10 letter words that starts with v

10 letter words that start with V

10 letter V word


Word With Friends


vacantness 20 19 the state of being v...
vacationed 20 19 VACATION, to take a...
vacationer 20 18 one who takes a vaca...
vaccinated 24 22 VACCINATE, to inocul...
vaccinates 24 21 VACCINATE, to inocul...
vaccinator 24 21 one who vaccinates [...
vacciniums 27 25 VACCINIUM, (Latin) a...
vacillated 24 20 VACILLATE, to fluctu...
vacillates 24 19 VACILLATE, to fluctu...
vacillator 24 19 one who vacillates [...
vacuations 21 19 VACUATION, the act o...
vacuolated 22 20 having vacuoles, als...
vagabonded 20 22 VAGABOND, to live li...
vagilities 22 17 VAGILITY, freedom of...
vaginismus 22 21 a painful spasmodic...
vagotomies 20 19 VAGOTOMY, surgical d...
vagotonias 18 17 VAGOTONIA, pathologi...
vagotropic 25 22 of a drug, affecting...
vagrancies 22 20 VAGRANCY, the state...
vainnesses 17 16 VAINNESS, the state...
vajazzling 29 45 the practice of ador...
valentines 18 17 VALENTINE, a sweethe...
valiancies 22 19 VALIANCY, valour, al...
validating 21 19 VALIDATE, to give le...
validation 19 17 an act of validating...
validatory 26 18 relating to validati...
validities 21 16 VALIDITY, the state...
vallations 20 17 VALLATION, the act o...
valleculae 24 21 VALLECULA, (Latin) a...
vallecular 25 21 pertaining to or lik...
valleculas 25 21 VALLECULA, (Latin) a...
valorising 21 18 VALORISE, to establi...
valorizing 24 27 VALORIZE, to establi...
valorously 27 19 VALOROUS, courageous...
valproates 21 18 VALPROATE, a salt of...
valuations 19 17 VALUATION, the act o...
valvassors 22 19 VALVASSOR, a knight,...
valvulitis 25 21 inflammation of a va...
vampirised 23 21 VAMPIRISE, to play t...
vampirises 23 20 VAMPIRISE, to play t...
vampirisms 25 23 VAMPIRISM, the pract...
vampirized 26 30 VAMPIRIZE, to play t...
vampirizes 26 29 VAMPIRIZE, to play t...
vanadiates 17 16 VANADIATE, a salt of...
vanadinite 17 17 a mineral consisting...
vanaspatis 20 18 VANASPATI, (Sanskrit...
vancomycin 31 27 an antibiotic drug o...
vandalised 19 18 VANDALISE, to deal w...
vandalises 19 17 VANDALISE, to deal w...
vandalisms 21 20 VANDALISM, wanton da...
vandalized 22 27 VANDALIZE, to deal w...
vandalizes 22 26 VANDALIZE, to deal w...
vanishings 22 20 VANISHING, the act o...
vanishment 21 21 a vanishing [n -S]
vanitories 18 15 VANITORY, a combined...
vanpooling 21 22 the practice of shar...
vanquished 29 28 VANQUISH, to defeat...
vanquisher 29 27 one who vanquishes [...
vanquishes 29 27 VANQUISH, to defeat...
vantbraces 23 21 VANTBRACE, (historic...
vapidities 22 18 VAPIDITY, the state...
vaporettos 20 17 VAPORETTO, (Italian)...
vaporiform 24 23 existing in a vaporo...
vaporisers 21 17 VAPORISER, something...
vaporising 22 20 VAPORISE, to turn in...
vaporizers 24 26 VAPORIZER, something...
vaporizing 25 29 VAPORIZE, to turn in...
vaporosity 27 19 the state of being v...
vaporously 28 21 VAPOROUS, like vapou...
vaporwares 23 20 VAPORWARE, a compute...
vapourable 23 22 that can be vaporize...
vapourings 22 21 VAPOURING, the act o...
vapourless 22 19 without vapour, also...
vapourware 23 21 a computer-related p...
vapulating 23 22 VAPULATE, to flog; t...
vapulation 21 20 the act of beating o...
variations 18 15 VARIATION, a varying...
varicellar 24 19 of or like varicella...
varicellas 24 19 VARICELLA, (Latin) c...
varicocele 25 21 a varicose enlargeme...
varicosity 29 19 the state of being v...
varicotomy 29 22 an incision into a v...
variedness 18 16 the state of being v...
variegated 19 17 VARIEGATE, to patter...
variegates 19 16 VARIEGATE, to patter...
variegator 19 16 something or someone...
varietally 27 18 VARIETAL, of or havi...
varifocals 25 21 VARIFOCAL, of specta...
variformly 30 23 VARIFORM, having var...
variolated 19 16 VARIOLATE, to inocul...
variolates 19 15 VARIOLATE, to inocul...
variolator 19 15 a person who carries...
variolites 20 15 VARIOLITE, a kind of...
variolitic 24 18 of or like variolite...
varioloids 20 16 VARIOLOID, a disease...
variometer 19 17 an instrument for me...
variscites 23 17 VARISCITE, an apple-...
varityping 29 22 VARITYPE, to produce...
varitypist 29 19 one who uses a Varit...
varletries 20 15 VARLETRY, a group of...
varnishers 21 17 VARNISHER, one who v...
varnishing 22 20 the act of varnishin...
vascularly 31 22 VASCULAR, pertaining...
vasculitis 25 19 inflammation of a bl...
vaselining 20 19 VASELINE, to cover o...
vasoactive 23 21 affecting blood vess...
vasospasms 22 20 VASOSPASM, a sharp a...
vasotocins 21 18 VASOTOCIN, a polypep...
vasotomies 19 17 VASOTOMY, a surgical...
vassalages 20 17 VASSALAGE, the state...
vassalised 20 16 VASSALISE, to reduce...
vassalises 20 15 VASSALISE, to reduce...
vassalized 23 25 VASSALIZE, to reduce...
vassalizes 23 24 VASSALIZE, to reduce...
vassalling 22 19 VASSAL, to subject [...
vassalries 20 15 VASSALRY, vassals co...
vastitudes 20 16 VASTITUDE, vastness,...
vastnesses 18 15 VASTNESS, the state...
vaticinate 21 18 to prophesy, predict...
vaudeville 23 22 theatrical entertain...
vaultingly 29 22 VAULTING [adv]
vaunteries 18 16 VAUNTERY, (archaic)...
vauntingly 27 22 VAUNTING, boastful [...
vavasories 20 18 VAVASORY, the tenure...
vectograph 27 24 a picture giving a s...
vectorings 23 20 VECTORING, directing...
vectorised 22 18 VECTORISE, to make i...
vectorises 22 17 VECTORISE, to make i...
vectorized 25 27 VECTORIZE, to make i...
vectorizes 25 26 VECTORIZE, to make i...
vegeburger 23 22 a burger with vegeta...
vegetables 22 20 VEGETABLE, a plant o...
vegetarian 18 17 one who believes in...
vegetating 20 19 living like a vegeta...
vegetation 18 17 the total aggregatio...
vegetative 21 20 growing, as plants;...
vehemences 23 23 VEHEMENCE, urgency,...
vehemently 28 23 VEHEMENT, ardent [ad...
veilleuses 21 17 VEILLEUSE, (French)...
veinstones 17 16 VEINSTONE, gangue, a...
veinstuffs 24 22 VEINSTUFF, gangue, a...
velarising 21 18 VELARISE, to pronoun...
velarizing 24 27 VELARIZE, to pronoun...
veldschoen 24 22 (Afrikaans) a shoe m...
veldskoens 20 21 VELDSKOEN, (Afrikaan...
velitation 19 16 a minor dispute; a s...
velleities 21 16 VELLEITY, a very low...
vellenages 20 19 VELLENAGE, (Spenser)...
vellicated 24 20 VELLICATE, to twitch...
vellicates 24 19 VELLICATE, to twitch...
velocipede 24 22 an early form of bic...
velocities 23 18 VELOCITY, rapidity o...
velodromes 20 19 VELODROME, an area f...
veloutines 19 17 VELOUTINE, velvety c...
velutinous 20 18 velvety, covered wit...
velveteens 20 20 VELVETEEN, a kind of...
velvetiest 22 19 VELVETY, having the...
velvetings 23 22 VELVETING, velvet ma...
velvetlike 24 24 like velvet [adj]
venalities 19 16 VENALITY, the state...
venational 17 17 of or like venation...
venatorial 18 16 or or pertaining to...
vendettist 19 16 one who carries on a...
venditions 18 17 VENDITION, a sale [n...
veneerings 18 18 VENEERING, an overla...
veneficous 23 22 acting by poison or...
venenating 17 19 VENENATE, to poison...
venerables 20 19 VENERABLE, a title o...
venerating 18 18 VENERATE, to revere...
veneration 16 16 the act of veneratin...
venerative 19 19 of or relating to ve...
venerators 17 15 VENERATOR, one who v...
venereally 25 19 VENEREAL [adv]
vengeances 20 21 VENGEANCE, revenge [...
vengefully 30 25 VENGEFUL, seeking to...
vengements 19 21 VENGEMENT, (Spenser)...
venialness 18 17 the state of being v...
venography 29 24 radiography of a vei...
venologies 19 18 VENOLOGY, the study...
venomously 26 22 VENOMOUS, poisonous...
venosities 18 15 VENOSITY, the state...
venousness 17 17 the state of being v...
ventiducts 23 20 VENTIDUCT, a ventila...
ventifacts 24 21 VENTIFACT, a stone p...
ventilable 22 20 that can be ventilat...
ventilated 19 17 VENTILATE, to supply...
ventilates 19 16 VENTILATE, to supply...
ventilator 19 16 one that ventilates...
ventricles 23 19 VENTRICLE, either of...
ventricose 21 18 distended or swollen...
ventricous 22 19 distended or swollen...
ventricule 23 20 a ventricle, also VE...
ventriculi 24 20 VENTRICULUS, a ventr...
venturings 20 19 VENTURING [n]
veracities 22 17 VERACITY, conformity...
verandahed 19 19 having a verandah, a...
verapamils 23 21 VERAPAMIL, a calcium...
veratrines 18 15 VERATRINE, an alkalo...
verbalised 22 19 VERBALISE, to put in...
verbaliser 22 18 one who verbalises,...
verbalises 22 18 VERBALISE, to put in...
verbalisms 24 21 VERBALISM, undue att...
verbalists 23 18 VERBALIST, a person...
verbalized 25 28 VERBALIZE, to put in...
verbalizer 25 27 one who verbalizes,...
verbalizes 25 27 VERBALIZE, to put in...
verballing 24 22 VERBAL, to take a po...
verbarians 20 18 VERBARIAN, a coiner...
verbascums 26 24 VERBASCUM, another n...
verberated 20 18 VERBERATE, (archaic)...
verberates 20 17 VERBERATE, (archaic)...
verbicides 25 21 VERBICIDE, destructi...
verbifying 31 25 VERBIFY, to use as a...
verdancies 21 19 VERDANCY, the state...
vergeboard 21 20 a board projecting f...
vergencies 22 20 VERGENCY, the act of...
vergership 25 21 the office of verger...
veridicous 23 19 truthful [adj]
verifiable 24 21 that can be verified...
verifiably 31 23 VERIFIABLE, that can...
verjuicing 26 30 VERJUICE, to make so...
verkrampte 23 24 (Afrikaans) one who...
vermeiling 22 21 VERMEIL, to colour r...
vermeilled 22 20 VERMEIL, to colour r...
vermeilles 22 19 VERMEILLE [n]
vermicelli 26 22 (Italian) a very sle...
vermicidal 25 22 suitable for killing...
vermicides 24 21 VERMICIDE, a substan...
vermicular 25 22 resembling a worm in...
vermicules 25 22 VERMICULE, a small w...
vermifugal 25 24 serving to expel wor...
vermifuges 24 23 VERMIFUGE, a medicin...
vermilions 21 19 VERMILION, to make v...
vermilling 24 22 VERMIL, to colour re...
vermillion 22 20 bright red [adj] / a...
verminated 19 19 VERMINATE, to breed...
verminates 19 18 VERMINATE, to breed...
vernacular 22 20 indigenous, native,...
vernalised 19 17 VERNALISE, to cause...
vernalises 19 16 VERNALISE, to cause...
vernalized 22 26 VERNALIZE, to cause...
vernalizes 22 25 VERNALIZE, to cause...
vernations 17 16 VERNATION, the arran...
vernissage 19 17 (French) a private s...
versicolor 23 18 of variable or vario...
versicular 24 19 of or in verse [adj]
versifiers 22 17 VERSIFIER, a maker o...
versifying 29 22 VERSIFY, to change f...
versioners 18 15 VERSIONER, the produ...
versioning 19 18 the adaptation of cl...
versionist 19 15 the producer of a ve...
vertebrate 20 17 a backboned animal,...
vertically 31 21 VERTICAL, upright [a...
vertigines 20 17 VERTIGO, dizziness [...
vertiports 22 17 VERTIPORT, an airpor...
vesicating 23 20 VESICATE, to blister...
vesication 21 18 the process of vesic...
vesicatory 28 19 blistering [adj] / a...
vesiculate 23 19 to become vesicular...
vesiculose 23 19 in the form of a ves...
vespertine 20 18 of or pertaining to...
vespiaries 21 17 VESPIARY, a nest of...
vestiaries 19 14 VESTIARY, a dressing...
vestibular 23 19 of or pertaining to...
vestibuled 23 20 VESTIBULE, to provid...
vestibules 23 19 VESTIBULE, to provid...
vestibulum 25 23 (Latin) a cavity int...
vestiments 20 18 VESTIMENT, (obsolete...
vestitures 20 15 VESTITURE, clothes [...
vestmental 20 19 relating to a vestme...
vestmented 19 19 wearing a vestment [...
vetchlings 27 23 VETCHLING, any small...
veterinary 24 17 a person trained in...
vetturinos 19 16 VETTURINO, (Italian)...
vexingness 25 25 the state of being v...
vibracular 26 22 of or like a vibracu...
vibraculum 28 26 (Latin) one of the m...
vibraharps 26 22 VIBRAHARP, an instru...
vibrancies 24 21 VIBRANCY, the state...
vibraphone 24 23 an instrument having...
vibrations 21 18 VIBRATION, a vibrati...
vibrograph 27 24 an instrument for re...
vibrometer 22 20 an instrument for me...
vicaresses 22 17 VICARESS, a vicar's...
vicariance 24 21 fragmentation of the...
vicariants 22 18 VICARIANT, a species...
vicariates 22 17 VICARIATE, the offic...
vicarships 28 22 VICARSHIP, the offic...
vicegerent 22 20 acting in place of a...
viceregent 22 20 a substitute for a r...
vicereines 21 18 VICEREINE, (French)...
vichyssois 32 21 (French) of the Vich...
vicinities 23 18 VICINITY, the region...
vicomtesse 23 20 (French) a female vi...
victimhood 26 23 the state of being a...
victimised 25 21 VICTIMISE, to make a...
victimiser 25 20 one who victimises,...
victimises 25 20 VICTIMISE, to make a...
victimized 28 30 VICTIMIZE, to make a...
victimizer 28 29 one who victimises,...
victimizes 28 29 VICTIMIZE, to make a...
victimless 26 21 having no victim [ad...
victoriana 21 18 bric-�-brac and othe...
victorines 22 18 VICTORINE, (French)...
victorious 23 18 having won a victory...
victresses 23 17 VICTRESS, a female v...
victualage 24 21 provisions, also VIC...
victualers 24 19 VICTUALER, one who f...
victualing 25 22 VICTUAL, to provide...
victualled 25 21 VICTUAL, to provide...
victualler 25 20 one who furnishes vi...
videodiscs 23 19 VIDEODISC, a compact...
videodisks 21 20 VIDEODISK, a compact...
videograms 21 20 VIDEOGRAM, a commerc...
videolands 19 18 VIDEOLAND, televisio...
videophile 24 21 a lover of videos [n...
videophone 21 21 a telephone equipped...
videotaped 20 19 VIDEOTAPE, to record...
videotapes 20 18 VIDEOTAPE, to record...
videotexes 24 22 VIDEOTEX, an electro...
videotexts 25 22 VIDEOTEXT, a system...
viewership 27 22 a programme's viewer...
viewfinder 24 22 a device on a camera...
viewlessly 31 21 VIEWLESS, having no...
viewphones 25 23 VIEWPHONE, a phone t...
viewpoints 24 21 VIEWPOINT, a place o...
vigilances 24 21 VIGILANCE, the state...
vigilantes 21 18 VIGILANTE, (Spanish)...
vigilantly 29 21 VIGILANT, watchful [...
vignetters 20 17 VIGNETTER, one who m...
vignetting 21 20 the art of making vi...
vignettist 21 17 one who paints vigne...
vigorishes 23 18 VIGORISH, (Yiddish)...
vigorously 28 20 VIGOROUS, full of vi...
vikingisms 24 24 VIKINGISM, the pract...
vildnesses 20 17 VILDNESS, the state...
vilenesses 19 16 VILENESS, the state...
vilipended 22 21 VILIPEND, (Latin) to...
vilipender 22 20 one who vilipends, t...
villagioes 22 18 VILLAGIO, (Scott) a...
villagrees 22 18 VILLAGREE, (Shakespe...
villainage 21 19 the state of being a...
villainess 21 17 a woman who is a vil...
villainies 21 17 VILLAINY, conduct ch...
villainous 21 18 like a villain, also...
villanages 21 19 VILLANAGE, the state...
villanella 22 19 an old rustic dance,...
villanelle 22 19 (French) a poem cons...
villeinage 21 19 the state of being a...
villenages 21 19 VILLENAGE, the state...
villiacoes 24 19 VILLIACO, (Shakespea...
villiagoes 22 18 VILLIAGO, (Shakespea...
vindemiate 19 19 (archaic) to gather...
vindicable 25 23 capable of being vin...
vindicated 22 20 VINDICATE, to justif...
vindicates 22 19 VINDICATE, to justif...
vindicator 22 19 one who vindicates [...
vindictive 25 23 disposed to seek rev...
vinegaring 20 20 VINEGAR, to treat wi...
vinegarish 22 19 like vinegar [adj]
viniferous 21 19 wine-producing [adj]
vinologies 20 18 VINOLOGY, the study...
vinologist 21 18 a student of vinolog...
vinosities 19 15 VINOSITY, the charac...
vintagings 21 20 VINTAGING, gathering...
vinylidene 25 20 a bivalent radical,...
violaceous 22 19 violet-coloured [adj...
violations 19 16 VIOLATION, the act o...
violenting 20 19 VIOLENT, (obsolete)...
violinists 21 16 VIOLINIST, one who p...
viosterols 20 15 VIOSTEROL, a type of...
viperiform 25 23 shaped like a snake...
viperishly 32 22 VIPERISH, like a vip...
viperously 29 21 VIPEROUS, having the...
viraginian 19 18 of or pertaining to...
viraginous 20 18 of or pertaining to...
viralities 21 15 VIRALITY, the state...
vireonines 17 16 VIREONINE, a bird of...
virescence 24 21 the act or state of...
virginally 29 21 VIRGINAL, like a vir...
virginhood 22 20 virginity [n -S]
virginiums 23 21 VIRGINIUM, a name pr...
viridities 21 15 VIRIDITY, the state...
virilising 23 18 VIRILISE, to introdu...
virilities 22 15 VIRILITY, the state...
virilizing 26 27 VIRILIZE, to introdu...
virologies 21 17 VIROLOGY, the study...
virologist 22 17 a student of virolog...
virtualise 21 16 to make virtual, als...
virtualism 23 19 the doctrine of Chri...
virtualist 22 16 one who believes in...
virtuality 28 18 the state of being v...
virtualize 24 25 to make virtual, als...
virtueless 21 16 destitute of virtue...
virtuosity 27 17 exceptional technica...
virtuously 28 19 VIRTUOUS, characteri...
virulences 23 20 VIRULENCE, the state...
virulently 28 20 VIRULENT, extremely...
visagistes 21 16 VISAGISTE, an expert...
viscachera 27 22 (Spanish) a settleme...
viscerally 31 21 VISCERAL, pertaining...
viscerated 22 18 VISCERATE, to depriv...
viscerates 22 17 VISCERATE, to depriv...
viscidness 23 19 the state of being v...
viscometer 23 20 an instrument for me...
viscometry 30 22 the measurement of v...
viscountcy 32 24 the rank or office o...
visibility 31 20 the state of being v...
visiogenic 23 20 suitable for transmi...
visionally 27 19 VISIONAL, imaginary...
visionings 20 18 VISIONING, the act o...
visionists 20 15 VISIONIST, a visiona...
visionless 20 16 destitute of vision;...
visiophone 22 20 a videophone [n -S]
visitation 19 15 a visit [n -S]
visitative 22 18 relating to visitati...
visitators 20 14 VISITATOR, an offici...
visitorial 21 15 of or like a visitor...
visualised 21 17 VISUALISE, to call u...
visualiser 21 16 one who visualises,...
visualises 21 16 VISUALISE, to call u...
visualists 22 16 VISUALIST, a visuali...
visualized 24 26 VISUALIZE, to call u...
visualizer 24 25 one who visualizes,...
visualizes 24 25 VISUALIZE, to call u...
vitalisers 21 15 VITALISER, something...
vitalising 22 18 VITALISE, to give li...
vitalistic 25 18 pertaining to vitali...
vitalities 21 15 VITALITY, exuberant...
vitalizers 24 24 VITALIZER, something...
vitalizing 25 27 VITALIZE, to give li...
vitaminise 20 18 to add vitamins to e...
vitaminize 23 27 to add vitamins to e...
vitascopes 24 20 VITASCOPE, a moving...
vitellicle 26 20 a yolk-sac [n -S]
vitellines 21 17 VITELLINE, a vitellu...
vitelluses 22 17 VITELLUS, the yolk o...
vitiations 19 15 VITIATION, spoiling,...
viticetums 25 21 VITICETUM, a plantat...
viticolous 24 19 living on vines [adj...
vitiferous 22 18 bearing vines [adj]
vitrailled 22 17 fitted with vitrail,...
vitrectomy 30 22 the surgical removal...
vitreosity 26 16 the state of being v...
vitreouses 19 15 VITREOUS, the jelly...
vitreously 27 18 VITREOUS, glassy [ad...
vitrescent 22 18 tending to become gl...
vitrifying 30 22 VITRIFY, to convert...
vitriolate 20 15 to convert into, or...
vitrioling 22 18 VITRIOL, to treat wi...
vitriolise 21 15 to treat with vitrio...
vitriolize 24 24 to treat with vitrio...
vitriolled 22 17 VITRIOL, to treat wi...
vituperate 21 18 to abuse or censure...
vivacities 25 21 VIVACITY, the state...
vivandiere 20 20 (French) a (female)...
vivandiers 21 20 VIVANDIER, (French)...
viverrines 21 19 VIVERRINE, a member...
vivianites 21 19 VIVIANITE, ferrous p...
vividities 23 19 VIVIDITY, the state...
viviparies 24 21 VIVIPARY, plants tha...
viviparism 26 24 the bringing forth o...
viviparity 31 23 the state of being v...
viviparous 24 22 producing live young...
vivisected 25 22 VIVISECT, to dissect...
vivisector 25 21 one who vivisects [n...
vixenishly 35 27 VIXENISH, bad-temper...
vizierates 22 23 VIZIERATE, the offic...
viziership 28 28 the office of vizier...
vizirships 29 28 VIZIRSHIP, the offic...
vocabulary 31 24 a list or collection...
vocabulist 26 22 the writer or maker...
vocalisers 23 18 VOCALISER, one who v...
vocalising 24 21 VOCALISE, to produce...
vocalities 23 18 VOCALITY, the posses...
vocalizers 26 27 VOCALIZER, one who v...
vocalizing 27 30 VOCALIZE, to produce...
vocational 21 19 relating to a vocati...
vocatively 31 24 VOCATIVE, relating t...
vociferant 23 21 clamorous [adj] / a...
vociferate 23 20 to cry out with a lo...
vociferous 24 21 marked by or given t...
vodcasters 22 18 VODCASTER, one who m...
vodcasting 23 21 the creation and pro...
voetganger 19 19 (Dutch) a locust bef...
voetstoets 18 14 (Afrikaans) denoting...
voetstoots 18 14 (Afrikaans) denoting...
voicemails 24 21 VOICEMAIL, the facil...
voiceovers 23 21 VOICEOVER, a spoken...
voiceprint 24 21 an electronically re...
voidnesses 18 16 VOIDNESS, the state...
voisinages 19 17 VOISINAGE, (obsolete...
voituriers 20 15 VOITURIER, (French)...
volatilise 21 16 to make volatile, al...
volatility 28 18 the state of being v...
volatilize 24 25 to make volatile, al...
volcanised 22 20 VOLCANISE, to subjec...
volcanises 22 19 VOLCANISE, to subjec...
volcanisms 24 22 VOLCANISM, volcanic...
volcanists 23 19 VOLCANIST, one verse...
volcanized 25 29 VOLCANIZE, to subjec...
volcanizes 25 28 VOLCANIZE, to subjec...
volitating 21 18 VOLITATE, to fly abo...
volitation 19 16 flying, flight [n -S...
volitional 20 17 relating to volition...
volitorial 21 16 able to fly [adj]
volksraads 21 20 VOLKSRAAD, (Afrikaan...
volleyball 31 23 a game played by vol...
volplaning 23 23 VOLPLANE, to glide i...
voltameter 20 18 an instrument for me...
voltigeurs 22 18 VOLTIGEUR, (French)...
voltinisms 22 19 VOLTINISM, the numbe...
voltmeters 21 18 VOLTMETER, an instru...
volubility 31 22 the state of being v...
volumeters 21 19 VOLUMETER, an instru...
volumetric 25 22 of or pertaining to...
voluminous 21 21 bulky, filling much...
volumisers 22 19 VOLUMISER, an agent...
volumising 23 22 VOLUMISE, to give ex...
volumizers 25 28 VOLUMIZER, an agent...
volumizing 26 31 VOLUMIZE, to give ex...
volunteers 19 17 VOLUNTEER, to offer...
voluptuary 29 22 a sensualist; a pers...
voluptuous 23 21 given up to luxury;...
volutation 19 17 the action of rollin...
volvuluses 24 22 VOLVULUS, a twisting...
vomitories 20 17 VOMITORY, an opening...
vomitorium 22 21 (Latin) an opening i...
voodooisms 19 18 VOODOOISM, the belie...
voodooists 18 15 VOODOOIST, a practit...
voorkamers 20 21 VOORKAMER, (Afrikaan...
voracities 22 17 VORACITY, greed [n]
voraginous 19 18 relating to a vorago...
vortically 31 21 VORTICAL, like a vor...
vorticella 24 19 a sessile protozoan...
vorticisms 25 20 VORTICISM, a British...
vorticists 24 17 VORTICIST, a painter...
vorticular 24 19 like a vortex, whirl...
votaresses 18 14 VOTARESS, a female v...
votiveness 20 19 the state of being v...
vouchering 25 23 VOUCHER, to establis...
vouchsafed 26 24 VOUCHSAFE, to grant...
vouchsafes 26 23 VOUCHSAFE, to grant...
voussoired 19 16 VOUSSOIR, to constru...
voutsafing 22 21 VOUTSAFE, (Milton) t...
vowelising 24 21 VOWELISE, to use as...
vowelizing 27 30 VOWELIZE, to use as...
voyageable 27 22 that may be sailed o...
voyeurisms 27 20 VOYEURISM, the deriv...
vraickings 25 24 VRAICKING, the gathe...
vrystaters 26 16 VRYSTATER, (South Af...
vulcanised 23 21 VULCANISE, to change...
vulcaniser 23 20 an apparatus for vul...
vulcanises 23 20 VULCANISE, to change...
vulcanisms 25 23 VULCANISM, volcanic...
vulcanists 24 20 VULCANIST, one verse...
vulcanites 23 20 VULCANITE, hard rubb...
vulcanized 26 30 VULCANIZE, to change...
vulcanizer 26 29 an apparatus for vul...
vulcanizes 26 29 VULCANIZE, to change...
vulgarians 21 19 VULGARIAN, a vulgar...
vulgarised 22 19 VULGARISE, to make v...
vulgariser 22 18 one who vulgarises,...
vulgarises 22 18 VULGARISE, to make v...
vulgarisms 24 21 VULGARISM, a coarse,...
vulgarized 25 28 VULGARIZE, to make v...
vulgarizer 25 27 one who vulgarizes,...
vulgarizes 25 27 VULGARIZE, to make v...
vulnerable 22 21 that can be hurt [ad...
vulnerably 29 23 VULNERABLE, that can...
vulnerated 19 18 VULNERATE, (obsolete...
vulnerates 19 17 VULNERATE, (obsolete...
vulpecular 27 24 resembling or charac...
vulpicides 27 23 VULPICIDE, the killi...
vulpinisms 25 23 VULPINISM, foxlike c...
vulpinites 23 20 VULPINITE, a granula...
vulturisms 24 20 VULTURISM, (Carlyle)...
vulvitises 24 20 VULVITIS, inflammati...