10 letter words that starts with f

10 letter words that start with F

10 letter F word


Word With Friends


fabricants 24 20 FABRICANT, (archaic)...
fabricated 24 20 FABRICATE, to manufa...
fabricates 24 19 FABRICATE, to manufa...
fabricator 24 19 one who fabricates [...
fabricking 27 26 the act of fashionin...
fabulating 23 21 FABULATE, to compose...
fabulators 22 18 FABULATOR, one who f...
fabulising 24 21 FABULISE, to write f...
fabulistic 27 21 having the nature of...
fabulizing 27 30 FABULIZE, to write f...
fabulosity 29 20 fabulousness [n FABU...
fabulously 30 22 FABULOUS, amazing, e...
facebooked 23 24 FACEBOOK, to look fo...
facecloths 28 22 FACECLOTH, a cloth u...
facelifted 25 21 FACELIFT, to perform...
faceplates 24 20 FACEPLATE, a flat tr...
faceprints 24 20 FACEPRINT, a digital...
facetiming 24 22 FACETIME, to communi...
faceworker 25 23 a miner who works at...
facialists 24 17 FACIALIST, a beautic...
facileness 22 18 the state of being f...
facilitate 23 17 to make easier [v FA...
facilities 24 17 FACILITY, ease in pe...
facinorous 21 18 (archaic) extremely...
facsimiled 25 21 FACSIMILE, to make a...
facsimiles 25 20 FACSIMILE, to make a...
factionary 27 19 a member of a factio...
factionist 22 17 one who promotes fac...
factiously 30 20 FACTIOUS, inclined t...
factitious 23 17 contrived, artificia...
factorable 24 20 that can be factored...
factorages 22 18 FACTORAGE, the fees...
factorials 23 17 FACTORIAL, the produ...
factorings 23 19 FACTORING [n]
factorised 22 17 FACTORISE, to reduce...
factorises 22 16 FACTORISE, to reduce...
factorized 25 26 FACTORIZE, to reduce...
factorizes 25 25 FACTORIZE, to reduce...
factorship 27 21 the business of a fa...
factsheets 24 18 FACTSHEET, a printed...
factualism 25 21 the quality of being...
factualist 24 18 one who adheres to f...
factuality 30 20 the state of being f...
fadelessly 27 18 FADELESS, not fading...
fadometers 19 17 FADOMETER, an instru...
faggotings 22 20 FAGGOTING, a kind of...
faggotries 21 17 FAGGOTRY, male homos...
fagottists 21 15 FAGOTTIST, a bassoon...
faineances 19 18 FAINEANCE, (French)...
fainnesses 17 15 FAINNESS, eagerness...
faintingly 27 20 FAINTING, in a faint...
fairground 20 18 an area where outdoo...
fairleader 19 15 a ring through which...
fairnesses 18 14 FAIRNESS, the qualit...
fairyfloss 29 19 (Australian) candyfl...
fairyhoods 27 18 FAIRYHOOD, the state...
fairylands 26 18 FAIRYLAND, the land...
faithcures 25 19 FAITHCURE, a cure or...
faithfully 33 23 FAITHFUL, loyal [adv...
falangisms 22 20 FALANGISM, membershi...
falangists 21 17 FALANGIST, a member...
falcations 22 18 FALCATION, the state...
falconoids 22 19 FALCONOID, an antiox...
falconries 22 18 FALCONRY, the sport...
falderaled 20 17 FALDERAL, to sing me...
faldistory 27 17 (obsolete) the thron...
faldstools 21 16 FALDSTOOL, a prayer...
fallacious 24 19 embodying or pertain...
fallboards 23 19 FALLBOARD, a cover f...
fallfishes 26 20 FALLFISH, a freshwat...
fallowness 23 19 the state of being f...
falsefaces 24 20 FALSEFACE, a mask [n...
falsehoods 21 17 FALSEHOOD, a lie [n]
falseworks 24 21 FALSEWORK, a tempora...
falsidical 25 19 conveying a meaning...
falsifiers 23 17 FALSIFIER, one who f...
falsifying 30 22 FALSIFY, to misrepre...
falterings 21 17 FALTERING, the act o...
familiarly 29 20 FAMILIAR, well-known...
familistic 26 20 relating to familism...
famishment 23 22 the state of being f...
famousness 19 18 the state of being f...
fanaticise 21 17 to make fanatical, a...
fanaticism 23 20 fanatical outlook or...
fanaticize 24 26 to make fanatical, a...
fancifully 33 25 FANCIFUL, indulging...
fancifying 31 25 FANCIFY, to make fan...
fancyworks 32 26 FANCYWORK, ornamenta...
fandangles 19 19 FANDANGLE, an elabor...
fandangoes 17 18 FANDANGO, (Spanish)...
fanfarades 19 18 FANFARADE, (French)...
fanfaronas 18 18 FANFARONA, (Scott) a...
fanfolding 22 22 FANFOLD, to fold pap...
fantasised 18 15 FANTASISE, to visual...
fantasiser 18 14 one who fantasises,...
fantasises 18 14 FANTASISE, to visual...
fantasists 19 14 FANTASIST, one who f...
fantasized 21 24 FANTASIZE, to visual...
fantasizer 21 23 one who fantasises,...
fantasizes 21 23 FANTASIZE, to visual...
fantasques 26 24 FANTASQUE, (obsolete...
fantastico 21 17 (Shakespeare) a dand...
fantastics 22 17 FANTASTIC, a person...
fantasying 25 19 FANTASY, to imagine,...
fantoccini 24 21 (Italian) mechanical...
faradisers 19 14 FARADISER, one who f...
faradising 20 17 FARADISE, to treat b...
faradizers 22 23 FARADIZER, one who f...
faradizing 23 26 FARADIZE, to treat b...
farandines 17 16 FARANDINE, (obsolete...
farandoles 18 16 FARANDOLE, (French)...
farborough 24 21 (Shakespeare) a misp...
farcemeats 22 19 FARCEMEAT, meat chop...
farcically 34 23 FARCICAL, absurd [ad...
farcifying 32 24 FARCIFY, to turn int...
farewelled 23 19 FAREWELL, to say goo...
farinosely 25 17 FARINOSE, resembling...
farmerette 19 16 a woman who is a far...
farmhouses 22 19 FARMHOUSE, the farme...
farmsteads 20 17 FARMSTEAD, a farmhou...
farmworker 24 23 one who works on a f...
farnarkels 20 19 FARNARKEL, (Australi...
farrandine 17 16 (obsolete) a silk an...
farrieries 19 13 FARRIERY, the trade...
farsighted 23 18 seeing or able to se...
fasciately 29 19 FASCIATE, exhibiting...
fasciation 21 17 bandaging or becomin...
fascicular 27 21 in bundles, also FAS...
fascicules 27 21 FASCICULE, a bundle;...
fasciculus 28 22 (Latin) a little bun...
fascinated 21 18 FASCINATE, to intere...
fascinates 21 17 FASCINATE, to intere...
fascinator 21 17 a woman's light, sof...
fascitises 23 16 FASCITIS, inflammati...
fashioners 20 16 FASHIONER, one who f...
fashioning 21 19 FASHION, to give a p...
fashionist 21 16 a follower or setter...
fastballer 23 18 in baseball, one who...
fastenings 19 17 FASTENING, something...
fastidious 20 15 showing a meticulous...
fastigiate 20 15 pointed; conical, al...
fastigiums 23 19 FASTIGIUM, (Latin) t...
fastnesses 18 14 FASTNESS, the qualit...
fatalistic 24 17 related to fatalism...
fatalities 20 14 FATALITY, a person w...
fatbrained 20 18 (Shakespeare) stupid...
fatherhood 22 18 the state of being a...
fatherings 22 18 FATHERING, the male...
fatherland 21 18 the native land or c...
fatherless 22 16 without a father [ad...
fatherlike 23 20 like a father [adj]
fathership 26 20 the state of being a...
fathomable 24 22 that can be fathomed...
fathometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
fathomless 23 19 incapable of being f...
fatigating 21 18 FATIGATE, to weary,...
fatiguable 23 20 easily tired, also F...
fatiscence 24 20 the state of being f...
fatshedera 20 16 an evergreen spreadi...
fattenable 20 18 capable of being fat...
fattenings 19 17 FATTENING, the act o...
faucetries 22 17 FAUCETRY, an array o...
faulchions 25 21 FAULCHION, a curved...
faultiness 20 16 the state of being f...
faultlines 21 17 FAULTLINE, a surface...
fauxmances 28 28 FAUXMANCE, (colloqui...
favoringly 29 23 FAVORING [adv]
favoritism 23 20 the showing of speci...
favourable 23 22 conducive to, also F...
favourably 30 24 FAVOURABLE, conduciv...
favourites 21 18 FAVOURITE, a person...
favourless 22 19 without favour, also...
fazendeiro 20 24 a person who owns or...
fearfuller 23 19 FEARFUL, full of fea...
fearlessly 27 17 FEARLESS, without fe...
fearmonger 19 19 one who spreads fear...
fearnaught 21 19 a thick cloth used f...
fearnought 21 19 a thick cloth used f...
fearsomely 26 19 FEARSOME, causing fe...
feateously 25 17 FEATEOUS, shapely, a...
featherbed 22 19 a mattress filled wi...
featherier 20 15 FEATHERY, resembling...
feathering 21 18 the act of providing...
featliness 19 15 the state of being f...
featurette 18 14 a brief feature, esp...
febriculas 26 21 FEBRICULA, a slight...
febricules 26 21 FEBRICULE, a slight...
febrifugal 26 23 having the quality o...
febrifuges 25 22 FEBRIFUGE, something...
fecklessly 32 24 FECKLESS, worthless...
feculences 25 22 FECULENCE, the state...
fecundated 21 20 FECUNDATE, to make f...
fecundates 21 19 FECUNDATE, to make f...
fecundator 21 19 one who fecundates [...
federacies 21 17 FEDERACY, confederac...
federalese 18 15 the language of bure...
federalise 19 15 to unite in a federa...
federalism 21 18 the principles of Fe...
federalist 20 15 a supporter of a fed...
federalize 22 24 to unite in a federa...
federaries 18 14 FEDERARY, (Shakespea...
federating 19 17 FEDERATE, to unite i...
federation 17 15 a federal government...
federative 20 18 uniting in a confede...
federators 18 14 FEDERATOR, one who f...
feebleness 20 18 the state of being f...
feedgrains 19 17 FEEDGRAIN, cereal gr...
feedstocks 23 21 FEEDSTOCK, raw mater...
feedstuffs 24 21 FEEDSTUFF, material...
feedwaters 21 17 FEEDWATER, purified...
feigningly 28 22 FEIGNING [adv]
feistiness 19 14 the state of being f...
feldschars 26 20 FELDSCHAR, (Russian)...
feldschers 26 20 FELDSCHER, (Russian)...
feldspaths 25 20 FELDSPATH, (obsolete...
felicitate 23 17 to congratulate [v F...
felicities 24 17 FELICITY, happiness...
felicitous 24 18 happy; prosperous [a...
felineness 18 16 the state of being f...
felinities 20 15 FELINITY, the qualit...
fellations 20 16 FELLATION, oral stim...
fellmonger 22 21 a dealer in fells or...
fellnesses 20 16 FELLNESS, extreme cr...
fellowship 29 23 the state of being a...
fellwalker 26 23 one who engages in f...
felspathic 28 22 of or like felspar,...
femaleness 19 18 the state of being f...
femalities 21 17 FEMALITY, the qualit...
femetaries 19 16 FEMETARY, a plant on...
feminacies 22 20 FEMINACY, the state...
feminality 27 20 feminity, also FEMAL...
feminility 28 20 the quality of being...
femininely 26 21 FEMININE, female [ad...
femininism 21 21 an addiction to femi...
femininity 26 20 the quality of being...
feminising 21 20 FEMINISE, to make wo...
feministic 24 20 relating to feminism...
feminities 20 17 FEMINITY, the qualit...
feminizing 24 29 FEMINIZE, to make wo...
fenderless 19 16 not having a fender...
fenestella 19 16 a recess in church w...
fenestrals 19 15 FENESTRAL, a window...
fenestrate 17 14 having windows or th...
fenugreeks 20 21 FENUGREEK, a kind of...
feoffments 23 23 FEOFFMENT, the gift...
feracities 22 16 FERACITY, the state...
feretories 18 13 FERETORY, a receptac...
fermenters 19 17 FERMENTER, an agent...
fermenting 20 20 FERMENT, to undergo...
fermentive 21 21 relating to fermenta...
fermentors 19 17 FERMENTOR, an agent...
fernallies 20 16 FERNALLY, a vascular...
ferniticle 23 18 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferntickle 24 22 (Scots) a freckle, a...
fernticled 23 19 (Scots) freckled, al...
fernticles 23 18 FERNTICLE, (Scots) a...
fernyticle 29 20 (Scots) a freckle, a...
ferocities 22 16 FEROCITY, fierceness...
ferrandine 17 16 (obsolete) a silk an...
ferredoxin 24 22 an iron-containing p...
ferrelling 22 18 FERREL, to fit with...
ferretings 20 16 FERRETING, rummaging...
ferrocenes 20 17 FERROCENE, an orange...
ferrograms 21 18 FERROGRAM, a slide p...
ferroniere 17 14 (French) a jewel hel...
ferrotyped 27 19 FERROTYPE, to take a...
ferrotypes 27 18 FERROTYPE, an old fo...
ferryboats 27 18 FERRYBOAT, a boat us...
fertigated 20 16 FERTIGATE, to fertil...
fertigates 20 15 FERTIGATE, to fertil...
fertilised 21 15 FERTILISE, to make f...
fertiliser 21 14 a person or thing th...
fertilises 21 14 FERTILISE, to make f...
fertilized 24 24 FERTILIZE, to make f...
fertilizer 24 23 a person or thing th...
fertilizes 24 23 FERTILIZE, to make f...
fervencies 23 21 FERVENCY, eagerness...
ferventest 20 18 FERVENT, hot, glowin...
fervescent 23 21 growing hot [adj]
fervidness 21 19 the state of being f...
fescennine 19 19 obscene or scurrilou...
festinated 18 15 FESTINATE, to hasten...
festinates 18 14 FESTINATE, to hasten...
festoonery 23 16 festoons collectivel...
festooning 18 17 FESTOON, to adorn wi...
fetchingly 33 24 FETCHING [adv]
fetichised 25 19 FETICHISE, to make a...
fetichises 25 18 FETICHISE, to make a...
fetichisms 27 21 FETICHISM, devotion...
fetichists 26 18 FETICHIST, one who w...
fetichized 28 28 FETICHIZE, to make a...
fetichizes 28 27 FETICHIZE, to make a...
fetidities 20 14 FETIDITY, the state...
fetiparous 21 17 of marsupials, such...
fetishised 22 16 FETISHISE, to make a...
fetishises 22 15 FETISHISE, to make a...
fetishisms 24 18 FETISHISM, devotion...
fetishists 23 15 FETISHIST, one who w...
fetishized 25 25 FETISHIZE, to make a...
fetishizes 25 24 FETISHIZE, to make a...
fetologies 20 16 FETOLOGY, a branch o...
fetologist 21 16 one who studies the...
fetoscopes 23 19 FETOSCOPE, an instru...
fetterless 20 14 free from fetters [a...
fetterlock 24 21 a shackle for a hors...
fettuccine 25 21 (Italian) a pasta ma...
fettuccini 26 21 FETTUCCINE, (Italian...
fettucines 22 18 FETTUCINE, (Italian)...
fettucinis 23 18 FETTUCINI, (Italian)...
feudalised 20 17 FEUDALISE, to reduce...
feudalises 20 16 FEUDALISE, to reduce...
feudalisms 22 19 FEUDALISM, the feuda...
feudalists 21 16 FEUDALIST, an uphold...
feudalized 23 26 FEUDALIZE, to reduce...
feudalizes 23 25 FEUDALIZE, to reduce...
feuilletes 21 16 FEUILLETE, (French)...
feuilleton 20 17 (French) in French a...
feverishly 31 22 FEVERISH, having a f...
feverously 28 21 FEVEROUS, affected w...
feverroots 20 17 FEVERROOT, an Americ...
feverweeds 23 21 FEVERWEED, a plant t...
feverworts 24 20 FEVERWORT, a coarse...
fianchetti 24 19 FIANCHETTO, (Italian...
fianchetto 23 19 (Italian) in chess,...
fiberboard 23 20 (US) a material made...
fiberfills 27 21 FIBERFILL, (US) synt...
fiberglass 24 19 (US) to coat with fi...
fiberising 23 19 FIBERISE, to break i...
fiberizing 26 28 FIBERIZE, to break i...
fiberscope 26 22 a medical instrument...
fibreboard 23 20 a material made from...
fibrefills 27 21 FIBREFILL, synthetic...
fibreglass 24 19 a synthetic fibre ma...
fibreoptic 27 22 relating to fibre op...
fibrescope 26 22 a medical instrument...
fibrillary 31 20 of or pertaining to...
fibrillate 24 18 to undergo fibrillat...
fibrillins 25 19 FIBRILLIN, a protein...
fibrillose 24 18 having, or covered w...
fibrillous 25 19 relating to or havin...
fibrinogen 21 20 a soluble protein, a...
fibrinoids 22 18 FIBRINOID, a natural...
fibroblast 25 20 a cell in connective...
fibrocytes 31 21 FIBROCYTE, a normall...
fibrolines 22 18 FIBROLINE, a yarn of...
fibrolites 23 17 FIBROLITE, a silicat...
fibrositis 23 16 inflammation of the...
fickleness 24 22 the quality of being...
fictioneer 21 17 one who writes ficti...
fictionise 22 17 to make fictional, a...
fictionist 23 17 a writer of fiction...
fictionize 25 26 to make fictional, a...
fictitious 24 17 of, relating to, or...
fiddioused 20 17 FIDDIOUS, (Shakespea...
fiddiouses 20 16 FIDDIOUS, (Shakespea...
fiddleback 27 26 a wavy grain found i...
fiddlehead 22 19 one of the young unf...
fiddleneck 24 24 one of the young unf...
fiddlewood 23 20 the wood of several...
fidelismos 22 18 FIDELISMO, belief in...
fidelistas 21 15 FIDELISTA, a believe...
fidelities 21 15 FIDELITY, loyalty [n...
fidgetiest 21 16 FIDGETY, restless, u...
fiducially 32 22 FIDUCIAL, showing co...
fieldboots 22 18 FIELDBOOT, a knee-le...
fieldcraft 26 21 the knowledge and sk...
fieldfares 22 18 FIELDFARE, a species...
fieldmouse 21 19 a mouse which lives...
fieldpiece 25 21 a cannon or piece of...
fieldstone 19 16 (US) stone for build...
fieldstrip 24 18 to take apart a weap...
fieldvoles 23 20 FIELDVOLE, a mouse w...
fieldwards 24 19 FIELDWARD [n]
fieldworks 25 22 FIELDWORK, work (sci...
fiendishly 29 20 FIENDISH, devilishly...
fierceness 21 17 the quality of being...
fifteeners 20 17 FIFTEENER, a verse o...
fifteenths 23 19 FIFTEENTH, one of fi...
fightbacks 30 27 FIGHTBACK, a recover...
figurantes 20 17 FIGURANTE, (Italian)...
figurately 28 19 FIGURATE, having a d...
figuration 20 17 the act of giving fi...
figurative 23 20 representing by a fi...
figurehead 22 19 the figure, statue,...
figureless 22 17 without a figure [ad...
figurework 25 23 counting or calculat...
filaggrins 23 19 FILAGGRIN, a protein...
filariases 20 14 FILARIASIS, a diseas...
filariasis 21 14 a disease caused by...
filatories 20 14 FILATORY, a machine...
filchingly 35 25 FILCHING, thieving [...
filefishes 25 19 FILEFISH, a kind of...
filialness 21 16 the state of being f...
filiations 20 15 FILIATION, the relat...
filibuster 24 18 to obstructs legisla...
filicinean 22 19 relating to Filicine...
filigrains 22 17 FILIGRAIN, (French)...
filigranes 21 17 FILIGRANE, (French)...
fillagreed 22 18 FILLAGREE, to execut...
fillagrees 22 17 FILLAGREE, a kind of...
fillesters 22 15 FILLESTER, a rabbet...
fillipeens 23 19 FILLIPEEN, (US) a ga...
fillisters 23 15 FILLISTER, a rabbet...
filmgoings 24 22 FILMGOING, the pract...
filmically 34 24 FILMIC, pertaining t...
filmmakers 24 24 FILMMAKER, one who m...
filmmaking 25 27 the making of films...
filmsetter 22 17 a typesetter who use...
filmstrips 26 20 FILMSTRIP, a film co...
filoplumes 25 22 FILOPLUME, a slender...
filopodium 24 22 a threadlike pseudop...
filoselles 22 16 FILOSELLE, (French)...
filterable 23 18 capable of being fil...
filthiness 23 17 the quality of being...
filtrating 22 17 FILTRATE, to filter...
filtration 20 15 the act of filtering...
fimbriated 23 20 FIMBRIATE, to border...
fimbriates 23 19 FIMBRIATE, to border...
fimicolous 25 21 living in or growing...
finaglings 22 20 FINAGLING, the act o...
finalisers 20 15 FINALISER, one who f...
finalising 21 18 FINALISE, to complet...
finalistic 24 18 relating to finalism...
finalities 20 15 FINALITY, the state...
finalizers 23 24 FINALIZER, one who f...
finalizing 24 27 FINALIZE, to complet...
financiers 21 18 FINANCIER, to conduc...
financings 22 21 FINANCING, the act o...
finenesses 17 15 FINENESS, the qualit...
finessings 20 17 FINESSING, the act o...
fingerbowl 26 23 a bowl of water for...
fingerhold 23 20 a hold or place of s...
fingerhole 22 19 a hole in a wind ins...
fingerings 21 19 FINGERING, the choic...
fingerless 21 17 without fingers [adj...
fingerlike 22 21 like a finger [adj]
fingerling 22 20 a salmon parr or you...
fingermark 22 23 a mark made by the f...
fingernail 20 18 the nail of a finger...
fingerpick 27 26 to play the guitar w...
fingerpost 22 19 a post with a finger...
fingertips 23 19 FINGERTIP, the end o...
finicality 30 20 the quality of being...
finickiest 24 21 FINICKY, difficult t...
finickings 25 24 FINICKING, fussiness...
finishings 23 19 FINISHING, the act o...
finiteness 18 15 the state of being f...
finnickier 23 22 FINNICKY, particular...
finnochios 23 20 FINNOCHIO, (Italian)...
finocchios 27 22 FINOCCHIO, (Italian)...
fioraturae 18 14 FIORATURA, (Italian)...
fireballer 23 18 a baseball pitcher k...
fireboards 21 17 FIREBOARD, a mantelp...
firebombed 24 23 FIREBOMB, to attack...
firebomber 24 22 one who uses FIREBOM...
firebrands 21 18 FIREBRAND, a flaming...
firebreaks 22 20 FIREBREAK, a strip o...
firebricks 27 23 FIREBRICK, a brick r...
firebushes 24 19 FIREBUSH, as in Chil...
firecrests 23 16 FIRECREST, a bird cl...
firedragon 19 17 a fire-breathing dra...
firedrakes 20 18 FIREDRAKE, (archaic)...
firefanged 21 20 FIREFANG, to scorch;...
firefights 26 20 FIREFIGHT, an intens...
firefloats 22 17 FIREFLOAT, a boat or...
firefloods 22 18 FIREFLOOD, a method...
fireguards 21 17 FIREGUARD, a protect...
firehouses 21 16 FIREHOUSE, (obsolete...
firelights 25 18 FIRELIGHT, the light...
fireplaced 25 21 having a fireplace [...
fireplaces 25 20 FIREPLACE, an open r...
firepowers 24 19 FIREPOWER, the amoun...
fireproofs 23 19 FIREPROOF, to make p...
firescaped 24 20 FIRESCAPE, to arrang...
firescapes 24 19 FIRESCAPE, to arrang...
firescreen 21 17 a screen placed in f...
firestones 18 14 FIRESTONE, a rock, e...
firestorms 21 16 FIRESTORM, a huge bl...
firethorns 21 16 FIRETHORN, a floweri...
firetrucks 25 21 FIRETRUCK, a fire en...
firewalled 24 19 FIREWALL, to install...
firewarden 21 18 an officer responsib...
firewaters 22 16 FIREWATER, strong al...
firmaments 21 20 FIRMAMENT, the sky [...
firmnesses 20 17 FIRMNESS, the state...
firstborns 22 17 FIRSTBORN, the first...
firstlings 23 17 FIRSTLING, the first...
fiscalists 25 17 FISCALIST, a public...
fishburger 26 21 a hamburger made wit...
fisherfolk 26 23 people who fish esp....
fishfinger 25 21 an oblong piece of f...
fishifying 32 23 FISHIFY, to turn int...
fishmonger 23 21 a dealer in fish [n...
fishplates 25 19 FISHPLATE, an iron p...
fishtailed 23 17 FISHTAIL, to swing t...
fishwifely 35 24 FISHWIFE [adv]
fishybacks 35 27 FISHYBACK, (US) tran...
fissioning 20 17 FISSION, to split in...
fissipedal 23 18 having toes that are...
fissipedes 22 17 FISSIPEDE, a fissipe...
fistfights 27 20 FISTFIGHT, a fight w...
fisticuffs 29 23 FISTICUFF [n]
fitfulness 23 19 the quality of being...
fivefinger 24 23 a name for various p...
fivepences 25 24 FIVEPENCE, a coin wo...
fizgigging 28 31 FIZGIG, to dob someo...
fizzenless 26 33 (Scots) weak, feeble...
flabbiness 24 21 the quality of being...
flabellate 23 19 fan-shaped [adj]
flabellums 26 23 FLABELLUM, a fan-lik...
flaccidest 27 21 FLACCID, limp [adj]
flaccidity 34 23 the state of being f...
flackeries 24 21 FLACKERY, publicity...
flackering 25 24 FLACKER, (Scots) to...
flacketing 25 24 FLACKET, to flap, fl...
flaffering 25 23 FLAFFER, (Scots) to...
flagellant 22 19 a person who whips,...
flagellate 22 18 to whip; to scourge...
flagellins 23 19 FLAGELLIN, a polymer...
flagellums 25 22 FLAGELLUM, a long sl...
flageolets 21 17 FLAGEOLET, a small f...
flagginess 22 19 the condition of bei...
flaggingly 31 24 FLAGGING [adv]
flagitated 21 17 FLAGITATE, to entrea...
flagitates 21 16 FLAGITATE, to entrea...
flagitious 22 17 marked by scandalous...
flagrances 23 20 FLAGRANCE, a burning...
flagrantly 28 20 FLAGRANT, conspicuou...
flagstaffs 26 22 FLAGSTAFF, a pole fo...
flagstaves 23 20 FLAGSTAFF, a pole fo...
flagsticks 27 23 FLAGSTICK, a pole fo...
flagstones 20 17 FLAGSTONE, a large p...
flambeeing 23 23 FLAMBEE, to douse wi...
flamboyant 28 23 extravagant [adj FLA...
flameproof 24 23 resistant to burning...
flamingoes 21 20 FLAMINGO, a long-leg...
flaminical 25 22 pertaining to a flam...
flammables 25 24 FLAMMABLE, something...
flanchings 26 23 FLANCHING, a sloping...
flanconade 20 20 (French) a thrust in...
flangeless 21 18 without a flange [ad...
flankering 21 22 FLANKER, to use flan...
flannelets 19 17 FLANNELET, a cotton...
flanneling 20 20 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flannelled 20 19 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flapdoodle 22 20 gross flattery; nons...
flapperish 27 22 like a flapper, a yo...
flaptracks 27 24 FLAPTRACK, a racetra...
flarebacks 26 24 FLAREBACK, a flame i...
flashbacks 29 26 FLASHBACK, to show a...
flashbangs 25 22 FLASHBANG, a stun gr...
flashboard 24 20 one of a set of boar...
flashbulbs 29 24 FLASHBULB, an oxygen...
flashcards 26 20 FLASHCARD, a card sh...
flashcubes 28 23 FLASHCUBE, a plastic...
flashiness 22 17 the quality of being...
flashlamps 27 23 FLASHLAMP, an electr...
flashlight 28 21 a sudden bright arti...
flashovers 24 20 FLASHOVER, an electr...
flashpoint 24 20 a critical moment be...
flashtubes 25 20 FLASHTUBE, a gas dis...
flatbreads 22 18 FLATBREAD, a type of...
flatfishes 25 19 FLATFISH, a marine f...
flatfooted 21 18 FLATFOOT, to walk wi...
flatlander 20 17 one who lives in fla...
flatliners 21 16 FLATLINER, one who f...
flatlining 22 19 FLATLINE, to registe...
flatnesses 19 15 FLATNESS, the state...
flatpicked 27 25 FLATPICK, to play (a...
flatscreen 22 18 having a flat screen...
flatshares 22 16 FLATSHARE, an arrang...
flatteners 19 15 FLATTENER, something...
flattening 20 18 FLATTEN, to make or...
flatterers 20 14 FLATTERER, one who f...
flatteries 20 14 FLATTERY, the act of...
flattering 21 17 FLATTER, to praise e...
flatterous 20 15 (archaic) flattering...
flatulence 23 20 distension of the st...
flatulency 30 22 distension of the st...
flatwashes 25 19 FLATWASH, laundry th...
flaughters 24 19 FLAUGHTER, (Scots) t...
flaughting 25 22 FLAUGHT, to cut, par...
flaunching 26 24 a sloping piece of c...
flauntiest 20 16 FLAUNTY, showy [adj]
flavanones 19 20 FLAVANONE, a colourl...
flavescent 24 22 yellowish or turning...
flavivirus 26 23 a virus of the Flavi...
flavonoids 21 20 FLAVONOID, a kind of...
flavorings 23 21 FLAVORING [n]
flavorists 23 18 FLAVORIST, a person...
flavorless 23 19 without flavor, also...
flavorsome 22 21 full of flavor, also...
flavourers 22 19 FLAVOURER, one who f...
flavourful 26 24 full of flavour, als...
flavouring 23 22 FLAVOUR, to impart a...
flavourist 23 19 a person who creates...
flawlessly 32 21 FLAWLESS, without fl...
fleahopper 25 22 any of various small...
flechettes 25 19 FLECHETTE, (French)...
fleckering 25 24 FLECKER, to mark wit...
flectional 23 19 relating to flection...
fledgeling 23 21 a young bird just fl...
fledglings 24 21 FLEDGLING, a young b...
fleeceless 23 18 without a fleece [ad...
fleechings 26 22 FLEECHING, flattery,...
fleechment 25 23 (Scots) flattery [n...
fleeciness 22 18 the state of being f...
fleeringly 28 20 FLEERING, sneering,...
fleetingly 28 20 FLEETING [adv]
flehmening 23 23 FLEHMEN, of a mammal...
flemishing 25 22 FLEMISH, to coil a r...
fleroviums 24 22 FLEROVIUM, an artifi...
fleshhoods 24 19 FLESHHOOD, the state...
fleshiness 22 17 the state of being f...
fleshliest 24 17 FLESHLY, pertaining...
fleshlings 25 20 FLESHLING, a sensual...
fleshments 23 20 FLESHMENT, (Shakespe...
fleshworms 27 22 FLESHWORM, (archaic)...
fletchings 27 22 FLETCHING, the feath...
fleurettes 20 15 FLEURETTE, (French)...
flexihours 29 24 flexible working tim...
flexitimes 28 24 FLEXITIME, a system...
flextimers 28 24 FLEXTIMER, one who w...
flexuously 34 26 FLEXUOUS, full of wi...
flichtered 26 20 FLICHTER, to flutter...
flickering 26 24 FLICKER, to burn uns...
flightiest 25 18 FLIGHTY, fickle [adj...
flightless 26 19 without flight [adj]
flimsiness 22 18 the state of being f...
flinchings 27 23 FLINCHING, the act o...
flindering 21 19 FLINDER, to break to...
flindersia 20 16 any tree of the Aust...
flintheads 22 18 FLINTHEAD, an Americ...
flintified 23 19 FLINTIFY, to turn in...
flintifies 23 18 FLINTIFY, to turn in...
flintiness 20 16 the state of being f...
flintlocks 26 23 FLINTLOCK, an old-fa...
flipboards 25 21 FLIPBOARD, a piece o...
flipcharts 29 22 FLIPCHART, a pad, co...
flippantly 32 24 FLIPPANT, lacking pr...
flirtation 20 15 the act of flirting...
flirtingly 30 20 FLIRTING [adv]
flittering 22 17 FLITTER, to vibrate...
floatation 18 15 the act of floating,...
floatingly 28 20 FLOATING, not fixed...
floatplane 21 19 a seaplane [n -S]
flocculant 27 23 clothed with small f...
flocculate 27 22 to collect or mass t...
flocculent 27 23 clothed with small f...
floodgates 20 17 FLOODGATE, a gate fo...
floodlight 25 20 lighting of a large...
floodmarks 22 22 FLOODMARK, the mark...
floodplain 22 20 an area bordering a...
floodtides 20 16 FLOODTIDE, the flowi...
floodwalls 25 20 FLOODWALL, a wall bu...
floodwater 22 18 the water of a flood...
floorboard 21 18 a board in a floor [...
floorcloth 26 20 a usually decorated...
floordrobe 21 18 a pile of clothes le...
floorheads 21 17 FLOORHEAD, the upper...
floorshows 25 19 FLOORSHOW, entertain...
flophouses 24 20 FLOPHOUSE, (US) a ch...
floppiness 24 21 the state of being f...
flopticals 27 21 FLOPTICAL, a type of...
florentine 18 16 a kind of biscuit pa...
florescent 22 18 expanding into flowe...
floriation 19 15 decoration with flor...
floribunda 22 20 a plant whose flower...
floricanes 22 18 FLORICANE, the fruit...
florideans 19 16 FLORIDEAN, any of a...
florideous 20 16 relating to Floridae...
floridness 20 16 the state of being f...
florigenic 24 20 relating to florigen...
florilegia 22 17 FLORILEGIUM, (Latin)...
floristics 25 17 the study of the num...
flosculous 25 20 composed of floscule...
flotations 19 15 FLOTATION, the act o...
flounciest 23 19 FLOUNCY, flouncing [...
flouncings 24 22 FLOUNCING [n]
floundered 19 18 FLOUNDER, to struggl...
flourished 23 18 FLOURISH, to thrive...
flourisher 23 17 one who flourishes [...
flourishes 23 17 FLOURISH, to thrive...
floutingly 29 21 FLOUTING [adv]
flowcharts 29 22 FLOWCHART, a chart p...
flowerages 23 19 FLOWERAGE, the proce...
flowerbeds 25 21 FLOWERBED, a bed con...
flowerette 22 17 a small flower; a fl...
flowerhorn 24 20 as in flowerhorn fis...
floweriest 23 17 FLOWERY, abounding i...
flowerings 24 20 FLOWERING, the act o...
flowerless 24 18 without flowers [adj...
flowerlike 25 22 like a flower [adj]
flowerpots 25 20 FLOWERPOT, a pot for...
flowmeters 24 20 FLOWMETER, an instru...
flowstones 22 18 FLOWSTONE, a general...
fluctuated 24 20 FLUCTUATE, to vary t...
fluctuates 24 19 FLUCTUATE, to vary t...
fluentness 19 17 the quality of being...
fluffiness 25 22 the state of being f...
flugelhorn 24 21 (German) a bugle wit...
fluidified 24 20 FLUIDIFY, to make fl...
fluidifies 24 19 FLUIDIFY, to make fl...
fluidisers 22 16 FLUIDISER, an appara...
fluidising 23 19 FLUIDISE, to make fl...
fluidities 22 16 FLUIDITY, the qualit...
fluidizers 25 25 FLUIDIZER, an appara...
fluidizing 26 28 FLUIDIZE, to make fl...
flummeries 23 21 FLUMMERY, a sweet de...
flummoxing 30 31 FLUMMOX, to confuse...
flunkeydom 28 26 the world of flunkey...
flunkeyish 30 24 like a flunkey [adj]
flunkeyism 29 25 the state of being a...
flunkyisms 30 25 FLUNKYISM, the state...
fluoresced 23 19 FLUORESCE, to demons...
fluorescer 23 18 something e.g. a min...
fluoresces 23 18 FLUORESCE, to demons...
fluoridate 20 16 to add fluoride to d...
fluoridise 21 16 to add fluoride to d...
fluoridize 24 25 to add fluoride to d...
fluorinate 19 16 to introduce fluorin...
fluorotype 28 20 (obsolete) photograp...
fluorspars 23 18 FLUORSPAR, a mineral...
fluoxetine 25 23 an antidepressant dr...
flushworks 28 24 FLUSHWORK, decorativ...
flustering 22 18 FLUSTER, to put into...
flustrated 21 16 FLUSTRATE, (obsolete...
flustrates 21 15 FLUSTRATE, (obsolete...
flutemouth 24 21 a fish of the genus...
flutterers 21 15 FLUTTERER, one who f...
fluttering 22 18 FLUTTER, to move in...
fluvialist 25 20 one stressing the ro...
fluviatile 24 20 belonging to or form...
fluxionary 32 25 (archaic) variable,...
fluxionist 27 23 one skilled in fluxi...
fluxmeters 28 25 FLUXMETER, any instr...
flyblowing 34 26 FLYBLOW, to taint wi...
flybridges 31 22 FLYBRIDGE, an open d...
flycatcher 35 24 one of numerous spec...
flypitcher 35 24 one who runs a flypi...
flypitches 35 24 FLYPITCH, an unlicen...
flyposters 29 19 FLYPOSTER, one who e...
flyposting 30 22 putting up advertisi...
flyrodders 27 18 FLYRODDER, an angler...
flyscreens 29 20 FLYSCREEN, a wire-me...
flyspecked 33 27 FLYSPECK, to mark wi...
flystrikes 29 20 FLYSTRIKE, the infes...
flyswatter 30 19 a device for killing...
flyweights 34 23 FLYWEIGHT, in profes...
foamflower 25 23 an American woodland...
focalising 24 20 FOCALISE, to focus,...
focalizing 27 29 FOCALIZE, to focus,...
focimeters 23 19 FOCIMETER, an instru...
focometers 22 19 FOCOMETER, an instru...
fodderings 20 18 FODDERING, the act o...
foederatus 18 15 (Latin) a conquered...
foetations 17 14 FOETATION, the forma...
foeticidal 23 18 relating to foeticid...
foeticides 22 17 FOETICIDE, the killi...
foetidness 18 15 the state of being f...
foetoscopy 29 21 a procedure for view...
fogramites 21 18 FOGRAMITE, an antiqu...
foilswoman 23 21 a woman who uses or...
foilswomen 23 21 FOILSWOMAN, a woman...
foisonless 19 15 (Scots) weak, feeble...
foliaceous 22 18 bearing leaves; leaf...
foliations 19 15 FOLIATION, the proce...
foliatures 20 15 FOLIATURE, a cluster...
folklorish 25 21 relating to folklore...
folklorist 23 19 a student of folklor...
folksiness 21 19 the quality of being...
folksinger 22 21 one who sings folk s...
folksonomy 27 24 a system of classifi...
follicular 26 20 like, pertaining to,...
folliculin 26 21 another name for oes...
followable 26 22 that can be followed...
followings 25 21 FOLLOWING, a body of...
followship 29 23 the practice of doin...
fondlingly 28 22 FONDLING [adv]
fondnesses 17 16 FONDNESS, affection...
fontanelle 18 17 a membrane-covered g...
fonticulus 24 20 the depression just...
fontinalis 19 16 a moss of the Fontin...
foodstuffs 24 21 FOODSTUFF, a substan...
foolbegged 23 22 (Shakespeare) foolis...
foolfishes 24 19 FOOLFISH, a marine f...
foolishest 22 16 FOOLISH, lacking goo...
footballer 22 18 one who plays footba...
footboards 20 17 FOOTBOARD, a support...
footbrakes 21 20 FOOTBRAKE, a brake o...
footbridge 22 19 a bridge for pedestr...
footcloths 25 19 FOOTCLOTH, a housing...
footfaults 22 18 FOOTFAULT [n]
footguards 20 17 guards that serve on...
footlessly 27 17 FOOTLESS, without fe...
footlights 24 18 FOOTLIGHT, one of a...
footlocker 23 21 a small trunk design...
footnoting 18 17 FOOTNOTE, to supply...
footplates 21 17 FOOTPLATE, a platfor...
footprints 21 17 FOOTPRINT, the mark...
footstalks 21 18 FOOTSTALK, the stalk...
footstalls 21 15 FOOTSTALL, a pedesta...
footstocks 23 20 FOOTSTOCK, a slidabl...
footstones 17 14 FOOTSTONE, a stone a...
footstools 19 14 FOOTSTOOL, a stool f...
foraminous 19 18 having foramina; ful...
forbearant 19 17 (obsolete) forbearin...
forbearers 20 16 FORBEARER, one who f...
forbearing 21 19 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forbiddals 23 19 FORBIDDAL, the act o...
forbidders 22 18 FORBIDDER, one who f...
forbidding 23 21 the act of commandin...
forcedness 21 18 the state of being f...
forcefully 33 24 FORCEFUL, full of st...
forcemeats 22 19 FORCEMEAT, meat chop...
forcipated 24 20 formed and opening l...
forearming 20 19 FOREARM, to arm in a...
forebitter 21 16 a nautical ballad su...
foreboders 20 17 FOREBODER, a person...
forebodies 20 17 FOREBODY, the forwar...
foreboding 21 20 FOREBODE, to indicat...
forebrains 20 17 FOREBRAIN, the anter...
forecabins 23 20 FORECABIN, a cabin i...
forecaddie 21 18 a caddie posted up a...
forecasted 21 17 FORECAST, to estimat...
forecaster 21 16 one who forecasts [n...
forecastle 22 17 a short raised deck...
forechecks 28 25 FORECHECK, to check...
forechosen 22 19 chosen beforehand [a...
foreclosed 22 18 FORECLOSE, to bar (a...
forecloses 22 17 FORECLOSE, to bar (a...
forecloths 25 19 FORECLOTH, a cloth t...
forecourse 21 17 a foresail [n -S]
forecourts 22 17 FORECOURT, a court i...
foredamned 18 19 (obsolete) utterly d...
foredating 19 17 FOREDATE, to date be...
foredoomed 18 18 FOREDOOM, to doom in...
forefather 22 18 an ancestor [n -S]
forefended 19 19 FOREFEND, to protect...
forefinger 21 19 the finger next to t...
forefronts 20 17 FOREFRONT, the front...
foregather 21 17 to gather together,...
foregleams 21 19 FOREGLEAM, a glimpse...
foregoings 20 18 FOREGOING [n]
foreground 19 18 to bring to the fore...
forehanded 19 18 FOREHAND, to play a...
forehooves 21 19 FOREHOOF, the hoof o...
foreigners 19 16 FOREIGNER, a person...
foreignism 21 19 anything peculiar to...
forejudged 22 27 FOREJUDGE, to depriv...
forejudges 22 26 FOREJUDGE, to depriv...
foreladies 19 15 FORELADY, a woman wh...
forelaying 26 19 FORELAY, to wait in...
forelifted 22 18 FORELIFT, (Spenser)...
forelocked 23 22 FORELOCK, to fasten...
foremother 21 18 a female ancestor [n...
forenights 22 18 FORENIGHT, the night...
foreordain 17 15 to ordain or appoint...
forepassed 20 17 bygone, also FOREPAS...
forepoints 20 17 FOREPOINT, to foresh...
forerunner 17 16 a messenger sent bef...
foresaying 25 18 FORESAY, to foretell...
foreseeing 18 16 FORESEE, to see in a...
foreshadow 23 19 to represent, indica...
foreshanks 21 20 FORESHANK, the upper...
foresheets 20 15 FORESHEET, a rope us...
foreshewed 23 19 FORESHEW, to presage...
foreshocks 25 22 FORESHOCK, a minor t...
foreshores 20 15 FORESHORE, that part...
foreshowed 23 19 FORESHOW, to predict...
foresights 23 17 FORESIGHT, the act o...
foreskirts 21 17 FORESKIRT, (Shakespe...
foreslacks 24 21 FORESLACK, (obsolete...
foreslowed 22 18 FORESLOW, (Shakespea...
forespeaks 21 20 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespends 20 18 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forespoken 20 21 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forestages 19 15 FORESTAGE, a duty or...
forestairs 19 13 FORESTAIR, (Scots) a...
forestalls 21 15 FORESTALL, to preven...
forestland 19 16 land occupied by for...
forestless 20 14 without a forest [ad...
forestries 19 13 FORESTRY, the scienc...
foreswears 21 16 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foretasted 18 14 FORETASTE, to taste...
foretastes 18 13 FORETASTE, to taste...
foretaught 22 18 FORETEACH, to teach...
foreteller 20 15 one who foretells [n...
forethinks 22 20 FORETHINK, to think...
foretokens 18 18 FORETOKEN, to be a s...
foretopman 20 20 a sailor who works o...
foretopmen 20 20 FORETOPMAN, a sailor...
forewarded 21 18 FOREWARD, (archaic)...
forewarned 20 18 FOREWARN, to warn in...
forewarner 20 17 one who forewarns [n...
foreweighs 25 20 FOREWEIGH, (archaic)...
forfairing 22 19 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forfaiters 21 16 FORFAITER, a person...
forfaiting 22 19 a method of export f...
forfeiters 21 16 FORFEITER, (Shakespe...
forfeiting 22 19 FORFEIT, to lose the...
forfeiture 21 17 the act of forfeitin...
forfending 21 21 FORFEND, (archaic) t...
forfeuchen 25 23 (Scots) exhausted, a...
forfoughen 23 22 (Scots) exhausted, a...
forgathers 22 17 FORGATHER, to gather...
forgetters 20 15 FORGETTER, one who f...
forgettery 26 17 (colloquial) a capac...
forgetting 21 18 FORGET, to fail to r...
forgivable 25 23 that can be forgiven...
forgivably 32 25 FORGIVABLE, that can...
forhailing 23 19 FORHAILE, (Spenser)...
forhenting 21 19 FORHENT, to overtake...
forinsecal 22 18 (obsolete) foreign,...
forjudging 24 29 FORJUDGE, to judge b...
forkedness 19 19 the state of being f...
forklifted 24 22 FORKLIFT, to raise o...
forlending 20 19 FORLEND, to grant be...
forlornest 19 15 FORLORN, forsaken [a...
formalines 20 18 FORMALINE, a 40 per...
formalised 21 18 FORMALISE, to make f...
formaliser 21 17 one who formalises,...
formalises 21 17 FORMALISE, to make f...
formalisms 23 20 FORMALISM, the pract...
formalists 22 17 FORMALIST, a person...
formaliter 21 17 (Latin) formally or...
formalized 24 27 FORMALIZE, to make f...
formalizer 24 26 one who formalizes,...
formalizes 24 26 FORMALIZE, to make f...
formalness 20 18 formality [n -ES]
formamides 21 20 FORMAMIDE, a colourl...
formations 19 17 FORMATION, something...
formatives 22 20 FORMATIVE, a formati...
formatters 20 16 FORMATTER, a program...
formatting 21 19 the act of putting i...
formicaria 23 19 FORMICARIUM, an anth...
formicated 23 20 FORMICATE, to crawl...
formicates 23 19 FORMICATE, to crawl...
formidable 23 21 causing fear [adj FO...
formidably 30 23 FORMIDABLE, causing...
formlessly 29 20 FORMLESS, lacking st...
formulated 21 19 FORMULATE, to state...
formulates 21 18 FORMULATE, to state...
formulator 21 18 one who formulates [...
formulised 22 19 FORMULISE, to expres...
formulises 22 18 FORMULISE, to expres...
formulisms 24 21 FORMULISM, excessive...
formulists 23 18 FORMULIST, one who d...
formulized 25 28 FORMULIZE, to expres...
formulizes 25 27 FORMULIZE, to expres...
fornicated 21 18 FORNICATE, to have i...
fornicates 21 17 FORNICATE, to have i...
fornicator 21 17 one who fornicates [...
forsakenly 26 21 FORSAKEN [adv]
forsakings 21 20 FORSAKING, abandonme...
forslacked 24 22 FORSLACK, to be slac...
forsloeing 20 17 FORSLOE, to delay, a...
forslowing 24 20 FORSLOW, to delay, a...
forsterite 19 13 a white, yellow, or...
forswearer 21 16 one who forswears [n...
forswinked 23 22 FORSWINK, (obsolete)...
forsythias 28 17 FORSYTHIA, any shrub...
fortalices 23 17 FORTALICE, (historic...
fortepiano 19 17 loud with immediate...
forthcomes 25 21 FORTHCOME, (obsolete...
forthgoing 23 20 (obsolete) a going f...
forthought 25 20 FORTHINK, to repent;...
forthright 26 19 straightforward [adj...
fortifiers 22 16 FORTIFIER, something...
fortifying 29 21 FORTIFY, to strength...
fortilages 21 16 FORTILAGE, (Spenser)...
fortissimi 22 16 FORTISSIMO, a very l...
fortissimo 21 16 (Italian) very loud;...
fortitudes 20 15 FORTITUDE, strength...
fortnights 23 18 FORTNIGHT, a period...
fortressed 19 14 FORTRESS, to strengt...
fortresses 19 13 FORTRESS, to strengt...
fortuities 20 14 FORTUITY, an acciden...
fortuitism 22 17 belief in evolution...
fortuitist 21 14 one who believes in...
fortuitous 20 15 occurring by chance...
fortunates 18 15 FORTUNATE, a fortuna...
fortunised 19 16 FORTUNISE, to make h...
fortunises 19 15 FORTUNISE, to make h...
fortunized 22 25 FORTUNIZE, (Spenser)...
fortunizes 22 24 FORTUNIZE, (Spenser)...
forwanders 21 18 FORWANDER, (archaic)...
forwarders 22 17 FORWARDER, one who f...
forwardest 22 17 FORWARD, towards the...
forwarding 23 20 the act of sending o...
forwarning 22 20 FORWARN, to warn in...
forwasting 23 19 FORWASTE, to waste c...
forwearied 21 17 FORWEARY, (Shakespea...
forwearies 21 16 FORWEARY, (Shakespea...
foscarnets 21 17 FOSCARNET, a drug us...
fossickers 24 20 FOSSICKER, (Australi...
fossicking 25 23 the practice of sear...
fossilised 21 15 FOSSILISE, to turn i...
fossilises 21 14 FOSSILISE, to turn i...
fossilized 24 24 FOSSILIZE, to turn i...
fossilizes 24 23 FOSSILIZE, to turn i...
fosterages 19 15 FOSTERAGE, the care...
fosterings 20 16 FOSTERING, the act o...
fosterling 21 17 a foster child [n -S...
fostresses 19 13 FOSTRESS, a woman wh...
foudroyant 24 18 (French) sudden and...
foughtiest 23 18 FOUGHTY, (dialect) m...
foulbroods 22 19 FOULBROOD, a bacteri...
fouldering 21 19 FOULDER, (Spenser) t...
foulnesses 19 16 FOULNESS, the state...
foundation 17 17 the act of founding...
foundering 19 19 FOUNDER, to become d...
founderous 18 17 causing to founder [...
foundlings 21 20 FOUNDLING, an abando...
fountained 17 17 FOUNTAIN, to display...
fourchette 24 19 (French) a forked re...
fourpences 23 21 FOURPENCE, four pre-...
fourplexes 28 25 FOURPLEX, a building...
fourragere 19 16 a braided cord worn...
fourscorth 25 19 (obsolete) eightieth...
foursquare 27 24 forthright, marked b...
fourteener 17 15 a verse line of four...
fourteenth 20 17 number fourteen in s...
foveolated 20 19 like a foveola, a sm...
foxberries 27 23 FOXBERRY, the red wh...
foxhunters 27 24 FOXHUNTER, one who h...
foxhunting 28 27 FOXHUNT, to hunt fox...
foxinesses 24 21 FOXINESS, the state...
foxtrotted 25 21 FOXTROT, to dance in...
fozinesses 21 23 FOZINESS, lack of sp...
frabjously 31 29 FRABJOUS, splendid,...
fractality 30 19 the state of being f...
fractional 22 18 of, relating to, or...
fractioned 21 18 FRACTION, to divide...
fracturers 23 17 FRACTURER, one who f...
fracturing 24 20 FRACTURE, to break [...
fragmental 21 20 composed of fragment...
fragmented 20 20 FRAGMENT, to break i...
fragranced 22 20 FRAGRANCE, to perfum...
fragrances 22 19 FRAGRANCE, to perfum...
fragrantly 27 19 FRAGRANT, having a p...
fraicheurs 25 19 FRAICHEUR, (French)...
frambesias 22 19 FRAMBESIA, a tropica...
framboesia 21 19 a tropical skin dise...
framboises 22 19 FRAMBOISE, (French)...
frameshift 25 21 a term in genetic ma...
frameworks 24 23 FRAMEWORK, the skele...
franchised 24 20 FRANCHISE, to grant...
franchisee 23 19 one who receives a f...
franchiser 24 19 one who grants a fra...
franchises 24 19 FRANCHISE, to grant...
franchisor 24 19 one who grants a fra...
francising 23 20 FRANCISE, to force t...
francizing 26 29 FRANCIZE, to force t...
francolins 22 19 FRANCOLIN, (French)...
francophil 27 23 a lover of France an...
frangipane 20 20 a perfume of jasmine...
frangipani 21 20 a showy, fragrant sh...
frankforts 22 21 FRANKFORT, (German)...
frankfurts 23 22 FRANKFURT, (German)...
franserias 18 14 FRANSERIA, any of a...
fratchiest 25 18 FRATCHY, quarrelsome...
fraternise 18 14 to associate with, a...
fraternity 25 16 brotherhood [n FRATE...
fraternize 21 23 to associate or ming...
fratricide 23 17 the killing of a bro...
fraudfully 31 23 FRAUDFUL, deceptive...
fraudsters 20 15 FRAUDSTER, one who p...
fraudulent 20 18 characterized by fra...
fraughtage 23 20 (Shakespeare) loadin...
fraughtest 23 18 FRAUGHT, laden with...
fraughting 24 21 FRAUGHT, to load wit...
fraxinella 26 23 a perennial herb of...
freakeries 19 17 FREAKERY, an obsessi...
freakiness 19 18 the state of being f...
freakishly 30 22 FREAKISH, quirkily u...
freckliest 25 21 FRECKLY, marked with...
frecklings 26 24 FRECKLING, a collect...
freebasers 20 16 FREEBASER, one who s...
freebasing 21 19 FREEBASE, to refine...
freeboards 20 17 FREEBOARD, the dista...
freebooted 19 17 FREEBOOT, to plunder...
freebooter 19 16 a person who roves a...
freecycled 32 23 FREECYCLE, to recycl...
freecycles 32 22 FREECYCLE, to recycl...
freedivers 21 18 FREEDIVER, one who e...
freediving 22 21 the sport of diving...
freedwoman 21 21 a woman freed from s...
freedwomen 21 21 FREEDWOMAN, a woman...
freeganism 20 19 the policy of being...
freehanded 19 18 open-handed, liberal...
freeholder 21 17 a person who possess...
freelanced 21 19 FREELANCE, to work f...
freelancer 21 18 one who works for hi...
freelances 21 18 FREELANCE, one who w...
freeloaded 18 16 FREELOAD, to live at...
freeloader 18 15 one who freeloads [n...
freemartin 19 17 a sexually deficient...
freemasons 18 17 FREEMASON, in the Mi...
freenesses 17 14 FREENESS, the state...
freephones 21 19 FREEPHONE, a telepho...
freesheets 20 15 FREESHEET, a newspap...
freestones 17 14 FREESTONE, a type of...
freestyled 26 17 FREESTYLE, to perfor...
freestyler 26 16 a swimmer who swims...
freestyles 26 16 FREESTYLE, to perfor...
freewheels 24 19 FREEWHEEL, to coast...
freewrites 22 16 FREEWRITE, to write...
freezingly 30 28 FREEZING, very cold...
freightage 23 19 money paid for freig...
freighters 23 17 FREIGHTER, a ship or...
freighting 24 20 FREIGHT, to load wit...
fremescent 22 20 growling or mutterin...
fremituses 21 17 FREMITUS, a vibratio...
frenetical 22 18 frenetic, frantic, a...
frenziedly 29 27 FRENZIED [adv]
frequences 29 27 FREQUENCE, commonnes...
frequented 26 25 FREQUENT, to go to h...
frequenter 26 24 FREQUENT, occurring...
frequently 34 27 FREQUENT, occurring...
frescoings 23 19 FRESCOING, the act o...
frescoists 23 16 FRESCOIST, one who p...
fresheners 20 16 FRESHENER, something...
freshening 21 19 FRESHEN, to improve...
fresherdom 22 19 the state of being a...
freshwater 24 18 fresh water, not sal...
fretboards 21 17 FRETBOARD, a fingerb...
friability 30 19 the state of being f...
friarbirds 23 17 FRIARBIRD, an Austra...
fricandeau 21 19 (French) a thick sli...
fricandoes 21 18 FRICANDO, a roasted...
fricasseed 22 17 FRICASSEE, to cook a...
fricassees 22 16 FRICASSEE, (French)...
fricatives 25 20 FRICATIVE, a sound p...
frictional 23 18 relating to friction...
friedcakes 23 21 FRIEDCAKE, (US) a do...
friendings 20 18 FRIENDING [n]
friendless 20 16 without a friend [ad...
friendlier 20 16 FRIENDLY, amicable [...
friendlies 20 16 FRIENDLY, one who is...
friendlily 28 19 FRIENDLY, amicable [...
friendship 24 20 the state of being f...
friezelike 24 27 like a frieze [adj]
frigatoons 19 16 FRIGATOON, a small V...
frightened 22 19 FRIGHTEN, to make af...
frightener 22 18 something or someone...
frightsome 24 20 frightful [adj]
frigidaria 21 16 FRIGIDARIUM, (Latin)...
frigidness 21 17 the state of being f...
frigorific 27 21 causing cold, chilli...
frikkadels 23 23 FRIKKADEL, (Afrikaan...
frilleries 22 15 FRILLERY, an arrange...
frilliness 22 16 the state of being f...
fringeless 21 17 having no fringe [ad...
fringillid 24 19 related to the finch...
fripperers 24 19 FRIPPERER, (archaic)...
fripperies 24 19 FRIPPERY, excessive...
friskiness 21 18 the state of being f...
friskingly 30 23 FRISKING, gambolling...
frithborhs 27 20 FRITHBORH, (Old Engl...
frithsoken 22 20 (Old English) sanctu...
frithstool 23 16 a seat in churches n...
fritillary 29 17 several kinds of spo...
fritterers 20 13 FRITTERER, one who f...
frittering 21 16 FRITTER, to squander...
frivollers 24 19 FRIVOLLER, one who f...
frivolling 25 22 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frizziness 26 32 the state of being f...
frizzliest 28 32 FRIZZLY, of hair, ti...
frogfishes 25 20 FROGFISH, a marine f...
froggeries 21 17 FROGGERY, a place wh...
froghopper 26 23 a froth-fly, aka spi...
frogmouths 24 21 FROGMOUTH, one of se...
frogspawns 25 22 FROGSPAWN, the gelat...
frolickers 25 21 FROLICKER, one who f...
frolicking 26 24 FROLIC, to play and...
frolicsome 24 20 given to pranks; spo...
fromenties 19 17 FROMENTY, a wheat di...
frontagers 19 16 FRONTAGER, a person...
frontality 26 17 the state of being f...
frontcourt 22 18 a basketball team's...
frontiered 18 15 FRONTIER, (Spenser)...
frontlines 19 16 FRONTLINE, a front l...
frontlists 21 15 FRONTLIST, a list of...
frontpaged 21 20 FRONTPAGE, to put on...
frontpages 21 19 FRONTPAGE, to put on...
frontwards 22 18 FRONTWARD [n]
frostbites 22 16 FROSTBITE, to affect...
frostbound 21 19 bound or confined by...
frostiness 19 14 the state of being f...
frostlines 20 15 FROSTLINE, the depth...
frostworks 24 20 FROSTWORK, tracery m...
frotheries 21 15 FROTHERY, mere froth...
frothiness 21 16 the state of being f...
froughiest 23 18 FROUGHY, of timber,...
frouziness 22 24 the state of being f...
frowningly 30 23 FROWNING [adv]
frowsiness 22 17 the state of being f...
frowstiest 23 16 FROWSTY, fusty, stuf...
frowziness 25 26 the state of being f...
frozenness 20 24 the state of being f...
fructified 26 21 FRUCTIFY, to bear fr...
fructifier 26 20 one who fructifies [...
fructifies 26 20 FRUCTIFY, to bear fr...
fructuated 23 19 FRUCTUATE, to come t...
fructuates 23 18 FRUCTUATE, to come t...
frugalista 22 17 a person who tries t...
frugalists 23 17 FRUGALIST, a person...
frugalness 21 18 the state of being f...
frugivores 23 20 FRUGIVORE, an animal...
fruitarian 19 15 a person who lives o...
fruitcakes 24 21 FRUITCAKE, (colloqui...
fruiterers 20 14 FRUITERER, one who s...
fruiteress 20 14 a woman who sells fr...
fruiteries 20 14 FRUITERY, a place fo...
fruitfully 32 22 FRUITFUL, productive...
fruitiness 20 15 the state of being f...
fruitwoods 23 18 FRUITWOOD, the wood...
frumenties 20 18 FRUMENTY, a wheat di...
frumpiness 23 21 the state of being f...
frumpishly 34 25 FRUMPISH, somewhat l...
frusemides 21 18 FRUSEMIDE, a synthet...
frustrated 20 15 FRUSTRATE, to thwart...
frustrater 20 14 one who frustrates [...
frustrates 20 14 FRUSTRATE, to thwart...
frutescent 22 18 like or resembling a...
frutifying 30 22 FRUTIFY, (Shakespear...
fucivorous 25 22 eating fruit [adj]
fugacities 24 19 FUGACITY, lack of en...
fugitation 20 17 in Scots law, abscon...
fugitively 31 23 FUGITIVE, fleeing [a...
fulfillers 26 20 FULFILLER, one who f...
fulfilling 27 23 the act of bringing...
fulfilment 25 23 completion, also FUL...
fulgencies 24 21 FULGENCY, brightness...
fulgurated 22 19 FULGURATE, to flash...
fulgurates 22 18 FULGURATE, to flash...
fulgurites 23 18 FULGURITE, a vitrifi...
fuliginous 22 19 sooty; having a dark...
fullbloods 25 21 FULLBLOOD, a person...
fullerenes 20 17 FULLERENE, a ball-sh...
fullerides 22 17 FULLERIDE, a compoun...
fullerites 22 16 FULLERITE, a crystal...
fullnesses 21 17 FULLNESS, the state...
fulminants 21 20 FULMINANT, a thunder...
fulminated 21 20 FULMINATE, to send f...
fulminates 21 19 FULMINATE, to send f...
fulminator 21 19 one who fulminates [...
fulmineous 21 20 pertaining to thunde...
fumatories 20 17 FUMATORY, a place fo...
fumatorium 22 21 (Latin) a place for...
fumblingly 33 27 FUMBLING [adv]
fumigating 23 22 FUMIGATE, to subject...
fumigation 21 20 the act of fumigatin...
fumigators 22 19 FUMIGATOR, one who f...
fumigatory 28 21 having the quality o...
fumitories 21 17 FUMITORY, a plant on...
fumosities 21 17 FUMOSITY, a fuming c...
functional 22 20 serving a function [...
functioned 21 20 FUNCTION, to perform...
fundaments 19 20 FUNDAMENT, the butto...
fundholder 22 20 a person who has mon...
fundraised 19 17 FUNDRAISE, to raise...
fundraiser 19 16 one who raises funds...
fundraises 19 16 FUNDRAISE, to raise...
funereally 26 19 FUNEREAL, pertaining...
fungicidal 25 22 having the propertie...
fungicides 24 21 FUNGICIDE, an agent...
fungistats 21 17 FUNGISTAT, a substan...
funiculars 24 20 FUNICULAR, a cable r...
funiculate 23 20 forming a narrow rid...
funnelform 22 23 having the form of a...
funnelling 21 21 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
furacities 23 17 FURACITY, a thievish...
furanoside 18 16 a glycoside containi...
furbearers 21 17 FURBEARER, an animal...
furbelowed 25 22 FURBELOW, to decorat...
furbishers 25 19 FURBISHER, one who f...
furbishing 26 22 FURBISH, to rub or s...
furcations 22 18 FURCATION, a branchi...
furfuroles 23 19 FURFUROLE, a liquid...
furloughed 24 21 FURLOUGH, to grant a...
furmenties 20 18 FURMENTY, a wheat di...
furniments 20 19 FURNIMENT, (Spenser)...
furnishers 22 17 FURNISHER, one who f...
furnishing 23 20 furniture [n -S]
furnitures 20 16 FURNITURE, movables,...
furosemide 20 18 a synthetic diuretic...
furrieries 20 14 FURRIERY, the busine...
furrowless 24 18 without a furrow [ad...
furtherers 22 16 FURTHERER, one who f...
furthering 23 19 FURTHER, to help for...
furuncular 24 21 of or pertaining to...
fusibility 31 20 the quality of being...
fusilladed 22 18 FUSILLADE, to discha...
fusillades 22 17 FUSILLADE, a simulta...
fusionisms 21 18 FUSIONISM, a policy...
fusionists 20 15 FUSIONIST, an advoca...
fusionless 20 16 (Scots) weak, feeble...
fussbudget 24 21 (US) one who is fuss...
fustanella 20 17 (Italian) a white ki...
fustanelle 20 17 a white kilt worn by...
fustianise 19 15 to write bombastical...
fustianist 20 15 a writer of fustian...
fustianize 22 24 to write bombastical...
fustigated 21 17 FUSTIGATE, (obsolete...
fustigates 21 16 FUSTIGATE, (obsolete...
fustigator 21 16 one who fustigates,...
fusulinids 22 18 FUSULINID, any of a...
futileness 20 16 futility [n -ES]
futilities 22 15 FUTILITY, uselessnes...
futureless 21 16 without prospect of...
futuristic 25 18 of or relating to fu...
futurities 21 15 FUTURITY, the state...
futurition 20 16 future existence; ti...
futurology 28 20 the study of the fut...