7 letter words that starts with m

7 letter words that start with M

7 letter M word


Word With Friends


maatjes 14 19 a young herring, tre...
mabelas 15 14 MABELA, ground kaffi...
macaber 17 16 gruesome, also MACAB...
macabre 17 16 gruesome, also MACAB...
macacos 18 16 MACACO, (French) any...
macadam 16 17 pavement made of lay...
macaque 23 23 a kind of short-tail...
macchia 21 18 a dense growth of sm...
macchie 21 18 MACCHIA, a dense gro...
maceral 16 14 any of the organic e...
machaca 20 18 (Spanish) a Mexican...
machair 18 15 (Gaelic) a low-lying...
machans 17 16 MACHAN, (Hindi) a ra...
machers 18 15 MACHER, (Yiddish) an...
machete 17 15 a large heavy knife,...
machine 17 16 to process by a mech...
machree 17 15 (Anglo-Irish) an aff...
machzor 21 24 a Jewish prayer book...
mackled 18 19 MACKLE, to blur in p...
mackles 18 18 MACKLE, to blur in p...
macoyas 21 15 MACOYA, an American...
macrame 16 16 ornamental knotted t...
macrami 17 16 ornamental knotted t...
macrons 15 14 MACRON, a symbol pla...
maculae 16 15 MACULA, (Latin) a sp...
macular 17 15 spotted; patchy [adj...
maculas 17 15 MACULA, (Latin) a sp...
maculed 17 16 MACULE, to blur in p...
macules 17 15 MACULE, to blur in p...
macumba 19 20 a Black religious cu...
madafus 15 15 MADAFU, (Swahili) co...
madamed 13 15 MADAM, to address as...
madames 13 14 MADAME, to address a...
madcaps 18 17 MADCAP, an impulsive...
maddens 12 13 MADDEN, to make or b...
madders 13 12 MADDER, a herbaceous...
maddest 13 12 MAD, insane [adj]
madding 14 15 MAD, to become or ma...
maddish 16 14 somewhat mad [adj]
maddock 17 19 a kind of pickaxe fo...
madeira 12 11 a white wine [n -S]
madison 12 12 a type of cyle relay...
madling 15 15 a mad person [n -S]
madness 12 12 the state of being m...
madonna 10 13 a former Italian tit...
madoqua 20 21 a small Abyssinian a...
madrasa 12 11 (Arabic) an Islamic...
madrona 11 12 (Spanish) a Californ...
madrone 11 12 (Spanish) a Californ...
madrono 11 12 (Spanish) a Californ...
madtoms 14 14 MADTOM, a North Amer...
maduros 13 12 MADURO, a dark-colou...
madwort 16 14 any of various plant...
madzoon 14 21 a food similar to yo...
maelids 14 12 MAELID, an apple nym...
maenads 11 12 MAENAD, a female fol...
maestri 13 10 MAESTRO, a master of...
maestro 12 10 a master of an art [...
maffias 17 16 MAFFIA, a secret cri...
maffick 22 23 to celebrate exubera...
maffled 18 18 (colloquial) mentall...
mafflin 18 18 a simpleton, also MA...
mafiosi 15 13 MAFIOSO, a member of...
mafioso 14 13 a member of the mafi...
maftirs 16 13 MAFTIR, (Hebrew) the...
magalog 15 15 (colloquial) a large...
magenta 12 13 a purplish red dye [...
maggies 15 14 MAGGIE, (dialect) a...
magging 16 17 MAGG, (Scott) to ste...
maggots 15 14 MAGGOT, any soft-bod...
maggoty 21 16 full of maggots [adj...
magians 13 13 MAGIAN, a magician,...
magical 18 16 resembling magic [ad...
magilps 18 16 MAGILP, a substance...
magisms 16 15 MAGISM, the teaching...
maglevs 17 17 MAGLEV, (short for)...
magmata 14 15 MAGMA, the molten ma...
magnate 12 13 a great or noble per...
magneto 12 13 a small electric gen...
magnets 13 13 MAGNET, a body that...
magnify 22 18 to increase the perc...
magnons 12 14 MAGNON, a quantum of...
magnums 15 17 MAGNUM, a bottle for...
magpies 16 15 MAGPIE, a black and...
magsman 14 16 a street swindler [n...
magsmen 14 16 MAGSMAN, a street sw...
magueys 20 15 MAGUEY, the century...
mahants 14 13 MAHANT, (Hindi) a ch...
mahatma 15 15 (Sanskrit) a religio...
mahewus 18 16 MAHEWU, in South Afr...
mahjong 17 24 a game of Chinese or...
mahmals 17 16 MAHMAL, the empty li...
mahonia 13 13 a shrub of the barbe...
mahouts 15 13 MAHOUT, the keeper a...
mahseer 14 12 a large freshwater f...
mahsirs 16 12 MAHSIR, a large fres...
mahuang 15 16 (Chinese) an Asian p...
mahzors 18 21 MAHZOR, a Jewish pra...
maidans 12 12 MAIDAN, in India, an...
maidens 12 12 MAIDEN, a young unma...
maiding 14 14 MAID, to work as a m...
maidish 16 13 like a maiden [adj]
maidism 15 14 a chronic disease du...
maigres 14 12 MAIGRE, a large Medi...
maihems 16 15 MAIHEM, maiming, mal...
mailbag 17 16 a bag containing pos...
mailbox 22 21 a box for posting ma...
mailcar 17 14 a railway coach spec...
mailers 14 11 MAILER, one who send...
mailing 15 14 a batch of items sen...
maillot 15 12 (French) tights worn...
mailman 14 15 a man who carries an...
mailmen 14 15 MAILMAN, a man who c...
mailvan 15 16 any vehicle which ca...
maimers 14 13 MAIMER, one who maim...
maiming 15 16 the act of disabling...
mainest 12 11 MAIN, chief, princip...
maining 13 14 MAIN, to maim or cri...
mainors 12 11 MAINOR, act or fact...
mainour 12 12 (archaic) an act or...
maintop 14 14 a platform at the he...
maister 13 10 (Scots) to master, t...
maistry 20 12 (obsolete) mastery,...
majagua 15 22 a tropical tree [n -...
majesty 21 21 regal dignity [n MAJ...
majorat 14 19 the circumstance of...
majored 14 20 MAJOR, to pursue a s...
majorly 22 22 MAJOR, greater [adv]
makable 16 18 capable of being mad...
makeups 16 18 MAKEUP, the way in w...
makhani 15 17 (Hindi) in Indian co...
makings 15 17 MAKING, material fro...
makutus 15 16 MAKUTU, to cast a sp...
malacca 19 17 the cane of an Asian...
malacia 16 14 a pathological softe...
malaise 13 11 a feeling of debilit...
malanga 13 14 a tropical plant, ak...
malaria 13 11 an infectious tropic...
malarky 21 17 (US colloquial) absu...
malates 13 11 MALATE, a salt of ma...
malaxed 19 19 MALAX, to soften by...
malaxes 19 18 MALAX, to soften by...
maleate 12 11 a salt of malic acid...
malefic 19 17 having a malignant i...
malgred 15 14 MALGRE, (archaic) to...
malgres 15 13 MALGRE, (archaic) to...
maliced 17 15 MALICE, to have ill-...
malices 17 14 MALICE, to have ill-...
malicho 19 16 (Shakespeare) mischi...
maligns 15 14 MALIGN, to speak evi...
malines 13 12 MALINE, a delicate n...
malisms 16 14 MALISM, belief in th...
malison 13 12 a curse, a maledicti...
malkins 15 16 MALKIN, (dialect) a...
mallams 16 15 MALLAM, a Muslim sch...
mallard 15 13 a wild duck [n -S]
mallees 14 12 MALLEE, (Native Aust...
mallets 15 12 MALLET, a type of ha...
malleus 15 13 a bone of the middle...
malling 16 15 a mauling [n -S]
mallows 18 15 MALLOW, any of vario...
malmags 16 16 MALMAG, a nocturnal...
malmier 15 14 MALMY, resembling ma...
malmsey 21 16 a strong sweet wine,...
malodor 13 12 an offensive odor, a...
malonic 16 15 as in malonic acid,...
maltase 13 11 an enzyme that produ...
malteds 14 12 MALTED, a whisky fla...
maltese 13 11 as in maltese cross,...
malthas 16 13 MALTHA, a thick mine...
maltier 14 11 MALTY, resembling ma...
malting 15 14 a building where mal...
maltman 14 15 one who makes malt,...
maltmen 14 15 MALTMAN, one who mak...
maltols 15 12 MALTOL, a natural fo...
maltose 13 11 a hard, white crysta...
maluses 14 12 MALUS, a financial p...
malware 16 14 software that intent...
mamaguy 21 18 (Caribbean) to decei...
mamakau 14 18 (Maori) a tall edibl...
mamakos 14 17 MAMAKO, (Maori) a ta...
mamakus 15 18 MAMAKU, (Maori) a ta...
mamasan 12 14 a Japanese woman in...
mamboed 15 17 MAMBO, to dance the...
mamboes 15 16 MAMBO, to dance the...
mamelon 13 15 (French) a rounded h...
mameyes 19 15 MAMEY, a tropical pl...
mamilla 16 15 the nipple of the ma...
mamluks 17 19 MAMLUK, (Arabic) one...
mammals 16 17 MAMMAL, any of a cla...
mammary 21 18 a breast [n MAMMARIE...
mammate 14 16 having mammae, breas...
mammati 15 16 MAMMATUS, a type of...
mammees 14 16 MAMMEE, a tropical p...
mammers 15 16 MAMMER, (Shakespeare...
mammets 15 16 MAMMET, a puppet; a...
mammeys 21 18 MAMMEY, a tropical p...
mammies 15 16 MAMMY, a child's nam...
mammock 19 23 (Shakespeare) to tea...
mammons 14 17 MAMMON, riches regar...
mammoth 17 18 an extinct elephant...
mampara 15 16 (South Africa) a foo...
mampoer 15 16 (Afrikaans) home-mad...
mamzers 17 22 MAMZER, (Yiddish) an...
manacle 15 15 to handcuff [v MANAC...
managed 12 14 MANAGE, to control o...
manager 12 13 one that manages [n...
manages 12 13 MANAGE, to control o...
manaias 11 11 MANAIA, (Maori) a fi...
manakin 12 16 any of various small...
mananas 10 12 MANANA, (Spanish) to...
manatee 10 11 a large aquatic mamm...
manatis 12 11 MANATI, a large aqua...
manatus 12 12 MANATU, a large flow...
manawas 14 14 MANAWA, (Maori) a ma...
manbags 15 16 MANBAG, a bag for sm...
manband 13 16 an all-male vocal po...
mancala 15 15 a variety of board g...
manches 17 16 MANCHE, (French) a s...
manchet 17 16 in heraldry, a charg...
mandala 12 13 a pictorial symbol o...
mandate 11 12 an official instruct...
mandioc 15 15 (Tupi) a plant of th...
mandira 12 12 a Hindu temple, also...
mandirs 13 12 MANDIR, a Hindu temp...
mandola 12 13 (Italian) an early t...
mandoms 13 15 MANDOM, man collecti...
mandora 11 12 (Italian) an early t...
mandrel 13 13 a bar of iron fitted...
mandril 14 13 a bar of iron fitted...
maneged 12 14 MANEGE, to train hor...
maneges 12 13 MANEGE, to train hor...
mangaby 21 18 a long-tailed Africa...
mangals 14 14 MANGAL, (Turkish) a...
mangeao 11 13 a small New Zealand...
mangels 14 14 MANGEL, a variety of...
mangers 13 13 MANGER, a feeding tr...
mangier 13 13 MANGEY, affected wit...
mangily 21 16 MANGY, affected with...
manging 14 16 MANG, (archaic) to s...
mangled 14 15 MANGLE, to hack, tea...
mangler 14 14 one who mangles [n -...
mangles 14 14 MANGLE, to hack, tea...
mangoes 12 13 MANGO, a tropical tr...
mangold 14 15 a variety of beet, a...
manhole 14 14 an opening large eno...
manhood 13 14 the state of being a...
manhunt 14 15 an intensive search...
maniacs 15 14 MANIAC, an insane pe...
manihoc 17 16 (Tupi) a plant of th...
manihot 14 13 (Tupi) a plant of th...
manikin 13 16 an anatomical model...
manilas 13 12 MANILA, a strong pap...
manilla 14 13 (Spanish) a horsesho...
manille 14 13 (French) in the card...
manioca 14 14 (Tupi) a plant of th...
maniocs 15 14 MANIOC, (Tupi) a pla...
maniple 15 15 (Latin) a subdivisio...
manises 12 11 MANIS, another name...
manitos 12 11 MANITO, (Native Amer...
manitou 12 12 (Native American) a...
manitus 13 12 MANITU, (Native Amer...
manjack 18 27 a West Indian tree [...
mankier 13 15 MANKY, (Scots) filth...
mankind 13 17 the human race [n -S...
mankini 13 16 a man's swimming cos...
manless 13 12 without men [adj]
manlier 13 12 MANLY, having the qu...
manlike 14 16 like a man [adj MANL...
manlily 21 15 MANLY, having the qu...
manmade 12 15 made by man [adj]
mannans 10 13 MANNAN, a type of su...
manners 11 12 MANNER, method, fash...
manning 12 15 MAN, to provide with...
mannish 14 14 resembling or charac...
mannite 11 12 a sweet alcohol obta...
mannose 10 12 a sugar obtained by...
manoaos 10 11 MANOAO, (New Zealand...
manpack 18 21 a pack designed to b...
manques 20 21 MANQUE, (French) the...
manreds 12 12 MANRED, (obsolete) h...
manrent 11 12 (Scots) homage or se...
manrope 13 14 a rope used as a han...
mansard 12 12 a type of roof [n -S...
mansion 11 12 a large impressive h...
manteau 11 12 (French) a woman's l...
manteel 12 12 (obsolete) a soldier...
mantels 13 12 MANTEL, the ornament...
mantids 13 12 MANTID, a predatory...
manties 12 11 MANTY, (Scots) a wom...
mantled 13 13 MANTLE, to cover as...
mantles 13 12 MANTLE, to cover as...
mantlet 13 12 a mobile screen used...
mantoes 11 11 MANTO, (historical)...
mantram 13 14 (Sanskrit) a sacred...
mantrap 14 14 a trap for catching...
mantras 12 11 MANTRA, (Sanskrit) a...
mantric 16 14 relating to a mantra...
mantuas 12 12 MANTUA, (Italian) a...
manuals 13 13 MANUAL, a small refe...
manuary 18 14 involving the hands...
manukas 13 16 MANUKA, (Maori) an A...
manumea 12 15 a Samoan pigeon with...
manumit 14 15 to free from slavery...
manured 12 13 MANURE, to fertilize...
manurer 12 12 one who manures [n -...
manures 12 12 MANURE, to fertilize...
manward 15 15 towards man, also MA...
manwise 15 14 in a manner characte...
manyata 17 13 a small Masai settle...
maomaos 12 13 MAOMAO, a New Zealan...
maormor 13 13 (Irish) a high-ranki...
mapless 16 14 having no map [adj]
maplike 17 18 resembling a map [ad...
mappers 17 16 MAPPER, one who maps...
mappery 23 18 working with maps [n...
mapping 18 19 a mathematical corre...
mappist 18 16 one who works with m...
mapwise 18 16 in the manner of a m...
maquila 22 21 (Spanish) a manufact...
marabis 15 13 MARABI, (South Afric...
marabou 14 14 an African stork, al...
maracas 15 13 MARACA, a kind of go...
maranta 11 11 a genus of tropical...
mararis 13 10 MARARI, (New Zealand...
marasca 15 13 (Italian) a bitter w...
marauds 13 12 MARAUD, to wander in...
marbled 16 15 MARBLE, to vein or p...
marbler 16 14 one who works upon m...
marbles 16 14 MARBLE, to vein or p...
marcato 15 13 (Italian) in a marke...
marcels 17 14 MARCEL, to make a de...
marched 18 16 MARCH, to walk in a...
marchen 17 16 (German) a story or...
marcher 18 15 one that marches [n...
marches 18 15 MARCH, to walk in a...
marconi 15 14 to communicate by wi...
mardied 13 12 MARDY, to behave lik...
mardier 13 11 MARDY, petulant [adj...
mardies 13 11 MARDY, to behave lik...
maremma 14 16 (Italian) a marshy c...
maremme 14 16 MAREMMA, (Italian) a...
marengo 12 13 served with a sauce...
mareros 12 10 MARERO, a member of...
margate 13 12 a tropical fish [n -...
margays 20 14 MARGAY, a small Amer...
margent 13 13 to provide with a bo...
margins 14 13 MARGIN, to provide w...
margosa 13 12 a large tree of genu...
marimba 16 16 a percussion instrum...
marinas 12 11 MARINA, a berthing a...
mariner 12 11 a sailor [n -S]
marines 12 11 MARINE, a soldier tr...
marital 14 11 relating to marriage...
markers 14 14 MARKER, one that mar...
markets 14 14 MARKET, to offer for...
markhor 16 16 a wild goat of the m...
marking 15 17 a pattern of marks [...
markkaa 14 18 MARKKA, the standard...
markkas 15 18 MARKKA, the standard...
markman 14 18 a person skillful at...
markmen 14 18 MARKMAN, a person sk...
markups 17 18 MARKUP, the differen...
marlier 14 11 MARLY, abounding wit...
marline 13 12 a line of two loosel...
marling 15 14 the act of fertilisi...
marlins 14 12 MARLIN, a marine gam...
marlite 14 11 marl with 25% to 75%...
marmite 14 13 (French) a metal or...
marmose 13 13 a small South Americ...
marmots 14 13 MARMOT, a kind of bu...
maroons 11 11 MAROON, to abandon i...
marplot 16 14 (archaic) a stupid a...
marquee 20 20 a large tent with op...
marques 21 20 MARQUE, (French) a m...
marquis 22 20 a British or Irish h...
marrams 14 13 MARRAM, a seaside gr...
marrano 11 11 (Spanish) a Jew who...
marrels 14 11 a rustic game, aka f...
marrers 13 10 MARRER, one who mars...
married 13 11 one who has entered...
marrier 13 10 one who marries [n -...
marries 13 10 MARRY, to enter into...
marring 14 13 MAR, to spoil or dam...
marrons 12 11 MARRON, (Native Aust...
marrows 16 13 MARROW, to be a mate...
marrowy 22 15 full of marrow; pith...
marrums 15 14 MARRUM, a seaside gr...
marsala 13 11 (Italian) a kind of...
marshal 16 13 to put in proper ord...
marshed 15 13 having a marsh [adj]
marshes 15 12 MARSH, a tract of lo...
martels 14 11 MARTEL, (Spenser) to...
martens 12 11 MARTEN, a carnivore...
martext 19 17 an ignorant preacher...
martial 14 11 pertaining to war [a...
martian 12 11 a supposed inhabitan...
marting 14 13 MART, to sell, trade...
martini 13 11 an alcoholic cocktai...
martins 13 11 MARTIN, a bird of th...
martlet 14 11 a small bird, also M...
martyrs 20 12 MARTYR, to put someo...
martyry 26 14 a shrine erected in...
marvels 16 15 MARVEL, to be filled...
marvers 15 14 MARVER, to roll glas...
marvier 15 14 MARVY, marvellous [a...
marybud 22 17 a marigold bud [n -S...
masalas 13 11 MASALA, a mixture of...
mascara 15 13 a colouring for the...
mascled 17 15 covered with mascles...
mascles 17 14 MASCLE, a diamond-sh...
mascons 15 14 MASCON, a concentrat...
mascots 16 13 MASCOT, a talisman,...
masculy 24 17 covered with mascles...
mashers 15 12 MASHER, a dandy freq...
mashier 15 12 MASHY, of the nature...
mashies 15 12 MASHIE, a kind of go...
mashing 16 15 the act of mashing [...
mashlam 17 16 a mixed grain, also...
mashlim 18 16 a mixed grain, also...
mashlin 16 14 a mixed grain, also...
mashlum 18 17 a mixed grain, also...
mashman 15 16 a worker in a brewer...
mashmen 15 16 MASHMAN, a worker in...
mashuas 15 13 MASHUA, a tuber plan...
mashups 18 16 MASHUP, a piece of l...
masjids 16 20 MASJID, (Arabic) a m...
maskegs 15 16 MASKEG, (Native Amer...
maskers 14 14 MASKER, one who wear...
masking 15 17 a piece of scenery u...
maslins 14 12 MASLIN, a mixed grai...
masoned 11 12 MASON, to build or r...
masonic 15 14 relating to freemaso...
masonry 18 13 the craft of a mason...
masquer 21 20 one who wears a mask...
masques 21 20 MASQUE, a dramatic e...
massage 13 12 to knead or manipula...
masseur 13 11 (French) a male who...
massier 13 10 MASSY, solid, full o...
massifs 16 13 MASSIF, a principal...
massing 14 13 MASS, to assemble as...
massive 15 14 of great size [adj M...
mastaba 14 13 an ancient Egyptian...
masters 13 10 MASTER, to become sk...
mastery 19 12 superior knowledge o...
mastful 17 15 abounding in mast; p...
mastich 19 15 a pale yellow gum re...
mastics 17 13 MASTIC, a pale yello...
mastier 13 10 MASTY, as if well fe...
mastiff 18 16 a large short-haired...
masting 14 13 MAST, to provide wit...
mastoid 13 11 like a nipple or tea...
masulas 14 12 MASULA, an Indian su...
matador 12 11 the bullfighter who...
matatas 12 10 MATATA, (Maori) a Ne...
matatus 13 11 MATATU, a type of ta...
matched 18 16 MATCH, to be equal t...
matcher 18 15 one who matches [n -...
matches 18 15 MATCH, to be equal t...
matchet 18 15 a large heavy knife,...
matchup 21 19 a setting of two pla...
matelot 13 11 (French) a seaman, a...
maticos 16 13 MATICO, a Peruvian p...
matiest 13 10 MATY, friendly [adj]
matilda 14 12 (Australian) a hobo'...
matinal 13 12 pertaining to the mo...
matinee 11 11 (French) an afternoo...
matings 14 13 MATING, the period d...
matipos 15 13 MATIPO, (Maori) a Ne...
matless 14 11 without a mat [adj]
matlows 17 14 MATLOW, a seaman, al...
matokes 13 14 MATOKE, in Uganda, p...
matooke 12 14 in Uganda, plantain...
matrass 13 10 a long-necked round-...
matrice 16 13 the womb; that in wh...
matrics 17 13 MATRIC, (short for)...
matrons 12 11 MATRON, a married wo...
matross 13 10 (obsolete) an artill...
matsahs 15 12 MATSAH, an unleavene...
matsuri 14 11 (Japanese) a Shinto...
matters 13 10 MATTER, to be of imp...
mattery 19 12 producing pus [adj]
matties 13 10 MATTIE, (Scots) a yo...
mattify 22 15 to use cosmetics to...
matting 14 13 a woven fabric used...
mattins 13 11 MATTIN, (French) a m...
mattock 17 17 a kind of pickaxe fo...
mattoid 13 11 a person on the bord...
matured 13 12 MATURE, to develop f...
maturer 13 11 one that brings some...
matures 13 11 MATURE, to develop f...
matweed 15 14 a name of several ma...
matzahs 18 21 MATZAH, an unleavene...
matzohs 18 21 MATZOH, (Yiddish) un...
matzoon 14 20 a food similar to yo...
matzoth 18 21 MATZO, (Yiddish) unl...
maubies 15 14 MAUBY, a frothy beve...
maudlin 14 14 weakly sentimental [...
maugred 14 14 MAUGRE, to show spit...
maugres 14 13 MAUGRE, to show spit...
maulers 14 12 MAULER, one that mau...
maulgre 15 14 to show spite toward...
mauling 15 15 the act of handling...
maulvis 17 16 MAULVI, a teacher of...
maumets 14 14 MAUMET, a puppet; a...
maunded 12 14 MAUND, (obsolete) to...
maunder 12 13 to talk incoherently...
mausier 13 11 MAUSY, foggy, misty,...
mauther 15 13 an awkward girl, als...
mauvais 15 15 (French) bad, wicked...
mauvein 14 16 a mauve dye, also MA...
mauvest 15 15 MAUVE, coloured mauv...
mauvine 14 16 a mauve dye, also MA...
mauvins 15 16 MAUVIN, a mauve dye,...
mauzier 16 20 MAUZY, foggy, misty,...
mavises 15 14 MAVIS, the European...
mawkier 17 17 MAWKY, maggoty [adj]
mawkins 17 18 MAWKIN, (dialect) a...
mawkish 20 19 offensively sentimen...
mawmets 17 16 MAWMET, a puppet; a...
mawseed 15 14 the seed of the opiu...
mawther 18 15 (dialect) a big awkw...
maxilla 21 19 the bone of either t...
maximal 21 21 pertaining to the ma...
maximin 20 21 the highest value in...
maximum 22 24 greatest [adj MAXIMU...
maximus 21 21 a very long bell rin...
maxixes 25 24 MAXIXE, a Brazilian...
maxwell 24 22 a unit of magnetic f...
maybird 22 16 an American songbird...
maybush 24 18 the hawthorn [n -ES]
maydays 25 15 MAYDAY, the internat...
mayfish 24 17 a common killifish o...
mayhems 22 17 MAYHEM, maiming, mal...
mayings 20 15 MAYING, the gatherin...
mayoral 19 13 pertaining to the ma...
maypole 21 16 a decorated pole use...
maypops 23 18 MAYPOP, the edible f...
mayster 19 12 (Spenser) master, al...
mayvins 21 17 MAYVIN, (US slang) a...
mayweed 21 16 a name for various p...
mazards 16 20 MAZARD, a kind of sm...
mazedly 23 23 MAZED [adv]
mazeful 19 24 (Spenser) bewildered...
mazhbis 21 24 MAZHBI, (Hindi) a Si...
maziest 16 19 MAZY, full of confus...
mazouts 16 20 MAZOUT, a petroleum...
mazumas 17 23 MAZUMA, (Yiddish) mo...
mazurka 17 24 a Polish folk dance,...
mazzard 19 29 a kind of small blac...
meacock 19 20 (Shakespeare) a meek...
meadows 15 14 MEADOW, a tract of g...
meadowy 21 16 of or pertaining to...
meagrer 13 12 MEAGRE, inadequate,...
meagres 13 12 MEAGRE, a large Medi...
mealers 13 11 MEALER, a device for...
mealier 13 11 MEALY, covered with...
mealies 13 11 MEALIE, an ear of ma...
mealing 14 14 MEAL, to cover with...
meander 11 12 to wander [v -ED, -I...
meaners 11 11 MEANER, a person who...
meanest 11 11 MEAN, stingy; low [a...
meanies 11 11 MEANY, a nasty perso...
meaning 12 14 the sense intended [...
mearing 13 13 MEARE, (Spenser) to...
measing 13 13 MEASE, (Scots) to ma...
measled 13 12 MEASLE, (archaic) to...
measles 13 11 MEASLE, (archaic) to...
measure 12 11 to compare with a st...
meataxe 17 17 a meat cleaver [n -S...
meathes 14 12 MEATHE, (obsolete) a...
meatier 12 10 MEATY, full of meat...
meatily 20 13 MEATY, full of meat...
meatman 12 14 a vendor of meat [n...
meatmen 12 14 MEATMAN, a vendor of...
meazels 16 20 MEAZEL, (Shakespeare...
meboses 14 13 MEBOS, in South Afri...
mechoui 18 16 (Canadian) a meal of...
meconic 18 17 denoting an acid fro...
meconin 14 15 a white, fusible, ne...
medacca 18 17 a small Japanese fis...
medakas 13 15 MEDAKA, a small Japa...
medaled 13 13 MEDAL, to honour wit...
medalet 13 12 a small medal [n -S]
meddled 14 14 MEDDLE, to interfere...
meddler 14 13 one who meddles [n -...
meddles 14 13 MEDDLE, to interfere...
medevac 17 18 to evacuate the woun...
mediacy 22 16 the act of mediating...
medials 14 12 MEDIAL, a medial let...
medians 12 12 MEDIAN, in statistic...
mediant 12 12 the third tone of a...
mediate 12 11 middle, intervening...
medical 17 15 related to medicine...
medicks 18 18 MEDICK, a clover-lik...
medicos 16 14 MEDICO, (colloquial)...
medigap 16 16 a supplemental healt...
medinas 12 12 MEDINA, the native q...
mediums 15 15 MEDIUM, a spirituali...
medivac 18 18 to evacuate the woun...
medlars 14 12 MEDLAR, a small tree...
medleys 20 14 MEDLEY, a mixture [n...
medling 15 15 MEDLE, (Shakespeare)...
medresa 12 11 (Arabic) an Islamic...
medrese 12 11 (Arabic) an Islamic...
medulla 15 14 the central tissue i...
medusae 12 12 MEDUSA, a jellyfish,...
medusal 14 13 relating to a medusa...
medusan 12 13 a jellyfish, also ME...
medusas 13 12 MEDUSA, a jellyfish,...
meekens 12 15 MEEKEN, to make meek...
meekest 13 14 MEEK, having a mild...
meemies 13 13 MEEMIE, a hysterical...
meercat 15 13 a South African carn...
meering 13 13 MEER, to mark off, a...
meerkat 13 14 a South African carn...
meeters 12 10 MEETER, one that mee...
meetest 12 10 MEET, suitable [adj]
meeting 13 13 an assembly for a co...
megabar 15 15 a unit of pressure [...
megabit 16 15 a unit of computer i...
megafog 16 17 a fog signal with me...
megahit 16 14 something extremely...
megapod 15 16 one of a family of b...
megarad 13 13 a measure of radiati...
megaron 12 13 the principal hall i...
megasse 13 12 crushed sugarcane, a...
megaton 12 13 a unit of explosive...
megilla 16 14 (Hebrew) a scroll co...
megilph 20 18 a substance with whi...
megilps 18 16 MEGILP, a substance...
megohms 17 17 MEGOHM, a measure of...
megrims 16 15 MEGRIM, a severe hea...
mehndis 15 14 MEHNDI, (Hindi) in I...
meineys 18 13 MEINEY, a family, in...
meinies 12 11 MEINIE, a family, in...
meining 13 14 MEIN, (Scots) to lam...
meioses 12 10 MEIOSIS, a type of c...
meiosis 13 10 a type of cell divis...
meiotic 16 13 exhibiting meiosis,...
meishis 16 12 MEISHI, a Japanese b...
meister 13 10 (German) an expert i...
melaena 11 12 a condition marked b...
melamed 14 15 a teacher in a Jewis...
melange 13 14 (French) a mixture o...
melanic 16 15 one who is affected...
melanin 12 13 any of various dark...
melanos 12 12 MELANO, an abnormall...
melders 14 12 MELDER, (Scots) the...
melding 15 15 MELD, to merge, blen...
melenas 12 12 MELENA, excrement or...
melicks 19 18 MELICK, a type of pe...
melilot 15 12 a wild flower [n -S]
melisma 15 14 melodic embellishmen...
mellays 21 14 MELLAY, a confused f...
melling 16 15 MELL, (Scots) to mix...
mellite 15 12 a mineral of a honey...
mellows 18 15 MELLOW, to make matu...
mellowy 24 17 matured [adj]
melodia 13 12 a type of organ stop...
melodic 17 15 pertaining to melody...
meloids 14 12 MELOID, a blister be...
meltage 14 13 the process of melti...
meltemi 15 14 a northerly wind in...
melters 14 11 MELTER, one who, or...
meltier 14 11 MELTY, liable to mel...
melting 15 14 in a melting state [...
meltith 17 13 (Scots) a meal; a co...
meltons 13 12 MELTON, a strong and...
members 16 16 MEMBER, a distinct p...
membral 17 17 relating to the limb...
memento 12 14 something kept or gi...
memetic 17 16 of or like a meme [a...
memoirs 14 13 MEMOIR, a biography...
menaced 14 15 MENACE, to threaten...
menacer 14 14 one who menaces [n -...
menaces 14 14 MENACE, to threaten...
menaged 12 14 MENAGE, to manage [v...
menages 12 13 MENAGE, to manage [v...
menazon 13 21 an insecticide [n -S...
menders 12 12 MENDER, one that men...
mendigo 13 14 a freshwater fish [n...
mending 13 15 an accumulation of a...
meneers 11 11 MENEER, (Dutch) the...
menfolk 16 19 the men of a family...
menging 14 16 MENG, (archaic) to m...
menhirs 15 13 MENHIR, (Welsh) a si...
menials 13 12 MENIAL, a domestic s...
menisci 16 14 MENISCUS, a crescent...
menorah 13 13 a candleholder used...
menschy 24 18 like a mensch, a per...
menshed 14 14 MENSH, (colloquial)...
menshen 13 14 (Chinese) a Chinese...
menshes 14 13 MENSH, (colloquial)...
mensing 13 14 MENSE, to do honour...
mensual 13 13 monthly [adj]
mentees 11 11 MENTEE, a person und...
menthol 15 14 a camphor obtained f...
mention 11 12 to remark briefly [v...
mentors 12 11 MENTOR, to serve as...
menudos 12 13 MENUDO, a spicy Mexi...
menyies 18 13 MENYIE, a family, in...
meouing 13 14 MEOU, to make the so...
meowing 16 16 MEOW, to make the so...
meranti 12 11 (Malay) the wood of...
mercado 15 14 (Spanish) a market [...
mercats 16 13 MERCAT, (Scots) mark...
mercers 16 13 MERCER, a dealer in...
mercery 22 15 a mercer's shop [n M...
merches 18 15 MERCH, (colloquial)...
merchet 18 15 a fine paid to a lor...
mercies 16 13 MERCY, compassion an...
mercify 25 18 (Spenser) to show pi...
mercury 23 16 a metallic element [...
merells 15 12 MERELL, a counter us...
merfolk 17 18 mermen and mermaids...
mergees 13 12 MERGEE, a company ac...
mergers 14 12 MERGER, the combinin...
merging 15 15 an act of merging [n...
merguez 17 22 (Arabic) a spicy Nor...
merings 14 13 MERING, a marking of...
merinos 12 11 MERINO, a soft wooll...
merises 13 10 MERISIS, growth by c...
merisis 14 10 growth by cell divis...
merisms 15 13 MERISM, repetition o...
merited 13 11 MERIT, to deserve [v...
merkins 14 15 MERKIN, a hairpiece...
merling 15 14 (obsolete) a fish, t...
merlins 14 12 MERLIN, a species of...
merlons 13 12 MERLON, the part of...
merlots 14 11 MERLOT, a red dry wi...
mermaid 14 14 a mythical creature...
meromes 13 13 MEROME, one of the s...
meronym 19 16 a word whose relatio...
meropia 14 13 partial blindness [n...
meropic 18 16 relating to meropia,...
merrier 13 10 MERRY, mirthful, als...
merries 13 10 MERRY, a gean, a wil...
merrily 21 13 MERRY, mirthful, als...
mersion 12 11 (obsolete) dipping,...
mesails 14 11 MESAIL, a visor, esp...
mesally 21 14 MESAL, in or towards...
mesarch 18 15 originating in a mes...
mescals 17 14 MESCAL, (Nahuatl) a...
mesclum 19 18 (French) a mixed sal...
mesclun 17 16 (French) a mixed sal...
meseems 13 13 it seems to me [v ME...
meseled 13 12 infected with lepros...
mesetas 12 10 MESETA, (Spanish) a...
meshier 15 12 MESHY, formed like n...
meshing 16 15 the act of meshing [...
meshuga 16 15 (Yiddish) mad, crazy...
mesonic 15 14 relating to the meso...
mespils 17 14 MESPIL, a North Amer...
mesquin 21 21 (French) mean, sordi...
mesquit 22 20 a spiny tree or shru...
message 13 12 to send a communicat...
messans 12 11 MESSAN, (Scots) a la...
messiah 15 12 an expected liberato...
messias 13 10 an expected liberato...
messier 13 10 MESSY, dirty or unti...
messily 21 13 MESSY, dirty or unti...
messing 14 13 MESS, to make dirty...
messman 13 14 a serviceman who wor...
messmen 13 14 MESSMAN, a servicema...
mestees 12 10 MESTEE, in the West...
mesters 13 10 MESTER, (dialect) ma...
mesteso 12 10 a person of mixed an...
mestino 12 11 a person of mixed an...
mestiza 16 19 (Spanish) a (female)...
mestizo 16 19 (Spanish) a (male) p...
mestome 13 13 biological conductin...
mestoms 14 13 MESTOM, biological c...
metages 13 12 METAGE, an official...
metaled 13 12 METAL, to cover with...
metally 21 14 METAL, made of metal...
metamer 13 13 a compound metameric...
metatag 13 12 a tag having informa...
metates 12 10 METATE, in Mexico et...
metayer 18 12 (French) one who cul...
metazoa 14 19 METAZOON, any of a m...
metcast 16 13 a weather forecast [...
meteors 12 10 METEOR, a small cele...
metepas 14 13 METEPA, a chemical c...
metered 12 11 METER, to measure by...
methane 13 13 a colourless odourle...
methink 16 17 it seems to me, also...
methods 15 13 METHOD, orderly proc...
methoxy 27 21 a drug that is claim...
methyls 23 15 METHYL, the radical...
metical 17 14 a monetary unit of M...
metiers 13 10 METIER, (French) one...
metisse 13 10 (French) the (female...
metonym 19 16 a word used in meton...
metopae 13 13 METOPE, a space betw...
metopes 14 13 METOPE, a space betw...
metopic 18 16 pertaining to the fo...
metopon 13 14 a pain-relieving dru...
metrics 17 13 METRIC, a standard o...
metrify 22 15 to compose in metric...
metring 14 13 METRE, to measure by...
metrist 14 10 a person skilled in...
mettled 14 12 having spirit [adj]
mettles 14 11 METTLE, spirit or co...
metumps 17 17 METUMP, a tumpline,...
meusing 14 14 MEUSE, to pass throu...
mevrous 15 15 MEVROU, (South Afric...
mewlers 17 14 MEWLER, one that mew...
mewling 18 17 MEWL, to cry feebly,...
mewsing 17 16 MEWS, to pass throug...
mezails 17 20 MEZAIL, a visor, esp...
mezcals 20 23 MEZCAL, (Nahuatl) a...
mezquit 25 29 a name for two trees...
mezuzah 21 31 (Hebrew) a small rol...
mezuzas 19 29 MEZUZA, (Hebrew) a s...
mezuzot 19 29 MEZUZAH, (Hebrew) a...
mgangas 14 15 MGANGA, in Tanzania...
miaoued 12 12 MIAOU, to make the s...
miaowed 15 14 MIAOW, to make the s...
miasmal 15 14 of or like a miasma,...
miasmas 14 13 MIASMA, a noxious va...
miasmic 18 16 of or like a miasma,...
miauled 14 13 MIAUL, to make the s...
mibunas 15 15 MIBUNA, a Japanese v...
micated 16 14 MICATE, to furnish w...
micates 16 13 MICATE, to furnish w...
micella 18 15 a group of molecular...
micelle 18 15 a group of molecular...
micells 19 15 MICELL, a group of m...
michael 19 16 as in take the micha...
michers 19 15 MICHER, a truant, al...
miching 20 18 the act of playing t...
mickery 24 19 (Native Australian)...
mickeys 24 19 MICKEY, to drug a dr...
mickies 18 17 MICKY, an Irishman,...
mickler 19 18 MICKLE, much or grea...
mickles 19 18 MICKLE, a large amou...
micrify 26 18 to make small [v MIC...
microbe 18 16 a microscopic organi...
microhm 20 18 a unit of electrical...
microns 16 14 MICRON, a unit of le...
miction 16 14 (obsolete) the voidi...
midairs 14 11 MIDAIR, the midst of...
midband 15 16 operating across a r...
midcult 19 16 middle-class culture...
middays 20 14 MIDDAY, the middle o...
middens 13 13 MIDDEN, a dungheap [...
middest 14 12 (Spenser) situated m...
middies 14 12 MIDDY, a medium size...
middled 15 14 MIDDLE, to place in...
middler 15 13 a student in an inte...
middles 15 13 MIDDLE, to place in...
midgets 15 13 MIDGET, a very small...
midgier 15 13 MIDGY, full of midge...
midgies 15 13 MIDGIE, (colloquial)...
midguts 16 14 MIDGUT, the middle p...
midiron 13 12 a golf club [n -S]
midland 14 14 the middle part of t...
midlegs 16 14 MIDLEG, the middle o...
midlife 17 15 middle age [n MIDLIV...
midline 14 13 a median line [n -S]
midlist 16 12 a section of a publi...
midmost 15 14 a part exactly in th...
midnoon 11 13 midday [n -S]
midrash 16 13 an early Jewish inte...
midribs 17 14 MIDRIB, the central...
midriff 19 17 the area of the fron...
midship 19 16 pertaining to the mi...
midsize 17 20 medium [adj]
midsole 14 12 the middle layer of...
midterm 15 14 the middle of an aca...
midtown 16 15 the centre of town [...
midways 23 16 MIDWAY, a central av...
midweek 17 18 the middle of the we...
midwife 19 17 to assist a woman in...
midwive 19 18 to assist a woman in...
midyear 19 13 in the middle of the...
mielies 14 11 MIELIE, an ear of co...
mieving 16 17 MIEVE, (Spenser) to...
miffier 18 16 MIFFY, easily annoye...
miffily 26 19 MIFFY, easily annoye...
miffing 19 19 MIFF, to annoy [v]
miggles 17 15 MIGGLE, a type of pl...
mightst 18 14 (archaic) 2nd person...
mignons 13 14 MIGNON, (French) a f...
migrant 14 13 one who migrates, al...
migrate 14 12 to move from one reg...
mihiing 17 15 MIHI, to greet cerem...
mihrabs 18 15 MIHRAB, (Arabic) a n...
mikados 14 15 MIKADO, (Japanese) t...
mikrons 14 15 MIKRON, a unit of le...
mikvahs 19 20 MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a p...
mikvehs 19 20 MIKVEH, a place for...
mikvoth 19 20 MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a p...
miladis 15 12 MILADI, a term of ad...
milages 15 13 MILAGE, the total di...
milchig 22 18 (Yiddish) made of or...
milchik 22 20 (Yiddish) made of or...
mildens 14 13 MILDEN, to make mild...
mildest 15 12 MILD, gentle in temp...
mildews 18 15 MILDEW, to grow a wh...
mildewy 24 17 affected with mildew...
milding 16 15 MILD, to become gent...
mildish 18 14 somewhat mild [adj]
mileage 14 13 the total distance e...
milfoil 18 15 a yarrow, or other s...
miliary 21 13 characterized by sma...
milieus 15 12 MILIEU, (French) a s...
milieux 21 19 MILIEU, (French) a s...
milings 16 14 MILING, the activity...
militar 15 11 (obsolete) military...
militia 15 11 a military force rai...
milkers 16 15 MILKER, one who milk...
milkier 16 15 MILKY, like milk [ad...
milkily 24 18 MILKY, like milk [ad...
milking 17 18 the act of milking [...
milkman 16 19 a man who sells or d...
milkmen 16 19 MILKMAN, a man who s...
milksop 18 18 an effeminate man [n...
millage 16 14 a type of monetary r...
milldam 17 16 a dam built to form...
millers 16 12 MILLER, a person who...
millets 16 12 MILLET, a cereal gra...
millier 16 12 a unit of weight [n...
millies 16 12 MILLIE, (Irish) a yo...
millime 17 15 a monetary unit of T...
milline 15 13 a unit of advertisin...
milling 17 15 a corrugated edge on...
million 15 13 a thousand thousand...
millrun 16 14 the current of water...
milnebs 16 15 MILNEB, a fungicide...
milords 15 12 MILORD, (French) a t...
milreis 15 11 (Portuguese) a forme...
milseys 21 13 MILSEY, a milk strai...
milters 15 11 MILTER, a male fish...
miltier 15 11 MILTY, full of milt...
milting 16 14 MILT, to impregnate...
miltzes 18 20 MILTZ, in Jewish coo...
milvine 16 16 of or resembling bir...
mimbars 17 16 MIMBAR, (Arabic) a m...
mimeoed 13 14 MIMEO, to copy by mi...
mimeses 14 13 MIMESIS, (Greek) imi...
mimesis 15 13 (Greek) imitation, e...
mimetic 18 16 imitative; of or rel...
mimical 19 17 of the nature of mim...
mimicry 25 18 an act of mimicking...
mimmest 16 16 MIM, prim, demure, p...
mimmick 21 23 an affected person [...
mimosae 13 13 MIMOSA, any tropical...
mimosas 14 13 MIMOSA, any tropical...
mimsier 15 13 MIMSY, prim, demure,...
mimulus 17 16 any of various plant...
minable 15 15 able to be mined, al...
minaret 12 11 a slender tower atta...
minbars 15 14 MINBAR, (Arabic) a m...
mincers 16 14 MINCER, one who minc...
minceur 16 15 (French) of food, le...
mincier 16 14 MINCY, affectedly da...
mincing 17 17 MINCE, to cut into v...
minders 13 12 MINDER, one that min...
mindful 17 17 heedful [adj MINDFUL...
minding 14 15 the act of minding [...
mindset 13 12 a fixed mental attit...
mineola 12 12 a variety of citrus...
mineral 13 12 any of various class...
minette 12 11 (French) the smalles...
minever 14 15 the ermine in winter...
mingers 14 13 MINGER, an unpleasan...
mingier 14 13 MINGY, mean and stin...
mingily 22 16 MINGY [adv]
minging 15 16 MING, to mix [v]
mingled 15 15 MINGLE, to mix toget...
mingler 15 14 one who mingles [n -...
mingles 15 14 MINGLE, to mix toget...
miniate 12 11 to decorate with rub...
minibar 15 14 a small fridge as in...
minibus 16 15 a small bus [n MINIB...
minicab 18 17 a small taxicab [n M...
minicam 17 17 a portable TV camera...
minicar 16 14 a small automobile [...
minicom 17 17 a communication devi...
miniest 13 11 MINY, abounding with...
minikin 14 16 a small dainty creat...
minilab 16 15 a retail outlet offe...
minimal 15 15 relating to the mini...
minimax 20 21 to minimize the maxi...
minimum 16 18 the least possible a...
minimus 15 15 a being of the small...
minings 14 14 MINING, the business...
minions 12 12 MINION, a darling, a...
miniski 15 15 a short ski [n -S]
miniums 15 15 MINIUM, a red pigmen...
minivan 14 16 a small van [n -S]
miniver 15 15 the ermine in winter...
minivet 15 15 a brightly coloured...
minnick 17 19 to be over dainty in...
minnies 12 12 MINNIE, (Scots) moth...
minnock 16 19 to be over dainty in...
minnows 15 15 MINNOW, any of the s...
minorca 15 14 any of a breed of la...
minored 12 12 MINOR, to study a su...
minster 13 11 a large church or ca...
mintage 13 13 the coin, or other p...
minters 13 11 MINTER, a person who...
mintier 13 11 MINTY, having the fl...
minting 14 14 MINT, to process or...
minuend 12 14 a number from which...
minuets 13 12 MINUET, a slow and s...
minuses 13 12 MINUS, a negative qu...
minuted 13 13 MINUTE, to take brie...
minuter 13 12 MINUTE, very small [...
minutes 13 12 MINUTE, to take brie...
minutia 13 12 a small detail [n MI...
minxish 22 20 like a minx, pert [a...
minyans 18 14 MINYAN, the minimum...
miocene 14 14 denoting the fourth...
miombos 16 16 MIOMBO, in East Afri...
miotics 17 13 MIOTIC, a substance...
mirable 16 14 (Shakespeare) wonder...
miracle 17 14 an event ascribed to...
mirador 13 11 (Spanish) a belveder...
mirages 14 12 MIRAGE, a type of op...
mirbane 14 14 an apparently meanin...
mirexes 19 17 MIREX, an insecticid...
miriest 14 10 MIRY, full of mire [...
mirific 20 16 working wonders; mar...
miritis 15 10 MIRITI, any palm of...
mirkest 15 14 MIRK, dark, also MUR...
mirkier 15 14 MIRKY, dark, also MU...
mirkily 23 17 MIRKY, dark, also MU...
mirlier 15 11 MIRLY, marbled [adj]
mirrors 14 10 MIRROR, to reflect a...
mirving 17 17 MIRV, (slang) to pro...
misacts 17 13 MISACT, to act badly...
misadds 14 12 MISADD, to add incor...
misaims 15 13 MISAIM, to aim badly...
misally 22 14 to ally badly [v MIS...
misaver 15 14 to speak erroneously...
misbias 16 13 to bias wrongly [v M...
misbill 19 15 to bill wrongly [v -...
misbind 16 15 to bind imperfectly...
misborn 15 14 born to misfortune [...
miscall 19 15 to call by a wrong n...
miscast 17 13 to cast in an unsuit...
miscite 17 13 to cite wrongly [v M...
miscode 16 14 to code wrongly [v M...
miscoin 16 14 to coin improperly [...
miscook 17 17 to cook badly [v -ED...
miscopy 25 18 to copy incorrectly...
miscued 17 15 MISCUE, to make a fa...
miscues 17 14 MISCUE, to make a fa...
miscuts 18 14 MISCUT, to cut incor...
misdate 13 11 to date incorrectly...
misdeal 14 12 to deal cards incorr...
misdeed 13 12 an evil act [n -S]
misdeem 14 14 to judge unfavourabl...
misdial 15 12 to dial incorrectly...
misdiet 14 11 to diet or eat impro...
misdoer 13 11 a wrongdoer [n -S]
misdoes 13 11 MISDO, to do wrongly...
misdone 12 12 MISDO, to do wrongly...
misdraw 17 14 to draw incorrectly...
misdrew 17 14 MISDRAW, to draw inc...
misease 12 10 (archaic) uneasiness...
miseats 13 10 MISEAT, to eat impro...
misedit 14 11 to edit incorrectly...
miseres 13 10 MISERE, an undertaki...
miserly 21 13 characteristic of a...
misfall 18 15 unluckily to befall...
misfare 15 13 to fare badly [v MIS...
misfeed 15 14 to feed incorrectly...
misfell 18 15 MISFALL, unluckily t...
misfile 17 14 to file in the wrong...
misfire 16 13 to fail to fire [v M...
misfits 17 13 MISFIT, to fit badly...
misform 17 16 to make in an ill fo...
misgave 16 16 MISGIVE, to make dou...
misgive 17 16 to make doubtful or...
misgoes 14 12 MISGO, to go astray...
misgone 13 13 MISGO, to go astray...
misgrew 18 15 MISGROW, to grow abn...
misgrow 18 15 to grow abnormally [...
mishaps 18 15 MISHAP, to have an u...
mishapt 18 15 misshaped [adj]
mishear 15 12 to hear incorrectly...
mishits 17 12 MISHIT, to hit poorl...
mishmee 16 15 the bitter root stoc...
mishmis 18 15 MISHMI, the bitter r...
misjoin 15 20 to join incorrectly...
miskals 16 15 MISKAL, an Oriental...
miskeep 16 17 to keep wrongly [v M...
miskens 14 15 MISKEN, to fail to r...
miskent 14 15 MISKEN, to fail to r...
miskept 17 17 MISKEEP, to keep wro...
miskeys 21 16 MISKEY, to key in da...
miskick 20 21 to kick badly [v -ED...
misknew 17 18 MISKNOW, to fail to...
misknow 17 18 to fail to understan...
mislaid 15 12 MISLAY, to put in a...
mislain 14 12 MISLIE, to lie in th...
mislays 21 13 MISLAY, to put in a...
mislead 14 12 to lead astray [v MI...
mislies 15 11 MISLIE, to lie in th...
mislike 16 15 (archaic) to dislike...
mislive 17 15 to live a bad life [...
misluck 20 19 to meet with bad luc...
mismade 14 14 MISMAKE, to make inc...
mismake 15 17 to make incorrectly...
mismark 16 17 to mark wrongly [v -...
mismate 14 13 to mate unsuitably [...
mismeet 14 13 to meet under unfort...
mismove 16 17 to move wrongly [v M...
misname 13 14 to call by the wrong...
mispage 16 15 to page incorrectly...
mispart 16 13 to part badly [v -ED...
mispens 15 14 MISPEN, to write inc...
misplan 16 15 to plan badly [v MIS...
misplay 23 16 to make a bad play i...
mispled 17 15 MISPLEAD, to plead w...
misrate 13 10 to rate incorrectly...
misread 13 11 to read incorrectly...
misrely 21 13 to rely wrongly [v M...
misrule 15 12 to rule unwisely or...
missaid 14 11 MISSAY, to say incor...
missals 15 11 MISSAL, a book conta...
missays 20 12 MISSAY, to say incor...
misseat 13 10 to seat wrongly [v -...
misseem 14 13 to be unbecoming to...
misseen 12 11 MISSEE, to see wrong...
missees 13 10 MISSEE, to see wrong...
missell 16 12 to sell an inappropr...
missels 15 11 MISSEL, the mistle-t...
missend 13 12 to send incorrectly...
missent 13 11 MISSEND, to send inc...
missets 14 10 MISSET, to set incor...
misshod 16 13 improperly shod [adj...
missier 14 10 MISSY, like a miss [...
missies 14 10 MISSY, a young girl...
missile 15 11 an object or weapon...
missing 15 13 MISS, to fail to mak...
mission 13 11 to send to perform a...
missish 17 12 schoolgirlish [adj]
missive 16 14 a written communicat...
missold 15 12 MISSELL, to sell an...
missort 14 10 to sort badly or imp...
missout 14 11 a losing throw of di...
misstep 16 13 to make a wrong step...
misstop 16 13 to stop wrongly [v M...
missuit 15 11 to suit badly [v -ED...
mistake 14 14 to interpret wrongly...
mistals 15 11 MISTAL, (English dia...
mistbow 19 16 a whiteish arch like...
mistell 16 12 to inform wrongly [v...
mistend 13 12 to tend to improperl...
misterm 15 13 to call by a wrong n...
misters 14 10 MISTER, to address a...
mistery 20 12 mystery, in the sens...
misteuk 15 15 MISTAKE, to interpre...
mistful 18 15 clouded with, or as...
mistico 17 13 (Spanish) a kind of...
mistier 14 10 MISTY, blurry [adj]
mistily 22 13 MISTY, blurry [adv]
mistime 15 13 to time wrongly [v M...
misting 15 13 mist, mistiness [n -...
mistled 15 12 MISTLE, to rain in s...
mistles 15 11 MISTLE, to rain in s...
mistold 15 12 MISTELL, to inform w...
mistook 14 14 MISTAKE, to interpre...
mistral 15 11 a strong cold dry no...
mistune 13 12 to tune incorrectly...
mistype 22 15 to type incorrectly...
misused 14 12 MISUSE, to use incor...
misuser 14 11 one who misuses [n -...
misuses 14 11 MISUSE, to use incor...
misween 15 14 to judge wrongly [v...
miswend 16 15 (Spenser) to go wron...
miswent 16 14 MISGO, to go astray...
misword 17 14 to word wrongly [v -...
miswrit 18 13 MISWRITE, to write i...
misyoke 20 16 to yoke improperly [...
mitched 19 16 MITCH, to play truan...
mitches 19 15 MITCH, to play truan...
mitered 13 11 MITER, (US) to join...
miterer 13 10 one that miters [n -...
mithers 16 12 MITHER, to confuse,...
mitiest 14 10 MITY, infested with...
mitises 14 10 MITIS, a type of wro...
mitogen 13 13 a substance the indu...
mitoses 13 10 MITOSIS, a type of c...
mitosis 14 10 a type of cell divis...
mitotic 17 13 relating to mitosis,...
mitring 15 13 MITRE, to join with...
mitsvah 18 16 a commandment of Jew...
mittens 13 11 MITTEN, any of vario...
mitumba 17 17 used clothes from we...
mitzvah 21 25 a commandment of Jew...
mixable 22 21 capable of being mix...
mixdown 22 22 mixing a multitrack...
mixedly 27 21 MIXED [adv]
mixible 23 21 capable of being mix...
mixiest 20 17 MIXY, mixed [adj]
mixings 21 20 MIXING, the act of m...
mixtape 21 20 a compilation of son...
mixtion 19 18 a mixture of amber m...
mixture 20 18 the product of mixin...
mizmaze 20 31 a labyrinth [n -S]
mizunas 16 21 MIZUNA, (Japanese) a...
mizzens 19 29 MIZZEN, in a three-m...
mizzled 21 30 MIZZLE, to rain in f...
mizzles 21 29 MIZZLE, to rain in f...
mnemons 12 15 MNEMON, a hypothetic...
moaners 11 11 MOANER, one who moan...
moanful 15 16 full of moaning; exp...
moaning 12 14 making a moaning sou...
moating 13 13 MOAT, to surround wi...
mobbers 17 16 MOBBER, one that mob...
mobbies 17 16 MOBBIE, (Carib) a fr...
mobbing 18 19 a form of harassment...
mobbish 20 18 in the way of a mob...
mobbism 19 19 mobbish conduct [n -...
mobbled 18 18 MOBBLE, (obsolete) t...
mobbles 18 17 MOBBLE, (obsolete) t...
mobcaps 20 19 MOBCAP, a plain cap...
mobcast 18 16 to broadcast over mo...
mobiles 16 14 MOBILE, a form of sc...
mobling 17 17 MOBLE, (obsolete) to...
moblogs 17 16 MOBLOG, a blog of mo...
mobsman 15 17 a member of a mob [n...
mobsmen 15 17 MOBSMAN, a member of...
mobster 15 13 a member of an organ...
moccies 19 16 (Australian slang) m...
mochell 20 17 (Spenser) much, also...
mochier 18 15 MOCHY, (Scots) mould...
mochila 19 16 a leather covering f...
moching 19 18 MOCH, (of foods) to...
mockado 16 18 (obsolete) an inferi...
mockage 17 19 (obsolete) mockery [...
mockers 17 17 MOCKER, to clothe [v...
mockery 23 19 the act of mocking [...
mocking 18 20 derisive [adj MOCKIN...
mockney 22 20 a person who affects...
mockups 20 21 MOCKUP, a full-sized...
mococks 20 20 MOCOCK, a North Amer...
mocucks 21 21 MOCUCK, a North Amer...
modally 21 15 MODAL, related to mo...
modders 13 12 MODDER, one who modi...
modding 14 15 the practice of modi...
modeled 13 13 MODEL, to form a pla...
modeler 13 12 one that models, als...
modelli 15 13 MODELLO, an artist's...
modello 14 13 an artist's detailed...
modemed 13 15 MODEM, to transmit b...
modenas 11 12 MODENA, (Italian) a...
moderne 11 12 pretentiously modern...
moderns 12 12 MODERN, a person wit...
modesty 19 13 the quality of being...
modging 15 16 MODGE, (Dial) to do...
modicum 18 18 a small amount [n MO...
modioli 14 12 MODIOLUS, a bony sha...
modiste 13 11 a dealer in stylish...
modists 14 11 MODIST, a follower o...
modular 14 13 pertaining to a modu...
modules 14 13 MODULE, a standard o...
modulus 15 14 a constant multiplie...
moellon 13 13 (French) rubble in m...
moering 13 13 MOER, (South African...
mofette 14 13 a fissure in the ear...
moffies 17 16 MOFFIE, (South Afric...
moggans 14 15 MOGGAN, a footless s...
moggies 15 14 MOGGY, a cat, also M...
mogging 16 17 MOG, to move away [v...
moghuls 18 16 MOGHUL, an important...
moguled 15 15 having obstacles on...
mohairs 15 12 MOHAIR, a fabric mad...
mohalim 17 16 MOHEL, a person who...
mohawks 19 19 MOHAWK, a skating mo...
mohelim 17 16 MOHEL, a person who...
mohican 17 16 a punk hairstyle [n...
moiders 13 11 MOIDER, to confuse,...
moidore 12 11 a former gold coin o...
moilers 14 11 MOILER, one who moil...
moiling 15 14 MOIL, to drudge, wor...
moineau 11 12 (French) a small fla...
moisers 13 10 MOISER, (Yiddish) an...
moisted 13 11 MOIST, to wet slight...
moisten 12 11 to make or become mo...
moister 13 10 MOIST, slightly wet...
moistly 21 13 MOIST, slightly wet...
moither 15 12 to confuse, stupefy,...
mojarra 14 19 any of various small...
mojitos 15 19 MOJITO, a traditiona...
mokihis 17 16 MOKIHI, a Maori raft...
mokoros 13 14 MOKORO, the traditio...
mokshas 16 16 MOKSHA, (Hindu) free...
molasse 13 11 soft sediment produc...
molders 14 12 MOLDER, to turn to d...
moldier 14 12 MOLDY, mouldy [adj]
molding 15 15 a long, narrow strip...
molests 14 11 MOLEST, to touch or...
molimen 14 15 (Latin) a great effo...
molines 13 12 MOLINE, a cross with...
molinet 13 12 (French) a stick use...
mollahs 17 14 MOLLAH, (Arabic) a M...
mollies 15 12 MOLLY, a kind of tro...
mollify 24 17 to soften, appease [...
mollusc 19 16 an animal belonging...
mollusk 17 17 an animal belonging...
molochs 19 16 MOLOCH, a spiny Aust...
molossi 14 11 MOLOSSUS, a metrical...
molters 14 11 MOLTER, one that mol...
molting 15 14 MOLT, to shed feathe...
momenta 12 14 MOMENTUM, force of m...
momento 12 14 something kept or gi...
moments 13 14 MOMENT, a brief peri...
momisms 16 16 MOMISM, an excessive...
mommets 15 16 MOMMET, a puppet; a...
mommies 15 16 MOMMY, (colloquial)...
momoirs 14 13 MOMOIR, a memoir wri...
momsers 14 13 MOMSER, (Yiddish) an...
momuses 14 14 MOMUS, a carping per...
momzers 17 22 MOMZER, (Yiddish) an...
monacid 15 15 a compound having on...
monacts 15 14 MONACT, the spicule...
monadal 12 13 relating to a monad...
monades 11 12 MONAS, the number on...
monadic 15 15 of a mathematical fu...
monarch 17 16 an absolute ruler [n...
monarda 11 12 a plant of the Monar...
monases 11 11 MONAS, the number on...
monauls 13 13 MONAUL, a kind of ph...
monaxon 16 19 a straight spicule i...
mondain 11 13 a (male) person who...
mondial 13 13 worldwide [adj]
monemes 12 14 MONEME, a word or pa...
moneran 10 12 a cellular organism...
moneron 10 12 a hypothetical simpl...
moneths 14 13 MONETH, (Spenser) a...
moneyed 17 14 having lots of money...
moneyer 17 13 (archaic) a person w...
mongers 13 13 MONGER, to peddle [v...
mongery 19 15 trading in a particu...
mongoes 12 13 MONGOE, the waste pr...
mongols 14 14 MONGOL, a person aff...
mongrel 14 14 a plant or animal of...
monials 13 12 MONIAL, a mullion, t...
moniker 13 15 (slang) a name, a ni...
monilia 13 12 (Latin) a fungus of...
monisms 14 14 MONISM, the philosop...
monists 13 11 MONIST, a believer i...
monitor 12 11 to keep track of [v...
monkery 19 17 the mode of life of...
monkeys 19 17 MONKEY, to mimic [v]
monkish 16 17 pertaining to monks...
monoaos 10 11 MONOAO, (Maori) a Ne...
monocle 15 15 an eyeglass for one...
monocot 14 14 (short for) a monoco...
monodic 15 15 of or like a monody,...
monoecy 20 16 the condition of bei...
monofil 15 15 a single filament of...
monolog 13 14 a lengthy speech by...
monomer 12 14 the simplest of any...
mononym 18 17 a person who is famo...
monopod 13 15 a one-footed person...
monoses 11 11 MONOSIS, a separatio...
monosis 12 11 a separation of part...
monoski 13 15 a wide ski on which...
monsoon 10 12 a wind system in SE...
monster 12 11 an extraordinary gro...
montage 12 13 to combine into a co...
montane 10 12 the lower vegetation...
montant 11 12 a vertical member in...
montems 13 14 MONTEM, a custom, fo...
montero 11 11 a huntsman's cap wit...
monthly 22 16 a publication issued...
monties 12 11 MONTY, the whole lot...
montres 12 11 MONTRE, the visible...
monture 12 12 (French) a mounting,...
monuron 11 13 a herbicide [n -S]
moobies 14 13 overdeveloped breast...
mooched 17 16 MOOCH, to play truan...
moocher 17 15 a truant, also MICHE...
mooches 17 15 MOOCH, to play truan...
moodied 12 12 MOODY, to persuade b...
moodier 12 11 MOODY, given to chan...
moodies 12 11 MOODY, to persuade b...
moodily 20 14 MOODY, given to chan...
mooktar 13 14 (Arabic) an Indian l...
moolahs 15 13 MOOLAH, (Arabic) a M...
mooleys 19 13 MOOLEY, a hornless c...
moolies 13 11 MOOLY, a hornless co...
mooling 14 14 MOOL, (Scots) to cov...
mooloos 12 11 MOOLOO, (New Zealand...
moolvie 15 15 a teacher of Islamic...
moolvis 16 15 MOOLVI, a teacher of...
moonbow 16 17 a rainbow formed by...
moondog 12 14 a bright spot in the...
mooners 11 11 MOONER, one who abst...
mooneye 16 13 a freshwater fish of...
moonier 11 11 MOONY, resembling th...
moonies 11 11 MOONY, a simpleton [...
moonily 19 14 MOONY, resembling th...
mooning 12 14 MOON, to wander abou...
moonish 14 13 like the moon; varia...
moonlet 12 12 a small satellite [n...
moonlit 13 12 lit by the moon [adj...
moonset 11 11 the time when the mo...
mooping 15 16 MOOP, (Scots) to nib...
moorage 12 12 the act of mooring [...
moorhen 13 13 a water bird, aka wa...
moorier 12 10 MOORY, of or pertain...
moorill 15 12 (Scots) a cattle dis...
mooring 13 13 a place where a vess...
moorish 15 12 having the character...
moorlog 14 13 a deposit of decayed...
moorman 12 14 an inhabitant of a m...
moormen 12 14 MOORMAN, an inhabita...
moorvas 14 14 MOORVA, a bowstring...
mooters 12 10 MOOTER, a disputer o...
mootest 12 10 MOOT, debatable [adj...
mooting 13 13 a meeting, the holdi...
mootman 12 14 a law student who ar...
mootmen 12 14 MOOTMAN, a law stude...
mooving 15 17 MOOVE, (obsolete) to...
mopanes 13 14 MOPANE, a small Sout...
mopanis 14 14 MOPANI, a small Sout...
mophead 16 16 a person with shaggy...
mopiest 15 13 MOPY, dejected, also...
mopokes 15 17 MOPOKE, an owl of Au...
moppers 17 16 MOPPER, one who mops...
moppets 17 16 MOPPET, a baby, a da...
moppier 17 16 MOPPY, (obsolete) dr...
mopping 18 19 MOP, to clean with a...
mopsies 15 13 MOPSY, a woman who w...
mopuses 15 14 MOPUS, (slang) a sma...
moraine 11 11 an accumulation of d...
morales 13 11 MORALE, the state of...
moralls 15 12 MORALL, (Shakespeare...
morally 21 14 MORAL, observing pri...
morassy 19 12 like a morass, marsh...
morceau 15 14 a short literary or...
morchas 18 15 MORCHA, (India) a ho...
mordant 12 12 biting [adj MORDANTL...
mordent 12 12 a rapidly alternatin...
moreens 11 11 MOREEN, a stout cord...
moreish 15 12 such that one wants...
morelle 14 12 a flowering plant, a...
morello 14 12 a dark red cherry, m...
morendo 11 12 (Italian) a gentle d...
morgans 13 13 MORGAN, a unit of di...
morgays 20 14 MORGAY, (Welsh) the...
morgens 13 13 MORGEN, a Dutch unit...
morgues 14 13 MORGUE, a place wher...
moriche 18 15 a tall South America...
morions 12 11 MORION, a type of he...
morisco 16 13 an arabesque [n -ES...
morkins 14 15 MORKIN, an animal th...
morling 15 14 a sheep that has die...
mormaor 13 13 a high-ranking chief...
mornays 18 13 MORNAY, a cream sauc...
morning 13 14 the early part of th...
morocco 18 16 a fine goatskin leat...
moronic 15 14 like a moron [adj MO...
moroser 12 10 MOROSE, sad, gloomy...
morphed 17 16 MORPH, to gradually...
morphew 20 18 a skin eruption [n -...
morphia 17 15 a painkilling drug,...
morphic 21 18 pertaining to form [...
morphin 17 16 the principal alkalo...
morphos 17 15 MORPHO, a kind of tr...
morrell 15 12 a tall eucalyptus of...
morrhua 15 13 an old name for the...
morrice 16 13 (obsolete) a morris...
morrion 12 11 (historical) a crest...
morrows 16 13 MORROW, the next day...
morsals 14 11 MORSAL, a morsel [n]
morsels 14 11 MORSEL, to divide in...
morsure 13 11 a bite [n -S]
mortals 14 11 MORTAL, a human bein...
mortars 13 10 MORTAR, to bind with...
mortary 19 12 resembling mortar [a...
mortice 16 13 to join or fasten se...
mortify 22 15 to humiliate [v MORT...
mortise 13 10 to join or fasten se...
morulae 13 12 MORULA, an embryonic...
morular 14 12 of or like a morula,...
morulas 14 12 MORULA, an embryonic...
morwong 16 16 (Native Australian)...
mosaics 16 13 MOSAIC, to decorate...
moscato 15 13 a sweet dessert wine...
moselle 14 12 a German white wine...
moseyed 18 13 MOSEY, to saunter [v...
moshers 15 12 MOSHER, one who mosh...
moshing 16 15 a style of energetic...
mosques 21 20 MOSQUE, a Muslim pla...
mossers 13 10 MOSSER, a person who...
mossier 13 10 MOSSY, covered with...
mossies 13 10 MOSSIE, (Australian...
mossing 14 13 MOSS, to cover with...
mostest 13 10 (facetious) the most...
motetts 13 10 MOTETT, (French) a k...
mothers 15 12 MOTHER, to give birt...
mothery 21 14 consisting of, conta...
mothier 15 12 MOTHY, full of moths...
motiest 13 10 MOTEY, full of motes...
motific 19 16 producing motion [ad...
motiles 14 11 MOTILE, a person who...
motions 12 11 MOTION, to direct by...
motived 15 15 MOTIVE, to inspire t...
motives 15 14 MOTIVE, to inspire t...
motivic 19 17 pertaining to a musi...
motleys 20 13 MOTLEY, a variegated...
motlier 14 11 MOTLEY, diversified...
motmots 14 13 MOTMOT, any of sever...
motored 12 11 MOTOR, to travel by...
motoric 16 13 pertaining to muscul...
motsers 13 10 MOTSER, (Australian...
mottier 13 10 MOTTY, (Scots) conta...
motties 13 10 MOTTY, a target at w...
mottled 14 12 MOTTLE, to mark with...
mottler 14 11 one who mottles [n -...
mottles 14 11 MOTTLE, to mark with...
mottoed 12 11 having a motto [adj]
mottoes 12 10 MOTTO, a short expre...
motucas 16 14 MOTUCA, a large Braz...
mouched 18 17 MOUCH, to play truan...
moucher 18 16 a truant, also MICHE...
mouches 18 16 MOUCH, to play truan...
mouflon 15 16 (French) a Corsican...
mouille 15 13 (French) of certain...
moujiks 17 24 MOUJIK, a Russian pe...
moulage 14 14 (French) an impressi...
moulded 14 14 MOULD, to work into...
moulder 14 13 to turn to dust by n...
moulins 14 13 MOULIN, a nearly ver...
moulted 14 13 MOULT, to shed feath...
moulten 13 13 (Shakespeare) having...
moulter 14 12 one that molts, also...
mounded 12 14 MOUND, to heap in a...
mounted 12 13 MOUNT, to climb [v]
mounter 12 12 one who mounts [n -S...
mouping 16 17 MOUP, (Scots) to nib...
mourned 12 13 MOURN, to feel or ex...
mourner 12 12 one that mourns [n -...
mousaka 13 15 a Greek dish consist...
mousers 13 11 MOUSER, a cat kept t...
mousery 19 13 a place where mice g...
mousier 13 11 MOUSY, like a mouse;...
mousies 13 11 MOUSIE, a young mous...
mousily 21 14 MOUSY, like a mouse;...
mousing 14 14 a wrapping around th...
mousled 14 13 MOUSLE, to pull roug...
mousles 14 12 MOUSLE, to pull roug...
mousmee 13 14 a Japanese girl, esp...
mousmes 14 14 MOUSME, a Japanese g...
moussed 13 12 MOUSSE, to apply a h...
mousses 13 11 MOUSSE, to apply a h...
mousted 13 12 MOUST, to powder, al...
moutans 12 12 MOUTAN, the Chinese...
mouters 13 11 MOUTER, to take mout...
mouthed 15 14 MOUTH, to feed into...
mouther 15 13 one who mouths; an a...
moutons 12 12 MOUTON, (French) a s...
movable 17 18 something that can b...
movably 24 20 so as to be capable...
movants 14 15 MOVANT, a person who...
moviola 15 15 (tradename) a brand...
mowburn 18 18 to heat and ferment...
mowdies 16 14 MOWDIE, (Scots) a mo...
mowings 17 16 MOWING, the act of m...
moyling 21 16 MOYLE, to moil, toil...
mozetta 15 19 (italian) a hooded c...
mozette 15 19 MOZETTA, (italian) a...
mozzies 19 28 MOZZIE, (Australian...
mozzled 20 30 MOZZLE, (Hebrew) to...
mozzles 20 29 MOZZLE [n]
mridang 14 14 (Sanskrit) a two-hea...
mucates 16 14 MUCATE, a salt of mu...
muchell 21 18 (Spenser) a great de...
muchels 20 17 MUCHEL, (archaic) a...
mucigen 17 17 a substance secreted...
muckers 18 18 MUCKER, to squander...
muckier 18 18 MUCKY, dirty [adj]
muckily 26 21 MUCKY, dirty [adv]
mucking 19 21 MUCK, to manure with...
muckles 19 19 MUCKLE, (Scots) a gr...
muclucs 22 19 MUCLUC, (Inuit) a ty...
mucoids 17 15 MUCOID, a substance...
mucosae 15 14 MUCOSA, a mucous mem...
mucosal 17 15 relating to mucosae,...
mucosas 16 14 MUCOSA, a mucous mem...
mucuses 17 15 MUCUS, the slimy flu...
mudbank 16 20 a sloping area of mu...
mudbath 18 17 a medicinal or thera...
mudbugs 18 18 MUDBUG, a crayfish [...
mudcaps 19 18 MUDCAP, to cover an...
mudcats 17 15 MUDCAT, (US) a name...
mudders 14 13 MUDDER, a racehorse...
muddied 14 14 MUDDY, to cover with...
muddier 14 13 MUDDY, covered with...
muddies 14 13 MUDDY, to cover with...
muddily 22 16 MUDDY, covered with...
mudding 15 16 MUD, to cover with s...
muddled 15 15 MUDDLE, to mix up [v...
muddler 15 14 one who muddles [n -...
muddles 15 14 MUDDLE, to mix up [v...
mudejar 15 21 a Spanish moor [n MU...
mudeyes 19 14 MUDEYE, the larva of...
mudfish 19 17 a fish that burrows...
mudflap 19 19 a flap fixed behind...
mudflat 17 16 a level tract altern...
mudflow 20 19 a moving mass of mud...
mudgers 15 14 MUDGER, one who mudg...
mudging 16 17 MUDGE, to equivocate...
mudhens 15 15 MUDHEN, a water bird...
mudhole 16 15 a hollow place full...
mudhook 16 18 (slang) an anchor [n...
mudiria 14 12 (Arabic) the provinc...
mudlark 16 17 a person who scaveng...
mudpack 20 22 a cosmetic paste for...
mudpies 16 15 MUDPIE, a small mass...
mudrock 18 19 a pelite, any rock d...
mudroom 14 15 a room for shedding...
mudscow 20 18 a flat mud-boat [n -...
mudsill 17 14 the lowest supportin...
mudwort 17 15 a small herbaceous p...
mueddin 13 14 (Arabic) the Muslim...
mueslis 15 12 MUESLI, (German) a d...
muezzin 19 30 (Arabic) the Muslim...
muffing 19 20 MUFF, to make a mess...
muffins 18 18 MUFFIN, a thick roun...
muffish 21 19 stupid; awkward [adj...
muffled 19 19 MUFFLE, to dull the...
muffler 19 18 a thick scarf, colla...
muffles 19 18 MUFFLE, to dull the...
muflons 16 16 MUFLON, (French) a C...
mugfuls 19 18 MUGFUL, as much as a...
muggars 16 15 MUGGAR, (Hindi) a br...
muggees 15 15 MUGGEE, the victim o...
muggers 16 15 MUGGER, (Hindi) a br...
muggier 16 15 MUGGY, warm and humi...
muggily 24 18 MUGGY, warm and humi...
mugging 17 18 a street assault [n...
muggins 16 16 a fool, a sucker, es...
muggish 19 17 somewhat muggy [adj]
muggles 17 16 MUGGLE, (in fantasy...
muggurs 17 16 MUGGUR, (Hindi) a br...
mughals 18 16 MUGHAL, an important...
mugshot 17 15 a photograph esp. of...
mugwort 18 16 a common British pla...
mugwump 22 23 a bolter from the Re...
muhlies 17 14 MUHLY, a perennial g...
muisted 14 12 MUIST, to powder, al...
mukhtar 17 17 an Indian lawyer; a...
mukluks 18 21 MUKLUK, (Inuit) a ty...
muktuks 17 20 MUKTUK, (Inuit) whal...
mulatta 14 12 (Spanish) the (femal...
mulatto 14 12 (Spanish) the offspr...
mulched 20 18 MULCH, to provide wi...
mulches 20 17 MULCH, to provide wi...
mulcted 18 16 MULCT, to take money...
mulesed 14 13 MULES, to perform th...
muleses 14 12 MULES, to perform th...
muletas 14 12 MULETA, (Spanish) a...
mullahs 18 15 MULLAH, to inflict a...
mullein 15 14 a tall, stiff, yello...
mullens 15 14 MULLEN, a tall, stif...
mullers 16 13 MULLER, to inflict a...
mullets 16 13 MULLET, a kind of fi...
mulleys 22 15 MULLEY, a hornless c...
mulling 17 16 MULL, to ponder [v]
mullion 15 14 an upright division...
mullite 16 13 an aluminium silicat...
mullock 20 20 (Australian slang) w...
mulmull 19 18 (Hindi) a fine, soft...
mulmuls 18 17 MULMUL, (Hindi) a fi...
mulshed 17 15 MULSH, to cover with...
mulshes 17 14 MULSH, to cover with...
multums 17 16 MULTUM, an extract o...
multure 15 13 to take a fee for gr...
mumbled 18 19 MUMBLE, to speak ind...
mumbler 18 18 one who mumbles [n -...
mumbles 18 18 MUMBLE, to speak ind...
mummers 16 17 MUMMER [n]
mummery 22 19 a performance by mum...
mummias 16 17 MUMMIA, mummy as a d...
mummied 16 18 MUMMY, to preserve b...
mummies 16 17 MUMMY, to preserve b...
mummify 25 22 to preserve by embal...
mumming 17 20 the performance of a...
mummock 20 24 (archaic) a piece, a...
mumpers 17 17 MUMPER, a beggar; a...
mumping 18 20 MUMP, to mumble, mut...
mumpish 20 19 sulky [adj MUMPISHLY...
mumsier 15 14 MUMSY, old-fashioned...
mumsies 15 14 MUMSY, a mother [n]
munched 18 18 MUNCH, to chew noisi...
muncher 18 17 one who munches [n -...
munches 18 17 MUNCH, to chew noisi...
munchie 18 17 a small amount of fo...
mundane 11 14 ordinary, banal [adj...
mundics 17 16 MUNDIC, iron pyrites...
mundify 22 18 to cleanse, purify [...
munging 15 17 MUNG, to process com...
mungoes 13 14 MUNGO, the waste pro...
munited 13 13 MUNITE, to fortify,...
munites 13 12 MUNITE, to fortify,...
munnion 11 14 an upright division...
munshis 16 14 MUNSHI, (Hindi) a se...
munster 13 12 a semisoft cow's mil...
munters 13 12 MUNTER, (colloquial)...
munting 14 15 the vertical framing...
muntins 13 13 MUNTIN, the vertical...
muntjac 18 24 a small Asian deer,...
muntjak 16 25 a small Asian deer,...
muntrie 13 12 (Native Australian)...
muonium 14 16 an electron and a po...
muppets 18 17 MUPPET, (slang) a st...
muraena 11 12 a food fish of the R...
murages 14 13 MURAGE, (historical)...
muraled 14 13 decorated with a mur...
murders 14 12 MURDER, to kill unla...
mureins 13 12 MUREIN, a peptidogly...
murenas 12 12 MURENA, a genus of l...
murexes 19 18 MUREX, a genus of sh...
murgeon 13 14 to mock with grimace...
muriate 13 11 (archaic) a chloride...
murices 17 14 MUREX, a genus of sh...
murines 13 12 MURINE, any of the f...
murkest 15 15 MURK, dark, gloomy,...
murkier 15 15 MURKY, dark, also MI...
murkily 23 18 MURKY, dark, also MI...
murking 16 18 MURK, to murder, def...
murkish 18 17 somewhat murky [adj]
murlain 14 13 (Gaelic) a narrow-mo...
murlans 14 13 MURLAN, (Gaelic) a n...
murlier 15 12 MURLY, (Scots) crumb...
murling 16 15 MURL, (Scots) to cru...
murlins 15 13 MURLIN, (Gaelic) a n...
murmurs 16 15 MURMUR, to make a su...
murragh 17 15 a caddis fly which f...
murrain 13 12 a disease of cattle,...
murrams 15 14 MURRAM, a tough clay...
murrays 20 13 MURRAY, a kind of ee...
murrees 13 11 MURREE, (Native Aust...
murrens 13 12 MURREN, a disease of...
murreys 20 13 MURREY, a kind of ee...
murrhas 16 13 MURRHA, an ancient R...
murries 14 11 MURRY, a kind of eel...
murrine 13 12 a kind of clear glas...
murrins 14 12 MURRIN, a disease of...
murrion 13 12 a disease of cattle,...
murther 16 13 (dialect) to murder...
musangs 14 14 MUSANG, a civetlike...
muscats 17 14 MUSCAT, (French) a s...
muscids 18 15 MUSCID, a member of...
muscled 18 16 MUSCLE, to force one...
muscles 18 15 MUSCLE, to force one...
muscley 24 17 of a muscular build,...
muscoid 17 15 a mosslike plant [n...
muscone 15 15 a macrocyclic ketone...
muscose 16 14 mosslike, also MUSCO...
muscovy 25 20 as in muscovy duck,...
museful 17 16 meditative; thoughtf...
musette 13 11 (French) a small bag...
museums 15 15 MUSEUM, a repository...
mushers 16 13 MUSHER, a person who...
mushier 16 13 MUSHY, like mush, so...
mushily 24 16 MUSHY, like mush, so...
mushing 17 16 the act of reducing...
mushrat 16 13 a large semiaquatic...
musical 18 15 relating to music [a...
musicks 19 18 MUSICK, to compose m...
musimon 14 15 a Corsican wild shee...
musings 15 14 MUSING, the act of m...
musjids 17 21 MUSJID, (Arabic) a m...
muskegs 16 17 MUSKEG, a marsh, als...
muskets 15 15 MUSKET, a long-barre...
muskier 15 15 MUSKY, resembling mu...
muskies 15 15 MUSKIE, (short for)...
muskily 23 18 MUSKY, resembling mu...
musking 16 18 MUSK, to perfume wit...
muskits 16 15 MUSKIT, a name for t...
muskles 16 16 MUSKLE, (obsolete) a...
muskone 13 16 a macrocyclic ketone...
muskrat 15 15 a large semiaquatic...
muslins 15 13 MUSLIN, a cotton fab...
musmons 14 15 MUSMON, a Corsican w...
muspike 17 18 a freshwater fish [n...
musrols 15 12 MUSROL, (obsolete) t...
mussels 15 12 MUSSEL, any of vario...
mussier 14 11 MUSSY, disarranged,...
mussily 22 14 MUSSY, disarranged,...
mussing 15 14 MUSS, to disarrange,...
mustang 14 14 the wild or half-wil...
mustard 14 12 a pungent condiment...
mustees 13 11 MUSTEE, in the West...
musters 14 11 MUSTER, to gather to...
mustier 14 11 MUSTY, having a stal...
mustily 22 14 MUSTY, having a stal...
musting 15 14 MUST, to powder, als...
mutable 16 15 capable of change [a...
mutably 23 17 MUTABLE, capable of...
mutagen 13 14 a substance that cau...
mutanda 12 13 MUTANDUM, something...
mutants 13 12 MUTANT, something th...
mutases 13 11 MUTASE, any of vario...
mutated 13 12 MUTATE, to undergo m...
mutates 13 11 MUTATE, to undergo m...
mutator 13 11 one that causes a ch...
mutched 19 17 MUTCH, to cadge [v]
mutches 19 16 MUTCH, to cadge [v]
mutedly 21 15 MUTED [adv]
mutined 13 13 MUTINE, to revolt ag...
mutines 13 12 MUTINE, to revolt ag...
mutisms 16 14 MUTISM, the conditio...
mutters 14 11 MUTTER, to speak unc...
muttons 13 12 MUTTON, the flesh of...
muttony 19 14 like mutton; having...
mutuals 15 13 MUTUAL, a financial...
mutucas 17 15 MUTUCA, a large Braz...
mutuels 15 13 MUTUEL, a system of...
mutular 15 13 relating to a mutule...
mutules 15 13 MUTULE, an ornamenta...
mutuums 16 16 MUTUUM, (historical)...
muumuus 16 17 MUUMUU, (Hawaiian) a...
muzhiks 21 26 MUZHIK, a Russian pe...
muzjiks 21 33 MUZJIK, a Russian pe...
muzzier 20 29 MUZZY, confused [adj...
muzzily 28 32 MUZZY, confused [adv...
muzzing 21 32 MUZZ, to make muzzy...
muzzled 21 31 MUZZLE, to cover the...
muzzler 21 30 a strong headwind [n...
muzzles 21 30 MUZZLE, to cover the...
mwalimu 19 18 (Swahili) a teacher...
myalgia 21 15 muscular pain [n -S]
myalgic 25 18 relating to myalgia,...
myalism 22 16 a magic cult among W...
myalist 21 13 one who practises my...
myceles 23 16 MYCELE, the white th...
mycelia 23 16 MYCELIUM, the white...
mycella 24 17 a blue-veined Danish...
mycetes 22 15 (Greek) fungi [n]
mycoses 22 15 MYCOSIS, a disease c...
mycosis 23 15 a disease caused by...
mycotic 26 18 relating to mycosis,...
myeline 19 14 the fatty substance...
myelins 20 14 MYELIN, the fatty su...
myeloid 20 14 resembling marrow in...
myeloma 20 16 a tumour of the bone...
myelons 19 14 MYELON, the spinal c...
mygales 21 15 MYGALE, an American...
myiases 19 12 MYIASIS, infestation...
myiasis 20 12 infestation of human...
mylodon 19 15 an extinct genus of...
mynheer 20 15 (Dutch) the Dutch eq...
myogens 19 15 MYOGEN, an albumin,...
myogram 21 17 a record made by a m...
myology 27 17 the study of muscles...
myomata 19 15 MYOMA, a tumour comp...
myomere 19 15 part of a vertebrate...
myopias 21 15 MYOPIA, a visual def...
myopics 25 18 MYOPIC, a short-sigh...
myopies 21 15 MYOPY, a visual defe...
myopses 21 15 MYOPS, a short-sight...
myosins 19 13 MYOSIN, a protein fo...
myosote 18 12 a flowering plant, a...
myotics 23 15 MYOTIC, an agent tha...
myotome 19 15 a segment of the bod...
myotube 21 16 a cylindrical cell t...
myrbane 20 16 an apparently meanin...
myriads 20 13 MYRIAD, ten thousand...
myricas 23 15 MYRICA, a widely dis...
myringa 20 15 the eardrum [n -S]
myrrhic 26 17 of, pertaining to, o...
myrrhol 23 15 the volatile oil of...
myrtles 21 13 MYRTLE, any of vario...
mysosts 20 12 MYSOST, (Norwegian)...
myspace 24 18 to search for a pers...
mystery 26 14 something that canno...
mystics 24 15 MYSTIC, one who prof...
mystify 29 17 to perplex [v MYSTIF...
mythier 22 14 MYTHY, resembling my...
mythise 22 14 to tell a traditiona...
mythism 24 17 a theory that explai...
mythist 23 14 an adherent of mythi...
mythize 25 23 to tell a traditiona...
myxomas 26 22 MYXOMA, a tumour com...
mzungus 18 24 MZUNGU, (Swahili) in...