10 letter words that starts with m

10 letter words that start with M

10 letter M word


Word With Friends


macadamias 21 20 MACADAMIA, a kind of...
macadamise 21 20 to cover a road with...
macadamize 24 29 to cover a road with...
macarising 22 19 MACARISE, to declare...
macarizing 25 28 MACARIZE, to declare...
macaronics 23 20 MACARONIC, a verse o...
macaronies 19 17 MACARONI, a tubular...
maccaronis 23 20 MACCARONI, (Italian)...
macchiatos 26 21 MACCHIATO, (Italian)...
macebearer 21 19 one who carries a ma...
macedoines 19 18 MACEDOINE, (French)...
maceraters 20 16 MACERATER, one who m...
macerating 21 19 MACERATE, to soften...
maceration 19 17 the act of maceratin...
macerative 22 20 tending to macerate...
macerators 20 16 MACERATOR, a person...
machinable 25 23 that can be machined...
machinated 22 20 MACHINATE, to plan;...
machinates 22 19 MACHINATE, to plan;...
machinator 22 19 one who machinates;...
machinegun 23 23 an automatic rapid-f...
machineman 22 23 a person who oversee...
machinemen 22 23 MACHINEMAN, a person...
machinimas 24 22 MACHINIMA, the use o...
machinings 24 22 MACHINING [n]
machinists 24 19 MACHINIST, a person...
machmeters 24 21 MACHMETER, an instru...
mackintosh 24 23 a waterproof raincoa...
maconochie 24 22 army tinned stew [n...
macrobiota 22 19 the larger organisms...
macrobiote 22 19 a long-lived organis...
macrocarpa 25 22 an evergreen conifer...
macrocodes 23 20 MACROCODE, a macro i...
macrocosms 25 22 MACROCOSM, a large a...
macrocycle 34 25 a macrocyclic organi...
macrocysts 31 21 MACROCYST, an unusua...
macrocytes 30 21 MACROCYTE, an abnorm...
macrocytic 34 24 relating to a macroc...
macrodomes 21 20 MACRODOME, a dome pa...
macrofauna 21 21 animals visible to t...
macroflora 23 20 plants visible to th...
macroglias 23 19 MACROGLIA, one of th...
macrograph 26 23 a photograph, drawin...
macrolides 22 18 MACROLIDE, any of a...
macromeres 21 19 MACROMERE, a large b...
macromoles 22 20 MACROMOLE, in chemis...
macrophage 25 23 any of the large pha...
macrophyla 32 24 MACROPHYLUM, a large...
macrophyte 31 23 a macroscopic plant...
macroprism 25 22 in crystallography,...
macropsias 23 19 MACROPSIA, a conditi...
macroscale 24 20 a large often macros...
macrospore 22 19 a spore giving rise...
macrozamia 24 28 a plant of genus Mac...
mactations 20 17 MACTATION, the killi...
maculating 23 21 MACULATE, to spot or...
maculation 21 19 being covered in spo...
maculature 22 19 blotting paper [n -S...
madbrained 19 19 (Shakespeare) hot-he...
madeleines 17 16 MADELEINE, (French)...
maderising 19 17 MADERISE, to become...
maderizing 22 26 MADERIZE, to become...
madonnaish 18 18 like a madonna [adj]
madrassahs 20 16 MADRASSAH, (Arabic)...
madreporal 20 18 relating to madrepor...
madrepores 19 17 MADREPORE, a coral o...
madreporic 23 20 relating to madrepor...
madrilenes 18 16 MADRILENE, (French)...
maelstroms 20 17 MAELSTROM, (Dutch) a...
maenadisms 18 18 MAENADISM, the state...
maffickers 27 26 MAFFICKER, one who m...
mafficking 28 29 boisterous rejoicing...
magalogues 20 19 MAGALOGUE, a large m...
magazinist 22 25 one who edits or wri...
magdalenes 18 18 MAGDALENE, a reforme...
maggotiest 20 17 MAGGOTY, full of mag...
maggotoria 19 17 MAGGOTORIUM, a place...
magianisms 20 19 MAGIANISM, the teach...
magistracy 29 20 the office or dignit...
magistrals 21 16 MAGISTRAL, (obsolete...
magistrand 19 17 a university student...
magistrate 19 15 an official entruste...
magmatisms 22 21 MAGMATISM, the produ...
magnaliums 21 21 MAGNALIUM, an alloy...
magnesites 18 16 MAGNESITE, native ma...
magnesiums 20 20 MAGNESIUM, a bright...
magnetical 22 20 pertaining to the ma...
magnetised 18 17 MAGNETISE, to make m...
magnetiser 18 16 something that magne...
magnetises 18 16 MAGNETISE, to make m...
magnetisms 20 19 MAGNETISM, the state...
magnetists 19 16 MAGNETIST, an expert...
magnetites 18 16 MAGNETITE, magnetic...
magnetitic 22 19 of or like magnetite...
magnetized 21 26 MAGNETIZE, to make m...
magnetizer 21 25 something that magne...
magnetizes 21 25 MAGNETIZE, to make m...
magnetrons 17 17 MAGNETRON, a vacuum...
magnifical 25 23 (archaic) magnificen...
magnificat 24 22 a canticle in praise...
magnificos 24 22 MAGNIFICO, (Italian)...
magnifiers 21 19 MAGNIFIER, something...
magnifying 28 24 MAGNIFY, to increase...
magnitudes 19 18 MAGNITUDE, size, ext...
maharajahs 23 26 MAHARAJAH, (Sanskrit...
maharanees 17 16 MAHARANEE, (Sanskrit...
maharishis 23 17 MAHARISHI, (Sanskrit...
mahatmaism 22 21 the state of being a...
mahlsticks 27 23 MAHLSTICK, (Dutch) a...
mahoganies 19 18 MAHOGANY, any of var...
maiasauras 17 14 MAIASAURA, a species...
maidenhair 19 17 a fern of the genus...
maidenhead 18 18 virginity; hymen [n...
maidenhood 18 18 the state of being a...
maidenlike 19 20 like a maiden; modes...
maidenweed 19 19 another name for may...
maieutical 22 18 of or relating to th...
mailmerged 21 20 MAILMERGE, to carry...
mailmerges 21 19 MAILMERGE, a merge o...
maimedness 18 18 the state of being m...
mainbraces 22 20 MAINBRACE, the brace...
mainframes 20 20 MAINFRAME, a large c...
mainlander 17 17 one who lives on the...
mainliners 18 16 MAINLINER, one who t...
mainlining 19 19 the act of injecting...
mainpernor 18 18 one who gives mainpr...
mainprised 20 18 MAINPRISE, (historic...
mainprises 20 17 MAINPRISE [n]
mainsheets 19 16 MAINSHEET, a rope by...
mainspring 21 20 the chief spring in...
mainstream 18 17 to place (as a disab...
maintained 16 16 MAINTAIN, to keep in...
maintainer 16 15 one who maintains [n...
maisonette 16 14 (French) a part of a...
maistering 19 16 MAISTER, (Scots) to...
maistrings 20 16 MAISTRING, (obsolete...
majestical 24 26 having majesty, also...
majordomos 20 26 MAJORDOMO, an offici...
majorettes 19 22 MAJORETTE, a member...
majorities 20 22 MAJORITY, the greate...
majorships 25 27 MAJORSHIP, the rank...
majuscular 25 28 of letters, capital...
majuscules 25 28 MAJUSCULE, a capital...
makeshifts 24 22 MAKESHIFT, something...
makeweight 25 24 a small quantity add...
makunouchi 24 25 (Japanese) the highe...
malachites 24 19 MALACHITE, native hy...
malacology 29 22 the study of mollusc...
maladapted 20 19 not well adapted [ad...
maladdress 19 16 awkwardness, social...
maladroits 19 15 MALADROIT, one who i...
malaguenas 18 18 MALAGUENA, (Spanish)...
malaguetta 19 17 grains of Paradise,...
malapertly 28 20 MALAPERT, (archaic)...
malapropos 22 20 inappropriate or ino...
malathions 20 17 MALATHION, (tradenam...
malaxating 25 24 MALAXATE, to soften...
malaxation 23 22 a kneading movement...
malaxators 24 21 MALAXATOR, one who,...
malcontent 20 19 a discontented perso...
maledicent 21 19 cursing [adj]
maledicted 22 19 MALEDICT, (archaic)...
malefactor 23 20 an evildoer, a crimi...
maleffects 26 23 MALEFFECT, an advers...
maleficent 23 21 (archaic) hurtful, a...
maleficial 25 21 (archaic) injurious,...
malenesses 17 15 MALENESS, the qualit...
malengines 18 18 MALENGINE, (Spenser)...
malentendu 17 18 (French) a misunders...
malevolent 20 20 wishing evil [adj MA...
malfeasant 19 18 one who does wrong [...
malignance 21 21 the state of being m...
malignancy 28 23 the state of being m...
malignants 19 18 MALIGNANT, a support...
malignment 20 21 a malign act [n -S]
malingered 19 18 MALINGER, to feign i...
malingerer 19 17 one who malingers [n...
mallanders 19 17 MALLANDER, an erupti...
malleating 20 18 MALLEATE, to hammer;...
malleation 18 16 hammering; a hammer-...
malleiform 23 21 shaped like a hammer...
mallemucks 26 26 MALLEMUCK, (Dutch) t...
mallenders 19 17 MALLENDER, an erupti...
mallowpuff 30 28 in New Zealand, a wh...
malmstones 19 18 MALMSTONE, calcareou...
malodorous 18 16 having a bad odor [a...
malolactic 26 21 relating to the conv...
malpighias 25 21 MALPIGHIA, the Barba...
maltalents 19 16 MALTALENT, (Spenser)...
maltreated 18 15 MALTREAT, to treat b...
maltreater 18 14 one who maltreats [n...
malvaceous 23 22 pertaining to the ma...
malvoisies 21 18 MALVOISIE, (French)...
mamaguying 27 24 MAMAGUY, (Caribbean)...
mamillated 21 19 with nipple-like pro...
mammalians 20 21 MAMMALIAN, a mammal...
mammectomy 30 27 the surgical removal...
mammetries 20 19 MAMMETRY, idolatry,...
mammillary 29 23 of or pertaining to...
mammillate 22 21 with nipple-like pro...
mammitides 21 20 MAMMITIS, inflammati...
mammocking 25 29 MAMMOCK, (Shakespear...
mammogenic 23 25 promoting the growth...
mammograms 22 24 MAMMOGRAM, an X-ray...
mammograph 25 26 an X-ray of the brea...
mammonisms 21 23 MAMMONISM, the greed...
mammonists 20 20 MAMMONIST, one devot...
mammonites 19 20 MAMMONITE, one devot...
manageable 19 20 that can be managed...
manageably 26 22 MANAGEABLE, that can...
management 17 20 the act of managing...
manageress 17 16 a female manager [n...
managerial 18 17 relating to a manage...
manchester 22 19 household linen or c...
manchineel 22 21 (Spanish) a tropical...
mancipated 22 21 MANCIPATE, to enslav...
mancipates 22 20 MANCIPATE, to enslav...
mandamused 18 20 MANDAMUS, to command...
mandamuses 18 19 MANDAMUS, to command...
mandarines 16 16 MANDARINE, a small o...
mandarinic 20 19 appropriate or pecul...
mandibular 21 20 of or pertaining to...
mandilions 18 17 MANDILION, a loose o...
mandioccas 23 21 MANDIOCCA, (Tupi) a...
mandolines 17 17 MANDOLINE, a musical...
mandragora 17 17 (Shakespeare) any of...
manducable 23 23 edible or soft enoug...
manducated 20 20 MANDUCATE, to chew o...
manducates 20 19 MANDUCATE, to chew o...
mandylions 24 19 MANDYLION, a loose o...
maneuvered 18 20 MANEUVER, to perform...
maneuverer 18 19 one who maneuvers, a...
manfulness 20 20 the state of being m...
mangabeira 19 19 (Portuguese) a Brazi...
manganates 16 17 MANGANATE, a salt of...
manganeses 16 17 MANGANESE, a hard gr...
manganites 17 17 MANGANITE, an oxide...
mangemange 18 22 a climbing fern of t...
mangetouts 18 17 MANGETOUT, (French)...
mangostans 17 17 MANGOSTAN, (Malay) a...
mangosteen 16 17 (Malay) a tree of th...
mangoustes 18 17 MANGOUSTE, (French)...
mangulated 19 19 MANGULATE, (Australi...
mangulates 19 18 MANGULATE, (Australi...
manhandled 19 20 MANHANDLE, to move b...
manhandles 19 19 MANHANDLE, to move b...
manhattans 18 17 MANHATTAN, a kind of...
manhunters 19 18 MANHUNTER, one who t...
maniacally 28 21 MANIACAL, relating t...
manicottis 21 17 MANICOTTI, (Italian)...
manicuring 22 21 MANICURE, to have th...
manicurist 22 18 a person who gives m...
manifested 19 18 MANIFEST, to show cl...
manifester 19 17 one who makes manife...
manifestly 27 20 MANIFEST, clear, obv...
manifestos 19 17 MANIFESTO, a written...
manifolded 20 20 MANIFOLD, to make ma...
manifolder 20 19 one who makes manifo...
manifoldly 28 22 MANIFOLD, many in nu...
manipulars 21 19 MANIPULAR, a soldier...
manipulate 20 19 to work with the han...
mannequins 24 26 MANNEQUIN, a dummy f...
mannerisms 18 18 MANNERISM, a marked...
mannerists 17 15 MANNERIST, one addic...
mannerless 17 16 without manners [adj...
manoeuvred 18 20 MANOEUVRE, to conduc...
manoeuvrer 18 19 one who manoeuvres,...
manoeuvres 18 19 MANOEUVRE, to conduc...
manometers 17 17 MANOMETER, an instru...
manometric 21 20 relating to manometr...
manscaping 23 23 the act of trimming...
manservant 18 19 a male servant [n ME...
mansionary 22 17 residence, buildings...
manslayers 24 17 MANSLAYER, a person...
mansonries 16 15 MANSONRY, (Shakespea...
mansuetude 17 17 the state of being g...
manteltree 17 15 the lintel of a fire...
mantically 29 21 MANTIC, having power...
manticoras 20 17 MANTICORA, a mythica...
manticores 20 17 MANTICORE, a mythica...
mantletree 17 15 a beam made of stone...
mantyhoses 25 18 MANTYHOSE, a one-pie...
manubriums 22 22 MANUBRIUM, any handl...
manumitted 19 19 MANUMIT, to free fro...
manumitter 19 18 one who manumits, re...
manurances 19 19 MANURANCE, (archaic)...
manuscript 24 21 a written or typewri...
manzanilla 21 26 (Spanish) a very dry...
manzanitas 19 24 MANZANITA, (Spanish)...
mapmakings 23 26 MAPMAKING, the proce...
mappemonds 22 24 MAPPEMOND, a map of...
maquillage 29 27 (French) makeup [n -...
maquisards 27 24 MAQUISARD, a member...
marabuntas 19 18 MARABUNTA, in the Ca...
maranathas 18 16 MARANATHA, a curse o...
maraschino 22 19 a sweet liqueur dist...
marasmuses 19 17 MARASMUS, a wasting...
marathoner 18 16 one who takes part i...
maraudings 19 18 MARAUDING, the act o...
marbelised 21 18 MARBELISE, to stain...
marbelises 21 17 MARBELISE, to stain...
marbelized 24 27 MARBELIZE, to stain...
marbelizes 24 26 MARBELIZE, to stain...
marbleised 21 18 MARBLEISE, to stain...
marbleises 21 17 MARBLEISE, to stain...
marbleized 24 27 MARBLEIZE, to stain...
marbleizes 24 26 MARBLEIZE, to stain...
marblewood 23 21 a Malaysian tree; th...
marcantant 19 18 (Shakespeare) a merc...
marcasites 21 16 MARCASITE, sulphide...
marcellers 23 18 MARCELLER, one who m...
marcelling 24 21 MARCEL, to make a de...
marcescent 23 20 withering without fa...
marchantia 22 19 a liverwort of the M...
marchlands 24 21 MARCHLAND, a borderl...
marchpanes 24 22 MARCHPANE, (Italian)...
marconiing 21 20 MARCONI, to communic...
mareschals 24 19 MARESCHAL, (archaic)...
margarines 18 16 MARGARINE, a butterl...
margaritas 19 15 MARGARITA, (Spanish)...
margarites 19 15 MARGARITE, a pearl [...
margaritic 23 18 pearl-like, also MAR...
margenting 19 19 MARGENT, to provide...
margherita 21 17 a variety of pizza t...
marginalia 19 17 marginal notes [n]
marginally 27 20 MARGINAL [adv]
marginated 18 17 MARGINATE, to provid...
marginates 18 16 MARGINATE, to provid...
margravate 20 19 the jurisdiction or...
margravial 22 20 relating to a margra...
margravine 20 20 a margrave's wife or...
marguerita 19 16 a mixed drink consis...
marguerite 19 16 the oxeye daisy or o...
marialites 19 14 MARIALITE, a mineral...
marigraphs 24 20 MARIGRAPH, an instru...
marihuanas 19 17 MARIHUANA, (Spanish)...
marijuanas 19 24 MARIJUANA, (Spanish)...
marimbists 23 19 MARIMBIST, one who p...
marinading 18 18 MARINADE, to soak in...
marinating 18 17 MARINATE, to soak in...
marination 16 15 the act of marinatin...
marionette 16 14 (French) a puppet mo...
marischals 25 19 MARISCHAL, to marsha...
markedness 18 19 the state of being m...
marketable 21 21 that can be marketed...
marketably 28 23 MARKETABLE, that can...
marketeers 18 17 MARKETEER, one who m...
marketings 20 20 MARKETING, the busin...
marketised 19 18 MARKETISE, to adopt...
marketises 19 17 MARKETISE, to adopt...
marketized 22 27 MARKETIZE, to adopt...
marketizes 22 26 MARKETIZE, to adopt...
markswoman 22 24 a woman skilled in s...
markswomen 22 24 MARKSWOMAN, a woman...
marlacious 22 18 containing marl [adj...
marlstones 18 15 MARLSTONE, a sandy c...
marmalades 19 18 MARMALADE, a jam or...
marmalised 20 18 MARMALISE, (slang) t...
marmalises 20 17 MARMALISE, (slang) t...
marmalized 23 27 MARMALIZE, (slang) t...
marmalizes 23 26 MARMALIZE, (slang) t...
marmarised 19 17 MARMARISE, to conver...
marmarises 19 16 MARMARISE, to conver...
marmarized 22 26 MARMARIZE, to conver...
marmarizes 22 25 MARMARIZE, to conver...
marmaroses 18 16 MARMAROSIS, the conv...
marmarosis 19 16 the conversion of li...
marmelised 20 18 MARMELISE, (slang) t...
marmelises 20 17 MARMELISE, (slang) t...
marmelized 23 27 MARMELIZE, (slang) t...
marmelizes 23 26 MARMELIZE, (slang) t...
maroonings 17 17 MAROONING, the act o...
marprelate 20 17 to inveigh after the...
marquesses 26 23 MARQUESS, a British...
marquisate 26 23 the rank of a marqui...
marrowbone 21 20 a bone containing ma...
marrowfats 23 19 MARROWFAT, a rich bu...
marrowless 22 17 destitute of marrow...
marseilles 20 15 MARSEILLE, (French)...
marshalers 21 16 MARSHALER, one who m...
marshaling 22 19 MARSHAL, to put in p...
marshalled 22 18 MARSHALL, to put in...
marshaller 22 17 one who marshals, al...
marshbucks 28 26 MARSHBUCK, an antelo...
marshelder 21 17 a herbaceous, oily,...
marshiness 20 16 the state of being m...
marshlands 21 18 MARSHLAND, low poorl...
marshlocks 26 23 a marsh-growing spec...
marshworts 24 18 MARSHWORT, a small u...
marsquakes 27 27 MARSQUAKE, a violent...
marsupials 22 18 MARSUPIAL, a pouched...
marsupians 20 18 MARSUPIAN, a pouched...
marsupiums 23 21 MARSUPIUM, the pouch...
martellato 19 15 (Italian) (in string...
martelling 21 18 MARTEL, (Spenser) to...
martensite 17 14 the chief constituen...
martialism 21 17 the quality of being...
martialist 20 14 a warrior [n -S]
martingale 19 17 a strap from the rei...
martingals 20 17 MARTINGAL, a strap f...
martyrdoms 26 19 MARTYRDOM, the state...
martyrised 25 16 MARTYRISE, to cause...
martyrises 25 15 MARTYRISE, to cause...
martyrized 28 25 MARTYRIZE, to offer...
martyrizes 28 24 MARTYRIZE, to offer...
marvelling 23 22 MARVEL, to be filled...
marvellous 22 20 astonishing, very pl...
mascaraing 21 19 MASCARA, to apply ma...
mascarpone 21 20 (Italian) an Italian...
masculines 22 19 MASCULINE, the male...
masculists 24 18 MASCULIST, an advoca...
mashgichim 29 25 MASHGIACH, (Hebrew)...
maskalonge 19 21 a North American fre...
maskanonge 17 21 a North American fre...
maskinonge 18 21 a North American fre...
maskirovka 22 25 (Russian) use of dec...
masochisms 25 21 MASOCHISM, the deriv...
masochists 24 18 MASOCHIST, one who d...
masquerade 25 24 an assembly of peopl...
massacrers 21 16 MASSACRER, one who m...
massacring 22 19 MASSACRE, to slaught...
massagists 20 15 MASSAGIST, a masseur...
massasauga 18 16 a kind of rattlesnak...
masseteric 21 16 of or pertaining to...
masspriest 21 16 a priest retained in...
massymores 25 18 MASSYMORE, (Scott) a...
mastectomy 28 21 the surgical excisio...
masterates 17 13 MASTERATE, the statu...
masterdoms 19 17 MASTERDOM, dominion;...
masterhood 19 16 the state of being a...
masterings 19 16 MASTERING, the act o...
masterless 19 14 destitute of a maste...
mastermind 19 18 a mind, or a person...
mastership 23 18 the state or office...
masterwork 22 20 a masterpiece [n -S]
masterwort 21 16 a plant related to t...
mastheaded 19 17 MASTHEAD, to raise t...
masthouses 20 16 MASTHOUSE, a buildin...
masticable 24 20 capable of being mas...
masticated 21 17 MASTICATE, to chew;...
masticates 21 16 MASTICATE, to chew;...
masticator 21 16 one who masticates [...
mastitides 19 14 MASTITIS, inflammati...
mastitises 19 13 MASTITIS, inflammati...
mastodonic 20 18 of or like a mastodo...
mastodonts 17 15 MASTODONT, a large e...
mastodynia 23 17 pain in the breasts...
masturbate 20 17 to practice masturba...
matachinas 22 19 MATACHINA, a female...
matagouris 19 16 MATAGOURI, (Maori) a...
matchboard 25 22 one of a number of b...
matchbooks 26 25 MATCHBOOK, a book of...
matchboxes 31 28 MATCHBOX, a small bo...
matchlocks 29 26 MATCHLOCK, an early...
matchmaker 25 25 one that arranges a...
matchmakes 25 25 MATCHMAKE, to bring...
matchmarks 26 25 MATCHMARK [n]
matchplays 33 24 MATCHPLAY, scoring i...
matchstick 29 25 a slender piece esp....
matchwoods 26 22 MATCHWOOD, wood suit...
matelasses 18 14 MATELASSE, a jacquar...
matellasse 19 15 (French) having a ra...
matelottes 18 14 MATELOTTE, (French)...
materially 26 17 MATERIAL, relevant [...
maternally 25 18 MATERNAL, pertaining...
matfellons 21 19 MATFELLON, the great...
matgrasses 19 15 MATGRASS, a rushlike...
mathematic 24 21 related to mathemati...
matinesses 17 14 MATINESS, friendline...
matriarchs 24 18 MATRIARCH, a woman w...
matriarchy 30 20 government by women...
matricidal 23 18 relating to matricid...
matricides 22 17 MATRICIDE, the killi...
matricular 23 18 relating to a regist...
matriculas 23 18 MATRICULA, (Latin) a...
matrifocal 24 20 in anthropology, foc...
matrilocal 23 18 of a form of marriag...
matrioshka 21 19 a Russian doll, also...
matrioshki 22 19 MATRIOSHKA, a Russia...
matrocliny 28 20 the inheritance of t...
matronages 17 16 MATRONAGE, the state...
matronhood 18 17 the state of being a...
matronised 17 15 MATRONISE, to make a...
matronises 17 14 MATRONISE, to make a...
matronized 20 24 MATRONIZE, to make a...
matronizes 20 23 MATRONIZE, to make a...
matronship 22 19 the state of being a...
matronymic 28 22 derived from the nam...
matroyshka 27 21 (Russian) a hollow w...
matryoshka 27 21 (Russian) a hollow w...
matryoshki 28 21 MATRYOSHKA, (Russian...
matsutakes 19 18 MATSUTAKE, (Japanese...
mattamores 18 16 MATTAMORE, a subterr...
matterless 19 14 not being, or having...
mattifying 28 21 MATTIFY [v]
mattrasses 18 13 MATTRASS, a long-nec...
mattresses 18 13 MATTRESS, a large pa...
maturating 19 17 MATURATE, to develop...
maturation 17 15 the process of bring...
maturative 20 18 conducing to ripenes...
matureness 17 15 the state of being m...
maturities 19 14 MATURITY, the state...
maudlinism 21 20 tearful sentimentali...
maulsticks 25 22 MAULSTICK, (Dutch) a...
maumetries 19 17 MAUMETRY, the religi...
maunderers 17 16 MAUNDERER, one who m...
maundering 18 19 grumbling, rambling...
mausoleums 20 19 MAUSOLEUM, a large,...
mavericked 24 25 MAVERICK, to seize w...
mavourneen 17 20 (Irish) my dear one,...
mavournins 19 20 MAVOURNIN, (Irish) m...
mawmetries 22 19 MAWMETRY, the religi...
maxilliped 29 26 one of the mouth app...
maxillulae 27 24 MAXILLULA, in crusta...
maximalist 27 24 a revolutionary, a B...
maximation 24 24 the act of maximisin...
maximisers 26 23 MAXIMISER, one who m...
maximising 27 26 MAXIMISE, to make as...
maximizers 29 32 MAXIMIZER, one who m...
maximizing 30 35 MAXIMIZE, to make as...
mayflowers 30 22 MAYFLOWER, in Englan...
mayonnaise 21 17 (French) a thick sau...
mayoresses 23 15 MAYORESS, a female m...
mayorships 29 20 MAYORSHIP, the offic...
mazarinade 19 24 (historical) a satir...
mazinesses 20 23 MAZINESS, the qualit...
meadowland 20 20 land that is or is u...
meadowlark 22 22 any of several Ameri...
meagerness 17 16 the state of being m...
meagreness 17 16 the state of being m...
meanderers 16 15 MEANDERER, one who m...
meandering 17 18 MEANDER, to wander [...
meaningful 21 22 having a meaning or...
meannesses 15 15 MEANNESS, the state...
meanwhiles 23 20 MEANWHILE, a period...
measliness 18 15 the state of being m...
measurable 20 18 that can be measured...
measurably 27 20 MEASURABLE, that can...
measuredly 25 18 MEASURED [adv]
measurings 19 17 MEASURING, the act o...
meatloaves 19 18 MEATLOAF, a baked lo...
meatpacker 23 23 (US) a person or com...
meatscreen 19 17 a metal screen behin...
meatspaces 22 19 MEATSPACE, real phys...
mechanical 26 23 relating to machines...
mechanised 22 20 MECHANISE, to make m...
mechaniser 22 19 one who mechanises,...
mechanises 22 19 MECHANISE, to make m...
mechanisms 24 22 MECHANISM, the belie...
mechanists 23 19 MECHANIST, an adhere...
mechanized 25 29 MECHANIZE, to make m...
mechanizer 25 28 one who mechanizes,...
mechanizes 25 28 MECHANIZE, to make m...
meclizines 25 27 MECLIZINE, a drug us...
meconopses 21 20 MECONOPSIS, a plant...
meconopsis 22 20 a plant of the Mecon...
medaillons 19 17 MEDAILLON, (French)...
medallions 19 17 MEDALLION, to orname...
medallists 21 16 MEDALLIST, one who w...
medalplays 28 21 MEDALPLAY, a scoring...
meddlesome 19 19 given to meddling [a...
meddlingly 28 22 MEDDLING, interferin...
medevacing 23 24 MEDEVAC, to evacuate...
medevacked 23 26 MEDEVAC, to evacuate...
mediaevals 20 19 MEDIAEVAL, a person...
mediagenic 21 20 able to present a go...
mediastina 17 15 MEDIASTINUM, the che...
mediations 17 15 MEDIATION, the act o...
mediatised 18 15 MEDIATISE, to cause...
mediatises 18 14 MEDIATISE, to cause...
mediatized 21 24 MEDIATIZE, to cause...
mediatizes 21 23 MEDIATIZE, to cause...
mediatress 18 14 (archaic) a female m...
medicalise 22 18 to consider or treat...
medicalize 25 27 to consider or treat...
medicament 21 21 an externally applie...
medicaster 21 17 (archaic) a medical...
medicating 22 20 MEDICATE, to treat w...
medication 20 18 the act of medicatin...
medicative 23 21 medicinal; acting li...
medicinals 22 19 MEDICINAL, a medicin...
mediciners 21 18 MEDICINER, (archaic)...
medicining 22 21 MEDICINE, to treat w...
medievally 28 22 MEDIEVAL, belonging...
mediocracy 30 22 government by the me...
mediocrity 28 19 the state of being m...
meditating 19 17 MEDITATE, to conside...
meditation 17 15 a discourse intended...
meditative 20 18 marked by or conduci...
meditators 18 14 MEDITATOR, one who m...
mediumship 25 23 being a medium [n -S...
medivacing 24 24 MEDIVAC, to evacuate...
medivacked 24 26 MEDIVAC, to evacuate...
medressehs 20 16 MEDRESSEH, (Arabic)...
medullated 20 18 having medullae, als...
medusiform 22 21 resembling a jellyfi...
meeknesses 17 18 MEEKNESS, the qualit...
meerschaum 24 22 (German) hydrated ma...
meetnesses 16 14 MEETNESS, suitabilit...
mefloquine 28 28 an antimalarial drug...
megachurch 30 26 a church, usually Pr...
megacities 22 18 MEGACITY, a very lar...
megacuries 22 19 MEGACURIE, a unit of...
megacycles 32 24 MEGACYCLE, a million...
megadeaths 20 18 MEGADEATH, a million...
megafarads 20 19 MEGAFARAD, a measure...
megafaunae 18 20 MEGAFAUNA, the large...
megafaunal 20 21 relating to megafaun...
megafaunas 19 20 MEGAFAUNA, the large...
megaflorae 20 19 MEGAFLORA, large pla...
megafloras 21 19 MEGAFLORA, large pla...
megagamete 19 20 the larger and usual...
megajoules 21 26 MEGAJOULE, a million...
megalithic 26 21 relating to a megali...
megalitres 20 16 MEGALITRE, one milli...
megalodons 18 18 MEGALODON, an extinc...
megalopses 21 19 MEGALOPS, a larval s...
megalosaur 19 17 a large dinosaur, al...
meganewton 19 20 a measure of gravity...
megaparsec 23 21 a measure of astrono...
megaphoned 21 22 MEGAPHONE, to magnif...
megaphones 21 21 MEGAPHONE, to magnif...
megaphonic 25 24 relating to a megaph...
megaphylls 32 24 MEGAPHYLL, a relativ...
megapixels 28 26 MEGAPIXEL, one milli...
megaplexes 27 26 MEGAPLEX, a large bu...
megaquakes 27 29 MEGAQUAKE, a very la...
megascopes 23 21 MEGASCOPE, an instru...
megascopic 27 24 visible to the naked...
megaspores 20 18 MEGASPORE, the large...
megasporic 24 21 of or like a megaspo...
megastores 18 15 MEGASTORE, a large s...
megastorms 20 18 MEGASTORM, a very la...
megatheres 20 17 MEGATHERE, any of va...
megathrust 22 18 as in megathrust ear...
meiofaunae 17 18 MEIOFAUNA, animals l...
meiofaunal 19 19 relating to the meio...
meiofaunas 18 18 MEIOFAUNA, animals l...
meiospores 19 16 MEIOSPORE, a haploid...
meitnerium 19 18 an artificially prod...
mekometers 19 20 MEKOMETER, a kind of...
melaconite 20 18 an earthy black oxid...
melaleucas 22 19 MELALEUCA, an Austra...
melampodes 21 21 MELAMPODE, (Spenser)...
melanaemia 17 18 the presence of mela...
melancholy 30 23 sad, gloomy [adj MEL...
melanising 19 18 MELANISE, to make da...
melanistic 22 18 affected with melani...
melanizing 22 27 MELANIZE, to make da...
melanocyte 26 20 an epidermal cell th...
melanomata 17 18 MELANOMA, a darkly p...
melanosity 24 17 the state of being m...
melanosome 17 18 a melanin-producing...
melanurias 18 16 MELANURIA, the prese...
melaphyres 29 21 MELAPHYRE, any one o...
melastomes 19 17 MELASTOME, a tropica...
melatonins 17 16 MELATONIN, a hormone...
meliaceous 21 18 relating to the Meli...
melicotton 21 18 (obsolete) a kind of...
meliorable 21 18 capable of improveme...
meliorated 18 15 MELIORATE, to make b...
meliorates 18 14 MELIORATE, to make b...
meliorator 18 14 one who meliorates [...
meliorisms 21 17 MELIORISM, the belie...
meliorists 20 14 MELIORIST, a propone...
melismatic 24 20 in florid style, esp...
mellophone 22 21 a brass wind instrum...
mellotrons 19 16 MELLOTRON, (tradenam...
mellowness 22 19 the state of being m...
melocotons 20 18 MELOCOTON, (obsolete...
melocotoon 19 18 (obsolete) a kind of...
melodisers 19 15 MELODISER, one who m...
melodising 20 18 MELODISE, to compose...
melodizers 22 24 MELODIZER, one who m...
melodizing 23 27 MELODIZE, to compose...
melodramas 19 18 MELODRAMA, a kind of...
melodrames 19 18 MELODRAME, a kind of...
melomaniac 21 21 an abnormally dedica...
melomanias 18 18 MELOMANIA, a mania f...
melongenes 17 18 MELONGENE, an auberg...
meloxicams 29 27 MELOXICAM, a drug us...
melphalans 23 21 MELPHALAN, an antine...
meltwaters 22 17 MELTWATER, the water...
melungeons 18 19 MELUNGEON, any of a...
memberless 22 20 without members [adj...
membership 26 24 the state or status...
membranous 20 21 like a membrane, als...
memoirisms 21 19 MEMOIRISM, the act o...
memoirists 20 16 MEMOIRIST, one who w...
memorabile 21 20 something memorable...
memorandum 19 22 (Latin) a note to he...
memorative 20 20 (obsolete) commemora...
memorially 27 20 MEMORIAL, serving to...
memorisers 19 16 MEMORISER, one who m...
memorising 20 19 MEMORISE, to commit...
memorizers 22 25 MEMORIZER, one who m...
memorizing 23 28 MEMORIZE, to commit...
menacingly 28 23 MENACING [adv]
menadiones 15 16 MENADIONE, vitamin K...
menageries 17 16 MENAGERIE, (French)...
menarcheal 22 20 relating to the mena...
menarchial 23 20 relating to the mena...
mendacious 20 19 telling lies, esp. h...
mendicancy 29 24 the practice of begg...
mendicants 20 19 MENDICANT, a beggar;...
meningioma 18 20 a tumour of the meni...
meningitic 22 20 relating to meningit...
meningitis 19 17 inflammation of the...
meniscuses 21 18 MENISCUS, a crescent...
menologies 18 17 MENOLOGY, an ecclesi...
menominees 16 18 MENOMINEE, a small w...
menopausal 19 19 relating to the meno...
menopauses 18 18 MENOPAUSE, the perio...
menopausic 22 21 relating to the meno...
menorrheas 18 16 MENORRHEA, normal me...
menorrhoea 17 16 normal menstrual ble...
menschiest 23 19 MENSCHY, like a mens...
menstruate 17 15 to undergo menstruat...
menstruous 18 16 having the monthly f...
menstruums 20 19 MENSTRUUM, (Latin) a...
mensurable 20 19 capable of being mea...
mentaleses 17 15 MENTALESE, the pictu...
mentalisms 20 18 MENTALISM, the belie...
mentalists 19 15 MENTALIST, a propone...
mentations 16 15 MENTATION, thought,...
menticides 21 18 MENTICIDE, the syste...
mentioners 16 15 MENTIONER, one who m...
mentioning 17 18 MENTION, to remark b...
mentorings 18 17 MENTORING, the act o...
mentorship 22 19 the office of mentor...
menuisiers 18 15 MENUISIER, (French)...
mepacrines 22 20 MEPACRINE, a bitter...
meperidine 19 18 a pain-relieving dru...
mephitical 27 22 poisonous or foul-sm...
mephitises 23 18 MEPHITIS, a poisonou...
mephitisms 25 21 MEPHITISM, poisoning...
merbromins 21 20 MERBROMIN, a green c...
mercantile 21 18 of or relating to me...
mercaptans 22 20 MERCAPTAN, a substan...
mercaptide 23 20 a compound of mercap...
mercerised 21 17 MERCERISE, to treat...
merceriser 21 16 one who mercerises,...
mercerises 21 16 MERCERISE, to treat...
mercerized 24 26 MERCERIZE, to treat...
mercerizer 24 25 one who mercerizes,...
mercerizes 24 25 MERCERIZE, to treat...
merchanted 22 20 MERCHANT, to buy and...
merchantry 29 21 the body of merchant...
mercifully 33 24 MERCIFUL, full of me...
mercifying 31 24 MERCIFY, (Spenser) t...
mercurated 21 18 MERCURATE, to mercur...
mercurates 21 17 MERCURATE, to mercur...
mercurials 23 18 MERCURIAL, any compo...
mercurised 22 18 MERCURISE, to treat...
mercurises 22 17 MERCURISE, to treat...
mercurized 25 27 MERCURIZE, to treat...
mercurizes 25 26 MERCURIZE, to treat...
merestones 16 14 MERESTONE, a stone d...
mergansers 18 16 MERGANSER, an aquati...
meridional 18 16 of or pertaining to...
meritocrat 21 16 one who earns his po...
mermaidens 18 18 MERMAIDEN, a mythica...
merogonies 17 16 MEROGONY, the artifi...
meromyosin 24 19 protein subunits of...
meronymies 24 19 MERONYMY, the state...
meropidans 19 18 MEROPIDAN, one of a...
merozoites 20 22 MEROZOITE, a young t...
merpeoples 22 20 MERPEOPLE, mermaids...
merriments 19 17 MERRIMENT, gaiety wi...
merrymaker 26 22 a reveller [n -S]
mescalines 21 18 MESCALINE, the princ...
mescalisms 24 20 MESCALISM, the habit...
mesenchyme 29 24 the embryonic tissue...
mesenteric 20 17 relating to the mese...
mesenteron 15 15 the midgut [n MESENT...
meshugasen 20 19 MESHUGAAS, (Yiddish)...
mesitylene 24 17 a colourless liquid...
mesmerical 23 20 of, pertaining to, o...
mesmerised 19 17 MESMERISE, to hypnot...
mesmeriser 19 16 one who mesmerises,...
mesmerises 19 16 MESMERISE, to hypnot...
mesmerisms 21 19 MESMERISM, a hypnoti...
mesmerists 20 16 MESMERIST, one that...
mesmerized 22 26 MESMERIZE, to hypnot...
mesmerizer 22 25 one who mesmerizes,...
mesmerizes 22 25 MESMERIZE, to hypnot...
mesnalties 18 15 MESNALTY, a type of...
mesoblasts 21 17 MESOBLAST, another n...
mesocratic 24 19 of igneous rocks, co...
mesodermal 19 18 pertaining to, or de...
mesodermic 22 20 pertaining to, or de...
mesogloeas 18 16 MESOGLOEA, a gelatin...
mesognathy 26 20 the state of having...
mesohippus 25 22 an extinct mammal of...
mesokurtic 23 21 in statistics, refer...
mesomerism 20 19 in chemistry, resona...
mesomorphs 23 21 MESOMORPH, a person...
mesomorphy 29 23 the state of being a...
mesopauses 19 17 MESOPAUSE, the upper...
mesophiles 23 19 MESOPHILE, the ideal...
mesophilic 27 22 esp. of bacteria, ha...
mesophylls 31 22 MESOPHYLL, the photo...
mesophytes 28 20 MESOPHYTE, a land pl...
mesophytic 32 23 of a land plant, gro...
mesoscaphe 24 21 a submersible bathin...
mesosphere 21 18 a zone in the Earth...
mesothelia 20 16 MESOTHELIUM, squamou...
mesothorax 25 22 the middle segment o...
messagings 20 18 MESSAGING, the act o...
messalines 18 15 MESSALINE, a soft li...
messengers 18 16 MESSENGER, to send b...
messianism 19 17 belief in a single m...
mestranols 18 15 MESTRANOL, a synthet...
metabolies 20 17 METABOLY, in biology...
metabolise 20 17 to change by a metab...
metabolism 22 20 the sum of the proce...
metabolite 20 17 a product of metabol...
metabolize 23 26 to change by a metab...
metabolome 20 20 the quantitative com...
metacarpal 23 20 a bone of the metaca...
metacarpus 23 20 that part of the ske...
metacenter 19 17 a term in physics re...
metacentre 19 17 a term in physics re...
metaethics 23 18 the study of matters...
metafemale 20 20 a sterile female org...
metagalaxy 31 25 the whole universe c...
metalepses 20 17 METALEPSIS, metonymy...
metalepsis 21 17 metonymy, esp. of a...
metaleptic 24 20 of or pertaining to...
metalheads 20 17 METALHEAD, a fan of...
metalising 20 17 METALISE, to make or...
metalizing 23 26 METALIZE, to make or...
metallings 21 18 METALLING, road meta...
metallised 20 16 METALLISE, to make o...
metallises 20 15 METALLISE, to make o...
metallists 21 15 METALLIST, a worker...
metallized 23 25 METALLIZE, to make o...
metallizes 23 24 METALLIZE, to make o...
metalloids 20 16 METALLOID, an elemen...
metallurgy 28 20 the study of alloyin...
metalmarks 21 21 METALMARK, one of a...
metalsmith 23 19 a smith working in m...
metalwares 21 17 METALWARE, goods mad...
metalworks 23 21 METALWORK, work in m...
metamerism 20 19 a particular form of...
metaphases 21 18 METAPHASE, the stage...
metaphoric 25 21 related to metaphor,...
metaphrase 21 18 the turning of prose...
metaphrast 22 18 one who produces a m...
metaphysic 32 23 (relating to) the br...
metaplases 20 17 METAPLASIS, the chan...
metaplasia 20 17 the change of one ki...
metaplasis 21 17 the change of one ki...
metaplasms 22 20 METAPLASM, the alter...
metarchons 22 19 METARCHON, a nontoxi...
metasomata 17 16 METASOMA, the poster...
metastable 20 17 chemically stable [a...
metastably 27 19 METASTABLE, chemical...
metastases 17 13 METASTASIS, the tran...
metastasis 18 13 the transfer of dise...
metastatic 21 16 of, pertaining to, o...
metatarsal 18 14 a bone of the metata...
metatarsus 18 14 that part of the ske...
metatheory 25 17 philosophical discus...
metatheses 19 15 METATHESIS, the tran...
metathesis 20 15 the transposition wi...
metathetic 23 18 relating to metathes...
metathorax 25 22 the last or posterio...
metaverses 19 17 METAVERSE, a 3D virt...
metaxylems 32 26 METAXYLEM, a part of...
metecdyses 27 19 METECDYSIS, the peri...
metecdysis 28 19 the period following...
metempiric 25 22 transcending but ass...
meteorisms 19 16 METEORISM, abdominal...
meteorists 18 13 METEORIST, one suffe...
meteorital 18 14 of or like a meteori...
meteorites 17 13 METEORITE, a meteor...
meteoritic 21 16 of or like a meteori...
meteoroids 17 14 METEOROID, a meteor...
meterstick 23 20 a measuring stick a...
metesticks 23 20 METESTICK, a measuri...
metestrous 18 14 relating to the mete...
metformins 21 20 METFORMIN, a drug us...
methadones 18 17 METHADONE, a synthet...
methedrine 19 17 (tradename) a former...
metheglins 22 19 METHEGLIN, (Welsh) a...
methinketh 23 22 (obsolete) I think,...
methionine 18 17 an essential sulphur...
methodical 24 20 arranged, characteri...
methodised 20 17 METHODISE, to reduce...
methodiser 20 16 one who methodises,...
methodises 20 16 METHODISE, to reduce...
methodisms 22 19 METHODISM, methodica...
methodists 21 16 METHODIST, a followe...
methodized 23 26 METHODIZE, to reduce...
methodizer 23 25 one who methodizes,...
methodizes 23 25 METHODIZE, to reduce...
methomania 19 19 a morbid craving for...
methoxides 26 23 METHOXIDE, a saltlik...
methylases 27 18 METHYLASE, an enzyme...
methylated 27 19 METHYLATE, to introd...
methylates 27 18 METHYLATE, to introd...
methylator 27 18 an agent that methyl...
methyldopa 29 22 an antihypertensive...
methylenes 26 19 METHYLENE, the radic...
meticulous 23 19 marked by extreme or...
metoestrus 18 14 the period in the oe...
metonymies 24 19 METONYMY, a type of...
metralgias 20 16 METRALGIA, pain in t...
metrestick 23 20 a measuring stick on...
metrically 30 20 METRICAL, pertaining...
metricated 21 17 METRICATE, to measur...
metricates 21 16 METRICATE, to measur...
metricians 21 17 METRICIAN, a compose...
metricised 22 17 METRICISE, to conver...
metricises 22 16 METRICISE, to conver...
metricisms 24 19 METRICISM, the study...
metricists 23 16 METRICIST, a person...
metricized 25 26 METRICIZE, to conver...
metricizes 25 25 METRICIZE, to conver...
metrifiers 21 16 METRIFIER, one who m...
metrifying 28 21 METRIFY, to compose...
metritises 19 13 METRITIS, inflammati...
metrologic 23 19 relating to metrolog...
metromania 17 17 an insatiable desire...
metronomes 17 17 METRONOME, a mechani...
metronomic 21 20 of or like a metrono...
metronymic 28 22 derived from the nam...
metropolis 21 17 the chief or capital...
metrostyle 25 16 a device for regulat...
mettlesome 19 17 full of mettle [adj]
mezcalines 24 27 MEZCALINE, the princ...
mezzalunas 24 34 MEZZALUNA, a half-mo...
mezzanines 22 33 MEZZANINE, a low sto...
mezzotinto 23 32 (Italian) a mezzotin...
mezzotints 24 32 MEZZOTINT [n]
miarolitic 23 17 having irregular cav...
miasmatous 19 17 of or like a miasma,...
micrifying 32 24 MICRIFY, to make sma...
microarray 27 18 a collection of micr...
microbeams 24 22 MICROBEAM, a beam of...
microbiome 24 22 the microscopic orga...
microbiota 23 19 the smallest soil or...
microblogs 26 22 MICROBLOG, a blog in...
microbrews 27 22 MICROBREW, a beer pr...
microburst 25 20 a sudden violent dow...
microbuses 24 20 MICROBUS, a small bu...
microcards 25 20 MICROCARD, a card re...
microchips 30 24 MICROCHIP, a chip of...
microcline 25 21 a mineral of the fel...
micrococci 31 25 MICROCOCCUS, a small...
microcodes 24 20 MICROCODE, a micro-i...
microcosms 26 22 MICROCOSM, the world...
microcrack 29 26 to crack microscopic...
microcurie 25 20 a unit of radiation,...
microcytes 31 21 MICROCYTE, an unusua...
microcytic 35 24 of or like a microcy...
microdrive 24 21 a very small hard di...
microdrone 20 18 a small remote-contr...
microfarad 23 20 the millionth part o...
microfauna 22 21 very small animals [...
microfiber 26 22 a cloth of tightly w...
microfibre 26 22 a cloth of tightly w...
microfiche 29 24 a sheet of microfilm...
microfilms 27 23 MICROFILM, to make a...
microflora 24 20 very small plants, n...
microforms 25 22 MICROFORM, a process...
microfungi 25 23 MICROFUNGUS, a very...
microglias 24 19 MICROGLIA, a type of...
micrograms 24 21 MICROGRAM, a million...
micrograph 27 23 an instrument used t...
microimage 23 21 a very small image [...
microlight 27 21 a very light aircraf...
microliter 23 17 a millionth of a lit...
microlites 23 17 MICROLITE, a rare mi...
microliths 26 19 MICROLITH, a very sm...
microlitic 27 20 of or like microlite...
microlitre 23 17 a millionth of a lit...
microloans 21 18 MICROLOAN, a very sm...
micrologic 27 22 relating to microlog...
microluces 26 21 MICROLUX, a unit of...
microluxes 29 25 MICROLUX, a unit of...
micromeres 22 19 MICROMERE, a small c...
micrometer 22 19 an instrument for me...
micrometre 22 19 a millionth of a met...
micrometry 29 21 the art of measuring...
microminis 23 20 MICROMINI, something...
micromolar 23 20 relating to a microm...
micromoles 23 20 MICROMOLE, a million...
micromorts 23 19 MICROMORT, a unit of...
micronised 21 18 MICRONISE, to reduce...
micronises 21 17 MICRONISE, to reduce...
micronized 24 27 MICRONIZE, to reduce...
micronizes 24 26 MICRONIZE, to reduce...
microphage 26 23 a small phagocyte [n...
microphone 24 22 an instrument whereb...
microphyll 35 25 a type of (usually s...
microphyte 32 23 a very minute plant,...
micropipet 26 22 a very fine pipet, a...
micropolis 25 20 a small city [n -ES]
micropores 23 19 MICROPORE, a very sm...
micropower 26 22 generating, using, o...
microprint 24 20 a microphotograph of...
microprism 26 22 a tiny prism used as...
microprobe 25 22 a device that produc...
micropsias 24 19 MICROPSIA, a conditi...
micropumps 28 26 MICROPUMP, a miniatu...
micropylar 31 22 of or like a micropy...
micropyles 31 22 MICROPYLE, a micropo...
microquake 30 30 a very small earthqu...
microscale 25 20 an extremely small s...
microscope 26 22 an optical instrumen...
microscopy 33 24 the use of the micro...
microseism 23 19 a small earth tremor...
microsites 22 16 MICROSITE, a website...
microskirt 24 20 a very short skirt [...
microsleep 24 20 a very short sleep [...
microsomal 23 20 of or like a microso...
microsomes 22 19 MICROSOME, a minute...
microspore 23 19 a spore giving rise...
microstate 21 16 a tiny country [n -S...
microtomes 22 19 MICROTOME, an instru...
microtomic 26 22 of or like a microto...
microtonal 21 18 of or like a microto...
microtones 20 17 MICROTONE, an interv...
microvilli 27 22 MICROVILLUS, a micro...
microvolts 25 21 MICROVOLT, the milli...
microwatts 25 19 MICROWATT, a million...
microwaved 26 24 MICROWAVE, to cook b...
microwaves 26 23 MICROWAVE, to cook b...
microwires 25 19 MICROWIRE, a very st...
microworld 26 21 the natural universe...
micrurgies 24 19 MICRURGY, the use of...
micturated 22 18 MICTURATE, to urinat...
micturates 22 17 MICTURATE, to urinat...
middelskot 21 20 in South Africa, an...
middlebrow 25 22 a person who is mode...
middlemost 21 19 being in the middle,...
middleware 22 19 computer software th...
middlingly 29 22 MIDDLING, average, s...
midfielder 22 19 a player who plays i...
midinettes 18 15 MIDINETTE, (French)...
midiskirts 22 18 MIDISKIRT, a skirt o...
midlanders 19 17 MIDLANDER, one who l...
midnightly 30 22 MIDNIGHT [adv]
midrashoth 23 18 MIDRASH, an early Je...
midsection 21 18 the middle section o...
midshipman 24 23 formerly, the title...
midshipmen 24 23 MIDSHIPMAN, formerly...
midstories 19 14 MIDSTORY, the middle...
midstreams 20 17 MIDSTREAM, the middl...
midsummers 22 21 MIDSUMMER, the middl...
midwatches 27 22 MIDWATCH, a watch on...
midwinters 22 18 MIDWINTER, the middl...
mightiness 22 18 the state of being m...
migmatites 21 18 MIGMATITE, a type of...
mignonette 17 17 (French) a plant hav...
migraineur 19 17 one who suffers from...
migrainous 19 17 of or like a migrain...
migrations 19 16 MIGRATION, a removal...
mildnesses 19 16 MILDNESS, the qualit...
mileometer 19 17 an instrument that r...
milestones 18 15 MILESTONE, a post or...
militances 22 18 MILITANCE, the condi...
militantly 27 18 MILITANT, aggressive...
militaries 20 14 MILITARY, armed forc...
militarily 28 17 MILITARY, relating t...
militarise 20 14 to make military, al...
militarism 22 17 reliance on military...
militarist 21 14 a military man [n -S...
militarize 23 23 to make military, al...
militating 21 17 MILITATE, to have in...
militation 19 15 the act of militatin...
militiaman 20 18 a member of a militi...
militiamen 20 18 MILITIAMAN, a member...
milkfishes 26 23 MILKFISH, a marine f...
milkshakes 24 24 MILKSHAKE, a drink o...
milksopism 25 24 the state of being a...
milktoasts 21 18 MILKTOAST, a very ti...
millboards 23 19 MILLBOARD, a kind of...
millefiori 23 18 (Italian) an ornamen...
millefleur 24 20 (French) having an a...
millennial 20 18 of or relating to a...
millennium 21 21 (Latin) a period of...
millepedes 22 19 MILLEPEDE, a myriapo...
millepores 22 18 MILLEPORE, any of a...
millerites 21 15 MILLERITE, nickel su...
millesimal 23 19 thousandth; consisti...
millhouses 23 18 MILLHOUSE, a house a...
milliaries 21 15 MILLIARY, an ancient...
millicurie 25 19 a thousandth of a cu...
milligrams 24 20 MILLIGRAM, a thousan...
millihenry 29 20 a thousandth of a he...
milliliter 23 16 a thousandth of a li...
millilitre 23 16 a thousandth part of...
milliluces 26 20 MILLILUX, a unit of...
milliluxes 29 24 MILLILUX, a unit of...
millimeter 22 18 a thousandth of a me...
millimetre 22 18 a thousandth part of...
millimolar 23 19 relating to a millim...
millimoles 23 19 MILLIMOLE, a thousan...
millionary 26 18 relating to or consi...
millionths 23 18 MILLIONTH, a million...
milliosmol 23 19 one thousandth of an...
millipedes 23 19 MILLIPEDE, a myriapo...
milliprobe 25 21 an instrument for an...
millivolts 25 20 MILLIVOLT, one thous...
milliwatts 25 18 MILLIWATT, one thous...
millocracy 33 23 the body of mill-own...
millocrats 24 18 MILLOCRAT, a member...
millscales 25 19 MILLSCALE, scale for...
millstones 20 16 MILLSTONE, one of a...
millstream 22 18 a stream whose flow...
millwheels 27 21 MILLWHEEL, a waterwh...
millwright 29 22 a person whose occup...
milometers 20 17 MILOMETER, an instru...
mimeograph 24 23 (tradename) an autog...
mimmicking 27 29 MIMMICK, to be over-...
mimography 31 25 the writing of mimes...
minacities 21 17 MINACITY, the state...
minatorial 18 15 menacing, also MINAT...
minatorily 25 17 MINATORY, menacing,...
minauderie 17 16 (French) coquetry [n...
minaudiere 17 16 (French) an affected...
mincemeats 21 20 MINCEMEAT, a mixture...
mindblower 24 22 something that blows...
mindedness 17 17 an inclination to do...
mindlessly 27 19 MINDLESS, lacking in...
mindshares 20 17 MINDSHARE, the level...
minefields 21 19 MINEFIELD, an area l...
minehunter 19 18 a naval vessel that...
minelayers 24 17 MINELAYER, a ship us...
minelaying 25 20 the act of laying mi...
mineralise 18 15 to transform into a...
mineralist 19 15 one versed in minera...
mineralize 21 24 to transform into a...
mineralogy 25 19 the study of mineral...
mineshafts 22 19 MINESHAFT, a vertica...
minestones 16 15 MINESTONE, ore, esp....
minestrone 16 15 (Italian) a thick ve...
mineworker 21 21 one who works in a m...
mingimingi 22 22 (Maori) a type of Ne...
minglement 20 21 the act of mingling,...
minglingly 29 23 MINGLING [adv]
miniations 17 15 MINIATION, the act o...
miniatured 18 16 MINIATURE, to miniat...
miniatures 18 15 MINIATURE, to miniat...
minibikers 22 21 MINIBIKER, one who r...
minibreaks 21 21 MINIBREAK, a short b...
minibudget 22 21 a small budget [n -S...
minibusses 21 18 MINIBUS, a small bus...
minicourse 21 18 a short course [n -S...
minidishes 21 17 MINIDISH, a small re...
minifloppy 32 26 a small floppy disk...
minimalism 22 21 making do with as li...
minimalist 21 18 one who makes do wit...
minimarket 20 21 a small supermarket,...
minimaxing 26 27 MINIMAX, to minimize...
minimisers 20 17 MINIMISER, one who m...
minimising 21 20 MINIMISE, to make as...
minimizers 23 26 MINIMIZER, one who m...
minimizing 24 29 MINIMIZE, to make as...
minischool 24 20 a small school [n -S...
miniscules 23 19 MINISCULE, a small c...
miniseries 18 14 a short series e.g....
miniskirts 21 18 MINISKIRT, a skirt w...
ministates 18 14 MINISTATE, a small s...
ministered 18 15 MINISTER, to give ai...
ministeria 18 14 MINISTERIUM, (Latin)...
ministrant 18 15 an attendant [n -S]
ministress 19 14 a woman who minister...
ministries 19 14 MINISTRY, the act of...
ministroke 19 18 a small stroke [n -S...
minisystem 26 19 a set of hi-fi equip...
minitowers 21 17 MINITOWER, a compute...
minitracks 23 21 MINITRACK, (tradenam...
minivolley 28 22 a scaled down versio...
minnicking 23 25 MINNICK, to be over...
minnocking 22 25 MINNOCK, to be over...
minorities 18 14 MINORITY, the fact o...
minorships 23 19 MINORSHIP, the state...
minoxidils 26 23 MINOXIDIL, a periphe...
minstrelsy 26 17 the singing and play...
minuscular 23 20 of or like minuscule...
minuscules 23 20 MINUSCULE, a small c...
minuteness 17 16 the quality of being...
mirabelles 22 18 MIRABELLE, (French)...
miracidial 23 18 relating to a miraci...
miracidium 24 21 the ciliated first-s...
miraculous 23 19 of the nature of a m...
mirandised 18 16 MIRANDISE, in USA, t...
mirandises 18 15 MIRANDISE, in USA, t...
mirandized 21 25 MIRANDIZE, in USA, t...
mirandizes 21 24 MIRANDIZE, in USA, t...
mirinesses 18 14 MIRINESS, the state...
mirrorings 20 16 MIRRORING, the act o...
mirrorlike 21 18 like a mirror [adj]
mirrorwise 22 16 in the fashion of a...
mirthfully 33 23 MIRTHFUL, full of mi...
misadapted 20 18 MISADAPT, to adapt w...
misaddress 19 15 to address wrongly [...
misadjusts 22 24 MISADJUST, to adjust...
misadvices 24 21 MISADVICE, wrong adv...
misadvised 21 19 MISADVISE, to advise...
misadvises 21 18 MISADVISE, to advise...
misaligned 20 18 MISALIGN, to align i...
misalleged 21 18 MISALLEGE, (obsolete...
misalleges 21 17 MISALLEGE, (obsolete...
misallying 28 20 MISALLY, to ally bad...
misaltered 19 15 MISALTER, to alter w...
misandries 18 15 MISANDRY, hatred of...
misandrist 19 15 a hater of men [n -S...
misandrous 18 16 hating men [adj]
misapplied 24 21 MISAPPLY, to apply w...
misapplies 24 20 MISAPPLY, to apply w...
misarrange 18 16 to arrange wrongly [...
misassayed 24 16 MISASSAY, to attempt...
misassigns 20 16 MISASSIGN, to assign...
misatoning 18 17 MISATONE, to atone w...
misaunters 18 15 MISAUNTER, (Scots) a...
misaverred 20 18 MISAVER, to speak er...
misawarded 21 18 MISAWARD, to award w...
misbalance 23 21 to balance mistakenl...
misbecomes 24 22 MISBECOME, (archaic)...
misbehaved 24 23 MISBEHAVE, to behave...
misbehaver 24 22 one who misbehaves [...
misbehaves 24 22 MISBEHAVE, to behave...
misbeliefs 24 20 MISBELIEF, erroneous...
misbelieve 23 21 to hold a false or u...
misbeseems 21 19 MISBESEEM, (archaic)...
misbestows 24 19 MISBESTOW, to bestow...
misbiasing 22 19 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbiassed 21 17 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbiasses 21 16 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbilling 25 21 MISBILL, to bill wro...
misbinding 22 21 MISBIND, to bind imp...
misbranded 20 19 MISBRAND, to brand i...
misbuttons 21 18 MISBUTTON, to button...
miscallers 24 18 MISCALLER, one who m...
miscalling 25 21 MISCALL, to call by...
miscanthus 24 20 any of several hardy...
miscaption 23 20 to caption wrongly [...
miscarried 22 17 MISCARRY, to be unsu...
miscarries 22 16 MISCARRY, to be unsu...
miscasting 23 19 MISCAST, to cast in...
miscatalog 23 19 to catalog wrongly [...
miscegenes 21 19 MISCEGENE, a person...
miscegines 22 19 MISCEGINE, a person...
miscellany 29 21 a mixture of various...
mischanced 26 23 MISCHANCE, to happen...
mischances 26 22 MISCHANCE, to happen...
mischannel 23 21 to channel wrongly [...
mischanter 23 19 (Scots) an unlucky c...
mischarged 25 21 MISCHARGE, to charge...
mischarges 25 20 MISCHARGE, to charge...
mischiefed 26 22 MISCHIEF, to make mi...
mischmetal 26 22 an alloy of cerium w...
mischoices 27 21 MISCHOICE, a wrong c...
mischooses 23 18 MISCHOOSE, to choose...
misclaimed 24 21 MISCLAIM, to claim w...
misclassed 23 18 MISCLASS, to put in...
misclasses 23 17 MISCLASS, to put in...
miscoining 22 20 MISCOIN, to coin imp...
miscolored 22 18 MISCOLOR, to color i...
miscolours 23 18 MISCOLOUR, to give a...
miscompute 25 23 to compute erroneous...
misconceit 24 20 (Spenser) a misconce...
misconduct 25 22 to conduct wrongly [...
misconnect 23 21 to connect wrongly [...
misconster 21 17 (obsolete) to miscon...
miscontent 20 18 (archaic) to discont...
miscooking 23 23 MISCOOK, to cook bad...
miscopying 31 24 MISCOPY, to copy inc...
miscorrect 25 19 to fail or err in at...
miscounsel 22 19 to counsel or advise...
miscounted 21 19 MISCOUNT, to count i...
miscreance 23 20 (Spenser) false reli...
miscreancy 30 22 (Spenser) false reli...
miscreants 21 17 MISCREANT, originall...
miscreated 21 17 MISCREATE, to create...
miscreates 21 16 MISCREATE, to create...
miscreator 21 16 one who creates impe...
miscredits 23 17 MISCREDIT, (archaic)...
miscutting 24 20 MISCUT, to cut incor...
misdealers 19 15 MISDEALER, one who m...
misdealing 20 18 MISDEAL, to deal car...
misdeemful 23 22 having a mistaken ju...
misdeeming 20 20 MISDEEM, to judge un...
misdefined 20 19 MISDEFINE, to define...
misdefines 20 18 MISDEFINE, to define...
misdemeans 18 18 MISDEMEAN, to behave...
misdeserts 19 14 MISDESERT, (Spenser)...
misdevelop 23 22 to develop wrongly [...
misdialing 21 18 MISDIAL, to dial inc...
misdialled 21 17 MISDIAL, to dial inc...
misdieting 20 17 MISDIET, to diet or...
misdighted 23 19 MISDIGHT, (Spenser)...
misdirects 23 17 MISDIRECT, to point...
misdivided 22 20 MISDIVIDE, to divide...
misdivides 22 19 MISDIVIDE, to divide...
misdoubted 21 19 MISDOUBT, to be susp...
misdrawing 23 20 the act of misdrawin...
misdreaded 18 16 MISDREAD, (Shakespea...
misdriving 23 21 MISDRIVE, to drive i...
misediting 20 17 MISEDIT, to edit inc...
miseducate 21 18 to educate in a wron...
misemploys 29 22 MISEMPLOY, to employ...
misenrolls 20 16 MISENROLL, to enrol...
misentered 17 15 MISENTER, to enter e...
misentreat 17 14 (obsolete) to treat...
misentries 18 14 MISENTRY, an erroneo...
miserables 21 17 MISERABLE, a miserab...
misericord 22 17 a bracket on a turn-...
miserliest 20 14 MISERLY, characteris...
misesteems 19 16 MISESTEEM, to lack e...
misfalling 24 21 MISFALL, unluckily t...
misfarings 22 19 MISFARING, (Spenser)...
misfeasors 20 16 MISFEASOR, one who c...
misfeature 20 17 a bad or distorted f...
misfeeding 21 20 MISFEED, to feed inc...
misfeigned 21 20 MISFEIGN, (Spenser)...
misfielded 22 19 MISFIELD, to field b...
misfitting 23 19 MISFIT, to fit badly...
misfocused 24 21 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misfocuses 24 20 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misforming 23 22 MISFORM, to make in...
misfortune 20 18 an event or conjunct...
misframing 23 22 MISFRAME, to frame b...
misgauging 22 21 MISGAUGE, to gauge i...
misgivings 24 22 MISGIVING, an appreh...
misgoverns 21 20 MISGOVERN, to govern...
misgrading 21 19 MISGRADE, to grade i...
misgrafted 22 19 MISGRAFT, to graft w...
misgrowing 24 21 MISGROW, to grow abn...
misgrowths 26 20 MISGROWTH, an unnatu...
misguessed 20 17 MISGUESS, to guess w...
misguesses 20 16 MISGUESS, to guess w...
misguggled 24 22 MISGUGGLE, (Scots) t...
misguggles 24 21 MISGUGGLE, (Scots) t...
misguiders 21 17 MISGUIDER, one who g...
misguiding 22 20 MISGUIDE, to guide w...
mishandled 21 19 MISHANDLE, to handle...
mishandles 21 18 MISHANDLE, to handle...
mishanters 20 16 MISHANTER, (Scots) a...
mishappens 24 22 MISHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
mishapping 26 24 MISHAP, to have an u...
mishearing 21 18 MISHEAR, to hear inc...
mishguggle 26 23 (Scots) to bungle, m...
mishitting 23 18 MISHIT, to hit poorl...
mishmashes 24 20 MISHMASH, a confused...
mishmoshes 24 20 MISHMOSH, a confused...
mishugases 22 18 MISHUGAS, (Yiddish)...
misimprove 24 23 to make worse by wou...
misinforms 22 20 MISINFORM, to inform...
misintends 18 16 MISINTEND, (obsolete...
misjoinder 20 24 an incorrect union o...
misjoining 21 26 MISJOIN, to join inc...
misjudgers 23 26 MISJUDGER, one who m...
misjudging 24 29 MISJUDGE, to judge w...
miskeeping 22 23 MISKEEP, to keep wro...
miskenning 19 22 MISKEN, to fail to r...
miskicking 26 27 MISKICK, to kick bad...
misknowing 23 24 MISKNOW, to fail to...
mislabeled 22 19 MISLABEL, to label i...
mislabored 21 18 MISLABOR, to labor b...
mislabours 22 18 MISLABOUR, to labour...
misleaders 19 15 MISLEADER, one who l...
misleading 20 18 MISLEAD, to lead ast...
mislearned 18 16 MISLEARN, to learn w...
misleeking 21 21 MISLEEKE, (Spenser)...
mislighted 24 19 MISLIGHT, to lead as...
mislikings 23 21 MISLIKING, the act o...
mislippens 24 21 MISLIPPEN, (Scots) t...
mislocated 22 18 MISLOCATE, to locate...
mislocates 22 17 MISLOCATE, to locate...
mislodging 22 20 MISLODGE, to lodge i...
mislucking 26 25 MISLUCK, to meet wit...
mismanaged 19 20 MISMANAGE, to manage...
mismanager 19 19 one who mismanages [...
mismanages 19 19 MISMANAGE, to manage...
mismanners 18 18 (obsolete) bad manne...
mismarking 22 23 MISMARK, to mark wro...
mismarried 20 17 MISMARRY, to marry u...
mismarries 20 16 MISMARRY, to marry u...
mismatched 25 22 MISMATCH, to match b...
mismatches 25 21 MISMATCH, to match b...
mismeasure 19 17 to measure or estima...
mismeeting 20 19 MISMEET, to meet und...
mismetring 21 19 MISMETRE, to spoil t...
misnomered 18 18 MISNOMER, to use a m...
misnumbers 22 21 MISNUMBER, to number...
misobserve 22 20 to observe inaccurat...
misocapnic 26 23 hating tobacco smoke...
misogamies 20 18 MISOGAMY, a hatred o...
misogamist 21 18 one who hates marria...
misogynies 25 18 MISOGYNY, a hatred o...
misogynist 26 18 one who hates women...
misogynous 25 19 hating women, also M...
misologies 20 16 MISOLOGY, a hatred o...
misologist 21 16 a hater of knowledge...
misoneisms 19 17 MISONEISM, a hatred...
misoneists 18 14 MISONEIST, a hater o...
misordered 18 15 MISORDER, to order i...
misorients 18 14 MISORIENT, to orient...
mispackage 25 25 to package incorrect...
mispainted 20 18 MISPAINT, to paint w...
misparsing 22 19 MISPARSE, to parse i...
misparting 22 19 MISPART, to part bad...
mispatched 26 22 MISPATCH, to patch b...
mispatches 26 21 MISPATCH, to patch b...
mispenning 20 21 MISPEN, to write inc...
misphrased 23 19 MISPHRASE, to phrase...
misphrases 23 18 MISPHRASE, to phrase...
mispickels 27 24 MISPICKEL, (German)...
misplacing 26 23 MISPLACE, to put in...
misplanned 20 20 MISPLAN, to plan bad...
misplanted 21 19 MISPLANT, to plant w...
misplaying 29 22 MISPLAY, to make a b...
mispleaded 21 19 MISPLEAD, to plead w...
mispleased 21 18 MISPLEASE, (obsolete...
mispleases 21 17 MISPLEASE, (obsolete...
mispointed 20 18 MISPOINT, to point i...
mispoising 22 19 MISPOISE, to poise i...
mispraised 21 17 MISPRAISE, to praise...
mispraises 21 16 MISPRAISE, to praise...
mispricing 26 22 MISPRICE, to price i...
misprinted 21 18 MISPRINT, to print i...
misprising 23 19 MISPRISE, to underva...
misprision 21 17 a wrongful act or om...
misprizers 25 25 MISPRIZER, one who m...
misprizing 26 28 MISPRIZE, to underva...
misprogram 23 21 to program incorrect...
misquoters 27 23 MISQUOTER, one who m...
misquoting 28 26 MISQUOTE, to quote i...
misraising 20 16 MISRAISE, to raise w...
misreading 19 17 an incorrect reading...
misreckons 22 21 MISRECKON, to reckon...
misrecords 22 17 MISRECORD, to record...
misregards 20 16 MISREGARD [n]
misrelated 19 15 MISRELATE, to relate...
misrelates 19 14 MISRELATE, to relate...
misrelying 27 19 MISRELY, to rely wro...
misrenders 18 15 MISRENDER, to render...
misreports 21 16 MISREPORT, to report...
misrouting 20 17 MISROUTE, to route i...
missayings 26 18 MISSAYING, the act o...
misseating 19 16 MISSEAT, to seat wro...
misseeming 20 19 (Spenser) a false ap...
misselling 22 18 the act of selling a...
missending 19 18 MISSEND, to send inc...
missensing 19 17 MISSENSE, to sense w...
missetting 20 16 MISSET, to set incor...
misshapers 23 18 MISSHAPER, one who m...
misshaping 24 21 MISSHAPE, to shape b...
missileers 20 14 MISSILEER, one respo...
missileman 20 18 one engaged in desig...
missilemen 20 18 MISSILEMAN, one enga...
missilries 21 14 MISSILRY, missiles c...
missiology 27 18 the study of the chu...
missionary 24 16 a person undertaking...
missioners 18 14 MISSIONER, a mission...
missioning 19 17 MISSION, to send to...
missionise 18 14 to do missionary wor...
missionize 21 23 to do missionary wor...
missorting 20 16 MISSORT, to sort bad...
missounded 18 17 MISSOUND, to sound w...
misspacing 25 22 MISSPACE, to space i...
misspelled 23 19 MISSPELL, to spell i...
misspender 20 18 one who misspends [n...
misstamped 22 20 MISSTAMP, to stamp w...
misstarted 19 14 MISSTART, to start o...
misstating 20 16 MISSTATE, to state w...
missteered 18 14 MISSTEER, to steer w...
misstepped 23 20 MISSTEP, to make a w...
misstopped 23 20 MISSTOP, to stop wro...
misstrikes 21 17 MISSTRIKE, to strike...
misstyling 28 19 MISSTYLE, to style w...
missuiting 21 17 MISSUIT, to suit bad...
mistakable 22 21 liable to be mistake...
mistakably 29 23 MISTAKABLE, liable t...
mistakenly 26 21 MISTAKEN [adv]
mistakings 21 20 MISTAKING, (Shakespe...
misteaches 23 18 MISTEACH, to teach w...
mistelling 22 18 MISTELL, to inform w...
mistempers 22 19 MISTEMPER, (obsolete...
mistending 19 18 MISTEND, to tend to...
misterming 21 19 MISTERM, to call by...
misthought 25 20 a wrong thought [n -...
mistimings 22 19 MISTIMING, the act o...
mistitling 22 17 MISTITLE, to call by...
mistletoes 19 14 MISTLETOE, a Eurasia...
mistouched 24 20 MISTOUCH, to touch i...
mistouches 24 19 MISTOUCH, to touch i...
mistracing 23 19 MISTRACE, to trace w...
mistrained 18 15 MISTRAIN, to train i...
mistrayned 24 17 (Spenser) drawn away...
mistreated 18 14 MISTREAT, to treat b...
mistressed 19 14 MISTRESS, to make a...
mistresses 19 13 MISTRESS, to make a...
mistressly 27 16 like a mistress [adj...
mistrusted 20 15 MISTRUST, to have no...
mistruster 20 14 one who mistrusts [n...
mistrysted 26 16 MISTRYST, to fail to...
mistutored 19 15 MISTUTOR, to instruc...
misvaluing 23 22 MISVALUE, to value i...
misventure 20 19 a misadventure, also...
miswandred 21 19 (Spenser) strayed, g...
misweening 21 20 MISWEEN, to judge wr...
miswending 22 21 MISWEND, (Spenser) t...
miswording 23 20 a wrong wording [n -...
misworship 27 21 to worship in a fals...
miswriting 24 19 MISWRITE, to write i...
miswritten 22 17 MISWRITE, to write i...
miterworts 22 16 MITERWORT, a slender...
mithridate 21 16 an antidote against...
mitigating 21 18 MITIGATE, to make le...
mitigation 19 16 the act of mitigatin...
mitigative 22 19 tending to mitigate...
mitigators 20 15 MITIGATOR, one who m...
mitigatory 26 17 tending to mitigate...
mitomycins 29 22 MITOMYCIN, a kind of...
mitrailles 21 15 MITRAILLE, (French)...
mitreworts 22 16 MITREWORT, a slender...
mittimuses 21 17 MITTIMUS, a warrant...
mixability 35 26 the capacity to be m...
mixmasters 26 23 MIXMASTER, a disc jo...
mixologies 26 23 MIXOLOGY, the art of...
mixologist 27 23 a student of mixolog...
mixolydian 31 25 denoting the seventh...
mizenmasts 22 26 MIZENMAST, the mast...
mizzenmast 25 35 the mast aft or next...
mizzonites 24 32 MIZZONITE, a scapoli...
mnemonical 21 22 assisting in memory...
mnemonists 18 18 MNEMONIST, an expert...
mobcasting 24 22 the act of broadcast...
mobilisers 22 17 MOBILISER, something...
mobilising 23 20 MOBILISE, to make mo...
mobilities 22 17 MOBILITY, the abilit...
mobilizers 25 26 MOBILIZER, something...
mobilizing 26 29 MOBILIZE, to make mo...
mobloggers 23 21 MOBLOGGER, one who k...
mobocratic 26 22 relating to mobocrac...
mockernuts 22 22 MOCKERNUT, a kind of...
modafinils 21 19 MODAFINIL, a stimula...
modalistic 23 18 relating to modalism...
modalities 19 15 MODALITY, the state...
modellings 21 19 MODELLING, the act o...
modellists 21 16 MODELLIST, a person...
moderately 24 17 MODERATE, reasonable...
moderating 18 17 MODERATE, to make le...
moderation 16 15 being moderate [n -S...
moderatism 19 17 moderation in doctri...
moderators 17 14 MODERATOR, one who m...
moderatrix 24 21 (obsolete) a female...
modernised 17 16 MODERNISE, to make m...
moderniser 17 15 one who modernises,...
modernises 17 15 MODERNISE, to make m...
modernisms 19 18 MODERNISM, a modern...
modernists 18 15 MODERNIST, an admire...
modernized 20 25 MODERNIZE, to make m...
modernizer 20 24 one who modernizes,...
modernizes 20 24 MODERNIZE, to make m...
modernness 16 16 the state of being m...
modifiable 23 21 that can be modified...
modillions 20 17 MODILLION, (Italian)...
modishness 20 17 the state of being m...
modularity 26 18 the state of being m...
modulating 20 19 MODULATE, to adjust...
modulation 18 17 an inflection of the...
modulative 21 20 relating to modulati...
modulators 19 16 MODULATOR, a person...
modulatory 25 18 relating to modulati...
moisteners 17 14 MOISTENER, something...
moistening 18 17 MOISTEN, to make or...
moistified 21 17 MOISTIFY, to make mo...
moistifies 21 16 MOISTIFY, to make mo...
moisturise 19 14 to add moisture to,...
moisturize 22 23 to add moisture to,...
moithering 21 18 MOITHER, to confuse,...
molalities 20 15 MOLALITY, the number...
molarities 19 14 MOLARITY, the number...
molasseses 18 14 MOLASSES, a thick da...
moldavites 21 19 MOLDAVITE, a green t...
moldboards 21 19 MOLDBOARD, a curved...
molendinar 17 17 a molar tooth [n -S]
moliminous 20 19 massive; laborious [...
mollifiers 23 18 MOLLIFIER, one who m...
mollifying 30 23 MOLLIFY, to soften,...
mollitious 21 16 softening; voluptuou...
molluscans 23 20 MOLLUSCAN, a member...
molluscoid 24 20 a member of a now ab...
molluscous 24 20 like a mollusc [adj]
molluskans 21 21 MOLLUSKAN, a member...
mollyhawks 33 26 MOLLYHAWK, the juven...
mollymawks 32 27 MOLLYMAWK, (Dutch) t...
molochised 24 20 MOLOCHISE, to sacrif...
molochises 24 19 MOLOCHISE, to sacrif...
molochized 27 29 MOLOCHIZE, to sacrif...
molochizes 27 28 MOLOCHIZE, to sacrif...
molybdates 27 20 MOLYBDATE, a salt of...
molybdenum 28 25 a rare element of th...
molybdoses 27 20 MOLYBDOSIS, lead poi...
molybdosis 28 20 lead poisoning [n MO...
mompreneur 20 21 a woman who combines...
monachisms 24 22 MONACHISM, the monas...
monachists 23 19 MONACHIST, an adhere...
monactinal 20 19 of a sponge, having...
monactines 19 18 MONACTINE, the spicu...
monadiform 20 21 having the form of a...
monadistic 21 18 relating to monadism...
monadnocks 20 23 MONADNOCK, a mountai...
monadology 24 20 the doctrine or theo...
monandries 16 16 MONANDRY, the condit...
monandrous 16 17 having only one stam...
monanthous 18 18 of certain plants, h...
monarchial 23 20 relating to monarchy...
monarchies 22 19 MONARCHY, rule by a...
monarchise 22 19 to play the sovereig...
monarchism 24 22 monarchical governme...
monarchist 23 19 a supporter of monar...
monarchize 25 28 to play the sovereig...
monastical 21 18 of or pertaining to...
monaurally 25 19 MONAURAL, monophonic...
mondegreen 16 18 a phrase, often humo...
monergisms 20 19 MONERGISM, the theor...
monestrous 17 15 of or related to mam...
monetarily 24 17 MONETARY, pertaining...
monetarism 18 17 an economic policy b...
monetarist 17 14 an advocate of monet...
monetising 18 17 MONETISE, to coin in...
monetizing 21 26 MONETIZE, to coin in...
moneyboxes 30 26 MONEYBOX, a box for...
moneymaker 24 23 a profitable scheme...
moneyworts 26 19 MONEYWORT, a trailin...
mongerings 19 19 MONGERING, trading i...
mongolisms 21 20 MONGOLISM, a medical...
mongoloids 19 18 MONGOLOID, a person...
mongrelise 19 17 to make mongrel, als...
mongrelism 21 20 the state of being m...
mongrelize 22 26 to make mongrel, als...
moniliases 18 15 MONILIASIS, candidia...
moniliasis 19 15 candidiasis [n MONIL...
moniliform 22 21 having narrow interv...
monistical 22 18 of, pertaining to, o...
monitorial 18 15 of or pertaining to...
monitories 17 14 MONITORY, a letter c...
monitoring 18 17 the act of keeping t...
monkeyisms 26 23 MONKEYISM, being lik...
monkeypods 26 24 MONKEYPOD, the rain-...
monkeypots 26 23 MONKEYPOT, the round...
monkfishes 23 23 MONKFISH, a large ed...
monkshoods 20 21 MONKSHOOD, a plant o...
monoacidic 23 21 of or like a monoaci...
monoamines 16 18 MONOAMINE, an amine...
monoatomic 20 20 of a molecule, consi...
monocarpic 25 23 having only one ovar...
monocerous 19 18 having only one horn...
monochasia 21 19 MONOCHASIUM, a cyme...
monochords 22 20 MONOCHORD, a musical...
monochroic 25 22 of one colour [adj]...
monochrome 22 22 of one colour only [...
monochromy 29 24 the art of painting...
monoclinal 21 20 relating to a monocl...
monoclines 20 19 MONOCLINE, a simple...
monoclinic 24 22 referable to three u...
monoclonal 20 20 derived from a singl...
monocoques 27 27 MONOCOQUE, (French)...
monocotyls 27 20 MONOCOTYL, a plant h...
monocratic 23 20 autocratic [adj]
monoculars 21 19 MONOCULAR, a field g...
monoculous 21 20 monocular [adj]
monocycles 30 23 MONOCYCLE, a cycle w...
monocyclic 34 26 having one whorl or...
monocytoid 26 20 of or like a monocyt...
monodramas 17 18 MONODRAMA, a one-man...
monoecious 19 18 having separate male...
monoecisms 21 20 MONOECISM, the state...
monoesters 16 14 MONOESTER, an ester,...
monogamies 18 19 MONOGAMY, marriage w...
monogamist 19 19 one who practices or...
monogamous 18 20 relating to monogamy...
monogenean 14 18 a monogenetic tremat...
monogenies 16 17 MONOGENY, the (theor...
monogenism 18 20 the doctrine of the...
monogenist 17 17 a believer in monoge...
monogenous 16 18 of or pertaining to...
monogonies 16 17 MONOGONY, asexual re...
monogramed 18 20 MONOGRAM, to mark wi...
monographs 22 21 MONOGRAPH, to write...
monography 28 23 a monograph [n MONOG...
monogynian 22 20 pertaining to the Mo...
monogynies 23 19 MONOGYNY, the condit...
monogynist 24 19 one who practises mo...
monogynous 23 20 of or pertaining to...
monohybrid 28 22 a cross between pare...
monohydric 29 22 containing one hydro...
monolaters 17 15 MONOLATER, one who w...
monolayers 23 17 MONOLAYER, a single...
monolithic 24 20 of or like a monolit...
monologged 19 20 MONOLOG, to give a m...
monologies 18 17 MONOLOGY, the act of...
monologise 18 17 to engage in a monol...
monologist 19 17 one who soliloquizes...
monologize 21 26 to engage in a monol...
monologued 18 19 MONOLOGUE, to perfor...
monologues 18 18 MONOLOGUE, a dramati...
monomachia 22 22 single combat; a due...
monomaniac 19 21 someone obsessed wit...
monomanias 16 18 MONOMANIA, an abnorm...
monomerous 17 18 of flowers, having w...
monometers 17 17 MONOMETER, a rhythmi...
monometric 21 20 of verse, written in...
monophases 20 19 MONOPHASE, a type of...
monophasic 24 22 of electric current,...
monophobia 22 22 an irrational fear o...
monophobic 26 25 one suffering from m...
monophonic 23 23 homophonic, monaural...
monoplanes 18 19 MONOPLANE, an aeropl...
monoplegia 20 20 paralysis affecting...
monoplegic 24 23 related to monoplegi...
monoploids 20 19 MONOPLOID, a haploid...
monopodial 19 19 having a monopodium...
monopodias 18 18 MONOPODIA, a physica...
monopodies 18 18 MONOPODY, a measure...
monopodium 20 22 a stem in which the...
monopolies 19 18 MONOPOLY, exclusive...
monopolise 19 18 to get a monopoly of...
monopolism 21 21 the practice of oper...
monopolist 20 18 a person who monopol...
monopolize 22 27 to get a monopoly of...
monopteral 19 18 resembling a monopte...
monopteroi 18 17 MONOPTEROS, a buildi...
monopteron 17 18 a circular temple wi...
monopteros 18 17 a building with sing...
monoptotes 18 17 MONOPTOTE, a noun th...
monopulses 20 19 MONOPULSE, a type of...
monorchids 23 20 MONORCHID, someone w...
monorchism 24 22 the state of being m...
monorhinal 19 18 having one nostril,...
monorhines 18 17 MONORHINE, an animal...
monorhymed 26 22 rhymed on a single r...
monorhymes 26 21 MONORHYME, a series...
monosemies 17 17 MONOSEMY, having a s...
monoskiers 18 18 MONOSKIER, one who s...
monoskiing 19 21 the sport of skiing...
monosodium 18 19 as in monosodium glu...
monosomics 21 20 MONOSOMIC, a monosom...
monosomies 17 17 MONOSOMY, a conditio...
monospaced 21 21 single-spaced [adj]
monostable 19 18 of an electronic cir...
monosteles 17 15 MONOSTELE, a single...
monostelic 21 18 with a single stele...
monostichs 23 19 MONOSTICH, a composi...
monostylar 24 17 consisting of a sing...
monotasked 17 19 MONOTASK, to perform...
monothecal 22 20 having only one thec...
monotheism 20 19 belief in only one G...
monotheist 19 16 one who believes tha...
monotocous 19 18 producing only one o...
monotonies 15 15 MONOTONY, tedious sa...
monotoning 16 18 MONOTONE, to sing or...
monotonise 15 15 to make into a monot...
monotonize 18 24 to make into a monot...
monotonous 15 16 uttered or sounded i...
monotremes 17 17 MONOTREME, a primiti...
monotrochs 22 19 MONOTROCH, (Scott) a...
monovalent 18 20 having a valence of...
monoxylons 29 25 MONOXYLON, a canoe m...
monoxylous 30 25 made of one piece of...
monozygous 27 28 developed from one z...
monsignori 18 17 MONSIGNOR, (Italian)...
monsignors 18 17 MONSIGNOR, (Italian)...
monstering 18 17 the act of criticisi...
monstrance 19 18 an ecclesiastical ve...
monstruous 18 16 (obsolete) monstrous...
montadales 17 16 MONTADALE, any of an...
montagnard 17 18 one of a mountain-dw...
montbretia 19 17 a widely cultivated...
montelimar 19 18 a kind of chocolate...
monthlings 22 20 MONTHLING, (archaic)...
monticules 22 19 MONTICULE, (French)...
monticulus 23 20 a little hill, also...
monumental 18 20 very large [adj MONU...
monumented 17 20 MONUMENT, to mark wi...
monzonites 19 24 MONZONITE, a coarse-...
monzonitic 23 27 of or like monzonite...
mooncalves 22 22 MOONCALF, a foolish...
mooncrafts 22 20 MOONCRAFT, a lunar m...
moonfishes 21 19 MOONFISH, the opah o...
moonflower 22 21 a tropical flower [n...
moonlights 22 19 MOONLIGHT, to take a...
moonphases 20 19 MOONPHASE, a phase o...
moonquakes 25 28 MOONQUAKE, a seismic...
moonrakers 17 18 MOONRAKER, a small s...
moonraking 18 21 the following of cra...
moonscapes 21 20 MOONSCAPE, a view of...
moonshined 18 18 MOONSHINE, to distil...
moonshiner 18 17 a person engaged in...
moonshines 18 17 MOONSHINE, (US) ille...
moonstones 15 15 MOONSTONE, a nearly...
moonstrike 18 18 the act of landing a...
moonstruck 22 22 simpleminded, as if...
moonwalked 21 23 MOONWALK, to perform...
moonwalker 21 22 one who performs the...
moosebirds 20 17 MOOSEBIRD, a North A...
moosewoods 19 17 MOOSEWOOD, a North A...
mooseyards 23 16 MOOSEYARD, an area w...
mootnesses 16 14 MOOTNESS, the state...
mopinesses 19 17 MOPINESS, the state...
mopishness 22 19 the state of being m...
moralisers 19 14 MORALISER, one who m...
moralising 20 17 MORALISE, to explain...
moralistic 23 17 characterized by or...
moralities 19 14 MORALITY, conformity...
moralizers 22 23 MORALIZER, one who m...
moralizing 23 26 MORALIZE, to explain...
moratorium 19 17 a legal authorizatio...
morbidezza 26 35 (Italian) an extreme...
morbidness 20 18 the state of being m...
morbillous 23 19 pertaining to the me...
mordacious 21 18 given to biting; bit...
mordancies 20 18 MORDANCY, the qualit...
mordanting 18 18 MORDANT, to impregna...
morenesses 16 14 MORENESS, the state...
morganatic 21 19 relating to a marria...
morganites 18 16 MORGANITE, a rosy pi...
morgellons 20 18 a condition in which...
moribundly 28 22 MORIBUND, being abou...
morigerate 18 15 to conform [v MORIGE...
morigerous 19 16 obsequious or defere...
moronities 17 14 MORONITY, the condit...
moroseness 16 14 the state of being m...
morosities 18 13 MOROSITY, (obsolete)...
morphactin 25 22 a synthetic fluorine...
morphemics 27 24 the study of morphem...
morphinism 24 22 a morbid condition p...
morphogens 22 21 MORPHOGEN, a chemica...
morphogeny 28 23 the history of the e...
morpholine 22 20 a colourless liquid,...
morpholino 22 20 a type of molecule u...
morphology 30 23 the study of forms e...
morselling 21 18 the act of dividing...
mortadella 19 16 Italian pork sausage...
mortadelle 19 16 MORTADELLA, Italian...
mortalised 19 15 MORTALISE, to make m...
mortalises 19 14 MORTALISE, to make m...
mortalized 22 24 MORTALIZE, to make m...
mortalizes 22 23 MORTALIZE, to make m...
mortarless 19 14 without mortar [adj]
mortcloths 25 19 MORTCLOTH, a pall [n...
mortgagees 19 17 MORTGAGEE, one who h...
mortgagers 20 17 MORTGAGER, one who g...
mortgaging 21 20 MORTGAGE, to pledge...
mortgagors 20 17 MORTGAGOR, one who g...
morticians 21 17 MORTICIAN, (US) an u...
mortifiers 21 16 MORTIFIER, one who m...
mortifying 28 21 humiliating [adj MOR...
mortuaries 18 14 MORTUARY, a place wh...
morulation 18 16 the process of cleav...
mosaically 29 20 MOSAIC, in the form...
mosaicisms 23 19 MOSAICISM, the prope...
mosaicists 22 16 MOSAICIST, a worker...
mosaicking 23 23 work in mosaic [n -S...
mosaiclike 23 21 like a mosaic [adj]
mosasaurus 18 15 a gigantic Cretaceou...
moschatels 24 19 MOSCHATEL, a plant o...
moskonfyts 27 23 MOSKONFYT, (Afrikaan...
mosquitoes 26 23 MOSQUITO, any dipter...
mosquitoey 32 25 full of mosquitoes [...
mossbacked 24 24 conservative of opin...
mossbunker 21 22 (Dutch) an oily fish...
mossplants 21 18 MOSSPLANT, a plant o...
motettists 19 13 MOTETTIST, one who w...
mothballed 24 21 MOTHBALL, to put int...
mothereses 19 15 MOTHERESE, a simplif...
motherhood 21 18 the state of being a...
motherings 21 18 MOTHERING, the act o...
motherland 20 18 a country regarded a...
motherless 21 16 without a mother [ad...
motherwort 23 18 a labiate herb, of a...
mothproofs 24 21 MOTHPROOF, to proof...
motilities 20 14 MOTILITY, the abilit...
motionists 18 14 MOTIONIST, (Milton)...
motionless 18 15 without motion [adj...
motivating 21 20 MOTIVATE, to inspire...
motivation 19 18 the act of motivatin...
motivative 22 21 motivating [adj]
motivators 20 17 MOTIVATOR, one who m...
motiveless 21 18 without motive [adj...
motivities 21 17 MOTIVITY, the abilit...
motoneuron 15 16 a neuron that passes...
motorbiked 21 21 MOTORBIKE, to travel...
motorbikes 21 20 MOTORBIKE, to travel...
motorboats 19 16 MOTORBOAT, a boat wi...
motorbuses 20 17 MOTORBUS, a bus driv...
motorcaded 20 18 MOTORCADE, to travel...
motorcades 20 17 MOTORCADE, to travel...
motorcoach 25 21 a coach with a motor...
motorcycle 31 22 to ride by motorcycl...
motorhomes 20 18 MOTORHOME, a large m...
motorising 19 16 MOTORISE, to provide...
motorizing 22 25 MOTORIZE, to provide...
motormouth 21 19 (US slang) a nonstop...
motorships 23 18 MOTORSHIP, a ship wi...
motortruck 23 21 a truck driven by a...
motoscafos 22 19 MOTOSCAFO, (Italian)...
moucharaby 31 24 (Arabic) in North Af...
moudiewart 21 18 (dialect) a mole, al...
moudiewort 21 18 (dialect) a mole, al...
moudiwarts 22 18 MOUDIWART, (dialect)...
moudiworts 22 18 MOUDIWORT, (dialect)...
mouldboard 21 20 a curved plate of ir...
mouldering 20 19 MOULDER, to turn to...
mouldiness 19 17 the state of being m...
mouldwarps 25 22 MOULDWARP, (dialect)...
mouldywarp 31 24 (dialect) a mole, al...
moundbirds 21 20 MOUNDBIRD, an Austra...
mountained 16 17 having mountains [ad...
mountebank 19 23 a person who sells q...
mournfully 29 23 MOURNFUL, sad, griev...
mourningly 26 21 MOURNING [adv]
mournivals 21 20 MOURNIVAL, (French)...
mousebirds 21 18 MOUSEBIRD, another n...
mouseovers 19 18 MOUSEOVER, on a web...
mousepiece 22 20 (dialect) part of a...
mousetails 19 15 MOUSETAIL, any of va...
mousetraps 20 17 MOUSETRAP, to catch...
mousseline 18 16 (French) a French dr...
moustached 23 20 having a moustache [...
moustaches 23 19 MOUSTACHE, the unsha...
moustachio 23 19 (Spanish) a large, e...
mouthfeels 23 20 MOUTHFEEL, the senso...
mouthparts 23 19 MOUTHPART, part of a...
mouthpiece 25 22 something placed at...
mouvemente 19 22 (French) full of mov...
movability 30 23 the ability to be mo...
movelessly 28 21 MOVELESS, incapable...
moviegoers 20 19 MOVIEGOER, one who g...
moviegoing 21 22 attendance at the mo...
movielands 20 20 MOVIELAND, the world...
moviemaker 21 24 one who makes movies...
mowburning 24 24 the fermenting of ha...
mowdiewart 24 20 (dialect) a mole, al...
mowdiewort 24 20 (dialect) a mole, al...
moygashels 28 20 MOYGASHEL, an Irish...
mozzarella 25 33 (Italian) a mild whi...
mridamgams 22 22 MRIDAMGAM, (Sanskrit...
mridangams 20 20 MRIDANGAM, (Sanskrit...
mucedinous 21 20 mouldy; mildewy [adj...
muchnesses 23 20 MUCHNESS, greatness...
mucidities 23 18 MUCIDITY, mouldiness...
muciferous 24 21 conveying or secreti...
mucinogens 21 21 MUCINOGEN, a substan...
muckamucks 29 32 MUCKAMUCK, (colloqui...
muckenders 22 23 MUCKENDER, (obsolete...
muckrakers 24 25 MUCKRAKER, one who s...
muckraking 25 28 the exposure of misc...
muckspread 25 25 to spread manure on...
mucksweats 26 24 MUCKSWEAT, a profuse...
muckymucks 36 34 MUCKYMUCK, a person...
mucolytics 33 23 MUCOLYTIC, an agent...
mucosities 22 17 MUCOSITY, the state...
mucronated 20 19 terminating in a sha...
mudcapping 27 27 the act of covering...
muddlehead 21 20 a muddled, confused,...
muddlement 20 21 the state of being m...
muddlingly 29 23 MUDDLING, confused [...
mudhoppers 25 23 MUDHOPPER, a fish of...
mudlarking 22 23 MUDLARK, to follow t...
mudloggers 22 20 MUDLOGGER, a person...
mudlogging 23 23 looking for oil, gas...
mudpuppies 26 25 MUDPUPPY, a large sa...
mudskipper 25 25 a fish of mud flats...
mudslinger 21 19 one who engages in m...
muffettees 22 20 MUFFETTEE, (obsolete...
muffineers 22 21 MUFFINEER, a dish fo...
mugearites 19 16 MUGEARITE, a dark, f...
mugwumpery 33 28 the acts and views o...
mugwumpish 30 28 like a mugwump [adj]
mugwumpism 29 29 being a mugwump [n -...
mujaheddin 22 28 (Arabic) islamic fun...
mujahedeen 20 27 (Arabic) islamic fun...
mujahideen 21 27 (Arabic) islamic fun...
mukhabarat 23 23 (in Middle Eastern c...
mulattress 20 15 a female mulatto, al...
mulberries 22 18 MULBERRY, any of var...
muliebrity 29 20 the state of being a...
mulishness 22 18 obstinacy [n -ES]
mullahisms 25 21 MULLAHISM, the syste...
mullarkies 22 20 MULLARKY, (US colloq...
mulligrubs 26 22 (colloquial) grumpin...
mullioning 21 20 MULLION, to provide...
multeities 20 15 MULTEITY, manifoldne...
multiarmed 21 19 having many arms [ad...
multiaxial 27 23 having more than one...
multicasts 24 18 MULTICAST, a broadca...
multichain 25 21 having many chains [...
multicides 24 19 MULTICIDE, mass murd...
multicolor 24 19 diversity or plurali...
multiculti 26 20 (short for) multicul...
multicurie 24 19 having many curies,...
multicycle 34 24 (obsolete) a velocip...
multifaced 25 22 having many faces [a...
multifidly 31 22 MULTIFID, having man...
multiflash 26 21 with many flashes [a...
multiflora 23 19 a type of climbing r...
multifocal 26 22 of spectacles, havin...
multifoils 24 19 MULTIFOIL, an orname...
multiforms 24 21 MULTIFORM, a multifo...
multigenic 24 21 having many genes [a...
multigrade 21 18 a brand of black and...
multigrain 21 18 comprising many type...
multigroup 24 21 comprising many grou...
multihulls 26 20 MULTIHULL, a boat ha...
multilanes 20 17 MULTILANE, a highway...
multilayer 27 18 any structure or sys...
multilevel 24 21 having many levels,...
multilines 21 17 MULTILINE, a variety...
multilobed 23 20 having many lobes [a...
multilobes 23 19 MULTILOBE, something...
multiloquy 36 28 excess of words or t...
multimedia 21 19 a technique (as the...
multimeter 21 18 an instrument allowi...
multimodal 22 20 in many modes [adj]
multipacks 27 25 MULTIPACK, a pack co...
multipaned 21 20 having many panes [a...
multiparae 21 18 MULTIPARA, a mother...
multiparas 22 18 MULTIPARA, a mother...
multiparty 29 20 comprising many part...
multipedes 22 19 MULTIPEDE, an insect...
multiphase 24 20 having many phases [...
multipiece 25 21 having many pieces [...
multiplane 22 20 an aeroplane with mo...
multiplant 23 20 consisting of many p...
multiplets 24 19 MULTIPLET, a group o...
multiplied 24 20 MULTIPLY, to increas...
multiplier 24 19 one who multiplies [...
multiplies 24 19 MULTIPLY, to increas...
multipolar 23 19 having many poles, e...
multipoles 23 19 MULTIPOLE, something...
multipower 25 21 having many powers [...
multirange 20 18 having many ranges [...
multisense 19 16 having many senses [...
multisided 21 17 having many sides [a...
multiskill 25 21 to train (employees)...
multispeed 22 19 of e.g. a bicycle, h...
multisport 23 18 catering for many sp...
multistage 21 17 having many stages [...
multistate 20 15 extending over, rela...
multistory 27 17 a multistory car par...
multitasks 22 19 MULTITASK, to work a...
multitoned 19 17 having many tones [a...
multitones 19 16 MULTITONE, a multito...
multitools 21 16 MULTITOOL, a device...
multitrack 25 22 of a record having m...
multitudes 21 17 MULTITUDE, a great n...
multiunion 19 18 comprising many unio...
multiverse 22 19 the sum of all unive...
multivious 23 20 leading in many dire...
multivocal 26 23 a word with many mea...
multocular 24 20 having many eyes, or...
mumblement 23 25 (Carlyle) mumbling s...
mumblingly 32 27 MUMBLING, making a m...
mumchances 27 26 MUMCHANCE, a silent...
mummerings 22 23 MUMMERING, a Christm...
mummichogs 28 27 MUMMICHOG, (Native A...
mummiforms 25 26 MUMMIFORM, a sarcoph...
mummifying 31 28 MUMMIFY, to preserve...
mumpreneur 21 22 a woman who combines...
munchables 26 24 MUNCHABLE, a tasty i...
mundifying 28 24 MUNDIFY, to cleanse,...
municipals 25 22 MUNICIPAL, a municip...
munificent 23 22 generous, liberal [a...
munifience 22 22 (Spenser) defence, f...
munitioned 17 17 MUNITION, to furnish...
munitioner 17 16 one who supplies mun...
murderball 23 20 a form of rugby play...
murgeoning 19 20 MURGEON, to mock wit...
murmurings 22 21 MURMURING [n]
murtherers 21 16 MURTHERER, a murdere...
murthering 22 19 MURTHER, (dialect) t...
muscadelle 23 20 a rich spicy wine de...
muscadines 21 19 MUSCADINE, (archaic)...
muscardine 21 19 (French) a disease w...
muscarines 21 18 MUSCARINE, a poisono...
muscarinic 25 21 of or like muscarine...
muscatoria 21 17 MUSCATORIUM, (Latin)...
muscavados 23 22 MUSCAVADO, (Spanish)...
muscovados 23 22 MUSCOVADO, (Spanish)...
muscovites 24 21 MUSCOVITE, a type of...
muscularly 31 22 MUSCULAR, pertaining...
mushmouths 25 22 MUSHMOUTH, (US) a pe...
mushroomed 21 20 MUSHROOM, to grow or...
mushroomer 21 19 something that mushr...
musicalise 23 18 to make musical, als...
musicality 30 20 sensitivity to, know...
musicalize 26 27 to make musical, als...
musicianer 21 18 (dialect) a musician...
musicianly 29 21 like a musician [adj...
musicology 30 22 the study of musical...
musketeers 19 18 MUSKETEER, a soldier...
musketoons 18 19 MUSKETOON, a short m...
musketries 20 18 MUSKETRY, the techni...
muskmelons 21 23 MUSKMELON, the fruit...
musquashes 29 26 MUSQUASH, a large se...
musquetoon 25 25 a short musket; a so...
mussitated 19 15 MUSSITATE, (obsolete...
mussitates 19 14 MUSSITATE, (obsolete...
mustachios 24 19 MUSTACHIO, (Spanish)...
mustelines 19 16 MUSTELINE, a weasel...
mutability 29 20 the quality of being...
mutagenise 18 17 to treat with mutage...
mutagenize 21 26 to treat with mutage...
mutational 18 16 relating to a mutati...
mutenesses 17 15 MUTENESS, the state...
mutessarif 21 17 (Turkish) the head o...
mutilating 21 18 MUTILATE, to injure...
mutilation 19 16 the act of mutilatin...
mutilative 22 19 causing mutilation [...
mutilators 20 15 MUTILATOR, one who m...
mutineered 17 16 MUTINEER, to revolt...
mutinously 26 19 MUTINOUS, disposed t...
mutoscopes 23 20 MUTOSCOPE, an early...
mutterings 20 17 MUTTERING, the act o...
muttonbird 21 19 an Australasian shea...
muttonfish 23 20 a common food fish o...
muttonhead 19 18 a heavy, stupid pers...
mutualised 20 17 MUTUALISE, to organi...
mutualises 20 16 MUTUALISE, to organi...
mutualisms 22 19 MUTUALISM, a belief...
mutualists 21 16 MUTUALIST, an advoca...
mutualized 23 26 MUTUALIZE, to organi...
mutualizes 23 25 MUTUALIZE, to organi...
mutualness 19 17 the state of being m...
myasthenia 25 18 muscular weakness or...
myasthenic 29 21 one suffering from m...
mycetology 35 23 the study of fungi [...
mycetomata 27 21 MYCETOMA, a chronic...
mycetozoan 28 28 slime mold [n -S]
mycobionts 29 22 MYCOBIONT, the funga...
mycoflorae 29 22 MYCOFLORA, the fungi...
mycofloras 30 22 MYCOFLORA, the fungi...
mycologies 29 21 MYCOLOGY, the branch...
mycologist 30 21 one who studies myco...
mycophiles 33 24 MYCOPHILE, one who l...
mycoplasma 31 25 a member of the Myco...
mycorhizae 32 29 MYCORHIZA, a fungus...
mycorhizal 34 30 of or like a mycorhi...
mycorhizas 33 29 MYCORHIZA, a fungus...
mycorrhiza 33 29 a fungus associated...
mycotoxins 33 26 MYCOTOXIN, a poison...
mydriatics 29 19 MYDRIATIC, a substan...
myelinated 24 18 of a nerve fibre, en...
myelitides 26 17 MYELITIS, inflammati...
myelitises 26 16 MYELITIS, inflammati...
myeloblast 28 20 an immature cell of...
myelocytes 34 21 MYELOCYTE, a nerve-c...
myelocytic 38 24 pertaining to a myel...
myelograms 27 21 MYELOGRAM, an X-ray...
myelopathy 35 23 a disease or disorde...
mylohyoids 34 21 MYLOHYOID, a nerve i...
mylonitise 25 17 to turn into mylonit...
mylonitize 28 26 to turn into mylonit...
myoblastic 31 22 of or like a myoblas...
myocardial 28 20 relating to the myoc...
myocardium 29 23 the main substance o...
myofibrils 31 22 MYOFIBRIL, a contrac...
myoglobins 28 22 MYOGLOBIN, a protein...
myographic 33 25 relating to myograph...
myological 30 22 of or pertaining to...
myologists 27 18 MYOLOGIST, one who s...
myomancies 27 22 MYOMANCY, devination...
myomectomy 35 26 surgical removal of...
myopathies 28 20 MYOPATHY, a disorder...
myophilies 30 21 MYOPHILY, pollinatio...
myophilous 30 22 pollinated by flies,...
myopically 38 25 MYOPIC, short-sighte...
myositises 25 15 MYOSITIS, muscular p...
myosotises 24 15 MYOSOTIS, a flowerin...
myostatins 24 16 MYOSTATIN, a protein...
myriadfold 28 21 a myriad times [n -S...
myriapodan 25 20 of or like a myriapo...
myringitis 27 18 inflammation of the...
myrioramas 25 18 MYRIORAMA, a picture...
myrioscope 29 21 a form of kaleidosco...
myrmidones 25 20 MYRMIDON, (Greek) a...
myrobalans 26 20 MYROBALAN, the astri...
myrtaceous 27 19 belonging to the myr...
mysophobia 30 23 an irrational fear o...
mystagogic 30 22 relating to religiou...
mystagogue 26 20 one who teaches myst...
mystagogus 27 20 one who teaches myst...
mysterious 25 16 of, relating to, or...
mystically 37 22 MYSTICAL, spirituall...
mysticetes 28 18 MYSTICETE, a species...
mysticisms 31 21 MYSTICISM, the habit...
mystifiers 28 18 MYSTIFIER, one who m...
mystifying 35 23 MYSTIFY, to perplex...
mythically 39 24 MYTHICAL, relating t...
mythicised 31 21 MYTHICISE, to make m...
mythiciser 31 20 one who mythicises,...
mythicises 31 20 MYTHICISE, to make m...
mythicisms 33 23 MYTHICISM, a theory...
mythicists 32 20 MYTHICIST, an adhere...
mythicized 34 30 MYTHICIZE, to make m...
mythicizer 34 29 one who mythicizes,...
mythicizes 34 29 MYTHICIZE, to make m...
mythmakers 29 24 MYTHMAKER, a maker o...
mythmaking 30 27 the making of myths...
mythologer 28 20 a mythologist [n -S]
mythologic 32 23 of or relating to my...
mythomanes 26 21 MYTHOMANE, someone w...
mythomania 26 21 an excessive or abno...
mythopoeia 27 20 the making of myths...
mythopoeic 31 23 myth-making, also MY...
mythopoets 28 20 MYTHOPOET, a mythmak...
mytiliform 30 22 mussel-shaped [adj]
myxamoebae 31 28 MYXAMOEBA, a cell pr...
myxamoebas 32 28 MYXAMOEBA, a cell pr...
myxoedemas 30 26 MYXOEDEMA, a skin di...
myxoedemic 34 29 relating to myxoedem...
myxomatous 31 26 suffering from myxom...
myxomycete 40 30 slime mould [n -S]