7 letter words that starts with u

7 letter words that start with U

7 letter U word


Word With Friends


uakaris 13 12 UAKARI, (Tupi) a sho...
uberous 14 12 abounding in milk [a...
ubuntus 15 14 UBUNTU, (Xhosa) a qu...
udaller 14 11 a holder of an udal...
uddered 12 11 having an udder [adj...
ufology 22 16 the study of unident...
ugliest 15 11 UGLY, not beautiful...
uglying 22 16 UGLY, to make ugly [...
uillean 13 11 (Irish) as in uillea...
ujamaas 14 20 UJAMAA, (Swahili) in...
ukelele 14 14 a small guitar-like...
ukulele 15 15 a small guitar-like...
ulcered 16 13 ULCER, to affect wit...
ulexite 19 16 a hydrous borate of...
ulicons 16 13 ULICON, (Native Amer...
ulikons 14 14 ULIKON, (Native Amer...
ullaged 15 13 ULLAGE, to reckon th...
ullages 15 12 ULLAGE, to reckon th...
ullings 16 13 ULLING, the making g...
ulnaria 12 10 ULNARE, (Latin) one...
ulpanim 16 16 ULPAN, a school in I...
ulsters 14 9 ULSTER, a long, loos...
ultimas 15 12 ULTIMA, (Latin) the...
ultions 13 10 ULTION, (obsolete) v...
ultisol 15 10 a reddish-yellow aci...
ululant 14 12 howling [adj]
ululate 14 11 to lament loudly and...
umbeled 16 16 having umbels, also...
umbered 15 15 UMBER, to colour wit...
umbonal 15 16 of or like an umbo,...
umbones 14 15 UMBO, the rounded el...
umbonic 18 18 of or like an umbo,...
umbrage 16 16 to offend [v UMBRAGE...
umbrels 17 15 UMBREL, (Spenser) th...
umbrere 15 14 (Spenser) the visor...
umbrils 18 15 UMBRIL, (Spenser) th...
umbrose 15 14 shade-giving; dusky,...
umbrous 16 15 shade-giving; dusky,...
umfazis 19 23 UMFAZI, (South Afric...
umiacks 18 18 UMIACK, (Inuit) an E...
umlauts 15 13 UMLAUT, to place an...
umlungu 16 17 (South Africa) a whi...
umpired 16 15 UMPIRE, to rule on t...
umpires 16 14 UMPIRE, to rule on t...
umpteen 14 15 denoting an indefini...
umwelts 18 15 UMWELT, (German) env...
umwhile 20 17 (Scots) some time ag...
unacted 14 13 not acted [adj]
unadded 11 12 not added [adj]
unadept 13 13 not adept [adj UNADE...
unadult 13 12 not adult [adj]
unagile 13 12 not agile [adj]
unaging 13 14 not aging, also UNAG...
unaided 11 11 without aid [adj]
unaimed 12 13 without aim [adj]
unaired 11 10 not aired [adj]
unaking 13 16 (Shakespeare) unachi...
unakite 12 13 an igneous rock [n -...
unalike 13 14 not alike [adj]
unalist 13 10 a person who believe...
unalive 14 14 lacking in vitality...
unaptly 21 15 UNAPT, unfit or unqu...
unarmed 12 13 UNARM, to deprive of...
unasked 12 14 not asked [adj]
unawake 14 16 not awake [adj]
unaware 13 12 not aware, also UNAW...
unbaked 14 17 not baked [adj]
unbaled 14 14 UNBALE, to loosen fr...
unbales 14 13 UNBALE, to loosen fr...
unbared 13 13 UNBARE, to lay bare...
unbares 13 12 UNBARE, to lay bare...
unbarks 15 16 UNBARK, to strip of...
unbased 13 13 not based [adj]
unbated 13 13 undiminished [adj]
unbears 13 12 UNBEAR, to free from...
unbeget 14 14 to undo the begettin...
unbegot 14 14 UNBEGET, to undo the...
unbegun 14 16 not yet begun [adj]
unbeing 14 15 a state of not being...
unbelts 15 13 UNBELT, to remove th...
unbends 13 14 UNBEND, to relax [v]
unbinds 14 14 UNBIND, to free from...
unbitts 15 12 UNBITT, to take off...
unblent 14 14 not blent [adj]
unbless 15 13 to deprive of blessi...
unblest 15 13 not blest [adj]
unblind 15 15 to free from blindne...
unblock 19 20 to free from blockag...
unblown 17 17 not blown, still in...
unbolts 15 13 UNBOLT, to undo a bo...
unboned 12 14 UNBONE, to remove th...
unbones 12 13 UNBONE, to remove th...
unboots 13 12 UNBOOT, to take off...
unborne 12 13 UNBEAR, to free from...
unbosom 14 15 to pour out; to tell...
unbound 13 15 UNBIND, to free from...
unbowed 16 16 not bowed [adj]
unboxed 19 20 UNBOX, to remove fro...
unboxes 19 19 UNBOX, to remove fro...
unbrace 16 15 to free from braces...
unbraid 14 13 to separate the stra...
unbrake 14 16 to release a brake [...
unbroke 14 16 (archaic) unbroken [...
unbuild 16 15 to demolish; to raze...
unbuilt 16 14 UNBUILD, to demolish...
unbulky 23 20 not bulky [adj UNBUL...
unburnt 14 14 not burnt [adj]
uncaged 15 15 UNCAGE, to release f...
uncages 15 14 UNCAGE, to release f...
uncaked 15 17 UNCAKE, to break up...
uncakes 15 16 UNCAKE, to break up...
uncanny 19 16 strange and inexplic...
uncaped 16 16 UNCAPE, (Shakespeare...
uncapes 16 15 UNCAPE, (Shakespeare...
uncared 14 13 not cared (for) [adj...
uncarts 15 12 UNCART, to take off...
uncased 14 13 UNCASE, to remove fr...
uncases 14 12 UNCASE, to remove fr...
uncasts 15 12 UNCAST, to undo the...
unceded 14 14 not ceded [adj]
unchain 16 15 to free from a chain...
unchair 17 14 to remove from a cha...
uncharm 18 17 to free from a spell...
unchary 23 16 not chary [adj UNCHA...
uncheck 21 21 (Shakespeare) to fai...
unchild 19 16 to change from being...
unchoke 17 18 to free from obstruc...
uncials 16 13 UNCIAL, a form of wr...
uncinal 15 14 bent at the end like...
uncinus 15 14 an structure bent at...
uncited 15 13 not cited [adj]
uncivil 19 17 not civil, also INCI...
unclamp 19 19 to free from a clamp...
unclasp 18 16 to free from a clasp...
unclean 14 14 not clean [adj UNCLE...
unclear 15 13 not clear [adj UNCLE...
uncleft 18 16 not cleft [adj]
unclews 19 16 UNCLEW, (archaic) to...
uncling 17 16 UNCLE, to address as...
unclips 19 16 UNCLIP, to remove a...
unclipt 19 16 unclipped [adj]
uncloak 16 17 to remove a cloak fr...
unclogs 17 15 UNCLOG, to free from...
unclose 15 13 to open [v UNCLOSED,...
uncloud 16 15 to free from clouds...
uncocks 19 19 UNCOCK, to remove fr...
uncoded 14 14 not coded [adj]
uncoest 14 12 UNCO, (Scots) strang...
uncoils 16 13 UNCOIL, to release f...
uncolts 16 13 UNCOLT, (Shakespeare...
uncomfy 24 20 (colloquial) not com...
uncomic 19 18 not funny [adj]
uncoped 16 16 UNCOPE, to unmuzzle...
uncopes 16 15 UNCOPE, to unmuzzle...
uncords 15 13 UNCORD, to free from...
uncorks 16 16 UNCORK, to draw the...
uncouth 17 15 uncultured [adj UNCO...
uncover 16 16 to remove the coveri...
uncowls 19 16 UNCOWL, to remove th...
uncrate 14 12 to remove from a cra...
uncrazy 24 23 not crazy [adj]
uncross 15 12 to change from a cro...
uncrown 17 16 to deprive of a crow...
unction 14 13 anointing as a rite...
uncuffs 20 19 UNCUFF, to remove ha...
uncurbs 18 16 UNCURB, to remove re...
uncured 15 14 not cured [adj]
uncurls 17 14 UNCURL, to straighte...
uncurse 15 13 to free from a curse...
undated 11 11 not dated [adj]
undeafs 13 13 UNDEAF, to free from...
undealt 12 11 not dealt [adj]
undecks 16 17 UNDECK, to rid or or...
undeify 20 15 to deprive of the na...
underdo 11 11 to do insufficiently...
undergo 12 12 to be subjected to [...
underns 11 11 UNDERN, (obsolete) o...
undight 16 14 (Spenser) to undo, t...
undines 11 11 UNDINE, a female wat...
undocks 16 17 UNDOCK, to move away...
undoers 11 10 UNDOER, one who undo...
undoing 12 13 the reversal of what...
undrape 13 13 to strip of drapery...
undrawn 14 14 UNDRAW, to draw open...
undraws 15 13 UNDRAW, to draw open...
undress 12 10 to take off clothing...
undrest 12 10 UNDRESS, to take off...
undried 12 11 not dried [adj]
undrunk 13 16 not swallowed [adj]
undular 13 12 undulating, wavy, al...
undying 19 15 not subject to death...
uneager 11 11 not eager [adj UNEAG...
uneared 10 10 not eared [adj]
unearth 13 11 to dig up [v -ED, -I...
uneases 10 9 UNEASE, mental or ph...
uneaten 9 10 not eaten [adj]
unedged 12 13 UNEDGE, to blunt [v]
unedges 12 12 UNEDGE, to blunt [v]
unended 10 12 not ended [adj]
unequal 20 20 not equal [adj UNEQU...
unfacts 17 15 UNFACT, a fact that...
unfaded 13 14 not faded [adj]
unfairs 14 12 UNFAIR, (Shakespeare...
unfaith 16 14 a lack of faith [n -...
unfaked 14 17 not faked [adj]
unfamed 14 16 not famed [adj]
unfancy 22 18 not fancy [adj UNFAN...
unfazed 16 22 not fazed [adj]
unfence 15 16 to remove a fence [v...
unfeued 13 14 not feued [adj]
unfilde 15 14 (Spenser) not rubbed...
unfiled 15 14 not filed [adj]
unfired 14 13 not fired [adj]
unfitly 22 15 UNFIT, not fit [adv]
unfixed 20 20 UNFIX, to unfasten [...
unfixes 20 19 UNFIX, to unfasten [...
unflesh 17 15 to remove the flesh...
unflush 18 16 to lose colour [v -E...
unfolds 15 14 UNFOLD, to open some...
unfools 14 13 UNFOOL, to undeceive...
unforms 15 15 UNFORM, to unmake [v...
unfound 13 15 not found [adj]
unfreed 13 13 UNFREE, to deprive o...
unfrees 13 12 UNFREE, to deprive o...
unfrock 18 19 to divest of ecclesi...
unfroze 16 21 UNFREEZE, to cause t...
unfumed 15 17 not fumigated [adj]
unfunny 19 17 not funny [adj UNFUN...
unfurls 16 14 UNFURL, to unroll [v...
unfused 14 14 not fused [adj]
unfussy 21 15 not fussy [adj UNFUS...
ungated 12 12 not gated [adj]
ungazed 15 21 not gazed (at or upo...
ungears 12 11 UNGEAR, to unharness...
ungilds 15 13 UNGILD, to remove th...
ungirds 14 12 UNGIRD, to remove a...
ungirth 16 13 to free from a girth...
unglove 15 16 to uncover by removi...
unglued 14 14 UNGLUE, to release f...
unglues 14 13 UNGLUE, to release f...
ungodly 20 15 not godly [adj UNGOD...
ungored 12 12 unwounded, also UNGO...
ungowns 15 15 UNGOWN, to strip of...
ungreen 11 12 not green [adj UNGRE...
ungroup 15 15 to separate from a g...
ungrown 15 15 not grown [adj]
unguard 13 13 to leave unprotected...
unguent 12 13 an ointment [n -S]
ungulae 13 13 UNGULA, a nail, claw...
ungular 14 13 of or like an ungula...
unguled 14 14 in heradlry, with cl...
ungyved 21 18 UNGYVE, to remove th...
ungyves 21 17 UNGYVE, to remove th...
unhable 16 15 (obsolete) unable [a...
unhairs 14 11 UNHAIR, to remove th...
unhands 13 13 UNHAND, to remove th...
unhandy 19 15 clumsy, awkward [adj...
unhangs 14 14 UNHANG, to detach fr...
unhappy 24 19 not happy [adj UNHAP...
unhardy 20 14 not hardy [adj UNHAR...
unhasps 16 14 UNHASP, to unfasten...
unhasty 20 13 not hasty [adj UNHAS...
unheads 13 12 UNHEAD, to decapitat...
unheals 14 12 UNHEAL, (Spenser) to...
unheard 13 12 not heard [adj]
unheart 13 11 (Shakespeare) to dis...
unheedy 19 14 incautious; heedless...
unheled 14 13 UNHELE, (Spenser) to...
unheles 14 12 UNHELE, (Spenser) to...
unhelms 16 15 UNHELM, to remove th...
unherst 14 11 UNHEARSE, to remove...
unhinge 14 14 to remove from hinge...
unhired 14 12 not hired [adj]
unhitch 20 16 to free from being h...
unhived 16 16 UNHIVE, to drive fro...
unhives 16 15 UNHIVE, to drive fro...
unhoard 13 12 to take from a hoard...
unhoods 13 12 UNHOOD, to remove a...
unhooks 14 15 UNHOOK, to remove fr...
unhoops 15 14 UNHOOP, to remove ho...
unhoped 15 15 not hoped for [adj]
unhorse 13 11 to cause to fall fro...
unhouse 13 12 to deprive of a prot...
unhuman 14 16 not human [adj UNHUM...
unhusks 16 16 UNHUSK, to remove th...
unibody 20 15 a single moulded uni...
unibrow 17 15 a derogatory word fo...
unicity 22 14 uniqueness, oneness...
unicoms 16 15 UNICOM, a designated...
unicorn 14 13 a mythical horselike...
unideal 12 11 not ideal [adj]
uniface 16 15 a coin having a desi...
unified 14 13 UNIFY, to make into...
unifier 14 12 something or someone...
unifies 14 12 UNIFY, to make into...
uniform 15 15 consistent [adj UNIF...
unipeds 14 13 UNIPED, a one-footed...
unipods 14 13 UNIPOD, a one-legged...
uniquer 20 19 UNIQUE, having no ot...
uniques 20 19 UNIQUE, anything tha...
unisize 15 18 made to fit all size...
unisons 11 10 UNISON, complete agr...
unitage 12 11 amount in units [n -...
unitard 12 10 a leotard that, also...
unitary 18 11 of the nature of a u...
uniters 12 9 UNITER, one who unit...
unities 12 9 UNITY, the state of...
uniting 13 12 the state of uniting...
unition 11 10 conjunction [n -S]
unitise 12 9 to divide into units...
unitive 14 13 serving to unite [ad...
unitize 15 18 to divide into units...
unjaded 13 20 not jaded [adj]
unjoint 13 19 to separate at a jun...
unkempt 16 19 untidy [adj UNKEMPTL...
unkings 14 16 UNKING, to deprive o...
unkinks 14 18 UNKINK, to remove cu...
unknits 13 14 UNKNIT, to undo or u...
unknots 12 14 UNKNOT, to undo a kn...
unknown 14 18 something that is no...
unlaced 15 14 UNLACE, to unfasten...
unlaces 15 13 UNLACE, to unfasten...
unladed 12 12 UNLADE, to unload [v...
unladen 11 12 UNLADE, to unload [v...
unlades 12 11 UNLADE, to unload [v...
unlaste 12 10 UNLACE, to unfasten...
unlatch 18 15 to undo a fastening...
unlawed 15 14 UNLAW, to deprive of...
unleads 12 11 UNLEAD, to remove th...
unlearn 11 11 to put out of one's...
unleash 14 12 to free from a leash...
unlevel 15 15 to make uneven or no...
unliked 14 15 not liked [adj]
unlikes 14 14 UNLIKE, something un...
unlimed 14 14 UNLIME, to free from...
unlimes 14 13 UNLIME, to free from...
unlined 12 12 UNLINE, to remove th...
unlines 12 11 UNLINE, to remove th...
unlinks 14 15 UNLINK, to unfasten...
unlived 15 15 UNLIVE, to live so a...
unlives 15 14 UNLIVE, to live so a...
unloads 12 11 UNLOAD, to remove ca...
unlobed 14 14 not lobed [adj]
unlocks 17 17 UNLOCK, to unfasten...
unloose 11 10 to set free, also UN...
unlords 13 11 UNLORD, to strip of...
unloved 14 15 UNLOVE, to cease to...
unloves 14 14 UNLOVE, to cease to...
unlucky 24 20 not lucky [adj UNLUC...
unmacho 17 17 not macho [adj]
unmaker 13 16 one who unmakes [n -...
unmakes 13 16 UNMAKE, to destroy [...
unmanly 19 16 not manly [adj UNMAN...
unmarry 19 14 to dissolve the marr...
unmasks 14 16 UNMASK, to remove a...
unmated 12 13 not mated [adj]
unmeant 11 13 not meant [adj]
unmerry 19 14 not merry [adj UNMER...
unmeted 12 13 not meted [adj]
unmewed 15 16 UNMEW, to release fr...
unmined 12 14 not yet mined [adj]
unmiter 13 12 to depose from the r...
unmitre 13 12 to depose from the r...
unmixed 19 20 UNMIX, to separate f...
unmixes 19 19 UNMIX, to separate f...
unmolds 14 14 UNMOLD, to change th...
unmoors 12 12 UNMOOR, to release f...
unmoral 13 13 lacking a sense of r...
unmould 14 15 to change the form o...
unmount 12 14 to dismount [v -ED,...
unmoved 14 17 not moved [adj UNMOV...
unnails 12 11 UNNAIL, to remove th...
unnamed 11 14 not named [adj]
unneath 12 12 (dialect) underneath...
unnerve 12 14 to deprive of courag...
unnests 11 10 UNNEST, to turn out...
unnoble 13 14 to deprive of nobili...
unnoisy 17 12 not noisy [adj UNNOI...
unnoted 10 11 not noted [adj]
unoaked 11 14 (of wine) not fermen...
unoften 12 13 seldom [adv]
unoiled 12 11 not oiled [adj]
unorder 11 10 to countermand [v -E...
unowned 13 14 not owned [adj]
unpaced 16 16 without a pace-sette...
unpacks 18 19 UNPACK, to remove th...
unpaged 14 15 having no page numbe...
unpaint 13 13 to remove the paint...
unpanel 13 14 to unsaddle, also UN...
unpaper 15 15 to remove paper from...
unpared 13 13 of fruit, not having...
unpaved 15 17 not paved [adj]
unperch 19 17 to drive from a perc...
unpicks 19 19 UNPICK, to remove th...
unpiled 15 14 UNPILE, to disentang...
unpiles 15 13 UNPILE, to disentang...
unpinkt 15 17 (Shakespeare) not pi...
unplace 17 16 to displace [v UNPLA...
unplait 15 13 to undo the plaits o...
unplugs 17 16 UNPLUG, to take a pl...
unplumb 19 20 to remove lead from...
unplume 16 17 to strip of feathers...
unpoped 15 16 UNPOPE, to divest of...
unpopes 15 15 UNPOPE, to divest of...
unposed 13 13 not posed [adj]
unprays 20 14 UNPRAY, to revoke th...
unprops 16 15 UNPROP, to remove th...
unpurse 14 13 to relax the lips fr...
unqueen 18 20 to deprive of a quee...
unquiet 20 19 not quiet, restless...
unquote 19 19 to close a quotation...
unraced 14 13 not raced [adj]
unraked 12 14 UNRAKE, to uncover b...
unrakes 12 13 UNRAKE, to uncover b...
unrated 11 10 not rated [adj]
unravel 14 14 to separate the thre...
unrazed 14 19 not razed [adj]
unready 17 12 not ready, also UNRE...
unreave 12 13 to unwind; to disent...
unreels 12 10 UNREEL, to unwind fr...
unreeve 12 13 to withdraw a rope f...
unreins 11 10 UNREIN, to give rein...
unrests 12 9 UNREST, a disturbed...
unright 16 13 to wrong or to make...
unrimed 13 13 not rhymed, also UNR...
unriper 14 12 UNRIPE, not mature e...
unrisen 11 10 not risen [adj]
unriven 13 14 not riven [adj]
unrivet 14 13 to take out, or loos...
unrobed 13 13 UNROBE, to take off...
unrobes 13 12 UNROBE, to take off...
unrolls 14 11 UNROLL, to open some...
unroofs 13 12 UNROOF, to remove th...
unroost 11 9 to drive from a roos...
unroots 11 9 UNROOT, to tear up b...
unroped 13 13 UNROPE, to loose fro...
unropes 13 12 UNROPE, to loose fro...
unrough 15 14 not rough, beardless...
unround 11 12 to articulate withou...
unroven 12 14 UNREEVE, to withdraw...
unroyal 18 12 not royal [adj UNROY...
unruffe 16 16 (Shakespeare) beardl...
unruled 13 12 not ruled [adj]
unrules 13 11 UNRULE, absence of g...
unsafer 13 12 UNSAFE, not safe [ad...
unsaint 11 10 to divest of saintli...
unsated 11 10 not sated [adj]
unsaved 13 14 not saved [adj]
unsawed 14 13 not sawed [adj]
unscale 15 13 to remove the scales...
unscary 21 14 not scary [adj UNSCA...
unscrew 18 15 to remove the screws...
unseals 12 10 UNSEAL, to break the...
unseams 12 12 UNSEAM, to open the...
unseats 11 9 UNSEAT, to remove fr...
unseels 12 10 UNSEEL, to unstitch...
unseens 10 10 UNSEEN, an unprepare...
unselfs 15 13 UNSELF, to deprive o...
unsells 14 11 UNSELL, to speak dis...
unsense 10 10 to deprive of sense...
unsewed 14 13 UNSEW, to undo the s...
unsexed 17 17 UNSEX, to deprive of...
unsexes 17 16 UNSEX, to deprive of...
unshale 14 12 to strip the shale,...
unshape 15 14 to deprive of shape,...
unsharp 16 14 not sharp [adj]
unshell 16 13 to strip the shell f...
unshent 13 12 (archaic) not disgra...
unshewn 16 15 (archaic) not shown...
unshift 17 14 to release the shift...
unships 17 14 UNSHIP, to unload fr...
unshoed 13 12 UNSHOE, to strip of...
unshoes 13 11 UNSHOE, to strip of...
unshoot 13 11 (Shakespeare) to rev...
unshorn 13 12 not shorn [adj]
unshots 14 11 UNSHOT, to remove sh...
unshout 14 12 to make a contrary s...
unshown 16 15 not shown, also UNSH...
unshowy 23 16 not showy [adj UNSHO...
unshuts 15 12 UNSHUT, to open, or...
unsight 16 13 to prevent from seei...
unsinew 14 13 to take the strength...
unsized 15 19 not sized [adj]
unslain 12 11 not slain [adj]
unslick 18 17 not slick [adj]
unsling 14 13 to remove from a slu...
unslung 14 14 UNSLING, to remove f...
unsmart 13 12 not smart [adj]
unsmote 12 12 (archaic) unsmitten...
unsnags 12 12 UNSNAG, to free of s...
unsnaps 13 13 UNSNAP, to undo the...
unsnarl 12 11 to disentangle [v -E...
unsneck 15 17 to undo the sneck of...
unsober 13 12 not sober [adj UNSOB...
unsolid 13 11 not solid [adj UNSOL...
unsoncy 20 15 (Scots) unlucky, als...
unsonsy 17 12 (Scots) unlucky, als...
unsoote 10 9 (Spenser) unsweet [a...
unsouls 13 11 UNSOUL, to deprive o...
unsound 11 12 not sound [adj UNSOU...
unsowed 14 13 not sowed, e.g. of a...
unspars 14 12 UNSPAR, to withdraw...
unspeak 14 16 (Shakespeare) to ret...
unspell 16 14 to free from a spell...
unspent 13 13 not spent [adj]
unspide 14 13 (Spenser) unspied, u...
unspied 14 13 unobserved [adj]
unspilt 16 13 not spilt, also UNSP...
unsplit 16 13 not split [adj]
unspoke 14 16 UNSPEAK, (Shakespear...
unspool 14 13 to unwind from a sma...
unstack 16 16 to remove from a sta...
unstaid 12 10 not staid [adj]
unstate 11 9 (Shakespeare) to dep...
unsteel 12 10 to disarm; to soften...
unsteps 14 12 UNSTEP, to remove fr...
unstick 17 16 to disjoin [v UNSTUC...
unstock 16 16 to deplete of stock...
unstops 14 12 UNSTOP, to remove a...
unstows 15 12 UNSTOW, to empty of...
unstrap 14 12 to remove a strap fr...
unstrip 15 12 (dialect) to strip [...
unstuck 17 17 UNSTICK, to disjoin...
unstuft 15 13 (Shakespeare) unstuf...
unstung 13 13 not stung [adj]
unsuits 13 10 UNSUIT, to make unsu...
unsunny 17 14 not sunny [adj UNSUN...
unsured 12 11 not made sure [adj]
unsurer 12 10 UNSURE, not sure [ad...
unswear 14 12 to retract something...
unsweet 14 12 not sweet [adj]
unswept 17 15 not swept [adj]
unswore 14 12 UNSWEAR, to retract...
unsworn 14 13 UNSWEAR, to retract...
untacks 16 16 UNTACK, to remove a...
untaken 11 14 not taken [adj]
untamed 12 13 UNTAME, to make unta...
untames 12 12 UNTAME, to make unta...
untaxed 17 17 UNTAX, to remit a ta...
untaxes 17 16 UNTAX, to remit a ta...
unteach 16 14 to cause to unlearn...
unteams 12 12 UNTEAM, to unyoke a...
untents 11 10 UNTENT, to remove fr...
untenty 17 12 (Scots) careless [ad...
unthaws 17 14 UNTHAW, to cause to...
unthink 15 16 to dismiss from the...
untiled 13 11 UNTILE, to strip of...
untiles 13 10 UNTILE, to strip of...
untimed 13 13 not timed [adj]
untired 12 10 not tired [adj]
untombs 15 15 UNTOMB, to remove fr...
untoned 10 11 not toned [adj]
untrace 14 12 to loose from traces...
untrack 16 16 to cause to escape f...
untread 11 10 (Shakespeare) to tre...
untride 12 10 (Shakespeare) not tr...
untried 12 10 not tried [adj]
untrims 14 12 UNTRIM, to strip of...
untruer 12 10 UNTRUE, not true [ad...
untruly 20 13 UNTRUE, not true [ad...
untruss 13 10 to free from a truss...
untrust 13 10 lack of trust [n -S]
untruth 15 12 something that is un...
untucks 17 17 UNTUCK, to release f...
untuned 11 12 UNTUNE, to put out o...
untunes 11 11 UNTUNE, to put out o...
unturfs 15 13 UNTURF, to strip of...
unturns 12 11 UNTURN, to turn back...
untwine 14 13 to separate twisted...
untwist 16 12 to untwine [v -ED, -...
untying 19 14 the act of untying [...
unurged 13 13 not urged [adj]
unusual 13 12 not usual [adj UNUSU...
unvaile 14 14 (obsolete) to unveil...
unvails 15 14 UNVAIL, (obsolete) t...
unveils 15 14 UNVEIL, to remove a...
unvexed 19 21 not vexed, also UNVE...
unvisor 14 13 to open the visor of...
unvital 15 14 not vital, also INVI...
unvocal 17 17 not vocal [adj]
unvoice 16 16 to deprive of voice...
unwaged 15 15 not receiving a wage...
unwaked 15 17 not waked, also UNWA...
unwares 14 12 (archaic) unwary, un...
unwarie 14 12 (Spenser) unwary [ad...
unwater 14 12 to drain, esp. a min...
unwaxed 20 20 not waxed [adj]
unwayed 20 15 (obsolete) not used...
unweals 15 13 UNWEAL, (obsolete) a...
unweary 20 14 not weary [adj UNWEA...
unweave 15 16 to undo something wo...
unweldy 22 16 (Spenser) unwieldy,...
unwhipt 20 17 (obsolete) not whipp...
unwhite 17 14 not white [adj]
unwills 18 14 UNWILL, to deprive o...
unwinds 15 14 UNWIND, to reverse t...
unwiped 17 16 not wiped [adj]
unwired 15 13 UNWIRE, to take the...
unwires 15 12 UNWIRE, to take the...
unwiser 15 12 UNWISE, not wise [ad...
unwitch 21 17 to free from witchcr...
unwitty 22 14 not witty [adj UNWIT...
unwived 17 17 UNWIVE, to deprive o...
unwives 17 16 UNWIVE, to deprive o...
unwoman 14 16 to make unwomanly [v...
unwooed 13 13 not wooed [adj]
unworks 16 16 UNWORK, to undo or d...
unworth 17 14 lack of worth [n -S]
unwound 14 15 UNWIND, to reverse t...
unwoven 15 17 UNWEAVE, to undo som...
unwraps 17 15 UNWRAP, to remove th...
unwrite 15 12 to undo the writing...
unwrote 14 12 UNWRITE, to undo the...
unwrung 16 16 not wrung [adj]
unyoked 18 16 UNYOKE, to free from...
unyokes 18 15 UNYOKE, to free from...
unyoung 18 15 not young [adj]
unzoned 13 20 not zoned [adj]
upalong 15 15 a location away from...
upbears 16 14 UPBEAR, to raise alo...
upbeats 16 14 UPBEAT, an unaccente...
upbinds 17 16 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upblown 20 19 UPBLOW, to blow up [...
upblows 21 18 UPBLOW, to blow up [...
upboils 18 15 UPBOIL, to boil up [...
upborne 15 15 UPBEAR, to raise alo...
upbound 16 17 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upbraid 17 15 to reproach severely...
upbrast 17 14 UPBURST, to burst up...
upbrays 23 16 UPBRAY, (Spenser) to...
upbreak 17 18 to break out [v UPBR...
upbring 18 17 to bring up [v UPBRO...
upbroke 17 18 UPBREAK, to break ou...
upbuild 19 17 to build up [v UPBUI...
upbuilt 19 16 UPBUILD, to build up...
upburst 18 15 to burst upwards [v...
upcasts 18 14 UPCAST, to cast up [...
upcatch 23 19 to catch up [v UPCAU...
upcheer 19 16 to encourage [v -ED,...
upchuck 25 24 to vomit [v -ED, -IN...
upclimb 23 21 to climb up [v -ED,...
upclose 18 15 to close up [v UPCLO...
upcoast 17 14 up the coast [adv]
upcoils 19 15 UPCOIL, to coil up [...
upcomes 18 17 UPCOME, produce, out...
upcourt 18 15 in basketball, in a...
upcurls 20 16 UPCURL, to curl up [...
upcurve 20 19 to curve upward [v U...
upcycle 28 20 to recycle waste pro...
updarts 15 12 UPDART, to dart up [...
updated 14 13 UPDATE, to bring up...
updater 14 12 one who updates [n -...
updates 14 12 UPDATE, to bring up...
updived 17 17 UPDIVE, to spring up...
updives 17 16 UPDIVE, to spring up...
updraft 17 15 an upwards movement...
updrags 16 14 UPDRAG, to drag upwa...
updrawn 17 16 UPDRAW, to draw up [...
updraws 18 15 UPDRAW, to draw up [...
updried 15 13 UPDRY, to dry comple...
updries 15 12 UPDRY, to dry comple...
upended 13 14 UPEND, to turn upsid...
upfield 18 16 towards the play are...
upfills 20 16 UPFILL, to fill up [...
upfling 19 18 to fling up [v UPFLU...
upflows 21 18 UPFLOW, to flow up [...
upflung 19 19 UPFLING, to fling up...
upfolds 18 16 UPFOLD, to fold up [...
upfront 16 15 honest, candid [adj]
upfurls 19 16 UPFURL, to roll up [...
upgangs 16 16 UPGANG, (Scots) asce...
upgazed 18 23 UPGAZE, to gaze up [...
upgazes 18 22 UPGAZE, to gaze up [...
upgirds 17 14 UPGIRD, to gird comp...
upgoing 16 16 the act of going up...
upgrade 15 14 to raise to a higher...
upgrown 18 17 UPGROW, to grow up [...
upgrows 19 16 UPGROW, to grow up [...
uphangs 17 16 UPHANG, to hang up [...
uphauds 17 15 UPHAUD, (Scots) to m...
upheaps 18 16 UPHEAP, to heap up [...
upheave 17 17 to heave up [v UPHEA...
uphills 20 15 UPHILL, an upward sl...
uphoard 16 14 to hoard up, also UP...
uphoist 17 13 to hoist up [v -ED,...
upholds 18 15 UPHOLD, to hold alof...
uphoord 16 14 (Shakespeare) to hoa...
uphroes 16 13 UPHROE, a block or l...
uphurls 19 15 UPHURL, to hurl up [...
upkeeps 17 18 UPKEEP, the cost of...
upknits 16 16 UPKNIT, to reconcile...
uplands 15 14 UPLAND, the higher l...
upleads 15 13 UPLEAD, to lead up [...
upleans 14 13 UPLEAN, to rest one'...
upleant 14 13 UPLEAN, to rest one'...
upleaps 17 15 UPLEAP, to leap up [...
upleapt 17 15 UPLEAP, to leap up [...
uplifts 19 15 UPLIFT, to lift up [...
uplight 20 16 to light to a higher...
uplinks 17 17 UPLINK, a communicat...
uploads 15 13 UPLOAD, to transfer...
uplocks 20 19 UPLOCK, to lock up [...
uplooks 16 16 UPLOOK, to look up [...
uplying 23 17 pertaining to upland...
upmaker 16 18 one who makes up gal...
upmakes 16 18 UPMAKE, the action o...
uppiled 18 16 UPPILE, to pile up [...
uppiles 18 15 UPPILE, to pile up [...
uppings 18 17 UPPING, the process...
upprops 19 17 UPPROP, to prop up [...
upraise 14 11 to raise up [v UPRAI...
uprated 14 12 UPRATE, to improve t...
uprates 14 11 UPRATE, to improve t...
upreach 19 16 to reach up [v -ED,...
uprears 14 11 UPREAR, to raise; to...
uprests 15 11 UPREST, (Shelley) a...
upright 19 15 vertical [adj UPRIGH...
uprisal 16 12 the act of uprising...
uprisen 14 12 UPRISE, to rise up [...
upriser 15 11 one who rises up [n...
uprises 15 11 UPRISE, to rise up [...
uprists 16 11 UPRIST, a revolt, al...
upriver 17 15 an area lying toward...
uproars 14 11 UPROAR, (Shakespeare...
uprolls 17 13 UPROLL, to roll upwa...
uproots 14 11 UPROOT, to pull up b...
uprouse 14 12 to rouse up [v UPROU...
upscale 18 15 to appeal to wealthy...
upsells 17 13 UPSELL, to attempt t...
upsends 14 13 UPSEND, to send upwa...
upshift 20 16 to shift an automoti...
upshoot 16 13 to shoot upwards [v...
upshots 17 13 UPSHOT, the final re...
upsides 15 12 UPSIDE, a positive a...
upsilon 15 13 (Greek) a Greek lett...
upsized 18 21 UPSIZE, to increase...
upsizes 18 20 UPSIZE, to increase...
upskill 19 17 to improve a person'...
upskirt 17 15 indicating a photogr...
upslope 17 15 an upward slope [n -...
upsoars 14 11 UPSOAR, to soar upwa...
upspake 17 18 UPSPEAK, to speak up...
upspeak 17 18 to speak up [v UPSPO...
upspear 16 14 to shoot up like a s...
upspoke 17 18 UPSPEAK, to speak up...
upstage 15 13 to outdo theatricall...
upstair 15 11 pertaining to an upp...
upstand 14 13 to stand up on one's...
upstare 14 11 to stare upward [v U...
upstart 15 11 to start up suddenly...
upstate 14 11 the northern region...
upstays 21 13 UPSTAY, to sustain [...
upsteps 17 14 UPSTEP, to step up [...
upstirs 16 11 UPSTIR, to stir up [...
upstood 14 12 UPSTAND, to stand up...
upsurge 16 14 to surge up [v UPSUR...
upswarm 19 17 (archaic) to rise or...
upsways 24 16 UPSWAY, to swing up...
upsweep 19 17 to sweep upward [v U...
upswell 20 16 to swell up [v -ED,...
upswept 20 17 UPSWEEP, to sweep up...
upswing 19 17 to swing upward [v U...
upswung 19 18 UPSWING, to swing up...
uptaken 14 16 UPTAKE, to take up [...
uptakes 15 15 UPTAKE, to take up [...
uptalks 17 16 UPTALK, to end a dec...
uptears 14 11 UPTEAR, to tear out...
uptempo 17 17 a fast or lively tem...
upthrew 20 16 UPTHROW, to throw up...
upthrow 20 16 to throw upward [v U...
upticks 20 18 UPTICK, an increase...
uptight 19 15 tense; straitlaced [...
uptilts 17 12 UPTILT, to tilt upwa...
uptimes 16 14 UPTIME, the time dur...
uptowns 17 15 UPTOWN, the upper pa...
uptrain 14 12 (obsolete) to train...
uptrend 14 13 a tendency toward gr...
upturns 15 13 UPTURN, to turn up o...
uptying 22 16 UPTIE, to tie up [v]
upvalue 17 17 to increase the valu...
upwafts 20 17 UPWAFT, to waft upwa...
upwards 18 15 in an upward directi...
upwells 20 16 UPWELL, to well up [...
upwhirl 22 17 to whirl up [v -ED,...
upwinds 18 16 UPWIND, to wind up [...
upwound 17 17 UPWIND, to wind up [...
upwraps 20 17 UPWRAP [v]
urachus 18 14 (Greek) a cord or ba...
uracils 17 12 URACIL, a form of py...
uraemia 12 11 the retention of was...
uraemic 16 14 relating to uraemia,...
uralite 13 9 an altered mineral,...
uranian 10 10 heavenly; of the hea...
uranias 11 9 URANIA, uranium diox...
uranide 11 10 a radioactive elemen...
uranins 11 10 URANIN, an alkaline...
uranism 13 12 male homosexuality [...
uranite 11 9 a mineral, aka autun...
uranium 13 13 a radioactive elemen...
uranous 11 10 of uranium in lower...
uranyls 19 12 URANYL, the radical...
urbaner 13 12 URBANE, refined and...
urbexes 20 18 URBEX, (short for) u...
urceoli 16 12 URCEOLUS, a pitcher-...
urchins 18 14 URCHIN, a mischievou...
ureases 11 8 UREASE, an enzyme th...
uredial 13 10 relating to an uredi...
uredine 11 10 relating to uredo, a...
uredium 14 13 a spore-producing or...
ureides 12 9 UREIDE, any one of t...
uremias 13 11 UREMIA, the retentio...
ureters 12 8 URETER, a duct that...
urethan 13 11 a crystalline ether,...
urethra 14 10 the duct through whi...
urgence 15 14 (archaic) urgency [n...
urgency 22 16 a strong urgency or...
urgings 15 13 URGING, the act of u...
uricase 15 11 an enzyme occurring...
uridine 12 10 a pyrimidine nucleos...
urinals 13 10 URINAL, a sanitary f...
urinant 11 10 diving head downward...
urinary 18 11 (obsolete) a reservo...
urinate 11 9 to discharge urine [...
urining 13 12 URINE, to discharge...
urinose 11 9 of or pertaining to...
urinous 12 10 of or pertaining to...
urnfuls 16 14 URNFUL, as much as a...
urnings 13 12 URNING, a male homos...
urnlike 14 14 like an urn [adj]
urodele 12 10 one of the Urodela,...
urogram 14 13 an X-ray of part of...
urolith 16 11 a small stone or cal...
urology 20 13 the study of urine o...
uromere 12 11 any one of the abdom...
uropods 14 12 UROPOD, any one of t...
urosome 12 11 the abdomen, or post...
urtexte 18 15 URTEXT, (German) the...
urtexts 19 15 URTEXT, (German) the...
urticas 16 11 URTICA, (Latin) any...
usagers 13 10 USAGER, someone who...
usances 14 12 USANCE, a generally...
usaunce 14 13 a generally accepted...
useable 14 12 that can be used, al...
useably 21 14 USEABLE, that can be...
usefuls 16 13 USEFUL, (Australian)...
useless 13 9 serving no purpose [...
ushered 14 11 USHER, to escort peo...
ustions 12 9 USTION, (obsolete) t...
usually 21 13 USUAL, customary [ad...
usucapt 18 15 to acquire by long p...
usurers 13 9 USURER, one who live...
usuress 13 9 a female money lende...
usuries 13 9 USURY, the lending o...
usuring 14 12 USURE, (obsolete) to...
usurous 13 10 (obsolete) relating...
usurped 15 13 USURP, to seize and...
usurper 15 12 one who usurps [n -S...
uswards 16 12 (archaic) towards us...
utensil 13 10 a useful implement [...
uterine 11 9 pertaining to the ut...
utilise 14 9 to make use of, also...
utility 21 11 the quality of being...
utilize 17 18 to make use of, also...
utmosts 14 11 UTMOST, the greatest...
utopian 13 12 one who believes in...
utopias 14 11 UTOPIA, any real or...
utopism 16 14 the ideals or princi...
utopist 15 11 one who believes in...
utricle 17 12 a saclike cavity in...
uttered 12 9 UTTER, to give audib...
utterer 12 8 one who utters [n -S...
utterly 20 11 UTTER, complete [adv...
uveitic 18 15 pertaining to the uv...
uveitis 15 12 inflammation of the...
uvulars 16 14 UVULAR, a sound prod...
uxorial 19 16 of or relating to a...