10 letter words that starts with j

10 letter words that start with J

10 letter J word


Word With Friends


jabberings 24 28 JABBERING, the act o...
jabberwock 30 35 nonsense, gibberish,...
jaborandis 20 24 JABORANDI, (Tupi) th...
jaboticaba 25 28 a Brazilian tree of...
jacarandas 20 24 JACARANDA, (Tupi) a...
jackalling 26 31 JACKAL, to play the...
jackanapes 23 30 an impudent child; a...
jackarooed 21 27 JACKAROO, to work as...
jackassery 29 28 being a jackass [n J...
jackbooted 24 30 JACKBOOT, to behave...
jackerooed 21 27 JACKEROO, to work as...
jacketless 24 27 without a jacket [ad...
jackfishes 28 31 JACKFISH, a food fis...
jackfruits 27 30 JACKFRUIT, an East I...
jackhammer 27 34 a handheld compresse...
jackknifed 26 35 JACKKNIFE, to fold u...
jackknifes 26 34 JACKKNIFE, to fold u...
jackknives 26 35 JACKKNIFE, a large c...
jacklights 29 31 JACKLIGHT, a kind of...
jackplanes 25 31 JACKPLANE, a large w...
jackpotted 25 30 JACKPOT, to win a to...
jackrabbit 28 32 a long-eared America...
jackrolled 25 29 JACKROLL, to roll a...
jackscrews 30 32 JACKSCREW, a jack in...
jackshafts 28 31 JACKSHAFT, an interm...
jacksmelts 26 30 JACKSMELT, a large f...
jacksmiths 28 31 JACKSMITH, a smith w...
jacksnipes 25 30 JACKSNIPE, a kind of...
jackstones 22 27 JACKSTONE, a piece u...
jackstraws 27 29 JACKSTRAW, an effigy...
jacqueries 30 32 JACQUERIE, (French)...
jactations 21 23 JACTATION, restless...
jaculating 24 27 JACULATE, to throw o...
jaculation 22 25 the act of throwing...
jaculators 23 24 JACULATOR, one who t...
jaculatory 29 26 throwing out suddenl...
jadishness 21 23 the state of being j...
jaggedness 20 25 the state of being j...
jaggheries 23 25 JAGGHERY, a coarse,...
jaghirdars 23 24 JAGHIRDAR, (Hindi) t...
jaguarondi 19 24 (Tupi) a South Ameri...
jaguarundi 20 25 (Tupi) a South Ameri...
jailbreaks 23 27 JAILBREAK [n]
jailbroken 22 28 JAILBREAK, to free f...
jailhouses 22 23 JAILHOUSE, a prison...
jamahiriya 28 26 (Arabic) in Arab soc...
jambalayas 28 28 JAMBALAYA, (Provenca...
jambokking 25 36 JAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
jambolanas 21 27 JAMBOLANA, (Sanskrit...
janisaries 18 20 JANISARY, (Turkish)...
janitorial 19 21 relating to a janito...
janitrixes 25 27 JANITRIX, a female d...
janizarian 20 30 of or pertaining to...
janizaries 21 29 JANIZARY, (Turkish)...
japanising 21 26 JAPANISE, to make Ja...
japanizing 24 35 JAPANIZE, to make Ja...
jardiniere 18 21 (French) an ornament...
jargoneers 18 22 JARGONEER, a person...
jargonelle 20 24 (French) an early va...
jargonised 19 23 JARGONISE, to expres...
jargonises 19 22 JARGONISE, to expres...
jargonists 20 22 JARGONIST, a person...
jargonized 22 32 JARGONIZE, to expres...
jargonizes 22 31 JARGONIZE, to expres...
jarlsbergs 24 25 JARLSBERG, (tradenam...
jarovising 22 26 JAROVISE, to hasten...
jarovizing 25 35 JAROVIZE, to hasten...
jasmonates 18 23 JASMONATE, any of se...
jasperised 21 23 JASPERISE, to turn i...
jasperises 21 22 JASPERISE, to turn i...
jasperized 24 32 JASPERIZE, to turn i...
jasperizes 24 31 JASPERIZE, to turn i...
jasperware 23 25 goods made of jasper...
jaspideous 21 24 consisting of jasper...
jaspilites 23 23 JASPILITE, a rock li...
jaundicing 23 28 JAUNDICE, to prejudi...
jauntiness 18 22 the state of being j...
jauntingly 27 27 JAUNTING [adv]
javelining 22 28 JAVELIN, to pierce w...
jawbations 23 26 JAWBATION, a long, t...
jawbonings 24 29 JAWBONING, governmen...
jawbreaker 24 29 a word hard to prono...
jawcrusher 28 28 a heavy-duty rock-br...
jayhawkers 31 30 JAYHAWKER, a name gi...
jaywalkers 30 29 JAYWALKER, one who w...
jaywalking 31 32 walking in the road...
jealousies 19 21 JEALOUSY, a jealous...
jealousing 20 24 JEALOUSE, (Scots) to...
jeistiecor 22 22 (Scots) a close-fitt...
jejuneness 19 31 the quality of being...
jejunities 21 30 JEJUNITY, something...
jellifying 31 29 JELLIFY, to turn to...
jellybeans 28 27 JELLYBEAN, a bean-sh...
jellygraph 33 30 to copy by jellygrap...
jellyrolls 30 25 JELLYROLL, a type of...
jennetings 18 24 JENNETING, an early...
jeoparders 20 23 JEOPARDER, one who p...
jeopardied 20 24 JEOPARDY [v]
jeopardies 20 23 JEOPARDY [v]
jeoparding 21 26 JEOPARD, to put in j...
jeopardise 20 23 to expose to loss or...
jeopardize 23 32 to expose to loss or...
jeopardous 20 24 (obsolete) perilous;...
jerfalcons 24 27 JERFALCON, a heavy,...
jerkinhead 21 27 a truncated gable wi...
jerkwaters 23 26 JERKWATER, a train o...
jessamines 19 23 JESSAMINE, a genus o...
jesserants 18 20 JESSERANT, (historic...
jesuitical 24 24 cunning; quibbling,...
jesuitisms 22 23 JESUITISM, subtle ar...
jesuitries 20 20 JESUITRY, an unethic...
jetstreams 20 22 JETSTREAM, a narrow...
jettaturas 19 20 JETTATURA, (Italian)...
jettisoned 18 21 JETTISON, to throw o...
jewelweeds 25 27 JEWELWEED, a plant o...
jigajigged 25 35 JIGAJIG, to copulate...
jigajogged 24 35 JIGAJOG, to copulate...
jigamarees 20 24 JIGAMAREE, a whatsit...
jiggermast 23 26 a small mast on a sa...
jiggumbobs 28 33 JIGGUMBOB, a thingam...
jigjigging 27 37 JIGJIG, to copulate,...
jillflirts 27 25 JILLFLIRT, (archaic)...
jimpnesses 22 26 JIMPNESS, slendernes...
jimsonweed 22 27 the thorn-apple [n -...
jingoistic 24 25 chauvinist, sabre-ra...
jinricksha 26 29 (Japanese) a small,...
jinrikisha 23 26 (Japanese) a small,...
jinrikshas 23 26 JINRIKSHA, (Japanese...
jitterbugs 24 25 JITTERBUG [n]
jitteriest 20 19 JITTERY, extremely n...
jobcentres 23 26 JOBCENTRE, a centre...
jobernowls 24 27 JOBERNOWL, a stupid...
jobholders 24 26 JOBHOLDER, one who h...
jobseekers 21 26 JOBSEEKER, one engag...
jobsworths 27 27 JOBSWORTH, a minor o...
jockeyisms 31 31 JOCKEYISM, the pract...
jockeyship 34 33 the art or practice...
jockstraps 26 29 JOCKSTRAP, a genital...
jocktelegs 25 29 JOCKTELEG, (Scots) a...
jocoseness 20 23 the quality of being...
jocosities 22 22 JOCOSITY, cheerfulne...
jocularity 30 26 jesting, merriment [...
joculators 23 24 JOCULATOR, a profess...
jocundness 21 26 the state of being j...
jogtrotted 20 22 JOGTROT, to move at...
johanneses 18 23 JOHANNES, an obsolet...
johnnycake 29 32 a kind of bread made...
jointuress 19 21 a woman who has a jo...
jointuring 20 24 JOINTURE, to settle...
jointweeds 21 24 JOINTWEED, an Americ...
jointworms 23 26 JOINTWORM, the larva...
jokesmiths 24 28 JOKESMITH, (archaic)...
jokinesses 19 24 JOKINESS, the state...
joliotiums 22 24 JOLIOTIUM, a former...
jolleyings 28 26 JOLLEYING, using a j...
jollifying 31 29 JOLLIFY, to make jol...
jolliments 22 25 JOLLIMENT, (Spenser)...
jollyboats 29 26 JOLLYBOAT, a small b...
jollyheads 29 26 JOLLYHEAD, (Spenser)...
jolterhead 21 23 (archaic) a clumsy o...
jonnycakes 27 30 JONNYCAKE, a kind of...
jostlement 20 24 crowding; hustling [...
jouisances 21 24 JOUISANCE, (Spenser)...
journalese 18 22 the jargon of bad jo...
journaling 20 25 JOURNAL, to record i...
journalise 19 22 to write for or in a...
journalism 21 25 the collection and e...
journalist 20 22 a person engaged in...
journalize 22 31 to enter or record i...
journalled 20 24 JOURNAL, to record i...
journeyers 24 23 JOURNEYER, one who j...
journeying 25 26 JOURNEY, to travel [...
journeyman 24 27 an experienced relia...
journeymen 24 27 JOURNEYMAN, an exper...
jouysaunce 27 27 (Spenser) joyousness...
jovialness 21 25 noisy mirth, joviali...
jovialties 22 24 JOVIALTY, the state...
jovysaunce 29 30 (Spenser) joyousness...
joyfullest 30 27 JOYFUL, full of joy...
joyfulness 28 27 the state of being j...
joyousness 24 23 the state of being j...
joypoppers 31 30 JOYPOPPER, one who j...
joypopping 32 33 JOYPOP, to use habit...
joyridings 27 25 JOYRIDING [n]
jubilances 25 28 JUBILANCE, jubilatio...
jubilantly 30 28 JUBILANT, exultant [...
jubilarian 22 25 one celebrating a ju...
jubilating 24 27 JUBILATE, to rejoice...
jubilation 22 25 an act of rejoicing...
judgements 21 27 JUDGEMENT, an act of...
judgeships 26 28 JUDGESHIP, the offic...
judgmental 22 28 given to making judg...
judication 22 25 judgment [n -S]
judicative 25 28 having power to judg...
judicators 23 24 JUDICATOR, a person...
judicatory 29 26 the judicature, a co...
judicature 23 25 the power of dispens...
judicially 32 28 JUDICIAL, pertaining...
juggernaut 21 26 (Sanskrit) a massive...
juggleries 23 25 JUGGLERY, the art of...
jugglingly 32 31 JUGGLING [adv]
jugulating 23 27 JUGULATE, to cut the...
jugulation 21 25 the act of jugulatin...
juiceheads 24 26 JUICEHEAD, (slang) a...
julienning 20 26 JULIENNE, to shred o...
jumblingly 33 33 JUMBLING [adv]
jumboising 24 29 JUMBOISE, to enlarge...
jumboizing 27 38 JUMBOIZE, to enlarge...
jumhouriya 29 28 (Arabic) in Arab soc...
juncaceous 24 28 of or pertaining to...
junctional 22 26 relating to junction...
juneatings 19 24 JUNEATING, an errone...
junglegyms 30 31 JUNGLEGYM, (tradenam...
junglelike 23 29 like a jungle [adj]
juniorates 18 21 JUNIORATE, a course...
junketeers 19 25 JUNKETEER, one who j...
junketings 21 28 JUNKETING, going on...
junketters 20 25 JUNKETTER, one who j...
junketting 21 28 JUNKET, to go on suc...
juristical 25 24 of or pertaining to...
justiciars 24 23 JUSTICIAR, (historic...
justiciary 30 25 an old name for the...
justifiers 23 23 JUSTIFIER, one who j...
justifying 30 28 JUSTIFY, to vindicat...
justnesses 19 21 JUSTNESS, the qualit...
juvenilely 29 29 JUVENILE, young, not...
juvenility 29 28 youthfulness; adoles...
juxtaposed 27 31 JUXTAPOSE, to place...
juxtaposes 27 30 JUXTAPOSE, to place...