10 letter words that starts with l

10 letter words that start with L

10 letter L word


Word With Friends


labdacisms 25 21 LABDACISM, a fault i...
labellable 24 20 that can be labelled...
labellings 23 19 LABELLING, the act o...
labellists 23 16 LABELLIST, (New Zeal...
labelmates 21 18 LABELMATE, a singer...
labialised 21 16 LABIALISE, to pronou...
labialises 21 15 LABIALISE, to pronou...
labialisms 23 18 LABIALISM, the quali...
labialized 24 25 LABIALIZE, to pronou...
labializes 24 24 LABIALIZE, to pronou...
labilities 22 15 LABILITY, the state...
labionasal 19 16 a sound produced wit...
labiovelar 22 19 produced by the lips...
laboratory 25 16 a place equipped for...
laboringly 28 20 LABORING [adv]
labouredly 27 19 LABOURED [adv]
labourisms 22 18 LABOURISM, a support...
labourists 21 15 LABOURIST, a support...
labourites 20 15 LABOURITE, a member...
laboursome 20 18 (Shakespeare) labori...
labyrinths 29 19 LABYRINTH, a buildin...
laccolites 25 18 LACCOLITE, a mass of...
laccoliths 28 20 LACCOLITH, a mass of...
laccolitic 29 21 of or like a laccoli...
lacemakers 22 21 LACEMAKER, one who m...
lacemaking 23 24 the craft of making...
lacerating 21 17 LACERATE, to tear ro...
laceration 19 15 the act of laceratin...
lacerative 22 18 having the power to...
lacertians 20 15 LACERTIAN, a member...
lachrymals 32 22 LACHRYMAL, a gland t...
lachrymary 37 23 a vessel containing,...
lachrymose 30 21 shedding tears [adj...
lacinesses 20 15 LACINESS, the qualit...
laciniated 20 16 cut into narrow lobe...
lackadaisy 28 21 (archaic) an express...
lackluster 24 20 lacking lustre, unin...
lacklustre 24 20 lacking lustre, unin...
laconicism 25 21 a vigorous, brief ma...
lacquerers 29 24 LACQUERER, one who l...
lacquering 30 27 LACQUER, to coat wit...
lacqueying 36 29 LACQUEY, to serve in...
lacrimator 22 17 a substance or gas c...
lacrymator 28 19 a substance or gas c...
lactarians 20 15 LACTARIAN, a vegetar...
lactations 20 15 LACTATION, the act o...
lactescent 23 18 producing milky juic...
lactivisms 26 21 LACTIVISM, strong ad...
lactivists 25 18 LACTIVIST, a person,...
lactogenic 24 20 producing milk [adj]
lactometer 21 17 an instrument for te...
lactoscope 25 20 an instrument for me...
lactosuria 21 15 the prescence of lac...
lacunosity 27 18 the state of being l...
lacustrine 21 16 relating to lakes [a...
ladderlike 20 18 like a ladder [adj]
ladieswear 20 15 clothes for women [n...
ladyfinger 27 20 a small finger-shape...
ladyfishes 29 19 LADYFISH, a large, h...
ladynesses 23 15 LADYNESS, the qualit...
laeotropic 22 17 turning to the left...
laevigated 20 18 LAEVIGATE, to smooth...
laevigates 20 17 LAEVIGATE, to smooth...
laevuloses 20 17 LAEVULOSE, the laevo...
lageniform 21 20 shaped like a flask...
lagerphone 21 19 a percussion instrum...
lagniappes 22 20 LAGNIAPPE, (Spanish)...
lagomorphs 24 21 LAGOMORPH, a gnawing...
lairdliest 20 13 LAIRDLY, like a lair...
lairdships 24 17 LAIRDSHIP, the offic...
lakefronts 20 19 LAKEFRONT, the front...
lakeshores 20 17 LAKESHORE, the shore...
lallations 19 14 LALLATION, infant's...
lamaserais 18 14 LAMASERAI, (Tibetan)...
lamaseries 18 14 LAMASERY, a monaster...
lambasting 22 20 LAMBAST, to beat sev...
lambdacism 26 24 a fault in speaking...
lambdoidal 22 20 shaped like the Gree...
lambencies 23 21 LAMBENCY, the qualit...
lambitives 24 21 LAMBITIVE, (obsolete...
lambrequin 29 28 (French) a veil over...
lambruscos 25 21 LAMBRUSCO, (Italian)...
lambswools 25 21 LAMBSWOOL, the wool...
lamebrains 20 18 LAMEBRAIN, an uninte...
lamellarly 28 19 LAMELLAR, flat and t...
lamellated 20 17 composed of, or furn...
lamenesses 17 15 LAMENESS, the state...
lamentable 20 19 deserving or express...
lamentably 27 21 LAMENTABLE, deservin...
lamentedly 25 19 LAMENTED [adv]
lamentings 19 18 LAMENTING, the act o...
lamestream 19 17 the traditional medi...
laminarian 17 16 a brown seaweed [n -...
laminarias 18 15 LAMINARIA, a genus o...
laminarins 18 16 LAMINARIN, a polysac...
laminarise 18 15 to make laminar, als...
laminarize 21 24 to make laminar, als...
laminating 19 18 LAMINATE, to compres...
lamination 17 16 the act of laminatin...
laminators 18 15 LAMINATOR, a device...
lamingtons 19 18 LAMINGTON, (Australi...
lampadists 22 18 LAMPADIST, one who g...
lampblacks 29 28 LAMPBLACK, a finely...
lampholder 24 21 a socket for an elec...
lamplights 27 22 LAMPLIGHT, the light...
lampooners 19 18 LAMPOONER, one who w...
lampoonery 25 20 the practice of lamp...
lampooning 20 21 LAMPOON, to ridicule...
lampoonist 20 18 one who composes lam...
lampshades 23 20 LAMPSHADE, a decorat...
lampshells 26 21 LAMPSHELL, a kind of...
lampstands 21 19 LAMPSTAND, a stand f...
lancejacks 26 31 LANCEJACK, a lance c...
lanceolate 19 16 shaped like a lance-...
lancewoods 22 19 LANCEWOOD, a tough,...
lancinated 19 17 LANCINATE, to pierce...
lancinates 19 16 LANCINATE, to pierce...
landammann 17 21 (German) a chief mag...
landammans 18 20 LANDAMMAN, (German)...
landaulets 18 15 LANDAULET, a small l...
landboards 19 17 LANDBOARD, a kind of...
landdamned 17 19 LANDDAMNE, (Shakespe...
landdamnes 17 18 LANDDAMNE, (Shakespe...
landdroses 17 14 LANDDROS, (Afrikaans...
landdrosts 18 14 LANDDROST, (Afrikaan...
landfilled 22 19 LANDFILL, to dispose...
landforces 22 19 LANDFORCE, a militar...
landgraves 20 19 LANDGRAVE, (historic...
landholder 20 17 a holder, owner, or...
landladies 18 15 LANDLADY, a female l...
landlocked 22 22 of a stretch of wate...
landlopers 20 17 LANDLOPER, (Dutch) a...
landlubber 23 21 a seaman's derogator...
landmarked 19 21 LANDMARK, to mark la...
landmasses 18 16 LANDMASS, a large ar...
landmining 19 20 the act of laying la...
landowners 19 17 LANDOWNER, one who o...
landowning 20 20 the owning of land [...
landscaped 22 20 LANDSCAPE, to create...
landscaper 22 19 a landscape gardener...
landscapes 22 19 LANDSCAPE, to create...
landsharks 21 19 LANDSHARK, a person...
landslides 19 15 LANDSLIDE, to win an...
landwaiter 20 16 an officer of the cu...
landwashes 22 18 LANDWASH, the shore...
langlaufer 21 19 a cross-country skie...
langostino 17 15 the spiny lobster, a...
langoustes 18 15 LANGOUSTE, (French)...
langridges 20 17 LANGRIDGE, a shot co...
langspiels 22 18 LANGSPIEL, (Norwegia...
languaging 20 20 LANGUAGE, to express...
languettes 18 15 LANGUETTE, (French)...
languished 21 18 LANGUISH, to lose vi...
languisher 21 17 one who languishes [...
languishes 21 17 LANGUISH, to lose vi...
languorous 18 16 producing or tending...
laniferous 19 16 wool-bearing, also L...
lanigerous 18 15 wool-bearing, also L...
lanknesses 17 17 LANKNESS, the state...
lanosities 17 12 LANOSITY, woolliness...
lansquenet 24 23 (French) a mercenary...
lanterloos 17 13 LANTERLOO, (obsolete...
lanterning 17 16 LANTERN, to provide...
lanternist 17 13 a person who works a...
lanthanide 18 16 a rare-earth element...
lanthanons 17 16 LANTHANON, any eleme...
lanthanums 20 19 LANTHANUM, a rare el...
lanuginose 17 16 downy; covered with...
lanuginous 18 17 downy; covered with...
lanzknecht 26 31 (German) a mercenary...
laodiceans 19 16 LAODICEAN, a person...
laparotomy 26 19 a cutting through th...
lapidarian 19 16 of or relating to st...
lapidaries 20 15 LAPIDARY, an expert...
lapidarist 21 15 one who polishes sto...
lapidating 21 18 LAPIDATE, to hurl st...
lapidation 19 16 (archaic) the act of...
lapidified 23 19 LAPIDIFY, to turn to...
lapidifies 23 18 LAPIDIFY, to turn to...
lapstrakes 21 18 LAPSTRAKE, a clinker...
lapstreaks 21 18 LAPSTREAK, a clinker...
larcenists 21 15 LARCENIST, one who c...
lardaceous 20 16 of or like lard [adj...
lardalites 19 13 LARDALITE, a coarse...
largemouth 22 19 a kind of fish, a la...
larghettos 21 15 LARGHETTO, a rather...
largitions 19 14 LARGITION, (archaic)...
larvicidal 25 20 killing larvae [adj]
larvicides 24 19 LARVICIDE, an agent...
larvikites 22 19 LARVIKITE, a mineral...
laryngeals 25 17 LARYNGEAL, (phonics)...
laryngitic 29 19 of or like laryngiti...
laryngitis 26 16 inflammation of the...
lascivious 24 19 lustful; inclining o...
laserdiscs 22 15 LASERDISC, a disc si...
laserdisks 20 16 LASERDISK, a disc si...
laserworts 21 14 LASERWORT, any plant...
lassitudes 19 13 LASSITUDE, the state...
latecomers 21 17 LATECOMER, one who a...
latenesses 16 12 LATENESS, the qualit...
lateraling 19 15 LATERAL, to throw a...
lateralise 18 12 to make lateral, als...
laterality 25 14 the state or conditi...
lateralize 21 21 to make lateral, als...
lateralled 19 14 LATERAL, to throw a...
laterborns 19 15 LATERBORN, someone b...
laterising 19 14 LATERISE, to convert...
laterizing 22 23 LATERIZE, to convert...
latescence 22 18 a slight withdrawal...
latheriest 20 13 LATHERY, covered wit...
lathyrisms 29 18 LATHYRISM, a neurolo...
lathyritic 31 18 of or like lathyrism...
lathyruses 27 16 LATHYRUS, any plant...
laticifers 24 17 LATICIFER, a cell or...
laticlaves 24 19 LATICLAVE, (historic...
latifundia 20 17 LATIFUNDIUM, (Latin)...
latifundio 20 17 (Latin) a great land...
latimerias 19 14 LATIMERIA, any fish...
latinising 19 15 LATINISE, to transla...
latinities 18 12 LATINITY, a manner o...
latinizing 22 24 LATINIZE, to transla...
latitation 17 12 a lying in concealme...
latrations 17 12 LATRATION, the act o...
latrocinia 20 15 LATROCINIUM, (obsole...
lattermath 21 16 the latter, or secon...
lattermost 19 14 last [adj]
latticings 23 17 LATTICING, latticewo...
latticinio 21 15 (Italian) a type of...
laudations 17 14 LAUDATION, the act o...
laudatives 20 17 LAUDATIVE, a eulogy...
laughingly 30 22 LAUGHING, mirthful [...
laughlines 22 18 LAUGHLINE, a funny l...
launcegaye 26 20 (obsolete) a kind of...
launchings 24 21 LAUNCHING, the act o...
launchpads 25 22 LAUNCHPAD, a platfor...
launderers 17 14 LAUNDERER, one who l...
laundering 18 17 the act of cleansing...
laundrette 17 14 a self-service laund...
laundryman 24 20 a man who is a laund...
laundrymen 24 20 LAUNDRYMAN, a man wh...
lauraceous 20 16 belonging to the lau...
laurdalite 19 14 a coarse nepheline s...
laureating 18 15 LAUREATE, to crown w...
laureation 16 13 the act of crowning...
laurelling 21 17 LAUREL, to crown wit...
laurustine 18 14 a winter-flowering s...
laurvikite 22 20 a mineral, a soda sy...
lavalieres 20 16 LAVALIERE, a loosely...
lavalliere 21 17 a loosely-tied bow;...
lavational 19 17 relating to lavation...
lavatorial 20 16 relating to a lavato...
lavatories 19 15 LAVATORY, a room equ...
lavendered 18 18 LAVENDER, to perfume...
laverbread 21 19 a kind of bread made...
laverocked 23 23 LAVEROCK, to catch l...
lavishment 23 21 the act of lavishing...
lavishness 22 18 the state of being l...
lavoltaing 21 19 LAVOLTA, to dance wi...
lawbreaker 23 21 a person who violate...
lawfulness 24 20 the state of being l...
lawgivings 26 23 LAWGIVING, the givin...
lawmakings 24 24 LAWMAKING, the proce...
lawmongers 22 20 LAWMONGER, a trivial...
lawnmowers 24 21 LAWNMOWER, a machine...
lawrencium 25 22 a transuranic elemen...
lawyerings 28 19 LAWYERING, working a...
lawyerlike 29 21 like a lawyer [adj]
laybacking 31 26 LAYBACK, to climb us...
laymanised 24 18 LAYMANISE, to simpli...
laymanises 24 17 LAYMANISE, to simpli...
laymanized 27 27 LAYMANIZE, to simpli...
laymanizes 27 26 LAYMANIZE, to simpli...
laypersons 25 17 LAYPERSON, a member...
lazarettes 20 20 LAZARETTE, (Italian)...
lazarettos 20 20 LAZARETTO, (Italian)...
lazinesses 20 21 LAZINESS, the state...
leadenness 15 14 the state of being l...
leaderenes 15 13 LEADERENE, a female...
leaderette 16 12 a brief newspaper le...
leaderless 18 13 without a leader [ad...
leadership 22 17 the office or positi...
leadplants 20 17 LEADPLANT, a shrub o...
leadscrews 24 18 LEADSCREW, a threade...
leafcutter 23 18 as in leafcutter ant...
leafhopper 25 22 a name for various h...
leafleteer 19 15 one who distributes...
leafleters 20 15 LEAFLETER, one who d...
leafleting 21 18 LEAFLET, to distribu...
leafletted 20 16 LEAFLET, to distribu...
leafstalks 22 19 LEAFSTALK, the stalk...
leaguering 19 17 LEAGUER, to besiege...
leannesses 15 13 LEANNESS, the state...
leasebacks 23 21 LEASEBACK, an arrang...
leaseholds 20 15 LEASEHOLD, land or p...
leastaways 26 16 at least; at all eve...
leatherier 19 13 LEATHERY, resembling...
leathering 20 16 a thrashing [n -S]
leavenings 19 19 LEAVENING, the produ...
lebensraum 20 19 (German) room to liv...
lectionary 26 17 a book, or a list, o...
lectorates 20 14 LECTORATE, the offic...
lectorship 26 19 the office of lector...
lectotypes 29 19 LECTOTYPE, a specime...
lectresses 21 14 LECTRESS, a female l...
lederhosen 18 15 (German) short leath...
leechcraft 28 22 (archaic) the art of...
leetspeaks 20 18 LEETSPEAK, a jargon...
leftwardly 31 21 towards the left [ad...
legalisers 20 14 LEGALISER, one who l...
legalising 21 17 LEGALISE, to make la...
legalistic 24 17 inclined to legalism...
legalities 20 14 LEGALITY, the condit...
legalizers 23 23 LEGALIZER, one who l...
legalizing 24 26 LEGALIZE, to make la...
legataries 18 13 LEGATARY, the inheri...
legateship 23 18 the office of a lega...
legatorial 19 14 like a legator [adj]
legendised 18 16 LEGENDISE, to make i...
legendises 18 15 LEGENDISE, to make i...
legendists 19 15 LEGENDIST, a writer...
legendized 21 25 LEGENDIZE, to make i...
legendizes 21 24 LEGENDIZE, to make i...
legendries 18 15 LEGENDRY, a collecti...
legerities 19 13 LEGERITY, quickness...
legibility 30 19 the quality of being...
legionella 19 16 a bacterium of the g...
legislated 20 15 LEGISLATE, to make l...
legislates 20 14 LEGISLATE, to make l...
legislator 20 14 one that makes laws...
legitimacy 30 21 the quality of being...
legitimate 20 16 lawful, born in wedl...
legitimise 21 16 to make legitimate,...
legitimism 23 19 adherence to the pri...
legitimist 22 16 a person who believe...
legitimize 24 25 to make legitimate,...
leguminous 20 19 relating to pulse ve...
legwarmers 23 19 LEGWARMER, one of a...
leiomyomas 25 19 LEIOMYOMA, a fibrous...
leiotrichy 30 18 the state of being s...
leishmania 20 17 any protozoon of the...
leistering 19 14 LEISTER, to spear wi...
leisurable 21 16 leisurely [adj LEISU...
leisurably 28 18 LEISURABLE, leisurel...
leitmotifs 22 17 LEITMOTIF, (German)...
leitmotivs 22 18 LEITMOTIV, (German)...
lemmatised 20 18 LEMMATISE, to organi...
lemmatises 20 17 LEMMATISE, to organi...
lemmatized 23 27 LEMMATIZE, to organi...
lemmatizes 23 26 LEMMATIZE, to organi...
lemniscate 21 18 an oval shape with t...
lemongrass 19 17 a fragrant perennial...
lemonwoods 20 19 LEMONWOOD, a small t...
lengthened 19 18 LENGTHEN, to make lo...
lengthener 19 17 something that lengt...
lengthiest 21 16 LENGTHY, very long [...
lengthsman 21 20 someone responsible...
lengthsmen 21 20 LENGTHSMAN, someone...
lengthways 30 21 in the direction of...
lengthwise 24 19 in the direction of...
leniencies 19 16 LENIENCY, the qualit...
lenitively 27 19 LENITIVE [adv]
lenocinium 21 20 in Scots law, conniv...
lentamente 16 16 (Italian) slowly; in...
lenticular 22 17 lens-shaped [adj LEN...
lenticules 22 17 LENTICULE, any of th...
lentigines 18 15 LENTIGO, (Latin) a f...
lentissimo 19 15 (Italian) very slow...
lentivirus 21 17 any of a group of re...
leontiases 16 12 LEONTIASIS, a kind o...
leontiasis 17 12 a kind of leprosy gi...
leopardess 19 15 a female leopard [n...
lepidolite 21 16 a species of mica, o...
leprechaun 24 21 (Irish) a small supe...
leprechawn 27 23 (Irish) a small supe...
leprosaria 19 14 LEPROSARIUM, a hospi...
leproserie 19 14 (French) a hospital...
leptosomes 20 17 LEPTOSOME, a person...
leptosomic 24 20 like a leptosome, of...
leptospire 22 17 any of a genus of sl...
leptotenes 18 15 LEPTOTENE, the first...
lesbianism 21 18 female homosexuality...
lespedezas 22 24 LESPEDEZA, bush clov...
lesseeship 22 16 being a lessee [n -S...
lessenings 18 15 LESSENING, the act o...
lessonings 18 15 LESSONING, the act o...
lethargied 21 16 suffering from letha...
lethargies 21 15 LETHARGY, morbid dro...
lethargise 21 15 to make lethargic, a...
lethargize 24 24 to make lethargic, a...
letrozoles 21 21 LETROZOLE, an anti-o...
letterform 21 17 the shape of a lette...
letterhead 19 14 stationery printed o...
letterings 19 14 LETTERING, the act o...
letterless 19 12 not having a letter...
lettersets 18 11 LETTERSET, a method...
leucaemias 21 18 LEUCAEMIA, a type of...
leuchaemia 23 20 a type of cancer, al...
leucoblast 24 19 an immature cell whi...
leucocidin 24 20 a bacterial substanc...
leucocytes 30 20 LEUCOCYTE, a colourl...
leucocytic 34 23 relating to white co...
leucoderma 21 19 a condition in which...
leucomaine 20 19 any of a group of to...
leucopenia 21 19 a decrease in the nu...
leucopenic 25 22 having leucopenia, a...
leucoplast 24 19 a colorless plastid...
leucotomes 21 18 LEUCOTOME, a needle...
leukaemias 19 19 LEUKAEMIA, a type of...
leukemogen 19 22 a substance or agent...
leukoblast 22 20 an immature leukocyt...
leukocidin 22 21 an exotoxin, produce...
leukocytes 28 21 LEUKOCYTE, a colorle...
leukocytic 32 24 of or like leukocyte...
leukoderma 19 20 any area of skin tha...
leukopenia 19 20 an abnormally low wh...
leukopenic 23 23 relating to leukopen...
leukorrhea 20 18 a vaginal discharge,...
leukotomes 19 19 LEUKOTOME, a needle...
levantines 18 17 LEVANTINE, a closely...
levellings 23 20 LEVELLING [n]
leveraging 21 20 LEVERAGE, to provide...
leviathans 21 18 LEVIATHAN, an (imagi...
levigating 22 20 LEVIGATE, to reduce...
levigation 20 18 the act or operation...
levigators 21 17 LEVIGATOR, one who l...
leviration 19 16 levirate marriage or...
levitating 21 18 LEVITATE, to rise an...
levitation 19 16 the act of levitatin...
levitators 20 15 LEVITATOR, one who l...
levorotary 25 17 counter-clockwise; r...
lewdnesses 20 16 LEWDNESS, the state...
lexicalise 28 22 to put into a lexico...
lexicality 35 24 the quality of belon...
lexicalize 31 31 to put into a lexico...
lexicology 35 26 the study of words a...
lexigraphy 36 27 the art of the defin...
leylandiis 25 16 LEYLANDII, the Leyla...
lherzolite 24 23 an igneous rock cons...
liableness 20 16 the state of being l...
libational 20 16 relating to or havin...
libecchios 29 22 LIBECCHIO, (Milton)...
libellants 22 17 LIBELLANT, one who b...
libellings 24 19 LIBELLING, the act o...
liberalise 21 15 to make liberal or m...
liberalism 23 18 the state of being l...
liberalist 22 15 an adherent of liber...
liberality 28 17 the state of being l...
liberalize 24 24 to make liberal or m...
liberating 21 17 LIBERATE, to set fre...
liberation 19 15 the act of liberatin...
liberators 20 14 LIBERATOR, one who l...
liberatory 26 16 tending, or serving,...
libertines 20 15 LIBERTINE, a person...
libidinist 22 16 a lewd person [n -S]
libidinous 21 17 having lustful desir...
librairies 21 14 LIBRAIRIE, (French)...
librarians 20 15 LIBRARIAN, one who w...
librations 20 15 LIBRATION, a slight...
librettist 22 14 one who makes a libr...
licensable 23 19 that can be licensed...
licensures 21 16 LICENSURE, the act o...
licentiate 20 15 one who has a licens...
licentious 21 16 characterized by lic...
lichanoses 22 17 LICHANOS, (Greek) in...
lichenisms 25 20 LICHENISM, the assoc...
lichenists 24 17 LICHENIST, one who s...
lichtlying 33 22 LICHTLY, (Scots) to...
lidocaines 20 16 LIDOCAINE, the US na...
lienholder 20 16 a party who holds a...
lienteries 17 12 LIENTERY, the discha...
lieutenant 16 14 an official empowere...
lifebloods 23 19 LIFEBLOOD, the blood...
lifeguards 22 18 LIFEGUARD, to serve...
lifehacked 26 24 LIFEHACK, to live on...
lifehacker 26 23 one who lives in a w...
lifelessly 29 18 LIFELESS, having no...
lifesavers 22 18 LIFESAVER, the saver...
lifesaving 23 21 the skill or practic...
lifestyler 28 17 a kind of exercise a...
lifestyles 28 17 LIFESTYLE, a way in...
lifeworlds 25 19 LIFEWORLD, the way a...
ligamental 20 18 of or like a ligamen...
ligaturing 21 17 LIGATURE, to tie wit...
lightbulbs 29 23 LIGHTBULB, a glass b...
lighteners 21 16 LIGHTENER, something...
lightening 22 19 LIGHTEN, to reduce t...
lighterage 22 17 a fee for carrying c...
lightering 23 18 LIGHTER, to convey b...
lighterman 22 19 a person employed on...
lightermen 22 19 LIGHTERMAN, a person...
lightfaced 27 22 in a typeface having...
lightfaces 27 21 LIGHTFACE, a typefac...
lighthouse 24 18 a structure (as a to...
lightlying 31 21 LIGHTLY, to slight o...
lightnings 23 19 LIGHTNING, to flash...
lightplane 24 20 a small and comparat...
lightproof 26 21 impervious to light,...
lightships 28 20 LIGHTSHIP, a ship in...
lighttight 27 19 impervious to light,...
lightwoods 25 19 LIGHTWOOD, pine wood...
lignifying 29 22 LIGNIFY, to convert...
lignocaine 20 18 a local anaesthetic...
likability 30 21 the quality of being...
likelihood 22 19 probability [n -S]
likeliness 20 17 likelihood, probabil...
likenesses 18 16 LIKENESS, a pictoria...
liliaceous 22 16 of or pertaining to...
limaciform 26 23 slug-like [adj]
limacology 30 22 the study of slugs [...
limberness 21 18 the state of being l...
limburgite 24 20 a volcanic rock comp...
limelights 25 19 LIMELIGHT, to light...
limerences 21 18 LIMERENCE, a state o...
limescales 23 18 LIMESCALE, a flaky d...
limestones 18 15 LIMESTONE, a sedimen...
limewashes 24 19 LIMEWASH, a mixture...
limewaters 22 17 LIMEWATER, water imp...
limicoline 23 19 belonging to the Cha...
limicolous 24 19 living in mud, usual...
liminesses 19 15 LIMINESS, the state...
limitarian 19 15 someone who limits s...
limitation 19 15 an act or instance o...
limitative 22 18 tending to limit [ad...
limitingly 29 20 LIMITING, setting a...
limitrophe 24 19 near the frontier or...
limivorous 22 19 feeding on mud [adj]
limnologic 24 21 relating to limnolog...
limousines 19 16 LIMOUSINE, any large...
limpidness 22 19 the quality of being...
limpnesses 21 18 LIMPNESS, the state...
lincomycin 31 24 an antibiotic used f...
lincrustas 22 16 LINCRUSTA, thick emb...
lineaments 17 16 LINEAMENT, a distinc...
linearised 17 13 LINEARISE, to make l...
linearises 17 12 LINEARISE, to make l...
linearized 20 22 LINEARIZE, to make l...
linearizes 20 21 LINEARIZE, to make l...
lineations 16 13 LINEATION, the act o...
linebacker 23 22 in American football...
linecaster 20 15 a machine that casts...
lineolated 17 14 marked with fine lin...
linerboard 19 16 a thin paperboard us...
lingerings 20 17 LINGERING, the act o...
linguiform 23 21 shaped like a tongue...
linguister 20 15 an interpreter, also...
linguistic 24 18 of or relating to la...
linguistry 27 17 the study of languag...
lingulated 20 17 shaped like the tong...
linishings 22 17 LINISHING, the act o...
linkslands 20 19 LINKSLAND, land near...
linoleates 17 13 LINOLEATE, a salt of...
linotypers 26 17 LINOTYPER, one who s...
linotyping 27 20 LINOTYPE, to set a l...
lintstocks 23 19 LINTSTOCK, (historic...
lintwhites 24 17 LINTWHITE, (Scots) a...
lioncelles 22 17 LIONCELLE, a small l...
lionfishes 22 17 LIONFISH, a tropical...
lipglosses 23 17 LIPGLOSS, a cosmetic...
lipochrome 26 22 a pigment of butter...
lipography 32 23 the accidental omiss...
lipomatous 21 18 of or like a lipoma...
lipophilic 30 23 having an affinity f...
lipoplasts 24 18 LIPOPLAST, a small p...
liposucked 25 23 LIPOSUCK, to subject...
lipotropic 26 20 serving to prevent e...
lipotropin 22 18 a protein hormone of...
lippitudes 24 19 LIPPITUDE, (archaic)...
lipreaders 20 15 LIPREADER, one who l...
lipreading 21 18 the interpreting of...
lipsticked 26 22 LIPSTICK, to apply l...
liquations 26 22 LIQUATION, the act o...
liquefiers 29 24 LIQUEFIER, that whic...
liquefying 36 29 LIQUEFY, to make or...
liquescent 29 25 becoming liquid [adj...
liquescing 31 27 LIQUESCE, to become...
liqueuring 28 25 LIQUEUR, to flavour...
liquidated 27 23 LIQUIDATE, to clear...
liquidates 27 22 LIQUIDATE, to clear...
liquidator 27 22 one that liquidates...
liquidised 28 23 LIQUIDISE, to make e...
liquidiser 28 22 a device for liquidi...
liquidises 28 22 LIQUIDISE, to make e...
liquidized 31 32 LIQUIDIZE, to make e...
liquidizer 31 31 a device for liquidi...
liquidizes 31 31 LIQUIDIZE, to make e...
liquidness 27 23 the state of being l...
liquiduses 28 23 LIQUIDUS, a curve pl...
liquifiers 30 24 LIQUIFIER, something...
liquifying 37 29 LIQUIFY, to make or...
liquorices 30 24 LIQUORICE, a confect...
lissomness 19 15 the state of being l...
listenable 20 16 pleasant to listen t...
listenings 19 15 LISTENING, the act o...
listlessly 28 15 LISTLESS, languid [a...
litenesses 17 12 LITENESS, the state...
literacies 21 14 LITERACY, the abilit...
literalise 19 12 to make literal, als...
literalism 21 15 adherence to the exp...
literalist 20 12 an adherent of liter...
literality 26 14 the quality of being...
literalize 22 21 to make literal, als...
literarily 26 14 LITERARY, pertaining...
literately 25 14 LITERATE, able to re...
literation 17 12 representation of so...
literators 18 11 LITERATOR, a dabbler...
literature 18 12 the production of li...
literosity 25 13 the quality of being...
lithifying 31 21 LITHIFY, to petrify,...
lithistids 23 14 LITHISTID, any of th...
lithoclast 25 17 a stone breaker; a t...
lithocysts 31 18 LITHOCYST, a cell co...
lithoglyph 34 23 an engraving on ston...
lithograph 26 20 to produce by lithog...
litholatry 28 16 stone-worship [n LIT...
lithologic 26 19 relating to litholog...
lithomancy 30 22 divination by stones...
lithomarge 22 18 a clay of a fine smo...
lithophane 23 19 porcelain with pictu...
lithophysa 31 20 a bladderlike spheru...
lithophyse 31 20 a bladderlike spheru...
lithophyte 31 20 a plant that grows o...
lithopones 21 17 LITHOPONE, a white p...
lithoprint 23 17 a print made by lith...
lithotomes 21 16 LITHOTOME, a stone s...
lithotomic 25 19 relating to lithotom...
lithotrite 21 13 a device that crushe...
lithotrity 28 15 the operation of bre...
litigating 21 16 LITIGATE, to subject...
litigation 19 14 the act of litigatin...
litigators 20 13 LITIGATOR, one who l...
litterbags 22 16 LITTERBAG, a bag for...
litterbugs 23 17 LITTERBUG, someone w...
littermate 19 14 one who shares the s...
littleneck 23 20 a young quahog suita...
littleness 19 13 the quality of being...
liturgical 25 18 pertaining to, of or...
liturgisms 23 17 LITURGISM, the study...
liturgists 22 14 LITURGIST, a leader...
livability 31 21 the quality of being...
livelihead 23 19 (obsolete) livelines...
livelihood 23 19 means of support or...
liveliness 21 17 the state of being l...
livenesses 19 16 LIVENESS, the qualit...
liverishly 31 20 LIVERISH, having a l...
liverworts 24 18 LIVERWORT, any bryop...
liverwurst 25 19 liver sausage [n -S]
livestocks 25 22 LIVESTOCK, domestic...
livestream 21 18 to broadcast (an eve...
lividities 22 16 LIVIDITY, the state...
livingness 21 19 the state of being a...
livraisons 20 16 LIVRAISON, (French)...
lixiviated 27 23 LIXIVIATE, to separa...
lixiviates 27 22 LIXIVIATE, to separa...
loadmaster 18 15 a member of an aircr...
loadspaces 22 18 LOADSPACE, the space...
loadstones 16 13 LOADSTONE, magnetite...
loanshifts 22 17 LOANSHIFT, the adapt...
loathingly 28 19 LOATHING, hating [ad...
loblollies 23 17 LOBLOLLY, a pine tre...
lobotomies 20 17 LOBOTOMY, a type of...
lobotomise 20 17 to carry out a lobot...
lobotomize 23 26 to carry out a lobot...
lobscouses 23 18 LOBSCOUSE, a sailor'...
lobsterers 20 14 LOBSTERER, a person...
lobstering 21 17 fishing for lobsters...
lobsterman 20 18 a fisherman who catc...
lobstermen 20 18 LOBSTERMAN, a fisher...
lobtailing 22 18 LOBTAIL, of a whale,...
lobulation 20 17 the state of being l...
localisers 22 15 LOCALISER, one who l...
localising 23 18 LOCALISE, to confine...
localistic 26 18 having localism [adj...
localities 22 15 LOCALITY, a place, p...
localizers 25 24 LOCALIZER, one who l...
localizing 26 27 LOCALIZE, to confine...
locateable 22 18 that can be located,...
locational 20 16 relating to location...
lockhouses 24 21 LOCKHOUSE, a lockkee...
lockkeeper 24 25 a person in charge o...
lockmakers 24 25 LOCKMAKER, one who m...
locksmiths 27 23 LOCKSMITH, one who m...
lockstitch 29 23 a sewing-machine sti...
locomobile 24 21 an early automobile...
locomoting 22 20 LOCOMOTE, to move ab...
locomotion 20 18 an act or the power...
locomotive 23 21 moving from place to...
locomotors 21 17 LOCOMOTOR, a muscle...
locomotory 27 19 relating to locomoti...
locoplants 23 19 LOCOPLANT, astragalu...
loculament 22 20 the cell of a perica...
loculation 21 17 the state of being l...
locutories 21 15 LOCUTORY, a room in...
lodestones 16 13 LODESTONE, magnetite...
lodgements 19 18 LODGEMENT, the act o...
lodgepoles 21 18 LODGEPOLE, a pole us...
loganberry 26 19 a hybrid between a r...
logaoedics 21 17 LOGAOEDIC, a verse i...
logarithms 23 18 LOGARITHM, a mathema...
loggerhead 21 18 a large-headed sea t...
logicality 30 19 logicalness [n LOGIC...
logicising 24 19 LOGICISE, to reason,...
logicizing 27 28 LOGICIZE, to reason,...
loginesses 18 14 LOGINESS, the state...
logistical 24 17 logical [adj LOGISTI...
logjamming 24 31 the act of creating...
logographs 24 20 LOGOGRAPH, a written...
logography 30 22 a method of printing...
logogriphs 25 20 LOGOGRIPH, a riddle...
logopaedic 23 20 relating to speech t...
logopedics 24 20 speech therapy, also...
logophiles 24 19 LOGOPHILE, a person...
logorrheas 20 15 LOGORRHEA, excessive...
logorrheic 24 18 relating to logorrho...
logorrhoea 19 15 uncontrollable garru...
logothetes 20 15 LOGOTHETE, (historic...
logotypies 27 18 LOGOTYPY, the use of...
logrollers 21 15 LOGROLLER, one who e...
logrolling 22 18 the exchanging of po...
loincloths 24 18 LOINCLOTH, a cloth w...
loiterings 19 14 LOITERING, the act o...
loneliness 17 14 the state of being l...
lonenesses 15 13 LONENESS, the state...
lonesomely 24 18 LONESOME, lonely [ad...
longaevous 19 19 long-lived, also LON...
longboards 20 18 LONGBOARD, a type of...
longbowman 23 24 an archer who uses a...
longbowmen 23 24 LONGBOWMAN, an arche...
longcloths 25 20 LONGCLOTH, a cotton...
longhaired 20 17 highbrow [adj]
longheaded 19 18 having unusual fores...
longhouses 20 17 LONGHOUSE, a long co...
longicorns 21 18 LONGICORN, a kind of...
longitudes 19 16 LONGITUDE, the angul...
longjumped 24 31 LONGJUMP, to jump fo...
longleaves 20 19 LONGLEAF, an evergre...
longlisted 20 16 LONGLIST, to include...
longnesses 17 15 LONGNESS, length [n]
longprimer 22 20 in printing, a size...
longsomely 26 20 LONGSOME, tediously...
lookalikes 20 20 LOOKALIKE, a person...
loopholing 23 20 LOOPHOLE, to make sm...
looseboxes 24 21 LOOSEBOX, a type of...
loosenings 17 15 LOOSENING, the act o...
looyenwork 26 21 therapy of the body...
lopgrasses 21 16 LOPGRASS, soft brome...
lophophore 25 21 a ring of ciliated t...
lopsidedly 28 19 LOPSIDED, leaning to...
loquacious 29 25 talkative, garrulous...
lorazepams 23 26 LORAZEPAM, a drug us...
lordliness 19 14 the state of being l...
lordolatry 25 15 worship of nobility...
lorgnettes 18 14 LORGNETTE, (French)...
loricating 22 17 LORICATE, to coat pr...
lorication 20 15 a covering of scales...
lornnesses 16 13 LORNNESS, the state...
lossmakers 20 18 LOSSMAKER, a busines...
lossmaking 21 21 making a loss, as in...
lostnesses 17 12 LOSTNESS, the state...
lothnesses 19 14 LOTHNESS, the state...
lotuslands 19 15 LOTUSLAND, a place o...
loudhailer 21 16 a megaphone [n -S]
loudmouths 22 19 LOUDMOUTH, a person...
loudnesses 17 14 LOUDNESS, the qualit...
loundering 18 17 a beating, thumping...
loungewear 20 18 informal clothing de...
loungingly 27 21 LOUNGING, reclining...
louseworts 21 15 LOUSEWORT, any plant...
lovability 30 21 the state of being l...
lovastatin 19 16 a drug used to lower...
lovelessly 28 19 LOVELESS, without lo...
lovelights 25 20 LOVELIGHT, an amorou...
lovelihead 22 19 loveliness [n -S]
loveliness 20 17 the state of being l...
lovemakers 21 22 LOVEMAKER, one who m...
lovemaking 22 25 sexual play and usua...
lovestruck 25 23 affected by love for...
loveworthy 31 22 a person worthy of b...
lovingness 20 19 affection; kind rega...
lowballing 26 22 LOWBALL, to give a c...
lowbrowism 28 23 the state of being a...
lowercased 23 18 LOWERCASE, to make l...
lowercases 23 17 LOWERCASE, to make l...
loweringly 29 20 LOWERING, overcast,...
lowlanders 21 17 LOWLANDER, one who l...
lowlighted 26 20 LOWLIGHT, to enhance...
lowliheads 24 18 LOWLIHEAD, (archaic)...
lowsenings 21 18 LOWSENING, the celeb...
loxodromes 24 22 LOXODROME, a line on...
loxodromic 28 25 pertaining to sailin...
lubricants 24 19 LUBRICANT, a substan...
lubricated 24 19 LUBRICATE, to make s...
lubricates 24 18 LUBRICATE, to make s...
lubricator 24 18 one who, or that whi...
lubricious 25 19 slippery; lewd, also...
lubritoria 21 15 LUBRITORIUM, a place...
lucidities 23 16 LUCIDITY, the qualit...
luciferase 23 18 an oxidising enzyme...
luciferins 24 19 LUCIFERIN, a protein...
luciferous 24 19 light-bringing; ligh...
lucifugous 26 22 shunning or avoiding...
lucklessly 32 23 LUCKLESS, unlucky [a...
luctations 21 16 LUCTATION, (obsolete...
lucubrated 24 20 LUCUBRATE, to study...
lucubrates 24 19 LUCUBRATE, to study...
lucubrator 24 19 a person who studies...
luculently 30 21 LUCULENT, readily un...
luetically 30 19 LUETIC, infected wit...
luftmensch 27 24 (Yiddish) an impract...
lugubrious 23 19 mournful, dismal, es...
lukewarmly 31 25 LUKEWARM, moderately...
lukewarmth 26 24 the state of being l...
lullabying 30 22 LULLABY, to lull to...
lumberings 23 21 LUMBERING, the act o...
lumberjack 28 34 someone employed in...
lumbersome 22 21 lumbering [adj]
lumberyard 28 21 a yard where a stock...
lumbricals 27 22 LUMBRICAL, one of ce...
lumbricoid 26 22 wormlike [adj]
luminaires 19 16 LUMINAIRE, (French)...
luminances 21 20 LUMINANCE, the measu...
luminarias 19 16 LUMINARIA, a traditi...
luminaries 19 16 LUMINARY, a body tha...
luminarism 21 19 painting that shows...
luminarist 20 16 a painter who shows...
lumination 18 17 illumination [n -S]
luminesced 22 20 LUMINESCE, to show l...
luminesces 22 19 LUMINESCE, to show l...
luminosity 26 18 the state of being l...
luminously 27 20 LUMINOUS, giving off...
lumisterol 21 16 a steroid compound [...
lumpectomy 32 26 the surgical removal...
lumpfishes 27 23 LUMPFISH, a kind of...
lumpsucker 27 26 a kind of fish, cove...
lunarnauts 17 15 LUNARNAUT, one who t...
lunchboxes 31 28 LUNCHBOX, a containe...
lunchbreak 26 25 a break for lunch [n...
luncheoned 21 20 LUNCHEON, (archaic)...
lunchmeats 24 21 LUNCHMEAT, a mixture...
lunchpails 27 22 LUNCHPAIL, a contain...
lunchrooms 24 21 LUNCHROOM, a room wh...
lunchtimes 25 21 LUNCHTIME, the time...
lungfishes 24 20 LUNGFISH, a fish abl...
luninesses 17 14 LUNINESS, the state...
lunkheaded 20 21 stupid, like a lunkh...
lusciously 30 19 LUSCIOUS, having a d...
lushnesses 20 15 LUSHNESS, the state...
lusterless 20 13 without luster, also...
lusterware 21 15 pottery with a metal...
lustiheads 21 15 LUSTIHEAD, (archaic)...
lustihoods 21 15 LUSTIHOOD, (archaic)...
lustrating 20 15 LUSTRATE, to purify...
lustration 18 13 ritual washing; ablu...
lustrative 21 16 tending to lustrate...
lustreless 20 13 without lustre, also...
lustreware 21 15 pottery with a metal...
lustrously 27 16 LUSTROUS, reflecting...
luteinised 18 14 LUTEINISE, to conver...
luteinises 18 13 LUTEINISE, to conver...
luteinized 21 23 LUTEINIZE, to conver...
luteinizes 21 22 LUTEINIZE, to conver...
lutestring 20 15 a glossy silk cloth,...
luvviedoms 24 24 LUVVIEDOM, the world...
luxuriance 27 24 the state of being l...
luxuriancy 34 26 the state of being l...
luxuriated 25 21 LUXURIATE, to be lux...
luxuriates 25 20 LUXURIATE, to be lux...
lycopodium 31 24 a genus of mosslike...
lymphatics 34 24 LYMPHATIC, a gland p...
lymphocyte 39 26 a small white blood...
lymphogram 32 26 a record made by lym...
lymphokine 30 26 any of various subst...
lymphomata 30 24 LYMPHOMA, a tumor ha...
lyophilise 30 19 to dry by freezing,...
lyophilize 33 28 to dry by freezing,...
lyricising 30 19 LYRICISE, to write l...
lyricizing 33 28 LYRICIZE, to write l...
lysergides 26 16 LYSERGIDE, the drug...
lysigenous 25 17 caused by the breaki...
lysimeters 26 16 LYSIMETER, an instru...
lysimetric 30 19 relating to measurem...
lysogenies 24 16 LYSOGENY, the state...
lysogenise 24 16 to subject to the ac...
lysogenize 27 25 to subject to the ac...