...
sortilege 17 12 divination by drawin...
soubrette 17 13 (French) a coquettis...
soundable 17 16 capable of being sou...
soundbite 17 15 a brief section on r...
sovenance 17 18 (archaic) remembranc...
sovietise 17 13 to transform to the...
sovietize 20 22 to transform to the...
spadelike 19 18 like a spade [adj]
spallable 22 18 that can be spalled...
spareable 19 16 that can be spared [...
sparteine 16 13 a narcotic alkaloid...
sparterie 17 12 (French) articles ma...
sparticle 22 16 a shadow particle su...
spatulate 18 14 shaped like a spatul...
speakable 20 20 capable of being spo...
spearlike 19 17 like a spear [adj]
spectacle 24 19 a sight, show, pagea...
speculate 21 17 to make conjectures...
spellable 22 18 that can be spelled...
spendable 19 18 that can be spent [a...
sphaerite 19 14 a hydrous aluminium...
sphendone 17 17 (Greek) a headband o...
spicilege 23 18 a gleaning, an antho...
spiculate 22 17 having a sharp point...
spikelike 21 21 like a spike [adj]
spillable 23 18 that can be spilt [a...
spilosite 19 13 a spotted slate, for...
spinacene 18 17 a natural oil obtain...
spinelike 19 18 like a spine [adj]
spinulate 18 15 in the form of a spi...
spinulose 18 15 covered with small s...
spirewise 21 15 in the form of a spi...
spodumene 17 18 a monoclinic pyroxen...
spoilable 21 17 capable of being spo...
spoilfive 23 20 a certain game at ca...
spokewise 21 19 arranged in the fash...
spongiose 17 15 somewhat spongy; spo...
sponsible 20 17 responsible; worthy...
spoonwise 19 16 like spoons packed c...
sporicide 21 16 a substance that kil...
sporocyte 26 17 a diploid cell that...
sportable 20 16 sportive [adj]
sportance 19 16 playful, sportive, o...
sportbike 21 19 a kind of high-speed...
sporulate 18 14 to form (into) spore...
spottable 20 16 that can be spotted...
sprauchle 24 19 (Scots) to clamber,...
squadrone 22 21 (Italian) as in squa...
squarrose 23 19 rough with projectin...
squireage 24 21 squires collectively...
stabilate 18 13 a population preserv...
stabilise 19 13 to make stable, also...
stabilize 22 22 to make stable, also...
stackable 22 20 that can be stacked...
stageable 18 15 that can be staged [...
stagelike 18 16 like a stage [adj]
stagnance 17 16 the state of being s...
stainable 17 14 that can be stained...
staircase 18 12 a flight of stairs,...
stairlike 18 14 like a stair [adj]
stairwise 19 12 in the fashion of st...
stalemate 16 13 in chess, a situatio...
stalklike 20 19 like a stalk [adj]
staminate 15 13 furnished with stame...
staminode 15 14 a sterile stamen, al...
standgale 16 14 a corrupt form of st...
standpipe 19 17 a pipe for supplying...
starshine 17 12 the light of stars [...
starstone 14 10 asteriated sapphire...
stateable 17 13 that can be stated,...
stateside 15 10 of, in, or pertainin...
statewide 18 13 throughout a state [...
statuette 15 10 a small statue [n -S...
stavudine 17 16 a drug used to treat...
stealable 18 14 that can be stolen [...
steedlike 17 15 like a steed [adj]
steelware 18 13 articles made of ste...
steerable 17 13 that can be steered...
stenotype 22 15 a form of typewriter...
sterilise 17 10 to make sterile, als...
sterilize 20 19 to render sterile, a...
stevedore 16 14 a dock worker who lo...
stickable 23 20 that can be stuck [a...
sticklike 23 21 like a stick [adj]
stiffware 23 18 software that is no...
stimulate 18 14 to excite, to inspir...
stingaree 15 12 a ray with a formida...
stipitate 18 12 supported by a stipe...
stipulate 19 14 to set or require as...
stirrable 19 13 that can be stirred...
stockpile 23 20 an accumulated reser...
stocktake 20 20 to perform the count...
stokehole 18 16 the area round the m...
stolonate 14 11 having a stolon [adj...
stoneable 16 14 carrying the penalty...
stonelike 16 15 like stone [adj]
stoneware 16 13 a species of coarse...
stoppable 22 19 that can be stopped...
storewide 18 13 extending throughout...
storiette 15 9 a short tale, also S...
stormlike 19 17 like a storm [adj]
storyette 21 11 a short tale, also S...
storyline 22 13 the main plot of a n...
stovepipe 21 19 a man's tall cylindr...
strapline 18 14 a subsidiary headlin...
strawlike 21 17 like straw [adj]
streetage 15 11 a toll for street fa...
striature 16 10 a stria, a streak [n...
stricture 20 13 an adverse criticism...
stridence 18 14 the quality of being...
strobilae 18 13 STROBILA, a stack of...
strokable 19 17 that can be stroked...
strongyle 23 15 (Greek) a parasitic...
structure 20 14 the arrangement of p...
studhorse 18 13 a stallion kept for...
stylobate 24 15 (Greek) a continuous...
stylolite 24 13 an irregular suture-...
stylopise 25 15 to paralyse a host,...
stylopize 28 24 to paralyse a host,...
subalpine 20 18 inhabiting the somew...
subcentre 20 17 a subordinate center...
subclause 22 18 a part of a clause [...
subcostae 20 16 SUBCOSTA, the vein o...
subdivide 21 19 to divide into small...
subduable 21 19 able to be subdued [...
subentire 17 14 of a leaf, with very...
subincise 21 17 to perform subincisi...
subjugate 21 25 to bring under the y...
sublessee 18 14 a holder of a sublea...
sublimate 20 17 to cause to pass dir...
sublimise 21 17 to make sublime, als...
sublimize 24 26 to make sublime, als...
sublunate 18 16 approaching the form...
subluxate 25 22 to partially disloca...
submarine 18 17 a submersible vessel...
suboctave 22 20 the octave below [n...
suboffice 25 22 part of an office [n...
suboscine 20 17 a member of a certai...
subrogate 18 15 to substitute for an...
subsample 22 20 a part of a sample [...
subscribe 24 19 to write underneath,...
subsecive 23 20 remaining over; spar...
subsidise 19 14 to furnish with a su...
subsidize 22 23 to furnish with a su...
substance 20 17 something in which q...
substrate 18 13 a substratum, also S...
subtenure 17 15 tenure held under so...
subtilise 20 14 to make subtle; now...
subtilize 23 23 to make subtle; now...
subursine 18 15 almost like a bear [...
succinate 21 17 a salt of succinic a...
succinite 22 17 amber, esp. a variet...
succubine 24 21 of or pertaining to...
sucralose 19 14 an artificial sweete...
suffocate 22 19 to kill by depriving...
suffusive 23 21 relating to suffusio...
sugarcane 18 16 a tall woody grass o...
sugarlike 19 17 like sugar [adj]
sulcalise 21 15 to furrow, also SULC...
sulcalize 24 24 to furrow, also SULC...
sulfatase 18 14 any of various ester...
sulfonate 17 15 a salt of sulphonic...
sulfoxide 25 22 any of a class of ca...
sulfurate 19 15 to combine with sulf...
sulfurise 20 15 to combine or impreg...
sulfurize 23 24 to combine or impreg...
sulliable 21 16 that can be sullied...
sultanate 15 12 the rule or dominion...
summarise 18 16 to make a summary of...
summarize 21 25 to make a summary of...
summative 20 20 relating to summatio...
sunstroke 16 15 a medical condition...
superable 20 17 capable of being ove...
superbike 21 20 a high-powered motor...
supercede 20 17 to take the place of...
supercute 21 17 very cute [adj]
superette 17 13 a small local superm...
superfine 19 17 very fine, or most f...
superfuse 20 17 to pour over [v SUPE...
supergene 17 16 a group of closely l...
superglue 20 17 to glue with a power...
superhive 22 19 a removable upper pa...
superhype 28 20 to subject to an exc...
supermale 19 17 an excessively macho...
supernate 16 14 to float on a surfac...
superpose 19 16 to place above or on...
superrace 20 16 a race that dominate...
supersafe 19 16 very safe [adj]
supersale 18 14 a big sale [n -S]
supersede 17 14 to take the place of...
supersize 21 22 in a very large size...
supervene 18 18 to come in addition,...
supervise 20 17 to oversee, superint...
superwave 22 20 a exceptionally larg...
superwide 21 17 a very wide camera l...
superwife 23 19 an exceptional wife...
suppurate 20 17 to discharge pus [v...
surcharge 22 17 an additional charge...
surcingle 21 17 a girth or strap for...
surculose 20 15 having or producing...
surrogate 16 12 a substitute; a depu...
surveille 20 16 to observe, keep und...
suscitate 19 13 to excite; to rouse...
susurrate 16 11 to whisper [v SUSURR...
suttletie 17 11 (Milton) subtlety, a...
swathable 23 18 that can be swathed,...
swervable 23 20 capable of being swe...
swimmable 24 22 that can be swum [ad...
swinelike 20 18 like a swine [adj]
swingtree 19 15 the crosspiece of a...
swordlike 21 18 like a sword [adj]
syllabise 26 16 to form or divide in...
syllabize 29 25 to form or divide in...
syllogise 25 15 to reason by syllogi...
syllogize 28 24 to reason by syllogi...
sylphlike 30 22 like a sylph [adj]
sylvanite 24 17 a monoclinic telluri...
sylvinite 25 17 a rock composed of s...
symbolise 26 18 to be symbolic of, a...
symbolize 29 27 to be symbolic of, a...
synagogue 22 17 (Greek) a Jewish chu...
synaptase 22 15 emulsin, the white m...
syncopate 25 18 to shorten a word by...
syndicate 24 16 a combination of peo...
synergise 22 14 to act as a synergis...
synergize 25 23 to act as a synergis...
synoecete 22 15 a guest tolerated wi...
synoecise 23 15 to unite in one comm...
synoecize 26 24 to unite in one comm...
synoekete 20 16 a guest tolerated wi...
synopsise 23 15 to make a synopsis o...
synopsize 26 24 to make a synopsis o...
syntonise 20 13 to adjust to agree i...
syntonize 23 22 to adjust to agree i...
syphilise 28 17 to inoculate or infe...
syphilize 31 26 to inoculate or infe...
syruplike 27 20 like syrup [adj]
systemise 23 14 to reduce to a syste...
systemize 26 23 to reduce to a syste...
tablature 18 14 an old notation for...
tablemate 18 16 one who shares a tab...
tableware 20 16 ware, or articles co...
tablewise 21 16 in the manner of a t...
tabulable 21 18 that can be tabulate...
tachylite 28 17 a vitreous form of b...
tachylyte 34 19 a vitreous form of b...
tailpiece 21 16 a piece at the end;...
tailplane 18 15 a small horizontal w...
tailslide 18 12 an aerobatic manoeuv...
talbotype 26 18 a method of taking p...
taligrade 17 13 walking on the outer...
talkative 19 18 given to talking [ad...
talliable 20 15 that can be tallied...
tamponade 16 17 the surgical use of...
tamponage 17 18 the surgical use of...
tanagrine 14 13 of or pertaining to...
tangerine 14 13 a mandarin orange, e...
tangolike 17 17 like a tango, a kind...
tantalate 14 11 a salt of tantalic a...
tantalise 15 11 to torment by presen...
tantalite 15 11 a black mineral, the...
tantalize 18 20 to torment by presen...
tanzanite 16 20 a gemstone that exhi...
taperwise 20 15 in tapering fashion...
tarbouche 22 18 (Arabic) a fez, a ha...
tarriance 17 13 (archaic) delay, dal...
tartarise 15 9 to treat, mix or com...
tartarize 18 18 to treat, mix or com...
tasteable 17 13 that can be tasted,...
taxiplane 23 21 an aircraft that is...
tchotchke 27 23 (Yiddish) a knicknac...
teachable 22 18 capable of being tau...
teakettle 16 14 a kettle used for ma...
technique 28 25 a skilled procedure...
telepheme 20 18 a message by a telep...
telephone 18 16 an instrument for re...
telescope 20 16 an optical instrumen...
telferage 18 15 use of a telfer, a c...
tellurate 17 12 a salt of telluric a...
telluride 18 13 a compound of tellur...
tellurise 18 12 to combine with tell...
tellurite 18 12 a salt of tellurous...
tellurize 21 21 to combine with tell...
telophase 19 15 the last phase of mi...
temperate 17 15 mild, moderate [adj...
temporise 18 15 to delay so as to ga...
temporize 21 24 to delay so as to ga...
temptable 21 19 capable of being tem...
temulence 19 18 intoxication, also T...
tenderise 14 11 to make tender, also...
tenderize 17 20 to make tender, also...
tendresse 14 11 (French) a tender fe...
tenebrose 15 13 gloomy, obscure, als...
teniacide 17 14 a substance, esp. a...
teniafuge 17 16 a substance, esp. a...
tentative 16 14 cautious [adj TENTAT...
tenurable 17 15 of a university post...
tephroite 19 14 an orthorhombic mang...
terebrate 16 12 to bore into; to pie...
terminate 15 13 to bring to an end [...
terramare 15 12 (Italian) a dark ear...
terricole 19 13 a land animal or pla...
terrorise 15 9 to inflict terror on...
terrorize 18 18 to inflict terror on...
tesselate 15 10 to cover with small...
tessellae 16 11 TESSELLA, (Latin) a...
tessiture 16 10 TESSITURA, (Italian)...
tetradite 15 10 a person who attache...
tetroxide 21 17 an oxide having four...
teutonise 14 11 to render German, al...
teutonize 17 20 to render German, al...
textphone 24 22 a phone that can tra...
texturise 22 17 to give a particular...
texturize 25 26 to give a particular...
theologue 18 15 a theologian, also T...
theorique 25 21 (Shakespeare) theory...
theralite 18 12 a holocrystalline ig...
therefore 18 14 for that reason [adv...
thermette 18 14 a device, used outdo...
thieflike 22 19 like a thief [adj]
thighbone 22 19 the bone of the leg...
thinkable 21 20 capable of being tho...
thiophene 20 17 a five-membered hete...
tholeiite 18 12 a basaltic rock rich...
tholobate 19 15 the substructure of...
thornlike 19 17 like a thorn [adj]
thorntree 16 12 any tree bearing tho...
threesome 17 14 a set of three [n -S...
threonine 15 13 an essential amino a...
thrombose 20 17 to cause thrombosis...
thumbhole 24 21 a hole to insert the...
thumblike 24 23 like a thumb [adj]
thylacine 27 18 the Tasmanian wolf [...
thymidine 25 18 a nucleoside of thym...
thymocyte 34 21 a lymphocyte found i...
thyroxine 29 21 an iodine compound,...
tigerlike 19 16 like a tiger [adj]
tightrope 21 16 a taut rope or wire...
tightwire 23 16 a wire tightrope [n...
tikoloshe 19 16 (Zulu) in Bantu folk...
timeframe 19 18 a limited or restric...
timepiece 21 18 any kind of clock [n...
timescale 20 16 the period within wh...
timeshare 18 14 the time-sharing of...
timetable 19 16 to draw up a schedul...
timorsome 17 15 (dialect) easily fri...
tinguaite 16 13 a fine-grained igneo...
tintookie 15 14 (Australian slang) a...
titillate 18 11 to tickle or touch l...
tittivate 18 13 to spruce up or ador...
toadstone 13 11 any stone or stoneli...
tokoloshe 18 16 (Zulu) in Bantu folk...
toktokkie 18 21 a large South Africa...
tolerable 18 14 that can be tolerate...
tolerance 17 14 the state of being t...
tollhouse 19 14 a house occupied by...
toluidide 17 13 a chemical deriving...
toluidine 16 13 any one of three ami...
tombstone 17 16 a stone erected over...
tomentose 14 13 bearing thickly matt...
toolhouse 17 13 a place where tools...
toothache 21 16 a pain in a tooth [n...
toothlike 19 16 like a tooth [adj]
toothsome 17 14 attractive; palatabl...
torbanite 16 13 a shale, almost a co...
torchable 23 18 that can be torched...
torchiere 20 14 (French) a floor lam...
torchlike 23 19 like a torch [adj]
torpitude 18 14 torpidness [n -S]
totaquine 22 20 a mixture of quinine...
touchable 23 19 capable of being tou...
touchhole 23 18 the vent of a cannon...
touchline 21 17 either of the lines...
touchtone 19 16 (tradename) a phone...
tourtiere 15 10 a type of meat pie [...
towelette 18 13 a small usually pre-...
towerlike 20 17 like a tower [adj]
townhouse 19 16 (Scots) a town hall...
townscape 22 19 to design a town [v...
toxaphene 23 22 chlorinated camphene...
toylesome 22 15 (Spenser) toilsome,...
traceable 20 16 that can be traced [...
tracheate 19 14 breathing by means o...
tracheide 20 15 a long tubelike but...
tracheole 20 15 one of the minute de...
trackable 22 20 that can be tracked...
trackside 20 17 the side of a (racin...
tractable 21 16 docile, easily manag...
tradeable 17 14 that can be traded,...
tradename 14 14 a name serving as a...
traditive 18 14 traditional [adj]
traguline 17 14 of or like a tragule...
trailable 19 14 that can be trailed...
trailside 17 11 relating to or situa...
trainable 17 14 capable of being tra...
trampette 18 15 a small trampoline,...
transaxle 21 18 a driving axle and d...
transcode 17 14 to convert data from...
transduce 18 15 to convert (energy,...
transfuse 17 14 to pour out into ano...
transgene 14 13 a gene that is trans...
transhume 18 16 to move (cattle) to...
translate 15 11 to render into anoth...
transmove 17 17 (Spenser) to transmu...
transmute 16 14 to change to another...
transpire 17 13 to give off as vapou...
transpose 16 13 to change the order...
trashtrie 18 11 (Scots) trash [n -S]
trattorie 15 9 TRATTORIA, (Italian)...
trazodone 16 20 a drug used to treat...
treatable 17 13 that can be treated...
tredrille 18 12 a card game for thre...
treehouse 16 12 a house built in a t...
treenware 16 13 cups, dishes etc. ma...
trehalose 17 12 a disaccharide orig...
treillage 18 13 (French) trelliswork...
trematode 15 13 a kind of parasitic...
tremolite 17 13 a white variety of a...
tremulate 17 14 to sound with a trem...
treponeme 16 16 a kind of bacterium,...
triactine 18 13 three-rayed, also TR...
trialogue 17 13 a discourse or collo...
trialware 19 13 computer software th...
tribulate 19 14 to cause to endure t...
tribunate 17 14 the office of a trib...
trichinae 20 15 TRICHINA, a type of...
trichrome 22 17 pertaining to or in...
tricksome 21 19 full of tricks [adj]
tricotine 18 13 a double-twilled wor...
tridymite 24 15 an orthorhombic form...
trijugate 19 21 in three pairs, also...
trilobate 18 13 having three lobes,...
trilobite 19 13 any one of numerous...
trimphone 20 18 (tradename) a phone...
triptyque 33 24 (French) an internat...
tristesse 16 9 (French) melancholy...
tritanope 16 13 one suffering from t...
triticale 20 13 a hybrid of wheat an...
triturate 16 10 to crush or grind to...
trochleae 20 15 TROCHLEA, a pulley-l...
trollopee 18 14 (historical) a kind...
troostite 15 9 a reddish or greyish...
truckable 23 21 that can be conveyed...
truckline 21 19 a transportation lin...
trustable 19 14 that can be trusted...
truthlike 21 17 like truth [adj]
tubercule 22 18 a small tuber, protu...
tuillette 18 12 (French) a small tui...
tuliplike 22 19 like a tulip [adj]
tumorlike 19 18 like a tumor [adj]
tungstate 16 13 a salt of tungstic a...
tungstite 17 13 a yellow earthy mine...
turbidite 19 14 the sediment deposit...
turbinate 17 14 scroll-like, also TU...
turcopole 21 17 (Modern Greek) a lig...
turnstile 17 12 a revolving frame th...
turnstone 14 12 any of various speci...
turntable 18 15 a rotating table, pl...
turophile 21 16 a connoisseur of che...
turpitude 19 15 inherent baseness, d...
turquoise 24 20 a hydrous phosphate...
twayblade 27 19 any one of several o...
tweetable 20 16 (of a message) short...
twistable 22 16 that can be twisted...
twostroke 19 16 denoting a kind of e...
tycoonate 22 15 the shogunate, the o...
typestyle 31 17 a style of type [n -...
typewrite 27 17 to write on a typewr...
typewrote 26 17 TYPEWRITE, to write...
tyrannise 20 13 to act like a tyrant...
tyrannize 23 22 to act like a tyrant...
uintahite 17 13 a tar-like asphalt f...
uliginose 17 14 slimy; oozy; growing...
ultrafine 18 15 very very fine [adj]
ultrapure 19 15 very very pure [adj]
ultrarare 16 11 very very rare [adj]
ultrasafe 18 14 very very safe [adj]
ultrawide 20 15 very very wide [adj]
umbellate 20 18 having umbels, also...
umbellule 22 20 a partial umbel, als...
umbratile 20 17 a person who spends...
unabusive 19 19 not abusive [adj]
unactable 20 18 that cannot be acted...
unaidable 17 16 incapable of being a...
unamiable 18 18 not amiable; morose...
unaverage 16 17 not average [adj]
unawesome 17 17 not awesome [adj]
unbalance 19 19 to cause to lose bal...
unbandage 16 18 to take a bandage of...
unbaptise 19 17 to undo the effects...
unbaptize 22 26 to undo the effects...
unbeguile 19 18 to set free from the...
unbelieve 19 19 to disbelieve; to ce...
unbespoke 19 21 UNBESPEAK, to unsay;...
uncapable 22 21 (Shakespeare) incapa...
uncombine 20 21 (Dickens) to separat...
unconfine 18 19 to free from confine...
unconfuse 19 19 to remove the confus...
uncrumple 23 22 to smooth out, remov...
uncurable 21 19 (Shakespeare) not cu...
undatable 17 16 not datable [adj]
undeceive 19 19 to free from decepti...
underbake 17 19 to bake insufficient...
underbite 17 15 to bite insufficient...
underbore 16 15 UNDERBEAR, (obsolete...
underdone 13 14 UNDERDO, to do insuf...
underdose 14 13 to give an insuffici...
underfire 17 15 to fire or bake insu...
undergone 14 15 UNDERGO, to be subje...
underline 15 14 to draw a line under...
undermine 15 16 to dig beneath (e.g....
undernote 13 13 a subdued note; an u...
underrate 14 12 to rate too low [v U...
underripe 17 15 insufficiently ripe...
underside 15 13 the underneath [n -S...
undersize 18 21 below the usual size...
undertake 15 16 to attempt [v UNDERT...
undertane 13 13 (Spenser) undertaken...
undertime 16 15 (Spenser) the time o...
undertone 13 13 a subdued tone of vo...
undervote 16 16 a vote cast but inva...
underwire 18 15 to support with wire...
undeserve 16 16 to fail to deserve [...
undulance 18 18 the state of being u...
uneatable 16 15 that cannot be eaten...
unequable 25 25 not equable, also IN...
unessence 16 15 to deprive of essenc...
unextreme 21 21 not extreme [adj]
unfadable 19 19 not subject to fadin...
unfertile 18 15 not fertile, also IN...
unflyable 27 21 that cannot be flown...
unfortune 16 16 (archaic) ill-fortun...
ungenuine 14 16 not genuine [adj]
ungermane 15 17 not germane [adj]
ungodlike 18 19 not like a god [adj]
unhirable 20 17 not hirable [adj]
unhostile 18 14 not hostile [adj]
unifiable 20 18 that can be unified...
unijugate 18 23 of a compound leaf,...
uniramose 15 14 esp. of the appendag...
unlikable 20 20 not capable of being...
unlivable 21 20 not capable of being...
unlosable 18 16 that cannot be lost...
unlovable 20 20 not capable of being...
unmakable 19 22 that cannot be made...
unmanacle 18 19 to free from manacle...
unmanlike 17 20 not like a man [adj]
unmixable 25 25 that cannot be mixed...
unmortise 16 14 to release from mort...
unmovable 20 22 that cannot be moved...
unnamable 17 19 not capable of being...
unpayable 25 20 that cannot be payed...
unpliable 21 19 not pliable [adj UNP...
unpotable 19 18 not potable, undrink...
unprecise 20 17 not precise, also IM...
unprepare 18 17 to make unprepared [...
unprovide 19 19 (Shakespeare) to dep...
unprovoke 19 22 (Shakespeare) to cou...
unrealise 15 12 to divest of reality...
unrealize 18 21 to divest of reality...
unreserve 16 15 absence of reserve,...
unridable 18 16 that cannot be ridde...
unsalable 18 16 that cannot be sold,...
unsatable 17 15 that cannot be sated...
unsatiate 14 11 not satiated, also U...
unsayable 23 17 that cannot be said...
unseeable 16 15 that cannot be seen...
unshackle 22 21 to release from shac...
unsheathe 18 15 to remove from a she...
unsizable 21 24 (obsolete) extraordi...
unsterile 16 12 not sterile [adj]
unswaddle 19 17 to take a swaddle fr...
untamable 18 18 not tamable, also UN...
untaxable 23 22 not taxable [adj]
untenable 16 16 not tenable, also IN...
untirable 18 15 that cannot be tired...
untunable 17 17 that cannot be tuned...
untypable 26 20 that cannot be typed...
unwarlike 20 19 not warlike [adj]
unwelcome 22 21 not welcome [adj UNW...
unwreathe 19 16 to take out of a wre...
unwrinkle 20 20 to reduce from a wri...
uppercase 22 19 in capitals [n -S] /...
uralitise 17 11 to turn into uralite...
uralitize 20 20 to turn into uralite...
uraninite 14 12 uranium dioxide, the...
urceolate 18 14 shaped like a pitche...
urinative 17 15 provoking the flow o...
urochrome 21 18 an amorphous yellow...
urokinase 15 15 a drug that dissolve...
usherette 17 12 a female usher, also...
utterable 18 14 capable of being utt...
utterance 17 14 the act of uttering...
uvarovite 19 18 (Russian) a green li...
uxoricide 25 21 the murder of a wife...
vacatable 22 20 that can be vacated...
vaccinate 22 20 to inoculate with a...
vacillate 22 18 to fluctuate in opin...
vacuolate 20 18 having vacuoles, als...
vaginulae 18 18 VAGINULA, a little s...
valentine 16 16 a sweetheart [n -S]
valproate 19 17 a salt of valproic a...
valvelike 22 23 like a valve [adj]
vampirise 21 19 to play the vampire,...
vampirize 24 28 to play the vampire,...
vanadiate 15 15 a salt of vanadic ac...
vandalise 17 16 to deal with or trea...
vandalize 20 25 to deal with or trea...
vantbrace 21 20 (historical) a piece...
vaporable 21 20 that can be vaporize...
vaporlike 21 21 like vapor [adj]
vaporware 21 19 a computer-related p...
variative 19 17 relating to variatio...
variegate 17 15 to pattern with mult...
variolate 17 14 to inoculate with sm...
variolite 18 14 a kind of diorite or...
variscite 21 16 an apple-green miner...
vassalage 18 16 the state of being a...
vassalise 18 14 to reduce to the sta...
vassalize 21 23 to reduce to the sta...
vastitude 18 15 vastness, also VASTI...
vaultlike 21 20 like a vault [adj]
vectorise 20 16 to make into a vecto...
vectorize 23 25 to make into a vecto...
vegetable 20 19 a plant or part of o...
vehemence 21 22 urgency, forcefulnes...
veilleuse 19 16 (French) a small, hi...
veinstone 15 15 gangue, also VEINSTU...
vellenage 18 18 (Spenser) the state...
vellicate 22 18 to twitch, pluck [v...
velodrome 18 18 an area for cycling...
veloutine 17 16 velvety corded wool...
venerable 18 18 worthy of reverence...
vengeable 19 20 revengeful; deservin...
vengeance 18 20 revenge [n -S]
ventilate 17 15 to supply with air [...
ventricle 21 18 either of the two mu...
veratrine 16 14 an alkaloid or mixtu...
verbalise 20 17 to put into words, a...
verbalize 23 26 to put into words, a...
verberate 18 16 (archaic) to beat [v...
verbicide 23 20 destruction of the m...
veritable 20 17 true [adj VERITABLY]
vermeille 20 18 to make crimson [v V...
vermicide 22 20 a substance that kil...
vermicule 23 21 a small worm or inse...
vermifuge 22 22 a medicine or substa...
verminate 17 17 to breed vermin [v V...
vernalise 17 15 to cause (plants) to...
vernalize 20 24 to cause (plants) to...
veronique 24 24 (French) served with...
verrucose 20 17 covered with warty e...
versatile 18 14 turning easily from...
vertebrae 18 16 VERTEBRA, a componen...
vesiculae 21 18 VESICULA, a small bl...
vestibule 21 18 an entrance-hall [n...
vestiture 18 14 clothes [n -S]
vexillate 25 22 of or like a vexillu...
vibratile 21 17 capable of vibratory...
vibrative 22 20 consisting in, or ca...
vibrissae 20 16 VIBRISSA, a bristle...
vicariate 20 16 the office or author...
vicereine 19 17 (French) the wife of...
victimise 23 19 to make a victim of,...
victimize 26 28 to make a victim of,...
victorine 20 17 (French) a woman's f...
videotape 18 17 magnetic tape for re...
viewphone 23 22 a phone that enables...
vigilance 22 20 the state of being v...
vigilante 19 17 (Spanish) any person...
villagree 20 17 (Shakespeare) villag...
villanage 19 18 the state of being a...
villenage 19 18 the state of being a...
vindicate 20 18 to justify, to clear...
violative 20 18 violating, or tendin...
vireonine 15 15 a bird of the vireo...
virgulate 20 17 shaped like a little...
virulence 21 19 the state of being v...
viruslike 21 19 like a virus [adj]
visagiste 19 15 an expert in facial...
viscerate 20 16 to deprive of the vi...
visitable 21 17 capable of being vis...
visualise 19 15 to call up a clear v...
visualize 22 24 to call up a clear v...
vitascope 22 19 a moving picture pro...
vitelline 19 16 a vitellus, a membra...
vivamente 19 21 (Italian) in a livel...
viverrine 19 18 a member of the ferr...
vivianite 19 18 ferrous phosphate, b...
vizierate 20 22 the office, dignity,...
voisinage 17 16 (obsolete) a neighbo...
volcanise 20 18 to subject to the ac...
volcanize 23 27 to subject to the ac...
volucrine 21 19 of or pertaining to...
vorticose 20 16 like a vortex, whirl...
vouchsafe 24 22 to grant as a privil...
vulcanise 21 19 to change the proper...
vulcanite 21 19 hard rubber produced...
vulcanize 24 28 to change the proper...
vulgarise 20 17 to make vulgar, or c...
vulgarize 23 26 to make vulgar, or c...
vulnerate 17 16 (obsolete) to wound...
vulpicide 25 22 the killing of a fox...
vulpinite 21 19 a granular scaly for...
vulsellae 20 17 VULSELLA, forceps wi...
vulturine 19 17 like a vulture; rapa...
wagonette 17 15 a carriage with one...
waistline 19 14 a line thought of as...
waiterage 18 14 service by a waiter...
waldflute 23 19 (German) an organ fl...
waldgrave 22 20 (German) a former Ge...
waltzlike 25 27 like a waltz [adj]
wantonise 16 14 (archaic) to play th...
wantonize 19 23 (archaic) to play th...
wapentake 19 20 (Old English) an arc...
warehouse 19 15 a building or room f...
warrantee 16 13 the person to whom a...
washhouse 22 17 an outbuilding for w...
watchable 26 21 worth watching [adj]...
watchcase 26 20 the case housing the...
waterline 18 14 any of several lines...
waterside 18 13 the edge of a sea, l...
waveguide 21 20 in electronics, a ho...
wavellite 22 18 hydrated phosphate o...
waveshape 23 21 a graph showing the...
wavetable 22 20 a collection of digi...
wayzgoose 27 25 an annual employees'...
weaponise 18 16 to adapt a chemical,...
weaponize 21 25 to adapt a chemical,...
wearisome 18 15 tiresome, also WEARI...
wedgelike 21 20 like a wedge [adj]
wedgewise 22 18 in the manner of a w...
weedicide 21 17 something that kills...
weighable 24 20 capable of being wei...
weightage 22 18 a weighting [n -S]
welfarite 21 16 (US) a person who is...
wellhouse 22 17 a structure above a...
wernerite 17 13 the common grayish o...
whalebone 21 19 a light flexible sub...
whalelike 23 20 like a whale [adj]
wheelbase 22 18 the distance between...
wherefore 21 17 a reason why, also W...
whetstone 19 15 a stone for sharpeni...
whinstone 19 16 a hard and compact r...
whipsnake 23 22 a kind of long thin...
whiteface 25 20 white makeup esp. as...
whiteware 23 17 articles made of whi...
wholesale 21 16 the sale of goods, u...
wholesome 21 18 healthy, whole, also...
whunstane 19 17 (Scots) a hard and c...
wideawake 21 20 a low wide-brimmed s...
widthwise 25 18 across the width, as...
wieldable 22 18 capable of being wie...
wildgrave 23 20 (German) a former Ge...
willemite 22 17 a silicate of zinc,...
wincopipe 25 22 (obsolete) a little...
windborne 19 18 carried on the wind...
windshake 21 20 a flaw in wood said...
winterise 18 13 to make suitable for...
winterize 21 22 to make suitable for...
wireframe 21 18 a basic visual guide...
witchlike 27 22 like a witch [adj]
witherite 21 14 barium carbonate occ...
woebegone 18 18 sad, dejected, also...
wolfsbane 22 20 a kind of aconite [n...
wolverene 19 18 a ferocious mustelid...
wolverine 20 18 a ferocious mustelid...
womanlike 20 21 like a woman [adj]
woodhorse 19 15 a sawhorse [n -S]
woodhouse 19 16 a wild man of the wo...
woodlouse 18 15 any small isopod cru...
woodmouse 18 17 a field mouse [n WOO...
woodreeve 18 17 the overseer of a wo...
woodspite 20 16 the green woodpecker...
woodstone 16 14 a striped variety of...
woodstove 19 17 a stove that burns w...
workforce 24 22 the number of worker...
workhorse 21 18 a horse used in a la...
workhouse 21 19 (historical) a place...
workpiece 24 22 a piece of work in p...
workplace 25 23 a place of work [n -...
workspace 24 22 an area set aside fo...
worktable 22 20 a table for holding...
worldwide 23 18 all over the world [...
worrisome 19 15 causing worry [adj W...
woundable 20 19 capable of being wou...
writative 21 16 characterized by an...
writeable 21 16 that can be written,...
wulfenite 21 18 a molybdate of lead...
wyandotte 23 16 (Native American) a...
xenophile 25 23 one who loves foreig...
xenophobe 25 25 one who hates foreig...
xeriscape 26 22 (tradename) to lands...
xerophile 26 22 a plant adapted to d...
xerophyte 31 23 a plant thriving in...
xyloidine 28 21 a substance resembli...
xylophage 33 26 an insect larva, mol...
xylophone 31 25 a musical percussion...
yeastlike 23 16 like yeast, frothy [...
yersiniae 20 12 YERSINIA, a bacteriu...
yestereve 22 15 yesterday evening, a...
yieldable 25 17 disposed to yield or...
yohimbine 26 20 (Bantu) an alkaloid...
yottabyte 29 16 a very large unit of...
youthsome 24 17 (obsolete) youthful,...
ytterbite 24 14 the mineral gadolini...
zelatrice 22 22 a nun whose duty is...
zettabyte 26 23 a unit of computer m...
zibelline 22 24 the fur of the sable...
zinkenite 18 24 a steel-gray metalli...
zoechrome 23 26 an early colour cine...
zoogamete 18 23 a motile gamete [n -...
zoogloeae 17 21 ZOOGLOEA, a jellylik...
zygophyte 36 29 a plant that reprodu...
zygospore 27 25 a spore formed by un...