10 letter words that starts with s

10 letter words that start with S

10 letter S word


Word With Friends


sabadillas 21 16 SABADILLA, (Spanish)...
sabbatical 25 20 relating to the Sabb...
sabbatised 21 17 SABBATISE, to observ...
sabbatises 21 16 SABBATISE, to observ...
sabbatisms 23 19 SABBATISM, intermiss...
sabbatized 24 26 SABBATIZE, to observ...
sabbatizes 24 25 SABBATIZE, to observ...
sabotaging 20 18 SABOTAGE, to destroy...
sabretache 23 18 (French) a satchel s...
sabrewings 23 19 SABREWING, a humming...
sabulosity 27 17 grittiness, sandines...
sacahuista 22 16 (Nahuatl) a bear gra...
sacahuiste 22 16 (Nahuatl) a bear gra...
saccharase 24 18 an enzyme that inver...
saccharate 24 18 a salt of saccharic...
saccharide 25 19 a carbohydrate, a co...
saccharify 34 23 to convert into, or...
saccharine 24 19 sickly sweet [adj SA...
saccharins 25 19 SACCHARIN, an artifi...
saccharise 25 18 to convert into, or...
saccharize 28 27 to convert into, or...
saccharoid 25 19 like loaf sugar in t...
saccharose 24 18 any carbohydrate, es...
saccharums 27 22 SACCHARUM, a genus o...
sacculated 24 19 formed in a series o...
sacerdotal 20 15 of or relating to pr...
sachemdoms 24 22 SACHEMDOM, the gover...
sachemship 28 23 the office or condit...
sackcloths 28 23 SACKCLOTH, a coarse...
sacralgias 22 16 SACRALGIA, inflammat...
sacralised 21 15 SACRALISE, to make s...
sacralises 21 14 SACRALISE, to make s...
sacralized 24 24 SACRALIZE, to make s...
sacralizes 24 23 SACRALIZE, to make s...
sacraments 20 17 SACRAMENT, to bind b...
sacrariums 22 17 SACRARIUM, (Latin) t...
sacredness 19 15 the state of being s...
sacrificed 26 20 SACRIFICE, to offer...
sacrificer 26 19 one who sacrifices [...
sacrifices 26 19 SACRIFICE, to offer...
sacrifying 30 21 SACRIFY, to sacrific...
sacrileges 22 16 SACRILEGE, profanati...
sacristans 20 14 SACRISTAN, a Church...
sacristies 21 13 SACRISTY, a room in...
sacroiliac 24 17 relating to the arti...
sacrosanct 22 17 sacred; inviolable [...
saddleback 24 23 a kind of pig [n -S]
saddlebags 21 18 SADDLEBAG, a bag car...
saddlebill 23 18 a large black-and-wh...
saddlebows 23 19 SADDLEBOW, part of a...
saddlebred 20 17 a breed of saddle ho...
saddleless 19 14 without a saddle [ad...
saddleries 18 13 SADDLERY, the shop o...
saddleroom 18 16 a room where saddles...
saddletree 17 13 the frame of a saddl...
safeguards 20 17 SAFEGUARD, to keep s...
safelights 24 18 SAFELIGHT, a light u...
safenesses 17 14 SAFENESS, the qualit...
safflowers 25 20 SAFFLOWER, a thistle...
safranines 17 15 SAFRANINE, the yello...
sagacities 21 15 SAGACITY, wisdom [n]
saganashes 18 15 SAGANASH, (Native Am...
sagapenums 20 20 SAGAPENUM, a gum res...
sagenesses 16 13 SAGENESS, wisdom [n]
saginating 18 16 SAGINATE, to fatten...
sagination 16 14 the act of fattening...
sagittally 27 16 SAGITTAL, shaped lik...
sailboards 20 15 SAILBOARD, a small,...
sailboater 19 14 one who sails a sail...
sailcloths 25 17 SAILCLOTH, duck or c...
sailfishes 23 16 SAILFISH, a large ga...
sailmakers 20 18 SAILMAKER, one who m...
sailmaking 21 21 the making of sails...
sailorings 19 14 SAILORING, the work...
sailorless 19 12 without sailors [adj...
sailorlike 20 16 like a sailor [adj]
sailplaned 20 17 SAILPLANE, to fly us...
sailplaner 20 16 one who flies a sail...
sailplanes 20 16 SAILPLANE, to fly us...
saintesses 16 11 SAINTESS, a female s...
saintfoins 18 15 SAINTFOIN, (French)...
sainthoods 18 14 SAINTHOOD, the state...
saintliest 18 12 SAINTLY, befitting a...
saintlings 19 15 SAINTLING, a little...
saintships 22 16 SAINTSHIP, the chara...
salability 28 17 the quality of being...
salacities 21 14 SALACITY, lewdness [...
salamander 17 16 any of various urode...
salanganes 16 15 SALANGANE, (Tagalog)...
salbutamol 22 19 a bronchodilator dru...
salesclerk 23 19 a salesperson in a s...
salesgirls 21 14 SALESGIRL, a woman w...
salesrooms 18 14 SALESROOM, a room wh...
saleswoman 20 18 a woman who sells in...
saleswomen 20 18 SALESWOMAN, a woman...
saliaunces 20 16 SALIAUNCE, (Spenser)...
salicetums 23 18 SALICETUM, a willow...
salicional 21 16 an organ stop with a...
salicornia 20 15 any plant, such as g...
salicylate 28 17 a salt of salicylic...
salicylism 31 20 poisoning due to an...
saliencies 20 15 SALIENCY, a projecti...
salientian 16 13 belonging to the ord...
saliferous 20 15 containing salt [adj...
salifiable 23 18 capable of neutraliz...
salimeters 19 14 SALIMETER, an instru...
salimetric 23 17 relating to the meas...
salinising 19 15 SALINISE, to treat w...
salinities 18 12 SALINITY, a concentr...
salinizing 22 24 SALINIZE, to treat w...
salivating 21 18 SALIVATE, to secrete...
salivation 19 16 the act of salivatin...
salivators 20 15 SALIVATOR, one who s...
sallenders 18 14 a skin disease affec...
sallowness 21 16 the state of being s...
sallyports 28 17 SALLYPORT, a gateway...
salmagundi 20 19 (French) a dish of c...
salmagundy 26 21 (French) a dish of c...
salmanaser 17 15 a large wine bottle...
salmanazar 20 24 a large wine bottle...
salmonella 19 17 a genus of rodlike b...
salmonoids 18 16 SALMONOID, a member...
salometers 18 14 SALOMETER, an instru...
salopettes 19 14 quilted skiing trous...
salpingian 20 18 of or like the salpi...
saltarelli 20 13 SALTARELLO, (Italian...
saltarello 19 13 (Italian) a lively I...
saltations 17 12 SALTATION, an act of...
saltbushes 23 17 SALTBUSH, an Austral...
saltcellar 23 16 a small vessel of gl...
saltchucks 29 24 SALTCHUCK, in Canada...
saltfishes 23 16 SALTFISH, salted cod...
saltigrade 19 14 a kind of jumping sp...
saltnesses 17 12 SALTNESS, the state...
saltpeters 20 14 SALTPETER, (US) pota...
saltpetres 20 14 SALTPETRE, potassium...
saltshaker 21 17 a saltcellar [n -S]
salubrious 21 16 beneficial, healthfu...
saluretics 22 15 SALURETIC, a drug th...
salutarily 26 15 SALUTARY, producing...
salutation 17 13 an expression of gre...
salutatory 24 14 relating to salutati...
salvarsans 19 16 SALVARSAN, (tradenam...
salvations 19 16 SALVATION, an act of...
salverform 23 21 of a corolla, having...
salvifical 27 22 (obsolete) having th...
samariform 21 19 like a samara in sha...
samaritans 17 14 SAMARITAN, one who h...
samarskite 19 17 a black mineral cont...
samenesses 16 14 SAMENESS, lack of va...
samnitises 18 14 SAMNITIS, (Spenser)...
sampleries 21 17 SAMPLERY, sample wor...
sanatorium 17 15 a hospital, esp. for...
sanbenitos 17 15 SANBENITO, (Spanish)...
sanctified 22 18 SANCTIFY, to make ho...
sanctifier 22 17 one who sanctifies,...
sanctifies 22 17 SANCTIFY, to make ho...
sanctimony 26 20 outward, affected, o...
sanctioned 18 16 SANCTION, to authori...
sanctioner 18 15 one who sanctions [n...
sanctities 20 14 SANCTITY, holiness [...
sanctitude 20 16 holiness, sanctity [...
sandalling 19 17 SANDAL, to dress in...
sandalwood 19 17 a compact and fine-g...
sandarachs 21 17 SANDARACH, the resin...
sandbagged 20 20 SANDBAG, to stun wit...
sandbagger 20 19 an assaulter whose w...
sandblasts 20 16 SANDBLAST, a sand-la...
sandcastle 20 16 a castle made of san...
sandcracks 24 22 SANDCRACK, a deep cr...
sanderling 18 16 a small gray and bro...
sandfishes 21 17 SANDFISH, a small ma...
sandgroper 19 17 a pioneer at the tim...
sandgrouse 17 15 any bird of genus Pt...
sandlotter 17 13 one who occupies a v...
sandpapers 20 18 SANDPAPER, to smooth...
sandpapery 26 20 rough like sandpaper...
sandpipers 21 18 SANDPIPER, any of va...
sandspouts 19 16 SANDSPOUT, a moving...
sandstones 15 13 SANDSTONE, a clastic...
sandstorms 18 15 SANDSTORM, a strong...
sandsucker 21 20 a fish, the rough da...
sandwiched 25 21 SANDWICH, to place b...
sandwiches 25 20 SANDWICH, to place b...
sanenesses 14 12 SANENESS, sanity [n]
sangfroids 20 17 SANGFROID, (French)...
sanguified 20 18 SANGUIFY, to make bl...
sanguifies 20 17 SANGUIFY, to make bl...
sanguinary 23 17 bloodthirsty; murder...
sanguinely 24 18 SANGUINE, bloody; op...
sanguining 18 18 SANGUINE, to stain w...
sanguinity 24 17 the state of being s...
sanitarian 15 12 a person favouring s...
sanitaries 16 11 SANITARY, a public u...
sanitarily 24 14 SANITARY, related to...
sanitarist 17 11 a sanitarian [n -S]
sanitarium 18 15 (Latin) a health sta...
sanitating 17 14 SANITATE, to clean a...
sanitation 15 12 the act of making sa...
sanitisers 17 11 SANITISER, one who s...
sanitising 18 14 SANITISE, to clean a...
sanitizers 20 20 SANITIZER, one who s...
sanitizing 21 23 SANITIZE, to clean a...
sanitorium 18 15 a hospital, esp. for...
sannyasins 21 15 SANNYASIN, (Hindi) a...
santolinas 16 13 SANTOLINA, a genus o...
santonicas 18 15 SANTONICA, the dried...
sapanwoods 20 18 SAPANWOOD, (Malay) t...
sapidities 20 14 SAPIDITY, the state...
sapiencies 21 17 SAPIENCY, discernmen...
sapiential 19 15 providing wisdom [ad...
sapodillas 21 16 SAPODILLA, (Spanish)...
sapogenins 18 17 SAPOGENIN, a compoun...
saponarias 17 14 SAPONARIA, a genus o...
saponified 20 18 SAPONIFY, to convert...
saponifier 20 17 any agent used to ca...
saponifies 20 17 SAPONIFY, to convert...
sappanwood 22 21 (Malay) the wood of...
sapperment 21 20 (German) a German oa...
sapphirine 23 19 a blue mineral, alum...
sapraemias 19 16 SAPRAEMIA, a kind of...
saprobiont 20 17 any organism, esp. a...
saprogenic 22 19 producing decay or p...
saprolites 20 14 SAPROLITE, a soft, p...
saprolitic 24 17 of or like a saproli...
sapropelic 25 20 living in sapropel [...
saprophyte 29 20 a fungus or bacteriu...
saprotroph 23 18 any organism, esp. a...
sapsuckers 24 21 SAPSUCKER, a kind of...
sarabandes 17 15 SARABANDE, (Spanish)...
sarbacanes 20 17 SARBACANE, (French)...
sarcocarps 25 19 SARCOCARP, the flesh...
sarcocolla 24 18 (Greek) a Persian gu...
sarcolemma 22 20 the cell membrane en...
sarcomeres 20 16 SARCOMERE, a unit of...
sarcophagi 25 20 SARCOPHAGUS, a stone...
sarcoplasm 24 20 the protoplasmic sub...
sarcosomal 21 17 of or like a sarcoso...
sarcosomes 20 16 SARCOSOME, a mitocho...
sardonians 15 13 SARDONIAN, (obsolete...
sardonical 20 16 bitterly or evilly h...
sardonyxes 28 21 SARDONYX, an onyx wi...
sargassoes 17 12 SARGASSO, (Portugues...
sargassums 20 16 SARGASSUM, a genus o...
sarmentose 16 14 producing long, flex...
sarmentous 17 15 producing long, flex...
sarpanches 23 19 SARPANCH, the head o...
sarracenia 18 14 a genus of American...
saskatoons 16 15 SASKATOON, (Native A...
sassararas 16 10 SASSARARA, a scoldin...
sassolites 18 11 SASSOLITE, a native...
sassywoods 26 16 SASSYWOOD, the bark...
satanities 16 11 SATANITY, devilishne...
satanology 23 16 the study of the dev...
satchelful 27 21 the contents of a sa...
satchelled 24 18 carrying a satchel,...
satellited 19 13 SATELLITE, to transm...
satellites 19 12 SATELLITE, to transm...
satellitic 23 15 of or like a satelli...
satiations 16 11 SATIATION, the state...
satinettas 16 11 SATINETTA, a thin sa...
satinettes 16 11 SATINETTE, a thin sa...
satinwoods 19 15 SATINWOOD, a smooth,...
satirisers 18 10 SATIRISER, one who s...
satirising 19 13 SATIRISE, to subject...
satirizers 21 19 SATIRIZER, one who s...
satirizing 22 22 SATIRIZE, to subject...
satisficed 23 17 SATISFICE, to aim fo...
satisficer 23 16 one who satisfices [...
satisfices 23 16 SATISFICE, to aim fo...
satisfiers 20 13 SATISFIER, one who s...
satisfying 27 18 SATISFY, to provide...
saturaters 17 11 SATURATER, one who,...
saturating 18 14 SATURATE, to fill co...
saturation 16 12 complete infiltratio...
saturators 17 11 SATURATOR, one who,...
saturnalia 17 13 a wild party or orgy...
saturniids 18 13 SATURNIID, any of a...
saturnisms 19 15 SATURNISM, (archaic)...
saturnists 18 12 SATURNIST, a person...
satyagraha 25 16 (Sanskrit) the polic...
satyagrahi 26 16 (Sanskrit) an expone...
satyresque 31 22 like a satyr [adj]
satyresses 23 12 SATYRESS, a female s...
satyriases 23 12 SATYRIASIS, immodera...
satyriasis 24 12 immoderate venereal...
sauceboats 21 17 SAUCEBOAT, a contain...
sauceboxes 27 24 SAUCEBOX, a saucy, i...
saucerfuls 24 19 SAUCERFUL, the conte...
saucerless 21 15 without a saucer [ad...
saucerlike 22 19 like a saucer [adj]
saucissons 20 15 SAUCISSON, (French)...
sauerkraut 18 16 (German) cabbage cut...
saunterers 16 12 SAUNTERER, one who s...
sauntering 17 15 walking in a leisure...
saussurite 18 12 a dull opaque mass o...
savagedoms 20 20 SAVAGEDOM, the state...
savageness 18 17 the state of being s...
savageries 19 16 SAVAGERY, the qualit...
savegarded 19 18 SAVEGARD, (Spenser)...
savingness 19 18 frugality, parsimony...
savoriness 18 15 the quality of being...
savouriest 19 15 SAVOURY, pleasant to...
savourless 20 16 without savour, also...
sawboneses 20 17 SAWBONES, (colloquia...
sawdusting 22 18 SAWDUST, to sprinkle...
sawgrasses 21 15 SAWGRASS, a sedge wi...
sawtimbers 24 19 SAWTIMBER, timber su...
saxicavous 28 25 boring into rocks [a...
saxicoline 26 22 inhabiting or growin...
saxicolous 27 22 inhabiting or growin...
saxifrages 26 22 SAXIFRAGE, a kind of...
saxitoxins 29 25 SAXITOXIN, a nerve p...
saxophones 25 23 SAXOPHONE, a jazz an...
saxophonic 29 26 of or like a saxopho...
scabbarded 24 21 SCABBARD, to sheathe...
scabbiness 24 20 the state of being s...
scabiouses 22 17 SCABIOUS, any of var...
scabridity 30 19 (archaic) the state...
scabrously 30 20 SCABROUS, roughened...
scaffolage 25 22 (Shakespeare) scaffo...
scaffolded 25 22 SCAFFOLD, to provide...
scaffolder 25 21 one who erects scaff...
scagliolas 23 17 SCAGLIOLA, (Italian)...
scaithless 24 16 (Scots) without inju...
scalations 20 15 SCALATION, the way t...
scaldberry 30 20 the blackberry (from...
scaldheads 23 18 SCALDHEAD, a disease...
scaldships 27 20 SCALDSHIP, the offic...
scaleboard 22 18 a very thin piece of...
scaletails 22 15 SCALETAIL, a type of...
scaleworks 25 21 SCALEWORK, imbricate...
scallawags 26 20 SCALLAWAG, a good-fo...
scallopers 24 18 SCALLOPER, one who f...
scalloping 25 21 the act of scallopin...
scallopini 24 19 (Italian) thin slice...
scallywags 33 22 SCALLYWAG, a good-fo...
scalograms 23 19 SCALOGRAM, an arrang...
scaloppine 24 21 (Italian) thin slice...
scaloppini 25 21 (Italian) thin slice...
scalpellic 29 22 of or like a scalpel...
scamblings 26 23 SCAMBLING, a haphaza...
scammonies 21 20 SCAMMONY, a climbing...
scamperers 23 19 SCAMPERER, one who s...
scampering 24 22 SCAMPER, to run play...
scampishly 34 24 SCAMPISH, of or like...
scandaling 21 19 SCANDAL, to defame [...
scandalise 20 16 to offend the moral...
scandalize 23 25 to offend the moral...
scandalled 21 18 SCANDAL, to defame [...
scandalous 20 17 of the nature of a s...
scansorial 20 15 climbing; adapted fo...
scantiness 19 15 the state of being s...
scantities 20 14 SCANTITY, scantness...
scantlings 22 18 SCANTLING, a small p...
scapegoats 22 18 SCAPEGOAT, to make a...
scapegrace 25 21 an incorrigible rasc...
scapements 22 20 SCAPEMENT, a part of...
scapewheel 27 22 an escape wheel [n -...
scaphopods 26 22 SCAPHOPOD, a member...
scapolites 23 17 SCAPOLITE, any of a...
scapulated 23 19 with noticeable scap...
scarabaean 19 17 a lamellicorn beetle...
scarabaeid 21 17 a beetle of the Scar...
scarabaeus 21 17 a beetle of the Scar...
scaraboids 22 17 SCARABOID, a lamelli...
scaramouch 26 22 a bragging cowardly...
scarcement 23 20 an offset where a wa...
scarceness 22 17 the state of being s...
scarcities 24 16 SCARCITY, the qualit...
scarecrows 26 19 SCARECROW, anything...
scareheads 21 16 SCAREHEAD, a newspap...
scarewares 22 16 SCAREWARE, a program...
scarfishes 25 18 SCARFISH, a kind of...
scarfskins 24 21 SCARFSKIN, the epide...
scarifiers 23 16 SCARIFIER, an implem...
scarifying 30 21 SCARIFY, to make sup...
scarlatina 20 15 scarlet fever [n -S]
scarleting 22 17 SCARLET, to redden [...
scarpering 23 19 SCARPER, to run away...
scatheless 23 16 without injury, also...
scathingly 31 21 SCATHING [adv]
scatologic 25 19 relating to scatolog...
scatophagy 31 22 the religious practi...
scatterers 20 13 SCATTERER, one who s...
scattergun 21 17 a shotgun [n -S]
scattering 21 16 dispersion; that whi...
scattiness 20 14 the state of being s...
scaturient 20 15 flowing out; gushing...
scavengers 22 20 SCAVENGER, to act as...
scavengery 28 22 the act of scavengin...
scavenging 23 23 the act of scavengin...
scazontics 26 26 SCAZONTIC, a choliam...
scelerates 20 14 SCELERATE, (obsolete...
scenarised 19 15 SCENARISE, to make a...
scenarises 19 14 SCENARISE, to make a...
scenarists 20 14 SCENARIST, one who m...
scenarized 22 24 SCENARIZE, to make a...
scenarizes 22 23 SCENARIZE, to make a...
scenesters 19 14 SCENESTER, a person...
scenically 31 21 SCENICAL, of or pert...
sceptering 23 19 SCEPTER, to invest w...
scepticism 28 22 the doctrine that no...
schalstein 23 17 (German) a slaty dia...
schappeing 27 24 SCHAPPE, (German) to...
schatchens 27 21 SCHATCHEN, (Hebrew)...
schechitah 30 22 (Hebrew) the slaught...
schechitas 28 20 SCHECHITA, (Hebrew)...
schedulers 24 18 SCHEDULER, one who s...
scheduling 25 21 SCHEDULE, to plan, a...
scheelites 23 16 SCHEELITE, calcium t...
schefflera 27 22 any of various everg...
schematics 27 21 SCHEMATIC, the repre...
schematise 23 18 to make a scheme of,...
schematism 25 21 combination of the a...
schematist 24 18 one given to forming...
schematize 26 27 to make a scheme of,...
schemingly 32 24 SCHEMING, artful [ad...
schemozzle 30 37 (Yiddish) to make of...
scherzandi 25 26 SCHERZANDO, a scherz...
scherzando 24 26 (Italian) in a playf...
schiavones 23 20 SCHIAVONE, (Italian)...
schillings 27 20 SCHILLING, (Dutch) a...
schipperke 28 25 (Dutch) a small blac...
schismatic 28 21 of or pertaining to...
schizocarp 31 30 a compound fruit spl...
schizogony 32 29 reproduction by divi...
schizoidal 27 26 suffering from schiz...
schizopods 28 28 SCHIZOPOD, one of th...
schizziest 30 33 SCHIZZY, affected wi...
schlemiels 26 20 SCHLEMIEL, (Yiddish)...
schlemihls 29 22 SCHLEMIHL, (Yiddish)...
schleppers 28 22 SCHLEPPER, (Yiddish)...
schleppier 28 22 SCHLEPPY, (Yiddish)...
schlepping 29 25 SCHLEP, (Yiddish) to...
schlierens 23 17 SCHLIEREN, one of a...
schlimazel 29 29 (Yiddish) an unlucky...
schlockers 28 23 SCHLOCKER, (Yiddish)...
schlockier 28 23 SCHLOCKY, of inferio...
schlumpier 28 23 SCHLUMPY, unattracti...
schlumping 29 26 SCHLUMP, to flop, sl...
schmaltzes 28 28 SCHMALTZ, excessive...
schmalzier 28 28 SCHMALZY, characteri...
schmearing 24 21 SCHMEAR, (Yiddish) t...
schmeckers 28 25 SCHMECKER, a heroin...
schmecking 29 28 SCHMECK, (Yiddish) t...
schmeering 24 21 SCHMEER, (Yiddish) t...
schmickest 29 25 SCHMICK, (Australian...
schmoosing 24 21 SCHMOOS, (Yiddish) t...
schmoozers 26 27 SCHMOOZER, (Yiddish)...
schmoozier 26 27 SCHMOOZY, (Yiddish)...
schmoozing 27 30 SCHMOOZE, (Yiddish)...
schmuckier 29 26 SCHMUCKY, acting lik...
schmucking 30 29 SCHMUCK, (Yiddish) t...
schmutters 25 19 SCHMUTTER, (Yiddish)...
schnappers 26 22 SCHNAPPER, an Austra...
schnappses 26 22 SCHNAPPS, a kind of...
schnauzers 25 26 SCHNAUZER, (German)...
schnitzels 27 26 SCHNITZEL, (German)...
schnorkels 24 21 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
schnorrers 22 16 SCHNORRER, one who t...
schnorring 23 19 SCHNORR, (Yiddish) t...
schnozzles 29 35 SCHNOZZLE, (Yiddish)...
scholarchs 29 21 SCHOLARCH, the head...
scholastic 27 19 relating to schools,...
scholiasts 24 16 SCHOLIAST, a comment...
schoolbags 26 21 SCHOOLBAG, a bag for...
schoolbook 25 23 a school textbook [n...
schoolboys 31 21 SCHOOLBOY, a boy who...
schooldays 29 19 SCHOOLDAY, a day on...
schoolgirl 26 19 a girl attending sch...
schoolings 24 19 SCHOOLING, tuition [...
schoolkids 25 21 SCHOOLKID, a child w...
schoolmaid 24 20 a schoolgirl [n -S]
schoolmarm 25 22 a woman who is a sch...
schoolmate 23 19 a companion at schoo...
schoolroom 23 19 a classroom [n -S]
schooltide 23 17 schooldays [n -S]
schooltime 24 19 the time at which a...
schoolward 26 20 toward school, also...
schoolwork 27 23 lessons done in clas...
schoolyard 29 19 the grounds of a sch...
schtupping 29 25 SCHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
schvartzes 28 28 SCHVARTZE, (Yiddish)...
schvitzing 30 31 SCHVITZ, (Yiddish) t...
schwartzes 29 27 SCHWARTZE, (Yiddish)...
schwarzlot 30 28 (German) a type of b...
sciaenoids 19 15 SCIAENOID, a member...
scientific 26 20 of, relating to, or...
scientised 20 15 SCIENTISE, to treat...
scientises 20 14 SCIENTISE, to treat...
scientisms 22 17 SCIENTISM, the belie...
scientists 21 14 SCIENTIST, one who p...
scientized 23 24 SCIENTIZE, to treat...
scientizes 23 23 SCIENTIZE, to treat...
scindapsus 23 19 any plant of the tro...
scintigram 23 19 a diagram produced b...
scintillae 22 16 SCINTILLA, (Latin) a...
scintillas 23 16 SCINTILLA, (Latin) a...
scintillon 22 17 a luminescent body p...
scintiscan 23 18 a 2-D image from a r...
sciolistic 26 17 of or pertaining to...
sciomancer 23 20 one who practises sc...
sciomantic 24 20 relating to sciomanc...
sciophytes 31 20 SCIOPHYTE, any plant...
sciophytic 35 23 of or like a sciophy...
scirrhuses 24 16 SCIRRHUS, a hard tum...
scissorers 21 13 SCISSORER, one who s...
scissoring 22 16 SCISSOR, to cut with...
sclaunders 21 17 SCLAUNDER, (obsolete...
sclereides 21 15 SCLEREIDE, a thick-w...
scleriases 21 14 SCLERIASIS, a morbid...
scleriasis 22 14 a morbid induration...
scleroderm 22 18 one of a tribe of pl...
scleromata 21 17 SCLEROMA, a hardened...
sclerosing 22 17 SCLEROSE, to harden;...
sclerotals 22 15 SCLEROTAL, a sclerot...
sclerotial 22 15 of or like a sclerot...
sclerotics 25 17 SCLEROTIC, the firm...
sclerotins 21 15 SCLEROTIN, in insect...
sclerotise 21 14 to harden or darken,...
sclerotium 23 18 a hardened body form...
sclerotize 24 23 to harden or darken,...
sclerotomy 28 19 an incision into the...
scoffingly 33 25 SCOFFING, scornful [...
scoldingly 30 21 SCOLDING [adv]
scolecites 24 17 SCOLECITE, a hydrous...
scolloping 25 21 SCOLLOP, to indent l...
scolytoids 28 17 SCOLYTOID, a member...
scombroids 24 20 SCOMBROID, any membe...
scomfished 26 22 SCOMFISH, (Scots) to...
scomfishes 26 21 SCOMFISH, (Scots) to...
sconcheons 23 20 SCONCHEON, the inner...
scootching 26 21 SCOOTCH, to compress...
scootering 20 16 SCOOTER, to travel b...
scooterist 20 13 one who rides a scoo...
scopeloids 23 18 SCOPELOID, (Greek) a...
scopolines 22 18 SCOPOLINE, a liquid...
scorchings 27 21 SCORCHING, the act o...
scordatura 20 15 (Italian) a temporar...
scoreboard 21 17 a large board for di...
scorecards 23 17 SCORECARD, a card or...
scorelines 20 15 SCORELINE, the resul...
scoresheet 21 15 a card or sheet, for...
scorifiers 23 16 SCORIFIER, a thing w...
scorifying 30 21 SCORIFY, to reduce t...
scornfully 31 22 SCORNFUL, expressing...
scorodites 20 14 SCORODITE, an orthor...
scorpaenid 21 18 any fish of the fami...
scorpioids 23 17 SCORPIOID, a scorpio...
scorpionic 25 20 of or like a scorpio...
scorzonera 21 23 (Italian) a plant of...
scotodinia 19 15 dizziness together w...
scotometer 20 16 an instrument for de...
scoundrels 21 17 SCOUNDREL, a rascal...
scourgings 23 19 SCOURGING, a floggin...
scoutcraft 26 20 the knowledge and sk...
scouthered 22 17 SCOUTHER, to scorch,...
scowdering 24 20 SCOWDER, to scorch,...
scowlingly 33 23 SCOWLING [adv]
scowthered 25 19 SCOWTHER, (Scots) to...
scrabblers 26 20 SCRABBLER, one who s...
scrabblier 26 20 SCRABBLY, scrabbling...
scrabbling 27 23 SCRABBLE, to claw or...
scraggiest 23 17 SCRAGGY, skinny [adj...
scragglier 24 18 SCRAGGLY, irregular...
scraggling 25 21 scraggy, meagre [adj...
scraiching 27 21 SCRAICH, (Scots) to...
scraighing 25 20 SCRAIGH, (Scots) to...
scramblers 25 20 SCRAMBLER, a telepho...
scrambling 26 23 moving or climbing h...
scranching 26 22 SCRANCH, to crunch [...
scranniest 19 15 SCRANNY, thin, scraw...
scrapbooks 25 23 SCRAPBOOK, to keep c...
scrapegood 22 19 (archaic) a miser, a...
scrapeguts 24 19 SCRAPEGUT, (archaic)...
scrapheaps 26 21 SCRAPHEAP, a place w...
scrappages 25 21 SCRAPPAGE, allowance...
scrappiest 25 19 SCRAPPY, fragmentary...
scrappings 26 22 SCRAPPING, the act o...
scrapyards 29 19 SCRAPYARD, a place w...
scratchers 26 18 SCRATCHER, a tool fo...
scratchier 26 18 SCRATCHY, made by sc...
scratchies 26 18 SCRATCHIE, (Australi...
scratchily 34 21 SCRATCHY, made by sc...
scratching 27 21 SCRATCH, to make a t...
scrattling 23 17 SCRATTLE, to keep sc...
scrauching 27 22 SCRAUCH, to squawk,...
scraughing 25 21 SCRAUGH, (Scots) to...
scraveling 24 21 SCRAVEL, to move qui...
scravelled 24 20 SCRAVEL, to move qui...
scrawliest 25 17 SCRAWLY, written has...
scrawlings 26 20 SCRAWLING, the act o...
scrawniest 23 17 SCRAWNY, extremely t...
screakiest 21 17 SCREAKY, creaky [adj...
screamings 22 19 SCREAMING, uttering...
screechers 25 18 SCREECHER, one who s...
screechier 25 18 SCREECHY, screeching...
screeching 26 21 SCREECH, to utter a...
screedings 21 17 SCREEDING, the mater...
screenable 21 18 that can be screened...
screenager 19 16 a socially inept tee...
screenfuls 23 19 SCREENFUL, the conte...
screenings 20 17 SCREENING, the act o...
screenland 19 17 the cinema [n -S]
screenlike 21 19 like a screen [adj]
screenplay 28 20 the script and often...
screenshot 21 16 a print of the conte...
screevings 23 20 SCREEVING [n]
screiching 27 21 SCREICH, to shriek,...
screighing 25 20 SCREIGH, to shriek,...
screwballs 28 21 SCREWBALL, a crazy p...
screwbeans 24 20 SCREWBEAN, a legumin...
screwiness 23 17 the state of being s...
screwworms 28 22 SCREWWORM, the larva...
scribblers 27 20 SCRIBBLER, one who s...
scribblier 27 20 SCRIBBLY, written ha...
scribbling 28 23 hasty or careless wr...
scrieching 27 21 SCRIECH, (Scots) to...
scrigglier 25 18 SCRIGGLY, wriggly [a...
scriggling 26 21 SCRIGGLE, to wriggle...
scrimmaged 24 22 SCRIMMAGE, to take p...
scrimmager 24 21 one who scrimmages [...
scrimmages 24 21 SCRIMMAGE, to take p...
scrimpiest 25 19 SCRIMPY, scanty [adj...
scrimpings 26 22 SCRIMPING, the exerc...
scrimpness 24 20 the state of being s...
scrimshank 25 23 to evade work or dut...
scrimshaws 28 21 SCRIMSHAW, to orname...
scrippages 26 21 SCRIPPAGE, the conte...
scriptoria 23 16 SCRIPTORIUM, (Latin)...
scriptural 25 18 relating to scriptur...
scriptures 24 17 SCRIPTURE, a biblica...
scritching 28 21 SCRITCH, to utter a...
scriveners 22 18 SCRIVENER, (historic...
scrivening 23 21 writing, esp. of a r...
scrobbling 27 23 SCROBBLE, of an onli...
scrobicule 27 21 a small pit or depre...
scrofulous 24 19 afflicted with scrof...
scroggiest 23 17 SCROGGY, abounding i...
scrollable 25 19 that can be scrolled...
scrollings 24 18 SCROLLING, the act o...
scrollwise 26 18 in the fashion of a...
scrollwork 27 22 ornamentation charac...
scrooching 26 21 SCROOCH, to crouch,...
scrootched 25 19 SCROOTCH, to crouch,...
scrootches 25 18 SCROOTCH, to crouch,...
scroungers 21 17 SCROUNGER, one who s...
scroungier 21 17 SCROUNGY, dirty [adj...
scrounging 22 20 the act of scroungin...
scrowdging 26 22 SCROWDGE, to crowd;...
scrubbable 28 24 that can be scrubbed...
scrubbiest 26 20 SCRUBBY, inferior in...
scrubbings 27 23 SCRUBBING, the act o...
scrublands 24 20 SCRUBLAND, land cove...
scrubwoman 26 24 a woman employed to...
scrubwomen 26 24 SCRUBWOMAN, a woman...
scruffiest 26 20 SCRUFFY, untidy, dir...
scrumdowns 25 22 SCRUMDOWN, the act o...
scrummaged 24 23 SCRUMMAGE, to engage...
scrummager 24 22 one who takes part i...
scrummages 24 22 SCRUMMAGE, a noisy d...
scrummiest 24 20 SCRUMMY, (colloquial...
scrumpling 27 24 SCRUMPLE, to crumple...
scrumpoxes 30 27 SCRUMPOX, (slang) ru...
scruncheon 24 21 in Newfoundland, a s...
scrunchier 26 20 SCRUNCHY, able to be...
scrunchies 26 20 SCRUNCHIE, a piece o...
scrunching 27 23 SCRUNCH, to crush [v...
scrunchion 25 21 in Newfoundland, a s...
scruntiest 21 15 SCRUNTY, (Scots) stu...
scrupulous 25 20 having moral integri...
scrutators 21 14 SCRUTATOR, one who i...
scrutineer 20 15 a scrutinizer; speci...
scrutinies 21 15 SCRUTINY, a close ex...
scrutinise 21 15 to examine closely a...
scrutinize 24 24 to examine closely a...
scrutinous 21 16 closely examining, o...
scrutoires 21 14 SCRUTOIRE, (French)...
scuddalers 22 17 SCUDDALER, in Shetla...
scufflings 28 24 SCUFFLING, a rough c...
sculduddry 30 21 (Scots) a breach of...
sculleries 23 16 SCULLERY, a storeroo...
sculptress 25 18 a woman who is a scu...
sculptural 26 20 of or relating to sc...
sculptured 25 20 SCULPTURE, to carve...
sculptures 25 19 SCULPTURE [n]
scumbering 25 23 SCUMBER, (archaic) t...
scumblings 27 24 SCUMBLING, the act o...
scumfished 27 23 SCUMFISH, (Scots) to...
scumfishes 27 22 SCUMFISH, (Scots) to...
scuncheons 24 21 SCUNCHEON, the inner...
scungillis 25 19 SCUNGILLI, (Italian)...
scunnering 20 19 SCUNNER, to feel loa...
scuppering 26 23 SCUPPER, to thwart,...
scurfiness 23 18 the state of being s...
scurrility 30 17 the state of being s...
scurrilous 23 16 using or given to co...
scurriours 22 15 SCURRIOUR, (obsolete...
scurviness 23 19 the state of being s...
scutations 20 15 SCUTATION, the state...
scutcheons 25 20 SCUTCHEON, a shield...
scutchings 28 22 SCUTCHING, the act o...
scutellate 22 16 shaped like a platte...
scuttering 22 17 SCUTTER, to run hast...
scuttleful 26 20 the contents of a sc...
scuttlings 24 18 SCUTTLING, he act of...
scuzzballs 32 37 SCUZZBALL, a dirty,...
scyphiform 35 26 cup-shaped [adj]
scyphozoan 32 30 any of a class of me...
scythelike 31 22 like a scythe [adj]
sdeignfull 23 20 (obsolete) disdainfu...
sdrucciola 25 19 (Italian) (of rhyme)...
seabeaches 22 18 SEABEACH, a beach ly...
seaborgium 21 19 an artificially prod...
seabottles 19 14 SEABOTTLE, a translu...
seacunnies 18 16 SEACUNNY, a lascar s...
seafarings 19 16 SEAFARING, travellin...
seagrasses 17 12 SEAGRASS, a grasslik...
sealifting 21 17 SEALIFT, to transpor...
sealpoints 19 15 SEALPOINT, a variety...
seamanlike 18 19 characteristic of or...
seamanship 21 19 the art or skill of...
seamlessly 26 17 SEAMLESS, having no...
seamstress 18 13 a woman whose occupa...
seannachie 19 17 (Gaelic) a Highland...
seaquarium 26 24 an oceanarium [n SEA...
searchable 24 19 that can be searched...
searchings 23 18 SEARCHING, the act o...
searchless 23 16 impossible to be sea...
searedness 15 12 the state of being s...
searnesses 15 11 SEARNESS, the state...
seasickest 21 17 SEASICK, affected wi...
seasonable 17 15 appropriate to the p...
seasonably 24 17 SEASONABLE, appropri...
seasonally 23 15 SEASONAL, occurring...
seasonings 16 14 SEASONING, the proce...
seasonless 16 12 without succession o...
seastrands 16 12 SEASTRAND, the seash...
sebiferous 21 17 bearing fatty matter...
seborrheal 21 16 relating to seborrhe...
seborrheas 20 15 SEBORRHEA, a morbidl...
seborrheic 24 18 relating to seborrhe...
seborrhoea 19 15 a morbidly increased...
secernents 18 15 SECERNENT, a secreto...
secernment 19 18 the act of secerning...
secessions 19 14 SECESSION, the act o...
secludedly 29 20 SECLUDED [adv]
seclusions 21 16 SECLUSION, the state...
secondhand 20 19 received from or thr...
secondings 20 18 SECONDING, the act o...
secondment 19 19 the act of seconding...
secretages 20 15 SECRETAGE, treatment...
secretaire 19 13 (French) a writing d...
secretions 19 14 SECRETION, something...
secretness 19 14 the state of being s...
sectarians 19 14 SECTARIAN, a member...
sectionals 20 15 SECTIONAL, a piece o...
sectioning 20 17 SECTION, to divide i...
sectionise 19 14 to section; to cut s...
sectionize 22 23 to section; to cut s...
sectorials 21 14 SECTORIAL, a tooth d...
sectorised 20 14 SECTORISE, to divide...
sectorises 20 13 SECTORISE, to divide...
sectorized 23 23 SECTORIZE, to divide...
sectorizes 23 22 SECTORIZE, to divide...
secularise 21 15 to convert from regu...
secularism 23 18 the belief that the...
secularist 22 15 an adherent of secul...
secularity 28 17 supreme attention to...
secularize 24 24 to convert from regu...
secundines 19 17 SECUNDINE, the secon...
securances 22 18 SECURANCE, the act o...
securement 20 18 the act of securing...
secureness 19 15 the state of being s...
securiform 24 20 shaped like an axe [...
securitans 20 15 SECURITAN, (obsolete...
securities 21 14 SECURITY, the state...
securitise 21 14 to make debts into s...
securitize 24 23 to make debts into s...
securocrat 23 17 an important persona...
sedateness 15 12 the state of being s...
sedgelands 18 16 SEDGELAND, land wher...
sedimented 17 16 SEDIMENT, to settle...
seduceable 22 19 capable of being sed...
seducement 20 19 the act of seducing...
seducingly 29 21 SEDUCING, leading as...
seductions 20 16 SEDUCTION, the act o...
seductress 21 15 a woman who seduces...
sedulities 19 13 SEDULITY, the state...
sedulously 26 17 SEDULOUS, diligent,...
seecatchie 24 18 SEECATCH, an adult m...
seedeaters 15 11 SEEDEATER, a bird th...
seednesses 15 12 SEEDNESS, (obsolete)...
seedstocks 21 18 SEEDSTOCK, livestock...
seemelesse 17 14 (Spenser) unseemly,...
seemlihead 20 17 (obsolete) seemlines...
seemliheds 21 17 SEEMLIHED, (obsolete...
seemliness 18 15 the state of being s...
seemlyheds 27 19 SEEMLYHED, (Spenser)...
seersucker 21 18 (Persian) a light, t...
seethingly 27 18 SEETHING, very angry...
segholates 20 15 SEGHOLATE, in Hebrew...
segmentary 24 18 in segments [adj]
segmentate 17 16 in segments [adj]
segmenting 19 19 SEGMENT, to divide i...
segregable 21 18 that can be segregat...
segregants 18 15 SEGREGANT, a genetic...
segregated 18 15 SEGREGATE, to keep a...
segregates 18 14 SEGREGATE, to keep a...
segregator 18 14 one who segregates [...
seguidilla 21 16 (Spanish) a Spanish...
seigneurie 17 14 a domain, also SEIGN...
seignorage 17 15 a government revenue...
seignorial 18 14 related to a seignio...
seignories 17 13 SEIGNORY, feudal lor...
seismicity 29 18 the degree of vulner...
seismogram 20 18 a seismograph record...
seismology 26 18 the study of earthqu...
selachians 22 17 SELACHIAN, a member...
seldomness 18 16 the state of being s...
selectable 23 18 that can be selected...
selections 20 15 SELECTION, the act o...
selectness 20 15 the state of being s...
selegiline 19 15 a drug used in the t...
selenodont 15 14 having crescent-shap...
selenology 24 17 the study of the moo...
selflessly 29 18 SELFLESS, unselfish...
selfnesses 19 15 SELFNESS, the state...
sellotaped 20 16 SELLOTAPE, to stick...
sellotapes 20 15 SELLOTAPE, to stick...
seltzogene 20 23 a gazogene, an appar...
selvedging 22 21 SELVEDGE, to border...
semainiers 17 14 SEMAINIER, (French)...
semantemes 17 17 SEMANTEME, an irredu...
semantical 21 18 of or relating to me...
semantides 17 15 SEMANTIDE, a molecul...
semaphored 21 19 SEMAPHORE, to signal...
semaphores 21 18 SEMAPHORE, to signal...
semaphoric 25 21 related to semaphore...
sematology 25 18 another name for sem...
semblables 24 21 SEMBLABLE, something...
semblances 23 21 SEMBLANCE, an outwar...
semblative 23 21 (obsolete) resemblin...
semeiology 25 18 the study of signs a...
semeiotics 21 16 a philosophical theo...
semestrial 19 14 half-yearly, also SE...
semiangles 19 17 SEMIANGLE, the half...
semiannual 17 17 half-yearly [adj SEM...
semibreves 22 20 SEMIBREVE, the longe...
semichorus 24 19 half, or part of, a...
semicircle 26 20 the half of a circle...
semicirque 30 26 a semicircular hollo...
semicolons 21 18 SEMICOLON, the punct...
semicolony 27 20 a semicolonial state...
semidesert 18 14 a half desert [n -S]
semidivine 20 19 half divine [adj]
semidriest 19 14 SEMIDRY, half dry [a...
semidrying 26 19 not drying completel...
semidwarfs 24 20 SEMIDWARF, a plant t...
semifeudal 21 19 half feudal [adj]
semifinals 21 18 SEMIFINAL, the round...
semifitted 21 17 conforming somewhat...
semifluids 23 19 SEMIFLUID, something...
semiformal 22 20 being or suitable fo...
semifreddi 21 18 SEMIFREDDO, (Italian...
semifreddo 20 18 (Italian) a partiall...
semiglobes 22 19 SEMIGLOBE, a half gl...
semigroups 22 19 SEMIGROUP, a mathema...
semihoboes 21 18 SEMIHOBO, a person h...
semilethal 22 17 a mutation that tend...
semiliquid 29 25 a half liquid substa...
semilucent 22 19 half-transparent [ad...
semilunate 18 16 shaped like a half-m...
semimetals 20 17 SEMIMETAL, a metal t...
seminality 25 17 the state of being s...
seminarial 18 15 of a seminary [adj]
seminarian 16 15 a member of, or one...
seminaries 17 14 SEMINARY, a school f...
seminarist 18 14 a member of, or one...
seminating 18 17 SEMINATE, to sow [v]
semination 16 15 the act of sowing or...
seminomads 18 18 SEMINOMAD, one leadi...
seminomata 17 17 SEMINOMA, a malignan...
seminudity 25 18 being partially nude...
semiologic 23 19 relating to semiolog...
semiopaque 27 26 half opaque [adj]
semiplumes 23 21 SEMIPLUME, a feather...
semipostal 21 17 an issue of postage...
semipublic 28 24 partly public [adj]
semiquaver 28 27 a 1/16 note in music...
semirounds 18 16 SEMIROUND, something...
semisacred 21 17 partly sacred [adj]
semisecret 21 16 partly secret [adj]
semisolids 20 15 SEMISOLID, something...
semiterete 17 13 half-cylindrical [ad...
semitropic 24 19 a somewhat tropical...
semitrucks 24 21 SEMITRUCK, an articu...
semivowels 24 21 SEMIVOWEL, a speech...
semiweekly 29 23 happening or issued...
semiyearly 31 18 happening twice a ye...
sempstress 21 16 a seamstress [n -ES]
senatorial 16 12 of or pertaining to...
senatorian 14 12 of or pertaining to...
senescence 20 18 the state of growing...
seneschals 22 17 SENESCHAL, (historic...
senhoritas 18 13 SENHORITA, (Spanish)...
senilities 18 12 SENILITY, mental and...
sennachies 20 17 SENNACHIE, (Gaelic)...
sensations 15 12 SENSATION, conscious...
sensibilia 20 15 (Latin) whatever may...
sensiblest 20 15 SENSIBLE, showing go...
sensitised 17 12 SENSITISE, to make s...
sensitiser 17 11 something that sensi...
sensitises 17 11 SENSITISE, to make s...
sensitives 19 15 SENSITIVE, one who i...
sensitized 20 21 SENSITIZE, to make s...
sensitizer 20 20 something that sensi...
sensitizes 20 20 SENSITIZE, to make s...
sensomotor 16 14 of or relating to bo...
sensoriums 18 15 SENSORIUM, the area...
sensualise 17 13 to make sensual, als...
sensualism 19 16 the condition or cha...
sensualist 18 13 one who is sensual;...
sensuality 24 15 the state of being s...
sensualize 20 22 to make sensual, als...
sensuosity 23 14 the state of being s...
sensuously 24 16 SENSUOUS, pertaining...
sentencers 18 15 SENTENCER, one who s...
sentencing 19 18 SENTENCE, to declare...
sententiae 14 12 SENTENTIA, (Latin) a...
sentential 16 13 comprising sentences...
sentiences 18 15 SENTIENCE, the state...
sentiently 23 15 SENTIENT, capable of...
sentiments 17 15 SENTIMENT, a thought...
sentineled 16 14 SENTINEL, to stand g...
sepalodies 19 15 SEPALODY, transforma...
separately 25 16 SEPARATE, apart [adv...
separating 19 16 SEPARATE, to set or...
separation 17 14 the act of separatin...
separatism 20 16 a belief in, movemen...
separatist 19 13 one that favors sepa...
separative 20 17 causing separation [...
separators 18 13 SEPARATOR, something...
separatory 24 15 an instrument for se...
separatrix 25 20 a solidus; a separat...
separatums 20 17 SEPARATUM, a separat...
sepiolites 20 14 SEPIOLITE, hydrated...
septations 18 14 SEPTATION, the state...
septemviri 23 20 SEPTEMVIR, (Latin) o...
septemvirs 23 20 SEPTEMVIR, (Latin) o...
septenarii 18 14 SEPTENARIUS, a seven...
septennate 16 15 a period of seven ye...
septennial 18 16 lasting or continuin...
septennium 19 19 a period of seven ye...
septically 31 20 SEPTICAL, having pow...
septicemia 23 19 blood-poisoning with...
septicemic 27 22 relating to septicem...
septicidal 24 18 with splitting of se...
septillion 21 16 a thousand raised to...
septimoles 21 17 SEPTIMOLE, a group o...
septuplets 23 18 SEPTUPLET, one of se...
septupling 24 21 SEPTUPLE, to make se...
sepulchers 26 20 SEPULCHER, to place...
sepulchral 27 21 funereal; gloomy; di...
sepulchred 26 21 SEPULCHRE, to bury i...
sepulchres 26 20 SEPULCHRE, a recepta...
sepultural 22 17 relating to sepultur...
sepultured 21 17 SEPULTURE, to bury,...
sepultures 21 16 SEPULTURE, to bury,...
sequacious 28 24 intellectually servi...
sequelised 26 22 SEQUELISE, to create...
sequelises 26 21 SEQUELISE, to create...
sequelized 29 31 SEQUELIZE, to create...
sequelizes 29 30 SEQUELIZE, to create...
sequencers 27 24 SEQUENCER, a device...
sequencies 27 24 SEQUENCY, the follow...
sequencing 28 27 he act of arranging...
sequential 25 22 succeeding or follow...
sequesters 25 20 SEQUESTER, to set ap...
sequestral 26 21 of or like a sequest...
sequestrum 27 24 (Latin) a portion of...
seraphical 25 19 of or like a seraph,...
seraphines 20 16 SERAPHINE, a kind of...
seraskiers 18 14 SERASKIER, (historic...
serenaders 15 12 SERENADER, one who s...
serenading 16 15 SERENADE, to address...
serenating 16 14 SERENATE, to calm, m...
sereneness 14 12 the state of being s...
serenities 16 11 SERENITY, the state...
serialised 18 12 SERIALISE, to conver...
serialises 18 11 SERIALISE, to conver...
serialisms 20 14 SERIALISM, serial te...
serialists 19 11 SERIALIST, a writer...
serialized 21 21 SERIALIZE, to conver...
serializes 21 20 SERIALIZE, to conver...
seriations 16 11 SERIATION, arrangeme...
sericteria 20 13 SERICTERIUM, a silk...
serigraphs 23 17 SERIGRAPH, a silkscr...
serigraphy 29 19 the making of silksc...
serinettes 16 11 SERINETTE, (French)...
seriocomic 24 19 partly serious and p...
serjeantry 24 22 a condition of tenur...
sermoneers 16 14 SERMONEER, a preache...
sermonette 16 14 a short sermon, also...
sermonical 21 18 like, or appropriate...
sermonings 18 17 SERMONING, preaching...
sermonised 17 15 SERMONISE, to delive...
sermoniser 17 14 one who sermonises,...
sermonises 17 14 SERMONISE, to delive...
sermonized 20 24 SERMONIZE, to delive...
sermonizer 20 23 one who sermonizes,...
sermonizes 20 23 SERMONIZE, to delive...
serogroups 20 16 SEROGROUP, any group...
serologies 18 13 SEROLOGY, the scienc...
serologist 19 13 one who studies sera...
serosities 17 10 SEROSITY, the state...
serotinies 16 11 SEROTINY, the condit...
serotinous 16 12 flowering late [adj]
serotonins 15 12 SEROTONIN, a compoun...
serotyping 26 18 assignation to a par...
serousness 16 12 the state of being s...
serpentine 17 15 winding [adj SERPENT...
serpentise 18 14 to wind; to cause to...
serpentize 21 23 to wind; to cause to...
serpigines 20 16 SERPIGO, a spreading...
serpulites 21 15 SERPULITE, a fossil...
serradella 18 13 a species of clover...
serradilla 19 13 a species of clover...
serranoids 16 12 SERRANOID, any of a...
serrasalmo 18 14 a fish of the piranh...
serrations 16 11 SERRATION, the state...
serratures 17 11 SERRATURE, a notchin...
serratuses 17 11 SERRATUS, a muscle o...
serrefiles 20 14 SERREFILE, (French)...
serricorns 20 14 SERRICORN, a kind of...
serrulated 18 13 finely serrate; havi...
servanting 19 18 SERVANT, to act as s...
serviceman 22 21 a male member of the...
servicemen 22 21 SERVICEMAN, a male m...
servicings 24 20 SERVICING, the act o...
serviettes 19 14 SERVIETTE, (French)...
servilisms 23 18 SERVILISM, system of...
servitress 20 14 a female servitor [n...
servitudes 20 16 SERVITUDE, the state...
servomotor 19 17 a motor using a serv...
sestertium 19 14 (Latin) a Roman mone...
sestertius 18 11 (Latin) a Roman coin...
setiferous 19 14 bearing bristles, al...
setigerous 18 13 bearing bristles, al...
setterwort 20 13 the bear's-foot hell...
settleable 20 15 capable of being set...
settlement 18 15 the act of settling...
sevenpence 21 22 a coin worth seven p...
sevenpenny 24 22 a coin worth seven p...
seventeens 16 16 SEVENTEEN, a number,...
seventieth 20 17 a seventieth part of...
severances 20 18 SEVERANCE, the act o...
severeness 17 15 severity [n -ES]
severities 19 14 SEVERITY, the state...
sewability 30 19 the ability to be se...
sexagenary 28 22 of, containing, base...
sexaholics 29 23 SEXAHOLIC, someone a...
sexangular 24 22 hexagonal [adj SEXAN...
sexavalent 24 23 hexavalent [adj]
sexennials 22 20 SEXENNIAL, a six-yea...
sexercises 26 20 SEXERCISE, sexual ac...
sexinesses 22 18 SEXINESS, the state...
sexivalent 25 23 of a valency of six,...
sexlocular 28 23 having six cells for...
sexologies 24 20 SEXOLOGY, the study...
sexologist 25 20 an expert on sexual...
sexpartite 25 20 in six parts [adj]
sextillion 25 20 a thousand raised to...
sextonship 27 23 the office of a sext...
sextuplets 27 22 SEXTUPLET, one of si...
sextuplied 27 23 SEXTUPLY, in Scots l...
sextuplies 27 22 SEXTUPLY, in Scots l...
sextupling 28 25 SEXTUPLE, to multipl...
sexualised 24 20 SEXUALISE, to render...
sexualises 24 19 SEXUALISE, to render...
sexualisms 26 22 SEXUALISM, emphasis...
sexualists 25 19 SEXUALIST, one who c...
sexualized 27 29 SEXUALIZE, to render...
sexualizes 27 28 SEXUALIZE, to render...
sforzandos 21 24 SFORZANDO, a suddenl...
shabbiness 23 19 the state of being s...
shabracque 32 28 (historical) a troop...
shadbushes 24 19 SHADBUSH, an America...
shadchanim 25 22 SHADCHAN, a Jewish m...
shadkhanim 23 23 SHADKHAN, (Hebrew) a...
shadowcast 25 19 in microscopy, to ca...
shadowiest 22 16 SHADOWY, full of sha...
shadowings 23 19 SHADOWING, making da...
shadowless 23 17 without shadow [adj]
shadowlike 24 21 like a shadow [adj]
shagginess 21 17 the state of being s...
shaggymane 27 22 an edible fungus [n...
shagreened 18 16 made, covered with o...
shagtastic 24 17 sexually very attrac...
shakedowns 22 21 SHAKEDOWN, any makes...
shakuhachi 28 24 (Japanese) a Japanes...
shallowest 24 17 SHALLOW, not deep [a...
shallowing 25 20 the act of shallowin...
shamanisms 21 19 SHAMANISM, the relig...
shamanists 20 16 SHAMANIST, an adhere...
shamateurs 20 16 SHAMATEUR, an amateu...
shambliest 24 19 SHAMBLY, awkwardly [...
shamblings 25 22 SHAMBLING, the act o...
shamefaced 24 22 showing modesty, als...
shamefully 31 23 SHAMEFUL, disgracefu...
shamianahs 21 18 SHAMIANAH, (Hindi) i...
shamiyanah 27 20 (Hindi) in India, a...
shammashim 25 23 SHAMMES, (Yiddish) a...
shamoising 21 18 SHAMOIS, to clean wi...
shampooers 21 18 SHAMPOOER, one who s...
shampooing 22 21 SHAMPOO, to wash wit...
shanachies 23 18 SHANACHIE, (Gaelic)...
shandrydan 24 18 an Irish two-wheeled...
shandygaff 30 24 a mixture of strong...
shanghaied 21 18 SHANGHAI, to kidnap...
shanghaier 21 17 one who shanghais [n...
shankbones 20 21 SHANKBONE, the bone...
shankpiece 24 23 an arch support [n -...
shantytown 27 19 a usually poor town...
shapeliest 22 16 SHAPELY, having a pl...
shapewears 23 18 SHAPEWEAR, underwear...
sharawadgi 23 18 in design, architect...
sharawaggi 24 19 in design, architect...
sharecrops 24 18 SHARECROP, of a tena...
sharewares 21 15 SHAREWARE, a compute...
sharkskins 22 21 SHARKSKIN, a smooth...
sharpeners 20 16 SHARPENER, a device...
sharpening 21 19 the act of making sh...
shashlicks 28 22 SHASHLICK, (Russian)...
shatooshes 20 14 SHATOOSH, (Persian)...
shatterers 19 12 SHATTERER, something...
shattering 20 15 of e.g news, devasta...
shauchlier 26 19 SHAUCHLY, shuffling...
shauchling 27 22 SHAUCHLE, (Scots) to...
shavelings 23 20 SHAVELING, a tonsure...
shavetails 22 17 SHAVETAIL, (US slang...
shearlings 21 16 SHEARLING, a one-yea...
shearwater 21 15 a gull-like oceanic...
sheathbill 26 19 either of two Antarc...
sheathfish 26 19 a European siluroid...
sheathiest 21 14 SHEATHY, sheathlike...
sheathings 22 17 SHEATHING, the act o...
sheathless 22 15 without a sheath or...
shebeeners 19 16 SHEBEENER, one who k...
shebeening 20 19 keeping in a shebeen...
shechitahs 27 19 SHECHITAH, (Hebrew)...
shecklaton 23 21 (Spenser) a kind of...
sheepberry 29 20 the edible fruit of...
sheepcotes 23 18 SHEEPCOTE, a small i...
sheepfolds 24 20 SHEEPFOLD, a pen for...
sheepheads 22 18 SHEEPHEAD, a large a...
sheepishly 31 20 SHEEPISH, embarrasse...
sheepshank 23 22 a hitch by which a r...
sheepshead 22 18 a large and valuable...
sheepskins 22 20 SHEEPSKIN, the skin...
sheeptrack 25 22 a track made by shee...
sheepwalks 26 23 SHEEPWALK, a range o...
sheetrocks 23 19 SHEETROCK, (tradenam...
sheikhdoms 24 22 SHEIKHDOM, the domai...
sheldducks 26 23 SHELDDUCK, a large d...
sheldrakes 21 18 SHELDRAKE, a male sh...
shelfrooms 23 19 SHELFROOM, space or...
shellacked 25 22 SHELLAC, to cover wi...
shellacker 25 21 one who shellacs, de...
shellbacks 28 24 SHELLBACK, a veteran...
shellbarks 25 21 SHELLBARK, a species...
shellbound 23 20 of a baby bird etc.,...
shelldrake 22 19 a male shelduck, als...
shellducks 27 23 SHELLDUCK, a large d...
shellfires 24 17 SHELLFIRE, the firin...
shelliness 21 15 the state of being s...
shellproof 25 20 capable of resisting...
shellshock 28 23 mental disturbance d...
shellworks 26 21 SHELLWORK, work comp...
shellycoat 30 19 (Scots) a water gobl...
shelterers 20 13 SHELTERER, one who s...
sheltering 21 16 the act of shelterin...
shemozzled 27 35 SHEMOZZLE, to make o...
shemozzles 27 34 SHEMOZZLE, to make o...
shenanigan 17 17 a deceitful trick or...
shepherded 23 19 SHEPHERD, to watch o...
sherardise 19 13 to coat with zinc by...
sherardize 22 22 to coat with zinc by...
shereefian 19 16 relating to a sheree...
sheriffdom 25 22 the office of sherif...
sherlocked 24 21 SHERLOCK, to investi...
shewbreads 24 19 SHEWBREAD, twelve lo...
shibboleth 27 21 (Hebrew) a slogan, c...
shibuichis 29 21 SHIBUICHI, (Japanese...
shidduchim 28 23 SHIDDUCH, (Judaism)...
shieldings 22 17 SHIELDING, the act o...
shieldless 22 15 destitute of a shiel...
shieldlike 23 19 like a shield [adj]
shieldling 23 18 a protected person [...
shieldrake 21 18 a male shelduck, als...
shieldwall 26 19 a defence of interlo...
shiftiness 22 16 the state of being s...
shiftstick 28 22 (US) a gear lever [n...
shiftworks 27 22 SHIFTWORK, a system...
shikarring 22 19 SHIKAR, to hunt (ani...
shillabers 24 17 SHILLABER, an accomp...
shillalahs 25 17 SHILLALAH, (Irish) a...
shillelagh 26 19 (Irish) an Irish cud...
shillelahs 25 17 SHILLELAH, (Irish) a...
shimmerier 22 18 SHIMMERY, glistening...
shimmering 23 21 a tremulous gleam [n...
shimozzles 28 34 SHIMOZZLE, (Yiddish)...
shingliest 22 16 SHINGLY, covered wit...
shinglings 23 19 SHINGLING, shingles...
shinguards 21 17 SHINGUARD, a protect...
shinleaves 21 18 SHINLEAF, a perennia...
shinneries 18 14 SHINNERY, a dense gr...
shinneying 25 19 SHINNEY, to play a f...
shipboards 24 19 SHIPBOARD, a ship's...
shipbroker 25 22 a broker for the sal...
shipfitter 25 18 one who fits out a s...
shiplapped 27 23 SHIPLAP, to overlap...
shipmaster 23 18 the master or comman...
shipowners 24 19 SHIPOWNER, the owner...
shippounds 24 21 SHIPPOUND, in the Ba...
shipwrecks 30 25 SHIPWRECK, to underg...
shipwright 30 22 a carpenter skilled...
shirralees 20 13 SHIRRALEE, (Australi...
shirtbands 22 17 SHIRTBAND, the neckb...
shirtdress 21 13 a straight dress wit...
shirtfront 22 16 the front of a shirt...
shirtiness 20 13 the state of being s...
shirtmaker 22 19 one who makes shirts...
shirttails 22 13 SHIRTTAIL, the longe...
shirtwaist 24 15 a woman's tailored s...
shitcanned 21 18 SHITCAN, to discard...
shithouses 22 15 SHITHOUSE, (colloqui...
shittiness 20 13 the state of being s...
shiveriest 22 16 SHIVERY, shivering [...
shiverings 23 19 SHIVERING, the act o...
shlemiehls 25 19 SHLEMIEHL, (Yiddish)...
shlemozzle 28 35 (Yiddish) to make of...
shleppiest 25 19 SHLEPPY, shabby, run...
shlimazels 26 26 SHLIMAZEL, (Yiddish)...
shlockiest 25 20 SHLOCKY, of poor qua...
shlumpiest 25 20 SHLUMPY, (Yiddish) s...
shmaltzier 25 25 SHMALTZY, characteri...
shmooziest 23 24 SHMOOZY, given to sh...
shmuckiest 26 23 SHMUCKY, foolish, co...
shoaliness 19 14 the state of being s...
shockingly 32 25 SHOCKING [adv]
shockproof 27 25 incapable of being s...
shockstall 26 21 in aeronautics, a lo...
shoddiness 19 15 the state of being s...
shoeblacks 26 23 SHOEBLACK, one who p...
shoehorned 19 16 SHOEHORN, to force i...
shoemakers 20 19 SHOEMAKER, one who m...
shoemaking 21 22 the business of a sh...
shoeshines 20 15 SHOESHINE, the act o...
shoestring 20 15 a shoelace [n -S]
shoggliest 23 17 SHOGGLY, (Scots) sha...
shogunates 19 16 SHOGUNATE, the offic...
shongololo 20 17 (Nguni) a kind of mi...
shoogieing 20 17 SHOOGIE, (Scots) to...
shoogliest 21 15 SHOOGLY, (Scots) sha...
shootdowns 21 17 SHOOTDOWN, the act o...
shopaholic 27 21 a compulsive shopper...
shopboards 23 19 SHOPBOARD, a bench o...
shopfitter 24 18 a worker who makes a...
shopfronts 23 19 SHOPFRONT, the front...
shopkeeper 23 22 one who keeps a shop...
shoplifted 25 20 SHOPLIFT, to steal g...
shoplifter 25 19 one who shoplifts [n...
shopsoiled 22 17 of goods, having det...
shopwalker 26 23 a person employed by...
shopwindow 27 23 a display window of...
shorebirds 22 16 SHOREBIRD, any of va...
shorefront 20 16 the part of a shore...
shorelines 19 14 SHORELINE, the line...
shoresides 19 13 SHORESIDE, the area...
shorewards 22 16 SHOREWARD [n]
shoreweeds 21 16 SHOREWEED, a plant o...
shortarses 19 12 SHORTARSE, (colloqui...
shortboard 21 16 a surfboard between...
shortbread 21 16 a brittle crumbling...
shortcakes 23 19 SHORTCAKE, a brittle...
shortcrust 24 16 designating a type o...
shorteners 18 13 SHORTENER, someone o...
shortening 19 16 fat for making pastr...
shortfalls 24 17 SHORTFALL, the fact...
shortgowns 23 18 SHORTGOWN, (Scots) a...
shorthairs 22 14 SHORTHAIR, a breed o...
shorthands 21 16 SHORTHAND, a system...
shortheads 21 15 SHORTHEAD, a fish, a...
shorthorns 21 15 SHORTHORN, a breed o...
shortlists 22 13 SHORTLIST, to includ...
shortsheet 21 14 (US) to fold a sheet...
shortstops 22 15 SHORTSTOP, the playe...
shortsword 23 16 a sword with a short...
shortwaved 24 20 SHORTWAVE, to broadc...
shortwaves 24 19 SHORTWAVE, to broadc...
shotfirers 22 15 SHOTFIRER, the minin...
shotgunned 19 18 SHOTGUN, to shoot wi...
shotgunner 19 17 one who uses a shotg...
shotmakers 21 19 SHOTMAKER, in sport,...
shotmaking 22 22 the making of winnin...
shouldered 20 16 SHOULDER, to assume...
shouthered 21 16 SHOUTHER, (Scots) to...
shoutingly 28 19 SHOUTING, loud [adv]
shoutlines 20 15 SHOUTLINE, a short l...
shovelfuls 26 22 SHOVELFUL, as much a...
shovelhead 23 20 a kind of shark, all...
shovellers 23 18 SHOVELLER, a kind of...
shovelling 24 21 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
shovelnose 20 18 a freshwater sturgeo...
shovelsful 26 22 SHOVELFUL, as much a...
showbizzes 31 36 SHOWBIZ, (short for)...
showboated 23 19 SHOWBOAT, to show of...
showboater 23 18 one who behaves in a...
showbreads 24 19 SHOWBREAD, twelve lo...
showcasing 26 21 SHOWCASE, to show so...
showerhead 23 18 a fixture for direct...
showeriest 22 15 SHOWERY, abounding w...
showerings 23 18 SHOWERING, the act o...
showerless 23 16 rainless; free from...
showground 23 20 a plot of land on wh...
showjumped 28 32 SHOWJUMP, to take pa...
showjumper 28 31 a horse or rider in...
showmances 25 22 SHOWMANCE, a romance...
showpieces 27 21 SHOWPIECE, something...
showplaces 28 22 SHOWPLACE, a place v...
shreddiest 20 14 SHREDDY, cut up [adj...
shreddings 21 17 SHREDDING, the act o...
shrewdness 22 17 the state of being s...
shrewishly 33 20 SHREWISH, ill-temper...
shrewmouse 23 19 a shrew [n SHREWMICE...
shrieching 26 20 SHRIECH, (Spenser) t...
shriekiest 21 16 SHRIEKY, shrill [adj...
shriekings 22 19 SHRIEKING, the act o...
shrievalty 29 19 the office of sherif...
shrilliest 23 14 SHRILLY, high-pitche...
shrillings 24 17 SHRILLING, a piercin...
shrillness 22 15 the state of being s...
shrimpiest 24 18 SHRIMPY, abounding i...
shrimpings 25 21 SHRIMPING, fishing f...
shrimplike 26 23 like a shrimp [adj]
shrinelike 21 18 like a shrine [adj]
shrinkable 23 21 that can be shrunken...
shrinkages 21 19 SHRINKAGE, the amoun...
shrinkpack 27 27 a shrink-wrapped pac...
shritching 27 20 SHRITCH, to shriek,...
shriveling 24 20 SHRIVEL, to contract...
shrivelled 24 19 SHRIVEL, to contract...
shroffages 24 20 SHROFFAGE, the exami...
shroudiest 20 14 SHROUDY, giving shel...
shroudings 21 17 SHROUDING [n]
shroudless 21 15 without a shroud [ad...
shrubbiest 25 19 SHRUBBY, covered wit...
shrublands 23 19 SHRUBLAND, land cove...
shtetelach 25 18 SHTETEL, (Yiddish) f...
shtickiest 25 19 SHTICKY, like a shti...
shubunkins 23 23 SHUBUNKIN, (Japanese...
shuddering 21 18 trembling [adj SHUDD...
shufflings 27 23 SHUFFLING, the act o...
shunpikers 23 21 SHUNPIKER, one who a...
shunpiking 24 24 travelling on shunpi...
shutterbug 24 19 (colloquial) a photo...
shuttering 21 16 temporary support fo...
shylocking 32 25 SHYLOCK, to lend mon...
sialagogic 23 18 promoting salivatio,...
sialagogue 19 16 anything which promo...
sialogogic 23 18 promoting salivation...
sialogogue 19 16 anything that stimul...
sialograms 20 16 SIALOGRAM, an X-ray...
sialoliths 22 14 SIALOLITH, a calculu...
sibilances 23 18 SIBILANCE, pronuncia...
sibilantly 28 18 SIBILANT, hissing, a...
sibilating 22 17 SIBILATE, to pronoun...
sibilation 20 15 utterance with a his...
sibilators 21 14 SIBILATOR, one who s...
sibilatory 27 16 hissing; sibilant [a...
siccatives 26 20 SICCATIVE, a drying...
sicilianas 21 15 SICILIANA, (Italian)...
sicilianos 21 15 SICILIANO, (Italian)...
sicilienne 20 16 (French) a kind of r...
sickenings 22 21 SICKENING, the act o...
sickerness 21 18 (Scots) certainty [n...
sicklebill 28 23 any one of three spe...
sicklemias 24 21 SICKLEMIA, a severe...
sickliness 23 19 the state of being s...
sicknesses 21 18 SICKNESS, the state...
sicknursed 22 20 SICKNURSE, to act in...
sicknurses 22 19 SICKNURSE [n]
siddhuisms 23 18 SIDDHUISM, (Hinglish...
sidearming 19 17 SIDEARM, to pitch a...
sideboards 19 15 SIDEBOARD, a piece o...
sideburned 19 17 having sideburns [ad...
sidechecks 27 23 SIDECHECK, part of a...
sidelevers 20 16 (Australian slang) s...
sidelights 23 16 SIDELIGHT, a coloure...
sideliners 18 13 SIDELINER, one who s...
sidelining 19 16 SIDELINE, to remove...
sidepieces 22 17 SIDEPIECE, the jamb,...
siderating 18 14 SIDERATE, to blast o...
sideration 16 12 the use of green man...
sidereally 25 15 SIDEREAL, relating t...
siderolite 18 12 a meteorite made up...
siderostat 17 11 a mirror, or telesco...
sidesaddle 18 14 a saddle for women i...
sideshoots 19 13 SIDESHOOT, a shoot g...
sidestream 18 14 relating to or being...
sidestroke 18 15 a swimming stroke wh...
sideswiped 23 18 SIDESWIPE, to deal a...
sideswiper 23 17 one who sideswipes [...
sideswipes 23 17 SIDESWIPE, to deal a...
sidetables 20 15 SIDETABLE, a small t...
sidetracks 22 18 SIDETRACK, to divert...
sidewheels 23 17 SIDEWHEEL, one of th...
sidewinder 20 16 a rattlesnake [n -S]
siegecraft 23 18 the military art of...
siegeworks 22 19 a besieger's enginee...
siffleuses 23 18 SIFFLEUSE, (French)...
sightliest 23 15 SIGHTLY, pleasing to...
sightlines 22 16 SIGHTLINE, a line of...
sightseers 21 14 SIGHTSEER, one who s...
sigillarid 22 15 one of an extinct fa...
sigmations 19 16 SIGMATION, the addit...
sigmatisms 22 18 SIGMATISM, repetitio...
sigmatrons 19 16 SIGMATRON, a machine...
signalings 20 17 SIGNALING, the act o...
signalised 19 15 SIGNALISE, to make s...
signalises 19 14 SIGNALISE, to make s...
signalized 22 24 SIGNALIZE, to make s...
signalizes 22 23 SIGNALIZE, to make s...
signallers 20 15 SIGNALLER, one who s...
signalling 21 18 SIGNAL, to make a si...
signalment 19 18 the act of signaling...
signatures 18 14 SIGNATURE, a signing...
signboards 20 17 SIGNBOARD, a board b...
signeuries 18 14 SIGNEURIE, (Shakespe...
signifieds 21 17 SIGNIFIED [n]
signifiers 21 16 SIGNIFIER, something...
signifying 28 21 the act of signifyin...
signiories 18 13 SIGNIORY, the power...
signorinas 17 14 SIGNORINA, (Italian)...
signposted 20 17 SIGNPOST, to provide...
sikorskies 20 18 SIKORSKY, a helicopt...
silentiary 24 14 a person maintaining...
silentness 17 13 the state of being s...
silhouette 20 14 (French) a portrait...
silicating 23 17 SILICATE, to combine...
silicified 25 18 SILICIFY, to convert...
silicifies 25 17 SILICIFY, to convert...
silicotics 26 17 SILICOTIC, someone s...
siliculose 23 16 pertaining to, or re...
silkalenes 19 17 SILKALENE, a soft li...
silkalines 20 17 SILKALINE, a soft li...
silkgrower 24 20 a grower of silk [n...
silkolines 20 17 SILKOLINE, a soft li...
silkscreen 22 19 to print via a certa...
siltations 18 12 SILTATION, the proce...
siltstones 18 12 SILTSTONE, a rock fo...
silverback 27 25 an older male gorill...
silverbill 26 20 an Old World finch o...
silvereyes 26 17 SILVEREYE, a greenis...
silverfish 26 20 any of various silve...
silverhorn 22 18 any of various usual...
silveriest 21 15 SILVERY, appearing l...
silverings 22 18 SILVERING, the act o...
silverised 21 16 SILVERISE, to cover...
silverises 21 15 SILVERISE, to cover...
silverized 24 25 SILVERIZE, to cover...
silverizes 24 24 SILVERIZE, to cover...
silverling 23 19 in the Bible, a smal...
silverside 21 16 a cut of beef taken...
silverskin 22 20 the fine skin of a c...
silvertail 22 16 (Australian slang) a...
silvertips 24 18 SILVERTIP, a kind of...
silverware 23 18 items, esp. tablewar...
silverweed 23 19 a perennial rosaceou...
silymarins 26 17 SILYMARIN, an antiox...
simaroubas 20 17 SIMAROUBA, a tropica...
similarity 27 16 the state of being s...
similative 22 18 indicating likeness...
similising 22 17 SIMILISE, to liken,...
similitude 21 16 the state of being s...
similizing 25 26 SIMILIZE, to liken,...
simillimum 25 22 a remedy chosen for...
simoniacal 21 18 of or pertaining to...
simonising 19 17 SIMONISE, to polish...
simonizing 22 26 SIMONIZE, to polish...
simperings 22 19 SIMPERING, the act o...
simpleness 21 18 the state of being s...
simplesses 22 17 SIMPLESSE, (Spenser)...
simpletons 21 18 SIMPLETON, a feeblem...
simplicial 27 21 of or relating to si...
simplicity 33 22 the state of being s...
simplified 25 21 SIMPLIFY, to make si...
simplifier 25 20 something that simpl...
simplifies 25 20 SIMPLIFY, to make si...
simplistes 23 17 SIMPLISTE, (French)...
simplistic 27 20 tending to oversimpl...
simulacres 23 18 SIMULACRE, a likenes...
simulacrum 25 22 (Latin) an image, a...
simulating 21 18 SIMULATE, to take on...
simulation 19 16 the act of simulatin...
simulative 22 19 relating to simulati...
simulators 20 15 SIMULATOR, something...
simulatory 26 17 simulated, or capabl...
simulcasts 24 18 SIMULCAST [n]
sinarchism 24 19 the fascist movement...
sinarchist 23 16 a member of the fasc...
sinarquism 27 24 the fascist movement...
sinarquist 26 21 a member of the fasc...
sincipital 24 18 of or pertaining to...
sinecurism 22 18 the state of having...
sinecurist 21 15 one who has a sinecu...
sinewiness 19 15 the state of being s...
sinfulness 20 17 the state of being s...
singalongs 19 17 SINGALONG, a perform...
singledoms 20 18 SINGLEDOM, the state...
singlehood 20 17 the state of being u...
singleness 18 15 the state of being s...
singletons 18 15 SINGLETON, a playing...
singletree 18 14 the crosspiece of a...
singsonged 18 17 SINGSONG, to hold a...
singspiels 22 17 SINGSPIEL, (German)...
singularly 27 18 SINGULAR, not plural...
sinicising 22 17 SINICISE, to modify...
sinicizing 25 26 SINICIZE, to modify...
sinisterly 25 14 SINISTER, threatenin...
sinistrals 19 12 SINISTRAL, a left-ha...
sinistrous 18 12 inauspicious, sinist...
sinningias 17 15 SINNINGIA, one of a...
sinoatrial 17 12 as in sinoatrial nod...
sinologies 18 14 SINOLOGY, the study...
sinologist 19 14 one versed in Chines...
sinologues 18 15 SINOLOGUE, one verse...
sinsemilla 20 16 (Spanish) a kind of...
sinuations 16 13 SINUATION, a winding...
sinuitises 18 12 SINUITIS, inflammati...
sinusoidal 18 14 of or pertaining to...
siphonages 21 18 SIPHONAGE, the actio...
siphonogam 22 21 a plant reproducing...
siphuncles 26 21 SIPHUNCLE, the tube...
sipunculid 25 21 a kind of marine wor...
sirenising 18 14 SIRENISE, to bewitch...
sirenizing 21 23 SIRENIZE, to bewitch...
sironising 18 14 SIRONISE, to use a p...
sironizing 21 23 SIRONIZE, to use a p...
siseraries 17 10 SISERARY, a scolding...
sisterhood 19 13 the state of being a...
sisterless 19 11 without a sister [ad...
sisterlike 20 15 like a sister [adj]
sitatungas 18 14 SITATUNGA, (Swahili)...
sitologies 19 13 SITOLOGY, the scienc...
sitophobia 23 18 a morbid aversion to...
sitosterol 18 11 any of several stero...
situations 17 12 SITUATION, a locatio...
situtungas 19 15 SITUTUNGA, (Swahili)...
sitzkriegs 24 25 SITZKRIEG, (German)...
sixpennies 24 22 SIXPENNY, a coin wor...
sixteeners 22 18 SIXTEENER, a verse o...
sixteenmos 23 21 SIXTEENMO, a book si...
sixteenths 25 20 SIXTEENTH, the sixte...
sizarships 26 24 SIZARSHIP, the posit...
sizinesses 20 20 SIZINESS, the state...
sizzlingly 34 35 SIZZLING, very hot [...
sjamboking 24 32 SJAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
sjambokked 24 34 SJAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
skaithless 22 17 without skaith, scat...
skaldships 25 21 SKALDSHIP, the offic...
skankiness 18 20 the state of being s...
skateboard 19 18 a narrow board made...
skateparks 21 21 SKATEPARK, an area s...
skedaddled 19 19 SKEDADDLE, to run of...
skedaddler 19 18 one who skedaddles [...
skedaddles 19 18 SKEDADDLE, to run of...
skeldering 20 19 SKELDER, to beg; to...
skeletally 27 19 SKELETAL, like a ske...
skeletonic 21 19 of or like a skeleto...
skelloched 25 22 SKELLOCH, (Scots) to...
skeltering 20 18 SKELTER, to scurry [...
skepticism 26 23 an undecided, inquir...
sketchable 26 23 that can be sketched...
sketchbook 26 26 a book of or for ske...
sketchiest 24 19 SKETCHY, lacking in...
sketchpads 26 23 SKETCHPAD, a pad of...
skeuomorph 23 23 a design feature cop...
skewbacked 27 28 having a skewback, t...
skewnesses 20 18 SKEWNESS, lack of sy...
skiagraphs 24 21 SKIAGRAPH, a shadow...
skiascopes 23 20 SKIASCOPE, a medical...
skibobbers 25 23 SKIBOBBER, one who r...
skibobbing 26 26 the sport of riding...
skiddooing 19 19 SKIDDOO, to ride a s...
skijorings 22 26 SKIJORING, (Norwegia...
skijumpers 25 30 SKIJUMPER, one who e...
skikjorers 22 27 SKIKJORER, one who e...
skikjoring 23 30 (Norwegian) the spor...
skillfully 33 24 SKILLFUL, having ski...
skimboards 22 21 SKIMBOARD, to use a...
skimmingly 30 26 SKIMMING [adv]
skimobiled 23 22 SKIMOBILE, to travel...
skimobiles 23 21 SKIMOBILE, a motoriz...
skimpiness 22 21 the state of being s...
skimpingly 31 26 SKIMPING [adv]
skinflicks 27 26 SKINFLICK, a pornogr...
skinflints 22 20 SKINFLINT, a miser;...
skinflinty 28 22 stingy, like a skinf...
skinniness 17 17 the state of being s...
skintights 23 19 close-fitting garmen...
skippering 24 23 the act of sleeping...
skippingly 32 26 SKIPPING, flighty, g...
skirmished 23 20 SKIRMISH, to engage...
skirmisher 23 19 one who skirmishes [...
skirmishes 23 19 SKIRMISH, to engage...
skitterier 19 14 SKITTERY, darting ab...
skittering 20 17 SKITTER, to skim ove...
skittishly 30 19 SKITTISH, easily fri...
skreeghing 22 21 SKREEGH, (Scots) to...
skreighing 23 21 SKREIGH, (Scots) to...
skrieching 25 22 SKRIECH, (Scots) to...
skrieghing 23 21 SKRIEGH, (Scots) to...
skrimmaged 22 23 SKRIMMAGE, to scuffl...
skrimmages 22 22 SKRIMMAGE, to scuffl...
skrimshank 23 24 to evade work or dut...
skulkingly 30 26 SKULKING [adv]
skummering 22 24 SKUMMER, (archaic) t...
skunkbirds 23 24 SKUNKBIRD, an Americ...
skunkweeds 22 24 SKUNKWEED, a low-gro...
skybridges 29 22 SKYBRIDGE, a covered...
skydivings 29 24 SKYDIVING, the sport...
skyjackers 31 32 SKYJACKER, one who s...
skyjacking 32 35 the sport of jumping...
skylarkers 27 21 SKYLARKER, one who s...
skylarking 28 24 frolicking, horsepla...
skylighted 30 22 having a skylight [a...
skyrockets 29 23 SKYROCKET, to go up...
skyscraper 30 22 a very tall building...
skysurfers 28 20 SKYSURFER, one who s...
skysurfing 29 23 the sport of free-fa...
skywatched 33 25 SKYWATCH, to observe...
skywatches 33 24 SKYWATCH, to observe...
skywriters 29 19 SKYWRITER, one who s...
skywriting 30 22 tracing words on the...
skywritten 28 20 SKYWRITE, to write i...
slabberers 22 17 SLABBERER, one who s...
slabberier 22 17 SLABBERY, like, or c...
slabbering 23 20 SLABBER, to slaver;...
slabbiness 22 18 the state of being s...
slabstones 19 15 SLABSTONE, flagstone...
slackeners 21 19 SLACKENER, one who s...
slackening 22 22 a making less tight...
slactivism 26 21 the carrying out of...
slactivist 25 18 one who engages in s...
slaistered 18 12 SLAISTER, to do in a...
slalomists 21 15 SLALOMIST, one who t...
slamdanced 21 20 SLAMDANCE, to dance...
slamdances 21 19 SLAMDANCE, to dance...
slammakins 21 22 SLAMMAKIN, (obsolete...
slammerkin 21 22 (obsolete) a loose g...
slanderers 17 13 SLANDERER, one who s...
slandering 18 16 SLANDER, to defame [...
slanderous 17 14 relating to slander...
slanginess 18 15 the state of being s...
slangingly 27 20 SLANGING, scolding [...
slanguages 19 17 SLANGUAGE, a slang l...
slantingly 26 18 SLANTING [adv]
slapdashed 22 18 SLAPDASH, to do in a...
slapdashes 22 17 SLAPDASH, to do in a...
slapsticks 26 21 SLAPSTICK, comedy st...
slashfests 23 16 SLASHFEST, a film or...
slashingly 29 19 SLASHING [adv]
slathering 21 16 SLATHER, to spread t...
slattering 19 14 SLATTER, (dialect) t...
slatternly 25 15 like a slattern [adj...
slaughters 22 16 SLAUGHTER, to kill,...
slaughtery 28 18 slaughter, also SLAU...
slaverings 21 18 SLAVERING, letting s...
slavocracy 32 23 slave-owners collect...
slavocrats 23 18 SLAVOCRAT, a slave-o...
slavophile 25 21 a person who admires...
slavophils 26 21 SLAVOPHIL, a person...
sleazebags 23 25 SLEAZEBAG, a sleazy...
sleazeball 24 25 a sleazy person, esp...
sleaziness 20 21 the state of being s...
sleechiest 23 16 SLEECHY, slimy with...
sleekening 18 19 SLEEKEN, to make smo...
sleekstone 17 16 a polishing stone, a...
sleepiness 19 15 the state of being s...
sleepovers 21 18 SLEEPOVER, the custo...
sleepsuits 21 15 SLEEPSUIT, a baby's...
sleepwalks 25 22 SLEEPWALK, to walk i...
sleepwears 22 17 SLEEPWEAR, clothes f...
sleepyhead 27 19 a sleepy person [n -...
sleetiness 17 12 the state of being s...
sleevehand 20 19 (Shakespeare) a wris...
sleeveless 20 16 without sleeves [adj...
sleevelets 20 16 SLEEVELET, a small s...
sleevelike 21 20 like a sleeve [adj]
sleighings 23 18 SLEIGHING, travellin...
slenderest 17 13 SLENDER, slight of b...
slenderise 17 13 to make or become sl...
slenderize 20 22 to make or become sl...
sleuthings 22 17 SLEUTHING, the work...
slickeners 22 19 SLICKENER, one who s...
slickening 23 22 SLICKEN, to smooth,...
slickrocks 28 25 SLICKROCK, smooth wi...
slicksters 24 18 SLICKSTER, a dishone...
slickstone 22 19 a polishing stone, a...
sliddering 20 16 SLIDDER, (Scots) to...
slightness 22 16 the state of being s...
slimeballs 24 19 SLIMEBALL, (slang) a...
slimnesses 19 15 SLIMNESS, the state...
slimpsiest 23 17 SLIMPSY, flimsy, als...
slingbacks 26 24 SLINGBACK, a shoe wi...
slingshots 22 16 SLINGSHOT, a stone f...
slingstone 18 15 a stone for use in a...
slinkiness 19 17 the state of being s...
slinkskins 21 21 SLINKSKIN, the skin...
slinkweeds 22 20 SLINKWEED, rosebay w...
slipcovers 26 21 SLIPCOVER, a cover f...
slipformed 24 21 SLIPFORM, to constru...
slipnooses 19 15 SLIPNOOSE, a noose m...
slipperier 23 17 SLIPPERY, causing sl...
slipperily 31 20 SLIPPERY, causing sl...
slippering 24 20 SLIPPER, to beat wit...
slippiness 23 18 the state of being s...
slipsheets 23 16 SLIPSHEET, a sheet o...
slipsloppy 33 23 sloppy, nonsensical...
slipstream 22 17 the stream of air dr...
slitherier 21 13 SLITHERY, given to s...
slithering 22 16 SLITHER, to slide fr...
slivovicas 26 22 SLIVOVICA, (Serbo-Cr...
slivovices 26 22 SLIVOVIC, (Serbo-Cro...
slobberers 22 17 SLOBBERER, one who s...
slobberier 22 17 SLOBBERY, slobbering...
slobbering 23 20 SLOBBER, to drool, a...
slockening 22 22 SLOCKEN, (Scots) to...
sloebushes 22 17 SLOEBUSH, the blackt...
sloethorns 19 14 SLOETHORN, the black...
sloganeers 17 14 SLOGANEER, to invent...
sloganised 18 15 SLOGANISE, to utter...
sloganises 18 14 SLOGANISE, to utter...
sloganized 21 24 SLOGANIZE, to utter...
sloganizes 21 23 SLOGANIZE, to utter...
slommocked 24 25 SLOMMOCK, (dialect)...
sloppiness 22 18 the state of being s...
slopworker 24 21 one who does slopwor...
slothfully 32 21 SLOTHFUL, sluggish [...
slouchiest 24 17 SLOUCHY, slouching [...
sloughiest 22 16 SLOUGHY, full of slo...
slovenlier 20 17 SLOVENLY, habitually...
slovenlike 21 21 like a sloven [adj]
slovenries 19 16 SLOVENRY, (Shakespea...
slownesses 20 15 SLOWNESS, the state...
slubbering 24 21 smearing [adj SLUBBE...
sluggabeds 23 20 SLUGGABED, (Shakespe...
sluggardly 29 20 like a sluggard, an...
sluggishly 32 21 SLUGGISH, slow-movin...
slughornes 21 17 SLUGHORNE, (Browning...
sluicegate 22 17 the gate of a sluice...
sluicelike 24 20 like a sluice [adj]
sluiceways 31 20 SLUICEWAY, an artifi...
slumberers 22 18 SLUMBERER, one who s...
slumberful 26 23 sleepy [adj]
slumbering 23 21 sleeping [adj SLUMBE...
slumberous 22 19 inviting or causing...
slummocked 25 26 SLUMMOCK, to move sl...
slungshots 22 17 SLUNGSHOT, a weight...
slushiness 21 15 the state of being s...
slutchiest 25 17 SLUTCHY, (English di...
slutteries 19 12 SLUTTERY, the realis...
sluttiness 19 13 the state of being s...
sluttishly 30 17 SLUTTISH, like a slu...
smackdowns 25 25 SMACKDOWN, a chastis...
smackheads 24 23 SMACKHEAD, a person...
smallmouth 24 21 a river fish, a kind...
smallpoxes 28 25 SMALLPOX, a virus di...
smallsword 24 19 a light sword used f...
smalminess 20 18 (obsolete) the state...
smaragdine 18 17 emerald green [adj]
smaragdite 19 16 a green foliated kin...
smarminess 19 17 the state of being s...
smartarsed 18 14 offensively clever [...
smartarses 18 13 SMARTARSE, (colloqui...
smartasses 18 13 SMARTASS, (colloquia...
smartening 18 17 SMARTEN, to improve...
smartingly 27 19 SMARTING [adv]
smartmouth 22 19 a clever or sarcasti...
smartphone 21 19 a portable device co...
smartwatch 27 21 an electronic wristw...
smartweeds 21 17 SMARTWEED, an acrid...
smasheroos 19 15 SMASHEROO, (colloqui...
smashingly 29 21 SMASHING, strikingly...
smashmouth 24 21 of, for example, foo...
smatterers 18 13 SMATTERER, one who h...
smattering 19 16 a little knowledge o...
smearcases 20 16 SMEARCASE, (German)...
smeariness 17 14 the state of being s...
smelliness 20 16 the state of being s...
smelteries 19 14 SMELTERY, a place fo...
smickering 24 23 an amorous inclinati...
smiercases 21 16 SMIERCASE, (German)...
smifligate 23 19 Charles Dickens's no...
smirkingly 29 23 SMIRKING [adv]
smithcraft 27 21 the craft of a smith...
smithereen 19 16 to break into small...
smitheries 21 15 SMITHERY, the trade...
smokeboard 20 21 a board suspended in...
smokeboxes 26 27 SMOKEBOX, part of a...
smokehoods 20 20 SMOKEHOOD, a protect...
smokehouse 20 20 a building where mea...
smokejacks 25 33 SMOKEJACK, a contriv...
smokeproof 22 23 proof against smoke...
smokestack 23 24 a pipe or funnel thr...
smoketight 23 21 proof against smoke...
smoldering 20 18 SMOLDER, to burn wit...
smoochiest 23 18 SMOOCHY, given to sm...
smoothable 22 19 that can be smoothed...
smoothbore 21 18 having a bore of per...
smoothened 18 17 SMOOTHEN, to free fr...
smoothings 21 18 SMOOTHING, the act o...
smoothness 19 16 the state of being s...
smoothpate 21 18 (archaic) a bald per...
smorrebrod 20 17 (Danish) a buffet fe...
smotherers 20 15 SMOTHERER, one who s...
smothering 21 18 suffocating [adj SMO...
smouldered 19 17 SMOULDER, to burn wi...
smouldrier 20 16 SMOULDRY, (Spenser)...
smudgeless 21 18 without a smudge [ad...
smudginess 20 18 the state of being s...
smuggeries 21 18 SMUGGERY, a state of...
smugglings 24 22 SMUGGLING, the illic...
smugnesses 19 17 SMUGNESS, the state...
smutchiest 25 19 SMUTCHY, smutched [a...
smuttiness 19 15 the state of being s...
snackettes 20 18 SNACKETTE, a snack b...
snaileries 17 12 SNAILERY, a place wh...
snakebirds 20 19 SNAKEBIRD, the darte...
snakebites 19 18 SNAKEBITE, the bite...
snakeheads 18 18 SNAKEHEAD, a Chinese...
snakemouth 20 21 a North American orc...
snakeroots 16 15 SNAKEROOT, bistort,...
snakeskins 18 20 SNAKESKIN, the skin...
snakestone 15 16 a kind of hone slate...
snakeweeds 19 19 SNAKEWEED, a plant w...
snakewoods 19 19 SNAKEWOOD, an East I...
snapdragon 18 18 a plant of the figwo...
snaphances 22 20 SNAPHANCE, (obsolete...
snaphaunce 22 21 (obsolete) a freeboo...
snaphaunch 25 23 (obsolete) a freeboo...
snappering 21 20 SNAPPER, to stumble,...
snappiness 20 18 the state of being s...
snappingly 29 23 SNAPPING, irritable...
snappishly 31 22 SNAPPISH, tending to...
snarlingly 26 18 SNARLING, making a s...
snatchiest 22 16 SNATCHY, irregular,...
snatchings 23 19 SNATCHING, an act of...
snazziness 22 30 the state of being s...
sneakboxes 24 25 SNEAKBOX, a small bo...
sneakiness 16 16 the state of being s...
sneakingly 25 21 SNEAKING [adv]
sneakishly 27 20 SNEAKISH, befitting...
sneaksbies 19 18 SNEAKSBY, (archaic)...
sneeringly 24 17 SNEERING, contemptuo...
sneeshings 19 16 SNEESHING, (Scots) s...
sneezeless 19 21 without a sneeze [ad...
sneezeweed 20 24 any of several compo...
sneezewood 20 24 a South African timb...
sneezewort 21 23 a herbaceous plant a...
snickerers 21 18 SNICKERER, one who s...
snickering 22 21 SNICKER, to utter a...
sniffiness 21 18 the state of being s...
sniffingly 30 23 SNIFFING, with a sni...
sniffishly 32 22 SNIFFISH, haughty [a...
sniffliest 23 18 SNIFFLY, having a sn...
sniftering 20 17 SNIFTER, to sniff, s...
sniggerers 19 15 SNIGGERER, one who s...
sniggering 20 18 laughing in a sly wa...
snigglings 22 19 SNIGGLING, fishing f...
snippetier 21 17 SNIPPETY, ridiculous...
snippiness 21 18 the state of being s...
snitchiest 23 16 SNITCHY, bad tempere...
snivellers 21 17 SNIVELLER, one who s...
snivelling 22 20 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
snobberies 20 17 SNOBBERY, snobbish b...
snobbishly 31 22 SNOBBISH, characteri...
snobocracy 30 22 government by snobs...
snocoaches 23 19 SNOCOACH, a bus-like...
snookering 17 18 SNOOKER, to thwart,...
snootiness 15 12 the state of being s...
snorkelers 18 16 SNORKELER, one who s...
snorkeling 19 19 the act of using a s...
snorkelled 19 18 SNORKEL, to swim usi...
snorkeller 19 17 one who uses a snork...
snortingly 25 17 SNORTING, making a s...
snotteries 16 11 SNOTTERY, filthiness...
snottering 17 14 SNOTTER, to snivel [...
snottiness 16 12 the state of being s...
snowballed 23 20 SNOWBALL, to increas...
snowblader 22 19 one who engages in s...
snowblades 22 19 short skis used with...
snowblinks 24 23 SNOWBLINK, a glare i...
snowblower 25 21 a machine for cleari...
snowboards 21 18 SNOWBOARD, to use a...
snowbushes 24 20 SNOWBUSH, any of sev...
snowcapped 26 24 covered with snow [a...
snowclones 22 19 SNOWCLONE, a kind of...
snowdrifts 23 18 SNOWDRIFT, a drift o...
snowfields 23 19 SNOWFIELD, an area o...
snowflakes 23 22 SNOWFLAKE, a flake o...
snowflecks 27 25 SNOWFLECK, the snow...
snowflicks 28 25 SNOWFLICK, the snow...
snowglobes 23 20 SNOWGLOBE, a transpa...
snowmakers 21 21 SNOWMAKER, a machine...
snowmaking 22 24 of a machine, used f...
snowmobile 23 21 to travel by any of...
snowmoulds 22 20 SNOWMOULD, a fungus...
snowplough 26 23 an implement operati...
snowplowed 25 22 SNOWPLOW, to execute...
snowscapes 24 20 SNOWSCAPE, a landsca...
snowshoers 21 16 SNOWSHOER, one who t...
snowslides 21 16 SNOWSLIDE, a slide o...
snowstorms 21 17 SNOWSTORM, a storm o...
snowtubing 23 21 a winter snow sport...
snubbiness 21 19 the quality of being...
snubbingly 30 24 SNUBBING [adv]
snubnesses 18 16 SNUBNESS, the qualit...
snuffboxes 29 28 SNUFFBOX, a box for...
snuffiness 21 19 the quality of being...
snuffliest 23 19 SNUFFLY, tending to...
snufflings 24 22 SNUFFLING, the act o...
snuggeries 19 16 SNUGGERY, a snug pla...
snuggliest 21 17 SNUGGLY, warm and co...
snugnesses 17 15 SNUGNESS, the state...
soapboxing 27 26 SOAPBOX, to give an...
soapdishes 21 16 SOAPDISH, a dish for...
soapfishes 23 18 SOAPFISH, a tropical...
soapflakes 22 21 small particles of s...
soapstones 17 14 SOAPSTONE, a soft so...
soberingly 27 19 SOBERING [adv]
soberising 20 16 SOBERISE, to make so...
soberizing 23 25 SOBERIZE, to make so...
sobersided 19 15 devoid of extreme qu...
sobersides 19 14 a sober, dull person...
sobrieties 19 13 SOBRIETY, the state...
sobriquets 28 23 SOBRIQUET, (French)...
socdolager 21 17 a conclusive argumen...
socdoliger 22 17 a conclusive argumen...
socdologer 21 17 a conclusive argumen...
socialised 21 15 SOCIALISE, to make s...
socialiser 21 14 one who socialises,...
socialises 21 14 SOCIALISE, to make s...
socialisms 23 17 SOCIALISM, the theor...
socialists 22 14 SOCIALIST, an adhere...
socialites 21 14 SOCIALITE, a person...
socialized 24 24 SOCIALIZE, to make s...
socializer 24 23 one who socializes,...
socializes 24 23 SOCIALIZE, to make s...
socialness 20 15 the state of being s...
sociations 19 14 SOCIATION, a plant c...
societally 28 17 SOCIETAL, relating t...
sociograms 22 18 SOCIOGRAM, a diagram...
sociolects 24 17 SOCIOLECT, a variety...
sociologic 25 19 of or relating to so...
sociometry 27 18 the study of sociolo...
sociopaths 24 18 SOCIOPATH, a person...
sociopathy 30 20 hostility to society...
sodalities 18 12 SODALITY, an organiz...
sodbusters 20 15 SODBUSTER, (US) a fa...
soddenness 15 14 the state of being s...
sodicities 21 14 SODICITY, the amount...
sodomising 19 17 SODOMISE, to engage...
sodomizing 22 26 SODOMIZE, to engage...
softballer 23 18 one who plays softba...
softbounds 21 19 SOFTBOUND, a book bo...
softcovers 24 20 SOFTCOVER, a paperba...
softenings 19 17 SOFTENING, the act o...
softheaded 20 17 having or indicative...
softnesses 18 14 SOFTNESS, the state...
softscapes 24 19 SOFTSCAPE, vegetatio...
softshells 24 17 SOFTSHELL, a moderat...
sogdolager 19 16 a conclusive argumen...
sogdoliger 20 16 a conclusive argumen...
sogdologer 19 16 a conclusive argumen...
sojourners 18 21 SOJOURNER, one who s...
sojourning 19 24 the act of making a...
solacement 20 18 the act of solacing...
solarising 19 14 SOLARISE, to expose...
solarizing 22 23 SOLARIZE, to expose...
solderable 20 16 that can be soldered...
solderings 19 15 SOLDERING, the act o...
soldieries 18 12 SOLDIERY, the milita...
soldiering 19 15 the profession of so...
solecising 22 17 SOLECISE, to use ung...
solecistic 25 17 having the nature of...
solecizing 25 26 SOLECIZE, to use ung...
solemnised 18 16 SOLEMNISE, to make s...
solemniser 18 15 one who solemnises,...
solemnises 18 15 SOLEMNISE, to make s...
solemnized 21 25 SOLEMNIZE, to make s...
solemnizer 21 24 one who solemnizes,...
solemnizes 21 24 SOLEMNIZE, to make s...
solemnness 17 16 the state of being s...
solenesses 16 12 SOLENESS, the state...
solenettes 16 12 SOLENETTE, a small E...
solenodons 15 14 SOLENODON, either of...
solenoidal 17 14 like a solenoid [adj...
soleplates 20 15 SOLEPLATE, a bedplat...
soleprints 20 15 SOLEPRINT, the print...
solfataras 19 14 SOLFATARA, (Italian)...
solfataric 23 17 relating to a solfat...
solfeggios 22 18 SOLFEGGIO, a singing...
solferinos 19 15 SOLFERINO, (Italian)...
solicitant 21 15 one who solicits [n...
solicities 22 14 SOLICITY, (Shakespea...
soliciting 23 17 the act of solicitin...
solicitors 22 14 SOLICITOR, a person...
solicitous 22 15 expressing solicitud...
solicitude 22 16 the state of being c...
solidarism 20 15 solidarity [n -S]
solidarist 19 12 one who practises so...
solidarity 25 14 unity (as of a group...
solidating 19 15 SOLIDATE, to consoli...
solidified 21 16 SOLIDIFY, to make so...
solidifier 21 15 one who solidifies [...
solidifies 21 15 SOLIDIFY, to make so...
solidities 19 12 SOLIDITY, the state...
solifidian 20 16 maintaining that onl...
solipedous 20 16 having single hoofs...
solipsisms 23 17 SOLIPSISM, a theory...
solipsists 22 14 SOLIPSIST, one who p...
solitaires 18 11 SOLITAIRE, a game pl...
solitarian 17 12 a hermit; a solitary...
solitaries 18 11 SOLITARY, one who li...
solitarily 26 14 SOLITARY, alone [adv...
solivagant 20 18 wandering alone [adj...
sollickers 24 19 SOLLICKER, (Australi...
solonchaks 23 21 SOLONCHAK, (Russian)...
solonetses 16 12 SOLONETS, a type of...
solonetzes 19 21 SOLONETZ, a type of...
solonetzic 23 24 relating to solonetz...
solstitial 20 12 of or pertaining to...
solubilise 22 16 to render soluble, a...
solubility 29 18 the state of being s...
solubilize 25 25 to render soluble, a...
solutional 18 14 relating to a soluti...
solutioned 17 14 SOLUTION, to provide...
solvations 19 16 SOLVATION, a chemica...
solvencies 22 19 SOLVENCY, the abilit...
solvolyses 27 18 SOLVOLYSIS, the deco...
solvolysis 28 18 the decomposition of...
solvolytic 31 21 relating to solvolys...
somascopes 22 19 SOMASCOPE, an instru...
somatology 25 18 the science of the p...
somatotype 25 18 a type consisting of...
somberness 19 17 the state of being s...
sombreness 19 17 the state of being s...
sombrerite 20 16 rock-guano [n -S]
somebodies 19 17 SOMEBODY, an importa...
someplaces 23 20 SOMEPLACE, somewhere...
somersault 19 15 a leap in which a pe...
somerseted 17 14 SOMERSET, a leap in...
somethings 21 18 SOMETHING, an undefi...
somewhence 24 22 from some place or o...
somewheres 22 18 SOMEWHERE, in or to...
somewhiles 24 19 sometimes [adv]
sommeliers 20 17 SOMMELIER, (French)...
somnambule 21 22 a sleepwalker, also...
somniating 18 17 SOMNIATE, to dream [...
somniative 19 18 pertaining to sleep...
somniatory 23 16 pertaining to sleep...
somniloquy 33 27 the act or habit of...
somnolence 19 19 sleepiness, also SOM...
somnolency 26 21 sleepiness, also SOM...
songcrafts 23 19 SONGCRAFT, the art o...
songlessly 26 17 SONGLESS, without so...
songololos 18 15 SONGOLOLO, (Nguni) a...
songsheets 19 15 SONGSHEET, a piece o...
songsmiths 22 18 SONGSMITH, a compose...
songstress 18 13 a woman who sings; a...
songwriter 21 16 a person who compose...
sonicating 20 17 SONICATE, to disrupt...
sonication 18 15 the disruption of ba...
sonicators 19 14 SONICATOR, a device...
soniferous 18 15 carrying or producin...
sonneteers 14 12 SONNETEER, a writer...
sonnetised 15 13 SONNETISE, to compos...
sonnetises 15 12 SONNETISE, to compos...
sonnetized 18 22 SONNETIZE, to compos...
sonnetizes 18 21 SONNETIZE, to compos...
sonnetting 16 15 SONNET, to compose a...
sonographs 21 18 SONOGRAPH, an instru...
sonography 27 20 the use of ultrasoun...
sonometers 16 14 SONOMETER, a musical...
sonorities 16 11 SONORITY, the qualit...
sonorously 23 15 SONOROUS, characteri...
sooterkins 17 15 SOOTERKIN, (Dutch) a...
sootflakes 20 18 SOOTFLAKE, a smut of...
soothering 19 15 SOOTHER, to cajole,...
soothingly 27 18 SOOTHING, reassuring...
soothsayer 24 14 a person who predict...
sopaipilla 23 18 a square of deep-fri...
sopapillas 23 18 SOPAPILLA, a square...
sophisters 22 15 SOPHISTER, a person...
sophomores 21 18 SOPHOMORE, a second...
sophomoric 25 21 of or like a sophomo...
soporifics 25 19 SOPORIFIC, a drug pr...
sopraninos 17 15 SOPRANINO, (Italian)...
sopranists 19 14 SOPRANIST, a treble...
sorbitised 20 14 SORBITISE, to turn (...
sorbitises 20 13 SORBITISE, to turn (...
sorbitized 23 23 SORBITIZE, to turn (...
sorbitizes 23 22 SORBITIZE, to turn (...
sordamente 16 15 (Italian) gently, so...
sordidness 17 13 the state of being s...
soreheaded 17 14 irritable, grumpy [a...
sorenesses 15 11 SORENESS, the state...
soricident 20 15 having teeth like a...
sororially 25 14 SORORIAL, pertaining...
sororicide 20 14 the killing of one's...
sororising 18 13 SORORISE, to associa...
sororities 17 10 SORORITY, a social c...
sororizing 21 22 SORORIZE, to associa...
sorrowings 21 16 SORROWING, the act o...
sorrowless 21 14 free from sorrow [ad...
sortations 16 11 SORTATION, sorting o...
sortileger 19 13 one who divines by s...
sortileges 19 13 SORTILEGE, divinatio...
sortitions 17 11 SORTITION, the casti...
sostenutos 16 12 SOSTENUTO, (Italian)...
sottisiers 18 10 SOTTISIER, (French)...
soubrettes 19 14 SOUBRETTE, (French)...
soubriquet 28 24 (French) a nickname,...
souldiered 18 14 SOULDIER, (archaic)...
soullessly 27 16 SOULLESS, without a...
soundalike 18 18 one that sounds like...
soundbites 19 16 SOUNDBITE, a brief s...
soundboard 18 17 a thin resonant boar...
soundboxes 24 23 SOUNDBOX, a resonant...
soundcards 20 17 SOUNDCARD, the card...
soundingly 25 19 SOUNDING [adv]
soundposts 19 16 SOUNDPOST, a small p...
soundproof 20 19 impenetrable by soun...
soundscape 21 19 in pop music, a mixt...
soundstage 17 15 the soundproof area...
soundtrack 21 20 a recording of the s...
soupspoons 20 18 SOUPSPOON, a spoon f...
sourcebook 22 21 a book of original d...
sourceless 21 15 without a source [ad...
sourdeline 17 14 (French) a kind of s...
sourdoughs 21 17 SOURDOUGH, leaven; a...
sournesses 16 12 SOURNESS, the state...
sourpusses 20 15 SOURPUSS, a grouchy...
sousaphone 19 17 a musical instrument...
souteneurs 16 13 SOUTENEUR, (French)...
souterrain 16 12 (French) an undergro...
southbound 21 19 travelling or headin...
southeasts 19 13 SOUTHEAST, the direc...
southering 20 16 SOUTHER, to move tow...
southerner 18 14 an inhabitant or nat...
southernly 26 17 somewhat southern [a...
southlands 20 16 SOUTHLAND, the south...
southwards 23 17 towards the south, a...
southwests 23 16 SOUTHWEST, between s...
souvenired 18 17 SOUVENIR, to provide...
souvlakias 21 20 SOUVLAKIA, a Greek d...
sovenances 19 19 SOVENANCE, (archaic)...
sovereigns 19 17 SOVEREIGN, in pre-de...
sovietised 19 15 SOVIETISE, to transf...
sovietises 19 14 SOVIETISE, to transf...
sovietisms 21 17 SOVIETISM, the princ...
sovietists 20 14 SOVIETIST, a believe...
sovietized 22 24 SOVIETIZE, to transf...
sovietizes 22 23 SOVIETIZE, to transf...
sovranties 18 15 SOVRANTY, sovereignt...
sowbellies 24 18 SOWBELLY, pork cured...
spacebands 23 21 SPACEBAND, a wedge f...
spaceborne 22 20 carried in space e.g...
spacecraft 27 22 a vehicle or device...
spaceplane 23 21 an aircraft that can...
spaceports 24 19 SPACEPORT, a place f...
spaceships 27 21 SPACESHIP, a spacecr...
spacesuits 23 17 SPACESUIT, a protect...
spacewalks 27 24 SPACEWALK, to walk i...
spacewoman 24 23 a female astronaut [...
spacewomen 24 23 SPACEWOMAN, a female...
spaciously 30 20 SPACIOUS, ample in e...
spadassins 19 15 SPADASSIN, (Italian)...
spadeworks 23 21 SPADEWORK, preparato...
spadiceous 22 18 chestnut-coloured [a...
spadillios 22 16 SPADILLIO, (obsolete...
spaghettis 23 17 SPAGHETTI, (Italian)...
spagirists 22 15 SPAGIRIST, an alchem...
spagyrical 31 21 alchemical, also SPA...
spagyrists 28 17 SPAGYRIST, an alchem...
spallation 20 16 splitting into numer...
spanaemias 18 17 SPANAEMIA, a deficie...
spanceling 23 21 SPANCEL, to bind wit...
spancelled 23 20 SPANCEL, to bind wit...
spanghewed 24 22 SPANGHEW, (dialect)...
spangliest 21 17 SPANGLY, covered wit...
spanglings 22 20 SPANGLING, the act o...
spanielled 20 17 SPANIEL, to follow d...
spaniolate 18 15 to hispanicize, make...
spaniolise 19 15 to hispanicize, also...
spaniolize 22 24 to hispanicize, also...
spankingly 28 24 SPANKING, spirited,...
sparagrass 20 15 (dialect) asparagus...
sparaxises 25 20 SPARAXIS, a South Af...
sparganium 21 20 a plant of the bur-r...
sparkishly 31 22 SPARKISH, jaunty, sh...
sparkliest 22 18 SPARKLY, sparkling [...
sparklings 23 21 SPARKLING, the act o...
sparkplugs 26 24 SPARKPLUG, to spark...
sparseness 18 14 the state of being s...
sparsities 20 13 SPARSITY, the state...
sparteines 18 14 SPARTEINE, a narcoti...
sparteries 19 13 SPARTERIE, (French)...
sparticles 24 17 SPARTICLE, a shadow...
spasmodist 21 17 a person whose work...
spasticity 30 18 a state of spasm [n...
spatangoid 19 17 a heart urchin, a me...
spatchcock 32 28 to split open (a fow...
spathulate 22 17 spoon-shaped [adj]
spatiality 27 16 relation to space [n...
spattering 20 16 SPATTER, to scatter...
speakerine 18 18 a female announcer o...
speakingly 28 23 SPEAKING [adv]
spearheads 20 16 SPEARHEAD, the point...
spearmints 20 17 SPEARMINT, a common...
spearworts 22 16 SPEARWORT, a name gi...
specialest 23 17 SPECIAL, particular...
specialise 23 17 to make special or s...
specialism 25 20 devotion to some par...
specialist 24 17 a person whose work,...
speciality 30 19 the particular chara...
specialize 26 26 to make special or s...
specialled 24 19 SPECIAL, to sell at...
speciating 23 19 SPECIATE, to undergo...
speciation 21 17 the act of forming a...
speciesism 24 19 prejudice in favour...
speciesist 23 16 one who is prejudice...
specifical 29 23 for a particular pur...
specifiers 25 19 SPECIFIER, one who s...
specifying 32 24 SPECIFY, to state in...
speciocide 25 20 the destruction of a...
speciosity 29 18 the state of being s...
speciously 30 20 SPECIOUS, plausible,...
spectacled 26 21 wearing spectacles [...
spectacles 26 20 SPECTACLE, a sight,...
spectating 23 19 SPECTATE, to attend...
spectators 22 16 SPECTATOR, an onlook...
spectatrix 29 23 a female spectator,...
spectrally 31 20 SPECTRAL, resembling...
specularly 31 21 SPECULAR, relating t...
speculated 23 19 SPECULATE, to make c...
speculates 23 18 SPECULATE, to make c...
speculator 23 18 one who speculates [...
speechless 25 19 unable to speak [adj...
speedballs 23 19 SPEEDBALL, to take c...
speedboats 20 17 SPEEDBOAT, a high-sp...
speedfreak 21 21 an amphetamine addic...
speedfully 30 22 SPEEDFUL, full of sp...
speediness 18 15 the state of being s...
speedreads 18 15 SPEEDREAD, to read q...
speedsters 19 14 SPEEDSTER, one who l...
speedwalks 24 22 SPEEDWALK, (US) an e...
speedwells 24 19 SPEEDWELL, any speci...
speldering 21 18 SPELDER, (Scots) to...
speldrings 22 18 SPELDRING, a haddock...
speleology 27 19 the study and explor...
speleothem 22 19 a term for depositio...
spellbinds 24 20 SPELLBIND, to bind b...
spellbound 23 21 SPELLBIND, to bind b...
spellcheck 31 27 to carry out a spell...
spelldowns 24 20 SPELLDOWN, (US) a sp...
spellicans 24 19 SPELLICAN, a small s...
spellingly 30 21 letter by letter [ad...
spellstopt 24 18 (archaic) brought to...
spelunkers 21 20 SPELUNKER, one who e...
spelunking 22 23 the sport of explori...
spermaceti 23 19 a waxlike substance...
spermaduct 24 21 a duct conveying spe...
spermaries 20 16 SPERMARY, an organ i...
spermarium 22 20 the male germ gland,...
spermatial 21 17 of or like a spermat...
spermatics 24 19 SPERMATIC, a spermat...
spermatids 21 17 SPERMATID, a cell th...
spermatium 22 20 one of the motionles...
spermicide 24 20 a substance that kil...
spermiduct 25 21 a duct conveying spe...
spermogone 19 19 a flask-shaped struc...
sperrylite 27 16 an arsenide of plati...
spetsnazes 21 23 SPETSNAZ, (Russian)...
spetznazes 24 32 SPETZNAZ, (Russian)...
sphacelate 24 19 to cause or affect w...
sphaeridia 21 16 SPHAERIDIUM, a minut...
sphaerites 21 15 SPHAERITE, a hydrous...
sphalerite 22 16 zinc sulphide, the c...
sphendones 19 18 SPHENDONE, (Greek) a...
sphenodons 19 18 SPHENODON, a member...
sphenodont 19 18 a member of the Sphe...
sphenogram 22 21 a cuneiform characte...
sphenoidal 21 18 wedge-shaped, also S...
sphenopsid 23 20 any of a class of tr...
sphereless 22 16 without a sphere [ad...
spherelike 23 20 like a sphere [adj]
sphericity 32 20 a descriptive term t...
spherocyte 30 20 an abnormal red-bloo...
spheroidal 22 17 having the form of a...
spherulite 23 17 a radiating spherica...
sphincters 25 19 SPHINCTER, a ringlik...
sphinxlike 30 28 like a sphinx [adj]
sphygmuses 31 23 SPHYGMUS, (Greek) th...
spiceberry 31 21 any of several plant...
spicileges 25 19 SPICILEGE, a gleanin...
spiculated 24 19 covered with spicule...
spideriest 20 14 SPIDERY, like a spid...
spiderlike 22 19 like a spider [adj]
spiderwebs 25 20 SPIDERWEB, a thread...
spiderwood 22 18 a kind of tree found...
spiderwork 24 21 lace worked by spide...
spiderwort 23 17 any plant of the gen...
spiffiness 24 20 the state of being s...
spiflicate 26 20 to overcome or dispo...
spikenards 20 19 SPIKENARD, an aromat...
spillikins 24 20 SPILLIKIN, a small s...
spillovers 24 19 SPILLOVER, an overfl...
spilosites 21 14 SPILOSITE, a spotted...
spinacenes 20 18 SPINACENE, a natural...
spinaceous 21 18 of or pertaining to...
spindliest 21 16 SPINDLY, long and sl...
spindlings 22 19 SPINDLING, a person...
spindrifts 23 18 SPINDRIFT, the ocean...
spinescent 21 18 tapering or developi...
spinifexes 27 24 SPINIFEX, (Latin) a...
spinigrade 20 17 a type of spiny echi...
spinnakers 19 19 SPINNAKER, a large t...
spinnerets 18 15 SPINNERET, the silk-...
spinneries 18 15 SPINNERY, a spinning...
spinnerule 19 17 one of the numerous...
spinsterly 27 17 like a spinster, als...
spinstress 20 14 a woman who spins [n...
spiracular 24 18 of or pertaining to...
spiraculum 26 22 a breathing-hole; a...
spiralisms 23 17 SPIRALISM, advanceme...
spiralists 22 14 SPIRALIST, someone e...
spiralling 23 18 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spirasters 20 13 SPIRASTER, a coiled...
spirations 19 14 SPIRATION, the act o...
spiritedly 28 17 SPIRITED [adv]
spiritings 22 16 SPIRITING, the act o...
spiritisms 23 16 SPIRITISM, the belie...
spiritists 22 13 SPIRITIST, one who b...
spiritless 22 14 lacking animation or...
spirituals 22 15 SPIRITUAL, a black r...
spirituous 21 15 alcoholic [adj]
spirituses 21 14 SPIRITUS, (Latin) sp...
spirochete 24 18 a spirally coiled ba...
spirograms 22 18 SPIROGRAM, a record...
spirograph 25 20 an instrument record...
spirogyras 27 17 SPIROGYRA, any of va...
spirometer 20 16 an instrument measur...
spirometry 27 18 the act of measuring...
spirophore 23 18 an apparatus for ind...
spirulinae 20 16 SPIRULINA, any filam...
spirulinas 21 16 SPIRULINA, any filam...
spissitude 21 15 density [n -S]
spitballed 24 19 SPITBALL, to pitch a...
spitchcock 33 28 to split open (a fow...
spitchered 25 19 SPITCHER, (slang) to...
spitefully 31 21 SPITEFUL, malicious...
spittlebug 25 20 any of a family of l...
spittliest 22 14 SPITTLY, like or cov...
spivveries 24 21 SPIVVERY, the world...
splanchnic 28 24 visceral [adj]
splashback 29 26 a sheet of glass, pl...
splashdown 25 21 a landing in the sea...
splashiest 23 16 SPLASHY, given to sp...
splashings 24 19 SPLASHING, the act o...
splatching 27 22 SPLATCH, (Scots) to...
splattered 20 15 SPLATTER, to spatter...
splattings 22 17 SPLATTING, the sound...
spleeniest 19 15 SPLEENY, (Shakespear...
spleenless 20 16 having no spleen; he...
spleenwort 22 18 any fern of the genu...
splenative 21 19 (obsolete) hot-tempe...
splendider 20 17 SPLENDID, magnificen...
splendidly 28 20 SPLENDID, magnificen...
splendours 20 17 SPLENDOUR, brillianc...
splendrous 20 17 full of splendour, a...
splenetics 23 18 SPLENETIC, one who i...
spleniuses 20 16 SPLENIUS, (Latin) a...
spleuchans 25 21 SPLEUCHAN, (Gaelic)...
splintered 20 16 SPLINTER, to split i...
splintlike 23 20 like a splint [adj]
splintwood 23 19 sapwood [n -S]
splittings 23 17 SPLITTING, the act o...
splittisms 24 17 SPLITTISM, advocatin...
splittists 23 14 SPLITTIST, one advoc...
splodgiest 22 17 SPLODGY, covered wit...
splooshing 23 19 SPLOOSH, to splash,...
splotchier 26 19 SPLOTCHY, covered wi...
splotchily 34 22 SPLOTCHY, covered wi...
splotching 27 22 SPLOTCH, to mark wit...
splurgiest 23 17 SPLURGY, tending to...
spluttered 21 16 SPLUTTER, to speak r...
splutterer 21 15 one who splutters [n...
spodograms 21 19 SPODOGRAM, a prepara...
spodomancy 28 23 divination by means...
spodumenes 19 19 SPODUMENE, a monocli...
spoilfives 25 21 SPOILFIVE, a certain...
spoilsport 23 17 one who spoils the s...
spokeshave 23 23 a plane or knife use...
spoliating 21 17 SPOLIATE, to despoil...
spoliation 19 15 the act of pillaging...
spoliative 22 18 tending to spoil, al...
spoliators 20 14 SPOLIATOR, one who s...
spoliatory 26 16 tending to spoil, al...
spondaical 22 19 or of pertaining to...
spondylous 26 19 like a spondyl, a ve...
spongeable 21 20 that can be sponged...
spongebags 22 21 SPONGEBAG, a bag for...
spongelike 21 21 like a sponge [adj]
spongeware 21 19 pottery on which pat...
spongewood 21 20 an Indian plant with...
spongiform 23 22 resembling a sponge;...
sponginess 19 17 the state of being s...
spongology 27 21 the study of sponges...
sponsional 18 16 of or pertaining to...
sponsorial 19 15 relating to a sponso...
sponsoring 19 17 SPONSOR, to act as a...
spooferies 20 16 SPOOFERY, good-natur...
spookeries 19 17 SPOOKERY, something...
spookiness 19 18 the state of being s...
spoonbaits 20 17 SPOONBAIT, a lure on...
spoonbills 23 19 SPOONBILL, a kind of...
spoondrift 21 18 the ocean spray whic...
spoonerism 19 17 a transposition of i...
spoonhooks 20 20 SPOONHOOK, a lure on...
spoonworms 22 20 SPOONWORM, a marine...
sporadical 23 18 occurring at irregul...
sporangial 20 17 of or like a sporang...
sporangium 21 20 a chamber inside of...
sporicidal 24 18 killing spores [adj]
sporicides 23 17 SPORICIDE, a substan...
sporidesms 21 17 SPORIDESM, a multice...
sporocarps 24 19 SPOROCARP, a closed...
sporocysts 29 18 SPOROCYST, a rounded...
sporocytes 28 18 SPOROCYTE, a diploid...
sporogenic 22 19 producing spores [ad...
sporogonia 18 16 SPOROGONIUM, an orga...
sporogonic 22 19 relating to a sporog...
sporophore 22 18 a spore-bearing stal...
sporophyll 32 22 a leaf that bears sp...
sporophyls 31 21 SPOROPHYL, a leaf th...
sporophyte 29 20 a spore-producing ph...
sporozoans 20 23 SPOROZOAN, any paras...
sporozoite 21 22 a minute, mobile, pr...
sportances 21 17 SPORTANCE, playful,...
sportbikes 23 20 SPORTBIKE, a kind of...
sportfully 31 21 SPORTFUL, full of sp...
sportiness 19 14 the state of being s...
sportingly 28 19 SPORTING, sportsmanl...
sportively 29 20 SPORTIVE, playful [a...
sportscast 23 16 a broadcast of a spo...
sportswear 22 16 sports clothes [n -S...
sporulated 20 16 SPORULATE, to form (...
sporulates 20 15 SPORULATE, to form (...
spotlessly 28 17 SPOTLESS, perfectly...
spotlights 25 18 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
spottiness 19 14 the state of being s...
spouseless 20 15 destitute of a spous...
spoylefull 31 22 (Spenser) plundering...
sprackling 26 24 SPRACKLE, (Scots) to...
spraddling 22 19 SPRADDLE, to straddl...
sprangling 22 20 SPRANGLE, (US) to sp...
sprattling 22 17 SPRATTLE, (Scots) to...
sprauchled 26 21 SPRAUCHLE, (Scots) t...
sprauchles 26 20 SPRAUCHLE, (Scots) t...
sprauncier 22 18 SPRAUNCY, smart, dap...
sprawliest 24 17 SPRAWLY, tending to...
spreadable 21 18 that can be spread [...
spreadings 20 17 SPREADING, the act o...
spreaghery 28 19 cattle-stealing; plu...
spreathing 22 18 SPREATHE, (SW dialec...
spreething 22 18 SPREETHE, (SW dialec...
sprekelias 21 18 SPREKELIA, a bulbous...
spriggiest 23 17 SPRIGGY, having smal...
sprightful 28 22 (obsolete) full of s...
sprighting 25 20 SPRIGHT, (Shakespear...
sprigtails 23 16 SPRIGTAIL, a species...
springalds 22 18 SPRINGALD, (archaic)...
springboks 24 23 SPRINGBOK, a South A...
springbuck 28 27 a South African ante...
springeing 21 19 SPRINGE, to snare in...
springhaas 22 18 (Afrikaans) a South...
springhalt 24 19 a jerking lameness i...
springhase 22 18 SPRINGHAAS, (Afrikaa...
springhead 22 19 a fountain or source...
springiest 21 16 SPRINGY, resilient [...
springings 22 19 SPRINGING, the act o...
springless 22 17 without a spring [ad...
springlets 22 17 SPRINGLET, a little...
springlike 23 21 like spring [adj]
springtail 22 17 any one of numerous...
springtide 21 17 springtime [n -S]
springtime 22 19 the time during whic...
springwood 23 20 secondary wood forme...
springwort 24 19 a root thought to be...
sprinklers 22 19 SPRINKLER, a device...
sprinkling 23 22 the act of sprinklin...
sprintings 21 17 SPRINTING, the act o...
spritelier 21 14 SPRITELY, lively, al...
spritsails 22 14 SPRITSAIL, a sail ex...
spritziest 24 22 SPRITZY, emitting a...
sproutings 21 17 SPROUTING, the act o...
spruceness 22 18 the state of being s...
sprynesses 25 16 SPRYNESS, the state...
spuleblade 23 20 (Scots) the shoulder...
spulyieing 28 20 SPULYIE, (Scots) to...
spulzieing 25 27 SPULZIE, (Scots) to...
spumescent 23 21 frothy, foamy [adj]
spunbonded 20 21 of or relating to a...
spunkiness 20 20 pluck, spirit [n -ES...
spurgalled 23 19 SPURGALL, to injure...
spuriosity 27 16 the state of being s...
spuriously 28 18 SPURIOUS, not genuin...
sputterers 20 14 SPUTTERER, one who s...
sputtering 21 17 spitting [adj SPUTTE...
spycatcher 34 23 a person who works i...
spyglasses 28 18 SPYGLASS, a small te...
spymasters 27 18 SPYMASTER, one who c...
squabashed 29 26 SQUABASH, to crush e...
squabasher 29 25 one who deals a squa...
squabashes 29 25 SQUABASH, to crush e...
squabbiest 30 26 SQUABBY, short and t...
squabblers 31 27 SQUABBLER, one who s...
squabbling 32 30 petty quarrelling [n...
squadronal 25 23 relating to a squadr...
squadroned 24 23 SQUADRON, to organiz...
squadrones 24 22 SQUADRONE, (Italian)...
squailings 28 24 SQUAILING, the act o...
squalidest 27 22 SQUALID, filthy, neg...
squalidity 34 24 the state of being s...
squalliest 28 22 SQUALLY, full of squ...
squallings 29 25 SQUALLING [n]
squamation 25 24 scaliness [n -S]
squamellas 28 25 SQUAMELLA, a little...
squamiform 30 29 shaped like a scale...
squamosals 27 24 SQUAMOSAL, a paired...
squamosely 33 26 SQUAMOSE, covered wi...
squamosity 33 25 scaliness [n SQUAMOS...
squamously 34 27 SQUAMOUS, covered wi...
squamulose 27 25 covered with very sm...
squandered 24 23 SQUANDER, to spend w...
squanderer 24 22 one who squanders [n...
squarehead 26 23 (offensive) a German...
squareness 24 21 the state of being s...
squarewise 28 23 in squares [adv]
squarishly 36 25 SQUARISH, somewhat s...
squashable 30 26 that can be squashed...
squashiest 28 22 SQUASHY, yielding, s...
squattered 25 21 SQUATTER, to splash...
squattiest 26 20 SQUATTY, squat, dump...
squattings 27 23 SQUATTING, the act o...
squattling 28 24 SQUATTLE, (Scots) to...
squawkiest 30 27 SQUAWKY, shrill and...
squawkings 31 30 SQUAWKING, the act o...
squawroots 28 23 SQUAWROOT, a scaly p...
squeakiest 26 24 SQUEAKY, making a sq...
squeakings 27 27 SQUEAKING, the act o...
squealings 27 24 SQUEALING [n]
squeezable 30 33 that can be squeezed...
squeeziest 28 29 SQUEEZY, squeezable...
squeezings 29 32 SQUEEZING, the act o...
squeggings 29 27 SQUEGGING, a type of...
squelchers 32 26 SQUELCHER, an overwh...
squelchier 32 26 SQUELCHY, sounding l...
squelching 33 29 the act of squelchin...
squeteague 25 23 (Native American) an...
squibbings 32 29 SQUIBBING, the act o...
squidgiest 28 23 SQUIDGY, unpleasantl...
squiffiest 31 26 SQUIFFY, (colloquial...
squigglers 30 25 SQUIGGLER, one who s...
squigglier 30 25 SQUIGGLY, like squig...
squiggling 31 28 SQUIGGLE, to writhe...
squillions 28 23 SQUILLION, an indefi...
squinching 32 29 SQUINCH, to screw up...
squinniest 25 22 SQUINNY, squinting [...
squinnying 32 27 SQUINNY, to squint,...
squintiest 26 21 SQUINTY, marked by s...
squintings 27 24 SQUINTING, the act o...
squirality 34 23 squires collectively...
squirarchs 32 25 SQUIRARCH, one who b...
squirarchy 38 27 squires collectively...
squireages 26 22 SQUIREAGE, squires c...
squirearch 31 25 a squire, a member o...
squiredoms 27 24 SQUIREDOM, the offic...
squirehood 27 23 the rank of squire [...
squirelike 28 25 like a squire [adj]
squireling 28 24 a petty squire [n -S...
squireship 31 25 squirehood [n -S]
squiresses 26 20 SQUIRESS, a squire's...
squirmiest 28 23 SQUIRMY, given to sq...
squirreled 27 22 SQUIRREL, to store u...
squirrelly 35 24 like a squirrel, als...
squirtings 28 23 SQUIRTING, the act o...
squishiest 29 22 SQUISHY, squashy [ad...
squooshier 27 22 SQUOOSHY, squashy [a...
squooshing 28 25 SQUOOSH, to squash,...
stabbingly 30 22 STABBING, of a pain,...
stabilates 20 14 STABILATE [v]
stabilised 21 15 STABILISE, to make s...
stabiliser 21 14 one that stabilises...
stabilises 21 14 STABILISE, to make s...
stabilized 24 24 STABILIZE, to make s...
stabilizer 24 23 one that stabilizes...
stabilizes 24 23 STABILIZE, to make s...
stableboys 28 19 STABLEBOY, someone w...
stablemate 20 17 a horse from the sam...
stableness 19 15 the state of being s...
stablished 23 17 STABLISH, (archaic)...
stablishes 23 16 STABLISH, (archaic)...
stacations 19 14 STACATION, a holiday...
stackrooms 22 20 STACKROOM, in a libr...
stackyards 28 20 STACKYARD, a yard or...
stadholder 20 15 (Dutch) a Dutch vice...
staffrider 22 17 (South Africa) a per...
staffrooms 22 19 STAFFROOM, a room in...
stagecoach 25 20 a horsedrawn passeng...
stagecraft 23 18 the effective manage...
stagehands 19 16 STAGEHAND, a workman...
staggerers 19 14 STAGGERER, one who s...
staggering 20 17 astonishing, unbelie...
staghounds 20 17 STAGHOUND, a dog use...
stagnances 19 17 STAGNANCE, the state...
stagnantly 24 17 STAGNANT, still and...
stagnating 18 16 STAGNATE, to become...
stagnation 16 14 the act of stagnatin...
stainproof 20 17 proof against stains...
staircased 20 14 having a staircase [...
staircases 20 13 STAIRCASE, a flight...
stairfoots 19 13 STAIRFOOT, the level...
stairheads 19 13 STAIRHEAD, the level...
stairlifts 22 14 STAIRLIFT, a lift to...
stairsteps 20 13 STAIRSTEP [n]
stairwells 23 15 STAIRWELL, a vertica...
stairworks 22 17 STAIRWORK, backstair...
stalactite 21 14 a roughly conical or...
stalagmite 20 16 a roughly conical sh...
stalemated 18 15 STALEMATE, to subjec...
stalemates 18 14 STALEMATE, to subjec...
stalkiness 19 16 the quality of being...
stallenger 19 15 (historical) a keepe...
stallinger 20 15 (historical) a keepe...
stalwartly 29 17 STALWART, staunch, a...
stalworths 24 16 STALWORTH, a stalwar...
stamineous 17 15 related to stamens,...
staminodes 17 15 STAMINODE, a sterile...
staminodia 17 15 STAMINODIUM, a steri...
stammerers 19 16 STAMMERER, one who s...
stammering 20 19 hesitant [adj STAMME...
stampeders 20 17 STAMPEDER, one who s...
stampeding 21 20 STAMPEDE, to send ru...
stampedoed 19 18 STAMPEDO, (obsolete)...
stanchable 24 20 that can be stanched...
stanchered 21 17 STANCHER, to support...
stanchings 23 19 STANCHING, the act o...
stanchions 21 17 STANCHION, an uprigh...
stanchless 23 17 (Shakespeare) that c...
stanchness 21 17 the state of being s...
standardly 24 16 STANDARD, conforming...
standdowns 19 17 STANDDOWN, a return...
standfasts 19 15 STANDFAST, a reliabl...
standfirst 20 15 an introductory para...
standgales 18 15 STANDGALE, a corrupt...
standishes 19 14 STANDISH, a receptac...
standovers 18 16 STANDOVER, a threate...
standpipes 21 18 STANDPIPE, a pipe fo...
standpoint 18 16 a position from whic...
standstill 20 14 a state characterize...
stannaries 15 12 STANNARY, a tin-mini...
stannators 15 12 STANNATOR, one of th...
stannotype 23 17 a photograph taken u...
staphyline 28 19 like a bunch of grap...
staphyloma 29 21 a protrusion of any...
starboards 19 14 STARBOARD, to put or...
starbursts 21 14 STARBURST, a pattern...
starchedly 30 19 STARCHED [adv]
starchiest 23 15 STARCHY, containing...
starchlike 25 20 like starch [adj]
stardrifts 21 14 STARDRIFT, a common...
starfished 22 16 spread-eagled [adj]
starfishes 22 15 STARFISH, a star-sha...
starflower 23 17 any of several plant...
starfruits 21 14 STARFRUIT, a flower,...
starfucker 24 21 a person who seeks t...
stargazers 21 21 STARGAZER, any of va...
stargazing 22 24 observation of the s...
starkening 18 18 STARKEN, to make or...
starlights 23 15 STARLIGHT, the light...
starmonger 18 16 a fortune teller; an...
starosties 17 10 STAROSTY, a domain b...
starriness 17 11 the state of being s...
starshines 19 13 STARSHINE, the light...
starstones 16 11 STARSTONE, asteriate...
starstruck 23 18 particularly taken w...
startingly 26 16 (Shakespeare) in fit...
startlings 20 14 STARTLING, the act o...
starvation 18 15 the act or an instan...
starveling 21 18 a starving, weak, hu...
stasidions 17 12 STASIDION, (Greek) a...
statecraft 22 16 the art of conductin...
statehoods 18 13 STATEHOOD, the statu...
statehouse 18 13 the building in whic...
stateliest 18 11 STATELY, dignified [...
statements 17 14 STATEMENT, to take a...
staterooms 17 13 STATEROOM, a private...
statically 29 17 STATICAL, relating t...
stationary 22 13 fixed in a station,...
stationers 16 11 STATIONER, one who s...
stationery 22 13 materials (as paper,...
stationing 17 14 STATION, to assign t...
statistics 22 13 STATISTIC, a tabulat...
statoblast 20 14 a reproductive body...
statocysts 27 15 STATOCYST, an organ...
statolatry 24 13 the act or practice...
statoliths 21 13 STATOLITH, a small c...
statoscope 21 16 an instrument for me...
statuaries 17 11 STATUARY, a group of...
statuesque 25 21 tall and well-propor...
statuettes 17 11 STATUETTE, a small s...
statutable 20 15 made or introduced b...
statutably 27 17 STATUTABLE, made or...
staunchers 22 17 STAUNCHER, something...
staunchest 22 17 STAUNCH, firm, stead...
staunching 23 20 the act of staunchin...
staurolite 18 12 a silicate of alumin...
stavesacre 21 17 a tall larkspur whos...
stavudines 19 17 STAVUDINE, a drug us...
staycation 25 16 a holiday in which l...
staymakers 25 19 STAYMAKER, one whose...
steadiness 16 12 the state of being s...
steakhouse 19 17 a restaurant special...
stealingly 26 17 STEALING [adv]
stealthful 24 18 stealthy [adj]
stealthier 20 13 STEALTHY, acting wit...
stealthily 28 16 STEALTHY, acting wit...
stealthing 21 16 the act of making e....
steamboats 19 16 STEAMBOAT, a boat po...
steamering 18 16 STEAMER, to travel b...
steaminess 17 14 the state of being s...
steampunks 21 22 STEAMPUNK, a genre o...
steamrolls 20 15 STEAMROLL, to crush...
steamships 23 18 STEAMSHIP, a ship po...
steamtight 22 17 impervious to steam...
stearsmate 17 13 one who steers, also...
steatocele 19 14 a fatty tumour in th...
steatopyga 25 17 an excessive develop...
stedfastly 27 17 STEDFAST, (obsolete)...
steelheads 19 14 STEELHEAD, a north P...
steeliness 17 12 the state of being s...
steelmaker 19 18 a worker in steel [n...
steelwares 20 14 STEELWARE, articles...
steelworks 22 18 STEELWORK, work exec...
steelyards 24 14 STEELYARD, a weighin...
steenbucks 23 22 STEENBUCK, (Afrikaan...
steenkirks 19 19 STEENKIRK, (historic...
steepdowne 20 18 (Shakespeare) precip...
steepening 18 17 STEEPEN, to become s...
steepiness 18 14 (obsolete) steepness...
steerlings 19 14 STEERLING, a young s...
steersmate 17 13 one who steers, also...
steganopod 18 17 any bird of the peli...
stegnotics 21 16 STEGNOTIC, a drug te...
stegodonts 17 14 STEGODONT, an extinc...
stegomyias 25 17 STEGOMYIA, a genus o...
stegosaurs 18 13 STEGOSAUR, a herbivo...
steinbocks 23 21 STEINBOCK, (Afrikaan...
steinkirks 20 19 STEINKIRK, a neckclo...
stellately 26 15 STELLATE, star-shape...
stellerids 20 13 STELLERID, a starfis...
stellified 22 16 STELLIFY, to convert...
stellifies 22 15 STELLIFY, to convert...
stelliform 23 18 shaped like a star [...
stellulate 20 14 minutely stellate [a...
stemmatous 19 17 of or like a stemma...
stemmeries 19 16 STEMMERY, a place wh...
stemwinder 21 18 a keyless watch [n -...
stenchiest 22 16 STENCHY, having a fo...
stencilers 21 15 STENCILER, one who p...
stenciling 22 18 STENCIL, to produce...
stencilled 22 17 STENCIL, to produce...
stenciller 22 16 one who paints or co...
stenobaths 20 16 STENOBATH, a stenoba...
stenograph 21 18 to write or report i...
stenopaeic 20 17 of spectacles, optic...
stenotherm 19 16 an organism capable...
stenotopic 21 17 able to adapt only t...
stenotyped 24 17 STENOTYPE, to record...
stenotyper 24 16 one who does stenoty...
stenotypes 24 16 STENOTYPE, a form of...
stenotypic 28 19 relating to a stenot...
stentorian 15 12 extremely loud [adj]
stepbairns 21 17 STEPBAIRN, (Scots) a...
stepdancer 21 18 one who does a step...
stepfamily 30 22 a family acquired by...
stepfather 23 18 the husband of one's...
stephanite 20 16 a brittle silver ore...
stepladder 20 16 a ladder that has br...
stepmother 22 18 the wife of one's fa...
stepparent 20 17 a person who is a st...
stepsister 20 13 a daughter of one's...
stepstools 20 14 STEPSTOOL, a stool a...
steradians 16 12 STERADIAN, a unit of...
stercorary 26 15 relating to dung, al...
stercorate 19 13 to defecate [v STERC...
sterculias 22 15 STERCULIA, any tree...
stereobate 17 13 a substructure found...
stereocard 19 14 a card on which a pa...
stereogram 18 15 a diagram or picture...
stereology 24 15 the study of three-d...
stereopses 18 13 STEREOPSIS, stereosc...
stereopsis 19 13 stereoscopic or thre...
stereotomy 23 15 the cutting of stone...
stereotype 24 15 a fixed conventional...
stereotypy 31 17 the art or process o...
sterically 29 17 STERICAL, pertaining...
sterigmata 19 15 STERIGMA, a spore-be...
sterilants 18 12 STERILANT, a sterili...
sterilised 19 12 STERILISE, to make s...
steriliser 19 11 an apparatus for ste...
sterilises 19 11 STERILISE, to make s...
sterilized 22 21 STERILIZE, to render...
sterilizer 22 20 an apparatus for ste...
sterilizes 22 20 STERILIZE, to render...
sterlingly 27 17 STERLING, genuine, a...
sternalgia 18 14 pain around the ster...
sternalgic 22 17 relating to sternalg...
sternboard 18 15 the backward motion...
sternebrae 17 14 STERNEBRA, one of th...
sternfasts 19 14 STERNFAST, a rope or...
sternports 19 14 STERNPORT, a port or...
sternposts 19 14 STERNPOST, the main...
sternsheet 18 13 the part of a boat b...
sternwards 20 15 towards the stern, a...
sternworks 21 18 hinder parts [n]
stertorous 17 11 with a snoring sound...
stevedored 18 16 STEVEDORE, to work a...
stevedores 18 15 STEVEDORE, a dock wo...
stewardess 20 14 a woman who performs...
stewarding 21 17 STEWARD, to act as a...
stiacciato 23 16 (Italian) very low r...
stibialism 23 17 antimony poisoning [...
sticcadoes 23 17 STICCADO, (Italian)...
sticcatoes 23 16 STICCATO, (Italian)...
sticharion 22 16 a vestment like an a...
stichidium 26 20 a branch producing t...
stichology 31 20 metrical theory [n S...
stickballs 27 22 STICKBALL, baseball...
stickering 23 20 STICKER, to apply ad...
stickiness 22 18 the state of being s...
sticklings 25 21 STICKLING, making ob...
stickseeds 22 18 STICKSEED, any of va...
sticktight 27 21 a plant with sticky...
stickweeds 25 21 STICKWEED, any of se...
stickworks 27 24 STICKWORK, skill in...
stickybeak 31 26 (Australian slang) a...
stiddieing 19 15 STIDDIE, to forge on...
stiffeners 21 17 STIFFENER, something...
stiffening 22 20 the act of stiffenin...
stiffwares 25 19 STIFFWARE, software...
stiflingly 30 20 STIFLING, very hot [...
stigmarian 19 16 the pitted undergrou...
stigmatics 24 18 STIGMATIC, a person...
stigmatise 20 15 to mark with a stigm...
stigmatism 22 18 the impression of st...
stigmatist 21 15 one believed to be s...
stigmatize 23 24 to mark with a stigm...
stigmatose 19 15 stigmatic [adj]
stilettoed 18 12 STILETTO, to stab wi...
stilettoes 18 11 STILETTO, to stab wi...
stillatory 26 14 a still, a distiller...
stillbirth 26 17 the birth of a dead...
stillborns 22 16 STILLBORN, a baby de...
stillhouse 22 15 (US) a distillery [n...
stillicide 24 16 a succession of drop...
stilliform 24 18 having the shape of...
stillrooms 21 15 STILLROOM, a room, i...
stiltbirds 23 15 STILTBIRD, a long-le...
stiltiness 19 12 the quality of being...
stimpmeter 22 19 a device that measur...
stimulable 23 19 that can be stimulat...
stimulancy 29 21 the quality of being...
stimulants 20 16 STIMULANT, a substan...
stimulated 20 16 STIMULATE, to excite...
stimulater 20 15 an agent that stimul...
stimulates 20 15 STIMULATE, to excite...
stimulator 20 15 an agent that stimul...
stingarees 17 13 STINGAREE, a ray wit...
stingbulls 24 19 STINGBULL, the weeve...
stinginess 18 14 the state of being s...
stingingly 27 19 STINGING, painful, s...
stinkbirds 22 19 STINKBIRD, another n...
stinkeroos 17 15 STINKEROO, a bad or...
stinkhorns 20 18 STINKHORN, a kind of...
stinkingly 27 21 STINKING, evil-smell...
stinkstone 17 16 a limestone that giv...
stinkweeds 21 19 STINKWEED, any foul-...
stinkwoods 21 19 STINKWOOD, a name gi...
stintingly 26 17 STINTING, grudging [...
stipellate 21 15 having stipels [adj]
stipplings 25 20 STIPPLING, the act o...
stipulable 24 19 that can be stipulat...
stipulated 21 16 STIPULATE, to set or...
stipulates 21 15 STIPULATE, to set or...
stipulator 21 15 one who stipulates [...
stirabouts 20 14 STIRABOUT, (Anglo-Ir...
stirringly 27 16 STIRRING, rousing, e...
stitchings 25 18 STITCHING, the act o...
stitchwork 28 22 embroidery [n -S]
stitchwort 27 18 any plant of the chi...
stoccadoes 22 17 STOCCADO, (Italian)...
stochastic 26 18 involving chance or...
stockading 22 21 STOCKADE, to build a...
stockhorns 23 20 STOCKHORN, a primiti...
stockhorse 23 19 (Australian) a horse...
stockiness 21 18 the state of being s...
stockinets 21 18 STOCKINET, an elasti...
stockinged 22 21 wearing stockings [a...
stockinger 22 20 a stocking weaver [n...
stockishly 32 22 STOCKISH, like a sto...
stocklists 24 18 STOCKLIST, a list of...
stocklocks 27 25 STOCKLOCK, a lock wi...
stockpiled 25 22 STOCKPILE, to make s...
stockpiler 25 21 one who stockpiles [...
stockpiles 25 21 STOCKPILE, to make s...
stockrooms 22 20 STOCKROOM, a room wh...
stockroute 21 18 in Australia and New...
stocktaken 21 22 STOCKTAKE, to perfor...
stocktakes 22 21 STOCKTAKE, to perfor...
stockworks 26 24 STOCKWORK, (German)...
stockyards 28 20 STOCKYARD, a large y...
stodginess 18 14 the state of being s...
stoitering 18 13 STOITER, (Scots) to...
stokeholds 21 18 STOKEHOLD, a ship's...
stokeholes 20 17 STOKEHOLE, the area...
stolenwise 20 15 (archaic) by stealth...
stolidness 18 13 the state of being s...
stomachers 23 18 STOMACHER, armour fo...
stomachful 27 23 proud, haughty [adj]...
stomachics 27 21 STOMACHIC, a stomach...
stomaching 24 21 STOMACH, to tolerate...
stomachous 23 19 (archaic) proud [adj...
stomatitic 22 16 relating to stomatit...
stomatitis 19 13 inflammation of the...
stomatopod 19 17 one of the Stomatopo...
stomodaeal 17 15 of or like a stomoda...
stomodaeum 18 18 in embryology, the i...
stomodeums 19 18 STOMODEUM, an embryo...
stoneboats 17 14 STONEBOAT, (US) a lo...
stoneborer 17 14 any boring mollusc [...
stonebrash 20 16 a subsoil made up of...
stonebreak 18 18 another name for sax...
stonecasts 19 14 STONECAST, the throw...
stonechats 21 16 STONECHAT, a small b...
stonecrops 21 17 STONECROP, a yellow...
stoneflies 19 15 STONEFLY, a winged i...
stonehands 17 15 STONEHAND, in printi...
stonehorse 17 13 a stallion [n -S]
stonemason 15 15 a mason who builds w...
stoneshots 18 13 STONESHOT, a stone o...
stonewalls 21 16 STONEWALL, of a bats...
stonewares 18 14 STONEWARE, a species...
stoneworks 20 18 STONEWORK, any work...
stoneworts 19 14 STONEWORT, any plant...
stonishing 20 16 STONISH, to astonish...
stonkering 18 18 STONKER, (Australian...
stoolballs 22 16 STOOLBALL, a kind of...
stoopballs 23 18 STOOPBALL, a variati...
stoopingly 27 19 STOOPING [adv]
stoplights 25 18 STOPLIGHT, the brake...
stoppering 22 19 STOPPER, to seal wit...
storecards 20 14 STORECARD, a charge...
storefront 18 14 the front side of a...
storehouse 18 13 a place where food a...
storerooms 17 13 STOREROOM, a room in...
storeships 22 15 STORESHIP, a vessel...
storiettes 17 10 STORIETTE, a short t...
storiology 25 15 the study of folk ta...
storksbill 24 19 any plant of the gen...
stormbirds 22 17 STORMBIRD, a petrel...
stormbound 20 19 trapped by a storm [...
stormcocks 26 23 STORMCOCK, a missel-...
stormfully 30 21 STORMFUL, abounding...
storminess 18 14 the state of being s...
stormproof 22 19 proof against bad we...
storyboard 25 16 a board on which is...
storybooks 26 19 STORYBOOK, a book of...
storyettes 23 12 STORYETTE, a short t...
storylines 24 14 STORYLINE, the main...
stottering 18 13 STOTTER, to stagger,...
stoutening 17 15 STOUTEN, to make sto...
stoutherie 19 13 (Scots) theft, stole...
stouthrief 22 16 (Scots) theft with v...
stovepipes 23 20 STOVEPIPE, a man's t...
strabismal 22 17 of or like a strabis...
strabismic 25 19 of or like a strabis...
strabismus 22 17 a squint, also STRAB...
strabotomy 26 18 surgical removal of...
stracchini 26 19 STRACCHINO, (Italian...
stracchino 25 19 (Italian) a type of...
straddlers 19 13 STRADDLER, one who s...
straddling 20 16 STRADDLE, to bestrid...
stragglers 21 15 STRAGGLER, one who s...
stragglier 21 15 STRAGGLY, irregularl...
straggling 22 18 wandering from the m...
straichter 23 15 STRAICHT, (Scots) st...
straighted 21 15 STRAIGHT, to lay out...
straighten 20 15 to make straight [v...
straighter 21 14 STRAIGHT, uncurved,...
straightly 29 17 STRAIGHT, uncurved,...
strainedly 24 15 STRAINED [adv]
strainings 18 14 STRAINING, the act o...
straitened 16 12 STRAITEN, to make st...
straitness 17 11 the state of being s...
stramacons 20 17 STRAMACON, (obsolete...
stramashed 20 16 STRAMASH, (Scots) to...
stramashes 20 15 STRAMASH [n]
stramazons 20 23 STRAMAZON, (obsolete...
stramonies 17 14 STRAMONY, thorn appl...
stramonium 19 18 thorn apple, and its...
strandflat 20 16 in Norway, a gently...
strandline 17 14 the shoreline [n -S]
strandwolf 23 19 the brown hyena that...
strangered 17 14 STRANGER, to make a...
stranglers 19 14 STRANGLER, one who s...
strangling 20 17 STRANGLE, to choke t...
straphangs 22 18 STRAPHANG, of a pass...
straplines 20 15 STRAPLINE, a subsidi...
strapontin 18 15 (French) a folding s...
strappados 21 17 STRAPPADO, (Italian)...
strappiest 22 16 STRAPPY, having stra...
strappings 23 19 STRAPPING, fastening...
strapworts 23 16 STRAPWORT, a seaside...
stratagems 19 15 STRATAGEM, a plan fo...
strategics 22 15 strategy [n]
strategies 18 12 STRATEGY, a plan for...
strategise 18 12 to devise a strategy...
strategist 19 12 one skilled in strat...
strategize 21 21 to devise a strategy...
strathspey 28 17 a reel-like Scottish...
stratified 20 14 STRATIFY, to arrange...
stratifies 20 13 STRATIFY, to arrange...
stratiform 21 16 layered; forming a l...
stratocrat 20 13 a member of a strato...
strauchted 23 17 STRAUCHT, to stretch...
strauchter 23 16 STRAUCHT, (Scots) st...
straughted 21 16 STRAUGHT, to stretch...
straughter 21 15 STRAUGHT, (Scots) st...
stravaging 21 19 STRAVAGE, to stroll,...
stravaiged 20 17 STRAVAIG, (Scots) to...
stravaiger 20 16 (Scots) a wanderer,...
strawberry 29 18 the fruit of any spe...
strawboard 22 17 pasteboard made of p...
strawworms 25 19 STRAWWORM, a caddice...
straylings 26 16 STRAYLING, a stray [...
streakiest 18 14 STREAKY, covered wit...
streakings 19 17 STREAKING, the pract...
streaklike 20 19 like a streak [adj]
streambeds 20 17 STREAMBED, the bed o...
streamered 17 14 having streamers [ad...
streamiest 18 13 STREAMY, streaming [...
streamings 19 16 STREAMING, the act o...
streamless 19 14 destitute of streams...
streamlets 19 14 STREAMLET, a small s...
streamlike 20 18 like a stream [adj]
streamline 18 15 to design or constru...
streamling 20 17 a small stream [n -S...
streamside 18 14 the side of a stream...
streetages 17 12 STREETAGE, a toll fo...
streetboys 25 15 STREETBOY, a boy who...
streetcars 20 13 STREETCAR, (US) a tr...
streetfuls 21 15 STREETFUL, the conte...
streetiest 17 10 STREETY, abounding i...
streetlamp 21 17 a lamp for lighting...
streetroom 17 13 space enough in the...
streetward 20 14 towards or facing th...
streetwear 19 13 clothes suitable for...
streetwise 20 13 possessing the skill...
streigning 19 16 STREIGNE, (obsolete)...
strelitzes 22 20 STRELITZ, (Russian)...
strelitzia 22 20 a plant of the South...
strengthen 19 16 to make stronger [v...
streperous 19 14 loud; boisterous [ad...
strepitant 19 14 making a great clamo...
strepitoso 19 13 (Italian) noisy, boi...
strepitous 20 14 making a great clamo...
stressiest 18 10 STRESSY, (colloquial...
stressless 19 11 without stress [adj]
stretchers 23 15 STRETCHER, to carry...
stretchier 23 15 STRETCHY, tending to...
stretching 24 18 the act of stretchin...
strewments 21 17 STREWMENT, (Shakespe...
striations 17 11 STRIATION, marking w...
striatures 18 11 STRIATURE, a stria,...
strickenly 29 21 STRICKEN, strongly a...
strickling 25 21 STRICKLE, to shape g...
strictions 21 14 STRICTION, the act o...
strictness 21 14 the state of being s...
strictured 22 15 affected with a stri...
strictures 22 14 STRICTURE, an advers...
striddling 21 16 STRIDDLE, to straddl...
stridelegs 20 14 (Scots) astride, als...
stridences 20 15 STRIDENCE, the quali...
stridently 25 15 STRIDENT, loud, grat...
strideways 27 16 astride [adv]
stridulant 19 14 stridulating [adj ST...
stridulate 19 13 to make a chirping o...
stridulous 20 14 squeaky [adj STRIDUL...
strifeless 21 14 without strife [adj]
strigiform 23 18 shaped like an owl [...
strikeless 20 15 without a strike [ad...
strikeouts 19 15 STRIKEOUT, an out in...
strikeover 20 18 an act or instance o...
strikingly 28 20 STRIKING, impressive...
stringency 27 19 the state of being s...
stringendo 17 15 (Italian) urging or...
stringhalt 22 16 a jerking lameness i...
stringiest 19 13 STRINGY, fibrous [ad...
stringings 20 16 STRINGING, the act o...
stringless 20 14 having no strings [a...
stringlike 21 18 lIke a string [adj]
strinkling 21 19 a sprinkling [n -S]
stripagram 22 18 a greetings message...
stripeless 21 14 without a stripe [ad...
stripiness 20 14 the state of being s...
striplings 23 17 STRIPLING, a youth i...
stripogram 22 18 a message deliver by...
strippable 25 20 that can be stripped...
strippings 24 19 STRIPPING, the act o...
striptease 19 13 a burlesque act in w...
strivingly 29 20 STRIVING, trying har...
strobilate 20 14 to undergo strobilat...
strobiline 20 15 of or pertaining to...
strobiloid 21 15 like a strobile, a s...
strobotron 18 14 a gas-filled electro...
stroddling 20 16 STRODDLE, (dialect)...
stroganoff 21 19 (Russian) of meat, c...
strokeplay 27 20 referring to scoring...
strollings 21 15 STROLLING, the act o...
stromatous 18 14 of or like a stroma,...
strombuses 21 17 STROMBUS, a very lar...
strongarms 19 16 STRONGARM, to use fo...
stronghold 21 17 a fortified place [n...
strongness 17 14 the state of being s...
strongroom 18 16 a room for the keepi...
strongyles 25 16 STRONGYLE, (Greek) a...
strontians 16 12 STRONTIAN, an oxide...
strontiums 19 15 STRONTIUM, a metalli...
strophical 26 19 pertaining to or con...
strophiole 22 16 a caruncle [n -S]
strophoids 22 16 STROPHOID, a type of...
strophulus 24 18 a skin inflammation...
stroppiest 22 16 STROPPY, (colloquial...
stroudings 19 15 STROUDING, the mater...
stroupachs 25 19 STROUPACH, (Scots) a...
structural 23 16 relating to structur...
structured 22 16 STRUCTURE, to give a...
structures 22 15 STRUCTURE, to give a...
strugglers 22 16 STRUGGLER, one who s...
struggling 23 19 making strenuous eff...
strumpeted 21 18 STRUMPET, to act lik...
struthioid 21 14 a member of the ostr...
struthious 21 14 of or relating to os...
struttings 20 14 STRUTTING, the act o...
strychnias 29 18 STRYCHNIA, (obsolete...
strychnine 28 19 to poison with stryc...
strychnism 31 21 strychnine poisoning...
stubbiness 22 18 the state of being s...
stubbliest 24 18 STUBBLY, covered wit...
stubborned 21 19 STUBBORN, to be stub...
stubborner 21 18 STUBBORN, obstinate...
stubbornly 29 21 STUBBORN, obstinate...
stuccowork 28 24 work done in stucco...
studfishes 23 17 STUDFISH, any one of...
studhorses 20 14 STUDHORSE, a stallio...
studiously 26 16 STUDIOUS, given to s...
stuffiness 22 18 the state of being s...
stultified 22 16 STULTIFY, to cause t...
stultifier 22 15 one who stultifies [...
stultifies 22 15 STULTIFY, to cause t...
stumblebum 26 25 (US) an awkward pers...
stumbliest 23 18 STUMBLY, apt to stum...
stumpiness 21 18 the state of being s...
stumpworks 26 24 STUMPWORK, a type of...
stunningly 25 19 STUNNING, stupefying...
stuntwoman 20 19 a woman who doubles...
stuntwomen 20 19 STUNTWOMAN, a woman...
stupefiers 22 17 STUPEFIER, something...
stupefying 29 22 STUPEFY, to dull the...
stupendous 19 17 causing astonishment...
stupidness 20 16 the state of being s...
stuprating 21 17 STUPRATE, (archaic)...
stupration 19 15 (archaic) rape, viol...
sturdiness 18 13 the state of being s...
stutterers 18 11 STUTTERER, one who s...
stuttering 19 14 hesitant [adj STUTTE...
stylebooks 27 20 STYLEBOOK, a book of...
stylistics 30 16 the science of varia...
stylitisms 28 16 STYLITISM, the pract...
stylobates 26 16 STYLOBATE, (Greek) a...
stylograph 30 20 a stylographic pen [...
stylolites 26 14 STYLOLITE, an irregu...
stylolitic 30 17 of or like a styloli...
stylometry 32 18 the study of literat...
stylophone 27 19 a type of battery-po...
stylopised 27 17 STYLOPISE, to paraly...
stylopises 27 16 STYLOPISE, to paraly...
stylopized 30 26 STYLOPIZE, to paraly...
stylopizes 30 25 STYLOPIZE, to paraly...
stylopodia 26 17 STYLOPODIUM [n]
stypticity 37 20 the state of being s...
styrofoams 26 18 STYROFOAM, (tradenam...
suaveolent 18 17 fragrant [adj]
subacetate 21 17 an acetate in smalle...
subacidity 30 20 the state of being s...
subactions 22 18 SUBACTION, the act o...
subacutely 30 21 SUBACUTE, somewhat a...
subahships 27 21 SUBAHSHIP, the offic...
subalterns 20 16 SUBALTERN, a person...
subangular 21 19 slightly angular [ad...
subaquatic 31 27 under water [adj]
subaqueous 27 25 under water [adj]
subarctics 27 20 SUBARCTIC, the zone...
subarcuate 22 18 somewhat arched; wit...
subarticle 24 18 a subordinate articl...
subatomics 24 20 the study of subatom...
subaudible 23 20 hardly audible [adj]
subaverage 21 20 below average [adj]
subbureaus 22 19 SUBBUREAU, a subdivi...
subbureaux 28 26 SUBBUREAU, a subdivi...
subcabinet 24 21 a subdivision of a c...
subcaliber 26 21 of ammunition, havin...
subcalibre 26 21 of ammunition, havin...
subcantors 22 18 SUBCANTOR, a subordi...
subcarrier 23 17 a modulated frequenc...
subceiling 25 21 an under-ceiling [n...
subcellars 25 19 SUBCELLAR, a subdivi...
subcenters 22 18 SUBCENTER, a subordi...
subcentral 23 19 under the center [ad...
subcentres 22 18 SUBCENTRE, a subordi...
subception 24 21 subliminal perceptio...
subchanter 24 20 a precentor's deputy...
subchapter 27 22 a subordinate part o...
subcharter 25 19 to rent a chartered...
subchasers 25 19 SUBCHASER, a small m...
subchelate 25 20 in smaller proportio...
subcircuit 28 21 a part of a circuit...
subclassed 24 19 SUBCLASS, to place i...
subclasses 24 18 SUBCLASS, to place i...
subclauses 24 19 SUBCLAUSE, a part of...
subclavian 25 23 situated or passing...
subcluster 25 19 to form part of a cl...
subcollege 25 21 an institution of hi...
subcompact 29 26 a small car, such as...
subconsuls 24 20 SUBCONSUL, an assist...
subcooling 24 21 SUBCOOL, to cool bel...
subcordate 22 18 somewhat cordate; so...
subcostals 24 18 SUBCOSTAL, a subcost...
subcranial 23 19 situated under, or o...
subcrustal 25 19 relating to the subc...
subculture 25 20 a social, ethnic or...
subcutises 24 18 SUBCUTIS, the deeper...
subdeacons 21 19 SUBDEACON, a ministe...
subdealers 20 16 SUBDEALER, a dealer...
subdeanery 24 18 the office or rank o...
subdecanal 22 20 of or pertaining to...
subdeliria 21 16 SUBDELIRIUM, a mild...
subdialect 24 19 a subdivision of a d...
subdivided 23 21 SUBDIVIDE, to divide...
subdivider 23 20 one who subdivides [...
subdivides 23 20 SUBDIVIDE, to divide...
subducting 25 22 SUBDUCT, to withdraw...
subduction 23 20 the process of one p...
subduement 20 20 subdual [n -S]
subeconomy 28 23 the lower reaches of...
subediting 21 18 SUBEDIT, to act as a...
subeditors 20 15 SUBEDITOR, an assist...
subentries 19 15 SUBENTRY, an entry m...
suberising 21 17 SUBERISE, to convert...
suberizing 24 26 SUBERIZE, to convert...
subfertile 23 18 not very fertile [ad...
subfossils 24 18 SUBFOSSIL, part of a...
subfuscous 26 22 duskish; moderately...
subgeneric 23 20 of or pertaining to...
subgenuses 20 18 SUBGENUS, a subdivis...
subglacial 26 21 of or relating to th...
subglobose 23 20 not quite globose [a...
subgrouped 23 21 SUBGROUP, to divide...
subheading 22 20 an inferior heading,...
subimagoes 21 19 SUBIMAGO, a stage in...
subincised 23 19 SUBINCISE, to perfor...
subincises 23 18 SUBINCISE, to perfor...
subindexes 25 23 SUBINDEX, a distingu...
subindices 23 19 SUBINDEX, a distingu...
subinfeuds 22 20 SUBINFEUD, to grant...
subintrant 19 16 of fevers, with paro...
subitising 22 17 SUBITISE, to perceiv...
subitizing 25 26 SUBITIZE, to perceiv...
subjacency 33 32 the state of being s...
subjectify 34 31 to make subjective [...
subjecting 26 29 SUBJECT, to cause to...
subjection 24 27 the act of making su...
subjective 27 30 relating to the subj...
subjoinder 21 25 an additional remark...
subjoining 22 27 SUBJOIN, to add at t...
subjugable 26 30 that can be subjugat...
subjugated 23 27 SUBJUGATE, to bring...
subjugates 23 26 SUBJUGATE, to bring...
subjugator 23 26 one who subjugates [...
subkingdom 23 25 a taxonomic division...
sublations 20 16 SUBLATION, the act o...
subleasing 21 18 SUBLEASE, to rent le...
sublessees 20 15 SUBLESSEE, a holder...
sublessors 21 15 SUBLESSOR, a person...
subletters 21 15 SUBLETTER, one who s...
subletting 22 18 the act of renting l...
sublicense 23 19 to license part of o...
sublimable 25 22 capable of being sub...
sublimated 22 19 SUBLIMATE, to cause...
sublimates 22 18 SUBLIMATE, to cause...
subliminal 23 20 inadequate to produc...
sublimings 24 21 SUBLIMING, the act o...
sublimised 23 19 SUBLIMISE, to make s...
sublimises 23 18 SUBLIMISE, to make s...
sublimized 26 28 SUBLIMIZE, to make s...
sublimizes 26 27 SUBLIMIZE, to make s...
sublingual 23 20 situated under the t...
subluxated 27 24 SUBLUXATE, to partia...
subluxates 27 23 SUBLUXATE, to partia...
submanager 20 20 an under-manager [n...
submarined 20 19 SUBMARINE, to travel...
submariner 20 18 one who works in a s...
submarines 20 18 SUBMARINE, to travel...
submarkets 22 21 SUBMARKET, a subordi...
submaximal 29 28 below maximal [adj]
submediant 20 19 the sixth degree of...
submerging 23 22 SUBMERGE, to place b...
submersing 22 20 SUBMERSE, to place b...
submersion 20 18 the act of submergin...
submicrons 24 21 SUBMICRON, a particl...
subminimal 23 22 less than minimum ne...
submission 21 18 the act of submittin...
submissive 24 21 tending to submit [a...
submittals 23 18 SUBMITTAL, the act o...
submitters 22 17 SUBMITTER, one who s...
submitting 23 20 the act of submittin...
submontane 18 19 situated on or chara...
submucosae 23 21 SUBMUCOSA, the conne...
submucosal 25 22 relating to the subm...
submucosas 24 21 SUBMUCOSA, the conne...
subnascent 21 19 growing up from bene...
subnatural 20 17 almost natural [adj]
subnetwork 23 22 a subdivision of a n...
subnormals 21 19 SUBNORMAL, one who i...
subnuclear 23 20 of, relating to, or...
subnucleus 24 21 a secondary nucleus...
suboceanic 24 21 below the ocean [adj...
suboctaves 24 21 SUBOCTAVE, the octav...
suboctuple 26 22 containing one part...
subofficer 27 23 an under or subordin...
suboffices 27 23 SUBOFFICE, part of a...
suboptimal 24 21 less than optimal, a...
suboptimum 25 24 less than optimal, a...
suborbital 23 18 below the orbit of t...
subordinal 20 17 almost ordinal [adj]
suboscines 22 18 SUBOSCINE, a member...
subpenaing 21 21 SUBPENA, to summon w...
subperiods 22 18 SUBPERIOD, part of a...
subphrenic 27 23 placed below the mid...
subphylums 34 26 SUBPHYLUM, (Latin) t...
subpoenaed 19 19 SUBPOENA, to summon...
subpotency 30 23 the state (in a drug...
subprefect 27 23 one ranking below a...
subprimate 23 20 one ranked below a p...
subproblem 26 24 a subdivision of a p...
subprocess 25 20 part of a process [n...
subproduct 26 22 a subsidiary product...
subprogram 24 22 a subpart of a progr...
subproject 27 29 part of a project [n...
subregions 20 17 SUBREGION, part of a...
subrenting 20 18 SUBRENT, to sublet o...
subreption 21 18 a deliberate misrepr...
subreptive 24 21 surreptitious [adj]
subrogated 20 17 SUBROGATE, to substi...
subrogates 20 16 SUBROGATE, to substi...
subroutine 19 16 a subordinate routin...
subsampled 24 22 SUBSAMPLE, to create...
subsamples 24 21 SUBSAMPLE, to create...
subscience 25 21 a branch of a scienc...
subscribed 26 21 SUBSCRIBE, to write...
subscriber 26 20 one who subscribes [...
subscribes 26 20 SUBSCRIBE, to write...
subscripts 27 20 SUBSCRIPT, a number...
subsection 22 18 a subdivision or a s...
subsectors 23 17 SUBSECTOR, part of a...
subsegment 21 20 a subdivision of a s...
subseizure 23 24 a subsidiary seizure...
subsellium 24 20 one of the stalls of...
subsequent 27 25 happening after [adj...
subserving 23 21 SUBSERVE, to help fo...
subsessile 21 15 almost sessile [adj]
subshrubby 34 25 like a subshrub, a l...
subsidence 22 19 the act of subsiding...
subsidency 29 21 the act of subsiding...
subsidiary 27 17 subordinate [adj SUB...
subsidised 21 16 SUBSIDISE, to furnis...
subsidiser 21 15 one who subsidises,...
subsidises 21 15 SUBSIDISE, to furnis...
subsidized 24 25 SUBSIDIZE, to furnis...
subsidizer 24 24 one who subsidizes,...
subsidizes 24 24 SUBSIDIZE, to furnis...
subsistent 20 15 having real being; a...
subsisters 21 14 SUBSISTER, one who s...
subsisting 22 17 SUBSIST, to continue...
subsociety 29 19 a subdivision of a s...
subsoilers 21 15 SUBSOILER, a plough...
subsoiling 22 18 the act of ploughing...
subspecies 25 20 a population whose c...
subspinous 22 19 subvertebral [adj]
substances 22 18 SUBSTANCE, something...
substation 19 15 a subordinate or sub...
substellar 22 16 directly under a sta...
substernal 20 16 positioned below the...
substitute 21 15 to put or use in the...
substracts 24 17 SUBSTRACT, to subtra...
substratal 21 15 relating to a substr...
substrates 20 14 SUBSTRATE, a substra...
substratum 22 18 that which underlies...
substructs 25 18 SUBSTRUCT, to build...
subsultive 24 20 moving by sudden lea...
subsultory 28 18 moving by sudden lea...
subsumable 24 22 capable of being sub...
subsurface 25 21 earth material (as r...
subsystems 28 19 SUBSYSTEM, part of a...
subtangent 19 18 the part of the axis...
subtenancy 27 21 the state of being a...
subtenants 18 16 SUBTENANT, one who r...
subtending 20 19 SUBTEND, to extend u...
subtenures 19 16 SUBTENURE, tenure he...
subterfuge 23 20 deception by artific...
subterrain 19 15 an underground chamb...
subterrane 18 15 an underground chamb...
subterrene 18 15 an underground chamb...
subtextual 27 23 relating to a subtex...
subtilised 22 16 SUBTILISE, to make s...
subtiliser 22 15 one who subtilises,...
subtilises 22 15 SUBTILISE, to make s...
subtilisin 22 16 an extracellular pro...
subtilized 25 25 SUBTILIZE, to make s...
subtilizer 25 24 one who subtilizes,...
subtilizes 25 24 SUBTILIZE, to make s...
subtilties 22 15 SUBTILTY, the state...
subtitling 23 18 the act of providing...
subtitular 22 16 having the nature of...
subtleness 20 16 the state of being s...
subtleties 21 15 SUBTLETY, the state...
subtotaled 20 16 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
subtotally 28 18 SUBTOTAL, partially...
subtracted 23 18 SUBTRACT, to take aw...
subtracter 23 17 one who subtracts, a...
subtractor 23 17 one who subtracts, a...
subtrahend 21 18 the sum or number to...
subtropics 26 20 SUBTROPIC, a subtrop...
subtruding 22 19 SUBTRUDE, to push in...
subtypical 33 23 relating to a subtyp...
subvariety 28 20 a subordinate variet...
subvassals 23 19 SUBVASSAL, the vassa...
subvention 20 20 the provision of ass...
subversals 23 19 SUBVERSAL, the act o...
subversing 23 21 SUBVERSE, to overthr...
subversion 21 19 the act of subvertin...
subversive 24 22 tending to subvert [...
subverters 22 18 SUBVERTER, one who,...
subverting 23 21 SUBVERT, to destroy...
subviruses 23 19 SUBVIRUS, a viral pr...
subvisible 26 22 below the threshold...
subvocally 33 25 SUBVOCAL, of words f...
subwardens 22 19 SUBWARDEN, a subordi...
subwoofers 24 20 SUBWOOFER, part of a...
subwriters 24 17 SUBWRITER, one who w...
succedanea 21 19 SUCCEDANEUM, (Latin)...
succedents 23 19 SUCCEDENT, a person...
succeeders 23 18 SUCCEEDER, a success...
succeeding 24 21 following [adj SUCCE...
succentors 23 18 SUCCENTOR, a bass so...
successful 28 22 resulting or termina...
succession 23 18 a coming after or fo...
successive 26 21 following in order [...
successors 24 17 SUCCESSOR, one who s...
succinates 23 18 SUCCINATE, a salt of...
succincter 27 21 SUCCINCT, clearly ex...
succinctly 35 24 SUCCINCT, clearly ex...
succinites 24 18 SUCCINITE, amber, es...
succorable 26 21 that can be succored...
succorless 25 18 without succor, also...
succourers 24 18 SUCCOURER, one who s...
succouring 25 21 SUCCOUR, to go to th...
succubuses 27 22 SUCCUBUS, a female d...
succulence 27 23 the state of being s...
succulency 34 25 the state of being s...
succulents 25 20 SUCCULENT, a plant,...
succumbers 28 24 SUCCUMBER, one who s...
succumbing 29 27 SUCCUMB, to yield to...
succursale 25 19 subsidiary [adj] / a...
succursals 26 19 SUCCURSAL, a branch...
succussing 26 21 SUCCUSS, to shake vi...
succussion 24 19 the act of shaking [...
succussive 27 22 characterized by a s...
suchnesses 22 17 SUCHNESS, essential...
suckerfish 27 23 the remora or any ot...
suckfishes 27 23 SUCKFISH, a remora,...
suckholing 26 24 SUCKHOLE, (Australia...
sucralfate 23 18 a drug used in the t...
sucraloses 21 15 SUCRALOSE, an artifi...
suctioning 21 18 SUCTION, to remove b...
suctorians 20 15 SUCTORIAN, a cartila...
sudatories 17 12 SUDATORY, a hot-air...
sudatorium 19 16 (Latin) a sweat room...
suddenness 16 15 the state of being s...
suddenties 17 14 SUDDENTY, suddenness...
sudorifics 24 18 SUDORIFIC, a drug ca...
sueability 27 17 liability to be sued...
sufferable 24 21 that can be suffered...
sufferably 31 23 SUFFERABLE, that can...
sufferance 23 21 passive tolerance, b...
sufferings 23 20 SUFFERING, feeling p...
sufficient 25 21 adequate [adj SUFFIC...
suffigance 25 23 (Shakespeare) Dogber...
suffisance 24 21 (obsolete) sufficien...
suffixions 28 25 SUFFIXION, the act o...
sufflating 24 21 SUFFLATE, (archaic)...
sufflation 22 19 (archaic) the act of...
suffocated 24 21 SUFFOCATE, to kill b...
suffocates 24 20 SUFFOCATE, to kill b...
suffragans 22 20 SUFFRAGAN, an assist...
suffragism 25 22 voting rights [n -S]
suffragist 24 19 one who possesses or...
suffusions 22 19 SUFFUSION, the act o...
sugarallie 20 15 (Scots) liquorice, a...
sugarberry 27 18 any of several hackb...
sugarcanes 20 17 SUGARCANE, a tall wo...
sugarcoats 21 16 SUGARCOAT, to coat w...
sugarhouse 20 16 a factory etc. where...
sugariness 18 14 the state of being s...
sugarplums 24 21 SUGARPLUM, a kind of...
suggesters 20 15 SUGGESTER, one who s...
suggesting 21 18 SUGGEST, to put forw...
suggestion 19 16 the act of suggestin...
suggestive 22 19 giving a suggestion...
suicidally 30 19 SUICIDAL, self-destr...
suitresses 18 11 SUITRESS, a female s...
sulcalised 23 17 SULCALISE, to furrow...
sulcalises 23 16 SULCALISE, to furrow...
sulcalized 26 26 SULCALIZE, to furrow...
sulcalizes 26 25 SULCALIZE, to furrow...
sulcations 21 16 SULCATION, a channel...
sulfatases 20 15 SULFATASE, any of va...
sulfations 20 16 SULFATION, the act o...
sulfhydryl 38 23 a chemical group, SH...
sulfonated 19 17 SULFONATE, to conver...
sulfonates 19 16 SULFONATE, a salt of...
sulfoniums 22 20 SULFONIUM, the posit...
sulfoxides 27 23 SULFOXIDE, any of a...
sulfurated 21 17 SULFURATE, to combin...
sulfurates 21 16 SULFURATE, to combin...
sulfureous 21 17 pertaining to or lik...
sulfureted 21 17 SULFURET, to treat w...
sulfurised 22 17 SULFURISE, to combin...
sulfurises 22 16 SULFURISE, to combin...
sulfurized 25 26 SULFURIZE, to combin...
sulfurizes 25 25 SULFURIZE, to combin...
sullenness 18 15 the state of being s...
sulphatase 22 17 any of various ester...
sulphating 24 20 SULPHATE, to treat w...
sulphation 22 18 the act of forming a...
sulphinyls 31 21 SULPHINYL, the bival...
sulphonate 21 18 a salt of sulphonic...
sulphonium 24 22 the positively charg...
sulphonyls 30 21 SULPHONYL, a particu...
sulphoxide 29 25 any compound contain...
sulphurate 23 18 to combine with sulp...
sulphurets 24 18 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphuring 25 21 SULPHUR, to treat wi...
sulphurise 24 18 to combine or impreg...
sulphurize 27 27 to combine or impreg...
sulphurous 24 19 containing sulphur i...
sulphuryls 32 21 SULPHURYL, a particu...
sultanates 17 13 SULTANATE, the rule...
sultanship 23 18 the office or dignit...
sultriness 19 13 the state of being s...
sumbitches 27 22 SUMBITCH, (colloquia...
summarised 20 18 SUMMARISE, to make a...
summariser 20 17 one who summarises,...
summarises 20 17 SUMMARISE, to make a...
summarists 21 17 SUMMARIST, one who s...
summarized 23 27 SUMMARIZE, to make a...
summarizer 23 26 one who summarizes,...
summarizes 23 26 SUMMARIZE, to make a...
summations 19 18 SUMMATION, the act o...
summeriest 20 17 SUMMERY, characteris...
summerings 21 20 SUMMERING, passing t...
summerless 21 18 without a summer [ad...
summerlike 22 22 like summer e.g. of...
summerlong 21 21 lasting all summer [...
summersets 20 17 SUMMERSET, a leap in...
summertide 20 18 summer time [n -S]
summertime 21 20 the time during whic...
summerwood 22 21 wood with smaller an...
summiteers 20 17 SUMMITEER, a partici...
summitless 22 18 having no summit [ad...
summitries 21 17 SUMMITRY, conference...
summonable 21 22 that can be summoned...
summonsing 20 21 SUMMONS, to summon w...
sunbathers 21 17 SUNBATHER, one who s...
sunbathing 22 20 the act of sunbathin...
sunberries 19 15 SUNBERRY, dark edibl...
sunbonnets 17 17 SUNBONNET, a bonnet...
sunburning 20 20 SUNBURN, to burn by...
sunderable 19 17 that can be sundered...
sunderance 18 17 (archaic) separation...
sunderings 18 16 SUNDERING, the act o...
sunderment 17 17 (archaic) separation...
sundowners 19 17 SUNDOWNER, (Australi...
sundowning 20 20 SUNDOWN, to arrive a...
sundresses 17 13 SUNDRESS, a low-cut...
sunflowers 23 19 SUNFLOWER, a composi...
sungazings 22 26 SUNGAZING, the pract...
sunglasses 19 15 SUNGLASS, a lens for...
sunlounger 18 17 an upholstered couch...
sunporches 24 20 SUNPORCH, a porch th...
sunrisings 19 15 SUNRISING, the risin...
sunscreens 19 16 SUNSCREEN, a cream p...
sunseekers 17 16 SUNSEEKER, one who s...
sunsetting 18 15 the descent of the s...
sunspotted 19 16 showing sunspots [ad...
sunstrokes 18 16 SUNSTROKE, a medical...
suntanning 16 17 the act of tanning b...
superacute 22 18 exceptionally acute...
superadded 19 17 SUPERADD, to add fur...
superagent 19 17 a top agent [n -S]
superalloy 27 18 an alloy that has go...
superaltar 20 15 a raised shelf or st...
superating 20 17 SUPERATE, (obsolete)...
superation 18 15 the act of superatin...
superatoms 20 17 SUPERATOM, a cluster...
superbanks 22 22 SUPERBANK, a very la...
superbazar 24 26 in India, a large de...
superbikes 23 21 SUPERBIKE, a high-po...
superbitch 28 22 a highly-placed aggr...
superblock 27 25 a large block compos...
superbness 21 18 the quality of being...
superboard 21 18 a board above other...
superbombs 25 23 SUPERBOMB, a very bi...
superbrain 21 18 an extraordinary int...
superbrats 22 17 SUPERBRAT, a very br...
supercargo 23 19 a ship's official in...
superceded 22 19 SUPERCEDE, to take t...
supercedes 22 18 SUPERCEDE, to take t...
supercells 25 19 SUPERCELL, an unusua...
superclass 24 18 a taxonomic category...
superclean 22 19 exceptionally clean...
superclubs 27 22 SUPERCLUB, a very bi...
supercoils 24 18 SUPERCOIL, a complex...
supercools 23 18 SUPERCOOL, to cool a...
supercover 24 21 an insurance policy...
superdense 18 16 very dense [adj]
superelite 20 15 very elite [adj]
superettes 19 14 SUPERETTE, a small l...
superexalt 26 22 to exalt to a superi...
superfarms 23 20 SUPERFARM, a very bi...
superfecta 24 20 a bet in which the b...
superfirms 24 20 SUPERFIRM, a large f...
superfixes 28 24 SUPERFIX, a recurren...
superflack 27 25 a superior press age...
superfluid 24 20 relating to, or demo...
superfoods 21 18 SUPERFOOD, a food wi...
superfunds 22 20 SUPERFUND, a superio...
superfused 22 19 SUPERFUSE, to pour o...
superfuses 22 18 SUPERFUSE, to pour o...
supergenes 19 17 SUPERGENE, a group o...
supergiant 20 17 a very bright star o...
superglued 22 19 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
superglues 22 18 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
supergrass 21 16 a very important pol...
supergroup 23 20 a pop group made up...
superheats 21 16 SUPERHEAT, to heat t...
superheavy 29 22 having an atomic wei...
superhelix 29 24 a helix, as of DNA,...
superhives 24 20 SUPERHIVE, a removab...
superhuman 22 21 being above the huma...
superhyped 30 22 SUPERHYPE, to subjec...
superhypes 30 21 SUPERHYPE, to subjec...
superiorly 27 17 SUPERIOR, of higher...
superjocks 26 30 SUPERJOCK, a very go...
superjumbo 25 30 a very large airline...
superlarge 21 17 exceptionally large...
superlight 25 19 very light [adj]
superliner 20 16 a very large ocean l...
superloads 20 16 SUPERLOAD, a variabl...
superlunar 20 17 otherworldly; above...
superlying 28 20 SUPERLIE, to lie abo...
supermacho 25 22 very macho [adj]
supermales 21 18 SUPERMALE, an excess...
supermarts 21 17 SUPERMART, a big sup...
supermaxes 26 24 SUPERMAX, a jail wit...
supermicro 24 20 a very small micro c...
superminds 21 19 SUPERMIND, a more th...
superminis 21 18 SUPERMINI, a small c...
supermodel 21 19 a famous and success...
supermotos 20 17 SUPERMOTO, a form of...
supernally 27 19 SUPERNAL, being or c...
supernanny 23 19 an expert who advise...
supernated 18 16 SUPERNATE, to float...
supernates 18 15 SUPERNATE [n]
supernovae 19 19 SUPERNOVA, (Latin) a...
supernovas 20 19 SUPERNOVA, (Latin) a...
supernurse 19 16 a highly experienced...
superorder 19 15 a group intermediate...
superoxide 25 22 a peroxide, an oxide...
superphone 22 20 a telephone with a h...
superphyla 31 22 SUPERPHYLUM, a taxon...
superpimps 26 23 SUPERPIMP, a pimp co...
superplane 21 19 a very large plane [...
superports 22 17 SUPERPORT, a superio...
superposed 21 18 SUPERPOSE, to place...
superposes 21 17 SUPERPOSE, to place...
superpower 24 20 a great power [n -S]
superraces 22 17 SUPERRACE, a race th...
superroads 19 15 SUPERROAD, a superio...
supersales 20 15 SUPERSALE, a big sal...
supersalts 21 15 SUPERSALT, an acid s...
supersaurs 20 15 SUPERSAUR, a very la...
supersaver 21 18 an exceptional barga...
superscale 23 18 on a very large scal...
superscout 23 18 a superlative scout...
superseded 19 16 SUPERSEDE, to take t...
superseder 19 15 one who supersedes [...
supersedes 19 15 SUPERSEDE, to take t...
supersells 22 16 SUPERSELL, to sell i...
supersexes 25 21 SUPERSEX, very good...
supersharp 24 19 exceptionally sharp...
supershows 25 19 SUPERSHOW, an except...
supersized 23 24 SUPERSIZE, to increa...
supersizes 23 23 SUPERSIZE, a supersi...
superslick 26 22 very slick [adj]
supersmart 21 17 very smart [adj]
supersonic 22 18 above the speed of s...
supersound 19 17 sound vibrations too...
superspeed 21 18 a very high speed [n...
superspies 22 17 SUPERSPY, a superior...
superstars 20 14 SUPERSTAR, an extrem...
superstate 19 14 a state or organizat...
superstock 24 21 a very high-performi...
superstore 19 14 a very large store o...
superstorm 21 17 an extremely powerfu...
superstuds 21 16 SUPERSTUD, an except...
supersweet 22 17 exceptionally sweet...
supertaxes 25 21 SUPERTAX, an additio...
superthick 27 23 exceptionally thick...
supertight 24 18 superlatively tight...
supertitle 21 15 a surtitle, a printe...
supertonic 22 18 the note next above...
supertrams 21 17 SUPERTRAM, a very su...
supertruck 25 22 a very large truck [...
supertwist 24 17 a technique of twist...
superusers 20 15 SUPERUSER, in comput...
supervened 20 20 SUPERVENE, to come i...
supervenes 20 19 SUPERVENE, to come i...
supervisal 23 19 supervision [n -S]
supervised 22 19 SUPERVISE, to overse...
supervisee 21 18 one who is supervise...
supervises 22 18 SUPERVISE, to overse...
supervisor 22 18 one that supervises...
superwaifs 25 20 SUPERWAIF, an extrem...
superwaves 24 21 SUPERWAVE, a excepti...
superweeds 22 18 SUPERWEED, a hybrid...
superwides 23 18 SUPERWIDE, a very wi...
superwives 25 21 SUPERWIFE, an except...
superwoman 22 21 an exceptional woman...
superwomen 22 21 SUPERWOMAN, an excep...
supinating 20 18 SUPINATE, to turn so...
supination 18 16 being turned upward...
supinators 19 15 SUPINATOR, a muscle...
supineness 18 16 the state of being s...
suppeagoes 21 19 SUPPEAGO, a skin dis...
suppedanea 19 19 SUPPEDANEUM, a suppo...
supperless 23 18 having no supper [ad...
suppertime 23 20 the time at which su...
supplanted 22 20 SUPPLANT, to take th...
supplanter 22 19 one who supplants [n...
supplejack 29 34 a woody climber with...
supplement 23 22 to add or serve as a...
suppleness 22 19 the state of being s...
suppletion 22 19 addition; supplement...
suppletive 25 22 supplementary, also...
suppletory 29 20 supplemental, also S...
suppliable 26 22 that can be supplied...
suppliance 25 22 (Shakespeare) supply...
suppliants 23 19 SUPPLIANT, one who s...
supplicant 26 22 one who supplicates,...
supplicate 26 21 to entreat for [v SU...
supplicats 27 21 SUPPLICAT, in Englis...
supplyment 30 24 (Shakespeare) a supp...
supporters 22 17 SUPPORTER, a figure...
supporting 23 20 the act of supportin...
supportive 24 21 tending to support [...
supporture 22 18 support [n -S]
supposable 24 21 capable of being sup...
supposably 31 23 SUPPOSABLE, capable...
supposedly 29 21 SUPPOSED [adv]
supposings 23 20 SUPPOSING, the act o...
suppressed 22 18 SUPPRESS, to subdue...
suppresser 22 17 something that suppr...
suppresses 22 17 SUPPRESS, to subdue...
suppressor 22 17 something that suppr...
suppurated 22 19 SUPPURATE, to discha...
suppurates 22 18 SUPPURATE, to discha...
supralunar 20 17 beyond the moon; ver...
supraoptic 25 20 situated above the o...
suprapubic 28 24 situated above, or a...
suprarenal 19 16 situated above, or a...
supravital 23 19 relating to the stai...
surbedding 21 19 SURBED, (obsolete) t...
surceasing 21 17 SURCEASE, to stop or...
surcharged 24 19 SURCHARGE, to exact...
surcharger 24 18 one who surcharges [...
surcharges 24 18 SURCHARGE, to exact...
surcingled 23 19 SURCINGLE, to fasten...
surcingles 23 18 SURCINGLE, a girth o...
surculuses 23 17 SURCULUS, a sucker [...
surefooted 18 15 not given to stumbli...
surenesses 16 12 SURENESS, the state...
suretyship 29 18 the state of being s...
surfaceman 22 21 a workman who keeps...
surfacemen 22 21 SURFACEMAN, a workma...
surfacings 24 20 SURFACING, the act o...
surfactant 22 18 a substance which re...
surfboards 22 18 SURFBOARD, to surf o...
surfcaster 23 17 one who fishes from...
surfeiters 20 14 SURFEITER, one who s...
surfeiting 21 17 SURFEIT, to indulge...
surffishes 25 19 SURFFISH, a Western...
surfridden 20 17 SURFRIDE, to ride on...
surfriders 21 15 SURFRIDER, one who e...
surfriding 22 18 the sport of riding...
surgically 31 20 SURGICAL, pertaining...
surjection 22 24 a mapping function i...
surjective 25 27 relating to surjecti...
surmasters 19 14 SURMASTER, (archaic)...
surmisable 22 18 capable of being sur...
surmisings 21 17 SURMISING, the act o...
surmounted 18 17 SURMOUNT, to get ove...
surmounter 18 16 one who, or that whi...
surmullets 22 17 SURMULLET, a fish mu...
surnominal 18 17 pertaining to surnam...
surpassers 20 14 SURPASSER, one who s...
surpassing 21 17 SURPASS, to go beyon...
surplusage 22 18 surplus [n -S]
surplusing 23 19 SURPLUS, to be in ex...
surplussed 22 17 SURPLUS, to be in ex...
surplusses 22 16 SURPLUS, an excess [...
surprinted 20 16 SURPRINT, to print o...
surprisals 22 15 SURPRISAL, an act of...
surprisers 21 14 SURPRISER, one who s...
surprising 22 17 causing surprise [ad...
surprizing 25 26 SURPRIZE, to come up...
surquedies 26 22 SURQUEDY, (obsolete)...
surrealism 20 15 a movement in art an...
surrealist 19 12 an exponent of surre...
surrejoins 19 21 SURREJOIN, to reply,...
surrenders 17 13 SURRENDER, to yield,...
surrogated 18 14 SURROGATE, to act as...
surrogates 18 13 SURROGATE, to act as...
surrogatum 20 17 something that stand...
surrounded 17 15 SURROUND, to encompa...
surveiling 22 19 SURVEIL, to watch cl...
surveilled 22 18 SURVEIL, to watch cl...
surveilles 22 17 SURVEILLE, to observ...
surveyable 28 21 that can be surveyed...
surveyance 27 21 survey; inspection [...
surveyings 27 20 SURVEYING, the act o...
surviewing 24 21 SURVIEW, to survey,...
survivable 25 23 resulting in or perm...
survivance 24 23 survival; the succes...
susceptive 25 21 susceptible [adj]
susceptors 23 17 SUSCEPTOR, (obsolete...
suscipient 23 18 the recipient of a s...
suscitated 21 15 SUSCITATE, to excite...
suscitates 21 14 SUSCITATE, to excite...
suspecters 23 17 SUSPECTER, one who s...
suspectful 27 22 apt to suspect or mi...
suspecting 24 20 SUSPECT, to think gu...
suspenders 19 16 SUSPENDER, a strap t...
suspending 20 19 SUSPEND, to stop for...
suspensers 19 15 SUSPENSER, something...
suspension 18 16 temporary removal (a...
suspensive 21 19 tending to suspend,...
suspensoid 19 16 a colloid dispersed...
suspensors 19 15 SUSPENSOR, a suspens...
suspensory 25 17 a suspensory ligamen...
suspicions 23 18 SUSPICION, to suspec...
suspicious 24 18 tending to arouse su...
suspirious 21 15 breathing labouredly...
sustainers 17 12 SUSTAINER, one who s...
sustaining 18 15 preserving life [adj...
sustenance 18 16 nourishment [n -S]
sustentate 16 12 to sustain [v SUSTEN...
sustention 16 13 the act of sustainin...
sustentive 19 16 relating to sustenti...
susurrated 18 13 SUSURRATE, to whispe...
susurrates 18 12 SUSURRATE, to whispe...
susurruses 19 13 SUSURRUS, a soft rus...
sutlership 24 17 the office of sutler...
sutteeisms 19 14 SUTTEEISM, the India...
suttleties 19 12 SUTTLETIE, (Milton)...
suturation 17 13 the act of applying...
suzerainty 26 23 the dominion or auth...
svelteness 19 16 the quality of being...
swaggerers 22 17 SWAGGERER, one who s...
swaggering 23 20 SWAGGER, to walk wit...
swallowers 25 18 SWALLOWER, one who s...
swallowing 26 21 SWALLOW, to take int...
swampiness 23 20 the state of being s...
swamplands 24 22 SWAMPLAND, swamp cou...
swankiness 20 19 the state of being s...
swanneries 18 15 SWANNERY, a place wh...
swansdowns 22 19 SWANSDOWN, heavy nap...
swarajisms 24 25 SWARAJISM, the polic...
swarajists 23 22 SWARAJIST, one who a...
swarthiest 23 15 SWARTHY, having a da...
swarthness 22 16 the state of being s...
swashworks 27 22 SWASHWORK, a woodtur...
swatchbook 28 25 a collection of swat...
swatheable 24 19 that can be swathed,...
swattering 21 16 SWATTER, to splash o...
swaybacked 32 26 of a horse, bent dow...
swearwords 23 17 SWEARWORD, an explet...
sweatbands 21 18 SWEATBAND, an absorb...
sweatboxes 27 23 SWEATBOX, a small en...
sweatiness 19 14 the state of being s...
sweatpants 21 17 trousers of (usu thi...
sweatshirt 23 15 a long-sleeved knitt...
sweatshops 24 18 SWEATSHOP, a factory...
sweatsuits 21 14 SWEATSUIT, a loose-f...
sweepbacks 28 26 SWEEPBACK, the angle...
sweepingly 30 22 SWEEPING, wide-rangi...
sweepstake 22 20 a method of gambling...
sweetbread 21 17 the thymus gland of...
sweetbriar 22 16 a wild rose with fra...
sweetbrier 22 16 a wild rose with fra...
sweetcorns 22 17 SWEETCORN, a sweet v...
sweeteners 18 14 SWEETENER, a substan...
sweetening 19 17 the act of making sw...
sweetheart 21 15 a loved one [n -S] /...
sweetishly 30 18 SWEETISH, somewhat s...
sweetmeats 20 16 SWEETMEAT, any conco...
sweetshops 24 18 SWEETSHOP, a shop th...
sweetvelds 23 19 SWEETVELD, in South...
sweetwater 22 16 freshwater [n -S]
sweetwoods 22 17 SWEETWOOD, a South A...
swellheads 24 18 SWELLHEAD, a conceit...
swellingly 31 21 SWELLING [adv]
sweltering 22 17 SWELTER, to suffer f...
sweltriest 22 14 SWELTRY, oppressivel...
sweptwings 27 22 SWEPTWING, an aircra...
swerveless 23 18 without swerving [ad...
swimfeeder 23 20 a device containing...
swimmerets 23 19 SWIMMERET, a crustac...
swimmingly 32 25 SWIMMING, smooth [ad...
swindlings 23 19 SWINDLING, the act o...
swineherds 22 17 SWINEHERD, (archaic)...
swinehoods 21 17 SWINEHOOD, the state...
swinepoxes 27 24 SWINEPOX, a disease...
swinestone 18 15 a limestone that giv...
swingbeats 23 19 SWINGBEAT, a type of...
swingboats 23 19 SWINGBOAT, a boat-sh...
swingingly 30 22 SWINGING, lively and...
swinglings 24 20 SWINGLING, the act o...
swingtrees 21 16 SWINGTREE, the cross...
swirlingly 31 20 SWIRLING [adv]
swishingly 32 21 SWISHING, making a s...
switchable 29 22 that can be switched...
switchback 33 28 a zigzag mountain ra...
switcheroo 25 18 a surprising variati...
switchgear 27 20 the apparatus that c...
switchgirl 30 21 a women who operates...
switchiest 27 18 SWITCHY, full of swi...
switchings 28 21 SWITCHING, a beating...
switchlike 29 23 like a switch [adj]
switchover 28 22 the act of switching...
switchyard 33 21 an enclosed area for...
swithering 24 18 SWITHER, (Scots) to...
swivelling 26 22 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swooningly 27 20 SWOONING, fainting [...
swoopstake 22 20 (archaic) in an indi...
swordbills 26 19 SWORDBILL, a kind of...
swordcraft 26 20 skill at making swor...
swordplays 30 20 SWORDPLAY, fighting...
swordproof 24 20 proof against swords...
swordstick 26 21 a hollow walking sti...
swordtails 22 15 SWORDTAIL, a small C...
sybaritish 29 17 like a sybarite, dev...
sybaritism 28 18 devotion to luxury [...
sycophancy 39 26 obsequious flattery...
sycophants 30 21 SYCOPHANT, one who a...
syllabaria 27 17 SYLLABARIUM, a sylla...
syllabical 32 21 (obsolete) syllabic,...
syllabised 28 18 SYLLABISE, to form o...
syllabises 28 17 SYLLABISE, to form o...
syllabisms 30 20 SYLLABISM, use of a...
syllabized 31 27 SYLLABIZE, to form o...
syllabizes 31 26 SYLLABIZE, to form o...
syllabling 30 21 SYLLABLE, to pronoun...
syllabuses 28 18 SYLLABUS, an outline...
syllogised 27 17 SYLLOGISE, to reason...
syllogiser 27 16 one who reasons by s...
syllogises 27 16 SYLLOGISE, to reason...
syllogisms 29 19 SYLLOGISM, an argume...
syllogists 28 16 SYLLOGIST, one who r...
syllogized 30 26 SYLLOGIZE, to reason...
syllogizer 30 25 one who reasons by s...
syllogizes 30 25 SYLLOGIZE, to reason...
sylphidine 29 20 like a sylphid, a li...
sylvanites 26 18 SYLVANITE, a monocli...
sylvestral 28 18 of a plant, growing...
sylvinites 27 18 SYLVINITE, a rock co...
symbiontic 30 22 of or like a symbion...
symbolical 32 23 of the nature of a s...
symbolised 28 20 SYMBOLISE, to be sym...
symboliser 28 19 one who symbolises,...
symbolises 28 19 SYMBOLISE, to be sym...
symbolisms 30 22 SYMBOLISM, the use o...
symbolists 29 19 SYMBOLIST, a practit...
symbolized 31 29 SYMBOLIZE, to be sym...
symbolizer 31 28 one who symbolizes,...
symbolizes 31 28 SYMBOLIZE, to be sym...
symbolling 30 23 SYMBOL, to serve as...
symmetrian 25 19 a person who studies...
symmetries 26 18 SYMMETRY, exact corr...
symmetrise 26 18 to make symmetrical,...
symmetrize 29 27 to make symmetrical,...
sympathies 29 20 SYMPATHY, a feeling...
sympathins 29 21 SYMPATHIN, a substan...
sympathise 29 20 to be in keeping, ac...
sympathize 32 29 to be in keeping, ac...
sympatries 27 18 SYMPATRY, the state...
symphilies 31 21 SYMPHILY, the practi...
symphilism 33 24 the state of being i...
symphilous 31 22 of or like a symphil...
symphonies 28 21 SYMPHONY, an orchest...
symphonion 27 22 a combination of pia...
symphonist 29 21 a composer or (rarel...
symphylous 37 24 of or like a symphil...
symphyseal 36 23 relating to symphysi...
symphysial 37 23 relating to symphysi...
symphystic 40 25 relating to symphysi...
symplastic 32 22 relating to a sympla...
symposiacs 30 21 SYMPOSIAC, a symposi...
symposiast 27 18 a participant at a c...
symposiums 29 22 SYMPOSIUM, a confere...
synaereses 21 13 SYNAERESIS, the runn...
synaeresis 22 13 the running together...
synagogues 24 18 SYNAGOGUE, (Greek) a...
synalephas 27 19 SYNALEPHA, the melti...
synaloepha 26 19 the melting of a fin...
synandrium 24 19 a mass of united sta...
synandrous 22 16 having united stamen...
synanthies 24 16 SYNANTHY, abnormal f...
synanthous 24 17 synanthic, flowering...
synapheias 26 18 SYNAPHEIA, metrical...
synaptases 24 16 SYNAPTASE, emulsin,...
synaptical 29 20 of or pertaining to...
synarchies 28 18 SYNARCHY, joint sove...
synastries 23 13 SYNASTRY, coincidenc...
synaxarion 27 21 a lection containing...
synbiotics 29 19 SYNBIOTIC, a substan...
syncarpies 28 19 SYNCARPY, the state...
syncarpous 28 20 bearing syncarps, fl...
synchronal 28 20 coinciding in time [...
synchronic 31 22 concerned with the s...
synclastic 31 20 curved in all direct...
synclinals 28 19 SYNCLINAL, a synclin...
syncopated 27 20 SYNCOPATE, to shorte...
syncopates 27 19 SYNCOPATE, to shorte...
syncopator 27 19 one who syncopates [...
syncretise 26 16 to become or cause t...
syncretism 28 19 the reconciliation o...
syncretist 27 16 a believer in syncre...
syncretize 29 25 to become or cause t...
syndactyls 34 20 SYNDACTYL, an animal...
syndactyly 40 22 the state of being s...
syndereses 22 14 SYNDERESIS, conscien...
synderesis 23 14 conscience as a guid...
syndesises 23 14 SYNDESIS, the point...
syndetical 27 18 in grammar, connecti...
syndicated 26 18 SYNDICATE, to sell (...
syndicates 26 17 SYNDICATE, to sell (...
syndicator 26 17 one who syndicates [...
syndicship 32 22 the office of syndic...
synecdoche 30 22 a figure of speech b...
synecology 33 21 the study of ecologi...
syneideses 22 14 SYNEIDESIS, (obsolet...
syneidesis 23 14 (obsolete) conscienc...
synergetic 27 18 co-operating, workin...
synergised 24 16 SYNERGISE, to act as...
synergises 24 15 SYNERGISE, to act as...
synergisms 26 18 SYNERGISM, the belie...
synergists 25 15 SYNERGIST, a substan...
synergized 27 25 SYNERGIZE, to act as...
synergizes 27 24 SYNERGIZE, to act as...
syngeneses 22 16 SYNGENESIS, sexual r...
syngenesis 23 16 sexual reproduction...
syngenetic 26 19 relating to syngenes...
synkaryons 29 20 SYNKARYON, the nucle...
synoecetes 24 16 SYNOECETE, a guest t...
synoecious 25 17 having antheridia an...
synoecised 25 17 SYNOECISE, to unite...
synoecises 25 16 SYNOECISE, to unite...
synoecisms 27 19 SYNOECISM, associati...
synoecized 28 26 SYNOECIZE, to unite...
synoecizes 28 25 SYNOECIZE, to unite...
synoeketes 22 17 SYNOEKETE, a guest t...
synonymies 29 19 SYNONYMY, equivalenc...
synonymise 29 19 to make synonymous,...
synonymist 30 19 a student of synonym...
synonymity 36 21 the state of being s...
synonymize 32 28 to make synonymous,...
synonymous 29 20 having the character...
synopsised 25 17 SYNOPSISE, to make a...
synopsises 25 16 SYNOPSIS [v]
synopsized 28 26 SYNOPSIZE, to make a...
synopsizes 28 25 SYNOPSIZE, to make a...
synoptical 29 20 relating to a synops...
synoptists 26 16 SYNOPTIST, one of th...
synostoses 22 13 SYNOSTOSIS, a comple...
synostosis 23 13 a complete union of...
synovially 33 21 SYNOVIAL, relating t...
syntactics 30 19 the branch of semiot...
syntagmata 24 18 SYNTAGMA, a syntacti...
syntenoses 21 14 SYNTENOSIS, the conn...
syntenosis 22 14 the connection of bo...
syntereses 22 13 SYNTERESIS, conscien...
synteresis 23 13 conscience as a guid...
syntexises 29 20 SYNTEXIS, the altera...
synthesise 25 15 to combine or produc...
synthesist 26 15 someone who makes a...
synthesize 28 24 to combine or produc...
synthetase 24 15 a kind of enzyme [n...
synthetics 29 18 SYNTHETIC, a synthet...
synthetise 25 15 to put together in a...
synthetism 27 18 the symbolism of Gau...
synthetist 26 15 one who synthetises...
synthetize 28 24 to put together in a...
synthronus 25 17 the seat of a bishop...
syntonised 22 15 SYNTONISE, to adjust...
syntonises 22 14 SYNTONISE, to adjust...
syntonized 25 24 SYNTONIZE, to adjust...
syntonizes 25 23 SYNTONIZE, to adjust...
sypherings 29 20 SYPHERING, joining b...
syphilised 30 19 SYPHILISE, to inocul...
syphilises 30 18 SYPHILIS, a venereal...
syphilitic 34 21 of or like syphilis,...
syphilized 33 28 SYPHILIZE, to inocul...
syphilizes 33 27 SYPHILIZE, to inocul...
syphilomas 30 21 SYPHILOMA, a syphili...
syringitis 26 15 inflammation of the...
systematic 28 18 relating to or consi...
systemised 25 16 SYSTEMISE, to reduce...
systemiser 25 15 one who systemises,...
systemises 25 15 SYSTEMISE, to reduce...
systemized 28 25 SYSTEMIZE, to reduce...
systemizer 28 24 one who systemizes,...
systemizes 28 24 SYSTEMIZE, to reduce...
systemless 26 16 without a system [ad...