10 letter words that starts with c

10 letter words that start with C

10 letter C word


Word With Friends


cabalettas 22 17 CABALETTA, (Italian)...
cabalistic 27 20 relating to the caba...
caballeros 23 18 CABALLERO, (Spanish)...
cabbalisms 27 23 CABBALISM, a sect ba...
cabbalists 26 20 CABBALIST, one who p...
cabdrivers 25 21 CABDRIVER, one who d...
cabinmates 22 20 CABINMATE, one who s...
cablecasts 26 20 CABLECAST [n]
cablegrams 25 22 CABLEGRAM, a message...
cabriolets 23 17 CABRIOLET, (French)...
cacafuegos 25 22 CACAFUEGO, (Spanish)...
cacciatora 25 19 (Italian) of meat, c...
cacciatore 25 19 (Italian) of meat, c...
cachaemias 25 21 CACHAEMIA, (archaic)...
cachinnate 23 20 to laugh loudly or i...
cacholongs 26 22 CACHOLONG, (French)...
caciquisms 34 29 CACIQUISM, governmen...
cacodaemon 21 21 (Greek) an evil spir...
cacodemons 22 21 CACODEMON, (Greek) a...
cacodoxies 28 24 CACODOXY, incorrect...
cacogenics 26 22 the study of racial...
cacography 34 25 bad handwriting (the...
cacologies 24 19 CACOLOGY, a bad choi...
cacomistle 25 20 (Nahuatl) a North Am...
cacomixles 31 27 CACOMIXLE, a North A...
caconymies 29 22 CACONYMY, the state...
cacophonic 29 25 of or like a cacopho...
cacotopian 23 20 of or like a cacotop...
cacotopias 24 19 CACOTOPIA, a state i...
cacotrophy 33 23 bad or inadequate di...
cactaceous 25 20 belonging to, or lik...
cacuminals 25 22 CACUMINAL, a sound s...
cacuminous 24 22 with pointed or pyra...
cadaverine 20 19 a deadly ptomaine [n...
cadaverous 21 19 resembling a corpse,...
caddisworm 25 21 the larva of the cad...
cadetships 25 19 CADETSHIP, the posit...
caducities 24 18 CADUCITY, the qualit...
caecilians 23 18 CAECILIAN, a tropica...
caecitises 23 16 CAECITIS, a caecum i...
caesareans 17 14 CAESAREAN, an operat...
caesarians 18 14 CAESARIAN, an operat...
caesarisms 21 16 CAESARISM, imperiali...
caespitose 21 16 growing in clusters...
cafeterias 21 16 CAFETERIA, a restaur...
cafetieres 21 16 CAFETIERE, (French)...
cafetorium 23 20 a large room designe...
caffeinism 25 23 an unhealthy conditi...
caginesses 20 16 CAGINESS, the qualit...
cagmagging 25 25 CAGMAG, to chat idly...
cagynesses 26 18 CAGYNESS, the qualit...
cailleachs 27 20 CAILLEACH, (Gaelic)...
cailliachs 28 20 CAILLIACH, (Gaelic)...
cairngorms 22 19 CAIRNGORM, (Gaelic)...
cajolement 22 27 the act of cajoling;...
cajoleries 22 23 CAJOLERY, persuasion...
cajolingly 31 29 CAJOLING [adv]
cakewalked 25 26 CAKEWALK, to step st...
cakewalker 25 25 one who does the cak...
cakinesses 20 18 CAKINESS, the state...
calabashes 24 19 CALABASH, a variety...
calabooses 21 17 CALABOOSE, (Spanish)...
calabreses 22 17 CALABRESE, (Italian)...
calamancos 23 21 CALAMANCO, a glossy...
calamander 20 19 a hard valuable wood...
calamaries 21 17 CALAMARY, any of var...
calamining 22 21 CALAMINE, to apply a...
calamities 22 17 CALAMITY, a grievous...
calamitous 22 18 disastrous [adj CALA...
calamondin 20 20 (Tagalog) a small ci...
calandrias 20 16 CALANDRIA, (Spanish)...
calavances 24 22 CALAVANCE, a kind of...
calaverite 22 18 a metallic pale yell...
calcareous 23 18 chalky; of or contai...
calceating 24 20 CALCEATE, to shoe [v...
calcedonio 22 19 a type of Venetian c...
calceiform 27 23 slipper-shaped [adj]
calceolate 23 18 slipper-shaped [adj]
calcicoles 28 21 CALCICOLE, a plant t...
calciferol 27 21 vitamin D2 [n -S]
calcifugal 29 24 like a calcifuge, a...
calcifuges 28 23 CALCIFUGE, a plant t...
calcifying 34 25 CALCIFY, to convert...
calcimined 25 22 CALCIMINE, to whitew...
calcimines 25 21 CALCIMINE, to whitew...
calcinable 26 22 that may be calcined...
calcinoses 23 18 CALCINOSIS, the abno...
calcinosis 24 18 the abnormal deposit...
calcitonin 23 19 a hormone secreted b...
calcsinter 24 18 a pale limestone dep...
calculable 28 23 that can be calculat...
calculably 35 25 CALCULABLE, that can...
calculated 25 20 CALCULATE, to count...
calculates 25 19 CALCULATE, to count...
calculator 25 19 one that calculates...
calculuses 26 20 CALCULUS, a branch o...
calefactor 25 20 a heater; one who, o...
calembours 24 21 CALEMBOUR, (French)...
calendared 19 17 CALENDAR, to schedul...
calendarer 19 16 one who makes a cale...
calendered 19 17 CALENDER, to smooth...
calenderer 19 16 one who makes a cale...
calendrers 20 16 CALENDRER, a person...
calendries 20 16 CALENDRY, a place wh...
calendulas 21 18 CALENDULA, (Latin) a...
calentures 20 16 CALENTURE, (historic...
calescence 25 21 an increase in heat...
calfdozers 26 27 CALFDOZER, a small b...
caliatours 21 15 CALIATOUR, an old te...
calibrated 23 18 CALIBRATE, to determ...
calibrater 23 17 one who calibrates,...
calibrates 23 17 CALIBRATE, to determ...
calibrator 23 17 one who calibrates,...
calidities 22 15 CALIDITY, the state...
caliginous 22 18 (archaic) dark, shad...
calimochos 27 22 CALIMOCHO, a cocktai...
calipashes 25 19 CALIPASH, a part of...
calipering 24 20 CALIPER, to measure...
caliphates 25 19 CALIPHATE, (Arabic)...
callboards 24 19 CALLBOARD, a noticeb...
calliature 22 16 an old term for a tr...
calligrams 25 20 CALLIGRAM, a design...
calliopsis 25 18 a genus of herbaceou...
callipered 24 19 CALLIPER, to measure...
callithump 29 24 a noisy, boisterous...
callousing 23 19 CALLOUS, to make or...
callowness 24 19 the state of being c...
calmatives 24 21 CALMATIVE, a drug ha...
calmnesses 21 18 CALMNESS, the state...
calmodulin 23 21 a protein found in p...
calmstanes 21 18 CALMSTANE, a white a...
calmstones 21 18 CALMSTONE, (Scots) a...
caloricity 31 19 a faculty in animals...
calorifier 23 17 an apparatus for hea...
calorising 22 17 CALORISE, to coat st...
calorizing 25 26 CALORIZE, to coat st...
calotypist 30 19 one who works with c...
calumniate 21 19 to slander; misrepre...
calumnious 22 20 containing or implyi...
calumnying 29 24 CALUMNY, to utter fa...
calvadoses 22 19 CALVADOS, a dry appl...
calvariums 25 22 CALVARIUM, the dome...
calyciform 34 25 having the form or a...
calyculate 31 21 having a calyculus,...
calypteras 29 19 CALYPTERA, a hood or...
calyptrate 29 19 capped or hooded [ad...
camanachds 25 23 CAMANACHD, (Gaelic)...
camarillas 23 18 CAMARILLA, (Spanish)...
camberings 24 22 CAMBERING, a type of...
camcorders 24 20 CAMCORDER, a portabl...
camcording 25 23 CAMCORD, to videotap...
camelbacks 28 27 CAMELBACK, an inferi...
camelhairs 24 19 CAMELHAIR, a materia...
camelopard 23 21 (obsolete) a giraffe...
cameration 19 17 a vaulting or archin...
camerawork 24 23 skilful use of a cam...
camerlengo 21 20 (Italian) the papal...
camerlingo 22 20 (Italian) the papal...
camiknicks 27 28 a woman's undergarme...
camisadoes 20 17 CAMISADO, an attack...
camorrista 21 16 a member of a camorr...
camorristi 22 16 CAMORRISTA, a member...
camorrists 22 16 CAMORRIST, a member...
camouflage 24 23 to conceal or disgui...
camouflets 24 21 CAMOUFLET, (French)...
camoufleur 24 22 (French) a person or...
campaigned 23 23 CAMPAIGN, to conduct...
campaigner 23 22 one who campaigns [n...
campaneros 21 20 CAMPANERO, (Spanish)...
campaniles 23 21 CAMPANILE, (Italian)...
campanists 23 20 CAMPANIST, a person...
campanular 23 22 relating to plants o...
campanulas 23 22 CAMPANULA, (Latin) a...
campcrafts 29 25 CAMPCRAFT, knowledge...
campeadors 22 20 CAMPEADOR, (Spanish)...
campesinos 22 20 CAMPESINO, (Spanish)...
campestral 24 20 of or pertaining to...
campground 24 24 the area or place (a...
camphorate 24 21 to impregnate or tre...
campimetry 31 24 a technique for asse...
campnesses 22 20 CAMPNESS, extravagan...
campodeids 23 21 CAMPODEID, a primiti...
campshirts 27 21 CAMPSHIRT, a short-s...
campstools 24 20 CAMPSTOOL, a small c...
camsteerie 20 16 (Scots) perverse, un...
camwhoring 27 24 CAMWHORE, to perform...
canalboats 21 18 CANALBOAT, a boat us...
canaliculi 25 20 CANALICULUS, a small...
canalising 21 18 CANALISE, to dig an...
canalizing 24 27 CANALIZE, to dig an...
cancelable 25 22 that can be cancelle...
cancelbots 25 21 CANCELBOT, a compute...
canceleers 22 18 CANCELEER, (Scott) t...
canceliers 23 18 CANCELIER, to make s...
cancellate 23 19 consisting of a netw...
cancellers 24 19 CANCELLER, one who c...
cancelling 25 22 CANCEL, to cause not...
cancellous 24 20 of bone, having a po...
cancerated 21 18 CANCERATE, to grow i...
cancerates 21 17 CANCERATE, to grow i...
cancionero 20 18 (Spanish) a collecti...
cancriform 26 23 shaped like a crab [...
cancrizans 25 27 of a canon, having t...
candelabra 21 19 a candleholder [n -S...
candelilla 22 18 (Spanish) a Mexican...
candescent 21 19 glowing, white-hot,...
candidates 19 16 CANDIDATE, a person...
candidness 19 17 the state of being c...
candlefish 25 21 a marine fish, allie...
candlenuts 20 18 CANDLENUT, the oil-y...
candlepins 22 20 CANDLEPIN, a slender...
candlewick 28 26 a soft cotton tufted...
candlewood 22 20 the wood of various...
candyfloss 29 21 a fluffy ball of spu...
candygrams 28 22 CANDYGRAM, a message...
candytufts 29 21 CANDYTUFT, a crucife...
canebrakes 21 21 CANEBRAKE, a thicket...
canefruits 22 18 CANEFRUIT, fruit bor...
canephoras 22 19 CANEPHORA, (Greek) a...
canephores 22 19 CANEPHORE, (Greek) a...
canephorus 23 20 (Greek) a sculpted f...
canescence 23 21 greyness, hoariness...
caninities 19 15 CANINITY, the state...
canistered 19 15 CANISTER, to put in...
cankeredly 27 22 CANKERED [adv]
cankerworm 24 24 a larva that feeds o...
cannabinol 20 20 a crystalline phenol...
cannabises 20 18 CANNABIS, hemp; a na...
cannellini 20 18 (Italian) the white...
cannelloni 19 18 (Italian) a kind of...
cannelures 19 17 CANNELURE, (French)...
cannibally 29 22 (Shakespeare) in the...
cannisters 19 15 CANNISTER, a small c...
cannonaded 16 18 CANNONADE, to attack...
cannonades 16 17 CANNONADE, to attack...
cannonball 21 21 a ball to be shot fr...
cannoneers 16 16 CANNONEER, a soldier...
cannoniers 17 16 CANNONIER, a soldier...
cannonries 17 16 CANNONRY, artillery...
cannulated 19 18 CANNULATE, to insert...
cannulates 19 17 CANNULATE, to insert...
canoewoods 20 18 CANOEWOOD, another n...
canonesses 17 15 CANONESS, a woman li...
canonicals 22 19 the official dress o...
canonicate 20 18 the rank or office o...
canonicity 28 20 the state of being c...
canonisers 18 15 CANONISER, one who c...
canonising 19 18 CANONISE, to declare...
canonistic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
canonizers 21 24 CANONIZER, one who c...
canonizing 22 27 CANONIZE, to declare...
canoodlers 19 16 CANOODLER, one who c...
canoodling 20 19 CANOODLE, to kiss an...
canophilia 24 20 the love of dogs, al...
canophobia 24 22 a morbid fear of dog...
canorously 26 18 CANOROUS, musical, r...
cantabanks 21 22 CANTABANK, (Italian)...
cantabiles 22 18 CANTABILE, a cantabi...
cantaloupe 21 19 (Italian) a small mu...
cantaloups 22 19 CANTALOUP, (Italian)...
cantatrice 22 17 (Italian) a female s...
cantatrici 23 17 CANTATRICE, (Italian...
canterbury 28 20 a stand with divisio...
cantharids 22 17 CANTHARID, a beetle...
canticoing 23 20 CANTICO, to dance as...
canticoyed 28 20 CANTICOY, to dance a...
cantilenas 19 16 CANTILENA, (Italian)...
cantilever 22 19 a kind of bridge [n...
cantillate 21 16 to chant or intone,...
cantonised 18 16 CANTONISE, to divide...
cantonises 18 15 CANTONISE, to divide...
cantonized 21 25 CANTONIZE, to divide...
cantonizes 21 24 CANTONIZE, to divide...
cantonment 18 19 a small military tow...
canulating 21 19 CANULATE, to insert...
canulation 19 17 the process of inser...
canvasback 27 28 a species of duck, s...
canvaslike 23 23 like canvas [adj]
canvassers 21 18 CANVASSER, one who g...
canvassing 22 21 the act of going fro...
canyoneers 23 17 CANYONEER, a canyon...
canyonings 25 20 CANYONING, the sport...
canzonetta 20 24 (Italian) a short ca...
canzonette 20 24 CANZONETTA, (Italian...
caoutchouc 28 23 (Quechua) unvulcaniz...
capability 32 22 the state of being c...
capacitate 24 19 to make or render ca...
capacities 25 19 CAPACITY, the abilit...
capacitive 27 23 relating to capacita...
capacitors 25 19 CAPACITOR, an electr...
caparisons 21 17 CAPARISON, to adorn...
capellines 23 19 CAPELLINE, a small i...
caperingly 30 22 CAPERING [adv]
capernoity 27 19 (Scots) the head, no...
capillaire 24 18 (French) a syrup, an...
capillitia 25 18 CAPILLITIUM, a mass...
capitalise 23 17 to write or print wi...
capitalism 25 20 the economic system...
capitalist 24 17 a person who has cap...
capitalize 26 26 to write or print wi...
capitation 21 17 a uniform tax assess...
capitative 24 20 relating to capitati...
capitellum 26 22 the capitulum of the...
capitolian 22 18 of or pertaining to...
capitoline 22 18 of or pertaining to...
capitulant 23 19 a person who capitul...
capitulars 24 18 CAPITULAR, a statute...
capitulary 30 20 a collection of ordi...
capitulate 23 18 to yield, accept ter...
capnomancy 30 26 divination by means...
capocchias 30 24 CAPOCCHIA, (Shakespe...
capodastro 21 17 (Italian) a moveable...
caponieres 20 17 CAPONIERE, (French)...
caponising 22 20 CAPONISE, to castrat...
caponizing 25 29 CAPONIZE, to castrat...
capotastos 21 16 CAPOTASTO, (Italian)...
cappuccini 31 27 CAPPUCCINO, (Italian...
cappuccino 30 27 (Italian) black coff...
capreolate 21 17 having or resembling...
capriccios 29 22 CAPRICCIO, a free fo...
capricious 26 20 subject to whim; imp...
caprifoils 26 20 CAPRIFOIL, (Spenser)...
caprifoles 25 20 CAPRIFOLE, honeysuck...
caprifying 32 24 CAPRIFY, to cultivat...
caprioling 24 20 CAPRIOLE, to make su...
caprylates 29 19 CAPRYLATE, a salt of...
capsaicins 25 20 CAPSAICIN, a cyclic...
capsizable 28 29 that can be capsized...
capsomeres 22 19 CAPSOMERE, any of th...
capsulated 23 19 contained in or made...
capsulised 24 19 CAPSULISE, to conden...
capsulises 24 18 CAPSULISE, to conden...
capsulized 27 28 CAPSULIZE, to conden...
capsulizes 27 27 CAPSULIZE, to conden...
captaining 22 20 CAPTAIN, to lead or...
captioning 22 20 CAPTION, to provide...
captiously 30 20 CAPTIOUS, tending to...
captivance 26 24 (Spenser) captivity,...
captivated 24 21 CAPTIVATE, to charm,...
captivates 24 20 CAPTIVATE, to charm,...
captivator 24 20 one who captivates [...
captoprils 26 20 CAPTOPRIL, an antihy...
carabineer 20 17 a soldier armed with...
carabinero 20 17 a member of the Span...
carabiners 21 17 CARABINER, (German)...
carabinier 21 17 a soldier armed with...
caracolers 23 17 CARACOLER, one who c...
caracoling 24 20 CARACOLE, to perform...
caracolled 24 19 CARACOL, to perform...
carageenan 17 17 a colloid prepared f...
carambolas 23 20 CARAMBOLA, (Portugue...
caramboled 23 21 CARAMBOLE, (French)...
caramboles 23 20 CARAMBOLE [n]
caramelise 21 17 to turn into caramel...
caramelize 24 26 to turn into caramel...
caramelled 22 19 CARAMEL [v]
carangoids 20 17 CARANGOID, any spiny...
carapacial 25 20 of or like a carapac...
caravances 23 21 CARAVANCE, a kind of...
caravaneer 19 18 the leader of a cara...
caravaners 20 18 CARAVANER, one who t...
caravaning 21 21 CARAVAN, to travel i...
caravanned 19 20 CARAVAN, to travel i...
caravanner 19 19 one who travels by c...
caravelles 23 19 CARAVELLE, a small l...
carbachols 28 22 CARBACHOL, a synthet...
carbamates 22 19 CARBAMATE, a salt or...
carbamides 23 20 CARBAMIDE, the techn...
carbamoyls 30 22 CARBAMOYL, a radical...
carbanions 20 18 CARBANION, an ion ca...
carbazoles 25 26 CARBAZOLE, a chemica...
carbineers 21 17 CARBINEER, a soldier...
carbiniers 22 17 CARBINIER, a soldier...
carbolated 22 18 containing carbolic...
carbolised 23 18 CARBOLISE, to treat...
carbolises 23 17 CARBOLISE, to treat...
carbolized 26 27 CARBOLIZE, to treat...
carbolizes 26 26 CARBOLIZE, to treat...
carbonades 20 18 CARBONADE, (Spanish)...
carbonados 20 18 CARBONADO [n]
carbonaras 20 17 CARBONARA, (Italian)...
carbonated 20 18 CARBONATE, to combin...
carbonates 20 17 CARBONATE, to combin...
carbonette 20 17 a ball of compressed...
carbonised 21 18 CARBONISE, to turn i...
carboniser 21 17 an agent that carbon...
carbonises 21 17 CARBONISE, to turn i...
carboniums 23 21 CARBONIUM, a type of...
carbonized 24 27 CARBONIZE, to turn i...
carbonizer 24 26 an agent that carbon...
carbonizes 24 26 CARBONIZE, to turn i...
carbonless 22 18 without carbon [adj]
carbonnade 19 19 (Spanish) flesh, fow...
carbonylic 32 23 relating to carbonyl...
carborexic 31 26 a person who is rega...
carboxylic 39 29 relating to carboxyl...
carbuncled 26 23 having carbuncles [a...
carbuncles 26 22 CARBUNCLE, a fiery-r...
carburated 22 18 CARBURATE, to combin...
carburates 22 17 CARBURATE, to combin...
carbureted 22 18 CARBURET, to combine...
carbureter 22 17 an apparatus for cha...
carburetor 22 17 an apparatus for cha...
carburised 23 18 CARBURISE, to combin...
carburises 23 17 CARBURISE, to combin...
carburized 26 27 CARBURIZE, to combin...
carburizes 26 26 CARBURIZE, to combin...
carcassing 24 19 CARCASS, to put a fr...
carcinogen 22 20 an agent causing can...
carcinoids 23 18 CARCINOID, a benign...
carcinomas 23 20 CARCINOMA, (Greek) a...
carcinoses 22 17 CARCINOSIS, the spre...
carcinosis 23 17 the spread of cancer...
cardamines 20 18 CARDAMINE, (Greek) a...
cardboards 22 18 CARDBOARD, a thin, s...
cardboardy 28 20 like cardboard [adj]
cardcastle 24 18 a tower built with p...
cardholder 23 18 one who possesses a...
cardialgia 22 17 heartburn, also CARD...
cardialgic 26 20 relating to cardialg...
cardiganed 20 18 wearing a cardigan [...
cardinally 28 19 CARDINAL [adv]
cardiogram 22 19 a tracing obtained f...
cardiology 28 19 the study of the hea...
carditises 21 14 CARDITIS, inflammati...
cardophagi 25 21 CARDOPHAGUS, (obsole...
cardphones 23 20 CARDPHONE, a public...
cardplayer 29 20 one who plays cards...
cardsharps 25 19 CARDSHARP, one who e...
careenages 18 16 CAREENAGE, a place w...
careerisms 21 16 CAREERISM, intentnes...
careerists 20 13 CAREERIST, one inten...
carefuller 24 19 CAREFUL, cautious [a...
caregivers 23 19 CAREGIVER, one who l...
caregiving 24 22 the act of giving ca...
carelessly 28 17 CARELESS, inattentiv...
caressings 21 16 CARESSING, the act o...
caretakers 20 17 CARETAKER, someone p...
caretaking 21 20 acting as caretaker...
careworker 23 20 one whose job involv...
carfuffled 28 25 CARFUFFLE, to make a...
carfuffles 28 24 CARFUFFLE, to make a...
carhopping 27 24 CARHOP, to work as a...
caricatura 23 17 (Italian) a caricatu...
caricature 23 17 to make or draw a ca...
carilloned 21 17 CARILLON, to play a...
cariogenic 23 19 causing dental cavit...
carjackers 26 29 CARJACKER, one who s...
carjacking 27 32 the theft of a car a...
carmagnole 21 20 (French) a popular s...
carmelites 22 17 CARMELITE, a fine wo...
carnahubas 23 20 CARNAHUBA, (Tupi) a...
carnalised 20 16 CARNALISE, to sensua...
carnalises 20 15 CARNALISE, to sensua...
carnalisms 22 18 CARNALISM, the state...
carnalists 21 15 CARNALIST, a sensual...
carnalized 23 25 CARNALIZE, to sensua...
carnalizes 23 24 CARNALIZE, to sensua...
carnalling 22 19 CARNAL, to act carna...
carnallite 21 16 a hydrous chloride o...
carnarolis 20 15 CARNAROLI, (Italian)...
carnassial 20 15 adapted for tearing...
carnations 18 15 CARNATION, a double-...
carnelians 19 16 CARNELIAN, a dull re...
carnifexes 27 24 CARNIFEX, an executi...
carnifying 29 22 CARNIFY, to form fle...
carnitines 19 15 CARNITINE, a betaine...
carnivores 21 18 CARNIVORE, an animal...
carnosaurs 19 15 CARNOSAUR, a meat-ea...
carnotites 19 14 CARNOTITE, a yellow...
carollings 23 18 CAROLLING, singing c...
caromelled 22 19 CAROMEL, to coat wit...
carotenoid 18 15 any of a group of pi...
carotinoid 19 15 any of a group of pi...
carousings 21 17 CAROUSING, the act o...
carpaccios 28 22 CARPACCIO, (Italian)...
carpellary 30 20 belonging to, formin...
carpellate 23 18 a flower containing...
carpenters 21 17 CARPENTER, to constr...
carpetbags 25 21 CARPETBAG, a travell...
carpetings 23 19 CARPETING [n]
carpetweed 24 20 a North American mat...
carphology 32 23 fitful plucking move...
carpogonia 21 19 CARPOGONIUM, an egg-...
carpoolers 22 17 CARPOOLER, one who s...
carpooling 23 20 the sharing of cars...
carpophore 25 21 a slender prolongati...
carpospore 23 19 a kind of spore form...
carrageens 19 16 CARRAGEEN, a kind of...
carragheen 21 18 (Irish) a kind of da...
carrefours 22 17 CARREFOUR, (French)...
carritches 26 18 CARRITCH, (Scots) a...
carronades 18 15 CARRONADE, (historic...
carrotiest 20 13 CARROTY, like or tas...
carrottops 22 16 CARROTTOP, (colloqui...
carrousels 21 15 CARROUSEL, a merry-g...
carrybacks 33 25 CARRYBACK, in accoun...
carryovers 28 19 CARRYOVER, in accoun...
carrytales 27 16 CARRYTALE, (Shakespe...
carsharing 23 18 the act of sharing a...
cartelised 21 15 CARTELISE, to make i...
cartelises 21 14 CARTELISE, to make i...
cartelisms 23 17 CARTELISM, the syste...
cartelists 22 14 CARTELIST, a member...
cartelized 24 24 CARTELIZE, to make i...
cartelizes 24 23 CARTELIZE, to make i...
carthamine 22 19 a dye obtained from...
carthorses 22 15 CARTHORSE, a horse u...
cartilages 22 16 CARTILAGE, gristle,...
cartograms 22 18 CARTOGRAM, a map wit...
cartomancy 29 22 divination by the us...
cartonages 19 16 CARTONAGE, (French)...
cartonnage 18 17 (French) papyrus or...
cartoonier 18 14 CARTOONY, resembling...
cartooning 19 17 the making of cartoo...
cartoonish 21 16 like a cartoon [adj...
cartoonist 19 14 one who draws cartoo...
cartophile 25 19 a lover of maps [n -...
cartophily 32 21 the hobby of collect...
cartoppers 24 19 CARTOPPER, something...
cartouches 25 19 CARTOUCH, (French) i...
cartridges 22 16 CARTRIDGE, a case co...
cartwheels 26 19 CARTWHEEL, to turn a...
cartwright 28 20 a maker of carts [n...
caruncular 24 20 having a caruncle, a...
carvacrols 26 21 CARVACROL, a thick o...
caryatidal 27 17 of or like a caryati...
caryatides 26 16 CARYATID, a draped f...
caryatidic 30 19 of or like a caryati...
cascaduras 23 18 CASCADURA, a type of...
cascarilla 25 18 (Spanish) a euphorbi...
caseations 18 14 CASEATION, a degener...
casebearer 20 16 an insect larva that...
caseinates 18 14 CASEINATE, a compoun...
caseinogen 18 17 the principal protei...
casemakers 21 20 CASEMAKER, a person...
casemented 19 18 having casements [ad...
casevacing 25 23 CASEVAC, to evacuate...
caseworker 23 20 one who works on a p...
cashierers 22 15 CASHIERER, one who c...
cashiering 23 18 the act of dismissin...
cashpoints 24 19 CASHPOINT, (tradenam...
casinghead 22 19 in mineral extractio...
caskstands 21 19 CASKSTAND, a stand f...
cassareeps 21 16 CASSAREEP, (Tupi) th...
cassations 19 14 CASSATION, annulment...
casseroled 20 15 CASSEROLE, to make a...
casseroles 20 14 CASSEROLE, to make a...
cassimeres 21 16 CASSIMERE, a twilled...
cassingles 22 17 CASSINGLE, a prereco...
cassolette 20 14 (French) a perfume-b...
cassonades 18 15 CASSONADE, (French)...
cassoulets 21 15 CASSOULET, (French)...
cassumunar 21 19 an aromatic root sim...
castellans 21 16 CASTELLAN, the gover...
castellums 24 19 CASTELLUM, (Latin) a...
castigated 21 16 CASTIGATE, to scold,...
castigates 21 15 CASTIGATE, to scold,...
castigator 21 15 one who castigates o...
castoreums 21 17 CASTOREUM, (Latin) t...
castraters 20 13 CASTRATER, a device...
castrating 21 16 CASTRATE, to remove...
castration 19 14 the act of castratin...
castrators 20 13 CASTRATOR, a device...
castratory 26 15 relating to castrati...
casualised 21 16 CASUALISE, to turn (...
casualises 21 15 CASUALISE, to turn (...
casualisms 23 18 CASUALISM, the belie...
casualized 24 25 CASUALIZE, to turn (...
casualizes 24 24 CASUALIZE, to turn (...
casualness 20 16 the state of being c...
casualties 21 15 CASUALTY, a person i...
casuarinas 19 15 CASUARINA, a tree of...
catabolise 22 17 to subject to catabo...
catabolism 24 20 destructive chemical...
catabolite 22 17 a product of catabol...
catabolize 25 26 to subject to catabo...
cataclases 23 17 CATACLASIS, the defo...
cataclasis 24 17 the deformation of r...
cataclasms 25 20 CATACLASM, disruptio...
cataclinal 24 19 of streams, valleys,...
cataclysms 32 22 CATACLYSM, a great f...
catacumbal 27 24 relating to a cataco...
catafalque 30 27 (French) a temporary...
catalectic 27 20 lacking one syllable...
cataleptic 26 20 afflicted with catal...
catalogers 21 16 CATALOGER, (US) one...
cataloging 22 19 CATALOG, to classify...
catalogise 21 16 to put in a catalogu...
catalogize 24 25 to put in a catalogu...
catalogued 21 18 CATALOGUE, to make a...
cataloguer 21 17 one who catalogues,...
catalogues 21 17 CATALOGUE, to make a...
catalysers 27 16 CATALYSER, an agent...
catalysing 28 19 CATALYSE, to act as...
catalyzers 30 25 CATALYZER, an agent...
catalyzing 31 28 CATALYZE, to act at...
catamarans 19 17 CATAMARAN, (Tamil) o...
catamenial 20 18 pertaining to the ca...
catamounts 20 18 CATAMOUNT, any of va...
catananche 22 20 any plant of the Sou...
cataphonic 26 22 of or relating to ca...
cataphoras 23 18 CATAPHORA, (Greek) t...
cataphoric 27 21 relating to a cataph...
cataphract 27 21 a suit of mail; a so...
cataphylls 33 22 CATAPHYLL, a rudimen...
cataplasia 22 17 the degeneration of...
cataplasms 24 20 CATAPLASM, a plaster...
catapulted 23 19 CATAPULT, to hurl th...
catapultic 27 21 of or like a catapul...
catarhines 21 16 CATARHINE, a member...
catarrhine 21 16 a member one of the...
catarrhous 22 16 of or like catarrh,...
catastases 19 13 CATASTASIS, the part...
catastasis 20 13 the part of drama wh...
catatonias 18 14 CATATONIA, a trancel...
catatonics 22 17 CATATONIC, one suffe...
catatonies 18 14 CATATONY, a state of...
catcallers 25 18 CATCALLER, one who c...
catcalling 26 21 CATCALL, to deride b...
catchcries 29 21 CATCHCRY, (Australia...
catchflies 29 22 CATCHFLY, a name for...
catchiness 25 19 the state of being c...
catchlines 26 20 CATCHLINE, a slogan,...
catchments 26 22 CATCHMENT, the act o...
catchpenny 32 25 a worthless thing ma...
catchpoles 28 22 CATCHPOLE, (historic...
catchpolls 30 23 CATCHPOLL, (historic...
catchwater 28 21 a drain or ditch for...
catchweeds 28 22 CATCHWEED, goosegras...
catchwords 29 22 CATCHWORD, among the...
catecheses 24 18 CATECHESIS, primary...
catechesis 25 18 primary oral instruc...
catechetic 28 21 relating to catechis...
catechised 25 19 CATECHISE, to instru...
catechiser 25 18 one who catechises,...
catechises 25 18 CATECHISE, to instru...
catechisms 27 21 CATECHISM, a form of...
catechists 26 18 CATECHIST, one who i...
catechized 28 28 CATECHIZE, to instru...
catechizer 28 27 one who catechizes,...
catechizes 28 27 CATECHIZE, to instru...
catechumen 25 23 one who is receiving...
categorial 21 16 of or relating to a...
categories 20 15 CATEGORY, a division...
categorise 20 15 to put into a catego...
categorist 21 15 one who inserts in a...
categorize 23 24 to put into a catego...
catenaccio 24 20 (Italian) a defensiv...
catenarian 17 15 of or pertaining to...
catenaries 18 14 CATENARY, a curve of...
catenating 19 17 CATENATE, to link to...
catenation 17 15 connection of links...
catenulate 19 16 of certain spores, f...
cateresses 19 13 CATERESS, a woman wh...
caterwauls 24 18 CATERWAUL, to make a...
catfacings 26 22 CATFACING, a deformi...
catharised 22 16 CATHARISE, to render...
catharises 22 15 CATHARISE, to render...
catharized 25 25 CATHARIZE, to render...
catharizes 25 24 CATHARIZE, to render...
cathartics 26 18 CATHARTIC, something...
cathecting 26 21 CATHECT, to invest w...
cathedrals 23 17 CATHEDRAL, the princ...
cathepsins 24 19 CATHEPSIN, an intrac...
cathetuses 22 16 CATHETUS, a straight...
cathinones 20 17 CATHINONE, an alkalo...
cathodally 30 20 CATHODAL, relating t...
cathodical 26 20 relating to a cathod...
catholicly 34 22 CATHOLIC, universal,...
catholicoi 26 19 CATHOLICOS, (Greek)...
catholicon 25 20 a cure-all; a panace...
catholicos 26 19 (Greek) the Primate...
catholytes 29 18 CATHOLYTE, the part...
catnappers 23 20 CATNAPPER, one that...
catnapping 24 23 CATNAP, to take a sh...
catoptrics 26 19 the branch of optics...
cauchemars 26 22 CAUCHEMAR, (French)...
caucussing 25 21 the act of holding a...
caudations 19 16 CAUDATION, the state...
caulescent 23 19 having a leafy stem...
cauliculus 27 21 one of the slender s...
cauliflory 31 21 the production of fl...
caumstanes 20 18 CAUMSTANE, a white a...
caumstones 20 18 CAUMSTONE, (Scots) a...
causalgias 22 17 CAUSALGIA, a constan...
causations 19 15 CAUSATION, the act o...
causatives 22 18 CAUSATIVE, a form or...
causewayed 28 20 CAUSEWAY, to build a...
causticity 31 19 the state of being c...
cauterants 19 15 CAUTERANT, a cauteri...
cauterised 20 15 CAUTERISE, to burn o...
cauterises 20 14 CAUTERISE, to burn o...
cauterisms 22 17 CAUTERISM, the use o...
cauterized 23 24 CAUTERIZE, to burn o...
cauterizes 23 23 CAUTERIZE, to burn o...
cautionary 25 17 relating to caution...
cautioners 19 15 CAUTIONER, one who c...
cautioning 20 18 CAUTION, to warn [v]
cautiously 28 18 CAUTIOUS, exercising...
cavalcaded 25 23 CAVALCADE, to ride i...
cavalcades 25 22 CAVALCADE, to ride i...
cavaliered 22 19 CAVALIER, to behave...
cavalierly 30 21 CAVALIER, careless [...
cavalletti 24 19 a series of timber j...
cavalryman 29 24 a cavalry soldier [n...
cavalrymen 29 24 CAVALRYMAN, a cavalr...
cavefishes 26 22 CAVEFISH, a fish tha...
cavillings 26 22 CAVILLING, raising t...
cavitating 23 20 CAVITATE, to form ca...
cavitation 21 18 the formation of cav...
cavortings 23 20 CAVORTING, the act o...
ceasefires 21 16 CEASEFIRE, a cessati...
cebadillas 24 19 CEBADILLA, (Spanish)...
cecutiency 32 23 a tendency to blindn...
cedarbirds 23 18 CEDARBIRD, the cedar...
cedarwoods 22 18 CEDARWOOD, the wood...
ceilometer 21 17 an instrument for me...
celandines 19 17 CELANDINE, either of...
celebrants 22 18 CELEBRANT, a person...
celebrated 22 18 CELEBRATE, to mark b...
celebrates 22 17 CELEBRATE, to mark b...
celebrator 22 17 one who celebrates [...
celecoxibs 32 27 CELECOXIB, a non-ste...
celerities 21 14 CELERITY, swiftness...
celestials 22 15 CELESTIAL, a celesti...
celestines 20 15 CELESTINE, native st...
celestites 21 14 CELESTITE, native st...
celibacies 26 20 CELIBACY, abstention...
cellarages 22 17 CELLARAGE, the space...
cellarette 21 15 a case or drawer for...
cellarists 23 15 CELLARIST, a monaste...
cellarways 31 20 CELLARWAY, a way int...
cellblocks 30 26 CELLBLOCK, a group o...
cellentani 20 17 a type of pasta [n -...
cellobiose 23 18 a disaccharide obtai...
celloidins 22 17 CELLOIDIN, a purifie...
cellophane 24 21 (tradename) a tough...
cellphones 25 21 CELLPHONE, a portabl...
cellulases 23 17 CELLULASE, an enzyme...
cellulated 23 18 cellular [adj]
cellulites 24 17 CELLULITE, fatty tis...
cellulitis 25 17 an inflammation of t...
celluloids 24 18 CELLULOID, (tradenam...
celluloses 23 17 CELLULOSE, a carbohy...
cellulosic 27 20 plastic made from ce...
celsitudes 22 16 CELSITUDE, loftiness...
cembalists 25 20 CEMBALIST, a person...
cementites 20 17 CEMENTITE, a compoun...
cemeteries 20 16 CEMETERY, a burial g...
cenotaphic 26 22 like a cenotaph [adj...
censorable 21 18 able to be censored...
censorious 19 15 given to censure [ad...
censorship 24 19 the institution, sys...
censurable 22 19 worthy of censure [a...
censurably 29 21 CENSURABLE, worthy o...
centaureas 18 15 CENTAUREA, a large g...
centaurian 18 16 of or like a centaur...
centauries 19 15 CENTAURY, a plant of...
centeniers 18 15 CENTENIER, in Jersey...
centennial 18 17 recurring every hund...
centerfold 22 19 the centre pages of...
centerings 20 17 CENTERING, a tempora...
centerless 20 15 without a centre [ad...
centerline 19 16 an often imaginary l...
centesimal 21 18 counting or counted...
centesimos 20 17 CENTESIMO, (Spanish)...
centigrade 20 17 a temperature scale...
centigrams 22 19 CENTIGRAM, 1/100th o...
centiliter 21 15 (US) the hundredth p...
centilitre 21 15 the hundredth part o...
centillion 21 17 in UK and Germany, t...
centimeter 20 17 one hundredth of a m...
centimetre 20 17 one hundredth of a m...
centinells 21 17 CENTINELL, (obsolete...
centipedes 21 18 CENTIPEDE, any myria...
centipoise 21 17 one hundredth of a p...
centonates 17 15 CENTONATE, a Gregori...
centonells 20 17 CENTONELL, (Spenser)...
centonists 19 15 CENTONIST, one who c...
centralest 20 15 CENTRAL, in the midd...
centralise 20 15 to move to, draw to,...
centralism 22 18 the tendency or poli...
centralist 21 15 an adherent of centr...
centrality 27 17 the state of being c...
centralize 23 24 to move to, draw to,...
centrefold 22 19 the centre pages of...
centreings 20 17 CENTREING [n]
centreless 20 15 having no centre [ad...
centreline 19 16 an often imaginary l...
centricity 30 19 the state or quality...
centrifuge 23 20 to subject to centri...
centrioles 20 15 CENTRIOLE, a rodlike...
centroidal 20 16 of or like a centroi...
centromere 19 17 the portion of DNA t...
centrosome 19 17 a minute, self-dupli...
centumviri 24 22 CENTUMVIR, (Latin) i...
centumvirs 24 22 CENTUMVIR, (Latin) i...
centupling 24 22 CENTUPLE, to increas...
centurions 19 16 CENTURION, (Latin) t...
cephalagra 25 21 gout in the head [n...
cephalexin 30 27 a semisynthetic ceph...
cephalitis 26 19 inflammation of the...
cephalopod 26 23 any marine mollusc o...
ceramicist 25 19 one who works with c...
cerastiums 22 17 CERASTIUM, any low g...
ceratopsid 22 17 a bird-hipped, plant...
cercarians 22 17 CERCARIAN, a cercari...
cerealists 21 14 CEREALIST, one who g...
cerebellar 23 18 relating to the cere...
cerebellic 27 21 relating to the cere...
cerebellum 25 22 (Latin) the lower po...
cerebrally 30 20 CEREBRAL, relating t...
cerebrated 21 17 CEREBRATE, to engage...
cerebrates 21 16 CEREBRATE, to engage...
cerebritis 23 16 inflammation of the...
cerecloths 26 19 CERECLOTH, a cloth s...
ceremonial 20 18 of or like ceremony...
ceremonies 19 17 CEREMONY, a formal o...
ceriferous 22 17 producing wax [adj]
cerographs 25 20 CEROGRAPH, a writing...
cerography 31 22 writing or printing...
certainest 19 14 CERTAIN, absolutely...
certifiers 23 16 CERTIFIER, one who c...
certifying 30 21 CERTIFY, to declare...
certiorari 20 13 a writ from higher c...
certitudes 21 15 CERTITUDE, the state...
ceruminous 21 19 pertaining to, or se...
cerussites 21 14 CERUSSITE, native le...
cervelases 22 18 CERVELAS, (French) a...
cervicitis 27 20 inflammation of the...
cesarevich 27 22 the eldest son of a...
cesarevnas 20 18 CESAREVNA, (Russian)...
cesarewich 28 21 the eldest son of a...
cessations 19 14 CESSATION, a ceasing...
cessionary 25 16 someone to which som...
cestoidean 18 15 of or like a cestode...
cetologies 21 16 CETOLOGY, the study...
cetologist 22 16 one versed in cetolo...
cetrimides 22 17 CETRIMIDE, an ammoni...
cetuximabs 30 27 CETUXIMAB, a chimeri...
cevadillas 24 20 CEVADILLA, (Spanish)...
ceylanites 26 17 CEYLANITE, a mineral...
ceylonites 26 17 CEYLONITE, a mineral...
chabazites 27 27 CHABAZITE, a colourl...
chaconines 23 20 CHACONINE, a toxic a...
chaetodons 20 17 CHAETODON, any fish...
chaetopods 23 19 CHAETOPOD, a member...
chafferers 26 21 CHAFFERER, a vendor...
chafferies 26 21 CHAFFERY, the act of...
chaffering 27 24 CHAFFER, to bargain...
chaffingly 35 27 CHAFFING [adv]
chagrining 24 21 CHAGRIN, to humiliat...
chagrinned 22 20 CHAGRIN, to humiliat...
chainbrake 24 23 a cutoff safety devi...
chainfalls 26 21 CHAINFALL, a type of...
chainplate 24 20 a metal plate on the...
chainsawed 24 20 CHAINSAW, to cut wit...
chainshots 24 18 CHAINSHOT, two half...
chainwheel 27 22 a toothed wheel, as...
chainworks 26 23 CHAINWORK, work loop...
chairbacks 29 25 CHAIRBACK, the part...
chairborne 23 19 carried in a chair [...
chairbound 24 21 confined to a chair...
chairlifts 27 19 CHAIRLIFT, a series...
chairmaned 22 20 CHAIRMAN, to act as...
chairwoman 25 22 a woman who serves a...
chairwomen 25 22 CHAIRWOMAN, a woman...
chaiseless 23 16 without a chaise [ad...
chakalakas 24 24 CHAKALAKA, (South Af...
chalanning 22 21 CHALAN, in India, to...
chalazions 25 26 CHALAZION, a swollen...
chalcedony 31 23 a crystalline form o...
chalcocite 29 22 a greyish-black mine...
chalcogens 26 22 CHALCOGEN, an elemen...
chalkboard 26 24 a blackboard [n -S]
chalkfaces 29 26 CHALKFACE, as in the...
chalkiness 24 21 the state of being c...
chalkmarks 27 27 CHALKMARK, a mark ma...
chalkstone 23 21 a mass of chalk; a t...
challenged 24 21 CHALLENGE, to summon...
challenger 24 20 one who challenges [...
challenges 24 20 CHALLENGE, to summon...
chalumeaus 24 21 CHALUMEAU, (French)...
chalumeaux 30 28 CHALUMEAU, (French)...
chalybeate 30 21 impregnated with sal...
chalybites 32 21 CHALYBITE, native ir...
chamaeleon 21 20 a small African liza...
chamberers 25 21 CHAMBERER, (archaic)...
chambering 26 24 lewd or wanton behav...
chamberpot 27 24 a container for urin...
chambranle 25 23 (French) decoration...
chameleons 22 20 CHAMELEON, a small A...
chamferers 25 21 CHAMFERER, one who c...
chamfering 26 24 CHAMFER, to channel...
chamfrains 25 22 CHAMFRAIN, a piece o...
chamoising 24 21 CHAMOIS, to prepare...
chamomiles 25 22 CHAMOMILE, a creepin...
champagnes 25 24 CHAMPAGNE, a posh so...
champaigns 26 24 CHAMPAIGN, an expans...
champignon 25 25 (French) an edible s...
championed 24 23 CHAMPION, to defend...
champleves 28 26 CHAMPLEVE, (French)...
chanceless 25 20 without chances [adj...
chancellor 26 21 the secretary of a n...
chanceries 24 19 CHANCERY, a court of...
chanciness 24 20 the state of being c...
chancroids 25 20 CHANCROID, a type of...
chandelier 22 18 a branched hanging s...
chandelled 23 20 CHANDELLE, to perfor...
chandelles 23 19 CHANDELLE, to perfor...
chandlerly 30 21 like a chandler, pet...
changeable 24 22 given to change [adj...
changeably 31 24 CHANGEABLE, given to...
changeless 23 19 never changing [adj...
changeling 24 22 a child substituted...
changeover 23 22 a conversion, transi...
channelers 21 18 CHANNELER, one who c...
channeling 22 21 CHANNEL, to direct a...
channelise 21 18 to create or provide...
channelize 24 27 to create or provide...
channelled 22 20 CHANNEL, to direct a...
channeller 22 19 one who channels, a...
chantecler 25 20 a rooster, also CHAN...
chanteuses 21 17 CHANTEUSE, (French)...
chantingly 30 22 CHANTING, singing [a...
chanukiahs 25 23 CHANUKIAH, (Hebrew)...
chaologies 23 18 CHAOLOGY, the study...
chaologist 24 18 a student of chaolog...
chaparajos 25 27 a cowboy's leather r...
chaparejos 25 27 a cowboy's leather r...
chaparrals 25 19 CHAPARRAL, (Spanish)...
chapatties 24 18 CHAPATTI, (Hindi) a...
chapelries 25 19 CHAPELRY, the jurisd...
chaperoned 22 20 CHAPERON, to accompa...
chaperones 22 19 CHAPERONE, to act as...
chapfallen 27 24 dejected, dispirited...
chaplaincy 34 25 the office of chapla...
chaplainry 31 22 the office of chapla...
chappesses 26 21 CHAPPESS, a female c...
chaprassis 25 18 CHAPRASSI, (Urdu) an...
chapsticks 30 25 CHAPSTICK, a small s...
chaptalise 25 19 to add extra sugar t...
chaptalize 28 28 to add extra sugar t...
chaptering 25 21 CHAPTER, to divide a...
charabancs 26 22 CHARABANC, (French)...
characters 25 18 CHARACTER, (archaic]...
charactery 31 20 writing; a system of...
charbroils 26 19 CHARBROIL, to broil...
charcoaled 25 20 CHARCOAL, to draw or...
chardonnay 26 20 a type of grape, ori...
chargeable 25 21 that can be charged...
chargeably 32 23 CHARGEABLE, that can...
chargeback 29 27 the charge a credit...
chargehand 24 21 a foreman [n -S]
chargeless 24 18 free from, or with l...
chargrills 27 19 CHARGRILL, to grill...
charioteer 21 15 one who drives a cha...
charioting 23 18 CHARIOT, to ride in...
charismata 23 18 CHARISMA, a special...
charitable 25 19 inclined to charity...
charitably 32 21 CHARITABLE, inclined...
charivaris 25 19 CHARIVARI, (French)...
charladies 23 17 CHARLADY, a cleaning...
charlatans 22 17 CHARLATAN, someone w...
charleston 22 17 a lively dance that...
charlottes 23 16 CHARLOTTE, (French)...
charmeuses 23 19 CHARMEUSE, (French)...
charminger 24 21 CHARMING, having cha...
charmingly 32 24 CHARMING, having cha...
charmonium 24 23 any of various eleme...
charoseths 24 17 CHAROSETH, (Hebrew)...
charreadas 21 16 CHARREADA, (Spanish)...
charterers 22 15 CHARTERER, one who c...
chartering 23 18 CHARTER, to lease or...
charthouse 24 18 a room in a ship whe...
chartreuse 22 16 (French) a light, ye...
chartulary 30 19 a collection of deed...
chaseports 24 18 CHASEPORT, the porth...
chasmogamy 31 25 the opening of a flo...
chassepots 24 18 CHASSEPOT, (French)...
chasteners 21 16 CHASTENER, one who c...
chasteness 21 16 the state of being c...
chastening 22 19 CHASTEN, to chastise...
chastisers 23 15 CHASTISER, one who c...
chastising 24 18 CHASTISE, to discipl...
chastities 23 15 CHASTITY, moral puri...
chatelaine 21 17 the governess of a c...
chatelains 22 17 CHATELAIN, (French)...
chatoyance 29 21 the quality of being...
chatoyancy 36 23 the quality of being...
chatoyants 27 18 CHATOYANT, a chatoya...
chatterati 22 15 (colloquial) the cha...
chatterbox 30 25 a talkative person [...
chatterers 22 15 CHATTERER, one who c...
chattering 23 18 talking rapidly and...
chattiness 22 16 the state of being c...
chaudfroid 25 21 a jellied sauce, or...
chauffeurs 27 23 CHAUFFEUR, to drive...
chauffeuse 26 23 (French) a female ch...
chaulmugra 26 23 a kind of Asian tree...
chauntress 22 17 a female chanter or...
chauntries 22 17 CHAUNTRY, a chapel o...
chaussures 23 17 CHAUSSURE, (French)...
chautauqua 30 27 an outdoor meeting o...
chauvinism 26 24 excessive or blind p...
chauvinist 25 21 one who is blindly p...
chavenders 23 21 CHAVENDER, another n...
chavtastic 28 22 suitable for use by...
chawbacons 29 25 CHAWBACON, a bumpkin...
cheapeners 22 19 CHEAPENER, one who m...
cheapening 23 22 CHEAPEN, to lower th...
cheapishly 34 23 CHEAPISH, somewhat c...
cheapjacks 30 34 CHEAPJACK, a travell...
cheapshots 26 20 CHEAPSHOT, an abusiv...
cheapskate 24 22 a miserly or stingy...
cheateries 21 15 CHEATERY, a cheating...
cheatingly 30 21 CHEATING, deceiving...
chechakoes 27 24 CHECHAKO, (Native Am...
chechaquos 35 30 CHECHAQUO, (Native A...
checkbooks 29 29 CHECKBOOK, (US) a ch...
checkboxes 34 32 CHECKBOX, a small bo...
checkclerk 32 30 a clerk who checks a...
checkering 27 25 CHECKER, to divide i...
checklaton 26 24 (Spenser) a kind of...
checklists 29 23 CHECKLIST, a list of...
checkmarks 29 29 CHECKMARK, to mark i...
checkmated 27 26 CHECKMATE, in chess,...
checkmates 27 25 CHECKMATE, in chess,...
checkpoint 28 26 a point at which a c...
checkrails 28 23 CHECKRAIL, an inner...
checkreins 26 23 CHECKREIN, a short r...
checkrooms 27 25 CHECKROOM, (US) a cl...
checkrowed 29 26 CHECKROW, to plant i...
cheechakos 27 24 CHEECHAKO, (Native A...
cheechalko 28 25 (Native American) a...
cheekbones 23 23 CHEEKBONE, the bone...
cheekiness 22 20 the state of being c...
cheekpiece 27 25 the part of a helmet...
cheekpouch 30 28 a dilatation of the...
cheekteeth 24 21 CHEEKTOOTH, a molar...
cheektooth 24 21 a molar tooth [n CHE...
cheerfully 33 23 CHEERFUL, in good sp...
cheeriness 21 16 the state of being c...
cheeringly 30 21 CHEERING [adv]
cheerleads 22 17 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
cheesecake 24 22 a kind of cake havin...
cheesemite 22 18 a very small arachni...
cheesevats 23 19 CHEESEVAT, a vat or...
cheesewire 24 18 a thin wire used for...
cheesewood 23 19 the yellow wood of v...
cheesiness 21 16 the quality of being...
chelaships 28 21 CHELASHIP, disciples...
chelatable 25 20 that can be chelated...
chelations 22 17 CHELATION, the actio...
chelicerae 25 19 CHELICERA, the first...
cheliceral 27 20 relating to the chel...
chelonians 21 18 CHELONIAN, any membe...
chemiatric 27 21 healing by the use o...
chemically 35 25 CHEMICAL, related to...
chemicking 29 28 the act of treating...
chemisette 23 18 (French) an undergar...
chemisorbs 26 21 CHEMISORB, to adsorb...
chemitypes 32 23 CHEMITYPE, any chemi...
chemokines 23 23 CHEMOKINE, a type of...
chemonasty 28 21 plant movement provo...
chemosorbs 25 21 CHEMOSORB, to adsorb...
chemostats 23 18 CHEMOSTAT, an appara...
chemotaxes 28 25 CHEMOTAXIS, orientat...
chemotaxis 29 25 orientation of an an...
chempaduks 27 27 CHEMPADUK, an evergr...
chemtrails 25 19 CHEMTRAIL, a vapour...
chemurgies 25 21 CHEMURGY, a branch o...
cheongsams 23 21 CHEONGSAM, (Chinese)...
chequebook 32 32 a book containing ch...
chequering 31 28 CHEQUER, to divide i...
cheralites 23 16 CHERALITE, a radioac...
cherimoyas 29 20 CHERIMOYA, (Quechua)...
cherimoyer 29 20 (Quechua) a Peruvian...
cherishers 25 17 CHERISHER, one who c...
cherishing 26 20 CHERISH, to hold dea...
chermoulas 24 20 CHERMOULA, (Arabic)...
chernozems 25 28 CHERNOZEM, (Russian)...
cherrylike 31 22 like a cherry [adj]
chersonese 20 16 a peninsula [n -S]
cherubical 29 23 like a cherub, also...
cherubimic 30 25 like a cherub [adj]
cherublike 27 24 like a cherub [adj]
chervonets 23 20 a former Soviet mone...
chessboard 24 19 a checkerboard used...
chesspiece 27 21 a piece used in play...
chessylite 30 18 a basic carbonate of...
chestiness 22 16 the state of being c...
chevaliers 25 20 CHEVALIER, (French)...
chevelures 25 21 CHEVELURE, a head of...
chevesaile 24 20 an ornamental collar...
chevisance 26 23 (obsolete) resource;...
chevrettes 24 19 CHEVRETTE, (French)...
chevrotain 23 20 (French) a small dee...
chiackings 28 25 CHIACKING, the act o...
chiarezzas 28 33 CHIAREZZA, (Italian)...
chiasmatic 27 21 relating to chiasma...
chibouques 33 29 CHIBOUQUE, a long st...
chicalotes 26 19 CHICALOTE, (Nahuatl)...
chicanings 26 22 CHICANING, quibbling...
chiccories 29 21 CHICCORY, succory, a...
chickadees 26 23 CHICKADEE, a North A...
chickarees 26 22 CHICKAREE, the Ameri...
chickening 27 26 CHICKEN, to loose on...
chickenpox 34 33 a contagious febrile...
chicklings 30 26 CHICKLING, a small c...
chickories 27 22 CHICKORY, a perennia...
chickweeds 30 26 CHICKWEED, any plant...
chicnesses 25 19 CHICNESS, being chic...
chieferies 24 18 CHIEFERY, an Irish c...
chiefesses 24 18 CHIEFESS, a female c...
chieflings 27 22 CHIEFLING, a minor c...
chiefships 30 23 CHIEFSHIP, the offic...
chieftains 24 19 CHIEFTAIN, the head...
chiffchaff 37 32 a small grayish Euro...
chiffonade 25 23 (French) green plant...
chiffonier 26 22 (French) a chest of...
chifforobe 28 24 a combination of war...
chihuahuas 27 21 CHIHUAHUA, a breed o...
chilblains 27 21 CHILBLAIN, a painful...
childbirth 30 22 the act of giving bi...
childcares 27 20 CHILDCARE, care of c...
childermas 25 20 a church festival he...
childhoods 26 20 CHILDHOOD, the state...
childishly 35 22 CHILDISH, like a chi...
childliest 26 18 CHILDLY, (archaic) h...
childproof 28 23 not able to be damag...
chiliagons 24 19 CHILIAGON, (Greek) a...
chiliarchs 30 21 CHILIARCH, (Greek) t...
chiliarchy 36 23 a body consisting of...
chiliastic 28 19 of or relating to a...
chillaxing 32 27 CHILLAX, to relax co...
chilliness 25 18 the quality of being...
chillingly 34 23 CHILLING, causing a...
chilopodan 24 21 a member of the orde...
chiltepins 26 20 CHILTEPIN, a variety...
chimaerism 25 21 the state of being o...
chimerical 28 22 of the nature of a c...
chimerisms 26 21 CHIMERISM, the state...
chimneying 30 24 CHIMNEY, to proceed...
chimneypot 31 24 the pot on a chimney...
chimpanzee 27 31 an anthropoid ape of...
chinaberry 30 21 a small Asian tree o...
chinachina 26 22 (Quechua) a tree yie...
chinaroots 21 16 CHINAROOT, the roots...
chinawares 24 19 CHINAWARE, goods mad...
chincapins 27 23 CHINCAPIN, (Native A...
chinchiest 28 21 CHINCHY, stingy [adj...
chinchilla 30 23 (Quechua) a South Am...
chincoughs 29 24 CHINCOUGH, whooping...
chinkapins 25 24 CHINKAPIN, (Native A...
chinovniks 25 25 CHINOVNIK, (Russian)...
chinquapin 32 30 (Native American) th...
chinstraps 25 19 CHINSTRAP, the strap...
chintziest 26 25 CHINTZY, like chintz...
chinwagged 27 24 CHINWAG, to chat [v]
chionodoxa 26 24 a liliaceous plant,...
chipboards 27 22 CHIPBOARD, reconstru...
chipochias 30 23 CHIPOCHIA, (Shakespe...
chipolatas 25 19 CHIPOLATA, a small,...
chippering 28 24 CHIPPER, to twitter,...
chippiness 27 22 the state of being c...
chirimoyas 30 20 CHIRIMOYA, (Quechua)...
chirognomy 30 23 palmistry [n CHIROGN...
chirograph 28 22 a written or signed...
chiromancy 32 24 divination by means...
chironomer 22 19 a gesticulator [n -S...
chironomic 26 22 relating to gesticul...
chironomid 23 20 a member of a large...
chiropters 25 18 CHIROPTER, a type of...
chirpiness 25 19 the state of being c...
chirrupers 26 19 CHIRRUPER, one who c...
chirruping 27 22 CHIRRUP, to chirp re...
chirurgeon 23 19 a surgeon [n -S]
chirurgery 31 20 surgery [n CHIRURGER...
chisellers 25 17 CHISELLER, one who c...
chiselling 26 20 the act of shaping w...
chitarrone 21 16 (Italian) a large lu...
chitarroni 22 16 CHITARRONE, (Italian...
chittagong 24 20 an Indian variety of...
chittering 24 18 the act of chitterin...
chivalries 26 20 CHIVALRY, knightly b...
chivalrous 26 21 gentlemanly, valiant...
chivariing 26 22 CHIVARI, to perform...
chiyogamis 31 22 CHIYOGAMI, (Japanese...
chlamydate 30 22 of molluscs, having...
chlamydiae 30 22 CHLAMYDIA, any micro...
chlamydial 32 23 relating to chlamydi...
chlamydias 31 22 CHLAMYDIA, any micro...
chloasmata 23 19 CHLOASMA, a skin dis...
chloracnes 25 20 CHLORACNE, a type of...
chloralism 26 20 a morbid condition o...
chloralose 23 17 a hypnotic drug used...
chloramine 23 20 any of various compo...
chlordanes 22 18 CHLORDANE, a highly...
chlorellas 25 18 CHLORELLA, a member...
chloridate 23 17 to treat or prepare...
chloridise 24 17 to convert into a ch...
chloridize 27 26 to convert into a ch...
chlorinate 22 17 to treat or combine...
chlorinise 23 17 to chlorinate, also...
chlorinity 30 19 in seawater, a measu...
chlorinize 26 26 to chlorinate, also...
chlorodyne 28 20 a patent anodyne med...
chloroform 26 22 to treat with or as...
chlorophyl 35 24 the green colouring...
chloroquin 31 27 a drug used to suppr...
choanocyte 29 21 a cell in which the...
chocaholic 31 24 one addicted to choc...
chockstone 25 23 in mountaineering, a...
chocoholic 31 24 one addicted to choc...
chocolates 25 19 CHOCOLATE, a paste m...
chocolatey 31 21 of or like chocolate...
choiceness 24 19 the quality of being...
choirgirls 26 18 CHOIRGIRL, a female...
choirstall 25 17 one of the benches f...
chokeberry 31 24 a small astringent f...
chokebores 24 22 CHOKEBORE, a gun tha...
chokecoils 27 23 CHOKECOIL, a choking...
chokedamps 26 26 CHOKEDAMP, an asphyx...
chokeholds 26 23 CHOKEHOLD, the act o...
cholaemias 23 19 CHOLAEMIA, an accumu...
cholagogic 28 23 of or like a cholago...
cholagogue 24 21 an agent which incre...
cholecysts 33 21 CHOLECYST, the gall...
choleliths 27 19 CHOLELITH, a gallsto...
cholericly 34 22 CHOLERIC, bad-temper...
choliambic 30 25 a verse having an ia...
chomophyte 33 25 a plant growing on r...
chondrites 22 17 CHONDRITE, a meteori...
chondritic 26 20 granular; having the...
chondritis 23 17 an inflammation of c...
chondromas 22 20 CHONDROMA, a benign...
chondrules 23 19 CHONDRULE, a spheroi...
chopfallen 27 24 dejected, dispirited...
chophouses 26 21 CHOPHOUSE, in China,...
choplogics 30 24 CHOPLOGIC, false rea...
choppering 27 24 CHOPPER, to travel b...
choppiness 26 22 the state of being c...
chopsticks 30 25 CHOPSTICK, either of...
choraguses 23 18 CHORAGUS, a leader o...
choralists 24 16 CHORALIST, a member...
chordotomy 29 21 the surgical divisio...
choregraph 27 22 to arrange or compos...
choreguses 23 18 CHOREGUS, a leader o...
choreiform 25 21 resembling chorea [a...
choreology 29 20 the study of ballets...
choriambic 29 24 a metrical foot comp...
choriambus 26 22 a metrical foot comp...
choristers 23 15 CHORISTER, a member...
chorizonts 25 25 CHORIZONT, a person...
choropleth 27 21 a map using symbols...
chorussing 24 19 CHORUS, to sing in u...
choucroute 25 20 (French) pickled cab...
choultries 24 17 CHOULTRY, a shed use...
chountered 21 18 CHOUNTER, to mutter,...
chowdering 26 22 CHOWDER, to make a t...
chowhounds 27 23 CHOWHOUND, one fond...
chowkidars 27 23 CHOWKIDAR, (Urdu) a...
chrematist 24 18 a political economis...
christened 22 17 CHRISTEN, to baptise...
christener 22 16 one who christens [n...
christians 23 16 CHRISTIAN, a kind, g...
chromaffin 27 25 staining deeply with...
chromakeys 30 24 CHROMAKEY, a special...
chromatics 27 21 the science of color...
chromatids 24 19 CHROMATID, one of th...
chromatins 23 19 CHROMATIN, a protein...
chromatist 24 18 one who studies chro...
chromatoid 23 19 relating to chromati...
chromatype 31 23 a colored photograph...
chromidium 26 23 an algal cell in a l...
chromising 25 21 CHROMISE, to chrome,...
chromizing 28 30 CHROMIZE, to chrome,...
chromogens 23 21 CHROMOGEN, a substan...
chromogram 25 23 a combination of pho...
chromolies 24 19 CHROMOLY, a steel al...
chromomere 23 21 one of the character...
chromonema 22 22 the coiled filamento...
chromophil 29 24 a cell that takes a...
chromosome 23 21 a threadlike body co...
chromotype 31 23 a sheet printed in c...
chronaxies 27 23 CHRONAXY, a time con...
chronicity 32 21 the quality of being...
chronicled 26 21 CHRONICLE, to record...
chronicler 26 20 one who composes a c...
chronicles 26 20 CHRONICLE, to record...
chronogram 23 21 an inscription whose...
chronology 29 21 the science that dea...
chronotron 20 17 a device for measuri...
chrysalids 31 19 CHRYSALID, a pupa, e...
chrysanths 31 20 CHRYSANTH, (colloqui...
chrysolite 30 18 a yellow variety of...
chrysophan 32 23 an old name for chry...
chrysotile 30 18 an asbestiform varie...
chubbiness 27 23 the state of being c...
chuckholes 30 26 CHUCKHOLE, (US) a ho...
chucklings 30 27 CHUCKLING, the act o...
chuckwalla 32 28 (Spanish) an iguanid...
chuffiness 27 23 the quality of being...
chumminess 25 23 the state of being c...
chundering 23 21 CHUNDER, (Australian...
chunderous 22 19 nauseating [adj]
chunkiness 23 22 the state of being c...
chunnering 22 21 CHUNNER, to mutter,...
chuntering 23 20 CHUNTER, to mutter,...
chupatties 25 19 CHUPATTY, (Hindi) a...
churchgoer 29 23 one who habitually a...
churchiest 29 21 CHURCHY, associated...
churchings 30 24 CHURCHING [n]
churchisms 31 24 CHURCHISM, devotion...
churchless 30 22 without a church [ad...
churchlier 30 22 CHURCHLY, pertaining...
churchward 32 25 in the direction of...
churchways 38 26 CHURCHWAY, the publi...
churchyard 35 24 a yard that belongs...
churlishly 35 22 CHURLISH, like a chu...
churnalism 25 21 a type of journalism...
churnmilks 27 25 CHURNMILK, buttermil...
chylaceous 32 22 possessed of the pro...
chylifying 40 26 CHYLIFY, to produce...
chymifying 40 28 CHYMIFY, to form int...
cibachrome 28 24 a type of colour pri...
cicadellid 26 20 any of a genus of in...
cicatrices 27 19 CICATRIX, the scar o...
cicatricle 28 20 a white spot, the ge...
cicatrised 24 17 CICATRISE, to form a...
cicatriser 24 16 an agent that cicatr...
cicatrises 24 16 CICATRISE, to form a...
cicatrixes 30 23 CICATRIX, the scar o...
cicatrized 27 26 CICATRIZE, to form a...
cicatrizer 27 25 an agent that cicatr...
cicatrizes 27 25 CICATRIZE, to form a...
cicinnuses 23 19 CICINNUS, a way in w...
cicisbeism 28 22 the state or conduct...
ciclatouns 24 19 CICLATOUN, (obsolete...
cigarettes 21 15 CIGARETTE, finely-cu...
cigarillos 24 17 CIGARILLO, (Spanish)...
ciguateras 21 16 CIGUATERA, (Spanish)...
ciguatoxin 27 24 a toxin found in sea...
ciliations 21 15 CILIATION, the state...
cimetidine 21 18 a drug that reduces...
cinchonine 23 21 an alkaloid obtained...
cinchonise 24 20 to treat with cincho...
cinchonism 26 23 a condition produced...
cinchonize 27 29 to treat with cincho...
cincinnate 21 19 relating to a cincin...
cincturing 25 21 CINCTURE, to gird or...
cinemagoer 20 19 one who attends the...
cinematise 20 17 to produce for the c...
cinematize 23 26 to produce for the c...
cinephiles 25 20 CINEPHILE, a lover o...
cineplexes 28 25 CINEPLEX, a multiple...
cinerarias 19 14 CINERARIA, any of va...
cinerarium 21 18 (Latin) a place to r...
cineration 18 15 the reducing of anyt...
cinerators 19 14 CINERATOR, an incine...
cingulated 22 19 having a girdle, als...
cinnabaric 24 21 of or like cinnabar,...
cinnamonic 22 22 pertaining to, or ob...
cinquefoil 31 28 a wildflower, aka ro...
cipherings 26 21 CIPHERING, the act o...
ciphertext 31 25 enciphered text [n -...
cipollinos 24 19 CIPOLLINO, (Italian)...
circassian 23 17 a kind of light cash...
circensial 24 18 (obsolete) of or per...
circensian 22 18 of or pertaining to,...
circuiteer 24 17 of a judge, to go on...
circuities 25 17 CIRCUITY, a roundabo...
circuiting 26 20 CIRCUIT, to move aro...
circuitous 25 18 having a circular or...
circulable 28 22 capable of being cir...
circularly 33 21 CIRCULAR, in the sha...
circulated 25 19 CIRCULATE, to go rou...
circulates 25 18 CIRCULATE, to go rou...
circulator 25 18 one who circulates [...
circumcise 29 23 to cut off the fores...
circumduce 29 25 (Scots) to declare e...
circumduct 30 25 to cause to revolve...
circumflex 35 31 a mark used over a v...
circumfuse 28 24 to pour around or ab...
circummure 27 24 (Shakespeare) to wal...
circumpose 27 23 to place around [v C...
circumvent 27 25 to go round, to get...
cirrhipede 25 19 an erroneous form of...
cirrhotics 27 18 CIRRHOTIC, a suffere...
cirrigrade 22 16 moving or moved by c...
cirripedes 23 17 CIRRIPEDE, a barnacl...
cismontane 19 18 on this or the near...
cisplatins 24 18 CISPLATIN, a platinu...
cispontine 21 18 on this side of the...
cistaceous 23 17 of or like a Cistus,...
citational 20 15 relating to a citati...
citharists 24 15 CITHARIST, a player...
citizeness 23 23 a female citizen [n...
citizenise 23 23 to make a citizen of...
citizenize 26 32 to make a citizen of...
citronella 21 16 a colourless aldehyd...
citrulline 23 17 an amino acid formed...
cityscapes 32 21 CITYSCAPE, a view of...
civilisers 25 18 CIVILISER, one who c...
civilising 26 21 CIVILISE, to instruc...
civilities 25 18 CIVILITY, politeness...
civilizers 28 27 CIVILIZER, one who c...
civilizing 29 30 CIVILIZE, to instruc...
clabbering 26 23 CLABBER, to curdle,...
clackboxes 33 31 CLACKBOX, a part of...
cladistics 26 18 CLADISTIC [n]
cladoceran 22 19 a small crustacean,...
cladograms 23 20 CLADOGRAM, a branchi...
cladophyll 34 24 a special branch, re...
claircolle 26 19 a priming coat consi...
clamancies 24 21 CLAMANCY, urgency [n...
clamberers 24 20 CLAMBERER, one who c...
clambering 25 23 CLAMBER, to climb aw...
clamjamfry 34 34 (Scots) rubbish, non...
clamminess 23 21 the state of being c...
clamourers 22 18 CLAMOURER, one who m...
clamouring 23 21 CLAMOUR, to make a l...
clampdowns 27 25 CLAMPDOWN, a tighten...
clampering 25 23 CLAMPER, to botch up...
clamshells 27 21 CLAMSHELL, the shell...
clangboxes 29 27 CLANGBOX, a deflecto...
clangoring 22 20 CLANGOR, to clang lo...
clangorous 21 18 full of clangour [ad...
clangoured 21 19 CLANGOUR, to clang l...
clankingly 30 25 CLANKING [adv]
clannishly 30 21 CLANNISH, like a cla...
clanswoman 23 22 a female member of a...
clanswomen 23 22 CLANSWOMAN, a female...
clapboards 25 21 CLAPBOARD, to cover...
clapbreads 25 21 CLAPBREAD, a kind of...
clapdishes 26 20 CLAPDISH, (archaic)...
clapometer 23 20 a device for registe...
clapperboy 33 25 the person who works...
clappering 26 23 the sound made by us...
clarabella 24 19 an organ stop having...
clarendons 19 17 CLARENDON, a form of...
claribella 25 19 an organ stop having...
clarichord 27 20 an old keyboard stri...
clarifiers 24 17 CLARIFIER, an agent...
clarifying 31 22 CLARIFY, to make cle...
clarionets 20 15 CLARIONET, (archaic)...
clarioning 21 18 CLARION, to sound a...
clartheads 23 17 CLARTHEAD, a slow-wi...
clashingly 32 22 CLASHING [adv]
classicals 26 18 CLASSICAL, a work in...
classicise 25 17 to make classical, a...
classicism 27 20 the principles or st...
classicist 26 17 an advocate or follo...
classicize 28 26 to make classical, a...
classified 24 18 a section of a newsp...
classifier 24 17 one who classifies [...
classifies 24 17 CLASSIFY, to arrange...
classiness 21 15 the state of being c...
classmates 22 17 CLASSMATE, one in th...
classrooms 22 17 CLASSROOM, a room in...
classworks 26 21 CLASSWORK, work done...
clathrates 23 16 CLATHRATE, a lattice...
clatterers 21 14 CLATTERER, one who c...
clattering 22 17 CLATTER, to make a r...
clauchting 28 23 CLAUCHT, (Scots) to...
claughting 26 22 CLAUGHT, (Scots) to...
clavations 22 19 CLAVATION, an articu...
clavichord 29 24 an old keyboard stri...
clavicorns 26 22 CLAVICORN, a beetle...
claviculae 27 23 CLAVICULA, (Latin) t...
clavicular 28 23 of or pertaining to...
clavierist 24 18 one who plays the pi...
clawhammer 28 25 relating to a style...
claymation 27 20 (tradename) the anim...
claystones 26 17 CLAYSTONE, a compact...
claytonias 26 17 CLAYTONIA, an Americ...
cleanliest 21 16 CLEANLY, clean in ha...
cleansable 22 19 capable of being cle...
cleansings 21 18 CLEANSING, the act o...
cleanskins 21 20 CLEANSKIN, (Australi...
clearances 22 18 CLEARANCE, the act o...
clearcoled 24 19 CLEARCOLE, to coat w...
clearcoles 24 18 CLEARCOLE, a priming...
clearskins 22 19 CLEARSKIN, (Australi...
clearstory 27 16 the upper storey of...
clearweeds 23 18 CLEARWEED, a nettlel...
clearwings 25 20 CLEARWING, a transpa...
clematises 22 17 CLEMATIS, a climbing...
clemencies 24 21 CLEMENCY, mercy [n]
clementine 20 19 (French) a hybrid of...
cleopatras 22 17 CLEOPATRA, a yellow...
clepsydrae 29 20 CLEPSYDRA, (Latin) a...
clepsydras 30 20 CLEPSYDRA, (Latin) a...
clerestory 27 16 the upper storey of...
clergiable 25 20 entitled to, or admi...
clergyable 31 22 entitled to, or admi...
clerically 33 21 CLERICAL, like a cle...
clericates 24 17 CLERICATE, the posit...
clerkesses 22 18 CLERKESS, a female c...
clerkliest 24 19 CLERKLY, pertaining...
clerklings 25 22 CLERKLING, a small c...
clerkships 28 23 CLERKSHIP, the state...
cleromancy 30 23 divination using dic...
cleruchial 28 21 of or like a cleruch...
cleruchias 27 20 CLERUCHIA, an allotm...
cleruchies 27 20 CLERUCHY, an allotme...
cleverdick 28 26 an annoyingly clever...
cleverness 22 19 the quality of being...
clickbaits 29 24 CLICKBAIT, intriguin...
clicketing 27 24 CLICKET, to make a c...
clickwraps 32 27 CLICKWRAP, an agreem...
clientages 21 17 CLIENTAGE, clients c...
clienteles 21 16 CLIENTELE, (French)...
clientless 22 16 without clients [adj...
clientship 26 20 the state of being a...
cliffhangs 29 25 CLIFFHANG, to keep a...
cliffsides 27 21 CLIFFSIDE, the side...
climatical 27 21 relating to climate,...
climatised 23 18 CLIMATISE, to acclim...
climatises 23 17 CLIMATISE, to acclim...
climatized 26 27 CLIMATIZE, to acclim...
climatizes 26 26 CLIMATIZE, to acclim...
climatures 23 18 CLIMATURE, (Shakespe...
climaxless 30 25 without a climax [ad...
climbdowns 28 25 CLIMBDOWN, a retreat...
clinandria 20 17 CLINANDRIUM, a cavit...
clingfilms 28 24 CLINGFILM, thin plas...
clinginess 22 18 the state of being c...
clingingly 31 23 CLINGING [adv]
clingstone 21 18 having the flesh att...
clingwraps 28 23 CLINGWRAP, a thin po...
clinically 33 22 CLINICAL, relating t...
clinicians 24 19 CLINICIAN, a doctor...
clinkering 23 22 CLINKER, to make fur...
clinkstone 21 20 a fine-grained inter...
clinometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
clinometry 28 20 the art or operation...
clinostats 21 15 CLINOSTAT, an appara...
clinquants 29 26 CLINQUANT, tinsel, g...
clintonias 20 16 CLINTONIA, any tempe...
cliometric 26 20 relating to cliometr...
clipboards 26 21 CLIPBOARD, a portabl...
clipshears 26 19 CLIPSHEAR, (Scots) a...
clipsheets 26 19 CLIPSHEET, a sheet c...
cliquiness 30 25 the state of being c...
cliquishly 41 29 CLIQUISH, relating t...
clistogamy 30 21 the production of sm...
cliticised 26 18 CLITICISE, to pronou...
cliticises 26 17 CLITICISE, to pronou...
cliticized 29 27 CLITICIZE, to pronou...
cliticizes 29 26 CLITICIZE, to pronou...
clitorides 22 15 CLITORIS, a small er...
clitorises 22 14 CLITORIS, a small er...
clittering 23 17 CLITTER, to make a s...
cloacaline 23 19 relating to the cloa...
cloakrooms 22 21 CLOAKROOM, a room in...
clobbering 26 23 CLOBBER, to strike v...
clockmaker 27 28 one who makes clocks...
clockworks 30 28 CLOCKWORK, the works...
cloddishly 32 21 CLODDISH, like a clo...
clodhopper 27 23 a clumsy, awkward fe...
clofibrate 25 20 a lipid-lowering dru...
clogdances 24 21 CLOGDANCE, a dance p...
clogginess 23 19 the state of being c...
cloisonnes 19 16 CLOISONNE, (French)...
cloistered 21 15 CLOISTER, to seclude...
cloisterer 21 14 one belonging to, or...
cloistress 22 14 (Shakespeare) a nun...
clomiphene 25 23 a synthetic drug use...
clonazepam 25 30 a sedative drug used...
clonidines 20 17 CLONIDINE, an antihy...
closedowns 23 19 CLOSEDOWN, an instan...
closeheads 22 17 CLOSEHEAD, (Scots) t...
closestool 21 15 a stool holding a ch...
closetfuls 25 19 CLOSETFUL, the conte...
clostridia 22 15 CLOSTRIDIUM, any of...
clothbound 25 22 bound with cloth e.g...
clothespin 25 20 a forked piece of wo...
clottering 22 17 CLOTTER, to coagulat...
clottiness 21 15 the state of being c...
cloudberry 30 21 a low plant of North...
cloudburst 25 20 a heavy downpour of...
cloudiness 21 17 the state of being c...
cloudlands 22 19 CLOUDLAND, an imagin...
cloudscape 26 22 a view or pictorial...
cloudtowns 24 20 CLOUDTOWN, an imagin...
cloverleaf 25 22 the pattern made by...
clowneries 23 18 CLOWNERY, clownish b...
clownishly 34 23 CLOWNISH, resembling...
clozapines 25 27 CLOZAPINE, a neurole...
clubbiness 26 22 the state of being c...
clubfooted 25 22 having a clubfoot [a...
clubhauled 27 23 CLUBHAUL, to force a...
clubhouses 26 21 CLUBHOUSE, the premi...
clubmaster 25 21 the manager of a clu...
clubmosses 25 21 CLUBMOSS, a green pl...
clubrushes 27 21 CLUBRUSH, any sedge...
clumpiness 25 22 the state of being c...
clumsiness 23 19 the quality of being...
clustering 23 18 CLUSTER, to form int...
clutchiest 28 20 CLUTCHY, tending to...
cluttering 23 18 CLUTTER, to pile in...
clypeiform 33 25 shaped like a buckle...
cnidarians 19 16 CNIDARIAN, a coelent...
cnidoblast 23 19 a stinging thread ce...
coacervate 23 20 to heap; to cause to...
coachbuilt 29 23 of a vehicle body, b...
coachlines 25 20 COACHLINE, a decorat...
coachloads 25 20 COACHLOAD, the passe...
coachwhips 33 26 COACHWHIP, a large,...
coachwoods 27 22 COACHWOOD, an Austra...
coachworks 29 25 COACHWORK, vehicle b...
coactively 32 23 COACTIVE, mutually a...
coactivity 32 22 unity of action [n C...
coadjacent 23 27 something that is ad...
coadjutant 21 25 mutually assisting o...
coadjutors 22 24 COADJUTOR, a bishop...
coadjutrix 29 31 a female coadjutor o...
coadmiring 22 20 COADMIRE, to admire...
coadmitted 21 18 COADMIT, to admit se...
coadunated 18 17 COADUNATE, to unite,...
coadunates 18 16 COADUNATE, to unite,...
coagencies 22 19 COAGENCY, a joint ag...
coagulable 24 21 capable of being coa...
coagulants 21 18 COAGULANT, that whic...
coagulases 21 17 COAGULASE, any of se...
coagulated 21 18 COAGULATE, to curdle...
coagulates 21 17 COAGULATE, to curdle...
coagulator 21 17 that which causes co...
coalescent 22 18 growing together, co...
coalescing 24 20 COALESCE, to blend [...
coalfields 24 19 COALFIELD, a distric...
coalfishes 25 19 COALFISH, a dusky fi...
coalhouses 22 17 COALHOUSE, a place w...
coalifying 30 22 COALIFY, to convert...
coalitions 20 15 COALITION, the act o...
coalmaster 21 17 the owner or lessee...
coalminers 21 18 COALMINER, one who d...
coanchored 23 20 COANCHOR, to present...
coannexing 24 25 COANNEX, to annex jo...
coappeared 22 20 COAPPEAR, to appear...
coaptation 20 17 joining or fitting t...
coarctated 22 17 COARCTATE, to press...
coarctates 22 16 COARCTATE, to press...
coarseness 18 14 the state of being c...
coarsening 19 17 COARSEN, to make coa...
coassisted 20 14 COASSIST, to assist...
coassuming 22 20 COASSUME, to assume...
coastguard 21 17 an organization with...
coastlands 20 16 COASTLAND, land alon...
coastlines 20 15 COASTLINE, the line...
coastwards 23 17 COASTWARD [n]
coatimundi 21 19 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
coatstands 19 15 COATSTAND, a stand f...
coattended 18 16 COATTEND, to attend...
coattested 19 14 COATTEST, to attest...
coauthored 21 17 COAUTHOR, to write t...
cobalamins 23 21 COBALAMIN, a complex...
cobaltines 22 18 COBALTINE, a mineral...
cobaltites 23 17 COBALTITE, a mineral...
cobbleries 25 20 COBBLERY, the mendin...
cobwebbery 35 27 cobwebs collectively...
cobwebbier 29 25 COBWEBBY, covered wi...
cobwebbing 30 28 COBWEB, to cover wit...
cocainised 22 18 COCAINISE, to anaest...
cocainises 22 17 COCAINISE, to anaest...
cocainisms 24 20 COCAINISM, a morbid...
cocainists 23 17 COCAINIST, one suffe...
cocainized 25 27 COCAINIZE, to anaest...
cocainizes 25 26 COCAINIZE, to anaest...
cocaptains 24 20 COCAPTAIN, to captai...
cocatalyst 30 19 a substance that act...
coccineous 25 21 (obsolete) bright re...
coccolites 27 20 COCCOLITE, a small r...
coccoliths 30 22 COCCOLITH, a small r...
cochairing 26 21 COCHAIR, to serve jo...
cochairman 25 22 one who shares a cha...
cochairmen 25 22 COCHAIRMAN, one who...
cochampion 27 25 a joint champion [n...
cochineals 25 20 COCHINEAL, a dyestuf...
cochleares 25 19 COCHLEARE, a kind of...
cochleated 25 20 having the form of a...
cockabully 35 28 any of various small...
cockalorum 26 25 boastful talk; a boa...
cockamamie 25 26 ridiculous, incredib...
cockateels 24 21 COCKATEEL, (Dutch) a...
cockatiels 25 21 COCKATIEL, (Dutch) a...
cockatrice 27 23 a fabulous serpent w...
cockbilled 29 26 COCKBILL, to raise t...
cockchafer 31 28 any of several kinds...
cockernony 28 24 (Scots) the gatherin...
cockeyedly 37 26 COCKEYED, having a c...
cockfights 31 27 COCKFIGHT, a fight b...
cockhorses 26 22 COCKHORSE, a child's...
cockleboat 26 24 a small boat, esp. o...
cockleburs 28 25 COCKLEBUR, the burdo...
cockleerts 25 21 COCKLEERT, (dialect)...
cockneydom 30 27 the region or home o...
cockneyish 32 25 characteristic of, o...
cockneyism 31 26 a Cockney idiom or c...
cocknified 26 25 COCKNIFY, to make (a...
cocknifies 26 24 COCKNIFY, to make (a...
cockscombs 31 29 COCKSCOMB, a jester'...
cocksfoots 26 23 COCKSFOOT, a type of...
cocksiness 24 21 the state of being c...
cocksucker 29 28 (slang) a contemptib...
cocksurely 32 24 COCKSURE, perfectly...
cockswains 27 24 COCKSWAIN, the steer...
cocktailed 25 22 COCKTAIL, to dock a...
cockteaser 23 20 a woman who delibera...
cockyleeky 38 29 (Scots) soup made fr...
cocomposer 25 22 a joint composer [n...
cocoonings 22 20 COCOONING, the pract...
cocounsels 23 19 COCOUNSEL, a joint c...
cocozelles 27 27 COCOZELLE, a variety...
cocreating 23 19 COCREATE, to create...
cocreators 22 16 COCREATOR, one who c...
cocultured 25 20 COCULTURE, to grow (...
cocultures 25 19 COCULTURE, to grow (...
cocurators 23 17 COCURATOR, one who s...
cocuswoods 26 21 COCUSWOOD, the so-ca...
coderiving 23 21 CODERIVE, to derive...
codesigned 20 18 CODESIGN, to design...
codevelops 24 22 CODEVELOP, to develo...
codicology 31 22 the study of manuscr...
codifiable 25 21 capable of being cod...
codirected 23 18 CODIRECT, to direct...
codirector 23 17 a joint director [n...
codiscover 25 21 to discover jointly...
codologies 21 17 CODOLOGY, the art or...
codominant 19 19 sharing domination o...
codswallop 27 22 something utterly se...
coelacanth 24 20 any of a group of pr...
coelentera 18 15 COELENTERON, a coele...
coelomates 20 17 COELOMATE, an animal...
coelomatic 24 20 of or like a coelom,...
coelostats 20 14 COELOSTAT, an astron...
coembodied 22 21 COEMBODY, to embody...
coembodies 22 20 COEMBODY, to embody...
coemployed 29 23 COEMPLOY, to employ...
coemptions 22 20 COEMPTION, the purch...
coenacting 22 20 COENACT, to enact to...
coenamored 18 18 COENAMOR, to inflame...
coenamours 19 18 COENAMOUR, to enamou...
coenduring 20 19 COENDURE, to endure...
coenobites 20 17 COENOBITE, a monk wh...
coenobitic 24 20 of or like a coenobi...
coenocytes 27 19 COENOCYTE, a multinu...
coenocytic 31 22 of or like a coenocy...
coenosarcs 21 17 COENOSARC, the commo...
coenosteum 19 18 the calcareous skele...
coequality 35 26 the state of being o...
coequating 28 26 COEQUATE, to equate...
coercively 32 23 COERCIVE, serving or...
coercivity 32 22 the quality of being...
coerecting 23 19 COERECT, to erect to...
coetaneous 17 15 having the same age;...
coeternity 25 16 existence from etern...
coevolving 25 25 COEVOLVE, to evolve...
coexecutor 28 24 a joint executor [n...
coexerting 26 23 COEXERT, to exert jo...
coexistent 25 21 existing at the same...
coexisting 27 23 COEXIST, to exist to...
coextended 24 23 COEXTEND, to extend...
cofavorite 23 20 a joint favourite [n...
cofeatured 21 18 COFEATURE, to featur...
cofeatures 21 17 COFEATURE, to featur...
coffeepots 25 22 COFFEEPOT, a pot for...
cofferdams 25 23 COFFERDAM, a narrow...
coffinites 24 20 COFFINITE, a uranium...
cofinanced 23 22 COFINANCE, to financ...
cofinances 23 21 COFINANCE, to financ...
cofounders 21 19 COFOUNDER, one who f...
cofounding 22 22 COFOUND, to found jo...
cofunction 24 22 a kind of trigonomet...
cogitating 22 18 COGITATE, to ponder...
cogitation 20 16 the act of cogitatin...
cogitative 23 19 having the power of...
cogitators 21 15 COGITATOR, one who c...
cognations 19 17 COGNATION, relations...
cognisable 23 20 that can be cognised...
cognisably 30 22 COGNISABLE, that can...
cognisance 22 20 knowledge or notice,...
cognitions 20 17 COGNITION, the proce...
cognizable 26 29 that can be cognized...
cognizably 33 31 COGNIZABLE, that can...
cognizance 25 29 knowledge or notice,...
cognominal 21 21 of or pertaining to...
cognoscing 24 22 COGNOSCE, in Scots l...
cohabitant 23 19 one who dwells with...
cohabitees 23 18 COHABITEE, one who i...
cohabiters 24 18 COHABITER, one who c...
cohabiting 25 21 COHABIT, to dwell to...
cohabitors 24 18 COHABITOR, one who c...
coherences 23 19 COHERENCE, a tendenc...
coherently 28 19 COHERENT, sticking t...
coheritors 22 15 COHERITOR, a joint h...
cohesively 31 22 COHESIVE, having the...
cohibiting 26 21 COHIBIT, to restrain...
cohibition 24 19 hindrance; restraint...
cohibitive 27 22 restraining [adj]
cohobating 24 21 COHOBATE, to distill...
cohomology 30 23 a theory in topology...
cohousings 23 19 COHOUSING, a type of...
cohyponyms 37 26 COHYPONYM, a word wh...
coiffeuses 24 20 COIFFEUSE, (French)...
coiffuring 26 23 COIFFURE, to style t...
coincident 22 19 of similar nature [a...
coinciding 24 21 COINCIDE, to be iden...
coinfected 24 21 COINFECT, to infect...
coinferred 21 18 COINFER, to infer jo...
coinhering 22 19 COINHERE, to inhere...
coinsurers 20 15 COINSURER, one who i...
coinsuring 21 18 COINSURE, to insure...
cointerred 19 15 COINTER, to bury tog...
cointreaus 19 15 COINTREAU, (tradenam...
coinvented 20 20 COINVENT, to invent...
coinventor 20 19 a joint inventor [n...
coinvestor 21 18 a joint investor [n...
colatitude 21 16 the complement of th...
colcannons 21 20 COLCANNON, (Irish) a...
colchicine 29 23 a toxic yellow alkal...
colchicums 32 26 COLCHICUM, a floweri...
colcothars 26 19 COLCOTHAR, (Arabic)...
coldbloods 24 20 COLDBLOOD, a horse b...
coldcocked 28 26 COLDCOCK, to knock u...
coldhouses 23 18 COLDHOUSE, a plant f...
coldnesses 20 16 COLDNESS, the state...
colemanite 20 18 a hydrous borate of...
coleoptera 21 17 COLEOPTERON, a large...
coleopters 22 17 COLEOPTER, an aircra...
coleoptile 23 18 the first leaf in gr...
coleorhiza 25 25 a sheath in the embr...
colestipol 24 18 a drug that reduces...
colickiest 26 21 COLICKY, pertaining...
colicroots 24 17 COLICROOT, a herb of...
colicweeds 27 21 COLICWEED, any of se...
coliphages 26 21 COLIPHAGE, any bacte...
collagenic 25 21 relating to collagen...
collagists 24 17 COLLAGIST, one who m...
collapsars 24 18 COLLAPSAR, a black h...
collapsing 25 21 COLLAPSE, to crumble...
collarbone 22 19 the clavicle [n -S]
collarette 21 15 (French) a small col...
collarless 23 16 without a collar [ad...
collarstud 23 17 a stud for fastening...
collatable 24 19 capable of being col...
collateral 22 16 side by side [adj CO...
collations 21 16 COLLATION, a light m...
colleagued 22 19 COLLEAGUE, (obsolete...
colleagues 22 18 COLLEAGUE, (obsolete...
collecting 26 21 COLLECT, to bring to...
collection 24 19 the act of collectin...
collective 27 22 of the nature of a c...
collectors 25 18 COLLECTOR, one who c...
collegians 22 18 COLLEGIAN, a member...
collegiate 22 17 relating to a colleg...
collegiums 25 21 COLLEGIUM, a Soviet...
colliculus 28 21 a small elevation, a...
collieries 22 15 COLLIERY, the place...
colligated 23 18 COLLIGATE, to tie or...
colligates 23 17 COLLIGATE, to tie or...
collimated 23 19 COLLIMATE, to make p...
collimates 23 18 COLLIMATE, to make p...
collimator 23 18 a telescope arranged...
collinsias 22 16 COLLINSIA, a North A...
colliquant 30 26 (obsolete) melting,...
colliquate 30 25 (obsolete) to melt,...
collisions 22 16 COLLISION, the state...
collocated 24 19 COLLOCATE, to place...
collocates 24 18 COLLOCATE, to place...
collocutor 25 19 one of the speakers...
collodions 21 17 COLLODION, a solutio...
collodiums 24 20 COLLODIUM, a solutio...
colloguing 24 21 COLLOGUE, to convers...
colloquial 31 26 a conversation [n -S...
colloquied 30 26 COLLOQUY, to hold a...
colloquies 30 25 COLLOQUY, to hold a...
colloquing 31 28 COLLOQUE, to hold a...
colloquise 30 25 to converse, also CO...
colloquist 31 25 a speaker in a collo...
colloquium 32 29 (Latin) a conference...
colloquize 33 34 to converse, also CO...
collotypes 30 20 COLLOTYPE, a method...
collotypic 34 23 relating to collotyp...
collusions 22 17 COLLUSION, a secret...
colluviums 27 24 COLLUVIUM, material...
collyriums 31 21 COLLYRIUM, an eye lo...
colobomata 22 20 COLOBOMA, a lesion o...
colocating 24 20 COLOCATE, to group h...
colocynths 32 22 COLOCYNTH, (Greek) a...
colombards 24 21 COLOMBARD, a kind of...
colonially 28 19 COLONIAL, belong to...
colonisers 20 15 COLONISER, one who c...
colonising 21 18 COLONISE, to establi...
colonizers 23 24 COLONIZER, one who c...
colonizing 24 27 COLONIZE, to establi...
colonnaded 18 18 having a colonnade [...
colonnades 18 17 COLONNADE, a row of...
coloration 19 15 the act of coloring;...
coloratura 20 15 (Italian) a highly o...
colorature 20 15 a highly ornamented,...
colorbreed 22 18 to breed plants or a...
colorcasts 24 17 COLORCAST, to broadc...
colorectal 24 18 relating to the colo...
colorfully 32 22 COLORFUL, full of co...
colorisers 21 14 COLORISER, one who c...
colorising 22 17 COLORISE, to give co...
coloristic 25 17 relating to a colori...
colorizers 24 23 COLORIZER, one who c...
colorizing 25 26 COLORIZE, to give co...
colorpoint 22 18 a breed of domestic...
colossally 29 18 COLOSSAL, of enormou...
colosseums 22 18 COLOSSEUM, a large b...
colossuses 21 15 COLOSSUS, (Latin) a...
colostrous 21 15 relating to colostru...
colostrums 23 18 COLOSTRUM, (Latin) m...
colotomies 21 17 COLOTOMY, a surgical...
colourable 23 19 that can be coloured...
colourably 30 21 COLOURABLE, that can...
colourants 20 16 COLOURANT, a substan...
colourbred 23 19 COLOURBREED, to bree...
colourcast 24 18 to broadcast (a tele...
colourfast 23 18 having colours that...
colourings 22 18 COLOURING, colour [n...
colourised 21 16 COLOURISE, to add co...
colouriser 21 15 a person or thing th...
colourises 21 15 COLOURISE, to add co...
colourisms 23 18 COLOURISM, discrimin...
colourists 22 15 COLOURIST, a person...
colourized 24 25 COLOURIZE, to add co...
colourizer 24 24 a person or thing th...
colourizes 24 24 COLOURIZE, to add co...
colourless 22 16 without colour, also...
colourwash 26 20 a cheap form of dist...
colourways 30 20 COLOURWAY, one of se...
colpitises 24 17 COLPITIS, a vaginal...
colportage 23 19 (French) the distrib...
colporteur 23 18 (French) a peddler o...
colposcope 27 23 an instrument for vi...
colposcopy 34 25 an examination using...
coltsfoots 23 17 COLTSFOOT, a composi...
colubriads 24 19 COLUBRIAD, (Cowper)...
columbaria 24 21 COLUMBARIUM, (Latin)...
columbates 24 21 COLUMBATE, a salt of...
columbines 24 22 COLUMBINE, a flower,...
columbites 25 21 COLUMBITE, a mineral...
columbiums 27 25 COLUMBIUM, a rare el...
columellae 23 20 COLUMELLA, the uvula...
columellar 24 20 relating to a colume...
columnated 21 20 having columns, also...
columnists 23 19 COLUMNIST, one who w...
comanagers 20 19 COMANAGER, one who s...
comanaging 21 22 COMANAGE, to manage...
comanchero 24 22 (Spanish) in the 19t...
comatosely 27 19 COMATOSE, relating t...
comatulids 23 19 COMATULID, a type of...
combatable 25 23 able to be combated...
combatants 22 20 COMBATANT, one engag...
combatting 24 22 COMBAT, to fight aga...
combinable 25 24 able to be combined...
combinings 24 23 COMBINING, the act o...
combretums 25 23 COMBRETUM, (Latin) a...
comburgess 25 22 a fellow-burgess [n...
combusting 25 23 COMBUST, to burn [v]
combustion 23 21 an act or instance o...
combustive 26 24 capable of catching...
combustors 24 20 COMBUSTOR, the syste...
comeddling 23 22 COMEDDLE, (obsolete)...
comedienne 18 19 a women who plays in...
comedietta 20 17 (Italian) a dramatic...
comeliness 21 18 the state of being c...
comestible 24 20 edible [adj] / somet...
cometology 28 21 the study of comets...
comfitures 24 20 COMFITURE, (obsolete...
comforters 23 19 COMFORTER, one who c...
comforting 24 22 COMFORT, to console...
comicality 32 22 the quality of being...
comingling 24 23 COMINGLE, to blend t...
comitadjis 24 26 COMITADJI, (Turkish)...
comitative 23 20 of a grammatical cas...
commandant 20 22 a commanding officer...
commandeer 20 21 to compel to perform...
commanders 21 21 COMMANDER, one who c...
commandery 27 23 the office or rank o...
commanding 22 24 COMMAND, to direct w...
commandoes 20 21 COMMANDO, a speciali...
commeasure 21 20 to be commensurate w...
commencers 24 23 COMMENCER, one who c...
commencing 25 26 COMMENCE, to begin [...
commendams 22 24 COMMENDAM, (Latin) a...
commenders 21 21 COMMENDER, one who c...
commending 22 24 COMMEND, to praise [...
commensals 22 21 COMMENSAL, one who e...
commentary 27 22 an explanatory treat...
commentate 20 20 to give a commentary...
commenters 21 20 COMMENTER, one who c...
commenting 22 23 COMMENT, to remark [...
commentors 21 20 COMMENTOR, one who c...
commercial 26 23 related to commerce...
commercing 26 25 COMMERCE, to engage...
commerging 24 24 COMMERGE, to merge t...
comminated 21 21 COMMINATE, to threat...
comminates 21 20 COMMINATE, to threat...
commingled 24 24 COMMINGLE, to mix to...
commingles 24 23 COMMINGLE, to mix to...
comminuted 22 22 COMMINUTE, to crush,...
comminutes 22 21 COMMINUTE, to crush,...
commissars 23 19 COMMISSAR, the head...
commissary 29 21 one to whom is commi...
commission 22 20 an order for a piece...
commissure 23 20 a joint, a joining s...
commitment 23 23 the state of being c...
committals 24 20 COMMITTAL, the act o...
committees 22 19 COMMITTEE, a group s...
committers 23 19 COMMITTER, one who c...
committing 24 22 COMMIT, to perpetrat...
commixtion 28 27 commixture; mingling...
commixture 29 27 the act of mixing [n...
commodious 22 21 roomy, capacious [ad...
commodores 21 20 COMMODORE, an office...
commonable 23 24 held in common, mutu...
commonages 21 22 COMMONAGE, the right...
commonalty 28 23 common people; the g...
commonhold 24 24 a freehold held in c...
commonings 22 23 COMMONING, the conve...
commonness 20 21 the state of being c...
commonweal 24 24 (archaic) the genera...
commorants 21 20 COMMORANT, a residen...
commotions 21 20 COMMOTION, a violent...
communally 30 25 COMMUNAL, belonging...
communards 22 22 COMMUNARD, (French)...
communings 23 24 COMMUNING [n]
communions 21 22 COMMUNION, the act o...
communique 30 31 (French) an official...
communised 22 22 COMMUNISE, to make c...
communises 22 21 COMMUNISE, to make c...
communisms 24 24 COMMUNISM, a social...
communists 23 21 COMMUNIST, one who b...
communized 25 31 COMMUNIZE, to make c...
communizes 25 30 COMMUNIZE, to make c...
commutable 25 24 able to be commuted...
commutated 22 21 COMMUTATE, to change...
commutates 22 20 COMMUTATE, to change...
commutator 22 20 a thing which commut...
commutings 24 23 COMMUTING, travellin...
comonomers 20 20 COMONOMER, one of th...
compacters 26 22 COMPACTER, one who c...
compactest 26 22 COMPACT, closely fit...
compactify 35 27 to render compact [v...
compacting 27 25 COMPACT, to pack clo...
compaction 25 23 the act of compactin...
compactors 26 22 COMPACTOR, one who c...
compacture 26 23 (Spenser) close unio...
companders 22 21 COMPANDER, a system...
companding 23 24 COMPAND, to put a si...
compandors 22 21 COMPANDOR, a system...
companions 21 21 COMPANION, to keep s...
companying 29 25 COMPANY, to associat...
comparable 25 23 that can be compared...
comparably 32 25 COMPARABLE, that can...
comparator 22 19 any device for compa...
comparison 22 20 the representing of...
comparting 24 22 COMPART, to divide i...
compassing 24 22 contrivance, design...
compassion 22 20 sympathetic consciou...
compatible 26 23 consistent with [adj...
compatibly 33 25 COMPATIBLE, consiste...
compatriot 23 19 a person born, resid...
compearant 21 20 (Scots) one who comp...
compearing 23 22 COMPEAR, to appear i...
compeering 23 22 COMPEER, to be the e...
compellers 25 21 COMPELLER, one who c...
compelling 26 24 COMPEL, to force [v]
compendium 24 25 (Latin) an assortmen...
compensate 21 20 to be equivalent to...
compescing 27 25 COMPESCE, (archaic)...
competence 24 23 the quality of being...
competency 31 25 the quality of being...
competitor 23 19 one that competes [n...
compilator 24 20 a compiler [n -S]
complacent 26 24 marked by complacenc...
complained 23 22 COMPLAIN, to express...
complainer 23 21 one who complains [n...
complaints 24 21 COMPLAINT, an instan...
complanate 22 21 flattened [adj]
compleated 23 21 COMPLEAT, (archaic)...
complected 27 24 COMPLECT, to weave t...
complement 24 24 to be complementary...
completely 31 23 COMPLETE, having all...
completers 24 20 COMPLETER, one who c...
completest 24 20 COMPLETE, having all...
completing 25 23 COMPLETE, to bring t...
completion 23 21 the act of completin...
completist 25 20 a person who wants a...
completive 26 24 making complete, als...
completory 30 22 in the Christian lit...
complexest 30 27 COMPLEX, complicated...
complexify 39 32 to render complex [v...
complexing 31 30 COMPLEX, to make com...
complexion 29 28 the colour or look o...
complexity 37 29 the state of being c...
complexone 28 28 any chelating agent,...
compliable 27 24 capable of bending o...
compliably 34 26 COMPLIABLE, capable...
compliance 26 24 the act of complying...
compliancy 33 26 the state of being c...
complicacy 37 28 a state of being com...
complicant 27 24 overlapping [adj]
complicate 27 23 to combine esp. in a...
complicity 35 25 association or parti...
compliment 25 24 to express admiratio...
complished 27 23 COMPLISH, to accompl...
complishes 27 22 COMPLISH, to accompl...
complotted 24 21 COMPLOT, to conspire...
complotter 24 20 one who complots [n...
compluvium 29 29 (Latin) a space left...
componency 30 26 the state of being a...
components 21 21 COMPONENT, one of th...
comporting 24 22 COMPORT, to conduct...
composedly 30 23 COMPOSED [adv]
composited 23 20 COMPOSITE, to comple...
composites 23 19 COMPOSITE, to comple...
compositor 23 19 one who sets type [n...
composters 23 19 COMPOSTER, an appara...
composting 24 22 the act of making in...
composture 23 20 manure; compost [n -...
composures 23 20 COMPOSURE, calmness,...
compotator 22 19 one who drinks with...
compotiers 23 19 COMPOTIER, (French)...
compounded 22 23 COMPOUND, to add to...
compounder 22 22 one who compounds [n...
compradore 22 20 (Portuguese) a nativ...
compradors 23 20 COMPRADOR, (Portugue...
comprehend 24 23 to grasp the meaning...
compressed 23 20 COMPRESS, to compact...
compresses 23 19 COMPRESS, to compact...
compressor 23 19 one that compresses...
comprinted 23 21 COMPRINT, to share i...
comprisals 25 20 COMPRISAL, the act,...
comprising 25 22 COMPRISE, to include...
comprizing 28 31 COMPRIZE, to include...
compromise 24 22 to adjust or settle...
comptrolls 26 21 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
compulsing 26 24 COMPULSE, (obsolete)...
compulsion 24 22 an act of compelling...
compulsive 27 25 driven by an ungover...
compulsory 31 23 obligatory [adj COMP...
compursion 23 21 (Sterne) a pursing t...
computable 26 24 capable of being com...
computants 23 21 COMPUTANT, a person...
computator 23 20 a person who calcula...
computings 25 23 COMPUTING, the act o...
computists 25 20 COMPUTIST, a compute...
comstocker 25 23 one who engages in c...
conacreism 23 20 the system of conacr...
conational 18 16 relating to conation...
concealers 22 18 CONCEALER, one who c...
concealing 23 21 CONCEAL, to hide [v]
concededly 29 22 CONCEDED [adv]
conceitful 26 22 (Spenser) thoughtful...
conceiting 23 20 CONCEIT, to form a c...
conceivers 24 21 CONCEIVER, one who c...
conceiving 25 24 CONCEIVE, to underst...
concenters 21 18 CONCENTER, (US) to h...
concentred 21 19 CONCENTRE, to have a...
concentres 21 18 CONCENTRE, to have a...
concentric 25 21 having a common cent...
conception 23 21 the process of becom...
conceptive 26 24 capable of conceivin...
conceptual 25 22 relating to concepts...
concerning 22 21 CONCERN, to be of in...
concertina 21 18 to fold up like a pa...
concerting 23 20 CONCERT, to construc...
concertini 22 18 CONCERTINO, (Italian...
concertino 21 18 (Italian) a short co...
concertise 22 17 to perform professio...
concertize 25 26 to perform professio...
concession 21 18 the act of conceding...
concessive 24 21 implying concession;...
concettism 24 20 the use of concetti...
concettist 23 17 one adept in concett...
conchiform 28 25 shaped like a shell...
conchiglie 27 22 (Italian) shell-shap...
conchiolin 25 21 a fibrous protein su...
conchoidal 25 21 shell-like, as appli...
conchology 32 24 the study of shells...
concierges 23 19 CONCIERGE, (French)...
conciliary 30 20 of or pertaining to...
conciliate 23 18 to gain (as goodwill...
concinnity 28 21 harmony or elegance...
concinnous 21 20 characterized by con...
concipient 24 21 conceiving [adj]
concisions 22 18 CONCISION, schism; s...
conclavism 27 25 a minority movement...
conclavist 26 22 one of the two eccle...
concluders 24 20 CONCLUDER, one who c...
concluding 25 23 CONCLUDE, to finish...
conclusion 23 20 a result, outcome [n...
conclusive 26 23 relating to a conclu...
conclusory 30 21 conclusive [adj]
concocters 25 20 CONCOCTER, one who c...
concocting 26 23 CONCOCT, to fabricat...
concoction 24 21 the act of concoctin...
concoctive 27 24 having the power of...
concoctors 25 20 CONCOCTOR, one who c...
concordant 21 19 harmonious, united [...
concordats 22 18 CONCORDAT, (French)...
concordial 23 19 harmonious [adj]
concording 23 21 CONCORD, to be in or...
concourses 22 18 CONCOURS, (French) a...
concreated 21 18 CONCREATE, (archaic)...
concreates 21 17 CONCREATE, (archaic)...
concretely 29 20 CONCRETE, real, gras...
concreting 23 20 CONCRETE, to solidif...
concretion 21 18 a concreted mass [n...
concretise 22 17 to render concrete,...
concretism 24 20 reification [n -S]
concretist 23 17 one who regards or r...
concretive 24 21 promoting concretion...
concretize 25 26 to render concrete,...
concrewing 26 23 CONCREW, (archaic) t...
concubines 24 22 CONCUBINE, a woman w...
concurrent 22 19 operating or occurri...
concurring 24 21 CONCUR, to concur [v...
concussing 24 21 CONCUSS, to injure t...
concussion 22 19 a stunning effect fr...
concussive 25 22 having the power of...
condemners 19 19 CONDEMNER, one who c...
condemning 20 22 CONDEMN, to judge un...
condemnors 19 19 CONDEMNOR, one who c...
condensate 17 16 to condense [v CONDE...
condensers 18 16 CONDENSER, an appara...
condensery 24 18 a condensed milk-fac...
condensing 19 19 CONDENSE, to compres...
condescend 21 20 to descend to a less...
condiddled 21 19 CONDIDDLE, (Scott) t...
condiddles 21 18 CONDIDDLE, (Scott) t...
condiments 20 19 CONDIMENT, to season...
conditions 19 16 CONDITION, to treat...
condolence 21 20 sympathy with anothe...
condonable 20 20 that can be condoned...
conducible 26 23 conducive; tending;...
conducting 24 22 CONDUCT, to lead or...
conduction 22 20 heat transport by di...
conductive 25 23 having the power of...
conductors 23 19 CONDUCTOR, a person...
condylomas 27 21 CONDYLOMA, a wartlik...
coneflower 24 21 any of several gener...
confabbing 26 26 CONFAB, to converse,...
confabular 24 22 relating to confabul...
confecting 25 23 CONFECT, to prepare...
confection 23 21 a fancy dish or swee...
confederal 21 19 belonging to or rela...
conference 22 21 the act of conferrin...
conferment 21 21 bestowal, a thing be...
conferrals 22 18 CONFERRAL, the act o...
conferrees 20 17 CONFERREE, one who t...
conferrers 21 17 CONFERRER, one who c...
conferring 22 20 CONFER, to bestow [v...
confervoid 23 22 relating the conferv...
confessant 20 18 one who confesses to...
confessing 22 20 CONFESS, to admit or...
confession 20 18 a written or oral ac...
confessors 21 17 CONFESSOR, one who h...
confidante 20 19 (French) a (female)...
confidants 21 19 CONFIDANT, (French)...
confidence 23 22 a feeling or conscio...
confidency 30 24 a feeling or conscio...
confidents 21 19 CONFIDENT, a person...
configured 23 21 CONFIGURE, to set up...
configures 23 20 CONFIGURE, to set up...
confinable 23 22 capable of being con...
confinedly 28 22 CONFINED [adv]
confirmand 22 22 a candidate for reli...
confirmees 22 20 CONFIRMEE, one to wh...
confirmers 23 20 CONFIRMER, one who c...
confirming 24 23 the act of confirmin...
confirmors 23 20 CONFIRMOR, one who c...
confiscate 24 20 to seize as forfeite...
confiserie 21 17 (French) a confectio...
confiseurs 22 18 CONFISEUR, (French)...
confiteors 21 17 CONFITEOR, (Latin) a...
confitures 22 18 CONFITURE, (obsolete...
conflating 23 21 CONFLATE, to combine...
conflation 21 19 a combining or blend...
conflicted 26 22 CONFLICT, to be in o...
confluence 24 23 a coming or flowing...
confluents 22 20 CONFLUENT, a stream...
confocally 32 24 CONFOCAL, of a type...
conformers 22 20 CONFORMER, one who c...
conforming 23 23 CONFORM, to become t...
conformism 24 23 compliance with esta...
conformist 23 20 one who conforms [n...
conformity 29 22 correspondence in fo...
confounded 20 21 CONFOUND, to confuse...
confounder 20 20 one who confounds [n...
confreries 21 17 CONFRERIE, (French)...
confrontal 21 19 a confrontation [n -...
confronted 20 19 CONFRONT, to face de...
confronter 20 18 one who confronts [n...
confusable 24 22 liable to be confuse...
confusedly 29 22 CONFUSED [adv]
confusible 25 22 something liable to...
confusions 21 19 CONFUSION, the state...
confutable 24 22 that may be confuted...
congealers 20 17 CONGEALER, one who c...
congealing 21 20 CONGEAL, to change f...
congeneric 22 20 of the same genus, o...
congenetic 22 20 having common origin...
congenital 20 18 existing at or datin...
congesting 21 19 CONGEST, to fill to...
congestion 19 17 the state of being c...
congestive 22 20 indicating congestio...
congiaries 20 16 CONGIARY, in Roman h...
conglobate 22 20 to gather in a globe...
conglobing 24 23 CONGLOBE, to become...
congreeing 20 19 CONGREE, (archaic) t...
congreeted 19 17 CONGREET, (archaic)...
congregant 20 19 a member of a congre...
congregate 20 18 to collect into a gr...
congressed 20 17 CONGRESS, to assembl...
congresses 20 16 CONGRESS, to assembl...
congruence 22 21 the state of being c...
congruency 29 23 the state of being c...
conicities 23 17 CONICITY, the state...
coniferous 21 18 bearing cones [adj]
conjecting 25 29 CONJECT, to conjectu...
conjecture 24 27 to arrive at or dedu...
conjoiners 20 24 CONJOINER, one who c...
conjoining 21 27 CONJOIN, to join tog...
conjointly 28 27 CONJOINT, united [ad...
conjugable 25 30 that can be conjugat...
conjugally 31 30 CONJUGAL, pertaining...
conjugants 22 27 CONJUGANT, one of a...
conjugated 22 27 CONJUGATE, to give t...
conjugates 22 26 CONJUGATE, to give t...
conjugator 22 26 one who conjugates [...
conjunctly 32 31 CONJUNCT, joined tog...
conjurator 21 24 one who swears or is...
conjurings 23 27 CONJURING, the act o...
connascent 20 19 born together; produ...
connations 17 16 CONNATION, union, es...
connatural 19 17 connected by nature;...
connatures 18 16 CONNATURE, participa...
connecters 21 18 CONNECTER, something...
connecting 22 21 CONNECT, to join tog...
connection 20 19 the act of connectin...
connective 23 22 serving to connect,...
connectors 21 18 CONNECTOR, something...
connexions 23 23 CONNEXION, the act o...
conniption 20 19 (US slang) a fit of...
connivance 22 23 the act of conniving...
connivancy 29 25 the act of conniving...
connivence 22 23 the state of being c...
connivency 29 25 the state of being c...
connotated 17 16 CONNOTATE, to connot...
connotates 17 15 CONNOTATE, to connot...
conoidally 27 19 CONOIDAL, nearly, bu...
conoidical 23 19 nearly, but not exac...
conominees 18 18 CONOMINEE, one nomin...
conoscente 20 18 (Italian) a person w...
conoscenti 21 18 CONOSCENTE, (Italian...
conquerers 27 24 CONQUERER, one who c...
conqueress 27 24 a woman who conquers...
conquering 28 27 CONQUER, to overcome...
conquerors 27 24 CONQUEROR, one who c...
conscience 24 21 the sense of moral c...
conscribed 25 21 CONSCRIBE, to enroll...
conscribes 25 20 CONSCRIBE, to enroll...
conscripts 26 20 CONSCRIPT, to enlist...
consecrate 21 17 to induct (a person)...
consectary 28 19 (archaic) a deductio...
consension 17 16 agreement; accord [n...
consensual 19 17 relating to consent...
consenters 18 15 CONSENTER, one who c...
consenting 19 18 CONSENT, to give app...
consequent 26 25 following [adj CONSE...
conservant 20 19 having the power of...
conservers 21 18 CONSERVER, one who c...
conserving 22 21 CONSERVE, to keep, p...
considered 19 16 CONSIDER, to think a...
considerer 19 15 one who considers [n...
consignees 19 17 CONSIGNEE, the perso...
consigners 20 17 CONSIGNER, the perso...
consignify 29 22 to signify or denote...
consigning 21 20 CONSIGN, to give ove...
consignors 20 17 CONSIGNOR, the perso...
consilient 20 16 agreeing [adj]
consimilar 22 18 like each other [adj...
consistent 19 15 marked by harmony, r...
consisting 21 17 CONSIST, to be compo...
consistory 26 16 a solemn assembly or...
consociate 21 17 to ally or associate...
consolable 22 19 capable of receiving...
consolated 19 16 CONSOLATE, (Shakespe...
consolates 19 15 CONSOLATE, (Shakespe...
consonance 19 19 a state of accord or...
consonancy 26 21 a state of accord or...
consonants 17 16 CONSONANT, any speec...
consorters 19 14 CONSORTER, one who c...
consortial 20 15 relating to a consor...
consorting 20 17 CONSORT, to keep com...
consortism 21 17 symbiosis [n -S]
consortium 21 18 (Latin) an associati...
conspectus 25 21 a general survey, sy...
conspiracy 31 22 the act of conspirin...
conspirant 21 18 a conspirator [n -S]
conspirers 22 17 CONSPIRER, one who c...
conspiring 23 20 CONSPIRE, to plot to...
constables 22 18 CONSTABLE, a policem...
constantan 17 16 an alloy of nickel a...
constantly 26 18 CONSTANT, not varyin...
constating 20 17 CONSTATE, to assert...
constative 21 18 that can be true or...
constering 20 17 CONSTER, (archaic) t...
constipate 21 17 to cause constipatio...
constitute 20 15 to form [v CONSTITUT...
constrains 19 15 CONSTRAIN, to force,...
constraint 19 15 the act of constrain...
constricts 24 17 CONSTRICT, to draw t...
constringe 20 17 to draw together; to...
construals 21 16 CONSTRUAL, an act of...
constructs 24 18 CONSTRUCT, to build...
construers 20 15 CONSTRUER, one who c...
construing 21 18 CONSTRUE, to analyse...
consubsist 23 18 to subsist together...
consuetude 19 17 custom; familiarity...
consulages 21 18 CONSULAGE, (historic...
consulates 20 16 CONSULATE, the post...
consulship 26 21 the office of consul...
consultant 20 17 one who consults ano...
consultees 20 16 CONSULTEE, one who i...
consulters 21 16 CONSULTER, one who c...
consulting 22 19 CONSULT, to ask advi...
consultive 23 20 relating to consulta...
consultors 21 16 CONSULTOR, an adviso...
consultory 27 18 relating to consulta...
consumable 23 22 that can be consumed...
consumedly 28 22 (archaic) exceedingl...
consumings 22 21 CONSUMING, the act o...
consummate 21 21 finished, complete [...
contactees 21 17 CONTACTEE, a person...
contacting 23 20 CONTACT, to communic...
contactors 22 17 CONTACTOR, a device...
contactual 23 19 relating to contact...
contadinas 18 16 CONTADINA, (Italian)...
contadinos 18 16 CONTADINO, (Italian)...
contagions 19 17 CONTAGION, transmiss...
contagious 20 17 communicable by cont...
containers 18 15 CONTAINER, something...
containing 19 18 CONTAIN, to hold wit...
contangoed 18 18 CONTANGO [v]
contangoes 18 17 CONTANGO [v]
contemners 19 18 CONTEMNER, a person...
contemning 20 21 CONTEMN, to despise...
contemnors 19 18 CONTEMNOR, a person...
contempers 22 20 CONTEMPER, to blend...
contendent 17 17 an antagonist; a con...
contenders 18 16 CONTENDER, one who c...
contending 19 19 striving [adj CONTEN...
contenting 19 18 CONTENT, to satisfy...
contention 17 16 an act or instance o...
contestant 18 15 one that participate...
contesters 19 14 CONTESTER, one who c...
contesting 20 17 CONTEST, to compete...
contextual 26 23 relating to context...
contexture 25 22 the process or manne...
contiguity 28 19 the state of being c...
contiguous 21 18 being in actual cont...
continence 20 19 self-restraint, also...
continency 27 21 self-restraint, also...
continents 18 16 CONTINENT, a vast la...
contingent 19 18 touching, dependent...
continuant 18 17 continuing; prolonge...
continuate 18 16 (obsolete) closely u...
continuers 19 16 CONTINUER, one who c...
continuing 20 19 CONTINUE, to go on w...
continuity 26 18 a script or scenario...
continuous 19 17 marked by uninterrup...
continuums 21 20 CONTINUUM, a continu...
contorting 20 17 CONTORT, to twist ou...
contortion 18 15 the state of being c...
contortive 21 18 expressing contortio...
contouring 20 18 CONTOUR, to make the...
contraband 20 19 illegal or prohibite...
contrabass 21 17 the double bass, als...
contracted 22 18 CONTRACT, to decreas...
contractor 22 17 one that contracts t...
contradict 23 18 to assert the contra...
contraflow 25 21 a system of traffic...
contrahent 20 17 (historical) a contr...
contraltos 20 15 CONTRALTO, (Italian)...
contraplex 28 25 having messages pass...
contraprop 23 20 a contrarotating pro...
contrarian 18 15 a person who takes a...
contraried 19 15 CONTRARY, to oppose,...
contraries 19 14 CONTRARY, to oppose,...
contrarily 27 17 CONTRARY, opposite;...
contrasted 19 15 CONTRAST, to place i...
contravene 19 19 to act counter to [v...
contrecoup 24 21 (French) an injury,...
contribute 22 18 to give or supply in...
contristed 20 15 CONTRIST, (obsolete)...
contritely 27 17 CONTRITE, deeply sor...
contrition 19 15 the state of being c...
contrivers 22 18 CONTRIVER, one who c...
contriving 23 21 CONTRIVE, to devise...
controlled 21 17 CONTROL, to exercise...
controller 21 16 one who controls [n...
controuled 20 17 CONTROUL, to exercis...
controvert 21 18 to oppose; to argue...
contunding 20 20 CONTUND, (archaic) t...
contusions 19 16 CONTUSION, a bruise...
conundrums 21 21 CONUNDRUM, (Latin) a...
convalesce 24 22 to recover health an...
convecting 25 24 CONVECT, to transfer...
convection 23 22 the act of conveying...
convective 26 25 relating to convecti...
convectors 24 21 CONVECTOR, an appara...
convenable 22 23 capable of being con...
convenance 21 23 (French) that which...
convenient 19 20 suited to personal c...
convenings 21 22 CONVENING, the act o...
conventing 21 22 CONVENT, to assemble...
convention 19 20 an established usage...
conventual 21 21 of or pertaining to...
convergent 21 21 tending to move towa...
converging 23 23 CONVERGE, to come to...
conversant 20 19 having knowledge or...
conversely 28 21 CONVERSE, reversed,...
conversers 21 18 CONVERSER, one who e...
conversing 22 21 CONVERSE, to speak t...
conversion 20 19 the act of convertin...
convertend 20 20 in logic, the propos...
converters 21 18 CONVERTER, something...
converting 22 21 CONVERT, to change i...
convertite 21 18 (archaic) a convert;...
convertive 23 22 relating to conversi...
convertors 21 18 CONVERTOR, something...
convexedly 34 29 CONVEXED [adv]
convexness 26 26 the state of being c...
conveyable 29 24 capable of being con...
conveyance 28 24 an instrument by whi...
convicting 26 24 CONVICT, to prove gu...
conviction 24 22 the act of convictin...
convictism 27 24 the policy or practi...
convictive 27 25 convincing [adj CONV...
convincers 24 22 CONVINCER, one who,...
convincing 25 25 CONVINCE, to satisfy...
convocated 23 22 CONVOCATE, to convok...
convocates 23 21 CONVOCATE, to convok...
convocator 23 21 one who holds a conv...
convoluted 22 21 CONVOLUTE, to twist,...
convolutes 22 20 CONVOLUTE, to twist,...
convolving 25 26 CONVOLVE, to roll to...
convolvuli 26 25 CONVOLVULUS, (Latin)...
convulsant 22 21 an agent, esp. a dru...
convulsing 24 23 CONVULSE, to shake v...
convulsion 22 21 an abnormal violent...
convulsive 25 24 constituting or prod...
cookhouses 22 20 COOKHOUSE, a place w...
cookshacks 27 26 COOKSHACK, a shack u...
cookstoves 22 21 COOKSTOVE, a stove u...
coolheaded 21 18 not easily excited [...
coolhouses 22 17 COOLHOUSE, a greenho...
coolnesses 19 15 COOLNESS, the state...
coomceiled 24 21 said of an attic roo...
coonhounds 20 19 COONHOUND, a dog tra...
cooperages 21 18 COOPERAGE, work done...
cooperated 20 17 COOPERATE, to work t...
cooperates 20 16 COOPERATE, to work t...
cooperator 20 16 one who cooperates [...
cooperings 22 19 COOPERING, the makin...
cooptation 20 17 the act of coopting,...
cooptative 23 20 relating to cooptati...
coordinate 18 15 of the same order or...
coparcener 23 20 one who has an equal...
coparented 20 18 COPARENT, to share t...
copartners 21 17 COPARTNER, to act as...
copartnery 27 19 the state of being c...
copatriots 22 16 COPATRIOT, a person...
copayments 28 22 COPAYMENT, a joint p...
copesettic 25 19 (US) excellent, also...
copestones 20 17 COPESTONE, a stone t...
copiloting 24 20 COPILOT [v]
coplotting 24 20 COPLOT, to plot toge...
copolymers 30 22 COPOLYMER, a compoun...
copperases 23 19 COPPERAS, a compound...
copperhead 25 22 a venomous American...
copperings 25 22 COPPERING, the act o...
copperskin 25 24 (archaic) a Native A...
copperwork 28 26 craftwork in copper...
copperworm 28 25 the shipworm [n -S]
coppicings 29 25 COPPICING, the act o...
copraemias 22 19 COPRAEMIA, blood poi...
copresence 23 20 presence together [n...
copresents 21 17 COPRESENT, to presen...
coprisoner 21 17 a fellow-prisoner [n...
coproduced 25 22 COPRODUCE, to produc...
coproducer 25 21 one who coproduces [...
coproduces 25 21 COPRODUCE, to produc...
coproducts 26 21 COPRODUCT, a byprodu...
coprolalia 23 18 an uncontrollable or...
coprolites 23 17 COPROLITE, fossilize...
coproliths 26 19 COPROLITH, fossilize...
coprolitic 27 20 containing, pertaini...
copromoter 22 19 a joint promoter [n...
coprophagy 33 25 feeding on dung [n C...
copsewoods 24 20 COPSEWOOD, brushwood...
copulating 24 21 COPULATE, to have se...
copulation 22 19 the act of copulatin...
copulative 25 22 uniting [adj COPULAT...
copulatory 29 20 relating to copulati...
copurified 25 21 COPURIFY, to become...
copurifies 25 20 COPURIFY, to become...
copycatted 31 22 COPYCAT, to imitate...
copyedited 28 20 COPYEDIT, to prepare...
copyfights 35 25 COPYFIGHT, the confl...
copygraphs 34 25 COPYGRAPH, a process...
copyholder 31 22 one possessed of lan...
copylefted 31 23 COPYLEFT, to publish...
copyreader 27 19 a subeditor [n -S]
copyrights 33 22 COPYRIGHT, to secure...
copytakers 29 22 COPYTAKER, a person...
copywriter 32 21 a writer of advertis...
coquelicot 32 27 (French) a brilliant...
coquetries 28 23 COQUETRY, flirtatiou...
coquetting 29 26 COQUET, to flirt, al...
coquettish 31 25 practicing or exhibi...
coquimbite 32 29 a yellowish hydrous...
coradicate 22 17 of the same root [ad...
coralbells 25 19 a perennnial alumroo...
coralberry 29 19 an American shrub of...
corallines 21 16 CORALLINE, a marine...
corallites 22 15 CORALLITE, a mineral...
coralroots 20 14 CORALROOT, a kind of...
coralworts 24 17 CORALWORT, a crucife...
corbeilles 24 18 CORBEILLE, (French)...
corbelings 24 20 CORBELING, (US) corb...
corbelling 25 21 corbels taken collec...
corbiculae 26 21 CORBICULA, (Latin) t...
cordectomy 30 22 the surgical removal...
cordelling 23 19 CORDELLE, to use a t...
cordialise 21 15 to become cordial, f...
cordiality 28 17 sincere affection an...
cordialize 24 24 to become cordial, f...
cordierite 20 14 the mineral iolite o...
cordillera 22 16 (Spanish) a mountain...
cordlesses 21 15 CORDLESS, a cordless...
cordonnets 18 16 CORDONNET, a type of...
corduroyed 26 18 CORDUROY, to build a...
cordwainer 22 18 (archaic) a shoemake...
cordylines 27 18 CORDYLINE, a tropica...
coredeemed 19 18 COREDEEM, to redeem...
coregonine 18 17 of or like the genus...
corelating 21 17 CORELATE, to place i...
corelation 19 15 correspondence, also...
corelative 22 18 mutually linked [adj...
coresident 19 15 a fellow resident [n...
corfhouses 24 19 CORFHOUSE, (Scots) a...
coriaceous 22 17 of plant structures,...
corianders 19 15 CORIANDER, a plant y...
corivalled 24 20 CORIVAL, to rival [v...
corkboards 23 21 CORKBOARD, a thin co...
corkborers 23 20 CORKBORER, an instru...
corkscrews 28 23 CORKSCREW, to twist...
cormophyte 31 23 a plant differentiat...
cormorants 20 17 CORMORANT, a shiny b...
cornaceous 21 18 of or belonging to t...
cornborers 21 17 CORNBORER, a Europea...
cornbraids 22 18 CORNBRAID, to braid...
cornbrandy 27 21 spirits made from gr...
cornbreads 21 18 CORNBREAD, bread mad...
corncockle 27 25 a wild flower former...
corncrakes 23 21 CORNCRAKE, a type of...
cornelians 19 16 CORNELIAN, a dull re...
cornemuses 20 18 CORNEMUSE, (French)...
cornerback 25 24 a position in Americ...
cornerings 20 17 CORNERING, the act o...
cornerways 28 19 with the corner in f...
cornerwise 22 17 with the corner in f...
cornetcies 22 17 CORNETCY, a rank in...
cornetists 20 14 CORNETIST, one who p...
cornettini 19 15 CORNETTINO, an instr...
cornettino 18 15 an instrument of the...
cornettist 20 14 one who plays the co...
cornfields 23 19 CORNFIELD, a field i...
cornflakes 23 22 CORNFLAKE, a crazy o...
cornflours 23 19 CORNFLOUR, finely gr...
cornflower 25 21 a beautiful blue-flo...
cornhusker 23 21 a person or machine...
cornichons 24 20 CORNICHON, (French)...
cornicings 24 20 CORNICING, the act o...
corniculum 26 23 (Latin) a small horn...
cornifying 29 22 CORNIFY, to form ker...
cornopeans 19 18 CORNOPEAN, a brass c...
cornrowing 23 20 CORNROW, to braid ha...
cornstalks 22 19 CORNSTALK, a stalk o...
cornstarch 25 19 starch made from Ind...
cornstones 18 15 CORNSTONE, a silicio...
cornucopia 24 21 a curved goat's horn...
coromandel 20 19 a kind of timber, ak...
coronaries 18 14 CORONARY, an artery...
coronating 19 17 CORONATE, to crown [...
coronation 17 15 the act or occasion...
corotating 20 16 COROTATE, to rotate...
corotation 18 14 the act of rotating...
corporales 22 17 CORPORALE, a white c...
corporally 30 20 CORPORAL, relating t...
corporases 21 16 CORPORAS, (obsolete)...
corporates 21 16 CORPORATE, a corpora...
corporator 21 16 a member of a corpor...
corporeity 28 18 the state of being c...
corposants 21 17 CORPOSANT, St. Elmo'...
corpulence 25 22 the state of being c...
corpulency 32 24 the state of being c...
corpuscles 27 21 CORPUSCLE, a cell or...
corpuscule 27 22 a cell or other minu...
corralling 23 18 CORRAL, to place liv...
corrasions 19 14 CORRASION, the actio...
correctest 23 16 CORRECT, free from e...
correcting 24 19 CORRECT, to make rig...
correction 22 17 the act of correctin...
corrective 25 20 serving to correct [...
correctors 23 16 CORRECTOR, one who c...
correctory 29 18 containing or making...
corregidor 21 16 (Spanish) the chief...
correlated 20 15 CORRELATE, to be rel...
correlates 20 14 CORRELATE, to be rel...
correlator 20 14 one who correlates [...
correption 21 17 (obsolete) shortenin...
correspond 21 18 to be in conformity...
corrigenda 20 17 CORRIGENDUM, an erro...
corrigents 21 16 CORRIGENT, a drug to...
corrigible 25 19 capable of being cor...
corrigibly 32 21 CORRIGIBLE, capable...
corrivalry 30 20 the state of being a...
corroboree 20 16 (Native Australian)...
corrodants 19 15 CORRODANT, a corrosi...
corrodents 19 15 CORRODENT, a corrosi...
corrodible 23 18 able to be corroded,...
corrosible 23 17 able to be corroded,...
corrosions 19 14 CORROSION, the act o...
corrosives 22 17 CORROSIVE, a corrosi...
corrugated 21 17 CORRUGATE, to wrinkl...
corrugates 21 16 CORRUGATE, to wrinkl...
corrugator 21 16 a muscle which contr...
corrupters 23 17 CORRUPTER [n]
corruptest 23 17 CORRUPT, debased [ad...
corrupting 24 20 CORRUPT, to make bad...
corruption 22 18 impairment of integr...
corruptive 25 21 tending to corrupt [...
corruptors 23 17 CORRUPTOR, someone o...
corselette 20 14 a cuirass, a protect...
corsetiere 19 13 (French) a (female)...
corsetiers 20 13 CORSETIER, (French)...
corsetries 20 13 CORSETRY, the work o...
cortically 32 20 CORTICAL, pertaining...
corticated 23 17 having a special out...
corticoids 24 17 CORTICOID, any of th...
cortisones 19 14 CORTISONE, a steroid...
coruscated 23 18 CORUSCATE, to sparkl...
coruscates 23 17 CORUSCATE, to sparkl...
corvetting 23 20 CORVET, of a horse,...
corybantes 27 19 CORYBANT, one of the...
corybantic 31 22 wild; frenzied; unco...
corydaline 26 18 an alkaloid obtained...
corylopses 29 19 CORYLOPSIS, any of v...
corylopsis 30 19 any of various decid...
coryneform 28 22 virgate, rod-shaped...
coryphaeus 30 21 (Latin) the leader o...
coryphenes 29 21 CORYPHENE, a fish of...
coscripted 26 20 COSCRIPT, to collabo...
coseismals 22 17 COSEISMAL, a coseism...
coseismics 25 19 COSEISMIC, a coseism...
cosentient 18 15 perceiving together...
cosherings 23 18 COSHERING [n]
cosinesses 19 14 COSINESS, the state...
cosmetical 25 20 imparting or improvi...
cosmically 33 23 COSMICAL, pertaining...
cosmocrats 24 19 COSMOCRAT, a ruler o...
cosmodrome 21 20 a launching-site for...
cosmogenic 24 22 produced by interact...
cosmogonal 21 20 relating to cosmogon...
cosmogonic 24 22 relating to cosmogon...
cosmolatry 28 19 worship of the world...
cosmolined 21 19 COSMOLINE, to smear...
cosmolines 21 18 COSMOLINE, to smear...
cosmologic 26 22 relating to cosmolog...
cosmonauts 20 18 COSMONAUT, a Russian...
cosmopolis 24 20 a large city [n -ES]
cosmoramas 21 19 COSMORAMA, a view of...
cosmoramic 25 22 of or pertaining to...
cosmotrons 20 17 COSMOTRON, a large s...
cosponsors 21 17 COSPONSOR, to sponso...
costalgias 22 16 COSTALGIA, pain arou...
costarring 21 16 COSTAR, to star equa...
costeaning 19 17 the act of sinking p...
costlessly 29 17 COSTLESS, free of ch...
costliness 21 15 the state of being c...
costmaries 21 16 COSTMARY, a garden p...
costumiers 22 17 COSTUMIER, one who m...
cotangents 19 17 COTANGENT, the tange...
cotelettes 20 14 COTELETTE, (French)...
cotillions 22 16 COTILLION, (French)...
cotransfer 21 17 a transfer jointly w...
cotrustees 20 14 COTRUSTEE, a joint t...
cottabuses 22 17 COTTABUS, (Greek) an...
cottagings 22 18 COTTAGING, cruising...
cotterless 21 14 without cotters [adj...
cottierism 22 16 the cottier system o...
cottonades 18 15 COTTONADE, a somewha...
cottonseed 18 15 the seed of the cott...
cottontail 20 15 any of several speci...
cottonweed 21 18 a cottony seaside co...
cottonwood 21 18 an American tree of...
coturnixes 26 22 COTURNIX, a small qu...
cotyledons 26 18 COTYLEDON, an embryo...
cotyliform 31 22 disc-shaped with a r...
cotyloidal 28 18 shaped like a cup, a...
cotylosaur 27 17 an extinct primitive...
couchettes 25 19 COUCHETTE, (French)...
coulibiaca 26 21 (Russian) a Russian...
coulibiacs 27 21 COULIBIAC, (Russian)...
coulometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
coulometry 28 20 (chemical analysis b...
coumarilic 26 21 of or like coumarin...
coumarones 19 18 COUMARONE, a liquid...
councillor 25 20 a member of a counci...
councilman 24 23 a member of a counci...
councilmen 24 23 COUNCILMAN, a member...
councilors 24 19 COUNCILOR, (US) a me...
counselees 19 16 COUNSELEE, one who i...
counseling 21 19 the act of giving co...
counselled 21 18 COUNSEL, to advise [...
counsellee 20 17 one who is counselle...
counsellor 21 17 one who gives counse...
counselors 20 16 COUNSELOR, (US) one...
countbacks 26 25 COUNTBACK, a system...
countdowns 22 20 COUNTDOWN, a descend...
counteract 22 18 to act counter or in...
counterbid 22 19 a bid made in opposi...
countercry 29 20 a cry set up in oppo...
countering 20 18 COUNTER, to oppose [...
counterion 18 16 an ion having a char...
counterman 19 19 (archaic) a man who...
countermen 19 19 COUNTERMAN, (archaic...
counterspy 28 20 a spy whose job is t...
countersue 19 16 to sue someone who i...
countertop 21 18 the top of a counter...
countesses 19 15 COUNTESS, the wife o...
countlines 20 17 COUNTLINE, a confect...
countryish 29 19 rustic, characterist...
countryman 26 21 an inhabitant or nat...
countrymen 26 21 COUNTRYMAN, an inhab...
countships 25 20 COUNTSHIP, a count's...
coupledoms 24 22 COUPLEDOM, the state...
couplement 23 22 union; a couple [n -...
couponings 22 21 COUPONING, rationing...
courageful 24 21 full of courage [adj...
courageous 20 17 having or characteri...
courantoes 18 15 COURANTO, an old dan...
courbarils 24 18 COURBARIL, the West...
courbettes 22 17 COURBETTE, (French)...
courgettes 21 16 COURGETTE, (French)...
couriering 21 17 COURIER, to deliver...
coursebook 22 21 a book used on an ed...
courseware 22 17 computer softwarel a...
coursework 24 21 work done for an edu...
courtcraft 26 20 the courtier's art,...
courtesans 19 15 COURTESAN, a prostit...
courtesied 20 15 COURTESY, to curtsey...
courtesies 20 14 COURTESY, to curtsey...
courtezans 22 24 COURTEZAN, a prostit...
courthouse 22 17 a building in which...
courtierly 28 17 like a courtier [adj...
courtliest 22 15 COURTLY, polite [adj...
courtlings 23 18 COURTLING, a sycopha...
courtrooms 21 17 COURTROOM, a room in...
courtships 26 19 COURTSHIP, the act o...
courtsides 21 15 COURTSIDE, the area...
courtyards 27 17 COURTYARD, a court o...
couscouses 23 18 COUSCOUS, the grain...
couscousou 23 19 the grain of the Afr...
cousinages 20 17 COUSINAGE, relations...
cousinhood 21 18 the state or conditi...
cousinries 20 15 COUSINRY, cousins co...
cousinship 25 20 the state of being c...
couturiere 20 15 (French) a (female)...
couturiers 21 15 COUTURIER, (French)...
covalences 24 22 COVALENCE, the union...
covalently 29 22 COVALENT, sharing el...
covariance 23 21 the property of vary...
covariants 21 18 COVARIANT, a functio...
covariates 21 17 COVARIATE, a statist...
covellines 23 20 COVELLINE, a native...
covellites 24 19 COVELLITE, a native...
covenantal 20 20 relating to a covena...
covenanted 19 20 COVENANT, to enter i...
covenantee 18 19 the person in whose...
covenanter 19 19 one who makes a cove...
covenantor 19 19 the party who makes...
coveralled 23 20 wearing a coverall [...
covermount 22 22 to attach an item to...
coversines 21 18 COVERSINE, a functio...
coverslips 26 21 COVERSLIP, a loose c...
covertness 21 18 the state of being c...
covertures 22 18 COVERTURE, covering;...
covetingly 30 23 COVETING [adv]
covetously 29 21 COVETOUS, avaricious...
cowardices 26 20 COWARDICE, lack of c...
cowardries 23 17 COWARDRY, cowardice...
cowardship 28 22 (Shakespeare) coward...
cowberries 25 19 COWBERRY, the red wh...
cowcatcher 31 24 a device on the fron...
coweringly 31 22 COWERING [adv]
cowfeeders 24 20 COWFEEDER, a dairyma...
cowfeteria 24 19 a calf feeder with m...
cowgrasses 24 18 COWGRASS, a type of...
cowlstaffs 29 23 COWLSTAFF, a staff o...
cowlstaves 26 21 COWLSTAFF, a staff o...
cowpuncher 30 26 a cowboy [n -S]
coxcomical 34 30 foppish, vain, also...
coxinesses 25 21 COXINESS, cockiness...
coxswained 28 25 COXSWAIN, to steer a...
coyishness 28 18 the state of being c...
coyotillos 28 17 COYOTILLO, (Spanish)...
cozinesses 22 23 COZINESS, the state...
crabapples 27 23 CRABAPPLE, a small s...
crabbiness 24 20 the state of being c...
crabeaters 21 16 CRABEATER, a species...
crabsticks 28 23 CRABSTICK, a stick,...
crackajack 30 36 a person or thing of...
crackbacks 31 30 CRACKBACK, in Americ...
crackberry 33 25 a BlackBerry handhel...
crackbrain 26 24 a crazy person [n -S...
crackdowns 27 25 CRACKDOWN, the takin...
crackheads 26 23 CRACKHEAD, a drug ad...
crackliest 26 21 CRACKLY, making a cr...
cracklings 27 24 CRACKLING, the rind...
cradlesong 21 18 a lullaby [n -S]
cradlewalk 26 23 an avenue arched ove...
craftiness 22 17 the quality of being...
craftworks 27 23 CRAFTWORK, creative...
cragginess 22 18 the quality of being...
craigfluke 26 24 a type of flat fish,...
crakeberry 29 22 another name for cro...
cramoisies 21 16 CRAMOISY, (archaic)...
crampbarks 27 26 CRAMPBARK, (US) the...
cramponing 23 23 CRAMPON, to climb us...
cranachans 23 20 CRANACHAN, a traditi...
craneflies 22 18 CRANEFLY, a fly with...
cranesbill 24 19 any wild species of...
craniology 27 19 the study of skulls,...
craniopagi 22 19 CRANIOPAGUS, the con...
craniotomy 26 19 the operation of ope...
crankcases 23 21 CRANKCASE, the case...
crankiness 20 19 the state of being c...
crankshaft 25 23 a shaft driven by or...
cranreuchs 25 20 CRANREUCH, (Gaelic)...
crapshoots 24 18 CRAPSHOOT, a game of...
crapulence 25 22 the sickness occasio...
craquelure 29 25 (French) fine cracki...
crashingly 31 21 CRASHING, extreme, o...
crassitude 21 15 the state of being c...
craterings 21 16 CRATERING, the act o...
craterless 21 14 without a crater [ad...
craterlets 21 14 CRATERLET, a small c...
craterlike 22 18 like a crater [adj]
craunchier 25 20 CRAUNCHY, crunchy [a...
craunching 26 23 CRAUNCH, to chew wit...
cravatting 23 20 CRAVAT, to dress in...
cravenness 20 19 the state of being c...
crawfished 28 22 CRAWFISH, to retreat...
crawfishes 28 21 CRAWFISH, to retreat...
crawlingly 33 23 CRAWLING, creeping;...
crayfishes 31 20 CRAYFISH, a large ed...
crayonists 26 16 CRAYONIST, one who d...
crazyweeds 32 28 CRAZYWEED, a plant t...
creakiness 20 18 the state of being c...
creakingly 29 23 CREAKING [adv]
creameries 20 16 CREAMERY, a place wh...
creaminess 20 17 the state of being c...
creampuffs 28 26 CREAMPUFF, puff past...
creamwares 23 19 CREAMWARE, a type of...
creaseless 20 14 without creases [adj...
creasoting 20 16 CREASOTE, to coat wi...
creatinine 18 15 dehydrated creatin f...
creational 19 15 of or pertaining to...
creatively 29 20 CREATIVE, having the...
creativity 29 19 the quality of being...
creatrixes 26 20 CREATRIX, a female c...
creaturely 27 17 relating to a creatu...
credential 20 16 giving a title or cl...
creditable 23 18 trustworthy [adj CRE...
creditably 30 20 CREDITABLE, trustwor...
creditless 22 15 without credit [adj]
creeksides 21 18 CREEKSIDE, the area...
creepiness 21 17 the state of being c...
creepingly 30 22 CREEPING [adv]
creepmouse 22 20 an informal tickling...
creeshiest 22 15 CREESHY, (Scots) gre...
cremasters 21 16 CREMASTER, (Greek) a...
cremations 20 17 CREMATION, the burni...
crematoria 20 16 CREMATORIUM, a place...
cremocarps 26 22 CREMOCARP, the chara...
crenations 18 15 CRENATION, a rounded...
crenatures 19 15 CRENATURE, the state...
crenelated 19 16 CRENELATE, (US) to p...
crenelates 19 15 CRENELATE, (US) to p...
crenellate 20 16 to provide with batt...
crenelling 22 19 CRENEL, to make inde...
crenulated 20 17 minutely crenate, al...
creolising 22 17 CREOLISE, to cause a...
creolizing 25 26 CREOLIZE, to cause a...
creosoting 20 16 CREOSOTE, to treat w...
crepitated 22 17 CREPITATE, to crackl...
crepitates 22 16 CREPITATE, to crackl...
crepituses 23 17 CREPITUS, the sound...
crepolines 22 18 CREPOLINE, a light c...
crepuscles 27 21 CREPUSCLE, twilight,...
crepuscule 27 22 twilight, the fading...
crescendos 22 18 CRESCENDO, (Italian)...
crescented 22 18 having the shape of...
crescentic 26 20 formed like a cresce...
crescively 33 23 CRESCIVE, increasing...
cretaceous 22 17 of or resembling cha...
cretinised 20 15 CRETINISE, to make i...
cretinises 20 14 CRETINISE, to make i...
cretinisms 22 17 CRETINISM, a congeni...
cretinized 23 24 CRETINIZE, to make i...
cretinizes 23 23 CRETINIZE, to make i...
cretinoids 20 15 CRETINOID, someone r...
crevassing 23 20 CREVASSE, to make a...
crewelists 25 17 CREWELIST, one who e...
crewellery 31 20 crewelwork [n CREWEL...
crewelling 26 21 the act of working i...
crewelwork 28 24 embroidery done with...
cribration 22 17 sifting [n -S]
cribriform 27 22 shaped like a sieve...
cricketers 25 20 CRICKETER, one who p...
cricketing 26 23 CRICKET, to play a g...
crimewaves 26 23 CRIMEWAVE, a period...
criminally 30 21 CRIMINAL [adv]
criminated 21 18 CRIMINATE, to accuse...
criminates 21 17 CRIMINATE, to accuse...
criminator 21 17 one who criminates,...
crimsoning 22 20 CRIMSON, to make dee...
cringeling 23 20 a person who cringes...
cringingly 30 22 CRINGING, servile [a...
crinkliest 23 19 CRINKLY, crinkled [a...
crinoidean 18 16 like a crinoid [adj]...
crinolette 20 15 (French) a small cri...
crinolined 20 17 wearing a crinoline...
crinolines 20 16 CRINOLINE, (French)...
crippledom 27 24 cripples collectivel...
cripplings 28 23 CRIPPLING, a prop se...
crispation 22 17 the state of being c...
crispature 23 17 a curling [n -S]
crispbread 25 20 a brittle, unsweeten...
crispening 23 20 CRISPEN, to make cri...
crispheads 25 19 CRISPHEAD, a variety...
crispiness 23 17 the state of being c...
crisscross 25 16 to mark with interse...
cristiform 25 19 in the form of a cre...
criterions 20 14 CRITERION, a standar...
criteriums 23 17 CRITERIUM, a kind of...
crithidial 25 17 relating to the flag...
critically 33 20 CRITICAL, given to c...
criticised 25 17 CRITICISE, to censur...
criticiser 25 16 one who criticises,...
criticises 25 16 CRITICISE, to censur...
criticisms 27 19 CRITICISM, the act o...
criticized 28 26 CRITICIZE, to censur...
criticizer 28 25 one who criticizes,...
criticizes 28 25 CRITICIZE, to censur...
critiquing 31 26 CRITIQUE, to judge a...
croakiness 20 18 the state of being c...
crocheters 25 18 CROCHETER, one who c...
crocheting 26 21 CROCHET, to work woo...
crockeries 24 20 CROCKERY, domestic p...
crocodiles 24 18 CROCODILE, a large l...
crocoisite 23 16 a bright red mineral...
crocosmias 24 19 CROCOSMIA, any plant...
croissants 20 14 CROISSANT, (French)...
crokinoles 21 19 CROKINOLE, (French)...
crookbacks 27 27 CROOKBACK, (Shakespe...
crookedest 20 18 CROOKED, dishonest [...
crookeries 20 17 CROOKERY, crooked ac...
crooknecks 24 25 CROOKNECK, a squash...
cropduster 23 18 an aircraft that spr...
croquantes 27 24 CROQUANTE, (French)...
croqueting 29 26 CROQUET, to play a g...
croquettes 28 23 CROQUETTE, (French)...
crorepatis 22 16 CROREPATI, in India,...
crossandra 19 15 any evergreen shrub...
crossbands 22 18 CROSSBAND, a horizon...
crossbeams 23 19 CROSSBEAM, a beam jo...
crossbench 27 22 a bench laid crosswi...
crossbills 26 18 CROSSBILL, a kind of...
crossbirth 26 18 a birth in which the...
crossbites 23 16 CROSSBITE, to swindl...
crossbones 21 17 a figure of two thig...
crossbower 25 19 one who uses a cross...
crossbreds 23 17 CROSSBRED, an animal...
crossbreed 22 17 to hybridize [v CROS...
crossbucks 28 24 CROSSBUCK, (US) a cr...
crosscheck 30 25 to test the accuracy...
crossclaim 26 20 a claim made by a de...
crosscourt 24 17 to or toward the opp...
crossettes 20 13 CROSSETTE, (French)...
crossfalls 25 18 CROSSFALL, the trans...
crossfield 24 18 of a football pass,...
crossfires 23 16 CROSSFIRE, the cross...
crosshairs 23 15 CROSSHAIR, a fine wi...
crosshatch 28 20 to shade with inters...
crossheads 22 16 CROSSHEAD, a beam co...
crossjacks 27 29 CROSSJACK, a square...
crosslight 26 18 a light whose direct...
crossovers 22 17 CROSSOVER, a road pa...
crosspatch 28 21 a bad-tempered perso...
crosspiece 25 19 a piece of material...
crossroads 20 14 CROSSROAD, an inters...
crossruffs 26 20 CROSSRUFF, in whist...
crosstalks 23 18 CROSSTALK, rapid or...
crosstrees 20 13 CROSSTREE, one of th...
crosswalks 26 21 CROSSWALK, (US) a pe...
crosswinds 24 18 CROSSWIND, a wind bl...
crosswires 24 16 CROSSWIRE, either of...
crosswords 24 17 CROSSWORD, a type of...
crossworts 24 16 CROSSWORT, a bedstra...
crotalaria 20 14 any plant of the sun...
crotalisms 23 17 CROTALISM, poisoning...
crotcheted 25 19 having crotchets, wh...
crotonbugs 23 20 CROTONBUG, a species...
croupiness 22 18 the state of being c...
croustades 20 15 CROUSTADE, (French)...
crowbarred 25 20 CROWBAR, to use a st...
crowdfunds 26 23 CROWDFUND, to fund a...
crowkeeper 25 23 (Shakespeare) a scar...
crownlands 23 20 CROWNLAND, a large a...
crownpiece 27 23 the strap of a bridl...
crownworks 27 24 CROWNWORK, the manuf...
cruciately 31 20 CRUCIATE, cross-shap...
crucifiers 27 20 CRUCIFIER, one who c...
crucifixes 33 27 CRUCIFIX, a cross be...
cruciforms 28 23 CRUCIFORM, something...
crucifying 34 25 CRUCIFY, to put to d...
cruiseways 30 19 CRUISEWAY, a canal f...
cruisewear 23 17 clothing suitable fo...
crumbcloth 31 26 a cloth laid under a...
crumbliest 26 21 CRUMBLY, easily crum...
crumblings 27 24 CRUMBLING [n]
crumminess 23 21 the state of being c...
crumpliest 26 21 CRUMPLY, easily wrin...
crumplings 27 24 CRUMPLING, the act o...
crunchable 28 24 that can be crunched...
crunchiest 26 20 CRUNCHY, given to cr...
crunchings 27 23 CRUNCHING, the act o...
crushingly 32 22 CRUSHING [adv]
crushproof 27 22 resistant to crushin...
crustacean 22 18 a member of the crus...
crustation 20 15 an adherent crust [n...
crustiness 21 15 the state of being c...
crutchings 28 22 the wool clipped fro...
cryocables 32 22 CRYOCABLE, a highly...
cryoconite 28 19 dust found on the su...
cryogenics 30 21 the branch of physic...
cryogenies 26 18 CRYOGENY, a branch o...
cryometers 27 18 CRYOMETER, an instru...
cryometric 31 21 relating to the meas...
cryophilic 36 24 cold-loving [adj]
cryophorus 31 21 an instrument for sh...
cryophytes 37 22 CRYOPHYTE, an organi...
cryoprobes 30 21 CRYOPROBE, a blunt c...
cryoscopes 31 21 CRYOSCOPE, an instru...
cryoscopic 35 24 relating to cryoscop...
cryostatic 30 18 relating to the use...
cryptogams 31 23 CRYPTOGAM, a plant r...
cryptogamy 37 25 the state of being a...
cryptogram 31 23 anything written in...
cryptology 37 23 the scientific study...
cryptonyms 36 24 CRYPTONYM, a code na...
cryptozoic 35 30 of animals, living i...
crystalise 28 16 to form a crystal, a...
crystalize 31 25 to form a crystal, a...
ctenophore 22 19 a member of the Cten...
cuadrillas 23 17 CUADRILLA, (Spanish)...
cubanelles 23 20 CUBANELLE, a variety...
cubbyholes 34 25 CUBBYHOLE, a small e...
cubicities 27 20 CUBICITY, the state...
cuckolding 27 26 CUCKOLD, to humiliat...
cuckoldise 26 23 to make a cuckold of...
cuckoldize 29 32 to make a cuckold of...
cuckoldoms 27 26 CUCKOLDOM, the state...
cuckoopint 26 25 an arum with erect s...
cuculiform 29 25 of, relating to, or...
cucullated 26 21 hooded; hood-shaped,...
cucumiform 29 27 cucumber-shaped [adj...
cucurbital 28 22 of or like a cucurbi...
cuddlesome 22 20 cuddly [adj]
cudgelings 24 21 CUDGELING, the act o...
cudgellers 24 19 CUDGELLER, one who b...
cudgelling 25 22 a beating with a cud...
cuffuffles 31 28 CUFFUFFLE, a commoti...
cuirassier 21 14 (French) a soldier w...
cuirassing 22 17 CUIRASS, to cover wi...
cuisinarts 21 15 CUISINART, (tradenam...
cuisiniers 21 15 CUISINIER, a cook [n...
culiciform 29 24 like or resembling a...
culinarian 20 17 a cook, chef [n -S]
culinarily 29 19 CULINARY, pertaining...
cullenders 22 18 CULLENDER, a perfora...
culminated 22 20 CULMINATE, to climax...
culminates 22 19 CULMINATE, to climax...
cultivable 27 23 that can be cultivat...
cultivated 24 20 CULTIVATE, to till o...
cultivates 24 19 CULTIVATE, to till o...
cultivator 24 19 one that cultivates...
cultriform 26 21 knife-shaped [adj]
culturable 25 20 that can be cultured...
culturally 31 20 CULTURAL, relating t...
culturists 24 16 CULTURIST, a devotee...
culvertage 24 21 (historical) the deg...
culverting 25 22 CULVERT, to channel...
cumberbund 26 26 (Hindi) a waistband,...
cumberless 25 21 unencumbered [adj]
cumberment 24 24 the act of encumberi...
cumbersome 24 23 burdensome [adj CUMB...
cumbrances 26 24 CUMBRANCE, an encumb...
cumbrously 32 24 CUMBROUS, hindering,...
cummerbund 25 26 (Hindi) a waistband,...
cumulately 30 22 CUMULATE, in a heap...
cumulating 24 22 CUMULATE, to heap to...
cumulation 22 20 an accumulation [n -...
cumulative 25 23 increasing by succes...
cumuliform 27 25 shaped like a heap,...
cunctation 22 19 delay; procrastinati...
cunctative 25 22 causing delay, also...
cunctators 23 18 CUNCTATOR, (Latin) s...
cunctatory 29 20 causing delay, also...
cuneiforms 23 21 CUNEIFORM, a wedge-s...
cunningest 20 19 CUNNING, crafty [adj...
cupbearers 24 20 CUPBEARER, a person...
cupboarded 24 22 CUPBOARD, to store [...
cupferrons 24 21 CUPFERRON, a compoun...
cupidinous 23 20 full of desire, amor...
cupidities 24 18 CUPIDITY, avarice, g...
curability 31 20 the ability to be cu...
curanderas 19 16 CURANDERA, a female...
curanderos 19 16 CURANDERO, a male fa...
curarising 22 17 CURARISE, to poison...
curarizing 25 26 CURARIZE, to poison...
curateship 25 19 the office of curate...
curatively 30 21 CURATIVE, tending to...
curatorial 21 15 relating to a curato...
curatrixes 27 21 CURATRIX, (Latin) a...
curbstones 22 18 CURBSTONE, a stone l...
curcumines 25 22 CURCUMINE, the saffr...
curettages 21 16 CURETTAGE, (French)...
curfuffled 29 26 CURFUFFLE, to make a...
curfuffles 29 25 CURFUFFLE, (Scots) a...
curialisms 24 18 CURIALISM, the syste...
curialists 23 15 CURIALIST, one who a...
curiousest 21 15 CURIOUS, inquisitive...
curlicuing 27 22 CURLICUE, to decorat...
curlpapers 26 21 CURLPAPER, a strip o...
curmudgeon 22 22 an avaricious, ill-n...
curmurring 24 21 (Scots) a rumbling o...
currajongs 23 26 CURRAJONG, (Native A...
currantier 20 15 CURRANTY, full of cu...
currawongs 24 20 CURRAWONG, (Native A...
currejongs 23 26 CURREJONG, (Native A...
currencies 23 18 CURRENCY, a monetary...
curricular 26 19 relating to a curric...
curriculum 28 23 (Latin) a program of...
currieries 21 14 CURRIERY, the shop o...
currijongs 24 26 CURRIJONG, (Native A...
currycombs 34 25 CURRYCOMB, a metal c...
cursedness 20 16 the quality of being...
curselarie 21 15 (Shakespeare) cursor...
curtailers 22 15 CURTAILER, one who c...
curtailing 23 18 CURTAIL, to cut shor...
curtaining 21 18 CURTAIN, to furnish...
curtalaxes 27 22 CURTALAX, a short br...
curtations 20 15 CURTATION, a shorten...
curtilages 23 17 CURTILAGE, an area o...
curtnesses 20 15 CURTNESS, the qualit...
curtseying 28 19 CURTSEY, to bow poli...
curvaceous 25 22 pleasingly curved, a...
curvacious 26 22 pleasingly curved, a...
curvations 22 19 CURVATION, the state...
curvatures 23 19 CURVATURE, a curving...
curveballs 27 23 CURVEBALL, a basebal...
curvedness 22 20 the state of being c...
curvetting 24 21 CURVET, to leap, fri...
cushionets 22 17 CUSHIONET, a little...
cushioning 23 20 the act of providing...
cuspidated 23 19 shaped like a cuspid...
cuspidores 23 18 CUSPIDORE, a spittoo...
cussedness 20 16 the quality of being...
custodians 20 16 CUSTODIAN, a person...
custodiers 21 15 CUSTODIER, a person...
customable 24 21 (archaic) customary,...
customised 22 18 CUSTOMISE, to adapt...
customiser 22 17 one who customises,...
customises 22 17 CUSTOMISE, to adapt...
customized 25 27 CUSTOMIZE, to adapt...
customizer 25 26 one who customizes,...
customizes 25 26 CUSTOMIZE, to adapt...
cutability 31 20 the proportion of le...
cutcheries 26 19 CUTCHERY, a judicial...
cutenesses 19 15 CUTENESS, the qualit...
cutgrasses 22 16 CUTGRASS, a kind of...
cutinising 22 18 CUTINISE, to become...
cutinizing 25 27 CUTINIZE, to become...
cutthroats 23 16 CUTTHROAT, a murdere...
cuttlebone 22 19 the internal shell o...
cuttlefish 27 20 any cephalopod mollu...
cyanamides 26 20 CYANAMIDE, the amide...
cyanidings 27 20 CYANIDING [n]
cyanogenic 28 22 of or like a cyanoge...
cyanometer 25 19 instrument for measu...
cyanophyte 35 23 a blue-green alga [n...
cyanotypes 33 21 CYANOTYPE, a bluepri...
cyanurates 25 17 CYANURATE, a chemica...
cyathiform 32 23 shaped like a cup [a...
cyberbully 40 26 one who bullies via...
cybercafes 33 24 CYBERCAFE, a cafe wh...
cybercasts 32 21 CYBERCAST [v]
cybercrime 33 24 computer-related cri...
cybernated 27 20 CYBERNATE, to contro...
cybernates 27 19 CYBERNATE, to contro...
cybernauts 28 20 CYBERNAUT, a person...
cybernetic 31 22 relating to cybernet...
cyberporns 30 22 CYBERPORN, pornograp...
cyberpunks 32 27 CYBERPUNK, a genus o...
cybersexes 34 25 CYBERSEX, sexual com...
cyberspace 33 24 the virtual world of...
cybrarians 28 19 CYBRARIAN, a person...
cycadeoids 29 20 CYCADEOID, a member...
cyclamates 31 22 CYCLAMATE, any of a...
cyclepaths 35 24 CYCLEPATH, a special...
cyclically 43 26 CYCLICAL, relating t...
cyclicisms 37 25 CYCLICISM, the state...
cyclizines 34 29 CYCLIZINE, an antihi...
cyclodiene 29 21 a kind of organic in...
cyclogiros 32 21 CYCLOGIRO, an aircra...
cyclograph 36 26 an instrument for de...
cycloidian 30 21 a fish with cycloid...
cycloliths 35 22 CYCLOLITH, a stone c...
cyclometer 31 22 instrument for measu...
cyclometry 38 24 measurement by use o...
cyclonical 34 24 of or like a cyclone...
cyclonites 30 20 CYCLONITE, a type of...
cyclopedia 32 23 an encyclopaedia, al...
cyclopedic 36 26 encyclopaedic, also...
cycloramas 31 22 CYCLORAMA, a circula...
cycloramic 35 25 of or like a cyclora...
cyclostome 31 22 the lamprey [n -S]
cyclostyle 38 22 to make copies using...
cyclothyme 40 26 a person with a cycl...
cyclotomic 35 25 a mathematical term...
cyclotrons 30 20 CYCLOTRON, a type of...
cylindered 27 19 CYLINDER, to provide...
cylindrite 28 18 a mineral of cylindr...
cylindroid 28 19 a body like a cyclin...
cymagraphs 33 25 CYMAGRAPH, an instru...
cymbaleers 30 22 CYMBALEER, one who p...
cymbalists 32 22 CYMBALIST, one who p...
cymbidiums 33 26 CYMBIDIUM, a kind of...
cymiferous 30 22 bearing cymes [adj]
cymographs 33 25 CYMOGRAPH, an instru...
cymophanes 30 24 CYMOPHANE, cat's-eye...
cymotrichy 40 25 the state of being c...
cynghanedd 28 23 a technique in Welsh...
cynomolgus 29 23 a type of macaque [n...
cynophilia 31 22 the love of dogs, al...
cynophobia 31 24 the morbid fear of d...
cynopodous 27 21 having claws that do...
cyprinoids 29 20 CYPRINOID, a member...
cypripedia 31 22 CYPRIPEDIUM, a kind...
cysteamine 26 19 a cysteine derivativ...
cystectomy 37 23 the surgical removal...
cysticerci 34 21 CYSTICERCUS, the lar...
cystideans 26 17 CYSTIDEAN, a cystoid...
cystinoses 26 16 CYSTINOSIS, a congen...
cystinosis 27 16 a congenital defect...
cystinuria 27 17 a condition in which...
cystitides 28 16 CYSTITIS, inflammati...
cystitises 28 15 CYSTITIS, inflammati...
cystocarps 32 21 CYSTOCARP, the fruct...
cystoceles 30 19 CYSTOCELE, a hernia...
cystoliths 31 18 CYSTOLITH, a hard mi...
cystoscope 31 21 an instrument for ex...
cystoscopy 38 23 an examination using...
cystostomy 34 20 the surgical operati...
cytochrome 32 23 any of a group of su...
cytogenies 26 18 CYTOGENY, the format...
cytokinins 27 21 CYTOKININ, any of nu...
cytologies 28 18 CYTOLOGY, a study of...
cytologist 29 18 a student of living...
cytolysins 34 19 CYTOLYSIN, an agent...
cytometers 27 18 CYTOMETER, an instru...
cytometric 31 21 relating to cytometr...
cytopathic 34 23 producing pathologic...
cytopenias 27 19 CYTOPENIA, a deficie...
cytophilic 36 24 of e.g. antibodies,...
cytoplasms 31 22 CYTOPLASM, the proto...
cytoplasts 30 19 CYTOPLAST, the intac...
cytostatic 30 18 tending to retard ce...
cytotoxins 32 23 CYTOTOXIN, a cell-da...
czarevitch 31 31 the son of a czar [n...