7 letter words that starts with v

7 letter words that start with V

7 letter V word


Word With Friends


vacance 18 18 the state of being v...
vacancy 25 20 the state of being v...
vacated 16 15 VACATE, to make vaca...
vacates 16 14 VACATE, to make vaca...
vacatur 17 15 (Latin) the act of a...
vaccina 19 18 (Latin) cowpox, also...
vaccine 19 18 a preparation given...
vacking 19 21 VAC, to clean with a...
vacuate 16 15 (obsolete) to make v...
vacuist 18 15 one who thinks there...
vacuity 24 17 an empty space [n VA...
vacuole 17 16 a small cavity in or...
vacuous 17 16 empty [adj VACUOUSLY...
vacuums 19 19 VACUUM, to operate a...
vagally 23 17 VAGAL, pertaining to...
vagging 17 18 VAG, to arrest someo...
vaginae 13 14 VAGINA, the passage...
vaginal 15 15 pertaining to the va...
vaginas 14 14 VAGINA, the passage...
vagitus 16 14 a cry or wail [n -ES...
vagrant 14 14 wandering, also VAGR...
vaguely 22 17 VAGUE, indeterminate...
vaguest 15 14 VAGUE, indeterminate...
vaguing 16 17 VAGUE, to be vague [...
vaguish 18 16 somewhat vague [adj]
vahanas 14 14 VAHANA, (Sanskrit) a...
vahines 15 14 VAHINE, (Tahitian) a...
vailing 16 15 VAIL, (archaic) to l...
vainest 13 12 VAIN, filled with un...
vairier 14 11 VAIRY, charged or va...
vaivode 15 16 (Russian) orig the t...
vakases 14 15 VAKAS, (Armenian) a...
vakeels 15 16 VAKEEL, (Hindi) a na...
valance 16 16 a drapery hung along...
valence 16 16 a chemical bond, als...
valency 23 18 a chemical bond, als...
valeric 18 15 as in valeric acid,...
valetas 14 12 VALETA, (Spanish) a...
valeted 14 13 VALET, to act as a p...
valetes 14 12 VALETE, (Latin) a fa...
valgoid 16 15 pertaining to valgus...
valgous 16 15 pertaining to valgus...
valiant 14 13 brave [adj VALIANTLY...
valider 15 13 VALID, sound, legall...
validly 23 16 VALID, sound, legall...
valines 14 13 VALINE, an amino aci...
valises 15 12 VALISE, (French) an...
valkyrs 23 18 VALKYR, a maiden in...
vallars 16 13 VALLAR, (Latin) a Ro...
vallary 22 15 (Latin) a Roman circ...
vallate 15 13 having a raised rim...
valleys 22 15 VALLEY, a depression...
vallums 18 17 VALLUM, (Latin) a ra...
valonea 12 13 (Italian) a tanning...
valonia 13 13 (Italian) a tanning...
valours 15 13 VALOUR, courage, als...
valsing 16 15 VALSE, (French) to w...
valuate 14 13 to appraise, evaluat...
valuers 15 13 VALUER, one that val...
valuing 16 16 VALUE, to estimate t...
valutas 15 13 VALUTA, (Italian) th...
valvate 16 16 having valves [adj]
valving 18 19 VALVE, to provide wi...
valvula 18 18 a small valve, also...
valvule 18 18 a small valve, also...
vamoose 13 14 to leave quickly, al...
vamosed 14 15 VAMOSE, to leave qui...
vamoses 14 14 VAMOSE, to leave qui...
vampers 17 17 VAMPER, one who vamp...
vampier 17 17 VAMPY, like a vamp,...
vamping 18 20 the patching of some...
vampire 17 17 to prey upon [v VAMP...
vampish 20 19 like a vamp, sultry,...
vanadic 16 16 pertaining to vanadi...
vandals 14 14 VANDAL, one who dest...
vandyke 20 19 to notch or zig-zag...
vanessa 12 12 a butterfly of the r...
vanilla 15 14 (Spanish) a fragrant...
vanitas 13 12 (Latin) a 17th centu...
vanload 13 14 the quantity that a...
vanners 12 13 VANNER, a person who...
vanning 13 16 a process by which o...
vanpool 15 16 an arrangement where...
vantage 13 14 (Spenser) to benefit...
vanward 16 16 located in the van,...
vapider 16 15 VAPID, empty [adj]
vapidly 24 18 VAPID, empty [adv]
vapings 17 17 VAPING, the practice...
vapored 15 15 VAPOR, to turn into...
vaporer 15 14 one that vapors, als...
vapours 16 15 VAPOUR, to turn into...
vapoury 22 17 full of vapour; affe...
vaquero 21 21 (Spanish) one who ha...
vardies 14 12 VARDY, (archaic) an...
varechs 19 16 VARECH, a kind of se...
vareuse 13 12 (French) a kind of l...
variant 13 12 something that diffe...
variate 13 11 to change, vary [v V...
varices 17 14 VARIX, (Latin) a var...
variers 14 11 VARIER, a wanderer;...
variety 20 13 diversity [n VARIETI...
variola 14 12 (Latin) smallpox [n...
variole 14 12 a small depression r...
various 14 12 of diverse kinds [ad...
varlets 15 12 VARLET, (archaic) a...
varment 14 15 (dialect) a pest, ve...
varmint 15 15 an animal considered...
varnish 16 14 to give a glossy app...
varooms 14 14 VAROOM, to run an en...
varroas 13 11 VARROA, (Latin) an A...
varsity 21 13 (colloquial) univers...
varuses 14 12 VARUS, (Latin) a mal...
varvels 17 16 VARVEL, a ring for a...
varying 21 16 the act of varying [...
vascula 18 16 VASCULUM, a box used...
vaseful 17 16 the contents of a va...
vassail 15 12 (Scott) a vessel, al...
vassals 15 12 VASSAL, to subject [...
vastest 14 11 VAST, huge [adj]
vastier 14 11 VASTY, (archaic) vas...
vastity 21 13 vastness, also VASTI...
vatable 16 15 liable to VAT (value...
vatfuls 18 16 VATFUL, as much as a...
vatical 18 15 pertaining to a prop...
vatters 14 11 VATTER, one who uses...
vatting 15 14 VAT, to put into a l...
vauched 19 18 VAUCH, (dialect) to...
vauches 19 17 VAUCH, (dialect) to...
vaudoos 13 13 VAUDOO, West Indian...
vaudoux 20 21 West Indian black ma...
vaulted 15 14 VAULT, to leap over,...
vaulter 15 13 one who vaults [n -S...
vaunced 16 17 VAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
vaunces 16 16 VAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
vaunted 13 14 VAUNT, to boast [v]
vaunter 13 13 one who boasts, vaun...
vauntie 13 13 boastful, also VAUNT...
vaurien 13 13 (French) a good-for-...
vauting 15 15 VAUTE, (obsolete) to...
vavasor 15 15 a knight, noble etc....
vawards 17 15 VAWARD, (Shakespeare...
vawntie 16 15 boastful, also VAUNT...
vawting 18 17 VAWTE, (obsolete) to...
vealers 14 12 VEALER, a calf raise...
vealier 14 12 VEALY, resembling ve...
vealing 15 15 VEALE, (Spenser) to...
vectors 17 14 VECTOR, to guide in...
vedalia 14 13 an Australian ladybi...
vedette 13 12 (French) a mounted s...
veejays 21 22 VEEJAY, an announcer...
veepees 14 14 VEEPEE, (US colloqui...
veeries 13 11 VEERY, an American t...
veering 14 14 changing direction [...
veganic 17 17 relating to manuring...
vegetal 15 14 of or pertaining to...
veggies 16 15 VEGGIE, (colloquial)...
vegging 17 18 VEG, to laze about [...
vehicle 20 17 a device used as a m...
veilers 15 12 VEILER, one who veil...
veilier 15 12 VEILY, like a veil,...
veiling 16 15 material for making...
veiners 13 12 VEINER, a tool used...
veinier 13 12 VEINY, full of veins...
veining 14 15 a network of veins [...
veinlet 14 13 a small vein, also V...
veinous 13 13 full of veins, also...
veinule 14 14 a small vein, also V...
velamen 14 16 a thin membranous co...
velaria 14 12 VELARIUM, an awning...
velaric 18 15 pertaining to the ve...
velated 14 13 having a velum, a ve...
velcros 18 15 VELCRO, (tradename)...
veletas 14 12 VELETA, (Spanish) a...
veliger 16 14 (Latin) a mollusc la...
velites 15 12 (Latin) foot-soldier...
vellets 16 13 VELLET, (Spenser) ve...
vellons 15 14 VELLON, (Spanish) a...
vellums 18 17 VELLUM, (Latin) calf...
velours 15 13 VELOUR, a fabric res...
veloute 14 13 (French) a kind of s...
velured 15 14 VELURE, (Shakespeare...
velures 15 13 VELURE, (Shakespeare...
velvets 17 16 VELVET, to cover wit...
velvety 23 18 having the plush of...
venally 21 16 VENAL, open to bribe...
venatic 16 15 related to hunting,...
venator 12 12 (Latin) a huntsman [...
vendace 15 16 a whitefish, found i...
vendage 13 15 the grape harvest, a...
vendees 12 13 VENDEE, the person t...
venders 13 13 VENDER, a seller, al...
vending 14 16 the act of selling g...
vendiss 14 13 a whitefish, found i...
vendors 13 13 VENDOR, a seller, al...
vendues 13 14 VENDUE, (Dutch) a pu...
veneers 12 12 VENEER, to overlay w...
venefic 18 18 acting by poison or...
venenes 11 13 VENENE, medicine fro...
venerer 12 12 a gamekeeper [n -S]
venewes 15 15 VENEWE, (Shakespeare...
vengers 14 14 VENGER, (Spenser) an...
venging 15 17 VENGE, (Shakespeare)...
venines 12 13 VENINE, any of vario...
venires 13 12 VENIRE, (Latin) a ty...
venison 12 13 the edible flesh of...
venites 13 12 VENITE, (Latin) the...
vennels 13 14 VENNEL, (Scots) a la...
venomed 13 16 VENOM, to inject wit...
venomer 13 15 (archaic) a poisoner...
ventage 13 14 (Shakespeare) a fing...
ventail 14 13 the movable front to...
ventana 11 13 (Spanish) a window [...
venters 13 12 VENTER, (obsolete) a...
ventige 14 14 (Shakespeare) a fing...
ventils 15 13 VENTIL, a valve in w...
venting 14 15 the act of venting [...
ventose 12 12 an apparatus sometim...
ventral 14 13 pertaining to the un...
ventred 13 13 VENTRE, (obsolete) t...
ventres 13 12 VENTRE, (obsolete) t...
venture 13 13 to risk, also VENTRE...
venturi 14 13 a device for measuri...
venular 14 14 like a venule, a sma...
venules 14 14 VENULE, a small vein...
venuses 13 13 VENUS, (Latin) one o...
veranda 12 13 (Hindi) a roofed gal...
verbals 17 15 VERBAL, to take a po...
verbena 14 15 a plant of the verva...
verbids 17 15 VERBID, a nonfinite...
verbify 25 19 to use as a verb [v...
verbile 17 15 one whose mental ima...
verbing 17 17 using a nouns as a v...
verbose 15 14 wordy [adj VERBOSER,...
verdant 13 13 green with vegetatio...
verdets 14 12 VERDET, copper aceta...
verdict 18 15 the decision of a ju...
verdins 14 13 VERDIN, a small yell...
verdite 14 12 green mica [n -S]
verdits 15 12 VERDIT, (Spenser) a...
verdoys 20 14 VERDOY, in heraldry,...
verdure 14 13 green vegetation [n...
vergers 15 13 VERGER, a church off...
verging 16 16 VERGE, to come near...
verglas 16 14 (French) a film of i...
veridic 18 15 truthful; correspond...
veriest 14 11 VERY, absolute [adj]
verismo 15 14 realism in art or li...
verisms 16 14 VERISM, realism in a...
verists 15 11 VERIST, an adherent...
veritas 14 11 (Latin) truth [n VER...
verites 14 11 VERITE, (French) rea...
verlans 14 13 VERLAN, (French) a v...
vermeil 16 15 to colour red, also...
vermell 17 16 (Spenser) vermilion...
vermian 14 15 pertaining to worms...
vermils 17 15 VERMIL, to colour re...
vermily 23 17 (Spenser) vermilion,...
vermins 15 15 VERMIN, troublesome...
verminy 21 17 infested with vermin...
vermuth 18 17 (French) a drink wit...
vernant 12 13 sprouting in spring...
vernier 13 12 an auxiliary scale t...
veronal 13 13 a barbitone [n -S]
verrels 15 12 VERREL, a band place...
verrine 13 12 an appetiser or dess...
verruca 17 15 (Latin) a plantar wa...
verruga 15 14 (Spanish) a fever wi...
versals 15 12 VERSAL, an ornamenta...
versant 13 12 the slope of a mount...
versers 14 11 VERSER, a versifier...
versets 14 11 VERSET, a short line...
versify 23 16 to change from prose...
versine 13 12 a versed sine, a tri...
versing 15 14 the composing of ver...
versins 14 12 VERSIN, a versed sin...
version 13 12 to create a new acco...
verstes 14 11 VERSTE, (Russian) a...
versute 14 12 crafty; wily [adj]
vertigo 15 13 dizziness [n VERTIGI...
verting 15 14 VERT, (colloquial) t...
vertues 14 12 VERTUE, moral excell...
vervain 15 16 a wild verbena, beli...
vervels 17 16 VERVEL, a ring for a...
vervens 15 16 VERVEN, (Spenser) ve...
vervets 16 15 VERVET, (French) a s...
vesicae 16 14 VESICA, (Latin) a bl...
vesical 18 15 pertaining to the bl...
vesicas 17 14 VESICA, (Latin) a bl...
vesicle 18 15 a small blister or b...
vespers 16 14 VESPER, an evening s...
vespids 17 15 VESPID, a social was...
vespine 15 15 of wasps; wasplike,...
vespoid 16 15 of wasps; wasplike,...
vessail 15 12 (Scott) a vessel, al...
vessels 15 12 VESSEL, a craft for...
vestals 15 12 VESTAL, (Latin) one...
vestees 13 11 VESTEE, a garment wo...
vestige 15 13 a visible sign of so...
vesting 15 14 the act of placing a...
vestral 15 12 relating to a vestry...
vesture 14 12 clothing, esp. eccle...
vetches 19 16 VETCH, any of a numb...
veteran 12 12 a former member of t...
vetiver 16 15 (Tamil) an East Indi...
vetkoek 15 19 (Afrikaans) a deep-f...
vetoers 13 11 VETOER, one who veto...
vetoing 14 14 VETO, to forbid or p...
vetters 14 11 VETTER, one that eva...
vetting 15 14 as in positive vetti...
vettura 14 12 (Italian) a carriage...
vexedly 27 22 VEXED [adv]
vexilla 22 20 VEXILLUM, the web or...
vexings 21 21 VEXING, the act of v...
viaduct 18 16 a structure carrying...
vialful 19 17 as much as a vial ca...
vialing 16 15 VIAL, to put in a sm...
vialled 16 14 VIAL, to put in a sm...
viatica 17 14 VIATICUM, an allowan...
viators 14 11 VIATOR, a traveller...
vibices 20 17 VIBEX, a streak unde...
vibiest 17 14 VIBEY, lively, vibra...
vibists 18 14 VIBIST, (colloquial)...
vibrant 16 15 vibrating, resonant...
vibrate 16 14 to move back and for...
vibrato 16 14 (Italian) a tremulou...
vibrion 16 15 a bacterium with a s...
vibrios 17 14 VIBRIO, a bacterium...
vicarly 25 17 like a vicar [adj]
viceroy 23 16 one who rules as the...
vichies 20 16 VICHY, a type of min...
viciate 17 14 (obsolete) to impair...
vicinal 18 16 neighboring; local [...
vicious 18 15 dangerously aggressi...
vicomte 18 17 (French) in France,...
victims 20 17 VICTIM, one who suff...
victors 18 14 VICTOR, one who defe...
victory 24 16 a successful outcome...
victrix 25 21 (Latin) a female vic...
victual 19 16 to provide with food...
vicugna 18 18 a wild wool-bearing...
vicunas 17 16 VICUNA, a wild wool-...
vidalia 15 13 a sweet onion from V...
vidames 15 15 VIDAME, in French fe...
videnda 13 14 VIDENDUM, things to...
videoed 13 13 VIDEO, to make a vid...
vidette 14 12 (French) a mounted s...
vidicon 17 16 a type of television...
vidimus 17 16 (Latin) an attested...
vidiots 15 12 VIDIOT, a habitual u...
viduage 15 15 (Latin) widowhood; w...
viduity 22 15 the state of being a...
viduous 15 14 widowed; empty [adj]
vielles 16 13 VIELLE, (French) a h...
viewers 17 14 VIEWER, one that vie...
viewier 17 14 VIEWY, showy; having...
viewing 18 17 the act of seeing, w...
viffing 20 20 VIFF, to change dire...
vigoros 15 13 VIGORO, (Australian)...
vigours 16 14 VIGOUR, active stren...
viharas 16 13 VIHARA, (Sanskrit) a...
vihuela 17 15 (Spanish) an old Spa...
vikings 17 18 VIKING, an aggressiv...
vilayet 21 14 (Turkish) one of the...
viliaco 18 15 (obsolete) a coward,...
viliago 16 14 (obsolete) a coward,...
village 17 15 a small community in...
villain 16 14 a malevolent evildoe...
villans 16 14 VILLAN, a malevolent...
villany 22 16 conduct characterist...
villein 16 14 (historical) a free...
villose 16 13 abounding in, or cov...
villous 17 14 abounding in, or cov...
vimanas 14 15 VIMANA, (Sanskrit) i...
viminal 16 16 of or pertaining to...
vinasse 13 12 a residue left after...
vincula 18 17 VINCULUM, (Latin) a...
vinegar 14 14 to treat with a sour...
vinewed 16 16 VINEW, to become mou...
viniest 14 12 VINY, of or pertaini...
vintage 14 14 to strip of grapes,...
vinting 15 15 VINT, to strip of gr...
vintner 13 13 a wine merchant [n -...
vinylic 25 18 of or like vinyl [ad...
violate 14 12 to fail to observe d...
violent 14 13 intensely forcible [...
violers 15 12 VIOLER, a viol playe...
violets 15 12 VIOLET, any plant or...
violins 15 13 VIOLIN, the smallest...
violist 16 12 one who plays the vi...
violone 13 13 (Italian) a double-b...
viragos 15 13 VIRAGO, a noisy, dom...
virally 23 15 VIRAL, relating to o...
viranda 13 13 (Hindi) a roofed gal...
virando 13 13 (Hindi) a roofed gal...
virelai 15 12 (French) an old Fren...
virelay 21 14 (French) an old Fren...
viremia 15 14 the presence of vira...
viremic 19 17 pertaining to viraem...
viretot 14 11 (Scott) rush, dash,...
virgate 15 13 an early English lan...
virgers 16 13 VIRGER, (obsolete) a...
virgins 16 14 VIRGIN, (Shakespeare...
virgule 17 15 a diagonal printing...
virinos 14 12 VIRINO, a hypothetic...
virions 14 12 VIRION, a virus part...
viroids 15 12 VIROID, a viruslike...
viroses 14 11 VIROSIS, infection w...
virosis 15 11 infection with a vir...
virtual 16 13 having the effect bu...
virtues 15 12 VIRTUE, moral excell...
viruses 15 12 VIRUS, (Latin) a pat...
visaged 15 14 having a visage [adj...
visages 15 13 VISAGE, the face of...
visaing 15 14 VISA, to stamp with...
visards 15 12 VISARD, a mask or vi...
viscera 17 14 VISCUS, one of the o...
viscins 18 15 VISCIN, the sticky s...
viscoid 18 15 somewhat viscid, als...
viscose 17 14 the sodium salt of c...
viscous 18 15 adhesive or sticky,...
viscums 20 18 VISCUM, a genus of p...
viseing 15 14 VISE, to hold in a c...
vishing 18 16 the practise of maki...
visible 18 15 able to be seen [adj...
visibly 25 17 VISIBLE, able to be...
visiers 15 11 VISIER, (Arabic) a m...
visiles 16 12 VISILE, a person who...
visions 14 12 VISION, to see, perc...
visited 15 12 VISIT, to call upon...
visitee 14 11 the person to whom a...
visiter 15 11 someone who calls in...
visites 15 11 VISITE, (French) a l...
visitor 15 11 someone who calls in...
visnomy 21 17 the act of judging c...
visored 14 12 VISOR, to provide wi...
vistaed 14 12 VISTA, to make into,...
visuals 16 13 VISUAL, something vi...
vitally 23 15 VITAL, necessary to...
vitamer 15 14 a type of chemical c...
vitamin 15 15 an organic substance...
vitelli 17 13 VITELLUS, the yolk o...
vitesse 14 11 (French) speed [n -S...
vitexes 20 18 VITEX, (Latin) any o...
vitiate 14 11 to impair the qualit...
vitious 15 12 vicious in the speci...
vitrage 15 13 (French) a thin curt...
vitrail 16 12 (French) stained gla...
vitrain 14 12 a separable constitu...
vitraux 21 19 VITRAIL, (French) st...
vitreum 16 15 a vitreous humour of...
vitrics 19 14 the art of making or...
vitrify 24 16 to convert into glas...
vitrine 14 12 a glass showcase for...
vitriol 16 12 to treat with sulfur...
vittate 14 11 marked or striped wi...
vittled 16 13 VITTLE, to provide w...
vittles 16 12 VITTLE, to provide w...
vitular 16 13 pertaining to a calf...
vivaces 19 18 VIVACE, (Italian) a...
vivaing 17 18 VIVA, to examine ora...
vivaria 16 15 VIVARIUM, a place fo...
vivency 25 21 vitality [n VIVENCIE...
viverra 16 15 (Latin) a member of...
vivider 17 16 VIVID, strikingly br...
vividly 25 19 VIVID, strikingly br...
vivific 23 21 vivifying [adj]
vixenly 27 22 snarling [adj]
vizards 18 21 VIZARD, to mask or d...
viziers 18 20 VIZIER, (Arabic) a m...
vizored 17 21 VIZOR, to provide wi...
vizslas 19 21 VIZSLA, (Hungarian)...
vizying 25 25 VIZY, (Scots) to tak...
vizzied 21 30 VIZZIE, (Scots) to t...
vizzies 21 29 VIZZIE, (Scots) to t...
vlogged 17 17 VLOG, to keep a vide...
vlogger 17 16 one who keeps a vlog...
vocable 19 18 capable of being utt...
vocably 26 20 VOCABLE, capable of...
vocalic 21 18 of or pertaining to...
vocally 25 18 with the voice [adv]
vocoder 16 15 an electronic device...
vocular 18 16 vocal [adj]
vocules 18 16 VOCULE, a slight vow...
vodcast 17 15 to broadcast by a vi...
voddies 14 13 VODDY, (Coll) vodka...
vodouns 13 14 VODOUN, West Indian...
voetsak 14 15 (South Africa) offen...
voetsek 14 15 (South Africa) offen...
vogiest 15 13 VOGIE, (Scots) vain,...
voguers 15 14 VOGUER, one who vogu...
voguier 15 14 VOGUEY, in vogue [ad...
voguing 16 17 performing to pop mu...
voguish 18 16 fashionable [adj VOG...
voicers 17 14 VOICER, one who voic...
voicing 18 17 the regulation of th...
voidees 13 12 VOIDEE, (historical)...
voiders 14 12 VOIDER, one who void...
voiding 15 15 the act of voiding [...
voiture 14 12 (French) a carriage...
voivode 15 16 (Russian) orig the t...
volable 17 16 (Shakespeare) nimble...
volante 13 13 a two-wheeled horse...
volatic 18 15 a creature with wing...
volcano 16 16 a centre of eruption...
volleys 22 15 VOLLEY, to return a...
volosts 15 12 VOLOST, (Russian) a...
volpino 16 16 (Italian) a small It...
voltage 15 14 electromotive force...
voltaic 18 15 of electricity, gene...
volting 16 15 VOLT, to make a sudd...
volubil 19 17 (Milton) flowing smo...
voluble 18 17 fluent in speech; to...
volubly 25 19 VOLUBLE, fluent in s...
volumed 16 17 VOLUME, to send or g...
volumes 16 16 VOLUME, to send or g...
voluspa 17 16 a sibyl or prophetes...
voluted 15 14 having a volute [adj...
volutes 15 13 VOLUTE, any marine s...
volutin 15 14 a granular substance...
volvate 16 16 having a volva, a sa...
volving 18 19 VOLVE, (obsolete) to...
volvuli 19 18 VOLVULUS, a twisting...
vomicae 17 17 VOMICA, a cavity in...
vomicas 18 17 VOMICA, a cavity in...
vomited 15 15 VOMIT, to eject the...
vomiter 15 14 one who vomits [n -S...
vomitos 15 14 VOMITO, (Spanish) a...
vomitus 16 15 (Latin) matter vomit...
vomming 17 20 VOM, (short for) to...
vongole 14 15 (Italian) in Italian...
voodoos 12 12 VOODOO, West Indian...
voragos 14 13 VORAGO, (Latin) a gu...
vorlage 15 14 (German) the positio...
vorring 15 14 VOR, (Shakespeare) t...
votable 16 15 capable of being vot...
voteens 12 12 VOTEEN, (Irish) a de...
votings 15 14 VOTING, casting a vo...
votives 16 15 VOTIVE, a votive off...
votress 14 11 a female votary, als...
vouched 19 18 VOUCH, to give one's...
vouchee 18 17 one for whom another...
voucher 19 17 to establish the aut...
vouches 19 17 VOUCH, to give one's...
voudons 13 14 VOUDON, West Indian...
voudoun 13 15 West Indian black ma...
voudous 14 14 VOUDOU, to bewitch b...
voulges 16 15 VOULGE, a weapon car...
vouvray 22 18 (French) a French wh...
voweled 17 16 having vowels [adj]
vowelly 25 18 full of vowels [adj]
vowless 18 15 having made no vow [...
voyaged 20 16 VOYAGE, to travel [v...
voyager 20 15 one who voyages [n -...
voyages 20 15 VOYAGE, to travel [v...
voyeurs 20 14 VOYEUR, one who seek...
vroomed 14 15 VROOM, to run an eng...
vuggier 17 16 VUGGY, abounding in...
vughier 18 16 VUGHY, abounding in...
vugular 17 16 pertaining to vugs [...
vulcans 18 17 VULCAN, (Latin) a bl...
vulgars 17 15 VULGAR, the common p...
vulgate 16 15 the common speech of...
vulning 16 17 VULN, to wound; pier...
vulpine 17 17 pertaining to a fox...
vulture 16 14 a bird of prey [n -S...
vulturn 16 15 (obsolete) the Austr...
vulvate 17 17 shaped like a vulva,...
vumming 18 21 VUM, to vow [v]
vuttier 15 12 VUTTY, (dialect) dir...
vyingly 29 19 VYING, contending [a...