10 letter words that starts with a

10 letter words that start with A

10 letter A word


Word With Friends


aardwolves 22 19 AARDWOLF, a hyena-li...
abacterial 22 17 not caused by or cha...
abandonees 15 16 ABANDONEE, one to wh...
abandoners 16 16 ABANDONER, one who a...
abandoning 17 19 ABANDON, to leave or...
abasements 18 17 ABASEMENT, the state...
abashments 21 19 ABASHMENT, the state...
abatements 18 17 ABATEMENT, a diminut...
abbotships 26 21 ABBOTSHIP, the offic...
abbreviate 22 20 to make briefer [v A...
abcoulombs 26 24 ABCOULOMB, the unit...
abdicating 23 20 ABDICATE, to renounc...
abdication 21 18 an act of abdicating...
abdicative 24 21 relating to abdicati...
abdicators 22 17 ABDICATOR, one who a...
abdominals 20 19 ABDOMINAL, an abdomi...
abdominous 19 19 potbellied [adj]
abducentes 21 19 ABDUCENS, a cranial...
abductions 22 19 ABDUCTION, the act o...
abductores 22 18 ABDUCTOR, a person w...
aberdevine 19 19 a bird-fancier's nam...
aberrances 20 17 ABERRANCE, the state...
aberrantly 25 17 ABERRANT, wandering...
aberrating 19 16 ABERRATE, to go astr...
aberration 17 14 an instance of being...
abeyancies 26 19 ABEYANCY, a state of...
abhorrence 22 19 the act of abhorring...
abhorrency 29 21 (obsolete) the act o...
abhorrings 22 18 ABHORRING, an object...
abiogenist 19 16 a believer in abioge...
abiotrophy 29 20 bodily or mental los...
abirritant 19 14 any drug or agent th...
abirritate 19 13 to soothe or make le...
abiturient 19 15 a pupil leaving scho...
abjections 23 26 ABJECTION, the act o...
abjectness 23 26 the state of being a...
abjointing 21 26 ABJOINT, to cut off...
abjunction 23 28 the act of abjointin...
abjuration 20 24 the act of abjuring...
ablatively 29 21 ABLATIVE, indicating...
ablutomane 19 19 one obsessed with wa...
abnegating 19 19 ABNEGATE, to renounc...
abnegation 17 17 an act of abnegating...
abnegators 18 16 ABNEGATOR, one who a...
abnormally 27 21 ABNORMAL, not normal...
abodements 18 18 ABODEMENT, (obsolete...
abolishers 22 16 ABOLISHER, one who a...
abolishing 23 19 ABOLISH, to put an e...
abolitions 19 15 ABOLITION, the act o...
abominable 21 21 hateful, detestable,...
abominably 28 23 ABOMINABLE, hateful,...
abominated 18 18 ABOMINATE, to loathe...
abominates 18 17 ABOMINATE, to loathe...
abominator 18 17 one who abominates [...
abondances 19 19 ABONDANCE, a call in...
abonnement 16 19 (French) a subscript...
aboriginal 20 17 indigenous [adj ABOR...
aborigines 19 16 ABORIGINE, a member...
aborticide 22 17 the killing of a fet...
abortional 18 15 pertaining to aborti...
abortively 28 20 ABORTIVE, failing to...
aboveboard 21 21 in a straightforward...
abranchial 24 20 lacking gills, also...
abrasively 28 20 ABRASIVE, capable of...
abreacting 22 19 ABREACT, to resolve...
abreaction 20 17 the resolution of a...
abreactive 23 20 relating to abreacti...
abridgable 23 20 that can abridged, a...
abridgment 21 20 the act of abridging...
abrogating 20 18 ABROGATE, to repeal...
abrogation 18 16 the act of abrogatin...
abrogative 21 19 relating to annulmen...
abrogators 19 15 ABROGATOR, one who a...
abruptions 21 18 ABRUPTION, a sudden,...
abruptness 21 18 the quality of being...
abscessing 23 19 ABSCESS, to form an...
abscinding 23 21 ABSCIND, to cut off...
abscissins 23 17 ABSCISSIN, abscisic...
abscission 22 17 the act of cutting o...
absconders 21 18 ABSCONDER, one who a...
absconding 22 21 ABSCOND, to depart s...
abseilings 21 17 ABSEILING, the act o...
absinthism 23 19 a disease resembling...
absolutely 27 18 ABSOLUTE, unconditio...
absolutest 20 15 ABSOLUTE, unconditio...
absolution 19 16 remission of sins, d...
absolutise 20 15 to make absolute [v...
absolutism 22 18 the doctrine of gove...
absolutist 21 15 one who believes in...
absolutive 22 19 a grammatical case [...
absolutize 23 24 to make absolute [v...
absolutory 26 17 forgiving or absolvi...
absolvable 24 22 capable of being abs...
absolvents 21 19 ABSOLVENT, something...
absolvitor 22 18 in Scots law, a judg...
absorbable 23 20 that can be absorbed...
absorbance 22 20 the ability of a sub...
absorbancy 29 22 the state of being a...
absorbants 20 17 ABSORBANT, an absorb...
absorbates 20 16 ABSORBATE, an absorb...
absorbedly 28 20 ABSORBED [adv]
absorbency 29 22 the state of being a...
absorbents 20 17 ABSORBENT, an absorb...
absorption 20 17 the process of absor...
absorptive 23 20 capable of absorbing...
abstainers 18 14 ABSTAINER, one who a...
abstaining 19 17 ABSTAIN, to refrain...
abstemious 20 17 sparing, esp. in mat...
abstention 17 15 the act of abstainin...
abstergent 19 16 serving to cleanse,...
absterging 21 18 ABSTERGE, to cleanse...
abstersion 18 14 the act of wiping cl...
abstersive 21 17 serving to cleanse o...
abstinence 20 18 voluntary forbearanc...
abstinency 27 20 voluntary forbearanc...
abstracted 22 17 ABSTRACT, to draw aw...
abstracter 22 16 one who abstracts or...
abstractly 30 19 ABSTRACT, difficult...
abstractor 22 16 one who abstracts, a...
abstricted 23 17 ABSTRICT, to set fre...
abstrusely 27 17 ABSTRUSE, difficult...
abstrusest 20 14 ABSTRUSE, difficult...
abstrusity 27 16 the state of being a...
absurdisms 22 18 ABSURDISM, the doctr...
absurdists 21 15 ABSURDIST, a person...
absurdness 19 16 the state of being a...
abundances 20 20 ABUNDANCE, the state...
abundantly 25 20 ABUNDANT, in great q...
academical 24 21 related to learning,...
academisms 22 20 ACADEMISM, the doctr...
academists 21 17 ACADEMIST, a person...
acalculias 25 19 ACALCULIA, an inabil...
acalephans 23 20 ACALEPHAN, any cnida...
acanaceous 20 18 bearing prickles or...
acanthuses 21 17 ACANTHUS, a prickly...
acaricidal 24 18 relating to an acari...
acaricides 23 17 ACARICIDE, a substan...
acarideans 18 15 ACARIDEAN, a mite or...
acaridians 19 15 ACARIDIAN, a mite or...
acarophily 31 21 the symbiotic associ...
acarpelous 22 18 (US) having no carpe...
acatalepsy 28 19 the sceptic doctrine...
acathisias 22 15 ACATHISIA, a psychol...
accedences 24 21 ACCEDENCE, the act o...
accelerant 22 18 an accelerating agen...
accelerate 22 17 to bring about at an...
accensions 21 18 ACCENSION, the act o...
accentless 23 18 without an accent [a...
accentuate 21 18 to emphasize [v ACCE...
acceptable 27 23 that can be accepted...
acceptably 34 25 ACCEPTABLE, that can...
acceptance 26 23 the act of accepting...
acceptancy 33 25 the act of accepting...
acceptants 24 20 ACCEPTANT, one who a...
acceptedly 32 23 ACCEPTED [adv]
accessible 26 20 able to be accessed...
accessibly 33 22 ACCESSIBLE, able to...
accessions 22 17 ACCESSION, to record...
accessorii 23 16 ACCESSORIUS, a muscl...
accidences 25 21 ACCIDENCE, the scien...
accidental 23 19 by accident [adj ACC...
accidented 22 19 uneven, varied [adj]
accidently 30 21 ACCIDENT [adv]
accipiters 26 19 ACCIPITER, (Latin) a...
accipitral 27 20 like an accipiter, a...
acclaimers 25 20 ACCLAIMER, one who a...
acclaiming 26 23 ACCLAIM, to shout ap...
acclimated 25 21 ACCLIMATE, (US) to h...
acclimates 25 20 ACCLIMATE, (US) to h...
accoasting 23 19 ACCOAST, to lie or s...
accolading 24 21 ACCOLADE, to give an...
accomplice 30 26 one associated with...
accomplish 30 25 to bring about (a re...
accomptant 25 23 an accountant, also...
accompting 27 25 ACCOMPT, to explain...
accoraging 24 21 ACCORAGE, (Spenser)...
accordable 25 21 agreeing [adj]
accordance 24 21 agreement, also ACCO...
accordancy 31 23 accordance, also ACC...
accordions 22 18 ACCORDION, a musical...
accostable 25 20 approachable; affabl...
accoucheur 28 23 (French) a male midw...
accountant 21 19 one skilled in the p...
accounting 23 21 the setting up, main...
accouraged 23 20 ACCOURAGE, (Spenser)...
accourages 23 19 ACCOURAGE, (Spenser)...
accourting 24 20 ACCOURT, to entertai...
accoutered 22 18 ACCOUTER, (US) to dr...
accoutring 24 20 ACCOUTRE, to dress o...
accredited 23 18 ACCREDIT, to accept...
accrescent 25 20 growing larger even...
accretions 22 17 ACCRETION, accumulat...
accruement 23 21 the act of accruing...
accubation 24 21 the act of reclining...
accultural 26 20 relating to accultur...
accumbency 35 29 the state of being a...
accumulate 25 22 to gather or pile up...
accuracies 26 20 ACCURACY, exactness...
accurately 30 20 ACCURATE, free from...
accursedly 31 21 ACCURSED [adv]
accusation 22 18 the act of accusing...
accusative 25 21 accusing [adj ACCUSA...
accusatory 29 19 containing or expres...
accusement 23 21 (Spenser) an accusat...
accusingly 32 23 ACCUSING, expressing...
accustomed 24 21 ACCUSTOM, to make fa...
acephalous 24 20 lacking a head or a...
aceraceous 21 17 relating to a plant...
acerbating 22 19 ACERBATE, to embitte...
acerbities 22 16 ACERBITY, sourness [...
acervately 28 20 ACERVATE, heaped [ad...
acervation 20 18 the action of heapin...
acescences 24 20 ACESCENCE, the act o...
acetabular 22 18 cup-shaped; saucer-s...
acetabulum 24 22 (Latin) a cuplike ho...
acetamides 20 17 ACETAMIDE, a white c...
acetanilid 20 16 a white crystalline...
acetifiers 22 16 ACETIFIER, an agent...
acetifying 29 21 ACETIFY, to convert...
acetometer 19 16 a device for measuri...
acetonemia 18 17 an abnormal increase...
acetonuria 18 15 the presence of acet...
acetylated 26 17 ACETYLATE, to introd...
acetylates 26 16 ACETYLATE, to introd...
acetylenes 25 17 ACETYLENE, a colourl...
acetylenic 29 20 of or like acetylene...
acetylides 27 17 ACETYLIDE, any of a...
achaeniums 22 20 ACHAENIUM, a small o...
achalasias 22 16 ACHALASIA, (Greek) f...
achievable 26 23 that can be achieved...
achinesses 21 16 ACHINESS, the state...
achondrite 21 17 a stony meteorite wi...
achromatic 26 21 free from colour; tr...
achromatin 22 19 tissue which is not...
aciclovirs 27 21 ACICLOVIR, a drug us...
aciculated 24 19 marked as if with ne...
acidically 32 21 ACIDIC, sour, acid [...
acidifiers 23 17 ACIDIFIER, an agent...
acidifying 30 22 ACIDIFY, to render a...
acidimeter 21 17 an instrument for me...
acidimetry 28 19 the measurement of t...
acidnesses 19 15 ACIDNESS, acidity; s...
acidometer 20 17 a type of hydrometer...
acidophile 25 20 a substance, tissue...
acidophils 26 20 ACIDOPHIL, a substan...
acidulated 21 17 ACIDULATE, to make a...
acidulates 21 16 ACIDULATE, to make a...
acierating 20 16 ACIERATE, to turn in...
acieration 18 14 the process of turni...
acinaceous 21 18 full of kernels [adj...
acoelomate 19 17 an animal that lacks...
acolouthic 26 20 pertaining to an aft...
acolouthos 22 17 (historical) the hea...
aconitines 18 15 ACONITINE, a poisono...
acotyledon 25 18 a plant without diff...
acoustical 24 18 relating to the scie...
acquainted 27 25 ACQUAINT, to cause t...
acquiesced 31 27 ACQUIESCE, to agree,...
acquiesces 31 26 ACQUIESCE, to agree,...
acquirable 31 27 able to be acquired...
acquisitor 29 23 one who makes an acq...
acquitment 29 27 (obsolete) acquittal...
acquittals 30 24 ACQUITTAL, the act o...
acquitters 29 23 ACQUITTER, one who a...
acquitting 30 26 ACQUIT, to free from...
acridities 21 14 ACRIDITY, the state...
acriflavin 25 22 an antiseptic, also...
acrimonies 20 17 ACRIMONY, bitterness...
acritarchs 26 18 ACRITARCH, any of a...
acroamatic 23 19 abstruse, esoteric,...
acrobatics 25 19 the art, performance...
acrobatism 23 19 the art of the acrob...
acrogenous 19 17 like or relating to...
acrolithic 27 19 pertaining to, or li...
acromegaly 28 21 a glandular disorder...
acronychal 31 22 occurring at nightfa...
acronymous 26 20 of or like an acrony...
acrophobes 25 21 ACROPHOBE, someone w...
acrophobia 25 21 fear of heights [n -...
acrophobic 29 24 suffering from acrop...
acrophonic 26 22 relating to acrophon...
acrospires 22 16 ACROSPIRE, the first...
acrostical 24 17 pertaining to, or ch...
acroterial 20 14 pertaining to an acr...
acroterion 18 14 a pedestal or orname...
acroterium 21 17 a pedestal or orname...
acrylamide 28 20 an amide used in the...
actability 30 19 the ability to be ac...
actiniform 23 20 having a radiate for...
actinolite 20 15 a bright green varie...
actinomere 19 17 one of any opposite...
actinopods 21 18 ACTINOPOD, any proto...
actinozoan 20 24 belonging to the cla...
actionable 21 18 that can be actioned...
actionably 28 20 ACTIONABLE, that can...
actionists 20 14 ACTIONIST, a shareho...
actionless 20 15 marked by inaction [...
activating 23 20 ACTIVATE, to set in...
activation 21 18 the act of activatin...
activators 22 17 ACTIVATOR, one who a...
activeness 21 18 the quality of being...
activising 24 20 ACTIVISE, to activat...
activistic 27 20 relating to activism...
activities 23 17 ACTIVITY, the state...
activizing 27 29 ACTIVIZE, to activat...
actomyosin 26 19 a protein found in s...
actualised 21 16 ACTUALISE, to make a...
actualises 21 15 ACTUALISE, to make a...
actualists 22 15 ACTUALIST, a person...
actualites 21 15 ACTUALITE, (French)...
actualized 24 25 ACTUALIZE, to make a...
actualizes 24 24 ACTUALIZE, to make a...
actuations 19 15 ACTUATION, a bringin...
acuminated 20 19 ACUMINATE, to sharpe...
acuminates 20 18 ACUMINATE, to sharpe...
acyclovirs 33 23 ACYCLOVIR, a drug us...
acylations 26 17 ACYLATION, the act o...
adactylous 27 18 lacking fingers or c...
adamancies 19 18 ADAMANCY, unyielding...
adamantean 14 16 (Milton) of adamant;...
adamantine 15 16 of adamant; hard as...
adaptation 17 15 the act of adapting,...
adaptative 20 18 adaptive [adj]
adaptively 28 21 ADAPTIVE, able to be...
adaptivity 28 20 the quality of being...
adaptogens 18 17 ADAPTOGEN, any of va...
adderbeads 18 16 ADDERBEAD, a prehist...
adderstone 15 13 a prehistoric spindl...
adderworts 20 15 ADDERWORT, the commo...
addictions 20 16 ADDICTION, the state...
additament 17 16 a thing added or app...
additional 17 14 existing by way of a...
additively 27 19 ADDITIVE, in additio...
additivity 27 18 the quality of being...
addlements 18 17 ADDLEMENT, the state...
addlepated 19 17 muddleheaded [adj]
addressees 16 12 ADDRESSEE, one who i...
addressers 17 12 ADDRESSER, one who a...
addressing 18 15 the act of apeaking...
addressors 17 12 ADDRESSOR, one who a...
adduceable 22 20 that can be adduced...
adductions 20 17 ADDUCTION, the act o...
adelantado 15 14 (Spanish) a governor...
ademptions 19 18 ADEMPTION, the revok...
adenectomy 25 20 the surgical removal...
adenitises 16 12 ADENITIS, inflammati...
adenopathy 25 19 enlargement of the l...
adenosines 14 13 ADENOSINE, a nucleot...
adenoviral 18 17 relating to an adeno...
adenovirus 18 17 any of a group of vi...
adequacies 27 24 ADEQUACY, the state...
adequately 31 24 ADEQUATE, sufficient...
adequative 26 25 tending to be or mak...
adherences 20 17 ADHERENCE, the state...
adherently 25 17 ADHERENT, sticking,...
adhesional 18 15 relating to adhesion...
adhesively 28 20 ADHESIVE, sticking [...
adhibiting 23 19 ADHIBIT, to attach;...
adhibition 21 17 the act of adhibitin...
adiabatics 22 17 ADIABATIC, a curve o...
adiactinic 23 18 denoting a substance...
adiaphoron 19 17 a tenet or belief on...
adipoceres 21 17 ADIPOCERE, (Latin) a...
adipocytes 28 19 ADIPOCYTE, a fat cel...
adjacences 23 27 ADJACENCE, the state...
adjacently 28 27 ADJACENT, next to [a...
adjectival 25 28 using many adjective...
adjectives 24 27 ADJECTIVE, a word ad...
adjourning 19 25 ADJOURN, to suspend...
adjudgment 21 28 the act of adjudging...
adjudicate 22 25 to settle judicially...
adjunction 21 26 the act of joining;...
adjunctive 24 29 joining; forming an...
adjuration 18 22 the act of adjuring;...
adjuratory 25 23 containing an adjura...
adjustable 22 25 that can be adjusted...
adjustably 29 27 ADJUSTABLE, that can...
adjustment 20 25 the act of adjusting...
admeasured 17 16 ADMEASURE, to measur...
admeasures 17 15 ADMEASURE, to measur...
adminicles 22 19 ADMINICLE, that whic...
administer 18 15 to manage or supervi...
admirances 20 18 ADMIRANCE, (Spenser)...
admiration 17 15 delighted or astonis...
admirative 20 18 (archaic) relating t...
admiraunce 20 19 (Spenser) admiration...
admiringly 27 20 ADMIRING [adv]
admissible 22 18 that can be admitted...
admissions 18 15 ADMISSION, the act o...
admittable 21 18 that can be admitted...
admittance 20 18 the act of admitting...
admittedly 26 18 granting that [adv]
admixtures 25 22 ADMIXTURE, the actio...
admonished 19 18 ADMONISH, to reprove...
admonisher 19 17 one who admonishes [...
admonishes 19 17 ADMONISH, to reprove...
admonition 16 16 gentle or friendly r...
admonitive 19 19 of or like an admoni...
admonitors 17 15 ADMONITOR, an admoni...
admonitory 23 17 warning, also ADMONI...
adnominals 17 17 ADNOMINAL, a word at...
adolescent 19 16 in the state of adol...
adoptively 28 21 ADOPTIVE, due to ado...
adorations 15 12 ADORATION, the act o...
adornments 16 16 ADORNMENT, the act o...
adpressing 20 17 ADPRESS, to press to...
adrenaline 15 14 a hormone secreted b...
adrenalins 16 14 ADRENALIN, a hormone...
adrenergic 20 17 released or activate...
adriamycin 27 20 a trade name of the...
adroitness 16 12 the quality of being...
adsorbable 21 18 that can be adsorbed...
adsorbates 18 14 ADSORBATE, a substan...
adsorbents 18 15 ADSORBENT, a substan...
adsorption 18 15 the adhering of atom...
adsorptive 21 18 relating to adsorpti...
adulations 17 14 ADULATION, the act o...
adulterant 17 14 that which is used t...
adulterate 17 13 to make impure by th...
adulterers 18 13 ADULTERER, one who c...
adulteress 18 13 a female adulterer,...
adulteries 18 13 ADULTERY, voluntary...
adulterine 17 14 an offspring of adul...
adulterise 18 13 (archaic) to commit...
adulterize 21 22 (archaic) to commit...
adulterous 18 14 relating to, charact...
adulthoods 20 16 ADULTHOOD, the state...
adumbrated 20 19 ADUMBRATE, to foresh...
adumbrates 20 18 ADUMBRATE, to foresh...
aduncities 20 16 ADUNCITY, state of b...
advantaged 18 19 ADVANTAGE, to confer...
advantages 18 18 ADVANTAGE, to confer...
advections 21 19 ADVECTION, the horiz...
adventitia 18 16 the outermost coveri...
adventives 20 20 ADVENTIVE, a thing o...
adventured 18 18 ADVENTURE, to risk,...
adventurer 18 17 one who adventures [...
adventures 18 17 ADVENTURE, to risk,...
adverbials 22 19 ADVERBIAL, an adverb...
adversaria 18 15 miscellaneous notes;...
advertence 20 19 the act of adverting...
advertency 27 21 the act of adverting...
advertised 19 16 ADVERTISE, to draw a...
advertiser 19 15 one who advertises,...
advertises 19 15 ADVERTISE, to draw a...
advertized 22 25 ADVERTIZE, to draw a...
advertizer 22 24 one who advertises,...
advertizes 22 24 ADVERTIZE, to draw a...
advisatory 25 17 having the attribute...
advisement 19 19 counsel; advice, als...
advisorate 18 15 the body of advisors...
advisories 19 15 ADVISORY, a report g...
advocacies 24 21 ADVOCACY, the functi...
advocating 22 21 ADVOCATE, to plead i...
advocation 20 19 the act of advocatin...
advocative 23 22 relating to the func...
advocators 21 18 ADVOCATOR, one who a...
advocatory 27 20 of or pertaining to...
advoutrers 19 16 ADVOUTRER, (obsolete...
advoutries 19 16 ADVOUTRY, (obsolete)...
aeciospore 20 16 a spore produced in...
aedileship 22 17 the office of an aed...
aeolipiles 20 15 AEOLIPILE, the first...
aeolipyles 26 17 AEOLIPYLE, the first...
aeolotropy 24 16 variation in physica...
aerenchyma 27 21 respiratory tissue [...
aerialists 18 11 AERIALIST, one who p...
aerobatics 21 16 spectacular flying f...
aerobicise 21 16 to make aerobic, als...
aerobicist 22 16 one who practises ae...
aerobicize 24 25 to make aerobic, als...
aerobionts 17 14 AEROBIONT, an aerobe...
aerobioses 17 13 AEROBIOSIS, life in...
aerobiosis 18 13 life in the presence...
aerobiotic 21 16 related to, or of th...
aerobraked 18 18 AEROBRAKE, to use a...
aerobrakes 18 17 AEROBRAKE, to use a...
aerobusses 18 14 AEROBUS, a type of m...
aerodromes 16 14 AERODROME, a place f...
aerogramme 18 18 an airmail letter, a...
aerographs 21 17 AEROGRAPH, an airbor...
aerography 27 19 a description of the...
aerologies 17 13 AEROLOGY, the study...
aerologist 18 13 one versed in aerolo...
aerometers 16 13 AEROMETER, an instru...
aerometric 20 16 of or pertaining to...
aeromotors 16 13 AEROMOTOR, an engine...
aeronautic 18 15 relating to aeronaut...
aeronomers 15 14 AERONOMER, one who s...
aeronomies 15 14 AERONOMY, the study...
aeronomist 16 14 one who studies aero...
aeropauses 17 14 AEROPAUSE, the regio...
aerophagia 20 17 spasmodic swallowing...
aerophobes 21 18 AEROPHOBE, a person...
aerophobia 21 18 fear of flying or dr...
aerophobic 25 21 having a morbid fear...
aerophones 18 16 AEROPHONE, any wind...
aerophores 19 15 AEROPHORE, a device...
aerophytes 26 17 AEROPHYTE, a plant o...
aeroplanes 17 15 AEROPLANE, a flying...
aeropulses 19 15 AEROPULSE, a type of...
aeroscopes 20 16 AEROSCOPE, a device...
aeroshells 20 14 AEROSHELL, a form of...
aerosolise 16 11 to turn into an aero...
aerosolize 19 20 to turn into an aero...
aerospaces 20 16 AEROSPACE, the Earth...
aerosphere 19 15 the entire atmospher...
aerospikes 19 17 AEROSPIKE, a rocket...
aerostatic 19 13 relating to aerostat...
aerotactic 22 16 relating to or showi...
aerotrains 15 11 AEROTRAIN, a train d...
aerotropic 21 16 showing aerotropism,...
aeruginous 17 15 relating to copper-r...
aesthesias 18 12 AESTHESIA, the abili...
aesthetics 22 15 the principles of ta...
aestivated 18 15 AESTIVATE, to pass t...
aestivates 18 14 AESTIVATE, to pass t...
aestivator 18 14 an animal that aesti...
affability 31 22 the quality of being...
affectable 26 23 that can be affected...
affectedly 31 23 AFFECTED [adv]
affections 23 20 AFFECTION, to love [...
affectless 25 20 without affect [adj]
affeerment 20 20 the act of affeering...
afferently 27 20 AFFERENT, bearing, b...
affettuoso 20 17 a musical direction...
affiancing 24 23 AFFIANCE, to betroth...
affidavits 24 21 AFFIDAVIT, (Latin) a...
affiliable 25 21 capable of being aff...
affiliated 22 18 AFFILIATE, to adopt...
affiliates 22 17 AFFILIATE, to adopt...
affinities 21 17 AFFINITY, a natural...
affinitive 23 21 closely connected, a...
affirmable 25 23 that can be affirmed...
affirmance 24 23 confirmation; ratifi...
affirmants 22 20 AFFIRMANT, one who a...
affixation 26 24 the act of affixing...
affixments 28 27 AFFIXMENT, something...
affixtures 28 24 AFFIXTURE, something...
afflations 21 18 AFFLATION, the act o...
afflatuses 22 18 AFFLATUS, inspiratio...
afflicters 26 20 AFFLICTER, one who a...
afflicting 27 23 the act of distressi...
affliction 25 21 the state of being a...
afflictive 28 24 causing distress [ad...
affluences 24 22 AFFLUENCE, the state...
affluently 29 22 AFFLUENT, wealthy [a...
affluenzas 24 28 AFFLUENZA, a malaise...
affluxions 28 26 AFFLUXION, a flowing...
affoording 21 20 AFFOORD, (Spenser) t...
affordable 23 21 that can be afforded...
affordably 30 23 AFFORDABLE, that can...
afforested 20 17 AFFOREST, to cover w...
affrapping 26 25 AFFRAP, (Spenser) to...
affricated 24 20 AFFRICATE, to sound...
affricates 24 19 AFFRICATE, a consona...
affrighted 25 21 AFFRIGHT, to frighte...
affrighten 24 21 to frighten, also AF...
affronting 21 20 causing affront [adj...
affrontive 22 21 tending to affront o...
aficionada 20 18 a female aficionado...
aficionado 20 18 (Spanish) a devotee,...
aflatoxins 25 22 AFLATOXIN, a toxin p...
afrormosia 19 16 a dense tropical har...
afterbirth 24 18 the placenta and fet...
afterbrain 20 17 a nontechnical name...
aftercares 21 16 AFTERCARE, care subs...
afterclaps 25 20 AFTERCLAP, an unexpe...
afterdamps 22 20 AFTERDAMP, poisonous...
afterdecks 23 21 AFTERDECK, a deck be...
aftereying 25 18 AFTEREYE, (Shakespea...
aftergames 20 18 AFTERGAME, a rematch...
afterglows 24 19 AFTERGLOW, a glow re...
aftergrass 20 15 the grass that grows...
afterguard 20 17 a sailor or group of...
afterheats 20 15 AFTERHEAT, the heat...
afterimage 20 18 a usually visual sen...
afterlifes 22 17 AFTERLIFE, life afte...
afterlives 22 18 AFTERLIFE, life afte...
aftermaths 22 18 AFTERMATH, a second...
afternoons 16 15 AFTERNOON, the time...
afterpains 20 17 AFTERPAIN, pain that...
afterparty 27 18 a small party held a...
afterpeaks 21 20 AFTERPEAK, space beh...
afterpiece 23 19 a minor piece after...
aftersales 19 14 after a sale has bee...
aftershaft 23 18 the second shaft com...
aftershave 22 19 a usually scented lo...
aftershock 25 22 an earthquake that f...
aftershows 24 18 AFTERSHOW, a party h...
afterswarm 23 19 a second swarm or ca...
aftertaste 18 13 persistence of a sen...
aftertimes 20 16 AFTERTIME, the time...
afterwards 22 17 at a later time, als...
afterwords 22 17 AFTERWORD, an epilog...
afterworld 23 18 a future world [n -S...
agalactias 21 16 AGALACTIA, the failu...
agamically 30 22 AGAMIC, asexual, als...
agapanthus 21 19 a genus of lily nati...
agatewares 19 15 AGATEWARE, a form of...
agednesses 16 14 AGEDNESS, the state...
agendaless 17 15 without an agenda [a...
agentivity 26 19 the state of being a...
agflations 20 17 AGFLATION, an econom...
agglutinin 20 18 a substance in blood...
aggrandise 18 16 to increase the powe...
aggrandize 21 25 to increase the powe...
aggravated 20 19 AGGRAVATE, to make w...
aggravates 20 18 AGGRAVATE, to make w...
aggregated 19 17 AGGREGATE, to cause...
aggregates 19 16 AGGREGATE, to cause...
aggregator 19 16 one who aggregates [...
aggressing 20 17 AGGRESS, to attack f...
aggression 18 15 a forceful action in...
aggressive 21 18 tending toward or ex...
aggressors 19 14 AGGRESSOR, one who a...
aggrieving 22 21 AGGRIEVE, to distres...
agistments 19 16 AGISTMENT, a land ta...
agitatedly 25 16 AGITATED [adv]
agitations 17 13 AGITATION, the act o...
agnoiology 24 18 the science or study...
agnolottis 18 14 AGNOLOTTI, a dish of...
agonisedly 24 17 AGONISED [adv]
agonistics 21 16 (archaic) the art an...
agonizedly 27 26 AGONIZED [adv]
agoraphobe 22 20 one with a morbid fe...
agreements 17 16 AGREEMENT, concord,...
agregation 17 15 (French) the examina...
agrimonies 18 16 AGRIMONY, a perennia...
agrodolces 21 17 AGRODOLCE, an Italia...
agrologies 19 15 AGROLOGY, the scienc...
agrologist 20 15 a student of agrolog...
agronomial 18 17 relating to agronomy...
agronomics 21 19 the science dealing...
agronomies 17 16 AGRONOMY, rural econ...
agronomist 18 16 one versed in agrono...
agrostemma 19 18 a European caryophyl...
agrypnotic 29 21 a drug or agent that...
agterskots 19 16 AGTERSKOT, (Afrikaan...
ahorseback 24 22 (archaic) on horseba...
ahuruhurus 23 18 AHURUHURU, (Maori) a...
airbrushed 22 17 AIRBRUSH, to apply a...
airbrushes 22 16 AIRBRUSH, to apply a...
airbursted 20 15 AIRBURST, to explode...
aircoaches 24 18 AIRCOACH, the cheape...
airdropped 21 18 AIRDROP, to drop fro...
airfreight 23 17 to transport freight...
airinesses 16 11 AIRINESS, the state...
airlifting 22 17 AIRLIFT, to transpor...
airmailing 20 17 AIRMAIL, to send mai...
airmanship 22 19 skill in piloting or...
airproofed 20 17 AIRPROOF, to make im...
airstreams 18 13 AIRSTREAM, a flow of...
airstrikes 19 14 AIRSTRIKE, an attack...
aitchbones 23 19 AITCHBONE, the rump...
akathisias 20 16 AKATHISIA, a psychol...
akolouthos 20 18 (historical) the hea...
alabamines 19 18 ALABAMINE, an altern...
alabandine 17 17 a deep red garnet co...
alabandite 18 16 a cubic mineral, mag...
alabasters 19 14 ALABASTER, a soft, s...
alablaster 20 15 (obsolete) alabaster...
alacrities 21 14 ALACRITY, cheerful p...
alacritous 21 15 showing alacrity [ad...
alarmingly 27 20 ALARMING [adv]
albarellos 21 16 ALBARELLO, (Italian)...
albertites 20 14 ALBERTITE, a bitumin...
albescence 24 21 the act of becoming...
albespines 21 18 ALBESPINE, (archaic)...
albespynes 27 20 ALBESPYNE, (archaic)...
albinesses 19 15 ALBINESS, (archaic)...
albinistic 24 18 affected with albini...
albinoisms 21 18 ALBINOISM, the state...
albitising 22 17 ALBITISE, to turn in...
albitizing 25 26 ALBITIZE, to turn in...
albumblatt 25 22 (German) a short occ...
albumenise 20 19 to cover or impregna...
albumenize 23 28 to cover or impregna...
albuminate 20 19 a substance produced...
albuminise 21 19 to cover or impregna...
albuminize 24 28 to cover or impregna...
albuminoid 21 20 an old name for prot...
albuminous 21 20 of or like albumen [...
albuterols 21 16 ALBUTEROL, a drug us...
alcaiceria 23 17 (Spanish) a bazaar [...
alcarrazas 23 23 ALCARRAZA, (Arabic)...
alcatrases 20 14 ALCATRAS, a kind of...
alchemical 28 23 relating to alchemy,...
alchemised 24 20 ALCHEMISE, to change...
alchemises 24 19 ALCHEMISE, to change...
alchemists 25 19 ALCHEMIST, a practit...
alchemized 27 29 ALCHEMIZE, to change...
alchemizes 27 28 ALCHEMIZE, to change...
alcheringa 23 19 (Native Australian)...
alcoholics 27 20 ALCOHOLIC, one addic...
alcoholise 23 17 to convert into or s...
alcoholism 25 20 continued excessive...
alcoholize 26 26 to convert into or s...
alderflies 21 16 ALDERFLY, a riversid...
aldermanic 21 19 relating to, becomin...
aldermanly 25 19 pertaining to, or li...
aldermanry 24 18 the district or ward...
alderwoman 20 19 a female alderman [n...
alderwomen 20 19 ALDERWOMAN, a female...
aldohexose 24 21 a class of sugars, i...
aleatories 16 11 ALEATORY, aleatoric...
alebenches 23 20 ALEBENCH, a bench in...
alectryons 26 17 ALECTRYON, a sapinda...
alembroths 23 19 ALEMBROTH, an alchem...
alexanders 22 20 ALEXANDER, a kind of...
alfilarias 21 15 ALFILARIA, (Spanish)...
alfilerias 21 15 ALFILERIA, (Spanish)...
algaecides 21 17 ALGAECIDE, a substan...
algarrobas 20 16 ALGARROBA, (Arabic)...
algarrobos 20 16 ALGARROBO, (Arabic)...
algebraist 21 16 one versed in algebr...
algidities 20 14 ALGIDITY, chilliness...
algolagnia 19 17 a perversion (as sad...
algolagnic 23 20 relating to algolagn...
algologies 20 16 ALGOLOGY, the study...
algologist 21 16 one learned about al...
algometers 19 16 ALGOMETER, an instru...
algophobia 24 21 a morbid fear of pai...
algorismic 24 19 relating to algorism...
algorithms 23 18 ALGORITHM, a step-by...
alienating 17 15 ALIENATE, to make in...
alienation 15 13 a separation of a pe...
alienators 16 12 ALIENATOR, one who a...
alightment 22 19 act of alighting [n...
alignments 19 18 ALIGNMENT, the actio...
alimentary 24 17 pertaining to food;...
alimenting 19 18 ALIMENT, to feed, no...
alineation 15 13 alignment, also ALLI...
alinements 17 16 ALINEMENT, the actio...
aliterates 17 11 ALITERATE, one who i...
alizarines 20 21 ALIZARINE, a colorin...
alkahestic 24 20 having the propertie...
alkalified 22 20 ALKALIFY, to convert...
alkalifies 22 19 ALKALIFY, to convert...
alkalinise 19 17 to make alkaline [v...
alkalinity 26 19 the state of being a...
alkalinize 22 26 to make alkaline [v...
alkalisers 20 16 ALKALISER, an agent...
alkalising 21 19 ALKALISE, to convert...
alkalizers 23 25 ALKALIZER, an agent...
alkalizing 24 28 ALKALIZE, to convert...
alkaloidal 20 18 pertaining to, resem...
alkylating 27 21 ALKYLATE, to combine...
alkylation 25 19 making something an...
allantoids 18 14 ALLANTOID, a saclike...
allantoins 17 14 ALLANTOIN, a crystal...
allargando 18 16 (Italian) with slowi...
allayments 25 18 ALLAYMENT, an allayi...
allegation 18 15 the act of alleging...
allegeance 20 18 alleviation [n -S]
allegiance 21 18 the obligation of a...
allegiants 19 15 ALLEGIANT, one who i...
allegories 19 14 ALLEGORY, a story pr...
allegorise 19 14 to make an allegory...
allegorist 20 14 one who composes all...
allegorize 22 23 to make an allegory...
allegretto 19 14 (Italian) a musical...
alleluiahs 22 16 ALLELUIAH, (Hebrew)...
allemandes 18 17 ALLEMANDE, (French)...
allergenic 22 18 causing an allergic...
allergists 21 14 ALLERGIST, a doctor...
allethrins 21 15 ALLETHRIN, a light y...
alleviants 20 17 ALLEVIANT, a medical...
alleviated 20 17 ALLEVIATE, to lighte...
alleviates 20 16 ALLEVIATE, to lighte...
alleviator 20 16 one who, or that whi...
allhallond 22 18 as in allhallond sum...
allhallown 25 20 as in allhallown sum...
allhollown 25 20 as in allhollown sum...
alliaceous 21 16 of or relating to ga...
alligartas 20 14 ALLIGARTA, (obsolete...
alligating 21 17 ALLIGATE, to unite b...
alligation 19 15 the calculation of v...
alligators 20 14 ALLIGATOR, a reptile...
alliterate 18 12 to form an alliterat...
allnighter 22 17 any event, party etc...
allocating 22 18 ALLOCATE, to set apa...
allocation 20 16 the act of result of...
allocators 21 15 ALLOCATOR, one who a...
allochiria 24 17 attribution of a sen...
allocution 21 17 a formal speech or a...
allodynias 24 16 ALLODYNIA, the exper...
allogamies 20 17 ALLOGAMY, cross-fert...
allogamous 20 18 relating to allogamy...
allogeneic 21 18 involving, derived f...
allografts 22 17 ALLOGRAFT, a surgica...
allographs 24 19 ALLOGRAPH, a writing...
allomerism 21 18 similarity of crysta...
allomerous 19 16 exhibiting allomeris...
allometric 23 18 relating to allometr...
allomorphs 24 20 ALLOMORPH, any one o...
allonymous 25 19 relating to an allon...
allopathic 26 20 of or pertaining to...
allopatric 24 18 pertaining to popula...
allophanes 21 18 ALLOPHANE, a translu...
allophones 21 18 ALLOPHONE, any of se...
allophonic 25 21 of or like an alloph...
alloplasms 23 19 ALLOPLASM, protoplas...
allosaurus 19 14 a kind of dinosaur [...
allosteric 22 15 of an enzyme, influe...
allotheism 22 17 belief in or worship...
allotments 19 16 ALLOTMENT, a piece o...
allotropes 20 15 ALLOTROPE, an allotr...
allotropic 24 18 relating to allotrop...
allotypies 27 17 ALLOTYPY, the condit...
allowables 24 19 ALLOWABLE, something...
allowanced 23 20 ALLOWANCE, to make a...
allowances 23 19 ALLOWANCE, to make a...
allurement 19 17 the act of alluring...
alluringly 28 19 ALLURING [adv]
allusively 29 20 ALLUSIVE, alluding [...
allweather 23 17 a track or pitch sui...
allycholly 39 23 (Shakespeare) melanc...
almacantar 20 18 (Arabic) a circle of...
almandines 17 17 ALMANDINE, (French)...
almandites 18 16 ALMANDITE, a deep re...
almightily 31 21 ALMIGHTY, having abs...
almondiest 18 16 ALMONDY, having an a...
almondites 18 16 ALMONDITE, a deep vi...
almsgivers 23 20 ALMSGIVER, one who g...
almsgiving 24 23 the act of giving al...
almshouses 21 17 ALMSHOUSE, a private...
almucantar 21 19 (Arabic) a circle of...
aloeswoods 19 15 ALOESWOOD, a soft, r...
alogically 30 20 ALOGICAL, outside th...
alongshore 19 16 along the shore or c...
alpargatas 20 16 ALPARGATA, (Spanish)...
alpenglows 24 21 ALPENGLOW, a reddish...
alpenhorns 20 18 ALPENHORN, (German)...
alpenstock 23 22 (German) a long staf...
alpestrine 19 15 of plants, growing a...
alphabeted 23 20 ALPHABET, to alphabe...
alphabetic 27 22 arranged in the orde...
alphameric 26 22 consisting of, or (o...
alphametic 26 22 a popular mathematic...
alphasorts 22 16 ALPHASORT, to sort i...
alphatests 22 16 ALPHATEST, to carry...
alphosises 22 16 ALPHOSIS, a lack of...
altarpiece 22 17 a work of art that d...
altazimuth 25 26 an instrument for me...
alteration 16 12 the act of altering...
alterative 19 15 a medicine or treatm...
altercated 20 15 ALTERCATE, to disput...
altercates 20 14 ALTERCATE, to disput...
alterities 18 11 ALTERITY, otherness...
alternance 18 16 alternation, change...
alternants 16 13 ALTERNANT, a spellin...
alternated 16 13 ALTERNATE, to cause...
alternates 16 12 ALTERNATE, to cause...
alternatim 18 15 (Latin) in sacred mu...
alternator 16 12 an electric generato...
altigraphs 24 18 ALTIGRAPH, an instru...
altimeters 19 14 ALTIMETER, a device...
altiplanos 20 16 ALTIPLANO, (Spanish)...
altisonant 16 13 high-sounding [adj]
altissimos 20 14 ALTISSIMO, the octav...
altitonant 16 13 thundering on high o...
altocumuli 24 20 ALTOCUMULUS, a type...
altogether 20 15 a state of nudity [n...
altostrati 18 11 ALTOSTRATUS, a type...
altricials 23 15 ALTRICIAL, an altric...
altruistic 23 15 relating to altruism...
aluminates 18 16 ALUMINATE, a salt wh...
aluminised 19 17 ALUMINISE, to treat...
aluminises 19 16 ALUMINISE, to treat...
aluminiums 21 20 ALUMINIUM, a light s...
aluminized 22 26 ALUMINIZE, to treat...
aluminizes 22 25 ALUMINIZE, to treat...
alumstones 18 16 ALUMSTONE, a hydrous...
alveolarly 27 19 ALVEOLAR, pertaining...
alveolitis 21 16 inflammation of the...
amalgamate 19 19 to unite in or as if...
amantadine 15 16 a drug used to preve...
amanuenses 15 16 AMANUENSIS, (Latin)...
amanuensis 16 16 (Latin) one employed...
amaracuses 20 17 AMARACUS, (Latin) th...
amarantine 15 15 like amaranth, of a...
amaryllids 27 18 AMARYLLID, any membe...
amassments 18 17 AMASSMENT, an amassi...
amateurish 20 16 like an amateur [adj...
amateurism 19 17 the state of being a...
amatorious 17 14 amatory, also AMATOR...
amazeballs 24 27 an expression of ent...
amazedness 19 24 the state of being a...
amazements 20 26 AMAZEMENT, the state...
amazonians 18 24 AMAZONIAN, a warlike...
amazonites 19 23 AMAZONITE, amazon-st...
ambagitory 27 20 (Scott) ambagious, c...
ambassador 19 17 an official envoy, a...
ambassages 20 18 AMBASSAGE, an embass...
amberjacks 26 32 AMBERJACK, a large A...
ambidexter 26 24 (archaic) someone wh...
ambiophony 29 24 the reproduction of...
ambisexual 27 25 of sexual characteri...
ambisonics 23 20 the technique of rep...
ambitioned 19 18 AMBITION, to seek wi...
ambivalent 22 22 having conflicting e...
amblyopias 29 22 AMBLYOPIA, impaired...
amboceptor 24 22 in immunization, an...
ambosexual 26 25 common to both sexes...
ambrotypes 28 21 AMBROTYPE, a picture...
ambulacral 25 22 of or pertaining to...
ambulacrum 26 25 a radial band in the...
ambulances 23 22 AMBULANCE, a vehicle...
ambulating 22 21 AMBULATE, to walk; t...
ambulation 20 19 the act of walking [...
ambulators 21 18 AMBULATOR, one who w...
ambulatory 27 20 walking [adj AMBULAT...
ambulettes 21 18 AMBULETTE, a motor v...
ambuscaded 23 22 AMBUSCADE, (French)...
ambuscader 23 21 one who ambuscades [...
ambuscades 23 21 AMBUSCADE, (French)...
ambuscados 23 21 AMBUSCADO, an ambusc...
ambushment 23 23 (archaic) an ambush...
amebocytes 28 21 AMEBOCYTE, a cell, l...
ameliorant 17 15 an agent that amelio...
ameliorate 17 14 to make better, also...
ameloblast 21 18 an enamel-producing...
amenaunces 18 19 AMENAUNCE, (Spenser)...
amendatory 22 17 supplying amendment...
amendments 17 19 AMENDMENT, a change,...
amenorrhea 17 16 abnormal absence or...
amerceable 22 20 liable to be amerced...
amercement 20 20 the infliction of a...
amerciable 23 20 liable to be amerced...
americiums 23 20 AMERICIUM, a white m...
ametabolic 23 20 of insects, showing...
ametropias 19 16 AMETROPIA, abnormal...
amiability 28 19 the state of being a...
amianthine 18 17 of or like amianthus...
amianthoid 19 17 of or like amianthus...
amiantuses 17 15 AMIANTUS, the finest...
ammocoetes 20 19 AMMOCOETE, the larva...
ammoniacal 21 21 of or pertaining to...
ammoniacum 22 24 gum ammoniac [n -S]
ammoniated 17 18 AMMONIATE [v]
ammoniates 17 17 AMMONIATE, a type of...
ammonified 20 21 AMMONIFY, to treat w...
ammonifies 20 20 AMMONIFY, to treat w...
ammunition 18 19 the projectiles fire...
amnestying 24 19 AMNESTY, to pardon d...
amoebiases 18 16 AMOEBIASIS, infectio...
amoebiasis 19 16 infection of the col...
amoebiform 22 22 resembling an amoeba...
amoebocyte 27 21 a cell, like a leuko...
amoralisms 20 17 AMORALISM, the refus...
amoralists 19 14 AMORALIST, a practit...
amorphisms 24 21 AMORPHISM, absence o...
amortising 19 16 AMORTISE, to liquida...
amortizing 22 25 AMORTIZE, to liquida...
amourettes 17 14 AMOURETTE, (French)...
ampelopses 22 20 AMPELOPSIS, a woody...
ampelopsis 23 20 a woody vine [n AMPE...
ampersands 19 18 AMPERSAND, the and s...
amperzands 22 27 AMPERZAND, the and s...
amphiaster 22 18 the structure that o...
amphibians 24 22 AMPHIBIAN, any cold-...
amphibious 25 22 adapted for both lan...
amphiboles 25 22 AMPHIBOLE, any miner...
amphibolic 29 25 able to turn both ba...
amphibrach 30 26 a foot of three syll...
amphictyon 31 24 (historical) a deleg...
amphigoric 27 23 relating to amphigor...
amphigouri 24 21 a nonsensical piece...
amphimacer 26 24 a foot of three syll...
amphimixes 30 28 AMPHIMIXIS, interbre...
amphimixis 31 28 interbreeding; inter...
amphiphile 28 24 a type of molecule t...
amphiploid 26 23 having at least one...
amphiscian 25 22 an inhabitant of the...
ampholytes 29 21 AMPHOLYTE, an amphot...
amphoteric 25 21 in chemistry, reacti...
ampicillin 26 22 an improved form of...
amplexuses 27 25 AMPLEXUS, the mating...
ampliation 20 18 enlargement; amplifi...
ampliative 23 21 amplificatory (now c...
amplidynes 27 21 AMPLIDYNE, a type of...
amplifiers 24 20 AMPLIFIER, a device...
amplifying 31 25 AMPLIFY, to make lar...
amplitudes 22 19 AMPLITUDE, largeness...
amplosomes 21 20 AMPLOSOME, the short...
amputating 21 20 AMPUTATE, to cut off...
amputation 19 18 the act of amputatin...
amputators 20 17 AMPUTATOR, one who a...
amritattva 20 17 (Sanskrit) immortali...
amsinckias 22 21 AMSINCKIA, a Califor...
amusements 18 18 AMUSEMENT, a recreat...
amygdalate 25 19 related to the almon...
amygdaline 25 20 relating to tonsils...
amygdalins 26 20 AMYGDALIN, a glucosi...
amygdaloid 26 20 an igneous rock in w...
amylaceous 27 20 pertaining to starch...
amylolyses 32 19 AMYLOLYSIS, the conv...
amylolysis 33 19 the conversion of st...
amylolytic 36 22 characterised by the...
amyloplast 28 20 a colourless plastid...
amylopsins 27 20 AMYLOPSIN, an enzyme...
amyotonias 22 16 AMYOTONIA, deficienc...
amyotrophy 34 22 atrophy of the muscl...
anabantids 17 16 ANABANTID, any of va...
anabaptise 19 17 to rebaptise [v ANAB...
anabaptism 21 20 the doctrine of the...
anabaptist 20 17 a name sometimes app...
anabaptize 22 26 to rebaptize [v ANAB...
anablepses 20 18 ANABLEPS, any of a g...
anabolisms 20 18 ANABOLISM, the const...
anabolites 18 15 ANABOLITE, a product...
anabolitic 22 18 relating to an anabo...
anacardium 20 19 a genus of plants in...
anachorism 22 19 a geographical mispl...
anachronic 23 20 out of (chronologica...
anaclastic 23 18 refractive; of or pe...
anacolutha 21 18 ANACOLUTHON, a sente...
anacoustic 22 18 unable to support th...
anacrustic 23 18 relating to anacrusi...
anadromous 16 16 of fish, migrating u...
anadyomene 20 18 coming up or emergin...
anaerobium 18 18 an organism not requ...
anageneses 14 14 ANAGENESIS, so-calle...
anagenesis 15 14 so-called progressiv...
anaglyphic 32 24 of or like an anagly...
anaglyptic 30 22 relating to the art...
anagogical 21 19 relating to mystical...
anagrammed 18 20 ANAGRAM, to transpos...
anagrammer 18 19 one who solves anagr...
analemmata 17 18 ANALEMMA, the figure...
analeptics 22 18 ANALEPTIC, a restora...
analgesias 17 14 ANALGESIA, the inabi...
analgesics 21 17 ANALGESIC, a substan...
analgetics 21 17 ANALGETIC, a substan...
analogical 21 18 of or belonging to a...
analogised 17 15 ANALOGISE, to make a...
analogises 17 14 ANALOGISE, to make a...
analogisms 19 17 ANALOGISM, the act o...
analogists 18 14 ANALOGIST, one who r...
analogized 20 24 ANALOGIZE, to make a...
analogizes 20 23 ANALOGIZE, to make a...
analphabet 22 20 an illiterate; one w...
analysable 25 18 capable of being ana...
analysands 22 16 ANALYSAND, a person...
analytical 27 18 pertaining to analys...
analyzable 28 27 capable of being ana...
anamnestic 19 18 relating to anamnesi...
anamniotes 15 15 ANAMNIOTE, any verte...
anamniotic 19 18 of or like an anamni...
anamorphic 24 22 relating to anamorph...
anandamide 15 17 a brain receptor tha...
anapaestic 20 17 in the form of an an...
anapestics 21 17 ANAPESTIC [n]
anaphylaxy 39 28 an increased suscept...
anaplasias 18 15 ANAPLASIA, reversion...
anaplastic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
anaptyctic 31 22 relating to anaptyxi...
anarchical 25 20 relating to anarchy,...
anarchised 21 17 ANARCHISE, to reduce...
anarchises 21 16 ANARCHISE, to reduce...
anarchisms 23 19 ANARCHISM, the doctr...
anarchists 22 16 ANARCHIST, one who a...
anarchized 24 26 ANARCHIZE, to reduce...
anarchizes 24 25 ANARCHIZE, to reduce...
anarthrias 18 13 ANARTHRIA, loss of t...
anarthrous 18 14 without distinct joi...
anasarcous 18 15 belonging, or affect...
anastigmat 18 16 a lens esp. designed...
anastomose 15 14 to inosculate; to in...
anastrophe 19 16 an inversion of the...
anathemata 17 16 ANATHEMA, the formal...
anatomical 20 18 relating to anatomy,...
anatomised 16 15 ANATOMISE, to dissec...
anatomiser 16 14 one who anatomises,...
anatomises 16 14 ANATOMISE, to dissec...
anatomists 17 14 ANATOMIST, one who p...
anatomized 19 24 ANATOMIZE, to dissec...
anatomizer 19 23 one who anatomises,...
anatomizes 19 23 ANATOMIZE, to dissec...
anatropies 17 14 ANATROPY, the state...
anatropous 17 15 of an ovule, inverte...
ancestored 18 15 ANCESTOR, to be an a...
ancestrals 20 15 ANCESTRAL, a type of...
ancestress 19 14 a female ancestor [n...
ancestries 19 14 ANCESTRY, a line of...
anchorages 21 18 ANCHORAGE, a place w...
anchoretic 24 19 of or like an anchor...
anchorette 20 16 a young inexperience...
anchorites 21 16 ANCHORITE, one who l...
anchoritic 25 19 of or like an anchor...
anchorless 22 17 without an anchor or...
anchovetas 22 20 ANCHOVETA, (Spanish)...
anchovetta 22 20 (Spanish) a small fi...
anchylosed 28 20 ANCHYLOSE, of bones,...
anchyloses 28 19 ANCHYLOSE, of bones,...
anchylosis 29 19 the joining together...
anchylotic 32 22 relating to anchylos...
ancientest 18 15 ANCIENT, very old, a...
ancipitous 22 18 two-edged and flatte...
andalusite 17 14 a silicate of alumin...
andantinos 14 14 ANDANTINO, a movemen...
andouilles 18 15 ANDOUILLE, (French)...
andradites 16 13 ANDRADITE, a green-t...
androecial 19 16 relating to the andr...
androecium 20 19 the male organs (sta...
androgenic 19 18 of or like an androg...
androgynes 22 17 ANDROGYNE, a hermaph...
andromedas 16 16 ANDROMEDA, a plant o...
andropause 17 16 the male menopause [...
androphore 19 17 a support or column...
anecdotage 18 17 anecdotes collective...
anecdotist 19 15 one who relates or c...
anemically 28 21 ANEMIC, suffering fr...
anemochore 20 19 a plant in which the...
anemograms 18 19 ANEMOGRAM, a record...
anemograph 21 21 an instrument for me...
anemometer 16 17 an instrument for me...
anemometry 23 19 the process of ascer...
anemophily 28 22 pollination by the w...
anemoscope 20 20 any device that show...
anesthesia 17 13 lack of sensation, a...
anesthetic 21 16 taking away sensatio...
aneuploids 19 17 ANEUPLOID, a cell or...
aneuploidy 25 19 the condition of bei...
aneurismal 18 16 of or pertaining to...
aneurysmal 24 18 of or pertaining to...
angashores 18 15 ANGASHORE, (Irish) a...
angelhoods 19 17 ANGELHOOD, the state...
angelology 25 19 the study of angels...
angiogenic 20 19 relating to angiogen...
angiograms 19 18 ANGIOGRAM, a photogr...
angiosperm 20 19 a plant of the Angio...
angleberry 26 19 a soft fleshy tumour...
angledozer 20 24 a bulldozer whose bl...
anglerfish 23 19 a wide-mouthed vorac...
anglesites 18 14 ANGLESITE, a native...
angleworms 22 20 ANGLEWORM, a earthwo...
anglicised 22 18 ANGLICISE, to make E...
anglicises 22 17 ANGLICISE, to make E...
anglicisms 24 20 ANGLICISM, an Englis...
anglicists 23 17 ANGLICIST, a person...
anglicized 25 27 ANGLICIZE, to make E...
anglicizes 25 26 ANGLICIZE, to make E...
anglifying 28 22 ANGLIFY, to make Eng...
anglistics 23 17 the study of English...
anglomania 17 18 a craze or obsession...
anglophile 23 20 one who loves the En...
anglophils 24 20 ANGLOPHIL, one who l...
anglophobe 23 22 one who hates the En...
anglophone 20 20 an English-speaking...
angophoras 20 18 ANGOPHORA, an East A...
angosturas 17 14 ANGOSTURA, a bitter...
anguifauna 18 19 the snakes of a regi...
anguipedes 19 18 ANGUIPEDE, a mythica...
anguishing 21 19 ANGUISH, to suffer e...
angularity 25 17 the quality of being...
angulating 19 18 ANGULATE, to form wi...
angulation 17 16 a making angular; an...
angwantibo 21 20 a small lemuroid mam...
anharmonic 21 20 not harmonic [adj]
anhedonias 16 15 ANHEDONIA, an unresp...
anhelation 17 15 shortness of breath...
anhidroses 18 14 ANHIDROSIS, absence...
anhidrosis 19 14 absence of sweating,...
anhidrotic 22 17 a substance that sup...
anhungered 18 18 (archaic) hungry, al...
anhydrases 24 16 ANHYDRASE, an enzyme...
anhydrides 25 17 ANHYDRIDE, a compoun...
anhydrites 25 16 ANHYDRITE, an anhydr...
aniconisms 20 18 ANICONISM, the worsh...
aniconists 19 15 ANICONIST, one who p...
anilinctus 21 17 oral stimulation of...
animadvert 19 19 to comment criticall...
animalcula 22 20 ANIMALCULUM, a micro...
animalcule 22 20 a small animal, as a...
animaliers 18 15 ANIMALIER, a sculpto...
animalised 18 16 ANIMALISE, to endow...
animalises 18 15 ANIMALISE, to endow...
animalisms 20 18 ANIMALISM, physicali...
animalists 19 15 ANIMALIST, a person...
animalized 21 25 ANIMALIZE, to endow...
animalizes 21 24 ANIMALIZE, to endow...
animallike 20 20 like an animal [adj]
animatedly 24 18 ANIMATED [adv]
animations 16 15 ANIMATION, the state...
animatisms 19 17 ANIMATISM, the primi...
animatists 18 14 ANIMATIST, one who b...
anisomeric 20 17 of a chemical compou...
anisotropy 24 16 the characteristics...
anklebones 18 20 ANKLEBONE, the bone...
ankylosaur 24 19 a kind of dinosaur w...
ankylosing 25 21 ANKYLOSE, to fuse as...
annalising 17 16 ANNALISE, to record,...
annalistic 20 16 relating to annals [...
annalizing 20 25 ANNALIZE, to record,...
annealings 16 16 ANNEALING [n]
annelidans 15 15 ANNELIDAN, a member...
annexation 19 20 the act of annexing,...
annexments 21 23 ANNEXMENT, the act o...
annihilate 18 15 to destroy completel...
annotating 15 15 ANNOTATE, to append...
annotation 13 13 a note added by way...
annotative 16 16 characterized by ann...
annotators 14 12 ANNOTATOR, one who a...
announcers 17 17 ANNOUNCER, one who a...
announcing 18 20 ANNOUNCE, to make kn...
annoyances 22 18 ANNOYANCE, something...
annoyingly 29 20 ANNOYING [adv]
annualised 16 15 ANNUALISE, to conver...
annualises 16 14 ANNUALISE, to conver...
annualized 19 24 ANNUALIZE, to conver...
annualizes 19 23 ANNUALIZE, to conver...
annuitants 15 14 ANNUITANT, one who r...
annularity 23 16 the state of being r...
annulation 15 15 a circular or ringli...
annullable 20 19 that can be annulled...
annulments 17 18 ANNULMENT, the act o...
annunciate 17 17 to announce, proclai...
annuntiate 14 14 (obsolete) to procla...
anodically 27 19 ANODIC, of or like a...
anodontias 14 13 ANODONTIA, congenita...
anoestrous 15 12 relating to anoestru...
anointings 16 15 ANOINTING, the act o...
anointment 15 16 the act of anointing...
anonaceous 16 16 pertaining to the or...
anonymised 22 18 ANONYMISE, to make a...
anonymises 22 17 ANONYMISE, to make a...
anonymized 25 27 ANONYMIZE, to make a...
anonymizes 25 26 ANONYMIZE, to make a...
anopheline 19 18 a mosquito of the an...
anorectics 22 17 ANORECTIC, one suffe...
anorthites 18 13 ANORTHITE, a plagioc...
anorthitic 22 16 of or like an anorth...
anovulants 18 18 ANOVULANT, a drug th...
anoxaemias 21 21 ANOXAEMIA, a disorde...
ansaphones 18 17 ANSAPHONE, another n...
answerable 21 18 that can be answered...
answerably 28 20 ANSWERABLE, that can...
answerless 20 15 having no answer, or...
antagonise 15 14 to arouse opposition...
antagonism 17 17 actively expressed o...
antagonist 16 14 one that contends wi...
antagonize 18 23 to arouse opposition...
antalkalis 19 17 ANTALKALI, a substan...
antebellum 21 20 relating to the peri...
antecedent 17 16 foregoing [adj ANTEC...
anteceding 19 18 ANTECEDE, to go befo...
antecessor 18 14 one who goes before;...
antechapel 23 20 an anteroom to a cha...
antechoirs 21 16 ANTECHOIR, the space...
antedating 16 15 ANTEDATE, to date fr...
antemortem 17 17 taking place before...
antenatals 15 13 ANTENATAL, an examin...
antennular 15 15 of or like an antenn...
antennules 15 15 ANTENNULE, one of a...
antependia 16 16 ANTEPENDIUM, a cloth...
antepenult 18 17 the antepenultimate...
anteriorly 23 14 ANTERIOR, in front [...
anteverted 17 16 ANTEVERT, to displac...
anthelices 22 17 ANTHELIX, the inner...
anthelions 18 15 ANTHELION, a ring se...
anthelixes 25 21 ANTHELIX, the inner...
anthemises 19 16 ANTHEMIS, a genus of...
anthemwise 22 19 in the manner of an...
antheridia 18 14 ANTHERIDIUM, the mal...
anthersmut 20 17 a fungus causing a d...
anthocarps 23 19 ANTHOCARP, a fruit r...
anthocyans 26 19 ANTHOCYAN, a glucosi...
anthomania 17 17 an obsession with fl...
anthophore 21 18 the stipe when devel...
anthozoans 19 23 ANTHOZOAN, any anima...
anthracene 19 17 a tricyclic aromatic...
anthracite 21 16 a kind of hard coal...
anthracoid 21 17 resembling anthrax;...
anthropoid 20 17 any of a suborder of...
anthuriums 21 18 ANTHURIUM, a tropica...
antiaditis 17 12 tonsillitis [n -ES]
antianemia 15 15 designed to prevent...
antiarmour 17 15 designed or equipped...
antiasthma 19 16 designed to prevent...
antiauxins 22 20 ANTIAUXIN, a plant s...
antibaryon 23 17 an antiparticle to t...
antibioses 18 14 ANTIBIOSIS, a state...
antibiosis 19 14 a state of mutual an...
antibiotic 22 17 inhibiting to life [...
antibodies 18 15 ANTIBODY, a body sub...
antibusers 19 15 ANTIBUSER, a person...
antibusing 20 18 opposed to the busin...
anticaking 21 21 of a food additive,...
anticancer 21 18 of a drug, designed...
anticaries 19 14 designed to prevent...
antichlors 23 17 ANTICHLOR, any subst...
antichoice 24 19 opposed to abortion...
antichrist 23 16 an enemy of Christ o...
antichurch 28 22 opposed to the churc...
anticipant 21 18 anticipating; expect...
anticipate 21 17 to expect, look forw...
anticising 21 17 ANTICISE, to play an...
anticivism 24 21 opposition to the bo...
anticizing 24 26 ANTICIZE, to play an...
anticlimax 28 25 the usually sudden t...
anticlinal 21 17 of or like an anticl...
anticlines 20 16 ANTICLINE, a fold th...
anticodons 18 16 ANTICODON, a triplet...
antidazzle 23 31 designed to prevent...
antidoting 17 15 ANTIDOTE, to counter...
antidromic 21 18 of nerve fibres, con...
antielites 17 12 ANTIELITE, a group o...
antiemetic 20 17 preventive of vomiti...
antierotic 19 14 designed to prevent...
antifamily 27 20 opposed to the famil...
antifemale 19 18 opposed to the femal...
antifreeze 20 23 a substance added to...
antifungal 20 19 designed to prevent...
antigrowth 23 18 designed to prevent...
antiheroes 17 13 ANTIHERO, a principa...
antiheroic 21 16 like an antihero [ad...
antiherpes 20 16 designed to prevent...
antihijack 25 29 designed to prevent...
antihunter 18 15 one who is opposed t...
antiknocks 21 23 ANTIKNOCK, an additi...
antilepton 18 16 an antiparticle to a...
antilifers 20 15 ANTILIFER, a person...
antilitter 18 12 designed to prevent...
antilogies 18 14 ANTILOGY, a contradi...
antilogous 18 15 contrary; inconsiste...
antilopine 18 16 of antelopes [adj]
antimarket 18 18 opposed to the marke...
antimasque 25 24 a secondary mask, or...
antimatter 17 14 matter composed of a...
antimerger 18 16 opposed to a merger...
antimerism 19 17 the state of having...
antimodern 16 16 opposed to the moder...
antimonate 15 15 a salt of any antimo...
antimonial 17 16 a drug containing an...
antimonide 16 16 a binary compound wi...
antimonies 16 15 ANTIMONY, a brittle,...
antimonite 16 15 a compound of antimo...
antimonous 16 16 of or containing ant...
antimonyls 24 18 ANTIMONYL, a substan...
antimusics 22 18 ANTIMUSIC, music int...
antimycins 27 20 ANTIMYCIN, a crystal...
antinature 15 13 against nature [adj]
antinausea 14 13 designed to prevent...
antinoises 15 12 ANTINOISE, a sound g...
antinomian 15 16 one who holds that m...
antinomies 16 15 ANTINOMY, a conflict...
antinovels 18 17 ANTINOVEL, a work wr...
antinukers 17 17 ANTINUKER, a person...
antipastos 18 14 ANTIPASTO, (Italian)...
antipathic 24 19 belonging to antipat...
antiphonal 20 18 sung or recited in a...
antiphoner 19 17 a book of antiphons...
antiphonic 23 20 mutually responsive,...
antipiracy 28 19 designed to prevent...
antiplague 20 18 designed to prevent...
antiplaque 27 25 designed to prevent...
antipodals 19 16 ANTIPODAL, in flower...
antipodean 16 16 relating to the anti...
antipoetic 21 17 of, relating to, or...
antipolice 22 18 opposed to the polic...
antiporter 18 14 a membrane protein t...
antiproton 17 15 the antiparticle of...
antipyrine 24 17 an artificial alkalo...
antiquarks 26 25 ANTIQUARK, the antim...
antiquated 24 22 ANTIQUATE, to make a...
antiquates 24 21 ANTIQUATE, to make a...
antirabies 18 14 designed to prevent...
antiracism 21 17 opposition to racism...
antiracist 20 14 one opposed to racis...
antiradars 16 12 ANTIRADAR, a device...
antireform 19 17 opposed to reform [a...
antiscians 19 15 ANTISCIAN, a dweller...
antisepses 18 14 ANTISEPSIS, the dest...
antisepsis 19 14 the destruction of b...
antiseptic 22 17 inhibiting the growt...
antiserums 18 15 ANTISERUM, a serum c...
antisexist 23 18 one opposed to sexis...
antisexual 23 20 one who is opposed t...
antishakes 19 17 ANTISHAKE, a system...
antishocks 23 20 ANTISHOCK, a device...
antismoker 18 18 someone opposed to s...
antisocial 20 15 averse to the societ...
antispasts 19 14 ANTISPAST, (Greek) a...
antistatic 20 14 reducing, removing,...
antistress 17 11 designed to prevent...
antistrike 18 15 opposed to a strike...
antistyles 24 14 ANTISTYLE, a style t...
antisyzygy 40 28 a union of opposites...
antitheism 20 16 the doctrine of anti...
antitheist 19 13 a disbeliever in the...
antitheses 18 13 ANTITHESIS, the cont...
antithesis 19 13 the contrast of idea...
antithetic 22 16 relating to antithes...
antitoxins 22 19 ANTITOXIN, an antido...
antitrades 16 12 ANTITRADE, a contrar...
antitragus 18 14 a prominence of the...
antitumors 18 15 ANTITUMOR, a drug de...
antitumour 18 16 preventing or acting...
antivenene 15 17 an antitoxin counter...
antivenins 17 17 ANTIVENIN, an antito...
antivenoms 18 19 ANTIVENOM, an antito...
antivirals 20 16 ANTIVIRAL, any drug...
antiworlds 21 16 ANTIWORLD, a hypothe...
antonymies 22 17 ANTONYMY, the state...
antonymous 22 18 relating to an anton...
antrorsely 23 14 turned forward or up...
anucleated 19 17 without a nucleus, a...
anxiolytic 33 24 serving to reduce te...
anywhither 30 20 to or towards any pl...
aortitises 17 10 AORTITIS, inflammati...
apagogical 24 21 proving indirectly,...
apartheids 21 16 APARTHEID, (Afrikaan...
aparthotel 21 16 a hotel in which sel...
apartments 19 17 APARTMENT, a separat...
apathatons 19 16 APATHATON, (Shakespe...
apatosaurs 18 14 APATOSAUR, a kind of...
aperitives 21 17 APERITIVE, a laxativ...
aphaereses 19 15 APHAERESIS, the omis...
aphaeresis 20 15 the omission of a le...
aphaeretic 23 18 relating to aphaeres...
aphelandra 20 18 any shrub of the eve...
aphetising 22 18 APHETISE, to lose th...
aphetizing 25 27 APHETIZE, to lose th...
aphidicide 25 20 something that kills...
aphorisers 21 15 APHORISER, one who m...
aphorising 22 18 APHORISE, to make a...
aphoristic 25 18 relating to aphorism...
aphorizers 24 24 APHORIZER, one who m...
aphorizing 25 27 APHORIZE, to make a...
aphrodisia 21 16 sexual desire, esp....
aphrodites 21 16 APHRODITE, a kind of...
apiculture 24 19 beekeeping [n -S]
apiologies 20 16 APIOLOGY, the study...
apitherapy 29 20 the therapeutic use...
aplacental 22 19 having no placenta [...
aplanatism 20 18 freedom from spheric...
apoapsides 20 17 APOAPSIS, the high p...
apocalypse 30 22 any book purporting...
apocarpies 23 19 APOCARPY, the state...
apocarpous 23 20 either entirely or p...
apochromat 24 21 an apochromatic lens...
apocopated 22 20 APOCOPATE, to cut of...
apocopates 22 19 APOCOPATE, to cut of...
apocryphal 33 24 of doubtful authenti...
apocryphon 31 24 a hidden or secret t...
apodeictic 25 20 necessarily true; be...
apoenzymes 27 28 APOENZYME, a protein...
apolaustic 23 18 the philosophy of th...
apolitical 24 18 not political [adj A...
apollonian 18 17 in the philosophy of...
apologetic 23 19 expressing apology [...
apologised 20 17 APOLOGISE, to expres...
apologiser 20 16 one who apologises,...
apologises 20 16 APOLOGISE, to expres...
apologists 21 16 APOLOGIST, a defende...
apologized 23 26 APOLOGIZE, to expres...
apologizer 23 25 one who apologises,...
apologizes 23 25 APOLOGIZE, to expres...
apomorphia 23 21 an alkaloid prepared...
apopemptic 27 25 relating to departin...
apophonies 21 19 APOPHONY, a change i...
apophthegm 27 25 (Greek) a short, pit...
apophysate 28 20 relating to an apoph...
apophyseal 29 21 relating to an apoph...
apophysial 30 21 relating to an apoph...
apoplectic 28 23 suffering from apopl...
apoplexies 27 24 APOPLEXY, a sudden l...
apoplexing 28 27 APOPLEX, to affect w...
apoprotein 19 17 the protein componen...
aposematic 22 19 giving warning, appl...
apospories 20 16 APOSPORY, reproducti...
aposporous 20 17 showing apospory, th...
apostacies 21 16 APOSTACY, abandonmen...
apostasies 18 13 APOSTASY, abandonmen...
apostatise 18 13 to change one's reli...
apostatize 21 22 to change one's reli...
apostilles 21 15 APOSTILLE, a margina...
apostolate 18 14 the office of an apo...
apostolise 19 14 to preach, also APOS...
apostolize 22 23 to preach, also APOS...
apostrophe 22 18 the addressing of a...
apothecary 29 20 one who prepares and...
apothecial 24 19 relating to an apoth...
apothecium 25 22 the spore-producing...
apotheoses 19 15 APOTHEOSIS, a perfec...
apotheosis 20 15 a perfect example of...
apotropaic 23 19 averting or combatin...
apotropous 20 17 anatrophous with a v...
appaloosas 20 17 APPALOOSA, a North A...
appareling 22 20 APPAREL, to dress [v...
apparelled 22 19 APPAREL, to dress [v...
apparently 27 20 APPARENT, seeming [a...
apparition 20 17 an unusual or unexpe...
apparitors 21 16 APPARITOR, an office...
appeaching 26 24 APPEACH, (Shakespear...
appealable 23 21 capable of being app...
appearance 21 20 external show [n -S]
appeasable 22 20 capable of being app...
appellants 22 19 APPELLANT, a person...
appendages 20 20 APPENDAGE, something...
appendants 19 19 APPENDANT, an adjunc...
appendents 19 19 APPENDENT, an adjunc...
appendices 23 21 APPENDIX, something...
appendicle 24 22 a small appendage [n...
appendixes 26 25 APPENDIX, something...
apperceive 25 23 to perceive an inner...
appertains 20 17 APPERTAIN, to relate...
appetences 22 20 APPETENCE, strong cr...
appetisers 21 16 APPETISER, something...
appetising 22 19 APPETISE, to whet th...
appetition 20 17 (archaic) direction...
appetitive 23 20 having or giving an...
appetizers 24 25 APPETIZER, something...
appetizing 25 28 APPETIZE, to whet th...
applauders 22 19 APPLAUDER, one who a...
applauding 23 22 APPLAUD, to express...
applausive 24 22 expressing applause...
applecarts 25 20 APPLECART, apple bra...
appledrain 21 19 (US dial) a wasp [n...
applejacks 28 33 APPLEJACK, apple bra...
applesauce 24 21 a relish or dessert...
appletinis 22 18 APPLETINI, a cocktai...
appliances 24 21 APPLIANCE, an instru...
applicable 28 24 that can be applied,...
applicably 35 26 APPLICABLE, that can...
applicants 25 21 APPLICANT, one who a...
applicator 25 20 a device used to app...
appointees 19 17 APPOINTEE, one who i...
appointers 20 17 APPOINTER, one who a...
appointing 21 20 APPOINT, to assign t...
appointive 22 21 subject to appointme...
appointors 20 17 APPOINTOR, a person...
apportions 20 17 APPORTION, to portio...
appositely 28 19 APPOSITE, appropriat...
apposition 20 17 the position of a wo...
appositive 23 20 relating to appositi...
appraisals 22 17 APPRAISAL, the act o...
appraisees 20 16 APPRAISEE, one who i...
appraisers 21 16 APPRAISER, one who a...
appraising 22 19 APPRAISE, to set a v...
appraisive 23 20 having an appraising...
appreciate 23 19 to grasp the nature,...
apprehends 22 20 APPREHEND, to unders...
apprentice 23 20 to set someone to wo...
appressing 22 19 APPRESS, to press to...
apprisings 23 19 APPRISING, (archaic)...
apprizings 26 28 APPRIZING, (archaic)...
approached 25 22 APPROACH, to come ne...
approaches 25 21 APPROACH, to come ne...
approbated 22 20 APPROBATE, to approv...
approbates 22 19 APPROBATE, to approv...
approvable 25 24 worthy of being appr...
approvably 32 26 APPROVABLE, worthy o...
approvance 24 24 (archaic) approval [...
approximal 29 27 close together, next...
apricating 23 19 APRICATE, to expose...
aprication 21 17 basking in the sun [...
apriorisms 21 16 APRIORISM, an a prio...
apriorists 20 13 APRIORIST, a person...
apsidioles 20 15 APSIDIOLE, a subsidi...
apterygial 27 18 wingless; finless [a...
aquabatics 30 26 spectacular feats in...
aquaboards 26 24 AQUABOARD, a board f...
aquadromes 25 24 AQUADROME, a centre...
aquafarmed 27 27 AQUAFARM, to cultiva...
aquafortis 27 23 concentrated nitric...
aquamanale 24 25 a ewer in the form o...
aquamanile 25 25 a ewer in the form o...
aquamarine 24 24 a transparent blue,...
aquaphobes 30 28 AQUAPHOBE, one with...
aquaphobia 30 28 fear of water [n -S]
aquaphobic 34 31 having a morbid fear...
aquaplaned 26 26 AQUAPLANE, to skim a...
aquaplaner 26 25 one who aquaplanes [...
aquaplanes 26 25 AQUAPLANE, to skim a...
aquaporins 26 24 AQUAPORIN, any of a...
aquarelles 26 22 AQUARELLE, (French)...
aquariists 26 20 AQUARIIST, (obsolete...
aquarobics 30 26 a system of exercise...
aquascapes 29 26 AQUASCAPE, a scenic...
aquatintas 24 21 AQUATINTA, a print m...
aquatinted 24 22 AQUATINT, to etch us...
aquatinter 24 21 one who works with a...
aquiferous 27 24 consisting or convey...
aquilegias 27 23 AQUILEGIA, a genus o...
aquilinity 33 24 the state of being a...
arabesqued 26 24 ornamented in the st...
arabesques 26 23 ARABESQUE, a movemen...
arabicised 22 17 ARABICISE, to make A...
arabicises 22 16 ARABICISE, to make A...
arabicized 25 26 ARABICIZE, to make A...
arabicizes 25 25 ARABICIZE, to make A...
arabinoses 17 14 ARABINOSE, a pentose...
arachnidan 20 18 any member of class...
arachnoids 21 17 ARACHNOID, the arach...
araeometer 15 13 (historical) an inst...
araeometry 22 15 the measuring of spe...
araeostyle 22 13 a building or colonn...
aragonites 16 13 ARAGONITE, an orthor...
aragonitic 20 16 of or like aragonite...
araucarian 18 15 relating to, or of t...
araucarias 19 14 ARAUCARIA, a tree of...
arbalester 19 14 a crossbowman, also...
arbalister 20 14 a crossbowman, also...
arbitrable 22 17 capable of being dec...
arbitraged 20 16 ARBITRAGE, to exploi...
arbitrager 20 15 one who carries out...
arbitrages 20 15 ARBITRAGE, to exploi...
arbitrated 19 14 ARBITRATE, to judge...
arbitrates 19 13 ARBITRATE, to judge...
arbitrator 19 13 one that arbitrates...
arbitriums 22 17 ARBITRIUM, (Latin) a...
arblasters 20 14 ARBLASTER, a crossbo...
arboreally 26 17 ARBOREAL, tree-dwell...
arboretums 20 17 ARBORETUM, a collect...
arborising 20 16 ARBORISE, to form ma...
arborizing 23 25 ARBORIZE, to form ma...
arborvitae 20 17 any of a number of N...
arbuscular 24 19 like an arbuscle, a...
arcaneness 17 15 being arcane [n -ES]
arccosines 22 17 ARCCOSINE, a mathema...
archaicism 27 21 an archaic expressio...
archaisers 22 15 ARCHAISER, one who a...
archaising 23 18 ARCHAISE, to use idi...
archaistic 26 18 like, or imitative o...
archaizers 25 24 ARCHAIZER, one who a...
archaizing 26 27 ARCHAIZE, to use idi...
archangels 23 19 ARCHANGEL, a top-ran...
archbishop 29 23 a bishop at the head...
archdeacon 23 20 a clergyman having t...
archdruids 24 18 ARCHDRUID, a chief o...
archegonia 21 18 ARCHEGONIUM, the str...
archentera 20 16 ARCHENTERON, in the...
archeology 29 20 the study of ancient...
archerfish 27 20 a kind of fish that...
archespore 23 18 the cell or group of...
archetypal 31 21 of or like an archet...
archetypes 30 20 ARCHETYPE, the origi...
archfiends 24 20 ARCHFIEND, the chief...
archicarps 28 21 ARCHICARP, a female...
archilowes 26 19 ARCHILOWE, (Scots) a...
archimages 24 20 ARCHIMAGE, a great m...
archiplasm 27 22 the protoplasmic mat...
architects 26 18 ARCHITECT, to constr...
architrave 24 19 the collective name...
architypes 31 20 ARCHITYPE, the origi...
archivists 26 19 ARCHIVIST, one who k...
archivolts 26 20 ARCHIVOLT, a curved...
archnesses 21 16 ARCHNESS, slyness [n...
archonship 26 21 the office of an arc...
archontate 20 16 an archon's term of...
archoplasm 26 22 the protoplasmic mat...
archosaurs 22 16 ARCHOSAUR, any of a...
archpriest 25 18 a chief priest [n -S...
archrivals 26 20 ARCHRIVAL, a chief r...
archstones 21 16 ARCHSTONE, a stone i...
arcminutes 21 18 ARCMINUTE, a unit of...
arcographs 25 20 ARCOGRAPH, an instru...
arcologies 21 16 ARCOLOGY, a system o...
arcseconds 22 18 ARCSECOND, a unit of...
arctangent 19 17 a geometrical ratio...
arctically 32 20 ARCTIC, relating to...
arctophile 25 19 a lover or collector...
arctophils 26 19 ARCTOPHIL, a lover o...
arctophily 32 21 the study of teddy b...
arcuations 19 15 ARCUATION, the state...
arcubalist 24 18 a crossbow [n -S]
arecolines 19 15 ARECOLINE, a toxic a...
arefaction 20 17 the act of drying, o...
arenaceous 17 15 having the appearanc...
arenations 14 12 ARENATION, the remed...
areography 27 19 the description of t...
areolation 15 12 division into areola...
areologies 17 13 AREOLOGY, the study...
areometers 16 13 AREOMETER, (historic...
areostyles 23 13 AREOSTYLE, a buildin...
argentines 16 14 ARGENTINE, a small m...
argentites 17 13 ARGENTITE, a native...
argillites 21 14 ARGILLITE, an indura...
argillitic 25 17 like argillite, an i...
argonautic 20 17 of or pertaining to...
argumentum 20 21 logical argument, pr...
arguteness 17 14 acuteness [n -ES]
argyrodite 24 15 a mineral composed o...
arhatships 24 17 ARHATSHIP, the state...
arhythmias 29 19 ARHYTHMIA, absence o...
aridnesses 16 12 ARIDNESS, the state...
aristocrat 20 13 a member of an arist...
aristology 25 15 the science of dinin...
aristotles 18 11 ARISTOTLE, (slang) a...
arithmetic 24 18 the science of numbe...
armadillos 20 16 ARMADILLO, (Spanish)...
armaturing 19 17 ARMATURE, to furnish...
armigerous 19 16 entitled to bear her...
armillaria 20 15 any fungus of the ge...
armipotent 19 17 (archaic) having str...
armistices 22 16 ARMISTICE, a suspens...
armlocking 24 24 ARMLOCK, to grip by...
armorially 26 17 ARMORIAL, heraldic [...
armourless 19 15 without armour, also...
aromatases 16 13 AROMATASE, an enzyme...
aromatised 17 14 AROMATISE, to render...
aromatises 17 13 AROMATISE, to render...
aromatized 20 23 AROMATIZE, to render...
aromatizes 20 22 AROMATIZE, to render...
arpeggiate 20 17 to perform or write...
arpeggione 19 18 (Italian) an early 1...
arpilleras 21 15 ARPILLERA, (Spanish)...
arquebuses 27 24 ARQUEBUS, (historica...
arracachas 24 18 ARRACACHA, (Quechua)...
arragonite 16 13 an orthorhombic mine...
arraigners 17 13 ARRAIGNER, one who a...
arraigning 18 16 a calling before a c...
arrayments 23 16 ARRAYMENT, clothes;...
arrearages 16 12 ARREARAGE, that whic...
arrestable 19 14 that can be arrested...
arrestants 16 11 ARRESTANT, a substan...
arrestment 17 14 the arrest of a pers...
arrhythmia 29 19 absence or irregular...
arrhythmic 33 22 with an irregular rh...
arrivances 21 18 ARRIVANCE, (Shakespe...
arrivismes 21 17 ARRIVISME, (French)...
arrivistes 20 14 ARRIVISTE, (French)...
arrogances 19 16 ARROGANCE, the quali...
arrogantly 24 16 ARROGANT, overbearin...
arrogating 18 15 ARROGATE, to claim u...
arrogation 16 13 the act of arrogatin...
arrogative 19 16 relating to arrogati...
arrogators 17 12 ARROGATOR, one who a...
arrowgrass 21 15 a grass of a genus o...
arrowheads 21 16 ARROWHEAD, the head...
arrowroots 19 13 ARROWROOT, a West In...
arrowwoods 22 17 ARROWWOOD, a shrub g...
arrowworms 24 19 ARROWWORM, a peculia...
arseniates 15 11 ARSENIATE, a salt of...
arsenicals 20 15 ARSENICAL, a compoun...
arsmetrick 23 20 (obsolete) arithmeti...
artemisias 18 13 ARTEMISIA, (Greek) a...
arterially 25 14 ARTERIAL, relating t...
arteriolar 17 11 relating to an arter...
arterioles 17 11 ARTERIOLE, a small a...
artfulness 20 16 the state of being a...
arthralgia 21 15 pain in a joint [n -...
arthralgic 25 18 relating to arthralg...
arthritics 24 15 ARTHRITIC, one who s...
arthrodiae 18 13 ARTHRODIA, in zoolog...
arthrodial 20 14 relating to arthrodi...
arthromere 19 15 an arthropod body se...
arthropods 21 16 ARTHROPOD, any membe...
artichokes 23 19 ARTICHOKE, a thistle...
articulacy 31 20 the state of being a...
articulate 21 15 speaking clearly [ad...
artificers 23 16 ARTIFICER, a craftsm...
artificial 24 17 humanly contrived of...
artinesses 16 11 ARTINESS, the qualit...
artistical 22 14 characteristic of ar...
artistries 18 10 ARTISTRY, artistic w...
artocarpus 22 17 a plant of the genus...
arvicoline 22 19 relating to the wate...
aryballoid 27 18 in the form of an ar...
arytaenoid 21 14 one of a pair of car...
arytenoids 22 14 ARYTENOID, one of a...
asafetidas 18 14 ASAFETIDA, an acrid...
asafoetida 17 14 an acrid gum resin w...
asarabacca 23 19 an acrid herbaceous...
asbestoses 18 13 ASBESTOS, fine fibro...
asbestosis 19 13 a lung disease cause...
asbestuses 19 14 ASBESTUS, a fine fib...
ascariases 19 13 ASCARIASIS, infestat...
ascariasis 20 13 infestation with, or...
ascendable 21 19 capable of being asc...
ascendance 20 19 the state of being a...
ascendancy 27 21 the state of being a...
ascendants 18 16 ASCENDANT, the part...
ascendence 20 19 the state of being a...
ascendency 27 21 the state of being a...
ascendents 18 16 ASCENDENT, the part...
ascendeurs 19 16 ASCENDEUR, (French)...
ascendible 22 19 capable of being asc...
ascensions 18 15 ASCENSION, an ascent...
ascertains 19 14 ASCERTAIN, to make s...
asceticism 25 19 the state of being a...
asclepiads 23 18 ASCLEPIAD, a choriam...
ascocarpic 28 22 relating to an ascoc...
ascogonium 21 20 the female reproduct...
ascomycete 29 21 one of the main divi...
ascorbates 21 16 ASCORBATE, a salt of...
ascospores 21 16 ASCOSPORE, one of th...
ascosporic 25 19 of or like an ascosp...
ascribable 25 20 capable of being asc...
ascription 22 17 the act of ascribing...
ascriptive 25 20 relating to ascripti...
asepticise 22 16 to make aseptic; to...
asepticism 24 19 aseptic treatment [n...
asepticize 25 25 to make aseptic; to...
asexuality 30 21 the state of being a...
ashinesses 18 13 ASHINESS, the condit...
ashlarings 21 16 ASHLARING, facing wi...
ashlerings 21 16 ASHLERING, facing wi...
ashramites 20 15 ASHRAMITE, a person...
asparagine 18 16 an amino acid found...
aspartames 19 16 ASPARTAME, an artifi...
aspartates 18 13 ASPARTATE, a salt of...
aspectable 24 20 (archaic) visible; w...
asperating 19 16 ASPERATE, to make ro...
aspergilla 22 17 ASPERGILLUM, a holy...
aspergilli 23 17 ASPERGILLUS, (Latin)...
aspergills 23 17 ASPERGILL, a holy wa...
asperities 19 13 ASPERITY, roughness...
aspersions 18 14 ASPERSION, calumny,...
aspersoirs 19 13 ASPERSOIR, (French)...
aspersoria 18 13 ASPERSORIUM, a basin...
asphalters 22 16 ASPHALTER, a person...
asphalting 23 19 ASPHALT, to coat wit...
asphaltite 22 16 a native asphalt occ...
asphaltums 24 20 ASPHALTUM, a mixture...
aspherical 25 19 not spherical, also...
asphyxiant 33 25 an agent causing asp...
asphyxiate 33 24 to cause asphyxia in...
aspidistra 20 14 an evergreen perenni...
aspirating 20 16 ASPIRATE, to pronoun...
aspiration 18 14 the act of breathing...
aspirators 19 13 ASPIRATOR, an instru...
aspiratory 25 15 of or pertaining to...
aspiringly 28 19 ASPIRING [adv]
aspleniums 21 19 ASPLENIUM, a genus o...
assafetida 18 14 an acrid gum resin w...
assagaiing 18 15 ASSAGAI, to pierce w...
assailable 20 15 that can be assailed...
assailants 17 12 ASSAILANT, one who a...
assailment 18 15 the act or power of...
assaulters 18 12 ASSAULTER, one who a...
assaulting 19 15 ASSAULT, to attack [...
assaultive 20 16 relating to assault...
assegaaied 16 13 ASSEGAAI, to kill or...
assegaiing 18 15 ASSEGAI, to pierce w...
assemblage 21 19 (French) the collect...
assemblers 21 17 ASSEMBLER, a type of...
assemblies 21 17 ASSEMBLY, the act of...
assembling 22 20 ASSEMBLE, to collect...
assentator 15 11 a flatterer; one ass...
assentient 15 12 assenting [adj] / on...
assertable 19 14 that can be asserted...
assertedly 24 14 ASSERTED [adv]
assertible 20 14 that can be asserted...
assertions 16 11 ASSERTION, the act o...
assertoric 20 13 of a statement, stat...
assessable 19 14 liable to be assesse...
assessment 17 14 the act of assessing...
asseverate 17 14 to state positively,...
assevering 19 17 ASSEVER, to solemnly...
assibilate 20 14 to pronounce with a...
assignable 20 17 that can be assigned...
assignably 27 19 ASSIGNABLE, that can...
assignment 18 17 the act of assigning...
assimilate 19 14 to make or be like [...
assistance 19 14 the act of assisting...
assistants 17 11 ASSISTANT, one who a...
associable 22 17 capable of being ass...
associated 19 14 ASSOCIATE, to join,...
associates 19 13 ASSOCIATE, to join,...
associator 19 13 one who associates [...
assoilment 18 15 (archaic) absolution...
assoilzied 21 21 ASSOILZIE, to absolv...
assoilzies 21 20 ASSOILZIE, to absolv...
assonances 17 15 ASSONANCE, vowel-rhy...
assonantal 15 13 corresponding in vow...
assonating 16 14 ASSONATE, to match i...
assortment 17 14 the act of assorting...
assuagings 19 16 ASSUAGING, the act o...
assuetudes 17 13 ASSUETUDE, accustome...
assumingly 27 20 ASSUMING [adv]
assumpsits 22 17 ASSUMPSIT, (Latin) a...
assumption 20 18 the taking up of a p...
assumptive 23 21 assumed, or capable...
assurances 19 15 ASSURANCE, confidenc...
assurgency 27 19 upward curving growt...
assythment 26 18 in Scots law, indemn...
astacology 27 18 the science of crayf...
astarboard 18 14 on or towards the st...
astaticism 22 16 the quality of being...
asteriated 16 11 having starlike rays...
asteridian 16 12 a starfish, also AST...
asterisked 18 15 ASTERISK, to mark wi...
asteroidal 17 12 of or pertaining to...
asthenopia 19 16 eyestrain [n -S]
asthenopic 23 19 suffering from asthe...
asthmatics 24 18 ASTHMATIC, one suffe...
astigmatic 23 18 affected with, or pe...
astomatous 17 14 having no stomata, a...
astonished 18 14 ASTONISH, to amaze o...
astonishes 18 13 ASTONISH, to amaze o...
astounding 17 16 ASTOUND, to amaze [v...
astrachans 21 16 ASTRACHAN, a closely...
astragalus 19 14 the anklebone [n AST...
astrakhans 19 17 ASTRAKHAN, a closely...
astrantias 16 11 ASTRANTIA, a plant o...
astricting 22 16 ASTRICT, (archaic) t...
astriction 20 14 a binding obligation...
astrictive 23 17 binding; astringent...
astringent 17 14 contracting, drawing...
astringers 18 13 ASTRINGER, a falcone...
astringing 19 16 ASTRINGE, to draw to...
astrobleme 20 17 the wound left by a...
astrocytes 26 15 ASTROCYTE, a much-br...
astrocytic 30 18 relating to an astro...
astrodomes 17 14 ASTRODOME, a stadium...
astrofells 21 15 ASTROFELL, (Spenser)...
astrohatch 24 17 a domed window in an...
astrolabes 19 14 ASTROLABE, a compact...
astrolatry 24 13 worship of stars [n...
astrologer 18 13 one who affects to t...
astrologic 22 16 related to astrology...
astrometry 24 15 the art of making me...
astronauts 16 12 ASTRONAUT, a person...
astronomer 16 14 a person who is skil...
astronomic 20 17 related to astronomy...
astrophels 22 16 ASTROPHEL, (Spenser)...
astucities 21 14 ASTUCITY, astuteness...
astuteness 16 12 the quality of being...
asymmetric 29 21 not symmetric, also...
asymptotes 26 18 ASYMPTOTE, a line (u...
asymptotic 30 21 of a line, approachi...
asynartete 21 13 not connected, consi...
asynchrony 33 21 lack of synchronisat...
asyndetons 21 15 ASYNDETON, the omiss...
asynergias 23 15 ASYNERGIA, lack of c...
asynergies 23 15 ASYNERGY, lack of mu...
asyntactic 29 19 loosely put together...
asystolism 26 16 the state or symptom...
atacamites 20 16 ATACAMITE, an oxychl...
ataractics 23 16 ATARACTIC, a tranqui...
atchieving 25 22 ATCHIEVE, (obsolete)...
ateleioses 16 11 ATELEIOSIS, dwarfism...
ateleiosis 17 11 dwarfism with dispro...
athanasies 17 13 ATHANASY, immortalit...
athenaeums 18 17 ATHENAEUM, a literar...
athermancy 28 21 imperviousness to ra...
atheromata 18 15 ATHEROMA, a fatty de...
athetising 20 15 ATHETISE, to reject,...
athetizing 23 24 ATHETIZE, to reject,...
athrocytes 28 17 ATHROCYTE, a cell ha...
atmologies 19 16 ATMOLOGY, the scienc...
atmologist 20 16 one who is versed in...
atmolysing 26 19 ATMOLYSE, to separat...
atmolyzing 29 28 ATMOLYZE, to separat...
atmometers 18 16 ATMOMETER, an instru...
atmosphere 21 18 the body of air and...
atomically 29 20 ATOMICAL, relating t...
atonalisms 18 15 ATONALISM, an adhere...
atonalists 17 12 ATONALIST, one who a...
atonements 15 15 ATONEMENT, the act o...
atrabiliar 20 14 melancholy or morose...
atracurium 22 18 a muscle-relaxing dr...
atramental 17 15 inky black, also ATR...
atrocities 20 13 ATROCITY, a heinous...
atrophying 28 20 ATROPHY, to waste aw...
attachable 24 19 that can be attached...
attachment 22 19 something attached [...
attackable 23 21 capable of being att...
attainable 18 15 that can be attained...
attainders 16 12 ATTAINDER, the loss...
attainment 16 15 the act of attaining...
attainting 17 14 ATTAINT, to pass sen...
attainture 16 12 process of attaint [...
attempered 19 17 ATTEMPER, (archaic)...
attempters 20 16 ATTEMPTER, one who a...
attempting 21 19 ATTEMPT, to endeavou...
attendance 17 16 the act of attending...
attendancy 24 18 the quality of atten...
attendants 15 13 ATTENDANT, a servant...
attendings 17 15 ATTENDING, the act o...
attendment 16 16 an attendant circums...
attentions 15 12 ATTENTION, the act o...
attenuants 15 13 ATTENUANT, a drug or...
attenuated 15 13 ATTENUATE, to make t...
attenuates 15 12 ATTENUATE, to make t...
attenuator 15 12 a device for attenua...
attestable 19 14 that can be attested...
attestants 16 11 ATTESTANT, one who a...
attestator 16 10 one who attests [n -...
atticising 22 16 ATTICISE, to use att...
atticizing 25 25 ATTICIZE, to use att...
attirement 17 14 attire; adornment [n...
attolasers 17 11 ATTOLASER, a high-po...
attollents 18 13 ATTOLLENT, a muscle...
attorneyed 21 14 ATTORNEY, (Shakespea...
attornment 16 15 the acknowledgement...
attractant 19 14 a substance that att...
attracters 20 13 ATTRACTER, one who a...
attracting 21 16 ATTRACT, to cause to...
attraction 19 14 the act, process, or...
attractive 22 17 having or relating t...
attractors 20 13 ATTRACTOR, one who a...
attrahents 18 13 ATTRAHENT, a muscle...
attrapping 22 19 ATTRAP, to adorn wit...
attributed 20 15 ATTRIBUTE, to ascrib...
attributer 20 14 one who attributes,...
attributes 20 14 ATTRIBUTE, to ascrib...
attributor 20 14 one who attributes,...
attristing 19 13 ATTRIST, (obsolete)...
attritions 17 11 ATTRITION, a wearing...
attritting 19 13 ATTRIT, to wear down...
attuitions 17 12 ATTUITION, a mental...
attunement 16 16 the state of being a...
atypically 37 22 ATYPICAL, not typica...
aubergines 19 17 AUBERGINE, (French)...
aubergiste 20 16 (French) an innkeepe...
aubrietias 19 14 AUBRIETIA, any of se...
auctionary 25 17 of or pertaining to...
auctioneer 18 15 an agent who sells g...
auctioning 20 18 AUCTION, to sell pub...
audacities 20 15 AUDACITY, boldness [...
audibility 28 18 the state of being a...
audiencias 19 16 AUDIENCIA, (Spanish)...
audiobooks 19 19 AUDIOBOOK, a recorde...
audiogenic 20 18 caused by sound wave...
audiograms 19 17 AUDIOGRAM, a graphic...
audiograph 22 19 a machine used to te...
audiologic 22 18 relating to the stud...
audiometer 17 15 an instrument for me...
audiometry 24 17 the measurement of t...
audiophile 22 18 a person who is enth...
audiophils 23 18 AUDIOPHIL, a person...
audiotaped 18 16 AUDIOTAPE, to record...
audiotapes 18 15 AUDIOTAPE, to record...
audiphones 20 18 AUDIPHONE, an instru...
auditioned 16 14 AUDITION, to give a...
auditioner 16 13 one who auditions [n...
auditorial 18 13 relating to an audit...
auditories 17 12 AUDITORY, a group of...
auditorily 25 15 AUDITORY [adv]
auditorium 19 16 (Latin) the part of...
augmenters 18 17 AUGMENTER, one who,...
augmenting 19 20 AUGMENT, to increase...
augmentors 18 17 AUGMENTOR, one who,...
augurships 24 19 AUGURSHIP, the offic...
augustness 18 15 the state of being a...
auralities 18 12 AURALITY, the qualit...
auriculars 22 16 AURICULAR, an auricu...
auriculate 21 16 having ears or ear-s...
auriferous 19 15 containing gold [adj...
auriscopes 22 17 AURISCOPE, an instru...
auriscopic 26 20 relating to an auris...
auscultate 21 16 to listen to the sou...
ausforming 21 20 the act of deforming...
auslanders 17 14 AUSLANDER, (German)...
auspicated 22 18 AUSPICATE, to progno...
auspicates 22 17 AUSPICATE, to progno...
auspicious 23 18 affording a favorabl...
austenites 16 12 AUSTENITE, a solid s...
austenitic 20 15 of stainless steels,...
australite 18 12 a tektite found in t...
austringer 18 14 a falconer who keeps...
autarchies 22 16 AUTARCHY, absolute s...
autarchist 23 16 one who practises au...
autarkical 22 19 relating to autarky,...
autarkists 19 15 AUTARKIST, one who i...
autecology 27 19 the study of the eco...
auteurisms 19 15 AUTEURISM, the profe...
auteurists 18 12 AUTEURIST, a film di...
authigenic 23 19 of minerals, having...
authorings 20 16 AUTHORING, the act o...
authorised 19 14 AUTHORISE, to give a...
authoriser 19 13 one who authorises,...
authorises 19 13 AUTHORISE, to give a...
authorisms 21 16 AUTHORISM, authorshi...
authorized 22 23 AUTHORIZE, to give a...
authorizer 22 22 one who authorises,...
authorizes 22 22 AUTHORIZE, to give a...
authorless 20 14 without an author; a...
authorship 24 18 the profession of wr...
autobahnen 18 18 AUTOBAHN, (German) a...
autobodies 18 15 AUTOBODY, the shell...
autobusses 19 15 AUTOBUS, a motor-bus...
autochthon 23 19 one sprung from the...
autoclaved 22 20 AUTOCLAVE, to heat i...
autoclaves 22 19 AUTOCLAVE, (French)...
autocratic 23 17 of, relating to, or...
autocrimes 21 17 AUTOCRIME, crime rel...
autocuties 20 15 AUTOCUTIE, a young a...
autocycles 30 20 AUTOCYCLE, a motorcy...
autodialed 17 14 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autodidact 20 16 a self-taught person...
autodromes 17 15 AUTODROME, a track o...
autoecious 19 15 of fungus, etc., pas...
autoecisms 21 17 AUTOECISM, the devel...
autoerotic 19 14 relating to sexual e...
autoflares 19 15 AUTOFLARE, an aircra...
autogamies 18 16 AUTOGAMY, self-ferti...
autogamous 18 17 self-fertilizing, al...
autogenics 20 17 a system of relaxati...
autogenies 16 14 AUTOGENY, spontaneou...
autogenous 16 15 self-generated [adj...
autografts 20 16 AUTOGRAFT, to make s...
autographs 22 18 AUTOGRAPH, to sign w...
autography 28 20 the act of writing w...
autoguides 18 15 AUTOGUIDE, a system...
autoimmune 18 19 of, relating to, or...
autojumble 23 28 a jumble sale involv...
autoloaded 16 14 AUTOLOAD, to load au...
autologies 18 14 AUTOLOGY, scientific...
autologous 18 15 involving a situatio...
autolysate 23 14 a product of autolys...
autolysing 25 17 AUTOLYSE, to break d...
autolysins 24 15 AUTOLYSIN, any agent...
autolyzate 26 23 a product of autolys...
autolyzing 28 26 AUTOLYZE, to break d...
automakers 18 18 AUTOMAKER, a manufac...
automatics 21 17 AUTOMATIC, an automa...
automating 18 17 AUTOMATE, to convert...
automation 16 15 the technique of mak...
automatise 17 14 to make automatic, a...
automatism 19 17 the state of being a...
automatist 18 14 a person who holds t...
automatize 20 23 to make automatic, a...
automatons 16 15 AUTOMATON, (Greek) a...
automatous 17 15 like an automaton [a...
autometers 17 14 AUTOMETER, a small d...
automobile 20 18 a usually four-wheel...
automotive 19 18 self-propelling; rel...
autonomics 20 18 AUTONOMIC [n]
autonomies 16 15 AUTONOMY, self-gover...
autonomist 17 15 one who practises au...
autonomous 16 16 of, relating to, or...
autonymous 23 18 (of a word or words)...
autophagia 21 18 sustenance by self-a...
autophobia 22 19 a morbid fear of sol...
autophytes 27 18 AUTOPHYTE, an autotr...
autophytic 31 21 like an autophyte, a...
autopilots 20 15 AUTOPILOT, a device...
autopistas 19 14 AUTOPISTA, (Spanish)...
autoplasty 26 17 grafting tissue from...
autopoints 18 15 AUTOPOINT, a point-t...
autopsists 20 14 AUTOPSIST, one who c...
autopsying 26 19 AUTOPSY, to carry ou...
autoptical 23 18 based on personal ob...
autorotate 15 11 to self-turn [v AUTO...
autoroutes 16 12 AUTOROUTE, a Contine...
autosaving 19 18 AUTOSAVE, to save by...
autoscopic 25 20 relating to autoscop...
autosexing 23 21 the act of self-sexi...
autospores 18 14 AUTOSPORE, a nonmoti...
autostrada 16 12 (Italian) a motorway...
autostrade 16 12 AUTOSTRADA, (Italian...
autoteller 18 13 an automatic telling...
autotheism 20 16 belief that one is G...
autotheist 19 13 the individual who i...
autotimers 18 14 AUTOTIMER, a device...
autotomies 17 14 AUTOTOMY, the reflex...
autotomise 17 14 to effect an autotom...
autotomize 20 23 to effect an autotom...
autotomous 17 15 relating to autotomy...
autotoxins 22 19 AUTOTOXIN, a poisono...
autotrophs 21 16 AUTOTROPH, an organi...
autotrophy 27 18 the state of being a...
autotypies 25 16 AUTOTYPY, a photogra...
autotyping 26 19 AUTOTYPE, to reprodu...
autowinder 19 16 a battery-operated d...
autoworker 20 18 a person employed in...
autumnally 26 20 AUTUMNAL, pertaining...
auxochrome 28 26 a group of atoms tha...
auxometers 23 21 AUXOMETER, an instru...
auxospores 24 21 AUXOSPORE, a diatom...
auxotrophs 27 23 AUXOTROPH, an auxotr...
auxotrophy 33 25 the state of being a...
availingly 28 21 AVAILING [adv]
avalanched 23 22 AVALANCHE, to descen...
avalanches 23 21 AVALANCHE, a generic...
avalements 19 19 AVALEMENT, a skiing...
avanturine 17 17 a glass containing g...
avaricious 22 18 greedy of gain [adj...
avenaceous 19 19 pertaining to or lik...
avengement 18 21 (archaic) the inflic...
avengeress 18 17 a female avenger [n...
aventailes 18 16 AVENTAILE, (historic...
aventurine 17 17 a glass containing g...
aventurins 18 17 AVENTURIN, a glass c...
averagings 20 19 AVERAGING [n]
averseness 17 15 the state of being a...
aversively 28 21 AVERSIVE, relating t...
avertiment 19 18 (Milton) advertiseme...
avgolemono 19 21 (Modern Greek) a sou...
avianising 19 18 AVIANISE, to modify...
avianizing 22 27 AVIANIZE, to modify...
aviatrices 22 17 AVIATRIX, a female a...
aviatrixes 25 21 AVIATRIX, a female a...
aviculture 24 20 the rearing of birds...
avidnesses 18 16 AVIDNESS, avidity [n...
avisandums 20 20 AVISANDUM, (Scots) a...
avisements 19 18 AVISEMENT, (Spenser)...
avizandums 23 29 AVIZANDUM, (Scots) a...
avocations 20 18 AVOCATION, a minor o...
avoidances 20 19 AVOIDANCE, the act o...
avoparcins 23 21 AVOPARCIN, an antibi...
avouchable 26 24 (archaic) capable of...
avouchment 24 24 (archaic) the act of...
avouterers 18 15 AVOUTERER, (obsolete...
avunculate 22 21 the custom in some s...
avvogadore 20 21 (Italian) an officia...
awakenings 20 21 AWAKENING [n]
awaynesses 24 16 AWAYNESS, the state...
awestrikes 21 17 AWESTRIKE, to inspir...
awkwardest 24 21 AWKWARD, lacking gra...
awkwardish 27 23 somewhat awkward [ad...
axenically 33 25 AXENIC, not contamin...
axialities 24 18 AXIALITY, the state...
axillaries 25 19 AXILLARY, a feather...
axinomancy 31 27 divination using an...
axiologies 24 20 AXIOLOGY, the scienc...
axiologist 25 20 one who studies ulti...
axiomatics 27 23 AXIOMATIC [n]
axiomatise 23 20 to make axiomatic, a...
axiomatize 26 29 to reduce to a syste...
axolemmata 24 24 AXOLEMMA, the membra...
axonometry 28 23 the branch of crysta...
axoplasmic 30 27 relating to axoplasm...
ayahuascas 27 18 AYAHUASCA, (Quechua)...
ayahuascos 27 18 AYAHUASCO, (Quechua)...
ayatollahs 26 16 AYATOLLAH, (Arabic)...
ayurvedics 29 21 the traditional syst...
azedarachs 24 25 AZEDARACH, (Persian)...
azeotropes 20 22 AZEOTROPE, a chemica...
azeotropic 24 25 of or like an azeotr...
azobenzene 21 33 a dye containing an...
azotaemias 19 22 AZOTAEMIA, a less co...
azygospore 28 26 a thick-walled spore...