10 letter words that starts with n

10 letter words that start with N

10 letter N word


Word With Friends


naboberies 19 17 NABOBERY, the state...
nabobesses 19 17 NABOBESS, (Urdu) a f...
nachtmaals 23 20 NACHTMAAL, (Afrikaan...
naffnesses 19 18 NAFFNESS, the qualit...
naifnesses 17 15 NAIFNESS, the state...
nailbiters 20 15 NAILBITER, someone w...
naissances 18 15 NAISSANCE, (French)...
nalbuphine 23 22 a synthetic narcotic...
nalorphine 20 18 a derivative of morp...
naltrexone 21 20 a narcotic antagonis...
namechecks 26 26 NAMECHECK, to mentio...
namelessly 25 18 NAMELESS, anonymous...
nameplates 19 18 NAMEPLATE, an attach...
nameworthy 28 21 worth naming, distin...
nandrolone 14 15 an androgenic anabol...
nanisation 14 13 artificial dwarfing,...
nanization 17 22 artificial dwarfing,...
nanogramme 17 20 a billionth of a gra...
nanometers 15 15 NANOMETER, a billion...
nanometres 15 15 NANOMETRE, a billion...
nanosecond 16 17 a billionth of a sec...
nanoteslas 15 13 NANOTESLA, a billion...
nanoworlds 19 17 NANOWORLD, the world...
naphthalic 27 22 as in naphthalic aci...
naphthalin 23 20 a white crystalline...
naphthenes 21 19 NAPHTHENE, a peculia...
naphthenic 25 22 of or like naphthene...
naprapathy 28 21 medical treatment by...
narcissism 22 17 egocentrism [n -S]
narcissist 21 14 one who shows narcis...
narcolepsy 28 20 pathological drowsin...
narcotines 18 15 NARCOTINE, an alkalo...
narcotised 19 15 NARCOTISE, to subjec...
narcotises 19 14 NARCOTISE, to subjec...
narcotisms 21 17 NARCOTISM, narcosis;...
narcotists 20 14 NARCOTIST, one who t...
narcotized 22 24 NARCOTIZE, to subjec...
narcotizes 22 23 NARCOTIZE, to subjec...
narghilies 21 16 NARGHILY, (Persian)...
narguilehs 21 17 NARGUILEH, (Persian)...
narratable 18 15 that can be narrated...
narrations 15 12 NARRATION, the act o...
narratives 18 15 NARRATIVE, that whic...
narrowband 20 19 a device operating a...
narrowcast 22 17 to distribute materi...
narrowings 20 17 NARROWING, the act o...
narrowness 18 15 the state of being n...
nasalising 18 15 NASALISE, to produce...
nasalities 17 12 NASALITY, an instanc...
nasalizing 21 24 NASALIZE, to produce...
nascencies 21 18 NASCENCY, birth or o...
nasturtium 19 16 a genus of crucifero...
natalitial 18 13 of or pertaining to...
natalities 17 12 NATALITY, birthrate,...
natational 15 13 relating to swimming...
natatorial 16 12 relating to swimming...
natatorium 17 15 (Latin) an indoor sw...
nathelesse 18 14 (archaic) neverthele...
nationally 23 16 NATIONAL, belonging...
nationhood 16 15 the state of being a...
nationless 16 13 without a nation [ad...
nationwide 18 16 extending throughout...
nativeness 17 16 the state of being n...
nativistic 23 18 relating to nativism...
nativities 19 15 NATIVITY, the proces...
natrolites 17 12 NATROLITE, a common...
natterjack 22 27 a kind of toad, havi...
naturalise 17 13 to confer the rights...
naturalism 19 16 the belief that the...
naturalist 18 13 a student of the nat...
naturalize 20 22 to confer the rights...
naturistic 21 15 relating to naturism...
naturopath 20 17 a person who practis...
naugahydes 25 19 NAUGAHYDE, a type of...
naughtiest 20 16 NAUGHTY, badly-behav...
naumachiae 21 20 NAUMACHIA, (Latin) a...
naumachias 22 20 NAUMACHIA, (Latin) a...
naumachies 22 20 NAUMACHY, a mock sea...
nauseating 16 15 NAUSEATE, to affect...
nauseation 14 13 the act of arousing...
nauseative 17 16 (obsolete) causing n...
nauseously 23 16 NAUSEOUS, causing na...
nautically 28 19 NAUTICAL, relating t...
nautiloids 18 14 NAUTILOID, a mollusc...
nautiluses 18 14 NAUTILUS, a spiral-s...
navarchies 23 20 NAVARCHY, rulership...
navelworts 22 19 NAVELWORT, a perenni...
naviculare 22 20 a boat-shaped bone o...
naviculars 23 20 NAVICULAR, a boat-sh...
navigating 20 20 NAVIGATE, to conduct...
navigation 18 18 the act or practice...
navigators 19 17 NAVIGATOR, a person...
naysayings 29 18 NAYSAYING, the act o...
neandertal 15 14 (German) a primitive...
neapolitan 17 16 a small rectangular...
nearnesses 14 12 NEARNESS, the state...
nearshored 17 14 NEARSHORE, (in busin...
nearshores 17 13 NEARSHORE, (in busin...
neatnesses 14 12 NEATNESS, the state...
nebbishers 23 19 NEBBISHER, (Yiddish)...
nebenkerns 17 20 NEBENKERN, (German)...
nebulisers 20 16 NEBULISER, a sprayin...
nebulising 21 19 NEBULISE, to reduce...
nebulizers 23 25 NEBULIZER, a sprayin...
nebulizing 24 28 NEBULIZE, to reduce...
nebulosity 26 18 the state of being n...
nebulously 27 20 NEBULOUS, like a neb...
necessaire 18 14 (French) a dressing-...
neckcloths 27 24 NECKCLOTH, a cloth w...
necklacing 25 25 the punishment of ha...
neckpieces 25 24 NECKPIECE, a piece o...
neckverses 22 22 NECKVERSE, the test...
necrolater 19 15 one who practises ne...
necrolatry 26 17 worship of the dead...
necrologic 24 20 relating to necrolog...
necromancy 28 23 divination by trying...
necromania 18 18 the erotic love of c...
necrophile 24 20 someone who is morbi...
necrophils 25 20 NECROPHIL, someone w...
necrophily 31 22 the erotic love of c...
necrophobe 24 22 an organism that eat...
necropoles 21 18 NECROPOLIS, (Greek)...
necropolis 22 18 (Greek) a cemetery o...
necropsied 21 18 NECROPSY, to perform...
necropsies 21 17 NECROPSY, to perform...
necroscopy 30 22 an autopsy [n NECROS...
necrotised 19 15 NECROTISE, to affect...
necrotises 19 14 NECROTISE, to affect...
necrotized 22 24 NECROTIZE, to affect...
necrotizes 22 23 NECROTIZE, to affect...
necrotroph 23 19 a parasitic organism...
nectareous 18 15 of or like nectar, a...
nectarines 18 15 NECTARINE, a fruit r...
nectocalyx 35 27 the swimming bell or...
needlecord 19 17 thinly ribbed cotton...
needlefish 21 18 the European great p...
needlefuls 20 18 NEEDLEFUL, as much t...
needlelike 18 18 like a needle [adj]
needlessly 24 16 NEEDLESS, not necess...
needlework 20 20 work executed with a...
negational 16 15 relating to negation...
negatively 26 20 NEGATIVE, not positi...
negativing 20 20 NEGATIVE, to disprov...
negativism 21 20 a tendency to deny a...
negativist 20 17 one who practises ne...
negativity 26 19 the state of being n...
neglecters 21 17 NEGLECTER, one who n...
neglectful 25 22 full of neglect [adj...
neglecting 22 20 NEGLECT, to treat ca...
neglection 20 18 (Shakespeare) neglig...
neglective 23 21 neglectful [adj]
neglectors 21 17 NEGLECTOR, one who n...
negligence 21 20 the state of being n...
negligible 23 20 that may neglected o...
negligibly 30 22 NEGLIGIBLE, that may...
negociants 19 17 NEGOCIANT, (French)...
negotiable 19 17 capable of being neg...
negotiants 16 14 NEGOTIANT, a person,...
negotiated 16 14 NEGOTIATE, to confer...
negotiates 16 13 NEGOTIATE, to confer...
negotiator 16 13 one who negotiates [...
negritudes 18 15 NEGRITUDE, (French)...
negroheads 18 16 NEGROHEAD, tobacco s...
negrophile 22 19 a person who has sym...
negrophils 23 19 NEGROPHIL, a person...
negrophobe 22 21 one with an irration...
neighbored 21 19 NEIGHBOR, to live cl...
neighborly 29 21 like a neighbor, als...
neighbours 22 19 NEIGHBOUR, to live c...
nelumbiums 23 23 NELUMBIUM, (Tamil) a...
nematicide 20 18 a substance used to...
nematocide 19 18 a substance used to...
nematocyst 26 19 an older name for a...
nematology 24 19 the study of nematod...
nemerteans 15 15 NEMERTEAN, any of a...
nemertians 16 15 NEMERTIAN, any of a...
nemertines 16 15 NEMERTINE, any of a...
nemophilas 22 20 NEMOPHILA, a plant o...
neoclassic 23 18 belonging to a reviv...
neodymiums 25 21 NEODYMIUM, a rare me...
neogeneses 14 14 NEOGENESIS, the rege...
neogenesis 15 14 the regeneration of...
neogenetic 18 17 relating to neogenes...
neogothics 22 18 NEOGOTHIC, a style o...
neoliberal 19 16 a liberal who de-emp...
neologians 16 15 NEOLOGIAN, one who i...
neological 21 18 of or pertaining to...
neologised 17 15 NEOLOGISE, to introd...
neologises 17 14 NEOLOGISE, to introd...
neologisms 19 17 NEOLOGISM, a new wor...
neologists 18 14 NEOLOGIST, one who i...
neologized 20 24 NEOLOGIZE, to introd...
neologizes 20 23 NEOLOGIZE, to introd...
neonatally 22 16 NEONATAL, pertaining...
neonomians 14 16 NEONOMIAN, one who a...
neophiliac 24 20 one suffering from n...
neophilias 21 17 NEOPHILIA, an obsess...
neophobias 21 19 NEOPHOBIA, fear of n...
neopilinas 18 16 NEOPILINA, a mollusc...
neoplasias 18 15 NEOPLASIA, the forma...
neoplastic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
neorealism 17 15 a modern form of rea...
neorealist 16 12 a practitioner of ne...
neoteinias 14 12 NEOTEINIA, prolonged...
neoterical 19 15 recent in origin, mo...
neoterised 15 12 NEOTERISE, to innova...
neoterises 15 11 NEOTERISE, to innova...
neoterisms 17 14 NEOTERISM, the intro...
neoterists 16 11 NEOTERIST, one who i...
neoterized 18 21 NEOTERIZE, to innova...
neoterizes 18 20 NEOTERIZE, to innova...
neotropics 21 17 the tropics of the N...
nepenthean 17 18 relating to nepenthe...
nephalisms 23 20 NEPHALISM, total abs...
nephalists 22 17 NEPHALIST, one who a...
nephelines 20 18 NEPHELINE, a rock-fo...
nephelinic 24 21 of or like nepheline...
nephelites 21 17 NEPHELITE, a rock-fo...
nephograms 22 21 NEPHOGRAM, a photogr...
nephograph 25 23 an instrument for ph...
nephologic 25 22 relating to nepholog...
nephoscope 24 22 an instrument for ob...
nephralgia 22 19 pain in the kidneys,...
nephralgic 26 22 relating to nephralg...
nephridial 22 18 of or pertaining to...
nephridium 23 21 in invertebrates and...
nephritics 25 19 NEPHRITIC, a medicin...
nephrology 28 21 the study of the kid...
nephropexy 34 28 the fixation of a fl...
nephrotics 24 19 NEPHROTIC, a disease...
nephrotomy 27 21 the extraction of a...
nepotistic 22 17 showing nepotism, al...
neptuniums 20 20 NEPTUNIUM, a radioac...
nervations 17 16 NERVATION, the arran...
nervatures 18 16 NERVATURE, the arran...
nesciences 21 18 NESCIENCE, lack of k...
neshnesses 17 14 NESHNESS, the qualit...
nesselrode 16 13 a rich frozen puddin...
netballers 20 16 NETBALLER, one who p...
nethermore 18 16 the weaker or inferi...
nethermost 19 16 lowest [adj]
netherward 21 17 in a downward direct...
netiquette 24 21 etiquette appropriat...
netminders 17 16 NETMINDER, a goalkee...
netsurfers 19 15 NETSURFER, one who e...
netsurfing 20 18 the act of browsing...
nettlelike 19 17 like a nettle [adj]
nettlesome 17 15 causing vexation [ad...
networkers 20 18 NETWORKER, one who n...
networking 21 21 the making of social...
neuralgias 18 15 NEURALGIA, intense b...
neurations 15 13 NEURATION, the arran...
neurectomy 26 20 the surgical excisio...
neurilemma 19 19 the delicate outer s...
neuritides 17 13 NEURITIS, inflammati...
neuritises 17 12 NEURITIS, inflammati...
neuroblast 19 16 an embryonic nerve c...
neurochips 24 20 NEUROCHIP, a microch...
neurocoele 18 16 a cavity in the brai...
neurocoels 19 16 NEUROCOEL, a cavity...
neurogenic 19 18 caused or stimulated...
neuroglial 19 16 relating to the neur...
neuroglias 18 15 NEUROGLIA, the suppo...
neurograms 18 17 NEUROGRAM, a modific...
neurohumor 19 18 a neurohormone, esp....
neurolemma 18 19 the delicate outer s...
neurologic 21 18 relating to neurolog...
neurolyses 23 15 NEUROLYSIS, disinteg...
neurolysis 24 15 disintegration of ne...
neuromasts 17 15 NEUROMAST, a sensory...
neuropaths 20 17 NEUROPATH, one who b...
neuropathy 26 19 an affection of the...
neuroplasm 20 19 the protoplasm of a...
neuroptera 17 15 NEUROPTERAN, any of...
neurospora 17 15 any of a genus of as...
neurotoxic 25 22 toxic to the nerves...
neurotoxin 21 20 a nerve poison [n -S...
neutralise 17 13 to render neutral, a...
neutralism 19 16 a position or doctri...
neutralist 18 13 a neutral; one who p...
neutrality 24 15 the state of being n...
neutralize 20 22 to render neutral, a...
neutrettos 16 12 NEUTRETTO, a name su...
neutrophil 22 18 a leukophyte that is...
neverminds 19 20 NEVERMIND, (US) a ma...
newfangled 22 22 excessively or osten...
newfangles 22 21 NEWFANGLE, an excess...
newishness 21 17 the state of being s...
newmarkets 21 21 NEWMARKET, a long, c...
newsagency 28 22 an agency that colle...
newsagents 19 17 NEWSAGENT, one who s...
newsbreaks 22 21 NEWSBREAK, a newswor...
newscaster 22 17 one who reads news [...
newsdealer 19 16 (US) a newsagent [n...
newsgroups 23 20 NEWSGROUP, a group o...
newshounds 21 19 NEWSHOUND, (colloqui...
newsletter 20 15 a small publication...
newsmakers 21 21 NEWSMAKER, a person...
newsmonger 20 20 a person who deals i...
newspapers 23 20 NEWSPAPER, to work o...
newspeople 23 21 people who report th...
newsperson 20 18 a reporter [n NEWSPE...
newsprints 22 18 NEWSPRINT, inexpensi...
newsreader 18 15 a news broadcaster [...
newssheets 21 16 NEWSSHEET, a simple...
newsstands 19 16 NEWSSTAND, a stand f...
newstrades 19 15 NEWSTRADE, the busin...
newsweekly 30 24 a weekly newspaper o...
newsworthy 31 21 interesting enough t...
nextnesses 21 19 NEXTNESS, the state...
niaiseries 16 11 NIAISERIE, (French)...
nialamides 18 16 NIALAMIDE, a synthet...
nibblingly 31 24 NIBBLING [adv]
niccolites 24 18 NICCOLITE, an arseni...
nicenesses 18 15 NICENESS, the qualit...
nickelines 21 20 NICKELINE, (obsolete...
nickelised 22 20 NICKELISE, to plate...
nickelises 22 19 NICKELISE, to plate...
nickelized 25 29 NICKELIZE, to plate...
nickelizes 25 28 NICKELIZE, to plate...
nickelling 24 23 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nicknamers 21 22 NICKNAMER, one who g...
nicknaming 22 25 NICKNAME, to give a...
nickpoints 23 22 NICKPOINT, a break o...
nicksticks 27 25 NICKSTICK, (archaic)...
nickumpoop 26 28 a fool; a silly or s...
nicompoops 24 23 NICOMPOOP, a fool; a...
nicotianas 18 15 NICOTIANA, any plant...
nicotinism 21 18 a morbid state induc...
nicrosilal 22 16 a cast-iron alloy co...
nictations 19 15 NICTATION, the act o...
nictitated 20 15 NICTITATE, to wink o...
nictitates 20 14 NICTITATE, to wink o...
nidamental 17 17 nest-forming [adj]
nidamentum 18 20 an egg-capsule [n NI...
nidderings 18 16 NIDDERING, (Old Engl...
nidderling 19 17 an infamous person;...
niderlings 19 16 NIDERLING, (Old Engl...
nidicolous 21 17 reared in a nest; sh...
nidificate 22 18 to construct a nest...
nidifugous 21 19 leaving the nest soo...
nidulation 17 15 nest-building [n -S]
nifedipine 20 19 a coronary vasodilat...
niffnaffed 24 25 NIFFNAFF, to trifle...
niggarding 20 19 NIGGARD, to act in a...
niggardise 19 16 (archaic) niggardlin...
niggardize 22 25 (archaic) niggardlin...
niggerdoms 20 19 NIGGERDOM, (offensiv...
niggerhead 20 18 a nodule or boss of...
niggerisms 21 18 NIGGERISM, (offensiv...
niggerling 21 19 a little Black perso...
nigglingly 29 22 NIGGLING [adv]
nighnesses 19 16 NIGHNESS, (obsolete)...
nightbirds 24 19 NIGHTBIRD, a bird th...
nightblind 24 21 unable to see in the...
nightclass 25 19 a class at night sch...
nightclubs 28 23 NIGHTCLUB, to visit...
nightdress 21 16 a garment worn at ni...
nightfalls 25 20 NIGHTFALL, the onset...
nightfires 23 18 NIGHTFIRE, a fire bu...
nightgears 21 17 NIGHTGEAR, clothes w...
nightglows 26 21 NIGHTGLOW, an airglo...
nightgowns 24 21 NIGHTGOWN, a gown wo...
nighthawks 27 24 NIGHTHAWK, the Ameri...
nightlifes 24 19 NIGHTLIFE, life that...
nightlives 24 20 NIGHTLIFE, life that...
nightmares 21 18 NIGHTMARE, a bad dre...
nightpiece 25 21 a work of art descri...
nightrider 21 16 a member of a secret...
nightscope 25 21 a device fitted to a...
nightshade 22 18 a name given to vari...
nightshirt 24 17 a nightgown resembli...
nightsides 21 16 NIGHTSIDE, the dark,...
nightspots 23 18 NIGHTSPOT, a nightcl...
nightstand 20 17 a bedside table [n -...
nightstick 26 22 (US) a truncheon [n...
nighttides 21 16 NIGHTTIDE, the time...
nighttimes 22 18 NIGHTTIME, the time...
nightwears 23 18 NIGHTWEAR, clothes w...
nigrescent 20 17 growing black; chang...
nigrifying 28 21 NIGRIFY, to blacken...
nigritudes 19 15 NIGRITUDE, the essen...
nigromancy 27 22 divination using bla...
nigrosines 17 14 NIGROSINE, a blackis...
nihilistic 25 17 relating to nihilism...
nihilities 21 14 NIHILITY, the state...
nilpotents 19 16 NILPOTENT, a quantit...
nimbleness 20 19 the state of being n...
nimblesses 21 18 NIMBLESSE, (Spenser)...
nimblewits 25 21 NIMBLEWIT, an alert...
nincompoop 23 24 a fool; a silly or s...
ninepences 19 19 NINEPENCE, nine penn...
ninescores 18 15 NINESCORE, nine time...
nineteenth 16 15 number nineteen in s...
ninetieths 18 14 NINETIETH, one of ni...
ninhydrins 25 18 NINHYDRIN, a poisono...
nipcheeses 23 19 NIPCHEESE, (slang) a...
nipperkins 22 22 NIPPERKIN, (archaic)...
nipplewort 25 21 a yellow-flowered co...
nisberries 19 14 NISBERRY, an edible...
nitpickers 24 21 NITPICKER, one who m...
nitpickier 24 21 NITPICKY, tending to...
nitpicking 25 24 NITPICK, to fuss ove...
nitramines 17 15 NITRAMINE, a yellow...
nitratines 16 12 NITRATINE, a mineral...
nitrations 16 12 NITRATION, conversio...
nitrazepam 22 26 a hypnotic and tranq...
nitridings 19 15 NITRIDING, conversio...
nitrifiers 20 14 NITRIFIER, an agent...
nitrifying 27 19 NITRIFY, to combine...
nitrofuran 18 16 any of several furan...
nitrometer 17 14 an instrument for me...
nitwittery 27 16 the state of being a...
nobilesses 19 15 NOBILESSE, (Spenser)...
nobilitate 19 15 to ennoble [v NOBILI...
nobilities 20 15 NOBILITY, the social...
noblewoman 21 22 a woman of noble ran...
noblewomen 21 22 NOBLEWOMAN, a woman...
nochelling 24 21 NOCHEL, to repudiate...
nociceptor 24 20 a receptor sensitive...
noctilucae 23 19 NOCTILUCA, (Latin) a...
noctilucas 24 19 NOCTILUCA, (Latin) a...
noctuaries 19 15 NOCTUARY, a diary fo...
nocturnals 20 17 NOCTURNAL, a nocturn...
nodalising 18 16 NODALISE, to form no...
nodalities 17 13 NODALITY, the state...
nodalizing 21 25 NODALIZE, to form no...
nodosities 16 12 NODOSITY, knottiness...
nodulation 16 15 the state of having...
noematical 20 18 of or pertaining to...
noisemaker 17 18 a device for making...
nomadising 18 18 NOMADISE, to lead a...
nomadizing 21 27 NOMADIZE, to lead a...
nomarchies 22 19 NOMARCHY, a province...
nominalise 17 16 to form a noun from,...
nominalism 19 19 the doctrine that na...
nominalist 18 16 one of a sect of phi...
nominalize 20 25 to form a noun from,...
nominately 23 18 NOMINATE [adv]
nominating 17 18 NOMINATE, to name as...
nomination 15 16 the act, process, or...
nominative 18 19 naming the subject [...
nominators 16 15 NOMINATOR, one who n...
nomogenies 16 17 NOMOGENY, natural ra...
nomographs 22 21 NOMOGRAPH, a chart o...
nomography 28 23 a treatise on laws;...
nomologies 18 17 NOMOLOGY, the scienc...
nomologist 19 17 a student of nomolog...
nomothetes 18 16 NOMOTHETE, a lawgive...
nomothetic 22 19 legislative; based o...
nonaccrual 22 20 not causing accrual...
nonactings 19 18 NONACTING, acting th...
nonactions 17 16 NONACTION, not actio...
nonaddicts 19 17 NONADDICT, one who i...
nonadmirer 16 16 one who does not adm...
nonaligned 16 17 not aligned [adj]
nonallelic 21 18 not allelic [adj]
nonanswers 17 16 NONANSWER [n]
nonaquatic 26 25 not living in the wa...
nonaqueous 22 23 not watery [adj]
nonarrival 18 17 a failure to arrival...
nonartists 16 12 NONARTIST, one who i...
nonascetic 21 18 one who is not ascet...
nonaspirin 17 16 not containing aspir...
nonathlete 17 15 one who is not an at...
nonauthors 17 15 NONAUTHOR, one who i...
nonbanking 18 23 not connected with b...
nonbearing 17 18 not taking a load [a...
nonbeliefs 20 19 NONBELIEF, absence o...
nonbetting 18 18 not given to betting...
nonbinding 18 20 not binding e.g. an...
nonbonding 17 20 not bonding [adj]
nonbreeder 16 16 an animal that does...
noncabinet 19 19 denoting one who is...
noncaloric 22 19 free from or very lo...
noncapital 21 19 not capital, lower c...
noncardiac 21 19 not related to the h...
noncarrier 18 15 someone who does not...
noncentral 18 17 not central [adj]
nonchalant 20 19 having an air of eas...
noncitizen 21 25 one who is not a cit...
nonclasses 19 16 NONCLASS, a lack of...
noncollege 20 19 not associated with...
noncolored 18 17 not coloured, also N...
noncolours 19 17 NONCOLOUR, an achrom...
noncomplex 28 29 not complex [adj]
nonconcern 19 20 lack of concern [n -...
nonconcurs 21 20 NONCONCUR, to dissen...
nonconform 20 22 to fail to conform [...
noncontact 20 19 the state of not mak...
noncountry 24 19 a region, administra...
noncurrent 18 17 not current [adj]
nondancers 17 17 NONDANCER, someone w...
nondefence 18 20 not related to defen...
nondefense 15 17 not related to defen...
nondemands 15 18 NONDEMAND, something...
nondeviant 16 18 not deviant [adj]
nondoctors 18 16 NONDOCTOR, someone w...
nondormant 15 17 not dormant [adj]
nondrinker 16 18 one who does not dri...
nondrivers 18 17 NONDRIVER, one who d...
nondurable 18 18 goods that are not d...
nonearning 14 16 not earning [adj]
nonedibles 18 17 NONEDIBLE, something...
nonelastic 19 16 not having elasticit...
nonelected 18 17 not elected [adj]
nonentries 14 13 NONENTRY, the fact o...
nonenzymic 28 30 not enzymic [adj]
nonesuches 20 18 NONESUCH, a person o...
nonethical 21 18 not ethical [adj]
nonethnics 20 18 NONETHNIC, someone n...
nonexempts 24 25 NONEXEMPT, one who i...
nonexperts 23 22 NONEXPERT, one who i...
nonexposed 22 23 not exposed [adj]
nonfactors 20 18 NONFACTOR, something...
nonfactual 21 20 not factual [adj]
nonfaculty 28 22 a position that is n...
nonfarmers 18 18 NONFARMER, someone w...
nonfederal 17 17 not federal [adj]
nonferrous 17 16 not ferrous [adj]
nonfiction 20 19 literature or cinema...
nonfluency 27 23 an absence of fluenc...
nongaseous 15 15 not gaseous [adj]
nongenetic 18 18 not genetic [adj]
nongenital 16 16 not genital [adj]
nongolfers 19 18 NONGOLFER, someone w...
nongrowing 20 20 not growing [adj]
nongrowths 22 19 NONGROWTH, the failu...
nonhistone 16 15 denoting a substance...
nonhostile 18 15 not hostile [adj]
nonhousing 18 18 of a development, no...
nonhunters 17 16 NONHUNTER, one who d...
nonhunting 18 19 not given to hunting...
nonillions 17 15 NONILLION, the 10th...
nonimpacts 22 21 NONIMPACT, a lack of...
noninitial 16 14 not initial [adj]
noninsects 18 16 NONINSECT, a creatur...
noninsured 15 15 not insured [adj]
nonjoinder 16 23 the omission of some...
nonjoiners 16 22 NONJOINER, one who d...
nonkoshers 18 18 NONKOSHER, food that...
nonlawyers 25 18 NONLAWYER, one who i...
nonlegumes 18 19 NONLEGUME, a plant t...
nonlexical 26 24 not lexical [adj]
nonlibrary 25 18 not associated with...
nonliquids 26 24 NONLIQUID, something...
nonliteral 17 14 not literal [adj]
nonlivings 20 20 NONLIVING, something...
nonlogical 21 19 not logical [adj]
nonmarital 17 16 not marital [adj]
nonmarkets 17 19 NONMARKET, something...
nonmedical 20 20 not medical [adj]
nonmeeting 16 18 something that is no...
nonmembers 19 21 NONMEMBER, one who i...
nonmigrant 17 18 a person or animal t...
nonmimetic 21 21 not mimetic [adj]
nonmoderns 15 17 NONMODERN, one who i...
nonmortals 17 16 NONMORTAL, one who i...
nonmusical 21 20 not musical [adj] /...
nonmutants 16 17 NONMUTANT, one who i...
nonnatives 16 17 NONNATIVE, one who i...
nonnatural 15 15 not natural [adj]
nonnetwork 18 20 not included in a ne...
nonnuclear 18 18 not nuclear [adj]
nonobscene 18 19 not obscene [adj]
nonobvious 19 20 that which is not ob...
nonoptimal 19 19 not optimal [adj]
nonorganic 18 18 not organic [adj]
nonpapists 20 18 NONPAPIST, one who i...
nonpareils 18 16 NONPAREIL, a fine va...
nonparents 16 16 NONPARENT, one who i...
nonparties 17 15 NONPARTY, an organis...
nonpassive 19 19 not passive [adj]
nonpayment 23 21 neglect or failure t...
nonpersons 16 16 NONPERSON, someone w...
nonplastic 22 19 something that is no...
nonplayers 24 18 NONPLAYER, one who i...
nonplaying 25 21 not playing [adj]
nonplusing 20 20 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonplussed 19 18 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonplusses 19 17 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonproblem 21 22 something that is no...
nonprofits 20 18 NONPROFIT, something...
nonprogram 19 20 not relating to a pr...
nonprossed 17 16 NONPROS, to enter ju...
nonprosses 17 15 NONPROS, to enter ju...
nonprotein 16 16 not protein [adj]
nonreactor 17 15 someone who does not...
nonreaders 14 13 NONREADER, one who i...
nonreading 15 16 an inability or disi...
nonreceipt 20 18 something that is no...
nonrenewal 17 17 the fact or act of n...
nonrioters 15 12 NONRIOTER, one who i...
nonrioting 16 15 not rioting [adj]
nonroutine 14 14 not routine [adj]
nonrunners 14 15 NONRUNNER, one who i...
nonsalable 18 17 not salable, also NO...
nonscience 20 19 something that is no...
nonsecrets 18 15 NONSECRET, something...
nonseptate 16 15 not having a septum...
nonserials 16 13 NONSERIAL, something...
nonserious 15 13 not serious [adj]
nonsigners 16 15 NONSIGNER, one who d...
nonskaters 16 16 NONSKATER, one who i...
nonskilled 19 19 not skilled [adj]
nonsmokers 17 19 NONSMOKER, one who i...
nonsmoking 18 22 not smoking [adj]
nonsolvent 17 18 not solvent [adj]
nonspatial 18 16 not spatial [adj]
nonspeaker 17 19 someone who does not...
nonstaples 18 16 NONSTAPLE, a nonstap...
nonstarter 15 12 a competitor in a sp...
nonstative 17 16 a verb describing an...
nonsteroid 15 13 a drug that is not a...
nonstories 15 12 NONSTORY, an insigni...
nonstudent 15 15 someone who is not a...
nonsubject 23 28 one who is not a sub...
nonsuccess 22 19 a failure [n -ES]
nonsuiting 17 16 NONSUIT, to dismiss...
nonsupport 20 19 a lack of support [n...
nonswimmer 21 21 someone who does not...
nonsystems 23 17 NONSYSTEM, something...
nontalkers 17 17 NONTALKER, someone w...
nontaxable 23 23 not taxable [adj]
nontenured 14 15 not having tenure [a...
nontheists 18 14 NONTHEIST, one who i...
nonthermal 19 18 not thermal [adj]
nontobacco 22 21 denoting a product n...
nontrivial 19 17 not trivial [adj]
nontypical 28 21 not typical [adj]
nonuniform 18 20 not uniform [adj]
nonutility 24 16 a lack of utility [n...
nonutopian 16 17 not utopian [adj]
nonvectors 20 19 NONVECTOR, something...
nonveteran 15 17 not veteran [adj] /...
nonviewers 20 19 NONVIEWER, someone w...
nonvintage 17 19 not vintage [adj]
nonviolent 17 18 abstaining or free f...
nonvirgins 19 19 NONVIRGIN, someone w...
nonviscous 21 20 not viscous [adj]
nonwinning 18 20 not winning [adj]
nonworkers 19 19 NONWORKER, someone w...
nonworking 20 22 not working [adj]
nonwriters 19 15 NONWRITER, someone w...
noodledoms 17 17 NOODLEDOM, the state...
noogeneses 14 14 NOOGENESIS, evolutio...
noogenesis 15 14 evolution of the min...
noometries 16 14 NOOMETRY, mind-measu...
noospheres 19 16 NOOSPHERE, the sum o...
nootropics 21 17 NOOTROPIC, a nootrop...
normalcies 21 18 NORMALCY, conformity...
normalised 18 16 NORMALISE, to make n...
normaliser 18 15 one who normalises,...
normalises 18 15 NORMALISE, to make n...
normalized 21 25 NORMALIZE, to make n...
normalizer 21 24 one that normalizes,...
normalizes 21 24 NORMALIZE, to make n...
norsellers 18 13 NORSELLER, (obsolete...
norselling 19 16 NORSEL, (obsolete) t...
northbound 20 19 heading north [adj]
northeasts 18 13 NORTHEAST, the direc...
northering 19 16 NORTHER, to veer nor...
northerner 17 14 one born or living i...
northlands 19 16 NORTHLAND, the north...
northwards 22 17 NORTHWARD [n]
northwests 22 16 NORTHWEST, the regio...
nosebanded 16 17 wearing a noseband [...
nosebleeds 18 16 NOSEBLEED, bleeding...
nosediving 19 19 NOSEDIVE, to plunge...
noseguards 17 15 NOSEGUARD, a protect...
nosepieces 20 17 NOSEPIECE, a nozzle;...
nosewheels 21 17 NOSEWHEEL, the singl...
nosinesses 15 12 NOSINESS, the qualit...
nosocomial 20 18 of or relating to a...
nosography 27 20 the description of d...
nosologies 17 14 NOSOLOGY, a classifi...
nosologist 18 14 one versed in nosolo...
nosophobia 21 19 an irrational fear o...
nostalgias 18 14 NOSTALGIA, homesickn...
nostalgics 22 17 NOSTALGIC, one who i...
nostalgist 19 14 one who indulges in...
nostologic 21 17 relating to nostolog...
nostomania 15 15 an overwhelming desi...
nostopathy 26 18 the morbid fear of r...
notability 26 17 a notable or promine...
notaphilic 25 20 relating to notaphil...
notarially 24 15 NOTARIAL, of or pert...
notarising 17 14 NOTARISE, to attest...
notarizing 20 23 NOTARIZE, to attest...
notaryship 27 18 the office of notary...
notational 15 13 relating to notation...
notchbacks 28 26 NOTCHBACK, a car who...
notcheling 23 20 NOTCHEL, to repudiat...
notchelled 23 19 NOTCHEL, to repudiat...
notepapers 19 17 NOTEPAPER, writing p...
noteworthy 27 18 worthy of or attract...
nothingism 21 19 nihility; nothingnes...
noticeable 21 18 that can be noticed...
noticeably 28 20 NOTICEABLE, that can...
notifiable 21 18 of a diseased, requi...
notionally 23 16 NOTIONAL, of the nat...
notionists 16 12 NOTIONIST, one whose...
notochords 21 17 NOTOCHORD, a backbon...
notodontid 15 14 a member of the Noto...
notonectal 18 16 swimming on the back...
notornises 15 12 NOTORNIS, a domestic...
notworking 21 21 as in social notwork...
nougatines 16 15 NOUGATINE, nougat co...
noumenally 24 20 NOUMENAL, of or pert...
nourishers 19 14 NOURISHER, one who n...
nourishing 20 17 NOURISH, to sustain...
nouritures 17 13 NOURITURE, nourishme...
nourriture 17 13 nourishment, nurture...
nouselling 19 17 NOUSELL, to foster,...
novaculite 22 20 a variety of siliceo...
novelettes 18 16 NOVELETTE, a short n...
novelisers 19 16 NOVELISER, one who m...
novelising 20 19 NOVELISE, to put int...
novelistic 23 19 relating to a novel...
novelizers 22 25 NOVELIZER, one who m...
novelizing 23 28 NOVELIZE, to put int...
novenaries 16 16 NOVENARY, a set of n...
novicehood 22 21 the state of being a...
noviceship 26 23 the state of being a...
noviciates 21 18 NOVICIATE, the state...
novitiates 18 15 NOVITIATE, the state...
novobiocin 22 22 an antimicrobial dru...
novocaines 19 19 NOVOCAINE, (tradenam...
nowcasting 23 20 broadcasting events...
nubiferous 21 19 cloud-bringing [adj]
nubigenous 19 19 cloud-born [adj]
nubilities 21 16 NUBILITY, the qualit...
nuciferous 22 19 nut-bearing [adj]
nucivorous 22 20 nut-eating [adj]
nuclearise 20 16 to make nuclear; to...
nuclearize 23 25 to make nuclear; to...
nucleating 21 19 NUCLEATE, to form in...
nucleation 19 17 the act of nucleatin...
nucleators 20 16 NUCLEATOR, a device...
nucleolate 20 17 having a nucleus or...
nucleonics 23 20 nuclear physics, esp...
nucleoside 20 17 a deoxyribose or rib...
nucleosome 20 19 a repeating unit of...
nucleotide 20 17 a nucleoside with a...
nudenesses 15 14 NUDENESS, nudity [n]
nudibranch 24 22 a member of the Nudi...
nuggetting 20 19 NUGGET, to polish sh...
nuisancers 19 16 NUISANCER, one who m...
nullifiers 22 17 NULLIFIER, one who n...
nullifying 29 22 NULLIFY, to make use...
nulliparae 20 17 NULLIPARA, (Latin) a...
nulliparas 21 17 NULLIPARA, (Latin) a...
nullipores 21 17 NULLIPORE, (Latin) a...
nullnesses 18 15 NULLNESS, nothingnes...
numberable 22 22 that can be numbered...
numberings 21 21 NUMBERING, the act o...
numberless 21 19 without number, coun...
numbfishes 25 23 NUMBFISH, the torped...
numbnesses 19 19 NUMBNESS, the state...
numbnutses 20 20 NUMBNUTS, an idiot [...
numbskulls 25 25 NUMBSKULL, a stupid...
numeracies 20 18 NUMERACY, the state...
numeraires 17 15 NUMERAIRE, (French)...
numerating 18 18 NUMERATE, to compute...
numeration 16 16 the act of counting...
numerative 19 19 relating to numerati...
numerators 17 15 NUMERATOR, one who n...
numerology 25 20 the study of the occ...
numerosity 24 17 the state of being n...
numerously 25 19 NUMEROUS, many [adv]
numinouses 17 17 NUMINOUS, something...
numismatic 23 21 relating to numismat...
nummulated 20 21 coin-shaped [adj]
nummulites 21 20 NUMMULITE, a fossil...
nummulitic 25 23 of, like, composed o...
numskulled 22 23 stupid; doltish, als...
nunciature 19 17 the office of a nunc...
nuncupated 21 21 NUNCUPATE, to utter...
nuncupates 21 20 NUNCUPATE, to utter...
nunnations 14 15 NUNNATION, the addit...
nuptiality 27 18 nuptial character or...
nursehound 18 17 a kind of shark [n -...
nurselings 19 16 NURSELING, an infant...
nursemaids 18 16 NURSEMAID, to look a...
nurseryman 23 18 one whose occupation...
nurserymen 23 18 NURSERYMAN, one whos...
nurturable 20 17 that can be nurtured...
nurturance 19 17 nurture [n -S]
nutational 16 14 relating to nutation...
nutbutters 20 16 NUTBUTTER, a butter...
nutcracker 24 22 a bird of the crow f...
nutgrasses 18 14 NUTGRASS, any of var...
nuthatches 24 19 NUTHATCH, any of var...
nutjobbers 23 27 NUTJOBBER, the nutha...
nutmeggier 20 19 NUTMEGGY, full of or...
nutmegging 21 22 NUTMEG, in football,...
nutpeckers 23 22 NUTPECKER, the nutha...
nutriments 18 16 NUTRIMENT, anything...
nutritions 17 13 NUTRITION, the act o...
nutritious 18 13 giving nourishment [...
nutritives 20 16 NUTRITIVE, a substan...
nyctalopes 28 20 NYCTALOPS, (Greek) o...
nyctalopia 28 20 reduced visual capac...
nyctalopic 32 23 suffering from nycta...
nyctinasty 32 19 sleep-movement in pl...
nymphaeums 29 25 NYMPHAEUM, a temple...
nymphalids 30 23 NYMPHALID, any butte...
nymphettes 28 21 NYMPHETTE, a sexuall...
nympholept 31 25 one in state of nymp...
nystagmoid 25 19 relating to nystagmu...