7 letter words that starts with g

7 letter words that start with G

7 letter G word


Word With Friends


gabbard 17 16 (Scots) a kind of ba...
gabbart 17 15 (Scots) a kind of ba...
gabbers 17 15 GABBER, a chatterbox...
gabbier 17 15 GABBY, talkative [ad...
gabbing 18 18 GAB, to chatter [v]
gabbled 18 17 GABBLE, to chatter o...
gabbler 18 16 one who gabbles [n -...
gabbles 18 16 GABBLE, to chatter o...
gabbros 17 15 GABBRO, a coarsely c...
gabelle 16 14 a tax on salt [n -S]
gabfest 17 15 (slang) a gathering...
gabions 14 13 GABION, a basket of...
gablets 16 13 GABLET, a small gabl...
gabling 17 16 GABLE, to form a gab...
gabnash 16 15 (Scots) chatter, pra...
gaboons 13 13 GABOON, a West Afric...
gachers 18 14 GACHER, one that gac...
gaching 19 17 GACH, to behave boas...
gadders 13 11 GADDER, one that gad...
gadding 14 14 GAD, to roam about r...
gadgets 14 12 GADGET, a mechanical...
gadgety 20 14 like a gadget [adj]
gadgies 14 12 GADGIE, a fellow, al...
gadling 15 14 (obsolete) a vagabon...
gadoids 13 11 GADOID, a member of...
gadroon 11 11 to decorate with mou...
gadsman 13 14 (Scots) a person who...
gadsmen 13 14 GADSMAN, (Scots) a p...
gadwall 18 15 a large duck, found...
gaffers 17 15 GAFFER, an old man;...
gaffing 18 18 the act of gambling...
gagakus 15 16 GAGAKU, a type of Ja...
gaggers 15 13 GAGGER, one who gags...
gaggery 21 15 the practice of tell...
gagging 16 16 GAG, to stop up the...
gaggled 16 15 GAGGLE, to cackle [v...
gaggles 16 14 GAGGLE, to cackle [v...
gagster 14 11 one who writes jokes...
gahnite 14 12 a mineral, zinc spin...
gainers 12 10 GAINER, one who gain...
gainest 12 10 GAIN, near, convenie...
gainful 16 15 profitable [adj GAIN...
gaining 13 13 a thing gained, prof...
gainsay 18 12 to deny or contradic...
gaiters 13 9 GAITER, a covering f...
gaiting 14 12 GAIT, to train a hor...
galabea 14 13 an Arab cloak with a...
galabia 15 13 an Arab cloak with a...
galages 14 12 GALAGE, (obsolete) a...
galagos 14 12 GALAGO, a kind of Af...
galanga 13 13 the aromatic rootsto...
galanty 19 13 as in galanty show,...
galatea 12 10 a durable cotton clo...
galaxes 19 17 GALAX, a heathlike e...
galeate 12 10 helmet-shaped, also...
galenas 12 11 GALENA, the principa...
galenic 16 14 pertaining to galena...
galeres 13 10 GALERE, (French) a g...
galette 13 10 a round, flat, sweet...
galilee 14 11 a small chapel or po...
galiots 14 10 GALIOT, a small gall...
galipot 16 13 the turpentine that...
gallant 14 12 to court a woman [v...
gallate 14 11 a salt of gallic aci...
gallein 14 12 a red crystalline dy...
galleon 13 12 a sailing vessel of...
gallery 21 13 to provide with a lo...
galleta 14 11 a perennial grass [n...
gallets 15 11 GALLET, to fill in m...
galleys 21 13 GALLEY, any of vario...
gallfly 25 17 an insect that cause...
gallica 18 14 a variety of rose [n...
gallied 15 12 GALLY, to scare, daz...
gallier 15 11 GALLY, gall-like, bi...
gallies 15 11 GALLY, to scare, daz...
galling 16 14 GALL, to make sore b...
galliot 15 11 a small galley, form...
gallise 15 11 in wine-making, to b...
gallium 17 15 a rare metallic elem...
gallize 18 20 in wine-making, to b...
gallnut 15 13 a round gall produce...
gallock 19 18 (dialect) left-hande...
gallons 14 12 GALLON, a unit of li...
galloon 13 12 an ornamental braid...
galloot 14 11 an awkward or uncout...
gallops 17 14 GALLOP, to ride a ho...
gallous 15 12 containing gallium [...
gallows 18 14 a structure used to...
galoche 18 15 (French) an overshoe...
galoots 13 10 GALOOT, an awkward o...
galoped 15 14 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galopin 15 14 (obsolete) an errand...
galores 13 10 GALORE, an abundance...
galoshe 15 12 (French) an overshoe...
galumph 20 19 to move with a clums...
galuths 17 13 GALUTH, (Hebrew) the...
galyacs 23 15 GALYAC, a soft gloss...
galyaks 21 16 GALYAK, a soft gloss...
gambade 15 16 a leap made by a hor...
gambado 15 16 to frolic [v -ED, -I...
gambets 16 15 GAMBET, a red-legged...
gambias 16 15 GAMBIA, the inspissa...
gambier 16 15 the inspissated juic...
gambirs 17 15 GAMBIR, the inspissa...
gambist 17 15 a performer upon the...
gambits 17 15 GAMBIT, to sacrifice...
gambled 17 17 GAMBLE, to play a ga...
gambler 17 16 one that gambles [n...
gambles 17 16 GAMBLE, to play a ga...
gamboes 15 15 GAMBO, (Welsh) a sim...
gamboge 16 17 a kind of gum resin,...
gambols 17 16 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gambrel 17 16 the joint in the upp...
gamebag 16 17 a leather or canvas...
gamelan 13 14 a Javanese instrumen...
gametal 14 13 of egg cells [adj]
gametes 13 12 GAMETE, a mature rep...
gametic 17 15 of or like a gamete,...
gamiest 14 12 GAMY, tasting like g...
gamines 13 13 GAMINE, (French) a h...
gamings 15 15 GAMING, the practice...
gammats 15 15 GAMMAT, (South Afric...
gammers 15 15 GAMMER, an old woman...
gammier 15 15 GAMMY, lame, maimed...
gamming 16 18 GAM, to visit social...
gammock 19 22 (dialect) to frolic...
gammons 14 16 GAMMON, to mislead b...
gamones 12 13 GAMONE, any chemical...
gampish 19 17 like Mrs Gamp's umbr...
ganache 16 15 a sweet creamy choco...
ganched 17 16 GANCH, to impale, al...
ganches 17 15 GANCH, to impale, al...
ganders 12 11 GANDER, to wander [v...
gangbos 15 15 GANGBO, a civil orde...
gangers 13 12 GANGER, a foreman of...
ganging 14 15 the act of associati...
gangled 14 14 GANGLE, to move awkw...
gangles 14 13 GANGLE, to move awkw...
ganglia 14 13 GANGLION, a group of...
gangrel 14 13 a vagabond [n -S]
gangsta 13 12 an aggressive, misog...
gangues 13 13 GANGUE, the worthles...
gangway 22 17 either of the sides...
ganjahs 16 21 GANJAH, cannabis use...
gannets 11 11 GANNET, a large seab...
ganning 12 14 GAN, (dialect) to go...
ganoids 12 11 GANOID, a type of fi...
ganoine 10 11 the hard shiny subst...
ganoins 11 11 GANOIN, the hard shi...
ganseys 18 12 GANSEY, a woollen sw...
ganting 13 13 GANT, (Scots) to yaw...
gantlet 13 11 (obsolete) an armour...
gaolers 13 10 GAOLER, one who keep...
gaoling 14 13 GAOL, to imprison, a...
gapiest 15 12 GAPY, infested with...
gapings 16 15 GAPING, the act of g...
gapless 16 13 without a gap [adj]
gaposis 15 12 a gap between button...
gappers 17 15 GAPPER, a person tak...
gappier 17 15 GAPPY, full of gaps...
gapping 18 18 as in call gapping [...
garaged 13 12 GARAGE, to put in a...
garages 13 11 GARAGE, to put in a...
garagey 19 13 in the garage style...
garbage 15 14 food waste [n -S]
garbagy 22 16 like garbage, also G...
garbing 16 15 GARB, to clothe [v]
garbled 16 14 GARBLE, to distort t...
garbler 16 13 one who garbles [n -...
garbles 16 13 GARBLE, to distort t...
garboil 16 13 (obsolete) a confuse...
garbure 15 13 a kind of Basque sou...
garcons 15 13 GARCON, (French) a w...
gardant 12 11 a guardian, also GUA...
gardens 12 11 GARDEN, to cultivate...
garfish 18 14 any of various fishe...
gargets 14 11 GARGET, an inflammat...
gargety 20 13 suffering from garge...
gargled 15 13 GARGLE, to rinse the...
gargler 15 12 one who garglers [n...
gargles 15 12 GARGLE, to rinse the...
garials 14 10 GARIAL, an Indian cr...
garigue 14 12 (French) an uncultiv...
garjans 14 19 GARJAN, a thin balsa...
garland 13 12 a wreath of flowers...
garlics 18 13 GARLIC, to flavour w...
garment 13 13 any article of cloth...
garners 12 10 GARNER, to gather an...
garnets 12 10 GARNET, a name given...
garnish 15 12 to decorate with orn...
garoted 12 10 GAROTE, to execute b...
garotes 12 9 GAROTE, to execute b...
garotte 12 9 to execute by strang...
garoupa 14 13 in Chinese cookery,...
garpike 16 16 any of various fishe...
garrans 12 10 GARRAN, a small stur...
garrets 13 9 GARRET, a room just...
garring 14 12 GARRE, to make, comp...
garrons 12 10 GARRON, a small stur...
garrote 12 9 to execute by strang...
garrots 13 9 GARROT, a stick or s...
garryas 19 11 GARRYA, a North Amer...
garters 13 9 GARTER, to support w...
garudas 13 11 GARUDA, a Hindu demi...
garveys 21 15 GARVEY, a small flat...
garvies 15 13 GARVIE, a sprat, als...
garvock 19 20 a sprat, also GARVIE...
gasahol 15 12 a mixture of 8 or 9...
gasbags 16 14 GASBAG, to talk a lo...
gascons 15 13 GASCON, (French) a b...
gaseity 19 11 the state of being g...
gaseous 12 10 in the form of gas [...
gashest 15 11 GASH, ghastly [adj]
gashful 19 16 full of gashes; hide...
gashing 16 14 GASH, to make a long...
gaskets 14 13 GASKET, a flat sheet...
gasking 15 16 a gasket [n -S]
gaskins 14 14 GASKIN, a part of a...
gasless 14 10 having no gas [adj]
gasohol 15 12 a mixture of 8 or 9...
gaspers 15 12 GASPER, (slang) a ch...
gaspier 15 12 GASPY [adj]
gasping 16 15 breathless [adj GASP...
gassers 13 9 GASSER, an oil well...
gassier 13 9 GASSY, containing ga...
gassily 21 12 GASSY, containing ga...
gassing 14 12 a poisoning by noxio...
gasters 13 9 GASTER [n]
gasting 14 12 GAST, (Shakespeare)...
gastral 14 10 pertaining to the st...
gastrea 12 9 a hypothetical ances...
gastric 17 12 pertaining to the st...
gastrin 13 10 a hormone which stim...
gatched 18 15 GATCH, to behave boa...
gatcher 18 14 one that gatches, bo...
gatches 18 14 GATCH, to behave boa...
gateaus 12 10 GATEAU, a rich layer...
gateaux 18 17 GATEAU, a rich layer...
gateleg 14 12 a table with extensi...
gateman 12 13 a person in charge o...
gatemen 12 13 GATEMAN, a person in...
gateway 21 14 a passage that may b...
gathers 15 11 GATHER, to bring tog...
gatings 14 12 GATING, punishment b...
gatling 15 13 as in gatling gun, a...
gauched 18 16 GAUCH, to behave boa...
gaucher 18 15 one that gauches, bo...
gauches 18 15 GAUCH, to behave boa...
gauchos 18 15 GAUCHO, a cowboy of...
gaucier 16 13 GAUCY, (Scots) portl...
gaudery 19 13 finery [n GAUDERIES]
gaudgie 14 13 (Romany) a fellow, a...
gaudier 13 11 GAUDY, tastelessly s...
gaudies 13 11 GAUDY, an entertainm...
gaudily 21 14 GAUDY, tastelessly s...
gauding 14 14 GAUD, to adorn with...
gaufers 15 13 GAUFER, a waffle, al...
gauffer 17 16 to press ridges or p...
gaufres 15 13 GAUFRE, a waffle, al...
gaugers 14 12 GAUGER, one who gaug...
gauging 15 15 the measuring of cas...
gaulter 14 11 a person who digs ga...
gaumier 14 13 GAUMY, dauby, smeary...
gauming 15 16 GAUM, to smear, daub...
gaunted 12 12 GAUNT, to yawn, also...
gaunter 12 11 GAUNT, emaciated [ad...
gauntly 20 14 GAUNT, emaciated [ad...
gauntry 19 13 a frame for supporti...
gaupers 15 13 GAUPER, one that gau...
gauping 16 16 GAUP, to stare stupi...
gausses 13 10 GAUSS, a unit of mag...
gauzier 16 19 GAUZY, resembling ga...
gauzily 24 22 GAUZY, resembling ga...
gavages 15 15 GAVAGE, the introduc...
gaveled 15 15 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavials 16 14 GAVIAL, an Indian cr...
gavotte 14 13 (French) a kind of F...
gawcier 19 15 GAWCY, (Scots) portl...
gawkers 17 16 GAWKER, one who gawk...
gawkier 17 16 GAWKY, awkward [adj]
gawkies 17 16 GAWKY, a tall awkwar...
gawkily 25 19 GAWKY, awkward [adv]
gawking 18 19 GAWK, to stare and g...
gawkish 20 18 gawky, awkward [adj...
gawmoge 17 17 a clownish person [n...
gawpers 18 15 GAWPER, one that gaw...
gawping 19 18 GAWP, to stare stupi...
gawsier 16 12 GAWSIE, (Scots) port...
gaydars 19 12 GAYDAR, the supposed...
gayness 18 12 gaiety, finery [n -E...
gaysome 19 14 full of gaiety [adj]
gazabos 17 21 GAZABO, a fellow [n]
gazangs 16 21 GAZANG, (of the sell...
gazania 14 19 any plant of the gen...
gazebos 17 21 GAZEBO, a roofed str...
gazeful 19 23 (Spenser) looking in...
gazelle 17 20 one of several small...
gazette 15 18 to announce in an of...
gaziest 16 18 GAZY, given to gazin...
gazings 17 21 GAZING, the act of g...
gazooka 15 22 a toy musical instru...
gazoons 14 19 GAZOON, (obsolete) o...
gazumps 20 25 GAZUMP, (colloquial)...
gealing 14 13 GEAL, (dialect) to c...
gealous 13 11 (Spenser) jealous [a...
gearbox 20 19 an automotive transm...
gearing 13 12 a system of gears [n...
gecking 18 19 GECK, to mock, dupe...
geckoes 16 16 GECKO, a kind of sma...
gedacts 16 13 GEDACT, a flutelike...
gedeckt 17 17 a flutelike organ st...
geebags 15 14 GEEBAG, (Irish slang...
geebung 15 16 an Australian tree [...
geechee 16 14 (US slang) a rural s...
geegaws 16 14 GEEGAW, a toy; a bau...
geekdom 14 17 the world of geeks [...
geekery 19 15 preoccupation with,...
geekier 13 13 GEEKY, socially awkw...
geekish 16 15 somewhat like a geek...
geekism 15 16 a preoccupation with...
geelbek 16 17 a yellow-jawed fish...
geezahs 17 20 GEEZAH, (colloquial)...
geezers 15 18 GEEZER, (slang) an e...
gefilte 16 13 as in gefilte fish,...
geggies 15 13 GEGGIE, (Scots slang...
geishas 15 11 GEISHA, a Japanese g...
geiting 14 12 GEIT, to put a borde...
gelable 16 14 able to set like a j...
geladas 13 11 GELADA, an Ethiopian...
gelande 12 12 as in gelande jump,...
gelants 13 11 GELANT, a substance...
gelated 13 11 GELATE, to form a ge...
gelates 13 10 GELATE, to form a ge...
gelatin 13 11 a glutinous substanc...
gelatis 14 10 GELATI, an Italian i...
gelatos 13 10 GELATO, an Italian i...
gelcaps 19 16 GELCAP, a dose of me...
gelcoat 16 13 a surface layer of p...
gelders 14 11 GELDER, one who geld...
gelding 15 14 a castrated stallion...
gelider 14 11 GELID, extremely col...
gelidly 22 14 GELID, extremely col...
gellant 14 12 a substance used to...
gellies 15 11 GELLY, (slang) gelig...
gelling 16 14 GEL, to become like...
gemclip 21 19 (tradename) a paper...
gemfish 19 17 an American marine f...
geminal 14 14 having two matching...
gemlike 16 17 resembling a gem [ad...
gemmate 14 15 to reproduce by gemm...
gemmery 21 17 gems generally [n GE...
gemmier 15 15 GEMMY, resembling a...
gemmily 23 18 GEMMY, resembling a...
gemming 16 18 GEM, to adorn with g...
gemmule 16 17 a small asexual repr...
gemotes 13 12 GEMOTE, a public mee...
gemsbok 17 19 a South African ante...
genappe 15 16 a smooth worsted yar...
genders 12 11 GENDER, (archaic) to...
general 12 11 widespread [adj GENE...
generic 15 13 general; applicable...
geneses 11 10 GENESIS, the act of...
genesis 12 10 the act of producing...
genetic 15 13 relating to genes, a...
genette 11 10 one of several speci...
genevas 13 14 GENEVA, a spirit dis...
genipap 16 16 (Tupi) a tropical Am...
genista 12 10 a genus of plants in...
genital 13 11 pertaining to reprod...
genitor 12 10 a male parent [n -S]
genizah 17 21 a room in a synagogu...
genizot 15 19 GENIZAH, a room in a...
genlock 17 18 to maintain synchron...
gennels 12 12 GENNEL, a narrow all...
gennets 11 11 GENNET, a small Span...
gennies 11 11 GENNY, a large trian...
genning 12 14 GEN, as in gen up, t...
genoise 11 10 a rich sponge cake [...
genomes 12 13 GENOME, a haploid se...
genomic 16 16 relating to a genome...
genseng 12 13 a plant of the genus...
genteel 12 11 well-bred or refined...
gentian 11 11 any plant of the gen...
gentier 12 10 GENTY, neat, trim [a...
gentile 13 11 a non-Jewish person...
gentled 13 12 GENTLE, to tame [v]
gentler 13 11 GENTLE, mild and ref...
gentles 13 11 GENTLE, to tame [v]
gentoos 11 10 GENTOO, a Falkland I...
genuine 11 12 authentic [adj]
genuses 12 11 GENUS, (Latin) a tax...
geocode 14 13 to assign geographic...
geodata 11 10 information about th...
geodesy 18 12 the branch of mathem...
geoduck 17 18 a large edible clam,...
geofact 17 15 a rock chipped by na...
geogeny 18 14 the science of the f...
geogony 18 14 the theory of the fo...
geoidal 13 11 relating to a geoid,...
geology 20 14 the science of the o...
geomant 12 13 one who practises ge...
georgic 17 14 a poem on husbandry...
geotags 13 11 GEOTAG, to assign a...
gerbera 14 12 a genus of South Afr...
gerbils 17 13 GERBIL, a desert rod...
gerents 12 10 GERENT, a ruler or m...
gerenuk 13 15 a long-legged antelo...
germain 13 13 (Shakespeare) a germ...
germane 12 13 closely related to;...
germans 13 13 GERMAN, an elaborate...
germens 13 13 GERMEN, something th...
germier 14 12 GERMY, full of germs...
germina 13 13 GERMEN, something th...
germing 15 15 GERM, to put forth b...
germins 14 13 GERMIN, something th...
gerning 13 13 GERNE, (Spenser) to...
gertcha 18 14 (slang) get away, ge...
gerunds 13 12 GERUND, a verbal for...
gessing 14 12 GESSE, (Spenser) to...
gessoed 12 10 having gesso as a co...
gessoes 12 9 GESSO, plaster of Pa...
gestalt 14 10 (German) a shape or...
gestant 12 10 laden; pregnant [adj...
gestapo 14 12 a secret police orga...
gestate 12 9 to carry in the uter...
gesture 13 10 to express by bodily...
getable 15 13 able to be got [adj]
getaway 21 14 an escape [n -S]
getouts 13 10 GETOUT, an excuse to...
getters 13 9 GETTER, to remove tr...
getting 14 12 begetting, procreati...
gewgaws 20 17 GEWGAW, a showy trin...
geysers 19 11 GEYSER, a type of th...
gharial 16 12 an Indian crocodile,...
gharris 16 11 GHARRI, in India, a...
ghasted 15 12 GHAST, (Shakespeare)...
ghastly 23 14 like a ghost in appe...
ghazals 19 21 GHAZAL, a Persian ve...
ghazels 19 21 GHAZEL, a Persian ve...
ghazies 18 20 GHAZI, a Muslim warr...
gheraos 14 11 GHERAO, to carry out...
gherkin 16 16 a kind of small, pri...
ghessed 15 12 GHESSE, (Spenser) to...
ghesses 15 11 GHESSE, (Spenser) to...
ghettos 15 11 GHETTO, to confine t...
ghiblis 20 15 GHIBLI, a hot desert...
ghilgai 18 14 (Native Australian)...
ghillie 18 13 a Highland chief's a...
ghosted 15 12 GHOST, to ghostwrite...
ghostly 23 14 relating to the soul...
ghoulie 16 13 a demon, also GHOUL...
ghrelin 16 13 a gastrointestinal h...
giantly 20 13 like a giant [adj GI...
giantry 19 12 the race of giants [...
giaours 13 10 GIAOUR, (archaic) a...
giardia 13 10 a parasitic protozoa...
gibbers 18 15 GIBBER, to utter sen...
gibbets 18 15 GIBBET, to execute b...
gibbing 19 18 GIB, to fasten with...
gibbons 17 16 GIBBON, any of vario...
gibbose 17 15 humpbacked, humped;...
gibbous 18 16 humpbacked, humped;...
giblets 17 13 the edible viscera (...
gibsons 15 13 GIBSON, a martini se...
gibuses 16 13 GIBUS, an opera hat...
giddied 14 12 GIDDY, to make dizzy...
giddier 14 11 GIDDY, dizzy [adj]
giddies 14 11 GIDDY, to make dizzy...
giddily 22 14 GIDDY, dizzy [adv]
giddyap 22 16 used to tell a horse...
giddyup 23 17 used to tell a horse...
gidgees 14 12 GIDGEE, a small Aust...
gidjees 15 19 GIDJEE, a small Aust...
giftees 15 12 GIFTEE, one that rec...
gifting 17 15 the act of making a...
gigabit 17 14 a unit of informatio...
gigaton 13 12 a unit of weight, a...
gigging 17 16 GIG, to catch fish w...
giggits 17 13 GIGGIT, (archaic US)...
giggled 17 15 GIGGLE, to laugh in...
giggler 17 14 one who giggles [n -...
giggles 17 14 GIGGLE, to laugh in...
giglets 16 12 GIGLET, (obsolete) a...
giglots 16 12 GIGLOT, (obsolete) a...
gigolos 15 12 GIGOLO, a man suppor...
gilbert 17 13 an electrical unit o...
gilcups 21 17 GILCUP, (dialect) a...
gilders 15 11 GILDER, one who gild...
gilding 16 14 the act of covering...
gilgais 16 12 GILGAI, (Native Aust...
gilgies 16 12 GILGIE, (Native Aust...
gillers 16 11 GILLER, one that gil...
gillets 16 11 GILLET, (Scots) a sk...
gillied 16 12 GILLY, to act as a g...
gillies 16 11 GILLIE, to act as a...
gilling 17 14 GILL, to catch fish...
gillion 15 12 a thousand million [...
gillnet 15 12 to catch fish in a g...
gilpeys 23 15 GILPEY, (Scots) a bo...
gilpies 17 13 GILPY, a boisterous...
giltcup 21 17 (dialect) a buttercu...
gimbals 18 16 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimlets 16 13 GIMLET, to pierce as...
gimmals 17 16 GIMMAL, a pair of in...
gimmers 16 15 GIMMER, (Scots) a yo...
gimmick 21 22 to provide with a gi...
gimmies 16 15 GIMMIE, an easy golf...
gimmors 16 15 GIMMOR, a pair of in...
gimpier 17 15 GIMPY, limping [adj]
gimping 18 18 GIMP, to make or fur...
ginches 18 15 GINCH, underpants, a...
gingall 16 14 a large Chinese or I...
gingals 15 13 GINGAL, a large Chin...
gingeli 15 13 (Hindi) the sesame s...
gingely 21 15 the sesame seed or i...
gingers 14 12 GINGER, to spice up,...
gingery 20 14 sandy in colour [adj...
gingham 17 17 a striped cotton fab...
gingili 16 13 the sesame seed or i...
gingiva 16 16 the fleshy tissue su...
gingkos 15 16 GINGKO, an ornamenta...
gingles 15 13 GINGLE, (obsolete) a...
ginkgos 15 16 GINKGO, an ornamenta...
ginnels 13 12 GINNEL, a narrow all...
ginners 12 11 GINNER, one that gin...
ginnery 18 13 a place where cotton...
ginnier 12 11 GINNY, affected with...
ginning 13 14 cotton as it comes f...
ginseng 13 13 a plant of the genus...
ginshop 17 15 a shop that sells gi...
ginzoes 15 19 GINZO, (colloquial)...
giocoso 15 12 played in a lively m...
gippers 18 15 GIPPER, one who gips...
gippies 18 15 GIPPY, (offensive) a...
gipping 19 18 GIP, to swindle, als...
gippoes 17 15 GIPPO, (offensive) a...
gipsens 15 13 GIPSEN, (Spenser) a...
gipsied 16 13 GIPSY, to live like...
gipsies 16 12 GIPSY, to live like...
giraffe 17 15 a long-necked mammal...
girasol 14 10 a variety of opal, a...
girders 14 10 GIRDER, a large beam...
girding 15 13 that which girds, sp...
girdled 15 12 GIRDLE, to encircle...
girdler 15 11 one who girdles [n -...
girdles 15 11 GIRDLE, to encircle...
girkins 15 14 GIRKIN, (obsolete) a...
girlier 15 10 GIRLY, like a girl [...
girlies 15 10 GIRLIE, a girl, also...
girlish 18 12 like a girl, or suit...
girlond 14 12 a garland [n -S]
girnels 14 11 GIRNEL, a large vat...
girners 13 10 GIRNER, one who girn...
girnier 13 10 GIRNIE, ill-tempered...
girning 14 13 GIRN, (dialect) to g...
girolle 15 11 an edible mushroom,...
gironic 16 13 in the shape of a gy...
gironny 18 13 in the shape of a gy...
girosol 14 10 a variety of opal, a...
girshes 16 11 GIRSH, a monetary un...
girthed 16 12 GIRTH, to put a girt...
girting 15 12 GIRT, to gird, girth...
gisarme 14 12 (historical) a long-...
gitanas 12 10 GITANA, (Spanish) a...
gitanos 12 10 GITANO, (Spanish) a...
gitches 19 14 GITCH, underpants, a...
gittern 13 10 to play a medieval g...
gitting 15 12 GIT, to get [v]
giusted 14 11 GIUST, (Spenser) to...
givable 18 17 able to be given, al...
givings 17 16 GIVING, the act of g...
gizzard 20 28 the second, or true,...
gizzens 19 28 GIZZEN, (Scots) to s...
gjetost 15 18 a hard brown Norwegi...
glaceed 16 14 GLACE, (French) to i...
glacial 18 14 very cold [adj GLACI...
glacier 17 13 a huge mass of ice [...
gladded 14 13 GLAD, to make happy...
gladden 13 13 to make glad [v -ED,...
gladder 14 12 GLAD, feeling pleasu...
gladdie 14 12 (short for) a gladio...
gladdon 13 13 (dialect) an iris [n...
gladful 18 16 (archaic) full of gl...
gladier 14 11 GLADY, full of glade...
gladius 15 12 the internal shell,...
glaiket 15 14 (Scots) giddy, fooli...
glaikit 16 14 (Scots) giddy, fooli...
glaired 14 11 GLAIRE, to coat with...
glaires 14 10 GLAIRE, to coat with...
glairin 14 11 a glairy viscous sub...
glaived 16 15 provided with a glai...
glaives 16 14 GLAIVE, (obsolete) a...
glammed 16 17 GLAM, to glamourise...
glammer 16 16 GLAM, characterised...
glamors 15 13 GLAMOR, to bewitch,...
glamour 15 14 to bewitch, also GLA...
glanced 16 15 GLANCE, to look quic...
glancer 16 14 one who glances [n -...
glances 16 14 GLANCE, to look quic...
glandes 13 12 GLANS, the tip of th...
glareal 14 11 growing on exposed d...
glarier 14 10 GLARY, glaring [adj]
glaring 15 13 GLARE, to shine with...
glassed 14 11 GLASS, to encase in...
glassen 13 11 like glass [adj]
glasses 14 10 GLASS, to encase in...
glassie 14 10 a type of playing ma...
glaumed 15 15 GLAUM, (Scots) to cl...
glazers 17 19 GLAZER, one who appl...
glazier 17 19 one whose business i...
glazily 25 22 GLAZY, covered with...
glazing 18 22 the work of a glazie...
gleamed 14 14 GLEAM, to shine with...
gleamer 14 13 one who gleams [n -S...
gleaned 12 12 GLEAN, to gather lit...
gleaner 12 11 one who gleans, gath...
gleaves 15 14 GLEAVE, a broadsword...
glebier 16 13 GLEBY, (archaic) clo...
glebous 16 14 (archaic) cloddy, tu...
gledged 15 14 GLEDGE, to squint th...
gledges 15 13 GLEDGE, to squint th...
gleeful 17 15 merry, also GLEESOME...
gleeing 14 13 GLEE, (Scots) to squ...
gleeked 14 15 GLEEK, to jest, gibe...
gleeman 13 14 (obsolete) an itiner...
gleemen 13 14 GLEEMAN, (obsolete)...
gleenie 12 11 (dialect) a guinea f...
gleeted 13 11 GLEET, to discharge...
glegger 16 14 GLEG, (Scots) quick,...
glenoid 13 12 slightly cupped; soc...
glented 13 12 GLENT, to glint [v]
gleying 21 15 the development of g...
gliadin 14 12 one of a group of pr...
glibbed 19 17 GLIB, to make plausi...
glibber 19 16 GLIB, fluent and pla...
glidder 15 12 GLID, (Scots) slippe...
gliders 15 11 GLIDER, a type of ai...
gliding 16 14 the act of gliding [...
gliming 17 16 GLIME, to glance sly...
glimmer 17 16 to shine faintly or...
glimpse 18 16 to see for an instan...
glinted 14 12 GLINT, to glitter, a...
gliomas 15 13 GLIOMA, a tumour of...
glioses 14 10 GLIOSIS, excessive g...
gliosis 15 10 excessive growth of...
glisses 15 10 GLISSE, a kind of gl...
glisten 14 11 to sparkle or shine;...
glister 15 10 (archaic) to be brig...
glitchy 27 17 characterised by gli...
glitter 15 10 to sparkle [v -ED, -...
glitzed 18 20 GLITZ, to make somet...
glitzes 18 19 GLITZ, to make somet...
gloated 13 11 GLOAT, to regard wit...
gloater 13 10 one who gloats [n -S...
globate 15 13 having the form of a...
globier 16 13 GLOBY, (Milton) roun...
globing 17 16 GLOBE, to form into...
globins 16 14 GLOBIN, a protein co...
globoid 16 14 a globelike shape [n...
globose 15 13 shaped like a globe,...
globous 16 14 having a rounded for...
globule 17 15 a small spherical ma...
glochid 20 16 a barbed hair on som...
gloires 14 10 GLOIRE, (French) glo...
glomera 14 13 GLOMUS, a small body...
glommed 16 17 GLOM, to steal, take...
glonoin 12 12 a name for nitroglyc...
gloomed 14 14 GLOOM, to become dar...
glooped 15 14 GLOOP, to plop slowl...
glopped 18 17 GLOP, to cover with...
glorias 14 10 GLORIA, a type of ve...
gloried 14 11 GLORY, to rejoice pr...
glories 14 10 GLORY, to rejoice pr...
glorify 23 15 to bestow honour or...
glossae 13 10 GLOSSA, the tongue [...
glossal 15 11 relating to the tong...
glossas 14 10 GLOSSA, the tongue [...
glossed 14 11 GLOSS, to make lustr...
glosser 14 10 a polisher; one who...
glosses 14 10 GLOSS, to make lustr...
glottal 15 11 of or pertaining to,...
glottic 18 13 of or pertaining to,...
glottis 15 10 the opening between...
glouted 14 12 GLOUT, (archaic) to...
glovers 16 14 GLOVER, a maker or s...
gloving 17 17 the craft of making...
glowers 17 13 GLOWER, to look or s...
glowfly 27 19 a glowworm [n GLOWFL...
glowing 18 16 GLOW, to emit light...
glozing 18 22 flattery, deceit [n...
glucans 17 15 GLUCAN, a polymer of...
glucina 17 15 an oxide of berylliu...
glucose 17 14 a hexose sugar, foun...
glueing 15 14 GLUE, to fasten with...
glueish 17 13 (obsolete) somewhat...
gluepot 16 14 a pot for melting gl...
glugged 17 16 GLUG, to make a gurg...
gluiest 15 11 GLUEY, resembling gl...
glummer 17 17 GLUM, low in spirits...
glurges 16 13 GLURGE, supposedly f...
glutaei 14 11 GLUTAEUS, (Latin) an...
gluteal 15 12 relating to the glut...
glutens 14 12 GLUTEN, a tough elas...
gluteus 15 12 a buttock muscle, al...
glutted 15 12 GLUT, to feed or fil...
glutton 14 12 a person who feeds t...
glycans 23 16 GLYCAN, a carbohydra...
glycine 23 16 the simplest amino a...
glycins 24 16 GLYCIN, the simplest...
glycols 25 16 GLYCOL, a thick, col...
glycose 23 15 a hexose sugar, foun...
glycyls 32 18 GLYCYL, a radical de...
glyphic 29 20 of or pertaining to...
glyptal 24 16 a kind of alkyd resi...
glyptic 27 18 the art or process o...
gnarled 13 12 GNARL, to twist into...
gnarred 12 11 GNAR, to snarl, also...
gnashed 14 13 GNASH, to grind the...
gnasher 14 12 (colloquial) a tooth...
gnashes 14 12 GNASH, to grind the...
gnathal 15 13 of or pertaining to...
gnathic 18 15 of or pertaining to...
gnawers 15 13 GNAWER, one who, or...
gnawing 16 16 of a pain, eating aw...
gnocchi 21 18 (Italian) dumplings...
gnomish 16 15 like a gnome [adj]
gnomist 14 13 a writer of aphorism...
gnomons 12 14 GNOMON, the pointer...
gnostic 16 13 knowing; wise; shrew...
goading 13 13 GOAD, to drive anima...
goalies 13 10 GOALIE, a player who...
goaling 14 13 GOAL, to score a goa...
goannas 10 11 GOANNA, a large moni...
goateed 11 10 having a goatee [adj...
goatees 11 9 GOATEE, a small poin...
goatier 12 9 GOATY, like a goat,...
goaties 12 9 GOATY, a goatee bear...
goatish 15 11 lustful [adj GOATISH...
goatses 12 9 GOATSE, a deliberate...
gobangs 15 15 GOBANG, a Japanese b...
gobbets 17 15 GOBBET, a piece of r...
gobbier 17 15 GOBBY, (colloquial)...
gobbing 18 18 GOB, to spit [v]
gobbled 18 17 GOBBLE, to eat hasti...
gobbler 18 16 (US) a turkey cock [...
gobbles 18 16 GOBBLE, to eat hasti...
gobiids 16 13 GOBIID, a fish of th...
gobioid 15 13 a fish of the goby f...
goblets 16 13 GOBLET, a drinking v...
goblins 16 14 GOBLIN, an unpleasan...
gobonee 12 13 composed of squares...
goburra 15 13 (Native Australian)...
goddamn 13 15 to damn, also GODDAM...
goddams 14 14 GODDAM, to damn, als...
goddens 12 12 GODDEN [n]
goddess 13 11 a female god [n -ES]
godding 14 14 GOD, to treat as a g...
godetia 12 10 any plant of an Amer...
godhead 14 13 the state of being a...
godhood 14 13 the state of being a...
godless 14 11 worshipping no god [...
godlier 14 11 GODLY, like a god [a...
godlike 15 15 resembling a god [ad...
godlily 22 14 GODLY, like a god [a...
godling 15 14 a lesser god [n -S]
godowns 15 14 GODOWN, an oriental...
godroon 11 11 a moulding band [n -...
godsend 12 12 an unexpected boon [...
godship 18 15 the rank of a god [n...
godslot 14 11 a slot in a televisi...
godsons 12 11 GODSON, a male godch...
godward 16 14 towards God, also GO...
godwits 17 13 GODWIT, a bird of th...
goeties 12 9 GOETY, (obsolete) bl...
goffers 17 15 GOFFER, to press rid...
goffing 18 18 GOFF, to play golf (...
goggled 16 15 GOGGLE, to stare wit...
goggler 16 14 a kind of oceanic fi...
goggles 16 14 GOGGLE, to stare wit...
goglets 15 12 GOGLET, a porous ear...
goiters 13 9 GOITER, an enlargeme...
goitred 13 10 afflicted with a goi...
goitres 13 9 GOITRE, an enlargeme...
goldarn 13 12 (colloquial) to damn...
goldbug 18 17 a gold beetle [n -S]
goldens 13 12 GOLDEN, to become li...
goldest 14 11 GOLD, of the colour...
goldeye 19 13 a freshwater fish [n...
goldier 14 11 GOLDY, somewhat like...
goldies 14 11 GOLDY, a goldfinch [...
goldish 17 13 somewhat gold [adj]
goldurn 14 13 an expression of ang...
golfers 16 13 GOLFER, one that gol...
golfing 17 16 the game of golf [n...
goliard 14 11 (historical) a wande...
goliath 16 12 a person considered...
golland 14 13 (dialect) a name for...
gollans 14 12 GOLLAN, (dialect) a...
gollars 15 11 GOLLAR, to make a lo...
gollers 15 11 GOLLER, to make a lo...
gollied 15 12 GOLLY, to spit [v]
gollies 15 11 GOLLY, to spit [v]
gollops 17 14 GOLLOP, to gulp hast...
goloshe 15 12 an overshoe, also GA...
gombeen 14 16 (Irish) usury; chief...
gombros 16 15 GOMBRO, a soup thick...
gomeral 14 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gomerel 14 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gomeril 15 13 (Scots) a simpleton,...
gomokus 15 17 GOMOKU, (Japanese) a...
gomutis 15 13 GOMUTI, a Malayan pa...
gomutos 14 13 GOMUTO, a Malayan pa...
gonadal 12 12 pertaining to the go...
gonadic 15 14 pertaining to the go...
gonches 17 15 GONCH, underpants, a...
gondola 12 12 a long, narrow boat...
gonging 14 15 GONG, to summon by s...
gongyos 19 14 GONGYO, a Buddhist c...
gonidia 12 11 GONIDIUM, an algal c...
gonidic 16 14 pertaining to gonidi...
goniffs 17 16 GONIFF, a thief, als...
gonophs 16 15 GONOPH, a thief, als...
gonopod 13 14 either of a pair of...
gonyses 18 12 GONYS, the ridge alo...
goobers 14 12 GOOBER, (US) a peanu...
goobies 14 12 GOOBY, (New Zealand)...
goodbye 20 15 a remark or gesture...
goodbys 21 15 GOODBY, a remark or...
goodier 12 10 GOOD, having positiv...
goodies 12 10 GOODY, an archaic ti...
goodish 15 12 somewhat good [adj]
goodman 12 14 the master of a hous...
goodmen 12 14 GOODMAN, the master...
goofier 14 12 GOOFY, foolish, stup...
goofily 22 15 GOOFY, foolish, stup...
goofing 15 15 GOOF, to blunder [v]
googled 14 13 GOOGLE, to look for...
googles 14 12 GOOGLE, to look for...
googols 14 12 GOOGOL, the figure 1...
gooiest 12 9 GOOEY, sticky or vis...
gookier 13 13 GOOKY, sticky, messy...
gooleys 19 12 GOOLEY, (Australian)...
goolies 13 10 GOOLIE, (Australian)...
goombah 17 17 an older man who is...
goombay 21 17 calypso music of the...
goondas 11 11 GOONDA, (Hindi) a hi...
goonery 17 12 thuggish behaviour [...
gooneys 17 12 GOONEY, an albatross...
goonier 11 10 GOONY, stupid [adj]
goonies 11 10 GOONY, an albatross,...
goopier 14 12 GOOPY, sticky or goo...
goorals 13 10 GOORAL, an Indian go...
goories 12 9 GOORY, (New Zealand)...
gooroos 11 9 GOOROO, a Hindu spir...
goosery 18 11 a place for geese [n...
gooseys 18 11 GOOSEY, a goose, a b...
goosier 12 9 GOOSY, resembling a...
goosies 12 9 GOOSY, a goose, a bl...
goosing 13 12 GOOSE, to poke betwe...
gophers 17 14 GOPHER, to burrow, m...
gopuram 16 16 in South India, a py...
gopuras 15 13 GOPURA, in South Ind...
gorcock 20 19 the male red grouse...
gorcrow 19 15 (dialect) the carrio...
gordita 13 10 (Spanish) a small th...
gorgers 14 11 GORGER, one who gorg...
gorgets 14 11 GORGET, a piece of a...
gorgias 14 11 GORGIA, an improvise...
gorging 15 14 GORGE, to stuff with...
gorgios 14 11 GORGIO, (Romany) a n...
gorgons 13 12 GORGON, (Greek) a ve...
gorhens 14 12 GORHEN, the female r...
goriest 13 9 GORY, bloody, also G...
gorilla 15 11 a large ape [n -S]
gorings 14 12 GORING, a tapering i...
gormand 13 14 one who loves to eat...
gormier 14 12 GORMY, dauby, smeary...
gorming 15 15 GORM, to stare vacan...
gorping 16 15 GORP, to stare stupi...
gorsedd 13 11 (Welsh) an assembly...
gorsier 13 9 GORSY, covered with...
gorsoon 11 10 a boy or boy-servant...
goshawk 19 18 a large hawk [n -S]
goslets 14 10 GOSLET, a species of...
gosling 15 13 a young goose [n -S]
gospels 16 13 GOSPEL, to teach abo...
gospoda 14 13 (Russian) a Russian...
gosport 15 12 a communication devi...
gossans 12 10 GOSSAN, a type of de...
gossibs 16 12 GOSSIB, a gossip, so...
gossing 14 12 GOSS, (dialect) to s...
gossips 16 12 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
gossipy 22 14 inclined to gossip [...
gossoon 11 10 a boy or boy-servant...
gosters 13 9 GOSTER, (dialect) to...
gotchas 18 14 GOTCHA, an instance...
gotches 18 14 GOTCH, underpants, a...
gothics 19 14 GOTHIC, a style of p...
gothier 15 11 GOTHY, (colloquial)...
gothite 15 11 an ore of iron, also...
gouache 17 15 a method of painting...
gouched 18 16 GOUCH, (slang) to en...
gouches 18 15 GOUCH, (slang) to en...
gougere 13 12 a kind of choux past...
gougers 14 12 GOUGER, one that gou...
gouging 15 15 GOUGE, to cut or sco...
goujons 14 20 GOUJON, (French) a s...
goulash 16 13 a stew or ragout of...
gourami 14 13 a large East Indian...
gourdes 13 11 GOURDE, a monetary u...
gourmet 14 13 a connoisseur of fin...
goutfly 23 16 a fly whose lavae ca...
goutier 13 10 GOUTY, affected with...
goutily 21 13 GOUTY, affected with...
gouttes 13 10 GOUTTE, a drop [n]
governs 14 14 GOVERN, to rule or d...
gowaned 14 14 covered with gowans...
gowdest 16 13 GOWD, golden [adj]
gowfers 18 15 GOWFER, one that gol...
gowfing 19 18 GOWF, to play golf (...
gowland 16 15 (dialect) a name for...
gowlans 16 14 GOWLAN, (dialect) a...
gowling 18 16 GOWL, (Scots) to cry...
gownboy 23 18 a school foundatione...
gowning 16 16 GOWN, to dress in a...
gownman 15 17 one whose profession...
gownmen 15 17 GOWNMAN, one whose p...
gowpens 17 16 GOWPEN, the hollow o...
goyisch 25 16 like a goy, non-Jew,...
goyishe 21 13 like a goy, non-Jew,...
gozzans 18 28 GOZZAN, a type of de...
grabbed 17 16 GRAB, to grab sudden...
grabber 17 15 one who seizes or gr...
grabble 18 16 to grope, also GRUBB...
grabens 14 13 GRABEN, (German) a r...
gracile 17 13 gracefully slender [...
gracing 17 15 GRACE, to give beaut...
grackle 18 17 a kind of American b...
gradate 12 10 to change by degrees...
graddan 12 12 to parch in the husk...
gradely 20 13 decent, orderly, als...
graders 13 10 GRADER, a machine us...
gradine 12 11 one of a series of s...
grading 14 13 the act of arranging...
gradini 13 11 GRADINO, (Italian) a...
gradino 12 11 (Italian) a decorati...
gradins 13 11 GRADIN, anything lik...
gradual 14 12 happening by degrees...
graffed 17 16 GRAFF, to unite with...
grafted 15 13 GRAFT, to unite with...
grafter 15 12 one who grafts [n -S...
grahams 16 14 GRAHAM, bread made o...
grailes 14 10 GRAILE, gravel [n]
grained 12 11 GRAIN, to form into...
grainer 12 10 a person who grains;...
graines 12 10 GRAINE, silkworm egg...
graiths 16 11 GRAITH, (Scots) to d...
grakles 15 14 GRAKLE, a kind of Am...
gramary 20 14 occult learning or m...
gramash 16 14 a type of legging, a...
grammar 15 15 the study of the for...
grammas 15 15 GRAMMA, (Spanish) a...
grammes 15 15 GRAMME, a unit of ma...
grampas 16 15 GRAMPA, (colloquial)...
grampus 17 16 risso's dolphin; als...
granary 18 12 a storehouse for gra...
grandad 12 12 a grandfather, also...
grandam 13 14 (archaic) a grandmot...
grandee 11 11 a man of high rank [...
grander 12 11 GRAND, large and imp...
grandly 20 14 GRAND, large and imp...
grandma 13 14 a grandmother [n -S]
grandpa 14 14 a grandfather [n -S]
granfer 14 13 (dialect) a grandfat...
granger 13 12 a farm steward [n -S...
granges 13 12 GRANGE, a farmhouse...
granita 12 10 an ice confection ty...
granite 12 10 a highly felsic igne...
grannam 12 14 (archaic) a grandmot...
grannie 11 11 to defeat totally, a...
grannom 12 14 a type of caddis fly...
granola 12 11 (tradename) a type o...
granted 12 11 GRANT, to bestow upo...
grantee 11 10 one to whom somethin...
granter 12 10 the person by whom a...
grantor 12 10 the person by whom a...
granule 13 12 a little grain [n -S...
grapery 21 14 a building or inclos...
graphed 17 15 GRAPH, to represent...
graphic 21 17 of or pertaining to...
grapier 15 12 GRAPY, resembling gr...
graping 16 15 GRAPE, (Scots) to gr...
graples 16 13 GRAPLE, (Spenser) a...
graplin 16 14 a type of anchor, al...
grapnel 15 14 a small anchor used...
grappas 17 15 GRAPPA, an Italian b...
grapple 18 16 to struggle or conte...
grasped 15 13 GRASP, to seize firm...
grasper 15 12 one who grasps [n -S...
grassed 13 10 GRASS, to cover with...
grasser 13 9 (slang) a grass, an...
grasses 13 9 GRASS, to cover with...
grassum 15 13 in Scots law, a lump...
graters 13 9 GRATER, one that gra...
gratify 22 14 to satisfy [v GRATIF...
gratine 12 10 (French) cooked or s...
grating 14 12 rasping [adj GRATING...
gratins 13 10 GRATIN, (French) the...
graunch 18 16 to make a grinding n...
graupel 16 14 (German) precipitati...
gravels 16 14 GRAVEL, to pave with...
gravely 22 16 GRAVE, extremely ser...
gravers 15 13 GRAVER, an engraving...
gravest 15 13 GRAVE, extremely ser...
gravida 15 14 a pregnant woman [n...
gravies 15 13 GRAVY, a sauce of th...
graving 16 16 an engraving [n -S]
gravity 22 15 the force of attract...
gravlax 22 21 (Swedish) a Scandina...
gravure 15 14 any process of makin...
grayest 19 11 GRAY, between black...
grayfly 29 17 (Milton) an unidenti...
grayhen 20 14 the female of the bl...
graying 20 14 GRAY, to make grey [...
grayish 22 13 somewhat gray, also...
graylag 21 14 a species of wild go...
grayles 20 12 GRAYLE, (archaic) a...
grayout 19 12 temporary blurring o...
grazers 16 18 GRAZER, an animal th...
grazier 16 18 one who pastures cat...
grazing 17 21 land used for feedin...
greased 12 10 GREASE, to smear wit...
greaser 12 9 one who, or that whi...
greases 12 9 GREASE, to smear wit...
greaten 11 10 to make great [v -ED...
greater 12 9 GREAT, large, exalte...
greatly 20 12 GREAT, large, exalte...
greaved 14 14 GREAVE, to feel grie...
greaves 14 13 GREAVE, to feel grie...
grecian 15 13 a step, also GRECE,...
grecise 16 12 to provide with a Gr...
grecize 19 21 to provide with a Gr...
grecque 24 22 (French) a fret patt...
greeces 15 12 GREECE, a step, also...
greeing 13 12 GREE, (archaic) to a...
greeked 13 14 of text, represented...
greened 11 11 GREEN, to become gre...
greener 11 10 a newly-arrived immi...
greenie 11 10 (colloquial) a pound...
greenly 19 13 GREEN, of the colour...
greenth 14 12 the state of being g...
greeses 12 9 GREESE, a flight of...
greeted 12 10 GREET, to address in...
greeter 12 9 one who greets anoth...
greetes 12 9 GREETE, (Spenser) to...
gregale 14 12 (Italian) a northeas...
greging 15 14 GREGE, (obsolete) to...
greiges 14 11 GREIGE, an unfinishe...
greined 12 11 GREIN, (Scots) to lo...
greisen 12 10 (German) a rock comp...
greisly 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
gremial 15 13 a cloth laid on a bi...
gremlin 15 14 a goblin accused of...
gremmie 15 15 an inexperienced sur...
grenade 11 11 a small explosive sh...
grenned 11 12 GREN, (Spenser) to g...
grewing 17 15 GREW, to shudder, to...
greyest 19 11 GREY, between black...
greyhen 20 14 the female of the bl...
greying 20 14 the process of greyi...
greyish 22 13 somewhat grey [adj]
greylag 21 14 a species of wild go...
gribble 19 16 a small crustacean w...
gricers 17 12 GRICER, a train-spot...
gricing 18 15 train-spotting as a...
gridded 14 12 GRID, to set out in...
gridder 14 11 (US) an American foo...
griddle 15 12 to cook on a flat pa...
griding 15 13 GRIDE, to pierce; to...
grieced 16 13 in heraldry, placed...
grieces 16 12 GRIECE, a flight of...
griefer 15 12 an onliner game play...
griesie 13 9 (Spenser) grey, also...
griesly 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
grieved 15 14 GRIEVE, to feel grie...
griever 15 13 one who grieves [n -...
grieves 15 13 GRIEVE, to feel grie...
griffes 18 15 GRIFFE, a claw-shape...
griffin 18 16 an imaginary animal...
griffon 17 16 a dog like a coarse-...
grifted 16 13 GRIFT, (US) to swind...
grifter 16 12 (US) a swindler [n -...
grigged 16 14 GRIG, to fish for gr...
grigris 16 11 GRIGRI, an African c...
grilled 16 12 GRILL, to broil on a...
griller 16 11 a person who or thin...
grilles 16 11 GRILLE, a lattice, g...
grilses 15 10 GRILSE, a young salm...
grimace 17 15 to contort the facia...
grimier 15 12 GRIMY, dirty, covere...
grimily 23 15 GRIMY, dirty, covere...
griming 16 15 GRIME, to make dirty...
grimmer 16 15 GRIM, stern and unre...
grinded 13 12 GRIND, to wear, smoo...
grinder 13 11 one who, or that whi...
gringas 14 12 GRINGA, a female for...
gringos 14 12 GRINGO, a male forei...
grinned 12 12 GRIN, to smile broad...
grinner 12 11 one who grins [n -S]
gripers 16 12 GRIPER, one who grip...
gripier 16 12 GRIPEY, causing shar...
griping 17 15 the act of grumbling...
gripman 16 16 a cable car operator...
gripmen 16 16 GRIPMAN, a cable car...
gripped 18 16 GRIP, to take hold o...
gripper 18 15 one who, or that whi...
grippes 18 15 GRIPPE, an old term...
gripple 19 16 greedy, grasping, al...
grisely 21 12 (Spenser) grisly, al...
grising 15 12 GRISE, to shudder at...
griskin 15 14 the lean part of a l...
grisled 15 11 grizzled [adj]
grisons 13 10 GRISON, a carnivorou...
grister 14 9 a device for grindin...
gristle 15 10 the tough part of me...
gristly 22 12 containing gristle [...
gritted 14 10 GRIT, to press the t...
gritter 14 9 a vehicle for spread...
grivets 16 13 GRIVET, a long-taile...
grizzle 21 28 to become grey-haire...
grizzly 28 30 greyish [adj GRIZZLI...
groaned 11 11 GROAN, to utter a lo...
groaner 11 10 one who groans [n -S...
grocers 16 12 GROCER, a dealer in...
grocery 22 14 a grocer's store [n...
grocked 17 17 GROK, (colloquial) t...
grockle 18 17 a tourist or incomer...
grodier 13 10 GRODY, (US slang) sl...
grogged 15 14 GROG, to extract the...
grogram 15 14 a coarse loosely wov...
groined 12 11 GROIN, to build with...
groking 15 16 GROK, (colloquial) t...
grokked 15 18 GROK, (colloquial) t...
gromets 14 12 GROMET, a reinforcin...
grommet 15 15 a reinforcing ring o...
groning 13 13 GRONE, to utter a lo...
groomed 13 13 GROOM, to clean and...
groomer 13 12 one that grooms [n -...
grooved 14 14 GROOVE, to form a gr...
groover 14 13 one who or that whic...
grooves 14 13 GROOVE, to form a gr...
gropers 15 12 GROPER, one who grop...
groping 16 15 GROPE, to feel about...
grosers 13 9 GROSER, (Scots) a go...
grosert 13 9 (Scots) a gooseberry...
grosets 13 9 GROSET, (Scots) a go...
grossed 13 10 GROSS, to earn exclu...
grosser 13 9 a product that yield...
grosses 13 9 GROSS, to earn exclu...
grossly 21 12 GROSS, flagrant [adv...
grottos 13 9 GROTTO, a cave [n]
grouchy 25 17 ill-tempered [adj GR...
groughs 17 14 GROUGH, a deep gully...
grounds 13 12 GROUND, to place on...
grouped 15 14 GROUP, to arrange in...
grouper 15 13 one of several speci...
groupie 15 13 a female follower of...
groused 13 11 GROUSE, to complain...
grouser 13 10 one who grouses [n -...
grouses 13 10 GROUSE, to complain...
grouted 13 11 GROUT, to fill a cra...
grouter 13 10 an instrument or too...
grovels 16 14 GROVEL, to crawl in...
grovets 15 13 GROVET, a wrestling...
grovier 15 13 GROVY, like a grove...
growers 16 12 GROWER, one that gro...
growing 17 15 increasing [adj GROW...
growled 17 14 GROWL, to utter a de...
growler 17 13 one who growls; a sm...
grownup 18 17 a mature person [n -...
growths 19 14 GROWTH, development...
growthy 25 16 exceptionally fast i...
groynes 18 12 GROYNE, a breakwater...
grozing 17 21 as in grozing iron,...
grubbed 18 17 GRUB, to dig around...
grubber 18 16 an implement for gru...
grubble 19 17 to grope, also GRABB...
grudged 15 14 GRUDGE, to be unwill...
grudger 15 13 one who grudges [n -...
grudges 15 13 GRUDGE, to be unwill...
grueing 14 13 GRUE, to shudder, fe...
grueled 14 12 GRUEL, to disable by...
grueler 14 11 one that gruels, als...
gruffed 18 17 GRUFF, to utter in a...
gruffer 18 16 GRUFF, low and harsh...
gruffly 26 19 GRUFF, low and harsh...
grufted 16 14 (dialect) dirty; beg...
grugrus 16 13 GRUGRU, (Carib) a We...
grumble 18 17 to mutter in discont...
grumbly 25 19 muttering in discont...
grummer 16 16 GRUM, glum, morose [...
grummet 16 16 a reinforcing ring o...
grumose 14 13 consisting of cluste...
grumous 15 14 consisting of cluste...
grumped 17 17 GRUMP, to grumble [v...
grumphs 20 18 GRUMPH, to grunt [v]
grumphy 26 20 a pig, also GRUMPHIE...
grundle 14 13 (US slang) the perin...
grunger 14 13 a fan of a style of...
grunges 14 13 GRUNGE, dirt, grime...
grungey 20 15 dirty, messy; unattr...
grunion 12 12 a small Californian...
grunted 13 12 GRUNT, to utter a de...
grunter 13 11 one who, or that whi...
gruntle 14 12 to put in good humou...
grushie 16 12 (Scots) healthy, thr...
grutten 13 11 GREET, to address in...
gruyere 19 12 (French) a kind of c...
gryding 21 15 GRYDE, to scrape har...
gryfons 21 15 GRYFON, a fabled ani...
gryphon 23 17 a fabled animal part...
grysbok 23 18 a small South Africa...
grysely 27 14 (Spenser) grisly, al...
guaiacs 16 13 GUAIAC, a medicinal...
guanaco 14 14 a South American mam...
guanase 11 11 an enzyme [n -S]
guanays 18 13 GUANAY, a Peruvian c...
guangos 13 13 GUANGO, the rain tre...
guanine 11 12 a yellowish-white, a...
guanins 12 12 GUANIN, a yellowish-...
guanxis 19 18 GUANXI, a Chinese so...
guarana 11 11 a caffeine-rich drin...
guarani 12 11 a monetary unit of P...
guarded 13 12 GUARD, to protect [v...
guardee 12 11 a guardsman [n -S]
guarder 13 11 one who guards [n -S...
guarish 16 12 (obsolete) to cure,...
guayule 20 14 a silver-leaved shru...
gubbahs 20 18 GUBBAH, (Native Aust...
gubbing 19 19 GUB, to strike on th...
gubbins 18 17 (colloquial) a trivi...
guckier 18 17 GUCKY, slimy, mucky...
guddled 15 14 GUDDLE, to catch fis...
guddles 15 13 GUDDLE, to catch fis...
gudeman 13 15 the master of a hous...
gudemen 13 15 GUDEMAN, the master...
gudgeon 13 14 to defraud, dupe [v...
guelder 14 12 as in guelder rose,...
guenons 11 12 GUENON, a long-taile...
guerdon 12 12 a reward, a recompen...
guereza 15 19 a large, long-haired...
guerite 13 10 (French) a projectin...
guessed 13 11 GUESS, to form an op...
guesser 13 10 one who guesses [n -...
guesses 13 10 GUESS, to form an op...
guested 13 11 GUEST, to appear as...
guesten 12 11 (obsolete) to stay a...
guffaws 21 19 GUFFAW, to laugh lou...
guffies 18 16 GUFFIE, (Scots) a pi...
guggled 17 16 GUGGLE, to gurgle [v...
guggles 17 15 GUGGLE, to gurgle [v...
guglets 16 13 GUGLET, a porous ear...
guichet 19 15 (French) a ticket wi...
guidage 14 13 (obsolete) the rewar...
guiders 14 11 GUIDER, a member of...
guiding 15 14 the act of guiding [...
guidons 13 12 GUIDON, a small flag...
guilder 15 12 a monetary unit of t...
guildry 22 14 membership of a guil...
guilers 15 11 GUILER, (Spenser) a...
guiling 16 14 GUILE, to beguile, a...
guilted 15 12 GUILT, to cause some...
guimped 17 17 GUIMP, to trim with...
guimpes 17 16 GUIMPE, (French) a w...
guineas 12 11 GUINEA, a former Bri...
guineps 15 14 GUINEP, (Tupi) a tro...
guipure 16 14 a kind of lace havin...
guisard 14 11 a person in disguise...
guisers 14 10 GUISER, a person in...
guising 15 13 (Scots) a survival o...
guitars 14 10 GUITAR, a fretted mu...
guizers 17 19 GUIZER, a person in...
gulched 20 17 GULCH, to swallow gr...
gulches 20 16 GULCH, to swallow gr...
guldens 14 13 GULDEN, a monetary u...
gulfier 17 14 GULFY, full of whirl...
gulfing 18 17 GULF, to swallow up...
gullers 16 12 GULLER, someone who...
gullery 22 14 a deception [n GULLE...
gullets 16 12 GULLET, the throat [...
gulleys 22 14 GULLEY, to wear a ch...
gullied 16 13 GULLY, to form ravin...
gullies 16 12 GULLY, to form ravin...
gulling 17 15 GULL, to dupe, decei...
gullish 19 14 foolish; stupid [adj...
gulpers 17 14 GULPER, one who gulp...
gulpier 17 14 GULPY, marked by gul...
gulping 18 17 GULP, to swallow rap...
gumball 19 18 a small ball of chew...
gumboil 18 17 an abscess in the gu...
gumboot 16 16 a rubber boot [n -S]
gumdrop 17 17 a type of chewy cand...
gumless 16 14 having no gum [adj]
gumlike 17 18 resembling gum [adj]
gumline 15 15 the edge of the gums...
gummata 15 16 GUMMA, a syphilitic...
gummers 16 16 GUMMER, one that gum...
gummier 16 16 GUMMY, resembling gu...
gummies 16 16 GUMMY, a kind of sma...
gummily 24 19 GUMMY, resembling gu...
gumming 17 19 the use of gum [n -S...
gummite 16 16 a hydrated oxide of...
gummose 15 16 gumlike, or composed...
gummous 16 17 gumlike, or composed...
gumnuts 15 15 GUMNUT, the woody fr...
gumping 18 19 GUMP, to catch fish...
gumshoe 16 15 to investigate steal...
gumtree 14 13 a tree that exudes g...
gumweed 17 17 a plant covered with...
gumwood 17 17 the wood of a gumtre...
gunboat 14 14 an armed vessel [n -...
gundies 13 12 GUNDY, (Scots) a tof...
gundogs 14 14 GUNDOG, a dog traine...
gunfire 15 14 the firing of guns [...
gungier 14 13 GUNGY, sticky and me...
gunging 15 16 GUNGE, to block or c...
gunites 13 11 GUNITE, a fine grain...
gunkier 14 15 GUNKY, covered in gu...
gunking 15 18 GUNK, to cause somet...
gunless 14 12 having no gun [adj]
gunlock 18 19 the mechanism which...
gunnage 12 14 a total of guns on a...
gunnels 13 13 GUNNEL, a small eell...
gunnera 11 12 a large-leaved ornam...
gunners 12 12 GUNNER, one that ope...
gunnery 18 14 the use of guns [n G...
gunnies 12 12 GUNNY, a coarse jute...
gunning 13 15 the sport of hunting...
gunplay 22 17 the shooting of guns...
gunport 15 14 a porthole for a gun...
gunroom 13 14 a room on a British...
gunsels 14 12 GUNSEL, (US slang) a...
gunship 18 16 an armed helicopter...
gunshot 15 13 a projectile fired f...
gunters 13 11 GUNTER, a topmast ar...
gunwale 16 15 the upper edge of a...
gunyahs 21 15 GUNYAH, (Native Aust...
guppies 18 16 GUPPY, a small brigh...
guramis 15 13 GURAMI, a large fres...
gurdies 14 11 GURDY, a winch on a...
gurging 16 15 GURGE, to swirl [v]
gurgled 16 14 GURGLE, to flow unev...
gurgles 16 13 GURGLE, to flow unev...
gurglet 16 13 a porous earthen jar...
gurjuns 16 21 GURJUN, a thin balsa...
gurlets 15 11 GURLET, a pickaxe wi...
gurlier 15 11 GURLY, grim [adj]
gurling 16 14 GURL, (Scots) to gro...
gurnard 13 12 a marine fish with a...
gurnets 13 11 GURNET, a marine fis...
gurneys 19 13 GURNEY, a wheeled st...
gurning 14 14 GURN, to grin, make...
gurrahs 16 12 GURRAH, a coarse Ind...
gurrier 14 10 in Dublin, a low-cla...
gurries 14 10 GURRY, fish offal [n...
gurshes 16 12 GURSH, a monetary un...
gurudom 15 15 the state of being a...
guruism 16 14 the state of being a...
gushers 16 12 GUSHER, a gushing oi...
gushier 16 12 GUSHY, overly sentim...
gushily 24 15 GUSHY, overly sentim...
gushing 17 15 GUSH, to flow forth...
guslars 15 11 GUSLAR, a performer...
gussets 14 10 GUSSET, to furnish w...
gussied 14 11 GUSSIE, to dress up...
gussies 14 10 GUSSIE, to dress up...
gustful 18 15 (archaic) savoury [a...
gustier 14 10 GUSTY, blowing in gu...
gustily 22 13 GUSTY, blowing in gu...
gusting 15 13 GUST, to blow in gus...
gustoes 13 10 GUSTO, vigorous enjo...
gutcher 19 15 a grandfather, also...
gutfuls 18 15 GUTFUL, (colloquial)...
gutless 15 11 lacking courage [adj...
gutlike 16 15 resembling guts [adj...
gutrots 14 10 GUTROT, (colloquial)...
gutsers 14 10 GUTSER, a greedy per...
gutsful 18 15 one's fill, more tha...
gutsier 14 10 GUTSY, (colloquial)...
gutsily 22 13 GUTSY, (colloquial)...
gutsing 15 13 GUTS, to eat greedil...
guttate 13 10 to exude liquid [v G...
gutters 14 10 GUTTER, to form chan...
guttery 20 12 marked by vulgarity...
guttier 14 10 GUTTY, marked by cou...
gutties 14 10 GUTTY, a solid gutta...
gutting 15 13 GUT, to remove the g...
guttled 15 12 GUTTLE, to eat rapid...
guttler 15 11 a greedy eater; a gl...
guttles 15 11 GUTTLE, to eat rapid...
gutzers 17 19 GUTZER, a greedy per...
guylers 21 13 GUYLER, a deceiver,...
guyline 20 14 a wire used to suppo...
guyling 22 16 GUYLE, (Spenser) to...
guzzled 21 30 GUZZLE, to drink rap...
guzzler 21 29 an immoderate eater...
guzzles 21 29 GUZZLE, to drink rap...
gweduck 21 21 a large edible clam,...
gweducs 20 17 GWEDUC, a large edib...
gwiniad 16 14 a fish of North Wale...
gwyniad 22 16 a fish of North Wale...
gymbals 24 18 GYMBAL, a contrivanc...
gymmals 23 18 GYMMAL, a ring that...
gymnast 20 15 one who is skilled i...
gympies 23 17 GYMPIE, (Native Aust...
gymping 24 20 GYMP, to trim with g...
gymslip 25 18 a schoolgirl's belte...
gymsuit 22 15 a costume worn for g...
gynecia 21 15 GYNECIUM, the pistil...
gynecic 25 18 relating to a gyneci...
gynneys 24 15 GYNNEY, (Shakespeare...
gynnies 18 13 GYNNY, (Shakespeare)...
gyplure 23 16 a synthetic attracta...
gyppers 24 17 GYPPER, one that gyp...
gyppies 24 17 GYPPIE, a gypsy (off...
gypping 25 20 GYP, to swindle, als...
gypsied 22 15 GYPSY, to live like...
gypsies 22 14 GYPSY, to live like...
gypster 22 14 one that gyps, cheat...
gypsums 24 18 GYPSUM, hydrated cal...
gyrally 28 15 GYRAL, moving in a c...
gyrases 19 11 GYRASE, an enzyme ca...
gyrated 19 12 GYRATE, to revolve o...
gyrates 19 11 GYRATE, to revolve o...
gyrator 19 11 one who gyrates [n -...
gyrenes 18 12 GYRENE, (archaic) a...
gyrocar 22 14 a monorail car balan...
gyronic 22 15 in the shape of a gy...
gyronny 24 15 in the shape of a gy...
gyruses 20 12 GYRUS, a ridge in th...
gytrash 22 13 (dialect) a ghost or...
gyttjas 22 20 GYTTJA, an organical...