7 letter words that starts with h

7 letter words that start with H

7 letter H word


Word With Friends


habdabs 18 16 a state of extreme n...
habitan 15 13 (French) a French na...
habitat 16 12 the natural environm...
habited 16 13 HABIT, to clothe [v]
habitue 16 13 (French) one who hab...
habitus 17 13 (Latin) the characte...
haboobs 17 15 HABOOB, a violent du...
hachure 19 15 to make a hatching o...
hackbut 21 20 (historical) a harqu...
hackees 17 16 HACKEE, the chipmunk...
hackers 18 16 HACKER, one that hac...
hackery 24 18 an ox-drawn cart for...
hackies 18 16 HACKIE, a taxicab dr...
hacking 19 19 horseback riding [n...
hackled 19 18 HACKLE, to comb with...
hackler 19 17 a device for hacklin...
hackles 19 17 HACKLE, to comb with...
hacklet 19 17 the kittiwake or she...
hackman 18 20 the driver of a hack...
hackmen 18 20 HACKMAN, the driver...
hackney 23 19 a four-wheeled two-h...
hacksaw 21 19 to cut with a type o...
hadarim 15 13 HEDER, (Hebrew) a Je...
hadaway 22 15 an interjection urgi...
haddest 14 11 (archaic) 2nd person...
haddies 14 11 HADDIE, (Scots) a ha...
hadding 15 14 HAD, (Scots) to hold...
haddock 18 18 a North Atlantic foo...
hadedah 15 13 (South African) a la...
hadiths 17 12 HADITH, a record of...
hadjees 15 19 HADJEE, a person who...
hadrome 14 13 the conducting tissu...
hadrons 13 11 HADRON, one of a cla...
haemins 14 13 HAEMIN, the red, cry...
haemoid 14 13 pertaining to the bl...
haemony 19 15 a plant which could...
haffets 18 15 HAFFET, (Scots) the...
haffits 19 15 HAFFIT, (Scots) the...
hafflin 19 17 (Scots) a half-grown...
hafizes 19 21 HAFIZ, a Muslim who...
hafnium 17 17 a metallic element [...
haftara 15 12 a Biblical selection...
hafters 16 12 HAFTER, a caviler, a...
hafting 17 15 HAFT, to set in a ha...
hagadic 18 15 (Hebrew) relating to...
hagbolt 18 15 a sea bird, the grea...
hagborn 16 15 born of a witch [adj...
hagbush 20 17 a large tree [n -ES]
hagbuts 18 15 HAGBUT, (historical)...
hagdens 14 13 HAGDEN, a sea bird,...
hagdons 14 13 HAGDON, a sea bird,...
hagdown 17 16 a sea bird, the grea...
hagfish 20 16 a scavenging fish wh...
haggada 15 14 (Hebrew) the homilet...
haggard 16 14 an adult hawk [n -S]
hagging 17 16 HAG, (Scots) to hack...
haggish 19 15 resembling a hag [ad...
haggled 17 15 HAGGLE, to bargain [...
haggler 17 14 one who haggles [n -...
haggles 17 14 HAGGLE, to bargain [...
haglets 16 12 HAGLET, the kittiwak...
haglike 17 16 like a hag [adj]
hagride 15 12 to drive as though p...
hagrode 14 12 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
hahnium 17 16 an artificially prod...
haiduks 16 15 HAIDUK, a brigand, a...
hailers 15 10 HAILER, one that hai...
hailier 15 10 HAILY, with hail fal...
hailing 16 13 HAIL, to greet [v]
haimish 18 14 homelike, also HEIMI...
haining 14 13 an enclosure [n -S]
haiques 22 19 HAIQUE, an Arab head...
haircap 19 15 a hat [n -S]
haircut 18 13 a cutting of the hai...
hairdos 14 10 HAIRDO, a style of w...
hairier 14 9 HAIRY, covered with...
hairifs 17 12 HAIRIF, the plant cl...
hairily 22 12 HAIRY [adv]
hairing 15 12 HAIR, to free from h...
hairnet 13 10 a net worn to keep t...
hairpin 16 13 a hair fastener [n -...
hairsts 15 9 HAIRST, to gather in...
hajjahs 20 29 HAJJAH, a Muslim wom...
hakaris 15 13 HAKARI, a ritual fea...
hakeems 15 16 HAKEEM, a Muslim phy...
halacha 19 15 the legal part of th...
halakah 17 16 the legal part of th...
halakha 17 16 the legal part of th...
halakic 19 17 pertaining to the ha...
halalah 17 13 a Saudi Arabian coin...
halalas 15 11 HALALA, a Saudi Arab...
halavah 18 16 a sweetmeat, orig Tu...
halberd 17 14 an ancient axelike w...
halbert 17 13 an ancient axelike w...
halcyon 23 16 a mythical bird that...
halflin 18 15 a half-grown person,...
halfway 26 18 being in the middle...
halfwit 21 16 an idiot [n -S]
halibut 18 14 a kind of large flat...
halides 15 11 HALIDE, a compound o...
halidom 16 14 (archaic) holiness,...
haliers 15 10 HALIER, a former mon...
halimot 16 13 an erroneous form of...
halites 15 10 HALITE, a native sal...
halitus 16 11 an exhalation [n -ES...
hallahs 18 13 HALLAH, (Hebrew) a l...
hallali 17 12 a bugle-call [n -S]
hallals 17 12 HALLAL, to slaughter...
hallans 15 12 HALLAN, (Scots) a pa...
hallels 17 12 HALLEL, (Hebrew) a h...
hallian 15 12 (Scots) a lout or la...
halling 17 14 a Norwegian country...
hallion 15 12 (Scots) a lout or la...
halloas 15 11 HALLOA, to shout out...
halloed 15 12 HALLO, to shout out...
halloes 15 11 HALLO, to shout out...
halloos 15 11 HALLOO, to shout out...
halloth 18 13 HALLAH, (Hebrew) a l...
hallows 19 14 HALLOW, to make holy...
hallway 25 16 a hall or corridor [...
hallyon 21 14 (Scots) a lout or la...
halogen 14 13 any of the group of...
haloids 15 11 HALOID, a compound o...
haloing 15 13 HALO, to form a ring...
haloumi 16 14 a Greek dish of goat...
halsers 15 10 HALSER, a large rope...
halsing 16 13 HALSE, to embrace, a...
haltere 14 10 the rudimentary hind...
halters 15 10 HALTER, to put restr...
halting 16 13 stopping [adj HALTIN...
halvahs 19 16 HALVAH, a Turkish co...
halvers 17 14 HALVER, (Scots) a ha...
halving 18 17 the act of dividing...
halyard 21 13 a line used to hoist...
hamadas 14 13 HAMADA, a desert pla...
hamates 14 12 HAMATE, the wrist bo...
hamatsa 14 12 a dance inspired by...
hamauls 16 14 HAMAUL, a porter in...
hambled 18 17 HAMBLE, to mutilate...
hambles 18 16 HAMBLE, to mutilate...
hambone 15 16 to overact, also HAM...
hamburg 19 18 a patty of ground be...
hamfats 17 15 HAMFAT, an amateuris...
hamlets 16 13 HAMLET, a small town...
hammada 15 16 a desert plateau of...
hammals 17 16 HAMMAL, a porter in...
hammams 17 18 HAMMAM, a Turkish ba...
hammers 16 15 HAMMER, to strike re...
hammier 16 15 HAMMY, overly theatr...
hammily 24 18 HAMMY, overly theatr...
hamming 17 18 HAM, to overact, als...
hammock 20 22 a hanging cot [n -S]
hampers 17 15 HAMPER, to hinder, o...
hamster 15 12 a small rodent with...
hamular 16 14 relating to a small...
hamulus 17 15 a small hook [n HAMU...
hamzahs 20 23 HAMZAH, an Arab diac...
hanaper 14 13 a wicker receptacle...
hanched 18 16 HANCH, (Scots) to sn...
hanches 18 15 HANCH, (Scots) to sn...
handaxe 18 18 a stone axe shaped t...
handbag 16 16 a bag for small arti...
handcar 16 14 a hand-operated rail...
handers 13 11 HANDER, one who hand...
handfed 15 15 HANDFEED, to feed wi...
handful 17 16 as much as the hand...
handgun 14 15 a gun that can be he...
handier 13 11 HANDY, convenient [a...
handily 21 14 HANDY, convenient [a...
handing 14 14 HAND, to present wit...
handism 15 14 discrimination again...
handjar 15 20 a Persian dagger, al...
handjob 17 23 an act of manually s...
handled 14 13 HANDLE, to touch wit...
handler 14 12 one who handles [n -...
handles 14 12 HANDLE, to touch wit...
handoff 17 17 the act of pushing o...
handout 13 12 something given out...
handsaw 16 14 a saw used manually...
handsel 14 12 to give a good luck...
handset 13 11 a device for e.g. op...
hangars 14 12 HANGAR, to place in...
hangdog 15 15 a contemptible perso...
hangers 14 12 HANGER, a wood on a...
hanging 15 15 execution by strangl...
hangman 14 16 an executioner [n HA...
hangmen 14 16 HANGMAN, an executio...
hangout 14 13 (colloquial) a place...
hangtag 15 14 a type of tag used c...
hangups 17 16 HANGUP, an inhibitio...
hanjars 15 19 HANJAR, a Persian da...
hankers 14 14 HANKER, to long for...
hankies 14 14 HANKY, (colloquial)...
hanking 15 17 HANK, to catch, as o...
hansels 14 11 HANSEL, to give a go...
hansoms 14 13 HANSOM, a light two-...
hanting 14 13 HANT, to haunt [v]
hantles 14 11 HANTLE, (Scots) a lo...
hanuman 13 15 an East Indian monke...
hapaxes 21 19 HAPAX, (Greek) a wor...
hapkido 17 17 a Korean martial art...
hapless 17 13 luckless [adj HAPLES...
haplite 17 13 a fine-grained, ligh...
haploid 17 14 a cell having only o...
haplont 16 14 an organism with a p...
happens 17 16 HAPPEN, to occur [v]
happied 18 16 HAPPY, to make conte...
happier 18 15 HAPPY, marked by joy...
happies 18 15 HAPPY, to make conte...
happily 26 18 HAPPY, marked by joy...
happing 19 18 HAP, to happen by ch...
haptene 14 13 a substance similar...
haptens 15 13 HAPTEN, a substance...
haptics 20 15 the science of study...
hapukas 17 17 HAPUKA, (Maori) the...
hapukus 18 18 HAPUKU, (Maori) the...
haramda 14 13 (India) an illegitim...
haramdi 15 13 (India) an illegitim...
harbors 16 12 HARBOR, to shelter,...
harbour 16 13 to shelter, also HAR...
hardass 14 10 someone who sticks r...
hardbag 17 15 a rigid container on...
hardens 13 11 HARDEN, to make hard...
hardest 14 10 HARD, firm and unyie...
hardhat 16 12 a protective helmet...
hardier 14 10 HARDY, very sturdy [...
hardies 14 10 HARDY, a blacksmith'...
hardily 22 13 HARDY, very sturdy [...
hardish 17 12 somewhat hard [adj]
hardman 14 14 a tough, ruthless ma...
hardmen 14 14 HARDMAN, a tough, ru...
hardoke 14 14 (Shakespeare) an uni...
hardpan 15 14 a layer of hard subs...
hardset 14 10 beset by difficulty...
hardtop 16 13 a rigid roof on a mo...
hareems 14 12 HAREEM, a women's qu...
harelds 15 11 HARELD, a North Amer...
harelip 17 13 a deformity of the u...
hariana 12 10 a breed of Indian ca...
haricot 17 12 a kind of bean or pe...
harijan 15 19 in India, a member o...
hariras 14 9 HARIRA, a kind of Mo...
harissa 14 9 a hot paste made fro...
harkens 14 14 HARKEN, to listen, a...
harking 16 16 HARK, to listen, als...
harling 16 13 a scraping or small...
harlots 15 10 HARLOT, a prostitute...
harmala 15 13 an African bean plan...
harmans 14 13 HARMAN, in thieves'...
harmels 16 13 HARMEL, an African b...
harmers 15 12 HARMER, one who harm...
harmful 19 17 capable of harming [...
harmine 14 13 an alkaloid derived...
harming 16 15 HARM, to injure [v]
harmins 15 13 HARMIN, an alkaloid...
harmony 20 15 agreement [n HARMONI...
harmost 15 12 a Spartan governor o...
harness 13 10 to equip with gear [...
haroset 13 9 (Hebrew) a condiment...
harpers 16 12 HARPER, one who play...
harpies 16 12 HARPY, a shrewish pe...
harping 17 15 a wooden plank used...
harpins 16 13 HARPIN, a wooden pla...
harpist 17 12 one who plays the ha...
harpoon 14 13 to strike with a bar...
harried 14 10 HARRY, to plunder, r...
harrier 14 9 a medium-sized scent...
harries 14 9 HARRY, to plunder, r...
harrows 17 12 HARROW, to break up...
harshed 16 12 HARSH, to cause (a s...
harshen 15 12 to make harsh [v -ED...
harsher 16 11 HARSH, severe [adj]
harshes 16 11 HARSH, to cause (a s...
harshly 24 14 HARSH, severe [adv]
harslet 15 10 a pressed meat made...
hartals 15 10 HARTAL, in India, a...
hartely 21 12 (Spenser) heartily,...
hartens 13 10 HARTEN, to give cour...
harumph 20 18 to clear one's throa...
harvest 16 13 to gather in a crop,...
hasbian 15 13 a former lesbian who...
hashier 16 11 HASHY, thrown togeth...
hashing 17 14 the process of conve...
hashish 19 13 (Arabic) the leaves,...
hashtag 17 13 a word or name prece...
haslets 15 10 HASLET, a pressed me...
hasping 17 15 HASP, to fasten with...
hassars 14 9 HASSAR, a kind of So...
hassels 15 10 HASSEL, an argument,...
hassium 16 13 a radioactive elemen...
hassled 15 11 HASSLE, to harass [v...
hassles 15 10 HASSLE, to harass [v...
hassock 18 16 a kneeling cushion i...
hastate 13 9 spear-shaped, also H...
hastens 13 10 HASTEN, to urry, als...
hastier 14 9 HASTY, speedy [adj]
hastily 22 12 HASTY, speedy [adv]
hasting 15 12 HASTE, to hurry, als...
hatable 16 13 capable of being, or...
hatband 15 14 a band worn on a hat...
hatched 19 15 HATCH, to bring fort...
hatchel 20 15 to separate flax fib...
hatcher 19 14 one who hatches [n -...
hatches 19 14 HATCH, to bring fort...
hatchet 19 14 a small axe for use...
hateful 17 14 detestable [adj HATE...
hatfuls 18 14 HATFUL, as much as a...
hatless 15 10 without a hat [adj]
hatlike 16 14 resembling a hat [ad...
hatpegs 17 14 HATPEG, a peg on whi...
hatpins 16 13 HATPIN, a pin for se...
hatrack 18 16 a board with pegs fo...
hatreds 14 10 HATRED, an intense d...
hatsful 18 14 HATFUL, as much as a...
hatters 14 9 HATTER, to trouble,...
hatting 15 12 material for hats [n...
hattock 18 16 (Scots) a little hat...
hauberk 17 17 a tunic-like coat of...
haubois 16 13 a large kind of stra...
hauding 15 14 HAUD, (Scots) to hol...
haughty 24 16 arrogant [adj HAUGHT...
haulage 15 13 the act of hauling [...
haulers 15 11 HAULER, one who haul...
haulier 15 11 a person or firm emp...
hauling 16 14 the act of dragging...
haulout 15 12 the action of haulin...
haunted 13 12 HAUNT, to visit freq...
haunter 13 11 one who haunts [n -S...
hausens 13 11 HAUSEN, (German) a l...
hausing 15 13 HAUSE, (archaic) to...
hautboy 22 15 (archaic) an old nam...
hautest 14 10 HAUT, (French) high;...
hauteur 14 11 (French) haughtiness...
hauynes 19 13 HAUYNE, a blue miner...
havarti 16 13 a semisoft Danish ch...
havened 14 15 HAVEN, to shelter [v...
haveour 15 14 (obsolete) behaviour...
havered 15 14 HAVER, to hem and ha...
haverel 16 14 (Scots) a foolish pe...
havings 17 16 HAVING, possession [...
haviors 16 13 HAVIOR, (obsolete) b...
haviour 16 14 (obsolete) behaviour...
hawalas 17 13 HAWALA, a type of fi...
hawbuck 24 23 a bumpkin [n -S]
hawkbit 21 19 a flower of the dand...
hawkers 18 16 HAWKER, a peddler [n...
hawkeys 24 18 HAWKEY, harvest-home...
hawkies 18 16 HAWKIE, a cow with a...
hawking 19 19 falconry [n -S]
hawkish 21 18 like a hawk, warlike...
hawming 19 18 HAWM, to lounge abou...
hawsers 17 12 HAWSER, a large rope...
hawsing 18 15 HAWSE, to salute, gr...
hayband 21 16 a rope of twisted ha...
haycock 27 21 a conical pile of ha...
hayfork 23 18 a tool for pitching...
hayiest 20 11 HAYEY, like hay [adj...
hayings 21 14 HAYING, the season f...
haylage 21 14 a type of hay [n -S]
hayloft 23 15 a loft for storing h...
haymows 24 17 HAYMOW, a mow or mas...
hayrack 24 18 a frame used in haul...
hayrake 20 15 a large rake for col...
hayrick 25 18 a haystack [n -S]
hayride 20 12 a pleasure ride in a...
hayseed 19 12 a country bumpkin [n...
haysels 21 12 HAYSEL, the haymakin...
hayward 23 15 a parish officer in...
haywire 23 14 wire used in baling...
hazanim 17 22 HAZAN, (Hebrew) a ca...
hazards 17 19 HAZARD, to venture [...
hazelly 25 22 of the color of the...
haziest 17 18 HAZY, like a haze, u...
hazings 18 21 HAZING, an attempt t...
hazmats 18 21 HAZMAT, hazardous ma...
hazzans 19 28 HAZZAN, (Hebrew) a c...
headage 13 12 a subsidy payable to...
headend 12 12 a facility that rece...
headers 13 10 HEADER, a dive head...
headful 17 15 the contents of a he...
headier 13 10 HEADY, intoxicating...
headily 21 13 HEADY, intoxicating...
heading 14 13 a title [n -S]
headman 13 14 a foreman [n HEADMEN...
headmen 13 14 HEADMAN, a foreman [...
headpin 15 14 a bowling pin [n -S]
headrig 15 12 (Scots) a headland i...
headset 13 10 a set of headphones...
headway 22 15 forward movement [n...
healded 14 12 HEALD, (obsolete) to...
healees 13 10 HEALEE, someone who...
healers 14 10 HEALER, one that hea...
healing 15 13 curative [adj HEALIN...
healths 17 12 HEALTH, sound physic...
healthy 23 14 wholesome [adj HEALT...
heapers 15 12 HEAPER, one who heap...
heapier 15 12 HEAPY, full of heaps...
heaping 16 15 HEAP, to pile up [v]
hearers 13 9 HEARER, one that hea...
hearing 14 12 a preliminary examin...
hearken 13 14 to listen to, also H...
hearsay 19 11 secondhand informati...
hearsed 13 10 HEARSE, to transport...
hearses 13 9 HEARSE, to transport...
hearted 13 10 HEART, to hearten, e...
hearten 12 10 to give courage to,...
hearths 16 11 HEARTH, the floor of...
heartly 21 12 HEART [adv]
heastes 13 9 HEASTE, (Spenser) be...
heaters 13 9 HEATER, an apparatus...
heathen 14 12 an uncivilized perso...
heather 15 11 a common low-growing...
heating 14 12 the provision of hea...
heaumes 14 13 HEAUME, (archaic) a...
heavens 14 14 HEAVEN, the sky [n]
heavers 15 13 HEAVER, one who heav...
heavier 15 13 HEAVY, of great weig...
heavies 15 13 HEAVY, a large stron...
heavily 23 16 HEAVY, of great weig...
heaving 16 16 turmoil of waves [n...
hebenon 13 14 anything with a pois...
hebetic 19 15 of or pertaining to...
hebonas 14 13 HEBONA, anything wit...
heckled 19 18 HECKLE, to harass a...
heckler 19 17 one that heckles [n...
heckles 19 17 HECKLE, to harass a...
heckuva 20 21 a heck of a [adj]
hectare 16 12 a measure of area, 1...
hectics 21 15 HECTIC, a hectic fev...
hectors 17 12 HECTOR, to intimidat...
hedarim 15 13 HEDER, (Hebrew) a Je...
heddled 15 13 HEDDLE, to draw thre...
heddles 15 12 HEDDLE, to draw thre...
hederal 14 11 pertaining to a part...
hederas 13 10 HEDERA, (Latin) ivy...
hedgers 15 12 HEDGER, one that hed...
hedgier 15 12 HEDGY, abounding in...
hedging 16 15 the work of a hedger...
hedonic 16 14 pertaining to pleasu...
heeders 13 10 HEEDER, one who heed...
heedful 17 15 paying close attenti...
heedier 13 10 HEEDY, (Spenser) hee...
heeding 14 13 HEED, to pay attenti...
heehaws 18 14 HEEHAW, to bray like...
heelbar 16 13 a shop or counter wh...
heelers 14 10 HEELER, a dog that h...
heeling 15 13 the act of inclining...
heeltap 16 13 a small amount of li...
heezies 16 18 HEEZIE, (Scots) a li...
heezing 17 21 HEEZE, (Scots) to li...
hefters 16 12 HEFTER, one who heft...
heftier 16 12 HEFTY, big of build...
heftily 24 15 HEFTY, big of build...
hefting 17 15 HEFT, to lift up, fe...
hegaris 15 11 HEGARI, a kind of so...
hegemon 14 15 a political state ha...
hegiras 15 11 HEGIRA, the flight o...
hegumen 15 16 the head of a monast...
heifers 16 12 HEIFER, a young cow...
heighth 20 15 (archaic) height, al...
heights 18 13 HEIGHT, the highest...
heiling 16 13 HEIL, to salute [v]
heimish 18 14 (German) homelike, a...
heinies 13 10 HEINIE, the buttocks...
heinous 13 11 very wicked [adj HEI...
heirdom 15 13 the state of an heir...
heiress 14 9 a female inheritor [...
heiring 15 12 HEIR, to inherit [v]
heisted 14 10 HEIST, to steal, rob...
heister 14 9 one who heists, carr...
heitiki 16 13 (Maori) a neck ornam...
hejiras 16 18 HEJIRA, (Arabic) the...
hektare 14 13 a measure of area, 1...
helcoid 18 14 (Greek) ulcerous [ad...
heliast 15 10 an Athenian judge [n...
helibus 18 14 a scheduled helicopt...
helical 19 14 shaped like a helix...
helices 18 13 HELIX, something spi...
helicon 17 14 a large circular bra...
heliman 15 14 a helicopter operato...
helimen 15 14 HELIMAN, a helicopte...
helipad 17 14 a landing pad for he...
heliski 17 14 to ski down mountain...
heliums 17 14 HELIUM, a gaseous el...
helixes 21 17 HELIX, something spi...
hellbox 24 21 a printer's receptac...
hellcat 19 14 a spiteful or furiou...
helleri 16 11 a tropical fish [n H...
hellers 16 11 HELLER, a Czech mone...
hellery 22 13 rough play [n HELLER...
hellier 16 11 a slater, a tiler, a...
helling 17 14 HELL, to hide, conce...
hellion 15 12 a troublesome person...
hellish 19 13 horrible [adj HELLIS...
helloed 15 12 HELLO, to shout out...
helloes 15 11 HELLO, to shout out...
hellova 17 15 hell of a, also HELL...
helluva 18 16 hell of a, also HELL...
helmers 16 13 HELMER, a film direc...
helmets 16 13 HELMET, to supply wi...
helming 17 16 HELM, to steer a shi...
helotry 21 12 slavery or serfdom,...
helpers 17 13 HELPER, one who help...
helpful 21 18 giving help [adj HEL...
helping 18 16 a portion of food [n...
helving 18 17 HELVE, to provide wi...
hemagog 16 16 an agent that promot...
hematal 15 13 pertaining to the bl...
hematic 18 15 a medicine for a blo...
hematin 14 13 a compound of hemogl...
heminas 14 13 HEMINA, (obsolete) a...
hemiola 15 13 in mediaeval music,...
hemione 13 13 an Asiatic wild ass,...
hemipod 17 16 the button quail, al...
hemline 15 14 the bottom edge of a...
hemlock 20 20 a highly poisonous u...
hemmers 16 15 HEMMER, one who, or...
hemming 17 18 HEM, to provide with...
hempier 17 15 HEMPIE [adj]
hempies 17 15 HEMPY, a rogue, a to...
henbane 13 14 a plant of the night...
henbits 16 13 HENBIT, either of tw...
hencoop 17 16 an enclosure in whic...
hending 14 14 HEND, (obsolete) to...
henleys 20 13 HENLEY, a type of sw...
henlike 15 15 like a hen [adj]
hennaed 11 12 HENNA, to dye with a...
henners 12 11 HENNER, (Scots) a ch...
hennery 18 13 a poultry farm [n HE...
hennier 12 11 HENNY, hen-like [adj...
hennies 12 11 HENNY, a hen-like co...
henning 13 14 HEN, to lose courage...
hennins 12 12 HENNIN, a steeple-ha...
hennish 15 13 like a hen [adj HENN...
henotic 16 13 tending to unify [ad...
henpeck 19 20 to dominate by naggi...
henries 13 10 HENRY, a unit of ind...
henting 14 13 HENT, (obsolete) to...
heparin 15 13 a complex substance...
hepatic 19 15 pertaining to or act...
hepcats 19 15 HEPCAT, (slang) a ja...
heppest 18 15 HEP, well abreast of...
hepster 16 12 (slang) one who is h...
heptads 16 13 HEPTAD, a group of s...
heptane 14 13 a saturated hydrocar...
heptose 15 12 any monosaccharide s...
heralds 15 11 HERALD, to proclaim,...
herbage 16 14 herbs collectively [...
herbals 17 13 HERBAL, a book about...
herbars 16 12 HERBAR, (Spenser) a...
herbary 22 14 a garden of herbs [n...
herbier 16 12 HERBY, abounding wit...
herbist 17 12 a person who practis...
herblet 17 13 (Shakespeare) a smal...
herbose 15 12 abounding with herbs...
herbous 16 13 abounding with herbs...
herdboy 22 15 a boy who acts as a...
herdens 13 11 HERDEN, a coarse fab...
herders 14 10 HERDER, one who tend...
herdess 14 10 a female keeper of a...
herdics 18 13 HERDIC, a low-hung c...
herding 15 13 the act of forming i...
herdman 14 14 a keeper of a herd,...
herdmen 14 14 HERDMAN, a keeper of...
heredes 13 10 HERES, (Latin) an he...
heretic 17 12 pertaining to heresy...
heriots 14 9 HERIOT, (historical)...
herisse 14 9 (French) in heraldry...
heritor 14 9 a proprietor or land...
herling 16 13 a young seatrout, a...
hermits 16 12 HERMIT, a recluse [n...
herniae 12 10 HERNIA, the protrusi...
hernial 14 11 relating to a hernia...
hernias 13 10 HERNIA, the protrusi...
heroics 17 12 HEROIC, an epic vers...
heroine 12 10 a brave woman [n -S]
heroins 13 10 HEROIN, an addictive...
heroise 13 9 to make heroic, also...
heroism 15 12 heroic behaviour [n...
heroize 16 18 to make heroic, also...
heronry 19 12 a breeding place for...
heroons 12 10 HEROON, (Greek) a te...
herried 14 10 HERRY, (Spenser) to...
herries 14 9 HERRY, (Spenser) to...
herring 15 12 any marine soft-finn...
hersall 16 11 (Spenser) a rehearsa...
herself 17 13 a form of the 3rd pe...
hership 19 14 (Scots) plundering,...
hertzes 17 18 HERTZ, a unit of ele...
herying 21 14 HERYE, (Spenser) to...
hesping 17 15 HESP, (Scots) to fas...
hessian 13 10 a strong coarse clot...
hessite 14 9 a lead-gray sectile...
hetaera 12 9 a Greek courtesan, a...
hetaira 13 9 a Greek courtesan, a...
heteros 13 9 HETERO, a heterosexu...
hetmans 14 13 HETMAN, (historical)...
hetties 14 9 HETTIE, a heterosexu...
heureka 14 14 a brilliant discover...
heurism 16 13 the heuristic method...
hewable 19 16 able to be hewed [ad...
hewings 18 15 HEWING, the process...
hexacts 23 19 HEXACT, a six-rayed...
hexades 19 17 HEXADE, a group of s...
hexadic 23 20 relating to a hexad...
hexagon 19 19 a polygon having six...
hexanes 18 17 HEXANE, any one of f...
hexapla 22 20 (Greek) a book of si...
hexapod 21 20 an animal with six f...
hexarch 25 21 of a vascular bundle...
hexenes 18 17 HEXENE, a colorless,...
hexerei 19 16 witchcraft [n -S]
hexings 21 19 HEXING, the casting...
hexones 18 17 HEXONE, a hydrocarbo...
hexosan 18 17 a polysaccharide tha...
hexoses 19 16 HEXOSE, a sugar with...
hexylic 31 22 relating to a hexyl...
heydays 26 14 HEYDAY, the period o...
heydeys 26 14 HEYDEY, the period o...
heyduck 25 20 a brigand, a guerill...
hibachi 22 17 a portable barbecue...
hicatee 16 12 a West Indian freshw...
hiccups 24 19 HICCUP, to make a pe...
hiccupy 30 21 marked by hiccups [a...
hickest 19 16 HICK, characteristic...
hickeys 25 18 HICKEY, a gadget, al...
hickies 19 16 HICKIE, a gadget, al...
hickish 22 18 like a hick, rustic...
hickory 25 18 a hardwood tree [n H...
hidable 17 14 able to be hidden [a...
hidages 15 12 HIDAGE, a tax former...
hidalga 16 13 a title denoting a S...
hidalgo 16 13 a title denoting a S...
hidders 15 11 HIDDER, (Spenser) a...
hideous 14 11 very ugly [adj HIDEO...
hideout 14 11 a place of refuge [n...
hidings 16 13 HIDING, a beating [n...
hidling 17 14 (Scots) in secret, a...
hidlins 16 12 (Scots) in secret, a...
hieland 14 12 characteristic of Hi...
higgled 18 15 HIGGLE, to hawk or p...
higgler 18 14 a salesperson who in...
higgles 18 14 HIGGLE, to hawk or p...
highboy 26 18 a tall chest of draw...
highers 18 13 HIGHER, to raise, ma...
highest 18 13 HIGH, reaching far u...
highing 19 16 HIGH, to turn to the...
highish 21 15 somewhat high [adj]
highman 18 17 a loaded die [n HIGH...
highmen 18 17 HIGHMAN, a loaded di...
highted 18 14 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
highths 21 15 HIGHTH, (archaic) he...
hightop 20 16 the top of a ship's...
highway 27 18 a major road [n -S]
hijacks 21 25 HIJACK, to steal in...
hijinks 18 23 mischievous fun [n]
hijrahs 19 20 HIJRAH, (Arabic) the...
hikoied 15 14 HIKOI, (Maori) to ta...
hilched 21 16 HILCH, (Scots) to ho...
hilches 21 15 HILCH, (Scots) to ho...
hilding 17 14 (archaic) a mean cow...
hillers 17 11 HILLER, something th...
hillier 17 11 HILLY, abounding in...
hilling 18 14 tobogganing down a s...
hillmen 17 15 people living among...
hilloas 16 11 HILLOA, to shout out...
hillock 21 18 a small hill [n -S]
hilloed 16 12 HILLO, to shout out...
hilloes 16 11 HILLO, to shout out...
hilltop 19 14 the top of a hill [n...
hilting 17 13 HILT, to provide a h...
himatia 15 12 HIMATION, a rectangu...
himself 19 16 the reflexive form o...
hinders 14 11 HINDER, to impede [v...
hindgut 16 14 the rear part of the...
hindleg 16 14 a rear leg [n -S]
hingers 15 12 HINGER, one that hin...
hinging 16 15 HINGE, to attach a j...
hinkier 15 14 HINKY, strange, unre...
hinnied 13 12 HINNY, to neigh, whi...
hinnies 13 11 HINNY, to neigh, whi...
hinters 14 10 HINTER, one that hin...
hinting 15 13 suggestive [adj HINT...
hipbone 17 16 a pelvic bone [n -S]
hipless 18 13 lacking a pelvic joi...
hiplike 19 17 resembling a hip [ad...
hipline 17 14 the distance around...
hipness 16 13 the state of being h...
hippens 18 16 HIPPEN, a baby's nap...
hippest 19 15 HIP, aware of the la...
hippier 19 15 HIPPY, having big hi...
hippies 19 15 HIPPIE, a nonconform...
hipping 20 18 a baby's nappy wrapp...
hippins 19 16 HIPPIN, a baby's nap...
hippish 22 17 melancholy [adj]
hipshot 19 14 having the hip out o...
hipster 17 12 a person who knows a...
hirable 17 13 available for hire,...
hirages 15 11 HIRAGE, the fee for...
hircine 17 13 characteristic of a...
hireage 14 11 the fee for hiring s...
hirings 16 12 HIRING, the act by w...
hirling 17 13 a young seatrout, a...
hirpled 18 14 HIRPLE, (Scots) to w...
hirples 18 13 HIRPLE, (Scots) to w...
hirsels 16 10 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
hirsled 16 11 HIRSLE, to slide alo...
hirsles 16 10 HIRSLE, to slide alo...
hirstie 15 9 (Scots) dry, barren,...
hirsute 15 10 roughly hairy [adj]
hirudin 15 12 a substance present...
hishing 18 14 HISH, to hiss [v]
hisself 18 13 (dialect) himself [p...
hissers 15 9 HISSER, one who hiss...
hissier 15 9 HISSY, temperamental...
hissies 15 9 HISSY, a tantrum [n]
hissing 16 12 making a hiss [adj H...
histing 16 12 HIST, to urge or sum...
histoid 15 10 pertaining to connec...
histone 13 10 any of a group of si...
history 21 11 to relate in a histo...
histrio 15 9 (archaic) an actor,...
hitched 20 15 HITCH, to fasten wit...
hitcher 20 14 one that hitches [n...
hitches 20 14 HITCH, to fasten wit...
hithers 17 11 HITHER, to come this...
hitless 16 10 being without a hit...
hitters 15 9 HITTER, one that hit...
hitting 16 12 HIT, to strike forci...
hizzing 22 30 HIZZ, (Shakespeare)...
hoagies 14 11 HOAGIE, a long sandw...
hoarded 13 11 HOARD, to gather and...
hoarder 13 10 one that hoards [n -...
hoarier 13 9 HOARY, white with ag...
hoarily 21 12 HOARY, white with ag...
hoaring 14 12 HOAR, to make hoary,...
hoarsen 12 10 to make hoarse [v -E...
hoarser 13 9 HOARSE, rough and hu...
hoasted 13 10 HOAST, (dialect) to...
hoatzin 16 19 a South American bir...
hoaxers 19 16 HOAXER, one that hoa...
hoaxing 20 19 HOAX, to deceive [v]
hobbers 18 15 HOBBER, a machine us...
hobbies 18 15 HOBBY, a recreationa...
hobbing 19 18 HOB, to furnish with...
hobbish 21 17 clownish [adj]
hobbits 19 15 HOBBIT, one of a rac...
hobbled 19 17 HOBBLE, to limp [v]
hobbler 19 16 (obsolete) a person...
hobbles 19 16 HOBBLE, to limp [v]
hobdays 22 15 HOBDAY, to cure a ho...
hobjobs 20 24 HOBJOB, to do odd jo...
hoblike 18 17 like an elf [adj]
hobnail 16 14 to furnish with broa...
hobnobs 17 16 HOBNOB, to associate...
hobodom 16 16 the world of hobos [...
hoboing 16 15 HOBO, to live like a...
hoboism 17 15 the state of being a...
hockers 18 16 HOCKER, one who hock...
hockeys 24 18 HOCKEY, a ball game...
hocking 19 19 HOCK, to pawn [v]
hockled 19 18 HOCKLE, (dialect) to...
hockles 19 17 HOCKLE, (dialect) to...
hocused 17 14 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hocuses 17 13 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hodaddy 20 14 a nonsurfer, also HO...
hoddens 13 12 HODDEN, (Scots) a co...
hodding 15 14 HOD, to bob or jog [...
hoddins 14 12 HODDIN, (Scots) a co...
hoddled 15 13 HODDLE, (Scots) to w...
hoddles 15 12 HODDLE, (Scots) to w...
hoecake 16 16 a thin cake of groun...
hoedown 15 14 (US) a country dance...
hoelike 15 14 like a hoe [adj]
hogback 21 21 an eroded, steeply t...
hogfish 20 16 a large West Indian...
hoggers 16 13 HOGGER, a stocking w...
hoggery 22 15 hogs collectively [n...
hoggets 16 13 HOGGET, a yearling s...
hogging 17 16 a mixture containing...
hoggins 16 14 HOGGIN, sifted grave...
hoggish 19 15 coarsely selfish, al...
hoghood 16 14 the nature of a hog...
hoglike 17 16 coarsely selfish, al...
hogmane 14 15 a Scottish celebrati...
hognose 13 12 a type of snake with...
hognuts 15 13 HOGNUT, another name...
hogtied 15 12 HOGTIE, to tie the l...
hogties 15 11 HOGTIE, to tie the l...
hogward 18 15 a swineherd [n -S]
hogwash 20 16 meaningless talk [n...
hogweed 17 15 a coarse umbellifero...
hoicked 18 17 HOICK, to hitch up,...
hoidens 13 11 HOIDEN, to act like...
hoiking 16 16 HOIK, to hitch up, a...
hoising 15 12 HOISE, to hoist [v]
hoisins 14 10 HOISIN, a Chinese sw...
hoisted 14 10 HOIST, to raise with...
hoister 14 9 one who hoists [n -S...
hokiest 15 13 HOKEY, overdone, con...
hokonui 14 15 (Maori) illicit whis...
holards 15 11 HOLARD, the total am...
holdall 17 13 a carrying case [n -...
holders 15 11 HOLDER, one that hol...
holding 16 14 something held [n -S...
holdout 15 12 one who delays signi...
holdups 18 15 HOLDUP, a delay [n]
holesom 15 13 (Spenser) wholesome,...
holeyer 20 12 HOLEY, full of holes...
holibut 18 14 a flatfish, also HAL...
holiday 21 13 to take a vacation [...
holiest 15 10 HOLY, perfect in a m...
holings 16 13 HOLING, the process...
holisms 17 13 HOLISM, the philosop...
holists 16 10 HOLIST, a believer i...
holking 17 17 HOLK, (Scots) to dig...
hollaed 15 12 HOLLA, to shout out...
holland 15 13 a coarse plain-woven...
hollers 16 11 HOLLER, to call out...
hollies 16 11 HOLLY, an evergreen...
holloas 15 11 HOLLOA, to shout out...
holloed 15 12 HOLLO, to shout out...
holloes 15 11 HOLLO, to shout out...
holloos 15 11 HOLLOO, to shout out...
hollows 19 14 HOLLOW, to remove th...
holmias 16 13 HOLMIA, an oxide of...
holmium 18 17 a metallic element [...
holonic 17 14 relating to a holon...
holster 15 10 a case for a gun [n...
holydam 22 16 (Shakespeare) holine...
holyday 27 15 a religious holiday...
homaged 15 15 HOMAGE, to pay tribu...
homager 15 14 a feudal vassal [n -...
homages 15 14 HOMAGE, to pay tribu...
hombres 17 15 HOMBRE, a fellow [n]
homburg 19 18 a felt hat [n -S]
homeboy 22 17 a member of a youth...
homelyn 21 16 the spotted ray [n -...
homered 14 13 HOMER, to hit a home...
homeric 18 15 grand, imposing [adj...
homiest 15 12 HOMY, homelike, also...
homines 14 13 HOMO, (Latin) man ge...
homings 16 15 HOMING, the way miss...
hominid 15 14 a manlike creature,...
hominin 14 14 any member of the ta...
hommock 20 22 (archaic) a ridge in...
homolog 16 15 anything that is hom...
homonym 21 18 a word similar in st...
homosex 20 19 (short for) homosexu...
honchos 18 15 HONCHO, to take char...
hondled 14 13 HONDLE, to haggle [v...
hondles 14 12 HONDLE, to haggle [v...
honesty 19 12 the quality of being...
honeyed 18 13 HONEY, to sweeten wi...
hongied 14 13 HONGI, to greet by t...
hongies 14 12 HONGI, to greet by t...
honging 15 15 HONG, (obsolete) to...
honkers 14 14 HONKER, a wild goose...
honkeys 20 16 HONKEY, (slang) a wh...
honkies 14 14 HONKIE, (slang) a wh...
honking 15 17 HONK, to cry like a...
honored 12 11 HONOR, to treat with...
honoree 11 10 a person receiving a...
honorer 12 10 one who honors, also...
honours 13 11 HONOUR, to treat wit...
hooches 18 14 HOOCH, whisky or any...
hoochie 18 14 (colloquial) a promi...
hoodias 13 10 HOODIA, an African p...
hoodier 13 10 HOODY, resembling a...
hoodies 13 10 HOODIE, a hooded cro...
hooding 14 13 HOOD, to furnish wit...
hoodlum 16 15 a smalltime criminal...
hoodman 13 14 the person blindfold...
hoodmen 13 14 HOODMAN, the person...
hoodoos 12 10 HOODOO, to bring bad...
hoofers 15 12 HOOFER, a profession...
hoofing 16 15 HOOF, to dance [v]
hoofrot 15 12 foot-rot [n -S]
hookahs 16 15 HOOKAH, a pipe with...
hookers 14 13 HOOKER, (slang) a pr...
hookeys 20 15 HOOKEY, truanting, a...
hookier 14 13 HOOKY, full of hooks...
hookies 14 13 HOOKY, truancy [n]
hooking 15 16 an illegal move in h...
hooklet 15 14 a small hook [n -S]
hookups 17 17 HOOKUP, an electrica...
hooleys 20 12 HOOLEY, (Irish) a bo...
hoolier 14 10 HOOLY, soft and care...
hoolies 14 10 HOOLIE, a lively par...
hoolock 18 17 a small black gibbon...
hooning 13 13 HOON, to act loutish...
hoopers 15 12 HOOPER, one who hoop...
hooping 16 15 HOOP, to fasten with...
hooplas 16 13 HOOPLA, a fairground...
hoopoes 14 12 HOOPOE, a short-legg...
hoopoos 14 12 HOOPOO, a short-legg...
hoorahs 15 11 HOORAH, to shout hoo...
hoorays 19 11 HOORAY, to shout hoo...
hoosgow 17 14 (US slang) a prison,...
hooshed 15 12 HOOSH, to shoo away...
hooshes 15 11 HOOSH, to shoo away...
hooters 13 9 HOOTER, one that hoo...
hootier 13 9 HOOTY, sounding like...
hooting 14 12 HOOT, to cry like an...
hoovers 15 13 HOOVER, to vacuum cl...
hooving 16 16 HOOVE, (Spenser) to...
hopbind 18 17 the stalk of the hop...
hopbine 17 16 the stalk of the hop...
hopdogs 17 15 HOPDOG, the tussock-...
hopeful 19 17 full of hope [adj HO...
hophead 17 15 a drug addict [n -S]
hoplite 17 13 a heavily armed Gree...
hoppers 18 15 HOPPER, a container...
hoppier 18 15 HOPPY, tasting of ho...
hopping 19 18 the harvesting of ho...
hoppled 19 17 HOPPLE, to restrain...
hoppler 19 16 one who hopples [n -...
hopples 19 16 HOPPLE, to restrain...
hopsack 20 19 a rough-surfaced loo...
hoptoad 15 13 a kind of toad [n -S...
hordein 13 11 a protein found in b...
hording 15 13 HORDE, to gather in...
hordock 18 17 (Shakespeare) an uni...
horizon 16 19 the line where earth...
horkeys 21 15 HORKEY, harvest-home...
horking 16 16 HORK, to spit [v]
hormone 13 13 a secretion of the e...
hornbag 16 15 a promiscuous woman...
hornbug 17 16 a stag-beetle [n -S]
horndog 14 13 a sexually aggressiv...
horners 13 10 HORNER, a person who...
hornets 13 10 HORNET, a stinging i...
hornful 17 15 the capacity of a dr...
hornier 13 10 HORNY, like horn [ad...
hornily 21 13 HORNY, like horn [ad...
horning 14 13 a mock serenade to n...
hornish 16 12 like horn [adj]
hornist 14 10 a horn-player [n -S]
hornito 13 10 a mound of volcanic...
hornlet 14 11 a little horn [n -S]
horoeka 13 13 a New Zealand tree [...
horrent 13 10 bristling [adj]
horrify 23 14 to cause a reaction...
horrors 14 9 HORROR, intense repu...
horsier 14 9 HORSEY, like a horse...
horsies 14 9 HORSIE, a child's na...
horsily 22 12 HORSY, like a horse,...
horsing 15 12 the birching of a pe...
horsons 13 10 HORSON, (Shakespeare...
horstes 14 9 HORSTE, (German) a m...
hosanna 11 11 (Hebrew) a shout of...
hoseman 13 13 a fireman who direct...
hosemen 13 13 HOSEMAN, a fireman w...
hoseyed 19 12 HOSEY, to choose sid...
hosiers 14 9 HOSIER, a person who...
hosiery 20 11 stockings or socks [...
hospice 19 15 a shelter [n -S]
hostage 14 11 a person held as sec...
hostels 15 10 HOSTEL, to stay over...
hostess 14 9 to act as a woman wh...
hosties 14 9 HOSTIE, (Australian...
hostile 15 10 like an enemy [adj H...
hosting 15 12 a battle, a muster [...
hostler 15 10 one who tends horses...
hotbeds 16 13 HOTBED, a place favo...
hotcake 17 16 (US) a griddlecake [...
hotched 19 15 HOTCH, (Scots) to hi...
hotches 19 14 HOTCH, (Scots) to hi...
hotdogs 15 12 HOTDOG, to perform i...
hotfoot 15 12 to hurry [v -ED, -IN...
hothead 15 12 an impetuous person...
hotline 14 11 a direct communicati...
hotlink 16 15 an area on a website...
hotness 13 10 the state of being h...
hotpots 16 12 HOTPOT, a stewed dis...
hotrods 14 10 HOTROD, a motorcar c...
hotshot 16 11 an important or exce...
hotspot 16 12 an area known for vi...
hotspur 17 13 a rash, hotheaded ma...
hotters 14 9 HOTTER, to vibrate,...
hottest 14 9 HOT, having a high t...
hotties 14 9 HOTTIE, a hot-water...
hotting 15 12 attempting stunts in...
hottish 17 11 somewhat hot [adj]
houdahs 16 13 HOUDAH, a seat on an...
houdans 13 12 HOUDAN, a type of do...
houffed 18 17 HOUFF, to haunt, fre...
houfing 17 16 HOUF, to haunt, freq...
houghed 17 15 HOUGH, to hamstring...
houhere 15 12 a small evergreen Ne...
hoummos 16 16 a Middle Eastern hor...
houmous 15 14 a Middle Eastern hor...
hounded 13 13 HOUND, to pursue rel...
hounder 13 12 one who hounds [n -S...
houngan 13 14 a voodoo priest, als...
housels 15 11 HOUSEL, to administe...
housers 14 10 HOUSER, one who orga...
housier 14 10 HOUSEY, typical of h...
housing 15 13 any dwelling house [...
houting 15 13 a European food fish...
hoveled 16 15 HOVEL, to live in a...
hovered 15 14 HOVER, to hang suspe...
hoverer 15 13 that which hovers [n...
howbeit 19 15 notwithstanding [con...
howdahs 19 15 HOWDAH, a seat on an...
howdied 17 14 HOWDY, to greet (how...
howdies 17 13 HOWDY, to greet (how...
however 18 16 nevertheless [adv]
howffed 21 19 HOWFF, to haunt, fre...
howfing 20 18 HOWF, to haunt, freq...
howkers 18 16 HOWKER, a two-masted...
howking 19 19 HOWK, (Scots) to dig...
howlers 18 13 HOWLER, a kind of mo...
howlets 18 13 HOWLET, a young owl,...
howling 19 16 making a howl [adj H...
hoydens 19 13 HOYDEN, to act like...
hryvnas 22 16 HRYVNA, a monetary u...
hryvnia 22 16 a monetary unit of U...
hryvnya 28 18 a monetary unit of U...
huanaco 15 14 a South American mam...
hubbies 19 16 HUBBY, (colloquial)...
hubbubs 22 20 HUBBUB, a confused s...
hubcaps 22 19 HUBCAP, a covering f...
hubless 18 14 lacking a hub [adj]
huckery 25 19 (colloquial) ugly [a...
hucking 20 20 HUCK, to force rough...
huckled 20 19 HUCKLE, to force rou...
huckles 20 18 HUCKLE, to force rou...
huddled 16 14 HUDDLE, to press clo...
huddler 16 13 one who huddles thin...
huddles 16 13 HUDDLE, to press clo...
hueless 15 11 without colour [adj]
huffers 19 16 HUFFER, a blustering...
huffier 19 16 HUFFY, easily offend...
huffily 27 19 HUFFY, easily offend...
huffing 20 19 as in huffing and pu...
huffish 22 18 given to huff, touch...
huffkin 20 21 a bun made of bread...
hugeous 15 13 (archaic) huge [adj...
huggers 17 14 HUGGER, one who hugs...
huggier 17 14 HUGGY, sensitive and...
hugging 18 17 HUG, to clasp tightl...
huipils 19 14 HUIPIL, a Mexican em...
huitain 14 11 a group of eight lin...
hulkier 17 15 HULKY, bulky, unwiel...
hulking 18 18 HULK, to appear impr...
hullers 17 12 HULLER, one who, or...
hullier 17 12 HULLY, having husks...
hulling 18 15 HULL, to separate th...
hulloas 16 12 HULLOA, to hallo [v]
hulloed 16 13 HULLO, to shout out...
hulloes 16 12 HULLO, to shout out...
hulloos 16 12 HULLOO, to hail, als...
humaner 14 14 HUMANE, compassionat...
humanly 22 17 HUMAN, like a human...
humates 15 13 HUMATE, a salt of hu...
humbled 19 18 HUMBLE, to abase [v]
humbler 19 17 one that humbles [n...
humbles 19 17 HUMBLE, to abase [v]
humbugs 20 19 HUMBUG, to deceive [...
humbuzz 25 35 (dialect) a cockchaf...
humdrum 18 18 a dull boring person...
humects 19 16 HUMECT, to moisten,...
humeral 16 14 a bone of the should...
humerus 16 14 the large bone of th...
humfing 19 19 HUMF, to carry somet...
humhums 20 19 HUMHUM, a kind of pl...
humider 16 14 HUMID, moist, having...
humidex 22 21 a system of measurin...
humidly 24 17 HUMID, moist, having...
humidor 16 14 a humid place for st...
humints 16 14 HUMINT, human intell...
humites 16 13 HUMITE, a magnesium...
humlies 17 14 HUMLIE, (Scots) a po...
hummaum 18 20 a Turkish bath, also...
hummels 18 17 HUMMEL, to make horn...
hummers 17 16 HUMMER, one who, or...
humming 18 19 the noise of bees [n...
hummock 21 23 a small hill, also H...
hummums 19 20 HUMMUM, a Turkish ba...
humogen 15 16 a fertilizer compose...
humoral 16 14 of diseases, caused...
humored 15 14 HUMOR, to humour, al...
humours 16 14 HUMOUR, to indulge,...
humpens 17 17 HUMPEN, (German) a t...
humpers 18 16 HUMPER, someone who...
humphed 20 19 HUMPH, to carry (som...
humpier 18 16 HUMPY, full of humps...
humpies 18 16 HUMPY, an Aboriginal...
humping 19 19 HUMP, to bend into a...
humuses 16 14 HUMUS, decomposed or...
humvees 17 17 HUMVEE, (tradename)...
hunched 19 17 HUNCH, to arch forwa...
hunches 19 16 HUNCH, to arch forwa...
hundred 14 13 a number, ten times...
hungans 14 14 HUNGAN, a voodoo pri...
hungers 15 13 HUNGER, to crave [v]
hunkers 15 15 HUNKER, to squat [v]
hunkeys 21 17 HUNKEY, (colloquial)...
hunkier 15 15 HUNKY, strongly buil...
hunkies 15 15 HUNKY, a derogatory...
hunkses 15 15 HUNKS, a surly old m...
hunnish 16 14 like a hun [adj]
hunters 14 11 HUNTER, one that hun...
hunting 15 14 an instance of searc...
hupiros 17 13 HUPIRO, a New Zealan...
huppahs 21 18 HUPPAH, (Hebrew) a w...
hupping 20 19 HUP, to quicken the...
huppoth 21 18 HUPPAH, (Hebrew) a w...
hurdens 14 12 HURDEN, a coarse fab...
hurdies 15 11 (Scots) the buttocks...
hurdled 16 13 HURDLE, to jump over...
hurdler 16 12 one that hurdles [n...
hurdles 16 12 HURDLE, to jump over...
hurlbat 18 14 (obsolete) an ancien...
hurlers 16 11 HURLER, one who hurl...
hurleys 22 13 HURLEY, a ball game...
hurlies 16 11 HURLY, a large two-w...
hurling 17 14 a ball game similar...
hurraed 14 11 HURRA, to shout hurr...
hurrahs 17 12 HURRAH, to shout hur...
hurrays 21 12 HURRAY, to shout hur...
hurried 15 11 HURRY, to move swift...
hurrier 15 10 one who hurries [n -...
hurries 15 10 HURRY, to move swift...
hurters 15 10 HURTER, a beam, bloc...
hurtful 19 15 causing injury [adj...
hurting 16 13 HURT, to cause pain...
hurtled 16 12 HURTLE, to rush viol...
hurtles 16 11 HURTLE, to rush viol...
husband 16 15 to be a thrifty mana...
hushaby 25 17 to sing a lullaby, a...
hushers 17 12 HUSHER, to usher, es...
hushful 21 17 quiet [adj]
hushier 17 12 HUSHY, hush-hush, se...
hushing 18 15 HUSH, to quiet [v]
huskers 16 14 HUSKER, someone who...
huskier 16 14 HUSKY, hoarse [adj]
huskies 16 14 HUSKY, a breed of do...
huskily 24 17 HUSKY, hoarse [adv]
husking 17 17 a festive gathering...
hussars 15 10 HUSSAR, a kind of ca...
hussies 15 10 HUSSY, a brazen girl...
hussifs 18 13 HUSSIF, (dialect) a...
hustled 16 12 HUSTLE, to hurry [v]
hustler 16 11 one who hustles [n -...
hustles 16 11 HUSTLE, to hurry [v]
huswife 20 16 a sewing kit [n HUSW...
hutched 20 16 HUTCH, to hoard up [...
hutches 20 15 HUTCH, to hoard up [...
hutchie 20 15 (Australia) a ground...
hutlike 17 15 like a hut [adj]
hutment 15 14 a group of huts [n -...
hutting 16 13 material for making...
hutzpah 22 24 (Yiddish) sass, moxy...
hutzpas 20 22 HUTZPA, (Yiddish) sa...
huzoors 17 19 HUZOOR, an Indian po...
huzzaed 20 29 HUZZA, to cheer [v]
huzzahs 23 30 HUZZAH, to give a sh...
huzzies 21 28 HUZZY, a brazen girl...
hyacine 22 15 (Spenser) a blue gem...
hyaenas 18 12 HYAENA, a carrion-fe...
hyaenic 22 15 of or like a hyaena,...
hyaline 20 13 glassy, of or like g...
hyalins 21 13 HYALIN, a clear tran...
hyalite 21 12 a pellucid variety o...
hyaloid 21 13 a thin transparent m...
hybrids 24 15 HYBRID, the offsprin...
hydatid 21 13 a fluid-filled cyst,...
hydrant 20 13 an outlet from a wat...
hydrase 20 12 an enzyme that speed...
hydrate 20 12 to combine with wate...
hydriae 20 12 HYDRIA, a large Gree...
hydride 21 13 any compound of hydr...
hydrids 22 13 HYDRID, any compound...
hydroid 21 13 a marine creature re...
hydroma 21 15 a watery swelling ov...
hydrops 23 15 (Greek) dropsy, also...
hydrous 21 13 containing water [ad...
hydroxy 33 21 of a compound, conta...
hydynes 26 15 HYDYNE, a rocket-lau...
hyenine 18 13 of or like a hyena,...
hyenoid 19 13 of or like a hyena,...
hygeist 22 13 one skilled in hygie...
hygiene 20 14 the science of prese...
hygroma 22 16 a watery swelling ov...
hylding 23 16 (Spenser) a mean cow...
hylisms 24 15 HYLISM, materialism...
hylists 23 12 HYLIST, a materialis...
hyloist 22 12 one who holds the do...
hymenal 21 16 pertaining to the hy...
hymenia 20 15 HYMENIUM, the spore-...
hymnals 22 16 HYMNAL, a hymn book,...
hymnary 27 17 a hymn book, also HY...
hymning 22 18 HYMN, to sing a song...
hymnist 22 15 a person who compose...
hymnody 27 18 the singing of hymns...
hyoidal 21 13 pertaining to the hy...
hypates 22 14 HYPATE, in Greek mus...
hyperon 21 15 a class of atomic pa...
hyphens 24 17 HYPHEN, to connect w...
hyphies 25 16 HYPHY, a style of hi...
hypings 24 17 HYPING, the act of h...
hypnics 26 18 HYPNIC, a soporific...
hypnoid 22 16 like sleep or hypnos...
hypnone 20 16 an aromatic ketone u...
hypnums 24 19 HYPNUM, a type of mo...
hypogea 22 16 HYPOGEUM, an undergr...
hypoids 23 15 HYPOID, a type of be...
hypoing 23 17 HYPO, (colloquial) t...
hyponea 20 15 a dulled mental acti...
hyponym 29 20 one of several terms...
hypoxia 28 21 a deficiency of oxyg...
hypoxic 32 24 relating to hypoxia,...
hypping 26 20 HYP, to offend [v]
hypural 24 16 situated beneath the...
hyraces 23 14 HYRAX, a small, hare...
hyraxes 26 18 HYRAX, a small, hare...
hyssops 23 14 HYSSOP, an aromatic...