10 letter words that starts with g

10 letter words that start with G

10 letter G word


Word With Friends


gabapentin 20 20 an anti-epileptic dr...
gabardines 19 17 GABARDINE, a closely...
gabblement 23 23 gabbling [n -S]
gabbroitic 26 21 of or like gabbro, a...
gaberdines 19 17 GABERDINE, a closely...
gabionades 18 17 GABIONADE, (French)...
gabionages 19 18 GABIONAGE, the part...
gabionnade 17 18 a traverse made with...
gadgeteers 18 15 GADGETEER, someone w...
gadgetries 19 15 GADGETRY, the devisi...
gadolinite 18 15 a mineral of a nearl...
gadolinium 20 19 a rare metallic elem...
gadrooning 17 17 ornamentation with g...
gadzookery 27 28 the use of archaisms...
gaelicised 22 17 GAELICISE, to render...
gaelicises 22 16 GAELICISE, to render...
gaelicisms 24 19 GAELICISM, the Gaeli...
gaelicized 25 26 GAELICIZE, to render...
gaelicizes 25 25 GAELICIZE, to render...
gaillardia 20 15 a North American gar...
gaingiving 22 22 (Shakespeare) a misg...
gainliness 18 15 the state of being g...
gainsayers 23 15 GAINSAYER, one who g...
gainsaying 24 18 the act of gainsayin...
gainstrive 20 17 (obsolete) to strive...
gainstrove 19 17 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
gaiterless 19 13 without gaiters [adj...
galabiyahs 29 20 GALABIYAH, an Arab c...
galacticos 25 19 GALACTICO, an intern...
galactoses 21 16 GALACTOSE, a sugar o...
galactosyl 29 19 a glycosyl radical d...
galantines 17 15 GALANTINE, a prepara...
galavanted 19 19 GALAVANT, to roam ab...
galdragons 19 17 GALDRAGON, (obsolete...
galengales 19 17 GALENGALE, the aroma...
galenicals 22 18 GALENICAL, a remedy...
galimatias 20 16 nonsensical talk; gi...
galingales 20 17 GALINGALE, the aroma...
galiongees 18 16 GALIONGEE, (Turkish)...
galivanted 20 19 GALIVANT, to roam ab...
gallabeahs 23 19 GALLABEAH, (Arabic)...
gallabiahs 24 19 GALLABIAH, (Arabic)...
gallabiehs 24 19 GALLABIEH, (Arabic)...
gallabiyah 30 21 (Arabic) a cloak wit...
gallabiyas 28 19 GALLABIYA, (Arabic)...
gallabiyeh 30 21 (Arabic) a cloak wit...
gallamines 20 18 GALLAMINE, an ammoni...
gallantest 19 15 GALLANT, chivalrous...
gallanting 20 18 GALLANT, to court a...
galleasses 19 14 GALLEASS, a large wa...
gallerists 21 14 GALLERIST, a person...
gallerying 27 19 GALLERY, to provide...
galleryite 26 16 a person who frequen...
galliambic 27 23 a classical metre [n...
galliasses 20 14 GALLIASS, a large wa...
gallicised 24 18 GALLICISE, to make F...
gallicises 24 17 GALLICISE, to make F...
gallicisms 26 20 GALLICISM, a French...
gallicized 27 27 GALLICIZE, to make F...
gallicizes 27 26 GALLICIZE, to make F...
gallinazos 22 24 GALLINAZO, (Spanish)...
gallinules 21 17 GALLINULE, any of va...
gallisised 21 15 GALLISISE, in wine-m...
gallisises 21 14 GALLISISE, in wine-m...
gallisized 24 24 GALLISIZE, in wine-m...
gallisizes 24 23 GALLISIZE, in wine-m...
gallivants 22 19 GALLIVANT, to roam a...
galliwasps 26 20 GALLIWASP, a West In...
galloglass 22 17 (Irish) the irregula...
gallonages 19 17 GALLONAGE, an amount...
gallopaded 21 19 GALLOPADE, to dance...
gallopades 21 18 GALLOPADE, (French)...
gallstones 19 15 GALLSTONE, a concret...
gallumphed 26 24 GALLUMPH, to move wi...
galravaged 21 20 GALRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
galravages 21 19 GALRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
galravitch 27 22 (Scots) to behave ri...
galumphers 25 22 GALUMPHER, one who g...
galumphing 26 25 GALUMPH, to move wit...
galvanical 24 22 pertaining to direct...
galvanised 20 19 GALVANISE, to subjec...
galvaniser 20 18 a galvanising agent,...
galvanises 20 18 GALVANISE, to subjec...
galvanisms 22 21 GALVANISM, the produ...
galvanists 21 18 GALVANIST, one who e...
galvanized 23 28 GALVANIZE, to subjec...
galvanizer 23 27 a galvanising agent,...
galvanizes 23 27 GALVANIZE, to subjec...
gamahuched 26 24 GAMAHUCHE, to practi...
gamahuches 26 23 GAMAHUCHE, to practi...
gamaruched 24 22 GAMARUCHE, to practi...
gamaruches 24 21 GAMARUCHE, to practi...
gambadoing 21 22 GAMBADO, to frolic [...
gambolling 24 23 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gamefishes 23 20 GAMEFISH, a fish cau...
gamekeeper 20 22 a person in charge o...
gamenesses 17 16 GAMENESS, the qualit...
gamesomely 26 21 GAMESOME, playful, m...
gametangia 18 18 GAMETANGIUM, an orga...
gametocyte 27 20 a cell that divides...
gametogeny 24 20 the formation and ma...
gamineries 18 16 GAMINERIE, (French)...
gaminesque 26 26 playful; impish; boy...
gaminesses 18 16 GAMINESS, the condit...
gammocking 25 28 GAMMOCK, (dialect) t...
gammonings 20 22 GAMMONING [n]
gamotropic 24 21 relating to gamotrop...
gamynesses 24 18 GAMYNESS, the condit...
ganderisms 19 17 GANDERISM, behaviour...
gangbanged 20 22 GANGBANG, to carry o...
gangbanger 20 21 one involved in a ga...
gangboards 20 19 GANGBOARD, a gangway...
gangbuster 21 19 a special police age...
gangliated 19 17 having a ganglion or...
gangliform 23 22 in the form of a gan...
ganglionic 22 20 pertaining to, conta...
gangmaster 19 18 a person who recruit...
gangplanks 22 24 GANGPLANK, a plank b...
gangrening 18 19 GANGRENE, to suffer...
gangrenous 17 17 of or like gangrene...
gannetries 16 14 GANNETRY, a breeding...
gannisters 17 14 GANNISTER, a flintli...
gantelopes 19 17 GANTELOPE, an armour...
gantleting 19 17 GANTLET, to protect...
gaolbreaks 21 20 GAOLBREAK [n]
gaolbroken 20 21 GAOLBREAK, to break...
garagistes 19 14 GARAGISTE, a garage...
garbageman 20 21 one who collects and...
garbagemen 20 21 GARBAGEMAN, one who...
gardenfuls 21 19 GARDENFUL, the conte...
gardenings 18 17 GARDENING, the activ...
gardenless 18 15 without a garden [ad...
garderobes 19 16 GARDEROBE, (historic...
gargantuan 17 17 very large [adj]
gargantuas 18 16 GARGANTUA, a monster...
gargarised 19 15 GARGARISE, (obsolete...
gargarises 19 14 GARGARISE, (obsolete...
gargarisms 21 17 GARGARISM, (obsolete...
gargarized 22 24 GARGARIZE, (obsolete...
gargarizes 22 23 GARGARIZE, (obsolete...
gargoylism 28 20 a rare condition cha...
garibaldis 22 17 GARIBALDI, (Italian)...
garishness 20 15 the quality of being...
garlandage 18 17 (Tennyson) a decorat...
garlanding 19 18 GARLAND, to crown wi...
garlickier 24 20 GARLICKY, tasting or...
garlicking 25 23 GARLIC, to flavour w...
garmenting 19 19 GARMENT, to dress in...
garmenture 18 17 clothing, dress [n -...
garnierite 17 13 a hydrous silicate o...
garnisheed 19 16 GARNISHEE, to make s...
garnishees 19 15 GARNISHEE, to make s...
garnishers 20 15 GARNISHER, one who,...
garnishing 21 18 decoration with orna...
garnishors 20 15 GARNISHOR, one who,...
garnitures 18 14 GARNITURE, (French)...
garottings 19 15 GAROTTING, the act o...
garreteers 17 12 GARRETEER, (archaic)...
garrisoned 17 14 GARRISON, to assign...
garrotters 18 12 GARROTTER, one who g...
garrotting 19 15 the act of stranglin...
garryowens 26 18 GARRYOWEN, in rugby,...
gasbagging 23 22 GASBAG, to talk a lo...
gasconaded 19 18 GASCONADE, to boast...
gasconader 19 17 a great boaster; a b...
gasconades 19 17 GASCONADE, (French)...
gasconisms 22 19 GASCONISM, boastfuln...
gashliness 21 16 ghastliness [n -ES]
gasholders 21 16 GASHOLDER, a storage...
gasifiable 23 19 that can be gasified...
gasometers 18 15 GASOMETER, an instru...
gasometric 22 18 relating to the meas...
gaspereaus 19 16 GASPEREAU, (French)...
gaspereaux 25 23 GASPEREAU, (French)...
gasteropod 19 16 any mollusc of the c...
gasthauser 20 15 GASTHAUS, (German) a...
gasthauses 20 15 GASTHAUS, (German) a...
gastnesses 17 13 GASTNESS, (Shakespea...
gastraeums 19 16 GASTRAEUM, the under...
gastralgia 20 15 pain in the stomach...
gastralgic 24 18 relating to gastralg...
gastrolith 22 15 a stone ingested by...
gastrology 26 17 good eating; cookery...
gastronome 17 16 a connoisseur of goo...
gastronomy 24 18 the study of fine di...
gastropods 20 16 GASTROPOD, a class o...
gastroporn 19 16 the representation o...
gastropubs 23 19 GASTROPUB, a pub tha...
gastrosoph 22 17 a person skilled in...
gastrotomy 25 17 a cutting into, or o...
gastrulate 19 14 relating to a gastru...
gatehouses 19 15 GATEHOUSE, a buildin...
gatekeeper 19 19 any of several Euras...
gatherable 22 18 that can be gathered...
gatherings 21 17 GATHERING, a coming...
gaucheness 22 19 the quality of being...
gaucheries 23 18 GAUCHERIE, (French)...
gauffering 23 22 make pleats with a g...
gauleiters 19 14 GAULEITER, (German)...
gaultheria 21 16 a genus of ericaceou...
gauntleted 18 16 GAUNTLET, to protect...
gaussmeter 19 16 an instrument for me...
gavelkinds 22 23 GAVELKIND, (archaic)...
gawkihoods 24 22 GAWKIHOOD, ungainlin...
gaycations 26 18 GAYCATION, a holiday...
gazehounds 22 26 GAZEHOUND, a hound t...
gazetteers 20 21 GAZETTEER, a writer...
gazillions 23 24 GAZILLION, an indefi...
gazumpings 26 31 GAZUMPING, the act o...
gazundered 20 25 GAZUNDER, to lower t...
gazunderer 20 24 one who gazunders [n...
gealousies 18 14 GEALOUSY, (Spenser)...
gearchange 22 20 a change of gears [n...
gearshifts 23 17 GEARSHIFT, a device...
gearsticks 23 19 GEARSTICK, a lever u...
gearwheels 23 18 GEARWHEEL, a wheel w...
geekspeaks 21 23 GEEKSPEAK, the jargo...
gefuffling 27 26 GEFUFFLE, to make a...
gehlenites 20 16 GEHLENITE, a mineral...
gelatinate 17 14 to convert into gela...
gelatinise 18 14 to make into gelatin...
gelatinize 21 23 to convert into gela...
gelatinoid 18 15 a substance resembli...
gelatinous 18 15 of a slimy, clear st...
gelidities 20 14 GELIDITY, (obsolete)...
gelignites 20 16 GELIGNITE, a powerfu...
gelsemines 19 17 GELSEMINE, an alkalo...
gelsemiums 22 20 GELSEMIUM, a climbin...
geminately 25 19 GEMINATE, twinned [a...
geminating 19 19 GEMINATE, to arrange...
gemination 17 17 the act of geminatin...
gemmaceous 22 22 budlike, relating to...
gemmations 19 19 GEMMATION, budding o...
gemologies 20 18 GEMOLOGY, the study...
gemologist 21 18 one who studies gems...
gendarmery 24 19 the body of gendarme...
genderised 17 15 GENDERISE, to make d...
genderises 17 14 GENDERISE, to make d...
genderized 20 24 GENDERIZE, to make d...
genderizes 20 23 GENDERIZE, to make d...
genderless 18 15 having no gender [ad...
genealogic 21 19 relating to genealog...
genecology 27 21 the study of the gen...
generalate 16 14 the office of a gene...
generalise 17 14 to make a general st...
generalism 19 17 the practice of stud...
generalist 18 14 a person whose knowl...
generality 24 16 the state of being g...
generalize 20 23 to give a general fo...
generalled 18 16 GENERAL, to act as a...
generating 17 16 GENERATE, to bring i...
generation 15 14 a body of living bei...
generative 18 17 having the power or...
generators 16 13 GENERATOR, an appara...
generatrix 23 20 a line, point or fig...
generosity 23 15 the quality or fact...
generously 24 17 GENEROUS, willing to...
genethliac 23 19 (obsolete) pertainin...
geneticist 21 16 a student of genetic...
genetrices 20 16 GENETRIX, a mother,...
genetrixes 23 20 GENETRIX, a mother,...
genevrette 18 17 a wine made from wil...
genialised 18 15 GENIALISE, to impart...
genialises 18 14 GENIALISE, to impart...
genialized 21 24 GENIALIZE, to impart...
genializes 21 23 GENIALIZE, to impart...
genialness 17 15 the quality of being...
geniculate 21 18 jointed [adj GENICUL...
genisteins 17 14 GENISTEIN, a plant o...
genitalial 19 15 relating to the geni...
genitively 27 20 GENITIVE, indicating...
genitrices 21 16 GENITRIX, a mother,...
genitrixes 24 20 GENITRIX, a mother,...
genlocking 23 24 GENLOCK, to maintain...
genophobia 22 21 the morbid fear of s...
gensdarmes 18 17 GENDARME, a French p...
gentamicin 21 20 a broad-spectrum ant...
genteelest 17 14 GENTEEL, well-bred o...
genteelise 17 14 to make genteel or f...
genteelish 20 16 somewhat genteel [ad...
genteelism 19 17 being genteel [n -S]
genteelize 20 23 to make genteel or f...
gentilesse 18 14 (obsolete) gentlenes...
gentilised 19 15 GENTILISE, (archaic)...
gentilises 19 14 GENTILISE, (archaic)...
gentilisms 21 17 GENTILISM, paganism,...
gentilized 22 24 GENTILIZE, (archaic)...
gentilizes 22 23 GENTILIZE, (archaic)...
gentlefolk 22 22 persons of gentle or...
gentlehood 19 17 (archaic) position o...
gentleness 17 15 the state of being g...
gentrified 20 17 GENTRIFY, to renew a...
gentrifier 20 16 one who gentrifies [...
gentrifies 20 16 GENTRIFY, to renew a...
genuflects 24 21 GENUFLECT, to bend t...
geobotanic 21 19 relating to geobotan...
geocachers 25 20 GEOCACHER, one who e...
geocaching 26 23 a treasure hunting g...
geocarpies 22 18 GEOCARPY, a ripening...
geocentric 23 19 having the earth for...
geochemist 24 20 one who studies the...
geocoronae 17 16 GEOCORONA, an outer...
geocoronas 18 16 GEOCORONA, an outer...
geodesical 21 17 of or pertaining to...
geodesists 18 13 GEODESIST, one verse...
geodetical 21 17 of or pertaining to...
geodynamic 27 22 related to geodynami...
geognosies 17 15 GEOGNOSY, a branch o...
geognostic 21 18 relating to geognosy...
geographer 22 19 a specialist in geog...
geographic 26 22 of or relating to ge...
geolatries 18 13 GEOLATRY, earth-wors...
geologians 18 16 GEOLOGIAN, a geologi...
geological 23 19 relating to geology,...
geologised 19 16 GEOLOGISE, to engage...
geologises 19 15 GEOLOGISE, to engage...
geologists 20 15 GEOLOGIST, one who s...
geologized 22 25 GEOLOGIZE, to engage...
geologizes 22 24 GEOLOGIZE, to engage...
geomancers 20 19 GEOMANCER, one who p...
geomancies 20 19 GEOMANCY, telling th...
geomedical 22 20 relating to geomedic...
geometrics 22 18 the study of simple...
geometrids 19 16 GEOMETRID, any moth...
geometries 18 15 GEOMETRY, a branch o...
geometrise 18 15 to work geometricall...
geometrist 19 15 one who practises ge...
geometrize 21 24 to work geometricall...
geomorphic 26 23 earth-shaped [adj]
geophagias 22 19 GEOPHAGIA, the pract...
geophagies 22 19 GEOPHAGY, the practi...
geophagism 24 22 the act or habit of...
geophagist 23 19 one who eats earth,...
geophagous 22 20 earth-eating [adj]
geophilous 23 19 living in or near th...
geophysics 32 22 the study of the ear...
geoponical 22 20 of or relating to ag...
georgettes 18 14 GEORGETTE, (French)...
geoscience 22 19 a science, such as g...
geospatial 20 16 of or relating to th...
geospheres 21 17 GEOSPHERE, the solid...
geostatics 21 15 GEOSTATIC [n]
geotagging 20 19 GEOTAG, to assign a...
geotechnic 25 21 relating to geotechn...
geotextile 24 20 any strong synthetic...
geothermal 21 18 relating to the inte...
geothermic 24 20 related to the inter...
geotropism 21 18 a disposition to tur...
geratology 25 17 the branch of medici...
gerfalcons 23 20 GERFALCON, a heavy,...
geriatrics 22 15 GERIATRIC, an old pe...
geriatrist 19 12 one specialising in...
germanders 18 17 GERMANDER, a plant o...
germanised 18 17 GERMANISE, to make G...
germanises 18 16 GERMANISE, to make G...
germanites 18 16 GERMANITE, a complex...
germaniums 20 20 GERMANIUM, a metalli...
germanized 21 26 GERMANIZE, to make G...
germanizes 21 25 GERMANIZE, to make G...
germicidal 24 20 of or relating to a...
germicides 23 19 GERMICIDE, a substan...
germinable 21 20 capable of being ger...
germinally 27 20 GERMINAL, being in t...
germinated 18 17 GERMINATE, to sprout...
germinates 18 16 GERMINATE, to sprout...
germinator 18 16 one who germinates [...
germplasms 24 22 GERMPLASM, plant gen...
gerundival 21 20 relating to a gerund...
gerundives 20 19 GERUNDIVE, a Latin v...
gesneriads 17 14 GESNERIAD, a plant o...
gessamines 18 16 GESSAMINE, (Milton)...
gestaltism 21 16 gestalt psychology [...
gestaltist 20 13 an adherent of gesta...
gestations 17 13 GESTATION, the proce...
gesturally 27 17 GESTURAL, of or rela...
gesundheit 20 17 (German) your health...
getterings 19 15 GETTERING, the act o...
geyserites 24 14 GEYSERITE, a deposit...
ghastfully 32 22 GHASTFUL, (Spenser)...
ghastliest 22 15 GHASTLY, like a ghos...
ghettoised 20 15 GHETTOISE, to confin...
ghettoises 20 14 GHETTOISE, to confin...
ghettoized 23 24 GHETTOIZE, to confin...
ghettoizes 23 23 GHETTOIZE, to confin...
ghostliest 22 15 GHOSTLY, relating to...
ghostwrite 24 17 to write on behalf o...
ghostwrote 23 17 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
ghoulishly 32 21 GHOULISH, like a gho...
giantesses 17 13 GIANTESS, a female g...
gianthoods 19 16 GIANTHOOD, the state...
giantliest 19 14 GIANTLY, like a gian...
giantships 23 18 GIANTSHIP, the state...
giardiases 18 13 GIARDIASIS, a diseas...
giardiasis 19 13 a disease spread by...
gibbetting 24 21 GIBBET, to execute b...
giftedness 20 17 the state of being g...
gigacycles 33 23 GIGACYCLE, one billi...
gigantisms 21 18 GIGANTISM, a tendenc...
gigglesome 22 20 inclined to giggle,...
gigglingly 31 23 GIGGLING [adv]
gildswoman 23 21 a female member of a...
gildswomen 23 21 GILDSWOMAN, a female...
gillflirts 26 18 GILLFLIRT, (archaic)...
gillnetted 20 16 GILLNET, to catch fi...
gillnetter 20 15 a fisherman who uses...
gillravage 23 20 (Scots) to behave ri...
gilravaged 22 20 GILRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
gilravager 22 19 (Scots) a riotous pe...
gilravages 22 19 GILRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
gilravitch 28 22 (Scots) to behave ri...
gilsonites 19 14 GILSONITE, (tradenam...
gimballing 25 23 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimmickier 26 25 GIMMICKY, having or...
gimmicking 27 28 GIMMICK, to provide...
gingellies 21 17 GINGELLY, the sesame...
gingerades 18 16 GINGERADE, a carbona...
gingerroot 18 15 the root of the ging...
gingersnap 20 19 a gingerbread biscui...
gingivitis 23 19 inflammation of the...
ginglimoid 22 20 of or like a ginglym...
gipsyhoods 29 20 GIPSYHOOD, the state...
gipsyworts 31 20 GIPSYWORT, a hairy E...
girandolas 18 15 GIRANDOLA, (Italian)...
girandoles 18 15 GIRANDOLE, (French)...
girdlecake 23 21 a kind of scone, aka...
girlfriend 22 18 a female friend [n -...
girthlines 22 16 GIRTHLINE, a gantlin...
gittarones 17 13 GITTARONE, (Italian)...
gitterning 19 16 GITTERN, to play a m...
glacialist 24 17 a person who studies...
glaciating 23 19 GLACIATE, to cover w...
glaciation 21 17 the formation, advan...
glaciology 30 21 the study of ice age...
gladdeners 18 16 GLADDENER, one who g...
gladdening 19 19 GLADDEN, to make gla...
gladiators 19 14 GLADIATOR, in ancien...
gladiatory 25 16 (obsolete) of or lik...
gladnesses 18 15 GLADNESS, the state...
gladsomely 27 20 GLADSOME, feeling pl...
gladsomest 20 17 GLADSOME, feeling pl...
gladstones 18 15 GLADSTONE, a four-wh...
glairiness 19 14 the state of being g...
glamorised 20 17 GLAMORISE, to make g...
glamoriser 20 16 one who glamorises,...
glamorises 20 16 GLAMORISE, to make g...
glamorized 23 26 GLAMORIZE, to make g...
glamorizer 23 25 one who glamorizes,...
glamorizes 23 25 GLAMORIZE, to make g...
glamouring 21 20 GLAMOUR, to bewitch,...
glamourise 20 17 to make glamorous, a...
glamourize 23 26 to make glamorous, a...
glamourous 20 18 having glamour, also...
glancingly 30 23 GLANCING, sliding of...
glanderous 18 16 of or pertaining to...
glandiform 22 21 gland-shaped; acorn-...
glandulous 20 18 containing glands; p...
glasnostic 22 17 in the spirit of gla...
glasscloth 26 19 a cloth for cleaning...
glasshouse 21 16 a military detention...
glassified 22 17 GLASSIFY, to become...
glassifies 22 16 GLASSIFY, to become...
glassiness 19 14 the state of being g...
glassmaker 21 20 one that makes glass...
glasspaper 23 19 to sand with glasspa...
glasswares 22 16 GLASSWARE, ware, or...
glassworks 24 20 GLASSWORK, articles...
glassworms 24 19 GLASSWORM, the larva...
glassworts 23 16 GLASSWORT, a spinach...
glauberite 21 17 a greyish-white mine...
glauconite 21 18 a mineral now formin...
glaucously 30 21 GLAUCOUS, sea-green;...
glazieries 22 22 GLAZIERY, the work o...
gleamingly 28 22 GLEAMING, shining [a...
gleemaiden 18 18 (obsolete) a female...
glegnesses 19 16 GLEGNESS, alertness...
gleisation 18 14 the process of formi...
gleization 21 23 the process of formi...
glendoveer 19 19 (Southey) a heavenly...
glibnesses 21 17 GLIBNESS, the qualit...
glidepaths 24 19 GLIDEPATH, the path...
glimmering 23 22 shining faintly [adj...
gliomatous 20 17 relating to a glioma...
glissaders 20 14 GLISSADER, one who g...
glissading 21 17 GLISSADE, to perform...
glissandos 19 15 GLISSANDO, (Italian)...
glistening 20 17 GLISTEN, to sparkle...
glistering 21 16 GLISTER, (archaic) t...
glitchiest 26 18 GLITCHY, characteris...
glitterand 19 15 (Spenser) glittering...
glitterati 20 13 the society lions of...
glitterier 20 13 GLITTERY, glittering...
glittering 21 16 GLITTER, to sparkle...
glitziness 23 23 the quality of being...
gloatingly 27 19 GLOATING [adv]
globalised 22 18 GLOBALISE, to make g...
globalises 22 17 GLOBALISE, to make g...
globalisms 24 20 GLOBALISM, internati...
globalists 23 17 GLOBALIST, a person...
globalized 25 27 GLOBALIZE, to make g...
globalizes 25 26 GLOBALIZE, to make g...
globetrots 21 16 GLOBETROT, to travel...
globularly 30 21 GLOBULAR, spherical...
globulites 23 18 GLOBULITE, a rudimen...
glochidium 27 23 (Latin) the larva of...
glomerated 19 17 GLOMERATE, to gather...
glomerates 19 16 GLOMERATE, to gather...
glomerular 21 18 like a glomerulus, t...
glomerules 21 18 GLOMERULE, a cluster...
glomerulus 22 19 the bunch of looped...
gloomfully 31 24 GLOOMFUL, full of gl...
gloominess 19 17 the state of being g...
glorifiers 22 16 GLORIFIER, one who g...
glorifying 29 21 GLORIFY, to bestow h...
gloriously 27 17 GLORIOUS, magnificen...
glossarial 20 14 of or pertaining to...
glossaries 19 13 GLOSSARY, a list of...
glossarist 20 13 a writer of glosses...
glossators 19 13 GLOSSATOR, a writer...
glossiness 19 14 the state of being g...
glossingly 28 19 GLOSSING [adv]
glossology 27 18 (obsolete) the study...
glottidean 18 15 of or pertaining to...
glottology 27 18 the science of tongu...
gloveboxes 28 27 GLOVEBOX, a compartm...
glowsticks 28 23 GLOWSTICK, a plastic...
gluciniums 25 22 GLUCINIUM, a former...
gluconates 21 18 GLUCONATE, a salt or...
glucophore 26 22 a chemical group res...
glucosidal 24 19 of or like a glucosi...
glucosides 23 18 GLUCOSIDE, a glycosi...
glucosidic 27 21 of or like a glucosi...
glucosuria 23 18 a condition in which...
glucosuric 27 21 relating to glucosur...
glucuronic 26 22 as in glucuronic aci...
gluinesses 19 15 GLUINESS, the state...
glumaceous 23 21 like a glume, thin,...
glumnesses 20 18 GLUMNESS, the state...
glutamates 20 17 GLUTAMATE, a salt of...
glutamines 20 18 GLUTAMINE, a neutral...
glutaminic 24 21 as in glutamic acid,...
gluttingly 29 20 GLUTTING [adv]
gluttonies 19 15 GLUTTONY, excessive...
gluttonise 19 15 to eat to excess, al...
gluttonish 22 17 gluttonous, greedy [...
gluttonize 22 24 to eat to excess, al...
gluttonous 19 16 marked by or given t...
glycaemias 29 21 GLYCAEMIA, excessive...
glycations 28 19 GLYCATION, the bondi...
glycerides 29 19 GLYCERIDE, an ester...
glyceridic 33 22 like a glyceride, an...
glycerines 28 19 GLYCERINE, a non-tec...
glycocolls 34 23 GLYCOCOLL, another n...
glycogenic 32 24 of or containing gly...
glycolipid 33 23 a lipid that contain...
glycolyses 36 21 GLYCOLYSIS, the brea...
glycolysis 37 21 the breaking down of...
glycolytic 40 24 relating to glycolys...
glycophyte 39 25 any plant that will...
glycosides 29 19 GLYCOSIDE, any of a...
glycosidic 33 22 of or like a glycosi...
glycosuria 29 19 a condition in which...
glycosuric 33 22 relating to glycosur...
glyoxaline 31 24 any of a group of he...
glyptodont 27 20 any of a family of e...
gmelinites 20 17 GMELINITE, a rhomboh...
gnaphalium 24 23 a genus of composite...
gnashingly 28 21 GNASHING, grinding [...
gneissitic 22 16 of or like gneiss, a...
gnetophyte 27 20 a type of plant incl...
gnomically 30 23 GNOMICAL, resembling...
gnomonical 21 21 of or pertaining to...
gnoseology 24 18 the philosophy of kn...
gnosiology 25 18 the philosophy of kn...
gnosticism 23 19 the belief that free...
gnotobiote 18 16 a germfree animal [n...
goalkeeper 20 20 a player who defends...
goalkicker 24 24 a player who kicks a...
goalmouths 22 19 GOALMOUTH, the space...
goaltender 17 15 in some games, esp....
goatfishes 22 17 GOATFISH, a tropical...
goatsbeard 19 16 a plant with woolly...
goatsucker 22 20 the nightjar, a bird...
gobbelines 22 20 GOBBELINE, (Spenser)...
gobsmacked 25 26 (colloquial) taken a...
gobstopper 24 21 (colloquial) a large...
goddamming 21 23 GODDAM, to damn, als...
goddamning 19 21 GODDAMN, to damn, al...
godfathers 22 18 GODFATHER, to be a g...
godmothers 21 18 GODMOTHER, to act as...
godparents 19 17 GODPARENT, a person...
godrooning 17 17 ornamentation with g...
gofferings 23 21 GOFFERING, make plea...
goitrogens 18 15 GOITROGEN, a substan...
goldarning 19 18 GOLDARN, (colloquial...
goldbeater 20 17 one who beats gold i...
goldbricks 27 24 GOLDBRICK, a person...
goldcrests 23 17 GOLDCREST, a small b...
goldeneyes 23 17 GOLDENEYE, a kind of...
goldenness 17 16 the state of being g...
goldenrods 18 16 GOLDENROD, a dark go...
goldenseal 18 16 a North American pla...
goldfields 23 19 GOLDFIELD, a gold-pr...
goldfishes 24 19 GOLDFISH, a freshwat...
goldilocks 25 22 a species of butterc...
goldminers 20 18 GOLDMINER, one who m...
goldsmiths 24 19 GOLDSMITH, a worker...
goldspinks 23 22 GOLDSPINK, (Scots) t...
goldsticks 25 21 GOLDSTICK, a colonel...
goldstones 18 15 GOLDSTONE, a mineral...
goldthread 21 17 a North American woo...
goliardery 25 16 the satirical or rib...
goliardies 19 14 GOLIARDY, boisterous...
goliathise 21 15 to play Goliath, exa...
goliathize 24 24 to play Goliath, exa...
golliwoggs 26 21 GOLLIWOGG, a grotesq...
golomynkas 26 23 GOLOMYNKA, (Russian)...
goloptious 21 17 (slang) delicious, v...
goluptious 22 18 (slang) delicious, v...
gombeenism 21 22 the state of being a...
gondoliers 18 15 GONDOLIER, one who o...
gonenesses 15 14 GONENESS, a state of...
goniatites 17 13 GONIATITE, one of an...
goniometer 17 16 an instrument for me...
goniometry 24 18 the art of measuring...
gonioscope 21 19 an instrument used f...
gonococcal 26 23 relating to gonococc...
gonococcic 29 25 relating to gonococc...
gonococcus 26 23 the bacterium that c...
gonophores 20 18 GONOPHORE, in certai...
gonophoric 24 21 relating to a gonoph...
gonorrheal 19 16 relating to gonorrho...
gonorrheas 18 15 GONORRHEA, a sexuall...
gonorrheic 22 18 relating to gonorrho...
gonorrhoea 17 15 a sexually transmitt...
goodfellas 21 18 GOODFELLA, a gangste...
goodfellow 24 21 a jolly or boon comp...
goodlihead 20 17 (Spenser) goodness,...
goodliness 18 15 beauty of form; come...
goodlyhead 26 19 (Spenser) goodness,...
goodnesses 16 14 GOODNESS, the state...
goodnights 21 18 GOODNIGHT, a common...
goodwilled 23 19 possessed of goodwil...
googolplex 28 26 the figure 1 followe...
gooinesses 16 13 GOOINESS, the state...
gooneybird 25 19 an albatross [n -S]
goosanders 16 14 GOOSANDER, a large d...
gooseberry 25 17 the small oval fruit...
gooseflesh 22 18 a knobbly, pimply co...
goosefoots 18 15 GOOSEFOOT, a genus o...
goosegrass 18 14 a Eurasian plant wit...
gooseherds 19 15 GOOSEHERD, one who l...
goosenecks 20 20 GOOSENECK, a hook, b...
gopherwood 24 21 another name for yel...
gorbellies 22 17 GORBELLY, (obsolete)...
gorblimeys 29 21 GORBLIMEY, a kind of...
gorblimies 23 19 GORBLIMY, a kind of...
gorehounds 19 17 GOREHOUND, an enthus...
gorgeously 26 18 GORGEOUS, beautiful...
gorgoneion 16 16 a mask carved in imi...
gorgonians 17 16 GORGONIAN, any of va...
gorgonised 18 16 GORGONISE, to have a...
gorgonises 18 15 GORGONISE, to have a...
gorgonized 21 25 GORGONIZE, to have a...
gorgonizes 21 24 GORGONIZE, to have a...
gorinesses 17 13 GORINESS, the state...
gormandise 18 17 to indulge a taste f...
gormandism 20 20 gluttony [n -S]
gormandize 21 26 to indulge a taste f...
goslarites 19 13 GOSLARITE, a rare mi...
gospelised 21 17 GOSPELISE, to evange...
gospelises 21 16 GOSPELISE, to evange...
gospelized 24 26 GOSPELIZE, to evange...
gospelizes 24 25 GOSPELIZE, to evange...
gospellers 22 17 GOSPELLER, one of th...
gospelling 23 20 the act of teaching...
gospellise 22 17 to evangelize; to sq...
gospellize 25 26 to evangelize; to sq...
gossipings 22 18 GOSSIPING [n]
gossippers 23 18 GOSSIPPER, one who g...
gossipping 24 21 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
gossipries 21 15 GOSSIPRY, the practi...
gothically 32 21 GOTHIC, lurid, macab...
gothicised 24 18 GOTHICISE, to make G...
gothicises 24 17 GOTHICISE, to make G...
gothicisms 26 20 GOTHICISM, the quali...
gothicized 27 27 GOTHICIZE, to make G...
gothicizes 27 26 GOTHICIZE, to make G...
gourdiness 18 15 the state of being g...
governable 21 21 that can be governed...
governalls 21 19 GOVERNALL, (Spenser)...
governance 20 21 exercise of authorit...
governante 17 18 a female governor or...
governessy 25 19 like a governess [ad...
government 19 21 a group in a parliam...
gowdspinks 25 24 GOWDSPINK, (Scots) t...
gowpenfuls 26 24 GOWPENFUL, (Scots) a...
gracefully 32 23 GRACEFUL, having bea...
graciosity 28 17 graciousness [n GRAC...
graciously 29 19 GRACIOUS, marked by...
gradations 17 14 GRADATION, progress...
graddaning 18 18 GRADDAN, to parch in...
gradeliest 19 14 GRADELY, decent, ord...
gradienter 17 14 a surveyor's instrum...
gradualism 21 18 the belief that thin...
gradualist 20 15 one who adheres to t...
graduality 26 17 the state of being g...
graduating 19 17 GRADUATE, to receive...
graduation 17 15 a mark on an instrum...
graduators 18 14 GRADUATOR, one who d...
graecising 22 18 GRAECISE, to provide...
graecizing 25 27 GRAECIZE, to provide...
graffitied 23 19 GRAFFITI, to deface...
graffiting 24 21 GRAFFITI, to deface...
graffitist 24 18 one who draws graffi...
grainfield 21 18 a field where grain...
graininess 17 14 the state of being g...
gralloched 25 20 GRALLOCH, (Gaelic) t...
gramercies 22 18 GRAMERCY, an express...
gramicidin 23 20 an antibiotic obtain...
gramineous 18 17 of or relating to gr...
grammarian 19 19 one versed in gramma...
grammatist 21 18 a petty grammarian [...
gramophone 21 21 (tradename) an instr...
gramophony 28 23 (obsolete) the use o...
granadilla 19 16 (Spanish) the fruit...
grandaunts 17 16 GRANDAUNT, the aunt...
grandchild 25 21 the child of one's s...
granddaddy 24 19 a grandfather, also...
grandmamas 19 20 GRANDMAMA, a grandmo...
grandmamma 20 23 a grandmother [n -S]
grandniece 19 18 the granddaughter of...
grandpapas 21 20 GRANDPAPA, a grandfa...
grandsires 18 14 GRANDSIRE, a grandfa...
grandstand 17 16 an elevated structur...
grandstood 17 15 GRANDSTAND, to show...
granduncle 21 20 a father's or mother...
grangerise 18 15 to illustrate a book...
grangerism 20 18 the practice of illu...
grangerize 21 24 to illustrate a book...
granitised 18 14 GRANITISE, to make l...
granitises 18 13 GRANITISE, to make l...
granitites 18 13 GRANITITE, biotite g...
granitized 21 23 GRANITIZE, to make l...
granitizes 21 22 GRANITIZE, to make l...
granivores 19 17 GRANIVORE, an eater...
grannieing 17 17 GRANNIE, to defeat t...
granoliths 21 16 GRANOLITH, a paving...
granophyre 27 20 a kind of quartz-por...
granularly 26 18 GRANULAR, consisting...
granulated 18 16 GRANULATE, to form o...
granulater 18 15 something that granu...
granulates 18 15 GRANULATE, to form o...
granulator 18 15 something that granu...
granulites 19 15 GRANULITE, a whitish...
granulitic 23 18 of the texture of gr...
granulomas 19 18 GRANULOMA, a localiz...
granuloses 18 15 GRANULOSE [n]
granulosis 19 15 any of numerous dise...
grapefruit 23 19 a large, round, yell...
grapelouse 20 17 an insect of the gen...
grapeseeds 19 16 GRAPESEED, the seed...
grapeshots 22 17 GRAPESHOT, clustered...
grapestone 18 16 a seed of the grape...
grapetrees 19 15 GRAPETREE, a tropica...
grapevines 21 20 GRAPEVINE, a grape-b...
graphemics 27 23 GRAPHEMIC [n]
graphicacy 35 25 accurate understandi...
graphitise 23 17 to convert wholly or...
graphitize 26 26 to convert wholly or...
graphitoid 23 18 of or like graphite...
grapholect 26 21 a standard written l...
graphology 30 22 the study of handwri...
graplement 21 20 (Spenser) a close fi...
grapplings 25 22 GRAPPLING, the act o...
graptolite 21 16 a characteristic Sil...
graspingly 29 21 GRASPING [adv]
grassbirds 22 16 GRASSBIRD, an Austra...
grassfinch 26 21 an Australian weaver...
grasshooks 21 18 GRASSHOOK, a sickle;...
grassiness 18 13 the state of being g...
grasslands 19 15 GRASSLAND, a habitat...
grassplots 22 16 GRASSPLOT, a plot of...
grassquits 28 22 GRASSQUIT, a tropica...
grassroots 18 12 GRASSROOT, relating...
grasswrack 26 22 eelgrass [n -S]
gratefully 29 20 GRATEFUL, deeply tha...
graticules 23 17 GRATICULE, a design...
gratifiers 21 15 GRATIFIER, one who g...
gratifying 28 20 GRATIFY, to satisfy...
gratillity 28 16 (Shakespeare) a smal...
gratinated 17 14 GRATINATE, to cook w...
gratinates 17 13 GRATINATE, to cook w...
gratitudes 19 14 GRATITUDE, the state...
gratuities 19 13 GRATUITY, a gift of...
gratuitous 19 14 done freely; needles...
gratulated 19 15 GRATULATE, (archaic)...
gratulates 19 14 GRATULATE, (archaic)...
graunchers 23 19 GRAUNCHER, a clumsy...
graunching 24 22 GRAUNCH, to make a g...
gravelling 23 21 GRAVEL, to pave with...
graveolent 19 18 having a rank smell...
gravesides 20 17 GRAVESIDE, the area...
gravesites 20 16 GRAVESITE, the site...
gravestone 18 17 a burial monument [n...
graveyards 26 19 GRAVEYARD, a burial...
gravidness 20 18 the state of being g...
gravimeter 21 19 an instrument for me...
gravimetry 28 21 the measurement of v...
gravitases 20 16 GRAVITAS, reserved,...
gravitated 20 17 GRAVITATE, to move u...
gravitater 20 16 one who gravitates [...
gravitates 20 16 GRAVITATE, to move u...
gravitinos 20 17 GRAVITINO, a hypothe...
graybeards 26 18 GRAYBEARD, an old ma...
grayfishes 29 19 GRAYFISH, a dogfish...
grayheaded 25 18 having gray hair, al...
grayhounds 26 19 GRAYHOUND, a tall sl...
graylisted 26 16 GRAYLIST, to hold (s...
graynesses 23 15 GRAYNESS, the state...
graystones 23 15 GRAYSTONE, a grey ig...
graywackes 31 24 GRAYWACKE, any coars...
graywaters 27 17 GRAYWATER, water tha...
graywether 29 19 a sandstone boulder...
greaseball 21 17 (US slang) a derogat...
greaseband 18 17 a band put round the...
greasebush 22 18 a name for various o...
greaseless 18 13 without grease [adj]
greasewood 19 16 a name for various o...
greasiness 17 13 the state of being g...
greatcoats 20 15 GREATCOAT, an overco...
greatening 17 16 GREATEN, to make gre...
grecianise 20 16 to conform to the Gr...
grecianize 23 25 to conform to the Gr...
greediness 17 14 the state of being g...
greenbacks 23 23 GREENBACK, a monetar...
greenbelts 20 17 GREENBELT, a strip o...
greenbones 17 17 GREENBONE, a garfish...
greenbrier 19 16 any of a genus of wo...
greencloth 23 19 a department of the...
greeneries 16 13 GREENERY, green vege...
greenfield 20 18 a site free from exi...
greenfinch 24 22 a common European fi...
greenflies 20 17 GREENFLY, a green ap...
greengages 18 17 GREENGAGE, a green a...
greenhands 18 17 GREENHAND, an inferi...
greenheads 18 16 GREENHEAD, a male ma...
greenheart 18 15 a South American tre...
greenhorns 18 16 GREENHORN, a novice,...
greenhouse 18 16 a structure enclosed...
greenlight 22 18 to give the go-ahead...
greenlings 19 17 GREENLING, a kind of...
greenmails 19 17 GREENMAIL [n]
greenrooms 17 16 GREENROOM, a room in...
greensands 16 15 GREENSAND, a kind of...
greenshank 19 20 a large sandpiper wi...
greensomes 17 16 GREENSOME, a type of...
greenspeak 19 20 (US) ecological jarg...
greenstick 22 20 designating a bone f...
greenstone 15 14 a vague name for any...
greenstuff 22 20 green vegetables [n...
greensward 20 17 turf green with gras...
greenweeds 19 17 GREENWEED, a name gi...
greenwings 21 19 GREENWING, a green-w...
greenwoods 19 17 GREENWOOD, a leafy w...
gregarines 18 15 GREGARINE, a member...
gregarious 19 15 tending to associate...
greisenise 17 13 to convert granite t...
greisenize 20 22 to convert granite t...
gremolatas 19 16 GREMOLATA, (Italian)...
grenadiers 17 14 GRENADIER, originall...
grenadilla 19 16 (Spanish) the fruit...
grenadines 16 15 GRENADINE, a pomegra...
gressorial 19 13 adapted for walking,...
grevilleas 22 18 GREVILLEA, any of va...
grewhounds 23 20 GREWHOUND, (dialect)...
grewsomest 22 18 GREWSOME, repugnant,...
greybeards 26 18 GREYBEARD, an old ma...
greyheaded 25 18 having grey hair, al...
greyhounds 26 19 GREYHOUND, a tall sl...
greylisted 26 16 GREYLIST [v]
greynesses 23 15 GREYNESS, the state...
greyscales 28 18 GREYSCALE, a scale c...
greystones 23 15 GREYSTONE, a grey vo...
greywackes 31 24 GREYWACKE, any coars...
greywether 29 19 a sandstone boulder...
gridironed 18 15 GRIDIRON, to mark wi...
gridlocked 24 22 GRIDLOCK, to cause a...
grievances 22 20 GRIEVANCE, a cause o...
grievingly 29 22 GRIEVING, in a state...
grievously 28 20 GRIEVOUS, causing gr...
griffinish 26 21 like a griffin [adj]
griffinism 25 22 being like a griffin...
grilleries 21 14 GRILLERY, a place wh...
grillrooms 22 17 GRILLROOM, a room wh...
grillsteak 22 18 a large steak-shaped...
grillworks 26 21 GRILLWORK, something...
grimalkins 22 21 GRIMALKIN, a cat; es...
grimlooked 21 21 (Shakespeare) having...
grimnesses 19 16 GRIMNESS, the qualit...
grindelias 19 15 GRINDELIA, any coars...
grinderies 18 14 GRINDERY, places whe...
grindhouse 20 17 a type of cinema tha...
grindingly 27 20 GRINDING, of poverty...
grindstone 17 15 a millstone [n -S]
grinningly 26 20 GRINNING, showing a...
grippingly 32 24 GRIPPING [adv]
grisailles 21 14 GRISAILLE, (French)...
grisliness 20 14 the state of being g...
gristliest 21 13 GRISTLY, containing...
gristmills 24 17 GRISTMILL, a mill fo...
gritstones 18 13 GRITSTONE, a type of...
grittiness 19 13 the state of being g...
grivations 20 17 GRIVATION, grid vari...
grizzliest 27 31 GRIZZLY, greyish [ad...
groaningly 25 19 GROANING, with a gro...
groceteria 20 15 (US) a self-service...
groggeries 20 16 GROGGERY, a low publ...
grogginess 20 17 the state of being g...
grommeting 21 21 GROMMET, to fit with...
grooveless 20 17 without grooves [adj...
groovelike 21 21 like a groove [adj]
grooviness 19 17 the state of being g...
grosgrains 19 15 GROSGRAIN, (French)...
grossulars 20 14 GROSSULAR, a garnet...
grotesquer 26 22 GROTESQUE, extravaga...
grotesques 26 22 GROTESQUE, an extrav...
grottiness 18 13 the state of being g...
grouchiest 24 18 GROUCHY, ill-tempere...
groundages 18 17 GROUNDAGE, a charge...
groundbait 20 18 bait dropped to the...
groundedly 25 19 GROUNDED [adv]
groundfish 23 20 a marine fish that i...
groundhogs 21 19 GROUNDHOG, a woodchu...
groundings 19 18 GROUNDING, a foundat...
groundless 19 16 having no ground or...
groundling 20 19 a spectator who stoo...
groundmass 19 18 the fine-grained par...
groundnuts 18 17 GROUNDNUT, the peanu...
groundouts 18 16 GROUNDOUT, a play in...
groundplot 21 19 the plot of ground o...
groundprox 26 25 an altitude warning...
groundsell 20 17 the lowest timber of...
groundsels 19 16 GROUNDSEL, the lowes...
groundsill 21 17 the lowest timber of...
groundsman 18 19 one who takes care o...
groundsmen 18 19 GROUNDSMAN, one who...
groundwood 20 19 wood found lying on...
groundwork 22 22 that which forms the...
groupthink 24 23 a pattern of thought...
groupwares 23 19 GROUPWARE, software...
groupworks 25 23 GROUPWORK, work carr...
grouselike 20 18 like a grouse [adj]
grovelings 22 20 GROVELING, the act o...
grovellers 22 18 GROVELLER, one who g...
grovelling 23 21 he act of humbling o...
growleries 22 16 GROWLERY, a retreat...
growliness 22 17 the state of being g...
growlingly 31 22 GROWLING, with a gro...
growthiest 24 17 GROWTHY, exceptional...
growthists 25 17 GROWTHIST, a person...
grubbiness 23 20 the state of being g...
grubstaked 22 21 GRUBSTAKE, to provid...
grubstaker 22 20 one who provides a g...
grubstakes 22 20 GRUBSTAKE, to provid...
grubstreet 21 16 relating to or chara...
grudgeless 21 17 without a grudge [ad...
grudgingly 29 22 GRUDGING, reluctant...
gruelingly 28 20 GRUELING, exhausting...
gruellings 22 18 GRUELLING, the act o...
gruesomely 26 19 GRUESOME, repugnant,...
gruesomest 19 16 GRUESOME, repugnant,...
grumbliest 24 20 GRUMBLY, muttering i...
grumblings 25 23 GRUMBLING, the act o...
grummeting 22 22 GRUMMET, to fit with...
grumnesses 19 17 GRUMNESS, the qualit...
grumpiness 22 20 the state of being g...
grumpishly 33 24 GRUMPISH, grumpy [ad...
gruntingly 27 20 GRUNTING, making a g...
guacamoles 22 20 GUACAMOLE, a kind of...
guachamole 24 22 a kind of dip, also...
guacharoes 22 18 GUACHARO, a nocturna...
guanabanas 17 18 GUANABANA, a tropica...
guanazolos 20 24 GUANAZOLO, a synthet...
guanidines 17 16 GUANIDINE, a strongl...
guanosines 16 15 GUANOSINE, a nucleos...
guaranteed 16 15 GUARANTEE, to give a...
guarantees 16 14 GUARANTEE, to give a...
guarantied 17 15 GUARANTY, to assume...
guaranties 17 14 GUARANTY, to assume...
guarantors 17 14 GUARANTOR, one who m...
guardhouse 20 17 a building for the a...
guardrails 20 15 GUARDRAIL, a rail to...
guardrooms 19 17 GUARDROOM, a room ha...
guardships 24 19 GUARDSHIP, guardians...
guarishing 22 18 GUARISH, (obsolete)...
guayaberas 25 18 GUAYABERA, a short-s...
gubernator 19 17 (Latin) a powerful m...
guberniyas 26 19 GUBERNIYA, (Russian)...
gudgeoning 19 20 GUDGEON, to defraud,...
guerdoners 17 15 GUERDONER, one who g...
guerdoning 18 18 GUERDON, to reward [...
guerrillas 21 15 GUERRILLA, a member...
guessingly 27 19 GUESSING [adv]
guessworks 23 20 GUESSWORK, the proce...
guestbooks 21 20 GUESTBOOK, a book in...
guestening 18 17 GUESTEN, (obsolete)...
guesthouse 20 16 a private home or bo...
guestimate 19 16 to make an intuitive...
guidebooks 21 21 GUIDEBOOK, a book of...
guidelines 19 16 GUIDELINE, a line dr...
guideposts 21 17 GUIDEPOST, a post to...
guideships 24 19 GUIDESHIP, the state...
guidewords 22 18 GUIDEWORD, a word at...
guidwillie 25 19 (Scots) cordial, che...
guildhalls 25 19 GUILDHALL, a town ha...
guildships 26 20 GUILDSHIP, membershi...
guilefully 31 22 GUILEFUL, deceitful...
guillemets 22 18 GUILLEMET, (French)...
guillemots 22 18 GUILLEMOT, a norther...
guilloched 26 21 GUILLOCHE, to decora...
guilloches 26 20 GUILLOCHE, to decora...
guillotine 20 16 (French) an instrume...
guiltiness 20 15 the state of being g...
guitarfish 24 18 a kind of ray, somew...
guitarists 20 13 GUITARIST, one who p...
gulosities 20 14 GULOSITY, (archaic)...
gumshields 24 20 GUMSHIELD, a protect...
gumshoeing 22 21 GUMSHOE, to investig...
gumsuckers 25 24 GUMSUCKER, (Australi...
guncottons 20 18 GUNCOTTON, an explos...
gunfighter 24 21 one who fights with...
gunkholing 23 24 GUNKHOLE, to cruise...
gunmanship 23 23 the state of being a...
gunnership 22 20 the office of gunner...
gunnysacks 28 24 GUNNYSACK, a sack ma...
gunpowders 23 21 GUNPOWDER, an explos...
gunpowdery 29 23 like gunpowder [adj]
gunrunners 17 17 GUNRUNNER, one who s...
gunrunning 18 20 smuggling guns into...
gunslinger 20 18 a person noted for s...
gussetings 20 16 GUSSETING, the act o...
gustations 18 14 GUSTATION, the act o...
gutbuckets 26 24 GUTBUCKET, a homemad...
guttations 18 14 GUTTATION, the relea...
gutterings 20 16 GUTTERING, gutters c...
gutturally 28 18 GUTTURAL, relating t...
gymnasiast 25 18 a pupil in a gymnasi...
gymnasiums 27 22 GYMNASIUM, a room fo...
gymnastics 29 21 exercises and activi...
gymnosophs 29 23 GYMNOSOPH, one of a...
gymnosophy 35 25 deep contemplation p...
gymnosperm 28 24 a plant with the ovu...
gynaeceums 27 22 GYNAECEUM, the pisti...
gynandries 23 17 GYNANDRY, the condit...
gynandrism 25 20 the state of being g...
gynandrous 23 18 with stamen concresc...
gynarchies 29 20 GYNARCHY, government...
gynecology 34 23 the study of women's...
gyniatrics 28 18 the treatment of wom...
gyniatries 24 15 GYNIATRY, the treatr...
gyniolatry 31 18 deep respect or devo...
gynocratic 30 21 relating to gynocrac...
gynophobes 29 23 GYNOPHOBE, a person...
gynophobia 29 23 a morbid fear of wom...
gynophobic 33 26 one who hates women...
gynophores 27 20 GYNOPHORE, the pedic...
gynophoric 31 23 of or like a gynopho...
gynostemia 24 18 GYNOSTEMIUM, the cen...
gypsophila 32 23 a garden flower [n -...
gypsyhoods 35 22 GYPSYHOOD, the state...
gypsyworts 37 22 GYPSYWORT, a labiate...
gyrational 24 16 relating to gyration...
gyrfalcons 30 22 GYRFALCON, a heavy,...
gyrocopter 29 20 an airplane balanced...
gyropilots 28 18 GYROPILOT, a type of...
gyroplanes 26 19 GYROPLANE, an airpla...
gyroscopes 29 20 GYROSCOPE, a wheel o...
gyroscopic 33 23 pertaining to the gy...
gyrostatic 28 17 of or pertaining to...
gyrovagues 27 21 GYROVAGUE, a monk wh...