7 letter words that end with E

7 letter words that end with E

7 letter E word


Words With Friends®


abalone 12 12 a sea snail of rocky...
abature 13 11 (French) a trail thr...
abaxile 20 18 facing away from the...
abollae 14 12 ABOLLA, (historical)...
abortee 12 10 a woman who has had...
abridge 15 13 to shorten [v ABRIDG...
abrooke 13 14 an erroneous spellin...
abscise 17 13 to cut off, to fall...
absence 15 14 the state of being a...
absolve 16 15 to free from the con...
abthane 14 13 a monastic region of...
abubble 19 18 bubbling [adj]
abusage 14 13 improper or incorrec...
abusive 16 15 in the manner of wro...
academe 14 14 the academic life or...
acarine 13 11 a tick-like animal,...
accable 20 17 (French) depressed,...
accidie 18 14 (Latin) sloth, physi...
accinge 18 16 to gird up one's loi...
accrete 17 13 to grow together [v...
accurse 18 14 to make cursed [v AC...
acerate 13 10 needle-shaped [adj]
acerose 13 10 needle-shaped [adj]
acetate 13 10 an ester of acetic a...
acetone 12 11 the simplest of the...
acetose 13 10 like vinegar [adj]
acharne 15 13 (French) furious, de...
achieve 18 16 to carry out success...
achiote 16 12 (Nahuatl) the seeds...
acinose 13 11 relating to a sackli...
acolyte 21 13 a faithful follower,...
aconite 13 11 a poisonous herb, th...
acquire 23 20 to come into possess...
acquite 23 20 (obsolete) to free f...
acreage 14 12 area in acres [n -S]
actable 17 14 suitable for perform...
actuate 14 11 to put into action [...
acylate 21 13 to introduce acyl in...
addable 14 13 able to be added [ad...
addible 15 13 capable of being add...
adenine 9 10 one of the four base...
adipose 13 11 of or pertaining to...
adjudge 15 21 to decide; to award...
adonise 10 9 to adorn (oneself),...
adonize 13 18 to adorn (oneself),...
adoptee 12 11 one who is adopted [...
adulate 12 10 to fawn upon [v ADUL...
advance 15 16 to put forward, to g...
adverse 13 12 acting against [adj...
advisee 13 12 one who is given cou...
affable 18 17 easy to speak to [ad...
affaire 15 13 (French) a brief amo...
affeare 14 13 (Spenser) to frighte...
affiche 21 18 (French) a poster; a...
afforce 18 16 to strengthen a jury...
agamete 12 12 an asexual reproduct...
agarose 11 9 a sugar obtained fro...
agatise 12 9 to cause to resemble...
agatize 15 18 to cause to resemble...
agemate 12 12 a person of the same...
agenise 11 10 to treat flour with...
agenize 14 19 to treat flour with...
aggrace 16 14 (Spenser) to please,...
aggrade 13 12 to raise the level o...
aggrate 13 11 (Spenser) to please,...
agitate 12 9 to stir violently [v...
agonise 11 10 to suffer agony, als...
agonize 14 19 to suffer agony, als...
agraffe 16 15 (French) a hooked cl...
agraste 12 9 AGGRACE, (Spenser) t...
aidance 13 12 help [n -S]
ailette 12 8 a plate of armour fo...
airbase 13 10 a centre for control...
airdate 11 8 the scheduled date o...
airfare 13 10 the price of a journ...
airhole 14 10 a hole for the passa...
airlike 14 12 resembling air [adj]
airline 12 9 an air transportatio...
airside 12 8 restricted area of a...
airsome 12 10 cold [adj]
airtime 13 10 an allowable period...
airwave 16 14 a channel for broadc...
airwise 15 10 skillful in aviation...
ajutage 14 19 (French) a tube adde...
alamode 12 12 (French) a light glo...
alanine 10 10 an amino acid, also...
alcaide 15 12 the commander of Spa...
alcalde 16 13 the mayor of a Spani...
alcayde 21 14 the commander of a S...
alepine 13 12 (Arabic) a mixed woo...
alewife 17 14 a woman who sells al...
alexine 17 16 a substance in the b...
alidade 12 10 a device used in ang...
alienee 10 9 one to whom the titl...
aliunde 12 11 from another source...
alledge 14 12 to allay, also ALEGG...
allegge 15 13 (Spenser) to allay,...
allonge 13 12 to lunge [v ALLONGED...
alsoone 10 9 (Spenser) as soon, a...
alterne 11 9 one of two or more p...
altesse 12 8 (French) highness, a...
alumine 13 13 an oxide of aluminum...
alumnae 12 13 ALUMNA, a female gra...
alunite 12 10 a hydrous sulphate o...
alveole 14 13 a small body cavity,...
amabile 15 14 of wines [adj]
amarone 10 11 a strong dry red Ita...
amative 14 14 strongly moved by lo...
ambsace 17 16 bad luck, also AMESA...
amenage 11 13 (Spenser) to manage,...
amesace 14 13 a double ace, the lo...
amiable 15 14 having a pleasant di...
amidase 12 11 an enzyme that catal...
amidine 12 12 the soluble matter i...
amidone 11 12 a synthetic opioid u...
amirate 12 10 the rank of an amir,...
amniote 11 11 a vertebrate that de...
amoebae 12 13 AMOEBA, a one-celled...
amosite 12 10 a brown form of asbe...
ampoule 15 15 a small sealed glass...
amputee 14 14 one who has had a li...
amusive 15 15 amusing [adj]
amylase 19 13 any of the enzymes t...
amylene 18 14 an unsaturated hydro...
amylose 19 13 the relatively solub...
anagoge 11 12 a mystical interpret...
analyse 17 11 to separate a whole...
analyte 17 11 a substance being an...
analyze 20 20 to subject to analys...
anatase 9 8 a mineral, titanium...
andante 9 10 a moderately slow mu...
andvile 14 14 (Spenser) an anvil [...
anelace 13 12 (archaic) a short tw...
anemone 9 12 any member of the ge...
anglice 16 14 in English [adv]
anguine 11 12 like a snake [adj]
aniline 11 10 a product of coal-ta...
animate 11 11 to give life to [v A...
anisole 11 9 a colourless liquid...
anodise 10 9 to give a protective...
anodize 13 18 to give a protective...
anodyne 15 12 a medicine that reli...
anolyte 17 11 the part of an elect...
anticke 15 15 (obsolete) antique [...
antique 19 18 very old, also ANTIC...
antliae 11 9 ANTLIA, the sucking...
antlike 13 13 like an ant [adj]
anymore 17 13 any longer [adv]
anytime 18 13 at any time [adv]
anywise 20 13 in any degree [adv]
apagoge 14 14 proving a point by e...
apanage 12 13 endowment for a king...
apatite 13 10 a mineral, calcium f...
apelike 15 15 resembling a large m...
aphthae 17 14 APHTHA, the disease...
apocope 17 16 the omission of the...
apolune 13 13 the point in the orb...
apostle 14 11 one sent by Christ t...
appease 14 13 to bring to a state...
apprise 16 13 to inform, also APPR...
apprize 19 22 to inform, also APPR...
approve 17 17 to regard favourably...
appulse 17 15 the close approach o...
apyrase 19 12 any of several enzym...
arabise 13 10 to adopt Arab custom...
arabize 16 19 to adopt Arab custom...
archfoe 18 15 a principal foe [n -...
archine 16 13 an old Russian unit...
archive 19 16 a repository of publ...
arcsine 14 11 a trigonometric inve...
arcuate 14 11 arched like a bow, a...
arenite 10 8 a rock made up chief...
arenose 9 8 sandy; containing mu...
areolae 10 8 AREOLA, a small spac...
ariette 11 7 a short aria, also A...
aripple 17 14 in a ripple [adv]
aristae 11 7 ARISTA, a bristlelik...
armhole 15 13 a hole in a garment...
armlike 15 15 like an arm [adj]
armoire 12 10 a large ornate cabin...
arrange 11 10 to put in order [v A...
arreede 10 8 (Spenser) to declare...
arriage 12 9 (historical) a forme...
arriere 11 7 (French) in the rear...
arshine 13 10 a Russian unit of le...
article 16 11 in law, to charge wi...
artiste 12 7 (French) a performin...
asconce 16 14 (obsolete) askance,...
ascribe 17 13 to attribute [v ASCR...
ashcake 17 16 a cornmeal cake [n -...
asinine 10 9 of or like an ass; s...
askance 14 15 sideways; obliquely...
asperge 14 12 to sprinkle [v ASPER...
asperse 13 10 to slander, disparag...
asshole 14 10 an unpleasant and/or...
assiege 12 9 (Spenser) to besiege...
asslike 14 12 like an ass [adj]
assuage 12 10 to make less severe,...
asswage 15 12 (obsolete) to make l...
asswipe 17 13 (US offensive) anoth...
astable 14 11 not stable [adj]
asthore 13 9 (Irish) darling [n -...
astilbe 15 11 a plant of the Astil...
astride 12 8 with a leg on each s...
atheise 13 9 to talk as an atheis...
atheize 16 18 to talk as an atheis...
athlete 14 10 a competitor in cont...
atingle 13 11 tingling [adj]
atomise 12 10 to reduce to a fine...
atomize 15 19 to reduce to a fine...
attache 16 12 a junior member of a...
attonce 13 11 (Spenser) at one, at...
attrite 12 7 to wear down, also A...
attuite 12 8 to sense but not qui...
auberge 14 13 an inn, also ALBERGO...
audible 15 13 able to be heard [ad...
auditee 11 9 one that is audited...
aufgabe 16 16 (German) a set exper...
auguste 13 11 (French) a circus cl...
aulnage 12 12 cloth inspection, al...
aureate 10 8 pertaining to the fa...
aureole 11 9 a glorifying halo, a...
auricle 16 12 the outer projecting...
aurorae 10 8 AURORA, a luminous a...
auspice 17 14 a good omen [n -S]
austere 11 8 severe [adj AUSTERER...
autocue 14 12 (tradename) a text d...
avarice 16 14 greed [n -S]
aventre 12 12 (Spenser) to thrust,...
average 13 13 mediocre [adj AVERAG...
aviette 13 11 (historical) an aero...
avodire 13 12 a yellow hardwood fr...
awardee 13 11 a recipient of an aw...
awesome 14 13 impressive or inspir...
axelike 19 19 like an axe in form,...
axillae 19 16 AXILLA, the arm pit...
axinite 17 15 a silicate of the ep...
axoneme 16 18 a central strand of...
azotise 14 16 to combine with nitr...
azotize 17 25 to combine with nitr...
azurine 14 18 a freshwater fish, t...
azurite 15 17 a blue carbonate of...
azymite 22 21 a member of any chur...
babiche 21 18 a thong or lace made...
babuche 21 19 a kind of heelless s...
baccare 19 16 (Shakespeare) back!...
baccate 19 16 having berries; berr...
backare 17 17 (Shakespeare) back!...
backhoe 19 19 an excavating machin...
badware 16 14 malicious computer s...
bagarre 14 12 (French) a scuffle o...
bagasse 14 12 dry refuse in sugar-...
baggage 16 16 luggage [n -S]
baglike 17 17 like a bag [adj]
bagpipe 19 18 a wind instrument [n...
baillie 16 12 in Scotland, a magis...
bainite 13 11 a byproduct of steel...
balance 16 15 to have equal weight...
ballade 15 13 (French) a poetic fo...
ballute 16 13 a small inflatable p...
bandage 13 14 to cover a wound wit...
bandore 12 12 an ancient lute, als...
banshee 14 13 in Irish folklore, a...
banshie 15 13 in Irish folklore, a...
baptise 16 13 to administer baptis...
baptize 19 22 to administer baptis...
barbate 15 13 barbed, bearded, als...
barbule 17 15 a small barb [n -S]
barcode 16 14 an arrangement, read...
baronne 11 12 (French) a baroness...
baroque 21 20 a bold decorative st...
barrace 16 13 (obsolete) the lists...
barrage 14 12 to subject to a mass...
barware 16 13 barroom equipment [n...
bascule 18 15 a type of bridge [n...
basoche 18 15 a mediaeval guild of...
bastide 14 11 a French country hou...
bastile 15 11 a tower or an elevat...
batable 16 14 debatable, disputabl...
batiste 14 10 (French) a fine fabr...
batlike 16 15 resembling a bat (a...
bauchle 20 17 to make shapeless, b...
bauxite 20 18 an ore of aluminium,...
bayside 20 13 the shore of a bay [...
beardie 13 11 a fish, the bearded...
beastie 13 10 a small beast [n -S]
becasse 16 13 (French) a woodcock...
because 16 14 for the reason that...
becrime 18 16 to make guility of a...
becurse 17 14 to put a curse on [v...
bedlike 16 16 resembling a bed [ad...
bedmate 14 14 one who shares a bed...
bedrape 15 14 to cover with cloth...
bedrite 14 11 the privilege or due...
bedside 14 12 the side of a bed [n...
bedsore 13 11 a type of sore cause...
bedtime 15 14 the time at which on...
bedunce 16 16 to make a dunce of [...
beehive 17 16 a hive for bees [n -...
beelike 15 15 resembling a bee [ad...
beeline 13 12 to head directly tow...
beerage 13 12 the brewing industry...
beesome 13 13 blind, also BISSON [...
beginne 13 14 (Spenser) a beginnin...
begrime 16 15 to soil with grime,...
beguile 16 14 to deceive [v BEGUIL...
beguine 14 14 (French) a dance of...
behoove 16 16 to be fit, right or...
beknave 15 19 to treat as a knave...
beldame 15 15 an old woman, esp. a...
believe 16 15 to accept as true [v...
benzene 14 21 a solvent distilled...
benzine 15 21 a mixture of hydroca...
benzole 16 21 crude benzene, used...
beprose 15 13 to reduce to prose [...
berbere 15 13 an Ethiopian hot pas...
berbice 19 16 as in berbice chair,...
bereave 14 14 to deprive esp. by d...
bergere 14 12 a type of easy chair...
berhyme 23 17 to compose in rhyme,...
berline 14 12 an old four-wheeled...
beseeke 13 14 (Spenser) to entreat...
beshame 16 15 (archaic) to put to...
beshine 15 13 (archaic) to light u...
beshone 14 13 BESHINE, (archaic) t...
besiege 14 12 to attack and surrou...
beslave 16 15 to make a slave of [...
beslime 16 14 to cover with slime...
besmile 16 14 to smile on [v BESMI...
besmoke 15 17 to pollute with smok...
bespake 16 17 BESPEAK, to request...
bespate 15 13 BESPIT, to spit upon...
bespice 19 16 (Shakespeare) to sea...
bespoke 16 17 BESPEAK, to request...
betaine 12 11 a crystalline, sweet...
beteeme 13 13 (Spenser) to grant,...
betitle 15 11 to furnish with a ti...
bewhore 18 15 to call someone a wh...
bezique 25 29 a card game played w...
bhistee 16 12 an Indian water carr...
bhistie 17 12 an Indian water carr...
biblike 19 18 resembling a bib [ad...
bicorne 16 14 a hat with two corne...
bicycle 28 19 to ride a two-wheele...
bigtime 17 15 significant, reknown...
biguine 15 14 (French) a dance of...
binocle 17 15 (French) a telescope...
biocide 17 14 a substance that kil...
biotite 14 10 mica containing iron...
biotope 15 13 an area having unifo...
biotype 22 15 a distinct sub-group...
biplane 16 15 a plane with two set...
bistate 14 10 pertaining to two st...
bitable 17 14 capable of being bit...
bitwise 18 13 designating an opera...
bivalve 19 19 a mollusc having a s...
bizarre 17 19 strange [adj BIZARRE...
blankie 15 16 a child's blanket, a...
blastie 15 11 a dwarf [n -S]
blintze 18 21 (Yiddish) a thin fil...
blockie 19 18 (Australian slang) t...
bloosme 15 14 (Spenser) to bloom [...
bluette 15 12 (French) a spark, a...
bobeche 20 18 a circular wax catch...
bobotie 15 13 (South Africa) curri...
boghole 17 15 a natural hole in th...
bolshie 17 13 a Bolshevik [n -S] /...
bondage 13 14 slavery [n -S]
bonfire 15 14 a large fire in the...
booksie 14 14 in a literary way, a...
bordure 14 12 a border surrounding...
bornite 13 11 a valuable ore of co...
boscage 17 15 (French) thick folia...
boskage 15 16 thick foliage; woodl...
bothole 16 13 a hole in a hide cau...
botonee 11 11 having buds or knobs...
bottine 13 11 (French) a small boo...
bouchee 18 16 a small patty [n -S]
bouclee 17 15 a loop made with for...
bourree 13 11 (French) a brisk Fre...
boutade 13 12 a sudden outburst [n...
bowlike 19 18 curved [adj]
bowline 17 15 a simple knot which...
boxlike 22 22 like a box [adj]
brabble 19 17 to squabble [v BRABB...
braille 16 12 to write in raised p...
bramble 18 17 to gather blackberri...
brangle 15 14 to wrangle [v BRANGL...
bransle 14 12 an old French dance,...
brantle 14 12 an old French dance,...
brassie 14 10 a golf club [n -S]
brattle 15 11 (Scots) to rush nois...
bravure 16 15 BRAVURA, a brilliant...
brawlie 18 14 (Scots) very well, a...
breathe 15 12 to inhale and exhale...
breenge 13 13 (Scots) to plunge fo...
breinge 14 13 (Scots) to plunge fo...
brekkie 16 18 (colloquial) breakfa...
brevete 15 14 patented [adj]
brewage 17 15 the process of brewi...
brickie 19 17 (colloquial) a brick...
brickle 20 18 a brittle candy [n -...
bricole 18 14 (French) a shot in b...
brigade 15 13 to group together [v...
brindle 15 13 an animal marked wit...
brioche 19 15 (French) a kind of s...
bristle 16 11 to stand erect stiff...
brisure 15 11 (French) a part of a...
brittle 16 11 to become fragile [v...
brocade 16 14 to weave a silky fab...
brocage 17 15 the business of a br...
broddle 15 13 (dialect) to poke or...
brokage 15 16 the business or empl...
bromate 14 13 to combine with brom...
bromide 15 14 a bromine compound,...
bromine 14 14 a volatile liquid el...
bromise 15 13 to treat with bromin...
bromize 18 22 to treat with bromin...
brookie 14 14 an American brook tr...
brownie 16 14 a benevolent creatur...
brucine 17 15 a poisonous alkaloid...
brucite 18 14 a mineral, magnesium...
bruckle 20 19 (Scots) liable to br...
brulyie 22 14 (Scots) a broil, a n...
brulzie 19 21 (Scots) a broil, a n...
brusque 23 21 abrupt in manner, al...
bubukle 19 20 (Shakespeare) Fluell...
buckeye 24 20 the American horse-c...
budlike 17 17 like a bud [adj]
bugbane 16 17 a perennial white-fl...
buggane 15 16 an evil spirit, a ho...
bukkake 17 23 (Japanese) a type of...
bukshee 17 17 a paymaster, also BU...
bulgine 16 15 (US) a steam locomot...
bulkage 17 18 a peristaltic stimul...
bullace 19 16 a small wild plum fr...
bullate 16 13 having a blistered a...
bumbaze 20 26 (Scots) to perplex,...
buoyage 20 15 a group of buoys [n...
burette 14 11 a glass measuring tu...
burgage 16 15 a kind of feudal ten...
burkite 16 15 one that burkes, mur...
bursate 14 11 pertaining to a burs...
buvette 16 15 (obsolete) in France...
buyable 23 17 something available...
byplace 26 19 a secluded place [n...
byssine 20 13 made of byssus or fi...
cabbage 19 18 to steal or purloin,...
caboose 15 13 the last car of a fr...
cacique 26 23 a West Indian or Ame...
caddice 18 15 a coarse woollen fab...
cadelle 16 13 a small black beetle...
cadence 16 15 to make rhythmic [v...
caerule 15 12 (Spenser) sky-blue,...
cagoule 16 14 a light anorak, also...
caitive 17 14 (Spenser) a captive,...
cakeage 15 16 a charge levied in a...
calcine 18 15 to reduce to a calx...
calcite 19 14 a mineral, limestone...
caleche 20 16 (French) a light low...
calibre 18 14 the diameter of a gu...
caliche 21 16 (Spanish) gravel, sa...
calicle 20 15 a cup-shaped anatomi...
calipee 17 14 a part of a turtle w...
callose 16 12 a part of a plant ce...
calorie 15 11 the amount of heat n...
calotte 15 11 (French) a Roman Cat...
calycle 26 17 a row of small bract...
calzone 17 21 a turnover with a sa...
camboge 18 18 a yellow gum resin,...
camerae 14 13 CAMERA, an apparatus...
camogie 16 15 an Irish game, a for...
cantate 13 11 the 98th psalm [n -S...
canulae 14 13 CANULA, a tube inser...
canzone 15 21 (Italian) a song res...
capable 19 17 competent [adj CAPAB...
capisce 20 16 used to ask if one u...
caprate 16 13 a salt of capric aci...
caprese 16 13 (Italian) a salad co...
caprice 20 16 a whim, an unpredict...
caprine 16 14 pertaining to a goat...
capsize 20 22 to overturn [v CAPSI...
capsule 18 15 to condense into a b...
captive 19 17 to make a prisoner [...
capture 17 14 to take by force or...
capuche 22 19 a cloak hood, also C...
carbene 15 14 a neutral divalent f...
carbide 17 14 a carbon compound [n...
carbine 16 14 a rifle with a relat...
carcake 18 17 (Scots) a small cake...
carcase 17 13 to put a carcase or...
cardiae 14 11 CARDIA, an opening o...
carfare 16 13 payment for a bus or...
cariere 14 10 (obsolete) career [n...
carinae 13 11 CARINA, a keel-shape...
cariole 15 11 (French) a small ope...
cariose 14 10 of teeth, affected w...
carline 15 12 (Scots) an old woman...
carmine 15 14 a vivid red colour [...
carnage 14 13 great and bloody sla...
carnose 13 11 fleshy; of or like f...
caroche 19 15 a stately carriage,...
carouse 14 11 to engage in a carou...
carpale 17 14 a bone in the wrist,...
cartage 15 12 the act of carrying...
cascade 17 14 to fall like a water...
casease 13 10 an enzyme decomposin...
caseate 13 10 to become cheesy [v...
caseose 13 10 a water-soluble prot...
caserne 13 11 a barracks for soldi...
casette 14 10 a small case contain...
caspase 16 13 any of a group of en...
cassene 13 11 an American evergree...
cassine 14 11 an American evergree...
cassone 13 11 (Italian) a large ch...
catenae 12 11 CATENA, (Latin) a ch...
catface 19 16 a deformity of fruit...
cathode 16 13 a negatively charged...
cathole 17 13 one of two holes in...
catlike 17 15 like a cat [adj]
caudate 14 12 having a tail, also...
cauline 15 13 pertaining to a stem...
caulome 16 15 the structure of a p...
caviare 16 14 the roe of sturgeon,...
cayenne 18 14 a very strong pungen...
cazique 26 29 (Taino) a West India...
cedrate 14 11 a variety of citron...
cedrine 14 12 belonging to the ced...
celeste 15 11 a keyboard instrumen...
cellose 16 12 a disaccharide obtai...
cellule 18 14 a small cell [n -S]
cenacle 17 15 a dining room, also...
censure 14 12 to condemn as wrong...
centage 14 13 rate by the hundred...
centare 13 11 a measure of land ar...
centile 15 12 a value of a statist...
centime 15 14 (French) one hundred...
cervine 16 15 of, relating to or r...
cestode 14 11 any parasitic flatwo...
cesurae 14 11 CESURA, a pause in a...
ceviche 22 19 in Mexican cookery,...
chaetae 15 12 CHAETA, a bristle or...
chalice 21 16 a drinking cup [n -S...
challie 19 14 a soft lightweight s...
chalone 16 14 one of a group of ch...
chamade 17 16 (historical) a signa...
chambre 20 18 (French) of wine, at...
chamise 18 15 a Californian shrub...
chancre 19 16 a hard nodular swell...
chantie 16 13 a song sung by sailo...
chappie 21 18 a familiar diminutiv...
charade 16 13 (French) a written o...
charlie 18 13 a fool, also CHARLEY...
charpie 19 15 shredded lint used t...
chaunce 19 17 (obsolete) to chance...
chaunge 17 16 (obsolete) to change...
chayote 22 14 a tropical American...
cheapie 18 15 (colloquial) somethi...
chedite 17 13 a mixture of castor...
chelate 17 13 to combine a metal i...
chelone 16 14 a genus of hardy per...
chemise 18 15 (French) a woman's s...
chicane 19 16 to quibble [v CHICAN...
chickee 21 19 a stilt house of the...
chimere 18 15 (French) a loose sle...
chinese 16 13 (colloquial) a Chine...
chinkie 18 17 (colloquial) a meal...
chinone 15 14 a golden-yellow crys...
chippie 22 18 (colloquial) a carpe...
choanae 14 13 CHOANA, a funnel-sha...
cholate 17 13 a salt of cholic aci...
choline 17 14 an alcohol found bil...
chommie 19 18 (South Africa) a fri...
chondre 16 14 a spheroidal mineral...
chookie 17 16 (Australian) a chick...
chopine 18 16 a high clog or patte...
chorale 17 13 a simple harmonized...
chordae 16 13 CHORDA, a primitive...
chordee 16 13 a painful erection o...
chorine 16 13 (US slang) a chorus...
chorrie 17 12 (Afrikaans) a crock,...
chortle 18 13 to chuckle with glee...
chuckie 22 20 a chicken, also CHOO...
chuckle 23 21 to laugh quietly [v...
chutnee 16 14 (Hindi) a warm or sp...
ciboule 18 15 a variety of onion,...
cicadae 17 14 CICADA, a winged ins...
cicoree 17 13 a perennial herb [n...
ciliate 16 11 possessing cilia, al...
cineole 14 12 a liquid used as an...
cirrate 15 10 like a cirrus, also...
cirrose 15 10 like a cirrus, also...
citable 18 14 suitable for citatio...
citrate 15 10 a salt of citric aci...
citrine 15 11 a variety of quartz...
claddie 16 13 a native New Zealand...
cladode 15 13 a branch or stem wit...
clavate 17 15 club-shaped; growing...
cleanse 14 12 to clean [v CLEANSED...
climate 17 14 to remain in a certa...
clippie 21 17 (colloquial) a woman...
cloacae 17 14 CLOACA, (Latin) the...
clootie 15 11 as in clootie dumpli...
closure 16 12 to end a debate by c...
cloture 16 12 to end a debate by c...
cludgie 18 15 (Scots) a lavatory [...
coachee 18 15 (colloquial) a coach...
coalise 15 11 to bring into coalit...
coalize 18 20 to bring into coalit...
cocaine 16 14 a narcotic, also COC...
cockade 18 18 a rosette worn on a...
cockeye 24 19 a squinting eye [n -...
cocotte 17 13 (French) a prostitut...
coctile 19 14 baked, hardened by f...
codable 17 15 able to be coded [ad...
codeine 13 12 a narcotic alkaloid,...
codille 17 13 (French) a term at t...
codrive 17 15 to work as a codrive...
codrove 16 15 CODRIVE, to work as...
coelome 15 14 a body cavity in som...
coenure 13 12 a tapeworm larva, al...
coesite 14 10 a type of silica [n...
cogence 17 16 the state of being c...
cognate 14 13 related by birth [ad...
cognise 15 13 to become aware, als...
cognize 18 22 to become aware, als...
coinage 14 13 the act of making co...
collage 17 14 to arrange materials...
collate 16 12 to examine and compa...
college 17 14 a school of higher l...
collide 17 13 to clash together [v...
collude 17 14 to conspire [v COLLU...
cologne 15 14 a perfumed mixture o...
combine 17 17 to join, mix [v COMB...
comique 24 23 (French) a comic act...
commere 16 16 (French) a female co...
commode 16 17 (French) a chamberpo...
commote 16 16 an early English lan...
commove 18 20 to move violently [v...
commune 16 18 to converse intimate...
commute 17 17 to change a sentence...
compage 18 18 (obsolete) a system...
compare 17 16 to scrutinise for si...
compere 17 16 to act as master of...
compete 17 16 to contend for a pri...
compile 19 17 to collect into a vo...
compone 16 17 composed of squares...
compose 17 16 to settle or soothe...
compote 17 16 (French) fruit stewe...
compute 18 17 to calculate [v COMP...
comrade 15 14 a close friend [n -S...
conacre 16 14 the letting by a ten...
concave 18 18 curved inward [adj C...
concede 16 15 to acknowledge as tr...
conchae 18 16 CONCHA, the outer ea...
conchie 19 16 a conscientious obje...
concise 17 14 succinct [adj CONCIS...
condole 14 13 to express sympathet...
condone 12 13 to forgive or overlo...
conduce 17 16 to contribute to a r...
condyle 21 15 a protuberance on a...
confide 16 15 to impart secrets in...
confine 15 15 to shut within an en...
confuse 16 15 to mix up mentally [...
confute 16 15 to disprove or overc...
congree 14 13 (archaic) to agree [...
congrue 15 14 to agree [v CONGRUED...
coniine 13 12 a liquid, highly poi...
conjure 16 21 to practise magic tr...
connate 12 12 congenitally or firm...
connive 15 16 to plot or conspire...
connote 12 12 to imply another mea...
console 14 12 to comfort [v CONSOL...
conspue 16 15 to spit upon, to des...
consume 15 15 to use up [v CONSUME...
contuse 14 12 to bruise [v CONTUSE...
convene 14 16 to assemble, also CO...
convive 18 19 to feast together [v...
convoke 16 19 to cause to assemble...
coontie 13 11 (Native American) an...
copihue 19 16 a climbing vine [n -...
coppice 22 19 to grow in a dense t...
copulae 17 15 COPULA, something wh...
coracle 18 14 a small boat made of...
cordage 15 13 ropes in the rigging...
cordate 14 11 heart-shaped [adj CO...
cordite 15 11 a smokeless explosiv...
corkage 16 16 the charge made by i...
cornage 14 13 (historical) a feuda...
corneae 12 11 CORNEA, a transparen...
cornice 17 14 to decorate with a m...
cornute 14 12 to cuckold [v CORNUT...
coronae 12 11 CORONA, a luminous c...
corrade 14 11 to wear away by the...
corrode 14 11 to eat away by degre...
corsage 15 12 the waist or bodice...
corsite 15 10 a variety of diorite...
corsive 17 14 a corrosive [n -S]
cortege 15 12 (French) a train of...
cortile 16 11 (Italian) an enclose...
corvine 16 15 pertaining to the cr...
coryphe 25 17 (archaic) the leader...
cosmine 15 14 a hard substance in...
costate 14 10 having ribs, also CO...
costive 17 14 affected with consti...
costume 16 14 to dress [v COSTUMED...
coterie 14 10 (French) a social or...
cottage 15 12 to cruise looking fo...
cottise 15 10 to give a heraldic b...
cotylae 21 13 COTYLE, an ancient G...
couchee 19 16 an evening reception...
coupure 17 15 (French) a passage c...
courage 15 13 the quality that ena...
couthie 17 13 friendly, also COUTH...
couture 15 12 the business of dres...
couvade 16 16 a primitive birth ri...
cowbane 18 17 the water hemlock, o...
cowhage 20 17 (Hindi) a leguminous...
cowhide 20 16 to flog with a leath...
cowlike 20 18 resembling a cow [ad...
cowpoke 20 20 (colloquial) a cowbo...
cowrite 18 13 to collaborate in wr...
cowrote 17 13 COWRITE, to collabor...
cowtree 17 13 a South American tre...
crackie 19 17 a small dog of mixed...
crackle 20 18 to emit snapping sou...
cracowe 20 16 a long-toed boot fas...
cranage 14 13 the use of a crane t...
crankle 16 16 to bend, twist [v CR...
crappie 19 16 a kind of fish, a me...
cravate 16 14 a scarf or band worn...
creance 16 14 the cord used in tra...
creepie 16 13 a low stool; a stool...
cremate 15 13 to reduce to ashes [...
crenate 13 11 having a notched or...
crevice 20 17 a cleft [n -S]
cribble 21 17 to decorate wood or...
crimine 16 14 (archaic) an interje...
crimple 20 17 to wrinkle, curl [v...
crinate 14 11 having hair, also CR...
cringle 17 14 a loop at the corner...
crinite 15 11 a fossil crinoid [n...
crinkle 17 16 to wrinkle [v CRINKL...
crinose 14 11 hairy [adj]
cripple 21 17 to disable or impair...
cristae 15 10 CRISTA, (Latin) a ri...
crocine 17 14 pertaining to the cr...
croodle 15 12 (Scots) to murmur, c...
croppie 19 16 a kind of fish, a me...
crotale 15 11 a small cymbal [n -S...
crottle 16 11 (Gaelic) a golden-br...
crowdie 18 14 (Scots) a mixture of...
cruddle 17 14 (Spenser) to curdle,...
cruisie 16 11 (Scots) an open iron...
cruizie 19 20 an open iron lamp wi...
crumble 20 18 to break up and fall...
crummie 18 17 (Scots) a cow with c...
crumple 20 18 to wrinkle [v CRUMPL...
crunkle 17 17 to crumple [v CRUNKL...
crunode 14 13 a point at which a c...
crusade 15 12 to engage in a holy...
crustae 15 11 CRUSTA, (Latin) a ha...
cubicle 22 18 a partially or total...
cuisine 15 12 (French) cooking [n...
cuittle 17 12 (Scots) to coax, to...
culchie 22 17 (Irish) rustic, also...
culotte 16 12 (French) a divided s...
culshie 19 14 a person from rural...
culture 17 13 to cultivate [v CULT...
cuneate 13 12 wedge-shaped, also C...
cunette 14 12 (French) a trench su...
cupcake 21 21 a small round cake b...
cuplike 20 19 like a cup [adj]
cuprite 18 14 the ore of copper [n...
cupulae 18 16 CUPULA, a cup-shaped...
curable 18 15 able to be cured [ad...
curette 15 11 to scrape with a sur...
cursive 18 15 with flowing charact...
curtate 15 11 shortened [adj]
curtaxe 21 18 (archaic) a short br...
curvate 17 15 curved, also CURVATE...
cuspate 17 14 in the form of a cus...
custode 15 12 a person who has car...
cutesie 15 11 (US) affectedly cute...
cuticle 20 15 any of various outer...
cutline 16 13 (US) a caption [n -S...
cuttage 16 13 a means of plant pro...
cuvette 17 15 (French) a trench su...
cyanate 19 13 a salt of cyanic aci...
cyanide 20 14 to treat an ore with...
cyanine 19 14 a blue dye, also CYA...
cyanise 20 13 to turn into cyanide...
cyanite 20 13 a mineral, an alumin...
cyanize 23 22 to turn into cyanide...
cyanose 19 13 a former name of cya...
cyclase 25 16 an enzyme that acts...
cyclise 26 16 to form one or more...
cyclize 29 25 to form one or more...
cyclone 24 17 a rotating system of...
cyprine 23 16 a type of silicate m...
cystine 21 13 a sulphur-containing...
dalgyte 20 13 (Native Australian)...
dapsone 12 12 a drug used in the t...
dariole 12 9 a small cylindrical...
dasyure 18 11 a flesh-eating Austr...
datable 14 12 capable of being dat...
dawbake 17 18 (dialect) a slow-wit...
daycare 20 13 care for children an...
daymare 18 13 a terrifying experie...
dayside 18 11 the sun side of a pl...
daytale 18 11 reckoning by the day...
daytime 19 13 the time during whic...
deadeye 16 11 a rounded wood block...
dealate 11 9 an insect divested o...
debacle 17 15 (French) a great dis...
debride 14 12 to remove dead tissu...
decease 13 11 to die [v DECEASED,...
deceive 16 15 to mislead by falseh...
deciare 14 11 the tenth part of an...
declare 15 12 to make known clearl...
decline 15 13 to refuse [v DECLINE...
decuple 18 16 to increase tenfold...
decurve 17 16 to curve downwards [...
defaste 13 11 DEFACE, to spoil the...
defence 15 15 protection [n -S] /...
defense 12 12 to guard against a s...
deflate 14 12 to release the air o...
deforce 16 14 to withhold by force...
defroze 16 20 DEFREEZE, to thaw ou...
deglaze 16 20 to remove the glaze...
degrade 12 11 to debase, also DISG...
dehisce 17 13 to split open [v DEH...
deicide 15 12 the killing of a god...
dejeune 12 19 (archaic) breakfast,...
delaine 11 10 (French) a kind of f...
delapse 14 12 to sink down [v DELA...
deleave 13 13 to separate the copi...
deleble 15 13 that can be deleted,...
delible 16 13 that can be deleted,...
delouse 12 10 to free from lice [v...
demaine 11 12 (Spenser) bearing, c...
demayne 17 14 (Spenser) bearing, c...
demeane 10 12 (Spenser) bearing, c...
demerge 13 13 to remove a division...
demerse 12 11 (obsolete) to immers...
demesne 11 12 a manor house and it...
dentate 10 9 having teeth, also D...
dentine 10 10 the hard substance f...
denture 11 10 a set of teeth [n -S...
deodate 10 9 (obsolete) a gift to...
depeche 18 16 (French) to dispatch...
deplane 13 13 to get off an airpla...
deplete 14 12 to lessen the supply...
deplore 14 12 to regret strongly [...
deplume 16 16 to deprive of feathe...
deprave 15 15 to corrupt in morals...
deprive 16 15 to take something aw...
depside 14 12 an aromatic compound...
dequeue 19 19 to remove from a (co...
derange 11 11 to disorder [v DERAN...
descale 15 12 to remove scales fro...
deserve 13 12 to be worthy of [v D...
desmine 12 12 the mineral stilbite...
despise 14 11 to look down upon wi...
despite 14 11 to treat with contem...
destine 11 9 to determine beforeh...
detente 10 9 (French) a relaxatio...
detenue 10 10 (French) a (female)...
deterge 12 10 to cleanse esp. a wo...
detinue 11 10 action to recover pr...
detrude 12 10 to thrust out [v DET...
devalue 14 14 to lessen the worth...
deviate 13 12 to differ from norma...
devisee 13 12 one to whom property...
devoice 16 15 to make voiceless [v...
devolve 16 17 to transfer from one...
devotee 12 12 an ardent follower [...
dhootie 13 10 a loincloth worn by...
dhurrie 15 11 an Indian cotton rug...
diabase 13 11 an igneous rock, an...
dialyse 19 11 to use a kidney mach...
dialyze 22 20 to use a kidney mach...
diamide 13 12 any compound contain...
diamine 12 12 a chemical compound...
diapase 13 11 a loud, harmonious b...
diarise 12 8 to keep a diary, als...
diarize 15 17 to keep a diary, als...
diazine 14 18 any organic compound...
diazole 15 18 any of a group of or...
dictate 15 11 to read aloud for re...
dietine 11 9 a minor or local die...
diffuse 17 15 spread wide [adj DIF...
dilutee 13 10 an unskilled worker...
dinette 11 9 an alcove or other p...
diocese 14 11 the circuit or exten...
dioptre 14 11 a measure of refract...
diorite 12 8 a crystalline granul...
dioxane 16 16 a toxic flammable so...
dioxide 18 16 a type of oxide, als...
diphase 16 13 having two phases, a...
diphone 15 14 a shorthand sign for...
disable 15 12 to render incapable,...
discage 16 13 to free from a cage...
discase 15 11 to remove the case o...
discide 16 12 to cut asunder [v DI...
discure 16 12 to find out, also DI...
disease 11 8 to make unhealthy [v...
disedge 13 11 (Shakespeare) to dep...
diseuse 12 9 (French) a female di...
disfame 15 14 to throw into disrep...
dishome 15 13 to deprive of a home...
disjune 14 19 (Scots) breakfast [n...
dislike 15 13 to regard with avers...
dispace 17 14 to range about [v DI...
dispone 13 12 to make a legal tran...
dispose 14 11 to arrange or settle...
dispute 15 12 to argue about [v DI...
disrate 12 8 to lower in rank [v...
disrobe 14 11 to undress [v DISROB...
dissave 14 12 to use savings for c...
distome 13 11 a parasitic flatworm...
distune 12 10 to put out of tune [...
distyle 20 11 a portico with two c...
disyoke 19 14 to free from a yoke...
diverge 15 14 to move in different...
diverse 14 12 varied [adj DIVERSEL...
divorce 17 15 to terminate the mar...
divulge 17 16 to reveal [v DIVULGE...
divulse 16 14 to tear away [v DIVU...
docible 18 15 able to be made doci...
dockage 16 17 a charge for the use...
dockise 16 15 to convert to dock u...
dockize 19 24 to convert to dock u...
dogbane 13 14 a small genus of per...
dogeate 11 10 the office of a doge...
dogface 17 16 a soldier in the US...
doggone 12 13 damned, cursed [adj...
doghole 15 13 a wretched dwelling...
doglike 15 15 resembling a dog [ad...
dogpile 16 14 a heap of bodies for...
dogvane 13 15 a small vane to show...
dolente 11 10 musical direction, t...
dolosse 12 9 DOLOS, (South Africa...
domaine 11 12 (French) an estate w...
dominee 11 12 a minister of the Du...
dominie 12 12 a schoolmaster, a tu...
doobrie 13 11 a thing whose name i...
dormice 16 14 DORMOUSE, any member...
doucine 14 13 (French) an ogee mou...
dourine 11 10 a disease of horses...
dovekie 14 16 (Scots) a kind of gu...
dowable 17 15 entitled to an endow...
doyenne 15 12 a women who is the e...
drabble 17 15 to make wet and dirt...
dracone 13 12 (tradename) a towed...
draftee 13 11 one that is drafted...
draggle 15 13 to make wet and dirt...
drappie 16 14 (Scots) a little dro...
drayage 18 12 transportation by dr...
dribble 18 15 to let saliva flow f...
drizzle 20 27 to rain lightly [v D...
dropple 17 15 a trickle [n -S]
druggie 15 13 (colloquial) a drug...
drumble 17 16 to move slowly [v DR...
dryable 21 14 able to be dried [ad...
dualise 13 10 to make twofold, als...
dualize 16 19 to make twofold, als...
duallie 14 11 a pickup truck with...
ducdame 16 16 (Shakespeare) a mean...
ductile 17 13 easily molded or sha...
ductule 17 14 a small duct [n -S]
dudette 12 10 a dudish female [n -...
dulcite 17 13 a saccharine substan...
dulcose 16 13 a saccharine substan...
dunnage 11 13 wood laid in a ship'...
dunnite 11 11 a kind of explosive...
duotone 10 10 a drawing etc. done...
dupable 17 16 able to be duped [ad...
durable 15 13 lasting [adj DURABLY...
durance 14 13 restraint by physica...
duresse 12 9 compulsion by force,...
dwindle 16 14 to decrease steadily...
dyeable 20 14 that can be dyed, al...
dyeline 18 12 a photocopying proce...
earache 15 12 a pain in the ear [n...
earhole 13 10 the external opening...
earlike 13 12 like an ear [adj]
earlobe 13 11 the soft lower part...
eatable 13 11 anything used as foo...
eaterie 10 7 a restaurant, also E...
ebauche 18 16 (French) a rough dra...
ebonise 12 11 to stain black in im...
ebonite 12 11 a kind of black vulc...
ebonize 15 20 to stain black in im...
ebriate 13 10 intoxicated, also EB...
ebriose 13 10 intoxicated, also EB...
eccrine 17 14 of a gland, e.g. a s...
echappe 20 18 (French) a kind of l...
echelle 18 14 (French) an arrangem...
echoise 16 12 to repeat another pe...
echoize 19 21 to repeat another pe...
eclipse 18 14 to obscure [v ECLIPS...
eclogue 16 14 a pastoral poem, oft...
ecocide 17 14 the destruction of t...
ecorche 19 15 (French) a manikin,...
ecotage 14 12 sabotage for ecologi...
ecotone 12 11 a transition area be...
ecotype 22 15 a group of organisms...
ecozone 15 20 a regional ecosystem...
ecuelle 16 13 (French) a two-handl...
ecumene 14 15 an inhabited area [n...
edamame 12 14 a preparation of bab...
edifice 17 14 a building [n -S]
educate 14 12 to teach [v EDUCATED...
eelfare 13 11 a group of young eel...
eellike 14 13 like an eel [adj]
effable 18 17 capable of being exp...
efforce 18 16 (obsolete) to force...
effulge 18 17 to shine out [v EFFU...
egalite 13 10 (French) the state o...
egotise 12 9 to talk about onesel...
egotize 15 18 to talk about onesel...
ekpwele 18 18 a former monetary un...
elapine 13 12 like or pertaining t...
elative 14 12 a grammatical case i...
electee 14 11 a person who has bee...
elegise 13 10 to write an elegy, a...
elegize 16 19 to write an elegy, a...
elevate 13 12 to raise [v ELEVATED...
elflike 17 16 like an elf [adj]
ellipse 16 12 a type of plane curv...
elocute 15 12 to speak publicly [v...
elusive 15 13 tending to elude [ad...
emanate 10 11 to send forth [v EMA...
embaste 14 13 EMBACE, to lower, al...
embathe 16 15 to bathe, also IMBAT...
emblaze 18 23 to set on fire, also...
embogue 15 16 to flow out from a r...
embrace 17 16 to hug [v EMBRACED o...
embrave 16 17 to inspire with brav...
embrute 15 14 (archaic) to degrade...
emetine 11 11 an alkaloid which ca...
emicate 15 13 to sparkle [v EMICAT...
emirate 12 10 the rank of an emir,...
emocore 14 13 a type of music comb...
emotive 14 14 pertaining to emotio...
empaire 14 13 to become worse, als...
empayre 20 15 (Spenser) to impair,...
emperce 17 16 to pierce, also EMPI...
emplace 18 17 to put in position [...
emplane 14 15 to put on an aeropla...
employe 21 16 a person employed, a...
emplume 17 18 (archaic) to provide...
emprise 15 13 (archaic) an adventu...
emprize 18 22 a dangerous undertak...
emulate 13 12 to strive to equal o...
enamine 10 12 a type of amine [n -...
enchafe 17 16 (obsolete) to make w...
enchase 15 13 to place in an ornam...
enclave 16 16 a distinct territori...
enclose 14 12 to surround, also IN...
endgame 12 14 the last stage of a...
endgate 11 11 (US) a tailboard [n...
endnote 9 10 a note placed at the...
endorse 10 9 to declare one's app...
endwise 14 12 lengthwise [adj]
endzone 12 19 in American football...
enflame 14 15 (obsolete) to inflam...
enforce 15 14 to compel, also INFO...
enframe 13 14 to put in a frame [v...
enfroze 15 20 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
engagee 11 12 of a female writer o...
englobe 14 14 to form into a globe...
engorge 12 12 to fill with blood [...
engrace 14 13 to introduce into th...
engrave 13 14 to carve a design up...
enhance 14 14 to raise in value or...
enlarge 12 11 to make larger, also...
ennoble 12 13 to make noble [v ENN...
ennuyee 15 12 (French) affected wi...
enolase 10 9 a muscle enzyme [n -...
enounce 12 13 to enunciate; to pro...
enplane 12 13 to put on an aeropla...
enqueue 18 19 to add (a data-proce...
enquire 19 18 to ask, also INQUERE...
enrange 10 11 to arrange, also ENR...
enslave 13 13 to make a slave of [...
ensnare 9 9 to trap, also INSNAR...
enstyle 18 11 (archaic) to style;...
ensuite 11 9 (French) a room, as...
entayle 17 11 (obsolete) to carve...
entente 9 9 (French) a friendly...
entetee 9 8 (French) obstinate (...
enthuse 13 11 to show enthusiasm [...
entitle 12 9 to give a right to,...
entwine 13 12 to weave together, a...
epagoge 14 14 argument by logical...
epazote 15 19 a herb of the goosef...
eperdue 13 12 (French) desperately...
epergne 13 13 (French) a branched...
epicede 16 14 a funeral ode, also...
epicene 15 14 one having character...
epicure 17 14 one with refined tas...
epidote 13 11 a mineral, a silicat...
epigene 13 13 taking place near th...
epigone 13 13 an inferior imitator...
epilate 14 11 to remove hair from,...
epimere 14 13 in an embryo, the pa...
episode 13 11 a series of events f...
episome 14 13 a genetically active...
epistle 15 11 to preface [v EPISTL...
epitome 14 13 a typical example [n...
epitope 15 13 a part of an antigen...
epoxide 19 18 an epoxy compound [n...
epuisee 13 11 (French) exhausted (...
epurate 13 11 to purify [v EPURATE...
equable 22 21 smooth; without wide...
erasure 11 8 the act of erasing [...
eremite 12 10 a hermit, esp. a rel...
erinite 11 8 a basic arsenate of...
erosive 13 11 causing erosion [adj...
eroteme 11 10 a rhetorical questio...
erotise 11 7 to give a sexual mea...
erotize 14 16 to give a sexual mea...
errable 14 11 capable of erring [a...
errhine 13 10 an obsolete medicine...
erudite 12 9 learned [adj ERUDITE...
escapee 15 13 a person who has esc...
escribe 17 13 to construct a circl...
escuage 15 13 a tax exacted by a f...
eserine 10 8 an alkaloid found in...
esloyne 17 11 to remove to a dista...
espouse 13 11 to make a mutual pro...
esquire 20 17 a squire or shield-b...
essence 13 11 a fundamental nature...
essoyne 16 10 an excuse for not ap...
esthete 13 9 a person who loves b...
estoile 12 8 (French) in heraldry...
estrade 11 8 a low platform [n -S...
estrepe 13 10 to create waste as a...
estrone 10 8 an estrogen, also ES...
etagere 11 9 (French) a display s...
etalage 12 10 (French) a display,...
etamine 11 11 (French) a loosely w...
etrenne 9 9 (French) a New Year'...
eucaine 13 12 an anaesthetic safer...
euclase 15 12 a mineral, hydrated...
eucrite 15 11 a gabbroitic rock co...
eugarie 12 10 (Native Australian)...
euphroe 15 13 a wooden block used...
eustele 12 9 when a plant's vascu...
eustyle 19 11 a colonnade with clo...
evacuee 15 15 one who is evacuated...
evasive 15 15 tending to evade [ad...
evictee 16 14 one who is evicted [...
evirate 13 11 to castrate; to make...
evitate 13 11 to avoid, also EVITE...
evocate 15 14 to evoke [v EVOCATED...
evolute 14 13 to develop by evolut...
exabyte 25 19 a very large unit of...
examine 17 18 to inspect [v EXAMIN...
example 21 21 to illustrate, show...
exarate 16 14 of a pupa, having th...
exciple 24 21 a rim around the hym...
exclave 23 22 a portion of a count...
exclude 22 20 to shut out [v EXCLU...
excrete 20 17 to discharge or ejec...
excurse 21 18 (archaic) to digress...
execute 20 18 to perform or carry...
exedrae 16 15 EXEDRA, a curved ben...
exegete 17 16 one versed in the sc...
exemple 21 21 (French) an example...
exergue 18 17 (French) a space on...
expanse 18 18 a wide area or exten...
expense 18 18 to charge with costs...
expiate 19 17 to make complete ato...
explode 20 19 to blow up [v EXPLOD...
explore 20 18 to examine thoroughl...
expulse 21 19 (obsolete) to expel...
expunge 20 21 to delete [v EXPUNGE...
expurge 21 20 to purge away [v EXP...
extense 16 15 (obsolete) an extent...
externe 16 15 an officer in attend...
extreme 18 17 the highest degree [...
extrude 18 16 to force or urge out...
exudate 17 16 an exuded substance...
exuviae 19 19 cast-off skins, shel...
eyeable 19 13 able to be eyed [adj...
eyehole 19 12 a circular opening t...
eyelike 19 14 like an eye [adj]
eyesome 17 12 pleasant to look at...
eyesore 16 9 something unpleasant...
faconne 14 15 (French) a fabric wi...
factice 20 16 vulcanized oil, used...
factive 19 17 of a linguistic cont...
facture 17 14 the quality of the e...
faculae 17 15 FACULA, an unusually...
fadable 16 15 capable of fading [a...
fadaise 13 11 (French) an obvious...
fadlike 16 16 like a fad [adj]
fahlore 16 13 (German) an ore of c...
faience 15 14 a type of glazed pot...
failure 15 12 the act of failing [...
falcade 17 15 a leaping motion of...
falcate 17 14 curved and tapering...
faldage 15 14 (historical) the rig...
famille 17 15 (French) a type of C...
fanbase 14 14 the body of fans of...
fanfare 14 14 to herald with loud...
fanlike 15 16 resembling a fan [ad...
fansite 13 11 a website devoted to...
fanwise 16 14 spread out like an o...
fanzine 15 21 a magazine for fans...
fardage 14 13 a bottom layer of wo...
farside 14 11 the farther side [n...
fasciae 16 13 FASCIA, an architect...
fascine 16 14 a long faggot used f...
fatigue 15 13 to weary, also FATIG...
fatlike 16 15 resembling fat [adj]
faunule 14 14 the fauna of a small...
favrile 17 15 a type of iridescent...
faxable 22 21 capable of being fax...
fayence 21 16 a type of glazed pot...
feature 13 11 to present prominent...
febrile 17 14 feverish [adj]
feculae 17 15 FECULA, a fine flour...
fedarie 13 11 (Shakespeare) a conf...
fedayee 18 13 an Arab commando [n...
fellate 15 12 to stimulate the pen...
felsite 15 11 a fine-grained rock...
feminie 14 14 women collectively [...
fenagle 14 14 to obtain by tricker...
feoffee 16 16 one to whom a feudal...
fermate 14 13 FERMATA, (Italian) a...
ferrate 13 10 a salt of ferric aci...
ferrite 14 10 a form of pure iron...
ferrule 15 12 to fit with a metal...
fertile 15 11 productive [adj FERT...
ferulae 14 12 FERULA, a flat piece...
festive 16 14 befitting a festival...
fetiche 19 15 a fixation, also FET...
fiancee 15 14 a woman engaged to b...
fibrate 16 13 any of a group of ch...
fibrose 16 13 to form fibrous tiss...
fibulae 17 15 FIBULA, a bone in th...
fictile 19 14 capable of being mou...
fictive 20 17 feigned; counterfeit...
figtree 15 12 a tree that bears fi...
filaree 14 11 (Spanish) a Californ...
filasse 15 11 vegetable fibre prep...
filiate 15 11 to bring into close...
finable 16 15 subject to the payme...
finagle 15 14 to obtain by tricker...
finance 15 15 to supply the money...
finesse 13 11 to use cunning strat...
finlike 16 16 like a fin [adj]
fisheye 22 14 a suspicious stare [...
fissate 14 10 deeply split [adj]
fissile 16 11 capable of being spl...
fissive 17 14 pertaining to nuclea...
fissure 15 11 to split, cleave [v...
fitchee 19 15 in heraldry, coming...
fixable 23 21 able to be fixed [ad...
fixture 21 18 a permanent part of...
flambee 17 17 to douse with liqueu...
flannie 13 13 (Aust) a shirt made...
flattie 15 11 a light flat shoe, a...
flavine 16 16 a yellow dye made fr...
flavone 15 16 a pigment derived fr...
fleecie 17 14 (New Zealand) someon...
flexile 22 19 flexible [adj]
flexure 21 19 the act of bending [...
floosie 14 11 a prostitute, also F...
floozie 17 20 a prostitute, also F...
florule 16 13 a fossil flower, als...
flossie 15 11 a prostitute, also F...
flotage 15 13 the act of floating,...
flounce 17 16 to move with an impa...
flowage 18 16 an overflowing with...
fluence 17 16 the quality of being...
flunkie 16 17 a servile follower,...
fluxive 24 23 flowing with tears [...
flyable 24 17 suitable for flying...
flybane 22 17 a name for various p...
flyline 22 15 a type of line used...
foggage 16 16 (Scots) a grass that...
foliage 15 13 the growth of leaves...
foliate 14 11 to number the leaves...
foliole 15 12 a small structure li...
foliose 14 11 having leaves, also...
footage 13 12 measurement of payme...
footsie 13 10 flirtation involving...
forbade 15 14 FORBID, to command n...
forbare 15 13 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forbode 15 14 to indicate in advan...
forbore 15 13 FORBEAR, to refrain...
fordone 12 12 FORDO, to destroy, a...
forebye 21 15 close by, also FORBY...
forelie 14 11 (Spenser) to lie in...
foresee 12 10 to see in advance [v...
forgave 16 16 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forgive 17 16 to pardon [v FORGAVE...
forgone 13 13 FORGO, to refrain fr...
forlese 14 11 to lose, forsake [v...
forlore 14 11 FORLESE, to lose, fo...
formate 14 13 to fly in formation...
forpine 15 14 to waste away [v FOR...
forsake 14 14 to quit or leave ent...
forsloe 14 11 to delay, also FORSL...
fortune 13 12 to endow with wealth...
fossate 13 10 having a fossa, an a...
foudrie 14 12 the jurisdiction of...
fouette 13 11 (French) a ballet-st...
fougade 14 14 a small mine, in the...
foveate 14 14 pitted, also FOVEATE...
foveole 15 15 a small fovea, also...
foxfire 22 20 a glow produced by c...
foxhole 22 20 a small battle entre...
foxlike 22 22 resembling a fox in...
fragile 16 13 easily broken [adj F...
frappee 17 16 of drinks like coffe...
frazzle 21 29 to fray [v FRAZZLED,...
freckle 19 18 to mark with small b...
freebee 14 13 something given or r...
freebie 15 13 something given or r...
freshie 16 12 a new immigrant to t...
friable 17 14 easily crumbled [adj...
friande 13 12 a (female) epicure [...
fribble 20 17 to be frivolous, tri...
frigate 15 12 a class of war vesse...
frijole 17 20 a bean used as food,...
frisbee 16 13 a plastic disk sever...
frisure 15 11 (French) the dressin...
friture 15 11 a dish of fried food...
frizzle 22 29 to curl hair tightly...
frogeye 20 14 a plant disease [n -...
fromage 15 15 cheese [n -S]
frounce 16 15 to wrinkle or frown...
frumple 19 18 (dialect) to wrinkle...
fryable 23 16 able to be fried [ad...
fullage 17 15 a charge for fulling...
fulmine 16 16 (Spenser) to explode...
fulsome 16 15 cloying [adj FULSOME...
fumette 15 14 (French) the scent o...
funebre 15 15 (French) mournful [a...
funicle 18 16 a cordlike anatomica...
furcate 17 14 forked [adj FURCATEL...
furnace 16 15 to subject to heat [...
furtive 17 15 stolen; obtained or...
fusible 18 15 capable of being fus...
gabelle 16 14 a tax on salt [n -S]
gahnite 14 12 a mineral, zinc spin...
galeate 12 10 helmet-shaped, also...
galette 13 10 a round, flat, sweet...
galilee 14 11 a small chapel or po...
gallate 14 11 a salt of gallic aci...
gallise 15 11 in wine-making, to b...
gallize 18 20 in wine-making, to b...
galoche 18 15 (French) an overshoe...
galoshe 15 12 (French) an overshoe...
gambade 15 16 a leap made by a hor...
gamboge 16 17 a kind of gum resin,...
ganache 16 15 a sweet creamy choco...
ganoine 10 11 the hard shiny subst...
garbage 15 14 food waste [n -S]
garbure 15 13 a kind of Basque sou...
garigue 14 12 (French) an uncultiv...
garotte 12 9 to execute by strang...
garpike 16 16 any of various fishe...
garrote 12 9 to execute by strang...
gaudgie 14 13 (Romany) a fellow, a...
gavotte 14 13 (French) a kind of F...
gawmoge 17 17 a clownish person [n...
gaysome 19 14 full of gaiety [adj]
gazelle 17 20 one of several small...
gazette 15 18 to announce in an of...
geechee 16 14 (US slang) a rural s...
gefilte 16 13 as in gefilte fish,...
gelable 16 14 able to set like a j...
gelande 12 12 as in gelande jump,...
gemlike 16 17 resembling a gem [ad...
gemmate 14 15 to reproduce by gemm...
gemmule 16 17 a small asexual repr...
genappe 15 16 a smooth worsted yar...
genette 11 10 one of several speci...
genoise 11 10 a rich sponge cake [...
gentile 13 11 a non-Jewish person...
genuine 11 12 authentic [adj]
geocode 14 13 to assign geographic...
germane 12 13 closely related to;...
gestate 12 9 to carry in the uter...
gesture 13 10 to express by bodily...
getable 15 13 able to be got [adj]
ghillie 18 13 a Highland chief's a...
ghoulie 16 13 a demon, also GHOUL...
gibbose 17 15 humpbacked, humped;...
giraffe 17 15 a long-necked mammal...
girolle 15 11 an edible mushroom,...
gisarme 14 12 (historical) a long-...
givable 18 17 able to be given, al...
gladdie 14 12 (short for) a gladio...
glassie 14 10 a type of playing ma...
gleenie 12 11 (dialect) a guinea f...
glimpse 18 16 to see for an instan...
globate 15 13 having the form of a...
globose 15 13 shaped like a globe,...
globule 17 15 a small spherical ma...
glossae 13 10 GLOSSA, the tongue [...
glucose 17 14 a hexose sugar, foun...
glycine 23 16 the simplest amino a...
glycose 23 15 a hexose sugar, foun...
gobonee 12 13 composed of squares...
godlike 15 15 resembling a god [ad...
goldeye 19 13 a freshwater fish [n...
goloshe 15 12 an overshoe, also GA...
goodbye 20 15 a remark or gesture...
gothite 15 11 an ore of iron, also...
gouache 17 15 a method of painting...
gougere 13 12 a kind of choux past...
goyishe 21 13 like a goy, non-Jew,...
grabble 18 16 to grope, also GRUBB...
gracile 17 13 gracefully slender [...
grackle 18 17 a kind of American b...
gradate 12 10 to change by degrees...
gradine 12 11 one of a series of s...
grandee 11 11 a man of high rank [...
granite 12 10 a highly felsic igne...
grannie 11 11 to defeat totally, a...
grantee 11 10 one to whom somethin...
granule 13 12 a little grain [n -S...
grapple 18 16 to struggle or conte...
gratine 12 10 (French) cooked or s...
gravure 15 14 any process of makin...
grecise 16 12 to provide with a Gr...
grecize 19 21 to provide with a Gr...
grecque 24 22 (French) a fret patt...
greenie 11 10 (colloquial) a pound...
gregale 14 12 (Italian) a northeas...
gremmie 15 15 an inexperienced sur...
grenade 11 11 a small explosive sh...
gribble 19 16 a small crustacean w...
griddle 15 12 to cook on a flat pa...
griesie 13 9 (Spenser) grey, also...
grimace 17 15 to contort the facia...
gripple 19 16 greedy, grasping, al...
gristle 15 10 the tough part of me...
grizzle 21 28 to become grey-haire...
grockle 18 17 a tourist or incomer...
groupie 15 13 a female follower of...
grubble 19 17 to grope, also GRABB...
grumble 18 17 to mutter in discont...
grumose 14 13 consisting of cluste...
grundle 14 13 (US slang) the perin...
gruntle 14 12 to put in good humou...
grushie 16 12 (Scots) healthy, thr...
gruyere 19 12 (French) a kind of c...
guanase 11 11 an enzyme [n -S]
guanine 11 12 a yellowish-white, a...
guardee 12 11 a guardsman [n -S]
guayule 20 14 a silver-leaved shru...
guerite 13 10 (French) a projectin...
guidage 14 13 (obsolete) the rewar...
guipure 16 14 a kind of lace havin...
gumlike 17 18 resembling gum [adj]
gumline 15 15 the edge of the gums...
gummite 16 16 a hydrated oxide of...
gummose 15 16 gumlike, or composed...
gumshoe 16 15 to investigate steal...
gumtree 14 13 a tree that exudes g...
gunfire 15 14 the firing of guns [...
gunnage 12 14 a total of guns on a...
gunwale 16 15 the upper edge of a...
gutlike 16 15 resembling guts [adj...
guttate 13 10 to exude liquid [v G...
guyline 20 14 a wire used to suppo...
gyplure 23 16 a synthetic attracta...
habitue 16 13 (French) one who hab...
hachure 19 15 to make a hatching o...
hadrome 14 13 the conducting tissu...
haglike 17 16 like a hag [adj]
hagride 15 12 to drive as though p...
hagrode 14 12 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
haltere 14 10 the rudimentary hind...
hambone 15 16 to overact, also HAM...
handaxe 18 18 a stone axe shaped t...
haplite 17 13 a fine-grained, ligh...
haptene 14 13 a substance similar...
hardoke 14 14 (Shakespeare) an uni...
harmine 14 13 an alkaloid derived...
hastate 13 9 spear-shaped, also H...
hatable 16 13 capable of being, or...
hatlike 16 14 resembling a hat [ad...
haulage 15 13 the act of hauling [...
haylage 21 14 a type of hay [n -S]
hayrake 20 15 a large rake for col...
hayride 20 12 a pleasure ride in a...
haywire 23 14 wire used in baling...
headage 13 12 a subsidy payable to...
hectare 16 12 a measure of area, 1...
hektare 14 13 a measure of area, 1...
hemione 13 13 an Asiatic wild ass,...
hemline 15 14 the bottom edge of a...
henbane 13 14 a plant of the night...
henlike 15 15 like a hen [adj]
heptane 14 13 a saturated hydrocar...
heptose 15 12 any monosaccharide s...
herbage 16 14 herbs collectively [...
herbose 15 12 abounding with herbs...
herisse 14 9 (French) in heraldry...
herniae 12 10 HERNIA, the protrusi...
heroine 12 10 a brave woman [n -S]
heroise 13 9 to make heroic, also...
heroize 16 18 to make heroic, also...
hessite 14 9 a lead-gray sectile...
hewable 19 16 able to be hewed [ad...
hicatee 16 12 a West Indian freshw...
hidable 17 14 able to be hidden [a...
hipbone 17 16 a pelvic bone [n -S]
hiplike 19 17 resembling a hip [ad...
hipline 17 14 the distance around...
hirable 17 13 available for hire,...
hircine 17 13 characteristic of a...
hireage 14 11 the fee for hiring s...
hirstie 15 9 (Scots) dry, barren,...
hirsute 15 10 roughly hairy [adj]
histone 13 10 any of a group of si...
hoblike 18 17 like an elf [adj]
hoecake 16 16 a thin cake of groun...
hoelike 15 14 like a hoe [adj]
hoglike 17 16 coarsely selfish, al...
hogmane 14 15 a Scottish celebrati...
hognose 13 12 a type of snake with...
honoree 11 10 a person receiving a...
hoochie 18 14 (colloquial) a promi...
hopbine 17 16 the stalk of the hop...
hoplite 17 13 a heavily armed Gree...
hormone 13 13 a secretion of the e...
hospice 19 15 a shelter [n -S]
hostage 14 11 a person held as sec...
hostile 15 10 like an enemy [adj H...
hotcake 17 16 (US) a griddlecake [...
hotline 14 11 a direct communicati...
houhere 15 12 a small evergreen Ne...
huswife 20 16 a sewing kit [n HUSW...
hutchie 20 15 (Australia) a ground...
hutlike 17 15 like a hut [adj]
hyacine 22 15 (Spenser) a blue gem...
hyaline 20 13 glassy, of or like g...
hyalite 21 12 a pellucid variety o...
hydrase 20 12 an enzyme that speed...
hydrate 20 12 to combine with wate...
hydriae 20 12 HYDRIA, a large Gree...
hydride 21 13 any compound of hydr...
hyenine 18 13 of or like a hyena,...
hygiene 20 14 the science of prese...
hypnone 20 16 an aromatic ketone u...
icelike 17 15 like ice [adj]
icewine 17 14 a dessert wine made...
ichnite 17 13 a fossil footprint,...
iconise 14 11 to venerate, also IC...
iconize 17 20 to venerate, also IC...
idlesse 13 9 idleness [n -S]
idolise 13 9 to worship, also IDO...
idolize 16 18 to worship, also IDO...
igarape 14 12 a canoe waterway in...
ignoble 15 14 not noble, unworthy...
illapse 16 12 to glide in [v ILLAP...
imagine 13 13 to form a mental pic...
imamate 13 13 the office of an ima...
imbathe 17 15 (archaic) to bathe,...
imblaze 19 23 to adorn with glitte...
imbrute 16 14 (archaic) to degrade...
imburse 16 14 to put in a purse [v...
imitate 13 10 to behave in the sam...
immense 13 14 huge [adj IMMENSER,...
immerge 15 15 to plunge into a liq...
immerse 14 13 to plunge into a liq...
impasse 15 13 a position from whic...
impaste 15 13 to lay colours on th...
impinge 16 16 to collide with [v I...
implate 16 14 to put a covering pl...
implete 16 14 (archaic) to fill [v...
implode 16 15 to collapse inward [...
implore 16 14 to beg for urgently...
imprese 15 13 an emblem with a mot...
improve 17 17 to make better [v IM...
impulse 17 15 to give impetus to [...
incense 13 12 to make very angry [...
inchase 16 13 to place in an ornam...
incline 15 13 to slant [v INCLINED...
inclose 15 12 to surround, also EN...
include 16 14 to take in as part o...
inconie 13 12 delicate and pretty,...
incurve 17 16 to curve inward, als...
indorse 11 9 to declare one's app...
indulge 14 13 to yield to the desi...
infante 12 12 (historical) a title...
inflame 15 15 to set on fire [v IN...
inflate 14 12 to expand with air o...
inforce 16 14 to compel, also ENFO...
infulae 14 13 INFULA, a headband u...
ingenue 11 12 (French) an artless,...
inglobe 15 14 to form into a globe...
ingrate 12 10 (archaic) ungrateful...
inherce 16 13 (Shakespeare) to enc...
inklike 15 17 like ink [adj]
innerve 12 13 to supply with nerve...
inosine 10 9 a compound of hypoxa...
inosite 11 8 an alcohol found in...
inphase 15 13 having matching elec...
inquere 19 18 (Spenser) to ask abo...
inquire 20 18 to ask about, also E...
insanie 10 9 (Shakespeare) insani...
inscape 16 14 the essential inner...
inshore 13 10 belonging to the reg...
insigne 12 11 a sign of membership...
insnare 10 9 to trap, also ENSNAR...
inspire 14 11 to influence to grea...
instate 11 8 to install in office...
insulae 12 10 INSULA, a Roman bloc...
insulse 13 10 lacking wit; dull; i...
intense 10 9 existing in a high d...
interne 10 9 a trainee gaining pr...
intimae 12 11 INTIMA, the innermos...
intitle 13 9 to give a right to,...
intrude 12 10 to thrust or force o...
intwine 14 12 to weave together, a...
inulase 12 10 an enzyme that forms...
inutile 13 10 useless; unprofitabl...
inverse 13 12 opposite [adj INVERS...
invitee 13 12 one who is invited [...
invoice 16 15 a letter of advice o...
involve 16 17 to implicate or enta...
inweave 15 15 to weave in [v INWOV...
iridise 13 8 to make iridescent,...
iridize 16 17 to make iridescent,...
irisate 12 7 to make iridescent [...
irksome 14 14 tending to irk [adj]
ironise 11 8 to satirize with iro...
ironize 14 17 to satirize with iro...
isagoge 13 11 an academic introduc...
isatine 11 8 a substance obtained...
isobare 13 10 a type of atom, also...
isobase 13 10 a contour line of eq...
isodose 11 8 one of several zones...
isogone 11 10 a line indicating th...
isolate 12 8 to set apart from ot...
isoline 12 9 a map line indicatin...
isomere 12 10 a body or compound w...
isonome 11 11 a line connecting po...
isotone 10 8 one of a number of n...
isotope 13 10 one of two more atom...
isotype 20 12 in taxonomy, a dupli...
isozyme 22 21 one of several varia...
itemise 13 10 to set down the part...
itemize 16 19 to set down the part...
iterate 11 7 to repeat, do again...
ivresse 14 11 (French) drunkenness...
ivylike 23 18 like ivy [adj]
jacksie 18 23 the posterior, also...
jadeite 13 17 a mineral, a silicat...
jaghire 17 20 (Hindi) the governme...
jalouse 14 18 to suspect, also JEA...
jambone 15 23 a lone hand in Euchr...
jamlike 17 24 like jam [adj]
jasmine 14 20 a genus of oleaceous...
jauntee 12 18 (obsolete) jaunty, s...
jauntie 13 18 a naval master-at-ar...
jawbone 17 23 to lecture or scold...
jawhole 19 22 (Scots) a cesspool;...
jawlike 19 24 resembling the frame...
jawline 17 21 the outline of the l...
jetlike 16 21 resembling a jet aer...
jiglike 18 23 like a jig [adj]
jobname 15 23 a computer code for...
johnnie 14 20 (slang) a condom, al...
joyance 21 22 delight [n -S]
joyride 20 19 to take a ride for p...
joyrode 19 19 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
jubilee 17 21 a celebration, also...
jumelle 17 22 (French) a paired or...
juncate 16 21 (Spenser) a junket,...
jussive 17 21 a word used to expre...
justice 18 20 a judge [n -S]
kagoule 14 15 a light anorak, also...
kainite 12 12 hydrous magnesium su...
kantele 12 13 a Finnish zither, al...
kaoline 12 13 a very pure white cl...
karaoke 12 15 a type of musical si...
kathode 14 14 a negatively charged...
keelage 13 14 the amount paid to k...
kermode 13 15 a type of black bear...
kernite 12 12 a hydrated oxide of...
ketaine 11 12 (French Canadian) in...
keyhole 21 16 a hole for a key [n...
keyline 19 15 a diagram representi...
keynote 17 14 to deliver the main...
khanate 13 14 the domain of a khan...
khedive 17 18 a Turkish viceroy [n...
kidlike 16 17 like a child [adj]
killdee 15 14 a wading bird, also...
kimchee 19 19 a spicy Korean dish...
kippage 18 19 (Scots) a state of d...
kitenge 13 14 a cotton cloth worn...
kleagle 15 15 an official in the K...
knapple 17 19 to break off with an...
knittle 14 13 a string that draws...
knobble 17 19 to beat with the fis...
knubble 18 20 to beat with the fis...
knuckle 18 21 to hit with the join...
kokanee 11 16 (Native American) a...
kunzite 16 22 a lilac variety of s...
kyanise 18 14 to treat wood with a...
kyanite 18 14 a mineral, an alumin...
kyanize 21 23 to treat wood with a...
labiate 14 11 a plant with liplike...
labrose 14 11 having thick or larg...
lactase 15 11 an enzyme that acts...
lactate 15 11 to secrete milk [v L...
lactone 14 12 a cyclic ester [n -S...
lactose 15 11 a lactic sugar [n -S...
lacunae 14 13 LACUNA, an empty spa...
ladette 12 9 a lively woman who b...
ladrone 11 10 (archaic) a robber;...
laetare 11 8 the fourth Sunday in...
laicise 16 11 to free from clerica...
laicize 19 20 to free from clerica...
lairage 13 10 cattle housing [n -S...
lairise 13 8 to act like a flashy...
lairize 16 17 to act like a flashy...
lalique 22 19 a style of cut glass...
laminae 12 12 LAMINA, a thin plate...
larvate 14 12 masked, also LARVATE...
lasagne 12 11 an Italian baked pas...
lastage 13 10 a duty formerly paid...
latence 14 12 the state of being l...
latrine 12 9 a type of toilet [n...
lattice 16 11 to form a network of...
lauwine 15 13 (German) an avalanch...
lawfare 17 14 the practice of usin...
lawlike 18 16 being like the law [...
layette 18 10 clothing or equipmen...
laytime 20 13 the total time allow...
leafage 14 13 foliage, also LEAFER...
leakage 13 14 the act or an instan...
leasowe 14 11 to pasture, also LEA...
leasure 12 9 (Spenser) leisure [n...
lecture 16 12 to expound on a spec...
leechee 16 13 (Chinese) a tropical...
legatee 12 10 the inheritor of a l...
legible 17 14 capable of being rea...
leglike 16 15 like a leg [adj]
legside 14 11 that half of a crick...
leisure 13 9 free time, also LEAS...
leonine 10 10 of or like a lion [a...
leprose 14 11 affected with lepros...
leptome 15 14 phloem or bast [n -S...
lettuce 16 12 a herb used in salad...
leucine 15 13 an amino acid, also...
leucite 16 12 a silicate of alumin...
libelee 15 12 one who is libeled,...
librate 15 11 to oscillate before...
licence 18 15 to issue or grant au...
license 15 12 to issue or grant au...
licente 15 12 SENTE, a monetary un...
lignage 14 13 (obsolete) lineage,...
lignite 14 11 brown coal, a stage...
lignose 13 11 a constituent of lig...
ligulae 15 12 LIGULA, a tongue-lik...
likable 17 16 able to be liked, al...
limbate 16 14 having an edge of a...
limeade 13 12 a nonalcoholic drink...
linable 15 13 lying in a straight...
lindane 11 11 an insecticide [n -S...
lineage 12 11 direct descent from...
lineate 11 9 marked with lines, a...
linguae 13 12 LINGUA, the tongue [...
linkage 14 15 the act of linking [...
lionise 12 9 to treat as a celebr...
lionize 15 18 to treat as a celebr...
liplike 18 16 like a lip [adj]
liquate 21 18 to separate or purif...
liriope 15 11 a stemless Asian her...
lisente 12 9 SENTE, a monetary un...
lissome 14 11 easily flexed, lithe...
lithate 15 10 (obsolete) a urate,...
lithite 16 10 a calcareous body se...
littlie 15 9 (Australian slang) a...
livable 18 16 suitable for living...
lockage 17 17 the toll on a ship p...
logline 14 12 a line for finding t...
lorette 12 8 a courtesan [n -S]
loricae 15 11 LORICA, (Latin) a le...
losable 15 12 able to be lost [adj...
lovable 17 16 worthy of love, also...
lowlife 19 15 a despicable person,...
lozenge 15 20 a rhombus or diamond...
lucarne 15 13 (French) a dormer wi...
lucence 18 16 the quality of being...
lucerne 15 13 a fodder plant, aka...
luggage 16 15 baggage of a travell...
lughole 17 14 (colloquial) the ear...
lunette 12 10 (French) a crescent-...
lunulae 13 12 LUNULA, (Latin) a Br...
lurdane 12 11 (archaic) a dull or...
lyddite 20 12 a high explosive for...
macabre 17 16 gruesome, also MACAB...
macaque 23 23 a kind of short-tail...
macchie 21 18 MACCHIA, a dense gro...
machete 17 15 a large heavy knife,...
machine 17 16 to process by a mech...
machree 17 15 (Anglo-Irish) an aff...
macrame 16 16 ornamental knotted t...
maculae 16 15 MACULA, (Latin) a sp...
madrone 11 12 (Spanish) a Californ...
magnate 12 13 a great or noble per...
makable 16 18 capable of being mad...
malaise 13 11 a feeling of debilit...
maleate 12 11 a salt of malic acid...
maltase 13 11 an enzyme that produ...
maltese 13 11 as in maltese cross,...
maltose 13 11 a hard, white crysta...
malware 16 14 software that intent...
mammate 14 16 having mammae, breas...
manacle 15 15 to handcuff [v MANAC...
manatee 10 11 a large aquatic mamm...
mandate 11 12 an official instruct...
manhole 14 14 an opening large eno...
manille 14 13 (French) in the card...
maniple 15 15 (Latin) a subdivisio...
manlike 14 16 like a man [adj MANL...
manmade 12 15 made by man [adj]
mannite 11 12 a sweet alcohol obta...
mannose 10 12 a sugar obtained by...
manrope 13 14 a rope used as a han...
manwise 15 14 in a manner characte...
maplike 17 18 resembling a map [ad...
mapwise 18 16 in the manner of a m...
maremme 14 16 MAREMMA, (Italian) a...
margate 13 12 a tropical fish [n -...
marline 13 12 a line of two loosel...
marlite 14 11 marl with 25% to 75%...
marmite 14 13 (French) a metal or...
marmose 13 13 a small South Americ...
marquee 20 20 a large tent with op...
massage 13 12 to knead or manipula...
massive 15 14 of great size [adj M...
matinee 11 11 (French) an afternoo...
matooke 12 14 in Uganda, plantain...
matrice 16 13 the womb; that in wh...
maulgre 15 14 to show spite toward...
mauvine 14 16 a mauve dye, also MA...
maypole 21 16 a decorated pole use...
measure 12 11 to compare with a st...
meataxe 17 17 a meat cleaver [n -S...
mediate 12 11 middle, intervening...
medrese 12 11 (Arabic) an Islamic...
medusae 12 12 MEDUSA, a jellyfish,...
megasse 13 12 crushed sugarcane, a...
melange 13 14 (French) a mixture o...
mellite 15 12 a mineral of a honey...
meltage 14 13 the process of melti...
message 13 12 to send a communicat...
mestome 13 13 biological conductin...
methane 13 13 a colourless odourle...
metisse 13 10 (French) the (female...
metopae 13 13 METOPE, a space betw...
micelle 18 15 a group of molecular...
microbe 18 16 a microscopic organi...
midlife 17 15 middle age [n MIDLIV...
midline 14 13 a median line [n -S]
midsize 17 20 medium [adj]
midsole 14 12 the middle layer of...
midwife 19 17 to assist a woman in...
midwive 19 18 to assist a woman in...
migrate 14 12 to move from one reg...
mileage 14 13 the total distance e...
millage 16 14 a type of monetary r...
millime 17 15 a monetary unit of T...
milline 15 13 a unit of advertisin...
milvine 16 16 of or resembling bir...
mimosae 13 13 MIMOSA, any tropical...
minable 15 15 able to be mined, al...
minette 12 11 (French) the smalles...
miniate 12 11 to decorate with rub...
mintage 13 13 the coin, or other p...
miocene 14 14 denoting the fourth...
mirable 16 14 (Shakespeare) wonder...
miracle 17 14 an event ascribed to...
mirbane 14 14 an apparently meanin...
miscite 17 13 to cite wrongly [v M...
miscode 16 14 to code wrongly [v M...
misdate 13 11 to date incorrectly...
misdone 12 12 MISDO, to do wrongly...
misease 12 10 (archaic) uneasiness...
misfare 15 13 to fare badly [v MIS...
misfile 17 14 to file in the wrong...
misfire 16 13 to fail to fire [v M...
misgave 16 16 MISGIVE, to make dou...
misgive 17 16 to make doubtful or...
misgone 13 13 MISGO, to go astray...
mishmee 16 15 the bitter root stoc...
mislike 16 15 (archaic) to dislike...
mislive 17 15 to live a bad life [...
mismade 14 14 MISMAKE, to make inc...
mismake 15 17 to make incorrectly...
mismate 14 13 to mate unsuitably [...
mismove 16 17 to move wrongly [v M...
misname 13 14 to call by the wrong...
mispage 16 15 to page incorrectly...
misrate 13 10 to rate incorrectly...
misrule 15 12 to rule unwisely or...
missile 15 11 an object or weapon...
missive 16 14 a written communicat...
mistake 14 14 to interpret wrongly...
mistime 15 13 to time wrongly [v M...
mistune 13 12 to tune incorrectly...
mistype 22 15 to type incorrectly...
misyoke 20 16 to yoke improperly [...
mixable 22 21 capable of being mix...
mixible 23 21 capable of being mix...
mixtape 21 20 a compilation of son...
mixture 20 18 the product of mixin...
mizmaze 20 31 a labyrinth [n -S]
mockage 17 19 (obsolete) mockery [...
moderne 11 12 pretentiously modern...
modiste 13 11 a dealer in stylish...
mofette 14 13 a fissure in the ear...
moidore 12 11 a former gold coin o...
molasse 13 11 soft sediment produc...
monocle 15 15 an eyeglass for one...
montage 12 13 to combine into a co...
montane 10 12 the lower vegetation...
monture 12 12 (French) a mounting,...
moolvie 15 15 a teacher of Islamic...
mooneye 16 13 a freshwater fish of...
moorage 12 12 the act of mooring [...
moraine 11 11 an accumulation of d...
morelle 14 12 a flowering plant, a...
moriche 18 15 a tall South America...
morrice 16 13 (obsolete) a morris...
morsure 13 11 a bite [n -S]
mortice 16 13 to join or fasten se...
mortise 13 10 to join or fasten se...
morulae 13 12 MORULA, an embryonic...
moselle 14 12 a German white wine...
mouille 15 13 (French) of certain...
moulage 14 14 (French) an impressi...
mousmee 13 14 a Japanese girl, esp...
movable 17 18 something that can b...
mozette 15 19 MOZETTA, (italian) a...
mucosae 15 14 MUCOSA, a mucous mem...
mudhole 16 15 a hollow place full...
mullite 16 13 an aluminium silicat...
multure 15 13 to take a fee for gr...
munchie 18 17 a small amount of fo...
mundane 11 14 ordinary, banal [adj...
muntrie 13 12 (Native Australian)...
muriate 13 11 (archaic) a chloride...
murrine 13 12 a kind of clear glas...
muscone 15 15 a macrocyclic ketone...
muscose 16 14 mosslike, also MUSCO...
musette 13 11 (French) a small bag...
muskone 13 16 a macrocyclic ketone...
muspike 17 18 a freshwater fish [n...
mutable 16 15 capable of change [a...
myeline 19 14 the fatty substance...
myomere 19 15 part of a vertebrate...
myosote 18 12 a flowering plant, a...
myotome 19 15 a segment of the bod...
myotube 21 16 a cylindrical cell t...
myrbane 20 16 an apparently meanin...
myspace 24 18 to search for a pers...
mythise 22 14 to tell a traditiona...
mythize 25 23 to tell a traditiona...
naartje 12 17 (Afrikaans) a small...
nacelle 15 13 a structure on the w...
nacrite 14 11 a clay mineral [n -S...
nagapie 13 13 (Afrikaans) the bush...
nagware 14 13 software that is fre...
naivete 12 12 the quality of being...
namable 14 15 able to be named, al...
namaste 11 11 (Sanskrit) a traditi...
nandine 9 11 a West African civet...
nanobee 10 12 an artificial nanopa...
narcose 13 11 experiencing a hallu...
nardine 10 10 pertaining to nard [...
nargile 13 11 (Persian) a hookah,...
narrate 10 8 to tell a story [v N...
nartjie 13 17 (Afrikaans) a small...
naturae 10 9 NATURA, (Latin) natu...
navette 12 12 a gem cut in a point...
nebulae 13 13 NEBULA, (Latin) a ha...
necktie 15 15 a strip of fabric wo...
necrose 13 11 to affect with necro...
nedette 10 9 a female ned, hoolig...
neglige 14 13 (French) a woman's l...
neogene 9 11 relating to the Mioc...
neonate 8 9 a newborn child [n -...
neotype 18 13 a specimen selected...
nervate 12 12 having veins [adj]
nervine 12 13 a soothing medicine...
nervule 14 14 a vascular ridge on...
nervure 13 13 a vascular ridge on...
netlike 13 13 like a net [adj]
netsuke 12 13 a small Japanese car...
neurine 10 10 a very poisonous pto...
neurite 11 9 an axon or dendrite...
neurone 9 10 the basic cellular u...
newcome 17 17 recently arrived [ad...
niblike 16 16 like a nib [adj]
nicoise 14 11 made or garnished wi...
nictate 14 11 to wink [v NICTATED,...
nightie 15 12 a nightgown, also NI...
niobate 12 11 a salt of niobium [n...
niobite 13 11 the chief ore of nio...
nitchie 17 13 a derogatory term fo...
niterie 11 8 (colloquial) a night...
nitrate 11 8 a salt or ester of n...
nitride 12 9 a compound of nitrog...
nitrile 13 9 any organic cyanide...
nitrite 12 8 a salt of nitrous ac...
noctule 15 13 a large bat [n -S]
noisome 11 11 noxious, unwholesome...
nominee 10 12 one that is nominate...
noncore 12 12 not core [adj]
nonette 9 9 a musical piece for...
nongame 11 14 not hunted for food,...
nonheme 12 14 not containing iron...
nonhome 12 14 not taking place in...
nonlife 13 13 the absence of life...
nonuple 13 14 a set of nine [n -S]
nonwage 13 14 not obtained from a...
noplace 16 15 not at any place, no...
notable 13 12 a person of distinct...
notaire 10 8 in France, a public...
nourice 14 12 (obsolete) a nurse [...
noursle 12 10 to foster, also NOUS...
novelle 14 14 NOVELLA, a short nov...
novenae 10 13 NOVENA, a series of...
nowhere 15 13 a nonexistent place...
noyance 18 14 (Spenser) annoyance...
noysome 17 13 (obsolete) noisome,...
nuclide 16 14 an atom of specified...
nundine 10 12 (Latin) the ancient...
nunlike 13 15 like a nun [adj]
nuraghe 14 13 a broch-like Sardini...
nurture 12 10 to nourish [v NURTUR...
nutcase 14 12 a crazy person [n -S...
nutlike 14 14 like a nut [adj]
nymphae 22 18 NYMPHA, a fold of th...
oaklike 14 16 like an oak [adj]
oarlike 13 12 like an oar [adj]
oatcake 14 14 a thin unleavened ca...
oatlike 13 12 like an oat [adj]
obelise 14 11 to mark with an obel...
obelize 17 20 to mark with an obel...
obligee 15 13 one who is obliged [...
oblique 23 21 slanting [adj OBLIQU...
obovate 14 14 of a leaf, egg-shape...
obscene 15 14 offensive, disgustin...
obscure 17 14 indistinct [adj OBSC...
observe 15 14 to look attentively...
obtrude 14 12 to thrust forward [v...
obverse 15 14 the side of the coin...
obviate 15 14 to forestall [v OBVI...
occlude 19 16 to stop up [v OCCLUD...
ochreae 15 12 OCHREA, (Latin) a sh...
ocreate 13 10 having an ocrea, a s...
octette 14 10 a composition for ei...
octuple 18 15 eightfold [adj OCTUP...
oculate 15 12 having eyes, also OC...
odonate 9 9 any member of the or...
odorate 10 8 emitting a smell [ad...
odorise 11 8 to make odorous, als...
odorize 14 17 to make odorous, als...
offence 17 17 a transgression [n -...
offense 14 14 (US) an offence, a v...
offeree 14 13 someone who is offer...
offline 16 15 taking place when th...
offside 16 14 between the ball, or...
offtake 16 17 a pipe or channel fo...
oilhole 15 11 a hole through which...
oldwife 18 15 a kind of duck, aka...
olefine 13 12 a hydrocarbon of the...
olivine 14 13 a mineral, iron and...
onetime 11 11 former [adj]
onshore 12 10 towards the shore [a...
onstage 11 10 being a part of the...
oophyte 21 14 a stage of developme...
oospore 12 10 a fertilized egg wit...
opaline 13 12 an opaque white glas...
operate 12 10 to perform a functio...
operose 12 10 involving great labo...
oporice 16 13 an old medicine made...
opuscle 18 15 a short work, also O...
orature 11 8 oral forms of litera...
ordinee 10 9 one that is being or...
orifice 17 13 an opening, esp. ana...
origane 11 10 marjoram, also ORIGA...
osmiate 12 10 a salt of osmic acid...
ossicle 16 11 a small bone [n -S]
ostiate 11 7 having an ostium (a...
ostiole 12 8 a small bodily openi...
otarine 10 8 relating to the otar...
outbake 14 15 to surpass in baking...
outcome 15 14 a result [n -S]
outdare 11 9 to surpass in daring...
outdate 11 9 to make out-of-date...
outdone 10 10 OUTDO, to exceed in...
outdure 12 10 (obsolete) to outlas...
outedge 12 11 the farthermost boun...
outface 16 14 to confront unflinch...
outfire 14 11 to surpass in firing...
outgate 12 10 an exit [n -S]
outgave 14 14 OUTGIVE, to give mor...
outgaze 15 19 to surpass in gazing...
outgive 15 14 to give more than [v...
outgone 11 11 OUTGO, to go beyond...
outhire 14 10 to hire out, also OU...
outhyre 20 12 (Spenser) to hire ou...
outline 12 10 to make a general st...
outlive 15 13 to live longer than...
outlove 14 13 to surpass in loving...
outmode 12 12 to put out of fashio...
outmove 14 15 to move faster than...
outname 11 12 to exceed in naming...
outpace 16 14 to move faster than...
outrace 14 11 to run faster than [...
outrage 12 10 to arouse anger or r...
outrate 11 8 to surpass in rating...
outrave 13 12 to surpass in raving...
outride 12 9 to ride faster than...
outrode 11 9 OUTRIDE, to ride fas...
outrope 13 11 an auction sale, als...
outside 12 9 the outer side [n -S...
outsize 15 17 an exceptionally lar...
outsole 12 9 the outer sole of a...
outtake 12 12 to take out, except...
outvote 13 12 to defeat by a major...
outwile 16 12 to surpass in wiling...
outwore 14 11 OUTWEAR, to last lon...
ouverte 13 12 (French) open, also...
ouvrage 14 14 (French) work [n -S]
overage 13 13 an excess, a surplus...
overate 12 11 OVEREAT, to eat to e...
overawe 15 14 to subdue by inspiri...
overdue 13 13 due and more than du...
overdye 19 14 to dye with too much...
overeye 18 13 to survey [v OVEREYE...
overlie 14 12 to lie above [v OVER...
oversee 12 11 to watch over and di...
overuse 13 12 to use too much [v O...
ovicide 17 15 an agent that kills...
ovulate 14 13 to produce ova [v OV...
owllike 18 16 like an owl [adj]
ownable 16 15 able to be owned [ad...
ownsome 14 14 a solitary state [n...
oxalate 17 15 a salt of oxalic aci...
oxazine 19 24 a chemical compound...
oxazole 20 24 a liquid chemical co...
oxidase 17 15 any of a group of en...
oxidate 17 15 to combine with oxyg...
oxidise 18 15 to combine with oxyg...
oxidize 21 24 to combine with oxyg...
oxysome 24 19 a structural unit of...
oxytone 22 17 a word bearing an ac...
ozonate 12 17 to treat with ozone...
ozonide 13 18 a compound of ozone...
ozonise 13 17 to convert into ozon...
ozonize 16 26 to convert into ozon...
pacable 19 17 (archaic) able to be...
package 18 19 to put into a contai...
padrone 12 12 (Italian) an innkeep...
paiocke 17 17 (Shakespeare) an obs...
pajocke 19 26 (Shakespeare) an obs...
palamae 14 14 PALAMA, the webbing...
paleate 13 11 like a palea [adj]
palette 14 11 a board on which an...
pallone 14 13 an Italian ball game...
palmate 15 14 resembling an open h...
palpate 16 14 to examine by touch...
panache 17 16 dash or flamboyance...
pancake 16 18 to land an aircraft...
pandore 12 12 ancient musical inst...
pangene 12 14 a hypothetical unit...
panicle 17 15 a loosely branched f...
panlike 15 16 resembling a pan, a...
pannage 12 14 the right to pasture...
pannose 11 12 like felt [adj]
panoche 17 16 (Spanish) a type of...
panpipe 17 17 a musical instrument...
pantile 14 12 an overlapping, S-sh...
pantine 12 12 (obsolete) a pastebo...
papable 18 17 capable of being a p...
papoose 14 13 an American Indian b...
pappose 17 16 furnished with a pap...
papulae 16 15 PAPULA, (Latin) a pi...
parable 16 14 to represent by a mo...
paracme 17 16 a stage of decline [...
parafle 16 14 (Scots) a pretentiou...
parbake 16 17 to bake partially [v...
pardale 14 12 a leopard, also PARD...
pardine 13 12 pertaining to or lik...
parelle 15 12 a lichen which yield...
parkade 14 15 a multilevel structu...
parolee 13 11 one who is paroled [...
parpane 14 14 a stone passing thro...
partake 14 14 to participate, also...
partite 14 10 divided; (esp. of pl...
parture 14 11 (Spenser) a departur...
parvise 16 14 an enclosed area in...
passade 13 11 a turn of a horse ba...
passage 14 12 to make a voyage [v...
passive 16 14 not active [adj PASS...
pastime 15 13 a recreational activ...
pasture 14 11 to put out to graze...
paterae 12 10 PATERA, a type of Ro...
patible 17 14 capable of suffering...
patinae 12 11 PATINA, a film or su...
patonce 15 14 of a heraldic cross,...
pavisse 16 14 a large medieval shi...
pawnage 16 16 an act of pawning [n...
payable 22 16 able to be paid [adj...
payfone 20 16 a coin-operated publ...
paysage 20 14 (French) a rural sce...
pealike 15 15 like a pea [adj]
pebrine 15 14 a disease of silkwor...
pectase 16 13 an enzyme [n -S]
pectate 16