7 letter words that starts with f

7 letter words that start with F

7 letter F word


Word With Friends


fabbest 18 16 FAB, excellent [adj]
fabbier 18 16 FABBY, excellent, ma...
fablers 17 14 FABLER, a writer of...
fablets 17 14 FABLET, a large smar...
fabliau 17 15 one of the metrical...
fabling 18 17 the telling of fable...
fabrics 20 16 FABRIC, to construct...
fabular 17 15 legendary [adj]
facades 16 14 FACADE, the front of...
facebar 18 16 a wrestling hold pul...
faceman 16 17 a miner who works at...
facemen 16 17 FACEMAN, a miner who...
faceoff 20 19 the action that star...
faceted 16 14 FACET, to cut small...
facials 18 14 FACIAL, a beauty tre...
faciend 16 15 a number to be multi...
facings 18 16 FACING, the lining a...
faconne 14 15 (French) a fabric wi...
factful 21 18 full of fact [adj]
factice 20 16 vulcanized oil, used...
faction 16 14 a clique within a la...
factive 19 17 of a linguistic cont...
factoid 17 14 a statement said so...
factors 17 13 FACTOR, to express a...
factory 23 15 a place where goods...
factual 18 15 actual, real [adj FA...
factums 19 17 FACTUM, (Latin) a ma...
facture 17 14 the quality of the e...
faculae 17 15 FACULA, an unusually...
facular 18 15 of or pertaining to...
faculty 25 17 an inherent power or...
fadable 16 15 capable of fading [a...
fadaise 13 11 (French) an obvious...
faddier 14 12 FADDY, inclined to t...
faddish 17 14 inclined to take up...
faddism 16 15 the taking up of fad...
faddist 15 12 a faddish person [n...
faddled 15 14 FADDLE, to trifle; t...
faddles 15 13 FADDLE, to trifle; t...
fadedly 21 15 FADED [adv]
fadeins 13 12 FADEIN, a gradual in...
fadeout 13 12 a gradual disappeara...
fadeurs 14 12 FADEUR, (French) dul...
fadging 16 16 FADGE, (archaic) to...
fadiest 14 11 FADY, wearing away [...
fadings 15 14 FADING, an Irish dan...
fadlike 16 16 like a fad [adj]
faeries 13 10 FAERIE, (archaic) th...
faffier 18 16 FAFFY, awkward and t...
faffing 19 19 FAFF, (colloquial) t...
faggery 22 16 drudgery, fagging [n...
faggier 16 14 FAGGY, having the ch...
fagging 17 17 the practice of a sc...
faggots 16 14 FAGGOT, to bind toge...
faggoty 22 16 having the character...
fagoted 14 13 FAGOT, to bind toget...
fagoter 14 12 one who does fagotin...
fagotti 15 12 FAGOTTO, (Italian) a...
fagotto 14 12 (Italian) a bassoon...
fahlerz 20 22 (German) an ore of c...
fahlore 16 13 (German) an ore of c...
faibles 17 14 FAIBLE, (French) the...
faience 15 14 a type of glazed pot...
faiking 16 17 FAIK, (Scots) to aba...
failing 16 14 in a state of failur...
failles 16 12 FAILLE, (French) a s...
failure 15 12 the act of failing [...
fainest 13 11 FAIN, happy; incline...
faining 14 14 FAIN, (Spenser) to f...
fainnes 12 12 FAINNE, a ring-shape...
fainted 13 12 FAINT, to lose consc...
fainter 13 11 one who faints [n -S...
faintly 21 14 FAINT, lacking stren...
fairest 14 10 FAIR, just; pleasant...
fairier 14 10 FAIRY, of or like a...
fairies 14 10 FAIRY, a creature of...
fairily 22 13 FAIRY, of or like a...
fairing 15 13 a complimentary gift...
fairish 17 12 moderately good [adj...
fairway 23 15 the mown part of a g...
faithed 16 13 FAITH, to believe or...
faither 16 12 (Scots) father [n -S...
faitors 14 10 FAITOR, an imposter,...
faitour 14 11 an imposter, also FA...
fajitas 16 19 FAJITA, (Spanish) ma...
fakeers 14 14 FAKEER, a Hindu asce...
fakiest 15 14 FAKEY, fake [adj]
falafel 17 15 a fried patty of gro...
falbala 17 15 a trimming for a wom...
falcade 17 15 a leaping motion of...
falcate 17 14 curved and tapering...
falcons 17 15 FALCON, any of vario...
falcula 19 16 a claw bent like a s...
faldage 15 14 (historical) the rig...
fallacy 25 17 delusion or error [n...
fallals 17 13 FALLAL, a showy arti...
fallers 16 12 FALLER, one who fall...
falling 17 15 the act of falling [...
falloff 20 18 a decline in quantit...
fallout 16 13 radioactive debris [...
fallows 19 15 FALLOW, to plough an...
falsely 22 14 FALSE, not genuine [...
falsers 15 11 FALSER, (obsolete) a...
falsest 15 11 FALSE, not genuine [...
falsies 15 11 FALSIE, a pad worn w...
falsify 24 16 to misrepresent [v F...
falsing 16 14 FALSE, to deceive [v...
falsish 18 13 somewhat false [adj]
falsism 17 14 something which is o...
falsity 22 13 something false [n F...
falters 15 11 FALTER, to hesitate...
famille 17 15 (French) a type of C...
famines 14 14 FAMINE, extreme scar...
famulus 17 16 (Latin) an assistant...
fanatic 16 14 extravagantly or unr...
fanbase 14 14 the body of fans of...
fanboys 21 16 FANBOY, an obsessive...
fancied 16 15 FANCY, to take a lik...
fancier 16 14 one that has a speci...
fancies 16 14 FANCY, to take a lik...
fancify 25 19 to make fancy [v FAN...
fancily 24 17 FANCY, ornamental [a...
fanding 14 15 FAND, (Scots) to try...
fandoms 14 15 FANDOM, an aggregate...
fanegas 13 13 FANEGA, (Spanish) a...
fanfare 14 14 to herald with loud...
fanfics 19 17 FANFIC, (short for)...
fanfold 16 16 to fold paper like a...
fanging 15 16 FANG, to seize in th...
fangirl 16 14 a female who is an e...
fangled 15 15 FANGLE, to decorate...
fangles 15 14 FANGLE, to decorate...
fanions 12 12 FANION, a small flag...
fanjets 15 20 FANJET, a type of je...
fanking 15 18 FANK, (Scots) to put...
fankled 15 17 FANKLE, (Scots) to e...
fankles 15 16 FANKLE, (Scots) to e...
fanlike 15 16 resembling a fan [ad...
fannell 14 14 a strip of material...
fannels 13 13 FANNEL, a strip of m...
fanners 12 12 FANNER, one who fans...
fannied 12 13 FANNY, as in to fann...
fannies 12 12 FANNY, as in to fann...
fanning 13 15 FAN, to cool with a...
fansite 13 11 a website devoted to...
fansubs 16 15 FANSUB, the subtitli...
fantads 13 12 FANTAD, a fidgety st...
fantail 14 12 a fan-shaped tail or...
fantasm 14 14 a creation of the im...
fantast 13 11 an impractical perso...
fantasy 19 13 to imagine, also PHA...
fanteeg 13 13 (slang) anxiety, agi...
fantods 13 12 FANTOD, a fidgety st...
fantoms 14 14 FANTOM, a phantom, s...
fanwise 16 14 spread out like an o...
fanwort 16 14 an aquatic plant, ak...
fanzine 15 21 a magazine for fans...
faquirs 23 20 FAQUIR, a Hindu asce...
faraday 19 13 a unit used in elect...
faradic 17 14 produced by or assoc...
faraway 22 15 distant, abstracted...
farcers 17 13 FARCER, a performer...
farceur 17 14 a performer in farce...
farcied 17 14 afflicted with farcy...
farcies 17 13 FARCY, a chronic hor...
farcify 26 18 to turn into a farce...
farcing 18 16 in cookery, stuffing...
farcins 17 14 FARCIN, (obsolete) a...
fardage 14 13 a bottom layer of wo...
fardels 15 12 FARDEL, (obsolete) a...
fardens 13 12 FARDEN, (dialect) a...
farding 15 14 a farthing [n -S]
farebox 21 20 a receptacle for far...
farfals 17 14 FARFAL, noodles in t...
farfels 17 14 FARFEL, noodles in t...
farinas 13 11 FARINA, a fine flour...
farinha 15 13 a fine flour or meal...
farmers 15 13 FARMER, one who farm...
farmery 21 15 farm buildings [n FA...
farming 16 16 the business of oper...
farmost 15 13 most distant [adv]
farness 13 11 the state of being f...
farrago 14 12 a confused mixture [...
farrand 13 12 (Scots) having a cer...
farrant 13 11 having a certain man...
farrens 13 11 FARREN, a division o...
farrier 14 10 one who shoes horses...
farring 15 13 FAR, to remove to a...
farrows 17 13 FARROW, to give birt...
farruca 17 14 (Spanish) a gypsy da...
farside 14 11 the farther side [n...
farsing 15 13 FARSE, to expand a n...
farthel 17 13 (Scots) the quarter...
farther 16 12 to a greater distanc...
farting 15 13 FART, to expel gas t...
fartlek 16 15 (Swedish) a training...
fasciae 16 13 FASCIA, an architect...
fascial 18 14 of or like a fascia...
fascias 17 13 FASCIA, an architect...
fascine 16 14 a long faggot used f...
fascism 19 16 an oppressive form o...
fascist 18 13 a supporter of fasci...
fashery 22 14 annoyance [n FASHERI...
fashing 17 15 FASH, to bother or a...
fashion 15 13 to give a particular...
fastens 13 11 FASTEN, to secure [v...
fasters 14 10 FASTER, one who fast...
fastest 14 10 FAST, able to move q...
fasties 14 10 FASTIE, (Australian...
fasting 15 13 abstaining from eati...
fastish 17 12 somewhat fast [adj]
fatally 22 14 FATAL, capable of ca...
fatback 20 20 a dried strip of fat...
fatbird 17 14 a wading bird [n -S]
fateful 17 15 critical, fraught wi...
fathead 15 13 a dolt [n -S]
fathers 16 12 FATHER, to be the ma...
fathoms 17 15 FATHOM, to ascertain...
fatidic 18 14 of or relating to pr...
fatigue 15 13 to weary, also FATIG...
fatless 15 11 having no fat [adj]
fatlike 16 15 resembling fat [adj]
fatling 16 14 a young animal fatte...
fatness 13 11 the state of being f...
fatsias 14 10 FATSIA, an evergreen...
fatsoes 13 10 FATSO, (colloquial)...
fattens 13 11 FATTEN, to make fat...
fattest 14 10 FAT, having an abund...
fattier 14 10 FATTY, greasy or oil...
fatties 14 10 FATTY, one that is f...
fattily 22 13 FATTY, greasy or oil...
fatting 15 13 FAT, to make plump [...
fattish 17 12 somewhat fat [adj]
fattism 16 13 discrimination again...
fattist 15 10 discriminating again...
fatuity 21 13 complacent stupidity...
fatuous 14 12 silly; purposeless,...
fatwahs 19 15 FATWAH, to threaten...
fatwood 16 14 wood used for kindli...
faucals 18 15 FAUCAL, a sound prod...
faucets 17 14 FAUCET, a pipe inser...
fauchon 18 17 a curved short sword...
faucial 18 15 pertaining to the fa...
faulted 15 13 FAULT, to criticize...
faunist 14 12 one who describes th...
faunula 14 14 the fauna of a small...
faunule 14 14 the fauna of a small...
faurest 14 11 FAUR, (Scots) far [a...
fauting 15 14 FAUT, (Scots) to fau...
fautors 14 11 FAUTOR, a favorer, a...
fauvism 18 18 a school of art note...
fauvist 17 15 a member of a group...
favelas 16 15 FAVELA, a slum area,...
favella 17 16 a slum area, also FA...
favicon 18 18 a 16x16 pixel square...
favisms 18 17 FAVISM, an acute typ...
favored 15 15 FAVOR, to regard wit...
favorer 15 14 one that favors, als...
favours 16 15 FAVOUR, to regard wi...
favrile 17 15 a type of iridescent...
favuses 16 15 FAVUS, a fungal skin...
fawners 16 14 FAWNER, one who fawn...
fawnier 16 14 FAWNY, yellowish-bro...
fawning 17 17 ingratiating [adj FA...
faxable 22 21 capable of being fax...
fayence 21 16 a type of glazed pot...
fayning 20 16 FAYNE, (Spenser) to...
fazenda 15 21 a Brazilian plantati...
feagued 14 14 FEAGUE, (obsolete) t...
feagues 14 13 FEAGUE, (obsolete) t...
fealing 15 14 FEAL, to conceal [v]
fearers 13 10 FEARER, one who fear...
fearful 17 15 full of fear [adj FE...
fearing 14 13 FEAR, to be afraid o...
feasing 14 13 FEASE, to unsettle,...
feasted 13 11 FEAST, to dine sumpt...
feaster 13 10 one who feasts [n -S...
featest 13 10 FEAT, neat, deft [ad...
feather 15 12 to cover with the pl...
feating 14 13 FEAT, (Shakespeare)...
featous 13 11 shapely, also FEATEO...
feature 13 11 to present prominent...
feazing 17 22 FEAZE, to unsettle,...
febrile 17 14 feverish [adj]
fechter 19 15 (Scots) a fighter [n...
fecials 18 14 FECIAL, a priest of...
fecking 19 20 an intensive, also F...
feculae 17 15 FECULA, a fine flour...
feculas 18 15 FECULA, a fine flour...
fedarie 13 11 (Shakespeare) a conf...
fedayee 18 13 an Arab commando [n...
federal 14 12 relating to or consi...
fedexed 19 19 FEDEX, to send by Fe...
fedexes 19 18 FEDEX, to send by Fe...
fedoras 13 11 FEDORA, a felt hat w...
feebled 16 15 FEEBLE, to make weak...
feebler 16 14 FEEBLE, very weak [a...
feebles 16 14 FEEBLE, to make weak...
feedbag 16 16 a nosebag for feedin...
feedbox 21 21 a box for animal fee...
feeders 13 11 FEEDER, one that fee...
feeding 14 14 a calculated amount...
feedlot 14 12 a plot of land in wh...
feelbad 16 15 causing a feeling of...
feelers 14 11 FEELER, the antenna...
feeless 14 11 requiring no fee [ad...
feeling 15 14 the sense of touch [...
feeries 13 10 FEERIE, a theatrical...
feering 14 13 a first guiding furr...
feerins 13 11 FEERIN, a first guid...
feesing 14 13 FEESE, to unsettle,...
feezing 17 22 FEEZE, to unsettle,...
feigned 14 14 FEIGN, to pretend, g...
feigner 14 13 one who feigns or pr...
feijoas 15 19 FEIJOA, (Portuguese)...
feinted 13 12 FEINT, to make a pre...
feinter 13 11 FEINT, ruled with fa...
feirier 14 10 FEIRIE, (Scots) nimb...
felafel 17 15 a fried patty of gro...
felched 20 17 FELCH, to lick or su...
felches 20 16 FELCH, to lick or su...
felicia 18 14 any member of a Sout...
felines 14 12 FELINE, a member of...
fellahs 18 14 FELLAH, a peasant of...
fellate 15 12 to stimulate the pen...
fellers 16 12 FELLER, one that fel...
fellest 16 12 FELL, cruel [adj]
fellies 16 12 FELLY, the rim of a...
felling 17 15 the act of causing t...
felloes 15 12 FELLOE, the rim of a...
fellows 19 15 FELLOW, to produce a...
felonry 20 14 a body of felons [n...
felsite 15 11 a fine-grained rock...
felspar 17 14 a common rock-formin...
felters 15 11 FELTER, to mat toget...
feltier 15 11 FELTY, matted like f...
felting 16 14 felted material [n -...
felucca 21 18 a small sailing vess...
felwort 18 14 a flowering plant, t...
females 15 14 FEMALE, the sex that...
feminal 15 15 of a man, thinking l...
feminie 14 14 women collectively [...
femiter 15 13 a plant once used to...
femmier 16 16 FEMMY, markedly femi...
femoral 15 14 pertaining to the fe...
fenagle 14 14 to obtain by tricker...
fencers 16 14 FENCER, one who fenc...
fencing 17 17 the art of using a s...
fenders 13 12 FENDER, a metal guar...
fendier 13 12 FENDY, (Scots) resou...
fending 14 15 FEND, to ward off [v...
fenings 14 14 FENING, a monetary u...
fenitar 13 11 a plant once used to...
fenland 13 14 a region with fens [...
fennecs 15 15 FENNEC, the desert f...
fennels 13 13 FENNEL, a yellow-flo...
fennier 12 12 FENNY, having fens [...
fennies 12 12 FENNY, an alcoholic...
fenning 13 15 a monetary unit of B...
fennish 15 14 abounding in fens; f...
fenuron 12 13 a herbicide [n -S]
feodary 19 13 one holding lands or...
feoffed 17 17 FEOFF, to grant a fe...
feoffee 16 16 one to whom a feudal...
feoffer 17 16 one that grants a fe...
feoffor 17 16 one that grants a fe...
ferbams 17 16 FERBAM, a fungicide...
ferlied 15 12 FERLY, to wonder [v]
ferlier 15 11 FERLY, marvellous [a...
ferlies 15 11 FERLIE, (archaic) a...
fermata 14 13 (Italian) a pause in...
fermate 14 13 FERMATA, (Italian) a...
ferment 14 14 to undergo a type of...
fermion 14 14 a type of subatomic...
fermium 17 17 a radioactive elemen...
fernery 19 13 a place where ferns...
fernier 13 11 FERNY, covered with...
ferning 14 14 a tendency for cervi...
ferrate 13 10 a salt of ferric aci...
ferrels 15 11 FERREL, to fit with...
ferrets 14 10 FERRET, to search ou...
ferrety 20 12 like a polecat [adj]
ferried 14 11 FERRY, to transport...
ferries 14 10 FERRY, to transport...
ferrite 14 10 a form of pure iron...
ferrous 14 11 pertaining to iron [...
ferrugo 15 13 a disease of plants...
ferrule 15 12 to fit with a metal...
ferrums 16 14 FERRUM, iron [n]
fertile 15 11 productive [adj FERT...
ferulae 14 12 FERULA, a flat piece...
ferulas 15 12 FERULA, a flat piece...
feruled 15 13 FERULE, to fit with...
ferules 15 12 FERULE, to fit with...
fervent 15 15 hot, glowing, zealou...
fervors 16 14 FERVOR, great intens...
fervour 16 15 great intensity, als...
fescues 17 14 FESCUE, a kind of pe...
fessing 15 13 FESS, to confess [v]
festals 15 11 FESTAL, a festivity...
festers 14 10 FESTER, to generate...
festier 14 10 FESTY, (Australian s...
festive 16 14 befitting a festival...
festoon 12 11 to adorn with garlan...
fetched 19 16 FETCH, to go after a...
fetcher 19 15 one who fetches [n -...
fetches 19 15 FETCH, to go after a...
fetials 15 11 FETIAL, a priest of...
fetiche 19 15 a fixation, also FET...
fetider 14 11 FETID, stinking, als...
fetidly 22 14 FETID, stinking, als...
fetlock 19 18 a joint of a horse's...
fetters 14 10 FETTER, to shackle [...
fetting 15 13 FETT, (obsolete) to...
fettled 15 12 FETTLE, to potter fu...
fettler 15 11 a railway maintenanc...
fettles 15 11 FETTLE, to potter fu...
fetuses 14 11 FETUS, the unborn in...
feudary 20 14 a holder of land by...
feuding 15 15 the act of feuding [...
feudist 15 12 a writer on feuds; a...
feutred 14 12 FEUTRE, to set a spe...
feutres 14 11 FEUTRE, to set a spe...
fevered 15 15 FEVER, to affect wit...
fewmets 18 16 FEWMET, (archaic) th...
fewness 16 14 the state of being f...
fewters 17 13 FEWTER, to set a spe...
feyness 19 13 the state of being f...
fiacres 17 13 FIACRE, (French) a s...
fiancee 15 14 a woman engaged to b...
fiances 16 14 FIANCE, a man engage...
fiaschi 20 15 FIASCO, a wine bottl...
fiascos 17 13 FIASCO, a wine bottl...
fiating 15 13 FIAT, to sanction [v...
fiaunts 14 12 FIAUNT, (Spenser) a...
fibbers 19 16 FIBBER, one who fibs...
fibbery 25 18 the habit of fibbing...
fibbing 20 19 FIB, to tell a trivi...
fibered 16 14 having fibre, also F...
fibrate 16 13 any of a group of ch...
fibrils 19 14 FIBRIL, a small fibr...
fibrins 17 14 FIBRIN, an insoluble...
fibroid 17 14 a benign tumor, also...
fibroin 16 14 an insoluble protein...
fibroma 17 16 a benign tumor, also...
fibrose 16 13 to form fibrous tiss...
fibrous 17 14 containing, or consi...
fibster 17 13 one who tells fibs [...
fibulae 17 15 FIBULA, a bone in th...
fibular 18 15 pertaining to the fi...
fibulas 18 15 FIBULA, a bone in th...
ficains 17 14 FICAIN, a cysteine p...
fickled 20 19 FICKLE, to perplex [...
fickler 20 18 FICKLE, not loyal [a...
fickles 20 18 FICKLE, to perplex [...
fictile 19 14 capable of being mou...
fiction 17 14 an invented or false...
fictive 20 17 feigned; counterfeit...
fictors 18 13 FICTOR, a person who...
ficuses 18 14 FICUS, a genus of pl...
fiddled 16 14 FIDDLE, to play a vi...
fiddler 16 13 one who plays on a f...
fiddles 16 13 FIDDLE, to play a vi...
fiddley 22 15 an iron framework ar...
fideism 16 14 the doctrine that re...
fideist 15 11 a believer in fideis...
fidgets 16 13 FIDGET, to move abou...
fidgety 22 15 restless, uneasy [ad...
fidging 17 16 FIDGE, to fidget [v]
fidibus 18 15 a paper spill for li...
fiefdom 17 17 a piece of land held...
fielded 15 13 FIELD, to play as a...
fielder 15 12 one who catches or p...
fiercer 17 13 FIERCE, violently ho...
fierier 14 10 FIERY, intensely hot...
fierily 22 13 FIERY, intensely hot...
fiestas 14 10 FIESTA, (Spanish) in...
fifteen 15 14 a number, five and t...
fifthly 27 18 in the fifth place [...
fifties 17 13 FIFTY, a number [n]
figgery 23 16 dressy ornamentation...
figging 18 17 FIG, to dress up [v]
fighter 18 14 one that fights [n -...
figjams 19 24 FIGJAM, (Australian...
figment 16 16 fabrication or inven...
figtree 15 12 a tree that bears fi...
figural 17 14 represented by a fig...
figured 16 14 FIGURE, to compute [...
figurer 16 13 one who figures [n -...
figures 16 13 FIGURE, to compute [...
figwort 19 15 a plant of the snapd...
fikiest 16 14 FIKY, fidgeting and...
filabeg 18 16 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
filacer 18 14 an officer who filed...
filaree 14 11 (Spanish) a Californ...
filaria 15 11 a parasitic worm, al...
filasse 15 11 vegetable fibre prep...
filazer 18 20 an officer who filed...
filberd 18 15 a hazel nut, also FI...
filbert 18 14 a hazel nut, also FI...
filched 21 17 FILCH, to pilfer [v]
filcher 21 16 someone who filches...
filches 21 16 FILCH, to pilfer [v]
filemot 16 14 a dull brown colour,...
fileted 15 12 FILET, to cut bonele...
filfots 18 14 FILFOT, a swastika,...
filiate 15 11 to bring into close...
filibeg 19 16 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
filings 17 14 FILING, a particle r...
fillers 17 12 FILLER, one that fil...
fillets 17 12 FILLET, to cut bonel...
fillies 17 12 FILLY, a female hors...
filling 18 15 anything used to fil...
fillips 20 15 FILLIP, to strike sh...
filmdom 18 18 the motion-picture i...
filmers 17 14 FILMER, one who film...
filmier 17 14 FILMY, thin, delicat...
filmily 25 17 FILMY, thin, delicat...
filming 18 17 FILM, to make a moti...
filmish 20 16 in a style associate...
filmset 17 14 to set by a process...
filters 16 11 FILTER, to purify a...
fimbles 19 17 FIMBLE, the male pla...
fimbria 18 16 a fringing filament...
finable 16 15 subject to the payme...
finagle 15 14 to obtain by tricker...
finales 14 12 FINALE, a terminatio...
finalis 15 12 a type of tone in me...
finally 22 15 FINAL, last in seque...
finance 15 15 to supply the money...
finback 20 21 a type of whale char...
finched 19 17 striped or spotted o...
finches 19 16 FINCH, a small bird...
finders 14 12 FINDER, one that fin...
finding 15 15 something that is fo...
findram 15 15 a kind of smoked had...
fineers 13 11 FINEER, to get goods...
fineish 16 13 somewhat fine [adj]
finesse 13 11 to use cunning strat...
finests 14 11 FINEST, the worthies...
finfish 19 16 a finback whale, als...
finfoot 15 14 a South American bir...
fingans 14 14 FINGAN, the handlele...
fingers 15 13 FINGER, to touch wit...
finials 15 12 FINIAL, a decorating...
finical 18 15 particular about uni...
finicky 25 20 difficult to please,...
finikin 15 16 particular about uni...
finings 15 14 FINING, the process...
finises 14 11 FINIS, (Latin) the e...
finites 14 11 FINITE, a verb limit...
finjans 15 21 FINJAN, the handlele...
finking 16 18 FINK, to inform to t...
finless 15 12 without fins [adj]
finlike 16 16 like a fin [adj]
finlits 16 12 FINLIT, (colloquial)...
finmark 16 18 the monetary unit of...
finnack 17 19 a young seatrout, al...
finnacs 16 15 FINNAC, a young seat...
finnans 12 13 FINNAN, (Scots) hadd...
finners 13 12 FINNER, a finback wh...
finnier 13 12 FINNY, having fins [...
finning 14 15 FIN, to equip with p...
finnock 17 19 a young seatrout, al...
finnsko 14 16 a reindeer-skin boot...
fiorins 14 11 FIORIN, a species of...
fipples 20 17 FIPPLE, a plug at th...
firearm 15 13 a weapon e.g. a gun...
firebox 22 20 a chamber in which f...
firebug 18 16 an arsonist [n -S]
firedog 15 13 a metal support for...
firefly 24 16 any of various noctu...
firelit 16 11 lit by firelight [ad...
fireman 14 14 a man employed to ex...
firemen 14 14 FIREMAN, a man emplo...
firepan 15 14 a metal vessel for h...
firepit 17 13 a depression dug in...
firepot 16 13 a pot with burning c...
firings 16 13 FIRING, the process...
firking 17 17 FIRK, (Shakespeare)...
firkins 16 15 FIRKIN, a small cask...
firlots 16 11 FIRLOT, an old measu...
firmans 15 14 FIRMAN, an Oriental...
firmers 16 13 FIRMER, a carpenter'...
firmest 16 13 FIRM, unyielding to...
firming 17 16 FIRM, to make firm [...
firrier 15 10 FIRRY, abounding in...
firring 16 13 wooden strips attach...
firstly 23 13 FIRST, preceding all...
firwood 17 14 the wood of the fir...
fiscals 19 14 FISCAL, a treasurer;...
fisgigs 18 14 FISGIG, a giddy girl...
fishers 17 12 FISHER, one who catc...
fishery 23 14 a place for catching...
fisheye 22 14 a suspicious stare [...
fishful 21 17 containing many fish...
fishgig 20 16 a kind of harpoon, a...
fishier 17 12 FISHY, consisting of...
fishify 26 17 to turn into fish [v...
fishily 25 15 FISHY, consisting of...
fishing 18 15 the sport of catchin...
fishnet 16 13 a net for catching f...
fishway 26 17 a device for enablin...
fisking 17 17 FISK, to frisk, gad...
fissate 14 10 deeply split [adj]
fissile 16 11 capable of being spl...
fission 14 11 to split into parts...
fissive 17 14 pertaining to nuclea...
fissled 16 12 FISSLE, (Scots) to r...
fissles 16 11 FISSLE, (Scots) to r...
fissure 15 11 to split, cleave [v...
fistful 19 15 as much as a fist wi...
fistier 15 10 FISTY, like a fist [...
fisting 16 13 a homosexual erotic...
fistula 16 12 a duct formed by the...
fitchee 19 15 in heraldry, coming...
fitches 20 15 FITCH, a polecat, al...
fitchet 20 15 a polecat, also FITC...
fitchew 23 18 a polecat, also FITC...
fitlier 16 11 FITLY, in a fit mann...
fitment 15 14 equipment [n -S]
fitness 14 11 the state of being f...
fitters 15 10 FITTER, one that fit...
fittest 15 10 FIT, in a good healt...
fitting 16 13 suitable [adj FITTIN...
fivepin 18 18 used for playing fiv...
fixable 23 21 able to be fixed [ad...
fixated 20 18 FIXATE, to make stab...
fixates 20 17 FIXATE, to make stab...
fixatif 23 20 a substance for pres...
fixedly 28 21 FIXED [adv]
fixings 22 20 FIXING, the act or p...
fixture 21 18 a permanent part of...
fixures 21 18 FIXURE, (Shakespeare...
fizgigs 21 23 FIZGIG, a police inf...
fizzens 20 29 FIZZEN, (Scots) phys...
fizzers 21 28 FIZZER, (Australian...
fizzgig 24 32 a police informer, a...
fizzier 21 28 FIZZY, fizzing [adj]
fizzily 29 31 FIZZY [adv]
fizzing 22 31 the sound of somethi...
fizzled 22 30 FIZZLE, to come to n...
fizzles 22 29 FIZZLE, to come to n...
fjordic 20 23 of or like a fjord [...
flaccid 22 18 limp [adj FLACCIDER,...
flacked 19 19 FLACK, to work as a...
flacker 19 18 (Scots) to flutter,...
flacket 19 18 to flap, flutter [v...
flacons 17 15 FLACON, (French) a s...
flaffed 19 18 FLAFF, (Scots) to fl...
flaffer 19 17 (Scots) to flutter,...
flagged 17 16 FLAG, to mark with a...
flagger 17 15 a person who carries...
flagman 16 17 a man who carries a...
flagmen 16 17 FLAGMAN, a man who c...
flagons 15 14 FLAGON, a large vess...
flailed 16 13 FLAIL, to thresh abo...
flakers 16 15 FLAKER, someone or s...
flakier 16 15 FLAKEY, in flakes; c...
flakies 16 15 FLAKY, a fit of temp...
flakily 24 18 FLAKY, tending to fo...
flaking 17 18 FLAKE, to peel off i...
flambee 17 17 to douse with liqueu...
flambes 18 17 FLAMBE, to douse (e....
flamens 15 15 FLAMEN, a priest of...
flamers 16 14 FLAMER, a person who...
flamfew 21 20 a fantastic trifle [...
flamier 16 14 FLAMY, flaming [adj]
flaming 17 17 FLAME, to burn brigh...
flammed 17 18 FLAM, to deceive [v]
flaneur 14 13 (French) an idle man...
flanged 15 15 FLANGE, to provide w...
flanger 15 14 a vertical scraper f...
flanges 15 14 FLANGE, to provide w...
flaning 15 15 FLANE, to walk idly,...
flanked 15 17 FLANK, to be situate...
flanken 14 17 beef cut from the si...
flanker 15 16 to use flank defence...
flannel 14 14 to cover with a soft...
flannen 12 14 (dialect) flannel [n...
flannie 13 13 (Aust) a shirt made...
flapped 19 18 FLAP, to move, as of...
flapper 19 17 a flighty young woma...
flareup 17 15 a sudden outbreak [n...
flarier 15 11 FLARY, tending to fl...
flaring 16 14 FLARE, to display gl...
flasers 15 11 FLASER, a streaky ap...
flashed 17 14 FLASH, to shine brie...
flasher 17 13 something or someone...
flashes 17 13 FLASH, to shine brie...
flasket 16 15 (historical) a long,...
flatbed 17 15 a lorry with a flat...
flatcap 20 17 a low-crowned hat wo...
flatcar 18 14 a railway car withou...
flatlet 16 12 a type of apartment...
flatted 15 12 FLAT, to make flat [...
flatten 14 12 to make or become fl...
flatter 15 11 to praise excessivel...
flattie 15 11 a light flat shoe, a...
flattop 17 14 an aircraft carrier...
flaught 19 16 to cut, pare [v -ED,...
flaunch 20 18 to widen into a flar...
flaunes 14 13 FLAUNE, (archaic) a...
flaunts 15 13 FLAUNT, to exhibit i...
flaunty 21 15 showy [adj FLAUNTIER...
flautas 15 12 FLAUTA, a tortilla r...
flavine 16 16 a yellow dye made fr...
flavins 17 16 FLAVIN, a yellow dye...
flavone 15 16 a pigment derived fr...
flavors 17 15 FLAVOR, to impart a...
flavory 23 17 full of flavor, also...
flavour 17 16 to impart a special...
flawier 18 14 FLAWY, full of flaws...
flawing 19 17 FLAW, to make defect...
flaxier 21 18 FLAXY, like flax; of...
flayers 21 13 FLAYER, one who flay...
flaying 22 16 FLAY, to strip off s...
fleabag 17 16 an inferior hotel [n...
fleadhs 17 14 FLEADH, (Irish) a fe...
fleapit 17 14 a run-down movie the...
fleches 20 16 FLECHE, (French) a s...
flecked 19 19 FLECK, to mark with...
flecker 19 18 to mark with spots [...
fledged 16 15 FLEDGE, to furnish w...
fledges 16 14 FLEDGE, to furnish w...
fleeced 17 15 FLEECE, to remove th...
fleecer 17 14 a machine that fleec...
fleeces 17 14 FLEECE, to remove th...
fleecie 17 14 (New Zealand) someon...
fleeing 15 14 FLEE, to run away [v...
fleered 14 12 FLEER, to deride by...
fleerer 14 11 someone who fleers [...
fleeted 14 12 FLEET, to move swift...
fleeter 14 11 FLEET, swift, also F...
fleetly 22 14 FLEET, swift, also F...
flegged 17 16 FLEG, (Scots) to fri...
flehmen 17 17 of a mammal, to grim...
fleming 17 17 FLEME, (Scots) to pu...
flemish 19 16 to coil a rope in a...
flensed 14 13 FLENSE, to strip the...
flenser 14 12 one that flenses, al...
flenses 14 12 FLENSE, to strip the...
fleshed 17 14 FLESH, to scrape sof...
flesher 17 13 an instrument for sc...
fleshes 17 13 FLESH, to scrape sof...
fleshly 25 16 pertaining to the bo...
fletton 14 12 a type of brick made...
fleuret 15 12 (French) an ornament...
fleuron 14 13 (French) a decorativ...
flexile 22 19 flexible [adj]
flexing 22 21 FLEX, to bend [v]
flexion 20 19 the act of bending,...
flexors 21 18 FLEXOR, a muscle tha...
flexure 21 19 the act of bending [...
fleying 22 16 FLEY, (Scots) to fri...
flicked 20 19 FLICK, to strike lig...
flicker 20 18 to burn unsteadily,...
flights 20 15 FLIGHT, to migrate i...
flighty 26 17 fickle [adj FLIGHTIE...
flimped 19 18 FLIMP, to rob while...
flinder 15 13 to break to pieces [...
flinger 16 14 one who flings; one...
flinted 15 13 FLINT, to provide wi...
flipped 20 18 FLIP, to spin in the...
flipper 20 17 a flat limb for swim...
flirted 16 12 FLIRT, to engage in...
flirter 16 11 someone who flirts [...
flisked 17 16 FLISK, to caper abou...
fliting 17 14 FLITE, (Scots) to qu...
flitted 16 12 FLIT, to move lightl...
flitter 16 11 to vibrate or move q...
flivver 20 19 a small, cheap, usua...
flixing 23 21 FLIX, to melt, also...
floated 14 12 FLOAT, to rest or mo...
floatel 15 12 a floating hotel, al...
floater 14 11 one who floats or sw...
flobbed 19 18 FLOB, (slang) to spi...
flocced 21 18 FLOC, to aggregate i...
floccus 22 18 the tuft of hair ter...
flocked 19 19 FLOCK, to gather or...
flogged 17 16 FLOG, to beat with a...
flogger 17 15 one who flogs [n -S]
flokati 16 15 a handwoven Greek ru...
flooded 14 13 FLOOD, to inundate [...
flooder 14 12 one who floods anyth...
floored 14 12 FLOOR, to supply wit...
floorer 14 11 a knockdown blow; a...
floosie 14 11 a prostitute, also F...
floozie 17 20 a prostitute, also F...
flopped 19 18 FLOP, to drop heavil...
flopper 19 17 something or someone...
florals 16 12 FLORAL, a design fea...
floreat 14 11 (Latin) may it flour...
florets 15 11 FLORET, a small flow...
florier 15 11 FLORY, having fleur-...
florins 15 12 FLORIN, an obsolete...
florist 16 11 a grower or seller o...
floruit 16 12 (Latin) the period d...
florula 16 13 a fossil flower, als...
florule 16 13 a fossil flower, als...
floshes 17 13 FLOSH, any loose dow...
flossed 15 12 FLOSS, to clean betw...
flosser 15 11 one who flosses [n -...
flosses 15 11 FLOSS, to clean betw...
flossie 15 11 a prostitute, also F...
flotage 15 13 the act of floating,...
flotant 14 12 in heraldry, represe...
flotels 16 12 FLOTEL, a platform o...
floting 16 14 FLOTE, to skim e.g....
flotsam 16 14 goods lost by shipwr...
flounce 17 16 to move with an impa...
flouncy 24 18 flouncing [adj FLOUN...
floured 15 13 FLOUR, to cover with...
floused 15 13 FLOUSE, to splash, a...
flouses 15 12 FLOUSE, to splash, a...
flouted 15 13 FLOUT, to treat with...
flouter 15 12 one who flouts; a mo...
flowage 18 16 an overflowing with...
flowers 18 14 FLOWER, to blossom o...
flowery 24 16 abounding in flowers...
flowing 19 17 FLOW, to move steadi...
fluates 15 12 FLUATE, (obsolete) a...
flubbed 20 19 FLUB, to bungle, bot...
flubber 20 18 one who flubs, makes...
flubdub 21 20 pretentious nonsense...
fluence 17 16 the quality of being...
fluency 24 18 the quality of being...
fluents 15 13 FLUENT, the variable...
flueric 19 15 pertaining to a bran...
fluffed 20 19 FLUFF, to make fluff...
fluffer 20 18 a person employed on...
flugels 18 15 FLUGEL, a grand pian...
fluidal 17 14 pertaining to a flui...
fluidic 20 16 fluid, relating to f...
fluidly 24 16 FLUID, flowing [adv]
fluiest 16 12 FLUEY, infected with...
flukier 17 16 FLUKY, lucky, by acc...
flukily 25 19 FLUKY, lucky, by acc...
fluking 18 19 FLUKE, to obtain by...
fluming 18 18 FLUME, to convey by...
flummox 24 25 to confuse [v FLUMMO...
flumped 19 19 FLUMP, to fall or mo...
flunked 16 18 FLUNK, to fail in an...
flunker 16 17 something or someone...
flunkey 22 19 a servile follower,...
flunkie 16 17 a servile follower,...
fluoric 19 15 pertaining to, obtai...
fluorid 16 13 a compound of fluori...
fluorin 15 13 a gaseous element, a...
flurred 16 13 FLURR, to scatter [v...
flushed 18 15 FLUSH, to clean by a...
flusher 18 14 someone who flushes...
flushes 18 14 FLUSH, to clean by a...
fluster 16 12 to put into a state...
fluters 16 12 FLUTER, one who play...
flutier 16 12 FLUTY, resembling a...
flutina 15 13 a type of accordion...
fluting 17 15 a series of parallel...
flutist 17 12 one who plays the fl...
flutter 16 12 to move in quick mot...
fluvial 19 17 of or relating to a...
fluxing 23 22 FLUX, to melt, also...
fluxion 21 20 the act of flowing [...
fluxive 24 23 flowing with tears [...
flyable 24 17 suitable for flying...
flyaway 30 18 one that is elusive...
flyback 28 23 the rapid return of...
flybane 22 17 a name for various p...
flybelt 25 17 an area infested wit...
flyblew 28 20 FLYBLOW, to taint wi...
flyblow 28 20 to taint with the eg...
flyboat 23 16 a small fast boat [n...
flybook 24 20 a case like a book u...
flyboys 30 18 FLYBOY, a pilot in t...
flyhand 23 17 a device for transfe...
flyings 23 16 FLYING, the operatio...
flyleaf 24 17 a blank page at the...
flyless 23 14 free of flies (winge...
flyline 22 15 a type of line used...
flyoffs 26 19 FLYOFF, a competitiv...
flyover 23 17 a flight of aircraft...
flypast 24 16 a flight, at low alt...
flyping 25 19 FLYPE, to strip back...
flytier 22 13 a maker of fishing f...
flyting 23 16 a dispute in verse f...
flytrap 24 16 a trap for catching...
flyways 31 18 FLYWAY, an establish...
foaling 15 14 the act of giving bi...
foamers 14 13 FOAMER, something th...
foamier 14 13 FOAMY, covered with...
foamily 22 16 FOAMY, covered with...
foaming 15 16 the act of foaming [...
fobbing 19 19 FOB, to cheat, also...
focally 25 17 FOCAL, pertaining to...
focused 17 15 FOCUS, to bring or a...
focuser 17 14 a device to assist f...
focuses 17 14 FOCUS, to bring or a...
fodders 14 12 FODDER, to feed catt...
foetors 13 10 FOETOR, a stench, al...
fogbows 20 18 FOGBOW, a nebulous a...
fogdogs 16 15 FOGDOG, a nebulous a...
foggage 16 16 (Scots) a grass that...
foggers 16 14 FOGGER, a person who...
foggier 16 14 FOGGY, filled with f...
foggily 24 17 FOGGY, filled with f...
fogging 17 17 the act of obscuring...
foghorn 16 15 a horn sounded in fo...
fogless 16 13 having no fog [adj]
fograms 16 15 FOGRAM, a person wit...
fogydom 22 18 the world of fogies,...
fogyish 24 16 like a fogy, also FO...
fogyism 23 17 an outlook like a fo...
foibles 17 14 FOIBLE, a minor weak...
foiling 16 14 the act of frustrati...
foilist 16 11 one who fences with...
foining 14 14 FOIN, to thrust with...
foisons 13 11 FOISON, (Scots) phys...
foisted 14 11 FOIST, to pass off (...
foister 14 10 one who foists [n -S...
folacin 17 15 a form of vitamin B...
folates 14 11 FOLATE, a form of vi...
folders 15 12 FOLDER, one that fol...
folding 16 15 a fold or pleat; the...
foldout 15 13 a large page, e.g. a...
foldups 18 16 FOLDUP, an object th...
foliage 15 13 the growth of leaves...
foliate 14 11 to number the leaves...
folioed 14 12 FOLIO, to number the...
foliole 15 12 a small structure li...
foliose 14 11 having leaves, also...
folious 15 12 having leaves, also...
foliums 17 15 FOLIUM, a leaf, a th...
folkier 16 15 FOLKY, down to earth...
folkies 16 15 FOLKY, a performer o...
folkish 19 17 characteristic of th...
folkmot 17 18 a general assembly o...
folkway 25 20 a traditional custom...
follied 16 13 FOLLY, to act with f...
follies 16 12 FOLLY, to act with f...
follows 19 15 FOLLOW, to go after...
foments 14 14 FOMENT, to foster or...
fomites 15 13 FOMES, a substance c...
fondant 12 13 (French) a soft swee...
fondest 13 12 FOND, having an affe...
fonding 14 15 FOND, to display aff...
fondled 14 14 FONDLE, to caress [v...
fondler 14 13 one who fondles [n -...
fondles 14 13 FONDLE, to caress [v...
fondued 13 14 FONDU, to cook a dis...
fondues 13 13 FONDUE, to cook a di...
fonning 13 15 FON, to fool, be foo...
fontina 12 12 an Italian cheese [n...
fontlet 14 12 a little font [n -S]
foodery 19 13 a restaurant [n FOOD...
foodful 17 16 able to supply food...
foodies 13 11 FOODIE, an enthusias...
foodism 15 14 avid interest in foo...
foodoir 13 11 a book or blog that...
foolery 20 13 foolish behaviour or...
fooling 15 14 playing the fool [n...
foolish 17 13 lacking good sense o...
footage 13 12 measurement of payme...
footbag 16 15 a small bag filled w...
footbar 15 13 in an aeroplane, a b...
footbed 15 14 the insole in a boot...
footboy 21 15 a page, an attendant...
footers 13 10 FOOTER, to mess arou...
footier 13 10 FOOTY, mean [adj]
footies 13 10 FOOTIE, (slang) foot...
footing 14 13 a foundation [n -S]
footled 14 12 FOOTLE, to potter ab...
footler 14 11 someone who footles...
footles 14 11 FOOTLE, to potter ab...
footman 13 14 a male servant [n FO...
footmen 13 14 FOOTMAN, a male serv...
footpad 15 14 one who robs a pedes...
footras 13 10 FOOTRA, a worthless...
footsal 14 11 a form of associatio...
footsie 13 10 flirtation involving...
footway 22 15 a passage for pedest...
foozled 17 21 FOOZLE, to manage or...
foozler 17 20 one who foozles, foo...
foozles 17 20 FOOZLE, to manage or...
fopling 18 17 a petty fop [n -S]
foppery 24 18 dandyish behaviour [...
fopping 19 19 FOP, to deceive [v]
foppish 21 18 characteristic of a...
foraged 14 13 FORAGE, to search ab...
forager 14 12 one who forages [n -...
forages 14 12 FORAGE, to search ab...
foramen 13 14 a small anatomical o...
forayed 19 13 FORAY, to make a rai...
forayer 19 12 one who makes or joi...
forbade 15 14 FORBID, to command n...
forbare 15 13 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forbear 15 13 to refrain from [v F...
forbids 17 14 FORBID, to command n...
forbode 15 14 to indicate in advan...
forbore 15 13 FORBEAR, to refrain...
forcats 17 13 FORCAT, a convict co...
forceps 19 16 a pair of tongs used...
forcers 17 13 FORCER, one who forc...
forcing 18 16 FORCE, to compel by...
fording 15 14 FORD, to wade across...
fordoes 13 11 FORDO, to destroy, a...
fordone 12 12 FORDO, to destroy, a...
forearm 14 13 to arm in advance [v...
forebay 21 15 a reservoir from whi...
forebye 21 15 close by, also FORBY...
forecar 16 13 a small passenger co...
foredid 14 12 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foregut 15 13 the front part of th...
foreign 14 13 situated outside a p...
forelay 20 13 to wait in ambush [v...
foreleg 15 13 one of the front leg...
forelie 14 11 (Spenser) to lie in...
foreman 13 14 a man who supervises...
foremen 13 14 FOREMAN, a man who s...
forepaw 18 16 the paw of a foreleg...
foreran 12 11 FORERUN, to run in a...
forerun 13 12 to run in advance of...
foresaw 16 13 FORESEE, to see in a...
foresay 19 12 to foretell [v FORES...
foresee 12 10 to see in advance [v...
forests 14 10 FOREST, to convert i...
foretop 15 13 the platform at the...
forever 15 14 an indefinite length...
forexes 19 17 FOREX, (short for) f...
forfair 16 13 (obsolete) to perish...
forfeit 16 13 to lose the right to...
forfend 15 15 (archaic) to protect...
forgave 16 16 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forgers 15 12 FORGER, one that for...
forgery 21 14 the act of fraudulen...
forgets 15 12 FORGET, to fail to r...
forging 16 15 the act of forging,...
forgive 17 16 to pardon [v FORGAVE...
forgoer 14 12 one who forgoes [n -...
forgoes 14 12 FORGO, to refrain fr...
forgone 13 13 FORGO, to refrain fr...
forhent 15 13 to overtake, also FO...
forhoos 15 12 FORHOO, (Scots) to d...
forhows 19 15 FORHOW, to desert or...
forints 14 11 FORINT, a monetary u...
forkers 15 14 FORKER, one who fork...
forkful 19 19 as much as a fork ca...
forkier 15 14 FORKY, resembling a...
forking 16 17 FORK, to work with a...
forlana 13 12 a dance of old Venic...
forlend 14 13 to grant beforehand,...
forlent 14 12 FORELEND, to grant b...
forlese 14 11 to lose, forsake [v...
forlore 14 11 FORLESE, to lose, fo...
forlorn 14 12 forsaken [adj FORLOR...
formals 16 14 FORMAL, a social eve...
formant 14 14 a component of a spe...
formate 14 13 to fly in formation...
formats 15 13 FORMAT, to follow th...
formees 14 13 FORMEE, a kind of he...
formers 15 13 FORMER, someone or s...
formful 19 18 exhibiting good form...
formica 18 16 any of various lamin...
forming 16 16 the process of formi...
formols 16 14 FORMOL, a formic ald...
formula 16 15 a prescribed or set...
formyls 23 16 FORMYL, a radical de...
fornent 12 12 (Scots) right opposi...
forpets 16 13 FORPET, a measure of...
forpine 15 14 to waste away [v FOR...
forpits 17 13 FORPIT, a measure of...
forrads 14 11 FORRAD, a forward [n...
forrays 20 12 FORRAY, (Spenser) to...
forsaid 14 11 FORSAY, to forbid, t...
forsake 14 14 to quit or leave ent...
forsays 20 12 FORSAY, to forbid, t...
forsloe 14 11 to delay, also FORSL...
forslow 18 14 to delay, also FORES...
forsook 14 14 FORSAKE, to quit or...
forties 14 10 FORTY, a number [n]
fortify 23 15 to strengthen agains...
forting 15 13 FORT, to fortify [v]
fortlet 15 11 a little fort [n -S]
fortune 13 12 to endow with wealth...
forward 17 14 to help onward [v -E...
forwarn 16 14 to warn in advance,...
forwent 16 14 FORGO, to refrain fr...
forworn 16 14 worn out, also FOREW...
forzati 17 19 FORZATO, a suddenly...
forzato 16 19 a suddenly emphasise...
fossate 13 10 having a fossa, an a...
fossick 19 17 (Australian slang) t...
fossils 16 11 FOSSIL, the preserve...
fossors 14 10 FOSSOR, (archaic) a...
fossula 15 12 a small depression [...
fosters 14 10 FOSTER, to promote t...
fothers 16 12 FOTHER, to protect a...
foudrie 14 12 the jurisdiction of...
fouette 13 11 (French) a ballet-st...
fougade 14 14 a small mine, in the...
foughty 24 17 (dialect) musty, mou...
foulard 15 13 a soft lightweight p...
foulder 15 13 (Spenser) to thunder...
foulest 15 12 FOUL, offensive to t...
foulies 15 12 FOULIE, (Australian...
fouling 16 15 a deposit or crust [...
foumart 15 14 a polecat, also FOUL...
founded 13 14 FOUND, to establish...
founder 13 13 to become disabled [...
foundry 20 15 a building where met...
fourgon 14 14 (French) a baggage-w...
fourses 14 11 (dialect) a snack ta...
fourths 17 13 FOURTH, one of four...
foussas 14 11 FOUSSA, (Malagasy) a...
fouters 14 11 FOUTER, (Scots) to m...
foutras 14 11 FOUTRA, a fig, somet...
foutred 14 12 FOUTRE, (Scots) to m...
foutres 14 11 FOUTRE, (Scots) to m...
foveate 14 14 pitted, also FOVEATE...
foveola 15 15 a small fovea, also...
foveole 15 15 a small fovea, also...
fowlers 18 14 FOWLER, one that fow...
fowling 19 17 the hunting of birds...
fowlpox 26 24 a virus disease of p...
foxfire 22 20 a glow produced by c...
foxfish 25 22 a large shark [n -ES...
foxhole 22 20 a small battle entre...
foxhunt 22 21 to hunt foxes with h...
foxiest 20 17 FOXY, like a fox, cr...
foxings 21 20 FOXING, the act of a...
foxlike 22 22 resembling a fox in...
foxship 25 22 craftiness [n -S]
foxskin 21 22 the skin of a fox [n...
foxtail 21 18 the tail of a fox [n...
foxtrot 20 17 to dance in a partic...
foyboat 21 15 on Tyneside, a small...
foyling 22 16 FOYLE, (Spenser) to...
foyning 20 16 FOYNE, to thrust wit...
foziest 17 19 FOZY, lacking in fre...
frabbed 18 17 FRAB, (dialect) to w...
frabbit 19 16 (dialect) peevish [a...
fracked 18 18 FRACK, to engage in...
fracker 18 17 one who engages in f...
fractal 18 14 a complex geometric...
fracted 17 14 FRACT, to break; to...
fractur 18 14 (German) a German st...
fractus 18 14 a ragged cloud [n FR...
fraenum 14 15 a connecting fold of...
fragged 16 15 FRAG, to kill with a...
fragile 16 13 easily broken [adj F...
fragors 15 12 FRAGOR, a crash [n]
frailer 15 11 FRAIL, weak, infirm...
frailly 23 14 FRAIL, weak, infirm...
frailty 22 13 a weakness of charac...
fraised 14 11 FRAISE, to fortify w...
fraises 14 10 FRAISE, to fortify w...
fraktur 16 15 (German) a German st...
framers 15 13 FRAMER, one who fram...
framing 16 16 framework [n -S]
frampal 18 17 (Scott) peevish, int...
franger 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
franion 12 12 (obsolete) a loose w...
franked 14 16 FRANK, to mark mail...
franker 14 15 one that franks [n -...
frankly 22 18 FRANK, free and open...
frankum 16 19 the hardened resin o...
frantic 17 14 wild with anxiety [a...
fraping 17 16 FRAPE, to alter the...
frapped 18 17 FRAP, to draw tight...
frappee 17 16 of drinks like coffe...
frappes 18 16 FRAPPE, an iced drin...
frasses 14 10 FRASS, debris or exc...
fratchy 26 17 quarrelsome [adj FRA...
fraters 14 10 FRATER, a monk, a ho...
fratery 20 12 a convent of friars,...
fraught 18 15 to load with tension...
frawzey 26 24 (dialect) a treat [n...
fraying 21 15 something worn off b...
frazils 19 20 FRAZIL, ice crystals...
frazzle 21 29 to fray [v FRAZZLED,...
freaked 14 15 FREAK, to spot or st...
freckle 19 18 to mark with small b...
freckly 26 20 marked with freckles...
freebee 14 13 something given or r...
freebie 15 13 something given or r...
freedom 14 14 the state of being f...
freegan 13 13 an opponent of consu...
freeing 14 13 FREE, to set at libe...
freeman 13 14 one who is free [n F...
freemen 13 14 FREEMAN, one who is...
freesia 13 10 a scented garden flo...
freeway 22 15 an express highway [...
freezer 16 19 an appliance for fre...
freezes 16 19 FREEZE, to turn into...
freight 18 14 to load with goods f...
fremits 16 13 FREMIT, a stranger,...
frenemy 20 16 a person who pretend...
frennes 12 12 FRENNE, (Spenser) a...
frenula 14 13 FRENULUM, a connecti...
frenums 15 15 FRENUM, a connecting...
frescos 17 13 FRESCO, to paint on...
freshed 16 13 FRESH, to improve th...
freshen 15 13 to improve the condi...
fresher 16 12 a first year college...
freshes 16 12 FRESH, to improve th...
freshet 16 12 a stream of fresh wa...
freshie 16 12 a new immigrant to t...
freshly 24 15 FRESH, new [adv]
fresnel 14 12 a unit of optical fr...
fretful 18 15 inclined to fret [ad...
fretsaw 17 13 a narrow-bladed saw...
fretted 14 11 FRET, to worry [v]
fretter 14 10 one who, or that whi...
friable 17 14 easily crumbled [adj...
friande 13 12 a (female) epicure [...
friands 14 12 FRIAND, a (male) epi...
friarly 22 13 resembling or charac...
fribble 20 17 to be frivolous, tri...
frichts 21 15 FRICHT, (Scots) to f...
fricots 18 13 FRICOT, an Acadian s...
fridged 16 14 FRIDGE, to rub or fr...
fridges 16 13 FRIDGE, to rub or fr...
friends 14 12 FRIEND, to enter int...
friezed 17 20 FRIEZE, to put a dec...
friezes 17 19 FRIEZE, to put a dec...
frigate 15 12 a class of war vesse...
frigged 17 15 FRIG, to potter abou...
frigger 17 14 a glass ornament [n...
frights 19 14 FRIGHT, to make afra...
frigots 16 12 FRIGOT, (Spenser) a...
frijole 17 20 a bean used as food,...
frilled 17 13 FRILL, to provide wi...
friller 17 12 one that frills [n -...
fringed 15 14 FRINGE, to provide w...
fringes 15 13 FRINGE, to provide w...
fripons 16 14 FRIPON, (French) a k...
fripper 19 16 (archaic) one who de...
frippet 19 16 a frivolous or flamb...
frisbee 16 13 a plastic disk sever...
frisees 14 10 FRISEE, (French) a v...
friseur 15 11 a hairdresser [n -S]
friskas 16 14 FRISKA, the fast sec...
frisked 16 15 FRISK, to gambol, or...
frisker 16 14 one who frisks; one...
frisket 16 14 a frame used to prot...
frisson 14 11 (French) an emotiona...
fristed 15 11 FRIST, to postpone,...
frisure 15 11 (French) the dressin...
fritfly 25 16 a small fly [n FRITF...
fritted 15 11 FRIT, to fuse cerami...
fritter 15 10 to squander little b...
friture 15 11 a dish of fried food...
fritzed 18 20 FRITZ, (of an applia...
fritzes 18 19 FRITZ [n]
frivols 18 15 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frizado 17 20 (Spanish) a fine fri...
frizers 18 19 FRIZER, one that fri...
frizing 19 22 FRIZ, to curl hair t...
frizzed 21 29 FRIZZ, to curl hair...
frizzer 21 28 one that frizzes, al...
frizzes 21 28 FRIZZ, to curl hair...
frizzle 22 29 to curl hair tightly...
frizzly 29 31 of hair, tightly cur...
frocked 18 18 FROCK, to invest wit...
frogbit 18 15 a kind of water-plan...
frogeye 20 14 a plant disease [n -...
frogged 16 15 FROG, to hunt for we...
froglet 16 13 a small frog, also F...
frogman 15 16 a person equipped fo...
frogmen 15 16 FROGMAN, a person eq...
froings 15 13 FROING, as in toing...
froises 14 10 FROISE, a thick panc...
frolics 19 14 FROLIC, to play and...
fromage 15 15 cheese [n -S]
fronded 13 13 having a frond [adj]
frontal 14 12 at the front [adj FR...
fronted 13 12 FRONT, to present [v...
fronter 13 11 a three-year-old ani...
frontes 13 11 FRONS, the forehead;...
fronton 12 12 an area used for jai...
froshes 16 12 FROSH, (US) a freshm...
frosted 14 11 a type of milk shake...
frothed 16 13 FROTH, to foam [v]
frother 16 12 one who froths [n -S...
froughy 24 17 of timber, soft and...
frounce 16 15 to wrinkle or frown...
froward 17 14 (archaic) habitually...
frowier 17 13 FROWIE, (Spenser) mu...
frowned 16 15 FROWN, to wrinkle th...
frowner 16 14 one who frowns [n -S...
frowsts 18 13 FROWST, to luxuriate...
frowsty 24 15 fusty, stuffy, also...
fructan 17 15 a type of polymer of...
fructed 18 15 bearing fruit, said...
frugged 17 16 FRUG, to perform a t...
fruicts 19 14 FRUICT, (obsolete) f...
fruited 15 12 FRUIT, to produce an...
fruiter 15 11 one who grows of sel...
frumped 18 18 FRUMP, (obsolete) to...
frumple 19 18 (dialect) to wrinkle...
frushed 17 14 FRUSH, to break or b...
frushes 17 13 FRUSH, to break or b...
frustum 17 15 a cone with its top...
frutify 24 16 (Shakespeare) Launce...
fryable 23 16 able to be fried [ad...
fryings 22 15 FRYING, the process...
frypans 22 16 FRYPAN, a pan for fr...
fubbery 25 19 a deception [n FUBBE...
fubbier 19 17 FUBBY, chubby and sq...
fubbing 20 20 FUB, to cheat, also...
fubsier 17 14 FUBSY, chubby, also...
fuchsia 20 16 a flowering shrub [n...
fuchsin 20 17 a red dye, also FUCH...
fuckers 19 18 FUCKER, a contemptib...
fucking 20 21 sexual intercourse [...
fuckoff 23 24 a time waster or shi...
fuckups 22 22 FUCKUP, something in...
fuckwit 23 21 (offensive) a fool,...
fucoids 18 15 FUCOID, a seaweed of...
fucoses 17 14 FUCOSE, a type of su...
fucused 18 16 painted [adj]
fucuses 18 15 FUCUS, any of a genu...
fuddier 15 13 FUDDY, old-fashioned...
fuddies 15 13 FUDDY, an old-fashio...
fuddled 16 15 FUDDLE, to confuse,...
fuddler 16 14 a drunkard [n -S]
fuddles 16 14 FUDDLE, to confuse,...
fudgier 16 14 FUDGY, resembling fu...
fudging 17 17 FUDGE, to falsify [v...
fuehrer 16 13 (German) a leader, a...
fuelers 15 12 FUELER, one who fuel...
fueling 16 15 FUEL, to provide wit...
fuelled 16 14 FUEL, to provide wit...
fueller 16 13 one who fuels, also...
fuffier 19 17 FUFFY, light and sof...
fuffing 20 20 FUFF, to spit like a...
fugally 24 17 FUGAL, being in the...
fugatos 15 13 FUGATO, a fugal comp...
fuggier 17 15 FUGGY, close, stuffy...
fuggily 25 18 FUGGY, close, stuffy...
fugging 18 18 FUG, to make hot, st...
fuglier 17 14 FUGLY, an offensive...
fugling 18 17 FUGLE, (Carlyle) to...
fuguing 17 17 FUGUE, to compose a...
fuguist 17 14 one who composes fug...
fuhrers 17 13 FUHRER, (German) a l...
fulcrum 21 19 a support for a leve...
fulfill 21 17 to bring about the a...
fulfils 20 16 FULFIL, to bring abo...
fulgent 16 15 shining brightly, al...
fulgors 17 14 FULGOR, splendour, a...
fulgour 17 15 splendour, also FULG...
fulhams 19 17 FULHAM, a loaded die...
fullage 17 15 a charge for fulling...
fullams 18 16 FULLAM, a loaded die...
fullans 16 14 FULLAN, a loaded die...
fullers 17 13 FULLER, to groove wi...
fullery 23 15 a place for fulling...
fullest 17 13 FULL, filled complet...
fulling 18 16 FULL, to shrink and...
fullish 20 15 somewhat full [adj]
fulmars 17 15 FULMAR, an arctic se...
fulmine 16 16 (Spenser) to explode...
fulness 15 13 the state of being f...
fulsome 16 15 cloying [adj FULSOME...
fulvous 18 17 dull yellow, also FU...
fumados 15 15 FUMADO, a salted and...
fumages 16 16 FUMAGE, hearth-tax [...
fumaric 19 17 pertaining to a cert...
fumbled 19 19 FUMBLE, to handle cl...
fumbler 19 18 one who fumbles [n -...
fumbles 19 18 FUMBLE, to handle cl...
fumette 15 14 (French) the scent o...
fumetti 16 14 FUMETTO, (Italian) a...
fumetto 15 14 (Italian) a cartoon...
fumiest 16 14 FUMY, full of fumes,...
fumulus 18 17 a thin cloud [n FUMU...
funckia 18 19 (German) any plant o...
functor 17 15 one that functions [...
funders 14 13 FUNDER, a financial...
fundies 14 13 FUNDY, (German) a me...
funding 15 16 financial backing [n...
funebre 15 15 (French) mournful [a...
funeral 14 13 a ceremony held to h...
funfair 16 15 an amusement park [n...
funfest 16 15 a party for fun [n -...
fungals 16 15 FUNGAL, a fungus [n]
fungoed 14 15 FUNGO, to toss (a ba...
fungoes 14 14 FUNGO, a fly ball hi...
fungoid 15 15 of or like fungus, a...
fungous 15 15 pertaining to a fung...
funicle 18 16 a cordlike anatomica...
funkers 15 16 FUNKER, one who funk...
funkias 15 16 FUNKIA, any plant of...
funkier 15 16 FUNKY, of jazz, pop...
funkily 23 19 FUNKY, of jazz, pop...
funking 16 19 FUNK, to shrink back...
funnels 14 14 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
funnest 13 13 FUN, providing enjoy...
funnier 13 13 FUNNY, amusing [adj]
funnies 13 13 FUNNY, a comic strip...
funnily 21 16 FUNNY, amusing [adv]
funning 14 16 FUN, to act playfull...
funplex 23 23 a building with faci...
funster 14 12 a prankster; a perso...
furanes 13 12 FURANE, a chemical u...
furball 19 16 a ball of fur regurg...
furbish 20 16 to rub or scour to b...
furcate 17 14 forked [adj FURCATEL...
furcula 19 16 the jointed clavicle...
fureurs 15 12 FUREUR, (French) an...
furfair 17 14 dandruff, also FURFU...
furfurs 18 15 FURFUR, dandruff, al...
furioso 14 11 a mad person [n -S]
furious 15 12 extremely angry [adj...
furkids 17 16 FURKID, an animal ke...
furlana 14 13 a dance of old Venic...
furlers 16 12 FURLER, one that fur...
furless 16 12 without fur [adj]
furling 17 15 FURL, to roll up [v]
furlong 16 15 one eighth of a mile...
furmety 22 16 a wheat dish boiled...
furmity 23 16 a wheat dish boiled...
furnace 16 15 to subject to heat [...
furnish 17 14 to equip [v -ED, -IN...
furoles 15 12 FUROLE, a liquid obt...
furores 14 11 FURORE, (Italian) an...
furrier 15 11 one who deals in fur...
furries 15 11 FURRY, a Cornish dan...
furrily 23 14 FURRY, covered in fu...
furring 16 14 wooden strips attach...
furrows 18 14 FURROW, to make narr...
furrowy 24 16 marked by furrows [a...
further 17 13 to help forward [v -...
furtive 17 15 stolen; obtained or...
furzier 18 20 FURZY, abounding in...
fusains 14 12 FUSAIN, a fine charc...
fusaria 14 11 FUSARIUM, a type of...
fusarol 15 12 a semi-circular moul...
fusball 19 16 (US) table football,...
fuscous 18 15 dusky brown, also FU...
fushion 16 14 (Scots) physical ene...
fusible 18 15 capable of being fus...
fusibly 25 17 FUSIBLE, capable of...
fusidic 19 15 as in fusidic acid [...
fusilli 18 13 (Italian) pasta in t...
fusions 14 12 FUSION, (Scots) phys...
fuskers 16 15 FUSKER, a piece of s...
fusking 17 18 FUSK, to obtain data...
fussers 15 11 FUSSER, one that fus...
fussier 15 11 FUSSY, overly concer...
fussily 23 14 FUSSY, overly concer...
fussing 16 14 FUSS, to be overly c...
fusspot 17 14 a fussy person [n -S...
fustets 15 11 FUSTET, the wood of...
fustian 14 12 a coarse, sturdy clo...
fustics 19 14 FUSTIC, the wood of...
fustier 15 11 FUSTY, old-fashioned...
fustily 23 14 FUSTY, old-fashioned...
fusting 16 14 FUST, to smell mould...
fustocs 18 14 FUSTOC, the wood of...
futchel 21 17 a support in a carri...
futharc 20 16 the runic alphabet,...
futhark 18 17 the runic alphabet,...
futhorc 20 16 the runic alphabet,...
futhork 18 17 the runic alphabet,...
futiler 16 12 FUTILE, ineffective...
futsals 16 12 FUTSAL, a form of as...
futtock 19 18 one of the curved ti...
futural 16 13 of the future [adj]
futures 15 12 FUTURE, the time yet...
futzing 19 23 FUTZ, to spend time...
fuzzbox 29 39 an electronic device...
fuzzier 21 29 FUZZY, covered with...
fuzzily 29 32 FUZZY, covered with...
fuzzing 22 32 FUZZ, to become fuzz...
fuzzled 22 31 FUZZLE, (dialect) to...
fuzzles 22 30 FUZZLE, (dialect) to...
fylfots 24 16 FYLFOT, a form of cr...