7 letter words that starts with l

7 letter words that start with L

7 letter L word


Word With Friends


laagers 13 10 LAAGER, to form a de...
labarum 16 15 (Latin) a moral stan...
labeled 15 13 LABEL, to attach a t...
labeler 15 12 one that labels, als...
labella 16 13 LABELLUM, the lower...
labials 16 12 LABIAL, a sound pron...
labiate 14 11 a plant with liplike...
labises 15 11 LABIS, the eucharist...
lablabs 18 15 LABLAB, a tropical b...
labored 14 12 LABOR, to work, also...
laborer 14 11 one who labors, also...
labours 15 12 LABOUR, to work, als...
labrets 15 11 LABRET, an ornament...
labrids 16 12 LABRID, a member of...
labroid 15 12 a member of the wras...
labrose 14 11 having thick or larg...
labrums 17 15 LABRUM, a liplike st...
laciest 16 11 LACEY, resembling la...
lacings 17 14 LACING, a contrastin...
lacinia 15 12 a long narrow lobe i...
lackers 17 15 LACKER, to coat with...
lackeys 23 17 LACKEY, to serve in...
lacking 18 18 LACK, to be without...
laconic 18 15 brief with words, al...
lacquer 24 21 to coat with a gloss...
lacquey 30 23 to serve in a servil...
lactams 17 14 LACTAM, one of a ser...
lactary 22 13 milky; full of white...
lactase 15 11 an enzyme that acts...
lactate 15 11 to secrete milk [v L...
lacteal 16 12 pertaining to milk,...
lactean 14 12 milky; consisting of...
lactone 14 12 a cyclic ester [n -S...
lactose 15 11 a lactic sugar [n -S...
lacunae 14 13 LACUNA, an empty spa...
lacunal 16 14 relating to a lacuna...
lacunar 15 13 a sunken panel or co...
lacunas 15 13 LACUNA, an empty spa...
lacunes 15 13 LACUNE, an empty spa...
ladanum 13 14 a gum resin gathered...
ladders 13 10 LADDER, to cause a r...
laddery 19 12 having a ladder [adj...
laddier 13 10 LADDY, laddish in be...
laddies 13 10 LADDIE, a lad [n]
laddish 16 12 like rowdy boisterou...
laddism 15 13 a culture of laddish...
ladened 11 11 LADEN, to load with...
ladette 12 9 a lively woman who b...
ladhood 14 12 the state of being a...
ladings 14 12 LADING, cargo or fre...
ladinos 12 10 LADINO, a fast-growi...
ladlers 14 10 LADLER, one who ladl...
ladling 15 13 LADLE, to serve with...
ladrone 11 10 (archaic) a robber;...
ladrons 12 10 LADRON, (Spanish) a...
ladyboy 27 16 a transvestite [n -S...
ladybug 23 17 a small beetle, also...
ladycow 25 17 a small beetle, also...
ladyfly 29 17 a small beetle, also...
ladyish 22 13 somewhat like a lady...
ladyism 21 14 the affectation of t...
ladykin 20 16 (archaic) a little l...
laering 13 11 LAER, to make a defe...
laetare 11 8 the fourth Sunday in...
lagenas 12 11 LAGENA, a narrow-nec...
lagends 13 12 LAGEND, goods thrown...
lagered 13 11 LAGER, to form a def...
laggard 15 13 lagging behind [adj...
laggens 14 13 LAGGEN, the angle be...
laggers 15 12 LAGGER, one who lags...
lagging 16 15 an insulating materi...
laggins 15 13 LAGGIN, the angle be...
lagoons 12 11 LAGOON, a shallow bo...
lagunas 13 12 LAGUNA, a shallow bo...
lagunes 13 12 LAGUNE, a shallow bo...
laicise 16 11 to free from clerica...
laicism 18 14 a political system f...
laicity 23 13 the state of being l...
laicize 19 20 to free from clerica...
laiding 14 12 LAID, (Scots) to loa...
laigher 16 12 LAIGH, (Scots) low,...
laikers 14 12 LAIKER, one who spor...
laiking 15 15 LAIK, (Scots) to spo...
laipsed 15 12 LAIPSE, (dialect) to...
laipses 15 11 LAIPSE, (dialect) to...
lairage 13 10 cattle housing [n -S...
lairdly 21 12 like a laird [adj LA...
lairier 13 8 LAIRY, flashily dres...
lairing 14 11 LAIR, to go to a lai...
lairise 13 8 to act like a flashy...
lairize 16 17 to act like a flashy...
laisses 13 8 LAISSE, (French) a t...
laithly 23 13 LAITH, (Scots) loth,...
laities 13 8 LAITY, the non-cleri...
lakebed 15 16 the floor of a lake...
lakelet 14 13 a little lake [n -S]
lakiest 14 12 LAKY, full of lakes...
lakings 15 15 LAKING, the reddenin...
lalangs 14 12 LALANG, a coarse gra...
laldies 14 10 LALDIE, (Scots) a be...
lalique 22 19 a style of cut glass...
lalland 14 12 (Scots) lowland, als...
lallans 14 11 LALLAN, (Scots) lowl...
lalling 16 13 babbling [n -S]
lambada 15 15 a rhythmic energetic...
lambast 16 14 to beat severely, al...
lambdas 16 15 LAMBDA, (Greek) the...
lambent 15 15 flickering like a fl...
lambers 16 14 LAMBER, a ewe that i...
lambert 16 14 a unit of brightness...
lambier 16 14 LAMBY, resembling a...
lambies 16 14 LAMBIE, a small lamb...
lambing 17 17 giving birth to a la...
lambkin 17 19 a small lamb, also L...
lamboys 22 16 (archaic) kilted fle...
lamedhs 16 14 LAMEDH, (Hebrew) a H...
lamella 15 13 a thin plate or laye...
laments 13 12 LAMENT, to cry out i...
lameter 13 11 a cripple, also LAMI...
lamiger 15 13 a cripple, also LAME...
laminae 12 12 LAMINA, a thin plate...
laminal 14 13 relating to a lamina...
laminar 13 12 pertaining to a lami...
laminas 13 12 LAMINA, a thin plate...
laminin 13 13 a glycoprotein [n -S...
lamiter 14 11 a cripple, also LAME...
lammers 15 14 LAMMER, (Scots) ambe...
lammies 15 14 LAMMIE, a thick quil...
lamming 16 17 a thrashing [n -S]
lampads 16 15 LAMPAD, a candlestic...
lampern 15 15 a primitive fish-lik...
lampers 16 14 inflammation of the...
lamping 17 17 the hunting of rabbi...
lampion 15 15 an oil lamp, often i...
lamplit 18 15 lit by lamps [adj]
lampoon 14 15 to ridicule by perso...
lamprey 22 16 a primitive fish-lik...
lampuka 17 19 (Maltese) an edible...
lampuki 18 19 (Maltese) an edible...
lamster 14 11 a fugitive, also LAM...
lanated 11 10 having or consisting...
lancers 15 12 LANCER, a cavalryman...
lancets 15 12 LANCET, a narrow, po...
lanched 17 15 LANCH, to throw, as...
lanches 17 14 LANCH, to throw, as...
lancing 16 15 LANCE, to pierce wit...
landaus 12 11 LANDAU, (German) a h...
landers 12 10 LANDER, one who land...
landing 13 13 a place to disembark...
landler 13 11 a slow Austrian danc...
landman 12 14 a man who lives and...
landmen 12 14 LANDSMAN, a man who...
laneway 20 14 a narrow passageway,...
langaha 14 13 a colubriform snake...
langars 13 11 LANGAR, a dining hal...
langers 13 11 LANGER, (Irish slang...
langest 13 11 LANG, (Scots) long [...
langley 20 14 a unit of illuminati...
langrel 14 12 a shot consisting of...
langued 13 13 of a heraldic beast,...
langues 13 12 LANGUE, (French) a l...
languet 13 12 (French) a tonguelik...
languid 14 13 lacking vitality [ad...
languor 13 12 listlessness, wearin...
langurs 14 12 LANGUR, a long-taile...
laniard 12 10 a fastening rope on...
laniary 18 11 a pointed conical to...
lanital 13 10 a woollike fibre [n...
lankest 13 13 LANK, long and thin...
lankier 13 13 LANKY, tall and thin...
lankily 21 16 LANKY, tall and thin...
lanking 14 16 LANK, to become limp...
lanners 11 10 LANNER, a kind of fa...
lanolin 12 11 a fatty substance ob...
lantana 10 10 a tropical shrub of...
lantern 11 10 a lamp or light in a...
lanugos 13 12 LANUGO, (Latin) a wo...
lanyard 18 12 a fastening rope on...
laogais 13 10 LAOGAI, the system o...
lapdogs 16 14 LAPDOG, a small dog...
lapeled 15 13 having lapels, also...
lapfuls 19 16 LAPFUL, as much as a...
lapheld 18 15 pertaining to a smal...
lapides 15 12 LAPIS, (Latin) a sto...
lapilli 18 13 LAPILLUS, a small st...
lapises 15 11 LAPIS, (Latin) a sto...
lappels 18 15 LAPPEL, an extension...
lappers 17 14 LAPPER, (Scots) to c...
lappets 17 14 LAPPET, a fold or fl...
lappies 17 14 LAPPIE, (Afrikaans)...
lapping 18 17 the act of lapping [...
lapsang 15 14 (Chinese) a variety...
lapsers 15 11 LAPSER, one who laps...
lapsing 16 14 LAPSE, to pass into...
laptops 17 14 LAPTOP, a small comp...
laptray 21 13 a tray with a cushio...
lapwing 19 17 a bird of the plover...
lapwork 19 18 work in which one pa...
larceny 21 14 theft of personal pr...
larchen 17 14 of or pertaining to...
larches 18 13 LARCH, any tree of t...
larders 13 9 LARDER, a place wher...
lardier 13 9 LARDY, like lard [ad...
larding 14 12 LARD, to smear with...
lardons 12 10 LARDON, a strip of b...
lardoon 11 10 a strip of bacon, al...
largely 21 13 LARGE, great in size...
largens 13 11 LARGEN, to enlarge,...
largess 14 10 generosity, also LAR...
largest 14 10 LARGE, great in size...
largish 17 12 somewhat large [adj]
lariats 13 8 LARIAT, to catch wit...
larigan 13 11 a type of leather bo...
larkers 14 12 LARKER, a catcher of...
larkier 14 12 LARKY, given to lark...
larking 15 15 LARK, to behave play...
larkish 17 14 given to larking, al...
larmier 14 11 (French) a corona or...
larneys 18 11 LARNEY, (South Afric...
larnier 12 9 LARNEY, of clothes,...
larning 13 12 LARN, (dialect) to l...
larrups 16 12 LARRUP, to flog or t...
larvate 14 12 masked, also LARVATE...
lasagna 12 11 an Italian baked pas...
lasagne 12 11 an Italian baked pas...
lascars 16 11 LASCAR, an East Indi...
lasered 12 9 LASER, to treat with...
lashers 15 10 LASHER, a rope for b...
lashing 16 13 the act of lashing [...
lashins 15 11 (colloquial) an abun...
lashkar 16 14 an East Indian sailo...
lasings 14 11 LASING, the act of u...
laskets 14 12 LASKET, a loop at th...
lasques 21 18 LASQUE, a thin, flat...
lassies 13 8 LASSIE, (Scots) a gi...
lassock 17 15 (Scots) a little las...
lassoed 12 9 LASSO, to catch with...
lassoer 12 8 one who uses a lasso...
lassoes 12 8 LASSO, to catch with...
lastage 13 10 a duty formerly paid...
lasters 13 8 LASTER, a worker who...
lasting 14 11 remaining effective...
latakia 13 12 a superior quality o...
latched 18 14 LATCH, to close a ga...
latches 18 13 LATCH, to close a ga...
latchet 18 13 a thong used to fast...
lateens 11 9 LATEEN, a triangular...
latence 14 12 the state of being l...
latency 21 14 the state of being p...
latened 11 10 LATEN, to make or gr...
latents 12 9 LATENT, a barely vis...
laterad 12 9 toward the side [adv...
lateral 13 9 sideways [adj LATERA...
latests 13 8 LATEST, the most rec...
latexes 18 15 LATEX, the milky jui...
lathees 14 10 LATHEE, (Hindi) in I...
lathers 15 10 LATHER, to cover wit...
lathery 21 12 covered with lather...
lathier 15 10 LATHY, like a lath;...
lathing 16 13 work made by using l...
latices 16 11 LATEX, the milky jui...
latigos 14 10 LATIGO, a strap used...
latilla 15 10 a peeled limb used i...
latinas 12 9 LATINA, a female Lat...
latinos 12 9 LATINO, (Spanish) a...
latitat 13 8 (Latin) a writ based...
latosol 13 9 a tropical soil [n -...
latrant 12 9 barking, snarling [a...
latrias 13 8 LATRIA, (Latin) in R...
latrine 12 9 a type of toilet [n...
latrons 12 9 LATRON, (obsolete) a...
lattens 12 9 LATTEN, metal in thi...
latters 13 8 LATTER, the second m...
lattice 16 11 to form a network of...
lattins 13 9 LATTIN, metal in thi...
lauders 13 10 LAUDER, one who laud...
lauding 14 13 LAUD, to praise [v]
laughed 16 14 LAUGH, to express mi...
laugher 16 13 one who laughs [n -S...
launced 15 14 LAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
launces 15 13 LAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
launder 12 11 to wash clothes [v -...
laundry 19 13 a place where clothe...
laurels 14 10 LAUREL, to crown wit...
lauryls 21 12 LAURYL, a radical in...
lauwine 15 13 (German) an avalanch...
lavabos 16 15 LAVABO, a fixed basi...
lavages 15 14 LAVAGE, the irrigati...
laveers 14 12 LAVEER, (archaic) to...
lavolta 15 13 a lively dance for c...
lavolts 16 13 LAVOLT, to dance wit...
lavrock 19 19 (Scots) a skylark, a...
lavvies 17 16 LAVVY, (colloquial)...
lawbook 18 18 a book containing la...
lawfare 17 14 the practice of usin...
lawines 15 12 LAWINE, (German) an...
lawings 17 14 LAWING, a bill for f...
lawland 16 14 (Scots) lowland, als...
lawless 17 12 having no laws [adj...
lawlike 18 16 being like the law [...
lawnier 15 12 LAWNY, covered with...
lawning 16 15 LAWN, to turn into l...
lawsuit 17 12 a legal action [n -S...
lawyers 22 13 LAWYER, to work as a...
laxator 18 15 a muscle that relaxe...
laxisms 21 18 LAXISM, the belief t...
laxists 20 15 LAXIST, a person wit...
laxness 18 16 the state of being l...
layaway 27 15 an item that has bee...
layback 25 20 in climbing, a metho...
laydeez 21 20 a jocular word for l...
layered 18 11 LAYER, to form a lay...
layette 18 10 clothing or equipmen...
layings 20 13 LAYING, the first co...
laylock 24 18 (obsolete) lilac [n...
layoffs 23 16 LAYOFF, the suspensi...
layouts 19 11 LAYOUT, an arrangeme...
layover 20 14 a stopover [n -S]
laytime 20 13 the total time allow...
lazaret 15 17 (Italian) a hospital...
laziest 16 17 LAZY, disinclined to...
lazoing 16 20 LAZO, to catch with...
lazulis 18 19 LAZULI, a beautiful...
lazying 23 22 LAZY, to move or lie...
lazyish 25 21 somewhat lazy [adj]
leached 17 14 LEACH, to allow a li...
leacher 17 13 one who leaches [n -...
leaches 17 13 LEACH, to allow a li...
leadens 11 10 LEADEN, to make lead...
leaders 12 9 LEADER, one that lea...
leadier 12 9 LEADY, resembling le...
leading 13 12 in first position [a...
leadman 12 13 a worker in charge o...
leadmen 12 13 LEADMAN, a worker in...
leadoff 16 15 an opening play or m...
leafage 14 13 foliage, also LEAFER...
leafbud 17 16 a bud which produces...
leafery 20 13 foliage, also LEAFAG...
leafier 14 11 LEAFY, abounding in...
leafing 15 14 LEAF, to turn pages...
leaflet 15 12 to distribute printe...
leagued 13 12 LEAGUE, to come toge...
leaguer 13 11 to besiege [v -ED, -...
leagues 13 11 LEAGUE, to come toge...
leakage 13 14 the act or an instan...
leakers 13 12 LEAKER, something th...
leakier 13 12 LEAKY, inclined to l...
leakily 21 15 LEAKY, inclined to l...
leaking 14 15 LEAK, to seep throug...
lealest 13 9 LEAL, (Scots) loyal...
leaming 14 14 LEAM, (archaic) to g...
leaners 11 9 LEANER, one that lea...
leanest 11 9 LEAN, having little...
leaning 12 12 a tendency [n -S]
leapers 14 11 LEAPER, one who leap...
leaping 15 14 LEAP, to spring off...
learier 12 8 LEARY, cunning, wary...
learing 13 11 LEARE, (Scots) to te...
learned 11 10 LEARN, to be informe...
learner 11 9 one that learns [n -...
leasers 12 8 LEASER, one who leas...
leashed 14 11 LEASH, to hold by a...
leashes 14 10 LEASH, to hold by a...
leasing 13 11 a falsehood [n -S]
leasowe 14 11 to pasture, also LEA...
leasows 15 11 LEASOW, to pasture,...
leasure 12 9 (Spenser) leisure [n...
leather 14 10 to cover with the ta...
leavens 13 13 LEAVEN, to produce f...
leavers 14 12 LEAVER, one that lea...
leavier 14 12 LEAVY, full of leave...
leaving 15 15 something left over...
lebbeks 18 18 LEBBEK, an Old World...
leccies 19 14 LECCY, (colloquial)...
lechaim 19 16 a traditional Jewish...
lechers 18 13 LECHER, to lust [v]
lechery 24 15 excessive sexual ind...
leching 19 16 LECH, to engage in l...
lechwes 21 16 LECHWE, (Bantu) a ki...
lectern 15 12 a reading desk or su...
lectins 16 12 LECTIN, a protein th...
lection 15 12 a portion of sacred...
lectors 16 11 LECTOR, a reader of...
lecture 16 12 to expound on a spec...
lecturn 16 13 (obsolete) a reading...
lecythi 25 15 LECYTHUS, an oil jar...
leddens 12 11 LEDDEN, (Spenser) la...
ledgers 14 11 LEDGER, to fish with...
ledgier 14 11 LEDGY, abounding in...
leeched 17 14 LEECH, to cling to a...
leechee 16 13 (Chinese) a tropical...
leeches 17 13 LEECH, to cling to a...
leeping 15 14 LEEP, (Hindi) to pla...
leerier 12 8 LEERY, cunning, wary...
leerily 20 11 LEERY, cunning, wary...
leering 13 11 the act of leering [...
leesing 13 11 LEESE, (Shakespeare)...
leeward 15 12 towards the lee side...
leeways 21 13 LEEWAY, the lateral...
leftest 15 11 LEFT, pertaining to...
lefties 15 11 LEFTY, someone who i...
leftish 18 13 inclined to the left...
leftism 17 14 a liberal political...
leftist 16 11 one tending to the l...
legally 22 14 LEGAL, according to...
legated 13 11 LEGATE, to bequeath...
legatee 12 10 the inheritor of a l...
legates 13 10 LEGATE, to bequeath...
legator 13 10 a testator; one who...
legatos 13 10 LEGATO, a legato pas...
legends 13 12 LEGEND, an unverifie...
leggers 15 12 LEGGER, a bargeman w...
leggier 15 12 LEGGY, having long l...
leggies 15 12 LEGGIE, in cricket,...
legging 16 15 a covering for the l...
leggins 15 13 LEGGIN, a cover for...
leggism 17 15 (archaic) the charac...
leghold 17 14 a trap that catches...
leghorn 15 13 a kind of smooth, pl...
legible 17 14 capable of being rea...
legibly 24 16 LEGIBLE, capable of...
legions 13 11 LEGION, a large mili...
legists 15 10 LEGIST, one skilled...
legitim 16 13 (Latin) the portion...
leglans 14 12 LEGLAN, a milking pa...
leglens 14 12 LEGLEN, a milking pa...
legless 15 11 without legs [adj]
leglets 15 11 LEGLET, a leg decora...
leglike 16 15 like a leg [adj]
leglins 15 12 LEGLIN, a milking pa...
legongs 14 13 LEGONG, a Balinese d...
legroom 14 13 space in which to st...
legside 14 11 that half of a crick...
leguaan 12 12 (Dutch) a large moni...
leguans 13 12 LEGUAN, (Dutch) a la...
legumes 15 14 LEGUME, the fruit or...
legumin 15 15 a plant protein obta...
legwear 16 13 anything worn on the...
legwork 18 17 work that involves l...
lehaims 16 13 LEHAIM, a traditiona...
lehayim 22 15 a traditional Jewish...
leidger 14 11 (obsolete) an ambass...
leigers 14 10 LEIGER, (obsolete) a...
leipoas 14 11 LEIPOA, an Australia...
leiring 14 11 LEIR, (Scots) to tea...
leisher 15 10 LEISH, (Scots) activ...
leisler 14 9 a small black bat [n...
leister 13 8 to spear with a thre...
leisure 13 9 free time, also LEAS...
lekking 16 19 the act of lekking [...
lekvars 16 16 LEKVAR, a prune butt...
lekythi 23 16 LEKYTHUS, an oil jar...
lemmata 14 14 LEMMA, a type of pro...
lemming 16 17 (Norwegian) a small...
lemoned 12 13 LEMON, to flavour wi...
lempira 16 14 a monetary unit of H...
lemures 14 12 the ghosts of the de...
lenders 12 10 LENDER, one that len...
lending 13 13 the act of giving in...
lengest 13 11 LENG, (obsolete) lon...
lenging 14 14 LENG, to tarry [v]
lengths 16 13 LENGTH, the extent f...
lengthy 22 15 very long [adj LENGT...
lenient 11 10 not severe, tolerant...
lenited 12 10 LENITE, to articulat...
lenites 12 9 LENITE, to articulat...
lensing 13 12 the act of making a...
lensman 12 13 (colloquial) a camer...
lensmen 12 13 LENSMAN, (colloquial...
lentigo 13 11 (Latin) a freckle [n...
lentils 14 10 LENTIL, a leguminous...
lentisc 16 12 the mastic tree, als...
lentisk 14 13 an evergreen tree, a...
lentoid 12 10 lens-shaped [adj] /...
lentors 12 9 LENTOR, (archaic) sl...
lentous 12 10 viscid [adj]
lenvoys 20 15 LENVOY, an envoy [n]
leonine 10 10 of or like a lion [a...
leopard 14 12 a large, carnivorous...
leotard 12 9 a skintight garment...
leporid 15 12 pertaining or belong...
lepping 18 17 LEP, (dialect) to le...
leprose 14 11 affected with lepros...
leprosy 21 13 a chronic disease wi...
leprous 15 12 affected with lepros...
leptins 15 12 LEPTIN, a hormone re...
leptome 15 14 phloem or bast [n -S...
leptons 14 12 LEPTON, a monetary u...
lequear 20 18 a sunken panel or co...
lesbian 14 12 a female homosexual...
lesions 12 9 LESION, to cause les...
lessees 12 8 LESSEE, one to whom...
lessens 12 9 LESSEN, to make or b...
lessons 12 9 LESSON, to teach a l...
lessors 13 8 LESSOR, one who gran...
lesting 14 11 LEST, (Spenser) to l...
lesulas 14 10 LESULA, a genus of C...
letched 18 14 LETCH, to engage in...
letches 18 13 LETCH, to engage in...
letdown 15 13 an anticlimax [n -S]
lethals 16 11 LETHAL, a death-deal...
lethean 13 11 resembling in effect...
lethees 14 10 LETHEE, (Shakespeare...
lethied 15 11 (Shakespeare) suffer...
letouts 13 9 LETOUT, something th...
lettern 12 9 (obsolete) a reading...
letters 13 8 LETTER, to inscribe...
letting 14 11 the act of letting [...
lettres 13 8 LETTRE, (French) let...
lettuce 16 12 a herb used in salad...
leuchen 17 15 LAUCH, (Scots) to la...
leucine 15 13 an amino acid, also...
leucins 16 13 LEUCIN, an amino aci...
leucite 16 12 a silicate of alumin...
leucoma 16 15 a white opacity in t...
leucons 15 13 LEUCON, a sponge of...
leughen 15 14 LAUCH, (Scots) to la...
leukoma 14 16 a white opacity in t...
leukons 13 14 LEUKON, a bodily org...
levants 14 13 LEVANT, to run away...
levator 14 12 a muscle that raises...
leveled 15 14 LEVEL, to make even...
leveler 15 13 one that levels, als...
levelly 23 16 LEVEL, even [adv]
levered 14 13 LEVER, to prise open...
leveret 14 12 a young hare [n -S]
leviers 15 12 LEVIER, one who levi...
levites 15 12 LEVITE, (slang) a cl...
levitic 19 15 of or like a levite...
levulin 16 15 a sugar in certain p...
levying 22 17 LEVY, to impose or c...
lewdest 16 12 LEWD, sexually sugge...
lewdsby 25 17 someone addicted to...
lewises 16 11 LEWIS, a dovetailed...
lewisia 16 11 a perennial herb wit...
lexemes 19 18 LEXEME, the fundamen...
lexemic 23 21 of or like a lexeme,...
lexical 23 19 of or relating to wo...
lexicon 21 19 a dictionary [n LEXI...
lexises 19 15 LEXIS, the total sto...
lezzies 19 26 LEZZIE, (short for)...
liaised 13 9 LIAISE, to form a li...
liaises 13 8 LIAISE, to form a li...
liaison 12 9 a means of maintaini...
lianoid 12 10 like a liana [adj]
liassic 17 11 of, relating to, or...
liatris 14 8 a North American pla...
libated 15 12 LIBATE, to pour in h...
libates 15 11 LIBATE, to pour in h...
libbard 18 15 (archaic) a leopard...
libbers 18 14 LIBBER, (short for)...
libbing 19 17 LIB, to geld [v]
libeled 16 13 LIBEL, to make a def...
libelee 15 12 one who is libeled,...
libeler 16 12 one that libels, als...
liberal 16 12 generous, freehanded...
liberos 15 11 LIBERO, (Italian) a...
liberty 22 13 the state of being f...
libidos 16 12 LIBIDO, psychic driv...
libkens 16 16 LIBKEN, in thieves'...
liblabs 19 15 LIBLAB, a person sup...
library 22 13 a room containing bo...
librate 15 11 to oscillate before...
licence 18 15 to issue or grant au...
license 15 12 to issue or grant au...
licente 15 12 SENTE, a monetary un...
lichees 18 13 LICHEE, a tropical f...
lichens 18 14 LICHEN, to cover wit...
lichted 19 14 LICHT, to light [v]
lichter 19 13 LICHT, (Scots) light...
lichtly 27 16 (Scots) to slight or...
lichway 28 18 a path by which the...
licitly 25 14 LICIT, not forbidden...
lickers 18 15 LICKER, one who lick...
licking 19 18 a thrashing or beati...
lictors 17 11 LICTOR, (historical)...
lidding 15 13 the act of covering...
lidgers 15 11 LIDGER, (obsolete) a...
lidless 15 10 without a lid [adj]
liefest 15 11 LIEF, (archaic) soon...
liegers 14 10 LIEGER, (obsolete) a...
lienees 11 9 LIENEE, in law, a pa...
lienors 12 9 LIENOR, a party who...
liernes 12 9 LIERNE, (French) a c...
lievest 15 12 LIEVE [adv]
lifeful 19 16 full of vitality, al...
lifeway 24 16 a way of living [n -...
liftboy 24 16 someone employed to...
lifters 16 11 LIFTER, one who lift...
lifting 17 14 LIFT, to raise highe...
liftman 16 15 a person who operate...
liftmen 16 15 LIFTMAN, a person wh...
liftoff 20 17 the initial movement...
ligands 14 12 LIGAND, an atom, mol...
ligases 14 10 LIGASE, an enzyme wh...
ligated 14 11 LIGATE, to tie with...
ligates 14 10 LIGATE, to tie with...
liggers 16 12 LIGGER, a horizontal...
ligging 17 15 the act of ligging [...
lighted 17 13 LIGHT, to illuminate...
lighten 16 13 to reduce the weight...
lighter 17 12 a large open boat us...
lightly 25 15 to slight or make li...
lignage 14 13 (obsolete) lineage,...
lignans 13 12 LIGNAN, a beneficial...
lignify 23 16 to convert into wood...
lignins 14 12 LIGNIN, an essential...
lignite 14 11 brown coal, a stage...
lignose 13 11 a constituent of lig...
lignums 16 15 LIGNUM, the fragrant...
ligroin 14 11 (tradename) a name a...
ligulae 15 12 LIGULA, a tongue-lik...
ligular 16 12 pertaining to a ligu...
ligulas 16 12 LIGULA, a tongue-lik...
ligules 16 12 LIGULE, a strap-shap...
ligures 15 11 LIGURE, a precious s...
likable 17 16 able to be liked, al...
likably 24 18 LIKABLE, able to be...
likened 13 14 LIKEN, to represent...
likings 16 15 LIKING, a feeling of...
lilling 17 13 LILL, (Spenser) to l...
lilting 16 12 LILT, to sing or spe...
limacel 18 15 a slug's reduced she...
limaces 17 14 LIMAX, (Latin) a slu...
limacon 16 15 (French) a type of m...
limails 16 12 LIMAIL, the dust and...
limbate 16 14 having an edge of a...
limbeck 21 21 an old distilling ap...
limbecs 20 17 LIMBEC, an old disti...
limbers 17 14 LIMBER, to make supp...
limbier 17 14 LIMBY, having many l...
limbing 18 17 LIMB, to cut off the...
limboed 16 15 LIMBO, to perform a...
limboes 16 14 LIMBO, to perform a...
limbous 17 15 overlapping [adj]
limeade 13 12 a nonalcoholic drink...
limelit 16 12 LIMELIGHT, to light...
limepit 17 14 a pit from which lim...
limiest 15 11 LIMY, containing lim...
liminal 15 13 of or relating to a...
limings 16 14 LIMING, in the prepa...
limited 15 12 restricted [adj LIMI...
limiter 15 11 a friar who had a li...
limites 15 11 LIMES, (Latin) an an...
limmers 16 14 LIMMER, (Scots) a ro...
limners 14 12 LIMNER, a painter of...
limning 15 15 LIMN, (archaic) to p...
limoses 14 11 LIMOSIS, an abnormal...
limosis 15 11 an abnormally raveno...
limpers 17 14 LIMPER, one who limp...
limpest 17 14 LIMP, lacking rigidi...
limpets 17 14 LIMPET, a gastropod...
limping 18 17 the act of limping [...
limpkin 18 19 an American wading b...
limpsey 23 16 lacking strength or...
limulus 17 14 a horseshoe crab, al...
linable 15 13 lying in a straight...
linages 13 11 LINAGE, payment for...
linalol 14 11 a fragrant liquid al...
linches 18 14 LINCH, an unploughed...
linchet 18 14 an unploughed strip...
linctus 17 13 (Latin) a medicated...
lindane 11 11 an insecticide [n -S...
lindens 12 11 LINDEN, a lime-tree,...
lindied 13 11 LINDY, to perform th...
lindies 13 10 LINDY [n]
lineage 12 11 direct descent from...
lineate 11 9 marked with lines, a...
linecut 16 13 a type of printing p...
lineman 12 13 one who installs or...
linemen 12 13 LINEMAN, one who ins...
lineups 15 13 LINEUP, a list of te...
lingams 15 14 LINGAM, (Sanskrit) t...
lingcod 17 15 a marine food fish [...
lingels 15 12 LINGEL, a shoemaker'...
lingers 14 11 LINGER, to delay dep...
lingier 14 11 LINGY, covered with...
lingles 15 12 LINGLE, a shoemaker'...
lingoes 13 11 LINGO, (colloquial)...
lingots 14 11 LINGOT, (obsolete) a...
linguae 13 12 LINGUA, the tongue [...
lingual 15 13 pronounced with the...
linguas 14 12 LINGUA, the tongue [...
lingula 15 13 (Latin) a tonguelike...
linhays 21 13 LINHAY, a shed, also...
liniest 13 9 LINEY, resembling a...
linings 14 12 LINING, an inner lay...
linkage 14 15 the act of linking [...
linkboy 22 18 a male hired to ligh...
linkers 14 13 LINKER, one who link...
linkier 14 13 LINKY, full of inter...
linking 15 16 LINK, to connect [v]
linkman 14 17 a male hired to ligh...
linkmen 14 17 LINKMAN, a male hire...
linkrot 14 13 the condition of a w...
linkups 17 17 LINKUP, something th...
linnets 12 10 LINNET, a common fin...
linneys 18 12 LINNEY, a shed with...
linnies 12 10 LINNY, a shed, also...
linning 13 13 LIN, to cease [v]
linocut 16 13 a print made from a...
linsang 13 12 a civetlike animal o...
linseed 12 10 lint or flax seed, a...
linseys 19 11 LINSEY, a coarse lin...
lintels 14 10 LINTEL, a horizontal...
linters 13 9 LINTER, a machine fo...
lintier 13 9 LINTY, covered with...
linties 13 9 LINTIE, (Scots) a li...
linting 14 12 the act of putting l...
lintols 14 10 LINTOL, a horizontal...
linuron 12 11 a herbicide [n -S]
linuxes 19 17 LINUX, (tradename) a...
lioncel 16 13 a small lion used as...
lionels 13 10 LIONEL, a small lion...
lioness 12 9 a female lion [n -ES...
lionets 12 9 LIONET, a young lion...
lionise 12 9 to treat as a celebr...
lionism 14 12 a lionlike appearanc...
lionize 15 18 to treat as a celebr...
lipases 15 11 LIPASE, an enzyme th...
lipemia 16 14 an abnormal level of...
lipides 16 12 LIPIDE, any of a cla...
lipidic 20 15 of or like a lipid,...
lipless 17 12 without lips [adj]
liplike 18 16 like a lip [adj]
lipoids 16 12 LIPOID, any of a cla...
lipomas 16 14 LIPOMA, a tumor of f...
lippens 17 15 LIPPEN, (Scots) to t...
lippers 18 14 LIPPER, to ripple [v...
lippier 18 14 LIPPY, impertinent [...
lippies 18 14 LIPPIE, (Scots) an o...
lipping 19 17 a liplike outgrowth...
lipread 15 12 to understand spoken...
lipuria 16 12 the presence of fat...
liquate 21 18 to separate or purif...
liquefy 30 23 to make or become li...
liqueur 22 19 a potent alcoholic p...
liquids 23 19 LIQUID, a substance...
liquidy 29 21 having the nature of...
liquify 31 23 to make or become li...
liquors 22 18 LIQUOR, to intoxicat...
liriope 15 11 a stemless Asian her...
lirking 16 15 LIRK, (Scots) to wri...
lisente 12 9 SENTE, a monetary un...
lispers 16 11 LISPER, one who lisp...
lisping 17 14 making a lisping sou...
lispund 16 14 a varying weight, 12...
lissome 14 11 easily flexed, lithe...
listbox 22 18 a box on a computer...
listees 13 8 LISTEE, one who is o...
listels 15 9 LISTEL, (archaic) a...
listens 13 9 LISTEN, to try to he...
listers 14 8 LISTER, a three-pron...
listeth 16 10 LIST, to write down...
listful 18 13 attentive [adj]
listing 15 11 something that is li...
litchis 20 13 LITCHI, the edible f...
literal 14 9 to be taken as read...
lithate 15 10 (obsolete) a urate,...
lithely 23 13 LITHE, supple [adv]
lithest 16 10 LITHE, supple [adj]
lithias 16 10 LITHIA, lithium oxid...
lithify 25 15 to petrify, convert...
lithing 17 13 LITHE, to listen [v]
lithite 16 10 a calcareous body se...
lithium 18 14 a metallic element [...
lithoed 15 11 LITHO, to make a lit...
lithoes 15 10 LITHO, to make a lit...
lithoid 16 11 like stone, also LIT...
lithops 18 13 a fleshy-leaved plan...
litoral 14 9 pertaining to or on...
litotes 13 8 the expression of an...
litotic 17 11 of or like litotes,...
litters 14 8 LITTER, to scatter r...
littery 20 10 covered with rubbish...
littler 15 9 LITTLE, small [adj]
littles 15 9 LITTLE, a small amou...
littlie 15 9 (Australian slang) a...
littlin 15 10 (Scots) a child, als...
liturgy 22 13 a prescribed system...
livable 18 16 suitable for living...
livedos 15 13 LIVEDO, a discoloure...
livelod 16 14 (Spenser) livelihood...
livened 14 14 LIVEN, to make livel...
livener 14 13 one who livens [n -S...
livered 15 13 LIVER, to thicken or...
liveyer 21 14 a permanent resident...
livider 16 13 LIVID, of bluish lea...
lividly 24 16 LIVID, of bluish lea...
liviers 16 12 LIVIER, a permanent...
livings 17 15 LIVING, a means of s...
livyers 22 14 LIVYER, a permanent...
lixivia 22 19 LIXIVIUM, a solution...
lizards 17 18 LIZARD, any of a sub...
lizzies 20 26 LIZZIE, as in tin li...
llanero 12 10 an inhabitant of the...
loaches 17 13 LOACH, a freshwater...
loadens 11 10 LOADEN, (archaic) to...
loaders 12 9 LOADER, one that loa...
loading 13 12 a burden [n -S]
loafers 14 11 LOAFER, a lazy perso...
loafing 15 14 the act of idling [n...
loamier 13 11 LOAMY, resembling lo...
loaming 14 14 LOAM, to cover with...
loanees 10 9 LOANEE, a person who...
loaners 11 9 LOANER, one who loan...
loaning 12 12 (Scots) a lane, an o...
loathed 14 11 LOATHE, to detest gr...
loather 14 10 one who loathes [n -...
loathes 14 10 LOATHE, to detest gr...
loathly 22 13 (archaic) hideous, l...
loaving 15 15 LOAVE, to form a hea...
lobated 14 12 having lobes, also L...
lobbers 17 14 LOBBER, one who lobs...
lobbied 17 15 LOBBY, to seek to in...
lobbies 17 14 LOBBY, to seek to in...
lobbing 18 17 LOB, to hit a ball i...
lobbyer 23 16 one who lobbies, als...
lobefin 16 15 a type of fish to wh...
lobelet 15 12 a small lobe [n -S]
lobelia 15 12 a flowering plant [n...
lobings 16 14 LOBING, a division i...
lobiped 17 15 having lobate feet [...
lobolas 15 12 LOBOLA, an African c...
lobolos 15 12 LOBOLO, an African c...
lobster 15 11 a large strong-clawe...
lobtail 16 12 of a whale, to slap...
lobular 16 13 shaped like a lobe [...
lobules 16 13 LOBULE, a small lobe...
lobulus 17 14 a small lobe or lobe...
lobworm 19 17 a burrowing marine w...
locales 16 12 LOCALE, a place, pos...
locally 24 15 LOCAL, from the imme...
located 15 12 LOCATE, to find or p...
locater 15 11 one who locates, or...
locates 15 11 LOCATE, to find or p...
locator 15 11 one who locates, or...
lochans 17 14 LOCHAN, (Gaelic) a s...
lochial 19 14 of or pertaining to...
lochias 18 13 LOCHIA, (Greek) the...
lockage 17 17 the toll on a ship p...
lockbox 25 25 a box that locks [n...
lockers 17 15 LOCKER, a small cupb...
lockets 17 15 LOCKET, a small orna...
lockful 21 20 enough to fill a can...
locking 18 18 the act of locking [...
lockjaw 22 27 a form of tetanus [n...
lockman 17 19 a lockkeeper; a publ...
lockmen 17 19 LOCKMAN, a lockkeepe...
locknut 17 17 a nut which prevents...
lockout 17 16 the locking out of e...
lockram 18 18 a coarse linen fabri...
lockset 17 15 a set of hardware fo...
lockups 20 19 LOCKUP, a jail [n]
locoing 16 14 LOCO, to poison with...
locoism 17 14 a disease of livesto...
locoman 15 15 a railway engine dri...
locomen 15 15 LOCOMAN, a railway e...
locular 17 13 of e.g. an ovary, di...
loculed 17 14 having loculi, small...
locules 17 13 LOCULE, a small, cel...
loculus 18 14 a small, cell-like c...
locusta 16 12 the spikelet or flow...
locusts 17 12 LOCUST, to lay waste...
lodgers 14 11 LODGER, one who stay...
lodging 15 14 a temporary place to...
loeries 12 8 LOERIE, a type of Af...
loessal 13 9 relating to loess, a...
loesses 12 8 LOESS, (German) a fi...
loessic 16 11 of or relating to lo...
lofters 15 11 LOFTER, a type of go...
loftier 15 11 LOFTY, very high [ad...
loftily 23 14 LOFTY, very high [ad...
lofting 16 14 LOFT, to propel high...
logania 12 11 any of a family of A...
logbook 16 17 an official record b...
loggats 15 12 LOGGAT, a small log...
loggers 15 12 LOGGER, one who fell...
loggets 15 12 an old English throw...
loggias 15 12 LOGGIA, (Italian) an...
loggier 15 12 LOGGY, sluggish, als...
logging 16 15 the business of cutt...
loggish 18 14 like a log [adj]
logical 18 14 pertaining to logic...
logiest 14 10 LOGY, sluggish, also...
logions 13 11 LOGION, a saying att...
logjams 17 22 LOGJAM, to cause a l...
logline 14 12 a line for finding t...
loglogs 16 13 LOGLOG, the logarith...
logoffs 18 16 LOGOFF, exit from a...
logouts 14 11 LOGOUT, exit from a...
logroll 16 12 to obtain passage of...
logways 23 15 LOGWAY, a ramp used...
logwood 16 14 the heavy, red heart...
loiases 12 8 LOIASIS, a tropical...
loiasis 13 8 a tropical African d...
loiding 14 12 LOID, to open a lock...
loiters 13 8 LOITER, to stand idl...
lokshen 15 15 (Yiddish) noodles [n...
loligos 15 11 LOLIGO, a genus of c...
loliums 16 13 LOLIUM, any plant of...
lollers 15 10 LOLLER, one who loll...
lollies 15 10 LOLLY, (short for) a...
lolling 16 13 LOLL, to lounge, als...
lollops 17 13 LOLLOP, to lounge, a...
lollopy 23 15 lolloping [adj]
lomeins 13 12 LOMEIN, a Chinese di...
lomenta 12 12 LOMENTUM, a type of...
loments 13 12 LOMENT, a pod that b...
lompish 19 16 (Spenser) lumpish [a...
longans 12 12 LONGAN, the edible f...
longbow 18 17 a bow drawn by hand...
longers 13 11 LONGER, one that lon...
longest 13 11 LONG, extending for...
longies 13 11 long underwear [n]
longing 14 14 a strong desire [n -...
longish 16 13 somewhat long [adj]
loobier 14 11 LOOBY, clumsy or stu...
loobies 14 11 LOOBY, a large, awkw...
loobily 22 14 LOOBY, clumsy or stu...
loofahs 16 13 LOOFAH, a tropical v...
loofful 18 16 (Scots) an open hand...
lookers 13 12 LOOKER, one that loo...
looking 14 15 LOOK, to use one's s...
lookism 15 15 a prejudice against...
lookist 14 12 one given to lookism...
lookout 13 13 one engaged in keepi...
lookups 16 16 LOOKUP, the process...
looming 14 14 LOOM, to appear indi...
looneys 17 11 LOONEY, a crazy pers...
loonier 11 9 LOONIE, crazy [adj]
loonies 11 9 LOONIE, a crazy pers...
loonily 19 12 LOONY, crazy [adv]
looning 12 12 the cry of the loon,...
loopers 14 11 LOOPER, a caterpilla...
loopier 14 11 LOOPY, full of loops...
loopily 22 14 LOOPY, full of loops...
looping 15 14 the act of looping [...
loosely 19 11 LOOSE, slack [adv]
loosens 11 9 LOOSEN, to make less...
loosest 12 8 LOOSE, slack [adj]
loosies 12 8 LOOSIE, (slang) a lo...
loosing 13 11 the celebration of a...
looters 12 8 LOOTER, one that loo...
looting 13 11 the act of looting [...
loppers 17 14 LOPPER, (Scots) to c...
loppets 17 14 LOPPET, a long-dista...
loppier 17 14 LOPPY, hanging limpl...
loppies 17 14 LOPPY, a ranch handy...
lopping 18 17 the act of cutting o...
loquats 21 18 LOQUAT, a Chinese an...
lorchas 18 13 LORCHA, (Portuguese)...
lording 14 12 a young or unimporta...
lordkin 14 14 a little lord, also...
lordoma 13 12 a curvature of the s...
lorette 12 8 a courtesan [n -S]
lorgnon 12 12 a pair of eyeglasses...
loricae 15 11 LORICA, (Latin) a le...
loricas 16 11 LORICA, (Latin) a le...
lorimer 14 11 a maker of implement...
loriner 12 9 a maker of implement...
lorings 14 11 LORING, (Spenser) le...
loriots 13 8 LORIOT, (French) the...
lorises 13 8 LORIS, the slender l...
lorrell 15 10 (Spenser) a good for...
lorries 13 8 LORRY, a vehicle use...
losable 15 12 able to be lost [adj...
losings 14 11 LOSING, the act of l...
loslyfs 23 14 LOSLYF, (Afrikaans)...
lossier 13 8 LOSSY, of a compress...
lothest 15 10 LOTH, unwilling, als...
lotions 12 9 LOTION, a liquid pre...
lotoses 12 8 LOTOS, an aquatic pl...
lotters 13 8 LOTTER, someone who...
lottery 19 10 a game of chance [n...
lotting 14 11 LOT, to separate int...
lotuses 13 9 LOTUS, any of variou...
loucher 18 14 LOUCHE, not reputabl...
loudens 12 11 LOUDEN, to increase...
loudest 13 10 LOUD, strongly audib...
loudish 16 12 somewhat loud [adj]
lounded 12 12 LOUND, (Scots) to ca...
lounder 12 11 (Scots) to beat, thu...
lounged 13 13 LOUNGE, to recline i...
lounger 13 12 a comfortable someti...
lounges 13 12 LOUNGE, to recline i...
loungey 19 14 relating to or remin...
louning 13 13 LOUN, (Scots) to cal...
louping 16 15 LOUP, (Scots) to lea...
lourier 13 9 LOURY, gloomy, louri...
louries 13 9 LOURIE, a type of Af...
louring 14 12 sullen, threatening...
lousers 13 9 LOUSER, (Irish) a me...
lousier 13 9 LOUSY, infested with...
lousily 21 12 LOUSY, infested with...
lousing 14 12 the act of messing u...
loutery 19 11 loutish behaviour [n...
louting 14 12 LOUT, (obsolete) to...
loutish 16 11 ill-mannered and coa...
louvars 15 13 LOUVAR, a large silv...
louvers 15 13 LOUVER, a sloping sl...
louvred 15 14 having a louvre [adj...
louvres 15 13 LOUVRE, a sloping sl...
lovable 17 16 worthy of love, also...
lovably 24 18 LOVABLE, worthy of l...
lovages 15 14 LOVAGE, a perennial...
lovebug 18 18 a small black fly th...
lovered 14 13 (Shakespeare) having...
loverly 22 15 (archaic) like a lov...
loviest 15 12 LOVEY, fondly affect...
lovings 16 15 LOVING, the act of l...
lowball 20 16 to give a customer a...
lowborn 17 15 of humble birth [adj...
lowboys 24 16 LOWBOY, a low chest...
lowbred 18 15 of a low station in...
lowbrow 21 17 a person who is not...
lowbush 21 17 a bush with sweet bl...
lowdown 18 16 the real information...
lowered 15 12 LOWER, to appear dar...
lowings 17 14 LOWING, the sound of...
lowland 16 14 an area of land lyin...
lowlier 17 12 LOWLY, in a low posi...
lowlife 19 15 a despicable person,...
lowlily 25 15 LOWLY, in a low posi...
lownded 15 14 LOWND, to calm, also...
lowness 15 12 the state of being l...
lowning 16 15 LOWN, to calm, also...
lowpass 18 14 designating a type o...
lowping 19 17 LOWP, (Scots) to lea...
lowries 16 11 LOWRY, a kind of sma...
lowsest 16 11 LOWSE, (Scots) loose...
lowsing 17 14 LOWSE, to loosen [v]
lowting 17 14 LOWT, (obsolete) to...
lowveld 19 17 (Afrikaans) the lowe...
loxygen 25 20 liquid oxygen, also...
loyaler 19 11 LOYAL, faithful [adj...
loyally 27 14 LOYAL, faithful [adv...
loyalty 26 13 the state of being l...
lozells 18 19 LOZELL, (Spenser) a...
lozenge 15 20 a rhombus or diamond...
lozengy 22 22 divided into lozenge...
lubbard 18 16 a clumsy fellow, als...
lubbers 18 15 LUBBER, a clumsy fel...
lubfish 21 17 a kind of stockfish...
lucarne 15 13 (French) a dormer wi...
lucence 18 16 the quality of being...
lucency 25 18 the quality of being...
lucerne 15 13 a fodder plant, aka...
lucerns 16 13 LUCERN, a fodder pla...
luchoth 21 16 LUACH, (Judaism) an...
lucider 17 13 LUCID, easily unders...
lucidly 25 16 LUCID, easily unders...
lucifer 19 15 a friction match [n...
lucigen 17 15 a lamp burning oil m...
lucites 17 12 LUCITE, a type of tr...
luckier 18 16 LUCKY, fortunate [ad...
luckies 18 16 LUCKIE, an elderly w...
luckily 26 19 LUCKY, fortunate [ad...
lucking 19 19 LUCK, to succeed by...
lucumas 18 16 LUCUMA, a tree of th...
lucumos 18 16 LUCUMO, (Latin) an E...
ludship 19 15 lordship, used when...
luetics 17 12 LUETIC, someone infe...
luffing 19 18 LUFF, to steer a sai...
lugeing 15 14 the act of toboggani...
luggage 16 15 baggage of a travell...
luggers 16 13 LUGGER, a small 2- o...
luggies 16 13 LUGGIE, (Scots) a ho...
lugging 17 16 LUG, to drag heavily...
lughole 17 14 (colloquial) the ear...
lugings 16 14 LUGING, the act of t...
lugsail 16 12 a four-sided sail be...
lugworm 19 17 a burrowing marine w...
lulibub 20 17 (archaic) a piece of...
lullaby 24 16 to lull to sleep wit...
lullers 16 11 LULLER, one who lull...
lulling 17 14 LULL, to cause to sl...
lumbago 17 17 inflammation of the...
lumbang 17 18 the candlenut tree [...
lumbars 17 15 LUMBAR, an anatomica...
lumbers 17 15 LUMBER, to move heav...
lumenal 14 14 of a lumen, a unit o...
luminal 15 14 pertaining to a lume...
lumined 14 14 LUMINE, (obsolete) t...
lumines 14 13 LUMINE, (obsolete) t...
lummier 16 15 LUMMY, (slang) excel...
lumpens 16 16 LUMPEN, someone belo...
lumpers 17 15 LUMPER, a labourer e...
lumpias 17 15 LUMPIA, (Chinese) an...
lumpier 17 15 LUMPY, full of lumps...
lumpily 25 18 LUMPY, full of lumps...
lumping 18 18 LUMP, to make into a...
lumpish 20 17 like a lump; sullen,...
lumpkin 18 20 a lout [n -S]
lunated 12 11 crescent-shaped, als...
lunates 12 10 LUNATE, a crescent-s...
lunatic 16 13 affected with lunacy...
lunched 18 16 LUNCH, to eat a midd...
luncher 18 15 one who takes lunch...
lunches 18 15 LUNCH, to eat a midd...
lunette 12 10 (French) a crescent-...
lungans 13 13 LUNGAN, a pulpy frui...
lungees 13 12 LUNGEE, a loincloth...
lungers 14 12 LUNGER, one who lung...
lungful 18 17 as much as the lungs...
lungies 14 12 LUNGIE, (Scots) the...
lunging 15 15 LUNGE, to make a sud...
lungyis 21 14 LUNGYI, (Hindi) in I...
luniest 13 10 LUNY, crazy [adj]
lunkers 14 14 LUNKER, a large game...
lunting 14 13 LUNT, to kindle [v]
lunulae 13 12 LUNULA, (Latin) a Br...
lunular 14 12 crescent-shaped [adj...
lunules 14 12 LUNULE, a crescent-s...
lunyies 19 12 LUNYIE, (Scots) the...
lupanar 14 13 (Latin) a brothel [n...
lupines 15 13 LUPINE, any papilion...
lupulin 17 15 a medicinal powder o...
lupuses 16 13 LUPUS, a skin diseas...
lurched 19 15 LURCH, to roll or pi...
lurcher 19 14 a crossbred dog, esp...
lurches 19 14 LURCH, to roll or pi...
lurdane 12 11 (archaic) a dull or...
lurdans 13 11 LURDAN, (archaic) a...
lurdens 13 11 LURDEN, (archaic) a...
lurexes 19 16 LUREX, (tradename) a...
lurgies 15 11 LURGY, (facetious) a...
lurider 14 10 LURID, shining with...
luridly 22 13 LURID, shining with...
lurings 15 12 LURING, as in tape l...
lurkers 15 13 LURKER, one that lur...
lurking 16 16 lying in wait [adj L...
lurries 14 9 LURRY, (Milton) a co...
lushers 16 11 LUSHER, a heavy drin...
lushest 16 11 LUSH, abounding in v...
lushier 16 11 LUSHY, tipsy [adj]
lushies 16 11 LUSHY, a drunkard [n...
lushing 17 14 LUSH, to ply with al...
lusking 16 16 LUSK, to lie about l...
luskish 18 15 (obsolete) inclined...
lusters 14 9 LUSTER, to make lust...
lustful 18 14 marked by excessive...
lustick 19 16 (obsolete) lusty, he...
lustier 14 9 LUSTY, full of vigou...
lustily 22 12 LUSTY, full of vigou...
lusting 15 12 LUST, to have a stro...
lustral 15 10 of or pertaining to,...
lustred 14 10 LUSTRE, to make lust...
lustres 14 9 LUSTRE, to make lust...
lustrum 16 13 (Latin) a period of...
lususes 14 10 LUSUS, (Latin) a spo...
luteins 13 10 LUTEIN, a yellow pig...
luteous 13 10 golden-yellow [adj]
lutfisk 18 16 dried codfish, also...
luthern 15 12 a dormer window [n -...
luthier 16 11 one who makes string...
lutings 15 12 LUTING, a rubber sea...
lutists 15 9 LUTIST, a lute-playe...
lutites 14 9 LUTITE, any rock der...
luvvies 18 17 LUVVY, (colloquial)...
luvving 19 20 LUV, (colloquial) to...
luxated 19 17 LUXATE, to put out o...
luxates 19 16 LUXATE, to put out o...
luzerns 16 19 LUZERN, a fodder pla...
lyceums 24 17 LYCEUM, a hall for p...
lychees 24 15 LYCHEE, (Chinese) a...
lychnis 25 16 a plant of the campi...
lycopod 24 17 a plant of the genus...
lyddite 20 12 a high explosive for...
lyingly 28 16 in an untruthful man...
lymiter 21 13 (Spenser) a friar wh...
lymphad 25 19 (Gaelic) a Highland...
lynages 19 13 LYNAGE, (obsolete) l...
lyncean 20 15 lynxlike; sharp-sigh...
lynched 24 17 LYNCH, to judge and...
lyncher 24 16 one who takes part i...
lynches 24 16 LYNCH, to judge and...
lynchet 24 16 an unploughed strip...
lyophil 25 16 of a colloid, readil...
lyrated 19 11 having the shape of...
lyrical 24 14 having the form of a...
lyricon 22 14 an electronic wind i...
lyrisms 22 13 LYRISM, the quality...
lyrists 21 10 LYRIST, one who play...
lysates 19 10 LYSATE, a product of...
lysines 19 11 LYSINE, an essential...
lysogen 19 13 an antigen increasin...
lythrum 24 16 any of a genus of pl...