7 letter words that starts with j

7 letter words that start with J

7 letter J word


Word With Friends


jabbers 18 22 JABBER, to talk rapi...
jabbing 19 25 JAB, to poke sharply...
jabbled 19 24 JABBLE, (Scots) to s...
jabbles 19 23 JABBLE, (Scots) to s...
jabirus 17 20 JABIRU, one of sever...
jacales 17 20 JACAL, a hut built o...
jacamar 17 22 any of various small...
jacanas 15 20 JACANA, any of vario...
jacares 16 19 JACARE, the caiman [...
jacchus 23 25 a South American mar...
jacinth 19 22 a variety of zircon...
jackals 19 24 JACKAL, to play the...
jackass 18 23 a male ass or donkey...
jackdaw 21 27 a bird resembling a...
jackeen 16 24 (Irish) a person fro...
jackers 18 23 JACKER, one who jack...
jackets 18 23 JACKET, to provide w...
jackies 18 23 JACKY, a sailor [n]
jacking 19 26 in house dancing, mo...
jackleg 20 26 an amateur; one char...
jackman 18 27 a soldier wearing le...
jackmen 18 27 JACKMAN, a soldier w...
jackpot 20 26 a top prize or rewar...
jacksie 18 23 the posterior, also...
jacobin 18 23 a variety of fancy p...
jacobus 19 23 (historical) an Engl...
jaconet 15 20 a kind of thin cotto...
jacuzzi 24 38 a kind of large bath...
jadedly 21 21 JADED [adv]
jadeite 13 17 a mineral, a silicat...
jaditic 18 20 of or like jadeite,...
jaegers 14 18 JAEGER, a German arm...
jagaing 15 21 JAGA, in Indonesia,...
jaggary 22 22 a coarse, dark sugar...
jaggers 16 20 JAGGER, a hawker, a...
jaggery 22 22 a coarse, dark sugar...
jaggier 16 20 JAGGY, jagged, rough...
jaggies 16 20 JAGGY, a jagged comp...
jagging 17 23 JAGG, to cut unevenl...
jaghire 17 20 (Hindi) the governme...
jaghirs 18 20 JAGHIR, (Hindi) the...
jagless 16 19 (slang) not producin...
jaguars 15 19 JAGUAR, a powerful f...
jailers 15 17 JAILER, a keeper of...
jailing 16 20 JAIL, to imprison, a...
jailors 15 17 JAILOR, a keeper of...
jakeses 14 20 JAKES, (Shakespeare)...
jalabib 19 23 JILBAB, a long robe...
jalapic 20 23 pertaining to jalap,...
jalapin 16 21 a glucoside resin, o...
jalebis 17 20 JALEBI, (Sanskrit) a...
jallebi 18 21 (Sanskrit) an Asian...
jaloppy 25 25 a decrepit car, also...
jalouse 14 18 to suspect, also JEA...
jamaats 14 19 JAMAAT, (Arabic) an...
jamadar 14 20 an Indian police off...
jambart 17 22 a greave, armour cov...
jambeau 16 23 (obsolete) armour fo...
jambees 16 22 JAMBEE, a light cane...
jambers 17 22 JAMBER, (obsolete) a...
jambeux 23 30 JAMBEAU, (obsolete)...
jambier 17 22 (obsolete) armor for...
jambing 18 25 JAMB, to jam [v]
jambiya 23 24 a Middle Eastern cur...
jamboks 18 26 JAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
jambone 15 23 a lone hand in Euchr...
jambool 17 23 the rose-apple tree,...
jambuls 19 24 JAMBUL, (Sanskrit) t...
jamdani 14 21 a kind of Dacca musl...
jameses 14 19 JAMES, a short crowb...
jamjars 17 28 JAMJAR, a jar for ja...
jamlike 17 24 like jam [adj]
jammers 16 22 JAMMER, a person or...
jammier 16 22 JAMMY, very lucky [a...
jammies 16 22 (colloquial) pajamas...
jamming 17 25 a rock-climbing tech...
jampani 16 23 a bearer of a jampan...
jampans 16 23 JAMPAN, an Indian se...
jampots 17 22 JAMPOT, a jar for ja...
jangled 15 21 JANGLE, to make a ha...
jangler 15 20 a storyteller, a jes...
jangles 15 20 JANGLE, to make a ha...
janitor 13 17 a doorkeeper; an att...
janizar 16 26 (Turkish) a soldier...
jankers 14 21 JANKER, a long pole...
janneys 18 20 JANNEY, to act as a...
jannied 12 19 JANNY, to act as a d...
jannies 12 18 JANNY [n]
jannock 16 25 straightforward, hon...
janskys 21 23 JANSKY, the unit of...
jantier 13 17 JANTY, briskly self-...
janties 13 17 JANTY, a naval maste...
japings 17 22 JAPING, the act of j...
japping 19 25 JAP, to splash or sp...
jarfuls 18 21 JARFUL, as much as a...
jargons 14 19 JARGON, to use words...
jargony 20 21 using jargon [adj]
jargoon 13 19 a brilliant pale or...
jarhead 15 19 an American marine s...
jarinas 13 17 JARINA, the hard see...
jarkman 15 24 (archaic) a vagabond...
jarkmen 15 24 JARKMAN, (archaic) a...
jarldom 16 21 the domain of a jarl...
jarools 14 17 JAROOL, a deciduous...
jarping 17 22 JARP, to tap an egg...
jarrahs 16 18 JARRAH, (Native Aust...
jarring 15 19 harshly discordant [...
jarsful 18 21 JARFUL, as much as a...
jarveys 22 22 JARVEY, a driver of...
jarvies 16 20 JARVIE, a driver of...
jasmine 14 20 a genus of oleaceous...
jasmins 15 20 JASMIN, a genus of o...
jaspers 16 19 JASPER, a red variet...
jaspery 22 21 of or like jasper, a...
jassids 15 17 JASSID, an insect of...
jatakas 14 20 JATAKA, (Pali) the b...
jauking 16 24 JAUK, to dawdle [v]
jaunced 16 22 JAUNCE, to prance, a...
jaunces 16 21 JAUNCE, to prance, a...
jaunsed 13 19 JAUNSE, to prance, a...
jaunses 13 18 JAUNSE, to prance, a...
jaunted 13 19 JAUNT, to go on a pl...
jauntee 12 18 (obsolete) jaunty, s...
jauntie 13 18 a naval master-at-ar...
jauping 17 23 JAUP, (Scots) to spl...
javelin 16 22 to pierce with a lig...
jawaris 17 19 JAWARI, Indian mille...
jawbone 17 23 to lecture or scold...
jawfall 21 24 a falling of the jaw...
jawhole 19 22 (Scots) a cesspool;...
jawings 18 22 JAWING, chattering a...
jawless 18 20 without a jaw [adj]
jawlike 19 24 resembling the frame...
jawline 17 21 the outline of the l...
jaybird 23 22 a corvine bird, also...
jaycees 22 21 JAYCEE, a member of...
jaygees 20 20 JAYGEE, a military o...
jayvees 21 22 JAYVEE, a junior var...
jaywalk 25 26 to cross a street ca...
jazzbos 22 37 JAZZBO, a devotee of...
jazzers 20 34 JAZZER, a jazz music...
jazzier 20 34 JAZZY, of or like ja...
jazzily 28 37 JAZZY, of or like ja...
jazzing 21 37 JAZZ, to liven up th...
jazzman 20 38 a musician who plays...
jazzmen 20 38 JAZZMAN, a musician...
jealous 14 18 envious of others, a...
jeelied 14 18 JEELIE, to make into...
jeelies 14 17 JEELIE, to make into...
jeeling 15 20 JEEL, to set, jell,...
jeepers 15 19 used as a mild oath...
jeeping 16 22 JEEP, to travel by a...
jeepney 20 22 in the Philippines,...
jeerers 13 16 JEERER, one who jeer...
jeering 14 19 mocking [adj JEERING...
jeezely 23 28 used as an intensifi...
jeffing 19 25 JEFF, (Australian sl...
jehadis 16 19 JEHADI, one who take...
jejunal 16 28 pertaining to the je...
jejunum 17 31 (Latin) the middle d...
jellaba 17 21 an Arab cloak with a...
jellied 16 19 JELLY, to make into...
jellies 16 18 JELLY, to make into...
jellify 25 23 to turn to jelly [v...
jelling 17 21 JELL, to set like je...
jemadar 14 20 (Urdu) in the native...
jemidar 15 20 (Urdu) in the native...
jemimas 16 22 JEMIMA, an elastic-s...
jemmied 16 23 JEMMY, to force open...
jemmier 16 22 JEMMY, neat, smart [...
jemmies 16 22 JEMMY, to force open...
jennets 12 18 JENNET, a small Span...
jennies 12 18 JENNY, a female donk...
jeofail 16 20 (obsolete) an omissi...
jeopard 15 20 to put in jeopardy;...
jerbils 18 20 JERBIL, (French) a d...
jerboas 15 19 JERBOA, (Arabic) a d...
jereeds 13 17 JEREED, a wooden Ori...
jerkers 15 20 JERKER, (US) a kind...
jerkier 15 20 JERKY, spasmodic [ad...
jerkies 15 20 JERKY, dried meat [n...
jerkily 23 23 JERKY, spasmodic [ad...
jerking 16 23 jerky [adj JERKINGLY...
jerkins 15 21 JERKIN, a kind of ja...
jerqued 22 27 JERQUE, to search a...
jerquer 22 26 one who searches for...
jerques 22 26 JERQUE, to search a...
jerreed 13 17 a wooden Oriental ja...
jerrids 15 17 JERRID, a wooden Ori...
jerries 14 16 JERRY, (colloquial)...
jerseys 20 18 JERSEY, a knitted sh...
jessamy 21 21 (obsolete) jasmine,...
jessant 13 17 in heraldry, shootin...
jessies 14 16 JESSIE, (Scots) an e...
jessing 15 19 JESSE, to fasten str...
jestees 13 16 JESTEE, the object o...
jesters 14 16 JESTER, one that jes...
jestful 18 21 given to jesting [ad...
jesting 15 19 the act of one who j...
jesuits 15 17 JESUIT, an intriguer...
jetbead 15 20 an ornamental shrub...
jetfoil 17 20 a hydrofoil powered...
jetlags 16 19 JETLAG, the disrupti...
jetlike 16 21 resembling a jet aer...
jetpack 20 26 a backpack with jets...
jetport 16 19 an airport for jets...
jetsams 15 19 JETSAM, stuff thrown...
jetsoms 15 19 JETSOM, (archaic) je...
jetsons 13 17 JETSON, (archaic) je...
jettied 14 17 JETTY, to jut out, a...
jettier 14 16 JETTY, jet black in...
jetties 14 16 JETTY, to jut out, a...
jetting 15 19 JET, to spurt forth...
jettons 13 17 JETTON, a piece of m...
jetways 23 21 JETWAY, a telescopin...
jeweled 17 21 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jeweler 17 20 a trader or maker of...
jewelry 24 22 jewels in general [n...
jewfish 22 24 a large marine fish...
jezails 18 26 JEZAIL, a heavy Afgh...
jezebel 19 29 a scheming, wicked w...
jhatkas 17 22 JHATKA, the slaughte...
jibbahs 21 24 JIBBAH, (Arabic) a l...
jibbers 19 22 JIBBER, to utter sen...
jibbing 20 25 JIB, to draw back, t...
jibbons 18 23 spring onions [n]
jibboom 19 25 a ship's spar [n -S]
jicamas 18 22 JICAMA, an edible st...
jiffies 19 22 JIFFY, (colloquial)...
jigaboo 16 21 a black person [n -S...
jigajig 19 29 to copulate, also JI...
jigajog 18 29 to copulate, also JI...
jiggers 17 20 JIGGER, to jerk up a...
jiggier 17 20 JIGGY, with the rhyt...
jigging 18 23 the act of jigging [...
jiggish 20 22 jerky [adj]
jiggled 18 22 JIGGLE, to shake fro...
jiggles 18 21 JIGGLE, to shake fro...
jigjigs 20 29 JIGJIG, to copulate,...
jiglike 18 23 like a jig [adj]
jigsawn 18 22 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jigsaws 19 21 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jihadis 17 19 JIHADI, one who take...
jilbabs 20 23 JILBAB, a long robe...
jilgies 17 19 JILGIE, (Native Aust...
jillets 17 18 JILLET, (Scots) a sk...
jillion 16 19 an indefinite but ex...
jilters 16 17 JILTER, one who jilt...
jilting 17 20 JILT, to discard a l...
jimjams 19 31 JIMJAM, a knick-knac...
jimmied 17 23 JIMMIE, to pry open...
jimmies 17 22 JIMMIE, to pry open...
jimminy 23 25 an interjection expr...
jimpest 18 22 JIMP, (Scots) slende...
jimpier 18 22 JIMPY, (Scots) neat...
jimpson 17 23 as in jimpson weed,...
jimsons 15 20 JIMSON, a type of po...
jingall 17 21 a large Chinese or I...
jingals 16 20 JINGAL, a large Chin...
jingled 16 21 JINGLE, to make a ti...
jingler 16 20 one who, or that whi...
jingles 16 20 JINGLE, to make a ti...
jinglet 16 20 a clapper on a sleig...
jingoes 14 19 JINGO, a zealous pat...
jinjili 18 27 (Hindi) the sesame s...
jinkers 15 21 JINKER, to transport...
jinking 16 24 JINK, to dodge nimbl...
jinxing 21 27 JINX, to bring bad l...
jipyapa 24 24 a palmlike tree of t...
jirbled 18 21 JIRBLE, to pour unst...
jirbles 18 20 JIRBLE, to pour unst...
jissoms 16 19 JISSOM, (colloquial)...
jitneys 20 19 JITNEY, a small bus...
jitters 15 16 JITTER, to fidget [v...
jittery 21 18 extremely nervous [a...
jiveass 16 20 (colloquial) a perso...
jiviest 17 20 JIVY, jazzy, lively,...
joannas 11 18 JOANNA, (colloquial)...
joannes 11 18 a Portuguese gold co...
jobbers 18 22 JOBBER, a pieceworke...
jobbery 24 24 the conduct of publi...
jobbies 18 22 JOBBIE, (Scots) a lu...
jobbing 19 25 the doing of jobs [n...
jobless 17 20 without a job [adj]
jobname 15 23 a computer code for...
jockdom 19 27 the world of athlete...
jockeys 24 25 JOCKEY, to maneuver...
jockier 18 23 JOCKY, resembling an...
jockish 21 25 like a jock, macho [...
jockney 23 26 the Scots dialect in...
jocular 18 21 given to joking [adj...
jodhpur 19 23 usually in plural, l...
joggers 16 20 JOGGER, one that jog...
jogging 17 23 running at a slow, s...
joggled 17 22 JOGGLE, to shake sli...
joggler 17 21 one who joggles [n -...
joggles 17 21 JOGGLE, to shake sli...
jogtrot 15 18 to move at a slow tr...
johnnie 14 20 (slang) a condom, al...
johnson 14 20 (slang) a penis [n -...
joinder 13 18 a joining of parties...
joiners 13 17 JOINER, a carpenter...
joinery 19 19 the trade of a joine...
joining 14 20 a juncture [n -S]
jointed 13 18 JOINT, to fit togeth...
jointer 13 17 a bricklayer's tool...
jointly 21 20 JOINT, combined [adv...
joisted 14 17 JOIST, to fit with j...
jojobas 17 28 JOJOBA, a small tree...
jokiest 15 20 JOKY, amusing, also...
jokings 16 23 JOKING, the act of m...
jollers 16 18 JOLLER, one who jols...
jolleys 22 20 JOLLEY, a guide for...
jollied 16 19 JOLLY, to put or kee...
jollier 16 18 one who puts others...
jollies 16 18 JOLLY, to put or kee...
jollify 25 23 to make jolly [v JOL...
jollily 24 21 JOLLY, mirthful [adv...
jolling 17 21 JOLL, (dialect) to b...
jollity 23 20 mirth [n JOLLITIES]
jollops 18 21 JOLLOP, a cream [n]
jollyer 22 20 one who uses a jolle...
jolters 15 17 JOLTER, one who, or...
joltier 15 17 JOLTY, in a jolting...
joltily 23 20 JOLTY, in a jolting...
jolting 16 20 the act of making a...
jonesed 12 18 JONES, to have a str...
joneses 12 17 JONES, to have a str...
jonnock 16 25 straightforward, hon...
jonquil 23 28 a species of narciss...
jonties 13 17 JONTY, a naval maste...
jookery 20 22 (Scots) trickery, ro...
jooking 15 23 JOOK, (Scots) to duc...
jordans 13 18 JORDAN, a chamberpot...
josephs 18 21 JOSEPH, a caped over...
joshers 16 18 JOSHER, one who josh...
joshing 17 21 the act of teasing [...
joskins 15 21 JOSKIN, (slang) a cl...
jossers 14 16 JOSSER, (slang) a cl...
jostled 15 18 JOSTLE, to run or st...
jostler 15 17 one who jostles [n -...
jostles 15 17 JOSTLE, to run or st...
jotters 14 16 JOTTER, one that jot...
jottier 14 16 JOTTY, written down...
jotting 15 19 a brief note [n -S]
jotunns 13 19 JOTUNN, in Norse myt...
joukery 21 23 trickery, also JOOKE...
jouking 16 24 JOUK, (Scots) to duc...
jouling 16 21 JOULE, to bump, also...
jounced 16 22 JOUNCE, to jolt, sha...
jounces 16 21 JOUNCE, to jolt, sha...
journal 14 19 a record of daily ev...
journey 19 20 to travel [v -ED, -I...
journos 13 18 JOURNO, (slang) a jo...
jousted 14 18 JOUST, to engage in...
jouster 14 17 one who jousts, also...
jowaris 17 19 JOWARI, Indian mille...
jowlers 18 20 JOWLER, a heavy-jawe...
jowlier 18 20 JOWLY, having promin...
jowling 19 23 JOWL, to bump, also...
joyance 21 22 delight [n -S]
joyless 21 19 without joy [adj JOY...
joypads 22 22 JOYPAD, a device con...
joypops 24 24 JOYPOP, to use habit...
joyride 20 19 to take a ride for p...
joyrode 19 19 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
jubbahs 21 25 JUBBAH, a long loose...
jubhahs 21 24 JUBHAH, a long loose...
jubilee 17 21 a celebration, also...
jubiles 18 21 JUBILE, a celebratio...
judases 14 18 JUDAS, a peephole in...
judders 15 19 JUDDER, to vibrate,...
juddery 21 21 given to juddering [...
judgers 16 20 JUDGER, one who judg...
judging 17 23 the act of making a...
judogis 16 20 JUDOGI, a judo costu...
judoist 15 18 one skilled in judo,...
judokas 15 22 JUDOKA, one skilled...
jugfuls 20 24 JUGFUL, as much as a...
jugging 18 24 the act of jugging [...
juggins 17 22 a simpleton [n -ES]
juggled 18 23 JUGGLE, to manipulat...
juggler 18 22 one who juggles [n -...
juggles 18 22 JUGGLE, to manipulat...
jughead 17 22 an idiot, a fool [n...
juglets 17 20 JUGLET, a small jug...
jugsful 20 24 JUGFUL, as much as a...
jugular 17 21 pertaining to neck o...
jugulum 19 25 the front part of th...
juicers 18 20 JUICER, a juice extr...
juicier 18 20 JUICY, full of juice...
juicily 26 23 JUICY, full of juice...
juicing 19 23 JUICE, to extract li...
jujitsu 18 27 a Japanese art of se...
jujubes 19 30 JUJUBE, a fruit-flav...
jujuism 19 30 a belief in jujus [n...
jujuist 18 27 a follower of jujuis...
jujutsu 18 28 a Japanese art of se...
jukebox 23 31 a coin-operated gram...
jukskei 17 25 a South African game...
juliets 16 18 JULIET, (In internat...
jumared 15 21 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumarts 16 20 JUMART, the supposed...
jumbals 19 24 JUMBAL, a thin crisp...
jumbies 18 23 JUMBY, (West Indian)...
jumbled 19 25 JUMBLE, to mix in a...
jumbler 19 24 one that jumbles [n...
jumbles 19 24 JUMBLE, to mix in a...
jumbuck 23 31 (Australian slang) a...
jumelle 17 22 (French) a paired or...
jumpers 18 23 JUMPER, a type of ov...
jumpier 18 23 JUMPY, nervy [adj]
jumpily 26 26 JUMPY, nervy [adv]
jumping 19 26 the act of jumping [...
jumpoff 22 29 a starting point [n...
juncate 16 21 (Spenser) a junket,...
juncoes 16 21 JUNCO, a North Ameri...
jungled 16 22 abounding in jungle...
jungles 16 21 JUNGLE, land covered...
junglis 17 21 JUNGLI, an uneducate...
juniors 14 18 JUNIOR [n]
juniper 16 21 an evergreen conifer...
junkers 15 22 JUNKER, (German) a y...
junkets 15 22 JUNKET, to go on suc...
junkier 15 22 JUNKY, rubbishy, wor...
junkies 15 22 JUNKIE, a narcotics...
junking 16 25 JUNK, to discard as...
junkman 15 26 a man who buys and s...
junkmen 15 26 JUNKMAN, a man who b...
jupatis 17 20 JUPATI, a large Braz...
jurally 23 21 JURAL, pertaining to...
jurants 14 18 JURANT, one who take...
juridic 19 21 relating to the admi...
jurists 16 17 JURIST, one versed i...
jurying 22 22 JURY, to select mate...
juryman 21 23 a member of a jury,...
jurymen 21 23 JURYMAN, a member of...
jussive 17 21 a word used to expre...
justers 15 17 JUSTER, one who tilt...
justest 15 17 JUST, fair, impartia...
justice 18 20 a judge [n -S]
justify 24 22 to vindicate [v JUST...
justing 16 20 JUST, to tilt with l...
justled 16 19 JUSTLE, to run or st...
justles 16 18 JUSTLE, to run or st...
juttied 15 18 JUTTY, to stick out...
juttier 15 17 JUTTY, jutting out [...
jutties 15 17 JUTTY, to stick out...
jutting 16 20 JUT, to project, sti...
juvenal 16 23 a young bird [n -S]