10 letter words that starts with e

10 letter words that start with E

10 letter E word


Word With Friends


eaglehawks 24 22 EAGLEHAWK, a large b...
eaglestone 16 14 a hollow oval nodule...
eaglewoods 20 17 EAGLEWOOD, a kind of...
earbashers 20 15 EARBASHER, (Australi...
earbashing 21 18 talking to someone l...
earlierise 17 11 to do at a date earl...
earlierize 20 20 to do at a date earl...
earlywoods 26 17 EARLYWOOD, the wood...
earmarking 19 20 EARMARK, to set asid...
earthbound 20 18 fast in or to the so...
earthfalls 23 17 EARTHFALL, a landsli...
earthiness 18 13 the state of being e...
earthliest 20 13 EARTHLY, of earth [a...
earthlight 24 17 the faint light visi...
earthlings 21 16 EARTHLING, an inhabi...
earthmover 21 19 any piece of machine...
earthquake 27 26 a quaking or shaking...
earthrises 19 12 EARTHRISE, the risin...
earthshine 20 15 the faint light visi...
earthstars 19 12 EARTHSTAR, a fungus...
earthwards 22 16 in the direction of...
earthwaxes 27 22 EARTHWAX, a natural...
earthwoman 21 19 a female inhabitant...
earthwomen 21 19 EARTHWOMAN, a female...
earthworks 23 19 EARTHWORK, a fortifi...
earthworms 23 18 EARTHWORM, the commo...
earwigging 23 20 a scolding [n -S]
earwitness 19 14 a witness that can t...
easinesses 15 11 EASINESS, the state...
easselgate 17 13 (Scots) eastwards, a...
easselward 20 15 (Scots) eastwards, a...
easterlies 17 11 EASTERLY, a wind fro...
easterling 18 14 a native of the east...
eastermost 17 13 (obsolete) most east...
easterners 15 11 EASTERNER, one who l...
eastwardly 27 17 EASTWARD [adv]
eavesdrips 21 18 EAVESDRIP, the water...
eavesdrops 20 18 EAVESDROP, the water...
ebionising 19 17 EBIONISE, to follow...
ebionitism 20 17 the system or doctri...
ebionizing 22 26 EBIONIZE, to follow...
eboulement 19 19 (French) the falling...
ebracteate 20 16 without bracts [adj]
ebrillades 21 16 EBRILLADE, (French)...
ebullience 23 20 the quality of livel...
ebulliency 30 22 the quality of livel...
ebullition 21 17 the act, process or...
eburnation 17 16 an abnormal change o...
ecardinate 18 15 without hinges [adj]
eccentrics 26 20 ECCENTRIC, one who i...
ecchymosed 32 24 affected by ecchymos...
ecchymoses 32 23 ECCHYMOSIS, discolor...
ecchymosis 33 23 discoloration of the...
ecchymotic 36 26 pertaining to ecchym...
ecclesiast 24 17 an ecclesiastic [n -...
eccoprotic 28 22 a laxative [n -S]
ecdysiasts 27 16 ECDYSIAST, a stripte...
echeloning 22 20 ECHELON, to arrange...
echeverias 23 19 ECHEVERIA, a kind of...
echidnines 21 18 ECHIDNINE, snake-poi...
echinaceas 23 19 ECHINACEA, a plant o...
echinoderm 22 20 one of the Echinoder...
echiuroids 23 17 ECHIUROID, any of a...
echographs 27 22 ECHOGRAPH, an echo-s...
echography 33 24 medical examination...
echoically 33 22 ECHOIC, resembling a...
echolalias 23 17 ECHOLALIA, the often...
echopraxes 29 25 ECHOPRAXIS, in menta...
echopraxia 29 25 in mental illness, e...
echopraxis 30 25 in mental illness, e...
eclampsias 24 20 ECLAMPSIA, a fancied...
eclampsies 24 20 ECLAMPSY, a fancied...
eclipsises 24 17 ECLIPSIS, a figure o...
ecocentric 25 20 having a serious con...
ecoclimate 24 20 a local climate rega...
ecological 25 20 relating to ecology,...
ecologists 22 16 ECOLOGIST, a student...
ecommerces 24 22 ECOMMERCE, business...
econoboxes 25 24 ECONOBOX, a small ec...
econometer 18 17 a device in a car th...
economical 23 21 marked by careful, e...
economised 19 18 ECONOMISE, to make e...
economiser 19 17 one who economises,...
economises 19 17 ECONOMISE, to make e...
economisms 21 20 ECONOMISM, a belief...
economists 20 17 ECONOMIST, a student...
economized 22 27 ECONOMIZE, to make e...
economizer 22 26 one who economizes,...
economizes 22 26 ECONOMIZE, to make e...
ecophobias 25 21 ECOPHOBIA, fear of o...
ecoregions 19 16 ECOREGION, an area d...
ecospecies 24 19 a group of ecotypes...
ecospheres 23 18 ECOSPHERE, the biosp...
ecossaises 19 13 ECOSSAISE, (French)...
ecosystems 27 18 ECOSYSTEM, all the o...
ecotarians 18 14 ECOTARIAN, a person...
ecotecture 22 17 a type of architectu...
ecotouring 20 17 ECOTOUR, to go on a...
ecotourism 21 17 the practice of tour...
ecotourist 20 14 a tourist who visits...
ecphoneses 22 19 ECPHONESIS, an anima...
ecphonesis 23 19 an animated or passi...
ecphractic 31 24 (obsolete) serving t...
ecritoires 20 13 ECRITOIRE, (French)...
ecstasised 20 14 ECSTASISE, to be ecs...
ecstasises 20 13 ECSTASIS [v]
ecstasized 23 23 ECSTASIZE, to be ecs...
ecstasizes 23 22 ECSTASIZE, to be ecs...
ecstasying 27 18 ECSTASY, to send int...
ecthlipses 26 19 ECTHLIPSIS, the omis...
ecthlipsis 27 19 the omission of one...
ectoblasts 23 17 ECTOBLAST, the outer...
ectocrines 22 17 ECTOCRINE, any metab...
ectodermal 21 18 of or relating to th...
ectodermic 24 20 of or relating to th...
ectoenzyme 28 28 an exoenzyme, an enz...
ectogenies 19 16 ECTOGENY, the effect...
ectogenous 19 17 of a parasite, that...
ectomorphs 25 21 ECTOMORPH, a psychop...
ectomorphy 31 23 the state of being a...
ectophytes 30 20 ECTOPHYTE, a vegetab...
ectophytic 34 23 relating to an ectop...
ectoplasms 24 20 ECTOPLASM, the outer...
ectoprocts 25 19 ECTOPROCT, a bryozoa...
ectotherms 23 18 ECTOTHERM, a cold-bl...
ectropions 21 17 ECTROPION, an unnatu...
ectropiums 24 20 ECTROPIUM, an unnatu...
ecumenical 24 22 general; universal;...
ecumenisms 22 21 ECUMENISM, the doctr...
ecumenists 21 18 ECUMENIST, an adhere...
eczematous 23 26 pertaining to eczema...
edaciously 27 18 EDACIOUS, voracious,...
edaphology 28 21 the science of soil...
edentulate 16 14 without teeth, also...
edentulous 17 15 without teeth, also...
edginesses 17 14 EDGINESS, the state...
edibleness 19 16 suitableness for bei...
edifyingly 34 22 EDIFYING [adv]
editioning 17 15 EDITION, to produce...
editorials 18 12 EDITORIAL, an articl...
editorship 22 16 the office or charge...
editresses 17 11 EDITRESS, a female e...
educatable 22 19 that can be educated...
educations 19 16 EDUCATION, bringing...
educements 20 19 EDUCEMENT, the act o...
edulcorant 20 17 having a tendency to...
edulcorate 20 16 to make pleasant, sw...
eelgrasses 18 13 EELGRASS, any of sev...
eerinesses 15 11 EERINESS, the state...
effaceable 25 23 that can be effaced...
effacement 23 23 the act of effacing...
effectible 27 23 capable of being don...
effectives 26 23 EFFECTIVE, an effect...
effectless 25 20 without effect or ad...
effectuate 23 20 to effect [v EFFECTU...
effeminacy 30 25 the quality of being...
effeminate 20 20 womanish [adj EFFEMI...
effeminise 21 20 (archaic) to make ef...
effeminize 24 29 (archaic) to make ef...
efferences 22 20 EFFERENCE, the act o...
efferently 27 20 EFFERENT, carrying o...
effervesce 25 23 to bubble, hiss, and...
effeteness 19 17 the state of being e...
efficacies 27 22 EFFICACY, effectiven...
efficacity 34 24 the state of being e...
efficience 26 23 (archaic) efficiency...
efficiency 33 25 the quality of being...
efficients 24 20 EFFICIENT, a trained...
effiercing 25 22 EFFIERCE, (Spenser)...
effigurate 22 19 having a definite sh...
effleurage 22 20 (French) a stroking...
effloresce 24 20 to flower; burgeon;...
effluences 24 22 EFFLUENCE, flowing o...
effluviums 27 26 EFFLUVIUM, disagreea...
effluxions 28 26 EFFLUXION, the act o...
effortless 22 17 showing or requiring...
effrontery 26 19 shameless boldness;...
effulgence 25 24 radiant splendor [n...
effusively 31 24 EFFUSIVE, pouring fo...
egarements 17 16 EGAREMENT, (French)...
eggbeaters 20 17 EGGBEATER, a utensil...
eglandular 19 17 having no glands, al...
eglantines 17 15 EGLANTINE, sweetbria...
egocentric 23 19 concerned with the i...
egoistical 22 16 relating to or displ...
egomaniacs 20 19 EGOMANIAC, one suffe...
egosurfing 21 19 EGOSURF, to search f...
egotheisms 21 17 EGOTHEISM, identific...
egressions 17 13 EGRESSION, the act o...
egressives 20 16 EGRESSIVE, an egress...
egurgitate 19 15 to vomit, to cast fo...
eicosanoid 18 15 any of a class of co...
eiderdowns 19 16 EIDERDOWN, the soft...
eidographs 22 18 EIDOGRAPH, an instru...
eigenmodes 17 17 EIGENMODE, (German)...
eigentones 15 14 EIGENTONE, (German)...
eigenvalue 19 19 a mathematical term...
eightballs 25 19 EIGHTBALL, the black...
eighteenmo 19 18 a paper size, aka oc...
eighteenth 21 17 number eighteen in s...
eightfoils 24 18 EIGHTFOIL, an eight-...
eightieths 23 16 EIGHTIETH, one of ei...
eightpence 24 21 a coin worth eight p...
eightpenny 27 21 worth eight pennies...
eightscore 23 17 eight times twenty [...
eightsomes 21 17 EIGHTSOME, a group o...
eirenicons 18 15 EIRENICON, (Greek) a...
eisteddfod 19 16 (Welsh) an annual as...
ejaculated 22 25 EJACULATE, to exclai...
ejaculates 22 24 EJACULATE, to exclai...
ejaculator 22 24 one who ejaculates [...
ejectively 31 29 EJECTIVE, relating t...
ejectments 22 26 EJECTMENT, expulsion...
ekistician 21 18 a student of ekistic...
elaborated 18 15 ELABORATE, to produc...
elaborates 18 14 ELABORATE, to produc...
elaborator 18 14 one who, or that whi...
elaeolites 17 12 ELAEOLITE, a variety...
elaeoptene 16 15 the liquid part of a...
elaiosomes 17 14 ELAIOSOME, an oil-ri...
elasmosaur 18 15 a very long-necked e...
elastances 19 15 ELASTANCE, the recip...
elasticate 20 14 to make elastic [v E...
elasticise 21 14 to make elastic, als...
elasticity 28 16 the capability of a...
elasticize 24 23 to make elastic, als...
elastomers 18 14 ELASTOMER, any rubbe...
elatedness 16 13 the state of being e...
elaterites 17 11 ELATERITE, elastic b...
elateriums 19 15 ELATERIUM, a substan...
elbowrooms 23 20 ELBOWROOM, room to e...
elderberry 26 17 the fruit of the eld...
eldercares 20 15 ELDERCARE, care of t...
elderships 23 17 ELDERSHIP, the state...
elecampane 21 21 a composite plant fo...
electively 30 21 ELECTIVE, concerning...
electivity 30 20 the state of being e...
electorate 19 14 the territory, juris...
electoress 20 14 the wife or widow of...
electorial 21 15 relating to election...
electrical 25 18 relating to electric...
electrised 21 15 ELECTRISE, to make e...
electrises 21 14 ELECTRISE, to make e...
electrized 24 24 ELECTRIZE, to make e...
electrizes 24 23 ELECTRIZE, to make e...
electrodes 20 15 ELECTRODE, a conduct...
electrogen 20 17 a molecule which emi...
electroing 21 17 ELECTRO, to make an...
electrojet 22 23 an overhead concentr...
electromer 21 17 a substance showing...
electronic 23 18 of or relating to el...
eledoisins 17 13 ELEDOISIN, a small p...
elegancies 20 17 ELEGANCY, the state...
elementals 18 16 ELEMENTAL, an elemen...
elementary 23 17 relating to the simp...
eleoptenes 17 15 ELEOPTENE, the liqui...
elevations 18 16 ELEVATION, the act o...
eleventhly 28 21 ELEVENTH, eleventh i...
elfishness 22 17 being like an elf, a...
elicitable 24 18 that can be elicited...
eliminable 21 19 that can be eliminat...
eliminants 18 16 ELIMINANT, an agent...
eliminated 18 16 ELIMINATE, to remove...
eliminates 18 15 ELIMINATE, to remove...
eliminator 18 15 one who eliminates [...
ellipsoids 22 16 ELLIPSOID, a solid,...
elliptical 26 19 having the shape of...
elocutions 20 16 ELOCUTION, the art o...
eloignment 18 18 the act of eloigning...
eloinments 17 16 ELOINMENT, the act o...
elongating 18 17 ELONGATE, to lengthe...
elongation 16 15 the act of elongatin...
elopements 19 18 ELOPEMENT, the act o...
eloquences 27 25 ELOQUENCE, the power...
eloquently 32 25 ELOQUENT, fluent in...
elucidated 21 17 ELUCIDATE, to make c...
elucidates 21 16 ELUCIDATE, to make c...
elucidator 21 16 one who elucidates [...
elucubrate 23 19 to work out or expre...
elutriated 18 13 ELUTRIATE, to separa...
elutriates 18 12 ELUTRIATE, to separa...
elutriator 18 12 an apparatus for elu...
eluviating 21 19 ELUVIATE, to undergo...
eluviation 19 17 the formation of elu...
elvishness 22 18 being like an elf, a...
elytriform 28 19 having the form, or...
emaciating 21 19 EMACIATE, to make th...
emaciation 19 17 the act of making ve...
emalangeni 17 18 LILANGENI, (Bantu) t...
emanations 15 15 EMANATION, a flowing...
emanatists 17 14 EMANATIST, one who b...
emancipate 21 20 to free from restrai...
emancipist 23 20 (historical) a convi...
emarginate 17 16 without a margin [ad...
emasculate 21 18 to deprive of streng...
emballings 23 21 EMBALLING, the act o...
embalmings 23 23 EMBALMING, the act o...
embalmment 22 24 the act of embalming...
embankment 20 25 a raised structure (...
embargoing 21 21 EMBARGO, to prohibit...
embarkment 21 24 embarkation [n -S]
embarrings 21 19 EMBARRING, the act o...
embasement 19 20 the act of bringing...
embassades 19 17 EMBASSADE, (Shakespe...
embassador 19 17 (obsolete) an ambass...
embassages 20 18 EMBASSAGE, an embass...
embattling 22 20 EMBATTLE, to fortify...
embayments 26 22 EMBAYMENT, a bay; a...
embeddings 21 21 EMBEDDING, the techn...
embedments 20 21 EMBEDMENT, the act o...
embezzlers 27 35 EMBEZZLER, one who e...
embezzling 28 38 EMBEZZLE, to appropr...
embittered 20 17 EMBITTER, to make bi...
embitterer 20 16 one who embitters [n...
emblazoned 22 28 EMBLAZON, to depict...
emblazoner 22 27 one who emblazons [n...
emblazonry 29 29 the act or art of an...
emblematic 25 23 of, relating to, or...
emblements 21 21 crops raised by the...
emblemised 22 21 EMBLEMISE, to repres...
emblemises 22 20 EMBLEMISE, to repres...
emblemized 25 30 EMBLEMIZE, to repres...
emblemizes 25 29 EMBLEMIZE, to repres...
emblooming 22 23 EMBLOOM, to cover wi...
emblossoms 22 20 EMBLOSSOM, to cover...
embodiment 20 21 one that embodies so...
emboldened 19 20 EMBOLDEN, to instil...
emboldener 19 19 one who emboldens [n...
embolising 22 20 EMBOLISE, to cause a...
embolismal 23 21 pertaining to emboli...
embolismic 26 23 pertaining to an emb...
embolizing 25 29 EMBOLIZE, to cause a...
embonpoint 20 21 (French) plumpness o...
embordered 19 18 EMBORDER, to provide...
emboscatas 22 19 EMBOSCATA, (Italian)...
embosoming 21 22 EMBOSOM, to embrace,...
embossable 22 20 that can be embossed...
embossment 20 20 the act of forming b...
embothrium 24 22 an evergreen shrub n...
embouchure 25 23 (French) the positio...
embounding 20 22 EMBOUND, (Shakespear...
emboweling 24 23 EMBOWEL, to remove t...
embowelled 24 22 EMBOWEL, to remove t...
embowering 23 22 EMBOWER, to place in...
embowments 23 23 EMBOWMENT, the act o...
embraceors 22 19 EMBRACEOR, a person...
embraiding 21 20 EMBRAID, (Spenser) t...
embrangled 21 21 EMBRANGLE, (archaic)...
embrangles 21 20 EMBRANGLE, (archaic)...
embrasured 20 18 having an embrasure,...
embrasures 20 17 EMBRASURE, (French)...
embrazures 23 26 EMBRAZURE, (French)...
embreading 20 20 EMBREAD, to braid, a...
embreathed 21 19 EMBREATHE, (archaic)...
embreathes 21 18 EMBREATHE, (archaic)...
embrittled 22 18 EMBRITTLE, (archaic)...
embrittles 22 17 EMBRITTLE, (archaic)...
embrocated 22 20 EMBROCATE, to moiste...
embrocates 22 19 EMBROCATE, to moiste...
embroglios 22 19 EMBROGLIO, (Italian)...
embroiders 20 17 EMBROIDER, to orname...
embroidery 26 19 the art or process o...
embroilers 21 17 EMBROILER, one who e...
embroiling 22 20 EMBROIL, to involve...
embrowning 23 23 EMBROWN, to make bro...
embruement 20 21 the act of embruing...
embryogeny 32 23 the production and d...
embryology 34 23 the science which re...
embryonate 24 19 (obsolete) of minera...
embryotomy 33 23 the cutting a fetus...
embryulcia 31 23 forcible extraction...
emendating 17 18 EMENDATE, to correct...
emendation 15 16 correction, usually...
emendators 16 15 EMENDATOR, one who e...
emendatory 22 17 pertaining to emenda...
emergences 20 19 EMERGENCE, the act o...
emergently 25 19 EMERGENT, emerging [...
emetically 29 20 EMETICAL, tending to...
emications 20 17 EMICATION, a sparkli...
emigrating 20 18 EMIGRATE, to leave o...
emigration 18 16 the act of emigratin...
emigratory 25 17 relating to emigrati...
eminencies 19 18 EMINENCY, a high sta...
eminential 17 16 (obsolete) eminent,...
emissaries 18 13 EMISSARY, a person s...
emissivity 28 19 the ratio of emissiv...
emittances 20 17 EMITTANCE, the energ...
emmarbling 23 23 EMMARBLE, to adorn w...
emmenology 25 22 the study of menstru...
emmetropes 20 19 EMMETROPE, a person...
emmetropia 20 19 correct refraction o...
emmetropic 24 22 pertaining to, or ch...
emolliated 19 16 EMOLLIATE, to soften...
emolliates 19 15 EMOLLIATE, to soften...
emollience 21 19 the state of being e...
emollients 19 16 EMOLLIENT, something...
emollition 19 16 the act of softening...
emoluments 19 19 EMOLUMENT, payment;...
emotivisms 22 20 EMOTIVISM, the theor...
empacketed 23 24 EMPACKET, to pack up...
empalement 20 21 a fencing, inclosing...
empaneling 20 21 EMPANEL, to select a...
empanelled 20 20 EMPANEL, to select a...
emparadise 19 17 (Milton) to put in a...
empathetic 25 21 involving or showing...
empathised 22 19 EMPATHISE, to enter...
empathises 22 18 EMPATHISE, to enter...
empathists 23 18 EMPATHIST, one who e...
empathized 25 28 EMPATHIZE, to enter...
empathizes 25 27 EMPATHIZE, to enter...
empatroned 18 18 EMPATRON, (Shakespea...
empeaching 25 24 EMPEACH, (Spenser) t...
empennages 18 20 EMPENNAGE, (French)...
empeopling 23 23 EMPEOPLE, to fill wi...
emperished 22 19 EMPERISH, (Spenser)...
emperishes 22 18 EMPERISH, (Spenser)...
emperising 21 19 EMPERISE, to play th...
emperizing 24 28 EMPERIZE, to play th...
emphasised 22 19 EMPHASISE, to add em...
emphasises 22 18 EMPHASIS [v]
emphasized 25 28 EMPHASIZE, to add em...
emphasizes 25 27 EMPHASIZE, to add em...
emphatical 26 22 uttered with emphasi...
emphractic 29 24 blocking the pores o...
emphysemas 29 23 EMPHYSEMA, a swellin...
emphysemic 33 26 a sufferer from emph...
empiercing 24 22 EMPIERCE, (Spenser)...
empighting 25 23 EMPIGHT, (Spenser) t...
empiricals 25 20 EMPIRICAL, in statis...
empiricism 26 22 pursuit of knowledge...
empiricist 25 19 an empiric [n -S]
emplasters 21 17 EMPLASTER, (obsolete...
emplastics 25 20 EMPLASTIC, a medicin...
emplastron 20 18 a medicated plaster,...
emplastrum 23 21 a medicated plaster,...
empleached 25 23 EMPLEACH, to intertw...
empleaches 25 22 EMPLEACH, to intertw...
emplectons 23 21 EMPLECTON, (archaic)...
emplectums 26 24 EMPLECTUM, (archaic)...
emplonging 22 23 EMPLONGE, to plunge,...
employable 29 23 that cna be employed...
employment 27 23 the act of employing...
empoisoned 18 18 EMPOISON, (archaic)...
empoldered 20 19 EMPOLDER, to reclaim...
empoverish 24 22 (obsolete) to make p...
empowering 23 22 EMPOWER, to authoriz...
empurpling 25 24 EMPURPLE, to dye pur...
emulations 18 16 EMULATION, the act o...
emulatress 19 15 (obsolete) a female...
emulgences 22 21 EMULGENCE, (archaic)...
emulsified 22 19 EMULSIFY, to convert...
emulsifier 22 18 an agent that emulsi...
emulsifies 22 18 EMULSIFY, to convert...
emulsoidal 20 17 relating to an emuls...
emunctions 20 19 EMUNCTION, the act o...
enablement 18 19 the act of enabling...
enactments 19 18 ENACTMENT, the passi...
enalaprils 20 16 ENALAPRIL, an ace in...
enamelings 18 18 ENAMELING, the act o...
enamelists 18 15 ENAMELIST, one who e...
enamellers 18 16 ENAMELLER, one who e...
enamelling 19 19 the act of coating w...
enamellist 19 16 a worker in enamel,...
enamelware 19 18 craft goods made fro...
enamelwork 21 22 work done in enamel...
enamorados 15 15 ENAMORADO, (obsolete...
enamouring 17 18 ENAMOUR, to inspire...
enanthemas 17 17 ENANTHEMA, an ulcer...
enantiomer 15 15 an enantiomorph, an...
enantioses 14 12 ENANTIOSIS, the rhet...
enantiosis 15 12 the rhetorical devic...
enarration 14 12 (archaic) a detailed...
encampment 22 24 the place where a gr...
encapsuled 22 20 ENCAPSULE, to encaps...
encapsules 22 19 ENCAPSULE, to encaps...
encarpuses 21 18 ENCARPUS, a frieze d...
encasement 18 18 the act of encasing;...
encashable 23 20 that can be encashed...
encashment 21 20 the payment in cash...
encaustics 23 18 ENCAUSTIC, an ancien...
encephalic 27 23 pertaining to the en...
encephalin 23 21 a chemical found in...
encephalon 22 21 the contents of the...
enchaining 21 20 ENCHAIN, to bind wit...
enchanters 20 17 ENCHANTER, one who e...
enchanting 21 20 ENCHANT, to delight...
encharging 23 21 ENCHARGE, (archaic)...
encharming 23 22 ENCHARM, (obsolete)...
encheasons 19 17 ENCHEASON, (Spenser)...
encheering 21 19 ENCHEER, (archaic) t...
enchiladas 22 18 ENCHILADA, (Spanish)...
enchiridia 22 17 ENCHIRIDION, a manua...
encincture 22 19 a cincture [n -S] /...
enciphered 23 20 ENCIPHER, to write i...
encipherer 23 19 one who enciphers [n...
encircling 25 21 ENCIRCLE, to form a...
enclasping 23 21 ENCLASP, to embrace,...
encloister 20 15 (obsolete) to shut u...
enclosable 22 19 that can be enclosed...
enclosures 20 16 ENCLOSURE, the act o...
enclothing 23 20 ENCLOTHE, to clothe...
enclouding 21 20 ENCLOUD, to cover wi...
encodement 18 19 the act of encoding...
encoignure 19 18 a piece of furniture...
encoloured 19 17 ENCOLOUR, to colour...
encolpions 21 19 ENCOLPION, (Greek) a...
encolpiums 24 22 ENCOLPIUM, a reliqua...
encomiasts 20 17 ENCOMIAST, a person...
encomienda 18 19 (Spanish) a commande...
encopreses 20 17 ENCOPRESIS, the invo...
encopresis 21 17 the involuntary disc...
encopretic 24 20 relating to encopres...
encounters 18 16 ENCOUNTER, to meet [...
encouraged 19 18 ENCOURAGE, to hearte...
encourager 19 17 one who encourages [...
encourages 19 17 ENCOURAGE, to hearte...
encradling 21 19 ENCRADLE, to lay in...
encreasing 19 17 ENCREASE, to become...
encrimsons 20 18 ENCRIMSON, to colour...
encrinital 20 16 of or like an encrin...
encrinites 19 15 ENCRINITE, a fossil...
encrinitic 23 18 of or like an encrin...
encroached 23 20 ENCROACH, to intrude...
encroacher 23 19 one who encroaches [...
encroaches 23 19 ENCROACH, to intrude...
encrusting 21 18 ENCRUST, to cover wi...
encrypting 29 22 ENCRYPT, to put a me...
encryption 27 20 the act of encryptin...
encumbered 22 22 ENCUMBER, to impede...
encurtains 19 16 ENCURTAIN, to enclos...
encyclical 34 24 a letter sent by the...
encystment 26 20 the act of encysting...
endamaging 18 20 ENDAMAGE, to damage...
endamoebae 16 18 ENDAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
endamoebas 17 18 ENDAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
endamoebic 21 21 like an endamoeba, a...
endangered 15 16 ENDANGER, to expose...
endangerer 15 15 one who endangers [n...
endarchies 21 17 ENDARCHY, the condit...
endearment 15 16 a word or an act (as...
endeavored 16 17 ENDEAVOR, to strive...
endeavorer 16 16 one who endeavours,...
endeavours 17 17 ENDEAVOUR, to try, a...
endecagons 18 18 ENDECAGON, an eleven...
endeixises 22 19 ENDEIXIS, in medicin...
endemicity 27 20 the state of being e...
endenizens 17 23 ENDENIZEN, to admit...
endergonic 19 18 requiring energy [ad...
endermatic 20 18 through or applied d...
endermical 21 19 acting through the s...
endobiotic 21 18 living within the ti...
endoblasts 19 16 ENDOBLAST, the inner...
endocardia 18 16 ENDOCARDIUM, (Latin)...
endocarpal 21 19 relating to an endoc...
endocarpic 24 21 relating to an endoc...
endocrania 17 16 ENDOCRANIUM, the thi...
endocrinal 19 17 relating to the endo...
endocrines 18 16 ENDOCRINE, a gland t...
endocrinic 22 19 relating to the endo...
endocritic 23 18 endocrine, also ENDO...
endodermal 17 17 of or pertaining to...
endodermic 20 19 of or pertaining to...
endodermis 17 16 a close-set sheath,...
endodontal 15 15 relating to endodont...
endodontic 18 17 relating to endodont...
endoenzyme 24 27 an enzyme that funct...
endogamies 17 17 ENDOGAMY, the practi...
endogamous 17 18 marrying within the...
endogenies 15 15 ENDOGENY, growth fro...
endogenous 15 16 produced or growing...
endolithic 23 18 living within or pen...
endolymphs 29 23 ENDOLYMPH, the water...
endometria 16 15 ENDOMETRIUM, (Latin)...
endomorphs 21 20 ENDOMORPH, a person...
endomorphy 27 22 the state of being a...
endoneuria 14 14 ENDONEURIUM, the del...
endophitic 24 20 of or like an endoph...
endophytes 26 19 ENDOPHYTE, an endopa...
endophytic 30 22 of or like an endoph...
endoplasms 20 19 ENDOPLASM, the proto...
endopleura 18 17 the inner coating of...
endopodite 17 16 the internal or prin...
endoprocts 21 18 ENDOPROCT, a small a...
endorhizal 22 24 having the radicle o...
endorphins 20 18 ENDORPHIN, any of a...
endorsable 18 16 that can be endorsed...
endoscopes 20 18 ENDOSCOPE, an instru...
endoscopic 24 21 relating to an endos...
endosmoses 16 15 ENDOSMOS, a form of...
endosmosis 17 15 the transmission of...
endosmotic 20 18 pertaining to endosm...
endosperms 19 18 ENDOSPERM, in a seed...
endospores 17 15 ENDOSPORE, the thin...
endostoses 15 12 ENDOSTOSIS, the conv...
endostosis 16 12 the conversion of ca...
endostyles 23 15 ENDOSTYLE, a fold of...
endosulfan 18 18 a brownish crystalli...
endothecia 20 17 ENDOTHECIUM, the inn...
endothelia 18 15 ENDOTHELIUM, the lay...
endotherms 19 17 ENDOTHERM, a warm-bl...
endothermy 25 19 surgical introductio...
endotoxins 21 20 ENDOTOXIN, a toxin o...
endowments 19 19 ENDOWMENT, the act o...
endplaying 26 21 ENDPLAY, to force (a...
endungeons 15 17 ENDUNGEON, to shut u...
endurances 18 17 ENDURANCE, the capac...
enduringly 25 19 ENDURING [adv]
energetics 20 16 that branch of scien...
energisers 17 13 ENERGISER, something...
energising 18 16 ENERGISE, to give en...
energizers 20 22 ENERGIZER, something...
energizing 21 25 ENERGIZE, to give en...
energumens 17 18 ENERGUMEN, (obsolete...
enervating 18 18 ENERVATE, to weaken,...
enervation 16 16 the act of weakening...
enervative 19 19 having power, or a t...
enervators 17 15 ENERVATOR, something...
enfacement 20 21 the act of enfacing,...
enfeeblers 20 18 ENFEEBLER, something...
enfeebling 21 21 ENFEEBLE, to make fe...
enfeloning 18 19 ENFELON, (Spenser) t...
enfeoffing 22 23 ENFEOFF, to invest w...
enfestered 17 15 festered [adj]
enfettered 17 15 ENFETTER, to bind wi...
enfevering 20 21 ENFEVER, to excite f...
enfiercing 22 20 ENFIERCE, (Spenser)...
enfilading 20 19 ENFILADE, to direct...
enfleshing 22 20 ENFLESH, to turn int...
enfleurage 19 18 the exposure of oils...
enflowered 21 19 ENFLOWER, to cover w...
enfoldment 19 20 the act of enfolding...
enforcedly 28 21 ENFORCED [adv]
enforested 17 15 ENFOREST, to turn in...
enfreedoms 18 18 ENFREEDOM, (Shakespe...
enfreezing 21 26 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
engagement 17 19 an arrangement to me...
engagingly 26 21 ENGAGING [adv]
engarlands 17 16 ENGARLAND, to encirc...
engarrison 16 14 to garrison; to prot...
engendered 15 16 ENGENDER, to bring i...
engenderer 15 15 one who engenders [n...
engendrure 16 16 (archaic) the act of...
engendures 16 16 ENGENDURE, (archaic)...
engineered 15 15 ENGINEER, to arrange...
engineries 16 14 ENGINERY, the act or...
engirdling 20 18 ENGIRDLE, to secure...
englishing 22 19 ENGLISH, to cause a...
englooming 19 20 ENGLOOM, to make glo...
englutting 20 18 ENGLUT, to glut, to...
engouement 16 18 (French) an excessiv...
engouments 17 18 ENGOUMENT, (French)...
engraffing 22 22 ENGRAFF, (obsolete)...
engrafting 20 19 ENGRAFT, to graft on...
engrailing 19 17 ENGRAIL, to border w...
engrainers 16 14 ENGRAINER, one who e...
engraining 17 17 ENGRAIN, to fix deep...
engrasping 20 19 ENGRASP, (Spenser) t...
engravings 20 20 ENGRAVING, the act o...
engrenages 16 16 ENGRENAGE, (French)...
engrieving 20 20 ENGRIEVE, (Spenser)...
engrooving 19 20 ENGROOVE, to fit int...
engrossers 17 13 ENGROSSER, one who c...
engrossing 18 16 ENGROSS, to complete...
enguarding 18 18 ENGUARD, (Shakespear...
engulfment 21 22 a swallowing up as i...
engulphing 24 23 ENGULPH, to swallow...
engyscopes 28 21 ENGYSCOPE, (obsolete...
enharmonic 21 20 relating to music co...
enhearsing 18 16 ENHEARSE, to enclose...
enheartens 16 14 ENHEARTEN, to encour...
enhungered 18 18 ENHUNGER, to make hu...
enhydrites 25 16 ENHYDRITE, a mineral...
enhydritic 29 19 of or like enhydrite...
enhydroses 24 16 ENHYDROS, a variety...
enigmatise 18 16 to express enigmatic...
enigmatist 19 16 one who makes, or ta...
enigmatize 21 25 to express enigmatic...
enjambment 21 30 (French) the continu...
enjoinders 17 22 ENJOINDER, an order...
enjoinment 17 25 direction; command;...
enjoyments 24 26 ENJOYMENT, the act o...
enkephalin 21 22 a chemical found in...
enkindlers 18 18 ENKINDLER, one who e...
enkindling 19 21 ENKINDLE, to set on...
enlacement 19 19 the act of enlacing,...
enlargedly 25 18 ENLARGED [adv]
enlargened 16 16 ENLARGEN, to make la...
enlevement 18 20 (obsolete) in Scots...
enlightens 20 17 ENLIGHTEN, to impart...
enlighting 22 19 ENLIGHT, to shed lig...
enlistment 18 16 the act or enlisting...
enliveners 18 17 ENLIVENER, something...
enlivening 19 20 ENLIVEN, to make liv...
enlumining 19 20 ENLUMINE, to throw l...
enmeshment 19 20 the state of being e...
enneagonal 14 16 belonging to an enne...
enneagrams 16 17 ENNEAGRAM, a persona...
enneahedra 15 15 ENNEAHEDRON, a nine-...
enneastyle 21 15 having nine columns...
enneathlon 16 16 an athletic contest...
enokidakes 17 20 ENOKIDAKE, (Japanese...
enokitakes 17 19 ENOKITAKE, (Japanese...
enological 21 18 relating to enology,...
enologists 18 14 ENOLOGIST, one who s...
enormities 17 14 ENORMITY, a great cr...
enormously 24 18 ENORMOUS, huge, also...
enphytotic 30 21 of plant diseases, c...
enqueueing 24 25 ENQUEUE, to add (a d...
enragement 16 17 the act of enraging...
enranckled 20 21 ENRANCKLE, (Spenser)...
enranckles 20 20 ENRANCKLE, (Spenser)...
enraptured 18 16 ENRAPTURE, to deligh...
enraptures 18 15 ENRAPTURE, to deligh...
enraunging 17 18 ENRAUNGE, (Spenser)...
enravished 20 18 ENRAVISH, to enraptu...
enravishes 20 17 ENRAVISH, to enraptu...
enregiment 17 17 to form into a regim...
enregister 17 13 to register; to enro...
enrheuming 20 20 ENRHEUM, (obsolete)...
enrichment 22 20 the act of making ri...
enrollment 18 17 the act of enrolling...
enrolments 17 16 ENROLMENT, the act o...
enroughing 20 19 ENROUGH, (archaic) t...
enrounding 16 17 ENROUND, (Shakespear...
ensampling 21 21 ENSAMPLE, to give an...
ensanguine 15 16 to cover with blood...
enschedule 22 19 (Shakespeare) to ins...
ensconcing 22 21 ENSCONCE, to settle...
enscrolled 21 17 ENSCROLL, to write o...
enserfment 18 18 the state of being m...
ensheathed 19 16 ENSHEATH, to enclose...
ensheathes 19 15 ENSHEATHE, to enclos...
enshelling 21 18 ENSHELL, to enclose...
enshelters 19 14 ENSHELTER, (Shakespe...
enshielded 19 16 ENSHIELD, to defend,...
enshrinees 17 14 ENSHRINEE, one who i...
enshrining 19 17 ENSHRINE, to place i...
enshrouded 18 16 ENSHROUD, to cover u...
ensigncies 20 17 ENSIGNCY, the rank o...
ensignship 22 19 (historical) the sta...
ensilaging 19 17 ENSILAGE, to store i...
ensnarling 17 16 ENSNARL, to snarl up...
ensorceled 19 16 ENSORCEL, to bewitch...
ensorcells 21 16 ENSORCELL, (archaic)...
ensoulment 17 17 the act of animating...
ensphering 21 19 ENSPHERE, to enclose...
enstamping 20 20 ENSTAMP, to mark as...
enstatites 16 11 ENSTATITE, a mineral...
ensteeping 18 17 ENSTEEP, (Shakespear...
enswathing 22 19 ENSWATHE, to wrap ar...
ensweeping 21 20 ENSWEEP, to sweep ov...
entailment 17 16 the act of entailing...
entamoebae 16 17 ENTAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
entamoebas 17 17 ENTAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
entanglers 17 15 ENTANGLER, one who e...
entangling 18 18 ENTANGLE, to twist t...
entelluses 18 14 ENTELLUS, an East In...
entendered 14 14 ENTENDER, (obsolete)...
enterdeale 15 13 (Spenser) to interde...
enterocele 18 15 a hernial tumor whos...
enterocoel 18 15 a coelom originating...
enterolith 19 14 an intestinal concre...
enterotomy 22 16 incision of the inte...
enterprise 18 14 to undertake [v ENTE...
entertains 15 12 ENTERTAIN, to hold t...
entertaken 15 16 ENTERTAKE, (Spenser)...
entertakes 16 15 ENTERTAKE, (Spenser)...
enthalpies 21 17 ENTHALPY, the total...
enthraldom 20 18 (archaic) the state...
enthralled 20 16 ENTHRAL, to reduce t...
enthraller 20 15 one who enthrals [n...
enthroning 18 17 ENTHRONE, to place o...
enthronise 17 14 to enthrone e.g. a b...
enthronize 20 23 to enthrone e.g. a b...
enthusiasm 20 17 intense and lively i...
enthusiast 19 14 a person filled with...
enthymemes 26 21 ENTHYMEME, an argume...
enticeable 21 18 capable of being ent...
enticement 19 18 the act of enticing...
enticingly 28 20 ENTICING, very invit...
entireness 15 12 the state of being e...
entireties 16 11 ENTIRETY, completene...
entitative 18 15 regarded as a distin...
entoblasts 19 15 ENTOBLAST, the inner...
entodermal 17 16 relating to the ento...
entodermic 20 18 relating to the ento...
entoilment 17 16 entanglement, ensnar...
entombment 19 21 the act of entombing...
entomology 24 19 the study of insects...
entophytal 27 19 of or like an entoph...
entophytes 26 18 ENTOPHYTE, a vegetab...
entophytic 30 21 of or pertaining to...
entoprocts 21 17 ENTOPROCT, any of a...
entourages 16 14 ENTOURAGE, (French)...
entrailing 18 15 ENTRAIL, (Spenser) t...
entrainers 15 12 ENTRAINER, one who e...
entraining 16 15 ENTRAIN, to board a...
entrammels 19 18 ENTRAMMEL, to tramme...
entrancing 19 18 ENTRANCE, to fill wi...
entrapment 18 18 the act of entrappin...
entrappers 20 17 ENTRAPPER, one who e...
entrapping 21 20 ENTRAP, to trap [v]
entreasure 15 12 (archaic) to store i...
entreaties 15 11 ENTREATY, an earnest...
entreating 16 14 ENTREAT, to ask for...
entreative 17 15 (obsolete) used in e...
entrechats 21 16 ENTRECHAT, (French)...
entrecotes 18 14 ENTRECOTE, (French)...
entremesse 16 14 (French) edible past...
entrenched 20 18 ENTRENCH, to fix fir...
entrencher 20 17 one who entrenches,...
entrenches 20 17 ENTRENCH, to fix fir...
entropions 17 15 ENTROPION, the inver...
entropiums 20 18 ENTROPIUM, (Latin) t...
entrusting 18 15 ENTRUST, to give ove...
entwisting 21 17 ENTWIST, to twist to...
enucleated 19 17 ENUCLEATE, to bring...
enucleates 19 16 ENUCLEATE, to bring...
enumerable 19 19 that can be counted...
enumerated 16 16 ENUMERATE, to count,...
enumerates 16 15 ENUMERATE, to count,...
enumerator 16 15 one that enumerates...
enunciable 21 20 capable of being enu...
enunciated 18 17 ENUNCIATE, to pronou...
enunciates 18 16 ENUNCIATE, to pronou...
enunciator 18 16 one who enunciates [...
enuredness 15 14 the state of being e...
enurements 16 16 ENUREMENT, the act o...
enuresises 16 12 ENURESIS, involuntar...
envaulting 20 20 ENVAULT, to enclose...
enveigling 21 21 ENVEIGLE, to cajole,...
envelopers 20 19 ENVELOPER, one who e...
enveloping 21 22 ENVELOP, to cover co...
envenoming 18 22 ENVENOM, to put veno...
envermeils 20 19 ENVERMEIL, (Milton)...
environics 21 19 the study of the met...
environing 18 19 ENVIRON, to envelop,...
envisaging 20 20 ENVISAGE, to visuali...
envisioned 17 17 ENVISION, to visuali...
envoyships 29 22 ENVOYSHIP, the offic...
enwallowed 23 20 ENWALLOW, (Spenser)...
enwheeling 22 20 ENWHEEL, (Shakespear...
enwrapment 21 21 the act of enwrappin...
enwrapping 24 23 the act of wrapping...
enwreathed 20 17 ENWREATH, to encircl...
enwreathes 20 16 ENWREATHE, to surrou...
enzymology 34 30 the study of enzymes...
eohippuses 23 19 EOHIPPUS, an ancesto...
eosinophil 21 17 a type of white bloo...
epagomenal 19 20 of days, intercalary...
epanaphora 20 19 the repetition of a...
epanodoses 16 15 EPANODOS, (Greek) a...
eparchates 23 18 EPARCHATE, the provi...
epaulement 19 19 a side-work of a bat...
epauletted 19 16 wearing epaulettes,...
epaulettes 19 15 EPAULETTE, (French)...
epeirogeny 24 18 the geological forma...
epentheses 19 16 EPENTHESIS, the inse...
epenthesis 20 16 the insertion of an...
epenthetic 23 19 inserted in the body...
epexegeses 24 22 EPEXEGESIS, addition...
epexegesis 25 22 additional explanati...
epexegetic 28 25 providing additional...
ephedrines 20 17 EPHEDRINE, an alkalo...
ephemerals 22 19 EPHEMERAL, a creatur...
ephemerids 22 19 EPHEMERID, an insect...
ephemerist 22 18 one who studies the...
ephemerons 20 19 EPHEMERON, something...
ephemerous 21 19 ephemeral [adj]
epiblastic 26 20 of or relating to, o...
epicalyces 32 22 EPICALYX, a set of b...
epicalyxes 35 26 EPICALYX, a set of b...
epicanthic 27 22 relating to the epic...
epicanthus 24 20 a fold of skin over...
epicardiac 25 20 relating to the epic...
epicardial 23 18 relating to the epic...
epicardium 24 21 that part of the per...
epicenisms 23 20 EPICENISM, the state...
epicenters 21 17 EPICENTER, (US) the...
epicentral 22 18 relating to an epice...
epicentres 21 17 EPICENTRE, the point...
epicentrum 23 21 the point on the Ear...
epicondyle 28 21 a projection on the...
epicranium 23 21 the medical term for...
epicureans 21 18 EPICUREAN, someone w...
epicurised 23 18 EPICURISE, (archaic)...
epicurises 23 17 EPICURISE, (archaic)...
epicurisms 25 20 EPICURISM, the doctr...
epicurized 26 27 EPICURIZE, (archaic)...
epicurizes 26 26 EPICURIZE, (archaic)...
epicuticle 27 21 the outermost layer...
epicycloid 33 23 a curve traced by a...
epideictic 26 20 done for show or dis...
epidemical 24 21 common to, or affect...
epidendrum 20 20 a genus of tropical...
epidermoid 20 18 like epidermis; pert...
epididymal 28 21 relating to the epid...
epididymis 28 20 a mass of sperm-carr...
epidiorite 19 14 a dioritic or gabbro...
epidosites 19 14 EPIDOSITE, a rock co...
epidotised 19 15 changed into epidote...
epidotized 22 24 changed into epidote...
epigastria 20 15 EPIGASTRIUM, part of...
epigastric 24 18 relating to the epig...
epigeneses 18 16 EPIGENESIS, the theo...
epigenesis 19 16 the theory of embryo...
epigenetic 22 19 resulting from exter...
epigenists 20 16 EPIGENIST, one who s...
epiglottal 22 17 of or like the epigl...
epiglottic 25 19 of or like the epigl...
epiglottis 22 16 a cartilaginous flap...
epigonisms 21 19 EPIGONISM, the state...
epigraphed 24 21 EPIGRAPH, to mark wi...
epigrapher 24 20 one who writes epigr...
epigraphic 28 23 relating to an epigr...
epilations 19 15 EPILATION, the loss...
epilepsies 22 17 EPILEPSY, a disorder...
epileptics 26 20 EPILEPTIC, one suffe...
epileptoid 22 18 resembling epilepsy;...
epilimnion 20 19 the upper, warm laye...
epilobiums 24 21 EPILOBIUM, a genus o...
epilogised 21 17 EPILOGISE, to speak...
epilogises 21 16 EPILOGISE, to speak...
epilogists 22 16 EPILOGIST, one who w...
epilogized 24 26 EPILOGIZE, to speak...
epilogizes 24 25 EPILOGIZE, to speak...
epiloguing 22 20 EPILOGUE, to supply...
epiloguise 21 17 to speak or write an...
epiloguize 24 26 to speak or write an...
epimeletic 24 20 of a type of social...
epimerases 19 16 EPIMERASE, an enzyme...
epimerised 20 17 EPIMERISE, to make i...
epimerises 20 16 EPIMERISE, to make i...
epimerisms 22 19 EPIMERISM, optical i...
epimerized 23 26 EPIMERIZE, to make a...
epimerizes 23 25 EPIMERIZE, to make a...
epimorphic 28 24 relating to epimorph...
epinasties 18 14 EPINASTY, a downward...
epinephrin 22 20 adrenalin, also EPIN...
epineurial 19 16 relating to the epin...
epineurium 20 19 the connective tissu...
epinicions 21 18 EPINICION, (Greek) a...
epinikians 19 19 EPINIKIAN, an ode ce...
epinikions 19 19 EPINIKION, (Greek) a...
epipelagic 26 22 relating to the uppe...
epiphanies 22 19 EPIPHANY, an appeara...
epiphanous 22 20 of or like an epipha...
epiphonema 22 22 an exclamation, fini...
epiphragms 26 23 EPIPHRAGM, the disc...
epiphyseal 30 21 pertaining to, or ha...
epiphysial 31 21 pertaining to, or ha...
epiphytism 32 23 the state of being a...
epiplastra 22 17 EPIPLASTRON, either...
epipolisms 24 20 EPIPOLISM, fluoresce...
epirogenic 22 19 relating to epirogen...
epirrhemas 22 18 EPIRRHEMA, (Greek) i...
episcopacy 33 24 government of the ch...
episcopant 23 20 (Milton) a holder of...
episcopate 23 19 a bishopric; the off...
episcopies 24 19 EPISCOPY, (Milton) s...
episcopise 24 19 to make a bishop of...
episcopize 27 28 to make a bishop of...
episematic 23 19 of coloration, assis...
episiotomy 26 18 an incision made in...
episodical 23 18 pertaining to or con...
episomally 28 20 EPISOMAL, of or like...
epispastic 25 19 blistering [adj] / a...
epistasies 19 13 EPISTASY, a suppress...
epistemics 24 19 the study of knowled...
episternal 19 15 of or pertaining to...
episternum 20 18 a median bone connec...
epistolary 26 16 relating to or consi...
epistolers 20 14 EPISTOLER, the reade...
epistolets 20 14 EPISTOLET, a little...
epistolise 20 14 to write a letter, a...
epistolist 21 14 one who writes epist...
epistolize 23 23 to write a letter, a...
epistrophe 23 18 the ending of succes...
epitaphers 23 18 EPITAPHER, a writer...
epitaphial 24 19 pertaining to an epi...
epitaphian 22 19 pertaining to an epi...
epitaphing 24 21 EPITAPH, to compose...
epitaphist 24 18 an epitapher [n -S]
epithelial 23 17 of or pertaining to...
epithelise 22 16 to convert to epithe...
epithelium 24 20 the outer skin and c...
epithelize 25 25 to convert to epithe...
epithemata 21 18 EPITHEMA, a group of...
epithermal 23 19 having energy just a...
epitheting 22 18 EPITHET, to apply an...
epithetons 20 16 EPITHETON, an epithe...
epitomical 24 20 of or like an epitom...
epitomised 20 17 EPITOMISE, to make a...
epitomiser 20 16 one who epitomises,...
epitomises 20 16 EPITOMISE, to make a...
epitomists 21 16 EPITOMIST, one who m...
epitomized 23 26 EPITOMIZE, to make a...
epitomizer 23 25 one who makes an epi...
epitomizes 23 25 EPITOMIZE, to make a...
epizootics 25 25 EPIZOOTIC, an epizoo...
epizooties 21 22 EPIZOOTY, a type of...
eponychium 31 25 a narrow band of cut...
epoxidised 25 22 EPOXIDISE, to conver...
epoxidises 25 21 EPOXIDISE, to conver...
epoxidized 28 31 EPOXIDIZE, to conver...
epoxidizes 28 30 EPOXIDIZE, to conver...
eprouvette 20 18 (French) an apparatu...
epulations 19 16 EPULATION, feasting,...
epurations 18 15 EPURATION, purificat...
equability 35 26 the state of being e...
equalisers 26 21 EQUALISER, a goal th...
equalising 27 24 EQUALISE, to make eq...
equalities 26 21 EQUALITY, the state...
equalizers 29 30 EQUALIZER, a goal th...
equalizing 30 33 EQUALIZE, to make eq...
equanimity 32 26 evenness of mind esp...
equanimous 25 25 of an even, composed...
equational 24 22 relating to an equat...
equatorial 25 21 of, relating to, or...
equestrian 24 21 one who rides on hor...
equilibria 29 24 EQUILIBRIUM, a state...
equinities 25 21 EQUINITY, equine nat...
equipaging 29 28 EQUIPAGE, to fit out...
equiparate 26 23 (obsolete) to regard...
equipments 28 27 EQUIPMENT, things us...
equipoised 27 24 EQUIPOISE, to provid...
equipoises 27 23 EQUIPOISE, to provid...
equipotent 26 24 of equal power [adj]
equisetums 27 24 EQUISETUM, (Latin) a...
equitation 24 21 the act or art of ri...
equivalent 27 26 equal in force, amou...
equivocate 29 27 to use equivocal or...
equivoques 35 34 EQUIVOQUE, an ambigu...
eradiating 17 14 ERADIATE, to shoot o...
eradiation 15 12 emission of radiance...
eradicable 22 18 that can be eradicat...
eradicably 29 20 ERADICABLE, that can...
eradicants 19 15 ERADICANT, something...
eradicated 19 15 ERADICATE, to root o...
eradicates 19 14 ERADICATE, to root o...
eradicator 19 14 one who eradicates [...
erasements 16 14 ERASEMENT, the act o...
erectility 28 16 the state of being e...
eremitical 22 17 of or pertaining to...
eremitisms 20 16 EREMITISM, the state...
eremuruses 18 15 EREMURUS, a flower,...
erethismic 24 18 relating to erethism...
erethistic 23 15 causing erethism, ab...
ergataners 16 13 ERGATANER, a worker-...
ergativity 27 18 the state of being e...
ergatogyne 23 17 a worker-like wingle...
ergodicity 28 18 the state of being e...
ergographs 23 19 ERGOGRAPH, an instru...
ergomaniac 20 19 one who suffers from...
ergomanias 17 16 ERGOMANIA, excessive...
ergometers 18 15 ERGOMETER, an instru...
ergometric 22 18 relating to measurem...
ergonomics 21 19 ERGONOMIC [n]
ergonomist 18 16 one who engages in e...
ergonovine 17 18 an alkaloid derived...
ergophobia 23 20 a morbid fear of wor...
ergosterol 18 13 a chemical substance...
ergotamine 17 16 a vasoconstrictor us...
ergotising 19 15 ERGOTISE, to affect...
ergotizing 22 24 ERGOTIZE, to affect...
ericaceous 22 17 belonging to the hea...
erinaceous 18 15 of, relating to, or...
eriometers 17 13 ERIOMETER, an instru...
eriophorum 22 19 a plant of the cotto...
eriophyids 28 18 ERIOPHYID, any of a...
eriostemon 16 14 an Australian shrub...
erogeneity 22 15 the state of being e...
erotically 28 17 EROTICAL, of or pert...
eroticised 20 14 EROTICISE, to render...
eroticises 20 13 EROTICISE, to render...
eroticisms 22 16 EROTICISM, erotic qu...
eroticists 21 13 EROTICIST, one of an...
eroticized 23 23 EROTICIZE, to render...
eroticizes 23 22 EROTICIZE, to render...
erotogenic 19 16 producing erotic des...
erotomania 15 14 an unusually strong...
errantries 16 11 ERRANTRY, roaming ar...
erraticism 22 16 the state of being e...
erubescent 21 18 growing red; blushin...
erubescite 22 17 a reddish mineral, a...
eructating 21 17 ERUCTATE, to belch o...
eructation 19 15 an act or instance o...
eructative 22 18 tending to produce e...
eruditions 17 13 ERUDITION, learning...
eruptional 19 16 eruptive [adj]
eruptively 29 21 ERUPTIVE, breaking o...
eruptivity 29 20 the state of being e...
ervalentas 18 16 ERVALENTA, lentil-me...
erysipelas 26 16 a febrile disease ac...
erythremia 26 17 another name for the...
erythrinas 25 15 ERYTHRINA, a plant o...
erythrisms 28 17 ERYTHRISM, a conditi...
erythrites 26 14 ERYTHRITE, a reddish...
erythritic 30 17 of or like erythrite...
erythritol 27 15 a sweet crystalline...
erythrosin 25 15 a red substance form...
escabeches 26 21 ESCABECHE, pickled v...
escadrille 22 16 (French) a squadron...
escaladers 20 15 ESCALADER, one who e...
escalading 21 18 ESCALADE, (French) t...
escaladoes 19 15 ESCALADO, (French) t...
escalating 21 17 ESCALATE, to increas...
escalation 19 15 the act of escalatin...
escalators 20 14 ESCALATOR, a moving...
escalatory 26 16 relating to escalati...
escallonia 20 16 an evergreen shrub,...
escalloped 23 19 ESCALLOP, to bake in...
escaloping 23 20 ESCALOP, to bake in...
escamotage 20 18 (French) juggling [n...
escapadoes 20 17 ESCAPADO, an escaped...
escapeless 22 17 without escape [adj]
escapement 21 20 a part of a clock or...
escapology 29 21 the study of freeing...
escarpment 22 20 a steep slope in fro...
escharotic 25 18 caustic [adj] / a ca...
escheatage 21 17 the right of succeed...
escheating 22 18 ESCHEAT, to make an...
escheators 21 15 ESCHEATOR, (historic...
esclandres 20 16 ESCLANDRE, (French)...
escopettes 21 16 ESCOPETTE, (French)...
escortages 20 15 ESCORTAGE, (US) esco...
escribanos 21 17 ESCRIBANO, (Spanish)...
escritoire 20 13 (French) a writing-d...
escutcheon 24 20 a shield bearing a c...
esophageal 21 18 pertaining to the es...
esoterisms 18 13 ESOTERISM, the holdi...
esotropias 18 13 ESOTROPIA, a conditi...
espadrille 21 16 (French) a sandal wi...
espagnoles 19 17 ESPAGNOLE, (French)...
espaliered 19 15 ESPALIER, to train a...
especially 30 20 ESPECIAL, special [a...
esperances 20 17 ESPERANCE, (Shakespe...
espionages 18 16 ESPIONAGE, the pract...
esplanades 18 16 ESPLANADE, (French)...
espressivo 21 17 (Italian) in an expr...
essayettes 22 12 ESSAYETTE, a short e...
essayistic 27 15 relating to an essay...
essentials 17 12 ESSENTIAL, something...
estafettes 18 13 ESTAFETTE, (French)...
estaminets 17 14 ESTAMINET, (French)...
estanciero 18 14 a farmer on an estan...
estatesman 16 14 in New England, a sm...
estatesmen 16 14 ESTATESMAN, in New E...
esterified 19 14 ESTERIFY, to convert...
esterifies 19 13 ESTERIFY, to convert...
esthesises 19 12 ESTHESIS, the abilit...
esthetical 23 16 keenly appreciative...
estimating 19 16 ESTIMATE, to calcula...
estimation 17 14 the act of estimatin...
estimative 20 17 inclined, or able, t...
estimators 18 13 ESTIMATOR, one who e...
estipulate 20 15 without stipules, al...
estivating 20 17 ESTIVATE, to spend t...
estivation 18 15 the act of spending...
estivators 19 14 ESTIVATOR, an animal...
estoppages 21 18 ESTOPPAGE, the condi...
estradiols 18 12 ESTRADIOL, a natural...
estrangelo 17 14 a cursive form of th...
estrangers 17 13 ESTRANGER, one who e...
estranging 18 16 ESTRANGE, to alienat...
estrapades 18 14 ESTRAPADE, (French)...
estreating 17 13 ESTREAT, to extract...
estributor 20 14 a person or organiza...
estrildids 20 13 ESTRILDID, any membe...
estrogenic 20 16 of or like estrogen,...
esuriences 19 15 ESURIENCE, greed, gl...
esuriently 24 15 ESURIENT, hungry, gr...
eternalise 16 12 to make eternal, als...
eternalist 17 12 one who holds the ex...
eternality 23 14 the quality of being...
eternalize 19 21 to make eternal, als...
eternising 17 14 ETERNISE, to make et...
eternities 16 11 ETERNITY, duration w...
eternizing 20 23 ETERNIZE, to make et...
ethambutol 23 20 a drug used in the t...
ethanediol 18 15 a clear colourless s...
ethanoates 16 13 ETHANOATE, an ester...
ethereally 26 16 ETHEREAL, characteri...
etherified 21 16 ETHERIFY, to convert...
etherifies 21 15 ETHERIFY, to convert...
etherisers 19 12 ETHERISER, one who e...
etherising 20 15 ETHERISE, to adminis...
etherizers 22 21 ETHERIZER, one who a...
etherizing 23 24 ETHERIZE, to adminis...
ethicality 30 18 the quality of being...
ethicising 24 18 ETHICISE, to treat a...
ethicizing 27 27 ETHICIZE, to treat a...
ethionines 17 14 ETHIONINE, an amino...
ethnically 30 20 ETHNICAL, concerning...
ethnicisms 24 19 ETHNICISM, conscious...
ethnocides 21 17 ETHNOCIDE, the exter...
ethnogenic 21 19 relating to ethnogen...
ethnologic 23 19 relating to ethnolog...
ethologies 20 15 ETHOLOGY, the study...
ethologist 21 15 one who studies or w...
ethylamine 26 19 a colorless, mobile,...
ethylating 27 18 ETHYLATE, to introdu...
ethylation 25 16 a chemical reaction...
etiolating 18 14 ETIOLATE, to make pa...
etiolation 16 12 the operation of bla...
etiologies 18 13 ETIOLOGY, the scienc...
etiologist 19 13 a student of etiolog...
etiquettes 25 20 ETIQUETTE, (French)...
etourderie 16 12 (French) heedlessnes...
etrangeres 16 13 ETRANGERE, (French)...
eubacteria 21 17 EUBACTERIUM, a membe...
eucalyptol 30 21 a volatile, terpenel...
eucalyptus 30 21 a large Australian t...
eucaryotes 25 16 EUCARYOTE, an organi...
eucaryotic 29 19 of or like a eucaryo...
eucharises 22 16 EUCHARIS, a plant of...
euchlorine 22 18 a highly explosive g...
euchlorins 23 18 EUCHLORIN, an explos...
euchologia 23 19 EUCHOLOGION, (Greek)...
eucryphias 31 21 EUCRYPHIA, a tree or...
eudaemonia 15 16 happiness or wellbei...
eudaemonic 19 19 relating to eudaemon...
eudemonias 16 16 EUDEMONIA, happiness...
eudemonics 20 19 the art or theory of...
eudemonism 18 19 the theory that the...
eudemonist 17 16 a student of eudemon...
eudialytes 24 15 EUDIALYTE, a silicat...
eudiometer 17 15 an apparatus for gas...
eudiometry 24 17 measurement by use o...
eugenecist 20 17 a student or advocat...
eugenicist 21 17 a student or advocat...
euglenoids 18 16 EUGLENOID, any membe...
euglobulin 22 20 a simple protein tha...
euharmonic 22 20 producing mathematic...
euhemerise 19 16 to give a historical...
euhemerism 21 19 the interpretation o...
euhemerist 20 16 one who advocates eu...
euhemerize 22 25 to give a historical...
eukaryotes 23 17 EUKARYOTE, an organi...
eukaryotic 27 20 of or like a eukaryo...
eulogisers 19 14 EULOGISER, one who e...
eulogising 20 17 EULOGISE, to extol,...
eulogistic 23 17 of or like a eulogy,...
eulogizers 22 23 EULOGIZER, one who e...
eulogizing 23 26 EULOGIZE, to extol,...
eumelanins 17 17 EUMELANIN, any melan...
eunuchised 22 19 EUNUCHISE, to make a...
eunuchises 22 18 EUNUCHISE, to make a...
eunuchisms 24 21 EUNUCHISM, the state...
eunuchized 25 28 EUNUCHIZE, to make a...
eunuchizes 25 27 EUNUCHIZE, to make a...
eunuchoids 22 19 EUNUCHOID, a eunucho...
euonymuses 23 18 EUONYMUS, a plant of...
eupatorium 20 18 any plant of the gen...
eupatridae 18 15 EUPATRID, (Greek) a...
euphausids 22 18 EUPHAUSID, one of a...
euphausiid 22 18 one of a genus of sh...
euphemised 22 20 EUPHEMISE, to speak...
euphemiser 22 19 one who euphemises,...
euphemises 22 19 EUPHEMISE, to speak...
euphemisms 24 22 EUPHEMISM, a figure...
euphemists 23 19 EUPHEMIST, one who e...
euphemized 25 29 EUPHEMIZE, to speak...
euphemizer 25 28 one who euphemizes,...
euphemizes 25 28 EUPHEMIZE, to speak...
euphonical 24 21 agreeable in sound,...
euphonious 20 18 agreeable in sound,...
euphonised 20 18 EUPHONISE, to make e...
euphonises 20 17 EUPHONISE, to make e...
euphonisms 22 20 EUPHONISM, the custo...
euphoniums 22 21 EUPHONIUM, a musical...
euphonized 23 27 EUPHONIZE, to make e...
euphonizes 23 26 EUPHONIZE, to make e...
euphorbias 23 19 EUPHORBIA, any herb...
euphorbium 25 23 the resinous gum of...
euphoriant 20 17 a drug that tends to...
euphrasias 21 16 EUPHRASIA, eyebright...
euphrasies 21 16 EUPHRASY, eyebright,...
euphuising 23 20 EUPHUISE, to write i...
euphuistic 26 20 characterised by eup...
euphuizing 26 29 EUPHUIZE, to write i...
euplastics 24 18 the art of healing [...
euploidies 20 16 EUPLOIDY, the state...
eurhythmic 33 23 relating to eurhythm...
eurocheque 29 26 a cheque drawn on a...
eurocredit 20 15 a loan in which the...
eurocreeps 21 17 EUROCREEP, the gradu...
eurodollar 18 14 a United States doll...
euromarket 18 18 a market for financi...
europhiles 22 17 EUROPHILE, one who a...
europhilia 22 17 the love of Europe a...
europhobia 22 19 an irrational fear o...
europhobic 26 22 suffering from europ...
eurybathic 31 21 capable of living at...
euryhaline 25 17 of marine animals, t...
eurypterid 26 17 any of an order of l...
eurytherms 27 18 EURYTHERM, an organi...
eurythmics 31 21 a system of rhythmic...
eurythmies 27 18 EURYTHMY, rhythmical...
eurythmist 28 18 a person who teaches...
eutectoids 20 15 EUTECTOID, an alloy...
euthanased 17 15 EUTHANASE, to subjec...
euthanases 17 14 EUTHANASE, to subjec...
euthanasia 17 14 the practice of endi...
euthanasic 21 17 of or like euthanasi...
euthanazed 20 24 EUTHANAZE, to subjec...
euthanazes 20 23 EUTHANAZE, to subjec...
euthanised 18 15 EUTHANISE, to subjec...
euthanises 18 14 EUTHANISE, to subjec...
euthanized 21 24 EUTHANIZE, to subjec...
euthanizes 21 23 EUTHANIZE, to subjec...
euthenists 19 14 EUTHENIST, a student...
eutherians 18 14 EUTHERIAN, a placent...
euthyroids 26 16 EUTHYROID, someone w...
eutrapelia 19 15 (obsolete) wit, ease...
eutrophies 21 16 EUTROPHY, healthy nu...
evacuating 22 21 EVACUATE, to move fr...
evacuation 20 19 the act of evacuatin...
evacuative 23 22 a purgative [n -S]
evacuators 21 18 EVACUATOR, something...
evagations 18 17 EVAGATION, wandering...
evaginated 18 18 EVAGINATE, to turn i...
evaginates 18 17 EVAGINATE, to turn i...
evaluating 20 19 EVALUATE, to estimat...
evaluation 18 17 the act of evaluatin...
evaluative 21 20 relating to the proc...
evaluators 19 16 EVALUATOR, one who e...
evanescent 19 19 fleeting, transitory...
evanescing 21 21 EVANESCE, to fade aw...
evangeliar 19 18 a book of passages f...
evangelies 19 18 EVANGELY, (obsolete)...
evangelise 19 18 to preach the gospel...
evangelism 21 21 the winning or reviv...
evangelist 20 18 a writer of any of t...
evangelize 22 27 to preach the gospel...
evanishing 21 20 EVANISH, to vanish [...
evanitions 17 16 EVANITION, vanishing...
evaporable 22 21 capable of being con...
evaporated 19 18 EVAPORATE, to change...
evaporates 19 17 EVAPORATE, to change...
evaporator 19 17 an agent that causes...
evaporites 20 17 EVAPORITE, a sedimen...
evaporitic 24 20 of or like an evapor...
evectional 21 19 relating to evection...
evenements 17 19 EVENEMENT, (French)...
evenhanded 18 20 fair, impartial [adj...
evennesses 16 16 EVENNESS, the state...
eventfully 29 23 EVENTFUL, momentous...
eventrated 17 16 EVENTRATE, to open t...
eventrates 17 15 EVENTRATE, to open t...
eventually 26 20 EVENTUAL, happening...
eventuated 17 17 EVENTUATE, to turn o...
eventuates 17 16 EVENTUATE, to turn o...
everduring 20 19 everlasting [adj]
everglades 20 18 EVERGLADE, a swampy...
evergreens 18 17 EVERGREEN, a tree or...
everyplace 30 23 everywhere [adv]
everything 28 21 all that exists [pro...
everywhere 29 21 in every place or pa...
everywoman 27 23 the typical or ordin...
everywomen 27 23 EVERYWOMAN, the typi...
evidencing 22 22 EVIDENCE, to make ap...
evidential 19 17 relating to, or affo...
evildoings 21 19 EVILDOING, the doing...
evilnesses 19 16 EVILNESS, the qualit...
evincement 21 22 the act of evincing...
eviscerate 21 17 to deprive of the vi...
evitations 18 15 EVITATION, a shunnin...
eviternity 25 17 eternity [n EVITERNI...
evocations 20 18 EVOCATION, the act o...
evolutions 19 17 EVOLUTION, the cumul...
evolvement 21 23 the act of evolving,...
evonymuses 25 21 EVONYMUS, a plant of...
evulgating 22 21 EVULGATE, to divulge...
exacerbate 26 23 to make more violent...
exactingly 34 26 EXACTING [adv]
exactitude 26 22 the quality of being...
exactments 26 24 EXACTMENT, exactness...
exaggerate 23 21 to enlarge beyond bo...
exahertzes 27 28 EXAHERTZ, one quinti...
exaltation 22 19 an act of exalting [...
examinable 25 25 that can be examined...
examinants 22 22 EXAMINANT, one who e...
examinates 22 21 EXAMINATE, a person...
examinator 22 21 an examiner [n -S]
exanthemas 24 23 EXANTHEMA, a skin er...
exarations 21 18 EXARATION, the act o...
exarchates 27 22 EXARCHATE, the offic...
exarchists 29 22 EXARCHIST, a support...
exasperate 23 20 to excite the anger...
excambions 28 27 EXCAMBION, in Scots...
excambiums 31 30 EXCAMBIUM, in Scots...
excarnated 24 22 EXCARNATE, to depriv...
excarnates 24 21 EXCARNATE, to depriv...
excavating 28 27 EXCAVATE, to dig out...
excavation 26 25 the act of excavatin...
excavators 27 24 EXCAVATOR, a vehicle...
exceedable 27 25 that can be exceeded...
excellence 29 26 the quality of being...
excellency 36 28 the quality of being...
excelsiors 27 21 EXCELSIOR, slender,...
excentrics 29 24 EXCENTRIC, something...
exceptants 27 24 EXCEPTANT, something...
exceptions 27 24 EXCEPTION, the act o...
exceptious 28 24 (archaic) disposed t...
exceptless 29 24 (Shakespeare) making...
excerpters 28 23 EXCERPTER, one who m...
excerpting 29 26 EXCERPT, to pick out...
excerption 27 24 the act of excerptin...
excerptors 28 23 EXCERPTOR, one who m...
exchangers 28 25 EXCHANGER, one who e...
exchanging 29 28 EXCHANGE, to give an...
exchequers 36 32 EXCHEQUER, to place...
excipients 28 24 EXCIPIENT, a substan...
excisional 26 22 relating to the act...
excitation 25 21 the act of exciting...
excitative 28 24 having power to exci...
excitatory 32 22 tending to excite [a...
excitement 26 24 something that excit...
excitingly 35 26 EXCITING [adv]
exclaimers 28 24 EXCLAIMER, one who e...
exclaiming 29 27 EXCLAIM, to cry out...
exclosures 27 22 EXCLOSURE, an area s...
excludable 30 27 that can be excluded...
excludible 31 27 that can be excluded...
exclusions 27 23 EXCLUSION, the act o...
exclusives 30 26 EXCLUSIVE, an exclus...
excogitate 26 22 to discover by think...
excoriated 25 21 EXCORIATE, to abrade...
excoriates 25 20 EXCORIATE, to abrade...
excrementa 25 24 EXCREMENTUM, (Latin)...
excrements 26 24 EXCREMENT, waste mat...
excrescent 28 24 growing out in an ab...
excretions 25 21 EXCRETION, the act o...
excruciate 29 24 to inflict intense p...
exculpable 32 29 capable of being exc...
exculpated 29 26 EXCULPATE, to free f...
exculpates 29 25 EXCULPATE, to free f...
excursions 26 22 EXCURSION, to go on...
excursuses 27 22 EXCURSUS, a disserta...
excusatory 32 23 making or containing...
execrating 26 23 EXECRATE, to declare...
execration 24 21 the act of cursing [...
execrative 27 24 cursing; vilifying [...
execrators 25 20 EXECRATOR, one who e...
execratory 31 22 of the nature of exe...
executable 28 25 that can be executed...
executancy 34 27 technique in music [...
executants 25 22 EXECUTANT, one who e...
executions 25 22 EXECUTION, the act o...
executives 28 25 EXECUTIVE, a person...
executress 26 21 a female executor, a...
executries 26 21 EXECUTRY, in Scots l...
exegetical 27 23 pertaining to exeges...
exegetists 24 19 EXEGETIST, one verse...
exemptions 25 24 EXEMPTION, the act o...
exenterate 20 18 (obsolete) to disemb...
exequaturs 31 28 EXEQUATUR, (Latin) a...
exercisers 26 20 EXERCISER, one who e...
exercising 27 23 EXERCISE, to perform...
exercycles 36 26 EXERCYCLE, an exerci...
exergaming 25 25 the playing of video...
exfiltrate 26 21 to remove or withdra...
exfoliants 25 22 EXFOLIANT, a cosmeti...
exfoliated 25 22 EXFOLIATE, to separa...
exfoliates 25 21 EXFOLIATE, to separa...
exfoliator 25 21 an exfoliating agent...
exhalation 24 21 something exhaled or...
exhausters 25 20 EXHAUSTER, one who,...
exhausting 26 23 EXHAUST, to use the...
exhaustion 24 21 the act of exhaustin...
exhaustive 27 24 testing all possibil...
exheredate 23 20 to disinherit [v EXH...
exhibiters 28 22 EXHIBITER, one who e...
exhibiting 29 25 EXHIBIT, to display...
exhibition 27 23 an act or instance o...
exhibitive 30 26 serving for exhibiti...
exhibitors 28 22 EXHIBITOR, one who e...
exhibitory 34 24 exhibiting; publicly...
exhilarant 25 21 exciting joy, mirth,...
exhilarate 25 20 to make cheerful and...
exhumating 27 26 EXHUMATE, to dig out...
exhumation 25 24 the act of exhuming...
exigencies 26 23 EXIGENCY, urgency, a...
exiguities 25 20 EXIGUITY, meagreness...
exiguously 32 24 EXIGUOUS, scanty in...
exilements 24 22 EXILEMENT, banishmen...
eximiously 32 24 EXIMIOUS, (archaic)...
existences 25 21 EXISTENCE, the fact...
exobiology 32 25 the study of extrate...
exocentric 28 24 of a construction, n...
exocuticle 30 25 the middle layer of...
exocytosed 31 23 EXOCYTOSE, to secret...
exocytoses 31 22 EXOCYTOSE [n]
exocytosis 32 22 the release of cellu...
exocytotic 35 25 relating to exocytos...
exodontias 21 19 EXODONTIA, the branc...
exodontics 25 22 the branch of dental...
exodontist 22 19 a specialist in exod...
exoenzymes 31 32 EXOENZYME, an enzyme...
exogenetic 25 23 not genetic, not cau...
exogenisms 24 23 EXOGENISM, the state...
exonerated 20 19 EXONERATE, to clear...
exonerates 20 18 EXONERATE, to clear...
exonerator 20 18 one who exonerates o...
exonumists 24 22 EXONUMIST, a collect...
exophagies 27 24 EXOPHAGY, a cannibal...
exophagous 27 25 relating to exophagy...
exoplanets 24 22 EXOPLANET, a planet...
exopodites 24 21 EXOPODITE, the outer...
exopoditic 28 24 of or like an exopod...
exorations 21 18 EXORATION, (obsolete...
exorbitant 24 21 going beyond the usu...
exorbitate 24 20 (obsolete) to stray...
exorcisers 26 20 EXORCISER, one who e...
exorcising 27 23 EXORCISE, to free of...
exorcistic 30 23 relating to exorcism...
exorcizers 29 29 EXORCIZER, one who e...
exorcizing 30 32 EXORCIZE, to free of...
exospheres 26 22 EXOSPHERE, the outer...
exospheric 30 25 related to the exosp...
exosporium 26 24 the outermost layer...
exosporous 24 21 of or like an exospo...
exoterical 26 21 intelligible to the...
exothermal 26 23 of a chemical reacti...
exothermic 29 25 of a chemical reacti...
exotically 34 24 EXOTIC, from another...
exoticised 26 21 EXOTICISE, to regard...
exoticises 26 20 EXOTICISE, to regard...
exoticisms 28 23 EXOTICISM, the state...
exoticists 27 20 EXOTICIST, an enthus...
exoticized 29 30 EXOTICIZE, to regard...
exoticizes 29 29 EXOTICIZE, to regard...
exoticness 25 21 the state of being e...
exotropias 24 20 EXOTROPIA, a conditi...
expandable 26 26 that can be expanded...
expansible 27 25 capable of being exp...
expansibly 34 27 EXPANSIBLE, capable...
expansions 23 22 EXPANSION, the act o...
expatiated 24 21 EXPATIATE, to speak...
expatiates 24 20 EXPATIATE, to speak...
expatiator 24 20 one who expatatiates...
expatriate 24 20 to banish, exile [v...
expectable 30 27 that may be expected...
expectably 37 29 EXPECTABLE, that may...
expectance 29 27 the state of expecti...
expectancy 36 29 the state of expecti...
expectants 27 24 EXPECTANT, a person...
expectedly 35 27 EXPECTED [adv]
expectings 29 26 EXPECTING, the act o...
expedience 26 25 the state of being e...
expediency 33 27 the state of being e...
expedients 24 22 EXPEDIENT, a means [...
expeditate 24 21 to deprive of the ba...
expeditely 32 24 EXPEDITE, expeditiou...
expediters 25 21 EXPEDITER, one who e...
expediting 26 24 EXPEDITE, to speed u...
expedition 24 22 a journey or excursi...
expeditive 27 25 performing with spee...
expeditors 25 21 EXPEDITOR, one who e...
expellable 29 26 that can be expelled...
expellants 26 23 EXPELLANT, something...
expellents 26 23 EXPELLENT, something...
expendable 26 26 able to be expended...
expendably 33 28 EXPENDABLE, able to...
experience 26 24 to have practical ac...
experiment 25 24 to carry out experim...
expertised 25 21 EXPERTISE, to give a...
expertises 25 20 EXPERTISE, to give a...
expertisms 27 23 EXPERTISM, possessio...
expertized 28 30 EXPERTIZE, to give a...
expertizes 28 29 EXPERTIZE, to give a...
expertness 24 21 a possession of spec...
expiations 24 21 EXPIATION, the act o...
expiration 24 21 the last emission of...
expiratory 31 22 pertaining to the ex...
expiscated 28 24 EXPISCATE, to learn...
expiscates 28 23 EXPISCATE, to learn...
explainers 25 22 EXPLAINER, one who e...
explaining 26 25 EXPLAIN, to make cle...
explanting 26 25 EXPLANT, to transfer...
expletives 28 25 EXPLETIVE, a swearwo...
explicable 32 28 that can be explicat...
explicably 39 30 EXPLICABLE, that can...
explicated 29 25 EXPLICATE, to explai...
explicates 29 24 EXPLICATE, to explai...
explicator 29 24 one who explicates [...
explicitly 38 27 EXPLICIT, distinctly...
exploitage 26 23 the act of exploitin...
exploiters 26 21 EXPLOITER, one who e...
exploiting 27 24 EXPLOIT, to take adv...
exploitive 28 25 serving to exploit,...
explosible 29 25 liable to explode [a...
explosions 25 22 EXPLOSION, the act o...
explosives 28 25 EXPLOSIVE, something...
exportable 27 24 that can be exported...
expositing 26 23 EXPOSIT, to expound...
exposition 24 21 a setting forth of t...
expositive 27 24 serving to explain [...
expositors 25 20 EXPOSITOR, one who,...
expository 31 22 pertaining to, or co...
expostures 25 21 EXPOSTURE, (Shakespe...
expounders 24 23 EXPOUNDER, one who e...
expounding 25 26 EXPOUND, to explain...
expressage 25 22 the charge for carry...
expressers 25 20 EXPRESSER, one who e...
expressing 26 23 EXPRESS, to set fort...
expression 24 21 an act, process, or...
expressive 27 24 full of expression [...
expressman 25 24 a person employed in...
expressmen 25 24 EXPRESSMAN, a person...
expressure 25 21 the act of expressin...
expressway 34 25 (US) a motorway [n -...
exprobrate 26 23 (archaic) to upbraid...
expugnable 28 28 capable of being exp...
expulsions 26 23 EXPULSION, the act o...
expuncting 29 28 EXPUNCT, (archaic) t...
expunction 27 26 the act of expunging...
expurgated 26 24 EXPURGATE, to purify...
expurgates 26 23 EXPURGATE, to purify...
expurgator 26 23 one who expurgates [...
exquisites 32 27 EXQUISITE, a person...
exsanguine 22 22 without blood, anaem...
exscinding 27 25 EXSCIND, to cut out...
exsections 25 21 EXSECTION, a cutting...
exsertions 22 18 EXSERTION, a protrus...
exsiccants 29 24 EXSICCANT, something...
exsiccated 29 24 EXSICCATE, to dry up...
exsiccates 29 23 EXSICCATE, to dry up...
exsiccator 29 23 a drying agent or ap...
exsolution 23 20 relaxation [n -S]
exsufflate 28 25 to blow away; to exo...
extemporal 26 24 extemporaneous; unpr...
extempores 25 23 EXTEMPORE, (Latin) a...
extendable 24 23 that can be extended...
extendedly 29 23 EXTENDED [adv]
extendible 25 23 that can be extended...
extensible 25 22 that can be extended...
extensions 21 19 EXTENSION, an act of...
extenuated 21 20 EXTENUATE, to lessen...
extenuates 21 19 EXTENUATE, to lessen...
extenuator 21 19 one who extenuates [...
exteriorly 30 20 EXTERIOR, outside [a...
extermined 23 22 EXTERMINE, (Shakespe...
extermines 23 21 EXTERMINE, (Shakespe...
externally 30 22 EXTERNAL, on the out...
externship 27 23 the position of an e...
extincting 27 24 EXTINCT, to extingui...
extinction 25 22 the act of making ex...
extinctive 28 25 tending to extinguis...
extincture 26 22 (Shakespeare) extinc...
extinguish 27 23 to bring to an end [...
extirpable 28 24 capable of being ext...
extirpated 25 21 EXTIRPATE, to pull o...
extirpates 25 20 EXTIRPATE, to pull o...
extirpator 25 20 one who extirpates o...
extolments 24 22 EXTOLMENT, praise [n...
extortions 22 18 EXTORTION, the illeg...
extrabolds 26 22 EXTRABOLD, a very bo...
extractant 25 21 a solvent used for e...
extracting 27 23 EXTRACT, to draw out...
extraction 25 21 the act of extractin...
extractive 28 24 capable of being ext...
extractors 26 20 EXTRACTOR, one who,...
extradited 23 19 EXTRADITE, to delive...
extradites 23 18 EXTRADITE, to delive...
extradoses 22 18 EXTRADOS, the outer...
extradotal 23 19 forming no part of t...
extradural 24 20 the epidural injecti...
extralegal 25 21 outside the law [adj...
extramural 25 22 outside the walls or...
extraneity 28 20 the state of being w...
extraneous 21 19 not forming an essen...
extraposed 24 21 EXTRAPOSE, to move a...
extraposes 24 20 EXTRAPOSE, to move a...
extrasolar 23 18 beyond the solar sys...
extraverts 25 21 EXTRAVERT, to turn o...
extreating 23 20 EXTREAT, (Spenser) t...
extremisms 26 23 EXTREMISM, the takin...
extremists 25 20 EXTREMIST, one who t...
extricable 29 24 capable of being ext...
extricated 26 21 EXTRICATE, to free f...
extricates 26 20 EXTRICATE, to free f...
extroverts 25 21 EXTROVERT, to turn o...
extrudable 26 23 that can be extruded...
extrusible 27 22 that can be extruded...
extrusions 23 19 EXTRUSION, the act o...
extubating 26 24 EXTUBATE, to remove...
exuberance 26 25 the state of being e...
exuberancy 33 27 the state of being e...
exuberated 24 22 EXUBERATE, to be exu...
exuberates 24 21 EXUBERATE, to be exu...
exudations 22 20 EXUDATION, the act o...
exulcerate 26 22 to ulcerate [v EXULC...
exultances 26 23 EXULTANCE, exultatio...
exultantly 31 23 EXULTANT, exulting [...
exultation 23 20 the act of exulting...
exultingly 33 25 EXULTING [adv]
exurbanite 24 22 a resident of an exu...
exuviating 26 25 EXUVIATE, to cast of...
exuviation 24 23 the act of exuviatin...
eyeballing 27 20 EYEBALL, to look clo...
eyebrights 29 19 EYEBRIGHT, a small a...
eyebrowing 28 21 EYEBROW, to provide...
eyednesses 21 14 EYEDNESS, the prefer...
eyedropper 26 19 a device used to adm...
eyeglasses 24 15 EYEGLASS, a lens use...
eyeleteers 22 13 EYELETEER, a small,...
eyeletting 24 16 EYELET, to make a sm...
eyeopeners 22 16 EYEOPENER, something...
eyepatches 29 20 EYEPATCH, a patch wo...
eyepoppers 28 21 EYEPOPPER, something...
eyeshadows 27 18 EYESHADOW, a coloure...
eyestrains 22 13 EYESTRAIN, tiredness...
eyestrings 24 15 (obsolete) organic e...
eyewitness 25 16 a witness that can t...