7 letter words that starts with n

7 letter words that start with N

7 letter N word


Word With Friends


naartje 12 17 (Afrikaans) a small...
nabbers 15 14 NABBER, one who nabs...
nabbing 16 17 NAB, to seize [v]
nacarat 13 11 (French) a bright or...
nacelle 15 13 a structure on the w...
nackets 15 15 NACKET, (Scots) a sn...
nacrite 14 11 a clay mineral [n -S...
nacrous 14 12 pertaining to mother...
nadiral 12 10 of or like a nadir,...
naebody 18 14 (Scots) nobody [n NA...
naevoid 12 13 resembling a naevus...
naffest 15 14 NAFF, inferior, tack...
naffing 16 17 NAFF, to go away (as...
naganas 10 11 NAGANA, (Zulu) a tro...
nagapie 13 13 (Afrikaans) the bush...
nagaris 12 10 NAGARI, (Sanskrit) t...
naggers 13 12 NAGGER, one who nags...
naggier 13 12 NAGGY, given to nagg...
nagging 14 15 the act of finding f...
nagmaal 13 14 (Afrikaans) a Dutch...
nagware 14 13 software that is fre...
naiades 10 9 NAIAD, a water nymph...
naifest 13 11 NAIF, (French) ingen...
nailers 12 9 NAILER, a maker of n...
nailery 18 11 a place where nails...
nailing 13 12 making nails [n -S]
nailset 12 9 a tool for punching...
naively 20 15 NAIVE, lacking sophi...
naivest 13 12 NAIVE, lacking sophi...
naivete 12 12 the quality of being...
naivety 19 14 the quality of being...
naivist 14 12 in a naive style [ad...
nakeder 11 13 NAKED, without cloth...
nakedly 19 16 NAKED, without cloth...
nallahs 15 12 NALLAH, (Hindi) a ra...
namable 14 15 able to be named, al...
namaste 11 11 (Sanskrit) a traditi...
nametag 12 13 a tag bearing one's...
namings 13 14 NAMING, the act of n...
nancies 13 12 NANCY, an effeminate...
nandina 9 11 (Japanese) an evergr...
nandine 9 11 a West African civet...
nandins 10 11 NANDIN, (Japanese) a...
nandoos 9 10 NANDOO, the rhea, or...
nanisms 12 12 NANISM, abnormal sma...
nanites 10 9 NANITE, a microscopi...
nankeen 9 14 a durable buff-colou...
nankins 11 14 NANKIN, a durable bu...
nannied 9 11 NANNY, to look after...
nannies 9 10 NANNY, to look after...
nanobee 10 12 an artificial nanopa...
nanobes 11 12 NANOBE, a very small...
nanobot 11 12 a microscopically sm...
nanodot 9 10 a small cluster of m...
nanooks 10 13 NANOOK, (Inuit) a po...
napalms 15 15 NAPALM, to assault w...
naphtha 17 15 a vague name for the...
naphtol 16 14 any one of a series...
napkins 14 16 NAPKIN, a piece of m...
napless 14 12 threadbare [adj]
napooed 11 12 NAPOO, to use up [v]
nappers 15 14 NAPPER, one who naps...
nappier 15 14 NAPPY, of beer, havi...
nappies 15 14 NAPPIE, an infant's...
napping 16 17 NAP, to sleep briefl...
naprons 12 12 NAPRON, (archaic) an...
narases 10 8 NARAS, an edible mel...
narceen 12 12 a narcotic component...
narcein 13 12 a narcotic component...
narcism 16 14 excessive love of on...
narcist 15 11 one given to narcism...
narcoma 14 14 a coma caused by the...
narcose 13 11 experiencing a hallu...
nardine 10 10 pertaining to nard [...
narding 12 12 NARD, to anoint with...
nardoos 10 9 NARDOO, (Native Aust...
nargile 13 11 (Persian) a hookah,...
nargily 20 13 (Persian) a hookah,...
narkier 12 12 NARKY, irritable [ad...
narking 13 15 NARK, to spy or info...
narrate 10 8 to tell a story [v N...
narrows 14 11 NARROW, to make narr...
narthex 19 17 a small entrance or...
nartjie 13 17 (Afrikaans) a small...
narwals 15 12 NARWAL, a kind of wh...
narwhal 17 14 a kind of whale with...
nasally 19 12 through the nose [ad...
nasards 11 9 NASARD, an organ sto...
nascent 13 12 coming into existenc...
nashgab 16 15 (Scots) prattle, cha...
nasions 10 9 NASION, the middle p...
nastier 11 8 NASTY, ill-natured [...
nasties 11 8 NASTY, something tha...
nastily 19 11 NASTY, ill-natured [...
nasutes 11 9 NASUTE, a type of wh...
natches 16 13 NATCH, the rump of b...
nathemo 13 13 (Spenser) nevermore,...
nations 10 9 NATION, people who s...
natives 13 12 NATIVE, an original...
natrium 13 12 sodium [n -S]
natrons 10 9 NATRON, a mineral, n...
natters 11 8 NATTER, to chatter [...
nattery 17 10 peevish [adj]
nattier 11 8 NATTY, neatly dresse...
nattily 19 11 NATTY, neatly dresse...
naturae 10 9 NATURA, (Latin) natu...
natural 12 10 according to nature...
natured 11 10 having a certain dis...
natures 11 9 NATURE, to give a pa...
nauches 16 14 NAUCH, (Hindi) an en...
naughts 15 13 NAUGHT, nothing, als...
naughty 21 15 badly-behaved [adj N...
nauplii 15 13 NAUPLIUS, a larval f...
nauseas 10 9 NAUSEA, an inclinati...
nautics 15 12 the art or science o...
nautili 13 10 NAUTILUS, a spiral-s...
navaids 13 13 NAVAID, any of the e...
navally 21 16 NAVAL, pertaining to...
navarch 18 17 (Greek) the commande...
navarho 14 14 a low-frequency, lon...
navarin 12 13 a stew containing mu...
navette 12 12 a gem cut in a point...
navvied 15 17 NAVVY, to work as a...
navvies 15 16 NAVVY, to work as a...
naysaid 17 11 NAYSAY, to oppose or...
naysays 23 12 NAYSAY, to oppose or...
nayward 20 14 (Shakespeare) the ne...
nayword 20 14 a proverbial reproac...
neaffes 14 14 NEAFFE, (Shakespeare...
nealing 12 12 NEAL, an aphetic for...
neaping 13 14 NEAP, to tend toward...
nearest 10 8 NEAR, situated withi...
nearing 11 11 NEAR, to approach [v...
nearish 13 10 somewhat near [adj]
neatens 9 9 NEATEN, to make neat...
neatest 10 8 NEAT, tidy [adj]
neatnik 11 13 a compulsively neat...
nebbich 21 19 (Yiddish) a colourle...
nebbing 16 17 NEB, of birds, to to...
nebbish 18 16 (Yiddish) a colourle...
nebbuks 17 19 NEBBUK, a prickly sh...
nebecks 17 18 NEBECK, a prickly sh...
nebulae 13 13 NEBULA, (Latin) a ha...
nebular 14 13 of or like a nebula,...
nebulas 14 13 NEBULA, (Latin) a ha...
nebules 14 13 NEBULE [n]
neckers 15 15 NECKER, a person who...
necking 16 18 a small molding near...
necklet 16 16 an ornament for wear...
necktie 15 15 a strip of fabric wo...
necrose 13 11 to affect with necro...
nectars 14 11 NECTAR, a delicious...
nectary 20 13 a gland in a flower...
neddier 11 10 NEDDY, like a ned, a...
neddies 11 10 NEDDY, a pet name fo...
neddish 14 12 like a ned [adj]
nedette 10 9 a female ned, hoolig...
needers 10 9 NEEDER, one who need...
needful 14 14 necessary [adj NEEDF...
needier 10 9 NEEDY, in a state of...
needily 18 12 NEEDY, in a state of...
needing 11 12 NEED, to have an urg...
needled 11 11 NEEDLE, to sew with...
needler 11 10 a needlemaker [n -S]
needles 11 10 NEEDLE, to sew with...
neesing 11 11 NEESE, (Scots) to sn...
neezing 14 20 NEEZE, (Scots) to sn...
negated 11 11 NEGATE, to nullify [...
negater 11 10 one that negates, al...
negates 11 10 NEGATE, to nullify [...
negaton 10 11 a hypothetical atomi...
negator 11 10 one that negates, al...
neglect 16 14 to treat carelessly...
neglige 14 13 (French) a woman's l...
negress 12 10 a female negro [n -E...
negroes 11 10 NEGRO, a member of a...
negroid 12 11 typical of black or...
negroni 11 11 an alcoholic beverag...
neguses 12 11 NEGUS, an alcoholic...
neighed 14 13 NEIGH, to utter the...
neineis 10 9 NEINEI, (Maori) a Ne...
neither 13 10 not one or the other...
nektons 11 13 NEKTON, (Greek) the...
nellies 13 10 NELLY, an effeminate...
nelsons 11 10 NELSON, a wrestling...
nelumbo 15 16 (Tamil) a plant of t...
nematic 15 14 a liquid crystal in...
nemeses 11 11 NEMESIS, (Greek) ret...
nemesia 11 11 a South African flow...
nemesis 12 11 (Greek) retributive...
nemning 12 15 NEMN, (obsolete) to...
nemoral 12 12 pertaining to or liv...
neocons 12 12 NEOCON, (short for)...
neogene 9 11 relating to the Mioc...
neolith 14 11 an ancient stone imp...
neology 18 13 a new word, phrase o...
neonate 8 9 a newborn child [n -...
neosoul 11 10 a style of popular m...
neoteny 15 11 attainment of sexual...
neotype 18 13 a specimen selected...
nepetas 12 11 NEPETA, any of vario...
nephews 18 16 NEPHEW, the son of o...
nephric 19 16 of or pertaining to...
nephron 14 14 an excretory unit of...
nepotic 16 14 showing nepotism, al...
nerdics 15 12 NERDIC, another name...
nerdier 11 9 NERDY, socially inep...
nerdish 14 11 socially inept, also...
nereids 11 9 NEREID, a sea nymph,...
nerines 10 9 NERINE, a type of So...
nerites 11 8 NERITE, a type of se...
neritic 15 11 pertaining to shallo...
nerolis 12 9 NEROLI, an oil disti...
nervate 12 12 having veins [adj]
nervers 13 12 NERVER, someone or s...
nervier 13 12 NERVY, nervous [adj]
nervily 21 15 NERVY, nervous [adv]
nervine 12 13 a soothing medicine...
nerving 14 15 a type of veterinary...
nervous 13 13 easily excited [adj...
nervule 14 14 a vascular ridge on...
nervure 13 13 a vascular ridge on...
neshest 13 10 NESH, soft, crumbly;...
nesters 11 8 NESTER, one who nest...
nestful 15 13 enough to fill a nes...
nesting 12 11 the act of making ne...
nestled 12 10 NESTLE, to lie snugl...
nestler 12 9 one who nestles [n -...
nestles 12 9 NESTLE, to lie snugl...
nestors 11 8 NESTOR, a genus of p...
netball 15 13 a team game [n -S]
netbook 13 15 a portable computer...
netfuls 15 13 NETFUL, enough to fi...
nethead 12 11 an enthusiast or exp...
netizen 13 18 a citizen of the Int...
netless 12 9 without a net [adj]
netlike 13 13 like a net [adj]
netroot 10 8 a political activist...
netsuke 12 13 a small Japanese car...
netsurf 14 12 to browse the intern...
netters 11 8 NETTER, one who nets...
nettier 11 8 NETTY, resembling a...
netties 11 8 NETTIE, an internet...
netting 12 11 a net [n -S]
nettled 12 10 NETTLE, to annoy [v]
nettler 12 9 one that nettles [n...
nettles 12 9 NETTLE, to annoy [v]
network 15 15 to form a structure...
neurine 10 10 a very poisonous pto...
neurism 13 12 a hypothetical nerve...
neurite 11 9 an axon or dendrite...
neuroid 11 10 either of the halves...
neuroma 11 12 a tumor developed on...
neurone 9 10 the basic cellular u...
neurons 10 10 NEURON, the basic ce...
neurula 12 11 an embryo at the sta...
neustic 15 12 of or like neuston,...
neuston 10 10 the aggregate of min...
neuters 11 9 NEUTER, to castrate...
neutral 12 10 taking no part on ei...
neutron 10 10 a particle in the nu...
newbies 16 14 NEWBIE, a new arriva...
newborn 15 15 a recently born baby...
newcome 17 17 recently arrived [ad...
newells 16 13 NEWELL, (Spenser) a...
newmown 17 18 recently mown [adj]
newness 13 12 the state of being n...
newsboy 22 16 a boy who delivers n...
newsier 14 11 NEWSY, full of news...
newsies 14 11 NEWSIE, (US) a newsb...
newsing 15 14 NEWS, to report rece...
newsman 14 15 a news reporter [n N...
newsmen 14 15 NEWSMAN, a news repo...
newtons 13 12 NEWTON, a unit of fo...
nexuses 17 16 NEXUS, a link [n]
ngarara 11 10 (Maori) a lizard fou...
nhandus 13 13 NHANDU, the rhea, a...
niacins 14 12 NIACIN, a nicotinic...
niagara 11 10 a deluge or outpouri...
nibbing 17 17 NIB, to provide with...
nibbled 17 16 NIBBLE, to eat with...
nibbler 17 15 one who nibbles [n -...
nibbles 17 15 NIBBLE, to eat with...
niblets 15 12 NIBLET, a small piec...
niblick 20 19 an iron-headed golf...
niblike 16 16 like a nib [adj]
niceish 17 13 somewhat nice [adj]
nichers 17 13 NICHER, (Scots) to n...
niching 18 16 NICHE, to place in a...
nickars 16 15 NICKAR, the round se...
nickels 17 16 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nickers 16 15 NICKER, (Scots) to n...
nicking 17 18 NICK, to make a shal...
nickled 17 17 NICKLE, to plate wit...
nickles 17 16 NICKLE, to plate wit...
nickums 18 19 NICKUM, (Scots) a mi...
nicoise 14 11 made or garnished wi...
nicotin 14 12 a poisonous alkaloid...
nictate 14 11 to wink [v NICTATED,...
nidated 11 10 NIDATE, to become im...
nidates 11 9 NIDATE, to become im...
niddick 17 17 (English dialect) th...
nidgets 13 11 NIDGET [n]
nidings 13 12 NIDING, an infamous...
niduses 12 10 NIDUS, a breeding pl...
niellos 13 10 NIELLO, to decorate...
niffers 16 14 NIFFER, (Scots) to b...
niffier 16 14 NIFFY, smelly [adj]
niffing 17 17 NIFF, to smell bad [...
niftier 14 11 NIFTY, apt, agile; s...
nifties 14 11 NIFTY, a joke, a wit...
niftily 22 14 NIFTY, apt, agile; s...
nigella 14 12 a type of plant [n -...
niggard 14 13 to act in a miserly...
niggers 14 12 NIGGER, to exhaust b...
niggery 20 14 like a black person...
niggled 15 14 NIGGLE, to worry ove...
niggler 15 13 one who niggles [n -...
niggles 15 13 NIGGLE, to worry ove...
nighest 15 12 NIGH, near [adj]
nighing 16 15 NIGH, to draw near t...
nighted 15 13 benighted, lost in d...
nightie 15 12 a nightgown, also NI...
nightly 23 15 taking place every n...
nigiris 14 10 NIGIRI, a small oval...
nigrify 22 15 to blacken [v NIGRIF...
nihonga 13 13 (Japanese) a Japanes...
nilgais 14 11 NILGAI, (Hindi) a la...
nilgaus 14 12 NILGAU, (Hindi) a ki...
nilghai 16 13 (Hindi) a kind of an...
nilghau 16 14 (Hindi) a kind of an...
nilling 15 13 NILL, to be unwillin...
nimbler 16 15 NIMBLE, agile [adj]
nimiety 19 13 excess [n NIMIETIES]
nimious 13 12 overmuch, excessive;...
nimmers 14 14 NIMMER, a thief [n]
nimming 15 17 NIM, to take or stea...
nimonic 15 15 of alloys used in hi...
nimrods 13 12 NIMROD, a hunter; a...
nincoms 15 15 NINCOM, (short for)...
nincums 16 16 NINCUM, (short for)...
ninepin 12 13 a wooden pin used in...
ninnies 10 10 NINNY, a fool [n]
ninthly 21 14 in the ninth place [...
niobate 12 11 a salt of niobium [n...
niobite 13 11 the chief ore of nio...
niobium 15 15 a metallic element,...
niobous 13 12 containing niobium w...
nippers 16 14 NIPPER, to seize two...
nippier 16 14 NIPPY, quick [adj]
nippily 24 17 NIPPY, quick [adv]
nipping 17 17 NIP, to pinch lightl...
nippled 17 16 NIPPLE, to provide w...
nipples 17 15 NIPPLE, to provide w...
nipters 14 11 NIPTER, (Greek) an e...
niqaabs 21 20 NIQAAB, (Arabic) a v...
nirlier 13 9 NIRLY, (Scots) knott...
nirling 14 12 NIRL, (Scots) to stu...
nirvana 12 13 (Sanskrit) freedom f...
nisguls 15 12 NISGUL, (dialect) th...
nitchie 17 13 a derogatory term fo...
niterie 11 8 (colloquial) a night...
nithers 14 10 NITHER, (dialect) to...
nithing 15 13 (Old English) an inf...
nitinol 12 10 an alloy of nickel a...
nitpick 19 18 to fuss over petty d...
nitrate 11 8 a salt or ester of n...
nitride 12 9 a compound of nitrog...
nitrids 13 9 NITRID, a compound o...
nitrify 21 13 to combine with nitr...
nitrile 13 9 any organic cyanide...
nitrils 14 9 NITRIL, any organic...
nitrite 12 8 a salt of nitrous ac...
nitroso 11 8 containing nitrosyl...
nitrous 12 9 containing nitrogen...
nitryls 20 11 NITRYL, the group NO...
nittier 12 8 NITTY, full of nits...
nitwits 16 11 NITWIT, a stupid per...
niveous 13 13 resembling snow [adj...
nobbier 15 14 NOBBY, stylish, modi...
nobbily 23 17 NOBBY, stylish, modi...
nobbled 16 16 NOBBLE, to disable a...
nobbler 16 15 one who nobbles [n -...
nobbles 16 15 NOBBLE, to disable a...
noblest 14 12 NOBLE, possessing qu...
nocakes 14 15 NOCAKE, a meal made...
nocebos 15 14 NOCEBO, (Latin) a ha...
nocents 13 12 NOCENT, a person who...
nochels 17 14 NOCHEL, to repudiate...
nockets 15 15 NOCKET, a light lunc...
nocking 16 18 NOCK, to fit an arro...
noctuas 14 12 NOCTUA, (Latin) a ge...
noctuid 15 13 a night-flying moth...
noctule 15 13 a large bat [n -S]
nocturn 14 13 any one of the three...
nocuous 14 13 hurtful, noxious [ad...
nodally 19 13 NODAL, of the nature...
nodated 10 10 knotted [adj]
nodders 11 10 NODDER, one who nods...
noddier 11 10 NODDY, easy to under...
noddies 11 10 NODDY, a fool [n]
nodding 12 13 inclining, rocking [...
noddled 12 12 NODDLE, to nod frequ...
noddles 12 11 NODDLE, to nod frequ...
nodical 15 13 pertaining to an ast...
nodular 12 11 relation to a nodule...
noduled 12 12 having a nodule or n...
nodules 12 11 NODULE, a little rou...
nogging 14 15 masonry or brickwork...
noggins 13 13 NOGGIN, a small mug...
noilier 12 9 NOILY, of or like no...
noilies 12 9 NOILY, a kind of dry...
nointed 10 10 NOINT, to anoint [v]
nointer 10 9 (Australian slang) a...
noirish 14 10 pertaining to noir,...
noisier 11 8 NOISY, making loud s...
noisily 19 11 NOISY, making loud s...
noising 12 11 NOISE, to spread as...
noisome 11 11 noxious, unwholesome...
nomades 11 12 NOMADE, a member of...
nomadic 15 15 like a nomad [adj NO...
nomarch 17 16 (Greek) the chief ma...
nombles 15 15 a deer's entrails, a...
nombril 16 15 the point on an escu...
nominal 12 13 in name only [adj NO...
nominee 10 12 one that is nominate...
nomisms 14 14 NOMISM, the view tha...
nonacid 13 13 a substance that is...
nonaged 10 12 having the quality o...
nonages 10 11 NONAGE, legal infanc...
nonagon 9 12 a nine-sided polygon...
nonanes 8 10 NONANE, a hydrocarbo...
nonarts 10 9 NONART, something th...
nonbank 12 17 an alternative provi...
nonbody 18 15 a person's nonphysic...
nonbook 12 16 a book of little lit...
noncash 15 14 other than cash [adj...
noncola 13 13 a soft drink not con...
noncoms 14 15 NONCOM, (short for)...
noncore 12 12 not core [adj]
nondrip 13 13 not liable to drip [...
nondrug 12 13 not involving drugs...
nonegos 10 11 NONEGO, all that is...
nonette 9 9 a musical piece for...
nonetti 10 9 NONETTO, a musical p...
nonetto 9 9 a musical piece for...
nonfact 15 15 a statement not base...
nonfans 11 13 NONFAN, a person who...
nonfarm 13 15 not pertaining to a...
nonfood 11 13 an item that is not...
nonfuel 13 14 a type of energy not...
nongame 11 14 not hunted for food,...
nongays 17 13 NONGAY, a person who...
nonheme 12 14 not containing iron...
nonhero 11 11 one who is not a her...
nonhome 12 14 not taking place in...
noniron 9 10 not needing to be ir...
nonjury 19 21 not involving a jury...
nonlife 13 13 the absence of life...
nonmeat 10 12 a substance that doe...
nonnews 12 13 not being news [adj]
nonnies 9 10 NONNY, a meaningless...
nonoily 17 12 not oily [adj]
nonoral 10 10 not oral [adj NONORA...
nonpaid 12 13 not paid [adj]
nonpast 12 12 a verb form that lac...
nonpeak 12 16 a period of low dema...
nonplay 19 15 a theatrical work th...
nonplus 14 14 to take aback, baffl...
nonpoor 11 12 a person who is not...
nonpros 12 12 to enter judgement a...
nonself 13 13 not connected with t...
nonsked 11 14 an airline without s...
nonskid 12 14 designed to inhibit...
nonslip 14 13 designed to prevent...
nonstop 12 12 continuous [adj] / a...
nonsuch 16 15 a person or thing wi...
nonsuit 11 10 to dismiss the lawsu...
nonuple 13 14 a set of nine [n -S]
nonuser 10 10 one that is not a us...
nonuses 10 10 NONUSE, failure to u...
nonwage 13 14 not obtained from a...
nonwars 13 12 NONWAR, a war that h...
nonwool 13 13 not made of wool [ad...
nonword 13 13 a word that has no m...
nonwork 14 16 that part of life wh...
nonzero 12 18 having a value other...
noodged 11 12 NOODGE, (Yiddish) to...
noodges 11 11 NOODGE, (Yiddish) to...
noodled 11 11 NOODLE, to play idly...
noodles 11 10 NOODLE, to play idly...
noogies 11 10 NOOGIE, the act of i...
nookier 11 12 NOOKY, full of nooks...
nookies 11 12 NOOKIE, (colloquial)...
noology 18 13 the science of the i...
noonday 15 12 the middle of the da...
nooners 9 9 NOONER, a brief sexu...
nooning 10 12 (US) an interval for...
noosers 10 8 NOOSER, one who noos...
noosing 11 11 NOOSE, to secure wit...
nopales 13 12 NOPAL, a Central Ame...
noplace 16 15 not at any place, no...
norimon 11 12 (Japanese) a covered...
norites 11 8 NORITE, a type of ro...
noritic 15 11 of or like norite, a...
norland 11 11 a region in the nort...
normals 13 12 NORMAL, a normal or...
normans 11 12 NORMAN, a tethering...
norsels 12 9 NORSEL, (obsolete) t...
nortena 9 9 (Spanish) among Lati...
norteno 9 9 (Spanish) among Lati...
northed 13 11 NORTH, to head north...
norther 13 10 to veer north [v -ED...
norward 14 12 same as northward [n...
noseans 9 9 NOSEAN, a cubic mine...
nosebag 13 13 a food bag hung over...
nosegay 17 12 a bouquet of fragran...
noshers 13 10 NOSHER, one who nosh...
noshery 19 12 (colloquial) a cafe...
noshing 14 13 NOSH, to eat snacks...
nosiest 11 8 NOSEY, unduly curiou...
nosings 12 11 NOSING, a projecting...
nosodes 10 9 NOSODE, a homeopathi...
nostocs 14 11 NOSTOC, a blue-green...
nostril 13 9 an external opening...
nostrum 13 12 a medicine of one's...
notable 13 12 a person of distinct...
notably 20 14 NOTABLE [adv]
notaeum 11 12 the upper surface of...
notaire 10 8 in France, a public...
notanda 9 10 NOTANDUM, something...
notated 10 9 NOTATE, to put into...
notates 10 8 NOTATE, to put into...
notator 10 8 one that notates [n...
notched 16 14 NOTCH, to make an an...
notchel 17 14 to repudiate the deb...
notcher 16 13 one who notches [n -...
notches 16 13 NOTCH, to make an an...
notedly 18 12 NOTED [adv]
notelet 11 9 a short letter [n -S...
notepad 12 12 a number of sheets o...
nothing 14 13 the absence of all q...
noticed 14 12 NOTICE, to become aw...
noticer 14 11 one who notices [n -...
notices 14 11 NOTICE, to become aw...
notions 10 9 NOTION, a general id...
notitia 11 8 (Latin) a roll, list...
nougats 12 11 NOUGAT, a sweet made...
noughts 15 13 NOUGHT, nothing, als...
noumena 10 13 NOUMENON, (Greek) an...
nounier 10 10 NOUNY, having many n...
nourice 14 12 (obsolete) a nurse [...
nourish 14 11 to sustain with food...
noursle 12 10 to foster, also NOUS...
nousell 13 11 to foster, also NOUR...
nousled 12 11 NOUSLE, to foster, a...
nousles 12 10 NOUSLE, to foster, a...
nouveau 12 14 (French) something n...
novalia 13 13 in Scots law, waste...
novated 12 13 NOVATE, to substitut...
novates 12 12 NOVATE, to substitut...
novella 14 14 a short novel [n NOV...
novelle 14 14 NOVELLA, a short nov...
novelly 21 16 NOVEL, new [adv]
novelty 20 15 something unusual [n...
novenae 10 13 NOVENA, a series of...
novenas 11 13 NOVENA, a series of...
novices 16 15 NOVICE, a person new...
nowcast 17 14 a report on current...
nowhere 15 13 a nonexistent place...
nowness 13 12 the state of existin...
nowtier 14 11 NOWTY, bad-tempered...
noxious 17 16 harmful to health [a...
noyades 16 11 NOYADE, (French) dro...
noyance 18 14 (Spenser) annoyance...
noyeses 16 10 NOYES, (Spenser) noi...
noysome 17 13 (obsolete) noisome,...
nozzers 17 26 NOZZER, (slang) a ra...
nozzles 18 27 NOZZLE, a projecting...
nuanced 13 14 NUANCE, to give subt...
nuances 13 13 NUANCE, to give subt...
nubbier 16 15 NUBBY, having small...
nubbing 17 18 an execution by hang...
nubbins 16 16 NUBBIN, a stunted or...
nubbled 17 17 NUBBLE, to beat with...
nubbles 17 16 NUBBLE, to beat with...
nubucks 19 20 NUBUCK, a type of le...
nucelli 17 14 NUCELLUS, the mass o...
nuchals 18 15 NUCHAL, the nape of...
nucleal 16 14 of or like a nucleus...
nuclear 15 13 pertaining to a nucl...
nucleic 19 16 as in nucleic acid,...
nuclein 15 14 a protein found in c...
nucleon 14 14 a general name for a...
nucleus 16 14 an essential part of...
nuclide 16 14 an atom of specified...
nucules 16 14 NUCULE, the stone of...
nuddies 12 11 NUDDY, (Australian s...
nudgers 13 12 NUDGER, one who nudg...
nudging 14 15 NUDGE, to poke gentl...
nudisms 14 13 NUDISM, the practice...
nudists 13 10 NUDIST, an advocate...
nudnick 16 18 (Yiddish) a dense, b...
nudniks 13 15 NUDNIK, (Yiddish) a...
nudzhed 17 22 NUDZH, (Yiddish) to...
nudzhes 17 21 NUDZH, (Yiddish) to...
nuffins 16 16 NUFFIN, (slang) noth...
nuggars 14 13 NUGGAR, (Arabic) a l...
nuggets 14 13 NUGGET, to polish sh...
nuggety 20 15 in nuggets [adj]
nullahs 16 13 NULLAH, (Hindi) a ra...
nullify 23 16 to make useless or i...
nulling 15 14 knurled work in wood...
nullity 21 13 nothingness, also NU...
numbats 15 15 NUMBAT, a small Aust...
numbers 15 15 NUMBER, to count [v]
numbest 15 15 NUMB, lacking feelin...
numbing 16 18 NUMB, to deprive of...
numbles 16 16 a deer's entrails, a...
numbnut 15 17 an idiot [n -S]
numdahs 15 15 NUMDAH, an embroider...
numeral 13 13 according to number...
numeric 16 15 relating to number,...
nummary 20 17 relating to coins or...
nummier 14 15 NUMMY, delicious [ad...
numnahs 14 15 NUMNAH, a pad under...
numpkin 16 20 a stupid person [n -...
nunatak 11 14 (Inuit) a point of r...
nunchuk 18 20 (Japanese) a martial...
nuncios 14 13 NUNCIO, an ambassado...
nuncles 15 14 NUNCLE, (Shakespeare...
nundine 10 12 (Latin) the ancient...
nunhood 12 13 the condition of a n...
nunlike 13 15 like a nun [adj]
nunnery 16 13 a religious house fo...
nunnish 13 13 of, pertaining to, o...
nunship 16 15 the condition of a n...
nuptial 15 13 relating to weddings...
nuraghe 14 13 a broch-like Sardini...
nuraghi 15 13 NURAGHE, a broch-lik...
nurdier 12 10 NURDY, socially inep...
nurdish 15 12 socially inept, also...
nurdled 13 12 NURDLE, in cricket,...
nurdles 13 11 NURDLE, in cricket,...
nurhags 15 13 NURHAG, a broch-like...
nurling 14 13 NURL, to make nurls...
nursers 12 9 NURSER, one who nurs...
nursery 18 11 a room for young chi...
nursing 13 12 the profession of on...
nursled 13 11 NURSLE, to foster, a...
nursles 13 10 NURSLE, to foster, a...
nurture 12 10 to nourish [v NURTUR...
nutated 11 10 NUTATE, to nod, to d...
nutates 11 9 NUTATE, to nod, to d...
nutbars 14 12 NUTBAR, a bar made f...
nutcase 14 12 a crazy person [n -S...
nutgall 15 13 a round gall produce...
nutjobs 16 21 NUTJOB, (slang) a cr...
nutlets 13 10 NUTLET, a small nut...
nutlike 14 14 like a nut [adj]
nutloaf 14 13 a savoury loaf made...
nutmeal 13 13 meal made from nuts...
nutmeat 12 12 the edible kernel of...
nutmegs 14 14 NUTMEG, in football,...
nutpick 19 19 a device for extract...
nutrias 12 9 NUTRIA, (Spanish) th...
nutsier 12 9 NUTSY, (slang) crazy...
nutters 12 9 NUTTER, a crazy pers...
nuttery 18 11 an area of nut-trees...
nuttier 12 9 NUTTY, tasting of nu...
nuttily 20 12 NUTTY, tasting of nu...
nutting 13 12 the act of gathering...
nutwood 14 13 a nut-bearing tree [...
nuzzers 18 27 NUZZER, (Hindi) a pr...
nuzzled 19 29 NUZZLE, to caress wi...
nuzzler 19 28 one who nuzzles [n -...
nuzzles 19 28 NUZZLE, to caress wi...
nyaffed 21 17 NYAFF, to yelp, yap...
nyanzas 19 20 NYANZA, (Bantu) in A...
nybbles 23 17 NYBBLE, a measure of...
nylghai 22 15 a large antelope, al...
nylghau 22 16 a large antelope, al...
nyloned 17 13 wearing nylons [adj]
nymphae 22 18 NYMPHA, a fold of th...
nymphal 24 19 of or pertaining to...
nymphed 23 19 NYMPH, to fish using...
nymphet 23 18 a sexually desirable...
nymphic 27 21 of or pertaining to...
nymphly 31 21 like a nymph [adj]
nymphos 23 18 NYMPHO, (short for)...