14 letter words that end with E

14 letter words that end with E

14 letter E word


Words With Friends®


acclimatisable 35 28 capable of being acc...
acclimatizable 38 37 capable of being acc...
accomplishable 39 33 capable of being acc...
administrative 27 23 of or relating to ad...
aerohydroplane 32 24 a winged hydroplane...
aminopeptidase 27 25 an enzyme [n -S]
aminophenazone 27 34 a pyrazolone with an...
amphiblastulae 33 28 AMPHIBLASTULA, the f...
amylobarbitone 34 27 a white crystalline...
anamorphoscope 31 29 an optical device, s...
androgynophore 32 26 another name for the...
angustifoliate 27 22 narrow-leaved [n]
anticonvulsive 31 29 an anticonvulsant dr...
antiderivative 27 24 an indefinite integr...
antimetabolite 26 22 a substance that rep...
antireflective 31 26 designed to counter...
antisubversive 30 27 opposed to subversio...
archidiaconate 30 24 the office of archde...
autosuggestive 28 24 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
azidothymidine 36 33 a derivative of thym...
benzanthracene 30 34 a crystalline carcin...
benzodiazepine 31 41 any of a group of am...
bisphosphonate 33 28 any of a family of d...
bletheranskate 28 25 (Scots) a garrulous...
businesspeople 30 26 persons active in bu...
camouflageable 33 31 capable of being cam...
canthaxanthine 34 31 a naturally occurrin...
centrifugalise 31 25 to subject to centri...
centrifugalize 34 34 to subject to centri...
chemoreceptive 36 32 relating to chemorec...
chincherinchee 38 31 a kind of African fl...
chloroargyrite 37 24 the mineral form of...
chlorothiazide 35 32 a thiazide diuretic...
chlorpromazine 35 36 a phenothiazine used...
chlorpropamide 35 30 a sulfonylurea drug...
chlorthalidone 32 25 a diuretic used in t...
cholestyramine 36 26 a strongly basic syn...
cholinesterase 28 21 an enzyme which brea...
chondrophorine 31 27 a member of the Chon...
chromatosphere 33 27 a layer of incandesc...
circumambience 37 34 the act of going rou...
circumambulate 36 32 to circle on foot es...
circumnavigate 34 31 to go completely aro...
circumscissile 38 28 splitting completely...
circumspective 40 34 looking around; wary...
colliquescence 42 36 readiness to liquefy...
commissionaire 28 24 a uniformed attendan...
commonsensible 30 29 showing common sense...
compassionable 31 28 worthy of compassion...
comprehendible 34 31 that can be comprehe...
comprehensible 34 30 capable of being com...
computerisable 33 28 that can be computer...
computerizable 36 37 that can be computer...
concessionaire 27 22 the owner or operato...
condescendence 29 28 voluntary descent fr...
conglomerative 30 28 tending to conglomer...
conglutinative 30 27 having power to cong...
congratulative 30 26 expressing congratul...
congresspeople 31 27 congressmen or congr...
contemperature 28 25 the state of being c...
contradictable 32 26 capable of being con...
contraindicate 28 23 to indicate against...
contrapositive 30 25 an immediate inferen...
controvertible 31 26 open to question, di...
correspondence 29 26 the agreement of thi...
corticosterone 28 21 a colorless crystall...
counterbalance 30 27 to oppose or balance...
counterculture 31 25 a culture with value...
counterexample 35 33 an example that refu...
countermeasure 26 23 an action or device...
cryoprotective 40 29 serving to protect a...
crystallisable 39 25 able to be crystalli...
crystallizable 42 34 able to be crystalli...
cyanoacetylene 39 27 a large and complex...
cyclobarbitone 40 30 a barbiturate drug u...
cyclopentolate 38 28 a drug used in eye d...
cyproheptadine 38 29 a powerful antihista...
dechristianise 29 21 to turn from Christi...
dechristianize 32 30 to turn from Christi...
declassifiable 33 26 able to be declassif...
decompoundable 31 31 able to be deccompou...
deconstructive 32 27 serving to deconstru...
despiritualise 28 20 to deprive of spirit...
despiritualize 31 29 to deprive of spirit...
dexamphetamine 34 34 the dextrorotatory i...
diagonalisable 27 23 a mathematical term...
diagonalizable 30 32 a mathematical term...
dichloroethane 30 24 a colorless toxic li...
differentiable 30 26 that can be differen...
dihydrocodeine 34 25 a synthetic drug sim...
dimenhydrinate 32 25 a crystalline antihi...
dinitrobenzene 26 30 any of three isomeri...
dinoflagellate 28 24 a kind of marine pro...
diphenylketone 34 29 the aromatic ketone...
disaccharidase 32 24 an enzyme (as maltas...
disaccommodate 31 28 to put to inconvenie...
disacknowledge 32 30 to refuse to acknowl...
disaggregative 29 25 tending to disaggreg...
disapprobative 32 28 disapproving [adj]
disappropriate 30 24 to take away from th...
discomboberate 31 27 to throw into a stat...
discombobulate 33 29 to throw into a stat...
discomfortable 33 28 uncomfortable [adj]
discommendable 31 30 that can be discomme...
disconformable 32 29 not conformable [adj...
discontinuance 28 25 the act or an instan...
discountenance 27 25 to abash; to discour...
discourageable 30 25 capable of being dis...
discriminative 31 26 making distinctions...
disencumbrance 32 30 the act of freeing f...
disenfranchise 30 25 to deprive of a fran...
disequilibrate 36 29 to put out of balanc...
disillusionise 27 19 to free from illusio...
disillusionize 30 28 to free from illusio...
disincarcerate 29 22 to free from incarce...
disincorporate 28 22 to deprive of corpor...
disinheritance 28 22 the act of disinheri...
disintegrative 27 22 tending to disintegr...
disinvestiture 27 21 the action of disinv...
disqualifiable 39 33 capable of being dis...
disrespectable 32 25 not respectable [adj...
disserviceable 32 26 not serviceable [adj...
distemperature 27 22 (archaic) lack of pr...
dodecasyllable 37 27 a line of twelve syl...
ecocatastrophe 32 25 a major destructive...
electroculture 32 24 the cultivation of p...
electromotance 29 25 the force of an elec...
electrophorese 30 23 to subject to electr...
electrovalence 31 27 the valency of a sub...
endoradiosonde 20 19 a miniature battery-...
enterogastrone 21 18 a hormone that is pr...
equiponderance 34 33 equality of weight o...
exacerbescence 38 34 (archaic) exacerbati...
excommunicable 40 39 that can be excommun...
experienceable 35 32 that can be experien...
extinguishable 36 31 that can be extingui...
extraordinaire 28 23 (French) extraordina...
fermentescible 32 28 capable of being fer...
ferromanganese 24 24 an alloy of iron and...
ferroprussiate 28 21 ferrocyanide [n -S]
fibrinopeptide 32 28 any of the vertebrat...
fibrocartilage 33 26 cartilage with embed...
forisfamiliate 30 24 (Scots) to emancipat...
furfuraldehyde 38 29 a liquid obtained by...
galeopithecine 31 26 like a flying lemur,...
glutaraldehyde 35 25 a compound that cont...
glyceraldehyde 44 29 a sweet crystalline...
grandiloquence 35 33 lofty or pompous elo...
heliosciophyte 40 27 a plant that thrives...
hemagglutinate 29 26 to cause the clumpin...
hemoflagellate 31 27 a flagellate (as a t...
heteroflexible 37 31 one of flexible sexu...
hexosaminidase 31 28 either of two hydrol...
hydrocellulose 38 26 a gelatinous materia...
hydrocoralline 36 25 a member the Hydrozo...
hydrocortisone 34 23 a glucocorticoid hor...
hydroxyapatite 46 31 a complex phosphate...
hydroxyproline 47 33 an amino acid [n -S]
hypercriticise 42 27 to criticise excessi...
hypercriticize 45 36 to criticise excessi...
hyperexcitable 46 35 excessively excitabl...
hyperirritable 38 25 extremely irritable...
hypermasculine 39 30 excessively masculin...
hypersensitise 34 22 to make hypersensiti...
hypersensitive 36 26 excessively or abnor...
hypersensitize 37 31 to make hypersensiti...
hyperstimulate 37 26 to stimulate excessi...
hyperventilate 36 27 to breathe rapidly a...
hypervigilance 41 32 extreme vigilance [n...
hysterectomise 36 24 to remove the womb,...
hysterectomize 39 33 to remove the womb,...
immunoreactive 30 29 reacting to particul...
imparidigitate 29 23 having an odd number...
impressionable 29 25 capable of being eas...
improvvisatore 31 28 (Italian) an improvi...
inappreciative 32 28 not appreciative [ad...
inapprehensive 30 28 not apprehensive [ad...
inapproachable 34 30 not approachable [ad...
incommensurate 27 26 not commensurate [n]
incommunicable 34 33 not communicable [ad...
incompressible 33 28 incapable of or resi...
inconscionable 30 27 disregarding the con...
inconsiderable 28 24 not considerable [ad...
incontrollable 30 25 not controllable, al...
indecipherable 33 28 incapable of being d...
indecomposable 31 29 not capable of being...
indemonstrable 26 24 incapable of being d...
indestructible 31 24 incapable of being d...
indeterminable 26 24 incapable of being d...
indiscerptible 33 26 not able to be separ...
indiscoverable 31 27 not discoverable [ad...
indiscriminate 28 23 not marked by carefu...
infrastructure 30 23 the underlying found...
insignificance 32 28 the state of being i...
insuppressible 32 26 not able to be suppr...
insurmountable 27 25 incapable of being s...
intercorporate 27 21 between corporations...
intercorrelate 26 19 to correlate togethe...
interelectrode 26 20 between electrodes [...
interinfluence 28 25 to influence recipro...
interlocutrice 31 23 a female interlocuto...
interoperative 26 22 between operatives [...
interpenetrate 23 19 to penetrate mutuall...
interpretative 27 22 relating to interpre...
interpunctuate 28 24 to insert punctuatio...
intransigeance 25 22 the state of being i...
intransmutable 27 24 not capable of being...
irrecognisable 30 24 unrecognizable, also...
irrecognizable 33 33 unrecognizable, also...
irreconcilable 33 26 incapable of being r...
irreplevisable 32 26 unable to be replevi...
irreproachable 33 26 not reproachable [ad...
irreproducible 33 26 not reproducible [ad...
irrestrainable 26 19 that cannot be restr...
irresuscitable 31 22 not capable of being...
kinetheodolite 26 23 a theodolite used in...
lignocellulose 31 25 any of several compo...
lignosulfonate 27 24 any of various compo...
macroaggregate 29 26 a relatively large p...
macrostructure 32 25 the structure (as of...
malappropriate 31 27 to misuse or misappr...
manufacturable 32 30 that can be manufact...
megavertebrate 28 26 a very large vertebr...
mercaptopurine 31 28 an antimetabolite so...
metabisulphite 33 27 as in sodium metabis...
methoxybenzene 41 42 another name for ani...
methoxyflurane 41 34 a potent general ana...
methylthionine 35 26 as in methylthionine...
methylxanthine 41 33 a methylated xanthin...
microaerophile 32 26 an organism, esp. a...
microelectrode 31 25 a minute electrode [...
micrometeorite 28 23 a very small meteori...
microminiature 29 25 made on a very small...
micropegmatite 32 28 a microscopic interg...
microsatellite 30 22 a very small satelli...
microsporocyte 39 28 a microspore mother...
microstructure 33 25 the microscopic stru...
microtechnique 41 36 any of various metho...
misappropriate 31 26 to appropriate wrong...
misgovernaunce 29 29 (Spenser) misgovernm...
mononucleotide 26 25 a nucleotide that is...
monophthongise 30 28 to pronounce as a mo...
monophthongize 33 37 to pronounce as a mo...
monosaccharide 31 27 a simple sugar e.g....
monounsaturate 22 21 a monounsaturated co...
multarticulate 31 24 many-jointed, also M...
multicuspidate 33 27 having two or more c...
multielectrode 30 24 having many electrod...
multifoliolate 30 24 having many folioles...
multiplicative 36 30 tending or having th...
neurocognitive 28 26 relating to cognitiv...
neuroendocrine 23 22 of, relating to, or...
nitrocellulose 29 22 any of several ester...
nitroglycerine 34 24 a powerful explosive...
nonaccountable 29 28 not accountable [adj...
nonacquisitive 36 33 not acquisitive [adj...
nonbarbiturate 26 23 something that is no...
noncancellable 31 29 not cancellable, als...
nonclandestine 24 23 not clandestine [adj...
noncoincidence 29 28 something that is no...
noncombustible 32 30 not combustible [adj...
noncommutative 29 30 not commutative [adj...
noncompetitive 30 29 not competitive [adj...
nonconcurrence 29 28 lack of concurrence...
noncondensable 25 26 not condensable [adj...
nonconformance 28 30 failure to conform [...
nonconsecutive 29 28 not consecutive [adj...
nonconsumptive 30 31 not consumptive [adj...
nonconvertible 29 28 not convertible [adj...
noncooperative 27 26 of, relating to, or...
noncrystalline 33 24 not crystalline [adj...
nondescriptive 30 27 not descriptive [adj...
nondestructive 28 25 not destructive [adj...
nondistinctive 28 25 having no signaling...
nondoctrinaire 24 21 not doctrinaire [adj...
nonelectrolyte 32 23 a substance that doe...
nonequivalence 34 35 something that is no...
nonfissionable 26 24 not fissionable [adj...
nonforfeitable 28 26 not forfeitable [adj...
noninflammable 29 31 not inflammable [adj...
noninteractive 26 24 not interactive [adj...
nonintercourse 24 21 something that is no...
nonjusticiable 31 33 not justiciable, lia...
nonperformance 28 29 something that is no...
nonpolarisable 27 24 not polarisable, als...
nonpolarizable 30 33 not polarizable, als...
nonprogressive 27 25 not progressive [adj...
nonradioactive 26 24 not radioactive [adj...
nonrecoverable 28 27 that cannot be recov...
nonrestrictive 28 23 not restrictive [adj...
nonretroactive 26 23 not retroactive [adj...
nonspeculative 30 28 not speculative [adj...
norepinephrine 27 25 (US) a neurotransmit...
norethisterone 23 18 a molecule used in s...
nudibranchiate 30 26 a member of the Nudi...
oesophagoscope 31 27 an instrument for ex...
omnicompetence 31 31 the state of being o...
oophorectomise 30 25 to perform an oophor...
oophorectomize 33 34 to perform an oophor...
ophthalmoscope 36 31 an instrument for vi...
organochlorine 28 24 a compound of chlori...
orthophosphate 33 26 a salt or ester of o...
overaccentuate 29 26 to accentuate excess...
overaggressive 29 26 excessively aggressi...
overarticulate 29 23 to articulate excess...
overburdensome 27 27 excessively burdenso...
overcapitalise 31 25 to put a nominal val...
overcapitalize 34 34 to put a nominal val...
overcentralise 28 23 to centralise excess...
overcentralize 31 32 to centralize to exc...
overcompensate 29 28 to compensate excess...
overcompliance 34 32 excessive compliance...
overcomplicate 35 31 to complicate excess...
overconfidence 31 30 excessive confidence...
overdependence 27 28 excessive dependence...
overexaggerate 31 29 to exaggerate excess...
overgeneralise 25 22 to generalise to exc...
overgeneralize 28 31 to generalize to exc...
overhomogenise 27 26 to homogenise excess...
overhomogenize 30 35 to homogenize to exc...
overindulgence 29 28 excessive indulgence...
overprotective 32 28 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overspecialise 31 25 to specialise to exc...
overspecialize 34 34 to specialize to exc...
oxidoreductase 32 27 an enzyme that catal...
palmatipartite 30 24 palmately divided ra...
pararosaniline 24 20 a white crystalline...
pectinesterase 27 21 an enzyme that catal...
pentobarbitone 27 25 a barbiturate drug,...
perissodactyle 36 24 an animal of the Per...
phenobarbitone 29 27 a sedative and hypno...
phenylbutazone 38 37 a drug formerly used...
phosphoroscope 36 30 an instrument for me...
photoduplicate 34 28 to duplicate by phot...
photoelectrode 30 24 an electrode which c...
photoinductive 33 29 relating to photoind...
photoluminesce 32 28 to produce photolumi...
photooxidative 35 31 relating to photooxi...
photoreceptive 34 29 relating to photorec...
photosensitise 27 20 to make photosensiti...
photosensitive 29 24 sensitive or sensiti...
photosensitize 30 29 to make photosensiti...
phthalocyanine 38 29 any of a group of gr...
phyllosilicate 41 27 any of a class of si...
pinealectomise 29 25 to remove the pineal...
pinealectomize 32 34 to remove the pineal...
pinnatipartite 27 22 pinnately lobed half...
platinocyanide 34 26 a fluorescent comple...
polyacrylamide 44 30 a polyamide of acryl...
polyembryonate 40 29 forming more than on...
polynucleotide 36 27 a polymeric chain of...
polysaccharide 41 29 a glycan, a carbohyd...
polysaccharose 40 28 any one of a class o...
polyunsaturate 32 23 a fat that is polyun...
polyvinylidene 41 30 any polymer derived...
porphyrogenite 36 27 a Byzantine emperor'...
postcollegiate 31 24 taking place after c...
postexperience 35 31 taking place after a...
preadolescence 30 26 the period of human...
precompetitive 34 30 denoting a period of...
predestinative 27 23 tending to predestin...
predeterminate 25 22 determined in advanc...
premanufacture 31 29 to manufacture in ad...
preperformance 32 30 preceding a performa...
proletarianise 25 19 to make proletarian,...
proletarianize 28 28 to reduce to a prole...
proportionable 29 25 proportional, propor...
proprioceptive 35 30 relating to proprioc...
protospathaire 29 22 (historical) the cap...
pseudomembrane 28 29 a false membrane [n...
quadrigeminate 33 31 having four similar...
quadrisyllable 44 33 a tetrasyllable [n -...
quinquecostate 42 38 five-ribbed [n]
quinquefoliate 42 39 having five leaves [...
quinquepartite 42 38 divided into or comp...
quinquevalence 44 44 pentavalency, also Q...
quinquivalence 45 44 the state of being q...
radiosensitise 23 16 to make e.g. cancer...
radiosensitive 25 20 sensitive to the eff...
radiosensitize 26 25 to make e.g. cancer...
radiotelephone 26 22 to telephone (someon...
rationalisable 26 20 capable of being rat...
rationalizable 29 29 capable of being rat...
reacquaintance 35 32 a new acquaintance [...
recapitulative 32 26 serving to recapitul...
reconnaissance 26 23 a preliminary survey...
reconnoissance 26 23 a preliminary survey...
reconstructive 32 26 relating to reconstr...
redintegrative 26 22 relating to redinteg...
rediscountable 29 24 capable of being red...
redistributive 30 23 relating to redistri...
rehabilitative 31 24 serving to rehabilit...
rejuvenescence 31 36 a renewal of youthfu...
representative 26 22 one that represents...
reprogrammable 31 29 capable of being rep...
respectabilise 32 24 to make respectable,...
respectabilize 35 33 to make respectable,...
respiritualise 28 19 to spiritualize agai...
respiritualize 31 28 to spiritualize agai...
ribonucleoside 29 24 a nucleoside contain...
ribonucleotide 29 24 a nucleotide contain...
roentgenopaque 31 31 opaque to X-rays [ad...
roentgenoscope 26 24 an apparatus for exa...
rostrocarinate 25 18 beaked and keeled [a...
sansculotterie 27 20 (French) the sanscul...
scintillascope 34 26 an instrument which...
scintilloscope 34 26 an instrument for me...
sensationalise 22 17 to make (an event, s...
sensationalize 25 26 to present in a sens...
sentimentalise 24 20 to indulge in sentim...
sentimentalize 27 29 to indulge in sentim...
sesquisulphide 39 32 a compound with thre...
simplificative 37 31 serving to simplify...
slaughterhouse 30 23 an establishment whe...
spermatothecae 30 25 SPERMATOTHECA, a rec...
spinthariscope 33 26 an instrument for vi...
spironolactone 27 23 a synthetic corticos...
sporangiophore 29 25 a stalk to which spo...
sporangiospore 27 23 a spore developed in...
stadtholderate 26 19 the office of stadth...
stockbrokerage 31 30 the activities of a...
subminiaturise 28 23 to reduce to a size...
subminiaturize 31 32 to reduce to a size...
substantialise 27 20 to make substantial,...
substantialize 30 29 to make substantial,...
substantiative 28 23 tending to substanti...
sulfamethazine 32 34 an American name for...
sulfinpyrazone 37 35 a uricosuric drug us...
sulphacetamide 33 28 a sulphonamide used...
sulphanilamide 31 27 a white crystalline...
sulphathiazole 35 33 a sulphonamide forme...
sulphonmethane 30 28 a colourless crystal...
superabundance 29 28 extreme abundance [n...
supereffective 35 31 extremely effective...
supererogative 28 24 doing more than is n...
superexpensive 35 33 extremely expensive...
superficialise 33 25 to make superficial,...
superficialize 36 34 to make superficial,...
superimposable 32 28 capable of being sup...
supermasculine 31 27 extremely masculine...
superphosphate 34 28 acid phosphate [n -S...
supersensitive 28 23 extremely sensitive...
superspectacle 35 28 an exceptional spect...
superstimulate 29 23 to stimulate beyond...
superstructive 33 26 relating to a supers...
superstructure 31 23 all of a building ab...
synchronoscope 38 29 an instrument used t...
teleconference 29 26 a meeting between pe...
territorialise 25 15 to organize on a ter...
territorialize 28 24 to organize on a ter...
testimonialise 25 19 to present with a te...
testimonialize 28 28 to present with a te...
thermoformable 32 29 capable of being the...
thermoregulate 28 23 to regulate by means...
tintinnabulate 25 22 to ring; to tinkle [...
traditionalise 24 17 to make traditionali...
traditionalize 27 26 to make traditional,...
transformative 28 25 having the power to...
transmigrative 28 24 passing from one bod...
transparentise 24 19 to make transparent,...
transparentize 27 28 to make transparent,...
transplantable 28 24 capable of being tra...
trichomonacide 32 27 an agent used to des...
trihalomethane 28 23 any of various deriv...
triiodomethane 25 21 another name for iod...
trimethylamine 35 26 a gas obtainable fro...
triphenylamine 35 27 a crystalline compou...
trituberculate 31 23 having three tubercl...
ultimogeniture 27 23 inheritance by the y...
ultracrepidate 30 23 to criticize beyond...
ultraexclusive 38 32 extremely exclusive...
ultramasculine 30 25 extremely masculine...
ultramicrotome 30 25 a microtome for cutt...
ultraminiature 26 21 extremely miniature...
ultrasensitive 27 21 extremely sensitive...
ultrastructure 30 21 biological structure...
unacquaintance 35 34 lack of acquaintance...
unaffectionate 28 26 not affectionate [ad...
unappreciative 32 29 not appreciative [ad...
unapprehensive 30 29 not apprehensive [ad...
unapproachable 34 31 not approachable [ad...
unattributable 29 24 not attributable [ad...
unbusinesslike 28 26 not businesslike [ad...
unchristianise 29 22 to make unchristian,...
unchristianize 32 31 to make unchristian,...
unclassifiable 33 27 not classifiable [ad...
uncommunicable 34 34 incommunicable [adj]
unconscionable 30 28 showing no regard fo...
unconstructive 32 28 not constructive [ad...
uncontrollable 30 26 incapable of being c...
uncultivatable 33 29 not cultivatable [ad...
undecipherable 33 29 not decipherable [ad...
undecomposable 31 30 not decomposable [ad...
undemonstrable 26 25 not demonstrable [ad...
underemphasise 28 25 to emphasise insuffi...
underemphasize 31 34 to emphasise insuffi...
undergraduette 24 21 a female undergradua...
understandable 25 23 capable of being und...
undeterminable 26 25 not determinable [ad...
undiminishable 30 27 not diminishable [ad...
undiscoverable 31 28 not discoverable [ad...
unforeknowable 30 31 not foreknowable [ad...
unidentifiable 28 25 not identifiable [ad...
unintelligence 28 25 a lack of intelligen...
unintelligible 30 25 not intelligible [ad...
unmaintainable 25 25 not maintainable [ad...
unmarriageable 27 25 not marriageable [ad...
unmerchantable 31 29 not merchantable [ad...
unpremeditable 29 27 that cannot be preme...
unprogrammable 31 31 not programmable [ad...
unpurchaseable 33 29 that cannot be purch...
unquantifiable 36 34 not quantifiable [ad...
unquestionable 33 31 not open to question...
unrecapturable 31 27 that cannot be recap...
unrecognisable 29 26 not recognisable, al...
unrecognizable 32 35 not recognizable, al...
unreconcilable 32 28 not reconcilable [ad...
unremunerative 25 25 not remunerative [ad...
unreproducible 32 28 not reproducible [ad...
unrestrainable 25 21 not restrainable [ad...
unsophisticate 31 24 not sophisticate [ad...
unspiritualise 28 21 to make unspiritual,...
unspiritualize 31 30 to make unspiritual,...
unsplinterable 29 25 not capable of being...
unsurmountable 27 26 not surmountable [ad...
untransferable 27 24 not transferable, al...
untranslatable 26 22 not translatable [ad...
untransmutable 27 25 not transmutable [ad...
unvanquishable 38 37 not vanquishable [ad...
utilitarianise 25 17 to make utilitarian,...
utilitarianize 28 26 to make utilitarian,...
verisimilitude 30 24 the state of being v...
videotelephone 28 26 a telephone with acc...
zygobranchiate 40 36 a type of gastropod...