15 letter words that end with E

15 letter words that end with E

15 letter E word


Words With Friends®


acknowledgeable 35 34 capable of being ack...
aluminosilicate 31 25 a combined silicate...
angustirostrate 26 19 narrow-beaked [n]
antepenultimate 27 25 before the next to t...
anthropophagite 33 28 an anthropophagus, a...
anticoincidence 32 28 of or relating to an...
anticompetitive 33 29 tending to reduce or...
antifashionable 30 26 opposed to things fa...
antiforeclosure 30 24 opposed to foreclosu...
antiprogressive 30 25 opposed to progressi...
antispeculative 33 28 opposed to speculati...
apophthegmatise 35 30 to speak in apophthe...
apophthegmatize 38 39 to speak in apophthe...
archiepiscopate 37 29 the rank or province...
autodestructive 31 25 AUTODESTRUCT, to sel...
biodestructible 35 27 biodegradable [adj]
bioluminescence 34 31 the emission of ligh...
brachistochrone 37 29 the curve along whic...
castanospermine 29 26 an alkaloid obtained...
cephalochordate 37 30 any of a number of c...
characterisable 36 27 able to be character...
characterizable 39 36 able to be character...
churrigueresque 41 34 of or relating to a...
circumnavigable 39 36 able to be circumnav...
circumscribable 43 35 able to be circumscr...
circumscriptive 43 35 marking the external...
circumstantiate 33 26 to supply with circu...
comprehensivise 35 31 to make comprehensiv...
comprehensivize 38 40 to make comprehensiv...
concessionnaire 28 24 the owner or operato...
consubstantiate 29 24 to unite in one comm...
contraclockwise 39 33 anticlockwise [adv]
conventionalise 28 26 to make conventional...
conventionalize 31 35 to make conventional...
cosignificative 37 31 having the same sign...
counterblockade 34 32 an opposing blockade...
counterevidence 31 29 evidence brought in...
counterfeisance 31 27 an act of counterfei...
counterfesaunce 31 28 (archaic) an act of...
counterinstance 29 25 an instance adduced...
countermandable 30 29 able to be counterma...
counterpressure 30 24 an opposing pressure...
counterresponse 28 24 an answering respons...
countervailable 33 29 able to be counterva...
counterviolence 32 29 violence in response...
cryoprecipitate 42 29 a precipitate, e.g....
cyanocobalamine 38 32 vitamin B12, which h...
cyclohexylamine 54 40 a colorless liquid a...
cyclopentadiene 38 30 a colourless liquid...
decontaminative 29 28 related to decontami...
decontextualise 34 29 to consider (somethi...
decontextualize 37 38 to consider (somethi...
dedifferentiate 28 24 to effect dedifferen...
deindustrialise 27 20 to disperse or reduc...
deindustrialize 30 29 to disperse or reduc...
democratifiable 34 29 able to be made demo...
departmentalise 28 24 to form into separat...
departmentalize 31 33 to form into separat...
dephlogisticate 35 27 to make something fi...
dephosphorylate 40 29 to remove phosphate...
dichlorobenzene 34 36 any of three isomeri...
dichloromethane 33 28 a noxious colourless...
dimethylaniline 36 27 an oily liquid, anil...
diphenhydramine 38 31 a type of antihistam...
diphenylenimine 36 30 a derivative of benz...
disaffectionate 31 26 showing disaffection...
disassimilative 31 24 relating to the act...
distinguishable 33 26 capable of being dis...
dithiocarbamate 33 27 any of several sulfu...
dorsibranchiate 32 25 having gills on the...
ectomycorrhizae 43 37 ECTOMYCORRHIZA, a ty...
electronegative 30 26 having a tendency to...
electropositive 33 26 positively charged;...
electropuncture 34 28 the insertion into t...
excommunicative 41 40 relating to excommun...
exemplificative 43 39 serving to exemplify...
experimentalise 34 30 to rely on experimen...
experimentalize 37 39 to rely on experimen...
experimentative 35 33 related to experimen...
governmentalise 28 27 to make governmental...
governmentalize 31 36 to make governmental...
haemagglutinate 30 27 to cause the clumpin...
haemoflagellate 32 28 a flagellate protozo...
hemicryptophyte 51 35 any perennial plant...
hemicrystalline 40 28 consisting of crysta...
hendecasyllable 40 30 a metrical line of e...
hexachlorethane 39 33 a toxic crystalline...
hexachlorophane 41 36 a bactericide used i...
hexachlorophene 41 36 a bactericide used i...
histocompatible 37 30 referring to the deg...
holocrystalline 39 26 wholly crystalline i...
hydroxybutyrate 55 35 as in gamma hydroxyb...
hydroxylapatite 49 33 a mineral of the apa...
hyperaggressive 40 30 excessively aggressi...
hypercoagulable 43 33 excessively coagulab...
hyperresponsive 39 30 excessively responsi...
hypersomnolence 38 31 the state of being e...
hypocrystalline 47 30 of igneous rocks, ha...
ichthyodorulite 41 27 a fossilised fish-sp...
ichthyodorylite 47 28 a fossilised fish-sp...
immunoassayable 35 29 capble of undergoing...
imperscriptible 39 31 not supported by wri...
imprescriptible 39 31 not liable to be los...
improvvisatrice 37 32 (archaic) a female i...
inapprehensible 33 29 not capable of being...
incommensurable 32 31 not commensurable, l...
incommunicative 35 34 not communicative, a...
incomprehensive 34 32 not comprehensive [a...
indisciplinable 35 29 not subject to or ca...
indistributable 32 25 not able to be distr...
insignificative 34 29 not significative or...
intellectualise 31 23 to make intellectual...
intellectualize 34 32 to give rational for...
interchangeable 32 28 capable of being int...
intercollegiate 30 23 existing, carried on...
interdependence 27 26 the state of being i...
interlacustrine 29 22 situated between lak...
internucleotide 28 23 between nucleotides...
interpenetrable 28 24 able to be interpene...
intersubjective 35 36 involving or occurri...
intransmissible 30 24 that cannot be trans...
intussusceptive 34 28 INTUSSUSCEPT, to tak...
irreprehensible 32 25 beyond blame [adj IR...
lamellirostrate 29 21 having transverse la...
lophobranchiate 36 30 any fish of the seah...
megagametophyte 38 32 the gametophyte deve...
metacinnabarite 29 26 the black solid form...
methamphetamine 33 32 a methyl derivative...
methylcellulose 42 30 any of various gummy...
methylphenidate 39 30 a stimulant used in...
metropolitanate 27 23 a metropolitan area...
metropolitanise 28 23 to make metropolitan...
metropolitanize 31 32 to make metropolitan...
microearthquake 40 37 an earthquake of low...
microgametocyte 40 31 a gametocyte produci...
micromicrocurie 38 31 the trillionth part...
micromillimetre 35 29 a millionth part of...
middelmannetjie 29 35 (Afrikaans) a ridge...
misappreciative 36 31 failing to appreciat...
misapprehensive 34 31 having the nature of...
mischaracterise 35 26 to characterise wron...
mischaracterize 38 35 to characterize wron...
misintelligence 32 27 wrong or false infor...
monocrystalline 36 27 of or like a monocry...
montmorillonite 28 25 an alumina-rich clay...
multiarticulate 33 25 many-jointed, also M...
multidiscipline 36 29 comprising many disc...
multinucleolate 32 27 having several nucle...
neoarsphenamine 26 26 a derivative of arse...
neoconservative 29 28 a former liberal esp...
nonarchitecture 32 26 what is not architec...
nonattributable 29 25 that cannot be attri...
noncompressible 33 30 not compressible [ad...
nonconservative 29 29 not conservative [ad...
nonconstructive 32 29 not constructive [ad...
noncontrollable 30 27 not controllable [ad...
nonexploitative 34 32 not exploitative, al...
nonindependence 25 28 not independence [n]
noninterference 26 25 absence of interfere...
nonquantifiable 36 35 not quantifiable [ad...
nonquantitative 33 32 not quantitative [ad...
nonreproductive 31 29 not reproductive [ad...
nonsaponifiable 29 28 not saponifiable, ca...
nonsedimentable 26 26 not sedimentable, ca...
nontransferable 27 25 not transferable [ad...
oligodendrocyte 35 26 a glial cell resembl...
oligonucleotide 30 25 a short nucleicacid...
oligosaccharide 35 27 a saccharide (as a d...
omnibenevolence 30 32 universal good will...
organophosphate 32 28 an organophosphorus...
overcommunicate 34 33 to communicate exces...
overimaginative 30 29 excessively imaginat...
overorchestrate 31 24 to orchestrate exces...
oxyphenbutazone 44 44 a phenylbutazone der...
oxytetracycline 50 34 a yellow crystalline...
perchloroethene 33 27 a chlorocarbon widel...
phenakistoscope 34 31 an early form of cin...
phosphocreatine 35 29 a compound of creati...
phosphorescence 38 32 luminescence that co...
phosphorylative 43 32 of or like phosphory...
photoconductive 37 33 having, involving, o...
photodegradable 32 28 chemically degradabl...
photodissociate 32 24 to effect photodisso...
photorefractive 36 30 designating or relat...
photosynthesise 37 25 to carry out photosy...
photosynthesize 40 34 to carry out photosy...
phytoflagellate 41 30 any of various organ...
polycarboxylate 52 37 a salt or ester of a...
polychloroprene 41 31 neoprene [n]
polycrystalline 46 29 consisting of crysta...
polyelectrolyte 45 28 a jellylike plastic...
postdivestiture 31 24 taking place after d...
postsynchronise 38 27 to add sound, such a...
postsynchronize 41 36 to add sound, such a...
preacquaintance 39 36 acquaintance made in...
predeterminable 30 27 able to be predeterm...
presbyterianise 35 24 to make presbyterian...
presbyterianize 38 33 to make presbyterian...
procrastinative 32 26 tending to procrasti...
professionalise 29 23 to give a profession...
professionalize 32 32 to give a profession...
prognosticative 33 28 of the nature of pro...
proslambanomene 29 30 PROSLAMBANOMENOS [n]
pseudocoelomate 30 27 an invertebrate (as...
pseudoephedrine 30 27 a naturally occurrin...
pulmobranchiate 36 32 relating to a pulmob...
quinalbarbitone 37 34 an anaesthetic and s...
radioprotective 32 26 serving to protect o...
reconceptualise 33 27 to form a new concep...
reconceptualize 36 36 to form a new concep...
reconstitutable 31 24 that can be reconsti...
reconstructible 35 27 capable of being rec...
recontextualise 34 28 to contextualise aga...
recontextualize 37 37 to place (as a liter...
reconvalescence 34 31 (archaic) recovery f...
reindustrialise 27 19 to industrialise aga...
reindustrialize 30 28 to industrialise aga...
resurrectionise 28 20 to bring about resur...
resurrectionize 31 29 to bring about resur...
retroreflective 33 26 relating to retroref...
secundogeniture 28 25 a custom whereby the...
semicrystalline 38 26 incompletely or impe...
semimanufacture 32 30 a manufactured produ...
semisubmersible 34 29 a floating deepwater...
sesquicarbonate 37 32 a salt that is neith...
simplicidentate 33 27 denoting a member of...
sphaerosiderite 29 21 concretionary clay-i...
stilpnosiderite 29 21 another name for lim...
subcontraoctave 34 30 the octave below the...
subintelligence 33 28 an implication that...
substratosphere 32 24 the area of the atmo...
succinylcholine 45 33 a basic compound tha...
sulphinpyrazone 41 38 a drug used to treat...
superconductive 36 32 capable of supercond...
superconfidence 34 31 a state of very high...
superexcellence 40 35 excellence to a very...
superheterodyne 34 25 applied to radio rec...
superincumbence 36 34 the state of lying o...
superintendence 28 26 the act or function...
supernaturalise 28 22 to make supernatural...
supernaturalize 31 31 to make supernatural...
technostructure 34 26 the network of profe...
tectibranchiate 35 27 of a like a tectibra...
telestereoscope 29 22 an instrument for vi...
tetrabranchiate 31 24 any mollusc belongin...
thermoremanence 29 28 the state of being t...
thiobarbiturate 32 24 a salt of thiobarbit...
totalitarianise 25 17 to make totalitarian...
totalitarianize 28 26 to make totalitarian...
transilluminate 28 23 to pass light throug...
tribromomethane 30 27 another name for bro...
trichloroethane 32 24 a volatile nonflamma...
trifluoperazine 33 33 a tranquilizer chief...
trinitrobenzene 28 30 a benzene compound [...
trinitrotoluene 25 19 a powerful explosive...
ultracentrifuge 33 27 to subject to the ac...
ultramicroscope 36 29 an instrument for vi...
unapprehensible 33 30 not apprehensible [a...
unascertainable 29 25 not ascertainable [a...
unauthoritative 29 24 not authoritative [a...
uncategorisable 31 26 not able to be categ...
uncategorizable 34 35 not able to be categ...
unchallengeable 34 31 not challengeable [a...
unchristianlike 33 28 not like a Christian...
uncommunicative 35 35 not disposed to talk...
uncompanionable 31 32 not companionable [a...
uncompassionate 29 27 not compassionate [a...
uncomprehensive 34 33 not comprehensive [a...
uncompromisable 35 33 not able to be compr...
unconstrainable 29 26 not constrainable [a...
uncopyrightable 43 33 not copyrightable [a...
undemonstrative 27 26 restrained in expres...
undercapitalise 31 25 to capitalise insuff...
undercapitalize 34 34 to capitalize insuff...
undisciplinable 35 30 not disciplinable [a...
unexceptionable 37 35 not open to objectio...
ungentlemanlike 28 30 not like a gentleman...
uninterpretable 29 25 not interpretable [a...
unknowledgeable 32 33 not knowledgeable [a...
unobjectionable 33 37 not objectionable [a...
unpronounceable 30 30 not pronounceable [a...
unproportionate 27 24 not proportionate [a...
unprotestantise 26 21 to convert from Prot...
unprotestantize 29 30 to convert from Prot...
unrecommendable 31 32 not recommendable [a...
unreconciliable 34 29 (Shakespeare) unreco...
unsportsmanlike 30 29 not characteristic o...
unstatesmanlike 27 26 not like a statesman...
untransferrable 29 25 not transferrable, a...
untransmissible 30 25 not transmissible [a...
vespertilionine 29 25 of, relating to, or...
videoconference 32 31 a conference held by...